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Service Manual Namu X 35 English

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The manual covers maintenance, troubleshooting and repair of the electrical system on trucks, with a focus on the central control unit (CECU).

The main sections covered include safety, specifications, how the system works, maintenance procedures, troubleshooting codes and glossary.

Special tools mentioned include the Electronic Service Analyst (ESA) for diagnostics and software updates. No other specific tools are listed.

Multiplexed Electrical System

Service Manual
Number PM819024

Date 10/22/2012

Multiplex Electrical System Service Manual:

Model 587 2013 Emissions Level Engines

©2012 PACCAR Corporation

Confidentiality Notice: This document and the information contained herein is proprietary. It shall not be
reproduced, copied or disclosed, in whole or in part, or used for manufacture without the written permission
of PACCAR. You are hereby notified that any dissemination of this information is strictly prohibited.

ii PM819024 (10/22/2012)
Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

Table of Contents

Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Applies To . . . . . . . . . . .
Exploded View . . . . . . . . .
What's New . . . . . . . . . .
General Information
Special Tools . . . . . . . . . .
Specifications . . . . . . . . .
How It Works . . . . . . . . . .
Maintenance . . . . . . . . . .
Disassembly / Assembly . . . .
Inspection . . . . . . . . . . .
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . .
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . .
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . .

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iv PM819024 (07/06/2010)
Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual 1

1 Safety
Important Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 2

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1 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

Important Notes Instrumentation Service Information describing

how to remove, disassemble, and reinstall
The simulate function within ESA can provide a instrumentation components is located
valuable diagnosis tool. To ensure safe operation, on ServiceNet. Before attempting any
certain CECU outputs are not accessible for instrumentation repairs, the technician should
simulation such as: cruise control, engine oil have a complete understanding of the procedures
pressure and the park brake switch. described in ServiceNet.
Simulation of gauges is also not permitted if the This manual contains service manual information
engine is running. covering vehicles equipped with software version
"CECU3 without Chassis Node" (P30-1014). For
Replacing the CECU results in the odometer
vehicles with prior CECU software versions (such
being reset. Take appropriate action to record the
as: "CECU3 with Chassis Node" (P30-1009),
vehicle miles prior to removing the CECU.
CECU3 (P30-1008), ICU (P30-1003), and
CAUTION CECU/CECU2 (P30-1002)) refer to earlier
Interrupting the communication or power supply
during a control unit reflash could result in hard NAMUX 3.5 incorporates software in the CECU
ware damage. along with software in the instrument cluster.
These software versions will often be linked
ESA recognizes when a software update is together which will require both units to get
required on a connected vehicle. If for some updated should the other get updated. ESA will
reason the user chooses not to reflash the control prompt the user if such a requirement is needed.
unit, ESA triggers a warning display. The LCD
backlighting of the speedometer and outside air
temperature blink for 1 minute. The warning is
triggered at every key-on of the vehicle until the
required update is performed to alert the operator
or other technicians that a vehicle reflash is

ESA automatically identifies the version of CECU

hardware when connected, and only permits
software downloads that are applicable for that
control unit. Software versions are not backwards
compatible; a vehicle is rendered inoperative if
a CECU without the correct software version is

Check the program menu within ESA to see if

an inoperative feature is disabled. This is very
important when diagnosing an inoperative physical
gauge on a CECU equipped vehicle. The gauge
may have been previously disabled.

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Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual 2

2 Applies To
Multiplexing Overview . . . . . . . . . 2 - 2

Models–Build Dates . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 3

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2 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

Multiplexing Overview
This manual provides service information
covering trucks equipped with the multiplexed
instrumentation system. Before attempting to
make service repairs, the technician should
be knowledgeable about the system design,
components, operation and troubleshooting
procedures for diagnosing multiplexed
instrumentation problems.

How communication works in a multiplex system:

Each major subsystem in the truck’s electrical
system is operated by a control module that sends
and receives data to and from a central hub
computer. The central hub computer is called the
CECU (Cab Electronic Control Unit). Since we’re
into the third generation now, we sometimes call
it CECU3.

The CECU receives data related to controlling the

various devices of the electrical system. It then
makes decisions based on that input and sends
information to each of the subsystem system
control modules (nodes) about what that node
should do with the components it controls.

This new generation incorporates much of the

same architecture from previous designs with
added data communications with more control
modules. The software has been upgraded to
incorporate interlocks to ensure safety, maximize
vehicle performance and simplify driver interaction.

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Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual 2

Models–Build Dates
Identifying which control unit is in the vehicle helps
determine what features are present and also aids
in troubleshooting.
Production Built Engine Emissions
Models Control Unit Hardware Part Number Software Version
Dates Level
PB: 357, 378, 379, 385, 386
KW: C500, T600, T800, W900, 2004 - 2006 1998, 2004 ICU Q21-1029-X-XXX P30-1003-XXX
PB: 365, 367, 384, 386, 388, 389
KW: C500, T440/T470, T660, 2007 - 2009 2007 CECU Q21-1055-X-XXX P30-1002-XXX
T800, W900, Off-Highway
PB: 387
2008 - 2009 2007 CECU2 Q21-1075-X-XXX P30-1008-XXX
KW: T2000
PB: 325, 330, 337, 348, 587 2010 - 2011
KW: T170, T270, T370, T700 2010 - present
2010 CECU3 Q21-1076-X-XXX
PB: 325, 330, 337, 348 2012 - present
PB: 587 2012
PB: 365, 367, 384, 386, 388, 389 2010 - 2012
KW: C500, T440/T470, T660, P30-1009-XXX
2010 - present
T800, W900, Off-Highway CECU3 with Q21-1076-X-XXX with
PB: 579 Chassis Node Q21-1077-X-XXX
KW:T680 2012 - present
PB: 365, 367, 384, 386, 388, 389 P30-1018-XXX
PB: 587 2013 - present 2013 CECU3 Q21-1076-X-XXX P30-1014-XXX

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2 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

Control Unit Identification Line item ten of this Control Unit Information
window displays the current Vehicle Software
Control unit identification can be made using a Version. This details the current CECU software
few methods: and programming date that is presently installed
• Searching using the Electronic Catalog (ECAT) on the vehicle.
• Connecting using the Electronic Service
Analyst (ESA)
• Menu Control Switch (MCS) of the information
Using ECAT or ESA are the easiest and most
exact ways of determining the type of control unit
in the truck.
Electronic Catalog (ECAT) Identification
ECAT provides a parts list “as built” and Bill of
Materials information for each specific truck.
The catalog is searchable, and contains the part
number and identification of the trucks instrument Upon connection, ESA recognizes if a software
panel control unit. update has been issued for the control unit within
• ICU Part Number Q21-1029-X-XXX the connected vehicle. If an update is required,
ESA prompts the technician to perform the update
• CECU Part Number Q21-1055-X-XXX operation.
• CECU2 Part Number Q21-1075-X-XXX
• CECU3 Part Number Q21-1076-X-XXX MCS Identification
• Chassis Node Part Number Q21-1077-X-XXX
For vehicles equipped with the information display,
The blank digits (denoted by "X") in the above part control unit identification is possible via the Menu
numbers represent: Control Switch (MCS). Using the MCS knob,
• "-X" is the hardware revision. select the "Truck Information" menu. Use this
menu to look up the "CECU SW Ver." Software
• "-XXX" is the software boot loader version. version P30-1002-XXX can denote either a CECU
Electronic Service Analyst (ESA) Identification or CECU2.
Connecting using ESA brings up a control unit • ICU Software P30-1003-XXX
information window. In this window, the sixth
line item is the Control Unit Type and identifies • CECU Software P30-1002-XXX
whether the truck has an ICU or CECU. It also
details the variant of the CECU. • CECU2 Software P30-1002-XXX

• CECU3 Software P30-1008-XXX

• CECU3 with Chassis Node Software


• CECU3 with Chassis Node Software


• CECU3 Software P30-1014-XXX

• CECU3 Software P30-1017-XXX

• CECU3 Software P30-1018-XXX

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Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual 3

3 Exploded View
Control Unit Location . . . . . . . . . 3 - 2

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3 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

Control Unit Location

CECU Locations
The heart of the multiplexed instrumentation
system is the CECU. The unit is located in the
center of the dash, beneath the cupholders.

Typical CECU Locations

2. MFTS module
3. DRL module
4. ABS module

The Cab Load Center is behind items 2 and 3
and mounted in the engine compartment.

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Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual 4

4 What's New
Software P30-1014 Features . . . . . . 4 - 2

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4 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

Software P30-1014 Features New Systems

The Menu Control Switch (MCS) now has the Brief overview of some of the newly introduced
'back' function as a dedicated button on the menu systems of the latest software version.
control switch on the dash. It is not a menu
selection in the program. Steering Wheel Controls (cruise and radio)

P30-1014 features fewer hardwired circuits and The multiplexed steering wheel is a carry-over
more communications over the CAN networks. design from other PACCAR markets. It
communicates on the C-CAN line for audio and
The fault messaging capabilities have improved cruise control inputs from the operator.
with this new release. The information to the driver
is more complete and can provide the driver with Radio
general action items for each warning icon.
The radio is now on the C-CAN databus.
The program itself has improved capabilities with
Virtual Gauges/Navigation/Telematics Unit
regard to trip information. There are 4 individual
trip odometers that the user can customize to fit
their needs. This unit provides vehicle information to the
operator and receives the information from the
If there is a data communication failure
V-CAN. The display provides real time information
between the CECU and Instrument Cluster the
in the form of gauges. It is also connected to the
Cluster Display will show a message indicating
C-CAN for audio output.
communication failure. This is intended to alert the
driver that the Instrument Cluster is not displaying Cab Dimmer
the gauges accurately and it indicates a physical
failure on the I-CAN. The cab dimmer switch is a momentary up/down
dash switch that allows the user to raise or lower
the dash backlighting illumination levels.

The vehicle has a day time brightness setting that

is independent of the night time brightness setting.

Door Controls

The Door Control System (DCS) operates with

CECU electrical architecture to enable the user to
raise/lower the door windows, lock/unlock door
locks, adjust mirror position, and activate mirror

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Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual 5

5 General Information
Service Resources . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 2

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5 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

Service Resources Communication Diagram

Communication diagrams illustrate the signal
Disabled Gauges transmissions between components (switches,
sensors, control units, CAN lines, etc.) necessary
With the CECU, disabling a component
to perform system functions.
turns the component off completely. The
disabled component is removed from all signal Controller Area Network (CAN) Communication
transmissions in order to allow the other features
on the vehicle faster communication. A disabled The following diagram provides an example of the
gauge will not function or communicate with the communication lines and signal paths of a typical
control unit. multiplexed vehicle. Determining the correct
communication lines that provide a signal to the
NOTE CECU and where these circuits interconnect,
Check the program menu to see if an inoper help pinpoint possible trouble areas. Sometimes
ative feature is disabled. This is very impor these connections become loose, have bent or
tant when diagnosing an inoperative gauge on a misaligned pins, and visually inspecting them may
CECU equipped vehicle. The gauge may have help identify why other electrical problems may
been previously disabled. be occurring.
Network Description What’s on the Network
When a service technician installs an optional V-CAN Vehicle Transmission
gauge in the multiplexed instrumentation system, powertrain Engine
the newly installed gauge will initially be disabled. ABS
Because the gauge is not factory-installed, the telematics (optional)¹
technician must program the CECU to monitor it. D-CAN Diagnostic Diagnostic connector
Until the CECU is programmed, the link between I-CAN Instruments Instrument cluster
the CECU and the gauge is termed “disabled” – C-CAN Cab PACCAR Display or Radio
Door controllers
that is, the CECU is prevented from detecting
Multifunction steering wheel (optional)
errors, and also from logging and displaying
B-CAN Body Builder Aftermarket devices²
diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs). E-CAN Engine Input Turbo
Humidity Sensor
To program the CECU and enable gauges, select EGR
“Program”. If the gauge value is “Disable”, change A-CAN³ Aftertreatment NOx sensors
it to “Enable”. Doser Control Unit
Aftertreatment control unit
¹Not all telematics units will be recognized by the CECU architecture.
²Telematic units connected to the BCAN will not be recognized
by the CECU. Any device spliced into a CAN wire will not be
recognized by the CECU architecture.
³For vehicles built with PACCAR MX engine.

Once the CECU is programmed and the link to

the gauge is “enabled”, the CECU monitors it,
diagnoses errors like “shorts” and “opens”, logs
DTCs for troubleshooting, and displays the DTCs
on ESA’s “Diagnose” screen.

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CAN Communication Interface Diagram

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5 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

CECU Details CECU Connector Identification

The heart of the multiplexed instrumentation There are 5 electrical connectors that plug into
system is the CECU. See Control Unit Locations the CECU.
on page 3-2 for illustrations depicting the physical • Connector A - 9 pins
position of the control unit.
• Connector B - 24 pins
The CECU receives data related to controlling the • Connector C - 52 pins
various devices of the electrical system. It then • Connector D - 40 pins
makes decisions based on that input and sends
information to subsystem system control modules • Connector E - 9 pins
(nodes) about what that node should do with the For an illustration of the side view of a CECU
components it controls. showing where the harness connectors attach into
the control unit, see CECU Figure. This figure
identifies connector position on the control unit as
well as individual connector pin locations.


For connector face views at the harness all branch from the instrument panel harness that
connectors that plug into the CECU, see CECU routes behind the dash.
Connector Face Views Figure. These connectors

CECU Connector Face Views

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Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual 5

CECU Comparison Chart - (Pinout) Conn Pin Number Circuit Function

C 1 Analog Sensor Power Supply
Conn Pin Number Circuit Function 2 Analog Sensor Return
A 1 CVSG power 3 PTO Oil Temp
2 Input Power 1 4 K-LINE
3 Dome Lamp 5 Spare
4 MCS Power 6 Primary Air Supply
5 GND 7 Secondary Air Supply
6 Menu control switch ground 8 Application Air / Service Brake
7 Dash Illumination 1 9 Ammeter
8 Dash Illumination 2 10 Air Filter Restriction
9 Input Power 2 11 Fuel Filter Restriction
B 1 MCS A 12 Fuel Level 1
2 MCS B 13 Spare
3 Menu Enter 14 CVSG Data
4 Passenger Door Jamb 15 CVSG GND
5 Overcrank Signal 16 Outside Air Temp
6 LVD Alarm Input 17 Axle Temp, Front
7 Driver Seat Occupancy / Seat Belt 18 Axle Temp, Rear
8 Cruise Set 19 Axle Temp, Center / Steer
9 Cruise Resume 20 General Oil Temp
10 Spare 21 Transmission Oil Temp
11 Retarder Select 1 22 Auxiliary Transmission Oil Temp
12 Retarder Select 2 23 Pyrometer
13 Clutch Switch 24 Brake Saver Oil Temp
14 Headlamp Active 25 Analog GND
15 Remote Set Switch 26 Transfer Case Oil Temp
16 Remote Resume Switch 27 Remote Accelerator
17 Engine Fan Override 28 RKE input Lock
18 Force Regeneration Switch 29 RKE input Unlock
19 Inhibit Regeneration Switch 30 Suspension Air Pressure
20 Spare 31 Wiper Resistor Ladder
21 Spare 32 Spare
22 MCS Back Button 33 Spare
23 Transfercase Engaged Input 34 Spare
24 Pass Seat Occupancy / Seat Belt 35 C-CAN GND
36 Spare
37 Cab CAN H (C-CAN)
38 Cab CAN L (C-CAN)
39 Spare
40 Diagnosis CAN H (D-CAN)
41 Diagnosis CAN L (D-CAN)
42 Diagnosis CAN_GND
43 Body Builder CAN H (B-CAN)
44 Body Builder CAN L (B-CAN)
45 Body_Builder CAN_GND (B-CAN)
46 Spare
47 Kingpin Release
48 Spare
49 Spare
50 Dimmer Up
51 Dimmer Down
52 Spare

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5 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

Conn Pin Number Circuit Function

D 1 Ign Power
2 Driver Door Jamb
3 Acc Power
4 Flasher / Hazard
5 Park Lamp / Headlamp Active
6 High Beam Active
7 Park Brake
8 Left Turn
9 Right Turn
10 Cruise On / Off
11 Inter Axle Diff Lock
12 Fifth Wheel Slide
13 Tractor ABS Telltale
14 Trailer ABS Telltale
15 Check Engine Telltale
16 Stop Engine Telltale
17 Windshield Wiper Fast
18 Fog Lamps
19 Editable Telltale 1
20 Editable Telltale 2
21 Editable Telltale 3
22 Editable Telltale 4
23 Spare
24 Editable Telltale 6
25 Editable Telltale 7 (not used)
26 Editable Telltale 8
27 Suspension Dump
28 Spare Alarm 1A
29 Spare Alarm 1B
30 Spare Alarm 1C
31 Spare Alarm 2
32 Frame CAN H (F-CAN)
33 Frame CAN L (F-CAN)
34 Instrumentation CAN H (I-CAN)

35 Instrumentation CAN L (I-CAN)

36 Instrumentation CAN_GND
37 Vehicle CAN H (V-CAN)
38 Vehicle CAN L (V-CAN)
39 Vehicle CAN_GND

E 1 Idle Timer 70A Relay
2 Spare
3 Ignition Relay Control (Start)
4 Headlamp "ON" with Wiper / RKE
6 Spare
7 Fog Lights with Low Beam only
8 ABS Brake Light Relay
9 Mirror Heat Relay

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Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual 7

7 Specifications
Parameter Part Numbers. . . . . . . . 7 - 2

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7 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

Parameter Part Numbers Parameter part numbers are searchable in ECAT

and allow a dealer to determine what parameters
were set at the factory. Also, if adding a new
CECU Parameters feature to a vehicle, the corresponding parameter
Parameters are used to identify to the CECU what needs to be programmed to the CECU and
features are present on a vehicle. The parameters enabled.
can be altered by a dealer to enable, disable, or
assign certain functionality to that feature.
CECU Parameter Parameter Min. Max.
Part Number Description Value Value
Q30-1024-000 ABS installed 0 1 Parameter controls DTC's related to ABS system.
Value 0/Disabled means ABS is not installed and DTC's are disabled
Value 1/Enabled means ABS is installed and DTC's are enabled.
Q30-1024-001 After Treatment Regeneration 0 1 Parameter is used to allow information from the engine to turn on the
Function telltales for the high exhaust temperature (emission system temperature)
and regeneration filter.
Value 0/Disabled means not allow cluster to display DPF and HEST
telltales on cluster.
Value 1/Enabled means allow cluster to display DPF and HEST telltales on
Q30-1024-002 ATC installed 0 1 Currently has no effect on functionality. Parameter will be used to determine
the presence of traction control.
Value 0/Disabled means ATC is not installed.
Value 1/Enabled means ATC is installed.
Q30-1024-003 Retarder Range Map 0 4 Parameter is used to define the engine brake levels.
Value 1 means engine brake switches have two braking levels 0%, 100%.
Value 2 means engine brake switches have three braking levels 0%, 50%,
Value 3 means engine brake switches have four braking levels 0%, 33%,
66%, 100%.
Value 4 means engine brake switches have three braking levels 0%, 33%,
Q30-1024-004 Clutch Switch Present 1 1 Parameter is used to determine if the clutch switch is connected to the
Value 0/Disabled means clutch switch is not installed (it has an automatic
transmission or is hardwired to engine).
Value 1/Enabled means clutch switch is installed (it has a manual
transmission and is wired to the control unit).
Q30-1024-005 Cruise Control Set Switch 0 1 Parameter is used to define the cruise control set/resume switch
Accel or Decel functionality.
Value 0/Disabled means set switch is used for accelerate, and resume
switch is used for decelerate.
Value 1/Enabled means set switch is used for decelerate, and resume
switch is used for accelerate.
Q30-1024-006 Cruise Control Present 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if cruise control is installed and controls the
cruise control messages to the engine.
Value 0/Disabled means cruise control switches are not installed.
Value 1/Enabled means cruise control switches are installed.

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Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual 7

CECU Parameter Parameter Min. Max.

Part Number Description Value Value
Q30-1024-007 Clock Alarm Available 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the alarm clock will be displayed on the
information display.
Value 0/Disabled means Alarm Clock is not available in information display.
Value 1/Enabled means Alarm Clock is available in information display
Q30-1024-008 Clock Available 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the clock will be displayed on the
information display.
Value 0/Disabled means Clock is not available in information display.
Value 1/Enabled means Clock available in information display
Q30-1024-009 Diagnostics Available 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the diagnostics will be displayed on the
information display.
Value 0/Disabled means Diagnostic is not available in information display.
Value 1/Enabled means Diagnostic is available in information display
Q30-1024-010 Ignition Timer Available 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the ignition timer will be displayed on the
information display.
Value 0/Disabled means Ignition Timer is not available in information
Value 1/Enabled means Ignition Timer is available in information display
Q30-1024-011 Languages Available 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if other languages are available on the
information display.
Value 0/Disabled means Language selection is not available in information
Value 1/Enabled means Language selection is available in information
Q30-1024-012 RPM Detail Available 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the RPM information will be displayed
on the information display.
Value 0/Disabled means RPM information is not available in information
Value 1/Enabled means RPM information is available in information display
Q30-1024-014 Trip Information Available 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the trip information will be displayed
on the information display.
Value 0/Disabled means Trip Information is not available in information
Value 1/Enabled means Trip Information is available in information display
Q30-1024-015 Truck Information Available 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the truck information will be displayed
on the information display.
Value 0/Disabled means Truck Information is not available in information
Value 1/Enabled means Truck Information is available in information display
Q30-1024-017 Dome Lamp Controlled By 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the dome lamps are controlled by the
Door (driver/passenger) door.
Value 0/Disabled means the door does not control the dome lamps.
Value 1/Enabled means the door does control the dome lamps.
Q30-1024-018 Dome Lamp Delay Present 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the dome lamp delays turning off after
the door is closed.
Value 0/Disabled means there is no delay before the dome lamp turns off.
Value 1/Enabled means there is a delay before the dome lamp turns off.

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7 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

CECU Parameter Parameter Min. Max.

Part Number Description Value Value
Q30-1024-019 Dome Lamp Dimming 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the dome lamp dims out slowly after
Present the door is closed.
Value 0/Disabled means dome lamp turns off quickly after the door is
closed and delay if enabled.
Value 1/Enabled means dome lamp dims out slowly after the door is closed
and delay if enabled.
Q30-1024-020 Air Filter Restriction Gauge 0 1 Parameter controls the functionality (output on CVSG bus and DTC's) of
Installed the air filter restriction gauge.
Value 0/Disabled means Air Filter Restriction Gauge is not installed.
Value 1/Enabled means Air Filter Restriction Gauge is installed.
Q30-1024-022 Ammeter Gauge Installed 0 1 Parameter controls the functionality (output on CVSG bus and DTC's) of
the ammeter gauge.
Value 0/Disabled means Ammeter Gauge is not installed.
Value 1/Enabled means Ammeter Gauge is installed.
Q30-1024-023 Auxiliary Transmission 0 1 Parameter controls the functionality (output on CVSG bus and DTC's) of
Temperature Gauge Installed the auxiliary transmission temperature gauge.
Value 0/Disabled means Auxiliary Transmission Temperature is not
Value 1/Enabled means Auxiliary Transmission Temperature is installed.
Q30-1024-024 Axle Temperature Front 0 1 Parameter controls the functionality (output on CVSG bus and DTC's) of
Gauge Installed the front axle temperature gauge if installed.
Value 0/Disabled means Axle Temperature Front Gauge is not installed.
Value 1/Enabled means Axle Temperature Front Gauge is installed.
Q30-1024-025 Axle Temperature Rear 0 1 Parameter controls the functionality (output on CVSG bus and DTC's) of
Gauge Installed the rear axle temperature gauge.
Value 0/Disabled means Axle Temperature Rear Gauge is not installed.
Value 1/Enabled means Axle Temperature Rear Gauge is installed.
Q30-1024-026 Axle Temperature Center 0 1 Parameter controls the functionality (output on CVSG bus and DTC's) of
Gauge Installed the center axle temperature gauge.
Value 0/Disabled means Axle Temperature Center Gauge is not installed.
Value 1/Enabled means Axle Temperature Center Gauge is installed.
Q30-1024-027 Brake Applied Pressure 0 1 Parameter controls the functionality (output on CVSG bus and DTC's) of
Gauge Installed the brake application pressure gauge.
Value 0/Disabled means Brake Applied Pressure Gauge is not installed.
Value 1/Enabled means Brake Applied Pressure Gauge is installed.
Q30-1024-028 Brakesaver Oil Temperature 0 1 Parameter controls the functionality (output on CVSG bus and DTC's) of
Gauge Installed the brakesaver oil temperature gauge.
Valve 0/Disabled means Brakesaver Oil Temperature Gauge is not installed.
Valve 1/Enable means Brakesaver Oil Temperature Gauge is installed.
Q30-1024-029 Engine Coolant Temperature 0 1 Parameter controls the functionality (output on CVSG bus and DTC's) of
Gauge Installed the engine coolant temperature gauge.
Value 0/Disabled means Engine Coolant Temperature Gauge is not
Value 1/Enabled means Engine Coolant Temperature Gauge is installed.
Q30-1024-030 Engine Manifold Pressure 0 1 Parameter controls the functionality (output on CVSG bus and DTC's) of
(Turbo Boost) Gauge the manifold pressure gauge.
Installed Value 0/Disabled means Manifold Pressure Gauge is not installed.
Value 1/Enabled means Manifold Pressure Gauge is installed.

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Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual 7

CECU Parameter Parameter Min. Max.

Part Number Description Value Value
Q30-1024-031 Engine Oil Pressure Gauge 0 1 Parameter controls the functionality (output on CVSG bus and DTC's) of
Installed the engine oil pressure gauge.
Value 0/Disabled means Engine Oil Pressure Gauge is not installed.
Value 1/Enabled means Engine Oil Pressure Gauge is installed.
Q30-1024-032 Engine Oil Temperature 0 1 Parameter controls the functionality (output on CVSG bus and DTC's) of
Gauge Installed the engine oil temperature gauge.
Value 0/Disabled means Engine Oil Temperature Gauge is not installed.
Value 1/Enabled means Engine Oil Temperature Gauge is installed.
Q30-1024-033 Exhaust Temperature Gauge 0 1 Parameter controls the functionality (output on CVSG bus and DTC's) of
(Pyrometer) Installed the exhaust temperature gauge.
Valve 0/Disabled means Exhaust Temperature Gauge is not installed.
Valve 1/Enable means Exhaust Temperature Gauge is installed.
Q30-1024-034 Fuel Delivery Pressure 0 1 Valve 0/Disabled means Fuel Delivery Pressure Gauge is not installed.
Gauge Installed Valve 1/Enable means Fuel Delivery Pressure Gauge is installed.
Q30-1024-035 Fuel Filter Restriction Gauge 0 1 Parameter controls the functionality (output on CVSG bus and DTC's) of
Installed the fuel restriction gauge.
Value 0/Disabled means Fuel Filter Restriction Gauge is not installed.
Value 1/Enabled means Fuel Filter Restriction Gauge is installed.
Q30-1024-036 General Oil Temperature 0 1 Parameter controls the functionality (output on CVSG bus and DTC's) of
Gauge Installed the general oil temperature gauge.
Value 0/Disabled means General Oil Temperature Gauge is not installed.
Value 1/Enabled means General Oil Temperature Gauge is installed.
Q30-1024-037 Primary Air Pressure Gauge 0 1 Parameter controls the functionality (output on CVSG bus and DTC's) of
Installed the primary air pressure gauge.
Value 0/Disabled means Primary Air Pressure Gauge is not installed.
Value 1/Enabled means Primary Air Pressure Gauge is installed.
Q30-1024-038 Primary Fuel Level Gauge 0 1 Parameter controls the functionality (output on CVSG bus and DTC's) of
Installed the primary fuel level gauge.
Value 0/Disabled means Primary Fuel Level Gauge is not installed.
Value 1/Enabled means Primary Fuel Level Gauge is installed.
Q30-1024-039 PTO Oil Temperature Gauge 0 1 Valve 0/Disabled means gauge is not installed.
Installed Valve 1/Enable means gauge is installed.
Q30-1024-040 Secondary Air Pressure 0 1 Parameter controls the functionality (output on CVSG bus and DTC's) of
Gauge Installed the secondary air pressure gauge.
Value 0/Disabled means Secondary Air Pressure Gauge is not installed.
Value 1/Enabled means Secondary Air Pressure Gauge is installed.
Q30-1024-041 Secondary Fuel Level Gauge 0 1 Parameter controls the functionality (output on CVSG bus and DTC's) of
Installed the secondary fuel level gauge.
Value 0/Disabled means Secondary Fuel Level Gauge is not installed.
Value 1/Enabled means Secondary Fuel Level Gauge is installed.
Q30-1024-042 Transfer Case Oil 0 1 Parameter controls the functionality (output on CVSG bus and DTC's) of
Temperature Gauge Installed the transfer case oil temperature gauge.
Value 0/Disabled means Transfer Case Oil Temperature Gauge is not
Value 1/Enabled means Transfer Case Oil Temperature Gauge is installed.
Q30-1024-043 Transmission Temperature 0 1 Parameter controls the functionality (output on CVSG bus and DTC's) of
Gauge Installed the transmission temperature gauge.
Value 0/Disabled means Transmission Temperature Gauge is not installed.
Value 1/Enabled means Transmission Temperature Gauge is installed.

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CECU Parameter Parameter Min. Max.

Part Number Description Value Value
Q30-1024-044 Voltmeter Gauge Installed 0 1 Parameter controls the functionality (output on CVSG bus and DTC's) of
the voltmeter gauge.
Value 0/Disabled means Voltmeter Gauge is not installed.
Value 1/Enabled means Voltmeter Gauge is installed.
Q30-1024-045 Engine Retarder Present 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the engine brake switch is installed.
Value 0/Disabled means engine brake switches are not installed.
Value 1/Enabled means engine brake switches are installed.
Q30-1024-046 Engine Make 0 3 Parameter is used to determine what type of engine is installed.
Value 0 means the truck is equipped with CAT engine.
Value 1 means the truck is equipped with CUMMINS engine.
Value 2 means the truck is equipped with PACCAR engine.
Value 3 means the truck is equipped with OTHER engine.
Q30-1024-047 Engine Fan Override Present 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the fan override switch is installed.
Value 0/Disabled means engine fan override switch is not installed.
Value 1/Enabled means engine fan override switch is installed.
Q30-1024-048 Gear Display Present 0 1 Parameter is used to determine the presence of gear display on the
information display.
Value 0/Disabled means Gear Display functionality is not available in
information display.
Value 1/Enabled means Gear Display functionality is available in information
Q30-1024-049 CECU Programming 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the backlighting is flashed to indicate that
Required the CECU has not been parameterized.
Value 0/Disabled means the LCD backlights are not flashed.
Value 1/Enabled means the LCD backlights are flashed.
Q30-1024-050 Headlamp Warning Present 0 1 Parameter controls "headlamp-left-on"-warning.
Value 0/Disabled means an alarm will not sound when the lights are on, the
key is off and the driver door is open.
Value 1/Enabled means an alarm will sound when the lights are on, key
is off and the driver door is open.
Q30-1024-051 Change Distance Units 0 1 Parameter controls whether or not the operator can change the units in
the cluster.
Value 0/Disabled means the operator cannot change the units in the cluster.
Value 1/Enabled means the operator can change the units in the cluster.
Q30-1024-052 Cluster Backlight Day Value 0 255 Parameter is used to set the intensity of the backlighting for the cluster
when the lights are not on.
Value 0 means minimum illumination.
Value 255 means maximum illumination.
Q30-1024-053 CVSG Backlight Day Value 0 127 Parameter is used to set the intensity of the backlighting for the gauges
when the lights are not on.
Value 0 means minimum illumination.
Value 127 means maximum illumination.
Q30-1024-054 Dash Backlight Day Value 0 255 Parameter is used to set the intensity of the backlighting for the entire dash
when the lights are not on.
Value 0 means minimum illumination.
Value 255 means maximum illumination.

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CECU Parameter Parameter Min. Max.

Part Number Description Value Value
Q30-1024-055 Dash Dim With Dome Light 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the dash backlighting should dim if the
dome light is on.
Value 0/Disabled means the functionality is disabled.
Value 1/Enabled means the functionality is enabled.
Q30-1024-056 TFT Backlight Day Value 0 255 Parameter is used to set the intensity of the backlighting for the information
display when the lights are not on.
Value 0 means minimum illumination.
Value 255 means maximum illumination.
Q30-1024-058 Transfer Case Temperature 0 1 Parameter is used to determine which type of transfer case temperature
Sensor Type sensor is installed for the transfer case temperature gauge. This determines
the input range.
Value 0 means Transfer Case Temperature Sensor Type = Delphi.
Value 1 means Transfer Case Temperature Sensor Type = Siemens (or
Q30-1024-060 PTO Control Present 0 1 Parameter is used to determine the presence of PTO controls. (For
CUMMINS engine, default value is 1 - Cruise Control PTO idle bump).
Value 0/Disabled means PTO Control functionality is disabled.
Value 1/Enabled means PTO Control functionality is enabled.
Q30-1024-062 After Treatment Regeneration 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF)
Switch aftertreatment regeneration force or inhibit switches are installed.
Value 0/Disabled means After Treatment Regeneration Switch is not
Value 1/Enabled means After Treatment Regeneration Switch is installed.
Q30-1024-063 Remote PTO Present 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the remote PTO switches are installed
(PACCAR engines only).
Value 0/Disabled means Remote PTO switches are not installed.
Value 1/Enabled means Remote PTO switches are wired to CECU and
functionality is enabled.
Q30-1024-064 RPM Sweet Spot High Limit 0 3000 Parameter is used to set the high limit for RPM sweet spot bargraph
displayed on the information display.
Q30-1024-065 RPM Sweet Spot Low Limit 0 3000 Parameter is used to set the low limit for RPM sweet spot bargraph
displayed on the information display.
Q30-1024-066 Transmission Make 0 4 Parameter is used to determine the type/make of transmission.
Value 0 - Manual transmission.
Value 1 - Autoshift transmission.
Value 2 - Ultrashift transmission.
Value 3 - Freedomline transmission.
Value 4 - Allison transmission.
Q30-1024-067 Brake Applied Pressure 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the brake application pressure sensor is
Sensor Installed installed. This parameter will effect the functionality of the brake applied
gauge and cruise control.
Value 0/Disabled means brake application pressure sensor is not installed.
Brake applied gauge will not function and CECU will not send brake info
on databus.
Value 1/Enabled means brake application pressure sensor is installed.
Brake applied gauge will be enabled (If "Brake Applied Pressure Gauge
Installed" parameter is also enabled) and CECU will send brake info on

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7 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

CECU Parameter Parameter Min. Max.

Part Number Description Value Value
Q30-1024-070 Alarm Bell Symbol 0 2 Parameter is used to determine the status of the alarm bell symbol in the
information display.
Value 0 means the alarm bell symbol is off.
Value 1 means the alarm bell symbol is on solid.
Value 2 means the alarm bell symbol is animated.
Q30-1024-071 Ignition Timer Maximum Time 5 90 Parameter is used to determine the maximum time the idle timer can be set
to. The value can be set in one minute increments.
Value 5 means five minutes.
Value 90 means ninety minutes.
Q30-1024-072 Voltage Trim Multiplier 0 999999 Parameter is used to trim or calibrate the voltmeter. This value is the
"multiplier" portion of the trim and has a range between 0 and 999999. See
Voltmeter Trim Procedure on page 7-20 following this chart, for steps to
determine the correct value.
Q30-1024-073 Voltage Trim Offset 0 10000 Parameter is used to trim or calibrate the voltmeter. This value is the
"offset" portion of the trim and has a range between 0 and 10000. See
Voltmeter Trim Procedure on page 7-20 following this chart, for steps to
determine the correct value.
Q30-1024-074 Low Voltage Disconnect 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if a low voltage disconnect system is
Installed installed. Value 0/Disabled means a LVD system is not installed. Value
1/Enabled means a LVD system is installed.
Q30-1024-075 Engine Fan With Park Brake 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if an engine fan override is available to the
Installed operator. This override will allow the operator to turn the engine fan on
when the park brakes are set and the engine ECU permits the fan to turn on.
Value 0/ Disable means that this function is not enabled and the operator
cannot control when the engine fan turns on.
Value 1/Enabled means that the operator may turn the engine fan on when
the park brakes are on and the engine ECU permits the fan to be on.
Q30-1024-076 Primary Air Pressure on 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the primary air pressure is broadcast on
V-CAN the V-CAN.
Value 0/Disabled means the primary air pressure is not broadcast on the
Value 1/Enabled means the primary air pressure is broadcast on the V-CAN.
Q30-1024-077 Secondary Air Pressure on 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the secondary air pressure is broadcast
V-CAN on the V-CAN.
Value 0/Disabled means the secondary air pressure is not broadcast on
the V-CAN.
Value 1/Enabled means the secondary air pressure is broadcast on the
Q30-1024-078 Voltage on V-CAN 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if voltage is broadcast on the V-CAN.
Value 0/Disabled means voltage is not broadcast on the V-CAN.
Value 1/Enable means voltage is broadcast on the V-CAN.
Q30-1024-079 Primary Fuel Level on V-CAN 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the primary fuel level is broadcast on
the V-CAN.
Value 0/Disabled means the primary fuel level is not broadcast on the
Value 1/Enable means the primary fuel level is broadcast on the V-CAN.

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CECU Parameter Parameter Min. Max.

Part Number Description Value Value
Q30-1024-080 Secondary Fuel Level on 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the secondary fuel level is broadcast on
V-CAN the V-CAN.
Value 0/Disabled; not broadcast on the V-CAN.
Value 1/Enable; broadcast on the V-CAN.
Q30-1024-082 Smart Wheel Installed 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if a smart wheel is installed. This parameter
enables the cluster retarder lamp. This lamp is only enabled when the truck
is equipped with a multiplex steering wheel.
Value 0/Disabled means a smart wheel is not installed.
Value 1/Enable means a smart wheel is installed.
Q30-1024-083 Governed Speed Limit 0 1 Parameter controls if the Governed speed limit transmitted by the Engine
Available on V-CAN is displayed on the "Engine Info" MFD screen.
Value 0/Disabled means the Governed Speed Limit is not Displayed
Value 1/Enable means the Governed Speed Limit is displayed, if the Engine
is transmitting it.
Q30-1024-084 Remote Accelerator Sensor 0 1 Parameter controls fault logging for Remote Accelerator input (C27 of
Installed CECU). Also controls transmission of Remote Accelerator information on
Value 0/Disabled means that no DTCs will be logged if that input is in a
failure state (open, short) and "Not Available" is transmitted on V-CAN
Value 1/Enable means that DTCs will be logged if that input is in a failure
state (open, short). The remote accelerator values on V-CAN are populated
with valid data (or "Error" if a fault is occurring on the input).
Q30-1024-085 Axle Temperature Steer 0 1 Parameter controls fault logging of analog input and gauge outputs to
Gauge Installed CVSG. (For Peterbilt Only)
Value 0/Disabled means that no DTCs will be logged if that input is in a
failure state (open, short) and the gauge needle will not move if connected
to the CVSG bus.
Value 1/Enable means that DTCs will be logged if that input is in failure
state (open, short) and the gauge needle will move when connected to
the CVSG bus.
Q30-1024-086 Fleet ID Available 0 1 Parameter controls whether the Fleet ID is visible in the Truck Information
screen in the MFD.
Value 0/Disabled means the Fleet ID is not visible in the Truck Information
Value 1/Enable means the Fleet ID is enabled in the Truck Information
screen. This requires the Fleet ID to be programmed by ESA, otherwise
it will not be visible.
Q30-1024-088 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Gauge 0 1 Parameter controls fault logging and gauge needle if the DEF gauge is
Installed installed.
Value 0/Disabled means that no faults will be logged and the gauge needle
will not move if the gauge is installed.
Value 1/Enable means that DTCs will be logged if the DEF information
from the aftertreatment system is not available and the gauge needle will
respond to DEF level changes.
Q30-1024-092 Fog Lamps Installed 0 1 Parameter controls the fog lamp outputs of the Chassis Node.
Value 0/Disabled means the fog lamp output is not driven. If fog lamps
are installed, they will never be lit.
Value 1/Enabled means the fog lamp output will output faults (open, short).

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7 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

CECU Parameter Parameter Min. Max.

Part Number Description Value Value
Q30-1024-093 Lights With Wipers Enable 0 1 Parameter controls whether the menu item is available for Lights with
Wipers. When enabled by the operator through the MFD, the low beam
headlamps will turn on whenever the wipers are active (INT, LOW, or HI).
Value 0/Disabled means the headlamps will not turn on when the wipers
are active.
Value 1/Enabled means the headlamps will turn on when the wipers are
Q30-1024-095 Starter RPM Protection 0 1 Parameter controls whether the Starter will be disabled when the engine is
Enable running.
Value 0/Disabled means the engine RPM will be ignored when allowing
the starter to engage.
Value 1/Enabled means the engine RPM must be below 500 rpm for the
starter to engage.
Q30-1024-097 Starter Overcrank Protection 0 1 Parameter controls whether the starter will be disabled due to overuse.
Enable Value 0/Disabled means the starter will not be disabled due to overuse
Value 1/Enabled means the starter will be disabled if the starter is overused
(cranking for 90s without sufficient cooldown).
Q30-1024-104 OAT Source 0 1 Parameter controls the signal used to populate the LCD in the Tachometer,
as well as all other CECU features that use temperature as part of the
Value 0/CECU means that the analog input of the CECU is used (non-OBD
Value 1/Engine means that the J1939 V-CAN input from the Engine will
be used.
Q30-1024-109 Enable Router 0 1 Parameter controls the router functionality. This must be enabled for the
following Router parameters to take effect.
Value 0/Disabled means no Routing of messages will occur.
Value 1/Enabled means the settings of the following router parameters
will be observed.
Q30-1024-110 Gateway Engine CCVS 0 64 Parameter controls the settings for this individual message. Add the
Message numbers together for multiple destinations.
Value 0; OFF
Value 1; B-CAN
Value 2; C-CAN
Value 4; D-CAN
Value 8; F-CAN
Value 16; I-CAN
Value 32; V-CAN
Q30-1024-112 Gateway Engine EEC1 0 64 Parameter controls the settings for this individual message. Add the
Message numbers together for multiple destinations.
Value 0; OFF
Value 1; B-CAN
Value 2; C-CAN
Value 4; D-CAN
Value 8; F-CAN
Value 16; I-CAN
Value 32; V-CAN

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CECU Parameter Parameter Min. Max.

Part Number Description Value Value
Q30-1024-113 Gateway Engine EEC2 0 64 Parameter controls the settings for this individual message. Add the
Message numbers together for multiple destinations.
Value 0; OFF
Value 1; B-CAN
Value 2; C-CAN
Value 4; D-CAN
Value 8; F-CAN
Value 16; I-CAN
Value 32; V-CAN
Q30-1024-114 Gateway Engine ET1 0 64 Parameter controls the settings for this individual message. Add the
Message numbers together for multiple destinations.
Value 0; OFF
Value 1; B-CAN
Value 2; C-CAN
Value 4; D-CAN
Value 8; F-CAN
Value 16; I-CAN
Value 32; V-CAN
Q30-1024-115 Gateway Engine IC1 0 64 Parameter controls the settings for this individual message. Add the
Message numbers together for multiple destinations.
Value 0; OFF
Value 1; B-CAN
Value 2; C-CAN
Value 4; D-CAN
Value 8; F-CAN
Value 16; I-CAN
Value 32; V-CAN
Q30-1024-116 Gateway Engine LFE 0 64 Parameter controls the settings for this individual message. Add the
Message numbers together for multiple destinations.
Value 0; OFF
Value 1; B-CAN
Value 2; C-CAN
Value 4; D-CAN
Value 8; F-CAN
Value 16; I-CAN
Value 32; V-CAN
Q30-1024-118 Gateway Transmission ETC1 0 64 Parameter controls the settings for this individual message. Add the
Message numbers together for multiple destinations.
Value 0; OFF
Value 1; B-CAN
Value 2; C-CAN
Value 4; D-CAN
Value 8; F-CAN
Value 16; I-CAN
Value 32; V-CAN

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7 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

CECU Parameter Parameter Min. Max.

Part Number Description Value Value
Q30-1024-119 Gateway Transmission ETC2 0 64 Parameter controls the settings for this individual message. Add the
Message numbers together for multiple destinations.
Value 0; OFF
Value 1; B-CAN
Value 2; C-CAN
Value 4; D-CAN
Value 8; F-CAN
Value 16; I-CAN
Value 32; V-CAN
Q30-1024-120 Route Engine AMB Message 0 64 Parameter controls the settings for this individual message. Add the
numbers together for multiple destinations.
Value 0; OFF
Value 1; B-CAN
Value 2; C-CAN
Value 4; D-CAN
Value 8; F-CAN
Value 16; I-CAN
Value 32; V-CAN
Q30-1024-121 Route Engine EFLP1 0 64 Parameter controls the settings for this individual message. Add the
Message numbers together for multiple destinations.
Value 0; OFF
Value 1; B-CAN
Value 2; C-CAN
Value 4; D-CAN
Value 8; F-CAN
Value 16; I-CAN
Value 32; V-CAN
Q30-1024-122 Route Engine FD Message 0 64 Parameter controls the settings for this individual message. Add the
numbers together for multiple destinations.
Value 0; OFF
Value 1; B-CAN
Value 2; C-CAN
Value 4; D-CAN
Value 8; F-CAN
Value 16; I-CAN
Value 32; V-CAN
Q30-1024-123 Route Engine HOURS 0 64 Parameter controls the settings for this individual message. Add the
Message numbers together for multiple destinations.
Value 0; OFF
Value 1; B-CAN
Value 2; C-CAN
Value 4; D-CAN
Value 8; F-CAN
Value 16; I-CAN
Value 32; V-CAN

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CECU Parameter Parameter Min. Max.

Part Number Description Value Value
Q30-1024-124 Route Engine LFC Message 0 64 Parameter controls the settings for this individual message. Add the
numbers together for multiple destinations.
Value 0; OFF
Value 1; B-CAN
Value 2; C-CAN
Value 4; D-CAN
Value 8; F-CAN
Value 16; I-CAN
Value 32; V-CAN
Q30-1024-125 Route Engine VD Message 0 64 Parameter controls the settings for this individual message. Add the
numbers together for multiple destinations.
Value 0; OFF
Value 1; B-CAN
Value 2; C-CAN
Value 4; D-CAN
Value 8; F-CAN
Value 16; I-CAN
Value 32; V-CAN
Q30-1024-126 Route Transmission TRF1 0 64 Parameter controls the settings for this individual message. Add the
Message numbers together for multiple destinations.
Value 0; OFF
Value 1; B-CAN
Value 2; C-CAN
Value 4; D-CAN
Value 8; F-CAN
Value 16; I-CAN
Value 32; V-CAN
Q30-1024-127 Transmit CECU LC Message 0 64 Parameter controls the settings for this individual message. Add the
numbers together for multiple destinations.
Value 0; OFF
Value 1; B-CAN
Value 2; C-CAN
Value 4; D-CAN
Value 8; F-CAN
Value 16; I-CAN
Value 32; V-CAN
Q30-1024-131 Multiplex ABS Off Road 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the ABS Off Road Switch is connected to
Switch the CECU.
Value 0/Disabled means ABS Offroad Switch is not installed.
Value 1/Enabled means ABS Offroad Switch is installed.
This parameter is required for the ABS Off Road switch to communicate
with the ABS ECU via J1939 V-CAN.

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CECU Parameter Parameter Min. Max.

Part Number Description Value Value
Q30-1024-132 Engine Fan on with AC and 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if an engine fan override is available to
Park Brake the operator. This override will allow the operator to turn the engine fan
on when the park brakes are set, A/C is ON and the engine ECU permits
the fan to turn on.
Value 0/ Disable means that this function is not enabled and the operator
cannot control when the engine fan turns on.
Value 1/Enabled means that the operator may turn the engine fan on when
the park brakes are on, A/C is ON and the engine ECU permits the fan
to be on.
Q30-1024-133 Brake Lamps on with Engine 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the tractor and trailer brake lamps will
Retarder turn on when the engine retarder is engaged.
Value 0/Disabled means the tractor and trailer brake lamps will not turn on
when the engine retarder is engaged.
Value 1/Enabled means the tractor and trailer brake lamps will turn on when
the engine retarder is engaged.
Q30-1024-137 Advanced ABS Installed 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if Advanced ABS is installed.
Value 0/Disabled means Advanced ABS is disabled.
Value 1/Enabled means Advanced ABS is enabled.
This parameter is required for trucks with Bendix Advanced Cruise with
Braking (ACB)
Q30-1024-138 Water In Fuel Warning 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the Water In Fuel warning pop-up
Enabled message is enabled.
Value 0/Disabled means the Water In Fuel Pop-up warning message will
not display when the appropriate condition exists.
Value 1/Enabled means the Water In Fuel Pop-up warning message will
display when the appropriate condition exists.
Q30-1024-139 Variable Speed Fan Cutoff 5 50 Parameter is used to set the vehicle speed cut off for the Variable Speed
Vehicle Speed Fan.
Value 5 means below 5 MPH the CECU sends the value of Variable Fan
Low Speed Value (Q30-1024-140) for the Engine Fan and above 5 MPH the
CECU sends the value of 100% for the Engine Fan when the appropriate
conditions exist.
Value 50 means below 50 MPH the CECU sends the value of Variable
Fan Low Speed Value (Q30-1024-140) for the Engine Fan and above 50
MPH the CECU sends the value of 100% for the Engine Fan when the
appropriate conditions exist.
Q30-1024-140 Variable Speed Fan Low 0 100 Parameter is used to set the Variable Speed Engine cooling fan when the
Value engine permits the input from the CECU.
Value 0/ means that the CECU is requesting 0% engine fan engagement.
Value 0/ means that the CECU is requesting 1000% engine fan
Q30-1024-141 Variable Speed Fan Enable 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the Variable Speed Fan is installed.
Value 0/Disabled means Variable Speed Fan is not installed.
Value 1/Enabled means the Variable Speed Fan is installed.
This parameter is required for the Borg Warner Cool Logic Fans.
Q30-1024-142 Brake Application Air on 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the brake application air pressure is
V-CAN broadcast on the V-CAN.
Value 0/Disabled; not broadcast on the V-CAN.
Value 1/Enable; broadcast on the V-CAN.

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CECU Parameter Parameter Min. Max.

Part Number Description Value Value
Q30-1024-143 Main Transmission Oil Temp 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the main transmission oil temperature
on V-CAN is broadcast on the V-CAN.
Value 0/Disabled; not broadcast on the V-CAN.
Value 1/Enable; broadcast on the V-CAN.
Q30-1024-144 Trip Average Fuel Economy 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the trip average fuel economy is
on V-CAN broadcast on the V-CAN.
Value 0/Disabled; not broadcast on the V-CAN.
Value 1/Enable; broadcast on the V-CAN.
Q30-1024-145 Destination for Engine DPF 0 64 Parameter controls the settings for this individual message. Add the
Control Message 1 numbers together for multiple destinations.
Value 0; OFF
Value 1; B-CAN
Value 2; C-CAN
Value 4; D-CAN
Value 8; F-CAN
Value 16; I-CAN
Value 32; V-CAN
Q30-1024-146 Destination for Engine 0 64 Parameter controls the settings for this individual message. Add the
Aftertreatment SCR Tank numbers together for multiple destinations.
Message 1 Value 0; OFF
Value 1; B-CAN
Value 2; C-CAN
Value 4; D-CAN
Value 8; F-CAN
Value 16; I-CAN
Value 32; V-CAN
Q30-1024-147 Engine Protection Countdown 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the engine protection countdown timer
Timer Pop-up Available pop-up will be displayed on the information display.
Value 0/Disabled means the engine protection countdown timer pop-up is
not available in information display.
Value 1/Enabled means the engine protection countdown timer pop-up
is available in information display
Q30-1024-148 Front Axle Engaged Speed 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the front axle engaged speed warning
Warning Pop-up Available pop-up will be displayed on the information display.
Value 0/Disabled means the front axle engaged speed warning pop-up is
not available in information display.
Value 1/Enabled means the front axle engaged speed warning pop-up
is available in information display
Q30-1024-149 Front Axle Engaged Vehicle 8 161 Parameter is used to set the vehicle speed threshold at which the front axle
Warning Speed Threshold engaged speed warning will trigger.
Q30-1024-150 Adaptive Cruise and Braking 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the adaptive cruise and braking display
Display Available will be displayed on the information display.
Value 0/Disabled means the adaptive cruise and braking display is not
available in information display.
Value 1/Enabled means the adaptive cruise and braking display is available
in information display

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7 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

CECU Parameter Parameter Min. Max.

Part Number Description Value Value
Q30-1024-152 Overspeed Shutdown 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the overspeed shutdown feature is
Installed installed.
Value 0/Disabled means the overspeed shutdown feature is not installed.
Value 1/Enabled means the overspeed shutdown feature is installed.
Q30-1024-153 Overspeed Shutdown Low 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the overspeed shutdown low air warning
Air Warning Enabled is enabled.
Value 0/Disabled means the overspeed shutdown low air warning is
Value 1/Enabled means the overspeed shutdown low air warning is enabled.
Q30-1024-154 Overspeed Shutdown Low 8 161 Parameter is used to set the primary air pressure threshold value at which
Air Threshold the overspeed shutdown low air warning will trigger.
Q30-1024-155 Transmission Telltale Trigger 0 300 Parameter is used to set the flexible activation level value at which the
Value transmission oil temperature telltale will trigger.
Q30-1024-156 PTO Total Fuel Fault Enabled 0 1 Parameter is used to determine if the PTO total fuel fault message is
Value 0/Disabled means the PTO total fuel fault message is disabled.
Value 1/Enabled means the PTO total fuel fault message is enabled.
Q30-1024-157 Marker Lamp Switch 0 2 Parameter is used to determine the marker lamp switch configuration.
Configuration Value 0 means the truck is equipped with a single switch that controls
park lamps.
Value 1 means the truck is equipped with a single switch that controls both
cab and trailer marker lamps.
Value 2 means the truck is equipped with separate switches, one for cab
marker lamps, another for trailer marker lamps.
Q30-1024-159 Axle Oil Temperature Telltale 0 300 Parameter is used to set the level at which the axle oil temperature telltale
Value will trigger.
Q30-1024-176 Auxiliary Lamps 0 2 Determines the behavior of the driving lamp output..
Configuration Value 0; not installed
Value 1; fog lamps
Value 2; driving lamps
Q30-1024-177 General Air Pressure 1 0 4 Determines which input is used for this gauge.
Gauge Input Selector Value 0; not installed
Value 1; Input 1, CECU3 Pin C09
Value 2; Input 2, CECU3 Pin C11
Value 3; Input 3, CECU3 Pin C30
Value 4; Input 4, CECU3 Pin C34
Q30-1024-178 General Air Pressure 2 0 4 Determines which input is used for this gauge.
Gauge Input Selector Value 0; not installed
Value 1; Input 1, CECU3 Pin C09
Value 2; Input 2, CECU3 Pin C11
Value 3; Input 3, CECU3 Pin C30
Value 4; Input 4, CECU3 Pin C34
Q30-1024-179 Pusher Air Pressure 1 Gauge 0 4 Determines which input is used for this gauge.
Input Selector Value 0; not installed
Value 1; Input 1, CECU3 Pin C09
Value 2; Input 2, CECU3 Pin C11
Value 3; Input 3, CECU3 Pin C30
Value 4; Input 4, CECU3 Pin C34

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Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual 7

CECU Parameter Parameter Min. Max.

Part Number Description Value Value
Q30-1024-180 Pusher Air Pressure 2 Gauge 0 4 Determines which input is used for this gauge.
Input Selector Value 0; not installed
Value 1; Input 1, CECU3 Pin C09
Value 2; Input 2, CECU3 Pin C11
Value 3; Input 3, CECU3 Pin C30
Value 4; Input 4, CECU3 Pin C34
Q30-1024-181 Pusher Air Pressure 3 Gauge 0 4 Determines which input is used for this gauge.
Input Selector Value 0; not installed
Value 1; Input 1, CECU3 Pin C09
Value 2; Input 2, CECU3 Pin C11
Value 3; Input 3, CECU3 Pin C30
Value 4; Input 4, CECU3 Pin C34
Q30-1024-182 Pusher Air Pressure 4 Gauge 0 4 Determines which input is used for this gauge.
Input Selector Value 0; not installed
Value 1; Input 1, CECU3 Pin C09
Value 2; Input 2, CECU3 Pin C11
Value 3; Input 3, CECU3 Pin C30
Value 4; Input 4, CECU3 Pin C34
Q30-1024-183 Tag Air Pressure Gauge Input 0 4 Determines which input is used for this gauge.
Selector Value 0; not installed
Value 1; Input 1, CECU3 Pin C09
Value 2; Input 2, CECU3 Pin C11
Value 3; Input 3, CECU3 Pin C30
Value 4; Input 4, CECU3 Pin C34
Q30-1024-184 Trailer Reservoir Air Pressure 0 4 Determines which input is used for this gauge.
Gauge Input Selector Value 0; not installed
Value 1; Input 1, CECU3 Pin C09
Value 2; Input 2, CECU3 Pin C11
Value 3; Input 3, CECU3 Pin C30
Value 4; Input 4, CECU3 Pin C34
Q30-1024-185 Trailer Brake Application 0 4 Determines which input is used for this gauge.
Gauge Input Selector Value 0; not installed
Value 1; Input 1, CECU3 Pin C09
Value 2; Input 2, CECU3 Pin C11
Value 3; Input 3, CECU3 Pin C30
Value 4; Input 4, CECU3 Pin C34
Q30-1024-186 Air Suspension 1 Gauge 0 4 Determines which input is used for this gauge.
Input Selector Value 0; not installed
Value 1; Input 1, CECU3 Pin C09
Value 2; Input 2, CECU3 Pin C11
Value 3; Input 3, CECU3 Pin C30
Value 4; Input 4, CECU3 Pin C34

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7 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

CECU Parameter Parameter Min. Max.

Part Number Description Value Value
Q30-1024-187 Air Suspension 2 Gauge 0 4 Determines which input is used for this gauge.
Input Selector Value 0; not installed
Value 1; Input 1, CECU3 Pin C09
Value 2; Input 2, CECU3 Pin C11
Value 3; Input 3, CECU3 Pin C30
Value 4; Input 4, CECU3 Pin C34
Q30-1024-188 Tachometer Sweetspot LEDs 0 1 Determines if the LED Sweetspot indicator is used.
Q30-1024-189 Downhill Speed Limit Telltale 0 1 Determines if the downhill speed limiter indicator is supported.
Q30-1024-190 Gauge Pop-ups Enabled 0 1 Determines if pop-ups will occur when the 2–inch gauge telltale comes on.
Q30-1024-191 CAN Backlighting Day Value 0 250 The backlight value sent over CAN.
Q30-1024-192 Brake Type 0 255 Determines the brake type.
Value 0; air brake
Value 1; hydraulic brake
Value 2; other
Q30-1024-193 Brake Vendor 0 255 Determines the brake vendor.
Value 0; Bendix
Value 0; WABCO
Value 1; other
Q30-1024-196 Stability Control 0 1 Determines if the CECU will control the ESP activation in the event of
driving offroad.
Q30-1024-201 Engine Derate and Shutdown 0 1 Enables the engine derate and shutdown warnings.
Warnings Enabled
Q30-1024-205 Emissions Configuration 0 2 Determines what emissions year the engine is designed for.
Value 0; 2010
Value 1; 2013
Value 2; other
Q30-1024-206 Idle Shutdown timer Pop-up 0 1 Enables the idle shutdown timer warning.
Q30-1024-207 Soft Top Speed Limiter 0 250,000 Remaining SSL distance (in meters) at which the deactivation warning
Warning Deactivation activates.
Q30-1024-208 Soft Top Speed Limiter 406 763 Maximum distance that the truck can travel at above the vehicle speed limit.
Maximum Daily Distance Value 406; day cab
Value 763; sleeper
Q30-1024-209 Soft Top Speed Limiter 0 1 Enables the SSL functionality.
Q30-1024-210 Soft Top Speed Limiter 0 1 Enables a daily limit for the SSL functionality.
Enable Daily Limit
Q30-1008-501 Editable Telltale 1 Icon ID Used by ESA to select the Icon displayed in monitor and simulate modes.
Does not effect any vehicle functions. Refer to Q30-1008 drawing.
Q30-1008-517 Editable Telltale 3 Icon ID Used by ESA to select the Icon displayed in monitor and simulate modes.
Does not effect any vehicle functions. Refer to Q30-1008 drawing.
Q30-1008-518 Editable Telltale 2 Icon ID Used by ESA to select the Icon displayed in monitor and simulate modes.
Does not effect any vehicle functions. Refer to Q30-1008 drawing.
Q30-1008-519 Editable Telltale 4 Icon ID Used by ESA to select the Icon displayed in monitor and simulate modes.
Does not effect any vehicle functions. Refer to Q30-1008 drawing.
Q30-1008-520 Editable Telltale 5 Icon ID Used by ESA to select the Icon displayed in monitor and simulate modes.
Does not effect any vehicle functions. Refer to Q30-1008 drawing.

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Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual 7

CECU Parameter Parameter Min. Max.

Part Number Description Value Value
Q30-1008-522 Editable Telltale 6 Icon ID Used by ESA to select the Icon displayed in monitor and simulate modes.
Does not effect any vehicle functions. Refer to Q30-1008 drawing.
Q30-1008-524 Editable Telltale 8 Icon ID Used by ESA to select the Icon displayed in monitor and simulate modes.
Does not effect any vehicle functions. Refer to Q30-1008 drawing.
Q30-1008-526 Editable Telltale 9 Icon ID Used by ESA to select the Icon displayed in monitor and simulate modes.
Does not effect any vehicle functions. Refer to Q30-1008 drawing.
Q30-1024-900 Dash Backlighting Night Time 0 250 Determines the maximum backlighting during night time.
Q30-1024-901 Dash Backlighting Night Time 0 250 Determines the minimum backlighting during night time.
Q30-1024-902 TFT Backlighting Night Time 0 250 Determines the maximum backlighting during night time.
Q30-1024-903 TFT Backlighting Night Time 0 250 Determines the minimum backlighting during night time.
Q30-1024-904 Cluster Gauge Backlighting 0 250 Determines the maximum backlighting during night time.
Night Time Maximum
Q30-1024-905 Cluster Gauge Backlighting 0 250 Determines the minimum backlighting during night time.
Night Time Minimum
Q30-1024-906 CVSG Backlighting Night 0 250 Determines the maximum backlighting during night time.
Time Maximum
Q30-1024-907 CVSG Backlighting Night 0 250 Determines the minimum backlighting during night time.
Time Minimum
Q30-1024-908 CAN Backlighting Night Time 0 250 Determines the maximum backlighting during night time.
Q30-1024-909 CAN Backlighting Night Time 0 250 Determines the minimum backlighting during night time.

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7 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

Voltmeter Trim Procedure Voltmeter Trim Values Worksheet

Use the following steps when determining the Vehicle Voltage

appropriate parameter values for the Voltage Trim Worksheet
Multiplier and Voltage Trim Offset. Procedure Value
1. Set the park brake and turn ignition key to the
STEP 3: Measured BATT Voltage Engine A
ON position.
2. Make sure the Voltmeter Trim Offset and STEP 6: Measured BATT Voltage Engine B

Voltmeter Trim Multiplier parameters are set Running

to the default values. Using ESA, select STEP 4: Displayed BATT Voltage Engine C
'Parameters' from the main menu screen, Off
then select 'Standard Gauges', then scroll STEP 7: Displayed BATT Voltage Engine D
down to view the Voltmeter Trim Offset and Running
Voltmeter Trim Multiplier. If the values for
these parameters are not set at the default Entry Entry Result
values, use ESA to reset the values as follows: B - A = E
D - C = F
a. Default Voltmeter Trim Offset = 5,000 E + F = G
b. Default Voltmeter Trim Multiplier = 100,000 C x G = H
A - H = I
NOTE I x 1,000 = J
J + 5,000 = K
To correctly calibrate the voltmeter, both the Volt
G x 100,000 = L
meter Trim Offset and Voltmeter Trim Multiplier
K = Voltmeter Trim Offset Value
parameters must be reset to their default values
before performing this procedure. L = Voltmeter Trim Multiplier Value

3. Measure the voltage at the batteries. Record

the value on the worksheet as “Measured
Battery Voltage Engine Off”.
4. Note the displayed voltage using ESA or with
the Voltmeter CVSG. Record the value on
the worksheet as “Displayed Battery Voltage
Engine Off”.
5. Start the Engine.
6. Measure the voltage at the batteries (same
place as in step 3). Record the value on
the worksheet as “Measured Battery Voltage
Engine Running”.
7. Note the displayed voltage using ESA or with
the Voltmeter CVSG. Record the value on
the worksheet as “Displayed Battery Voltage
Engine Running”.
8. Perform the calculations on the worksheet
to determine the appropriate values for the
Voltage Trim Multiplier and Voltage Trim Offset.
9. Use ESA to set the parameter values to the
calculated values.

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Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual 8

8 How It Works
Cab Electronic Control Unit (CECU) . . 8 - 2
Display Diagnostic Codes . . . . . . . 8 - 3

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8 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

Cab Electronic Control Unit (CECU) CECU Architecture

Functional Description The software programming of the control unit can

be grouped into three main types:
The heart of the multiplexed instrumentation
system is the CECU. Refer to the Control Unit • Run Time (RT) - which acts as the operating
Locations on page 3-2 section of this manual for system where all communication takes place.
location views of the of CECU.
• Programmable Logic Controller (PLC) Code
Vehicle component inputs are sent to the CECU manufacturer specific programmed code and
through the J1939 data buses or conventional software that is developed, accessible and
wiring. The CECU interprets the various inputs editable.
and monitors/controls the functions for each input
through the CECU software. Output messages • Vendor Module - blocks of code that are
from the CECU provide data for the gauges, developed for specific manufacturers to
warning lamps, audible alarms, and displays allow other features to be implemented more
inside the cluster. efficiently.

The CECU receives data related to controlling the Currently, ESA can look at all information that is
various devices of the electrical system. It then communicated between the RT and PLC Code
makes decisions based on that input and sends portions of the CECU software. Any signals,
information to subsystem control modules about whether they are inputs, outputs, or dataline
what that system should do with the components signals, sent between the RT and PLC Code are
it controls. visible to ESA. These are the signals that may be
monitored and simulated using ESA.
When used in conjunction with the Electronic
Service Analyst (ESA) diagnostic software tool,
the technician can review fault codes stored in Limitations with ESA are found in the
the CECU, verify whether the instrumentation is communications with the pre-developed Vendor
working properly and diagnose the root cause of Modules. Currently this information is not visible
the problem more easily. to ESA. Some features that have Vendor Module
programming, such as the odometer and the
message display, are not available to monitor
and/or simulate through ESA.

The CECU will accept J1939 signals from the

B-CAN and a very limited selection of signals on
the V-CAN. Diagnostic codes for these devices
are not contained in this service manual.

The BCAN is designed to accept customer

installed devices through a connector on the CAN
wire. Devices installed on the BCAN MUST use
the provided connector to function properly. Any
device that is spliced into the CAN wire will not
function properly.

The VCAN is designed with connectors for an

optional telematics device. Any telematics device
connected to a CAN wire other than the VCAN will
not function properly. Not all telematic devices will
be recognized by the CECU.

8 - 2 PM819024 (10/22/2012)

Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual 8

CAUTION Display Diagnostic Codes

Any attempt to cut or attach directly to the CAN This section describes the information display
wire except through a provided connector, may text in the Diagnostic Screen and the DTC
cause equipment malfunction, equipment dam- that triggered it. In the following table, the "xx"
age and will void the manufacturer’s warranty. represents any two digit Failure Mode Indicator

The following display codes are grouped by

source (system or controller the DTC relates to).

PM819024 (10/22/2012) 8 - 3

8 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

ABS Related Display Codes CECU Related Display Codes

For ABS related codes refer to the appropriate These tables list the system and circuit and the
ABS service tool and ABS service manual. related DTC code. For a listing of DTC codes in
numerical order, please refer to the tables shown
ABS Diagnostic Trouble Codes
in Chapter 12. In addition, the complete table also
Display Text DTC
Diff Lock Solenoid 564xx
contains full descriptions of the code and the FMI
ASR Offroad Switch 576xx values.
System Diagnostic Code 4 614xx
System Voltage 627xx For troubleshooting of CECU related codes refer
ECU Fault 629xx to the appropriate instrumentation service manual.
ECU Fault 630xx
CECU Diagnostic Trouble Codes
J1939 639xx
Display Text DTC
SA LEFT Wheel Speed Sensor 789xx
Fuel Filter Restriction 16xx on page 12-2
SA RIGHT Wheel Speed Sensor 790xx
Wait Starter Cooldown Enforced 1675xx on page 12-8
DA LEFT Wheel Speed Sensor 791xx
Current Sensor Fault 2579xx on page 12-8
DA RIGHT Wheel Speed Sensor 792xx
CECU Power Input 3509xx on page 12-9
AA LEFT Wheel Speed Sensor 793xx
CECU Power Input 3510xx on page 12-9
AA RIGHT Wheel Speed Sensor 794xx
Vehicle Speed Message Missing 8409 on page 12-2
Accel Pedal Message Missing 9109 on page 12-3
App. Air Pressure Sensor Open 11603 on page 12-3
App. Air Pressure Sensor Short 11604 on page 12-3
Pri. Air Pressure Sensor Open 11703 on page 12-3
Pri. Air Pressure Sensor Short 11704 on page 12-3
Sec. Air Pressure Sensor Open 11803 on page 12-3
Retarder Relay 801xx
Sec. Air Pressure Sensor Short 11804 on page 12-3
Relay Diagonal 1 802xx
Ignition Power Circuit Fault 15802 on page 12-3
TCV DA Solenoid 806xx
Ignition Power Circuit Fault 15803 on page 12-4
TCV SA Solenoid 807xx
Ignition Power Circuit Fault 15804 on page 12-4
Wheel Speed Sensor Reversed 810xx
Control Unit Over Voltage 16800 on page 12-4
ABS Lamp Fault 811xx
Control Unit Under Voltage 16801 on page 12-4
Stop Lamp Switch 1045xx
Outside Temp Sensor Open 17103 on page 12-4
Trailer PMV 1056xx
Outside Temp Sensor Short 17104 on page 12-4
SUSP Pressure Sensor 1059xx
Instant Economy Message Missing 18409 on page 12-5
Pressure Sensor 1067xx
Engine Speed Message Missing 19009 on page 12-5
Pressure Sensor Secondary Circuit 1068xx
Odometer Offset Recalculated 24510 on page 12-5
Tires Size Out Of Range 1069xx
Engine Hours Message Missing 24709 on page 12-5
SAS Signal 1807xx
Total PTO Hours Message Missing 24809 on page 12-5
YRS Sensor 1808xx
Gauge Bus Power Open Circuit 67805 on page 12-6
LAS Sensor 1809xx
Gauge Bus Power Short Circuit 67806 on page 12-6
Connect Service Tool Any Other
Pri. Fuel Level Sensor Open 82903 on page 12-6
ACC Sensor Misaligned 88607
Pri. Fuel Level Sensor Short 82904 on page 12-6
General ACC Fault. Connect Service Tool 88614
Vehicle Distance Message Missing 91709 on page 12-6
ACC Not Available due to Temp. Brake Ov. 383916
Total PTO Fuel Message Missing 102809 on page 12-7
Instrument Bus Comm Failure 123109 on page 12-7
ABS J1939 Failure 148109 on page 12-7
Trans. J1939 Failure 148209 on page 12-7
Engine J1939 Failure 148309 on page 12-7
Dash Dimmer Switch Open 149106 on page 12-8
Dash Dimmer Switch Short 149206 on page 12-8
Connect Service Tool Any Other

8-4 PM819024 (10/22/2012)

Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual 8

DPF Related Display Codes Engine Related Display Codes

For DPF related codes, refer to the appropriate For engine related codes, refer to the appropriate
engine service tool and engine service manual. engine service tool and engine service manual.
DPF Diagnostic Trouble Codes Engine Diagnostic Trouble Codes
Display Text DTC Display Text DTC
Exhaust Trap Inlet Pressure 81xx EGR Valve Leakage 27xx
Vehicle Speed Sensor 84xx Secondary Fuel Level 38xx
Fuel Delivery Pressure 94xx Intercooler Coolant Temperature 52xx
Boost Pressure 102xx Two Speed Axle Switch 69xx
Barometric Pressure 108xx Park Brake Switch 70xx
Switched Power 158xx Max Vehicle Speed Limit 74xx
Engine Fuel Rate 183xx Exhaust Trap Inlet Pressure 81xx
Engine Speed 190xx Vehicle Speed Sensor 84xx
Total Distance Traveled 245xx Throttle Position 91xx
Engine Percent Torque 513xx AUX Torque Switch 93xx
J1939 Datalink 639xx Fuel Delivery Pressure 94xx
AUX I/O Circuit 1 701xx Fuel Filter Restriction 95xx
AUX I/O Circuit 2 702xx Fuel Tank Level 96xx
AUX I/O Circuit 3 703xx Water In Fuel 97xx
AUX I/O Circuit 4 704xx Engine Oil Level 98xx
AUX I/O Circuit 5 705xx Engine Oil Filter 99xx
AUX I/O Circuit 6 706xx Engine Oil Pressure 100xx
AUX I/O Circuit 7 707xx Crankcase Pressure 101xx
Air Supply Pressure Input 1087xx Boost Pressure 102xx
Exhaust Gas Temp 1 3241xx Turbo Speed 103xx
Exhaust Gas Temp 3 3245xx Intake Manifold Air Temp 105xx
Exhaust Gas Temp 2 3249xx Intake Manifold Pressure 106xx
Particulate Trap 1 Pressure 3251xx Barometric Pressure 108xx
Catalyst Dosing Unit 3361xx Engine Coolant Temperature 110xx
DPF Fuel Pressure Actuator 1 3471xx Low Coolant Level 111xx
DPF Air Pressure Actuator 1 3472xx Water Pump 112xx
DPF Purge Air Pressure 3486xx Engine Droop 113xx
Part Trap 1 Regen Not Available 3750xx Inlet Air Mass Flow Rate 132xx
Connect Service Tool Any Other Fuel Rail Pressure 157xx
Switched Power 158xx
Rated Engine Power 166xx
Alternator Potential 167xx
Battery 168xx
Ambient Air Temperature 171xx
Air Inlet Temperature 172xx
Exhaust Gas Temperature 173xx
Fuel Temp 174xx
Engine Oil Temperature 175xx
Engine Fuel Rate 183xx
Engine Speed 190xx
Trans Output Speed 191xx
Trip Fuel 231xx
Total Distance Traveled 245xx
Clock Real Time 251xx
EGR Delta Pressure 411xx
EGR Temp 412xx
OEM AUX Temperature 441xx
Engine Percent Torque 513xx
Retarder Torque 520xx
Gear Out of Range 524xx

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8 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

Engine Diagnostic Trouble Codes Engine Diagnostic Trouble Codes

Display Text DTC Display Text DTC
Reference Retarder 556xx AUX I/O Circuit 5 705xx
Throttle Switch 558xx AUX I/O Circuit 6 706xx
Torque Converter Lockup 573xx AUX I/O Circuit 7 707xx
Engine Idle Timer Override 592xx Speed Sensor 2 723xx
Idle Shutdown Occurrence 593xx Inlet Air Heater 729xx
Engine Idle Shutdown Alert 594xx A/C Comp Clutch Switch 876xx
Cruise Enable Switch 596xx Front Axle Speed 904xx
Brake Switch 597xx PWM Output 923xx
Clutch Switch 598xx Auxiliary Output 2 925xx
Cruise Set Switch 599xx Auxiliary Output 3 926xx
Cruise Decel Switch 600xx Fuel Pump Actuator 931xx
Cruise Resume Switch 601xx Engine Retarder 973xx
Cruise Accel Switch 602xx Remote Accel 974xx
Brake Pedal Switch 2 603xx Fan Control Output 977xx
J1708 Data Link Error 608xx PTO Set Speed Switch 979xx
System Diagnostic Code 1 611xx PTO Enable Switch 980xx
System Diagnostic Code 2 612xx Remote PTO Resume Switch 982xx
System Diagnostic Code 3 615xx Remote PTO Set Switch 984xx
5V Supply 1 620xx A/C Pressure Switch 985xx
Red Stop Lamp Status 623xx Fan Request Speed 986xx
Amber Stop Lamp Status 624xx Sensor Supply Voltage 1043xx
Intake Air Heater 626xx Fan Driver 1071xx
ECU Power Loss 627xx Engine Brake (Jake) 1072xx
ECU Warning 629xx Engine Brake (Jake) 1073xx
Engine Software Error 630xx Exhaust Brake Actuator 1074xx
Engine Software Error 631xx Fuel Lift Pump 1075xx
Fuel Shutoff Valve 632xx Fuel Injection Pump Calibration 1076xx
Fuel Control Valve 633xx Fuel Injection Pump Control 1077xx
Timing Actuator 635xx 5V Supply 1 1079xx
Engine Speed Signal 637xx 5V Supply 2 1080xx
J1939 Datatlink 639xx Engine Retarder Torque 1085xx
AUX Dual Output Shutdown 640xx Air Supply Pressure Input 1087xx
Turbo Actuator 641xx Engine Warning State 1107xx
Engine External Speed Command 644xx Engine Near Shutdown 1109xx
Fan Clutch Driver 647xx Engine Brake Output 1112xx
BPV Diag SLMP Data 649xx Foot Brake Switch 1121xx
Injector Spill Valve 1 651xx Post Intercooler Temp 1131xx
Injector Spill Valve 2 652xx ECU Temp 1136xx
Injector Spill Valve 3 653xx Turbo Inlet Temperature 1172xx
Injector Spill Valve 4 654xx Turbo Wastegate Actuator 1188xx
Injector Spill Valve 5 655xx Anti-Theft 1195xx
Injector Spill Valve 6 656xx Anti-Theft 1196xx
Injector Spill Valve 7 657xx Exhaust Gas Pressure 1209xx
Injector Spill Valve 8 658xx Water Pump Temp 1212xx
Injector Spill Valve 9 659xx Fault CAN Bus 2 1231xx
Injector Spill Valve 10 660xx Engine Shutdown Switch 1237xx
Injector Spill Valve 11 661xx High Fuel Leakage 1239xx
Injector Spill Valve 12 662xx Fuel Control Valve 1244xx
Starter Solenoid 677xx Timing Actuator 1245xx
8V Supply 678xx Oil Burn Valve 1265xx
AUX PWM Driver 697xx Idle Shutdown 1267xx
AUX I/O Circuit 1 701xx Starter Solenoid 1321xx
AUX I/O Circuit 2 702xx Fuel Rail 1 1347xx
AUX I/O Circuit 3 703xx Fuel Rail 2 1348xx
AUX I/O Circuit 4 704xx Injector Rail 1349xx

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Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual 8

Engine Diagnostic Trouble Codes Engine Diagnostic Trouble Codes

Display Text DTC Display Text DTC
Change Engine Oil 1378xx Catalyst Dosing Unit 3361xx
Engine Oil Level 1380xx DPF Fuel Pressure Actuator 1 3471xx
Fuel Filter 1382xx DPF Air Pressure Actuator 1 3472xx
AUX Temp 1 1385xx DPF Ignition Failure 3473xx
AUX Pressure 1388xx DPF Ignition Loss 3474xx
Pressure Relief Valve 1442xx DPF Fuel Pressure Control 3479xx
ECU Power Relay 1485xx DPF Fuel Pressure Voltage 3480xx
Injector Boost Voltage 1542xx Regen Fuel Rate 3481xx
Engine Derated 1569xx DPF Fuel Enable Actuator 3482xx
Cruise Speed Out of Range 1588xx DPF Ignition Current 3484xx
Cruise Speed Out of Range 1590xx DPF Purge Air Pressure 3486xx
Cruise Pause Switch 1633xx DPF Air Pressure Control 3487xx
Intake Air Temperature 1636xx DPF Purge Air Actuator 3490xx
Fan Speed 1639xx DPF Fuel Pressure 3494xx
Auto Start Failed 1664xx Sensor Supply Voltage 1 3509xx
Demand Retarder 1715xx Sensor Supply Voltage 2 3510xx
Retarder Selection 1716xx Sensor Supply Voltage 3 3511xx
Catalyst Tank Level 1761xx Sensor Supply Voltage 4 3512xx
Maximum Retarder Speed 1780xx Sensor Supply Voltage 5 3513xx
YC Engine Control 1817xx Regen Manually Disabled 3530xx
YC Brake Control 1819xx Ambient Air Density 3555xx
Accel Pedal Position 2623xx DPF Fuel Injector 1 No Response 3556xx
Turbo 1 2629xx ECU Power Output 3598xx
Auxiliary Output 4 2646xx Engine Injector 1 Actuator 2 3659xx
Auxiliary Output 5 2647xx Engine Injector 2 Actuator 2 3660xx
EGR Mass Flow 2659xx Engine Injector 3 Actuator 2 3661xx
Turbo 1 Inlet 2789xx Engine Injector 4 Actuator 2 3662xx
Turbo 1 Output 2790xx Engine Injector 5 Actuator 2 3663xx
EGR 2791xx Engine Injector 6 Actuator 2 3664xx
VGT Position 2795xx Particulate Trap Regen Inhibit Switch 3695xx
Engine Injector Calibration 2797xx Particulate Trap Regen Force Switch 3696xx
Air Shutdown Actuator 2813xx Active Regen Switched Off 3703xx
Trans Crank Enable 2900xx Particulate Trap Regen Inhibited 3711xx
Intake Valve Oil Pressure 2948xx Particulate Trap Soot Load Percent 3719xx
Intake Valve Oil Pressure 2949xx Part Trap 1 Regen Not Available 3750xx
Intake Valve Actuator 1 2950xx DPF Secondary Air Diff Pressure 3830xx
Intake Valve Actuator 2 2951xx DPF Secondary Air Mass Flow 3832xx
Intake Valve Actuator 3 2952xx NOx Limit Exceed Due to Quality 4094xx
Intake Valve Actuator 4 2953xx NOx Limit Exceed Due to Quantity 4096xx
Intake Valve Actuator 5 2954xx NOx Limit Exceed Due to Quality 4094xx
Intake Valve Actuator 6 2955xx NOx Limit Exceed Due to Quantity 4096xx
Coolant Driver 2988xx DPF Fuel Drain Voltage 4097xx
Catalyst Missing 3050xx Aftertreatment DEF Tank Low Level Indicator 5245xx
EGR Plugged 3058xx Aftertreatment SCR Operator Inducement 5246xx
J1939 DPF Monitor 3064xx Severity
Exhaust Gas Temp 1 3241xx Electronic Trans Control 1 61442xx
Particulate Trap Inlet Temp 1 3242xx Electronic Trans Control 2 61445xx
Exhaust Gas Temp 3 3245xx SWD Derate Lamp Data 65519xx
Particulate Trap Outlet Temp 3246xx EXT PWM PCAC 65520xx
Exhaust Gas Temp 2 3249xx J1939CM DPF State 65521xx
Particulate Trap 1 Pressure 3251xx J1939CM DPF Shutdown 65522xx
Particulate Trap 2 Temp 3258xx EXT PWM Back Pressure 65523xx
Particulate Trap 2 Inlet Temp 3276xx J1939CM DPF Post Filter 65524xx
Particulate Trap 2 Outlet Temp 3280xx J1939CM DPF Fail WO Engine 65525xx
Particulate Trap 2 Pressure 3285xx

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8 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

Engine Diagnostic Trouble Codes Transmission Related Display Codes

Display Text DTC
J1939CM DPF Fail And Engine 65526xx For transmission related codes, refer to the
J1939CM DPF Lamp Data 65527xx appropriate transmission service tool and
Fuel Injector 246 HI 65528xx transmission service manual.
Fuel Injector 135 HI 65529xx
Fuel Injector 4 Lamp Data 65530xx Transmission Diagnostic Trouble Codes
Fuel Injector 2 Lamp Data 65531xx Display Text DTC
Fuel Injector 6 Lamp Data 65532xx Correct at Next Service 3359xx
Fuel Injector 3 Lamp Data 65533xx Correct at Next Service 4177xx
Fuel Injector 5 Lamp Data 65534xx Correct at Next Service 4178xx
Fuel Injector 1 Lamp Data 65535xx Connect Service Tool Any Other
CGI Mass Flow Rate 520192xx
CGI Gas Temp 520193xx
CGI Actuator Shaft Position 520194xx
CGI Diff Pressure 520196xx
CGI Absolute Pressure 520197xx
See Operator's Manual Any Other

8-8 PM819024 (10/22/2012)

Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual 12

12 Troubleshooting
Diagnostic Trouble Codes . . . . . . 12 - 2
CAN Troubleshooting Procedures . 12 - 10
Terminating Resistor Test Procedure 12 - 10
Data Collection . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 11
Diagnosing the VCAN Trunk . . . . 12 - 12
Diagnosing the VCAN Branch . . . 12 - 14
Diagnosing Devices on a CAN Line . 12 - 15
Diagnosing the ECAN . . . . . . . 12 - 16
Diagnosing the CCAN (without
Multifunction Steering Wheel) . . 12 - 18
Diagnosing the CCAN (with
Multifunction Steering Wheel) . . 12 - 20
Diagnosing the ACAN (with PACCAR
MX engine) . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 22
Diagnosing the ICAN . . . . . . . 12 - 24
Diagnosing the DCAN . . . . . . . 12 - 26
Locating a Failed Resistor or an Open
Between Two Resistors . . . . . 12 - 28

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12 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

Diagnostic Trouble Codes For pinpoint tests and troubleshooting procedures,

refer to the appropriate instrumentation service
Introduction manual. In addition, the Electrical Service manual
will contain location information for harnesses
This chart provides: a listing of possible CECU and the Air system manual will contain location
related diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs), detailing information for air pressure sensors.
the following:
• Diagnostic trouble codes (DTCs)
• Where the signal input is received
• Component affected
• Fault description
• Detailed summary including possible causes

DTC Item / System Description Detailed Description

1603 Fuel Filter Restriction Open in fuel filter restriction circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an open
or short to ground at the fuel filter restriction sensor input.
Some possible causes for this are a broken wire, corroded or
disconnected connector, or sensor failure.
1604 Fuel Filter Restriction Short in fuel filter restriction circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees a short to +5V
at the fuel filter restriction sensor input. Some possible causes for
this are a pinched wire, water in a connector, or sensor failure.
7503 Front Steer Axle Oil Temp Open in front steer axle oil temp circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an open at the
front steer drive axle oil temperature sensor input. Some possible
causes for this are a broken wire, corroded or disconnected
connector, or sensor failure.
7504 Front Steer Axle Oil Temp Short in front steer axle oil temp circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees a short to
ground at the front steer axle oil temperature sensor input. Some
possible causes for this are a pinched wire, water in a connector, or
sensor failure.
7703 Rear Drive Oil Temp Open in rear drive axle oil temp circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an open at the
rear drive axle oil temperature sensor input. Some possible causes
for this are a broken wire, corroded or disconnected connector, or
sensor failure.
7704 Rear Drive Oil Temp Short in rear drive axle oil temp circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees a short to
ground at the rear drive axle oil temperature sensor input. Some
possible causes for this are a pinched wire, water in a connector, or
sensor failure.
7803 Center/Steer axle Oil Open in center drive axle oil temp circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an open at
Temp the center drive axle oil temperature sensor input. Some possible
causes for this are a broken wire, corroded or disconnected
connector, or sensor failure.
7804 Center Drive axle Oil Temp Short in center drive axle oil temp circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees a short to
ground at the center drive axle oil temperature sensor input. Some
possible causes for this are a pinched wire, water in a connector, or
sensor failure.
8409 Wheel-Based Vehicle Wheel based vehicle speed message This DTC will be recorded when the control unit does not see the
Speed Message missing Wheel Based Vehicle Speed message from the engine, or when
the message has timed out. Some possible causes for this include
faulty wiring to the engine controller, incorrect engine programming
or a faulty engine controller.

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DTC Item / System Description Detailed Description

9003 PTO Oil Temp Open in PTO oil temp circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an open at
the PTO oil temperature sensor input. Some possible causes for
this are a broken wire, corroded or disconnected connector, or
sensor failure.
9004 PTO Oil Temp Short in PTO oil temp circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees a short to
ground at the PTO oil temperature sensor input. Some possible
causes for this are a pinched wire, water in a connector, or sensor
9109 Accelerator Pedal Position Accelerator pedal position message This DTC will be recorded when the control unit does not see the
Message missing Accelerator Pedal Position Speed message from the engine, or
when the message has timed out. Some possible causes for this
include faulty data link wiring to the engine controller, incorrect
engine programming or a faulty engine controller.
10703 Air Filter Restriction Open in air filter restriction circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an open at the
air filter restriction sensor input. Some possible causes for this are a
broken wire, corroded or disconnected connector, or sensor failure.
10704 Air Filter Restriction Short in air filter restriction circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees a short to +5V
at the air filter restriction sensor input. Some possible causes for
this are a pinched wire, water in a connector, or sensor failure.
11603 Application Air Pressure Open in application air pressure circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an open or
short to ground at the tractor brake application air pressure sensor
input. Some possible causes for this are a broken wire, corroded or
disconnected connector, or sensor failure.
11604 Application Air Pressure Short in application air pressure circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees a short to +5V
at the tractor brake application air pressure sensor input. Some
possible causes for this are a pinched wire, water in a connector, or
sensor failure.
11703 Primary Air Pressure Open in primary air pressure circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an open
or short to ground at the primary air pressure sensor input.
Some possible causes for this are a broken wire, corroded or
disconnected connector, or sensor failure.
11704 Primary Air Pressure Short in primary air pressure circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees a short to +5V
at the primary air pressure sensor input. Some possible causes for
this are a pinched wire, water in a connector, or sensor failure.
11803 Secondary Air Pressure Open in secondary air pressure circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an open
or short to ground at the secondary air pressure sensor input.
Some possible causes for this are a broken wire, corroded or
disconnected connector, or sensor failure.
11804 Secondary Air Pressure Short in secondary air pressure circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees a short to +5V
at the secondary air pressure sensor input. Some possible causes
for this are a pinched wire, water in a connector, or sensor failure.
15802 Ignition Power Ignition Power is in an indeterminate This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees between 33%
state and 66% of battery voltage on the ignition pin. A possible cause for
this is faulty ignition sense wiring. The ignition sense wire comes
from the power distribution box to the control unit behind the cup
holder. This sense wire is also used for other control units such as
the door modules and cluster. The wiring to those control units
may be the issue.

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DTC Item / System Description Detailed Description

15803 Ignition Power 12V is on control unit ignition pin but not This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees 12V on control
on cluster ignition pin unit ignition pin but not on cluster ignition pin. Some possible
causes for this are a broken wire, corroded or disconnected
connector. Ignition power is supplied to the cluster from the power
distribution box near the drivers left foot through the IP harness
to the cluster.
15804 Ignition Power 12V is on cluster ignition pin but not on This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees 12V on cluster
control unit ignition pin ignition pin but not on control unit ignition pin. Some possible
causes for this are a broken wire, corroded or disconnected
connector. Ignition power is supplied to the control unit from the
power distribution box near the drivers left foot through the IP
harness to the control unit behind the cup holder.
16800 Control Unit Battery Over voltage The control unit continually monitors the voltage it is supplied. If
Voltage the voltage is above 16.5 volts the system will record this fault.
Some possible causes for this fault are faulty alternator, or jump
starting with to high of voltage. Power is supplied from the power
distribution box near the drivers left foot through the IP harness to
the control unit behind the cup holder.
16801 Control Unit Battery Under voltage for more than 10 minutes The control unit continually monitors the voltage it is supplied. If the
Voltage voltage is below 8.4 volts for 10 minutes the system will record this
fault. Some possible causes for this fault are low batteries, too
much system load, faulty alternator, or corroded connectors. Power
is supplied for the power distribution box near the drivers left foot
through the IP harness to the control unit behind the cup holder.
17102 Outside Air Temp Outside air temp message from engine This DTC will be recorded when the CAN signal for the outside air
error temperature sensor from the engine is in the invalid range. Some
possible causes for this are broken wire or sensor failure.
Modifying the sensor or its location can impact vehicle performance,
emissions, and/or reliability.
17103 Outside Air Temp Open in outside air temp circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an open at
the outside air temperature sensor input. Some possible causes
for this are a broken wire, corroded or disconnected connector, or
sensor failure.
17104 Outside Air Temp Short in outside air temp circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees a short to
ground at the outside air temperature sensor input. Some possible
causes for this are a pinched wire, water in a connector, or sensor
17303 Exhaust Temp Open in exhaust temp circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an open at
the exhaust temp sensor input. Some possible causes for this are a
broken wire, corroded or disconnected connector, or sensor failure.
17304 Exhaust Temp Short in exhaust temp circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees a short to
ground at the exhaust temp sensor input. Some possible causes
for this are a pinched wire, water in a connector, or sensor failure.
17703 Transmission Oil Temp Open in transmission oil temp circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an open at the
transmission oil temperature sensor input. Some possible causes
for this are a broken wire, corroded or disconnected connector, or
sensor failure.
17704 Transmission Oil Temp Short in transmission oil temp circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees a short to
ground at the transmission oil temperature sensor input. Some
possible causes for this are a pinched wire, water in a connector, or
sensor failure.

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DTC Item / System Description Detailed Description

18409 Instantaneous Fuel Instantaneous fuel economy message This DTC will be recorded when the control unit does not see the
Economy message missing Instantaneous Fuel Economy message from the engine, or when
the message has timed out. Some possible causes for this include
faulty wiring to the engine controller or a faulty/misconfigured
engine controller.
19009 Engine Speed Message Engine speed message missing This DTC will be recorded when the control unit does not see the
Engine Speed message from the engine, or when the message has
timed out. Some possible causes for this include faulty wiring to the
engine controller or a faulty/misconfigured engine controller.
23731 Engine VIN VIN mismatched This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees a mismatch
between the VIN from the engine and the VIN stored in the control
24510 Offset of Odometer Odometer offset has been recalculated The instrumentation system continually calculates the odometer
reading using information from the engine ECU. It stores the offset
between the engine ECU and instrumentation system. This offset is
recalculated if the engine ECU or the control unit are replaced. This
DTC will appear when the offset is recalculated.
24709 Engine Total Hours of Engine total hours of operation message This DTC will be recorded when the control unit does not see
Operation missing the Engine Total Hours of Operation message from the engine,
or when the message has timed out. Some possible causes for
this include faulty data bus wiring to the engine controller or a
faulty/misconfigured engine controller.
24809 Total Power Takeoff Hours Total power takeoff hours message This DTC will be recorded when the control unit does not see
missing the Total Power Takeoff Hours message from the engine, or
when the message has timed out. Some possible causes for
this include faulty data bus wiring to the engine controller or a
faulty/misconfigured engine controller.
44103 General Temp Open in general oil temp circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an open at
the general oil temperature sensor input. Some possible causes
for this are a broken wire, corroded or disconnected connector, or
sensor failure. The wiring for this sensor runs from the chassis
node through the chassis and IP harnesses to a connector behind
the right hand gauge panel.
44104 General Temp Short in general oil temp circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees a short to
ground at the general temperature sensor input. Some possible
causes for this are a pinched wire, water in a connector, or sensor
failure. The wiring for this sensor runs from the chassis node
through the chassis and IP harnesses to a connector behind the
right hand gauge panel.
44203 Aux Transmission Temp Open in aux transmission temp circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an open at the
auxiliary transmission oil temperature sensor input. Some possible
causes for this are a broken wire, corroded or disconnected
connector, or sensor failure.
44204 Aux Transmission Temp Short in aux transmission temp circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees a short to
ground at the auxiliary transmission oil temperature sensor input.
Some possible causes for this are a pinched wire, water in a
connector, or sensor failure.
57803 Forward Drive Oil Temp Open in forward drive axle oil temp This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an open at
circuit the forward drive axle oil temperature sensor input. Some possible
causes for this are a broken wire, corroded or disconnected
connector, or sensor failure.

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DTC Item / System Description Detailed Description

57804 Forward Drive Oil Temp Short in forward drive axle oil temp circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees a short to
ground at the forward drive axle oil temperature sensor input. Some
possible causes for this are a pinched wire, water in a connector, or
sensor failure.
59631 Cruise Control Cruise control rationality check This DTC will be recorded when the driver attempts to set the SET
or RESUME before he has touched the brake and the clutch. This
fault will remain active until the keyswitch is cycled.
59902 Cruise Control Invalid input from cruise control set This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an invalid
switch voltage range from the cruise control set switch. Some possible
causes for this are an intermittent connection at the switch,
corroded or broken wire or bad switch.
60102 Cruise Control Invalid input from Cruise Control This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an invalid
Resume Switch voltage range from the cruise control resume switch. Some
possible causes for this are an intermittent connection at the switch,
corroded or broken wire or bad switch.
67805 CVSG / MCS Supply CVSG / MCS supply open load This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an open
load on the power supply to the CVSG bus and the Menu Control
Switch. A possible cause of this failure is a broken wire leading to
the 2" gauges. A common symptom of this fault is that none of the
2" gauges are working.
67806 CVSG / MCS Supply CVSG / MCS supply shorted to ground This DTC will be recorded when the sees a short to ground on the
CVSG supply. Some possible causes for this are a pinched wire,
bent pins on a CVSG or a failed CVSG.
80404 ABS Mode “Tractor ABS Not Installed” input is This DTC will be recorded when the control unit “ABS Installed”
shorted and ABS system is present. parameter is disabled and it is receiving messages from an ABS
system on V-CAN. If the vehicle is to be equipped with ABS enable
the “ABS Installed” parameter. If the vehicle is not to be equipped
with ABS remove the ABS control unit.
82903 Primary Fuel Open in primary fuel level circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an open at the
primary fuel level sensor input. Some possible causes for this are a
broken wire, corroded or disconnected connector, or sensor failure.
82904 Primary Fuel Short in primary fuel level circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees a short to
ground at the primary fuel level sensor input. Some possible causes
for this are a pinched wire, water in a connector, or sensor failure.
83003 Secondary Fuel Open in secondary fuel level circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an open at
the secondary fuel level sensor input. Some possible causes for
this are a broken wire, corroded or disconnected connector, or
sensor failure.
83004 Secondary Fuel Short in secondary fuel level circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees a short to
ground at the secondary fuel level sensor input. Some possible
causes for this are a pinched wire, water in a connector, or sensor
88609 Adaptive Cruise Control unit cannot read messages from This DTC will be recorded when the control unit cannot read
adaptive cruise on V-CAN messages from the Adaptive Cruise ECU. Some possible causes
for this are a broken wire, corroded or disconnected connector,
no terminating resistors, no power to the Adaptive Cruise ECU or
Adaptive Cruise ECU failure.
91709 High Resolution Vehicle High resolution vehicle distance This DTC will be recorded when the control unit does not see the
Distance Message message missing High Resolution Vehicle Distance message from the engine, or
when the message has timed out. Some possible causes for this
include faulty data bus wiring to the engine controller or a faulty
engine controller.

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DTC Item / System Description Detailed Description

97403 Remote Accelerator Open in remote accelerator circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an open at
the remote accelerator input. Some possible causes for this are
a broken wire, corroded or disconnected connector, or throttle
controller failure.
97404 Remote Accelerator Short in remote accelerator circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees a short to
ground at the remote accelerator input. Some possible causes for
this are a pinched wire, water in a connector, or throttle controller
102809 Total Engine PTO Fuel Total engine PTO fuel used message This DTC will be recorded when the control unit does not see
Used Message missing the Total Engine PTO Fuel Used message from the engine, or
when the message has timed out. Some possible causes for
this include faulty data bus wiring to the engine controller or a
faulty/misconfigured engine controller.
123109 I-CAN Control Unit cannot read messages from This DTC will be recorded when the control unit cannot read
cluster on I-CAN messages from the cluster. Some possible causes for this are a
broken wire, corroded or disconnected connector, no power to the
cluster or cluster failure.
138703 Brake Saver Oil Temp Open in brake saver oil temp circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an open at the
brake saver oil temperature sensor input. Some possible causes
for this are a broken wire, corroded or disconnected connector, or
sensor failure.
138704 Brake Saver Oil Temp Short in brake saver oil temp circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees a short to
ground at the brake saver oil temperature sensor input. Some
possible causes for this are a pinched wire, water in a connector, or
sensor failure.
138803 Transfer Case Oil Temp Open in transfer case oil temp circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an open at the
transfer case oil temperature sensor input. Some possible causes
for this are a broken wire, corroded or disconnected connector, or
sensor failure.
138804 Transfer Case Oil Temp Short in transfer case oil temp circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees a short to
ground at the transfer case oil temperature sensor input. Some
possible causes for this are a pinched wire, water in a connector, or
sensor failure.
148109 V-CAN Control unit cannot read messages from This DTC will be recorded when the control unit cannot read
ABS on V-CAN messages from the ABS system. Some possible causes for this are
a broken wire, corroded or disconnected connector, no terminating
resistors, no power to the ABS system or ABS ECU failure.
148209 V-CAN Control Unit cannot read messages from This DTC will be recorded when the control unit cannot read
Transmission on V-CAN messages from the transmission ECU. Some possible causes for
this are a broken wire, corroded or disconnected connector, no
terminating resistors, no power to the Transmission or Transmission
ECU failure.
148309 V-CAN Control Unit cannot read messages from This DTC will be recorded when the control unit cannot read
Engine on V-CAN messages from the engine ECU. Some possible causes for this are
a broken wire, corroded or disconnected connector, no terminating
resistors, no power to the engine or engine ECU failure.

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12 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

DTC Item / System Description Detailed Description

148702 Dimmer invalid range This is caused by the Dimmer Up or Dimmer Down wires reporting
invalid voltage.
Check the switch and wiring for damage
148703 Open in dash dimmer input circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an open at
the dash light dimmer control input. Some possible causes for this
are a broken wire, corroded or disconnected connector, or dimmer
control failure.
148704 Short in dash dimmer input circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees a short to
ground at the dash light dimmer control input. Some possible
causes for this are a pinched wire, water in a connector, or dimmer
control failure.
148707 Dash Light Dimmer Dimmer stuck This is caused by either the Dimmer switch button being stuck Up
or Down for 20 seconds.
Check the switch and wiring for damage
149106 Short in dash dimmer output #1 circuit This DTC will be recorded when the sees a short to ground on the
#1 dimmer output. Some possible causes for this are a pinched
wire, water in a connector, or dimmed component failure. This
output controls dimming to the left and right spare backlighting.
149206 Short in dash dimmer output #2 circuit This DTC will be recorded when the sees a short to ground on the
#2 dimmer output. Some possible causes for this are a pinched
wire, water in a connector, or dimmed component failure. This
output controls dimming to much of the instrument illumination and
167502 Starter Motor Cooldown Starter disabled due to over crank This DTC will be recorded when the allowed cranking time has
Enforce protection been reached and the starter is disabled. This DTC will go away
and the starter will be re-enabled after 15 minutes.
176102 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Diesel exhaust fluid level message error This DTC will be recorded when the control unit receives an invalid
range on the diesel exhaust fluid level message from the engine
ECU or does not receive the message in a timely manner.
176109 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Diesel exhaust fluid level message error This DTC will be recorded when the control unit receives a Not
Available signal on the diesel exhaust fluid level message from the
engine ECU or when the message has timed out. Some possible
causes for this include faulty wiring to the engine controller or a
faulty/misconfigured engine controller.
176119 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Diesel exhaust fluid level message error This DTC will be recorded when the control unit receives an invalid
range on the diesel exhaust fluid level message from the engine
ECU. Some possible causes for this include faulty wiring to the
engine controller or a faulty/misconfigured engine controller.
257903 Battery Current Open in ammeter sensor circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an open at
the ammeter sensor input. Some possible causes for this are a
broken wire, corroded or disconnected connector, or sensor failure.
257904 Battery Current Short in ammeter sensor circuit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees a short at the
ammeter sensor input. Some possible causes for this are pinched
wire, water in a connector, or sensor failure.
265106 Dome Lamp Dome lamp over current This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees overcurrent
on the dome lamp output circuit. Some possible cause for this are
a short to ground in the circuit, a pinched wire or the wattage of the
bulbs on in the circuit are exceeding the output capacity.

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DTC Item / System Description Detailed Description

350905 CECU power input 1 fault
These two DTC's will be recorded when there is a wiring or fuse
CECU Power
351005 CECU power input 2 fault problem for the CECU power, connector A pin 2.

369602 Aftertreatment Short in washer pump relay output This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees both
regeneration force and inhibit switches are active at the same time
for more than 0.5 sec. Some possible causes for this are a broken
regeneration switch on the dash or wiring for these circuits short
circuited together behind the dash.
369709 Aftertreatment Diesel particulate filter lamp message This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an invalid
error range on the diesel particulate filter lamp message from the engine
ECU or when the message has timed out. Some possible causes
for this include faulty wiring to the engine controller or a faulty
engine controller.
369809 Aftertreatment Exhaust system high temperature lamp This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an invalid
message error range on the hot exhaust system temperature lamp message
from the engine ECU or when the message has timed out. Some
possible causes for this include faulty wiring to the engine controller
or a faulty engine controller.
370309 Aftertreatment Regeneration inhibited due to inhibit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an invalid
switch message error range on the regeneration inhibited due to inhibit switch message
from the engine ECU or when the message has timed out. Some
possible causes for this include faulty wiring to the engine controller
or a faulty engine controller.
524502 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Diesel exhaust fluid telltale message This DTC will be recorded when the control unit receives an invalid
error range on the diesel exhaust fluid telltale message from the engine
ECU or does not receive the message in a timely manner.
524509 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Diesel exhaust fluid telltale message This DTC will be recorded when the control unit receives Not
error Available Signal on the diesel exhaust fluid telltale message from
the engine ECU or when the message has timed out. Some
possible causes for this include faulty wiring to the engine controller
or a faulty engine controller.
524519 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Diesel exhaust fluid telltale message This DTC will be recorded when the control unit receives an invalid
error range on the diesel exhaust fluid telltale message from the engine
ECU. Some possible causes for this include faulty wiring to the
engine controller or a faulty engine controller.
524602 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Diesel exhaust fluid inducement severity This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees a invalid value
error from the J1939 network for Operator Inducement Severity.
524609 Aftertreatment Aftertreatment system operator This DTC will be recorded when the control unit received a Not
inducement severity message error Available signal on the aftertreatment operator inducement severity
message from the engine ECU or when the message has timed
out. Some possible causes for this include faulty wiring to the
engine controller or a faulty engine controller.
524619 Aftertreatment Aftertreatment system operator This DTC will be recorded when the control unit received an invalid
inducement severity message error range on the aftertreatment operator inducement severity message
from the engine ECU.

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12 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

CAN Troubleshooting Procedures Terminating Resistor Test Procedure

Introduction To determine if an inline resistor is working, locate
the resistor. The resistors are shown on the
The following flow charts are provided to help
following diagrams. If the resistor is outside the
the technician with troubleshooting a CAN
box that represents a controller, then the resistor
databus issue. The vehicle has multiple CAN
is inline.
buses along with a complex arrangement of
sensors and controllers. The technician should Once a resistor has been physically found,
be able to troubleshoot an issue provided that the disconnect resistors from the resistor holders and
technician has basic experience in troubleshooting test resistance (approximately 120 ohm) of each
instrumentation and has a multi-meter amongst resistor across terminals as shown.
the typical shop tools.
In addition to the charts, there are larger scale
diagrams of the CAN databus available to print
and markup with multimeter values.

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Data Collection

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12 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

Diagnosing the VCAN Trunk

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12 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

Diagnosing the VCAN Branch

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Diagnosing Devices on a CAN Line

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12 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

Diagnosing the ECAN

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12 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

Diagnosing the CCAN (without

Multifunction Steering Wheel)

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12 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

Diagnosing the CCAN (with

Multifunction Steering Wheel)

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12 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

Diagnosing the ACAN (with PACCAR

MX engine)

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Diagnosing the ICAN

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Diagnosing the DCAN

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Locating a Failed Resistor or an Open

Between Two Resistors

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13 Glossary
Acronyms and Abbreviations . . . . 13 - 2

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13 Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual

Acronyms and Abbreviations

A-CAN Aftertreatment Controller Area Network
ABS Anti-lock Brakes System
ACM Aftertreatment Control Module
ATC Automatic Traction Control
C-CAN Cab Controller Area Network
CAN Controller Area Network
CECU Cab Electronic Control Unit
CVSG Commercial Vehicle Smart Gauges
D-CAN Diagnostic Controller Area Network
DCS Door Control System
DEF Diesel Exhaust Fluid
DLA Data Link Adapter
DPF Diesel Particulate Filter
DTC Diagnostic Trouble Code
DWIM Driver Warning and Information Module
ECAT Electronic Catalog
ECM Engine Control Module
ECU Electronic Control Unit
EGR Exhaust Gas Recirculation
ELST Exterior Lighting Self Test
EOA Electric Over AirExt Lighting Self Test
ESA Electronic Service Analyst
F-CAN Frame Controller Area Network
FMI Failure Mode Indicator
HEST High Exhaust System Temperature
HID High Intensity Discharge
HVAC Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning
I-CAN Instrumentation Controller Area Network
ICU Instrumentation Control Unit
IP Instrument Panel
KW Kenworth
LCD Liquid Crystal Display
LVD Low Voltage Disconnect
MCS Menu Control Switch
NGP Next Generation Platform
OBD On Board Diagnostics
PB Peterbilt
PD Power Distribution
PLC Programmable Logic Controller
PTO Power Take Off
PWM Pulse Width Modulation
RKE Remote Keyless Entry
RT Run Time
SPN Suspect Parameter Number
USB Universal Serial Bus
V-CAN Vehicle Controller Area Network
VBATT Battery Voltage
VEM Vehicle Error Memory
VIN Vehicle Identification Number

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C DTC148707 12-8
DTC59631 12-6

CAN Troubleshooting
DTC149106 12-8
DTC59902 12-6

Procedures 12-10
DTC149206 12-8
DTC60102 12-6

CECU 8-2
DTC15802 12-3
DTC67805 12-6

Architecture 8-2
DTC15803 12-4
DTC67806 12-6

CECU details 5-4

DTC15804 12-4
DTC7503 12-2

Comparison chart 5-5

DTC1603 12-2
DTC7504 12-2

Connector face views 5-4

DTC1604 12-2
DTC7703 12-2

DTC167502 12-8
DTC7704 12-2

identification 5-4
DTC16800 12-4
DTC7803 12-2

Side view 5-4

DTC16801 12-4
DTC7804 12-2

DTC17102 12-4
DTC80404 12-6

Diagram 5-2
DTC17103 12-4
DTC82903 12-6

Communication Interface
DTC17104 12-4
DTC82904 12-6

Diagrams 5-3
DTC17303 12-4
DTC83003 12-6

Control Unit 8-2

DTC17304 12-4
DTC83004 12-6

Build dates 2-3

DTC176102 12-8
DTC8409 12-2

DTC176109 12-8
DTC88609 12-6

description 8-2
DTC176119 12-8
DTC9003 12-3

Identification 2-4
DTC17703 12-4
DTC9004 12-3

Location 3-2
DTC17704 12-4
DTC9109 12-3

DTC18409 12-5
DTC91709 12-6

DTC19009 12-5
DTC97403 12-7

D DTC23731 12-5
DTC97404 12-7

Diagnostic Trouble

DTC24510 12-5
Disabled gauges 5-2

Codes 12-2

DTC24709 12-5
Display Diagnostic

Diagnostic trouble codes

DTC257903 12-8
Codes 8-3

DTC102809 12-7

DTC2579034 12-8

DTC10703 12-3

DTC265106 12-8

DTC10704 12-3

DTC350905 12-9
DTC11603 12-3
Exploded View 3-2

DTC351005 12-9

DTC11604 12-3

DTC369602 12-9

DTC11703 12-3

DTC11704 12-3

DTC369709 12-9
DTC369809 12-9
General Information 5-2

DTC11803 12-3

DTC370309 12-9

DTC11804 12-3

DTC44103 12-5

DTC123109 12-7

DTC44104 12-5

DTC138703 12-7
Important Notes 1-2

DTC44203 12-5

DTC138704 12-7

DTC44204 12-5

DTC138803 12-7

DTC138804 12-7

DTC524502 12-9
DTC524509 12-9
Multiplexing 2-2

DTC148109 12-7

DTC524519 12-9

DTC148209 12-7

DTC524602 12-9

DTC148309 12-7

DTC524609 12-9
DTC148702 12-8

DTC524619 12-9

DTC148703 12-8
Part numbers 7-2

DTC57803 12-5

DTC148704 12-8

DTC57804 12-6

(10/22/2012) Index - 1
Service Resources 5-2

CECU details 5-4

Disabled gauges 5-2

Voltmeter trim values

worksheet 7-20

Service resources

Voltmeter trim

procedure 7-20

Service resources


diagram 5-2

Specifications 7-2

Terminating resistor test

procedure (J1939) 12-10

Troubleshooting 12-2

CAN Procedures 12-10

Voltmeter Trim Values 7-20

Index - 2 PM819024 (10/22/2012)

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