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Onjala - Determinants of Financial Performance of Commercial Banks in Kenya

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This research project is my original work and has not been presented for examination in

any other university.

Signature............................................. Date: .........................................


REG. NO. D61/75372/2009

This research project has been submitted for examination with my approval as university


Signature ........................................ Date ..........................................




I thank God for giving me the wisdom and courage and for guiding me throughout my

life for without Him I would not have come this far.

Secondly, special thanks go to my supervisor Mr Herick Ondigo, for providing unlimited,

invaluable and active guidance throughout the study. His immense command and

knowledge of the subject matter enabled me to shape this research project to the product

that it is now.

Thirdly, I also thank my family for letting me use their valuable time to work on this

project. It is my hope that their sacrifice has finally paid off.

Finally, I owe my gratitude to a number of people who in one way or another contributed

towards completion of this project especially my fellow colleagues at work, students, my

brother Franklin and his wife Beatrice.

This work is dedicated to my wife Dr. Brenda Walaba, son Ryan Onjala and my mother
Felistas Onjala.

Commercial banks financial performance in Kenya is an important subject given the

significant role the banks play in the economy. With the number of banks increasing over

the years and competition for customers increase, an analysis of what factors influence

banks’ financial performance is important to the banks as this can aid them in

ascertaining the determinants of performance and by extension know the areas to improve

in order to perform better. This study was designed to examine the determinants of

financial performance of commercial banks in Kenya.

In order to achieve the objectives of this study, the research was designed as an

explanatory study. The population was all the 43 commercial banks by December 2011.

All the banks were used in the study. A ten year secondary data from 2001 to 2010 was

collected from Banking Survey and the Central Bank of Kenya. Descriptive analysis,

correlation analysis and regression analysis were used to perform the data analysis.

Significance was tested at 5% level.

The study found that capital adequacy and exchange rates were negatively correlated with

ROE while liquidity, operating cost efficiency, size, risk, GDP, and inflation had a

positive influence on ROE. Overall, the independent variables accounted for 95.3% of the

variance in ROE. Further, the results revealed that exchange rate was negatively related

with ROA while capital adequacy, liquidity, operating cost efficiency, size, risk, GDP,

and inflation had positive effects on ROA. It was noted that the independent variables

accounted for 95.6% of the variance in ROA. However, none of these effects were

significant at 5% level of confidence. None of the models was also significant at 5%.

The study concludes that none of the determinants tested in this study had a significant

influence on the financial performance of commercial banks in Kenya. The study

recommends that there is need for commercial banks to improve their performance in

terms of their ROEs and ROAs. The study also recommends that banks should improve

on their liquidity more so the ability of the banks to promptly repay the depositors.


DECLARATION................................................................................................................ i
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ............................................................................................. ii
DEDICATION.................................................................................................................. iii
ABSTRACT ...................................................................................................................... iv
LIST OF TABLES ......................................................................................................... viii
LIST OF FIGURES ......................................................................................................... ix
LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS .......................................................................................... x
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................... 1
INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Background of the Study ...................................................................................... 1
1.2 Research Problem ................................................................................................. 5
1.3 Research Objective ............................................................................................... 6
1.4 Value of the Study ................................................................................................ 6
CHAPTER TWO .............................................................................................................. 8
LITERATURE REVIEW ................................................................................................ 8
2.1 Introduction .......................................................................................................... 8
2.2 Theoretical Review .............................................................................................. 8
2.3 Measures of Financial Performance ................................................................... 11
2.4 Determinants of Financial Performance ............................................................. 12
2.5 Summary and Research Gap .............................................................................. 22
CHAPTER THREE ........................................................................................................ 23
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY .................................................................................. 23
3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 23
3.2 Research Design ................................................................................................. 23
3.3 Population........................................................................................................... 23
3.4 Data Collection................................................................................................... 23
3.5 Data Analysis ..................................................................................................... 24
CHAPTER FOUR ........................................................................................................... 26
DATA ANALYSIS, RESULTS AND DISCUSSION................................................... 26
4.2 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 26

4.2 Descriptive Analysis Results.............................................................................. 26
4.3 Correlation and Regression Results ................................................................... 37
4.4 Interpretation of Findings ................................................................................... 41
CHAPTER FIVE ............................................................................................................ 44
SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATIONS .................................. 44
5.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................ 44
5.2 Summary ............................................................................................................ 44
5.3 Conclusion.......................................................................................................... 45
5.4 Recommendations for Policy ............................................................................. 45
5.5 Limitations of the Study ..................................................................................... 46
5.6 Suggestions for Further Research ...................................................................... 46
REFERENCES ................................................................................................................ 48
APPENDICES ................................................................................................................. 54
Appendix 1: List of Commercial Banks in Kenya ..................................................... 54
Appendix 2: Data Analysis Output from SPSS ........................................................ 55

Table 3.1: Operationalization of Variables .................................................................. 25
Table 4.1: Descriptive Statistics on Dependent and Independent Variables ............... 26
Table 4.2: Correlation Matrix of Independent Variables ............................................. 39
Table 4.3: Determinants of Financial Performance of Banks in Kenya ...................... 40

Figure 4.1: Trend of Return on Equity of Commercial Banks 2001 – 2010 ................. 27
Figure 4.2: Trend of Return on Assets of Commercial Banks 2001 – 2010 ................. 28
Figure 4.3: Trend of Capital Adequacy of Commercial Banks 2001 – 2010 ................ 29
Figure 4.4: Trend of Asset Quality of Commercial Banks 2001 – 2010 ....................... 30
Figure 4.5: Trend of Liquidity of Commercial Banks 2001 – 2010 .............................. 31
Figure 4.6: Operating Cost of Efficiency of Commercial Banks 2001 – 2010 ............. 32
Figure 4.7: Trend of Size of Commercial Banks 2001 – 2010 ...................................... 33
Figure 4.8: Trend of Risk of Commercial Banks 2001 – 2010 ..................................... 34
Figure 4.9: Trend of GDP Growth Rate 2001 – 2010 ................................................... 35
Figure 4.10: Trend of Annual Inflation Rate 2001 – 2010 .......................................... 36
Figure 4.11: Trend of Exchange Rate 2001 – 2010 ..................................................... 37

AIR - Annual Inflation Rate

AQ - Asset Quality

CA - Capital Adequacy

CAMEL - Capital Adequacy, Asset Quality, Management

Efficiency, Earnings Performance and Liquidity
CBK - Central Bank of Kenya

ER - Exchange Rate

ES - Efficient Structure

EVA - Economic Value Added

FIR - Financial Interrelation Ratio

FO - Foreign Ownership

GDP - Gross Domestic Product

LRF - Likert Response Format

MP - Market Power

NIM - Net Interest Margin

NPL - Non Performing Loans

OCE - Operational Cost Efficiency

ROA - Return on Assets

ROAA - Return on Average Assets

ROAE - Return on Average Equity

ROE - Return on Equity

ROS - Return on Sales

ROTA - Return on Total Assets

SCP - Structure-Conduct-Performance



1.1 Background of the Study

Financial performance is a subjective measure of how well a firm can use assets from its

primary mode of business and generate revenues. It is also a general measure of a firm's

overall financial health over a given period of time, and can be used to compare similar

firms across the same industry or to compare industries or sectors in aggregation.

There are many different ways to measure financial performance, but all measures should

be taken in aggregation. Line items such as revenue from operations, operating income or

cash flow from operations can be used, as well as total unit sales. Furthermore, the

analyst or investor may wish to look deeper into financial statements and seek out margin

growth rates or any declining debt. Other measures of financial performance include

liquidity, solvency, profitability, debt repayment capacity and financial efficiency of the


The factors that determine the financial performance of banks in general have been

extensively studied. Amongst the various approaches, a number of studies have focused

on the structure-performance relationship of banks, with the structure-conduct-

performance (SCP) hypothesis and the efficient-structure (EFS) hypothesis widely tested.

In general, banks’ profitability and pricing power are hypothesized to be determined by

market structure of the banking industry, such as the number of participating banks in the

market and the market shares of banks, and bank-specific factors, such as cost efficiency,

scale efficiency, and the risk attitude of banks. Macroeconomic factors, such as real GDP

growth and unemployment, may also be important determinants (Wong, Fong, Wong, &

Choi, 2007).

1.1.1 Determinants of Financial Performance of Banks

Studies have shown a number of determinants of bank financial performance. For

instance, Heffernan & Fu (2010) found that some macroeconomic variables and financial

ratios significantly influenced financial performance. The study also found that the type

of bank was an influential determinant of bank financial performance. Clair (2004) found

that the most important macroeconomic indicators were changes in interest rates,

exchange rates, unemployment, and aggregate demand.

In a study on performance of Islamic and conventional banks in UAE, (Al-Tamini, 2010)

found that liquidity and concentration were the most significant determinants of

conventional national banks’ performance while cost and number of branches were the

most significant determinants of Islamic banks’ performance.

According to Demirgüç-Kunt & Huizinga (1999), a larger bank asset to GDP ratio and a

lower market concentration ratio lead to lower margins and profits. The authors also note

that foreign banks have higher margins and profits compared to domestic banks in

developing countries, while the opposite holds in developed countries.

A study in China by Wong, Fong, Wong, & Choi (2007) found that cost efficiency of

banks was a major determinant of banks’ profitability. No evidence was found for the

effect of market structure (market concentration and market shares). Most of these banks

were large and therefore efficient hence the conclusion that efficiency was indeed a major

determinant of bank performance.

A study by Aburime (2008) revealed that capital size, size of credit portfolio and extent

of ownership concentration was significant company-level determinants of bank

profitability in Nigeria. In the same study, size of deposit liabilities, labour productivity,

state of IT, ownership, control-ownership disparity and structural affiliation were

insignificant; and the relationship between bank risk and profitability was inconclusive.

1.1.2 Measures of Financial Performance

Organizational performance comprises the actual output or results of an organization as

measured against its intended outputs (or goals and objectives). According to Richard et

al. (2009) organizational performance encompasses three specific areas of firm outcomes:

(a) financial performance (profits, return on assets, return on investment, etc.); (b)

product market performance (sales, market share, etc.); and (c) shareholder return (total

shareholder return, economic value added, etc.).

In recent years, many organizations have attempted to manage organizational

performance using the balanced scorecard methodology where performance is tracked

and measured in multiple dimensions such as: financial performance (e.g. shareholder

return); customer service social responsibility (e.g. corporate citizenship, community

outreach); employee stewardship.

1.1.3 Commercial Banks in Kenya

According to the Central Bank of Kenya, there are 43 licensed commercial banks in

Kenya (see list in appendix 1). Three of the banks are public financial institutions with

majority shareholding being the Government and state corporations. The rest are private

financial institutions. Of the private banks, 27 are local commercial banks while 13 are

foreign commercial banks.

Commercial banks in Kenya play a major role in Kenya. They contribute to economic

growth of the country by making funds available for investors to borrow as well as

financial deepening in the country. Commercial banks therefore have a key role in the

financial sector and to the whole economy.

Bank financial performance in the recent past has significantly improved since 2000.

Data from the Central Bank of Kenya shows a significant growth in the industry in all

areas including financial performance. While this is the case, some banks, especially the

foreign banks, have been performing better than others. The factors leading to this needs

an investigation as has been the focus of many studies in other countries such as China,

Nigeria, Singapore, UAE, UK, USA, among others.

1.2 Research Problem
A large number of empirical studies have been conducted about factors influencing bank

performance or determinants of bank performance. (Al-Tamini, 2010) noted that different

factors have been used by researchers such as shareholders’ equity to total assets; liquid

assets to assets; total loans to total deposits; fixed assets to total assets; total borrowed

funds to total assets; reserves for loans to total assets ; market concentration; the market

size; labor productivity; bank portfolio composition; capital productivity, bank

capitalization; financial interrelation ratio (FIR); M2/ GDP; the level of capitalization;

age of the bank; per capita GDP, the cost to-income ratio and customer satisfaction.

Commercial banks financial performance in Kenya is an important subject given the

significant role the banks play in the economy. With the number of banks increasing over

the years and competition for customers increase, an analysis of what factors influence

banks’ financial performance is important to the banks as this can aid them in

ascertaining the determinants of performance and by extension know the areas to improve

in order to perform better.

Most of the studies on bank financial performance determinants have covered developed

economies, whereas much less studies covered developing economies such as Kenya’s

economy. Some of these studies include Aburime (2008) in Nigeria, Al-Tamini (2010) in

UAE, Clair (2004) in Singapore, Heffernan & Fu (2010) and Wong, Fong, Wong, & Choi

(2007) in China. Moreover, results of these studied have been inconclusive and /or

conflicting. This presents a research gap.

Studies that are close to determinants of bank performance in Kenya include Njihia

(2005), Mwania (2009), Okutoyi (1988), and Ndungu (2003). These studies were

however designed to focus on each factor of bank financial performance to the exclusion

of the other factors while some only focused on listed commercial banks as in the case of

Ndungu (2003). There is no study that has been done on a larger sample of commercial

banks hence a gap that needs to be filled in by carrying out the present study. This study

builds on the study by Njihia (2005) as the former study was limited by the scope as it

only focused on one aspect of commercial banks financial performance. Given the

passage of time and limitations of case studies as far as generalisation of results to the

population is concerned, there is need for the present study to be conducted. The study

poses the following research question: What factors influence financial performance of

commercial banks in Kenya?

1.3 Research Objective

To examine the determinants of financial performance of commercial banks in Kenya.

1.4 Value of the Study

This study will be useful to commercial banks in Kenya. The management and board of

governors of commercial banks will have an empirical basis upon which they can base

their strategies to improve bank financial performance.

This study will also guide policy makers in the banking sector especially the Central

Bank of Kenya and the Treasury in coming up with policies which will spur growth and

profitability in this sector.

Researchers will also find this study a very useful study as regards the variables measured

in the study. Future research in Kenya and especially in the financial sector can be based

on this study. The recommendations for future studies will also guide future researchers

in this area.



2.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the literature review on the determinants of financial performance

of commercial banks. First it reviews the theories of bank profitability. Then it

summarizes the empirical studies from various researchers who have carried out research

on determinants of bank performance.

2.2 Theoretical Review

This section presents a theoretical review of the study. The theories reviewed here are

efficient structure theory, market power theory, and the balanced portfolio theory. A

critique of the theories and models is then made.

2.2.1 Efficient Structure (ES) Theory

The ES hypothesis, on the other hand posits that banks earn high profits because they are

more efficient than others. There are also two distinct approaches within the ES; the X-

efficiency and Scale–efficiency hypothesis. According to the X-efficiency approach,

more efficient firms are more profitable because of their lower costs. Such firms tend to

gain larger market shares, which may manifest in higher levels on market concentration,

but without any causal relationship from concentration to profitability (Athanasoglou et

al, 2006). The scale approach emphasizes economies of scale rather than differences in

management or production technology. Larger firms can obtain lower unit cost and

higher profits through economies of scale. This enables large firms to acquire market

shares, which may manifest in higher concentration and then profitability.

2.2.2 The Market Power (MP) Theory

Applied in banking the MP hypothesis posits that the performance of bank is influenced

by the market structure of the industry. There are two distinct approaches within the MP

theory; the Structure-Conduct-Performance (SCP) and the Relative Market Power

hypothesis (RMP). According to the SCP approach, the level of concentration in the

banking market gives rise to potential market power by banks, which may raise their

profitability. Banks in more concentrated markets are most likely to make “abnormal

profits” by their ability to lower deposits rates and to charge higher loan rates as a results

of collusive (explicit or tacit) or monopolistic reasons, than firms operating in less

concentrated markets, irrespective of their efficiency (Tregenna, 2009). Unlike the SCP,

the RMP hypothesis posits that bank profitability is influenced by market share. It

assumes that only large banks with differentiated products can influence prices and

increase profits. They are able to exercise market power and earn non-competitive profits.

2.2.3 Balanced Portfolio Theory

The portfolio theory approach is the most relevant and plays an important role in bank

performance studies (Nzongang and Atemnkeng, 2006). According to the Portfolio

balance model of asset diversification, the optimum holding of each asset in a wealth

holder‟s portfolio is a function of policy decisions determined by a number of factors

such as the vector of rates of return on all assets held in the portfolio, a vector of risks

associated with the ownership of each financial assets and the size of the portfolio. It

implies portfolio diversification and the desired portfolio composition of commercial

banks are results of decisions taken by the bank management. Further, the ability to

obtain maximum profits depends on the feasible set of assets and liabilities determined by

the management and the unit costs incurred by the bank for producing each component of

assets (Nzongang and Atemnkeng, 2006).

2.2.4 Critique of Theories and Models

The above theoretical analysis shows that MP theory assumes bank profitability is a

function of external market factors, while the ES and Portfolio theory largely assume that

bank performance is influence by internal efficiencies and managerial decisions. Several

models of the banking firm have been developed to deal with specific aspects of bank

behavior but none is acceptable as descriptive of all bank behavior. Some of these

approaches are: univariant analysis, multiple discriminant analysis, multiple regression

analysis, canonical correlations analysis and neural network method. Olugbenga and

Olankunle (1998) noted that a major limitation of the univariant analysis approach is that

it does not recognize the possibility of joint significance of financial ratios, while the

canonical correlations method precludes the explicit calculation of marginal value of

independent variables on the dependent variable. Nor can the significance of individual

explanatory factors be ascertained. They noted that multiple regression approaches

correct for these limitations and they produce comparable results to the discriminant

analysis method.

Bakar and Tahir (2009) evaluated the performance of the multiple linear regression

technique and artificial neural network techniques with a goal to find a powerful tool in

predicting bank performance. Data of thirteen banks in Malaysia for the period 2001-

2006 was used in the study. ROA was used as a measure of bank performance and seven

variables including liquidity, credit risk, cost to income ratio, size, concentration ratio,

were used as independent variables. They note that neural network method outperforms

the multiple linear regression method but it lacks explanation on the parameters used and

they concluded that multiple linear regressions, not withstanding its limitations (i.e.

violations of its assumptions), can be used as a simple tool to study the linear relationship

between the dependent variable and independent variables. The method provides

significant explanatory variables to bank performance and explains the effect of the

contributing factors in a simple, understood manner. This study will adopt this approach

together with the correction analysis to determine the effects of various factors on bank

performance in Kenya.

2.3 Measures of Financial Performance

Performance encompasses financial performance (profits, return on assets, return on

investment, etc.); product market performance (sales, market share, etc.); and shareholder

return (total shareholder return, economic value added, etc.) (Richard et al. 2009). In

their study, Papadakis et al (1998) used two objective measures of performance. These

were return on assets (ROA) and growth in profits. Performance measures in this study

were calculated going five years prior to the decision studied.

Zahra and Bogner (2000) measured firm’s performance using sales growth, employment

growth, and pretax net profit percentage of total sales. Baum and Wally (2003) in their

study measured firm performance as growth and profit. In the study, self-reported

objective measures were used where the respondents were asked in a questionnaire to fill

in the figures for total sales and the number of employees for two years as well as profit

for the year.

In a study by Zehir and Ozsahin (2008), a Likert Response Format (LRF) was used to

measure innovation performance. A five point Likert scale was used where the

respondents scored their choices on various questions relating to innovation performance

in a structured questionnaire. Souitaris and Maestro (2010) measured new venture

financial performance using return on total assets (ROTA) and return on sales (ROS)

based on archival objective measures. Hsu and Huang (2011) measured performance

using subjective measures. Five self-reported items were evaluated by respondents on a

7-point Likert scale.

2.4 Determinants of Financial Performance

Several studies (Elyor (2009), Uzhegova (2010)) have used CAMEL to examine factors

affecting bank profitability with success. CAMEL stands for Capital adequacy, Asset

quality, Management efficiency, Earnings performance and Liquidity. The system was

developed by the US Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) for “early

‟ operations” (Uzhegova, 2010). Though some

identification of problems in banks

alternative bank performance evaluation models have been proposed, the CAMEL

framework is the most widely used model and it is recommended by Basel Committee on

Bank Supervision and IMF (Baral, 2005).

Capital adequacy refers to the sufficiency of the amount of equity to absorb any shocks

that the bank may experience (Kosmidou, 2009). The capital structure of banks is highly

regulated. This is because capital plays a crucial role in reducing the number of bank

failures and losses to depositors when a bank fails as highly leveraged firms are likely to

take excessive risk in order to maximize shareholder value at the expense of finance

providers (Kamau, 2009).

Although there is general agreement that statutory capital requirements are necessary to

reduce moral hazard, the debate is on how much capital is enough. Regulators would like

to have higher minimum requirements to reduce cases of bank failures, whilst bankers in

contrast argue that it is expensive and difficult to obtain additional equity and higher

requirements restrict their competitiveness (Koch, 1995). Beckmann (2007) argue that

high capital leads to low profits since banks with a high capital ratio are risk-averse, they

ignore potential [risky] investment opportunities and, as a result, investors demand a

lower return on their capital in exchange for lower risk.

However Gavila et al (2009) argues that, although capital is expensive in terms of

expected return, highly capitalized banks face lower cost of bankruptcy, lower need for

external funding especially in emerging economies where external borrowing is difficult.

Thus well capitalized banks should be profitable than lowly capitalized banks.

Heffernan & Fu (2010) looked at how well different types of Chinese banks had

performed between 1999 and 2006, and tested for the factors influencing performance. It

also evaluates four measures of performance to identify which one, if any, was superior.

The independent variables included the standard financial ratios, those which reflected

more recent reforms and macroeconomic variables. The results suggested that Economic

Value Added (EVA) and the Net Interest Margin (NIM) did better than the more

conventional measures of profitability, namely Return On Average Equity (ROAE) and

Return On Average Assets (ROAA). Some macroeconomic variables and financial ratios

were significant with the expected signs. Though the type of bank was influential, bank

size was not. Neither the percentage of foreign ownership nor bank listings had a

discernible effect.

Neceur (2003) using a sample of 10 Tunisian banks from 1980 to 2000 and a panel linear

regression model, reported a strong positive impact of capitalization to ROA. Sufian and

Chong (2008) also reported the same results after examining the impact of capital to the

performance of banks in Philippines from 1990 to 2005.

Credit risk is one of the factors that affect the health of an individual bank. The extent of

the credit risk depends on the quality of assets held by an individual bank. The quality of

assets held by a bank depends on exposure to specific risks, trends in non-performing

loans, and the health and profitability of bank borrowers (Baral, 2005). Aburime (2008)

asserts that the profitability of a bank depends on its ability to foresee, avoid and monitor

risks, possibly to cover losses brought about by risks arisen. Hence, in making decisions

on the allocation of resources to asset deals, a bank must take into account the level of

risk to the assets.

Poor asset quality and low levels of liquidity are the two major causes of bank failures.

Poor asset quality led to many bank failures in Kenya in the early 1980s. During that

period 37 banks collapsed following the banking crises of 1986-1989, 1993-1994 and

1998 (Mwega, 2009). According to Waweru and Kalani (2009) many of the financial

institutions that collapse in 1986 failed due to non-performing loans (NPLs) and that

most of the larger bank-failures, involved extensive insider lending, often to

politicians.The CBK measures asset quality by the ratio of net non-performing loans to

gross loans. However Koch (1995) argues that a good measure of credit risk or asset

quality is the ratio of loan loss reserve to gross loans because it captures the expectation

of management with regard to the performance of loans. Hempel et al (1994) observed

that banks with high loan growth often assume more risk as credit analysis and review

procedures are less rigorous, however returns are high in such loans indicating a risk and

return trade-off.

Kosmidou (2008) applied a linear regression model on 23 Greece commercial banks data

for 1990 to 2002, using ROA and the ratio of loan loss reserve to gross loans to proxy

profitability and asset quality respectively. The results showed a negative significant

impact of asset quality to bank profitability. This was in line with the theory that

increased exposure to credit risk is normally associated with decreased firm profitability.

Indicating that banks would improve profitability by improving screening and monitoring

of credit risk.

Another important decision that the managers of commercial banks take refers to the

liquidity management and specifically to the measurement of their needs related to the

process of deposits and loans. The importance of liquidity goes beyond the individual

bank as a liquidity shortfall at an individual bank can have systemic repercussions (CBK,

2009). It is argued that when banks hold high liquidity, they do so at the opportunity cost

of some investment, which could generate high returns (Kamau, 2009). The trade-offs

that generally exist between return and liquidity risk are demonstrated by observing that a

‟s return but
shift from short term securities to long term securities or loans raises a bank

also increases its liquidity risks and the inverse in is true. Thus a high liquidity ratio

indicates a less risky and less profitable bank (Hempel et al, 1994). Thus management is

faced with the dilemma of liquidity and profitability.

Myers and Rajan (1998) emphasized the adverse effect of increased liquidity for financial

Institutions stating that, “although more liquid assets increase the ability to raise cash on

short-notice, they also reduce management’s ability to commit credibly to an investment

strategy that protects investors” which, finally, can result in reduction of the firm’s

capacity to raise external finance” in some cases (Uzhegova, 2010).

Poor expenses management is the main contributors to poor profitability (Sufian and

Chong 2008). In the literature on bank performance, operational expense efficiency is

usually used to assess managerial efficiency in banks. Mathuva (2009) observed that the

CIR of local banks is high when compared to other countries and thus there is need for

local banks to reduce their operational costs to be competitive globally. Beck and Fuchs

(2004) examined the various factors that contribute to high interests spread in Kenyan

banks. Overheads were found to be one of the most important components of the high

interests rate spreads. An analysis of the overheads showed that they were driven by staff

wage costs which were comparatively higher than other banks in the SSA countries.

Although the relationship between expenditure and profits appears straightforward

implying that higher expenses mean lower profits and the opposite, this may not always

be the case. The reason is that higher amounts of expenses may be associated with higher

volume of banking activities and therefore higher revenues. In relatively uncompetitive

markets where banks enjoy market power, costs are passed on to customers; hence there

would be a positive correlation between overheads costs and profitability (Flamini et al,

2009). Neceur (2003) found a positive and significant impact of overheads costs to

profitability indicating that such cost are passed on to depositors and lenders in terms of

lower deposits rates/ or higher lending rates.

Financial institutions in recent years have increasingly been generating income from “off-

balance sheet” business and fee income. Albertazzi and Gambacorta (2006) as cited by

Uzhegova (2010) noted that the decline in interest margins, has forced banks to explore

alternative sources of revenues, leading to diversification into trading activities, other

services and non-traditional financial operations. The concept of revenue diversifications

follows the concept of portfolio theory which states that individuals can reduce firm-

specific risk by diversifying their portfolios. However there is a long history of debates

about the benefits and costs of diversification in banking literature. The proponents of

activity diversification or product mix argue that diversification provides a stable and less

volatile income, economies of scope and scale, and the ability to leverage managerial

efficiency across products (Choi and Kotrozo, 2006). Chiorazzo et al (2008) noted that as

a result of activity diversification, the economies of scale and scope caused through the

joint production of financial activities leads to increase in the efficiency of banking

organizations. They further argued that product mix reduces total risks because income

from non-interest activities is not correlated or at least perfectly correlated with income

from fee based activities and as such diversification should stabilize operating income

and give rise to a more stable stream of profits (Uzhegova, 2010).

The opposite argument to activity diversification is that it leads to increased agency costs,

increased organizational complexity, and the potential for riskier behavior by bank

managers. Kotrozo and Choi (2006) mentioned that activity diversification results in

more complex organizations which “makes it more difficult for top management to

monitor the behavior of the other divisions/branches. They further argued that the

benefits of economies of scale/scope exist only to a point. The costs associated with a

firm’s increased complexity may overshadow the benefits of diversification. As such, the

benefits of diversification and performance would resemble an inverted-U in which there

would be an optimal level of diversification beyond which benefits would begin to

decline and may ultimately become negative.

Using annual bank level data of all Philippines commercial banks Sufian and Chong

(2008) found a positive relationship between total non-interest income divided by total

assets, a proxy for income diversification and bank profitability. Uzhegova (2010) using a

HH index of interest income, commissions, fee income, trading income, non-interest

income and other operating income found empirical support of the idea that banks

involved in diversification activities expect some benefits. While Kotrozo and Choi 2006,

using a similar index found that activity diversification tends to reduce performance

compared to banks more focused in their activities.

Claessens and Jansen (2000) as cited by Kamau (2009) argued that foreign banks usually

bring with them better know-how and technical capacity, which then spills over to the

rest of the banking system. They impose competitive pressure on domestic banks, thus

increasing efficiency of financial intermediation and they provide more stability to the

financial system because they are able to draw on liquidity resources from their parents

banks and provide access to international markets. Beck and Fuchs (2004) argued that

foreign-owned banks are more profitable than their domestic counterparts in developing

countries and less profitable than domestic banks in industrial countries, perhaps due to

benefits derived from tax breaks, technological efficiencies and other preferential

treatments. However domestic banks are likely to gain from information advantage they

have about the local market compared to foreign banks.

However the counter argument is that unrestricted entry of foreign banks may result in

their assuming a dominant position by driving out less efficient or less resourceful

domestic banks because more depositors may have faith in big international banks than in

small domestic banks. They cream-skim the local market by serving only the higher end

of the market, they lack commitment and bring unhealthy competition, and they are

responsible for capital flight from less developed countries in times of external crisis


The market power theory, as it was discussed under bank performance theories, posits

that the more concentrated the market, the less the degree of competition (Tregenna,

2009). According to Nzongang and Atemnkeng (2006) high degrees of market share

concentration are inextricably associated with high levels of profits at the detriment of

efficiency and effectiveness of the financial system to due decreased competition.

Secondly, since commercial banks are the primary suppliers of funds to business firm, the

availability of bank credit at affordable rates is of crucial importance for the level of

investments of the firms, and consequently, for the health of the economy. In situation of

increased concentration, the possibility of rising costs of credits is reflected by a

reduction of the demand for bank loans and the level of business investments. The effect

multiplies many folds in as much as bank management capitalizes on the market share

concentration factor.

However there is a long held view that market power is necessary to ensure stability in

banking. Banks that are profitable and well-capitalized are best positioned to withstand

shocks to their balance sheet. Hence banks with market power, and the resulting profits,

are considered to be more stable Northoctt (2004). Large banks with market power have

typically been viewed as having incentives that minimize their risk-taking behavior and

improve the quality of their assets (the screening theories). Keeley (1990) as cited by

Northoctt (2004) argues that the rise in bank failures in the United States during the

1980s was due in part to an increase in competition in the banking industry. Flamini et al

(2009) noted that if high returns are the consequence of market power, this implies some

degree of inefficiency in the provision of financial services. In this case it should prompt

policymakers to introduce measures to lower risk, remove bank entry barriers if they

exist, as well as other obstacles to competition, and reexamine regulatory costs. But bank

profits are also an important source for equity. If bank profits are reinvested, this should

lead to safer banks, and, consequently high profits could promote financial stability.

Tregenna (2009) using a sample of USA commercial banks and savings institutions from

1995 to 2005 and a linear regression panel model, found robust evidence that

concentration increases profitability in USA banks and then concluded than the high

profitability of banks in the USA before the 2007/2008 financial crisis was not earned

through efficient processes, but through market power and the profits were not reinvested

to strengthen the capital base of the financial institutions. Nzongang and Atemnkeng

(2000) examined the effects of concentration to the profitability of Cameroonian

commercial banks from 1987 to 1999. Unlike Tregenna (2009), who used the

concentration ratio of the 3 largest banks in the USA to model market concentration,

Nzongang and Atemnkeng (2000) used the Herfindahl-Hirschman index to measure

market concentration in Cameroon. The results indicate that market concentration power

is of paramount importance in the determination of bank profitability.

Olweny & Shipho (2011) studied the effects of banking sectoral factors on the

profitability of commercial banks in Kenya. The first objective of this study was to

determine and evaluate the effects of bank-specific factors; Capital adequacy, Asset

quality, liquidity, operational cost efficiency and income diversification on the

profitability of commercial banks in Kenya. The second objective was to determine and

evaluate the effects of market structure factors; foreign ownership and market

concentration, on the profitability of commercial banks in Kenya. This study adopted an

explanatory approach by using panel data research design to fulfill the above objectives.

Annual financial statements of 38 Kenyan commercial banks from 2002 to 2008 were

obtained from the CBK and Banking Survey 2009. The data was analyzed using multiple

linear regressions method. The analysis showed that all the bank specific factors had a

statistically significant impact on profitability, while none of the market factors had a

significant impact.

2.5 Summary and Research Gap

The review of literature has revealed that bank financial performance can be influenced

by bank-specific factors and external factors. Bank-specific factors are those factors

within the direct control of managers and can be best explained by the CAMEL

framework, while external factors include industry-specific and macroeconomic factors.

The review of literature also revealed that the multiple linear regressions method is the

most used in modelling the relationship between bank financial performance and its

factors.. Finally, it is clear from the reviewed literature that few local studies have been

dedicated on this particular area of bank performance and that studies that have attempted

to do so have tended to study each factor of performance to the exclusion of other factors.



3.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the research methodology. It contains the research design,

population, sample, data collection and data analysis.

3.2 Research Design

This study adopted an explanatory design. Creswell (2003) noted that the purpose of an

explanatory design is to explain quantitative results. Since the present study aimed to

explain the factors that affect performance of commercial banks, an explanatory design

was deemed the most appropriate for the study.

3.3 Population
The population of this study comprised of all licensed commercial banks in Kenya

between the period of 2001 and 2010. As at 31 December 2011, there were 43 registered

commercial banks comprising of 14 large banks and, 29 small and medium banks

(Appendix 1). A census of the commercial banks in Kenya was carried out.

3.4 Data Collection

The study employed secondary data. The data was collected from the Central Bank of

Kenya and Banking Survey 2011. The Banking Survey is an annual publication that

publishes annual financial statement of all banks in Kenya covering a period 10 years,

while the Central Bank of Kenya publishes annually, major financial indicators of the


3.5 Data Analysis
The collected data was analyzed using descriptive statistics, correlations, multiple linear

regression analysis and inferential statistics. Mean values were used to analyze the

general trends of the data from 2001 to 2010 based on the census (43 banks). Correlation

matrix was used to examine the relationship between the dependent variable and

explanatory variables. Two performance models were therefore tested:

ROA = α + β1 CA + β2 AQ + β3 LIQ + β4 OCE + β5 SIZE + β6 TL/TA + β7 GDP + β8

AIR + β9 ER + e ......................................................................................... (1)

ROE = α + β1 CA + β2 AQ + β3 LIQ + β4 OCE + β5 SIZE + β6 TL/TA + β7 GDP + β8

AIR + β9 ER + e ......................................................................................... (2)

Where: α - Regression constant, β1 – Coefficient of the predictor (CA) and e – error term

The table below presents the measurements that were used to operationalize the study

variables before the application of the linear multiple regression analysis.

Table 3.1: Operationalization of Variables

Variables Measures Symbol
Financial Performance Income/Equity ROE
Income/Assets ROA
Capital Adequacy Total equity/total assets CA
Asset Quality Non-performing loans/gross loans. Higher ratio AQ
indicates poor quality.
Liquidity Current assets/Total deposits LIQ
Operational Cost Operating costs/net operating income. Higher ratio OCE
Efficiency indicates inefficiency.
Size Logarithm of total assets SIZE
Risk Total liabilities/Total Assets. TL/TA
Gross Domestic GDP growth rate GDP
Annual inflation rate The rate of inflation AIR
Exchange rate The rate of foreign exchange to the dollar ER
Source: Author (2012)

A multiple linear regression model and t-statistic was used to determine the relative

importance of each independent variable in influencing performance. The t-statistic was

used to test the hypotheses at a maximum of 5% significance level. The multiple linear

regressions model is shown on the equation below. This model was run using SPSS

version 20.

4.2 Introduction
This chapter presents the results of the study. Data was analysed for a period of ten years

and the descriptive results are shown in section 4.2. The correlation analysis and

regression analysis results are presented in section 4.3. Section 4.4 presents the

discussion of findings.

4.2 Descriptive Analysis Results

Table 4.1 shows the descriptive statistics results for the variables used in the study. The

results are shown in terms of minimum, maximum, mean, and standard deviation.

Table 4.1: Descriptive Statistics on Dependent and Independent Variables

Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
Return on Equity .83 1.13 .9609 .09175
Return on Assets .11 .15 .1280 .01107
Capital Adequacy .12 .15 .1336 .01015
Asset Quality .05 .33 .1675 .10201
Liquidity .33 .52 .4289 .05865
Operating Cost Efficiency .54 .65 .5888 .03058
Size 12.86 14.38 13.52 .52982
Risk .85 .89 .8696 .01239
GDP .30 6.90 4.13 2.2183
Annual Inflation Rate 2.00 26.20 10.31 6.6965
Exchange Rate 67.32 79.23 75.315 4.3333
Source: Research Findings

Table 4.1 reveals that ROE ranged from 0.83 to 1.13 with a mean of 0.96 and a standard

deviation of 0.09. From Figure 4.1 below, it can be observed that the ROE generally fell

over the period of study from 2001 – 2010. Thus the performance of banks in terms of

ROE has been declining over the years.

Figure 4.1: Trend of Return on Equity of Commercial Banks 2001 – 2010







2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Source: Research Findings

Table 4.1 shows that return on assets (ROA) ranged from 0.11 to 0.15 with a mean of

0.12 and a standard deviation of 0.01. As can be observed from Figure 4.2 below, there

was a general fall in return on assets from 2001 – 2010. This means that performance of

banks in terms of ROA has been declining over the years.

Figure 4.2: Trend of Return on Assets of Commercial Banks 2001 – 2010






2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Source: Research Findings

Table 4.1 shows that capital adequacy ratios (measured as total equity divided by total

assets) ranged from 0.12 to 0.15 with a mean of 0.13 and a standard deviation of 0.01.

Figure 4.3 shows the trend analysis of capital adequacy of banks and the results show that

it has been improving over the years. The improvement in this ratio can be attributed to

the strict guidelines provided by the Central Bank of Kenya and the Basel requirements.

Figure 4.3: Trend of Capital Adequacy of Commercial Banks 2001 – 2010






2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Source: Research Findings

Table 4.1 also shows that asset quality (measured as the ratio of non-performing loans to

gross loans) ranged from 0.05 to 0.33 with a mean of 0.16 and a standard deviation of

0.10. Figure 4.4 shows the trend analysis of the asset quality. As shown, the asset quality

has improved over the years as the ratio has been declining meaning that non-performing

loans have been reducing as the gross loans have grown over the years.

Figure 4.4: Trend of Asset Quality of Commercial Banks 2001 – 2010








2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Source: Research Findings

Table 4.1 shows that liquidity (measured as the ratio of current assets to total deposits)

ranged from 0.33 to 0.52 with a mean of 0.42 and a standard deviation of 0.05. Figure 4.5

shows the trend of liquidity over the years and as it can be observed, this ratio has also

been declining. Since this measure was intended to gauge how quickly banks can respond

to demands for cash from their depositors, it means that banks have become less liquid

over the years. This could mean that banks may not be able to promptly settle their

obligations with depositors.

Figure 4.5: Trend of Liquidity of Commercial Banks 2001 – 2010





2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Source: Research Findings

Table 4.1 further shows that Operating Cost Efficiency (measured as the ratio of

operating costs to net operating income) ranged from 0.54 to 0.65 with a mean of 0.58

and a standard deviation of 0.03. The trend of operating cost efficiency is also shown in

Figure 4.6. As shown, there was a general decline in this ratio. Since lower ratios mean

better efficiency, this means that banks have improved their efficiency over the years.

Figure 4.6: Operating Cost of Efficiency of Commercial Banks 2001 – 2010








2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Source: Research Findings

Table 4.1 also shows that size (measured as the natural logarithm of total assets) ranged

from 12.86 to 14.38 with a mean of 13.52 and a standard deviation of 0.52. Figure 4.7

shows the trend of bank size over the period. The results show that there was a general

rise in bank size over the period of study. Size of banks rose steadily over the period of


Figure 4.7: Trend of Size of Commercial Banks 2001 – 2010






2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Source: Research Findings

Table 4.1 shows that risk (measured as total liabilities divided by the total assets) ranged

from 0.85 to 0.89 with a mean of 0.86 and a standard deviation of 0.01. The results in

Figure 4.8 show the trend of risk of commercial banks over the period of analysis. As the

results show, there was a general decline in risk of commercial banks. This can be

attributed to better management of the banks.

Figure 4.8: Trend of Risk of Commercial Banks 2001 – 2010








2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Source: Research Findings

Table 4.1 further shows that GDP rate ranged from 0.30 to 6.90 with a mean of 4.13 and

a standard deviation of 2.21. Figure 4.9 shows the trend of growth rate over the period.

As shown, there was a general rise in GDP growth rate over the period of analysis. Thus,

the economy has been improving over the period under study.

Figure 4.9: Trend of GDP Growth Rate 2001 – 2010

2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Source: Research Findings

Table 4.1 shows that inflation rate ranged from 2 to 26.2 with a mean of 10.31 and a

standard deviation of 6.69. From Figure 10, it can be observed that there was a general

rise in inflation.

Figure 4.10: Trend of Annual Inflation Rate 2001 – 2010





2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Source: Research Findings

Table 4.1 also shows that exchange rate (dollar to shilling) ranged from 67.32 to 79.23

with a mean of 75.31 and a standard deviation of 4.33. Figure 4.11 also shows the trend

of exchange rate over the period of analysis.

Figure 4.11: Trend of Exchange Rate 2001 – 2010
2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Source: Research Findings

As shown, over the period of analysis, there was a general fall in exchange rates

suggesting that the shilling grew stronger over the period of analysis.

4.3 Correlation and Regression Results

Table 4.2 shows the results of correlation analysis. The correlation analysis was done for

all the independent variables in the study. These were capital adequacy, asset quality,

liquidity, operating cost efficiency, size, risk, GDP, inflation rate, and exchange rate. This

analysis was carried out in order to determine whether there were serial correlations

between these variables. As serial correlations are a problem when performing regression

analysis, this preliminary test was carried out first. The results show that there was a very

high and significant correlation between asset quality and liquidity (R = .812), asset

quality and size (R = - .947) and asset quality and risk (R = .926). Size was also highly

and significantly correlated with risk (R = .960). There is therefore serial autocorrelations

between some of the variables and asset quality is therefore dropped from the regression

model since it is highly correlated to three of the variables in the study.

Table 4.2: Correlation Matrix of Independent Variables
CA Pearson Correlation 1 -.546 -.220 -.449 .731* -.600 .200 -.015 -.023
Sig. (2-tailed) .102 .541 .192 .016 .066 .579 .967 .950
AQ Pearson Correlation 1 .812** .754* -.947** .926** -.258 -.414 .487
Sig. (2-tailed) .004 .012 .000 .000 .471 .234 .153
LIQ Pearson Correlation 1 .658* -.646* .598 -.276 -.752* .680*
Sig. (2-tailed) .039 .044 .068 .441 .012 .030
OCE Pearson Correlation 1 -.695* .687* -.523 -.460 .462
Sig. (2-tailed) .026 .028 .121 .181 .179
Size Pearson Correlation 1 -.960** .131 .276 -.273
Sig. (2-tailed) .000 .718 .440 .446
Risk Pearson Correlation 1 -.089 -.188 .237
Sig. (2-tailed) .806 .603 .510
GDP Pearson Correlation 1 -.084 -.234
Sig. (2-tailed) .818 .515
AIR Pearson Correlation 1 -.661*
Sig. (2-tailed) .037
ER Pearson Correlation 1
Sig. (2-tailed)
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).
Source: Research Findings

Table 4.3 shows the regression results for the determinants of bank performance as

modelled by two models – ROE and ROA. Significance of the relationships is shown in


Table 4.3: Determinants of Financial Performance of Banks in Kenya

Return on Equity Return on Assets
Constant -1.192 -0.248
Capital Adequacy -1.727 (.778) .777 (.393)
Liquidity 1.947 (.468) .262 (.422)
Operating Cost Efficiency 1.175 (.772) .193 (.690)
Size .048 (.894) .004 (.918)
Risk .926 (.959) .065 (.975)
GDP .002 (.790) .001 (.890)
Inflation .007 (.754) .001 (.664)
Exchange rate -0.009 (.424) -0.001 (.402)
R .976 .978
R .953 .956
F 2.536 (.452) 2.735 (.438)
Source: Research Findings

The study found that the independent variables had a very high correlation with ROE and

ROA (R = 0.976 and 0.978 respectively). The results also show that the variables

accounted for 95.3% of the variance in ROE (R2 = 0.953) and 95.6% of the variance in

ROA (R2 = 0.956). ANOVA results show that the F statistics were insignificant at 5%

level. This means that none of the performance models was fit to explain the


As the results show, capital adequacy and exchange rate had negative effects on ROE (β

= - 1.727 and - 0.009 respectively) but these effects were not significant at 5% level. The

rest of the variables (liquidity, operating cost efficiency, size, risk, GDP, and inflation)

had positive effects on ROE but none of these effects were significant at 5% level.

The results also show that exchange rate had a negative effect on ROA (β = - 0.001) but

this relationship was not significant at 5% level. Further, capital adequacy, liquidity,

operating cost efficiency, size, risk, GDP and inflation rate had positive effects on ROA.

These effects were however not significant at 5% level.

4.4 Interpretation of Findings

The study found that capital adequacy had a negative effect on ROE. This means that

lower capital adequacy ratios led to higher ROE. On the other hand, the results showed

that capital adequacy had a positive influence on ROA suggesting that higher capital

adequacy ratios translated to higher ROA. Since both effects were insignificant, it can be

concluded that bank financial performance is not influenced by capital adequacy.

Liquidity had a positive impact on both ROA and ROE. These results suggest that higher

liquidity led to better firm performance. But these results were not significant hence lead

to the conclusion that bank financial performance is not influenced by liquidity.

Operating cost efficiency had a positive effect on ROE as well as on ROA. The results

suggest that higher OCE led to better firm performance. The effects were however not

significant hence lead to the conclusion that bank financial performance is not influenced

by OCE.

Size was found to be positively correlated with both ROA and ROE. This suggests that

larger banks performed better than smaller banks. The results were not significant hence

lead to the conclusion that bank financial performance is not influenced by size.

The study also found that risk had a positive effect on both ROA and ROE. The results

mean that higher bank risk lead to higher bank performance. These results were however

insignificant hence lead to the conclusion that bank financial performance is not

influenced by risk levels.

The effect of macroeconomic factors on bank financial performance was also tested.

GDP and inflation had positive effects on both ROE and ROA. The results mean that

higher GDP growth as well as higher inflation rates leads to better bank performance.

These results were not significant and therefore indicate that bank financial performance

is not influenced by either GDP or inflation rate.

The study also found that exchange rate had a negative effect on both ROE and ROA.

The results mean that lower exchange rates (stronger shilling) lead to better bank

performance. These results were insignificant and therefore mean that bank financial

performance is not influenced by exchange rates.

This study did not find any statistically significant effects of the factors studied on the

performance of banks. This is a sharp contrast with the findings of Olweny and Shipho

(2011) who found that bank specific factors (capital adequacy, asset quality, liquidity,

and operational cost efficiency) significantly influenced bank profitability.

These results can be attributed to the way the data analysis was carried out in this study.

While the previous study used individual data from each of the banks (cross-sectional

approach), the present study used aggregate data for all the banks for each year (a

longitudinal approach). Secondly, this study covered a period beginning 2001 – 2010 (a

ten year period) while the previous study covered 2002 to 2008 (7 year period).

5.1 Introduction
This chapter presents the summary of the study in section 5.2, conclusion in 5.3,

recommendations in 5.4, limitations of the study in 5.5, and suggestions for further

research in 5.6.

5.2 Summary
This study was designed to examine the determinants of financial performance of

commercial banks in Kenya. In order to achieve this, the research was designed as an

explanatory study. The population was all the 43 commercial banks by December 2011.

All the banks were used in the study. A ten year secondary data from 2001 to 2010 was

collected from Banking Survey and the Central Bank of Kenya. Descriptive analysis,

correlation analysis and regression analysis were used to perform the data analysis.

Significance was tested at 5% level.

The study found that there was a general fall in both ROA and ROE over the sample

period. Over the same period, capital adequacy, total assets (size), GDP, and inflation

rose while asset quality, liquidity, operating cost efficiency, risk, and exchange rates fell.

The regression results showed that capital adequacy and exchange rates were negatively

correlated with ROE while liquidity, operating cost efficiency, size, risk, GDP, and

inflation had a positive influence on ROE. Overall, the independent variables accounted

for 95.3% of the variance in ROE.

Further, the results revealed that exchange rate was negatively related with ROA while

capital adequacy, liquidity, operating cost efficiency, size, risk, GDP, and inflation had

positive effects on ROA. It was noted that the independent variables accounted for 95.6%

of the variance in ROA. However, none of these effects were significant at 5% level of

confidence. None of the models was also significant at 5%. .

5.3 Conclusion
The study concludes that none of the determinants tested in this study had a significant

influence on the financial performance of commercial banks in Kenya. As the study

found out, though most of the variables had a positive effect on performance as measured

by ROA and ROE, none of the effects were statistically significant at 5% level of

confidence. Further, even though the variables studied accounted for more than 95% of

the variance in bank performance, they were not significant influencers of bank

performance in Kenya.

5.4 Recommendations for Policy

The study recommends that there is need for commercial banks to improve their

performance in terms of their ROEs and ROAs. There has been a general decline in

performance on these two specific ratios and it is clear that the overall performance has

been sliding down.

The study also recommends that banks should improve on their liquidity more so the

ability of the banks to promptly repay the depositors. As the results show, this ability has

been steadily declining over the years and it is important that the banks maintain a certain

minimum for this.

5.5 Limitations of the Study

This study focuses on commercial banks. The results are therefore applicable only to

commercial banks and any attempt to generalise findings to other firms outside this scope

should be approached with care.

Secondly, the study focused on determinants of financial performance of banks as a

concept. The interpretation of these results should therefore be limited to the concept and

by extension to the model used in the study.

Lastly, this study is country specific to Kenya. The study therefore suffers from the

limitation of country specific studies. The results are therefore applicable only to Kenya

and any attempt to generalise findings to other countries should be approached with care.

5.6 Suggestions for Further Research

This study can be replicated in other industries to establish what the determinants of firm

performance are. Thus studies can be done in other sectors of the economy such as

manufacturing sector to determine the firm specific factors that influence their


There is also need to carry out the same study in the banking industry in Kenya but by

employing a different model and approach in order to test the determinants of bank

financial performance. This is because the variables in this study failed to influence bank


The study also suggests that another study be done in the banking industry covering a

longer period of time in order to establish trends and determine what factors influence

bank performance.


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Appendix 1: List of Commercial Banks in Kenya

Name of Bank Name of Bank

1 African Banking Corporation Ltd. 26 Habib Bank AG Zurich

2 Bank of Africa Kenya Ltd 27 Habib Bank Limited
3 Bank of Baroda (K) Ltd. 28 Housing Finance Co Ltd
4 Bank of India 29 I & M Bank Ltd.
5 Barclays Bank Ltd 30 Imperial Bank Ltd.
6 CFC Stanbic Holdings Ltd 31 Kenya Commercial Bank Ltd
7 Chase Bank 32 K-Rep Bank
8 Citibank N.A Kenya 33 Middle East Bank Kenya
9 City Finance Bank (Jamii Bora) 34 National Bank of Kenya Ltd
10 Commercial Bank of Africa Ltd. 35 NIC Bank Ltd
11 Consolidated Bank 36 Oriental Commercial Bank Limited
12 Credit Bank 37 Paramount Bank
13 Development Bank 38 Prime Bank
14 Diamond Trust Bank Kenya Ltd 39 Standard Chartered Bank Ltd
15 Dubai Bank 40 The Co-operative Bank of Kenya Ltd
16 Ecobank 41 Trans National Bank Limited
17 Equatorial Commercial Bank 42 UBA Kenya Bank Limited
18 Equity Bank Ltd 43 Victoria Commercial Bank
19 Family Bank
20 Fidelity Bank
21 Fina Bank Ltd
22 First community Bank Limited
23 Giro commercial
24 Guardian Bank
25 Gulf African Bank

Source: Central Bank of Kenya website ( www.centralbank.go.ke )

Appendix 2: Data Analysis Output from SPSS
Summary Descriptive Statistics

N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation

Return on equity 10 .83 1.13 .9609 .09175

Return on assets 10 .11 .15 .1280 .01107
Capital adequacy 10 .12 .15 .1336 .01015
Asset quality 10 .05 .33 .1675 .10201
Liquidity 10 .33 .52 .4289 .05865
Operating cost efficiency 10 .54 .65 .5888 .03058
Size 10 12.86 14.38 13.5182 .52982
Risk 10 .85 .89 .8696 .01239
GDP 10 .30 6.90 4.1300 2.21813
AIR 10 2.00 26.20 10.3100 6.69651
ER 10 67.32 79.23 75.3150 4.33332
Valid N (listwise) 10

Correlation Matrix for the Independent Variables
Capital Asset Liquidity Operating Size Risk GDP AIR ER
adequacy quality cost
Pearson * - -
1 -.546 -.220 -.449 .731 -.600 .200
Correlation .015 .023
Sig. (2-
adequacy .102 .541 .192 .016 .066 .579 .967 .950
N 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Pearson ** * - ** - -
-.546 1 .812 .754 ** .926 .487
Correlation .947 .258 .414
Sig. (2-
quality .102 .004 .012 .000 .000 .471 .234 .153
N 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Pearson ** * - - - *
-.220 .812 1 .658 * .598 * .680
Correlation .646 .276 .752
Liquidity Sig. (2-
.541 .004 .039 .044 .068 .441 .012 .030
N 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Pearson * * - * - -
-.449 .754 .658 1 * .687 .462
Operating Correlation .695 .523 .460
cost Sig. (2-
.192 .012 .039 .026 .028 .121 .181 .179
efficiency tailed)
N 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Pearson * ** * * - -
.731 -.947 -.646 -.695 1 ** .131 .276
Correlation .960 .273
Size Sig. (2-
.016 .000 .044 .026 .000 .718 .440 .446
N 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Pearson ** * - - -
-.600 .926 .598 .687 ** 1 .237
Correlation .960 .089 .188
Risk Sig. (2-
.066 .000 .068 .028 .000 .806 .603 .510
N 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Pearson - -
.200 -.258 -.276 -.523 .131 -.089 1
Correlation .084 .234
GDP Sig. (2-
.579 .471 .441 .121 .718 .806 .818 .515
N 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Pearson * - -
-.015 -.414 -.752 -.460 .276 -.188 1 *
Correlation .084 .661
AIR Sig. (2-
.967 .234 .012 .181 .440 .603 .818 .037
N 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
Pearson * - -
-.023 .487 .680 .462 -.273 .237 * 1
Correlation .234 .661
ER Sig. (2-
.950 .153 .030 .179 .446 .510 .515 .037
N 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10
*. Correlation is significant at the 0.05 level (2-tailed).
**. Correlation is significant at the 0.01 level (2-tailed).

Model summary for determinants of ROE
Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Square Estimate
1 .976 .953 .577 .05965

a. Predictors: (Constant), ER, Capital adequacy, GDP, Risk, AIR,

Operating cost efficiency, Liquidity, Size

ANOVA for ROE model

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression .072 8 .009 2.536 .452

1 Residual .004 1 .004

Total .076 9

a. Dependent Variable: Return on equity

b. Predictors: (Constant), ER, Capital adequacy, GDP, Risk, AIR, Operating cost efficiency,
Liquidity, Size

Coefficients for the ROE model

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta

(Constant) -1.192 13.479 -.088 .944

Capital adequacy -1.727 4.740 -.191 -.364 .778

Liquidity 1.947 1.762 1.245 1.105 .468

Operating cost efficiency 1.175 3.137 .392 .375 .772

1 Size .048 .286 .277 .168 .894

Risk .926 14.401 .125 .064 .959

GDP .002 .037 .043 .048 .970

AIR .007 .017 .513 .407 .754

ER -.009 .007 -.425 -1.274 .424

a. Dependent Variable: Return on equity

Excluded variable in the ROE model
Model Beta In t Sig. Partial Collinearity
Correlation Statistics

1 Asset quality -1822.075 . . -1.000 1.415E-008

a. Dependent Variable: Return on equity

b. Predictors in the Model: (Constant), ER, Capital adequacy, GDP, Risk, AIR, Operating cost
efficiency, Liquidity, Size

Regression analysis summary for ROA model

Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of the
Square Estimate
1 .978 .956 .607 .00694

a. Predictors: (Constant), ER, Capital adequacy, GDP, Risk, AIR,

Operating cost efficiency, Liquidity, Size

ANOVA for ROA model

Model Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression .001 8 .000 2.735 .438

1 Residual .000 1 .000

Total .001 9

a. Dependent Variable: Return on assets

b. Predictors: (Constant), ER, Capital adequacy, GDP, Risk, AIR, Operating cost efficiency,
Liquidity, Size

Coefficients for ROA model
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta

(Constant) -.248 1.568 -.158 .900

Capital adequacy .777 .552 .713 1.410 .393

Liquidity .262 .205 1.391 1.280 .422

Operating cost efficiency .193 .365 .534 .529 .690

1 Size .004 .033 .207 .130 .918

Risk .065 1.676 .073 .039 .975

GDP .001 .004 .151 .175 .890

AIR .001 .002 .709 .583 .664

ER -.001 .001 -.440 -1.368 .402

a. Dependent Variable: Return on assets

Excluded variables in the ROA model

Model Beta In t Sig. Partial Collinearity
Correlation Statistics

1 Asset quality -1757.584 . . -1.000 1.415E-008

a. Dependent Variable: Return on assets

b. Predictors in the Model: (Constant), ER, Capital adequacy, GDP, Risk, AIR, Operating cost
efficiency, Liquidity, Size


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