Can Emotional Intelligence Be Trained A Meta Review 2018
Can Emotional Intelligence Be Trained A Meta Review 2018
Can Emotional Intelligence Be Trained A Meta Review 2018
Keywords: Human resource practitioners place value on selecting and training a more emotionally in-
Emotional intelligence telligent workforce. Despite this, research has yet to systematically investigate whether emo-
Training tional intelligence can in fact be trained. This study addresses this question by conducting a meta-
Meta-analysis analysis to assess the effect of training on emotional intelligence, and whether effects are mod-
erated by substantive and methodological moderators. We identified a total of 58 published and
unpublished studies that included an emotional intelligence training program using either a pre-
post or treatment-control design. We calculated Cohen's d to estimate the effect of formal training
on emotional intelligence scores. The results showed a moderate positive effect for training,
regardless of design. Effect sizes were larger for published studies than dissertations. Effect sizes
were relatively robust over gender of participants, and type of EI measure (ability v. mix-
edmodel). Further, our effect sizes are in line with other meta-analytic studies of competency-
based training programs. Implications for practice and future research on EI training are dis-
1. Introduction
Emotional intelligence (EI) refers broadly to refers skills and/or abilities that enable awareness of the emotional states of oneself
and others and the capacity to regulate or use emotions to positively affect role performance. As noted recently by Joseph, Jin,
Newman, and O'Boyle (2015), since its introduction in the popular media by Goleman (1995), EI has garnered considerable attention
in both mainstream culture and the business world. It “is currently considered a widely accepted practitioner tool for hiring, training,
leadership development, and team building by the business community” (pg. 298). A Fast Company article describes Google's “in-
sanely popular emotional intelligence course” (Giang, 2015), business blogs attribute corporate performance to the EI of its leaders
(e.g., Conley, 2011), and the consulting group TalentSmart claims that 75% of Fortune 500 companies use its EI products or services.
Despite debates over emotional intelligence as a legitimate construct (see Antonakis, Ashkanasy, & Dasborough, 2009; Locke,
2005; Mayer, Salovey, & Caruso, 2008), human resource practitioners spend considerable resources selecting and training a more
emotionally intelligent workforce (Fineman, 2004; Nafukho & Muyia, 2014). A December 2017 web search revealed over 200
vendors providing various forms of EI coaching or training, including those offered by large professional organizations like the
American Management Association and the Association for Talent Development. Further, emotional intelligence training is in-
creasingly being integrated into MBA training, even in prestigious universities such as Yale (Di Meglio, 2013). Although organizations
and universities are investing time and money into training programs that promise to increase EI of employees and organizational
A prior version of this study was presented at the 2016 Annual Conference of the Society for Industrial-Organizational Psychology, Anaheim, CA.
Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (K. Kraiger).
Received 1 August 2016; Received in revised form 24 December 2017; Accepted 29 March 2018
1053-4822/ © 2018 Published by Elsevier Inc.
Please cite this article as: Mattingly, V., Human Resource Management Review (2018),
V. Mattingly, K. Kraiger Human Resource Management Review xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
leaders, research has yet to systematically investigate whether we successfully can train adults to be more emotionally intelligent. The
primary purpose of this study addresses this gap by conducting two meta-analyses to determine the effect of training on emotional
intelligence. Although prior meta-analyses have examined the relationship between EI and leadership, job performance, and health
(Harms & Credé, 2010; Joseph & Newman, 2010; Joseph et al., 2015; Martins, Ramalho, & Morin, 2010; O'Boyle, Humphrey, Pollack,
Hawver, & Story, 2011), this is the first time meta-analytical techniques have been used to understand the effects of formal training
on EI. Our investigation addresses whether emotional intelligence can be trained, establishes an expected effect size for organizations
and institutions looking to adapt EI training, and lays a groundwork for answering other practical questions about the best ways to
improve EI in the workforce. Thus, our study makes an important contribution to the emotional intelligence literature by informing
researchers and HR practitioners as to whether resources used to implement EI training programs are indeed well-spent.
Emotional intelligence was first introduced as a construct over 25 years ago (Salovey & Mayer, 1990) and has been popularized as
a means to predict performance beyond standard measures of general intelligence (Goleman, 1995). It is worth noting that the EI
literature is largely split between two primary models of the construct, either ability-based or mixed-model. Because this distinction
has some implications for the potential impact of training and estimates of effect sizes, we review this distinction here. Ability-based
EI is “the ability to engage in sophisticated information processing about one's own and others' emotions and the ability to use this
information as a guide to thinking and behavior” (Mayer et al., 2008). Researchers in the EI-as-ability camp largely agree that
emotional intelligence is the accumulation of behaviors and abilities that contribute to an individual's success at recognizing and
managing the emotions of oneself and others. Mixed-model conceptualizations of EI, on the other hand, include a wide “constellation
of noncognitive competencies that lead to successful coping under difficult situations…[and] incorporate motivation, personality,
temperament, character, and social skills” above and beyond emotional recognition and management (Cho, Drasgow, & Cao, 2015).
The breadth of this latter treatment may also be a shortcoming; mixed-models of EI are often criticized as being too all-encompassing,
a kitchen sink of any construct tangentially related to emotional performance, often resulting in a lack of scientific rigor for validating
these models (Joseph & Newman, 2010). The argument against ability measures is similar – whether EI can be considered a set of
fundamental mental abilities distinct from existing constructs (e.g., Davies, Stankov, & Roberts, 1998; MacCann, Joseph, Newman, &
Roberts, 2014).
While there is a distinction in the literature (and in measurement) between ability and mixed model treatments of emotional
intelligence, the construct space is even messier. Ability definitions often reference behaviors (a type of skill), while mixed-model
definitions often mention abilities “in the mix.”. Thus, the current state of the literature may be better characterized as a continuum of
more ability-based to more mixed-model-based. Because we will examine separate effect sizes for each approach, we distinguish
between the two. We will refer to EI as either primarily ability-based (implying that it is an individual difference variable) or mixed-
model (which may include abilities, but may also include other competencies that are acquired through experience). In our meta-
analyses, we investigate whether the effects of training differ depending on the EI model, although we acknowledge that ability/
mixed-model conceptual distinction is confounded with differences in how each construct type is measured.
Within both approaches, EI is considered an important determinant of workplace competencies such as reading the emotions of
one's self or others, engaging in emotional regulation, self-awareness, and relationship management (Druskat, Sala, & Mount, 2006),
and then in turn is related to effective performance in domains such as leadership, customer-service, or work teams (George, 2000;
Daus & Ashkanasy, 2005; Druskat et al., 2006). Both the conceptual argument that links EI to work outcomes and empirical evidence
of such relationships (Harms & Credé, 2010; Joseph & Newman, 2010; Joseph et al., 2015; Martins et al., 2010; O'Boyle et al., 2011)
make the case that developing EI should be of interest to organizations.
There are specific reasons why organizations may seek to improve the emotional intelligence of its workforce. First, skills generally
nested under EI constructed definitions (e.g., self-awareness and emotional regulation) are important for essential to many jobs (e.g.
nurses and managers). Accordingly, needs assessments may target the value in enhancing these skills. Second, EI is so commonly
thought of, particularly in the popular press and popular management literature, as something that is “good,” that it organizations are
likely to find ways of developing it in their workforces in any way possible. For example, Slaski and Cartwright (2003) tested the
efficacy of a EI training program, hypothesizing that increased EI could also increase one's health, well-being, and performance. Other
empirical studies that investigated the trainability of EI linked increased emotional intelligence with enhanced project management,
sales performance, and leadership effectiveness (Cherniss, Grimm, & Liautaud, 2010; Clarke, 2010b; Gignac, Harmer, Jennings, &
Palmer, 2012). As opposed to increasing a workforce's emotional intelligence via more long-term or costly talent management
approaches (e.g., selection processes) EI training programs could provide a more immediate benefit to organizations by increasing EI
among incumbent employees and managers. Thus, cumulative evidence that EI can be improved via training would argue for its use
by organizations seeking to improve performance and affective outcomes for employees and managers.
Accordingly, we ask the empirical question as to whether emotional intelligence can be trained, and answer it by meta-analyzing
studies that attempt to increase EI via training interventions. We first review prior research on direct efforts to improve EI and make
the case that a meta-analysis is the best way to address the question of the trainability. We then propose several potential moderators
of the relationship between training and changes in EI.
Other researchers have considered and investigated explicitly whether EI can be improved through training, albeit not at the
meta-analytical level. Schutte, Malouff, and Thorsteinsson (2013) noted an increase in intervention studies targeting the emotional
intelligence of participants in multiple domains including athletics, education, and organizations. EI interventions used in educa-
tional contexts are typically integrated into general undergraduate or management classes or provided to professional students
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entering jobs characterized by high emotional labor (Glomb & Tews, 2004). As an example of the latter, Vesely, Saklofske, and
Nordstokke (2014) administered a five-week training program to 23 undergraduate teacher candidates at two Canadian universities.
During the training, participants received 1.5 h of training per week, consisting of workshops, group discussion, workbook exercises,
and homework assignments. Participants showed greater pre-test to post-test differences on an EI measure than did control group
participants, although the differences were not significant.
With respect to workplace training interventions, researchers often target jobs perceived as high in stress or emotional labor such
as police officers, nurses, or managers. In one such study, Slaski and Cartwright (2003) assigned managers to either emotional
intelligence training for one day per week for four weeks or to a control group. Paired sample t-tests showed a significant increase in a
trait-based measure of EI for trained participants, but not for control group participants. Al-Faouri, Al-Ali, and Al-Shorman (2014)
delivered EI training to 70 nurses in a teaching hospital for two hours per day for seven weeks. The researchers found not only an
increase in nurses' EI scores, but also in their job satisfaction. In contrast, Muyia and Kacirek (2009) tested the effectiveness of an EI
training programs for emerging leaders, consisting of three three-day sessions over nine months. Training consisted of lectures, case
studies, feedback, and homework. Despite administering a lengthy, theoretically-driven development program, the researchers saw
no significant changes in an EI measure from pre- to post-test.
As with any area of psychology, qualitative reviews on an intervention can yield positive, negative, or null effects. To provide an
“initial estimate of the effect of emotional intelligence training across different populations” Schutte et al. (2013) conducted a small
meta-analysis of “intervention studies using true random assignment of participants to intervention and control conditions, and
which had at least 50% retention of participants from pre to post assessment” (p. 61). This resulted in six effect sizes across four
studies. The researchers reported a moderate, positive effect size (Hedges'g = 0.46), suggesting EI can be trained. However, it should
be clear that this was not a comprehensive meta-analysis, as the authors deliberately excluded a number of potentially informative
study designs (e.g., quasi-experimental and/or pre-post designs). Accordingly, there is a need for a more thorough meta-analysis. A
meta-analysis can provide an estimate of not only the overall effect of training, but examine the impact of methodological or
substantive moderators.
In the current investigation, meta-analytic methods were used to quantitatively summarize empirical research assessing the effect
of training on increasing emotional intelligence among adults. EI training was operationalized as any systematic training program
(with adults) conducted with the purpose of increasing EI. An overall effect size of training on EI was obtained to answer the question:
Can emotional intelligence be trained?
We expected to find a positive effect for EI training. This is based in part on prior field studies which have found EI training to be
effective (e.g., (Al-Faouri et al., 2014; Slaski & Cartwright, 2003; Vesely et al., 2014). More generally, other meta-analyses con-
sistently report positive effects on training outcomes (see Salas, Tannenbaum, Kraiger, & Smith-Jentsch, 2012). While we have yet to
achieve consensus on what constitutes emotional intelligence, prior meta-analyses have shown moderate to strong effects for training
on participant attitudes (Taylor, Russ-Eft, & Chan, 2005); domain-specific knowledge (Arthur, Bennett Jr., Edens, & Bell, 2003; Burke
& Day, 1986; Collins & Holton, 2004; Powell & Yalcin, 2010) and resulting behavior (Arthur et al., 2003; Burke & Day, 1986; Powell
& Yalcin, 2010). Thus, we predicted:
Hypothesis 1. There will be a positive effect of training on emotional intelligence.
In addition to this main effect, we examined several potential conceptual and empirical moderators of the effectiveness of EI
training. We introduce these moderators below.
We have noted the distinction between ability and mixed-model conceptualizations of EI. Logically, the underlying conceptual
orientation of the researchers (ability v. mixed-model) should be related to the EI measure used to assess training outcomes (e.g., an
ability construct focus would use an ability-based EI measure). Further, researchers' conceptual orientation should drive the training
design. Therefore, examining the choice of EI measure would allow us to determine whether an ability-based or mixed-model-based
approach has a greater impact on training outcomes. Explicitly, we wondered whether the effectiveness of training for EI depends on
whether the construct is conceptualized (and trained) as a more ability-based or a mixed-model, with the latter more likely to include
skills or competencies?
Interventions that assume EI as an ability may be structured differently than those which take a mixed-model approach. It is worth
noting that other non-physical abilities can be modified via training. For example, working memory can be enhanced through
training (Au et al., 2015), as can GRE scores (e.g., Mrazek, Franklin, Phillips, Baird, & Schooler, 2013) and standard IQ measures
(Nisbett et al., 2012). On the other hand, EI-related competencies and attitudes such as coping, social skills, and motivation are
exactly those that are considered primary outcomes of training interventions (Kraiger, Ford, & Salas, 1993; Salas et al., 2012). As we
discuss below, most studies we analyzed do not provide sufficient detail to determine precisely how the training was structured, or
whether training looked different depending upon underlying assumptions about EI. However, principles of effective training design
call for different instructional methods depending on whether the learning objectives target abilities or skills and knowledge
(Jonassen & Tessmer, 1996/1997).
Interestingly, neither emotional intelligence model assumes that adults can be taught to be more emotionally intelligent. Mayer
and Cobb (2000) did not support the concept of teaching emotional intelligence because, conceptualized as an ability which is
primarily shaped by genetics and how one was raised, EI merely provides people with a capacity to learn emotional competence.
Somewhat paradoxically, the same authors do support the notion of teaching emotional knowledge and fostering emotional reasoning
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via social-emotional learning as well as through engagement with liberal and creative arts (Mayer & Cobb, 2000). As for mixed-
models, while proponents of this EI camp emphasize the importance of competencies and skills, they also tend to conceptualize the
construct as an individual difference that like a stable trait or disposition (Côté, 2014), which should therefore not be malleable to
training interventions.
EI at times is conceptualized as a set of skills “concerned with the processing of emotion-relevant information” (e.g. Mayer et al.,
2008; Mayer, Salovey, Caruso, & Sitarenios, 2003), even among ability-model proponents. Here, EI can be conceptualized as being
able to analyze and respond to emotionally-laden situations (Nelis, Quoidbach, Mikolajczak, & Hansenne, 2009). The distinction
between abilities and skills is important, as skills imply improvement potential via both maturation and interventions, while ability
does not necessarily assume this malleability.
Accordingly, it is interesting to explore whether effect sizes vary depending on the type of EI measure. The moderator analysis of
EI measure on the effect of training will be exploratory in nature. We do not know whether the ability or mixed-model approach is
more valid (or more useful for training design), so we cannot determine a priori which training approach would be more effective.
Thus, we do not hypothesize the direction of magnitude of a moderating effect of ability- or mixed-model measures on the effect of
training on emotional intelligence. Thus, we also explored the following research question:
Research Question 1: Do effect sizes differ depending on the whether an ability or mixed model EI measure is used?
To investigate the potential publication bias that occurs when only meta-analyzing peer-reviewed journal articles (see Rothstein,
Sutton, & Borenstein, 2005), we included dissertations and unpublished reports in addition to studies found in scientific journals.
Because of the tendency for researchers to publish significant results with robust effect sizes and not publish null findings (Franco,
Malhotra, & Simonovits, 2014), we predicted that:
Hypothesis 2. There will be a stronger effect of training on EI for studies that were published in a peer-reviewed journal compared to
non-published studies.
Women are commonly assessed as having higher EI than men (e.g., Goldenberg, Matheson, & Mantler, 2006; Schutte et al., 1998;
Van Rooy, Alonso, & Viswesvaran, 2005). Accordingly, it might be anticipated that if EI is affected by training, the same training
program should have a greater effect for men (who start out lower on average) than for women. By analogy, when there are
differences in strength training reported for men v. women, it is the women (who start out on average lower) who benefit more (Ivey
et al., 2000). The potential for the same training program to have differential impact for groups differing on an individual difference
variable is a form of a selection-regression threat to internal validity (Shadish, Cook, & Campbell, 2002). In the extreme, groups
scoring higher on a pre-test would show no change from the intervention; groups scoring lower would show positive gains (Campbell
& Boruch, 1975).
Different investigations of whether gender moderates training effectiveness have reached different conclusions. For example,
Scott, Leritz, and Mumford (2004) examined gender as a potential moderator of the effectiveness of creativity training by coding
whether trainees were predominantly male, females, or split evenly. The researchers found a significant effect for gender mix, with
training more effective for predominantly male samples. They attributed this finding to males' greater propensity to risk-taking, but it
could also be explained that on average, men show slightly lower levels of creativity than females (Baer & Kaufman, 2008; Ma, 2009).
On the other hand, it is established that males tend to score better than females on a variety of spatial tasks (Linn & Petersen, 1985;
Voyer, Voyer, & Bryden, 1995), but practice, repeated testing, and training has been found to be similarly effective for men versus
women (Baenninger & Newcombe, 1995; Marulis, Liu, Warren, Uttal, & Newcombe, 2007).
While the effects of gender on the effectiveness of EI training are best examined by comparing effects for males to females, we
found few studies that reported the data to calculate separate effects by gender. Thus, consistent with Scott et al. (2004), we
investigated the impact of gender on the training on EI by examining the relationship between the density of male participants and
training effectiveness. As we anticipated greater gains for males than females in training, the proportion of men in the training
program should be related to the overall effect size for that intervention. Based on the selection-regression threat and gender-based
effects in other types of training, we hypothesized:
Hypothesis 3. There will be a positive correlation with the percentage of men and the effect of training on EI across samples.
Training Properties. Additionally, we examined characteristics of the training program itself. In their recent review of the science
of training, Salas et al. (2012) concluded that while there is evidence that training works, “the way training is designed, delivered,
and implemented matters” (p. 74). For example, we know from other meta-analyses that inclusion of lecture or discussion influences
effect sizes for training in general (Arthur et al., 2003; Callahan, Kiker, & Cross, 2003), active learning promotes learning in com-
puter-based simulation games (Sitzmann, 2011), and the presence or absence of practice and feedback moderates the effectiveness of
web-based instruction relative to classroom instruction (Sitzmann, Kraiger, Stewart, & Wisher, 2006). Accordingly, we investigated
the effects of training properties on effect sizes.
We used the training properties identified by Callahan et al. (2003) as well as features of training design identified by Brown and
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Sitzmann (2011) to categorize and code important training properties. While it would have been more meaningful to do rich coding
and analysis for specific training properties (e.g., the quality and quantity of feedback), the descriptions of training programs in most
studies we reviewed allowed us merely to code whether the following training properties were described in the included study:
lecture, modeling, exploration, practice, homework, feedback, coaching, assessment, and technology. Further, because there were
often so few studies for many specific properties, we chose to examine the influence the training properties en masse. In other words,
the more an individual study implemented lecture, modeling, learner exploration, and so forth, the more effective the training should
be. Thus, we predicted that training properties, in general, would explain variability in effect sizes:
Hypothesis 4. Collectively, training properties will predict a significant amount of variance of the study-level effect size of training
on emotional intelligence.
2. Method
Studies were obtained by conducting a computerized search for the words emotional intelligence, training, and intervention using the
databases PsychInfo, Business Source Premier, Dissertation & Theses Global, and Google Scholar. We also searched for all studies
referenced in papers identified in this search. To be included in the meta-analysis, a study must have included: (a) a training program
with an objective to improve emotional intelligence of participants; (b) a measure of emotional intelligence administered pre- and
post-training or post-test with a control group; (c) and reported means and standard deviations of the EI score, or enough statistical
information (e.g., F, t, or p-values) to estimate effect sizes. Moreover, the participants in each sample must have been adults (i.e., over
the age of 18).
We decided not to require a control group to be included in this meta-analysis, as many well-designed pre-post studies would have
been excluded and valuable data lost. Morris and DeShon (2002) outlined conditions under which effect sizes from pre-post and
treatment-control designs can be combined: Effect size estimates are based on the same metric and the standard deviation is drawn
from the same population. In this instance, we were unwilling to assume that a pooled post-training standard deviation was drawn
from the same population as the pre-training standard deviation in pre-post designs. Accordingly, we opted to conduct separate meta-
analyses for pre-post and treatment-control designs, but applied both analyses to address our hypotheses and research question.
For the pre-post meta-analysis, a total of 56 samples from 50 studies met the inclusion criteria, for a total sample of 2136. The
treatment-control meta-analysis included 28 samples from 26 studies, yielding 2174 participants. Of these 28 samples, 13 used an
active (or alternative) treatment group, and 15 used a passive (or no) treatment group. The number of participants in the treatment-
control sample exceeds the number of participants in the pre-post sample since the former includes control group participants where
the latter does not. All studies were completed between 2000 and 2016. Table 1 presents a comprehensive list of studies included in
both meta-analyses.
Participant roles and occupations are shown in Table 1. As can be seen in the table, working participants were in multiple roles
including managers, nurses, police officers, sales, teachers, and retail staff. Additionally, student samples were drawn from under-
graduate, graduate, and professional programs, with the modal sample being MBA students.
It should be noted that when student samples were used, the EI training in all cases was integrated into course or institutional
programs; in other words, no studies were conducted on student participants who were engaged in the study for research credit. In
addition, while several training programs were conducted on volunteer samples (e.g., Kotsou, Grégoire, Nelis, & Mikolajczak, 2011),
in nearly all studies with field samples, the training was formally sanctioned by the host organizations.
To increase accuracy and validity of the coding, both the first and second author independently coded all variables across all
studies. Both authors are training researchers and well-trained in meta-analytical methodology. The two coders reached 100% re-
liability by engaging in multiple calibration meetings to discuss and resolve any discrepancies between individually coded items. The
coders also discussed and agreed upon coding-related and inclusion rules, discussed in further detail in the below paragraphs.
Six studies assessed EI using a combination of self-report and other-report measures (e.g., peers or supervisors). We did not want
to include both effect sizes in our meta-analyses, as these samples would be counted twice, thus inaccurately contributing two effect
sizes to the overall meta-analysis as opposed to one. In the case where the same sample yielded two effect sizes—one based on self-
report and the other based on other-report data—the effect size calculated from the other-report data was used.1 We decided to use
other-report over self-report data since research shows that people commonly overestimate their own abilities in general (Mabe &
West, 1982) and their emotional intelligence specifically (Brackett, Rivers, Shiffman, Lerner, & Salovey, 2006). Individuals may
overestimate their EI due to a self-serving bias (i.e., wanting to perceive themselves in a more favorable light) or because they lack the
emotional expertise necessary to accurately assess their overall emotional ability/capacity (Côté, 2014; Sheldon, Dunning, & Ames,
2014). Additionally, self-report measures (compared to other-report measures) tend to not correlate with other-report ratings (Joseph
& Newman, 2010) although the overall impact of training on EI scores does not change in our meta-analysis by using other- or self-
report scores when both are available.
In the pre-post studies using both other-report and self-report measures, the correlation between effect sizes was 0.69; there was no substantive change to the mean
d when using self- v. other-reported scores.
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Table 1
Studies, samples, and variables included in pre-post and treatment-control meta-analyses.
Study Publication Location Participants EI Measure EI Focus Sample Pre- Size T-C
Type Post
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Table 1 (continued)
Study Publication Location Participants EI Measure EI Focus Sample Pre- Size T-C
Type Post
EI Focus refers to whether the training was designed explicitly to improve emotional intelligence. Pre-Post = Pre-test, post-test design.
T-C = Treatment and control group design. D = Dissertation, PR = Peer-Reviewed, C=Chapter, R = Report/Manuscript. AN = Netherlands
Antilles, AU = Australia, BE = Belgium, BR = Brazil, CA = Canada, IE = Ireland, IN=India, IR = Iran, IS=Israel, IT = Italy, JD = Jordan,
SA = South Africa, SK = South Korea, SUI=Switzerland, UK=United Kingdom, US=United States of America. UG = Undergraduate.
AEQT = Adult Emotional Quotient Test.
ECI-1 = Emotional Competence Inventory-2, EISDI = EI Self-Description Inventory, EDEIS = Exploring and Developing EI Skills, EIQ = Emotional
Intelligence Questionnaire, ERSQ = Emotional Regulation Skills Questionnaire, ESQ = Emotional Situations Questionnaire, MEIS = Multifactor
Emotional Intelligence Scale, MSCEIT = Mayer-Salovey-Caruso EI Test, SEIS=Shutte Emotional Intelligence Scale, SUEIT = Swinburne University
EI Test, TEIQ = Trait-EI Questionnaire, WEII=Weisinger's EI Instrument, WEIP=Workgroup EI Profile-Short Version.
Of the 56 studies coded, 45 either collected post-test data immediately at the end of training (K = 32) or did not specify when
post-test data were collected (K = 14). In the 11 samples in which a time after training was specified, the lag between training and
post-testing ranged from two to 104 weeks (M = 25.82, SD = 29.40). In 50 of 56 samples, only a single post-test score was available.
For cases in which there were multiple post-tests, the score most distal from the pre-test was coded. The more distal measure was
assumed to be more indicative of true changes in participants' EI.
When possible, we tried to distinguish participant gender by treatment condition. In cases in which the authors did not specify
gender separately by treatment condition, the overall frequencies were recorded for both groups since this was the best estimate
available. Although this study assessed whether EI in general can be trained, EI is conceptualized as a multidimensional construct and
is often measured as such. When possible, we recorded and aggregated an EI total score. When studies reported subscale scores, and
not overall EI (e.g., Borges, Kirkham, Deardorff, & Moore, 2012), we calculated an effect size for the study by averaging the calculated
effect sizes for each subscale.
Moderator variables were identified as factors that were common across studies that may also significantly reduce or increase the
effect size of training on EI. The first moderator variable was publication status. To examine potential publication-bias, we coded
studies according to whether they were published in a peer-reviewed journal, as a dissertation, or as a book chapter/manuscript/
Additionally, we coded each of the following variables as dichotomous variables: Lecture, modeling, exploration, practice,
homework, feedback, coaching, assessment, and technology. While it would have been preferable to code in ways that better cap-
tured the richness and quality of the training practice (e.g., the type and frequency of feedback), those studies that did include
information that allowed us to code for training properties typically did so in a level of detail that allowed us to judge no more than
“present” or “not present.” Individual moderators were coded as follows. Lecture was coded a “1” whenever an instructor explained
the content relevant to the learning objectives. Lectures could be presented in a variety of ways, including through computer con-
ferencing, an audio or video recording, or a live lecture. Modeling was coded a “1” whenever the following conditions were followed
in the training: (a) describing a set of well-defined skills, (b) showing a model or models displaying the use of those skills, (c)
practicing using those skills, and (d) providing feedback and reinforcement (Decker & Nathan, 1985). Exploration referred to a
variety of forms of active or experiential learning by participants by offering learning resources and allow learners to practice and
explore. Examples of exploration include diaries, self-directed learning, and reflection. Practice was coded as present if trainees were
explicitly instructed to practice emotional intelligence strategies. Homework was coded a “1” whenever participants were given
assignments to complete between training assessments. Coaching was recorded when participants met one-on-one with the trainer/
facilitator or another expert to discuss topics such as handling problems on-the-job or responding to emotional challenges. Feedback
was coded a “1” when participants were given feedback by the instructor or peers anytime throughout the training. While all studies
included assessment at least at post-test, for purposes of this investigation, assessment was coded a “1” when participants completed
an EI measure before or during training and received information about how they scored (and perhaps what it meant). Finally,
technology was scored a “1” whenever the description of the program mentioned the use of any form of technology-distributed
instruction including computer-based training, video players, or audio recordings.
The final moderator variable was the EI measure used to assess emotional intelligence. Fifteen different EI measures were used to
assess emotional intelligence of trainees. The most commonly used measure was the Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence
Test (MSCEIT) (K = 12), followed by the Bar-On EQ-I (K = 10). We coded each EI measure as taking either an ability-model or
mixed-model approach to measurement, according to theoretical underpinnings and reported construct validity. We used the MSCEIT
as the prototypical EI measure to assess EI as an ability, as this is most commonly referenced ability-model measure in the EI literature
(Côté, 2014). Therefore, any other measure that used the Mayer and Salovey (1997) definition of the emotional intelligence construct
as the basis of their measure was included in the group of EI-ability measures. All other measures were coded as mixed-model
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Effect sizes were calculated by the authors from the coded data. When means and standard deviations were available, we cal-
culated the d-value using a variant of Cohen's d-statistic formula. There are a variety of choices of standard deviation terms available
for calculating d (Schmidt & Hunter, 2015). We chose the weighted average of the treatment and control groups for those designs, and
the pre-score SD for pre-post designs. Our rationale was that assuming training works, the SD for the post-test should be lower than at
pre-test (Alliger & Katzman, 1997), thus the pre-test SD is the best estimate of variability in the population. To calculate the d-statistic
for our treatment and control studies, we imputed change scores instead of post-test means in order to account for inequivalent pre-
test scores between the treatment and control groups that could potentially mask or inflate the overall effect size between the two
groups. Our primary d-statistic equations were as follows:
Repeated measures:
(Mpost − Mpre )
dRM =
[(MTpost − MTpre ) − (MCpost − MCpre )]
dIG =
[(NT SDTpre 2
+ NC SDCpre )/(NT + NC ) ⎤
when means and standard deviations were not reported, we calculated effect sizes based on available test statistics (e.g., t-values)
following Schmidt and Hunter's (2015) procedures.
The analysis was completed using the Hunter-Schmidt meta-analysis program (Schmidt & Le, 2014) using a random effects model.
We corrected for sampling error by weighting each individual effect size by its sample size. Additionally, we corrected unreliability in
the EI measure). Reliability estimates of the EI measure, either at the sample- or population-level, were available for 48 out of the 56
total pre-post samples, and for 24 out of the 26 treatment-control samples. We imputed the average reliability score for studies not
reporting reliability.
3. Results
Descriptive statistics for the dependent variable (emotional intelligence score) for both meta-analyses (pre-post and treatment-
control) are presented in Table 2. A positive and significant effect size of the mean true score across each meta-analysis would
indicate the positive effect of training on EI scores. As shown in Table 2, the mean true score effect size across all pre-post samples
was 0.61. In other words, EI scores were on average slightly over one half a standard deviation higher on post-test than pre-test. For
the treatment-control meta-analysis, the mean true score effect size was 0.45, indicating a moderately positive effect of training on
emotional intelligence, albeit not quite as strong as an effect as we found for the pre-post meta-analysis. For both meta-analyses, the
95% confidence intervals did not include 0, thus supporting the statistical significance of the effects. We can therefore conclude that
emotional intelligence is a trainable construct, thus providing support for Hypothesis 1. In addition, while the confidence intervals for
the two designs overlapped, we note that treatment-control designs are generally more rigorous than pre-post designs; thus the 0.45
estimate for the former design is likely a better estimate of the population effect for training EI.
The obtained effect sizes across data sets were moderate in size (Cohen, 1988). A d value of 0.45 would mean that the average
participant in the training group would be at the 67th percentile of the control group; d = 0.61 or that the average score on post-test
Table 2
Meta-analytic effect of training on emotional intelligence.
95% C.I.
V. Mattingly, K. Kraiger Human Resource Management Review xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
Table 3
Summary of main effect analyses for emotional intelligence for pre-post samples.
95% C.I.
Publication status
Peer-reviewed 1431 33 0.681 0.602 0.705 0.673 0.475 1.934
Dissertation 478 16 0.299 0.228 0.312 0.245 0.192 1.432
Report/manuscript 227 7 0.598 0.357 0.604 0.375 0.326 1.882
EI measure
Ability-model 1213 26 0.517 0.218 0.542 0.233 0.452 1.632
Mixed-model 923 30 0.679 0.774 0.691 0.871 0.380 1.003
Tables 3 and 4 display the main effect analyses of the categorical moderator variables (publication status and EI measure),
including the number of effect sizes examined (K), the mean weighted effect size (delta or dc) and its 95% confidence interval (CI).
Addressing Research Question one, in both data sets, effect sizes were larger for mixed-model than for ability measures (dmixed − model =
0.69, dability = 0.54 for pre-post designs, and dmixed − model = 0.51, dability = 0.35 for treatment-control designs). However, the con-
fidence intervals for mixed-model and ability effects overlapped, indicating that there were no significant differences in population
estimates for the two measure types.
A significant difference was found for the effect sizes for the published variable2 in both the pre-post (dpeer − reviewed = 0.71,
ddissertation = 0.31) and the treatment-control (dpeer − reviewed = 0.59, ddissertation = 0.12) data sets. In both cases, the average effect size of
peer-reviewed studies was significantly greater than the average effect size of the dissertation studies, as evidenced by a non-
overlapping confidence interval between the two sub-groups. Therefore, Hypothesis 2 was supported.
We conducted one additional analyses to look at the effects of study quality on treatment effects. For studies with both a treatment
and control group, we calculated effect sizes for those using random assignment of participants to conditions (K = 12, N = 398) and
those without random assignment (K = 13, N = 525). (For three additional studies, there was insufficient information to determine
whether random assignment was used.) The mean effect size for studies with random assignment was greater than for that for studies
with non-random assignment (dc = 0.72, v. 0.26, although the confidence intervals overlapped). Consistent with the results based on
publication type, larger effect sizes for training EI were found for better quality studies.
To assess Hypothesis 3, we correlated the percentage of males with the effect size of EI training for each study per the
Table 4
Summary of Main Effect Analyses for Emotional Intelligence for Treatment-Control Samples.
95% C.I.
EI Measure
Ability-model 582 14 0.314 0.289 0.349 0.306 0.189 0.510
Mixed-model 510 14 0.558 0.508 0.508 0.631 0.244 0.905
k = number of samples; N = total sample size; dc = mean true score correlation (Delta).
SDd = standard deviation of average observed effect size.
SDdc = observed standard deviation of corrected effect size.
The 95% confidence intervals (C.I.) were set around the mean true score correlation (LL = lower level; UL = upper level).
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Table 5
Regression analysis of training properties on effect size of treatment on EI for pre-post samples (n = 55).
Model 1 Model 2
Predictor b se LL UL b se LL UL
(Constant) −0.45 0.29 −0.13 1.04 −0.50 0.22 −0.05 −0.95
Lecture −0.35 0.21 −0.78 1.08 −0.33 0.19 −0.71 −0.06
Modeling −0.29 0.31 −0.91 - 0.34
Exploration −0.26 0.24 −0.75 −0.22
Discussion −0.60 0.29 −0.02 1.19 −0.40 0.21 −0.01 −0.78
Feedback 0.02 0.22 −0.42 0.46
Practice −0.28 0.20 −0.13 0.69
Coaching −0.22 0.24 −0.28 0.71
Assessment −0.36 0.25 −0.86 −0.13
Homework −0.02 0.20 −0.38 −0.43
Technology −0.22 0.21 −0.65 −0.20
Adjusted R2 = 0.07 0.11
ΔR2 = +0.04
Note. b = unstandardized coefficients; se = standard error of b (LL = lower level; UL = upper level).
Table 6
Regression analysis of training properties on effect size of treatment on ei for treatment-control samples (n = 28).
Model 1 Model 2
Predictor b se LL UL b se LL UL
Note. b = unstandardized coefficients; se = standard error of b (LL = lower level; UL = upper level).
recommendation of Schmidt and Hunter (2015) for assessing continuous variables as moderators. For the pre-post sample, we found a
moderate and positive correlation (r = 0.24, p = .102) between the percentage of male participants and effect size. We found a
similar correlation for the treatment-control sample as well (r = 0.31, p = .113). While the correlations are in the hypothesized
direction, the effects are small and nonsignificant. Accordingly, Hypothesis 3 was not supported.
Hypothesis 4 stated that training properties as a set would predict a significant amount of variance in effect sizes across studies. To
test this hypothesis, we regressed the study effect size on the nine dummy-coded training property variables. For the pre-post sample,
the nine training properties did not explain a significant amount of variance in effect sizes (R2 = 0.22, Adjusted R2 = 0.04,
F(10,44) = 1.21, p = .315). Similar results were found for the treatment-control sample (R2 = 0.43, Adjusted R2 = 0.10,
F(10,17) = 1.29, p = .311). Therefore, Hypothesis 4 was not supported. Tables 5 and 6 show individual regression coefficients for each
training property.
4. Discussion
The purpose of this study was to answer the question of whether emotional intelligence can be trained. We addressed this by
conducting meta-analyses of both pre-post and treatment-control studies. Both meta-analyses found that the effect of training on is
both moderate and positive, thus confirming that scores on EI measures can be increased via training.
Across both data sets, we found a moderate positive effect for training on emotional intelligence scores: dc = 0.45 for treatment-
The third level of this moderator variable—report/manuscript—was not found to be significantly different from the other two levels of the publishing variable
since its confidence intervals overlapped with the peer-reviewed and dissertation sub-samples.
V. Mattingly, K. Kraiger Human Resource Management Review xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
control designs and 0.61 for pre-post designs. It is instructive to compare it to average effect sizes from other training meta-analyses.
Salas et al. (2012) reported average effect sizes for multiple training meta-analyses. For purposes of comparison with their results –
and because most of our studies used self-report EI measures – we compare our findings to meta-analytic effects on what Salas et al.
referred to as learning criteria. Arthur et al. (2003) conducted a meta-analysis of all known training interventions and reported an
overall d of 0.63 for learning criteria. Burke and Day (1986) aggregated the effects of 21 treatment-control studies of managerial
training and reported a corrected d of 0.34. Powell and Yalcin (2010) conducted an updated meta-analysis of managerial training
programs and reported mean r's of 0.48 (K = 7, N = 381) for posttest only with a control group designs and 0.55 (K = 3, N = 270)
pretest-post-test designs. Finally, Keith and Frese (2008) examined the effectiveness of 24 error management training in 24 studies
(N = 2183) and reported a mean d of 0.44. Thus, our meta-analytic results were within range of effects typically reported in training
We examined the effects of several study properties on overall effect sizes. For both data sets, we found that studies published in
peer-reviewed journals tend reported higher effect sizes on averaged than those reported in dissertations, thus inflating the expected
effect of training on EI. This effect occurs in many meta-analyses (e.g., de Smidt & Gorey, 1997; Lipsey & Wilson, 1993). Since the
goal of a meta-analysis is to estimate accurately the population effect size for a treatment, it can be argued that while it is important
to know that effect sizes differ between publication types, the overall effect size across published and “grey literature” sources
represents the best estimate of the population value (Hopewell, Clarke, & Mallett, 2005).
The next study characteristic we investigated was the percentage of males in the training groups. Contrary to our third hypothesis,
we found no significant relationship between the density of males in training and the effect size. Our results replicate other meta-
analyses in which there is no moderating effect for gender on training results (e.g., Baenninger & Newcombe, 1995; Uttal et al.,
2013). While women score higher than men on both ability-based (Brackett & Mayer, 2003; Brody & Hall, 1993, 2000) and mixed-
model EI measures (Goldenberg et al., 2006; Schutte et al., 1998; Van Rooy, Alonso, & Viswesvaran, 2005), the differences are likely
not great enough to cause a ceiling effect. Both males and females are expected to equally benefit from EI training. That said, we
recommend that in future training studies, researchers report separate test scores for males and females to more closely study possible
gender differences in the trainability of EI.
Additionally, we found no support that training properties as a set had a significant influence on study effect sizes, even though
the R2 values were in fact non-trivial (0.24 for the pre-post design, 0.43 for treatment-control). A problem with this analysis was the
accuracy of the coding. As discussed below, most studies provided insufficient detail on what was trained and how it was trained.
Given that these were primarily studies of whether EI could be trained, this absence of detail is puzzling. That aside, the problem here
is that when we coded training properties, a “1” meant that the property was mentioned. A “0” meant either that it was not
mentioned, or the researchers specifically mentioned that the property was absent. Thus, it is not clear whether our null findings
would have held had there been better reporting in the primary studies and a binary distinction clearly meant the presence or absence
of the training property.
Although not reported in our results, we conducted an exploratory backwards stepwise regression analyses to see if we could
identify a subset of training properties that seem to predict EI training effectiveness. We cautiously interpret these results here, noting
both the small K in both data sets and the susceptibility of stepwise regression to capitalization on chance (Tabachnick & Fidell,
2007). Although the predictors that emerged across the two data sets were independent, we see overlap in the meaning of the results.
For the pre-post studies, effect sizes are larger when discussion is included and lecture is not. Holding the other variables constant,
including discussion or not lecturing results in an effect size about 0.40 units higher, nearly doubling the effect. These results are
consistent with a case for training being active and personal. Our results suggest that trainees should acquire more emotional
intelligence when they can discuss the meaning of the construct and how it applies to them, and they will learn less if they sit and
listen. For the treatment-control designs, effect sizes were larger when there was practice and feedback, and no coaching and
homework. The regression coefficient for practice was particularly high; holding other variables constant, providing practice op-
portunities results in an effect size 0.75 units higher. Again, the results suggest that training must be active (practice) and personal
(feedback). EI scores increase when participants can practice diagnosing situations and responding accordingly, and receive feedback
to how well they do. While coaching and homework would seem to be positive training properties, they are both used when training
is spread out over multiple sessions and trainees are expected to do something (e.g., analyze a case or meet with a coach) between
sessions. Again, we note that these interpretations should be considered with caution, but we encourage future researchers to sys-
tematically vary these properties to see their effect on training effectiveness.
We also investigated the research question of whether effect sizes differ significantly depending on whether ability or mixed-model EI
measures are used. No significant differences on training effectiveness were found between ability-model and mixed-model EI mea-
sures for either research design. The mean effect sizes appear different between designs, but the confidence intervals overlapped. In
the studies we reviewed, researchers typically noted the two approaches to emotional intelligence, but tended to endorse one over the
other. Not surprisingly, researchers designed the training and chose the measures consistent with the approach they endorsed. Thus,
the absence of differences in effect sizes between measure types could merely indicate that researchers selected training criterion
measures consistent with their specific learning objectives and instructional methods (Kraiger et al., 1993). A more interesting
analysis could be whether training effects generalize across both types of measures, but there not enough studies to allow us to
investigate that question.
In summary, results of both pre-post and treatment-control group designs show a moderate, positive effect of training on the
V. Mattingly, K. Kraiger Human Resource Management Review xxx (xxxx) xxx–xxx
emotional intelligence scores of participants. This effect was stronger in published data than in dissertations and was robust across
participant gender and type of EI measure.
We note that we were only able to estimate the effect of training on EI scores on measures theoretically related to the models that
guided the development of training. Further, most studies used self-report EI measures. Accordingly, our meta-analysis is best in-
terpreted as showing that training improves EI scores, rather than emotional intelligence itself. That is, the demonstrated practical
utility of training would have been greater had there been more evidence that either trainees behaved in ways consistent with higher
EI (e.g., greater self-awareness and self-management, empathy, and improved interpersonal communication) or that EI training
affected other outcomes such as individual job performance or subordinate job satisfaction.
As is evident in Table 1, there was considerable variability in measures used to assess EI. The convergent validity of different EI
measures, both within and between EI models, has long been recognized as a concern in the EI literature (e.g., Brackett & Mayer,
2003; Conte, 2005; Joseph et al., 2015; Webb et al., 2013). While meta-analysis methodology often includes combining different
operationalizations of the same variable (Schmidt & Hunter, 2015), the general lack of convergence among EI measures suggests a
cautionary interpretation of our findings – training positively changes EI scores, but it is not clear what aspects of emotional in-
telligence are particularly affected.
Further, there were no studies that used multiple EI measures that would have allowed us, for example, to determine of an ability-
based EI intervention affected scores on a mixed-model EI measure. It is important to recognize that ability and mixed-model
measures of EI tend to only be moderately correlated and may in fact represent different underlying constructs (Joseph & Newman,
2010). Further, studies that have used multiple measures of EI often find low correlations between different measures (e.g., Choi &
Kluemper, 2012; Joseph & Newman, 2010; Zeidner, Shani-Zinovich, Matthews, & Roberts, 2005). To the extent that construct/
measurement clusters of ability models represent something distinct than those of mixed-models, one could argue that argue that our
meta-analytic investigation of training used one measure type v. the other is truly an “apples and oranges” comparison. Even if that is
true, it is instructive to note that training to enhance EI by either criterion tends to be equally effective, and practitioners are
encouraged to seek out instructional methods that are optimized for their intended training outcomes (Kraiger & Jung, 1997).
While we made every effort to locate all published and unpublished studies on the trainability of emotional intelligence, both the
total number of studies and total sample size were relatively small for a meta-analysis. Thus, by only including studies we found
within databases and through email list-serves requests of unpublished papers, we may have contributed to the “file-drawer problem”
of not including null, yet valid, findings (Rosenthal, 1979). In other words, the effect sizes in additional unpublished works in-
vestigating the effect of training on emotional intelligence may differ significantly from effect sizes reported in peer-reviewed
journals and dissertations/theses. Rosenthal recommended calculating a fail-safe N to estimate the number of unpublished null results
needed to determine if the overall calculated effect size is due to sampling error. If the fail-safe N exceeds ten plus five times the
number of effect sizes, it would be unlikely that a null effect would be found. The fail-safe N for the pre-post and treatment-control
meta-analyses are 290 and 150, respectively. Therefore, it is possible, though unlikely, that enough unpublished studies exist to result
in a null effect of training on EI.
On the other hand, it is also possible that our meta-analysis underestimates the population effect of training on emotional
intelligence. We say this for several reasons. First, while some of the studies we aggregated were in top-tier journals, the majority
were not. We did not code or control for methodological weaknesses in studies, as primary sources on meta-analysis recommend
against this practice (Schmidt & Hunter, 2015). Intuitively, if, as we found, most studies were published in lower-tiered journals,
those studies probably contain an atypical number of methodological flaws. Often, these shortcomings have the effect of increasing
within cell variability, which in turn would decrease study-level effect sizes. While we realize this is post-hoc speculation, we do
suspect that several well-designed, large sample studies could have a great impact on estimates of the population effect.
Second, our analyses found that training properties had, both individually and collectively, influences on study-level effect sizes.
However, many studies did not provide adequate (or any!) documentation of these training properties. Had all studies clearly de-
scribed their training practices, we would have not only been able to more accurately model the effects of these practices on study
effect sizes, but we could have obtained estimates of the effects of well-designed training programs. If for example, we identified main
effects for practice, feedback, and (absence of) lectures. We could have then identified only those training programs characterized by
those properties and, in turn, provided an upper level estimate of the impact of training on EI scores.
More generally, a primary challenge we faced when conducting this meta-analysis was the lack of available details within the
coded studies. Authors commonly failed to include detailed information about their training program. This made coding training
properties difficult, as explicit information about the content of the training program was not readily available. It is also possible that
by treating the absence of a mention of property as the absence of a property may have mispresented true proportions of properties in
the studies we reviewed. For example, a method section may have said: “The training program was characterized by lecture, dis-
cussion, and practice.” Because there was no mention of homework, we assumed that (and coded as if) no homework assignments
were given. To the extent that these assumptions were erroneous, our findings on the joint effects of training properties may be
Even more surprising was how often very basic statistics were left out of results sections, making our calculations of effect sizes
either challenging or difficult to accomplish. When authors were emailed to request missing data, they often stated that they no
longer had the data, even though the request fell well within the seven-year APA guideline for data storage (American Psychological
Association, 2007). We therefore strongly advise authors of future training evaluation papers to, please, be thorough in your
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reporting of relevant data (e.g., means, standard deviations, sample sizes for all sub-groups) to allow the possibility of meta-analytic
procedures to be conducted using your data.
Given our evidence that training positively affects EI scores, it would be valuable for EI researchers to move beyond straight-
forward studies that examine if training affects EI to more complex studies as to how and for whom. We noted a trend in the studies
reviewed that suggested training is more effective when lectures are avoided, and coaching, practice, and feedback are included. This
pattern suggests the need to individualize EI training and provide accurate feedback on participants' skills. Moreover, this preliminary
finding has important implications for practitioners insofar that EI is better trained using an active/experiential approach versus
passive. Researchers should further test specific interventions rooted in the EI literature.
Further, while we found no moderating effect for gender, other individual difference variables should be investigated as potential
moderators. For example, is training more effective for individuals high in self-monitoring (John, Cheek, & Klohnen, 1996) or
regulatory flexibility (sensitivity to context, availability of a diverse repertoire of regulatory strategies, and responsiveness to
feedback; see Bonanno & Burton, 2013)? By analogy, we note how the Keith and Frese's (2008) meta-analysis on error management
training gradually led to fewer main effect studies and more studies on underlying mechanisms (e.g., Baglin & Costa, 2012; Keith,
Richter, & Naumann, 2010) and individual difference moderators (Cullen, Muros, Rasch, & Sackett, 2013; Loh, Andrews, Hesketh, &
Griffin, 2013).
Additionally, we noted that we could not assess training impact on any criteria other than EI scores. As noted above, EI has been
related empirically to many work-related criteria included job performance, work stress, and health (Ciarrochi, Deane, & Anderson,
2002; Harms & Credé, 2010; Joseph et al., 2015; Joseph & Newman, 2010; Martins et al., 2010 and O'Boyle et al., 2011). Further, it is
known that not all learning in training transfers to the job (Salas et al., 2012); how much is transferred depends on many personal,
training, and organizational factors (Blume, Ford, Baldwin, & Huang, 2010). Accordingly, it would be useful in primary studies to
consider the effects of EI training on other outcomes. If EI increases from pre-test to post-test, do workers feel less stress or greater job
satisfaction? Does their performance increase? What is the size of the effect on these outcomes relative to the observed effect on EI
scores? While these questions cannot be answered given the current state of the EI training literature, given that our study shows that
training influences EI scores, in future investigations, researchers are encouraged to move beyond this question and examine the
broader impacts of training.
In conclusion, the results of this meta-analysis make both theoretical and practical contributions to the EI literature by identifying
the extent to which EI can be trained. The moderate and positive effect of training on EI supports the malleability of this construct,
allowing us to infer that EI is trainable. These findings should be beneficial to practitioners curious to know whether implementing
workplace EI training programs is indeed a good investment. Based on the findings of this meta-analysis of the effect of training on
emotional intelligence, we can conclude: Yes, you can train that.
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