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DIFFERENTIAL CALCULUS: Basic concepts - Limits, continuity, differentiation, functions of several variables, partial derivatives,
total derivatives, Taylor‘s formula for functions of two variables. (8+5)

INTEGRAL CALCULUS: Double integrals - double integrals over rectangles, double integrals as volumes, Fubini‘s theorem
(concept and statement only), double integrals in polar form, changing the order of integration. (6+4)

ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF FIRST ORDER: Basic concepts, separable differential equations, exact differential
equations, integrating factors, linear differential equations, Bernoulli equation, modelling- mixing problems, Newton‘s law of cooling.
LINEAR DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS OF SECOND ORDER: Homogeneous linear equations of second order, linearity principle,
initial value problem, general solution, second order homogeneous equations with constant coefficients, Euler – Cauchy equation,
solution by variation of parameters, modelling- free oscillations. (7+5)

VECTOR CALCULUS: Gradient of a scalar field, directional derivative, divergence of a vector field, curl of a vector field. Integration
in vector field – line integrals, work, circulation and flux, path independence, conservative fields, surface integrals. Green‘s, Gauss
divergence and Stoke‘s theorems (concepts and statements only), evaluation of line, surface and volume integrals.

Total L: 45 +T: 30=75

1. Thomas G. B. and Finney R. L., ―Calculus and Analytic Geometry‖, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2012.
2. Erwin Kreyszig, ―Advanced Engineering Mathematics‖, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2012.

1. Wylie C R and Barrett L C, ―Advanced Engineering Mathematics‖, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2013.
2. Peter V.O Neil, ―Advanced Engineering Mathematics‖, Cengage, New Delhi, 2010.

PROPAGATION OF ELASTIC WAVES: Structural vibrations and Simple harmonic motion. Velocity damping. Damping coefficient.
Differential equation of SHM. Velocity and acceleration. Restoring force. Vibration of a spring and mass system. Frequency
response, phase response and resonance. Definition of a plane progressive wave. Attenuation of waves. Differential equation of a
plane progressive wave. Phase velocity. Phase and phase difference. Solution of the differential equation of a plane progressive
wave. Reduction of acoustic conduction. (10)

TESTING OF MATERIALS BY ELASTIC WAVE PROPAGATION: Impact echo method-determination of thickness of concrete and
flaw detection. S, P and R waves and their dependence on elastic moduli. Ultrasonic flaw detection-Frequency and power. Pulse
echo method of flaw detection. Single and phase-array transducers- waveform synthesis and scanning-A,B,C and S Scan. Principle
of Laser Ultrasonometry. (8)

LASERS: Properties of laser radiation and their significance-wavelength, power, monochromaticity, coherence. Types of lasers-
working media and their radiation characteristics-Power, wavelength and operational modes of He-Ne, Nd-YAG, Carbon-dioxide ,
excimer, diode lasers. Physical principles of Laser beam delivery systems. Applications-Ranging and survey, cutting and welding.
Selection of lasers for various applications. (8)

MAGNETISM AND EM RADIATION: Magnetic effects of electric current. Magnetic fields. Definition of fundamental terms.
Permeability. Forces due to currents. Static and time-varying magnetic fields. Electromagnetic induction. Expression for induced
emf. Electric fields definition of fundamental terms. Dielectric polarisation. Dielectric constant. Permittivity. Basics of
Electromagnetic wave propagation. EM interference and shielding of installations. (9)

THERMAL PROPERTIES: Specific heat capacity, thermal capacity. Coefficient of linear thermal expansion. Methods of
measurement of thermal expansion. Thermal stresses in composite structures due to non-homogeneous thermal expansion.
Applications -The bimetallic strip. Expansion gaps and rollers in engineering structures. (10)

Total L: 45
1. Avadhanulu M.N., ―Engineering Physics‖, S. Chand & Co., 2007.
2. Richard Wolfson, ―Essential University Physics‖ Vols 1 and 2, Pearson Education, Singapore, 2011.

1. Crawford . F.S. Jr. ―Waves – Berkeley Physics Course‖ Vol. 3, Tata McCraw-Hill 2008.
2. Purcell E M, ―Electricity and Magnetism – Berkeley Physics Course ― Vol. 2, Tata McCraw-Hill 2008.
3. James F.Shackelford, ―Introduction to Material Science for Engineers‖ Prentice Hall 2008.
4. Raymond A. Serway, John W. Jewett, ―Physics for Scientists and Engineers‖, Volume 5, Chapters 40-46, Cengage Learning.

CHEMICAL BONDING: Types of chemical bonds – bond polarity, dipole moments and partial ionic character of covalent bonds.
Molecular orbital treatment of simple diatomic molecules. Metallic bonding – free electron theory and band theory. Hydrogen
bonding – types and their consequences. van der Waals forces –their origin and significance on properties of matter. (9)

THERMODYNAMICS : First law of thermodynamics. Enthalpy and heat capacities, relationship between Cp and Cv. Hess‘s law –
applications. Enthalpy of combustion - determination using Bomb calorimeter. Enthalpy change during setting of cement. Variation
of enthalpy with temperature– Kirchoff‘s equation, adiabatic flame temperature. Second law of thermodynamics - Entropy and
spontaneity , Gibbs free energy and spontaneity. (9)

ELECTROCHEMISTRY: Electrode potential-standard and reference electrodes, Nernst equation, emf series-applications. Galvanic
and concentration cells, pH measurements-acid base titrations. Conductance measurement-application-conductometric titrations.
Batteries-dry cell, lead- acid , Ni-Cd and lithium-ion batteries. Fuel cells- proton exchange membrane and direct methanol fuel
cells. (9)

SURFACE CHEMISTRY: Adsorption - Freundlich and Langmuir isotherms. BET theory (derivation not required). Surface active
agents - types, orientation of surfactants on solid and liquid interfaces, adsorbed mono layers- Langmuir Blodgett balance,
spreading and contact angle. Applications of adsorption - water conservation, dust binding, detergency, water repellency, wetting,
foaming, emulsification and demulsification. (9)

WATER: Hardness of water - harmful effects, softening by zeolite and demineralization processes. Treatment of water for municipal
supply- break point chlorination, desalination by electrodialysis and reverse osmosis. Water quality parameters and standards for
drinking and construction - WHO and Indian standards. Water analysis- determination of hardness (EDTA method), chloride,
sulphate, alkalinity, BOD, COD, pH and TDS. Spectrophotometric determination of Fe in water, outline of AAS and ICP-MS. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Atkins P., Julio de Paula, ―Elements of Physical Chemistry‖, Oxford University Press, 2010.
2. Puri B. R., Sharma L. R. and Pathania M. S., ―Principles of Physical Chemistry‖, Vishal Publishing Company, Jalandhar, 2010.

1. Sharma B. K., ―Engineering Chemistry‖, Krishna Prakashan Media Pvt Ltd, Meerut, 2005.
2. Shaw D. J., ―Colloid and Surface Chemistry―, Butterworths & Co Publishers Ltd., 1992.
3. Jain P. C. and Monica Jain, ―Engineering Chemistry‖, Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company (P) Ltd., 2013.


Skills – Training based on Text based Vocabulary, tone, register and Syntax features. (12)

GRAMMAR IN CONTEXT: Word Order – Subject Verb Concord – Style features – Tenses, Conditionals, Prepositions, Active and
Passive Voice, Modals and Transformation of Sentences. (14)

GUIDELINES FOR WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: Principles of Clear Writing - Paragraph Writing – Essay Writing – Emphasis
Techniques – Summarizing and Paraphrasing – Analytical Writing – Letter Writing. (4)


FOCUS ON SPOKEN ENGLISH: Task – based activities with graded levels of difficulty and with focus on language functions
Level 1: Self – expression – Greetings in Conversation, Hobbies, Special interests, Daily routine.
Level 2: General Awareness – Expression of Concepts, Opinions, Social Issues, Description of a process / picture/chart,
news presentation / review.
Level 3: Advanced Skills – Making Short Speeches and Participating in Role Plays. (14)

LISTENING ACTIVITY: Task- based Activities using Language Lab. (8)

Total L: 30+T: 30 =60

1. Monograph prepared by the Faculty, Department of English, 2015.

1. Simon Haines, Mark Nettle and Martin Hewings, ―Advanced Grammar in Use‖, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 2008.
2. Jill Singleton, ―Writers at Work: The Paragraph‖, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2012.
3. Anne Laws, ―Writing Skills‖, Orient Black Swan, Hyderbad, 2011.
4. Sinha D.K., ―Specimens of English Prose‖, Orient Black Swan, Hyderabad, 2012.


INTRODUCTION TO PROBLEM SOLVING: Program development - Analyzing and Defining the Problem - Algorithm - Flow Chart.

PROGRAMMING LANGUAGES: Definition - Types of programming language – Modular Programming - Program Development
Environment. (2+2)

C: The C character set - Identifiers and keywords - Data types – Constants - Variables - Declarations – Expressions - Statements -
Operators & expressions - Arithmetic operators - Unary operators - Relational & logical operators - Assignment operators -
Conditional operators - comma operator - sizeof operator - Library functions - Data input & output functions. (4+4)

CONTROL STATEMENTS: If else - Switch Case - While - Do While - For - Nested loops - break – continue – goto statements.

FUNCTIONS: Function prototype - Defining a function – function call - Passing arguments to a function - Storage classes - auto -
static - extern and register variables. (4+4)

ARRAYS: Defining an array - Processing an array - Passing array to a function - Multi dimensional array - Arrays & strings.

POINTERS: Definition - Pointer Arithmetic - Pointer and arrays – Dynamic memory allocation. (2+2)

STRUCTURES AND UNIONS: Definitions - Processing a structure – Array and structures – Nested structures - Structures and
pointers - Structures and functions. (4+4)

FILES: Need for files – Operations on files - Sequential and Random access file functions - File Handling Functions - Error handling
functions. (2+2)

Preprocessor Directives - Command Line Arguments. (2+2)

Total L: 30 + T: 30 = 60
1. Kernighan B. W. and Ritchie D. M., ―C Programming Language (ANSI C)‖, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2006.
2. Deitel H. M. and Deitel P. J., ―C: How To Program‖, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2012.

1. Gottfried B., ―Programming With C‖, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2009.
2. Herbert Schildt, ―C: The Complete Reference‖, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2000.
3. Rama N. Reddy Carol A. Ziegler, ―C Programming For Scientists And Engineers With Applications‖, Jones And Bartlett, 2010.



GENERAL GEOLOGY : Geology in Civil Engineering – Branches of geology – Earth Structures and composition – Elementary
knowledge on continental drift and plate tectonics-Geological Time scale--Earth processes – Weathering - Types of soils – Work of
rivers and wind and their engineering importance. Engineering Seismology- causes of earthquakes; seismic waves; magnitude,
intensity and energy release, seismic zones of India-Earthquake belts in world (9)

MINERALOGY: Elementary knowledge on symmetry elements of important crystallographic systems – physical properties of
minerals – study of the following rock forming minerals – Quartz family. Feldpar family, Augite, Hornblende, Biotite, Muscovite,

Calcite, Gypsum, Garnet –Identification of minerals- properties, behaviour and engineering significance of clay minerals –
Fundamentals of process of formation of ore minerals – Coal and petroleum – Their origin and occurrence in India. (9)

PETROLOGY: Classification of rocks – distinction between igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Description, occurrence,
engineering properties and distribution of following rocks. Igneous rocks – Granite, Syenite, Diorite, Gabbro, Pegmatite, Dolerite and
Basalt. Sedimentary rocks sandstone, Limestone, shale, Conglomerate and breccia. Metamorphic rocks. Quartizite, Marble, Slate,
Charnockite, Phyllite, Gneiss and Schist – Identification of rocks and commercial granites and marbles-Testing on rock as a
construction material. (9)

STRUCTURAL GEOLOGY AND GEOPHYSICAL METHOD: Attitude of beds – Outcrops- Introduction to Geological maps – study
of structures – Folds, faults and joints – Their bearing on engineering construction. Seismic and Electrical methods for Civil
Engineering investigations- Clinometer- Brunton Compass-Geology of India -Types and occurrence of rock formation. (9)

GEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING: Remote sensing techniques- Applications in Civil Engineering–
Groundwater -occurrence – Investigation , quality, recharge – importance in civil engineering. Geological conditions necessary for
construction of Dams, Tunnels, Buildings, Road cuttings, Land slides – Causes and prevention. Sea erosion and coastal protection.

Total L : 45
1. Parbin Singh, ―Engineering and General Geology‖, K Kataria & Sons, New Delhi, 2008.
2. Tony Waltham, ―Foundations of Engineering Geology‖, Spon Press, 2002.

1. Legget R. F. and Hatehway A. W., ―Geology and Engineering‖, McGraw Hill Book Company, 1998.
2. Gokhale KVGK, ―Principles of Engineering Geology‖, SBS Publications, 2010.
3. Bell F. G., ―Engineering Geology‖, Butterworth-Heinmann, 2007.



INTRODUCTION: Introduction to Engineering Drawing. BIS. Principles of dimensioning (5+7)

ORTHOGRAPHIC PROJECTION: Principles of orthographic projection-projection of points, straight lines, planes and solids.

PICTORIAL PROJECTIONS: Principles of pictorial views, isometric view of simple engineering components. Orthographic views
from given pictorial views. Isometric views from given two or three views (5+7)

SECTION OF SOLIDS: Section of regular solids, types of sections, selection of section views. Sectional views of simple engineering
components. (5+8)

DEVELOPMENT OF SURFACES: Development of lateral surfaces of regular solids and truncated solids. (6+9)

Total L: 30+P: 45=75

1. Natarajan K. V., "Engineering Drawing and Graphics", M/s Dhanalakshmi N Chennai, 2007.
2. Luzadder and Duff, ―Fundamentals of Engineering Drawing‖, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., 2009.

1. Bureau of Indian Standards, ―Engineering Drawing Practices for Schools and Colleges SP 46-2003‖, BIS New Delhi, 2004.
2. Venugopal K. and Prabhu Raja V., ―Engineering Graphics‖, New Age International Publishers, 2007.


1. Determination of Young‘s modulus of a material by cantilever method.
2. Determination of resistivity of metal and alloy using Carey Foster bridge.
3. Measurement of temperature using LM35.
4. Determination n of magnetic hysteresis loss of the given ferromagnetic sample.
5. Determination of frequency of vibration using Melde‘s apparatus.

1. Optical phenomena using He – Ne Laser.

2. Ultrasonic cleaning.
3. Thin film deposition using DC/RF sputtering technique.
4. Surface Profilometer.
Total P: 30
1. Physics Practicals, ―Department of Physics‖, PSG College of Technology, 2015.
2. Wilson J.D. and Hernandez C.A., ―Physics Laboratory Experiments‖, Houghton Mifflin Company, New York 2005.



1. Determination of total, permanent, temprorary, calcium and magnesium hardness of water by EDTA method.
2. (a) Determination of TDS and alkalinity of water.
(b) Photocolorimetric estimation of iron.
3. Anodizing of aluminium and determination of thickness of anodic film, sealing and dyeing of anodic film.
4. Estimation of acids in a mixture by conductometry.

Total P: 30

1. Laboratory Manual Prepared by the Department.

COMPLEX VARIABLES: Complex differentiation-Analytic function, Cauchy Riemann equations, harmonic functions. (6+4)

COMPLEX INTEGRATION: Cauchy‘s integral theorem, Cauchy‘s integral formula, Laurent series (concept and statement only),
singularities and zeros, residue integration method (Residue integration of complex integrals only), linear fractional transformations.
LAPLACE TRANSFORMS: Laplace transform, inverse transform, linearity, s-shifting, transforms of derivatives and integrals, unit
step function, t- shifting, Dirac‘s delta function, periodic functions, convolution, differentiation and integration of transforms, Method
of solving differential equations and integral equations by using Laplace transform technique. (12+9)

FOURIER ANALYSIS: Fourier series - functions of any period 2L, half range expansions. Fourier transforms, Fourier cosine and
sine transforms. (9+6)

HOMOGENEOUS PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Basic concepts, modelling – vibrating string, wave equation, solution
by separating variables, one-dimensional heat equation, steady state two-dimensional heat equation (Cartesian coordinates only) -
solution by Fourier series. (10+6)

Total L: 45+T: 30=75

1. Erwin Kreyszig, ―Advanced Engineering Mathematics‖, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2012.
2. Wylie C. R. and Barret L.C., ―Advanced Engineering Mathematics‖, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2013.

1. Mathews J. H. and Howell R. W., ―Complex Analysis for Mathematics and Engineering‖, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi,
2. Peter V.O Neil, ―Advanced Engineering Mathematics‖, Cengage, New Delhi, 2010.


STATICS OF PARTICLES: Forces – Systems of forces - Concurrent forces in plane and space-Resultant - Problems involving the
equilibrium of a particle-free body diagram-equilibrium of particle in space. (8+6)

STATICS OF RIGID BODIES IN TWO DIMENSIONS: Rigid bodies - Two dimensional structure-moment of force about an axis -
moment of a couple - equivalent systems of coplanar forces - Rigid body in equilibrium - Problems involving equilibrium of rigid body
- types of supports - reactions of beams and frames. (6+4)

FRICTION: Laws of friction-coefficient of friction-problems involving dry friction - wedge & ladder friction. (5+4)

APPLICATION OF STATICS: Roof trusses - Method of joints, Method of sections & Tension Coefficient method. (6+4)

CENTROID, CENTRE OF GRAVITY AND MOMENT OF INERTIA: Centroids of areas, composite areas, determination of moment
of inertia of plane figures, polar moment of inertia-radius of gyration – mass moment of inertia of simple solids. (6+4)

KINEMATICS OF PARTICLES: Introduction-plane, rectilinear motion-time dependent motion-rectangular coordinates - projectile

motion. (6+4)

KINETICS OF PARTICLES: Equation of motion-rectilinear motion - Newton‘s II law – D‘Alembert‘s principle- Energy - potential
energy - kinetic energy - conservation of energy - Work done by a force - work energy method. (4+2)

IMPULSE AND MOMENTUM: Concept of conservation of momentum- Impulse-Momentum principle- Impact-Direct central impact-
oblique central impact. (4+2)

Total L: 45+T:30=75

1. Beer F. P. and Johnson E. R., ―Vector Mechanics for Engineers, Statics & Dynamics‖, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd.,
New Delhi, 2009.
2. Rajasekaran S. and Sankarasubramanian G., ―Engineering Mechanics-Statics and Dynamics‖, Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.,
New Delhi, 2006.

1. Bansal R. K., ―Engineering Mechanics‖, Laxmi Publications (P), New Delhi, 2008.
2. Bhavikatti S. S., ―A Text book of Engineering Mechanics‖, New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2008.


BUILDING REGUALTIONS: Building regulations – need – National Building Code – types of buildings – norms for houses –
building rules – floor space index – fire safety rules – fire safety construction – fire resisting properties of materials. (9)

FOUNDATION AND BASEMENT: Foundations – need – bearing capacity – settlement – types of foundation – open foundation –
pile foundation – raft foundation – setting out of foundation. Basement: Need – types – construction practice – basement filling.
BRICK MASONRY CONSTRUCTION: Manufacture of brick – classification - qualities – test on bricks – brick masonry construction
practice – bonds and rules –mortar types – strength of brick masonry. (9)

OTHER MASONRY CONSTRUCTION: Stone masonry materials – stones – stone masonry construction – types – uses. Hollow
block types – construction practice - Fly ash bricks - construction practice - Reinforced brick masonry construction practice. (9)

BUILDING FINISHES: Plastering – types – cement mortar plastering – construction practice. Painting – materials and practice for
walls – wood and steel. Joineries: Doors and windows – types – fixtures and fasteners. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Arora S. P. and Bindra S. P., ―A Text Book of Building Construction: Including Engineering Materials for Engineering Students",
Dhanpat Rai and Sons, NewDelhi, 2005.
2. Varghese P.C., ―Building Construction‖, PHI Learning Private limited, New Delhi, 2010.

1. Surendra Singh, "Building materials‖, Vikas Publishing Company, New Delhi 1996.
2. Neil Jackson and Ravindrakumar Dhir, , "Civil Engineering Materials", Macmillan Publishers Ltd., New Delhi, 1996.
3. Rajput R. K., ―Engineering Materials‖, S.Chand & Co.(P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2012.
4. Punmia B.C., Ashok kumar Jain and Arun Kumar Jain, ―Building Construction‖, Laxmi Publications Private Limits, New Delhi,


ARCHITECTURAL ACOUSTICS: Concepts of sound waves-propagation of sound waves-intensity. Reverberation: Reverberation
time-Salient features for an acoustically good room. Absorption- Coefficient of absorption-Absorption materials. Sabine‘s Formula-
Fourier spectrum. Structure of the building for an acoustically good auditorium, school, concert hall. Main parameters that affect
experience—reverberation time (large spaces), early reflections, standing wave resonances (small spaces). Noise - Indoor and
extraneous. Noise control methods — absorptivity, diffusers, low frequency traps. Principle of active noise cancellation (10)

LIGHTING AND PHOTOMETRY: Concepts of illumination - Irradiance-brightness - Photometer - Intensity of illumination. Inverse
square law and cosine law of illumination. Day lighting. Artificial lighting. Lighting in building. Design strategies using day light.
Colour perception. (8)

THERMAL PROPERTIES: Concepts of heat- modes of propagation of heat-conduction of heat through compound medium, radial
and cylindrical flow. Thermal Conductivity-Lee‘s method for bad conductors- Forbes method for good conductors. Thermal comfort
factors- Design for minimal heat loss by conduction, radiation. Forced convection-Air filters- air showers- Green house effect. (10)

ENERGY EFFICIENT BUILDINGS: Electrical energy-Principle of solar cells. Manufacture of solar panels. Economic considerations
in using solar power. Principle of solar collectors. Factors affecting efficiency. Building envelope - economy of air conditioning and
refrigeration. Principle of Passive solar buildings. (9)

MODERN BUILDING MATERIALS: Composites-Sandwich and laminar panels- Pultrusion- Prestressed concrete. Self Cleaning
Glass panes. Metallic Glass- Shape memory alloys. Seismic Sensor materials. Bio mimetic materials. Structural glass. (8)

Total L: 45

1. Avadhanulu M.N. and Kshirsagar P.G., ―A Text Book of Engineering Physics‖, S. Chand and Company, New Delhi, 2009.
2. Gaur R.K. and Gupta S.L., ―Engineering Physics Dhanpat‖ Rai Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2001.

1. Krishnan Kumar Chawla, ―Composite materials: Science and Engineering‘, Springer 1998.
2. Richard Wolfson ―Essential University Physics‖.,Pearson Education, Singapore, 2011.
3. Paul M. Fishbane, Stephen, Gasiorowicz and Stephen T. Thornton, ―Physics For Scientists and Engineers‖ Extended Version,
Addison Wesley, 2001.
4. Gambhir M L and Neha Jamwal, ― Building Materials: Products, Properties and Systems‖, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011.


POLYMERS: Classification, functionality of monomers. Degree of polymerization, weight and number average molecular weights.
Polymerization reactions – chain, condensation, copolymerization and co-ordination polymerizations- mechanisms. Compounding of
plastics, polymer processing by injection, extrusion and blow moulding techniques. Polymers for building industry-floorings, roofing,
special coatings. Polymer concrete composites. (9)

CORROSION AND ITS PREVENTION: Oxidation, Pilling –Bedworth rule. Galvanic corrosion, differential aeration corrosion, pitting
corrosion, waterline corrosion, soil corrosion and stress corrosion cracking. Factors influencing corrosion, corrosion of concrete –
monitoring methods.. Corrosion control -cathodic protection, selection of materials and proper designing, use of corrosion inhibitors,
surface coatings- anodizing and electroplating. (9)

PAINTS AND ADHESIVES: Paints – constituents and their functions, mechanism of drying. Special paints-fire retardant, water
repellant, temperature indicating and luminous paints. Filiform corrosion-consequences and remedial measures. Varnishes,
enamels and lacquers. Adhesives – types, adhesive action, development of adhesive strength- physical and chemical factors
influencing adhesive strength. (9)

CERAMICS, REFRACTORIES, ABRASIVES AND GLASSES: Ceramics- clay products – white ware, art of pottery. Refractories –
characteristics, types and composition, refractory bricks. Abrasives- classification – Moh‘s scale. Bonded and coated abrasives.
Glasses – types and composition, safety glass, laminated glass, glass wool. (9)

BINDING MATERIALS: Lime – classification, slaking of lime, setting and hardening. Cement – chemical composition, raw materials
for manufacture of Portland cement, dry and wet processes, reactions in rotary kiln. Cement compounds- reactions during setting
and hardening of cement, heat of hydration and strength. Types of Portland cement - ordinary Portland cement, rapid hardening
cement, low heat cement, sulphate resisting cement, white and coloured Portland cements, pozzolona, high alumina cement,
blended cement, water proof cement. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Shashi Chawla, ―A Text Book of Engineering Chemistry‖, Dhanpat Rai & Co, New Delhi, 2005.
2. Neville A. M. and Brooks J. J., ―Concrete Technology‖ Pearson Education Ltd., New Delhi, 2008.

1. Duggal S. K., ―Building Materials‖ New Age International (P) Ltd, 2003.
2. Kulkarni P. D., Subramanian R., Galion P. S., Juneja A., Puri V. P. and Likhi S. K., ―Civil Engineering Materials‖, Tata McGraw
Hill, New Delhi, 1997.
3. Sharma B. K., ―Engineering Chemistry‖, Krishna Prakashan Mandir Pvt. Ltd, Meerut, 1999.

1. Foundry- Tools, preparation of moulding sand, patterns, cores, foundry exercises.
2. Welding - Metal arc welding tools and equipment, exercises by Arc welding and TIG welding Processes.
3. Fitting - Tools, operations, exercises Make ―T‖-Joint and ―L‖ Joint, types of joints.
4. Carpentry- Tools, carpentry process, carpentry exercises, types of joints.
5. Power Tools- Demonstration of tools and operations.
6. Plumbing-exercises-external thread cutting and joining
7. Sheet metal work& Soldering - Tools, operations, exercises Make a Rectangular Tray in Galvanized Iron sheet
Total P: 30

1. Laboratory Manual Prepared by Mechanical Department, 2010.
2. Chapman W.A.J., ―Workshop Technology‖, Edward Arnold, 2001.


List of Experiments:

1. Comparison of illuminating powers using photometers

2. Determination of spot size and beam divergence of laser
3. Determination of thermal conductivity of a bad conductor by Lee‘s disc method
4. Study the I-V characteristics of a solar cell and determination of its efficiency.
5. Study of acoustic resonance using Helmholtz resonator.
Total P: 30
1. Laser micromachining using Nd:YAG laser.
2. Compound microscope
3. Thin film deposition using DC/RF sputtering technique.
4. Hall effect
5. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC)

1. Physics Practicals, Department of Physics, PSG College of Technology 2015.
2. Wilson J.D. and Hernandez C.A., ―Physics Laboratory Experiments‖, Houghton Mifflin Company, New York 2005.


1.a. Determination of efficiency of corrosion inhibitor.
b. Estimation of calcium in cement
2. Estimation of strength of an acid by pH-metry.
3. Electroplating of nickel & copper and determination of cathode efficiency.
4.a. Determination of COD of water.
b. Estimation of chloride and sulphate content in water.

Total P: 30
1. Laboratory Manual Prepared by the Department.



(4 weeks duration)
INTRODUCTION: history of civil engineering - Structures from Indian and world perspective, construction techniques and materials -
DISCIPLINES IN CIVIL ENGINEERING: structural engineering, Geotechnical engineering, Water resources engineering, Surveying,
Transportation engineering, public health engineering, material science. CHOICE OF CAREERS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING:
Structural engineering, Geotechnical engineering, Coastal engineering, Material engineering, Transportation engineering, Water
resource engineering, project planner, valuer, design engineer, builder, consultant. (10)

BUILDING DRAWING: Method of obtaining plan, elevation and section, building measurements and standards - CREATION OF
BUILDING DRAWING USING CAD FEATURES: Basics, Initial settings and viewing, drawing aids, Draw commands, modification
Features. – Software applications in Civil Engineering analysis, design principles – Dimensional Homogeneity - units and
dimensions – basic and derived units. (8 +18)


WRITING COHERENT PROJECT REPORT: Overview structure of reports, gathering informations - synopsis / abstract - title –
headings – table of contents – list of figures – list of tables – list of appendices – chapters – structured paragraphs – inferences,
conclusions – figures – tables – flow charts – complete design (headers and footers).-Plagiarism. (6 +18)

Each student will be required to submit a technical report and make one technical presentation based on the guidelines provided by
the department.
Total L: 24 + P: 36 = 60


INTRODUCTION TO ORGANIZATION: Importance of organization structure, role and responsibilities -

INDUSTRIAL STANDARDS: Construction safety and Environment standards - Construction material specifications.

INDUSTRY VISIT: Cement manufacturing industry and other civil engineering construction sites

Each student will be required to submit a technical report and make one technical presentation based on the guidelines provided by
the department.
Total L: 24+P: 36 =60



ERRORS: Approximations and round-off errors - truncation errors. (2+1)

LINEAR ALGEBRAIC EQUATIONS: Direct methods - Naïve Gauss elimination method, Gauss-Jordan method, Crout‘s method,
Iterative methods - Gauss-Jacobi method, Gauss–Seidel method, eigenvalues and eigenvectors - power method, Jacobi method.
NONLINEAR EQUATIONS: False- position method, Newton-Raphson method, Bairstow‘s method, Graeffe‘s root squaring method.
INTERPOLATION AND CURVE FITTING: Newton‘s forward and backward interpolating polynomials, Newton‘s divided-difference
interpolating polynomials, Lagrange interpolating polynomials, coefficients of an interpolating polynomial, Chebyshev interpolation.
Curve fitting - least- squares regression. (4+4)

DIFFERENTIATION AND INTEGRATION: Numerical differentiation - equally spaced and unequally spaced data, numerical
integration, Newton-Cotes formulae, Trapezoidal rule, Simpson‘s1/3 rule. (4+4)

ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Taylor-series method, Euler method, Heun‘s method, 4th order Runge-Kutta method,
multi step method - Milne method. (6+6)

PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS: Finite difference: Elliptic equations - Laplace equation, Poisson equation – Liebmann
method, parabolic equations – heat conduction equation – Crank Nicolson‘s method, hyperbolic equations – vibrating string. (5+6)

Total L:30+T:30=60

1. Steven C Chapra and Raymond P Canale, Numerical Methods for Engineers, McGraw Hill Education, New Delhi, 2012.
2. Curtis F Gerald and Patrick O Wheatly, Applied Numerical Analysis, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2013.

1. Rizwan Butt, Introduction to Numerical Analysis Using MATLAB, Infinity Science Press, Hingham, 2008.
2. Richard L Burden and Douglas J Faires, Numerical Analysis, Thomas Learning, NewYork, 2005.
3. Amparo Gil, Javier Segura, Nico M. Temme, Numerical Methods for Special Functions, SIAM publishers, USA, 2007.

STRESSES AND STRAINS: Stress and strain due to axial force – Elastic limit – Hooke‘s law – Factor of safety – Stepped bars -
uniformly varying sections – composite bar – stresses due to temperature. (7+4)

CHANGES IN DIMENSIONS AND VOLUME: Lateral strain – Poisson‘s ratio – Volumetric strain – changes in dimensions and
volume – shear stress – shear strain – Relationship between elastic constants – Hoop and Longitudinal stresses in thin cylindrical
and spherical shells under internal pressure – changes in dimensions and volume. (6+4)

STRAIN ENERGY PRINCIPLES: Strain Energy due to axial force – proof resilience and modulus of resilience – stresses due to
gradual load, sudden load and impact load. (3+2)

SHEAR FORCE AND BENDING MOMENT : Relationship between load, shear force and bending moment – shear force and
bending moment diagrams for cantilever, simply supported and overhanging beams under concentrated loads, uniformly distributed
loads, uniformly varying loads and concentrated moment - Maximum bending moment and point of contraflexure. (8+6)

FLEXURE IN BEAMS: Theory of simple bending and assumptions – Derivation of flexural formula-section modulus – Normal
stresses due to flexure – shear stress distribution – Strain Energy due to shear and bending moment . (7+6)

TORSION : Theory of torsion and assumptions – Derivation of torsion formula - Polar modulus – stresses in solid and hollow
circular shafts – Power transmitted by a shaft – Strain Energy due to torsion - close coiled helical spring with axial load. (6+4)

PRINCIPAL STRESSES AND STRAINS: (Two dimensional only) State of stress at a point – Normal and tangential stresses and
their planes – Principal Stress and their planes – Plane of maximum shear stress – Analytical method – Mohr‘s circle method.
Principal strain graphical methods. (8+4)

Total L: 45 +T:30=75

1. Popov E P, ―Mechanics of Materials‖, Prentice Hall Inc., New Jersey, 1993.
2. Bansal R K ―Strength of Materials‖, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi,2010.

1. Punmia B C, Ashok Jain and Arun Jain ―Strength of Materials and Theory of Structures‖ – Vol.1, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi,
2. Hearn E J, ―Mechanics of Materials‖ Vol I, Butterworth-Heinemann. Oxford, 2001.
3. Sarkar B K, ―Strength of Materials‖, Tata McGraw – Hill Publishing Co Ltd., 2007.


VERTICAL TRANSPORTATION: Staircases – types – staircase planning and geometric rules – materials – construction practice.
Lift: Types – basic components – lift well construction – safety rules. Escalators and walk ways – basic concept and construction
practice. Lift with and without head room. (9)

FLOORS AND FLOOR FINISHES: Floor: floor base – grade preparation – stone soling – PCC base. Floor Finishes: Grano flooring
– RC flooring – granite flooring – marble flooring – ceramic flooring – types – qualities – construction practice. (9)

ROOFS: Flat Roofs: Types – low cost roofing materials – roof finishes – drainage- types of reinforced concrete flat roofs –
construction practice. Pitches roofs: Cladding materials – AC sheet – metal sheets – laying and fixing methods – monitors- roof
lights – poly carbonate sheets – roof ventilation – roof drainage – gutter and down pipes. (9)

BUILDING SERVICES: Types – water supply – sewage disposal – plumbing – electrical wiring – basic needs of building services
for housing – materials – construction practice – safety and maintenance rules (9)

SAFETY IN CONSTRUCTION: – Construction appurtences and safety in Formwork- Scaffolding- Shoring- construction safety
norms (5)

DAMP PROOFING AND WATER PROOFING: Damp Proofing: Sources – effects – techniques and methods,-water proofing
systems-Methods and materials. (4)

Total L:45
1. Arora S. P. and Bindra S. P., ―A Text Book of Building Construction: Including Engineering Materials for Engineering Students",
Dhanpat Rai and Sons, NewDelhi, 2005.
2. Varghese P.C., ―Building Construction‖, PHI Learning Private limited, New Delhi, 2010.

1. Monograph prepared by the Department of Civil Engineering, PSG College of Technology, 2015.
2. Neil Jackson and Ravindrakumar Dhir, , "Civil Engineering Materials", Macmillan Publishers Ltd., New Delhi, 1996.
3. Rajput R. K., ―Engineering Materials‖, S.Chand & Co.(P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2012.
4. Punmia B.C., Ashok kumar Jain and Arun Kumar Jain, ―Building Construction‖, Laxmi Publications Private Limits, New Delhi,


FLUID PROPERTIES: Dimensions and units - Fluid properties – Types of fluids. (2+2)

FLUID PRESSURE AND ITS MEASUREMENT: Hydrostatic law; Pascal‘s law; Atmospheric, Absolute, Gauge and Vacuum
pressures – Measurement of pressure by various types of manometers and mechanical gauges. (3+3)

FLUID STATICS: Total pressure on plane and curved surfaces – Centre of pressure for vertical and inclined plane surfaces.

BUOYANCY AND FLOATATION: Buoyancy and Meta-centre – Determination of Meta-centric height – Analytical and experimental
methods-Conditions of equilibrium of submerged and floating bodies. (3+3)

FLUID KINEMATICS: Classification of fluid flow– Stream line, Streak line and Path lines– Continuity equation– Velocity potential
function and Stream function– Flow net properties and its uses. (5+5)

BOUNDARY LAYER: Introduction- thickness and classification- displacement and momentum- separation of boundary layer –
methods of controlling boundary layer separation. (4+4)

FLUID DYNAMICS: Energy possessed by a fluid body in motion – equations of motion – Euler‘s equation of motion - Bernoulli‘s
equation and its applications – Discharge measurement – Venturimeter – Orifice meter. (5+5)

DIMENSIONAL ANALYSIS, SIMILITUDE AND MODEL ANALYSIS: Methods of Dimensional Analysis – Rayleigh‘s method –
Buckingham‘s theorem – Hydraulic Similitude – model analysis – dimensionless numbers – Model testing of partially submerged
bodies – types of models. (5+5)

Total L:30+T:30=60

1. Modi P N and Seth S M, ―Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics‖, Standard Book House, Delhi, 1998.
2. Streeter V L and Wylie B.E, ―Fluid Mechanics‖, McGraw Hill International Book Co., 2011.

1. Rajput R K, ― A text book of Fluid Mechanics", S Chand & Co., NewDelhi, 2009.
2. Fox, Robert W and Macdonald, Alan,T, ―Introduction to Fluid Mechanics‖,John Wiley & Sons,2010.
3. Mohhanty A K, ‗Fluid Mechanics‘ Second Edition, Prentice Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 2010.
4. Kumar K L, ―Engineering Fluid Mechanics‖ ,Eurasia Publishing House (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2009.

INTRODUCTION TO CHAIN AND COMPASS SURVEYING: Definition - Principles - Classification - Field work and office work -
Types of chain - methods of ranging a line - chain survey of an area, uses of cross - staff and optical square - sources and limits of
error and their correction. Magnetic and true north, magnetic declination and its variation - Bearings - Prismatic compass -
Surveyor's compass - compass survey - local attraction and its elimination - Traversing. (7)

LEVELLING: Principles and theory of levelling - Datum, bench mark and reduced level - level surface and horizontal plane - mean
sea level - Types of levels, levelling staff and their types - effect of curvature and refraction - Balancing back sight and foresight
distance - Longitudinal, cross-sectional and reciprocal levelling - Reducing levels by rise and fall and height of collimation methods
and check. (6)

THEODOLITE SURVEYING: Theodolite - types, features and fundamental axes - adjustments; temporary and permanent -
methods of measurement of horizontal angles – taking vertical angles - Heights and distances of inaccessible points - methods of
traversing - problems on omitted measurements. (7)

TACHEOMETRIC SURVEYING: Methods - Determination of constants of the tacheometer - use of anallactic lens - distance and
elevation formulae for inclined sights with vertical and normal holding staff - movable hair method - principles of tangential
tacheometry - problems in tacheometry - subtense bar method. (7)

CONTOURING: Definition - Contour interval and horizontal equivalent - characteristics - interpolation - contouring by grid and radial
methods - Drawing contour lines - uses of contour maps - drawing of contours using computers. (6)

CURVES: Definitions - Designation of a curve - Elements of simple curve - Location of tangent points - setting out of simple curve
by offset and Rankines methods - obstructions and elimination in curve ranging - compound curve - problems. (6)

CONSTRUCTION SURVEYING: Procedures for setting out a building - pipelines - sewers - setting out curves. (3)

MODERN SURVEYING INSTRUMENTS: Advanced Total Station – Electronic Theodolite – Laser alignment instrument – Global
Positioning System. (3)

Total L:45
1. Punmia B C, Ashok K Jain and Arun K Jain, "Surveying", Vol. 1 and 2, Laxmi Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2006.
2. Chandra A M, "Plane Surveying", New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2007.

1. Kanetkar T P and Kulkarni S V," Surveying and Levelling", Part I and II, Pune Vidyarthi Griha Prakashan, Pune, 1993.
2. Duggal S K, ―Surveying‖, Vol. 1 , Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2008.
3. Bannister A, Raymond S and Baker R ‖Surveying‖, Pearson Education Ltd., India, 2012.


INTRODUCTION: Definition – Nature and Scope - Significance of Economics for Engineers. (4)

DEMAND AND SUPPLY: Demand – Types – Determinants – Law of Demand – Elasticity of Demand – Types – Significance –Supply
– Determinants of Supply - Market price determination – Meaning – Methods – Consumer Survey – Trend Projections – Moving average
-Case Study in Demand Forecasting. (6)

COST AND REVENUE: Concepts – Classifications – Short run and long run cost curves – Revenue – Concepts – Measurement of Profit
– Break Even Analysis - Case Studies. (6)

MARKET STRUCTURE: Types of Market - Perfect Competition – Characteristics –Monopoly –Monopolistic Competition –Oligopoly and
Duopoly - Price Discrimination and Product Differentiation under different markets – Price and output determination in short run and long
run. (6)

MARKET FAILURE: Causes – Type of Goods – Rivalrous and Non-rivalrous goods – Excludable and Non-excludable goods – Solutions
– Government Intervention. (6)

MONEY AND BANKING: Money – Functions – Quantity theory of money – Supply of Money – RBI measure of Money Supply Banking –
Functions of Commercial Banks and Central Bank– Commercial Banks and Money Creation. (6)

FOREIGN EXCHANGE: Balance of Payments – Exchange rate determination – Fixed and Flexible Exchange Rates – Meaning and
Methods of Exchange Control-Methods of Foreign Payments -International Institutions – IMF, IBRD, WTO – Agreements of WTO and its
Impact on Indian Economy. (6)

BUSINESS CYCLE AND NATIONAL INCOME: Meaning – Phases of business cycle - Inflation – Causes – Control measures –
Deflation – Stagflation - National Income – Concepts – Methods of calculating national income – Problems in calculating national income.

Total L: 45
1. Dewett. K.K., & Navalur M. H., ―Modern Economic Theory‖, S. Chand and Company Ltd, New Delhi, 2014.
2. Lipsey & Chrystal, ―Economics‖, Oxford University Press, 2010.

1. Paul A Samuelson & William, ―Economics‖, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2012.
2. Francis Cherinullem, ―International Economics‖, McGraw Hill Education, 2011.
3. William A McEachern and Simrit Kaur, ―Micro ECON‖, Cengage Learning, 2013.
4. William A McEachern and Indira A., ―Macro ECON‖, Cengage Learning, 2014.

1. Study of Instruments
2. Chain surveying - Aligning, Ranging and Chaining
3. Chain surveying - Cross staff surveying
4. Compass surveying - Determination of Inaccessible distance
5. Compass Traversing
6. Simple levelling
7. Fly levelling
8. Differential levelling
9. Plane Table surveying
10. Plane Table Traversing
11. Study of Maps - Contour maps, Longitudinal & Cross-section drawings, Toposheets and Detailed Drawings.

1. Laboratory Manual prepared by the Department of Civil Engineering, 2012.
Total P: 60


1. Tension Test on Metals: Stress strain characteristics – ductility – resilience – toughness.
2. Hardness Test on Metals : Brinell , Vicker and Rockwell Hardness tests.
3. Cupping Test on Metal Sheets : Load Deformation characteristics, Cupping load, Cupping number.
4. Impact Test on Metals : Charpy, Izod Impact Tests.
5. Tests on Helical Springs: Compression , Tension Springs - Load deformation characteristics, stiffness, shear stress , modulus
of rigidity energy.
6. Tests on Wood: Tension, Compression, and Bending –Load Deformation Characteristics – Young‘s Modulus, Modulus of
7. Torsion Test on Beams: Torque and angle of twist characteristics, shear stress, modulus of rigidity, energy
8. Deflection Test on Beams: Load deformation characteristics, Young‘s Modulus, Maxwell‘s Reciprocal law verification.
9. Shear Test on Metals: Direct Shear Strength, Single Shear , Double Shear.
10. Compression Test: Compressive Strength, Concrete, Brick.

1. Laboratory Manual prepared by the Department of Civil Engineering, 2007.
Total P: 60

PROBABILITY: Sample spaces and events, interpretations of probability, addition rule, conditional probability, multiplication and
total probability rules, independence, Baye‘s theorem. (4+4)

RANDOM VARIABLES AND PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS: Random variables - discrete random variables, probability
distributions and probability mass functions, cumulative distribution functions, expectation, binomial, Poisson and geometric
distributions - continuous random variables – probability distributions and probability density functions, cumulative distribution
functions, expectation, uniform, normal, and exponential distributions. (6+6)

JOINT PROBABILITY DISTRIBUTIONS: Two dimensional discrete and continuous random variables, marginal and conditional
probability distributions, independence, covariance, correlation and linear regression. (8+6)

POINT ESTIMATION OF PARAMETERS AND SAMPLING DISTRIBUTIONS: Sampling distributions and the central limit theorem,
point estimation - unbiased estimators, variance of a point estimator, standard error and mean squared error of an estimator,
method of point estimation - maximum likelihood estimation. (4+4)

HYPOTHESIS TESTING: Statistical hypothesis, tests of statistical hypothesis, one-sided and two–sided hypothesis, confidence
intervals, large and small sample tests, inference concerning means, variances and proportions - Chi-square test for goodness of fit
and independence of attributes. (5+6)

ANALYSIS OF VARIANCE: Introduction, assumptions of analysis of variance, completely randomized design, randomized block
design, Latin square design. (3+4)

Total L:30+T:30=60

1. Douglas C. Montgomery and George C. Runger, Applied Statistics and Probability for Engineers, Wiley India, Delhi, 2012.
2. Richard A. Johnson, Miller & Freund‘s, Probability and Statistics for Engineers, Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 2009.

1. Jay L. Devore, Probability and Statistics for Engineering and the Sciences, Brooks/Cole, USA, 2012.
2. Ronald E. Walpole, Raymond H. Myers, Sharon L. Myers and Keying Ye, Probability & Statistics for Engineers & Scientists,
Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2007.


DEFLECTION OF DETERMINATE BEAMS: Governing differential equation – Macaulay‘s method – Moment area method –
conjugate beam method. (8+6)

CURVED BEAMS: Curved beams – stresses due to bending by Winkler Bach theory – rectangular, trapezoidal, circular solid
sections – crane hook problem. (6+4)

COLUMNS AND STRUTS: Columns – Behaviour of axially loaded short, medium and long column members – Buckling load –
Euler‘s theory – Different end conditions – Rankine‘s formula– columns subjected to eccentric loading. (6+4)

THICK CYLINDERS: Thick cylinders – Lame‘s equation – Hoop stress and radial stress distribution – compound cylinders – shrink
fit. (6+4)

THEORIES OF ELASTIC FAILURE: Maximum principal stress theory – Maximum principal strain theory – Maximum shear stress
theory - Maximum strain energy theory – Maximum shear strain energy theory – simple problems. (7+4)

TORSION OF THIN WALLED SECTIONS: Shear centre of mono-symmetric open sections. Hollow thin walled open and closed
torsion members, single and multi-connected cross-sections. (6+4)

UNSYMMETRICAL BENDING OF STRAIGHT BEAMS: Symmetrical and unsymmetrical bending – bending stresses in beams
subjected to unsymmetrical bending – change in direction of neutral axis – Simple problems. (6+4)

Total L: 45+T:30=75
1. Hearn E J, ―Mechanics of Materials‖ Vol 1 & 2, Butterworth-Heinemann. Oxford, 2001.
2. Popov E P, Balan T A, ―Engineering mechanics of solids‖, Pierson Education, 2010.

1. Boresi A P and Schmidt R J, ―Advanced Mechanics of Materials‖, John Wiley & Sons, NewYork, 2003.
2. Bansal R K ―Strength of materials‖, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi, 2004.
3. Sadhu Singh, Strength of Materials, Khanna book publishing Co. Ltd, 2003.
4. Bedi D S, ―Strength of Materials‖, Khanna book publishing Co. Ltd., New Delhi, 2000.


FLOW MEASUREMENT: Velocity measurement – Pitot tube, Currentmeter - Discharge measurement – Orifices, mouthpieces,
notches and weirs – Rectangular, triangular, Cippoletti weir, submerged weir – Time of emptying reservoirs through orifices,
mouthpieces and notches. (8)

FLOW THROUGH PIPES: Energy losses in pipes – Darcy Weisbach‘s formula – flow through pipes in series – flow through
parallel pipes – flow through branched pipes – equivalent pipe – water hammer in pipes – Laminar flow through circular pipes –
Hagen Poiseuilles‘ equation – turbulent flow through circular pipes – Velocity distribution. (9)

FLOW IN OPEN CHANNELS: Types of flow in channels – velocity distribution – Chezy‘s formula, Manning‘s formula; Most
economical channel section; Computation of specific energy and critical depth; hydraulic jump and backwater curves. (7)

IMPACT OF JETS: Applications of momentum equation – Force exerted by fluid jet on stationary and moving curved vanes.

TURBINES: General layout of a Hydroelectric power plant – Classification of turbines – Specific speed and characteristic curves –
Draft tube and cavitation. (5)

PUMPS: Classification of pumps – Centrifugal pumps – multistage pumps – minimum speed to start the pump – specific speed and
characteristic curves – reciprocating pumps – negative slip – Indicator diagram – functions of air vessels. Pressure booster pimps.
HYDRAULIC DEVICES: Hydraulic press – hydraulic accumulator – hydraulic intensifier and hydraulic ram – hydraulic jacks.

Total L:45
1. Rajput R K, ― A text book of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines‖, S Chand and Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2009.
2. Bansal R K,‖ Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulic Machines‖, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi, 2010.

1. Modi P N and Seth S M, ―Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics‖, Standard Book House, New Delhi, 1998.
2. Subramanya K, ―Flow in Open Channels‖, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2007.
3. Kumar K.L, ―Engineering Fluid Mechanics‖, Eurasia Publishing House (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2009.
4. Ranald Giles, Jack Evett and Cheng Liu, ―Schaum's Outline of Fluid Mechanics and Hydraulics‖, 2009.


INTRODUCTION: CONCEPTS OF STRUCTURE: Structural form: Classification of structures based on function, material and
shape - different structural systems - basic structural requirements - stability, strength and stiffness. STRUCTURAL LOADS: Dead
load - live load - wind load – dynamic and seismic load – thermal load – settlement load – buoyant load – snow load. DESIGN
CONCEPTS: Design Process: Codes of practice -Working Stress Method - Limit State Method of Design - Probabilistic approach to
design - load and resistance factor design. (8+5)

STEEL STRUCTURES: Introduction: Material - properties of steel– behavior- structural steel sections – Limit State Design
Concepts– Loads on Structures – load combinations – partial safety for materials – load safety factors. Other properties: durability –
fatigue – fire protection. (4+3)

DESIGN OF CONNECTIONS: Need for connections – Bolted Connection: bearing type, slip critical – axially loaded – eccentrically
loaded in plane – perpendicular to the plane. Welded Connection: Types of welded connections – axially loaded – eccentrically
loaded in plane – perpendicular to the plane. (5+5)

DESIGN OF TENSION MEMBERS: Behavior - Types of sections – strength based on gross and net area basis – net area
calculation for bolts – shear lag – block shear- Design of Tension Members. (3+5)

DESIGN OF COMPRESSION MEMBERS: Behavior – Euler‘s equation – basis of IS Code formula – corrections for residual
stresses – effective length calculation- selection and design of simple members – column splices. Built-up members – simple back
to back- toe to toe sections – laced members – battened members- Design of compression members (5+8)

COLUMN BASES: Simple base - gusseted base - column bases subjected to moment and axial loads - design of anchor bolts.

Total L:30+T:30=60
1. Jayagopal L S & Tensing D, ―Design of Steel Structures‖, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 2016.
2. Subramanian N,‖ Design of Steel Structures‖, Oxford University Press, NewDelhi 2008.

1 Reid E, ―Understanding Buildings: A Multidisciplinary Approach‖ Concept Publishing Company, 1984.
2. Ariel Hanaor, ―Principles of Structures‖ Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1998.
3. Mario Salvodori and Robert Heller, ―Structure in Architecture‖, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 1967.
4. Duggal S K, ― Limit State Design of Steel Structures‖, Tata McGraw Hill Education Private Limited, NewDelhi, 2010


CEMENT : Composition and properties of cement - Tests on Physical properties of cement - consistency - setting time - soundness
- strength. Other types of cements - composition, properties and uses - BIS specifications. (6)

AGGREGATES : Classification –Characteristics affecting Concrete Properties - Tests on aggregates–M sand BIS specifications. (5)

ADMIXTURES: Accelerators - Retarders - Workability agents - Pozzolona - Water reducing agents - Air entraining agents - water
proofers. (5)

MIX DESIGN: Basic considerations - Factors in the choice of mix proportions - quality control - IS method - correction for moisture
content and bulking. (5)

FRESH CONCRETE: Workability - factors affecting workability - Tests - Segregation - Bleeding - Batching and mixing of concrete -
compaction of concrete - Methods of compaction. (5)

HARDENED CONCRETE: Factors affecting strength - curing – methods of curing - shrinkage - factors affecting shrinkage - Creep -
Factors influencing creep. (4)

TESTING OF HARDENED CONCRETE: Compression test - flexure test – split tension test - accelerated strength test - stress
strain characteristics - Determination of modulus of Elasticity - In situ strength determination - Rebound Hammer test - Test cores -
Electro dynamic method – pulse velocity method. (6)

DURABILITY OF CONCRETE: Permeability - Chemical attack on concrete - Quality of water - marine atmosphere - air entrained
concrete - Thermal properties of concrete - Resistance to abrasion and cavitation - Fire resistance. (4)

SPECIAL CONCRETE: Light weight concrete - Fibre reinforced concrete - High Performance Concrete - Polymer Concrete –
Ready mix concrete - Ferrocement –Self compacting concrete. (5)

Total L: 45
1. Gambhir M L, " Concrete Technology", Tata Mc Graw-Hill Publishing Co., Ltd., NewDelhi, 2006.
2. Nevile A M and Brooks J J , " Concrete Technology", Prentice Hall , 2010.

1. Kumar Mehta P and Paulo J M Monteiro,"Concrete - Microstructure, Properties and Materials", McGraw Hill, 2006
2. Santhakumar.A.R. ―Concrete Technology‖, Oxford University Press, New Delhi, 2007.
3. Shetty M S, " Concrete Technology ", S Chand & Co. Ltd., NewDelhi, 2008.



1. Study of Theodolite
2. Measurement of horizontal angles by Method of repetition and Method of reiteration
3. Theodolite surveying - Determination of Inaccessible distance
4. Theodolite traversing
5. Trigonometrical levelling - Single Plane method
6. Stadia Tacheometry
7. Tangential Tacheometry
8. Subtense bar Tacheometry
9. Determination of Instruments constants
10. Setting out works - Simple circular curve
11. Demonstration of Advanced total station and Global Positioning System

1. Laboratory Manual prepared by the Department of Civil Engineering, 2007.
Total P:60


1. Determination of Co-efficient of discharge of a mouthpiece.
2. Determination of Co-efficient of discharge of a rectangular notch and V-notch.
3. Determination of Co-efficient of discharge of a Venturimeter.
4. Determination of Co-efficient of discharge of an orificemeter.
5. Determination of pressure loss in pipe flow.
6. Performance study of jet on vane apparatus.
7. Performance of Pelton Turbine and Francis Turbine – Operating characteristics.
8. Study on Performance Characteristics of centrifugal pump.
9. Study on Performance Characteristics of reciprocating pump.
Total P:60
1. Laboratory Manual prepared by the Department of Civil Engineering, 2015.

FUNDAMENTAL CONCEPTS IN STRUCTURES: Introduction - Definition and Determination of Static and Kinematic
Indeterminacy – Beams, Trusses and Frames – Degree of Freedom – Fundamental equations for Structural Analysis – Principle of
superposition – Basic Methods of Structural analysis. (5+2)

ENERGY METHODS: Work Energy Principles– Principle of Virtual Displacements – Principle of Stationary Potential Energy-
Principle of Complementary Energy – Principle of Virtual Forces – Castigliano‘s First & Second theorems – Engessor‘s First &
Second theorems – Betti Maxwell‘s law – Application to statically determinate beams, trusses and frames. (9+6)

FORCE METHOD : Consistent deformation method – application to trusses subjected to loads & fixed beams –– Application of
Clapeyron‘s theorem of three moments for continuous beams – Plane rigid frames (with one degree of indeterminacy only)
subjected to simple loads - Load and settlement of supports. (8+6)

ARCHES AND STIFFENING GIRDERS: Analysis of three hinged arches and two hinged arches – normal thrust and radial shear in
arches – temperature effect – Analysis of three hinged stiffening girders - suspension bridges. (6+4)

INFLUENCE LINES FOR DETERMINATE STRUCTURES: Effect of rolling loads – Description of Influence line – Influence lines for
support reactions, shear force and bending moments in beams – A rolling single, two and a series of concentrated loads, rolling
uniformly distributed load longer and shorter than the span - Maximum Bending Moment Diagram – Absolute maximum bending
moment- Influence lines for statically determinate plane trusses-Three hinged parabolic and semi-circular arches subjected to
loads– Influence lines for horizontal reaction, normal thrust, radial Shear and bending moment at a section.
INFLUENCE LINES FOR INDETERMINATE STRUCTURES: Influence lines for continuous beams and two hinged arches – Muller
Breslau‘s principle – beams with one degree of indeterminacy only. (5+4)
Total L:45+T:30=75

1. Rajasekaran S and Sankarasubramanian G, ―Computational Structural Mechanics‖, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi,
2. Punmia B C, Jain A K and Jain A K. ―Strength of Materials and Theory of Structures‖ – Vol.2, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi,

1. Leet K M and Uang C M, ―Fundamentals of Structural Analysis‖, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., 2003.
2. Alan Williams, ―Structural Analysis in theory and Practice‖, Butterworth-Heinemann Publications, USA, 2008.
3. Devdas Menon, ―Structural Analysis‖, Narosa Publications, 2008.
4. Hibbeler R C, ― Structural Analysis‖, Pearson Education Asia., 2002.


INTRODUCTION: Concept of Working Stress Method, Ultimate load method and Limit State method – Advantages of Limit State
method over other methods – Design codes and specification – Limit State philosophy as detailed in IS 456-2000 code – Design of
flexural members and slabs by Working Stress Method. (7+7)

DESIGN FOR FLEXURE: Analysis and Design of singly and doubly reinforced rectangular and flanged beams.Analysis and design
of one way and two way rectangular slabs subjected to uniformly distributed load for various boundary conditions and corner effects.
DESIGN FOR BOND, ANCHORAGE, SHEAR AND TORSION: Behaviour of RC members in bond and anchorage – Design
requirements – Behaviour and design of RC beams in shear – Design of RC members for combined bending, shear and torsion.
DESIGN OF COLUMNS: Design of short RC column for axial, uniaxial and biaxial bending–Design of masonry walls and piers.
LIMIT STATE OF SERVICEABILITY – DEFLECTION: Limit state of serviceability in deflection for simple flexural members. (3+3)

LIMIT STATE OF SERVICEABILITY - CRACKING: Limit state of serviceability in cracking for flexural members. (3+3)

Total L:30+T:30=60
1. Varghese P C, "Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete", Prentice Hall of India Ltd, NewDelhi, 2008.

2. Sinha S N, "Reinforced Concrete Design", Tata McGraw-Hill Publishing Co., Ltd., New Delhi, 2010.

1. Unnikrishnan Pillai S and Devdas Menon, "Reinforced Concrete Design", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd., NewDelhi,
2. Jain, A K, ―Limit State Design of RC structures‖, Nemchand Publications, Roorkee, 1989.
3. Krishna Raju N and Pranesh R N, ―Reinforced concrete design – IS 456 – 2000 Principles and Practice‖, New Age
International Publishers, New Delhi, 2007.
4. James MacGregor, "Reinforced Concrete Mechanics and Design", Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2006.


BASIC DEFINITIONS AND RELATIONSHIP: Phase diagrams - basic definitions and derivations - unit weight, dry density,
submerged unit weight etc., Numerical examples. (5)

PHYSICAL PROPERTIES OF SOIL AND CLASSIFICATION OF SOILS: Colour of soil - field identification - determination of
moisture content, specific gravity and voids ratio - grain size analysis - Atterberg limits - Bureau of Indian Standards classification.
COMPACTION: Factors influencing soil compaction - Laboratory compaction tests - dry density and moisture content relationship -
field compaction - compaction control. (4)

SOIL WATER, PERMEABILITY AND RELATED CHARACTERISTICS: Soil water - Capillarity in soils - types of head - state of
stress in soil mass - Terzaghi's effective stress law - flow of water in soils - Darcy's law – Permeability, Constant and falling head
permeability tests - factors affecting permeability. (7)

SEEPAGE THROUGH SOILS: - Seepage, critical hydraulic gradient, quick sand phenomenon - effect of seepage force on the state
of stress in a soil mass - - properties and uses of flow nets. (4)

STRESS DISTRIBUTION IN SOILS: Boussinesq‘s expression for point loads and its extension to uniformly distributed loads -
Newmark's chart - approximate methods -examples. (5)

CONSOLIDATION: Compressibility of soil - measurement of compressibility characteristics – e-log p curve - definitions - Terzaghi's
one dimensional consolidation theory - Evaluation of coefficient of consolidation - examples (6)

SHEARING CHARACTERISTICS OF SOILS: Mohr‘s stress circle - Mohr-coulomb theory Measurement of shear strength in the
laboratory - Drainage conditions in shear testing - measuring of shear strength - shear characteristics of granular materials and
saturated cohesive soils – Factors influencing shear strength (6)

Total L:45
1. Palanikumar. M, ―Soil Mechanics‖, PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi, 2013.
2. Purushothama Raj. P., ―Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering‖ Pearson, New Delhi, 2012.

1. Modi P N, "Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering", Standard Book House, New Delhi, 2010.
2. Coduto D P, ―Geotechnical Engineering‖, PHI Learning Private Limited, New Delhi, 2010.
3. Compendium of Indian Standards on Soil Engineering, Part 1 Laboratory Testing of Soils for Civil Engineering Purposes ―SP 36.
(Part 1): 1987‖, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, 1987.



INTRODUCTION: History of Road Development, Highway Development in India - Jayakar Committee Recommendations and
Realisations, Twenty-year Road Development Plan, Concepts of On-going Highway Development Programmes at National Level,
Institutions for Highway Development at National level - Indian Roads Congress, Highway Research Board, National Highway
Authority of India, Ministry of Road Transport and Highways (MORTH) and Central Road Research Institute - Principles of Highway
Economics and financing. (5)

HIGHWAY GEOMETRY AND DESIGN: Requirements of Ideal Alignment, Factors Controlling Highway Alignment - Engineering
Surveys for Alignment - Classification and Cross Section of Urban and Rural Roads (IRC), Highway Cross Sectional Elements
[IRC Standards], - Horizontal Alignment – Horizontal Curves Super elevation, Widening of Pavements on Horizontal Curves and
Transition Curves, Vertical Alignments – Gradients, Summit and Valley Curves-Sight Distances and factors affecting Sight
Distances, Geometric Design of Hill Roads [IRC Standards Only] (10)

HIGHWAY MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION PRACTICE : Desirable Properties and Testing of Highway Materials: Soil – Soil
stabilized roads- Aggregate - Crushing, Abrasion, Impact Tests, Water absorption, Flakiness and Elongation indices and Stone
polishing value test - Bitumen - Penetration, Ductility, Viscosity, Binder content and Softening point Tests. - Construction Practice -
Water Bound Macadam Road, Bituminous Road and Concrete Road [as per IRC and MORTH specifications] – Joints and filler-
Highway Drainage-road side development and Arboriculture . (8)


INTRODUCTION : Railroad history -Rail transportation in India today and its significance -Railroad organizations- Train dynamics,
Motive power, cars and key train components –Rail road safety. Other Rail Transportation: Intra-city, Suburban railways, RTS,
MRTS, LRTS, Monorail, Sky buses. (6)

RAILWAY PLANNING AND DESIGN : Railway track (Permanent way) its components and their functions –Gauge, tilting of rails
Coning of wheels and theory of coning –Rails, Rail fastenings ,Creep of rails – Sleepers – Ballasts – Ballast less tracks. Track
alignment: Engineering surveys for track alignment – Obligatory points – Conventional methods –Modern methods. Geometric
design of Railway Tracks: Gradient-Horizontal curve, super elevation, Transition curves, Summit Curves. (8)

RAILWAY TRACK CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE : Points and crossing-Signaling and interlocking-Stations and
Equipment-Yards and equipments-Track maintenance. (8)

Total L: 45
1. Khanna, K. and Justo, C.E.G., ―Highway Engineering‖, Khanna Publishers, 2001.
2. Brockenbrough R L Boedecker K J‖ Highway engineering handbook‖ Mcgraw-Hill, Inc -2003.

1. Kadiyali, L.R.,―Principles and Practice of Highway Engineering‖, Khanna Technical Publications,-2000.
2. Bindra S P‖ Highway Engineering‖ Dhanpat Rai & Sons - 1991.
3. Satishchandra Agarwal M M ―Railway Engineering‖ Oxford University Press – 2010.
4. Arora S P Saxena S C ―Text Book of Railway Engineering‖ Dhanpat Rai & sons - 2005.


NATURAL RESOURCES AND ECOSYSTEMS: Definition, scope and importance of – Forest resources, Water resources, Dams-
benefits and problems - need for protected water supply - objectives of water supply system uses of water – Energy resources.
Ecosystem – Structure and function of an ecosystem – Structure and function of Aquatic ecosystems - Energy flow in the ecosystem
- Ecological succession – Biodiversity – Definition and types – Threats to Biodiversity in India and its impacts – Conservation of
Biodiversity. – Wildlife Protection Act - Forest Conservation Act. (7)

WATER DEMAND AND TRANSPORTATION: Factors affecting per capita consumption, fire demand, fluctuations in rate of
consumption - population forecasting - Design periods for water supply components. Transportation of water - Types of conduits -
relative merits, selection, joints - pipe laying and testing Corrosion – mechanism and prevention - Intakes- types, location,
requirements and features. (7)

WATER QUALITY AND TREATMENT OF WATER BY SEDIMENTATION: Impurities in water - causes - effects / significance -
analysis - tests - bacteriology of water, bacteriological analysis - Water borne diseases - Standards of water quality - Treatment flow
charts - Principles of coagulation, flocculation and sedimentation - Design principles of Flash mixer –Design and drawing (Line
sketch) of Flocculator and Sedimentation tank. (8)

WATER TREATMENT BY FILTRATION AND OTHER METHODS: Principles of Filtration - Classification. - Slow sand filters and
rapid sand filters - Design criteria. Design and drawing (Line sketch) of slow sand filters and rapid sand filters - constructional and
operational features of slow sand filters and rapid sand filters - Disinfection - methods and disinfectants - Disinfection devices -
Chlorination - action of chlorine - dosage - different methods – advantages - aeration,. (8)

manganese removal, water softening, fluoridation and defluoridation. Demineralization – reverse osmosis - Residue Management
Water supply in buildings - service connection to buildings Necessity of pumping in water supply - Drainage layout - Principles
governing drainage - plumbing components and design - traps and fittings - water seal - plumbing systems - choice -plumbing
design, IS Code provisions. - classification and brief description of types of pumps - selection of pump - calculation of head and
power - economical diameter of pumping main. (7)

DISTRIBUTION OF WATER: Requirements of distribution system - Distribution network layouts - Analysis by Hardy Cross method
and Equivalent Pipe method – hydraulic design and cross - connected parallel pipe to increase capacity - introduction to computer
applications – problems solving -. Service reservoirs - functions, classification - Service reservoir design. Leakage detection and
prevention - Metered and unmetered water supplies. (8)
Total L:45

1. Punmia B.C, ―Environmental Engineering Vol. I ‖, Lakshmi Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2014.
2. Deswal S and Deswal A, ―A basic course in Environmental studies‖, Dhanpat Rai & Co, First edition, Delhi, 2008

1. Syed R Qasim, Motley E M and Guang Zhu, ―Water Works Engineering – Planning, Design and Operation‖, Prentice- hall of India,
New Delhi, 2004
2. Birdie G S and Birdie J S, "Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering", Dhanpat Rai and Sons, Delhi, Fifth Edition, 2014
3. Garg, S.K, ―Environmental Engineering Vol. I ―, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2013.
4. Modi, P.N, ―Environmental Engineering Vol. I ‖, Standard Book House, New Delhi, 2010.


PHYSICAL TESTS ON CEMENT: Fineness – soundness - standard consistency - initial & final setting times-compressive

TESTS ON FINE AGGREGATE: Specific gravity- bulk density - sieve analysis-bulking water absorption – surface moisture content.

TESTS ON COARSE AGGREGATE: Specific gravity- bulk density - sieve analysis – water absorption

MIX DESIGN: Mix Design as per IS10262- 2009 and IS 456 - 2000.

TESTS ON FRESH CONCRETE: Workability - slump test- compaction factor – vee bee consistometer.

TESTS ON HARDENED CONCRETE: Compressive strength-cube - cylinder - split tensile strength - modulus of rupture- static
young's modulus.

TESTS ON COARSE AGGREGATE FOR PAVEMENTS: Grading zone – abrasion value – shape test - specific gravity- bulk density
- aggregate crushing strength – aggregate impact – stripping value

TEST ON BITUMEN: Specific gravity –Penetration – Ductility- Viscosity – Softening point – flash and fire point test

TEST ON SUBGRADE: CBR – Benkelman beam – (Demonstration only)

1. Laboratory Manual prepared by the Department of Civil Engineering, 2015.
Total P: 60



1. Specific gravity of solids

2. Relative Density of sand
3. Sieve analysis on sand
4. Liquid limit and Plastic limit of fine grained soil
5. Shrinkage limit of find grained soil
6. Vane shear test
7. Permeability test
8. Direct shear test
9. Unconfined compression test
10. Light compaction test
11. Field density by sand replacement method
12. Demonstration on consolidation test and Triaxial test

1. Laboratory Manual prepared by the Department of Civil Engineering, PSG College of Technology, 2015.
2. Compendium of Indian Standards on Soil Engineering, Part 1 Laboratory Testing of Soils for Civil Engineering Purposes ―SP 3
(Part 1): 1987‖, Bureau of Indian Standards, New Delhi, 1987.
Total P: 60

The mini project involves the following:
 Preparing a project – brief proposal including
Problem Identification
Methodology specifying the process/specifications/ parameters
List of alternate methodology if available
Justification for the methodology adopted
Time line of activities
 Carrying out experimental/ theoretical work as per the specified time line of activities
 A presentation including all the above along with final results and conclusions.
 Consolidated report preparation.

Total P: 60

SLOPE DEFLECTION METHOD TO BEAMS AND FRAMES : Displacement method concept – Slope Deflection equations – Fixed
End moments – Application to Statically indeterminate beams and frames – Symmetric structure subjected to symmetric and anti-
symmetric loadings – Effect of temperature, settlement – Deformed shape, Bending Moment and Shear Force Diagrams and axial
force diagrams. (8+6)

MOMENT DISTRIBUTION METHOD TO BEAMS AND FRAMES : Basic concepts – Stiffness factor, distribution factor and carry
over factors – Single span beams with different support conditions – Fixed End Moments – Moment Distribution in Continuous
Beams – Portal frames with and without side sway – Deflected shape, bending moment, shear force and thrust diagrams –
symmetric structure subjected to symmetric and anti-symmetric loadings – Naylor‘s distribution. (9+6)

CHARACTERISTICS OF FLEXIBILITY MATRIX : Definition – Application of Principle of Superposition – Properties – Application to

Two Degree of Freedom systems – Structure and element co-ordinates – Transformation of forces – Structure flexibility in terms of
element flexibility. (6+4)

FLEXIBILITY METHOD: Forces not acting at co-ordinates – Formulation of Structure Flexibility matrix – Determination of
Displacements – Application to determinate trusses, beams, frames. (8+6)

CHARACTERISTICS OF STIFFNESS MATRIX : Principle of superposition of displacements – one, two degree of freedom
systems – structure stiffness in terms of element stiffness using transformation [K] = [β] T [K] [β] (6+2)

STIFFNESS METHOD : Formulation of structure stiffness matrix from element stiffness matrix using [K] = [β] T [K] [β] - application to
plane trusses, beams and plane frames – determinate and indeterminate structures – forces not acting at co-ordinates – Effect of
Temperature, lack of fit – Static condensation technique. (8+6)

Total L: 45+T:30=75
1. Rajasekaran S and Sankarasubramanian G, ―Computational Structural Mechanics‖, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi,
2. Hibbeler R C, ―Structural Analysis‖, Pearson Education Asia., 2002.

1. McGuire W, Gallagher R H and Zieman R, ―Matrix Structural Analysis‖, John Wiley & Sons, 2000.
2. Leet K M and Uang C M, ―Fundamentals of Structural Analysis‖, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., 2003.
3. Punmia B C, Jain A K and Jain A K. ―Strength of Materials and Theory of Structures‖ – Vol.2, Laxmi Publications, New Delhi,
4. Devadas Menon,‖Structural Analysis‖, Narosa Publishing House, 2011.

STAIRCASES: Dog legged stairs – waist slab design – staircase with stringer beams. (8)

MULTI-STOREY FRAMES: Analysis using substitute frames - gravity load - design of frames - detailing of joints - elementary
concepts of shear wall structures - methods of lateral load analysis. (8)

COLUMNS AND FOUNDATIONS : Design of uniaxially loaded and biaxially loaded slender RC columns (Principles only) -
Isolated footing – combined footing – rectangular – trapezoidal – strap beam footings – principles of design of mat foundation.
EARTH RETAINING STRUCTURES: Concepts of active and passive earth pressure - pressure distribution due to water table -
surcharge - cantilever and counter fort retaining walls - stability requirements and design. (10)

LIQUID RETAINING STRUCTURES: Principles of design of liquid retaining structures – Properties of uncracked sections -
underground, surface, overhead tanks - design using IS 3370 - square, rectangular and circular shapes with spherical domical roof -
design of circular base slab - circular girder - design of staging. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Sinha N C and Roy S K, "Fundamentals of Reinforced Concrete", S Chand & Co, Ltd., New Delhi, 2001.
2. Varghese P C, "Limit State Design of Reinforced Concrete", Prentice Hall of India Ltd, New Delhi, 2008.

1. Krishna Raju N, "Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures", CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, 2003.
2. Krishna Raju N, "Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design", CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, 2007.
3. Syal I C and Goyal A K, "Reinforced Concrete Structures", Wheeler Publishing, Allahabad, 2009.
4. Dayaratnam P, "Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures", Oxford & IBH Publishers, New Delhi, 2000.


BEAMS : Laterally supported beams: classification of sections – simple and compound sections – calculation of plastic modulus of
section – flexural strength of beams- design considerations – behavior of web under shear – shear check – deflection check-
bearing strength of web – buckling strength of web- web buckling –web crippling. (4+4)

WELDED PLATE GIRDER: Behavior – design of flanges – design of webs – simple post critical and tension field actions – design
of web under concentrated loads – design of intermediate stiffener – load bearing – end stiffener - web and flange splices. (7+7)

BEAMS WITH LATERALLY UNSUPPORTED COMPRESSION FLANGE: Behavior – basic equations – effective length – position
of loads – compound beams – plate girders with mono symmetric cross section. (4+4)

GANTRY GIRDERS AND GANTRY COLUMNS: Types of cranes – mono rail cranes – design of gantry girders with capping
channels – design of connections- stiffeners. Gantry columns: Types – simple columns with brackets – columns with twin legs –
design of roof leg – design of gantry column – design of base. (6+6)

BEAM COLUMNS: Basic theory – sections under combined bending and axial loads – section strength for uni-axial and bi-axial
bending – overall member strength – magnification factor – equivalent factor for uniform moment – structure of interaction equation
– in-plane buckling – out of plane buckling – design buckling strength as column – columns under biaxial moment – combined
tension and bending – member strength. (4+4)

FRAME END CONNECTIONS: Types – framed beam connections – framed beam shear connection – angle cleat connection (seat
connection) – fin plate connection – end plate connection – continuous beam to beam connection. (5+5)

Total L:30+T:30=60
1. Jayagopal L S & Tensing D, ―Design of Steel Structures‖, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 2016.
2. Subramanian N,‖ Design of Steel Structures‖, Oxford University Press, NewDelhi 2008.

1. Gaylord E H, Gaylord N C and Stallmeyer J E, ―Design of Steel Structures‖, 3rd edition, McGraw Hill Publications, 1992.
2. Trahir N S, Nethercot D A and Bradford M A, ―Behaviour & Design of Steel Structures to EC3‖, 4th edition, 2008.
3. Duggal S K,‖Design of Steel Structures‖,Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd.,2007.
4. Ramchandra and Vivendra Gehlot, ‗Design of Steel Structures‘, Vol.1, Scientific Publishers (India) Jodhpur, 2011.

SEWERAGE SYSTEM AND ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION: Importance and scope of sanitary engineering – Sewerage system
– classification of sewerage systems – relative merits and situations for adoption. Sources of wastewater – Quantity of sanitary
sewage – fluctuations in flow and their significance. Definition – Causes, effects and control measures of Air pollution, Global
warming, Ozone layer depletion, Soil pollution and Noise pollution. Sustainable development – Environmental Protection Acts –
Introduction to EIA and ISO 14000. (7)

SEWER HYDRAULICS: Storm runoff estimation factors affecting storm water drainage–empirical and rational methods– time of
concentration. Hydraulics of sewer flow – Hydraulic element charts – Non-circular sections – Design Criteria for sewer system –
Sewer construction procedure – Testing and maintenance of sewers – Shapes and materials of sewers – Design of storm sewers –
surface drains for storm water – relative merits – Design of sewers – Computer applications – Laying, jointing and testing of sewers
– Sewer appurtenances. (8)

SEWAGE CHARACTERISTICS AND TREATMENT SYSTEM: Wastewater characteristics and significance – Decomposition –
cycles of decomposition – analysis of sewage – dissolved oxygen – Biochemical Oxygen Demand – Test for 5 day BOD –
significance and limitations – Relative stability – Sewage sampling – population equivalent of industrial effluents. Objectives and
principles of preliminary, primary treatments and biological processes – Suspended growth and – attached growth systems –
Selection of unit operation and process. (7)

SEWAGE TREATMENT: Principle and Design of Preliminary Treatments: Screens, skimming tank – types, grease traps – grit
chamber - proportional flow weir – Principle of Primary sedimentation tanks – Types – Design of sedimentation tanks. Activated
sludge process and its types – Design of conventional activated sludge process. (7)

SECONDARY TREATMENT PROCESSES: Oxidation / stabilization ponds – aerobic and facultative ponds. Brief outlines of
Intermittent sand filters and contact beds - Tickling Filters (conventional and high rate) Roughing Filter – Rotating biological
contactors – working principle and design criteria - Design and Drawing (Line sketch) of Septic Tank, IS Code provisions – septic
tank effluent disposal – field test soil permeability for design of dispersion trench/ soak pit. (8)

DISPOSAL OF SEWAGE, SLUDGE AND SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT: Disposal of sewage on land and water – conditions
favoring – standards and criteria for dilution – pollution and self purification of streams – oxygen sag curve and stages of self-
purification – simple problem – Disposal on land – criteria - methods of broad irrigation – subsurface irrigation – sewage sickness of
soil, Sludge characteristics – Weight volume relationship, sludge conditioning, dewatering, sludge digestion – process and
parameters - Solid waste management – causes, effects and control measures of urban and industrial wastes. (8)

Total L: 45
1. Garg, S K, ―Sewage Disposal and Air Pollution Engineering: Environmental Engineering‖, Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2006.
2. Metcalf & Eddy M C, ―Wastewater Engineering – Treatment & Reuse‖, Tata McGraw Hill Publications, New Delhi, 2003.

1. Deswal S and Deswal A,‖A basic course in Environmental studies‖, Dhanpat Rai & Co, First edition, New Delhi, 2008.
2. Birdi G S and Birdie J S, "Water Supply and Sanitary Engineering", Dhanpat Rai and Sons, New Delhi, 2013.


STABILITY OF SLOPES: Stability analysis of infinite and finite slopes - Factor of safety against sliding - stability analysis by
Swedish circle method - method of slices – Taylor‘s stability chart . (4)

EARTH PRESSURE ON RETAINING WALLS: Lateral earth pressure - Rankine's earth pressure theory - Coloumb's theory - Basic
assumptions and limitations - Applications to retaining walls using Rankine's theory - Culmann's graphical method – Stability of
retaining walls. (6)

SOIL EXPLORATION: Planning - Boring, sampling and sounding - Hand augers and power drills - wash boring - sampling -
Spacing and depth of exploratory borings - preservation of samples - subsurface soundings - Standard Penetration Test - Static
Cone Penetration Test - Dynamic Cone Penetration Test - preparation of soil investigation report. (6)

BEARING CAPACITY OF SHALLOW FOUNDATIONS: Various definitions - types of failures - Types of foundations - Historical
development of bearing capacity theories - Contributions by Terzaghi and Meyerhoff - estimation of bearing capacity as per Bureau
of Indian Standards recommendations - factors affecting bearing capacity - bearing capacity of granular soil based on SPT value -
contact pressure distribution diagram on the base of the footings - eccentric loading - determination of ultimate bearing capacity of
an eccentrically loaded footing - examples. (10)

FOUNDATION SETTLEMENTS: Immediate and consolidation settlements - Differential settlement - Allowable bearing pressure
based on tolerable settlement - Plate load test - Interpretation of test results - limitations - Allowable pressure on the basis of

settlement criterion for footings on sand on the basis of N value. Allowable bearing pressure for raft foundation on sand - codal
provisions. (7)

PILE FOUNDATIONS: Types of piles based on their function, composition and method of installation - Determination of vertical
bearing capacity of a single pile -static formulae-dynamic pile driving formulae-Engineering News formula - Modified Hiley's
equation - pile load test - method of carrying out the test - Determination of allowable load from pile load test data - load carrying
capacity of piles based on static cone penetration test and standard penetration test results - Group of piles- Number and spacing -
pile group efficiency in sands and clays - pile group efficiency equations - settlement of pile groups in clay and sand - examples –

Negative skin friction - piles subjected to uplift. Foundations on expansive soil: Identification of expansive soil - Field conditions
favoring swelling - Consequences of swelling -concept of under reamed pile. (12)

Total L: 45
1. Gopal Ranjan and A S R Rao, "Basic and Applied Soil Mechanics", New Age International.(P) ltd., New Delhi, 2014
2. Varghese P.C, ―Foundation Engineering‖, Prentice-Hall of India Private Limited, New Delhi, 2009.

1. Murthy, V N S, ―Text Book of Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering‖, CBS Publishers and Distributors, New Delhi,
2. Wayne C Teng, "Foundation Design", Prentice Hall of India Private Ltd., New Delhi, 1980.
3. Relevant BIS codes on soil investigation, field soil testing and piles


0 04 2
1. Determination of Turbidity
2. Determination of pH Value
3. Determination of Taste and Odour
4. Determination of Solids
5. Determination of settlable solids
6. Determination of Optimum Coagulant Dosage
7. Determination of Electrical Conductivity
8. Determination of Hardness
9. Determination of Alkalinity
10. Determination of Chlorides
11. Determination of Sulphate
12. Determination of Residual Chlorine in water
13. Determination of Available Chlorine in Bleaching Powder
14. Determination of Nitrate
15. Determination of Iron and Manganese
16. Determination of Fluoride
17. Determination of Dissolved Oxygen
18. Determination of Bio - Chemical Oxygen Demand
19. Determination of Chemical Oxygen Demand
20. Bacteriological Analysis of water (Demonstration)
21. Estimation of Noise Level (Demonstration)
22. Estimation of Air Pollution (Demonstration)

1. Laboratory Manual prepared by the Department of Civil Engineering, 2010.
Total P:60



BUILDING DRAWING: Terms, Elements of planning building drawing, Methods of making line drawing and detailed drawing,
Site plan floor plan, elevation and section drawing of small residential buildings-concepts .

1. Preparation of approval drawing for local body. (Residential building-- flat and pitched roof) (12)

2. Detailed working drawing for Residential building – site plan, foundation plan, floor plans, Cross section, elevation ,staircase
plan - [Two dimension only] (8)

3. Preparation of plan, elevation and section of residential buildings-single storey and double storey (load bearing structures and
framed structure). (12)

4. Preparation of plan, elevation and section of industrial buildings-workshop(steel structure) (8)

5. Preparation of plan, elevation and section of institutional buildings (school,college-framed structure) (4)

6. Residential Building: Interior plan for Hall, dining, Kitchen, Bed room, Bath room W/C and Toilet ( 2D only) (4)

7. Building exterior: 3d drawing for Residential building only. (4)

8. Pictorial View: Principles of perspective drawing. Perspective view of building. (8)

1. Sikka V. B., A Course in Civil Engineering Drawing, 4th Edition, S.K. Kataria and Sons, 37 2009.
2. Balagopal, T.S Prabhu, K Vincent Paul and C.Vijayaj,‖Building drawing and detailing‖, spades publishers , Calicut, 1987.

1. M.G.Shah , C.M Kale and S.Y Patki,‖Building drawing with an integrated approach to built environment-4th edition,Tata Mcgraw
hill, 2002.
2. Hepler D E and Wallach P I, "Architecture, Drafting and Design", McGraw Hill Book company, New York, 1965.
3. Handbook on Functional Requirements of Buildings Part 1 to 4 SP: 41 (S and T) -1995.
4. N. Krishna Raju, ―Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures‖, CBS Publishers & Distributors, 2009.
Total P: 60


Faculty will arrange for industrial visit. Reports containing the observations of the students after the visits with their personal
comments/ suggestions are to be prepared and submitted.
Total P:30

INTRODUCTION: Management as a blend of science and art, its objectives and functions – Application of management concepts
and tools to construction projects. (2)

PROJECT PLANNING: Importance of planning in construction project – Different periods of planning – Pretender data collection,
analysis and report; Activity –time scheduling; Charts for labor, staff, material and plant requirements; BOQ and cost estimates; Pre
contract and Contract planning; Master Program. (5)

PROJECT SCHEDULING: Bar Chart scheduling – its merits and shortcomings; CPM/ PERT Network – Activities, their duration and
interdependence; Construction of network diagram; activities and events; activity start and finish time both early and late; forward an
backward pass; critical period and critical path; Float; PERT - three time aspects and their identification based on statistical data and
Beta distribution – Probability of achieving desired time targets for projects. (8)

RESOURCE AGGREGATION AND LEVELLING: Resource aggregation as per early start time and initial histogram – Leveling of
resources by manipulating activity start time according to float availability and late finish time and final histogram. (5)

TIME COST OPTIMIZATION: Direct cost and indirect cost and their relation to project duration – Normal and crash duration of
activities and their corresponding cost – Crashing of network to optimize cost and duration of projects – Simple Operation Research
techniques to optimize assignment of tasks to groups of workmen and transport of materials from quarries to sites. (8)

PROCEDURES: Organization Chart – Responsibilities of engineers at several levels; Requirements to be fulfilled before taking up
project on hand: Tenders – aim, notice, tender documents, tender submission, opening, scrutiny, acceptance and award; Contract
Agreement – Principal clauses and conditions, types of contracts, their merit and suitability; Payment for works - Measurements,
Running bills, deductions; Inventory of materials. (6)

COST CONTROL: Aims and scope of cost control – use of estimates, data, unit rate and standard rate as tools for cost monitoring
– Systems of cost control based on accounting details of spends and periodicity of cost comparison (5)

EQUIPMENT AND MACHINERY: Classes of equipments according to work cycle and function performed; Modes of procuring an
equipment – rental, leasing and owning –their relative merits and rationale; Performance factors of earthmoving equipment –
machine related, environment related and material related; Work and time cycle; Earth work calculation – mass curve, balancing cut
and fill and optimizing haul distances and quantities by Mass Haul Diagram. (6)
Total L: 45

1. Shrivastava U K, ―Construction Planning and Management―, Galgotia Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2000.
2. Ghattas R G and Sandra L Mckee, ‗ Practical Project Management‖, Pearson Education (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2003.

1. Punmia B C and Khandelval K K, ―Project Planning and Control with PERT and CPM‖, Laxmi Publications, 1993.
2. Srinath L S, ―PERT/CPM principles and Applications‖, Affiliated East West Press(P) ltd., 2002.
3. Vazirani and Chandola, ―Construction Management and Accounts‖, Khanna Publishers, Delhi, 1989.
4. Sharma J C, ―Construction Management and Accounts‖, Satya Prkashan, New Delhi, 1986.


INTRODUCTION: Types of estimates – Units of measurements – Methods of estimates – Advantages. (3+2)

ESTIMATE OF BUILDINGS : Quantity estimate for load bearing and framed structural quantity estimate for various types of arches
- brick work and RCC works only, Steel requirement and Bar bending schedule - Calculation of quantities of earth work excavation,
brickwork, PCC, RCC, Plastering, white washing, colour washing and painting/varnishing for shops and residential building with flat
roof. Estimation for water proofing compound, steel roof truss. (15+8)

ESTIMATE OF OTHER STRUCTURES: Estimating for septic tank, soak pit –sanitary and water supply installations – Plumbing,
and water supply pipe line – sewer line– estimate of bituminous and cement concrete roads. (10+8)

ANALYSIS OF RATES AND SPECIFICATIONS: Data – Schedule of rates – Analysis of rates – Specifications – sources – General
and Detailed specifications. (8+4)

VALUATION: Necessity – Different methods of valuation of a building – capitalized value – Depreciation – Escalation – Value of
building – Calculation of Standard rent - Mortgage - lease. (5+4)

REPORT PREPARATION: Principles for report preparation – report on estimate of residential building –Roads – Water supply and
sanitary installations. (4+4)

Total L:45+P:30=75

1. Dutta, B,N, ―Estimating and Costing in Civil Engineering‖, UBS Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., 2003.
2. Chakraborti M, ―Estimation, Costing, Specification and Valuation in Civil Engineering (including Computer estimation)‖, 2001.

1. Kohli, D.D and Kohli,R.C, ―A text book of Estimating and Costing (Civil)‖, S.Chand & Company Ltd., 2004.
2. G.S.Birdie, ―Text book of Estimation and Costing (Civil Engineering)‖, Dhanpat Rai & Sons, 1986.
3. Jagjit Singh, Estimating and Costing in Civil Engineering ( Quantity Surveying, Specification, Costing and Valuation) ,
Galgotia Publication Pvt. Ltd., 1996.
4. Rangwala S C, ―Estimating, Costing and Valuation‖, Charotar Publishing House‖, 2001.


1. DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE FRAMED STRUCTURE: One way continuous slab - Tee beam and L beam – two
way slabs with different boundary conditions – columns -isolated footing – detailing.

2. DESIGN OF REINFORCED CONCRETE WATER TANK: Tanks resting on the ground – underground water tanks – over head
water tank with staging- detailing

3. DESIGN OF STEEL ROOF TRUSS : Metal roof sheets - design of roof and cladding purlins - design of built-up purlins - loads
and load combinations - double plane trusses - design of compression and tension members - bracing design - design of
connections - base connections – detailing.

4 DESIGN OF WELDED PLATE GIRDER: Design of flanges - design of webs. simple post critical and tension field actions -
design of web under concentrated loads - design of intermediate stiffener - load bearing end stiffener – detailing.

Total P: 60
1. Krishna Raju N, "Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures", CBS Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, 2003.
2. Krishna Raju N, Structural Design and Drawing (Reinforced Concrete and Steel). University press, Hyderabad, 2006.

and frames -modeling – boundary conditions – loads - loading conditions - load combinations - calculation of deflections – stress
resultants – shear force diagrams for beams and frames – bending moment diagrams for beams and frames – axial force diagrams -
concepts of matrix methods - applications using computer programs and softwares . Basic principles, behavior and design of
reinforced concrete slabs, beams, columns, footings, grids, frames as per IS codes using computer programs and softwares.

SIMPLIFIED ANALYSIS AND BEHAVIOUR STUDY OF STEEL STRUCTURES: Structural analysis of trusses, beams and frames
-modeling – boundary conditions – loads - loading conditions - load combinations - calculation of deflections – stress resultants –
shear force diagrams for beams and frames – bending moment diagrams for beams and frames – axial force diagrams - concepts of
matrix methods - applications using computer programs and softwares . Basic principles, behavior and design of steel trusses,
beams, columns and frames as per IS codes using computer programs and softwares.
Total P: 60

1. Manuals of respective software
2. Laboratory Manual prepared by the Department of Civil Engineering, 2015.


 Identification of thrust areas
 Developing a mathematical model for solving the above problem
 Finalisation of system requirements and specification
 Proposing different solutions for the problem based on literature survey
 Future trends in providing alternate solutions
 Consolidated report preparation of the above
Total P:60



0 0 16 8
The project work involves the following:
 Preparing a project – brief proposal including
Problem Identification
Methodology specifying the process/specifications/ parameters
List of alternate methodology if available
Justification for the methodology adopted
Time line of activities

 Carrying out experimental/ theoretical work as per the specified time line of activities
 A presentation including all the above along with final results and conclusions.
 Consolidated report preparation.

COMMUNICATION CONCEPTS: Process of Communication – Inter and Intrapersonal Communication – Essentials for
effectiveness (4)

FOCUS ON SOFT SKILLS: Etiquette – Work Place etiquette – Telephone etiquette- Body Language – Persuasive Communication-
Public Speaking – Critical Reasoning and Conflict Management based on Case Studies – Group Communication- Meetings-
Interview Techniques (14)

TECHNICAL WRITING: Technical Writing Principles - Style and Mechanics -Genres of Technical Writing – Technical Definitions –
Physical, Functional and Process Descriptions -– Technical Report Writing – Preparing Instructions and Manuals– Interpretation of
Technical Data. (10)

BUSINESS CORRESPONDENCE: Writing Emails, Preparing Resumes, Memos, Technical and Business Proposals (7)

TECHNICAL COMMUNICATION: Seminars, Process Description and Group Discussions, Use of Visual Aids (10)

Total L: 45
1. Monograph prepared by the Faculty, Department of English, 2015.

1. Jeff Butterfield, ―Soft Skills for Everyone‖, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2013.
2. Jean Naterop B. and Rod Revell, ―Telephoning in English‖, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, 2011.
3. David A. Mc Murrey and Joanne Buckley, ―Handbook for Technical Writing‖, Cengage Learning, New Delhi, 2011.
4. Simon Sweeney, ―English for Business Communication‖, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 2012.


INTRODUCTION: German Culture, Tradition, Universities and Companies , Alphabets, Greetings, Countries, Nationalities and
Languages. (3)

VOCABULARY: Context related to School, University, Professions, Family, Supermarket, Food and Bevearages, Entertainment,
Celebrations, Weather. (4)

GRAMMAR: Noun forms – Singular , Plural; Gender Introduction, Articles, Personal Pronouns and Possessive Pronouns in
Nominative , Accusative and Dativ cases. Usage of Adjectives. Time related forms - Formal & informal expressions. Usage of
adverbs, daily routines, related verbs and question words. Related vocabulary and grammar. Simple dialogues and exercises. Verbs
–Verb conjugation, Helping verbs , subject – verb agreement ,Regular and Irregular verbs, Modal verbs.and their related
grammatical structure. (16)

GENERAL USAGE: Number system, Question words, Statements and Questions, Negation: nicht/kein. Imperatives Simple
dialogues, Exercises. (5)

SYNTAX: Word order and sentence formation. Practice with mini –dialogues. (4)

COMMUNICATION SKILLS: Conversing in formal and informal situations, Dialogue writing, Letter writing, Email writing,Invitations
and Telephone conversations. (7)

PRACTICALS: Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing. (6)

Total L: 45
1. Monograph prepared by the Faculty, Department of English, 2015.

1. Tangram Aktuell 1 (Deutsch als Fremdsprache) - Rosa-Maria Dallapiazza, Eduard von Jan, Til Schönherr - Max Hueber
Verlag, 2004.
2. Grundkurs Deutsch - Roland Schäpers, Renate Luscher, Manfred Glück, 1980.
3. Lernziel Deutsch - Wolfgang Hieber - Max Hueber Verlag, 1983.
4. Hermann Funk, Christina Kuhn and Silke Demme, Studio d A1, Goyal Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., 2009.


UNITÉ-1: Faire connaissance – inviter et répondre à une invitation – décrire les personnes- articles définis et indéfinis – genre
etnombre des noms et des adjectifs- interrogation et négation – conjugaison du présent. Paris monuments et lieux publics – la vie
de quatre parisiens de professions différentes. (10)

UNITÉ-2: Exprimer l‘ ordre et l‘obligation demander et commander – evaluer et apprécier- féliciter et remercier – articles partitifs -
adjectifs démonstratifs et possessifs prépositions et adverbes de quantité et de l‘imperatif verbes pronominaux – une région
deFrance la Bourgogne – vie quotidienne à la compagne. (11)

UNITÉ-3: Raconter et rapporter – donner son avis – se plaindre et réprimander – expliquer et justifier – pronoms compléments –
futur proche – passé composé et imparfait. Plusieurs régions de France – différents univers sociaux. (11)

UNITÉ-4: Demander l‘autorisation – interdire – formuler des projects – discuter et débattre. Pronoms < en > et < y > – pronoms
relatifs et superlatifs – conjugaison du futur – présent continu et passé récent.La vie administrative et régionale – problems (11)
economiques et écologiques – traditions et modernité.
Total L: 45

1. Christine Andant etal., ―A propos (livre de l eleve)‖, LANGERS, New Delhi, 2012.

1. Mathurin Dondo, ―Dondo Modern French Course‖, Oxford University Press, Great Britain, 1997.
2. Margaret Lang and Isabelle Perez, ―Modern French Grammar‖, Paris, 1996.


Orientation Session, Geographic & Socio, economic perspective to Japan, Japanese people and culture and Basic greetings and
responses. (3)

Basic script, Method of writing hiragana and katakana, and Combination sounds and simple words. (3)

Topic marker ―wa‖, Desu / dewa arimasen cupolas, Interrogative particle ―ka‖, Grammar particles ―mo‖, ―no‖, ‗‘
Introducing some one: ―Kochira wa ~― and Self introductions: Hajimemashite‖ (3)

Demonstratives ―Kore‖, ―Sore‖, ―Are‖, Demonstrative ―Kono‖, ―Sono‖, ―Ano‖ , Possessive noun particle ―no‖ and
Japanese apartments: Greeting your neighbour (2)

Place marakers ―Koko‖, ―Soko‖, ―Asoko‖, Direction markers ―Kochira‖, ―Sochira‖, ―Achira‖ and Japanese department
stores: Asking for and buying something (2)

Asking for and telling the time, Paticle ―ni (at)‖ for time, kara (from) ~ made (until), Particle ―to (and)‖, Time periods:
Days of the week, months, time of day, Verbs (Present / future and past tense) and Telephone enquiry: Asking for a phone no.
And business hours (2)

Destination particle ―e‖, Particles ―de (mode of transportation)‖ and ―to (with) and Japanese train station: Asking for Fare and track
no. / types of trains (2)

Direct object particle ―o‖, Particle ―de (place of action)‖ , Verbs (―~masen ka‖, ―~mashou‖) and ―Ohanami‖ Cherry blossom viewing

Particle ―de (by means of)‖ , Particle ―ni (to)‖, ,Aaemasu (give) and Moraimasu (receive) and Visiting a Japanese house (2)

Adjectives (―i‖ and ―na‖ type), Adjectives (Positive and negative useage), Particle ―ga (however, but), ―Dore which?)‖ and Leaving a
room, thanking some one for hospitality (2)

Likes and dislikes, Potential verbs (wakarimasu and dekimasu), ―Kara ( ~ because)‖, Adverbs and Asking some one out over the
phone (2)

Verbs denoting presence: ―Imasu‖ and ―arimasu‖, Particle ―ni (in)‖, ―Dare (who?)‖ , Adverbs (―Chikaku ni ~―), Particle ―dare mo
(negative ~ no one)‖ , Dare ka (anyone), dare ga (who) , Nani ka (anything) , nani ga (what) - ~ya (and) ~ nado (etc.) and Asking
for directions (2)

Counters and Counting suffixes (2)

Introduction to Adjectives (na and ii type), Different usages of adjectives, Comparison, Likes and dislikes and Going to a trip (2)

Need and desire (ga hoshii), Wanting to … (Tabeti desu), Going for a certain purpose (mi –ni ikimasu) and Choosing from a menu

Verb groups, I, II and III and Exercises to group verbs (2)

Please do (te kudasai), Present continuous tenses (te imasu), Shall I? ( ~ mashou ka) and Describing a natural
phenomenon (It is raining) (2)

To grant permission (~te mo ii desu), Asking for permission ( ~ te mo ii desu ka) and Should not do ( ~ te wa ikemasen) (2)

Describing a continuing state and Describing a habitual action (2)

Roleplays in Japanese (2)

A demonstration on usage of chopsticks and Japanese tea party (2)

Total L: 45

1. Minna no nohongo – Romaji ban (first 10 lessons of this book), 3A Corporation, Tokyo, 2000.

1. Minna no Nihongo, Honsatsu Roma – ji ban (Main Textbook Romanized Version), International publisher , 3A Corporation,
Tokyo, Indian distributor – Goyal Publishers & Distributors, New Delhi, 2007.




VECTOR SPACES: General vector spaces, real vector spaces, Euclidean n-space, subspaces, linear independence, basis and
dimension, row space, column space and null space. (8)

INNER PRODUCT SPACES: Inner products, length and angle in inner product spaces, orthonormal bases, Gram- Schmidt
process, orthogonal matrices, QR decomposition, best approximation- least square. (12)

LINEAR TRANSFORMATIONS: General linear transformation - kernel and range, matrices of linear transformations, change of
basis, rank and nullity. (12)

EIGENVALUES AND EIGENVECTORS: Eigenvalues and eigenvectors, diagonalization, orthogonal diagonalization, quadratic
forms, application of conic sections, quadratic surfaces - discrete dynamical systems. (13)

Total L: 45
1. Howard Anton and Chris Rorres, Elementary Linear Algebra John Wiley & Sons, New Delhi, 2011.
2. David C Lay , Linear Algebra and its Applications, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2012.

1. Gareth Williams, Linear Algebra with Applications, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2009.
2. Gilbert Strang, Linear Algebra and its Applications, Cengage, New Delhi, 2012.


3 003
GROUPS: Groups, subgroups, permutation groups, cosets and Lagranges‘s theorem, normal subgroups and quotient groups,
homomorphisms, isomorphisms, Cayley‘s theorem. (15)

CODING THEORY: Group codes, the communication model and basic notions of error correction, generation of codes by using
parity checks - error recovery in group codes. (5)

RINGS: Rings, sub-rings, properties of rings, integral domain, ideals and quotient rings, polynomial rings. (12)

FIELDS: Fields, roots of polynomials, construction of straightedge and compass. (13)

Total L: 45
1. I. N. Herstein, Topics in Algebra, John Wiley & Sons, New Delhi, 2006.
2. Kenneth H Rosen, Discrete Mathematics and its Applications, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2013.

1. Michael Artin, Algebra, Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 1996.
2. Joseph A. Gallian, Contemporary Abstract algebra, Cengage learning pvt ltd, New Delhi, 2014.
3. Bernard Kolman, Robert C Busby, Sharon Cutler Ross, Discrete Mathematical Structures, Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 2006.

CALCULUS OF VARIATIONS: Basic concepts, method of variations in problems with fixed boundaries - variation and its
properties, Euler equation. (12)

FUNCTIONALS: Functional involving first and higher order derivatives, functionals dependent on the functions of several
independent variables, variational problems in parametric form – applications: vibrating string and membrane. (12)

VECTOR ANALYSIS : Basic concepts – gradient, directional derivative, divergence, curl, potential vector field, solenoidal vector
field, Laplacian vector field. Green‘s theorem, Stoke‘s theorem and Gauss divergence theorem (statement and concepts only) ( 7)

TENSOR ANALYSIS: Concepts of a tensor field – Ostrogradski‘s theorem, field of tensor of rank 2 - flux, divergence and derivative
in a direction of tensor field. Integral theorems - theorems related to Ostrogradski‘s theorem – applications: equation of motion of a
liquid, Archimedes‘ law. (14)

Total L: 45
1. Elsgolts .L, Differential Equations and Calculus of Variations, University Press of the Pacific, 2003.
2. Borisenko .A.I, Tarapov.I.E, Vector analysis and Tensor Calculus, Dover Publications, New York, 2012.

1. Krasnov.M.L, Makarenko.G.I, Kiselev. A.I, Problems and exercises in the calculus of variations, Mir Publishers, Moscow, 1984.
2. Pars.L.A., An introduction to the calculus of variations, Dover Publications, New York, 2009.
3. Robert Weinstock, Calculus of variations - with applications to Physics and Engineering, Dover Publisher, New York, 2012.


GRAPHS AND DIGRAPHS: Common families of graphs, degree sequence, handshaking lemma, Havel-Hakimi theorem (statement
and concepts). Walk, trail and path, connected graph, distance, radius and diameter. Graph isomorphism. Representations of
graphs – adjacency and incidence lists – adjacency and incidence matrices. (10)

SPANNING TREES: Cayley‘s formula: Prufer encoding-decoding algorithm. Matrix tree theorem (statement and problems only).
Depth-first and breadth-first search algorithms, minimum spanning tree – Prim‘s and Kruskal‘s algorithms, shortest-path problem –
Dijkstra‘s algorithm. (9)

EULERIAN AND HAMILTONIAN GRAPHS: Eulerian graphs – Konigsberg bridge problem; Eulerian tour algorithm, characterization
of Eulerian graph, optimal postman tour. Hamiltonian graphs - non Hamiltonian graphs, sufficient conditions for Hamiltonian graphs
(only statements and concepts).Travelling salesman problem - nearest neighbour algorithm. (10)

VERTEX-COLORING: Vertex-coloring - chromatic number of a graph, vertex coloring algorithms – sequential vertex coloring,
largest degree first algorithm, applications - scheduling problem, assignment of radio frequencies, fast register allocation for
computer programming. (8)

NETWORK FLOWS AND APPLICATIONS: Flows and cuts in networks, solving the maximum - flow problem – characterization of
maximum flow (Max-flow Min-cut Theorem), algorithms – outline for maximum flow, finding an augmenting path, FFEK – maximum
flow and examples. (8)
Total L: 45
1. Jonathan L. Gross and Jay Yellen, Graph Theory and its Applications, CRC Press, New York, 2006.
2. Douglas B West, Graph Theory, Prentice Hall, New Delhi, 2009.

1. Bondy J.A. and Murty U.S.R., Graph Theory, Springer, London, 2008.
2. Narsingh Deo, Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering And Computer Science, Prentice Hall , New Delhi 2010.
3. Vago I, Graph Theory Application to the Calculation of Electrical Networks, Elsevier Science, New York 1985.


FINANCIAL MATHEMATICS: Basic terminology, assumptions, derivative securities. (6)

FORWARD AND FUTURES CONTRACTS: Forward contract, forward price formula, value of a forward contract, futures contract,
futures pricing. (12)

OPTION PRICING: Definition and preliminaries, behavior of option prices with respect to variables, pay-off curves, single period and
multi period binomial lattice models for option pricing, pricing American options: a binomial lattice model, Black-Scholes formula.
RISK FREE ASSETS: Time value of money, Simple interest, periodic compounding, streams of payments, continuous
compounding. Money market: zero coupon bonds, coupon bonds, money market account. (9)

PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT: Risk and return, expected return standard deviation as risk measure, two securities, risk and
expected return on a portfolio. (6)

Total L: 45
1. Chandra S, Dharmaraja S, Aparna Mehra and Khemchandani R, Financial Mathematics – An Introduction, Narosa Publishing
House, New Delhi, 2013.
2. Marek Capinski and Tomasz Zastawniak, Mathematics for Finance – An Introduction to Financial Engineering, Springer, United
Kingdom, 2011

1. John C Hull, Options, Futures and Other Derivatives, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2009.
2. Alhabeeb M J, Mathematical Finance, Wiley India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi, 2012.
3. Sheldon M Ross, An elementary introduction to Mathematical Finance, Cambridge University Press, New York, 2011.


SYSTEM MODELS AND STUDIES: System- continuous and discrete system, system modeling, types of models - static physical,
dynamic physical, static mathematical, dynamic mathematical models, principles in modeling, corporate model, environment,
production, management segment, system analysis – corporate model, system design – message processing in a computer, system
postulation – function of liver in the human body. (10)

SYSTEM SIMULATION: Technique of simulation, Monte Carlo Method – area under a curve, estimate of , comparison of
simulation and analytical methods, distributed lag models – national economy, cobweb Models – supply and demand, exponential
growth and decay models, logistic curves, simple system dynamics diagrams – population, multi-segment models – product sales,
representation of time delays, feedback in socio-economic systems, host and parasite fluctuation. (12)

STATIC SIMULATION: Basics and components of the simulation study, simulation as an analysis tool, static simulations - model
for profit on a sale promotion, a financial model for an office building. Random number generation - linear congruential generator,
Blum-Blum generator, random variates generation - Bernoulli, uniform, triangular, normal, exponential random variates, a model for
loss ratio for an insurance agency. (15)

DYNAMIC SYSTEMS SIMULATION: Financial models and @risk - a model for the price of a stock, dynamic financial models of
stock prices, correlated asset values, fitting a distribution to date. (8)
Total L: 45

1. Geoffrey Gordon, System Simulation, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1998.
2. Andrew F.Seila, Vlatko Ceric, Pandu Tadikamalla, Applied simulation modelling, Thomson learning, New York 2003.

1. Brian Albright, Mathematical Modeling with Excel, JonesBartlett publishers, Singapore 2010
2. Douglas D. Mooney and Randall J. Swift, A course in Mathematical modeling, The Mathematical association of America, USA,
3. Alfred J Menezes Paul C Van Oorschot Scott A Vanstone, Handbook of Applied Cryptography, CRC Press, London,2010.


DIVISIBILITY AND DIOPHANTINE EQUATIONS: Theory of divisibility - Basic concepts and properties of divisibility, fundamental
theorem of arithmetic, Euclid‘s algorithm, continued fractions. Diophantine equations - Linear Diophanitine equations (8)

ARITHMETICAL FUNCTIONS AND DISTRIBUTION OF PRIME NUMBERS: Multiplicative functions – functions ( ) ( ) and s(n)
- functions (n), and (n). Prime distribution function  (x), prime number theorem, the nth prime. (10)

THEORY OF CONGRUENCES: Basic concepts and properties of congruences -– linear congruences – Fermat‘s Little theorem,
Euler‘s theorem, Chinese remainder theorem, Legendre and Jacobi symbols, primitive roots. (7)

COMPUTATIONAL NUMBER THEORY: Primality testing: Fermat‘s pseudoprimality test, strong pseudoprimality test, integer
factorization : trial division and Fermat method, quadratic and number field sieves. (10)

APPLICATIONS TO CRYPTOGRAPHY: Random number generation - linear congruential generator, basics of cryptography, public
key cryptography: discrete logarithm based cryptosystems - RSA public-key cryptosystem. (10)
Total L: 45
1. Song Y Yan, Number Theory for Computing, Springer Verlag, New York 2010.
2. Alfred J Menezes Paul C Van Oorschot Scott A Vanstone, Handbook of Applied Cryptography, CRC Press, London, 2010.
1. Tom M Apostol, Introduction to Analytic Number theory, Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi 1998.
2. Ivan Niven, Herbert S Zuckerman, Hugh L Montgomery, An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers, Wiley- India,New Delhi
3. Thomas Koshy, Elementary Number theory and Applications, Academic Press, New York, 2005.


LINEAR PROGRAMMING: Modeling with linear programming- graphical method - simplex method, two phase simplex method.
Primal-dual relations, dual simplex method, transportation problem and its solution by MODI method, assignment problem and its
solution by Hungarian method. (14)

GAME THEORY: Two person zero sum game, pure and mixed strategies, dominance principle, graphical solution, linear
programming solution. (7)

NON-LINEAR PROGRAMMING: Constrained NLPP -Lagrange‘s multipliers method, convex NLPP- Kuhn-Tucker conditions,
Quadratic programming-Wolfe‘s method. (8)

QUEUING THEORY: Elements of queueing model, relationship between exponential and Poisson queueing models, (M/M/1),
(M/M/1/N), (M/M/c), (M/M/c/N) and self-service model. (9)

REPLACEMENT THEORY: Replacement of items that deteriorate, replacement of items that fail, group replacement. (7)

Total L: 45

1. Hamdy A Taha, ―Operations Research – An Introduction‖, Pearson Education, New Delhi, 2014.
2. Maurice Sasieni, Arthur Yaspan , ―Operations Research: Methods and Problems‖, Literary Licensing, LLC, United states, 2013

1. Hillier F and Lieberman G J, ―Introduction to Operations Research‖, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2012.
2. Singiresu S Rao, ―Engineering Optimization Theory and Practice‖, New Age International, New Delhi, 2011.
3. Kambo N S, ―Mathematical Programming Techniques‖, East West Press, New Delhi, 2005.


STATISTICAL PROCESS CONTROL: Chance and assignable causes of quality variation, statistical basis of the control charts -
basic principles, choice of control limits, analysis of patterns on control charts. (7)

CONTROL CHARTS FOR VARIABLES AND ATTRIBUTES: ̅ chart, R chart, chart, p chart, np chart, c chart, and u chart .

ACCEPTANCE SAMPLING: Types of sampling plans, lot formation, single sampling plans for attributes, double, multiple and
sequential sampling plans, acceptance sampling by variables, chain sampling, continuous sampling, skip lot sampling plans. (10)

BASIC RELIABILITY MODELS: The failure distribution, the reliability function, mean time to failure, Hazard rate function, bathtub
curve, conditional reliability. Constant failure rate model: Exponential reliability function. Time - dependent Weibull failure model,
Time - dependent normal failure model. (10)

RELIABILITY OF SYSTEMS: Serial configuration, parallel configuration, combined series, parallel systems - k out of n: system -
system structure function, minimal cuts, minimal paths, common mode failures, three state devices. (8)

Total L: 45

1. Douglas C Montgomery , Introduction to Statistical Quality Control, Wiley India, New Delhi, 2008.
2. Charles E. Ebeling, Introduction to Reliability and Maintainability Engineering,Tata Mc –Graw Hill, New Delhi, 2010.

1. Eugene L Grant, Richard S Leavenworth, Statistical Quality Control, Tata Mc- Graw Hill, New Delhi, 2011.
2. Dale H Besterfield, Quality Control, Pearson Education , New Delhi, 2008.
3. Hoang Pham, Hand book of Reliability Engineering, Springer- Verlag, New York, 2006.


FUZZY SETS: Basic concepts, membership functions, basic operations on fuzzy sets, properties of fuzzy sets, fuzzy relations.
Propositional logic and predicate logic, fuzzy If-then rules, fuzzy mapping rules and fuzzy implication functions. (15)

NEURAL NETWORKS: Basic concepts, neural network architectures - single layer, multilayer, recurrent networks, learning
methods, back propagation network. (15)

GENETIC ALGORITHMS: Basic concepts, encoding, fitness function, reproduction, inheritance operators, cross over, inversion and
deletion, mutation operator, bit-wise operators, generational cycle. (10)

HYBRID SYSTEMS: Genetic algorithm based backpropagation networks, fuzzy backpropagation networks. (5)

Total L: 45
1. Jang J.S.R, Sun C.T, Mizutani. E, Neuro-Fuzzy and Soft Computing, PHI New Delhi, 2012
2. Rajasekaran.S, Vijayalakshmi Pai G.A, Neural networks, Fuzzy logic, and Genetic algorithms synthesis and applications, PHI
New Delhi, 2011.

1. Timothy J Ross, Fuzzy logic with Engineering Applications - ED3, Wiley, India, New Delhi, 2011.
2. Laurence Fausett, Fundamentals of Neural Networks: Architecture Algorithms and Applications, Pearson Education, New Delhi,



STOCHASTIC PROCESSES: Definition, Markov chains: Classifications of states, absorbtion probability, period, Chapman-
Kolmogorov equations, steady state probabilities. (12)

CONTINUOUS TIME MARKOV CHAINS: Definition, Chapman-Kolmogorov equations, Kolmogorov forward and backward
equations, steady-state probabilities, birth - death processes. (9)

BROWNIAN MOTION: First passage time distribution, maximum of a Brownian motion, zeros of Brownian motion, Brownian motion
with drift, Geometric Brownian motion, applications to finance. (10)

QUEUEING MODELS: Basic definitions, steady-state solution: M/M/1, M/M/1/K, M/M/c, M/M/c/c, M/M/c/k Models, queues with
unlimited service. (14)

Total L: 45
1. Saeed Ghahramani, Fundamentals of Probability with Stochastic Processes, Prentice Hall, New Jersy, 2014.
2. Kishor S. Trivedi, Probability & Statistics with reliability, queueing and computer science applications,PHI Learning Pvt Ltd, New
Delhi, 2009.

1. Sheldon M. Ross, Stochastic Processes, Wiley India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 2008.
2. Medhi J, Stochastic Processes, New Age International Publishers ,New Delhi, 2014.
3. Sheldon M. Ross, Introduction to Probability Models, Academic Press, New Delhi, 2014.
4. William J. Stewart, Probability, Markov chains, Queues, and Simulation – The Mathematical basis of performance modeling,
Princeton University press, New Jersy, 2009.



X-RAY DIFFRACTION ANALYSIS: Crystal systems- Symmetry elements in crystals- combination of symmetry elements- Rotation-
inversion axis- translation symmetry elements- space groups- Stereographic projection - Wulff net- Measurement of angle between
poles - determination of Miller indices of an unknown pole. X -ray diffraction analysis (9)

ELECTRON AND ION SPECTROSCOPIC TECHNIQUES: Mass spectroscopy and X-ray emission spectroscopy (Principle and
limitations) - Quadrapole mass spectrometer. Special surface techniques: X ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS or ESCA)-
photoelectron process of spectrum- elemental analysis-Instrumentation and applications, Auger electron spectroscopy (AES)-Basic
principles-Information in Auger spectra-methods for surface and thin film characterization, Secondary ion mass spectrometry(SIMS)
– Dynamic and static SIMS-common modes of analysis, Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS), Field Ion Microscopy
(FIM). (10)

SURFACE STRUCTURE ANALYSIS: The need for surface study. Surface chemical composition: The extension of bulk techniques
to surface studies - Unit meshes of five types of surface nets - diffraction from diperiodic structures. Surface methods using electron,
low energy electron diffraction (LEED), reflection high energy electron diffraction (RHEED), (9)

IMAGING TECHNIQUES: Scanning electron microscope(SEM) – physical basis of operation – sample requirements –applications,
Transmission electron Microscopy (TEM) – resolution – sensitivity- TEM operation- diffraction mode – specimen preparation,
Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy (STEM). – imaging – common analysis modes – sample requiremnets (9)

SANNING PROBE MICROSCOPY : Instrumentation, Scanning Tunnelling Microscopy,Tunneling current, probe tips and working
environments, operational modes, typical applications, atomic force microscopy, near field forces, force sensors, operational modes,
applications, image artifacts (8)

Total L:45

1. Richard Brundle C, Charles A. Evans Jr, Shaun Wilson, ―Encyclopedia of Materials Characterization‖ Manning Publications Co,
2. Yang leng ‖Materials Caracterization- Introduction to Microscopic and Spectroscopic Methods‖ John Wiley & Sons, 2008.

1. Prutton M, "Surface Physics", Clarenden Press Oxford, 1975.
2. Cullity B D, "Elements of X-ray Diffraction", Addison Wesley Publishing Co., 1967.
3. Rodriquez F, "Principles of Polymer Systems", Tata McGraw Hill Co., 1974.


LASER CHARACTERISTICS: Einstein coefficients - negative absorption, shape and width of spectral lines, spontaneous and
stimulated emission. Laser resonators, types of resonators, stability diagram. Spatial and temporal coherence. (9)

GAS AND SOLID STATE LASERS: Gas lasers - He-Ne laser - Ar+, He-Cd+ lasers - N2 and CO2 lasers - Fabrication and
excitation mechanisms. Solid state lasers - Ruby, Nd:YAG, glass - semiconductor diode lasers, Excimer Laser , Erbium doped
laser. (9)

DYE LASERS: Liquid lasers, dye lasers, fabrication and excitation mechanisms. Concept of Q-switching and mode-locking, second
harmonic generation, theory and experiment, materials for optical SHG. (9)

INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS: Laser cutting, drilling & Piercing. Laser welding, operating characteristics and applications. medical.
Spectroscopic (qualitative), laser Raman effect, stimulated Raman effect - Brillouin scattering. (9)

LASER SURFACE TREATMENT: Laser heat treatment, laser surface melting, laser surface alloying, laser cladding. Laser ablative
processes. Macro and micromachining. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Wlliam T. Silfast, ― Laser Fundamentals‖ Cambridge University Press, 2012
2. S.Nagabhushana, N.Sathyanarayana, ― Lasers and Optical Instrumentation,I.K.International Publishing House, 2010.

1. William M.Steen and Jyotirmoy Mazumder, ― Laser Material Processing‖ Springer, 2010.
2. Bloom A L, "Gas Lasers", John Wiley & Sons Inc., New York, 1968.

MEMS AND MICROINTEGRATEDSYSTEMS: Introduction, history of MEMS development, intrinsic characteristics of MEMS.
Devices: Sensors and Actuators. Overview of microfabrication, microelectronics fabrication process, silicon based MEMS
processes, new materials and fabrication processes. Points of consideration for processing. (9)

SCALING LAWS AND MINIATURIZATION: Introduction. Scaling in geometry. Scaling in rigid body dynamics. The trimmer force
scaling vector – scaling in electrostatic forces, electromagnetic forces, scaling in electricity and fluid dynamics, scaling in heat
conducting and heatconvection. (9)

MEMS PROCESSING: Photolithography. Photoresist and applications. Light sources. X-ray and electron beam lithography. Ion
implantation. Diffusion process. Oxidation, thermal oxidation. Silicon di oxide. Thermal oxidation rates. Oxide thickness by colour

MICROMACHINING METHODS Bulk micromachining. Isotropic and anisotropic etching. Wet etchants, etch stops, dry etching
comparison of wet and dry etching. Dry etching – physical etching – reactive ion etching, comparison of wet and dry etching.
Surface micromachining – process in general, problems in surface micromachining. The LIGA process – description, materials for
substrates and photoresists, electroplating, the SLIGA process. (9)

MICROSYSTEM PACKAGING:The three levels of microsystem packaging – die level, device level and system level. Essential
packaging technologies – die preparation – surface bonding, wire bonding and sealing. Three dimensional packaging. Assembly of
Microsystems – selection of packaging materials (9)

Total L :45
1. Tai-Ran Hsu, ―MEMS and Microsystems Design and Manufacture‖, Tata Mcgraw Hill Publishing Co Ltd, New Delhi, 2002.
2. Chang Liu, Foundations of MEMS, Pearson International Edition, 2006.

1. Mark Madou, Fundamentals of microfabrication, CRC Press, New York, 1997.


INTRODUCTION AND CLASSIFICATION: Atoms, Clusters and Nanomaterials-Classification of nanostructures, nanoscale
architecture – Effects of the nanometre length scale – Changes to the system total energy, changes to the system structures,
vacancies in nanocrystals, dislocations in nanocrystals – Effect of nanoscale dimensions on various properties – Structural, thermal,
chemical, mechanical, magnetic, optical and electronic properties. (11)

NANOMATERIALS SYNTHESIS AND PROCESSING: Top-down processes: Ball Milling, lithography, machining process; Bottom-
up processes: i) Wet chemical synthesis of nanomaterials- sol-gel, liquid solid reactions; ii) Gas phase synthesis of nanomaterials-
Furnace, Flame assisted ultrasonic spray pyrolysis; iii) Gas condensation processing; iv) Chemical vapour deposition (CVD)-
plasma-assisted deposition process, MBE and MOVPE-Preparation, safety and storage issues -STM and AFM Techniques. (11)

SEMICONDUCTOR NANOSTRUCTURES: Quantum confinement in semiconductor nanostructures - Quantum wells, quantum

wires, quantum dots, superlattices, band offsets and electronic density of states – Fabrication techniques – Requirements, epitaxial
growth, cleared edge overgrowth – Growth on vicinal substrates, strain-induced dots and wires, electrostatically induced dots and
wires, quantum well width fluctuations, thermally annealed quantum wells and self-assembly techniques. (11)

GROWTH AND PROPERTIES OF INORGANIC NANOMATERIALS: Introduction and classification-Thermodynamics and kinetics
of phase transformation: Thermodynamics, homogenous nucleation, heterogeneous nucleation, Growth–Microstructure: grain and

matrix strain, particle size measurement, grain boundary structure-Microstructural stability: grain growth, zener pinning, solute drag
– Power consolidation: compaction of nanopowders, sintering, role of impurities, porosity. (12)

Total L : 45
1. Kelsall Robert W, Ian Hamley and Mark Geoghegan, ―Nanoscale Science and Technology‖, Wiley Eastern, 2004.
2. Michael Kohler, Wolfgang and Fritzsche, ―Nanotechnology: Introduction to Nanostructuring Techniques‖, Wiley –VcH, 2004

1. Bharat Bhushan, ―Springer Handbook of Nanotechnology‖, 2004.

2. Charles P Poole, Frank J Owens, ―Introduction to Nanotechnology‖, John Wiley and Sons, 2003.
3. Dutta J. & Hofmann H., ―Nanomaterials‖, 2003.


SOLAR RADIATION: Photometry- photometric units and quantities. Cosine law. Black body radiation spectrum. Wien's
displacement law. Solar spectrum. Solar motion - celestial sphere, astronomical co-ordinates. Need for solar tracking. Atmospheric
absorption. Air mass. Diurnal and seasonal variations in solar radiation. Climatic and geographic factors. Terrestrial solar
illumination (9)

TYPES OF SOLAR ENERGY CONVERTORS: Thermal and PV systems. Advantages of PV systems. Semiconductor PV systems.
IV characteristics. Other electrical parameters. Conditions for maximum power transfer. Conversion efficiency. (8)

PHYSICS OF SEMICONDUCTOR JUNCTIONS: Elemental and compound semiconductors. Band structure of silicon p-n junctions
and III-V compound semiconductor junctions. light emission and absorbtion. Creation and recombination of electron hole pairs.
Lattice mediated recombination conservation of momentum. Direct and indirect band gap semiconductors. Structure of Solar PV
devices and solid state lighting devices- LEDS. Factors limiting efficiency of conversion of light energy to electrical energy (PV) and
vice versa (Lighting) High power LEDS (10)

SOLID STATE LIGHT SOURCES: IV characteristics of LEDS. Manufacturing spread in Cut-in voltage. Combination of LED units
for higher power-special considerations. Series parallel combinations. Minimising thermal losses. Reflector surfaces for multiple
sources. Uniformity of illumination. (9)

CHARACTERISTICS OF LIGHT SOURCES: Absorbtion and emission spectra. Transmission and absorption characteristics of
housings for electro-optical devices. Flourescence. Modification of spectra of LED sources. Flourescent materials for solid state
lighting- White-light sources and near-white light sources. Degradation and life. (9)

Total L : 45
1. JaspritSingh ,‖ Electronic and Optoelectronic Properties of Semiconductor Structures‖, Cambridge University Press, 2003.
2. Arturas Zukauskas, Michael S. Shur, Remis Gaska,‖ Introduction to Solid-State Lighting‖, Wiley-Interscience, 2002.

1. Arthur Beiser ― Concepts of modern Physics‖ Tata Mcgraw Hill , 2002.
2. Rong-Jun Xie, Yuan Qiang Li, Naoto Hirosaki, Japan; Hajime Yamamoto,‖ Nitride Phosphors and Solid-State Lighting‖, CRC
3. S.M.Sze,‖ Physics of semiconductor devices‖, John Wiley and Sons, 2007.


STRAIN AND PRESSURE MEASUREMENT: Resistance strain guage, piezoelectric pressure gauge, characteristics. Electronic
circuits for strain gauge, load cells. Interferometer, Fibre-optic methods. Pressure gauges Aneroid capacitance pressure gauge,
ionization gauge, Using the transducers for applications (9)

MOTION SENSORS: Capacitor plate sensor, Inductive sensors, LVDT Accelerometer systems, rotation sensors drag cup devices,
piezoelectric devices. Rotary encoders. (9)
LIGHT RADIATION: Color temperature, light flux, photo sensors, photomultiplier, photo resistor and photoconductors, photodiodes,
phototransistors, photovoltaic devices, fiber-optic applications, light transducer, solid-state ,transducers liquid crystal devices.
HEAT AND TEMPERATURE: Bimetallic strip, Bourdon temperature gauge, thermocouples, Resistance thermometers, thermistors,
PTC thermistors, bolometer, Pyroelectric detector. (9)

ELECTRONIC SENSORS: Proximity detectors – Inductive and capacitive, ultrasonic, photo beam detectors Reed switch, magnet
and Hall-effect units, Doppler detectors, liquid level detectors, flow sensors, smoke sensors. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Doebelin E O, ―Measurement Systems, Application and Design‖ , McGraw Hill, Fifth Edition, 2004
2. Ian R Sinclair, ―Sensors and Transducers‖, Third Edition, Newnes publishers, 2001.

1. Jack P Holman, ―Experimental Methods for Engineers‖, Seventh Edition, McGraw Hill, USA, 2001.
2. Robert G Seippel, ―Transducers, Sensors and Detectors‖, Reston Publishing Company, USA, 1983.

PREPARATION OF THIN FILMS: Study of thin film vacuum coating unit - Construction and uses of vapour sources-wire,
sublimation, crucible and electron bombardment heated sources. Physical vapour deposition – Thermal evaporation – electron
beam evaporation – Sputtering - Study of glow Discharge - Physical nature of sputtering - Sputtering yield - Experimental set up for
DC and RF magnetron sputtering, Pulsed laser deposition and Ion beam assisted deposition. Chemical vapour deposition –
Thermodynamics of CVD - Atmospheric pressure CVD – MOCVD and PECVD processes. Chemical methods: Qualitative study of
preparation of thin films by Electroplating, vapour phase growth and anodization. (9)

NUCLEATION AND GROWTH: Nucleation and growth of thin films – four stages of film growth - Directionality of evaporation
molecules - Cosine law of emission. Emission from a point source. Mass of material condensing on the substrate. (6)

DEPOSITION MONITORING AND CONTROL: Microbalance, Crystal oscillator thickness monitor, optical monitor, Resistance
Monitor. Thickness measurement: Multiple Beam Interferometer, Fizeau (Tolansky) technique - Fringes of equal chromatic order
(FECO) method - Ellipsometry (qualitative only). (7)

ELECTRICAL PROPERTIES: Sheet resistance - size effect - Electrical conduction in thin metallic films. Effect of ageing and
annealing - Oxidation - Agglomeration. (5)

DIELECTRIC PROPERTIES: DC conduction mechanism - Low field and high field conduction. Breakdown mechanism in dielectric
films - AC conduction mechanism. Temperature dependence of conductivity. (5)

STRUCTURE AND OPTICAL PROPERTIES: Study of structure of thin films using x-ray diffraction method, Optical constants of
thin films – spectrophotometer- Transmittance, absorption, determination of band gap (5)

APPLICATION OF THIN FILMS: Thin film resistors: Materials and Design of thin film resistors (Choice of resistor and shape and
area) - Trimming of thin film resistors - sheet resistance control - Individual resistor trimming. Thin film capacitors: Materials -
Capacitor structures - Capacitor yield and capacitor stability. Thin film field effect transistors: Fabrication and characteristics - Thin
film solar cells – antireflection coatings. (8)

Total L:45
1. Milton Ohring, ―Materials Science of Thin Films‖, Academic Press, 2002.
2. Goswami A, "Thin Film Fundamentals", New Age International (P) Ltd., 1996.

1. Donald Smith, ―Thin Film Deposition ‖, McGraw –Hill, 1995.
2. Maissel L I and Glang R, "Hand Book of Thin Film Technology", McGraw Hill, 1970.
3. Icha Elshabini-Riadaud Fred D. Barlow III "Thin Film Technology Hand book", Mc Graw Hill Company, 1997.



INTRODUCTION: Dynamical systems: Linear and Nonlinear Forces, Mathematical Implications of Nonlinearity- Linear waves-
ordinary differential equations (ODEs)- Partial differential equations (PDEs)- Methods to solve ODEs and PDEs- Numerical methods
– Linear and Nonlinear oscillations- Nonlinear waves- Quantitative features (9)

COHERENT STRUCTURES (QUALITATIVE): Linear and Nonlinear dispersive waves – Notion of Integrability, Painleve analysis,
Soliton and its special collision properties – KdV equation – Basic theory of KdV equation – Ubiquitous soliton equations: magnetic
spin systems, Optical fibers, – AKNS Method, Backlund transformation, Hirota bilinearization method, - Perturbation methods. (9)

BIFURCATIONS AND ONSET OF CHAOS: One dimensional flows – Two dimensional flows – Phase plane – Limit cycles – Simple
bifurcations: Saddle –Node, Pitchfork, Transcritical and Hopf – Discrete Dynamical system – The Logistic Map Strange attractors
Period doubling– Routes to chaos. (9)

CHAOS THEORY AND CHARACTERISTION: One dimensional maps – Duffing oscillators – Lorenz equations – BVP and DVP
oscillators – Pendulum – Chaos in nonlinear circuits – Chaos in conservative system – characterization of chaos: Lyapunov
Exponent, Poincare section –Fractals. (9)

APPLICATIONS: Soliton based communication systems – Solition based computation – Synchronization of chaos – Chaos based
communication – Cryptography – Image processing – Stochastic – Resonance – Chaos based computation – Time Series analysis.
Spin transfer torque, Spin valves, MRAM (9)

Total L: 45
1. Lakshmanan M and Rajasekar S, ―Nonlinear Dynamics: Integrability‖, Chaos and Patterns, Springer, Berlin 2003
2. Drazin G and Johnson R.S, ―Solitons: An Introduction‖, Cambridge University Press,1989.

3. Strogatz S, “Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos‖, Addison Wesley, 1995.

1. Hasegawa A and Kodama Y, ―Solitons in Optical Communications‖, Oxford Press, 1995.
2. Lakshmanan M and Murali K, ―Chaos in Nonlinear Oscillators‖, World Scientific, Singapore, 1989.
3. Thompson J M T and Stewart H B, ―Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos‖, Wiley 2002.



FIBER NONLINEARITIES: Introduction - Nonlinear Refraction - Maxwell's Equations – in free space and different Medium. Fiber
Modes: single mode and multimode - Eigen value Equations Single Mode Condition - Nonlinear pulse Propagation - Higher Order
Nonlinear Effects. (9)

GROUP VELOCITY DISPERSION AND PHASE MODULATION: Gaussian Pulse - Chirped Gaussian Pulse - Higher Order
Dispersions - Changes in Pulse Shape – Self Phase Modulation (SPM) induced Spectral Broadening - Non-linear Phase Shift -
Effect of Group Velocity Dispersion - Self Steepening - Application of SPM- Cross Phase Modulation (XPM) - Coupling between
Waves of Different Frequencies - Non-linear Birefringence – Optical Kerr Effect - Pulse Shaping. (9)

OPTICAL SOLITONS AND DISPERSION MANAGEMENT: Soliton Characteristics - Soliton Stability - Bright and Dark Solitons –
Other kinds of Solitons - Effect of Birefringence in Solitons - Solitons based Fiber Optic Communication System (Qualitative
treatment) – Demerits - Dispersion Managed Solitons (DMS). (9)

SOLITON LASERS: Non-linear Fiber Loop Mirrors - Soliton Lasers - Fiber Raman Lasers – Mode locked Fiber Lasers, Fiber
Raman Amplifiers - Fiber Raman Solitons - Erbium doped fiber amplifiers. (9)

APPLICATIONS OF SOLITONS: DMS for single channel transmission – WDM transmission - Fiber Gratings- Fiber Couplers –
Fiber Interferometers – Pulse Compression – Soliton Switching – Soliton light wave systems. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Govind P. Agrawal ―Nonlinear Fiber Optics‖, Academic Press, New York, 1995.
2. Murti Y V G S and Vijayan C ―Essentials of Nonlinear Optics‖, Wiley, 2014.

1. Hasegawa A and Matsumoto M ―Optical Solitons in Fibers‖ Springer, Berlin, 2003.
2. Govind P. Agrawal, ―Applications of Nonlinear Fiber Optics‖. Academic Press, New York, 2001.
3. Lakshmanan M and Rajasekar S, ―Nonlinear Dynamics: Integrability‖, Chaos and Patterns, Springer, Berlin, 2003.
4. Kivshar Y S and Govind Agrawal, ―Optical Solitons : From Fibers to Photonic Crystals‖, Academic Press, New York, 2003.

LINEAR AND NONLINEAR CIRCUITS: Linear circuit elements – nonlinear circuit elements – switches, reactive nonlinear energy
storage devises-inductance and capacitance -circuits with linear elements – circuits with nonlinear elements – LC, RLC and forced
RLC circuits - importance of nonlinearity – low and higher order electronic circuits with nonlinearity – Op-amp: Mathematical
operations. (9)

BIFURCATION AND CHAOS: Introduction – periodic, quasi-periodic and chaotic behaviors – types of bifurcations: saddle node,
Pitchfork, Transcritical and Hopf – routes to chaos– discrete and continuous dynamical systems – characterization of periodic and
chaotic motions- strange attractors. (9)

DISCRETE MAP BASED CHAOTIC CIRCUITS: Introduction – logistic map dynamics and power electronics – Onset of chaos–
circuit realization of logistic map – cob-web diagrams – Poincare-map construction - bifurcation diagram circuits – Henon map circuit
– phase-portrait. (9)

CONTINUOUS TYPE CHAOTIC CIRCUITS: Introduction – autonomous chaotic circuits: Chua‘s diode, Chua‘s circuit, Chua‘s
canonical circuit – Wien-bridge oscillator based chaotic circuit – Colpitts chaotic oscillator – negative resistance based chaotic
circuits – LC oscillator based chaotic circuits. Non-autonomous chaotic circuits: RL-diode circuit, driven Chua‘s circuit, MLC circuit-
stochastic resonance circuit. Analog simulation circuits: Duffing oscillator, van-der Pol oscillator – Lorenz system (9)

HIGHER-ORDER CHAOTIC CIRCUITS; Introduction – simple hyper-chaotic circuits with LCR elements – negative resistance
based hyper-chaotic circuits – delay-chaotic circuits: autonomous and non-autonomous versions. Power-electronic circuits – CNN
based chaotic circuits. (9)

Total L: 45

1. Lakshmanan M and Murali K, ―Chaotic oscillators: Controlling and synchronization‖, World Scientific, Singapore, 1996.
2. Lakshmanan M and Rajasekar S, ―Nonlinear dynamics: Integrability, chaos and patterns‖, Springer, Berlin, 2001.

1. Strogatz S H, ―Nonlinear dynamics and chaos‖, Addison-Wesley, Manchester, 1995.
2 Chua L O , Desoer C A and Kuh E S, ―Linear and nonlinear circuits‖. McGraw-Hill, Singapore 1987.
3 Chua L O, ―CNN: A paradigm for complexity‖. World Scientific, Singapore, 1998.
4. Van Wyk M A and Steeb W H, ―Chaos in electronics‖. Springer, Berlin, 1997.



THERMODYNAMICS OF CORROSION: Mechanism of electrochemical corrosion – galvanic and concentration cells. Free energy
criteria for corrosion reaction – thermodynamic Vs kinetic considerations - Pourbaix diagram of Fe. (9)

KINETICS OF CORROSION: Faradays laws, corrosion rates expressions. Exchange current density–activation and concentration
polarization-Tafel equation, mass transport control, mixed potential theory, combined polarization. Passivity- potentiostatic
polarization curves, passivating materials. High temperature corrosion, Pilling-Bedworth ratio, protective and non protective oxides.
FORMS OF CORROSION: Atmospheric corrosion, galvanic corrosion, crevice corrosion, pitting corrosion, inter granular corrosion.
Mechanically assisted corrosion-erosion corrosion, cavitation corrosion, fretting corrosion, corrosion fatigue, stress corrosion
cracking and hydrogen embitterment. (9)

CORROSION OF STEEL IN CONCRETE: Corrosion process – black corrosion, pit corrosion, bacterial corrosion, corrosion rate.
Causes of corrosion – carbonation and chloride attack. Assessment methods- halfcell potential measurements, electrical resistivity
measurement, measurement of carbonization depth and chloride test. Mention of EDT techniques. (9)

CORROSION CONTROL AND PROTECTION OF CONCRETE STRUCTURES: Carbonation control-environmental conditions,

components of concrete mix, curing. Chloride control-weather factors, composition of mix, curing. Corrosion inhibitors, epoxy
coating, galvanized steel bars, cathodic protection-design considerations, source of impressed current and anode system. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Chatterjee U. K., ―Environment degradation metals‖, Marcel Dekker Inc., 2001.
2. Mohamed A. El-Reddy, ‖Steel-Reinforced Concrete Structures – Assessment and Repair of Corrosion‖, CRC-Press, 2008.

1. Kenneth R. Trethewey and John Chamberlain, "Corrosion for Science and Engineering", Longman Inc., 1996.
2. Rajnarayan, ―Metallic Corrosion and Prevention", Oxford Publications, 1988.
3. John P. Broomfield, ―Corrosion of steel in concrete-Understanding, investigation and Repair‖, Taylor & Francis, 2007.
4. Zaki Ahmad, Digby Macdonald, ―Principles of Corrosion Engineering and Corrosion Control‖, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2013.



BASICS OF COMPUTER GRAPHICS: Display Devices - Bitmap and Vector based graphics - Overview of Coordinate system -
Scan Conversion of: point - line using Digital differential analyzer & Bresenham‘ s algorithm - circle using midpoint approach ; Curve
Generation : Bezier and B-Spline curves. Introduction to fractals: generation procedure - classification dimension and Koch Curve.

AREA FILLING, TRANSFORMATIONS AND VIEWING: Area filling: Inside/outside Test - scan line polygon fill algorithm -
Boundary fill and flood fill algorithm. Basic geometrical 2D and 3D transformation. Viewing pipeline - view coordinate reference
frame - window to viewport transformation. (9)

BASICS OF ANIMATION: Key frame animation - sequence - motion control methods - morphing - warping. (8)

VIRTUAL REALITY: Components of VR system - types of VR - position trackers - navigation - gesture interface – displays - Open
GL rendering pipeline. (9)

VR PROGRAMMING: VRML, defining and using nodes and shapes - VRML browsers - Java 3D – visual object definition by shape
3D instances - ColorCube class - Geometric utility classes. (8)
Total L: 45

1. Donald Hearn and M. Pauline Baker, ―Computer Graphics‖, Pearson Education, 2011.
2. Maurya R. K, ―Computer Graphics with Virtual Reality Systems‖, Wiley India, 2009.

1. Grigore Burdea, Philippe Coiffet, ―Virtual Reality Technology‖, Wiley, 2003.
2. Hill F.S., Stephen M. Kelley , ―Computer Graphics using Open GL‖ Prentice Hall, 2009.


INTRODUCTION: Data structures - Abstract data Types - Primitive data structures - Algorithms: Structure, properties – analysis of
time complexities. . (4)

ARRAYS: Representation of linear and multi dimensional arrays – Operations - Applications. (5)

STACKS : Representation - Operations - implementation - Applications: Recursion handling; Evaluation of expressions. (5)

QUEUES: Representation - Operations - sequential implementation – Circular Queues-Priority Queues - Deque – Applications: Job
Scheduling systems. (7)

LISTS: Singly linked lists, Doubly linked lists, Circular lists, Multiply linked lists – Operations - Linked stacks - Linked queues-
Applications: Addition of Polynomials; Sparse Matrix representation. (9)

FILES: File Types – Basic file operations – Heap Organization- Sequential file organization – Indexed Sequential File – Direct file
organization (8)

SORTING: Insertion Sort - Shell Sort - Bubble Sort - Quick Sort - Merge Sort – Algorithms - Analysis. (7)

Total L: 45
1. Sahni Sartaj, "Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++", Silicon Press, 2009
2. Mark Allen Weiss ,― Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C‖, Pearson Education, 2012.

1. Aaron M Tanenbaum, Moshe J Augenstein and Yedidyah Langsam, "Data structures using C and C++ ", PHI Learning, 2012.
2. Vijayalakshmi Pai G.A, ―Data Structures and Algorithms: Concepts Techniques and Applications‖, Mc Graw Hill, 2009.
3. Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest and Clifford Stein, ― Introduction to Algorithms ‖, The MIT Press,
4. A. Chitra. P.T. Rajan ―Data Structures," Tata McGraw Hill Education, 2008.


INTRODUCTION: Databases – Conventional file Processing – Data Modeling for a database – Three level architecture – Data
Independence – Components of a Database Management System – characteristics - Advantages and disadvantages of a DBMS -
Data base administrator-functions and responsibilities. (5)

DATAMODELING: Introduction to Hierarchical data model - Network data model- ER model: Entities, Attributes, relationships –
Weak and strong entity types – Design of Entity Relationship data models. (7)

RELATIONAL MODEL: Relational data model basics - properties of Relations- Domains and Key concept – Enforcing data integrity
constraints - Relational algebra operations. (8)

RELATIONAL DATABASE MANIPULATION: Introduction to Structured Query Language(SQL) – SQL commands for defining
database – Manipulations on database – Basic data retrieval operations - aggregate function- order by/group by clause- sub
queries-in-any-all-views in SQL. (13)

DATA BASE DESIGN THEORY: Functional dependencies - Normal forms – Normalization: 1NF to 5NF- Domain Key Normal Form
– losses join and dependency preserving decomposition. (7)

DATABASE TRANSACTION & SECURITY: - Transaction processing – properties - Concurrency control mechanism - security and
integrity threats - Defense Mechanism. (5)
Total L : 45
1. Elmasri R and Navathe S B, ―Fundamentals of Database Systems‖, Pearson Education, 2010.
2. Silberschatz A, Korth H and Sudarshan S, ―Database System Concepts‖, McGraw-Hill, 2010.

1. Raghu Ramakrishnan and Johannes Gehrke, ―Database Management System‖, McGraw Hill, 2006.
2. Thomas Condly, Carolyn Begg, ―Database System‖ Pearson Education, 2009.
3. Date C J, ―An Introduction to Database Systems‖, Pearson Education 2008.


MODERN PROCESSORS: Stored-program computer architecture – General-purpose cache-based microprocessor architecture –
Memory hierarchies - Multicore processors - Multithread processors - Vector processors - Optimization techniques for serial code -
Common sense optimizations - Simple measures - large impact - Role of compilers. (7)

PARALLEL COMPUTERS: Parallel architectures -Trends in architectures, CMPs, GPUs, and Grids, Multiprocessors,
Multicomputers, Multithreading, Pipelining- Data access optimization - Balance analysis and lightspeed estimates - Storage order -
Taxonomy of parallel computing paradigms - Shared memory computers - Distributed memory computers - Hierarchical systems –
Networks - Basics of parallelization- Parallelism – Parallel scalability. (11)

PARALLEL PROGRAMMING: Motivating parallelism - Scope of parallel computing - Parallel programming platforms: Implict
parallelism trends in microprocessor architectures -Low Level Approaches –Threads –Message passing–Issues in scalability and
portability –Transactional Memory -Parallel Programming: Higher Level Approaches –ZPL –Automatic Parallelization and HPF -
Limitations - Dichotomy - Physical organizations - Communication costs – Routing mechanisms for interconnected networks- Impact
of process. (11)

PRINCIPLES OF PARALLEL ALGORITHM DESIGN: Preliminaries - Decomposition techniques - Characteristics of tasks and
interactions - Mapping techniques for load balancing - Methods for containing interaction overheads - Parallel algorithm models –
Basic communication operations. (7)

SORTING AND GRAPH ALGORITHMS: Dense matrix Algorithm: Matrix-vector multiplication - Martix- matrix multiplication- Issues
in sorting on parallel computing - Sorting networks - Bubble sorts and its variants - Quick sort - Graph algorithms - Definition and
representation - Prims algorithm - Dijkstra's algorithm - All pairs shortest path - Transitive closure – Connected components. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Georg Hager and Gerhard Wellein, Introduction to High Performance Computing for Scientists and Engineers, Chapman & Hall,
2. John Levesque and Gene Wagenbreth, High Performance Computing: Programming and Applications, Chapman & Hall, 2010.
1. Ananth Grama and George Karypis, Introduction to parallel computing, Addison-Wesley 2009.
2. John L. Hennessy and David Patterson, Computer Architecture- A Quantitative Approach, Elsevier, 2012.


EVOLUTION OF MAINFRAME: Ove rvie w of Com puter Architecture -Classification of Com puters -micro, mini,
mainframes and super computer - k e y f e a t u r e s – b e n e f i t s . (6)

MAINFRAME SYSTEM- Attributes of Mainframes - Reasons for opting Mainframes - Users of Mainframes - Difference between
Centralized and Distributed computing - Batch processing - Online/Interactive transactions. (9)

MAINFRAME WORKLOADS : Concept - strategy and benefits of the z/OS environment - Application enablement in z/OS -
Overview of e-business support in z/OS - Connectivity to the z/OS environment - Security support provided by z/OS
SYSTEM MANAGEMENT- Scalability – availability - backup and recovery features in z/OS - z/OS system services - zSeries
processor configurations. (6)
COBOL: Introduction to COBOL - Program Structure - Procedure Division - Table Handling - File Handling. (9)

CASE STUDY : z/VM – Linux – zVSE – zTPF. (6)

Total L : 45
1. Introduction to the New Mainframe: z/OS Basics, IBM Red Book, 2011.
2. Roy M. K., Ghosh Dastidhar D., ―COBOL programming‖, Tata-McGraw Hill,1989.

1. IBM Redbook, “COBOL - Language Reference”, Ver 3, Release 2, 2003.

INTRODUCTION: Open Source Platform – Mobile Devices – Open Handset Alliance – Mobile Applications. (4)

ANDROID: Features of android – Development Framework – Android SDK – Native Libraries – Application framework – ADK –
Android and Java. (5)

BASIC WIDGETS: Android Components – Android activity life cycle – Layouts and controls – Event Handling – creating and starting
an activity - using controls. (6)

BUILDING USER INTERFACES: Fundamental Android UI design – Layouts – Fragments – Creating Views – List view – Grid View
control – View pager control. (6)

USING RESOURCES AND MEDIA: Resources Types – Creating Resources – Using Drawable resources – Playing Audio –
Playing Video – Displaying progress. (6)

BUILDING MENUS: Menus and types – Creating menus through XML – Creating menus through coding – Using the ActionBar –
Drop-down List ActionBar. (6)

DATABASES: Android databases – SQLite – introduction – creating, opening, querying the database – Extracting values from a
cursor - Creating content providers – Using Content providers. (6)

PUBLISHING ANDROID APPLICATIONS: Setting versioning information – Signing and publishing the applications – Distributing
applications - Monetizing the applications. (6)

Total L: 45
1. Reto Meier and Wrox Wiley, ―Professional Android 4 Application Development‖, 2012.
2. Zigurad Mednieks, Larid Dornin,G.Blake Meike,Masumi Nakamura, ‖Programming Andriod‖, O‘Reilly,2013.

1. Harwani B.M, ―Android programming unleashed‖, Pearson Education, New Delhi,2013..


BASICS OF MULTICORE : Definition - hybrid architectures - The software developer‘s viewpoint - single core - multicore – Types:
multicore designs. (7)

CHALLENGES : Sequential model – Concurrency – software development - Processor architecture - Operating systems role.(10)

MULTIPROCESSING : Process creation - Working with process environment variables - Killing a process - Process resources -
Synchronous and a asynchronous processes - Multithreading - Comparing threads to processes - Architecture - Creation and
management of threads. (10)

COMMUNICATION AND SYNCHRONIZATION: Thread strategy approaches - Decomposition and encapsulation of work -
Approaches to application design - PADL and PBS. (9)

UML : Modelling the structure of a system - UML and concurrent behavior - Basic testing types - Defect removal for parallel
programs - Standard software engineering tests. (9)

Total L: 45
1. M. Herlihy and N. Shavit, ―The Art of Multiprocessor Programming‖, Morgan Kaufmann, 2012.

1. Kirk D. B. and Hwu W. W., ―Programming Massively Parallel processors: A Hands-on approach‖, Morgan Kaufmann, 2010.
2 C. Huges and T. Huges ,‖Professional Multi-core programming: Design and Implementation for C++developers‖, Wrox, 2008.


PRINCIPLES OF OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING: Software crisis Software Evolution - Procedure Oriented Programming -
Object Oriented Programming Paradigm - Basic Concepts and Benefits of OOP - Object Oriented Programming Language -
Application of OOP - Structure of C++ - Types and Declarations - Pointers, Arrays, and Structures - Expressions and Statements -
Manipulators. (10)

FUNCTIONS IN C++: Function Prototyping - Call by Reference - Return by reference - Inline functions – Default - Const Arguments
CLASSES AND OBJECTS: Data members - Member functions - Nesting of Member functions - Private member functions -
Memory allocation for Objects - Static data members - Static Member Functions - Arrays of Objects - Objects as Function
Arguments - Friend Functions - Returning Objects. . (7)

CONSTRUCTORS: Parameterized Constructors - Multiple Constructors in a Class - Constructors with Default Arguments –
Dynamic Initialization of Objects - Copy and Dynamic Constructors – Destructors. (6)

INHERITANCE: Defining Derived Classes - Single Inheritance - Making a Private Member Inheritable - Multiple Inheritance –
Hierarchical Inheritance - Hybrid Inheritance - Virtual Base Classes - Abstract Classes - Constructors in Derived Classes. (8)

POLYMORPHISM: Compile and Run Time Polymorphism – Operators Overloading - Unary and Binary Operators Overloading -
Function Overloading. (8)

Total L : 45
1. Bjarne Stroustrup, ―The C++ Programming Language‖, Pearson, 2013.
2. Stanley B Lippman, Josee Lajoie, Barbara E Moo ―C++ Primer‖, Pearson, 2012.

1. Harvey M Deitel and Paul J Deitel, ―C++ How to Program‖, Prentice Hall, 2011.


BASICS : Python - Variables - Executing Python from the Command Line - Editing Python Files - Python Reserved Words -
Basic Syntax-Comments - Strings and Numeric Data Types - Simple Input and Output. (8)

CONTROL STATEMENTS: Control Flow and Syntax - Indenting - if Statement - Relational Operators - Logical Operators - Bit Wise
Operators - while Loop - break and continue - for Loop - Lists – Tuples - Sets - Dictionaries. (8)

FUNCTIONS: Definition - Passing parameters to a Function - Variable Number of Arguments - Scope - Passing Functions to a
Function - Mapping Functions in a Dictionary – Lambda - Modules - Standard Modules – sys – math – time - dir Function. (9)

ERROR HANDLING: Run Time Errors - Exception Model - Exception Hierarchy - Handling Multiple Exceptions - Data Streams -
Access Modes Writing - Data to a File Reading - Data From a File - Additional File Methods - Using Pipes as Data Streams -
Handling IO Exceptions - Working with Directories. (10)

OBJECT ORIENTED FEATURES: Classes Principles of Object Orientation - Creating Classes - Instance Methods - File
Organization - Special Methods - Class Variables – Inheritance – Polymorphism - Type Identification - Simple Character Matches -
Special Characters - Character Classes – Quantifiers - Dot Character - Greedy Matches – Grouping - Matching at Beginning or End
- Match Objects – Substituting - Splitting a String - Compiling Regular Expressions. (10)

Total L: 45
1. Mark Summerfield. ―Programming in Python 3: A Complete introduction to the Python Language‖, Addison-Wesley
Professional, 2009.
2. Martin C. Brown, ―PYTHON: The Complete Reference‖, McGraw-Hill, 2001.

1. Wesley J Chun, ―Core Python Applications Programming‖, Prentice Hall, 2012.
2. Allen B Downey, ―Think Python‖, O‘Reilly, 2012.


INTRODUCTION TO HTML AND XHTML: Origins and Evolution of HTML - Basic Syntax - Standard HTML Document Structure -
Basic Text Formatting - Images - Hypertext Links – Lists - Tables - Frames and Forms. (6)

CASCADING STYLE SHEETS: Introduction - Levels of Style Sheets - Style Specification Formats – Style Classes - Properties
and Property Values - Color - The span and div Tags. (7)

HTML5: Media Queries supporting different viewports – Syntax - Fluid Layouts- Fluid Images- Serving Different Images for different
screen sizes - HTML 5 for responsive designs - semantic elements in HTML5 – Embedding Media in HTML5. (10)

CSS3: Selectors - Typography and Color Modes – Aesthetics with CSS3 – Text shadows - Box shadows - Background Gradients –
patterns - Multiple Background images Transitions - Transformations and Animations Forms with HTML5 and CSS3. (12)

BASICS OF JAVASCRIPT: Object Orientation and JavaScript - General Syntactic Characteristics – Primitives - Operations and
Expressions - Screen Output - Control Statements - Object Creation and Modification - Arrays - Functions - Constructors -
Errors in Scripts. (10)
Total L : 45
1. Ben Frain, ―Responsive Web Design using HTML5 and CSS3‖, PACKT Publishing, 2012.
2. Thomas Powell and Fritz Schneider,‖Javascript 2.0 : The Complete reference‖, Tata McGraw Hill,2012.

1. Thomas Powell, ― HTML and CSS: The Complete Reference‖, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010.


INTRODUCTION: Data mining and web mining – web community and social network analysis – Characteristics of web data – web
community – The evolution of social networks – basic concept in social networks . (9)

SOCIAL NETWORK DATA AND REPRESENTATION: Structural – composition-affiliation variables-modes-boundary specification

and sampling- type of networks- measurement and collection - Review of graph theory- Data set- Tools-Pajek, Netdraw, UCInet

STRUCTURAL PROPERTIES OF SOCIAL NETWORKS: Notions of centrality - cohesiveness of subgroups - roles and positions -
structural equivalence - equitable partitions. (12)

WEB CONTENT MINING: Boolean model - vector space model - web search – feature enrichment of short texts- - automatic topic
extraction from web document – opinion search and opinion spam. (5)

WEB LINKAGE MINING : Hyperlinks- co-citation and bibliographic coupling- page rank and HITS algorithm – web community
discovery – web graph measurement and modelling - using link information for webpage classification. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Stanley Wasserman, Katherine Faust, ―Social network analysis: methods and applications‖, Cambridge University Press, 2009.
2. John Scott, ―Social Network Analysis: A Handbook‖, SAGE Publications, 2000.

1. Guandong xu, yanchun zhang , ―Web mining and social networking: techniques‖, Springer science and business media, 2011.
2. Charles Kadushin, ―Understanding Social Network: Theories, Concepts, and Findings‖, Oxford Press, 2011.


INTRODUCTION: Software Characteristics-Comparison with other Engineering disciplines-Software Crisis and Myths-Software life
cycle models-Selection of process models for projects- Agile methods- Software Engineering paradigms. (8)

REQUIREMENTS GATHERING: Requirements gathering tasks – Requirements Engineering Process - Qualities of good
requirements-Types of Requirements-Requirements elicitation- Requirements documentation- Analysis Documentation. (7)

DESIGN: Functional Decomposition-Context diagram-Data flow diagrams-Data Dictionary-Functional Independence-Modular

Design-Coupling-Cohesion- Design tools – Structured Chart, HIPO Diagram, Decision Tree, Decision Table, Pseudo code – User
Interface Design - Software Design Documentation. (12)

PROGRAMMING STANDARDS: Structured programming coding standards-Maintainability of code. (5)

SOFTWARE TESTING FUNDAMENTALS – Black-Box and White-Box testing – Basis Path testing – Requirements phase testing
- Design phase testing - Program phase testing - Desk debugging and program peer view test tools - Evaluating test results -
Installation phase testing - Acceptance testing – Testing GUI – Testing Web Applications (8)

DEBUGGING : The art of Debugging – Debugging Process – Debugging Strategies. (5)

Total L: 45
1. Roger Pressman S, ―Software Engineering: A Practitioner‘s Approach‖, Tata McGraw-Hill, New Delhi, 2015.
2. Ian Sommerville, ―Software Engineering‖, Pearson Education, 2011.

1. James Peter and Pedrycz W, ―Software Engineering: An Engineering Approach‖, John Wiley & Sons, 2007.
2. James Rumbaugh, Ivar Jacobson and Grady Booch, ―The Unified Modeling Language Reference Manual‖, Pearson, India,
3. Glenford J Myers, Tom Badgelt, Todd M Thomas and Corey Sandler, ―The art of Software Testing‖, John Wiley, 2004.


2 2 0 3
INTRODUCTION: Features of Java – Java Development Environment – Java Virtual Machine- byte codes in java - Naming
conventions and Data Types - Operators - Control Structures - Arrays and Strings. (3+3)

OBJECT ORIENTED CONCEPTS: Classes and objects- creation- access specifiers- constructors – Methods - static- Inheritance -
Composition-polymorphism -nested classes–wrapper classes- Abstract classes. (5+6)

PACKAGES AND INTERFACES: - Packages - Access protection - Importing packages - Interface - Defining and Implementing
Interface. (3+3)

EXCEPTION HANDLING: Exception types - Uncaught Exception - Using Try and Catch - Multiple catch clauses - Nested try
statements - throw - throws - Java Built-in Exception - Creating user defined exceptions- Assertions. (4+4)

INPUT/OUTPUT: Files – Stream classes – Byte Streams – Character Streams – Serialization. (3+3)

MULTI THREADED PROGRAMMING: Java thread model - Priorities - Synchronization - Messaging - Thread class and runnable
Interface - Synchronization - Interthread Communication. (4+4)

GUI PROGRAMMING- AWT-Swing classes - Components - Labels, Buttons, Check Boxes, combo box- Controls Menus – Frames
Event delegation model –listener and listener methods –Event classes- Applets. (5+4)

DATABASE CONNECTIVITY: Architecture – connect RDBMS – Exploring java.sql package. (3+3)

Total L: 30+T:30 = 60
1. Cay S Horstmann and Gary Cornell, ―Core Java Volume I & 2‖, Pearson Education, 2013.
2. Herbert Schildt, ―JAVA - The Complete Reference‖, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, 2013.

1. Deitel and Deitel, ―JAVA - How to Program‖, Prentice Hall International Inc., 2011.
2. Walter Slavic, ―Absolute Java‖, Pearson Education, 2013.


BASICS: GIS - Basic spatial concepts - Coordinate Systems - GIS and Information Systems – Definitions – History - Components –
Hardware, Software, Data, People, Methods – Proprietary and Open Source Software - Types of data – Types of attributes – scales/
levels of measurements. Database Structures – Relational, Object Oriented – Spatial data models – Raster Data Structures –
Raster Data – Vector Data Structures -Raster and Vector Models- TIN and GRID data models. (8+8)

DATA INPUT AND TOPOLOGY: Scanner - Raster Data Input – Raster Data File Formats – Geo referencing – Vector Data Input –
Digitizer – Datum Projection and reprojection -Coordinate Transformation – Topology - Adjacency, connectivity and containment –
Topological Consistency – Non topological file formats - Attribute Data linking – Linking External Databases – GPS Data Integration-
Geodatabases (8+8)

DATA QUALITY AND STANDARDS: Data quality - Basic aspects - completeness, logical consistency, accuracy - positional,
temporal, thematic - Lineage – Metadata – GIS Standards – Interoperability – Open Geospatial Consortium - Spatial Data
Infrastructure – application in public information service. (5+4)

DATA MANAGEMENT AND OUTPUT: Import / Export – Data Management functions - Raster to Vector - Vector to Raster
Conversion - Data Output - Map Compilation – Chart/Graphs – Multimedia – Enterprise Vs Desktop GIS - Distributed GIS. (5+5)

GIS MODELLING AND APPLICATIONS: Spatial modelling – External, Conceptual, Logical, Internal –GIS Modeling with case
study-spatial data mining – Digital Elevation Model – applications:e-government : operation and decision support – e-business :
advertisement , customer service, business analysis and decision support and in e-health science. (4+5)
Total L: 30 + T: 30 = 60

1. Paul A. Longley, Mike Goodchild, David J. Maguire, ―Geographic Information Systems and Science‖, John Wiley & Sons Inc,
2. Pinde Fu, Jiulin Sun, ―Web GIS: Principles and Applications‖, ESRI Press, 2011.

1. Kang-Tsung Chang, ―Introduction to Geographic Information Systems‖, McGraw Hill Publishing, 2011.
2. Rene Rubalcava, ―ArcGIS web Development‖, Manning Publications , 2014.
3. Silas Tomas, ―ArcPy and ArcGIS – Geospatial Analysis with Python‖, Packt Publishing Ltd., 2015.



PREAMBLE AND ITS PHILOSOPHY: Introduction and Evolution of Indian Constitution preamble and its Philosophy. (4)

CENTRE-STATE RELATIONS: Directive Principles of State Policy, Fundamental Rights and Duties, Centre-State Relations. (6)

UNION GOVERNMENT: Powers, Functions and Position of President, Vice-President and Council of Ministers . (6)

COMPOSITION OF PARLIAMENT: Constitution Amendment Procedure, Financial Legislation in Parliament. Case Study. (5)

FEDERAL SYSTEM: Features of Federal System, Administrative Relationship between Union and States, Powers, Functions and
Position of Governors, Function of Chief Ministers, Council of Ministers. Composition and powers of the State Legislature. (8)

JUDICIARY: The Union Judiciary - Supreme Court and High Court. (6)

PUBLIC SERVICES: All India Services, Central Civil Services, State Services, Local Services and Training of Civil Services. (5)

INTERNATIONAL POLITICS: Foreign Policy of India, Foreign Policy of USA, International Institutions like UNO, WTO, SAARC and
Environmentalism. (5)

Total L: 45
1. Basu D.D., ―Introduction to the Constitution of India‖, Prentice Hall of India, 2001.
2. Briji Kishore Sharma, ―Introduction to the Constitution of India‖, Prentice Hall of India, 2005.

1. Pandey J. N., ―Constitutional Law of India‖, Central Law Agency, 1998.
2. Hoshiar Singh, ―Indian Administration‖ - Kitab Mahal, 2003.
3. Jain. M. C., ―The Constitution of India‖, Law House, New Delhi, 2001.
4. Shukla. V. N., ―Constitution of India‖, Eastern Book Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2011.

INTRODUCTION TO ENTREPRENEURSHIP: Definition – Characteristics and Functions of an Entrepreneur – Common myths about
entrepreneurs – Importance or Entrepreneurship. Seminar in R5 & R6. (5)

CREATIVITY AND INNOVATION: The role of creativity – The innovation Process – Sources of New Ideas – Methods of Generating
Ideas – Creative Problem Solving – Entrepreneurial Process. (6)

DEVELOPING AN EFFECTIVE BUSINESS MODEL: The Importance of a Business Model – Starting a small scale industry -
Components of an Effective Business Model. (5)

APPRAISAL OF PROJECTS: Importance of Evaluating Various options and future investments- Entrepreneurship incentives and
subsidies – Appraisal Techniques. (8)

FORMS OF BUSINESS ORGANIZATION: Sole Proprietorship – Partnership – Limited liability partnership - Joint Stock Companies and
Cooperatives. (4)

FINANCING THE NEW VENTURE: Determining Financial Needs – Sources of Financing – Equity and Debt Funding – Case studies in
Evaluating Financial Performance. (8)

THE MARKETING FUNCTION: Industry Analysis – Competitor Analysis – Marketing Research for the New Venture – Defining the
Purpose or Objectives – Gathering Data from Secondary Sources – Gathering Information from Primary Sources – Analyzing and
Interpreting the Results – The Marketing Process. (5)

INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY PROTECTION AND ETH ICS: Patents – Copyright - Trademark- Geographical indications – Ethical and
social responsibility and challenges. (4)

Total L: 45
1. Donald F.Kuratko and Richard M. Hodgetts, ―Entrepreneurship‖, South-Western.
2. Vasant Desai, ―The Dynamics of Entrepreneurial Development and Management‖, Himalaya Publishing House, 2010.

1. Gupta S.L., Arun Mittal, ―Entrepreneurship Development‖, International Book House, 2012.
2. Sudha G. S., ―Management and Entrepreneurship Development‖, Indus Valley Publication, 2009.
3. Badi V., Badi N. V., ―Business Ethics‖, R. Vrinda Publication (P) Ltd., 2012.
4. Prasanna Chandra, ―Projects- Planning, Analysis, Financing, Implementation and review‖, TATA McGraw Hill, 2012.


NATURE AND SCOPE OF HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: Meaning and Definition of HRM, Objectives and Functions of HRM,
Models of HRM, HRM in a changing Environment, Human Resource Management in the wake of Globalization. (6)

TRAINING AND DEVELOPMENT: Principles of Learning, Objectives, Types and Training Methods, Management Development: Its
Meaning, Scope and Objectives. (6)

WAGE AND SALARY ADMINISTRATION: Principles and Techniques of Wage Fixation, Job Evaluation, Incentive Schemes. (5)

PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL: Process, Methods, Factors that distort appraisal, Case studies in Methods to Improve Performance,
Role of Performance in the Performance Management Process, Performance Appraisal Vs. Potential Appraisal. (6)

MORALE AND MOTIVATION OF EMPLOYEES: Morale-importance of Moral and Motivation Methods of Employees, Empowerment –
Factors Affecting Empowerment – Process – Benefits. (6)

Records – Factories Act of 1948 and pollution legislations. (4)

INTERNATIONAL HRM: Model, Variables that outline difference between local and International HRM approaches to IHRM, Linking
HRM to International Expansion Strategies. (6)

TRENDS IN HR: HR Outsourcing – HRIS – Management of Turnover and retention – Workforce Rationalization – Managing Separation
and Rightsizing – Case studies in Trends in Employee Engagement and Retention. (6)

Total L: 45
1. Gary Dessler & Biju Varkkey, ―Human Resource Management‖, Pearson Publications, New Delhi, 2012.
2. Rao VSP., ―Human Resources Management Text and Cases‖, Excel Books, 2010.

1. Aswathappa K, ―Human Resource and Personnel Management – Text and Cases‖, Tata McGraw Hill, 2011.
2. Bernardin H John., ―Human Resource Management – An experiential Approach‖, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007.
3. Cascio H, Wayne, ―Managing Human Resources – Productivity, Quality of Work Life and Profits‖, Tata McGraw Hill, 2004.
4. Dezenzo A David and Robbins P Robbins, ―Human Resource Management‖, John Wiley and Sons, Inc, MA., 2002.


INDUSTRIAL PSYCHOLOGY: Introduction – Concept and Meaning – Characteristics and Scope. (3)

GROUP DYNAMICS: Individual behaviour – Group behavior – Features of Group – Formation and Development – Types of Groups –
Group Structure and Cohesiveness. (6)

PERCEPTION AND ATTITUDE: Importance of Perception – Need for Shaping Perception – Workplace Attitude. (3)

MOTIVATION AND LEADERSHIP: Meaning – Types - Motivation Theories - Implications of Motivational Theories in Workplace –
Ways for Improving Employee Motivation – Leadership Styles Theories – Ethical Leadership. (6)

INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIP: Managing emotions – Emotional Intelligence – Building Interpersonal Relations– Managing the
Boss – Dealing with Subordinates. (6)

STRESS: Dynamics – Types – Signs – Causes – Workplace Stress and Coping Strategies. (4)

ORGANISATION CULTURE: Meaning – Types – Importance – Changing Organizational Culture and Matching People with
Organizational Culture – Working Environment. (5)

INDUSTRIAL FATIGUE BOREDOM: Types of Industrial Fatigue – Symptoms – Causes and Remedies of Industrial Fatigue Industrial
Boredom – Causes – Effective Ways to Reduce Boredom. (6)

JOB SATISFACTION: Job Satisfaction – Consequences – Tips for Reducing Job Dissatisfaction. (3)

PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT: Concept – Objectives – Process – Methods of Performance Evaluation. (3)

Total L: 45
1. Vikram Bisen & Priya, ―Industrial Psychology‖, New Age International (P) Ltd., Publishers, 2010.
2. Michael G Aamodt, ―Industrial / Organizational Psychology-An Applied Approach‖, Wadsworth Cengage Learning, 2012.

1. Harold Koontz, Heinz Weihrich and Ramachandra Aryasri, ―Principles of Management‖, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2004.
2. Ronald Riggio, ―Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology‖, Pearson Publication, 2012.


PRINCIPLES OF MANAGEMENT: Meaning, Definition and Significance of Management, Basic Functions of Management – Planning,
Organizing, Staffing, Directing and Controlling. (5)

ENGINEERS AND ORGANIZATIONAL ENVIRONMENT: Social, Economic, Technological and Political. Social Responsibility of
Engineers. (3)

MANAGEMENT CONCEPTS: MBO, Theory Z, Kaizen, Six Sigma, Quality Circles and TQM. (Case Study) (5)

BUSINESS PROCESS REENGINEERING: Need for BPR, Various phases of BPR, Production and Productivity in six sigma and TQM –
Factors Influencing Productivity. (7)

ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR: Significance of OB, Role of Leadership, Personality and Motivation, Stress, Attitudes, Values and
Perceptions at work. (7)

INDUSTRIAL AND BUSINESS ORGANIZATION: Growth of Industries (Small Scale, Medium Scale and Large Scale Industries). Forms
of Business Organizations. Resource Management – Internal and External Sources. (6)

MANAGING INFORMATION: Why Information Matters – Strategic Importance of Information – Cost of Useful Information – Getting and
Sharing Information. (6)

WELFARE IN INDUSTRY: Working condition, service facilities, legal legislation – Factories Act, 1948 and Workmen‘s Compensation
Act. (6)

Total L: 45
1. Harold Koontz, Heinz Weihrich and Ramachandra Aryasri, ―Principles of Management‖, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2004.
2. Chuck Williams & Manas Ranjan Tripathy, ―Principles of Management‖, Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2013.

1. Gupta C.B., ―Management Theory and Practice‖, Sultan Chand and Sons, New Delhi, 2009.
2. Rao V.S.P., ―Management Text and Cases‖, Excel books, New Delhi, 2009.
3. Fred Luthans, ―Organisational Behaviour‖, Mc-Graw Hill, New York, 2005.
4. Robert Kreitner, ―Management Theory and Application‖, Cengage Learning India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2010.

STATISTICS INTRODUCTION: Definition, Types of Statistics, Types of Variables, Descriptive Measures, Basic Definition and Rules
of Probability, Independence of Events. (9)

DESCRIPTIVES MEASURES: Measures of central tendency, dispersion, Probability Distributions. (6)

SAMPLING: Definition, Selection of Statistical tools, Sampling Methods, Sampling Frame determining the sample size. (6)

HYPOTHESIS TESTING: ANOVA- Independent sample t test, Paired t test. (4)

PARAMETRIC TEST: Concept, Chi square tests for Association and homogeneity, One sample t test. (4)

CORRELATION AND REGRESSION: Karl Pearson Correlation, Linear regression (Both manual and software applications),
Components, Trend-Method of least squares and moving averages, seasonal variation-Simple average method only. (10)

STATISTICAL DECISION THEORY: Uncertainty and risk and Decision tree analysis (6)

Total L: 45
1. Nandagopal, Arulrajan and Vivek., ―Research Methods‖, Excel Books, 2007.
2. Levin R.I. and Rubin D., ―Quantitative Approaches to Management‖, McGraw Hill, 2012.

1. Viswanathan P.K., ―Business Statistics‖, Pearson Education, 2007.
2. Anderson Sweeney Williams., ―Quantitative Methods for Business‖, Thomson South Western, 2011.
3. Naval Bajpai., ―Business Statistics‖, Pearson Education, 2013.


INTRODUCTION: Disaster – Definition, Factors and Significance, Difference between Hazard and Disaster, History of Disasters and
Types, Disaster Aids. (4)

NATURAL DISASTERS: Cyclones, Floods, Drought and Desertification - Earthquake, Tsunami, Landslides and Avalanche.
MAN MADE DISASTERS: Chemical industrial hazards, major power breakdowns, traffic accidents, Fire, War, Atom bombs,
Nuclear disaster.- Forest Fire-Oil fire –accident in Mines. (8)

GEOSPATIAL TECHNOLOGY: Remote sensing, GIS and GPS applications in real time disaster monitoring, prevention and
rehabilitation- disaster mapping. (8)

RISK ASSESSMENT AND MITIGATION: Hazards, Risks and Vulnerabilities. -Disasters in and India ,Assessment of Disaster
Vulnerability of a location and vulnerable groups- Preparedness and Mitigation measures for various Disasters- Mitigation through
capacity building -Preparation of Disaster Management Plans. (8)

DISASTER MANAGEMENT: Legislative responsibilities of disaster management- Disaster management act 2005- post disaster
recovery & rehabilitation, Relief & Logistics Management; disaster related infrastructure development- Post Disaster, Emergency
Support Functions and their coordination mechanism. (8)

GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE: Study of Environmental Impacts Induced by Human Activity, Industrial Accidents, Outbreaks of Disease
and Epidemics, War and Conflicts. (4)

Total L: 45
1. Ramana Murthy., ―Disaster Management‖, Dominant, New Delhi, 2004.
2. Rajdeep Dasgupta., ―Disaster Management and Rehabilitation‖, Mittal Publishers, New Delhi, 2007.

1. ―Disaster Management in India - A Status Report- Published by the National Disaster Management Institute‖, Ministry of Home
Affairs, Govt. of India, 2004.
2. Murthy D B N., ―Disaster Management: Text and Case Studies‖, Deep and Deep Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2007.
3. Sundar I and Sezhiyan T., ―Disaster Management‖, Sarup and Sons, New Delhi, 2007.Khanna B K., ―All You Wanted To Know
About Disasters‖, New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi, 2005.

INTRODUCTION TO ACCOUNTING: Meaning, Definition and significance of Accounting, Accounting Principles, Concepts and
Conventions, Classifications of Accounts. (9)

BASIC ACCOUNTING: Journal Entry, Ledger, and Trial Balance Sheet, preparation of final accounts: Trading, Profit & Loss
Account, Balance sheet. (9)

BASIC FINANCIAL STATEMENTS: Meaning – Types of Financial Analysis Income Statement, common analysis, trend analysis,
ratio analysis, corporate cash flow, DuPont Model. (9)

COST ACCOUNTING: Accounting for overheads, Cost sheet, Marginal and Absorption costing, Break even analysis, Effect on
profits, Activity Based Costing system. (6)

ACCOUNTING FOR DECISION MAKING: CVP Analysis -Relevant Costs and Revenue for Decision Making, Pricing Decisions,
Operational Decisions, Exploring New markets, Make or buy decisions. (6)

ACCOUNTING FOR PLANNING AND CONTROLLING: Budgets, Budgetary Control -Variance Analysis - Cost and Financial
Variances. (6)

Total L: 45
1. Ambrish Gupta., ―Financial Accounting for Management - An Analytical Perspective‖, Pearson, 2012.
2. Charles T. Horngren, Gary L. Sundem, William O. Stratton, Dave Burgstahler and Jeff O. Schatzberg., ―Introduction to
Management Accounting‖, Global Edition, Pearson, 2013.

1. Colin Drury., ―Cost and Management Accounting - An Introduction‖, Cengage Learning EMEA, 2011.
2. Khan M.Y. and Jain P.K., ―Management Accounting‖, Tata McGraw-Hill, 2010.
3. Sanjay Dhamija., ―Financial Accounting for Managers‖, Pearson, 2012.


FUNDAMENTALS OF MARKETING: Meaning & Definition, The Perspectives on Marketing, Selling Vs Marketing, Marketing
Environment- Internal & External, prospects & Challenges of marketing in Global Environment. (9)

MARKETING STRATEGY: Formulating Marketing Strategy, Key Drivers of Marketing Strategy, Marketing Strategies- Marketing Mix
Components. (7)

COMPETITOR ANALYSIS: Analysis of Consumer & Industrial Markets, Building Competitive Advantage. (6)

MARKETING MIX DECISIONS: Product Planning &Development, Product Cycle, New Product Development, Market
Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning, Advertising & Sales Promotion, Pricing objectives, Pricing policies & Methods. (10)

BUYER BEHAVIOUR: Understanding Industrial and Individual Buyer Behavior, Influencing Factors, Online Buying Behavior,
Building Customer Satisfaction. (6)

MARKETING RESEARCH & TRENDS IN MARKETING: Marketing Information System, Marketing Research Process & Purpose,
Ethics in Marketing, Online Marketing Trends. (7)

Total L: 45
1. Philip Kortler and Kevin Lane Keller., ―Marketing Management‖, PH, 2012.
2. Ramaswamy V S and Namakumari S., ―Marketing Management‖, Global Perspective Indian Context, Macmillian Publishers
India Ltd, 2009.

1. Baines et al., ―Marketing‖, Oxford, 2014.
2. Lamb and Hara., ―MKTG‖, Cengage Publications, 2013.
3. Chandrasekar K. S., ―Marketing Management Text and Cases‖, Tata McGraw Hill Vijaynicole, 2010.


HISTORY & ENVIRONMENTAL AWARENESS: NCC- Army, Navy, Air force; Aim and Motto; Ranks and Equivalent Ranks;
Honors and Awards; Organization; Training – Nation Building; Civil affairs; Social Service & Needs; Environment & Ecology;
Pollution; Rain Water Harvesting; Law and Order; Corruption. (7)

WEAPONS: Introduction; Types of Weapons; Armed Forces Fighting Arms; Service Corps; Section Formation & Types; Firing
Order; Judging Distance; Types of Land; Working Principle of Rifle, Tank, Missiles; Characteristics of supporting Rifle and its
ammunitions; Field Craft and Battle Craft; Fighting - Role of Fighting Arms and map reading. (7)

DISASTER MANAGEMENT: Definition; Types of Disaster; Elements of Disaster Management, Foundations of Disaster Studies-
Review of Concepts, Organizations – NDMA, NIDM, NDMRT, NEC, Disaster Mitigation, Disaster Preparedness, Disaster Relief,
Reconstruction Planning, Economic and Social Rehabilitation, Globalization and Disaster Studies, Social Science and Domains
Approach. (7)

LIFE SKILL MANAGEMENT: Introduction; Concept of Life Skills; Internalizing of Life Skills; Self awareness and Empathy; Knowing
Myself; Self care; Empathizing with others; Creative Thinking & Critical Thinking; Practicing Decision making & Problem Solving;
Effective Communication – Inter Personal Relationship; Coping with Emotions & Stress; Facilitation skills – Verbal & Non verbal;
Training Methodologies. (7)

HEALTH AND HYGIENE: Anatomy, Physiology, Microbiology – Personal and Mental Health ; Infectious and Contagious Diseases
& its prevention; First Aid in common Medical Emergencies; Basics of Home Nursing; Treatment and care of Wounds and Fractures.

FIELD TRAINING: Foot Drill; Handling & Inspection Training; Map Reading; Physical Proficiency Training; Introduction to Yoga.(10)

Total L: 45
1. ―Cadets Hand Book for Senior Division‖, OTA, Kamptee.
2. Schneid T and Collins L, ―Disaster Management and Preparedness‖, Lewis Publishers, Washington, D.C, 1998.


1. ―Facilitator's Manual on Enhancing Life Skills‖ Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development, 2009.
2. Manoj J.S., ―Health and Hygiene‖, Agra University Publication.
3. United States. War Dept. Military Intelligence Division ―Japanese infantry weapons‖ The Division, 1943.



SELF MANAGEMENT AND ATTITUDES: Self Concept, Stress management, Positive attitude, Influential Skills, Initiative, Empathy,
Social Etiquette (5)

COMMUNICATION STYLES : Presentation Skills, Interpersonal Communication Skills, Interviewing Skills, Verbal and Nonverbal
(body language) skills, Active Listening, Professional Writing, Effective email writing (16)

TEAM WORK: Inter team cooperation, Intra team cooperation, Diversity, Productivity, Goal Setting and action (4)

LEADERSHIP SKILLS : Empowerment, Planning, Establishing Credibility, Vision & direction, Supervision, Mentoring, Decision-
making, Creativity, Flexibility, Team problem solving (5)

MANAGING TIME AND PRESSURES: Managing Change, Time management, Effective meetings (5)

EFFECTIVE AND EXCELLENT CUSTOMER SERVICE: Communication with the customer- telephonic and online services,
Managing conflicts or Challenging communication, Setting and resetting customer expectations, Building customer confidence,
Growing customer relationship, Opportunity management, Developing team approach to meet customer needs. (10)

Total L: 45
Monograph prepared by the Faculty, Department of English, 2015.

1. Charles J and Stewart William B Cash, ―Interviewing: Principles and Practices‖, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, New Delhi, 2010.
2. Rao M S, ―Soft Skills –Enhancing Employability- Connecting Campus with Corporate‖, IK International Publishing House, New
Delhi, 2010.
3. Simon Sweeney, ―English for Business Communication‖, Cambridge University Press, New Delhi, 2012.

READING COMPREHENSION: Focus on different levels of Comprehension- Literal, Inferential, Analytical and Critical reasoning (7)
Identifying key words and signal words, decoding the building blocks of a passage, understanding jargons and double distractors (2)
LISTENING COMPREHENSION: Micro skills and Macro skills of Listening (4)
Identifying tone and purpose, eliminating distracters in objective type questions (2)
SPEAKING : Sub skills of speaking- Genre-specific oral communication (4)
VERBAL ABILITY: Word formation and expansion, Selecting and ordering words - Identifying and correlating synonyms
and antonyms - Collocations (5)
Sentence Completion (5)
Verbal analogies (3)
Spotting and correcting errors (4)
WRITING : Mapping ideas, developing points and employing Variety in sentence types (3)
Referencing, Ellipsis and substitution in writing – Skillful paragraphing (unity, coherence and cohesion) (3)
Register and Tone in Critical, Analytical writing -Useful Language for describing graphs -Expressing strong opinions (3)
Total L: 45
Monograph prepared by the Faculty, Department of English, 2015

1. Kaplan, ―GRE Complete 2016: The Ultimate in Comprehensive Self-Study for GRE‖ Kaplan Publishing, 2015
2. Bruce Stirling, ―Speaking and Writing Strategies for the TOEFL IBT‖, Nova Press, 2009.
3. Lin Lougheed, ― Barron's IELTS: International English Language Testing System‖ , Barron's Educational Series, 2013
4. Sujit Kumar, ―Verbal Ability for the CAT‖ , Pearson Education India, South India, 2011.



GUTEN TAG! - LEARNING: To greet, learn numbers till 20, practice telephone numbers & e mail address, learn alphabet, speak
about countries & languages ; Vocabulary: related to the topic; Grammar: W – Questions, Verbs & Personal nouns I. (7.5)

FREUNDE, KOLLEGEN UND ICH - LEARNING: To speak about hobbies, jobs, learn numbers from 20; Vocabulary: related to the
topic; Grammar: Articles, Verbs & Personal pronouns II, sein & haben verbs, ja/nein Frage, singular/plural. (7.5)

IN DER STADT – LEARNING: To know places, buildings, question, know transport systems, understand international words;
Vocabulary: related to the topic; Grammar: Definite & indefinite articles, Negotiation, Imperative with Sie. (7.5)

GUTEN APPETIT! – LEARNING: To speak about food, shop, converse; Vocabulary: related to the topic; Grammar: Sentence
position, Accusative, Accusative with verbs. (7.5)

TAG FΫR TAG – LEARNING: To learn time related expressions, speak about family, ask excuse, fix appointments on phone;
Vocabulary: related to the topic; Grammar: Preposition – am, im, um, von…bis, Possessive articles, Modalverbs. (7.5)

ZEIT MIT FREUNDEN – LEARNING: To speak about birthdays, understand & write invitations, converse in the restaurant;
Vocabulary: related to the topic; Grammar: Accusative personal pronouns and prepositions. (7.5)

Total L: 45
1. Stefanie Dengler, ―Netzwerk A1.1‖, Goyal Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, 2015.

1. Johannes Gerbes, ―Fit fϋrs Goethe-Zertifikat A1‖, Goyal Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, 2010.
2. Paul Rusch, ―Einfach Grammatik‖, Goyal Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, 2012.

3. Hermann Funk, ―studio d A1‖, Goyal Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, 2009.



KONTAKTE - LEARNING: To arrange appointments, understand and give instructions, understand and reply letters, find
information in the text, identify the situations and understand the conversation ; Vocabulary: related to the topic; Grammar: Dative
Preposition & Article , Accusative Possessive Article. (7.5)

MEINE WOHNUNG - LEARNING: To understand the advertisements related to flats/ho uses, describe a flat, write a text about a
flat; Vocabulary: related to the topic; Grammar: Adjective with sein ( sehr/zu), wechselpreposition with Dat. (7.5)

ALLES ARBEIT? – LEARNING: To describe daily routine, talk about the past, speake about jobs, position, advertisements, prepare
telephone conversation; Vocabulary: related to the topic; Grammar: Conjunctions, Perfect tense ( regular & irregular verbs ). (7.5)

KLEIDUNG UND MODE – LEARNING: To speak about clothes, understand the conversation at shopping centers, about Berlin.
Vocabulary: related to the topic; Grammar: Perfect tense (trennbare & nicht trennbare verbs), personal pronomen & verbs with
Dat. (7.5)

GESUND UND MUNTER – LEARNING: To make personal statements, name body parts, understand sport activities, conversation
with the doctor, get & give tips to healthy life, e mail writing; Vocabulary: related to the topic; Grammar: Imperative, Modalverbs.

AB IN DEN URLAUB! – LEARNING: To suggest a city tour, describe the directions, write a postcard, describe the weather, make
a complain in the hotel, speak about the trips, letter writing ; Vocabulary: related to the topic; Grammar: Adverbs (time). (7.5)

Total L : 45
1. Stefanie Dengler, ―‗Netzwerk A1.2‖, Goyal Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, 2015.

1. Johannes Gerbes,‖‗Fit fϋrs Goethe-Zertifikat A1‖, Goyal Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, 2010.
2. Paul Rusch, ―Einfach Grammatik‖, Goyal Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, 2012.
3. Hermann Funk, ―studio d A1‖, Goyal Publishers & Distributors Pvt. Ltd., Delhi, 2009.



2 2 0 3
INTRODUCTION: Data structures - Abstract Data Types - Basic data structures –Arrays, stacks, queues and linked lists-Operations
and applications (5)

ALGORITHMS: Introduction-Analysis of algorithms - Best, worst and average case time complexities - notations. (2)

TREES: Terminologies – Binary tree- Sequential and linked representation -operations - Traversals - Expression trees - Infix, Postfix
and Prefix expressions – Heaps- Max heap-Min heap. (4)

SORTING AND SEARCHING: Insertion sort, selection sort, heap sort, count sort and radix sort - searching , Linear Search. (4)

BINARY SEARCH TREES: Searching – Insertion and deletion of elements-Balanced BST- AVL trees-Definition – searching –
insertion and deletion of elements, AVL rotations (4)
MULTIWAY SEARCH TREES: Indexed Sequential Access – m-way search trees – B-Tree – searching, insertion and deletion .(3)

GRAPHS: Definition – representations (Adjacency matrix, packed adjacency list and linked adjacency list) – Graph search methods
(Breadth first and depth first traversals) . (2)

DIVIDE AND CONQUER: Method – Merge sort, Quick sort, Binary Search. (3)
GREEDY METHOD: Optimization problems – method – examples – Minimum cost spanning tree (Kruskal‘s and prim‘s algorithms),
Knapsack problem (3)
Implementation of the following problems:
1. Sparse and dense Matrix operations using arrays.
2. Linked Lists: Singly linked, Doubly linked and Circular lists.
3. Problems using Stacks.
4. Problems using Queues.
5. Binary trees
6. Problems related to sorting and searching algorithms.
7. Binary search tree
8. Minimum cost spanning tree
Total L: 30+T:30 = 60
1. Michael T. Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia and David Mount, ―Data Structures and Algorithms in C++‖, John Wiley, 2011.
2. Mark Allen Weiss, ―Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C++‖, Addison-Wesley, 2013.

1. Aaron M Tanenbaum, Moshe J Augenstein and Yedidyah Langsam, "Data structures using C and C++", Prentice Hall, New
Delhi, 2005.
2. Robert L Kruse and Clovis L Tondo, ―Data Structures and Program design in C‖, Pearson Education, 2013.
3. SahniSartaj, "Data Structures, Algorithms and Applications in C++", Silicon Press, 2011.


2 2 0 3
LINEAR PROGRAMMING: Graphical method for two dimensional problems – Central problems of Linear Programming –
Definitions – Simplex Algorithm – Phase I and Phase II of Simplex Method. (8)

CONVEX OPTIMIZATION: Convex sets and cones- Convex functions- Convex optimization problems- linear and quadratic
programs; second-order cone and semi-definite programs; quasi-convex optimization problems; vector and multi-criterion
optimization. (5)

SIMPLEX MULTIPLIERS: Dual and Primal – Dual Simplex Method – Revised Simplex Method - Sensitivity Analysis –
Transportation problem and its solution – Assignment problem and its solution by Hungarian method – Karmakar‘s method –
Statement, Conversion of the Linear Programming problem into the required form, Algorithm. (7)

INTEGER PROGRAMMING: Gomory cutting plane methods for all integer and mixed integer programming problems - Branch and
Bound method (Land – Dolg and Dakin algorithms) – Zero-One Implicit enumeration Algorithm. (5)

DYNAMIC PROGRAMMING: Principle of Optimality – Backward and forward induction methods- Calculus method of solution-
Tabular method of solution – Shortest path network problems – Applications in production. (5)

1. Solving inequalities using Simplex, Two-phase, Dual simplex methods, Revised simplex method.
2. Finding initial basic feasible solution using (i) North-West corner rule(ii) Matrix minimum and (iii) Vogel‘s approximation method
and also perform optimalitytest using MODI method.
3. Solving Assignment problem using Hungarian method.
4. Gomory;s cutting plane methods for all IPP and mixed IPP.
5. Solving Dynamic Programming problems.
6. Critical path for the given PERT and CPM networks.
Total L: 30+T:30 = 60
1. Hamdy A Taha, ―Operations Research – An Introduction‖, Prentice Hall, 2011.
2. Slephen Boyd and Lieven Vandenberghe ― Convex Optimization‖ Cambridge University Press, 2009.

1. Hillier F and Liberman G J, ―Introduction to Operations Research‖, McGraw Hill, 2014.
2. Kambo N S, ―Mathematical Programming Techniques‖, East-West Press, 2012.
3. Singiresu S Rao, ―Engineering optimization theory and Practice‖, John Wiley, 2014.

2 2 03
INTRODUCTION TO DATA SCIENCE : Data wrangling, cleaning, and sampling to get a suitable data set - Mathematics for
understanding the data – Descriptive statistics : Visualizing Data - Central Tendency –Variability –Standardizing -Normal
Distribution -Sampling Distributions. (6)

DATA MANIPULATION AT SCALE : Parallel databases, parallel query processing, in-database analytics, MapReduce, Hadoop,
Key-value stores and NoSQL; tradeoffs of SQL and NoSQL. (5)

DATA ANALYTICS USING STATISTICAL TECHNIQUES : Review of univariate regression, multiple regression - Linear regression
and related methods - splines and regularization - Kernel methods - Generalized additive models - Kernel smoothing - Gaussian
mixtures and EM algorithm - Geometry, subspaces, orthogonality, projections, normal equations, rank deficiency, estimable
functions and Gauss-Markov theorem - Computation via QR decomposition, Gramm-Schmidt orthogonalization and the SVD -
Multivariate normal distribution. (11)

COMMUNICATING RESULTS : Visualization - descriptive statistics and visualization, privacy, ethics – multivariate visualization.
SPECIAL TOPICS : Graph Analytics: structure, traversals, analytics, PageRank, community detection, recursive queries, Semantic
web. (3)

CASE STUDY : Community Detection – Collaborative Network – Opinion mining – Co-citation network (2)

1. Introduction to R and problems using R.
2. Collect datasets from Kaggle and Data Analysis.
3. Implementation of various predictive models.
4. Generate the results using Confidence levels.
5. Implementation of SVD.
Total L: 30+T:30 = 60
1. AnandRajaraman and Jeffrey David Ullman, ―Mining of Massive Datasets‖, Cambridge University Press, 2011.
2. Ravi Kannan and John Hopcroft, ―Foundations of Data Science‖, 2013.

1. Johannes Ledolter, ‗Data Mining and Business Analytics with R‘, John Wiley & Sons, 2013
2. Gareth James and Daniel Witten, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, ―An Introduction to Statistical Learning with Applications in
R‖, Springer, 2013.
3. Michael T. Longnecker, R. Lyman Ott,‖ An Introduction to Statistical Methods and Data Analysis‖, Cengage Learning 2008.
4. T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, and J. Friedman, ―The elements of statistical learning: data mining, inference, and prediction‖, Springer,
5. Matthew A. Russell,‖Mining the Social Web: Analyzing Data from Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Other Social Media Sites‖,
O'Reilly Media, 2013.
6. Philipp K. Janert, ―Data Analysis with Open Source Tools‖, O'Reilly Media, 2010.


2 2 0 3

INTRODUCTION: Information visualization – Theoretical foundations – Information visualization types – Design principles - A
framework for producing data visualization (5)

STATIC DATA VISUALIZATION – tools – working with various data formats (3)

DYNAMIC DATA DISPLAYS : Introduction to web based visual displays – deep visualization – collecting sensor data – visualization
– D3 framework - Introduction to Many eyes and bubble charts (6)

MAPS – Introduction to building choropleth maps (3)

TREES – Network visualizations – Displaying behavior through network graphs (6)

BIG DATA VISUALIZATION – Visualizations to present and explore big data – visualization of text data and Protein sequences

Note :Explore software like R, Python, Google Vision, Google Refine, and ManyEyes ; Data sets are available on Gap minder,
Flowing data

1. Visualization of static data.
2. Visualization of web data.
3. Visualization of sensor data.
4. Visualization of protein data.
Total L: 30 + T: 30 = 60

1. Ware C and Kaufman M ‖Visual thinking for design‖, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 2008.

1. Chakrabarti, S ―Mining the web: Discovering knowledge from hypertext data ―,Morgan Kaufman Publishers, 2003.
2. Fry ,‖Visualizing data‖, Sebastopo‖,O‘Reily, 2007.


2 20 3
INTRODUCTION: The foundations of AI - The History of AI- Intelligent agents- Agent based system. (2)

PROBLEM SOLVING: State Space models- Searching for solution- Uninformed/Blind search - Informed/ Heuristic search - A*
search - Hill-climbing search- Genetic Algorithm– Markovian Decision Process (MDP) – Maximum value policies, Adversarial
games– value/policy iteration – Minimax – Alpha-beta pruning – Temporal difference (TD) - Constraint satisfaction problem -
factor graphs - Backtracking search. (8)

KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION AND REASONING: Knowledge representation - Logics – First order logic- Inference in first
order logic – Higher order logic - Markov logic. (5)

UNCERTAIN KNOWLEDGE AND PROBABILISTIC REASONING: Uncertainty-Probabilistic reasoning - Semantics of Bayesian

network -, Exact inference in Bayesian network- Approximate inference in Bayesian network- Direct sampling methods, Inference
by Markov chain simulation - Probabilistic reasoning over time – Hidden Markov Models. (5)

DECISION-MAKING: basics of utility theory, sequential decision problems - decision network– policy -Decision process in infinite
horizon: Optimal policy, Value iteration - policy iteration- Partially observable decision process – Decisions in Multi agent system:
elementary game theory, (6)

LEARNING: Learning from observation - Knowledge in learning – Supervised Learning - Unsupervised and Reinforcement
learning. (2)

ROBOTICS: Introduction. (2)

Lab assignments will be provided for all the topics given below.
1. A* algorithm for 8 –puzzle and Missionaries and Cannibals problem.
2. Hill climbing and genetic algorithm
3. Constraint satisfaction techniques,
4. Simple games – minimax and expectimax
5. Logic based exercises.
6. Implementing HMM models
7. Applications of sequential decision making and multi agent decision making
8. Implementing decision network and dynamic networks.
Total L: 30+T:30 = 60

1. Stuart Russell and Peter Norvig, ―Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach‖, Pearson Education, 2014.
2. David Pool and Alan Mackworth, ―Artificial Intelligence: Foundations of Computational agents‖, Cambridge University,
3. Daphne Koller and N Friedman, ―Probabilistic Graphical Models - Principles and Techniques‖, MIT, 2009.
4. Tsang and Edward, ―Foundations of Constraint Satisfaction: The Classic Text‖, BoD–Books on Demand, 2014.

1. Christopher M.Bishop, ―Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning‖, Springer, 2013.
2. Nils J. Nilsson, ―The Quest for Artificial Intelligence: A History of Ideas and achievements‖, Cambridge University Press, 2010.

2 20 3
INTRODUCTION: Past, present, future; the pervasive computing market, m-Business, challenges and future of pervasive computing
- modelling key for pervasive computing - pervasive system environment interaction - architectural design for pervasive system,
application examples of pervasive computing: Healthcare, Tracking, emergency information systems, home networking appliances
and entertainment. (4)

DEVICE TECHNOLOGY FOR PERVASIVE COMPUTING: Hardware,computing devices and their characteristics - pervasive
information access devices-smart identification, smart card, labels, tokens - embedded controls, smart sensors, actuators -Human-
machine interfaces, Biometrics - Various operating systems for pervasive devices. (4)

IrDA – mobile internet – internet protocols. Audio networks, data networks - wireless data networks - pervasive networks - service
oriented networks - network design issues - Managing smart devices in virtual environments, human user-centered and physical
environments - pervasive computing issues and outlook. (6)

APPROACHES FOR DEVELOPING PERVASIVE APPLICATIONS: Categorization - smart services for pervasive application
development - developing mobile applications – presentation transcoding – device independent view component – heterogeneity of
device platforms - Context Awareness and Mobility to build pervasive applications. (6)

CONTEXT AWARE SYSTEMS: Modelling - mobility awareness - spatial awareness - temporal awareness - ICT system awareness
- Intelligent Systems - basic concepts- autonomous systems - reflective and self-aware systems - self management and autonomic
computing - complex systems. (6)

LOCATION AWARE SYSTEMS: Basic concepts - location modelling - Introduction to location management – DNS Server, server
process, client process – location update – location inquiry-location management cost – network topology – mobility pattern,
memory less movement model, Markovian Model, Shortest distance model, Gauss-Markov model, Activity Based Model, Mobility
Trace. (4)

1. Create application with onClick, onKeyDown, onFocusChanged Event Handlers.
2. Create application with Toast Notifications.
3. Create application with Android's Advanced User Interface Functions.
4. Create Android Audio/Video Application.
5. Create application to Create, Modify and Query an SQLite Database.
6. Create application that Works with an Android Content Provider.
7. Create application that performs Data Storage and Retrieval from Android External Storage.
8. Create Location-Aware application that uses Proximity Alerts and Google Maps API.
9. Implementation of small packages to demonstrate all APIs.
Note: All implementations using android.
Total L:30+T:30=60

1. Stefan Poslad, ―Ubiquitous Computing - Smart Devices, Environment and Interactions‖, John Wiley, 2011.
2. Adelstein F and Gupta S K S, ―Fundamentals of Mobile and Pervasive Computing‖, Tata McGraw Hill, 2008.

1. Guruduth Banavar, Norman Cohen, Chandra Narayanaswami, ―Pervasive Computing: An Application-Based Approach‖, Wiley
Inter Science, 2012.
2. Mohammed Ilyas and ImadMahgoub, ―Mobile Computing Handbook‖, Auerbach Publications, 2005.
3. Burkhardt, Henn, Hepper and Rintdorff, Schaeck. ―Pervasive Computing‖, Pearson Education, 2009.
4. AshokeTalukdar and RoopaYavagal, ―Mobile Computing‖, Tata McGraw Hill, 2010.


INTRODUCTION: Concepts and Terminology – Generic Processor / ASIC Processor Architecture – Pipeline Architecture –
Instruction Set Architecture - Types of Parallelism - Flynn's Classical Taxonomy – Terminology . (4)

PARALLEL COMPUTER MEMORY ARCHITECTURES: Shared Memory - Distributed Memory -Hybrid Distributed-Shared Memory
Multiprocessors: Communication and Memory issues - Message Passing Architectures - Vector Processing and SIMD Architectures.

PARALLEL PROGRAMMING MODELS: Overview -Shared Memory Model - Threads Model - Message Passing Model - Data
Parallel Model - Other Models. (4)

DESIGNING PARALLEL PROGRAMS: Automatic vs. Manual Parallelization - Understand the Problem and the Program -
Partitioning -Communications - Synchronization -Data Dependencies - Load Balancing -Granularity -I/O -Limits and Costs of Parallel
Programming - Performance Analysis and Tuning - Parallel Examples -Array Processing - Compiler Transformation techniques for
High performance computing: - Transformations for parallel Machines. (5)

PRAM ALGORITHMS& BSP: PRAM model of computation- Work-Time formalism and Brent‘s Theorem; algorithm design
techniques-parallel prefix, pointer jumping, (3)

HIGH PERFORMANCE COMPUTING ARCHITECTURES - Latency Hiding Architectures -Multithreading Architectures -Dataflow
Architectures. (3)

DISTRIBUTED COMPUTING:Introduction -- Definitions, motivation - Communication Mechanisms - Communication protocols,-

RPC- RMI. HadoopArchitecture: History of HadoopHadoop Background-Architecture-Hadoop and RDBMS-Subprojects-
Distributions-Documentation. Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS): HDFS Clusters – NameNodes, Data Nodes & Clients.
MapReduce :-Processing & Generating large data sets, Map functions, Programming MapReduce using SQL / Bash / Python,
Parallel Processing, Failover. (7)

1. Basic Master – Worker program and send messages.
2. Write a program to find the summation of largest number in a very larger array of integers. ( The contents of the array
should be equally distributed to all processes ).
3. Write a parallel program in SPMD to calculate the PI value using integral approximation method.
4. Simple Matrix multiplication, Transpose, using parallel algorithm.
5. Select your own choice of very dense computational problem having divide and conquer method and implement it in parallel
algorithm. And produce the performance chart with 2, 4, 6 and 8 nodes.
6. Hadoop setup – Map reduce – Programming models – Text mining.
Total L:30+T:30=60

1. Michael J Quinn, ― Parallel Computing : Theory And Practice‖, Tata Mcgraw-Hill,2004.
2. Joel M.Crichlow,‖ Distributed And Parallel Computing‖ , Prentice Hall, 2007.
3. Andrew S. Tanenbaum and Maarten van Steen, ― Distributed Systems, Principles and Paradigm‖, Prentice Hall, 2013.
4. Jason Sanders, Edward Kandrot, ―CUDA by Example: An Introduction to General-Purpose GPU Programming‖, Pearson
Education, 2011.

1. Lynch N.N., ―Distributed Algorithms‖, Morgan Kaufmann, 2010.
2. Vijay K Garg, ―Elements of Distributed Computing‖, Wiley 2014.
3. Shane Cook, ―CUDA Programming: A Developer's Guide to Parallel Computing with GPUs (Applications of GPU Computing)‖,
Elsevier, 2013.
4. Tom White, ―Hadoop Definitive Guide‖, O‘Reily, 2012.
5. Srinath Perera, Thilina Gunarathne, ―Mapreduce Cook book‖, Packy Publishing, 2013.
6. David F. Bacon, Susan L. Graham and Oliver J. Sharp, ―Compiler Transformations for High Performance Computing‖,
Technical report, 1994.


2 2 0 3
INTRODUCTION: Security Goals, Attacks, Services and Mechanisms – Techniques – Understanding Threats. (2)

CRYPTOGRAPHY: Basic encryption and decryption – Substitution, Transposition – AES- Public key cryptosystem: RSA
cryptosystem –Data Integrity- Cryptography hash functions- Digital Signatures-Digital signature standard(DSS)- Authentication-
Passwords- Biometrics-Interactive protocol- Key management – Diffie –Hellman Key exchange- Digital certificates. (8)

PROGRAM SECURITY: Secure Programs – Buffer overflows – Malware – viruses and other malicious code – Targeted Malicious
code –Defense Mechanism. (6)

NETWORK SECURITY: Security at application layer: email security – SMIME- Security at transport layer: SSL protocol. Security at
network layer: firewalls – intrusion detection system – IPsec (5)

WEB SECURITY: Overview, various types of web application vulnerabilities, Reconnaissance, Authentication, Authorization
(Fuzzing and Privilege Escalation), Session Management, Cross Site Scripting (XSS),Cross Site Request Forgery (CSRF), SQL
Injection and Blind SQL Injection. (5)

OS SECURITY: Memory and Address protection – Access Control –file protection mechanisms –User authentication –models of
security –Trusted OS design. (4)

1. Design of a Client server application for a basic cryptosystem.
2. Detection of a Buffer overflow attack.
3. Packet Sniffing using Wireshark Tool to perform the traffic analysis attack.
4. Key distribution using RSA( KDC) – Key hacking.
5. Key exchange using Diffie- Hellman technique – MITM attack.
6. Password authentication.
7. Transaction security using SQL Injection attacks.
8. Port scanning tools.
9. Performing attacks and testing with attack tools.
10. Security testing for Web applications.
Total L:30+TP:30 = 60

1. James Graham, Richard Howard and Ryan Olson, ―Cyber Security Essentials‖, CRC Press, USA, 2011
2. Behrouz A Forouzan, Debdeep Mukhopadhyay, ―Cryptography and Network Security‖, Tata Mc-Graw Hill, 2010.

1. William Stallings, ―Cryptography and Network Security‖, Prentice Hall, 2006.
2. Roberta Bragg, Mark Rhodes, Keith Strass Berg J, ―Network Security- The Complete Reference‖, Tata McGraw Hill, 2006.
3. Brian Sullivan, Vincent Liu, ―Web Application security: A beginners guide, Tata McGraw Hill, 2012.
4. Charles P Fleeger, Shari Lawrence P Fleeger, ―Security in Computing‖, Pearson Education, 2004.


INTRODUCTION: Randomized algorithms, randomized quick sort, Karger‘s min-cut algorithm Las Vegas and Monte Carlo
algorithms, computational models and complexity classes. (4)

MOMENT, DEVIATION AND TAIL INEQUALITIES: Occupancy problem, Markov and Chebyshev inequalities- randomized
selection- coupon collector‘s problem, the Chernoff bound- routing in a parallel computer- a wiring problem. (4)

PROBABILISTIC METHODS: Overview of the method – maximum satisfiability - finding a large cut, Expander graphs. (4)
MARKOV CHAINS AND RANDOMWALKS: Markov chains, Random walk on graphs - connectivity in undirected graphs –
Expanders and rapidly mixing random walks. (4)

DATA STRUCTURES AND GRAPH ALGORITHMS: Random Treaps, hashing – hash tables – perfect hashing, skip lists - Fast
min-cut. (4)

ONLINE ALGORITHMS: Paging problem-adversary models- paging against an oblivious adversary-relating the adversaries-the
adaptive online adversary, k-server problem. (4)

PARALLEL AND DISTRIBUTED ALGORITHMS: Sorting on a PRAM – Maximal Independent sets. (3)

DERANDOMIZATION: The method of Conditional Probabilities – Derandomizing max-cut algorithm – Constructing pairwise
independent values modulo a prime - Pairwise independent – large cut. (3)

1. Implementation of randomized quick sort and solve real time problems using it.
2. Find solution for s-t min-cut problem adapting min cut algorithm.
3. Implementation of randomized selection and problems related to it.
4. Implementation of treap data structure.
5. Problems using randomized hash table.
6. Implement the shortest path and fast min-cut algorithms.
7. Implementation of randomized primality testing.
Total L: 30+TP:30 = 60

1. Motwani R and Raghavan P ―Randomized Algorithms‖, Cambridge University Press, 2010.
2. Michael Mitzenmacher and Eli Upfal, ―Probability & Computing: Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis‖, Cambridge
University Press, 2009.

1. Thomas H Cormen, Charles E Leiserson and Ronald L Rivest, ―Introduction toAlgorithms‖, MIT Press, 2009.
2. Jon Kleinberg and Eve Tardos, ―Algorithm Design‖, Pearson Education, 2012.

2 2 0 3
INTRODUCTION: Definition-performance ratios, vertex-cover problem. (3)

COMBINATORIAL ALGORITHMS: lower bounding techniques and Metric TSP, multiway cut problem, the minimum k-cut problem,
FPTAS for knapsack, greedy algorithms for Makespan-PTAS for minimum Makespan, Euclidean TSP. (7)

LINEAR PROGRAMMING RELAXATIONS: LP-duality, min-max relations and LP-duality, rounding applied to vertex cover-simple
rounding algorithm-randomized rounding, primal dual method and vertex cover. (5)

CUTS, METRICAL RELAXATIONS AND EMBEDDINGS: multiway cut, sum multi-commodity flow, some applications of multicut,
rounding for Sparsest Cut via L1 Embeddings. (5)

SEMIDEFINITE PROGRAMMING: Strict quadratic programs and vector programs, properties of positive semidefinite matrices, the
semidefinite programming problem, randomized rounding algorithm, improving the guarantee for MAX-2SAT. (5)

HARDNESS OF APPROXIMATION: reduction, graphs, and hardness factors, the PCP theorem, hardness of MAX-3SAT. (5)

1. Implementation of vertex-cover algorithm.
2. Implementation of Greedy algorithm for makespan.
3. Problems related to Euclidean TSP.
4. Implementation of different algorithms with rounding.
5. Implementation of applications of multicut.
Total L:30+T:30 = 60

1. David P. Williamson, David B. Shmoys, ―the design of approximation algorithms‖, Cambridge university press, 2011
2. Vijay V. Vazirani, ―Approximation Algorithms‖, Springer Verlag, 2003.

1. Thomas H Cormen, Charles E Leiserson and Ronald L Rivest, ―Introduction to Algorithms‖, MIT Press, 2009.
2. Anany Levitin, ―Introduction to design and analysis of algorithm‖, Pearson Education, 2011.


INTRODUCTION: Basics of networks and graphs, random network model - degree distribution, evolution, small world property, six
degrees of separation, Watts-Strogatz model, local clustering coefficient, random networks and network science. (6)

BARABÁSI-ALBERT MODEL: Growth and preferential attachment, Barabási-Albert model, degree dynamics, degree distribution,
diameter and the clustering coefficient, preferential attachment - absence of growth, measure, non-linearity, the origins. (6)

SCALE-FREE PROPERTY: Power laws and scale-free networks, Hubs, Universality, Ultra-small property, role of the degree
exponent, Generating networks with a pre-defined degree distribution. (6)

EVOLVING NETWORKS: Bianconi-Barabási model, measuring fitness, Bose-Einstein condensation, evolving networks.
DEGREE CORRELATIONS: Assortativity and disassortativity, Measuring degree correlations, Structural cutoffs, Degree
correlations in real networks, Generating correlated networks, impact of degree correlations. (7)

Total L:30+T:30 = 60

1. Implementation of Barabási-Albert model.
2. Implementation of Watts-Strogatz model.
3. Implementation of Bianconi-Barabási model.
4. Obtaining Degree correlations in real networks.
5. Case studies of the theory concepts on real networks.

1. Ted G. Lewis, ―Network Science: Theory and Practice‖, Wiley, 2013.

1. Estrada, E., Fox, M., Higham, D.J. and Oppo, G.L., ―Network Science - Complexity in Nature and Technology‖, Springer, 2010.
2. Laszlo Barabasi, Network Science, http://barabasilab.neu.edu/networksciencebook/downlPDF.html

STOCHASTIC PROCESSES: Introduction – Classification of Stochastic Processes – Markov Chain (2)

DISCRETE TIME MARKOV CHAINS: Introduction -Transition Probability Matrices – Chapman Kolmogorov Equations -
Classification of States – Transient Distributions –Limiting Behaviour – Cost Models – First Passage times – Markov Decision
process. (7)

RANDOM WALK MODELS: Symmetric random walk – Random walk on graphs – Gambler‘s Ruin model (3)

CONTINUOUS TIME MARKOV CHAINS: Introduction – Poisson Process - Birth and Death Processes – Kolmogorov Differential
Equations – Pure Birth Process - Pure Death Process – Applications (8)

GENERALIZED MARKOV MODELS: Introduction – Distribution - Renewal Theorems - Residual and Excess Life Times -Alternating
Renewal Process - Renewal Reward Processes – Semi Markov Process
GENERAL QUEUEING MODELS: Single and Multi server Poisson Queues - Single Server Queue with Poisson input and general
service– General input and exponential service Queueing models. (5)

1. Case Study for Markov Chain: Passport Credit Card Company, Manufacturing, Telecommunication
2. Case Study for generalized Markov Process: Healthy Heart Coronary Care Facility
3. Modeling Network Protocols using Queueing Models
4. Performance Evaluation of Communication Systems
5. Page Ranking Algorithms

Total L:30 T:30= 60

1. Kulkarni, V.G., ―Introduction to Modeling and Analysis of Stochastic Systems‖, Springer, 2011.
2. Sheldon M. Ross, ―Introduction to Probability Models‖, Academic Press, 2014.

1. Roy D.Yates and David J. Goodman, ―Probability and Stochastic Processes – A friendly Introduction for Electrical and
Computer Engineers‖, John Wiley & Sons, 2014.
2. SaeedGhahramani, ―Fundamentals of Probability with Stochastic Processes‖, Pearson, 2014.
3. Dimitri Bertsekas, Robert Gallager, ―Data Networks‖, Pearson , 2003.
4. Samuel Karlin Howard E.Taylor, ―A First course in Stochastic Processes‖, Academic Press, 2011.
5. Gross.D and Harris C.M, ―Fundamentals of Queueing theory‖, John Wiley & Sons, 2013.


PRINCIPLE OF COMPUTER MODELLING AND SIMULATION: Monte Carlo simulation. Nature of computer modeling and
simulation.Limitations of simulation, areas of application. (3)

SYSTEM AND ENVIRONMENT:Components of a system - discrete and continuous systems. Models of a system - A variety of
modelling approaches. (3)

DATA-DRIVEN MODELS: Empirical Models-Introduction - Linear Empirical Model- Predictions-Linear Regression - Nonlinear One-
Term Model - Multiterm Models - Advanced Fitting with Computational Tools (3)

RANDOM VARIABLE GENERATION: Inverse transform technique - Exponential distribution - Uniform distribution - Weibull
distribution. Empirical continuous distribution - generating approximate normal variates - Erlang distribution. Empirical Discrete
distribution - Discrete Uniform distribution - Poisson distribution - Geometric distribution - Acceptance - Rejection technique for
Poisson distribution - Gamma distribution. (4)

DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF SIMULATION EXPERIMENTS: Input - Output analysis - variance reduction techniques - Antithetic
variables - verification and validation of simulation models. (4)

DISCRETE EVENT SIMULATION: Concepts in discrete-event simulation, manual simulation using event scheduling, single channel
queue, two server queue, simulation of inventory problem. (5)

SIMULATION LANGUAGES - GPSS - SIMSCRIPT - SIMULA - SIMPLE_1, Programming for Discrete event systems in GPSS,
SIMPLE_1 and C. (4)

CASE STUDIES: Simulation of LAN - Manufacturing system - Hospital system. (4)

1. Implement variance reduction.
2. Implement event scheduling.
3. Simulate inventory problem.
4. Simulate a manufacturing system.
Total L: 30+T: 30=60
1. Jerry Banks and John S. Carson, "Discrete Event System Simulation", Prentice Hall, 2013.
2. AngelaB.Shiflet andGeorge W. Shiflet, ― Introduction to Computational Science: Modeling and Simulation for theSciences‖,
Princeton University Press, 2014

1. Mohsen Guizani, Ammar Rayes, Bilal Khan, Ala Al-Fugaha, ―Network Modelling and Simulation A Practical Perspective‖, John
Wiley, 2010.
2. Averil M Law , "Simulation Modelling and Analysis", Tata McGraw Hill,2014.


2 2 0 3
INTRODUCTION: Graphs, subgraphs, matrix representations, degree sequence, connected graphs, vertex and edge connectivity,
distance in graphs, weighted graphs, graph classes, interval graphs, clique, independent set, vertex cover. Trees –
characterizations, rooted, unrooted, spanning tree, matrix tree theorem, Cayley‘s formula. Graph operations – union, intersection,
product. Digraphs – connectivity, tournament, transitive closure, topological order. Algorithms – time and space complexities. (4)

PATH AND TREE ALGORITHMS: Shortest path problem, Dijkstra‘s algorithm, Floyd‘s algorithm for all pair shortest path, Bellman-
Ford-Moore shortest path algorithm for graphs with negative length edges. Minimum weight spanning tree – fundamental cycles,
cotrees and bonds, Prim‘s and Kruskals‘s algorithms, Cheriton-Tarjan algorithm. Depth-first and breadth-first algorithms for finding
blocks. (4)

MATCHING: Maximum and perfect matchings, augmenting path, Berge‘s, Konig‘s and Tutte‘s theorems, Hall‘s theorem, Hungarian
algorithm, Edmond-Blossom algorithm. Kuhn-Munker‘s algorithm for optimal assignment. (4)

NETWORK FLOW: Maximum flow in a network, minimum cut, Ford-Fulkerson algorithm, Max-flow min-cut theorem. Similarity
between matching and flow theories. (3)

EULERIAN AND HAMILTONIAN GRAPHS: Eulerian trails and tours. Optimal Chinese Postman Tour – Edmond‘s and Johnson
algorithm, Eulerian trail - Fleury‘s algorithm. Hamiltonian cycles – Ore‘s and Dirac‘s conditions. Gray codes, Traveling Salesman
problem – Christofide‘s algorithm. (5)

VERTEX COLORING: Vertex coloring and bounds. Sequential coloring, largest degree first algorithms. Maximum clique and vertex
coloring. Mycielski‘s construction for large chromatic number. (3)

GRAPH ISOMORPHISM: Isomorphism, subgraph isomorphism, László Babai‘s quasi-polynomial time solution for graph
isomorphism problem. (4)

PLANAR GRAPHS: Euler‘s formula, dual graph, Kuratowski‘s theorem, 4-color problem, Wagner‘s theorem. Planarity testing –
Hopcraft-Tarjan algorithm. (3)

Total L: 30+T: 30=60

1. VLSI Physical design – maximum Independent set, maximum clique and minimum coloring for interval graphs, Steiner minimum
tree in routing.
2. Isomorphism/subgraph isomorphism problem in Data mining - common subgraph pattern in networks, chemical compound
within a chemical database.
3. Link verification using Eulerian trails.
4. Network flow – finding maximum flow in network
5. Register allocation, frequency assignment using vertex coloring
6. Traveling salesman problem using Hamiltonian concept
7. Planar graph embedding
8. Solving optimal assignment problem

1. Willian Kocay, Donald L. Kreher, Graphs, Algorithms, and Optimization, CRC Press, 2013.
2. Jonathan Gross and Jay Yellen, Graph Theory and its Applications, CRC Press, 2006.

1. Douglas B West, Introduction to Graph Theory, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2012.
2. Naveed Sherwani, Algorithms for VLSI Physical Design Automation, Springer, 2013.
3. Bang-Jensen, Jørgen, Gutin, Gregory Z., Diagraphs: Theory, Algorithms and Applications, Springer-Verlag, 2010.




INTRODUCTION: Definitions of the terms – quality planning , quality control, quality assurance, quality management , total quality
management as per ISO 8402 – overview on TQM – the TQM axioms – Commitment – scientific knowledge – involvement
Consequences of total quality. (7)

THE DEMING APPROACH TO TQM: Deming‘s fourteen points on quality management – five DDs – implementing the Deming
philosophy - action plan – the Deming cycle – questions and opinions of Deming. (7)

JURAN ON QUALITY: Developing a habit of quality – Juran quality trilogy – the universal break through sequence – comparison
Juran and Deming approaches (5)

CROSBY AND THE QUALITY TREATMENT: Crosby‘s diagnosis of a troubled company - Crosby‘s quality vaccine - Crosby‘s
absolutes for quality management - Crosby‘s fourteen steps for quality improvement. (6)

KAIZEN : Meaning – kaizen and innovation – the kaizen management practices – total quality control (TQC) –Ishikawa – kaizen –
kanban systems – small group activities – quality control circles – comparison of kaizen and Deming‘s approach (6)

storming – cause and effect analysis –check list– flow charts – force field analysis – Pareto analysis, New QC Tools, quality costing
– quality function deployment (QFD) (8)

ISO 9000 SERIES QUALITY SYSTEM STANDARDS: The structure of ISO 9000 series quality system standards – certification
process. (3)

STRATEGIC QUALITY MANAGEMENT: Integrating quality into strategic management – quality and the management cycle –
resources for quality activates – training for quality – self managing teams – role of the quality Director – obstacles to achieving
successful strategic quality management. (3)

Total : L : 45

1. Logothetics N ., ―Managing for total quality – From Deming to Taguchi and SPC ― , Pretence hall Ltd, New Delhi, 1997.
2. Juran J.M & Gryna F.M., ―quality Planning and Analysis – From Product development through use‖, Tata McGrawHill
Publishing Limited, new Delhi, 3rd Edition , 1995

1. Deming W E, ―Out of the Crisis," MIT Press, Cambridge, MA, 1982.
2. Juran J M and Juran on ―Leadership for Quality" An Executive Handbook, The Free Press, New York, 1989
3. Salor J.H., ―TQM-Fleld Manual,‖ McGraw Hill, New York, 1992.
4. Crosby P.B., ― Quality is Free,‖ McGraw Hill, New York, 1979




FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: Evolution – goals – functions; Indian financial system – financial instruments – financial markets –
Reserve Bank of India – Indian stock market; Capital structure – ‗EBIT-EPS‘ analysis – ‗ROI-ROE‘ analysis – assessment of debt
capacity – guidelines for capital structure planning. (6)

SOURCES OF FINANCE AND FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS: Long term – retained earnings – equity capital – debentures, types –
term loans; Short term – accruals, trade credit, commercial banks, public deposits, short term loans. Financial Institutions:
Institutional structure – all India, state level institutions; Financial assistance, term loan procedure. (7)

CAPITAL BUDGETING: Process and significance – costs and benefits; Investment appraisal – data requirement; Time value of
money; evaluation criteria – net present value – benefit / cost ratio – internal rate of return, payback period, accounting rate of
return; Cash flow analysis. (7)

WORKING CAPITAL MANAGEMENT: Current assets and current liabilities - factors influencing working capital - operating cycle
approach - calculation of working capital requirements; Introduction to cash management - credit management - credit policy
variables - accounts receivables; Inventory management - order point - valuation of stocks - monitoring and control of inventories.
BUDGETING AND BUDGETARY CONTROL: Meaning – purpose – types – sales budget, production budget, purchase budget,
cash budget. (6)

FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING: Double entry book keeping – journal, ledger, bank reconciliation statement, trial balance, trading, profit
and loss account, balance sheet. (9)

FINANCIAL STATEMENT ANALYSIS: Types of financial ratios – liquidity, leverage, turnover, profitability ratios – time series,
common size analysis, Dupont analysis. (3)

Total L: 45
1. Prasanna Chandra, ―Financial Management – Theory and Practice‖, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New
Delhi, 2012.
2. Pandey I M, ―Management Accounting‖, Vikas Publishing House, Bangalore, 2009.

1. Khan M Y and Jain P K, ―Basic Financial Management‖, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi, 2012.
2. Van Horne, ―Financial Management‖, McGraw Hill, New York, 2009.


SPECIAL STRUCTURAL MEMBERS: Deep beams, walls, ribbed hollow block slabs, waffle slabs, flat slabs – direct design
method-detailing. Design of corbels (8)

YIELD LINE THEORY: Yield line theory for slabs of square, rectangular and circular shapes with different boundary conditions
subjected to UDL by virtual work method - concept of segmental equilibrium method - corner lever effects – lower bound solution-
introduction to Hiller Borg's strip method. (8)

BUNKERS AND SILOS: Design of a square bunker - Design of a circular silo - Jenssen's theory - Principle of Airy's theory (no
derivation or problems). (8)

SHEAR WALLS: Classification – loads in shear walls – moment of resistance of a rectangular walls – ductile design of shear walls
CHIMNEYS: Design of RC chimneys for combined effect of self load, wind load and temperature (7)

DUCTILE DETAILING: Concepts of ductility – factors influencing ductility – design principles and codal provisions. (7)

Total L: 45

1. Varghese P.C.,‖ Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design‖,Prentice Hall of India , New Delhi, 2005.
2. Krishna Raju N, "Advanced Reinforced Concrete Design", CBS Publishers, New Delhi, 2010.

1. Winter and Nilson A H," Design of Concrete Structures", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2005.
2. Krishna Raju N, " Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures IS: 456-2000 ", CBS Publishers, New Delhi, 2011.
3. Sinha S.N., "Reinforced Concrete Structural Elements - Behaviour Analysis and Design", Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2002.
4. Punmia B.C, Ashok Kumar Jain and Arun Kumar Jain, ― Comprehensive RCC Designs,‖ Lakshmi Publications (P) Ltd, New
Delhi, 2005.

COMPOSITE CONSTRUCTION OF BEAMS: Design for composite construction - encased beam - shear connectors. (7)

COMPOSITE CONSTRUCTION OF COLUMNS: Design for composite construction of columns and beam columns. (7)

COMPOSITE CONSTRUCTION OF SLABS: Design of slabs using decking profile. (7)

LIGHT GAUGE SECTIONS: Light gauge sections - types of sections, material - local buckling of thin elements - stiffened,
unstiffened and multiple stiffened elements - compression members - laterally supported and unsupported flexural members -
connections. (10)

DESIGN OF FRAMES: Design of simple and rigid frames – gable frames – knee bents. (6)

STEEL BRIDGES : Types - economic span - general aspects, loads and design of plate girder bridges, steel trussed bridge -
design features of cable stayed bridges - bridge bearings - types - rocker bearings - rocker roller bearings - design. Design for
torsion – moment connections (8)

Total L: 45
1. Ramchandra and Vivendra Gehlot, ‗Design of Steel Structures‘, Vol.2, Scientific Publishers (India), Jodhpur, 2007.
2. Subramanian N,‖ Design of Steel Structures‖, Oxford University Press, NewDelhi 2008.

1 Jayagopal L S & Tensing D, ―Design of Steel Structures‖, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 2016.
2. Charles G Salmon & John E Johnson, ―Steel Structures – Design & Behaviour‖, Harper Collins Publishers, 3rd edition, 1990.
3. Robert Englekirk, ―Steel Structures, Controlling Behaviour through Design‖, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003.
4. Sai Ram K S,‖Design of Steel Structures‖, Pearson Education, 2010.


INTRODUCTION: Introduction to structural dynamics – importance of structural dynamics - types and sources of dynamic loads -
distinguishing features of a dynamic problem – methodology for dynamic analysis – types of structural vibration - basic terminology
SINGLE DEGREE OF FREEDOM: Linear systems: Equation of motion - components of vibration system - natural frequency -
viscous damping - response to undamped & damped free and forced vibration - response to support motion – principle of
accelerometers and displacement meters. (12)

TWO DEGREES OF FREEDOM: Equations of motion - Eigen value problem - free vibration response – forced vibration response to
harmonic excitation - response to support motion - modal analysis. (6)


INTRODUCTION: Elements of Engineering Seismology - Indian Seismicity – faults – seismic waves – earthquake intensity and
magnitude – earthquake ground motion - behaviour of structures in the past Earthquakes – basic terminology. (4)

EARTHQUAKE RESPONSE: Linear systems: Earthquake ground motion – response spectrum - response history analysis - IS
codal provisions for the determination of lateral loads – modal analysis. (9)

DESIGN CONCEPTS: Seismic Design Concepts - design spectrum - Earthquake Resistant Design of simple framed structures - IS
1893 codal provisions - ductile detailing of Reinforced Concrete frames as per IS 13920. (10)

Total L: 45

1. Anil K Chopra, "Dynamics of Structures - Theory and Applications to Earthquake Engineering", Prentice Hall of India (P) New
Delhi, 2004.
2. Pankaj Agarwal & Manish Shrikhande, ―Earthquake Resistant Design and Structures‖, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 2006.

1. Clough R W, and Penzien, "Dynamics of Structures", McGraw Hill Book Co Ltd, 1993.
2. Paz Mario," Structural Dynamics - Theory and Computation", CBS publishers, 2004.
3. Craig, R.R, and Andrew J.K. "Structural Dynamics - An Introduction to computer Methods", John Wiley & Sons, 2006.

4. Rajasekaran S, ―Structural Dynamics of Earthquake Engineering- Theory and application using MATHEMATICA and MATLAB‖,
Woodhead Publishing Limited, NewDelhi, 2009.


INVESTIGATIONS AND PLANNING: Need for investigation- selection of bridge site – preliminary data collection and preliminary
drawings –determination of design discharge – linear water way –economic span –afflux-scour depth – choice of bridge type –
importance of investigation. Standard specifications for road bridges and railway bridges - general design considerations. (9)

BRIDGE FOUNDATIONS: Types of foundations –Design of open well foundations and Pile foundations. (5)

PIERS, ABUTMENTS, SUPERSTRUCTURE: Piers and abutments - function, aesthetics, materials; wing walls - construction
aspects. super structure - types - choice of materials - design principles, considerations and criteria of pipe culverts, slab culvert,
box culvert, causeways. (7)

RC BRIDGES - DESIGN PRINCIPLES: Design of T beam and Slab Bridge - design principles of rc balanced cantilever bridge and
articulation. Design concepts of rigid frame bridges - - design of bowstring girder bridge and components. (7)

force, eccentricity, design of cables, end blocks. (7)

FEATURES AND DESIGN CONSIDERATION OF STEEL BRIDGES: Suspension bridges, cable stayed bridges and their
components, Bearings - types - design of rocker and roller bearings. (6)

CONSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE: Bridge superstructure construction - supports and centering for RC bridges - erection of
precast RC girders and steel girder bridges - maintenance of bridges, strengthening of masonry arch bridges. (4)

Total L: 45

1. Victor D J, ―Essentials of Bridge Engineering‖ Oxford and IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi, 2007.
2. Krishna Raju N, ―Design of bridges‖, Oxford and IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi, 2004.

1. Bakhi B and Jaeger L.G, ― Bridge deck analysis simplified‖, MGraw Hill book company, Singapore,1987.
2. Ponnuswamy S, " Bridge Engineering", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi, 2007.
3. Jagadeesh T.R and Jayaram M.A, ―Design of bridge structures‖, PHI Learning Private limited, New Delhi, 2010.


THE CLIMATE: Factors that determine climate, components of climate, characteristics of climatic types: Design for various climatic
zones: Passive and active energy control. Body heat balance, the sensation of heat comfort zone, exercise on the establishment of
effective temperature and comfort zone. (6)

SOLAR CONTROLAND HEAT FLOW THROUGH MATERIALS: Movement of the sun-charts, calculation of Altitude and azimuth,
solar charts, shadow angle, solar shading –design of solar shading devices. colour (5)

THERMAL COMFORT: Thermal comfort factors, Principles of heat gain and losses through building and calculation of heat gain
and losses, passive means of thermal comfort design of buildings. Calculation of U values. Concept of green buildings. (6)

NATURAL VENTILATION: The wind-elements of air and their effect on human beings: Air movement through buildings-thermally
induced air flow pattern in buildings: ventilation requirements for health –Mechanisms and estimation of natural ventilation.
DAYLIGHTING: Principles of day lighting analysis and design - design of fenestration in buildings of various types - quality of day
lighting - illumination design - luminaries and their characteristics - code requirements (5)

ARTIFICIAL LIGHTING: Types of sources and luminaries - design for interiors - determination of the illumination level -
Lumen method - artificial lighting to supplement day lighting. Modern theory of light and colour (6)

ACOUSTICS AND SOUND INSULATION: Introduction - scope of study. Absorption co-efficient and their measurement Absorption
materials used and their choice-Resonance, reverberation and echo-actual and optimum RT, RT for various uses and calculations.
Acoustics of buildings: Characteristics of audible sound - behavior of sound and its effect - acoustical defects - acoustical defects -
acoustics of buildings - sound absorbents and acoustical materials. Sound insulation of buildings: Introduction to effects and types of

noise - transmission of noise - sound insulation vs sound absorption - transmission loss - maximum acceptable noise levels - means
of noise control and sound insulation. -Design of acoustical buildings. (6)

NOISE CONTROL: Characteristics and effect of noise - source and control of noise in buildings of various types - planning and
design against outdoor and indoor noise. Noise contour. (5)

Total L: 45

1. Gurcharan Singh, "Building Construction Engineering", Standard Book House, Delhi, 1994.
2. Koenigsberger O.H, Ingersoll T.G., ―Manual of Tropical housing and building – climatic design ―, University Press 2010.

1. Harlness E L and Mehta M L, " Solar Radiation Control in Buildings", Applied Science publishers, London, 1978.
2. Ishwar Chand Bhargava P K ― Climate Data Book‖ Tata Mcgraw-Hill published in the year 1999.
3. Brown, G.Z. and DeKay, M., Sun, Wind and Light – Architectural Design Strategies John Wiley and Sons Inc, 2001.
4. Majumdar, M. (Ed), Energy – efficient Buildings in India, Tata Energy Research Institute, Ministry of Non Conventional Energy
Sources, 2002.


NATURAL DISASTERS: Cyclones, Floods, Drought and Desertification - Earthquake, Tsunami, Landslides and Avalanche. (9)

MAN MADE DISASTERS: Chemical industrial hazards, major power breakdowns, traffic accidents, Fire, War, Atom bombs,
Nuclear disaster.- Forest Fire-Oil fire –accident in Mines. (9)

GEOSPATIAL TECHNOLOGY: Remote sensing, GIS and GPS applications in real time disaster monitoring, prevention and
rehabilitation- disaster mapping. (9)

RISK ASSESSMENT AND MITIGATION: Hazards, Risks and Vulnerabilities. -Disasters in and India ,Assessment of Disaster
Vulnerability of a location and vulnerable groups- Preparedness and Mitigation measures for various Disasters- Mitigation through
capacity building -Preparation of Disaster Management Plans. (9)
DISASTER MANAGEMENT: Legislative responsibilities of disaster management- Disaster management act 2005- post disaster
recovery & rehabilitation, Relief & Logistics Management; disaster related infrastructure development- Post Disaster, Emergency
Support Functions and their coordination mechanism. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Ramana Murthy, ―Disaster Management‖, Dominant, New Delhi, 2004.
2. Rajdeep Dasgupta, Disaster Management and Rehabilitation, Mittal Publishers, New Delhi, 2007.

1. Disaster Management in India- A Status Report- Published by the National Disaster Management Institute, Ministry of Home
Affairs, Govt. of India.2004.
2. Murthy D B N, ―Disaster Management: Text and Case Studies‖, Deep and Deep Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2007.
3. Sundar I and Sezhiyan T, ―Disaster Management‖, Sarup and Sons, New Delhi, 2007.
4. Khanna B K, ―All You Wanted To Know About Disasters‖, New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi, 2005.


INTRODUCTION: maintenance classification – structural appraisal – building maintenance, repair organisation and accounts-
Building cracks - Principal sources of crack formation – diagnosis of cracks (7)

MOISTURE PENETRATION: Sources of dampness – moisture movement from ground – reasons for ineffective DPC – repair of
rising dampness in walls and efflorescence in building – leakage in slab – ferrocement overlay technique (6)

REPAIR MATERIAL: Epoxy – polymer & latex – acrylic polymers – polyester resins – application of repair chemicals – concrete
repair chemicals and examples of concrete chemicals for repair. (6)

CONCRETE STRUCTURE: Types and causes of deterioration – diagnosis of deterioration – corrosion of steel in reinforced
concrete, treatment against carbonation induced and chloride induced corrosion-cracks in RCC structural elements and their
prevention (8)

MASONRY STRUCTURE: Causes and treatment of cracks – cracks in load bearing walls - masonry partition walls – remedial
measures – cracks in plastering and rendering – surface cracks – corner cracks – cracks in building due to swelling of soil (9)

STRENGTHENING OF EXISTING STRUCTURES: General principles – relieving loads – strengthening super structure – plating –
conversion to composite construction – post stressing – jacketing – bonded overlays – section enlargement and addition of
reinforcement – strengthening of substructure. (9)

Total L: 45
1. P C Varghese,‖ maintenance, repair and rehabilitation and minor works of buildings‖, PHI Pvt Ltd, 2014.
2. B L Gupta & Amit Gupta,‖ maintenance and repair of civil structures‖, standard publishers distributors, NewDelhi, first edition -

1. Macdonald S, ―Concrete – building pathology‖, Blackwell Science limited, oxford, 2003.
2. Strecker P P, ―Corrosion damaged concrete – assessment and repair‖, Butterworths , London,1987.
3. Denison Campbell, Allen and Harold Roper, ―Concrete structures, Materials, maintenance and repair‖, Longman scientific and
technical , 1991.
4. Raina V K, ― concrete for construction – facts and practice‖, Tata Mac Graw Hill , Newdelhi -1999.


PLANNING AND LAYOUT: Planning and layout of low-rise buildings for different functions such as residences, office buildings,
shopping centers, hospitals, auditoria, etc. STEEL MILL BUILDINGS: Planning the general framing scheme - Planning the Trusses -
Bracing of roofs - Vertical bracing of buildings - Design of roof Trusses and lattice girders. (7)

DESIGN OF FRAMES: Design of simple and rigid frames – Gable frames – Knee bents. (7)

DESIGN OF CHIMNEYS: Self-supporting - Guyed Chimneys - Design of towers. (8)

INDUSTRIAL ROOFING STRUCTURES: Trusses – Design of lattice girders – design of arches – Plate girders - Design of industrial
sheds - Design of over head and under slung girders - Gantry girder - Design of gantry columns – Heavy duty plate girders. (9)

BUNKERS AND SILOS: Pressure on side walls of bunkers and silos - Janssen's and Airy's theories - Complete design of single
cell circular silos including their supporting structures and foundation - Design of rectangular and square bunkers - sloping bottom -
design of staging. (8)

TOWERS: Design of lattice towers – design of masts. (6)

Total L: 45
1. Dunham C W, "Planning Industrial Structures", McGraw Hill Book Company, Inc., 1980.
2. Subramanian N,‖ Design of Steel Structures‖, Oxford University Press, NewDelhi 2008.

1. Jayagopal L S & Tensing D, ―Design of Steel Structures‖, Vikas Publishing House Pvt Ltd., 2016.
2. Charles G Salmon & John E Johnson, ―Steel Structures – Design & Behaviour‖, Harper Collins Publishers, 3rd edition, 1990.
3. Robert Englekirk, ―Steel Structures, Controlling Behaviour through Design‖, John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2003.
4. Ram Chandra, ―Design of Steel Structures‖, Vol.2, Scientific Publication (India), Jodhpur, 2007.


PRINCIPLES AND ANALYSIS FOR FLEXURE: Principles - types - prestressing - materials definition of Type I, Type II and Type
III structures – requirements - behaviour of PSC elements - force transmitted by pretensioned and post tensioned systems- analysis
- service loads - methods - ultimate strength. (6)

LOSSES OF PRESTRESS : losses due to deformation and slip of anchorage units – elastic shortening – shrinkage and creep of
concrete – relaxation of steel – frictional losses as per IS 1343 : 2012. (6)

DESIGN FOR FLEXURE AND DEFLECTION: Philosophy - limit states - concepts - collapse and serviceability - service load -
basic requirements - stress range approach - Lin's approach - Magnel's approach - cable layouts. Deflection - short and long term
deflection of uncracked and cracked members as per IS 1343 : 2012. (7)

DESIGN FOR SHEAR AND TORSION: Shear and principal stresses - limit state shearing resistance of cracked and uncracked
sections - design of shear reinforcement by limit state approach. Behaviour under torsion - modes of failure - design for combined
torsion, shear and bending as per IS 1343 : 2012. (5)

TRANSFER OF PRESTRESS: Transmission of prestressing force by bond in pretensioned members - Transmission length -
Factors affecting transmission length - check for transmission length - transverse tensile stresses - end zone reinforcement.

Anchorage zone stresses in post-tensioned members - Magnel's method - Calculation of bearing stress and bursting tensile forces -
code provisions - Reinforcement in anchorage zone. (5)

COMPOSITE CONSTRUCTION OF PRESTRESSED & INSITU CONCRETE: Need - types of composite construction - behaviour -
analysis for flexural stresses - shear - differential shrinkage - design for flexure and shear. (5)

TANKS AND PIPES: Circular prestressing in liquid retaining tanks - analysis for stresses - design of tank wall. PSC pipes - types -
design of non cylinder pipes. (5)

STATICALLY INDETERMINATE STRUCTURES: Methods of achieving continuity - assumptions in elastic analysis - pressure line -
linear transformation - concordant cables - Guyon's theorem - analysis and design of continuous beams. (6)

Total L:45
1. Rajagopalan N, "Prestressed Concrete", Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2002.
2. Krishna Raju N, "Prestressed Concrete", Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company Ltd., New Delhi 2007.

1. Lin T Y and Ned H Burns, "Design of Prestressed Concrete Structures", John Wiley and Sons, Newyork, 1982.
2. Praveen Nagarajan,‖ Prestressed Concrete Design‖, Pearson, Delhi2013.
3. Sinha N C & Roy S K ,‖ fundamentals of Prestresed concrete‖, S Chand & Co, 1985.


INTRODUCTION : Structural Mechanics concept – Matrix Displacement method of analysis – Stiffness matrix – Principle of
superposition–Basic Theory of Finite Element Method–Application of Finite Element Method–Advantages and Disadvantages. (4)

DIRECT STIFFNESS METHOD FOR TRUSSES : Concept of direct stiffness – Element Stiffness – Element Assembly to Global
Stiffness Matrix – Boundary Condition – two and three dimensional truss – displacement of joints – forces in members. (6)

DIRECT STIFFNESS METHOD FOR BEAMS AND PLANE FRAMES: Direct Stiffness approach – Element Assembly into Global
Stiffness Matrix – Different types of boundary conditions – Application to simple continuous beams – regular and irregular frames.
TWO DIMENSIONAL STRESS ANALYSIS : Introduction to Elasticity theory – Basic concepts – Constitutive law – plane stress –
plane strain problems – Saint Venant‘s Principle. Idealisation – Triangular Element – Constant Strain Triangle – Element Stiffness –
Assembly of Element Stiffness– Application to simple problems – Introduction to Isoparametric elements basic concepts only. (8)

METHOD OF WEIGHTED RESIDUAL: Method of collocation – Subdomain method – Galerkin‘s method – Method of least
squares. (6)

VARIATIONAL FORMULATION – RAYLEIGH RITZ : Rayleigh Ritz method to deflection of beams and buckling load of columns.
SOLUTION TECHNIQUES FOR STATIC AND DYNAMIC ANALYSIS : Gaussian Elimination and Cholesky methods – Storage
schemes – Skyline, band forms – Introduction to dynamic analysis - Lumped mass – Consistent mass (concepts only) – Eigen
values and eigen vectors Jacobi method – Forward iteration – Inverse iteration. (8)

Total L:45
1. Rajasekaran S and Sankarasubramanian G, ―Computational Structural Mechanics‖, Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New
Delhi, 2001.
2. Rajasekaran S, ―Finite Element Analysis in Engineering Design‖. S Chand & Co., 2003.

1. McGuire W, Gallagher R H and Zieman R, ―Matrix Structural Analysis‖, John Wiley & Sons, 2000.
2. Krishnamoorthy C S, ―Finite Element Analysis – Theory and Programming‖, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., New Delhi,1994.
3. Cook R D, Malkus D S, Plesha M E and Witt R J, ―Concepts and Applications of Finite Element Analysis‖, John Weily & sons
inc, New York, 2003.
4. Chandrapatla T R and Belegundu A D, ―Introduction to Finite Elements in Engineering‖, Prentice Hall of India, 2002.



FUNDAMENTALS OF GROUND WATER: Introduction – Occurrence of Ground water – Movement of groundwater – Classification
of aquifers - Distribution of water - ground water column –Permeability - Darcy's Law - Laboratory permeability test - Types of
aquifers - Hydrogeological Cycle – water level fluctuations. (9)

HYDRAULICS OF FLOW: Storage coefficient - Specific field - Heterogeneity and Anisotrophy -Transmissivity - Governing
equations of ground water flow - Steady state flow - Dupuit Forchheimer assumptions - Velocity potential - Flow nets. (9)

ESTIMATION OF PARAMETERS: Transmissivity and Storativity – Pumping test - Unsteady state flow - Thiess method - Jacob
method - Image well theory – effect of partial penetrations of wells. (9)

GROUND WATER DEVELOPMENT: Infiltration gallery - Collectors wells - Conjunctive use - Artificial recharge -Safe yield -Yield
test – Selection of pumps. (5)

SURFACE INVESTIGATION OF GROUNDWATER: Geophysical methods of groundwater – electrical resistivity method – seismic
refraction method – gravity and magnetic method – remote sensing (4)

WATER QUALITY : Ground water chemistry - Origin, movement and quality - Water quality standards - Saltwater intrusion –
Environmental concern. Control of ground water contamination – Groundwater Modeling. (9)

Total: 45
1. Raghunath H.M, ―Ground Water‖, New Age International Publisher – Third edition. 2007.
2. Todd D.K, ―Ground Water Hydrology‖, Wiley student edition, 2014.

1. Schwartz F. W, Hubao Zhang, ― Fundamentals of Ground Water‖, Wiley student edition, 2003
2. Ramakrishnan S., ―Ground Water‖, Second edition, Sci-Tech Publications, 2011.

3 0 0 3
PRECIPITATION: Hydrologic cycle – Types of precipitation – Forms of precipitation – Measurement of Rainfall – Spatial
measurement methods – Temporal measurement methods – Frequency analysis of point rainfall – Intensity, duration, frequency
relationship – Probable maximum precipitation. (10)

ABSTRACTION FROM PRECIPITATION: Losses from precipitation – Evaporation process – Reservoir evaporation – Infiltration
process – Infiltration capacity – Measurement of infiltration – Infiltration indices – Effective rainfall. (9)

HYDROGRAPHS: Factors affecting Hydrograph – Baseflow separation – Unit hydrograph – Derivation of unit hydrograph – S curve
hydrograph – Unit hydrograph of different deviations – Synthetic unit hydrograph. (10)

FLOODS AND FLOOD ROUTING: Flood frequency studies – Recurrence interval – Gumbel‘s method – flood routing – Reservoir
flood routing – Muskingum‘s Channel Routing – Flood control. (9)

GROUND WATER HYDROLOGY: Types of aquifers – Darcy‘s law – Dupuit‘s assumptions – Confined Aquifer – Unconfined aquifer
– Recuperation test – Transmissibility – Specific capacity – Pumping test – Steady flow analysis only. (7)

Total L:45
1. Raghunath H M, ―Hydrology‖, Wiley Eastern Ltd., 2006.
2. Jayarami Reddi P, ―Text book of Hydrology‖, Laxmi Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2006.

1. Chow V T and Maidment, ―Hydrology for Engineers‖, McGraw Hill Inc., Ltd., 2000.
2. Singh V P, ―Hydrology‖, McGraw Hill Inc., Ltd., 2000.
3. Patra K C, ―Hydrology and Water Resources Engineering‖ Narosa Publishing House, New Delhi, 2006.
4. Subramanya K, ―Engineering Hydrology‖, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co., Ltd.,2006.

GENERAL: Water Resources Survey - Water resources of India and Tamilnadu - Description of Water Resources Planning -
Economics of Water Resources, Planning, physical and socioeconomic data - National water Policy - Collection of meteorological
and hydrological data for water resources development. (9)

NETWORK DESIGN: Hydrologic measurements – Analysis of hydrologic data - Hydrologic station network - Station network design
- Statistical techniques in network design. (9)

WATER RESOURCE NEEDS: Consumptive and non-consumptive water use - Estimation of water requirements for irrigation, for
drinking and navigation - Water characteristics and quality – Scope and aims of master plan - Concept of basin as a unit for
development - Water budget and development plan. (9)

RESERVOIR PLANNING AND MANAGEMENT: Reservoir - Single and multipurpose – Multi objective - Fixation of Storage
capacity -Strategies for reservoir operation - Sedimentation of reservoirs - Design flood - Levees and flood walls - Channel
improvemen (10)

ECONOMIC ANALYSIS: Estimation of cost and Evaluation of Benefits - Discount rate - Discounting factors - Discounting
techniques – Computer Applications. (8)

Total L: 45
1. Linsley R.K. and Franzini J.B, ―Water Resources Engineering‖, McGraw Hill Inc, New York, 2000.
2. Douglas J L and Lee R R, ―Economics of Water Resources Planning‖, Tata McGraw Hill Inc. New Delhi, 2000.

1. Chaturvedi M C, ―Water Resources Systems Planning and Management‖, Tata McGraw Hill Inc., New Delhi, 1997.
2. Goodman Alvin S, ―Principles of Water Resources Planning‖, Prentice-Hall, 1984.
3. Maass et al. ―Design of Water Resources Systems‖, Macmillan, 1968.
4. Duggal K N and Soni J P, ―Elements of Water Resources Engineering‖, New Age International Publishers, New Delhi, 2004.


NEED FOR IRRIGATION: Advantages and disadvantages - Types of irrigation - soil formation - functions and properties of soils -
types of soil moisture - suitability of soil for crops - suitability of water for irrigation - standards for irrigation water. (6)

REQUIREMENTS OF WATER: Duty and delta of a crop - factors affecting duty - crop seasons - Techniques of water distribution -
optimum utilization - irrigation efficiency - consumptive use and its estimation. (6)

IRRIGATION CANALS: Alluvial and non alluvial canals - Alignment of canals - Distribution system - command area - intensity of
irrigation - Channel losses - Estimation of required canal capacity. (6)

SEDIMENT TRANSPORT: Design of stable channels - Kennedy's and Lacey's theories - cross section of irrigation channels in
cutting and embankment - problems and maintenance of irrigation channels. (6)

LINING OF CANALS: Need and justification for lining of canals - Design of lined canals - cross-section, types of lining - drainage.

RIVER TRAINING: Behaviour of rivers - need for controlling their behaviors - River training works. (5)

WATER LOGGING: Causes of water logging - methods of reclaiming a water logged area. (5)

TANK IRRIGATION: Tanks in isolation and series - capacity of water spread - estimation of inflow - principal elements of an
irrigation tank. (5)

Total L :45

1. Santhosh Kumar Garg, "Irrigation and Hydraulic Structures", Khanna Publishers, New Delhi, 2002.
2. Punmia BC, Pande B B Lal, Ashok Kumar Jain and Arun Kumar Jain, ―Irrigation and Water Power Engineering‖, Laxmi
Publications (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2009.

1. Sahasra Budhe S R, "Irrigation and Hydraulic Structures", Katson Publishing House, Ludhiana, 1996.
2. Asawa G L,"Irrigation and Water Resources Engineering", New Age International Publishers, New Delhi 2007.

3. Sharma R K and Sharma T K, ―Irrigation Engineering‖, S Chand and Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.

3 0 0 3
INTRODUCTION: Parameters of Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) – Environmental Impact statement (EIS) – EIA capability
and limitations – Legal provisions on EIA - Impact of development projects under Civil Engineering on environment (6)

METHODOLOGIES: Methods of EIA – Checklists – Matrices – Networks – Cost-benefit analysis – Analysis of alternatives – case
studies. (6)

PREDICTION AND ASSESSMENT: Impact prediction, assessment and monitoring on Socio-economic, Soil, Water and Air quality,
Noise, Transport, Ecology - Mathematical models - public participation – Rapid EIA. (8)

ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PLAN: Plan for mitigation of adverse impact on environment – options for mitigation of impact
on water, air and land, flora and fauna; Addressing the issues related to the Project Affected people- Remote sensing and GIS in
EIA - ISO 14000. (8)

EIA IN INDIA: Procedure for environmental clearance – Flow chart – Environmental guidance for Thermal power plants – Mining
projects – River valley development projects – Legislation and Institutional support – International Co-operation – Guidance for
industrial licensing. (8)

CASE STUDIES: EIA for infrastructure projects – Bridges – Stadium – Highways – Dams – Multi-storey Buildings – water supply
and drainage projects. (9)

Total L: 45
1. Canter R L, ―Environmental Impact assessment‖, McGraw Hill Inc., New Delhi, 1996.
2. Shrivastawa A K, ―Environmental Impact assessment‖, APH Publishers, New Delhi, 2003.

1. Peter Morris and Riki Therivel, ―Methods of Environmental Impact assessment‖, Span Press, London and New York, 2001.
2. John G Rau and David C Hooten (Ed), ― Environmental Impact Analysis Handbook‖, McGraw Hill Book Company, 1990.
3. ―Environmental Assessment Source book‖, Vol. I, II & III. The World Bank, Washington, D.C., 1991.
4. Judith Petts, ― Handbook of Environmental impact Assessment Vol. I & II‖, Blackwell Science, 1999.


3 0 0 3
INTRODUCTION: Types of industries and industrial pollution – characteristics of industrial wastes – Population equivalent –
Bioassay studies – effects of industrial effluents on streams, sewer, land, sewage treatment plants and human health –
Environmental legislation related to prevention and control of industrial effluents and hazardous wastes – Common effluent
treatments. (9)

CLEANER PRODUCTION: Waste management Approach – Environmental Auditing – ISO 14000 – Basics and Approaches –
Volume and strength reduction – Material and process modifications – Waste minimization – Recycle, reuse and byproduct recovery
– Applications. (10)

TREATMENT TECHNOLOGIES: Equalization – Neutralisation – removal of suspended and dissolved organic solids – Chemical
oxidation – Adsorption – Removal of dissolved inorganic solids (8)

management – Dewatering – Disposal. (6)

POLLUTION CONTROL FROM AGRO BASED INDUSTRIES: Sources, characteristics, waste treatment flow sheets for selected
industries such as Textiles, Tanneries, dairy, Sugar, Paper, Distilleries, (6)

POLLUTION CONTROL FROM OTHER MAJOR INDUSTRIES: Sources, characteristics, waste treatment flow sheets for
Pharmaceuticals, Electroplating industries, Steel plants, Refineries, Fertilizer, Thermal power plants – Wastewater reclamation
concepts. (6)
Total L: 45
1. Rao M N and Dutta A K, ―Wastewater Treatment‖, Oxford – IBH Publication, 2007.

2. Eckenfelder W W Jr., ―Industrial Water Pollution Control‖, McGraw Hill Book Company, New Delhi, 2000.

1. Nemerrow N L, ―Industrial waste treatment‖, Butterworth-Heinemann, 2007.
2. Shen T T, ―Industrial Pollution Prevention‖, Springer, 1999.
3. H.M.Freeman, ―Industrial Pollution Prevention Hand Book‖, McGraw Hill Inc., New Delhi, 1995.
4. Bishop, P.L., ―Pollution Prevention: Fundamental & Practice‖, McGraw Hill, 2000.


SOURCES AND TYPES: Sources and types of solid wastes - Quantity – factors affecting generation of solid wastes; characteristics
– methods of sampling and characterization; Effects of improper disposal of solid wastes – public health effects. Principle of solid
waste management – social & economic aspects; Public awareness; Role of NGOs; Legislation. (9)

ON-SITE STORAGE & PROCESSING: On-site storage methods – materials used for containers – on-site segregation of solid
wastes – public health & economic aspects of storage – options under Indian conditions – Critical Evaluation of Options. (6)

COLLECTION AND TRANSFER: Methods of Collection – types of vehicles – Manpower requirement – collection routes; transfer
stations – selection of location, operation & maintenance; options under Indian conditions. (8)

OFF-SITE PROCESSING: Processing techniques and Equipment; Resource recovery from solid wastes – composting, incineration,
Pyrolysis - options under Indian conditions. (8)

DISPOSAL: Dumping of solid waste; sanitary land fills – site selection, design and operation of sanitary landfills – Leachate
collection & treatment. (8)

HAZARDOUS WASTE MANAGEMENT: Hazardous, radioactive and biomedical wastes – Physico Chemical treatment –
Solidification – incineration – secured land fills. (8)

Total L:45
1. George Tchobanoglous et.al., ―Integrated Solid Waste Management‖, McGraw Hill Publishers, 1993.
2. Bilitewski, Bernd, Härdtle, Georg, Marek, Klaus, ―Waste Management‖, Springer, 1994.

1. ―Manual on Municipal Solid Waste Management‖, CPHEEO, Ministry of Urban Development, Government of India, New Delhi,
2. Landreth R.E, and Rebers P. A, ―Municipal Solid Wastes – Problems and Solutions‖, Lewis Publishers, 1997.
3. Bhide A.D. and Sundaresan, B.B., ―Solid Waste Management in Developing Countries‖, INSDOC, 1993.
4. Bhide A.D. and Sundaresan, B.B., ―Solid Waste Collection, Processing and Disposal‖, 2001.



OVERVIEW OF GEOSYNTHETICS AND DESIGN PRINCIPLES: Overview of Geotextiles, geogrids, geonets, geomembranes,
geosynthetic clay liners, geopipes and geocomposites – their current applications for various functions, Mechanism of reinforced
soil, Factors influencing behaviour and performance, Soil-reinforcement interaction. (8)

IMPROVEMENT OF BEARING CAPACITY: Modes of failure in reinforced earth, Determination of force induced in reinforcement,
Guidelines on the use of geogrids, Bearing capacity improvement in soft soils. (8)

DESIGN OF REINFORCED SOIL RETAINING WALLS: Components of reinforced soil walls, Principles of design – Internal and
external stability, Design examples. (8)

EMBANKMENTS IN SOFT SOILS: Analysis, Influence of reinforcement extensibility, deformation in foundation, Overall stability
with respect to bearing. (7)

USE OF GEOSYNTHETICS FOR FILTRATION AND DRAINAGE: Applications, Geotextile filter requirements, boundary conditions,
drain and filter properties, design criteria . (8)

USE OF GEOSYNTHETICS IN ROADS: Applications, Role of subgrade conditions, Design – The Giroud and Noiray approach,
Geotextile serviceability, Application in pavement overlays . (6)

Total L:45
1. Sivakumar Babu, G.L., ―Introduction to Soil Reinforcement and Geosynthetics‖, Universities Press, Hyderabad, 2009.
2. Robert M Koerner, ―Designing with Geosynthetics‖, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2005.

1. Mandal J N, ―Geosynthetics World‘, New Age International (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2007.
2. Braja M Das, ―Shallow Foundations: Bearing Capacity and Settlement‖, CRC Press, New York, 1999.
3. ones C J F P, ―Earth Reinforcement and Soil Structures‖, Thomas Telford Publishing, London, 1996.


INTRODUCTION: Role of ground improvement in foundation engineering, Methods of ground improvement, Geotechnical problems
in alluvial and black cotton soils, Selection of suitable ground improvement techniques based on soil condition. (9)

DRAINAGE AND DEWATERING: Drainage techniques-well points, vacuum and electroosmotic methods- Seepage analysis for
two dimensional flow-Fully and partially penetrating slots in homogeneous deposits (Simple cases only). (9)

INSITU TREATMENT OF COHESIONLESS AND COHESIVE SOILS: Insitu densification of cohesionless and consolidation of
cohesive soils-Dynamic compaction and consolidation, vibrofloatation, Sand compaction pile, Preloading with sand drains and
fabric drains, Stone columns, Lime piles-Installation techniques only- Relative merits of various methods and their limitations.
EARTH REINFORCEMENT: Concept of reinforcement, Types of reinforcement material, Applications of reinforced earth, Use of
Geotextiles for filtration, drainage and separation in road and other works. (9)

GROUT TECHNIQUES: Types of grouts, Grouting equipment and machinery, Injection methods, Grout monitoring, Stabilisation
with cement, lime and chemicals, Stabilisation of expansive soils. (9)

Total L:45
1. Purushothama Raj, P. ―Ground Improvement Techniques‖, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2007.
2. Robert M Koerner, ―Design with Geosynthetics‖, Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2005.

1. Joseph E Bowles, ―Foundation Analysis and Design‖, McGraw Hill Companies. Inc., New York, 1997.
2. Braja M Das, ―Principles of Foundation Engineering‖, Thomson Publishing company, Brooks/Cole Division,1999.
3. Shashi K Gulhati and Manoj Datta, ―Geotechnical Engineering‖, Tata McGraw Hill Education (P) Ltd., New Delhi, 2010.
4. Kenneth D Weaver and Donald A Bruce, ―Dam Foundation Grouting‖, ASCE Press, Virginia, 2007.


PRINCIPLES OF PAVEMENT DESIGN: Types of pavement-flexible and rigid- Components of pavement and their functions,
Provisions of IRC Guidelines for each component, Comparison between highway and airport pavements, Factors influencing
pavement stability: Vehicle and traffic factors-ESWL and Wheel Load Factor- Moisture and climate, soil-CBR, Hveem stabilometer
method, Plate Bearing method for finding modulus of subgrade reaction and North Dakota Cone method- and stress distribution
factor-Boussinesq and Burmister theories. (9)

DESIGN OF FLEXIBLE PAVEMENT: Empirical method based on arbitrary strength-CBR method-Provisions of IRC 37- Plate
Bearing method (US Navy method for airfields), Theoretical and semi-theoretical methods-Kansas and Texas triaxial methods, IRC
guidelines for design of flexible rural roads. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) method (Recommended by International Civil
Aviation Organization) (9)

STRESSES IN RIGID PAVEMENT: Stresses in rigid pavement due to wheel load-Westergaard, Older, Bradbury and Kelly theories-
Stresses due to change in temperature-warping stress-theory by Bradbury- Stress due to subgrade restraint, Critical combination of
stresses. (5)

DESIGN OF RIGID PAVEMENT: Modulus of Rupture of concrete, Design of airport pavement- Federal Aviation Administration
(FAA) method (Recommended by International Civil Aviation Organization) - Design of rigid highway pavement- IRC 58 method -
IRC guidelines for design of rigid rural roads (6)

JOINTS IN RIGID PAVEMENT: Types of joints, Types of rigid pavement based on reinforcement, Design of reinforcement in
longitudinal and transverse direction, tie bars and dowel bars. (4)

PAVEMENT DISTRESS, EVALUATION AND REHABILITATION: Distresses in flexible and rigid pavements - condition surveys -
Types of roughness - present serviceability index - skid resistance - structural evaluation – Benkelman deflection method – Design
of overlays both for highway and airport pavements - flexible overlay over flexible pavement, rigid overlay over rigid pavement,
flexible overlay over rigid pavements – Methods suggested by IRC, FAA and Asphalt Institute (8)

STABILISATION OF PAVEMENTS: Stabilisation with special reference to highway pavements, Chemical and mechanical
stabilisation, Use of Geosynthetics (geotextiles and geogrids) in roads. (4)

Total L: 45
1. Yoder E J and Witczak M W," Principles of Pavement Design", John Wiley and Sons Inc., New York, 2011.
2. Kadiyali and Lal., ―Principles and Practice of Highway Engineering‖, Khanna Tech Publications, New Delhi, 2005.

1. IRC: 37-2001, Guidelines for the Design of Flexible pavements, Indian Road Congress, New Delhi, 2001.
2. IRC: 58-2002, Guidelines for the Design of Rigid Pavements for Highways, Indian Road Congress, New Delhi, 2002.
3. Sharma S K," Principles, Practice and Design of Highway Engineering", S Chand and Company Ltd., New Delhi, 1985.
4. IRC: 81-1997, Guidelines for Strengthening of Flexible Road Pavements Using Benkelman Beam Deflection Technique, Indian
Road Congress, New Delhi, 1997.



INTRODUCTION: Air transportation in India- Component parts of aero plane- Aircraft characteristics comprehensive view of Metro
Airports in India-Key developers in India (3)

AIRPORT PLANNING AND DESIGN: Objects and Types of surveys -Airport zoning – Clearance over highways and railways –
Airport layouts – Apron –Hangars – Terminal buildings – Airports buildings – Passenger flow Passenger facilities . (8)

RUNWAY AND TAXI WAY DESIGN: Basic runway length-Corrections to basic runway length-Balanced field concept- Comparison
of runway patterns- Orientation of Runway- Taxiway design – Separation distances – Design speed – Drainage. (8)

AIR TRAFFIC CONTROL: Visual aids – Runway and taxiway markings – Wind direction indicators – Runway and Taxiway lightings
– Air traffic control network – Helipads – Service equipments. (6)

DOCKS AND HARBOURS : Definition of terms – Classification of Harbours , Ports, Docks – Tides – Waves and waves dynamics –
Littoral drift –Hydrographic survey and Topographic Survey-Sounding line, satellite ports – Classification of harbors – Site selection
and investigation –Harbour layout-Dry and wet docks, Locks – Navigational aids- Light houses – Mooring accessories. Dredging-
classification and type - Current Scenario. (10)

COASTAL STRUCTURES: Piers – Slipways – Breakwaters – Wharves – Jetties- Dolphins– Quays – Spring fenders – Coastal
shipping – Inland water transport – Container transportation – Pipe ways – Rope ways. Major port profiles-Visakhapatnam, Chennai,
Mumbai, Cochin, inter port comparison. (10)
Total L: 45
1. Rangawala Airport Engineering‖Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.10th Edition 2010.
2. Hasmukh P. Oza and Gutam H. Oza‖ Docks and Harbour Engineering, Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.6th Edition 2011.

1. Khanna, S.K., Arora, M.G. and Jain, S.S., ―Airport Planning and Design‖, Namchand and Brother,1999.
2. Bindra, S.P., ―A course in Docks and Harbour Engineering‖, Dhanpat Rai and Sons, 1993.
3. Srinivasan ―Docks and harbor engineering‖ Charotar Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.24th Edition 2010.


INTRODUCTION TO HOUSING: Definition of Basic Terms – House, Home, Household, Apartments, Multi storeyed Buildings,
Special Buildings, Objectives and Strategies of National Housing Policies, Principle of Sustainable Housing, Housing Laws at State
level, Bye-laws at Urban and Rural Local Bodies – levels - Development Control Regulations, Institutions for Housing at National,
State and Local levels. (10)

HOUSING PROGRAMMES : Basic Concepts, Contents and Standards for Housing Programs - Sites and Services,
Neighbourhoods, Open Development Plots, Apartments, Rental Housing, Co-operative Housing, Slum Housing Programmes, Role
of Public, Private and Non-Government Organisations. (10)

PLANNING AND DESIGN OF HOUSING PROJECTS: Formulation of Housing Projects – Site Analysis, Layout Design, Design of
Housing Units (Design Problems). (9)

CONSTRUCTION TECHNIQUES AND COST-EFFECTIVE MATERIALS: New Constructions Techniques – Cost Effective Modern
Construction Materials, Building Centers – Concept, Functions and Performance Evaluation. (8)

HOUSING FINANCE AND PROJECT APPRAISAL: Appraisal of Housing Projects – Housing Finance, Cost Recovery – Cash Flow
Analysis, Subsidy and Cross Subsidy, Pricing o f Housing Units, Rents, Recovery Pattern (Problems). (8)

Total L: 45
1. Meera Mehta and Dinesh Mehta, Metropolitan Housing Markets, Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1999.
2. Francis Cherunilam and Odeyar D Heggade, Housing in India, Himalaya Publishing House, Bombay, 1997.

1. Development Control Rules for Chennai Metropolitan Area, CMA, Chennai, 2002.
2. UNCHS, National Experiences with Shelter Delivery for the Poorest Groups, UNCHS (Habitat), Nairobi, 1994.
3. National Housing Policy, Government of India, 1994.


INTRODUCTION: Significance and scope, Characteristics of Vehicles and Road Users, Skid Resistance and Braking Efficiency
(Problems), Components of Traffic Engineering- Road, Traffic and Land Use Characteristics. (9)

TRAFFIC SURVEYS AND ANALYSIS: Surveys and Analysis - Volume, Capacity, Speed and Delays, Origin and Destination,
Parking, Pedestrian Studies, Accident Studies and Safety Level of Services- Problems. (9)

TRAFFIC CONTROL: Traffic signs, Road markings, Design of Traffic signals and Signal co-ordination (Problems), Traffic control
aids and Street furniture, Street Lighting, Computer applications in Signal design. (8)

GEOMETRIC DESIGN OF INTERSECTIONS : Conflicts at Intersections, Classification of Intersections at Grade, -

Chanellised and Unchanellised Intersection - Grade Separators (Concepts only), Principles of Intersection Design, Elements of
Intersection Design, Chanellisation and Rotary design (Problems), Grade Separators (10)

TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT: Traffic Management- Traffic System Management (TSM) and Travel Demand Management (TDM),
Traffic Forecasting techniques, Restrictions on turning movements, One-way Streets, Traffic Segregation, Traffic Calming, Tidal flow
operations, Exclusive Bus Lanes - Introduction to Intelligence Transport System (ITS). (9)

Total L:45
1. Khanna K and Justo C E G, ―Highway Engineering‖, Khanna Publishers, Roorkee, 2001.
2. Kadiyali L R, ―Traffic Engineering and Transport Planning‖, Khanna Book Publishing Co ltd, New Delhi, 2003.

1. Indian Roads Congress (IRC) specifications: Guidelines and special publications on Traffic Planning and Management.
2. Guidelines of Ministry of Road Transport and Highways, Government of India.
3. Subhash C.Saxena, ―A Course in Traffic Planning and Design‖, Dhanpat Rai Publications, New Delhi, 1989.


INTRODUCTION: Cartography today - Nature of Cartography - History of Cartography - Graticules - Cartometry. (9)

EARTH: Earth-Map Relations - Basic Geodesy - Map Projections, Scale, Reference and Coordinate system - Transformation -
Basic Transformation - Affine Transformation. (9)

SOURCES OF DATA: Ground Survey and Positioning - Remote Sensing data collection - Census and sampling - data - Models
for digital cartographic information, Map digitizing. (9)

PERCEPTION AND DESIGN: Cartographic design - Color theory and models - Color and pattern creation and specification - Color
and pattern - Typography and lettering the map - Map compilation. (9)

CARTOGRAPHY ABSTRACTION: Selection and Generalisation Principles - Symbolisation - Topographic and thematic maps -
Map production and Reproduction - Map series. (9)
Total L: 45
1. Anson R W and Ormeling F J, Basic Cartography for students and Technicians. Vol.I, II and III, Elsevier Applied Science
Publishers 2nd Edition, 1994.
2. Arthur, H. Robinson et al Elements of Cartography, Sixth Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2002.

1. Kraak M J and Ormeling F J, Cartography : Visualisation and spatial data. Prentice Hall, 2003.
2. Robert G Cromley, Digital Cartography, Prentice Hall, 1992.
3. John Campbell, Introductory Cartography Second Edition, Wm.C. Brown Publishers, 1994.


GIS TECHNIQUE AND DATA INPUT: Map – Types of Maps – Map projections, Development of GIS – Components of GIS –
Hardware, software, organisation – Types of data -Spatial and non-spatial data –Sources of data - Point, Line and Polygon – Vector
and Raster data – Database structures – Vector and Raster data structures- Important GIS softwares and their relevance. (11)

DATA ANALYSIS AND MODELLING: Data Retrieval – Query – Simple Analysis – Spatial Analysis – Overlay – Vector Data
Analysis – Raster Data Analysis – Modelling using GIS – Digital Elevation Model – Cost and path analysis – Expert Systems –
Artificial Intelligence – Integration with GIS. (10)

DATA OUTPUT AND ERROR ANALYSIS: Data Output – Types – Devices used – Raster and Vector Display Devices – Printers –
Plotters – Devices – Sources of Errors –Types of Errors–Elimination–Accuracies-GIS Standards-Open Source GIS, Internet GIS.

GIS APPLICATIONS IN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: Fields of Applications – Natural Resources – Agriculture – Soil – Water
Resources – Site Selection for civil Engineering Projects, Wasteland Management - Social Resources - Cadastral Records – LIS.
ADVANCED GIS APPLICATION: AM/FM – Utility Network Management – Integration with Remote Sensing – Knowledge based
techniques – Multicriteria Techniques – Introduction to Object Oriented Data base Models. (8)

Total L: 45
1. Burrough P A, ―Principles of GIS for Land Resources Assessment‖, Oxford Publication,2000.
2. Elangovan K, ―GIS: Fundamentals, Applications and Implementations‖, New India Publishing Agency, New Delhi, 2006.

1. Kang-Tsung Chang,‖Introduction to Geographic Information Systems‖,TMH,2002.
2. Chrisman N R, ―Exploring Geographic Information Systems‖, 2nd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, New York, 2002.
3. Michael N Demers,‖ Fundamentals of Geographical Information Systems‖, Second Edition, John Wiley Publications, 2002.
4. Clarke K C, ―Getting started with Geographic Information Systems‖, 3rd Edition, Prentice Hall, 2001.


PRINCIPLES AND CONCEPTS: Definition – Historical Background, Components of Remote Sensing- Electromagnetic spectrum,
Visible, Infra Rd, NIR, Thermal IR, Microwave–Radiation Principle and Energy equations-–Active and Passive Remote Sensing- -–
– platforms-Aerial and Space Platforms-Baloons-Helicopters, Aircrafts and satellites– Significance of Remote Sensing –
Limitations (9)

interference- Scattering of EMR-Rayleigh, Mie and Non Selective Scattering-Absorption-Atmospheric Windows-Spectral Signature-
interaction of EMR with atmosphere, earth surface, soils, water and vegetation. (8)

Synchronous and Geostationary Satellites- Characteristics of Satellites-aLandsat, SPOT, IRS, IKONOS, Quickbird, MODIS,
SeaWifs and other currently available Satellites- visual image interpretations and digital image interpretations (8)

WATER RESOURCES AND LAND USE STUDIES: Aerial assessment of surface water bodies – Capacity survey of water bodies –
mapping of snow-covered areas – flood risk zone mapping – identification of groundwater potential zones, recharge areas –
droughts, definition, drought assessment and management.-Definition of landuse – landuse / landcover classification – schemes
and levels of classification systems with RS data – landuse mapping – change detection – urban landuse planning, site suitability
analysis, transportation planning. (10)

AGRICULTURE, SOIL, FORESTRY AND EARTH SCIENCE: Crop inventory mapping – production estimation – command area
monitoring – soil mapping – crop stress detection - estimation of soil erosion – forest types and density mapping – forest fire risk
zone mapping- Lithology – lithological mapping – structural mapping – Geomorphology – nature and type of landforms –
identification – use of remote sensing data for landslides – targeting mineral resources – Engineering geology and Environmental
geology. (10)

Total L: 45
1. Jensen, J.R., Remote sensing of the environment, Prentice Hall, 2000.
2. Floyd F. Sabins, Remote sensing ,‖Principles and interpretation‖, W H Freeman and Company. 2000.

1. Chen C H, Image processing for remote sensing, CRC press 2008.
2. George Joseph , Fundamentals of Remote Sensing, University Press, 2004.
3. Lillesand, T.M and Kiefer, ―R.W. Remote Sensing and Image interpretation‖. John Willey and sons, inc. New York, 2002.



1. Limit state of Design – Philosophy of Design – Load Combinations (1)
2. Tension members – Block shear (1)
3. Basic Compression Members (1)
4. Laced and Battened Columns (1)
5. Bearing type bolted joints (1)
6. HSFG bolts (1)
7. Welded Joints (1)
8. Joints – Combined stresses (1)
9. Simple Beams – laterally held (1)
10. Design for shear (1)
11. Design of stiffeners (1)
12. Laterally unrestrained beams (1)
13. Plate Girders (1)
14. Combined Stresses - beam columns (2)
Total L: 15
1. Jayagopal L S, ―Design Manual on Limit State Design‖, Department of Civil Engineering, PSG College of Technology,
Coimbatore, India.
2. Subramanian N,‖ Design of Steel Structures‖, Oxford University Press, NewDelhi 2008.


1. Internal representation of symbolic data structures – Multiprecision arithmetic – real and complex numbers (1)
2. Polynomial algorithm – Factorization – Solving systems of equations. (1)
3. Mathematical functions – Power series, limits & residues – Calculus – Differentiation & Integration (1)
4. Differential equations – Two or three dimensional graphics (1)
5. Curve fitting, approximate functions and interpolations (1)
6. Numerical operations in functions – Minimization (1)
7. Solving practical problems in Structural Engineering, Soil Mechanics and Fluid Mechanics (1)
Lecture Hours 7
Practical Hours 15

Total L:7+P:15 = 22

1. Manuals of respective software.
2. Laboratory Manual prepared by the Department of Civil Engineering, 2015.


INTRODUCTION: Problems impeding safety in construction industry- causes of fatal accidents, types and causes of accidents
related to various construction activities, human factors associated with these accident – construction regulations, contractual
clauses – Pre contract activities, preconstruction meeting. (3)

SUBSTRUCTURE ACTIVITIES: Excavations, trenches, shafts – tunneling – blasting, pre blast and post blast inspection –
confined spaces – working on contaminated sites – work over water (3)

HEIGHT WORKS: Safe access and egress – safe use of ladders- Scaffoldings , requirement for safe work platforms, stairways,
gangways and ramps – fall prevention and fall protection , safety belts, safety nets, fall arrestors, controlled access zones,
working on fragile roofs, work permit systems - erection of structural frame work, road works, safety in high-rise construction. (3)

CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENTS: Selection, operation, inspection and testing of cranes, (mobile cranes, tower cranes), crane
inspection checklist - builder‘s hoist, winches, chain pulley blocks – use of concrete mixers, concrete vibrators – safety in earth
moving equipment, excavators, dozers, loaders, dumpers, graders, concrete pumps, welding machines, use of portable
electrical tools, drills, grinding tools. (3)

DEMOLITION: Safety in demolition work, manual, mechanical, using explosives - keys to safe demolition, pre survey
inspection, method statement, site supervision, safe clearance zone, fire hazards and preventing methods, implosion. (3)

Total L: 15

1. Hudson R, ―Construction Hazard and Safety Hand Book‖, Butter Worth‘s, 1985.
2. Jonathan D Sime, ―Safety in the Build Environment‖, London, 1988.

1. Davies VJ and Tomasin K, ―Construction Safety Hand Book‖ Thomas Telford Ltd., London, 1990.
2. Charles D. Reese and James V, ―Handbook of OSHA Construction Safety and Health‖ 2006.
3. ―Accident Prevention Manual for Industrial Operations‖, NSC, Chicago, 1982.
4. Fulman J B, ―Construction Safety, Security, and Loss Prevention‖, John Wiley and Sons, 1979.



INTRODUCTION: Export – Import Business – Preliminaries for starting Export – Import Business Registration. (3)

EXPORT PROCEDURES: Obtaining an Export License – Export Credit Insurance – Procedures and Documentation. (4)

FOREIGN EXCHANGE: Finance for Exports – Pricing - Understanding Foreign Exchange Rates. (3)

IMPORT PROCEDURES: Import Policy – License - Procedure and Documentation. (3)

EXPORT INCENTIVES: Incentives – Institutional Support. (2)

Total L: 15
1. Ramagopal C., ―Export Import Procedures - Documentation and Logistics‖, New Age International.
2. Cherian and Parab, ―Export Marketing‖, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi, 2008.

1. Rathod, Rathor and Jani, ―International Marketing‖, Himalaya Publishing House, New Delhi, 2008.
2. ―Government of India: Export-Import Policy, procedures, etc.‖, (Volumes I, II and III) New Delhi.
3. Duty Drawback, ―(with New Drawback Rates w.e.f. 1st October, 2011)‖, Nabhi‘s Board of Editors, 2011.
4. ―EXPORTERS Manual and Documentation with Free Complimentary book How to Export (OUT OF PRINT)‖, Nabhi‘s Board of
Editors, 2009.


INSURANCE AND RISK: Client Side – Components of the Costs of Risk. (2)

PRINCIPLES OF INSURANCE: Insurance Company Operations – Documents. (4)

MASS CONTROL: Insurance Intermediaries – Insurance Companies and their Role in Deducting Business / Role Risks. (4)

FINANCIAL RISKS: Shift of Risks – Risk Derivatives. (3)

Total L: 15
1. George E Rejda, ―Principles of Risk Management & Insurance‖, 2010.
2. John Hull, ―Risk Management & Financial Institution‖, 2012.
3. Alka Mittal &. Gupta S. L, ―Principles of Insurance & Risk Management‖, 2006.


HUMAN VALUES AND ETHOS: Meaning and Significance of Values – Sources of Individual Values - Value crisis in the
Contemporary Indian Society –Moral and Ethical Values. (4)

APPLICATION OF VALUES: Relevance of Values in Management – Personal Values and Values at Work place – Values for
Managers. (2)

WORK ETHICS: Professional Values & Ethics – Need – Issues – Challenges – Ethical Leadership – Ethical dilemma - Case Study.
SHARED VALUES IN THE ORGANIZATION AND ITS IMPACT: Need to identify and share values – the Value Construct and How
to Promote Shared Values. (2)

UNIVERSAL VALUES: Cross Cultural Values - Impact of Culture on Organizations and Managing Workforce Diversity. (3)

Total L: 15
1. Murthy C.S.V., ―Business Ethics‖, Himalaya Publishing House, 2007.
2. Tripathi A. N., ―Human values‖, New Age international Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 2002.

1. Jayshree Suresh, Raghavan B.S., ―Professional Ethics‖, S. Chand & Company Ltd., New Delhi, 2005.
2. Nandagopal R. and Ajith Sankar RN., ―Indian Ethos and Values in Management‖, McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2010.
3. Kiran D. R., ―Professional Ethics and Human Values‖, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2007.
4. Proceedings of National Conference on Integrating values & Social Concerns with Technical Education, PSG College of
Technology, 2010.



EVOLUTION OF MODERN ECONOMY- Colonialism, Capitalism and economic development. (2)

AMERICAN HISTORY- Before and After European arrival. (4)

ROLE SLAVERY and trade in America. (4)

INDIAN ECONOMY – Pre and Post Independence, (3)

INDUSTRIALIZATION IN ASIA AND AFRICA – Colonialism – anti-colonialism and Socialism. (2)

Total L: 15
1. Paul Johnson, ―A History of the American People‖ Harper perennial Edition- 1999.
2. Henry Bamford Parkes, ―The United States of America – A history‖, Second Edition, 1960.
3. Ramesh Singh, ―Indian Economy- for Civil Services Examination‖, McGraw Hill, 8th Edition.
4. John g Jackson and Willis N Huggins, I ―Introduction to African Civilizations‖ - 2011.


CREATIVITY- Understanding the creative skills (2)

WAYS TO IMPROVE creativity and exercises. (4)

INNOVATION – Process of Innovating new ideas - Importance of Innovation. (4)

ENTREPRENEURIAL skills and development – Intrapreneurship. (3)

SOCIAL ENTREPRENEUR and social enterprise – success stories of entrepreneurs – Leadership styles adopted by
successful entrepreneurs. (2)

Total L: 15
1. Bruee R Barringer and Duane Treland, ―Entrepreneurship – Successfully Launching New Ventures‖, Pearson Prentice Hall,
2. Robert D Hisrich, Michael P Peters& Dean Shepherd, ―Entrepreneurship‖, Tata McGraw Hill, 2007
3. Daniel Kahneman, ―Thinking faast and sloe‖, Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2011.
4. Robert B Tucker, ― Innovation Everybody‘s Business‖, 2010



DEFINING SOCIAL PSYCHOLOGY and social influences on behavior. (2)

ANALYSIS OF SOCIAL and psychological problems and the solutions to address social problems. (4)

ROLE OF SPORTS AND GAMES, yoga practices, tracking and outdoor activities in addressing social and psychological problems. (4)

ORIGINS OF PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDER – roots of social anxiety - prevention of psychological disorders. (3)

NATURE OF INTERVENTIONS – Evaluation of Interventions and implementing the interventions. (2)

Total L: 15
1. Frank W Schneider et all, ―Applied Social Psychology‖, II Ed., Sage Publications, 2012.
2. Robert A Baron and Giriswar Misra, ―Psychology‖, V Ed., Pearson, Chennai.
3. John T Cacioppo Laura & Freberg, ―Discovering Psychology the Science of Mind‖, Cengage Learning, 2013.
4. Frank W Schneider, Jamie & Gruman, Larry M Coutts, ―Applied Social Psychology‖, II Ed., Sage Publications.


INVESTMENTS ENVIRONMENT: Classification - Financial Instruments – Security Trading. (2)

TYPES OF SECURITY: Trading – Orders, Margin Trading – Clearing and Settlement Procedures. (5)

SECURITY ANALYSIS: Industry Analysis – Company Analysis. (4)

PORTFOLIO: Measuring Risk and Returns and Treatment in Portfolio Management. (4)

Total L: 15
1. William F Sharpe, Gordon J. Alexander and Jeffery V Bailey, ―Investments‖, Prentice Hall, 2012.
2. Prasanna Chandra, ―Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management‖, TATA McGraw Hill Publishing, 2011.
3. Ranganatham, ―Investment Analysis and Portfolio Management‖, Pearson Edition, 2004.
4. Bhalla V K., ―Investment Management‖, TATA McGraw Hill Publishing, 2011.

INTRODUCTION – Need for Quality – Definitions of Quality – Dimensions of Product and Service Quality – Basic Concept of TQM –
Contributions of Deming, Juran and Crosby – Barriers to TQM. (2)

STRATEGIC QUALITY PLANNING – Quality Councils – Employee Involvement – Empowerment – Team and Team Work – PDCA
Cycle – 5S – Supplier Selection and Supplier Rating. (4)

SEVEN TOOLS OF QUALITY – New Management Tool – Concepts, Methodology, Applications to Manufacturing, Service Sector
Including IT – Bench Marking – Reason to Bench Mark, Bench Mark Process – FMEA Types. (4)

PRODUCTION PLANNING & CONTROL – Concepts of Productivity – Importance – Modes of Calculating Productivity – Cost of
Quality - SERVQUAL – Quality Improvement Strategies. (3)

CONTROL CHART – Process Capability – Quality Function Development (QFD) – Taguchi Quality Loss Function – TPM Concepts.

Total L: 15
1. Jiju Antony; David Preece Routledge, ―Understanding, Managing and Implementing Quality: Frameworks, Techniques and
Cases‖, Routledge, 2002.
2. Dale H. Besterfield., ―Total Quality Management‖, Pearson, 2011.
3. Hubert K.Rampersad, ―Total Quality Management‖, Springer International Publishing, 2004.
4. Mukkerjee P N., ―Total Quality Management‖, PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd., 2006.


INTRODUCTION: Meaning of finance - Definition of financial management - Scope of Financial Management - Functions of
Financial Manager. (2)

OBJECTIVE OF FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT: Profit Maximization and Wealth Maximization. (4)

CAPITAL STRUCTURE: Designing of Capital Structure - Profitability and Liquidity Aspects. (4)

DIVIDEND POLICY: Determinants of Dividends- Bonus share – Tax aspects. (3)

CORPORATE RESTRUCTURING: Merger and Acquisition (M&A) - Case Studies. (2)

Total L: 15

1. Pandey I M., ―Financial Management‖, Vikas Publication House Pvt Ltd., 2013.
2. Prasanna Chandra, ―Financial Management Theory and Practice‖, TATA McGraw Hill Publishing, 2010.
3. James C. Van Horne and John M. Wachowicz JR. ―Fundamentals of Financial Management‖, twelfth edition, Pearson Edition,
4. Khan M.Y and Jain P.K., ―Financial Management‖ TATA McGraw Hill Publishing, 2010.



EXPLORING THE PERSONALITY - Structural Ego states - Functional Ego states. (2)

MOTIVATION – Strokes Maslow‘s Hierarchy of Needs. (4)

INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIP - Time Management – Transactions - Time Structuring. (4)

STRESS MANAGEMENT - Working Styles – Contamination. (3)

ASSERTIVENESS AND LEADERSHIP SKILLS - Life positions – Competency. (2)

Total L: 15


1. Eric Berne, ―Games People Play The Basic Handbook of Transactional Analysis‖, The Random House Publishing Group,
Newyork, 1964.
2. Muriel James and Dorothy Jongeward, ―Born to Win‖, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc. Philippines, 1971.
3. Claud Steiner, ―Scripts people live: Transactional Analysis of Life Scripts‖, Grove Press Newyork, 1974.
4. Wagner. A., ―The Transactional Manager‖, Prentice Hall Press, New Yark, 1981.



INTRODUCTION: Basics of Corporate Culture, Etiquette, Code governing manners and conduct, Personal Grooming, People
relationship, Worthy goals/ideals. (3)

ORAL COMMUNICATION: Communicating in Organizational Settings - Recognizing effective Communication - Mastering Listening
and Nonverbal Communication Skills - Overcoming Barriers to Communication - Communicating in Teams and adapting to Cross
Cultural Communication contexts. (4)

WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: Planning, Writing, and completing business messages - Writing messages for Electronic Media -
Creating effective E-mail messages - Writing routine and positive and negative messages - Writing persuasive messages – Training
on writing Reports and proposals – Mastering the Format and layout of Business Documents. (5)

Presentation and Negotiation Skills. (3)

Total: 15
1. Herta A. Murphy, Hebert W. Hildebrandt, and Jane P. Thomas, ―Effective Business Communication‖, McGraw – Hill,
New Delhi, 2008.
2. Courtland L. Bove‘e, John V. Thill, and Mukesh Chaturvedi, ―Business Communication Today‖, Dorling Kindersley India (Pvt).
Ltd., 2009.


UNDERSTANDING ORGANIZATIONAL COMMUNICATION: Communication Networks in an Organization; Intra- organizational
communication; Inter-organizational communication; Flow Nomenclature; Workplace diversity and intercultural aspects of
communication (4)

COMMUNICATION FUNCTIONS IN ORGANIZATIONS: Teamwork and team dynamics; Conflict resolution strategies and styles;
Leading and influencing others-facilitation skills (3)

WRITTEN COMMUNICATION: Email Writing, Professional Reports, and Memos (4)

INTERPERSONAL SKILLS: Nature and Dimensions of Interpersonal Communication; Personality and Communication styles;
Active listening and intentional responding; Working with emotional intelligence. (4)

Total L:15

1. Bagchi, Subroto. ―The Professional ‖. Penguin Publications, UK. 2011.
2. ―A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK guide)‖. Project Management Institute Inc., USA. 2013.



PROSE: Kalam, Abdul. ―College Education‖ from Wings of Fire, Emerson, R W. ―Self-Reliance‖ Independence, Russell, Bertrand.
―Education‖ Harmony (5)

POETRY: Frost, Robert. ―Mending Wall‖ Neighbourly Relationship,Das, Kamala. ―An Introduction‖ – Identity and Freedom . (2)

DRAMA: Karnad, Girish, Tughlaq – Statesmanship and friendship (3)

ONE-ACT PLAY: Chekhov, Anton. The Bear – Love (1)

SHORT STORY: Maugham, Somerset. ―Mr. Know-All‖ – Empathy, Desai, Anita. ―Devoted Son‖ – Family Bond. (2)

NOVEL: Murthy, Sudha. Gently Falls the Bakula – Gender equality (2)

Total L: 15 hrs
1. Abrams, M .H. and Harpham, G., ― A Glossary of Literary Terms‖. Cengage, Boston, 2015
2. Scholes, R., Comely, N.R., Klaus, C. H., and Silverman, M. Elements of Literature, Indian Rpt. OUP,New Delhi, 2013
3. Additional readings on individual texts




regression model development and diagnostics - analysis of transactional data using binary logistic and multinomial logistic
regression models - discrete choice models, non-linear regression. Classification Trees, Classification and Regression Tree (CART)
- forecasting.

Modelling customer relationship as a Markov chain - brand switching - market share estimation - Markov model for customer
retention - Customer Lifetime Value (CLV) estimation.

PRESCRIPTIVE ANALYTICS: Multi-criteria decision making - analytic hierarchy process - data envelopment analysis and their
applications in operations - marketing and finance. Six sigma methodologies for problem solving: DMAIC methodology for problem
solving and process improvement - DMADV methodology for design and development of new process.

Total L: 15
1. Hopkins M S, LaValle S, Balboni F, Kruschwitz N and Shockley R, ―10 Insights: A first look at The New Intelligence Enterprise
Survey on Winning with Data‖, MIT Sloan Management Review, Vol. 52, No. 1, 21–31.
2. Fausto Pedro García Márquez and Benjamin Lev, ―Advanced Business Analytics‖, Springer, 2015.


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