Erwin Thesis 3 3
Erwin Thesis 3 3
Erwin Thesis 3 3
Graduates of the ROTC advance program serve in all branches of the Armed
Forces of the Philippines. In 2008, ROTC graduates of the officer candidate schools of
the various services constituted roughly 75% of the AFP officer corps. The ROTC grants
qualified students cadets scholarship benefits through a merit-based incentive program
in return for an obligation of military service in the reserve force, or active duty in the
AFP if given the opportunity, after graduation.
ROTC student-cadets attend college like other students, but also receive basic
military training and officer training from the branch of service that handles their school’s
ROTC unit. The students participate in regular ROTC instruction during the school year
(one school year for basic ROTC student-cadets and three school years for advance
ROTC cadets-officers), and extended training activities during the summer, such as the
ROTC summer camp training (RSCT) and the advance ROTC Academic Phase
Training (ARAPT).
ROTC units in colleges and universities are organized through the Department of
Military Science and Tactics (DMST) which is under joint supervision by the school
administration and the Department of National Defense. These ROTC units are in turn
managed by active duty officers of the AFP and the reservist organization
representatives of the major services, the Philippine Army Reserve Command of the
Philippine Navy and the Philippine Air Force Reserve Command of the Philippine Air
On the other hand, the focus of the data in this study is to determine the
evaluation of Senior High School students of ROTC in UCLM on the proposed revival of
mandatory ROTC that has been approved by President Rodrigo Duterte. Hence forth, it
is also important to measure the evaluation of Senior High School students in order to
determine if they agree to the existing rules and regulation s of ROTC and to see if it is
fully implemented or not, will then do actions according to its result.
Furthermore, the researchers were into this study, as we try to oversee the
factors which affect the evaluation of Senior High School why they are afraid that the
ROTC will be mandatory for them. If the students still inculcate the spirit of patriotism
and nationalism to our beloved country. In addition, the study will also contribute for a
deeper understanding on the real scenario in the ROTC formations, events, and
Theoretical Background
This study is anchored from Ernest Gellner Theory “A man must have a
nationality as he must have a nose and two ears; a deficiency in any of these particular
is not conceivable, but only as a result of some disaster, it is itself a disaster of a kind”
Another theory that will support to this study is theory of Donald Super which
focused on the development of life roles over the life span with emphasis on interfold
agreement. His vocational concept as a part of self-concept is formed, in is driving force
that establishes a career pattern one will follow through life. Vocational developmental
task are derived from vocational stages which provides framework for vocational
behavior and attitudes.
Evaluation is one of the study of physical and mental condition. There are a large
numbers of Filipinos that, as a matter of principle, outright object to the nation that the
military should play a significant role in society. In October 2013, Kabattan Party List
Rep. Terry L. Ridon submitted a bill to the lower house intending to abolished ROTC
altogether (House Bill 3143). The Bill’s explanatory argues that “the military culture
propagated by the ROTC is inconsistent with academic freedom.” Indeed, Galileo
Kintanar, Ph.D, a retired AFP brigadier General and well-respected military theory,
noted the “Philippine society has been opposing towards its military, unable to dispense
with its protection yet not fully trusting it and therefore seeking to limit its role and
powers and to isolate it from civilian life.” One interpretation maybe that the motivation
to limit the reach of ROTC stems not just from concerns over practical problems within
the program itself, but also from greater ideological considerations over the role of the
military in Philippine society in general. The sentiment conveyed by Rep. Ridon is
typically characterized as being left in nature and generally rejects the notion that the
military should be a prominent force in civil society.
To support this study The Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) is composed of
three service branches: the Army(PA); Navy(PN); which includes the marine corps; and
Air Force(PAF). Military ranks break down into two categories: enlisted ranks (which are
acquired directly through enlistment, without the military education process described
below). And commissioned or officer ranks. Enlisted men and women are the fighting
backbone of our military, while officer ranks con not varying degrees of responsibility
and leadership. Across the reservists. Active duty members of the AFP are full-time
soldiers. Reservists on the other hand, typically pursue civilian lifestyles, with the
understanding that they may be called upon to support the regular military, this includes
assistance in humanitarian or disaster relief operations as well as active duty in the
regular force to provide additional manpower when deemed necessary, such as in the
case of (knock on wood ) invasion.
In World War II, ROTC men participated heroically in regular combat and guerilla
operations, despite the fact that many of these guerilla leaders had not even completed
their military education by the time the Japanese invasion begun. A majority of these
men had still been cadets when war came to our islands. Nevertheless, imbued with a
patriotic and martial spirit, these ROTC cadets (along with cadets from the PMA) formed
some of the most effective guerilla units during the occupation years. The most famous
of these groups was the Hunters ROTC unit, which was organized by two PMA cadets
that were too young to receive their commissions at the onset of war. Instead of
returning home, they rallied other PMA. And ROTC cadets and continually harassed
occupying Japanese forces and supplied vital intelligence to the American military,
before eventually participating in the liberation of the Philippines from 1944-1945. These
were young men in their late teens and early twenties that volunteered to bear arms in
defense of their country.
In 1967, then President Ferdinand Marcos issued Executive Order 59 making ROTC
mandatory at all educational institutions with enrollment of at least 250 students.
In 1980, Marcos promulgated Presidential Decree 1706, the National Service Law,
which made national service (civic welfare service, law enforcement service, and
military) mandatory for all Filipino citizens.
In 1991, the congress passed RA 7077, the citizen Armed Forces of the Philippines
Reservist Act. Sections 38 and 39 of this law mandated obligatory military education for
two years (Basic ROTC) for all male college students, while an additional two years of
ROTC programming (Advance ROTC) was voluntary. The underlying philosophy of
these acts was a belief in the role of Filipinos to both citizen and soldier , both
intellectual and martial guardians of the democracy in which they live .
This study aims to evaluate the level of awareness of UCLM Senior High School
students with regards to the revival of ROTC as part of the commonwealth act Nr 1,
otherwise known as National Defense Act of 1935, required the compulsory military training
of all college students. The findings of the study will serve as bases for an action plan.
1.1 Age;
1.2 gender ;
1.3 course;
2.3 Newspaper;
2.4 Internet;;
3.2 Faculties;
4. Based of the finding on the study. What action plan will be propose?
This study will be the preparation for Senior High School Students for possible
service in the Defense establishment in the event of emergency; to train and develop
the ROTC cadets as future enlisted reservist for the reserve component of the Armed
Forces of the Philippines.
Senior High School (SHS). This study will be guide to make the Senior High
School students be aware of the importance of their responsibilities as a Reserve Force
of the Armed Forces of the Philippines.
Civic Welfare Training Service (CWTS). This study refers to the program
component or activities contributory to the general welfare and the betterment of life for
the members of the community or the enhancement of its facilities, especially those
devoted to improving health, education, environment, entrepreneurship, safety,
recreation and moral citizenry and other social welfare service.
ROTC Action Office. A legal office established to act on all ROTC related
issues and complaints forwarded by and other sources.
ROTC Complaint Office. An office established to receive an act on ROTC
related complaints from the ROTC Units and other sources.
Students. This study will benefit the students in such a way that they will be
aware regarding the Revival ROTC.
Training Staff’s. This study will help them to determine on the evaluation
of every student on ROTC. This will also provide then important concepts and
references of ideas that can be relayed to their subject.
Parents. This study will; help them to provide important concept. And
ideas that can be relayed to their children about the evaluation regarding the ROTC.
Students Affairs Office (SAO). Findings of the study will help them
further asses the students in the evaluation regarding the Revival of ROTC.
Future Researchers. The study will benefit them in a way that they will
be properly guided in the full coverage of the references. Study will also serve as a
basis for further study in a future researchers.
Research Design
This study will utilize a survey method of document analysis using a research
made questionnaire. The results of this scientific procedure serve as the concrete basis
for the possible assessment on evaluation of Senior High School in the implementation
of ROTC.
Research Environment
The University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu & Mandaue is located at A.C Cortes Ave,.
Looc Mandaue City. It is an Educational institution in Cebu City Philippines founded in
1964, offering Junior & Senior High School, Undergraduate degrees, and Post-graduate
BS in Criminology
Research Respondents
The respondents of this study are the Senior High School students in
University of Cebu Lapu-Lapu & Mandaue Campus.
This section of the chapter represents the quantitative data collected in each
room from Grade 11 to 12 students. This serve as the total strength of demographic
profile of the respondents as well as the selection of our respondent in UCLM.
Research Instrument
Research Procedure
A letter will be send to the Principal Office which is the University of Cebu
Lapu-Lapu Mandaue Senior High School for the request permission to acquire the total
number of the Senior High School students in distributing the questionnaires. When
permission was granted and data was acquired, the researcher will made preparation
such as printing and photocopying of copies of the questionnaires, and prepare of
incentives for the respondents. Then the researcher wiil give a transmittal letter to the
principal for a respect to conduct our survey in each room.
Gathering of data. Once the researcher were given approval from respective principal
and the total number of the Senior High School students, that is the time the researcher
will distribute the questionnaire to the respondents. During conducting survey the
researcher will explain their purpose of conducting the research and gave a brief
overview of the study to display honesty and gain trust.
Treatment of Data. The responses to the questionnaire are tallied and tabulate, the
frequencies and percentage of responses to questionnaire are mean to determine the
result of the ROTC evaluation for Senior High School students.
Weighted mean. Use to summarize, analyze, and interpret the level of implementation
of the ROTC for Senior High School students. The resaercher applied the following
hypothetical mean ranges and their corresponding interpretation.
Definition of terms
For the purpose of this study, the following terms were operationally defined:
Regional Annual Administrative Tactical Inspection (RAAT). A yearly activity of
ARESCOM which entails actual inspection of all activated Army ROTC units in the area
operation. The inspection aims to test the units degree of administrative effeciency,
training management, proficiency, and quality of training attained by the Corps of
Internet Sources
(hhtp://en., 2008)