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Ubd 6

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Alex Wiemken

Unit Title: Expressions and Equivalence Course: Math Grade: 6th


Apply and extend previous understandings of arithmetic to algebraic expressions.

6.EE.1 Write and evaluate numerical expressions involving whole number exponents.

Apply and extend previous understandings of arithmetic to algebraic expressions. (continued)

6.EE.2 Write, read, and evaluate expressions in which letters stand for numbers.

a. Write expressions that record operations with numbers and with letters standing for numbers. For example,
express the calculation “Subtract y from 5” as 5 − y.

b. Identify parts of an expression using mathematical terms (sum, term, product, factor, quotient, coefficient);
view one or more parts of an expression as a single entity. For example, describe the expression 2(8 + 7) as a
product of two factors; view (8 + 7) as both a single entity and a sum of two terms.

c. Evaluate expressions at specific values of their variables. Include expressions that arise from formulas used
in real-world problems. Perform arithmetic operations, including those involving whole number exponents,
using the algebraic order of operations when there are no parentheses to specify a particular order. For
example, use the formulas V= s3 and A= 6s2 to find the volume and surface area of a cube with sides of lengths
s= ½.

6.EE.3 Apply the properties of operations to generate equivalent expressions. For example, apply the
distributive property to the expression 3(2 + x) to produce the equivalent expression 6 + 3x; apply the
distributive property to the expression 24x + 18y to produce the equivalent expression 6(4x + 3y); apply
properties of operations to y + y + y to produce the equivalent expression 3y.

6.EE.4 Identify when two expressions are equivalent, i.e., when the two expressions name the same number
regardless of which value is substituted into them. For example, the expressions y + y + y and 3y are equivalent
because they name the same number regardless of which number y stands for.


As a result of this unit students will understand that… Across this unit students will keep considering the
following overarching questions…
Exponential notation is shorthand for repeated
multiplication. (6.EE.1) How can you use equations to solve real world
Algebraic expressions are shorthand for patterns How can we represent patterns using expressions?
involving operations (+, -, x, ). For example, x-5 How can we transfer words and mathematical
represents all the possible problems where 5 is symbols?
Alex Wiemken

subtracted from a number. What is meant by equality?

Algebraic expressions are evaluated by substituting a

specific number for a letter and doing the arithmetic.

Equivalent expressions always name the same value

no matter what number is substituted for a specific

Number properties can be used to generate

equivalent expressions.

The distributive property can be used to solve these


The properties of operations can be used to create

equivalent expressions.

As a result of this unit students will know these facts, After this unit students will be able to…
formulas, or definitions…
Definitions Write and evaluate numerical expressions involving
Exponents are quantities representing a symbol exponents. (6.EE.1)
raised next to a number or expression Write expressions with numbers and letters
Term is a variable or single number representing numbers (6.EE.2)
Coefficient a numerical or constant quantity placed Identify parts of an expression using mathematical
before and multiplying the variable in an algebraic terms- sum, term, product, factor, quotient,
expression coefficient in an expression. (6.EE.2b)
Evaluate an expression means to simplifying Use properties of operations to create equivalent
an expression down to a single numerical value expressions (6.EE.3)
Substitute can mean replacing letters in an equation Identify equivalent expressions (6.EE.4)
with numbers, replacing quantities for each other into
an expression as long as those quantities are equal.
Equivalent Expressions of equal value or balanced

An exponent is represented by a symbol raised next
to a number or expression.

Exponents can be used to represent the repeated

multiplication of the same number.

Letters in expressions can represent a range of

Alex Wiemken

Academic Language Functions & Demands:

In this unit the following language functions (i.e. verbs) and demands (discipline-specific vocabulary, syntax
and discourse) will be targeted: Factor, evaluate, use properties, substitute, coefficient, exponent, expression,
and term.
Other demands that will be addressed are the discourse and syntax related to the terms sum, term, product,
factor, quotient, coefficient, exponent and expression. These will be explicitly discussed according to the
vocabulary acquisition pyramid:
-How are these used in everyday language?
-How are these used generally in the academic language?
-How are these used in the discipline of mathematics?

Syntax and discourse will be addressed with respect to how expressions and properties, like the distributive,
are structured with symbols and discussed verbally as well as how different forms of terms like substitution
are used to communicate in mathematics.

Academic Language Supports:

In this unit the following explicit strategies will be used to meet academic language functions & demands:
A comparison chart of terms and not terms will be used to define the vocabulary terms students need to be
A Frayer Model will also be used to describe the expressions students create. It will have models of one-term,
two-terms, three-terms, four-terms.
An anchor chart will be used to display the base and exponent.

Students will create a concept map to connect the terms: equivalent, evaluate, substitute when talking about

Alex Wiemken

Benchmark Evidence: Students will demonstrate their leaning in this unit by…

Assessment #1 Operations and Algebraic Thinking Review (Pre-assessment) (5.OA.1, 2, 3)

Assessment #2 Exponent and Expanded Form (6.EE.1) [Attached]
Assessment #3 Writing Numerical Expressions Whiteboards (Performance Task) (6.EE.1) [Attached]
Assessment #4 Word Problem Extravaganza using online algebra tiles(6.EE.2 a)
Assessment #5 Yard Work (Understanding Check) (6.EE.2 a, b)
Assessment #6 Mid Unit Assessment (Summative) (6.EE.1, 6.EE.2a, b) [Attached]
Assessment #7 Order of Operations (Pre-assessment) (6.EE.2c)
Assessment #8 What are equivalent fractions? (Understanding Check) (6.EE.3)
Assessment #9 Choice Board (Summative) (6.EE.1, 2, 3, 4) [Attached]
Assessment #10 Unit Test (Summative) (6.EE.1, 2, 3, 4)

Assessments, keys, rubrics, anticipated responses, and criteria are attached.

Alex Wiemken

Exponent and Expanded Form


Directions: Jeremiah has been asked to order the following numbers from least to greatest. Help him do so by
simplifying the different numbers and writing out the expanded forms. Then, labeling them A-T.

0-5 points 6-14points 15+ points

Students who score 10 are more point
These students may not be These students who score within this
on this section in the beginning of the
ready for the unit. These range are ready for this section of the
unit are likely to be successful in the
students may require unit, but some may require additional
unit with less intervention. These
intervention before or during help or intervention. Overall score for
students may move faster of have learn
instruction for this unit. entire pre-assessment may need to be
portions of the content before and the
These students need to be considered. These students will need
content may be review. These students
closely monitored and to be monitored during the unit to
may need additional challenge or
assessed during the unit, as ensure additional intervention is not
enrichment, and may be leaders in their
well. needed.
group work.

Students who receive 95% or higher may need more challenging material, and are ready to move onto the
next part of the unit. Students who do not meet the goal of at least 6 points or higher will need to receive
targeted re-teaching and/or intervention.
Alex Wiemken

Writing Numerical Expressions Whiteboards

Directions: Students will each have a whiteboard of their own. I will read aloud the problem that they have to
write on their whiteboards. I will also have them projected on the board as well, for students who may need
to visually see it.

1. True or False: 24= 2 x 4

2. Write 53 in expanded form

3. Now evaluate 53

4. Write one plus five raised to the 6th power

5. What is the value of one plus five raised to the 6th power?

6. Challenge: What is 1/3 raised to the third power?

I would create a checklist of the student’s names, and when they get the problem incorrect, I will place a
checkmark by their name.

Student #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 #6


This is an informal assessment, but students who receive 3 or more checkmarks will have the opportunity to
re-do the problems they completed incorrectly for additional practice. They will need to do so to be able to
move on to the next material. After students re-complete the problems, the teacher will determine if those
students are ready to move on. If students receive two or fewer checkmarks are ready to move on.

Alex Wiemken

Mid Unit Assessment (Questions involving 6.EE.1)

For this section:

Alex Wiemken

Students who receive the “got it” will get points for their work and have shown enough support that they have
mastered the standard. Students who receive a “not yet” have not shown enough support that they have
mastered the standard.

Alex Wiemken

Choice Board

For this section:

Seven Cubed

Exponential form:







Draw a picture representing 23

Alex Wiemken

Exponential form: 73
Work: 7x7x7= 49x7
Answer: 343

2. Work: 8x8x8x8= 64x64

Answer: 4,096

3. Answers will vary

Students will have to show all parts correctly to receive full credit. They will also have to show all parts
correctly to show they have sufficient knowledge of the standard. Students who do not show all parts
correctly can receive some credit, but will not show sufficient evidence of knowledge of the standard.

Alex Wiemken


This unit will last approximately 4 weeks.

LESSON #: 1 (2 class periods)
Operations and Algebraic thinking review
LESSON #: 2 (1 class period)
Exponents and exponents in expanded form (6.EE.1) Week 1
LESSON #: 3 (2 class periods)
Operations with letters standing for numbers.
Expressions with letters standing for numbers.
LESSON #: 4 (1 class period)
Using mathematical terms (6.EE.2b)
LESSON #: 5 (1 class period)
Writing expressions and identifying parts (6.EE.1,
6.EE.2a,b) Week 2
LESSON #6: (2 class periods)
Evaluating expressions (6.EE.2c)
LESSON #: 7 (1 class period)
Mid Unit Assessment (6.EE.1, 6.EE.2a,b)
LESSON #: 8 (1 class period)
Equivalent expressions (6.EE.3)
LESSON #:9 (1 class period)
Distributive property (6.EE.3)
LESSON #: 10 (1 class period) Week 3
Properties of operations (6.EE.3)
LESSON #: 11 (2 class periods)
Creating equivalent fractions and using properties
LESSON #: 12 (2 class periods)
Substitution and expressions (6.EE.4)
LESSON #: 13 (2 class period)
Week 4
Choice board (6.EE.1,2,3,4)
LESSON #: 14 (1 class periods)
Unit Test (6.EE.1,2,3,4)

Alex Wiemken

Title of Lesson: Lesson 2 Duration:

Exponents and Expanded Form 1 class period
50 minutes
Grade Level/Subject:
6th Grade Math

Standards Targeted:
6.EE.1 Write and evaluate numerical expressions involving whole number exponents.
Big Ideas Addressed:
Exponents can be written in expanded form.
Exponents are patterns.
Lesson Objective(s)/Outcome(s):
Students will be able to evaluate exponents.
Students will be able to write expressions involving exponents.

Lesson Assessment:
Students will be completing an exponent activity where they are evaluating exponents
in standard and expanded form.
Prior Knowledge:
Students know how to multiply numbers. Students have experience reading word
problems and creating expressions representing them. They have knowledge of what
whole numbers are. Students have also had some experience with exponents involving
base 10.
Instructional Approach and Justification:
I will be using direct instruction to refresh students on exponents. They have had some
exposure to them in the 5th grade with base ten. Trying to guide them in using those
same ideas for different bases with exponents. I will also model one example with the
I will then be using working through problem solving. Students have the knowledge of
multiplication, so I believe they will be able to work through this activity. It is not a
complete new concept either; they have the knowledge base to work through problem
solving on this activity. This is culturally relevant because all of the students will be
working with a partner and it is a very inclusive activity.

I will have a video for students who may need it from Khan Academy, showing them
how to evaluate exponents. I would also have the students complete only half of the
activity as well. Challenging students to write the numbers in order from least to

Alex Wiemken

greatest using their exponential notation.

Materials Needed:
Exponent and Expanded Form copies
Student Laptops
Document Camera

Lesson Outline:
Introduction (5 minutes):
“Exponents are a cool way we can do some short hand multiplication. Does anyone know
an instance where we might use an exponent?”
-maybe finding the area of an object or its volume

I will then model a problem with the class from the worksheet. Then pass out the
worksheet for the students to work on.

Instructional Sequence (40 minutes):

30 minutes:
Once I pass out the handout, I will go over the directions and expectations of the
-remind them “Make sure you are labeling them A-T, when putting them in order
from least to greatest.”
I will give them 30 minutes to explore the handout with their elbow partner. (Student
sitting right next to them.) They may work independently if they choose. If students
choose to work with their elbow partner, they must each show their own work on their
own piece of paper.
I will be monitoring the room to provide assistance if need be.
-“If a number does not have an exponent listed, what exponent does it really
have? Why do we not always have to represent it?”
If students are struggling, I may provide them with the video link that is uploaded on
their Schoology. I will just tell them to look on their for additional help.
10 minutes:
Go over the answers with the students. Have one student come up to the board and
show their work for A-E, a student to show their work for F-J, K-O, and P-T.

Closure (5 minutes):
“Are there any other questions about exponents? Or this activity?”
-“How might writing exponents in their exponential form be beneficial to us?”
Alex Wiemken

“Tomorrow we are going to focus on how we can represent numbers with letters…crazy
Students will begin to pack up their things to switch classes.

Exponent and Expanded Form


Directions: Jeremiah has been asked to order the following numbers from least to greatest. Help him do so by
simplifying the different numbers and writing out the expanded forms. Then, labeling them A-T.

Alex Wiemken

Title of Lesson: Lesson 3 Duration:

Letters as numbers?! 2 class period
100 minutes

Grade Level/Subject:
6th Grade Math

Standards Targeted:
6.EE.2 Write, read, and evaluate expressions in which letters stand for numbers.

a. Write expressions that record operations with numbers and with letters standing for
numbers. For example, express the calculation “Subtract y from 5” as 5 − y.

Big Ideas Addressed:

Using letters to represent a number of some value

Lesson Objective(s)/Outcome(s):
Students will be able to write expressions using letters that stand for numbers.
Students will be able to use letters that represent numbers.

Lesson Assessment:
Students will be completing “Word Problem Extravaganza,” using online algebra tiles to
do so. Students will be taking screenshots of their algebra tile creations and including it
in their work.
Prior Knowledge:
Students have knowledge of recording operations from word problems. Students can
write expressions. Students have used the online software before, they have not used
the algebra tiles though.
Instructional Approach and Justification:
I will be using direct instruction at first with this lesson. This is a very abstract concept
for students to understand how a letter can represent a number. Also, how we can apply
operations to this letter as well. I think it is important students fully understand how a
letter can represent a number and why we use them.
I will then be having students working with technology to complete their activity.

Alex Wiemken

How will you support students with diverse needs, for example: struggling learners,
emergent bilinguals, students on IEPs or 504 plans, or gifted and talented students?

Materials Needed:
Guided notes
Practice problem handout
Student computers
Document camera
Teacher computer

Lesson Outline 1st class period:

Introduction (5 min):
“Have you ever wondered how we can represent numbers with letters? Using letters in
expressions? Well… we ae going to learn how we can do that!”

Explore the expression “5-y”

-y can represent a whole range of numbers, can even show a pattern
Instructional Sequence (45):
Hand out both the guided notes and practice problem handout beforehand.

20 minutes:
Complete the guided notes with the students. Focus on how the letter can range from a
whole bunch of different things. Go over the directions for the next activity, which is the
practice problem handout.

15 minutes:
Give students handout to explore how these expressions can represent different
scenarios. They may work with their elbow partner to complete this. This is not to be
collected; should be put in students notes binder. They are interpreting the situations
and what the expression is telling them.
Once students are done, tell them to get their computers. Have them start to explore
with the algebra tiles and how they might be used to show what they just did on the

10 minutes:
We will do a brief review of how we use the algebra tile software. They have had some
experience with the software, just not with the algebra tiles. Show them an example
from the handout.

Alex Wiemken

Closure (include timing):

Pose the question:
“Why might we use letters to represent numbers in expressions?”
Have students pack up their things for their next class and prepare to switch.

Alex Wiemken

Alex Wiemken

Lesson Outline 2nd class period:

Introduction (5 min):
“Good morning students, please have out your math notebook to complete a warm up
3 minutes:
Give them the warm up problem, make sure to tell them to explain their answer.
2 minutes:
Have a student come up to the board to share their answer.

Instructional Sequence (45):

5 minutes:
Hand out the “Word Problem Extravaganza.” Have students by row, get their computers.
Go over the directions of the activity and what is expected of them.

40 minutes:
Students will be exploring this activity. They are to be using the online algebra tiles to
represent the problems. They are to screenshot these and submit them through
Schoology. There is a link already set up.
Walk around the classroom to provide assistance as need be to the students.
-“What makes the letter represent different things in different problems?”
-“Can the letter only represent one thing instead of multiple numbers?
Their worksheet is to be collected when there is only 5 minutes of class left.

Closure (5 minutes):
“Do we see how the scenario makes the problem, and how we have to interpret it, and read
carefully to determine what operation is being done?”
Answer any lingering questions.
Have students put away their computers and clean up their areas.


1. Calvin and Melvin are two of Santa's elves. The number of toys they build is given by 11c+8m where cc is the
number of candy canes Calvin eats for breakfast and m is the number of candy canes Melvin eats for breakfast.
How many toys do they build when Calvin eats 55 candy canes and Melvin eats 33 candy canes for breakfast?

2. The expression 100+20m gives the volume of water in Eduardo’s pool (in liters) after Eduardo spends m
minutes filling his pool.
What is the volume of water in Eduardo’s pool after he fills it for 514541 minutes

Alex Wiemken

3. Ben, Cam, and Justin are lumberjacks. The number of trees they chop down is given by b+2c+3j where b is the
number of hours Ben spends chopping, c is the number of hours Cam spends chopping, and j is the number of
hours Justin spends chopping.
How many trees do they chop down after Ben spends 88 hours chopping, Cam spends 33 hours chopping, and
Justin spends 44 hours chopping?

4. Bethany sells roses and petunias. The expression 3r+2.5p gives the cost (in dollars) of r roses and p petunias.
What is the cost of 77 roses and 88 petunias?


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