Subjects IN Bold Letters ARE Compulsory
Subjects IN Bold Letters ARE Compulsory
Subjects IN Bold Letters ARE Compulsory
1 ECONOMICS At least 2 A/L passes in English, Maths Economics, & any English, Maths
ECONOMICS & any one of two of Geography, further Maths, Economics any one
the following: Statistics, Statistic, Government, History, from Govt. History,
Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Agric Sc. French Geography and
Chemistry, Agric Sc, Business Physics, Lit-in-English. Commerce Lit-in English.
Mgt, Maths, Accounting, is not accepted Commerce is not
History or Government. accepted
2 GEOGRAPHY Two A/L passes in English, Maths Geography, and English, Geography
GEOGRAPHY and any one of any two subjects from Physics, Bio, and any two from
Economics, Govt. History, Econs, Further Maths, Govt. and Economics History,
Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Agric Government Physics,
Agric Sc. Lit-In Eng. Chemistry Biology and
Maths, Agric
3 MASS Only Unilag Diploma in English, Maths, Lit-In- English, English, Lit –in-
COMMUNICATION Mass Comm. Is accepted. and one other Arts or Social Sc. English and any two
Candidate must also satisfy Subject subjects from Arts or
O/L requirements Social Sc.** Maths is
4 POLITICAL Two A/Level passes English, Maths, Government plus English,
SCIENCE including Government or two other subjects from Econs, Government/History
History. Candidates must Geography, Lit-in-English, CRS/IRS plus two Arts or Social
also satisfy the O/L Sciences. **Maths is
requirements accepted
5 PSYCHOLOGY Two A/Level passes in English, Maths, Biology, Plus two English and any three
Science or Social Science. (2) Arts, Science or Social Sciences (3) subjects from
Plus 5 O/L to include maths & Subject. a. Maths/bio/phys/ch
Bio Candidates must also emistry
satisfy the O/L requirements b. Econs/Govt/Lit
6 SOCIOLOGY& Only Unilag foundation English, Maths, Govt. /History English, Plus 2 Social
SOCIAL WORKS programme Is accepted for Plus two Social Science subject and Science Subjects and
D/E. one Arts subject. one Arts Subject
Candidates must also satisfy Acceptable Social Science **Maths is accepted.
the O/L requirements. subjects are Geography, Econs,
and Govt.
Arts Subjects are History, Lit-in-
English, CRS/IRS, Yoruba, Igbo,
Hausa, French