Service Manual Namu X 35 English
Service Manual Namu X 35 English
Service Manual Namu X 35 English
Service Manual
Number PM819024
Date 10/22/2012
Confidentiality Notice: This document and the information contained herein is proprietary. It shall not be
reproduced, copied or disclosed, in whole or in part, or used for manufacture without the written permission
of PACCAR. You are hereby notified that any dissemination of this information is strictly prohibited.
ii PM819024 (10/22/2012)
Multiplexed Electrical System Service Manual
Table of Contents
Safety . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Applies To . . . . . . . . . . .
Exploded View . . . . . . . . .
What's New . . . . . . . . . .
General Information
Special Tools . . . . . . . . . .
Specifications . . . . . . . . .
How It Works . . . . . . . . . .
Maintenance . . . . . . . . . .
Disassembly / Assembly . . . .
Inspection . . . . . . . . . . .
Troubleshooting . . . . . . . .
Glossary . . . . . . . . . . . .
Index . . . . . . . . . . . . .
1 Safety
Important Notes . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 - 2
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2 Applies To
Multiplexing Overview . . . . . . . . . 2 - 2
Models–Build Dates . . . . . . . . . . 2 - 3
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Multiplexing Overview
This manual provides service information
covering trucks equipped with the multiplexed
instrumentation system. Before attempting to
make service repairs, the technician should
be knowledgeable about the system design,
components, operation and troubleshooting
procedures for diagnosing multiplexed
instrumentation problems.
Models–Build Dates
Identifying which control unit is in the vehicle helps
determine what features are present and also aids
in troubleshooting.
Production Built Engine Emissions
Models Control Unit Hardware Part Number Software Version
Dates Level
PB: 357, 378, 379, 385, 386
KW: C500, T600, T800, W900, 2004 - 2006 1998, 2004 ICU Q21-1029-X-XXX P30-1003-XXX
PB: 365, 367, 384, 386, 388, 389
KW: C500, T440/T470, T660, 2007 - 2009 2007 CECU Q21-1055-X-XXX P30-1002-XXX
T800, W900, Off-Highway
PB: 387
2008 - 2009 2007 CECU2 Q21-1075-X-XXX P30-1008-XXX
KW: T2000
PB: 325, 330, 337, 348, 587 2010 - 2011
KW: T170, T270, T370, T700 2010 - present
2010 CECU3 Q21-1076-X-XXX
PB: 325, 330, 337, 348 2012 - present
PB: 587 2012
PB: 365, 367, 384, 386, 388, 389 2010 - 2012
KW: C500, T440/T470, T660, P30-1009-XXX
2010 - present
T800, W900, Off-Highway CECU3 with Q21-1076-X-XXX with
PB: 579 Chassis Node Q21-1077-X-XXX
KW:T680 2012 - present
PB: 365, 367, 384, 386, 388, 389 P30-1018-XXX
PB: 587 2013 - present 2013 CECU3 Q21-1076-X-XXX P30-1014-XXX
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Control Unit Identification Line item ten of this Control Unit Information
window displays the current Vehicle Software
Control unit identification can be made using a Version. This details the current CECU software
few methods: and programming date that is presently installed
• Searching using the Electronic Catalog (ECAT) on the vehicle.
• Connecting using the Electronic Service
Analyst (ESA)
• Menu Control Switch (MCS) of the information
Using ECAT or ESA are the easiest and most
exact ways of determining the type of control unit
in the truck.
Electronic Catalog (ECAT) Identification
ECAT provides a parts list “as built” and Bill of
Materials information for each specific truck.
The catalog is searchable, and contains the part
number and identification of the trucks instrument Upon connection, ESA recognizes if a software
panel control unit. update has been issued for the control unit within
• ICU Part Number Q21-1029-X-XXX the connected vehicle. If an update is required,
ESA prompts the technician to perform the update
• CECU Part Number Q21-1055-X-XXX operation.
• CECU2 Part Number Q21-1075-X-XXX
• CECU3 Part Number Q21-1076-X-XXX MCS Identification
• Chassis Node Part Number Q21-1077-X-XXX
For vehicles equipped with the information display,
The blank digits (denoted by "X") in the above part control unit identification is possible via the Menu
numbers represent: Control Switch (MCS). Using the MCS knob,
• "-X" is the hardware revision. select the "Truck Information" menu. Use this
menu to look up the "CECU SW Ver." Software
• "-XXX" is the software boot loader version. version P30-1002-XXX can denote either a CECU
Electronic Service Analyst (ESA) Identification or CECU2.
Connecting using ESA brings up a control unit • ICU Software P30-1003-XXX
information window. In this window, the sixth
line item is the Control Unit Type and identifies • CECU Software P30-1002-XXX
whether the truck has an ICU or CECU. It also
details the variant of the CECU. • CECU2 Software P30-1002-XXX
2 - 4 PM819024 (10/22/2012)
3 Exploded View
Control Unit Location . . . . . . . . . 3 - 2
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CECU Locations
The heart of the multiplexed instrumentation
system is the CECU. The unit is located in the
center of the dash, beneath the cupholders.
2. MFTS module
3. DRL module
4. ABS module
The Cab Load Center is behind items 2 and 3
and mounted in the engine compartment.
4 What's New
Software P30-1014 Features . . . . . . 4 - 2
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P30-1014 features fewer hardwired circuits and The multiplexed steering wheel is a carry-over
more communications over the CAN networks. design from other PACCAR markets. It
communicates on the C-CAN line for audio and
The fault messaging capabilities have improved cruise control inputs from the operator.
with this new release. The information to the driver
is more complete and can provide the driver with Radio
general action items for each warning icon.
The radio is now on the C-CAN databus.
The program itself has improved capabilities with
Virtual Gauges/Navigation/Telematics Unit
regard to trip information. There are 4 individual
trip odometers that the user can customize to fit
their needs. This unit provides vehicle information to the
operator and receives the information from the
If there is a data communication failure
V-CAN. The display provides real time information
between the CECU and Instrument Cluster the
in the form of gauges. It is also connected to the
Cluster Display will show a message indicating
C-CAN for audio output.
communication failure. This is intended to alert the
driver that the Instrument Cluster is not displaying Cab Dimmer
the gauges accurately and it indicates a physical
failure on the I-CAN. The cab dimmer switch is a momentary up/down
dash switch that allows the user to raise or lower
the dash backlighting illumination levels.
Door Controls
5 General Information
Service Resources . . . . . . . . . . 5 - 2
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For connector face views at the harness all branch from the instrument panel harness that
connectors that plug into the CECU, see CECU routes behind the dash.
Connector Face Views Figure. These connectors
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E 1 Idle Timer 70A Relay
2 Spare
3 Ignition Relay Control (Start)
4 Headlamp "ON" with Wiper / RKE
6 Spare
7 Fog Lights with Low Beam only
8 ABS Brake Light Relay
9 Mirror Heat Relay
7 Specifications
Parameter Part Numbers. . . . . . . . 7 - 2
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to the default values. Using ESA, select STEP 4: Displayed BATT Voltage Engine C
'Parameters' from the main menu screen, Off
then select 'Standard Gauges', then scroll STEP 7: Displayed BATT Voltage Engine D
down to view the Voltmeter Trim Offset and Running
Voltmeter Trim Multiplier. If the values for
these parameters are not set at the default Entry Entry Result
values, use ESA to reset the values as follows: B - A = E
D - C = F
a. Default Voltmeter Trim Offset = 5,000 E + F = G
b. Default Voltmeter Trim Multiplier = 100,000 C x G = H
A - H = I
NOTE I x 1,000 = J
J + 5,000 = K
To correctly calibrate the voltmeter, both the Volt
G x 100,000 = L
meter Trim Offset and Voltmeter Trim Multiplier
K = Voltmeter Trim Offset Value
parameters must be reset to their default values
before performing this procedure. L = Voltmeter Trim Multiplier Value
7 - 20 PM819024 (10/22/2012)
8 How It Works
Cab Electronic Control Unit (CECU) . . 8 - 2
Display Diagnostic Codes . . . . . . . 8 - 3
PM819024 (10/22/2012) 8 - 1
The CECU receives data related to controlling the Currently, ESA can look at all information that is
various devices of the electrical system. It then communicated between the RT and PLC Code
makes decisions based on that input and sends portions of the CECU software. Any signals,
information to subsystem control modules about whether they are inputs, outputs, or dataline
what that system should do with the components signals, sent between the RT and PLC Code are
it controls. visible to ESA. These are the signals that may be
monitored and simulated using ESA.
When used in conjunction with the Electronic
Service Analyst (ESA) diagnostic software tool,
the technician can review fault codes stored in Limitations with ESA are found in the
the CECU, verify whether the instrumentation is communications with the pre-developed Vendor
working properly and diagnose the root cause of Modules. Currently this information is not visible
the problem more easily. to ESA. Some features that have Vendor Module
programming, such as the odometer and the
message display, are not available to monitor
and/or simulate through ESA.
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12 Troubleshooting
Diagnostic Trouble Codes . . . . . . 12 - 2
CAN Troubleshooting Procedures . 12 - 10
Terminating Resistor Test Procedure 12 - 10
Data Collection . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 11
Diagnosing the VCAN Trunk . . . . 12 - 12
Diagnosing the VCAN Branch . . . 12 - 14
Diagnosing Devices on a CAN Line . 12 - 15
Diagnosing the ECAN . . . . . . . 12 - 16
Diagnosing the CCAN (without
Multifunction Steering Wheel) . . 12 - 18
Diagnosing the CCAN (with
Multifunction Steering Wheel) . . 12 - 20
Diagnosing the ACAN (with PACCAR
MX engine) . . . . . . . . . . . 12 - 22
Diagnosing the ICAN . . . . . . . 12 - 24
Diagnosing the DCAN . . . . . . . 12 - 26
Locating a Failed Resistor or an Open
Between Two Resistors . . . . . 12 - 28
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12 - 8 PM819024 (10/22/2012)
369602 Aftertreatment Short in washer pump relay output This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees both
regeneration force and inhibit switches are active at the same time
for more than 0.5 sec. Some possible causes for this are a broken
regeneration switch on the dash or wiring for these circuits short
circuited together behind the dash.
369709 Aftertreatment Diesel particulate filter lamp message This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an invalid
error range on the diesel particulate filter lamp message from the engine
ECU or when the message has timed out. Some possible causes
for this include faulty wiring to the engine controller or a faulty
engine controller.
369809 Aftertreatment Exhaust system high temperature lamp This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an invalid
message error range on the hot exhaust system temperature lamp message
from the engine ECU or when the message has timed out. Some
possible causes for this include faulty wiring to the engine controller
or a faulty engine controller.
370309 Aftertreatment Regeneration inhibited due to inhibit This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees an invalid
switch message error range on the regeneration inhibited due to inhibit switch message
from the engine ECU or when the message has timed out. Some
possible causes for this include faulty wiring to the engine controller
or a faulty engine controller.
524502 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Diesel exhaust fluid telltale message This DTC will be recorded when the control unit receives an invalid
error range on the diesel exhaust fluid telltale message from the engine
ECU or does not receive the message in a timely manner.
524509 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Diesel exhaust fluid telltale message This DTC will be recorded when the control unit receives Not
error Available Signal on the diesel exhaust fluid telltale message from
the engine ECU or when the message has timed out. Some
possible causes for this include faulty wiring to the engine controller
or a faulty engine controller.
524519 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Diesel exhaust fluid telltale message This DTC will be recorded when the control unit receives an invalid
error range on the diesel exhaust fluid telltale message from the engine
ECU. Some possible causes for this include faulty wiring to the
engine controller or a faulty engine controller.
524602 Diesel Exhaust Fluid Diesel exhaust fluid inducement severity This DTC will be recorded when the control unit sees a invalid value
error from the J1939 network for Operator Inducement Severity.
524609 Aftertreatment Aftertreatment system operator This DTC will be recorded when the control unit received a Not
inducement severity message error Available signal on the aftertreatment operator inducement severity
message from the engine ECU or when the message has timed
out. Some possible causes for this include faulty wiring to the
engine controller or a faulty engine controller.
524619 Aftertreatment Aftertreatment system operator This DTC will be recorded when the control unit received an invalid
inducement severity message error range on the aftertreatment operator inducement severity message
from the engine ECU.
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Data Collection
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13 Glossary
Acronyms and Abbreviations . . . . 13 - 2
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13 - 2 PM819024 (10/22/2012)
C DTC148707 12-8
DTC59631 12-6
CAN Troubleshooting
DTC149106 12-8
DTC59902 12-6
Procedures 12-10
DTC149206 12-8
DTC60102 12-6
CECU 8-2
DTC15802 12-3
DTC67805 12-6
Architecture 8-2
DTC15803 12-4
DTC67806 12-6
DTC167502 12-8
DTC7704 12-2
identification 5-4
DTC16800 12-4
DTC7803 12-2
DTC17102 12-4
DTC80404 12-6
Diagram 5-2
DTC17103 12-4
DTC82903 12-6
Communication Interface
DTC17104 12-4
DTC82904 12-6
Diagrams 5-3
DTC17303 12-4
DTC83003 12-6
DTC176109 12-8
DTC88609 12-6
description 8-2
DTC176119 12-8
DTC9003 12-3
Identification 2-4
DTC17703 12-4
DTC9004 12-3
Location 3-2
DTC17704 12-4
DTC9109 12-3
DTC18409 12-5
DTC91709 12-6
DTC19009 12-5
DTC97403 12-7
D DTC23731 12-5
DTC97404 12-7
Diagnostic Trouble
DTC24510 12-5
Disabled gauges 5-2
Codes 12-2
DTC24709 12-5
Display Diagnostic
DTC257903 12-8
Codes 8-3
DTC102809 12-7
DTC2579034 12-8
DTC10703 12-3
DTC265106 12-8
DTC10704 12-3
DTC350905 12-9
DTC11603 12-3
Exploded View 3-2
DTC351005 12-9
DTC11604 12-3
DTC369602 12-9
DTC11703 12-3
DTC11704 12-3
DTC369709 12-9
DTC369809 12-9
General Information 5-2
DTC11803 12-3
DTC370309 12-9
DTC11804 12-3
DTC44103 12-5
DTC123109 12-7
DTC44104 12-5
DTC138703 12-7
Important Notes 1-2
DTC44203 12-5
DTC138704 12-7
DTC44204 12-5
DTC138803 12-7
DTC138804 12-7
DTC524502 12-9
DTC524509 12-9
Multiplexing 2-2
DTC148109 12-7
DTC524519 12-9
DTC148209 12-7
DTC524602 12-9
DTC148309 12-7
DTC524609 12-9
DTC148702 12-8
DTC524619 12-9
DTC148703 12-8
Part numbers 7-2
DTC57803 12-5
DTC148704 12-8
DTC57804 12-6
(10/22/2012) Index - 1
Service Resources 5-2
worksheet 7-20
Service resources
Voltmeter trim
procedure 7-20
Service resources
diagram 5-2
Specifications 7-2
Terminating resistor test
Troubleshooting 12-2