Battery Charging Technologies For Advanced Submarine Requirements
Battery Charging Technologies For Advanced Submarine Requirements
Battery Charging Technologies For Advanced Submarine Requirements
Author: Requirements for submarines have continuously changed over the years. This article
describes how MTU’s future submarine engine fullfils these modern submarines’
Arndt von Drathen specifications, while also improving the characteristics of the proven Series 396 subma-
Senior Manager, Application Centre Marine, rine engines. The availability of the first generating sets is planned for 2016; however,
Submarine and MCMV Applications project specific time schedule alignments are possible.
Starting in 2009, MTU began combining the the project team was to maintain the benchmark
properties of its existing successful submarine setting characteristics of the Series 396 SE and
solutions for all customers’ submarine designs simultaneously incorporate abilities to meet the
with new market requests from submarine build- latest operational requirements.
ing shipyards. The resulting product specifica-
tion was then augmented with the modern Following the successful development of the
submarine requirements (partly described on Series 396 submarine engine, the vast experi-
the following pages). In 2011, the detailed con- ence gained with the Series 4000 provides a
cept study for these functional and performance reliable and commercially viable basis for the
requirements showed the feasibility of such an development of the next generation of subma-
improved product. The major challenge facing rine engines.
The advanced submarine engine will therefore
utilize a large number of proven components from Fig. 1: Combined use of components from M73, M70 and submarine-specific special parts.
Series 4000 (see Figure 1). As for all predecessor
submarine engine designs, submarine specific
components are developed to satisfy the demand- submarine-specific
ing operating conditions on board submarines.
Conventional submarines have grown in size over provide rated power almost the entire operational nature management in order to reduce the fuel
the last decades to meet increased transit dis- time to fully utilize the Li-Ion advantages. consumption even further, will offer additional
tance requirements to the operational areas and operational flexibility.
to accommodate various Air Independent Propul- The task to cover increased transit distances
sion technologies into the hull. Despite hydrody- from home port to the theatre of operation is Emissions legislation gains more relevance even
namic improvements of the hull shapes, the larger usually covered at relatively high speeds with for special applications such as submarines. Pub-
displacements have led to higher power demands. no specific acoustic signature requirements. lic and political pressure to spend taxpayers’ mon-
This trend for more power will be even further Acoustic signature optimization of the combus- ey only when complying with emissions regula-
accelerated by new Li-Ion battery technologies. tion process; however, does have a detrimental tions is evident in both industrialized and emerg-
Li-Ion batteries are going to increase underwater effect on the specific fuel consumption. To ing countries. As emissions optimization effects
endurance and performance of submarines signifi- avoid increasing the size of a submarine or the fuel consumption and emissions legislation
cantly. However, the diesel engine driven charging limiting its range and endurance it is essential requirements vary depending on the platforms
unit technology needs to adapt to the new require- to improve specific fuel consumption in general. geographic position, again more flexibility in the
ments: firstly, more electrical power and secondly, When the tactical situation allows, acoustic sig- diesel engines’ combustion settings is desirable.
1,970 units; see Figure “Naval surface version of tactical needs for smaller coastal submarines The success and economic benefits of this de-