Activity 5.5a CAD Model Features Part 1: Revolve Sketch Tools - These Are Suggested Tools For This Activity
Activity 5.5a CAD Model Features Part 1: Revolve Sketch Tools - These Are Suggested Tools For This Activity
Activity 5.5a CAD Model Features Part 1: Revolve Sketch Tools - These Are Suggested Tools For This Activity
As you work through the exercises in this activity, pay particular attention to the
environment in which you are working. Several CAD tools can be used as sketch
tools or features tools, and it is important to understand the difference. For instance,
sketch components (such as points or shapes) can be patterned within a sketch. But
pattern tools are also available outside of the sketch environment to create patterns
of features (such as holes or protrusions).
Computer with 3D CAD modeling software
The exercises contained in this activity require the creation of new CAD files in
which you will reproduce sketches and forms represented in the displayed images.
You have already created an Automoblox project folder and a Practice project folder
(per Activity 5.2b).
If you have not already done so, create a Button Maker project folder in which to
store the Button parts that you will create in this activity.
As you complete each exercise in this activity, save the associated CAD file in the
appropriate folder. It is important that all Automoblox parts be saved to a single
project folder and that Button Maker parts be stored in a separate project folder for
later use.
I. Use the Revolve function to create the Rubber Handle Sleeve part for the Button
1. Create a sketch according to the dimensioned drawing above. First, use the
sketch below to determine the missing dimensions and write the appropriate
values in the boxes, and then create the appropriate geometry. Be sure to
include a line to represent the axis of revolution at the center of the part. Note
that you may toggle between construction lines and sketch lines using the
Construction switch in the Format panel of the Sketch tab.
II. Create a 3D solid model of an axle for the Automoblox vehicle using the Revolve
tool. Use your measurements or the dimensioned drawings below. Then model the
cut(s) in the end of the axle. [If you want to jump ahead, you could create just one
cut and then use the Circular Pattern tool or Mirror tool to create the second cut.]
Save the file as AxleYourInitials.ipt to your Automoblox project folder.
3. Select the Circular Pattern tool from the sketch ribbon bar. Select the
point (geometry) that you just placed, then press the Axis button and
select the origin of the sketch as your rotation axis and enter the number
of hole centers needed in the occurrence window. Note that you used the
Tapped Hole
2. Share the sketch by right clicking on the sketch in the Project Browser (under
Extrusion1 parent) and choosing Share Sketch. An unconsumed copy of the
Sketch will appear in the browser.
3. Edit the sketch to create the geometry for one internal rib using a concentric
circle, lines, and the Trim tool.
7. Use the Shared Sketch again to create the thin extrusion that runs
Rectangular Pattern
VI. Create the rectangular plate with patterned pegs as shown in the images below. The
Rectangular Pattern function allows the user to make copies of an existing feature
in one direction or two directions simultaneously. Existing edges or the axes of the
Cartesian coordinate grid must be selected to identify the desired direction(s).
1. Create a 6 in. wide x 4 in. high rectangle and extrude the rectangle to a depth
of .5 in.
2. Use the following image of the sketch to draw the circle that will become the
peg used in the pattern. Select the Rectangular Pattern tool from the Pattering
section of the ribbon bar to replicate the existing cylindrical extrusion six times
in the horizontal direction and four times in the vertical direction.
VII. Create the Base Plate for the Button Maker using the dimensioned pictorial
below. Create one of the holes in the bottom of the plate into which the rubber feet
are screwed. Then use the Rectangular Pattern tool to pattern four holes on the
bottom. Next create one of the through drilled (straight) holes and use another
rectangular pattern to create the second drilled through hole. Then create the
countersink holes. Use the Chamfer function to apply a 1/32” chamfer to all of the
exterior edges of the Button Maker Base Plate. Save the file as
BasePlateYourInitials.ipt to your Button Maker project folder.
1. What 3D CAD functions could be used to create a wire coat hanger?
b. A solid sphere using the Revolve function. What rotation angle would
you use?
3. For each of the following, describe the solid form that would result from
rotating the given shape about the axis of rotation by the given rotation angle.
Then sketch the resulting 3D shape and indicate important dimensions.