The document is a classroom instruction delivery alignment map (CIDAM) for a Grade 12 Physical Education and Health class. The core subject is Physical Education and Health, which focuses on experiential learning to adopt an active lifestyle. The power standard is for learners to lead dance events with proficiency and confidence, influencing others positively. Content includes traditional folk dance, modern/contemporary dance, ballroom dance, and cheers/hip-hop dance. The performance task is for students to organize a dance concert at the end of the year to demonstrate cross-cultural understanding, collaboration, leadership, and health optimization through dance.
The document is a classroom instruction delivery alignment map (CIDAM) for a Grade 12 Physical Education and Health class. The core subject is Physical Education and Health, which focuses on experiential learning to adopt an active lifestyle. The power standard is for learners to lead dance events with proficiency and confidence, influencing others positively. Content includes traditional folk dance, modern/contemporary dance, ballroom dance, and cheers/hip-hop dance. The performance task is for students to organize a dance concert at the end of the year to demonstrate cross-cultural understanding, collaboration, leadership, and health optimization through dance.
The document is a classroom instruction delivery alignment map (CIDAM) for a Grade 12 Physical Education and Health class. The core subject is Physical Education and Health, which focuses on experiential learning to adopt an active lifestyle. The power standard is for learners to lead dance events with proficiency and confidence, influencing others positively. Content includes traditional folk dance, modern/contemporary dance, ballroom dance, and cheers/hip-hop dance. The performance task is for students to organize a dance concert at the end of the year to demonstrate cross-cultural understanding, collaboration, leadership, and health optimization through dance.
The document is a classroom instruction delivery alignment map (CIDAM) for a Grade 12 Physical Education and Health class. The core subject is Physical Education and Health, which focuses on experiential learning to adopt an active lifestyle. The power standard is for learners to lead dance events with proficiency and confidence, influencing others positively. Content includes traditional folk dance, modern/contemporary dance, ballroom dance, and cheers/hip-hop dance. The performance task is for students to organize a dance concert at the end of the year to demonstrate cross-cultural understanding, collaboration, leadership, and health optimization through dance.
Core Subject Title: PHYSICAL EDUCATION AND HEALTH No. of Hours/Semester: 20 hours/2nd semester Type of Subject: Physical Education Description: Physical Education and Health offers experiential learning for learners to adopt an active life for fitness and life-long health. The knowledge, skills and understanding which include physical and health literacy competencies support them in accessing synthesizing and evaluating information; making informed decisions; enhancing and advocating their own as well as other’s fitness and health. Power Standard: The learner should be able to lead dance events with proficiency and confidence resulting in independent pursuit and influencing others positively. Highest Enabling Strategy to Use in 1st Quarter Performance Standard Learning Competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Developing the Highest Thinking Skill to Assess KUD KUD Enablin Teachin Content Beyond Class Beyond Class Assessment g Content Minimum Minimum RBT Level g Standards Minimum ificat Minimum ificat Technique General Strategy ion ion Strategy HOPE 3 The learner The learner Develop Doin WW QA PC demonstrates will be able to self- g Demon Traditional folk understanding lead dance proficiency Reasoni dance Und Und Discussion stration of dance in events with in ng and optimizing proficiency organizing a ersta LC11, LC14, ersta Analyzing and LC1,LC3 proof Modern and one’s health; and dance event ndin LC16 ndin Application guided contemporary as requisite for confidence in resulting g g Evaluation actual physical resulting in to cross- Doin practice activity independent cultural g Ballroom assessment pursuit and in understandin LC4,LC5,LC9 performance, influencing g, LC4, LC5, Applying, Comm (recreational and and as a career others collaboratio LC9 Analyzing, unicatio competitive) opportunity. positively n, team Evaluating n work, Connec Cheers dance leadership tions and LC6, LC12, LC2,LC7, LC13, LC15, Creating LC8,LC10 LC17
Hip – hop/street optimizing
dance health through dance.
Performance task: Organize a dance concert
Literal transfer: Develop self-proficiency in organizing a dance event in resulting to cross-cultural understanding, collaboration, team work, leadership and optimizing health through dance at the end of the school year.