Barcode Studio Barcode Designer V 8.0
Barcode Studio Barcode Designer V 8.0
Barcode Studio Barcode Designer V 8.0
Barcode Designer
V ers io n 8 .0
User Manual
11 J un e 2 00 8
T EC - IT Da te n v er arb e it un g G m bH
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Ba r cod e St udi o Us e r M anual
1 Content
1 Content 2
1.1 Table of Figures 3
1.2 List of Tables 4
2 Disclaimer 5
3 Introduction 6
3.1 About 6
3.2 Supported Operating Systems 6
3.3 Restrictions of the Demo Version 6
4 Installation 7
4.1 Install Barcode Studio on Microsoft® Windows 7
4.2 Install Barcode Studio on Mac OS X® (10.4 or higher) 7
5 Quick-Start 8
5.1 Introduction 8
5.2 How to Create an EAN13 Bar Code 8
5.2.1 Select Bar Code Type (Symbology) 9
5.2.2 Enter Bar Code Data 9
5.2.3 Select Output Resolution 10
5.2.4 Specify Bar Code Dimensions 10
5.2.5 Fine-tune the Module Width 11
5.2.6 Set Font Style and Size 11
6 Using Bar Codes in Applications (Exporting Bar Codes) 12
6.1 General 12
6.2 Resolution and Readability 12
6.3 Export to File 13
6.4 Copy Barcode to Clipboard 13
6.5 Copy Metafile to Clipboard 13
6.6 Export a Series of Bar Codes 13
7 Barcode Studio User Interface 14
7.1 Main Window and Menu 14
7.2 Menu 15
7.2.1 File 15
7.2.2 Export 15
7.2.3 Tools 15
7.2.4 Help 15
7.3 Toolbar 16
7.4 Quality Watch – Status Section 16
7.4.1 Deviation 16
7.4.2 Quality 17
7.4.3 Character Count 17
7.4.4 Resolution 17
7.4.5 Hint Box 17
7.5 Symbology 17
7.6 The Bar Code View 17
7.7 Page General 18
7.7.1 Data 18
7.7.2 Appearance 19
7.7.3 Text Placement 22
7.8 Page Settings 22
7.8.1 Drawing 22
7.8.2 Advanced Data Manipulation 24
7.9 2D Settings 25
7.9.1 PDF417 / Micro PDF417 25
7.9.2 MaxiCode 29
7.9.3 Data Matrix 30
7.9.4 QR-Code 31
7.9.5 Aztec Code 33
7.9.6 Codablock-F 34
7.9.7 Composite Symbology 35
8 Sequences 37
8.1 General 37
8.2 Sequence Export 37
8.2.1 Create Sequence 37
8.2.2 Import Sequence 38
8.2.3 Export Bar Codes 39
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9 Options 40
9.1 Output 40
9.1.1 Draw Mode 40
9.2 Font Substitution for EPS Export 40
9.2.1 Font Substitution 40
9.2.2 Surrogate Font 40
10 FAQ 41
10.1 How can I encode the FNC1 character in EAN128? 41
10.2 How can I encode the FNC1 character in EAN Data Matrix? 41
10.3 Escape-Sequences are not encoded (and the scanner signals an error) 41
10.4 After saving the bar code to an image file, my bar code scanner cannot read the bar code! 41
11 Licensing 42
11.1 License Types 42
11.2 Entering your License Data 42
11.2.1 License Dialog 42
12 Contact and Support Information 43
Appendix A : Bar Codes 44
A.1 Supported Bar Codes 44
A.1.1 MaxiCode 44
A.2 Check Digits 44
A.3 Print Ratio 44
A.4 Format 44
A.5 Escape Sequences 44
Appendix B : Error Messages 45
Appendix C : Image Types 46
Appendix D : Command Line Parameters 47
D.1 Syntax 47
D.2 Examples 47
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2 Disclaimer
The actual version of this product (document) is available as is. TEC-IT declines all warranties
which go beyond applicable rights. The licensee (or reader) bears all risks that might take place
during the use of the system (the documentation). TEC-IT and its contractual partners cannot be
penalized for direct and indirect damages or losses (this includes non-restrictive, damages through
loss of revenues, constriction in the exercise of business, loss of business information or any kind of
commercial loss), which is caused by use or inability to use the product (documentation), although
the possibility of such damage was pointed out by TEC-IT.
We reserve all rights to this document and the information contained therein. Reproduction,
use or disclosure to third parties without express authority is strictly forbidden.
Für dieses Dokument und den darin dargestellten Gegenstand behalten wir uns alle Rechte
vor. Vervielfältigung, Bekanntgabe an Dritte oder Verwendung außerhalb des vereinbarten
Zweckes sind nicht gestattet.
© 1998-2008
TEC-IT Datenverarbeitung GmbH
Wagnerstr. 6
A-4400 Austria
t.: +43 (0)7252 72720
f.: +43 (0)7252 72720 77
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3 Introduction
3.1 About
TEC-IT Barcode Studio is a tool for generating and printing bar codes. All common linear, 2D and
composite bar code symbologies are supported.
You can adapt all bar code parameters to your needs, export the bar code to an image file (e.g. for
using it in your artwork), copy the bar code to the clipboard or print it.
► A demo marker across the bar code indicates that the demo version is active. The
correctness of the bar code is not affected.
► To obtain a license key for the full version (without the demo marker) please order Barcode
Studio online at
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4 Installation
The following steps need to be performed (you need to have administrator privileges).
For Mac operating systems (Mac OS X 10.4 or higher), Barcode Studio is provided as a zip-file.
The following steps need to be performed (you need to have administrator privileges).
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5 Quick-Start
5.1 Introduction
This chapter will guide you through the most important functions of Barcode Studio by showing
you how to create an EAN13 bar code. For more detailed explanation of the user interface and the
available functions and settings, please refer to the chapters 6 and 7.
In order to create an EAN13 bar code, please perform the following steps:
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A valid EAN13 bar code needs exactly 12 digits (or 13 digits including the check digit). Because
current data (“123456”) consists only of 6 digits, Barcode Studio informs you with following error
If the input data is invalid (e.g. wrong characters or a wrong number of characters) an error
message will be displayed instead of the bar code. For a list of the most common error messages,
please refer to Appendix B.
► The 13 digit in the resulting EAN13 bar code (in this case the digit “3”) is the check digit. It
will be calculated automatically.
► If you enter 13 (instead of 12) characters you need to provide the correct check digit by
yourself. This is not recommended (unless you supply the correct value). A wrong check
digit may make the bar code unreadable!
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► Barcode Studio uses the selected resolution for computing the barcode images. Thus it is
essential to adjust a resolution which leads to readable bar codes (see also section 5.2.5).
► Usually higher resolutions lead to better bar code quality. Please notice that it is very
important that the selected resolution accords to the resolution of the output device (printer,
image or of image processing / layout software).
► If you use bar code images in pre-press applications, take care to avoid any scaling or
resizing of the generated bar code image. This may lead to inaccuracies and distortions
rendering the bar code unusable. Generate the bar code image in exactly the resolution and
size as required!
The bar code dimensions can be modified by changing width, height, and module width.
Most label or bar code specifications require specific bar code dimensions. Following values are
usual for EAN13:
Enter the width and the height in . The appropriate module width
will be calculated automatically.
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Yet the quality of the bar code is not perfect (see the Quality Watch at the top right corner of the
Barcode Studio‟s application window):
To optimize the bar code quality we recommend you to fine-tune the module width. You have the
following options:
The first two options both lead to a “perfect” bar code quality.
The font properties can be set via the “Select Font” dialog. You can open this dialog by clicking the
button in the “Text Placement” section (see Figure 1 ).
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This chapter is a general instruction for using bar codes generated with Barcode Studio in other
applications. A detailed explanation of the user interface and available bar code settings can be
found in the next chapter.
6.1 General
You can export the bar codes created in Barcode Studio in the following ways:
Copy the bar code to the clipboard (as image) and paste it into your application.
Copy the bar code to the clipboard (as metafile) and paste it into your application.
(available under Microsoft Windows only)
Export the bar code to an image file.
Export a series of bar code images (batch job).
Before the export of a bar code you have to adjust the required bar code settings. The size of the
resulting bar code image can be controlled by changing the dimensions (width, height, and module
width) and the output resolution (DPI) – see also section 7.7.2 . These settings apply to all kinds of
export operations.
► Do not resize exported bar code images with image manipulation software (like
Photoshop )! The quality and the readability might suffer!
► Whenever possible, let Barcode Studio create the bar code in the required size and
resolution to avoid resizing later on.
When exporting the bar code to a bitmap image (BMP, GIF, JPG, PNG, and TIF), it must be
converted from its internal resolution (high) to a graphical pixel resolution (low). During this process
(rasterizing) the module width can vary due to rounding errors.
When exporting a bar code to a vector based image format (EPS, E4C, and E1C) or as metafile to
the clipboard, the internal representation of the bar code symbol allows a very high resolution
(which is independent of the adjusted dpi). Thus it is recommended to use vector based image
formats (EPS, E4C and E1C) whenever possible. However, in the context of certain applications
(e.g. web applications) it is inevitable to use bitmap images.
The readability of a bar code can be estimated by looking at the quality watch (see section 7.1, ).
The quality of a bar code depends on the selected output resolution, the bar code‟s size and its
content. To ensure an optimal readability, check the option “Optimal Size”.
Larger module widths usually lead to a better readability of a bar code. In practice, for most linear
bar codes, the module width should never be less than approximately 0.2 mm.
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► The exported bar code symbol will match the preview in Barcode Studio exactly.
► To see a list of available image formats, please refer to Appendix C.
► If the format of the resulting image is a bitmap based file format (see Appendix C), resizing
of the imported image is not recommended!
► Resizing bar code images may result in a loss of quality. In the worst case resizing a bar
code image may lead to unreadable bar codes.
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7.2 Menu
7.2.1 File
New Create a new document (with initial bar code settings).
Shortcut: Ctrl+N
Open… Open an existing bar code settings document file (*.bc).
Shortcut: Ctrl+O
Save as… Save the current bar code settings document file (symbology, dimensions, module width,
Save …). Bar code settings files have the extension .bc.R
Shortcut: Ctrl+S (for Save)
Print… Print the document with current bar code settings.
The output resolution, and so the values for quality and deviation, depend on the printer
Note: Inkjet printers sometimes produce better results if bar width reduction is set (see also
Shortcut: Ctrl+P
Page Setup… Choose the paper size, the paper source, the orientation, and the page margins.
Exit Exit Barcode Studio. If you have unsaved changes, Barcode Studio will prompt you to
save before exiting.
Shortcut: Ctrl+Q
7.2.2 Export
Export Barcode… Export the bar code to a picture file.
Shortcut: Ctrl+E
Copy Barcode to Copy the bar code as image to the clipboard.
Clipboard Shortcut: Ctrl+C
Copy Metafile to Copy the bar code as metafile to the clipboard (Windows only).
Clipboard Shortcut: Ctrl+M
Create Sequence… Create a bar code image sequence.
Shortcut: Ctrl+U
7.2.3 Tools
Options… Specify the Application‟s Options (see Chapter 9).
7.2.4 Help
Help Open the documentation.
Shortcut: F1
TEC-IT Website Open the default browser and navigate to
License... Enter your license data.
About Barcode Studio Displays the application information, version number and copyright.
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7.3 Toolbar
Figure 3: Toolbar
New Create a new document (with initial bar code settings). Shortcut: Ctrl+N
Open Open an existing bar code settings file (*.BCS). Shortcut: Ctrl+O
Save Save the current bar code settings to your hard disk. Shortcut: Ctrl+S
Export Barcode Export the bar code to a picture file. Shortcut: Ctrl+E
Copy Barcode to Clipboard Copy the bar code as image to the clipboard. Shortcut: Ctrl+C
Copy Metafile to Clipboard Copy the bar code as metafile to the clipboard. Shortcut: Ctrl+M
7.4.1 Deviation
The less the deviation the better is the quality and the readability of the bar code. The deviation
depends on the output resolution and the print ratio of the bar code. You can also improve the
quality by changing the module width to an appropriate value As measurement unit select “Pixel”
and set the module width to an integer value (1, 2, 3, …, 25, …).
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7.4.2 Quality
The quality of the bar code – the higher the deviation, the lower is the quality.
7.4.4 Resolution
The hint box () displays information about the current bar code quality and recommended
methods to improve the readability.
7.5 Symbology
Select the bar code type (symbology) from the list (see Figure 2, ).
► For 2D codes like Aztec Code, Codablock-F, PDF417, MicroPDF, MaxiCode, Data Matrix,
QR Code, GS1-DataBar Stacked variants and for all Composite Symbologies you need a 2D
license. For the other symbologies a 1D license is sufficient.
If you want to learn more about the selected symbology, please examine the Barcode Reference
from the Help menu.
The Bar Code View shows the bar code in its actual appearance (as it is should be printed).
To change the size of the bar code, enter the required dimensions in the “Appearance” section (see
section 7.7.2). The quality of the bar code depends on the output resolution and the module width. It
can be observed in the Status section (see section 7.4).
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Figure 6: Data Section
Enter the bar code content in the field “Barcode Data” (see ) or in the “Input Data” dialog( ).
The Input Data dialog allows you to enter the bar code data in a multi-line edit control and to import
the data from a text file via the Load File…. Use the Reset button to clear the Data field.
► Not all bar code types are able to represent all data-characters. Some bar code symbologies
can hold digits, others can contain alphanumeric characters (digits + letters + punctuation
characters), or the full ASCII character set.
Because control characters are represented by special character combinations (like \F for FNC1),
Barcode Studio enables escape sequences automatically (see section
For more information on all available control characters, please refer to the “Barcode Reference”
available from or via the menu Help ► Barcode Reference.
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Some bar codes with a predefined number of utilizable data characters (like all EAN, UPC, Postnet
and RSS-14 codes) include a check digit on a fixed position in the bar code data.
► Note: If the bar code data does already contain a check digit, the automatic check digit
calculation will be switched off.
► Barcode Studio does not check the correctness of the check digit supplied by your
Under normal circumstances you should not use this feature – we recommend relying on the
automatic calculation of the check digit(s) by Barcode Studio.
The Composite Data field is only enabled if the selected bar code type supports composite data
(check if the Composite page is visible) and if a 2D Composite Component has been selected
(“Auto”, “CC-A”, “CC-B” or “CC-C”) on this page.
You can also enter the composite data in the Barcode Data field by separating the composite
data from the linear bar code data with the vertical bar character "|".
If this option has been selected the bar code data is treated as hexadecimal data. This property
applies to the bar code data as well as to the composite data.
Whenever Hex Data is enabled Barcode Studio treats manual entered data as well as imported
data as a hexadecimal character sequence. This sequence is converted to a normal character
sequence before a bar code is generated.
7.7.2 Appearance
Figure 9: Appearance Section
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Ba r cod e St udi o Us e r M anual Unit
This value () specifies the measurement units for displaying and/or entering the dimensions of the
bar code. Possible values are:
Mils (=1/1000 inch)
Use these settings to change the width () and the height () of the bar code.
Unit Description
Millimeter The width and the height of the bar code in millimeters.
The physical width (in pixels) can be calculated as follows:
width (pixels) = width (mm) / 25.4 * resolution (dpi)
Inch The width and the height of the bar code in inches.
The physical width (in pixels) can be calculated as follows:
width (pixels) = width (inch) * resolution (dpi)
Mils The width and the height of the bar code in mils.
The physical width (in pixels) can be calculated as follows:
width (pixels) = width (mils) / 1000 * resolution (dpi)
Pixel The width and the height of the bar code in pixels.
The width and the height are shown as physical (pixel) values. Basis for the displayed
dimension is the size on the screen (in mm respectively in inch) and the adjusted resolution
Table 3: Units
The bar code is divided into several "modules". A module is the smallest bar (or space) segment.
The module width is the fundamental measuring unit for bar codes, i.e. all bar and space widths
are based on it.
Normally, the module width is calculated automatically based on the width of the blue bounding
rectangle and on the amount of data to be encoded. But it can also be set to a fixed value.
Depending upon the screen, printer, or image resolution, the lower limit for the module width may
be exceeded. This leads to unreadable bar codes (e.g.: if the module width is smaller than 1 pixel).
MaxiCode: this bar code type has a predefined constant module width to achieve the standard-
ized symbol dimensions. However, you can change the module width on demand.
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► The screen preview has a resolution of 72, 96 or 120 dpi (depending on your monitor and
the display settings for your operating system). If you need to adjust a bar code for screen
resolution, choose the setting of the same name in the Resolution select box.
► To increase the details of the bar code symbol you can increase its resolution.
► However, only some professional layout applications consider the resolution correctly.
► Most applications show (and print) the bar code image in screen resolution. This leads to an
increased output size if the resolution is higher than screen resolution.
Example: If your screen resolution is 96 dpi and the exported image has a resolution of 300
dpi it will be displayed about 3 times as large as in Barcode Studio.
► The dpi value can be stored for certain image formats only! For detailed information, please
refer to Appendix C.
When exporting an image to a BMP or to PNG file, the adjusted resolution (dpi) will not be stored
there. Only the formats JPG, TIF, and PCX are capable of storing the resolution.
Barcode Studio provides the possibility to enhance the bar code quality and therefore the
readability. This setting can be very helpful especially for lower resolutions. If the “Optimal Size”
option () is checked, the module width of the bar code will be set to a whole-numbered pixel size
(to the nearest lower value). Hereby the pixel deviation is reduced to a minimum or eliminated
In other words: The bar code is printed using whole-numbered pixel sizes only. This avoids aliasing
effects and guarantees an optimal scanning quality.
► If the “Optimal Size” option is enabled, the module width will be adjusted for optimum output
► The symbol in the bar code view can only displayed with an optimum size, if the property is
set to “Screen Resolution”. The screen preview is not detailed enough to display higher
resolutions correctly. You will see the optimal result only on according output devices
(printer, image,…).
Use the button to reset all Appearance settings to their initial values.
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In this section you can change the settings regarding the human readable text of the bar code.
If enabled, the “human readable text” is printed above the bar code symbol and not below it.
(Default: disabled).
This setting cannot be enabled in conjunction with bar code types like UPC and EAN. Alignment
This property adjusts the alignment of the human readable text (Default, Left, Right, and Center).
This property adjusts the distance between the “human readable text” and the bar code (in mm). Font
Click the button to select the font used for the human readable text. The selected font is
displayed in the text box ().
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The print ratio describes the relationship between the widths of the single bars and spaces of a bar
code related to the module width (do not mix up this item with the width/height ratio of a symbol!).
The print ratio consists of a colon-separated-list of bar and space widths. The list starts with n bar
widths, followed by m space widths. The numbers n and m depend on the bar code type. The width
values are not given absolutely but relatively to the module width.
You can use the Default Print Ratio as a template for a customized Print Ratio value. It shows how
many different bar and space widths are used for the selected bar code type. The absolute width of
a bar (or space) is calculated using the values of the print ratio multiplied with the module width.
Example: If a bar code element has 4 different bar widths and 4 different space widths, the print
ratio could look like this (e.g. for Code 128): 1:2:3:4:1:2:3:4.
The first 4 numbers ("1:2:3:4") stand for the bar widths, in last 4 numbers for the space widths (in
this case, they are the same). The smallest bar is "1" module wide, the next larger is "2" (thus twice
as wide as the smaller bar) and so on.
► Modifications within this area make sense for special applications only! For the Code 2OF5
interleaved, e.g., the print ratio can range from 1:2 to 1:3.
► Use this option with care! Bar codes may become unreadable when setting wrong print
For additional information on print ratios, please refer to the “Barcode Reference”.
Select the kind of bearer bars you want to use. Bearer bars help a decoder to detect the full width of
a bar code and reduce the possibility of partial scans (decoding only a part of the symbol). You can
change the width of the Bearer Bars in .
This adjusts the width of the quiet zone around the bar code. The size of the quiet zone is given in a
number of modules.
When printing on inkjet printers, the ink that is absorbed by the paper tends to diffuse. Setting the
bar width reduction allows you to work against this spreading of ink. But also for laser printers with
high toner saturation this property is useful.
The bar width reduction can be specified in percent of the module width. Thus when set to 20 all
bars will be narrowed by 20 percent of the module width.
► Be careful: Setting the bar width reduction to more than 50 percent might leave the bar code
unreadable! When using this feature we recommend you to do some test-scans to make
sure that the bar code can be scanned correctly. A common value to start with is 15%.
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This property adjusts the height at which the synchronization bars (e.g. the double lines in EAN on
the left, center and on the right side) extend the regular bar code height. Colors
Click the button beside the color you want to change and select the desired color in the
following dialog.
Fore Color: The foreground color of the bar code (color of the bars).
Back Color: The background color of the bar code (color of the spaces).
Back style: Mode for drawing the background of the bar code. The background can be set to
transparent (= default, background shines through) or opaque (background is
overwritten with the background color). This setting is relevant if you use copy and
paste (clipboard). Format/Subset
The format string is used for formatting the utilizable data of the bar code according to defined rules.
It operates with substitute symbols to indicate how the data shall be structured.
With the format string it is possible to insert constant characters to the bar code data. Control
characters make it possible to change the Subsets for Code 128, EAN 128 and UCC 128 or to
define the desired start/stop character of CODABAR.
For more information on format strings, please refer to the “Barcode Reference” available from or via the menu Help ► Barcode Reference.
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This property specifies the check digit calculation method. In order to guarantee that the bar code
data is going to be read properly a check digit can be added to the end of the utilizable data. A
comparison of the bar code content with the check digit informs the scanning device (scanner)
about incorrect scans and forces the device to repeat or reject the scan. The check digit calculation
method is standardized for certain common bar codes types. Using check digits is mostly optional –
but often recommended for particular symbologies and standards.
When set to default the check digit is calculated according to the specification of the selected bar
code. Modifications are admissible for bar codes with selectable check digit methods or for special
applications only.
For additional information on check digit calculation, please refer to the “Barcode Reference”
available from or via the menu Help ► Barcode Reference.
The use of escape sequences is appropriate if you need to encode control characters like carriage
return or FNC1 into the bar code.
This option specifies, whether escape sequences (like ”\n”) shall be translated or not (default: no).
Each escape sequence starts with a backslash (“\”). For a list of recognized escape sequences,
please refer to the additional document “Barcode Reference” available via the menu Help ►
Barcode Reference or from
► If escape sequences are activated, the backslash character can‟t be used directly in the bar
code data. It must be replaced by a double back-slash “\\” in order to be encoded correctly.
7.9 2D Settings
7.9.1 PDF417 / Micro PDF417
The PDF417 / Micro PDF417 page is used to modify the standard behavior of the two-dimensional
PDF417 bar codes. PDF417 divides data contents into rows and columns – it is a stacked
symbology with error correction capabilities. This page is not relevant to other symbologies.
► Be careful when modifying these adjustments. Always make a test scan in case of doubt!
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Determine whether to enforce binary encoding. In Binary Encoding mode the encoding algorithm
does not try to calculate the smallest possible symbol, but it uses binary encoding for all characters.
This is recommended for binary input data and for bar code generation with optimal speed.
Default: the number of lines is calculated automatically depending on the number of input
The number of columns. The value must be between 1 and 30. Start-, stop- and line-indicator
columns are not taken into account.
Default: the number of columns is calculated automatically depending on the number of input
The height of an individual row in millimeter. If specified, the bar code height will remain locked at
the specified value. (Modifying the bar code dimensions will only affect the bar code width.).
Default: the row height is calculated automatically depending on the number of input characters.
The error correction level. The value can be between 0 (only error detection) and 8 (highest
Default: the level is calculated automatically between 2 and 5 - according to the number of input
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Ba r cod e St udi o Us e r M anual Mode
Specifies how data is encoded as Micro PDF417. In most cases the “Default” mode is the best
► Note: Often the scanner hardware does not support all modes listed here – check with your
scanner first. Version
Specifies the “size” of the symbol in terms of codeword-columns and Micro PDF417 rows.
PDF417 allows the user to spread the data across several symbols. This might be done if the data
is too large to fit into a single symbol or for reasons of appearance and geometry.
The so called “Macro PDF Control Block” carries information that relates its contents to the overall
data. The below described properties are mandatory for the Macro PDF functionality.
Index of the actual data segment in the symbol chain. Start with 1 and increase for each additional
symbol in the data chain. Value range = 1…99999.
Note: when reading the encoded data with a scanner, the index will be zero-based.
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Identifies the last symbol in the data chain. If set to true, the “Last Segment Indicator” is put at the
end of the Macro PDF control block. File ID
The file id identifies all symbols, which belong to the same data chain. For reassembling, all data
blocks having the same File ID are concatenated in the order of increasing segment index.
These fields are optional and may be encoded into the Macro PDF417 control block on demand.
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7.9.2 MaxiCode
MaxiCode represents data, by drawing hexagonal items, which are arranged around a circular
center (a so called "Bull's Eye"). The internal data structure is regulated by different "modes". The
mode "Structured Carrier Message" was defined by the parcel transport service UPS . Data can be
encoded in two different error correction levels (SEC = Standard Error Correction and EEC =
Enhanced E.C.).
With “Structured Append” you can divide larger quantities of data into several MaxiCode symbols –
they are joined by the scanner. The maximum data capacity of one symbol is 93 characters. The
actual quantity of the utilizable data depends on the selected mode, how often special characters
are used, whether numeric sequences, which can be compressed, are used and which level of error
correction is adjusted. Mode
Mode (Enumeration) Description
4 – Standard Symbol For numeric and alphanumeric character sequences (incl. standard error correction).
2 – SCM (Numeric) Structured Carrier Message, up to 9 digits (postal code consist of digits only).
3 – SCM (Alphanumeric) Structured Carrier Message, up to 6 characters (postal code consist of alphanumeric
5 – Full EEC Like mode 4 but with enhanced error correction (safer, but fewer utilizable data
Table 6: MaxiCode - Modes
The undercut influences the diameter of the hexagonal bar code elements. In new applications it is
recommended (according to the AIM standard) to use an undercut setting of 75% (default).
Used particularly in “Open System Standards”. Under “Preamble Date” the last two digits of a year
can be entered. They are inserted automatically into the data stream in a predefined place.
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If you want to “connect” several MaxiCode symbols in order to encode larger quantities of data, then
you can use “Structured Append". A symbol identification number which is entered in the “Index of
this Symbol” field can be assigned to each MaxiCode symbol. Its value can range between 1 and 8.
This index indicates the order, in which the data is joined after the reading/scanning process. The
total number of arranged MaxiCode symbols must be entered in “Number of all symbols”.
By using escape sequences it is possible to insert the values for date, preamble, service class,
country and postal code directly into the bar code data (text property). To learn more about this
possibility, please refer to the additional document “Barcode Reference” available from www.tec- or via the menu Help ► Barcode Reference.
► Please note, that Barcode Studio always uses ECC 200 error correction.
The size of the symbols in number of rows and number of columns. Possible sizes are "10 x 10" to
"144 x 144" modules for square symbols and "8 x 18" to "16 x 48" for rectangular symbols. If set to
default, the minimal possible square size is used (depending on the input data).
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Determines if the Data Matrix symbol should be displayed as a rectangle (option is checked) or a
square (unchecked - default).
If you want to “connect” several Data Matrix symbols in order to encode larger quantities of data,
then you can use “Structured Append". A symbol identification number - which is entered in the
“Index of this Symbol” field - can be assigned to each Data Matrix symbol. Its value can range from
1 to 16. This index indicates the order, in which the data is joined after the reading/scanning
process. The total number of arranged Data Matrix symbols must be entered in “Number of all
symbols”. The “File ID” has to be the same for all symbols within such a chain.
7.9.4 QR-Code
The QR Code symbology is a 2-dimensional matrix symbology (similar to Data Matrix). Remarkable
is the large data capacity (up to 3000 ASCII characters or 7000 digits). QR Code means Quick
Readable code – it was originally designed to read and decode symbols with high amounts of data
within a minimum of time.
Specifies the version (= size) of the QR Code symbol, defined by a version number, the number of
rows and the number of columns. Possible values range from „(1) 21 x 21" up to „(40) 177 x 177"
modules for square symbols. If the property is set to default, the size is computed automatically
based on the data to be encoded.
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Defines the error correction level. You can choose from following possible values:
Specifies the mask pattern that is applied to the symbol to improve readability. Compaction
The MultiByte compaction mode. QR Code provides code compaction for various MultiByte
character encodings (Kanji, Chinese). This compaction can help to produce smaller bar codes.
QR-Code supports compaction of Kanji characters (if present in the MultiByte character set Shift JIS
X 0208). The Kanji characters are compacted into a 12-Bit codeword (instead of a 2 Byte / 16 Bit
codeword) – so you need less space in the symbol. It is recommended to enable this compaction
only if you have Kanji characters in your input data. Enabling is not recommended for binary data.
If you want to “connect” several QR Code symbols in order to encode larger quantities of data, then
you can use “Structured Append". A symbol identification number which is entered in the “Index of
this Symbol” field can be assigned to each QR Code symbol. Its value can range from 1 to 16. This
index indicates the order, in which the data is joined after the reading/scanning process. The total
number of arranged symbols must be entered in “Number of all Symbols”.
Chained QR Code symbols are identified by the parity byte. The parity byte must be identical in all
symbols. The value can be calculated using the method „QR_StructAppParity“, which is part of
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Defines the size of the Aztec Code symbol by the number of rows and the number of columns.
Possible values range from „15 x 15" up to „151 x 151" modules. If the property is set to default, the
size is computed automatically based on the data to be encoded.
Determine whether to enforce binary encoding. In Binary Encoding mode the encoding algorithm
does not try to calculate the smallest possible symbol, but it uses binary encoding for all characters.
This is recommended for binary input data and for bar code generation with optimal speed.
Enables the Aztec Runes mode. Aztec Runes are a special kind of Aztec Code Symbols and are
used to generate small and very fast readable markers. Aztec Runes can only encode integer
values from 0 to 255.
Defines the error correction level. The value can be between 1 and 89 percent.
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If you want to “connect” several Aztec Code symbols in order to encode larger quantities of data,
then you can use “Structured Append". A symbol identification number which is entered in the
“Index of this Symbol [A..Z]” field can be assigned to each Aztec Code symbol. Its value can range
from “A” to “Z”. This index indicates the order, in which the data is joined after the reading/scanning
process. The index of the last Symbol must be entered in “Number of all Symbols [A..Z]”.
Chained Aztec Code symbols are identified by the “Message ID”. The “Message ID” must be
identical in all symbols.
7.9.6 Codablock-F
The Codablock-F property page is used to adjust symbology specific parameters. Similar to PDF-
417 the data content is divided into rows and columns. Codablock-F is a stacked symbology with
additional internal checksums for error recognition.
Codablock-F is based upon the Code 128 symbology - one data row consists of a single Code 128
bar code extended with row identifiers and column check sum. This page is not relevant to other
► Caution when modifying these adjustments. Always make a test scan in case of doubt!
The number of rows used for encoding. The value must be between 2 and 44. Default: the number
of lines is calculated automatically depending on the number of input characters.
The number of columns (data words), which are to be printed. The value must be between 4 and
62. Start-, stop- and line-indicator columns are not taken into account. Default: the number of
columns is calculated automatically depending on the number of input characters.
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The height of an individual row in millimeter. If specified, the bar code height will remain locked at
the specified value. (Modifying the bar code dimensions will only affect the bar code width.) Default:
the row height is calculated automatically depending on the number of input characters.
The width of the row separator line in millimeter. Default: the line width is equal to the module width
(calculated automatically depending on the symbol size).
GS1-DataBar / RSS14
GS1 DataBar Stacked / RSS14 Stacked
GS1 DataBar Stacked Omnidirectional / RSS14 Stacked Omnidirectional
GS1 DataBar Truncated / RSS14 Truncated
GS1 DataBar Expanded / RSS Expanded
GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked / RSS Expanded Stacked
GS1 DataBar / RSS Limited
GS1-128 / UCC/EAN128
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Auto Automatically choose CC-A, CC-B or CC-C Symbology depending on the length of the input data.
CC-A CC-A is a variant of the MicroPDF417 Symbol with a unique combination of row address patterns
(RAP). It is the smallest variant of the 2-dimensional composite component. Up to 56 digits of
alphanumeric data can be coded with 3 to 12 rows and 4 columns.
CC-B CC-B is a subset of the MicroPDF417 Symbol, which is identified by the code word 920. Encoding
systems choose CC-B automatically when CC-A has not enough capacity (Auto-mode). CC-B
encodes up to 338 digits of alphanumeric data in 3 to 12 rows and 2 to 4 columns.
CC-C The CC-C structure is a PDF417 Symbol, which is identified by the internal code word 920 (920 is the
first code word after the symbol length indicator). The CC-C structure can be used as a 2 dimensional
composite component of a UCC/EAN-128 Composite Symbols. It has the largest data capacity of
EAN.UCC Composite Symbols because of its possibility to code of up to 2361 numbers. It can code
numbers with up to 2361 digits of alphanumeric data, which have 3 to 30 rows and up to 30 Data-
This property adjusts the number of (graphical data) segments per row in the GS1 DataBar
Expanded Stacked (RSS) Symbol. This parameter influences the width of the bar code. “Default”
means that each row contains at least 4 segments.
► This property is only used by the bar code type GS1 DataBar Expanded Stacked (RSS).
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8 Sequences
8.1 General
The sequence functionality can be used to generate a series of bar code images. The data for the
sequence can be generated automatically or imported from files.
Select Export ► Create Sequence... from the menu to open the following dialog or use the
keyboard shortcut Ctrl+U:
The sequence list shows a preview of the bar code data strings. For each line in the list a bar
code image file will be generated. The file names are based upon a prefix, the item value (=bar
code data) and the file extension.
With the button you can export the bar code images (see section 8.2.3).
Defines the start value for the sequence. Must be smaller than the end value.
Defines the end value for the sequence. Must be bigger than the start value.
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This value specifies the incremental steps between consecutive list items.
► The last value of the generated sequence will never exceed the number specified in End
Value. Format
The Format defines the format pattern, which will be applied to all items of the sequence. The
format string may contain 3 special characters, the placeholders, which are replaced by the
sequence number. All other characters stay as they are:
Character Description
# Barcode Studio inserts leading blanks instead of the placeholders if the number of characters given in
Format string exceeds the number of characters in the item of the sequence.
$ Like “#” but insert leading zeros instead of blanks.
* Like “#” but insert leading stars instead of blanks.
All other characters are used literally.
Table 14: Format - Characters
► If you enter “$$$” and create a sequence containing numeric values higher than 999, the bar
code data will be truncated. In this case change the format string. Create
Based on the settings specified above create the sequence. Click Create to start.
In order to import the sequence data from a file click the Import… button.
In the appearing dialog you can specify the file to be imported. Suggested file types are *.txt, *.csv,
*.tab and *.tsv files. Each line of the file will be imported as value of the item list.
It is possible to specify the names of the exported images in the import file. To do this you have to
prefix each data line with the file name followed by a column separator. Column separators may be
commas, semicolons, spaces or tabs. See also chapter 8.2.3 Export Bar Codes.
► The sequence item list will be cleared automatically before the import starts.
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The Export… button opens a separate dialog in which you can choose the path (where to store the
exported image files), the prefix of the file name (may be empty), the filename generation method
and the image file format. Each item in the sequence list produces exactly one image file.
If at least one image file cannot be generated, the export function will be terminated. This may have
one of the following reasons:
A value of the sequence item list cannot be encoded by the actual selected bar code type
(e.g.: symbology 2of5 IL may only contain digits).
An invalid file name has been generated (e.g. if you have a backslash in the data and “Data
URL-Escaped” is not used).
Keep in mind that exporting many sequence items can take a lot of time and hard drive space!
► If you import your values from an external file and the values to be encoded are varying in
amount of digits (or letters) you will get different graphical densities in your bar codes. Make
sure that your bar codes are readable: make test scans with the bar code having the largest
amount of data.
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9 Options
You can open the Options dialog via the menu Tools ► Options…
9.1 Output
9.1.1 Draw Mode
To handle different printer driver implementations, you are able to choose from several draw
Font Substitution is only used when exporting the barcode to an EPS file. This is an advanced
option and should only be changed for special applications.
Specifies the font substitution method that is used for EPS export.
The font used for EPS exports. This property overrides the “Font” property on the “General” tab, but
only if “Font Substitution” () is set to “Fixed Font”.
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10 FAQ
► Please check out the TEC-IT Barcode Reference for bar code (and parameter) related
questions. You can download it from:
► More Information can be found on our website or by contacting our support team:
Check (activate) “Escape Sequences” (Page Settings) and insert the following escape code into the
10.2 How can I encode the FNC1 character in EAN Data Matrix?
Set the Data Matrix Code Format to “UCC/EAN” (Data Matrix Tab), check “Escape Sequences”
(Settings Tab) and insert the following escape code into the data:
10.3 Escape-Sequences are not encoded (and the scanner signals an error)
Escape sequences are starting with “\” and enable encoding of special characters. They are
translated before the bar code is created.
Some scanners have problems with the backslash. Escape sequences are only translated if the
checkbox “Escape Sequences” is checked in the Settings Tab (see section Otherwise you
will find the original character sequence (e.g. „\t“) in your data and not the special character.
10.4 After saving the bar code to an image file, my bar code scanner cannot
read the bar code!
The bars and spaces in the symbol must have precise widths. By creating a bitmap image from the
bar code, the widths are adapted to the matrix of the bitmap. Depending on its resolution more or
less deviations can occur. The lower the resolution, the more differences in the width of bars/spaces
will appear.
There are different strategies to overcome these problems - please check out the section
“Resolution and Readability” in the Barcode Reference for more information.
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11 Licensing
Please check out for available license types and pricing.
Single licenses are bound to exactly one machine. If you are interested in a Single License, please
provide the so-called ”System ID” (or hostname on LINUX and MAC) of the target computer. You
can find the System ID (or hostname) in the licensing dialog of Barcode Studio (see below).
After receiving your license data, enter it into the license dialog.
► Please enter the license data exactly as you received it from TEC-IT!
Spacing and upper/lower case letters are to be considered. To avoid typographical errors,
please insert the data using “copy and paste” from the email containing your license data
whenever possible.
For entering the license data select Help ► License… from the menu. The following dialog will
This is the System ID of your Computer.
On UNIX, Linux or Mac OS X the hostname of the system is used as System ID (relevant only for Single licenses)
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Address: Wagnerstr. 6
AT-4400 Steyr
Phone: +43 / (0)7252 / 72 72 0
Fax: +43 / (0)7252 / 72 72 0 – 77
All other products mentioned are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. If any trademark on our web site or in this
document is not marked as trademark (or registered trademark), we ask you to send us a short message (
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Please refer to the additional document “Barcode Reference” available from
This document contains an overview of the supported bar codes, enumeration values (for develop-
ers using TBarCode OCX), the standard print ratio and the standard check digit methods.
A.1.1 MaxiCode
The method for the check digit(s) calculation depends on the respective bar code type. A standard
method for each bar code type is supplied.
See section for adjusting the check digit in Barcode Studio.
For more information please refer to the “Barcode Reference” available at
The Print Ratio is the relationship between the widths of the bars and the widths of the gaps of a bar
code. Each bar code symbology should be generated with certain print ratios only.
See section for adjusting the print ratio in Barcode Studio.
For more information please refer to the “Barcode Reference” available at
A.4 Format
Format is like a ”mask” to format the bar code data prior to encoding (please do not mix up the
Format with the Ratio Format). Placeholders in the specified format string can be mixed with
constant data characters to build a final bar code data string. Also control characters are supported.
See section for adjusting the format string in Barcode Studio.
For more information please refer to the “Barcode Reference” available at
If you want to encode non-printable or special characters in a bar code, “Escape Sequences” must
be used. They always start with a backslash (“\”) followed by the sequence. They can be use for
encoding binary data (Bytes) too (if the symbology you are using offers this feature – e.g. PDF417
or Data Matrix).
See section for enabling or disabling the translation of escape sequences in Barcode Stu-
For more information please refer to the “Barcode Reference” available at
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Choosing Export ► Export Barcode… the bar code can be converted to a bitmap or image format.
The following image types are available. Please keep in mind that the bar code will become
unreadable when producing a bitmap with very low resolution (does not apply for vector based
image formats).
Please note: E4C and E1C are no regular file extensions! They just serve for distinguishing between default EPS files
(RGB) and EPS files in CMYK and Grayscale mode.
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The program can also be started at the command line. It supports various parameters which en-
ables the user to automate the bar code-generation process.
D.1 Syntax
1) BCStudio -d=<data> -out=<outputfile> [-s=<settingsfile>] [-h=<height>]
[-w=<width> |-m=<modulewidth>] [-r=<dpi>] [-o] [-q]
2) BCStudio -datafile=<datafile> -out=<outputfile> [-s=<settingsfile>] [-h=<height>]
[-w=<width> |-m=<modulewidth>] [-r=<dpi>] [-o] [-q]
3) BCStudio -g [-s=<settingsfile>]
4) BCStudio [-? | -help]
-d=<data> Specifies the bar code data. Can be used alternatively to –datafile=<datafile>.
-datafile=<datafile> Specifies the bar code data through a data file. Can be used alternatively to –d=<data>.
-out=<outputfile> The name of the output file (image file). The filename extension may be one of the following:
JPG, GIF, TIF, BMP, PNG, EPS, E1C, and E4C. The filename extension must be specified!
-s=<settingsfile> Settings-Files are *.bc files which have been created with Barcode Studio.
By passing command line arguments you can override values of the settings file.
-h=<height> Height of symbol, measured in 1/1000mm.
-w=<width> Specify either the total width of the symbol or the module width (dimension X or narrow bar
-m=<modulewidth> width); values are measured in 1/1000mm.
E.g.: -w=50250 ... bar code is 50.25 mm wide
-o Optimal resolution (adapt module width to pixel width) – recommended for low resolution
-r=dpi The resolution of the output file in dpi (default = 96 dpi).
-q Activates the “Quiet Mode”. The program does not interact with the user. This setting is useful,
for instance, to run Barcode Studio on servers.
-g Starts the application in "Graphics Mode". This setting is needed to pass a settings file to
Barcode Studio and start it in graphics mode.
-? Display the help screen.
D.2 Examples
Generate a bar code image (JPG) with 300 dpi and 0.330 mm module width:
bcstudio –d=”12345” –out=barcode.jpg –h=30000 –m=330 –r=300
Generate a bar code with optimized readability and fixed module width:
bcstudio -d=“ABCDE” –out=barcode.bmp –s=bcsettings.bc -h=30000 -m=265 –o
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