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Design and Working of FM Transmitter

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International Journal Of Advance Research In Science And Engineering http://www.ijarse.

IJARSE, Vol. No.2, Issue No.10, October 2013 ISSN-2319-8354(E)


Ranjana Singh1, Nidhi2

UG, Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering,

Raj Kumar Goel Institute of Technology for Women, Ghaziabad (India)


The first archaic radio transmitter were made by German physicist “HEINRICH HERTZ” in year 1887. They
produced radio waves by a high voltage spark in between two metals (conductor).The objective of the project is to
design the miniaturize low –power FM transmitter, and used it in different application. For example hearing aid for
the tour guiding system, security of small areas, and for entertainment purpose. FM transmitter has many merits over
the AM (Amplitude modulation). It protects the signal from interference and unwanted signal i.e. noise. It provides
high S/N (signal to noise) than AM. A FM transmitter is an electronic circuit, which converts electric power from
battery into radio frequency alternating current (AC). The energy by a such rapidly reversing current radiate off the
antenna as EM waves (Electromagnetic waves).

Keywords: Antenna, Filter, Frequency Multiplier, Mixer, Oscillator, RF Amplifier.


A FM transmitter is a low power FM radio transmitter, which allows listening music or any other audio message
from CD player, portable media player or any other audio system which is used to be played by a nearby FM radio.
Because of low cost of the equipments for an FM transmitter, leads to rapid growth in the year of world war II. After
the 3 years from the war, 600 licensed FM station were broadcasting in the US and, by the end of 1980 there were
more than 4,000 stations. Due to crowding in AM broadcast and failure of basic AM receiver to remove noise.FM
transmission helped us to overcome from these detriments and therefore, can be used to transmit music, or audio
signals and this may leads to rising the number of auditors to famous as well as classical music, by which FM station
draw the higher audience ratings as compared to AM stations. FM transmitter consist of mice from where an audio
signal is transmitted to different section of transmitter, after processing the signal from these section it will transmit
through antenna and these signal catch by receiver side antenna.

1.2 Frequency Table

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International Journal Of Advance Research In Science And Engineering http://www.ijarse.com
IJARSE, Vol. No.2, Issue No.10, October 2013 ISSN-2319-8354(E)




3-30KHz very low frequency VLF 10^5 to 10^4 m
30-300KHz low frequency LF 10^4 to 10^3 m
300-3,000KHz Medium frequency MF 10^3 to 100m
3-30MHz High frequency HF 100to 10m
30-300MHz very high frequency VHF 10to 1m
300-3,000MHz Ultra high frequency UHF 1 m to 10 cm
3-30GHz Super high SHF 10 cm to 1cm
30-300GHz Extremely high EHF 1cm to 10 mm

The frequency range for FM is 88MHz to 108MHz with wavelength between 3.4 to 2.77 m respectively


Here is the block diagram of FM transmitter:


Crystal Narrowban Freq. Mixer Freq. RF

Oscillator d PM Multiplier Multiplier amplifie
Xn1 Xn2 r


Integrator Crystal


Fig. 1 General Block Diagram of FM Transmitter

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International Journal Of Advance Research In Science And Engineering http://www.ijarse.com
IJARSE, Vol. No.2, Issue No.10, October 2013 ISSN-2319-8354(E)

In FM transmitter, there will be many multiplication processes in several stages to increase the carrier frequency
along with the frequency deviation to accredit value. The multiplication factor for carrier frequency and frequency
deviation are not same, if multiplication is completed in one attempt the carrier frequency as well as deviation is
multiplied by same factor which does not give the desired result. So, due to these reasons multiplication is done in
several stages. For instance, consider the value the carrier frequency fc and the deviation ∆f generated by
NBFM(Narrowband frequency modulation) has the typical values :

fc=200kHz , ∆f ≈25Hz

which gives mf=0.5 , fm = 50 Hz. The multiplication factor is obtained by lower frequency limit of baseband
spectrum (25 Hz to 15 kHz), these incoming carrier frequency and frequency deviation is applied to the frequency
multiplier as an input which multiply these frequency by a factor n1=64 , now the carrier frequency and frequency
deviation are :

fc1=n1*fc, ∆f1=n1*∆f

fc1=12.8MHz, ∆f1=1.56 kHz

These frequencies applied to the mixer mix the frequencies with the local oscillator frequency (fc′=10.925 MHz) and
give result as:

fc2= fc′+ n1* fc

fc2= fc′- n1* fc

fc2=1.875MHz, ∆f1=1.56 kHz

The resulting carrier frequency fc as well as frequency deviations applied to the frequency multiplier n2=48 give
final result as:

fc3=n2* fc2, ∆f2=n1*∆f1

fc3=90MHz, ∆f2=75 kHz


A signal which is proportional to real baseband signal (amplitude), information is used to change amplitude or its
angle of the carrier

C(t)=Ac cosӨc(t)


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International Journal Of Advance Research In Science And Engineering http://www.ijarse.com
IJARSE, Vol. No.2, Issue No.10, October 2013 ISSN-2319-8354(E)


A=amplitude of carrier

Өc(t)=angle of the carrier

= phase of carrier

Angle modulation is characterized into two modulation:

1. Phase modulation
2. Frequency modulation
But our primary focus is on frequency modulation.
Frequency modulation: - The instantaneous frequency is vary linearly with the modulating signal about an un-
modulated frequency or we can say that, instantaneous value of angular frequency is equal to sum of frequency of
un-modulated carrier and time varying component.


Assume a voltage control oscillator i.e. VCO having frequency fc , and the input voltage is Vm(t).
V= Ac cos Өc (t) (1)
f1= fc+∆f (2)
∆f= ka * Vm(t)
Above equation are the outputs of VCO.
f= overall frequency of frequency modulated output.
W1= dӨc (t)/dt = 2 (3)
From equation (1) take the value of Өc (t) and differentiate it w.r.t velocity of output and put in equal to

dӨc (t)/dt = 2 fc + 2 (4)

dӨc (t) = 2 fc dt + 2 (5)

Taking the integration of above equation,
Өc (t) = 2 fc dt + 2 ka Vm(t) dt (6)
V(t) = Vpeak cos(2 ) (7)
dӨc (t) = 2 fct + 2 sin(2 ) (8)
Now, from equations (1), (6), (7) we get
Өc (t) = 2 fct + Vpeak sin(2 )
mf = 2 * Vpeak /
V= Ac cos Өc (t)

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International Journal Of Advance Research In Science And Engineering http://www.ijarse.com
IJARSE, Vol. No.2, Issue No.10, October 2013 ISSN-2319-8354(E)

V= Ac cos (2 fct + Vpeak sin(2 ))

This equation is called as voltage equation of FM.

Fig. 2 Implementing the Components for FM Transmitter On Breadboard

We can conclude that, FM is widely used because of several advantages of frequency modulation. Earlier FM was
not commonly used because of lack of understand of how to benefit from FM and thus radio communications was
used. As soon as the benefits of FM come into existence, its use grew up.
There are many advantages and also disadvantages of FM. Inspite of having disadvantages , it is suitable for many
applications and also other modes may be more suited to other applications. In order to enable the choice of the best
modulation format to be made, it is required to understand the disadvantages and advantages of FM.
5.1 Advantages
There are many advantages of frequency modulation because of which it has been widely used for many years and
have a best future use for many years. Some of the advantages are as listed :
 One of the main advantages of frequency modulation is its immunity to noise, hence it is widely used with
the broadcasting industries. Noise is a short amplitude variations caused by motors, auto-ignitions, power
transients etc.
 Another advantage of it is the capture effect which permits the strongest signal on frequency to dominate
without any interference from other signals. It has greater transmitter efficiency as class C amplifier can be
5.2 Disadvantages
There are number of disadvantages of using the frequency modulation. Some of them can be overcome quiet easily
but some of them indicate that another modulation format is more suitable.

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International Journal Of Advance Research In Science And Engineering http://www.ijarse.com
IJARSE, Vol. No.2, Issue No.10, October 2013 ISSN-2319-8354(E)

 Bandwidth for the FM is comparatively wide. The spectrum space taken by the frequency modulation can
be limited simply by controlling the deviation ratio.
 Another minor dis-advantage of FM is that the demodulation is little complex and hence quiet expensive.
Thus the low cost broadcasting market faces some issues.


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[2]R. P. Singh, S.D. Sapre, “Communication Systems Analog & Digital ” Second edition, Tata McGrow –

[3] A. Kruth, “The Impact of technology scaling on integrated analogue CMOS RF Front- Ends for Wireless
Applications” Ph.D. dissertation, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, 2008.

[4] Wikipedia

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