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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer: Ahmad Fakheri

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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 76 (2014) 99–104

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International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer

journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ijhmt

Efficiency analysis of heat exchangers and heat exchanger networks

Ahmad Fakheri ⇑
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Bradley University, Peoria, IL 61625, United States

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The concept of heat exchanger efficiency eliminates the need for charts, or complicated performance
Received 23 February 2014 expressions, providing a convenient approach for solving heat exchanger rating, and sizing problems,
Received in revised form 10 April 2014 as well as network of heat exchangers. The efficiency of all heat exchangers is determined from a single
Accepted 10 April 2014
algebraic expression. This paper is comprehensive, and streamlined presentation of the approach. It also
Available online 14 May 2014
provides a new expression for solving sizing problems, provides a closed form expression for determining
the minimum number of heat exchangers needed when one cannot meet the design specifications,
presents a new methodology for analyzing network of heat exchangers connected in series, and provides
Heat exchangers
closed form expressions for determining the size and the rate of heat transfer in individual heat
Heat exchanger efficiency exchangers of a network.
LMTD Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Heat exchanger networks

1. Introduction the ratio of the actual rate of heat transfer in the heat exchanger,
q, and the optimal rate of heat transfer, qopt,
Consider a heat exchanger where the hot fluid with capacity Ch q q
enters at T1 and leaves at T2. The cold fluid with capacity Cc enters g¼ ¼ ð1Þ
qopt U AðT  tÞ
at t1 and exits at t2. The heat exchanger area is A, and the overall
average heat transfer coefficient is U, and is assumed to be a The optimum (maximum) rate of the heat transfer is the product of
constant, independent of temperature. Traditionally, two different UA of the heat exchanger under consideration and the Arithmetic
methods have been used for analyzing heat exchangers: the Mean Temperature Difference (AMTD) in the heat exchanger
Log Mean Temperature Difference (LMTD); and Effectiveness
T 1 þ T 2 t1 þ t2
NTU-method (e-NTU) [1,2]. The LMTD method is generally used AMTD ¼ T  t ¼  ð2Þ
2 2
for solving heat exchanger problems where the inlet and the exit
temperatures are known and the size of the heat exchanger is to which is the difference between the average temperatures of hot
be determined (sizing problems). The reverse problem is called and cold fluids. The optimum heat transfer rate takes place in a
the rating problem where the size of the heat exchanger and the balanced counter flow heat exchanger [4]. The rate of heat transfer
inlet temperatures are known and the heat transfer rate and the in any heat exchanger for the same UA and AMTD is always less than
fluid exit temperatures are sought. The rating problem is typically the optimum value of the heat transfer rate ðg 6 1Þ.
analyzed using e-NTU approach. Fakheri [3] recently proposed a The heat transfer in a heat exchanger can be calculated from
third method for analyzing heat exchangers by defining the
q ¼ gNTUC min ðT  tÞ ð3Þ
concept of heat exchanger efficiency.
Heat exchanger efficiency can be used to conveniently analyze The amount of heat transfer is also equal to
different heat exchanger design problems, including the network q ¼ C min DT max ¼ C max DT min ð4Þ
of heat exchangers without the need for charts, or complicated
performance expressions. Efficiency provides a clear and intuitive Note that some authors use DT min and DT max to refer to the temper-
measure of how well a system is performing by showing how close ature changes of the fluids with smaller and larger capacities,
it comes to the best that it can be and if further improvements are respectively, which is opposite of how it is used here.
feasible and justified. The heat exchanger efficiency is defined as The efficiency of all heat exchangers can be expressed as [2]

⇑ Tel.: +1 3096772719. g¼ ð5Þ
E-mail address: ahmad@bradley.edu

0017-9310/Ó 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
100 A. Fakheri / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 76 (2014) 99–104


A surface area, m2 qopt optimum heat transfer rate qopt ¼ UAðT  tÞ
AMTD Arithmetic Mean Temperature Difference; AMTD T1 hot fluid inlet temperature
¼ ðT 1 þT
 t1 þt 2 
2 Þ ¼ ðT  tÞ T2 hot fluid exit temperature
Cc _ p Þc
heat capacity of the cold fluid C c ¼ ðmC t1 cold fluid inlet temperature
Ch _ p Þh
heat capacity of the hot fluid C h ¼ ðmC t2 cold fluid exit temperature
Cmin =min[Ch, Cc] T average temperature of the hot fluid T ¼ T 1 þT2

Cmax =max[Ch, Cc] t t

average temperature of the cold fluid t ¼ 2 1 þt 2

Cr capacity ratio C r ¼ CCmaxmin

DT =T1  T2
Fa Fin analogy number Eq. (6) Dt =t2  t1
m Fa coefficient given in Table 1 DTmax =max[DT, Dt]
n Fa coefficient given in Table 1 DTmin =min[DT, Dt]
N number of shells U overall heat transfer coefficient, W/m2 K
NTU number of transfer units NTU ¼ CUAmin
g heat exchanger efficiency
q rate of heat transfer; q ¼ U AgðT  tÞ

which is the same form as the efficiency of a constant area insulated 1

T  t ¼ ð2T 1  ðT 1  T 2 Þ  2t 1  ðt2  t 1 ÞÞ
tip fin. Fin Analogy number, Fa, is a nondimensional group that 2
characterizes the performance of different heat exchangers and q 1 1 q
¼ T 1  t1  þ ¼ T 1  t1  ð1 þ C r Þ ð9Þ
can be written as 2 Ch Cc 2C min
Fa ¼ ð1 þ mC nr Þn ð6Þ Substituting for q from Eq. (3) and solving for the mean temperature
2 difference results in
and therefore the efficiency of all heat exchangers can be deter-
T 1  t1
mined from T  t ¼ ð10Þ
h i ð1 þ C r Þ
1 1 þ NTU g
tanh NTU
ð1 þ mC nr Þn 2
g¼ 1
ð7Þ Everything on the right hand side of the Eq. (10) is known, allowing
ð1 þ mC nr Þn
2 the determination of the mean temperature difference, which can
the values of m and n are given in Table 1 for different heat exchan- then be substituted in Eq. (3) to determine heat transfer, and subse-
ger types. The values for cross flow heat exchangers are approxi- quently the exit temperatures of hot and cold fluids. Alternatively a
mate and have been obtained by using regression analysis [5]. direct expression for determining heat transfer in the heat exchan-
The LMTD correction factor, the heat exchanger effectiveness, ger can be determined by substitution from Eq. (10) into Eq. (3)
and heat exchanger efficiency are all derived from the same basic T 1  t1
set of equations and therefore can be related to each other. For q ¼ C min ð11Þ
1 ð1 þ C r Þ
example, efficiency is related to heat exchanger effectiveness Fak- þ
gNTU 2
heri [6] through
Note that the term in the denominator of Eq. (11) is the inverse of
1 1
g¼ ð8Þ the heat exchanger effectiveness.
NTU 1 ð1 þ C r Þ

e 2
3. Sizing problem
Eq. (8) is a general expression that can be used to determine the
efficiency of any heat exchanger, when its effectiveness is known. When the fluid capacities and their inlet and exit temperatures
are known or can be determined, then determining the size of the
2. Rating problem heat exchanger becomes the objective. This type of problem is
called heat exchanger sizing problem. The heat transfer and the
If the size of the heat exchanger, the fluid capacities, and the temperature difference are known, then from Eq. (3)
inlet temperatures are known, then the objective is to determine q
the exit temperatures. This type of problem is called heat exchan- NTU g ¼ ð12Þ
C min ðT  tÞ
ger rating problem. In Eq. (3) all the terms on the right hand side
are known, except the mean temperature difference. Rearranging From Eq. (5)
Eq. (2) and substituting for the change in temperature of hot and  
1 Fa
cold fluids from Eq. (6) results in Fa ¼ tanh gNTU ð13Þ
Table 1
Substituting for gNTU from Eq. (12) and for Fa from Eq. (6) results in
Fin analogy number parameters for different heat exchangers.
" 1 #
HX type m n 1 q ð1 þ mC nr Þn
Fa ¼ tanh ð14Þ
Counter flow 1 1 C min ðT  tÞ 2
Parallel 1 1
Single stream (Cr = 0) 1 1 Substituting for q and capacity ratio from Eq. (6) into Eq. (14)
Single shell and tube 1. 2 2   n 1n 3
Cross flow, Cmax unmixed, Cmin mixed 1.2 4.4 DT min
Cross flow, Cmax mixed, Cmin unmixed 1.35 4.02 1 6 DT max
1 þ m DT max 7
Cross flow, both mixed 1.2 2
Fa ¼ tanh 6 4ðT  tÞ
5 ð15Þ
Cross flow, both unmixed 0.1 0.37
A. Fakheri / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 76 (2014) 99–104 101

and simplifying, results in This simple equation provides the overall efficiency of a system
" 1n # composed of two or more heat exchangers. As the number of heat
1 DT nmax þ mDT nmin exchangers is increased, the efficiency of the individual heat
Fa ¼ tanh ð16Þ
2ðT  tÞ exchangers approaches one, and the overall system becomes equiv-
alent to using a single counter flow heat exchanger.
Therefore, when inlet and exit temperatures are known, the Fin The minimum number of heat exchangers needed to have a fea-
analogy number can be obtained from Eq. (16), and the efficiency sible design is the next integer higher than the value on the right
can be calculated from Eq. (5). Since the heat transfer is known, hand side of Eq. (20) [7].
the area of the heat exchanger can be calculated.  
Thus both types of heat exchanger problems can be directly and Fa 2 1 DT max ð1  C r Þ
N> tanh ð20Þ
conveniently solved using the concept of heat exchanger efficiency, NTU ð1  C r Þ T  t 2
without any need to charts or complicated equations, using the
same general expression for efficiency. The steps for solving both Using Eqs. (6) and (4), Eq. (20) can be written in terms of design
problems are shown in Table 2, and an example for each problem temperatures
type is given in Appendix. 1 " #
ðDT nmax þ mDT nmax Þn 1 DT max  DT min
N> tanh ð21Þ
DT max  DT min 2ðT  tÞ
4. Heat exchangers connected in series
This provides only the minimum number of heat exchangers
There are instances, when one heat exchanger will not be able needed for a feasible solution and not necessarily an optimum solu-
to meet the design specifications. From Eq. (16), in order for a fea- tion. In fact, the system with the overall minimum area would
sible solution to exist require more than the minimum.
 1n To determine the size of individual heat exchanger, consider the
DT nmax þ mDT nmin
<1 ð17Þ network shown in Fig. 1. If DT i and Dti are the temperature changes
2ðT  tÞ of hot and cold fluids across the ith heat exchanger, then
If this condition is not met, the design will require the use of more qi ¼ C h ðDT i Þ ¼ C c ðDti Þ ð22Þ
than one heat exchanger. If N identical heat exchangers are con-
nected in series, as shown in Fig. 1, then the overall efficiency of
the system is given by [7]
qi ¼ U i Ai gi ðT i  ti Þ ð23Þ
( )N Substituting for average temperatures and noting that
1  NTUð1C

2 1 þ NTUð1C rÞ
g1 T iþ1 ¼ T i  DT i
g¼ (
)N ð18Þ ð24Þ
NTUð1  C r Þ NTUð1C r Þ t iþ1 ¼ t i  Dti
1  2N g1

1 þ NTUð1C

g1 Then Eq. (23) becomes

An accurate approximation to Eq. (18) for the efficiency of the over- U i Ai gi

qi ¼ ð2T i  DT i  2t i þ Dti Þ ð25Þ
all system is [7] 2
h i
Tanh NTUð1C r Þ
g1 Rearranging Eq. (25) results in
g¼ NTUð1C r Þ
ð19Þ T i  ti
2 DT i ¼ ð26Þ
Table 2 where
Summary of solution methodology for rating and sizing problems.  
Ch 1 Ch
Rating Sizing ci ¼ þ 1 ð27Þ
U i Ai g i 2 Cc
Known Known
C c ; C H ; t1 ; T 1 ; UA; HX Type C c ; C H ; t 1 ; t2 ; T 1 ; T 2 ; HX Type
If the heat exchangers are identical, then all ci are equal. The solu-
Find t2 ; T 2 Find UA
tion can be obtained iteratively and the process is outlined below:
C r ¼ CCmax
min DTmin = min[(t2  t1), (T1  T2)]
DTmax = max[(t2  t1), (T1  T2)]
min 1. Assume a value for N, larger then that given by Eq. (21).

Fa ¼ NTU
ð1þmC nr Þn
Fa ¼ tanh
1 ðDT nmax þmDT nmin Þn 2. Guess a value for U i Ai gi .
2  2ðTtÞ
3. Calculate c from Eq. (27).
g ¼ tanh½Fa g ¼ tanh½Fa
T 1 t 1
Fa 4. For i = 1 to N, solver for DTi from Eq. (25), Dti from Eq. (21), and
T  t ¼ T  t ¼ T 1 þT 2
 t1 þt 2
ð1þC Þ
1þNTU g 2 r 2 2 T iþ1 and tiþ1 from Eq. (24).
q ¼ gUAðT  tÞ q ¼ C h ðT 1  T 2 Þ ¼ C c ðt 2  t 1 Þ 5. If T Nþ1 and t Nþ1 are equal to the known exit temperature of the
T 2 ¼ T 1  Cqh & t 2 ¼ t1 þ Cqc UA ¼ q
hot fluid and inlet temperature of the cold fluid, then solution is
obtained, otherwise go to step 2.
6. With the inlet and exit temperatures of all heat exchangers
known, the rate of heat transfer for each heat exchanger is
T2 Ti+1 TN obtained from Eq. (22), and Fin analogy number and efficiency
t1 t i tN-1 from Eqs. (16) and (5) respectively. Since U i Ai gi is known,
HX1 HX2 t3 HXi HXN-1 HXN t N+1 U A can be calculated for each heat exchanger.
ti+1 tN

T1 T3 Ti TN-1 TN+1 This procedure can be repeated for each assumed value of num-
ber of heat exchangers, and Example 3 of Appendix is a spread-
Fig. 1. A network of heat exchangers connected in series. sheet implementation of the approach for a number of different
102 A. Fakheri / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 76 (2014) 99–104

shells, and as expected as the number of shells increases, the total Appendix A
heat exchanger area decreases.
A direct solution procedure is presented below that provides an The three examples in this appendix demonstrate how heat
explicit equation for determining U i Ai gi needed in step 2, directly, exchanger efficiency is used for sizing, rating and network
avoiding the iterative process. Multiplying both sides of Eq. (26) by problems.
Ch results in
A.1. Example 1 – sizing problem
qi ¼ ðT i  t i Þ ð28Þ
ci Water at a rate of 1.5 kg/s is heated from 25 °C to 100 °C in a
For the i + 1 heat exchanger, this equation becomes finned-tube cross-flow heat exchanger using exhaust gases that
enter at 250 °C and leave at 120 °C. The exhaust gases specific heat
Ch Ch is 1080 J/kg K, and that of water is 4200 J/kg K, and the overall heat
qiþ1 ¼ ðT iþ1  t iþ1 Þ ¼ ðT i  DT i  ti þ Dti Þ ð29Þ
ci ci transfer coefficient based on the gas side surface area is 150 W/
m2 K. Determine the gas side heat exchanger area.
which can be rearranged as

qiþ1 ¼ bqi ð30Þ tl 25

t2 100
where mc 1.5
  cpc 4200
  Ch 1 Ch
C h 1 Ui Ai gi  2 1  C c T1 250
bi ¼ 1  1  ¼   ð31Þ
C c ci Ch
þ 12 1  CChc T2 120
U i Ai g C
ph 1080
This shows the heat transfer in a heat exchanger i + 1 is equal to U 150
that of the previous heat exchanger time a constant, or the heat T  t 122.5
transfer in individual heat exchangers increases geometrically. Cc 6300
The total heat transferred in the N identical heat exchangers is then q 472500
Ch 3634.62
bN  1 Cr 0.58
q ¼ q1 ð32Þ
b1 DTMin 75
DTMax 130
Also, from Eq. (26) m 0.1
T 1  t1 n 0.37
q1 ¼ C h ð33Þ Fa 0.450
g 0.938
Substituting into Eq. (31), and after some algebra UA 4113.6
 1=N A 27.42
1 C1
1  q Tc1 th1 þ 1
U i Ai gi ¼ 1  1 1 1=N ð34Þ
 C1c C
1 þ q Tc1 th1 þ 1 From Table 3, m = 0.1, n = 0.37
ð250 þ 120Þ ð100 þ 25Þ
This equation allows for the direct calculation of UAg of individual T  t ¼  ¼ 122:5
2 2
heat exchangers, for an assumed number of shells. The details of
how the actual size can be determined are shown in Example 3 of q ¼ C c ðt 2  t 1 Þ ¼ 472; 500 W
Ch ¼ ¼ 3634:62 W=K
T1  T2
5. Conclusions
" 1#

Heat exchanger efficiency is a convenient approach for heat ðDT nmax þ mDT nmin Þn
Fa ¼ tanh
exchanger analysis, and can be used to solve rating and sizing 2ðT  tÞ
problems, as well as network of heat exchangers without the need
for charts, or complicated performance expressions. The efficiency C r ¼ 0:58
of all heat exchangers is determined from a single algebraic expres-
For cross-flow heat exchanger with both unmixed
sion. A new expression for direct solution of the sizing problems is
presented. A closed form expression for determining the required tanh½Fa
minimum number of heat exchangers is derived. The paper also
g¼ ¼ 0:938
presents a new methodology for analyzing network of heat
exchangers connected in series, that allows the direct determina- q
A¼ ¼ 27:42 m2
tion of the size of individual heat exchangers, and the rate of heat U gðT  tÞ
transfer in them, which shows the heat transfer rate in consecutive
heat exchangers connected in series increases geometrically.
A.2. Example 2 – sizing problem

Conflict of interest Hot exhaust gases, with a thermal capacity of 3634.62 W/K
enter a finned-tube cross-flow heat exchanger at 250 °C and are
None declared. used to heat water with a thermal capacity of 6300 W/K entering
A. Fakheri / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 76 (2014) 99–104 103

Table 3
Spreadsheet results for calculating the areas of 3 to 7 shell and tube heat exchangers connected in series using the above algorithm.

I UAg c T (°C) t (°C) DT Dt q (W) Fa g UA (W/°C)

N=3 1 4355.28 0.67 410 360 75 90 250493 #NUM! #NUM! #NUM!
Ch (W/°C) 3333.33 2 4355.28 0.67 335 270 98 117 325789 #NUM! #NUM! #NUM!
Cc (W/°C) 2777.78 3 4355.28 0.67 237 153 127 153 423718 #NUM! #NUM! #NUM!
cr 0.83 110 0 1E+06
q 1E+06
N=4 1 3274.64 0.92 410 360 54 65 181569 1.01 0.76 4326.21
2 3274.64 0.92 355.53 294.64 66 80 221130 1.01 0.76 4326.21
3 3274.64 0.918 289 215 81 97 269311 1.01 0.76 4326.21
4 3274.64 0.92 208 118 98 118 327989 1.01 0.76 4326.21
110 SUM = 1E+06 SUM = 17305
N=5 1 2431.45 1.17 410 360 43 51 142337 0.72 0.86 3056.54
2 2431.45 1.1709 367 309 50 60 166649 0.72 0.86 3056.54
3 2431.45 1.17 317 249 59 70 195114 0.72 0.86 3056.54
4 2431.45 1.17 259 179 69 82 228440 0.72 0.86 3056.54
5 2431.45 1.17 190 96 80 96 267459 0.72 0.86 3056.54
110 0 SUM = 1E+06 SUM = 15283
N=6 1 2052.36 1.42 410 360 35 42 117029 0.57 0.91 2415.73
2 2052.36 1.42 375 318 40 48 133464 0.57 0.91 2415.73
3 2052.36 1.42 335 270 46 55 152207 0.57 0.91 2415.73
4 2052.36 1.42 289 215 52 62 173582 0.57 0.91 2415.73
5 2052.36 1.42 237 153 59 71 197959 0.57 0.91 2415.73
6 2052.36 1.42 178 81 68 81 225759 0.57 0.91 2415.73
110 0 SUM = 1E+06 SUM = 14494
N=7 1 1775.41 1.68 410 360 30 36 99354 0.47 0.93 2012.24
2 1775.41 1.68 380 324 33 40 111200 0.47 0.93 2012.24
3 1775.41 1.68 347 284 37 45 124458 0.47 0.93 2012.24
4 1775.41 1.68 309 239 42 50 139296 0.47 0.93 2012.24
5 1775.41 1.68 268 189 47 56 155904 0.47 0.93 2012.24
6 1775.41 1.68 221 133 52 63 174492 0.47 0.93 2012.24
7 1775.41 1.68 169 70 59 70 195296 0.47 0.93 2012.24
110 0 SUM = 1E+06 SUM = 14086

the heat exchanger at 20 °C. The overall heat transfer coefficient T 1  t1 250  20
T  t ¼ ¼
based on the gas side surface area is 150 W/m2 K, and the heat 1 þ NTU g ð1þC rÞ
1 þ 1:13  0:938 ð1þ0:58Þ
2 2
exchanger area is 27.42 m2. Determine the rate of heat transfer.
q ¼ NTU gC min ðT  tÞ ¼ 1:13  0:938  3634:62 ¼ 472; 500 W
tl 25
mc 1.5 q
t2 ¼ t1 þ
cpc 4200 Cc
T1 250
Cc 6300 q
T2 ¼ T1 
cph 1080 Ch
U 150 which are the same as Example 1.
Ch 3634.62
A 27.42
A.3. Example 3 – heat exchanger networks
NTU 1.13
m 0.1
Consider a 106 W of heat is to be removed from a hot stream to
n 0.37
cool it from 410 °C to 110 °C by another stream entering at 0 °C and
Cr 0.58
leaving at 360 °C in a shell and tube heat exchanger. This problem
Fa 0.45
is traditionally solved by trial and error, or by the graphical
g 0.938
approach of ‘‘stepping off’’ [8] which results in a feasible solution
T  t 122.50
requiring three shells.
q 472500
Using Eq. (21)
t2 100
 1 " #
T2 120 DT max n þ mDT nmax n 1 DT max  DT min
N> tanh ¼ 3:08
DT max  DT min 2ðT  tÞ
This is the reverse problem, and an example of a heat exchanger and therefore the minimum number of heat exchangers for which a
rating problem. feasible solution exists is 4.
1 1 The direct solution for 4 shells results in
ð1 þ mC nr Þn ð1  0:1  0:580:37 Þ0:37 h i1=4
Fa ¼ NTU ¼ 1:13 ¼ 0:45 1 1
2 2 2 1  106 3333:33
TanhðFaÞ U i Ai g i ¼ 1 1 h i1=4 ¼ 3274:64
g¼ ¼ 0:938 3333:33
 2777:78 1
1 þ 106 3333:33
þ 1
Fa 410360
104 A. Fakheri / International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 76 (2014) 99–104

From Eq. (27) ci ¼ 3274:64 þ 12 ð1  3333:33
Þ ¼ 0:918 respectively. As can be seen, 3 heat exchangers is not a feasible
solution, and in fact the minimum number of heat exchangers for
410  360
DT i ¼ ¼ 54:47 which a solution exists is 4. As the number of heat exchangers is
increased the total area decreases and asymptotes to the limiting
Ch value of UA = 13141 W/°C which is for a single counter flow heat
Dt i ¼ DT i ¼ 65:36
Cc exchanger.

T 2 ¼ 410  54:47 ¼ 355:53

t 2 ¼ 360  65:36 ¼ 294:64
2 1
3 [1] F.P. Incropera, D. DeWitt, Fundamentals of Heat and Mass Transfer, fourth ed.,
1 4 ð65:362 þ 54:472 Þ2 5 Wiley, 2002.
From Eq. (16) Fa ¼ tanh  ¼ 1:01 [2] W.M. Kays, A.L. London, Compact heat Exchangers, third ed., Krieger Publishing
2 410þ355:53
2 Company, 1984.
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tanh½1:01 1268–1276.
g¼ ¼ 0:76
1:01 [4] A. Fakheri, Arithmetic mean temperature difference and the concept of heat
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0:76 of the 2006 American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International
Mechanical Engineering Congress and Exposition (IMECE), Chicago, IL,
The total U A ¼ 4  4326:21 ¼ 17305 Nov. 5–10, 2006.
[6] Fakheri Ahmad, Intermediate Heat Transfer, CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group,
Table 3 is a spreadsheet that uses the algorithm given above to Boca Raton, FL, 2013.
[7] A. Fakheri, Efficiency and effectiveness of heat exchanger series, J. Heat Transfer
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In all cases, the product of U i Ai gi is varied so that the exit and inlet [8] S. Ahmad, B. Linnhoff, R. Smith, Design of multipass heat exchangers: an
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