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Guidelines For CPD Log Book

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MOH CPD Programme Log Book - Jun 2007


Guidelines for CPD Log Book
1. Introduction & Objectives 2-3
2. Guidelines to the use of the log book 4 - 13
- General Guidelines 4-6
- Allocation of CPD points equivalent for 4
PTK – for Medical Officers, Dental
Officers & Pharmacists
- Instructions to Officers 6
- Instructions to Supervisors 7
- CPD Credit Points System for Medical 8-12
Officers, Dental Officers & Pharmacists
- Verification of CPD Points by 13
3. Flowchart of the CPD-PTK Information/Data
Collection & Management 14
Appendix – CPD 01 form


The Continuing Professional Development (CPD)
programme shares the same concept and principles of the
Penilaian Tahap Kecekapan (PTK) assessment under the
Sistem Saraan Malaysia (SSM). They are both integral in the
medical and health professional development.

The CPD programme, which has been in existence for many

decades, has recently undergone extensive revision. As a
result of this revision, the CPD programme has a much wider
scope that encompasses the current PTK assessments, and
incorporates an extensive evaluation and competence
development for the staff at Ministry of Health (MOH) in both
the Kompentensi Khusus (Core/Clinical Competency) and to
some degree Kompetensi Umum (Generic or Non-core

Hence it is logical to “merge” the PTK into the existing CPD

programme and at the same time enlarge the CPD
programme to include elements in the PTK currently not
adequately covered. By integrating the MOH’s CPD
programme with the PTK assessment it is possible to provide
a comprehensive mechanism to evaluate its personnel more
objectively and appropriately.

The major benefit of integrating the PTK with CPD is that it

will enhance the objectives of the PTK, empowering
individuals to manage their knowledge and competence, and
thus produce the type of employees the Sistem Saraan
Malaysia (SSM) programme and the government hope for.

All MOH staff are required to maintain a logbook, which

shall record the CPD activities and PTK assessments and
involvement of the individual. The supervising consultant
or officer will certify the logbook, at least, at 3 monthly
supervision sessions.


General Objective

To have a competent and excellent workforce

Specific Objectives

1. To provide a record for all health professionals on

their CPD activities & PTK assessments.
2. To assist the officer and Head of Department to
identify and plan the needs for training and personal
3. To enable the Head of Department and the individual
to monitor CPD & PTK activities.
4. To provide documented evidence for the purpose of
integration of CPD with PTK, annual appraisal and


1. This log book is designed to guide health professionals in

recording and updating whatever CPD activities and PTK
assessment they have been involved in. Please refer to
the relevant CPD Credit Points Point System (In this
document, please see CPD Credit Points System for
Medical Officers, Dental Officers & Pharmacists).

2. There is a requirement for annual minimum Credit Points

achievement for each professional group. However there
is no upper limit in acquiring points for CPD. The credit
point system for PTK assessment use is outlined below:

Allocation of CPD points equivalent for PTK – for

Medical Officers, Dental Officers & Pharmacists
PTK Competency PTK CPD Credit Points
level Grading Equivalents Equivalent

Poor Aras 1 < 10
1-2 Fair Aras 2 10-29

Good (can be Aras 3 30-40

considered for

Excellent Aras 4 > 40

(strongly with at least 10 of
considered for these point
promotion and coming from
anjakan gaji - for either A3, A4 or
purposes of A5 (or a
increment) combination)

Poor Aras 1 < 20

3-5 Fair Aras 2 20-39

Good (can be Aras 3 40-50

considered for

Excellent Aras 4 > 50

(strongly with at least 10 of
considered for these point
promotion and coming from
anjakan gaji - for either A5, A6,
purposes of A11, B1 or B2 (or
increment) a combination)

PTK To follow the existing system of PTK courses. CPD

6 points will be used as part of the annual assessment.

3. As outlined in the CPD Credit Points Point System, a

health professional may be involved in or attend many
CPD activities of the same category, but only the

maximum credit points of that category would be taken
into consideration for the annual minimum. [For example,
a person who has attended a congress twice in that year
will be awarded 40 CPD points. However for the annual
minimum credit points only a maximum of 20 CPD points
will be taken into consideration for that year].

4. Each CPD activity undertaken must be recorded in the log

book and be verified by the Supervisor or Head of
Department with documented proof (see Verification of
CPD Points by Supervision).

5. The Supervisor will be the first assessor for the annual

assessment [Penilai Pertama untuk Sasaran Kerja
Tahunan (SKT) dan Laporan Nilaian Prestasi Tahunan
(LNPT)] or a senior officer appointed at the discretion of
the Head of Unit or Jabatan (Discipline). The Head of Unit
or Jabatan (Discipline) will issue a formal letter of
appointment to the supervisor at the start of each year to
indicate which officers is under her/his supervision.

6. At the end of the year (at the same time as submission of

the annual assessment report/LNPT), an individual has to
submit the completed and supervisor signed log book to
the Head of Unit or Jabatan (Discipline) for evaluation and
endorsement. The log book will then be submitted with
the annual assessment report/LNPT to the Head of
Department (Ketua Jabatan). The log book will be kept
with the annual assessment report/LNPT and a summary
sheet (see Document for Submission) which contains a
summary of the relevant information will be submitted for
use nationally. (see Figure 1 – Flowchart of the CPD-PTK
Information/Data Collection & Management).

7. A CPD Committee at Hospital, District & State level will be

responsible for ensuring the implementation of this
revised system. The CPD committees will also be
responsible to deal with any appeals from officers
regarding disagreement on points awarded and the local
verification process.

Integrating CPD and PTK

1. Under the revised system, the generic component of

level 3, 4 & 5 of PTK courses will focus only on
assessment. The duration of the course(s) will be
shortened to two (2) or three (3) days. As such,
candidates are required to acquire knowledge and
prepare themselves prior to attending the course(s). This
may be done via attending relevant CPD activities related
to the subjects in the syllabus.

2. CPD points acquired for a particular year cannot be

carried forward to the following year. However for the
purpose of PTK, the points are cumulative and can be
carried forward to the following year.

Instructions to Officers

1. Officers are encouraged to plan their CPD activities at the

start of each year.

2. Please fill in Table 1 (Detailed Record of CPD Activities &

Supervisor’s verification) on an ongoing basis.

3. Please show your log book to your immediate supervisor,

appointed by the Head of Unit or Jabatan (Discipline), 3-
monthly at least, to verify your CPD activities, document
the points you have achieved and to plan further activities.

4. The certificates of attendance and relevant verification

documents must be produced when showing your log
book for CPD points to the supervisor.

5. Document all attendance at PTK courses in the log book

in Table 2. This is cumulative i.e. you document them
every year (previous years and present year courses).

6. Any appeal regarding disagreement on points awarded or
the verification process should be made to the local CPD

Instructions to Supervisors

1. Please be proactive and review the officers log book at

least 3 monthly to document the points she/he has
achieved and to plan further CPD activities.

2. Please record the points in Table 1 at least 3 monthly.

Awarding and verifying points for the officer can be done

3. Use the verification of CPD points (see Verification of

CPD Points by Supervisor) as a guide on verifying the
activity. The officer must provide documented proof of
CPD activities when submitting the log book.

4. Please fill CPD-LB form in duplicate at the end of the year

to determine the summary of CPD points achieved and
the competency grading for PTK. The officer will therefore
have two total points – one showing points achieved for
CPD programme and another for annual PTK assessment
(after correcting for maximum points allowed for each
category). Submit the completed CPD-LB form together
with annual assessment report/LNPT) to the Head of

5. The Head of Department will prepare the summary report

using CPD-01 form, analyzed and submit the report to
State Health Director (Chairman of State CPD

CPD Credit Point System for
Medical Officers, Dental Officers & Pharmacists

CPD CPD Activity Points per Criteria / Points for
Category Description Activity Explanatory Notes Annual
A1 Congress/Conference 20 per A conference
(Local/ international) conference should:
a. Be conducted not
less than 3 full days,
a full day being 5-8 20
b. Involve speakers
of international
c. Contain plenary
lectures / symposia.
d. Allow presentation
of free
communication /
poster, etc.

A2 Scientific Meetings of
Chapters of Academy/
stitutions/ Ministry of
Health & others 20
a. Less than 2 hours 1 point
b. 2-4 hours (1/2 2 points
c. 5-8 hrs (full day) 3 points
d. 2 full days 6 points
e. 3 or more full 10 points

A3 Workshops/ Courses/
Fellowships/ For professional
attachment etc. attachment, credit
(include hands-on & points are awarded 30
skills courses) to participants from
a. Half day (2-4 4 points outside the place of

CPD CPD Activity Points per Criteria / Points for
Category Description Activity Explanatory Notes Annual
b. Full day (5-8 6 points work, e.g. Tertiary
hours) Hospitals, University
c. 2 full days 10 points Hospitals.
d. 3 or more full 15 points
e. Skills accredited
structured 20 points
courses by
disciplines (e.g.
f. Study Tour 5 points

A4 CME sessions/ other 1 point/ For ward rounds 20

professional activities hour credit points are
e.g. awarded to
Topic seminar, Forum, participants from
Lectures, Journal Club, outside own
Formal Ward rounds hospital/
(teaching rounds), establishment, e.g.
Clinic attendance, Private practitioners,
Hospital clinical verified by the CPD
meeting, Video show, Chairman of that
Video conferencing, institution.
Reflective Notes,
Morbidity and mortality

A5 Presentation at These credit points

accredited meeting are in addition to full
delegate attendance
- Plenary lecture/long at congresses, 20
paper (>45 min.) / Free 10 points scientific meetings
paper / short paper or workshops.
Otherwise only
- Others lectures/ talks credit points for
e.g. Visiting lecture, 5 points presentation are
Hospital clinical attainable.
meeting, CME Visiting lecture –
sessions, Public Where one is
meeting, Giving talk officially invited to

CPD CPD Activity Points per Criteria / Points for
Category Description Activity Explanatory Notes Annual
/public advice, Lectures give a lecture at
to NGO/ radio or TV venue/ function
talk, Technical briefing/ away from one’s
update. principal place of

A6 Publication of articles An indexed journal is

in journal/ chapters in one which has
book /reports international
standing and is
a. Indexed/ Peer 20 points listed in the Index 30
reviewed Journal Medicus or similar
(authors) indexing system.
b. Non-indexed 10 points
journal (authors)
c. Chapter in book - 10 points
each chapter Maximum for writing
d. Reports e.g. 10 points chapters in a book is
Technical report, 20.
working papers,

A7 Self-study/ Group Documented

study/ Distance 1 evidence (with
learning e.g. point/paper verification) needs to
Reading scientific or be produced e.g: 20
papers from indexed session
journals, Audio-visual, a) Self study –
Organized group Self
discussion under administered
accredited co- MCQ
coordinator b) Documented
evidence in the
form of
evidence table

Each individual is
responsible to
source for and read
relevant PTK

CPD CPD Activity Points per Criteria / Points for
Category Description Activity Explanatory Notes Annual
A8 CME Online 1 The CPD Board is
point/article ultimately
or session 20
responsible for
accreditation of the

A9 Post-basic courses These should be:

a. Conducted by
a. 1-2 weeks 10 points recognized
b. 2-4 weeks 12 points 30
authorities -
c. >1-3 months 15 points local or
d. >3-6 months 20 points international
e. >6 months – 1 yr 30 points b. Verified by the
CPD committee
c. Points are given
only once, upon
completion of
A10 a. Degree, Masters 50 points Allowed to also get
Programs, points from other
Postgraduate categories / sections
programmes (for 50
each stage of
b. PhD/DrPH 50 points
c. Advanced 50 points
alty training

A11 Involvement as
committee or project
a. Quality Initiatives 20
eg. KMK,
Innovations, TQM,
Accreditation, ISO,
etc 5 points for
b. Research projects involvement
(as researcher/ in each
collaborator) area
c. Training activities
(as facilitator/

CPD CPD Activity Points per Criteria / Points for
Category Description Activity Explanatory Notes Annual
B1 Editor 10 points Pertaining to
Member of Editorial 5 points production of
Board journals, special 10
Referee/ reviewer (per 5 points reports, bulletins,
article) newsletters etc.
B2 Other supporting These activities are
activities related to not restricted to
personal development MOH functions e.g. 10
and self-improvement: involvement in PIBG
Leadership, may also be
Management, IT, considered.
Innovation, Arts, music,
Languages, Teamwork,
Member of professional
body, etc

a. Local level 2 points

b. State level 3 points evidence (with
/activity verification) needs to
be produced)
c. National level 5 points

d. International level 10 points

B3 Registered Members 2 points Note ; For 2
attending Professional Pharmacists Only
Society Annual
General Meeting A valid membership
registration & proof
of attendance must
be provided and

1. Maximum points refers to maximum that will be accepted for each
category, and will be taken into account for the annual CPD/PTK points
(e.g. attending 3 conferences in one year will only result in a maximum
of 20 points being awarded).

2. For all activities, certificates of attendance, certified attendance lists, or

other evidence for verification are required.

Verification of CPD Points by

CPD Verification Accepted


A1 Proof of attendance

A2 Proof of attendance
(certificate or letter of participation)

A3 Proof of attendance
(certificate or letter of participation)

A4 Proof from attendance records

A5 Certificate or Letter of appreciation for activity


A6 Verified presentation or publication in programme

book, abstract book, proceedings or journal

A7 Proof from CME provider or synopsis of article

A8 Proof from CME-online provider

A9 Proof of post-basic or other diploma certificate

A10 Certificate or exam result

A11 Letter of appreciation or appointment for activity

B1 Documentation of position held from journal or editorial

board, or Letter of appointment

B2 Certificate or Letter of appreciation/appointment for


Figure 1: Flowchart of the CPD-PTK Information /
Data Collection & Management

Officer receives logbook at start of the

year Supervisor (First assessor for
SKT/LPT) appointed by Head
of Unit/Discipline
Officer fills up logbook on an ongoing
basis throughout the year

Officer shows logbook at least 3 monthly

intervals to supervisor with relevant
verification documents
Supervisor review the
officer’s log book every 3
months to verify &
Officer submits completed logbook document points
at end of the year
Supervisor does final
review & documents total
points achieved for CPD
Head of Unit/Discipline programme and grade
evaluates & endorses the log book competency (PTK)

Duplicate Copy of individual summary CPD

points (CPD-LB ) submitted to Head of
Department (Ketua Jabatan)* (individual kept
their log book )

CPD points used for

Head of Department (Ketua Jabatan) submits annual PTK assessment
summary of CPD points (CPD-LB) with & an evaluation of
annual assessment report (LNPT) continuous professional

Head of PTJ (Ketua PTJ) analyzed and submits

summary sheet (CPD-01) to State Health Director

Appendix 1
Document for Submission for PTJ to State CPD committee

To: Chairman State CPD Committee (State Health Director) ________________________________

Summary of CPD Points Achieved For the Year: _________________________________________

Name and address of PTJ : __________________________________________________________


Total Points
No. Name Position I.C No: Grade Salary Achieved

MOH CPD Programme Log Book - Jun 2007

Total Points
No. Name Position I.C No: Grade Salary Achieved

Comments and suggestions:

Head of PTJ Signature Head of PTJ Name:

Date : Official Chop :



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