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Curriculum Vitae (CV)

1 Proposed Position and No. :

2 Name of Expert :
3 Date of Birth :
4 Country of Citizenship / Residence : Indonesia

5 Education :

6 Employment record relevant to the assignment (Adequacy for the Assignment) :

Period Clien and Name of Project / Summary of main

Project Location assignment and Project features and activities
Position Held performed in the Project
a. April 2016 to Client : Name of Main project features:
December 2016 Work Unit of Growth assignment/Project: The Regional Monitoring and Evaluation Coordinator in
Central Settlement Area National Management the implementation of the Central Settlement Area
(KP2P), Directorate Consultant (NMC) – Regional Development (KP2P) program
General of Human Infrastructure for Socio and
Settlement, Ministry of Economic Activities performed/task assignment on
Public Work and Housing consultants team of expert :
Position held: Assist the Regional Coordinator of Monitoring and
Project Location : Monitoring and Evaluation Evaluation in the implementation of program to run in
32 Provinces Specialist accordance with the objectives and scope set out in
PT. Kogas Driyap Konsultan ToR
With expert team to provide technical and
Availability of reference letter management support for the experts in province as
from the client: [e.g., well as facilitators in the district and sub-district to run
Available or N/A] comprehensively, efficiently and quickly as expected
There is a reference by the government.
With expert team to providing support to the client,
relating to the technical and managerial aspects of
PISEW implementation, particularly with regard to
program development, program control, program
database, internal audits and other specialized
activities at the national level.
Supervise functions and program management
performance at all.
Controlling program including: assessment of the
assistant performance of PISEW in Provinceal and
KMT; regular progress report of implementation to
the Central Implementing Team; routine report of
assistant performance of PISEW in Provinceal and
KMT in the field to PPK Central PISEW; conducting
coordination meetings related to progress reports in
the field; problems inventory in the field and
recommendations of follow-up; random checking of
field visits on program monitoring and control;
assessment of program control processes in each
line; random checking of DED and BOQ quality in
adjusted to the visited villages; recommendations of
technical and non- technical advises related to
upcoming program control; inventory and provide
input to complaints received at the central level.
Implementation monitoring of the program includes:
conducting field visits for socialization, training,
sampling, complaints, requests and documentation;
reporting of field visits; assessment of the program
implementation process taking place in the visited
location; recommendation of technical and non-
technical advices of monitoring implementation.
implementation evaluating of program includes: the
quality of implementation of PISEW’s Monitoring and
Evaluation Guidelines; evaluation of progress on a bi-
weekly basis; evaluation of each stage of the
implementation process; evaluation of
implementation on progress, performance of

Technical Management Consultant (KMT) and
Provinceal PISEW assistant, FM, Built Infrastructure,
existence of labor-intensive construction
implementing and its maintenance plan.
Conducting data consolidation that includes: data
collecting on the implementation of PISEW 2016 in
each target location through SIM PISEW application;
analysis and assessment of any data obtained; final
compiled of data update; conveying the target
location as a recommended best practice to be
announced; conclusions and recommendations
regarding data consolidation.
Evaluating the implementation of PISEW to identify
PISEW’s contribution to the fulfillment of indicators of
Renstra Cipta Karya 2015-2014.
With expert team preparing implementation reports of
tasks as specified in ToR.
b. 21 July 2014 to 21 Client : Name of Main project features:
February 2016 Directorate General of assignment/Project: Community Empowerment.
Human Settlement Ministry Regional Infrastructure for
of Public Work and Social and Economic – RISE II Activities performed/task assignment on
Housing Project Development JICA IP consultants team of expert :
564 Support to District Coordination Team, District
Project Location : Secretariat Team, PIU/PPK District, PJOK KSK, WG
District of Banjar, Province Position held: PJOK District for preparation, implementation,
of South Kalimantan District Facilitator problem solving, information processing and
PT AdicitraMulyatama reporting of the district and sub-district activities
Support to District Coordination Team, District
Availability of reference letter Secretariat Team, PIU/PPK District and PJOK KSK
from the client: [e.g., with Local Economic Development Assistant and
Available or N/A] Mechanical Assistant for provide input of preparing
There is a reference the planning document KSK.
Support to the Team of District Secretariat Assistant
of Local Economic Development and Engineering
Assistant in related to the implementation of
activities, meeting coordination and implementation
of integrated monitoring
Facilitate, directing and controlling the output of each
personnel in the district
Support to local governments in the management of
joint KSK Local Economic Development Assistant
and Mechanical Assistant and TTL KSK.
Support to Team Coordination of District Secretariat
in implementation of District monthly coordination
meeting as well as monitoring and evaluation.
Prepare preliminary and final reports of RISE II
activities with the District Coordinators.

c. March 18, 2013 to Client : Name of Main project features:

December 18, Directorate General of assignment/Project: Community Empowerment.
2013 Human Settlement Ministry Regional Infrastructure for
of Public Work and Social and Economic – RISE I Activities performed/task assignment on
Housing Project Development JBIC IP consultants team of expert :
543 Support to District Coordination Team, District
Project Location : Secretariat Team, PIU/PPK District, PJOK KSK,
District of Banjar, Province Position held: Working Group of the District, District PJOK with
of South Kalimantan District Facilitator of Banjar district facilitator in process of planning, construction
District and problem resolution.
PT. Adi Citra Mulyatama Provide direction and control to KSK Facilitators,
Sub-District TTL and KSK TTL to carry out
Availability of reference letter coordination, menitoring, advising and expedite the
from the client: [e.g., follow-up troubleshooting to the perpetrators RISE II
Available or N/A] at the district and village levels for physical
There is a reference implementation of construction and preparation,
monitoring, evaluation and coordination.
Check and reviewing DED/BoQ prepared by each


Supports to Satker, PPK, POKJA sub-district, and

village with District Facilitator, KSK Facilitator, and
KSK TTL in implementation of preparation and
adoption of DED/BoQ/OM starting from the survey,
investigation, identification, confirmation and
verification, preparation, package agreement of
activities and prospective LKD, as well as the
formulation and ratification documents of
Facilitate, directing, supporting and controlling the
execution of tasks Village Facilitators (FD), Sector
Discussion Group (KDS), Village Community
Institutions (LKD), and Sustainer Utilization Group
(KPP) together with the Facilitator and the TTL to
implement activities well.
Verification of the data collection in construction
activities related to the progress of the physical,
financial absorption, the realization of the Day of
Work (DoW) and non-governmental.

d. October 10, 2008 Client : Name of Main project features:

to February 11, Directorate General of assignment/Project: Community Empowerment.
2013 Human Settlement Ministry Regional Infrastructure for
of Public Work and Social and Economic – RISE I Activities performed/task assignment on
Housing Project Development JBIC IP consultants team of expert :
543 Support to District Coordination Team, District
Project Location : Secretariat Team, PIU/PPK District, PJOK KSK,
District of Banjar, Province Position held: Working Group of the District, District PJOK with
of South Kalimantan Engineering Assistant of Banjar district facilitator in process of planning, construction
District and problem resolution.
PT. Adi Citra Mulyatama Provide direction and control to KSK Facilitators,
Sub-District TTL and KSK TTL to carry out
Availability of reference letter coordination, menitoring, advising and expedite the
from the client: [e.g., follow-up troubleshooting to the perpetrators RISE II
Available or N/A] at the district and village levels for physical
There is a reference implementation of construction and preparation,
monitoring, evaluation and coordination.
Check and reviewing DED/BoQ prepared by each
Supports to Satker, PPK, POKJA sub-district, and
village with District Facilitator, KSK Facilitator, and
KSK TTL in implementation of preparation and
adoption of DED/BoQ/OM starting from the survey,
investigation, identification, confirmation and
verification, preparation, package agreement of
activities and prospective LKD, as well as the
formulation and ratification documents of
Facilitate, directing, supporting and controlling the
execution of tasks Village Facilitators (FD), Sector
Discussion Group (KDS), Village Community
Institutions (LKD), and Sustainer Utilization Group
(KPP) together with the Facilitator and the TTL to
implement activities well.
Verification of the data collection in construction
activities related to the progress of the physical,
financial absorption, the realization of the Day of
Work (DoW) and non-governmental.

e. August 21, 2007 to Client : Name of Main project features:

June 30, 2008 Ministry of Education assignment/Project: Education facilities and infrastructure
Construction and Development
Project Location : Consultant Services for The Activities performed/task assignment on
District of Bengkayang, Block Grant of Junior consultants team of expert :
Province of Secondary Education (USB) Coordinate with Area Coordinator, Project Architect
West Kalimantan and One Roof Junior and other experts so that the scope of services shall
Secondary School (SATAP) be performed well and meet the predeterimined
quality standard


Position held: Assist KP-USB and P2SATAP in preparing

Construction Field consultan Administration and technical Proposal, incluiding
PT. MiskatAlamKonsultan buiulding design adjusment
Assist training for KP-USB and P2SATAP. Prepare
Availability of reference letter training materials and act as a training instructor
from the client: [e.g., Assist selection progres for candidate members of
Available or N/A] the technical teams and provide recommendations to
There is a reference KP-USB and P2SATAP
Assist the architect in stage 1-Planning and
Preparation phase.
Assist KP-USB and P2SATAP in implementation
In the case of satu Atap schools assist and provide
recommedation s to the P2SATAP on the selection of
the infrastructure/Hardware Facilitator and
coodinating, inspecting and instructure the
Facilitato,s daily activities.
Preparing reporting

f. November 1, 2006 Client : Name of Main project features:

to May 31, 2007 Directorate General of assignment/Project: Spatial planning, development and Infrastructure
Human Settlement Ministry Earthquake and Tsunami
of Public Work and Emergency Support Project Activities performed/task assignment on
Housing (ETESP) Package 24 : Spatial consultants team of expert :
Planning and Environmental Examining District existing and planned infrastructure
Project Location : Management – ADB Grat No. Ground-truthing existing damaged or deteriorated
Province of 0002-INO /Infrastructure infrastructure
Banda Aceh Engineer Analizing present conditions of infrastructure
Identifying infrastructure needs for the target
Position held: kecamatan in the project Area.
Infrastructure Ingineer
Black &Vealtch In ass With PT
InaconLuhur Pertiwi

Availability of reference letter

from the client: [e.g.,
Available or N/A]
There is a reference
g. January 2004 to Client : Name of Main project features:
October 2006 Directorate General of assignment/Project: housing and settlement development
Human Settlement Ministry Consulting Services for
of Public Work and Oversight Consultant Region IV Activities performed/task assignment on
Housing in South Kalimantan Loan No. consultants team of expert :
IDA Cr 3658 – IND/IBRD 4664 Assist Coordinator assistance and control of the City
Project Location : – IND urban property project 2- and Village Facilitators in each region
District Of Banjar pase I Control of facilitator in the implementation of
Province of West community assistance by the facilitator;
Kalimantan Position held: Manage of facilitator in facilitating the preparation of
City Coordinator 3, District BKM capacity and UP to disburse and manage the
Banjar BLM funds and channeling program resources;
PT AdicitraMulyatama Control of facilitator in the implementation of facilitate
strengthening capacity of BKM bookkeeping system
Availability of reference letter so as to meet the rules of accounting rules in general
from the client: [e.g., and simple;
Available or N/A] Facilitation and Control Socialization and training of
There is a reference facilitators and the local governments;
Facilitation and Control Activities P2KP Regular and
advance (extention, PACKAGE, Replication &
Channeling Program);
Facilitation and control of strengthening the role of
the Community Complaint Handling (CCH) in the
framework of the implementation mechanisms of
social control at the level of village community;
Facilitate the Local Governments in the
implementation of PNPM P2KP;
Facilitate strengthening the role of local government
in implementing the monitoring and facilitation BKM;

Facilitate strengthening the role of KBP as a forum of
dialogue in an effort of region/district Poverty
involving local government, communities and other
h. May 2002 to Client : Name of Main project features:
December 2003 Regional Planning Agency assignment/Project: Community Empowerment
– Enrekang District South Rural infrastructure
Sulawesi Province Development Project ( P2D) Activities performed/task assignment on
JBIC IP 506 , South Sulawesi / consultants team of expert :
Project Location : District Technical Management Coordinator of Field Engineer
Enrekang District South Consultant Monitoring and evaluation output of planning
Sulawesi Province consultant, covering rural infrastructure
Position held: development (including of road, bridge, jetty,
District – Technical water supply and sanitation infrastructure).
Management Consultant. Check to work plan and budget planning.
Estimate progress project implementation and
Availability of reference letter technical supervision.
from the client: [e.g., Arrange monthly/weekly report with consultant
Available or N/A] team assist the contractor and LKMD in arrange
There is a reference assets maintenance planning which had been
i. August 2001 – April Client : Name of Main project features:
2002 District Government assignment/Project: Community Empowerment
Bappeda Rural infrastructure
Development Project ( P2D) Activities performed/task assignment on
Project Location : JBIC IP 506 , South Sulawesi/ consultants team of expert :
District of Mamuju, District Technical Management Coordinator of Field Engineer
Province of South Consultant Monitoring and evaluation output of planning
Sulawesi consultant, covering rural infrastructure
Position held: development (including of road, bridge, jetty,
Team Leader for District water supply and sanitation infrastructure).
PT. Binadaya Inti Dinamika Check to work plan and budget planning.
Konsultan Estimate progress project implementation and
technical supervision.
Availability of reference letter Arrange monthly/weekly report with consultant
from the client: [e.g., team assist the contractor and LKMD in arrange
Available or N/A] assets maintenance planning which had been
There is a reference build.
j. June 2000 – Client : Name of Main project features:
December 2000 Directorate General of assignment/Project: Community Empowerment
Human Settlement Ministry Supporting Infrastructure
of Public Work and Development for Disadvantage Activities performed/task assignment on
Housing Village (P3DT) Combination, consultants team of expert :
South Sulawesi./ District Coordinator of Field Engineer
Project Location : Technical Management Monitoring and evaluation output of planning
District of Mamuju, Consultant consultant, covering rural infrastructure
Province of South development (including of road, bridge, jetty,
Sulawesi Position held: water supply and sanitation infrastructure).
Technical Management Check to work plan and budget planning.
Consultant for District Estimate progress project implementation and
PT Binadaya Inti Dinamika technical supervision.
Arrange monthly/weekly report with consultant
Availability of reference letter team assist the contractor and LKMD in arrange
from the client: [e.g.,
assets maintenance planning which had been
Available or N/A] build.
There is a reference

k. June 1, 1999 – Client : Name of Main project features:

March 31, 2000 Dinas Bina Marga dan assignment/Project: Community Empowerment
Pengairan Supporting Infrastructure
Development for Disadvantage Activities performed/task assignment on
Project Location : Village (P3DT) OECF IP-500 consultants team of expert :
South East Timor District, South East Timor District/ Coordinator of Field Engineer
East Nusa Tenggara Technical Management Monitoring and evaluation output of
Province Consultant planning consultant, covering rural
infrastructure development (including of

Position held: road, bridge, jetty, water supply and
Technical Management sanitation infrastructure).
Consultant for District Check to work plan and budget planning.
PT Binadaya Inti Dinamika Estimate progress project implementation
and technical supervision.
Availability of reference letter Arrange monthly/weekly report with
from the client: [e.g., consultant team assist the contractor and
Available or N/A]
There is a reference LKMD in arrange assets maintenance
planning which had been build.

l. April 13,1998 to Client : Name of Main project features:

March 14,1999 Agency of High Way and assignment/Project: Community Empowerment
Water Resource Rural support infrastructure
Development Project ( P3DT) Activities performed/task assignment on
Project Location : OECF Pattem KSO, OECF IP- consultants team of expert :
Atambua District, East 500 East Nusa Coordinator Field Engineer
Nusa Tenggara Province Tenggara/District Technical Monitoring and evaluation out put of planning
Management Consultant consultant , covering rural infrastructure
development (including of road, bridge, jelty,
Position held: water supply and sanitation infrastructure).
Team Leader for District Check to work plan and budget planning.
PT Binadaya Inti Dinamika Estimate progress project implementation and
technical supervision.
Availability of reference letter Arrange monthly/weekly report with consultant
from the client: [e.g., team assist the contractor and LKMD in arrange
Available or N/A] assets maintenance planning which had been
There is a reference build.

m. Oct 24, 1997 – Client : Name of Main project features:

March 15, 1998 Public Work Agency of assignment/Project: Road and bridge construction
Central Halmahera District, Rebuilding Bridges of Weda –
Maluku Province Sagea (I) and (II), Activities performed/task assignment on
Quality Improvement of Roads consultants team of expert :
Project Location : and Bridges Province, in Responsible to site Engineering for monitoring
Sagea – Weda, Central Central Halmahera District volume activities of road and bridge rehabilitation.
Halmahera District, Maluku Package III. Monitoring Work progress according to wrk plan
Province and Estimate
Position held: Implementation supervise based on the work plan
Chief Inspector (Chief and arranging weekly and mountly report.
PT Wesitan Konsultan

Availability of reference letter

from the client: [e.g.,
Available or N/A]
There is a reference

n. 30 November 1994 Client : Name of Main project features:

to 05 March 1997 Quality Improvement of assignment/Project: Road repair
Road and Bridge, Quality Improvement of
Southeast Sulawesi Ambesea-Tinanggea Road Activities performed/task assignment on
Provincial Office of Public consultants team of expert :
Works Position held: To supervise the testing of subgrade CBR
Laboratorium Engineering To supervise the test material to be used.
Project Location : PT. Biec International To supervise the work of sand cone.
Kendari District, South East To supervise the drill test results cast.
Sulawesi Availability of reference letter
Assist the project officer in arrange work plan and
from the client: [e.g.,
cost estimate, implementation supervise based on
Available or N/A]
the work plan.
There is a reference
Arranging weekly and mountly report

o. April 1992 – May Client : Name of Main project features:

1994 Department of Public assignment/Project: Road repair
Works of South Sulawesi Improved road axis Kaswara –
Province Borong Rappoa District
Activities performed/task assignment on
Project Location : Position held: consultants team of expert :
Bulukumba District, South Inspector To Supervise and responsible to process of
Sulawesi Province project implementation to site engineer.
Availability of reference letter Responsible to quality of contractor activity.
from the client: [e.g., To coordinate supervision staff (inspector,
Available or N/A] surveyor,etc)
There is a reference Accordance with job implementation.
Arrange daily and weekly report to submit to site

7 Membership in Professional Association and Publications :

Certificates Expertise: : Bridge Engineer – Madya

Are set at: Makassar
On the Date: 21 October 2014
validity period: three years from the date of issuance
Professional Associations: Consruction Services Development Board (LPJK)

Certificates Expertise: Road Engineer – Madya

Are set at : Makassar
On the Date : 14 October 2014
validity period : three years from the date of issuance
Professional Associations : Consruction Services Development Board (LPJK)

8 Language Skills (indicate only languages in which you can work and please attach English Proficiency Certificate) :
Speak Read Write
Indonesia Mother-tongue Excellent Excellent
English Good Good Good

Expert’s contact information: (e-mail: ……………………………, phone: ………………………..)

9. Certification:

I, the undersigned, certify that to the best of my knowledge and belief, this CV correctly describes myself, my qualifications and my experience,
and I am available to undertake the assignment in case of an award, I understand that any misstatement or misrepresentation described herein
may lead to any disqualification or dismissal by the Client, and/or sanctions by the Bank.

Date: 28 / Feb / 2019

Name of Expert Signature Day /Month /Year

Date: 28 / Feb / 2019

Ir. Agus Yugo Handoyo Signature Day /Month /Year
On Behalf of
PT. Kogas Driyap Konsultan

Yes No

(i) This CV correctly describes my qualifications and experience  

(ii) I am employed by the Executing or the Implementing Agency.  

(iii) I was part of the team who wrote the terms of reference for this consulting services assignment  

(iv) I am not currently debarred by a multilateral development bank  

(If yes, identify who)

I certify that I have been informed by the firm that it is including my CV in the proposal for the Technical Management Consultant
(TMC) Package – 6; (Province : South Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, Gorontalo, South East Sulawesi, Maluku,
North Maluku, Papua, West Papua). I confirm that I will be available to carry out the assignment for which my CV has been submitted
in accordance with the implementation arrangements and schedule set out in the Proposal


(If CV is signed by the firm’s authorized representative and the written agreement attached)

I, as the authorized representative of the firm submitting this Proposal for the Technical Management Consultant (TMC) Package –6;
(Province : South Sulawesi, North Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi, Gorontalo, South East Sulawesi, Maluku, North Maluku, Papua,
West Papua), certify that I have obtained the consent of the named expert to submit his/her CV, and that I have obtained a written
representation from the expert that s/he will be available to carry out the assignment in accordance with the implementation
arrangements and schedule set out in the Proposal.


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