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CDD 000-900

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000 Computer science, information, general

001–006 [Knowledge, the book, systems, computer science]
010 Bibliography
020 Library and information sciences
030 General encyclopedic works
050 General serial publications
060 General organizations and museology
070 Documentary media, educational media, news media; journalism; publishing
080 General collections
090 Manuscripts, rare books, other rare printed materials

001 Knowledge
Description and critical appraisal of intellectual activity in general
Including interdisciplinary works on consultants
Class here discussion of ideas from many fields; interdisciplinary approach to
Class epistemology in 121. Class a compilation of knowledge in a specific form
with the form, e.g., encyclopedias 030
For consultants or use of consultants in a specific subject, see the subject, e.g.,
library consultants 023, engineering consultants 620, use of consultants in
management 658.4
See Manual at 500 vs. 001
.01 Theory of knowledge
Do not use for philosophy of knowledge, philosophical works on theory of
knowledge; class in 121

.1 Intellectual life
Nature and value
For scholarship and learning, see 001.2
See also 900 for broad description of intellectual situation and condition

001 Dewey Decimal Classification 001

.2 Scholarship and learning

Intellectual activity directed toward increase of knowledge
Class methods of study and teaching in 371.3. Class a specific branch of
scholarship and learning with the branch, e.g., scholarship in the humanities
001.3, in history 900
For research, see 001.4
See Manual at 500 vs. 001

.3 Humanities
Including relative value of science versus the humanities
Class here government policy on humanities

.4 Research
Including research methods; qualitative research, quantitative research,
scientific method; descriptive and experimental methods; support of and
incentives for research; awards, bursaries, certificates, competitions, contests,
fellowships and scholarships, financial support, grants, honors, medals, prizes
Class here action research, evaluation research, works discussing what research
Class operations research, computer modeling and simulation in 003; class
student finance in higher education in 378.3. Class research in a specific subject
with the subject, plus notation 072 from Table 1, e.g., research in linguistics
410.72; class results of research in a specific subject with the subject without
notation 072 from Table 1, e.g., results of research in linguistics 410 (not
410.72); class support of and incentives for research in a specific subject with
the subject, plus notation 079 from Table 1, e.g., research awards in mechanical
engineering 621.079
See Manual at 500 vs. 001; also at 519.5, T1—01 vs. 001.4, T1—072
Interdisciplinary works on historical research relocated to 907.2

.9 Controversial knowledge
Including well-established phenomena for which explanations are controversial;
the end of the world; deceptions and hoaxes; errors, delusions, superstitions
Class here interdisciplinary works on controversial knowledge, parapsychology,
Class a hoax that influenced history with the hoax in 900, e.g., False Dmitri 947
For parapsychology and occultism, see 130. For controversial knowledge
concerning a specific subject, see the subject, e.g., paranatural and
legendary phenomena as subjects of folklore 398, Piltdown man hoax 569.9,
controversial medical remedies 615.8, an alleged conspiracy to assassinate
John F. Kennedy 973.922
See Manual at 001.9 and 130

001 Computer science, information, general works 001

.94 Mysteries
Reported phenomena not explained, not fully verified
Including Atlantis, Bermuda Triangle, pyramid power
Class here nonastronomical extraterrestrial influences on earth
See also 900 for Atlantis as a subject of archaeology
.942 Unidentified flying objects (UFOs)
Variant name: flying saucers
Class here human-alien encounters
.944 Monsters and related phenomena
Including abominable snowman, Loch Ness monster
See also 590 for animals whose reality is not controversial

002 The book

Including interdisciplinary works on chapbooks [formerly 398]
Class here historical bibliography, interdisciplinary works on the book
Class comprehensive works on historical and analytical bibliography in 010
For book publishing, see 070.5; for rare books, see 090; for social aspects of
the book, see 302.23; for book arts, see 686. For chapbooks with content limited
to a specific subject, see the subject, e.g., murder 364.152, anonymous jokes
from oral tradition 398, 18th-century English fiction 823
.02 Miscellany
Do not use for lists, inventories, catalogs; class in 010
.029 Commercial miscellany
Do not use for trade catalogs and directories; class in 010
.07 Education, research, related topics
.074 Museums, collections, exhibits
Class catalogs and lists in 010

003 Dewey Decimal Classification 003

003 Systems
Including system identification; forecasting and forecasts; interdisciplinary
works on forecasting; computer modeling and simulation; computer applications
in systems, computer implementation of mathematical models of systems,
interdisciplinary works on computer modeling and simulation; theory of
communication and control; cybernetics, interdisciplinary works on control and
stability of systems; kinds of systems; systems distinguished in relation to time
Class here operations research; systems theory, analysis, design, optimization;
models (simulations) applied to real-world systems
Class computer vision in 006.3; class psychology of human perception in 153.7;
class simulation in education in 371.39; class perception in animals in 573.8;
class information theory in communications engineering in 621.382, without
using notation 01 from Table 1; class coding for purpose of limiting access to
information (cryptography) in 652; class use of systems analysis and operations
research in management in 658.4; class social aspects of and interdisciplinary
works on communication in systems in 302.2. Class systems in a specific subject
with the subject, plus notation 01 from Table 1, e.g., systems theory in the social
sciences 300.1; class information theory in communications engineering of a
specific kind of communications with the kind, without using notation 01 from
Table 1, e.g., radio 621.384; class information theory in any other specific subject
with the subject, plus notation 01 from Table 1, e.g., information theory in
economics 330.01
For artificial intelligence, see 006.3; for forecasting by parapsychological
and occult means, see 133.3; for social forecasting, forecasting and forecasts
for specific areas, see 303.49; for purely mathematical treatment of networks
without reference to real-world systems, see 511; for control theory in
automation engineering, see 629.8. For computer modeling and simulation
applied to a specific subject, see the subject, plus notation 01 from Table 1, e.g.,
computer modeling in economics 330.01; for control and stability of systems in
a specific subject, see the subject, plus notation 01 from Table 1, e.g., control
and stability of systems in general engineering 620.001
See also 004.2 for analysis and design of computer-based systems; also 511
for mathematical models not applied to real-world systems; also 519.7 for
mathematical programming not applied to real-world systems
[.028 5] Computer applications
Do not use; class in 003

> 004–006 Computer science; computer programming,

programs, data; special computer methods
Unless other instructions are given, class a subject with aspects in two or more
subdivisions of 004–006 in the number coming last, e.g., external storage for
personal computers 004.5 (not 004.16), data security in client-server computing
005.8 (not 004), natural language processing in full-text database management
systems 006.3 (not 005.75)
Class comprehensive works in 004

004 Computer science, information, general works 004

004 Computer science

Including processing modes; computers, processors, computer systems
distinguished by their processing modes; centralized processing; nonelectronic data
Class here data processing; selection and use of computer hardware; electronic
computers; electronic digital computers; computer systems (computers, their
peripheral devices, their operating systems); cyberinfrastructure; central processing
units; computer reliability; interactive, online processing; mobile computing;
comprehensive works on hardware and programs in electronic data processing
Class computer modeling and simulation in 003; class programming for
multiprocessor computers in 005.2; class web services in 006.7; class
comprehensive works on analog computers in 004.1; class comprehensive works
on associative processing and memory in 004.5; class comprehensive works on
multiprogramming, on time-sharing in 005.4. Class computer applications in a
specific subject with the subject, plus notation 0285 from Table 1, e.g., computer
applications in banking 332.10285
For computer programming, programs, data, see 005; for special computer
methods, see 006; for engineering, manufacture, repair of computers, see
621.39. For a specific aspect of mobile computing, see the aspect, e.g.,
handheld computing devices 004.167, wireless communications 004.6, mobile
operating systems for handheld computing devices 005.4
See also 025.04 for automated information storage and retrieval; also
303.48 for computers as a cause of social change; also 343.09 for computer
law; also 364.16 for financial and business computer crimes; also 371.33
for computer-assisted instruction (CAI); also 658 for data processing in
management; also 794.8 for computer games
See Manual at 004–006 vs. 621.39; also at 004 vs. 005
.01 Philosophy and theory
Including human-computer interaction, human factors, usability
Apply notation 01 from Table 1 as modified here throughout 004–006, e.g.,
usability in software engineering 005.101
.02 Miscellany
.028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment,
Do not use for testing and measurement; class in 004.2

004 Dewey Decimal Classification 004

.1 General works on specific types of computers

Including digital computers (e.g., supercomputers, mainframe computers,
midrange computers); hybrid and analog computers
Class here specific types of processors, computer systems based on specific
types of computers
Class specific types of computers, processors, computer systems distinguished
by their processing modes, massively parallel supercomputers, nonelectronic
analog computers in 004; class programmable calculators in 510.285; class
comprehensive works on midrange and personal computers in 004.16
See Manual at 004.1
Embedded computer systems relocated to 006.2
.16 *Personal computers
Former heading: Microcomputers
Class here specific types of personal computers; comprehensive works on
midrange and personal computers
Class midrange computers in 004.1
.165 Specific personal computers
Arrange alphabetically by name of computer or processor, e.g., Apple
See Manual at 004.165
Specific handheld computing devices relocated to 004.1675
.167 *Handheld computing devices
Class here specific types of handheld computing devices
.167 5 Specific handheld computing devices [formerly 004.165]
Arrange alphabetically by name of computer or processor, e.g.,
*Use notation 01 from Table 1 as modified at 004.01
004 Computer science, information, general works 004

.2 *Systems analysis and design, computer architecture, performance

Including analysis of a user’s problem preparatory to developing a computer
system to solve it; performance measurement and evaluation to aid in designing
or improving the performance of a computer system; systems analysis and
design, computer architecture, performance evaluation of specific types of
electronic computers
Class systems analysis and design, computer architecture, performance
evaluation of specific types of computers distinguished by processing mode
in 004; class communications network design and architecture in 004.6. Class
performance evaluation as a consideration in purchasing a specific item with the
item in 004, plus notation 029 from Table 1, e.g., evaluating personal computers
for purchase 004.16029
For software systems analysis and design, see 005.1; for database design
and architecture, see 005.74

.5 *Storage
Including hardware aspects of virtual memory; comprehensive works on
associative (content-addressable) memory and associative processing; internal
storage (main memory); external storage (auxiliary memory)
Class associative processing in 004; class comprehensive works on virtual
memory in 005.4

.6 *Interfacing and communications

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including interfacing and communications for specific types of electronic
computers (e.g., digital computers, computers distinguished by processing
modes, hybrid and analog computers); interfacing and communications
protocols; kinds of hardware; communications network architecture; data
transmission modes and data switching methods; local-area networks
Class here data communications; internetworking, interoperability; wired
communications, wireless communications; interdisciplinary works on
computer communications
Class client-server computing in 004; class data, programs, programming in
interfacing and communications in 005.7; class security measures in interfacing
and communications in 005.8. Class peripheral control units controlling a
specific kind of peripheral with the peripheral, e.g., printer controllers 004.7;
class protocols for specific aspects of interfacing and communications with the
aspect, e.g., protocols for error-correcting codes 005.7
For social aspects of computer communications, see 302.23; for economic
and related aspects of providing computer communications to the public, see
384.3; for interdisciplinary works on telecommunication, see 384
See also 004 for distributed processing
See Manual at 004.6 vs. 005.7; also at 004.6 vs. 384.3; also at 004.6 vs.
621.382, 621.39
*Use notation 01 from Table 1 as modified at 004.01
004 Dewey Decimal Classification 004

.602 Miscellany
Do not use for standards; class in 004.6
.67 *Wide-area networks
Including Internet; World Wide Web
Class here metropolitan-area networks
For Internet, World Wide Web as information systems, see 025.042. For
a specific aspect of cloud computing, see the aspect, e.g., grid computing
004, web services 006.7
See Manual at 004.67 vs. 006.7, 025.042, 384.3
.670 917 3 Socioeconomic regions by concentration of population
Do not use for metropolitan-area networks; class in 004.67
.69 Specific kinds of computer communications
Including Internet telephony
Class computer communications in multimedia systems with the system,
e.g., online social networks 006.7
[.690 1–.690 9] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 004.601–004.609
.692 *Electronic mail
Class here instant messaging; point-to-point communications
Class e-mail lists in 004.693
.693 *Discussion groups
Class here chat groups, electronic bulletin boards, e-mail lists,
newsgroups; broadcast communications
Class electronic mail in 004.692

.7 *Peripherals
Including peripherals for analog, digital, hybrid computers; peripherals for
computers distinguished by processing modes; peripherals combining input and
output functions; computer terminals; input peripherals; output peripherals
Class peripheral storage, tape and disk devices in 004.5; class input devices that
utilize pattern recognition methods in 006.4; class output peripherals that utilize
computer sound synthesis in 006.5; class computer graphics output devices in
006.6; class ergonomic engineering of computer peripherals in 621.39. Class
a special-purpose input device with the purpose, e.g., graphics input devices
006.6, game paddles 688.7
See also 004.6 for communications devices
*Use notation 01 from Table 1 as modified at 004.01
005 Computer science, information, general works 005

005 *Computer programming, programs, data

Class here software compatibility, portability, reliability, reusability
Class computer programming, programs, data for special computer methods in
006; class comprehensive works on hardware and programs in electronic data
processing in 004
See Manual at 004–006 vs. 621.39; also at 004 vs. 005

005.01 Philosophy and theory
.1 Programming
.2 Programming for specific types of computers, for specific operating
systems, for specific user interfaces
.3 Programs
.4 Systems programming and programs
.5 General purpose application programs
.7 Data in computer systems
.8 Data security

.01 Philosophy and theory

Including usability

> 005.1–005.5 Computer programming and programs

Class comprehensive works in 005

.1 Programming
Including special programming techniques; software systems analysis and
design; analysis of a user’s problem preparatory to developing a software
system to solve it; verification, testing, measurement, debugging; preparation
of program documentation; preparation of software documentation; program
maintenance; software maintenance; microprogramming and microprograms
Class here application frameworks, application programming, computer
algorithms, integrated development environments, software engineering
Class firmware viewed as hardware in 004; class real-time programming,
parallel programming in 005.2; class programming for personal computers
in 005.26; class programs for personal computers in 005.36; class algorithms
discussed solely from a theoretical perspective, without regard to computer
implementation, in 518. Class a specific application of programming within
computer science with the application in 005.4–005.8 or 006, e.g., programming
of computer graphics 006.6
For programming for specific types of computers, for specific operating
systems, for specific user interfaces, see 005.2
See Manual at 005.1–005.2 vs. 005.4; also at 005.1 vs. 005.3
*Use notation 01 from Table 1 as modified at 004.01
005 Dewey Decimal Classification 005

.101 Philosophy and theory

Use notation 01 from Table 1 as modified at 004.01. Do not use notation
01 from Table 1 for general discussions of logic in programming; class in
See also 005.13 for the symbolic (mathematical) logic of
programming languages
See Manual at 005.101
.102 Miscellany
.102 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Do not use for testing and measurement, maintenance and repair;
class in 005.1
Class special techniques in 005.1
.13 Programming languages
Including application generators, nonprocedural (declarative) languages,
text editors specially designed to assist in coding programs; symbolic logic
(mathematical logic); mathematical principles of programming languages,
e.g., automata, formal languages, grammars, recursive functions applied to
programming languages; specific programming languages; comprehensive
works on programming with specific programming languages; machine and
assembly languages
Class here coding of programs
Class specific microprogramming languages in 005.1; class mathematical
principles of programming in 005.101; class specific machine and assembly
languages in 005.2; class comprehensive works on text editors in 005.52
For specific machine and assembly languages, see 005.2; for assemblers,
see 005.4
See also 005.4 for job control languages
.130 1 Philosophy and theory
Use notation 01 from Table 1 as modified at 004.01. Do not use
notation 01 from Table 1 for mathematical principles; class in 005.13
See Manual at 005.101

.2 Programming for specific types of computers, for specific operating

systems, for specific user interfaces
Including programming for supercomputers; programming for mainframe
computers; programming for midrange computers; programming for
minicomputers, server class computers; programming for processing modes;
programming for hybrid and analog computers
Class here specific machine and assembly languages
Class comprehensive works on programming for midrange and personal
computers in 005.26
See Manual at 005.1–005.2 vs. 005.4; also at 005.1 vs. 005.3

005 Computer science, information, general works 005

.25 Programming for handheld computing devices

Class here programming for specific types of handheld computing devices
.250 1 Philosophy and theory
Use notation 01 from Table 1 as modified at 004.01
See Manual at 005.101
.26 Programming for personal computers
Including programming in specific programming languages; programming
for specific operating systems; programming for specific user interfaces
Class here programming for specific types of personal computers;
comprehensive works on programming for midrange and personal computers
Class programming for midrange computers in 005.2; class programming for
a specific operating system where the operating system is the only operating
system that runs on a specific computer in 005.265
For programming for handheld computing devices, see 005.25
.260 1 Philosophy and theory
Use notation 01 from Table 1 as modified at 004.01
See Manual at 005.101
.265 Programming for specific computers
Class here programming for specific processors, for computer systems
based on specific computers
Arrange alphabetically by name of computer, e.g., Apple iMac®
See Manual at 004.165
.265 01 Philosophy and theory
See Manual at 005.101

005 Dewey Decimal Classification 005

.3 *Programs
Software, firmware, middleware
Including programs for digital computers (e.g., programs for supercomputers,
programs for mainframe computers, programs for midrange computers,
programs for personal computers); programs for specific processing modes;
programs for specific operating systems and for specific user interfaces not
limited by type of computer; programs for hybrid and analog computers
Class here application programs, collections of programs, software
documentation, software packages, comprehensive works on software and
firmware, on applications and systems programs
Class comprehensive works on programs for midrange and personal computers
in 005.36. Class programs for a specific application in computer science with
the application in 005–006, e.g., programs for computer graphics 006.6; class
online help in specific kinds of programs with the kind, e.g., online help in
programs for personal computers 005.36; class collections of programs of a
specific kind with the kind, e.g., collections of general purpose application
software 005.5
For firmware, see 005.1; for systems programs, see 005.4
See also 005.1 for preparation of program documentation
See Manual at 005.3; also at 005.1 vs. 005.3; also at 005.3, 005.5 vs. 005.4
.302 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Do not use for software metrics, quality assurance, reliability, testing,
verification, maintenance and repair, class in 005.1
Including usability testing, software evaluation as an aid in selection
.302 9 Commercial miscellany
See Manual at 011 vs. 005.3029, 016.0053, 025.0422
.36 *Programs for personal computers
Including programs for handheld computing devices
Class here programs for specific types of personal computers;
comprehensive works on programs for midrange and personal computers
Class programs for midrange computers in 005.3
.362 Programs in specific programming languages
Limited to programs and works about programs where the material being
classified emphasizes the programming language
Arrange alphabetically by name of programming language, e.g., BASIC
*Use notation 01 from Table 1 as modified at 004.01
005 Computer science, information, general works 005

.365 Programs for specific computers

Class here programs for specific processors, programs for computer
systems based on specific computers
Arrange alphabetically by name of computer or processor, e.g., Apple
See Manual at 004.165; also at 005.368 vs. 005.365
.368 Programs for specific operating systems and for specific user
Class programs for a specific operating system where the operating
system is the only operating system that runs on a specific computer in
See Manual at 005.368 vs. 005.365

.4 *Systems programming and programs

Including programming to produce operating systems; systems programs;
operating systems, system administration (using expertise in systems programs
to keep computer systems functioning efficiently), systems software, utility
programs; operating systems for specific types of computers; programming
language translators; code generators, macro processors, parsers, translators for
specific programming languages
Class translators for microprogramming languages in 005.1; class text
editors in 005.52; class programming and programs for interfacing and data
communications in 005.7; class programming and programs for internal
management of data files and databases in 005.74. Class programming for
specific aspects of operating systems with the aspect, e.g., programming for
communications 005.7; class a specific application of systems programs with
the application, e.g., computer interfacing and device drivers 005.7, computer
security 005.8
For hardware aspects of multiprogramming, see 004; for hardware aspects
of virtual memory, see 004.5; for data backup and recovery, see 005.8
See Manual at 005.1–005.2 vs. 005.4; also at 005.1 vs. 005.3; also at 005.3,
005.5 vs. 005.4; also at 005.74 vs. 005.4

.5 *General purpose application programs

Programs and integrated software packages that can be used in a wide range of
Including statistical programs; statistical software; personal information
management programs; presentation software; business presentation software
Class here integrated programs, specific programs with interdisciplinary
Arrange alphabetically by name of program or software package, e.g.,
Class database software in 005.74
See Manual at 005.1 vs. 005.3; also at 005.3, 005.5 vs. 005.4
*Use notation 01 from Table 1 as modified at 004.01
005 Dewey Decimal Classification 005

.52 *Word processing

Including grammar checkers, spelling checkers, style checkers
Class here desktop publishing software, text editors, text processing
Arrange alphabetically by name of program or software package, e.g., Corel
Class works on desktop publishing that emphasize typography in 686.2
.54 *Electronic spreadsheets
Arrange alphabetically by name of program or software package, e.g.,
Microsoft Excel®

.7 *Data in computer systems

Including data communications; computer communications; device drivers,
interfacing, interprocess communications; data preparation and representation;
file formats; conversion to machine-readable form, data entry and validation;
document formats, record formats; data structures
Class computer input devices in 004.7; class data validation in file processing,
data representation through file organization in 005.74
For data security, data encryption and ciphers, see 005.8; for markup
languages, see 006.7
See Manual at 004.6 vs. 005.7; also at 005.1 vs. 005.3
.74 *Data files and databases
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including data validation in file processing; file organization and access
methods; data dictionaries and directories; database design and architecture;
data modeling, data models; data warehousing; transaction processing
systems; data compression
Class here data file processing, data file and database management
Class comprehensive works on data validation in 005.7; class
interdisciplinary works on computer and information science aspects
of databases in 025.04. Class data files and databases with regard to
their subject content with the subject, e.g., encyclopedic databases 030,
nonbibliographic medical databases 610
For specific types of data files and databases, see 005.75; for the
compression of sound files, see 006.5; for the compression of graphic
files, see 006.6
See Manual at 005.74 vs. 005.4; also at 025.04, 025.06 vs. 005.74
Use of this number for data file formats discontinued; class in 005.7
Data mining relocated to 006.3
.740 1 Philosophy and theory
Including logic databases, deductive databases [both formerly 006.3]
*Use notation 01 from Table 1 as modified at 004.01
005 Computer science, information, general works 005

.740 2 Miscellany
.740 285 Computer applications
For web databases as information storage and retrieval
systems, see 025.0422
.740 6 Organizations and management
.740 68 Management
Do not use notation 068 from Table 1 for file management or
database management (computer programs that enable operation
of files or databases); class in 005.74
Class here management of organizations concerned with
databases, e.g., firms that create them
.75 Specific types of data files and databases
Including centralized files and databases; flat-file databases; databases based
on specific data models (e.g., network databases, hierarchical databases,
relational databases, object-oriented databases); temporal, spatial, constraint
databases; distributed data files and databases; data files and databases used
in client/server computing; full-text database management systems

.8 *Data security
Including digital rights management, electronic signatures; data encryption;
ciphers; malware; data backup and recovery
Class here access control, computer network security, firewalls;
interdisciplinary works on computer security
Class interdisciplinary works on cryptography in 652
For a specific aspect of computer security, see the aspect, e.g., management
of computer security 658.4

006 *Special computer methods

Not otherwise provided for
Class here programs, programming, selection and use of hardware in relation to
special computer methods
See also 003 for computer modeling and simulation; also notation 01 from
Table 1 for computer modeling and simulation in a specific subject; also 004.6
for computer communications; also 005.74 for file and database management;
also 005.8 for data security; also 629.8 for special methods in automatic
control engineering
See Manual at 004–006 vs. 621.39; also at 005.1 vs. 005.3
*Use notation 01 from Table 1 as modified at 004.01
006 Dewey Decimal Classification 006

.2 *Special-purpose systems
Including automatic data collection; embedded computer systems [formerly
004.1]; interdisciplinary works on automatic identification and data capture;
interdisciplinary works on bar coding [formerly 006.4]
Class real-time locating systems that use radio frequency identification in
For optical character recognition, speaker recognition, see 006.4; for
biometric identification, see 570.1; for use of bar coding in materials
management, see 658.7. For specific applications of automatic identification
and data capture, see the application, plus notation 0285 from Table 1,
e.g., management of supplies in business 658.70285; for a specific aspect
of embedded computer systems, see the aspect, e.g., systems analysis and
design of embedded computer systems 004.2, software for embedded systems

.3 *Artificial intelligence
Including machine learning; neural nets (neural networks); connectionism,
neural computers; knowledge-based systems; expert systems; natural language
processing; computational linguistics [formerly 410.285]; computer vision; data
mining [formerly also 005.74]
Class here computational intelligence, intelligent agents, multi-agent systems,
question-answering systems, comprehensive works on artificial intelligence and
cognitive science
Class robotics in 629.8
For cognitive science, see 153
See also 005.1 for logic programming; also 006.4 for pattern recognition
not used as a tool of artificial intelligence
See Manual at 006.3 vs. 006.4, 621.36, 621.39; also at 006.3 vs. 153; also at
006.3 vs. 410.285
Logic databases, deductive databases relocated to 005.7401

.4 *Computer pattern recognition

Including optical pattern recognition; comprehensive works on optical pattern
recognition and computer graphics; acoustical pattern recognition
Class pattern recognition as a tool of artificial intelligence in 006.3; class optical
engineering aspects of optical pattern recognition in 621.36
For perceptrons, see 006.3; for speech synthesis, see 006.5; for computer
graphics, see 006.6
See Manual at 006.3 vs. 006.4, 621.36, 621.39
Interdisciplinary works on bar coding relocated to 006.2
*Use notation 01 from Table 1 as modified at 004.01
006 Computer science, information, general works 006

.5 *Digital audio
Including speech synthesis
Class here computer sound synthesis
Class digital audio engineering in 621.389; class computer audio art in 776
See Manual at 776 vs. 006.5–006.7

.6 *Computer graphics
Including hardware; equipment specifically designed for computer graphics
and works treating use of equipment for computer graphics even if the
equipment was not specifically designed for that purpose; programming;
programming for specific types of computers, for specific operating systems,
for specific user interfaces; programs; special topics in computer graphics (e.g.,
three-dimensional graphics, digital video)
Class here image manipulation
Class works that treat equally the use of equipment for graphics and
nongraphics tasks in 004; class multimedia systems, interactive video,
comprehensive works on computer graphics and computer sound synthesis in
006.7; class digital television in 621.388; class computer graphic art in 776;
class digital video hardware, digital video effects in 777; class use of computers
in video production in 777.0285
For a specific product of computer animation techniques, see the product,
e.g., animated films 791.43
See Manual at 776 vs. 006.5–006.7

.7 *Multimedia systems
Including interactive video; hardware; markup languages; general document
markup languages, style sheet languages; specific types of multimedia systems;
programming; Internet programming, web application frameworks, web
programming; programming for specific types of computers, for specific
operating systems, for specific user interfaces; programs; multimedia authoring
programs, software; multimedia software
Class here hypermedia, hypertext; information architecture, web page design,
web site development; comprehensive works on computer graphics and digital
audio, interactive multimedia
Class web servers in 004; class web databases in 005.740285; class hypertext
databases in 005.75; class multimedia computer art in 776; class use of
computers in video production in 777.0285; class interdisciplinary works
on Internet in 004.67; class interdisciplinary works on World Wide Web
in 025.042; class interdisciplinary works on web publishing in 070.5; class
interdisciplinary works on online social networks in 302.30285
For digital audio, see 006.5; for computer graphics, see 006.6
See also 384.3 for interactive videotex
See Manual at 004.67 vs. 006.7, 025.042, 384.3; also at 776 vs. 006.5–006.7
*Use notation 01 from Table 1 as modified at 004.01
006 Dewey Decimal Classification 006

.8 *Augmented and virtual reality

A combination of computer software and hardware that adds
computer-generated information to the visual presentation of a real environment
or that gives an illusion of being in an artificial environment or a remote
real environment, and gives the user an ability to manipulate objects in that
environment. The illusion is created by visual, auditory, and other sensory data
provided by the computer system to the user
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading

[007] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

[008] [Never assigned]

[009] [Never assigned]

010 Bibliography
History, identification, description of printed, written, audiovisual, electronic
Including special topics of bibliography (e.g., analytical bibliography [descriptive
bibliography], systematic bibliography)
Class descriptive cataloging in 025.3. Class systematic bibliography applied to a
specific kind of bibliography with the kind, plus notation 028 from Table 1, e.g.,
preparation and compilation of biobibliographies 012.028; class catalogs and lists
of art works with the subject, plus notation 074 from Table 1, e.g., a catalog of the
prints in the Library of Congress 769.074
For historical bibliography, see 002
See also 028.1 for reviews

011 Bibliographies and catalogs
012 Bibliographies and catalogs of individuals
014 Bibliographies and catalogs of anonymous and pseudonymous works
015 Bibliographies and catalogs of works from specific places
016 Bibliographies and catalogs of works on specific subjects
017 General bibliographies and catalogs of works held in specific collections or
offered for sale

[.28] Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials

Do not use; class in 010
*Use notation 01 from Table 1 as modified at 004.01
011 Bibliography 011

011 Bibliographies and catalogs

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including general bibliographies and catalogs (e.g., universal bibliographies
and catalogs, general bibliographies and catalogs of works published in
specific languages, general bibliographies and catalogs of works published in
specific forms, general bibliographies and catalogs of works exhibiting specific
bibliographic characteristics other than form, general bibliographies and catalogs of
works issued by specific kinds of publishers, general bibliographies and catalogs of
works for young people and people with disabilities, for specific types of libraries,
general bibliographies and catalogs of works having specific kinds of content,
general bibliographies and catalogs of works by groups of authors); bibliographies
and catalogs of reference works; bibliographies and catalogs of free materials;
general bibliographies and catalogs of works published in specific historical
Class here general collections of brief bibliographic abstracts; bibliographies and
catalogs not provided for elsewhere
Class bibliography, bibliographies as a subject in 010; class best books for
young people and people with disabilities, for specific types of libraries in 011.6;
class braille publications in 011.63; class catalogs as a subject in 025.3; class
comprehensive works on collections of abstracts, general collections of abstracts
giving substantive information on the subject in 080; class interdisciplinary works
on bibliographic catalogs in 025.3
For bibliographies and catalogs of individuals, of anonymous and
pseudonymous works, of works from specific places, of works by specific
publishers, of works on specific subjects, of works held in specific collections or
offered for sale, see 012–017; for bibliographies and catalogs of web sites, see
See Manual at 011–017; also at 011 vs. 005.3029, 016.0053, 025.0422
.001 Philosophy and theory
.002 Miscellany
.002 9 Commercial miscellany
Do not use for auction catalogs, sales catalogs, class in 017
.003–.007 Standard subdivisions
.008 Groups of people
Do not use for bibliographies and catalogs of works by groups of authors;
class in 011.8
[.008 3] Young people
Do not use; class in 011.62
.008 7 Gifted people
Do not use for people with disabilities and illnesses; class in 011.63
.009 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for bibliographies and catalogs of works published in specific
historical periods; class in 011

011 Dewey Decimal Classification 011

.009 1–.009 9 Geographic treatment and biography

Do not use for bibliographies and catalogs of works from specific
places; class in 015

.6 General bibliographies and catalogs of works for young people and

people with disabilities; for specific types of libraries
[.609 1] Areas, regions, places in general
Do not use; class in 015.1
[.609 3–.609 9] Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use; class in 015.3–015.9
.62 Works for young people
Including works for specific sexes (e.g., works for young males, works for
young females)
Class here works for children
[.620 91] Areas, regions, places in general
Do not use; class in 015.1
[.620 93–.620 99] Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use; class in 015.3–015.9
.63 Works for people with disabilities and illnesses
Including braille, large-print publications
Class here works for people with physical disabilities
Class audiobooks for people with physical disabilities, comprehensive works
on audiobooks and braille publications in 011
[.630 91] Areas, regions, places in general
Do not use; class in 015.1
[.630 93–.630 99] Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use; class in 015.3–015.9

.8 General bibliographies and catalogs of works by groups of authors

Do not use for material emphasizing special interests of groups of people, e.g.,
bibliographies of works on women emphasizing the status of women are classed
in 016.30542 (not 011.82), catalogs of works by clergy emphasizing religion are
classed in 016.2 (not 011.88)
Class here general bibliographies and catalogs of works by minorities
Add to base number 011.8 the numbers following —08 in notation 081–089
from Table 1, e.g., bibliographies of works by women 011.82, bibliography of
works by clergy 011.88
For bibliographies and catalogs of individuals, see 012

012 Bibliography 012

> 012–017 Bibliographies and catalogs of individuals, of

anonymous and pseudonymous works, of works from
specific places, of works on specific subjects, of works held
in specific collections or offered for sale
Standard subdivisions are added for bibliographies, catalogs, or both
Unless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference,
e.g., pseudonymous scientific works published in France 016.5 (not 014 or

Bibliographies and catalogs of works on specific

subjects 016
Bibliographies and catalogs of individuals 012
Bibliographies and catalogs of anonymous and
pseudonymous works 014
Bibliographies and catalogs of works from specific
places 015
General bibliographies and catalogs of works held in
specific collections or offered for sale 017
Class bibliography, bibliographies as a subject in 010; class general
bibliographies and catalogs in 011; class catalogs as a subject, interdisciplinary
works on bibliographic catalogs in 025.3
See Manual at 011–017

012 Bibliographies and catalogs of individuals

Works by or about people not clearly associated with a specific subject
Class here biobibliographies
For biobibliographies of people associated with a specific subject, see the
biography of the subject, e.g., biobibliographies of psychologists 150.92

[013] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 14

014 Bibliographies and catalogs of anonymous and

pseudonymous works
015 Bibliographies and catalogs of works from specific places
Works issued in specific regions, continents, countries, localities, or by specific
Class here bibliographies and catalogs of authors resident in specific regions,
continents, countries, localities
Add to base number 015 notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., works issued in Canada
015.71; however, do not add notation 01–09 from Table 1; class in number for area
Class bibliographies and catalogs of works of specific kinds of people resident in
specific places in 011.8

016 Dewey Decimal Classification 016

016 Bibliographies and catalogs of works on specific subjects

Class here annotated subject bibliographies with descriptive annotations that do not
give substantive information about the subject; indexes
Add to base number 016 notation 001–999, e.g., bibliographies of computer
programs and software 016.0053, of general encyclopedic works 016.03, of
philosophy 016.1, of novels 016.80883, of general collected biographies 016.92
Add to the various subdivisions of 016 notation 01–09 from Table 1 as required
for works listed in the bibliographies and catalogs, but not for the bibliographies
and catalogs being classed, e.g., bibliographies of serial publications on philosophy
016.105, but serially published bibliographies on philosophy that include
monographs 016.1 (not 016.105)
Class bibliographies and catalogs of belles-lettres in more than two languages in
016.8088. Class biobibliographies of people associated with a specific subject with
the biography of the subject, e.g., biobibliographies of psychologists 150.92; class
bibliographies with abstracts giving substantive information about the subject with
the subject, e.g., bibliographies with substantive abstracts about chemistry 540
See also 011 for general bibliographies and catalogs arranged by subject,
general bibliographies and catalogs of works published in specific forms,
bibliographies and catalogs of incunabula, bibliographies and catalogs
of rare books; also 017 for general bibliographies and catalogs of works
held in specific collections or offered for sale and general catalogs of serial
publications; also 050 for general indexes of specific serial publications not
limited by subject
See Manual at 011 vs. 005.3029, 016.0053, 025.0422; also at 016 vs. 026,
(Option: Class with the specific subject, plus notation 016 from Table 1, e.g.,
bibliographies of medicine 610.16)

017 General bibliographies and catalogs of works held in specific

collections or offered for sale
Lists of works held in a specific collection or group of collections, or offered for
sale by specific organizations other than publishers or at auction, and not restricted
to specific subjects, to individuals, to anonymous and pseudonymous works, or to
specific places of publication
Including bibliographies and catalogs of nonprivate libraries; bibliographies and
catalogs of private and family libraries; auction catalogs; sales catalogs
Class here catalogs arranged by author, main entry, date, or register number
[formerly 018], dictionary catalogs [formerly 019]; classified, alphabetic catalogs;
general catalogs of serial publications and their indexes, union catalogs, catalogs
not provided for elsewhere
See also 011 for general bibliographies and catalogs; also 016 for
bibliographies and catalogs on specific subjects
Comprehensive works on catalogs relocated to 025.3
[.091] Areas, regions, places in general
Do not use; class in 015.1

017 Bibliography 017

[.093–.099] Specific continents, countries, localities

Do not use; class in 015.3–015.9

[018] Catalogs arranged by author, main entry, date, or register

Relocated to 017

[019] Dictionary catalogs

Relocated to 017

020 Library and information sciences

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Class here archival science
Unless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference, e.g.,
administration of cataloging in academic libraries 025.3068 (not 025.1 or 027.7):

Reading and use of other information media 028

Operations of libraries, archives, information centers 025
(except 025.1)
Administration of physical plant 022
Personnel management 023
Administration 025.1
Relationships of libraries, archives, information centers 021
Libraries, archives, information centers devoted to
specific subjects 026
General libraries, archives, information centers 027
Class information theory in 003; class government policy on libraries in 021.8;
class government policy on information in 338.9
For bibliography, see 010
See also 651.5 for records management as a managerial service

020.1–.9 Standard subdivisions
021 Relationships of libraries, archives, information centers
022 Administration of physical plant
023 Personnel management (Human resource management)
025 Operations of libraries, archives, information centers
026 Libraries, archives, information centers devoted to specific subjects
027 General libraries, archives, information centers
028 Reading and use of other information media

[.68] Management
Do not use for plant management; class in 022. Do not use for personnel
management; class in 023. Do not use for other aspects of management, for
comprehensive works on management; class in 025.1

020 Dewey Decimal Classification 020

.9 History, geographic treatment, biography

Class here comparative librarianship; history, geographic treatment, biography
of librarianship
Class history and biography of libraries in 027.009; class geographic treatment
of libraries in 027.01–027.09

021 Relationships of libraries, archives, information centers

Standard subdivisions are added for any or all topics in heading
Including role as storage centers; relationships with other educational institutions
See also 025.5 for orientation and instructional manuals for users; also 027 for
comprehensive works on libraries, archives, information centers

.2 Relationships with the community

Including educational role; cultural role; informational role
Class relationships with other educational institutions in 021

.6 Cooperation and networks

Including centralization of systems; systems, consortia
Class networks, systems, consortia for a specific kind of institution in 026–027.
Class cooperation in a specific activity with the activity, e.g., cooperative
cataloging 025.3; class networks, systems, consortia for a specific function with
the function, e.g., interlibrary loan networks 025.6

.7 Promotion of libraries, archives, information centers

Standard subdivisions are added for any or all topics in heading
Including friends of the library organizations
Class here public relations
Class advertising in 659.19

.8 Relationships with government

Regardless of governmental level
Including library-government aspects of exchanges, gifts, deposits; political
aspects; commissions and governing boards; financial support
Class here government policy on libraries
Class government policy on information in 338.9
See also 025.2 for acquisition through exchange, gift, deposit

022 Library and information sciences 022

022 Administration of physical plant

Including bookmobiles; location and site; buildings; planning for buildings; stacks
and shelving; lighting for library buildings; heating, ventilation, air conditioning;
equipment, furniture, furnishings
Class here library quarters in buildings devoted primarily to other activities, e.g.,
physical plant of school libraries; maintenance of physical plant
Class comprehensive works on computers in libraries, archives, information centers
in 025.00285; class interdisciplinary works on lighting for library buildings in
621.32; class interdisciplinary works on heating, ventilation and air conditioning of
library buildings in 697
See also 025.8 for physical security of collections

023 Personnel management (Human resource management)

Including types of positions (e.g., professional positions, technician positions,
administrative positions); titles and job descriptions for specific types of positions;
job description; management of in-service training; elements of personnel
Class comprehensive works on in-service training in 020.71

[024] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 10

025 Operations of libraries, archives, information centers

Standard subdivisions are added for any or all topics in heading
Including technical services; commercial and noncommercial processing centers
Class here documentation (the systematic collection, organization, storage,
retrieval, and dissemination of recorded information)
Class comprehensive works on operations in specific kinds of institutions in
026–027. Class a specific technical service with the service, e.g., acquisitions 025.2

025.001–.009 Standard subdivisions
.04–.06 [Information storage and retrieval systems]
.1 Administration
.2 Acquisitions and collection development
.3 Bibliographic analysis and control
.4 Subject analysis and control
.5 Services for users
.6 Circulation services
.7 Physical preparation for storage and use
.8 Maintenance and preservation of collections

.001–.009 Standard subdivisions

025 Dewey Decimal Classification 025

.04 Information storage and retrieval systems

Including recall, precision, relevance
Class here search and retrieval in information storage and retrieval systems;
front-end systems; comprehensive works on online catalogs integrated with
information storage and retrieval systems, on automated storage, search,
retrieval of information; interdisciplinary works on databases
Class aspects of information storage for specific types of retrieval systems
with the aspect for the type of system, e.g., mark-up languages for web
retrieval systems 006.7, record formats for bibliographic retrieval systems
For computer science aspects of information storage and retrieval
systems, of databases, see 005.74; for information storage and retrieval
systems, bibliographies of web sites, digital libraries devoted to specific
subjects, see 025.06. For a specific kind of information storage and
retrieval system, see the kind, e.g., online catalogs 025.3
See also 658.4 for management use of information storage and retrieval
See Manual at 025.04, 025.06 vs. 005.74
.042 World Wide Web
Including semantic web
Class here interdisciplinary works on World Wide Web [formerly
004.67]; digital libraries, Internet viewed as an information storage and
retrieval system, Internet literacy
Class interdisciplinary works on Internet in 004.67
For specific aspects of World Wide Web, see the aspect, e.g.,
computer science aspects of World Wide Web 004.67
See Manual at 004.67 vs. 006.7, 025.042, 384.3
.042 2 Web sites
Class here directories of web sites, portals
See Manual at 011 vs. 005.3029, 016.0053, 025.0422
.042 5 Search and retrieval
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including recall, precision, relevance
Class here Internet searching
.042 52 Search engines
See also 658.8 for search engine optimization

025 Library and information sciences 025

.06 Information storage and retrieval systems devoted to specific subjects

Class here bibliographies of web sites devoted to specific subjects, digital
libraries devoted to specific subjects, documentation of specific subjects
Class geographic information systems (GIS) in 910.285
See Manual at 025.04, 025.06 vs. 005.74
[.060 001–.060 009] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 025.0401–025.0409

.1 Administration
Including finance; duplication services (reprography); photocopying
(photoduplication) services, printing services; administration of specific types
of institutions
Class government financial support in 021.8; class publishing by libraries,
archives, information centers in 070.5; class interdisciplinary works on
photocopying in 686.4. Class administration of a specific function with the
function, plus notation 068 from Table 1, e.g., administration of cataloging
025.3068; class administration of a specific function in a specific type of
institution with the function, e.g., administration of a map collection in a map
library 025.17
For administration of physical plant, see 022; for personnel management,
see 023. For user fees for a specific service, see the service, plus notation
068 from Table 1, e.g., fees for automated information search and retrieval
.17 Administration of collections of special materials
Class here nonbook materials, comprehensive works on treatment of special
For a specific kind of treatment of special materials, see the kind, e.g.,
acquisition of and collection development for materials in special forms

.2 Acquisitions and collection development

Standard subdivisions are added for acquisitions and collection development
together, for acquisitions alone
Including acquisition of and collection development for specific types of
materials (e.g., acquisition of and collection development for materials on
specific subjects, acquisition of and collection development for materials in
special forms, acquisition of and collection development for materials from
geographic areas); collection analysis, evaluation, management; cooperative
collection development; selection policy and procedures; acquisition through
purchase; acquisition through exchange, gift, deposit
Class interdisciplinary works on censorship in 363.31
For policies and practices relating to intellectual freedom in a library
operation other than collection development, see the operation, e.g.,
circulation services 025.6

025 Dewey Decimal Classification 025

.3 Bibliographic analysis and control

Including cataloging in publication, International Standard Book Numbers
(ISBNs); the catalog; descriptive cataloging; descriptive cataloging codes, e.g.,
Resource Description and Access; cataloging, classification, indexing of special
materials; nonbook materials; cooperative cataloging, classification, indexing;
recataloging, reclassification, reindexing; comprehensive works on catalogs
[formerly 017]
Class here standards for bibliographic analysis and control; comprehensive
works on cataloging and classification, on indexing, on information storage
Class comprehensive works on online catalogs integrated with information
storage and retrieval systems in 025.04; class comprehensive works on
treatment of special materials in 025.17
For subject analysis and control, subject authorities, see 025.4. For
information storage using a specific system, see the system, e.g., information
storage through coordinate indexing 025.4
See also 025.04 for comprehensive works on information storage and
retrieval systems
.302 Miscellany
Do not use for standards; class in 025.3
.302 85 Computer applications
Class machine-readable record formats, data entry, conversion
to machine-readable form, computer sorting of records in 025.3.
Class data files and databases used for a specific purpose with the
purpose, e.g., online catalogs 025.3

.4 Subject analysis and control

Including abstracting, comprehensive works on abstracting and subject
indexing; classification and shelflisting; general classification systems
(e.g., Dewey Decimal Classification, Universal Decimal Classification,
Library of Congress Classification, Bliss Bibliographic Classification, Colon
Classification); classification of specific subjects; subject indexing and
cataloging; precoordinate indexing, coordinate and postcoordinate indexing;
general controlled subject vocabularies (subject authority files, subject
headings, thesauri); comprehensive works on subject indexing and cataloging
using natural language and controlled vocabulary; subject cataloging and
indexing based on natural language; subject cataloging and indexing of specific
Class here standards for subject analysis and control
Class use of classification for search and navigation in information storage
and retrieval systems in 025.04; class classification of special materials,
cooperative classification, reclassification, subject cataloging and indexing of
special materials, cooperative subject cataloging and indexing, recataloging and
reindexing in 025.3; class composition of abstracts in 808
.402 Miscellany
Do not use for standards; class in 025.4

025 Library and information sciences 025

.402 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials

Use of this number for abstracting techniques discontinued; class in

.5 Services for users

Works intended for staff or users
Including reference and information services; information and referral services,
services that involve the use or assistance in the use of information tools but
not the creation of them, virtual reference services; reader advisory services
to individuals and groups; orientation and bibliographic instruction for users;
library use studies
Class library services to special groups and organizations in 027.6; class
the use of books and other media as sources of information in 028.7; class
comprehensive works on the creation and use of information storage and
retrieval systems in 025.04; class comprehensive works on the creation and use
of specific tools for bibliographic control in 025.3. Class information search and
retrieval using a specific system with the system, e.g., searching an information
storage and retrieval system devoted to medicine 025.06; class studies of use
of a specific system and service with the system or service, e.g., catalog use
studies 025.3, studies of use of interlibrary loans 025.6
For a specific service not provided for here, see the service, e.g.,
photocopying services 025.1

.6 Circulation services
Including reserve collections; interlibrary loans
Class here document delivery
Class circulation services for special groups and organizations in 027.6

.7 Physical preparation for storage and use

Including binding, labeling, pocketing
Class conservation and preservation in 025.8
Repair and restoration relocated to 025.8

.8 Maintenance and preservation of collections

Including physical arrangement and access to collections; security against theft
and other hazards; repair and restoration [both formerly 025.7]; conservation,
digital preservation

> 026–027 Specific kinds of institutions

Class here specific libraries, archives, information centers, and their collections;
systems and networks for specific kinds of institutions; comprehensive works
on operations in specific kinds of institutions
Class comprehensive works in 027. Class a specific operation in a specific kind
of institution with the operation, e.g., reference and information services in
college libraries 025.5

026 Dewey Decimal Classification 026

026 Libraries, archives, information centers devoted to specific

Class here information organizations and library departments and collections in
specific subjects; comprehensive works on special libraries
For special libraries not devoted to specific subjects, see 027.6
See Manual at 016 vs. 026, T1—07
.000 1–.000 5 Standard subdivisions
.000 6 Organizations
[.000 68] Management
Do not use; class in 025.1
.000 7–.000 9 Standard subdivisions

027 General libraries, archives, information centers

Standard subdivisions are added for any or all topics in heading
In the subdivisions of this number, the term libraries is used as a short way of
saying libraries, archives, information centers, media centers
Including private and family libraries; proprietary libraries; rental libraries
Class here comprehensive works on libraries, on archives, on information centers,
on libraries and information centers devoted to special materials
For libraries, archives, information centers devoted to specific subjects, see 026
.001–.005 Standard subdivisions
.006 Organizations
[.006 8] Management
Do not use for plant management; class in 022. Do not use for
personnel management; class in 023. Do not use for other aspects
of management, for comprehensive works on management; class in
.007 Education, research, related topics
.008 Groups of people
Do not use for minorities; class in 027.6
[.008 3] Young people
Do not use; class in 027.62
.008 4 People in specific stages of adulthood
Do not use for people in late adulthood; class in 027.62
.008 6 People by miscellaneous social attributes
Do not use for people with social disadvantages; class in 027.6

027 Library and information sciences 027

.008 7 People with disabilities and illnesses, gifted people

Do not use for people with disabilities; class in 027.6
.009 History and biography
Do not use for geographic treatment; class in 027.01–027.09
.01–.09 *Geographic treatment
Add to base number 027.0 notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., libraries in
France 027.044

.4 *Public libraries
Including library outreach programs; library extension, the use of bookmobiles
(mobile libraries) in public librarianship
Class here public library branches
Class public library units for special groups and organizations in 027.6
[.409 3–.409 9] Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use; class in 027.43–027.49
.43–.49 *Specific continents, countries, localities
Add to base number 027.4 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., public libraries in
France 027.444

.5 *Government libraries
National, state, provincial, local
Including overseas information libraries [formerly 027.6]
For legislative reference bureaus, see 027.6
.508 Government libraries for groups of people [formerly also 027.6]
.509 History, geographic treatment, biography
.509 3–.509 9 Specific continents, countries, localities
Class specific institutions in 027.53–027.59
.53–.59 *Specific institutions
Add to base number 027.5 notation 3–9 from Table 2 for area served, e.g.,
Library of Congress 027.573
*Do not add notation 068 from Table 1; class in 025.1
027 Dewey Decimal Classification 027

.6 *Libraries for special groups and organizations

Including libraries for minorities; legislative reference bureaus; parliamentary
libraries; welfare institution libraries (e.g., hospital libraries, libraries for people
with disabilities, prison libraries); libraries for religious organizations; libraries
for nonprofit organizations; libraries for business and industrial organizations
Class here library and information services to special groups and organizations,
to the socially disadvantaged
Class libraries for special groups and organizations devoted to specific subjects
in 026
For medical libraries, see 026; for libraries for educational institutions, see
Overseas information libraries relocated to 027.5; government libraries for
groups of people relocated to 027.508
.62 Libraries for specific age groups
Including libraries for people in late adulthood; libraries for children;
libraries for young people aged twelve to twenty

> 027.7–027.8 Libraries for educational institutions

Class here instructional media centers
Class comprehensive works in 027.7

.7 *College and university libraries

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including comprehensive works on instructional materials centers
Class here comprehensive works on libraries for educational institutions,
college and university library branches
For libraries and instructional materials centers in primary and secondary
schools, see 027.8
.709 3–.709 9 Specific continents, countries, localities
Class specific institutions in 027.73–027.79
.73–.79 *Specific institutions
Add to base number 027.7 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., Perkins Library
of Duke University 027.7756

.8 *School libraries
Including school resource centers; specific levels and specific libraries; libraries
in religious schools
.809 3–.809 9 Specific continents, countries, localities
Class specific institutions in 027.8

*Do not add notation 068 from Table 1; class in 025.1


028 Library and information sciences 028

028 Reading and use of other information media

Including use of books and other information media as sources of recreation and
self-development; reading interests and habits
[.083] Young people
Do not use; class in 028.5

.1 Reviews
Including reviews of reference works; reviews of works published in specific
forms; reviews of works for specific kinds of users
Class here general collections of book reviews
Class reviews of computer programs in 005.3029; class techniques of reviewing
in 808. Class reviews of a specific kind of reference work with the kind, e.g.,
reviews of encyclopedias 030; class reviews of works on a specific subject with
the subject, e.g., reviews of works on chemistry 540, reviews of entertainment
films 791.43, critical appraisal of literature 800
.108 Reviews for and by groups of people
.108 3 Reviews by young people
Do not use for reviews of works for young people; class in 028.1
.108 7 Reviews by people with disabilities and illnesses; reviews for and by
gifted people
Do not use for reviews of works for people with disabilities; class in

.5 Reading and use of other information media by young people

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including reading and use of other information media by specific age groups;
reading interests and habits of young people
See also 028.1 for reviews of materials for young people

.7 Use of books and other information media as sources of information

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Class here use of reference works
[.708 3] Young people
Do not use; class in 028.5

[029] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 10

030 General encyclopedic works

Class here almanacs with general information; books of miscellaneous, curious,
unusual facts; encyclopedia yearbooks

030 Dewey Decimal Classification 030

.9 History, geographic treatment, biography

Class history, geographic treatment, biography of encyclopedic works in
specific languages and language families in 031–039

> 031–039 General encyclopedic works in specific languages

and language families
By language in which originally written
Class here specific encyclopedias and books of miscellaneous facts, works
about them
Class comprehensive works, encyclopedic works originally written in two or
more languages or language families in which no language or language family
is predominant in 030. Class encyclopedic works originally written in two
or more languages or language families in which one language or language
family is predominant with the predominant language or language family, e.g.,
encyclopedic work written in Spanish with some articles in French 036

031 General encyclopedic works in American English

English-language encyclopedias and books of miscellaneous facts originating in
Western Hemisphere
.02 Books of miscellaneous facts
Do not use for other types of miscellany; class in 031
Class here almanacs with general information, books of curious and unusual

032 General encyclopedic works in English

For general encyclopedic works in American English, see 031
.02 Books of miscellaneous facts
Do not use for other types of miscellany; class in 032
Class here almanacs with general information, books of curious and unusual

033 General encyclopedic works in other Germanic languages

Including general encyclopedic works in German and German dialects; general
encyclopedic works in Yiddish and Low Germanic languages
Class here comprehensive works on Germanic-language encyclopedias
For English-language encyclopedias, see 032; for Scandinavian-language
encyclopedias, see 038

034 General encyclopedic works in French, Occitan, Catalan

035 General encyclopedic works in Italian, Dalmatian,
Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican

036 General encyclopedic works 036

036 General encyclopedic works in Spanish, Portuguese, Galician

037 General encyclopedic works in Slavic languages
038 General encyclopedic works in Scandinavian languages
039 General encyclopedic works in other languages

[040] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

[041] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

[042] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

[043] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

[044] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

[045] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

[046] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

[047] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

[048] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

[049] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

050 Dewey Decimal Classification 050

050 General serial publications

Class here periodicals; indexes to general serial publications
Class books of miscellaneous facts (even if published annually, e.g., almanacs),
encyclopedia yearbooks in 030; class administrative reports and proceedings of
general organizations in 060. Class indexes that focus on a specific subject in
general serial publications with the subject in 016, e.g., an index to information on
medicine in general serial publications 016.61
For newspapers, see 070
See also 011 for bibliographies of general serial publications, for
bibliographies of directories; also 017–019 for catalogs of general serial

.9 History, geographic treatment, biography

Class history, geographic treatment, biography of serial publications in specific
languages and language families in 051–059

> 051–059 General serial publications in specific languages

and language families
By language in which originally written
Class here specific serial publications and works about them
Class comprehensive works, serials originally written in two or more languages
or language families in which no language or language family is predominant
in 050. Class serials originally written in two or more languages or language
families in which one language or language family is predominant with the
predominant language or language family, e.g., serial written in Spanish with
some articles in French 056
(Option: Arrange serial publications alphabetically under 050

051 General serial publications in American English

English-language serial publications of Western Hemisphere

052 General serial publications in English

For general serial publications in American English, see 051

053 General serial publications in other Germanic languages

Including general serial publications in German and German dialects; general serial
publications in Yiddish and Low Germanic languages
Class here comprehensive works on general serial publications in Germanic
For English-language serial publications, see 052; for Scandinavian-language
serial publications, see 058

054 General serial publications in French, Occitan, Catalan

055 General serial publications 055

055 General serial publications in Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian,

Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican
056 General serial publications in Spanish, Portuguese, Galician
057 General serial publications in Slavic languages
058 General serial publications in Scandinavian languages
059 General serial publications in other languages

060 General organizations and museology

General organizations: academies, associations, conferences, congresses,
foundations, societies whose activity is not limited to a specific field
Including history, charters, regulations, membership lists, administrative reports
and proceedings
Class here interdisciplinary works on organizations; interdisciplinary works on
licensing, certification, accreditation by nongovernmental organizations
Class history, charters, regulations, membership lists, administrative reports and
proceedings of a specific organization in 061–068; class interdisciplinary works on
licensing, certification, accreditation by governmental and nongovernmental bodies
in 352.8
For interdisciplinary works on intergovernmental organizations, see 341.2. For
organizations devoted to a specific subject, see the subject, plus notation 06
from Table 1, e.g., organizations devoted to computer science 004.06
See Manual at T1—025 vs. T1—029

.4 Special topics of general organizations

Including general rules of order (parliamentary procedure)
For rules and procedures of legislative bodies, see 328
[.401–.409] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 060.4

.9 History and biography

Do not use for geographic treatment of general organizations; class in 061–068

> 061–068 General organizations

Class comprehensive works in 060

061 General organizations in North America

Including general organizations in Canada; general organizations in United States
For organizations in Middle America, organizations in Hawaii, see 068

062 Dewey Decimal Classification 062

062 General organizations in British Isles

Class here general organizations in England

063 General organizations in Germany and neighboring central

European countries
Standard subdivisions are added for Germany and neighboring central European
countries together, for Germany alone
Class here general organizations in central Europe

064 General organizations in France and Monaco

Standard subdivisions are added for France and Monaco together, for France alone

065 General organizations in Italy, San Marino, Vatican City,

Standard subdivisions are added for Italy, San Marino, Vatican City, Malta
together; for Italy alone

066 General organizations in Spain, Andorra, Gibraltar,

Standard subdivisions are added for Spain, Andorra, Gibraltar, Portugal together;
for Spain alone

067 General organizations in Russia and neighboring east

European countries
Standard subdivisions are added for Russia and neighboring east European
countries together, for Russia alone
For organizations in Balkan Peninsula, organizations in commonwealth of
independent states in asia, see 068

068 General organizations in other geographic areas

069 General organizations and museology 069

069 Museology (Museum science)

Including museum services to patrons; organization of production; management
and use of physical plant; equipment, furniture, furnishings; collecting and
preparing museum objects; management of collecting and preparing museum
objects, interdisciplinary works on collecting objects; collections and exhibits of
museum objects; comprehensive works on management of museum materials,
on collecting or preparing museum objects and collections of museum objects;
interdisciplinary works on collecting and collections together, on collections alone;
personnel management, regulations for patrons, relations with other organizations
Class here government policy on museums
Class historic preservation in 363.6; class public relations for museums in 659.2.
Class collecting a specific kind of object or objects that pertain to a specific subject
with the subject, plus notation 075 from Table 1, e.g., collecting fossils 560.75
For collections of a specific kind of object or objects that pertain to a specific
subject, see the subject, plus notation 074 from Table 1, e.g., collections of
fossils 560.74; for museum activities and services limited to a specific subject,
see the subject, plus notation 075 from Table 1, e.g., activities and services of
an aerospace museum 629.1075
.028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment,
Do not use for maintenance and repair of museum objects; class in 069
[.068] Management
Do not use; class in 069
.074 Museums, collections, exhibits
Limited to museums, collections, exhibits about museology
Class comprehensive works on museums, comprehensive works on
collections and exhibits in 069
.075 Museum activities and services
Limited to museums about and collecting objects related to museology
Class comprehensive works on museum services to patrons,
comprehensive works on collecting and preparing museum objects in 069
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography
Class here specific museums not limited to a specific subject
Class history, geographic treatment, biography of museum buildings in
069.209. Class museums devoted to a specific subject with the subject, plus
notation 074 from Table 1, e.g., natural history museums 508.074

070 Documentary media, educational media, news

media; journalism; publishing
Standard subdivisions are added for documentary media, educational media, news
media, journalism, publishing together; for journalism and newspapers alone; for
newspapers alone

070 Dewey Decimal Classification 070

070.01–.09 Standard subdivisions
.1–.9 [Documentary media, educational media, news media; journalism;
071 Journalism and newspapers in North America
072 Journalism and newspapers in British Isles
073 Journalism and newspapers in Germany and neighboring central European
074 Journalism and newspapers in France and Monaco
075 Journalism and newspapers in Italy, San Marino, Vatican City, Malta
076 Journalism and newspapers in Spain, Andorra, Gibraltar, Portugal
077 Journalism and newspapers in Russia and neighboring east European
078 Journalism and newspapers in Scandinavia
079 Journalism and newspapers in other geographic areas

.01–.08 Standard subdivisions

.09 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for history and biography of journalism and newspapers; class in
070.9. Do not use for geographic treatment of journalism and newspapers;
class in 071–079

.1 Documentary media, educational media, news media

Including print media; motion pictures; broadcast media
Class here comprehensive works on journalism and production of specific
documentary, educational, news media
Class the book in 002; class radio and television news programs in 070.4; class
newspaper publishing in 070.5; class photography aspects, photographic aspects
in 777; class comprehensive works on newspapers in 070; class comprehensive
works about documentary, educational, news and dramatic or entertainment
films in 791.43; class comprehensive works on documentary, educational, news
and dramatic or entertainment radio programs in 791.44; class comprehensive
works on documentary, educational, news and dramatic or entertainment
television programs in 791.45; class interdisciplinary works on mass media
in 302.23; class interdisciplinary works on motion pictures in 384; class
interdisciplinary works on radio in 384.54; class interdisciplinary works about
television in 384.55. Class a newspaper on a specific subject with the subject,
plus notation 05 from Table 1, e.g., a newspaper on computers 004.05; class a
serial publication on a specific subject with the subject, plus notation 05 from
Table 1, e.g., science journals 505; class documentary, educational, news works
themselves and discussion of them with the kind of general work or the subject,
e.g., general periodicals 050, recorded television programs on investing 332.6
For specific topics of journalism in specific media, see 070.4; for expository
writing and editorial techniques, see 808

070 News media; journalism; publishing 070

.4 Journalism
Including editing; editorial policy (selection, presentation, display of news;
advocacy of specific points of view); reporting and news gathering; newsreels,
radio news programs, television news programs, other news programs; features
and specific subjects; newspaper columns; techniques and procedures for
information-gathering, writing, editing for features and specific subjects;
journalism directed to special groups; pictorial journalism; photojournalism
Class here specific topics of journalism in specific media
Class journalists whose careers span many activities in 070.92; class freedom
of the press in 323.44; class press control in 363.31; class school journalism in
371.8; class biographies of cartoonists in 741.5; class journalistic composition
and editorial mechanics in 808.06; class comprehensive works on journalism
and information media in 070; class comprehensive works on journalism of
specific media in 070.1. Class journalism of serial publications on a specific
subject with the subject in 001–999, plus notation 05 from Table 1, e.g.,
journalism of science journals 505; class journalism of a specific general serial
publication with the language of the publication in 051–059, e.g., journalism
of a French periodical 054; class journalism of a specific newspaper with
the place of publication of the newspaper in 071–079, e.g., journalism of an
Arab-language newspaper published in Paris 074; class reports, criticisms,
opinions on a specific subject with the subject, e.g., health columns 613; class
biographies of a humorous writer with the writer in 800, e.g., a contemporary
British writer of humorous essays 824
For student journalism, see 371.8
See also 070.5 for newspaper publishing; also 174.907 for ethics of
.408 Journalism for and by groups of people
.408 1 Journalism by people by gender or sex
Do not use for journalism for people by gender or sex; class in 070.4
.408 11 Journalism by men
Do not use for journalism for men; class in 070.4
.408 2 Journalism by women
Do not use for journalism for women; class in 070.4
.408 3 Journalism by young people
Do not use for journalism for young people; class in 070.4
.408 35 Journalism by young people twelve to twenty
Do not use for journalism for young people twelve to twenty; class
in 070.4
.408 8 Journalism by occupational and religious groups
Do not use for journalism for occupational and religious groups; class
in 070.4
.408 9 Journalism by ethnic and national groups
Do not use for journalism for ethnic and national groups; class in
070 Dewey Decimal Classification 070

[.409] History, geographic treatment, biography

Do not use for history and biography; class in 070.9. Do not use for
geographic treatment; class in 071–079

.5 Publishing
Including selection and editing of manuscripts; relations with authors; kinds
of publications (e.g., serial publications, specific kinds of books); kinds of
publishers (e.g., commercial publishers, private publishers, institutional
publishers, governmental and intergovernmental publishers)
Class here book publishing; publishers regardless of their field of activity; book
clubs, e.g., Book-of-the-Month Club®; comprehensive works on publishing and
Class specific publishers regardless of kind of publication in
070.5093–070.5099; class works on desktop publishing that emphasize
typography in 686.2; class editorial techniques in 808.02; class comprehensive
works on journalism and publishing of serial publications in 070.1; class
interdisciplinary works on composition, preparation of manuscript, publishing
in 808.02
For printing, see 686.2
.502 9 Commercial miscellany
Class publishers’ catalogs in 015
.509 3–.509 9 Specific continents, countries, localities
Class here specific publishers, using the area number for the
publisher’s main office, e.g., U.S. Government Printing Office
070.509753, University of California Press 070.509794

.9 History and biography of journalism and newspapers

Class history of specific topics of journalism in 070.4
[.91] Areas, regions, places in general
Do not use; class in 079
.92 Biography regardless of area, region, place
Class persons associated with specific aspects of journalism in 070.4
[.93–.99] Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use; class in 071–079

> 071–079 Geographic treatment of journalism and

Class here specific general newspapers regardless of language, indexes to them,
other works about them
Class geography of specific topics of journalism in 070.4; class biography of
journalism and newspapers regardless of area in 070.92; class comprehensive
works in 070
(Option: Arrange newspapers alphabetically under 070)
071 News media; journalism; publishing 071

071 Journalism and newspapers in North America

Including journalism and newspapers in Canada; journalism and newspapers in the
United States
For journalism and newspapers in Middle America, journalism and newspapers
in Hawaii, see 079

072 Journalism and newspapers in British Isles

073 Journalism and newspapers in Germany and neighboring
central European countries
Standard subdivisions are added for Germany and neighboring central European
countries together, for Germany alone
Class here journalism and newspapers in central Europe

074 Journalism and newspapers in France and Monaco

Standard subdivisions are added for France and Monaco together, for France alone

075 Journalism and newspapers in Italy, San Marino, Vatican

City, Malta
Standard subdivisions are added for Italy, San Marino, Vatican City, Malta
together; for Italy alone

076 Journalism and newspapers in Spain, Andorra, Gibraltar,

Standard subdivisions are added for Spain, Andorra, Gibraltar, Portugal together;
for Spain alone

077 Journalism and newspapers in Russia and neighboring east

European countries
Standard subdivisions are added for Russia and neighboring east European
countries together, for Russia alone
Class here journalism and newspapers in eastern Europe
For journalism and newspapers in Balkan Peninsula, journalism and
newspapers in commonwealth of independent states in asia, see 079

078 Journalism and newspapers in Scandinavia

079 Journalism and newspapers in other geographic areas

080 General collections

Class here abstracts, addresses, lectures, essays, interviews, graffiti, quotations
Class collections of brief bibliographic abstracts in 011; class essays as literary
form, collections gathered for their literary quality in 800
See Manual at 080 vs. 800

080 Dewey Decimal Classification 080

.9 History, geographic treatment, biography

Class history, geographic treatment, biography of collections in specific
languages and language families in 081–089

> 081–089 General collections in specific languages and

language families
Class comprehensive works in 080
See Manual at 081–089
Arrange collections alphabetically under 080

081 General collections in American English

English-language collections of Western Hemisphere

082 General collections in English

For general collections in American English, see 081

083 General collections in other Germanic languages

Including general collections in German and German dialects; general collections
in Yiddish and Low Germanic languages
Class here comprehensive works on Germanic-language collections
For English-language collections, see 082; for Scandinavian-language
collections, see 088; for Old-English-language (Anglo-Saxon-language)
collections, see 089

084 General collections in French, Occitan, Catalan

085 General collections in Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian,
Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican
086 General collections in Spanish, Portuguese, Galician
087 General collections in Slavic languages
088 General collections in Scandinavian languages
089 General collections in other languages
Including Old English (Anglo-Saxon)

090 Manuscripts, rare printed materials 090

090 Manuscripts, rare books, other rare printed

Including rare broadsides
Class interdisciplinary works on books in 002. Class a manuscript or rare work on
a specific subject with the subject, e.g., a book of hours 242; class an artistic aspect
of a manuscript or rare book with the aspect, e.g., illumination 745.6
See also 011 for bibliographies of manuscripts and rare books

091 Manuscripts
See also 011 for bibliographies of manuscripts

092 Block books

093 Incunabula
Books printed before 1501
See also 011 for bibliographies of incunabula

094 Printed books

Including early printed books; special editions
For block books, see 092; for incunabula, see 093

095 Books notable for bindings

See also 686.3 for bookbinding

096 Books notable for illustrations and materials

Class illustrated manuscripts in 091

097 Books notable for ownership or origin

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading

098 Prohibited works, forgeries, hoaxes

099 Books notable for format
Including books of unusual shapes, miniature editions


100 Philosophy, parapsychology and occultism,

Works that discuss the discipline of philosophy itself; works that discuss several of
philosophy’s major questions and branches; comprehensive works on philosophy
broad enough to include nonwestern or medieval as well as modern western
philosophy are classed in 100 itself or 101–109
Class comprehensive works on Christian philosophy, on modern philosophy, on
western philosophy, on modern western philosophy, on European philosophy in
190. Class philosophy of a specific subject with the subject, plus notation 01 from
Table 1, e.g., philosophy of history 901
See Manual at T1—01; also at 200 vs. 100

101–109 Standard subdivisions of philosophy
110 Metaphysics
120 Epistemology, causation, humankind
130 Parapsychology and occultism
140 Specific philosophical schools and viewpoints
150 Psychology
160 Philosophical logic
170 Ethics (Moral philosophy)
180 Ancient, medieval, eastern philosophy
190 Modern western and other noneastern philosophy

101 Theory of philosophy

Class here works on the concept of philosophy, on the nature of the philosophical
task, on the method of philosophy
Class schools of philosophical thought in 140; class ancient, medieval, eastern
schools in 180

102 Miscellany of philosophy

103 Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances of philosophy
[104] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

105 Serial publications of philosophy

106 Organizations and management of philosophy
107 Education, research, related topics of philosophy

108 Philosophy, parapsychology and occultism, psychology 108

108 Groups of people

109 History and collected biography
Do not use for geographic treatment; class in 180–190
Not limited by period or place

.2 Collected biography
Do not use for individual persons; class in 180–190

110 Metaphysics
For epistemology, causation, humankind, see 120

111 Ontology
Including existence, essence, substance, accidents; universals; nonbeing,
nothingness; finite and infinite; properties of being (e.g., unity, good and evil,
Class comprehensive works on truth in 121
For ethics, see 170. For aesthetics of a specific subject, see the subject, e.g.,
aesthetics of the fine arts 701

[112] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 10

113 Cosmology (Philosophy of nature)

Including cosmic harmony, origin of universe (cosmogony); philosophy of life
Class origin and nature of human life in 128; class cosmology as a topic in
astronomy in 523.1
For specific topics of cosmology not provided for here, see 114–119

114 Space
Class here relation of space and matter
Class matter in 117

115 Time
Including eternity, space and time, space-time, relation of time and motion
For space, see 114

116 Change
Including becoming, cycles, evolution, motion, process
Class relation of time and motion in 115

117 Structure
Including matter, form, order, chaos
Class relation of space and matter in 114
118 Dewey Decimal Classification 118

118 Force and energy

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading

119 Number and quantity

120 Epistemology, causation, humankind

121 Epistemology (Theory of knowledge)
Including possibility and limits of knowledge; origin, sources, means of
knowledge; structure of knowledge; doubt and denial; nature of inquiry; faith;
worth and theory of values (axiology)
Class here coherence, correspondence theories of truth; comprehensive works on
Class knowledge and its extension in 001; class reason as a human attribute in
128; class ethical values in 170; class religious faith in 200; class philosophy of
language in linguistics in 401
For truth as a classical property of being, see 111; for truth in logic, see 160

122 Causation
Class here chance versus cause
For determinism and indeterminism, see 123; for teleology, see 124

123 Determinism and indeterminism

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including contingency; chance; freedom; necessity
Class chance versus cause in 122

124 Teleology
Class here final cause

[125] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 10

126 The self

Limited to topics named below
Class here consciousness of self as person, personal identity, personality,
Class the unconscious and the subconscious in 127; class comprehensive works on
consciousness in 128
See also 111 for identity

127 The unconscious and the subconscious

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading

128 Epistemology, causation, humankind 128

128 Humankind
Including soul; mind; comprehensive works on consciousness; attributes and
faculties; human action and experience; comprehensive works on philosophical
counseling; human death; body
Class here philosophical anthropology; comprehensive works on philosophy of
human life, on philosophy and psychology of human life
Class reason as an instrument of knowledge in 121; class interdisciplinary works
on death in 306.9
For perception, sensation, see 121; for free will, see 123; for the self,
consciousness of self as person, see 126; for origin and destiny of individual
souls, see 129; for psychology, see 150; for science of reasoning (logic), see
160; for ethics of love, see 177. For collections of texts for philosophical
counseling clients on a specific subject, see the subject, e.g., a general
collection of philosophical texts for philosophical counseling clients 100; for
philosophical counseling focusing on specific issues or types of issues, see the
issue or type of issue, e.g., philosophical counseling focusing on ethics issues
See also 599.9 for physical anthropology

129 Origin and destiny of individual souls

Including immortality, incarnation, reincarnation, transmigration
Class personal accounts of previous incarnations in 133.9; class interdisciplinary
works on reincarnation in 202

130 Parapsychology and occultism

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Class here paranormal phenomena, frauds in occultism
Class phenomena of religious experience in 200; class interdisciplinary works on
controversial knowledge and paranormal phenomena in 001.9
See Manual at 001.9 and 130; also at 130 vs. 200

130.1 Philosophy and theory
131 Parapsychological and occult methods for achieving well-being, happiness,
133 Specific topics in parapsychology and occultism
135 Dreams and mysteries
137 Divinatory graphology
138 Physiognomy
139 Phrenology

.1 Philosophy and theory

Do not use for comprehensive works on parapsychological and occult
forecasting and forecasts; class in 133.3
Class a specific type of forecasting or forecast with the type, without adding
notation 01 from Table 1, e.g., astrological methods of forecasting 133.5

131 Dewey Decimal Classification 131

131 Parapsychological and occult methods for achieving

well-being, happiness, success
Standard subdivisions are added for any or all topics in heading
Class interdisciplinary works limited to psychological and parapsychological or
occult techniques for achieving personal well-being, happiness, success in 158;
class interdisciplinary works on successful living, on management of personal and
family living in 646.7. Class a specific method of parapsychology and occultism
for achieving well-being with the method in 133–139, e.g., spells and charms 133.4

[132] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

133 Specific topics in parapsychology and occultism

Including parapsychological and occult aspects of specific things (e.g., natural
For parapsychological and occult methods of achieving well-being, happiness,
success, see 131; for Rosicrucianism, Hermeticism, cabala, see 135. For a
specific parapsychological or occult use of a specific thing, see the use in
131–139, e.g., fortune-telling by crystals 133.3, fortune-telling by cards 133.3;
for a specific thing in a specific branch of parapsychology and occultism, see
the branch in 131–139, e.g., use of candles in witchcraft 133.4, astrological
aspects of planets 133.5

133.1 Apparitions
.3 Divinatory arts
.4 Demonology and witchcraft
.5 Astrology
.6 Palmistry
.8 Psychic phenomena
.9 Spiritualism

[.01–.09] Standard subdivisions

Do not use; class in 130.1–130.9

.1 Apparitions
Including haunted places
Class here ghosts
Class works that treat two or more haunted places during a specific historical
period or in a specific geographic area in 133.109; class materialization of
spirits as a mediumistic phenomenon in 133.9; class ghosts as a subject of
folklore in 398; class folkloristic ghost stories in 398.25; class literary accounts
of ghosts in 808.8; class interdisciplinary works on spirits (discarnate beings) in

133 Parapsychology and occultism 133

.109 History, geographic treatment, biography

Class here works that treat two or more haunted places during a specific
historical period or in a specific geographic area, e.g., haunted places in
Cornwall 133.109423
Class specific haunted places in 133.1

.3 Divinatory arts
Including fortune-telling by bones, dice, pendulum; fortune-telling by crystals
and stones; dowsing; fortune-telling by cards, tea leaves and coffee grounds,
oracles and sibyls; symbolic divination
Class here works on the symbolism of divinatory arts and objects,
comprehensive works on divination as an aspect of parapsychology and
religion, comprehensive works on occult methods of foretelling the future
Class use of extrasensory perception for divination in 133.8; class
interdisciplinary works on forecasting in 003
For astrology, see 133.5; for palmistry, see 133.6; for dream books, see 135;
for divinatory graphology, see 137; for physiognomy, see 138; for divination
as a religious practice, see 203
See also 303.49 for social forecasting

.4 Demonology and witchcraft

Including magic; magicians’ manuals, e.g., grimoire; witch hunting;
interdisciplinary works on witchcraft; spells, curses, charms
Class here black arts
For divinatory arts, see 133.3; for witchcraft as a religious practice, see
203; for religions based on modern revivals of witchcraft, see 299
See also 299.6 for voodoo as a religion
See Manual at 130 vs. 200

.5 Astrology
Including specific aspects of western astrology (e.g., signs of the zodiac;
planets, sun, moon; horoscopes; astrological ephemerides; horary astrology;
application of astrology to specific topics); types and schools of astrology
originating in or associated with a specific area, originating in or associated
with a specific ethnic or national group, originating in or associated with a
specific religion; nonwestern types or schools of astrology
Class here works on the symbolism of astrology
.501 Philosophy and theory
Do not use for forecasting and forecasts; class in 133.5
.508 Groups of people

133 Dewey Decimal Classification 133

.508 8 Occupational and religious groups

Do not use for types or schools of astrology originating in or
associated with a specific religious group; class in 133.5
Including astrology in general with respect to specific religious
.508 9 Specific ethnic and national groups
Do not use for types or schools of astrology originating in or
associated with a specific ethnic or national group; class in 133.5
Class here astrology in general with respect to specific ethnic and
national groups
.509 History, geographic treatment, biography
.509 3–.509 9 Specific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds
Do not use for types or schools of astrology originating in or
associated with a specific area; class in 133.5
Class here astrology in general in a specific area

.6 Palmistry
.601 Philosophy and theory
Do not use for forecasting and forecasts; class in 133.6

.8 Psychic phenomena
Including extrasensory perception (e.g., telepathy; clairvoyance; clairaudience;
precognition); psychokinesis; animal magnetism, hypnosis, extrasensory
perception of animals, aura
Class here psi phenomena, psychic communication, psychic talents and gifts;
comprehensive works treating extrasensory perception (ESP), spiritualism, and
ghosts together
Class human aura when scientifically considered in 612; class comprehensive
works on divination in 133.3; class interdisciplinary works on animal
magnetism, interdisciplinary works on hypnotism in 154.7
For ghosts, see 133.1; for spiritualism, levitation as a mediumistic
phenomenon, use of hypnosis for past-life recall, see 133.9
.801 Philosophy and theory
Do not use for forecasting and forecasts; class in 133.8

133 Parapsychology and occultism 133

.9 Spiritualism
The phenomena and systems of ideas connected with belief in communication
with spirits (discarnate beings)
Including mediumship; channeling, psychic experiences of individual mediums;
specific mediumistic phenomena; psychic messages
Class here communication with extraterrestrial spirits, necromancy,
interdisciplinary works on spirits (discarnate beings)
Class philosophical discussions of personal survival and life after death in 129;
class interdisciplinary works on reincarnation in 202
For ghosts, see 133.1; for psychic messages on religious subjects, see 200.
For messages on a specific subject in paranormal phenomena, see the
subject, e.g., messages concerning witchcraft 133.4
See also 202 for spiritualism as a religious doctrine; also 289.9 for
spiritualist Christian sects; also 292–299 for other spiritualist sects and
See Manual at 130 vs. 200
.901 Philosophy and theory
Including personal survival, nature of spiritual world and life after death;

[134] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

135 Dreams and mysteries

Including Rosicrucianism, Hermetism, cabala
Class mysteries of magic and witchcraft in 133.4; class interdisciplinary works
on mysteries in the sense of reported phenomena not explained, not fully verified
in 001.94; class interdisciplinary works on psychological and parapsychological
aspects of dreams in 154.6

[136] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

137 Divinatory graphology

Class interdisciplinary works on graphology and use of graphology in analyzing
character in 155.2

138 Physiognomy
Class here comprehensive works on determination of character or divination from
analysis of physical features
For palmistry, see 133.6; for phrenology, see 139

139 Phrenology
Determination of mental capacities from skull structures

140 Dewey Decimal Classification 140

140 Specific philosophical schools and viewpoints

Including the concept of ideology, of a world view, of a system of beliefs
Class development, description, critical appraisal, collected writings, biographical
treatment of individual philosophers regardless of viewpoint in 180–190;
class comprehensive works on modern western and ancient, medieval, eastern
viewpoints in 100; class comprehensive works on modern western viewpoints
in 190. Class a specific topic or branch of philosophy treated from a specific
philosophical viewpoint with the topic or branch, e.g., existentialist ontology 111,
realist epistemology 121; class ideologies concerning a specific discipline with the
discipline, e.g., political ideologies 320.5
For ancient, medieval, eastern schools, see 180
See also 171 for systems and schools of ethics

141 Idealism and related systems and doctrines

Standard subdivisions are added for idealism and related systems and doctrines
together, for idealism alone
Including panpsychism, spiritualism, subjectivism, voluntarism; modern Platonism
and Neoplatonism; transcendentalism; individualism; personalism; romanticism
Class comprehensive works on Platonism in 184; class comprehensive works on
Neoplatonism in 186

142 Critical philosophy

Including Kantianism; Neo-Kantianism; phenomenology
Class critical realism in 149

143 Bergsonism and intuitionism

144 Humanism and related systems and doctrines
Standard subdivisions are added for humanism and related systems and doctrines
together, for humanism alone
Including pragmatism; instrumentalism; utilitarianism

145 Sensationalism
Class here ideology as the system based on analysis of ideas into their sensory
Class works that discuss ideology, not as a specific philosophical school, but as
systems of beliefs in general in 140

146 Naturalism and related systems and doctrines

Standard subdivisions are added for naturalism and related systems and doctrines
together, for naturalism alone
Including dynamism, energism; materialism; positivism and related systems;
comprehensive works on the analytical movement; atomism; mechanism;
evolutionism and process philosophy
For linguistic analysis, see 149; for dialectical materialism as a philosophical
foundation of Marxism, see 335.4
147 Specific philosophical schools and viewpoints 147

147 Pantheism and related systems and doctrines

Standard subdivisions are added for pantheism and related systems and doctrines
together, for pantheism alone
Including animism, occasionalism, panentheism, parallelism, vitalism; monism;
dualism and pluralism

148 Dogmatism, eclecticism, liberalism, syncretism,

149 Other philosophical systems and doctrines
Including constructivism, objectivism, relativism; conceptualism and nominalism;
realism; neorealism, critical realism; mysticism; optimism; meliorism; pessimism;
rationalism and related systems and doctrines; nihilism; fatalism; miscellaneous
systems and doctrines (e.g., Neo-Aristotelianism, neo-scholasticism, neo-Thomism,
linguistic philosophies, structuralism)
Class semantics, semiotics as philosophical topics in 121; class occult mysticism in
130; class ancient Aristotelianism in 185; class medieval scholasticism, medieval
Thomism in 189; class religious mysticism in 204; class comprehensive works
on the analytical movement in 146. Class structuralism, poststructuralism,
postmodernism in relation to a specific discipline with the discipline, e.g., in
relation to literary criticism 801
For existentialism, see 142

150 Psychology
Unless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference, e.g.,
emotions of children 155.4 (not 152.4):

[Aptitude and vocational interest tests] 153.9

Comparative psychology 156
Subconscious and altered states and processes 154
Differential and developmental psychology 155
Sensory perception, movement, emotions, physiological
drives 152
Conscious mental processes and intelligence 153
(except aptitude and vocational interest tests 153.9)
Applied psychology 158
Class testing for aptitude in a specific subject in 153.9; class social psychology in
For abnormal and clinical psychologies, see 616.89. For psychological
principles (other than principles of aptitude testing) of a specific subject, see
the subject, plus notation 01 from Table 1, e.g., psychological principles of
advertising 659.101
See Manual at 302–307 vs. 150, T1—01

150 Dewey Decimal Classification 150

150.1–.9 Standard subdivisions, systems, viewpoints
152 Sensory perception, movement, emotions, physiological drives
153 Conscious mental processes and intelligence
154 Subconscious and altered states and processes
155 Differential and developmental psychology
156 Comparative psychology
158 Applied psychology

.1 Philosophy and theory; systems, viewpoints

Notation 01 from Table 1 as modified below
Do not use for schools of psychology; class in 150.19
.19 Systems, schools, viewpoints
Standard subdivisions are added for any or all topics in heading
Including existential, faculty, phenomenological, rational schools;
functionalism, reductionism; psychoanalytic systems; other systems (e.g.,
gestalt psychology, field theory, personal construct psychology, humanistic
psychology, transpersonal psychology, positive psychology)
For associative learning, see 153.1
See Manual at 152–158 vs. 150.19; also at 616.89 vs. 150.19

.2 Miscellany
.28 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Class comprehensive works on intelligence testing and personality testing in

.8 Groups of people
Do not use for psychology of groups of people; class in 155

.9 History, geographic treatment, biography

.93–.99 Specific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds
Do not use for national psychology of specific countries; class in 155.8

[151] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

> 152–158 Specific topics in psychology

Class comprehensive works in 150
See Manual at 152–158 vs. 150.19

152 Psychology 152

152 Sensory perception, movement, emotions, physiological

Class here sensory perception, movement, emotions, physiological drives of
adults in general [formerly 155.6]; comprehensive works on psychology and
neurophysiology of sensory perception, movement, emotions, physiological drives
Class sensory perception, movement, emotions, physiological drives of adults
by marital status and relationships, sensory perception, movement, emotions,
physiological drives of people in specific stages of adulthood in 155.6
For neurophysiology of sensory perception, movement, emotions, physiological
drives, see 612.8
See Manual at 612.8 vs. 152

.1 Sensory perception
Including auditory perception; chemical sensory perception; other types of
sensory perception (e.g., cutaneous perception, proprioceptive and visceral
perceptions, synesthesia)
Class here receptive processes and functions, discrimination, thresholds
For threshold and discrimination studies, see 152.8
See Manual at 153.7 vs. 152.1
.14 Visual perception
Including spatial perception; brightness perception; color perception; optical
illusions; interdisciplinary works on optical illusions
Class comprehensive works on spatial perception, comprehensive works on
movement perception in 153.7
For a specific aspect or use of optical illusions, see the aspect or use,
e.g., physiological aspects 612.8, use of optical illusions in art 701

.3 Movements and motor functions

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including involuntary movements; automatic movements; habit formation;
comprehensive works on habits; voluntary movements; special motor functions
(e.g., locomotion, expressive movements, coordination)
Class meaning of movements (as in body language) and cognitive aspects in
153.6; class comprehensive works on reflexology as a psychological system in
For reaction-time studies, see 152.8; for conscious mental habits, see 153

152 Dewey Decimal Classification 152

.4 Emotions
Including aversion, hate; embarrassment; hope; grief, sadness; love and
affection; pleasure, enjoyment, happiness, joy, ecstasy; wit and humor; guilt and
shame; fear, anxiety, worry; anger; aggressive moods and feelings; jealousy and
Class here affects, attitudes, feelings, moods, sentiments; emotional intelligence
Class character traits such as bashfulness in 155.2; class loneliness, grief
associated with bereavement by death in 155.9; class depression in 616.85; class
comprehensive works on emotions and cognition in 153; class comprehensive
works on psychology of aggression in 155.2

.5 Physiological drives
Class motivation, comprehensive works on drives in 153.8

.8 Threshold, discrimination, reaction-time studies

Including threshold and discrimination studies

153 Conscious mental processes and intelligence

Standard subdivisions are added for conscious mental processes and intelligence
together, for conscious mental processes alone
Class here conscious mental processes and intelligence of adults in general
[formerly 155.6], cognition, cognitive psychology, cognitive science, intellectual
processes, comprehensive works on emotions and cognition
Class conscious mental processes and intelligence of adults by marital status and
relationships, conscious mental processes and intelligence of people in specific
stages of adulthood in 155.6; class comprehensive works on artificial intelligence
and cognitive science in 006.3
For emotions, emotional intelligence, see 152.4
See also 121 for epistemology; also 128 for mind-body problem in philosophy
See Manual at 006.3 vs. 153; also at 153 vs. 153.4
.028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment,
Do not use for testing and measurement; class in 153.9

.1 Memory and learning

Including types of memory (e.g., visual memory, auditory memory,
visual-auditory memory); mnemonics; learning
Class application of learning psychology to education in 370.15; class
comprehensive works on associationism in 150.19. Class memory with respect
to a specific topic with the topic, e.g., memory and dreams 154.6

.2 Formation and association of ideas

Including concepts and concept formation; abstraction

153 Psychology 153

.3 Imagination, imagery, creativity

Standard subdivisions are added for imagination, imagery, creativity together;
for imagination alone
Including interdisciplinary works on creativity
Class here daydreams, fantasies, reveries considered as aspects of the
Class comprehensive works on daydreams, fantasies, reveries in 154.3
For creativity in a specific field, see the field, plus notation 01 from Table 1,
e.g., creativity in the arts 700.1

.4 Thought, thinking, reasoning, intuition, value, judgment

Including problem solving
Class logical processes of reasoning and problem solving in 160
For formation and association of ideas, see 153.2; for moral judgment, see
See Manual at 153 vs. 153.4
.402 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Do not use for testing and measurement; class in 153.9

.6 Communication
Including listening; nonverbal communication; meaning of movements, body
language; cognitive processes involved in interpreting movements
Class here individual aspects of interpersonal communication
Class sociolinguistics in 306.44; class psychology of language and language
processing (psycholinguistics), speech perception in 401; class psychology
of reading in 418; class social psychology of, interdisciplinary works on
communication in 302.2

.7 Perceptual processes
Perceptual apprehension and understanding
Including basic elements; errors (normal illusions); types of perception (e.g.,
spatial perception, time and rhythm perception, movement perception, face
Class visual spatial perception, visual perception of movement in 152.14; class
social perception, social risk perception in 302
For extrasensory perception, see 133.8
See Manual at 153.7 vs. 152.1

153 Dewey Decimal Classification 153

.8 Will (Volition)
Including self-control; choice and decision; modification of will; behavior
modification and attitude change when reference is to bending the will or
changing conscious intent
Class here intentionality, motivation; comprehensive works on drives
For physiological drives, see 152.5

.9 Intelligence and aptitudes

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including intelligence tests; comprehensive works on testing and measurement
of cognition, of conscious mental processes, of intelligence and personality;
aptitude tests; vocational interest tests; superior intelligence
Class here intellect, intelligence levels, multiple intelligences
Class emotional intelligence in 152.4; class factors in differential and
developmental psychology that affect intelligence and aptitudes in 155;
class use of aptitude and vocational interest tests for academic prognosis and
placement in 371.26; class comprehensive works on vocational interests in
For personality tests, see 155.2; for educational tests and measurements, see
371.26; for neuropsychological tests, see 616.8
.902 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Do not use for intelligence tests, aptitude tests, class in 153.9

154 Subconscious and altered states and processes

.2 The subconscious
Including works that emphasize the subconscious in treating relations among
the id, ego, superego
Class works that emphasize the ego in 155.2

.3 Daydreams, fantasies, reveries

Standard subdivisions are added for any or all topics in heading
For daydreams, fantasies, reveries considered as aspects of imagination, see

.4 Altered states of consciousness

Including altered states due to use of drugs; hallucinations

.6 Sleep phenomena
Including dream interpretation, interdisciplinary works on dreams
Class physiological aspects of sleep in 612.8
For parapsychological aspects of dreams, see 135; for physiological aspects
of dreams, see 612.8

154 Psychology 154

.7 Hypnotism
Including animal magnetism; induction of hypnosis; hypnotic phenomena
Class here interdisciplinary works on hypnotism
For psychic aspects of hypnotism, see 133.8; for medical applications of
hypnotism, see 615.8

155 Differential and developmental psychology

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including role of play in development
Unless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference,
e.g., reactions of African American school children to catastrophic fires 155.9 (not
155.42 or 155.8):

[Influence of specific situations] 155.9

Psychology of specific ages 155.4–155.6
Ethnopsychology and national psychology 155.8
Evolutionary psychology 155.7
Environmental psychology 155.9
(except influence of specific situations 155.9)
Sex psychology; psychology of people by gender or
sex, by sexual orientation 155.3
Individual psychology 155.2
Class role of play in relation to a specific topic with the topic, e.g., role of play in
child development 155.4
See Manual at 155

155.2 Individual psychology
.3 Sex psychology; psychology of people by gender or sex, by sexual
.4 Child psychology
.5 Psychology of young people twelve to twenty
.6 Psychology of adults
.7 Evolutionary psychology
.8 Ethnopsychology and national psychology
.9 Environmental psychology

155 Dewey Decimal Classification 155

.2 Individual psychology
Including defense mechanisms; individual differences; traits and determinants
of character and personality; adaptability and adjustment; development and
modification of character and personality; typology; appraisals and tests
Class here individual psychology of adults in general [formerly 155.6]; the self;
character, identity, individuality, personality
Class use of personality tests to determine vocational interests in 153.9;
class individual psychology of adults by marital status and relationships,
individual psychology of people in specific stages of adulthood in 155.6;
class use of personality tests to diagnose psychiatric disorders in 616.89; class
comprehensive works on appraisals and tests for intelligence and personality
in 153.9; class comprehensive works on environment versus heredity in
psychology in 155.7; class interdisciplinary works on aggression, aggressive
social interactions in 302.5. Class application of individual psychology
in general and application of broad, vaguely defined topics of individual
psychology with the application in 158, e.g., personal improvement through
self-actualization 158.1, improved interpersonal relations through self-esteem
158.2; class defense mechanisms in relation to a specific topic with the topic,
e.g., defense mechanisms and reactions to death 155.9
For divinatory graphology, see 137; for aggressive emotions, see 152.4; for
aggressive drives, see 153.8; for environmental determinants, see 155.9;
for handwriting analysis for the examination of evidence, see 363.25; for
handwriting analysis for screening of prospective employees, see 658.3
.202 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Do not use for testing and measurement; class in 155.2

.3 Sex psychology; psychology of people by gender or sex, by sexual

Standard subdivisions are added for all the topics in the heading, for sex
psychology alone
Including erogeneity and libido; adults by gender or sex [formerly 155.6],
gender identity, gender role, sex differences, sex role, the sexes; comprehensive
works on psychology of men and women, of males and females; psychology of
people by sexual orientation; adults in general by sexual orientation [formerly
155.6086]; sexual practices
Class here sex psychology of adults in general [formerly 155.6], relations
between the sexes, sex, sexual love
Class sex psychology of adults in specific age groups, adults in specific age
groups by sexual orientation in 155.6; class female impersonation, male
impersonation in 792.02; class interdisciplinary works on and social psychology
of relations between the sexes, sex, sexual love in 306.7; class interdisciplinary
works on and social psychology of sexual orientation in 306.76
For children by gender or sex, see 155.43; for young people twelve to twenty
by gender or sex, see 155.5; for adults of either gender or sex by marital
status and relationships, people of either gender or sex in a specific stage of
adulthood, see 155.6

155 Psychology 155

> 155.4–155.6 Psychology of specific ages

Class here developmental psychology
Class comprehensive works in 155

.4 Child psychology
Through age eleven
Including general topics of child psychology (e.g., sensory perception,
movement, emotions, physiological drives; conscious mental processes and
intelligence; individual, evolutionary, environmental, applied psychology)
Class national psychology of children in 155.4093–155.4099; class general
topics applied to children by specific attributes in 155.42–155.45; class
socialization in 303.3; class interdisciplinary works on child development in
See also 649 for child rearing
[.408 1] People by gender or sex
Do not use; class in 155.43
[.408 2] Women
Do not use; class in 155.43
[.408 3] Young people
Do not use for psychology of children in general; class in 155.4. Do
not use for psychology of children in specific age groups; class in
.408 5 Relatives
Do not use for siblings; class in 155.44
.408 6 People by miscellaneous social attributes
Do not use for people by social and economic levels; class in 155.45
[.408 7] People with disabilities and illnesses, gifted people
Do not use; class in 155.45
[.408 9] Ethnic and national groups
Do not use; class in 155.45

155 Dewey Decimal Classification 155

> 155.42–155.45 Children by specific attributes

Unless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference,
e.g., boys aged three to five 155.42 (not 155.43):

Exceptional children; children by social and

economic levels, by ethnic or national group 155.45
Children by status and relationships 155.44
Children in specific age groups 155.42
Children by gender or sex 155.43
Class comprehensive works in 155.4
.42 Children in specific age groups
Including infants; children three to five; preschool children; children six to
eleven; comprehensive works on school children to age fourteen
For young people twelve to fourteen, see 155.5
.43 Children by gender or sex
Including boys; girls
Class here sex psychology of children
For children by sexual orientation, transgender and intersex children,
see 155.4086
.44 Children by status and relationships
Including the only child; siblings; brothers and sisters of same birth; adopted
and foster children; institutionalized children
Class here psychology of temporary or permanent separation from parents
.45 Exceptional children; children by social and economic levels, by ethnic
or national group
Standard subdivisions are added for all topics in heading together, for
exceptional children alone
Including ethnopsychology
Class psychoanalytic principles derived in part from study of wild children
in 150.19; class national psychology of children in 155.4093–155.4099

155 Psychology 155

.5 Psychology of young people twelve to twenty

Including general topics of psychology of young people twelve to twenty (e.g.,
sensory perception, movement, emotions, physiological drives; conscious
mental processes and intelligence; individual, evolutionary, environmental,
applied psychology); young people twelve to twenty by gender or sex; sex
psychology of young people twelve to twenty
Class national psychology of young people twelve to twenty in
155.5093–155.5099; class vocational tests for young people twelve to twenty in
153.9; class young people twelve to twenty by sexual orientation, transgender
and intersex young people twelve to twenty in 155.5086; class socialization in
303.3; class youth twenty-one and over, comprehensive works on young adults
in 155.6; class interdisciplinary works on development of young people twelve
to twenty in 305.235
[.508 1] People by gender or sex
Do not use; class in 155.5
[.508 2] Women
Do not use; class in 155.5
.508 9 Ethnic and national groups
Class here ethnopsychology

.6 Psychology of adults
Including adults by marital status and relationships (e.g., single status,
separated and divorced status, widowed status, married status, parents,
grandparents, progeny, siblings); people in specific stages of adulthood (e.g.,
people in early adulthood; people in middle adulthood); sensory perception,
movement, emotions, physiological drives, conscious mental processes and
intelligence, individual psychology, sex psychology, evolutionary psychology,
environmental psychology, applied psychology of people in early adulthood, in
middle adulthood; people in early adulthood, in middle adulthood regardless of
marital status and relationship
For young adults under twenty-one, see 155.5
See Manual at 155
Sensory perception, movement, emotions, physiological drives of adults in
general relocated to 152; conscious mental processes and intelligence of adults
in general relocated to 153; individual psychology of adults in general relocated
to 155.2; adults by gender or sex, sex psychology of adults in general relocated
to 155.3; evolutionary psychology of adults in general relocated to 155.7;
environmental psychology of adults in general relocated to 155.9; applied
psychology of adults in general relocated to 158
[.608 1] Adults by gender or sex
Do not use; class in 155.3
[.608 2] Women
Do not use; class in 155.3

155 Dewey Decimal Classification 155

[.608 4] Adults in specific stages of adulthood

Do not use for people in early and middle adulthood; class in 155.6.
Do not use for people in late adulthood; class in 155.67
[.608 5] Relatives
Do not use; class in 155.6
.608 6 People by miscellaneous social attributes
Do not use for adults by marital status; class in 155.6
Adults in general by sexual orientation relocated to 155.3
[.608 9] Ethnic and national groups
Relocated to 155.8
.609 History, geographic treatment, biography
.609 3–.609 9 Specific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds
National psychology of adults in general relocated to 155.89
.67 People in late adulthood
Including general topics of people in late adulthood (e.g., sensory
perception, movement, emotions, physiological drives; conscious mental
processes and intelligence; individual, evolutionary, environmental,
applied psychology); adaptability and adjustment; psychological aspects of
retirement, change in status
Class national psychology of people in late adulthood in
.670 89 Ethnic and national groups
Class here ethnopsychology

.7 Evolutionary psychology
Evolution of basic human mental and psychological characteristics
Including behavior genetics
Class here evolutionary psychology of adults in general [formerly 155.6],
comprehensive works on environment versus heredity in psychology
For environment versus heredity in determining traits of character and
personality, see 155.2; for environmental psychology, see 155.9
See also 304.5 for genetic bases of social behavior
See Manual at 302–307 vs. 150, T1—01

155 Psychology 155

.8 Ethnopsychology and national psychology

Including adults in general by ethnic and national group [formerly 155.6089],
ethnic differences; specific ethnic groups; national psychology of adults in
general [formerly 155.6093–155.6099]
Class here cross-cultural psychology
Class studies of cultural influence in 155.9
See Manual at 155

.9 Environmental psychology
Including special topics of environmental psychology (e.g., stress); influence
of physical environment and conditions; influence of social environment;
influence of specific situations; influence of community and housing; influence
of clothing; influence of restrictive environments
Class here environmental psychology of adults in general [formerly 155.6];
environmental influences, ways of coping with the influences
Class interdisciplinary works on death in 306.9
For forgiveness and loneliness in the context of improving interpersonal
relations, see 158.2; for job stress, see 158.7

156 Comparative psychology

Comparison of human psychology and the psychology of other organisms; study of
other organisms to elucidate human behavior
Including animals (e.g., comparative psychology of sensory perception, movement,
emotions, physiological drives of animals, comparative conscious mental processes
and intelligence of animals, comparative subconscious and altered states and
processes of animals, comparative differential and developmental psychology of
animals); plants
Class plant behavior in 575.9; class behavior of nonhuman organisms, habits and
behavior patterns of animals in 591.5
See Manual at 302–307 vs. 156

[157] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 11

158 Dewey Decimal Classification 158

158 Applied psychology

Including leadership; negotiation; systems and schools of applied psychology;
works about founders of systems and schools of applied psychology, works about
systems and schools of applied psychology written for advisors and counselors to
help them assist others with personal improvement or analysis
Class here applied psychology of adults in general [formerly 155.6], application of
individual psychology in general; comprehensive works on how to better oneself
and how to get along with other people; comprehensive works on psychological
and parapsychological or occult techniques for achieving personal well-being,
happiness, success
Class aptitude tests (both general and applied to specific subjects) in 153.9;
class applied psychology of adults by marital status and relationships, applied
psychology of people in specific stages of adulthood in 155.6; class works on
systems and schools of applied psychology written for people who wish to be
improved or analyzed in 158.1; class interdisciplinary works on success in 650.1.
Class application of a specific branch of psychology (other than individual
psychology in general 155.2) with the branch, e.g., how to be creative 153.3, use of
personality tests for self-knowledge and self-improvement 155.2; class a specific
application of psychology with the application, e.g., Christian pastoral psychology
For parapsychological and occult techniques for achievement of well-being,
happiness, success, see 131

.1 Personal improvement and analysis

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including personality analysis and improvement; personal improvement and
analysis through meditation
Class here works intended to make one a better person or to stave off failure,
to solve problems or to adjust to a life that does not meet one’s expectations;
works on specific systems and schools of applied psychology written for people
who wish to be improved or analyzed
Class works on specific systems and schools of applied psychology written for
advisors and counselors to help them assist others in 158; class works on how
to get along with other people in 158.2; class comprehensive works on how to
better oneself and how to get along with other people in 158
See Manual at 616.86 vs. 158.1, 204, 248.8, 292–299, 362.29

158 Psychology 158

.2 Interpersonal relations
Relations between an individual and other people
Including interpersonal relations with family members; interpersonal relations
with friends and neighbors; interpersonal relations with work associates;
interpersonal relationships with strangers
Class here dominance, forgiveness, intimacy; overcoming loneliness;
applications of assertiveness training, sensitivity training, transactional analysis
Class individual aspects of interpersonal communication in 153.6; class
interpersonal relations in leadership, interpersonal relations in negotiation in
158; class interpersonal relations in counseling and interviewing in 158.3;
class social psychology of communication in 302.2; class interactions within
groups in 302.3; class guides to harmonious family relations in 646.7; class
comprehensive works on forgiveness, on loneliness in 155.9

.3 Counseling and interviewing

Standard subdivisions are added for counseling and interviewing together, for
counseling alone
Including group counseling
Class here helping behavior, personal coaching
Class helpfulness as a personality trait in 155.2; class interdisciplinary works
on counseling in 361. Class counseling in a specific subject with the subject,
e.g., personal coaching in the context of employee education and training under
personnel management 658.3; class interviewing in a specific discipline with
the discipline, e.g., employee selection interviewing 658.3

.6 Vocational interests
Class aptitudes in 153.9; class interdisciplinary works on choice of vocation in
.602 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Do not use for testing and measurement; class in 153.9

.7 Industrial psychology
Works focusing on the psychology of the individual employee in relation
to work or taking a broad view that encompasses the concerns of individual
employees, union leaders, management
Including job stress
Class here psychology of work
Class workaholism as a personality trait in 155.2; class comprehensive works on
stress in 155.9. Class industrial psychology applied to a specific subject outside
psychology with the subject, plus notation 01 from Table 1, e.g., psychological
principles of personnel management 658.3001
See also 158.2 for psychology of interpersonal relations with work

[159] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 11

160 Dewey Decimal Classification 160

160 Philosophical logic

Science of reasoning
Including logic operators, negation, truth tables
Class here informal logic, syllogistic logic, term logic; formal logic, propositional
calculus (sentential calculus), predicate calculus; first-order logic; critical thinking;
axioms, modality, predication, propositions
Class psychology of reasoning and problem solving in 153.4; class linguistic
presupposition, implication, entailment in 401.45; class formal logic, propositional
calculus (sentential calculus), predicate calculus, first-order logic, logic
operators, truth tables from the perspective of symbolic (mathematical) logic;
interdisciplinary works on logic in 511.3

161 Induction
For hypotheses, see 167; for analogy, see 169

162 Deduction
For syllogisms, see 166

[163] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

[164] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 9

165 Fallacies and sources of error

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including contradictions, fictions, paradoxes

166 Syllogisms
167 Hypotheses
168 Argument and persuasion
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading

169 Analogy

170 Ethics 170

170 Ethics (Moral philosophy)

Including special topics of ethics (e.g., metaethics, normative ethics)
Class here conscience, good and evil; ethics of specific subjects, interdisciplinary
works on social ethics
Class bases for specific systems, deontology, virtue ethics, consequentialism,
utilitarianism in 171
For religious ethics, see 205; for social ethics as a method of social control, see
303.3. For ethics of a specific religion, see the religion, e.g., Christian ethics

170.1–.9 Standard subdivisions
171 Ethical systems
172 Political ethics
173 Ethics of family relationships
174 Occupational ethics
175 Ethics of recreation, leisure, public performances, communication
176 Ethics of sex and reproduction
177 Ethics of social relations
178 Ethics of consumption
179 Other ethical norms

.8 Groups of people
[.88] Occupational and religious groups
Do not use for ethics of occupational groups; class in 174. Do not use for
ethics of religious groups; class in 205

.9 History, geographic treatment, biography

.92 Biography
See Manual at 170.92 vs. 171

171 Ethical systems

Regardless of time or place
Including systems based on authority; systems based on intuition, moral
sense, reason; on duty and rights; perfectionism; virtue ethics; hedonism;
consequentialism and utilitarianism; systems based on conscience; systems
based on biology, genetics, evolution, education, social factors; systems based on
altruism; systems based on egoism
Class comprehensive works on normative ethics, comprehensive works on moral
realism in 170. Class a specific topic in ethics, regardless of the system within
which it is treated, with the topic in 172–179, e.g., professional ethics 174
See Manual at 170.92 vs. 171

> 172–179 Applied ethics

Class comprehensive works in 170

172 Dewey Decimal Classification 172

172 Political ethics

Including relation of individuals to the state; duties of the state; justice;
international relations
Class occupational ethics of military personnel in 174

173 Ethics of family relationships

Including ethics of marriage, divorce, separation, parent-child relationships, sibling
Class ethics of sex and reproduction in 176

174 Occupational ethics

Including clergy; legal ethics; professional conduct of judges, lawyers; jury ethics;
business ethics; economic ethics, ethics of finance, manufacturing, marketing,
trade; corporate social responsibility; gambling business; other professions and
Class here professional ethics; ethics of work
Occupational ethics for those involved in the recreation industry relocated to 175

.2 Medical and health professions

Including Hippocratic oath; economic questions; experimentation;
experimentation on human subjects; innovative procedures
Class here comprehensive works on bioethics
Class medical ethics related to human reproduction, embryo research relating to
human reproduction in 176
For experimentation on animals, see 179

175 Ethics of recreation, leisure, public performances,

Including occupational ethics for those involved in the recreation industry
[formerly 174]; ethics of dancing, gambling, music, television; fair play,
For ethics of hunting, see 179

176 Ethics of sex and reproduction

Including reproductive technology; birth control; sexual relations; prostitution;
obscenity and pornography; obscenity and pornography in literature
For obscenity in speech, see 179; for abortion, see 179.7

177 Ethics of social relations

Limited to courtesy, hospitality, politeness; conversation; truthfulness, lying,
slander, flattery; personal appearance; discriminatory practices and slavery;
friendship and courtship; love
Class sexual ethics in courtship in 176; class etiquette in 395

178 Ethics 178

178 Ethics of consumption

Including abstinence, gluttony, greed, overindulgence, temperance; consumption of
alcoholic beverages; consumption of tobacco; consumption of narcotics
Class here use of natural resources, of wealth
Class environmental and ecological ethics, respect for nature, consumption of meat
in 179

179 Other ethical norms

Including respect for life and nature; environmental and ecological ethics;
treatment of children; treatment of animals; experimentation on animals;
blasphemy, profanity, obscenity in speech; courage and cowardice; vices, faults,
failings; virtues; virtue
Class here cruelty
Class respect for human life in 179.7
For parent-child relationships, see 173; for ethics of consumption, see 178
[.01–.09] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 170

.7 Respect and disrespect for human life

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including questions of life and death in medical ethics, capital punishment,
dueling, euthanasia, genocide, homicide, suicide; abortion
Class here comprehensive works on ethics of violence, of nonviolence
Class ethics of contraception in 176; class treatment of children in 179; class
comprehensive works on medical ethics in 174.2
For ethics of violence, of nonviolence in political activity, ethics of civil war,
ethics of war, see 172

> 180–190 History, geographic treatment,

Class here development, description, critical appraisal, collected writings,
biography of individual philosophers regardless of viewpoint
Class comprehensive works on geographic treatment in 100; class
comprehensive works on history in 109; class comprehensive works on
collected biography in 109.2. Class critical appraisal of an individual
philosopher’s thought on a specific topic with the topic, plus notation 092 from
Table 1, e.g., critical appraisal of Kant’s theory of knowledge 121.092
See Manual at 180–190

180 Ancient, medieval, eastern philosophy

.01–.09 Standard subdivisions of ancient, medieval, eastern philosophy

180 Dewey Decimal Classification 180

.1–.8 Standard subdivisions of ancient philosophy

.9 History and geographic treatment of ancient philosophy
Do not use for ancient eastern philosophy; class in 181
Class specific schools of ancient western philosophy in 182–188

181 Eastern philosophy

Ancient, medieval, modern
Including philosophies based on specific religions; philosophy of specific places
Class the Five Confucian Classics in 299.5
For Christian philosophy, see 190; for yoga as a religious and spiritual
discipline, see 204; for Hindu yoga as a religious and spiritual discipline,
see 294.5; for religious aspects of Confucianism, see 299.5; for hatha yoga,
physical yoga, see 613.7
.001–.007 Standard subdivisions
.008 Groups of people
.008 8 Occupational and religious groups
Do not use for religious groups; class in 181
[.008 9] Ethnic and national groups
Do not use; class in 181
.009 History
Do not use for geographic treatment; class in 181

> 182–188 Ancient western philosophy

Class comprehensive works in 180

182 *Pre-Socratic Greek philosophies

Including Ionic philosophy; Pythagorean philosophy; Eleatic philosophy;
Heraclitean philosophy; Empedoclean philosophy; Democritean philosophy;
Anaxagorean philosophy
Class comprehensive works on Sophistic philosophy in 183

183 *Sophistic, Socratic, related Greek philosophies

Including Cynic philosophy; Cyrenaic philosophy; Megaric philosophy; Elian and
Eretrian philosophies
For pre-Socratic Greek philosophies, see 182
*Do not use notation 092 from Table 1
184 Ancient, medieval, eastern philosophy 184

184 *Platonic philosophy

Class here comprehensive works on ancient and modern Platonism
For modern Platonism, see 141

185 *Aristotelian philosophy

Class here comprehensive works on Aristotelian and Neo-Aristotelian philosophy
For Neo-Aristotelianism, see 149

186 *Skeptic and Neoplatonic philosophies

Including Pyrrhonic philosophy; New Academy; eclectic philosophy; Neoplatonic
philosophy; Alexandrian philosophy, comprehensive works on ancient and modern
For modern Neoplatonism, see 141

187 *Epicurean philosophy

188 *Stoic philosophy
189 †Medieval western philosophy
Including patristic philosophy; scholastic philosophy; mystic philosophy
Class here early Christian philosophy
For neo-scholasticism, neo-Thomism, see 149

190 Modern western and other noneastern philosophy

Class here comprehensive works on Christian philosophy, on modern philosophy,
on western philosophy, on modern western philosophy, on European philosophy
Modern philosophy of areas not provided for in 180 is classed here, even if not in
the western tradition, e.g., North American native philosophy 191.089, traditional
African philosophy 199
For ancient western and European philosophy, see 180; for early and medieval
Christian philosophy, medieval western and European philosophy, see 189
See also 181 for eastern philosophy
.88 Philosophy of occupational and religious groups
Do not use for Christian philosophy; class in 190
[.89] Philosophy of ethnic and national groups
Do not use; class in 191–199
*Do not use notation 092 from Table 1

†Do not use notation 09 from Table 1
191 Dewey Decimal Classification 191

191 †Philosophy of United States and Canada

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Class here North American philosophy
For Middle American and Mexican philosophy, see 199

192 †Philosophy of British Isles

Standard subdivisions are added for philosophy of British Isles together, for
philosophy of England alone, for philosophy of Ireland alone, for philosophy of
Northern Ireland alone, for philosophy of Scotland alone, for philosophy of United
Kingdom alone, for philosophy of Wales alone

193 †Philosophy of Germany and Austria

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading

194 †Philosophy of France

195 †Philosophy of Italy
196 †Philosophy of Spain and Portugal
197 †Philosophy of Russia
Class here philosophy of former Soviet Union
See also 181 for philosophy of former Soviet Asia
Philosophy of Azerbaijan, philosophy of Armenia, philosophy of Georgia,
philosophy of Moldova, philosophy of Ukraine, philosophy of Belarus, philosophy
of Lithuania, philosophy of Latvia, philosophy of Estonia relocated to 199

198 †Philosophy of Scandinavia and Finland

Standard subdivisions are added for Scandinavia and Finland together, for
Scandinavia alone
Including Norway; Sweden; Denmark

199 †Philosophy in other geographic areas

Including philosophy of Azerbaijan; philosophy of Armenia; philosophy of
Georgia; philosophy of Moldova; philosophy of Ukraine; philosophy of Belarus;
philosophy of Lithuania; philosophy of Latvia; philosophy of Estonia [all formerly
For Asian philosophy, philosophy of Arabic-speaking North Africa, see 181; for
European philosophy, see 190; for comprehensive works on North American
philosophy, see 191

†Do not use notation 09 from Table 1

200 Religion
Beliefs, attitudes, practices of individuals and groups with respect to the ultimate
nature of existences and relationships within the context of revelation, deity,
Including public relations for religion
Class here comparative religion; religions other than Christianity; works dealing
with various religions, with religious topics not applied to specific religions;
syncretistic religious writings of individuals expressing personal views and not
claiming to establish a new religion or to represent an old one
Class a specific topic in comparative religion, religions other than Christianity in
201–209. Class public relations for a specific religion or aspect of a religion with
the religion or aspect, e.g., public relations for a local Christian church 254
For government policy on religion, see 322
See also 306.6 for sociology of religion
See Manual at 130 vs. 200; also at 200 vs. 100; also at 201–209 and 292–299

200.1–.9 Standard subdivisions
201–209 Specific aspects of religion
210 Philosophy and theory of religion
220 Bible
230 Christianity
240 Christian moral and devotional theology
250 Local Christian church and Christian religious orders
260 Christian social and ecclesiastical theology
270 History, geographic treatment, biography of Christianity
280 Denominations and sects of Christian church
290 Other religions

> 200.1–200.9 Standard subdivisions

Limited to comparative religion, religion in general

.1 Systems, scientific principles, psychology of religion

Do not use for classification; class in 201. Do not use for philosophy and theory
in general; class in 210. Do not use for communication; class in 210.1
Class philosophic treatment of the relation of science and religion in 215

.2–.5 Standard subdivisions

200 Dewey Decimal Classification 200

[.6] Organizations and management

Do not use; class in 206

.7 Education, research, related topics

.71 Education
Class here religion as an academic subject
Class religious education to inculcate religious life and practice,
comprehensive works on religious education in 207
See also 379.2 for place of religion in public schools
See Manual at 207, 268 vs. 200.71, 230.071, 292–299

.8 Groups of people
Class here attitudes of religions to social groups; discrimination, equality,
inequality, prejudice

.9 History, geographic treatment, biography

See Manual at 200.9 vs. 294, 299.5
.92 Biography
See Manual at 200.92 and 201–209, 292–299

> 201–209 Specific aspects of religion

Class treatment of religious topics with respect to philosophy of religion, natural
theology in 210; class treatment with respect to Christianity in 230–280; class
treatment with respect to a specific religion other than Christianity in 292–299;
class comprehensive works on comparative religion in 200
See Manual at 200.92 and 201–209, 292–299; also at 201–209 and 292–299

201 Religious mythology, general classes of religion,

interreligious relations and attitudes, social theology
Including mythology and mythological foundations; general classes of religion;
classification of religions; interreligious relations; religions and secular disciplines;
attitudes of religions toward social issues; religion and culture; social theology
Class concepts of God or the gods in world religions in 202; class guides to
religious life and practice on specific topics in secular disciplines in 204; class
environmental ethics in 205; class philosophic treatment of concepts of God in
211; class sociology of religion in 306.6; class secular view of religiously oriented
political theories and ideologies in 320.5; class secular view of relation of state to
religious organizations and groups in 322. Class myths on a specific subject with
the subject, e.g., creation myths 202; class shamanism in a specific religion with
the religion, e.g., shamanism in religions of North American native origin 299.7
For attitudes toward social groups, see 200.8
See Manual at 322 vs. 201, 261.7, 292–299; also at 398.2 vs. 201, 230, 270,

201 Religion 201

.01 Philosophy and theory

Do not use for classification; class in 201

202 Doctrines
Including objects of worship and veneration; animism, spiritism; humankind;
comprehensive works on karma; eschatology; creation and cosmology
Class here beliefs, apologetics, polemics; comprehensive works on theology
Class concepts of God in philosophy of religion in 211
For social theologies, see 201; for religious ethics, see 205. For a specific
aspect of karma, see the aspect, e.g., karma as a concept in Buddhist ethics

203 Public worship and other practices

Practices predominantly public or collective in character
Including religious healing; divination; witchcraft; offerings, sacrifices, penances;
sacred places and pilgrimages; grottoes, holy buildings, pagodas, shrines, temples;
sacred times; symbolism, symbolic objects, sounds; religious use, significance,
purpose of the arts; rites and ceremonies
Class leaders and organization, monasteries in 206; class missions and religious
education in 207; class religions based on modern revivals of witchcraft in 299;
class comprehensive works on divination in 133.3; class comprehensive works
on witchcraft in 133.4; class comprehensive works on worship in 204; class
interdisciplinary works on sacred music in 781.7; class interdisciplinary works on
sacred vocal music in 782.2
See Manual at 203, 263, 292–299 vs. 394.265–394.267; also at 615.8 vs. 203,
234, 292–299

204 Religious experience, life, practice

Practices predominantly private or individual in character
Including worship, meditation, yoga; practical works on prayer, on contemplation;
comprehensive works on worship; religious life and practice; guides to religious
life and practice
Class here spirituality
Class religious ethics in 205; class interdisciplinary works on yoga in 181
For abuse within the family, see 201; for public worship, marriage rites, see
203; for ethics of marriage, see 205; for Hindu kundalini yoga, see 294.5
See Manual at 616.86 vs. 158.1, 204, 248.8, 292–299, 362.29

205 Religious ethics

Including conscience, sin; specific moral issues, sins, vices, virtues

206 Dewey Decimal Classification 206

206 Leaders and organization

Including leaders and their work; founders of religions; organizations
Class here management
Class theologians in 202; class laws and decisions in 208. Class a specific activity
of a leader with the activity, e.g., religious healing by shamans 203
See Manual at 200.92 and 201–209, 292–299

207 Missions and religious education

Including comprehensive works on religious education and religion as an academic
For education in and teaching of comparative religion, religion as an academic
subject, see 200.71; for religious training of children in the home, see 204
See Manual at 207, 268 vs. 200.71, 230.071, 292–299

208 Sources
Including sacred books and scriptures; oral traditions; laws and decisions; sources
of sects and reform movements
Class theology based on sacred sources in 202; class civil law relating to religious
matters in 340

209 Sects and reform movements

Class here new religious movements
Class specific aspects of sects and reform movements in 201–208
For specific sects and reform movements, see 280–290
See Manual at 299

210 Philosophy and theory of religion

Class here natural theology, philosophical theology; works that use observation and
interpretation of evidence in nature, speculation, and reasoning, but not revelation
or appeal to authoritative scriptures, to examine religious beliefs
Class a specific topic treated with respect to religions based on revelation or
authority with the topic in 201–209, e.g., concepts of God in world religions 202;
class a specific topic with respect to a specific religion with the religion, e.g.,
Christian concepts of God 231

.1 Theory of philosophy of religion

Including methodology of the philosophy of religion
Do not use for systems, scientific principles, psychological principles; class in
200.1. Do not use for classification; class in 201

211 Philosophy of religion 211

211 Concepts of God

Including anthropomorphism; pantheism; theism; rationalism (free thought); deism;
humanism and secularism; agnosticism and skepticism; atheism
Class here comprehensive works on God, on The Holy
Class God, gods and goddesses in comparative religion in 202
For existence of God, ways of knowing God, attributes of God, miracles, see

212 Existence of God, ways of knowing God, attributes of God

Including miracles

213 Creation
Including creation of life and human life, evolution versus creation, evolution as
method of creation
See Manual at 231.7 vs. 213, 500, 576.8

214 Theodicy
Vindication of God’s justice and goodness in permitting existence of evil and
Including providence
Class here good and evil

215 Science and religion

Including technology and religion; astronomy; physics; life sciences
Class religion and scientific theories of creation, evolution versus creation,
evolution as method of creation in 213; class anthropology and religion, ethnology
and religion in 218
See also 201 for various religions and science; also 261.5 for Christianity and

[216] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 12

[217] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 10

218 Humankind
Including anthropology and religion, ethnology and religion, immortality
For creation of humankind, human evolution, see 213

[219] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 11

220 Dewey Decimal Classification 220

220 Bible
Holy Scriptures of Judaism and Christianity
Including special topics of Bible, e.g., apocalyptic passages
Class Christian Biblical theology in 230; class Biblical precepts in Christian codes
of conduct in 241.5; class Jewish Biblical theology, Biblical precepts in Jewish
codes of conduct in 296.3

220.01–.09 Standard subdivisions
.1–.9 Generalities
221 Old Testament (Tanakh)
222 Historical books of Old Testament
223 Poetic books of Old Testament
224 Prophetic books of Old Testament
225 New Testament
226 Gospels and Acts
227 Epistles
228 Revelation (Apocalypse)
229 Apocrypha, pseudepigrapha, intertestamental works

.01–.02 Standard subdivisions

[.03] Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
Do not use for dictionaries and encyclopedias; class in 220.3. Do not use for
concordances; class in 220.4–220.5
.05–.08 Standard subdivisions
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for geography, history, chronology, persons of Bible lands in
Bible times; class in 220.9
Class the canon in 220.1

> 220.1–220.9 Generalities

Class comprehensive works in 220. Class generalities applied to a specific part
of the Bible with the part, e.g., a commentary on Job 223

.1 Origins and authenticity

Including canon; selection of the books accepted as Holy Scripture; inspiration;
Biblical prophecy and prophecies
Class Christian messianic prophecies in 232; class Christian eschatological
prophecies in 236; class Jewish messianic and eschatological prophecies in

.3 Encyclopedias and topical dictionaries

For dictionaries of specific texts, see 220.4–220.5

220 Bible 220

> 220.4–220.5 Texts, versions, translations

Class here critical appraisal of language and style; concordances, indexes,
dictionaries of specific texts; complete texts; selections from more than one
part; paraphrases
Class texts accompanied by commentaries in 220.7; class comprehensive works
in 220.4. Class selections compiled for a specific purpose with the purpose, e.g.,
selections for daily meditations 242

.4 Original texts, early versions, early translations

Including texts in specific languages (e.g., Aramaic versions, Syriac versions,
Hebrew version, Samaritan versions, other Semitic language versions, Latin
versions, Greek versions, other early versions); textual criticism and word
Class here original texts accompanied by modern translations, comprehensive
works on texts and versions
For modern versions and translations, see 220.5

.5 Modern versions and translations

Including polyglot; versions in English and Anglo-Saxon; versions in other

.6 Interpretation and criticism (Exegesis)

Including general introductions to the Bible; symbolism and typology;
interpretation of specific symbols; harmonies; literary criticism; higher
criticism, internal criticism, redaction criticism; historical criticism;
mythological, allegorical, numerical, astronomical interpretations
Class language and style of specific texts in 220.4–220.5; class Christian
meditations based on Biblical passages and intended for devotional use in 242;
class material about the Bible intended for use in preparing Christian sermons in
251; class Christian sermons based on Biblical passages in 252; class material
about the Bible for preparation of Jewish sermons and texts of Jewish sermons
in 296.4; class Jewish meditations based on Biblical passages and intended for
devotional use in 296.7
For textual criticism, see 220.4; for commentaries, see 220.7
.601 Philosophy and theory
Class here hermeneutics

.7 Commentaries
Criticism and interpretation arranged in textual order
Including commentaries with text

.8 Nonreligious subjects treated in Bible

Class a religious subject treated in Bible with the specific religion and topic,
e.g., Christian theology 230, Jewish theology 296.3

220 Dewey Decimal Classification 220

[.801–.809] Standard subdivisions

Do not use; class in 220.8

.9 Geography, history, chronology, persons of Bible lands in Bible times

Including description and civilization, archaeology (material remains)
Class general history of Bible lands in ancient world in 930. Class an individual
person with the part of the Bible in which the person is chiefly considered, e.g.,
Abraham 222.11092
See Manual at 220.9; also at 230–280
.95 History
Including civilization treated separately from geography, Bible stories retold
Class geographic description and civilization treated together in 220.9
[.950 1–.950 9] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 220.95

221 Old Testament (Tanakh)

Holy Scriptures of Judaism, Old Testament of Christianity
Including special topics of Old Testament (e.g., Megillot [Five scrolls], apocalyptic
Class Jewish Biblical theology, Biblical precepts in Jewish codes of conduct in
296.3. Class apocalyptic passages in a book or group of books with the book or
group of books in 222–224, e.g., apocalyptic passages in the prophets 224, in Book
of Daniel 224
For historical books, Torah, see 222; for poetic books, Ketuvim, see 223; for
prophetic books, Neviʼim, see 224. For a specific book of Megillot, see the book,
e.g., Ruth 222
[.03] Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
Do not use for dictionaries and encyclopedias; class in 221.3. Do not use for
concordances; class in 221.4–221.5
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for geography, history, chronology, persons of Bible lands in
Bible times; class in 221.9
Class the canon in 221

.1–.8 Generalities
Add to base number 221 the numbers following 220 in 220.1–220.8, e.g.,
commentaries 221.7

.9 Geography, history, chronology, persons of Old Testament lands in

Old Testament times
Including description and civilization, archaeology (material remains)
Class general history of ancient areas in 930

222 Bible 222

222 *Historical books of Old Testament

Including Pentateuch (Torah); Hexateuch; Joshua (Josue); Judges and Ruth;
Samuel; Kings; Chronicles (Paralipomena); Ezra (Esdras 1); Nehemiah (Esdras 2,
Nehemias); Esther
Class Ten Commandments as code of conduct in Christianity in 241.5; class Ten
Commandments as code of conduct in Judaism in 296.3
(Option: Class here Tobit [Tobias], Judith, deuterocanonical part of Esther; prefer

223 *Poetic books of Old Testament

Including Job; Psalms; Proverbs; Ecclesiastes (Qohelet); Song of Solomon
(Canticle of Canticles, Song of Songs)
Class here Ketuvim (Hagiographa, Writings), wisdom literature
For Apocryphal wisdom literature, see 229. For a specific book of Ketuvim not
provided for here, see the book, e.g., Ruth 222
(Option: Class here Wisdom of Solomon [Wisdom], Ecclesiasticus [Sirach]; prefer

224 *Prophetic books of Old Testament

Including Isaiah (Isaias); Jeremiah (Jeremias); Lamentations; Ezekiel (Ezechiel);
Daniel; Hosea (Osee); Joel; Amos; Minor Prophets
Class here Major Prophets, Neviʼim
For a specific book of Neviʼim not provided for here, see the book, e.g., Joshua
(Option: Class here Baruch, Song of the Three Children, Susanna, Bel and the
Dragon, Maccabees 1 and 2 [Machabees 1 and 2]; prefer 229)

225 New Testament

Including special topics of New Testament (e.g., apocalyptic passages)
For Gospels and Acts, see 226; for Epistles, see 227; for Revelation, see 228
[.03] Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
Do not use for dictionaries and encyclopedias; class in 225.3. Do not use for
concordances; class in 225.4–225.5
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for geography, history, chronology, persons of Bible lands in
Bible times; class in 225.9
Class the canon in 225

.1–.8 Generalities
Add to base number 225 the numbers following 220 in 220.1–220.8, e.g.,
commentaries 225.7

*Do not use standard subdivisions


225 Dewey Decimal Classification 225

.9 Geography, history, chronology, persons of New Testament lands in

New Testament times
Including description and civilization, archaeology (material remains)
Class general history of ancient areas in 930
For Jesus Christ and his family, Mary, John the Baptist, see 232
See Manual at 220.92; also at 230–280

226 *Gospels and Acts

Including harmonies of Gospels
Class here synoptic Gospels
Subdivisions are added for Gospels and Acts together, for Gospels alone
Class Jesus as a historical figure, biography and specific events in life of Jesus in

> 226.2–226.5 Specific Gospels

Class comprehensive works in 226
For miracles, see 226.7; for parables, see 226.8

.2 *Matthew
Class Golden Rule as code of conduct in 241.5
For Sermon on the Mount, see 226.9

.3 *Mark
.4 *Luke
Class Golden Rule as code of conduct in 241.5
For Sermon on the Mount, see 226.9

.5 *John
Class here comprehensive works on Johannine literature
For Epistles of John, see 227; for Revelation (Apocalypse), see 228

.6 *Acts of the Apostles

.7 *Miracles
Class miracles in context of Jesus’ life in 232.9

.8 *Parables
Class parables in context of Jesus’ life in 232.9
*Do not use standard subdivisions
226 Bible 226

.9 *Sermon on the Mount

Including beatitudes; Lord’s Prayer
Class Sermon on the Mount as code of conduct in 241.5

227 *Epistles
Including Romans; Corinthians 1; Corinthians 2; Galatians; Ephesians; Philippians;
Colossians; other Pauline epistles (e.g., Thessalonians 1, Thessalonians 2, Timothy
1, Timothy 2, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews); Catholic epistles
Class here Pauline epistles

228 *Revelation (Apocalypse)

229 *Apocrypha, pseudepigrapha, intertestamental works
Apocrypha: works accepted as deuterocanonical in some Bibles
Pseudepigrapha, intertestamental works: works from intertestamental times
connected with the Bible but not accepted as canonical
Including specific books and works of Apocrypha (e.g., Esdras 1 and 2, Tobit,
Judith, deuterocanonical part of Esther, Wisdom of Solomon [Wisdom],
Ecclesiasticus [Sirach], Baruch and Epistle of Jeremiah, Song of the Three
Children, Susanna, Bel and the Dragon, Prayer of Manasseh, Maccabees
[Machabees]; pseudo gospels
Subdivisions are added for Apocrypha, pseudepigrapha, intertestamental works
together; for Apocrypha alone
(Option: Class Tobit [Tobias], Judith, deuterocanonical part of Esther in 222;
Wisdom of Solomon [Wisdom], Ecclesiasticus [Sirach] in 223; Baruch, Song of the
Three Children, Susanna, Bel and the Dragon, Maccabees 1 and 2 [Machabees 1
and 2] in 224)
*Do not use standard subdivisions
230 Dewey Decimal Classification 230

> 230–280 Christianity

Unless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference
for the history of Christianity and the Christian church (except for biography,
explained in Manual at 230–280: Biography), e.g., Jesuit missions 266 (not
271); persecution of Jesuits by Elizabeth I 272 (not 271, 274.2, or 282):

Specific topics 220–260

Persecutions in general church history 272
Doctrinal controversies and heresies in general
church history 273
Religious congregations and orders in church history 271
Denominations and sects of Christian church 280
Christianity by specific continents, countries,
localities in modern world 274–279
History, geographic treatment, biography of
Christianity 270
(except 271–279)
Class comprehensive works in 230
For Bible, see 220
See Manual at 230–280

> 230–270 Specific elements of Christianity

Class here specific elements of specific denominations and sects
(Option: Class specific elements of specific denominations and sects in 280)
Class comprehensive works in 230

230 Christianity
Including Christian mythology; specific types of Christian theology (e.g., Biblical
theology, theology of Eastern and Roman Catholic churches, Protestant theology,
specific schools and systems of theology); doctrines of specific denominations and
Class here Christian theology, Christian doctrinal theology, contextual theology
Class doctrinal controversies in general church history in 273. Class theology of
a specific part of Old or New Testament with the part, e.g., theology of Pauline
epistles 227; class biblical theology of a specific topic in doctrinal theology with
the topic in 231–239, e.g., Old Testament minor prophets’ view of repentance
and forgiveness 234; class biblical theology of a specific topic in moral and
devotional theology, local Christian church and Christian religious orders, social
and ecclesiastical theology with the topic in 240–260, e.g., New Testament writers’
view of war and peace 261.8
For Christian moral and devotional theology, see 240; for local Christian
church and Christian religious orders, see 250; for Christian social and
ecclesiastical theology, see 260; for history, geographic treatment, biography of
Christianity, see 270; for denominations and sects of Christian church, see 280
See Manual at 398.2 vs. 201, 230, 270, 292–299

230 Christianity 230

230.002–.007 Standard subdivisions of Christianity
.01–.09 Standard subdivisions of Christian theology
231 God
232 Jesus Christ and his family
233 Humankind
234 Salvation and grace
235 Spiritual beings
236 Eschatology
238 Creeds, confessions of faith, covenants, catechisms
239 Apologetics and polemics

[.001] Philosophy and theory of Christianity

Do not use; class in 230.01
.002–.003 Standard subdivisions of Christianity
.005 Serial publications of Christianity
[.006] Organizations and management of Christianity
Do not use; class in 260
.007 Education, research, related topics of Christianity
[.007 1] Education
Do not use; class in 230.071
[.008] Groups of people in Christianity
Do not use; class in 270.08
[.009] History, geographic treatment, biography of Christianity
Do not use; class in 270
.01 Philosophy and theory of Christianity, of Christian theology
.02–.06 Standard subdivisions of Christian theology
.07 Education, research, related topics of Christian theology
.071 Education in Christianity, in Christian theology
Including Bible colleges, divinity schools, theological seminaries,
graduate and undergraduate faculties of theology; education of ministers,
pastors, priests, theologians
Class here Christianity as an academic subject
Class higher education for specific denominations and sects in 230.07;
class comprehensive works on Christian religious education, religious
education to inculcate Christian faith and practice, catechetics in 268.
Class training for clergy in a specialized subject with the subject,
plus notation 071 from Table 1, e.g., education in pastoral counseling
See Manual at 207, 268 vs. 200.71, 230.071, 292–299

230 Dewey Decimal Classification 230

.08–.09 Standard subdivisions of Christian theology

See Manual at 230–280

> 231–239 Christian doctrinal theology

Class here antagonism between and reconciliation of a specific Christian
doctrine and a secular discipline
Class specific types of Christian doctrinal theology in 230; class comprehensive
works on Christian doctrinal theology, on doctrines of specific denominations
and sects in 230; class comprehensive works on antagonism between and
reconciliation of Christian belief and a secular discipline in 261.5

231 God
Including Holy Trinity (e.g., God the Father, God the Son, God the Holy
Spirit); special topics of God (e.g., ways of knowing God, general concepts of
God); attributes; providence; love and wisdom; justice and goodness; theodicy
(vindication of God’s justice and goodness in permitting existence of evil and
Class proofs of existence of God based on reason alone in 212; class revelation,
sovereignty in 231.7
For Jesus Christ, see 232; for gifts of and baptism in the Holy Spirit, see 234;
for Christian ethics, see 241

.7 Relation to the world

Including relation to nature, sovereignty; Kingdom of God; miracles associated
with saints, comprehensive works on miracles; revelation; relation to and action
in history
Class here God’s relation to individual believers
Class Providence in 231; class redemption in 234; class Kingdom of God to
come in 236; class divine law in 241; class believers’ experience of God in
248.2; class God’s relation to the church in 262
For Biblical prophecy and prophecies, see 220.1; for messianic prophecies,
see 232; for miracles of Jesus, see 232.9; for miracles associated with
Mary, see 232.91; for creation of humankind, see 233; for eschatological
prophecies, see 236; for stigmata, private visions, see 248.2
See Manual at 231.7 vs. 213, 500, 576.8

232 Jesus Christ and his family

Including specific aspects of Christology (e.g., incarnation and messiahship of
Christ, Christ as Logos [Word of God], Christ as Redeemer, sacrifice of Christ,
resurrection of Christ, divinity and humanity of Christ)
Class here Christology
Class life of Jesus, non-Trinitarian concepts of Jesus in 232.9; class comprehensive
works on the doctrine of redemption in 234

232 Christianity 232

.9 Family and life of Jesus

Including character and personality of Jesus; Jesus as teacher and exemplar;
Jewish interpretations of Jesus; historicity of Jesus; Mary’s husband and
parents (e.g., Joseph, Joachim and Anne); John the Baptist; public life of Jesus;
resurrection, appearances, ascension of Jesus
Class here non-Trinitarian concepts of Jesus, rationalistic interpretations of
Class texts and interpretations of New Testament passages narrating miracles
in 226.7; class texts and interpretations of New Testament passages narrating
parables in 226.8; class birth, infancy, childhood of Jesus in 232.92
For Islamic doctrines about Jesus, see 297.2
See Manual at 230–280
.900 1–.900 9 Standard subdivisions
.91 Mary, mother of Jesus
Including Immaculate Conception; annunciation; virginity; miracles and
Class here Mariology
Class Mary’s husband and parents in 232.9
.92 Birth, infancy, childhood of Jesus
Including Holy Family, circumcision, massacre of innocents, flight into
Egypt; virgin birth; adoration of shepherds; wise men (Magi); presentation in
temple; Jesus among doctors in temple
Class here Christmas story
Class Joseph in 232.9
For Mary, see 232.91
.96 Passion and death of Jesus
Including betrayal by Judas; trial and condemnation; crucifixion and death;
burial; relics of Passion; descent into hell
Class comprehensive works on Judas Iscariot in 226

233 Humankind
Including creation and fall; accountability; nature; freedom of choice between good
and evil
Class salvation, predestination and free will in relation to salvation in 234; class
sins in 241; class comprehensive works on creation in 231.7
For death, immortality, see 236

234 Dewey Decimal Classification 234

234 Salvation and grace

Variant name for salvation: soteriology
Including election, innate virtues, merit, universal priesthood; kinds and means
of grace; faith and hope; redemption; regeneration; repentance and forgiveness;
obedience; justification; sanctification and holiness; deification (theosis);
predestination and free will
Class liturgy and ritual of sacraments in 265
For discussion of whether cures are miracles, see 231.7
See Manual at 615.8 vs. 203, 234, 292–299

235 Spiritual beings

Including pure spirits (e.g., angels, devils [demons]); saints
Class miracles associated with saints in 231.7
For God, see 231; for Joseph, Joachim and Anne, John the Baptist, see 232.9;
for Mariology, see 232.91
See Manual at 230–280

236 Eschatology
Including Antichrist; death; future state (life after death); intermediate state;
purgatory; resurrection of the dead; Last Judgment and related events
Class here Kingdom of God to come
Class interdisciplinary works on end of the world in 001.9

[237] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

238 Creeds, confessions of faith, covenants, catechisms

Including early and Eastern creeds (e.g., creeds of Apostolic Church to the time
of the great schism, 1054; creeds of Post-Nicene church, 325–1054; creeds of
Orthodox Church)
Class catechetics in 268. Class creeds and catechisms on a specific doctrine with
the doctrine, e.g., attributes of God 231

239 Christianity 239

239 Apologetics and polemics

Apologetics: systematic argumentation in defense of the divine origin and authority
of Christianity
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including polemics against doctrines of specific groups in apostolic times (e.g.,
polemics against Jews in apostolic times, polemics against pagans and heathens
in apostolic times, polemics against Neoplatonists in apostolic times); apologetics
and polemics in apostolic times; polemics against rationalists, agnostics, apostates,
atheists in postapostolic times; polemics against other groups in postapostolic times
Class apologetics of specific denominations, comprehensive postapostolic defenses
of and attacks on doctrines of specific denominations or sects in 230. Class
apologetics and polemics on a specific doctrine with the doctrine, e.g., on doctrine
of Holy Trinity 231; class attacks on doctrines of a specific religion with the
religion, e.g., doctrines of Judaism 296.3
See also 273 for doctrinal controversies and heresies in general church history

240 Christian moral and devotional theology

241 Christian ethics
Variant name: moral theology
Including specific branches, denominations, sects; conscience; laws and bases of
morality; relation of law and gospel; sin and vices; virtues; specific moral issues
Class original sin in 233; class faith and hope as means of salvation in 234; class
codes of conduct in 241.5
See Manual at 241 vs. 261.8

.5 Codes of conduct
Including Ten Commandments; Sermon on the Mount; Golden Rule
Class specific moral issues in 241

242 Devotional literature

Including prayers and meditations for daily use; prayers and meditations for
church year, other Christian feast and fast days; prayers and meditations for use in
times of illness, trouble, bereavement; prayers and meditations based on passages
from the Bible; prayers and meditations for specific groups of people; prayers
and meditations for daily use, church year, other Christian feast and fast days for
specific groups of people; specific prayers and groups of prayers; collections of
prayers; prayer books
Class here texts of meditations, contemplations, prayers for individuals and
families, religious poetry intended for devotional use
Class interpretation and criticism of Bible passages for other than devotional use
in 220.6. Class devotional literature on a specific subject with the subject, e.g.,
meditations on passion and death of Jesus 232.96
For evangelistic writings, see 243; for hymns, see 264

242 Dewey Decimal Classification 242

.08 Groups of people

Do not use for devotional literature for specific groups of people; class in
Class here devotional literature by specific groups of people

243 Evangelistic writings for individuals and families

Works designed to convert readers, promote repentance
Class evangelistic sermons in 252

[244] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 7

[245] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 12

246 Use of art in Christianity

Religious meaning, significance, purpose
Including schools and styles (e.g., Byzantine and Gothic art, early Christian and
Romanesque art, Renaissance and modern art); specific elements (e.g., icons,
symbols, insignia; colors and lights; dramatic, musical, rhythmic arts; architecture)
Class attitude of Christianity and Christian church toward secular art, the
arts in 261.5; class creation, description, critical appraisal as art in 700; class
interdisciplinary works on Christian sacred music in 781.71
For church furnishings and related articles, see 247; for music in public
worship, see 264

247 Church furnishings and related articles

Including paintings, plastic arts, sculpture, structural decoration, textiles; furniture

248 Christian experience, practice, life

Including witness bearing; stewardship
Class here spirituality
See Manual at 230–280
.06 Organizations and management
Class pious societies, sodalities, confraternities in 267

.2 Religious experience
Including mysticism; conversion; moral renewal and commitment
Class spiritual gifts, speaking in tongues (glossolalia) in 234
For conversion of Christians to another religion, see the religion, e.g.,
conversion of Christians to Judaism 296.7

248 Christian moral and devotional theology 248

.3 Worship
Including prayer; meditation and contemplation
Class here comprehensive works on worship
Class texts of prayers and devotions in 242
For observances in family life, see 249; for public worship, see 264

.4 Christian life and practice

Including individual observances; asceticism; guides to Christian life by or for
adherents of specific branches, denominations, sects
Class here Christian marriage and family
Class witness bearing, stewardship in 248; class guides to Christian life for
specific groups of people who are adherents of specific denominations and sects
in 248.8
For Christian ethics, see 241; for worship, see 248.3; for Christian
observances in family life, see 249; for clerical celibacy, see 253; for
practices of religious congregations and orders, see 255; for pilgrimages,
see 263
.408 Groups of people
Do not use for guides to Christian life for specific groups of people; class
in 248.8
Class here guides to Christian life by specific groups of people

.8 Guides to Christian life for specific groups of people

Limited to groups provided for below
Including guides to Christian life for specific age groups (e.g., children, young
people twelve to twenty and college students, adults, people in late adulthood);
guides to Christian life for occupational classes; people experiencing illness,
trouble, bereavement
Class here guides to Christian life for specific groups of people who are
adherents of specific denominations and sects
Class guides to a specific aspect of Christian life with the aspect, e.g., prayer
See Manual at 616.86 vs. 158.1, 204, 248.8, 292–299, 362.29
.808 Groups of people
.808 1 People by gender or sex
[.808 11] Men
Do not use; class in 248.8
[.808 2] Women
Do not use; class in 248.8
[.808 3] Young people
Do not use; class in 248.8
248 Dewey Decimal Classification 248

[.808 4] People in specific stages of adulthood

Do not use; class in 248.8
.808 5 Relatives
Do not use for parents; class in 248.8
.808 6 People by miscellaneous social attributes
Do not use for people by marital status; class in 248.8
.808 7 Gifted people
Do not use for people with disabilities or illnesses; class in 248.8
[.808 8] Occupational and religious groups
Do not use for adherents of specific denominations or sects; class
in 248.4. Do not use for clergy or people in religious orders, for
occupational groups; class in 248.8

249 Christian observances in family life

Class here family prayer; family observance of religious restrictions, rites,

> 250–280 Christian church

Class comprehensive works in 260

250 Local Christian church and Christian religious

Standard subdivisions are added for local Christian church and Christian religious
orders together, for local Christian church alone
Class public worship in 264; class missions in 266; class religious education in 268
[.68] Management
Do not use for management of local Christian church and Christian religious
orders together; class in 250. Do not use for management of local Christian
church; class in 254

.9 History, geographic treatment, biography

Class general history of local church in specific continents, countries, localities
in 274–279; class history, geographic treatment, biography of specific
denominations in 280

251 Local Christian church and religious orders 251

> 251–254 Local church

Class here basic Christian communities
Class the local church in overall church organization in 262; class
comprehensive works in 250
For pastoral care of families, of specific groups of people, see 259
See Manual at 260 vs. 251–254, 259

251 Preaching (Homiletics)

Including preparation; sermon outlines; delivery; voice, expression, gesture;
radio and television preaching; homiletic illustrations; material for preparation of
sermons for specific occasions, for specific groups of people
Class texts of sermons in 252; class pastoral methods in 253
.001–.009 Standard subdivisions
252 Texts of sermons
Including texts of sermons by specific denominations and sects; texts of sermons
for baptisms, confirmations, funerals, weddings; texts of sermons for evangelistic
meetings; texts of sermons for specific groups of people (e.g., children; young
people twelve to twenty and college students; people in late adulthood, and people
experiencing illness, trouble, bereavement; occupational groups; religious groups);
texts of sermons for church year and public occasions; texts of sermons for
consecrations, ordinations, installations; texts of sermons for memorial occasions
Class sermons on a specific subject with the subject, e.g., God’s Providence 231
.001–.009 Standard subdivisions
253 Pastoral office and work (Pastoral theology)
Including life and person; pastoral methods
Class here the work of priests, ministers, pastors, rectors, vicars, curates, chaplains,
elders, deacons, assistants, laity in relation to the work of the church at the local
Class education of clergy in 230.071; class guides to Christian life for clergy in
248.8; class local clergy and laity in relation to the government, organization and
nature of the church as a whole, the ordination of women in 262; class the role of
clergy in religious education in 268
.08 Groups of people
Do not use for pastoral care of specific groups of people; class in 259
Class here pastoral care performed by groups of people
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography

253 Dewey Decimal Classification 253

.092 Biography
Do not use for biography of clergy in the period prior to 1054; class in
270.1–270.3. Do not use for biography of clergy in the period subsequent
to 1054; class in 280
See Manual at 230–280

.5 Counseling and spiritual direction

Standard subdivisions are added for counseling and spiritual direction together,
for counseling alone
Including pastoral psychology
Class pastoral counseling, spiritual direction of specific groups of people,
premarital, marriage, family counseling, methods for services to families, to
specific groups of people in 259; class comprehensive works on pastoral duties
and responsibilities in 253
For preaching, see 251; for parish administration, see 254

254 Parish administration

Including parish administration by specific denominations and sects; initiation of
new churches; parish administration in specific kinds of communities (e.g., urban
communities, suburban communities, rural communities); use of communications
media; public relations and publicity; membership; programs; buildings,
equipment, grounds; finance
.001–.009 Standard subdivisions
255 Religious congregations and orders
Including specific kinds of congregations and orders; Roman Catholic orders of
men; non-Roman Catholic orders of men (e.g., monasticism of Eastern churches,
Anglican orders of men); congregations and orders of women; monasticism of
women of Eastern churches; Anglican orders of women
Class here monasticism, comprehensive works on Christian religious congregations
and orders
For guides to Christian life for people in religious orders, see 248.8; for
religious congregations and orders in church organization, see 262; for
religious congregations and orders, monasticism in church history, see 271.
For specific types of activity of religious congregations and orders, see the
activity, e.g., pastoral counseling 253.5, missionary work 266
.001–.009 Standard subdivisions
[256] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 6

[257] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 6

[258] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 9

259 Local Christian church and religious orders 259

259 Pastoral care of families, of specific groups of people

Performed by clergy or laity
Including pastoral care of young people; pastoral care of people in late adulthood;
pastoral care of people with disabilities, with physical or mental illnesses;
programs for visiting the sick; pastoral care of antisocial and asocial people; prison
chaplaincy; pastoral care of juvenile delinquents and predelinquents, of offenders;
pastoral care of the bereaved
Class here pastoral counseling of specific groups of people
Class comprehensive works on pastoral care of more than one kind of person in
See also 253.08 for pastoral care performed by groups of people; also 361.7 for
works limited to social welfare work by religious organizations
See Manual at 260 vs. 251–254, 259
[.01–.07] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 253.01–253.07
.08 Groups of people
Do not use for bereaved people; class in 259
[.083] Young people
Do not use; class in 259
[.084] People in specific stages of adulthood
Do not use; class in 259
.086 People by miscellaneous social attributes
Do not use for antisocial and asocial people; class in 259
.087 Gifted people
Do not use for people with disabilities and illnesses; class in 259
.088 Occupational and religious groups
Do not use for college students; class in 259
[.09] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 253.09

260 Christian social and ecclesiastical theology

Institutions, services, observances, disciplines, work of Christianity and Christian
Class here comprehensive works on Christian church
For local church and religious orders, see 250; for denominations and sects,
see 280
See Manual at 260 vs. 251–254, 259

260 Dewey Decimal Classification 260

260.9 History, geographic treatment, biography
261 Social theology and interreligious relations and attitudes
262 Ecclesiology
263 Days, times, places of religious observance
264 Public worship
265 Sacraments, other rites and acts
266 Missions
267 Associations for religious work
268 Religious education
269 Spiritual renewal

.9 History, geographic treatment, biography

Do not use for history, geographic treatment, biography of Christian church;
class in 270

261 Social theology and interreligious relations and attitudes

Attitude of Christianity and Christian church toward and influence on secular
matters, attitude toward other religions, interreligious relations
Including role of Christian church in society
Class here Christianity and culture
Class specific socioeconomic problems in 261.8; class sociology of religion in

.2 Christianity and other systems of belief

Including Christianity and irreligion; Christianity and other religions

.5 Christianity and secular disciplines

Including philosophy, logic, related disciplines; communications media;
comprehensive works on attitude toward and use of communications media;
science; technology; the arts; literature
Class here antagonism between and reconciliation of Christian belief and a
secular discipline
Class the relation of scientific and Christian views on creation in 231.7; class
ecology in 261.8
For antagonism between and reconciliation of a specific Christian doctrine
and a secular discipline, see the doctrine in 231–239, e.g., relation between
Christian doctrine on the soul and modern biology 233; for a specific use
of communications media by the church, see the use, e.g., use in parish
administration 254
See Manual at 261.5

261 Christian social and ecclesiastical theology 261

.7 Christianity and political affairs

Including civil war and revolution; religious freedom; theocracy
Class here Christianity and civil rights
For Christianity and international affairs, see 261.8
See Manual at 322 vs. 201, 261.7, 292–299

.8 Christianity and socioeconomic problems

Including social problems and services; economics; international affairs;
environment; ecology, environmental problems, natural resources, pollution
Class here comprehensive works on the Christian view of socioeconomic and
political affairs
Class environmental ethics in 241
For Christianity and political affairs, civil war and revolution, see 261.7
See also 361.7 for welfare services of religious organizations
See Manual at 241 vs. 261.8

262 Ecclesiology
Church government, organization, nature
Including government and organization, ecclesiology of specific denominations
and sects; governing leaders of churches; local church and religious congregations
and orders in church organization; specific forms of church organization (e.g.,
government and organization of systems governed by papacy and episcopacy,
government and organization of systems governed by election); general councils;
nature of the church; church and ministerial authority and its denial
Class works that treat the ordination of women only in relation to its effect on the
local church in 253; class legal acts of general councils in 262.9. Class nonlegal
decrees on a specific subject with the subject, e.g., statements on original sin 233
For administration of parishes, see 254; for government and administration of
religious congregations and orders, see 255
See Manual at 230–280; also at 260 vs. 251–254, 259
.001 Philosophy and theory
Do not use for history of the ecumenical movement; class in 280
Including ecumenism; church renewal
.002–.005 Standard subdivisions
[.006] Organizations and management
Do not use; class in 262
.006 8 Particular aspects of administration
Do not use for management without subdivision; class in 262
.007–.009 Standard subdivisions

262 Dewey Decimal Classification 262

.9 Church law and discipline

Including Roman Catholic law (e.g., Acts of the Holy See, early Roman
Catholic codes, codex iuris canonici [1917], codex iuris canonici [1983]);
branches and other denominations and sects
Class here canon (ecclesiastical) law
Class civil law relating to church or religious matters in 340. Class acts on a
specific subject with the subject, e.g., on the nature of the church 262
See also 364.1 for offenses against religion as defined and penalized by the

263 Days, times, places of religious observance

Including Sabbath and Sunday (e.g., Biblical Sabbath, observance of the
seventh day); special topics of days, times, places of religious observance (e.g.,
pilgrimages, holy places); Sunday observance, church year and other days and
For works treating miracles and shrines associated with them, see 231.7; for
miracles of Jesus and shrines associated with them, see 232.9; for miracles
associated with Mary and shrines associated with them, see 232.91
See Manual at 203, 263, 292–299 vs. 394.265–394.267

264 Public worship

Ceremonies, rites, services (liturgy and ritual)
Including public worship by denominations and sects (e.g., early and Eastern
churches, Roman Catholic Church, Anglican churches); specific elements (e.g.,
prayer, music, scripture readings and communion sacrament, responsive readings,
prayer meetings, Holy Hours, novenas, sacramentals)
Class use of the arts (except music), use of color in public worship, comprehensive
works on music in Christianity in 246; class liturgical year in 263; class works
not limited by denomination or sect about sacraments, other rites and acts in 265;
class Sunday school services in 268; class comprehensive collections of public
and private prayers in 242; class comprehensive works on worship in 248.3; class
interdisciplinary works on Christian sacred music in 781.71; class interdisciplinary
works on sacred vocal music in 782.2; class hymnals containing both text and
music, interdisciplinary works on hymns in 782.27. Class prayers for a specific
ceremony with the ceremony, e.g., prayers for funerals 265
For viaticum, consecrations and dedications, see 265
.001 Philosophy and theory
Class here liturgical renewal
.002–.009 Standard subdivisions

265 Christian social and ecclesiastical theology 265

265 Sacraments, other rites and acts

Standard subdivisions are added for sacraments and other rites and acts together,
for sacraments alone
Not limited by denomination or sect
Including specific sacraments (e.g., baptism, confirmation [chrismation], Holy
Orders, matrimony, penance, viaticum and anointing of the sick); rites in illness
and death (e.g., religious ceremonies for the afflicted, religious ceremonies for the
dead); other acts
Class works limited by denomination or sect about sacraments, other rites and acts
in 264
For Holy Communion (Eucharist, Lord’s Supper, Mass), requiem Mass, see
264; for religious education for catechumens, see 268

266 Missions
Including kinds of missions (e.g., home missions, foreign missions); missions of
specific denominations and sects
Class here missionary societies, religious aspects of medical missions
Class medical services of medical missions in 362.1
For mission schools, see 371.071
.001–.008 Standard subdivisions
.009 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for foreign missions originating in specific continents,
countries, localities, history, geographic treatment, biography of missions
of specific denominations and sects, class in 266
Class here joint and interdenominational missions; foreign missions by
continent, country, locality served

267 Associations for religious work

Including associations for religious work for both men and women (e.g.,
interdenominational and nondenominational associations, Moral Rearmament,
specific branches, denominations, sects); men’s associations; Young Men’s
Christian Associations; women’s associations; Young Women’s Christian
Associations; young adults’ associations; boys’ associations; girls’ associations
Class here pious societies, sodalities, confraternities
For religious congregations and orders, see 255; for missionary societies, see
See Manual at 230–280

268 Dewey Decimal Classification 268

268 Religious education

Including administration; buildings and equipment; personnel; preparation, role,
training, personnel management; religious education of specific groups of people;
curricula, records and rules, teaching methods, methods of instruction and study;
services; specific branches, denominations, sects
Class here catechetics (the science or art devoted to organizing the principles
of religious teaching), curricula, comprehensive works on Christian religious
Class use of dramatic arts for religious purposes not limited to religious education
in 246; class Christian religious schools providing general education in 371.071;
class place of religion in public schools in 379.2. Class textbooks on a specific
subject with the subject, e.g., textbooks on missions 266
For religious education at the university level, study of Christianity in secular
secondary schools, see 230.071
See Manual at 207, 268 vs. 200.71, 230.071, 292–299; also at 230–280
[.068] Management
Do not use; class in 268
.08 Groups of people
Do not use for education of specific groups of people; class in 268
Class here education, teaching performed by groups of people
.088 Occupational and religious groups
Do not use for religious groups; class in 268

269 Spiritual renewal

Including evangelism; retreats
Class history of the pentecostal movement in 270.8

> 270–280 History, geographic treatment,

biography of Christianity; Church history;
Christian denominations and sects
Class comprehensive works in 270
See Manual at 230–280

270 History of Christianity 270

270 History, geographic treatment, biography of

Class here Church history, collected writings of apostolic and church fathers
Observe table of preference under 230–280
For history, geographic treatment, biography of specific denominations and
sects, see 280
See Manual at 230–280; also at 270 vs. 281, 282; also at 398.2 vs. 201, 230,
270, 292–299
.01–.07 Standard subdivisions
.08 Groups of people
Class here Christian attitudes toward social groups; discrimination, equality,
inequality, prejudice
.09 Areas, regions, places in general; biography
[.093–.099] Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use; class in 274–279

> 270.1–270.8 Historical periods

Class historical periods in specific continents, countries, localities in 274–279;
class comprehensive works in 270

.1 Apostolic period to 325

.2 Period of ecumenical councils, 325–787
.3 787–1054
Including great schism, 1054
Class here comprehensive works on Middle Ages
For a specific part of Middle Ages, see the part, e.g., late Middle Ages 270.5

.4 1054–1200
.5 Late Middle Ages through Renaissance, 1200–1517
.6 Period of Reformation and Counter-Reformation, 1517–1648
Including 17th century
For 1648–1699, see 270.7

.7 Period from Peace of Westphalia to French Revolution, 1648–1789

270 Dewey Decimal Classification 270

.8 Modern period, 1789–

Including comprehensive works on evangelicalism, fundamentalism,
pentecostalism, charismatic movement
Class ecumenical movement in 280; class pentecostal churches that are
independent denominations, evangelical churches, fundamentalist churches that
are independent denominations in 289.9
For evangelicalism, fundamentalism, pentecostalism, charismatic movement
in a specific branch or denomination, see the branch or denomination, e.g.,
Protestant fundamentalism 280

> 271–273 Special topics of church history

Class comprehensive works in 270

271 Religious congregations and orders in church history

Including specific kinds of congregations and orders (e.g., contemplative religious
orders, eremitical religious orders, teaching orders, preaching orders, mendicant
religious orders, nursing orders, canons regular); specific orders of men (e.g.,
Roman Catholic orders of men, non-Roman Catholic orders of men); congregations
and orders of women
Class here history of monasticism, history of specific monasteries and convents
even if not connected with a specific order
Class persecutions involving religious congregations and orders in 272; class
doctrinal controversies and heresies involving congregations and orders in 273
.001–.009 Standard subdivisions
272 Persecutions in general church history
Regardless of denomination
Including persecutions of Apostolic Church by imperial Rome; persecutions by
Inquisition; persecutions of Waldenses and Albigenses; persecutions of Huguenots;
persecutions of Molinists and Quietists; persecutions of Anglican reformers by
Mary I; persecutions of Roman Church by Elizabeth I and Anglicans; persecutions
of Quakers, Baptists, witches by Puritans and others of Puritan times; modern
persecutions and martyrs
Class here martyrs
Class relation of state to church in 322
See also 364.1 for offenses against religion as defined and penalized by the

273 History of Christianity 273

273 Doctrinal controversies and heresies in general church

Including Christian gnosticism; Sabellianism; antinomianism
Class persecutions resulting from controversies and heresies in 272; class churches
founded on specific doctrines in 280; class comprehensive works and non-Christian
Gnosticism, comprehensive works and non-Christian Manicheism in 299
For Albigensian, Catharist, Waldensian churches, Jansenist churches, see 284
See also 239 for apologetics and polemics

274–279 Christianity by specific continents, countries, localities in

modern world
Class here Christian church history by continent, country, locality
Add to base number 27 notation 4–9 from Table 2, e.g., Christianity, Christian
church in Europe 274, in France 274.4; then add further as follows:
001–008 Standard subdivisions
009 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for historical periods; class in 274–279
01–08 Historical periods
Add the numbers following 27 in 270.1–270.8, e.g., Christian
church in France during the Reformation 274.406
Class geographic treatment of a specific subject with the subject, plus notation 09
from Table 1, e.g., persecutions in France 272.0944

274 Christianity in Europe

Number built according to instructions under 274–279

275 Christianity in Asia

Number built according to instructions under 274–279

276 Christianity in Africa

Number built according to instructions under 274–279

277 Christianity in North America

Number built according to instructions under 274–279

278 Christianity in South America

Number built according to instructions under 274–279

279 Christianity in Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic

Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antarctica
Number built according to instructions under 274–279

280 Dewey Decimal Classification 280

280 Denominations and sects of Christian church

Including nondenominational and interdenominational churches; special
topics of denominations and sects of Christian church (e.g., relations between
denominations); branches (e.g., Eastern and Roman Catholic churches, Protestant
churches and Protestantism)
Class here general history and geographic treatment of, comprehensive works on
specific denominations and sects and their individual local churches
Class persecution of or by specific churches in 272; class specific denominations
and sects in 281–289; class specific Protestant denominations in 283–289; class
comprehensive works on evangelicalism, fundamentalism, pentecostalism,
charismatic movement in general church history in 270.8; class comprehensive
works on Roman Catholic Church and Eastern churches in communion with Rome
in 282
For a specific element of specific denominations and sects, see the element, e.g.,
doctrines 230
See also 273 for doctrines of specific churches considered as heresies
See Manual at 201–209 and 292–299; also at 230–280

280.01–.09 Standard subdivisions
281 Early church and Eastern churches
282 Roman Catholic Church
283 Anglican churches
284 Protestant denominations of Continental origin and related bodies
285 Presbyterian churches, Reformed churches centered in America,
Congregational churches, Puritanism
286 Baptist, Restoration movement, Adventist churches
287 Methodist churches; churches related to Methodism
289 Other denominations and sects

.01–.09 Standard subdivisions

281 Early church and Eastern churches
Including Oriental Orthodox churches; non-Chalcedonian churches; Coptic and
Ethiopian churches; Assyrian Church of the East (Church of the East)
Class collected writings of apostolic and church fathers (patristics) in 270; class all
works on early church in 270.1–270.3; class Orthodox churches in 281.9. Class a
specific work of an apostolic or church father on a specific subject with the subject,
e.g., philosophy 189
See Manual at 270 vs. 281, 282

.9 Orthodox churches
Including specific autocephalous, arbitrary autocephalous, autonomous,
independent churches
[.909 3] Ancient world
Do not use for early church; class in 270

281 Denominations and sects of Christian church 281

[.909 4–.909 9] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world

Do not use for specific autocephalous, arbitrary autocephalous,
autonomous, independent churches; class in 281.9

282 Roman Catholic Church

Class here the Catholic traditionalist movement, comprehensive works on Roman
Catholic Church and Eastern rite churches in communion with Rome
Class modern schisms in Roman Catholic Church in 284
For Eastern rite churches in communion with Rome, see 281
See Manual at 270 vs. 281, 282
[.093] Ancient world
Do not use for early church; class in 270
[.094–.099] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use; class in 282

283 Anglican churches

Including branches not in communion with the See of Canterbury; national
churches in communion with the See of Canterbury
[.094–.099] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use; class in 283

284 Protestant denominations of Continental origin and related

Including Calvinistic and Reformed churches of European origin; comprehensive
works on Calvinistic churches, on Reformed churches; Hussite and Anabaptist
churches; Albigensian, Catharist, Waldensian churches; Huguenot churches;
Moravian churches; modern schisms in Roman Catholic Church; Arminian and
Remonstrant churches
For Presbyterian churches, see 285; for Reformed churches centered in
America, see 285.7. For Protestant denominations of Continental origin not
provided for here, see the denomination, e.g., Baptists 286
.094 3 Germany and neighboring central European countries
Class here Evangelische Kirche in Deutschland

.1 Lutheran churches
Including specific denominations, branches, synods centered in the United
States (e.g., The American Lutheran Church, The Evangelical Lutheran
Synodical Conference of North America, The Lutheran Church in America,
Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod, Evangelical Lutheran church in
[.109 4–.109 9] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use; class in 284.1

285 Dewey Decimal Classification 285

285 Presbyterian churches, Reformed churches centered in

America, Congregational churches, Puritanism
Standard subdivisions are added for Presbyterian churches, Reformed churches
centered in America, Congregational churches together; for Presbyterian churches
Including Presbyterian churches of United States, of British Commonwealth origin
Class Congregational Church of England and Wales in 285.8; class United Church
of Canada, Uniting Church in Australia in 287.9

.7 Reformed churches centered in America

Including specific denominations (e.g., Christian Reformed Church, Reformed
Church in America [Dutch], Reformed Church in the United States [German],
Evangelical and Reformed Church)
[.709 4–.709 9] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use; class in 285.7

.8 Congregationalism
Including specific denominations centered in the United States (e.g.,
Congregational Churches of the United States, Congregational Christian
Churches, United Church of Christ); specific denominations centered outside
the United States
Class United Church of Canada, Uniting Church in Australia in 287.9
For Evangelical and Reformed Church, see 285.7
[.809 4–.809 9] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use; class in 285.8

286 Baptist, Restoration movement, Adventist churches

Standard subdivisions are added for Baptist, Restoration movement, Adventist
churches together; for Baptist churches alone
Including Baptist churches (e.g., Regular Baptists [Calvinistic Baptists], Freewill
Baptists, Seventh-Day Baptists, Old School Baptists, other Baptist churches and

.6 Restoration movement
Former heading: Disciples of Christ (Campbellites)
[.609 4–.609 9] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use; class in 286.6

.7 Adventist churches
[.709 4–.709 9] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use; class in 286.7

287 Denominations and sects of Christian church 287

287 Methodist churches; churches related to Methodism

Standard subdivisions are added for Methodist churches and churches related to
Methodism together; for Methodist churches alone
Including Wesleyan Methodist Church; Primitive Methodist Church; Methodist
churches in British Isles; United Methodist Church; Methodist Protestant Church;
Black Methodist churches of United States origin
For Evangelical United Brethren Church, see 289.9

.9 Churches related to Methodism

Limited to United Church of Canada; Uniting Church in Australia; Church of
South India; Church of North India; Salvation Army; Church of the Nazarene

[288] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 11

289 Other denominations and sects

Including Church of the New Jerusalem (Swedenborgianism); Shakers (United
Society of Believers in Christ’s Second Appearing)

.1 Unitarian and Universalist churches

Including specific denominations (e.g., Unitarian Universalist Association)
Class here Anti-Trinitarianism, Socinianism, Unitarianism
[.109 4–.109 9] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use; class in 289.1

(.2) (Permanently unassigned)

(Optional number used to provide local emphasis or a shorter number for a
specific denomination or sect; prefer the number for the specific denomination
or sect in 281–289)

.3 Latter-Day Saints (Mormons)

Including specific branches (e.g., Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints,
Community of Christ)
[.309 4–.309 9] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use; class in 289.3

.5 Church of Christ, Scientist (Christian Science)

Including sources
[.509 4–.509 9] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use; class in 289.5

.6 Society of Friends (Quakers)

[.609 4–.609 9] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use; class in 289.6

289 Dewey Decimal Classification 289

.7 Mennonite churches
[.709 4–.709 9] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use; class in 289.7

.9 Denominations and sects not provided for elsewhere

Including Christian and Missionary Alliance, Churches of God, Dukhobors,
Evangelical Congregational Church, Evangelical United Brethren Church,
Messianic Judaism (Jewish Christians), Plymouth Brethren, United Brethren
in Christ; Jehovah’s Witnesses; African independent churches; Pentecostal
churches; independent fundamentalist and evangelical churches; Unification
Church; Unity School of Christianity; New Thought
Class nondenominational and interdenominational churches in 280; class
comprehensive works on the pentecostal movement in general church history,
comprehensive works on fundamentalist, evangelical movements in general
church history in 270.8; class eclectic New Thought, comprehensive works in
See Manual at 201–209 and 292–299
(Option: Class a specific denomination or sect requiring local emphasis in

290 Other religions

Limited to specific religions other than Christianity
Class religion in general, comprehensive works on religions other than Christianity
in 200; class specific aspects of religion in 201–209

292 Classical religion (Greek and Roman religion)
293 Germanic religion
294 Religions of Indic origin
295 Zoroastrianism (Mazdaism, Parseeism)
296 Judaism
297 Islam, Babism, Bahai Faith
299 Religions not provided for elsewhere

[291] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 14

292 Classical religion (Greek and Roman religion)

See also 299 for modern revivals of classical religions
See Manual at 200.92 and 201–209, 292–299; also at 201–209 and 292–299;
also at 203, 263, 292–299 vs. 394.265–394.267; also at 322 vs. 201, 261.7,
292–299; also at 398.2 vs. 201, 230, 270, 292–299; also at 615.8 vs. 203, 234,
292–299; also at 616.86 vs. 158.1, 204, 248.8, 292–299, 362.29
.001–.005 Standard subdivisions
[.006] Organizations and management
Do not use; class in 292

292 Other religions 292

.007 Education, research, related topics

.007 1 Education
Class here classical religion as an academic subject
Class comprehensive works on religious education, religious
education to inculcate religious faith and practice in 292
See Manual at 207, 268 vs. 200.71, 230.071, 292–299
.008–.009 Standard subdivisions

> 292.07–292.08 Classical religion by specific culture

Class specific elements regardless of culture in 292.1–292.9; class
comprehensive works in 292
.07 Roman religion
.08 Greek religion
.1–.9 Specific elements
Add to base number 292 the numbers following 20 in 201–209, e.g.,
organizations 292.6
Class classical religion as an academic subject in 292.0071

293 Germanic religion

Class here Scandinavian religion, Norse religion
See also 299 for modern revivals of Germanic religion
See Manual at 200.92 and 201–209, 292–299; also at 201–209 and 292–299;
also at 203, 263, 292–299 vs. 394.265–394.267; also at 322 vs. 201, 261.7,
292–299; also at 398.2 vs. 201, 230, 270, 292–299; also at 615.8 vs. 203, 234,
292–299; also at 616.86 vs. 158.1, 204, 248.8, 292–299, 362.29
[.06] Organizations and management
Do not use; class in 293
.07 Education, research, related topics
.071 Education
Class here Germanic religion as an academic subject
Class comprehensive works on religious education, religious education to
inculcate religious faith and practice in 293
See Manual at 207, 268 vs. 200.71, 230.071, 292–299

294 Dewey Decimal Classification 294

294 Religions of Indic origin

Including Divine Light Mission, Radha Soami Satsang
See Manual at 200.9 vs. 294, 299.5; also at 200.92 and 201–209, 292–299; also
at 201–209 and 292–299; also at 203, 263, 292–299 vs. 394.265–394.267; also
at 207, 268 vs. 200.71, 230.071, 292–299; also at 322 vs. 201, 261.7, 292–299;
also at 398.2 vs. 201, 230, 270, 292–299; also at 615.8 vs. 203, 234, 292–299;
also at 616.86 vs. 158.1, 204, 248.8, 292–299, 362.29

.3 Buddhism
Including religious mythology, interreligious relations and attitudes, and social
theology; doctrines and practices; religious ethics, leaders and organization,
missions, religious education; sources (e.g., sacred books and scriptures
[Tripiṭaka, Tipiṭaka], oral traditions, laws and decisions, sources of branches,
sects, reform movements)
[.306] Organizations and management
Do not use; class in 294.3
.307 Education, research, related topics
.307 1 Education
Class here Buddhism as an academic subject
Class comprehensive works on religious education, religious
education to inculcate religious faith and practice in 294.3
See Manual at 207, 268 vs. 200.71, 230.071, 292–299

.4 Jainism
Including sects and reform movements
[.406] Organizations and management
Do not use; class in 294.4
.407 Education, research, related topics
.407 1 Education
Class here Jainism as an academic subject
Class comprehensive works on religious education, religious
education to inculcate religious faith and practice in 294.4
See Manual at 207, 268 vs. 200.71, 230.071, 292–299

294 Other religions 294

.5 Hinduism
Including mythology, relations, doctrines, public worship and other practices;
religious experience, life, practice, religious ethics; spirituality; sects and reform
movements; leaders, organization, missions, religious education; sources (e.g.,
sacred books and scriptures, oral traditions, laws and decisions, sources of sects
and reform movements)
Class here Brahmanism
Class Buddhism in 294.3; class Jainism in 294.4; class Hinduism as an
academic subject in 294.5071; class Vedic religion in 294.509; class Sikhism in
294.6; class yoga philosophy, raja yoga philosophy, interdisciplinary works on
yoga in 181
[.506] Organizations and management
Do not use; class in 294.5
.507 Education, research, related topics
.507 1 Education
Class here Hinduism as an academic subject
Class comprehensive works on religious education, religious
education to inculcate religious faith and practice in 294.5
See Manual at 207, 268 vs. 200.71, 230.071, 292–299
.509 History, geographic treatment, biography
Including Vedic religion
Class comprehensive works on the Vedas in 294.5

.6 Sikhism
[.606] Organizations and management
Do not use; class in 294.6
.607 Education, research, related topics
.607 1 Education
Class here Sikhism as an academic subject
Class comprehensive works on religious education, religious
education to inculcate religious faith and practice in 294.6
See Manual at 207, 268 vs. 200.71, 230.071, 292–299

295 Zoroastrianism (Mazdaism, Parseeism)

Class Mithraism in 299
See Manual at 200.92 and 201–209, 292–299; also at 201–209 and 292–299;
also at 203, 263, 292–299 vs. 394.265–394.267; also at 322 vs. 201, 261.7,
292–299; also at 398.2 vs. 201, 230, 270, 292–299; also at 615.8 vs. 203, 234,
292–299; also at 616.86 vs. 158.1, 204, 248.8, 292–299, 362.29
[.06] Organizations and management
Do not use; class in 295
295 Dewey Decimal Classification 295

.07 Education, research, related topics

.071 Education
Class here Zoroastrianism as an academic subject
Class comprehensive works on religious education, religious education to
inculcate religious faith and practice in 295
See Manual at 207, 268 vs. 200.71, 230.071, 292–299

296 Judaism
Including Jewish attitudes toward social groups; discrimination, equality,
inequality, prejudice
See Manual at 200.92 and 201–209, 292–299; also at 201–209 and 292–299;
also at 203, 263, 292–299 vs. 394.265–394.267; also at 322 vs. 201, 261.7,
292–299; also at 398.2 vs. 201, 230, 270, 292–299; also at 615.8 vs. 203, 234,
292–299; also at 616.86 vs. 158.1, 204, 248.8, 292–299, 362.29
[.06] Organizations and management
Do not use; class in 296.6
.07 Education, research, related topics
.071 Education
Including Jewish theological faculties, rabbinical seminaries, yeshivot,
education of rabbis
Class here Judaism as an academic subject
Class comprehensive works on Jewish religious education, religious
education to inculcate religious faith and practice in 296.6
See Manual at 207, 268 vs. 200.71, 230.071, 292–299
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography
Class here history of specific synagogues
See also 320.54095694 for Zionism; also 909 for world history of Jews
.092 Biography
Class here persons not associated with one activity or denomination
Class a person associated with one activity or denomination with the
activity or denomination with which the person is associated, e.g., a
theologian 296.3092, a Reform rabbi 296.8

296 Other religions 296

.1 Sources
Including Talmudic literature and Midrash; sources of specific sects and
movements; cabalistic literature; interdisciplinary works on cabala; Halakhah
(legal literature); Aggadah (nonlegal literature)
Class Jewish theology based on these sources, commandments (mitzvot) treated
as ethical values in 296.3; class Jewish mystical experience in 296.7; class
Jewish mystical movements in 296.8; class Jewish law relating to secular
matters in 340.5; class Jewish folklore in 398.2089. Class a religious subject
treated in Talmudic literature and Midrash with the subject, e.g., Jewish ethics
296.3; class responsa on a specific religious topic with the topic, e.g., responsa
concerning marriage rites 296.4
For cabalistic traditions in occultism, see 135; for philosophical writings
of Maimonides, see 181; for Torah and sacred scripture (Tanakh,
Old Testament), Old Testament texts in Dead Sea scrolls, see 221; for
pseudepigrapha, see 229. For early rabbinical writings to 1400 on a specific
subject, see the subject, e.g., creation 296.3; for writings on a specific
religious topic, see the topic, e.g., the Thirteen Articles of Faith 296.3;
for laws on a specific religious topic, see the topic, e.g., laws concerning
marriage rites 296.4

.3 Theology, ethics, views of social issues

Standard subdivisions are added for theology, ethics, social issues together; for
theology alone
Including God and spiritual beings (e.g., angels, devils [demons]); humankind;
eschatology; creation; apologetics and polemics; general works on
commandments (mitzvot) treated as ethical values; Judaism and secular
disciplines; attitudes of Judaism toward and influence on secular issues,
religious views and teachings about secular disciplines, works treating relation
between Jewish belief and a secular discipline; Judaism and social sciences;
Judaism and socioeconomic problems, Jewish social theology; Judaism and
other systems of belief
Class here Biblical theology, the Thirteen Articles of Faith
Class Biblical prophecy and prophecies in 221; class the prophetic books of the
Bible in 224; class works on commandments (mitzvot) treated as laws in 296.1;
class guides to conduct of life, Jewish view of marriage and family in 296.7.
Class Jewish philosophy of a secular discipline and Jewish theories within a
secular discipline with the discipline, e.g., Jewish philosophy 181
See also 181 for Jewish philosophy
See Manual at 200 vs. 100; also at 322 vs. 201, 261.7, 292–299

296 Dewey Decimal Classification 296

.4 Traditions, rites, public services

Including Sabbath; festivals, holy days, fasts; rites and customs for occasions
that occur generally once in a lifetime; liturgy and prayers; use of the arts and
symbolism; sermons and preaching (homiletics); pilgrimages and sacred places;
traditions, rites, public services of ancient Judaism to 70 A.D.
Class the Land of Israel as a theme in Jewish theology in 296.3; class individual
observances not provided for here, devotional reading for the individual in
296.7; class works containing both text and music, interdisciplinary works on
Jewish liturgical music in 782.3. Class sermons on a specific subject with the
subject, e.g., sermons on social issues 296.3
For observance of laws of family purity, guides to marriage and family life,
see 296.7
See Manual at 203, 263, 292–299 vs. 394.265–394.267

.6 Leaders, organization, religious education, outreach activity

Including leaders and their work; ordination, work of rabbis; activities of
leaders and other congregational workers designed to promote religious and
social welfare of social groups in community, pastoral care; chaplaincy;
synagogues and congregations; organizations; outreach activity for the benefit
of converts and nonobservant Jews
Class Judaism as an academic subject in 296.071; class history of specific
synagogues in 296.09; class laws and decisions in 296.1; class comprehensive
works on Jewish day schools in 371.076. Class organizations sponsored by
one denomination with the denomination in 296.8, e.g., Union of Orthodox
Congregations of America 296.8
For religious education at the level of higher education, see 296.071; for
ancient priesthood, see 296.4
See Manual at 207, 268 vs. 200.71, 230.071, 292–299

.7 Religious experience, life, practice

Standard subdivisions are added for religious experience, life, practice together;
for religious life and practice together
Practices which continue throughout life
Including asceticism; devotional reading for the individual; kosher observance
(kashrut observance); marriage and family life; social theology of marriage
and family, comprehensive works on marriage; ritual bath (mikveh); people
experiencing illness, trouble, bereavement
Class here guides to religious life, spirituality
Class cabalistic literature, devotional literature in the form of Aggadah in 296.1;
class outreach activity for the benefit of converts and nonobservant Jews in
296.6; class Jewish mystical movements in 296.8. Class conversion of Jews to
another religion with the religion, e.g., conversion of Jews to Christianity 248.2
For ethics, ethics of marriage, see 296.3; for traditions, rites, public
services, marriage and divorce rites and traditions, see 296.4
[.708 5] Relatives
Do not use; class in 296.7

296 Other religions 296

.708 6 People by miscellaneous social attributes

Do not use for married people; class in 296.7

.8 Denominations and movements

Including denominations and movements of ancient origin; medieval and early
modern denominations and movements to ca. 1750; modern denominations and
movements after ca. 1750 (e.g., orthodox Judaism, mystical Judaism, reform
Class specific aspects of denominations and movements in 296.1–296.7

297 Islam, Babism, Bahai Faith

Standard subdivisions are added for Islam, Babism, Bahai Faith together; for Islam
See Manual at 200.92 and 201–209, 292–299; also at 201–209 and 292–299;
also at 203, 263, 292–299 vs. 394.265–394.267; also at 322 vs. 201, 261.7,
292–299; also at 398.2 vs. 201, 230, 270, 292–299; also at 615.8 vs. 203, 234,
292–299; also at 616.86 vs. 158.1, 204, 248.8, 292–299, 362.29

297.01–.09 Standard subdivisions
.1 Sources of Islam
.2 Islamic doctrinal theology (ʻAqāʼid and Kalām); Islam and secular
disciplines; Islam and other systems of belief
.3 Islamic worship
.4 Sufism (Islamic mysticism)
.5 Islamic ethics and religious experience, life, practice
.6 Islamic leaders and organization
.7 Protection and propagation of Islam
.8 Islamic sects and reform movements
.9 Babism and Bahai Faith

[.06] Organizations and management

Do not use; class in 297.6
.07 Education, research, related topics
.071 Education
Class here Islamic religion as an academic subject
Class comprehensive works on Islamic religious education, religious
education to inculcate religious faith and practice in 297.7
See Manual at 207, 268 vs. 200.71, 230.071, 292–299

297 Dewey Decimal Classification 297

.09 History, geographic treatment, biography

Class here religious aspects of Islamic fundamentalism
Class prophets prior to Muḥammad in 297.2; class Hijrah (emigration
from Mecca to Medina, 622) in relation to Muḥammad the Prophet and his
family and companions, religious biography and theological discussion of
the first four caliphs in 297.6; class political science aspects of Islam, of
Islamic fundamentalism in 320; class Hijrah in general history in 953.8;
class biography of and comprehensive works on Muḥammad the Prophet,
biography of and comprehensive works on his family and companions in
297.6. Class interdisciplinary biographies of the first four caliphs with the
subject in 950, e.g., Abu Bakr 953.092
For religious aspects of Islamic fundamentalism in a specific sect or
reform movement, see 297.8
See also 909 for Islamic civilization
See Manual at 320.5 vs. 297.09, 297.2, 322
.092 Biography
Class interdisciplinary works on caliphs as civil and religious heads of
state with the subject in 940–990, e.g., Abu Bakr 953.092
For Muslims primarily associated with a specific religious activity,
see 297.1–297.7; for founders of Sufi orders, see 297.4; for
Muḥammad the Prophet, Muḥammad’s family and companions
(including religious biography of the first four caliphs), see 297.6;
for Muslims primarily associated with a specific sect or reform
movement, see 297.8
See Manual at 297.092

> 297.1–297.8 Islam

Class comprehensive works in 297

.1 Sources of Islam
Including Koran and Hadith; religious and ceremonial laws and decisions; fiqh
in relation to religious and ceremonial laws and decisions, sharia in relation
to religious and ceremonial laws and decisions; stories, legends, parables,
proverbs, anecdotes told for religious edification; comprehensive works on
Islamic legends
Class theology based on Koran and Hadith in 297.2; class Islamic folklore in
398.2088; class comprehensive works on geography, history, chronology of
the Middle East in Koran times in 939.4; class Islamic law relating to secular
matters, interdisciplinary works on Islamic law in 340.5. Class religious law on
a specific topic with the topic, e.g., religious law concerning ḥajj 297.3; class a
religious subject treated in the Koran with the subject, e.g., Islamic ethics 297.5;
class a religious subject treated in Hadith with the subject, e.g., Islamic ethics
For prophets prior to Muḥammad, see 297.2; for Muḥammad, Muḥammad’s
family and companions, see 297.6. For Islamic legends on a specific topic,
see the topic, e.g., Islamic legends about pre-Islamic prophets 297.2

297 Other religions 297

.2 Islamic doctrinal theology (ʻAqāʼid and Kalām); Islam and secular

disciplines; Islam and other systems of belief
Standard subdivisions are added for Islamic doctrinal theology, Islam and
secular disciplines, Islam and other systems of belief together; for Islamic
doctrinal theology alone
Including specific topics in Islamic doctrinal theology (ʼAqāʼid and Kalām)
(e.g., God and spiritual beings, humankind, eschatology); doctrines of specific
sects; attitudes of Islam toward and influence on secular issues, Islamic views
and teachings about secular disciplines; Islam and social sciences; Islam and
socioeconomic problems, Islamic social theology; apologetics and polemics
Class Koranic prophecy in 297.1; class Islamic ethics, Islamic view of marriage
and family in 297.5; class doctrines concerning Muḥammad the Prophet in
297.6; class political science view of religiously oriented political theories and
ideologies in 320.5; class political science view of relation of state to religious
organizations and groups in 322; class political science view of religious
political parties in 324.2. Class work influenced by Islam and Islamic theories
within a secular discipline with the discipline, e.g., Islamic philosophy 181,
architecture in the Islamic world 720.917
For shahāda (profession of faith), see 297.3; for Muḥammad the Prophet,
see 297.6
See Manual at 320.5 vs. 297.09, 297.2, 322

.3 Islamic worship
Including use of arts and symbolism in worship; specific sects; Pillars of
Islam (Pillars of the Faith); Shahāda (Profession of faith); sacred places
and pilgrimages; rites and ceremonies associated with sacred places and
pilgrimages; special days and seasons; rites and ceremonies associated with
special days and seasons, Islamic religious calendar; sermons and preaching;
rites, ceremonies, prayer, meditation; popular practices
Class here comprehensive works on Islamic worship, on non-Sufi worship, on
Islamic private worship, on non-Sufi private worship, public worship
Class occult practices not regarded as Islamic practices in 130; class Islamic
views of occultism regarded as a secular topic in 297.2; class sociological
studies of Islamic popular practices in 306.6; class comprehensive works on
fasting in 297.5. Class sermons on a specific subject with the subject, e.g.,
sermons on day of judgment 297.2; class prayers and meditations on a specific
subject with the subject, e.g., unity of God 297.2
For Sufi worship, Sufi pilgrimages, see 297.4; for zakat, see 297.5; for
organizational role and function of mosques, see 297.6; for architecture of
mosques, see 726

.4 Sufism (Islamic mysticism)

Including Sufi doctrinal theology; Sufism and secular disciplines; Sufism and
non-Islamic systems of belief; Sufi worship; Sufi religious life and practice;
guides to Sufi religious life; Sufi ethics; Sufi orders

297 Dewey Decimal Classification 297

.5 Islamic ethics and religious experience, life, practice

Standard subdivisions are added for ethics and religious experience, life,
practice together; for ethics alone
Including conscience; general works on duty, sin, vice, virtue; ṣawm (fast);
comprehensive works on fasting; zakat; almsgiving, ṣadaqah; specific vices,
virtues, moral issues; non-Sufi and comprehensive works on Islamic religious
experience, life, practice; non-Sufi and comprehensive guides to religious life
Class daʻwah in 297.7. Class conversion of Muslims to another religion with the
religion, e.g., conversion of Muslims to Christianity 248.2
For Pillars of Islam (Pillars of the Faith), ṣawm Ramaḍān (annual fast of
Ramadan), worship, pilgrimages, see 297.3; for mysticism and Sufi religious
experience, Sufi life and practice, see 297.4; for jihad, see 297.7

.6 Islamic leaders and organization

Including leaders and their work; ayatollahs, caliphate, caliphs, imamate,
imams, ulama; Muḥammad the Prophet; comprehensive works on Muḥammad
and his family and companions; organizations
Class Hadith in 297.1; class Islamic organizations in relation to political affairs
in 297.2; class a specific organization limited to a specific sect or reform
movement in 297.8; class political science view of relation of state to religious
organizations and groups in 322; class political science view of religious
political parties in 324.2; class interdisciplinary works on mosques in 297.3.
Class interdisciplinary biographies of the first four caliphs with the subject in
950, e.g., Abu Bakr 953.092
For doctrine of Hidden Imam, see 297.2

.7 Protection and propagation of Islam

Including jihad; daʼwah; call to Islam, missionary work; Islamic religious
Class Islam as an academic subject in 297.071; class comprehensive works
on madrasah education, treating both religious education and other subjects,
comprehensive works on Islamic schools that teach all subjects, in 371.077
For religious education at the level of higher education, see 297.071
See Manual at 207, 268 vs. 200.71, 230.071, 292–299

.8 Islamic sects and reform movements

Including special topics of Islamic sects and reform movements (e.g., relations
among sects and reform movements); Sunnites; Shiites; other sects and reform
movements; Druzes; Ahmadiyya movement; Black Muslim movement
Class specific aspects of sects and reform movements in 297.1–297.7; class
secular view of relation of state to religious organizations and groups in 322;
class secular view of religious political parties in 324.2
For Sufism, see 297.4

.9 Babism and Bahai Faith

298 Other religions 298

(298) (Permanently unassigned)

(Optional number used to provide local emphasis and a shorter number to a specific
religion; prefer the number for the specific religion elsewhere in 292–299

299 Religions not provided for elsewhere

Including Urantia, modern revivals of long dormant religions; religions of
Indo-European, Semitic, non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic, North and West Asian,
Dravidian origin; religions of other origin (e.g., religions of other ethnic origin,
religions of eclectic and syncretistic origin, modern paganism, neopaganism,
Class syncretistic religious writings of individuals expressing personal views and
not claiming to establish a new religion or to represent an old one in 200; class
Christian gnosticism, Christian Manicheism in 273
If a religion not named in the schedule claims to be Christian, class it in 289.9 even
if it is unorthodox or syncretistic
See Manual at 299; also at 200.92 and 201–209, 292–299; also at 201–209 and
292–299; also at 203, 263, 292–299 vs. 394.265–394.267; also at 207, 268 vs.
200.71, 230.071, 292–299; also at 322 vs. 201, 261.7, 292–299; also at 398.2
vs. 201, 230, 270, 292–299; also at 615.8 vs. 203, 234, 292–299; also at 616.86
vs. 158.1, 204, 248.8, 292–299, 362.29

.5 Religions of East and Southeast Asian origin

Including religions of Chinese origin; religions of Tibetan origin; Bon; religions
of Japanese and Ryukyuan origin
Class the Four Books of Confucius, interdisciplinary works on Confucianism in
See Manual at 200.9 vs. 294, 299.5

.6 Religions originating among Black Africans and people of Black

African descent
Including specific religions and movements; doctrines; practices, rites,
ceremonies; mythology and mythological foundations; and other specific
aspects of specific religions and movements; religions of specific groups and
peoples; religions of specific areas in Africa
Class voodoo as an occult practice without regard to its religious significance in
133.4; class religions originating among peoples who speak, or whose ancestors
spoke, Ethiopian languages, religions originating among Cushitic and Omotic
peoples, religions originating among the Hausa, religions originating among the
Malagasy in 299; class religions of national groups of largely African descent
in areas other than Africa where they predominate in 299.609, e.g., African
religion of Haitians in Haiti 299.6097294
For Black Muslims, see 297.8
[.609 61–.609 69] Religions in specific areas in Africa
Do not use; class in 299.6

.7 Religions of North American native origin

Including specific aspects (e.g., rites); religions of specific groups and peoples;
religions of specific areas in North America

299 Dewey Decimal Classification 299

[.709 71–.709 79] Religions in specific areas in North America

Do not use; class in 299.7

.8 Religions of South American native origin

Including specific aspects (e.g., rites); religions of specific groups and peoples;
religions of specific areas in South America
[.809 81–.809 89] Religions of specific areas in South America
Do not use; class in 299.8


300 Social sciences

Class here behavioral sciences, social studies
Class a specific behavioral science with the science, e.g., psychology 150; class
military, diplomatic, political, economic, social, welfare aspects of a war with the
history of the war, e.g., Vietnamese War 959.704
For language, see 400; for history, see 900
See Manual at 300 vs. 600; also at 300–330, 355–390 vs. 342–347, 352–354;
also at 300, 320.6 vs. 352–354

300.1–.9 Standard subdivisions
301–307 [Sociology and anthropology]
310 Collections of general statistics
320 Political science (Politics and government)
330 Economics
340 Law
350 Public administration and military science
360 Social problems and services; associations
370 Education
380 Commerce, communications, transportation
390 Customs, etiquette, folklore

.1 Philosophy and theory

.2 Miscellany
Do not use for statistics; class in 310

.3–.9 Standard subdivisions

301 Sociology and anthropology
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including nonliterate societies
Class here interdisciplinary works on society, humans
Class social problems and social welfare in 361–365
For specific topics in sociology and anthropology, see 302–307; for criminal
anthropology, see 364.2; for customs, etiquette, folklore, see 390; for physical
anthropology, see 599.9. For a specific aspect of society not provided for in
302–307, see the aspect, e.g., general history 900
See Manual at 301–307 vs. 361–365

301 Dewey Decimal Classification 301

.01 Philosophy and theory

Do not use for psychological principles; class in 302

> 302–307 Specific topics in sociology and anthropology

Unless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference,
e.g., friendship among women 302.34082 (not 305.4):

Factors affecting social behavior 304

Social processes 303
Social interaction 302
Culture and institutions 306
Groups of people 305
Communities 307
Class comprehensive works in 301. Class effect of one factor on another with
the factor affected, e.g., effect of climate on social change 303.4
See Manual at 301–307 vs. 361–365; also at 302–307 vs. 150, T1—01; also
at 302–307 vs. 156; also at 302–307 vs. 320; also at 363 vs. 302–307, 333.7,
570–590, 600

302 Social interaction

Including general topics of social interaction (e.g., social understanding, social
choice, social participation, social role [role theory], social dysfunction)
Class here psychological principles of sociology, interpersonal relations, social
Class dysfunctional responses of individuals to society in 302.5. Class social role
of a specific group of people or institution with the group or institution in 305–306,
e.g., social role of women 305.42; class social psychology of a specific situation
with the situation, e.g., social psychology of ethnic groups 305.8
For social learning, perception of norms, see 303.3
See also 155.9 for effect of social environment upon individuals; also 158.2 for
individual aspects of interpersonal relations
.01 Philosophy and theory
Do not use for psychological principles; class in 302
.07 Education, research, related topics
.072 Research
Do not use for statistical methods; class in 302.01

302 Social sciences 302

.2 Communication
Including failures and disruptions of communication; kinds of communication
(e.g., nonverbal communication, verbal communication); content
Class here interdisciplinary works on communication, content analysis,
Class media in 302.23; class sign languages for deaf people in 419; class
comprehensive works on means of verbal and nonverbal communication in
For information theory, see 003; for religious symbolism, see 203; for
Christian religious symbols, see 246; for conversation, see 302.3; for
censorship, see 303.3; for language, see 400; for iconography, see 704.9;
for insignia, see 929.9. For the semiotics of a specific subject, symbols in a
specific subject other than religion, see the subject, plus notation 01 from
Table 1, e.g., semiotics of biology 570.1, symbols in electrical engineering
.23 Media (Means of communication)
Including signboards, signs; digital media; print media; motion pictures,
radio, television; telephony and telegraphy
Class here electronic media, mass media, sociology of journalism
Class interdisciplinary works on the book in 002. Class the effect of mass
media on a specific subject other than social groups with the subject, e.g.,
effect on social change 303.48, on a company’s advertising policy 659.1;
class interdisciplinary works on a specific medium with the medium, e.g.,
newspapers 070, television 384.55
.230 8 Groups of people
Class here effect of mass media on specific groups, on social
Portrayal of a specific group in mass media relocated to the group in
305–306, e.g., minorities in mass media 305, scientists in mass media
306.4, gays in mass media 306.76

.3 Social interaction within groups

Including teasing; social interaction in complex groups; bureaucracies,
hierarchically organized groups, organizational behavior, sociology of
Class here group decision-making processes, group dynamics, negotiation,
social networks
Class general works that emphasize how to manage in 658. Class works that
emphasize how to manage in a specific field of activity with the field, plus
notation 068 from Table 1, e.g., management of banks 332.1068
.302 85 Computer applications
Class here online social networks
For computer science aspects of online social networks, see

302 Dewey Decimal Classification 302

.33 Social interaction in abstract and temporary groups

Including audiences, crowds, mobs
Class media audiences in 302.23
.34 Social interaction in primary groups
Groups small enough for all members to engage in face-to-face relationships
at one time
Including committees, gangs; bullying; conversation
Class here friendship
Class family in 306.85. Class bullying in a specific institution with the
institution, e.g., bullying in school 371.5
See also 362.74 for predelinquent gangs; also 364.106 for gangs
engaging in crime

.4 Social interaction between groups

Including ingroups and outgroups
Class social interaction between a specific group of people and other groups of
people in 305

.5 Relation of individual to society

Including response of individuals; aggression, dysfunctional responses,
For conformity, see 303.3
See also 155.9 for psychological effects of social environment upon the

303 Social processes

For social interaction, see 302; for factors affecting social behavior, see 304

.3 Coordination and control

Standard subdivisions are added for coordination and control together, for
coordination alone
Including social control through specific means (e.g., leadership, utilitarian
control, coercion, social norms, public opinion); socialization; conformity
Class here policy formulation, power
Class prejudices regarding a specific group in 305; class coordination and
control in and through specific institutions in 306; class rightness or wrongness
of conduct as it affects individuals or society, interdisciplinary works on social
ethics in 170; class interdisciplinary works on child development in 305.231.
Class public opinion on a specific subject with the subject, e.g., public opinion
on racial stereotypes 305.8, on the political process 324
For education, see 370. For a specific aspect of persuasion, see the aspect,
e.g., individual psychology of persuasion 153.8, persuasion by media
302.23, persuasion by propaganda 303.3
See Manual at 363.31 vs. 303.3, 791.4
303 Social sciences 303

.4 Social change
Including evolutionary and revolutionary change
Class social change in a specific aspect of society with the aspect in 302–307,
e.g., changes in religious institutions 306.6
.401 Philosophy and theory
Do not use for forecasting and forecasts; class in 303.49
.44 Growth and development
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Class here progress, specialization
.45 Deterioration and decay
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
.48 Causes of change
Including contact between cultures; acculturation, assimilation; social
effects of international assistance, of commerce; development of science and
technology; purposefully induced change; social innovation, social reform,
social reform movements; disasters
Class political aspects of reform movements in 322.4; class government
policy on science, government policy on information in 338.9; class role
of reform movements in addressing social problems in 361–365; class
multicultural education in 370.117. Class innovation and reform directed to a
specific end with the end, e.g., reform of banking 332.1
See Manual at 303.48 vs. 306.4
.49 Social forecasts
Class here futurology, social forecasting
Class interdisciplinary works on forecasting in 003. Class forecasting in and
forecasts of a specific subject with the subject, plus notation 01 from Table
1, e.g., future of Olympic Games in the 21st century 796.4801
.490 9 History and biography
Do not use for geographic treatment; class in 303.491–303.499
.491–.499 Forecasts for specific areas
Add to base number 303.49 notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., Eastern
Europe in the year 2020 303.4947

303 Dewey Decimal Classification 303

.6 Conflict and conflict resolution

Including civil disobedience; nonviolence; civil disorder; civil war and
revolution; war and peace; conflict management
Class war as a cause of social change in 303.48; class prevention of war in
327.1; class the art and science of warfare in 355–359; class causes of war
in 355.02; class interdisciplinary works on terrorism in 363.325. Class a
specific form of conflict provided elsewhere in 302–306 with the form, e.g.,
bullying 302.34, racial conflict 305.8, spouse abuse 306.872; class a specific
conflict considered an historical event with the event in 900, e.g., disturbances
of May-June 1968 in France 944.083; class military, diplomatic, political,
economic, social, welfare aspects of a specific war with the history of the war,
e.g., of World War II 940.53

304 Factors affecting social behavior

.2 Human ecology
Including geographic, space, time factors; climatic and weather factors;
biological factors; environmental abuse; social consequences of pollution, of
misuse of resources
Class here ecological anthropology, human geography
Class interdisciplinary works on resources in 333.7; class interdisciplinary
works on pollution in 363.73. Class aspects of time in relation to a specific
subject with the subject in 302–307, e.g., time and conversation 302.3, leisure
activities 306.4
For genetic factors, see 304.5
See Manual at 333.72 vs. 304.2, 320.58, 363.7; also at 578 vs. 304.2, 508,
.208 2 Women
Class here ecofeminism [formerly 305.42]

.5 Genetic factors
Class here sociobiology (biosociology), study of genetic bases of human social
Class a specific aspect of sociobiology with the aspect in 302–307, e.g.,
sociobiology of conflict 303.6
For sociobiology of plants and animals, see 577.8
See also 304.2 for biological factors

304 Social sciences 304

.6 Population
Including population characteristics; growth and decline; births; comprehensive
works on births and deaths; deaths (mortality); demographic effects of
population control efforts
Class here demographic anthropology, demography; population composition,
geography, size; comprehensive works on population
Class population policy, comprehensive works on population control in 363.9
For movement of people, see 304.8

.8 Movement of people
Including causes; international movement; migration
Class international emigration in 304.809
For movement to, from, within communities, see 307.2
.809 History, geographic treatment, biography
Class here internal movement, emigration from specific areas
Class emigration to specific areas in 304.8

305 Dewey Decimal Classification 305

305 Groups of people

Class here portrayal of a specific group in mass media [formerly 302.2308];
minorities; culture and institutions of specific groups; subcultures of specific
groups; consciousness-raising groups; problems, role, social status of specific
groups; group identity, social identity; discrimination; social stratification, equality,
inequality; interactions between a specific group and other groups
Unless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference, e.g.,
African American male youths 305.235 (not 305.38 or 305.896):

People with disabilities and illnesses, gifted people 305.9

Age groups 305.2
People by gender or sex 305.3–305.4
People by social and economic levels 305.5
Religious groups 305.6
Ethnic and national groups 305.8
Language groups 305.7
People by occupation and miscellaneous social statuses 305.9
(except people with disabilities and illnesses, gifted
people 305.9)
Class effect of mass media on specific groups, on social stratification in 302.2308;
class opinions of specific groups in 303.3; class interactions, problems, role, social
status of specific groups, discrimination against and conflict involving specific
groups in 305.2–305.9; class people by sexual orientation in 306.76; class specific
problems of, welfare services to groups of people in 362. Class role of a specific
group in a specific institution with the institution, e.g., father-child relationship
306.874, women in education 370.82; class a specific aspect of discrimination with
the aspect, plus notation 08 from Table 1, e.g., sex discrimination against women in
sports 796.082; class people by kinship or marital status with the kinship or marital
status in 306.8, e.g., African American mothers 306.874
See also 920.008 for general collections of biography of members of a specific
See Manual at 306 vs. 305, 909, 930–990; also at 920.008 vs. 305–306, 362

305.2 Age groups
.3 People by gender or sex
.4 Women
.5 People by social and economic levels
.6 Religious groups
.7 Language groups
.8 Ethnic and national groups
.9 People by occupation and miscellaneous social statuses; people with
disabilities and illnesses, gifted people

[.08] Specific groups of people

Do not use; class in 305.2–305.9
[.085] Relatives
Do not use; class in 306.87

305 Social sciences 305

.2 Age groups
Class here comprehensive works on generation gap
For generation gap within families, see 306.874

305.23 Young people
.24 Adults
.26 People in late adulthood

[.208 1–.208 4] People by gender or sex; specific age groups

Do not use; class in 305.23–305.26
.23 Young people
Through age twenty
Class here interdisciplinary works on children
For a specific aspect of children, see the aspect, e.g., social welfare of
children 362.7
.230 811 Boys
.230 82 Girls
[.230 83–.230 84] Age groups
Do not use for young people in general; class in 305.23. Do not
use for specific age groups; class in 305.232–305.235
.230 86 Children by miscellaneous social attributes
Do not use for juvenile delinquents; class in 364.36
.231 Child development
Class here interdisciplinary works on child development
Class socialization in 303.3
For psychological development of children, see 155.4; for physical
development of children, see 612.6
.232 Infants
Children from birth through age two
.233 Children three to five
Class here preschool children
.234 Children six to eleven
Class here preteens, school children
For school children over eleven, see 305.235

305 Dewey Decimal Classification 305

.235 Young people twelve to twenty

Variant names: adolescents, teenagers, young adults, youth
Including interdisciplinary works on development of young people
twelve to twenty
Class young people twenty-one and over in 305.242
For psychological development, see 155.5; for physical development,
see 612.6
[.235 081 1] Men
Do not use; class in 305.235
[.235 082] Women
Do not use; class in 305.235
[.235 083–.235 084] Age groups
Do not use; class in 305.235
.24 Adults
Class here adulthood
Class adult men in 305.31; class adult women in 305.4
For late adulthood, see 305.26
.242 People in early adulthood
Including young men; young women
Class here comprehensive works on young adults
For young adults under twenty-one, see 305.235
[.242 081 1] Men
Do not use; class in 305.242
[.242 082] Women
Do not use; class in 305.242
[.242 083–.242 084] Age groups
Do not use; class in 305.242
.244 People in middle adulthood
Class here middle age
[.244 081 1] Men
Do not use; class in 305.244
[.244 082] Women
Do not use; class in 305.244
[.244 083–.244 084] Age groups
Do not use; class in 305.244

305 Social sciences 305

.26 People in late adulthood

Class sociology of retirement in 306.3
See also 646.7 for guides to retirement
[.260 811] Men
Do not use; class in 305.26
[.260 82] Women
Do not use; class in 305.26
[.260 83–.260 84] Age groups
Do not use; class in 305.26

.3 People by gender or sex

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Class here interdisciplinary works on men and women, gender identity, gender
role, sex role, the sexes
Class sex psychology, psychology of people by gender or sex, by sexual
orientation in 155.3; class sexual division of labor in 306.3; class the relations
between the sexes and within the sexes in 306.7–306.8. Class the relation of
a specific gender or sex to a specific subject with the subject, plus notation
081–082 from Table 1, e.g., women in U.S. history 973.082
For young and middle-aged men and women, see 305.24; for men and
women in late adulthood, see 305.26; for women, see 305.4; for transgender
and intersex people, see 306.76. For a specific aspect of gender identity,
gender role, or sex role, see the aspect, e.g., psychology of gender identity
.31 Men
Class here interdisciplinary works on men, on males
For specific aspects of sociology of men, see 305.32–305.38. For a
specific aspect of men not provided for in 305.3, see the aspect, e.g.,
legal status of men 346.01
[.310 8] Groups of people
Do not use; class in 305.33–305.38
.310 9 History, geographic treatment, biography
.310 92 Biography
See also 920.71 for general biography of men
See Manual at 920.008 vs. 305–306, 362

> 305.32–305.38 Specific aspects of sociology of men

Class comprehensive works in 305.31

305 Dewey Decimal Classification 305

.32 Social role and status of men

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Class here discrimination against men, men’s movements, e.g., men’s
liberation movement
Class social role and status of specific groups of men with the group in
305.33–305.38, e.g., role of househusbands 305.33
.33 Men by occupation
.38 Specific groups of men
Including men by social and economic levels (e.g., working class men); men
by level of cultural development; men by miscellaneous social statuses (e.g.,
homeless men); men by specific religious, language, ethnic, national groups
(e.g., Muslim men)
Class men by occupation in 305.33; class men with disabilities and illnesses,
gifted men in 305.9
For engaged men, see 306.73; for men by sexual orientation, see
306.76; for single men, see 306.81; for men by kinship characteristics,
see 306.87; for married men, see 306.872; for unmarried fathers, see
306.874; for widowers, see 306.88; for separated and divorced men,
see 306.89; for male offenders, see 364.3; for male inmates of penal
institutions, see 365.60811
[.380 1–.380 9] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 305.3101–305.3109

.4 Women
Class here interdisciplinary works on women, on females
For a specific aspect of women not provided for here, see the aspect, e.g.,
women’s suffrage 324.6, legal status of women 346.01
[.408] Groups of people
Do not use; class in 305.43–305.48
.409 History, geographic treatment, biography
.409 2 Biography
See also 920.72 for general biography of women
See Manual at 920.008 vs. 305–306, 362
.42 Social role and status of women
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Class here discrimination against women, feminism, women’s movements
Class social role and status of specific groups of women with the group in
305.43–305.48, e.g., role of housewives 305.43 (not 305.42088)
Ecofeminism relocated to 304.2082

305 Social sciences 305

.43 Women by occupation

See also 331.4 for economic aspects of women by occupation
.48 Specific groups of women
Including women by social and economic levels (e.g., working class
women); women by level of cultural development; women by miscellaneous
social statuses (e.g., homeless women); women by specific religious,
language, ethnic, national groups (e.g., Muslim women)
Class women by occupation in 305.43; class women with disabilities and
illnesses, gifted women in 305.9
For engaged women, see 306.73; for women by sexual orientation,
lesbians, see 306.76; for single women, see 306.81; for women by
kinship characteristics, see 306.87; for married women, see 306.872; for
unmarried mothers, see 306.874; for widows, see 306.88; for separated
and divorced women, see 306.89; for women offenders, see 364.3; for
female inmates of penal institutions, see 365.6082
[.480 1–.480 9] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 305.401–305.409

.5 People by social and economic levels

Including general principles of social classes (e.g., principles of stratification,
social mobility); upper class; aristocracy, elites; middle class (bourgeoisie);
moderately well-to-do, white collar workers; lower, alienated, excluded classes;
people with cultural and social disadvantages, interdisciplinary works on
nondominant groups
Class here class struggle, people by level of cultural development, social classes
Class slaves in 306.3
For agricultural workers, see 305.9; for serfs, sharecroppers, see 306.3; for
theory of class struggle in Marxism, see 335.4. For a specific nondominant
group, see the group, e.g., nondominant ethnic groups 305.8
See Manual at 305.9 vs. 305.5
Office workers, clerks relocated to 305.9

.6 Religious groups
Class comprehensive works on Jews in 305.892
See Manual at 305.6 vs. 305.9, 306.6

.7 Language groups

305 Dewey Decimal Classification 305

.8 Ethnic and national groups

Including people of mixed ancestry with ethnic origins from more than one
Class here indigenous ethnic and national groups; ethnic and national
groups associated with a specific language; ethnology, cultural ethnology,
ethnography; race relations; racial groups, racism; treatment of biculturalism
and multiculturalism in which difference in language is not a central element
Except where instructed otherwise, give preference to ethnic group over
nationality, e.g., United States citizens of Irish descent 305.8916 (not 305.813),
British citizens of African descent 305.896 (not 305.82)
Except where instructed otherwise, when choosing between two ethnic groups,
give preference to the group for which the notation is different from that of the
nationality of the people, e.g., a work treating equally the Hispanic and native
American heritage of bicultural Spanish-Quechua mestizos of Peru 305.898 (not
Except where instructed otherwise, when choosing between two national
groups, give preference to the former or ancestral group, e.g., people from
Russia who have become United States citizens 305.8917 (not 305.813)
Class works about people of mixed ancestry that do not emphasize mixture
with the ethnic groups stressed in the works or with the groups with which
the people are most closely identified, e.g., works about Métis that emphasize
their North American native roots 305.897 (not 305.8). Class biculturalism and
multiculturalism among residents in an area of divergent cultural traditions
centered upon different languages in 306.44; class physical ethnology in 599.97
See also 909 for the comprehensive history of specific ethnic and national
groups; also 920.0092 for general collections of biography of members of a
specific ethnic or national group
See Manual at 920.008 vs. 305–306, 362

305.800 1–.800 9 Standard subdivisions
.809 Europeans and people of European descent
.81 North Americans
.82 British, English, Anglo-Saxons
.83 Germanic peoples
.84 Modern Latin peoples
.85 Italians, Romanians, related groups
.86 Peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Spanish, Portuguese,
.88 Greeks and related groups
.89 Other ethnic and national groups

.800 1–.800 9 Standard subdivisions

.809 Europeans and people of European descent
Class here people who speak or whose ancestors spoke languages
traditionally spoken in Europe; comprehensive works on Indo-European
peoples; comprehensive works on whites
For a specific ethnic or regional group, see the group, e.g., Germans
305.83, Bengali 305.8914, Arabs 305.892

305 Social sciences 305

> 305.81–305.89 Specific ethnic and national groups

By origin or situation
Class people of mixed ancestry with ethnic origins from more than one
continent, comprehensive works in 305.8; class comprehensive works on
Europeans, on Indo-European peoples in 305.809
For Jews as a religious group, see 305.6
.81 *North Americans
For Spanish Americans, see 305.868; for North American regional
and national groups of largely African descent, see 305.896; for North
American native peoples, see 305.897. For North Americans of other
origins, see the ethnic group of origin, e.g., North Americans of Celtic
(Irish, Scots, Manx, Welsh, Cornish) origin 305.8916
.811 Canadians
Including Canadians of British and French origin
Class here people of Canada as a national group
For Canadians not of British or French origin, see the ethnic group of
origin, e.g., Canadians of German origin 305.83, Inuit 305.897
See Manual at 305.811 vs. 305.82, 305.84
.811 001–.811 009 Standard subdivisions
.813 People of United States (“Americans”)
Class here United States citizens of British origin, people of the United
States as a national group
For United States citizens of other origins, see the ethnic group of
origin, e.g., German Americans 305.83, African Americans 305.896
See Manual at 305.813 vs. 305.82
.813 001–.813 009 Standard subdivisions
*Do not use standard subdivisions
305 Dewey Decimal Classification 305

.82 British, English, Anglo-Saxons

Standard subdivisions are added for British, English, Anglo-Saxons together;
for British as ethnic group; for English as ethnic group
Including people of British Isles; United Kingdom citizens of British origin,
people of United Kingdom as a national group; New Zealanders of British
origin, New Zealanders as a national group; Australians of British origin,
Australians as a national group, South Africans of British origin
Class South Africans as a national group in 305.896
For North Americans of British origin, see 305.81; for Anglo-Indians
(Indian citizens of British origin), see 305.8914; for people of Celtic
(Irish, Scots, Manx, Welsh, Cornish) origin, see 305.8916. For United
Kingdom citizens, New Zealanders, Australians of other origins, see
the ethnic group of origin, e.g., Australians of Italian origin 305.85,
Aboriginal Australians 305.899
See Manual at 305.811 vs. 305.82, 305.84; also at 305.813 vs. 305.82
.820 01–.820 09 Standard subdivisions
.83 *Germanic peoples
Including Germans, Swiss Germans, comprehensive works on people of
Switzerland as a national group; Austrians; other Germanic peoples
Class South Africans as a national group in 305.896
For English, Anglo-Saxons, see 305.82; for Walloons, see 305.84; for
Finns, Sámi, see 305.894. For Swiss citizens of other ethnic groups, see
the ethnic group, e.g., French-speaking Swiss 305.84; Romansh-speaking
Swiss, Italian-speaking Swiss 305.85
.84 *Modern Latin peoples
Including French, Walloons, Catalans
Class Canadians of French origin in 305.811
For Corsicans, Italians, Romanians, related groups, see 305.85; for
peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Spanish, Portuguese,
Galician, see 305.86; for Basques, see 305.899
See Manual at 305.811 vs. 305.82, 305.84
.85 *Italians, Romanians, related groups
Including Dalmatians; people who speak, or whose ancestors spoke,
Rhaetian languages; Sardinians, Corsicans
.86 *Peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Spanish, Portuguese,
Including people of Spain
For Catalans, see 305.84; for Basques, see 305.899. For Brazilian
citizens of origins other than Portuguese, see the ethnic group of origin,
e.g., Brazilians of Italian origin 305.85, Brazilians of African origin
*Do not use standard subdivisions
305 Social sciences 305

.868 Spanish Americans

Including regional and national groups (e.g., Central Americans, Puerto
Ricans, Chileans)
Class here comprehensive works on Latin Americans
For Latin American peoples not provided for here, see the people,
e.g., South American native peoples 305.898
See also 305.8914 for people of Guyana and Suriname as national
groups; also 305.896 for Central American and Caribbean national
groups of majority African origin, e.g., Belizeans, Haitians
.868 001–.868 009 Standard subdivisions
.88 *Greeks and related groups
Including ancient Greeks; comprehensive works on ancient Greeks and
Romans; modern Greeks; Greek nationals; Cypriots; comprehensive works
on people of Cyprus
Class ancient Romans in 305.8
For Turkish Cypriots, see 305.894
See also 305.8918 for Slavic Macedonians
.89 *Other ethnic and national groups

305.891 Other Indo-European peoples
.892 Semites
.893 Non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic peoples
.894 Peoples of north and west Asian origin or situation; Dravidians;
peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, miscellaneous
languages of south Asia
.895 East and southeast Asian peoples; Munda
.896 Africans and people of African descent
.897 North American native peoples
.898 South American native peoples
.899 Papuans; Aboriginal Australians and Tasmanians;
Malayo-Polynesian and related peoples; miscellaneous peoples

.891 *Other Indo-European peoples

Including peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Iranian
languages; Balts
For citizens of Iran belonging to other ethnic groups, see the ethnic
group, e.g., Azerbaijani 305.894
*Do not use standard subdivisions
305 Dewey Decimal Classification 305

.891 4 *South Asians

Including national groups; Punjabi; Sindhi, Maratha [both formerly
305.894]; peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Western
Hindi languages; comprehensive works on Hindi-speaking peoples;
Bengali; Assamese, Bihari, Oriya; Konkani; Gujarati and Bhil; people
who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Rajasthani; Sinhalese, Vedda,
Class here Indo-Aryans (peoples who speak, or whose ancestors
spoke, Indo-Aryan languages)
Class Bhotia as an ethnic group in 305.895
For Dravidians, Tamil as an ethnic group, peoples who speak, or
whose ancestors spoke, miscellaneous languages of south Asia, see
305.894; for south Asians who speak, or whose ancestors spoke,
languages closely related to languages of east and southeast Asia,
see 305.895; for Andamanese, see 305.8959. For citizens of Nepal
belonging to ethnic groups other than Nepali, see the ethnic group,
e.g., Chepang and Newar 305.895
See also notation 086 in Table 1 for Brahmans as an elite social
group; also notation 088 in Table 1 for Brahmans as a religious
.891 6 *Celts
Including Gauls, Irish, Scots, Manx, Welsh (Cymry), Cornish,
.891 7 *East Slavs
Including Russians, Ukrainians, Ruthenians, Belarusians
Class here people of Commonwealth of Independent States, of former
Soviet Union as national groups
Class comprehensive works on Slavs in 305.8918
For a specific ethnic group of Commonwealth of Independent
States or former Soviet Union, see the group, e.g., Uzbek 305.894
.891 8 *Slavs
Including Bulgarians and Macedonians; comprehensive works
on south Slavs; Serbs and Montenegrins; people of Serbia as a
national group; people of former Serbia and Montenegro as a national
group; people of former Yugoslavia as a national group; Croats and
Bosnians; people of Croatia as a national group; Slovenes; west
Slavs; Poles; Czechs and Moravians; Czechoslovaks; Slovaks; Wends
(Lusatians, Sorbs)
For east Slavs, Cossacks, see 305.8917. For citizens of Serbia of
other ethnic groups, citizens of Croatia of other ethnic groups,
see the ethnic group, e.g., Serbian citizens of Hungarian descent
*Do not use standard subdivisions
305 Social sciences 305

.892 *Semites
Including peoples who spoke Syriac, other eastern Aramaic languages;
Akkadians, Amorites, Assyrians, Babylonians; Aramaeans; Hebrews,
Israelis, Jews; Beta Israel; Canaanites and Phoenicians; Arabs and
Maltese; peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Ethiopian
languages; comprehensive works on people of Ethiopia as a national
group; Mahri and Socotrans; South Arabic peoples
Class here comprehensive works on Afro-Asiatic peoples
For non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic peoples, Cushitic and Omotic peoples of
Ethiopia, Berbers, see 305.893; for Nilo-Saharan peoples of Ethiopia,
see 305.896
.893 *Non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic peoples
Including ancient Egyptians, Copts, Cushitic and Omotic peoples,
Somali; Somali as a national group; Oromo; peoples who speak or whose
ancestors spoke Omotic languages; Hausa
Class here peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, non-Semitic
Afro-Asiatic languages
Class comprehensive works on North Africans in 305.892; class the
people of Niger as a national group in 305.896
.894 *Peoples of north and west Asian origin or situation; Dravidians;
peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, miscellaneous
languages of south Asia
Miscellaneous languages of south Asia limited to people who speak, or
whose ancestors spoke, Nihali; Burusho; people who speak, or whose
ancestors spoke, Burushaski
Including Tungusic peoples; peoples who speak, or whose ancestors
spoke, Mongolian languages; Mongols; Turkic peoples; Samoyed;
Finno-Ugrians; Paleo-Asiatic (Paleosiberian) peoples; peoples who
speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Dravidian languages
Class here comprehensive works on peoples of Middle Eastern origin
Class Cossacks in 305.8917
For Cypriots, see 305.88; for Indo-European peoples of these regions,
see 305.891; for Semites, see 305.892
Sindhi, Maratha relocated to 305.8914
.895 *East and southeast Asian peoples; Munda
Including Karen; Tibeto-Burman peoples; peoples who speak, or whose
ancestors spoke, Tibeto-Burman languages; Burmese
Class here east Asians; south Asian peoples who speak, or whose
ancestors spoke, languages closely related to east and southeast Asian
languages; comprehensive works on Asian peoples
For a specific Asian people not provided for here, see the people, e.g.,
Persians 305.891, Malays 305.899
*Do not use standard subdivisions
305 Dewey Decimal Classification 305

.895 1 *Chinese
Including Hakka; people who speak or whose ancestors spoke Hakka
Class here Han Chinese; people who speak or whose ancestors spoke
Mandarin Chinese (Putonghua), Beijing dialect; comprehensive works
on people of China as a national group
For Chinese citizens of other ethnic groups, see the ethnic group,
e.g., Mongol 305.894
.895 6 *Japanese
Including Ryukyuans
For Ainu, see 305.894
.895 7 *Koreans
.895 9 *Miscellaneous southeast Asian peoples; Munda
Miscellaneous southeast Asian peoples limited to Tai peoples;
peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Tai languages;
Viet-Muong peoples; peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke,
Viet-Muong languages; Austroasiatic peoples; peoples who speak,
or whose ancestors spoke, Austroasiatic languages; Hmong and Yao
peoples; peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Hmong-Mien
(Miao-Yao) languages)
Including Andamanese, Semang [both formerly 305.899], peoples
who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Kadai languages, Kam-Sui
Class here peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Daic
For citizens of Cambodia belonging to an ethnic group other than
Khmer, see the ethnic group, e.g., Jarai 305.899
*Do not use standard subdivisions
305 Social sciences 305

.896 *Africans and people of African descent

Including Africans of Central Africa and offshore islands; comprehensive
works on African pygmies; African Americans (United States Blacks);
Khoikhoi and San; peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke,
Niger-Congo languages; peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke,
Nilo-Saharan languages; peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke,
Chari-Nile (Macrosudanic) languages; regional and national groups
in Africa (e.g., West Africans, Nigerians); other regional and national
groups of largely African descent (e.g., West Indians, Haitians, Virgin
Class here Blacks of African origin
Class comprehensive works on Cubans, Dominicans (Dominican
Republic), Puerto Ricans as regional and national groups in 305.868.
Class nationals of a specific ethnolinguistic group with the group, e.g.,
South Africans of British origin 305.82
For peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Ethiopian
languages, see 305.892; for non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic peoples, see
305.893; for Malagasy, see 305.899
.897 *North American native peoples
Including Indians of Western United States; Plains Indians; peoples who
speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Inuit, Yupik, Aleut languages; peoples
who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Eskimo languages; peoples
who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Na-Dene languages; peoples
who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Athapaskan languages; peoples
who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Algic, Muskogean languages;
peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Algonquian languages;
peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Penutian, Mayan,
Mixe-Zoque, Uto-Aztecan, Kiowa Tanoan languages; Pueblo Indians;
peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Siouan, Iroquoian, Hokan,
Chumash, Yuki languages; peoples who speak, or whose ancestors
spoke, Oto-Manguean languages; peoples who speak, or whose ancestors
spoke, Chibchan languages of Central America, Misumalpan languages;
peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, other North American
Class here people who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, North American
native languages; comprehensive works on Woodland Indians, on North
and South American native peoples
Class national groups of modern Central America where Spanish is an
official language in 305.868 even if the majority of their population
is of North American native origin, e.g., Guatemalans as a national
group; class peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Araucanian
languages, peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Uru-Chipaya
languages in 305.898
For South American native peoples, see 305.898
*Do not use standard subdivisions
305 Dewey Decimal Classification 305

.898 *South American native peoples

Including peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Chibchan,
Barbacoan languages; Paez; peoples who speak, or whose ancestors
spoke, Quechuan, Aymaran, Tucanoan, Jivaroan, Tupí, Arawakan
languages; peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Carib,
Macro-Gê, Nambiquaran, Panoan languages; peoples who speak, or
whose ancestors spoke, Araucanian, Alacalufan, Chon, Lule-Vilela,
Mataco-Guaicuru languages; peoples who speak, or whose ancestors
spoke, other South American languages
Class here peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, South
American native languages
Class national groups of modern South America where Spanish is an
official language in 305.868 even if the majority of their population is
of South American native origin, e.g., Peruvians as a national group
For peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Chibchan
languages of Central America; peoples who speak, or whose
ancestors spoke, Arawakan languages of Central America and
West Indies; peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Choco
languages of Central America, see 305.897
.899 *Papuans; Aboriginal Australians and Tasmanians;
Malayo-Polynesian and related peoples; miscellaneous peoples
Miscellaneous peoples limited to Basques, Elamites, Etruscans,
Sumerians, Georgians, Ingush, Chechen, Circassians, peoples who speak,
or whose ancestors spoke, Caucasian (Caucasic) languages
Including peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke,
Malayo-Polynesian languages; comprehensive works on peoples who
speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Austronesian languages; Malagasy;
peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke, Polynesian languages;
national groups of Polynesia; former citizens and descendants of citizens
of these jurisdictions; peoples who speak, or whose ancestors spoke,
eastern Malayo-Polynesian languages; comprehensive works on Pacific
Islanders; national groups of Melanesia
For citizens of Malaysia belonging to other ethnic groups, see the
ethnic group, e.g., Chinese 305.8951
Andamanese, Semang relocated to 305.8959
*Do not use standard subdivisions
305 Social sciences 305

.9 People by occupation and miscellaneous social statuses; people with

disabilities and illnesses, gifted people
Standard subdivisions are added for all topics in heading together, for people by
occupation alone
Including office workers, clerks [both formerly 305.5]
Class here occupational mobility
Class runaway children in 305.23086; class men by occupation in 305.33; class
women by occupation in 305.43; class migrant workers, tramps in 305.5; class
people of a specific ethnic or national group in 305.8; class comprehensive
works on nonagricultural occupations in 306.3
For victims of crime, see 362.88; for offenders, see 364.3; for inmates of
penal institutions, see 365. For a specific aspect of displaced persons or
refugees, see the aspect, e.g., political aspects of refugees 325
See Manual at 305.6 vs. 305.9, 306.6; also at 305.9 vs. 305.5
.900 1–.900 9 Standard subdivisions

306 Culture and institutions

Culture: the aggregate of a society’s beliefs, folkways, mores, science, technology,
values, arts
Institutions: patterns of behavior in social relationships
Including the roles, functions, and patterns within which the groups and members
of a society conduct their lives; subcultures
Class here mass culture (popular culture), cultural and social anthropology
Class cultural exchange in 303.48; class subcultures of specific groups in 305; class
drug usage considered as a social problem in 362.29; class physical anthropology
in 599.9; class history of a specific ethnic group in 900
For customs and folklore, see 390. For government policy on a specific aspect
of culture, see the aspect, e.g., government policy on the arts 700
See Manual at 306 vs. 305, 909, 930–990; also at 920.008 vs. 305–306, 362

306.2 Political institutions
.3 Economic institutions
.4 Specific aspects of culture
.6 Religious institutions
.7 Sexual relations
.8 Marriage and family
.9 Institutions pertaining to death

[.08] Groups of people

Do not use for culture and institutions of a specific group not provided for
here; class in 305
[.085] Relatives
Do not use; class in 306.87

306 Dewey Decimal Classification 306

> 306.2–306.6 Cultural institutions

Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to each subdivision
identified by * as follows:
01–07 Standard subdivisions
[08] Groups of people
Do not use; class in the specific subject plus notation 08 from
Table 1, e.g., women in education 370.82, women in sports
09 History, geographic treatment, biography
Class comprehensive works in 306
See Manual at T1—08 and 306.2–306.6

.2 *Political institutions
Institutions maintaining internal and external peace
Including governmental institutions (e.g., legislative institutions, executive
institutions, judicial institutions); political parties; military institutions; military
sociology; police institutions
Class here political sociology; comprehensive works on patronage, on client
Class political science in 320; class law in 340; class public administration and
military science in 350
For patronage and client relationships in a specific institution, see the
institution, e.g., in systems of production 306.3, in art 306.4
See Manual at 320 vs. 306.2

.3 *Economic institutions
Social arrangements for production, distribution
Including property systems; systems of production and exchange; sociology
of industrial conflict and relations; systems of labor; industrial sociology,
sociology of work; retirement; retired people
Class here economic anthropology; economic sociology; sociology of economic
development, of consumption
Class specific occupational groups, social groups defined by occupation in
305.9; class economic aspects of work in 331; class interdisciplinary works on
socialism in 335
For agricultural occupations in general, see 305.9; for economic institutions
relating to housing, see 307.3. For a specific aspect of the slave trade, see
the aspect, e.g., economic aspects of slave trade 381
See also 305.5 for social classes; also 330 for economics
See Manual at 335 vs. 306.3, 320.53
*Add as instructed under 306.2–306.6
306 Social sciences 306

.4 Specific aspects of culture

Not provided for elsewhere
Including magic and witchcraft, symbols; sociology of knowledge; sociology
of intellectual life, of information; science; works contrasting scientific and
humanistic cultures; technology; material culture; art; recreation and performing
Class sociology of knowledge with respect to education in 306.43; class
sociology of knowledge with respect to language in 306.44; class social aspects
of medical welfare problems and services in 362.1
For motion pictures, radio, television, see 302.23
See Manual at 303.48 vs. 306.4
.43 *Education
Including school and society
Class here educational anthropology
For community-school relations in education, see 371.19; for
community-school relations in higher education, see 378.1
See also 370.11 for education for social responsibility
.44 Language
Including pragmatics; bilingualism and multilingualism; biculturalism
and multilingualism among residents in an area of divergent cultural
traditions centered upon different languages; language planning and policy;
development of policies on language to solve communication problems of a
community that uses more than one language
Class here anthropological linguistics, ethnolinguistics, sociolinguistics
Class treatment of biculturalism and multiculturalism in which difference in
language is not a central element in 305.8
Interdisciplinary works on pragmatics relocated to 401

.6 Religious institutions
Religious institutions considered from a secular, nonreligious viewpoint
Class here sociology of religion
See also 201 for social theology; also 261 for Christian social theology
See Manual at 305.6 vs. 305.9, 306.6
[.608] Groups of people
Do not use; class in 200.8
*Add as instructed under 306.2–306.6
306 Dewey Decimal Classification 306

.7 Sexual relations
Class here interdisciplinary works on relations between the sexes, sex, sexual
For sexual ethics, see 176; for problems and controversies concerning
various sexual relations, see 363.4; for sex offenses, see 364.15; for customs
pertaining to relations between the sexes, see 392.6; for sexual hygiene,
sexual techniques, see 613.9
.73 General institutions
Including celibacy; premarital sexual relations; courtship and engagement;
engaged people; extramarital relations
Class here dating behavior
For marriage, see 306.81
See also 646.7 for practical guidance on dating behavior
.74 Prostitution
Class here prostitutes
See also 331.7 for prostitution as an occupation; also 363.4 for
prostitution as a social problem; also 364.15 for prostitution as a crime
.740 811 Men
Do not use for prostitution by males; class in 306.74
.740 82 Women
Do not use for prostitution by females; class in 306.74
.740 83 Young people
Do not use for prostitution by children; class in 306.74
.76 Sexual orientation, transgenderism, intersexuality
Standard subdivisions are added for sexual orientation, transgenderism,
intersexuality together; for sexual orientation and transgenderism together;
for sexual orientation alone
Including asexuality, asexuals; heterosexuality; heterosexuals; bisexuality;
bisexuals; homosexuality; gay liberation movement, gays, homophobia;
transsexuality; transgender people, transgenderists, transsexuals
Class here people by sexual orientation
Class practices associated with specific orientations, practices associated
with transgenderism and intersexuality in 306.77

306 Social sciences 306

.77 Sexual and related practices

Standard subdivisions are added for sexual and related practices together, for
sexual practices alone
Including fetishism, group sex, pornography, sodomy; masturbation; oral
sex; sadism; sadomasochism; masochism; transvestism; cross dressing
Class female impersonation, male impersonation in 792.02
For sexual practices viewed as medical disorders, see 616.85
See also 363.4 for pornography as a social problem; also 364.1 for
pornography as an offense against public morals; also 364.15 for sex

.8 Marriage and family

See also 362.82 for premarital and marriage counseling
.81 Marriage and marital status
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including single marital status; single people; comprehensive works on
single, divorced and widowed marital status; people who have never been
Class here people by marital status; interdisciplinary works on marriage, on
marital status
Class patterns of mate selection in 306.82; class single parents in 306.85;
class married people in 306.872; class single fathers, single mothers in
306.874; class alteration of marriage arrangements in 306.88
For types of marriage, see 306.84; for widowed people, see 306.88; for
separation and divorce, see 306.89. For other aspects of marriage, see
the aspect, e.g., sexual techniques 613.9
.82 Patterns in mate selection
Including endogamy, exogamy
Class courtship in 306.73
See also 392.4 for the customs of mate selection; also 646.7 for practical
guidance on choosing a mate and dating behavior
.83 Types of kinship systems
Including matrilineal, patrilineal, totemic systems
.84 Types of marriage and relationships
Including remarriage; partnerships and unions; civil unions, common-law
marriage, de facto relationships, domestic partnerships, registered
partnerships; unmarried couples living together (cohabitation); marriage by
number of spouses (e.g., monogamy, polygamy); interreligious marriage;
intercultural marriage; marriage between citizens of different countries;
interracial marriage; same-sex marriage
Class married people in 306.872

306 Dewey Decimal Classification 306

.85 Family
Including rural family; urban family; nuclear family; single-parent family;
divorced families with single-parent custody, unmarried parents, unmarried
parenthood; extended family; patriarchal family; matriarchal family
Class here interdisciplinary works on family
Class kinship systems in extended family in 306.83
For kinship systems, see 306.83; for intrafamily relationships, see
306.87; for stepfamilies, single fatherhood, single motherhood, see
306.874; for alteration of family arrangements, see 306.88. For a
specific aspect of family, see the aspect, e.g., achieving harmonious
family relations 646.7
See also 155.9 for psychological influence of family on individual
.87 Intrafamily relationships
Including abuse within family; birth order; childlessness; collateral
relationships between aunts/uncles and nieces/nephews; collateral
relationships between cousins; dysfunctional relationships; in-law
Class incest in 306.877. Class abuse in a specific family relationship with the
relationship, e.g., spouse abuse 306.872
For alteration of family arrangements, see 306.88
See also 362.82 for social services to families; also 646.7 for practical
guides to harmonious family relationships
.872 Spousal relationship
Including dual-career families; husbands; wives
Class here husband-wife relationship, married people
Class sexual practices in 306.77
For polygamists, see 306.84
See also 613.9 for sexual techniques
.872 081 1 Men
Do not use for husbands; class in 306.872
.872 082 Women
Do not use for wives; class in 306.872

306 Social sciences 306

.874 Parent-child relationship

Including adopted children, children of unmarried parents, only child;
father-child relationship; sociology of fatherhood; mother-child
relationship; sociology of motherhood; grandparent-child relationship;
stepparent-stepchild relationship; blended families; stepchildren,
stepfamiles, stepparents
Class here generation gap within families
Class comprehensive works on generation gap in 305.2
See also 649 for child rearing (parenting)
.875 Sibling relationships
Including brother-brother relationship; brother-sister relationship;
sister-sister relationship
.877 Incest
.88 Alteration of family arrangements
Including desertion; widowers; widows
Class here widowed people
For separation and divorce, see 306.89
.880 811 Men
Do not use for widowers; class in 306.88
.880 82 Women
Do not use for widows; class in 306.88
.89 Separation and divorce
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including binuclear family, shared custody; separated and divorced men;
separated and divorced women
Class here separated and divorced people
Class divorced families with single-parent custody in 306.85; class
parent-child relationship in divorced families in 306.874
[.890 811] Men
Do not use; class in 306.89
[.890 82] Women
Do not use; class in 306.89

.9 Institutions pertaining to death

Class here interdisciplinary works on death
For a specific aspect of death, see the aspect, e.g., psychology of death
155.9, funeral rites and ceremonies 393

307 Dewey Decimal Classification 307

307 Communities
See Manual at 307

.1 Planning and development

Including human settlement
Class resettlement in 307.2; class redevelopment in 307.3

.2 Movement of people to, from, within communities

Including resettlement; movement from rural to urban communities; rural
exodus; movement from urban to rural communities; urban exodus
Class comprehensive works on population in 304.6

.3 Structure
Including physical setting; patterns of use; redevelopment
Class community planning in 307.1; class movement within communities in

.7 Specific kinds of communities

Class a specific aspect of specific kinds of communities in 307.1–307.3
.72 Rural communities
Including plantations considered as communities
Class here rural sociology, rural villages
Class agricultural sociology, the plantation considered as a system of
production in 306.3
.74 Suburban communities
.740 9 History and biography
Do not use for geographic treatment; class in 307.7609
.76 Urban communities
Including urban communities by size (e.g., small urban communities,
medium-sized urban communities, large urban communities);
comprehensive works on villages; metropolitan areas as communities;
mining and industrial towns; urban communities by kind (e.g., mining and
industrial towns, company towns, new towns)
Class here urban policy (government policy on cities), urban sociology,
interdisciplinary works on cities
Class specific urban communities regardless of size, specific urban
communities regardless of kind in 307.7609
For rural villages, see 307.72; for suburban communities, see 307.74.
For a specific aspect of cities, see the aspect, e.g., public administration
of cities 352.16

307 Social sciences 307

.760 9 History, geographic treatment, biography

Class here specific suburban communities, specific urban
communities regardless of size or kind
.77 Self-contained communities
Including tribal communities; communes; kibbutzim and moshavim
Class here voluntary socialist and anarchist communities
Class tribal communities considered in context of culture and institutions of
indigenous ethnic and national groups in 305.8

[308] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

[309] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 10

310 Collections of general statistics

Class works on collecting statistical data in 001.4. Class statistics of a specific
subject, other than general statistics of a place, with the subject, plus notation 02
from Table 1, e.g., statistics on deaths by crimes of violence 364.1502
See also 001.4 for analysis of statistical data, for methods of presenting
statistical data
[.94–.99] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use; class in 314–319

[311] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 9

[312] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 11

[313] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 6

314–319 General statistics of specific continents, countries, localities

in modern world
Add to base number 31 notation 4–9 from Table 2, e.g., statistics of France 314.4

314 General statistics of Europe

Number built according to instructions under 314–319

315 General statistics of Asia

Number built according to instructions under 314–319

316 General statistics of Africa

Number built according to instructions under 314–319
317 Dewey Decimal Classification 317

317 General statistics of North America

Number built according to instructions under 314–319

318 General statistics of South America

Number built according to instructions under 314–319

319 General statistics of Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands,

Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antarctica
Number built according to instructions under 314–319

320 Political science (Politics and government)

Class sociology of political institutions and processes in 306.2
For law, see 340; for public administration and military science, see 350
See Manual at 302–307 vs. 320; also at 320 vs. 306.2; also at 324 vs. 320; also
at 909, 930–990 vs. 320

320.01–.09 Standard subdivisions
.1–.9 [The state, structure and functions of government, ideologies, political
situation and conditions]
321 Systems of governments and states
322 Relation of the state to organized groups and their members
323 Civil and political rights
324 The political process
325 International migration and colonization
326 Slavery and emancipation
327 International relations
328 The legislative process

.01 Philosophy and theory

Including nature, legitimacy, role of government; political change, political
justice; political persuasion and political propaganda
Class specific theories in the sense of ideologies in 320.5; class systems
of governments and states in 321; class personal liberty in 323.44;
class interdisciplinary works on persuasion, interdisciplinary works on
propaganda in 303.3. Class theories on a specific aspect of political science
with the aspect, e.g., social contract as a theory of origin of the state 320.1
.02–.08 Standard subdivisions
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for political situation and conditions, for forecasting and
forecasts in a specific period or area; class in 320.9
.092 Biography
Do not use for biography of political thinkers identified with specific
ideologies; class in 320.5
Class here political philosophers and political scientists

320 Political science (Politics and government) 320

.1 The state
Including theories of origin; social contract; territory; geopolitics; sovereignty;
national self-determination
Class systems by which states are organized, states with restricted sovereignty
in 321; class acquisition of territory in 325; class territory in law of nations in
341.4; class history of territorial changes in 911
For geopolitics in international relations, see 327.101
.101 Philosophy and theory
Do not use for theories of origin of the state; class in 320.1
Class systems of governments and states in 321

.3 Comparative government
Class comparison of a specific aspect of government with the aspect, e.g.,
comparison of committee systems in different legislatures 328.3

.4 Structure and functions of government

Including separation of powers; interdisciplinary works on branches of
Class here civics
Class analysis of systems by which government is structured in 321; class
systems of selecting chief executives in 324; class legislative control and
oversight of executive branch in 328.3
For comparative government, see 320.3; for relation of local government
to higher levels of government, see 320.8; for relation of federal to state,
regional, provincial governments, see 321.02; for legislative branch, see
328; for judicial branch, see 347; for executive branch, see 351
See Manual at 320.9, 320.4 vs. 351; also at 909, 930–990 vs. 320.4, 321,
.409 History and biography
Do not use for geographic treatment; class in 320.41–320.49
.41–.49 Geographic treatment
Class here systems of state and government in specific countries
Add to base number 320.4 notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., structure of
government in Cuba 320.47291

.5 Political ideologies
Including anarchism
Class Christian socialism, Nazism in 320.53; class interdisciplinary works on
anarchism in 335. Class ideologies with respect to a specific aspect of political
science with the aspect, e.g., ideologies with respect to revolution 321.09
See Manual at 320.5 vs. 297.09, 297.2, 322; also at 324 vs. 320.5, 320.9,
909, 930–990

320 Dewey Decimal Classification 320

.508 Groups of people

Ideologies based on groups of people relocated to 320.56
.51 Liberalism
Including traditional liberalism; modern liberalism
.52 Conservatism
Ideologies and theories stressing limits of human reason and virtue, value of
tradition, caution in effecting social change
See also 320.51 for traditional liberalism
.53 Collectivism and fascism
Standard subdivisions are added for collectivism and fascism together, for
collectivism alone
Including specific collectivist ideologies (e.g., socialism, communism);
falangism, national socialism, neo-Nazism
Class here new left, radicalism, totalitarianism, comprehensive works on
Class religiously oriented authoritarianism in 320.55; class interdisciplinary
works on socialism in 335; class interdisciplinary works on Marxism in
335.4; class interdisciplinary works on fascism in 335.6
See Manual at 335 vs. 306.3, 320.53
.54 Nationalism, regionalism, internationalism
Standard subdivisions are added for nationalism, regionalism,
internationalism together; for nationalism and regionalism together; for
nationalism alone; for regionalism alone
Including black nationalism
Class here regional nationalism, ethnic nationalism, pan-nationalism
.540 1–.540 7 Standard subdivisions
Standard subdivisions of nationalism and regionalism by areas,
regions, places in general relocated to 320.54091; standard
subdivisions of nationalism and regionalism by specific continents,
countries, localities relocated to 320.54093–320.54099
.540 8 Groups of people
Nationalism and regionalism with respect to groups of people by
areas, regions, places in general relocated to 320.54091; nationalism
and regionalism with respect to groups of people by specific
continents, countries, localities relocated to 320.54093–320.54099
.540 89 Ethnic and national groups
Do not use for Black nationalism; class in 320.54
.540 9 History, geographic treatment, biography

320 Political science (Politics and government) 320

.540 91 Areas, regions, places in general

Including standard subdivisions of nationalism and regionalism by
areas, regions, places in general [formerly 320.5401–320.5407];
nationalism and regionalism with respect to groups of people by
areas, regions, places in general [formerly 320.5408]; biography
of nationalism and regionalism by areas, regions, places in general
[formerly 320.54092]
Add to base number 320.54091 the numbers following —1 in
notation 11–19 from Table 2, e.g., Arab nationalism 320.540917
.540 92 Biography
Biography of nationalism and regionalism by areas, regions, places
in general relocated to 320.54091; biography of nationalism and
regionalism by specific continents, countries, localities relocated
to 320.54093–320.54099
.540 93–.540 99 Specific continents, countries, localities
Including standard subdivisions of nationalism and regionalism
by specific continents, countries, localities [formerly
320.5401–320.5407]; nationalism and regionalism with respect
to groups of people by specific continents, countries, localities
[formerly 320.5408]; biography of nationalism and regionalism by
specific continents, countries, localities [formerly 320.54092]
Add to base number 320.5409 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g.,
Swedish nationalism 320.5409485
.540 956 94 Palestine; Israel
Number built according to instructions under
Class here Zionism
.540 96 Africa
Number built according to instructions under
Class here Pan-Africanism
.55 Religiously oriented ideologies
Including theocracy; Islamic ideologies; Islamic fundamentalism, Islamism;
Black Muslim movement
Class Zionism in 320.54095694
For Christian socialism, see 320.53
.56 Ideologies based on groups of people [formerly 320.508]
Including multiculturalism; ideologies by gender or sex (e.g., feminism);
ideologies by miscellaneous social statuses (e.g., populism); ideologies by
ethnic and national groups; racism (ideologies based on assumptions of
racial superiority)
Class Nazism in 320.53

320 Dewey Decimal Classification 320

.58 Environmentalist political ideologies

Class here ecologism, environmentalism, green politics
See Manual at 333.72 vs. 304.2, 320.58, 363.7

.6 Policy making
Class here decision making, planning, formulation of programs and proposals,
policy studies, public policy
Class a specific aspect of policy making with the aspect, e.g., policy making on
religion 322, legislative lobbying 328.3
For policy making in a specific subject, see the subject, e.g., policy making
for economic development 338.9
See Manual at 300, 320.6 vs. 352–354: Public policy

.8 Local government
Including boundaries and forms of local government; intermediate levels;
arrondissements, counties, districts, Landkreise, provinces as intermediate level
units; rural government; city government; urban government
Class here relation of local government to higher levels of government
Class comprehensive works on relation of parts of a state to the whole in 321
For provinces as state-level units, see 321.02; for local administration, see
See Manual at 352.13 vs. 352.15

.9 Political situation and conditions

Class general political history in 900
See Manual at 320.9, 320.4 vs. 351; also at 324 vs. 320.5, 320.9, 909,
930–990; also at 909, 930–990 vs. 320
.900 1–.900 8 Standard subdivisions
[.900 9] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for history; class in 320.9. Do not use for geographic
treatment and biography; class in 320.91–320.99
.91–.99 Geographic treatment and biography
Add to base number 320.9 notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., political
conditions in Egypt 320.962

321 Political science (Politics and government) 321

321 Systems of governments and states

Including systems of government defined by source or exercise of authority (e.g.,
feudalism, elitist systems, absolute monarchy); systems of relating parts of a
state to the whole; unitary states (states in which full control is vested in central
governments); empires; proposed regional and world unions; supranational states;
nation-states; small states; ideal states (utopias); states with restricted sovereignty
and non-self-governing territories; family-based government; government in
nonliterate societies, tribal government; kinds of states defined by source or
exercise of governmental authority
Class here kinds of states
Class a national state or nation in the sense of a sovereign state in 320.1; class
federations in 321.02; class selecting chief executives in 324; class European
Union in 341.242; class comprehensive works on heads of state and administration
in 352.23. Class a kind of head of state or administration characteristic of a
specific system of government with the system, e.g., prime ministers responsible to
legislatures 321.8, constitutional monarchs 321.8
See Manual at 909, 930–990 vs. 320.4, 321, 321.09
.001–.009 Standard subdivisions
.02 *Federations
Including relation of federal to state, regional, provincial governments; states
and provinces in federal systems
Class here confederations
Class kinds of states in specific jurisdictions in 320.4; class proposed
regional and world federations in 321; class comprehensive works on kinds
of states, on unitary states in 321
For kinds of states defined by source or exercise of governmental
authority, see 321–321.9
.09 Change in system of government
Including coups d’état; revolution
Class interdisciplinary works on revolution in 303.6
See Manual at 909, 930–990 vs. 320.4, 321, 321.09

.8 *Democratic government
Including systems defined by method of selecting chief executives (e.g.,
presidential government, cabinet government); republics; limited monarchy
(constitutional monarchy)
*Do not use notation 093–099 from Table 1 for systems of governments and states in a specific
jurisdiction; class in 320.43–320.49
321 Dewey Decimal Classification 321

.9 *Authoritarian government
Including communist government; proletarian dictatorship; fascist government;
Nazi system
Class here despotism, dictatorship, totalitarian government
Class communism as a political ideology, fascism as a political ideology in
320.53; class absolute monarchy in 321; class interdisciplinary works on
communism in 335.4; class interdisciplinary works on fascism in 335.6
For elitist systems, see 321

322 Relation of the state to organized groups and their members

Relation of the state to groups other than regular political parties
Including religious organizations and groups; church and state, religion and
state; government policy on religion; labor movements and groups; business and
industry; armed services
Class freedom of religion in 323.44
For general strikes directed primarily toward employers or focused upon
limited economic objectives, see 331.892. For groups organized for a specific
purpose not provided for here, see the purpose, e.g., groups organized to
promote political rights 323.5
See Manual at 320.5 vs. 297.09, 297.2, 322; also at 322 vs. 201, 261.7, 292–299

.4 Political action groups

Including revolutionary and subversive groups; revolutionary and subversive
activities and branches of political parties; pressure groups; reform movements
Class here protest groups; nonelectoral tactics used by political action groups,
e.g., civil disobedience; specific kinds of conflicts between political action
groups and constituted authorities, e.g., riots
Class political action committees (United States fund-raising groups) in 324;
class impact of specific revolutionary and subversive groups on general history
in 930–990; class comprehensive works on parties and international party
organizations engaged in both nonviolent political activity and revolutionary
activity in 324.2; class interdisciplinary works on social reform in 303.48;
class interdisciplinary works on conflicts and their resolution in 303.6. Class a
movement seeking to reform a specific social function with the function, e.g.,
women’s suffrage movement 324.6, welfare reform 361.6; class a pressure
group working for a specific goal with the goal, e.g., a group working for better
law enforcement 363.2
*Do not use notation 093–099 from Table 1 for systems of governments and states in a specific
jurisdiction; class in 320.43–320.49
323 Political science (Politics and government) 323

323 Civil and political rights

Standard subdivisions are added for civil and political rights together, for civil
rights alone
Including citizen participation; resistance, repression, persecution
Class here civil liberties, human rights, individual freedom, rights of humanity;
relations of the state to its residents
Class limitation and suspension of civil rights in 323.4; class welfare aspects of
human rights in 361.6. Class citizen participation in a specific issue with the issue,
e.g., participation in public school evaluation 379.1
For relation of the state to organized groups other than political parties and
related organizations, see 322; for relation of the state to political parties and
related organizations, see 324; for human rights law, see 341.4; for civil rights
law, see 342.08
.01 Philosophy and theory
Class here natural rights
.08 Groups of people
Do not use for civil and political rights of nondominant groups; class in
323.1. Do not use for civil and political rights of other social groups; class in
Class here groups of people enforcing civil and political rights, groups
of people participating in the abuse of civil and political rights, groups of
people working for civil and political rights in general

.1 Civil and political rights of nondominant groups

Standard subdivisions are added for either civil or political rights or both
Class specific civil rights of nondominant groups in 323.4; class specific
political rights of nondominant groups in 323.5; class interdisciplinary works on
nondominant groups in 305.5
For civil and political rights of specific nondominant groups other than
members of ethnic and national groups, see 323.3
[.109 3–.109 9] Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use; class in 323.13–323.19
.11 Ethnic and national groups
Standard subdivisions are added for either civil or political rights or both
Class interdisciplinary works on ethnic and national groups in 305.8
[.110 93–.110 99] Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use; class in 323.13–323.19

323 Dewey Decimal Classification 323

.111–.119 Specific ethnic and national groups

Add to base number 323.11 the numbers following 305.8 in
305.81–305.89, e.g., civil rights of African Americans 323.1196
Subdivisions are added for either civil or political rights or both
(Option: Class civil and political rights of North American native
peoples in 970.5; prefer 323.1197)
Class members of specific ethnic and national groups who are also
members of other social groups in 323.3
.13–.19 Nondominant groups, ethnic and national groups in specific continents,
countries, localities
Add to base number 323.1 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., civil rights of
national minorities in China 323.151
Subdivisions are added for either civil or political rights or both
Class specific ethnic and national groups in specific continents, countries,
localities in 323.111–323.119; class other specific nondominant groups in
specific continents, countries, localities in 323.3

.3 Civil and political rights of other social groups

Groups other than ethnic and national groups
Including groups identified by miscellaneous social attributes (e.g., working
class, intellectuals); women; age groups (e.g., young people, young and
middle-aged adults, people in late adulthood)
Class a specific civil right of social groups in 323.4; class a specific political
right of social groups in 323.5; class comprehensive works on adults in 323
[.301–.309] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 323.01–323.09

.4 Specific civil rights; limitation and suspension of civil rights

Including personal security; property rights; rights of assembly and association;
right of petition; comprehensive works on rights of petition and assembly
Class limitation and suspension of specific rights with the right in 323.4, e.g.,
limitation of freedom of expression 323.44. Class right to privacy in 323.44;
class legal aspects of right to life in 342.08; class interdisciplinary works on
economic rights in 330
[.401–.409] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 323.01–323.09
.42 Equal protection of law
.44 Freedom of action (Liberty)
Including freedom of conscience and religion; freedom of speech; freedom
of publication; freedom of information, freedom of the press; right to privacy
Class here freedom of expression, intellectual freedom
Class rights of assembly and association, right of petition in 323.4

323 Political science (Politics and government) 323

.5 Political rights
Including right to hold office, right to representation
Class right of assembly, right of petition in 323.4; class exercise of political
rights in 324
For citizenship and related rights, see 323.6; for voting rights, see 324.6
[.508] Groups of people
Do not use for political rights of nondominant groups; class in 323.1. Do
not use for political rights of other social groups; class in 323.3

.6 Citizenship and related topics

Standard subdivisions are added for citizenship and related topics together, for
citizenship alone
Including acquisition of citizenship; relation of the state to aliens and people
with citizenship problems; expatriation and repatriation; duties and obligations
of citizens; passports and visas
Class comprehensive works on refugees in 325

324 The political process

Including auxiliary party organizations; interest and pressure groups; influence and
activities of groups in extragovernmental processes; political action committees
(PACs, United States fund-raising groups); comprehensive works on lobbying
Class here elections
Class revolutionary and subversive branches of political parties in 322.4; class
auxiliary organizations of international party organizations in 324.1; class
comprehensive works on interest groups, political action groups, comprehensive
works on pressure groups in 322.4
For legislative lobbying, see 328.3. For lobbying for a specific goal, see the
goal, e.g., lobbying for penal reform 364.6
See Manual at 324 vs. 320; also at 324 vs. 320.5, 320.9, 909, 930–990; also at
909, 930–990 vs. 320

324.09 History, geographic treatment, biography
.1 International party organizations, auxiliaries, activities
.2 Political parties
.5 Nominating candidates
.6 Election systems and procedures; suffrage
.7 Conduct of election campaigns
.9 History and geographic treatment of elections

[.023] Politics as a profession, occupation, hobby

Do not use; class in 324.2
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for history and geographic treatment of elections; class in 324.9

324 Dewey Decimal Classification 324

.1 International party organizations, auxiliaries, activities

Not directly controlled by specific national parties
Including international organizations, auxiliaries, activities of parties identified
primarily by position on right-to-left spectrum (e.g., international organizations
of rightist parties, international organizations of conservative parties,
international organizations of centrist parties, international organizations of
liberal parties, international organizations of leftist and labor-oriented parties);
international organizations of other parties
Class revolutionary and subversive activities and branches of party
organizations in 322.4

.2 Political parties
Including relation of political parties to state and government; kinds of parties;
party finance, membership, organization; political machines; leadership; politics
as a profession, occupation, hobby; politicians as a type of person; programs
and ideologies; platforms, campaign literature
Class auxiliary organizations in 324
For revolutionary and subversive activities and branches of parties, see
322.4; for international party organizations and activities, see 324.1; for
nominating candidates, see 324.5; for campaign finance of specific kinds
of parties, see 324.7. For campaign literature on a specific subject, see
the subject, e.g., campaign literature on United States participation in
Vietnamese War 959.704
[.202 3] Party politics as a profession, occupation, hobby
Do not use; class in 324.2
.209 4–.209 9 Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use for parties in specific countries and localities; class in
See Manual at 324.2094–324.2099 and 324.24–324.29
.24–.29 Parties in specific countries and localities in modern world
The following add table is limited to countries and localities other than the
United Kingdom, Canada, United States, Australia; special developments for
those countries follow the add table
Except where specifically instructed to the contrary below, for a specific
country or for localities within a country add to base number 324.2 notation
4–9 from Table 2 for the specific country, e.g., parties in France 324.244;
then add further as follows:
001–009 Standard subdivisions
See Manual at 324.2094–324.2099 and 324.24–324.29
.241 Parties of United Kingdom
Including general topics of parties of United Kingdom; parties existing
only prior to 1945; parties of Great Britain before union with Ireland, of
England and Wales before union with Scotland; other parties founded or
in existence after 1945 not provided for below
.241 001–.241 009 Standard subdivisions

324 Political science (Politics and government) 324

.241 04 Conservative Party

.241 06 Liberal Party and its successors
Standard subdivisions are added for any or all liberal parties
Class here Liberal Democrats
.241 07 Labour Party
.271 Parties of Canada
Including general topics of parties of Canada; parties existing only prior
to 1945; Social Credit Party of Canada; other parties founded or in
existence after 1945 not provided for below
.271 001–.271 009 Standard subdivisions
.271 04 Conservative Party of Canada (2003–) and its predecessors
Including Reform Party of Canada, Canadian Reform
Conservative Alliance
Class here Conservative Party of Canada (1938–1942) and the
party under former names, e.g., Liberal-Conservative Party;
Progressive Conservative Party
.271 06 Liberal Party of Canada
.271 07 New Democratic Party of Canada
.271 1–.271 9 Parties of provinces and territories of Canada
Add to base number 324.271 the numbers following —71 in notation
711–719 from Table 2 for province or territory, e.g., parties in the
Yukon Territory 324.2719; then add further as follows:
001–009 Standard subdivisions
.273 Parties of United States
Including general topics of parties of United States; nationalist parties of
the right, leftist and worker parties, other parties founded or in existence
after 1945 not provided for below
Class general topics of specific parties of United States in
For parties in specific states and District of Columbia, see
.273 01–.273 09 Standard subdivisions
.273 2 Parties existing only prior to 1945
Including American (“Know-Nothing”) Party, Free Soil Party;
Federalist Party; Whig Party; Jeffersonian Republican Party; populist
and progressive parties
Parties existing prior to 1945 and ceasing existence after 1945
relocated to 324.2734–324.2736

324 Dewey Decimal Classification 324

> 324.273 4–324.273 6 Parties founded or in existence after 1945

Class here parties existing prior to 1945 and ceasing existence after 1945
[formerly 324.2732]
.273 4 Republican Party
.273 6 Democratic Party
Including Democratic-Republican Party
.274–.279 Parties of states of United States and District of Columbia
Add to base number 324.27 the numbers following —7 in notation 74–79
from Table 2 for state or District of Columbia, e.g., parties in California
324.2794; then add further as follows:
001–009 Standard subdivisions
Class comprehensive works in 324.273
For parties in Hawaii, see 324.2969
.294 Parties of Australia
Including parties founded or in existence after 1945 (e.g., The Nationals,
Liberal Party of Australia, Democratic Labor Party, Australian Labor
Party); general topics of parties of Australia; parties existing only prior to
.294 001–.294 009 Standard subdivisions
.294 1–.294 7 Parties in states and territories of Australia
Add to base number 324.294 the numbers following —94 in notation
941–947 from Table 2 for state or territory, e.g., parties in New South
Wales 324.2944; then add further as follows:
001–009 Standard subdivisions
.296 9 Parties in Hawaii
.296 900 1–.296 900 9 Standard subdivisions

.5 Nominating candidates
Including nominating by caucuses and co-optation; nominating by primaries;
nominating by conventions
Class here campaigns for nomination; results of campaigns, e.g., delegate
Class comprehensive works on nomination and election campaigns in 324.9
.509 4–.509 9 Geographic areas in modern world other than specific countries and
Do not use for nominating party candidates in a specific country or
state; class in 324.24–324.29

324 Political science (Politics and government) 324

.6 Election systems and procedures; suffrage

Standard subdivisions are added for election systems and procedures, suffrage
together; for election systems alone; for election procedures alone
Including qualifications for voting, voting rights; electoral systems; registration
of voters; voting procedures; election fraud; recall
Class here comprehensive works on systems and procedures for nominations
and elections
Class conduct of election campaigns, irregularities in campaign finance in
324.7; class election fraud as a crime in 364.1; class comprehensive works on
political rights in 323.5
For nominating candidates, see 324.5; for electoral basis of representation
in legislative bodies, see 328.3; for manuals outlining election procedures
that discuss laws or administrative regulations, see 342

.7 Conduct of election campaigns

Variant name: practical politics
Including strategy; use and effect of media; advertising for political election
campaigns; campaign finance
Class here public relations for conduct of political election campaigns
Class party finance in 324.2
See also 324.5 for conduct of campaigns for nomination

.9 History and geographic treatment of elections

Class here election returns and results, studies of voting behavior;
comprehensive works on campaigns
Class platforms, campaign literature in 324.2
For campaigns for nomination, see 324.5; for conduct of election
campaigns, see 324.7
.900 1–.900 8 Standard subdivisions
[.900 9] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for history; class in 324.9. Do not use for geographic
treatment, class in 324.91–324.99
[.900 92] Biography
Do not use; class in 324.092
.91–.99 Geographic treatment
Add to base number 324.9 notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., election
campaigns in United Kingdom 324.941; then in all cases except North and
South America add further as follows:
001–009 Standard subdivisions
Use 0001–0009 for standard subdivisions of North and
South America

325 Dewey Decimal Classification 325

325 International migration and colonization

Standard subdivisions are added for international migration and colonization
together, for international migration alone
Including population transfers; immigration; emigration; exercise of political
dominion over distant territories, decolonization
Class comprehensive works on foreign policy in 327.1; class interdisciplinary
works on international movement of people in 304.8; class interdisciplinary works
on displaced persons, refugees in 305.9. Class movement of people associated with
a specific event in world history with the event in 909; class movement of people
associated with a specific event in the history of a country or region with the event
in 930–990, e.g., emigration of Jews as a consequence of the Holocaust 940.53
For illegal immigration, see 364.1
[.094–.099] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use; class in 325

.4–.9 International migration to and colonization in specific continents,

countries, localities in modern world
Add to base number 325 notation 4–9 from Table 2, e.g., migration to Israel
Subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Class emigration from specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
to specific continents, countries, localities; colonization by specific countries in
modern world in specific continents, countries, localities; comprehensive works
on colonization by and in specific continents, countries, localities in modern
world in 325

326 Slavery and emancipation

Standard subdivisions are added for slavery and emancipation together, for slavery
Including abolitionism, antislavery movements
Class interdisciplinary works on slavery in 306.3

327 International relations

Class military science in 355; class interdisciplinary works on relations among
countries in 303.48
For international relations with respect to a specific subject, see the subject,
e.g., trade relations of United Kingdom 382.0941
See Manual at 341 vs. 327
[.01] Philosophy and theory
Do not use; class in 327.101
.06 Organizations
For intergovernmental organizations, see 341.2

327 Political science (Politics and government) 327

[.068] Management
Do not use; class in 353.1
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography
Class here diplomatic history, international relations of or in areas, regions,
places in general, not limited by continent, country, locality, e.g., foreign
relations of former Communist bloc 327.091717
.092 Biography
Do not use for diplomats; class in 327.2092
[.093–.099] Foreign relations of specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use; class in 327.3–327.9

.1 Foreign policy and specific topics in international relations

Standard subdivisions are added for foreign policy
Including specific means of attaining foreign policy goals; propaganda and war
of nerves; international conflict; international cooperation; internationalism,
conflict resolution
Class here imperialism in international relations, international politics, power
Class espionage and subversion in 327.12; class international governmental
organizations in 341.2; class war in 355.02; class comprehensive works on
political propaganda in 320.01; class comprehensive works on imperialism,
imperialism as national policy in 325; class interdisciplinary works on
propaganda in 303.3; class interdisciplinary works on conflict resolution in
For diplomacy, see 327.2; for law of international cooperation, see 341.7
.101 Philosophy and theory of international relations, of foreign policy
Including role and position of small states, economic bases of
international relations
Class here geopolitics in international relations, nature of power in
international relations
Class comprehensive works on geopolitics in 320.1
.102–.108 Standard subdivisions of foreign policy
.109 History, geographic treatment, biography of foreign policy
.109 2 Biography
Do not use for diplomats; class in 327.2092
[.109 3–.109 9] Foreign relations of specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use; class in 327.3–327.9

327 Dewey Decimal Classification 327

.12 Espionage and subversion

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Class here interdisciplinary works on espionage, subversion, intelligence
For military espionage, military subversion, see 355.3
.120 93–.120 99 Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use for espionage and subversion by specific nations; class
in 327.123–327.129
.123–.129 Espionage and subversion by specific nations
Add to base number 327.12 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., espionage by
France 327.1244; then add further as follows:
001–008 Standard subdivisions
009 History and biography
Do not use for espionage of a specific nation in a
specific area; class in the number for the nation
without adding notation 009

.2 Diplomacy
Including protocol
Use 327.2 for methods and style of diplomacy; 327 for substance and content of
diplomatic relations
For law of diplomacy, see 341.3
.209 2 Biography
Do not use for biography of diplomats of specific nations; class in

.3–.9 Foreign relations of specific continents, countries, localities

Class here foreign policy
Add to base number 327 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., international relations
in Middle East 327.56, foreign relations of Brazil 327.81; then, for relations
between that nation and another nation or region, add 0* and to the result add
notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., relations between Brazil and France 327.81044,
between Brazil and Arab world 327.81017
Give priority in notation to the nation or region emphasized. If emphasis is
equal, give priority to the nation or region coming first in Table 2
(Option: Give priority in notation to the nation or region requiring local
emphasis, e.g., libraries in the United States class foreign relations between
the United States and France in 327.73044)
Class specific topics in international relations of specific nations or regions in
See Manual at T1—092: Comprehensive biography: Public figures; also at
920.009, 920.03–920.09 vs. 909, 909.7–909.8, 930–990
*Add 00 for standard subdivisions; see instructions at beginning of Table 1
328 Political science (Politics and government) 328

328 The legislative process

Including rules and procedures of legislative bodies
Class here legislative branch, legislative bodies
Class rules of committees of legislative bodies in 328.3; class comprehensive rules
of order in 060.4
See Manual at 909, 930–990 vs. 320
.068 Management
Do not use for management of members’ offices; class in 328.3. Do not
use for legislative branch in specific jurisdictions in modern world; class
in 328.4–328.9
Class here public administration of legislative branch
[.094–.099] The legislative process in specific continents, countries, localities in
modern world
Do not use; class in 328.4–328.9

.2 Initiative and referendum

.209 4–.209 9 Specific continents and localities in modern world
Do not use for treatment in specific jurisdictions in modern world;
class in 328.4–328.9
.24–.29 Initiative and referendum in specific jurisdictions in modern world
Add to base number 328.2 notation 4–9 from Table 2, e.g., initiative in
California 328.2794
Subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading

.3 Specific topics of legislative bodies

Including legislative reform; upper houses; lower houses; members and
membership; powers, privileges, restrictions; legislative duties; sessions;
internal organization and discipline; enactment of legislation; lobbying; forms
of legislative bodies
Class legislative reference bureaus in 027.6; class cabinet system of executives
in 321.8; class rules and procedures of legislative bodies in 328; class specific
topics of legislative bodies of specific jurisdictions in modern world, biography
of members of specific legislative bodies in modern world in 328.4–328.9; class
comprehensive works on rules and procedures in 328; class comprehensive
biography of members in 328.092; class interdisciplinary works on ombudsmen
in 352.8. Class committee hearings and reports on a specific subject that
emphasize proposed legislation with the subject in 340, e.g., hearing on bills
governing armed services 343; class committee hearings and reports on a
specific subject that do not emphasize proposed legislation with the subject in
001–999, e.g., general reports on military affairs 355
For enactment of budgets, see 352.4. For hearings on a specific subject, see
the subject, e.g., hearings on laws 348
[.301–.309] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 328.01–328.09

328 Dewey Decimal Classification 328

.4–.9 The legislative process in specific continents, countries, localities in

modern world
Add to base number 328 notation 4–9 from Table 2, e.g., the legislative process
in Canada 328.71; however, do not add notation 01–09 from Table 1; class in
number for jurisdiction
For initiative and referendum in specific jurisdictions in modern world, see
See Manual at T1—092: Comprehensive biography: Public figures; also at
920.009, 920.03–920.09 vs. 909, 909.7–909.8, 930–990

[329] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 10

330 Economics
Including interdisciplinary works on economic rights
Class here comprehensive works on economics and management
Unless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference, e.g.,
finance as an economic factor in international economics 332 (not 337):

Cooperatives 334
Public finance 336
Economics of labor, finance, land, energy 331–333
Production, Commerce (381–382), Communications
(383–384), Transportation (385–388) 338
Macroeconomics and related topics 339
International economics 337
Socialism and related systems 335
Class economic rights in the sense of welfare rights in 361.6
For management, see 658. For a specific kind or aspect of economic rights, see
the kind or aspect, e.g., political aspects of property rights 323.4
See Manual at 330 vs. 650, 658

330.01–.09 Standard subdivisions
.1–.9 [Systems, schools, theories; economic situation and conditions]
331 Labor economics
332 Financial economics
333 Economics of land and energy
334 Cooperatives
335 Socialism and related systems
336 Public finance
337 International economics
338 Production
339 Macroeconomics and related topics

.01 Philosophy and theory

Do not use for theories, for schools of thought; class in 330.1
.02–.08 Standard subdivisions
330 Economics 330

.09 History, geographic treatment, biography of economics as a discipline

Do not use for economic situation and conditions; class in 330.9

.1 Systems, schools, theories

Including theories of wealth; theories of property
Class macroeconomic aspects of wealth in 339
For economic rent, see 333.01; for law of supply and demand, see 338.5
.12 Systems
Including free enterprise economy; capitalism; planned economies;
command economies; mixed economies
Class laissez-faire economic theory in 330.15; class schools of thought
featuring planned economies in 335
.15 Schools of economic thought
Including pre-classical schools; physiocracy; school of Quesnay; classical
economics; schools of Smith, Ricardo, Malthus, Mill, Say; laissez-faire
economic theory; historical and mathematical schools; miscellaneous
schools (e.g., institutional economics, Chicago school of economics
[monetarism], supply-side economics, welfare economics school);
Keynesian economics; post-Keynesian economics; marginal utility school;
schools of Jevons, Menger, Walras, Wieser, Böhm-Bawerk, Von Mises;
utility theory
Class economics of institutions in 330; class mathematical economics in
330.01; class monetary theory in 332.401
For socialist and related schools, see 335

.9 Economic situation and conditions

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Class here economic geography, economic history; works describing situation
and conditions at both macroeconomic and microeconomic levels
Class policies to promote economic growth and development in 338.9; class
macroeconomic policies in 339.5
.900 1–.900 8 Standard subdivisions
[.900 9] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for historical periods; for comprehensive works on history,
on geographic treatment; class in 330.9
[.900 91] Areas, regions, places in general
Do not use; class in 330.91
[.900 92] Biography
Do not use; class in 330.092
[.900 93–.900 99] Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use; class in 330.93–330.99

330 Dewey Decimal Classification 330

.91 Areas, regions, places in general

Add to base number 330.91 the numbers following —1 in notation 11–19
from Table 2, e.g., economic situation and conditions in developing
countries 330.9172; however, do not add notation 01–09 from Table 1 for
standard subdivisions
.93–.99 Specific continents, countries, localities
Add to base number 330.9 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., economic
situation and conditions in France 330.944; however, do not add notation
01–09 from Table 1 for standard subdivisions

> 331–333 Economics of labor, finance, land, energy

Class comprehensive works on economics of labor, finance, land, energy in
330; class comprehensive works on labor, capital, land considered as factors of
production in 338

331 Labor economics

Including industrial relations by industry and occupation
Class here industrial relations, interdisciplinary works on labor
Unless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference, e.g.,
compensation of women in banking 331.4 (not 331.2 or 331.7):

Choice of vocation 331.702

Labor force by personal attributes 331.3–331.6
Labor force and market 331.1
Conditions of employment 331.2
Labor unions, labor-management bargaining and
disputes 331.8
Labor by industry and occupation 331.7
(except 331.702)
Class economic conditions of working class in 330.9; class relations between
management and labor unions in 331.8; class full employment policy in 339.5
For a specific noneconomic aspect of labor, see the aspect, e.g., relation of
labor movements to the state 322, managerial aspects of labor 658.3
See also 305.5 for sociology of working class; also 306.3 for sociology of labor

331.01–.09 Standard subdivisions
.1 Labor force and market
.2 Conditions of employment
.3 Workers by age group
.4 Women workers
.5 Workers by personal attributes other than age
.6 Workers by ethnic and national origin
.7 Labor by industry and occupation
.8 Labor unions, labor-management bargaining and disputes

331 Economics 331

.01 Philosophy and theory

Do not use for classification of occupations; class in 331.7001
Including rights and position of labor; employment rights; satisfactions and
dissatisfactions of labor; freedom and dignity of labor
Class producer cooperatives in 334; class guild socialism, syndicalism in
335; class worker control of industry in 338.6; class employee representation
in management discussed from the managerial viewpoint in 658.3
For open shop, right to work, role of labor unions in industrial
democracy, see 331.88
.08 Groups of people
Do not use for discrimination; class in 331.13
Class here comprehensive works on labor force by personal attributes
[formerly 331.11], comprehensive works on minorities in the labor force
[.081] People by gender or sex
Do not use; class in 331.5
[.082] Women
Do not use; class in 331.4
[.083–.084] Age groups
Do not use; class in 331.3
[.086] People by miscellaneous social attributes
Do not use; class in 331.5
[.087] People with disabilities and illnesses, gifted people
Do not use; class in 331.5
[.088] Occupational and religious groups
Do not use for religious groups; class in 331.5. Do not use for
occupational groups; class in 331.7
[.089] Ethnic and national groups
Do not use; class in 331.6

.1 Labor force and market

Class here comprehensive works on employment and unemployment
Class employment in 331.12; class unemployment in 331.13

331 Dewey Decimal Classification 331

.11 Labor force

Including qualifications; systems of labor; labor productivity; labor force by
industry and occupation
Class here human resources, labor supply, size of labor force, work force
Class labor force in relation to demand for labor in 331.12; class industrial
productivity in 338; class comprehensive works on labor by industry and
occupation in 331.7
See also 331.87 for union membership
Comprehensive works on labor force by personal attributes relocated to
331.08; programs for workplace diversity relocated to 331.13
.12 Labor market
Including special topics of labor market (e.g., government policy on
labor market); demand for labor; labor requirements; job vacancies (job
openings); labor actively employed; employment, utilization of human
resources, comprehensive works on employment and compensation; labor
turnover; labor mobility; placement; employment agencies, job banks,
labor exchanges, sources of job information; labor market by industry and
Class here supply of labor in relation to demand
Class policies designed to secure full employment through fiscal and
monetary policy in 339.5; class comprehensive works on employment and
unemployment in 331.1
For discrimination in employment, labor shortages, unemployment,
underemployment, surpluses, see 331.13; for compensation, see 331.2
See Manual at 331.12 vs. 331.13
.13 Discrimination in employment, labor shortages, unemployment
Including programs for workplace diversity [formerly 331.11], affirmative
action in employment, equal employment opportunity programs, hostile
work environments; underemployment; labor surpluses, unemployed people
Class here maladjustments in labor market, programs to prevent or provide
relief from maladjustments
Class discrimination against workers with specific personal attributes,
unemployed people having specific personal attributes in 331.3–331.6;
class personnel aspects of discrimination in government employment in
352.608; class comprehensive works on work environment in 331.25;
class comprehensive works about personnel policies on discrimination in
For macroeconomic causes of unemployment, see 339. For
discrimination in relation to a specific aspect of industrial relations, see
the aspect, e.g., discrimination as a factor affecting compensation 331.2,
discrimination by unions 331.87; for a specific measure of prevention
or relief of unemployment, see the measure, e.g., work sharing 331.25,
economic stabilization 339.5, welfare 362.85
See Manual at 331.12 vs. 331.13

331 Economics 331

.2 Conditions of employment
Including conditions of employment by industry and occupation; compensation;
wages, wage policy; compensation differentials; guaranteed-wage plans;
minimum wage; compensation by industry and occupation
Class here comprehensive works on collective bargaining to determine
conditions of employment and the resulting conditions of employment
Class employee benefits (fringe benefits), paid leave in 331.25; class
discrimination because of a specific personal characteristic in 331.3–331.6;
class stock options as a form of speculation in 332.63; class incomes policy
(wage-price policy), wage-price policies in relation to stabilizing the economy
in 339.5; class guaranteed minimum income in 362.5; class conditions
of employment discussed from the managerial viewpoint in 658.3; class
comprehensive works on employee ownership in 338.6
For collective bargaining to determine conditions of employment, see 331.89
.25 Other conditions of employment
Including pensions; retirement benefits, superannuation, interdisciplinary
works on pensions; employee benefits (fringe benefits); employee assistance
programs, insurance, interdisciplinary works on employee benefits; work
environment; physical working conditions, quality of work life, working
facilities, workplace relationships; work stress; hours; workweek; training,
worker security, regulation of worker conduct
Class services to provide temporary help in 331.12; class stock ownership
and purchase plans in 331.2; class investment by pension funds in
332.67; class interdisciplinary works on health insurance in 368.38;
class interdisciplinary works on unemployment insurance in 368.4; class
interdisciplinary works on vocational education conducted by an educational
institution in 370.113
For hostile work environment caused by hostile and discriminatory
behavior, see 331.13; for maternity leave, see 331.4; for apprentices
as a special class of workers, see 331.5; for pensions provided by
unions, benefits provided by unions, see 331.87; for retirement planning,
see 332.024; for public administration of pensions for government
workers, see 353.5; for benefits for veterans of military service
and their survivors, see 362.86; for pensions (annuities) provided
through insurance, benefits provided through insurance, see 368.3; for
government pension plans for the population at large, benefits provided
through government-sponsored social insurance, see 368.4; for work
experience as part of education, see 371.2; for managerial aspects
of training by the employer, see 658.3; for comprehensive works on
administration of pensions, comprehensive works on administration
of employee benefits, see 658.3. For on-the-job training in a specific
occupation, see the occupation, plus notation 071 from Table 1, e.g.,
on-the-job apprenticeship of plumbers 696.1071

331 Dewey Decimal Classification 331

> 331.3–331.6 Labor force by personal attributes

Class here labor force and market, conditions of employment, industries and
occupations, labor unions, labor-management bargaining with respect to special
groups of workers
Unless other instructions are given, class a subject with aspects in two or more
subdivisions of 331.3–331.6 in the number coming first, e.g., young North
American native women 331.3 (not 331.4089 or 331.6)
Class choice of vocation for people with specific personal attributes in 331.702;
class comprehensive works on groups of people in 331.08. Class employment
services as a form of social service to a specific group of people with the group
in 362.6–362.8, e.g., sheltered employment for people in late adulthood 362.6

.3 Workers by age group

Including children; young workers; young workers by industry and occupation;
other age groups (e.g., middle-aged workers, older workers)

.4 Women workers
Including specific aspects of employment of women (e.g., discrimination
against women, compensation of women); married women; working mothers;
women in labor unions and labor-management bargaining and disputes; women
workers by industry and occupation
See also 305.43 for sociology of women’s occupations

.5 Workers by personal attributes other than age

Including transgender and intersex people, retired people; prisoners
and ex-convicts; veterans; gays; gay men; workers in special economic
situations (e.g., contract workers, migrant and casual workers); economically
disadvantaged workers not provided for elsewhere; apprentices; workers
by gender or sex; workers by religious group; workers with disabilities and
illnesses; workers with physical disabilities
Class unemployed workers in 331.13; class training of apprentices in 331.25
For women, see 331.4; for immigrants and aliens, native-born workers by
ethnic group, see 331.6

.6 Workers by ethnic and national origin

Including immigrants and aliens; native-born workers by ethnic group;
indigenous ethnic groups, native-born nonindigenous ethnic groups

.7 Labor by industry and occupation

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including professional occupations; specific industries and occupations; general
occupation groups and government occupations
For professional relationships in a specific industry or occupation, see the
industry or occupation, plus notation 023 from Table 1, e.g., professional
relationships in accounting 657.023
.700 1–.700 9 Standard subdivisions

331 Economics 331

.702 Choice of vocation

Including choice of vocation for people at specific educational levels
(e.g., choice of vocation for high school graduates, choice of vocation for
college graduates)
Class here choice of vocation for people with specific personal attributes,
e.g., veterans; interdisciplinary works describing vocations and
occupational specialties; interdisciplinary works on career opportunities
and vocational counseling
Class studies of vocational interest in 158.6; class job hunting in 650.14
For vocational counseling in schools, see 371.4. For descriptions
of, career opportunities in, choice of vocation with regard to
specific vocations and occupational specialties, see the vocation or
specialty, plus notation 023 from Table 1, e.g., career opportunities in
accounting 657.023

.8 Labor unions, labor-management bargaining and disputes

Class here interdisciplinary works on labor movements
Class comprehensive works on labor relations (all relations between
management and individual employees or employee groups), comprehensive
works on industrial democracy in 331
For a specific aspect of labor movements, see the aspect, e.g., political
activities of labor movements 322
.87 Labor union organization
Including constitutions, bylaws, rules; levels of organization; specific
aspects of union organization (e.g., membership, officers, benefits, funds,
property); union elections and conventions
Class international unions in 331.88091; class biography of union leaders
in 331.88092; class comprehensive works on labor unions in 331.88; class
descriptions of individual unions and federations, comprehensive works
on unions in specific areas in 331.88094–331.88099. Class discrimination
by unions against workers with specific personal attributes with the
characteristic in 331.3–331.6, e.g., discrimination against women 331.4
.88 Labor unions (Trade unions)
Including labor unions by industry and occupation; kinds of unions (e.g.,
craft unions, industrial unions, company unions, white collar unions);
revolutionary unions, e.g., Industrial Workers of the World (IWW); union
security issues
Class here unions organized along religious lines, e.g., Christian trade unions
Class right of workers to organize in 331.25; class comprehensive works on
rights of labor in 331.01
For labor union organization, see 331.87; for managerial viewpoint on
labor unions, see 658.3
See also 322 for political activities of labor unions

331 Dewey Decimal Classification 331

.880 1 Philosophy and theory

Including countermonopoly theory; theories of unions as instruments
of class struggle, as instruments of industrial democracy, as
instruments for worker control of industry
See also 331.01 for industrial democracy; also 338.6 for worker
control of industry
.880 9 History, geographic treatment, biography
.880 91 Areas, regions, places in general
Class here international unions
Class international unions with members from only two countries
in 331.88094–331.88099, using the comprehensive notation from
Table 2 for the two countries, e.g., unions with United States and
Canadian workers 331.880973
.89 Labor-management bargaining and disputes
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Variant name for labor-management bargaining: collective bargaining
Including labor-management bargaining and disputes by industry
and occupation; contracts and related topics; other labor measures;
comprehensive works on labor violence; management measures; government
Class conditions of work determined by collective bargaining in 331.2; class
grievance procedures to resolve disputes in 331.88; class violence in strikes
in 331.892; class works treating collective bargaining from the managerial
viewpoint in 658.3; class comprehensive works on strikes in 331.892
.892 Strikes
Including general strikes; picketing; strikes by industry and occupation
Class management measures with respect to strikes, government
measures with respect to strikes in 331.89; class interdisciplinary works
on general strikes in 322. Class effects of strikes on a specific thing with
the thing, e.g., effect of strikes on profitability of mining industries 338.2
See also 331.89 for conciliation measures
[.892 09] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 331.892

332 Economics 332

332 Financial economics

Including special topics of financial economics (e.g., capital, international finance);
barter, commercial paper, social credit money; counterfeiting, forgery, alteration
Class international banking in 332.1; class international monetary system,
exchange of currencies in 332.4; class international exchange of securities in 332.6;
class international investment in 332.67; class managerial aspects of self-financing
in 658.15; class comprehensive works on commercial paper in 332.7; class
comprehensive works on international economics in 337; class comprehensive
works on counterfeiting in 364.1; class comprehensive works on forgery in 364.16
For land, see 333; for public finance, see 336; for capital formation discussed
in relation to production in specific kinds of industries, see 338.1–338.4; for
financing of firms, see 338.6; for savings and investment as a factor affecting
national income, see 339.4; for balance of payments, see 382. For a specific
aspect of emigrant remittances, see the aspect, e.g., impact of emigrant
remittances on economic development in Latin America 338.98
See Manual at 332, 336 vs. 339; also at 332 vs. 338, 658.15

332.01–.09 Standard subdivisions, personal finance
.1 Banks
.2 Specialized banking institutions
.3 Credit and loan institutions
.4 Money
.6 Investment
.7 Credit
.8 Interest

.02 Miscellany and personal finance

Notation 02 from Table 1 as modified below
.024 Personal finance
Do not use for works on financial economics for people in specific
occupations; class in 332.02
Including prevention of identity theft; financial independence
Class here management of household finances
For a specific aspect of personal finance not provided for here, see
the aspect, e.g., investing in stocks 332.63, consumer information
.024 001–.024 009 Standard subdivisions
.06 Organizations
Do not use for financial institutions and their management; class in 332.1

332 Dewey Decimal Classification 332

.1 Banks
Including bank failures; central banks; commercial banks; clearing banks,
clearing houses; international banks; banks for development of resources and
production in a specific region; international operations of commercial and
other banks, role of banks in international borrowing and debt; banks with
multiple outlets; branch banks, chain banks, interstate banking; bank holding
companies, mergers, syndicates; banking services
Class here banking; comprehensive works on money and banking, on financial
institutions and their functions
Class role of central bank in carrying out macroeconomic policy in 339.5;
class government guaranty of deposits in 368.8; class comprehensive works
on bank notes in 332.4; class comprehensive works on credit cards in 332.7;
class comprehensive works on international borrowing and debt in 336.3; class
comprehensive works on balance of payments in 382
For specialized banking institutions, development banks serving one
country, services of specialized banking institutions, see 332.2; for credit
and loan institutions, see 332.3; for money, see 332.4; for credit unions,
see 334. For a specific nonbanking activity of a bank, see the activity, e.g.,
banks selling real estate 333.33

.2 Specialized banking institutions

Including savings banks; mutual savings banks; postal savings banks; trust
companies; development banks serving one country
Class banks for development of agriculture in 332.3; class comprehensive
works on development banks in 332.1; class comprehensive works on thrift
institutions in 332.3
For international banks, see 332.1; for agricultural institutions, see 332.3;
for investment banks, see 332.66; for banking cooperatives, see 334

.3 Credit and loan institutions

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including credit and loan functions of enterprises whose primary function
is not credit and loan, e.g., credit function of retail stores, travel agencies;
agricultural institutions; savings and loan associations; comprehensive works
on thrift institutions; pawnshops; pawnbrokers, pawnbroking; consumer and
sales finance institutions; labor and employee banks; credit and loan functions
of insurance companies
Class interdisciplinary works on insurance companies in 368.006
For savings banks, see 332.2; for credit unions, see 334

332 Economics 332

.4 Money
Including forms and units of money; value of money; inflation, stagflation,
deflation; purchasing power; monetary standards; credit, fiat, paper money;
bank notes; legal tender; paper standard; foreign exchange; forward exchange
(foreign exchange futures), international monetary systems, special drawing
rights; monetary policy; currency question, managed currency
Class here mediums of exchange
Class barter, commercial paper, social credit money in 332; class the personal
financial problem of coping with changing value of money in 332.024; class
International Monetary Fund in 332.1; class fiscal policy in 336.3; class
comprehensive works on international finance in 332; class comprehensive
works on money and banking in 332.1; class comprehensive works on financial
futures in 332.63; class comprehensive works on speculation in 332.64; class
comprehensive works on purchasing power in 339.4; class comprehensive
works on economic stabilization policies, on wage-price policy in 339.5; class
comprehensive works on balance of payments in 382
For relation of central banks to monetary policy, see 332.1; for use of
monetary policy for economic stabilization, see 339.5. For a specific aspect
of coins not provided for here, see the aspect, e.g., coins as an investment
332.63, artistic aspect of coins 737.4
.401 Philosophy and theory
Including circulation and velocity theory, equation of exchange theory,
income and cash balance theories, quantity theory, supply and demand
[.409] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 332.4

.6 Investment
Including special topics of investment (e.g., investment for specific purposes);
securities brokers; investment brokers, investment counselors; international
exchange of securities
Class here investments, domestic investment, individual investment, private
investment; investment prospectuses, portfolio analysis and management
Class retirement investment plans in 332.024; class investment guides in
332.67; class real estate brokerage in 333.33; class description and analysis of
business enterprises issuing securities in 338.7; class comprehensive works on
international investment in 332.67
.601 Philosophy and theory
Do not use for forecasting; class in 332.67

332 Dewey Decimal Classification 332

.63 Specific forms of investment

Including art, coins, stamps; securities, real estate, commodities; valuation
(value); speculation in securities; comprehensive works on financial futures
Class here speculation in specific forms of investment
Class buying and selling procedures for securities and commodities
in 332.64; class investment in specific kinds of enterprises regardless
of form in 332.67; class real estate finance in 332.7; class buying and
selling procedures for real estate in 333.33; class comprehensive works
on fixed capital in 332; class speculation in multiple forms of investment,
comprehensive works on speculation, comprehensive works on futures in
332.64; class comprehensive works on real estate business in 333.33
For forward exchange (foreign exchange futures), see 332.4
[.630 1–.630 9] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 332.601–332.609
.64 Exchange of securities and commodities; speculation
Including stock exchanges, stock market; over-the-counter markets;
commodity futures and options markets; speculation in multiple forms of
Class here security and commodity exchanges
Class brokerage firms, international exchange of securities in 332.6; class
speculation in securities, speculation in specific forms of investment in
332.63; class guides to speculation in 332.67
See also 332.63 for advice on investing in specific forms of securities and
commodities; also 332.67 for general investment guides
.66 Investment banks
Class here investment banking, issuing houses
For international investment banks, see 332.1
See also 332.1 for investment services of commercial banks
.67 Investments in specific industries, in specific kinds of enterprise, by
specific kinds of investors; international investment; investment guides
Including investment in specific industries, in specific kinds of enterprises,
by specific kinds of investors; foreign investment; guides to domestic
investment in general, guides to investment by private investors in general,
by individual investors in general
Class investments by banks, international investment banking in 332.1;
class international exchange of securities in 332.6; class specific forms of
foreign investment, guides to specific forms of investment in 332.63; class
history and description of multinational business ventures and subsidiaries
in 338.8; class initiation of international business enterprises (including
subsidiaries) in 658.1. Class investment in a specific form of securities with
the form in 332.63, e.g., investment in railroad stocks 332.63 (not 332.67);
class a specific aspect of investment with the aspect in 332.64–332.66, e.g.,
speculation by pension funds 332.64 (not 332.67)

332 Economics 332

[.670 1–.670 9] Standard subdivisions

Do not use; class in 332.601–332.609

.7 Credit
Including agricultural credit; real estate finance and mortgages; discrimination
in mortgage loans; mortgage delinquencies and defaults; other forms of credit
(e.g., commercial, mercantile, industrial credit, personal loans); insolvency
and credit restrictions; bankruptcy; credit instruments; commercial paper;
comprehensive works on commercial paper
Class here loans
Class commercial paper as medium of exchange in 332; class credit functions
of banks, certificates of deposit in 332.1; class credit functions of specialized
banking institutions in 332.2; class credit functions of credit and loan
institutions in 332.3
For interest, see 332.8. For credit instruments issued by a specific type of
financial institution, see the type in 332.1, e.g., commercial banks 332.1

.8 Interest
Including usury; discount
See also 332.63 for interest rate futures

333 Economics of land and energy

Land: all natural and man-made resources over which possession of the earth gives
Standard subdivisions are added for land and energy together, for land alone
Including land surveys; work of chartered surveyors (United Kingdom); absentee
Class here land as a factor of production
For land surveying techniques, see 526.9. For a specific kind of land survey, see
the kind, e.g., public land surveys 333.1, land use surveys 333.73
See Manual at 333.73–333.78 vs. 333, 333.1–333.5

333.001–.009 Standard subdivisions
.01 Theories
.1 Public ownership of land
.2 Ownership of land by nongovernmental groups
.3 Private ownership of land
.5 Renting and leasing land
.7 Land, recreational and wilderness areas, energy
.8 Subsurface resources
.9 Other natural resources

.001 Philosophy and theory

Do not use for theories; class in 333.01
For land classification, see 333.7301

333 Dewey Decimal Classification 333

.002–.009 Standard subdivisions

.01 Theories
Including rent theories; economic rent
Class comprehensive works on rent in 333.5

> 333.1–333.5 Ownership of land

Ownership: right to possession and use; right to transfer of possession and use
Land: all natural and man-made resources over which possession of the earth
gives control
Class here the kind of control that stems from ownership; ownership of natural
Class comprehensive economic works on ownership of land in 333.3; class
interdisciplinary works on economic and legal aspects of ownership and transfer
of land in 346.04
See also 333.7–333.9 for usage of natural resources, for control of such
usage not stemming from ownership
See Manual at 333.73–333.78 vs. 333, 333.1–333.5

.1 Public ownership of land

Including acquisition and disposal of specific kinds of lands; evaluation of lands
for government acquisition; nationalization; public land surveys
Class public control of privately owned lands in 333.71; class surveys of public
land use in 333.73; class comprehensive works on land policy in 333.73; class
interdisciplinary works on land surveys in 333
See also 333.2 for ownership and control of land by peoples subordinate to
another jurisdiction; also 343 for law of public property

.2 Ownership of land by nongovernmental groups

Including common lands; enclosure of common lands; open-field system;
ownership and control of land by peoples subordinate to another jurisdiction,
e.g., lands of American native peoples in United States
For corporate ownership, see 333.3

.3 Private ownership of land

Including subdivision of private land; land reform; land redistribution,
settlement and resettlement of people on the land; types of tenure (e.g., feudal
tenure, individual tenure, corporate ownership)
Class here comprehensive works on land ownership (land tenure)
Class absentee ownership in 333
For public ownership, see 333.1; for ownership by nongovernmental groups,
see 333.2

333 Economics 333

.33 Transfer of possession and of right to use

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including consolidation of holdings; transfer of possession and use of
specific kinds of land (e.g., rural lands, industrial lands, urban lands,
buildings and other fixtures, other natural resources); value and price of
land; valuation (appraisal); sale and gift
Class here comprehensive works on real estate business
Class valuation for government acquisition and disposal in 333.1; class land
reform in 333.3; class valuation for tax purposes in 352.4
For government acquisition and disposal, see 333.1; for renting and
leasing, see 333.5; for real estate development, see 333.73
See also 332.63 for real estate investment; also 332.7 for real estate

.5 Renting and leasing land

Including tenancy; landlord-tenant relations; types of renting (e.g., cash renting,
share renting)
Class absentee ownership in 333; class renting and leasing specific kinds of land
in 333.33
For renting and leasing public land, see 333.1; for renting and leasing land
owned by nongovernmental groups other than private corporations and
partnerships, see 333.2; for sharecropping, see 333.33

> 333.7–333.9 Natural resources and energy

Aspects other than ownership
Class here raw materials
Class ownership of land and other natural resources in 333.1–333.5; class
pollution in 363.73; class economic geology in 553; class comprehensive works
on natural resources and energy in 333.7
See Manual at 333.7–333.9 vs. 363.1, 363.73, 577; also at 333.7–333.9 vs.
363.6; also at 333.7–333.9 vs. 508, 913–919, 930–990

.7 Land, recreational and wilderness areas, energy

Class here interdisciplinary works on the environment, on natural resources
Class environmentalism in 333.72
For ownership aspects of natural resources, see 333.1–333.5; for subsurface
resources, see 333.8; for natural resources other than land, recreational and
wilderness areas, energy, subsurface resources, see 333.9. For noneconomic
aspects of the environment, of natural resources, see the aspect, e.g.,
environmental protection 363.7, conservation technology 639.9
See Manual at 363 vs. 302–307, 333.7, 570–590, 600

333 Dewey Decimal Classification 333

333.71 General topics of land, recreational and wilderness areas, energy
.72 Conservation and protection
.73 Land
.74 Grasslands
.75 Forest lands
.76 Rural lands
.77 Urban lands
.78 Recreational and wilderness areas
.79 Energy

.71 General topics of land, recreational and wilderness areas, energy

Including reserves (stock, supply), requirements (need, demand),
consumption (utilization), environmental impact studies, development,
control of usage
Class interdisciplinary works on consumption in 339.4
For conservation and protection, see 333.72. For general topics with
respect to energy or a specific kind of natural resource, see the energy or
resource in 333.73–333.95, e.g., development of water resources 333.91
[.710 1–.710 9] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 333.701–333.709
.72 Conservation and protection
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Class here environmentalism, comprehensive works on conservation and
protection of natural resources
For conservation and protection with respect to energy or a specific
type of natural resource, see the resource in 333.73–333.95, e.g.,
conservation of wilderness areas 333.78
See Manual at 333.72 vs. 304.2, 320.58, 363.7
.73 Land
Aspects other than ownership
Including kinds of land by physical condition, e.g., mountainous land, sand
dunes; general topics of land (e.g., development, conservation); arid lands;
semiarid lands, desertification
Class here government policy on land; river basins
Class ownership aspects of land in 333.1–333.5; class soil and water
conservation in rural lands in 333.76; class real estate development in urban
lands, zoning of urban lands in 333.77; class pollution control in 363.739;
class comprehensive works on real estate business in 333.33
For kinds of land by use, see 333.74–333.78; for shorelands and related
areas, wetlands and submerged lands, see 333.91. For a specific type of
natural areas established for conservation, see the type, e.g., wilderness
areas 333.78
See Manual at 333.73–333.78 vs. 333, 333.1–333.5

333 Economics 333

> 333.74–333.78 Kinds of land by use

Class comprehensive works in 333.73
See Manual at 333.73–333.78 vs. 333, 333.1–333.5
.74 Grasslands
Class here grazing lands, pasture lands
.75 Forest lands
Class here national forests; jungles, rain forests, woodlands; old-growth
Class parks, recreational, wilderness areas in 333.78; class requirements for
timber discussed in terms of how much timber will need to be cut to meet
demand, utilization of forests to provide products for sale, development of
ways to exploit forest products, supply of cut timber, comprehensive works
on timber in 338.1
See also 333.95 for wood as a fuel
.76 Rural lands
Including mined lands; surface-mined lands
Class here agricultural lands
Class rural lands of a specific physical condition not devoted to a specific
use in 333.73; class rural recreational lands in 333.78
For grasslands, see 333.74; for forest lands, see 333.75
.77 Urban lands
Including commercial, industrial, residential lands; streets
Class urban mined lands in 333.76; class urban recreational lands in 333.78
.78 Recreational and wilderness areas
Standard subdivisions are added for recreational and wilderness areas
together, for recreational areas alone
Including parks; specific kinds of recreational and wilderness areas
Class wildlife, wildlife refuges in 333.95
See also 363.6 for park and recreation services

333 Dewey Decimal Classification 333

.79 Energy
Including renewable energy resources; alternative energy resources; energy
for specific uses
Class here power resources, production of energy, interdisciplinary works on
Class electric power, distribution of electricity derived from renewable
energy resources in 333.793; class extraction of energy resources and
comprehensive works on the economics of mineral fuels in 338.2; class
comprehensive works on production economics of processing and
manufacturing fuels in 338.4; class interdisciplinary works on mineral fuels
in 553. Class a specific kind of energy for specific uses with the kind of
energy, e.g., energy from petroleum for transportation use 333.8 (not 333.79)
For a specific renewable or alternative energy resource, see the
resource, e.g., solar energy 333.792; for a specific energy resource
not provided for here, see the resource, e.g., fossil fuels 333.8; for a
specific form of energy not provided for here, see the form, e.g., wind
energy 333.9; for a noneconomic aspect of energy, see the aspect, e.g.,
technology of photovoltaic power generation 621.31
.791 General topics of energy
Including energy conservation
Class utilization of waste heat in 333.793
.792 Primary forms of energy
Resources used directly to perform work, to produce other forms of
Including solar energy; nuclear energy; electricity derived from nuclear
Class distribution of electricity derived from solar energy, distribution of
electricity derived from nuclear energy in 333.793; class nuclear fuels in
.793 Secondary forms of energy
Energy produced through use of other resources
Including cogeneration of electric power and heat, district heating, waste
heat; electrical energy; electricity derived from fossil fuels, electrical
utilities, comprehensive works on electrical energy; energy from waste
Class economics of synthetic fuel production, production economics of
making fuel from waste materials in 338.4; class chemical technology of
energy from waste materials in 662
For energy from biological wastes, see 333.95. For secondary forms
of energy derived from a specific resource, see the resource, e.g.,
electricity derived from nuclear energy 333.792; for electricity
derived from a specific resource other than fossil fuels, see the
resource, e.g., electricity derived from water 333.91

333 Economics 333

.8 Subsurface resources
Including general topics of subsurface resources (e.g., conservation); fossil
fuels; nonrenewable fuels; minerals; geothermal energy; electricity derived from
geothermal energy, thermal waters
Class here strategic materials
Class mined lands, including surface-mined lands, in 333.76; class nuclear
energy in 333.792; class electricity derived from fossil fuels, distribution of
electricity derived from geothermal energy in 333.793; class extraction of
subsurface resources and comprehensive works on the economics of subsurface
resources, comprehensive works on the economics of minerals in 338.2; class
interdisciplinary works on subsurface resources, interdisciplinary works on
nonmetallic minerals in 553; class interdisciplinary works on metals in 669
For ownership aspects of subsurface resources, see 333.1–333.5; for
groundwater, see 333.91; for development, see 338.2

.9 Other natural resources

Including air; wind energy, use of wind for generation of electricity; space
Class distribution of wind-generated electricity in 333.793; class
industrialization of space in 338.09
For ownership aspects of other natural resources, see 333.1–333.5
.91 Water and lands adjoining bodies of water
Standard subdivisions are added for water and lands adjoining bodies of
water together, for water alone
Including groundwater; water for specific uses (e.g., water for domestic and
industrial uses, water for irrigation, water for generation of energy, water for
transportation); general topics of water (e.g., development, conservation);
hydroelectricity; specific bodies of water (e.g., rivers and streams, lakes and
ponds, oceans and seas); lands adjoining bodies of water; coasts, seashores,
shorelands; wetlands and submerged lands
Class here aquatic resources, comprehensive works on the economics of
aquatic resources
Class river basins, comprehensive works on soil and water conservation in
333.73; class interdisciplinary works on water in 553.7
For recreational use, see 333.78; for subsurface thermal waters, see
333.8. For a specific aspect of water not provided for here, see the
aspect, e.g., recreational use of water and lands adjoining bodies
of water 333.78, regulation and control of distribution of water to
consumers 363.6; for a specific aquatic resource, see the resource, e.g.,
minerals 333.8, fishes 333.95
See Manual at 363.6
.910 01–.910 09 Standard subdivisions

333 Dewey Decimal Classification 333

.95 Biological resources

Including specific taxonomic groups of animals (e.g., invertebrates, fishes,
reptiles and amphibians, birds, specific kinds of mammals); specific kinds
of biological resources (e.g., rare and endangered species, nonnative species,
aquatic biological resources); plants and microorganisms; animals; wildlife;
comprehensive works on mammals, on vertebrates
Class here biodiversity, biosphere
Class catches from fishing, whaling, hunting, trapping industries; economics
of hunting, economics of fishing in 338.3
For production economics of making biomass fuel, see 338.4; for
germ plasm, plant varieties in agriculture, see 631.5; for biomass
fuel engineering, see 662; for forests, comprehensive works on timber
resources, see 333.75
See Manual at 333.95 vs. 639.97

334 Cooperatives
Including housing cooperatives; building cooperatives; banking and credit
cooperatives; consumer cooperatives; producers’ cooperatives; marketing,
production cooperatives; benefit societies; benevolent, friendly, fraternal benefit,
mutual aid, provident societies
Class comprehensive works on thrift institutions in 332.3. Class a specific function
of a benefit society with the function, e.g., insurance 368.3

335 Socialism and related systems

Standard subdivisions are added for socialism and related systems together, for
socialism alone
Including non-Marxian and quasi-Marxian socialism (e.g., systems of English
origin, systems of French origin, systems of American origin); utopian systems and
schools; Christian socialism; other systems (e.g., syndicalism, anarchism)
Class here schools of thought featuring planned economies, state socialism,
interdisciplinary works on socialism and related systems
Class socialism (communism), comparisons of Communism (Marxism-Leninism)
with other systems in 335.43; class socialism (democratic socialism) in 335.5; class
national socialism in 335.6
For anarchism as a political ideology, see 320.5; for socialism as a political
ideology, Christian socialism as a political ideology, see 320.53; for socialist
and communist political parties, see 324.2. For a specific topic of economics
treated from a socialist or communist point of view, see the topic in economics,
e.g., interest 332.8
See Manual at 335 vs. 306.3, 320.53
.001–.009 Standard subdivisions

335 Economics 335

.4 Marxian systems
Including philosophic foundations, economic concepts, aims; Marxian
systems, 1848–1917 (e.g., early Communism, 1848–1875, scientific socialism,
Class here Marxism
Class scientific socialism of Lenin (Marxism-Leninism) in 335.43; class
comprehensive works on dialectical materialism in 146
For democratic Marxian systems, democratic socialism, see 335.5
.401 Philosophy
Do not use for philosophic foundations; class in 335.4. Do not use for
comprehensive works on theory of Marxian systems; class in 335.4
.409 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for 19th century, 1900–1917; class in 335.4
.43 Communism (Marxism-Leninism)
Including Trotskyist doctrines; national variants as schools of thought (e.g.,
communism of Yugoslavia [1918–1991], Chinese communism, Asian
national variants, Cuban communism [Castroism]); comparative studies
Class here former Soviet communism, democratic centralism
For communism as a political ideology, see 320.53
.430 9 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for national variants as schools of thought; class in 335.43

.5 Democratic socialism
Marxian and non-Marxian socialism
Class Fabian socialism, Christian socialism in 335
See also 307.77 for voluntary socialist communities

.6 Fascism
Class here falangism, national socialism, Neo-Nazism
For fascism as a political ideology, see 320.53

336 Public finance

Including public finance by governmental level (e.g., public finance at state and
provincial level, public finance at local level); public finance in three or more
jurisdictions at a specific level
Class here intergovernmental fiscal relations, comprehensive works on public
finance and financial administration of governments
Class public finance at a specific level in one or two specific jurisdictions in
ancient world in 336.093
For public financial administration and budgets, see 352.4
See Manual at 332, 336 vs. 339
336 Dewey Decimal Classification 336

336.001–.008 Standard subdivisions
.02–.09 [Revenue; history, geographic treatment, biography; associations of
sovereign states]
.1 Nontax revenues
.2 Taxes
.3 Public debt and expenditures
.4–.9 Public finance of specific continents, countries, localities in modern world

.001–.005 Standard subdivisions

.006 Organizations
Class associations of sovereign states in 336
[.006 8] Management
Do not use; class in 352.4
.007–.008 Standard subdivisions
[.009] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for treatment by governmental level; class in 336. Do not
use for history and biography, for treatment by areas, regions, places in
general, for ancient world; class in 336.09
[.009 4–.009 9] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use; class in 336.4–336.9
.02 Revenue
For specific forms of revenue, see 336.1–336.2
[.020 91] Areas, regions, places in general
Do not use; class in 336.02
[.020 93–.020 99] Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use; class in 336.02
.09 History; areas, regions, places in general; associations of sovereign
states; biography; ancient world
.091 Areas, regions, places in general; associations of sovereign states
Class regional associations limited to specific continents in 336
.091 7 Socioeconomic regions
Add to base number 336.0917 the numbers following —17 in notation
171–173 from Table 2, e.g., public finance in developing countries
Class regional associations of sovereign states in 336
.092 Biography
.093 Ancient world
Add to base number 336.093 the numbers following —3 in notation
31–39 from Table 2, e.g., public finance in the Roman Empire 336.0937

336 Economics 336

> 336.1–336.2 Specific forms of revenue

Class comprehensive works in 336.02

.1 Nontax revenues
Including commercial revenues (e.g., commercial revenues from public lands,
commercial revenues from deposits, investments, loans); administrative
revenues; revenues from lotteries; intergovernmental and intragovernmental
revenues; revenue from public industries and services
For public borrowing, see 336.3

.2 Taxes
Including general topics of taxes (e.g., taxes by governmental level, tax reform,
provisions that allow tax avoidance, business taxes); personal property taxes;
poll taxes; customs (tariff); other taxes; principles of taxation (e.g., kinds of
rate, incidence)
Class here taxation, internal (inland) revenue, interdisciplinary works on taxes
Class estate planning in 332.024; class taxes in one or two specific jurisdictions
at a specific level, national taxes in specific nations, state and provincial
taxes in specific states or provinces, local taxes in specific local jurisdictions
in 336.20093–336.20099; class comprehensive works on property taxes in
336.22; class comprehensive works on taxes on personal wealth in 336.24; class
interdisciplinary works on customs (tariff) in 382. Class principles of specific
kinds of taxes with the kind, e.g., real property taxes 336.22
For tax law, see 343.04; for tax administration, see 352.4
See Manual at 343.04–343.06 vs. 336.2, 352.4
.200 1–.200 8 Standard subdivisions
.200 9 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for general works on taxes by governmental level; class in
.22 Real property taxes
Variant name: rates (United Kingdom)
Including rates and assessment; specific kinds of real property
Class here comprehensive works on property taxes
Class personal property taxes in 336.2; class comprehensive works on taxes
on personal wealth in 336.24

336 Dewey Decimal Classification 336

.24 Income taxes

Including general topics of income taxes (e.g., reform, provisions that allow
tax avoidance, taxes on business income); personal income taxes (individual
income taxes); corporate income taxes
Class here comprehensive works on taxes on personal wealth
Class estate, inheritance, gift taxes, comprehensive works on business taxes
in 336.2
For property taxes, see 336.22
.249 Social security taxes
Class actuarial and administrative aspects of finance for social security,
actuarial and administrative aspects of rates and rate making for social
security in 368.4

.3 Public debt and expenditures

Including government securities; public borrowing; debt management; public
Class here fiscal policy, comprehensive works on monetary and fiscal policy
Class tax expenditure in 336.2; class comprehensive works on government
securities in 332.63
For role of banks in international borrowing and debts, see 332.1; for
monetary policy, see 332.4; for use of fiscal and monetary policy in
economic stabilization, expenditure in macroeconomic policy, see 339.5. For
expenditures by a specific agency or on a specific activity, see the agency or
activity in 352–354, e.g., expenditures on transportation 354.76

.4–.9 Public finance of specific continents, countries, localities in modern

Add to base number 336 notation 4–9 from Table 2, e.g., public finance
of Australia 336.94; however, class general works on public finance by
governmental level in 336

337 International economics

Class here international economic planning; comprehensive works on international
economic relations, on international economic cooperation
For a specific aspect of international economics not provided for here, see the
aspect, e.g., multinational business enterprises 338.8, international commerce
[.093–.099] Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use; class in 337.3–337.9

337 Economics 337

.1 Multilateral economic cooperation

Including European multilateral cooperation (e.g., European Union, European
Free Trade Association [EFTA], Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
Class here economic integration, multilateral agreements and multistate
organizations for economic cooperation
Class bilateral economic cooperation in 337; class interdisciplinary works on
intergovernmental organizations in 341.2
For trade agreements, see 382
See Manual at 337.3–337.9 vs. 337.1
.109 History and biography
Do not use for geographic treatment; class in 337.1

.3–.9 Foreign economic policies and relations of specific jurisdictions and

groups of jurisdictions
Class here bilateral economic cooperation
Add to base number 337 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., economic policy of
United Kingdom 337.41; then, for foreign economic relations between two
jurisdictions or groups of jurisdictions, add 0* and to the result add notation 1–9
from Table 2, e.g., economic relations between United Kingdom and France
Give priority in notation to the jurisdiction or group of jurisdictions emphasized.
If the emphasis is equal, give priority to the one coming first in Table 2
(Option: Give priority in notation to the jurisdiction or group of jurisdictions
requiring local emphasis, e.g., libraries in the United States class foreign
economic relations between the United States and France in 337.73044)
Class multilateral economic cooperation in 337.1
See Manual at 337.3–337.9 vs. 337.1
*Add 00 for standard subdivisions; see instructions at beginning of Table 1
338 Dewey Decimal Classification 338

338 Production
Including comprehensive and theoretical works on factors of production; products
and services; entrepreneurship; production efficiency; industrial productivity
Class here interdisciplinary works on industry, on production
Class conservation of energy in 333.791; class factors of production as part
of industrial conditions and situation in 338.09; class specific products in
338.1–338.4; class services alone in 338.4; class factors of production as costs of
production, general production economics in 338.5; class consumption in 339.4;
class shipments and sales in 381
For specific factors of production, see 331–333; for labor productivity,
see 331.11; for production economics of financial industries, see 332; for
production economics of real estate business, see 333.33; for production
economics of energy production, see 333.79; for economics of cooperative
production, see 334; for production economics of insurance industry, see
368; for commerce, communications, transportation, see 380. For effect of
technological innovations on a specific aspect of the economy, see the aspect,
e.g., effect on working conditions 331.25, effect on banking 332.1; for a specific
noneconomic aspect of industry and production, see the aspect, e.g., law of
industry 343.07, production technology 620–690
See Manual at T1—025 vs. T1—029; also at 332 vs. 338, 658.15; also at 363.5,
363.6, 363.8 vs. 338

338.001–.008 Standard subdivisions
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography
.1 Agriculture
.2 Extraction of minerals
.3 Other extractive industries
.4 Secondary industries and services
.5 General production economics
.6 Organization of production
.7 Business enterprises
.8 Combinations
.9 Economic development and growth

.001 Philosophy and theory

Do not use for forecasting of products and services; class in 338. Do not
use for general production forecasting; class in 338.5
For a specific theory, see the theory, e.g., law of diminishing marginal
utility 338.5
.002–.008 Standard subdivisions
[.009] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 338.09
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography
Class here history, geographic treatment, biography of general principles
and theories; existing and potential resources for production, industrial
conditions and situation, industrial surveys, location of industry
Class a specific resource with the resource, e.g., water for power 333.91

338 Economics 338

[.090 09] History

Do not use; class in 338.09
.091–.099 Geographic treatment and biography
Add to base number 338.09 notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., industrial
surveys of Canada 338.0971
.092 Biography
Number built according to instructions under 338.091–338.099
See Manual at 338.092

> 338.1–338.4 Specific kinds of industries

Class here finance, general production economics of specific kinds of industries
Class results of market surveys; supply and demand in relation to trade, to
marketing opportunities in 381; class comprehensive works in 338; class
interdisciplinary works on capital formation in 332
For financial industries, see 332; for credit for specific kinds of industries,
see 332.7; for real estate business, see 333.33; for energy production,
see 333.79; for cooperatives in specific kinds of industries, see 334; for
organization of production in specific kinds of industries, see 338.6; for
business enterprises other than cooperatives in specific kinds of industries,
see 338.7; for commerce, communications, transportation, see 380. For
biographies of entrepreneurs in a specific kind of industry, see the kind of
industry in 338.6–338.8, e.g., biographies of small-business owners 338.6,
biographies of entrepreneurs in textile manufacturing 338.7; for biographies
of people known for their contributions in a specific type of technology, see
the type of technology in 600, e.g., biographies of mining engineers 622.092

> 338.1–338.3 Primary industries (Extractive industries)

Class comprehensive works in 338

338 Dewey Decimal Classification 338

.1 Agriculture
Including financial aspects; capital formation and other investment in
agriculture, costs, prices received by farmers, farm income; factors affecting
production; production efficiency; agricultural productivity; science,
technological innovation in agriculture; products; surpluses and shortages of
farm products, forecasts and projections of supply and demand; government
farm policies; acreage allotments, agricultural credit, drought relief, price
supports, subsidies; food supply; economic causes and effects of, economic
remedies for maladjustments in food supply; measures for attaining and
maintaining adequate amounts of food; food requirements (demand); reserves
(stocks, supply) of food; prices of food to the consumer; comprehensive works
on the economics of production, storage, distribution of food
Class energy conservation in agriculture in 333.79; class agricultural
cooperatives in 334; class specific producers in 338.7; class interdisciplinary
works on food supply in 363.8
For labor productivity, see 331.11; for agricultural credit, see 332.7; for
uncut timber, timber reserves, demand for timber, see 333.75; for food
processing, see 338.4; for distribution of food, see 381
See Manual at 332 vs. 338, 658.15; also at 338.1 vs. 631.5; also at 363.5,
363.6, 363.8 vs. 338

.2 Extraction of minerals
Including financial aspects; capital formation and other investment in industries
engaged in extraction of minerals; costs, income, prices; production efficiency;
industrial productivity; products
Class here extraction of energy resources, comprehensive works on economics
of extraction and processing of minerals and energy resources
Class conservation of mineral and energy resources in 333.7–333.9; class mined
lands in 333.76; class energy conservation in mineral extraction industries in
333.79; class supply in storage, shortages, surpluses, demand, and projections of
these in 333.8; class specific producers doing extraction only, specific producers
doing both extraction and processing in 338.7; class supply in nature in 553
For labor productivity, see 331.11; for industrial credit, see 332.7; for
processing of minerals and raw materials of energy, see 338.4
See Manual at 332 vs. 338, 658.15

.3 Other extractive industries

Including financial aspects, production efficiency; products of culture of
invertebrates and cold-blooded vertebrates, aquaculture; products of fishing,
whaling, hunting, trapping
Class energy conservation in extractive industries in 333.79; class supply of
uncaught animals in nature, statistics of catches of animals used in estimating
the supply of uncaught animals in nature, measures to increase supply of
animals in nature in 333.95; class specific producers in 338.7
For industrial credit, see 332.7; for insect culture, see 338.1
See Manual at 332 vs. 338, 658.15

338 Economics 338

.4 Secondary industries and services

Standard subdivisions are added for secondary industries and services together,
for secondary industries alone
Including financial aspects; capital formation and other investments, costs,
income, prices; production efficiency; industrial productivity; professional
services; services and specific products; quantities produced, shortages,
surpluses, stockpiles, forecasts and projections of supply and demand;
comprehensive works on service industries, on economics of services;
government policies
Class here products of secondary industries
Class energy conservation in secondary industries in 333.79; class specific
producers in 338.7; class comprehensive works on products in 338
For labor productivity, see 331.11; for production economics of
financial industries, see 332; for industrial credit, see 332.7; for
production economics of real estate business, see 333.33; for production
economics of energy production, see 333.79; for production economics of
cooperative enterprises, see 334; for production economics of commerce,
communications, transportation, see 380
See Manual at 332 vs. 338, 658.15

.5 General production economics

Including risk; costs; price determination, effects of changes, comprehensive
works on prices; economic fluctuations
Class here microeconomics (economics of the firm)
Class forecasts of economic situation in 330.9001; class effect of money on
prices in 332.4; class production economics of specific kinds of industries
in 338.1–338.4; class comprehensive works on economic forecasting in
330.01; class comprehensive works on factors of production in 338; class
comprehensive works on economic stabilization in 339.5. Class comprehensive
economic works on a specific period of prosperity or depression with the
economic conditions of the specific time or place in 330.9, e.g., worldwide
depression in 1930s 330.9, economic prosperity in Germany, 1949–1962
For Marxian labor theory of value, see 335.4; for organization of
production, see 338.6. For a specific aspect of prices not provided for here,
see the aspect, e.g., effects of prices on the whole economy 339.4
.501 Philosophy and theory
Do not use for forecasting; class in 338.5

338 Dewey Decimal Classification 338

.6 Organization of production
Including special topics of organization of production (e.g., finance, location,
specialization and comparative advantage, competition and restraint); private
enterprise; public enterprise; systems of production; size of enterprises;
factory system; worker control of industry; employee ownership, worker
Class here organization of production in specific kinds of industries
Class role of unions in achieving worker control of industry in 331.88; class
guild socialism, syndicalism in 335; class finance of specific kinds of industries
in 338.1–338.4; class relation of size of enterprise to cost of production in
338.5; class specific types of enterprises of specific sizes in 338.7–338.8;
class monopoly and monopolies in 338.8; class works on specialization and
comparative advantage that emphasize international commerce in 382; class
employee participation in management in 658.3; class interdisciplinary works
on capital formation in 332
For employee stock ownership plans, see 331.2; for business enterprises and
their structure, see 338.7
See Manual at 338.092

.7 Business enterprises
Not limited to private or capitalist enterprises
Including specific kinds of business enterprises (e.g., individual proprietorships,
partnerships, corporations); initiation and dissolution of business enterprises;
business enterprises by industry; specific individual business enterprises,
biographies of entrepreneurs in specific fields
Class here structure of business enterprises; interdisciplinary works on business
enterprises, on organizations for production
For financial institutions, see 332.1–332.6; for real estate business
enterprises, see 333.33; for enterprises engaged in production of
energy, see 333.79; for cooperatives, see 334; for combinations, see
338.8; for insurance companies, see 368.006; for enterprises engaged
in commerce, communications, transportation, see 380. For a specific
aspect of government corporations, see the aspect, e.g., law 346, public
administration of government corporations 352.2; for biographies of people
known for their contribution to technology, see the kind of contribution in
600, plus notation 092 from Table 1, e.g., biographies of mining engineers
See Manual at T1—025 vs. T1—029; also at 338.092

338 Economics 338

.8 Combinations
Organization and structure for massive production and control of production
Including special topics of combinations (e.g., kinds of combinations);
specific forms of combinations and their practices (e.g., mergers, trusts,
holding companies, informal arrangements); restrictive practices; monopoly
and monopolies, oligopoly and oligopolies; acquisitions, amalgamations;
multinational business enterprises; foreign-owned and mostly foreign-owned
enterprises, enterprises with mostly international operations
Class here antitrust policies, economic concentration
Class price determination in 338.5
For combinations of financial institutions, see 332.1–332.6; for
combinations of real estate business enterprises, see 333.33; for
combinations of enterprises engaged in energy production, see 333.79;
for combinations of cooperatives, see 334; for combinations of enterprises
in the insurance industry, see 368.006; for combinations of enterprises
engaged in commerce, communications, transportation, see 380
See Manual at 338.092

.9 Economic development and growth

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including autarky and interdependence; specific policies (e.g., subsidies
and grants, nationalization, privatization, information policy, appropriate
Class here economic planning, government policies and programs
For economic development and growth with respect to specific kinds of
industries, see 338.1–338.4. For economic development and growth with
respect to a specific subject not provided for here, see the subject, e.g.,
international development banks 332.1
See also 330.12 for planned economies
See Manual at 338.9 vs. 352.7, 500
.900 1–.900 8 Standard subdivisions
.900 9 History, geographic treatment, biography
[.900 93–.900 99] Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use; class in 338.93–338.99
.91 International development and growth
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Class here assistance by international organizations, foreign aid, technical
Class foreign economic policies and relations of specific jurisdictions and
groups of jurisdictions in 337

338 Dewey Decimal Classification 338

.910 91 Areas, regions, places in general

Do not use for assistance given by specific groups of jurisdictions
in areas, regions, places in general to other jurisdictions; class in
Class here assistance given to specific groups of jurisdictions in
areas, regions, places in general
.910 93–.910 99 Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use for assistance given by specific jurisdictions and
groups of jurisdictions to other jurisdictions; class in 338.91
Class here assistance given to specific jurisdictions and groups of
.93–.99 Economic development and growth in specific continents, countries,
Add to base number 338.9 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., economic
planning in United Kingdom in 338.941; however, do not add notation from
Table 1 for standard subdivisions
Subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading

339 Macroeconomics and related topics

Standard subdivisions are added for macroeconomics and related topics together,
for macroeconomics alone
For economic fluctuations, see 338.5
See Manual at 332, 336 vs. 339

.2 Distribution of income and wealth

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including distribution of income and wealth among factors of production;
distribution of aggregate personal income and wealth; consumer income,
household income; input-output analysis (interindustry analysis); flow-of-funds
Class product and income accounts in 339.3; class factors affecting income and
wealth, income in relation to consumption, household budget, poverty in 339.4;
class income redistribution, transfer payments in 339.5

.3 Product and income accounts

Including product accounts; gross domestic product (GDP), gross national
product (GNP); net national product (NNP), national income (NI), personal
income (PI), disposable personal income (DPI)
For distribution of income and wealth, distribution of aggregate personal
income, see 339.2; for factors affecting income and wealth, see 339.4
[.309 3–.309 9] Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use for specific countries and localities; class in

339 Economics 339

.33–.39 Product and income accounts of specific continents, countries, localities

Class here product accounts of specific continents, income accounts of
specific continents
Add to base number 339.3 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., gross national
product of United States 339.373
Subdivisions are added for product accounts, income accounts, or both

.4 Factors affecting income and wealth

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including income in relation to consumption; cost of living; purchasing power,
effect of prices on consumers; savings and investment; capital formation;
poverty; economic causes of poverty; standard of living, interdisciplinary works
on consumption; consumption of specific products and services, of specific
groups of products and services; conservation of economic resources
Class price statistics and indexes in 338.5; class government spending in 339.5;
class consumption as a measure of marketing opportunities or volume and
value of trade in 381; class comprehensive works on poverty in 362.5; class
interdisciplinary works on capital formation and saving in 332
For sociology of consumption, see 306.3; for purchasing power of money,
see 332.4; for consumption as utilization of natural resources and energy,
see 333.71; for conservation of natural resources, see 333.72; for economic
stabilization, see 339.5

.5 Macroeconomic policy
Including use of fiscal policy; income redistribution; use of monetary policy
Class here incomes policy (wage-price policy), economic stabilization and
growth, equilibrium, full employment policy
Class wage-price policies of specific jurisdictions in 331.2; class comprehensive
works on relation of central banks to monetary policy in 332.1; class
comprehensive works on monetary policy in 332.4
For wage policy, see 331.2; for measures to combat inflation, see 332.4;
for price policy, measures to control economic fluctuations, see 338.5; for
measures to promote growth and development, see 338.9

340 Law
Including methodology, schools of thought; comparative law; law reform
Class here jurisprudence
Class theory of specific legal systems in 340.5; class comparison of specific
branches of law in 342–347; class interdisciplinary works on equal protection of
the law in 323.42
See Manual at 340, 342–347 vs. 340.5; also at 342–349

340 Dewey Decimal Classification 340

340.02–.09 Standard subdivisions
.5–.9 [Legal systems, conflict of laws]
341 Law of nations
342 Constitutional and administrative law
343 Military, defense, public property, public finance, tax, commerce (trade),
industrial law
344 Labor, social service, education, cultural law
345 Criminal law
346 Private law
347 Procedure and courts
348 Laws, regulations, cases
349 Law of specific jurisdictions, areas, socioeconomic regions, regional
intergovernmental organizations

[.01] Philosophy and theory

Do not use; class in 340

> 340.02–340.09 Standard subdivisions

Class comprehensive works in 340
See Manual at 340.02–340.09 vs. 349
.02 Miscellany
.023 Law as a profession, occupation, hobby
Class here legal personnel, nature of duties, characteristics of profession
Class professional ethics of legal personnel in 174. Class works that
emphasize procedures of work performed by legal personnel with the
subject without adding notation 023 from Table 1, e.g., works that
emphasize procedures of conducting a lawsuit 347
.03–.08 Standard subdivisions
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography of law
Do not use for history and geographic treatment of law of traditional
societies; class in 340.5. Do not use for comprehensive works on law of
specific jurisdictions and areas in modern world; class in 349
[.091 7] Socioeconomic regions
Do not use; class in 349
.092 Biography
Do not use for theorists; class in 340
[.093] Ancient world
Do not use; class in 340.5

340 Law 340

.5 Legal systems
History and theory
Including medieval, modern, religious systems of law (e.g., medieval European
law, civil law systems, common law systems, Jewish law, Islamic law); law of
traditional societies; ethnological jurisprudence; ancient law; Roman law; fiqh,
Class here customary law
Class conflict of laws on a specific subject in specific systems of law (e.g.,
conflict of divorce laws in ancient Roman law, conflict of divorce laws in civil
law) in 340.9; class comprehensive works on Roman-derived law in specific
jurisdictions and areas in modern world in 349. Class a specific subject in
specific systems of law with the subject in 342–347, e.g., ancient criminal law
of Rome 345.37; class religious and ceremonial laws of a specific religious
body with the body, e.g., Christian canon law 262.9
For religious and ceremonial law of Judaism, see 296.1; for religious
and ceremonial law of Islam, fiqh and sharia in relation to religious and
ceremonial laws and decisions, see 297.1
See Manual at 340, 342–347 vs. 340.5

.9 Conflict of laws
Body of rules governing choice of jurisdiction in cases in private law that fall
under laws of two or more such jurisdictions
Class here private international law
Class comparative law in 340
For domestic conflict of laws, see 342. For a specific aspect of conflict of
laws and of private international law not provided for here, see the aspect in
342–345, e.g., citizenship 342.08, air transportation 343.09
See also 341 for international law
See Manual at 340.9

341 Dewey Decimal Classification 341

341 Law of nations

Including texts of treaties, codes, cases; conventions, protocols; relation of law
of nations and domestic law; works on whether domestic law or law of nations
prevails in a certain situation; sources of law of nations (treaties, judicial decisions,
custom, general principles of law, works of publicists [theorists]); critical works on
individual publicists
Class here international law, public international law
Class the law of a nation or lesser jurisdiction that carries out the provisions of
an international agreement in 342–347; class comprehensive works on treaties in
341.3; class comprehensive works on public law in 342. Class texts of treaties,
codes, cases on a specific subject in law of nations with the subject in 341.2–341.7,
e.g., texts of treaties on European Union 341.242; class writings of publicists on
a specific subject with the subject in 341–347, e.g., international rivers 341.4,
international commerce 343; class texts of treaties, codes, cases on a specific
subject in domestic law with the subject in 342–347, e.g., texts of commercial
treaties 346.07
See also 340.9 for private international law
See Manual at 341 vs. 327
(Option: Class law of nations of a specific subject with the subject, plus notation
026 from Table 1, e.g., international law of diplomacy 327.2026 [not 341.3])
.092 Biography
Do not use for critical works on individual publicists; class in 341

.2 The world community

Including world government; non-self-governing territories; colonies; areas
having special status in international law
Class here international legal personality

> 341.22–341.24 Intergovernmental organizations

Class here legal responsibilities of officials; privileges and immunities;
interdisciplinary works on intergovernmental organizations
Class comprehensive works on intergovernmental organizations in 341.24;
class interdisciplinary works on international organizations in 060. Class
comprehensive works on the laws of a specific intergovernmental organization
with the organization in 349, e.g., laws of European Union 349.24
For administration of intergovernmental organizations, see 352.11. For a
specialized intergovernmental organization, see the subject with which it
deals, plus notation 06 from Table 1, e.g., Interpol 363.206; for a nonlegal
aspect of an intergovernmental organization, see the aspect, e.g., economic
aspects of European Union 337.1; for legal aspects of a specialized
intergovernmental organization, see the subject with which it deals in
341–347, e.g., Interpol 345; for treaties, codes, cases on a specific subject in
domestic law of a non-specialized intergovernmental organization, see the
specific subject in 342–347, e.g., economic law of European Union 343.2407

341 Law 341

.22 League of Nations

Including functions, activities, organization, general relations with specific
[.220 68] Management
Do not use; class in 352.11
.23 United Nations
Including functions and activities; organization; rules of procedure;
admission and membership; general relations with specific nations
Class a specific function or activity with the function or activity in 341–347,
e.g., role in the peaceful settlement of disputes 341.5, role of UNICEF in
child welfare 344.03; class relations dealing with a specific subject with the
subject in 341–347, e.g., United Nations peacekeeping operations in Serbia
341.5, United Nations human rights activities in the United States 342.7308
For Secretariat, see 352.11
[.230 68] Management
Do not use; class in 352.11
.24 Regional organizations
Including Atlantic regional organizations; Western Hemisphere regional
organizations; Pacific regional organizations; Asian regional organizations;
African regional organizations
For comprehensive works on the laws of regional intergovernmental
organizations, see 349.2

341 Dewey Decimal Classification 341

.242 European regional organizations

Including Council of Europe; European Union; European Common
Market, European Community, European Economic Community;
Council for Mutual Economic Assistance
Class political integration of European Union member states in 320.9;
class legislative process in European Union in 328; class economic
integration of European Union member states in 337.1. Class laws
promulgated by Council of Europe with the subject in 341–347, e.g.,
protection of rights of individuals 342.2408; class laws promulgated
by European Union with the subject in 341–347, e.g., copyright laws
346.2404; class relations dealing with a specific subject with the subject
in 341–347, e.g., relations concerning antitrust law and competition law
343.2407, effect of European Union law on national law of Germany
For European Court of Human Rights, see 342.2408. For relationship
of European Union law on a specific branch or subject of law
with national law of a specific member state, see the branch or
subject of national law in 342–347, e.g., Italian labor law regulated
by European Union law 344.4501; for comprehensive works on
relationship of European Union law on a specific branch or subject
and national law of member countries, see the branch or subject in
342–347 plus the notation for European regional intergovernmental
organizations, e.g., effect of European Union law on labor law of
member states 344.2401; for comprehensive works on relationship
of European Union law and national law of a specific member state,
see the national law in 349, e.g., effect of European Union law on
national law of Italy 349.45
[.242 01–.242 09] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 341.242
.26 States
Including recognition of states and governments; mergers,
self-determination, liability, sovereignty, succession of states; liability of
states to aliens
Class liability of states with respect to a specific subject in law of nations
with the subject in 341.2–341.7, e.g., liability for damages caused by testing
nuclear weapons 341.7; class liability of states with respect to a specific
subject in other branches of law with the subject in 342–347, e.g., liability
for breach of contract 346.02
For semisovereign states, see 341.27; for relations between states, see
341.3; for jurisdiction over physical space, see 341.4
.27 Semisovereign states
Including mandates, protectorates, trusteeships

341 Law 341

.3 Relations between states

Including diplomatic law; consular law; treaties
Class general collections of texts of treaties, treaties as sources of law of nations
in 341; class officials and employees of intergovernmental organizations in
341.22–341.24; class interdisciplinary works on diplomacy in 327.2. Class
treaties on a specific subject in law of nations with the subject in 341.2–341.7,
e.g., disarmament treaties 341.7; class treaties on a specific subject in domestic
law with the subject in 342–347, e.g., copyright treaties 346.04
For jurisdictional relations, see 341.4; for disputes and conflicts, see 341.5;
for international cooperation, see 341.7

.4 Jurisdiction over physical space; human rights

Standard subdivisions are added for jurisdiction over physical space and human
rights together, for jurisdiction over physical space alone
Including jurisdiction over specific physical space (e.g., territory, bodies of
water, high seas, airspace, extraterrestrial space); comprehensive works on
international law of ocean and sea waters
Class here conservation and development of extraterritorial natural resources;
extraterritoriality; jurisdiction over physical space; servitudes and easements;
right of innocent passage
Class mergers of states in 341.26; class jurisdiction over persons, civil
rights, jurisdiction over stateless persons and refugees in 342.08; class
ocean transportation, air transportation, space transportation in 343.09; class
oceanographic research, meteorological research, space research in 344; class
personal property in 346.04; class interdisciplinary works on human rights in
See also 346.04 for conservation and development of territorial natural
See Manual at 342.08 vs. 341.4

.5 Disputes and conflicts between states

Including peaceful settlement; adjudication; coercive methods of settlement
short of war
Class peace conferences in 341.7. Class disputes on a specific subject with the
subject in 341–347, e.g., jurisdictional disputes 341.4; class interpretation of a
specific subject with the subject in 341–347, e.g., interpretation of war crimes
341.6, interpretation of civil rights 342.08
For law of war, see 341.6

.6 Law of war
Including initiation of war; conduct of war; neutrality and neutral states;
treatment of prisoners; termination of war; military government of occupied
countries; humanitarian law; law of nations and civil war; war crimes
Class texts of treaties that are signed at termination of a war but cover topics
other than termination of the war in 341
For war claims by private individuals of one country against another
country, see 340.9

341 Dewey Decimal Classification 341

.7 International cooperation
Including mutual security; legal aspects of international mutual security pacts,
e.g., NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization); peace and disarmament;
peace conferences, general efforts to gain acceptance of renunciation of war as
an instrument of national policy
Class peaceful settlement of disputes in 341.5; class military and defense law in
343; class civil defense in 344.05; class interdisciplinary works on international
mutual security pacts in 355

> 342–349 Branches of law; laws, regulations, cases; law of

specific jurisdictions, areas, socioeconomic regions
Class comprehensive works in 340; class comprehensive works on law of
specific ancient jurisdictions, areas, socioeconomic regions in 340.5; class
comprehensive works on law of specific jurisdictions, areas, socioeconomic
regions in 349
See Manual at 342–349

> 342–347 Branches of law

Class here comprehensive works on specific subjects of law
Any subject in a branch of law limited to a specific jurisdiction is classed with
the jurisdiction. The subject may be given or implied in the heading, in an
including note, or in an entry in a zero subdivision of the three-digit number for
the branch of law. For example, private and business law of Australia 346.94,
property law of Australia 346.9404
Any subject in a branch of law limited to a specific socioeconomic region is
classed with the branch of law, e.g., private and business law in developing
countries, property law in developing countries 346
Class general laws, regulations, cases in 348; class comprehensive works in 340
For a specific subject in law of nations, see the subject in 341, e.g.,
disarmament law 341.7
See Manual at 340, 342–347 vs. 340.5
(Option A: Class courts and procedure in specific fields in 347
(Option B: Class laws, regulations, cases on specific subjects in 348
(Option C: Class the law of a specific subject with the subject, plus notation 026
from Table 1, e.g., law of education 370.26 [not 344])

342 Law 342

342 Constitutional and administrative law

Including structure, powers, functions of government (e.g., levels of government,
branches of government); legislative branch of government; lobbying; executive
branch of government; administrative law; election law; manuals of election
procedures that discuss laws or administrative regulations; local government
Class here comprehensive works on public law
Class manuals of election procedures limited to political aspects in 324.6; class
military and defense law in 343; class labor-management bargaining in government
service in 344.01; class government corporations in 346; class executive function
of administering and enforcing the law in 351–354. Class the exercise of a specific
police power with the power in 342–347, e.g., exclusion of undesirable aliens
342.08, regulation of public health 344.04; class levels of government with respect
to a specific subject with the subject in 342–347, e.g., interstate compacts on
seaports and their facilities 343.09; class departments and agencies dealing with
a specific subject with the subject in 342–347, e.g., revenue agencies 343; class
administrative courts, regulatory agencies dealing with a specific subject with
the subject in 342–347, e.g., agencies regulating civil aeronautics 343.09; class
a specific aspect of local government with the aspect in 342–347, e.g., local real
estate taxation 343.05; class standards set by an agency in connection with a
specific subject with the subject outside of law, e.g., standards for safety in health
care facilities 363.15
For law of nations, see 341; for judicial branch, see 347; for preliminary
materials, see 348. For administrative law on a specific subject, see the subject
in 342–347, e.g., air traffic control 343.09; for constitutional law on a specific
subject not provided for here, see the subject in 343–347, e.g., criminal law 345
[.001–.008] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 342
[.009] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 342
[.009 3–.009 9] Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use; class in 342.3–342.9
.02 Basic instruments of government
Including texts of constitutions; sources; constitutional history
Class here constitutions, municipal charters
Class constitutional conventions dealing with revision and amendment of
constitutions in 342.03
For revision and amendment, see 342.03. For constitutional provisions
dealing with a specific subject, see the subject in 342–347, e.g.,
individual rights 342.08
[.020 9] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 342.02

342 Dewey Decimal Classification 342

.03 Revision and amendment of basic instruments of government

Including amendment procedure; proposed and pending amendments;
collected texts of constitutional amendments
Class here constitutional reform
Class proposals for and formation of new constitutions, texts of proposed
constitutions in 342.02
For amendments dealing with a specific subject, see the subject in
342–347, e.g., an amendment establishing an income tax 343.05
[.030 9] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 342.03
.08 Jurisdiction over persons
Including census law; entrance to and exit from national domain; citizenship
and nationality; comprehensive works on abortion; rights and activities
of individuals; civil rights; comprehensive works on individual rights;
affirmative action, legal status; government liability
Class liability of states to aliens in 341.26; class status of enemy aliens in
341.6; class entry and exit of diplomatic and consular personnel, status
of diplomatic and consular personnel, election law, political activity of
government employees, privacy of government records in 342; class fairness
doctrine in 343.09; class censorship and information control laws in 344.05;
class relation of freedom of the press to the judicial process in 347; class
interdisciplinary works on civil rights, on individual rights in 323. Class
liability in a specific field with the field in 342–347, e.g., liability of military
units 343, liability of schools, of school officials, of school districts 344
For academic freedom, see 344; for medical aspects of abortion,
abortion for population control, see 344.04; for abortion control, see
344.05; for criminal abortion, see 345. For a specific right not provided
for here, see the right, e.g., right to vote 342, right to education 344
See Manual at 342.08 vs. 341.4

.2 Regional intergovernmental organizations

Class here relationship between the organization’s law and national law of
member countries
Add to base number 342.2 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., constitutional and
administrative law of European Union 342.24; then add further as follows:
[001–009] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in number for jurisdiction or area
02–08 Topics of basic instruments of government and jurisdiction over
Add to base number 0 the numbers following 342.0 in
342.02–342.08, e.g., civil rights law 08, civil rights law of
European Union 342.2408
Class founding treaties, basic legal instruments of European Union in 341.242.
Class relationship of organization’s law and national law of a specific member
country with the national law in 342, e.g., effect of European Union laws on
national constitutional and administrative law of Germany 342.43

342 Law 342

.3–.9 Specific jurisdictions and areas

Add to base number 342 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., constitutional and
administrative law of Canada 342.71, of South American countries 342.8; then
add further as follows:
[001–009] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in number for jurisdiction or area
02–08 Topics of basic instruments of government and jurisdiction over
Add to base number 0 the numbers following 342.0 in
342.02–342.08, e.g., civil rights law 08, civil rights law of
Canada 342.7108
For regional intergovernmental organizations, relationship between the
organization’s laws and national laws of all member states, see 342.2

343 Military, defense, public property, public finance, tax,

commerce (trade), industrial law
Including veterans’ law; national security, war and emergency legislation; law of
public property; law of public finance; international financial law
Class international war crime trials in 341.6; class individual rights of military
personnel in 342.08; class reserve officers’ training corps and military academies in
344; class veterans’ insurance claims, regulation of banks, regulation of insurance
companies and agencies, regulation of organizations engaged in marketing
securities in 346; class regulation of real estate business, restrictions on posting
advertisements in 346.04; class procedural rights in nonmilitary courts in 347;
class budgets and their preparation in 352.4; class comprehensive works on
commemorative medals in 344; class comprehensive works on central banks in
346; class comprehensive works on control and use of public and private real
property, control of natural resources in 346.04. Class bills for authorization of
expenditure for a specific purpose with the purpose in 342–347, e.g., price supports
For war claims, see 341.6; for martial law, civilian employees of military
services, acquisition of territory from other jurisdictions, see 342; for military
prisons, see 344.03; for banks, government securities, see 346
[.001–.008] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 343
[.009] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 343
[.009 3–.009 9] Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use; class in 343.3–343.9

343 Dewey Decimal Classification 343

.04 Tax law

Including tax assessment and collection; taxes by level (e.g., national taxes,
state and provincial taxes, local taxes)
Works on taxes by level are limited to comprehensive works and
comparisons, e.g., state taxes in United States 343.7304
Class here internal revenue law; tax auditing, avoidance, planning
Class fiscal policy in 343; class tax planning applied to a specific kind of
tax, assessment and collection of specific kinds of taxes in 343.05–343.06;
class tax evasion in 345; class interdisciplinary works on taxes in
336.2. Class a specific kind of tax regardless of level with the kind in
343.05–343.06, e.g., income tax law of Michigan 343.77405
For specific kinds of taxes, see 343.05–343.06
See Manual at 343.04–343.06 vs. 336.2, 352.4

> 343.05–343.06 Specific kinds of taxes

Class comprehensive works in 343.04
See Manual at 343.04–343.06 vs. 336.2, 352.4
.05 Kinds of taxes by base
Including income tax; estate, inheritance, gift taxes; death duties, death tax,
estate planning; property taxes; excise and turnover taxes; customs taxes
(tariff); stamp taxes
Class internal revenue law in 343.04
.06 Kinds of taxes by incidence
Including taxes on individuals; poll tax; taxes on fiduciary trusts; taxes on
organizations; tax-exempt organizations; taxes on corporations; taxes on
business enterprises
Class taxes on specific bases regardless of incidence in 343.05

343 Law 343

.07 Regulation of economic activity

Including daylight saving time, nationalization of industry, rationing;
specific aspects of regulation (e.g., unfair practices, economic assistance,
production controls, specific kinds of assistance, rural development, regional
development); consumer protection; technology transfer; agricultural
industries; comprehensive works on primary industries; regulation of
specific industries and services regardless of aspect (e.g., agricultural
industries, mineral industries, secondary industries and services, specific
kinds of assistance, rural development, regional development); regulating the
production of and commerce in specific goods and services
Class here international economic law, international economic organizations;
comprehensive works on regulation of small business, licensing, industry
and commerce
Class public health, safety measures in 344.04; class regulation of
organizations in 346. Class a specific aspect of consumer protection with the
aspect in 342–347, e.g., protection against misleading advertising 343.08
For regulation of commerce, see 343.08; for public utilities, see 343.09;
for regulation of labor of specific occupations, see 344.01
See also 346 for impact of economic activity upon private persons and
corporate bodies
See Manual at 343.07 vs. 343.08
.08 Regulation of commerce (trade)
Including guarantees, warranties; retail and wholesale trade, interstate
commerce; advertising and labeling; prices; specific commodities (e.g.,
agricultural commodities, rice); international commerce (foreign trade);
combined treatment of trade, tariffs, and general shipping
Class here commodity exchanges, marketing, domestic trade, exchange
Class regulation of real estate business in 346.04; class law of sale in 346.07;
class regulation of banks, regulation of insurance companies and agencies,
regulation of organizations engaged in marketing securities in 346; class
comprehensive works on regulation of industry and trade in 343.07
For tariffs, see 343.05; for shipping, see 343.09
See Manual at 343.07 vs. 343.08

343 Dewey Decimal Classification 343

.09 Control of public utilities

Including specific kinds of transportation and ground transportation
(e.g., road transportation, railroad transportation, water transportation, air
transportation and space transportation, local transportation); water and
power supply; comprehensive works on ground transportation, on the law of
carriers; communications; mass media law
Class freedom of the press in 342.08; class extraction and processing of oil,
gas, coal in 343.07; class police traffic services, censorship in 344.05; class
traffic offenses, criminal libel, postal offenses in 345; class transportation
insurance in 346; class private law of transportation accidents, vehicle
product liability, libel as a tort in 346.03; class property laws relating to
vehicles in 346.04. Class a specific subject of maritime or admiralty law
not provided for here with the subject in 342–347, e.g., maritime contracts
For a specific aspect of computer law, see the aspect in 342–347, e.g.,
invasion of privacy 342.08

.2 Regional intergovernmental organizations

Class here relationship between the organization’s law and national law of
member countries
Add to base number 343.2 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., miscellaneous public
law of European Union 343.24; then add further as follows:
[001–009] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in number for jurisdiction or area
04–09 Topics of tax law, regulation of economic activity, control of public
Add to base number 0 the numbers following 343.0 in
343.04–343.09, e.g., transportation law 09, transportation law of
European Union 343.2409
Class relationship of organization’s law and national law of a specific member
country with the national law in 343, e.g., effect of European Union laws on
national economic law of Germany 343.43

.3–.9 Specific jurisdictions and areas

Add to base number 343 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., military, tax, industrial
law of Canada 343.71, of South American countries 343.8; then add further as
[001–009] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in number for jurisdiction or area
04–09 Topics of tax law, regulation of economic activity, control of public
Add to base number 0 the numbers following 343.0 in
343.04–343.09, e.g., transportation law 09, transportation law of
Canada 343.7109
For regional intergovernmental organizations, relationship between the
organization’s laws and national laws of all member states, see 343.2

344 Law 344

344 Labor, social service, education, cultural law

Including public works; schools; educational and cultural exchanges; culture and
Class commemorative medals and coins that are legal tender in 343; class
employment rights in 344.01; class gambling as a social problem in 344.05
[.001–.008] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 344
[.009] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 344
[.009 3–.009 9] Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use; class in 344.3–344.9
.01 Labor
Including specific aspects of labor (e.g., conditions of employment, labor
force by personal attributes, industries and occupations, labor unions,
labor-management bargaining)
Class here social law, social legislation
For social insurance, see 344.02; for public welfare, see 344.03
.02 Government-sponsored insurance
Including workers’ compensation insurance (workmen’s compensation
insurance); health and accident insurance; old age and survivors’ insurance;
unemployment insurance; insurance against crimes of violence
Class here social insurance
Class disability compensation for veterans, health benefits for veterans in
343; class comprehensive works on insurance in 346
For a type of government-sponsored insurance not provided for here,
e.g., crop insurance, bank deposit insurance, see 346
See also 344.03 for social service law; also 343.05 for social security
See Manual at 363 vs. 344.02–344.05, 353–354
.03 Social service
Including specific topics of social service in general; social welfare problems
and services; food supply; penal institutions
Class public works in 344
For veterans’ welfare, see 343; for social insurance, see 344.02; for
miscellaneous social problems and services, medical personnel and
their activities, mental and emotional illnesses and disturbances,
comprehensive works on public health, see 344.04; for police services,
other aspects of public safety, matters concerning public morals and
customs, see 344.05; for adoption, see 346.01
See Manual at 363 vs. 344.02–344.05, 353–354

344 Dewey Decimal Classification 344

.04 Miscellaneous social problems and services

Limited to medical personnel and their activities; product control; control of
disease; mental health services and services to substance abusers; disposal
of dead; environmental protection; liability for environmental damages,
comprehensive works on environmental law; safety; population control;
birth control; veterinary public health
Class here comprehensive works on public health
Class military medicine in 343; class medical institutions and their services
in 344.03; class control of trade in alcoholic beverages, control of drug
traffic in 344.05; class rights regarding frozen embryos, capacity and status
of persons with mental illness and disabilities in 346.01; class conservation
of natural resources in 346.04; class comprehensive works on abortion in
For motor vehicle recall, transportation safety, see 343.09; for other
aspects of public safety, see 344.05. For an aspect of public health not
provided for here, see the aspect, e.g., emergency medical services
344.03. For an aspect of environmental law not provided for here, see
the aspect, e.g., government control and regulation of natural resources
See Manual at 363 vs. 344.02–344.05, 353–354
.05 Police services, other aspects of public safety, matters concerning
public morals and customs
Class comprehensive works on public safety in 344.04
For criminal investigation and law enforcement, see 345
See Manual at 363 vs. 344.02–344.05, 353–354

.2 Regional intergovernmental organizations

Class here relationship between the organization’s law and national law of
member countries
Add to base number 344.2 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., social law of
European Union 344.24; then add further as follows:
[001–009] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in number for jurisdiction or area
01–05 Topics of labor and social service law
Add to base number 0 the numbers following 344.0 in
344.01–344.05, e.g., labor law 01, labor law of European Union
Class relationship of organization’s law and national law of a specific member
country with the national law in 344, e.g., effect of European Union laws on
national social law of France 344.44

344 Law 344

.3–.9 Specific jurisdictions and areas

Add to base number 344 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., social law of the
United States 344.73, of Pennsylvania 344.748; then add further as follows:
[001–009] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in number for jurisdiction or area
01–05 Topics of labor and social service law
Add to base number 0 the numbers following 344.0 in
344.01–344.05, e.g., labor law 01, labor law of Canada
For regional intergovernmental organizations, relationship between the
organization’s laws and national laws of all member states, see 344.2

345 Criminal law

Including comprehensive works on appellate procedure in criminal cases [formerly
347]; criminal courts; general considerations (e.g., criminal offenses; offenders;
liability, responsibility, guilt); criminal procedure; administration of criminal
justice, court rules, participants in criminal proceedings; evidence; trials; juvenile
procedure and courts
Class here international criminal law
Class appellate courts hearing both civil and criminal cases, procedure in specific
courts hearing both civil and criminal cases, comprehensive works on civil
and criminal procedure and courts in 347; class legal aid as a welfare service,
interdisciplinary works on legal aid in 362.5; class social services for victims of
crime in 362.88; class interdisciplinary works on criminal justice in 364. Class civil
actions linked to crimes with the subject in 342–344 or 346–347, e.g., employers’
civil tort liability 346.03; class courts dealing with a specific subject with the
subject in 342–347, e.g., military courts 343
See Manual at 345 vs. 346.03
[.001–.008] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 345
[.009] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 345
[.009 3–.009 9] Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use; class in 345.3–345.9

.2 Regional intergovernmental organizations

Class here relationship between the organization’s law and national law of
member countries
Add to base number 345.2 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., criminal law of
European Union 345.24; however, do not add notation 01–09 from Table 1;
class in number for the jurisdiction or area
Class relationship of organization’s law and national law of a specific member
country with the national law in 345, e.g., effect of European Union laws on
national criminal law of Spain 345.46

345 Dewey Decimal Classification 345

.3–.9 Specific jurisdictions and areas

Add to base number 345.2 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., criminal law of
European Union 345.24; however, do not add notation 01–09 from Table 1;
class in number for the jurisdiction or area
For regional intergovernmental organizations, relationship between the
organization’s laws and national laws of all member states, see 345.2

346 Private law

Including equity; organizations (associations); organization of associations engaged
in specific types of enterprises, e.g., an organization of railroad companies; banks
and insurance; investment and negotiable instruments
Class municipal corporations in 342; class organization of labor unions in
344.01; class lay notaries in 347; class comprehensive works on corporate and
commercial law in 346.07. Class works that emphasize procedures of work
performed by notaries with the subject without adding notation 023 from Table 1,
e.g., private international law 340.9, transfer of real property 346.04; class record
requirements for a specific kind of organization with the kind in 342–347, e.g.,
record requirements for a labor union 344.01; class record requirements for a
specific subject with the subject in 342–347, e.g., workers’ compensation insurance
records 344.02; class regulation of a specific general administrative function with
the function in 342–347, e.g., wages 344.01; class operation of organizations
engaged in a specific type of enterprise with the type of enterprise, e.g., operation
of railroad companies 343.09
For commodity exchanges, see 343
See also 340.9 for private international law
[.001–.008] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 346
[.009] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 346
[.009 3–.009 9] Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use; class in 346.3–346.9
.01 Persons and domestic relations
Including capacity and status of persons; domestic relations (family law);
comprehensive works on domestic relations and inheritance and succession;
marriage, partnerships, unions; parent and child; parental rights and duties
regardless of marital status of parents; guardian and ward
Class liability of states to aliens in 341.26; class individual rights in 342.08;
class the rehabilitation of a criminal’s personal rights lost by judicial
sentence in 345
For criminal capacity, see 345; for inheritance and succession, see
346.05. For a specific aspect of unborn children, see the aspect, e.g.,
rights of fetuses 342.08
Comprehensive works on marital, community, separate property relocated to

346 Law 346

.02 Juristic acts, contracts, agency

Including comprehensive works on liability; public contracts (government
contracts); contracts of service; contracts involving bailments; agency and
quasi contract
Class labor contracts in 344.01; class sale, loan in 346.07; class
governmental contracts themselves in 352.5. Class juristic acts dealing with
a specific legal aspect not provided for here with the aspect in 342–347, e.g.,
personal property 346.04; class contractual aspects of specific subjects in
law with the subject in 342–347, e.g., commercial contracts 346.07; class
nonlegal aspects of contracts concerning a specific nonlegal subject with the
subject, e.g., materials management aspects of roofing contracts 695.068
For government liability, see 342.08; for liability of schools, of school
officials, of school districts, see 344; for criminal liability, see 345; for
extracontractual liability, see 346.03
.03 Torts (Delicts)
Including liability of specific classes of persons; negligence; torts against the
person; torts involving property; product liability; strict liability
Class here liability for the torts of others, e.g., employees
Class environmental liability and negligence in 344.04; class libel and
slander as crimes in 345; class remedies in 347
For personal liability of government officials, see 342. For malpractice
pertaining to a specific profession, see the profession in 342–347, e.g.,
malpractice of lawyers 347
See Manual at 345 vs. 346.03
.04 Property
Including comprehensive works on marital, community, separate
property [formerly 346.01]; kinds of interest in property; real property;
interdisciplinary works on economic and legal aspects of ownership and
transfer of land; government control and regulation of real property;
conservation of natural resources; land reform; comprehensive works on
government control and regulation of public and private real property;
regional and local community planning; government control and regulation
of specific kinds of land and natural resources; protection of specific
resources; personal property; intangible property; intellectual property,
industrial property (intangible property of an industrial nature, e.g., business
names, franchises)
Class regulations governing construction of buildings in 343.07; class
negotiable instruments in 346; class inheritance and succession in 346.05;
class comprehensive works on environmental law in 344.04. Class
regulation of a specific general administrative function of real estate
business with the function in 342–347, e.g., wages 344.01
For economic aspects of ownership and transfer of land, see
333.1–333.5; for property of enemy aliens, see 341.6; for public
property, control and use of public real property, see 343; for marital,
community, separate property in divorce, annulment, separation, see
346.01; for sale, see 346.07

346 Dewey Decimal Classification 346

.040 86 Property of persons by miscellaneous social characteristics

For nationalization of alien property, see 343
.05 Inheritance, succession, fiduciary trusts, trustees
Including inheritance and succession; estate planning, probate practice;
wills; administration of estates; unclaimed estates
Class comprehensive works on domestic relations and inheritance and
succession in 346.01
For estate planning to avoid taxes, see 343.05
.07 Commercial law
Including sale; loan; credit; secured transactions; debtor and creditor;
bankruptcy; insolvency
Class here commercial contracts, conduct of business; laws of a specific
jurisdiction governing business investment by foreign nationals, e.g., laws
of China governing the conduct of business in China by foreign nationals
346.5107; comprehensive works on business law
Class sale of business enterprises in 346; class sale of real property,
comprehensive works on mortgages in 346.04
For a specific subject of commercial law, of business law not provided
for here, see the subject in 342–347, e.g., tax law 343.04

.2 Regional intergovernmental organizations

Class here relationship between the organization’s law and national law of
member countries
Add to base number 346.2 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., private law of
European Union 346.24; then add further as follows:
[001–009] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in number for jurisdiction or area
01–07 Topics of persons and domestic relations, juristic acts, contracts,
agency, torts (delicts), property, inheritance, succession, fiduciary
trusts, trustees, commercial law
Add to 0 the numbers following 346.0 in 346.01–346.07,
e.g., commercial law 07, commercial law of European Union
Class relationship of organization’s law and national law of a specific member
country with the national law in 346, e.g., effect of European Union laws on
national private law of Italy 346.45

346 Law 346

.3–.9 Specific jurisdictions and areas

Add to base number 346 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., private law of the
United States 346.73, of South American countries 346.8; then add further as
[001–009] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in number for jurisdiction or area
01–07 Topics of persons and domestic relations, juristic acts, contracts,
agency, torts (delicts), property, inheritance, succession, fiduciary
trusts, trustees, commercial law
Add to 0 the numbers following 346.0 in 346.01–346.07,
e.g., commercial law 07, commercial law of New York state
For regional intergovernmental organizations, relationship between the
organization’s laws and national laws of all member states, see 346.2

347 Procedure and courts

Including courts with specific kinds of jurisdiction (e.g., courts with general
original jurisdiction, appellate courts, courts with specialized jurisdiction);
procedure in specific levels of courts, relation of a fair trial to freedom of the
press, comprehensive works on procedure; evidence; trials; appellate procedure;
comprehensive works on appellate procedure in civil and criminal cases; dispute
resolution; arbitration, conciliation, mediation
Class here civil procedure and courts; comprehensive works on civil and criminal
procedure and courts, judicial branch of government, administration of justice,
legal services
Class ethical aspects of legal costs and fees in 174; class economics of salaries
of legal personnel in 331.2; class economics of law firms in 338.7–338.8; class
financial management of law firms in 340.068; class provisional courts in 342;
class criminal contempt of court, legal aid in criminal cases in 345; class nature
of duties, characteristics of profession of civil-law notaries, of other notaries
required to have legal education in 346; class forensic science in 363.25; class
medical jurisprudence, forensic medicine, forensic psychiatry in 614; class
interdisciplinary works on legal costs and fees in 338.4; class legal aid as a welfare
service, interdisciplinary works on legal aid in 362.5. Class courts dealing with
a specific subject, procedure with respect to a specific subject with the subject
in 342–347, e.g., tax courts, court procedure in tax matters 343.04; class a trial
dealing with a specific subject, procedures of trials dealing with a specific subject
with the subject in 342–347, e.g., a product liability trial, procedures of product
liability trials 346.03; class judges associated with a specific court with the court,
e.g., judges of a juvenile court 345; class the work of court officials with respect to
a specific subject with the subject, e.g., justices of the peace and domestic relations
For administrative procedure, see 342; for criminal procedure and courts,
juvenile courts, appellate courts devoted exclusively to criminal cases,
procedure in appellate courts devoted exclusively to criminal cases, see 345
See Manual at 347
(Option: Class here courts and procedure in a specific field of law; prefer specific
field in 342–347)
Comprehensive works on appellate procedure in criminal cases relocated to 345

347 Dewey Decimal Classification 347

[.001–.008] Standard subdivisions

Do not use; class in 347
[.009] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 347
[.009 3–.009 9] Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use; class in 347.3–347.9

.2 Regional intergovernmental organizations

Including regional intergovernmental organizations of Europe; effect of
European Union law on and harmonization of national laws on procedure and
courts of European Union countries
Add to base number 347.2 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., civil procedure and
courts of European Union 347.24; however, do not add notation 01–09 from
Table 1; class in number for the jurisdiction or area
Class here effect of organization’s law on and harmonization of national laws of
member countries
Class relationship of organization’s law and national law of a specific member
country with the national law in 347, e.g., effect of European Union laws on
national German laws on procedure and courts 347.43

.3–.9 Specific jurisdictions and areas

Add to base number 347 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., civil procedure and
courts of Australia 347.94, civil procedure and courts of New South Wales
347.944, civil procedure and courts of African states 347.6; however, do not add
notation 01–09 from Table 1; class in number for the jurisdiction or area
For regional intergovernmental organizations, relationship between the
organization’s laws and national laws of all member states, see 347.2

348 Laws, regulations, cases

Original materials and their guides listed here are comprehensive in nature,
covering the whole of the law of a specific jurisdiction or a major portion thereof
Including codification; preliminary materials; laws and regulations; statutes
Class union lists of legal material in 016; class treatises on the whole law of a
specific jurisdiction in 349. Class original materials and their guides limited to
a specific branch or subject with the branch or subject in 342–347, e.g., a digest
of tax laws 343.04; class cases in a specific subject in law with the subject in
343–347, e.g., cases involving tax law 344.04
[.001–.008] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 348
[.009] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 348
[.009 3–.009 9] Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use; class in 348.3–348.9

348 Law 348

.2 Regional intergovernmental organizations

Add to base number 348.2 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., laws, regulations,
cases of European Union 348.24; however, do not add notation 01–09 from
Table 1; class in number for the jurisdiction or area

.3–.9 Specific jurisdictions and areas

Class here general collections of repealed laws
Add to base number 348 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., U.S. Federal Code
348.73, statutes of Pennsylvania 348.748; however, do not add notation 01–09
from Table 1; class in number for the jurisdiction or area
Class the legislative procedure involved in enacting or repealing a law in 328.3.
Class repealed laws on a specific subject with the subject in 342–347, e.g.,
repeal of a prohibition on the sale and consumption of alcohol 344.05
For regional intergovernmental organizations, relationship between the
organization’s laws and national laws of all member states, see 348.2

349 Law of specific jurisdictions, areas, socioeconomic regions,

regional intergovernmental organizations
Class socioeconomic regions of a specific regional intergovernmental organization
in 349.2
For law of specific ancient jurisdictions, areas, socioeconomic regions,
see 340.5; for specific branches of law of a specific jurisdiction, area,
socioeconomic region, regional intergovernmental organization, see 342–347;
for original materials on law of a specific jurisdiction, area, socioeconomic
region, regional intergovernmental organization, see 348
See Manual at 340.02–340.09 vs. 349; also at 342–349

.2 Law of regional intergovernmental organizations

Add to base number 349.2 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., works on the
ordinances of European Union 349.24
Class comprehensive works on regional intergovernmental organizations
themselves in 341.2; class comprehensive works on effect of European Union
laws on national laws of member states in 341.242. Class effect of European
Union laws on national laws of a specific member state with the laws of the
member state, e.g., effect on laws of Italy 349.45

.4–.9 Law of specific jurisdictions and areas in modern world

Add to base number 349 notation 4–9 from Table 2, e.g., works on the United
States 349.73, on Pennsylvania 349.748
For regional intergovernmental organizations, see 349.2

350 Public administration and military science

350 Dewey Decimal Classification 350

351 Public administration
352 General considerations of public administration
353 Specific fields of public administration
354 Public administration of economy and environment
355 Military science
356 Foot forces and warfare
357 Mounted forces and warfare
358 Air and other specialized forces and warfare; engineering and related services
359 Sea forces and warfare

351 Public administration

Class here executive branch of government, programs administered by executive
branch, civil service in the sense of all units of public administration outside armed
Class relation of executive branch to other branches, works that deal
comprehensively with more than one branch of government in 320.4; class
civil service in the sense of merit system in 352.6; class interdisciplinary works
on management in 658. Class management of government-owned enterprises
operating a service with the service, plus notation 068 from Table 1, e.g.,
management of public hospitals 362.11068, of nationalized railroads 385.068
For administration of legislative branch, see 328.068; for administration
of judicial branch, see 347; for specific topics of public administration, see
See Manual at T1—068 vs. 353–354; also at 320.9, 320.4 vs. 351; also at 351
vs. 352.2
.025 Directories of persons and organizations
Class directories of elected public officials in 324.025
.05 Serial publications
Class here official gazettes, serial administrative reports of governmental
.06 Nongovernmental organizations
Do not use for governmental organizations; class in 351. Do not use for
serial administrative reports of governmental organizations; class in 351.05
[.068] Management
Do not use; class in 351
.07 Education, research, related topics

351 Public administration and military science 351

.076 Review and exercise

Class here interdisciplinary works on civil service examinations
For civil service examinations in a specific subject, see the subject,
plus notation 076 from Table 1, e.g., examinations in accounting
(Option: Class here civil service examinations in specific subjects; prefer
the subject in 001–999, plus notation 076 from Table 1. If option is
chosen, add to base number 351.076 notation 001–999, e.g., civil service
examinations in accounting 351.076657)
.08 Groups of people
Do not use for programs directed to groups of people; class in 353.53
.09 History and biography
[.091] Areas, regions, places in general
Do not use; class in 351.1
[.093–.099] Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use; class in 351.3–351.9

.1 Administration in areas, regions, places in general

Not limited by continent, country, locality
Add to base number 351.1 the numbers following —1 in notation 11–19 from
Table 2, e.g., administration in developing regions 351.172; however, for urban
administration, see 352.16; for rural administration, see 352.17

.3–.9 Administration in specific continents, countries, localities

Class here administration of specific jurisdictions, practical works on
administration of specific subordinate jurisdictions, e.g., specific provinces
Add to base number 351 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., public administration
in Germany 351.43
Class programs directed to groups of people in 351; class theoretical works on
specific kinds of subordinate jurisdictions in 352.13–352.19
See Manual at 351.3–351.9 vs. 352.13–352.19

352 Dewey Decimal Classification 352

> 352–354 Specific topics of public administration

Class here public administration of specific departments and agencies
Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to each subdivision
identified by * as follows:
01–07 Standard subdivisions
08 Groups of people
Class here programs directed to groups of people; equal
opportunity programs
09 History, geographic treatment, biography
Unless other instructions are given, class a subject with aspects in two or more
subdivisions of 352–354 in the number coming last, e.g., organization of a
department of agriculture 354.5 (not 352.2)
Class misconduct in office regardless of topic in 353.4; class comprehensive
works in 351
See Manual at 352–354; also at 300–330, 355–390 vs. 342–347, 352–354;
also at 300, 320.6 vs. 352–354

352 General considerations of public administration

Class here general considerations of public administration applying to two or more
branches of government, e.g., financial administration of the legislative and judicial
branches 352.4
Class general considerations of public administration applied to a specific field
with the field in public administration, e.g., local safety administration 353.9
See Manual at 352–354

352.1 Jurisdictional levels of administration
.2 Organization of administration
.3 Executive management
.4 Financial administration and budgets
.5 Property administration and related topics
.6 Personnel management (Human resource management)
.7 Public administration of general forms of assistance
.8 Public administration of general forms of control

[.01–.09] Standard subdivisions

Do not use; class in 351.01–351.09

.1 Jurisdictional levels of administration

Class programs directed to specific groups of people at specific levels of
administration in 353.53. Class a specific topic in administrative management,
support, control at a specific jurisdictional level of administration with the
topic in 352.2–352.8, e.g., financial administration and budgets of international
agencies 352.4, regulation by local government 352.8
Use 351 for combined treatment of national and other levels of administration
except for works that emphasize differences between administration at different
For administration at national level, see 351
352 Public administration and military science 352

.105 Serial publications

Class here official gazettes, serial administrative reports of governmental
.106 Nongovernmental organizations
Do not use for governmental organizations; class in 352.1. Do not use
for serial administrative reports of governmental organizations; class in
[.106 8] Management
Do not use; class in 352.1
.108 Groups of people
Do not use for programs at specific levels of administration directed
toward groups of people; class in 353.53
.11 International administration
Including League of Nations; United Nations; secretariat; international
administration in specific continents and parts of continents; administration
of international organizations serving continents and parts of continents
Class here administration of intergovernmental organizations
Class interdisciplinary works on intergovernmental organizations in 341.2;
class interdisciplinary works on United Nations in 341.23
.110 5 Serial publications
Class here official gazettes, serial administrative reports of
government organizations
.110 6 Nongovernmental organizations
Do not use for governmental organizations; class in 352.11. Do not
use for serial administrative reports of governmental organizations;
class in 352.1105
[.110 68] Management
Do not use; class in 352.11
.110 8 Groups of people
Do not use for international programs directed to groups of people;
class in 353.53
.110 9 History, geographic treatment, biography
[.110 94–.110 99] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use; class in 352.11

352 Dewey Decimal Classification 352

> 352.13–352.19 Administration of subordinate jurisdictions

Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to each subdivision
identified by † as follows:
01–07 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 351, e.g., serial
administrative reports 05
08 Groups of people
Do not use for programs directed to groups of people; class in
09 History, geographic treatment, biography
093–099 Specific continents, countries, localities
Limited to comprehensive, theoretical, comparative
treatment, e.g. administration of Länder in Germany
Class administration of or in a specific subordinate
jurisdiction with the jurisdiction in 351 (not 093–099), e.g.,
administration of Bavaria 351.43
Class comprehensive works on administration of subordinate jurisdictions,
comprehensive works on administrative cooperation among subordinate
jurisdictions in 352.14. Class administration of or in a specific subordinate
jurisdiction with the jurisdiction in 351, e.g., administration of Bavaria 351.43
See Manual at 351.3–351.9 vs. 352.13–352.19
.13 †State and provincial administration
States and provinces: regularly constituted territorial subdivisions of
large countries, with responsibilities cutting across several fields of
administration, and usually encompassing many local units
Subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
See Manual at 352.13 vs. 352.15
.14 †Local administration
Limited to comprehensive and comparative treatment, e.g., local
administration in Germany 352.140943
Class here comprehensive works on administration of subordinate
Class local government, combined treatment of local government and local
administration in 320.8; class regional divisions of administrative agencies
in 352.2. Class administration in or of a specific subordinate jurisdiction
with the jurisdiction in 351.3–351.9, e.g., administration of Nuremberg
For state and provincial administration, see 352.13; for administration
of specific kinds of local jurisdictions, see 352.15–352.19; for support
and control of subordinate jurisdictions by higher jurisdictions, see 353.3
See Manual at 351.3–351.9 vs. 352.13–352.19

†Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 352.13–352.19
352 Public administration and military science 352

> 352.15–352.19 Administration of specific kinds of local jurisdictions

Class comprehensive works in 352.14
.15 †Intermediate units of local administration
Intermediate units: regularly constituted relatively local territorial
subdivisions, with responsibilities cutting across several fields of
administration, and usually containing few component units
Class here arrondissements, counties, shires, territorial departments;
provinces of small countries
See Manual at 352.13 vs. 352.15
.16 †Urban administration
Including administration of metropolitan regions; suburban administration
Class here city administration
See also 354.2 for public administration of urban development
.17 †Rural administration
See also 354.2 for public administration of rural development
.19 †Administration of special service districts
Local districts or authorities established to provide one or a few services
Including administrative cooperation among jurisdictions served by special
service districts; control of special service districts by higher jurisdictions
and by other local authorities
Class regional divisions of state and national agencies in 352.2. Class
administration of specific kinds of special service districts with the service
they administer, e.g., metropolitan districts to coordinate administration of
health services 353.6, local rail transit authorities that operate trains 388.4

> 352.2–352.6 Specific topics of management in public administration

Class comprehensive works on administrative aspects in 351; class
interdisciplinary works on management, on specific topics of management in

†Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 352.13–352.19
352 Dewey Decimal Classification 352

.2 *Organization of administration
Including governing boards and commissions; special kinds of agencies (e.g.,
independent agencies, government corporations [public enterprises]); internal
organization; levels of management; organization and structure of departments
and agencies
Class description and purposes of departments and agencies in general in
351; class autonomous authorities of local scope in 352.19; class cabinet
secretaries, ministers with a portfolio of cabinet affairs in 352.24; class
secretaries of state of specific states of United States in 352.3; class secretaries
of state for foreign affairs in 353.1; class prime ministers, comprehensive
works on chief executives in 352.23; class comprehensive works on executive
management in public administration in 352.3; class interdisciplinary works on
government corporations in 338.7; class interdisciplinary works on organization
in management in 658.1. Class a specific board or commission with the topic
it administers, e.g., United States National Labor Relations Board 354.9; class
organization and structure of a specific kind of department or agency with the
kind, e.g., structure of general services agencies 352.5
For supervision, see 352.6; for regulatory boards and commissions, see
352.8. For a special kind of agency not provided for here, see the kind, e.g.,
cabinets 352.24
See Manual at 351 vs. 352.2
.23 *Chief executives
Including heads of state lacking administrative powers; powers and
privileges of chief executives; leadership role of chief executives; office
of chief executive; executive messages, speeches, writings; deputy chief
Class here presidents, prime ministers, monarchs; comprehensive works on
heads of state
Class governing boards and commissions, heads of departments and
agencies in 352.2; class abuse of power in 353.4
For a specific aspect of heads of state, see the aspect, e.g., presidential
government 321.8; for messages, speeches, writings on a specific subject,
see the subject, e.g., budget messages 352.4, executive messages on
economics 330, executive messages on economy of Germany 330.943
.230 92 Biography
Do not use for collected biographies of chief executives; class
in 930–990 plus notation 009 from table under 930–990, e.g.,
collected biography of kings and queens of France 944.009.
Do not use for individual biographies of chief executives; class
in 930–990 plus notation 01–09 for the period of the person’s
administration from table under 930–990, plus notation 092 from
Table 1, e.g., biography of Napoleon I of France 944.05092
Class here biography of chief executives as administrators
See Manual at T1—092: Comprehensive biography: Public
figures; also at 920.009, 920.03–920.09 vs. 909, 909.7–909.8,
*Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 352–354
352 Public administration and military science 352

.24 *Cabinets and cabinet-level committees

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including cabinet secretariats; domestic councils
Class here councils of ministers, executive councils
For a cabinet-level committee charged with a specific activity, see the
activity in 352–354, e.g., cabinet councils on the economy 354

.3 *Executive management
Including decision making; planning and policy making; internal control;
accountability in public administration, administrative responsibility, oversight;
objectives of administration; management by objective (MBO); means of
obtaining objectives; specific means of obtaining guidance for policy and
decision making; information management; managing executive personnel;
executive development, leadership, management environment
Class here interdisciplinary works on public administrators
Class archival treatment of public records in 025.17; class legislative oversight
in 328.3; class quality control by managerial accounting in 352.4; class
programs supporting archives in 352.7; class administration of control of
society by government in 352.8; class military security classification in 355.3;
class interdisciplinary works on executive management in 658.4
For internal organization, see 352.2; for leadership role of chief executive,
see 352.23; for specific aspects of managing of executive personnel, see
352.6; for fact-finding and advisory bodies, see 352.7; for oversight by
outside agencies, see 352.8. For a specific aspect of public administrators,
see the aspect, e.g., biography 351.092, law 342
*Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 352–354
352 Dewey Decimal Classification 352

.4 *Financial administration and budgets

Standard subdivisions are added for financial administration and budgets
together, for financial administration alone
Including financial control; managerial accounting (financial and nonfinancial);
agencies that perform management, performance, program auditing, e.g.,
general accounting offices; revenue administration; tax administration, tax
collection; debt management; public expenditures; payroll administration;
budgeting; comprehensive works on budgets; budgets for specific international
organizations and specific jurisdictions
Class here management of public finance; treasury departments and ministries;
works covering both government financial administration and administration of
financial institutions, money, credit
Class ordinary accounting of government agencies, financial auditing of
government agencies in 657; class interdisciplinary works on public finance in
336; class interdisciplinary works on financial management in 658.15
For procedures for legislative enactment of budgets, see 328.3; for
contracts, see 352.5; for financial assistance, see 352.73; for administration
of financial institutions, money, credit, see 354.8
See also 332.4 for monetary policy; also 336.3 for fiscal policy
See Manual at 343.04–343.06 vs. 336.2, 352.4

.5 *Property administration and related topics

Standard subdivisions are added for property administration and related topics
together, for property administration alone
Including contracts and procurement; procurement of property, comprehensive
works on public contracts; maintenance, utilization, disposal of property;
equipment and supplies; buildings and their utilities; public lands
Class here general services agencies
Class records management, use of consultants in 352.3; class comprehensive
works on land resources in 354.3; class interdisciplinary works on plant
management in 658.2; class interdisciplinary works on supply management in
For public contracts not related to property, see the subject, e.g., personnel
contracts 352.6
*Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 352–354
352 Public administration and military science 352

.6 *Personnel management (Human resource management)

Including civil service system; government service, merit system,
interdisciplinary works on government workers; job description; recruiting and
selection; utilization and training; conditions of employment; compensation;
employer-employee relationships; separation from service
Class civil service in the sense of all units of public administration other
than armed services in 351; class civil service examinations in 351.076;
class payroll administration in 352.4; class contracting out in 352.5;
class public administration of pensions for government workers in 353.5;
class comprehensive works on grievances against government in 352.8;
class comprehensive works on conditions of employment for all workers,
comprehensive works on labor unions and collective bargaining for all workers
in 354.9; class interdisciplinary works on personnel management in 658.3
For general management of executive personnel, see 352.3. For a specific
aspect of government service and government workers, see the aspect, e.g.,
labor economics 331.7
.602 5 Directories of people and organizations in personnel management
Class directories of public officials and employees in 351.025
.608 Groups of people
Class here equal employment opportunity programs for government
Class comprehensive works on equal employment opportunity programs
in 354.908

> 352.7–352.8 Public administration of supporting and controlling

functions of government
Class comprehensive works in 351. Class public administration of support
and control of a specific topic of management with the topic, e.g., support for
commerce and trade 354.73
*Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 352–354
352 Dewey Decimal Classification 352

.7 *Public administration of general forms of assistance

Including promoting and disseminating knowledge; promoting research; census
and surveys; public administration of descriptive research; promoting museums
and exhibitions; government participation in fairs and expositions; public
works; sponsorship of volunteers and public service activities; assistance to
urban, suburban, rural areas
Class here the promotional and supporting role of administration when
considered apart from its restraining and limiting role; administration of
research and development in noneconomic fields
Class library administration in 025.1; class archives administration in 025.17;
class governmental publishers in 070.5; class records management in 352.3;
class financial assistance to urban and rural areas in 352.73; class community
action programs in 353.5; class comprehensive works on public administration
of culture and related activities in 353.7; class comprehensive works on
public administration of research and development, comprehensive works
on public administration of urban and rural development, comprehensive
works on public administration of community development in 354.2; class
interdisciplinary works on consumer information, interdisciplinary works
on consumer protection in 381.3; class interdisciplinary works on public
relations in 659.2. Class promoting a specific field of knowledge provided for
elsewhere with the field in public administration, e.g., promoting environmental
knowledge by an environmental protection agency 354.3
For public administration of agencies supporting public libraries, promoting
arts and humanities, see 353.7; for public administration of agencies
supporting and controlling education, see 353.8. For a specific aspect of
consumer protection, see the aspect, e.g., price and cost controls 352.8; for
a specific program of public works, see the program, e.g., transportation
public works 354.76
See also 352.8 for the restraining and limiting role of administration
See Manual at 338.9 vs. 352.7, 500
.73 *Financial assistance
Financial assistance to subordinate jurisdictions or to private parties
Including financial support for specific kinds of subordinate jurisdictions;
loans and loan guarantees
Class here grants, grants-in-aid, revenue sharing
Class comprehensive works on support and control of subordinate
jurisdictions in 353.3
For price supports, see 352.8
*Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 352–354
352 Public administration and military science 352

.8 *Public administration of general forms of control

Including setting standards; inspection, establishing weights and measures;
licensing, accreditation, certification, chartering, registration; incorporation;
interdisciplinary works on licensing, accreditation, certification, chartering,
registration; price and cost controls; price supports; rationing; allocation; use
of watchdog and oversight agencies; promotion of procedural rights, agencies
providing checks and balances to administrative operations, interdisciplinary
works on ombudsmen
Class here the restraining and limiting role of administration when considered
apart from its promotional and supporting role; regulation, regulatory agencies,
quasi-judicial agencies
Class internal control of administrative activities, inspection as a form of
internal control, oversight in executive management, ombudsmen within
agencies in 352.3; class misconduct in office in 353.4; class interdisciplinary
works on incorporation in 346
For licensing, accreditation, certification, chartering by nongovernmental
organizations, see 060; for ombudsman role in legislative bodies, see 328.3;
for government-employee grievances, see 352.6; for international claims,
see 353.4
See also 352.7 for promotional and supporting role of administration

353 Specific fields of public administration

For public administration of economy and environment, see 354
See Manual at T1—068 vs. 353–354; also at 352–354; also at 363 vs.
344.02–344.05, 353–354

353.1 Public administration of external and national security affairs
.3 Public administration of services related to domestic order
.4 Public administration of justice
.5 Public administration of social welfare
.6 Public administration of health services
.7 Public administration of culture and related activities
.8 Public administration of agencies supporting and controlling education
.9 Public administration of safety, sanitation, waste control

[.01–.09] Standard subdivisions

Do not use; class in 351.01–351.09
*Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 352–354
353 Dewey Decimal Classification 353

.1 *Public administration of external and national security affairs

Standard subdivisions are added for external and national security affairs
together, for national security affairs alone
Including foreign and diplomatic relations; departments and ministries of
foreign affairs; administration of non-self-governing territories; administration
of colonies, of semisovereign states; intelligence and counterintelligence;
espionage, subversion
Class use of foreign aid to attain foreign policy objectives, interdisciplinary
works on government information services in 327.1; class military government
of occupied territories in 355.4; class activities of domestic police services
relating to intelligence and subversion in 363.2; class interdisciplinary works on
foreign relations in 327; class interdisciplinary works on espionage, subversion,
intelligence in 327.12; class interdisciplinary works on foreign aid in 338.91;
class interdisciplinary works on national security in 355
For military and defense administration, see 355.6
See also 352.3 for intelligence and security in executive management

(.2) Military and defense administration

(Optional number; prefer 355.6 for military, defense, army administration;
358.4 for air force administration; 359.6 for naval administration)
Comprehensive works only
Including air force administration, naval administration
Class here army administration
For specific topics in military and defense administration, see 355.6; for
specific topics in air force administration, see 358.4; for specific topics in
naval administration, see 359.6

> 353.3–353.9 Public administration in domestic fields not related to

economy and environment
Many works classed here will concern activities of national or state and
provincial governments to regulate, control, or support services provided
by local government agencies. These activities are in contrast to those of
local governments that provide the actual services. Works on managing local
agencies that directly serve the ultimate recipients are usually classed with
the service outside public administration, e.g., management of city police
departments 363.2068 (not 353.3), of local school systems 371.2 (not 353.8)
Class comprehensive works in 351
See Manual at T1—068 vs. 353–354
*Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 352–354
353 Public administration and military science 353

.3 *Public administration of services related to domestic order

Including support and control of subordinate jurisdictions by higher
jurisdictions; police services; regulating personal conduct; corrections; prisons
Class here home departments and ministries, European style interior ministries
Class personal liberty in 323.44; class police control of personal conduct
in 363.2; class operational management of police services in 363.2068;
class operational management of bureaus of investigation in 363.25068;
class censorship in 363.31; class comprehensive works on administration
of subordinate jurisdictions in 352.14; class interdisciplinary works
on controversies relating to public morals and customs in 363.4; class
interdisciplinary works on parole administration, interdisciplinary works
on probation administration in 364.6; class interdisciplinary works on
administration of correctional activities in 364.6068; class interdisciplinary
works on prison administration in 365.068
For control of special service districts, see 352.19; for support of urban,
suburban, rural areas, see 352.7; for financial support of subordinate
jurisdictions, see 352.73; for public administration of justice, see 353.4
See also 354.30973 for United States Department of the Interior

.4 *Public administration of justice

Including criminal matters; criminal prosecution; civil matters; misconduct in
office; abuse of power, civil rights violations, conflict of interest, corruption,
whistle blowing; exercise of citizenship and rights; promotion of civil rights
Class here public administration of criminal justice, departments of justice
Class election procedures in 324.6; class marshals service in 347; class
administrative processing of claims against government, problems resolvable
by routine administrative procedures in 352.8; class administration of police
services in 363.25068; class comprehensive works on activities relating to
population and settlement in 353.5; class interdisciplinary works on criminal
procedure in 345; class interdisciplinary works on civil procedure in 347; class
interdisciplinary works on misconduct in office in 364.1. Class legislative
oversight hearings on administrative matters with the subject in public
administration, e.g., on public administration of social welfare 353.5
For administration of public defenders, see 345; for judicial administration,
see 347; for promotion of procedural rights, see 352.8; for police services,
correctional activities, see 353.3
*Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 352–354
353 Dewey Decimal Classification 353

.5 *Public administration of social welfare

Including income maintenance; pensions, social security in the sense of
retirement income, comprehensive works on public administration of
government sponsored insurance; housing; nutrition and food; activities relating
to population and settlement
Class here human services, social security in the sense of social welfare
Class comprehensive works on insurance in 354.8
For immigration and naturalization services, see 353.4; for public
administration of health services, government-sponsored health insurance,
see 353.6; for food purity, designation of nutritional content, see 353.9
See Manual at 361–365 vs. 353.5
.508 Groups of people
Do not use for programs directed to groups of people; class in 353.53
.53 *Programs directed to groups of people
Including specific miscellaneous groups (e.g., families, poor people,
residents of disadvantaged urban and suburban areas, residents of rural and
sparsely populated areas, victims of crime, victims of oppression, ethnic and
national groups in general)
Class here equal opportunity programs; programs for minorities, for
socially disadvantaged groups; comprehensive works on programs in public
administration directed to groups of people
Class specific ethnic and national groups in 353.534; class comprehensive
works on assistance to urban and suburban areas, comprehensive works
on assistance to rural areas in 352.7. Class a program directing a specific
kind of service to groups of people with the kind of service, plus notation
08 from Table 1, e.g., personnel programs directed to minorities 352.608,
administrative support for children’s cultural activities 353.7083
For programs directed to labor and professional groups, see 354.9
.534 Specific ethnic and national groups
[.534 01–.534 09] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 353.53
.535 *Women
.536 *Young people to age twenty
Class here children
.537 *People in late adulthood
.538 *Veterans
*Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 352–354
353 Public administration and military science 353

.539 *People with disabilities and illnesses

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Programs not predominantly health related, e.g., access for people with
Class health programs for people with disabilities and illnesses in 353.6

.6 *Public administration of health services

Including disposal of the dead; specific kinds of physical diseases; mental
health services; services for people with mental retardation; services for people
with physical disabilities; health care facilities; health insurance; hospital
insurance; specific health insurance programs, e.g., United States Medicaid and
Class here rehabilitation services, services for physical illness
Class comprehensive works on public administration of social welfare in 353.5

.7 *Public administration of culture and related activities

Standard subdivisions are added for culture and related activities together, for
culture alone
Including programs to support and control religion, language programs; public
libraries; arts and humanities; recreation; sports
Class administration of public libraries and library systems in 025.1; class
public administration of support for libraries in general in 352.7; class public
administration of communications in 354.75; class comprehensive works on
hunting in 354.3; class comprehensive works on fishing in 354.5
For promoting museums and exhibitions, see 352.7; for public
administration of education, see 353.8
See also 306 for government policy on culture; also 322 for government
policy on religion; also 353.4 for promotion of religious freedom

.8 *Public administration of agencies supporting and controlling

Including adult education; higher education; special education
Class here agencies supporting and controlling primary education, supporting
and controlling secondary education
Class school administration and management, financial management of schools
and school systems in 371.2; class public policy issues in education in 379;
class comprehensive works on promotion and dissemination of knowledge in
For local school boards, see 379.1
See Manual at 371 vs. 353.8, 371.2, 379
*Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 352–354
353 Dewey Decimal Classification 353

.9 *Public administration of safety, sanitation, waste control

Standard subdivisions are added for public administration of safety, sanitation,
waste control together, for public administration of safety alone
Including sanitation and waste control; sanitation in public facilities; accidents,
public administration of safety in economy and environment; specific topics
in public administration of safety (e.g., preparation for disasters; industrial
and occupational safety; safety in miscellaneous areas; transportation safety;
hazardous products and materials)
Class management of disaster relief in 363.348068; class management of fire
departments in 363.37068; class operational management of waste control and
disposal services in 363.72; class operational management of sanitary services
in 363.72068; class comprehensive works on nutrition and food services in
353.5; class comprehensive works on public administration of pollution in
354.3; class comprehensive works on transportation in 354.76
For police services, see 353.3; for contagious diseases, see 353.6

354 *Public administration of economy and environment

Standard subdivisions are added for public administration of economy and
environment together, for public administration of economy alone
Class public administration of safety in economy and environment in 353.9
See Manual at T1—068 vs. 353–354; also at 352–354; also at 363 vs.
344.02–344.05, 353–354
.08 Groups of people
Class here equal economic opportunity programs

[.2] General considerations of administration

Number discontinued; class in 354

> 354.3–354.8 Public administration of specific fields of economic and

environmental activity
Class here public administration of industries associated with specific fields of
economic and environmental activity
Class public administration of labor and professions in specific fields of
economic and environmental activity in 354.9; class comprehensive works in
*Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 352–354
354 Public administration and military science 354

.3 *Public administration of environment and natural resources

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including special forms of environmental protection and control (e.g., resource
use planning, conservation, prevention and control of pollution, noise control,
pest control); specific environments (e.g., land and biological resources, urban
land, water, air and atmospheric phenomena); mineral resources; geological
surveys, mining bureaus, subsurface resources
Class here departments of natural resources, public administration of primary
Class parks in 353.7; class public administration of cleanup of pollution in
353.9; class distribution of electricity derived from water power in 354.4; class
interdisciplinary works on city planning in 307.1; class interdisciplinary works
on natural resources development in 333.71; class interdisciplinary works on
conservation in 333.72; class interdisciplinary works on zoning in 333.73; class
interdisciplinary works on urban zoning in 333.77; class interdisciplinary works
on environmental protection in 363.7; class interdisciplinary works on pollution
in 363.73
For public lands, see 352.5; for public administration of recreational use
of environment, sports hunting, see 353.7; for public administration of
sanitation and waste control, see 353.9; for public administration of energy
and energy-related resources, mineral energy resources, see 354.4; for
public administration of agriculture, forestry, aquatic biological resources,
fishing and fisheries, see 354.5

.4 *Public administration of energy and energy-related industries

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including specific energy conservation; specific energy resources and electricity
(e.g., fossil fuels, oil, gas, nuclear fuels)
Class here departments of energy; public administration of energy resources,
public administration of mineral energy resources
Class radiation safety, radioactive wastes in 353.9; class comprehensive works
on control of public utilities in 354.7
For development of water power, see 354.3

.5 *Public administration of agriculture

Including plant crops; forestry; animal husbandry; fishing and fisheries; aquatic
biological resources, marine biological resources; commodity programs; farm
Class nutrition and food programs in 353.5; class rural development in 354.2;
class soil conservation, irrigation projects in 354.3; class agricultural credit in
354.8; class comprehensive works on resources derived from water in 354.3
For sports fishing, see 353.7; for hunting, see 354.3
*Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 352–354
354 Dewey Decimal Classification 354

.6 *Public administration of construction, manufacturing, service

Class here administration of secondary industries
Class public works in 352.7
For commerce, communications, transportation, see 354.7; for financial
services, see 354.8

.7 *Public administration of commerce, communications, transportation

[.72] General considerations of administration
Number discontinued; class in 354.7
.73 *Commerce
Including tourist trade regardless of origin
Class here domestic commerce
For consumer protection, see 352.7; for foreign commerce, see 354.74
See also 354.76 for United States Interstate Commerce Commission
.74 *Foreign commerce
Class foreign tourism in 354.73
.75 *Communications
Including postal service
Class here telecommunications
Class postal organization in 383; class operational management of
postal service in 383.068. Class management, business organizations,
and description of facilities, activities, services of a publicly owned
communications system with the system in 384, e.g., management of a
publicly owned telephone system 384.6068
.76 *Transportation
Including passenger services; freight services; automotive transportation;
railroad transportation; urban mass transportation; local bus transportation,
local rail transportation, comprehensive works on local transportation
Class here ground transportation
Class transportation safety in 353.9. Class passenger service in a specific
form of transportation with the form in 354.77–354.79, e.g., air passenger
service 354.79; class freight service in a specific form of transportation with
the form in 354.77–354.79, e.g., air freight service 354.79
For road transportation, see 354.77; for water transportation, see
354.78; for air and space transportation, see 354.79
.77 *Road transportation
Including passenger service; freight service
*Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 352–354
354 Public administration and military science 354

.78 *Water transportation

Including passenger service; freight service
Class here inland water transportation, ocean transportation
.79 *Air and space transportation
Standard subdivisions are added for air and space transportation together, for
air transportation alone
Including passenger service; freight service

.8 *Public administration of financial institutions, money, credit

Standard subdivisions are added for financial institutions, money, credit
together; for financial institutions alone
Including insurance; credit institutions; banks, savings and loan institutions;
securities and investments
Class works covering public administration of both financial system and
government finances in 352.4; class government loans and loan guarantees in
For government-sponsored insurance, see 353.5; for government-sponsored
health insurance, see 353.6
See also 332.4 for monetary policy

.9 *Public administration of labor and professions

Standard subdivisions are added for labor and professions together, for labor
Including labor in specific groups of occupations; labor in specific extractive,
manufacturing, construction occupations; specific programs for labor and
professions (e.g., employment and related services, labor unions and collective
bargaining, conditions of employment)
Class here departments of labor
Class pensions, unemployment insurance in 353.5; class workers’ compensation
insurance in 353.6; class occupational safety in 353.9
For government workers, see 352.6
.908 Groups of people
Class here affirmative action programs, equal employment opportunity
Class affirmative action programs for a government’s own employees in
*Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 352–354
355 Dewey Decimal Classification 355

355 Military science

Including military situation and policy; defense; military research and
development; relation of military science to science and technology;
comprehensive works on military aspects of research and development of
equipment, supplies, weapons
Class here armed forces and services, ground forces and services
Class sociology of military institutions in 306.2; class combat readiness of
specific units in 355.3; class defense operations in 355.4; class procurement and
contracting aspects of research and development of equipment and supplies in
355.6; class military aspects of research and development (other than procurement
and contracting) of specific kinds of equipment and supplies in 355.8; class
interdisciplinary works on military research and development in 338.4
For specific kinds of military forces and warfare, see 356–359
See also 322 for relation of the state to military organizations; also 327.1 for
disarmament; also 343 for military and defense law
See Manual at 355–359 vs. 623; also at 930–990 vs. 355.009, 355–359

355.001–.009 Standard subdivisions
.02 War and warfare
.1 Military life and customs
.2 Military resources
.3 Organization and personnel of military forces
.4 Military operations
.5 Military training
.6 Military administration
.7 Military installations
.8 Military equipment and supplies (Matériel)

.001 Philosophy and theory

.002 Miscellany
[.002 8] Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Do not use; class in 355.8
.003–.005 Standard subdivisions
.006 Organizations
[.006 8] Management
Do not use; class in 355.6
.007 Education and related topics

355 Public administration and military science 355

.007 1 Education
Do not use for reserve training; class in 355.2. Do not use for
on-the-job training; class in 355.5
Including military colleges and universities
For mid-career training of officers at academically accredited
armed forces schools, see 355.5
See Manual at 378.4–378.9 vs. 355.0071
[.007 2] Research
Do not use; class in 355
.008 Groups of people
.009 History, geographic treatment, biography
Class historical and geographic treatment of military situation and policy
in 355
See Manual at 930–990 vs. 355.009, 355–359
.009 3–.009 9 Specific continents, countries, localities
Class organization of specific national armies in 355.3093–355.3099
For military history of a specific war, see the war in 930–990, e.g.,
military history of Vietnamese War 959.704
.02 War and warfare
Including general topics of war and warfare (e.g., militarism, limited war,
nuclear warfare, insurgent, resistance, revolutionary warfare); causes of war;
aftermath of war; dislocation, reconstruction
Class here conventional warfare, total war; comprehensive works on military
Class relation of military organizations to the state in 322; class promotion
of peace in 327.1; class defense in 355; class guerrilla tactics, government
of occupied territories in 355.4; class comprehensive works on warfare with
weapons of mass destruction in 358
For economic aspects of military-industrial complex, see 338.4; for
strategy in military operations, see 355.4; for causes of specific wars,
aftermath of specific wars, see 930–990. For a specific nuclear force and
its warfare, see the force, e.g., nuclear missile forces and warfare 358.1
See also 341.6 for law of war
.020 1 Philosophy and theory
Do not use for systems; class in 355.4

355 Dewey Decimal Classification 355

.1 Military life and customs

Including service periods, promotion and demotion, termination; living
conditions; living conditions of dependents, comprehensive works on military
housing; conduct and rewards; discipline, soldierly qualities; uniforms; etiquette
of uniforms, comprehensive works on insignia and uniforms; colors and
standards; flag presentations; celebrations, commemorations, memorials;
Class here conditions of military employment
Class reserve training in 355.2; class issue and use of uniforms in 355.8; class
military prisons in 365; class interdisciplinary works on mutinies in 364.1. Class
a military awardee who is associated with another subject with the subject, e.g.,
biography of an awardee who is also a movie star 791.4302
For social and welfare services provided to soldiers and dependents, see
355.3; for quarters for personnel at military installations, see 355.7; for life
in military prisons and prison camps (other than prisoner-of-war camps),
see 365

.2 Military resources
Including preparation, evaluation, preservation; specific resources (e.g., human
resources, civilian workers, raw materials, industrial resources, transportation
and communications facilities); mobilization; demobilization
Class ethics of conscientious objection in 172

355 Public administration and military science 355

.3 Organization and personnel of military forces

Standard subdivisions are added for organization and personnel together, for
organization alone
Including kinds of military units; combat units; personnel and their hierarchy;
noncombat services; operations of noncombat services, social services for
soldiers; combat units according to field of service (e.g., units serving wholly
within national or local frontiers, expeditionary forces, mercenary troops, allied
and coalition forces, international forces, foreign legions); reserves; home
guards, home reserves, militia, national guards; military departments devoted to
reserve or national guard affairs
Class here organization of national armies, combat readiness of specific units
Class library and informational sciences in 020; class care of military personnel
by religious leaders in general in 206; class Christian pastoral care of military
personnel in 259.088; class officers’ manuals, noncommissioned officers’
manuals, comprehensive works on combat readiness in 355; class women
in armed forces in 355.0082; class biography of soldiers in 355.0092; class
promotion and demotion in 355.1; class training of reserves, women as a
military resource in 355.2; class joint operations of allied and coalition forces
in 355.4; class technology of medical services in 610; class technology of
health services in 613.6; class sanitation engineering in 623.7; class veterinary
sciences in 636.089; class recreational arts in 790; class comprehensive works
on supply services in 355.6; class interdisciplinary works on peaceful resolution
of conflict in 327.1; class interdisciplinary works on espionage, interdisciplinary
works on subversion in 327.12. Class a specific service performed by women
with the service, plus notation 082 from Table 1, e.g., women in combat
355.4082; class reserve units of a specific kind of military force with the force,
e.g., army engineer reserves 358
For motivation, see 355.1. For a specific noncombat service not provided
for here, see the service, e.g., housing 355.1, personnel management 355.6;
for a specific kind of unit limited to a specific service, see the service, e.g.,
armored units 358.1; for a specific civic action of armed forces, see the
action, e.g., civil works program of U.S. Army Corps of Engineers 363.0973

.4 Military operations
Including mine clearing operations, peacekeeping operations; support
operations; tactics; nuclear operations; siege and trench warfare, blockades;
defense of home territory; combined operations; amphibious operations;
military geography; technical analyses of military events; war games;
occupation of conquered territory
Class here attack and defense operations, combat; strategy in military operations
Class guerrilla warfare, nuclear warfare, occupation as an aftermath of war in
355.02; class defensive forts and installations in 355.7; class naval blockades in
359.4; class amphibious operations in which marines are main land component
in 359.9
For mine clearing operations by civilians, see 363.34; for engineering
of mine clearing, see 623. For a specific aspect of troop support, see the
aspect, e.g., medical service 355.3
[.409 1] Areas, regions, places in general
Do not use; class in 355.4

355 Dewey Decimal Classification 355

[.409 3–.409 9] Specific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds

Do not use; class in 355.4

.5 Military training
Training of individuals and units
Including maneuvers; basic training; training of officers; mid-career training at
academically accredited armed forces schools; technical training
Class training through war games in 355.4; class comprehensive works on
university-level service academies in 355.0071
For reserve training, universal military training, see 355.2. For military
training in a specific subject, see the subject, plus notation 071 from Table 1,
e.g., military training in computer engineering 621.39071
.507 1 Education in military training
Class military training in a specific country with the country in
355.5093–355.5099, e.g., military training in Switzerland 355.509494

.6 Military administration
Including personnel management (human resource management); supply
and financial administration and related topics; salary administration; wage
and payroll administration; executive management; military mail; graves
registration and burial services
Class here defense administration, departments of defense
Class product development in 355; class civilian workers as a military resource
in 355.2; class command and control systems in 355.3. Class administration of
a function not provided for here with the function, plus notation 068 from Table
1, e.g., administration of installations 355.7068
For service periods, promotion and demotion, termination, motivation, see
355.1; for organization of military forces, personnel and their hierarchy,
supply issuing and related services, managing executive personnel, see
355.3; for supply depots and installations, see 355.7. For contracts for a
specific nonsupply item, see the item, plus notation 068 from Table 1, e.g.,
contracts for real property 355.7068
(Option: Class comprehensive works in 353.2. If option is chosen, change
heading to “Specific topics in military administration,” and do not add standard
[.606 8] Management
Do not use; class in 355.6
.609 1 Areas, regions, places in general
Class here international military and defense administration
Class administration of international peacekeeping troops in 355.3
(If option under 355.6 is chosen, class international military and
defense administration in 353.2)

355 Public administration and military science 355

.7 Military installations
Including quarters for personnel; medical installations; artillery installations;
engineering installations; supply depots and installations; land
Class here military bases, forts, permanent camps, posts, reservations
Class army engineering installations in 358; class army artillery installations
in 358.1; class veterans’ hospitals in 362.11; class comprehensive works on
military housing in 355.1; class comprehensive works on medical services in
355.3; class comprehensive works on supply services in 355.6
.709 3–.709 9 Specific continents, countries, localities
Class here specific forts or systems of fortifications, installations
having two or more functions

.8 Military equipment and supplies (Matériel)

Limited to equipment and supplies common to two or more land forces, or to at
least two of the three major defense forces, e.g., missiles and tanks, supplies of
land and sea forces
Including auxiliary techniques and procedures; clothing, food, camp equipment,
office supplies; specific kinds of weapons (ordnance) (e.g., artillery);
transportation equipment and supplies; combat vehicles; communication
equipment; medical supplies
Class here weapons (ordnance); apparatus, equipment, materials; military
aspects of research and development (other than procurement and contracting)
of specific kinds of equipment and supplies
Class mobilization of military industrial resources in 355.2; class weapons
limited to a specific land force, specific kinds of weapons limited to a specific
land force in 356–357; class army communication equipment in 358; class
army artillery, specific pieces of army artillery in 358.1; class comprehensive
works on military aspects of research and development of equipment and
supplies, of weapons in 355; class comprehensive works on aircraft in 358.4;
class comprehensive works on ships in 359.8. Class interdisciplinary works on
research and development of a specific kind of supplies and equipment with the
kind in 338.4
For administration of specific kinds of equipment and supplies, see 355.6;
for military engineering of bombs, see 623.4
See Manual at 355–359 vs. 623
[.806 8] Management
Do not use; class in 355.6
[.807 2] Research
Do not use; class in 355

356 Dewey Decimal Classification 356

> 356–359 Specific kinds of military forces and warfare

Class here history of specific military forces not limited to any one war, services
and units dedicated to specific forces, countermeasures against specific forces
Class comprehensive works in 355. Class a specific countermeasure with the
force wielding it, e.g., coast artillery 358.1 (not 359)
See Manual at 355–359 vs. 623; also at 930–990 vs. 355.009, 355–359

> 356–357 Land forces and warfare

Class comprehensive works in 355
For chemical, biological, radiological warfare, see 358; for artillery,
missile, armored forces, see 358.1

356 Foot forces and warfare

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including infantry

357 Mounted forces and warfare

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including general topics of mounted forces and warfare (e.g., military life and
customs; organization and personnel; operations, training, administration,
installations, equipment and supplies); horse cavalry; dragoons, lancers; remount
services; mechanized cavalry
For armored cavalry, see 358.1

358 Air and other specialized forces and warfare; engineering

and related services
Including army engineering and related services (e.g., demolition services,
communications forces [signal forces], transportation services); chemical,
biological, radiological warfare; warfare with weapons of mass destruction;
interdisciplinary works on chemical, biological, radiological warfare;
interdisciplinary works on weapons of mass destruction; space forces
Class civil activities of army engineering services in 363
For nuclear warfare, see 355.02. For a specific aspect of weapons of mass
destruction, see the aspect, e.g., disarmament of weapons of mass destruction

358 Public administration and military science 358

.1 Missile forces; army artillery and armored forces

Including army artillery forces; field artillery forces; antiaircraft artillery forces;
coast artillery forces; guided missile forces; strategic missile forces, nuclear
missile forces; tank forces, armored cavalry
Class a specific defense other than surface-to-air missiles with the defense, e.g.,
beam weapon forces 358, air-to-air missile forces 358.4
For air guided missile forces, see 358.4; for naval guided missile forces, see
359.9; for military engineering of missiles, see 623.4
[.101–.109] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 358.1

.4 Air forces and warfare

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including situation and policy; air force research and development; relation
of air force and warfare to science and technology, comprehensive works on
air force aspects of research and development of equipment and supplies;
general topics of air forces and warfare (e.g., military training); specific forces
(e.g., bombing forces; pursuit and fighter forces; transportation services;
reconnaissance forces and operations; communications services; engineering
Class chemical, biological, radiological warfare in 358; class interdisciplinary
works on air force research and development in 338.4
For naval air forces, see 359.9
(Option: Class comprehensive works on air force administration in 353.2. If
option is chosen, use 358.4 for specific topics in air force administration )
.400 1–.400 9 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 355.001–355.009, e.g., air
forces administration 358.4 (not 358.40068)

359 Sea forces and warfare

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including situation and policy; naval defense; naval research and development;
relation of naval science to science and technology; comprehensive works on naval
aspects of research and development of equipment, supplies, weapons
Class here naval forces and warfare
Class ships as naval units in 359.3; class naval aspects of research and development
(other than procurement and contracting) of specific kinds of equipment
and supplies, comprehensive works on ships in the navy in 359.8; class
interdisciplinary works on naval research and development in 338.4
.001–.009 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 355.001–355.009, e.g., naval
administration 359.6 (not 359.0068)

359 Dewey Decimal Classification 359

.1–.7 Naval life, resource, organization and personnel, operations, training,

administration, installations
Add to base number 359 the numbers following 355 in 355.1–355.7, e.g.,
naval organization and personnel, ships as naval units 359.3; however, for
submarines, aircraft carriers, military supply and transport ships, see 359.9
Class comprehensive works on ships in the navy in 359.8
See Manual at 359.3 vs. 359.8

.8 Naval equipment and supplies (Naval matériel)

Including auxiliary techniques and procedures; specific kinds of naval
equipment and supplies (e.g., clothing, food, camp equipment, office supplies,
specific kinds of weapons [ordnance]; transportation equipment and supplies;
communication equipment; medical supplies); comprehensive works on ships in
armed forces
Class here weapons (ordnance); apparatus, equipment, materials; naval aspects
of research and development (other than procurement and contracting) of
specific kinds of supplies and equipment
Class mobilization of naval industrial resources in 359.2; class artillery, guided
missiles in 359.9. Class interdisciplinary works on research and development of
naval supplies and equipment in 338.4
For ships as naval units, see 359.3. For ships used outside the naval forces,
see the force using them, e.g., coast guard ships 359.9
See Manual at 359.3 vs. 359.8
[.806 8] Management
Do not use; class in 359.6
[.807 2] Research
Do not use; class in 359

.9 Specialized combat forces; engineering and related services

Including submarine forces; naval air forces; marine forces; coast guard;
artillery and guided missile forces; engineering and related services (e.g.,
communications services [signal services], special warfare services,
transportation services) aircraft units, aircraft carriers as units, artillery services,
guided missile forces
Class chemical, biological, radiological warfare in 358; class artillery units
aboard specific kinds of ships, guided missile units aboard specific kinds of
ships in 359.3; class artillery ordnance aboard specific kinds of ships, guided
missile ordnance aboard specific kinds of ships in 359.8; class coast guard as a
police service, interdisciplinary works on coast guard in 363.28

360 Social problems and services; associations

360 Social problems and services; associations 360

361 Social problems and services
362 Social problems of and services to groups of people
363 Other social problems and services
364 Criminology
365 Penal and related institutions
366 Secret associations and societies
367 General clubs
368 Insurance
369 Associations

361 Social problems and services

Including specific kinds of assistance (e.g., free assistance; paid assistance;
material assistance; counseling, guidance, related services); general discussions
covering various problems and client groups, and both governmental and private
Class here social welfare; work and policy of government agencies that enforce
the law in matters of social problems and services; interdisciplinary works on
socioeconomic planning and development, on programs and services covering
several branches of social sciences, on social problems and services
Class law of social services, including draft laws, enforcement of the law by courts,
in 344.02–344.05; class the internal administration of governmental agencies
dealing with social services, including their administrative annual reports, in 353.5;
class social work in 361.3; class governmental assistance in 361.6; class private
assistance in 361.7; class insurance in 368; class personal health and safety in 613;
class description of present or past social conditions in 930–990
For social problems considered purely as social phenomena, see 301–307; for
community planning and development, see 307.1; for economic planning and
development, see 338.9; for social services in armed forces, see 355–359; for
specific problems and services, see 362–365; for school social services, see
371.7; for social services in specific wars, see 900
See Manual at 361–365; also at 301–307 vs. 361–365; also at 361–365 vs.
353.5; also at 361 vs. 362–363
.001–.007 Standard subdivisions
.008 Groups of people
Do not use for social problems of and services to groups of people; class
in 362
[.009] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 361.9

.1 Social problems
History, description, appraisal of areas and kinds of social breakdown, of
problems endemic to human society
Including risk assessment
For specific problems, see 362–363

361 Dewey Decimal Classification 361

.2 Social action
Including dissent and protest; reform movements; action within established
social framework; planning, policy, programs, proposals; citizen participation;
comprehensive works on governmental and private action; international action
Class change as a social phenomenon in 303.4; class governmental international
action in 361.6; class private international action in 361.7
For governmental action, see 361.6; for private action, see 361.7; for
combined governmental and private community action, see 361.8. For a
specific aspect of social action not provided for here, see the aspect in
361.3–361.8, e.g., social work 361.3

.3 Social work
Including practice of social work; casework; volunteer social work
Class counseling in 361
For group work, see 361.4

.4 Group work
Including self-help groups; mutual aid, support groups
Class counseling in group work in 361

.6 Governmental action
Including social policy; welfare state; welfare reform
Class here intergovernmental assistance and planning, governmental
international action, interdisciplinary works on government-sponsored
socioeconomic planning and development
Class effect of social action on political structures and values in 320; class
economics of welfare state in 330.12; class combined governmental and private
action in 361.2; class governmental social work in 361.3; class combined
governmental and private community action in 361.8; class interdisciplinary
works on human rights in 323
For management of governmental agencies regulating social welfare
services, see 353.5

.7 Private action
Including individual philanthropy; religious organizations; private organizations
(e.g., nonprofit organizations, business organizations, labor unions); private
international organizations
Class combined governmental and private action in 361.2; class private social
work in 361.3; class relation of government and private sectors in 361.6; class
combined governmental and private community action in 361.8; class ways that
management can deal with charitable donations in 658.15; class programs of
employers for employees in 658.3
.706 Organizations and management
Do not use for a specific kind of organization, e.g., nonprofit
organizations; class in 361.7

361 Social problems and services; associations 361

.706 8 Management
Including fund raising
Class charity, thrift shops in 381
.708 Groups of people
Do not use for private action to a group of people; class in 362

.8 Community action
Including community chests, united charities
Class community development in 307.1; class governmental community action
in 361.6; class private community action in 361.7

.9 History, geographic treatment, biography

Add to base number 361.9 notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., welfare work in
Arizona 361.9791
Class history, geographic treatment, biography of specific kinds of social action
in 361.2–361.8

> 362–363 Specific social problems and services

Class discrimination in 305; class governmental administration of rationing
programs in 352.8; class family problems in 362.82; class safety measures in
363.1; class criminal investigation of specific incidents in 364.1; class social
insurance in 368.4; class comprehensive works on social problems and services,
on material assistance, on counseling and guidance in 361; class comprehensive
works on social action in 361.2. Class effects on the individual with the problem
that occur either after a problem has ceased, or effects on other people that
occur after the problem has ceased or the other people are no longer close to
the person with the problem, with the problem, e.g., effects on adult victims of
child abuse 362.76; class a specific aftereffect of people with a problem with the
aftereffect, e.g., social aspects of alcoholism in victims of child abuse 362.292,
medical aspects of adult victims of child abuse 616.85
For safety measures, see 363.1; for criminology, see 364
See Manual at 361 vs. 362–363; also at 362–363 vs. 364.1

362 Dewey Decimal Classification 362

362 Social problems of and services to groups of people

Including special topics of social problems of and services to groups of people
Class here social security
Unless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference, e.g.,
mentally ill veterans 362.2086 (not 362.86087):

People with physical illnesses 362.1

People with mental illness and disabilities 362.2
People with mental retardation 362.3
People with physical disabilities 362.4
Displaced persons 362.87
Victims of crimes and war 362.88
Veterans of military service 362.86
People in late adulthood 362.6
Young people 362.7
Working class 362.85
Women 362.83
[Transgender and intersex people, people by sexual
orientation, people with status defined by changes in
residence, retired people] 362.89
Poor people 362.5
Miscellaneous groups of people 362.89
(except transgender and intersex people, people by
sexual orientation, people with status defined by
changes in residence, retired people 362.89)
Families 362.82
Ethnic and national groups 362.84
Other groups of people (without subdivisions) 362.8
History, geographic treatment, biography 362.9
Use notation 08 from Table 1 to indicate the specific group of people to whom
the service is rendered, e.g., young adults addicted to alcohol 362.292084, poor
veterans of military service 362.86086. Do not use notation 08 from Table 1 to
indicate services rendered by groups of people, e.g., services rendered by young
adults to people addicted to alcohol 362.292, not 362.29208
For social problems of and services to military personnel, see 355.3; for social
problems of and services to prisoners, see 365; for social security as a form of
social insurance, see 368.4; for social problems of and services to students, see
See also 920.008 for general collections of biography of members of a specific
group that share a social problem
See Manual at 920.008 vs. 305–306, 362

362 Social problems and services; associations 362

362.1 People with physical illnesses
.2 People with mental illness and disabilities
.3 People with mental retardation
.4 People with physical disabilities
.5 Poor people
.6 People in late adulthood
.7 Young people
.8 Other groups of people
.9 History, geographic treatment, biography

[.08] Groups of people

Do not use; class in 362.1–362.8
[.09] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 362.9

> 362.1–362.4 People with illnesses and disabilities

Class incidence of and public measures to prevent physical diseases in
614.4–614.5; class comprehensive works in 362.1
See Manual at 362.1–362.4 vs. 610; also at 362.1–362.4 and 614.4–614.5

.1 People with physical illnesses

Including special topics of people with physical illnesses
Class here interdisciplinary works on illness and disability, on medical care and
treatment, on medical missions, on public health
Class preventive measures, incidence in 614.4. Class the result of a peer review
with the result, e.g., the result of the evaluation of New York City hospitals
For religious aspects of medical missions, see 266; for sociology of
medicine, of health, of illness, see 306.4; for mental illness, see 362.2; for
mental retardation, see 362.3; for problems of and services to people with
a specific physical disability regardless of cause, see 362.4; for health
and accident insurance, see 368.38; for government sponsored health and
accident insurance, see 368.4; for technology of medicine, see 610
.102 3 Services to people with physical illnesses as a profession, occupation,
Class here interdisciplinary works on health occupations peripheral to
the medical and paramedical professions
Class works covering both the medical and peripheral occupations in
For a specific peripheral profession, see the profession, e.g.,
medical social workers 362.1, hospital secretaries 651.3

362 Dewey Decimal Classification 362

.106 8 Management
Class here peer reviews
Class the result of a peer review with the result, e.g., the result of the
evaluation of Swedish hospitals 362.1109485
.108 Groups of people
Do not use for services rendered by groups of people; class in 362.1
Class physical illness among groups of people in 616.008
.108 3 Young people
Do not use for infants and children up to puberty; class in 362.19892
.108 4 People in specific stages of adulthood
Do not use for people in late adulthood; class in 362.19897
.109 History, geographic treatment, biography
.109 173 Socioeconomic regions by concentration of population
Do not use for rural regions; class in 362.1

> 362.11–362.16 Services of specific kinds of institutions

Class services of health maintenance organizations in 362.1; class specific
kinds of services provided by a specific institution in 362.17; class services by a
specific institution to patients with specific conditions in 362.19; class medical
treatment in 616; class comprehensive works in 362.1
.11 Hospitals and related institutions
Standard subdivisions are added for hospitals and related institutions
together, for hospitals alone
For clinics and related institutions, see 362.12; for extended medical
care facilities, see 362.16
.12 Clinics and related institutions
Standard subdivisions are added for clinics and related institutions together,
for clinics alone
Including dispensaries, health centers, outpatient departments of general
Class here ambulatory care, community health services
.14 Professional home care
Including visiting nurses’ services, services of health visitors
See also 649.8 for home care by family members

362 Social problems and services; associations 362

.16 Extended medical care facilities

Including convalescent homes, sanatoriums for people suffering from
chronic diseases
Class here extended medical care facilities for people in late adulthood,
institutions providing complete medical care, nursing homes providing
complete medical care
Class comprehensive works on life care communities in 362.61
.160 84 Services of extended medical care facilities for people in specific
stages of adulthood
Do not use for people in late adulthood; class in 362.16
.17 Specific services
Including services of physicians; services of nurses; intensive care; terminal
care; nutritional services; feeding of sick, comprehensive works on the
provision of special diets for various groups of people with illnesses;
diagnostic and screening services; therapeutic services
Class here social provision of specific kinds of medical services,
interdisciplinary works covering both social provision and technology of
specific kinds of medical services
Class forms of assistance in 362.1; class visiting nurses’ services in 362.14;
class specific kinds of services to patients with specific conditions in 362.19;
class nutritional programs for the population at large in 363.8; class group
practice in 610.6; class medical treatment in 616; class comprehensive works
in 362.1
For emergency services, see 362.18; for nutritional services applied to
nutrition disorders, see 362.1963; for technology of medical services, see
610; for preventive services, see 614.4
.18 Emergency services
Including trauma centers; ambulance services
.19 Services to patients with specific conditions
Class here living with a physical disease
Class incidence of and public measures to prevent specific diseases in 614.5
See also 362.1 for indigent patients; also 362.17 for terminal patients
[.190 1–.190 9] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 362.101–362.109
.196–.198 Specific conditions
Add to base number 362.19 the numbers following 61 in 616–618 for
the condition only, e.g., interdisciplinary works on abortion 362.1988
[formerly 363.46], services to patients with diabetes 362.1964, dental
care 362.1976, maternity services 362.1982; however, do not add
standard subdivisions
For services to people with mental illness, see 362.2. For a specific
aspect of abortion, see the aspect, e.g., abortion as a controversy
363.46, abortion as a crime 364.1, medical aspects of abortion 618.8

362 Dewey Decimal Classification 362

.2 *People with mental illness and disabilities

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including medical services (e.g., mental health facilities, community mental
health services, extended care facilities, professional home care); special topics
of people with mental illness and disabilities; neuroses; psychoses; disorders of
personality, intellect, impulse control
Class here mental disabilities that consist of mental retardation combined with
mental illness
Class suicide in 362.28; class substance abuse in 362.29; class medical
treatment in 616.8; class life with a psychiatric disorder in 616.890092
For mental retardation, see 362.3
.28 *Suicide
Class here suicidal behavior
.29 *Substance abuse
Including aspects of substance abuse; narcotics; specific narcotics, e.g.,
heroin, morphine; hallucinogens and psychedelics; specific hallucinogens
and psychedelics, e.g., LSD, mescaline, PCP; cannabis; specific kinds
of cannabis, e.g., hashish, marijuana; tobacco; cocaine; specific forms of
cocaine, e.g., crack; other substances; designer drugs (synthetic drugs of
abuse), prescription drugs
Class here drug abuse; interdisciplinary works on substance abuse,
addiction, habituation, intoxication
For subculture of substance abusers, see 306; for drug traffic, see
363.45; for illegal sale, possession, use of drugs, see 364.1; for drug
use as a custom, see 394.1; for medical aspects of substance abuse, see
See also 362.2 for food addiction
See Manual at 616.86 vs. 158.1, 204, 248.8, 292–299, 362.29
.292 *Alcohol
Including remedial measures, services, forms of assistance
Class here interdisciplinary works on alcoholism
Class control of sale of alcoholic beverages in 363.4
For a specific aspect of alcoholism, see the aspect, e.g., medical
aspects 616.86

.3 *People with mental retardation

Class comprehensive works on problems of and services to people with
developmental disabilities (those who have neurological diseases combined
with mental retardation and whose problems exhibit themselves before age 18)
in 362.1968; class comprehensive works on treatment of mental retardation and
mental illness in 362.2
*Do not use notation 08 from Table 1 to indicate services rendered by groups of people; class in base
362 Social problems and services; associations 362

.4 *People with physical disabilities

Regardless of cause
Including special topics of people with physical disabilities, people with
physical and mental disabilities; people with blindness and visual impairments;
people who are blind-deaf; people with hearing impairments; people who are
deaf; people with mobility impairments
Class here comprehensive works on people with disabilities, people with
physical and mental disabilities
Class comprehensive works on people with linguistic and communication
disabilities in 362.19685; class comprehensive medical works in 617
For people with mental disabilities, see 362.3

.5 *Poor people
Including measures to prevent, protect against, limit effects of poverty; remedial
measures, services, forms of assistance (e.g., financial assistance, provision
of shelter [temporary housing] [formerly 363.5]; provision of clothing, other
related necessities; recreation; counseling and guidance); homeless and
unemployed people
Class economic measures to prevent poverty in 339; class economic causes
and effects of poverty in 339.4; class aid to families with dependent children
(AFDC) in 362.71; class long-term housing in 363.5; class birth control as
a remedy for poverty in 363.9; class assistance to poor people under social
security in 368.4
For law of legal aid, see 347; for food stamp programs, see 363.8
.508 Groups of people
Do not use for services rendered by groups of people; class in 362.5
[.508 3] Young people
Do not use for poor young people through age seventeen; class in
[.508 35] Young people eighteen to twenty
Relocated to 362.7
.508 6 People by miscellaneous social attributes
Use of this number for unemployed people, homeless people
discontinued; class in 362.5
.508 9 Ethnic and national groups [formerly 362.84]
*Do not use notation 08 from Table 1 to indicate services rendered by groups of people; class in base
362 Dewey Decimal Classification 362

.6 People in late adulthood

Including remedial measures, services, forms of assistance; material assistance;
employment services; counseling and guidance; characteristics of problems,
social action; specific problems (e.g., elder abuse)
Class here social gerontology
Class parent abuse in 362.82; class elder abuse as a crime in 364.15. Class
elder abuse in a specific situation with the situation, e.g., elder abuse in nursing
homes 362.16
[.608] Groups of people
Number discontinued; class in 362.6
.61 Residential care
Class here assisted living; facilities providing minimal medical care, e.g.,
medication maintenance; services of life care communities (continuing care
retirement communities), old age homes, rest homes
Class institutions providing complete medical care in 362.16; class specific
problems, services to groups of people in late adulthood in 362.6; class
housing in 363.5

.7 Young people
Through age twenty
Including characteristics of problems, social action; poor young people eighteen
to twenty [formerly 362.50835]; young people eighteen to twenty in intrafamily
relationships [formerly 362.820835]; unmarried mothers eighteen to twenty
[formerly 362.83]; young people eighteen to twenty by ethnic or national group
[formerly 362.84]; working class young people eighteen to twenty [formerly
Class here children
Class remedial measures, services, forms of assistance, aid to families
with dependent children in 362.71; class abandoned children, orphans in
362.73 Class a family problem when focused on the parent in 362.82 Class
comprehensive works on single motherhood in 362.83
For abused children, see 372.7
.708 Groups of people
Do not use for services rendered by groups of people; class in 362.7
.708 3 Young people twelve to twenty
Do not use for children; class in 362.7
Including young women eighteen to twenty [formerly 362.830835]
Class here young men and women twelve to twenty
Class characteristics of problems, social action, specific groups of
young people twelve to twenty (other than young men and women)
in 362.7; class remedial measures, services, forms of assistance in
362.71; class young people twenty-one and over, comprehensive
works on young men and women in 362

362 Social problems and services; associations 362

[.708 35] Young people twelve to twenty

Do not use; class in 362.7083
.708 5 Relatives
Use of this number for young people as parents discontinued; class in
[.708 6] Young people by miscellaneous social attributes
Number discontinued; class in 362.7
[.708 9] Ethnic and national groups
Number discontinued; class in 362.7

> 362.71–362.73 Specific kinds of services to young people

Class services to maladjusted young people in 362.74; class services to abused
and neglected children in 362.76; class comprehensive works in 362.7
.71 Remedial measures, services, forms of assistance
Measures applicable primarily to individuals, even if in large groups
Including recreational services; day care services; aid to families with
dependent children (AFDC); counseling and guidance
Class here material assistance
Class remedial measures directed toward altering a social function, e.g., cost
control; social work; services to groups of young people in 362.7
For institutional and related services, see 362.73
.73 Institutional and related services
Including institutional care; foster home care; comprehensive works on
foster home care and adoption
Class here abandoned children, orphans
Class adoption in 362.734
.734 Adoption
Including confidentiality of adoption records
Class comprehensive works on the activities of adopted people seeking
their natural parents in 362.82

> 362.74–362.76 Specific kinds of young people

Class comprehensive works in 362.7
For abandoned children, orphans, see 362.73

362 Dewey Decimal Classification 362

.74 *Troubled young people

Former heading: Maladjusted young people
Including predelinquents, runaways
Class here halfway houses for young people who have not committed any
Class young people with mental illness in 362.2083; class families with
missing children in 362.82; class halfway houses for the transition from
reform school to society in 365
For juvenile delinquents, see 364.36
.76 *Abused and neglected young people
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Class child abuse as a crime in 364.15

.8 Other groups of people

.82 Families
Including remedial measures, services, forms of assistance (e.g., financial
assistance; provision of food, shelter [temporary housing], household
assistance, clothing, other related necessities; recreation; counseling and
guidance); specific problems (e.g., abuse within the family, single-parent
family, parents in prison, missing children, relationship between adoptees
and their biological parents)
Class here parents, family problems focused on the parent
Class family welfare when synonymous with general welfare in 362;
class elder abuse, widowers in late adulthood, separated and divorced
parents in late adulthood in 362.6; class aid to families with dependent
children (AFDC), day care in 362.71; class adoption in 362.734; class
runaway children in 362.74; class abused children in 362.76; class family
welfare when synonymous with general welfare of a specific ethnic or
national group in 362.84; class family planning programs in 363.9; class
abuse as a crime in 364.15. Class a problem not provided for here with the
problem, e.g., alcoholism within the family setting 362.292; class a family
problem when focused on the child with the problem in 362.7, e.g., abused
children 362.76; class a specific aspect of children seeking their biological
parents with the aspect, e.g., confidentiality of adoption records 362.734,
genealogical searching 929.1
For widows, unmarried mothers, separated women, divorced women, see
.820 8 Groups of people
Do not use for services rendered by groups of people; class in 362.82
[.820 83] Young people by intrafamily relationships
Do not use for young people through age seventeen; class in 362.7
*Do not use notation 08 from Table 1 to indicate services rendered by groups of people; class in base
362 Social problems and services; associations 362

[.820 835] Young people eighteen to twenty

Relocated to 362.7
.820 86 People by miscellaneous social attributes
Do not use for married women; class in 362.83
Use of this number for separated parents, divorced parents,
widowed people discontinued; class in 362.82
.820 89 Ethnic and national groups [formerly 362.84]
.83 Women
Class widows in late adulthood in 362.6; class wife abuse, battered women,
sexually abused women in 362.82; class rape in 362.883; class transgender
and intersex people in 362.89; class comprehensive works on single-parent
family, comprehensive works on widowed parents in 362.82
For single motherhood through age twenty, see 362.7
Unmarried mothers eighteen to twenty relocated to 362.7
[.830 8] Groups of people
Number discontinued; class in 362.83
[.830 83] Young women
Do not use for young women through age seventeen; class in
[.830 835] Young women eighteen to twenty
Relocated to 362.7083
.84 Ethnic and national groups
Class a social problem of a specific ethnic or national group in a place where
the group predominates with the problem, plus notation 09 from Table 1,
e.g., troubled Italian young people in Italy 362.740945
Poor people by ethnic or national group relocated to 362.5089; young people
eighteen to twenty by ethnic or national group relocated to 362.7; families
by ethnic or national group relocated to 362.82089
.840 01–.840 07 Standard subdivisions
.840 08 Groups of people
Do not use for services rendered by groups of people; class in
.840 09 History, geographic treatment, biography
.85 Working class
Including migrant workers
.850 8 Groups of people
Do not use for services rendered by groups of people; class in 362.85

362 Dewey Decimal Classification 362

[.850 83] Young people

Do not use for young workers through age seventeen from lower
class; class in 362.7
[.850 835] Young people eighteen to twenty
Relocated to 362.7
.86 *Veterans of military service
Class here veterans’ rights and benefits
Class veterans’ pensions in 331.25
For veterans’ education benefits, see 371.2; for veterans’ higher
education benefits, see 378.3
.87 *Displaced persons
Former heading: Victims of oppression
Class here exiles, refugees, stateless persons
Victims of war relocated to 362.88
.88 Victims of war [formerly 362.87] and crimes
Standard subdivisions are added for victims of crimes and war together, for
victims of crimes alone
Including inmates of concentration or internment camps; characteristics of
problems, social action; assault and battery; victims of abuse
Class here victimology
Class elder abuse in 362.6; class abused children in 362.76; class services to
abused family members, victims of domestic violence in 362.82; class crime
prevention for society as a whole in 364.4; class prevention by individuals in
613.6; class comprehensive works on crimes in 364.1
For works on why people become victims of specific crimes, see 364.1
.880 8 Groups of people
Do not use for services rendered by groups of people; class in 362.88
.880 83 *Young people
Class neglected children in 362.76
.883 *Rape
Class rape prevention by individuals in 613.6
*Do not use notation 08 from Table 1 to indicate services rendered by groups of people; class in base
362 Social problems and services; associations 362

.89 Miscellaneous groups of people

Limited to people by social and economic levels; social classes; people
by sexual orientation; transgender and intersex people; transgenderists,
transsexuals; people by miscellaneous social attributes (e.g., people with
status defined by changes in residence, unemployed people, retired people)
For poor people, see 362.5; for unmarried mothers, see 362.83; for
immigrants of a specific ethnic or national group, see 362.84; for
working class, see 362.85; for displaced persons, see 362.87; for victims
of crime and war, see 362.88; for population problems, see 363.9; for
illegal immigration, see 364.1; for offenders, see 364.3

.9 History, geographic treatment, biography

Class here comprehensive works on the social problems of a specific ethnic or
national group in a place where the group predominates, e.g., social problems of
Italians in Italy 362.945
Add to base number 362.9 notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., social welfare in
France 362.944
Class history, geographic treatment, biography of specific social problems in
For a social problem of a specific ethnic or national group in a place where
the group predominates, see the problem, plus notation 09 from Table 1,
e.g., poor Italians in Rome 362.509456

363 Other social problems and services

Standard subdivisions are added for comprehensive treatment of environmental and
safety problems of society, e.g., assuring a safe and secure environment for Japan
Class here public works
For communication facilities, see 384; for transportation facilities, see 388
See Manual at 363 vs. 302–307, 333.7, 570–590, 600; also at 363 vs.
344.02–344.05, 353–354

363.1 Public safety programs
.2 Police services
.3 Other aspects of public safety
.4 Controversies related to public morals and customs
.5 Housing
.6 Public utilities and related services
.7 Environmental problems
.8 Food supply
.9 Population problems

363 Dewey Decimal Classification 363

.1 Public safety programs

Including general topics of public safety programs; public control of safety;
measures to prevent, protect against, limit effects of problems; remedial
measures, services, forms of assistance
Class here safety measures, interdisciplinary works on safety
Unless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference,
e.g., use of hazardous materials in health care facilities 363.17 (not 363.15):

Hazardous materials 363.17

Hazards in sports and recreation 363.14
Transportation hazards 363.12
Hazardous machinery 363.18
Product hazards 363.19
Domestic hazards 363.13
Hazards in health care facilities 363.15
Occupational and industrial hazards 363.11
Class terrorism and responses to terrorism associated with a particular aspect
of public safety in 363.325; class managerial response to safety requirements,
comprehensive works on safety management in 658.4. Class safety management
in a specific industry with the industry, plus notation 068 from Table 1, e.g.,
safety management in petroleum industry 665.5068
For police services, see 363.2; for aspects of public safety not provided
for here, see 363.3; for personal safety, survival after accidents, see 613.6.
For a specific kind of remedial measure other than rescue operations, see
the measure, e.g., medical care for the injured 362.1; for safety technology
of a specific subject, see the subject, plus notation 028 from Table 1, e.g.,
safety technology in hydraulic engineering 627.028; for a technical or
engineering aspect of a safety investigation, see the aspect in 600, e.g.,
safety engineering 620.8, wreckage studies of automobile accidents 629.28;
for accounts of a specific incident that affected general social life and
history, see the incident in 900, e.g., San Francisco earthquake of 1906 979
See Manual at 363.1; also at 333.7–333.9 vs. 363.1, 363.73, 577; also at
363.1 vs. 600
.100 1–.100 9 Standard subdivisions
.11 Occupational and industrial hazards
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including occupational and industrial hazards in specific industries and
.12 Transportation hazards
Including rail transportation; water transportation; water safety; air and
space transportation; highway and urban vehicular transportation
Class here accidents, fires resulting from accidents
Class safety in water sports in 363.14; class traffic control by the police in
363.2; class wreckage studies of specific air and space accidents in 629.132;
class wreckage studies of specific vehicular and highway accidents in
629.28; class comprehensive works on fires in transportation facilities in
363.37; class comprehensive works on air traffic control in 387.7

363 Social problems and services; associations 363

.120 01–.120 09 Standard subdivisions

.13 Domestic hazards
.14 Hazards in sports and recreation
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
.15 Hazards in health care facilities
.17 Hazardous materials
Manufacture, transportation, use
Including specific types of hazardous materials; explosives [formerly also
363.33]; explosions [formerly 363.34]
Class here interdisciplinary works on hazardous materials, works on the
control of such materials in their ordinary commercial setting (manufacture,
sale, commercial and industrial use, disposal)
For hazardous materials as components of articles that become
hazardous products, see 363.19; for hazardous materials as impurities
in the water supply, see 363.6; for hazardous wastes, see 363.72; for
hazardous materials as environmental pollutants, see 363.738; for
hazardous materials as a cause of disease or injury in an organism, see
571.9; for hazardous materials as an environmental factor affecting
the natural ecology, see 577.27; for hazardous materials technology,
see 604.7; for chemicals as a cause of injury to people, see 615.9; for
radiation hazards as a cause of injury to people, see 616.9
.18 Hazardous machinery
Including specific kinds of hazardous machinery
.19 Product hazards
Adulteration, contamination, safety, adequacy, effectiveness of products
offered for human consumption and use
Including household appliances, medical instruments and supplies, textiles,
toys; foods; drugs and medicines; cosmetics
Class here hazards due to containers and applicators that accompany

363 Dewey Decimal Classification 363

.2 Police services
Including personnel; personnel management (human resource management);
police functions; law enforcement, prevention of crime by police; auxiliary
Class general investigations of traffic accidents in 363.12; class detection of
crime, investigation of traffic offenses in 363.25; class police services in control
of factors affecting public morals in 363.4; class wreckage studies in 629.28;
class comprehensive works on traffic control in 363.12. Class a social service
function of police with the function in 362, e.g., counseling of rape victims
362.883; class police committing a crime with the crime in 364.1, e.g., police
violation of civil rights 364.1
For police functions in relation to a type of social conflict, see the type, e.g.,
control of terrorism 363.325
See Manual at 363 vs. 344.02–344.05, 353–354: Law enforcement
.206 8 Management
Do not use for personnel management (human resource management);
class in 363.2
.25 Detection of crime (Criminal investigation)
Including specific techniques and kinds of evidence (e.g., procurement
and analysis of evidence [e.g., interrogation of witnesses]; identification
of criminals); detection of specific types of offenses (e.g., investigation of
Class here forensic science (criminalistics); evidence, circumstantial
Class general investigations of transportation accidents in 363.12; class
evidence preservation, files resulting from criminal investigations in 363.2.
Class detection of a specific crime with the crime in 364.1, e.g., detection of
a murder in New York City 364.152
For forensic medicine, see 614
See also 364.1 for criminal offenses
.28 Services of special kinds of security and law enforcement agencies
Including park police; marshals and sheriffs; secret police; border patrols;
harbor patrols; interdisciplinary works on coast guards; transportation
security services; private detective and police services
Class agencies to carry out specific police functions, automobile traffic
control in 363.2; class agencies to investigate specific kinds of crime in
For coast guards as a military service, see 359.9; for narcotics agents,
see 363.45; for postal inspectors, see 383

.3 Other aspects of public safety

See Manual at 363.1

363 Social problems and services; associations 363

.31 Censorship
Class here control of information, press control; censorship as routine
governmental function; interdisciplinary works on censorship
For a specific aspect of censorship not provided for here, see the aspect,
e.g., censorship as social control 303.3, legal aspects of censorship
See Manual at 363.31 vs. 303.3, 791.4
.32 Social conflict
Including aspects of social conflict; crowds; riots [formerly 363.34];
demonstrations; crowd control, riot control
Class here civil disorder [formerly 363.34], civil disobedience; violence
Class interdisciplinary works on conflict, on civil disorder and disobedience,
on conflict resolution in 303.6
.325 Terrorism
Including cyberterrorism; aspects of terrorism; bioterrorism and chemical
terrorism; nuclear terrorism; specific targets of terrorism
Class here bombing; terrorism and responses to terrorism associated with
a particular aspect of public safety; interdisciplinary works on terrorism
Class comprehensive works on data security and cyberterrorism in 005.8;
class comprehensive works on aspects of public safety and terrorism and
responses to terrorism associated with the aspect in 363.1
For sociology of terrorism, see 303.6; for terrorism as a crime, see
364.1; for cyberterrorism as a crime, see 364.16
.33 Control of firearms
Class here interdisciplinary works on gun control
For gun control as a civil rights issue, see 323.4
Explosives relocated to 363.17

363 Dewey Decimal Classification 363

.34 Disasters
Including remedial measures, services, forms of assistance; disaster relief;
specific kinds of disasters (e.g., disasters caused by weather conditions,
floods, tsunamis, earthquakes and volcanoes, war)
Class problems of war refugees when not treated directly in the context of
war relief in 362.87; class survival after disasters in 613.6; class technology
of flood control in 627; class interdisciplinary works on mine clearing
operations in 355.4. Class war relief during a specific war with the war, e.g.,
relief work of Switzerland during World War II 940.54
For epidemics and pandemics, see 362.1; for disasters caused by
terrorism, see 363.325; for civil defense, see 363.35; for fires, see
363.37. For a specific kind of remedial measure other than those applied
immediately at the time and site of the disaster, see the measure, e.g.,
medical care for the injured 362.1; for a disaster resulting from one
of the hazards listed in 363.1, see the hazard, e.g., shipwrecks 363.12,
nuclear accidents 363.17; for a specific form of disaster relief not
provided for here, see the form of relief, e.g., long-range planning to
replace housing lost due to a volcanic eruption 363.5
See Manual at 900: Historic events vs. nonhistoric events
Civil disorder relocated to 363.32; explosions relocated to 363.17
.35 Civil defense
Measures to defend civilian populations against war
Class comprehensive works on civil defense and emergency preparedness in
.37 Fire hazards
Including measures to prevent, protect against, limit effects of problems;
fire prevention, measures to control accumulation of ordinary combustible
materials; remedial measures, services, forms of assistance; fire fighting; fire
hazards in specific situations
Class safety considerations with respect to especially flammable materials
in 363.17; class safety of products (e.g., sweaters, mattresses) that might
constitute unsuspected fire hazards in 363.19; class fire fighting and fire
safety technology in 628.9
For fires resulting from transportation accidents, see 363.12

363 Social problems and services; associations 363

.4 Controversies related to public morals and customs

Treated as social problems
Including sale of alcoholic beverages; gambling; prostitution; obscenity and
pornography; premarital and extramarital relations; homosexuality
Class compulsive gambling in 362.2; class problems of and services to
alcoholics in 362.292; class censorship and control of information in 363.31;
class public drunkenness as an offense, gambling as a crime, obscenity and
pornography as crimes in 364.1; class prostitution as a crime, premarital and
extramarital relations as crimes in 364.15; class interdisciplinary works on
homosexuality in 306.76. Class a controversy treated other than as a social issue
with the aspect of the controversy, e.g., ethics of gambling 175 (not 363.4)
For sale of alcoholic beverages as an offense against revenue,
comprehensive works on criminal offenses associated with alcoholic
beverages, see 364.1
.45 Drug traffic
Class here narcotics agents
Class problems of and services to drug addicts in 362.29
For criminal offenses associated with drugs, see 364.1
See also 363.4 for sale of alcoholic beverages
.46 Abortion
Class abortion as a crime in 364.1
Interdisciplinary works on abortion relocated to 362.1988

.5 Housing
Including social causes; housing conditions; programs and services (e.g.,
financial assistance, programs and services for specific objectives, public
operated housing); housing for groups of people
Class here housing as a social problem, comprehensive works on housing for
poor people, interdisciplinary works on housing
For a specific aspect of housing, see the aspect, e.g., sociological aspects
307.3, economic aspects 333.33, provision of shelter 361; for provision of
shelter for a specific group of people, see the group in 362.1–362.8, e.g.,
shelter for women 362.83
See Manual at 363.5, 363.6, 363.8 vs. 338; also at 363.5 vs. 643
Provision of shelter (temporary housing) for poor people relocated to 362.5
[.508] Housing for groups of people
Do not use; class in 363.5

363 Dewey Decimal Classification 363

.6 Public utilities and related services

Standard subdivisions are added for public utilities and related services
together, for public utilities alone
Including comprehensive works on water supply, on water-related public
works, e.g., a study covering waterworks, treatment plants, canals, flood
control, hydroelectric generation; gas; park and recreation services; services
maintained or proposed after land has been designated for parks, establishment
and operation of recreational centers primarily serving the general public;
historic preservation; public policies to protect and restore historic buildings and
areas and to promote appreciation of them
Class here problems of allocation among end users, measures to assure
abundance of immediately available supplies and services
Class park policy and park development in 333.78; class technology of building
restoration and preservation in 720.28; class recreational centers in 790.068.
Class a specific cultural institution maintained by park and recreation services
with the institution, e.g., museums 069, theaters 792
For electrical utilities, see 333.793; for communication, see 384; for
transportation, see 388. For a specific topic of water supply, see the topic,
e.g., flood control 363.34
See Manual at 363.6; also at 333.7–333.9 vs. 363.6; also at 363.5, 363.6,
363.8 vs. 338; also at 913–919: Historic sites and buildings; also at
930–990: Historic preservation

.7 Environmental problems
Including characteristics of environmental problems, social action; disposal
of the dead; interdisciplinary works on social aspects and services, customs,
technology of disposal of the dead; interdisciplinary works on pest control
Class here environmental protection; impact of wastes, of pollution, of actions
to control waste and pollution
Class interdisciplinary works on death in 306.9; class interdisciplinary works on
the environment in 333.7
For death customs, see 393; for technology of disposal of the dead, see 614;
for control of disease-carrying pests, see 614.4; for control of agricultural
pests, see 632; for control of household pests, see 648; for comprehensive
works on the technology of pest control, see 628.9
See Manual at 333.72 vs. 304.2, 320.58, 363.7
.700 1–.700 9 Standard subdivisions
.72 Sanitation
Including wastes; industrial, municipal wastes; waste disposal, management;
sanitation in specific environments
Class dangerous wastes still in hands of processors or users in 363.17; class
pollution by waste disposal in 363.73; class dangerous wastes which have
escaped both safety and sanitary controls in 363.738

363 Social problems and services; associations 363

.73 Pollution
Including social causes; incidence, extent, severity; social action; remedial
measures; measures to prevent, protect against, limit effects of pollution
Class works that discuss waste and sanitation problems as well as pollution
in 363.7; class waste disposal as a method of pollution prevention in 363.72;
class specific pollutants from specific sources in 363.738; class noise in
363.74; class technology of pollution prevention in 628.5; class management
responsibilities and measures with respect to protection and preservation of
the environment in 658.4
See Manual at 333.7–333.9 vs. 363.1, 363.73, 577; also at 363.73 vs.
571.9, 577.27
.738 Pollutants
Including oil; toxic chemicals; acid rain; fumes, gases, smoke
Class here chemical pollutants
Class remedial measures in 363.73
For a specific aspect of greenhouse effect (global warming) not
provided for here, a specific aspect of ozone layer depletion not
provided for here, see the aspect, e.g., changes in earth’s temperature
551.5, chemical changes in earth’s ozone layer 551.51, effect on
ecology 577.27
.739 Pollution of specific environments
Including air pollution; comprehensive works on water pollution; soil
Class specific pollutants in specific environments in 363.738
For assurance of clean water supply, see 363.6
See Manual at 363.6
.74 Noise
Including sources of noise; incidence, extent, severity

.8 Food supply
Including incidence, extent, severity of food supply problems; nutrition surveys;
social action
Class here famine, hunger; interdisciplinary works on food supply, on nutrition
For economics of food supply, see 338.1; for problems of malnutrition, see
362.1963; for prevention of malnutrition, see 614.5
See Manual at 363.5, 363.6, 363.8 vs. 338; also at 363.8 vs. 613.2, 641.3
.808 Groups of people
Do not use for food supply problems of and services to groups of people,
other than poor people; class in 362.1–362.8

363 Dewey Decimal Classification 363

.9 Population problems
Including population quantity; population quality; interdisciplinary works on
eugenics; remedial measures for overpopulation; interdisciplinary works on
birth control, on family planning programs; sterilization
Class here interdisciplinary works on population problems
Class abortion in 362.1988; class immigration in 362.89; class interdisciplinary
works on population in 304.6
For eugenic measures to reduce crime, see 364.4; for personal health
aspects of birth control, see 613.9; for comprehensive medical works on
birth control, see 618.1. For a specific aspect of eugenics, see the aspect,
e.g., civil rights 323; for a specific manifestation of a population problem,
see the manifestation, e.g., population growth as a cause of poverty 362.5,
pressure on food supply leading to famine 363.8

364 Criminology
Crime and its alleviation
Including special topics of criminology (e.g., extent and incidence of crime)
Class here comprehensive works on criminology and criminal law, on criminal
justice that includes criminology, police services, and criminal law
Unless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference, e.g.,
punishment of specific types of offenders 364.6 (not 364.3):

Penology 364.6
Discharged offenders 364.8
Offenders 364.3
Prevention of crime and delinquency 364.4
Causes of crime and delinquency 364.2
Criminal offenses 364.1
History, geographic treatment, biography of crime and
its alleviation 364.9
Class social services to victims of crimes and crime prevention for the individual in
For criminal law, see 345; for police services, see 363.2
.01 Philosophy and theory
For criminal psychology of specific offenses, see 364.1; for criminal
psychology of offenders in general, see 364.3
.08 Groups of people
Class works on why people become victims of specific crimes in 364.1
.086 People by miscellaneous social attributes
Do not use for predelinquents; class in 362.74. Do not use for victims
of crimes; class in 362.88. Do not use for offenders; class in 364.3. Do
not use for juvenile delinquents; class in 364.36. Do not use for convicts;
class in 365

364 Social problems and services; associations 364

.09 History, geographic treatment, biography of criminology as a discipline

Do not use for history, geographic treatment, biography of crime and its
alleviation; class in 364.9

.1 Criminal offenses
Including political and related offenses (e.g., political offenses, offenses against
proper government, offenses against revenue, offenses against administration of
justice, international offenses, offenses against postal laws, illegal immigration,
war crimes); offenses against public health, safety, order, environment (e.g.,
traffic offenses and misuse of communications facilities, vagrancy); offenses
against public morals; other offenses
Class here conspiracy to and incitement to commit an offense, individuals
identified with a specific offense or type of offense, investigation of specific
crimes, crimes without victims
Class offenses against church law in 262.9; class social services to victims of
crimes in 362.88; class investigation of specific types of offenses in 363.25;
class drug traffic in 363.45; class abortion as a public morals question in
363.46; class genocide, sex offenses in 364.15; class assassination of heads of
state and government in 364.152; class sabotage, counterfeiting of merchandise
in 364.16; class crime as an event in history in 900; class comprehensive works
on offenders in 364.3; class interdisciplinary works on abortion in 362.1988;
class interdisciplinary works on terrorism in 363.325
For a specific war crime, see the crime, e.g., genocide 364.15; for a specific
type of terrorism, see the type, e.g., cyberterrorism 364.16; for a specific
international offense, see the offense, e.g., piracy 364.16
See Manual at 362–363 vs. 364.1; also at 900: Historic events vs.
nonhistoric events
.106 Organized crime
Do not use for organizations dealing with criminal offenses; class in
Class here Mafia
[.106 092] Biography
Do not use for organized crime figures not associated with a
specific offense; class in 364.1092. Do not use for organized
crime figures associated with a specific offense; class in 364.1
with the offense e.g., a looter 364.16092
.15 Offenses against the person
Including genocide; sex offenses; abduction, kidnapping, taking and holding
of hostages; other violent offenses against the person (e.g., robbery, assault
and battery); offenses against reputation and honor; stalking
Class here hate crimes
Class elder abuse as a social problem in 362.6; class child abuse as a social
problem in 362.76; class parental kidnapping, social services to battered
wives, spouse abuse as a social problem in 362.82; class social services
aspects of rape in 362.883; class bigamy, seditious libel in 364.1; class
prevention of crimes by individuals in 613.6

364 Dewey Decimal Classification 364

.152 Homicide
Including suicide; murder; assassination; manslaughter
Class lynching in 364.1; class genocide in 364.15
.16 Offenses against property
Including theft; larceny; fraud; extortion; intellectual property infringement;
business, financial, professional offenses; computer, white collar crime
Class here looting, pillage, plundering
Class wildlife smuggling, mail fraud, comprehensive works on
counterfeiting in 364.1; class robbery, comprehensive works on hijacking in
364.15; class prevention of crimes by individuals, prevention by individuals
of violent offenses against property in 613.6
For a specific type of computer crime not provided for here, see the type,
e.g., tax evasion 364.1

.2 Causes of crime and delinquency

Including influence of physical environment; influence of personal factors;
influence of social factors
Class here criminal anthropology
Class victimology in 362.88

.3 Offenders
Including recidivists
Class here criminal psychology
Class juvenile delinquents of specific ethnic and national groups, juvenile
offenders with mental illnesses and disabilities in 364.36. Class men and
women with attributes of a specific group with the group, e.g., men and women
in late adulthood 364.3084; class a specific aspect of the justice system for
specific types of offenders with the aspect, e.g., determination of sentences for
juvenile offenders 364.6, offenders as prisoners in 365
For individuals chiefly identified with a specific offense or type of offense,
see 364.1
[.308 11] Men
Do not use; class in 364.3
[.308 2] Women
Do not use; class in 364.3
[.308 3] Young people
Do not use; class in 364.36
.308 6 People by miscellaneous social attributes
Do not use for offenders; class in 364.3. Do not use for juvenile
delinquents and predelinquents; class in 364.36

364 Social problems and services; associations 364

.308 7 People with disabilities and illnesses, gifted people

Do not use for people with mental illnesses and disabilities; class in
[.308 9] Ethnic and national groups
Do not use; class in 364.3
.36 Juvenile delinquents
Including status offenders (juveniles who have broken laws pertaining only
to their age group, e.g., curfew laws, drinking below legal age)
Class here comprehensive works on juvenile delinquency, juvenile
delinquents, juvenile justice system together
Class comprehensive works on maladjusted young people in 362.74
For legal aspects, see 345

.4 Prevention of crime and delinquency

Including curfew, eugenic measures; special topics of prevention of crime and
delinquency (e.g., social action); identification of potential offenders; citizen
participation; welfare services; counseling and guidance; environmental design
Class here what society does to prevent crime
Class individual action in 362.88; class preventive police work in 363.2; class
penalties as a deterrent in 364.601
For law enforcement, see 363.2. For a specific aspect of prevention by a
potential victim, see the aspect, e.g., prevention of identity theft 332.024,
prevention by individuals of crimes 613.6, household security 643, business
intelligence and security 658.4

.6 Penology
Including parole and indeterminate sentence; probation and suspended sentence;
determination of sentence; corporal punishment; noninstitutional penalties
Class here welfare services to offenders, reform of penal system
Class capital punishment in 364.66; class welfare services to prisoners, reform
of penal institutions, services to prisoners to prepare them for parole in 365
For discharged offenders, see 364.8; for institutions for correction of
offenders, see 365
.601 Philosophy and theory
Class here punishment as retribution, deterrent, protection to society,
reformation of offenders
.66 Capital punishment
.8 Discharged offenders

364 Dewey Decimal Classification 364

.9 History, geographic treatment, biography of crime and its alleviation

Add to base number 364.9 notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., people associated
with crime and its alleviation 364.92; however, for victims, see 362.88; for
police, see 363.2; for criminologists, see 364.092; for offenders associated with
specific kinds of crime, see 364.1; for comprehensive works on offenders, see
364.3; for penologists, see 364.6092
Class extent and incidence of crime in 364

365 Penal and related institutions

Institutions for correction of offenders and for incarceration of other groups
considered socially undesirable
Standard subdivisions are added for penal and related institutions together, for
penal institutions alone
Including kinds of penal institutions (e.g., institutions by level of government,
institutions by degree of security, institutions by purpose or type of program);
institutions for specific classes of inmates; personal narratives of specific classes of
inmates; prison plant; inmates; offenders as inmates; community-based corrections;
social aspects of prison life, e.g., conjugal rights, drug abuse; reform of penal
Class here imprisonment and detention
Class care of prisoners by religious leaders in general in 206; class Christian
pastoral care of prisoners in 259; class institutions for prisoners of war in
355.1; class statistics of inmates when used to indicate general statistics of
offenders in 364.302; class parole and indeterminate sentence, probation and
suspended sentence, reform of penal system, reform to eliminate prisons as form
of punishment for certain types of crimes in 364.6; class education of delinquent
students in 371.93; class adult education of prisoners in 374; class technology of
medical services in 610; class technology of health services in 613; class prison
architecture in 725; class recreational arts in 790. Class penal colonies as a part of
history of a place with the place in 930–990, e.g., penal colony of Botany Bay as
founding settlement of New South Wales 994
For concentration camps associated with a specific war, see the war, e.g.,
World War II concentration camps 940.53
.068 Management
Do not use for plant management; class in 365
[.09] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 365

366 Social problems and services; associations 366

366 Secret associations and societies

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including Freemasonry; Knights of Pythias; Independent Order of Odd Fellows;
Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks
Class here semisecret associations and societies
For Rosicrucianism, see 135; for orders of knighthood, see 929.7. For secret
associations and societies not provided for here, see the associations and
societies, e.g., student secret associations 371.8
Comprehensive works on associations relocated to 369
[.001–.008] Standard subdivisions of associations
Relocated to 369.01–369.08
[.009] History, geographic treatment, biography of associations
Relocated to 369.09
.01–.08 Standard subdivisions
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography
.093–.099 Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use for specific associations or societies; class in 366

367 General clubs

Including social clubs, study clubs
Class here social clubs for specific types of people, e.g., social clubs for actors
Class clubs dealing with a specific subject with the subject, plus notation 06 from
Table 1, e.g., chess clubs 794.106
[.09] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 367

368 Dewey Decimal Classification 368

368 Insurance
Including specific forms of risk (e.g., property risks, personal risks, other risks);
general principles; actuarial science, finance, mathematical principles; conventional
comprehensive sales groupings; all-risk, multiple-line coverage
Class here risk, insurance industry
Class investments by insurance companies in 332.67; class fraudulent claims,
insurance fraud as crimes in 364.16; class motor vehicle transportation insurance
as a branch of inland marine insurance, air transportation insurance as a branch of
inland marine insurance in 368.2; class motor vehicle liability insurance, aviation
liability insurance in 368.5; class risk management as part of management in
658.15. Class a single line of insurance with the line, e.g., homeowner’s liability
insurance 368.5
For a specific type of insurance in a specific place, see the type, e.g.,
transportation insurance in South America 368.20098; for a single line of
insurance, see the line, e.g., business liability insurance 368.8
See also 658.15 for managerial decisions on choosing insurance
.001 Philosophy and theory
Do not use for mathematical principles; class in 368
.002–.005 Standard subdivisions
.006 Organizations and management
Including insurance companies; interdisciplinary works on insurance
Class government agencies that provide insurance in 353.5
For credit and loan functions of insurance companies, see 332.3
.007–.008 Standard subdivisions
.009 History, geographic treatment, biography
[.009 4–.009 9] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use; class in 368

.1 Insurance against damage to and loss of property

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including fire insurance; allied fire insurance lines and extended coverage
endorsement; commercial property insurance; war risk insurance
Class multi-peril real property insurance in 368; class ocean marine war risk
insurance in 368.2; class war risk life insurance in 368.36; class business
interruption insurance in 368.8; class comprehensive works in 368. Class
property damage (liability) insurance as part of a specific type of liability
insurance with the type, e.g., property damage insurance as part of public
liability 368.5
For insurance against damage to and loss of property in transit, see 368.2;
for casualty insurance, see 368.5–368.8
.100 1–.100 9 Standard subdivisions

368 Social problems and services; associations 368

.2 Insurance against damage to and loss of property in transit

Variant names: marine insurance, transportation insurance
Including postal and satellite insurance; ocean marine insurance; inland marine
insurance; air transportation insurance
Class here insurance against damage to and loss of instrumentalities of
Class a combination of transportation property insurance and transportation
liability insurance, comprehensive works on all types of motor vehicle
insurance, on all types of air transportation and aviation insurance in 368
.200 1–.200 9 Standard subdivisions

.3 Old-age insurance and insurance against death, illness, injury

Including annuities
Class here comprehensive works on private and government-sponsored old-age
insurance and insurance against death, illness, injury; comprehensive works on
group insurance, on industrial insurance, on old-age and survivors’ insurance,
on survivors’ insurance
Class personnel management of insurance as a fringe benefit, pensions as an
element of personnel management in 658.3; class comprehensive works on
insurance as a fringe benefit, comprehensive works on pensions in 331.25
For government-sponsored insurance, see 368.4. For a specific type
of group insurance, of industrial insurance, of old-age and survivors’
insurance, of survivors’ insurance not provided for here, see the type, e.g.,
group credit insurance 368.8
.300 1–.300 9 Standard subdivisions
.32 Life insurance
Including endowment insurance; term life insurance; universal life
insurance; variable life insurance; whole life insurance
For special fields of life insurance, see 368.36
.320 01–.320 09 Standard subdivisions
.36 Special fields of life insurance
Including industrial life insurance; fraternal insurance; life insurance for
members of armed services; burial insurance
.38 Health insurance, accident insurance, disability income insurance
Including insurance aspects of managed care, prepaid health insurance
(insurance in which the insurer first pays the bills), specific health insurance
organizations or plans without regard to type
Class interdisciplinary works on delivery of health care in 362.1
.380 01–.380 09 Standard subdivisions

368 Dewey Decimal Classification 368

.4 Government-sponsored insurance
Including workers’ compensation insurance (workmen’s compensation
insurance); comprehensive works on workers’ compensation insurance and
employers’ liability insurance; health and accident insurance; old-age and
survivors’ insurance; unemployment insurance; insurance against crimes of
Class here social insurance, social security as a form of social insurance
Class supplementary social security for low-income people in 362.5; class
comprehensive works on social security taxes in 336.249; class comprehensive
works on old-age and survivors’ insurance in 368.3; class comprehensive works
on health and accident insurance in 368.38; class comprehensive works on
crime insurance in 368.8
For employers’ liability insurance (insurance of an employer’s liability for
compensation to his employees in case of accident), see 368.5. For a type of
government-sponsored insurance not provided for here, see the type, e.g.,
crop insurance 368.1, bank deposit insurance 368.8
.400 1–.400 5 Standard subdivisions
.400 6 Organizations and management
.400 68 Management
Class personnel management of insurance for government
employees in 352.6
.400 7–.400 8 Standard subdivisions
.400 9 History, geographic treatment, biography
.400 973 United States
Do not use for social security in United States; class in 368.4

> 368.5–368.8 Casualty insurance

Class comprehensive works in 368.5

.5 Liability insurance
Including no-fault insurance, umbrella or excess liability insurance; public
liability insurance; instrumentalities of transportation
Class here comprehensive works on casualty insurance
Class comprehensive works on all types of motor vehicle insurance,
comprehensive works on all types of aviation insurance in 368
For glass insurance, see 368.6; for insurance against industrial casualties,
see 368.7; for other casualty insurance, see 368.8
.500 1–.500 9 Standard subdivisions

.6 Glass insurance
Including coverage on plate glass, windows
.600 1–.600 9 Standard subdivisions

368 Social problems and services; associations 368

.7 Insurance against industrial casualties (accidents)

Including boiler and machinery, nuclear (nuclear energy, nuclear hazards),
power interruption, power plant insurance
.700 1–.700 9 Standard subdivisions

.8 Other casualty insurance

Including business liability insurance; burglary, robbery, theft insurance;
comprehensive works on crime insurance; fidelity bonds; surety bonds;
guarantees; credit insurance; title insurance
Class comprehensive works on business insurance in 368
For a specific type of crime insurance not provided for here, see the type,
e.g., government-sponsored insurance against crimes of violence 368.4

369 Associations [formerly 366]

Organizations formed for fraternizing or for mutual assistance
Including hereditary, military, patriotic societies; nationality clubs; ethnic clubs
Class general rules of order in 060.4; class interdisciplinary works on organizations
in 060
For secret associations and societies, see 366; for general clubs, see 367; for
orders of knighthood, see 929.7
See also 200 for religious associations; also 368.36 for fraternal insurance
.01–.08 Standard subdivisions [formerly 366.001–366.008]
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography [formerly 366.009]
.093–.099 Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use for specific associations; class in 369

.4 Young people’s societies

Class a specific aspect of young people’s societies with the aspect, e.g., Boy
Scout camps 796.54
.42 Boys’ societies
For Boy Scouts, see 369.43
.43 Boy Scouts
Including Cub Scouts, Explorers
.46 Girls’ societies
For Explorers, see 369.43; for Camp Fire, see 369.47
.463 Girl Scouts and Girl Guides
.47 Camp Fire
.5 Service clubs
Including Lions International; Rotary International

370 Dewey Decimal Classification 370

370 Education
Class here basic education, public education
Unless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference, e.g.,
special education at primary level 371.9 (not 372):

Public policy issues in education 379

Special education 371.9
Specific levels of education 372–374
Higher education 378
Schools and their activities 371
(except 371.9)
Education for specific objectives 370.11
Curricula 375
Standard subdivisions, educational psychology 370.1–370.9
(except 370.11)
Class sociology of education in 306.43; class special education in a specific subject
in 371.9; class primary education in a specific subject in 372.3–372.8. Class
comprehensive works on education in a specific subject and on secondary, higher,
and adult education in a specific subject with the subject, plus notation 071 from
Table 1, e.g., education in science 507.1

370.1–.9 Standard subdivisions, education for specific objectives, educational
371 Schools and their activities; special education
372 Primary education (Elementary education)
373 Secondary education
374 Adult education
375 Curricula
378 Higher education (Tertiary education)
379 Public policy issues in education

.1 Philosophy and theory, education for specific objectives, educational

Notation 01 from Table 1 as modified below
Do not use for psychological principles; class in 370.15
.11 Education for specific objectives
Do not use for systems; class in 370.1
Including fundamental education; compensatory education; humanistic
education (liberal education); moral, ethical, character education; education
for social responsibility; education for creativity; education for effective use
of leisure; education for individual fulfillment
Class here curricula directed toward specific educational objectives
Class education for international understanding in 370.116; class
fundamental education of adults in 374; class moral and character training of
children at home in 649
See also 371 for school systems

370 Education 370

.113 Vocational education

Class here career education, occupational training, vocational schools
Class on-the-job training, vocational training provided by industry in
For vocational education at secondary level, see 373.246; for adult
vocational education, see 374
See also 331.702 for choice of vocation; also 371.4 for vocational
guidance in schools
.116 Education for international understanding
Class here educational exchanges, foreign study
Class grants for student exchanges in 371.2
.117 Multicultural and bilingual education
Multicultural education: programs to promote mutual understanding
among cultures
Standard subdivisions are added for multicultural and bilingual education
together, for multicultural education alone
.15 Educational psychology
Do not use for scientific principles; class in 370.1
Including differential psychology; conscious mental processes and
intelligence; cognition; personality and emotions; motivation to learn;
perception, movement, psychological drives; creativity and imagination;
psychological adjustment to education; effect of school education and
environment on students
Class here psychology of teaching
Class behavior modification methods of instruction in 371.39; class
interdisciplinary works on psychology in 150. Class psychology of a specific
topic in education with the topic, plus notation 01 from Table 1, e.g.,
psychology of special education 371.901
See also 153.1 for studies that use students as subjects for research into
fundamental processes of learning

.2 Miscellany
.28 Auxiliary techniques and procedures
Do not use for testing and measurement; class in 371.26. Do not use for
apparatus, equipment, materials, maintenance and repair; class in 371.6

.6 Organizations
[.68] Management
Do not use; class in 371.2

370 Dewey Decimal Classification 370

.7 Education, research, related topics

Class here education, research, related topics in teaching
Class education, research, related topics at a specific level with the level, e.g.,
education for teachers at primary level 372.071
.71 Education
Class here practice teaching

.8 Groups of people
Do not use for students; class in 371.8. Do not use for education of specific
groups of students; class in 371.82, e.g., education of ethnic minorities 371.829
Class here discrimination in education [formerly 379.2]
.82 Women in education
Do not use for education of women; class in 371.822

.9 History, geographic treatment, biography

Class here comparative education

371 Schools and their activities; special education

Standard subdivisions are added for schools and their activities, special education
together; for schools and their activities together; for schools alone
Class here school systems, school policy; comprehensive works on schools, school
activities, public policy issues in education together
Class schools and their activities in primary, secondary, and adult education in
372–374; class schools and their activities in higher education in 378
For curricula, see 375; for public policy issues in education, see 379
See Manual at 371 vs. 353.8, 371.2, 379

371.001–.009 Standard subdivisions
.01–.07 Specific kinds of schools
.1 Teachers and teaching, and related activities
.2 School administration; administration of student academic activities
.3 Methods of instruction and study
.4 Student guidance and counseling
.5 School discipline and related activities
.6 Physical plant; materials management
.7 Student welfare
.8 Students
.9 Special education

.001 Philosophy and theory

.002 Miscellany

371 Education 371

[.002 8] Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials

Do not use for auxiliary techniques and procedures; class in 370.28.
Do not use for testing and measurement; class in 371.26. Do not use
for apparatus, equipment, materials, maintenance and repair; class in
.003–.005 Standard subdivisions
.006 Organizations
[.006 8] Management
Do not use; class in 371.2
.007 Education, research, related topics
.008 Groups of people
Do not use for schools for specific groups of people; class in 371.82
.009 History, geographic treatment, biography
.009 4–.009 9 Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Class here specific all-age schools and school systems

> 371.01–371.07 Specific kinds of schools

Class here specific kinds of school systems; types of education characteristic of
specific kinds of schools other than public and community schools
Class comprehensive works in 371. Class a specific topic with respect to a
specific kind of school with the topic in 371.1–371.8, e.g., teaching in private
schools 371.102; class a specific kind of school defined by a method of
instruction or study with the method, e.g., Montessori schools 371.39; class a
specific kind of school for a specific group of students with the group in 371.82,
e.g., schools for ethnic minorities 371.829
See Manual at 371.01–371.8 vs. 372–374, 378
.01 Public schools
Class public education in 370; class public community schools in 371.03;
class public alternative schools in 371.04; class publicly supported religious
schools in 371.07; class public policy issues concerning public schools in
Public schools distinguished by source of funding, locus of control, and
mandate relocated to 371.05
.02 Private schools
Class here publicly supported private schools, schools not under government
Class private community schools in 371.03; class private alternative schools
in 371.04; class public policy issues in private education in 379.3
For religious schools, see 371.07
.03 Community schools

371 Dewey Decimal Classification 371

.04 Alternative schools

Including home schools; home schooling
Class here experimental schools, free schools
.05 Public schools distinguished by source of funding, locus of control, and
mandate [formerly 371.01]
Class here academy schools, charter schools
.07 Religious schools
Class religious education to encourage belief and to promote religious life
and practice in 207
.071 Christian religious schools
Class Christian education to encourage belief and to promote religious
life and practice in 268
.072–.079 Other religious schools
Add to base number 371.07 the numbers following 29 in 292–299, e.g.,
Islamic schools 371.077

> 371.1–371.8 Schools and their activities

Class schools and their activities in special education in 371.9; class public
policy issues relating to schools and their activities taken as a whole in 379;
class comprehensive works in 371
For comprehensive works on specific kinds of schools, see 371.01–371.07
See Manual at 371.01–371.8 vs. 372–374, 378

.1 Teachers and teaching, and related activities

Standard subdivisions are added for a combination of two or more topics in
heading, for teachers alone
Including academic status; relation of teachers to school administration and
nonteaching staff; performance contracting
Class labor unions in 331.88; class collective bargaining in 331.89; class
teacher-community relations in 371.19
.100 1–.100 6 Standard subdivisions
.100 7 Research and related topics
[.100 71] Education
Do not use; class in 370.71
.100 8–.100 9 Standard subdivisions

371 Education 371

.102 Teaching
Including communication in teaching; teacher-student relations;
classroom management; classroom discipline
Class here mentoring
Class substitute teaching, evaluation of teachers, team teaching in
371.14; class classroom techniques of instruction in 371.3; class
comprehensive works on school discipline in 371.5
For practice teaching, see 370.71; for methods of instruction, see
.102 01 Philosophy and theory
Do not use for psychology of teaching; class in 370.15
[.102 07] Education, research, related topics
Do not use; class in 370.7
.103 Teacher-parent conferences
One-on-one teacher-parent relations
Class comprehensive works on teacher-parent relations in 371.19
.12 Professional qualifications of teachers
Class here teacher certification
.14 Organization of teaching force
Including teacher turnover; staffing and nonteaching activities; evaluation of
teachers; accountability, probation; team teaching
Class performance contracting, teacher participation in management in 371.1
.19 Community-school relations
Including teacher-community relations; parent-school relations; parent
participation in schools; comprehensive works on teacher-parent relations;
industry-school relations; industry involvement in schools, industry-school
Class here community involvement in schools, community-school
partnerships, school involvement in the community
Class interdisciplinary works on relations of schools and society, teachers
and society in 306.43
For teacher-parent conferences, see 371.103

371 Dewey Decimal Classification 371

.2 School administration; administration of student academic activities

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including school administration (e.g., personnel management, personnel
management of support staff, school supervision [instructional supervision],
financial management, executive management); admissions and related topics;
articulation, matriculation; student aid and cooperative education; school year;
school calendar; schedules and school day; grouping students for instruction;
school classes; promotion and failure; student mobility and school attendance
Class apprenticeship programs without school sponsorship, interdisciplinary
works on apprenticeship in 331.25; class financial administration of agencies
supporting public education in 353.8; class education of school administrators
in 371.20071; class biography of school administrators in 371.20092; class
entrance examinations, academic prognosis and placement, use of credits
in placement in 371.26; class methods of instruction in 371.3; class student
participation in administration in 371.5; class one-room schools in 372.1;
class government policies in 379; class compulsory education in 379.2; class
comprehensive works on mainstreaming in 371.9. Class management of a
specific function, personnel management of staff providing a specific function
with the function, plus notation 068 from Table 1, e.g., management of student
welfare 371.7068, personnel management of school facilities staff 371.6068
For teachers, see 371.1; for educational and vocational guidance, see 371.4;
for plant management, materials management, see 371.6; for school boards,
see 379.1
See Manual at 371 vs. 353.8, 371.2, 379
.200 1 Philosophy and theory
.200 2 Miscellany
[.200 28] Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Do not use for auxiliary techniques and procedures; class in
370.28. Do not use for testing and measurement; class in 371.26.
Do not use for apparatus, equipment, materials, maintenance and
repair; class in 371.6
.200 3–.200 5 Standard subdivisions
.200 6 Organizations
[.200 68] Management
Do not use; class in 371.2
.200 7–.200 8 Standard subdivisions
.200 9 History, geographic treatment, biography

371 Education 371

.200 92 Biography
Class here collected biography of school administrators and
biography of specific administrators not associated with a specific
level of education or school
Class biography of school administrators best known as leaders
in education in 370.92; class biography of administrators best
known as leaders in primary education in 372.9; class biography
of administrators best known as leaders in adult education in
374. Class biography of administrators best known as leaders at
a specific level of education other than primary and adult limited
to a specific area or school with the geographic area under the
specific level, plus notation 092 from Table 1, e.g., a biography of
a president of University of California at Berkeley 378.794
.26 Examinations and tests; academic prognosis and placement
Standard subdivisions are added for examinations and tests, academic
prognosis and placement together; for examinations alone; for tests alone
Including test-taking skills; test construction; standardized tests;
organizations producing standardized tests, comprehensive works on specific
kinds of educational tests and their validity and reliability
Class use of examinations and tests in guidance in 371.4; class
interdisciplinary works on intelligence tests, interdisciplinary works on
aptitude tests in 153.9. Class standardized tests for a specific subject
in primary school with the subject in 372.3–372.8, plus notation 076
from Table 1, e.g., mathematics tests for primary school 372.7076; class
standardized tests for a specific subject at secondary or higher level with the
subject in 001–999, plus notation 076 from Table 1, e.g., mathematics tests
for secondary school 510.76
For classroom and school examinations and tests, specific kinds of
educational tests devised by individual teachers, see 371.27
.260 1 Philosophy and theory
Including validity and reliability of tests; comprehensive works on
validity and reliability of standardized tests
Class validity and reliability of specific kinds of standardized tests in
.27 Classroom and school examinations and tests; marking systems

371 Dewey Decimal Classification 371

.3 Methods of instruction and study

Including use of textbooks; project methods (cooperative learning); group work,
unit method; recitation and discussion; methods employed outside classroom
(e.g., laboratory method, outdoor education)
Class here classroom techniques, creative activities, seatwork
Class classroom management, comprehensive works on teaching in 371.102;
class laboratory method with electronic and visual materials and equipment
in 371.33; class group teaching (in which class is divided into groups, but
activity is still directed by teacher) in 371.39; class public control of textbooks
in 379.1. Class methods of instruction in a specific subject at primary level with
the subject in 372.3–372.8, e.g., methods of teaching mathematics in primary
school 372.7; class methods of instruction in a specific subject at secondary
and higher levels with the subject in 001–999, plus notation 071 from Table
1, e.g., methods of teaching mathematics in secondary school 510.71; class
textbooks on a specific subject with the subject in 001–999, e.g., textbooks on
mathematics 510
.302 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures, techniques of study, lesson plans
Notation 028 from Table 1 as modified below
Do not use for apparatus, equipment, materials; class in 371.33
.302 81 Techniques of study
Including book reports, homework, note-taking, reading for
content, report writing
Class here techniques for parents, study skills
[.302 85] Computer applications
Do not use; class in 371.33
[.307 8] Use of apparatus, equipment, materials in study and teaching
Do not use; class in 371.33
.33 Teaching aids, equipment, materials
Including audio materials and equipment (e.g., radio, sound recordings
and their players); computer science; data processing, computer-assisted
instruction (CAI), electronic programmed instruction; audiovisual and visual
materials and equipment; educational games and toys
Class here educational media, educational technology; use of teaching aids,
equipment, materials in study and teaching
Class textbooks in 371.3; class public control of teaching materials in 379.1.
Class teaching aids, equipment, materials used in a specific method of
instruction with the method, e.g., materials used in Montessori method
For computer modeling and simulation, see 371.39
See also 027.7 for instructional materials centers

371 Education 371

.35 Distance education

Including correspondence courses; electronic distance education;
instructional use of mass media
Class here extension services, open and distance learning (ODL)
For distance education by radio, distance education by computer,
distance education by television, see 371.33
.39 Other methods of instruction
Including home instruction by educational personnel, monitorial system
of education, Morrison plan, rote learning; Waldorf method; Montessori
method; behavior modification methods; individualized instruction; tutoring;
group teaching; lecture method; simulation; computer modeling and
simulation; use of drama; use of theater
Class use of behavior modification in classroom discipline in 371.102;
class grouping students for open classroom instruction in 371.2; class group
work that emphasizes student direction of group projects in 371.3; class
comprehensive works on instructional use of computers in 371.33
For electronic programmed instruction, see 371.33
See also 371.04 for home schooling

.4 Student guidance and counseling

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including teachers and students in guidance and counseling (e.g., role of
teachers in guidance and counseling, peer counseling); educational and
vocational guidance; personal counseling
Class here student personnel services, services of deans of students
Class student welfare programs in 371.7; class interdisciplinary works on
vocational guidance in 331.702. Class vocational guidance in a specific
occupation with the occupation, plus notation 023 from Table 1, e.g., guidance
in science 502.3
For a specific student personnel service not provided for here, see the
service, e.g., student employment 371.2

.5 School discipline and related activities

Standard subdivisions are added for school discipline and related activities
together, for school discipline alone
Including general regulations for student conduct; rewards; punishment; specific
discipline problems; student participation in administration; student government
Class comprehensive works on crime, delinquency, sexual abuse, substance
abuse, vandalism, violence in schools in 371.7
For classroom discipline, see 371.102; for truancy, see 371.2

371 Dewey Decimal Classification 371

.6 Physical plant; materials management

Standard subdivisions are added for physical plant and materials management
together; for physical plant alone
Including school grounds, sites, location; specific kinds of buildings and rooms
(e.g., instructional spaces, laboratories, noninstructional facilities); furnishings,
apparatus, equipment, supplies for specific kinds of buildings and rooms; school
furnishings; apparatus, equipment, materials; materials management; custodial
and maintenance services, renovation
Class here plant management, educational buildings, school facilities
Class teaching aids, equipment, materials regardless of kind of building or room
in 371.33. Class facilities for a specific noninstructional objective with the
objective, e.g., cafeterias 371.7
For teaching aids, equipment, materials, see 371.33
See also 727 for architecture of educational buildings
.602 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures
Do not use for apparatus, equipment, materials, maintenance and
repair, class in 371.6

.7 Student welfare
Including student health and related topics; school programs related to crime,
substance abuse, sexual abuse (e.g., crime prevention and alleviation); crime,
substance abuse, sexual abuse problems in schools; assistance to victims of
crime and abuse
Class here school social services
Class campus police in 363.28; class crime, substance abuse, sexual abuse as
school discipline problems in 371.5; class interdisciplinary works on victims of
crime in 362.88; class interdisciplinary works on crime prevention in 364.4
For a specific provision for student welfare not provided for here, see the
provision, e.g., personal counseling 371.4, student housing 371.8

371 Education 371

.8 Students
Including class reunions; student movements; student activism, protest, unrest;
student organizations; student clubs; Greek-letter societies; alumni units;
housing and transportation of students; miscellaneous student activities (limited
to competitions, school assemblies, school journalism)
Class here extracurricular activities, student life
Class busing for school integration in 379.2; class interdisciplinary student
journals in 050. Class a student journal on a specific subject with the subject,
plus notation 05 from Table 1, e.g., a journal on student life and extracurricular
activities 371.805, a student literary journal 805; class a student organization
in a specific field with the field, plus notation 06 from Table 1, e.g., student
literary societies 806; class a Greek-letter society in a specific field with the
field, plus notation 06 from Table 1, e.g., a Greek-letter medical society 610.6;
class a student movement to achieve a specific objective with the objective, e.g.,
a movement to achieve electoral reform 324.6; class a yearbook of a specific
school with the school, e.g., a yearbook of a preparatory school in New York
city 373
For a specific student competition, see the competition, plus notation 079
from Table 1, e.g., a photographic competition 770.79; for a specific aspect
of students not provided for here, see the aspect, e.g., student discipline
.801 Philosophy and theory
Class educational psychology in 370.15
.805 Serial publications
Limited to serials about students, student life, extracurricular activities
See also 371.8 for student journalism
.806 Organizations and management
Do not use for student organizations; class in 371.8
[.808] Groups of people
Do not use; class in 371.82
.82 Specific groups of students; schools for specific groups of students
Class here discrimination, group identity, minorities; education of young
people; comprehensive works on education of specific groups of students
For a specific aspect of education of specific groups of students, see the
aspect, e.g., counseling for women students 371.4082
[.820 1–.820 9] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 371.801–371.809
.821–.829 Subdivisions for specific groups of students; for schools for specific
groups of students
Add to base number 371.82 the numbers following —08 in notation
081–089 from Table 1, e.g., education of women 371.822, education of
students by ethnic and national origin 371.829; however, for students
who are the focus of special education, see 371.9

371 Dewey Decimal Classification 371

.9 Special education
Including general topics of special education (e.g., teaching methods, programs
in specific subjects, buildings, rooms, furnishings, apparatus, equipment,
supplies, mainstreaming, special education by level [e.g., special education at
primary level, special education at secondary level, special education at higher
level, adult special education])
Class here exceptional students, learning disabilities, underachievers in special
education; schools and school activities pertaining to special education
Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to each subdivision
identified by * as follows:
028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures
Do not use for apparatus, equipment, materials, maintenance
and repair; class in base number
068 Management
Do not use for plant management; class in base number
Unless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference,
e.g., emotionally disturbed gifted students 371.95 (not 371.94):

Gifted students 371.95

Students with mental disabilities 371.92
Students with emotional disturbances 371.94
Students with physical disabilities 371.91
Delinquent and problem students 371.93
Class comprehensive works on underachievers in 371.2
.902 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures
Do not use for apparatus, equipment, materials, maintenance and
repair; class in 371.9
.906 8 Management
Do not use for plant management; class in 371.9
.908 Groups of people
Do not use for groups of students requiring special education; class in
.91 Students with physical disabilities
Including general works on students with brain damage; students with
blindness and visual impairments; students with hearing impairments;
deaf students; students with linguistic disorders; students with mobility
Class students with a specific disorder caused by brain damage with the
disorder in 371.91–371.94, e.g., emotional disorders caused by brain damage
.92 Students with mental disabilities
Including students with moderate mental disabilities; students with severe
mental disabilities
Class here students with developmental disabilities
Class students with mental illness in 371.94
371 Education 371

.93 *Delinquent and problem students

Not suffering emotional disturbances
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including maladjusted students
Class delinquent and problem students suffering emotional disturbances in
.94 *Students with emotional disturbances
Including attention-deficit-disordered students, autistic students, hyperactive
Class here students with mental illness
For delinquent and problem students not suffering severe emotional
disturbances, see 371.93
.95 *Gifted students
Including mainstreaming; programs in specific subjects; curricula; buildings,
rooms, furnishings; teaching methods; education by level
.950 28 Auxiliary techniques and procedures
Do not use for apparatus, equipment, materials, maintenance and
repair; class in 371.95
.950 68 Management
Do not use for plant management; class in 371.95

> 372–374 Specific levels of education

Unless other instructions are given, class works treating two sublevels of
education that are not subdivisions of the same number with the higher level,
e.g., kindergarten and first grade 372.24 (not 372.21)
Class special education at any level in 371.9; class public policy issues relating
to a specific level of education taken as a whole in 379; class comprehensive
works on education and works dealing comprehensively with primary and
secondary education, with secondary and higher education in 370; class
comprehensive works on schools in 371
For higher education, see 378
See Manual at 371.01–371.8 vs. 372–374, 378

372 Primary education (Elementary education)

Class here elementary schools, primary schools; lower sections of all-age schools
For adult primary education, see 374
*Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 371.9
372 Dewey Decimal Classification 372

372.01–.08 Standard subdivisions
.1 Organization and activities in primary education
.2 Specific levels of primary education
.3 Knowledge, computer science, library and information sciences, science,
.4 Reading
.5 The arts
.6 Language arts (Communication skills)
.7 Mathematics
.8 Other studies
.9 History, geographic treatment, biography of primary education

.01 Philosophy and theory

Including primary education for specific objectives; curricula directed
toward specific educational objectives
Class a specific topic with respect to primary education for a specific
objective with the topic in 372.11–372.18, e.g., administration of primary
schools 372.12
.02 Miscellany
.028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures
Do not use for testing and measurement; class in 372.126. Do not use for
apparatus, equipment, materials, maintenance and repair; class in 372.16
.06 Organizations
[.068] Management
Do not use; class in 372.1
.08 Groups of people
Do not use for students; class in 372.18. Do not use for education of specific
groups of students; class in 372.182, e.g., education of ethnic minorities
[.09] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 372.9

.1 Organization and activities in primary education

Including special topics of primary schools
For comprehensive works on primary education for specific objectives, see
372.01; for comprehensive works on specific levels of primary education,
see 372.2
[.101–.103] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 372.01–372.03
.104 Special topics of primary schools

372 Education 372

.104 2 Specific kinds of primary schools

Class here specific kinds of school systems, kinds of primary
education (other than public primary education) defined by specific
kinds of schools
Add to base number 372.1042 the numbers following 371.0 in
371.01–371.07, e.g., primary church schools 372.104271
Class a specific kind of primary school at a specific level in 372.2;
class specific schools regardless of kind in 372.9. Class a specific
topic with respect to a specific kind of primary school with the topic
in 372.11–372.19, e.g., administration of primary private schools
[.105–.108] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 372.05–372.08
[.109] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 372.9
.11–.18 School organization and activities in primary education
Add to base number 372.1 the numbers following 371 in 371.1–371.8, e.g.,
administration 372.12; however, for use of drama as a method of instruction,
see 372.66
.19 Primary education in subject areas
Class here curricula
Class curricula directed toward a specific primary education objective in 372
For primary education in a specific subject, see 372.3–372.8

.2 Specific levels of primary education

Class specific schools at a specific level in 372.9. Class a specific topic with
respect to primary education at a specific level with the topic in 372.11–372.19,
e.g., administration of kindergarten 372.12
[.201–.208] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 372.01–372.08
[.209] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 372.9
.21 Preschool education
School-based or center-based pre-primary education
Including kindergarten
Class here early childhood education
Class preschool education by parents in the home as part of child-rearing in

372 Dewey Decimal Classification 372

.24 Specific levels of primary education

Including lower level; grades 1–3; intermediate level; grades 4–6; upper
level; lower secondary level, grades 7–10 of compulsory primary education
Class primary education covering grades 1–4 in 372; class lower secondary
schools, middle schools (grades 5–8), junior high schools (grades 7–9) in
See Manual at 372.24 and 373.23
[.240 1–.240 8] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 372.01–372.08
[.240 9] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 372.9

> 372.3–372.8 Primary education in specific subjects

Class comprehensive works in 372.19. Class textbooks with the subject in
001–999, e.g., primary textbooks on arithmetic 513
(Option: Class here primary textbooks; prefer the subject in 001–999, e.g.,
primary textbooks on arithmetic 513)

.3 Knowledge, computer science, library and information sciences,

science, technology
Including discussion of ideas from many fields, interdisciplinary approach to
Class interdisciplinary approach to knowledge with a focus on a specific subject
with the subject in 372.3–372.8, e.g., environmental studies with components of
civics and geography 372.35, writing across the curriculum 372.62
.34 Computer science; library and information sciences
Standard subdivisions are added for any or all topics in heading
Class here digital literacy, information literacy
Class use of computers as a method of instruction in 372.133. Class use of
computers as a method of instruction in a specific subject with the subject in
372.3–372.8, e.g., computer-assisted instruction in arithmetic 372.7
.35 Science and technology
Standard subdivisions are added for science and technology together, for
science alone
Including nature study; environmental studies; industrial arts
For personal health and safety, home and family management, see
372.37; for mathematics, see 372.7; for physical education, see 372.86

372 Education 372

.37 Personal health and safety; social skills

Standard subdivisions are added for personal health and safety, social skills
together; for personal health and safety together; for personal health alone
Including comprehensive works on home and family management [formerly
372.82]; sex education; nutrition and food; family life, interpersonal
relations; substance abuse
Class here life skills
For sewing, see 372.5; for physical education, see 372.86

.4 Reading
Class here reading instruction in home schools
Unless other instructions are given, class a subject with aspects in two or more
subdivisions of 372.4 in the number coming last, e.g., vocabulary building by
phonetic methods 372.46 (not 372.44)
.402 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures, apparatus and equipment
Do not use for materials; class in 372.41. Do not use for testing and
measurement; class in 372.48
.41 Instructional materials, reading readiness, methods of instruction and
Including individualized reading instruction (personalized reading
For a method of instruction or study not provided for here, see the
method elsewhere in 372.4, e.g., word-attack strategies 372.46
(Option: Including readers; prefer specific language in 420–490, plus
notation 86 from Table 4, e.g., English language readers 428.6)
(If option to use this number for readers is chosen, class readers on a
specific subject with the subject in 372.3–372.8, e.g., science readers
.42 Reading motivation
Including use of national and commercial programs; community-school
programs; parent participation in reading; school-based programs
.43 Remedial reading
Including reading failure
Class reading difficulties treated in special education in 371.91
.44 Vocabulary development
.45 Reading-skill strategies
Including oral reading; independent reading
For word-attack strategies, see 372.46; for reading comprehension
strategies, see 372.47

372 Dewey Decimal Classification 372

.46 Word-attack strategies (Decoding strategies)

Including whole-word method (sight method); word-recognition method;
part-word method (phonetic method); phonetics in primary education
Class pronunciation in a specific communication skill with the skill, e.g.,
pronunciation in speech 372.62
.47 Reading comprehension strategies
Including strategies using standardized materials; cognitive strategies;
whole-language approach; language experience approach; reading in content
Class a strategy using standardized materials in a specific subject with the
subject in 372.3–372.8, e.g., cloze procedure in science instruction 372.35
.48 Evaluation of reading skills
Including standardized testing; classroom and school testing; diagnostic
Class here testing and measurement
Class evaluation of reading readiness in 372.41

.5 The arts
Including drawing, painting, design; modeling and sculpture; sewing;
needlework; handicrafts
For literature, see 372.64; for drama, see 372.66; for dance, see 372.86; for
music, see 372.87

.6 Language arts (Communication skills)

Including fingerspelling, lipreading, sign languages
Class here literacy education
For reading, see 372.4
(Option: Class here language arts [communication skills] in a language other
than English; in that case, class language arts [communication skills] in English
in 372.652)
.61 Grammar
Including language usage, word study
.62 Written and spoken expression
Including speech; composition; comprehensive works on written expression
Class here language experience approach, whole-language approach
Class oral presentations other than public speaking in 372.66
For whole-language approach in reading, see 372.47; for spelling and
handwriting, see 372.63. For a specific aspect of language experience in
language arts, see the aspect, e.g., listening 372.69
.63 Spelling and handwriting
Class fingerspelling in 372.6
372 Education 372

.64 Literature appreciation

Class plays taught as theater in 372.66
.65 Foreign, official, second languages; bilingual instruction
Languages other than the language given preference in 372.6
Add to base number 372.65 the numbers following 4 in 420–490 for
language only, e.g., Spanish 372.656, English as a second language 372.652
Subdivisions are added for all topics in heading together, for foreign
languages alone, for official languages alone, for second languages alone
Class comprehensive works on bilingual education in 370.117
.66 Drama (Theater)
Class here school plays, comprehensive works on oral presentations
Class plays taught as literature in 372.64
For public speaking, see 372.62; for other oral presentations, see 372.67.
For use of drama as a method of instruction in a specific subject in
primary education, see the subject in 372.3–372.8, e.g., use of drama in
teaching history 372.89
.67 Other oral presentations
Other than drama and public speaking
Including media production and presentation; puppetry; puppet theater;
choral speaking; readers’ theater; storytelling
Class here activities related to oral presentations
Class interdisciplinary works on puppetry in 791.5
.69 Listening
.7 Mathematics
Including measurement; algebra; arithmetic; numeracy; geometry; probabilities
and statistical mathematics

.8 Other studies
[.801–.809] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 372.1901–372.1909
[.82] Home and family management
Relocated to 372.37
.83 Civics (Citizenship)
Comprehensive works on social studies relocated to 372.89
.84 Religion
Class religious education of children under auspices of religious bodies to
inculcate religious faith and practice in 207; class religious education of
children under church auspices to inculcate Christian faith and practice in

372 Dewey Decimal Classification 372

.86 Physical education and dance

Standard subdivisions are added for physical education and dance together,
for physical education alone
Including movement education
.87 Music
Including appreciation; performance; composition
See also 372.86 for dance
.89 History and geography
Standard subdivisions are added for history and geography together, for
history alone
Class here comprehensive works on social studies [formerly 372.83];
For environmental studies, see 372.35; for social skills, see 372.37; for
civics, see 372.83

.9 History, geographic treatment, biography of primary education

Class here specific schools and school systems
Add to base number 372.9 notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., primary education in
Brazil 372.981

373 Secondary education

Class here upper sections of all-age schools
For secondary education in a specific subject, see the subject, plus notation 071
from Table 1, e.g., secondary education in agriculture 630.71

373.01–.09 Standard subdivisions, secondary education for specific objectives
.1 Organization and activities in secondary education
.2 Secondary schools and programs of specific kinds, levels, curricula, focus
.3–.9 Secondary education in specific continents, countries, localities

.01 Philosophy and theory

Including secondary education for specific objectives; curricula directed
toward specific educational objectives
Class a specific topic with respect to secondary education for a specific
objective with the topic in 373.11–373.18, e.g., professional qualifications
for teaching social responsibility in high school 373.112
.02 Miscellany
.028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures
Do not use for testing and measurement; class in 373.126. Do not use for
apparatus, equipment, materials, maintenance and repair; class in 373.16
.06 Organizations

373 Education 373

[.068] Management
Do not use; class in 373.12
.08 Groups of people
Do not use for students; class in 373.18. Do not use for schools and
education for specific groups of students; class in 373.182, e.g., secondary
schools for ethnic minorities 373.1829
.082 Women in secondary education
Do not use for secondary education of young women; class in 373.18235
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography
[.093–.099] Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use; class in 373.3–373.9

.1 Organization and activities in secondary education

For comprehensive works on secondary education for specific objectives,
see 373.01; for comprehensive works on schools and programs of specific
kinds, levels, curricula, focus, see 373.2
[.101–.109] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 373.01–373.09
.11–.18 School organization and activities in secondary education
Add to base number 373.1 the numbers following 371 in 371.1–371.8, e.g.,
professional qualifications of teachers 373.112, secondary education of
young women 373.18235; however, for cooperative education, see 373.2
.19 Curricula
Class curricula directed toward specific secondary educational objectives in
373.01; class education in secondary schools identified by specific types of
curricula in 373.2

.2 Secondary schools and programs of specific kinds, levels, curricula,

Including comprehensive secondary schools; general secondary schools;
apprenticeship programs in secondary education; cooperative education;
work-study plan
Class here types of education (other than public education in general) provided
by schools and programs of specific kinds, levels, curricula, focus
Unless other instructions are given, class a subject with aspects in two or more
subdivisions of 373.2 in the number coming last, e.g., public senior vocational
schools 373.246 (not 373.2 or 373.238)
Class apprenticeship programs offered by industry in 331.25; class a specific
school regardless of kind, level, curriculum, focus in 373; class a specific topic
relating to schools and programs of a specific kind, level, curriculum, focus in
373.1; class continuation schools, folk high schools in 374; class apprenticeship
training as part of personnel management in 658.3

373 Dewey Decimal Classification 373

[.201–.209] Standard subdivisions

Do not use; class in 373.01–373.09

> 373.21–373.22 Specific kinds of schools

Class comprehensive works in 373
.21 Community, alternative, religious secondary schools; public secondary
schools distinguished by source of funding, locus of control, and
Add to base number 373.21 the numbers following 371.0 in 371.03–371.07,
e.g., public secondary schools distinguished by source of funding, locus of
control, and mandate 373.215 [formerly 373.22]
.22 Private and public secondary schools
Including public schools (private secondary schools), comprehensive works
on boarding schools
Class private and public community, alternative, religious secondary
schools in 373.21. Class private schools (other than academic schools),
public schools identified by type of curriculum with the type of curriculum
elsewhere in 373.2, e.g., private secondary military schools 372.24
For specific levels of public secondary schools, see 373.23. For a
specific kind of boarding school (other than private secondary schools),
see the kind, e.g., private primary boarding schools 372.1042, military
boarding schools 373.24
Public secondary schools distinguished by source of funding, locus of
control, and mandate relocated to 373.215
.23 Specific levels of secondary education
Class private schools regardless of level in 373.22; class comprehensive
works on levels of secondary schools, four-year high schools not of a
specific type in 373. Class schools identified by a specific type of curriculum
regardless of level with the type of curriculum elsewhere in 373.2, e.g.,
lower level secondary magnet schools 372.24
See Manual at 372.24 and 373.23
[.230 1–.230 9] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 373.01–373.09
.236 Lower level
Including grades above 6 in primary schools
Class here middle schools (grades 5–8), junior high schools (grades 7–9);
grades 7–10 of compulsory primary education
For lower grades of middle schools, see 372.24
.238 Upper level
Including high school equivalency programs
Class here senior high schools (grades 10–12); high school postgraduate
373 Education 373

.24 Academic, military, vocational schools

Including naval schools
Class schools concentrating on professional military education in 355.0071
.241 Academic schools
Schools preparing for higher education
Class here classical schools; comprehensive works on magnet schools
(specialist schools)
Class preparing for higher education in comprehensive secondary schools
in 373.2; class private academic schools in 373.22; class preparing for
higher education in military schools in 373.24; class comprehensive
works on secondary schools preparing for higher education in 373
For a specific type of magnet school, see the type, e.g., magnet public
primary schools 372.1042, magnet vocational schools 373.246,
magnet secondary schools for science 507.1, magnet secondary
schools for arts 700.71
.246 Vocational schools
Class here technical secondary schools, vocational education
Class vocational education in comprehensive secondary schools in
373.24; class comprehensive works on vocational education in 370.113

.3–.9 Secondary education in specific continents, countries, localities

Class here specific schools and school systems
Add to base number 373 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., secondary schools of
Australia 373.94
For a specific school devoted primarily to a specific discipline, see the
discipline, plus notation 071 from Table 1, e.g., a science high school 507.1

374 Adult education

Including adult education for specific objectives; curricula directed toward specific
adult educational objectives, kinds of agencies promoting specific objectives;
organization and activities in adult education; groups, media, computers in adult
education; distance education; correspondence schools and courses, open and
distance learning (ODL), open learning; specific kinds of institutions and agencies
in adult education; specific kinds of schools
Class here continuing, further, lifelong, permanent, recurrent education
Class adult education role of libraries in 021.2; class on-the-job training in 331.25;
class self-help groups in 361.4; class adult high school equivalency programs in
373.238; class adult education in effective composition (writing) in 808.00715;
class comprehensive works on literacy programs in 379.2. Class adult education in
standard usage of a specific language with the language, plus notation 80071 from
Table 4, e.g., a course in basic English for adults 428.0071
For alternative colleges and universities as agencies for adult education, see
378; for university extension services as agencies for adult education, see
378.1. For adult education in a specific subject, see the subject, plus notation
071 from Table 1, e.g., sculpture courses for adults 730

374 Dewey Decimal Classification 374

.001 Philosophy and theory

.002 Miscellany
.002 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures
Do not use for apparatus, equipment, materials, testing and
measurement, maintenance and repair; class in 374
.003–.005 Standard subdivisions
.006 Organizations
[.006 8] Management
Do not use; class in 374
.007 Education, research, related topics
.008 Groups of people
Do not use for students, education of specific groups of students; class in
[.009] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 374

375 Curricula
Including curriculum development; curriculum planning; required courses; core
curriculum; elective courses; evaluation and change
Class comprehensive works on curriculum development and instructional
supervision in 371.2
For curricula of a specific subject at the primary level, see 372.3–372.8. For
curricula of a specific subject for a specific level other than primary level and
for more than one level, see the subject, plus notation 071 from Table 1, e.g.,
curricula for health 613.071; for curricula for a specific level, see the level,
e.g., secondary-school curricula 373.19
.000 1–.000 9 Standard subdivisions

[376] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 12

[377] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 12

378 Education 378

378 Higher education (Tertiary education)

Including specific kinds of colleges and universities (e.g., alternative colleges and
universities, private colleges and universities, public colleges and universities,
colleges and universities related to religious bodies); higher education for
specific objectives; curricula directed toward specific higher educational
objectives; specific kinds of higher education (other than public higher education)
characteristic of specific kinds of colleges and universities, specific kinds of
college and university systems
Class here college education, university education; universities
Class four-year colleges, professional schools, a specific topic with respect to a
specific higher educational objective, a specific kind of college and university at a
specific level, schools for specific groups of students, two-year public colleges in
For higher education in a specific subject, see the subject, plus notation 071
from Table 1, e.g., medical schools 610.71
See Manual at 371.01–371.8 vs. 372–374, 378
.001 Philosophy and theory
.002 Miscellany
.002 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures
Do not use for apparatus, equipment, materials, testing and
measurement, maintenance and repair; class in 378.1
.003–.005 Standard subdivisions
.006 Organizations
[.006 8] Management
Do not use; class in 378.1
.007 Education, research, related topics
.008 Groups of people
Do not use for students, higher education of specific groups of student;
class in 378.1
.008 2 Women in higher education
Do not use for higher education of women; class in 378.1
.009 History, geographic treatment, biography
.009 2 Biography
Class here administrators
Class persons associated with specific colleges and universities in
[.009 4–.009 9] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use; class in 378.4–378.9

378 Dewey Decimal Classification 378

.1 Organization and activities in higher education

Including university autonomy; college and university administration;
community relations; cooperation in higher education; consortia in higher
education; financial management; executive management; planning; personnel
management; staff; faculty and teaching; specific levels of higher education;
administration of student academic activities; methods of instruction and study;
guidance, discipline, physical plant, welfare, students, curricula
Class technology transfer in 338.9; class curricula directed toward specific
educational objectives; comprehensive works on higher education for
specific objectives, on specific kinds of colleges and universities, on
professional education in 378; class specific institutions in 378.4–378.9; class
interdisciplinary works on relations of colleges and universities with society
in 306.43. Class a specific instance of cooperation with the instance, e.g.,
cooperation in computer networking 004.6
For biography of administrators, see 378.0092; for academic degrees and
related topics, see 378.2; for student aid and related topics, see 378.3
[.100 1–.100 9] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 378.001–378.009

.2 Academic degrees and related topics

Standard subdivisions are added for academic degrees and related topics
together, for academic degrees alone
Including requirements for earned degrees; honorary degrees; academic
Class preparation of theses and dissertations in 808.06

.3 Student aid and related topics

Standard subdivisions are added for student aid and related topics together, for
student aid alone
Including veterans’ higher education benefits; fellowships and grants;
scholarships; loans and employment; cooperative education; work-study plan;
costs and expenditures
Class comprehensive works on student exchanges in higher education in 378
For volunteer student service to community, see 378.1. For student aid in a
specific field, see the field, plus notation 079 from Table 1, e.g., student aid
in medical education 610.79

.4–.9 Higher education in specific continents, countries, localities in modern

Class here specific schools
Add to base number 378 notation 4–9 from Table 2, e.g., higher education in
Mexico 378.72
For a school or department of a college or university devoted to a specific
subject, see the subject, plus notation 071 from Table 1, e.g., Harvard Law
School 340.071
See Manual at 378.4–378.9 vs. 355.0071

379 Education 379

379 Public policy issues in education

Public policy issues at any level of education
Class public administration of education in 353.8; class school administration in
For public policy issues on a topic not provided for here, see the topic, e.g.,
policy on school admissions 371.2, on medical schools 610.71
See Manual at 371 vs. 353.8, 371.2, 379
[.094–.099] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use; class in 379.4–379.9

.1 Specific elements of support and control of public education

Including support of public education; financial support; comprehensive
works on financial support of education; support by specific level of
government, international support (e.g., support by national governments;
support by state, provincial, regional governments; local support; support by
regional intergovernmental organizations); control by specific governmental
level (e.g., control by national governments; control by state, provincial,
regional governments; control by local governments; control by regional
intergovernmental organizations); control of specific aspects of education (e.g.,
control of curriculum, control of teaching materials, control of teachers and
administrators, school standards and accreditation); revenue sources; school
taxes; autonomy
Class control of specific aspects of teachers and teaching in 371.1; class control
of specific aspects of school administrators in 371.2; class support and control
of activities involved in specific policy issues in public education in 379.2
For financial support of private education, use of educational vouchers in
private education, see 379.3. For control of a specific aspect of education
not provided for here, see the aspect, e.g., control of school discipline 371.5
[.101–.109] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 379.01–379.09

.2 Specific policy issues in public education

Not otherwise provided for
Including compulsory education; literacy policies; right to read; educational
equalization (equal educational opportunity); affirmative action, right to
education; place of religion in public schools
Discrimination in education relocated to 370.8
[.201–.209] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 379.01–379.09

.3 Public policy issues in private education

Including public support of private education; educational vouchers, financial
support; public control of private education
Class comprehensive works on financial support of education in 379.1

379 Dewey Decimal Classification 379

.4–.9 Public policy issues in specific continents, countries, localities in

modern world
Add to base number 379 notation 4–9 from Table 2, e.g., public educational
policies in United States 379.73

380 Commerce, communications, transportation

Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to each subdivision
identified by * as follows:
06 Organizations and management
Including business enterprises
Class directories of business enterprises, membership lists with
directory information in 025
See Manual at 380: Add table: 09 vs. 06
068 Management
Public and private
09 History, geographic treatment, biography
Class specific business enterprises in 06
See Manual at 380: Add table: 09 vs. 06
Class public regulation and control in 354.7
See Manual at 380

380.1–.9 Standard subdivisions
381 Commerce (Trade)
382 International commerce (Foreign trade)
383 Postal communication
384 Communications
385 Railroad transportation
386 Inland waterway and ferry transportation
387 Water, air, space transportation
388 Transportation
389 Metrology and standardization

[.01] Philosophy and theory

Relocated to 380.1
[.02–.09] Standard subdivisions
Relocated to 380.2–380.9

.1 Philosophy and theory [formerly 380.01]

.2–.9 Standard subdivisions [formerly 380.02–380.09]

381 Commerce, communications, transportation 381

381 *Commerce (Trade)

Including marketing channels; retail trade; markets, shops, stores; wholesale trade;
specific products and services; works discussing consumption as a measure of the
volume, value, or kind of trade in specific products; management of enterprises
selling specific products and services; interregional and interstate commerce
Class here internal commerce (domestic trade), warehousing, interdisciplinary
works on marketing
Class supply and demand in 338.1–338.5; class restrictive practices in business
organizations engaged in commerce in 338.8; class consumer problems and their
alleviation in 381.3; class comprehensive works on warehousing in 388; class
interdisciplinary works on slave trade in 306.3; class interdisciplinary works on
consumption, on consumption of specific products and services in 339.4; class
interdisciplinary works on exhibitions, on fairs in 907.4. Class cooperative, labor,
finance, land, energy economics in relation to commerce with the branch of
economics in 330, e.g., cooperative marketing 334
For consumer cooperatives, producer cooperatives, see 334; for international
commerce, see 382; for management of marketing, see 658.8
See Manual at T1—025 vs. T1—029; also at 709.2 vs. 381
.029 Commercial miscellany
Do not use for evaluation and purchasing manuals; class in 381.3
Class here interdisciplinary works on commercial miscellany
For commercial miscellany with respect to a specific product or
service, see the noncommercial number for the product or service,
plus notation 029 from Table 1, e.g., buyers’ guides for passenger
automobiles 629.222029
See Manual at T1—025 vs. T1—029

.3 Commercial policy
Including consumer movements; consumer information; consumer education,
comprehensive works on evaluation of products and services to be purchased,
interdisciplinary evaluation and purchasing manuals; consumer protection
Class here consumer problems and their alleviation, consumerism
Class product hazards in 363.19; class fraud in 364.16
For evaluation and purchasing guides and consumer education for
household and personal products and services, see 640.73. For evaluation
and purchasing manuals for a specific product or service, see the product
or service, plus notation 029 from Table 1, e.g., manual on evaluating
passenger automobiles 629.222029
*Add as instructed under 380
382 Dewey Decimal Classification 382

382 *International commerce (Foreign trade)

Including general topics of international commerce (e.g., theories; balance of
payments); commercial policy; specific products and services; works discussing
consumption as a measure of the volume, value, or kind of trade in specific
products; import trade; nontariff trade barriers; export trade; tariff policy;
interdisciplinary works on customs duties; trade agreements; agreements on
nontariff trade barriers, on tariffs
Class here trade between nations and their colonies, protectorates, trusts
Class texts of treaties on tariffs in 343.05; class texts of treaties on international
commerce in 343.08; class the combined import and export trade of a country,
the trade between two countries in 382.09; class comprehensive works on
specialization and comparative advantage in 338.6; class interdisciplinary works
on international finance in 332; class economic imperialism; general economic
cooperation and international arrangements for this purpose; interdisciplinary
works on international economics in 337; class interdisciplinary works on
consumption of specific products and services in 339.4; class interdisciplinary
works on intergovernmental organizations in 341.2
For a specific aspect of customs duties, see the aspect, e.g., law 343.05
See Manual at T1—025 vs. T1—029
.01 Philosophy and theory
Do not use for theories of international commerce; class in 382
.06 Organizations and management
Do not use for organizations associated with trade agreements; class in 382
Including business enterprises
Class directories of business enterprises, membership lists with directory
information in 382.025

> 383–388 Communications and transportation

Class comprehensive works on communications in 384; class comprehensive
works on communications and transportation together, on transportation alone
in 388

383 Postal communication

Including mail handling; economic aspects of production; postal organization
Class collection and delivery of mail within the military services in 355.6; class
comprehensive works on communications in 384
See also 769.56 for philately
.06 Organizations and management
Do not use for postal organizations; class in 383
*Add as instructed under 380
383 Commerce, communications, transportation 383

[.09] History, geographic treatment, biography

Do not use; class in 383

384 *Communications
Including recordings, visual signaling; special topics of communications (e.g.,
economic aspects of production; facilities; activities and services); motion pictures
Class here interdisciplinary works on telecommunication
Class sociology of communication in 302.2; class services designed to facilitate
communication by people with disabilities in 362.4; class services designed to
facilitate communication by people in late adulthood in 362.6; class comprehensive
works on communications and transportation in 388
For postal communication, see 383. For a specific aspect of telecommunication,
see the aspect, e.g., telecommunication engineering 621.382
See Manual at 384, 384.54, 384.55 vs. 791.4

.1 *Telegraphy
Including economic aspects of production; activities and services; facilities
Class here submarine cable telegraphy
Class comprehensive works on electronic mail in 384.3
For postal facsimile transmission, see 383; for radiotelegraphy, see 384.5
.102 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures, materials
Do not use for apparatus and equipment; class in 384.1

.3 *Computer communication
Transfer of computer-based information by any of various media (e.g., coaxial
cable or radio waves) from one computer to another or between computers and
Including economic aspects of production; facilities; activities and services;
comprehensive works on electronic mail; videotex
Class here computer communications networks, links between computers via
telephone lines
Class sale of computer communication hardware and software in 381; class
Internet telephony in 384.6; class economic aspects of production of computer
communication hardware and software and comprehensive works on production
and sale in 338.4; class interdisciplinary works on computer communications in
004.6; class interdisciplinary works on electronic mail in 004.692
For a specific kind of electronic mail, see the kind, e.g., postal facsimile
transmission 383
See Manual at 004.6 vs. 384.3; also at 004.67 vs. 006.7, 025.042, 384.3
*Add as instructed under 380
384 Dewey Decimal Classification 384

.302 85 Computer applications

Class here computer science applied to economic and related
aspects of providing computer communication to the public

.5 *Wireless communication
Including satellite communication; radiotelegraphy; radiotelephony; portable
For a specific form of satellite communication, see the form, e.g., television
transmission by satellite 384.55
.54 *Radiobroadcasting
Including economic aspects of production; activities and services (e.g.,
scheduling, programs); facilities (e.g., broadcasting channels, stations,
networks, satellites)
Class here public broadcasting (noncommercial broadcasting), public aspects
of amateur radio, interdisciplinary works on radiobroadcasting and television
Class techniques of producing programs in 791.44. Class a specific type of
program with the type, e.g., news broadcasts 070.4
For television broadcasting, see 384.55
See Manual at 384, 384.54, 384.55 vs. 791.4
.55 *Television
Including low power television (LPTV) stations (stations that rebroadcast
the programs of full-service stations, originate programming that often
includes pay television, and are usually limited in power to 10–1000
watts and a 10–mile to 15–mile broadcasting radius); economic aspects of
production of television in general; facilities and channels of television in
general; direct broadcast satellite (DBS) systems, satellites, satellite dishes;
activities and services of television in general (e.g., scheduling, programs);
general broadcasting (free television); public television (noncommercial
television); pay television; cable television; controlled transmission
television (closed-circuit television); industrial uses, e.g., surveillance,
monitoring of hazardous industrial processes; video production
Class techniques of producing programs in 791.45. Class a specific type of
program with the type, e.g., news broadcasts 070.4
See Manual at 384, 384.54, 384.55 vs. 791.4

.6 *Telephony
Including economic aspects of production; activities and services; facilities
Class here Internet telephony; comprehensive works on wire and cable
For telegraphy, see 384.1; for radiotelephony, portable telephones, see
384.5; for cable television, see 384.55
*Add as instructed under 380
385 Commerce, communications, transportation 385

385 *Railroad transportation

Including economic aspects of production; activities and services; inclined and
mountain railroad systems; railroad combined with other transportation systems
(e.g., unitized cargo services, ship railroads)
Class here standard-gage and broad-gage railways
Class economic aspects of facilities in 385.3; class specific aspects of narrow-gage
and special-duty railroads in 385.5; class comprehensive works on transportation,
on ground transportation in 388
For railroad mail, see 383; for container-ship operations, see 387.5; for local
rail transit systems, see 388.4
See Manual at 629.04 vs. 388

.3 Facilities and vehicles

Including stationary facilities (e.g., the way, terminals and stations,
communications facilities); cars; locomotives; rolling stock
Class use of facilities and vehicles in specific activities and services in 385;
class comprehensive works on tunnels, on bridges in 388.1
For rolling stock of local rail transit systems, see 388.4

.5 *Narrow-gage and special-purpose railroads

Including industrial railroads
Class inclined and mountain railroads in 385
For special-purpose railroads located entirely within a metropolitan region,
see 388.4
Monorail systems; interurban railroads (streetcar lines running between urban
areas or from urban to rural areas) relocated to 388.4

386 *Inland waterway and ferry transportation

Including economic aspects of production; activities, services, facilities, ships;
specific kinds of inland water and ferry transportation (e.g., river transportation,
canal transportation, lake transportation); ports
Subdivisions are added for inland waterway and ferry transportation together, for
inland waterway transportation alone
Class comprehensive works on water transportation in 387; class comprehensive
works on transportation in 388
For inland waterway mail, see 383
See Manual at 629.04 vs. 388
*Add as instructed under 380
387 Dewey Decimal Classification 387

387 Water, air, space transportation

Class here comprehensive works on water transportation
Class comprehensive works on transportation in 388
For inland waterway and ferry transportation, see 386
[.001–.009] Standard subdivisions of water transportation
Relocated to 387.01–387.09
.01–.09 Standard subdivisions of water transportation [formerly
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 380, e.g., water transportation
business enterprises 387.06; however, do not use for water, air, space
transportation together; class in 388.01–388.09

.1 Ports
Including physiographic location of ports; free ports; port facilities; activities
and services
Class here ports on tidal waters
Class a specific port, a specific free port in 387.109
For inland ports, see 386

.2 Ships
Including air-cushion vehicles; general types (e.g., small craft, sailing ships,
power-driven ships, submersible craft); specific types (e.g., power-driven
merchant and factory ships; nonmilitary submersible craft)
Class use of ships in inland waterway transportation in 386; class use of ships in
specific activities and services in 387.5
See Manual at 629.04 vs. 388

.5 *Ocean transportation (Marine transportation)

Including economic aspects of production; routes and kinds of routes; specific
routes; activities and services; salvage; facilities
Class unitized cargo in 385; class activities and services of ports, facilities of
ports in 387.1; class economic aspects of ships in 387.2
For sea mail, see 383; for seaports, lighthouses, see 387.1; for ships, see
See Manual at 629.04 vs. 388
*Add as instructed under 380
387 Commerce, communications, transportation 387

.7 *Air transportation
Including economic aspects of production; routes; aircraft and facilities;
activities and services
For air mail, see 383
See Manual at 629.04 vs. 388; also at 629.136 vs. 387.7

.8 *Space transportation
See Manual at 629.04 vs. 388

388 *Transportation
Including special topics of transportation (e.g., activities and services; passenger
services; mass transportation; freight services; comparative studies of kinds of
transportation; economic aspects of transportation)
Class here ground transportation, comprehensive works on communications and
transportation, interdisciplinary works on transportation
Class services designed to facilitate the use of transportation by people with
disabilities in 362.4; class services designed to facilitate the use of transportation
by people in late adulthood in 362.6; class transportation of students in 371.8; class
unitized cargo services in 385. Class a comparative study of a specific kind of
transportation with the kind, e.g., comparative study of local transportation 388.4
For transportation safety and safety measures, see 363.12; for transportation
security, see 363.28; for commerce aspects of warehousing, see 381; for
postal transportation, see 383; for communications, see 384; for railroad
transportation, see 385; for water, air, space transportation, see 387; for
transportation technology, see 629.04
See also 385 for railroad combined with other transportation systems
See Manual at 629.04 vs. 388

.1 *Roads
Including economic aspects of production; kinds of roads; special road features
Class here highways
Class signs and signals for traffic control in 388.3. Class economic effects of
roads on a specific aspect of an economic activity with the activity, e.g., effect
on business location 338.6
For railroad tunnels, railroad bridges, see 385.3; for highway services
and use, see 388.3; for urban roads, see 388.4. For a specific aspect of
tunnels, see the aspect, e.g., tunnel engineering 624.1; for a specific aspect
of bridges, see the aspect, e.g., bridge engineering 624.2
.102 2 Illustrations, models, miniatures
Do not use for maps, plans, diagrams; class in 912
*Add as instructed under 380
388 Dewey Decimal Classification 388

.3 *Vehicular transportation
Including traffic flow and maintenance; vehicular activities and services;
terminals, stations, stops; vehicles; interdisciplinary works on land vehicles;
comprehensive works on air-cushion vehicles
Class urban vehicular transportation in 388.4
For traffic control by police, see 363.2; for railroad rolling stock, see 385.3;
for air-cushion ships for inland waterways, see 386; for air-cushion ships
for ocean transportation, see 387.2; for rolling stock of local rail transit
systems, see 388.4. For a specific aspect of vehicles, see the aspect, e.g.,
engineering of motor land vehicles 629.2
See Manual at 629.04 vs. 388

.4 *Local transportation
Including monorail systems; interurban railroads (streetcar lines running
between urban areas or from urban to rural areas) [both formerly 385.5]; special
topics of local transportation (e.g., economic aspects of production); specific
kinds of local transportation (e.g., vehicular and pedestrian traffic, local rail
transit systems; light rail transit systems); terminals, stations, parking facilities
Class here urban and suburban transportation, rapid transit, mass transit,
commuter services
Class vehicles in 388.3
For a specific aspect of parking, see the aspect, e.g., city planning 711

.5 *Pipeline transportation
Including oil (petroleum); natural gas; coal; coal slurry

389 Metrology and standardization

Including interdisciplinary collections of standards [formerly 602], interdisciplinary
works on standards
Class interdisciplinary works on chronology in 529; class mathematical tables of
conversion from one system to another, interdisciplinary works on measurement in
For law of standardization and standards, see 343.07; for public administration
aspects of standardization and standards, see 352.8; for production
management aspects of standardization and standards, see 658.5. For
standardization and standards of a specific topic, see the topic, plus notation 02
from Table 1, e.g., technical standards 602
*Add as instructed under 380
390 Customs, etiquette, folklore 390

390 Customs, etiquette, folklore

Standard subdivisions are added for customs, etiquette, folklore together; for
customs alone
Including customs of specific economic, social, occupational classes
Class here folkways; interdisciplinary works on ceremonies, on rites
For customs of military life, see 355.1. For a type of ceremony or rite not
provided for here, see the type, e.g., religious rites 203, military ceremonies

390.01–.09 Standard subdivisions of customs, etiquette, folklore together;
standard subdivisions of customs
391 Costume and personal appearance
392 Customs of life cycle and domestic life
393 Death customs
394 General customs
395 Etiquette (Manners)
398 Folklore
399 Customs of war and diplomacy

.01–.07 Standard subdivisions

.08 Groups of people
.086 People by miscellaneous social attributes
Do not use for people by economic status, by social class; class in 390
.088 Religious groups
Do not use for occupational groups; class in 390
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography

> 391–394 Customs

Class comprehensive works on customs; customs of specific economic, social,
occupational classes in 390
For customs of war and diplomacy, see 399

391 Dewey Decimal Classification 391

391 Costume and personal appearance

Standard subdivisions are added for costume and personal appearance together, for
costume alone
Including costume of economic, social, occupational groups; costume of men,
women, children
Class here interdisciplinary works on costume, clothing (apparel, garments),
fashion; casual wear (sportswear)
Class kinds of garments for men, women, children, accessories for men, women,
children in 391.4. Class costume and clothing associated with a specific occasion
with the occasion in 392–394, e.g., wedding clothes 392.5
For fashion design, see 746.9. For a specific aspect of costume and clothing,
see the aspect, e.g., stage costuming 792.02, clothing construction 646.4
See Manual at 391 vs. 646, 746.9
.001–.007 Standard subdivisions
.008 Groups of people
.008 1 People by gender or sex
[.008 11] Men
Do not use; class in 391
[.008 2] Women
Do not use; class in 391
.008 3 Young people
Do not use for children under twelve; class in 391
.008 4 People in specific stages of adulthood
Do not use for clothing for men in specific stages of adulthood,
clothing for women in specific stages of adulthood; class in 391
.008 6 People by miscellaneous social attributes
Do not use for people by economic status, people by social class;
class in 391
.008 8 Religious groups
Do not use for occupational groups; class in 391
.009 History, geographic treatment, biography
.4 Kinds of garments; accessories; buttons
Including gloves, mittens, footwear, neckwear; undergarments, hosiery,
sleepwear, loungewear; headwear; bonnets, caps, hats; outerwear; overcoats,
topcoats, raincoats; coats and jackets; specific kinds of garments (e.g., dresses,
suits, shirts, blouses, tops, pants [trousers], skirts); garments for special
Class comprehensive works on garments in 391
For jewelry, see 391.7; for wedding clothes, see 392.5

391 Customs, etiquette, folklore 391

[.401–.409] Standard subdivisions

Do not use; class in 391.001–391.009

.5 Hairstyles
Including beards, wigs

.6 Personal appearance
Including body contours; use of cosmetics and perfume; personal cleanliness
and hygiene; tattooing and scarification
For hairstyles, see 391.5

.7 Jewelry
Including body piercing; finger rings
Class here interdisciplinary works on jewelry
For jewelry making, see 739.27

392 Customs of life cycle and domestic life

For death customs, see 393

.1 Customs of birth, puberty, majority

Including child-rearing customs

.3 Customs relating to dwelling places and domestic arts

Including furnishings, heating, lighting, sanitation; cooking
Class comprehensive works on food and meals in 394.1

.4 Courtship and engagement customs

Standard subdivisions are added for courtship and engagement customs
together, for courtship customs alone
Including bride purchase, bundling, infant betrothal, matchmaking

.5 Wedding and marriage customs

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including wedding clothes
See also 395.2 for etiquette of weddings

.6 Customs of sexual relations

Including chaperonage
For courtship and engagement customs, see 392.4; for wedding and
marriage customs, see 392.5

393 Death customs

Customs relating to disposal of the dead and to mourning
Including burial; cremation; embalming; exposure; mourning

394 Dewey Decimal Classification 394

394 General customs

Including kissing, swearing; recreational customs; official ceremonies and
observances; pageants, processions, parades; fairs; customs of chivalry; dueling
and suicide; cannibalism
Class etiquette in 395; class planning, promoting, staging of pageants, processions,
parades in 791.6. Class pageants, processions, parades associated with a specific
activity with the activity, e.g., Thanksgiving Day parades 394.2649
For military ceremonies, see 355.1

.1 Eating, drinking; using drugs

Situations and methods of use, prohibited uses
Including food; drinking of alcoholic beverages; customs of tea; tea ceremonies;
food taboos
Class table manners in 395.5
For cooking, see 392.3

.2 Special occasions
Including anniversaries, birthdays, celebrations, fast days
Class official ceremonies, pageants, processions, parades in 394
.25 Carnival
Pre-Lenten festival
Class here Mardi Gras; festivals of pre-Lenten origin
See also 394.26 for carnivals other than pre-Lenten festivals
.26 Holidays
Class here carnivals other than pre-Lenten festivals, festivals; independence
days; patriotic, seasonal, secular holidays
Class a season associated with a holiday with the holiday, e.g., the Christmas
season 394.2663; class a technology or craft associated with holidays with
the technology or craft, e.g., making fireworks 662, decorating Easter eggs
For Carnival, Mardi Gras, see 394.25
[.260 9] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 394.269

> 394.261–394.264 Secular holidays

Class here patriotic holidays, seasonal holidays
Class religious holidays of a specific season in 394.265; class comprehensive
works in 394.26

394 Customs, etiquette, folklore 394

.261 Holidays of December, January, February

Class here wintertime holidays of the northern hemisphere, summertime
holidays of the southern hemisphere
.261 2 Kwanzaa
.261 4 New Year
.261 8 Valentine’s Day
.262 Holidays of March, April, May
Class here springtime holidays of the northern hemisphere, autumn
holidays of the southern hemisphere
.262 7 May Day
Class here May Day as a springtime festival, as a labor holiday
.262 8 Mother’s Day
Class here Mothering Sunday
.263 Holidays of June, July, August
Class here summertime holidays of the northern hemisphere, wintertime
holidays of the southern hemisphere
.263 4 Fourth of July
.263 5 Bastille Day
.264 Holidays of September, October, November
Class here autumn holidays of the northern hemisphere, springtime
holidays of the southern hemisphere
.264 4 Oktoberfest
.264 6 Halloween
.264 9 Thanksgiving
.265 Religious holidays
Class secular holidays with a religious or quasi-religious origin in
For Christian holidays, see 394.266; for Jewish holidays, see 394.267
See Manual at 203, 263, 292–299 vs. 394.265–394.267
.266 Christian holidays
Holidays of the church year
For pre-Lenten festivals, see 394.25
See Manual at 203, 263, 292–299 vs. 394.265–394.267
.266 3 Christmas
.266 7 Easter

394 Dewey Decimal Classification 394

.267 Jewish holidays

See Manual at 203, 263, 292–299 vs. 394.265–394.267
.269 History, geographic treatment, biography
Add to base number 394.269 notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., holidays of
Mexico 394.26972
Class history, geographic treatment, biography of specific holidays and
of specific kinds of holidays in 394.261–394.267

395 Etiquette (Manners)

Prescriptive and practical works on social behavior
Unless other instructions are given, class a subject with aspects in two or more
subdivisions of 395 in the number coming last, e.g., table manners for children
395.5 (not 395.1)
Class customs in 391–394
For protocol of diplomacy, see 327.2
[.081–.084] People by gender or sex; age groups
Do not use; class in 395.1

.1 Etiquette for people by gender or sex; for age groups

.2 Etiquette for stages in life cycle
Including engagements and weddings; funerals; occasions associated with birth,
puberty, majority

.3 Etiquette for social occasions

Including dances
Class here hospitality and entertainment
Class etiquette for stages in life cycle in 395.2; class invitations in 395.4

.4 Social correspondence
Including invitations and announcements
Class here written and spoken styles and forms of address and greeting

.5 Etiquette by situations
Including online, school, sports etiquette; business and office etiquette; public
behavior; table manners; conversation; telephone etiquette

[396] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

[397] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

398 Customs, etiquette, folklore 398

398 Folklore
Including history and criticism of specific subjects of folklore (e.g., real
phenomena, paranatural and legendary phenomena); origin, role, function of
themes and subjects of folklore as cultural and social phenomena; jokes and jests;
jokebooks, jestbooks
Class jokes and jests by known authors, interdisciplinary works on jokes and
jests in 808.88. Class literary criticism of individual tales, collections of tales,
lore on a specific topic by a specific ethnic or national group with the group in
398.2089, e.g., folktales of North American native peoples 398.208997; class
literary criticism of individual tales, collections of tales, lore on a specific topic
from a specific continent, country, locality with the continent, country, locality in
398.2093–398.2099, e.g., literary criticism of French tales and lore about witches
398.20944; class comprehensive treatment of literary criticism of tales or lore
on a specific topic with the topic in 398.2, plus notation 09 from table under
398.21–398.28, e.g., literary criticism of tales and lore about witches 398.2109
See also 201 for religious mythology; also 800 for literature by identifiable
authors, anonymous literary classics
See Manual at 398.2 vs. 398
Interdisciplinary works on chapbooks relocated to 002
Chapbooks with content limited to a specific subject relocated to the subject, e.g.,
murder 364.152
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography of folklore
For history, geographic treatment, biography of folk literature, see

.2 Folk literature
Folklore as literature
Including folk literature by language; tales and lore not provided for elsewhere
Class here fairy tales, literary appraisal and criticism of folk literature;
interdisciplinary works on mythology
Class an anonymous classic or a work by a known author with the classic or
work in 800, e.g., Icelandic sagas 839, fairy tales by Hans Christian Andersen
For religious mythology, see 201; for riddles, see 398.6; for rhymes and
rhyming games, see 398.8; for proverbs, see 398.9; for folk poetry other
than rhymes and rhyming games, see 808.81; for folk drama, see 808.82
See Manual at 398.2; also at 398.2 vs. 201, 230, 270, 292–299; also at
398.2 vs. 398; also at 800 vs. 398.2
Use of this number for jokes and jests discontinued; class in 398
.208 Groups of people

398 Dewey Decimal Classification 398

.208 9 Ethnic and national groups

Class here individual tales, collections of tales, lore on a specific topic
Add to base number 398.2089 the numbers following 305.8 in
305.81–305.89, e.g., folktales of North American native peoples
Class individual tales, collections of tales or lore by ethnic and
national groups from a specific continent, country, locality
where they predominate with the continent, country, locality
in 398.2093–398.2099, e.g., French tales and lore from France
398.20944, from Quebec 398.209714
.209 History, geographic treatment, biography
.209 3–.209 9 Specific continents, countries, localities
Class here individual tales, collections of tales, lore on a specific topic
from a specific continent, country, locality; collections of tales and
lore from a specific continent, country, locality; works consisting
equally of the tales and lore and criticism of them
Add to base number 398.209 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., folk
literature of France 398.20944; however, do not add notation from
Table 1
(Option: Class individual tales, collections of tales, lore on a specific
topic from a specific continent, country, locality in 398.21–398.28)

> 398.21–398.28 Tales and lore on a specific topic

Add to each subdivision identified by * as follows:
01–07 Standard subdivisions
08 Groups of people
[089] Individual tales, collections of tales, lore on a specific topic by
ethnic and national groups
Do not use; class in 398.2089
(Option: Continue to use 089; prefer 398.2089)
09 History, geographic treatment, biography
Class here literary criticism
Class comprehensive works on history and criticism of a
specific topic with the topic in 398
See Manual at 398.2 vs. 398
[093–099] Individual tales, collections of tales, lore on a specific topic from
a specific continent, country, locality
Do not use; class in 398.2093–398.2099
(Option: Continue to use 093–099; prefer
Class comprehensive works in 398.2
.21 *Tales and lore of paranatural beings of human and semihuman form
For werewolves, see 398.24; for ghosts, see 398.25
See also 398.2 for comprehensive works on fairy tales (tales of
paranatural beings)
*Add as instructed under 398.21–398.28
398 Customs, etiquette, folklore 398

.22 *Tales and lore of persons without paranormal powers

Class here legendary or mythological persons
.23 *Tales and lore of places and times
Including real places; legendary places; holidays, seasons
Class historical and quasi-historical events in 398.27
.24 *Tales and lore of plants and animals
Real and legendary
Class here agriculture
Class comprehensive works on tales and lore involving science in 398.26
See Manual at 800 vs. 398.24, 590, 636
.25 *Ghost stories
.26 *Tales and lore involving physical and natural phenomena
Real and legendary
Class here comprehensive works on tales and lore involving scientific and
technical themes
For tales and lore of plants and animals, see 398.24; for tales and lore
involving technical themes, see 398.27
.27 *Tales and lore of humanity and human existence
Including specific human, social, technical, artistic, recreational, literary,
historical, political, military themes
For tales and lore of persons without paranormal powers, see 398.22;
for tales and lore of agriculture, see 398.24
Tales and lore of other topics relocated to 398.28
.28 *Tales and lore of other topics [formerly 398.27]
Tales and lore not provided for elsewhere

.6 Riddles
Class riddles as a type of puzzle similar to logic puzzles in 793.735; class
riddles as jokes by known authors in 808.88
See Manual at T3—8 vs. 398.6, 793.735
Interdisciplinary works on riddles relocated to 808.88
*Add as instructed under 398.21–398.28
398 Dewey Decimal Classification 398

.8 Rhymes and rhyming games

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including jump rope rhymes, lullabies, tongue twisters; counting-out rhymes
(counting rhymes); street cries and songs
Class here anonymous children’s rhymes from the oral tradition, nursery
Class forms of folk poetry not provided for here with the form in 800, e.g.,
medieval metrical romances 808.81
Interdisciplinary works on tongue twisters relocated to 808.88
[.808 3] Young people
Do not use; class in 398.8

.9 Proverbs
Class here folk aphorisms

399 Customs of war and diplomacy

Including dances, peace pipe
Class protocol of diplomacy in 327.2; class customs of military life in 355.1; class
cannibalism in 394


400 Language
Including special topics (e.g., bilingualism, multilingualism)
Class here interdisciplinary works on language and literature
Class specific instances of bilingualism in 420–490 with the language dominant
in the country in which the linguistic interaction occurs, without use of notation
01–09 from Table 1, e.g., a discussion of Spanish-English bilingualism in the
United States 420
For government policy on language, see 306.44; for literature, see 800; for
rhetoric, see 808. For the language of a specific subject, see the subject, plus
notation 01 from Table 1, e.g., language of science 501

401–409 Standard subdivisions
410 Linguistics
420 English and Old English (Anglo-Saxon)
430 German and related languages
440 French and related Romance languages
450 Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican
460 Spanish, Portuguese, Galician
470 Latin and related Italic languages
480 Classical Greek and related Hellenic languages
490 Other languages

401 Dewey Decimal Classification 401

401 Philosophy and theory

Including interdisciplinary works on pragmatics [formerly 306.44], international
languages; universal languages; general discussions of international languages,
e.g., diplomatic languages, lingua francas; semantics, languages for special
purposes; lexicology, interdisciplinary works on terminology; language acquisition,
speech perception; psycholinguistics
Class reference in philosophy of language in 121; class presupposition, implication,
entailment in logic in 160; class mathematical linguistics in 410.1; class translation
of languages for special purposes in 418; class teaching of languages for special
purposes as second languages in 418.0071; class artificial languages in 499; class
interdisciplinary works on philosophy of language in 121; class interdisciplinary
works on communication, content analysis, semiotics in 302.2. Class the semiotics
of a specific subject with the subject, plus notation 01 from Table 1, e.g., semiotics
of biology 570.1; class discourse analysis of a specific subject with the subject,
plus notation 01 from Table 1, e.g., discourse analysis of political science 320.01;
class dictionaries of languages for special purposes with the purpose, plus notation
03 from Table 1, e.g., medical dictionaries 610.3; class a specific international sign
language with the language in 419, e.g., American Sign Language as a universal
language 419; class a other specific international languages with the language in
420–490, e.g., Latin as a diplomatic language 470, Swahili as a lingua franca 496
For pragmatics in sociolinguistics, see 306.44; for dictionaries of linguistics,
see 410.3; for history of word meanings, see 412; for general polyglot
dictionaries, see 413; for lexicography, see 413.028; for applied linguistics
treatment of terminology, see 418. For terminology (including pronunciation
and spelling) of a specific subject, see the subject, plus notation 01 from Table
1, e.g., terminology of linguistics 410.1, terminology of engineering 620.001
See Manual at 407.1, T1—071 vs. 401, T4—01, 410.71, 418.0071, T4—80071

402 Miscellany
.85 Computer applications
Class computational linguistics in 006.3

403 Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances

For dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances of linguistics, see 410.3;
for general polyglot dictionaries, see 413; for dictionaries, encyclopedias,
concordances of literature, see 803

[404] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

405 Serial publications

406 Organizations and management
407 Education, research, related topics
.1 Education
See Manual at 407.1, T1—071 vs. 401, T4—01, 410.71, 418.0071,

407 Language 407

.2 Research
Class corpus-based research methods in 410.1

408 Groups of people

See also 306.44 for sociology of language

.9 Treatment of language with respect to ethnic and national groups

Class ethnolinguistics in 306.44

409 Geographic treatment and biography

Do not use for language history not limited by area; class in 417
Class specific sign languages and groups of sign languages in 419; class other
specific languages and groups of languages in 420–490
See also 410.9 for geographic treatment and biography of linguistics

410 Linguistics
Class here descriptive, synchronic linguistics; comprehensive works on Eurasiatic
languages, on Indo-European languages, on Indo-Germanic languages, on
Indo-Hittite languages
Class linguistics of specific sign languages in 419; class linguistics of other specific
languages in 420–490
For sociolinguistics, see 306.44; for lexicology, semiotics, semantics, see
401; for specific Indo-European languages other than east Indo-European
languages and Celtic languages, see 420–480; for east Indo-European and
Celtic languages, see 491
See Manual at 410

410.1–.9 Standard subdivisions
411 Writing systems of standard forms of languages
412 Etymology of standard forms of languages
413 Dictionaries of standard forms of languages
414 Phonology and phonetics of standard forms of languages
415 Grammar of standard forms of languages
417 Dialectology and historical linguistics
418 Standard usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
419 Sign languages

.1 Philosophy and theory

Do not use for philosophy and theory of language and languages; class in 401.
Do not use for schools and theories of linguistics; class in 410
Class psycholinguistics in 401. Class corpus linguistics applied to a specific
work or the works of a specific author with the work or author, e.g., versions of
the Bible 220.4, Shakespeare’s works 822.3; class corpus linguistics applied to
a specific topic in linguistics with the topic, e.g., corpus-based analysis of noun
phrases 415
For works on schools, theories, methodologies of linguistics that stress
syntax, or syntax and phonology, see 415
410 Dewey Decimal Classification 410

.2 Miscellany
Do not use for miscellany of language and languages; class in 402
.285 Computer applications
Class computer applications in corpus linguistics in 410.1. Class a
computational linguistics application of a linguistic process with the
process, plus notation 0285 from Table 1, e.g., part-of-speech tagging
See Manual at 006.3 vs. 410.285

.3–.9 Standard subdivisions

Do not use for standard subdivisions of language and languages; class in
See Manual at 407.1, T1—071 vs. 401, T4—01, 410.71, 418.0071,

411 Writing systems of standard forms of languages

Including alphabets, ideographs, syllabaries; braille; abbreviations, acronyms,
capitalization, punctuation, spelling, transliteration; paleography and epigraphy
Class dictionaries of abbreviations and acronyms in 413; class writing systems of
geographic variations, of modern nongeographic variations of languages in 417;
class manual alphabets, fingerspelling in 418
See also 652 for practical works on how to write by hand or machine, e.g.,
keyboarding 652.3

412 Etymology of standard forms of languages

Class etymology of geographic variations, of modern nongeographic variations
of languages in 417; class comprehensive works on historical linguistics in 417;
class interdisciplinary works on onomastics in 929.9. Class a specific aspect of
etymology with the aspect, e.g., phonetic development of words 414
.03 Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
Including dictionaries of eponyms [formerly 413]

413 Dictionaries of standard forms of languages

Including specialized dictionaries; polyglot dictionaries with entry words or
definitions in only one language
Class here polyglot dictionaries
Class etymological dictionaries in 412.03; class dictionaries of geographic
variations, of modern nongeographic variations of languages in 417. Class subject
dictionaries of abbreviations, acronyms, symbols with the subject, plus notation 01
from Table 1, e.g., dictionary of scientific abbreviations and acronyms 501; class
subject dictionaries with the subject, plus notation 03 from Table 1, e.g., dictionary
of medicine 610.3
For crossword-puzzle dictionaries, see 793.73. For bilingual dictionaries, see
the language, plus notation 3 from Table 4, e.g., French-English dictionary 443
Dictionaries of eponyms relocated to 412.03

413 Linguistics 413

.028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment,

Class here basic techniques and procedures; lexicography

414 Phonology and phonetics of standard forms of languages

Standard subdivisions are added for phonology and phonetics together, for
phonology alone
Including suprasegmental features; intonation
Class here consonants, vowels; morphophonology, morphophonemics, phonemics
Class phonology and phonetics of geographic variations, of modern nongeographic
variations of languages in 417; class comprehensive works on phonology,
morphology, syntax; on phonology and morphology; on phonology and syntax in

415 Grammar of standard forms of languages

Including word classes (e.g., nouns, pronouns, adjectives, articles, verbs); parts of
speech; morphology
Class here grammatical categories, sentences, syntax, topic and comment; word
order; comprehensive works on phonology, morphology, syntax; on phonology and
morphology; on phonology and syntax
Class etymology in 412; class morphophonology, morphophonemics in 414;
class grammar of geographic variations, of modern nongeographic variations of
languages in 417
For phonology, see 414; for prescriptive grammar, inflectional schemata
designed for use as aids in learning a language, see 418
.01 Philosophy and theory
Do not use for schools and theories of grammar; class in 415

[416] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 10

417 Dialectology and historical linguistics

Including dialects, patois, provincialisms; language history not limited by area,
language change, paleography covering all aspects of early writings
For change in and history of a specific element of language, see the element,
e.g., paleography limited to study of ancient and medieval handwriting 411,
grammar 415
See Manual at T4—7; also at 410

418 Dewey Decimal Classification 418

418 Standard usage (Prescriptive linguistics)

General, formal, informal usage
Including comprehensive works on instruction in lipreading with respect to
multiple languages, comprehensive works on use of signs and fingerspelling for
manual coding of multiple standard spoken languages; translating; interpreting;
translating materials on specific subjects; interpreting materials on specific
subjects; interpreting literature and rhetoric, translating works about literature,
rhetoric; multilingual phrase books; reading
Class here applied linguistics
Class purely descriptive linguistics in 411–415; class dictionaries in 413; class
lexicography in 413.028; class prescriptive and applied linguistics applied to
geographic variations, to modern nongeographic variations of languages in 417.
Class translating a specific work or the works of a specific author with the work,
translations of the work, or author, e.g., translating the Bible 220, translating the
Bible into English 220.5, translating the works of Aristotle 185; class translating a
specific work or works of a specific author with the work or author, e.g., translating
the Aeneid 873, translating the works of Shakespeare 822.3
For rhetoric, see 808. For use of signs and fingerspelling for manual coding
of a specific spoken language, see the language plus notation 8 from Table
4, e.g., use of signs and fingerspelling to represent standard English, use of
British Sign Language signs to represent standard English 428; for lipreading
a specific language, see the language, plus notation 8 from Table 4, e.g.,
lipreading English 428
.001–.006 Standard subdivisions
.007 Education, research, related topics
.007 1 Education
Class here second language teaching
See Manual at 407.1, T1—071 vs. 401, T4—01, 410.71, 418.0071,
.008–.009 Standard subdivisions
419 Sign languages
Including sign languages used primarily for purposes other than communication
of deaf people; sign languages used primarily for communication among deaf
people or between hearing and deaf people; indigenous sign languages of deaf
communities, comprehensive works on methods of communication of deaf-blind
Class here comprehensive works on fingerspelling, use of fingerspelling as part of
sign languages
Class nonlinguistic (nonstructured) communication (e.g., use of gestures) in 302.2
For use of signs and fingerspelling for manual coding of specific standard
spoken languages, see notation 8 from Table 4; for braille, see 411; for
comprehensive works on use of signs and fingerspelling for manual coding of
multiple standard spoken languages, see 418

419 Linguistics 419

[.094–.099] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world

Do not use for sign languages used primarily for purposes other than
communication among deaf people or between hearing and deaf people,
sign languages used primarily for communication among deaf people
or between hearing and deaf people, class in 419. Do not use for
comprehensive works on all types of sign languages; class in 419

> 420–490 Specific languages

Class here comprehensive works on specific languages and their literatures
Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to base number
for each language identified by * as instructed at beginning of Table 4, e.g.,
grammar of Japanese 495.6. The base number is the number given for the
language unless the schedule specifies a different number
The numbers used in this schedule for individual languages do not necessarily
correspond exactly with those in 810–890
Class polyglot dictionaries in 413; class comprehensive works in 410
For specific sign languages, see 419; for literatures of specific languages,
see 810–890
See Manual at 420–490

> 420–480 Specific Indo-European languages other

than east Indo-European languages and Celtic
Class comprehensive works on Indo-European languages in 410

420 English and Old English (Anglo-Saxon)

.1–.9 Standard subdivisions of English
Notation from Table 1 as modified under —01–09 in Table 4, e.g., semantics of
English 420.1

421–428 Subdivisions of English

Class here comprehensive works on English and Old English (Anglo-Saxon)
Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to base number 42
notation 1–8 from Table 4, e.g., grammar of English language 425
For Old English (Anglo-Saxon), see 429

421 Writing system, phonology, phonetics of standard English

Number built according to instructions under 421–428

422 Etymology of standard English

Number built according to instructions under 421–428

423 Dewey Decimal Classification 423

423 Dictionaries of standard English

Number built according to instructions under 421–428

[424] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

425 Grammar of standard English

Number built according to instructions under 421–428

[426] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 10

427 Historical and geographic variations, modern nongeographic

variations of English
Number built according to instructions under 421–428
Including Middle English, 1100–1500
For Old English (Anglo-Saxon), see 429
.001–.008 Standard subdivisions
.009 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for Middle English; class in 427
[.009 4–.009 9] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use; class in 427

428 Standard English usage (Prescriptive linguistics)

Number built according to instructions under 421–428
Class here Basic English

429 *Old English (Anglo-Saxon)

See also 427 for Middle English

430 German and related languages

Including special topics of Germanic languages (e.g., writing systems, phonology,
phonetics of the standard form of the language; etymology of the standard form
of the language; dictionaries of the standard form of the language; grammar of
the standard form of the language; historical and geographic variations, modern
nongeographic variations; standard usage of the language [prescriptive linguistics])
Class here Germanic languages
For English and Old English (Anglo-Saxon), see 420
*Add to base number as instructed under 420–490
430 German and related languages 430

.01 Philosophy and theory of Germanic languages

Including semantics, pragmatics, languages for special purposes; lexicology;
Class dictionaries; lexicography; discursive works on terminology intended
to teach vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation in applied linguistics; history
of word meanings; teaching of languages for special purposes; translation of
languages for special purposes; works on schools, theories, methodologies
that stress syntax, or syntax and phonology; psycholinguistics of a specific
topic (e.g., reading) in 430. Class dictionaries of languages for special
purposes with the purpose, plus notation 03 from Table 1, e.g., medical
dictionaries 610.3
.02 Miscellany of Germanic languages
.028 5 Computer applications of Germanic languages
Class computer applications in corpus linguistics in 430.01
.03 Encyclopedias and concordances of Germanic languages
Do not use for dictionaries; class in 430
.05–.09 Standard subdivisions of Germanic languages
.1–.9 Standard subdivisions of German
Notation from Table 1 as modified under —01–09 in Table 4, e.g., semantics of
German 430.1

431–438 Subdivisions of German

Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to base number 43
notation 1–8 from Table 4, e.g., grammar of German language 435

431 Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of standard German

Number built according to instructions under 431–438

432 Etymology of standard German

Number built according to instructions under 431–438

433 Dictionaries of standard German

Number built according to instructions under 431–438

[434] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

435 Grammar of standard German

Number built according to instructions under 431–438

[436] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 10

437 Dewey Decimal Classification 437

437 Historical and geographic variations, modern nongeographic

variations of German
Number built according to instructions under 431–438
Including Old High German to 1100; Middle High German and Early New High
German, 1100–1500
Class Low German in 439
.001–.008 Standard subdivisions
.009 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for Old High German, Middle High German and Early New
High German, class in 437
[.009 4–.009 9] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use; class in 437

438 Standard German usage (Prescriptive linguistics)

Number built according to instructions under 431–438

439 Other Germanic languages

Including Yiddish; West Germanic languages; Frisian, Low German (Plattdeutsch);
North Germanic languages (Nordic languages); comprehensive works on east
Scandinavian languages, comprehensive works on west Scandinavian languages,
comprehensive works on modern west Scandinavian languages; comprehensive
works on languages in the Nordic countries; Old Norse [Old Icelandic], Icelandic,
Faroese; East Germanic languages
For Finnish, Sámi, see 494

.3 Netherlandish languages
Including Afrikaans
.31 *Dutch
Including Old Low Franconian
Class here Flemish

.7 *Swedish
Including historical and geographic variations, modern nongeographic

.8 Danish and Norwegian

Including Bokmål, Dano-Norwegian, Riksmål; New Norse, Landsmål
*Add to base number as instructed under 420–490
440 French and related Romance languages 440

440 French and related Romance languages

Including special topics of Romance languages (e.g., writing systems, phonology,
phonetics of the standard form of the language; etymology of the standard form
of the language; dictionaries of the standard form of the language; grammar of
the standard form of the language; historical and geographic variations, modern
nongeographic variations; standard usage of the language [prescriptive linguistics])
Class here Romance languages
Class comprehensive works on Italic languages in 470
For Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican, see 450; for
Spanish, Portuguese, Galician, see 460
.01 Philosophy and theory of Romance languages
Including semantics, pragmatics, languages for special purposes; lexicology;
Class dictionaries; lexicography; discursive works on terminology intended
to teach vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation in applied linguistics; history
of word meanings; teaching of languages for special purposes; translation of
languages for special purposes; works on schools, theories, methodologies
that stress syntax, or syntax and phonology; psycholinguistics of a specific
topic (e.g., reading) in 440
.02 Miscellany of Romance languages
.028 5 Computer applications of Romance languages
Class computer applications in corpus linguistics in 440.01
.03 Encyclopedias and concordances of Romance languages
Do not use for dictionaries; class in 440
.05–.09 Standard subdivisions of Romance languages
.1–.9 Standard subdivisions of French
Notation from Table 1 as modified under —01–09 in Table 4, e.g., semantics of
French 440.1

441–448 Subdivisions of French

Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to base number 44
notation 1–8 from Table 4, e.g., grammar of French language 445

441 Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of standard French

Number built according to instructions under 441–448

442 Etymology of standard French

Number built according to instructions under 441–448

443 Dictionaries of standard French

Number built according to instructions under 441–448

444 Dewey Decimal Classification 444

[444] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

445 Grammar of standard French

Number built according to instructions under 441–448

[446] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 10

447 Historical and geographic variations, modern nongeographic

variations of French
Number built according to instructions under 441–448
Including Old French to 1400; Middle French, 1400–1600
See also 449 for Occitan, Franco-Provençal
.001–.008 Standard subdivisions
.009 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for Old French, Middle French; class in 447
[.009 4–.009 9] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use; class in 447

448 Standard French usage (Prescriptive linguistics)

Number built according to instructions under 441–448

449 Occitan, Catalan, Franco-Provençal

Class here Langue d’oc; Provençal (Occitan)

450 Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian,

Class Dalmatian in 457; class comprehensive works on Romance languages in 440;
class comprehensive works on Italic languages in 470

.1–.9 Standard subdivisions of Italian

Notation from Table 1 as modified under —01–09 in Table 4, e.g., semantics of
Italian 450.1

451–458 Subdivisions of Italian

Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to base number 45
notation 1–8 from Table 4, e.g., grammar of Italian language 455

451 Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of standard Italian

Number built according to instructions under 451–458

452 Etymology of standard Italian

Number built according to instructions under 451–458

453 Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican 453

453 Dictionaries of standard Italian

Number built according to instructions under 451–458

[454] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

455 Grammar of standard Italian

Number built according to instructions under 451–458

[456] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 10

457 Historical and geographic variations, modern nongeographic

variations of Italian
Number built according to instructions under 451–458
Including Old Italian to 1300; Middle Italian, 1300–1600; Dalmatian
.001–.008 Standard subdivisions
.009 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for Old Italian, Middle Italian; class in 457
[.009 4–.009 9] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use; class in 457

458 Standard Italian usage (Prescriptive linguistics)

Number built according to instructions under 451–458

459 Sardinian, Corsican [both formerly 457], Romanian,

Including geographic variations in Cagliari province of Sardinia; geographic
variations in Nuoro province of Sardinia; geographic variations in Sassari province
of Sardinia; geographic variations in Oristano province of Sardinia [all formerly

460 Spanish, Portuguese, Galician

Class comprehensive works on Romance languages in 440
.01–.09 Standard subdivisions of comprehensive works on Spanish, Portuguese,
.1–.9 Standard subdivisions of Spanish
Notation from Table 1 as modified under —01–09 in Table 4, e.g., semantics of
Spanish 460.1

461–468 Subdivisions of Spanish

Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to base number 46
notation 1–8 from Table 4, e.g., grammar of Spanish language 465

461 Dewey Decimal Classification 461

461 Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of standard Spanish

Number built according to instructions under 461–468

462 Etymology of standard Spanish

Number built according to instructions under 461–468

463 Dictionaries of standard Spanish

Number built according to instructions under 461–468

[464] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

465 Grammar of standard Spanish

Number built according to instructions under 461–468

[466] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 10

467 Historical and geographic variations, modern nongeographic

variations of Spanish
Number built according to instructions under 461–468
Including Old Spanish to 1100; Middle Spanish, 1100–1600
.001–.008 Standard subdivisions
.009 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for Old Spanish, Middle Spanish; class in 467
[.009 4–.009 9] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use; class in 467

468 Standard Spanish usage (Prescriptive linguistics)

Number built according to instructions under 461–468

469 Portuguese and Galician

Variant name for Galician: Gallegan
.01–.09 Standard subdivisions of Portuguese
Notation from Table 1 as modified under —01–09 in Table 4, e.g., semantics
of Portuguese 469.01

.1–.5 Subdivisions of Portuguese

Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to base number 469
notation 1–5 from Table 4, e.g., grammar of Portuguese 469.5

469 Spanish, Portuguese, Galician 469

.7 Historical and geographic variations, modern nongeographic

Number built according to instructions under 420–490
Including Old Portuguese to 1100; Middle Portuguese, 1100–1600; pidgins,
.700 1–.700 8 Standard subdivisions
.700 9 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for Old Portuguese, Middle Portuguese; class in 469.7
[.700 94–.700 99] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use; class in 469.7

.8 Standard Portuguese usage (Prescriptive linguistics)

.800 1–.800 9 Standard subdivisions
.81–.86 Words, approaches to expression, reading, readers
Add to base number 469.8 the numbers following —8 in notation 81–86
from Table 4, e.g., reading Portuguese 469.84

470 Latin and related Italic languages

Class here Italic languages
Class comprehensive works on Latin and Greek in 480
For Romance languages, see 440
.01–.09 Standard subdivisions of Italic languages
.1–.9 Standard subdivisions of Latin
Notation from Table 1 as modified under —01–09 in Table 4, e.g., semantics of
Latin 470.1

471–478 Subdivisions of Latin

Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to base number 47
notation 1–8 from Table 4, e.g., grammar of Latin language 475
See Manual at 471–475, 478 vs. 477

471 Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of classical Latin

Number built according to instructions under 471–478

472 Etymology of classical Latin

Number built according to instructions under 471–478

473 Dictionaries of classical Latin

Number built according to instructions under 471–478

474 Dewey Decimal Classification 474

[474] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

475 Grammar of classical Latin

Number built according to instructions under 471–478

[476] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 10

477 Old, postclassical, Vulgar Latin

Number built according to instructions under 471–478
Standard subdivisions are added for any or all topics in heading
Variant name for Old Latin: preclassical Latin

478 Classical Latin usage (Prescriptive linguistics)

Number built according to instructions under 471–478
Class here classical-revival Latin usage during medieval or modern times

479 Other Italic languages

480 Classical Greek and related Hellenic languages

Classical Greek: the Greek that flourished between 750 and 350 B.C.
Class here Hellenic languages, comprehensive works on classical (Greek and
Latin) languages
For Latin, see 470
.01–.09 Standard subdivisions of classical (Greek and Latin) languages
.1–.9 Standard subdivisions of Hellenic languages, of classical Greek
Notation from Table 1 as modified under —01–09 in Table 4, e.g., semantics of
Hellenic languages, of classical Greek 480.1

> 481–488 Subdivisions of classical, preclassical,

postclassical Greek
Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to base number 48
notation 1–8 from Table 4, e.g., grammar of classical Greek language 485
Dialects of classical Greek are classed in the numbers for classical Greek
(480.1–480.9, 481–485, 488)
For standard subdivisions of classical Greek, see 480.1–480.9

481 Writing systems, phonology, phonetics of classical Greek

Number built according to instructions under 481–488

482 Classical Greek and related Hellenic languages 482

482 Etymology of classical Greek

Number built according to instructions under 481–488

483 Dictionaries of classical Greek

Number built according to instructions under 481–488

[484] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

485 Grammar of classical Greek

Number built according to instructions under 481–488

[486] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 10

487 Preclassical and postclassical Greek

Number built according to instructions under 481–488
Including Biblical Greek

488 Classical Greek usage (Prescriptive linguistics)

Number built according to instructions under 481–488

489 Other Hellenic languages

Including Modern Greek

490 Other languages

491 East Indo-European and Celtic languages
492 Afro-Asiatic languages
493 Non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic languages
494 Altaic, Uralic, Hyperborean, Dravidian languages, miscellaneous languages of
south Asia
495 Languages of east and southeast Asia
496 African languages
497 North American native languages
498 South American native languages
499 Non-Austronesian languages of Oceania, Austronesian languages,
miscellaneous languages

491 Dewey Decimal Classification 491

491 East Indo-European and Celtic languages

Including Indo-Iranian languages; comprehensive works on languages of south
Asia; Sanskrit; Middle Indo-European languages; Iranian languages; Baltic and
other Indo-European languages
Class modern Prakrit languages in 491.4; class comprehensive works on
Indo-European languages in 410
For Dravidian languages and miscellaneous languages of south Asia, see
494.8; for languages of south Asia closely related to languages of east and
southeast Asia, see 495; for Andamanese languages, see 495.9

.4 Modern Indo-Aryan languages

Former heading: Modern Indic languages
Including Sindhi and Lahnda; Panjabi; Western Hindi languages;
comprehensive works on Hindi languages; Bengali; Assamese, Bihari, Oriya;
Marathi and Konkani; Gujarati, Bhili, Rajasthani; Sinhalese-Maldivian
languages; Sinhalese (Sinhala)
Class here modern Prakrit languages
Class comprehensive works on Prakrit languages in 491

.6 Celtic languages
Including Gaulish; Irish Gaelic; Scottish Gaelic; Manx; Welsh (Cymric);
Cornish; Breton

.7 Russian and related East Slavic languages

Including Ukrainian and Belarusian
Class here East Slavic languages
Class comprehensive works on Slavic (Slavonic) languages in 491.8
.700 1–.700 9 Standard subdivisions of East Slavic languages
.701–.709 Standard subdivisions of Russian
Notation from Table 1 as modified under —01–09 in Table 4, e.g.,
semantics of Russian 491.701
.71–.75 Writing systems, phonology, phonetics, etymology, dictionaries,
grammar of Russian
Add to base number 491.7 notation 1–5 from Table 4, e.g., grammar of
Russian 491.75
.77 Historical and geographic variations, modern nongeographic variations
of Russian
Number built according to instructions under 420–490
Including Old Russian to 1550; Middle Russian, 1550–1750
.770 01–.770 08 Standard subdivisions
.770 09 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for Old Russian, Middle Russian; class in 491.77

491 Other languages 491

[.770 094–.770 099] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world

Do not use; class in 491.77
.78 Standard Russian usage (Prescriptive linguistics)
.780 01–.780 09 Standard subdivisions
.781–.786 Words, approaches to expression, reading, readers
Add to base number 491.78 the numbers following —8 in notation 81–86
from Table 4, e.g., reading Russian 491.784

.8 Slavic (Slavonic) languages

Including Common Slavic; special topics of Slavic languages (e.g., writing
systems, phonology, phonetics of the standard form of the language; etymology
of the standard form of the language; dictionaries of the standard form of
the language; grammar of the standard form of the language; historical and
geographic variations, modern nongeographic variations; standard usage of
the language [prescriptive linguistics]); Bulgarian and related South Slavic
languages; Serbian; Serbo-Croatian (languages of Serbs, Croats, and Bosnians
treated together as a single language); Croatian and Bosnian; Slovenian;
Polish and related West Slavic languages; Czech; Slovak; Wendish (Lusatian,
Sorbian); Polabian
Class here comprehensive works on Balto-Slavic languages
Class Baltic languages in 491
For East Slavic languages, see 491.7
.801 Philosophy and theory of Slavic languages
Including semantics, pragmatics, languages for special purposes;
lexicology; psycholinguistics
Class dictionaries; lexicography; discursive works on terminology
intended to teach vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation in applied
linguistics; history of word meanings; teaching of languages for special
purposes; translation of languages for special purposes; works on
schools, theories, methodologies that stress syntax, or syntax and
phonology; psycholinguistics of a specific topic (e.g., reading) in 491.8
.802 Miscellany of Slavic languages
.802 85 Computer applications of Slavic languages
Class computer applications in corpus linguistics in 491.801
.803 Encyclopedias and concordances of Slavic languages
Do not use for dictionaries; class in 491.8
.805–.809 Standard subdivisions of Slavic languages

492 Dewey Decimal Classification 492

492 Afro-Asiatic languages

Including special topics of Afro-Asiatic and Semitic languages (e.g., writing
systems, phonology, phonetics of the standard form of the language; etymology
of the standard form of the language; dictionaries of the standard form of the
language; grammar of the standard form of the language; historical and geographic
variations, modern nongeographic variations; standard usage of the language
[prescriptive linguistics]); East Semitic languages; Akkadian (Assyro-Babylonian);
Aramaic languages, Eastern Aramaic languages, Syriac; Canaanite languages,
Ethiopian languages, South Arabian languages
Class here Semitic languages
Class Hebrew in 492.4
For non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic languages, see 493
.01 Philosophy and theory of Afro-Asiatic languages
Including semantics, pragmatics, languages for special purposes; lexicology;
Class dictionaries; lexicography; discursive works on terminology intended
to teach vocabulary, spelling and pronunciation in applied linguistics; history
of word meanings; teaching of languages for special purposes; translation of
languages for special purposes; works on schools, theories, methodologies
that stress syntax, or syntax and phonology; psycholinguistics of a specific
topic (e.g., reading) in 492
.02 Miscellany of Afro-Asiatic languages
.028 5 Computer applications of Afro-Asiatic languages
Class computer applications in corpus linguistics in 492.01
.03 Encyclopedias and concordances of Afro-Asiatic languages
Do not use for dictionaries; class in 492
.05–.09 Standard subdivisions of Afro-Asiatic languages
.4 *Hebrew
.7 Arabic and Maltese
Class here Classical Arabic, modern standard Arabic
See also 492 for South Arabian languages

493 Non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic languages

Including special topics of non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic languages (e.g., writing
systems, phonology, phonetics of the standard form of the language [e.g., Rosetta
stone, hieroglyphics]; etymology of the standard form of the language; dictionaries
of the standard form of the language; grammar of the standard form of the
language; historical and geographic variations, modern nongeographic variations;
standard usage of the language [prescriptive linguistics]); Egyptian; Coptic; Berber
languages; Cushitic and Omotic languages; Chadic languages
*Add to base number as instructed under 420–490
494 Other languages 494

494 Altaic, Uralic, Hyperborean, Dravidian languages,

miscellaneous languages of south Asia
For Japanese, see 495.6; for Korean, see 495.7
See also 497 for Inuit, Yupik, Aleut languages

.8 Dravidian languages and miscellaneous languages of south Asia

Miscellaneous languages of south Asia limited to Nihali, Burushaski, language
of Indus script

495 Languages of east and southeast Asia

Including Karen; Tibetan and related Tibeto-Burman languages; Burmese
Here are classed languages of south Asia closely related to the languages of east
and southeast Asia
Class here Sino-Tibetan languages
For Austronesian languages of east and southeast Asia, see 499

.1 *Chinese
Including historical and geographic variations, modern nongeographic
variations of Chinese
Class here Beijing dialect; Mandarin (Putonghua) (standard written Chinese)

.6 *Japanese
.7 *Korean
.9 Miscellaneous languages of southeast Asia; Munda languages
Miscellaneous languages of southeast Asia limited to Kadai languages,
Kam-Sui languages; Thai (Siamese) and related Tai languages; Viet-Muong,
Austroasiatic, Hmong-Mien (Miao-Yao) languages
Class here Daic languages
For Austronesian languages, see 499

496 African languages

Including Khoisan languages; Niger-Congo languages; Nilo-Saharan languages;
Chari-Nile (Macrosudanic) languages
Class Afrikaans in 439.3; class Malagasy in 499. Class an African creole having
a non-African primary source language with the source language, plus notation 7
from Table 4, e.g., Krio 427
For Ethiopian languages, see 492; for non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic languages, see
*Add to base number as instructed under 420–490
497 Dewey Decimal Classification 497

497 North American native languages

Including Inuit, Yupik, Aleut, Na-Dene languages; Algic and Muskogean
languages; Algonquian languages; Penutian, Mayan, Mixe-Zoque, Uto-Aztecan,
Kiowa Tanoan languages; Siouan, Iroquoian, Hokan, Chumash, Yuki languages;
Oto-Manguean, Chibchan languages of North America, Misumalpan
Class here comprehensive works on North and South American native languages
For South American native languages, see 498

498 South American native languages

Including Chibchan and Barbacoan languages; Paez; Quechuan, Aymaran,
Tucanoan, Jivaroan, Tupí, Arawakan languages; Carib, Macro-Gê, Nambiquaran,
Panoan languages; Araucanian, Alacalufan, Chon, Lule-Vilela, Mataco-Guaicuru

499 Non-Austronesian languages of Oceania, Austronesian

languages, miscellaneous languages
Miscellaneous languages limited to Hurrian languages, Basque, Elamite, Etruscan,
Sumerian, Caucasian (Caucasic) languages, artificial languages
Including Malagasy; Polynesian languages; Eastern Malayo-Polynesian languages
See also 419 for sign languages


500 Natural sciences and mathematics

Natural sciences: sciences that deal with matter and energy, or with objects and
processes observable in nature
Class here interdisciplinary works on natural and applied sciences
Class natural history in 508. Class scientific principles of a subject with the subject,
plus notation 01 from Table 1, e.g., scientific principles of photography 770.1
For government policy on science, see 338.9; for applied sciences, see 600
See Manual at 231.7 vs. 213, 500, 576.8; also at 338.9 vs. 352.7, 500; also at
500 vs. 001

500.2–.8 [Physical sciences, space sciences, groups of people]
501–509 Standard subdivisions and natural history
510 Mathematics
520 Astronomy and allied sciences
530 Physics
540 Chemistry and allied sciences
550 Earth sciences
560 Paleontology
570 Biology
580 Plants
590 Animals

.2 Physical sciences
For astronomy and allied sciences, see 520; for physics, see 530; for
chemistry and allied sciences, see 540; for earth sciences, see 550

.5 Space sciences
For astronomy, see 520; for earth sciences in other worlds, see 550. For
space sciences aspects of a specific subject, see the subject, plus notation
091 from Table 1, e.g., chemical reactions in space 541.390919
See Manual at 520 vs. 500.5, 523.1, 530.1, 919.9

.8 Groups of people
Add to base number 500.8 the numbers following —08 in notation 081–089
from Table 1, e.g., women in science 500.82

501 Philosophy and theory

Class scientific method as a general research technique in 001.4; class scientific
method applied in the natural sciences in 507.2

502 Miscellany
502 Dewey Decimal Classification 502

.8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment,

Including microscopy; microscopes; interdisciplinary works on microscopy
Class stereology with compound microscopes, stereology with electron
microscopes in 502; class interdisciplinary works on photomicrography in 778.3
For manufacture of microscopes, see 681. For microscopy in a specific
subject, see the subject, plus notation 028 from Table 1, e.g., microscopy in
archaeology 930.1028

503 Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances

[504] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

505 Serial publications

506 Organizations and management
507 Education, research, related topics
.2 Research
Class research covering the sciences in the broad sense of all knowledge,
scientific method as a general research technique in 001.4
See Manual at 500 vs. 001

.8 Use of apparatus and equipment in study and teaching

Class here science fair projects, science projects in schools

508 Natural history

Do not use for groups of people; class in 500.8
Class here description and surveys of phenomena in nature
Class natural history of organisms in 578
See Manual at 333.7–333.9 vs. 508, 913–919, 930–990; also at 578 vs. 304.2,
508, 910
.09 History and biography
Do not use for geographic treatment; class in 508.3–508.9

.2 Seasons
Class here interdisciplinary works on seasons
For a specific aspect of seasons, see the aspect, e.g., effect of seasons on
organisms 577.2

.3 Areas, regions, places in general; specific continents, countries,

localities in ancient world

508 Natural sciences and mathematics 508

.31 Areas, regions, places in general

Add to base number 508.31 the numbers following —1 in notation 11–19
from Table 2, e.g., natural history of the sea 508.3162
.33 Specific continents, countries, localities in ancient world
Add to base number 508.33 the numbers following —3 in notation 31–39
from Table 2, e.g., natural history of ancient Greece 508.338

.4–.9 Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world

Add to base number 508 notation 4–9 from Table 2, e.g., natural history of
Brazil 508.81

509 History, geographic treatment, biography

Class history, geographic treatment, biography of natural phenomena in 508

510 Mathematics
Class here pure mathematics
See Manual at 510

510.1 Philosophy and theory
511 General principles of mathematics
512 Algebra
513 Arithmetic
514 Topology
515 Analysis
516 Geometry
518 Numerical analysis
519 Probabilities and applied mathematics

.1 Philosophy and theory

Including metamathematics
Class mathematical logic in 511.3

511 General principles of mathematics

Including finite mathematics; discrete mathematics; approximations and
expansions; graph theory; combinatorics (combinatorial analysis); mathematical
models (mathematical simulation)
Class numerical approximation in 518; class design of experiments in 519.5; class
stochastic approximation in 519.6; class interdisciplinary works on network theory
in 003. Class general principles applied to a specific branch of mathematics with
the branch, e.g., mathematical models of probabilities 519.2
For a specific aspect of finite mathematics, see the aspect, e.g., finite groups

511 Dewey Decimal Classification 511

.3 Mathematical logic (Symbolic logic)

Including logic operators, truth tables; axiom of choice, completeness theorem,
decidability, formal languages, Gödel’s theorem, type theory; combinatory
logic, intermediate logic; nonclassical logic; sets; order, lattices, ordered
algebraic structures; model theory; recursion theory; automata theory, machine
theory, sequential machines, Turing machines; proof theory and constructive
Class here formal logic, propositional calculus (sentential calculus),
predicate calculus; first-order logic, higher-order logic; axioms, hypotheses;
interdisciplinary works on logic
Class computer mathematics in 004.01; class formal logic, propositional
calculus (sentential calculus), predicate calculus, first-order logic, logic
operators, truth tables from the perspective of philosophical logic in 160
For philosophical logic, see 160; for category theory, see 512; for natural
numbers, see 512.7

512 Algebra
Including abstract algebra; algebra combined with other branches of mathematics;
subdivisions of abstract algebra (e.g., groups and group theory, fields, rings, linear
algebra); category theory, homological algebra, K-theory
Class here universal algebra, modern algebra (abstract algebra combined with
number theory)
Class number theory in 512.7; class foundations of algebra, bilinear forms in 512.9;
class analysis combined with linear algebra, topological vector spaces in 515; class
numerical linear algebra in 518
For arithmetic and algebra, see 513; for algebraic topology, topological
K-theory, see 514; for numerical algebra, see 518
See Manual at 510: Combination of topics
.001–.009 Standard subdivisions
.7 Number theory
Including elementary number theory; analytic number theory; algebraic number
theory; geometry of numbers; probabilistic number theory; specific fields of
numbers (e.g., rational numbers, algebraic numbers, real numbers, complex
Class rational functions in 512.9; class real functions, complex functions in 515;
class numerical methods in 518
For theory of equations, see 512.9

.9 Foundations of algebra
Including algebraic operations; addition, subtraction, multiplication, division;
theory of equations; algebra of non-equation functions; inequalities
Class algebra combined with other branches of mathematics in 512
[.900 1–.900 9] Standard subdivisions
Relocated to 512.901–512.909

512 Mathematics 512

.901–.909 Standard subdivisions [formerly 512.9001–512.9009]

513 Arithmetic
Including numeracy; arithmetic combined with other branches of mathematics;
modular arithmetic; rapid calculations; mental arithmetic, ready reckoners,
Class numerical methods in 518

.2 Arithmetic operations
Including basic operations (e.g., addition, subtraction, multiplication, division);
exponents and logarithms; root extraction; ratio and proportion; fractions
For approximations, see 511

.5 Numeration systems
Including base 3, 5, 20 systems; binary system (base 2 system); decimal system
(base 10 system)
Class decimal fractions in 513.2

514 Topology
Including algebraic topology; topology of spaces; metric topology; analytic
Class here analysis situs, homeomorphisms, homogeneous spaces, mappings
Class homological algebra, K-theory in 512; class topology combined with analysis
in 515; class topology combined with geometry in 516
For topological vector spaces, see 515; for differentiable manifolds, see 516.3.
For singularities in a specific subject, see the subject, e.g., singularities in
functions of several complex variable 515

515 Dewey Decimal Classification 515

515 Analysis
Including analysis and calculus combined with other branches of mathematics;
general aspects of analysis (e.g., properties of functions, operations on functions,
sequences and series, equations and functions, inequalities); differential calculus
and equations; integral calculus and equations; special functions; other analytic
methods (e.g., calculus of finite differences, vector, tensor, spinor analysis,
calculus of variations); functional analysis; comprehensive works on real-valued,
complex-valued, vector-valued functions; functions of real variables; real analysis;
functions of complex variables; automorphic functions, complex analysis,
conformal mapping
Class here calculus; comprehensive works on the theory of functions
Class algebraic vector analysis in 512; class number theory of continued fractions,
application of Riemann zeta function with respect to prime number theory in 512.7;
class differential topology in 514; class geometric vector analysis in 516; class
differential geometry, integral geometry in 516.3; class numerical differentiation,
numerical solutions of differential equations, of integral equations, numerical
integration in 518; class probabilities, probability calculus, probability integration
in 519.2; class optimization in 519.6; class comprehensive works on singularities in
For algebra and calculus, topological algebras, see 512; for numerical
analysis, see 518. For theory of a specific function or group of functions, see the
function or group of functions, e.g., analysis of continued fractions 512.7

516 Geometry
Including classical geometry; modern geometry; manifolds; convex sets; convex
geometry; general aspects of geometry; automorphisms, metric geometry,
transformations; affine geometry; projective geometry; abstract descriptive
Class here geometry combined with topology
Class algebra combined with geometry, vector algebra in 512; class arithmetic
combined with geometry in 513; class analysis combined with geometry in 515;
class affine differential geometry, projective differential geometry in 516.3; class
geometric probability in 519.2. Class general aspects applied to a specific geometry
with the geometry, e.g., conic sections in Euclidean geometry 516.2; class
geometric configurations in a specific subject with the subject, e.g., measuring the
sphere in solid geometry 516.23
For topology, topological manifolds, see 514
.001–.009 Standard subdivisions
.2 Euclidean geometry
Including famous problems, general aspects of Euclidean geometry (e.g., conic
sections in Euclidean geometry)
Class here congruences, similarity, metric geometry
Class a specific application with the application, e.g., conic sections in plane
geometry 516.22; class a specific type of Euclidean geometry with the type,
e.g., Euclidean analytic geometry 516.3
.200 1–.200 9 Standard subdivisions

516 Mathematics 516

.22 Plane geometry

Including Pythagorean theorem
.23 Solid geometry
.24 Trigonometry
Including plane trigonometry; spherical trigonometry; trigonometric
Class analytic trigonometry in 516.3

.3 Analytic geometries
Including plane analytic geometry; solid analytic geometry; analytic
trigonometry; algebraic geometry; birational and conformal transformations,
connections, dual geometries, intersections; bilinear and sesquilinear
forms; complex multiplication; differential and integral geometry; curves,
differentiable manifolds, surfaces, torsion; metric differential geometries
Class linear algebra combined with analytic geometry in 512; class analytic
affine geometry, analytic projective geometry in 516; class comprehensive
works in singularities in 514
For fiber bundles, fiber spaces, see 514

.9 Non-Euclidean geometries
Including Bolyai, elliptic, Gauss, hyperbolic, inversive, Lobachevski
geometries; imbeddings of non-Euclidean spaces in other geometries
Class a specific type of non-Euclidean geometry with the type, e.g.,
non-Euclidean analytic geometries 516.3

[517] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 9

518 Numerical analysis

Including algorithms; specific numerical methods (e.g., graphic methods, finite
element analysis, iterative methods, probabilistic methods); numerical methods in
algebra, arithmetic, number theory; numerical approximation; numerical methods
in analysis; numerical methods in calculus
Class here applied numerical analysis, numerical calculations, numerical
Class approximations and expansions in 511
For numerical statistical mathematics, see 519.5

519 Probabilities and applied mathematics

Standard subdivisions are added for probabilities and applied mathematics
together; for applied mathematics alone
Class a specific application with the application, e.g., statistics in physics 530.15,
game theory in gambling 795.01

519 Dewey Decimal Classification 519

.2 Probabilities
Including stochastic analysis; random processes (stochastic processes);
probability distribution; games of chance (stochastic games); gambling; special
topics of probabilities (e.g., random walks, expectation and prediction)
Class here conditional probabilities, geometric probability, probability calculus
Class probabilistic methods of numerical analysis in 518; class probabilities
applied to statistical mathematics in 519.5
For queuing processes, see 519.8
See Manual at 795.01 vs. 519.2

.3 Game theory
Including differential games
Class games of chance in 519.2

.5 Statistical mathematics
Including theory of sampling; descriptive statistics, multivariate analysis,
analysis of variance and covariance; statistical inference; time-series analysis;
hypothesis testing; design of experiments
Class here parametric and nonparametric methods
See Manual at 519.5, T1—01 vs. 001.4, T1—072

.6 Mathematical optimization
Including stochastic optimization; combinatorial optimization
Class control theory in 515
For a specific mathematical optimization technique, see the technique, e.g.,
mathematical programming 519.7
See also 511 for choice and decision making in combinatorial analysis

.7 Programming
Including single-stage programming; multistage programming; linear
programming; nonlinear programming; integer programming
.700 1–.700 9 Standard subdivisions

.8 Special topics of applied mathematics

Including queuing; queuing processes; inventory and storage; success runs;
epidemics and fluctuations; quality control

520 Astronomy and allied sciences

See Manual at 520 vs. 500.5, 523.1, 530.1, 919.9; also at 520 vs. 523.1, 523.8

520 Astronomy and allied sciences 520

520.1–.9 Standard subdivisions
521 Celestial mechanics
522 Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials
523 Specific celestial bodies and phenomena
525 Earth (Astronomical geography)
526 Mathematical geography
527 Celestial navigation
528 Ephemerides
529 Chronology

.1 Philosophy and theory

Do not use for chemical principles; class in 523. Do not use for physical
principles; class in 523.01

.2 Miscellany
[.28] Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Do not use; class in 522

> 521–525 Astronomy

Class comprehensive works in 520
For geodetic astronomy, see 526

521 Celestial mechanics

Including equilibrium, problems of three and n bodies; gravitation; orbits; Kepler’s
laws; perturbations; precession
Class here motion
Class corrections of precession in 522; class applications to specific celestial bodies
and phenomena in 523

522 Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials

Including practical astronomy (e.g., observatories, astronomical instruments,
auxiliary instruments, special methods of observation); spherical astronomy;
specific auxiliary techniques and procedures; corrections
Class here astrometry, positional and practical astronomy
Class positional astronomy as an aspect of mathematical geography in 526; class
comprehensive works on geodetic coordinates in 526. Class spectroscopy of
a specific celestial body with the body, plus notation 028 from Table 1, e.g.,
spectroscopy of planets 523.4028
For practical astronomy of specific celestial bodies and phenomena, see 523
Sextants relocated to 527.028
[.028] Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment,
Do not use for general works, specific auxiliary techniques and
procedures, class in 522

523 Dewey Decimal Classification 523

523 Specific celestial bodies and phenomena

Including zodiac; cosmochemistry
Class phenomena of celestial bodies directly comparable to terrestrial phenomena
with the terrestrial phenomena in 550, e.g., volcanic activity on Mars 551.210999
See Manual at 523 vs. 550
[.001–.009] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 520.1–520.9
.01 Astrophysics
Including heat; light and related radiation; electricity and magnetism;
molecular, atomic, nuclear physics
For celestial mechanics, see 521

.1 The universe, galaxies, quasars

Standard subdivisions are added for the universe, galaxies, quasars together; for
the universe alone
Including cosmogony; expanding universe theories; big bang theory; end of
universe theories
Class here cosmology
See also 523.8 for black holes
See Manual at 520 vs. 500.5, 523.1, 530.1, 919.9; also at 520 vs. 523.1,

.2 Planetary systems
Including extrasolar systems; extrasolar planets
Class here solar system
For specific parts of solar system, see 523.3–523.7

> 523.3–523.7 Specific parts of solar system

Class comprehensive works in 523.2

.3 Moon
Including constants and dimensions; optical, electromagnetic, radioactive,
thermal phenomena; orbit and motions; eclipses

.4 Planets, asteroids, trans-Neptunian objects of solar system

Standard subdivisions are added for planets, asteroids, trans-Neptunian objects
of solar system together, for planets of solar system alone
Class here comprehensive works on planets, satellites, rings of solar system
For meteors, see 523.5; for satellites and rings, transits, occultations, see
523.9; for earth, see 525
See also 523.2 for extrasolar planets
523 Astronomy and allied sciences 523

.41 Mercury
.42 Venus
.43 Mars
.44 Asteroids (Planetoids)
Including Ceres
Class comprehensive works on meteors and asteroids in 523.5
.45 Jupiter
.46 Saturn
.47 Uranus
.48 Neptune
Former heading: Trans-Uranian planets
Including constants and dimensions; optical, electromagnetic, radioactive,
thermal phenomena
Pluto, trans-Neptunian objects relocated to 523.49
.49 Trans-Neptunian objects [formerly 523.48]
Including Kuiper belt objects; scattered disk objects; Oort cloud objects;
Pluto [formerly 523.48]

.5 Meteors, solar wind, zodiacal light

Including meteoroids, meteorites; meteor showers
Class here interplanetary matter, comprehensive works on meteors and asteroids
For asteroids, see 523.44

.6 Comets
Including motion and orbits; specific comets; physical phenomena and

.7 Sun
Including constants and dimensions; optical, electromagnetic, radioactive,
thermal phenomena; solar energy, solar radiation; motions; photosphere;
chromosphere and corona; solar interior; eclipses
Class sun tables indicating orbits and motions of earth in 525

523 Dewey Decimal Classification 523

.8 Stars
Including properties and phenomena (e.g., constants and dimensions; optical,
electromagnetic, radioactive, thermal phenomena; motion); aggregations and
variable stars; comprehensive works on binary stars and clusters; physical
constitution; spectral types; spectroscopy, testing and measurement; kinds of
stars characteristic of stages of stellar evolution; stellar evolution
Class here comprehensive works on stars and galaxies
For galaxies, see 523.1; for sun, see 523.7
See also 523.1 for quasars; also 523.2 for extrasolar systems
See Manual at 520 vs. 523.1, 523.8: Stars and galaxies
.802 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Do not use for testing and measurement; class in 523.8

.9 Satellites and rings; eclipses, transits, occultations

Including transits of Mercury; transits of Venus
For earth’s moon, see 523.3. For eclipses of a specific celestial body, see the
body, e.g., eclipses of the moon 523.3

[524] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 6

525 Earth (Astronomical geography)

Including constants and dimensions; optical, radioactive, thermal properties; orbit
and motions; seasons and zones of latitude; twilight; dawn
Class determination of size and shape in 526; class climatology in 551.6; class
interdisciplinary works on seasons in 508.2
For gravity, see 531; for magnetic properties, see 538

526 Mathematical geography

Including geodesy; geodetic astronomy and geographic positions; geodetic aspects
of positional astronomy; comprehensive works on geodetic coordinates; gravity
determinations; map projections
Class here cartography, map drawing, map making
Class geodetic surveying in 526.3; class comprehensive works on positional
astronomy in 522. Class map making for a specific purpose with the purpose, e.g.,
military map making 623
For coordinates in spherical astronomy, see 522; for astronomical geography,
see 525; for latitude in celestial navigation, longitude in celestial navigation,
see 527
See also 912.01 for map reading

526 Astronomy and allied sciences 526

.3 Geodetic surveying
Surveying in which curvature of earth is considered
Including reconnaissance surveys; bench marks; triangulation, trilateration,
traversing; leveling; spirit leveling; barometric leveling; trigonometric leveling

.9 Surveying
Including topographic surveying; hydrographic surveying
Class here plane surveying (surveying in which curvature of earth is
disregarded), land surveying
Class work of chartered surveyors (United Kingdom), interdisciplinary works
on land surveys in 333; class engineering surveys in 622–629
For geodetic surveying, see 526.3

527 Celestial navigation

Including latitude; longitude; position determination
For celestial navigation of specific craft, see the craft, e.g., navigation of
nautical craft 623.89

528 Ephemerides
Variant names: astronomical, nautical almanacs
Including ephemerides of specific countries and localities; ephemeris making
Class tables of specific celestial bodies in 523
.093–.099 Treatment in ancient world, treatment by specific continent
Do not use for treatment by specific country or locality; class in 528

529 Chronology
Including days; intervals of time; calendars; western calendars; Christian calendars;
calendar reform; horology
Class time systems and standards in 389
For sidereal month, see 523.3; for manufacture of instruments for measuring
time, see 681.1

530 Physics
Including instrumentation
Class here energy, matter, antimatter, classical physics; comprehensive works on
classical and quantum mechanics
Class quantum mechanics, energy in quantum mechanics in 530.12; class classical
mechanics, energy in classical mechanics in 531; class physical chemistry in 541
For astrophysics, see 523.01

530 Dewey Decimal Classification 530

530.01–.09 Standard subdivisions
.1–.8 [Theories, mathematical physics, states of matter, measurement]
531 Classical mechanics
532 Fluid mechanics
533 Pneumatics (Gas mechanics)
534 Sound and related vibrations
535 Light and related radiation
536 Heat
537 Electricity and electronics
538 Magnetism
539 Modern physics

.01 Philosophy and theory

Do not use for theories; class in 530.1
.02 Miscellany
.028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; materials
Do not use for apparatus and equipment; class in 530. Do not use for
testing and measurement; class in 530.8
.03–.09 Standard subdivisions
.1 Theories and mathematical physics
Standard subdivisions are added for theories and mathematical physics together,
for theories alone
Including space
Class applications to specific states of matter in 530.4
See Manual at 520 vs. 500.5, 523.1, 530.1, 919.9
.11 Relativity theory
Including fourth dimension
Class here conservation of mass-energy, equivalence of mass-energy
(E=mc²), space-time
Class specific relativistic theories in 530.12–530.14
.12 Quantum mechanics (Quantum theory)
Including matrix mechanics (Heisenberg representation); wave mechanics;
Schrödinger wave mechanics
Class here relativistic, nonrelativistic quantum mechanics
For quantum statistics, quantum kinetic theories, see 530.13; for
quantum field theory, see 530.14; for quantum electronics, see 537.5
See Manual at 530.4 vs. 530.12, 531

530 Physics 530

.13 Statistical mechanics

Including percolation theory; classical statistical mechanics (Boltzmann
statistics); quantum statistics (quantum statistical mechanics); kinetic
theories; quantum, combined quantum-classical kinetic theories; transport
Class here relativistic, nonrelativistic statistical mechanics
For classical kinetic theory, see 531
.14 Field and wave theories
Classical, quantum, relativistic, nonrelativistic theories accounting for
fundamental particles and interactions
Standard subdivisions are added for field and wave theories together, for
field theories alone
Including problem of few bodies, theory of continuum physics;
electromagnetic theory; unified field theory; grand unified theory; quantum
field theory; problem of many bodies
Class electromagnetic spectrum and waves in 539.2
For wave mechanics, see 530.12; for string and superstring theories,
supersymmetry, see 539.7
.15 Mathematical physics
Class mathematical description of physical phenomena according to a
specific theory with the theory in 530.1, e.g., statistical mechanics 530.13

.4 States of matter
Including solid-state physics; physics of condensed matter; liquid-state physics;
fluid-state physics; gaseous-state physics; plasma physics; generalities of states
of matter (e.g., phase transformations, diffusion and mass transfer)
Class here quantum mechanics of specific states of matter; sound, light, heat,
electricity, magnetism as properties of a specific state of matter
Class transport theory in 530.13; class responsive behavior and energy
phenomena in semiconductors, surface physics of semiconductors in 537.6
For heat transfer, see 536; for dielectric matter, see 537; for
superconductivity and superconductors, semiconductors, see 537.6; for
crystallography, crystals, see 548
See Manual at 530.4 vs. 530.12, 531; also at 548 vs. 530.4

530 Dewey Decimal Classification 530

.8 Measurement
Including dimensional analysis, testing; physical units and constants;
conversion tables between systems, systems of measurement, tabulated and
related materials, weights and measures
Class here interdisciplinary works on measurement, on mensuration
Class instrumentation for measurement in 530
For social aspects of systems of measurement, see 389; for horology, see
529. For measurement, mensuration in a specific subject, see the subject,
plus notation 028 from Table 1, e.g., psychological measurement 150.28; for
a specific aspect of size, see the aspect, e.g., size of business enterprise 338.6
See also 516 for geometric mensuration
.801 Philosophy and theory
Class here measurement theory
.802 Miscellany
Do not use for tabulated and related material; class in 530.8

531 Classical mechanics

Variant names: mechanics, continuum mechanics, Newtonian mechanics
Including dynamics, statics, mass and gravity, particle mechanics; specific aspects
of mechanics of solids (e.g., solid statics, solid dynamics, friction and viscosity of
solids, mass and gravity of solids; projectiles); mechanics of rigid bodies; energy
Class here solid mechanics
Class geodetic gravity determinations in 526; class mechanics of molecular,
atomic, and subatomic particles (quantum mechanics) in 530.12; class
comprehensive works on energy in physics in 530; class interdisciplinary works on
energy in 333.79
For gravity in celestial mechanics, see 521; for fluid mechanics, see 532. For a
specific transformation of energy, see the resultant form, e.g., transformation of
light to heat 536
See Manual at 530.4 vs. 530.12, 531
.01 Philosophy and theory
Class classical statistical mechanics in 530.13

532 Fluid mechanics

Including fluid statics and dynamics; hydraulics (e.g., hydrostatics; mass, density,
specific gravity of liquids; hydrodynamics)
Class here hydraulics (hydromechanics), liquid mechanics
For pneumatics, see 533
.001–.009 Standard subdivisions

533 Physics 533

533 Pneumatics (Gas mechanics)

Including specific aspects of pneumatics (gas mechanics) (e.g., statics; mass,
density, specific gravity; dynamics; vacuums); aeromechanics; kinetic theory of

> 534–538 Specific forms of energy

Class here transformation into specific forms of energy
Class specific forms of energy as properties of specific states of matter in
530.4; class comprehensive works in 530; class comprehensive works on
transformation of energy in 531
For mechanical energy, see 531

534 Sound and related vibrations

Standard subdivisions are added for sound and related vibrations together, for
sound alone
Including generation of sound, transmission of sound, characteristics of sound

.5 Vibrations related to sound

Including subsonic vibrations; ultrasonic vibrations
Class here vibrations that can not be heard by the human ear

535 Light and related radiation

Standard subdivisions are added for light and related radiation together, for light
Including theories (e.g., corpuscular theory, mechanical wave theory,
electromagnetic theory, quantum theory); physical optics; transmission, absorption,
emission of light; dispersion of light
Class here optics
For chemiluminescence, see 541; for bioluminescence, see 572. For a specific
aspect of prisms, see the aspect, e.g., geometry of prisms 516
See also 537.5 for electron and ion optics
.01 Infrared and ultraviolet radiation; philosophy and theory of light and
related radiation
Notation 01 from Table 1 as modified below
Class here radiation of nonvisible spectral regions
Class theories in 535; class a specific element of infrared and ultraviolet
radiation in 535; class heat radiation in 536
.010 1–.010 9 Standard subdivisions of infrared and ultraviolet radiation
.02 Miscellany

535 Dewey Decimal Classification 535

.028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment,

Class spectroscopy in 535.8

.5 Beams
Including polarization

.6 Color
.8 Special developments of light and related radiation
Including optical, infrared, ultraviolet spectroscopy; comprehensive works on
spectroscopy in physics
Class interdisciplinary works on spectroscopy in 543
For a specific kind of spectroscopy in physics other than optical, infrared, or
ultraviolet, see the kind, e.g., radiofrequency spectroscopy 537.5

536 Heat
Including theories; heat transfer; radiation; absorption, scattering; effects of heat
on matter; effects of heat that can be readily observed or measured with simple
instruments; temperature; absolute temperature; specific heat; calorimetry, heat
capacity; thermodynamics
Class a specific property of matter at low temperature, a specific property of matter
at high temperature with the property, e.g., conduction of electricity 537.6
.01 Philosophy and theory
Do not use for theories; class in 536

537 Electricity and electronics

Standard subdivisions are added for electricity and electronics together, for
electricity alone
Including theories; electrostatics
Class here electromagnetism
Class electromagnetic theory of matter in 530.14; class interdisciplinary works on
electricity in 333.793
For magnetism, see 538
.01 Philosophy and theory
Do not use for theories; class in 537

537 Physics 537

.5 Electronics
Including exploding wire phenomena; disruptive discharges; discharge through
rarefied gases and vacuums; photoelectric phenomena; electron and ion optics
Class here quantum electronics
Class comprehensive works on ionization of gases in 530.4. Class a specific
application of spectroscopy with the application, e.g., X-ray spectroscopy in
chemical analysis 543
For semiconductors, see 537.6

.6 Electrodynamics (Electric currents) and thermoelectricity

Standard subdivisions are added for electrodynamics and thermoelectricity
together, for electrodynamics alone
Including electric conductivity and resistance
Class dielectrics in 537
For quantum electrodynamics, see 530.14

538 Magnetism
Including magnetic properties and phenomena; magnetic substances and
their characteristic phenomena; magnetic induction, natural magnets;
magnetohydrodynamics; geomagnetism and related phenomena

539 Modern physics

Including structure of matter; molecular physics
Class here quantum physics
Class nuclear structure in 539.7; class interdisciplinary works on mass
spectrometry in 543
For theories of modern physics, see 530.1; for states of matter, structure of
specific states of matter, see 530.4; for modern physics of specific forms of
energy, see 534–538. For spectrometry of a specific nonmolecular particle, see
the particle, e.g., atomic spectrometry 539.7
.01 Philosophy and theory
Do not use for theories, mathematical principles; class in 530.1

.2 Radiation (Radiant energy)

Class here electromagnetic radiation, spectrum, waves
For a specific kind of radiation, see the kind, e.g., ultraviolet radiation
535.01, ionizing radiation 539.7

539 Dewey Decimal Classification 539

.7 Atomic and nuclear physics

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including particle physics; ionizing radiation; antiparticles, relativistic particles;
particle acceleration; nuclear structure; isotope and nuclide structure, nuclear
models; nuclear activities and interactions; high-energy physics; detecting and
measuring particles and radioactivity; radiation measurement
Class field theories covering fundamental interactions in 530.14; class atomic
structure in 539
For field and wave theories accounting for fundamental particles,
supergravity, comprehensive works on supergravity and supersymmetry, see
530.14; for ionizations of gases, see 530.4; for magnetic properties, see 538

540 Chemistry and allied sciences

Standard subdivisions are added for chemistry and allied sciences together, for
chemistry alone
Class cosmochemistry in 523

540.1–.9 Standard subdivisions
541 Physical chemistry
542 Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials
543 Analytical chemistry
546 Inorganic chemistry
547 Organic chemistry
548 Crystallography
549 Mineralogy

.1 Philosophy and theory

Do not use for theoretical chemistry; class in 541
Including alchemy

.2 Miscellany
[.28] Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Do not use; class in 542

.7 Education, research, related topics

.72 Research; statistical methods
Do not use for laboratories; class in 542

> 541–547 Chemistry

Class comprehensive works in 540

541 Chemistry and allied sciences 541

541 Physical chemistry

Inorganic and combined inorganic-organic chemistry
Including special topics of physical chemistry (e.g., chemistry of states of matter);
theoretical chemistry; miscellaneous topics in physical chemistry (limited to
surface chemistry, solution chemistry, photochemistry, thermochemistry and
thermodynamics, electrochemistry and magnetochemistry, radiochemistry, nuclear
chemistry, chemical reactions, synthesis); optical activity
Class interdisciplinary works on phase transformations in 530.4; class chelates,
comprehensive works on stereochemistry, on isomers, on polymerization, on
polymers, on supramolecular chemistry in 547; class physical crystallography in
For molecular structure studied without reference to chemical characteristics,
see 539; for physical chemistry of specific kinds of inorganic chemicals,
periodic law, see 546; for physical chemistry of organic compounds, see 547;
for bioluminescence, see 572
See Manual at 541 vs. 546

542 Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials

Standard subdivisions are added for any or all topics in heading
Of inorganic and combined inorganic-organic chemistry
Including laboratories; containers and accessory equipment; specific techniques
and procedures (e.g., testing and measuring; heating and distilling; filtering
and dialysis; gas production, processing, measuring; auxiliary techniques and
procedures, electrical and electronic equipment)
Class dialysis in chemical analysis in 543. Class techniques, procedures, apparatus,
equipment, materials used in a specific application with the application, e.g.,
techniques and equipment for chemical analysis 543
For analytical chemistry, see 543

543 Analytical chemistry

Of inorganic or organic chemicals in general
Including general topics in analytical chemistry; specific methods (e.g., classical
methods, electrochemical analysis, optical spectroscopy [spectrum analysis],
nonoptical spectroscopy, chromatography)
Class here analytical chemistry of metals in general
For spectroscopy in physics, see 535.8; for spectroscopic interpretation of
chemical structure, see 541; for analytical chemistry of specific elements,
compounds, mixtures, groupings (other than metals and metallic compounds in
general), see 546; for analytical chemistry of specific organic compounds, see
.028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; materials
Do not use for apparatus and equipment; class in 543

[544] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 14

545 Dewey Decimal Classification 545

[545] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 14

546 Inorganic chemistry

Including hydrogen and its compounds; hydrogen chemistry; metals, metallic
compounds, alloys; periodic law and periodic table; periodicity
Class here general topics of chemistry applied to specific elements, compounds,
mixtures, groupings; comprehensive works on inorganic and organic chemistry of
specific elements, compounds, mixtures, groupings
Class physical chemistry applied to inorganic chemistry as a whole, comprehensive
works on atomic structure in 541; class analytical chemistry of metals in general in
543; class physical and chemical metallurgy, interdisciplinary works on metals in
For organic chemistry of specific elements, compounds, mixtures, groupings,
organo compounds, organometallic compounds, see 547
See Manual at 541 vs. 546; also at 549 vs. 546

547 Organic chemistry

Including kinds of compounds identified by component elements (e.g.,
hydrocarbons, halocarbons, oxy and hydroxy compounds, organonitrogen
compounds, organometallic compounds, organosulfur compounds,
organophosphorus compounds, organosilicon compounds); physical and theoretical
chemistry; organic chemical reactions; chemical reactions of compounds identified
by component elements, chemical reactions of compounds identified by structure
and function; addition, synthesis; kinds of compounds identified by structure and
function (e.g., aliphatic compounds, cyclic compounds, aromatic compounds,
macromolecules and related compounds, other organic substances [e.g., fossil
substances, petroleum, high polymers, dyes and pigments])
Class here biochemicals when not considered in their biological context
Class interdisciplinary works on biochemicals, on macromolecules in 572. Class
a specific compound derived from a fossil substance with the compound, e.g.,
synthetic rubber 678
For inorganic polymers, see 541; for biochemistry, see 572
.001 Philosophy and theory
Do not use for theoretical organic chemistry; class in 547
.002–.009 Standard subdivisions
548 Crystallography
Including chemical crystallography; crystallization; crystal growth; mathematical
crystallography; physical and structural crystallography; optical crystallography
Class crystallographic mineralogy in 549; class comprehensive works on solid-state
physics in 530.4. Class structural crystallography of a specific substance with the
substance, e.g., structural chemistry of silicates 549
See Manual at 548 vs. 530.4; also at 549 vs. 548

548 Chemistry and allied sciences 548

.01 Philosophy and theory

Do not use for mathematical crystallography; class in 548

549 Mineralogy
Occurrence, description, classification, identification of naturally occurring
Including determinative mineralogy; specific minerals (e.g., native elements;
sulfides, antimonides, arsenides, selenides, tellurides; sulfosalts; halides; oxides;
Class crystallography in 548; class economic geology in 553; class comprehensive
works on meteorites in 523.5; class comprehensive works on dikes in 551.8;
class comprehensive works on rocks in 552; class interdisciplinary works on
physico-chemical characteristics of metals in 669
See Manual at 549 vs. 546; also at 549 vs. 548
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for geographic treatment of minerals; class in 549.9

.9 Geographic treatment of minerals

Add to base number 549.9 notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., minerals of Mexico

550 Earth sciences

Class here geophysics; phenomena of celestial bodies directly comparable to
terrestrial phenomena, e.g., volcanic activity on Mars 551.210999
Use 550 and its standard subdivisions for works that deal comprehensively with
geology, hydrology, and meteorology; for works on geology in the sense of all
earth sciences. Use 551 and its standard subdivisions for works on geology in the
sense limited to properties and phenomena of the solid earth
See Manual at 523 vs. 550; also at 550 vs. 910

550.1–.9 Standard subdivisions
551 Geology, hydrology, meteorology
552 Petrology
553 Economic geology
554–559 Earth sciences by specific continents, countries, localities in modern world;
extraterrestrial worlds

.1 Philosophy and theory

Do not use for chemical principles; class in 551.9

.9 History, geographic treatment, biography

[.94–.99] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world;
extraterrestrial worlds
Do not use; class in 554–559

551 Dewey Decimal Classification 551

551 Geology, hydrology, meteorology

Geology: science that deals with properties and phenomena of the solid earth
Use 550 and its standard subdivisions for works that deal comprehensively with
geology, hydrology, and meteorology; for works on geology in the sense of all
earth sciences. Use 551 and its standard subdivisions for works on geology in the
sense limited to properties and phenomena of the solid earth
For astronomical geography, see 525; for geodesy, see 526; for petrology, see
552; for economic geology, see 553; for physical geography, see 910
See also 363.34 for disasters; also 904 for history of events of natural origin

551.01–.09 Standard subdivisions of geology
.1 Gross structure and properties of the earth
.2 Volcanoes, earthquakes, thermal waters and gases
.3 Surface and exogenous processes and their agents
.4 Geomorphology and hydrosphere
.5 Meteorology
.6 Climatology and weather
.7 Historical geology
.8 Structural geology
.9 Geochemistry

.01 Philosophy and theory of geology

Do not use for chemical principles; class in 551.9
.02–.08 Standard subdivisions of geology
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography of geology
[.091 62–.091 67] Oceans and seas
Do not use; class in 551.46
[.094–.099] Geology by specific continents, countries, localities in modern
world; extraterrestrial worlds
Do not use; class in 554–559

.1 Gross structure and properties of the earth

Including interior of the earth; properties of interior; crust; properties of crust
Class comprehensive works on tectonics in 551.8
For geomagnetism, see 538; for structural geology, see 551.8

.2 Volcanoes, earthquakes, thermal waters and gases

Including surface manifestations of thermal waters and gases, e.g., fumaroles,
hot springs

551 Earth sciences 551

.21 Volcanoes
Class here comprehensive works on craters
Class volcanic thermal waters and gases in 551.2; class petrology of volcanic
rocks in 552
For meteorite craters, see 551.3
.22 Earthquakes
Class here seismology
Class seismic sea waves in 551.46
.220 28 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Including seismography

.3 Surface and exogenous processes and their agents

Standard subdivisions are added for any or all topics in heading
Including erosion and weathering, sediments and sedimentation, soil formation,
mass movement; geologic work of water; geologic work of marine waters;
geologic work of wind; geologic work of frost; nivation; work of frost in
erosion, in soil formation, in weathering; comprehensive works on frost;
geologic work of other agents
Class here sedimentology as study of surface processes
Class comprehensive works on landforms in 551.41; class comprehensive works
on sedimentology in 552
For specific landforms created by water, specific landforms created by
marine waters, see 551.42–551.45; for frost as a cold spell, see 551.5; for
condensation of frost, see 551.57. For a specific aspect of erosion, see the
aspect, e.g., erosion engineering 627, control of agricultural soil erosion
.300 1–.300 9 Standard subdivisions
.31 Glaciology
Including glaciers; glacial action; material transported by glaciers; landforms
created by glaciers; glacial drift and till, moraines
Class here geologic work of ice; interdisciplinary works on ice
Class geologic work of frost in 551.3
For ice in water and other forms of ice, icebergs, shelf ice, growlers, see
551.34. For a specific aspect of ice, see the aspect, e.g., ice manufacture
.34 Ice in water and other forms of ice
Standard subdivisions are added for ice in water and other forms of ice
together, for ice in water alone
Including ice in the sea; sea ice (frozen seawater); anchor and frazil ice; lake
and river ice; ice cover
For snow, hail, see 551.57

551 Dewey Decimal Classification 551

.4 Geomorphology and hydrosphere

.41 Geomorphology
Creation and modification of topographic landforms by erosional and
depositional processes
Including arid-land geomorphology; desert geomorphology; wetland
Class here geomorphology of continents, comprehensive works on
For landforms created by water, see 551.3; for specific landforms, see
551.42–551.45; for submarine geomorphology, see 551.46
See also 551.1 for continental drift
[.410 916 2–.410 916 7] Treatment in oceans and seas
Do not use; class in 551.46

> 551.42–551.45 Specific landforms

Class here specific land formations created by water; comprehensive works
on specific kinds of topographical features, on present and past examples of
specific landforms
Class comprehensive works in 551.41
For a specific landform created by plutonic action, see the landform in
551.2, e.g., volcanic mountains 551.21; for a specific landform created
primarily by exogenous agents other than water or living organisms, see the
landform in 551.3, e.g., glacial moraines 551.31; for a specific landform
created by tectonic deformations, see the landform in 551.8, e.g., rift valleys
.42 Islands and reefs
Standard subdivisions are added for islands and reefs together, for islands
Including barrier islands
.43 Elevations
Including slopes; mountains; plateaus; hills
Class orogeny in 551.8
.44 Depressions and openings
Including sedimentary basins; valleys; caves and related features
For craters, see 551.21; for deltas, see 551.45; for rift valleys, see 551.8
.45 Plane and coastal regions
Including pampas, plains, prairies, steppes, tundras; comprehensive works
on grasslands; deltas; shorelines; changes in sea and lake levels
For floodplains, see 551.44. For a specific kind of grassland not in a
plane region, see the kind, e.g., alpine meadows 551.43

551 Earth sciences 551

.46 Oceanography and submarine geology

Standard subdivisions are added for oceanography and submarine geology
together, for oceanography alone
Including specific oceans and seas; coastal saltwater bodies; specific topics
in oceanography (e.g., ocean circulation, waves, tides, physical properties of
seawater, chemical oceanography); submarine geology
Class here hydrography, hydrosphere; physical oceanography, seawater;
interdisciplinary works on marine science, on oceans and seas
Class geologic work of water in 551.3; class ice in 551.31; class
comprehensive works on ocean-atmosphere interactions in 551.5; class
interdisciplinary works on water in 553.7
For sea-floor spreading, see 551.1; for hydrology, see 551.48. For a
specific aspect of marine science, of oceans and seas, not provided for
here, see the aspect, e.g., international law of ocean and sea waters
341.4, marine biology 578.77
See Manual at 578.76–578.77 vs. 551.46, 551.48
[.460 916 3–.460 916 7] Treatment in specific oceans and seas
Do not use; class in 551.46
[.460 916 8] Special oceanographic forms and inland seas
Do not use for coastal water saltwater bodies; class in
551.46. Do not use for inland seas; class in 551.48
.48 Hydrology
Including lakes and inland seas; freshwater lakes, freshwater ponds,
freshwater lagoons; rivers and streams; waterfalls; runoff; floods
Class here hydrological cycle, limnology, water balance
Class comprehensive works on oceanography and hydrology in 551.46;
class water resources, interdisciplinary works on water in 553.7; class
interdisciplinary works on a specific inland sea or salt lake in 940–990, e.g.,
Caspian Sea 947.5
For fumaroles, see 551.2; for groundwater, see 551.49; for
hydrometeorology, see 551.57
See also 551.41 for wetland geomorphology
See Manual at 578.76–578.77 vs. 551.46, 551.48
.49 Groundwater (Subsurface water)
Including water table; surface manifestations
Class here aquifers
For thermal waters, hot springs, see 551.2

551 Dewey Decimal Classification 551

.5 Meteorology
Including thermodynamics, atmosphere interactions with earth’s surface,
temperatures, radiation; atmospheric pressure
Class here atmosphere
Class optical phenomena in 551.56; class micrometeorology, thermodynamics
in microclimatology in 551.6; class forecasting and forecasts of specific
phenomena in 551.64; class forecasts of specific phenomena in specific areas in
551.65; class comprehensive works on frost in 551.3
For climatology and weather, see 551.6
See Manual at 551.5 vs. 551.6
.501 Philosophy and theory
Do not use for forecasting and forecasts; class in 551.63
.51 Composition, regions, dynamics of atmosphere
Including chemistry, photochemistry of atmosphere; atmospheric regions
(e.g., troposphere, upper atmosphere); mechanics; circulation; wind
Class dust storms, wind in atmospheric disturbances and formations in
551.55; class magnetic phenomena in magnetosphere, comprehensive works
on magnetosphere in 538
For atmospheric disturbances and formations, see 551.55
Class a specific aspect of atmospheric regions with the aspect, e.g.,
upper-atmosphere temperatures 551.5
.55 Atmospheric disturbances and formations
Standard subdivisions are added for atmospheric disturbances and
formations together, for atmospheric disturbances alone
Including hurricanes, tornadoes, thermal convective storms, snowstorms, ice
storms, dust storms
Class here storms
Class precipitation from storms in 551.57
See also 363.34 for storms as disasters
.56 Atmospheric electricity and optics
Including electricity in stable atmosphere; optical phenomena produced
by refraction, e.g., mirages, scintillation; optical phenomena produced by
absorption and scattering; optical phenomena produced by condensation
products; visibility
Class magnetic phenomena in 538

551 Earth sciences 551

.57 Hydrometeorology
Including humidity; evapotranspiration; evaporation; condensation of
moisture; fog and mist; clouds; precipitation; liquid precipitation, rain,
rainfall; frozen precipitation; snow surveys
Class geologic work of precipitation in 551.3; class snowstorms, hailstorms
in 551.55; class cloud colors in 551.56; class comprehensive work on frost
in 551.3; class comprehensive works on atmosphere interactions with earth’s
surface in 551.5; class comprehensive works on atmospheric aerosols and
dust in 551.51; class interdisciplinary works on acid rain in 363.738

.6 Climatology and weather

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including general types of climate; microclimatology; micrometeorology
Class specific meteorological phenomena other than thermodynamics,
comprehensive works on atmosphere interactions with earth’s surface in 551.5
See Manual at 551.5 vs. 551.6
.601 Philosophy and theory
Do not use for forecasting and forecasts; class in 551.63
.609 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for geographic treatment of weather; class in 551.65. Do not
use for geographic treatment of climate, of climate and weather taken
together; class in 551.69
.63 Weather forecasting and forecasts, reporting and reports
Standard subdivisions are added for weather forecasting and forecasts,
reporting and reports together; for weather forecasting alone; for weather
forecasts alone
Including historical methods of forecasting; weather lore; statistical
forecasting; numerical forecasting; instrumentation in reporting and
forecasting; short-range and long-range forecasts
Class reports of specific weather phenomena in 551.5
For forecasting and forecasts of specific phenomena, see 551.64
.630 28 Auxiliary techniques and procedures, materials
Do not use for apparatus and equipment; class in 551.63
.630 9 History and biography
Do not use for geographic treatment; class in 551.65
.64 Forecasting and forecasts of specific phenomena
Including specific meteorological phenomena (e.g., hurricane warnings);
methods of forecasting specific phenomena for specific areas
Class flood forecasting and forecasts in 551.48; class forecasts of specific
phenomena for specific areas in 551.65

551 Dewey Decimal Classification 551

[.640 1–.640 9] Standard subdivisions

Do not use; class in 551.6301–551.6309
.65 Geographic treatment of weather
Class here geographic treatment of weather forecasts and reports, of
forecasts of specific phenomena
Class geographic treatment of climate and weather taken together in 551.69
[.650 1–.650 9] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 551.601–551.609
.651–.659 Specific regions and areas
Class here forecasts of specific phenomena for specific regions and areas
Add to base number 551.65 notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., forecasts for
South Africa 551.6568
.68 Artificial modification and control of weather
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
.69 Geographic treatment of climate
Class here paleoclimatology of specific areas, geographic treatment of
climate and weather taken together
Add to base number 551.69 notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., climate of
Australia 551.6994
Class general types of climate in 551.6; class microclimatology of specific
areas in 551.6; class comprehensive works on paleoclimatology in 551.609
For geographic treatment of weather, see 551.65
[.690 1–.690 9] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 551.601–551.609

.7 Historical geology
Including geologic time and age measurements; specific geological periods
(e.g., Precambrian era, Paleozoic era, Ordovician and Silurian periods,
Devonian period, Carboniferous and Permian periods, Mesozoic era, Cretaceous
period, Cenozoic era; Tertiary period, Quaternary period)
Class here paleogeography, stratigraphy
Class history of a specific kind of geologic phenomenon with the kind, e.g.,
history of Jurassic volcanism in Pacific Northwest 551.2109795
For paleontology, see 560
See Manual at 551.7 vs. 560
.700 1–.700 8 Standard subdivisions
.700 9 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for geographic treatment of historical geology during a
specific geological era or period; class in 551.7

551 Earth sciences 551

[.700 94–.700 99] Historical geology of specific continents, countries, localities in

modern world; extraterrestrial worlds
Do not use; class in 554–559

.8 Structural geology
Including stratifications; orogeny; lateral compression of earth’s crust, specific
orogenies; joints and cleavages; dips, outcrops, strikes; anticlines and synclines;
faults and folds; intrusions
Class here deformation, diastrophism, epeirogeny, tectonics
Class volcanoes in 551.21; class geomorphology in 551.41; class
comprehensive works on elevations (e.g., mountains, plateaus, hills) in 551.43.
Class a specific aspect of orogeny with the aspect, e.g., volcanism 551.21
For plate tectonics, see 551.1

.9 Geochemistry
For geochemistry of a specific subject in earth sciences or mineralogy, see
the subject, e.g., organic geochemistry 553.2

552 Petrology
Including petrogenesis; diagenesis; properties, composition, analysis, structure of
rocks; specific kinds of rocks (e.g., igneous rocks, volcanic rocks, plutonic rocks,
metamorphic rocks, sedimentary rocks); microscopic petrology
Class here petrography, lithology, rocks
Class structural geology in 551.8; class comprehensive works on geochemistry in
For mineralogy, see 549; for sedimentology as study of surface processes,
see 551.3; for petrology of geologic materials of economic utility other than
structural and sculptural stone, see 553
.001–.008 Standard subdivisions
.009 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for geographic distribution of rocks; class in 552.09
.09 Geographic distribution of rocks
Add to base number 552.09 notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., rocks of Sahara
Desert 552.0966
Class rocks studied in their stratigraphic setting in 554–559

553 Dewey Decimal Classification 553

553 Economic geology

Quantitative occurrence and distribution of geologic materials of economic utility
Including formation and structure of deposits; inorganic gases
Class here interdisciplinary works on nonmetallic geologic materials
Class economic aspects other than reserves of geologic materials in 333.7; class
formation and structure of deposits of specific materials other than inorganic gases
in 553.2–553.8; class interdisciplinary works on metals in 669
For a specific aspect of nonmetallic geologic materials other than economic
geology, see the aspect, e.g., mining 622

.2 Carbonaceous materials
Including coal (e.g., peat, lignite [brown coal], cannel coal, bituminous and
semibituminous coal, anthracite); graphite; solid and semisolid bitumens;
asphalt (pitch); oil, oil shales, tar sands, natural gas; petroleum geology; fossil
resins and gums
Class here fossil fuels, nonrenewable fuels, organic geochemistry;
comprehensive works on fuels
Class interdisciplinary works on fuels in 662.6
For nuclear fuels, see 553.4; for diamonds, jet, amber, see 553.8

.3 Iron
.4 Metals and semimetals
Standard subdivisions are added for metals and semimetals together, for metals
Including gold; precious metals; copper; lead; zinc, tin, mercury; metals used
in ferroalloys; antimony, arsenic, bismuth; cobalt and nickel; other metals (e.g.,
light metals, fissionable metals, rare-earth metals, platinum metals)
For iron, see 553.3

.5 Structural and sculptural stone

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including marble and limestone; granite and syenite; sandstone; slate;
serpentine, soapstone (steatite), and their variants
Class petrology of structural and sculptural stone in 552
For semiprecious sculptural stone, see 553.8

553 Earth sciences 553

.6 Other economic materials

Including diatomaceous earth; clay; comprehensive works on ceramic materials;
sand and gravel; aggregates; salts; nitrates and phosphates; mineral fertilizers;
abrasives; mineral pigments and sulfur; refractory materials; cement materials
Class here earthy materials, industrial minerals
Class inorganic gases in 553; class comprehensive works on abrasives that are
also gems in 553.8
For soapstone, see 553.5; for mineral waters, see 553.7; for soils, see 631.4

.7 Water
Including ice; saline water; mineral waters; surface water; groroundwater
(subsurface water)
Class interdisciplinary works on thermal waters in 333.8; class interdisciplinary
works on ice in 551.31
For geology of thermal waters, see 551.2
See Manual at 363.6

.8 Gems
Including precious stones (e.g., diamonds, rubies and sapphires, emeralds);
semiprecious stones
Class here comprehensive works on stones that are both gems and abrasives
For gemstones treated as abrasives, industrial diamonds, see 553.6

554–559 Earth sciences by specific continents, countries, localities in

modern world; extraterrestrial worlds
Class here geology, geological surveys, stratifications
Add to base number 55 notation 4–9 from Table 2, e.g., geology of Japan 555.2, of
moon 559.9
Class historical geology and stratifications of specific continents, countries,
localities during a specific era or period in 551.7; class geological surveys of
specific areas emphasizing materials of economic importance in 553.094–553.099;
class comprehensive works on earth sciences in 550; class comprehensive works on
geology in 551. Class a specific geologic topic (other than historical geology taken
as a whole) in a specific area with the topic, e.g., volcanoes in Japan 551.210952,
geomorphology of Japan 551.410952

554 Earth sciences of Europe

Number built according to instructions under 554–559

555 Earth sciences of Asia

Number built according to instructions under 554–559

556 Earth sciences of Africa

Number built according to instructions under 554–559

557 Dewey Decimal Classification 557

557 Earth sciences of North America

Number built according to instructions under 554–559

558 Earth sciences of South America

Number built according to instructions under 554–559

559 Earth sciences of Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic

Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antarctica, extraterrestrial
Number built according to instructions under 554–559

.9 Earth sciences of extraterrestrial worlds

Number built according to instructions under 554–559
See Manual at 523 vs. 550; also at 629.43, 629.45 vs. 559.9, 919.904

560 Paleontology
Including organisms of uncertain status as plant or animal, as chordate or
invertebrate; stratigraphic paleontology; special topics of paleontology and
paleozoology (e.g., fossilization [taphonomy], trace fossils, paleoecology and
fossils of specific environment, micropaleontology)
Class here paleozoology
Class the analysis of paleontological evidence to determine geological time and
age, the analysis of paleontological evidence to determine a specific geological age,
comprehensive works on paleontology and historic geology in 551.7; class fossils
of specific kinds of organisms in 561–569. Class a specific kind of microfossil with
the kind, e.g., fossil microorganisms 561
See Manual at 551.7 vs. 560; also at 576.8 vs. 560

.9 History, geographic treatment, biography

Class stratigraphic paleontology and paleozoology in 560
[.914–.919] Areas, regions, places in general other than polar, temperate, tropical
Do not use; class in 560

561 Paleontology 561

561 Paleobotany; fossil microorganisms

Standard subdivisions are added for paleontology and fossil microorganisms
together, for paleontology alone
Including plantlike fossils of uncertain taxonomic position; specific plants
and groups of plants (e.g., fossil dicotyledons, fossil monocotyledons, fossil
gymnosperms and fernlike fossils of uncertain taxonomic position, fossil seedless
plants, fossil vascular seedless plants, fossil bryophytes, fossil fungi, algae);
general topics of paleobotany (e.g., stratigraphic paleobotany, fossil pollen and
spores, fossil fruits and seeds, fossil leaves, trees and petrified wood, geographic
treatment of fossil plants)
Class here fossil spermatophytes (seed plants), angiosperms (flowering plants);
taxonomic paleobotany
Class comprehensive works on micropaleontology in 560; class comprehensive
works on palynology, comprehensive works on pollen, comprehensive works on
spores in 571.8
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography
Class geographic treatment of fossil plants in 561
[.091 4–.091 9] Areas, regions, places in general other than polar, temperate, tropical
Do not use; class in 561

> 562–569 Specific taxonomic groups of animals

Class here taxonomic paleozoology
Class comprehensive works in 560

562 Fossil invertebrates

Including conodonts; worms and related animals
For Protozoa, see 561; for miscellaneous marine and seashore invertebrates,
see 563; for mollusks and molluscoids, see 564; for arthropods, see 565

563 Miscellaneous fossil marine and seashore invertebrates

Limited to sponges and Archaeocyatha; Parazoa; coelenterates; Anthozoa; corals;
Ctenophora; comb jellies; echinoderms and hemichordates
[.01–.09] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 562.01–562.09

564 Fossil mollusks and molluscoids

Including cephalopods

565 Fossil arthropods

Including crustaceans and trilobites; chelicerates; arachnids; myriapods; insects;
Uniramia, Hexapoda, Pterygota

566 Dewey Decimal Classification 566

566 Fossil chordates

Including cephalochordates, tunicates
Class here vertebrates, land vertebrates
For fossil cold-blooded vertebrates, see 567; for fossil birds, see 568; for fossil
mammals, see 569

567 Fossil cold-blooded vertebrates

Including Leptolepis; amphibians
Class here fishes; bony fishes, ray-finned fishes, teleosts

.9 Reptiles
Including Anapsida; Euryapsida, Synapsida; Mesosauria; Lepidosauria; scaly
reptiles; lizards; snakes; crocodilians
Class here archosaurs, diapsids, dinosaurs
.91 Specific dinosaurs and other archosaurs
Including thecodonts
Class crocodilians and “dinosaurs” of orders not considered archosaurs in
[.910 1–.910 9] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 567.901–567.909

> 567.912–567.915 Specific dinosaurs

Class comprehensive works in 567.9
.912 Saurischia
Including Allosaurus, Baryonyx, Coelophysis, Deinonychus, Oviraptor,
Class here carnivorous dinosaurs
For herbivorous Saurischia, see 567.913
.913 Herbivorous Saurischia
Including Diplodocus, Seismosaurus, Apatosaurus (Brontosaurus)
.914 Ornithischia
Including duck-billed dinosaurs; Anatosaurus, Corythosaurus,
Hypsilophodon, Iguanodon, Maiasaura, Pachycephalosaurus,
Class here Ornithopoda
For armored and horned dinosaurs, see 567.915

567 Paleontology 567

.915 Armored and horned dinosaurs

Standard subdivisions are added for armored and horned dinosaurs
together, for armored dinosaurs alone
Including Protoceratops; Stegosaurus; Triceratops
.918 Flying reptiles
Including Pteranodon, pterodactyls
Class comprehensive works on flying and marine reptiles in 567.9

568 Fossil birds

569 Fossil mammals
Including Metatheria and Prototheria; marsupials

.9 Humans and related genera

Humans and forebears, including species and genera that are more closely
related to the species Homo sapiens than to any other living species, e.g.,
Including Piltdown forgery; Australopithecus; australopithecines; Homo erectus

570 Biology
Class here life sciences
For paleontology, see 560; for plants, see 580; for animals, see 590; for
medical sciences, see 610
See Manual at 363 vs. 302–307, 333.7, 570–590, 600; also at 578 vs. 304.2,
508, 910

570.1–.9 Standard subdivisions
571 Physiology and related subjects
572 Biochemistry
573 Specific physiological systems in animals, regional histology and physiology in
575 Specific parts and physiological systems in plants
576 Genetics and evolution
577 Ecology
578 Natural history of organisms and related subjects
579 Natural history of microorganisms, fungi, algae

.1 Philosophy and theory

Class here nature of life, differences between living and nonliving substances
Class origin of life, conditions needed for life to begin in 576.8; class taxonomic
classification in 578.01

.2 Miscellany

570 Dewey Decimal Classification 570

.28 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials

Do not use for preservation of biological specimens; class in 570.75
Including microscopy
Class interdisciplinary works on microscopy in 502.8

.7 Education, research, related topics

.72 Research
Including experimental biology
Class tissue and organ culture in 571.5; class cell culture in 571.6

.9 History, geographic treatment, biography

Do not use for geographic treatment of organisms; class in 578.09
.919 Space
Do not use for space biology; class in 571.0919
.999 Extraterrestrial worlds
Do not use for extraterrestrial life; class in 576.8

> 571–575 Internal biological processes and structures

Class here internal biological processes and structures in plants and animals
Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to each subdivision
identified by * as follows:
01–08 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 570.1–570.8, e.g.,
microscopy 028
09 History, geographic treatment, biography
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 571.09, e.g., space
biology 0919
Unless other instructions are given, class a subject with aspects in two or more
subdivisions of 571–575 in the number coming last, e.g., cytology of animal
circulatory system 573.1 (not 571.1 or 571.6)
Class comprehensive works in 571
See Manual at 571–575 vs. 630; also at 571–573 vs. 610; also at 579–590
vs. 571–575

571 Physiology and related subjects

Standard subdivisions are added for physiology and related subjects, for physiology
Class here comprehensive works on internal biological processes
For biochemistry, see 572; for specific physiological systems in animals,
regional histology and physiology in animals, see 573; for specific parts of and
physiological systems in plants, see 575; for genetics, see 576.5

571 Biology 571

.01–.08 Standard subdivisions

Notation from Table 1 as modified under 570.1–570.8, e.g., microscopy in
physiology 571.028
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography
.091 9 Space
Class here space biology
.099 9 Extraterrestrial worlds
Class extraterrestrial life in 576.8

.1 Animals
Class here comparative physiology
Class comprehensive works on animals in 590
For comparative physiology of plants and microorganisms, physiology of
Protozoa, see 571.2; for physiology and related subjects in humans, see 612;
for physiology and related subjects in domestic animals, see 636.089
.101–.108 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 590.1–590.8, e.g., microscopy
in animal physiology 571.1028

.2 Plants and microorganisms

Standard subdivisions are added for plants and microorganisms together, for
plants alone
Including fungi, algae
Class here comparative physiology of plants and microorganisms, physiology of
agricultural plants
Class comprehensive works on microorganisms, fungi, algae in 579; class
comprehensive works on plants in 580
See Manual at 571.6 vs. 571.2
.201–.208 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 580.1–580.8, e.g., microscopy
in plant physiology 571.2028

.3 *Anatomy and morphology

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Class here comparative anatomy
For anatomy and morphology of microorganisms, see 571.6
* Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 571–575
571 Dewey Decimal Classification 571

.4 *Biophysics
Including biomechanics and effects of mechanical forces; biodynamics, solid
biomechanics; effects of mechanical vibrations, sound, related vibrations;
radiobiology; effects of temperature; effects of electricity and magnetism;
environmental biophysics
Class here effects of physical forces on organisms
Class biomechanics of locomotion in 573.7; class comprehensive works on
biophysics and biochemistry in 572
For bioenergetics, physical biochemistry, see 572

.5 *Tissue biology and regional physiology

Standard subdivisions are added for tissue biology and regional physiology
together, for tissue biology alone
Including tissue anatomy, morphology, culture; specific tissues in animals (e.g.,
epithelial tissues, connective tissues, adipose tissues); specific tissues in plants
(e.g., parenchyma); regional histology
Class here histology, histophysiology; comprehensive works on tissue and cell
Class biophysics of tissues in general in 571.4
For cell biology, cell culture, see 571.6; for histogenesis, see 571.8; for
regional histology and physiology of animals, see 573.9; for regional
physiology of plants, regional histology of plants, see 575.4. For tissues of a
specific physiological system in animals, see the system in 573, e.g., tissues
of circulatory system 573.1; for tissues of a specific part or physiological
system in plants, see the part or physiological system in 575, e.g., tissues of
leaves 575.5

.6 *Cell biology
Including cell anatomy, morphology, biophysics, culture; membranes;
biological transport; cytoplasm; endoplasmic reticulum, organelles; nucleus;
nucleoplasm; cell movement; cilia, flagella, irritability, pseudopoda; cell walls
Class here cell physiology, cytology, eukaryotic cells, protoplasm
Class lipid membranes and their chemistry, protein membranes and their
chemistry in 572; class nucleic acids in 572.8; class comprehensive works on
tissue and cell culture in 571.5
For reproduction and growth of cells, see 571.8; for cytopathology,
see 571.9; for cytochemistry, cell digestion, metabolism, nutrition, cell
respiration, ion transport, see 572; for chromosomes, see 572.8
See Manual at 571.6 vs. 571.2
* Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 571–575
571 Biology 571

.7 *Biological control and secretions

Biological control: control of an organism’s own physiological processes
Standard subdivisions are added for biological control and secretions together,
for biological control alone
Including comprehensive works on endocrine and nervous systems;
biochemistry of control; comprehensive works on hormones; homeostasis
and physiological balance; body temperature; homoiothermy, poikilothermy;
periodicity; biorhythms, chronobiology; dormancy; exocrine glands,
comprehensive works on glands
Class excretory system of animals in 573.4; class comprehensive works on
hibernation in 591.56
For endocrine system, animal hormones, endocrine glands, see 573.4; for
nervous and sensory systems, see 573.8. For secretions of a specific organ
or system, or ones related to a specific process, see the organ, system or
process, e.g., digestive secretions 573.3
See also 632 for biological control of agricultural pests
See Manual at 573.4 vs. 571.7

.8 *Reproduction, development, growth

Standard subdivisions are added for any or all topics in heading
Including reproduction and growth of cells; developmental genetics;
embryology; development after embryo; maturation; miscellaneous topics
in reproduction (limited to sex differentiation, alternation of generations
[metagenesis], hermaphroditism, parthenogenesis, regeneration); vegetative
reproduction; asexual reproduction
Class here physiology of life cycle, sexual reproduction
Class pathological aging and death in 571.9; class chromosome recombination
in 572.8; class comprehensive works on life cycle of animals in 591.56
For reproduction in animals, sexual reproduction in animals, see 573.6;
for reproduction in plants, sexual reproduction in plants, see 575.6; for
coevolution of pollination, see 576.8
See Manual at 571.8 vs. 573.6, 575.6
* Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 571–575
571 Dewey Decimal Classification 571

.9 *Diseases
Including pathological biochemistry; toxicology; diseases and stress caused
by pollutants, by water pollution; ecotoxicology, environmental diseases,
poisons; immunity; disease resistance, immune system, immunology,
leukocytes, lymphocytes; miscellaneous diseases (limited to allergies,
autoimmunity, immune deficiency diseases, injuries and wounds, deformities,
tumors); communicable diseases; diseases caused by living organisms, by
Class here pathology, histopathology, pathogenicity, pathophysiology;
noncommunicable diseases
Class blood groups in 573.1; class comprehensive works on physiology and
pathology of aging in 571.8
For ecology of parasitism, see 577.8; for human diseases, results of
experimental research on human diseases in animals, see 616; for diseases
of domestic plants, comprehensive works on agricultural diseases, see 632;
for diseases of domestic animals, see 636.089. For diseases of a specific
physiological system in animals, see the system in 573, e.g., bone diseases
573.7; for diseases of specific parts of and physiological systems in plants,
see the part or system in 575, e.g., diseases of leaves 575.5
See Manual at 363.73 vs. 571.9, 577.27

572 *Biochemistry
Including general topics of biochemistry (e.g., biochemical evolution, nutritional
requirements); metabolism; cell digestion, structure-activity relationships,
comprehensive biological works on nutrition; specific biochemicals (e.g., proteins,
Class here cytochemistry, histochemistry; comprehensive works on biochemistry of
nonmetallic elements and their compounds; comprehensive works on biochemistry
and biophysics; interdisciplinary works on biochemicals, on macromolecules
Class fluid balance in 571.7; class nucleoproteins in 572.8; class chitin in 573.7;
class conditions needed for life to begin in 576.8; class effects of physical agents
on organisms, comprehensive works on biophysics in 571.4; class comprehensive
works on molecular evolution in 572.8; class comprehensive works on respiration
in animals in 573.2; class comprehensive works on animal digestion in 573.3; class
interdisciplinary works on human nutrition in 363.8
For chemistry of biochemicals, chemistry of macromolecules, see 547; for
biophysics, see 571.4; for biochemistry of control processes, hormones, see
571.7; for pathological biochemistry, immunochemistry, antibodies, see
571.9; for biomineralization in animals, see 573.7; for bioluminescent organs,
electric organs, see 573.9; for gas exchange from surface tissues of plants,
see 575.8; for biochemistry of origin of life, see 576.8; for biogeochemistry,
biogeochemical nitrogen cycle, see 577; for prions, see 579.2; for industrial
biochemistry, see 660.6. For biochemistry of a specific physiological system in
animals, see the system in 573, e.g., chemistry of circulatory fluids in animals
573.1; for biochemistry of a reproductive organ or physiological system in
plants, see the organ or system in 575.6–575.9, e.g., chemistry of circulatory
fluids in plants 575.7
* Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 571–575
572 Biology 572

.8 *Biochemical genetics
Including metabolism; nucleic-acid hybridization, nucleic acid-protein
interactions, comprehensive works on nucleoproteins; nucleotides; nucleosides;
DNA (deoxyribonucleic acid); chromosomal DNA, codons, genes, genomes;
chromosomes; chromatin, chromosome numbers, nucleosomes; RNA
(ribonucleic acid)
Class here cytogenetics, molecular biology, molecular genetics, physiological
genetics; nucleic acids
Class developmental genetics in 571.8; class genetic transfection and
transformation in 571.9; class genetic aspects of a specific biochemical, amino
acid sequence, genetic translation, protein synthesis in 572; class somatic
variation resulting from genetic recombination, comprehensive works on
genetics in 576.5; class viruses in 579.2; class recombinant DNA in 660.6
For transduction, transfection, transformation, see 571.9; for molecular
evolution during origin of life, see 576.8; for viroids, see 579.2
See Manual at 576.5 vs. 572.8

573 Specific physiological systems in animals, regional histology

and physiology in animals
Class here comprehensive works on specific physiological systems
For specific physiological systems in plants, see 575; for specific physiological
systems in humans, see 612; for specific physiological systems in domestic
animals, see 636.089
See Manual at 571–573 vs. 610
[.01–.09] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 571.101–571.109

.1 *Circulation system
Including circulatory fluids; blood; lymphatic system; lymph; circulatory organs
(e.g., pumping mechanisms, heart, blood vessels)
Class here cardiovascular system
For leukocytes, role of lymphatic system in immunity, lymphocytes, see
571.9. For circulation in a specific system or organ, see the system or organ,
e.g., circulation in brain 573.8

.2 *Respiratory system
Including lungs; organs accessory to lungs; gills
Class here aerobic respiration, comprehensive works on respiration in animals
Class olfactory nerves in 573.8; class use of accessory respiratory organs in
vocal communication in 573.9
For cell and tissue respiration in animals, see 572; for larynx, see 573.9
* Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 571–575
573 Dewey Decimal Classification 573

.3 *Digestive system
Including mouth and esophagus; physiology of eating, ingestion; stomach;
intestine; biliary tract; liver
Class here digestion
Class insulin, comprehensive works on biology of nutrition in 572; class
interdisciplinary works on human nutrition in 363.8
For cell digestion, see 572

.4 *Endocrine and excretory systems

Standard subdivisions are added for endocrine and excretory systems together,
for endocrine system alone
Including comprehensive works on animal hormones; specific endocrine glands
(e.g., pituitary gland and hypothalamus, adrenal glands, thyroid and parathyroid
glands); excretion, urinary system
Class here endocrinology
Class comprehensive works on animal endocrine and nervous systems in 571.7;
class comprehensive works on neurohormones in 573.8
For islands of Langerhans, see 573.3; for testes, ovaries, see 573.6; for
nervous system, see 573.8. for hormones controlling a specific function in
571.5–571.9, see the function, e.g., growth hormones 571.8; for hormones of
a specific endocrine gland, see the gland, e.g., estrogen 573.6; for hormones
controlling a specific animal physiological system, see the function in 573,
e.g., gastrointestinal hormones 573.3
See Manual at 573.4 vs. 571.7

.5 *Integument
Including physiology of color; hair and fur; scales, feathers, fur, hair, horns,
related topics
Class here hide, skin
Class exoskeleton in 573.7; class comprehensive works on color in animals in
For integument of a specific system or organ, see the system or organ, e.g.,
integument of heart 573.1
* Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 571–575
573 Biology 573

.6 *Reproductive system
Including male reproductive system; female reproductive system; pregnancy
and lactation; eggs
Class here genital organs, reproduction, sexual reproduction, comprehensive
works on urogenital system
Class sperm, egg cells; comprehensive works on reproduction, development,
and growth of animals in 571.8; class plant ovaries in 575.6
For embryology of animals, see 571.8; for urinary system, see 573.4
See Manual at 571.8 vs. 573.6, 575.6

.7 *Musculoskeletal system
Including muscles; bones; comprehensive works on skeleton; exoskeleton;
joints; locomotion and related activities; crawling, running, walking, work
Class here physiology of movement
Class behavioral aspects of locomotion in 591.5; class comprehensive works on
wings in 591.47
For bone marrow, see 573.1; for horns, see 573.5. For muscles of a specific
system or organ, see the system or organ, e.g., heart muscles 573.1; for
biomineralization in a specific system or organ, see the system or organ,
e.g., biomineralization in teeth 573.3

.8 *Nervous and sensory systems

Standard subdivisions are added for nervous and sensory systems together, for
nervous system alone
Including nerves and nerve fibers; irritability, peripheral nerves; central nervous
system; brain; sense organs; sensation, senses; eyes; sight, vision; ears; hearing
Class sleep behavior, migration in 591.56; class comprehensive works on
regulation and control in animals, on endocrine and nervous systems in 571.7;
class interdisciplinary works on sleep in 154.6
For cell irritability, see 571.6. For innervation of a specific system or organ,
see the system or organ, e.g., innervation of muscles 573.7

.9 Miscellaneous systems and organs in animals, regional histology and

physiology in animals
Miscellaneous systems and organs in animals limited to communication
systems; vocal communication; bioluminescent organs; electric organs
Class locomotor functions of appendages in 573.7; class comprehensive works
on animal communication in 591.59
For receiving sensory systems, see 573.8
[.901–.909] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 571.101–571.109
* Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 571–575
574 Dewey Decimal Classification 574

[574] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 12

575 Specific parts of and physiological systems in plants

For physiological systems in fungi and algae, see 571; for specific parts of fungi
and algae, see 571.5; for external description of parts and organs and their
configurations, see 581.4
[.01–.09] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 571.201–571.209

.4 *Stems
Including special features of stems (limited to primary epidermis; epidermis of
plants; bark; phloem; nodes; thorns); wood; xylem; growing points and layers;
meristem; stems specialized for reproduction; asexual reproduction, vegetative
reproduction, underground stems
Class here comprehensive works on regional physiology, on shoots
Class food storage in specialized stems in 575.7; class comprehensive works on
reproduction of plants in 575.6; class comprehensive works on color of plants in
For leaves, regional physiology of roots, see 575.5; for circulation in
phloem, see 575.7; for transpiration from primary epidermis, see 575.8. For
color of a specific organ or part, see the organ or part, e.g., color of leaves

.5 Roots and leaves

For absorption of water and nutrients by roots, see 575.7; for transpiration
from leaves, see 575.8

.6 *Reproductive organs
Including male reproductive organs; anthers, microsporangia, stamens; female
reproductive organs; pistils; fruits; seeds; other flower parts; petals, sepals
Class here flowers, reproduction, sexual reproduction, sporangia
Class pollination, pollen (microspores), egg cells (megaspores), comprehensive
works on reproduction, development, growth of plants in 571.8; class
interdisciplinary works on flowers in 582.13
For embryology of plants (including germination of seeds), see 571.8; for
asexual reproduction, vegetative reproduction, see 575.4
See Manual at 571.8 vs. 573.6, 575.6
* Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 571–575
575 Biology 575

.7 *Circulation, food storage, excretion

Standard subdivisions are added for circulation, food storage, excretion
together; for circulation alone
Including circulatory fluids; sap; absorption of water and nutrients; water
storage; internal isolation of unusable substances
Class transpiration in 575.8
For a specific circulatory tissue, see the tissue, e.g., phloem, xylem 575.4

.8 *Transpiration
Class here gas exchange from surface tissues
For a specific tissue or organ of transpiration, see the tissue or organ, e.g.,
leaves 575.5

.9 *Animal-like physiological processes

Including movement; sensitivity; irritability; physiology of predatory activity
Class here behavior of plants
Class comprehensive works on carnivorous plants in 583
For movement that is a direct result of growth, see 571.8

> 576–578 General and external biological phenomena

Class general and external biological phenomena of microorganisms, fungi,
algae in 579; class general and external biological phenomena of plants in
580; class general and external biological phenomena of animals in 590; class
comprehensive works in 578

576 Genetics and evolution

.01–.09 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 570.1–570.9, e.g., microscopy in
study of genetics and evolution 576.028
* Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 571–575
576 Dewey Decimal Classification 576

.5 Genetics
Including laws of genetics; Mendel’s laws; genetic makeup; genotypes,
phenotypes; variation; factors affecting heredity and variation; population
genetics; ecological genetics, gene pools, role of populations as vehicles of
Class here heredity, experimental works on genetics of specific organisms;
interdisciplinary works on genetics
Class toxic aspects of mutagens in 571.9; class biochemical aspects of genetic
makeup, mutagenesis, radiogenetics, biochemistry of mutation (mutagenesis) in
572.8; class role of species in evolution in 576.8; class comprehensive works on
population biology in 577.8
For biochemical, molecular, physiological genetics, cytogenetics, genetic
recombination as a factor affecting heredity and variation, see 572.8; for
genetics of microorganisms, fungi, algae, see 579; for genetics of plants,
see 581.3; for genetics of animals, see 591.3. For a specific aspect of
genetics, see the aspect, e.g., eugenics 363.9, medical genetics 616, genetic
engineering 660.6
See Manual at 576.5 vs. 572.8
.501–.509 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 570.1–570.9, e.g., microscopy
in study of genetics 576.5028

.8 Evolution
Including homoplasy; theories of evolution; Darwinism, natural selection;
origin of life; conditions needed for life to begin, biochemistry of forms of life
before achievement of full self-replication; evolutionary cycles; catastrophes,
extinction, radiation; factors affecting evolution; genotype-environment
interaction; speciation; role of species in evolution; coevolution; phylogeny
Class creationism in 231.7; class role of populations in evolution in 576.5; class
sexual selection in 591.56; class extraterrestrial civilization, extraterrestrial
intelligence in 999; class comprehensive works on molecular evolution in
572.8; class comprehensive works on symbiosis in 577.8; class comprehensive
works on species in 578.01
For role of genetics in evolution, see 576.5; for evolution of
microorganisms, see 579; for evolution of plants, see 581.3; for evolution of
animals, see 591.3. For evolution of a specific internal process or structure,
see the process or structure, e.g., molecular evolution 572.8, evolution of
circulatory system 573.1
See Manual at 231.7 vs. 213, 500, 576.8; also at 576.8 vs. 560
.801 Philosophy and theory
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 570.1; however, do not use for
theories; class in 576.8
.802–.809 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 570.2–570.9, e.g., microscopy
in study of evolution 576.5028

577 Biology 577

577 Ecology
Including ecotones; specific ecosystem processes (e.g., ecological bioenergetics;
environmental chemistry; biological productivity; food chains; ecological
Class here biomes, ecosystems, terrestrial ecology
Unless other instructions are given, class a subject with aspects in two or more
subdivisions of 577 in the number coming last, e.g., grassland swamps 577.68 (not
Class environmental chemistry of pollution in 577.27; class comprehensive works
on biochemistry and biogeochemistry in 572
For paleoecology, see 560; for ecology of microorganisms, fungi, algae, see
579; for plant ecology, see 581.7; for animal ecology, see 591.7
See Manual at 333.7–333.9 vs. 363.1, 363.73, 577

577.01–.09 Standard subdivisions
.2 Specific factors affecting ecology
.3 Forest ecology
.4 Grassland ecology
.5 Ecology of miscellaneous environments
.6 Aquatic ecology
.7 Marine ecology
.8 Synecology and population biology

.01–.08 Standard subdivisions

Notation from Table 1 as modified under 578.01–578.08, e.g., microscopy in
study of ecology 577.028
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography
[.091 4–.091 9] Areas, regions, places in general other than polar, temperate, tropical
Do not use; class in 577.3–577.7

.2 Specific factors affecting ecology

Including biometeorology (bioclimatology); seasons; fire ecology; autecology
Class acclimatization and temperature adaptation, seasonal adaptation in 578.4
For effect of a specific kind of microorganism, fungi, algae on the ecology,
see the organism in 579.2–579.8, e.g., effect of algae on ecology 579.8; for
effect of a specific kind of plant on the ecology, see the plant in 583–588,
e.g., effect of grasses on ecology 584; for effect of a specific kind of
animal on the ecology, see the animal in 592–599, plus notation 17 from
instructions at 592–599, e.g., effect of wolves on ecology 599.77317
[.201–.209] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 577.01–577.09

577 Dewey Decimal Classification 577

.27 Effects of humans on ecology

Including fragmented landscapes; engineering works; agricultural pollution;
war; pollution by acids, by specific elements and groups of elements;
air pollution; pollution by combustion gases; radioactive pollution;
radioecology; pollution by organic compounds; pesticide pollution
Class here effects of pollution on ecology
Class comprehensive works on ecotoxicology, on environmental toxicology
in 571.9; class interdisciplinary works on pollution in 363.73
For soil pollution, see 577.5; for water pollution, see 577.6
See also 304.2 for social consequences of pollution; also 577.5 for
natural ecology of environments made by humans
See Manual at 363.73 vs. 571.9, 577.27

> 577.3–577.7 Ecology of specific environments

Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to each subdivision
identified by * as follows:
01–08 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 578.01–578.08, e.g.,
microscopy 028
09 History, geographic treatment, biography
[0914–0919] Areas, regions, areas in general other than polar, temperate,
tropical regions
Do not use; class in base number without use of standard
Class terrestrial ecology, comprehensive works on ecology in 577; class
comprehensive works on biology of specific environments in 578.7
See Manual at 577.3–577.7 vs. 578.73–578.77; also at 577.3–577.7 vs.

.3 *Forest ecology
Including taiga ecology; ecology of boreal forests, taiga wetlands; shrubland
ecology; chaparral, heath (dry moor) ecology, Mediterranean-type ecosystems
Class here ecology of exploited forests, of woodlands
Class bog ecology, comprehensive works on moor ecology in 577.68
For forest wetland ecology, see 577.68
.309 13 Torrid zone (Tropics)
Class tropical rain forest ecology in 577.34
.34 *Rain forest ecology
Including cloud forest ecology
Class here ecology of jungles, tropical rain forests
* Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 577.3–577.7
577 Biology 577

[.340 913] Torrid zone (Tropics)

Do not use; class in 577.34

.4 *Grassland ecology
Including prairie ecology; meadow ecology; savanna ecology; tropical grassland
Class here ecology of agricultural grasslands, of rangelands, of temperate zone
Class alpine grassland ecology in 577.5
See also 333.74 for management of grasslands by society
[.409 12–.409 13] Temperate and torrid zones
Do not use; class in 577.4

.5 Ecology of miscellaneous environments

Only those named below
Including upland ecology; coastal ecology; island ecology; mountain ecology;
ecology of environments made by humans; agricultural ecology; urban
ecology; suburban ecology; soil ecology; ecology of hostile land environments
not provided for elsewhere (e.g., sand dune ecology; cave ecology; tundra,
permafrost, glacier, snow cover ecology); extreme environments
Class island forest ecology, mountain forest ecology in 577.3; class island
grassland ecology, mountain grassland ecology other than alpine grassland
ecology, meadow ecology in 577.4; class ecology of atmosphere in 579
For ecology of exploited forests, see 577.3; for ecology of agricultural
grasslands, of rangelands, see 577.4. For ecology of a specific upland
environment, see the environment, e.g., upland forest ecology 577.3; for
ecology of a specific environment in coastal zone, see the environment, e.g.,
coastal forest ecology 577.3, saltwater wetland ecology 577.69, sublittoral
ecology 577.7
[.501–.509] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 577.01–577.09
.54 *Desert ecology
Class here ecology in arid lands, in semiarid lands
Class sand dune ecology in 577.5
* Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 577.3–577.7
577 Dewey Decimal Classification 577

.6 *Aquatic ecology
Including river and stream ecology; floodplain ecology
Class here biological limnology, freshwater ecology
Class interdisciplinary works on limnology in 551.48. Class ecology of a
specific environment on a floodplain with the specific environment, e.g.,
ecology of floodplain grasslands 577.4
For marine ecology, see 577.7
.63 *Lake and pond ecology
Standard subdivisions are added for lake and pond ecology together, for lake
ecology alone
Including salt lake ecology; ecology of inland seas
Class here ecology of freshwater lagoons, reservoirs
Class comprehensive works on ecology of lakes, ponds, rivers, streams in
577.6; class comprehensive works on lagoons in 577.7
.68 *Wetland ecology
Including riparian ecology; forest wetland ecology; grass wetland ecology;
peat bog ecology; bog, peatland, wet moor ecology; comprehensive works
on moor ecology
Class here marsh, swamp ecology
For taiga, heath (dry moor) ecology, see 577.3; for saltwater wetland
ecology, see 577.69
.69 *Saltwater wetland and seashore ecology
Standard subdivisions are added for saltwater wetland and seashore ecology
together, for saltwater wetland ecology alone
Including sea grass wetland ecology; forest saltwater wetland ecology;
mangrove swamp ecology; tropical saltwater wetland forest ecology
Class here ecology of coastal wetlands, salt and tide marshes
For sand dune ecology, see 577.5

.7 *Marine ecology
Including specific ecosystem processes; specific factors affecting marine
ecology; ecology of specific oceans and seas; specific kinds of marine
environments (e.g., surface regions; marine benthic ecology; nearshore ecology;
deep sea ecology)
Class here saltwater ecology
Class comprehensive works on marine biology in 578.77
For salt lake ecology, freshwater lagoons, see 577.63; for saltwater wetland
and seashore ecology, see 577.69
* Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 577.3–577.7
577 Biology 577

.8 Synecology and population biology

Standard subdivisions are added for synecology and population biology
together, for synecology alone
Including ecological communities; competition; symbiosis; population
Class here ecological aspects of sociobiology, animal-plant relationships
Class symbiosis as a factor affecting evolution in 576.8; class ecological
succession, biomes in 577; class rhizosphere in 577.5; class parasites in
578.6; class behavioral aspects of sociobiology, predation in 591.5; class
pathology of parasitism, comprehensive works on parasitism in 571.9; class
interdisciplinary works on sociobiology in 304.5. Class plant associations
characteristic of a specific environment, comprehensive works on synecology
of a specific environment with the environment in 577.3–577.7, e.g., prairie
grass associations, comprehensive works on synecology of grasslands 577.4;
class a general relationship between a small taxonomic group and a larger
taxonomic group with the smaller group, e.g., plant-microbial relationships
579 (not 581.7), relationships between mushrooms and dicotyledons 579.6 (not
583), between ferns and flowering plants 587 (not 581.7)

578 Natural history of organisms and related subjects

Standard subdivisions are added for natural history of organisms and related
subjects together, for natural history of organisms alone
Class here descriptive biology, specific nontaxonomic kinds of organisms,
comprehensive works on general and external biological phenomena,
comprehensive works on taxonomic biology
Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to each subdivision
identified by † as follows:
01–08 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 578.01–578.08, e.g.,
microscopy 028
09 History, geographic treatment, biography
For internal biological processes of specific kinds of organisms, see 571–575;
for genetics and evolution, see 576; for ecology, see 577; for natural history of
microorganisms, fungi, algae, see 579; for natural history of plants, see 580;
for natural history of animals, see 590
See Manual at 578 vs. 304.2, 508, 910
.01 Philosophy and theory
Including systematics, taxonomy
Class speciation in 576.8; class comprehensive works on taxonomic biology
in 578
.02 Miscellany
.028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment,
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 570.28, e.g., microscopy in
descriptive biology 578.028. Do not use for preservation of biological
specimens; class in 578.075
.07 Education, research, related topics
578 Dewey Decimal Classification 578

.073 Collections and exhibits of living organisms

Class here history and description, guidebooks; bioparks
.074 Museums, collections, exhibits
Do not use for collections and exhibits of living organisms; class in
.075 Museum activities and services
Including preserving biological specimens
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography
[.091 4–.091 9] Areas, regions, places in general other than polar, temperate, tropical
Do not use; class in 578.73–578.77
.099 9 Extraterrestrial worlds
Class extraterrestrial life in 576.8

.4 †Adaptation
Including size, weight, shape of organisms; acclimatization and temperature
adaptation; seasonal adaptation; reproductive adaptation; protective adaptation,
Class here organisms illustrating specific kinds of adaptation
Class reproductive physiology in 571.8; class climate and weather as factors
influencing ecology, seasonal variation as a factor influencing ecology in 577.2;
class adaptation of miscellaneous nontaxonomic kinds of organisms in 578.6
For camouflage, see 591.47

.6 †Miscellaneous nontaxonomic kinds of organisms

Not provided for elsewhere
Including nonnative species; alien, exotic, introduced, invasive, naturalized
species; beneficial organisms; harmful organisms
Class here economic biology
See Manual at 630 vs. 579–590, 641.3
.68 †Rare and endangered species
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including recently extinct species

† Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 578
578 Biology 578

.7 Organisms characteristic of specific kinds of environments

Class here biology of specific kinds of environments
Class specific kinds of adaptation characteristic of specific kinds of
environment in 578.4; class miscellaneous nontaxonomic kinds of organisms
characteristic of specific kinds of environments in 578.6
For ecology of specific kinds of environments, see 577
[.701–.709] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 578.01–578.09
.73–.75 Specific kinds of nonaquatic environments
Add to base number 578.7 the numbers following 577 in 577.3–577.5 for the
environment only, e.g., organisms characteristic of grasslands 578.74; then
to the result add standard subdivisions as instructed under 578.01–578.09,
e.g., collections of living grassland plants and animals 578.74073
Class comprehensive works on terrestrial environments in 578
For space biology, see 571.0919; for extraterrestrial life, see 576.8
See Manual at 577.3–577.7 vs. 578.73–578.77
.76–.77 Aquatic environments
Add to base number 578.7 the numbers following 577 in 577.6–577.7 for
the environment only, e.g., marine biology 578.77; then to the result add
standard subdivisions as instructed under 578.01–578.09, e.g., collections of
living marine plants and animals 578.77073
See Manual at 577.3–577.7 vs. 578.73–578.77; also at 578.76–578.77 vs.
551.46, 551.48

579 Dewey Decimal Classification 579

579 Natural history of microorganisms, fungi, algae

Standard subdivisions are added for microorganisms, fungi, algae together; for
microorganisms alone
Including specific topics in natural history of microorganisms, fungi, algae (e.g.,
genetics and evolution, adaptation, ecology, organisms characteristic of specific
environments); specific nontaxonomic kinds of organisms
Class here microbiology, Protista, protophytes, Thallobionta (Thallophyta);
descriptive biology of microorganisms, fungi, algae; taxonomic biology of
microorganisms, fungi, algae; comprehensive works on biology of microorganisms,
fungi, algae; interdisciplinary works on microorganisms, fungi, algae
Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to each subdivision
identified by * as follows:
01–08 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 578.01–578.08, e.g.,
collections of living organisms 073
09 History, geographic treatment, biography
[0914–0919] Areas, regions, places in general other than polar, temperate,
tropical regions
Do not use; class in base number without use of notation from
Table 1
Class food microbiology in 664.001; class experimental works on genetics of
microorganisms, fungi, algae; comprehensive works on genetics in 576.5
For internal biological processes of microorganisms, fungi, algae, see 571.2;
for biochemical genetics in microorganisms, fungi, algae, see 572.8. For a
specific aspect of microorganisms, fungi, algae, see the aspect, e.g., cooking
mushrooms 641.6
See Manual at 577.3–577.7 vs. 579–590; also at 579–590; also at 579–590 vs.
571–575; also at 630 vs. 579–590, 641.3
.01–.08 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 578.01–578.08, e.g., collections of
living microorganisms 579.073
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography
Class history, geographic treatment, biography in specific kinds of
environment in 579
[.091 4–.091 9] Areas, regions, places in general other than polar, temperate, tropical
Do not use; class in 579

579 Biology 579

.2 *Viruses and subviral organisms

Standard subdivisions are added for viruses and subviral organisms together, for
viruses alone
Including invertebrate viruses; specific kinds of viruses (e.g., DNA viruses,
RNA viruses); bacterial viruses (bacteriophages), fungal viruses; plant viruses;
Class here animal viruses, vertebrate viruses, virology
Class comprehensive works in 579
For internal biological processes of specific kinds of microorganisms, fungi,
algae, see 571–575
See also 579.3 for rickettsias

.3 *Prokaryotes (Bacteria)
Including minor kinds of bacteria (e.g., archaeobacteria;
aerobic-microaerophilic, motile, helical-vibrioid gram-negative bacteria;
anaerobic gram-negative straight, curved, and helical rods; rickettsias and
chlamydias; mycoplasmas); gram-negative aerobic rods and cocci; facultatively
anaerobic gram-negative rods; enterobacteria; gram-positive cocci; lactic acid
bacteria; endospore-forming gram-positive rods and cocci; Actinomycetes
and related bacteria; anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria; purple bacteria;
photosynthetic bacteria, sulfur bacteria; blue-green algae and Prochlorales
Class here bacteriology, Eubacteriales, comprehensive works on bacteria and
Class bacteria culture for biological research in 571.6
For viruses, see 579.2

.4 *Protozoa
Including zooflagellates; rhizopods; Foraminifera; Actinopoda, radiolarians;
Sporozoa; Cnidospora; ciliates
Class here Sarcomastigophora
Class phytoflagellates, comprehensive works on flagellates in 579.8
For a specific group or organism that may be regarded as either protozoa or
algae, see 579.8

.5 *Fungi
Including slime molds; molds, mildew; oomycetes, imperfect fungi;
ascomycetes; cup fungi; basidiomycetes
Class here true fungi, filamentous fungi, mycology
For lichens, see 579.7; for gill fungi, comprehensive works on mushrooms,
on macrofungi, see 579.6
*Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 579
579 Dewey Decimal Classification 579

.6 *Mushrooms
Including boletes, spine fungi, leather fungi
Class here gill fungi, macrofungi, toadstools
Class comprehensive works on basidiomycetes in 579.5
For mushrooms, macrofungi of a specific order other than Agaricales, see

.7 *Lichens
.8 *Algae
Including minor divisions of algae; phytoflagellates; comprehensive works on
flagellates, organisms that may be regarded as either protozoa or algae; green
algae); green seaweeds; euglenoids; diatoms; golden algae; dinoflagellates;
brown algae; seaweeds; red algae
Class here algology, phycology
For blue-green algae, see 579.3; for lichens, see 579.7. For a specific kind
of flagellate, see the kind, e.g., zooflagellates 579.4, oomycetes 579.5

> 580–590 Natural history of plants and animals

Class comprehensive works on biology of plants and animals in 570; class
comprehensive works on natural history of plants and animals in 578
For internal biological processes of specific kinds of plants and animals, see
571–575; for natural history of microorganisms, fungi, algae, see 579
*Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 579
580 Plants 580

580 Plants
Class here botany; embryophytes, vascular plants (tracheophytes), spermatophytes
(seed plants), angiosperms (flowering plants); natural history of plants; descriptive
biology of plants; taxonomic biology of plants; comprehensive works on biology of
plants; interdisciplinary works on plants
Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to each subdivision
identified by † as follows:
01–08 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 578.01–578.08, e.g.,
collections of living organisms 073
09 History, geographic treatment, biography
[0914–0919] Areas, regions, places in general other than polar, temperate,
tropical regions
Do not use; class in base number without use of notation from
Table 1
Class interdisciplinary works on plants of agricultural importance in 630; class
interdisciplinary works on food from plants in 641.3
For paleobotany, see 561; for internal biological processes and structures
of plants, see 571.2; for fungi, see 579.5; for algae, see 579.8. For a specific
aspect of plants, see the aspect, e.g., plant cultivation 631.5
See Manual at 363 vs. 302–307, 333.7, 570–590, 600; also at 577.3–577.7
vs. 579–590; also at 579–590; also at 579–590 vs. 571–575; also at 580 vs.
582.13; also at 630 vs. 579–590, 641.3

580.1–.9 Standard subdivisions
581 Specific topics in natural history of plants
582 Plants noted for specific vegetative characteristics and flowers
583 Dicotyledons
584 Monocotyledons
585 Gymnosperms
586 Seedless plants
587 Vascular seedless plants
588 Bryophytes

.1–.6 Standard subdivisions

Notation from Table 1 as modified under 578.01–578.06, e.g., microscopy of
plants 580.28

.7 Education, research, related topics

.73 Collections and exhibits of living plants
Class here botanical gardens
.74 Museums, collections, exhibits
Do not use for collections and exhibits of living organisms; class in 580.73
Class here herbariums, collections of dried plants
.75 Museum activities and services
Including preserving botanical specimens

580 Dewey Decimal Classification 580

.8 Groups of people
.9 History, geographic treatment, biography
[.914–.919] Areas, regions, places in general other than polar, temperate, tropical
Do not use; class in 581.7
.93–.99 Botany by specific continents, countries, localities
Class plants by specific continents, countries, localities in 581.9

581 Specific topics in natural history of plants

Class here specific nontaxonomic kinds of plants
Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to each subdivision
identified by * as follows:
01–08 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 580.1–580.8, e.g.,
preservation of botanical specimens 075
09 History, geographic treatment, biography
Unless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference, e.g.,
beneficial aquatic plants 581.6 (not 581.7):

Miscellaneous nontaxonomic kinds of plants 581.6

Adaptation 581.4
Genetics, evolution, age characteristics 581.3
Plant ecology, plants characteristic of specific
environments 581.7
Plants by specific continents, countries, localities 581.9
Class a specific topic in natural history of plants with respect to a specific
taxonomic group with the group in 583–588, e.g., useful monocotyledons 584
For plants noted for specific vegetative characteristics and flowers, see 582
[.01–.09] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 580.1–580.9

.3 *Genetics, evolution, age characteristics

Standard subdivisions are added for genetics, evolution, age characteristics
together, for genetics and evolution alone
Including works on genetic constitution of plants that elucidate their total
function; phylogeny; age determination
Class experimental works on plant genetics, comprehensive works on genetics
in 576.5
For biochemical genetics in plants, see 572.8
*Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 581
581 Plants 581

.4 *Adaptation
Including adaptation of specific parts of plants (e.g., reproductive adaptation,
protective adaptation, color, leaves and fronds, stems and roots); size, weight,
shape; acclimatization and temperature adaptation; seasonal adaptation
Class here plants noted for specific kinds of adaptation
Class color of a specific adaptation with the adaptation, e.g., color of flowers
For physiology of specific parts of plants, see 575; for comprehensive works
on flowers and their adaptations, see 582.13

.6 *Miscellaneous nontaxonomic kinds of plants

Not provided for elsewhere
Including nonnative plants; alien, exotic, introduced, invasive, naturalized
plants; beneficial plants; herbs; harmful plants
Class here economic botany
Class carnivorous plants in 583; class interdisciplinary works on weeds in 632
.68 *Rare and endangered plants
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including recently extinct species

.7 †Plant ecology, plants characteristic of specific environments

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including specific topics in plant ecology, specific environments; synecology
and population biology
Class here autecology, botany of specific environments
Class marine botany in 579; class plants characteristic of specific environments
noted for specific vegetative characteristics and flowers, ecology of such plants
in 582

.9 Plants by specific continents, countries, localities

Add to base number 581.9 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., plants in Argentina

582 Plants noted for specific vegetative characteristics and

Class genetics and evolution, adaptation and parts other than flowers,
miscellaneous kinds of plants noted for vegetative characteristics and flowers in
For a specific taxonomic group of plants noted for either specific vegetative
characteristics or flowers, see the group in 583–588, e.g., lilies noted for their
flowers 584
*Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 581

†Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 580
582 Dewey Decimal Classification 582

[.01–.09] Standard subdivisions

Do not use; class in 580.1–580.9

.1 Herbaceous and woody plants, plants noted for their flowers

Including annuals, forbs; vines; woody vines
Class herbaceous plants noted for their flowers in 582.13
See Manual at 635.9 vs. 582.1
[.101–.109] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 580.1–580.9
.13 †Plants noted for their flowers
Class here wild flowers, interdisciplinary works on flowers
Class vines noted for their flowers in 582.1; class woody plants noted
for their flowers in 582.16; class comprehensive works on angiosperms
(flowering plants) in 580
For physiology of flowers, see 575.6. For a specific aspect of flowers, see
the aspect, e.g., flower gardening 635.9, flower arrangement 745.92
See Manual at 580 vs. 582.13
.16 Trees
Class here dendrology; comprehensive works on perennials, on woody
Class forest ecology in 577.3; class herbaceous perennials, woody vines in
For shrubs, see 582.17
.17 †Shrubs
583 †Dicotyledons
Including Magnoliidae (e.g., magnolias); Ranunculidae (e.g., buttercups);
Hamamelididae (e.g., elms, oaks); Caryophyllidae (e.g., cacti); Dilleniidae (e.g.,
melons, squashes); Rosidae (e.g., grapes, ivies, legumes, maples, roses); Asteridae
(e.g., thistles); laurels, carnivorous plants
Class mangrove swamp ecology in 577.69
For mangrove of family Arecaceae (nipa palm), see 584. For hemps of a
specific family other than Cannabaceae, see the family, e.g., aloe and sisal
hemps 584
See Manual at 583–585 vs. 600

†Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 580
584 Plants 584

584 †Monocotyledons
Including Liliidae (e.g., lilies, orchids); Arecidae (e.g., palms); Alismidae (e.g.,
water plantains); Commelinidae (e.g., grasses)
Class comprehensive works on grassland ecology in 577.4; class comprehensive
works on hemps in 583
See Manual at 583–585 vs. 600

585 †Gymnosperms
Including specific conifers (e.g., pine family, plum-yew family, cypress family,
Taxodiaceae); ginkgo (maidenhair tree); Gneticae; cycads
Class here conifers, Pinicae
See Manual at 583–585 vs. 600

586 †Seedless plants

For fungi, see 579.5; for algae, see 579.8; for vascular seedless plants, see 587;
for bryophytes, see 588

587 †Vascular seedless plants

Variant name: vascular cryptogams
Including horsetails; ferns; whisk ferns; club mosses

588 †Bryophytes
Including mosses, true mosses; liverworts, leafy liverworts (scale mosses)
See also 587 for club mosses

[589] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 12

590 Animals
Class here natural history of animals; descriptive biology of animals; taxonomic
biology of animals; zoology; comprehensive works on biology of animals,
interdisciplinary works on animals
Class interdisciplinary works on food from animals in 641.3
For paleozoology, see 560; for internal biological processes and structures in
animals, see 571.1. For a specific aspect of animals, see the aspect, e.g., animal
husbandry 636
See Manual at 363 vs. 302–307, 333.7, 570–590, 600; also at 577.3–577.7
vs. 579–590; also at 579–590; also at 579–590 vs. 571–575; also at 630 vs.
579–590, 641.3; also at 800 vs. 398.24, 590, 636

†Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 580
590 Dewey Decimal Classification 590

590.1–.9 Standard subdivisions
591 Specific topics in natural history of animals
592 Invertebrates
593 Miscellaneous marine and seashore invertebrates
594 Mollusks and molluscoids
595 Arthropods
596 Chordates
597 Cold-blooded vertebrates
598 Birds
599 Mammals

.1–.6 Standard subdivisions

Notation from Table 1 as modified under 578.01–578.06, e.g., microscopy of
animals 590.28

.7 Education, research, related topics

.72 Research
.73 Collections and exhibits of living mammals
Class here general zoos; zoos limited to vertebrates in general, to land
vertebrates in general, to mammals in general
Class zoos limited to other groups of animals with the group, e.g., insect
zoos 595.7073
.74 Museums, collections, exhibits
Do not use for collections and exhibits of living organisms; class in 590.73
.75 Museum activities and services
Including preserving zoological specimens

.8 Groups of people
.9 History, geographic treatment, biography
[.914–.919] Areas, regions, places in general other than polar, temperate, tropical
Do not use; class in 591.73–591.77
.93–.99 Zoology by specific continents, countries, localities
Class animals by specific continents, countries, localities in 591.9

591 Animals 591

591 Specific topics in natural history of animals

Class here specific nontaxonomic kinds of animals
Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to each subdivision
identified by † as follows:
01–08 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 590.1–590.8, e.g.,
preservation of zoological specimens 075
09 History, geographic treatment, biography
Unless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference, e.g.,
social behavior of beneficial animals 591.56 (not 591.6):

Behavior 591.5
Miscellaneous nontaxonomic kinds of animals 591.6
Physical adaptation 591.4
Genetics, evolution, age characteristics 591.3
Animal ecology, animals characteristic of specific
environments 591.7
Animals by specific continents, countries, localities 591.9
Class a specific topic in natural history of animals with respect to a specific
taxonomic group of animals with the group of animals, plus notation 1 from table
under 592–599, e.g., beneficial mammals 599.16

591.3 Genetics, evolution, age characteristics
.4 Physical adaptation
.5 Behavior
.6 Miscellaneous nontaxonomic kinds of animals
.7 Animal ecology, animals characteristic of specific environments
.9 Animals by specific continents, countries, localities

[.01–.09] Standard subdivisions

Do not use; class in 590.1–590.9

.3 †Genetics, evolution, age characteristics

Standard subdivisions are added for genetics, evolution, age characteristics
together, for genetics and evolution alone
Including works on genetic constitution of animals that elucidate their total
function; phylogeny; age determination
Class sexual selection in 591.56; class experimental works on animal genetics,
comprehensive works on genetics in 576.5
For biochemical genetics in animals, see 572.8

†Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 591
591 Dewey Decimal Classification 591

.4 †Physical adaptation
Including size, weight, shape; acclimatization and temperature adaptation;
seasonal adaptation; head; reproductive adaptation; sex characteristics,
secondary sexual characteristics
Class here animals noted for specific kinds of physical adaptation,
comprehensive works on animal adaptation
Class reproductive physiology in 573.6; class fangs, horns, tusks in 591.47;
class nose in 599.14
For physiology of eggs, see 573.6; for behavioral adaptation, see 591.5
.47 †Protective and locomotor adaptations, color
Standard subdivisions are added for protective and locomotor adaptations,
color together; for protective adaptation alone
Including animal weapons, claws, fangs, horns, tusks; integument;
camouflage and color; protective coloration; mimicry; protective covering;
exoskeletons, shells, armored animals
Class here animal defenses
Class physiology of color in 573.5; class physiology of musculoskeletal
system in 573.7
For protective behavior, see 591.56

.5 †Behavior
Including general topics in behavior (e.g., instinct, intelligence, learning,
nocturnal behavior, sleep); feeding behavior (e.g., predation, herbivorous
feeding); locomotion
Class here animal psychology, behavioral adaptation, ethology
Class comparative psychology of humans and animals in 156; class physiology
of eating in 573.3; class physiology of nervous system in 573.8; class
comprehensive works on animal adaptation in 591.4
For physiology of sleep, see 573.8
.56 †Behavior relating to life cycle
Including sexual behavior; courtship, mating; family behavior; maternal
behavior, parental behavior; making habitations; nesting, nests; hibernation;
territoriality; comprehensive works on fighting, on protective behavior;
migration; migratory animals
Class here reproductive behavior, social behavior, comprehensive works on
life cycle of animals
Class physiology of hibernation in 571.7; class reproductive physiology in
573.6; class physiology of navigation in 573.8; class physical reproductive
adaptation in 591.4; class comprehensive works on soil animals in 591.7;
class interdisciplinary works on sociobiology in 304.5
For physiology of life cycle of animals, see 571.8; for communication,
see 591.59

†Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 591
591 Animals 591

.59 †Communication
Including acoustical communication; animal sounds
Class stridulation in 595.7159; class vocalization in 596.159
For physiology of communication, see 573.9

.6 †Miscellaneous nontaxonomic kinds of animals

Not provided for elsewhere
Including nonnative animals; alien, exotic, introduced, invasive, naturalized
animals; beneficial animals; harmful animals; dangerous and poisonous
animals, pests
Class here economic zoology
For animals as food source, see 641.3
See Manual at 630 vs. 579–590, 641.3
.68 †Rare and endangered animals
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including recently extinct, threatened, vanishing species

.7 Animal ecology, animals characteristic of specific environments

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Class here autecology, zoology of specific environments
For animal marking and census taking, see 590.72
.701–.708 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 590.1–590.8, e.g., microscopy
.709 History, geographic treatment, biography
[.709 14–.709 19] Areas, regions, places in general other than polar, temperate, tropical
Do not use; class in 591.73–591.77
.72–.77 Specific factors affecting ecology, specific environments
Add to base number 591.7 the numbers following 577 in 577.2–577.7, e.g.,
effect of pollution on animals 591.727, aquatic animals 591.76

.9 Animals by specific continents, countries, localities

Add to base number 591.9 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., animals in Brazil

†Add standard subdivisions as instructed under 591
592 Dewey Decimal Classification 592

> 592–599 Specific taxonomic groups of animals

Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to each subdivision
identified by * as follows:
01–08 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 590.1–590.8, e.g.,
collections of living animals 073
09 History, geographic treatment, biography
[0914–0919] Areas, regions, places in general other than polar, temperate,
tropical regions
Do not use; class in 173–177
1 General topics of natural history of animals
Add to base number 1 the numbers following 591 in 591.3–591.7,
e.g., rare and endangered animals 168, marine animals 177
Do not add notation from 591.3–591.7 when redundant or nearly
so, e.g., marine sponges 593.4 (not 593.4177)
Class comprehensive works in 590

592 *Invertebrates
Including worms; helminthology; Platyhelminthes (flatworms); Aschelminthes
(Nemathelminthes); Annelida (segmented worms); Oncopods (Pararthropoda)
For Protozoa, see 579.4; for miscellaneous marine and seashore invertebrates,
see 593; for mollusks and molluscoids, see 594; for arthropods, see 595

593 Miscellaneous marine and seashore invertebrates

Limited to groups of animals provided for below
See also 592 for marine and seashore worms; also 594 for mollusks and
molluscoids; also 595.3 for crustaceans
[.01–.09] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 592.01–592.09

.4 *Sponges
Including Calcispongiae (Calcarea); Hyalospongiae (Hexactinellida); glass
sponges; Demospongiae
Class here Parazoa

.5 *Coelenterates
Including Scyphozoa; jellyfishes, medusas; Hydrozoa; hydroids
For Anthozoa, see 593.6

.6 *Anthozoa
Including Alcyonaria, Zoantharia (Hexacorallia); sea anemones, sea fans, sea
Class here corals
*Add as instructed under 592–599
593 Animals 593

.8 *Comb jellies
Including Nuda, Tentaculata; sea walnuts

.9 *Echinoderms and hemichordates

Including Crinozoa; starfish; Ophiuroidea; Echinozoa; sea cucumbers
Subdivisions are added for echinoderms and hemichordates together, for
echinodermata alone
See also 592 for Echinodera

594 *Mollusks and molluscoids

Including gastropods, snails, slugs, bivalves, clams, cephalopods
Class here malacology, comprehensive works on shellfish
Subdivisions are added for mollusks and molluscoids together, for mollusks alone
For crustacean shellfish, see 595.3

595 *Arthropods
Class Pararthropoda in 592

.3 *Crustaceans
Including branchiopods; ostracods (mussel shrimps, seed shrimps); copepods;
barnacles; fish lice, horseshoe shrimps, mustache shrimps; Malacostraca;
Peracarida; Eucarida; decapods, Reptantia

.4 *Chelicerates
Including horseshoe crabs and sea spiders
Class here arachnids

.6 *Myriapods
Including centipedes; symphylans; pauropods; millipedes

.7 *Insects
Including Apterygota; Orthoptera and related orders; Exopterygota
(Hemimetabola); scorpion flies, caddisflies, lacewings, dobsonflies and
alderflies, snakeflies; Homoptera; true bugs; sucking lice (true lice); bird lice
(biting lice, chewing lice); thrips
Class here Uniramia, Hexapoda, Pterygota, Endopterygota (Holometabola);
For myriapods, see 595.6
.76 *Beetles
Including Strepsiptera; Adephaga, Archostemata, Myxophaga
Class here Polyphaga
*Add as instructed under 592–599
595 Dewey Decimal Classification 595

.77 *Flies (Diptera) and fleas

Subdivisions are added for flies and fleas together, for flies alone
Class maggots in 595.7713
.78 *Moths and butterflies
Including Bombycoidea, Geometroidea, Noctuoidea, Pyralidoidea,
Tineoidea, Tortricoidea; Hesperioidea (skippers)
Including armyworms, budworms, cutworms, Heliothis
Subdivisions are added for moths and butterflies together, for moths alone
Class caterpillars in 595.7813
.79 *Hymenoptera
Including Chalcidoidea, Ichneumonoidea, Scolioidea, sawflies; ants;
Vespoidea and Sphecoidea; true wasps; bees
Class here Apocrita, wasps, social insects

596 *Chordates
Including tunicates, lancelets
Class here vertebrates, land vertebrates, amniotes
For cold-blooded vertebrates, see 597; for birds, see 598; for mammals, see
[.073] Collections and exhibits of living vertebrates
Do not use; class in 590.73

597 *Cold-blooded vertebrates

Including jawless fishes, hagfishes and lampreys
Class here fishes, bony fishes, ray-finned fishes, teleosts; ichthyology
Class koi, interdisciplinary works on goldfish in 639.3; class interdisciplinary
works on carp in 641.3
.073 Collections and exhibits of living fishes
Class here interdisciplinary works on aquariums
For fish culture in aquariums, see 639.34
.176 3 Lake and pond ecology
Number built according to instructions under 592–599
Class fishpond ecosystems in 577.63
*Add as instructed under 592–599
597 Animals 597

.3 *Selachii, Holocephali, fleshy-finned fishes

Including chimeras (ghost sharks)
Class here cartilaginous fishes, Elasmobranchii, Lamniformes covering most
sharks, Carcharhiniformes; sharks
Subdivisions are added for Selachii, Holocephali, fleshy-finned fishes together;
for Selachii alone
Class cartilaginous ganoids in 597

.5 *Protacanthopterygii
Including Gonorhynchiformes, Stomiiformes (Stomiatiformes); marine
hatchetfishes; milkfish, mudminnows, smelts, stomiatoid dragonfishes,
Class here Salmoniformes
Class Myctophiformes in 597
See also 597 for freshwater hatchetfishes, dragonfishes of order
Pegasiformes, Australian salmon

.8 *Amphibians
Including Gymnophiona; Urodela
Class here frogs and toads
Class herpetology, comprehensive works on amphibians and reptiles in 597.9

.9 *Reptiles
Including Lepidosauria; scaly reptiles
Class here herpetology, comprehensive works on amphibians and reptiles
For amphibians, see 597.8
.92 *Turtles
Including snapping turtles; Kinosternidae; mud turtles; tortoises; Emydidae;
terrapins; soft-shelled turtles, New Guinea plateless turtle, Dermatemydidae,
Platysternidae; sea turtles; Cheloniidae, marine turtles; side-necked turtles
Class here Testudinoidea
[.921 77] Marine turtles
Do not use; class in 597.92
.95 *Lizards
Including Gekkonidea; geckos; Iguanidae; Iguanioidea; Agamidae;
chameleons; Rhiptoglossidea; skinks; Scincomorphoidea; New World
runners, girdle-tailed lizards, Old World runners; Anguinomorphoidea
Class comprehensive works on lizards and snakes in 597.9
*Add as instructed under 592–599
597 Dewey Decimal Classification 597

.96 *Snakes
Including vipers; adders; Elapidae; sea snakes; marine snakes; Booidea
(Henophidia); boas; Typhlopoidea (Scolecophidia)
Class here Colubroidea
[.961 77] Marine snakes
Do not use; class in 597.96
.98 *Crocodilians
Including gavial; crocodiles; Alligatoridae; alligators, Alligator

598 *Birds
Class here land birds, ornithology
Class specific kinds of land birds in 598.5–598.9; class comprehensive works
on warm-blooded vertebrates in 599; class interdisciplinary works on species of
domestic birds in 636.5
.16 Miscellaneous nontaxonomic kinds of birds
Number built according to instructions under 592–599
Including game birds, wildfowl
Class lowland game birds, waterfowl in 598.4; class upland game birds in
.176 Aquatic birds
Number built according to instructions under 592–599
Class here water birds
Class waterfowl in 598.4
For specific kinds of water birds, see 598.3–598.4

> 598.3–598.4 Water birds

Class comprehensive works in 598.176

.3 *Gruiformes, Charadriiformes, Ciconiiformes, flamingos

Including Charadrii, shore birds
Class here wading birds
*Add as instructed under 592–599
598 Animals 598

.4 Miscellaneous orders of water birds

Limited to those named below
Including Anseriformes; waterfowl; ducks; comprehensive works on
lowland game birds; Procellariiformes; Pelecaniformes; loons and grebes;
Class comprehensive works on water birds in 598.176
For a specific kind of lowland game bird not provided for here, see the kind,
e.g., murres 598.3
[.401–.409] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 598.17601–598.17609
.47 *Penguins

> 598.5–598.9 Land birds

Class comprehensive works in 598

.5 *Palaeognathae
Including rheas and ostriches; Casuariiformes; cassowaries; kiwis; tinamous
Class here ratites

.6 *Galliformes and Columbiformes

Class here poultry, upland game birds
Subdivisions are added for Galliformes and Columbiformes together, for
Galliformes alone
Class results of experimental studies in internal biological processes using
chickens in 571–573, e.g., embryology in domestic chickens 571.8; class
interdisciplinary works on domestic poultry, interdisciplinary works on
chickens, interdisciplinary works on turkeys in 636.5
For a specific kind of upland game bird, see the kind, e.g., crows 598.8

.7 Miscellaneous orders of land birds

Limited to Psittaciformes; parrots; Piciformes; Pici; Trogoniformes (trogons);
Trogonidae; Cuculiformes; Coliiformes; mousebirds; Apodiformes;
Class comprehensive works on land birds in 598
[.701–.709] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 598.01–598.09
*Add as instructed under 592–599
598 Dewey Decimal Classification 598

.8 *Perching birds (Passeriformes)

Including bell magpies, cuckoo shrikes, honey eaters, magpie larks,
vanga shrikes, wattled crows, wood shrikes, wood swallows; Nonoscine
Passeriformes, titmice, larks, martins and swallows, Certhiidae, Sittidae;
dippers, water ouzels, wrens, babblers, wren-tit; thrushes, Old World warblers,
Mimidae, Old World flycatchers; waxwings, silky flycatchers, pipits and
wagtails; shrikes, starlings, Corvidae, birds of paradise; New World warblers,
Icteridae, tanagers, swallow-tanager, vireos, pepper-shrikes, shrike-vireos;
finches and related birds
Class here songbirds

.9 *Falconiformes, Caprimulgiformes, owls

Including secretary bird
Class here birds of prey, raptors
Subdivisions are added for Falconiformes, Caprimulgiformes, owls together; for
Falconiformes alone

599 *Mammals
Class here warm-blooded vertebrates, placental mammals
Class interdisciplinary works on species of domestic mammals in 636
For birds, see 598

599.16 [Miscellaneous nontaxonomic kinds of mammals]
.2 Marsupials and monotremes
.3 Miscellaneous orders of placental mammals
.4 Bats
.5 Cetaceans and sea cows
.6 Ungulates
.7 Carnivores
.8 Primates
.9 Humans

[.073] Collections of living mammals

Do not use; class in 590.73
.16 Miscellaneous nontaxonomic kinds of mammals
Number built according to instructions under 592–599
Class big game animals in 599.6; class fur-bearing animals in 599.7
[.177] Marine mammals
Do not use; class in 599.5
*Add as instructed under 592–599
599 Animals 599

.2 *Marsupials and monotremes

Class here Diprotodontia
Subdivisions are added for marsupials and monotremes together, for marsupials

.3 Miscellaneous orders of placental mammals

Limited to those named below
Including Edentata (Xenarthra), pangolins (scaly anteaters), aardvark (ant bear)
Class comprehensive works in 599
For spiny anteaters, see 599.2
[.301–.309] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 599.01–599.09
.32 *Lagomorphs
Including Leporidae (e.g., Old World rabbit, cottontails, Lepus, hares,
jackrabbits); pikas, conies
Class here rabbits
Class interdisciplinary works on domestic rabbits in 636.932
.33 *Insectivora and related orders
Including colugos (flying lemurs); otter shrews, solenodons, tenrecs;
elephant shrews; tree shrews
Subdivisions are added for Insectivora and related orders together, for
Insectivora alone
.35 *Rodents
Including jerboas; harvest and jumping mice; mole and swamp rats; specific
kinds of Muridae (e.g., common rats, black rat, Norway [brown] rat,
common mice, house mouse, voles, meadow mice, deer mice [white-footed
mice], hamsters, Cricetus, golden hamsters, cotton rats, wood rats, muskrats,
lemmings, gerbils, field mice, wood mice); rodents other than beavers,
Muridae, squirrel family (e.g., Caviomorpha, Hystricomorpha, Phiomorpha,
Caviidae, Cavia, cavies, guinea pigs, chinchillas, dormice, porcupines,
Heteromyidae, pocket gophers)
Class here Myomorpha; Muridae covering Cricetidae, Rhizomyidae,
Spalacidae; mice; rats
Class results of experimental studies on internal biological processes using
laboratory mice and rats in 571–573, e.g., circulation in rats 573.1; class
interdisciplinary works on domestic species of hamsters, interdisciplinary
works on domestic species of gerbils, interdisciplinary works on domestic
guinea pigs, interdisciplinary works on chinchillas in 636.935
For squirrel family, see 599.36; for beavers, see 599.37
*Add as instructed under 592–599
599 Dewey Decimal Classification 599

.36 *Squirrel family

Including tree squirrels, Eurasian red squirrel, fox squirrel, gray squirrel;
Tamiasciurus; Douglas squirrel; chipmunks; ground squirrels; Spermophilus;
marmots, woodchuck (groundhog); prairie dogs; flying squirrels;
Glaucomys; eastern flying squirrel
Class here squirrels
See also 599.35 for pocket gophers
.37 *Beavers
Subdivisions are added for the genus as a whole and for individual species

.4 *Bats
Including Phyllostomidae; Vespertilionidae; Old World fruit bats;
Class here Microchiroptera

.5 *Cetaceans and sea cows

Class here marine mammals; whales, great whales; baleen whales, toothed
Class false killer whales, pilot whales, killer whale in 599.53
Subdivisions are added for cetaceans and sea cows together, for cetaceans alone
For marine carnivores, see 599.79
.53 *Dolphins and porpoises
Including false killer whales, killer whale, pilot whales; river dolphins;
harbor porpoises
Class here Delphinidae
Subdivisions are added for dolphins and porpoises together, for dolphins
.55 *Sea cows
Including Dugongidae, dugong
Class here manatees
Subdivisions are added for individual species of manatees

.6 *Ungulates
Including hyraxes
Class here hoofed mammals, comprehensive works on big game animals
Class sea cows in 599.55; class big game hunting in 799.2
For a specific kind of nonungulate big game animal, see the kind, e.g., bears
*Add as instructed under 592–599
599 Animals 599

.63 *Even-toed ungulates

Including mouse deer; pigs (swine); comprehensive works on Suiformes;
peccaries; hippopotamuses; Hippopotamus amphibius; Camelidae;
Class here ruminants
Class comprehensive works on even-toed and odd-toed ungulates in 599.6;
class interdisciplinary works on camels in 636.2; class interdisciplinary
works on domestic swine in 636.4
For bovids, see 599.64; for deer, see 599.65
.638 *Giraffe and okapi
Subdivisions are added for giraffe and okapi together, for giraffe alone
.64 *Bovids
Including duikers; Bovinae; bison; American bison (American buffalo);
Hippotraginae; Alcelaphinae; Antilopinae; Caprinae; Capra; goats
Class here antelopes
Class sheep in 599.649; class interdisciplinary works on domestic cattle in
636.2; class interdisciplinary works on domestic goat in 636.3
See also 599.63 for pronghorn antelope
.649 *Sheep
Including aoudad (Barbary sheep), bharals (blue sheep); bighorn sheep
Class here Ovis
Class interdisciplinary works on domestic sheep in 636.3
.65 *Deer
Including chital, muntjacs; Odocoileus; white-tailed (Virginia) deer; mule
deer; Cervus; fallow deer; elk (moose); caribou (reindeer); roe deer
See also 599.63 for mouse deer
.66 *Odd-toed ungulates
Including tapirs, rhinoceroses
.665 *Horse family
Including asses; horse, mustang, Przewalski’s horse, wild horse; zebras
Class here Equus
Class interdisciplinary works on asses, interdisciplinary works on horses
in 636.1
.67 *Elephants
Including African elephant, Asiatic elephant (Indian elephant)
*Add as instructed under 592–599
599 Dewey Decimal Classification 599

.7 *Carnivores
Class here land carnivores, comprehensive works on fur-bearing animals
For a specific kind of noncarnivorous fur-bearing animal, see the kind, e.g.,
beavers 599.37

> 599.74–599.78 Land carnivores

Class comprehensive works in 599.7
.74 *Feloidea
Including Viverridae; Hyaenidae; hyenas
For cat family, see 599.75
.75 *Cat family
Including clouded leopard; Felis; lynx; Panthera (Leo); big cats; cheetah
Class interdisciplinary works on domestic cats in 636.8
.756 *Tiger
.757 *Lion
.76 *Canoidea
Including Procyonidae; Mustelidae; Mustelinae; Melinae and Mellivorinae;
badgers; skunks (polecats)
Class interdisciplinary works on ferrets (domestic European polecat) in
For dog family, see 599.77; for bears, see 599.78
See also 599.789 for giant panda
.769 *Otters
Including clawless and giant otters; river otters; sea otter
.77 *Dog family
Including dhole; dogs and wolves of genera other than Canis; Canis,
comprehensive scientific works on dogs
Class interdisciplinary works on dogs in 636.7
.773 *Gray wolf and red wolf
Variant name for gray wolf: timber wolf
Class here comprehensive works on wolves
Subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Class wolves of genera other than Canis in 599.77
*Add as instructed under 592–599
599 Animals 599

.775 *Foxes
Class here red fox, foxes of genus Vulpes
Subdivisions are added for the genus as a whole and for individual
For foxes of genera other than Vulpes, see 599.776
.776 *Foxes of genera other than Vulpes
Including fennec and gray foxes, Arctic fox
.78 *Bears
Including American black bear
Class here Ursus
.784 *Grizzly bear (Brown bear)
.786 *Polar bear
.789 *Giant panda
See also 599.76 for lesser panda
.79 *Marine carnivores
Including eared seals, walrus
Class here earless seals (hair seals, true seals); seals
See also 599.769 for sea otters

.8 *Primates
Including Prosimii
Class here Anthropoidea, monkeys
Class tree shrews in 599.33
For humans, see 599.9
.88 *Great apes and gibbons
Including Hylobates; orangutan
Class here apes, comprehensive works on hominoids
Subdivisions are added for great apes and gibbons together, for great apes
For humans, see 599.9
.884 *Gorillas
.885 *Chimpanzees
Subdivisions are added for the genus as a whole and for individual
*Add as instructed under 592–599
599 Dewey Decimal Classification 599

.9 Humans
Including anthropometry; variation; environmental effects on physique; human
biological ecology
Class here physical anthropology
Class social anthropology, interdisciplinary works on social and physical
anthropology in 306; class use of fingerprints in criminal investigation in
363.25; class pathological aspects of abnormal dimensions in 616; class
interdisciplinary works on human ecology in 304.2
For psychology, see 150; for prehistoric Homo and related genera, see
569.9; for medicine, see 610
See Manual at 599.9 vs. 611
.93 Genetics, sex and age characteristics, evolution
Including heredity; secondary sexual characteristics; age determination
Class variation in 599.9; class longevity in 612.6
For paleontology of Homo and related genera, see 569.9; for
biochemical genetics, see 611
.97 Human ethnic groups
Including origins and causes of physical differences among ethnic groups
Class here physical ethnology
Class nonethnic physical characteristics in 599.9; class origins and causes of
physical differences of specific ethnic groups in 599.98
For specific ethnic groups, see 599.98
.98 Specific ethnic groups
Class extinct ethnic groups in 569.9


600 Technology (Applied sciences)

Class here inventions
See also 303.48 for technology as a cause of cultural change; also 306.4 for
sociology of technology; also 338.1–338.4 for economic aspects of industries
based on specific technologies; also 338.9 for technology transfer, appropriate
See Manual at 300 vs. 600; also at 363 vs. 302–307, 333.7, 570–590, 600; also
at 363.1 vs. 600; also at 583–585 vs. 600

601–609 Standard subdivisions and technical drawing, hazardous materials
technology, patents
610 Medicine and health
620 Engineering and allied operations
630 Agriculture and related technologies
640 Home and family management
650 Management and auxiliary services
660 Chemical engineering and related technologies
670 Manufacturing
680 Manufacture of products for specific uses
690 Construction of buildings

601 Philosophy and theory

602 Miscellany
Do not use for patents; class in 608
Class interdisciplinary works on trademarks and service marks in 929.9
Interdisciplinary collections of standards relocated to 389

.9 Commercial miscellany
Class commercial miscellany of products and services used in individual and
family living in 640.29; class commercial miscellany of manufactured products
in 670.29; class interdisciplinary commercial miscellany in 381.029

603 Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances

604 Technical drawing, hazardous materials technology; groups
of people

604 Dewey Decimal Classification 604

.2 Technical drawing
Including arrangement and organization of drafting rooms, preservation
and storage of drawings; specific drafting procedures and conventions (e.g.,
production illustration, dimensioning; lettering, titling; shades, shadows,
projections); preparation and reading of copies
Class here engineering graphics, mechanical drawing
For architectural drawing, see 720.28. For technical drawing in a specific
subject, see the subject, e.g., map drawing 526, electronic drafting 621.381
See also 006.6 for computer graphics

.7 Hazardous materials technology

Methods of extracting, manufacturing, processing, utilizing, handling,
transporting, storing solids, liquids, gases of corrosive, explosive, flammable,
infectious, radioactive, toxic nature
Class interdisciplinary works on hazardous materials in 363.17. Class
technology of a specific hazardous material with the technology, e.g.,
explosives 662; class safety techniques for a specific application of hazardous
materials with the application outside 300, plus notation 028 from Table 1, e.g.,
safety techniques in working with hazardous paving materials 625.8028 (not
See Manual at 604.7 vs. 660

.8 Groups of people
Add to base number 604.8 the numbers following —08 in notation 081–089
from Table 1, e.g., women 604.82

605 Serial publications

606 Organizations
[.8] Management
Do not use; class in 658

607 Education, research, related topics

Class commercial aspects of fairs and exhibitions in 381; class interdisciplinary
works on fairs and exhibitions in 907.4

.2 Research
Class here industrial research, products research
Class product planning in management, management of research for new and
improved products in 658.5

[.4–.9] Museums, collections, exhibits; museum activities and services; review

and exercise; use of apparatus and equipment in study and teaching;
competitions, awards, financial support
Do not use; class in 607

608 Technology (Applied sciences) 608

608 Patents
Do not use for history and description of technology with respect to groups of
people; class in 604.8
Class here interdisciplinary collections of patents
Class interdisciplinary works on patents in 346.04
For patents in a specific subject, see the subject, plus notation 02 from Table 1,
e.g., patents in chemical engineering 660.02
Use of this number for inventions discontinued; class in 600
[.09] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for history and geographic treatment; class in 608.7
[.092] Biography
Do not use; class in 609.2

.7 History and geographic treatment

[.701–.708] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 608.01–608.08
[.709] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for historical and geographic treatment; class in 608.7
[.709 2] Biography
Do not use; class in 609.2
.71 Areas, regions, places in general; oceans and seas
Add to base number 608.71 the numbers following —1 in notation 11–18
from Table 2, e.g., patents from developing regions 608.7172
[.72] Biography of inventors, of patentees
Relocated to 609.2
.73–.79 Specific continents, countries, localities
Add to base number 608.7 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., patents from
Brazil 608.781

609 History, geographic treatment, biography

Class here technological aspects of industrial archaeology
Class history and geographic treatment of production and economic aspects of
industrial archaeology in 338.09; class history of industrial archaeology in 900
See Manual at 300 vs. 600: Interdisciplinary works

.2 Biography
Class here biography of inventors, of patentees [both formerly also 608.72]

610 Dewey Decimal Classification 610

610 Medicine and health

Standard subdivisions are added for medicine and health together, for medicine
Class here technology of medical services
Class social welfare problems of and services to people with physical illness,
interdisciplinary works on social provision of medical services and technology
of medical services in 362.1; class home care by nonprofessionals of people with
illnesses and disabilities in 649.8
For veterinary medicine, see 636.089
See Manual at 362.1–362.4 vs. 610; also at 571–573 vs. 610; also at 610 vs.

610.1–.9 [Standard subdivisions; medical personnel and relationships; nursing;
services of allied health personnel]
611 Human anatomy, cytology, histology
612 Human physiology
613 Personal health and safety
614 Forensic medicine; incidence of injuries, wounds, disease; public preventive
615 Pharmacology and therapeutics
616 Diseases
617 Surgery, regional medicine, dentistry, ophthalmology, otology, audiology
618 Gynecology, obstetrics, pediatrics, geriatrics

[.23] Medicine and health as a profession, occupation, hobby

Do not use; class in 610.69
.28 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Class here comprehensive works on biomedical engineering
For biological aspects of biomedical engineering, see 570.28

.6 Organizations, management; medical personnel and relationships

Notation 06 from Table 1 as modified below
Including group practice
Class economics of group practice in 338.7–338.8; class social aspects in 362.1

610 Medicine and health 610

.69 Medical personnel and relationships

Standard subdivisions are added for medical personnel and relationships
together, for medical personnel alone
Nature of duties, characteristics of the professions of medical personnel
Class here medical missionaries
Class medical secretaries in 651.3; class medical records librarians in 651.5.
Class critical appraisal and description of work, individual and collected
biographies with the specialty, plus notation 092 from Table 1, e.g.,
biography of psychiatrists 616.890092; class nature of duties, characteristics
of profession, relationships of medical personnel of a specific specialty with
the specialty, e.g., obstetricians, obstetrical nurses 618.2
For allied health personnel, see 610.73; for nursing personnel, see

.7 Education, research, nursing, services of allied health personnel

Notation 07 from Table 1 as modified below
.72 Research
Including comprehensive works on experimental biomedical research
For experimental biology, see 570.72; for clinical trials, see 615.5072;
for experimental medicine, see 616.02
.73 Nursing and services of allied health personnel
Standard subdivisions are added for nursing and services of allied health
personnel together, for nursing alone
Including specific kinds of nursing (e.g., private duty nursing, institutional
nursing and ward management, public health nursing, long-term care
nursing); services of medical assistants, medical technicians
Class here comprehensive works on the nursing process; comprehensive
works on nursing care plans, on nursing interventions so long as the works
cover both diagnosis and therapy
Class nonmedical aspects of ward management in 362.17; class home
nursing by nonprofessionals in 649.8
For school nursing, see 371.7; for forensic nursing, see 614; for patient
education by nurses, see 615.5071. For a specific part of the nursing
process, a specific part of a nursing care plan, a specific type of nursing
intervention, a specific part of the work of allied health personnel,
see the part or type in 614–618, e.g., vaccinations provided by nurses
614.4, exercise therapy provided by nurses or medical technicians
615.8, nursing assessment and nursing diagnosis 616.07; for nursing
or services of allied health personnel for a specific disease or group
of diseases or a specific medical specialty, see the disease or group of
diseases or medical specialty in 616–618, e.g., a work about cancer
nursing 616.99, a work about geriatric nursing or services of medical
technicians with respect to geriatric patients 618.97
[.730 23] Nursing and work of allied health personnel as a profession,
occupation, hobby
Do not use; class in 610.7306

610 Dewey Decimal Classification 610

.730 6 Organizations and management

Including nursing personnel; comprehensive works on nursing
personnel and allied health personnel
Class allied health personnel, physician assistants, registered nursing
assistants in 610.73; class comprehensive works on techniques of
nursing operations in 610.73
.730 68 Management
Do not use for management of services of nurses; class in 362.17
.92 Biography
See Manual at 610.92 vs. 615.5

611 Human anatomy, cytology, histology

Standard subdivisions are added for human anatomy, cytology, histology together;
for human anatomy alone
Including gross anatomy of specific systems and organs (e.g., cardiovascular
organs; respiratory organs; digestive tract organs; hematopoietic, lymphatic,
glandular systems; urogenital system; musculoskeletal system, integument; nervous
system); anatomic embryology, cytology, histology; regional and topographical
For pathological anatomy, see 616.07
See Manual at 599.9 vs. 611; also at 612 vs. 611
Histology of blood relocated to 612.1; histology of lymph relocated to 612.4;
cartilage tissues, bone tissues, muscle tissues relocated to 612.7; nerve tissues
relocated to 612.8; cytology and cells of specific systems and organs, connective
tissues of specific systems and organs, histology and tissues of specific systems
and organs, comprehensive works on gross anatomy and tissue structure of specific
systems and organs relocated to 612.1–612.8; cytology and cells of specific
regions, connective tissues of specific regions, epithelial tissues of specific regions,
histology and tissues of specific regions, comprehensive works on gross anatomy
and tissue structure of specific regions relocated to 612.9
.001–.009 Standard subdivisions

612 Medicine and health 612

612 Human physiology

Including biophysics and biochemistry; control processes and tissue and organ
culture; physiology of specific activities; comprehensive works on the physiology
of physical movements in relation to multiple physiological systems
Class here comprehensive works on human anatomy and physiology
Class physiological psychology in 152; class energy metabolism, vitamins in
612.3; class hormones in 612.4; class biochemistry of skin pigmentation in 612.7;
class radiation sickness and radiation injuries, space medicine in 616.9
For human anatomy, cytology, histology, physiological genetics, nucleic acids,
see 611; for pathological physiology, see 616.07. For physiology of physical
movements in relation to a specific system, see the system, e.g., musculoskeletal
system 612.7; for a specific application of radiometry, see the application, e.g.,
use of radiometry in radiotherapy 615.8, use for prevention of diseases due to
radiation 616.9
See Manual at 612 vs. 611; also at 613 vs. 612, 615.8; also at 616 vs. 612
.001–.009 Standard subdivisions

> 612.1–612.8 Specific functions, systems, organs

Class here cytology and cells of specific systems and organs, connective tissues
of specific systems and organs, histology and tissues of specific systems and
organs, comprehensive works on gross anatomy and tissue structure of specific
systems and organs [all formerly 611]
Class comprehensive works in 612

.1 Circulatory system
Including histology of blood [formerly 611]; blood; cytology of blood;
blood chemistry; blood vessels; vascular circulation; blood pressure; heart;
Class here cardiovascular system, circulation
Class hematopoietic system in 612.4; class blood transfusion, blood plasma
transfusion in 615.3; class comprehensive works in 612
For lymphatic system, see 612.4. For circulation in a specific system or
organ, see the system or organ, e.g., brain 612.8

.2 Respiratory system
Including biophysics; respiratory mechanics; biochemistry; nose, paranasal
sinuses, larynx, trachea, bronchi; lungs; pleura, diaphragm, mediastinum; tissue
respiration; innervation of respiratory system
Class here respiration
For physiology of glottis as an organ of speech, see 612.7; for physiology of
the nose as an olfactory organ, see 612.8

612 Dewey Decimal Classification 612

.3 Digestive system
Including mouth and esophagus; stomach; comprehensive works on
gastrointestinal organs and secretions; intestine; pancreas; biliary tract and liver;
large intestine; absorption; metabolism
Class here digestion, nutrition
Class bioenergetics, biosynthesis in 612; class glycemic index as dietetic
guide in 613.2; class electrolytic, fluid balance; comprehensive works on fluid
metabolism in 612
For physiology of tongue as a gustatory organ, see 612.8; for dietetics
and applied nutrition, see 613.2; for metabolism of drugs, see 615.7;
for metabolism of toxic substances, see 615.9. For metabolism within a
specific function, system, or organ, see the function, system, or organ, e.g.,
metabolism of plasma 612.1

.4 Hematopoietic, lymphatic, glandular, urinary systems

Including histology of lymph [formerly 611]; hormones; spleen and
bone marrow; hematopoiesis, comprehensive works on hematopoietic
(blood-forming, hemopoietic) system; lymphatic system; lymph; thymus gland;
thyroid and parathyroid glands; adrenal glands; urinary system; comprehensive
works on excretion, excretory system; carotid body; pituitary and pineal glands
Class here endocrine system, exocrine glands, secretion
For liver, defecation, see 612.3. For glands and glandular activity in a
specific system or organ, see the system or organ, e.g., salivary glands
612.3, mammary glands and lactation 612.6
.400 1–.400 9 Standard subdivisions

.6 Reproduction, development, maturation

Including postnatal development (e.g., child development, adult development
and maturity, aging); male reproductive system; female reproductive system;
pregnancy and childbirth; physiology of embryo and fetus; comprehensive
works on embryology; longevity factors
Class here genital system, comprehensive medical works on sex
Class comprehensive works on pregnancy and childbirth in 618.2; class
interdisciplinary works on sex in 306.7
For anatomic embryology, see 611. For postnatal development of a
specific system, organ, region, see the system, organ, region, e.g., postnatal
development of teeth 612.3; for a specific aspect of sex, see the aspect, e.g.,
sexual disorders 616.6

612 Medicine and health 612

.7 Musculoskeletal system, integument

Standard subdivisions are added for musculoskeletal system, integument
together; for musculoskeletal system alone
Including cartilage tissues, bone tissues, muscle tissues [all formerly 611];
muscles; bones, joints, connective tissues; locomotion, exercise, rest; voice and
speech; organs of speech; integumentary system, skin
Class total physiology of physical movements (including muscle contractions,
breathing, blood flow, digestion during exercise) in 612; class bone marrow in
612.4; class neurolinguistics in 612.8; class comprehensive works on histology
of connective tissues in 611. Class muscles of a specific system or organ with
the system or organ, e.g., cardiac muscles 612.1, eye muscles 612.8
For mastoid processes, ossicles, see 612.8

.8 Nervous system
Including nerve tissues [formerly 611]; special topics of nervous functions
(e.g., neurochemistry, biophysics of nervous system); nerves and nerve fibers;
peripheral nervous system; central nervous system; brain; spinal cord; eyes;
eyeballs, physiological optics, vision; ears; hearing; nose; chemical senses,
smelling; tongue; tasting; other sensory organs; autonomic nervous system
Class here neurophysiology, psychophysiology, sense organs, sensory functions
Class comprehensive works on physiology of nose in 612.2; class
comprehensive works on physiology of the tongue in 612.3; class effect of
sleep on other psychological activity, interdisciplinary works on sleep, dreams
as phenomena that have meaning in themselves or in the life of the dreamer,
interdisciplinary works on dreams in 154.6
For innervation and neural activity in a specific system or organ, see the
system or organ, e.g., heart innervation 612.1
See Manual at 612.8 vs. 152

.9 Regional physiology
Including cytology and cells of specific regions, connective tissues of specific
regions, epithelial tissues of specific regions, histology and tissues of specific
regions, comprehensive works on gross anatomy and tissue structure of specific
regions [all formerly 611]; back
Class physiology, cytology, histology of specific systems and organs in specific
regions in 612.1–612.8

613 Dewey Decimal Classification 613

613 Personal health and safety

Standard subdivisions are added for personal health and safety together, for
personal health alone
Including personal health of people by gender, sex, or age group; comprehensive
works on personal health and safety of specific gender, sex, and age groups;
environmental factors; acclimatization, comprehensive works on personal
environmental health; personal cleanliness and related topics; artificial
Class here measures to promote health and prevent disease taken by individuals
and their medical advisers, comprehensive medical works on personal and public
measures to promote health and prevent disease
Class industrial and occupational health, travel health, survival in 613.6; class
personal safety of specific gender, sex, and age groups in 613.6081–613.6084;
class breathing exercises in respiratory therapy in 615.8; class toxicology in 615.9;
class clothing selection and dressing with style in 646; class cosmetics in grooming
in 646.7; class comprehensive works on exercises in 613.7
For public measures to promote health and prevent disease, see 614; for
personal measures to prevent poisoning, environmental toxicology, see 615.9;
for environmental diseases, see 616.9. For personal measures to prevent a
specific disease or group of diseases, see the disease or group of diseases in
616–618, e.g., personal measures to prevent cardiovascular diseases 616.1
See Manual at 613 vs. 612, 615.8
[.081–.084] People by gender, sex, or age group
Do not use; class in 613

.2 Dietetics
Including calories; calorie counters; weight-gaining diet; weight-losing diet
(reducing diet); caloric restriction, low-calorie diet; specific dietary regimens;
specific nutritive elements (e.g., proteins, carbohydrates, fats and oils, minerals,
vitamins, water)
Class here applied nutrition; guides to nutritional aspects of food, of beverages;
comprehensive works on personal health aspects of food, of beverages
Class human nutritional requirements considered in relation to physiological
processes and the role of nutrients in the body, physiology of carbohydrate
metabolism in 612.3; class personal aspects of preventing alcohol abuse in
613.81; class diet therapy in 615.8; class diet therapy for obesity in 616.3;
class nutritive values of specific beverages in 641.2; class nutritive values
of specific foods in 641.3; class comprehensive works on diet and physical
fitness, comprehensive works on exercise and diet for weight loss in 613.7;
class interdisciplinary works on food safety in 363.19; class interdisciplinary
works on breast feeding in 649. Class diets to prevent a specific disease with the
disease, e.g., diets to prevent hypertension 616.1
For a specific medical aspect of breast feeding not provided for here, see the
aspect, e.g., prolactin and physiology of human lactation 612.6
See also 616.3 for conditions resulting from nutritional deficiencies; also
641.5 for cooking for preventive and therapeutic diets
See Manual at 363.8 vs. 613.2, 641.3

613 Medicine and health 613

.208 2 Women
Class dietetics for nursing women in 613.2; class dietetics for
pregnant women in 618.2
.208 3 Young people
Class breast feeding in 613.2; class home economics and child-rearing
aspects of feeding children, interdisciplinary works on feeding
children in 649
.208 5 Relatives
Class dietetics for nursing mothers in 613.2

.6 Personal safety and special topics of health

Standard subdivisions are added for personal safety and special topics of health
together, for personal safety alone
Including industrial and occupational health; self-defense; prevention of violent
crimes for individuals; travel health; survival; survival housekeeping
Class here accident prevention for individuals, crime prevention for individuals
Class social services to victims of crimes in 362.88; class public safety
programs, interdisciplinary works on safety in 363.1; class works on why
individuals become victims of specific crimes in 364.1; class works on why
people become victims of specific violent crimes in 364.15; class crime
prevention for society as a whole in 364.4; class martial arts for self-defense,
interdisciplinary works on martial arts in 796.8. Class survival as a safety aspect
of a specific sport with the sport in 796, plus notation 028 from Table 1, e.g.,
survival as a safety aspect of mountaineering 796.522028
For prevention of identity theft, see 332.024; for household security, see
643. For personal safety in a specific field, see the field, plus notation 028
from Table 1, e.g., personal safety in recreational boating 797.1028

.7 Physical fitness
Including special topics of physical fitness (e.g., physical fitness of children,
physical fitness of young people twelve to twenty, physical fitness of adults,
physical fitness of adult women, physical yoga); exercise and sports activities;
aerobic exercise, comprehensive works on care of physique and form; massage;
massage for health, fitness, relaxation; correct posture; relaxation, rest, sleep
Class here comprehensive works on diet and physical fitness
Class breathing exercises, breathing for relaxation in 613; class therapeutic
massage, interdisciplinary works on massage in 615.8; class exercise therapy
for obesity in 616.3; class exercises to aid childbirth, exercise for pregnant
women in 618.2; class parental supervision of children’s exercise and sports
activities in 649; class exercise and sports activities as recreation in 796; class
comprehensive works on physiological processes of exercise and sports in 612
For diet, diet for weight loss, see 613.2; for weight lifting as a sport,
bodybuilding contests, see 796.41
[.708 1–.708 4] People by gender, sex, or age group
Do not use; class in 613.7

613 Dewey Decimal Classification 613

.8 Substance abuse (Drug abuse)

Only personal preventive aspects
Including abuse of analgesics, depressants, inhalants, sedatives, tranquilizers;
narcotics, hallucinogens, psychedelics, cannabis; stimulants and related
Class here appeals to the individual to avoid substance abuse for health reasons
Class nicotine in 613.85; class comprehensive medical works on addictive
drugs in 615.7; class stopping substance abuse, comprehensive medical works
on substance abuse as a disease in 616.86; class interdisciplinary works on
substance abuse in 362.29
.81 Alcohol
.85 Tobacco
Class smoking cessation in 616.86

.9 Birth control, reproductive technology, sex hygiene, sexual techniques

Including sexual abstinence as a method of birth control and disease prevention;
birth control and reproductive technology; family planning; techniques for
disease prevention; techniques for enhancing sexual enjoyment
Class comprehensive medical works on human reproductive technology in
616.6; class comprehensive works on surgical methods of birth control for
males in 617.4; class comprehensive medical works on birth control and family
planning, comprehensive works on surgical methods of birth control for females
in 618.1; class interdisciplinary works on birth control and family planning in
.907 1 Education
Class sex education of children in the home in 649

614 Forensic medicine; incidence of injuries, wounds, disease;

public preventive medicine
Including forensic pathology, medical jurisprudence; disposal of the dead
Class social provision for public health services other than those concerned with
incidence and prevention of disease in 362.1; class public safety programs and
social provision for prevention of injuries in 363.1; class environmental problems
and services, social aspects and services in 363.7; class incidence of injuries and
wounds of a specific system, region, organ in 614.5; class incidence of poisoning in

614 Medicine and health 614

.4 Incidence of and public measures to prevent disease

Including control of disease-carrying pests [formerly also 628.9]; specific
preventive measures (e.g., patient isolation, quarantine, immunization,
disinfection, fumigation, sterilization); prevalence; health surveys, medical
geography; disease vectors and disease transmission by water; public preventive
Class here epidemiology
Class medical microbiology of waterborne pathogens in 616.9; class
comprehensive works on water supply in 363.6
For incidence of and public measures to prevent specific diseases and kinds
of diseases, see 614.5
See also 353.5 for registration and certification of births and deaths
See Manual at 614.4; also at 362.1–362.4 and 614.4–614.5
.409 History, geographic treatment, biography
Class geographic treatment of incidence of diseases, history of epidemics
in 614.4

.5 Incidence of and public measures to prevent specific diseases and

kinds of diseases
Including salmonella infections, bacillary diseases, clostridium infections,
diphtheria, cholera, dysenteries, influenza; smallpox, scarlet fever, measles,
rubella, chickenpox, rickettsial diseases; protozoan infections; miscellaneous
diseases (limited to yellow fever, tuberculosis, whooping cough [pertussis],
mumps, puerperal septicemia and pyemia, Hansen’s disease [leprosy], sexually
transmitted diseases, poliomyelitis); parasitic diseases and diseases due to
fungi (mycoses); zoonoses; bacterial diseases; comprehensive works on
gram-negative bacterial infections; virus diseases; diseases of regions, systems,
organs; other diseases; incidence of injuries and wounds of specific regions,
systems, organs
Class incidence of and public measures to prevent mental and emotional
illnesses and disturbances in 362.2; class public programs to control
cancer-causing agents in 363.17; class public programs to control carcinogens
in food in 363.19; class incidence of injuries and wounds in 614; class
comprehensive works on nutrition surveys in 363.8; class comprehensive works
on incidence of injuries and wounds in 614
See Manual at 362.1–362.4 and 614.4–614.5

615 Pharmacology and therapeutics

Including prescription filling; drug compounding closely associated with filling
prescriptions; methods of administering drugs; drug administration routes
Class methods of administering a specific drug or group of drugs in 615.2–615.3;
class comprehensive works on pharmacology, comprehensive works on pharmacy
in 615.1; class comprehensive works on therapeutics in 615.5. Class general works
on a specific type of therapy with the therapy, e.g., drug therapy 615.5, inhalation
therapy 615.8

615 Dewey Decimal Classification 615

615.1 Drugs (Materia medica)
.2 Inorganic drugs
.3 Organic drugs
.5 Therapeutics
.7 Pharmacokinetics
.8 Specific therapies and kinds of therapies
.9 Toxicology

.1 Drugs (Materia medica)

Substances used for diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment, or prevention of
Including pharmacopoeias; formularies; dispensatories; prescription writing;
dosage determination, posology; drug preservation techniques; packaging
designed to preserve drug quality and potency; pharmaceutical chemistry; drug
design, drug development, pharmaceutical technology, comprehensive works on
drug compounding
Class here patent medicines, pharmacology, pharmacy
Class practical pharmacy, drug compounding closely associated with dispensing
in 615; class drug therapy, clinical drug trials in 615.5; class toxicity testing of
drugs in 615.7
For specific drugs and groups of drugs, see 615.2–615.3; for physiological
and therapeutic action of drugs, see 615.7
See Manual at 615.1 vs. 615.2–615.3; also at 615.1 vs. 615.7
.101 Philosophy and theory
Do not use for arithmetic, chemistry; class in 615.1
.107 Education, research, related topics
.107 2 Research
Do not use for experimental research in development and manufacture
of drugs; class in 615.1
Including experimental research on new drugs before they are
ready for clinical trials, e.g., testing on cells in vitro or on animals;
comprehensive works on drug testing
For clinical drug trials, see 615.5

> 615.2–615.3 Specific drugs and groups of drugs

Class here pharmaceutical chemistry, preservation, general therapeutics
Class a specific drug or group of drugs affecting a specific system in 615.7;
class comprehensive works in 615.1
See Manual at 615.1 vs. 615.2–615.3; also at 615.2–615.3 vs. 615.7

.2 Inorganic drugs
Class use of radioactive elements, of radioisotopes in 615.8

615 Medicine and health 615

.3 Organic drugs
Including synthetic drugs; drugs derived from plants and microorganisms (e.g.,
drugs derived from bryophytes; vitamins; drugs derived from fungi, algae);
fish-liver oils; enzymes; drugs of animal origin; drugs of animal origin prepared
by recombinant DNA technology, hormones; immunologic drugs and immune
serums; antitoxins, immune gamma globulins, immunoglobulins; human blood
products and their substitutes
Class use of vaccines in 614.4; class use of specific vaccines, e.g., use of
influenza vaccines, in 614.5

.5 Therapeutics
Including general therapeutic systems; pediatric and geriatric therapeutics; drug
therapy; chemotherapy
Class here comprehensive works on alternative therapies, on iatrogenic
diseases, on patient compliance, on placebo effect
Class works on alternative medicine that include pathology and etiology in
addition to therapeutics in 610 (or, if arranged by kind of disease, in 616);
class methods of administering drugs, chemical analysis of drugs in 615; class
general therapeutics of a specific drug or group of drugs in 615.2–615.3; class
adolescent therapeutics in 615.50835; class toxicity testing of drugs in 615.7;
class comprehensive works on osteopathy as a medical science in 610. Class
therapies applied to a specific disease or group of diseases with the disease or
group of diseases in 616–618, e.g., therapies for cardiovascular diseases 616.1;
class clinical trials for drugs for specific diseases or groups of diseases with the
disease or group of diseases in 616–618, e.g., clinical trials of drugs for cancer
616.99; class a specific application of osteopathy with the application, e.g.,
osteopathic discussion of thyroid diseases 616.4
For specific therapies and kinds of therapies other than drug therapy,
chemotherapy, see 615.8; for emergency care, intensive care, palliative and
terminal care, see 616.02. For a specific aspect of pediatric or geriatric
therapeutics, see the aspect, e.g., toxicity testing of drugs in children, in
people in late adulthood 615.7; for a specific occurrence of iatrogenic
diseases, patient compliance, placebo effect, see the occurrence, e.g., drug
interactions not anticipated by a doctor 615.7, surgical infections 617.9
See Manual at 615.5; also at 610.92 vs. 615.5
.501 Philosophy and theory
Do not use for psychological principles; class in 615.8
.507 Education, research, related topics
.507 1 Education
Class here comprehensive works on patient education
For patient education on a specific topic, see the topic, plus
notation 071 from Table 1, e.g., patient education about diseases
of cardiovascular system 616.10071

615 Dewey Decimal Classification 615

.507 2 Research
Including comprehensive works on clinical trials
For clinical trials of diagnostic procedures, see 616.07. For
clinical trials of a specific therapy, see the therapy, e.g., clinical
trials of nutrition therapy 615.8; for clinical trials of therapies for
a specific disease or group of diseases, see the disease or group of
diseases in 616–618, plus notation 072 from Table 1, e.g., clinical
trials of therapies for diseases of respiratory system 616.20072
.508 Groups of people
.508 3 Young people
Do not use for therapeutics for infants and children up to puberty,
comprehensive works on child and adolescent therapeutics; class in
.508 35 Young people twelve to twenty
Do not use for therapeutics for young people twelve to twenty who
have not reached puberty; class in 615.5
Class here therapeutics for adolescents
.508 4 People in specific stages of adulthood
Do not use for people in late adulthood; class in 615.5

.7 Pharmacokinetics
Including special effects and actions of drugs; adverse reactions, toxic reactions;
drugs affecting cardiovascular and hematopoietic systems; drugs affecting
respiratory system; drugs affecting digestive system and metabolism; drugs
affecting lymphatic and glandular systems; drugs affecting urogenital system;
drugs affecting musculoskeletal system, integument; drugs affecting nervous
system; addictive drugs, psychopharmacology; miscellaneous classes of drugs
(limited to anti-infective agents, anti-inflammatory agents, anti-allergic agents,
antineoplastic agents)
Class here biopharmaceutics, pharmacodynamics
Class personal aspects of preventing drug addiction in 613.8; class drug
therapy for mental disorders in 616.89; class drug allergies in 616.97; class
comprehensive medical works on addictions as diseases in 616.86; class
interdisciplinary works on drug addiction in 362.29; class interdisciplinary
works on antibiotics in 615.3. Class use of a drug to treat a specific disease or
group of diseases with the disease or group of diseases in 616–618, e.g., drug
treatment for diseases of liver 616.3
For toxicology, see 615.9
See Manual at 615.1 vs. 615.7; also at 615.2–615.3 vs. 615.7; also at 615.7
vs. 615.9

615 Medicine and health 615

.8 Specific therapies and kinds of therapies

Including physical therapies; physiotherapy, therapeutic manipulations
and exercises; phototherapy, thermotherapy, climatotherapy, respiratory
therapy; therapeutic use of sound; radiotherapy, electric stimulation therapy,
magnetotherapy; miscellaneous therapies (limited to psychological and activity
therapies, religious and psychic therapies, hydrotherapy and balneotherapy,
nutrition therapy, parenteral therapy, controversial and spurious therapies);
traditional remedies; folk remedies, home remedies; other therapies (e.g.,
acupuncture, gene therapy)
Class works on traditional medicine that include pathological or etiological
beliefs in 610 (or, if arranged by class of disease, in 616); class aromatherapy
in 615.3; class theoretical works on traditional general therapeutic systems,
comprehensive works on specific therapies and kinds of therapies in 615.5;
class comprehensive works on psychotherapy in 616.89. Class a specific kind of
traditional remedy with the kind, e.g., medicinal herbs 615.3; class works that
focus on the therapy animal and training it for therapeutic use with the animal in
636, e.g., training therapy dogs 636.7
For massage for health and fitness, see 613.7; for drug therapy, see 615.5;
for surgery, cryosurgery, see 617. For diet therapy emphasizing a single
food, see the food as a type of drug in 615.3, e.g., a diet emphasizing soy
615.3; for a specific kind of parenteral therapy, see the kind, e.g., parenteral
drug therapy 615.5
See Manual at 615.8; also at 613 vs. 612, 615.8; also at 615.8 vs. 203, 234,
[.801–.809] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 615.501–615.509

.9 Toxicology
Including industrial toxicology; environmental toxicology; incidence of
poisoning; prevention of poisoning; tests, analysis, detection of poisons and
poisoning; diagnoses and prognoses of poisoning; treatment of poisoning;
antidotes; gaseous poisons; lethal gases; inorganic poisons; animal poisons;
organic poisons
Class here poisons and poisoning
Class public safety programs and social provision for prevention of poisoning in
363.17; class forensic toxicology in 614; class toxic reactions and interactions
of drugs in 615.7; class environmental diseases, environmental medicine
in 616.9. Class effects of poisons on a specific system or organ with the
system or organ in 616–618, e.g., effect of poisons on the liver 616.3; class
comprehensive medical works on a specific type of communicable disease that
involves poisons with the type of disease in 616.9, e.g., salmonella infections
For radiation poisoning, see 616.9
.900 1 Philosophy and theory
.900 2 Miscellany
.900 28 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Do not use for testing and measurement; class in 615.9

615 Dewey Decimal Classification 615

.900 3–.900 9 Standard subdivisions

616 Diseases
Including special medical conditions (e.g., genetic diseases [hereditary diseases],
congenital diseases, chronic diseases, symptoms and general pathological processes
as problems in their own right); case histories
Class here clinical medicine, evidence-based medicine, internal medicine
Class immunogenetics, interpretation of symptoms for diagnosis and prognosis in
616.07; class headaches in 616.8; class infections in 616.9; class results of injuries
and wounds in 617.2; class surgical complications and sequelae in 617.9. Class
symptoms and pathological processes of a specific disease or class of diseases with
the disease or class of diseases, e.g., symptoms of heart diseases 616.1
For incidence of and public measures to prevent disease, see 614.4; for
therapeutics, see 615.5; for gene therapy, see 615.8; for injuries and wounds,
surgical treatment of diseases, diseases by body region, diseases of teeth,
eyes, ears, see 617; for shock associated with injury or surgery, see 617.2;
for gynecologic, obstetrical, fetal, pediatric, geriatric diseases, see 618; for
prenatal procedures to diagnose genetic diseases (e.g., amniocentesis and
chorionic villus biopsy), see 618.3
See Manual at 610 vs. 616; also at 616 vs. 612; also at 616 vs. 616.07; also at
616 vs. 617.4; also at 616 vs. 618.92

616.001–.009 Standard subdivisions
.02–.08 [Special topics of diseases, pathology, psychosomatic medicine]
.1 Diseases of cardiovascular system
.2 Diseases of respiratory system
.3 Diseases of digestive system
.4 Diseases of endocrine, hematopoietic, lymphatic, glandular systems;
diseases of male breast
.5 Diseases of integument
.6 Diseases of urogenital system
.7 Diseases of musculoskeletal system
.8 Diseases of nervous system and mental disorders
.9 Other diseases

.001 Philosophy and theory

Do not use for psychosomatic medicine; class in 616.08
Class comprehensive works in 616
.002 Miscellany
[.002 3] Work with diseases as a profession, occupation, hobby
Do not use; class in 610.69
.002 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Do not use for testing and measurement; class in 616.07
.003–.006 Standard subdivisions
.007 Education, research, related topics

616 Medicine and health 616

.007 2 Research
Do not use for experimental research; class in 616.02
.008 Groups of people
Do not use for incidence of disease in groups of people; class in 614.4
.008 3 Young people
Do not use for diseases of infants and children up to puberty,
comprehensive works on child and adolescent medicine; class in
.008 35 Young people twelve to twenty
Do not use for diseases of young people twelve to twenty who
have not reached puberty; class in 618.92
Class here adolescent medicine
.008 4 People in specific stages of adulthood
Do not use for people in late adulthood; class in 618.97
.009 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for history and geographic treatment of incidence of disease,
history of epidemics, class in 614.4
[.009 11–.009 13] Frigid, temperate, tropical zones
Do not use; class in 616.9
.009 2 Biography
Class life with a physical disease in 362.19. Class life with a
mental disorder with the disorder in 616.85–616.89, e.g., life with
manic-depressive illness 616.89
.02 Special topics of diseases
Including domestic medicine; medical emergencies; emergency care nursing,
resuscitation, comprehensive works on emergency medicine; experimental
medicine; intensive care; critical care, intensive care nursing; palliative and
terminal care; terminal care nursing
Class ethics of animal experimentation in 179; class special topics applied
to special medical conditions in 616; class fetal tissue transplantation in
617.9; class breeding, genetic engineering, care, maintenance of laboratory
animals in 636; class ethics of experimentation on human subjects and
comprehensive works on ethics of medical experimentation in 174.2; class
comprehensive works on clinical trials in 615.5072; class comprehensive
works on clinical trials of diagnostic procedures in 616.07
For a specific kind of therapy, see the therapy in 615, e.g., drug
therapy 615.5, oxygen therapy 615.8; for palliative treatment of a
specific symptom, see the symptom, e.g., pain 616; for a specific kind of
resuscitation, see the kind, e.g., cardiopulmonary resuscitation 616.1
[.020 1–.020 9] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 616.02

616 Dewey Decimal Classification 616

.07 Pathology
Including etiology; pathogenesis, risk factors; diagnosis and prognosis;
differential diagnosis; disability evaluation; nursing assessment,
nursing diagnosis; death; immunity; disease resistance, immune system,
immunochemistry, immunology, leukocytes, lymphocytes
Class social factors contributing to spread of a disease in 362.1; class
forensic autopsy in 614; class immune serums and immunologic drugs in
615.3; class symptoms and general pathological processes as problems
in their own right, pathology, psychosomatic medicine, case histories
applied to special medical conditions, genetic diseases, genetic aspects of
diseases with complex causation in 616; class nonprofessional diagnosis
in 616.02; class diseases of hematopoietic system in 616.4; class urinary
manifestations of diseases of urogenital system in 616.6; class diseases of
immune system in 616.97; class comprehensive works on clinical trials of
diagnostic procedures and therapy in 615.5072; class interdisciplinary works
on human death in 306.9
For cytopathology, histopathology, see 611; for forensic pathology,
see 614; for ultrasonic therapy, radiotherapy, see 615.8; for medical
microbiology, pathogenic microorganisms as causes of communicable
diseases, see 616.9; for endoscopic surgery, see 617
See Manual at 616 vs. 616.07
.08 Psychosomatic medicine
Use only for psychosomatic aspects of diseases defined in 616.1–616.7,
Class somatoform disorders in 616.85; class diseases caused by stress in
616.9; class comprehensive works on psychological and psychosomatic
aspects of disease in 616.001

616 Medicine and health 616

> 616.1–616.9 Specific diseases

Except for modifications shown under specific entries, use the following
modified standard subdivisions:
001 Philosophy and theory
002 Miscellany
[0023] The subject as a profession, occupation, hobby
Do not use; class in the number for the disease without
adding 0023
0028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment,
Do not use for self-help devices for people with
disabilities, testing and measurement; class in the number
for the disease without adding 0028
003–006 Standard subdivisions
007 Education, research, related topics
0072 Research
Do not use for experimental research; class in the number
for the disease without adding 0072
008 Groups of people
Do not use for incidence of specific diseases or kinds of
diseases in groups of people; class in 614.5
0083 Young people
Do not use for diseases of infants and children up to
puberty, comprehensive works on diseases of children and
adolescents; class in 618.92
00835 Young people twelve to twenty
Do not use for diseases of young people twelve to
twenty who have not reached puberty; class in 618.92
Class here diseases of adolescents
0084 People in specific stages of adulthood
Do not use for people in late adulthood; class in 618.97
009 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for history and geographic treatment of incidence
of specific diseases or kinds of diseases; class in 614.5
0092 Biography
Class life with a physical disease in 362.19. Class life with
a mental disease with the disease in 616.85–616.89, e.g.,
life with depression 616.85
Class social factors contributing to spread of a disease in 362.19; class
comprehensive works on public and private measures for preventing diseases
in 613; class public measures for preventing a specific disease, use of specific
vaccines in 614.5; class comprehensive works on therapy in 615.5; class
comprehensive works on medical toxicology in 615.9; class comprehensive
works on specific diseases in 616; class comprehensive works on rehabilitation
in 617. Class a work treating all the complications of a disease with the disease,
e.g., all the complications of diabetes mellitus 616.4; class a work that focuses
on one specific complication with the complication, e.g., peripheral nerve
disorders associated with diabetes mellitus 616.8

616 Dewey Decimal Classification 616

> 616.1–616.8 Diseases of specific systems and organs

Class comprehensive works in 616
For diseases of immune system, see 616.97; for tumors, cancers,
tuberculosis of specific systems and organs, see 616.99

.1 Diseases of cardiovascular system

Including medical microbiology; special topics (e.g., personnel, domestic
medicine, medical emergencies, experimental medicine, intensive care,
palliative and terminal care); rehabilitation; genetic diseases (hereditary
diseases), congenital diseases; preventive measures; therapy, alternative
therapy, rehabilitative therapy; pathology; psychosomatic medicine; case
histories; diseases of endocardium and pericardium; diseases of heart;
cardiology; diseases of blood vessels; angiology; diseases of arteries; diseases
of blood vessels in a specific region, e.g., abdominal and pelvic cavities;
diseases of veins and capillaries; diseases of blood; hematology, comprehensive
works on hemic and lymphatic diseases
Class here cardiopulmonary diseases
Class diseases of blood-forming system in 616.4; class implantation of
heart pacers and defibrillators, functioning of heart pacers and implanted
defibrillators in 617.4. Class diseases of blood vessels in a specific system or
organ with the system or organ, e.g., cerebrovascular diseases 616.8
For pulmonary diseases, pulmonary hypertension, pulmonary embolisms
and thromboses, see 616.2; for portal hypertension, see 616.3; for lymphatic
diseases, see 616.4; for bacterial blood diseases, see 616.9
.100 1–.100 9 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 616.1–616.9

.2 Diseases of respiratory system

Including medical microbiology; special topics (e.g., personnel, domestic
medicine, medical emergencies, experimental medicine, intensive care,
palliative and terminal care); rehabilitation; genetic diseases (hereditary
diseases), congenital diseases; preventive measures; therapy, alternative
therapy, rehabilitative therapy; pathology; psychosomatic medicine; case
histories; croup; respiratory allergies; hay fever; influenza; whooping cough
(pertussis); common cold; hyperventilation; sleep apnea syndromes; snoring;
diseases of nose, nasopharynx, paranasal sinuses, larynx; rhinology; diseases
of larynx, epiglottis, glottis, vocal cords; laryngology; diseases of trachea and
bronchi; diseases of lungs; comprehensive works on diseases of lungs and
bronchi; diseases of pleura; diseases of mediastinum
Class here dyspnea
Class cystic fibrosis in 616.3; class pulmonary sarcoidosis in 616.4;
class pulmonary tuberculosis in 616.99; class comprehensive works on
cardiopulmonary diseases, comprehensive works on embolisms, on thromboses
in 616.1; class otolaryngology, comprehensive works on diseases of ears, nose,
throat in 617.5
For cardiac asthma, see 616.1

616 Medicine and health 616

.200 1–.200 9 Standard subdivisions

Notation from Table 1 as modified under 616.1–616.9

.3 Diseases of digestive system

Including medical microbiology; special topics (e.g., personnel, domestic
medicine, medical emergencies, experimental medicine, intensive care,
palliative and terminal care); rehabilitation; genetic diseases (hereditary
diseases), congenital diseases; preventive measures; therapy, alternative
therapy, rehabilitative therapy; pathology; psychosomatic medicine; case
histories; diseases of mouth and throat; diseases of pharynx and esophagus;
diseases of stomach; gastroenteritis, comprehensive works on gastroenterology
(gastrointestinal diseases); diseases of intestine; diseases of rectum and anus;
proctology; diseases of biliary tract and liver; diseases of pancreas; diseases of
peritoneum; nutritional and metabolic diseases
Class diseases of pancreatic internal secretion in 616.4; class anorexia nervosa
in 616.85; class allergies of digestive system in 616.97; class oral region (a
broader concept than mouth as a digestive organ) in 617.5; class diseases of
teeth and gums in 617.6. Class nutritional and metabolic diseases of a specific
system or organ outside the digestive system with the system or organ, e.g.,
iron-deficiency anemia 616.1
For diseases of larynx, see 616.2; for endocrinology, see 616.4; for
Sjogren’s syndrome, see 616.7; for hepatic encephalopathy, Reye syndrome,
see 616.8; for eating disorders, see 616.85; for typhoid fever, cholera,
dysentery, see 616.9; for hernias, see 617.5
See also 616.07 for use of analysis of gastroenteric contents in diagnosis of
diseases in general
.300 1–.300 9 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 616.1–616.9

.4 Diseases of endocrine, hematopoietic, lymphatic, glandular systems;

diseases of male breast
Standard subdivisions are added for diseases of endocrine, hematopoietic,
lymphatic systems, of male breast together; for diseases of endocrine system
Including medical microbiology; special topics (e.g., personnel, domestic
medicine, medical emergencies, experimental medicine, intensive care,
palliative and terminal care); rehabilitation; genetic diseases (hereditary
diseases), congenital diseases; preventive measures; therapy, alternative
therapy, rehabilitative therapy; pathology; psychosomatic medicine; case
histories; diseases of thymus gland; diseases of thyroid and parathyroid glands;
diseases of adrenal glands; diseases of islands of Langerhans; diseases of
pituitary gland; diseases of other glands of endocrine system; diseases of spleen
and bone marrow
Class here endocrinology, comprehensive works on diseases of glands
Class endocrinal obesity in 616.3; class diabetic nephropathies in 616.6;
class filarial elephantiasis in 616.9; class Hodgkin disease in 616.99; class
comprehensive works on diseases of breast in 618.1. Class diseases of glands in
a specific system or organ with the system or organ, e.g., diseases of female sex
glands 618.1
For anemia, see 616.1; for myxedema, see 616.85
616 Dewey Decimal Classification 616

.400 1–.400 9 Standard subdivisions

Notation from Table 1 as modified under 616.1–616.9

.5 Diseases of integument
Including medical microbiology; special topics (e.g., personnel, domestic
medicine, medical emergencies, experimental medicine, intensive care,
palliative and terminal care); rehabilitation; genetic diseases (hereditary
diseases), congenital diseases; preventive measures; therapy, alternative
therapy, rehabilitative therapy; pathology; psychosomatic medicine; case
histories; dermatitis, photosensitivity disorders, urticaria; eczema; viral
and bacterial skin diseases; psoriasis; diseases of sebaceous glands; skin
hypertrophies and ulcerations; diseases of scalp, hair, nails; pigmentary
changes; diseases of sweat glands; parasitic and fungal skin diseases; chapping,
chilblains, frostbite
Class here dermatology, skin diseases
Class porphyria in 616.3; class mastocytosis, urticaria pigmentosa in
616.7; class leishmaniasis in 616.9; class herpes genitalis in 616.95; class
comprehensive works on herpesvirus diseases in 616.9
For allergies of skin, dermatological manifestations of food and drug
allergies, allergic contact dermatitis, see 616.97; for birthmarks that are
capillary hemangiomas, see 616.99
.500 1–.500 9 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 616.1–616.9

.6 Diseases of urogenital system

Including medical microbiology; special topics (e.g., personnel, domestic
medicine, medical emergencies, experimental medicine, intensive care,
palliative and terminal care); rehabilitation; genetic diseases (hereditary
diseases), congenital diseases; preventive measures; therapy, alternative
therapy, rehabilitative therapy; pathology; psychosomatic medicine; case
histories; specific aspects of diseases of urinary system (e.g., diseases of
kidneys and ureters, diseases of bladder and urethra, urinary manifestations
of diseases of urogenital system, diseases of male urethra); diseases of genital
system; diseases of male genital system, diseases of prostate gland; diseases
of penis; diseases of scrotum; diseases of testes and accessory organs; sexual
disorders; male sexual disorders
Class here diseases of urinary system; urology
Class renal hypertension in 616.1; class kidney dialysis, hemodialysis,
peritoneal dialysis in 617.4; class comprehensive works on climacteric disorders
in 618.1; class interdisciplinary works on intersexuality in 306.76. Class a
specific sex differentiation disorder with the disorder, e.g., congenital adrenal
hyperplasia 616.4, congenital adrenal hyperplasia in children 618.92
For enuresis, see 616.8; for psychiatric sexual disorders, impotence as a
psychological disorder, see 616.85; for diseases of female genital system,
female sexual disorders, female infertility, artificial insemination, human
reproductive technology applied to female infertility, see 618.1
.600 1–.600 9 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 616.1–616.9

616 Medicine and health 616

.7 Diseases of musculoskeletal system

Including medical microbiology; special topics (e.g., personnel, domestic
medicine, medical emergencies, experimental medicine, intensive care,
palliative and terminal care); rehabilitation; genetic diseases (hereditary
diseases), congenital diseases; preventive measures; therapy, alternative
therapy, rehabilitative therapy; pathology; psychosomatic medicine; case
histories; diseases of bones; chronic diseases of skeletal system; diseases of
joints; diseases of spine; diseases of muscles; diseases of tendons and fasciae;
diseases of bursae and sheaths of tendons; diseases of connective tissues;
collagen diseases
Class here comprehensive works on orthopedics
Class myalgic encephalomyelitis in 616; class pituitary gigantism, pituitary
dwarfism in 616.4; class neuromuscular diseases resulting from disorders of
central nervous system, carpal tunnel syndrome in 616.8; class backache in
617.5. Class diseases of muscles in a specific system or organ with the system
or organ, e.g., diseases of heart muscle (myocardium) 616.1
For rickets, gout, see 616.3; for fractures, see 617.1; for orthopedic surgery
of musculoskeletal system, see 617.4; for orthopedic regional medicine,
orthopedic regional surgery, see 617.5
.700 1–.700 9 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 616.1–616.9

.8 Diseases of nervous system and mental disorders

Including medical microbiology; special topics (e.g., personnel, domestic
medicine, medical emergencies, experimental medicine, intensive care,
palliative and terminal care); rehabilitation; genetic diseases (hereditary
diseases), congenital diseases; preventive measures; therapy, alternative
therapy, rehabilitative therapy; pathology; case histories; cerebrovascular
diseases; stroke; meningeal diseases; other organic diseases of central nervous
system; diseases of basal ganglia, of spinal cord; comprehensive works on
dementia, on memory disorders, on movement disorders; manifestations of
nervous system diseases
Class here diseases of brain; neurology; neuropsychiatry
Class phenylketonuria in 616.3; class manifestations of mental disorders in
616.89; class comprehensive works on urinary incontinence in 616.6; class
comprehensive works on syphilis in 616.95; class comprehensive works on
neurological and surgical aspects of paraplegia in 617.5. Class diseases of
nerves needed to make a specific system or organ function properly with
the system or organ, e.g., neuromuscular diseases 616.7, diseases of optic
nerves 617.7; class diagnostic and prognostic interpretation of symptoms of a
specific disease or class of diseases with the disease or class of diseases, e.g.,
interpretation of symptoms of epilepsy 616.85
For sleep apnea and snoring, see 616.2; for orthopedic aspects of spina
bifida, see 616.7
.800 1–.800 9 Standard subdivisions
.801–.809 Standard subdivisions of neurology, of diseases of nervous system,
of brain diseases
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 616.1–616.9

616 Dewey Decimal Classification 616

.85 Miscellaneous diseases of nervous system and mental disorders

Limited to Huntington disease; neuroses; epilepsy; speech and language
disorders; articulation disorders, communication disorders; diseases
of cranial, spinal, peripheral nerves; diseases of autonomic nervous
system; personality, sexual, gender-identity, impulse-control, factitious,
developmental, learning disorders; violent behavior; mental retardation
Including medical microbiology; special topics (e.g., personnel, domestic
medicine, medical emergencies, experimental medicine, intensive care,
palliative and terminal care); rehabilitation; genetic diseases (hereditary
diseases), congenital diseases; preventive measures; therapy, alternative
therapy, rehabilitative therapy; pathology; case histories
Class phenylketonuria in 616.3; class neurofibromatosis in 616.99; class
abused children, sexually abused children in 618.92; class comprehensive
works on impotence in 616.6; class comprehensive works on overuse
injuries in 617.1; class interdisciplinary works on gender identity in 305.3;
class interdisciplinary works on homosexuality, interdisciplinary works on
transgenderism in 306.76. Class neurotic aspects of a specific disease with
the disease, e.g., neurotic aspects of asthma 616.2
For shingles, see 616.5; for substance abuse, see 616.86; for
manic-depressive illness, see 616.89; for diseases of optic nerves, see
617.7; for diseases of aural nervous system, see 617.8; for postpartum
depression, see 618.7
See Manual at 616.85
[.850 1–.850 9] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 616.85
.86 Substance abuse (Drug abuse)
Including medical microbiology; special topics (e.g., personnel, domestic
medicine, medical emergencies, experimental medicine, intensive care,
palliative and terminal care); rehabilitation; genetic diseases (hereditary
diseases), congenital diseases; preventive measures; therapy, alternative
therapy, rehabilitative therapy; pathology; case histories; abuse of
analgesics, depressants, inhalants, sedatives, tranquilizers; alcohol;
alcoholism; substances other than alcohol (e.g., narcotics, hallucinogens,
psychedelics, cannabis, stimulants and related substances, tobacco); effect
of substance abuse on people close to substance abusers; adult children of
substance abusers, codependent spouses of substance abusers
Class here addiction, dependence, habituation, intoxication
Class personal measures to prevent substance abuse in 613.8; class food
addiction in 616.85; class minor children of alcoholics, minor children
of substance abusers in 618.92; class comprehensive medical works on
addictive drugs in 615.7; class comprehensive works on compulsive
behavior in 616.85; class interdisciplinary works on substance abuse in
362.29. Class a specific problem of people close to substance abusers with
the problem, e.g., depression 616.85
See Manual at 616.86 vs. 158.1, 204, 248.8, 292–299, 362.29
.860 01–.860 09 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 616.1–616.9

616 Medicine and health 616

.89 Mental disorders

Including medical microbiology; special topics (e.g., personnel, domestic
medicine, medical emergencies, experimental medicine, intensive care,
palliative and terminal care); rehabilitation; genetic diseases (hereditary
diseases), congenital diseases; preventive measures; pathology; case
histories; manifestations of mental disorders; therapy; manic-depressive
illness (bipolar disorder); circular and alternating manic-depressive
psychoses; paranoid disorders; schizophrenia
Class here abnormal and clinical psychologies, comparative abnormal
behavior of animals, psychiatry, psychoses
Class comprehensive works on depression, on mood disorders in 616.85.
Class psychotherapy applied to a specific disorder with the disorder, e.g.,
psychotherapy applied to borderline personality disorder 616.85; class a
specific organic psychosis not provided for here with the psychosis, e.g.,
psychosis due to brain tumors 616.99
For neuroses, personality, sexual, gender-identity, impulse-control,
factitious, developmental, learning disorders, violent behavior, see
616.85; for psychosurgery, see 617.4; for puerperal mental disorders,
see 618.7
See Manual at 616.89 vs. 150.19
.890 01–.890 09 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 616.1–616.9

616 Dewey Decimal Classification 616

.9 Other diseases
Including medical microbiology; special topics (e.g., personnel, domestic
medicine, medical emergencies, experimental medicine, intensive care,
palliative and terminal care); rehabilitation; genetic diseases (hereditary
diseases), congenital diseases; preventive measures; therapy, alternative
therapy, rehabilitative therapy; pathology; psychosomatic medicine; case
histories; virus diseases; bacterial diseases; comprehensive works on
gram-negative bacterial infections; clostridium infections, diphtheria, cholera,
dysenteries, protozoan infections; bacterial blood diseases; parasitic diseases
and diseases due to fungi (mycoses); medical parasitology; diseases caused
by microorganisms or parasites even if the diseases are not communicable;
noncommunicable diseases and environmental medicine; communicable
diseases as part of environmental medicine, diseases due to stress
Class here communicable diseases, infections
Class resistance to specific drugs in 615; class giardiasis in 616.3; class
retroviridae as oncogenic viruses in 616.99; class comprehensive works on
radiation dosimetry in 612; class comprehensive works on etiology of diseases
in 616.07. Class a specific retroviridae infection not provided for here with the
infection, e.g., HIV infections 616.97; class medical microbiology of a specific
disease or group of diseases with the disease or group of diseases, e.g., medical
microbiology of tuberculosis 616.99
For poisoning, see 615.9; for parasitic skin diseases, fungal skin diseases,
diseases due to light, chapping, chilblains, frostbite, see 616.5; for sports
medicine, see 617.1; for puerperal septicemia, see 618.7. For a specific
virus disease or group of virus diseases not provided for here, see the
disease or group of diseases, e.g., viral hepatitis 616.3; for a specific
communicable disease not provided for here, see the disease, e.g., mumps
616.3; for a specific herpesvirus disease or group of herpesvirus diseases
not provided for here, see the disease or group of diseases, e.g., shingles
616.5; for a specific bacterial disease or group of bacterial diseases not
provided for here, see the disease or group of diseases, e.g., bacterial skin
diseases 616.5; for a specific entomological disease, see the disease, e.g.,
lice infestations 616.5; for a specific noncommunicable or environmentally
linked disease or type of disease provided for elsewhere, see the disease or
type of disease, e.g., mental disorders 616.89
[.900 1–.900 9] Standard subdivisions of other diseases
Do not use; class in 616.001–616.009
.901–.909 Standard subdivisions of communicable diseases
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 616.1–616.9
[.909 11–.909 13] Frigid, temperate, tropical zones
Do not use; class in 616.9

616 Medicine and health 616

.95 Sexually transmitted diseases, zoonoses

Including rabies; glanders; anthrax; brucellosis; psittacosis
Class comprehensive works on chlamydia infections, comprehensive works
on human papillomavirus infections, comprehensive works on herpesvirus
diseases in 616.9
For neurosyphilis, see 616.8; for acquired immune deficiency syndrome
(AIDS), see 616.97. For a specific zoonotic disease, see the disease, e.g.,
influenza 616.2, rabies 616.9
[.950 1–.950 9] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 616.95
.97 Diseases of immune system
Including medical microbiology; special topics (e.g., personnel, domestic
medicine, medical emergencies, experimental medicine, intensive care,
palliative and terminal care); rehabilitation; genetic diseases (hereditary
diseases), congenital diseases; preventive measures; therapy, alternative
therapy, rehabilitative therapy; pathology; psychosomatic medicine; case
histories; contact allergies; allergic contact dermatitis, allergies of skin;
food and drug allergies; allergies of digestive system; autoimmune diseases;
autoimmunity; immune deficiency diseases
Class here comprehensive works on allergies
Class sarcoidosis in 616.4; class comprehensive works on contact dermatitis
in 616.5
For a specific allergy not provided for here, see the allergy, e.g., hay
fever 616.2; for a specific autoimmune disease, see the disease, e.g.,
systemic lupus erythematosus 616.7
.970 01–.970 09 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 616.1–616.9
.99 Tumors and miscellaneous communicable diseases
Miscellaneous communicable diseases limited to rheumatic fever;
tuberculosis; pulmonary tuberculosis; Hansen’s disease (leprosy)
Including benign tumors; cancers; carcinoma, oncology
[.990 1–.990 9] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 616.99

617 Dewey Decimal Classification 617

617 Surgery, regional medicine, dentistry, ophthalmology,

otology, audiology
Standard subdivisions are added for surgery alone; however, do not add for
surgery, regional medicine, dentistry, ophthalmology, otology, audiology together;
class in 616.001–616.009
Including special topics of surgery (e.g., personnel, minor surgery, emergency
surgery); comprehensive works on rehabilitation; surgery utilizing specific
instruments and techniques or specific groups of instruments and techniques;
nonsurgical therapy; rehabilitative therapy; pathology
Except for modifications shown under specific entries, use the following modified
standard subdivisions:
001–007 Standard subdivisions
008 Groups of people
0083 Young people
Class regional medicine, ophthalmology, otology, audiology
for infants and children up to puberty, comprehensive works
on pediatrics in 618.92; class comprehensive works on
dentistry for infants and children up to puberty in 617.6; class
comprehensive works on surgery for infants and children up
to puberty in 617.9
00835 Young people twelve to twenty
Notation 00835 is used for adolescent medicine aspects
of all topics in 617, e.g., adolescent dentistry 617.600835,
comprehensive works on surgery for adolescents
0084 People in specific stages of adulthood
Class regional medicine, dentistry, ophthalmology, otology,
audiology for people in late adulthood, comprehensive
works on geriatrics in 618.97; class comprehensive works on
geriatric surgery in 617.9
0088 Occupational and religious groups
Class military surgery in 617.9
[009] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 09
09 History, geographic treatment, biography
Add to 09 notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., the subject in India 0954
Class social factors contributing to spread of a disease in 362.19; class public
measures for preventing specific diseases in 614.5; class radiosurgery in 617.4;
class orthopedic self-help devices for people with disabilities in 617.9; class
comprehensive works on prevention in 613; class comprehensive works on medical
toxicology in 615.9; class comprehensive works on endoscopy; comprehensive
works on a diagnostic technique used in general medicine (including techniques
that involve minor surgery, e.g., biopsy), in 616.07; class comprehensive works on
operative surgery and special fields of surgery in 617.9. Class rehabilitation from a
specific disease or injury with the disease or injury in 616–618, e.g., rehabilitation
for patients with heart disease 616.1
For surgical treatment of tumors, see 616.99
See Manual at 618.92 vs. 617; also at 618.97 vs. 617

617 Medicine and health 617

617.001–.008 Standard subdivisions of surgery
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography of surgery
.1 Injuries and wounds
.2 Results of injuries and wounds
.4 Surgery by systems
.5 Regional medicine
.6 Dentistry
.7 Ophthalmology
.8 Otology and audiology
.9 Operative surgery and special fields of surgery

> 617.001–617.008 Standard subdivisions of surgery

Class comprehensive works in 617
.001 Philosophy and theory of surgery
.002 Miscellany of surgery
[.002 3] Surgery as a profession, occupation, hobby
Do not use; class in 617
[.002 8] Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Do not use for testing and measurement; class in 617. Do not use;
class in 617.9
.003–.007 Standard subdivisions of surgery
.008 Surgery for groups of people
.008 3 Young people
Do not use for surgery for infants and children up to puberty; class in
.008 35 Young people twelve to twenty
Do not use for comprehensive works on surgery for young people
twelve to twenty who have not reached puberty; class in 617.9
Class here adolescent surgery
.008 4 People in specific stages of adulthood
Do not use for people in late adulthood; class in 617.9
.008 8 Occupational and religious groups
Do not use for military personnel; class in 617.9
[.009] History, geographic treatment, biography of surgery
Do not use; class in 617.09
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography of surgery
Add to base number 617.09 notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., biographies of
surgeons 617.092

617 Dewey Decimal Classification 617

.1 Injuries and wounds

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including special topics of injuries and wounds (e.g., emergencies, athletic and
dance injuries, crash injuries); rehabilitation; nonsurgical therapy; rehabilitative
therapy; pathology; burns and scalds; injuries from electricity; abrasions,
contusions, lacerations; penetrating wounds; fractures; dislocations; sprains and
strains; asphyxia; blast injuries
Class here traumatology
Class frostbite in 616.5; class heat stress disorders, motion sickness in 616.9;
class results of injuries and wounds in 617.2. Class a specific branch of sports
medicine with the branch, e.g., promotion of health of athletes 613.7
For a specific cumulative trauma disorder, see the disorder, e.g., carpal
tunnel syndrome 616.8; for injuries and wounds of a specific system, region,
or organ, see the system, region, or organ in 617.4–617.5, e.g., thoracic
injuries 617.5
.100 1–.100 9 Standard subdivisions

.2 Results of injuries and wounds

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including traumatic and surgical shock; fever, infections, inflammation
Class comprehensive medical works on shock in 616
For results of injuries and wounds of a specific system, region, or organ, see
the system, region, or organ in 617.4–617.5, e.g., results of thoracic injuries
See also 617.1 for rehabilitation, rehabilitative therapy; also 617.9 for fever,
infections, inflammation as surgical complications

> 617.4–617.5 Surgery by systems and regions

Class here injuries and wounds of specific systems, regions, organs; surgery of
specific organs
Class comprehensive works in 617

.4 Surgery by systems
Including cardiovascular system; digestive system; blood-forming, lymphatic,
glandular systems; endocrine system; urogenital system; musculoskeletal
system, integument; orthopedic surgery; nervous system; neurosurgery
Class chronic diseases of skeletal system in 616.7; class orthopedic regional
surgery, spine surgery involving both spinal column and spinal cord in 617.5
For fractures, dislocations, sprains and strains, abrasions, see 617.1; for
respiratory system, surgery of specific organs of digestive system, surgery
of a specific gland, amputations, skull, jaws, joints of extremities, see 617.5;
for ophthalmologic surgery, see 617.7; for otologic surgery, see 617.8; for
gynecologic and obstetrical surgery, see 618
See Manual at 616 vs. 617.4

617 Medicine and health 617

.5 Regional medicine
Including head; otolaryngology, otorhinolaryngology, comprehensive works on
diseases of ears, nose, throat; face; neck; thorax (chest) and respiratory system;
abdominal and pelvic cavities; back; upper extremities; surgery of joints of
upper extremities; lower extremities; legs; comprehensive works on extremities,
on paraplegia
Class here regional surgery; orthopedic regional medicine, orthopedic regional
Class nonsurgical medicine of specific systems or organs in specific regions
in 616; class nonsurgical works on mouth as a digestive organ in 616.3; class
carpal tunnel syndrome in 616.8; except for spleen, thyroid and parathyroid
glands, respiratory system, specific organs of digestive system, class surgery
of a specific system in a specific region in 617.4; class eyes in 617.7; class
comprehensive works on kinds of oral surgery commonly performed by dentists
in 617.6; class comprehensive works on surgery of breast in 618.1
For neurological aspects of paraplegia, see 616.8; for surgery of heart,
urogenital system, see 617.4; for teeth, see 617.6; for eyes, see 617.7; for
ears, see 617.8
See also 617.1 for fractures
See Manual at 617.5
.508 3 Young people
Do not use for nonsurgical regional medicine of infants and children
up to puberty, comprehensive works on child and adolescent
medicine; class in 618.92
.508 35 Young people twelve to twenty
Do not use for nonsurgical regional medicine of young people
twelve to twenty who have not reached puberty; class in 618.92
Class here comprehensive works on nonsurgical regional medicine
of adolescents
.508 4 People in specific stages of adulthood
Do not use for nonsurgical regional medicine of people in late
adulthood; class in 618.97

.6 Dentistry
Including special topics (e.g., personnel, domestic medicine, emergencies,
experimental medicine, intensive care); rehabilitation; genetic diseases
(hereditary diseases), congenital diseases, injuries and wounds, trauma; therapy,
rehabilitative therapy; pathology; psychosomatic medicine; oral hygiene and
preventive dentistry; dental hygiene; surgery; dental diseases; diseases of teeth;
orthodontics and pediatric dentistry; extraction; exodontics; caries (cavities);
prosthodontics; dental restoration
Class adolescent dentistry in 617.600835
For tumors of teeth and surrounding tissues, tuberculosis of teeth and
surrounding tissues, see 616.99

617 Dewey Decimal Classification 617

.600 1–.600 7 Standard subdivisions

Notation from Table 1 as modified under 617
.600 8 Groups of people
.600 83 Young people
Do not use for dentistry for infants and children up to puberty;
class in 617.6
.600 835 Young people twelve to twenty
Do not use for dentistry for young people twelve to twenty who
have not reached puberty; class in 617.6
Class here adolescent dentistry
[.600 9] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 617.609
.609 History, geographic treatment, biography
Add to base number 617.609 notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., biographies
of dentists 617.6092

.7 Ophthalmology
Including special topics (e.g., personnel, domestic medicine, emergencies,
experimental medicine, intensive care); rehabilitation; genetic diseases
(hereditary diseases), congenital diseases, injuries and wounds, trauma;
preventive measures; therapy, rehabilitative therapy; psychosomatic medicine;
pathology and surgery of eyes; diseases of uveas; diseases of optic nerves, of
retinas; diseases of eyeballs; disorders of refraction and accommodation, color
vision defects; optometry; diseases of ocular neuromuscular mechanism and
lacrimal apparatus; diseases of eyelids and conjunctivas; diseases of orbits;
artificial eyes
Class here eye diseases
For Sjogren’s syndrome, see 616.7; for tumors of eyes, tuberculosis of eyes,
see 616.99
.700 1–.700 8 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 617
[.700 9] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 617.709
.709 History, geographic treatment, biography
Add to base number 617.709 notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., biographies
of ophthalmologists 617.7092

617 Medicine and health 617

.8 Otology and audiology

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including surgical complications; preoperative, intraoperative, postoperative
care; special topics (e.g., personnel, domestic medicine, emergencies,
experimental medicine, intensive care); rehabilitation; genetic diseases
(hereditary diseases), congenital diseases, injuries and wounds, trauma;
preventive measures; surgery; therapy, rehabilitative therapy; pathology;
psychosomatic medicine; diseases of external ears; diseases of auricles; diseases
of auditory canals; diseases of middle ears; diseases of tympanic membranes;
diseases of eustachian tubes; diseases of mastoid processes; diseases of internal
ears and of aural nervous system; correction of impaired hearing
Class here deafness, partial hearing loss
Class vertigo as a symptom of neurological disease in 616.8; class motion
sickness in 616.9
For tumors of ears, tuberculosis of ears, see 616.99
.800 1–.800 8 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 617
[.800 9] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 617.809
.809 History, geographic treatment, biography
Add to base number 617.809 notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., biographies
of audiologists 617.8092

617 Dewey Decimal Classification 617

.9 Operative surgery and special fields of surgery

Including surgical techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials (e.g.,
surgical dressings, cosmetic and restorative plastic surgery, transplantation of
tissue and organs, implantation of artificial organs, anesthesiology); special
fields of surgery (e.g., geriatric surgery; pediatric surgery; military surgery)
Class here orthopedic equipment; auxiliary techniques and procedures;
apparatus, equipment, materials; comprehensive works on surgical equipment,
on prostheses
Class blood and blood plasma transfusion in 615.3; class acupuncture anesthesia
in 615.8; class transplantation of fetal tissue in experimental medicine,
resuscitation in 616.02; class comprehensive works on orthopedic and
nonorthopedic self-help devices for people with disabilities in 617
For surgery of tumors and cancers, see 616.99; for adolescent surgery,
see 617.00835; for surgical shock, see 617.2; for gynecologic surgery, see
618.1. For surgery of a specific organ, system, region, or disorder, see
the organ, system, region, or disorder in 617, e.g., brain surgery 617.4,
abdominal surgery 617.5; for cosmetic and restorative plastic surgery of
a specific system, region, or organ; transplantation of tissue of a specific
system, region, or organ; transplantation of a specific organ; implantation
of artificial tissue of a specific system, region, or organ; implantation of an
artificial substitute, artificial part, or assistive device for a specific organ,
see the system, region, or organ in 617.4–617.5, e.g., plastic surgery of face
617.5; skin transplantation, heart transplantation, implantation of bone
substitutes, implantation of heart-assist devices 617.4; for a specific piece
of equipment or prosthesis, see the use of the equipment or prosthesis, e.g.,
dentures 617.6; for cosmetic and restorative plastic surgery in gynecologic
and obstetrical surgery, see the tissue or organ in 618, e.g., mammaplasty
618.1; for transplantation of tissue of a specific system, region, or organ;
transplantation of a specific organ in gynecological or obstetrical surgery;
implantation of artificial tissue, artificial organs, or medical devices in
gynecologic and obstetrical surgery, see the tissue, system, region, or organ
in 618, e.g., transplantation of ovarian tissue, breast implants 618.1
[.901–.909] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 617.9

618 Gynecology, obstetrics, pediatrics, geriatrics

Standard subdivisions are added for gynecology, obstetrics, pediatrics, geriatrics
together; for gynecology and obstetrics together
Including medical microbiology; special topics (e.g., personnel, domestic medicine,
medical emergencies, experimental medicine, intensive care, palliative and
terminal care); rehabilitation; genetic diseases (hereditary diseases), congenital
diseases; preventive measures; surgery; therapy, rehabilitative therapy; pathology;
psychosomatic medicine; case histories

618 Medicine and health 618

618.01–.09 Standard subdivisions
.1 Gynecology
.2 Obstetrics
.3 Diseases and complications of pregnancy
.4 Childbirth
.5 Labor complications
.6 Normal puerperium
.7 Puerperal diseases
.8 Obstetrical surgery
.9 Pediatrics and geriatrics

.01 Philosophy and theory

.02 Miscellany
.028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment,
Do not use for testing and measurement; class in 618
.03–.07 Standard subdivisions
.08 Groups of people
.083 Young people
Do not use for infants and children up to puberty; class in 618.92
.083 5 Young people twelve to twenty
Do not use for young people twelve to twenty who have not reached
puberty; class in 618.92
Class here adolescent gynecology and obstetrics
.084 People in specific stages of adulthood
Do not use for people in late adulthood; class in 618.97
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography
Class life with a disease in 362.19

> 618.1–618.8 Gynecology and obstetrics

Medical and surgical
Class comprehensive works in 618

618 Dewey Decimal Classification 618

.1 Gynecology
Including medical microbiology; special topics (e.g., personnel, domestic
medicine, medical emergencies, experimental medicine, intensive care,
palliative and terminal care); rehabilitation; genetic diseases (hereditary
diseases), congenital diseases; preventive measures; surgery; therapy,
rehabilitative therapy; pathology; psychosomatic medicine; case histories;
endocrine gynecology, endometriosis; diseases of ovaries; diseases of fallopian
tubes; diseases of uterus; diseases of uterine cervix; diseases of vagina; diseases
of vulva; functional and systemic disorders; female sexual disorders; birth
control; contraception, family planning; diseases of breast; comprehensive
works on diseases of male and female breast
Class personal health aspects of birth control in 613.9; class pharmacokinetics
of chemical contraceptives in 615.7; class tumors of genital system in 616.99;
class comprehensive medical works on sexual disorders, comprehensive works
on male and female infertility, comprehensive works on human reproductive
technology in 616.6; class interdisciplinary works on birth control in 363.9
For diseases of male breast, see 616.4; for male climacteric disorders,
nonsurgical methods of birth control in males, see 616.6; for tumors of
breast, see 616.99; for surgery of male breast, see 617.5; for puerperal
diseases, diseases of lactation, see 618.7
See also 616.9 for toxic shock syndrome
.100 1–.100 9 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 616.1–616.9

.2 Obstetrics
Including medical microbiology; special topics (e.g., personnel, domestic
medicine, medical emergencies, experimental medicine, intensive care,
palliative and terminal care); rehabilitation; genetic diseases (hereditary
diseases), congenital diseases; therapy, rehabilitative therapy; pathology;
psychosomatic medicine; case histories; prenatal care and preparation for
childbirth; multiple pregnancy and childbirth; nonsurgical methods of abortion;
use of abortifacient agents
Class here midwifery, comprehensive works on pregnancy and childbirth
Class surgical abortion, comprehensive works on induced abortion in 618.8
For physiology of pregnancy and childbirth, see 612.6; for diagnosis of
diseases and complications of pregnancy, see 618.3; for diseases, disorders,
management of pregnancy, childbirth, puerperium, see 618.3–618.8; for
diagnosis of labor complications, see 618.5; for diagnosis of puerperal
diseases, see 618.7
.200 1–.200 9 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 616.1–616.9

> 618.3–618.8 Diseases, disorders, management of pregnancy,

childbirth, puerperium
Class comprehensive works in 618.2
See also 618.2 for multiple pregnancy and childbirth

618 Medicine and health 618

.3 Diseases and complications of pregnancy

Including medical microbiology; special topics (e.g., personnel, domestic
medicine, medical emergencies, experimental medicine, intensive care,
palliative and terminal care); rehabilitation; genetic diseases (hereditary
diseases), congenital diseases; preventive measures; surgery; therapy,
rehabilitative therapy; pathology; psychosomatic medicine; case histories;
ectopic pregnancy; fetal disorders; perinatal medicine (perinatology); diseases
of placenta and amniotic fluid; pregnancy complications due to co-occurrence
of pregnancy and disease in the mother; miscarriage, stillbirth, premature labor
Class neonatal medicine in 618.92; class comprehensive works on congenital
diseases in 616
For childbirth, see 618.4; for puerperal eclampsia, see 618.7
.300 1–.300 9 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 616.1–616.9

.4 Childbirth
Including presentation; natural childbirth
Class here labor
Class a specific aspect not provided for here with the aspect, e.g., Cesarean
section 618.8

.5 Labor complications
Class here dystocia

.6 Normal puerperium
Class here postnatal care

.7 Puerperal diseases
Including medical microbiology; special topics (e.g., personnel, domestic
medicine, medical emergencies, experimental medicine, intensive care,
palliative and terminal care); rehabilitation; genetic diseases (hereditary
diseases), congenital diseases; preventive measures; surgery; therapy,
rehabilitative therapy; pathology; psychosomatic medicine; case histories;
postpartum hemorrhage, Sheehan’s syndrome; diseases of lactation; puerperal
infections; childbed fever, puerperal septicemia; puerperal mental disorders;
postpartum depression; maternal death
Class comprehensive works on depression in 616.85
.700 1–.700 9 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 616.1–616.9

.8 Obstetrical surgery
Including version and extraction; minor surgery; cesarean section; surgical
abortion; comprehensive medical works on abortion
Class embryo transfer in 618.1; class interdisciplinary works on abortion in
For nonsurgical methods of abortion, see 618.2

618 Dewey Decimal Classification 618

.9 Pediatrics and geriatrics

.92 Pediatrics
Medicine for infants and children up to puberty
Including newborn infants (neonates); neonatal medicine (neonatology);
chronic diseases; symptoms and general pathological processes as problems
in their own right; special branches of medicine (e.g., regional medicine,
ophthalmology, otology, audiology, gynecology); specific diseases
Class here comprehensive works on child and adolescent medicine
Class pediatric sports medicine in 617.1; class perinatal medicine in 618.3;
class comprehensive works on congenital diseases in 616
For medicine for young people who have reached puberty (adolescent
medicine), see 616.00835; for pediatric aspects of injuries and wounds,
see 617.10083; for pediatric aspects of results of injuries and wounds,
see 617.2083; for pediatric dentistry, pediatric dental diseases, see
617.6; for pediatric surgery, see 617.9; for pediatric gynecologic
surgery, see 618.1
See Manual at 616 vs. 618.92; also at 618.92 vs. 617
.920 001–.920 009 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 616.1–616.9
.97 Geriatrics
Including medical microbiology; special topics (e.g., personnel, domestic
medicine, medical emergencies, experimental medicine, intensive care,
palliative and terminal care); rehabilitation; pathology; psychosomatic
medicine; case histories; genetic diseases (hereditary diseases), congenital
diseases, chronic diseases, symptoms and general pathological processes
as problems in their own right; specific diseases; miscellaneous branches
of medicine other than surgery (limited to regional medicine, dentistry,
ophthalmology, otology, audiology); gynecology
For geriatric aspects of injuries and wounds, see 617.10084; for
geriatric aspects of results of injuries and wounds, see 617.2084; for
geriatric surgery, see 617.9; for geriatric gynecologic surgery, see 618.1
See Manual at 618.97 vs. 617
.970 01–.970 09 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 616.1–616.9

[619] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 13

620 Engineering and allied operations 620

620 Engineering and allied operations

Standard subdivisions are added for engineering and allied operations together, for
engineering alone
Including design, quality; engineering for specific kinds of geographic
environments, fine particle and remote control technology, surface engineering;
Class here manufacturing of products of various branches of engineering
Class comprehensive works on manufacturing in 670; class comprehensive works
on computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) in
670.285; class interdisciplinary works on measurement in 530.8. Class a specific
technology in a specific kind of geographic environment with the technology, plus
notation 091 from Table 1 when the environment is not inherent in the subject,
e.g., work environment engineering for deserts 620.80915, nautical engineering
623.8; class a specific application of nanotechnology with the technology, e.g.,
nanostructured materials 620.1, nanotechnology used in manufacturing thin-film
circuits 621.3815
For chemical engineering, see 660. For maintenance and repair in a specific
subject, see the subject, plus notation 028 from Table 1, e.g., radio repair

620.001–.009 Standard subdivisions
.1–.8 [Engineering mechanics and materials, sound and related vibrations,
mechanical vibration, human factors and safety engineering]
621 Applied physics
622 Mining and related operations
623 Military and nautical engineering
624 Civil engineering
625 Engineering of railroads and roads
627 Hydraulic engineering
628 Sanitary engineering
629 Other branches of engineering

.001 Philosophy and theory

Do not use for mechanical principles in engineering; class in 620.1. Do
not use for principles of sound and related vibrations in engineering;
class in 620.2. Do not use for other physical principles in engineering;
class in 621
Class design of engineering systems, computer-aided design in 620; class
manufacturing systems in 670.1; class interdisciplinary works on systems
in 003; class interdisciplinary works covering systems of agriculture,
home economics, or management in addition to engineering in 601
.002 Miscellany
.002 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Do not use for testing and measurement, maintenance and repair;
class in 620. Do not use for safety measures; class in 620.8
.003–.008 Standard subdivisions
.009 History, geographic treatment, biography

620 Dewey Decimal Classification 620

.009 1 Areas, regions, places in general

Class engineering to overcome problems of specific kinds of
geographic environments in 620
.009 2 Biography
Class biography of engineers known primarily as entrepreneurs in
.009 9 Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands,
[.009 99] Extraterrestrial worlds
Do not use; class in 620

.1 Engineering mechanics and materials

Standard subdivisions are added for engineering mechanics and materials
together, for engineering mechanics alone
Including applied statics; applied dynamics; applied solid mechanics; applied
fluid mechanics; applied hydromechanics, comprehensive works on fluid-power
technology; applied gas mechanics; applied aeromechanics; engineering
materials; specific kinds of materials (e.g., wood, masonry materials,
ceramic and allied materials, metals, ferrous metals, nonferrous metals, other
engineering materials [e.g., soils and related materials, polymers, nonmetallic
elements, elastomers, insulating materials, bituminous materials, organic fibrous
materials, adhesives and sealants])
Class here applied mechanics
Class fine particle technology in 620; class structural theory, foundation soils
in 624.1. Class manufacturing and chemical properties of a specific kind of
material with the material, e.g., wood 674. Class comprehensive works on
friction in 621.8; class comprehensive works on materials, manufacture of
materials in 670; class interdisciplinary works on soils in 631.4
For mechanical vibration, see 620.3; for steam engineering, see
621.1; for hydraulic-power technology, see 621.2; for pneumatic and
vacuum technology, see 621.5; for hydraulic engineering, see 627; for
aeromechanics of flight, see 629.132; for air-conditioning engineering, see
.100 1–.100 9 Standard subdivisions

620 Engineering and allied operations 620

.2 Sound and related vibrations

Standard subdivisions are added for sound and related vibrations together, for
sound alone
Including specific aspects of applied acoustics (acoustical engineering) (e.g.,
general topics of applied acoustics, noise and countermeasures, acoustics in
specific physical environments; applied subsonics and ultrasonics)
Class here applied acoustics (acoustical engineering)
Class electroacoustical communications in 621.382; class engineering works
on architectural acoustics in 690; class interdisciplinary works on architectural
acoustics in 729
For ultrasonic testing of materials, see 620.1
See also 534 for physics of sound

.3 Mechanical vibration
Including generation and transmission; effects and countermeasures
Class effects of vibrations on materials in 620.1
For sound and related vibrations, see 620.2

.8 Human factors and safety engineering

Class here work environment engineering
Class interdisciplinary works on safety in 363.1. Class a specific application of
human factors engineering with the application, e.g., engineering of the home
kitchen work environment 643
For safety engineering of a specific technology, see the technology, plus
notation 028 from Table 1, e.g., safety in machine engineering 621.8028
See also 628 for environmental protection engineering

621 Applied physics

Class here mechanical engineering
Class a specific application of applied physics with the application, e.g., military
engineering 623
For engineering mechanics, see 620.1; for applied acoustics, see 620.2

621.04 Special topics of applied physics
.1 Steam engineering
.2 Hydraulic-power technology
.3 Electrical, magnetic, optical, communications, computer engineering;
electronics, lighting
.4 Prime movers and heat engineering
.5 Pneumatic, vacuum, low-temperature technologies
.6 Blowers, fans, pumps
.8 Machine engineering
.9 Tools

.04 Special topics of applied physics

621 Dewey Decimal Classification 621

.042 Energy engineering

Class here engineering of alternative and renewable energy sources
Class interdisciplinary works on energy in 333.79
.044 Plasma engineering
Class interdisciplinary works on plasma in 530.4

> 621.1–621.2 Fluid-power technologies

Class comprehensive works in 620.1

.1 Steam engineering
Including specific kinds of steam engines (e.g., portable engines, stationary
engines); generating and transmitting steam; central stations
Class interdisciplinary works on cogeneration of electricity and heat in 333.793
For marine steam engines, see 623.87; for steam locomotives, see 625.26;
for steam tractors and rollers, see 629.22

.2 Hydraulic-power technology
Including special topics of hydraulic-power technology (e.g., specific liquids,
water, hydraulic fluids); water mills; comprehensive works on waterwheels;
turbines; pumps and accumulators; hydraulic transmission; rams
Class hydraulic control in 629.8; class comprehensive works on pumps in 621.6
For waterwheels used as water-lifting devices, see 621.6

.3 Electrical, magnetic, optical, communications, computer engineering;

electronics, lighting
Standard subdivisions are added for electromagnetic engineering, for combined
electrical and electronic engineering, for electrical engineering alone
Including superconductivity; superconductors
Class superconductor circuits in 621.3815
See also 537 for physics of electricity and electromagnetism

621.302 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment,
.31 Generation, modification, storage, transmission of electric power
.32 Lighting
.33 Electric power transmission for railroads
.34 Magnetic engineering
.36 Optical engineering
.37 Testing and measurement of electrical quantities
.38 Electronics, communications engineering
.39 Computer engineering

621 Engineering and allied operations 621

.302 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials

Do not use for electrical equipment; class in 621.31. Do not use for
electrical testing and measurement; class in 621.37
.31 Generation, modification, storage, transmission of electric power
Including special topics of generation, modification, storage, transmission
of electric power (e.g., electrical machinery and equipment); machinery and
equipment for generation, modification, control (e.g., generating machinery
and converters, transformers, capacitors [condensers], details and parts of
generators, control devices)
Class here alternating current
Class switches at service end of line in 621.319; class engineering of
dams for hydroelectric power in 627; class comprehensive works on
electrochemical engineering in 660. Class a specific application with the
application, e.g., refrigerators 621.5
For electric motors, see 621.46; for nuclear steam-powered generation
of electricity, see 621.48
.319 Transmission
Including power failure; systems (e.g., direct-current systems,
alternating-current systems, composite current systems); networks
(circuitry and lines); equipment and components (e.g., wires, cables,
Class here electrification
Class equipment for generation, modification, control in 621.31; class
interdisciplinary works on electrification, on power failure in 333.793
For electric power transmission for railroads, see 621.33
.319 01 Philosophy and theory
Do not use for systems; class in 621.319
.32 Lighting
Including principles of lighting (e.g., layouts, calculations, photometry,
floodlighting); lighting in specific situations; interior lighting; specific
forms of lighting (e.g., nonelectrical lighting, gas lighting, arc lighting,
incandescent lighting, vapor lighting [luminous-tube lighting])
Class here electric lighting
For public lighting, see 628.9; for lighting of airports, see 629.136
.33 Electric power transmission for railroads
.34 Magnetic engineering
Class here artificial magnets, electromagnets
Class electromagnets as parts of generators in 621.31; class electromagnets
as parts of electric motors in 621.46; class comprehensive works on
electromagnetic technology in 621.3
See also 538 for physics of magnetism, for natural magnets

621 Dewey Decimal Classification 621

.36 Optical engineering

Including spectroscopy; infrared and ultraviolet technology; photonics;
lasers; technological photography and photo-optics; image processing,
optical data processing; other branches of applied optics (e.g., fiber optics,
integrated optics, nonlinear optics)
Class here applied optics; works on infrared and ultraviolet technology
Class manufacture of optical instruments in 681; class interdisciplinary
works on photography in 770
For photogrammetry, see 526.9; for lighting, see 621.32; for
photoelectric and photoelectronic devices, see 621.3815; for laser
communications, optical communications, see 621.382
See also 535 for optics and light as subjects in physics; also 620.1 for
optical properties of engineering materials
See Manual at 006.3 vs. 006.4, 621.36, 621.39
.37 Testing and measurement of electrical quantities
Instruments and their use
Including units and standards of measurement; recording meters; instruments
for measuring specific electrical quantities (e.g., instruments for measuring
capacitance, inductance, resistance; instruments for measuring potential;
instruments for measuring current; instruments for measuring energy;
instruments for measuring power; instruments for measuring frequency;
instruments for measuring phase)
For testing and measurement of a specific apparatus, part, or function,
see the apparatus, part, or function, plus notation 028 from Table 1, e.g.,
testing electromagnets 621.34028
.38 Electronics, communications engineering
Unless other instructions are given, class a subject with aspects in two or
more subdivisions of 621.38 in the number coming last, e.g., antennas for
amateur radio 621.3841 (not 621.382)

621.381 Electronics
.382 Communications engineering
.383 Telegraphy
.384 Radio and radar
.385 Telephony
.386 Telephone terminal equipment
.387 Telephone transmission and nonterminal equipment
.388 Television
.389 Security, sound recording, related systems

621 Engineering and allied operations 621

.381 Electronics
Including special topics of electronics (e.g., power and energy in
electronic systems, optoelectronics, packaging); microwave electronics
Class here microelectronics, molecular electronics
Class signal processing, electronic interference and noise in 621.382.
Class a specific application of electronics with the application, e.g., laser
technology 621.36
See also 537.5 for physics of electronics
.381 5 Components and circuits
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including specific components (e.g., electronic tubes,
semiconductors); printed circuits and circuits for specific functions;
supplementary components (e.g., photoelectric and photoelectronic
components, testing and measuring components); analog-to-digital
and digital-to-analog converters
Class here analog, digital, integrated, microelectronic, semiconductor,
superconductor, thin-film circuits; circuits and components common
to electronics and communications engineering
Class microwave components and circuits in 621.381; class
components and circuits of a specific branch of communications
engineering in 621.383–621.389; class very large scale integration,
operational amplifiers, switching theory in logic circuit design,
analog-to-digital and digital-to-analog converters in data
communications engineering in 621.39. Class testing and measuring
a specific circuit or component with the circuit or component,
plus notation 028 from Table 1, e.g., testing thin-film circuits
621.3815028; class instrumentation in a specific field with the field,
e.g., electronic control 629.8
.381 502 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment,
Do not use for testing and measurement; class in 621.3815

621 Dewey Decimal Classification 621

.382 Communications engineering

Including communications networks; signal processing; information
theory; miscellaneous topics (limited to studios, transmission facilities,
power supply, recording devices, facsimile transmission, space
communication); antennas and propagation; relay communication;
satellite communication; optical communications; laser communications;
acoustical communications; electroacoustical communications
Class here analog, digital, electronic communications;
telecommunications; comprehensive works on digital data and
telecommunications engineering
Class audio systems limited to recording and reproduction of sound
in 621.389; class comprehensive works on wireless communication in
621.384; class interdisciplinary works on information theory in 003.
Class a component or circuit common to electronics and communications
engineering with the component or circuit in 621.3815, e.g., amplifiers,
switching circuits
For specific communications systems, see 621.383–621.389; for data
communications engineering, see 621.39. For a recording device of
a specific communication system, see the device in 621.383–621.389,
e.g., video recorders 621.388, sound recorders 621.389; for
communications networks based on a specific technology, see the
technology, e.g., telephone networks 621.385
See Manual at 004.6 vs. 621.382, 621.39
[.382 028 5] Computer applications
Do not use; class in 621.382

> 621.383–621.389 Specific communications systems

Class comprehensive works in 621.382
.383 Telegraphy
For radiotelegraphy, see 621.384
.384 Radio and radar
Standard subdivisions are added for radio and radar together, for radio
Including digital audio broadcasting; radiotelegraphy
Class here broadcasting stations; comprehensive engineering works on
radio and television, on wireless communication
Class interdisciplinary works on radio and television in 384.5; class
interdisciplinary works on broadcasting stations in 384.54
For satellite communication, see 621.382; for television, see 621.388
.384 028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment,
Class maintenance and repair of radio receiving sets in 621.384

621 Engineering and allied operations 621

.384 1 Specific topics in general radio

Including wave propagation and transmission; circuits; components
and devices (e.g., transmitters, tubes, semiconductor devices,
antennas); systems by wave type, satellite and relay systems
(e.g., shortwave systems, frequency-modulation [FM] systems,
long-wave systems, relay and satellite systems); amateur radio
(ham radio); comprehensive works on amateur and citizens band
radio; radio receiving sets; special developments (e.g., direction and
position finding, identification and locating, radio control, space
For citizens band radio, see 621.3845
[.384 101–.384 109] Standard subdivision
Do not use; class in 621.38401–621.38409
.384 5 Radiotelephony
Including portable radios, walkie-talkies; citizens band radio; cellular
telephone systems
Class here mobile radio stations, comprehensive works on radio
transmission in telephony
Class comprehensive works on amateur and citizens band radio in
For radio relays, see 621.387
.384 8 Radar
Including specific instruments and devices; systems
.385 Telephony
Including network analysis; automatic and semiautomatic switching
Class here telephone systems based on wires, cables, lasers, optical
fibers; Internet telephony
Class cellular telephone systems in 621.3845; class data communications
engineering in 621.39; class interdisciplinary works on telephony in
For radiotelephony, see 621.3845; for telephone terminal equipment,
see 621.386; for telephone transmission and nonterminal equipment,
see 621.387
.386 Telephone terminal equipment
Dialing, transmitting, receiving equipment
Including telephone answering and message recording devices; pay
.387 Telephone transmission and nonterminal equipment
Including switching systems
Class comprehensive works on radio transmission in telephony in

621 Dewey Decimal Classification 621

.388 Television
Including black-and-white television; color television; high-definition
television (HDTV); digital television; wave propagation and
transmission; components and devices (e.g., transmitters,
semiconductors, transistors, tubes, video recorders and video recordings,
cameras and components, antennas); communication systems (e.g.,
satellite television, cable television); stations; television sets
Class here interactive television (TV programming with interactive
content and/or enhancements, e.g., interactive program guides,
personalized multi-camera angles, real-time voting, video-on-demand)
.388 001 Philosophy and theory
.388 002 Miscellany
.388 002 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment,
Including maintenance and repair of broadcast and
transmission equipment, comprehensive works on television
Class maintenance and repair of receiving sets in 621.388
.388 003–.388 009 Standard subdivisions
.389 Security, sound recording, related systems
Including public address, security, related systems; sound recording
and reproducing systems; digital audio engineering; sonar; audiovisual
Class telephone message recording in 621.386; class comprehensive
works on acoustical communications, on audio systems covering
transmission as well as recording and reproduction in 621.382
For fire alarms, see 628.9
.39 Computer engineering
Including general works on specific types of computers; specific types of
processors, e.g., multiprocessors; systems analysis and design, computer
architecture; circuitry; logic circuits, logic design of circuits, very large
scale integration (VLSI); storage; interfacing and communications devices,
peripherals (e.g., peripherals combining input and output functions, input
peripherals, output peripherals); devices for special computer methods
Class here electronic digital computers, central processing units, computer
reliability, general computer performance evaluation
Class selection and use of computer hardware, works treating both hardware
and either programming or programs in 004; class storage of pictorial data
in optical storage devices in 621.36; class Internet telephony in 621.385;
class programmable calculators in 681. Class a specific application of
computers with the application, e.g., use of computers to regulate processes
automatically 629.8
See Manual at 004–006 vs. 621.39; also at 004.6 vs. 621.382, 621.39;
also at 006.3 vs. 006.4, 621.36, 621.39

621 Engineering and allied operations 621

.390 28 Auxiliary techniques and procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials

Do not use for testing and measurement; class in 621.39

.4 Prime movers and heat engineering

Standard subdivisions are added for prime movers and heat engineering
together, for prime movers alone
Including Stirling engines and air motors; wind engines
Class here engines, power plants, propulsion systems
Class wind-powered generation of electricity in 621.31
For steam engineering, see 621.1; for hydraulic-power technology, see
.400 1–.400 9 Standard subdivisions
.402 Heat engineering
Including thermodynamics; heat transfer; fuels and combustion;
insulation; equipment; specific heat systems not provided for elsewhere
Class solar furnaces in 621.47; class pollution by-products of combustion
in 628.5
For low-temperature technology, see 621.5. For a kind of heat
engineering, see the kind, e.g., geothermal engineering 621.44,
heating buildings 697
See also 536 for physics of heat
.406 Turbines
Class here turbomachines
.43 Internal-combustion engines
Including specific internal-combustion engines (e.g., gas turbines and
free-piston engines, spark-ignition engines, jet and rocket engines, diesel and
semidiesel engines); parts and accessories of internal-combustion engines
Class generation of electricity by internal-combustion engines in 621.31
For a specific aspect of rocketry, see the aspect, e.g., rocket weapons
623.4, booster rockets 629.47; for internal-combustion engines for a
specific type of transportation, see the type, e.g., internal-combustion
engines of ships 623.87
.44 Geothermal engineering
.46 Electric and related motors
Standard subdivisions are added for electric and related motors together,
electric motors alone

621 Dewey Decimal Classification 621

.47 Solar-energy engineering

Including general topics of solar-energy engineering; solar collectors; solar
engines; solar furnaces
Class engineering of secondary sources of solar energy with the secondary
source, e.g., generation of electricity from solar radiation 621.31, wind
energy 621.4
.48 Nuclear engineering
Fission and fusion technology
Including nuclear reactors, power plants, by-products; fission reactors,
nuclear steam-powered generation of electricity; comprehensive works on
fission and fusion reactor, power plants, by-products; fusion reactors, fusion
power plants, by-products; nuclear propulsion
For a specific application of radioisotopes, see the application,
e.g., radioactive isotope therapy 615.8, radioisotope thermoelectric
generation 621.31
See also 539.7 for nuclear physics

.5 Pneumatic, vacuum, low-temperature technologies

Including air compression technology, air compressors; compressed-air
transmission; pneumatic conveying and cleaning; refrigeration; freezers and
refrigerators; ice manufacture; cryogenic technology
For a specific kind of pneumatic technology, see the kind, e.g., pneumatic
control 629.8

.6 Blowers, fans, pumps

Including blowers and fans; rotary blowers and fans; centrifugal blowers and
fans; hand pumps, reciprocating pumps, rotary pumps, centrifugal pumps,
pneumatic pumps; water-lifting devices, comprehensive works on pumps
For a specific kind of pump, see the kind, e.g., hydraulic pumps 621.2

.8 Machine engineering
Including general topics of machine engineering (e.g., physical principles,
power and speed control devices, machine design, maintenance and repair);
machine parts; gears and cams; valves and pistons; power transmission systems;
materials-handling equipment; cranes and elevators; fasteners; tribology;
Class coal pipelines in 662.6; class petroleum pipelines in 665.5; class industrial
gases pipelines in 665.7. Class a specific kind of machinery not provided for
here with the kind, e.g., hydraulic machinery 621.2; class a specific use of
machinery with the use, e.g., gears in clocks 681.1; class manufacturing pipes of
a specific material with the material, e.g., metal pipes 671.8
.801 Philosophy and theory
Do not use for physical principles; class in 621.8
.802 Miscellany

621 Engineering and allied operations 621

.802 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials

Do not use for maintenance and repair; class in 621.8
Including strength tests of mechanisms

.9 Tools
Including machine tools; pneumatic tools; hand tools; planing and milling tools;
abrading and grinding tools; cutting, disassembling, sawing tools; turning tools;
perforating and tapping tools; punching tools; fastening and joining equipment;
pressing, impressing, molding equipment
Class here fabricating equipment
Class fasteners in 621.8. Class a specific use with the use, e.g., lathes in
woodworking 684
.900 1–.900 9 Standard subdivisions

622 Mining and related operations

Standard subdivisions are added for mining and related operations together, for
mining alone
Including prospecting; exploratory operations; excavation techniques; underground
(subsurface) mining; mining for specific materials (e.g., carbonaceous materials,
metals, structural and sculptural stone, gems); extraction techniques of specific
materials; nonextractive mining technologies (e.g., mine environment, mine
drainage, mine transport systems, ore dressing, mine health and safety);
nonextractive mining technologies relating to specific materials
Class reclamation after surface mining in 631.6; class extraction of oils from
oil shale and tar sands in 665; class archaeological methods and equipment in
930.1028; class comprehensive technical works on petroleum in 665.5; class
interdisciplinary works on mine safety in 363.11; class interdisciplinary works on
petroleum in 553.2
For prospecting for water, see 628.1
See Manual at 622 vs. 662.6, 669
.028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment,
Do not use for safety measures; class in 622

623 Dewey Decimal Classification 623

623 Military and nautical engineering

Standard subdivisions are added for military and nautical engineering together, for
military engineering alone
Including special topics of military engineering (e.g., optical engineering,
electronic engineering, nuclear engineering, mechanical engineering, construction
engineering); fortifications; forts and fortresses; mine laying and clearance,
demolition; engineering of defense; ballistics and gunnery; military transportation
Class range and sighting apparatus in 623.4; class vehicles, aircraft, spacecraft
in 623.74; class naval engineering in 623.8; class architectural aspects of
fortifications, architectural aspects of moats, architectural aspects of naval
facilities, architectural aspects of air facilities in 725
See Manual at 355–359 vs. 623

.4 Ordnance
Including artillery; specific pieces of artillery; gun mounts; small arms and
other weapons; side arms; ammunition and other destructive agents; accessories
Class mine laying and clearance in 623; class combat ships in 623.82; class
artistic aspects of arms and armor in 739.7; class comprehensive works on
rocketry in 621.43; class interdisciplinary works on bombs in 355.8; class
interdisciplinary works on missiles in 358.1. Class vehicle-mounted small arms
with the vehicle, e.g., armored cars 623.74
For combat vehicles, see 623.74

.7 Communications, vehicles, sanitation, related topics

Including intelligence and reconnaissance topography; photography and
photogrammetry; communications technology; sanitation and safety
engineering; health engineering; electrical engineering; camouflage and
Class comprehensive works on military electronics in 623
.74 Vehicles
Support vehicles, combat vehicles and their ordnance
Including lighter-than-air aircraft; specific types of lighter-than-air aircraft
(e.g., free balloons, airships [dirigibles], barrage balloons); comprehensive
works on military balloons; heavier-than-air aircraft; comprehensive works
on aircraft; motor land vehicles; air-cushion vehicles; spacecraft
Class railroad rolling stock in 623
For ammunition and other destructive agents, charge-containing devices,
see 623.4; for nautical craft, see 623.82
See Manual at 629.04 vs. 388

623 Engineering and allied operations 623

.8 Nautical engineering and seamanship

Nautical engineering: engineering of ships and boats and their component parts
Standard subdivisions are added for nautical engineering and seamanship
together, for nautical engineering alone
Including naval architecture; shipyards; design of nautical craft; hulls of
nautical craft; engineering systems of nautical craft; equipment and outfit of
nautical craft
Class here naval engineering, comprehensive works on military water
Class naval facilities in 623; class power plants in 623.87; class use of
equipment and outfit, cargo handling, comprehensive works on marine
safety technology in 623.88; class harbors, ports, roadsteads in 627; class
comprehensive works on nautical craft in 623.82
For onshore cargo-handling equipment, see 627
.802 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Do not use for equipment and outfit of nautical craft; class in 623.8
.82 Nautical craft
Including general types of craft (e.g., small craft, sailing ships, power-driven
ships, submersible craft); craft of specific materials; ancient and medieval
craft; small and medium power-driven ships; power-driven merchant and
factory ships; nonmilitary submersible craft, other power-driven ships;
hand-propelled and towed craft
Class shipyards, naval architecture, works limited to hulls of specific
materials in 623.8; class overwater hovercraft in 629.3; class ships in bottles
in 745.5928
For power plants of nautical craft, see 623.87
See Manual at 629.04 vs. 388
Lightships relocated to 623.89
.820 01 Philosophy and theory
.820 02 Miscellany
.820 022 Illustrations
Do not use for models and miniatures; class in 623.82
.820 03–.820 09 Standard subdivisions
.822 Modern wind-driven ships
Including rotor ships; pleasure craft; merchant ships; warships; work
Class comprehensive works on ancient, medieval, and modern
wind-driven ships in 623.82
.822 022 Illustrations
Do not use for models and miniatures; class in 623.82

623 Dewey Decimal Classification 623

.825 Power-driven warships

Including naval ordnance; specific types of combat warships (e.g.,
battleships, cruisers, destroyers and destroyer escorts, aircraft carriers,
landing craft, submarines, light combat craft); armor, weapons
Class comprehensive works on submersible craft in 623.82
For naval artillery, charge-containing devices, see 623.4; for support
warships, see 623.826
.825 022 Illustrations
Do not use for models and miniatures; class in 623.82
.826 Support warships and other government ships
Including minelayers and minesweepers; coast guard ships, police boats,
revenue cutters; hospital ships and military transports; military supply
.826 022 Illustrations
Do not use for models and miniatures; class in 623.82
.87 Power plants of nautical craft
Including specific kinds of engines (e.g., steam engines, internal-combustion
engines, electric engines, solar engines, nuclear engines); engine auxiliaries;
Class here marine engineering
.88 Seamanship
Including ship handling; handling various specific types of craft; specific
topics of seamanship (e.g., loading and unloading of nautical craft, knotting
and splicing ropes and cables, prevention of collision and grounding,
wreckage studies, fire fighting technology, rescue operations); marine safety
Class safety equipment, wreckage studies in marine architecture in 623.8
For navigation, see 623.89. For a specific application of knotting and
splicing, see the application, e.g., knotting in camping 796.54
.880 28 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Do not use for safety measures; class in 623.88
.89 Navigation
Selection and determination of course
Including lightships [formerly 623.82]; lighthouses, light beacons,
buoys, daymarks [all formerly 627]; navigation aids [formerly also 627];
geonavigation; geonavigation aids; electronic aids to geonavigation;
nonelectronic aids to geonavigation
Class navigation procedures to prevent collision and grounding in 623.88;
class interdisciplinary works on lighthouses in 387.1

624 Engineering and allied operations 624

624 Civil engineering

Including engineering of landscape architecture
Class here construction engineering
For military construction engineering, see 623. For a specific branch of
civil engineering not provided for here, see the branch, e.g., construction of
buildings 690
See Manual at 624 vs. 624.1; also at 624 vs. 690
.029 Commercial miscellany
Class interdisciplinary works on quantity surveying in 692

.1 Structural engineering and underground construction

Standard subdivisions are added for structural engineering and underground
construction together, for structural engineering alone
Including foundation engineering and engineering geology; supporting
structures other than foundations; structural analysis and design; mechanics
of structures, structural elements, structural theory, interdisciplinary works on
structural analysis and design; materials; design and construction; ventilation
Class subsurface mining in 622; class architectural aspects in 725; class
comprehensive works on underwater construction in 627; class interdisciplinary
works on soil surveys in 631.4. Class a specific application of structural
engineering with the application, e.g., structural engineering of dams 627
For military tunnel engineering, see 623; for construction of underground
waste disposal facilities, see 628.4. For a specific application of structural
analysis and design, see the application, e.g., structural analysis of aircraft
See Manual at 624 vs. 624.1
.101 Philosophy and theory
Class structural theory, theory of structure in 624.1

.2 Bridges
Including specific kinds of bridges (e.g., girder and related kinds of bridges,
arch bridges, suspension and cable-stayed bridges, movable bridges); structural
analysis and design; floors and foundations
Class here compound bridges, long-span bridges
Class architecture of bridges in 725
For military bridge engineering, see 623
.209 3–.209 9 Specific continents, countries, localities
Class specific bridges of a specific kind in 624.2

625 Engineering of railroads and roads

Class tunnel engineering in 624.1; class bridge engineering in 624.2; class land
transportation engineering in 629.04

625 Dewey Decimal Classification 625

.1 Railroads
Including comprehensive works on special-purpose railroads; surveying and
design; permanent way (e.g., earthwork, protective structures, track, rails, track
accessories); railroad yards; model and miniature railroads and trains
Class here comprehensive works on broad-gage, narrow-gage, standard-gage
Class electrification of railroads in 621.33; class play with model railroads and
trains in 790.1; class interdisciplinary works on railroads in 385
For military railroad engineering, see 623; for railroad rolling stock, see
625.2; for special-purpose railroads, permanent way of special-purpose
railroads, see 625.3–625.6. For models and miniatures of a specific kind
of special-purpose railroad, see the kind in 625.3–625.6, e.g., models of
subways 625.4
Monorail systems, monorail tracks relocated to 625.4
.100 1 Philosophy and theory
.100 2 Miscellany
.100 22 Illustrations
Do not use for models and miniatures; class in 625.1
.100 3–.100 9 Standard subdivisions

.2 Railroad rolling stock

Including running gear; running gear for specific types of cars; specific types
of cars (e.g., work cars [nonrevenue rolling stock], passenger-train cars, freight
cars); accessory equipment; accessory equipment for specific types of cars;
mechanical operation
Class here comprehensive works on specific types of cars, on rolling stock for
roads with two running rails
For rolling stock for special-purpose railroads, see 625.3–625.6
See Manual at 629.04 vs. 388
Monorail rolling stock relocated to 625.4
.202 2 Illustrations
Do not use for models and miniatures; class in 625.1
.26 Locomotives
Including steam locomotives; gas-turbine locomotives; electric locomotives;
air-compression-powered locomotives; diesel and semidiesel locomotives
Class running gear, accessory equipment in 625.2
.260 22 Illustrations
Do not use for models and miniatures; class in 625.1

625 Engineering and allied operations 625

> 625.3–625.6 Special-purpose railroads

Class here roadbeds, tracks and accessories, rolling stock
Class comprehensive works in 625.1
For mine railroads, see 622

.3 Inclined, mountain, ship railroads

Including funicular railroads; rack railroads

.4 Local rail transit systems

Including monorail systems, monorail tracks [both formerly 625.1]; monorail
rolling stock [formerly 625.2]; guided-way systems; underground systems
(subways); elevated systems
Class here local surface rail systems using conventional (heavy) rail technology
[formerly 625.6], commuter rail systems, rapid transit rail systems, urban and
suburban rail systems; comprehensive works on local rail transit systems with
multiple transit modes
For light rail transit systems, see 625.6

.5 Cable and aerial railways

For funicular railroads, see 625.3

.6 Light rail transit systems

Including trolleybus systems; roadbeds, tracks, accessories; rolling stock;
streetcars, trams, trolley cars
Class here interurban railroads (streetcar lines running between urban areas or
from urban to rural areas); streetcar systems, tramways, trolley-car systems
Local surface rail systems using conventional (heavy) rail technology relocated
to 625.4

.7 Roads
Including surveying and design; earthwork; dirt roads; surfacing dirt roads;
maintenance and repair; roadside areas; ice crossings, traffic control equipment,
protective roadside barriers
Class here highways, streets
Class grade crossings (road crossings of railroads) in 625.1; class curbs in
625.8; class interdisciplinary works on roads and highways in 388.1; class
interdisciplinary works on urban roads and streets in 388.4
For military road engineering, see 623; for artificial road surfaces, see
625.8; for public lighting for roads, see 628.9; for forestry roads, see 634.9
.702 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Do not use for maintenance and repair; class in 625.7

625 Dewey Decimal Classification 625

.8 Artificial road surfaces

Including pavements in specific materials (e.g., flagstones, brick and stone,
wood, concretes, bituminous materials, macadam and telford surfaces);
sidewalks and auxiliary pavements
Class here comprehensive works on paving
For a paving surface not provided for here, see the surface, e.g., airport
runways 629.136
.802 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Do not use for maintenance and repair; class in 625.7

[626] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 6

627 Hydraulic engineering

The branch of engineering dealing with utilization and control of natural waters of
the earth
Including special topics of hydraulic engineering (e.g., hydrodynamics of
waterways and water bodies, recreational waters); inland waterways; harbors,
ports, roadsteads; port facilities; flood control; use of dams and reservoirs for
flood control; reclamation, irrigation, related topics; comprehensive technological
works on erosion and its control; underwater operations; dams and reservoirs;
construction of dams and reservoirs for specific purposes
Class here hydraulic structures, water resource engineering
Class tunnels carrying canals in 624.1; class bridges carrying canals in 624.2;
class architectural aspects of port facilities in 725; class comprehensive works
on ocean engineering in 620; class comprehensive works on cargo-handling
equipment in 623.88; class comprehensive works on engineering of groundwater
in 628.1; class dune stabilization by revegetation, comprehensive works on dune
stabilization in 631.6; class interdisciplinary works on land reclamation in 333.73;
class interdisciplinary works on canals in 386; class interdisciplinary works on
harbors, ports, roadsteads in 387.1; class interdisciplinary works on erosion in
551.3; class interdisciplinary works on rivers and streams in 551.48. Class a
specific use of offshore structures with the use, e.g., use of drilling platforms in
petroleum extraction 622; class flood control for and wreckage studies of a specific
type of structure with the structure, e.g., flood wreckage studies of bridges 624.2;
class a specific use of dams and reservoirs with the use, e.g., water storage and
conservation 628.1
For water supply engineering, see 628.1; for erosion of agricultural soils and
its control, see 631.4; for on-farm irrigation, see 631.5; for reclamation of
agricultural soils, revegetation and surface mine reclamation, see 631.6; for
diving sports, see 797.2
Navigation aids, lighthouses, light beacons, buoys, daymarks relocated to 623.89
.01 Philosophy and theory
Do not use for hydrodynamics; class in 627

628 Engineering and allied operations 628

628 Sanitary engineering

Including sewers; sanitary engineering for rural and sparsely populated areas
Class here environmental engineering (environmental health engineering,
environmental protection engineering), green technology (environmental
technology), municipal engineering, public sanitation technology, sustainable
Class road drainage in 625.7; class water pollution from agricultural wastes in
628.1; class pollution in rural and sparsely populated areas in 628.509173; class
pest control in rural and sparsely populated areas in 628.9; class interdisciplinary
works on environmental protection in 363.7
For military sanitary engineering, see 623; for plumbing, see 696. For a
specific aspect of environmental engineering, green technology, sustainable
engineering not provided for here, see the aspect, plus notation 028 from Table
1, e.g., green technology in electronic circuits 621.3815028; for a specific
aspect of municipal engineering not provided for here, see the aspect, e.g.,
road and street engineering 625.7, laying gas pipelines 665.7; for utilization of
agricultural wastes in a specific technology, see the technology, e.g., utilization
for biogas 665.7
See Manual at 300 vs. 600; also at 363 vs. 302–307, 333.7, 570–590, 600
.091 73 Socioeconomic regions by concentration of population
Do not use for rural regions; class in 628

.1 Water supply
Including sources (e.g., lakes, rivers, springs, groundwater, seawater);
protection and engineering evaluation of sources; storage and conservation;
collection and distribution systems; water mains and service pipes; aqueducts;
testing, analysis, treatment, pollution countermeasures (e.g., mechanical
treatment, aeration, chemical treatment, desalinization)
Class here comprehensive works on engineering of water supply, sewers,
sewage treatment and disposal
Class economic and social evaluation of adequacy, development requirements,
conservation of sources in 333.91; class hydraulic engineering, construction
of dams for water storage and conservation, engineering of reservoirs for
water supply, comprehensive works on protection of reservoirs in 627; class
sewers, water supply for rural and sparsely populated areas in 628; class
interdisciplinary works on water supply in 363.6; class interdisciplinary works
on water pollution countermeasures in 363.739; class interdisciplinary works
on sources, on evaluation of sources in 553.7; class interdisciplinary works on
fluoridation in 614.5
For construction of dams and reservoirs, see 627; for sewage treatment and
disposal, pollution countermeasures that consist of sewage treatment, see
628.3. For pollution countermeasures in a specific technology other than
sanitary engineering, see the technology, plus notation 028 from Table 1,
e.g., pollution control in metallurgy plants 669.028
See Manual at 363.6
.102 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Do not use for testing; class in 628.1

628 Dewey Decimal Classification 628

.3 Sewage treatment and disposal

Standard subdivisions are added for sewage treatment and disposal together, for
sewage treatment alone
Including treatment (e.g., disinfection, primary treatment, secondary and tertiary
treatment); incineration of sludge; utilization of sludge; biosolids; disposal of
sewage, sewage effluent, sewage sludge into water
Class unsewered sewage disposal in 628
For disposal by artificial recharge of groundwater, see 627; for treatment
for reuse as water supply, see 628.1. For treatment and disposal of sewage
in a specific technology, see the technology, plus notation 028 from Table 1,
e.g., treatment of sewage from beverage plants by beverage makers 663.028;
for a specific use of sludge, see the use, e.g., use as fertilizer 631.8
See Manual at 363.6

.4 Waste technology, public toilets, street cleaning

Standard subdivisions are added for waste technology, public toilets, street
cleaning together; for waste technology alone
Including hazardous and toxic wastes; liquid wastes; solid wastes (refuse)
Class here industrial waste treatment and disposal
Class social services for hazardous and toxic wastes, interdisciplinary works on
wastes in 363.72; class waste technology for rural and sparsely populated areas
in 628; class pollution from wastes in 628.5
For liquid wastes released into bodies of water, see 628.1; for sewage
treatment and disposal, see 628.3; for gaseous wastes, hazardous and
toxic gaseous wastes, see 628.5. For control and utilization of wastes in a
specific technology, see the technology, plus notation 028 from Table 1, e.g.,
waste technology in petroleum industry 665.5028; for a specific conversion
technology, see the technology, e.g., converting garbage into fertilizer 668

.5 Pollution control technology and industrial sanitation engineering

Standard subdivisions are added for pollution control technology and industrial
sanitation engineering together, for pollution control technology alone
Including plant sanitation; specific kinds of pollutants (e.g., pesticides);
movement through environment; air pollution; gaseous wastes, dispersal of
pollutants from source; soil pollution
Class here industrial pollution technology
Class air quality surveys in 363.739; class specific kinds of pollutants in water
in 628.1; class interdisciplinary works on pollution in 363.73
For noise control, see 620.2; for water pollution control, see 628.1. For
pollution control technology in a specific technology, see the technology,
plus notation 028 from Table 1, e.g., engineering to control pollution in
petroleum industry 665.5028

628 Engineering and allied operations 628

.9 Other branches of sanitary and municipal engineering

Including fire safety and fire fighting technology; public lighting; pest control;
household pests, comprehensive works on pest control technology; control of
plant pests
Class lighting of airports in 629.136; class interdisciplinary works on fire
hazards and their control in 363.37; class interdisciplinary works on pest control
in 363.7
For shipboard fire fighting technology, see 623.88; for fire fighting
technology in airports, see 629.136; for construction of fire engines, see
629.225; for control of agricultural pests, see 632; for forest fire technology,
see 634.9. For a specific disaster and rescue technology, see the technology,
e.g., first aid 616.02; for manufacture of a specific kind of equipment and
supplies, see the kind, e.g., nautical fire fighting equipment 623.8, fire
resistant clothing 687, fire stations 690; for fireproofing a specific product,
see the product, e.g., textiles 677, buildings 693.8
Control of disease-carrying pests relocated to 614.4

629 Other branches of engineering

629.04 Transportation engineering
.1 Aerospace engineering
.2 Motor land vehicles, cycles
.3 Air-cushion vehicles (Ground-effect machines, Hovercraft)
.4 Astronautics
.8 Automatic control engineering

.04 Transportation engineering

Including navigation; transportation equipment; vehicles; stationary
transportation facilities; trafficways; engineering of transportation in
specific mediums (e.g., water transportation engineering, land transportation
Class military transportation technology in 623; class operation of
transportation equipment for recreational purposes in 796–797; class
interdisciplinary works on transportation in 388; class interdisciplinary
works on remote-control models in 796.15. Class technical problems
peculiar to transportation of a specific commodity with the commodity, e.g.,
slurry transportation of coal 662.6
For celestial navigation, see 527; for pipes and pipelines, see 621.8;
for nautical engineering and seamanship, see 623.8; for railroads,
roads, highways, see 625; for inland waterways, harbors, ports,
roadsteads, see 627; for aerospace engineering, see 629.1; for motor
land vehicles, cycles, see 629.2; for overwater air-cushion vehicles,
overland air-cushion vehicles, see 629.3; for nonmotor land vehicles, see
688.6; for transportation buildings, see 690
See Manual at 629.04 vs. 388; also at 796.15 vs. 629.04

629 Dewey Decimal Classification 629

.1 Aerospace engineering
Including mechanics and operation of aerospace flight; aerospace vehicles and
stationary facilities; portable flight vehicles
Class military aerospace engineering in 623; class vehicles that function
primarily in the atmosphere in 629.133; class hang gliding as a sport in 797.5.
Class a specific facility with the facility, e.g., air-cushion vehicles 629.3; class
mechanics and operation of a specific type of aerospace flight with the type,
e.g., astromechanics 629.4
For astronautics, see 629.4; for vehicles that function primarily in space, see
.13 Aeronautics
See Manual at 629.04 vs. 388
.130 01–.130 09 Standard subdivisions
.130 1 Philosophy and theory of flight
Do not use for aeromechanics of flight, aviation meteorology; class in
.130 2–.130 8 Standard subdivisions of flight
.130 9 History, geographic treatment, biography of flight
Do not use for flight guides; class in 629.132
Record of flying activities in all types of aircraft
.130 92 Biography of flight
Class here fliers, pilots
.132 Mechanics of flight; flying and related topics
Including aerostatics; aerodynamics; comprehensive works on
aeromechanics; aviation meteorology; automatic control
Class hang gliding in 629.1; class flying model airplanes, flying kites in
796.15; class air sports in 797.5
See Manual at 796.15 vs. 629.04
[.132 01–.132 09] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 629.1301–629.1309
.133 Aircraft types
Including lighter-than-air aircraft; heavier-than-air aircraft
Class models and miniatures of a specific type of military aircraft,
comprehensive works on models and miniatures of military aircraft
in 623.74; class hang gliders in 629.1; class components of specific
aircraft types in 629.134; class flying kites, flying model aircraft,
interdisciplinary works on building and flying model aircraft in 796.15.
Class models and miniatures of a specific aircraft component with the
component in 629.134–629.135, e.g., models of flight instrumentation
See Manual at 796.15 vs. 629.04
629 Engineering and allied operations 629

.133 022 Illustrations

Do not use for models and miniatures; class in 629.133
.133 028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment,
Do not use for testing and measurement, maintenance and
repair; class in 629.134
Class safety equipment in 629.134
.134 Aircraft components and general techniques
Including analysis and design; manufacturing and assembling; parts
(e.g., airframes, airfoils, control surfaces, fuselages, engines and fuels,
propellers and vertical lift rotors, rigging and bracing equipment, landing
gear, escape equipment); interiors and special equipment (e.g., comfort
equipment, safety equipment); tests and measurements (e.g., ground tests
and inspection, flight tests)
Class wreckage studies in 629.132
For test and measurements, maintenance and repair of a specific type
of aircraft other than airplanes in general, see 629.133. For aircraft
instrumentation, see 629.135
.134 028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment,
Do not use for testing and measurement, maintenance and
repair; class in 629.134
.135 Aircraft instrumentation (Avionics)
Including navigation instrumentation; flight instrumentation; power-plant
monitoring instrumentation; electrical systems; electronic systems
.136 Airports
Including types other than commercial land airports; details of airports
(e.g., runways, lighting systems, air traffic control systems, fire fighting
Class here commercial land airports
See Manual at 629.136 vs. 387.7

629 Dewey Decimal Classification 629

.2 Motor land vehicles, cycles

Standard subdivisions are added for motor land vehicles, cycles together; for
motor land vehicles alone
Including special topics of motor land vehicles (e.g., safety engineering
of motor land vehicles); design, materials, construction; chassis; bodies;
specialized land vehicles (e.g., nonsurface motor land vehicles, vehicles for
extraterrestrial surfaces)
Class here automotive engineering
Class military motor land vehicles in 623.7; class materials for, design, and
construction of engines, electronic fuel injection systems, electronic systems
of internal-combustion engines in 629.25; class comprehensive works on
customizing and detailing in 629.28
For highway safety engineering, see 625.7028; for overland air-cushion
vehicles, see 629.3
See Manual at 629.04 vs. 388
.202 2 Illustrations
Do not use for models and miniatures; class in 629.22
.202 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment
Do not use for materials; class in 629.2. Do not use for testing and
measurement, maintenance and repair; class in 629.28
Class safety engineering of motor land vehicles in 629.2
.22 Types of vehicles
Including special topics of types of vehicles (e.g., off-road vehicles,
natural gas vehicles); models and miniatures; other types of
vehicles (e.g., steam-powered vehicles, electric-powered vehicles,
air-compression-powered vehicles, solar energy-powered vehicles,
nuclear-powered vehicles)
Class design, materials, construction of a specific type of vehicle; parts
of a specific type of vehicle; nonsurface motor land vehicles; vehicles
for extraterrestrial surfaces in 629.2; class driving a specific type of
vehicle in 629.28; class operating remote-control models in 796.15; class
comprehensive works on models and miniatures of military motor land
vehicles in 623.74; class comprehensive works on tractors in 629.225
For trolleybuses, see 625.6
See Manual at 796.15 vs. 629.04
.220 22 Illustrations
Do not use for models and miniatures; class in 629.22
.220 28 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Do not use for testing and measurement, maintenance and repair;
class in 629.28
Class safety accessories in 629.2

629 Engineering and allied operations 629

> 629.222–629.228 Gasoline-powered, oil-powered, man-powered vehicles

Class comprehensive works in 629.22
.222 *Passenger automobiles
Including dune buggies, minivans, station wagons; sports cars; specific
named passenger automobiles; passenger automobiles for public
Class passenger automobiles rebuilt or modified for high speed, racing
cars in 629.228
For guided-way systems, see 625.4; for trolleybuses, see 625.6
See also 629.223 for vans
.223 *Light trucks
Including pickup trucks; vans
.224 *Trucks (Lorries)
Class here tractor trailers (articulated lorries, semi-trailers)
For light trucks, see 629.223
.225 *Work vehicles
Including bulldozers, fire engines; tractors
Class steam tractors in 629.22
For automotive materials-handling equipment, see 621.8; for trucks,
see 629.224
.226 *Campers, motor homes, trailers (caravans)
Standard subdivisions are added for any or all topics in heading
Class here comprehensive works on recreational vehicles (RVs)
Class construction of towed mobile homes in 690
For a specific kind of recreational vehicle not provided for here, see
the vehicle, e.g., dune buggies 629.222
See also 629.224 for tractor trailers
See Manual at 643, 690, 728.7 vs. 629.226
.227 *Cycles
Including monocycles; bicycles; tricycles; motorcycles; motorscooters;
tandem bicycles
*Do not use notation 022 from Table 1 for models and miniatures; class in 629.22. Do not use
notation 028 from Table 1 for testing and measurement, maintenance and repair; class in 629.28
629 Dewey Decimal Classification 629

.228 *Racing cars

Conventional and converted
Including karts; hot rods
.25 Engines
Including specific types of engines (e.g., steam engines, electric engines,
internal-combustion engines, air-compression engines, solar engines,
nuclear engines); parts and auxiliary systems of internal-combustion engines
(e.g., motor parts of internal-combustion engines; fuel systems and fuels
of internal-combustion engines; ignition, electrical, electronic systems of
internal-combustion engines; lubricating systems of internal-combustion
engines; cooling systems of internal-combustion engines; starting devices
of internal-combustion engines; throttles and spark control devices of
internal-combustion engines); comprehensive works on specific kinds of
parts and auxiliary systems of automotive engines
Class here pollution control
Class lighting equipment in 629.2
.250 01–.250 09 Standard subdivisions
.28 Tests, driving, maintenance, repair
Including tests and related topics (e.g., road tests [performance tests],
periodic inspection and roadability tests, wreckage studies); driving private
passenger automobiles; driving vehicles other than internal-combustion
passenger vehicles; services provided by garages and service stations;
customizing, detailing
Class factory inspection, maintenance and repair, testing and measurement
of specific parts of vehicles other than engines in 629.2; class maintenance
and repair, testing and measurement of engines, works on car tune-ups
limited to maintenance and repair of engines in 629.250028

.3 Air-cushion vehicles (Ground-effect machines, Hovercraft)

Including general topics of air-cushion vehicles (e.g., lift systems, propulsion
systems); types of vehicles (e.g., overland air-cushion vehicles, overwater
air-cushion vehicles, amphibious air-cushion vehicles)
Class military air-cushion vehicles in 623.74

.4 Astronautics
Including space flight
Class military astronautics in 623; class unmanned space flight in 629.43; class
interdisciplinary works on space policy in 333.9. Class preparation for flight to
a specific celestial body with the flight, e.g., preparation for manned lunar flight
See also 500.5 for space sciences
See Manual at 629.04 vs. 388
*Do not use notation 022 from Table 1 for models and miniatures; class in 629.22. Do not use
notation 028 from Table 1 for testing and measurement, maintenance and repair; class in 629.28
629 Engineering and allied operations 629

.401 Philosophy and theory

Do not use for astromechanics; class in 629.4
.409 2 Astronautical engineers
Class astronauts in 629.450092
.43 Unmanned space flight
Including launching; guidance and homing; mission control; flight of
artificial satellites; astronautical exploratory and data-gathering flights;
communications and tracking
Class satellite flight for a specific purpose with the purpose, e.g., weather
satellites 551.63
See Manual at 629.43, 629.45 vs. 559.9, 919.904
.44 Auxiliary spacecraft
Including space shuttles; space stations; space colonies, laboratories
.45 Manned space flight
Including selection and training of astronauts; launching and takeoff;
guidance, homing, navigation; mission control; circumterrestrial and lunar
flights; planetary flights; flights to planetary satellites; communications
and tracking; piloting and related activities (e.g., rendezvous with other
spacecraft, extravehicular activities, rescue operations, atmospheric entry
and landing)
Class auxiliary spacecraft in 629.44
For communication and tracking, see 629.43
See Manual at 629.43, 629.45 vs. 559.9, 919.904
.450 01–.450 09 Standard subdivisions
.46 Engineering of unmanned spacecraft
Class here artificial satellites
.47 Astronautical engineering
Including structural analysis and design of spacecraft; spacecraft materials
and components; spacecraft construction; spacecraft engineering systems;
propulsion systems; booster rockets, engines; environmental control and
life-support systems; terrestrial facilities
Class here comprehensive works on spacecraft
Class comprehensive works on rocketry in 621.43
For auxiliary spacecraft, see 629.44; for engineering of unmanned
spacecraft, see 629.46

629 Dewey Decimal Classification 629

.8 Automatic control engineering

Including special topics of automatic control engineering (e.g., hydraulic
control, electric control, pneumatic control); open-loop systems; closed-loop
systems (feedback systems); computer control; electronic control,
comprehensive works on computer control
Class here automatons that are not computer controlled
Class interdisciplinary works on control theory in 003. Class a specific
application with the application, e.g., numerical control of machine tools 621.9
For computer factory operations in manufacturing, see 670.42
.801 Philosophy and theory
Class control theory in 629.8

630 Agriculture and related technologies

Standard subdivisions are added for agriculture and related technologies together,
for agriculture alone
Class here farming, farms, plant crops; interdisciplinary works on plants of
agricultural importance
Class agricultural sociology in 306.3; class agricultural economics in 338.1
For a specific nonagricultural aspect of domestic plants, see the aspect, e.g.,
biology of domestic plants 580
See also 307.72 for rural sociology; also 333.76 for agricultural land
economics; also 909 for general works on rural conditions and civilization;
also 930–990 for rural conditions and civilization in specific areas
See Manual at 571–575 vs. 630; also at 630 vs. 579–590, 641.3

630.1–.9 Standard subdivisions
631 Specific techniques; apparatus, equipment, materials
632 Plant injuries, diseases, pests
633 Field and plantation crops
634 Orchards, fruits, forestry
635 Garden crops (Horticulture)
636 Animal husbandry
637 Processing dairy and related products
638 Insect culture
639 Hunting, fishing, conservation, related technologies

.1 Philosophy and theory

Do not use for scientific principles; class in 630.2

.2 Miscellany
Including scientific principles
For agricultural genetics, see 631.5

630 Agriculture and related technologies 630

[.22–.29] Specific miscellany

Do not use for specific miscellany other than apparatus, equipment,
materials; class in 630.2. Do not use for apparatus, equipment, materials;
class in 631

631 Specific techniques; apparatus, equipment, materials

Topics common to plant and animal husbandry or limited to plant culture
Class comprehensive works on apparatus, equipment, materials used in a specific
auxiliary technique or procedure in 630.2, e.g., computers 630.2
For plant injuries, diseases, pests, see 632; for specific techniques, apparatus,
equipment, materials for specific plant crops, see 633–635; for specific
techniques, apparatus, equipment, materials for animal husbandry, see 636.08
[.01–.09] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 630.1–630.9

.2 Agricultural structures
Including farmhouses; general-purpose buildings; barns; machine and
equipment sheds; fences, hedges, walls; roads, bridges, dams
Class construction of bridges in 624.2; class construction of farm roads in
625.7; class construction of dams in 627; class construction of farm buildings
and structures, construction of farmhouses in 690
For housing for domestic animals, see 636.08

.3 Tools, machinery, apparatus, equipment

Including workshops; equipment for care and shelter of plants; power and
power machinery
Class manufacture of tools, machinery, apparatus, equipment in 681. Class
manufacture of a specific article with the article, e.g., tractors 629.225
For equipment for a specific purpose, see the purpose, e.g., greenhouses
631.5; for a specific use of power and power machinery, see the use, e.g.,
use of combines 633.1
See also 631.2 for agricultural structures

631 Dewey Decimal Classification 631

.4 Soil science
Including soil chemistry; soil fertility, acidity, alkalinity; soil physics;
soil classification; soil erosion; control of soil erosion, soil conservation,
comprehensive agricultural works on soil and water conservation; soil biology;
soil and land-use surveys
Class here interdisciplinary works on soils
Class use of soil conditioners in 631.8; class comprehensive technological
works on soil erosion in 627; class comprehensive works on crop rotation
in 631.5; class interdisciplinary works on soil conservation in 333.73; class
interdisciplinary works on soil erosion in 551.3; class interdisciplinary works on
soil mechanics in 624.1
For tillage for water conservation, see 631.5; for revegetation, see 631.6;
for water conservation, see 631.7; for use of fertilizers, see 631.8. For a
specific aspect of soils, see the aspect, e.g., soil formation 551.3, engineering
use of soils 624.1
.401 Philosophy and theory
Do not use for classification of soils, scientific principles; class in 631.4
[.409] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 631.4

.5 Cultivation and harvesting

Standard subdivisions are added for cultivation and harvesting together, for
cultivation alone
Including soil working (tillage); cultivation limited to tillage; production of
seeds, bulbs, tubers, new varieties; nursery practice, plant breeding; plant
propagation; comprehensive works on plant propagation and nursery practice;
grafting, pruning, training; operations subsequent to harvesting; varieties and
kinds of organisms used in agriculture; description of cultivated varieties
that contain little or no information on how to grow them; special methods of
Use this number for irrigation only for works describing what is done on the
farm, e.g., installation and use of sprinkler systems
Class special methods of cultivation as topics in land economics in 333.76; class
special methods of cultivation as topics in agricultural economics in 338.1; class
biology of varieties of agricultural plants in 580; class digging wells in 628.1;
class interdisciplinary works on irrigation in 333.91; class interdisciplinary
works on germ plasm in 333.95; class interdisciplinary works on technological
aspects of irrigation, works on obtaining irrigation water from off-farm sources
in 627
Most works on grafting and pruning will be classed in 634 or in 635.9. Most
works on use of artificial light in agriculture and on soilless culture will be
classed in 635
For sewage irrigation, see 628.3; for conservation tillage, crop rotation to
control erosion, see 631.4; for greenhouse gardening, organic gardening,
see 635. For a specific aspect of organic farming, see the aspect, e.g.,
compost 631.8
See Manual at 338.1 vs. 631.5

631 Agriculture and related technologies 631

.6 Clearing, drainage, revegetation

Class here reclamation
Class reforestation in 634.9; class interdisciplinary works on technological
aspects of reclamation, off-farm drainage projects, interdisciplinary works on
technological aspects of drainage in 627

.7 Water conservation
For tillage for water conservation, see 631.5

.8 Fertilizers, soil conditioners, growth regulators

Standard subdivisions are added for fertilizers, soil conditioners, growth
regulators together; for fertilizers alone
Including specific kinds of fertilizers (e.g., potassium fertilizers, nitrogen
fertilizers, phosphorus fertilizers, organic fertilizers, vegetable manures and
converted household garbage); nutritive principles, complete fertilizers,
methods of application; animal wastes
Class here interdisciplinary works on agricultural chemicals
Class comprehensive works on soil fertility in 631.4
For pesticides, see 632; for manufacture of agricultural chemicals, see 668

632 Plant injuries, diseases, pests

Standard subdivisions are added for plant injuries, diseases, pests together; for
plant injuries alone
Including specific diseases and pests (e.g., galls, fungus diseases, weeds, animal
pests, insect pests, virus diseases); control of specific diseases; damages caused
by environmental factors; damages caused by climatic change, by weather;
general topics of pest and disease control; control of animal pests, integrated pest
management; interdisciplinary works on pesticides [formerly also 668]
Class here pathology of agricultural plants; comprehensive works on plant and
animal injuries, diseases, pests
Class works on both physiology and pathology of agricultural plants in 571.2; class
use of agricultural plants in studies of basic pathological processes in 571.9; class
interdisciplinary works on pests, works on pest control services in 363.7; class
interdisciplinary works on environmental effects of pesticides in 363.738; class
interdisciplinary works on pest control technology in 628.9
For injuries, diseases, pests of specific plant crops, see 633–635; for predator
control in animal husbandry, see 636.08; for veterinary medicine, see 636.089;
for manufacture of pesticides, see 668

> 633–635 Specific plant crops

Class comprehensive works in 630
See Manual at 633–635

633 Dewey Decimal Classification 633

633 Field and plantation crops

Large-scale production of crops intended for agricultural purposes or industrial
processing other than preservation
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Class truck farming in 635
For a specific field or plantation crop not provided for here, see the crop, e.g.,
bananas 634
[.028] Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment,
Do not use for auxiliary techniques and procedures; class in 630.2. Do
not use for apparatus, equipment, materials; class in 631

.1 Cereals
Including grain amaranths; cultivation, harvesting, related topics; wheat;
buckwheat; oats; rye; corn; barley; millets, grain sorghums, upland and wild
rice; rice
Class sweet sorghums in 633.6; class sweet corn in 635
For cereal crops grown for forage, see 633.2; for popcorn, see 635

.2 Forage crops
Including pastures and their grasses; range management; cultivation, harvesting,
related topics of forage crops; bluegrasses; orchard grass; bent grasses; timothy;
cereal grasses; sedges
Class here forage grasses, Pooideae grasses
Class pasture use of forests in 634.9; class comprehensive works on ranches and
farms devoted to livestock in 636
For forage crops other than grasses, see 633.3
.200 1–.200 9 Standard subdivisions

.3 Legumes, forage crops other than grasses and legumes

Standard subdivisions are added for legumes and forage crops other than
grasses and legumes together, for legumes alone
Including cultivation, harvesting, related topics; alfalfa; trifolium clovers;
trefoils; cowpeas; soybeans; vetches; bush clovers, sweet clovers, lupines,
peanuts, field peas
Class here forage legumes, grain legumes
Class interdisciplinary works on legumes as food in 641.3
For leguminous fruits, see 634; for garden legumes, see 635

633 Agriculture and related technologies 633

.5 Fiber crops
Including specific soft fibers (e.g., cotton, flax, hemp [cannabis sativa], jute,
ramie); hard fibers
Class here soft-fiber crops
Class fiber plants grown for paper pulp in 633.8

.6 Sugar, syrup, starch crops

Standard subdivisions are added for sugar, syrup, starch crops together; for
sugar crops alone; for syrup crops alone
Including sugarcane; sorgo; sugar beets; sugar maples
Class a crop raised for starch and another product with the other product, e.g.,
potatoes 635

.7 Alkaloidal crops
Including tobacco; tea; coffee; cacao; poppies (Papaver somniferum); kola nuts
(cola nuts); maté; chicory; marijuana; hashish

.8 Other crops grown for industrial processing

Including perfume-producing plants; flavoring-producing plants; spices;
sweet spices; hot spices; plants producing nonvolatile oils; oilseed plants;
dye-producing plants; tannin-producing plants; medicine-producing plants;
crops grown for other industrial purposes (e.g., rubber-producing and
resin-producing plants, insecticide-producing plants)
For alliaceous plants, aromatic and sweet herbs, see 635. For a specific
plant producing a nonvolatile oil not provided for here, see the plant, e.g.,
corn 633.1; coconuts 634; olives 634
For a crop producing medicine as a secondary product, see the primary
product, e.g., poppy 633.7

634 Orchards, fruits, forestry

Fruits: reproductive bodies of seed plants having an edible more or less sweet pulp
associated with the seed
Standard subdivisions are added for orchards, fruits, forestry together; for orchards
alone; for fruits alone
Including cultivation, harvesting, related topics of orchards, of fruits, of trees;
specific orchards and their fruits (e.g., pomaceous fruits, stone fruits, citrus and
moraceous fruits, nuts, tropical and subtropical fruits); berries and herbaceous
tropical and subtropical fruits; comprehensive works on small fruits
Class here comprehensive works on tree crops
Class comprehensive works on legumes in 633.3
For trees grown for plantation crops, see 633; for pepos, see 635; for
ornamental trees, see 635.9

634 Dewey Decimal Classification 634

.8 Grapes
Including injuries, diseases, pests; varieties and kinds; cultivation and
Class here viticulture

.9 Forestry
Including general topics of forestry (e.g., forest management, access and safety
features, silviculture, injuries, diseases, pests); kinds of trees (e.g., dicotyledons,
monocotyledons, gymnosperms); forest exploitation and products; logging,
logs, comprehensive works on lumbering; agroforestry
Class nonwoody plants grown for paper pulp in 633.8; class lumber in 674;
class comprehensive works on management in forestry in 634.9068; class
interdisciplinary works on afforestation, interdisciplinary works on reforestation
in 333.75. Class trees cultivated for a specific product other than lumber or pulp
with the product, e.g., turpentine trees 633.8, pecan trees 634
For sawmill operations, see 674
.906 8 Management
Do not use for management of production; class in 634.9

635 Garden crops (Horticulture)

Including cultivation, harvesting, related topics; specific edible garden crops (e.g.,
edible roots; edible tubers and bulbs; edible leaves, flowers, stems; cooking greens,
rhubarb; salad greens; edible garden fruits and seeds; aromatic and sweet herbs;
mushrooms and truffles)
Class here vegetables (crops grown primarily for human consumption without
intermediate processing other than cooking and preservation); home gardening,
truck farming
Class orchards in 634; class comprehensive works on legumes in 633.3
For cassava, taro, see 633.6

635 Agriculture and related technologies 635

.9 Flowers and ornamental plants

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including groupings of plants (e.g., groupings by life duration; taxonomic
groupings, plants propagated from bulbs and tubers, groupings by
environmental factors, groupings by special areas and purposes, other
groupings of ornamental plants [e.g., everlastings, vines, foliage plants, shrubs
and hedges, trees]), specific techniques; apparatus, equipment, materials;
injuries, diseases, pests; special methods of cultivation in floriculture (e.g.,
controlled-environment gardening, bell-jar gardening, container gardening,
organic gardening)
Class here floriculture
Class hedges used as fences in 631.2; class landscape architecture of flower
gardens in 712; class flower arrangement in 745.92; class comprehensive works
on special methods of cultivating vegetables and ornamental plants in 635
For planting and cultivation of roadside vegetation, see 625.7; for butterfly
gardening, see 638
See Manual at 635.9 vs. 582.1
.902 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures
Do not use for apparatus, equipment, materials; class in 635.9

636 Animal husbandry

Including ranches and farms; young of animals
Class here interdisciplinary works on species of domestic mammals
Class feeding livestock, production and maintenance, rearing for specific purposes,
veterinary medicine of young animals in 636.08
For culture of nondomesticated animals, see 639. For a specific nonagricultural
aspect of domestic mammals, see the aspect, e.g., biology 599
See Manual at 800 vs. 398.24, 590, 636

636.001–.009 Standard subdivisions
.08 Specific topics in animal husbandry
.1 Horses
.2 Cattle and related animals
.3 Sheep and goats
.4 Swine
.5 Chickens and other kinds of domestic birds
.6 Birds other than poultry
.7 Dogs
.8 Cats
.9 Other mammals

.001 Philosophy and theory

Do not use for genetics; class in 636.08
.002 Miscellany
Do not use for ownership marks; class in 636.08

636 Dewey Decimal Classification 636

.003–.006 Standard subdivisions

.007 Education, research, related topics
.007 9 Competitions, festivals, awards, financial support
Do not use for animal shows and related awards; class in 636.08
.008–.009 Standard subdivisions
.08 Specific topics in animal husbandry
Including selection, showing, ownership marks; breeding; care,
maintenance, training; stable management; feeding; feeds and applied
nutrition; field-crop feeds
Class growing forage crops in 633.2; class ranches and farms, young of
animals in 636; class training for a specific purpose in 636.088; class
veterinary care of animals in 636.089; class construction of housing for
domestic animals in 690; class interdisciplinary works on livestock genetic
resources in 333.95
For development of pasturage, see 633.2; for pasture use of forests, see
634.9; for predator control in wildlife conservation, see 639.9
[.080 1–.080 9] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 636.001–636.009
.088 Animals for specific purposes
Including beasts of burden; draft animals, pack animals; animals raised
for food; animals raised for special products (e.g., animals raised for eggs
and milk, animals raised for hide, animals raised for hair and feathers);
laboratory animals; work animals; pets; obedience training; sport and
stunt animals; zoo animals
Class show animals in 636.08; class veterinary medicine of animals for
specific purposes in 636.089; class fur farming in 636.97; class milk
processing, egg processing in 637; class reminiscences about and true
accounts of pets in 808.88. Class reminiscences about and true accounts
of pets in a specific literature with the literature in 800, plus notation
8 from Table 3 under the appropriate language, e.g., reminiscences
in English about pets 828; class literary treatment of pets other than
reminiscences with the appropriate literary form in 800, e.g., a late 20th
century English novel about pets 823
See Manual at 800 vs. 398.24, 590, 636
.089 Veterinary medicine
Class here veterinary sciences
Class animal welfare, animal hospitals in 636.08

636 Agriculture and related technologies 636

.1 Horses
Including miniature horses; specific breeds and kinds of horses (e.g., oriental
horses, racehorses, saddle horses [riding horses], carriage horses, draft horses,
ponies, light harness horses); other equines (e.g., donkeys [burros], mules)
Class here equines
Class training of riders and drivers, comprehensive works on training horses and
their riders and drivers in 798
For wild mustang, see 599.665
.100 1–.100 9 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 636.001–636.009

.2 Cattle and related animals

Standard subdivisions are added for cattle and related animals together, for
cattle alone
Including cattle for specific purposes; production, maintenance, training;
specific breeds of cattle (e.g., British breeds of cattle; German, Dutch, Danish,
Swiss breeds of cattle; French and Belgian breeds of cattle; other European
breeds of cattle; non-European breeds of cattle); other larger ruminants and
Class here bovids, bovines, ruminants
Class milking and milk processing in 637
For sheep and goats, see 636.3; for Tragulidae, see 636.9
.200 1–.200 9 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 636.001–636.009

.3 Sheep and goats

Standard subdivisions are added for sheep and goats together, for sheep alone
Including sheep for specific purposes; production, maintenance, training;
specific breeds of sheep (e.g., British breeds of sheep; German, Dutch, Swiss
breeds of sheep; French and Belgian breeds of sheep; Italian breeds of sheep;
Merino breeds; other European breeds of sheep; non-European breeds of sheep)
.300 1–.300 9 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 636.001–636.009

.4 Swine
Including specific breeds of swine (e.g., European breeds of swine;
non-European breeds of swine)
.400 1–.400 9 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 636.001–636.009

636 Dewey Decimal Classification 636

.5 Chickens and other kinds of domestic birds

Standard subdivisions are added for chickens and other kinds of domestic birds
together, for chickens alone
Including poultry for specific purposes; production, maintenance, training;
specific breeds of chickens (e.g., European breeds of chickens; Non-European
and diminutive breeds of chickens); other poultry (e.g., turkeys, guinea fowl,
pheasants, peafowl, pigeons, ducks, geese)
Class here poultry, comprehensive works on raising birds, interdisciplinary
works on species of domestic birds
For birds other than poultry, see 636.6. For a specific nonagricultural
aspect of domestic birds, see the aspect, e.g., biology of domestic birds 598
.500 1–.500 9 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 636.001–636.009

.6 Birds other than poultry

Including birds raised for feathers; game birds; ornamental birds, songbirds,
hawks; aviary birds, cage birds; ratites
Class comprehensive works on birds in 636.5
For peafowl, see 636.5

.7 Dogs
Including breeds of dogs
Class specific breeds in 636.72–636.75
See Manual at 636.7 vs. 636.73, 636.752
.700 1–.700 9 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 636.001–636.009

> 636.72–636.75 Specific breeds and groups of dogs

Class comprehensive works in 636.7
For toy dogs of any breed, see 636.76
See Manual at 636.72–636.75
.72 Nonsporting dogs
Including bichon frise, Boston terrier, bulldog, Chinese Shar-Pei, chow
chow, Dalmatian, Finnish spitz, French bulldog, Keeshond, Lhasa apso,
Schipperke, Tibetan spaniel, Tibetan terrier; poodles; miniature poodle
Class here utility breeds (United Kingdom)
Class comprehensive works on terriers in 636.755

636 Agriculture and related technologies 636

.73 Working and herding dogs

Standard subdivisions are added for working and herding dogs together, for
working dogs alone
Including sled dogs, watchdogs (guard dogs)
Including akita, Alaskan Malamute, Bernese mountain dog, boxer,
bullmastiff, Eskimo dogs, Great Dane, Great Pyrenee, Komondor, Kuvasz,
mastiffs, Newfoundland, Portuguese water dog, Rottweiler, Saint Bernard,
Samoyed, Schnauzers (standard and giant), Siberian husky; Doberman
Class Finnish spitz in 636.72; class Norwegian elkhound in 636.753; class
miniature Schnauzer in 636.755; class miniature pinscher in 636.76
See also 636.7 for dogs as working animals
See Manual at 636.7 vs. 636.73, 636.752
.737 Herding dogs
Including Australian cattle dog, Belgian Malinois, Belgian Tervuren,
Bouvier des Flandres, Briard, Puli, Welsh corgis; sheep dogs; collies;
German shepherd dog
.75 Sporting dogs, hounds, terriers
Class here hunting dogs, sporting dogs (United Kingdom)
.752 Sporting dogs
Including Brittany, Vizsla, Weimaraner, wirehaired pointing griffon;
spaniels; pointers; setters; retrievers
Class here bird dogs, gundogs (United Kingdom)
See also 636.7 for dogs as sport animals
.753 Hounds
Including Norwegian elkhound; gazehounds (sighthounds); Afghan
hound; greyhound; wolfhounds; beagle; dachshund
Class Italian greyhound, miniature dachshund in 636.76; class greyhound
racing in 798.8
.755 Terriers
Including miniature Schnauzer; bull terriers; pit bull terriers
For Boston and Tibetan terriers, see 636.72; for toy terriers, see
.76 Toy dogs
Including affenpinscher, Brussels griffon, Chihuahua, Chinese crested,
English toy spaniel, Italian greyhound, Japanese chin, Maltese, Mexican
hairless (xoloitzcuintli), miniature dachshund, miniature pinscher, Papillon,
Pekingese, Pomeranian, pug, shih tzu, silky terrier, toy Manchester terrier,
toy poodle, Yorkshire terrier
Class miniature poodle in 636.72; class miniature Schnauzer in 636.755

636 Dewey Decimal Classification 636

.8 Cats
Including specific breeds and kinds of domestic cats (e.g., shorthair cats,
longhair cats); nondomestic cats
.800 1–.800 9 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 636.001–636.009

.9 Other mammals
Class here other mammals as pets
Add to base number 636.9 the numbers following 599 in 599.2–599.8, e.g.,
rodents 636.935, fur-bearing animals 636.97; however, for equines, see 636.1;
for ruminants other than mouse deer, see 636.2; for cat family, see 636.8

637 Processing dairy and related products

Including milk processing; butter processing; cheese processing; manufacture of
frozen desserts; ice cream; egg processing
Class raising hens for eggs, raising poultry other than chickens for eggs in 636.5;
class comprehensive works on dairy farming in 636.2

638 Insect culture

Including bee keeping (apiculture); silkworms

639 Hunting, fishing, conservation, related technologies

Including trapping; mollusk fisheries and culture; comprehensive works on harvest
and culture of invertebrates, on shellfish fisheries and culture; crustacean fisheries;
crustacean culture; harvest and culture of invertebrates other than mollusks and
Class here culture of nondomesticated animals
Class comprehensive works on commercial and sports hunting in 799.2
For insect culture, see 638; for sports hunting and fishing, see 799
.091 6 Treatment in air and water
Class aquaculture in 639.8

.2 Commercial fishing, whaling, sealing

Standard subdivisions are added for commercial fishing, whaling, sealing
together; for commercial fishing alone
Including fishing in specific types of water (e.g., fishing in fresh water, fishing
in salt waters); deep-sea fishing; fishing for specific kinds of fishes
Class here works on fisheries encompassing culture as well as capture, on
fisheries encompassing invertebrates as well as fishes
Class fisheries for invertebrates in 639; class comprehensive works on
aquaculture in 639.8
For culture of fishes, see 639.3

639 Agriculture and related technologies 639

.3 Culture of cold-blooded vertebrates

Including fish culture in fresh water; fishponds, freshwater fish farming; fish
culture in salt waters; culture of amphibians and specific kinds of fishes; reptile
Class here cold-blooded vertebrates as pets; culture of fishes
Class fish culture in freshwater aquariums, fish culture in marine aquariums in
.34 Fish culture in aquariums
Including marine aquariums; institutional aquariums
Class here freshwater aquariums, home aquariums
Class interdisciplinary works on aquariums, on educational and scientific
aquariums in 597.073

.8 Aquaculture
Including aquaculture of plants
Class here mariculture
Class hydroponics in 631.5. Class aquaculture of a specific kind of animal with
the kind, e.g., aquaculture of fishes 639.3

.9 Conservation of biological resources

Including specific topics in conservation (e.g., habitat improvement; population
control; maintenance of reserves and refuges; control of injuries, diseases,
pests); plant conservation
Class here conservation of animals, game animals, mammals, vertebrates,
wildlife; game protection
Class specific topics in conservation of specific kinds of animals in
639.97; class comprehensive works on pest control in agriculture in 632;
class comprehensive works on predator control in agriculture in 636.08;
class interdisciplinary works on conservation of biological resources,
interdisciplinary works on conservation of animals, vertebrates, mammals in
See also 636.088 for raising warm-blooded game animals
.97 Specific kinds of animals
Other than vertebrates taken as a whole, mammals taken as a whole
Class comprehensive works on conservation of mammals in 639.9
See Manual at 333.95 vs. 639.97
[.970 1–.970 9] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 639.901–639.909

640 Dewey Decimal Classification 640

640 Home and family management

Standard subdivisions are added for home and family management together, for
home management alone
Including specific aspects of home management (e.g., helpful hints and
miscellaneous recipes, time management, management of household employees)
Class here home economics, household management
Use 640 for housekeeping covering activities related to running the home, e.g.,
preparing meals and doing routine repairs as well as cleaning. Use 648 for
housekeeping limited to cleaning
Class personal health in 613; class management of public households, management
of institutional household employees in 647; class interdisciplinary works on time
management in 650.1

640.1–.9 Standard subdivisions; evaluation and purchasing guides
641 Food and drink
642 Meals and table service
643 Housing and household equipment
644 Household utilities
645 Household furnishings
646 Sewing, clothing, management of personal and family life
647 Management of public households (Institutional housekeeping)
648 Housekeeping
649 Child rearing; home care of people with disabilities and illnesses

.28 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials

Do not use for maintenance and repair; class in 643
.29 Commercial miscellany
Do not use for evaluation and purchasing manuals; class in 640.73

.6 Organizations
[.68] Management
Do not use; class in 640

.7 Education, research, related topics; evaluation and purchasing guides

Notation 07 from Table 1 as modified below
.73 Evaluation and purchasing guides
Class here consumer education for home and personal needs
Class comprehensive works on managing household money in 332.024;
class interdisciplinary evaluation and purchasing guides and works on
consumer education in 381.3. Class evaluation and purchasing guides for
a specific product or service with the product or service, plus notation 029
from Table 1, e.g., manual on evaluating automobiles 629.222029

641 Home and family management 641

641 Food and drink

Class applied nutrition in 613.2
For meals and table service, see 642

641.01 Philosophy and theory
.2 Beverages (Drinks)
.3 Food
.4 Food preservation and storage
.5 Cooking
.6 Cooking specific materials
.7 Specific cooking processes and techniques
.8 Cooking specific kinds of dishes and preparing beverages

.01 Philosophy and theory

Including gastronomy; pleasures of food and drink, comprehensive works on
the slow food movement
For a specific aspect of the slow food movement, see the aspect, e.g.,
purchasing food at farmers markets 381, growing heirloom tomatoes
635, slow food cooking in restaurants 641.5

.2 Beverages (Drinks)
Including alcoholic beverages; wine; grape wine; brewed and malted beverages;
beer, ale; distilled liquor; nonalcoholic beverages
Class here interdisciplinary works on beverages
Class home preparation of alcoholic beverages, bartending, home preparation of
wine, home brewing in 641.87; class comprehensive works on nutritive values
of beverages in 613.2
For specific nonalcoholic beverages made from a single principal
ingredient, e.g., orange juice, see 641.3; for nonalcoholic beverages made
from multiple ingredients, see 641.87. For a specific aspect of beverages,
see the aspect, e.g., manufacture (commercial preparation) 663

.3 Food
Including health foods; natural foods, organically grown foods; food from
plants; vegetarian foods; food from animals; food additives; evaluation and
purchasing manuals; specific food from plant crops; nutritive values; specific
food from animals (e.g., meat, dairy and related products, honey, game and
Class here interdisciplinary works on food
Class dietetics in 613.2; class comprehensive works on applied nutrition in
For interdisciplinary works on specific dishes, see 641.8. For a specific
aspect of food, see the aspect, e.g., manufacture (commercial preparation)
See Manual at 363.8 vs. 613.2, 641.3; also at 630 vs. 579–590, 641.3
.300 1 Philosophy and theory

641 Dewey Decimal Classification 641

.300 2 Miscellany
.300 29 Commercial miscellany
Do not use for evaluation and purchasing manuals; class in 641.3
.300 3–.300 9 Standard subdivisions

.4 Food preservation and storage

Standard subdivisions are added for food preservation and storage together, for
food preservation alone
Including preservation techniques for fruit and vegetables, for food as a whole
(e.g., preliminary treatment; canning; drying and dehydrating; low-temperature
techniques; pickling, brining, smoking); meat
Class interdisciplinary works on food preservation in 664

.5 Cooking
Preparation of food with and without use of heat
Including cooking specific meals (e.g., first meal of the day, light meals, main
meal of the day); beginner and gourmet cooking; money-saving and timesaving
cooking; cooking for special situations, reasons, ages (e.g., cooking for one
or two people; cooking for health, appearance, personal reasons; seasonal
cooking; cooking for Christian church limitations and observances; cooking for
religious limitations and observances; cooking for special occasions); quantity,
institutional, travel, outdoor cooking; short-order cooking; cooking with specific
fuels, appliances, utensils
Class menus and meal planning in 642; class comprehensive works on
vegetarian foods in 641.3; class comprehensive works on baby food in
641.30083; class comprehensive works on techniques of barbecuing in 641.7;
class comprehensive works on food service and cooking for parties in 642.
Class a specific use of a specific appliance or utensil with the use, e.g., frying
with frying pans 641.7
For cooking specific materials, see 641.6; for specific cooking processes
and techniques, see 641.7; for cooking specific kinds of dishes, preparing
beverages, see 641.8
.502 Miscellany
.502 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures
Do not use for apparatus, equipment, materials; class in 643
.508 Cooking with respect to groups of people
.508 3 Cooking with respect to young people
Do not use for cooking by children, cooking for young people; class
in 641.5
.508 4 Cooking with respect to people in specific ages of adulthood
Do not use for cooking for people in specific ages of adulthood; class
in 641.5
.508 7 Cooking with respect to people with disabilities, gifted people
Do not use for cooking for people with illnesses; class in 641.5

641 Home and family management 641

.508 8 Cooking with respect to occupational groups

Do not use for cooking with respect to religious groups; class in 641.5
[.508 9] Cooking with respect to ethnic and national groups
Do not use for Jewish cooking; class in 641.5. Do not use for cooking
with respect to other ethnic and national groups; class in 641.59
.509 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for cooking characteristic of specific geographic
environments; class in 641.59
Class here collections of recipes from specific restaurants
.59 Cooking characteristic of specific geographic environments, ethnic
Including cooking characteristic of areas, regions, places in general
Class here gourmet cooking characteristic of specific geographic
environments, ethnic cooking together; international cooking
Class Jewish cooking in 641; class cooking specific meals; beginner and
gourmet cooking; money-saving and timesaving cooking; cooking for
special situations, reasons, ages; quantity, institutional, travel, outdoor
cooking; short-order cooking; cooking with specific fuels, appliances,
utensils in 641.5; class history and geographic treatment of general cooking,
collections of recipes from specific restaurants, in 641.509
.593–.599 Cooking characteristic of specific continents, countries, localities
Add to base number 641.59 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., Mexican
cooking 641.5972
Class ethnic cooking of nondominant groups in 641.59

.6 Cooking specific materials

Including cooking preserved foods; cooking with beverages and their
derivatives; specific foods (e.g., cooking food derived from plant crops and
domesticated animals, cooking with honey, cooking game and seafood)
Class home preservation in 641.4; class vegetarian cooking in 641.5; class
specific kinds of dishes featuring specific materials in 641.8; class home
preparation of beverages in 641.87
For leftovers, see 641.5

.7 Specific cooking processes and techniques

Including baking and roasting; braising, boiling, simmering, steaming, stewing;
barbecuing, broiling, grilling; frying and sautéing; preparation of cold dishes;
chilled dishes
Class specific processes applied to specific materials in 641.6; class specific
processes applied to specific kinds of dishes, preparing beverages in 641.8
For barbecuing, broiling, grilling at outdoor grills, see 641.5
[.701–.709] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 641.501–641.509

641 Dewey Decimal Classification 641

.8 Cooking specific kinds of dishes and preparing beverages

Class here interdisciplinary works on specific dishes
For manufacture (commercial preparation) of complete dishes, see 664
[.801–.809] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 641.501–641.509
.81 Side dishes, sauces, garnishes
Standard subdivisions are added for side dishes, sauces, garnishes together;
for side dishes alone
Side dishes other than salads, sandwiches, desserts
Including fondues, stuffing; appetizers; finger foods, hors d’oeuvres,
savories, starters, tapas; soups; sauces and salad dressings; bread and
bread-like foods; yeast breads, comprehensive works on baked goods
Class here specific side dishes treated as entrées
Class main dishes based on bread and bread-like foods in 641.82; class
sandwiches and related dishes in 641.84
For pastries, see 641.86
.82 Main dishes
Including quiches, soufflés, sushi; casserole dishes; noodle and pasta dishes;
stews; meat and cheese pies
Class here entrées, one-dish cooking
Class a side dish, salad, sandwich or stuffed food regarded as a main dish
with the topic elsewhere in 641.8, e.g., soup 641.81, hamburger on a roll
.83 Salads
.84 Sandwiches and related dishes
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Class here sandwiches and related dishes of any type, e.g., open-faced
sandwiches, grilled sandwiches, wraps
.85 Preserves and candy
Including jams, jellies, marmalades, preserves
.86 Desserts
Including frozen desserts; ice cream; ices, sherbet, sorbet; gelatin desserts;
puddings; pastries
Class here comprehensive works on candies and desserts
Class comprehensive works on baked goods in 641.81
For preserves and candy, see 641.85

641 Home and family management 641

.87 Preparing beverages

Including wine; alcoholic brewed beverages; beer, ale; alcoholic beverages;
bartending, comprehensive works on cocktails (mixed drinks); nonalcoholic
beverages; nonalcoholic brewed beverages
Class cooking with cocoa, coffee, tea in 641.6; class interdisciplinary works
on beverages in 641.2
For bottled and canned cocktails, see 663
See also 641.6 for cooking with beverages

642 Meals and table service

Including meals in specific situations (e.g., meals for home, family, individuals;
meals for camp, picnic, travel; meals for social and public occasions; meals in
public and institutional eating places); comprehensive works on meals and table
service in specific situations; table service at specific meals, waiting on tables;
table furnishings; table decorations
Class here menus, menu cookbooks, specific meals
Class party cooking, comprehensive works on cookbooks in 641.5; class catering
that includes restaurant operations, operation of public eating places in 647.95;
class interdisciplinary works on entertaining in 793.2

643 Housing and household equipment

Works for owner-occupants or renters covering activities of members of household
Including specific areas of the home (e.g., kitchens, eating and drinking areas,
other areas of the home [e.g., bathrooms; bedrooms; living rooms, drawing rooms,
parlors; recreation areas; study and work areas]); special-purpose housing and
special kinds of housing; appliances and laborsaving installations; renovation,
improvement, remodeling; do-it-yourself work, home repairs; comprehensive
works on maintenance and repair in home economics, on maintenance and repair
by members of household
Class burglary in 364.16; class cooking with specific appliances and utensils not
limited to a specific kind of cooking in 641.5; class household utilities; plumbing,
plumbing fixtures; appliances and installations for specific household utilities;
renovation, improvement, remodeling of specific household utilities in 644; class
household furnishings; appliances and installations for specific kinds of household
furnishings; renovation, improvement, remodeling of specific kinds of household
furnishings in 645; class management of condominiums and cooperative apartment
houses in 647; class moving in 648. Class a specific appliance or utensil used for
a specific kind of cooking with the kind of cooking, e.g., frying with frying pans
641.7; class appliances and installations for a specific purpose with the purpose,
e.g., sewing machines 646.2
For maintenance and repair of a specific item in the home, see the item, e.g.,
repair of furniture 645
See Manual at 363.5 vs. 643; also at 643, 690, 728.7 vs. 629.226; also at 690
vs. 643
Bedclothes relocated to 645

643 Dewey Decimal Classification 643

.028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures

Do not use for apparatus, equipment, materials, maintenance and repair,
class in 643

644 Household utilities

Works for owner-occupants or renters covering activities by members of household
Including heating; lighting; ventilation and air conditioning; plumbing; water
Class here home energy conservation
Class lighting fixtures as furnishings in 645
See Manual at 647 vs. 647.068, 658.2, T1—068

645 Household furnishings

Works for owner-occupants or renters covering activities by members of household
Including specific kinds of interior furnishings (e.g., floor covering, wall and
ceiling coverings, window furnishings, furniture and accessories, lighting fixtures);
special topics of household furnishings (e.g., fabrics); furnishings for specific
rooms; outdoor furnishings; outdoor furniture and accessories; bedclothes
[formerly also 643]
Class here household furnishings of residential buildings, comprehensive works on
household furnishings and interior decoration
Class home construction of household articles made of fabric in 646.2; class
manufacture of household furnishings in 684; class home construction of furniture
in 684.1; class artistic aspects of furniture and accessories in 749
For home construction of fabric furnishings, see 646.2; for interior decoration,
see 747

646 Sewing, clothing, management of personal and family life

Including sewing materials and equipment; clothing and accessories; casual wear
(sportswear); care of clothing and accessories
Class sewing machines in 646.2; class clothing and accessories construction in
646.4; class interdisciplinary works on clothing and accessories in 391
For laundering and related operations, see 648. For fabrics for a specific use,
see the use, e.g., use in furnishings 645
See Manual at 391 vs. 646, 746.9

646 Home and family management 646

.2 Sewing and related operations

Standard subdivisions are added for sewing and related operations together, for
sewing alone
Including basic sewing operations; darning; construction of home furnishings;
Class here mending, sewing for the home
Class mending clothes in 646; class clothing construction in 646.4; class artistic
and decorative aspects of construction of interior furnishings in 746.9
For a specific technique in textile arts, see the technique in 746, e.g.,
weaving 746.1
.202 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures
Do not use for apparatus, equipment, materials; class in 646. Do not
use for sewing machines, maintenance and repair, class in 646.2

.4 Clothing and accessories construction

Standard subdivisions are added for clothing and accessories construction
together, for clothing construction alone
Including patterns; fitting and alterations; specific kinds of clothing (e.g.,
construction of undergarments and hosiery, construction of specific kinds
of garments, construction of outerwear, construction of garments for special
purposes, accessories construction)
Class here dressmaking, tailoring; construction of casual wear (sportswear)
Class headwear in 646.5; class footwear in 685; class handcrafted costume
jewelry in 745.594
For construction of headwear, see 646.5; for commercial manufacture of
clothing, see 687. For clothing construction by a specific technique in textile
arts, see the technique in 746, e.g., knitting sweaters 746.43
.400 1–.400 7 Standard subdivisions
.400 8 Clothing with respect to groups of people
[.400 811] Clothing for men
Do not use; class in 646.4
[.400 82] Clothing for women
Do not use; class in 646.4
.400 83 Clothing for young people
Do not use for children under twelve; class in 646.4
.400 84 Clothing for people in specific stages of adulthood
Do not use for clothing for men in specific stages of adulthood,
clothing for women in specific stages of adulthood; class in 646.4

646 Dewey Decimal Classification 646

.400 87 Clothing for gifted people

Do not use for clothing for people with disabilities and illnesses;
class in 646.4
.400 9 History, geographic treatment, biography

.5 Construction of headwear
Including millinery
Class here bonnets, caps, hats
For construction of headwear by a specific technique in textile arts, see the
technique in 746, e.g., crocheting hats 746.43
.500 1–.500 7 Standard subdivisions
.500 8 Construction of headwear with respect to groups of people
[.500 811] Men
Do not use; class in 646.5
[.500 82] Women
Do not use; class in 646.5
[.500 83] Young people
Do not use; class in 646.5
.500 84 People in specific stages of adulthood
Do not use for headwear for men in specific stages of adulthood,
headwear for women in specific stages of adulthood; class in 646.5
.500 9 History, geographic treatment, biography

.7 Management of personal and family life

Including care of hair, face, skin, nails; cosmetology, cosmetics, makeup;
social skills; dating and choice of mate; guides to harmonious intrafamily
relationships; guides for people in late adulthood; guides to retirement
Class here grooming; life skills, success in personal and family life
Class clothing selection and dressing with style in 646; class training children in
grooming in 649; class interdisciplinary works on success in 650.1
For parapsychological and occult means for achievement of well-being,
happiness, success, see 131; for psychological means for achievement of
personal well-being, happiness, success, see 158; for etiquette, see 395; for
care of physique and form, see 613.7; for child rearing, see 649; for success
in business and other public situations, see 650.1
See also 362.82 for social services to families
.700 1–.700 7 Standard subdivisions of management of personal and family life
.700 8 Management of personal and family life with respect to groups of people

646 Home and family management 646

.700 84 Management of personal and family life with respect to people in

specific stages of adulthood
Do not use for management of personal and family life with
respect to people in late adulthood; class in 646.7
.700 9 History, geographic treatment, biography of management of personal and
family life
.701–.707 Standard subdivisions of grooming
.708 Grooming for groups of people
[.708 1–.708 3] Grooming for men, women, young people
Do not use; class in 646.7
.708 4 Grooming for people in specific stages of adulthood
Do not use for grooming for men in specific stages of adulthood,
grooming for women in specific stages of adulthood; class in 646.7
.709 History, geographic treatment, biography of grooming
647 Management of public households (Institutional
Including employees; personnel management; employee hours and duties
Class comprehensive home economics works on household employees in 640.
Class employees and personnel management in a specific field of institutional
housekeeping with the field, e.g., waiters, personnel management of waiters 642
See Manual at 647 vs. 647.068, 658.2, T1—068
.068 Management
Do not use for personnel management (human resource management);
class in 647
See Manual at 647 vs. 647.068, 658.2, T1—068

.9 Specific kinds of public households and institutions

Including multiple dwellings for long-term residents; apartment houses;
miscellaneous institutional households (e.g., office buildings); religious
institutions; educational and research institutions
Class recreation vehicle (RV), trailer camps, boarding and rooming houses for
temporary residents in 647.94. Class a specific aspect of public households and
institutions with the aspect, e.g., grounds keeping 635.9, laundering 648
See Manual at 647 vs. 647.068, 658.2, T1—068
[.901–.909] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 647.01–647.09

647 Dewey Decimal Classification 647

.94 Lodging for temporary residents

Including campsites; recreation vehicle (RV) camps, trailer camps
Class here household management in hospitality industry, bed and breakfast
establishments, hostels, hotels, inns, motels, resorts
Class trailer and mobile home parks in 647.9; class interdisciplinary
works on hospitality industry in 338.4; class interdisciplinary works on
tourism in 910; class interdisciplinary and descriptive works on lodging for
temporary residents, hotels, inns, motels, on resorts, on bed and breakfast
establishments, on hostels, on campsites in 910.46
For eating and drinking places, see 647.95
See Manual at 913–919: Add table: 04: Guidebooks
.940 25 Directories of persons and organizations
Limited to directories of personnel and organizations concerned
with household management of lodging for temporary residents
Do not use for directories of lodging for temporary residents; class
in 910.46
.95 Eating and drinking places
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Class here catering establishments
Class interdisciplinary works on facilities for travelers in 910.46
See Manual at 913–919: Add table: 04: Guidebooks
.950 25 Directories of persons and organizations
Do not use for directories of specific continents, countries,
localities; class in 647.953–647.959
.950 9 History, geographic treatment, biography
[.950 93–.950 99] Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use; class in 647.953–647.959
.953–.959 Specific continents, countries, localities
Class here directories
Add to base number 647.95 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., restaurants
in Hawaii 647.95969

648 Home and family management 648

648 Housekeeping
Including laundering and related operations; housecleaning; cleaning floors,
furnishings; pest control; storage; moving
Class here household sanitation
Use 640 for housekeeping covering activities related to running the home, e.g.,
preparing meals and doing routine repairs as well as cleaning. Use 648 for
housekeeping limited to cleaning
Class dry cleaning, commercial laundering, interdisciplinary works on laundering
in 667
See Manual at 647 vs. 647.068, 658.2, T1—068

649 Child rearing; home care of people with disabilities and

Including specific elements of home care of children (e.g., feeding children, child
health care, children’s activities and recreation, child training, moral and character
training of children); supervision
Class religious training of children in 204; class Christian religious training of
children in 248.8; class primary level home schools and schooling in 372.1042;
class techniques of study at primary level for parents in 372.130281; class home
schools and schooling in reading at primary level in 372.4; class home care of
children with disabilities and illnesses in 649.8
For nutritional aspects of breast feeding, see 613.2

.8 Home care of people with disabilities and illnesses

Class social services to people with disabilities and illnesses in 362.1–362.4;
class nursing aspects in 610.73; class home care of children with disabilities in

650 Management and auxiliary services

Class here business
See Manual at 330 vs. 650, 658

650.01–.09 Standard subdivisions
.1 Personal success in business
651 Office services
652 Processes of written communication
653 Shorthand
657 Accounting
658 General management
659 Advertising and public relations

.01–.09 Standard subdivisions

650 Dewey Decimal Classification 650

.1 Personal success in business

Including creative ability; time management; personal efficiency,
interdisciplinary works on time management; financial success; personal
improvement and success in business relationships
Class here interdisciplinary works on success
For time management in personal life, see 640; for success in personal
and family life, see 646.7; for success as an executive, executive time
management, see 658.4. For a specific aspect of success, see the aspect, e.g.,
techniques of study for success as a student 371.3028
.14 Success in obtaining jobs and promotions
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including résumés, cover letters, job applications; résumé writing;
employment interviewing; employment interviewing from the job seeker’s
viewpoint, comprehensive works on employment interviewing
For employment interviewing from the employer’s viewpoint, see 658.3

> 651–657 Auxiliary services

Class comprehensive works in 650
For advertising and public relations, see 659

651 Office services

Including problems of security and confidentiality; equipment and supplies; office
services in specific kinds of enterprises (e.g., libraries, insurance companies)
Class specific elements of office services in specific kinds of enterprises with the
element in 651, e.g., equipment and supplies in insurance companies 651, records
management in insurance companies 651.5. Class procurement of office equipment
and supplies in 658.7. Class a specific aspect of security and confidentiality
in office services with the aspect, e.g., security and confidentiality in records
management 651.5
For processes of written communication, see 652; for accounting, see 657.
For a specific type of equipment, see the use of the equipment, e.g., computers
651.8, photocopying machines 652
.028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures
Do not use for apparatus and equipment, materials, class in 651
[.028 5] Computer applications
Do not use; class in 651.8

.3 Office management
Including clerical services
For written communication, see 652

651 Management and auxiliary services 651

.5 Records management
Including specific aspects of storage (e.g., storage of original documents,
storage of inactive files, microreproduction of files, digitization of files); special
topics of records management (e.g., records management in specific types of
enterprises); retention, maintenance, final disposition of records; filing systems;
filing procedures; space, equipment, control, protection, preservation
Class clerical services associated with records management in 651.3
For creation and transmission of records, see 651.7

.7 Communication
Including specific types of written communication (e.g., correspondence,
minutes, reports); oral communication; internal communication
Class here creation and transmission of records
Class communication as a technique of management in 658.4; class
interdisciplinary works on intranets in 004.6; class interdisciplinary works on
electronic mail in 004.692; class interdisciplinary works on communication in
For processes of written communication, see 652
See Manual at 658.4 vs. 651.7, 808

.8 Computer applications
Use in carrying out office functions
Class interdisciplinary works on data processing in 004
For computer applications in a specific office activity, see the activity, e.g.,
digitization of files 651.5

652 Processes of written communication

Including penmanship; copying; photocopying; cryptography; interdisciplinary
works on cryptography
Class interdisciplinary works on photocopying in 686.4
For word processing, see 005.52; for shorthand, see 653. For cryptographic
techniques used for a specific purpose, see the purpose, e.g., cryptographic
techniques used for security in computer systems 005.8

.3 Keyboarding
Including specific levels of skill; speed and accuracy; tests, drills; keyboarding
for specific purposes
Class here typing
.300 1–.300 6 Standard subdivisions
.300 7 Education, research, related topics
.300 76 Review and exercise
Do not use for speed and accuracy tests and drills; class in 652.3
.300 8–.300 9 Standard subdivisions

653 Dewey Decimal Classification 653

653 Shorthand
Including systems (e.g., abbreviated longhand systems, machine systems,
handwritten systems); basic shorthand practice (e.g., taking dictation, transcription,
speed and accuracy, specific uses)
.076 Review and exercise
Do not use for speed and accuracy tests and drills; class in 653

[654] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 6

[655] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 9

[656] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 6

657 Accounting
Including elements of accounting (e.g., constructive accounting, bookkeeping
[recordkeeping], financial reports [financial statements], specific fields of
accounting, specific kinds of accounting [e.g., public accounting, private
accounting], accounting for specific phases of business activity, accounting for
enterprises engaged in specific kinds of activities [e.g., services and professional
activities, communications and entertainment media], accounting for enterprises
of specific sizes or specific kinds of legal or ownership form [e.g., individual
proprietorships, partnerships, corporations, combinations, cooperatives, nonprofit
organizations]); levels of accounting
Class here financial accounting
Class use of accounting information by management, use of financial reports by
management to improve business performance in 658.15

658 Management and auxiliary services 658

658 General management

Management comprises the conduct of all types of enterprises (for profit and
not for profit) except government agencies that do not themselves provide direct
Including management of enterprises of specific forms (e.g., for-profit
organizations, nonprofit organizations, international enterprises); computer
Class here general business management, general industrial management;
management of public agencies that themselves provide direct services (in contrast
to public agencies that regulate, support, or control services provided by other
Class analysis and description of behavior in complex organizations, sociology
of management in 302.3; class government corporations as part of the public
administrative process in 352.2; class initiation of specific forms of ownership
organization, management of new enterprises of specific forms, mergers,
organization of international enterprises and activities in 658.1; class specific
principles of management, executive management by entrepreneurs in 658.4; class
comprehensive works on management and economics in 330
For public administration, see 351. For management of enterprises engaged
in a specific field of activity, see the field, plus notation 068 from Table 1, e.g.,
management of banks 332.1068, management of automobile manufacturing
See also 306.3 for industrial sociology
See Manual at T1—068 vs. 353–354; also at 330 vs. 650, 658; also at 658 vs.
658.1, 658.4
(Option: Including management of enterprises engaged in specific fields of
activity; prefer specific subject, plus notation 068 from Table 1, e.g., management
of mines 622.068)

658.001–.009 Standard subdivisions
.02 Management of enterprises of specific sizes and scope
.1 Organization and financial management
.2 Plant management
.3 Personnel management (Human resource management)
.4 Executive management
.5 Management of production
.7 Management of materials
.8 Management of marketing

.001 Philosophy and theory

Do not use for systems theory and analysis, operations research, models
and simulation, class in 658.4
.002 Miscellany
[.002 85] Computer applications
Do not use; class in 658
.003–.009 Standard subdivisions

658 Dewey Decimal Classification 658

.02 Management of enterprises of specific sizes and scope

Including small enterprises; big enterprises
Class management of enterprises of specific forms regardless of size or
scope in 658
[.020 1–.020 9] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 658.001–658.009

.1 Organization and financial management

Standard subdivisions are added for organization and finance together, for
organization alone
Including initiation of business enterprises; management of new business
enterprises; management for legal compliance; reorganization and dissolution
of enterprises; comprehensive works on reorganization, comprehensive works
on reorganization resulting from business failure; organization of international
enterprises; organization of international business activities
Class capitalization, financial management of insolvency, of bankruptcy in
658.15; class comprehensive works on management of specific forms of
ownership organization in 658
For internal organization, internal reorganization, see 658.4. For
management for legal compliance with respect to a specific subject, see
the subject in 658, e.g., management for legal compliance with respect to
collective bargaining 658.3
See Manual at 658 vs. 658.1, 658.4
.15 Financial management
Including insolvency, bankruptcy; valuation of businesses; financial
control; management of financial operations; management of investment,
comprehensive works on capital and its management; taxes, insurance,
charitable donations; budgeting; management of income and expense;
management of profit and loss, risk management; financial management in
enterprises of specific sizes, scope, forms (e.g., small business, international
Class here financial decision making, financial planning
Class accounting, internal auditing in 657; class reorganization and
dissolution of business enterprises because of business failure in 658.1;
class interdisciplinary works on and economic aspects of business taxes
in 336.2; class interdisciplinary works on charitable donations in 361.7;
class interdisciplinary works on insurance, interdisciplinary works on risk
management in 368
For capital, see 332; for cost accounting, see 657; for compensation
management, health and safety programs, see 658.3; for business
security, see 658.4; for management of credit extended by seller to buyer,
pricing, see 658.8. For fund raising for enterprises engaged in a specific
field of activity, see the field, plus notation 068 from Table 1, e.g., private
charitable and philanthropic fund raising for social welfare 361.7068
See Manual at 332 vs. 338, 658.15

658 Management and auxiliary services 658

.2 Plant management
Including maintenance management; location; layout; lighting; heating,
ventilating, air conditioning; utilities; comprehensive business works on energy
management; equipment; equipment for safety and comfort
Class location of businesses in 658.1; class procurement of land and buildings,
procurement of industrial equipment associated with plants in 658.15; class
procurement of other kinds of equipment in 658.7
For office equipment, see 651. For a specific aspect of energy management,
see the aspect, e.g., energy management to promote efficiency in production
See Manual at 647 vs. 647.068, 658.2, T1—068
.200 1–.200 9 Standard subdivisions

.3 Personnel management (Human resource management)

Including personnel planning and policy; supervision; personnel management
in enterprises of specific sizes; management of personnel occupying specific
types of positions and management of problem employees; job analysis; job
description, job evaluation, position classification; elements of personnel
management (e.g., recruitment and selection of personnel, conditions of
employment, performance rating, utilization of personnel, separation from
service, motivation, morale, discipline, employer-employee relationships);
compensation management; wage administration, salary administration;
employee health, safety, welfare
Class industrial democracy in 331; class worker control of industry in 338.6;
class clerical techniques involved in maintaining payroll records in 651.3;
class payroll accounting procedures in 657; class management of labor
costs in 658.15; class safety of plant and equipment in 658.20028; class
personnel management of supervisors, work teams in 658.4; class employment
interviewing from the job seeker’s viewpoint, comprehensive works on
employment interviewing in 650.14; class comprehensive works on safety
management in 658.4; class interdisciplinary works on industrial relations, on
labor in 331; class interdisciplinary works on industrial safety in 363.11
For management of office personnel, see 651.3068; for management of
supervisors, executive personnel, training of supervisors, see 658.4
.300 1–.300 7 Standard subdivisions
.300 8 Groups of people
Class here affirmative action, discrimination in employment, equal
employment opportunity, workplace diversity
.300 9 History, geographic treatment, biography

658 Dewey Decimal Classification 658

.4 Executive management
Limited to those activities named here
Including specific executive management activities (e.g., planning, policy
making, control, quality management, internal organization, decision
making and information management, project management, negotiation,
conflict management, crisis management, contracting out, managing change,
management of executive personnel, social responsibility of executive
management, personal aspects of executive management); top management;
middle management; communication; use of consultants; techniques of
management consulting; business security and intelligence
Class here role, function, powers, position of top and middle management
Class general rules of order in 060.4; class sociology of economic institutions
in 306.3; class managing welfare services for people other than employees
in 361.7; class general success in business in 650.1; class mechanics of
communication in 651.7; class management of small business in 658.02; class
initiation of business enterprises; comprehensive works on management for
legal compliance; comprehensive management works on organization, on
reorganization; comprehensive works on reorganization of enterprises in 658.1;
class insurance in 658.15; class supervision, managing welfare services for
employees in 658.3; class interdisciplinary works on computer security in
005.8; class interdisciplinary works on meetings in 060; class interdisciplinary
works on safety in 363.1; class interdisciplinary works on protection of
environment in 363.7. Class contracting out a particular nonmanagerial service
with the service, plus notation 068 from Table 1, e.g., contracting out hospital
care 362.11068; class contracting out a particular managerial service with the
service in 658, e.g., personnel management 658.3; class a specific executive
managerial activity not provided for here with the activity in management, e.g.,
personnel management 658.3; class application of a specific activity named here
in another branch of management with the branch, e.g., production planning
658.5; class management audits applied to a specific function with the function,
e.g., management audits applied to production management 658.5; class total
quality management applied to a specific function with the function, e.g., total
quality management in marketing 658.8
For allocation of personnel to specific responsibilities, see 658.3. For
managing change in a specific branch of management, see the branch, e.g.,
changes in production 658.5; for a specific aspect of safety management,
see the aspect, e.g., product safety 658.5; for use of consultants in a specific
branch of management, see the branch, e.g., use of consultants in market
research 658.8
See Manual at 658 vs. 658.1, 658.4; also at 658.4 vs. 651.7, 808
.400 1–.400 9 Standard subdivisions

658 Management and auxiliary services 658

.5 Management of production
Including general production planning; organization of production; sequencing;
scheduling, workflow; work studies; product control, packaging; waste control
and utilization; research and development (R and D)
Class here production management in manufacturing enterprises, production
management in service industries, comprehensive works on logistics
Class marketing in 658.8; class comprehensive works on energy management in
658.2; class comprehensive works on safety management, comprehensive works
on quality control in 658.4
For materials handling, physical distribution, storage containers, packing
for shipment, see 658.7; for use of packaging in sales promotion, market
research on new products, see 658.8; for factory operations engineering, see
670.42; for packaging technology, see 688.8. For production management in
enterprises engaged in a specific kind of activity other than manufacturing,
see the activity, plus notation 068 from Table 1, e.g., management of
agricultural production 630.68
.500 1–.500 9 Standard subdivisions

.7 Management of materials
Including procurement of office equipment and supplies, comprehensive works
on procurement; internal control of materials and physical distribution (e.g.,
materials handling, storage, inventory control)
Class here management of supplies
Class management of costs of materials, financial control of inventories
in 658.15; class location of warehouses in 658.2; class contracting out,
subcontracting for services in 658.4; class comprehensive works on energy
management in 658.2; class comprehensive works on logistics in 658.5; class
interdisciplinary works on packaging in 658.5
For management of office supplies, see 651; for procurement of land,
buildings, associated industrial equipment, see 658.15

658 Dewey Decimal Classification 658

.8 Management of marketing
Including general topics of marketing management; marketing to specific
kinds of buyers; industrial marketing; sales management; sales promotion;
market research; market analysis, market study; interviewing, use of consultants
and research agencies, techniques of consulting in market research; export
marketing; wholesale marketing; marketing through specific wholesale
channels, marketing through retail channels; comprehensive works on
marketing channels; credit management
Class here management of distribution; management of marketing goods,
marketing services; management of merchandising
Class results of market research in 381–382; class management of enterprises
doing wholesale marketing of or selling a specific type of product in 381;
class management of sales personnel in 658.3; class product design in 658.5;
class personal selling through wholesale channels, personal selling through
specific channels, e.g., personal selling by telephone in 658.85; class direct-mail
advertising in 659.13; class comprehensive works on management of financial
operations in 658.15; class comprehensive management works on business
meetings in 658.4; class comprehensive works on logistics, interdisciplinary
works on packaging in 658.5. Class credit management by banks and
other financial institutions with the institution or type of credit in 332, e.g.,
management of loans issued by commercial banks 332.1
For management of food retailing in supermarkets, see 381; for physical
distribution, see 658.7; for advertising and public relations, see 659
.800 1 Philosophy and theory
Do not use for systems; class in 658.8
Class consumer psychology in 658.8
.800 2–.800 6 Standard subdivisions
.800 7 Education, research, related topics
.800 72 Research
Class market research in 658.8
.800 8–.800 9 Standard subdivisions
.85 Personal selling
Techniques for the individual, regardless of channel
Class here personal salesmanship

659 Advertising and public relations

Class here publicity

659 Management and auxiliary services 659

.1 Advertising
Including special topics of advertising (e.g., social aspects of advertising,
use of images and themes in advertising); general topics of advertising (e.g.,
planning and control, organization, advertising campaigns); display advertising;
advertising by contests and lotteries
Class application of general topics to advertising in specific media in 659.13;
class application of general topics to advertising specific kinds of organizations,
products, services in 659.19; class interdisciplinary works on fashion modeling
in 746.9
See also 658.8 for sales management; also 658.85 for personal selling
.13 Kinds of advertising and advertising in specific media
Including advertising in print media; direct advertising; advertising by
location of media (e.g., outdoor advertising, transportation advertising);
advertising by electric signs
Class direct-mail marketing in 658.8; class display advertising, contests
and lotteries, point-of-sale advertising in 659.1; class online advertising
in 659.14; class advertising of specific kinds of organizations, products,
services in a specific kind of medium, advertising of specific kinds of
organizations, products, services by a specific kind of advertising in 659.19
For advertising in electronic media, see 659.14
[.130 1–.130 9] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 659.13
.14 Advertising in electronic media
Including advertising in motion pictures; radio; television; advertising in
digital media; online advertising
Class advertising of specific kinds of organizations, products, services,
issues in a specific electronic medium in 659.19
.19 Advertising specific kinds of organizations, products, services
Class here advertising to influence behavior or public opinion with respect
to specific subjects; advertising specific kinds of organizations, products,
services in a specific kind of medium; advertising specific kinds of
organizations, products, services by a specific kind of advertising
For advertising for political election campaigns, see 324.7
[.190 001–.190 009] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 659.101–659.109

659 Dewey Decimal Classification 659

.2 Public relations
Including public relations in enterprises of specific forms (e.g., corporations);
public relations in organizations producing specific kinds of products and
services, or pursuing specific objectives (e.g., public relations for computer
industry, for public welfare lobbying)
For public relations in libraries, see 021.7; for public relations for religion,
see 200; for public relations for conduct of political election campaigns, see
324.7; for public relations for government, see 352.7; for public relations
for armed forces, see 355.3

660 Chemical engineering and related technologies

Standard subdivisions are added for chemical engineering and related technologies
together, for chemical engineering alone
Including chemical technologies of specific states of matter; general topics in
chemical engineering (e.g., specific types of chemical plant and specific activities
in chemical plants, applied physical chemistry); industrial stoichiometry
Class military applications in 623; class biochemical engineering in 660.6; class
industrial gases in 665.7; class polymerization in 668.9; class interdisciplinary
works on corrosion in 620.1; class interdisciplinary works on piping in 621.8;
class interdisciplinary works on computerized process control in 629.8; class
interdisciplinary works on pressure vessels in 681
For pharmaceutical chemistry, see 615; for pulp and paper technology, see
676; for elastomers and elastomer products, see 678
See Manual at 604.7 vs. 660

660.01–.09 Standard subdivisions
.6 Biotechnology
661 Technology of industrial chemicals
662 Technology of explosives, fuels, related products
663 Beverage technology
664 Food technology
665 Technology of industrial oils, fats, waxes, gases
666 Ceramic and allied technologies
667 Cleaning, color, coating, related technologies
668 Technology of other organic products
669 Metallurgy

.01 Philosophy and theory

Do not use for process control; class in 660
.02 Miscellany
.028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures
Do not use for apparatus, equipment, materials, safety measures; class in
.03–.09 Standard subdivisions

660 Chemical engineering and related technologies 660

.6 Biotechnology
Application of living organisms or their biological systems or processes to the
manufacture of useful products
Including industrial microbiology; biochemical engineering; genetic
Class a specific aspect of industrial microbiology with the aspect, e.g.,
fermentation 660
See also 620.8 for human factors engineering

661 Technology of industrial chemicals

Production of chemicals used as raw materials or reagents in manufacture of other
Including inorganic compounds (e.g., metallic compounds, hydrogen compounds);
nonmetallic elements; acids, bases, salts (e.g., ammonium salts, sulfur and nitrogen
salts); organic chemicals
Class essential oils used for manufacture of perfumes in 668; class comprehensive
works on petrochemicals in 665.5
For carbon, see 662; for industrial gases, see 665.7; for gaseous elements,
see 665.8; for plaster of paris, see 666; for glycerin, see 668. For a specific
petrochemical, see the chemical, e.g., carbon black 662.93
.001–.009 Standard subdivisions
662 Technology of explosives, fuels, related products
Including fireworks (pyrotechnics); detonators; matches; coke and charcoal; other
fuels (e.g., colloidal and mud fuels, boron fuels, wastes as fuels, biomass as fuel);
nonfuel carbons (e.g., graphite and graphite products, adsorbent carbons)
Class nuclear explosives in 621.48; class interdisciplinary works on energy from
waste materials in 333.793; class interdisciplinary works on biomass as fuel in
For biodiesel fuel, see 665

.6 Fuels
Including coal; wood and wood derivatives; synthetic fuels
Class coke, charcoal, production from coal gas in 662; class industrial oils, fats,
waxes, gases as fuels in 665; class synthetic fuel gases in 665.7; class wastes
as fuels, comprehensive works on chemical technology of energy from waste
materials in 662. Class a specific use with the use, e.g., metallurgical use 669
For a specific fuel not provided for here, see the fuel, e.g., nuclear fuels
621.48, petroleum 665.5
See also 621.402 for combustion of fuels
See Manual at 622 vs. 662.6, 669
.602 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Class wastes as fuels, comprehensive works on chemical technology
of energy from waste materials in 662

663 Dewey Decimal Classification 663

663 Beverage technology

Commercial preparation, preservation, packaging
Including alcoholic beverages; wine; grape wine; brewed and malted beverages;
specific kinds of brewed and malted beverages (e.g., beer and ale; rice wine;
pulque); distilled liquor; nonalcoholic beverages; nonalcoholic brewed beverages
Class household preparation of beverages in 641.87; class interdisciplinary works
on beverages in 641.2
For milk, see 637

664 Food technology

Commercial preparation, preservation, packaging
Including materials; processes; process design, control, equipment; additives;
tests, analyses, quality controls; by-products; packaging; sugars, syrups, their
derived products; sweeteners; starches and jellying agents; fats and oils; food salts;
flavoring aids; condiments; special-purpose food and aids; grains, other seeds, their
derived products; fruits and vegetables; meats and allied foods
Class here comprehensive works on commercial food and beverage technology
Class household preservation, storage, cooking in 641.4–641.8; class
interdisciplinary works on food in 641.3; class interdisciplinary works on animal
fats and oils, interdisciplinary works on vegetable fats and oils in 665. Class a
specific by-product use with the use, e.g., molasses for rum 663
For commercial processing of dairy and related products, butter, see 637; for
honey, see 638; for home preservation of foods, see 641.4; for commercial
beverage technology, see 663
.001 Philosophy and theory
Do not use for process control; class in 664
.002 Miscellany
.002 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment
Do not use for materials, testing and measurement, class in 664
.003–.009 Standard subdivisions
665 Technology of industrial oils, fats, waxes, gases
Including interdisciplinary works on animal fats and oils; interdisciplinary works
on vegetable fats and oils; mineral oils and waxes
Class turpentine oils in 661; class petroleum in 665.5; class polishing waxes in 667.
Class interdisciplinary works on specific vegetable oils used primarily as food with
the vegetable oil in 641.3, e.g., olive oil 641.3
For beeswax, see 638; for animal fats and oils used in food or food preparation,
the food technology of vegetable fats and oils used in food and food
preparation, see 664

665 Chemical engineering and related technologies 665

.028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment,

Do not use for testing and measurement, maintenance and repair; class in
Including extraction; refining

.5 Petroleum
Including refinery treatment and products; storage, transportation, distribution;
Class here comprehensive works on technology of petroleum and natural gas
Class synthetic petroleum in 662; class preliminary refining of oil sands and oil
shale to obtain distillable fluids in 665; class asphalt concrete in 666. Class a
specific use with the use, e.g., automobile engine lubricants 629.25
For technology of extraction of petroleum and natural gas, see 622; for
petrochemicals as a type of industrial chemical, see 661; for comprehensive
works on technology of natural gas, see 665.7

.7 Natural gas and manufactured gases

Standard subdivisions are added for natural gas and manufactured gases
together, for natural gas alone
Including processing natural gas; storage, transportation, distribution of natural
gas and manufactured gases; uses of natural gas and manufactured gases;
production of manufactured gases; comprehensive works on technology of
manufactured gases
Class here comprehensive works on technology of industrial gases
Class a specific use of natural gas and manufactured gases with the use, e.g.,
heating buildings 697
For technology of extracting natural gas, see 622; for technology of
industrial gases not provided for here, see 665.8
.702 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Class production of manufactured gases from biological wastes in

.8 Other industrial gases

Including hydrogen; gases derived from liquefaction and fractionation of air;
halogen gases; sulfur dioxide; acetylene; carbon dioxide, ozone, hydrogen
Class extraction of helium from natural gases in 665.7
For ammonia, see 661

666 Dewey Decimal Classification 666

666 Ceramic and allied technologies

Standard subdivisions are added for ceramic and allied technologies together, for
ceramic technologies alone
Including special topics of ceramic and allied technologies (e.g., ceramic-to-metal
bonding); glass; enamels; pottery; comprehensive works on clay technology;
pottery materials, equipment, processes; specific types of pottery (e.g., porcelain,
earthenware and stoneware); refractories and structural clay products; synthetic and
artificial minerals and building materials; masonry adhesives
Class fiberglass-reinforced plastic in 668.4

667 Cleaning, color, coating, related technologies

Standard subdivisions are added for cleaning, color, coating, related technologies
together; for color technology alone
Including bleaching; dyes and pigments; dyeing and printing; inks; paints and
painting; polishes, lacquers, varnishes; methods of applying polishes, lacquers,
varnishes; coatings and coating
Class household bleaching, cleaning, laundry in 648. Class dyeing and printing of a
specific material other than textiles and textile fibers with the material, e.g., dyeing
leather 675
For carbon black, see 662; for soaps, detergents, see 668. For a coating made
of a specific material, see the material, e.g., enamel coatings 666, thermoset
plastic coatings 668.4; for coatings applied to a specific thing and methods
of applying the coatings, see the thing to which the coating is applied, e.g.,
coatings for metal 671.7, metal coatings for polymers 668.9, painting a building
698, varnishing a violin 787.2

668 Technology of other organic products

Including surface-active agents (surfactants); glycerin; adhesives and related
products; perfumes and cosmetics; agricultural chemicals
For masonry adhesives, see 666
Interdisciplinary works on pesticides relocated to 632

.4 Plastics
Including special topics of plastics (e.g., physicochemical phenomena of
plastics manufacture); techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials;
specific kinds of plastics (e.g., polymerization plastics, protein plastics,
cellulosics, plastics from natural resins); forms and products
Class plastic fibers and fabrics in 677
For polyurethane rubber, see 678
[.402 8] Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Do not use; class in 668.4

668 Chemical engineering and related technologies 668

.9 Polymers and polymerization

Standard subdivisions are added for polymers and polymerization together, for
polymers alone
Class here synthetic polymers
Class a specific polymer with the polymer, e.g., plastics 668.4; class a specific
application with the application, e.g., manufacture of nylon hosiery 687

669 Metallurgy
Including special topics of metallurgy (e.g., materials); metallurgy of specific
metals and their alloys (e.g., ferrous metals, nonferrous metals [e.g., copper, lead,
zinc and cadmium, tin]), metallurgical furnace technology; physical and chemical
Class here alloys, extractive metallurgy, process metallurgy, interdisciplinary
works on metals
Class metalworking and manufacture of primary metal products in 671–673;
class iron casting as a metalworking process, cast iron products in 672; class
comprehensive works on technology of refractory materials in 666
For a specific aspect of metals, see the aspect, e.g., chemistry 546,
metalworking and primary metal products 671
See Manual at 622 vs. 662.6, 669.6
.028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment
Do not use for materials; class in 669
Including pyrometallurgy; hydrometallurgy; electrometallurgy;
electrorefining, electrowinning

670 Manufacturing
Including planning and design for manufactured products
Class here manufactured products
Class military applications in 623; class planning and design for specific kinds of
products in 671–679; class the arts in 700. Class comprehensive works on products
made by a specific process with the process, e.g., seasoned wood 674
For manufacture of products based on specific branches of engineering, see
620; for manufacture of products based on chemical technologies, see 660; for
manufacture of final products for specific uses not provided for elsewhere, see
See Manual at T1—025 vs. T1—029

670 Dewey Decimal Classification 670

670.1–.9 Standard subdivisions and special topics of manufacturing
671 Metalworking processes and primary metal products
672 Iron, steel, other iron alloys
673 Nonferrous metals
674 Lumber processing, wood products, cork
675 Leather and fur processing
676 Pulp and paper technology
677 Textiles
678 Elastomers and elastomer products
679 Other products of specific kinds of materials

.285 Computer applications

Class here computer-aided design / computer-aided manufacture
(CAD/CAM), computer integrated manufacturing systems (CIM),
comprehensive works on computer use in the management of
manufacturing and computer-aided design or computer-aided
Class computer-aided design (CAD) in 620; class computer use in the
management of manufacturing in 658
For computer-aided manufacture (CAM), flexible manufacturing
systems limited to factory operations, see 670.42

.4 Special topics of manufacturing

.42 Factory operations engineering
Including machine-shop practice; inspection technology; mechanization
and automation of factory operations; assembling machines, computer
control of factory operations; computer-aided manufacture (CAM), flexible
manufacturing systems if limited to factory operations
Class here shop and assembly-line technology
Class computer-aided design (CAD) in 620; class computer-aided
design / computer-aided manufacture (CAD/CAM), computer integrated
manufacturing systems (CIM), computer-aided manufacture (CAM), flexible
manufacturing systems if applied to design and production of manufactured
products in 670.285; class comprehensive works on computer control,
comprehensive works on computerized process control in 629.8
For tools and fabricating equipment, see 621.9; for packaging
technology, see 688.8
.420 68 Management
Do not use for management of factory operations; class in 658.5

.6 Organizations and management

.68 Management
Do not use for management of production; class in 658.5

671 Manufacturing 671

> 671–679 Manufacture of products from specific materials

Class here manufacture of primary products
Class comprehensive works in 670
For manufacture of ceramic products, see 666; for manufacture of plastic
products, see 668.4
See Manual at 671–679 vs. 680

671 Metalworking processes and primary metal products

Standard subdivisions are added for metalworking processes and primary metal
products together, for metalworking processes alone
Class metallurgy and interdisciplinary works on metals in 669
For metalworking processes and primary metal products with iron, steel, other
iron alloys as the main metal, see 672; for metalworking processes and primary
metal products with nonferrous metals as the main metal, see 673

> 671.2–671.7 Specific metalworking processes

Class specific processes applied to specific primary products in 671.8; class
comprehensive works in 671

.2 Founding (Casting)
Including foundry equipment; patternmaking and moldmaking; melting;
specific methods of casting (e.g., sand casting, permanent-mold casting,
centrifugal casting, investment casting, continuous casting)
See also 671.3 for hot-working operations
.202 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; materials
Do not use for apparatus and equipment; class in 671.2

.3 Mechanical working and related processes

Standard subdivisions are added for mechanical working and related processes
together, for mechanical working alone
Including rolling; forging, pressing, stamping; extruding and drawing;
machining; cutting as a machining process, milling; heat treatment and
Class here hot-working operations, cold-working operations, high-energy
Class comprehensive works on cutting metal in 671.5
For small forge work, see 682

.4 Electroforming of metals

671 Dewey Decimal Classification 671

.5 Joining and cutting of metals

Standard subdivisions are added for joining and cutting together, for joining
Including welding; soldering and brazing; bonding; riveting
Class ceramic-to-metal bonding in 666; class cutting as a machining process in

.7 Finishing and surface treatment of metals; metal coating of nonmetals

Including cleaning, deburring; polishing and buffing
Class enameling in 666; class comprehensive works on coating in 667. Class
metal coating of a specific material with the material, e.g., metal coating of
plastics 668.4, metal coating of ferrous metals 672

.8 Primary products
Including rolled products (e.g., patternmaking, strips and sheets); forged,
pressed, stamped products; extruded and drawn products; powder metal
Class here comprehensive works on technology of metal products
For a specific metal product not provided for here, see the product, e.g.,
metal furniture 684.1

672 Iron, steel, other iron alloys

Metalworking processes and primary products
Add to base number 672 the numbers following 671 in 671.2–671.8, e.g., welding
Subdivisions are added for any or all topics in heading
For small forge work, see 682

673 Nonferrous metals

Metalworking processes and primary products
Including precious metals; copper; brass, Muntz metal; bronze, gunmetal;
copper-aluminum alloys; copper-beryllium alloys; lead; zinc and cadmium; tin;
other nonferrous metals (e.g., light, alkali, alkaline-earth metals; metals used in
Class here alloys of nonferrous metals
Class metalworking processes and primary products in which nonferrous metals
are not the main metal of the final product with the process or the main metal, e.g.,
nickel plating of various metals 671.7, zinc coating of steel 672

674 Manufacturing 674

674 Lumber processing, wood products, cork

Including lumber technology (e.g., structure, chemical properties, types of lumber;
sawmill operations; storage, seasoning, preservation of lumber; production
of finished lumber; grading lumber); comprehensive works on wood-using
Class physical properties of lumber in 620.1
For a specific product or wood-using technology not provided for here, see the
product or technology, e.g., wood as a fuel 662, pulp and paper technology 676,
wooden furniture 684.1, carpentry 694
.001–.009 Standard subdivisions
.01 Philosophy and theory of lumber technology
.02 Miscellany of lumber technology
Do not use for specifications; class in 674
.028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment,
Do not use for pollution control technology, waste technology, grading
lumber; class in 674
.03–.09 Standard subdivisions of lumber technology
675 Leather and fur processing
Standard subdivisions are added for leather and fur processing together, for leather
processing alone
Including processing of natural leather; manufacture of imitation leathers
For leather and fur goods, see 685

676 Pulp and paper technology

Standard subdivisions are added for pulp and paper technology together, for paper
technology alone
Including the process of making pulp, through bleaching; pulp products (e.g.,
conversion of pulp into paper, and specific types of paper and paper products;
paper and paperboard containers; purified pulp; pulp by-products); paper from
man-made and noncellulosic fibers
Class here comprehensive works on paper and paper products, on the total process
of making paper out of logs or other sources of pulp
Class comprehensive works on naval stores in 665
For photographic paper, see 661
.028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment,
Do not use for pollution control technology, waste technology; class in

677 Dewey Decimal Classification 677

677 Textiles
Production of fibers, fabrics, cordage
Including textiles of specific composition (e.g., textiles of bast fibers, textiles of
seed-hair fibers, textiles of animal fibers, textiles of man-made fibers); specific
kinds of textiles; special-process fabrics regardless of composition; nonwoven
fabrics; cordage, trimmings and allied products; surgical gauze and cotton
Class here comprehensive works on manufacture of textiles and clothing
Class auxiliary techniques and procedures in 677.0028
For dyeing and printing, see 667; for manufacture of clothing, see 687
.001 Philosophy and theory
.002 Miscellany
.002 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures
Do not use for apparatus, equipment, materials, testing and
measurement, class in 677
Class waste and reused wool and hair, waste and reused silk in 677
.003–.009 Standard subdivisions
678 Elastomers and elastomer products
Standard subdivisions are added for elastomers and elastomer products together,
for elastomers alone
Including rubber; rubber products; properties of rubber; latexes; natural elastomers;
synthetic elastomers
Class elastic fiber textiles in 677; class comprehensive works on polyurethanes in

679 Other products of specific kinds of materials

Including products of keratinous and dentinal materials; products of fibers and
bristles; products of tobacco

680 Manufacture of products for specific uses

Not provided for elsewhere
Class here interdisciplinary works on handicrafts
Class repairs of household equipment by members of household in 643. Class
manufacture of a product based on a specific branch of engineering with the
branch of engineering in 620, e.g., military engineering 623, manufacture of motor
vehicles 629.2; except for products provided for in 681–688, class manufacture of
products of a specific material with the material in 671–679, e.g., manufacture of
steel pipes 672, but manufacture of steel toys 688.7
For artistic handicraft work, see 745.5
See Manual at 671–679 vs. 680; also at 680 vs. 745.5

680 Manufacture of products for specific uses 680

681 Precision instruments and other devices
682 Small forge work (Blacksmithing)
683 Hardware and household appliances
684 Furnishings and home workshops
685 Leather and fur goods, and related products
686 Printing and related activities
687 Clothing and accessories
688 Other final products, and packaging technology

681 Precision instruments and other devices

Standard subdivisions are added for precision instruments and other devices
together, for precision instruments alone
Including testing, measuring, sensing instruments; testing, measuring, sensing
instruments of general application in science or technology; testing, measuring,
sensing instruments for nontechnological application; instruments for measuring
physical quantities; electrical and electronic instruments for measuring
nonelectrical and nonelectronic quantities; optical instruments; printing, writing,
duplicating machines and equipment; comprehensive works on manufacturing
of office equipment; other scientific and technological instruments, machinery,
equipment; musical instruments
Class facsimile recorders in 621.382; class film and other chemical photographic
supplies in 661; class wood-cased pencils in 674; class instruments for measuring
time in 681.1; class hand construction of specific instruments or groups of
instruments in 786–788; class comprehensive works on commercial and sports
hunting, fishing, shooting equipment in 688.7; class comprehensive works on
hand construction in 784.192; class interdisciplinary works on medical and health
equipment in 610.28; class interdisciplinary works on exercise equipment in 613.7;
class interdisciplinary works on office equipment in 651. Class a specific use of
pressure vessels with the use, e.g., nuclear pressure vessels 621.48; class testing,
measuring, sensing instruments for a specific technological application with the
manufacturing number, e.g., aircraft instrumentation 629.135, medical diagnostic
equipment 681
For instruments for measuring electrical quantities, see 621.37; for instruments
for testing and measuring electronic signals, see 621.3815

.1 Instruments for measuring time, counting and calculating machines

and instruments
Class testing, measuring, sensing instruments in 681
For computers, see 621.39; for clocks considered as works of art, watches
considered as works of art, see 739.3
[.101–.109] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 681.1

682 Small forge work (Blacksmithing)

Including horseshoeing; ironwork and hand-forged tools

683 Dewey Decimal Classification 683

683 Hardware and household appliances

Standard subdivisions are added for hardware and household appliances together,
for hardware alone
Including locksmithing; household utensils
Class here comprehensive works on manufacture of hardware and building supplies
Class comprehensive works on electrical equipment in 621.31
For refrigerators and freezers, see 621.5; for maintenance and repair by
members of household, see 643; for heating, ventilating, air-conditioning
equipment, see 697. For a specific hardware or building supply product not
provided for here, see the product, e.g., tools 621.9, paints 667; for nonmetallic
household utensils and appliances, see the material from which they are made,
e.g., porcelain tableware 666, woodenware 674

.4 Small firearms
Including general topics of small firearms (e.g., design, maintenance and repair,
ammunition); rifles and shotguns; handguns
Class here interdisciplinary works on small firearms, on gunsmithing
For military small firearms, see 623.4
.400 1 Philosophy and theory
.400 2 Miscellany
.400 28 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Do not use for maintenance and repair; class in 683.4
.400 3–.400 9 Standard subdivisions

684 Furnishings and home workshops

Standard subdivisions are added for furnishings and home workshops together, for
furnishings alone
Including woodworking; comprehensive works on home (amateur) workshops;
metalworking; fabric furnishings
Class here home furnishings
Class home construction of fabric furnishings in 646.2; class furniture making in
home workshops in 684.1
For lighting fixtures, see 621.32; for carpets and rugs, see 677
.001–.009 Standard subdivisions

684 Manufacture of products for specific uses 684

.1 Furniture
Including general topics of furniture (e.g., wooden furniture, metal furniture,
furniture in other materials); specific kinds of furniture (e.g., upholstered
furniture, chairs and tables, desks, beds, cabinets and built-in furniture); outdoor
Class here home construction of furniture
Class camping furniture in 685
For built-in wooden shelves, see 694
.100 1–.100 9 Standard subdivisions

685 Leather and fur goods, and related products

Standard subdivisions are added for leather and fur goods and related products
together, for leather goods alone
Including parchment prepared from the skin of an animal; saddlery and harness
making; leather and fur clothing and accessories; footwear and related products;
gloves and mittens; luggage, handbags, camping equipment
For overshoes, see 678; for hosiery, see 687
See also 676 for parchment paper made from pulp
Footwear, gloves, mittens used as equipment in a specific sport relocated to 688.7

686 Printing and related activities

Including invention of printing
Class here design and manufacture of publications, book arts
Class interdisciplinary works on the book in 002
For book illustration, see 741.6
See also 681 for manufacture of printing equipment

.2 Printing
Including printing in non-Latin alphabets and characters; typefounding,
typecasting, typefaces; typography; presswork (impression); printing special
graphic materials (e.g., braille and other raised characters, maps, music,
materials of direct monetary value)
Class here printing in the Latin alphabet
Class comprehensive works on printing and publishing in 070.5; class
comprehensive works on braille and other raised-character alphabets in 411;
class interdisciplinary works on use of computer printers as low-volume output
devices in 004.7; class interdisciplinary works on print media in 302.23
See also 070.5 for self-publishing
.209 History, geographic treatment, biography
Class invention of printing in 686

686 Dewey Decimal Classification 686

.3 Bookbinding
Processes and materials
Including hand and fine binding; specific kinds of commercial binding (e.g.,
library binding, edition binding); types of covers; methods of fastening;
.300 1–.300 9 Standard subdivisions

.4 Photocopying
Including blueprinting; microphotography; production of microfiche and
microfilms; electrostatic and electrophotographic processes; production of
Class here photoduplication, interdisciplinary works on photocopying
Class facsimile transmission in 621.382
For a specific aspect of photocopying, see the aspect, e.g., library
photocopying services 025.1
See also 681 for manufacture of photocopying equipment

687 Clothing and accessories

Standard subdivisions are added for clothing and accessories together, for clothing
Including general topics of clothing (e.g., patternmaking and grading, cutting,
tailoring); specific kinds of garments (e.g., miscellaneous kinds of garments
[e.g., dresses, suits, shirts, blouses, tops, pants (trousers), skirts], outerwear,
uniforms and symbolic garments, garments for special purposes, accessories);
undergarments; hosiery; headwear; bonnets, caps, hats; items auxiliary to clothing
construction (notions), comprehensive works on manufacture of sewing equipment
and supplies
Class here dressmaking, casual wear (sportswear)
Class interdisciplinary works on clothing in 391; class interdisciplinary works
on accessories in 391.4; class interdisciplinary works on sewing equipment
and supplies in 646; class interdisciplinary works on clothing construction in
646.4; class interdisciplinary works on making costume jewelry in 688; class
interdisciplinary works on making jewelry in 739.27
For helmets as armor, see 623.4; for manufacture of sewing machinery and
equipment, see 681; for leather and fur clothing, footwear, gloves and mittens,
handbags, see 685. For manufacture of a specific kind of sewing supply, see the
kind, e.g., thread 677
Headwear used as equipment in a specific sport relocated to 688.7

688 Manufacture of products for specific uses 688

688 Other final products, and packaging technology

Including interdisciplinary works on models and miniatures, on making costume
jewelry; supplies for tobacco users; supplies for smoking tobacco, for chewing
tobacco; accessories for personal grooming
Class handcrafted costume jewelry in 745.594; class interdisciplinary works on
costume jewelry in 391.7; class interdisciplinary works on making jewelry in
739.27; class interdisciplinary works on handcrafted models and miniatures in
For cosmetics, see 668; for brushes, see 679. For models and miniatures of a
specific object, see the object, plus notation 022 from Table 1, e.g., scale models
of bridges 624.2022
See Manual at 745.5928

.6 Nonmotor land vehicles

Including carriages, carts, wagons, wheelbarrows
For cycles, see 629.227
See also 688.7 for skateboards
See Manual at 629.04 vs. 388

.7 Recreational equipment
Including equipment for sports and games (e.g., equipment for indoor games
of skill, equipment for games of chance, equipment for outdoor sports and
games, equipment for equestrian sports and animal racing, equipment for
fishing, hunting, shooting); toys; interdisciplinary works on mass-produced and
handcrafted toys
Class here footwear, gloves, mittens used as equipment in a specific sport [all
formerly 685], headwear used as equipment in a specific sport [formerly 687]
Class scale-model action toys in 688
For small firearms, see 683.4; for saddles and harnesses, see 685; for
handcrafted toys, see 745.592
See also 681 for exercise equipment

.8 Packaging technology
Materials, equipment, techniques
Class interdisciplinary works on packaging in 658.5. Class containers for a
specific product with the product, e.g., beer cans 663; class manufacture and
use of containers made of a specific material with the material, e.g., paper
containers 676; class artistic aspects of containers with the aspect in 700, e.g.,
earthenware vases 738.3

[689] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 6

690 Dewey Decimal Classification 690

690 Construction of buildings

Planning, analysis, engineering design, construction, destruction of habitable
structures and their utilities
Including special topics of construction of buildings (e.g., structural elements,
general activities of buildings, special topics of buildings [e.g., portable and
temporary buildings, buildings by shape, buildings with atriums], specific parts
of buildings [e.g., bathrooms and lavatories, laundries, kitchens], specific types of
Class construction of structural elements in wood in 694; class plumbing in
specific parts of buildings in 696; class interdisciplinary works on bathrooms and
lavatories, on kitchens in 643; class interdisciplinary works on laundries in 667;
class interdisciplinary works on design and construction of buildings in 720; class
interdisciplinary works on architectural acoustics in 729
For naval facilities, military air facilities, construction of buildings for defense
against military action, see 623; for port facilities, see 627; for home repairs by
members of household, see 643; for fireplaces, chimneys, see 697
See Manual at 624 vs. 690; also at 643, 690, 728.7 vs. 629.226; also at 690 vs.
.01 Philosophy and theory
.02 Miscellany
Do not use for specifications; class in 692
.022 Illustrations, models, miniatures
Do not use for maps, plans, diagrams; class in 692
.028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment
Do not use for maintenance and repair, safety measures; class in 690. Do
not use for materials; class in 691. Do not use for comprehensive works
on environmental engineering of buildings; class in 696
For water drainage, see 696; for chimneys and flues, see 697; for air
quality components of air conditioning systems, see 697.9
.029 Commercial miscellany
Do not use for estimates of labor, time, materials; class in 692
.03–.09 Standard subdivisions
691 Building materials
Including timber; natural stones; concrete and artificial stones; ceramic and clay
materials; masonry adhesives; glass; metals; other building materials (e.g., plastics
and their laminates, insulating materials, bituminous materials, prefabricated
materials, adhesives and sealants)
Class here construction properties, selection
Class construction in a specific type of material in 693

692 Construction of buildings 692

692 Auxiliary construction practices

Including plans and drawings; detail drawings; construction specifications;
estimates of labor, time, materials; interdisciplinary works on quantity surveying;
Class estimates for a specific subject in building with the subject, plus notation
029 from Table 1, e.g., estimates for utilities 696.029; class application of a
specific auxiliary practice to a specific subject with the subject, e.g., construction
specifications for utilities 696

693 Construction in specific types of materials and for specific

Including masonry; stabilized earth materials; tiles and terra-cotta; artificial stones
and hollow bricks; concrete, lathing, plastering, stuccowork; metals; construction
in other materials (e.g., ice and snow, sandwich panels, glass, prefabricated
materials, nonrigid materials, miscellaneous materials [e.g., plastics])
Class construction in specific materials for specific purposes in 693.8; class
comprehensive works on construction in all types of materials in 690. Class
sandwich panels in a specific substance with the substance, e.g., wood 694
For selection, preservation, construction properties of building materials, see
691; for wood construction, see 694; for roofing materials, see 695
[.01–.09] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 690.01–690.09

.8 Construction for specific purposes

Including fireproof construction; insulated construction; pest-resistant
construction; shock-resistant construction; waterproof, moistureproof,
lightning-resistant construction

694 Wood construction

Including planning, analysis, engineering design; specific aspects of carpentry (e.g.
rough carpentry [framing], finish carpentry [joinery])
Class here carpentry
Class off-site manufacture of finishing items in 680

695 Roof covering

Class wooden roofs in 694; class comprehensive works on roofs as structural
elements in 690

696 Dewey Decimal Classification 696

696 Utilities
Including plumbing; pipe fitting; steam pipes (steam fitting); hot-water supply
Class here comprehensive works on energy and environmental engineering of
Class interior electric wiring in 621.319; class comprehensive works on waste
technology in buildings in 690.028; class interdisciplinary works on energy for use
in buildings in 333.79
For heating, ventilating, air-conditioning engineering, see 697. For a specific
aspect of environmental engineering not provided for here, see the aspect,
plus notation 028 from Table 1, e.g., environmental engineering of building
materials 691.028; for a specific aspect of energy engineering, see the aspect,
e.g., thermal insulation 693.8

697 Heating, ventilating, air-conditioning engineering

Standard subdivisions are added for heating, ventilating, air-conditioning
engineering together; for heating alone
Including local heating (e.g., heating with open fires [radiative heating], heating
with space heaters [convective heating]); central heating (e.g., hot-air heating,
hot-water heating, steam heating, other heating methods [e.g., radiant panel
heating, solar heating, nuclear heating]); district heating; heating with specific
sources of energy; fuels; heating equipment; heating apparatus; chimneys and flues
Class cooking stoves in 683; class building of solar houses in 690; class hot-water
supply, steam fitting in 696; class heating in specific kinds of buildings in 697.9
[.000 1] Philosophy and theory
Relocated to 697.001
[.000 2] Miscellany
Relocated to 697.002
[.000 3–.000 9] Standard subdivisions
Relocated to 697.003–697.009
.001 Philosophy and theory [formerly also 697.0001]
.002 Miscellany [formerly also 697.0002]
.002 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Do not use for heating apparatus and equipment; class in 697
.003–.009 Standard subdivisions [formerly also 697.0003–697.0009]
.9 Ventilation and air conditioning; heating, ventilation, air-conditioning
in specific kinds of buildings
Class heating in 697

698 Construction of buildings 698

698 Detail finishing

Including cladding, siding, suspended ceilings; painting; calcimining and
whitewashing; finishing woodwork; glazing and leading windows; paperhanging;
floor coverings
Class roof covering in 695; class comprehensive works on floors in 690
For lathing, plastering, stuccowork, see 693; for wooden moldings, paneling,
inlays, see 694

[699] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 6


700 The arts

Description, critical appraisal, techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment,
materials of the fine, decorative, literary, performing, recreational arts
Including special topics in the arts
Class here conceptual art, fine and decorative arts, government policy on the arts,
plastic arts (visual arts), visual arts
Class plastic arts when limited to the three-dimensional arts in 730
For book arts, see 686; for literature, see 800

700.1–.9 Standard subdivisions of the arts
701–709 Standard subdivisions of fine and decorative arts and iconography
710 Area planning and landscape architecture
720 Architecture
730 Sculpture and related arts
740 Graphic arts and decorative arts
750 Painting and paintings
760 Printmaking and prints
770 Photography, computer art, cinematography, videography
780 Music
790 Recreational and performing arts

> 700.1–700.9 Standard subdivisions of the arts

Use this standard subdivision span for material that includes two or more of the
fine and decorative arts and one or more of the other arts, e.g., a work about a
painter who is also a sculptor and a poet 700.92. If only one fine or decorative
art and one of the other arts is involved, class in the number coming first in the
schedule, e.g., a United States painter and poet 759.13
Class comprehensive works in 700

.1 Philosophy and theory of the arts

Including effects of social conditions and factors on the arts; effects of
humanities on the arts; effects of science and technology on the arts; effects of
other concepts on the arts
Class here effects of other topics on the arts

.2 Miscellany

700 The arts 700

.285 Computer applications

Class here computers used as a technique to support traditional
techniques in the arts
Class computer art in 776
See Manual at 776 vs. 006.5–006.7

.3–.8 Standard subdivisions of the arts

.9 History, geographic treatment, biography of the arts
.92 Biography
Class here the works themselves and critical appraisal and description of
works of an artist or artists
See Manual at 700.92

> 701–708 Standard subdivisions of fine and decorative arts

Other than history, geographic treatment, biography
Class standard subdivisions of specific schools, styles, periods of development
in 709.01–709.05; class comprehensive works in 700

701 Philosophy and theory of fine and decorative arts

Including appreciative aspects, inherent features
Class here effects of other topics on the arts
Class works of critical appraisal in 709; class interdisciplinary works in 111

702 Miscellany of fine and decorative arts

.8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment,
Notation 028 from Table 1 as modified below
Including testing and measurement, use of artists’ models; techniques of
reproduction, execution, identification
Class here basic techniques and procedures
.81 Mixed-media and composites
Including artists’ books; performance art
Class finished works of mixed-media and composite art in 709; class
decoupage in 745.54; class two-dimensional mixed-media art or composites
in 740

702 Dewey Decimal Classification 702

.85 Computer applications

Class here computers used as a technique to support traditional techniques in
fine and decorative arts
Class computer art in 776
See Manual at 776 vs. 006.5–006.7

.9 Commercial miscellany
Class auction and sales catalogs in which an exhibition is involved in 707.4

703 Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances of fine and

decorative arts
704 Special topics in fine and decorative arts
Including groups of people
Class ethnic and national groups in 704.03
.03 Ethnic and national groups
Class people by gender or sex of a specific ethnic or national group,
groups of miscellaneous specific groups of people of a specific ethnic or
national group in 704; class ethnic and national groups in places where they
predominate in 709.1–709.9; class description, critical appraisal, works,
biography of artists as individuals in 709.2

.9 Iconography
Including specific subjects (e.g., human figures, nature and still life,
architectural subject and cityscapes, symbolism and allegory, mythology and
legend, religion, other specific subjects)
Class significance and purpose of art in religion in 203; class significance and
purpose of art in Christianity in 246; class significance and purpose of art in
non-Christian religions in 292–299
See Manual at 704.9 and 753–758

705 Serial publications of fine and decorative arts

706 Organizations and management of fine and decorative arts
707 Education, research, related topics of fine and decorative
.4 Temporary and traveling collections and exhibits
Do not use for museums and permanent collections and exhibits; class in 708
Class here permanent collections on tour, temporary exhibits of a private
collection, auction and sales catalogs in which an exhibition is involved
For temporary in-house exhibits selected from a museum’s or gallery’s
permanent collection, see 708

708 The arts 708

708 Galleries, museums, private collections of fine and decorative

Do not use for groups of people; class in 704
General art collections
Class here annual reports dealing with acquisitions, activities, programs, projects
For temporary and traveling collections and exhibits, see 707.4
.001–.008 Standard subdivisions
.009 History and biography
Do not use for geographic treatment; class in 708.1–708.9

> 708.1–708.9 Geographic treatment

Class here guidebooks and catalogs of specific galleries, museums, private
Class comprehensive works in 708

.1 North America
For galleries, museums, private collections in Middle America, see 708.972
.11 Canada
.13–.19 United States
Add to base number 708.1 the numbers following —7 in notation 73–79
from Table 2, e.g., galleries, museums, private collections in Pennsylvania
For galleries, museums, private collections in Hawaii, see 708.9

> 708.2–708.8 Europe

Class comprehensive works in 708.9
For galleries, museums, private collections not provided for here, see
708.949, e.g., galleries, museums, private collections in Belgium 708.9493

.2 British Isles
Class here England

.3–.8 Miscellaneous parts of Europe

Add to base number 708 the numbers following —4 in notation 43–48 from
Table 2, e.g., galleries, museums, private collections in France 708.4

708 Dewey Decimal Classification 708

.9 Other geographic areas

Add to base number 708.9 notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., comprehensive
works on galleries, museums, private collections in Islamic areas 708.917, in
European countries 708.94
Class parts of Europe in notation 41–48 from Table 2 in 708.2–708.8

709 History, geographic treatment, biography

Development, description, critical appraisal, works
Class here finished works of experimental and mixed-media art that do not fit
easily into a recognized medium
Class two-dimensional experimental and mixed-media art in 740
See also 364.16 for looting, plundering, theft of art as a crime, for destruction
of art as a crime

> 709.01–709.05 Periods of development, and arts of nonliterate peoples

Class here schools and styles not limited by country or locality, comprehensive
works on European art limited by period, school, or style
Add to each subdivision identified by * notation 01–08 from Table 1, e.g.,
exhibits of medieval art 709.02074
Class comprehensive works in 709
For European art limited to a specific location, see the location in 709.4,
e.g., art of Germany 709.43
See Manual at 704.9 and 753–758; also at 709.01–709.05 vs. 709.3–709.9
.01 Arts of nonliterate peoples, and earliest times to 499
Arts of nonliterate peoples regardless of place or time, but limited to
nonliterate peoples of the past and nonliterate peoples clearly not a part of
contemporary society
For European art limited to a specific location, see the location in 709.4,
e.g., art of Germany 709.43
.02 *6th-15th centuries, 500–1499
Including Gothic art; Renaissance art
Class here medieval art
Class comprehensive works in 709
For early Christian art before 500, Byzantine art before 500, see 709.01.
For Renaissance art of an earlier or later period, see the specific period,
e.g., 16th century 709.03; for European art limited to a specific location,
see the location in 709.4, e.g., art of Germany 709.43
*Add as instructed under 709.01–709.05
709 The arts 709

.03 *Modern period, 1500–

Including baroque art
For 20th century, 1900–1999, see 709.04; for 21st century, 2000–2099,
see 709.05. For kitsch, art nouveau of a later period, see the period, e.g.,
20th century 709.04
.04 20th century, 1900–1999
Class here modern art
Class techniques of composite media in 702.81; class specific composite
media in 709; class comprehensive works on kitsch, on art nouveau in
For 19th century, 1800–1899, see 709.03; for 21st century, 2000–2099,
see 709.05; for computer art (digital art), see 776
.040 01–.040 08 Standard subdivisions
.05 *21st century, 2000–2099
.1 Areas, regions, places in general
Class groups of people in 704; class art of nonliterate peoples regardless of
place in 709

.2 Biography
Class here description, critical appraisal, works of artists not limited to or
chiefly identified with a specific form, e.g., painting, or group of forms, e.g.,
graphic arts
Class works of more than one artist in the same geographic area not limited by
continent, country, locality in 709.1; class works of more than one artist in the
same continent, country, locality in 709.3–709.9
See Manual at 709.2 vs. 381

.3–.9 Specific continents, countries, localities

Class here art of specific periods, e.g., art of 1800–1899 in Germany
Class groups of people in 704; class art of nonliterate peoples regardless of
place in 709.01. Class comprehensive works on European art of specific periods
with the period in 709.01–709.05 (not 709.4), e.g., art of 1800–1899 in Europe
709.03 (not 709.4)
See Manual at 709.01–709.05 vs. 709.3–709.9

710 Area planning and landscape architecture

Former heading: Civic and landscape art
Class comprehensive works on area planning, landscape architecture, and
architecture in 720
*Add as instructed under 709.01–709.05
711 Dewey Decimal Classification 711

711 Area planning (Civic art)

Design of physical environment for public welfare, convenience, pleasure
Including procedural and social aspects; specific levels (e.g., international and
national planning; interstate, state, provincial, county planning; local community
planning [city planning]); specific kinds of areas; planning for urban renewal
(conservation, rehabilitation, redevelopment) of specific kinds of areas; specific
elements (e.g., structural elements, transportation facilities, nontransportation
Class here plans
Class comprehensive works on area planning and architecture in 720; class
interdisciplinary works on area planning, on city planning in 307.1; class
interdisciplinary works on urban renewal, on housing renewal in 307.3

712 Landscape architecture (Landscape design)

Including general considerations (e.g., principles, professional practice and
technical procedures); specific kinds of land tracts (e.g., public parks and grounds,
private parks and grounds, semiprivate and institutional grounds)
Class engineering aspects of landscape architecture in 624; class comprehensive
works on landscape architecture and architecture in 720
For trafficways, see 713; for specific elements in landscape architecture, see
714–717; for cemeteries, see 718; for parks of public reserved lands, natural
landscapes, see 719
.01 Philosophy and theory
Class aesthetics, composition, style in 712

713 Landscape architecture of trafficways

See also 625.7 for planting and cultivation of roadside vegetation

> 714–717 Specific elements in landscape architecture

Class comprehensive works in 712

714 Water features in landscape architecture

Including cascades, fountains
Class here natural and artificial pools
Class comprehensive works on fountains in 731

715 Area planning and landscape architecture 715

715 Woody plants in landscape architecture

Cultivated for flowers or for other attributes
Including topiary work; specific kinds of plants (e.g., trees, shrubs, vines)
Class here comprehensive works on plants in landscape architecture
Class comprehensive works on plants cultivated for their flowers in landscape
architecture in 716
For herbaceous plants in landscape architecture, see 716
See also 635.9 for planting and cultivation of woody plants

716 Herbaceous plants in landscape architecture

Cultivated for flowers or for other attributes
Including ground cover
Class here comprehensive works on plants cultivated for their flowers in landscape
For woody plants cultivated for their flowers, see 715
See also 635.9 for planting and cultivation of herbaceous plants

717 Structures in landscape architecture

Relationship of buildings, terraces, fences, gates, steps, ornamental accessories to
other elements of landscape architecture
Including pedestrian facilities, street furniture

718 Landscape design of cemeteries

Including national cemeteries

719 Natural landscapes

Including reserved lands
Class natural water features in 714

720 Architecture
Including portable and temporary buildings, architecture and the environment,
buildings by shape, buildings with atriums, multiple-purpose buildings
Class here architectural structure; comprehensive works on architecture, area
planning, and landscape architecture; on architecture and area planning; on
architecture and landscape architecture; on architecture and structural engineering;
interdisciplinary works on design and construction of buildings
Class daylighting in 729. Class a multiple-purpose building with one primary
purpose with the single-purpose buildings of that type, e.g., an apartment building
with a floor of commercial space 728
For structural engineering, see 624.1; for engineering design and construction
of buildings, see 690; for solar heating, see 697; for area planning and
landscape architecture, see 710

720 Dewey Decimal Classification 720

720.1–.9 Standard subdivisions
721 Architectural materials and structural elements
722 Architecture from earliest times to ca. 300
723 Architecture from ca. 300 to 1399
724 Architecture from 1400
725 Public structures
726 Buildings for religious and related purposes
727 Buildings for educational and research purposes
728 Residential and related buildings
729 Design and decoration of structures and accessories

.1 Philosophy and theory [formerly also 721.01]

.2 Miscellany [formerly also 721.02]
.22 Illustrations, models, miniatures
Including architectural drawings
Class architectural drawing in 720.28; class drawings in the vertical plane,
e.g., elevations, drawings in the horizontal plane, e.g., floor plans, in
729. Class architectural drawings for one structure or a specific type of
structure with the structure in 725–728, plus notation 022 from Table 1, e.g.,
architectural drawings of residential buildings 728.022
.28 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment
Including site planning; architectural drawing; remodeling; conservation,
preservation, restoration
Class drawings, illustrations, models in 720.22; class interdisciplinary works
on conservation, preservation, restoration in 363.6
See Manual at 930–990: Historic preservation
Use of this number for green technology (environmental technology), waste
technology discontinued; class in 720
Architectural materials relocated to 721

.3–.8 Standard subdivisions [formerly also 721.03–721.08]

.9 History, geographic treatment, biography [formerly also 721.09]
Class here architectural aspects of historic buildings, schools and styles limited
to a specific country or locality
Class architectural drawings in 720.22; class comprehensive works on specific
schools and styles not limited to a specific country or locality in 722–724
See Manual at 913–919: Historic sites and buildings; also at 930–990:
Historic preservation
[.93] Ancient world
Do not use; class in 722

720 Architecture 720

.95 Asia
Class here Buddhist, Oriental architecture
Class Buddhist architecture of a national style with the style, e.g., Japanese
Buddhist architecture 720.952
.954 India and neighboring south Asian countries
Class here Hindu, Jain architecture

721 Architectural materials [formerly also 720.28] and structural

Including decoration; interdisciplinary works on design and construction;
foundations; walls; columnar constructions; curved constructions and details
(e.g., arcades and arches, vaults, groined vaults, domes, niches); roofs and roof
structures; floors; ceilings; other elements (e.g., openings, means of vertical access,
semi-enclosed and uncovered spaces)
Class architectural drawings in 721–729; class decoration of structural elements in
specific mediums in 729
For engineering design and construction, see 690; for engineering design and
construction in specific materials, see 693; for decks and patios of residential
buildings, see 728
Use of this number for architectural structure, architecture and the environment,
buildings by shape, buildings with atriums, multiple-purpose buildings
discontinued; class in 720
[.01] Philosophy and theory
Relocated to 720.1
[.02] Miscellany
Relocated to 720.2
[.03–.08] Standard subdivisions
Relocated to 720.3–720.8
[.09] History, geographic treatment, biography
Relocated to 720.9

> 722–724 Architectural schools and styles

Class architects of specific schools and styles not limited to a specific type of
structure in 720.92; class details of construction of specific schools and styles in
721; class specific types of structures regardless of school or style in 725–728;
class design and decoration of structures of specific schools and styles in 729;
class comprehensive works, schools and styles from ca. 300 limited to a specific
country or locality in 720.9

722 Dewey Decimal Classification 722

722 Architecture from earliest times to ca. 300

Including ancient Chinese, Japanese, Korean architecture; ancient Oriental
architecture; ancient Egyptian architecture; ancient Semitic architecture; ancient
south and southeast Asian architecture; ancient Middle Eastern architecture;
ancient western architecture; Roman architecture; Greek (Hellenic) architecture
Class comprehensive works on Semitic architecture in 720.89

723 Architecture from ca. 300 to 1399

Including early Christian architecture; Byzantine architecture; Saracenic
architecture; Moorish architecture; Romanesque and Norman architecture; Gothic
Class here medieval architecture
For Mudéjar architecture, see 720.946
[.09] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for architecture limited to a specific country or locality; class in
720.9. Do not use for biography; class in 720.92

724 Architecture from 1400

Including colonial styles; classical revival architecture; neoclassical architecture;
Gothic revival architecture; eclecticism, revivals, Victorian architecture
Class here modern architecture
[.09] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for architecture limited to a specific country or locality; class in
720.9. Do not use for biography; class in 720.92

> 725–728 Specific types of structures

Class here development of architectural schools and styles, comprehensive
works on specific structures and their interior design and decorations,
interdisciplinary works on design and construction
Class comprehensive works in 720. Class structures rehabilitated to a single
new use with the new use, e.g., warehouses converted into apartments 728; class
structures rehabilitated to multiple new uses with the old use, e.g., warehouses
converted into retail stores and apartments 725
For structural engineering, see 624.1; for engineering design and
construction of specific types of habitable structures, see 690; for interior
decoration, see 747

725 Architecture 725

725 Public structures

Including comprehensive works on agricultural structures, on greenhouses
[both formerly 728]; government buildings; international government, civic
center buildings; commercial and communications buildings; transportation,
storage, agricultural buildings; industrial buildings; welfare and health buildings;
correctional institutions; prison and reformatory buildings; refreshment facilities
and park structures; recreation buildings
Class engineering of forts and fortresses, engineering of naval facilities,
engineering of military air facilities, engineering of moats in 623; class engineering
of tunnels in 624.1; class engineering of bridges in 624.2; class engineering of
harbors, ports, roadsteads in 627; class community centers for adult education in
727; class comprehensive works on castles in 728.8; class comprehensive works on
fountains in 731. Class memorial buildings for a specific purpose with the purpose,
e.g., memorial library buildings 727
For public structures used primarily for religious and related purposes,
see 726; for public structures used primarily for educational and research
purposes, see 727; for public structures used primarily for residential and
related purposes, farmhouses, agricultural buildings associated with residential
buildings, barns and sheds associated with residential buildings, domestic
bathhouses and saunas, domestic swimming pools, see 728

726 Buildings for religious and related purposes

Including buildings associated with non-Christian religions (e.g., temples and
shrines, mosques and minarets, synagogues and Jewish temples); accessory houses
of worship; monastic buildings; abbeys, convents, friaries, monasteries, priories;
mortuary chapels and tombs
Class Christian chapels, baptistries as a part of church buildings, monastic churches
either as a place of public worship or as a separate church building in 726.5; class
cathedral cloisters in 726.6; class monastic libraries in 727
For collegiate cloisters, see 727

.5 Buildings associated with Christianity

Including design, decoration, construction of structural elements; decoration
in specific mediums, built-in church furniture, design and decoration of parts;
buildings of specific denominations
Class here Christian chapels; church buildings
Class mortuary chapels in 726; class comprehensive works on baptistries in 726.
Class decoration in a specific medium not in an architectural context with the
medium, e.g., sculpture 730; class built-in church furniture in a specific medium
not in an architectural context with the medium, e.g., carved pew ends 731
For a specific kind of building not provided for here, see the building, e.g.,
cathedrals 726.6, Franciscan monasteries 726

.6 Cathedrals
Including cathedrals of Eastern churches; Orthodox cathedrals; Roman Catholic
cathedrals; Anglican cathedrals; accessory structures
For details and parts of cathedrals, see 726.5
Use of this number for comprehensive works on cloisters discontinued; class in

727 Dewey Decimal Classification 727

727 Buildings for educational and research purposes

Standard subdivisions are added for buildings for educational and research
purposes together, for buildings for educational purposes alone
Including conservatories (botanical research buildings) [formerly 728]; buildings
for education at specific levels (e.g., primary school buildings, secondary school
buildings, college and university buildings); professional and technical school
buildings; research buildings; laboratory, observatory buildings; museum
buildings; art museum and gallery buildings; library buildings
Class here school buildings

728 Residential and related buildings

Standard subdivisions are added for residential and related buildings together, for
residential buildings alone
Including low-cost housing; specific kinds of conventional housing (e.g., multiple
dwellings, separate houses); club houses; hotels and motels; farmhouses; farm
cottages; miscellaneous structures associated with residential buildings
Class here domestic architecture, conventional housing
Class vacation homes in 728.7; class large and elaborate private dwellings in
728.8; class comprehensive works on farm buildings, on bathhouses and saunas,
on swimming pools in 725. Class a type of club house other than country, city,
fraternal club houses with the type, e.g., racetrack club houses 725
For official residences, see 725; for episcopal palaces, parsonages, see 726; for
residential educational buildings, see 727
Comprehensive works on agricultural structures, on greenhouses relocated to 725;
conservatories (botanical research buildings) relocated to 727

.7 Vacation houses, cabins, hunting lodges, houseboats, mobile homes

See Manual at 643, 690, 728.7 vs. 629.226

.8 Large and elaborate private dwellings

Including comprehensive works on architecture of castles; palaces
Class here chateaux, manor houses, mansions, plantation houses, villas
For castles as military structures, see 725

729 Architecture 729

729 Design and decoration of structures and accessories

Including design in specific planes (e.g., design in vertical plane, design in
horizontal plane); decoration in specific mediums (e.g., decoration in paint,
decoration in relief, decoration in veneer and incrustation, decoration in mosaic,
decoration in ornamental glass)
Class here interior architecture (the art or practice of planning and supervising the
design and execution of architectural interiors and their furnishings)
Class architectural plans as a set of drawings for a project in 720.22; class design
of structural elements in specific planes in 721; class design and decoration
of structures and accessories of specific types of buildings in 725–728; class
comprehensive works on mosaics in 738.5 Class architectural drawings for one
structure or a specific type of structure with the structure in 725–728, plus notation
022, e.g., architectural drawings of cathedrals 726.6022 Class decoration in a
specific medium not in an architectural context with the medium, e.g., sculpture
For interior decoration, see 747
See Manual at 729

730 Sculpture and related arts

Standard subdivisions are added for sculpture and related arts together, for
sculpture alone
Class here plastic arts
Class plastic arts covering all visual arts in 700

730.1–.9 Standard subdivisions of sculpture and related arts together, of sculpture
731 Processes, forms, subjects of sculpture
732 Sculpture from earliest times to ca. 500, sculpture of nonliterate peoples
733 Greek, Etruscan, Roman sculpture
734 Sculpture from ca. 500 to 1399
735 Sculpture from 1400
736 Carving and carvings
737 Numismatics and sigillography
738 Ceramic arts
739 Art metalwork

[.01] Philosophy and theory of plastic arts

Relocated to 730.1
[.02] Miscellany of plastic arts
Relocated to 730.2
[.03–.08] Standard subdivisions of plastic arts
Relocated to 730.3–730.8
[.09] History, geographic treatment, biography of plastic arts
Relocated to 730.9

730 Dewey Decimal Classification 730

.1 Philosophy and theory of sculpture and related arts together, of

sculpture alone
Including appreciative aspects; inherent features
Class here philosophy and theory of plastic arts [formerly 730.01]
Class works of critical appraisal in 730.9

.2 Miscellany of sculpture and related arts together, of sculpture alone

Class here miscellany of plastic arts [formerly 730.02]
.28 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
of sculpture and related arts
Do not use for materials, apparatus, equipment for sculpture alone; class in
731. Do not use for auxiliary techniques and procedures of sculpture alone;
class in 731.028
Class here basic techniques and procedures, techniques of two or more of the
plastic arts, e.g., firing of clays in sculpture and ceramics

.3–.8 Standard subdivisions of sculpture and related arts together, of

sculpture alone
Class here standard subdivisions of plastic arts [formerly 730.03–730.08]

.9 History, geographic treatment, biography of sculpture and related arts

together, of sculpture alone
Class here history, geographic treatment, biography of plastic arts [formerly
730.09], schools and styles limited to a specific country or locality
Class sculpture of nonliterate peoples regardless of time or place in 732; class
historical periods of sculpture, comprehensive works on specific schools and
styles of sculpture not limited to country or locality in 732–735
.92 Biography
Class here description and critical appraisal of sculptors or plastic artists and
their works regardless of process, representation, style or school, period,
place; sculptors who also work in the other plastic arts
Class works of more than one sculptor or plastic artist in the same
geographic area, region, place in general (not limited by continent, country,
locality) in 730.91; class works of more than one sculptor or plastic artist in
specific continents, countries, localities in 730.94–730.99; class works of
more than one sculptor in ancient world in 732–733
.93 Ancient world
Do not use for sculpture alone; class in 732–733
.95 Asia
.954 India and neighboring south Asian countries
Class here Hindu, Jain sculpture
For Hindu sculpture in an area not provided for here, see the area,
e.g., Hindu sculpture in Indonesia 730.9598

731 Sculpture and related arts 731

> 731–735 Sculpture

Class comprehensive works in 730
See Manual at 731–735 vs. 736–739

731 Processes, forms, subjects of sculpture

Including materials; apparatus and equipment; sculpture in the round; iconography
Class use of materials, apparatus, equipment in specific techniques in 731.4; class
specific processes, forms, subjects of sculpture associated with individual sculptors
in 730.92; class processes, forms, subjects of specific periods and by specific
schools in 732–735
For fountains as a water feature in landscape architecture, see 714; for public
fountains with little or no sculptural decoration, see 725; for monumental
brasses, see 739.5; for tabletop and indoor fountains, see 745.594
.028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures
Do not use for materials, apparatus and equipment; class in 731. Do not
use for maintenance and repair; class in 731.4
Class comprehensive works on basic and auxiliary techniques and
procedures in 731.4
.092 Biography
Do not use for individual sculptors; class in 730.92

.4 Techniques and procedures

Including direct-metal sculpture; modeling; molding; casting; carving and
chiseling techniques in sculpture; firing and baking; maintenance and repair;
conservation, preservation, restoration
Class here comprehensive works on techniques, procedures, apparatus,
equipment, materials together
Class materials, apparatus and equipment in 731; class techniques of firing and
baking in ceramics in 738.1; class art metalwork in 739
For auxiliary techniques and procedures, see 731.028

> 732–735 Schools and styles of sculpture

Class comprehensive works in 730.9

732 Sculpture from earliest times to ca. 500, sculpture of

nonliterate peoples
Including ancient sculpture (e.g., ancient Palestinian sculpture; ancient south and
southeast Asian sculpture; Mesopotamian and ancient Persian sculpture; ancient
British, Celtic, Germanic, Iberian, Slavic sculpture; ancient Oriental sculpture;
ancient Egyptian sculpture; sculpture of other ancient areas)
For Greek, Etruscan, Roman sculpture, see 733

732 Dewey Decimal Classification 732

[.09] History, geographic treatment, biography

Do not use for biography; class in 730.92. Do not use for history and
geographic treatment; class in 732

733 Greek, Etruscan, Roman sculpture

[.092] Biography
Do not use; class in 730.92

734 Sculpture from ca. 500 to 1399

Including styles (e.g., early Christian and Byzantine sculpture, Romanesque
sculpture, Gothic sculpture)
Class here medieval sculpture
[.09] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for geographic treatment; class in 730.9. Do not use for
biography; class in 730.92. Do not use for history; class in 734

735 Sculpture from 1400

Class here modern sculpture
[.09] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for geographic treatment; class in 730.9. Do not use for
biography; class in 730.92. Do not use for history; class in 735

> 736–739 Other plastic arts

Processes and products
Class comprehensive works in 730. Class a plastic art not provided for here with
the art in 745–749, e.g., textile arts 746
See also 731–735 for sculpture
See Manual at 731–735 vs. 736–739

736 Carving and carvings

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including precious and semiprecious stones (glyptics); wood; stone; effigial and
sepulchral slabs; ivory, bone, horn, shell, amber; ornamental fans; other materials
(e.g., wax, ice and snow, soap, sand sculpture, paper cutting and folding)
Class engraved seals, stamps, signets in 737; class setting of precious and
semiprecious stones in 739.27; class comprehensive works on drawing and cutting
silhouettes in 741.7

737 Sculpture and related arts 737

737 Numismatics and sigillography

Standard subdivisions are added for numismatics and sigillography together, for
numismatics alone
Including medals and related objects (e.g., amulets and talismans, buttons and
pins); counters and tokens; engraved seals, signets, stamps
Class interdisciplinary works on sigillography in 929.9
For paper money, see 769.5

.4 Coins
Class here counterfeit coins
.409 3–.409 9 Specific continents and localities
Do not use for specific countries; class in 737.49
.49 Coins of specific countries
By place of origin
Add to base number 737.49 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., Roman coins
minted in Egypt 737.4932

738 Ceramic arts

Class here pottery
Use 738 for pottery covering porcelain and earthenware or porcelain and
stoneware. Use 738.3 for pottery limited to earthenware or stoneware. Because
porcelain, which was invented in China, did not reach other parts of Asia until the
9th century and Europe before the 17th century, ancient pottery of a place other
than China was either earthenware or stoneware and is classed in 738.309, e.g.,
pottery of ancient Italy 738.30937, Aztec pottery 738.30972
Class ceramic sculpture in 731–735
For glass, see 748
.028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures
Do not use for materials, apparatus and equipment, maintenance and
repair; class in 738.1
Class comprehensive works on techniques and procedures in 738.1
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography
Class here brands of pottery
.092 Biography
Regardless of material or product
Class here ceramic artists
For enamelers, see 738.4092; for mosaicists, see 738.5092

738 Dewey Decimal Classification 738

.1 Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials

Including decorative treatment; maintenance and repair; conservation,
preservation, restoration
Class techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials of specific
products in 738.4–738.8
For auxiliary techniques and procedures, see 738.028

> 738.2–738.8 Products

Development, description, critical appraisal, collections of works
Class comprehensive works in 738

.2 Porcelain
Including specific types and varieties of porcelain; tableware and vessels
Class comprehensive works on porcelain, earthenware, stoneware in 738
For specialized porcelain products, see 738.4–738.8
[.202 8] Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Do not use for auxiliary techniques and procedures; class in 738.028.
Do not use for materials, apparatus and equipment; class in 738.1
.209 History and geographic treatment of porcelain
Class here brands
[.209 2] Biography
Do not use; class in 738.092

.3 Earthenware and stoneware

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including specific types and varieties of earthenware and stoneware; tableware
and vessels
Use 738 for pottery covering porcelain and earthenware or porcelain and
stoneware. Use 738.3 for pottery limited to earthenware or stoneware. Because
porcelain, which was invented in China, did not reach other parts of Asia until
the 9th century and Europe before the 17th century, ancient pottery of a place
other than China was either earthenware or stoneware and is classed in 738.309,
e.g., pottery of ancient Italy 738.30937, Aztec pottery 738.30972
For specific earthenware and stoneware products, see 738.4–738.8
[.302 8] Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Do not use for auxiliary techniques and procedures; class in 738.028.
Do not use for materials, apparatus and equipment; class in 738.1
.309 History and geographic treatment
Class here brands

738 Sculpture and related arts 738

[.309 2] Biography
Do not use; class in 738.092
.309 3 Ancient world
Do not use for ancient and classical Middle Eastern and western
vessels; class in 738.3

> 738.4–738.8 Specific products and techniques of making them

Class ceramic sculpture in 731–735; class comprehensive works on porcelain
products in 738.2; class comprehensive works on earthenware and stoneware
products in 738.3; class comprehensive works in 738
For porcelain tableware and vessels, see 738.2; for earthenware and
stoneware tableware and vessels, see 738.3

.4 Enamels
Including basse-taille, champlevé, ronde bosse; cloisonné; surface-painted
For nielloing, see 739; for jewelry, see 739.27; for enameling glass, see

.5 Mosaics
Including mosaics used with architecture; mosaics applied to portable objects
Class here mosaic painting, comprehensive works on mosaics in all materials
For mosaics of a specific material not provided for here, see the material,
e.g., mosaic glass 748.5

.6 Ornamental bricks and tiles

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading

.8 Other products
Including braziers, candlesticks, lamps, lighting fixtures, stoves; figurines; dolls
Class comprehensive works on handicrafting dolls in 745.592

739 Art metalwork

Including techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials
Class auxiliary techniques and procedures in 739.028. Class techniques,
procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials for a specific kind of metalwork with
the kind, e.g., goldsmithing 739.2
For numismatics, see 737
.028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures
Do not use for materials, apparatus and equipment; class in 739
Class comprehensive works on techniques and procedures in 739

739 Dewey Decimal Classification 739

.2 Work in precious metals

Including work in specific metals (e.g., goldsmithing, silversmithing,
Class jewelry in specific metals in 739.27; class clocks and watches in precious
metals in 739.3
.27 Jewelry
Design of settings, mounting gems, repair work
Including techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials; products
Class here interdisciplinary works on making fine and costume jewelry
Class interdisciplinary works on jewelry in 391.7; class interdisciplinary
works on making costume jewelry in 688
For carving precious and semiprecious stones, see 736; for making
handcrafted costume jewelry, see 745.594. For jewelry made with
little or no precious metal, see the specific material other than metal
elsewhere in 700, e.g., mosaic jewelry 738.5, glass bead necklaces 748.8
.270 28 Auxiliary techniques and procedures
Do not use for materials, apparatus and equipment; class in 739.27
Class here comprehensive works on techniques, procedures,
apparatus, equipment, materials together
Class comprehensive works on basic and auxiliary techniques and
procedures in 739.27

.3 Clocks and watches

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials
Class here clockcases regardless of material
Class clocks as furniture in 749; class interdisciplinary works on clocks, on
watches in 681.1
.302 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures
Do not use for materials, apparatus and equipment; class in 739.3
Class here comprehensive works on techniques, procedures,
apparatus, equipment, materials together
Class comprehensive works on basic and auxiliary techniques and
procedures in 739.3

> 739.4–739.5 Work in base metals

Class clocks and watches in base metals in 739.3; class comprehensive works in
For arms and armor, see 739.7

739 Sculpture and related arts 739

.4 Ironwork
Including techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials; products
Class here wrought iron, cast iron, stainless steel
.402 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures
Do not use for materials, apparatus and equipment; class in 739.4
Class here comprehensive works on techniques, procedures,
apparatus, equipment, materials together
Class comprehensive works on basic and auxiliary techniques and
procedures in 739.4

.5 Work in metals other than iron

Including copper and its alloys; brass; tin and its alloys; lead; zinc and its alloys;
nickel; aluminum; chromium
Class rubbings as art form in 740

.7 Arms and armor

Standard subdivisions are added for arms and armor together, for arms alone
Including edged weapons, missile-hurling weapons, firearms
Class here decorative treatment of shapes, handles, grips, metalwork
Class interdisciplinary works on knives in 621.9; class interdisciplinary works
on arms and armor in 623.4; class interdisciplinary works on small firearms in
See also 623.4 for stone weapons

740 Graphic arts [formerly 760] and decorative arts

Standard subdivisions are added for graphic and decorative arts together, for
graphic arts alone
Including iconography of graphic arts [formerly 760]; copy art made with
photoduplication equipment, rubbings, typewriter art, typographical designs;
two-dimensional mixed-media art and composites; iconography of decorative arts
Class here digital images, two-dimensional art
Class comprehensive works on graphic and plastic arts in 701–709. Class rubbings
used for study and research in a specific field with the field, e.g., monumental
brasses 739.5
For painting and paintings, see 750; for printmaking and prints, see 760; for
photography and photographs, see 770; for cinematography and videography,
see 777

740 Dewey Decimal Classification 740

740.1–.9 Standard subdivisions of graphic arts and decorative arts
741 Drawing and drawings
742 Perspective in drawing
743 Drawing and drawings by subject
745 Decorative arts
746 Textile arts
747 Interior decoration
748 Glass
749 Furniture and accessories

.285 Computer applications

Do not use for comprehensive works on digital images; class in 740;
however use 740.285 for specific computer applications in graphic arts

.9 History, geographic treatment, biography of graphic arts [formerly

760.09]; history, geographic treatment, biography of graphic and
decorative arts together
741 Drawing and drawings
Class comprehensive works on drawing and painting in 750; class comprehensive
works on two-dimensional art in 740
For drawing and drawings by subject, see 743
.01 Philosophy and theory
Including appreciative aspects; inherent features
Class works of critical appraisal in 741.09; class perspective in 742
.02 Miscellany
.028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures
Do not use for apparatus, equipment, materials; class in 741.2
Class identification of reproductions, copies, forgeries, alterations;
comprehensive works on basic and auxiliary techniques and procedures
in 741.2
.07 Education, research, related topics
.074 Museums and exhibits
For collections of drawings, see 741.9
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography
For collections of drawings from specific periods, see 741.9
.092 Biography
Regardless of medium, process, subject, period, place
Class artists working in special applications in 741.5–741.7; class
collections of drawings in 741.9

741 Graphic and decorative arts 741

.093–.099 Specific continents, countries, localities

For collections of drawings from specific continents, countries,
localities, see 741.93–741.99

.2 Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials

Including one-color washes highlighting drawings; specific mediums (e.g.,
charcoal, chalk and crayon, pencil, silverpoint, ink, scratchboard and airbrush
drawing); techniques of reproduction and conservation
Class here comprehensive works on basic and auxiliary techniques and
Class techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials used in special
applications in 741.5–741.7; class collections of drawings regardless of medium
or process in 741.9; class techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment,
materials used in drawing specific subjects in 743.4–743.6
For auxiliary techniques and procedures, see 741.028; for perspective, see
See also 751.42 for watercolor
.209 2 Biography
Do not use for individual artists; class in 741.092

> 741.5–741.7 Special applications

Class here works that began with drawing but use other techniques such as
painting, printing, photography to create the final product
Class comprehensive works in 741.6

741 Dewey Decimal Classification 741

.5 Comic books, graphic novels, fotonovelas, cartoons, caricatures, comic

Standard subdivisions are added for comic books, graphic novels, fotonovelas,
cartoons, caricatures, comic strips together; for comic books alone; for graphic
novels alone; for fotonovelas alone
Variant name for comic books: comics
Including techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials;
comprehensive works on basic and auxiliary techniques and procedures;
comprehensive works on drawing and writing comic books, graphic novels,
fotonovelas, cartoons, caricatures, comic strips; special aspects of comic
books, graphic novels, fotonovelas, cartoons, caricatures, comic strips; critical
appraisal and description of genres, techniques for creating works in specific
genres; cartoon animation; animation cels; techniques for creating animated
drawings; development, description, critical appraisal
Class auxiliary techniques and procedures in 741.5028; class photographic
techniques for cartoon animation in 777; class comprehensive works on
animated films in 791.43; class comprehensive works on animated television
programs in 791.45. Class comic books, graphic novels, fotonovelas, cartoons,
caricatures, comic strips whose purpose is to inform or persuade with the
subject, e.g., political cartoons 320.02
For photographic techniques for fotonovelas, see 771; for writing comic
books, graphic novels, fotonovelas, cartoons, caricatures, comic strips, see
See Manual at 741.5
.502 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures
Do not use for apparatus, equipment, materials; class in 741.5
Class comprehensive works on basic and auxiliary techniques and
procedures in 741.5
.507 4 Museums and exhibits
Do not use for collections; class in 741.5
[.509] History, geographic treatment, biography
Number discontinued; class in 741.5

741 Graphic and decorative arts 741

.6 Graphic design, illustration, commercial art

Standard subdivisions are added for any or all topics in heading
Including books and book jackets; magazines and newspapers; covers for sheet
music and recordings; advertisements and posters; calendars, postcards, greeting
and business cards; labels and match covers
Class here comprehensive works on special applications of drawing
Class illumination of manuscripts and books in 745.6; class fashion design in
746.9; class government-issued postcards without illustration in 769.56; class
comprehensive works on graphic arts, on two-dimensional art in 740. Class a
specific type of illustration, a specific form of graphic design, a specific form
of commercial art, not provided for here with the type or form, e.g., original oil
paintings for book jackets 759
For art posters (posters as a specific form of prints), see 769.5
See Manual at 741.6 vs. 800

.7 Silhouettes
Class cut-out silhouettes in 736

.9 Collections of drawings
Regardless of medium or process
Class here exhibition catalogs, preliminary drawings as works of art in their
own right
Class collections by artists devoted to special applications in 741.5–741.7; class
collections of drawings by subject not from a specific period or place in 743.
Class preliminary drawings not treated as works of art in their own right with
the finished work, e.g., preliminary drawings for frescoes 751.7
.93–.99 Specific continents, countries, localities
Add to base number 741.9 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., collections of
drawings from London 741.9421
Collections by individual artists are classed at country level only.
Notation 074 from Table 1 for collections is not added. For example, a
collection of an individual artist from London is classed in 741.942 (not
741.9421, 741.942074)

742 Perspective in drawing

Theory, principles, methods
Class perspective in special applications in 741.5–741.7; class perspective
in drawing specific subjects in 743.4–743.6; class comprehensive works on
perspective in the arts in 701

743 Dewey Decimal Classification 743

743 *Drawing and drawings by subject

Standard subdivisions are added for drawing and drawings by subject together, for
drawing alone
Including drawing draperies; drawing plants; drawing other subjects (e.g.,
cityscapes); collections of drawings by subject (iconography)
Class artists in 741.092; class collections of drawings by subject from a specific
period or place in 741.9

.4 *Drawing human figures

Including specific groups of people (e.g., men, women, children); portraiture;
bones (skeletal system); muscles (muscular system); anatomy for artists
Class here nudes
For fashion drawing, see 741.6

.6 *Drawing animals
[744] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 9

745 Decorative arts

Including cycloramas, dioramas, panoramas
Class here folk art
For a decorative art not provided for here, see the art in 736–739, 746–749,
e.g., interior decoration 747

.1 Antiques
For a specific kind of antique, see the kind, e.g., brasses 739.5, passenger
automobiles 629.222
See Manual at 745.1
.102 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Including techniques of reproduction, execution, identification
Class here basic techniques and procedures

.2 Industrial art and design

Creative design of mass-produced commodities
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
For design of a specific commodity, see the commodity, e.g., automobiles
*Do not use notation 092 from Table 1 for artists; class in 741.092
745 Graphic and decorative arts 745

.4 Pure and applied design and decoration

Standard subdivisions are added for any or all topics in heading
Class here design source books
For industrial design, see 745.2. For design in a specific art form, see the
form, e.g., design in architecture 729

.5 Handicrafts
Creative work done by hand with aid of simple tools or machines
Including work in bread dough
Class home (amateur) workshops in 684; class interdisciplinary works on
handicrafts in 680. Class the handicraft aspects of another form of art with the
art, e.g., printmaking using rubber stamps 761
For decorative coloring, see 745.7; for floral arts, see 745.92
See Manual at 680 vs. 745.5

> 745.51–745.58 Specific materials

Class specific objects made from specific materials in 745.59; class
comprehensive works in 745.5
For textile handicrafts, see 746; for glass handicrafts, see 748
.51 Woods
Including bamboo; ornamental woodwork; marquetry; inlaying; scrollwork;
work with jig saws (scroll saws); woodburning (pyrography)
Class treen (woodenware) in 674; class woodworking in 684; class
cabinetmaking (wooden furniture making) in 684.1; class artistic aspects of
furniture in 749
For ornamental woodwork in furniture, see 749
.53 Leathers and furs
Class construction of clothing in 646.4
.54 Papers
Including endpapers, paper boxes, tissue papers, wallpapers; gift wrapping,
quilling; papier-mâché; decoupage
Class papier-mâché used in sculpture in 731; class paper cutting and folding
in 736
.55 Shells
.56 Metals
Class art metalwork in 739
.57 Rubber and plastics

745 Dewey Decimal Classification 745

.58 Beads, found and other objects

Class specific objects made from other objects in 745.59
For bead embroidery, see 746.5
.59 Making specific objects
Class here handicrafts in composite materials
For textile handicrafts, see 746; for glass handicrafts, see 748
.592 Toys, models, miniatures, related objects
Standard subdivisions are added for toys, models, miniatures, related
objects together; for toys alone
Including paper airplanes; dolls, puppets, marionettes; dollhouses and
furniture; soft toys
Class porcelain dolls in 738.8; class toy soldiers in 745.5928; class
interdisciplinary works on mass-produced and handcrafted toys in 688.7
.592 8 Models and miniatures
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including ships in bottles; military models and miniatures
Class here interdisciplinary works on handcrafted models and
Class models and miniatures produced by assembly-line or
mechanized manufacturing, interdisciplinary works on models and
miniatures in 688; class play with remote-control models in 796.15
For handcrafted models and miniatures of a specific object,
models for technical and professional use, see the object or
use, plus notation 022 from Table 1, e.g., handcrafted models
of artificial satellites 629.46022; for miniature and model
educational exhibits, see the subject illustrated, plus notation 074
from Table 1, e.g., handcrafted miniature physical anthropology
exhibits 599.9074
See Manual at 745.5928
.593 Useful objects
Including lampshades; candles and candlesticks; snuffboxes; decoys;
Class carved birds not used for hunting in 730
For toys, models, miniatures, related objects, see 745.592
.594 Decorative objects
Including objects for special occasions; greeting cards; costume jewelry;
artificial flowers; egg decorating; fountains
Class arrangement of artificial flowers in 745.92; class comprehensive
works on fountains in 731; class interdisciplinary works on costume
jewelry in 391.7; class interdisciplinary works on making costume
jewelry in 688; class interdisciplinary works on making jewelry in 739.27

745 Graphic and decorative arts 745

.6 Calligraphy, heraldic design, illumination

Including artistic, decorative lettering; illumination of manuscripts and books;
facsimiles of manuscripts reproduced for their illuminations
Class development, description, critical appraisal of manuscripts in 091; class
development, description, critical appraisal of illustrated books in 096; class
penmanship in 652; class typography in 686.2

.7 Decorative coloring
Including painting and lacquering; stenciling; decalcomania; gilding
Class gilding as an aspect of bookbinding in 686.3; class gilding as an aspect of
illumination of manuscripts and books in 745.6; class printing, painting, dyeing
textiles in 746.6

.9 Other decorative arts

.92 Floral arts
Flower arrangement: selection and arrangement of plant materials and
appropriate accessories
Including two-dimensional arrangements
Class here arrangement of artificial flowers, three-dimensional arrangements
Class making artificial flowers in 745.594; class potted plants as interior
decorations in 747

746 Textile arts

Including specific materials
Class here textile handicrafts
Class domestic sewing and related operations in 646.2; class laces and related
fabrics in 746.2; class rugs and carpets in 746.7. Class a specific textile product not
provided for here with the product, e.g., stuffed animals 745.592; class products in
a specific material with the product, e.g., string pictures 746.3

> 746.1–746.9 Products and processes

Unless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference,
e.g., embroidered rugs 746.7 (not 746.44):

Laces and related fabrics 746.2

Rugs 746.7
Yarn preparation and weaving 746.1
Needlework and handwork 746.4
Bead embroidery 746.5
Printing, painting, dyeing 746.6
Pictures, hangings, tapestries 746.3
Other textile products 746.9
Class home sewing and clothing in 646; class textile manufacturing in 677;
class comprehensive works in 746

746 Dewey Decimal Classification 746

.1 Yarn preparation and weaving

Including carding and combing; spinning, twisting, reeling; dyeing
For weaving unaltered vegetable fibers, see 746.41; for nonloom weaving,
see 746.42

.2 Laces and related fabrics

Including passementerie
For tatting, see 746.43

.3 Pictures, hangings, tapestries

Standard subdivisions are added for any or all topics in heading
[.309] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 746.39
.39 History, geographic treatment, biography
Add to base number 746.39 notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., artists 746.392

.4 Needlework and handwork

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
.41 Weaving, braiding, matting unaltered vegetable fibers
Including raffia work, rushwork; basketry
.42 Nonloom weaving and related techniques
Including braiding, plaiting, twining; knotting
Class nonloom weaving of unaltered vegetable fibers in 746.41
For card weaving, see 746.1
.43 Knitting, crocheting, tatting
.44 Embroidery
Including couching, cutwork, drawn work, hardanger, smocking; canvas
embroidery and needlepoint; cross-stitch; counted thread embroidery;
appliqué; crewelwork; silk ribbon embroidery
.46 Patchwork and quilting
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Class here quilts

.5 Bead embroidery
.6 Printing, painting, dyeing
Including hand decoration, stenciling; resist-dyeing

.7 Rugs
Class here carpets

746 Graphic and decorative arts 746

[.709] History, geographic treatment, biography

Do not use; class in 746.79
.79 History, geographic treatment, biography
Add to base number 746.79 notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., carpetmakers

.9 Other textile products

Including costume; fashion design; draperies; curtains; furniture covers;
antimacassars, kneelers, slipcovers, upholstery; table linens; doilies, mats,
napkins (serviettes), scarves, tablecloths; fair linens; bedclothes; bedspreads,
blankets; sheets, pillowcases; towels; toweling
Class interdisciplinary works on clothing in 391; class interdisciplinary works
on clothing construction in 646.4
For afghans, see 746.43; for quilts, see 746.46
See Manual at 391 vs. 646, 746.9

747 Interior decoration

Design and decorative treatment of interior furnishings
Including decoration of specific elements (e.g., ceilings, walls, doors, windows,
floors); decoration under specific limitations; draperies, upholstery, rugs and
carpets; decoration of specific types of buildings; specific decorations (e.g.,
decorative lighting, decorations for specific occasions, decorating with color,
decorating with houseplants)
Class here interior decoration of residential buildings
Class interior architecture (interior design) in 729; class textile arts and handicrafts
in 746; class decoration of specific elements in specific rooms of residential
buildings, decoration of specific rooms of residential buildings in 747.7. Class a
specific aspect of decoration under limitations with the aspect, e.g., decorating
dining rooms on a budget 747.7
For furniture and accessories, see 749

.7 Decoration of specific rooms of residential buildings

Including studies; home libraries; living rooms, drawing rooms, parlors; dining
rooms; bedrooms; nurseries; bathrooms; other rooms (e.g., recreation rooms,
Class specific decorations regardless of room in 747

748 Glass
Class here glassware
For glass sculpture, see 730
.092 Biography
Class here glassmakers

748 Dewey Decimal Classification 748

.2 Blown, cast, decorated, fashioned, molded, pressed glass

Standard subdivisions are added for any or all topics in heading
Class here comprehensive works on tableware
Class stained glass in 748.5; class comprehensive works on glass made by a
specific technique in 748
For stained, painted, leaded, mosaic tableware, see 748.5; for methods
of decoration, see 748.6; for specific articles made from blown, cast,
decorated, fashioned, molded, pressed glass, see 748.8
Use of this number for glassware discontinued; class in 748
.202 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Including glassblowing; bottle and jar cutting; reproductions, copies,
forgeries, alterations
Class here basic techniques and procedures

.5 Stained, painted, leaded, mosaic glass

Standard subdivisions are added for stained, painted, leaded, mosaic glass
together; for stained glass alone; for painted glass alone; for leaded glass alone
Class comprehensive works on mosaics in 738.5; class comprehensive works on
tableware in 748.2
For specific articles made from stained, painted, leaded, mosaic glass, see
.502 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Including glass painting and staining; leaded glass craft; mosaic glass
Class here basic techniques and procedures
[.502 85] Computer applications
Do not use; class in 748.5028

.6 Methods of decoration
Including cutting, enameling, sandblasting; engraving; etching
Class methods of decoration of specific articles in 748.8
For painted glass, see 748.5
[.609 2] Biography
Do not use; class in 748.2092

.8 Specific articles
Including mirrors, ornaments; bottles; specific articles of tableware; drinking
glasses; paperweights; glass beads
Class manufacture of glass bottles in 666; class works on more than one type
of tableware, comprehensive works on tableware in 748.2; class mirrors as
furniture, glass lamps and lighting fixtures in 749

749 Graphic and decorative arts 749

749 Furniture and accessories

Standard subdivisions are added for furniture and accessories together, for furniture
Including antique furniture; specific kinds of furniture; built-in furniture;
ornamental woodwork in furniture; heating and lighting fixtures and furniture;
picture frames; picture framing; outdoor furniture
Class built-in church furniture in architectural design, built-in church lighting
fixtures in architectural design in 726.5
For upholstery, see 747

750 Painting and paintings

Class here comprehensive works on painting and drawing
Unless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference, e.g.,
an individual Canadian painter of portraits 759.11 (not 757.0971), portrait painting
in Canada 757.0971 (not 759.11):

Individual painters and their work 759.1–759.9

Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment,
materials 751.2–751.6
Iconography 753–758
Specific forms 751.7
Geographic treatment 759.1–759.9
Periods of development 759.01–759.07
Color 752
Class comprehensive works on graphic arts, two-dimensional art in 740. Class
painting in a specific decorative art with the art, e.g., illumination of manuscripts
and books 745.6
For drawing and drawings, see 741

750.1–.8 Standard subdivisions
751 Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials, forms
752 Color
753 Symbolism, allegory, mythology, legend
754 Genre paintings
755 Religion
757 Human figures
758 Nature, architectural subjects and cityscapes, other specific subjects
759 History, geographic treatment, biography

.1 Philosophy and theory

Including appreciative aspects; inherent features
Class works of critical appraisal in 759
For color, see 752

.2 Miscellany

750 Dewey Decimal Classification 750

.28 Auxiliary techniques and procedures

Do not use for materials; class in 751.2. Do not use for apparatus and
equipment; class in 751.3. Do not use for maintenance and repair; class in
For comprehensive works on basic and auxiliary techniques and
procedures, see 751.4

[.9] History, geographic treatment, biography

Do not use; class in 759

751 *Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials,

.2 *Materials
Including coatings, fixatives, mediums, pigments, surfaces
Class use of materials in specific techniques in 751.4

.3 *Apparatus, equipment, artists’ models

Class use of apparatus and equipment in specific techniques in 751.4

.4 *Techniques and procedures

Including tempera painting; fresco painting; encaustic painting (wax painting);
other methods (e.g., collage, airbrush)
Class here comprehensive works on basic and auxiliary techniques and
For mosaic painting, see 738.5; for auxiliary techniques and procedures,
see 750.28; for techniques of reproduction, see 751.5; for maintenance and
repair, see 751.6
.42 *Use of water-soluble mediums
Including watercolor painting; ink painting; acrylic painting
Class tempera painting in 751.4
.45 *Oil painting
Including oil painting techniques by subject

.5 *Techniques of reproduction
Execution, identification, determination of authenticity of reproductions, copies,
forgeries, alterations
Including forgeries and alterations
For printmaking and prints, see 760
*Do not use notation 092 from Table 1 for individual painters; class in 759.1–759.9
751 Painting and paintings 751

.6 *Maintenance and repair

Including conservation, preservation, restoration
Class identification of reproductions, copies, forgeries, alterations in 751.5

.7 *Specific forms
Including murals and frescoes; painted graffiti, street art; panoramas,
cycloramas, dioramas; scene paintings; glass underpainting; miniatures
Class miniatures done as illuminations in manuscripts and books in 745.6; class
glass underpainting as a technique of glass decoration in 748.6

752 *Color
Class technology of color in 667; class comprehensive works on color in the fine
and decorative arts in 701

> 753–758 Iconography

Class here development, description, critical appraisal, works regardless of form
A work with two or more subjects is classed with the subject that is the center
of interest, e.g., cityscapes with incidental human figures 758 (not 757), church
interiors displaying Stations of the Cross 755 (not 758)
Class comprehensive works in 750
See Manual at 704.9 and 753–758

753 *Symbolism, allegory, mythology, legend

Class religious mythology in 755
For religious symbolism, see 755

754 *Genre paintings

755 *Religion
Class here religious symbolism

[756] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 11
*Do not use notation 092 from Table 1 for individual painters; class in 759.1–759.9
757 Dewey Decimal Classification 757

757 *Human figures

Including specific groups of people (e.g., men, women, children); nudes; groups of
human figures; miniature portraits; erotica
Class here portraits
Class symbolism of human figures in 753. Class human figures engaged in a
specific activity or occupation with the activity or occupation, e.g., farmers,
doctors, circus clowns 758
For human figures associated with mythology and legend, see 753; for human
figures associated with religion, see 755
Human figures engaged in a specific activity relocated to the activity, e.g., hunters

758 *Nature, architectural subjects and cityscapes, other specific

Standard subdivisions are added for nature and other specific subjects together; for
nature alone
Including human figures engaged in a specific activity [formerly 757]; landscapes;
marine scenes and seascapes; animals; still life; plants
Class symbolism of animals, of still life, of plants in 753
For animals associated with mythology and legend, still life associated with
mythology and legend, plants associated with mythology and legend, see 753;
for animals associated with religion, still life associated with religion, plants
associated with religion, see 755

759 History, geographic treatment, biography

Class here development, description, critical appraisal, works
Class exhibitions of paintings not limited by place, period, or subject in 750.74

> 759.01–759.07 Periods of development

Class here schools and styles not limited by country or locality, works on one or
two periods of European painting
Class works on three or more periods of European painting in 759.94; class
comprehensive works in 759. Class schools associated with a specific locality
with the locality in 759.1–759.9, e.g., Florentine school of Italian painting 759.5
When classifying works of more than one painter, notation 074 and notation
075 from Table 1 for museums, collections, exhibits and museum activities,
respectively, take preference over notation 092 for biography
See Manual at 704.9 and 753–758
.01 *Nonliterate peoples, and earliest times to 499
Class paintings of both nonliterate and literate cultures in 759.1–759.9
*Do not use notation 092 from Table 1 for individual painters; class in 759.1–759.9
759 Painting and paintings 759

.02 *500–1399
Including Gothic painting and paintings
Class here medieval painting and paintings
For early Christian painting and paintings before 500, Byzantine
painting and paintings before 500, see 759.01
.03 *1400–1599
Class here Renaissance painting and paintings
For Renaissance painting and paintings before 1400, see 759.02
.04 *1600–1799
Including baroque painting and paintings
.05 *1800–1899
.06 *1900–1999
Class here modern painting
For 1800–1899, see 759.05; for 2000–2099, see 759.07
.07 *2000–2099

> 759.1–759.9 Geographic treatment

Individual painters are classed in notation at country level only. Standard
subdivisions —074, —075, and —092 from Table 1 are not added for
individual painters, e.g., an exhibition of the work of a Canadian painter,
collecting the person’s works, and a biography of the painter 759.11 (not
759.11074, 759.11075, or 759.11092, respectively)
Class painting and paintings of nonliterate peoples in 759.01; class western
painting of one or two specific periods in 759.02–759.07; class comprehensive
works in 759

.1 North America
For painting and paintings of Middle America, see 759.9
.11 Canada
.13 United States
Class painting and paintings of specific states in 759.14–759.19
See also 759.97295 for painting and paintings of Puerto Rico
.14–.19 Specific states of United States
Add to base number 759.1 the numbers following —7 in notation 74–79
from Table 2, e.g., painting and paintings of California 759.194
Class individual painters in 759.13
For painting and paintings of Hawaii, see 759.9969
*Do not use notation 092 from Table 1 for individual painters; class in 759.1–759.9
759 Dewey Decimal Classification 759

> 759.2–759.8 Europe

Class comprehensive works in 759.94
For countries and localities not provided for here, see the country or locality
in 759.9, e.g., painting and paintings of Belgium 759.9493

.2 British Isles
Class here England

.3–.8 Miscellaneous parts of Europe

Add to base number 759 the numbers following —4 in notation 43–48 from
Table 2, e.g., painting and paintings of France 759.4

.9 Other geographic areas

.91 Areas, regions, places in general
Add to base number 759.91 the numbers following —1 in notation 11–19
from Table 2, e.g., Western Hemisphere 759.9181
Individual painters are classed in the notation for their respective countries,
e.g., painters from Canada 759.11
.93–.99 Specific continents, countries, localities
Class here painting and paintings of specific periods, e.g., painting and
paintings of 1800–1899 in South America 759.98
Add to base number 759.9 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., comprehensive
works on painting and paintings of Europe 759.94, Etruscan painting and
paintings 759.937; however, for individual Hawaiian painters, see 759.13;
for individual Siberian painters, see 759.7
Class works on one or two periods of European painting in 759.02–759.07,
e.g., painting and paintings of 1800–1899 in Europe 759.05 (not 759.94);
class painting and paintings from parts of Europe in notation 41–48 from
Table 2 in 759.2–759.8

760 Printmaking and prints

For printing, see 686.2
Graphic arts, iconography of graphic arts relocated to 740
[.09] History, geographic treatment, biography of graphic arts
Relocated to 740.9

.1 Philosophy and theory

Including appreciative aspects; inherent features
Class works of critical appraisal in 769.9

.2 Miscellany

760 Printmaking and prints 760

.28 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials

Class here basic techniques and procedures
Class techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials for making
specific kinds of prints in 761–767

.7 Education, research, related topics

.75 Museum activities and services
Do not use for collecting; class in 769

[.9] History, geographic treatment, biography

Do not use; class in 769.9

> 761–767 Printmaking

Fine art of executing a printing block or plate representing a picture or design
conceived by the printmaker or copied from another artist’s painting or drawing
or from a photograph
Techniques, procedures, equipment, materials
Class techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials of reproduction
in 769; class maintenance and repair in 769.028; class techniques, procedures,
apparatus, equipment, materials employed by individual printmakers in 769.92;
class comprehensive works in 760.28

761 Relief processes (Block printing)

Including raw potato printing, rubber-stamp printing; wood engraving;
linoleum-block printing; metal relief engraving

[762] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 7

763 Lithographic processes (Planographic processes)

Including surfaces (e.g., stone lithography, aluminum lithography, zinc
For chromolithography, see 764

764 Chromolithography and serigraphy

Including silk-screen printing

> 765–767 Intaglio processes

Class comprehensive works in 765

765 Dewey Decimal Classification 765

765 Metal engraving

Including line engraving; stipple engraving; criblé engraving
Class here comprehensive works on metal relief and metal intaglio processes, on
intaglio processes
For metal relief engraving, see 761; for mezzotinting and aquatinting, see 766;
for etching and drypoint, see 767

766 Mezzotinting, aquatinting, related processes

Including composite processes

767 Etching and drypoint

[768] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 7

769 Prints
Works produced using a printing block, screen, or plate
Including collecting and reproduction of prints; iconography
Class here description, critical appraisal, collections regardless of process
Class collecting and reproduction of specific forms of prints in 769.5; class postage
stamps by subject in 769.56; class printmakers regardless of subject in 769.92;
class sports cards in 796.075
.075 Museum activities and services
Do not use for collecting; class in 769
[.09] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 769.9

.5 Forms of prints
Including lettering, inscriptions, designs on name cards, diplomas, decorative
prints, art posters; bookplates; paper dolls; paper money; counterfeit paper
money; stamps other than for prepayment of postage
Class prints other than postage stamps on a specific subject regardless of form
in 769; class comprehensive works on posters in 741.6
For sports cards, see 796.075
[.509 2] Biography
Do not use for individual printmakers; class in 769.92

769 Printmaking and prints 769

.56 Postage stamps and related devices

Standard subdivisions are added for postage stamps and related devices
together, for postage stamps alone
Including United Nations postage stamps, postal stationery, covers;
counterfeit postage stamps, covers, cancellations; postage stamps
commemorating persons and events; postage stamps depicting various
specific subjects (iconography); covers; postal stationery; postmarks,
cancellations, cachets
Class here philately (study and collecting of stamps)
Class illustrated postcards in 741.6; class stamps other than for prepayment
of postage in 769.5
[.560 9] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 769.569
.569 History, geographic treatment, biography
Add to base number 769.569 notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., postage
stamps from San Marino 769.569454; however, for individual
printmakers, see 769.92

.9 History, geographic treatment, biography of printmaking and prints

Add to base number 769.9 notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., printmaking in
England 769.942
Class the history of a specific process with the process, e.g., history of
lithography 763.09
See Manual at 769.9
.92 Biography
Number built according to instructions under 769.9
Class here engravers, printmakers

770 Photography, computer art, cinematography,

Standard subdivisions are added for photography, computer art, cinematography,
videography together; for photography alone
Class here conventional photography (photography using film), digital photography
Class technological photography in 621.36

770 Dewey Decimal Classification 770

770.1–.9 Standard subdivisions
771 Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials
772 Metallic salt processes
773 Pigment processes of printing
774 Holography
776 Computer art (Digital art)
777 Cinematography and videography
778 Specific fields and special kinds of photography
779 Photographic images

.1 Philosophy and theory

Including inherent features

.2 Miscellany
.28 Auxiliary techniques and procedures
Do not use for apparatus, equipment, materials; green technology
(environmental technology); class in 771
For comprehensive works on basic and auxiliary techniques and
procedures, see 771
.285 Computer applications
Do not use for comprehensive works on digital photography; class in 770

.9 History, geographical treatment, biography

.92 Biography
Class here photographers regardless of type of artistic photography
Class photographs in 779. Class photographers associated with a specific
application with the application, e.g., photojournalists 070.4
For motion picture, television, video photographers, see 777.092
See Manual at 779 vs. 770.92

771 Photography, computer art, cinematography, videography 771

771 *Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials

Including preparation and manipulation of photographic digital images [formerly
775]; projection [formerly 778.2]; techniques of pinhole photography, of
photography without camera; comprehensive works on basic and auxiliary
techniques and procedures; studios, laboratories, darkrooms; furniture and fittings;
processing of photographic images; comprehensive works on laboratory practice of
photography and cinematography; chemical materials
Class here interdisciplinary works on description, use, manufacture of apparatus,
equipment, materials
Class techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials used in special
processes in 772–774; class techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment,
materials used in specific fields and special kinds of photography in 778; class
comprehensive works on photographic images in 779
For auxiliary techniques and procedures, see 770.28; for laboratory practice
of cinematography, darkroom practice of cinematography, motion picture
projection, film used in cinematography, see 777; for stereoscopic projection,
see 778.4. For manufacture of a specific kind of apparatus, equipment,
material, see the apparatus, equipment, or material, e.g., cameras 681

.3 Cameras and accessories

Standard subdivisions are added for cameras and accessories, for cameras alone
Including specific makes of cameras; specific brands of cameras; specific types
of cameras that use film; optical parts of cameras; camera shutters; focusing and
exposure apparatus
Class here digital cameras

> 772–774 Special photographic processes

Techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials
Class processing techniques in specific fields and special kinds of photography
in 778; class comprehensive works in 771
For photomechanical printing techniques, see 686.2

772 *Metallic salt processes

Including direct positive and printing-out processes; platinotype processes; silver

773 *Pigment processes of printing

Early photographic printing processes
Including carbon and carbro processes; powder processes (dusting-on processes);
imbibition processes; gum-bichromate processes; photoceramic and photoenamel
processes; diazotype processes; oil processes
Class xerography in 686.4
*Do not use notation 0285 from Table 1 for comprehensive works on digital photography; class in
770 and its subdivisions without use of notation 0285, e.g., digital trick photography 778.8. Do not
use notation 092 from Table 1 for photographers; class in 770.92
774 Dewey Decimal Classification 774

774 *Holography
Class here holographic images

[775] Digital photography

Use of this number for comprehensive works on digital photography discontinued;
class in 770
Preparation and manipulation of photographic digital images relocated to 771

776 Computer art (Digital art)

Art objects produced using computers for display using computer output devices
Including artistic aspects of virtual reality; graphics displayed on computer display
devices; prints of computer graphics; animation and video; multimedia computer
Class here comprehensive works on computer art and computer applications in the
For web page design, see 006.7; for computer applications in the arts,
see 700.285; for computer applications in fine and decorative arts, see
702.85; for animated cartoon cinematography and videography, see 777; for
computer music, see 786.7. For computer design of specific commodity, see the
commodity, e.g., computer design of automobiles 629.2
See Manual at 776 vs. 006.5–006.7
*Do not use notation 0285 from Table 1 for comprehensive works on digital photography; class in
770 and its subdivisions without use of notation 0285, e.g., digital trick photography 778.8. Do not
use notation 092 from Table 1 for photographers; class in 770.92
777 Photography, computer art, cinematography, videography 777

777 Cinematography and videography [formerly 778.5]

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including apparatus, equipment, materials; interdisciplinary works on use and
manufacture of apparatus, equipment, materials; elements and modes; specific
kinds and types of cinematography and videography; animation; animated
cartoons; cinematography and videography of specific subjects; special effects;
trick cinematography and videography
Class here conventional cinematography (cinematography using film), digital
cinematography and videography, amateur and professional cinematography and
videography; home video systems, television photography, video art
Class comprehensive works on motion picture production and cinematography,
interdisciplinary works on motion pictures, comprehensive works on animated
cartoons in 791.43; class comprehensive works on television production in 791.45;
class interdisciplinary works on television in 384.55. Class a specific application
of cinematography, videography, or video art with the application, e.g., use of
videography in clinical medicine 616.0028, use of videos in performance art
For manufacture of a specific kind of apparatus, equipment, materials, see the
apparatus, equipment, or material, e.g., cameras 681
See also 006.7 for interactive video
See Manual at 791.43, 791.45 vs. 777
.028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment,
Do not use for preservation; class in 777
.028 5 Computer applications
Do not use for comprehensive works on digital cinematography and
videography; class in 777
.092 Biography
Class here cinematographers and videographers regardless of type of
artistic cinematography and videography
Class cinematographers and videographers associated with a specific
application with the application, e.g., photojournalists 070.4

778 Dewey Decimal Classification 778

778 Specific fields and special kinds of photography

Class here interdisciplinary works on use and manufacture of apparatus,
equipment, materials of specific fields and specific kinds of photography
Unless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference, e.g.,
color aerial photography 778.3 (not 778.6):

Special effects and trick photography 778.8

Photography of specific subjects 778.9
Stereoscopic photography and projection 778.4
Special kinds of photography 778.3
Photography under specific conditions 778.7
Color photography 778.6
Class photographs created by a specific field or kind of photography in 779
For manufacture of a specific kind of apparatus, equipment, materials, see the
apparatus, equipment, or material, e.g., cameras 681

[.2] Projection
Projection relocated to 771; comprehensive works on filmstrips, slides relocated
to 779

.3 *Special kinds of photography

Not provided for elsewhere
Including Kirlian photography (high-voltage, high-frequency
photopsychography); photomicrography; photography in terms of focus (e.g.,
telephotography, close-up photography); infrared photography; aerial and space
photography; panoramic photography; high-speed photography
Class a special kind of photography in relation to cinematography and
videography in 777; class use of normal photographic electronic flash (flashbulb
photography) in 778.7. Class a specific application of photography with the
application, e.g., use of photography in astronomy 522
For photogrammetry, see 526.9; for technological photography and
photo-optics, technological infrared photography, see 621.36
See also 133.8 for parapsychological aspects of Kirlian photography
Photography of specific subjects by special kinds of photography relocated to

.4 *Stereoscopic photography and projection

For stereoscopic motion picture projection, stereoscopic cinematography
and videography, see 777
Stereoscopic photography and projection of specific subjects relocated to 778.9

[.5] Cinematography and videography

Relocated to 777

*Do not use notation 0285 from Table 1 for comprehensive works on digital photography; class in

770 and its subdivisions without use of notation 0285, e.g., digital trick photography 778.8. Do not
use notation 092 from Table 1 for photographers; class in 770.92
778 Photography, computer art, cinematography, videography 778

> 778.6–778.8 Specific topics in photography

Class specific topics in relation to cinematography and videography in 777;
class comprehensive works in 770

.6 *Color photography
Including photography of colors in monochrome; direct process reproduction
in color photography; additive processes in color photography; processing
techniques, procedures, apparatus, equipment, materials in color photography;
subtractive processes, production of color films and prints by subtractive
analysis and subtractive synthesis, respectively
Class here photography of colors
Class color photomicrography in 778.3
Color photography of specific subjects relocated to 778.9
.602 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Class processing auxiliary techniques and procedures, apparatus,
equipment, materials in color photography in 778.6

.7 *Photography under specific conditions

Including outdoor photography; indoor photography and photography
by artificial light; use of normal photographic electronic flash (flashbulb
photography); underwater photography; photography under extreme climatic
conditions; available light photography
Class short-duration flash in high-speed photography in 778.3
For infrared photography, see 778.3
Photography of specific subjects under specific conditions relocated to 778.9

.8 *Special effects and trick photography

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including composite, high-contrast, tabletop photography; photomontage;
photography of specters, distortions, multiple images, silhouettes

.9 Photography of specific subjects

Class here photography of specific subjects by special kinds of photography
[formerly 778.3]; stereoscopic photography and projection of specific subjects
[formerly 778.4]; color photography of specific subjects [formerly 778.6];
photography of specific subjects under specific conditions [formerly 778.7];
comprehensive works on techniques of photographing, photographs of, and
photographers of a specific subject
*Do not use notation 0285 from Table 1 for comprehensive works on digital photography; class in
770 and its subdivisions without use of notation 0285, e.g., digital trick photography 778.8. Do not
use notation 092 from Table 1 for photographers; class in 770.92
779 Dewey Decimal Classification 779

779 Photographic images

Collections, history, criticism
Class here filmstrips, slides [formerly 778.2], transparencies; digital images,
photographs, prints
For processing of photographic images, see 771; for holographic images, see
See Manual at 779 vs. 770.92

780 Music
After general topics (780 and 781) the basic arrangement of the schedule is based
on the voice, instrument, or ensemble making the music. Any tradition of vocal
music (e.g., classical, popular) is classed in 782–783; any tradition of instrumental
music (e.g., classical, popular) is classed in 784–788
Unless other instructions are given, class a subject with aspects in two or more
subdivisions of 780 in the number coming last, e.g., sacred vocal music 782.2 (not
This schedule does not distinguish scores, texts, or recordings
(Option: To distinguish scores, texts, recordings, use one of the following:

(Option A: Prefix a letter or other symbol to the number for treatises, e.g., music
for violin M787.2, violin recordings R787.2 or MR787.2; use a special prefix to
distinguish miniature scores from other scores, MM787.2

(Option B: Add 026 to the number for treatises, e.g., scores for music for violin

(Option C: Class recordings in 789, e.g., recordings of folk music 789.2,

recordings of violin folk music 789.2072)
See Manual at 780; also at 781.6 vs. 780, 780.9

780.1–.9 Standard subdivisions; analytical guides, program notes; texts; treatises
on music scores and recordings; performances
781 General principles and musical forms
782 Vocal music
783 Music for single voices
784 Instruments and instrumental ensembles and their music
785 Ensembles with only one instrument per part
786 Keyboard, mechanical, electrophonic, percussion instruments
787 Stringed instruments (Chordophones)
788 Wind instruments (Aerophones)

.1 Philosophy and theory, analytical guides, program notes

Notation 01 from Table 1 as modified below
Including editing
For general principles, theory of music, see 781

780 Music 780

.15 Analytical guides and program notes

Do not use for scientific principles; class in 781.2
(.16) *Bibliographies, catalogs, indexes
(.162) *Bibliographies and catalogs of music literature
(.164) *Bibliographies and catalogs of scores and parts
Including bibliographies and catalogs of manuscript scores and parts
(.166) *Discographies
Bibliographies and catalogs of music recorded on phonorecords
(cylinders, discs, wires, tapes, films)
Including biodiscographies
[.19] Psychological principles
Do not use; class in 781.1

.2 Miscellany; texts; treatises on music scores and recordings

Notation 02 from Table 1 as modified below
Including lists, inventories, catalogs of music; thematic catalogs
Class bibliographic catalogs of music in 016
For thematic catalogs of individual composers, see 780.92; for synopses of
stories and plots, see 782.0026
*(Optional number; prefer 016.78)
780 Dewey Decimal Classification 780

.26 Texts; treatises on music scores and recordings

Standard subdivisions are added for a combination of two or more topics in
heading, for scores alone
Including scores (e.g., manuscripts, printed music, performance scores and
parts, study scores [miniature scores, pocket scores]); sound recordings
of music; comprehensive works on music recordings; video recordings
of music; words and other vocal sounds to be sung or recited with music;
stories, plots, synopses
The words of the texts must be discussed in a musical context. If the words
are presented as literature, folklore, or religious text, class the work in 800,
398, or 200, respectively
Use this subdivision for texts only for building other numbers, e.g., lyrics of
songs 782.42026; never use it by itself
In schedules other than 780, indicate scores, recordings, texts, and treatises
about them by adding 026 from 780.26, e.g., bibliography of music scores
016.78026, discography of violin music 016.7872026
Class comprehensive works on words and other vocal sounds to be sung or
recited with music, on stories, plots, synopses in 782.0026
See Manual at 780.26
(Option: To distinguish scores and recordings within 780, add to the number
for treatises notation 026 from 780.26, e.g., scores of music for violin
787.2026. Other options are described at 780)
(Option: Class here law of music; prefer appropriate subdivisions of 340)
.28 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Do not use for musical instruments; class in 784.19
See also 781.4 for techniques of music
.285 Computer applications
For computer composition, see 781.3; for the computer as a musical
instrument, see 786.7

.7 Education, research, related topics; performances

Notation 07 from Table 1 as modified below
Including use of apparatus and equipment in study and teaching; special
teaching and learning methods
For techniques for acquiring musical skills and learning a repertoire, see
.72 Research
Including musicology
.74 Museums, collections, exhibits
Do not use for festivals; class in 780.78
Exhibitions and fairs relocated to 780.78

780 Music 780

.76 Review, exercises, examinations, works for self-instruction

.78 Performances (Concerts and recitals)
Do not use for use of apparatus and equipment in study and teaching; class
in 780.7
Class here exhibitions and fairs [formerly 780.74]; festivals [formerly
780.79]; performances at festivals and competitions
See also 781.4 for performance techniques
.79 Competitions, awards, financial support
Class performances at competitions in 780.78
Festivals relocated to 780.78

.8 Groups of people
.89 Ethnic and national groups
For folk music, see 781.62
See Manual at 781.62 vs. 780.89

.9 History, geographic treatment, biography

No distinction is made between the music of a place and music in a place, e.g.,
Austrian music and music played in Austria are both classed in 780.9436
Including periods of stylistic development of music; schools, styles, time
periods not limited ethnically or by country or locality
Class critical appraisal in analytical guides and program notes in 780.15
See Manual at 781.6 vs. 780, 780.9
.92 Biography
Class here composers, performers, critics; thematic catalogs of individual
Class general thematic catalogs in 780.2
See Manual at 780.92; also at 780.92 and 791.092
(Option: Class individual composers in 789)
.94 Music of Europe
Use only for works that stress that they are discussing the European origin
and character of music in contrast to music from other sources

781 Dewey Decimal Classification 781

> 781–788 Principles, forms, ensembles, voices, instruments

Class here music of all traditions
(Option: 781–788 may be used for only one tradition of music; in that case,
class all other traditions in 789. For example, if it is desired to emphasize
western art music, class it here, and class all other traditions of music in 789,
e.g., jazz 789.5; or, if it is desired to emphasize jazz, class it here, and class
all other traditions of music in 789, e.g., western art music 789.8)
Unless other instructions are given, class a subject with aspects in two or more
subdivisions of 781–788 in the number coming last, e.g., jazz mass 782.32 (not
781.65), Johann Sebastian Bach’s cello sonatas 787.4 (not 784.18)
Class comprehensive works in 780

781 *General principles and musical forms

Class here music theory
Use the subdivisions of 781 only when the subject is not limited to voice,
instrument, or ensemble. If voice, instrument, or ensemble is specified, class with
voice, instrument, or ensemble; and then add as instructed. For example, rehearsal
of music 781.44, rehearsal of opera (a form for the voice) 782.1, rock music (both
vocal and instrumental) 781.66, rock songs 782.42166
See Manual at 780.92

781.1 Basic principles of music
.2 Elements of music
.3 Composition
.4 Techniques of music
.5 Kinds of music
.6 Traditions of music
.7 Sacred music
.8 Musical forms

.1 Basic principles of music

Including psychological principles; religious principles; artistic principles;
aesthetics, appreciation, taste

.2 *Elements of music
Including time; musical sound; melody; harmony; harmonic organization,
comprehensive works on harmony and counterpoint; tonal systems; texture
Class here scientific principles
Class figured bass in 781.47; class comprehensive works on serialism in 781.3
For playing time, see 781.4

.3 *Composition
Including indeterminacy and aleatory composition; serialism; computer
composition; extemporization (improvisation); arrangement; arrangements
*Use notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9
781 Music 781

.302 85 Computer applications

Do not use for computer composition; class in 781.3

.4 *Techniques of music
Including techniques for acquiring musical skills and learning a repertoire (e.g.,
sight and score reading, listening and ear training, memorizing); performance
Class specific performance techniques in 781.44–781.48
For techniques of composition, extemporization, see 781.3
.44 *Rehearsal and practice
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
.45 *Conducting
.46 *Interpretation
Including rubato
.47 *Accompaniment
Including continuo (figured bass, thorough bass)
.48 *Breathing and resonance
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Class breathing and resonance associated with instrumental performance in
.49 *Recording of music
See also 006.5 for computer hardware and software used in digital
sound recording; also 621.389 for sound recording and reproducing
equipment; also 780.26 for treatises on music recordings

.5 *Kinds of music
Including music for specific times; music in specific settings (e.g., outdoor
music, indoor music, specific indoor settings [e.g., domestic setting, court
setting, theater setting, concert hall setting]); music for specific media; music
accompanying public entertainments; program music; music accompanying
activities; music accompanying stages of the life cycle; music reflecting other
themes and subjects
Class music in religious settings in 781.7; class dramatic vocal music in 782.1;
class musical forms depicting nonmusical concepts in 784.18, e.g., nocturnes

.6 *Traditions of music
Works emphasizing a specific tradition
See Manual at 781.6; also at 781.6 vs. 780, 780.9
(Option: If 781–788 is used for only one tradition of music, class all other
traditions in 789)
*Use notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9
781 Dewey Decimal Classification 781

.62 Folk music

Music originating within and associated with an ethnic or national group
Including general principles of folk music; influence of other traditions of
music; folk music of specific ethnic and national groups
Class folk rock in 781.66. Class a specific style of music provided for in
781.64–781.66 with the style, e.g., reggae 781.646, Afro-Cuban jazz 781.65
See also 780.9 for music of and performed in a specific location
See Manual at 781.62 vs. 780.89; also at 781.62 vs. 781.63–781.66
.620 01–.620 07 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9, e.g.,
performances of folk music 781.620078
.620 08 Groups of people
[.620 089] Specific ethnic and national groups
Do not use; class in 781.62
.620 09 History, geographic treatment, biography
Class geographic treatment of folk music of specific ethnic and
national groups in 781.62
.63 *Popular music
Class popular music originating within and associated with an ethnic or
national group in 781.62
For western popular music, see 781.64
See Manual at 781.62 vs. 781.63–781.66
.64 *Western popular music
Including ragtime; rap; specific rap styles
Class western popular music originating within and associated with an
ethnic or national group in 781.62; class country music in 781.642; class
comprehensive works on rap in 782.421649
For jazz, see 781.65; for rock, see 781.66
See Manual at 781.62 vs. 781.63–781.66
.642 *Country music
Class here bluegrass music; specific country music styles
.643 *Blues
Class here traditional rhythm and blues; specific blues styles
Comprehensive works on rhythm and blues relocated to 781.644
*Use notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9
781 Music 781

.644 *Soul
Class here comprehensive works on rhythm and blues [formerly
781.643], R&B; specific soul styles
For traditional rhythm and blues, see 781.643
.646 *Reggae
Class here specific reggae styles
.648 *Electronica
Class here specific electronica styles
Class comprehensive works on electronic music in 786.7
.65 *Jazz
Including early jazz; origins of jazz; traditional jazz; mainstream jazz;
modern jazz; avant-garde jazz; hybrid styles
See Manual at 781.62 vs. 781.63–781.66
Third stream relocated to 781.68
.66 *Rock (Rock‘n’ roll)
Class here specific rock styles
See Manual at 781.62 vs. 781.63–781.66
.68 *Western art music (Classical music)
Limited to classical music as a tradition in contrast to other traditions
Including third stream [formerly 781.65]
Class here comprehensive works on traditions of art music
Class classical music in general in 780
For nonwestern art music, see 781.69
.69 *Nonwestern art music
.7 Sacred music
Including general principles of sacred music; sacred music of classical (Greek
and Roman) and Germanic religions; sacred music of other religions and sects
Class sacred music accompanying stages of life cycle in 781.5; class works
about church music that are limited to Christian church music in 781.71; class
sacred vocal music in 782.2
.700 1–.700 9 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9, e.g.,
performances of sacred music 781.70078
*Use notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9
781 Dewey Decimal Classification 781

.71 Christian sacred music

Including general principles of Christian sacred music; Christian sacred
music of specific denominations and sects
For music of Christian church year, see 781.72
.710 01–.710 09 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9, e.g.,
performances of Christian sacred music 781.70078
.72 *Music of Christian church year
Including Advent; Epiphany; Lent; Holy Week; Ascensiontide; Pentecost
and Trinity Sunday
.723 *Christmas day
Class here Christmas season
Class Epiphany in 781.72
.727 *Easter Sunday
Class here Eastertide (Easter season)
Class Ascensiontide in 781.72
.76 *Jewish sacred music
.8 *Musical forms
Including specific musical forms (e.g., binary, ternary, da capo forms, strophic
form, rondos, variations, paraphrase forms, ground bass [ostinato], cantus
Class here formal analysis; works that do not specify voice, instrument, or
Class works for specific voice, instrument, or ensemble with the voice,
instrument, or ensemble, e.g., Brahms’ Variations on a theme by Schumann
786.2 (not 781.8)
For vocal forms, see 782.1–782.4; for instrumental forms, see 784.18

782 Vocal music

Class orchestral music with vocal parts in 784.2
For music for single voices, see 783
See Manual at 782
*Use notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9
782 Music 782

782.001–.009 Standard subdivisions
.01–.08 [General principles of vocal music and musical forms]
.1 Operas and related dramatic vocal forms
.2 Nondramatic vocal forms
.3 Services (Liturgy and ritual)
.4 Secular forms
.5 Mixed voices
.6 Women’s voices
.7 Children’s voices
.8 Men’s voices
.9 Other types of voices

.001–.009 Standard subdivisions

Notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9, e.g.,
performances of vocal music 782.0078
.01–.07 General principles of vocal music
Add to base number 782.0 the numbers following 781 in 781.1–781.7, e.g.,
rehearsing vocal music 782.044
.08 Musical forms
For vocal forms, see 782.1–782.4

> 782.1–782.4 Vocal forms

Class here treatises about and recordings of vocal forms for specific voices and
Class comprehensive works in 782

.1 *Operas and related dramatic vocal forms

Standard subdivisions are added for operas and related dramatic vocal forms
together, for operas alone
Regardless of type of voice or vocal group
Including operettas; zarzuelas; singspiels; musical plays; ballad operas,
musicals, revues; masques
Class here concert versions
See Manual at 782.1 vs. 792.5, 792.6
.109 2 Biography
Class here biographies of singers known equally well as opera and
recital singers, of conductors known primarily as opera conductors
Class biographies of singers known primarily as recital singers in
782.42168092; class biographies of conductors known equally well
for conducting operas and orchestral music in 784.2092
*Use notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9
782 Dewey Decimal Classification 782

.109 4 European opera

Use only for works that stress that they are discussing European opera
in contrast to operas from all other sources

.2 *Nondramatic vocal forms

Including sacred vocal forms; large-scale vocal forms; comprehensive works on
cantatas; liturgical forms
Class oratorios in 782.23; class specific sacred vocal forms in 782.23–782.28;
class Gregorian chant, Anglican chant, parts of the mass in 782.32
For secular forms, secular cantatas, see 782.4
.23 *Oratorios
Including passions
For services, see 782.3
.25 *Small-scale vocal forms
Including spirituals; gospel music
Class here anthems [formerly 782.26], sacred songs
Unless otherwise indicated, if the forms are called motets, class them in
782.2; if called hymns, class them in 782.27; if called carols, class them in
782.28; otherwise, class them here
Class comprehensive works on songs in 782.42
See also 782.421 for national anthems
.26 *Motets
Motets composed after 1600 limited to those using imitative polyphony in
the style of Palestrina
Anthems relocated to 782.25
.27 *Hymns
For carols, see 782.28
.28 *Carols
.3 *Services (Liturgy and ritual)
Musical settings of prescribed texts of specific religions
Class texts used by a specific religion with the religion, e.g., liturgy and ritual of
a Christian church 264
.32 *Christian services
Including services of specific denominations; specific liturgies (e.g., mass
[communion service], divine office, morning prayer, evening prayer)
*Use notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9
782 Music 782

.4 *Secular forms
Including forms derived from poetry; madrigals; song cycles; secular cantatas
For villancicos that are Christmas carols, see 782.28
.42 *Songs
Class here comprehensive works on songs
For sacred songs, see 782.25
.421 General principles of songs
.421 6 Songs of specific traditions of music
.421 62 Folk songs
Songs originating within and associated with an ethnic or national
Including general principles of folk songs; influence of other
traditions of songs; folk songs of specific ethnic and national
Class folk rock songs in 782.42166. Class songs of a specific style
of music provided for in 782.42164–782.42166 with the style
of song, e.g., reggae songs 782.421646, Afro-Cuban jazz songs
See Manual at 781.62 vs. 780.89; also at 781.62 vs.
.421 620 01–.421 620 07 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9,
e.g., performances of folk songs 782.421620078
.421 620 08 Groups of people
[.421 620 089] Ethnic and national groups
Do not use; class in 782.42162
.421 620 09 History, geographic treatment, biography
Class geographic treatment of folk songs of specific
ethnic and national groups in 782.42162
.421 64 *Western popular songs
Including ragtime
Class comprehensive works on western popular music in 781.64;
class western popular songs originating within and associated with
an ethnic or national group in 782.42162; class country music
songs in 782.421642
For jazz songs, see 782.42165; for rock songs, see 782.42166
See Manual at 781.62 vs. 781.63–781.66
*Use notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9
782 Dewey Decimal Classification 782

.421 642 *Country songs

Class here bluegrass songs; specific country music song styles
.421 643 *Blues songs
Class here traditional rhythm and blues songs; specific blues
song styles
Comprehensive works on rhythm and blues songs relocated to
.421 644 *Soul songs
Class here comprehensive works on rhythm and blues songs
[formerly 782.421643], R&B songs; specific soul song styles
For traditional rhythm and blues songs, see 782.421643
.421 646 *Reggae songs
Class here specific reggae song styles
.421 649 *Rap songs
Class here comprehensive works on rap music
For rap music limited to instrumental tracks, see the
instrument, e.g., drum rap beats 786.9
.421 65 *Jazz songs
Including early jazz songs; origins of jazz songs; traditional jazz
songs; mainstream jazz songs; modern jazz songs; avant-garde
jazz songs; hybrid jazz song styles
Class comprehensive works on jazz in 781.65; class
comprehensive works on western popular songs in 782.42164
See Manual at 781.62 vs. 781.63–781.66
.421 66 *Rock (Rock‘n’ roll) songs
Class here specific rock song styles
Class comprehensive works on rock music in 781.66; class
comprehensive works on western popular songs in 782.42164
See Manual at 781.62 vs. 781.63–781.66
.421 68 *Art songs
Class here lieder, comprehensive works on traditions of art songs
Class nonwestern art songs in 782.4216
.421 680 92 Biography
Class here biographies of singers known primarily as
recital singers
Class biographies of singers known equally well as
opera and recital singers in 782.1092
*Use notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9
782 Music 782

> 782.5–782.9 Vocal executants

Use 782.5–782.9 for scores and parts of vocal forms for specific kinds of
vocal ensembles, e.g., mixed-voice choirs 782.5, children’s choirs 782.7. Use
782.1–782.4 for treatises about and recordings of vocal forms for specific kinds
of vocal ensembles. Class performance techniques for a specific ensemble or
form with the ensemble or form, e.g., breathing techniques for choral music
782.5, for opera 782.1
Class dramatic vocal forms in 782.1; class comprehensive works in 782

.5 *Mixed voices
Class here choral music, music intended equally for choral or part-song
performance, choral music with solo parts, unison voices
For part songs, see 783.1

> 782.6–782.9 Types of voices

Class comprehensive works in 782

.6 *Women’s voices
Including soprano voices (treble voices); mezzo-soprano voices; contralto
voices (alto voices)
Class here music intended equally for women’s or children’s voices
Class music for children’s voices in 782.7

.7 *Children’s voices
Including soprano voices (treble voices); mezzo-soprano voices; contralto
voices (alto voices); changing voices
Class music intended equally for women’s or children’s voices in 782.6

.8 *Men’s voices
Including treble and alto voices; countertenor, falsetto, castrato voices; tenor
voices; baritone voices; bass voices

.9 *Other types of voices

Including speaking voices (choral speech); sprechgesang; whistle
*Use notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9
783 Dewey Decimal Classification 783

783 Music for single voices

Including general principles of music for single voices; musical forms;
nondramatic vocal forms
Class here the voice
Use 783 for scores and parts of vocal forms for specific kinds or ensembles of
single voice. Use 782.1–782.4 for treatises about and recordings of vocal forms
for specific kinds or ensembles of single voice. Class performance techniques for
a specific kind or ensemble of single voice or for a specific form with the kind,
ensemble, or form, e.g., breathing techniques for part songs 783.1, for opera 782.1
For dramatic vocal forms, see 782.1
See Manual at 782
.001–.009 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9, e.g.,
performances of music for single voice 783.0078

.1 *Single voices in combination

Including general principles and musical forms; ensembles by size (e.g., duets,
trios, quartets, quintets, sextets, septets, octets, nonets and larger combinations)
Class here part songs
Class music intended equally for choral or part-song performance in 782.5
For dramatic vocal forms, see 782.1

> 783.2–783.9 Solo voices

Class comprehensive works in 783.2

.2 *Solo voice
Class here comprehensive works on types of single voices
For specific types of single voices, see 783.3–783.9

> 783.3–783.9 Specific types of single voices

Class single voices in ensembles in 783.1; class comprehensive works in 783.2

.3 *High voice
Class woman’s soprano voice in 783.6; class child’s soprano voice in 783.7;
class man’s treble voice and alto voice, tenor voice in 783.8

.4 *Middle voice
Class woman’s mezzo-soprano voice in 783.6; class child’s mezzo-soprano
voice in 783.7; class baritone voice in 783.8
*Use notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9
783 Music 783

.5 *Low voice
Class woman’s contralto voice in 783.6; class child’s contralto voice in 783.7;
class bass voice in 783.8

.6 *Women’s voices
Class here music intended equally for women’s or children’s voices
Class music for children’s voices in 783.7

.7 *Children’s voices
Class music intended equally for women’s or children’s voices in 783.6

.8 *Men’s voices
.9 *Other types of voice
Including speaking voice; sprechgesang; whistle; voice instruments

> 784–788 Instruments and their music

Class comprehensive works in 784
See Manual at 784–788

784 Instruments and instrumental ensembles and their music

For ensembles with only one instrument per part, see 785; for specific
instruments and their music, see 786–788
See also 787 for music for unspecified melody instrument
See Manual at 784–788
.01–.09 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9, e.g., performances

.1 General principles, musical forms, instruments

.11–.17 General principles of instruments and instrumental ensembles and their
Add to base number 784.1 the numbers following 781 in 781.1–781.7, e.g.,
performance techniques 784.14
For techniques for playing instruments, see 784.193
*Use notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9
784 Dewey Decimal Classification 784

.18 *Musical forms

Including specific musical forms (e.g., general musical forms, sonata
form and sonatas, symphonies, suites and related forms, concerto form,
contrapuntal forms, dance forms, other instrumental forms)
Class symphonies, sinfoniettas for full orchestras, symphonic poems for
full orchestras, overtures for full orchestras in 784.2; class voluntaries for
organs, chorale preludes for organs in 786.5; class comprehensive works on
concertos in 784.2
For incidental music, see 781.5
.19 Instruments
Class here acoustic form of instruments, electric form of instruments
For specific instruments, see 786–788
.190 28 Auxiliary techniques and procedures
Do not use for apparatus, equipment, materials; class in 784.19.
Do not use for testing and measurement, maintenance and repair,
class in 784.192
[.190 94–.190 99] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use; class in 784.194–784.199
.192 Techniques and procedures for instruments themselves
Including description and design; construction; testing, measurement,
verification; maintenance, tuning, repair
For construction by machine, see 681
See also 784.193 for techniques for playing instruments
.193 *Techniques for playing instruments
Including breathing and resonance; embouchure; arm techniques; leg
Class comprehensive works on performance techniques in 784.1
.194–.199 Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Add to base number 784.19 notation 4–9 from Table 2, e.g., instruments
of Germany 784.1943

.2 *Full orchestra (Symphony orchestra)

Including orchestra with vocal parts; orchestra with one or more solo
instruments; comprehensive works on concertos; orchestra with more than one
solo instrument; orchestra with one solo instrument; comprehensive works on
solo concertos
Class here comprehensive works on orchestral combinations, music intended
equally for orchestral or chamber performance
For concerto form, see 784.18; for other orchestral combinations, see
784.3–784.9; for chamber music, see 785
*Use notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9
784 Music 784

.209 2 Biography
Class here biographies of conductors known equally well for
conducting operas and orchestral music
Class biographies of conductors known primarily as opera conductors
in 782.1092

> 784.3–784.9 Other orchestral and band combinations

Class comprehensive works on orchestral and band combinations, on band in
784; class comprehensive works on orchestral combinations in 784.2

.3 *Chamber orchestra
For chamber music, see 785

.4 *Light orchestra
Including school orchestra; orchestra with toy instruments; dance orchestra
(dance band); big bands
Class here salon orchestra

.6 *Keyboard, mechanical, electronic, percussion bands

Including rhythm band

.7 *String orchestra
.8 *Wind band
Band consisting of woodwind instruments, brass instruments, or both
Including marching band; military band; woodwind band
For brass band, see 784.9

.9 *Brass band
785 Ensembles with only one instrument per part
Including ensembles by size (e.g., duets, trios, quartets, quintets, sextets,
septets, octets, nonets and larger ensembles); ensembles consisting of two or
more instrumental groups (e.g., ensembles with keyboard, ensembles without
electrophones and with percussion and keyboard, ensembles without keyboard,
ensembles without keyboard and with percussion); ensembles consisting of
only one instrumental group (e.g., keyboard, mechanical, aeolian, electrophone,
percussion ensembles; string ensembles; woodwind ensembles; brass ensembles)
Class here chamber music
Class works for solo melody instrument with keyboard or other accompaniment in
See Manual at 784–788
*Use notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9
785 Dewey Decimal Classification 785

.001–.009 Standard subdivisions

Notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9, e.g.,
performances of chamber music 785.0078
.01–.07 General principles of ensembles with only one instrument per part
Add to base number 785.0 the numbers following 781 in 781.1–781.7, e.g.,
performance techniques 785.04
For techniques for playing instruments, see 785.093
.08 *Musical forms
.09 †Instruments
Add to base number 785.09 the numbers following 784.19 in
784.192–784.199, e.g., bowing techniques 785.093

> 786–788 Specific instruments and their music

Class here music for solo instrument, music for solo instrument accompanied
by one other instrument when the accompanying instrument clearly has a
subsidiary role; acoustic form of instruments, electric form of instruments
Unless the forerunner of a modern instrument is listed in the schedule, class it
with the modern instrument. For example, the shawm, a forerunner of the oboe
and an instrument not listed, is classed with the oboe in 788.5; however, the
vihuela, the forerunner of the guitar and an instrument listed at 787.8, is classed
in 787.8, not with the guitar in 787.87
Class chamber music in 785; class comprehensive works in 784
For voice instruments, see 783.9

786 ‡Keyboard, mechanical, electrophonic, percussion

Class here comprehensive works on keyboard instruments, on keyboard stringed
instruments; music for unspecified keyboard instrument
See Manual at 784–788

> 786.2–786.5 Keyboard instruments

Class music for more than one performer on one keyboard instrument as an
ensemble with the ensemble in 785; class mechanical keyboard instruments in
786.6; class keyboard idiophones in 786.8; class comprehensive works in 786

> 786.2–786.4 Keyboard stringed instruments

Class comprehensive works in 786

*Use notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9


†Use notation from Table 1 as modified under 784.19

‡Use notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9 for the instrument and its music together,

for its music alone

786 Music 786

.2 ‡Pianos
Including prepared pianos

.3 ‡Clavichords
.4 ‡Harpsichords
Class here spinets, virginals

.5 ‡Organs
Including reed organs and regals; electronic organs; comprehensive works on
keyboard electrophones
Class here keyboard wind instruments
Class concertinas, accordions in 788.8. Class a keyboard instrument whose
sound is generated by conventional means, even though amplified or modified
electronically, with the instrument, e.g., electric piano 786.2

.6 ‡Mechanical and aeolian instruments

Standard subdivisions are added for mechanical and aeolian instruments
together, for mechanical instruments alone
Including mechanical struck idiophones; comprehensive works on mechanical
idiophones; mechanical plucked idiophones; mechanical keyboard instruments;
mechanical stringed instruments; mechanical wind instruments

.7 ‡Electronic instruments (Electrophones)

Including monophonic electrophones; synthesizers; tapes; musique concrète
(concrete music); computers
Class here electronic music in the sense of music with a focus on electronically
produced or manipulated sounds; comprehensive works on electronic music
Class keyboard electrophones in 786.5. Class a specific electrically amplified or
modified acoustic instrument with the instrument, e.g., electric guitar 787.87
For electronica, see 781.648

.8 ‡Percussion instruments
Including idiophones (vibrating sonorous solids), comprehensive works on
percussion instruments of definite pitch; keyboard idiophones; celestas; set
idiophones (e.g., percussed idiophones, plucked idiophones, friction idiophones,
concussion idiophones); single idiophones; comprehensive works on percussion
instruments of indefinite pitch
For mechanical idiophones, see 786.6; for drums, see 786.9; for struck
stringed instruments, see 787.7

.9 ‡Drums and devices used for percussive effects

Standard subdivisions are added for drums and devices used for percussive
effects together, for drums alone
Including struck drums, kettle-shaped drums, tubular drums, frame-shaped
drums, rattle drums, plucked drums, friction drums

‡Use notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9 for the instrument and its music together,

for its music alone

787 Dewey Decimal Classification 787

787 ‡Stringed instruments (Chordophones)

Class here bowed string instruments, music for unspecified melody instrument,
comprehensive works on the lute family (instruments whose strings run from the
resonating belly to the neck)
Class keyboard stringed instruments in 786; class mechanical stringed instruments
in 786.6
See Manual at 784–788

.2 ‡Violins
Class here comprehensive works on violin family
For violas, see 787.3; for cellos, see 787.4; for double basses, see 787.5

.3 ‡Violas
.4 ‡Cellos (Violoncellos)
.5 ‡Double basses
.6 ‡Viols and related instruments
Standard subdivisions are added for viols and related instruments together, for
viols alone
Including descant viols; treble viols; tenor viols; bass viols (viola da gambas);
viola d’amores; hurdy-gurdies (vielles)
For double basses, see 787.5

.7 ‡Plectral instruments
Including specific kinds of zithers (e.g., stick, tube, trough zithers; frame,
ground, harp, raft zithers; board zithers; plucked board zithers); lyres
Class here zithers, comprehensive works on struck stringed instruments
For plectral lute family, see 787.8; for harps and musical bows, see 787.9

.8 ‡Plectral lute family

Including round-backed lute family; lutes; mandolins; flat-backed lute family;
vihuelas; banjos; ukuleles
Class here long-necked, short-necked lutes
Class guitars in 787.87
.87 ‡Guitars
Including balalaikas

‡Use notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9 for the instrument and its music together,

for its music alone

787 Music 787

.9 ‡Harps and musical bows

Standard subdivisions are added for harps and musical bows together, for harps
Including pluriarcs (compound musical bows); bow harps (arched harps) and
angle harps, frame harps, bridge harps (harp-lutes)

788 ‡Wind instruments (Aerophones)

Class keyboard wind instruments in 786.5; class mechanical wind instruments in
See Manual at 784–788

.2 ‡Woodwind instruments and free aerophones

Standard subdivisions are added for woodwind instruments and free aerophones
together, for woodwind instruments alone
Class free aerophones used for percussion effects in 786.9
For specific woodwind instruments, see 788.3–788.8

> 788.3–788.8 Specific woodwind instruments

Class comprehensive works in 788.2

.3 ‡Flute family
Including nose flutes; transverse flutes (side-blown flutes); piccolos and fifes;
bass flutes; duct, end-blown, notched flutes; recorders; multiple flutes; pan
pipes; vessel flutes

.4 ‡Reed instruments
Including bagpipes; single-reed and double-reed bagpipes
For double-reed instruments, see 788.5; for single-reed instruments, see
788.6; for free reeds, see 788.8

.5 ‡Double-reed instruments
Including crumhorns, racketts; oboes; cors anglais (English horns); bassoons;
double bassoons (contrabassoons)
For bagpipes, see 788.4

.6 ‡Single-reed instruments
Including clarinets; bass clarinets
For bagpipes, see 788.4; for saxophones, see 788.7

.7 ‡Saxophones
Including soprano saxophones; alto saxophones; tenor saxophones; bass

‡Use notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9 for the instrument and its music together,

for its music alone

788 Dewey Decimal Classification 788

.8 ‡Free reeds
Instruments consisting of sets of individual free reeds
Including mouth organs; harmonicas; concertinas; accordions

.9 ‡Brass instruments (Lip-reed instruments)

Including trumpets; trombones; French horns (horns); bugles; cornets;
flugelhorns (saxhorns); tubas

(789) Composers and traditions of music

(Optional number and subdivisions; prefer 780 for music as a whole; prefer
781–788 for principles, forms, ensembles, voices, instruments)
(Option A: Arrange treatises about all composers at 789 plus an alphabeting mark;
then to the result add notation following 78 in 780–788
(Option B: Use 789 and its subdivisions for traditions of music
(Option C: Use 789 and its subdivisions for recordings of music
(If option A is used with either options B or C, class comprehensive works on
traditions of music in 789.1)
Unless other instructions are given, class a subject with aspects in two or more
subdivisions of 789 in the number coming last, e.g., rehearsing folk songs
789.20241 (not 789.20144)

(.1) †General principles of traditions of music

Add to base number 789.1 the numbers following 781 in 781.1–781.5, e.g.,
orchestration in various traditions 789.13
(If Option A is used with either Option B or C, class here comprehensive works
on traditions of music)

(.2) †Folk music

Music originating within and associated with an ethnic or national group
Including folk music of specific ethnic and national groups
Class folk rock in 789.6. Class a specific style of music provided for in
789.4–789.6 with the style, e.g., reggae 789.46, Afro-Cuban jazz 789.5
(.200 1–.200 7) †Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9, e.g.,
performances of folk music 789.20078
(.200 8) †Groups of people
[.200 89] Specific ethnic and national groups
Do not use; class in 789.2

†(Optional number; prefer 781–788)

‡Use notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9 for the instrument and its music together,

for its music alone

789 Music 789

(.200 9) †History, geographic treatment, biography

Class geographic treatment of folk music of specific ethnic and
national groups in 789.2
(.201) †General principles, influence of other traditions, musical forms
(.201 1–.201 5) †General principles
Add to base number 789.201 the numbers following 781 in
781.1–781.5, e.g., rehearsing folk music 789.20144
(.201 6) †Influence of other traditions of music
(.202–.208) †Voices, instruments, ensembles
Add to base number 789.20 the numbers following 78 in 782–788, e.g.,
folk songs 789.20242

> (789.3–789.9) Other traditions of music

Add to each subdivision identified by * as follows:
001–009 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9, e.g.,
performances 0078
01 General principles, influence of other traditions of music
Including hybrid styles, musical forms
011–015 General principles
Add to 01 the numbers following 781 in 781.1–781.5, e.g.,
melody 012
016 Influence of other traditions of music
1 Voices, instruments, ensembles
Add to 1 the numbers following 78 in 782–788, e.g., guitar music
Class comprehensive works in 789

(.3) †*Popular music

Class popular music originating within and associated with an ethnic or national
group in 789.2
For western popular music, see 789.4

(.4) †*Western popular music

Including ragtime; rap; specific rap styles
Class western popular music originating within and associated with an ethnic or
national group in 789.2; class country music in 789.42
For jazz, see 789.5; for rock, see 789.6
(.42) †*Country music
Class here bluegrass music; specific country music styles
*Add as instructed under 789.3–789.9

†(Optional number; prefer 781–788)
789 Dewey Decimal Classification 789

(.43) †*Blues
Class here traditional rhythm and blues; specific blues styles
Comprehensive works on rhythm and blues relocated to 789.44
(.44) †*Soul
Class here comprehensive works on rhythm and blues [formerly 789.43],
R&B; specific soul styles
For traditional rhythm and blues, see 789.43
(.46) †*Reggae
Class here specific reggae styles
(.48) †*Electronica
Class here specific electronica styles

(.5) †*Jazz
Including early jazz; origins of jazz; traditional jazz; mainstream jazz; modern
jazz; avant-garde jazz; hybrid styles
(.501) Philosophy and theory
Do not use for hybrid styles; class in 789.5

(.6) †*Rock (Rock‘n’ roll)

Class here specific rock styles

(.7) †Sacred music

Including sacred music of classical (Greek and Roman) and Germanic religions;
sacred music of other specific religions
(.700 1–.700 9) †Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9, e.g.,
performances of sacred music 789.70078
(.71) †*Christian sacred music
For music of Christian church year, see 789.72
(.72) †*Music of Christian church year
Including Sacred music of specific parts of Christian church year
(.723) †*Christmas music
(.76) †Jewish sacred music
(.760 01–.760 09) †Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 780.1–780.9, e.g.,
performances of Jewish sacred music 789.760078
*Add as instructed under 789.3–789.9

†(Optional number; prefer 781–788)
789 Music 789

(.8) †*Western art music (Classical music)

Limited to classical music as a tradition in contrast to other traditions
Class here comprehensive works on traditions of art music
For nonwestern art music, see 789.9

(.9) †*Nonwestern art music

790 Recreational and performing arts

Including the performing arts in general
Class here government policy on recreation; interdisciplinary works on recreation
Class comprehensive works on public performances in 791; class comprehensive
works on athletic and outdoor sports and games in 796
For sociology of recreation, sociology of performing arts, see 306.4; for music,
see 780. For a specific performing art, see the art, e.g., symphony orchestra
performances 784.2078, motion pictures 791.43; for a specific sport, see the
sport, e.g., basketball 796.323, swimming 797.2

790.01–.09 Standard subdivisions of recreation; recreation centers
.1–.2 [General kinds of recreational activities and the performing arts in
791 Public performances
792 Stage presentations
793 Indoor games and amusements
794 Indoor games of skill
795 Games of chance
796 Athletic and outdoor sports and games
797 Aquatic and air sports
798 Equestrian sports and animal racing
799 Fishing, hunting, shooting

.01–.05 Standard subdivisions of recreation

.06 Organizations and management of recreation
Including recreation centers
[.068] Management
Do not use; class in 790.06
.07 Education, research, related topics of recreation
.08 Recreation for groups of people
Do not use for activities and programs for specific groups of people; class in
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography of recreation
*Add as instructed under 789.3–789.9

†(Optional number; prefer 781–788)
790 Dewey Decimal Classification 790

.1 General kinds of recreational activities

Including activities generally engaged in by individuals; interdisciplinary works
on hobbies; activities generally engaged in by groups; travel and tourism;
activities and programs for specific groups of people (e.g., activities and
programs for families, activities and programs by age level, activities and
programs for groups by sex, activities and programs for people with physical
illnesses, people with disabilities)
Class here leisure
Class collecting a specific kind of object with the object, plus notation 075 from
Table 1, e.g., coin collecting 737.4075, sports cards 796.075
For a hobby, see the subject of the hobby, plus notation 023 from Table 1,
e.g., knitting as a hobby 746.432023; for a specific activity, see the activity,
e.g., paper cutting and folding 736, piano playing 786.2, outdoor sports 796;
for play with a specific toy not provided for here, see the toy, e.g., flying
model airplanes 796.15
[.101–.109] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 790.01–790.09

.2 The performing arts in general

Use for works that treat athletic and outdoor sports and games as well as public
Class comprehensive works on public performances in 791; class
comprehensive works on athletic and outdoor sports and games in 796
For sociology of performing arts, see 306.4. For a specific performing
art, see the art, e.g., symphony orchestra performance 784.2078, motion
pictures 791.43; for a specific sport, see the sport, e.g., basketball 796.323,
swimming 797.2

791 Public performances

Other than sport and game performances
Including traveling shows
Class here performances at fairs
Class circuses in 791.3
For musical performances other than stage presentations, see 780; for
showboats, see 792.02; for musical stage presentations, see 792.5; for magic,
see 793.8; for speech as a type of performance, see 808.5
See also 793–796 for sport and game performances

791.01–.09 Standard subdivisions
.3 Circuses
.4 Motion pictures, radio, television
.5 Puppetry and toy theaters
.6 Pageantry
.8 Animal performances

791 Recreational and performing arts 791

.06 Organizations and management

Including amusement parks
[.068] Management
Do not use; class in 791.06
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography
.092 Biography
See Manual at 780.92 and 791.092

.3 Circuses
Including animal performances; clowns; acrobatics and trapeze work; freaks
and sideshows; parades
Class here amateur circuses

.4 Motion pictures, radio, television

See also 302.23 for social aspects of motion pictures, radio, and television
as mass media
See Manual at 363.31 vs. 303.3, 791.4; also at 384, 384.54, 384.55 vs. 791.4
.43 Motion pictures
Regardless of distribution medium or method
Including types of presentation; film adaptations, film genres; screenplays
Class here made-for-television movies, video recordings of motion pictures
[both formerly 791.45]; direct-to-video and direct-to-DVD releases of
motion pictures; dramatic films, entertainment films; films developed
originally for Internet transmission; comprehensive works on dramatic,
entertainment, documentary, educational, news films
Class photographic aspects of motion pictures in 777; class texts of
plays in 800; class comprehensive works on puppetry in 791.5. Class
subject-oriented films themselves with the subject, e.g., films on flower
gardening 635.9; class critical appraisal of films associated with a specific
person with the person, e.g., films of a motion-picture photographer 777.092,
of a director 791.4302
For documentary, educational, news films, see 070.1; for animation of
cartoon films, see 741.5; for time-lapse cinematography, see 776; for
photographic techniques of cartoon films, see 777
See also 384 for communication aspects of motion pictures
See Manual at 780.92 and 791.092; also at 791.43 and 791.44, 791.45,
792.9; also at 791.43 vs. 791.45; also at 791.43, 791.45 vs. 777; also at
808.82 vs. 791.43, 791.44, 791.45, 792.9
.430 1–.430 8 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 792.01–792.02, e.g.,
makeup for motion pictures 791.4302. Class programming
(scheduling) in 384; class types of presentation in 791.43

791 Dewey Decimal Classification 791

.430 9 History, geographic treatment, biography

Class here description, critical appraisal of specific companies and
Class description, critical appraisal of specific films in 791.43
.430 92 Biography
Do not use for people associated with only one aspect of motion
pictures, e.g., actors; class in 791.4302
.44 Radio
Regardless of distribution medium or method
Including types of presentation; radio adaptations, radio genres; radio plays
Class here dramatic programs, entertainment programs; radio programs
developed originally for Internet transmission; comprehensive works on
dramatic, entertainment, documentary, educational, news programs
Class texts of plays in 800. Class subject-oriented programs themselves with
the subject, e.g., programs on flower gardening 635.9; class critical appraisal
of programs associated with a specific person with the person, e.g., programs
of a director 791.4402
For documentary, educational, news programs, see 070.1
See also 384.54 for communication aspects of radio
See Manual at 780.92 and 791.092; also at 791.43 and 791.44, 791.45,
792.9; also at 808.82 vs. 791.43, 791.44, 791.45, 792.9
.440 1–.440 8 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 792.01–792.02, e.g.,
influence of radio 791.4401. Class programming (scheduling) in 384;
class types of presentation in 791.44
.440 9 History, geographic treatment, biography
Class here description, critical appraisal of specific companies and
Class description, critical appraisal of specific programs in 791.44
.440 92 Biography
Do not use for people associated with only one aspect of radio,
e.g., actors; class in 791.4402

791 Recreational and performing arts 791

.45 Television
Regardless of distribution medium or method
Including types of presentation; television adaptations, television genres;
television plays
Class here dramatic programs, entertainment programs; mini-series,
extended pilots of television series; television-like programs developed
originally for Internet transmission; comprehensive works on dramatic,
entertainment, documentary, educational, news programs
Class texts of plays in 800. Class subject-oriented programs themselves with
the subject, e.g., programs on flower gardening 635.9; class critical appraisal
of programs associated with a specific person with the person, e.g., programs
of a television photographer 777.092, of a director 791.4502; class use of
video recordings not provided for here with the use, e.g., video recordings of
rock music 781.66
For documentary, educational, news programs, see 070.1
See also 384.55 for communication aspects of television; also 791.43 for
direct-to-video and direct-to-DVD releases of motion pictures
See Manual at 780.92 and 791.092; also at 791.43 and 791.44, 791.45,
792.9; also at 791.43 vs. 791.45; also at 791.43, 791.45 vs. 777; also at
808.82 vs. 791.43, 791.44, 791.45, 792.9
Made-for-television movies, video recordings of motion pictures relocated to
.450 1–.450 8 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 792.01–792.02, e.g., special
effects for television 791.4502. Class programming (scheduling) in
384; class types of presentation in 791.45
.450 9 History, geographic treatment, biography
Class here description, critical appraisal of specific companies,
stations, networks
Class description, critical appraisal of specific programs in 791.45
.450 92 Biography
Do not use for people associated with only one aspect of
television, e.g., actors; class in 791.4502

.5 Puppetry and toy theaters

Including marionettes, shadow puppets
Class puppet films in 791.43; class texts of plays in 800

791 Dewey Decimal Classification 791

.6 Pageantry
Including parades, floats for parades; pageants; cheerleading; beauty contests;
beauty pageants
Class interdisplinary works on pageants, processions, parades in 394
For circus parades, see 791.3; for water pageantry, see 797.2
See also 794.1 for living chess

.8 Animal performances
Including cockfighting; bullfighting; rodeos; Wild West shows
For circus animal performances, see 791.3; for equestrian sports and
animal racing, see 798

792 Stage presentations

Class here dramatic presentation, theater
Class texts of plays in 800
For motion pictures, radio, television, see 791.4; for puppetry and toy theaters,
see 791.5
See Manual at 780.92 and 791.092
.01 Philosophy and theory
Including influence, effect; criticism and appreciation
.02 Miscellany
Including types of stage presentation, supervision, special effects, setting,
costuming, makeup and hair, acting and performance
[.022–.029] Subdivisions of miscellany
Do not use; class in 792.02
.09 History, geographic treatment, biography
Class here description, critical appraisal of specific theaters and companies
For specific productions in specific theaters or by specific companies,
see 792.9
.092 Biography
Do not use for people associated with only one aspect of stage
presentations, e.g., actors; class in 792.02

.1 *Tragedy and serious drama

Including historical drama; religious and morality plays

.2 *Comedy and melodrama

For panto, see 792.3; for stand-up comedy, see 792.7
*Use notation from Table 1 as modified under 792.01–792.09
792 Recreational and performing arts 792

.3 *Pantomime
Including panto (pantomime in the nonsilent British tradition, usually performed
around Christmas time)
Class here mime, silent pantomime

.5 *Opera
Including opera productions; production and stage guides
Class here dramatic vocal forms
Class interdisciplinary works on dramatic vocal forms, on opera in 782.1. Class
critical appraisal of operas associated with a specific person other than the
composer or librettist with the person, e.g., operas associated with a singer
782.1092, with a director 792.502
For musical plays, see 792.6; for variety shows, see 792.7
See Manual at 782.1 vs. 792.5, 792.6
.509 History, geographic treatment, biography
Class here description, critical appraisal of specific theaters and
Class specific productions in specific theaters or by specific companies in

.6 *Musical plays
Including dancing; musical play productions; production and stage guides
Class here ballad operas, musicals, revues
Class comprehensive works on theatrical dancing in 792.7; class comprehensive
works on choreography in 792.8; class interdisciplinary works on musical plays
in 782.1. Class critical appraisal of musical plays associated with a specific
person other than the composer or librettist with the person, e.g., musical plays
associated with a singer 782.1092, with a director 792.602
See Manual at 782.1 vs. 792.5, 792.6
.609 History, geographic treatment, biography
Class here description, critical appraisal of specific theaters and
Class specific productions in specific theaters or by specific companies in
*Use notation from Table 1 as modified under 792.01–792.09
792 Dewey Decimal Classification 792

.7 *Variety shows and theatrical dancing

Standard subdivisions are added for variety shows and theatrical dancing
together, for variety shows alone
Including stand-up comedy
Class here burlesque, cabaret, vaudeville, music hall and nightclub presentations
Class stage productions in 792.9
For dancing in musical plays, see 792.6; for magic shows, juggling,
ventriloquism, see 793.8
See also 791 for minstrel shows and skits

.8 *Ballet and modern dance

Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including choreography; choreology, e.g., Labanotation, Benesh; ballet
productions; stories, plots, analyses, librettos, production scripts, stage guides
Class here comprehensive works on dancing
Class critical appraisal of ballets associated with a specific person with the
person, e.g., ballets associated with a director 792.802
For dancing in musical plays, see 792.6; for theatrical and tap dancing, see
792.7; for social, folk, national dancing, see 793.3
See Manual at 780.92 and 791.092
.802 Specific aspects of ballet and modern dance
Including dancers
[.802 01–.802 09] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 792.802
.809 History, geographic treatment, biography
Class here description, critical appraisal of specific theaters and
Class specific productions in specific theaters or by specific companies in
.809 2 Biography
Do not use for people associated with only one aspect of ballet and
modern dance, e.g., dancers, choreographers; class in 792.802
*Use notation from Table 1 as modified under 792.01–792.09
792 Recreational and performing arts 792

.9 Stage productions
Including collections of reviews
Class here production scripts, stage guides; description, critical appraisal of
specific productions in specific theaters and companies
Class description, critical appraisal, production scripts of operas in 792.5; class
description, critical appraisal, production scripts of musical plays in 792.6;
class description, critical appraisal, production scripts of ballets in 792.8. Class
critical appraisal of productions associated with a specific person other than the
playwright with the person, e.g., productions associated with a director 792.023
See Manual at 791.43 and 791.44, 791.45, 792.9; also at 808.82 vs. 791.43,
791.44, 791.45, 792.9

793 Indoor games and amusements

For indoor games of skill, see 794; for games of chance, see 795
.01 Philosophy and theory
Including activities and programs for specific groups of people
.08 Groups of people
For activities and programs for specific groups of people, see 793.01

.2 Parties and entertainments

Including children’s parties; seasonal parties; charades and tableaux

.3 Social, folk, national dancing

Standard subdivisions are added for social, folk, national dancing together; for
social dancing alone
Including belly, jazz dancing; clog dancing; ballroom dancing (round dances);
square dancing; dances with accessory features; line dancing; balls

.4 Games of action
.5 Forfeit and trick games
.7 Games not characterized by action
For charades and tableaux, see 793.2
.73 Puzzles and puzzle games
Standard subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading
Including acrostics, quizzes, rebuses; jigsaw puzzles; crossword puzzles;
maze puzzles
Class puzzles as formal instructional devices for the teaching of a specific
subject with the subject, plus notation 07 from Table 1, e.g., puzzles
teaching the use of the Bible 220.07
For mathematical games and recreations, see 793.74
.734 Word games
Including anagrams, palindromes

793 Dewey Decimal Classification 793

.735 Riddles
Class riddles as folk literature in 398.6; class riddles as jokes by known
authors, interdisciplinary works on riddles in 808.88
See Manual at T3—8 vs. 398.6, 793.735
.74 Mathematical games and recreations
.8 Magic and related activities
Standard subdivisions are added for magic and related activities together, for
magic alone
Including scientific recreations; card tricks; juggling; ventriloquism
Class here conjuring

.9 Other indoor diversions

Including war games (battle games); string games
.93 Adventure games
Including computer adventure games; computer fantasy, video adventure,
video fantasy games
Class here fantasy, mystery games, role-playing games
Class comprehensive works on computer games in 794.8
See also 793.9 for war games (battle games)
See Manual at 793.93 vs. 794.8
[.930 285] Computer applications
Do not use; class in 793.93

794 Indoor games of skill

Including go
Class here board games
Class war games in 793.9; class adventure, fantasy, mystery games in 793.93; class
games combining skill and chance in 795
For backgammon, see 795.1

.1 Chess
Including strategy and tactics (e.g., openings, middle games, end games);
individual chessmen; collections of games; special forms of chess; variants of
[.102 85] Computer applications
Do not use; class in 794.1

.2 Checkers (Draughts)
.3 Darts

794 Recreational and performing arts 794

.6 Bowling
Class here variants of bowling, e.g., ninepins (skittles), tenpins
See also 796.31 for lawn bowling

.7 Ball games
Including pinball games
Class athletic ball games, comprehensive works on ball games in 796.3
For bowling, see 794.6
.72 Billiards
Class here carom billiards
For pocket billiards, see 794.73
.73 Pocket billiards
Including English billiards; pool (American pocket billiards); snooker

.8 Electronic games
Including computerized athletic and outdoor sports and games
Class here computer, video games
Class computerized war games (battle games) in 793.9; class computerized
adventure, fantasy, mystery games in 793.93. Class computerized forms of a
specific indoor game or amusement with the game or amusement in 793–795,
plus notation 0285 from Table 1, e.g., computerized checkers 794.20285
See Manual at 793.93 vs. 794.8
[.802 85] Computer applications
Do not use; class in 794.8

795 Games of chance

Class here gambling
Class gambling on a specific activity with the activity, e.g., on horse racing
See also 364.1 for gambling as a crime; also 616.85 for compulsive gambling
.01 Philosophy and theory
Including betting systems, probabilities of winning
See Manual at 795.01 vs. 519.2

.1 Games with dice

Including craps; backgammon

.2 Wheel and top games

Including roulette; slot machines

795 Dewey Decimal Classification 795

.3 Games dependent on drawing numbers or counters

Including dominoes; mah jong; bingo; lotteries

.4 Card games
Including games based chiefly on chance; games in which card position is a
major element
.41 Games in which skill is a major element
Including cribbage; whist and bridge whist; auction bridge; contract bridge;
pinochle; rummy and its variants
.412 Poker
796 Athletic and outdoor sports and games
Standard subdivisions are added for any or all topics in heading
Including modern pentathlon
Class here government policy on sports
Use 796 for athletics covering sports as a whole. Use 796.42 for athletics limited to
track and field
Class exercise and sports activities as means of improving physical fitness in 613.7;
class computerized athletic and outdoor sports and games in 794.8
For aquatic and air sports, see 797; for equestrian sports and animal racing,
see 798; for fishing, hunting, shooting, see 799. For a specific sport of modern
pentathlon, see the sport, e.g., pistol shooting 799.3
See also 617.1 for sports medicine

796.01–.09 Standard subdivisions and general kinds of sports and games
.1 Miscellaneous games
.2 Activities and games requiring equipment
.3 Ball games
.4 Weight lifting, track and field, gymnastics
.5 Outdoor life
.6 Cycling and related activities
.7 Driving motor vehicles
.8 Combat sports
.9 Ice and snow sports

.04 General kinds of sports and games

Including amateur and professional sports (e.g., college sports); variant
sports and games (e.g., wheelchair sports); extreme sports
See Manual at 796.08 vs. 796.04
.06 Organizations and management
Including facilities; field houses, physical education facilities, playgrounds,

796 Recreational and performing arts 796

[.068] Management
Do not use; class in 796.06
.07 Education, research, related topics
Including coaching
.071 Education
Do not use for teaching; class in 796.07
.08 Groups of people
Class general kinds of sports and games for specific groups of people in
See Manual at 796.08 vs. 796.04
.087 People with disabilities and illnesses, gifted people
Class sports and games modified for participation of people with physical
disabilities in 796.04

.1 Miscellaneous games
Not provided for elsewhere
Including singing and dancing games; active games
For activities and games requiring equipment, see 796.2
.15 Play with remote-control vehicles; play with kites
Standard subdivisions are added for play with remote-control vehicles and
play with kites together; for play with remote-control vehicles alone
Toy or model vehicles
Including play with remote-control vehicles (e.g., remote-control ships,
remote-control aircraft, remote-control land vehicles)
Class here control line vehicles; comprehensive works on model vehicles
Class paper airplanes in 745.592; class comprehensive works on play with
toys in 790.1
For play with model trains, play with remote-control trains, see 790.1
See Manual at 796.15 vs. 629.04
Play with robots relocated to 796.16
.16 Play with robots [formerly 796.15]
.2 Activities and games requiring equipment
Not provided for elsewhere
Including flying discs, marbles, Yo-Yos; pitching games

796 Dewey Decimal Classification 796

.21 Roller skating

Class here in-line skating (rollerblading)
Class a specific sport using roller skates or rollerblades with the sport, e.g.,
roller hockey 796.356
.22 Skateboarding
.3 Ball games
Class here comprehensive works on outdoor and indoor ball games
For indoor ball games, see 794.7
.31 Ball thrown or hit by hand
Including boccie, pétanque; court handball; lawn bowling
For inflated ball thrown or hit by hand, see 796.32
.32 Inflated ball thrown or hit by hand
Including team handball
.323 Basketball
Including strategy and tactics; refereeing; specific types of basketball
(e.g., precollege basketball, college basketball, professional and
semiprofessional basketball); variants of basketball
.323 01–.323 09 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 796.33202–796.33207,
e.g., coaching 796.32307
.324 Netball
.325 Volleyball
Including strategy and tactics; refereeing and umpiring; variants of
.325 02 Miscellany
Including handbooks and guides
.325 06 Organizations and management
Including clubs, leagues; grounds and their layout
[.325 068] Management
Number discontinued; class in 796.32506
.325 07 Education, research, related topics
Including coaching
.325 071 Education
Use of this number for teaching discontinued; class in

796 Recreational and performing arts 796

.33 Inflated ball driven by foot

Including Gaelic football; Australian-rules football
.332 American football
Including strategy and tactics (e.g., formations, line play, backfield
play, passing, blocking and tackling, kicking); refereeing and umpiring;
specific types of American football (e.g., precollege football, college
football, professional and semiprofessional football); variants of
American football
.332 02 Miscellany
Including handbooks and guides
.332 06 Organizations and management
Including clubs, leagues; grounds and their layout
[.332 068] Management
Do not use; class in 796.33206
.332 07 Education, research, related topics
Including coaching
.332 071 Education
Do not use for teaching; class in 796.33207
.333 Rugby
Including strategy and tactics (e.g., forward play, halfback play,
three-quarter play, back play); refereeing and umpiring; specific types of
rugby (e.g., clubs, county cup competition, tours, international rugby);
Rugby League
Class here Rugby Union
.333 01–.333 09 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 796.33202–796.33207,
e.g., coaching 796.33307
.334 Soccer (Association football)
Including strategy and tactics (e.g., formations, forward play, halfback
play, back play, goalkeeping); refereeing and umpiring; specific
types of soccer (e.g., amateur soccer, league soccer, cup competition,
international soccer); variants of soccer
See also 796.33 for Gaelic football
.334 01–.334 09 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 796.33202–796.33207,
e.g., coaching 796.33407

796 Dewey Decimal Classification 796

.335 Canadian football

Including strategy and tactics; refereeing and umpiring; specific types of
Canadian football (e.g., precollege Canadian football, college Canadian
football, professional and semiprofessional Canadian football); variants
of Canadian football
.335 01–.335 09 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 796.33202–796.33207,
e.g., coaching 796.33507
.34 Racket games
Including court tennis (royal tennis), paddle tennis; table tennis; lacrosse
See also 796.2 for deck tennis
.342 Tennis (Lawn tennis)
Including strategy and tactics (e.g., service, forehand, backhand, singles,
doubles); refereeing
.342 01–.342 09 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 796.33202–796.33207,
e.g., layout of tennis courts 796.342068
.343 Squash
Class here rackets, racquetball
.345 Badminton
.35 Ball driven by club, mallet, bat
Including hurling; polo; croquet
.352 Golf
Including variants of golf; tactics of play; grip, swing, adapting to
specific golf courses; refereeing; specific types of golf (e.g., amateur
golf, professional golf, open games and matches)
.352 01–.352 09 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 796.33202–796.33207,
e.g., handbooks 796.35202
See also 712 for design and construction of golf courses
.355 Field hockey
Including indoor field hockey
Class comprehensive works on hockey in 796.356
.356 Hockey
Using ball, puck, or ring
Including floorball; street hockey; ball hockey, dek hockey; roller hockey
For field hockey, see 796.355; for hockey games played on ice, see
796.96; for hockey games played underwater, see 797.2

796 Recreational and performing arts 796

.357 Baseball
Including strategy and tactics (e.g., pitching, catching, infield play,
outfield play, batting, base running, world series games, all-star games);
umpiring; specific types of baseball (e.g., precollege baseball, college
baseball, professional and semiprofessional baseball); variants of
.357 01–.357 09 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 796.33202–796.33207,
e.g., coaching 796.35707
.358 Cricket
Including strategy and tactics (e.g., bowling, fielding, wicketkeeping,
batting); umpiring; specific types of cricket (e.g., amateur cricket, county
cricket, international cricket); variants of cricket
.358 01–.358 09 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 796.33202–796.33207,
e.g., coaching 796.35807

.4 Weight lifting, track and field, gymnastics

.406 Organizations and management
Including gymnasiums and stadiums
[.406 8] Management
Do not use; class in 796.406
.407 Education, research, related topics
Including coaching
.407 1 Education
Do not use for teaching; class in 796.407
.41 Weight lifting
Including bodybuilding for contests
Class weight training for fitness and interdisciplinary works on weight
training, bodybuilding for fitness and interdisciplinary works on
bodybuilding in 613.7
.42 Track and field
Including sprints; middle-distance races; distance races; non-track races;
road running; hurdles and steeplechase; relay races; cross-country races; race
walking (heel-and-toe races)
Class here decathlon, heptathlon; running
For field events, see 796.43; for orienteering, see 796.58
See also 613.7 for running as an exercise
.420 6 Organizations and management
Including athletic fields

796 Dewey Decimal Classification 796

[.420 68] Management

Do not use; class in 796.4206
.43 Jumping and throwing
Including pole vaulting
Class here field events
.44 Gymnastics
Including aerobic gymnastics (sports aerobics); artistic gymnastics; rhythmic
gymnastics; floor as an apparatus in artistic gymnastics [formerly 796.47]
Class interdisciplinary works on aerobic exercise in 613.7
For trapeze work, rope climbing, tightrope walking, see 796.46; for
tumbling, trampolining, acrobatics, contortion, see 796.47
See also 613.7 for gymnastic exercises
.440 92 Biography
Class biography of a specific type of gymnast with the type, e.g.,
acrobatic gymnast 796.47092
.46 Trapeze work, rope climbing, tightrope walking
See also 791.3 for trapeze work and tightrope walking as circus acts
.47 Tumbling, trampolining, acrobatics, contortion
Including trampoline, synchronized trampoline, double mini-trampoline;
acrobatic gymnastics (sports acrobatics)
Class tumbling as part of artistic gymnastics, tumbling as part of rhythmic
gymnastics in 796.44
For acrobatics as circus acts, see 791.3
Floor as an apparatus in artistic gymnastics relocated to 796.44
.48 Olympic games
Arrange specific games chronologically
Class Paralympics in 796.04; class Special Olympics in 796.087. Class a
specific activity with the activity, e.g., basketball 796.323, swimming 797.2
For winter Olympic games, see 796.98
.480 93–.480 99 Geographic treatment
Do not use for specific games; class in 796.48

.5 Outdoor life
Including beach activities
Class a specific activity of outdoor life not provided for here with the activity,
e.g., fishing 799.1
For aquatic sports, see 797.1–797.3

796 Recreational and performing arts 796

.51 Walking
Class here backpacking, hiking
For walking by kind of terrain, see 796.52
See also 796.58 for orienteering
See Manual at 913–919 vs. 796.51
.52 Walking and exploring by kind of terrain
Including canyoning (canyoneering), gorge walking; spelunking
.522 Mountains, hills, rocks
Including rock climbing; sport climbing; indoor climbing
Class here mountaineering
.54 Camping
Including snow camping; kinds of camps (e.g., institutional camps, day
camps); camps operated for profit; activities
Class beach activities in 796.5
.56 Dude ranching and farming
.58 Orienteering
Class orientation in 912.01

.6 Cycling and related activities

Use of wheeled vehicles not driven by motor or animal power
Including soapbox racing; specific types of cycling (e.g., bicycle racing,
mountain biking [all-terrain cycling], bicycle touring for pleasure); street luge
racing; landsailing (sand yachting)
Class triathlon in 796.42; class racing on mountain bikes in 796.63
For roller skating, see 796.21; for skateboarding, see 796.22
.63 Mountain biking (All-terrain cycling)
.7 Driving motor vehicles
Including automobile rallies; motorcycle and motor scooter racing; karting and
midget car racing
For snowmobiling, see 796.94
Travel by private passenger automobile, travel by motor homes, recreational
vehicles, trailers relocated to 910
.72 Automobile racing
Class here driving sports cars
Class comprehensive works in 796.7
See also 796.15 for toy car racing

796 Dewey Decimal Classification 796

.720 6 Organizations and management

Including racetracks and speedways
[.720 68] Management
Do not use; class in 796.7206

.8 Combat sports
Class here interdisciplinary works on martial arts
Class combat with animals in 791.8; class Oriental martial arts forms in 796.815
For martial arts as exercises for physical fitness, see 613.7
.81 Unarmed combat
For boxing, see 796.83
.812 Wrestling
Including arm wrestling; Greco-Roman wrestling; freestyle wrestling
(catch-as-catch-can wrestling); sumo
.815 Oriental martial arts forms
Including judo; jujitsu; karate; aikido; Chinese forms of martial arts;
taekwondo; kempo and kung fu
Class martial arts forms including both Oriental forms and other military
forms, e.g., boxing, fencing, in 796.8
.83 Boxing
.86 Fencing
Including bojutsu, kendo
Class here sword fighting

.9 Ice and snow sports

Including snowshoeing; sledding and coasting; iceboating
For sled dog racing, see 798.8; for ice fishing, see 799.12
See also 796.54 for snow camping; also 798 for horse-drawn sleighing
.91 Ice skating
Including figure skating; ice dancing, pair skating; speed skating; long track
speed skating, short track speed skating
.93 Skiing and snowboarding
Standard subdivisions are added for skiing and snowboarding together, for
skiing alone
Including cross-country skiing; Nordic combination, Nordic skiing; jumping;
alpine skiing (downhill skiing): downhill, giant slalom, slalom, supergiant
slalom racing; freestyle skiing

796 Recreational and performing arts 796

.939 Snowboarding
Including big air, halfpipe, slopestyle snowboarding; snowboard cross
(boardercross), parallel giant slalom racing
Class here alpine and freestyle snowboarding
.94 Snowmobiling
.96 Ice games
Including bandy; broomball; ringette
.962 Ice hockey
Including strategy and tactics; refereeing; specific types of ice hockey
(e.g., junior hockey, college hockey, professional hockey, international
Class comprehensive works on hockey in 796.356
.962 01–.962 09 Standard subdivisions
Notation from Table 1 as modified under 796.33202–796.33207,
e.g., coaching 796.96207
.964 Curling
.98 Winter Olympic games
Arrange specific games chronologically
Class a specific activity with the activity, e.g., skating 796.91
.980 93–.980 99 Geographic treatment
Do not use for specific games; class in 796.98

797 Aquatic and air sports

Standard subdivisions are added for aquatic and air sports together, for aquatic
sports alone
Class computerized aquatic and air sports in 794.8
.028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment,
Class comprehensive works on water safety in aquatic sports in

> 797.1–797.3 Aquatic sports

Class comprehensive works in 797
For fishing, see 799.1

.1 Boating
Including boat racing and regattas

797 Dewey Decimal Classification 797

.12 Types of vessels

Including rafting; rowing; motorboating; houseboating
Class seamanship for specific types of vessels in 623.88; class boat racing
with specific types of vessels in 797.1
.122 Canoeing
Including kayaking
.124 Sailing
Including yachting; comprehensive works on yachting
Class motor yachting in 797.12
See also 796.6 for landsailing; also 797.3 for sailboarding

.2 Swimming and diving

Standard subdivisions are added for swimming and diving together, for diving
Including water pageantry; underwater swimming; springboard and platform
diving; water games
Class here water parks
Class triathlon in 796.42
.200 1–.200 9 Standard subdivisions

.3 Other aquatic sports

Including wakeboarding; surfing (surf riding); windsurfing (boardsailing,
sailboarding); water skiing; jet skiing

.5 Air sports
Including bungee jumping; flying motor-driven aircraft (e.g., racing, flying
for pleasure, stunt flying); balloon flying; gliding and soaring; parachuting

798 Equestrian sports and animal racing

Standard subdivisions are added for equestrian sports and animal racing together,
for equestrian sports alone
Including driving and coaching
Class rodeos in 791.8; class computerized equestrian sports and animal racing in
794.8; class harness racing in 798.4; class hunting with aid of horses in 799.2
For polo, see 796.35

.2 Horsemanship
Including riding; training of both horse and rider, dressage; riding exhibitions
and competitions; jumping
Class training of only the horse in 636.1
For horse racing, see 798.4

798 Recreational and performing arts 798

.4 Horse racing
Including steeplechasing (National Hunt racing); harness racing
Class here flat racing
.400 1–.400 5 Standard subdivisions
.400 6 Organizations and management
Including racetracks
[.400 68] Management
Do not use; class in 798.4006
.400 7–.400 8 Standard subdivisions
.400 9 History, geographic treatment, biography
Class here specific races
.401 Betting
Including pari-mutuel

.8 Dog racing
Including sled dog racing; greyhound racing

799 Fishing, hunting, shooting

Class computerized fishing, hunting, shooting games in 794.8
See also 688.7 for the manufacture of both mass-produced and handcrafted

.1 Fishing
Including freshwater fishing; coarse fishing; net fishing; other methods of
Class fishing for specific kinds of freshwater fishes in 799.17; class shellfishing
in 799.2; class interdisciplinary works on fishing in 639.2
.12 Angling
Including bait fishing; fly fishing; casting; bait-casting (spin-fishing);
Class here game, pan fishing
Class specific methods of freshwater fishing in 799.1; class specific methods
of saltwater fishing in 799.16; class game fishing in the sense of fishing for
salmon, trout, graylings, specific methods of fishing for specific kinds of fish
in 799.17; class comprehensive works in 799.1
.16 Saltwater fishing
Class fishing for specific kinds of saltwater fishes in 799.17

799 Dewey Decimal Classification 799

.17 Specific kinds of fishes

Class coarse fishing, game fishing in sense of sports fishing in 799.12;
class comprehensive works on fishing for freshwater fishes in 799.1; class
comprehensive works on fishing for saltwater fishes in 799.16
[.170 1–.170 9] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 799.101–799.109

.2 Hunting
Including methods (e.g., shooting game, hunting with aid of animals); hunting
specific kinds of animals (e.g., birds, small game hunting, big game hunting,
specific kinds of big game)
Class here sports trapping; comprehensive works on hunting and shooting
sports, on commercial and sports hunting
For commercial, subsistence hunting, see 639; for shooting other than game,
see 799.3
.202 Miscellany
.202 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Including blowpipes, bolas, boomerangs, lassos, nets, slings, spears;
guns; bows and arrows
Class here basic techniques and procedures
[.202 85] Computer applications
Do not use; class in 799.2028
[.209] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 799.29
.29 History, geographic treatment, biography
Add to base number 799.29 notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g., hunting in
Germany 799.2943

.3 Shooting other than game

Including shooting with guns
For biathlon, see 796.93; for ballistic devices, see 799.2028


800 Literature (Belles-lettres) and rhetoric

Class here works of literature, works about literature
After general topics (800–809) the basic arrangement is literature by language,
then literature of each language by form. More detailed instructions are given at the
beginning of Table 3
Unless other instructions are given, observe the following table of preference, e.g.,
collections of drama written in poetry from more than two literatures 808.82 (not

Class epigrams in verse with miscellaneous writings
Miscellaneous writings
Humor and satire
Class folk literature in 398.2; class librettos, poems, words written to be sung
or recited with music in 780.26; class interdisciplinary works on language and
literature in 400; class interdisciplinary works on the arts in 700
See Manual at 800; also at 080 vs. 800; also at 741.6 vs. 800; also at 800 vs.
398.2; also at 800 vs. 398.24, 590, 636

801–809 Standard subdivisions; rhetoric; collections; history, description, critical
appraisal of more than two literatures
810 American literature in English
820 English and Old English (Anglo-Saxon) literatures
830 German literature and literatures of related languages
840 French literature and literatures of related Romance languages
850 Literatures of Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican
860 Literatures of Spanish, Portuguese, Galician languages
870 Latin literature and literatures of related Italic languages
880 Classical Greek literature and literatures of related Hellenic languages
890 Literatures of other specific languages and language families

801 Dewey Decimal Classification 801

801 Philosophy and theory

Including influence, effect; nature and character; techniques and principles of
Class theory, technique, history of literary criticism of specific literary forms in
808.1–808.7; class works of critical appraisal in 809
See Manual at 800: Literary criticism

802 Miscellany
803 Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
[804] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 8

805 Serial publications

Class collections of literary texts in serial form in 808.80005; class history,
description, critical appraisal in serial form in 809

806 Organizations and management

807 Education, research, related topics
808 Rhetoric and collections of literary texts from more than two
Rhetoric: effective use of language
Do not use for literature with respect to groups of people; class in 808.8
Standard subdivisions are added for rhetoric and collections of literary texts from
more than two literatures, for rhetoric alone
Including specific elements of rhetoric (e.g., figures of speech, narration), rhetoric
in specific languages
Class here composition
Class general treatment of standard usage of language (prescriptive linguistics) in
418; class theory, technique, history of literary criticism in 801; class preparation
of manuscripts using specific elements, preparation of manuscripts in specific
languages in 808.02; class specific kinds of writing using specific elements,
rhetoric of specific kinds of composition in specific languages in 808.06. Class
treatment of standard usage in a specific language with the specific language,
plus notation 8 from Table 4, e.g., English usage 428; class readers limited to a
particular literary form with the form, e.g., short stories 808.3
See Manual at 658.4 vs. 651.7, 808
.001–.009 Standard subdivisions of rhetoric

808 Literature (Belles-lettres) and rhetoric 808

.02 Authorship techniques, plagiarism, editorial techniques

Writing in publishable form
Including works that focus on avoiding unintentional plagiarism,
interdisciplinary works on plagiarism; style manuals
Class here comprehensive works on preparation and submission of
manuscripts, on preparation and submission of scholarly manuscripts
Class citation style, comprehensive works in 808. Class authorship and
editorial techniques for a specific kind of composition (e.g., academic theses
and dissertations) in 808.06
For submission of manuscripts to agents and publishers, see 070.5. For
a specific aspect of plagiarism, see the aspect, e.g., plagiarism in the
context of copyright law 346.04, plagiarism as a kind of student cheating
371.5, plagiarism in the work of an American fiction writer of the late
20th century 813
See also 001.4 for research
.06 Rhetoric of specific kinds of writing
Including abstracts and summaries; professional, technical, expository
literature; adult easy literature; children’s literature
Class rhetoric in specific literary forms in 808.1–808.7; class comprehensive
works on authorship and editorial techniques for scholarly writing in 808.02
[.060 1–.060 9] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 808.06

> 808.1–808.7 Rhetoric in specific literary forms

Class here aesthetics, appreciation, character and nature, composition, theory of
specific literary forms; technique, theory, history of criticism of specific literary
Observe table of preference under 800
Class theory, technique, history of textual criticism of specific literary forms in
801; class specific forms for children in 808.06; class works of critical appraisal
of specific literary forms in 809.1–809.7; class comprehensive works on theory,
technique, history of literary criticism in 801; class comprehensive works on
rhetoric in specific literary forms in 808
See Manual at 800: Literary criticism

.1 Rhetoric of poetry
Class here prosody
Class linguistic studies of prosody across several languages and from the
linguist’s viewpoint in 414. Class prosodic studies of a particular language
as a whole from the linguist’s viewpoint with the intonation for the specific
language, plus notation 1 from Table 4, e.g., prosodic studies of the Italian
language 451

.2 Rhetoric of drama

808 Dewey Decimal Classification 808

.3 Rhetoric of fiction
Class here rhetoric of novelettes and novels

.4 Rhetoric of essays
.5 Rhetoric of speech
Art or technique of oral expression
Including public speaking (oratory); recitation, oral interpretation; choral
Class here voice, expression, gesture
Class debating in 808.53
For preaching, see 251
.53 Debating
Class here public discussion of opposing views regardless of format
.56 Conversation
.6 Rhetoric of letters
.7 Rhetoric of humor and satire
Class here rhetoric of parody

.8 Collections of literary texts from more than two literatures

Texts by more than one author in more than two languages not from the same
language family
Including comprehensive works consisting equally of literary texts and history,
description, critical appraisal of literature with respect to groups of people
Class here texts in more than two literatures from two or more language
Class literature in specific forms for and by groups of people in 808.81–808.88;
class literatures of specific languages for and by groups of people in 810–890.
Class collections of texts from more than two literatures in the same language
with the literature of that language, e.g., collections of works from English,
American, and Australian literatures in English (more than one literary form)
820.8; class collections of texts from literatures in more than two languages
from the same family with the literature of that family, e.g., French, Italian, and
Spanish literatures 840
For history, description, critical appraisal of literature with respect to
groups of people, see 809
.800 01–.800 07 Standard subdivisions
[.800 08] Groups of people
Do not use; class in 808.8

808 Literature (Belles-lettres) and rhetoric 808

[.800 09] History, geographic treatment, biography

Do not use for collections of literature for and by people resident
in specific regions, continents, countries, localities; class in 808.8.
Do not use for history, description, critical appraisal; class in 809

> 808.81–808.88 Collections in specific forms

Observe table of preference under 800
Class comprehensive works in 808.8
.81 Collections of poetry
Class here folk poetry
For anonymous nursery rhymes and related rhymes and rhyming games
from the oral tradition, see 398.8
.810 01–.810 07 Standard subdivisions
[.810 08–.810 09] Groups of people; history, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 808.81
.82 Collections of drama
Class here folk drama
See Manual at 808.82 vs. 791.43, 791.44, 791.45, 792.9
.820 01–.820 07 Standard subdivisions
[.820 08–.820 09] Groups of people; history, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 808.82
.83 Collections of fiction
.830 01–.830 07 Standard subdivisions
[.830 08–.830 09] Groups of people; history, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 808.83
.84 Collections of essays
.840 01–.840 07 Standard subdivisions
[.840 08–.840 09] Groups of people; history, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 808.84
.85 Collections of speeches
.850 01–.850 07 Standard subdivisions
[.850 08–.850 09] Groups of people; history, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 808.85
.853 Debates
Class here public discussion of opposing views

808 Dewey Decimal Classification 808

.853 01–.853 07 Standard subdivisions

[.853 08–.853 09] Groups of people; history, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 808.853
.856 Conversations
.856 01–.856 07 Standard subdivisions
[.856 08–.856 09] Groups of people; history, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 808.856
.86 Collections of letters
.860 01–.860 07 Standard subdivisions
[.860 08–.860 09] Groups of people; history, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 808.86
.87 Collections of humor and satire
Limited to collections (or texts and criticism) of works in two or more
literary forms including both verse and prose
Class here parody
See also 808.88 for humor and satire in two or more prose forms
.870 01–.870 07 Standard subdivisions
[.870 08–.870 09] Groups of people; history, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 808.87
.88 Collections of miscellaneous writings
Limited to anecdotes, epigrams, graffiti, jokes, jests, quotations, riddles,
tongue twisters; interdisciplinary works on riddles [formerly 398.6];
interdisciplinary works on tongue twisters [formerly 398.8]; riddles as jokes
by known authors; tongue twisters by known authors; jokes and jests by
known authors, interdisciplinary works on jokes and jests; diaries, journals,
notebooks, reminiscences; works without identifiable form; experimental
and nonformalized works; prose literature
Class humor and satire in two or more literary forms, including both verse
and prose, in 808.87; class interdisciplinary collections of diaries in 900.
Class diaries, journals, notebooks, reminiscences of nonliterary authors
with the appropriate subject, e.g., diaries of astronomers 520.92; class
experimental works with an identifiable literary form with the form, e.g.,
experimental novels 808.83; class a specific form of prose literature with the
form, e.g., essays 808.84
For anonymous jokes and jests from the oral tradition, see 398; for
anonymous riddles from the oral tradition, see 398.6; for anonymous
tongue twisters from the oral tradition, see 398.8; for riddles as a type of
puzzle similar to logic puzzles, see 793.735
[.880 1–.880 9] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 808.88

809 Literature (Belles-lettres) and rhetoric 809

809 History, description, critical appraisal of more than two

Notation 09 from Table 1 as modified below
History, description, critical appraisal of works by more than one author in more
than two languages not from the same language family
Including literature from specific periods; literature for and by groups of people;
history and description of literature with respect to groups of people; literature
displaying specific features, miscellaneous writings
Class here collected biography of authors, individual and collected biography of
critics; history, description, critical appraisal of works in more than two literatures
from two or more language families
Class theory, technique, history of literary criticism in 801; class theory, technique,
history of literary criticism of miscellaneous writings in 808; class literature in
specific forms for and by groups of people, literature in specific forms other than
miscellaneous writings displaying specific features in 809.1–809.7; class literatures
of specific languages for and by groups of people in 810–890. Class literary
examination of texts in which the real interest is in the subject of the texts with
the texts, e.g., literary examination of sacred books in order to reach conclusions
about meaning, structure, authorship, date 208; class history, description, critical
appraisal of more than two literatures in the same language with the literature of
that language, e.g., history of English, American, and Australian literatures in
English (more than one literary form) 820.9; class history, description, critical
appraisal of literatures in more than two languages from the same family with the
literature of that family, e.g., French, Italian, and Spanish literatures 840
See Manual at 808.8
.001–.007 Standard subdivisions
[.008–.009] Groups of people; history, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 809

.1–.7 Literature in specific forms other than miscellaneous writings

Add to base number 809 the numbers following 808 in 808.1–808.7, e.g.,
history, description, critical appraisal of poetry 809.1
Class theory, technique, history of literary criticism of specific literary forms
other than miscellaneous writings in 808.1–808.7
See Manual at 800: Literary criticism

810 Dewey Decimal Classification 810

> 810–890 Literatures of specific languages and

language families
Literature is classed by the language in which originally written
(Option: Class translations into a language requiring local emphasis with the
literature of that language)
Class here collections of texts from literatures of two languages; history,
description, critical appraisal of literatures of two languages
Unless there is a specific provision for a dialect, literature in a dialect is classed
with the literature of the basic language
Literature in a pidgin or creole is classed with the source language from which
more of its vocabulary comes than from its other source language(s)
The numbers used in this schedule for literatures of individual languages do not
necessarily correspond exactly with those in 420–490
Unless other instructions are given, class a work containing or discussing
literatures of two languages in 810–890 in the number coming first, e.g., a
collection of English and French texts 820.8 (not 840.8), but a collection of
classical Greek and Latin texts 880
Class texts by more than one author in more than two languages not from the
same language family in 808.8; class history, description, critical appraisal of
works by more than one author in more than two languages not from the same
language family in 809; class comprehensive works in 800

810 American literature in English

English-language literature of North America, South America, Hawaii, and
geographically associated islands
Class comprehensive works on American literature in English and English
literature in 820

.1–.9 Standard subdivisions; collections in more than one form; history,

description, critical appraisal of works in more than one form of
American literature in English
Add to base number 810 the numbers following —0 in notation 01–09 from
Table 3, e.g., a collection of American literature in English 810.8

> 811–818 Subdivisions for specific forms of American

literature in English
Except for modifications shown below, add to base number 81 as instructed at
beginning of Table 3, e.g., American poetry in English 811
Class comprehensive works in 810
(Option: Distinguish English-language literatures of specific countries by
initial letters, e.g., literature of Canada C810, of United States U810; or class
literatures not requiring local emphasis in 819)

811 American literature in English 811

811 American poetry in English

Number built according to instructions under 811–818 and at beginning of Table 3

812 American drama in English

Number built according to instructions under 811–818 and at beginning of Table 3

813 American fiction in English

Number built according to instructions under 811–818 and at beginning of Table 3

814 American essays in English

Number built according to instructions under 811–818 and at beginning of Table 3

815 American speeches in English

Number built according to instructions under 811–818 and at beginning of Table 3

816 American letters in English

Number built according to instructions under 811–818 and at beginning of Table 3

817 American humor and satire in English

Number built according to instructions under 811–818 and at beginning of Table 3

818 American miscellaneous writings in English

Number built according to instructions under 811–818 and at beginning of Table 3

(819) American literatures in English not requiring local emphasis

(Optional number; prefer 810 for all American literatures in English)
Including Canada; United States; Mexico; Central America; West Indies (Antilles)
and Bermuda; South America
Class here English-language literatures of specific American countries other than
the country requiring local emphasis, e.g., libraries emphasizing United States
literature may class here Canadian literature, and libraries emphasizing Canadian
literature may class here United States literature

820 English and Old English (Anglo-Saxon) literatures

Subdivisions are added for English literature alone
For American literature in English, see 810

.1–.9 Standard subdivisions; collections in more than one form; history,

description, critical appraisal of works in more than one form of
English literature
Add to base number 820 the numbers following —0 in notation 01–09 from
Table 3, e.g., a collection of English literature 820.8

821 Dewey Decimal Classification 821

> 821–828 Subdivisions for specific forms of English

Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to base number 82
as instructed at beginning of Table 3, e.g., English poetry 821
Class comprehensive works in 820
(Option: Distinguish English-language literatures of specific countries by initial
letters, e.g., literature of England E820, of Ireland Ir820 [or, of all British Isles
B820], of Australia A820, of India In820; or class literatures not requiring local
emphasis in 828.99)

821 English poetry

Number built according to instructions under 821–828 and at beginning of Table 3

822 English drama

Number built according to instructions under 821–828 and at beginning of Table 3

.3 Drama of Elizabethan period, 1558–1625

Including William Shakespeare
Class poems in 821

823 English fiction

Number built according to instructions under 821–828 and at beginning of Table 3

824 English essays

Number built according to instructions under 821–828 and at beginning of Table 3

825 English speeches

Number built according to instructions under 821–828 and at beginning of Table 3

826 English letters

Number built according to instructions under 821–828 and at beginning of Table 3

827 English humor and satire

Number built according to instructions under 821–828 and at beginning of Table 3

828 English miscellaneous writings

Number built according to instructions under 821–828 and at beginning of Table 3

828 English and Old English (Anglo-Saxon) literatures 828

(.99) English-language literatures not requiring local emphasis

(Optional number; prefer 820 for all non-American English-language
Including Scotland and Ireland; England and Wales; New Zealand,
Australia, India, South Africa; other parts of the world
Class here English-language literatures of specific non-American countries
other than the country requiring local emphasis, e.g., libraries emphasizing
British literature may class here Australian, Indian, other literatures, and
libraries emphasizing Indian literature may class here British literature

829 Old English (Anglo-Saxon) literature

Including poetry; Caedmon; Beowulf; Cynewulf; prose literature
[.08–.09] Groups of people; history, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 829

830 German literature and literatures of related

Class here literatures of Germanic languages
For English and Old English (Anglo-Saxon) literatures, see 820
.01–.09 Standard subdivisions of literatures of Germanic languages
.1–.9 Standard subdivisions; collections in more than one form; history,
description, critical appraisal of works in more than one form of
German literature
Class here literature in Alsatian, Franconian, Pennsylvania Dutch (Pennsylvania
German), Swabian, Swiss-German dialects
Add to base number 830 the numbers following —0 in notation 01–09 from
Table 3, e.g., a collection of German literature 830.8
See also 839 for Yiddish (Judeo-German) literature, for low German
(Plattdeutsch) literature

> 831–838 Subdivisions for specific forms of German

Class here specific forms of literature in Alsatian, Franconian, Pennsylvania
Dutch (Pennsylvania German), Swabian, Swiss-German dialects
Add to base number 83 as instructed at beginning of Table 3, e.g., German
poetry 831
Class comprehensive works in 830
See also 839 for Yiddish (Judeo-German) literature, for low German
(Plattdeutsch) literature

831 German poetry

Number built according to instructions under 831–838 and at beginning of Table 3
832 Dewey Decimal Classification 832

832 German drama

Number built according to instructions under 831–838 and at beginning of Table 3

833 German fiction

Number built according to instructions under 831–838 and at beginning of Table 3

834 German essays

Number built according to instructions under 831–838 and at beginning of Table 3

835 German speeches

Number built according to instructions under 831–838 and at beginning of Table 3

836 German letters

Number built according to instructions under 831–838 and at beginning of Table 3

837 German humor and satire

Number built according to instructions under 831–838 and at beginning of Table 3

838 German miscellaneous writings

Number built according to instructions under 831–838 and at beginning of Table 3

839 Other Germanic literatures

Including Yiddish literature; Frisian literature, low German (Plattdeutsch)
literature; North Germanic literatures (Nordic literatures); comprehensive works
on East Scandinavian literatures, West Scandinavian literatures, modern West
Scandinavian literatures; comprehensive works on literatures of the Nordic
countries; Old Norse (Old Icelandic), Icelandic, Faroese literatures; East Germanic
For Finnic literatures, Sámi literatures, see 894

.3 Netherlandish literatures
Including Afrikaans literature
.31 *Dutch literature
Including Old Low Franconian literature
Class here Flemish literature

.7 *Swedish literature
.8 Danish and Norwegian literatures
.81 *Danish literature
Class Dano-Norwegian literature in 839.82
.82 *Norwegian literature
Class here Dano-Norwegian, New Norwegian, Bokmål, Landsmål, Riksmål
*Add to base number as instructed at beginning of Table 3
840 French literature and related literatures 840

840 French literature and literatures of related

Romance languages
Class here literatures of Romance languages
Class comprehensive works on literatures of Italic languages in 870
For literatures of Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican
languages, see 850; for literatures of Spanish, Portuguese, Galician languages,
see 860
.01–.09 Standard subdivisions of literatures of Romance languages
.1–.9 Standard subdivisions; collections in more than one form; history,
description, critical appraisal of works in more than one form of
French literature
Add to base number 840 the numbers following —0 in notation 01–09 from
Table 3, e.g., a collection of French literature 840.8
See also 849 for Occitan literature

> 841–848 Subdivisions for specific forms of French

Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to base number 84
as instructed at beginning of Table 3, e.g., French poetry 841
(Option: Distinguish French-language literatures of specific countries by initial
letters, e.g., literature of Canada C 840, of France F 840)
Class comprehensive works in 840
See also 849 for Occitan literature

841 French poetry

Number built according to instructions under 841–848 and at beginning of Table 3

842 French drama

Number built according to instructions under 841–848 and at beginning of Table 3

843 French fiction

Number built according to instructions under 841–848 and at beginning of Table 3

844 French essays

Number built according to instructions under 841–848 and at beginning of Table 3

845 French speeches

Number built according to instructions under 841–848 and at beginning of Table 3

846 French letters

Number built according to instructions under 841–848 and at beginning of Table 3

847 Dewey Decimal Classification 847

847 French humor and satire

Number built according to instructions under 841–848 and at beginning of Table 3

848 French miscellaneous writings

Number built according to instructions under 841–848 and at beginning of Table 3

849 Occitan, Catalan, Franco-Provençal literatures

Standard subdivisions are added for Occitan, Catalan, Franco-Provençal literatures
together, for Occitan literature alone
Including Langue d’oc literature; literature in Auvergnat, Gascon, Languedocien,
Limousin, Provençal dialects

850 Literatures of Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian,

Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican languages
Subdivisions are added for Italian literature alone
Class comprehensive works on literatures of Romance languages in 840; class
comprehensive works on literatures of Italic languages in 870

.1–.9 Standard subdivisions; collections in more than one form; history,

description, critical appraisal of works in more than one form of
Italian literature
Add to base number 850 the numbers following —0 in notation 01–09 from
Table 3, e.g., a collection of Italian literature 850.8

> 851–858 Subdivisions for specific forms of Italian

Add to base number 85 as instructed at beginning of Table 3, e.g., Italian poetry
Class comprehensive works in 850

851 Italian poetry

Number built according to instructions under 851–858 and at beginning of Table 3

852 Italian drama

Number built according to instructions under 851–858 and at beginning of Table 3

853 Italian fiction

Number built according to instructions under 851–858 and at beginning of Table 3

854 Italian essays

Number built according to instructions under 851–858 and at beginning of Table 3

855 Italian speeches

Number built according to instructions under 851–858 and at beginning of Table 3

856 Italian, Dalmatian, Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican literatures 856

856 Italian letters

Number built according to instructions under 851–858 and at beginning of Table 3

857 Italian humor and satire

Number built according to instructions under 851–858 and at beginning of Table 3

858 Italian miscellaneous writings

Number built according to instructions under 851–858 and at beginning of Table 3

859 Literatures of Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian, Corsican

Standard subdivisions are added for literatures of Romanian, Rhaetian, Sardinian,
Corsican languages together, for Romanian literature alone

860 Literatures of Spanish, Portuguese, Galician

Class comprehensive works on literatures of Romance languages in 840
.01–.09 Standard subdivisions of literatures of Spanish, Portuguese, Galician
.1–.9 Standard subdivisions; collections in more than one form; history,
description, critical appraisal of works in more than one form of
Spanish literature
Class here Judeo-Spanish (Ladino), Papiamento literature
Add to base number 860 the numbers following —0 in notation 01–09 from
Table 3, e.g., a collection of Spanish literature 860.8
See also 849 for Catalan literature

> 861–868 Subdivisions for specific forms of Spanish

Class here specific forms of Judeo-Spanish (Ladino), Papiamento literature
Except for modifications shown under specific entries, add to base number 86
as instructed at beginning of Table 3, e.g., Spanish poetry 861
Class comprehensive works in 860
See also 849 for Catalan literature
(Option: Distinguish Spanish-language literatures of specific countries by initial
letters, e.g., literature of Chile Ch860, of Colombia Co860, of Mexico M860
[or, of all American countries A860], of Spain S860)

861 Spanish poetry

Number built according to instructions under 861–868 and at beginning of Table 3

862 Dewey Decimal Classification 862

862 Spanish drama

Number built according to instructions under 861–868 and at beginning of Table 3

863 Spanish fiction

Number built according to instructions under 861–868 and at beginning of Table 3

864 Spanish essays

Number built according to instructions under 861–868 and at beginning of Table 3

865 Spanish speeches

Number built according to instructions under 861–868 and at beginning of Table 3

866 Spanish letters

Number built according to instructions under 861–868 and at beginning of Table 3

867 Spanish humor and satire

Number built according to instructions under 861–868 and at beginning of Table 3

868 Spanish miscellaneous writings

Number built according to instructions under 861–868 and at beginning of Table 3

869 Literatures of Portuguese and Galician languages

Including Galician literature; Gallegan literature
Add to base number 869 as instructed at beginning of Table 3, e.g., a collection of
Portuguese poetry 869.1008
Subdivisions are added for literature of Portuguese language alone
See also 860 for Papiamento literature

870 Latin literature and literatures of related Italic

Class here literatures of Italic languages
Class comprehensive works of or on literatures of classical (Greek and Latin)
languages in 880
For literatures of Romance languages, see 840
.01–.09 Standard subdivisions of literatures of Italic languages
.1–.9 Standard subdivisions; collections in more than one form; history,
description, critical appraisal of works in more than one form of Latin
Add to base number 870 the numbers following —0 in notation 01–09 from
Table 3, e.g., a collection of Latin literature 870.8

871 Latin literature and related literatures 871

> 871–878 Subdivisions for specific forms of Latin literature

Add to base number 87 as instructed at beginning of Table 3, e.g., Latin letters
876; however, observe the special interpretations of and exceptions to notation
from Table 3 that appear below, e.g., Latin epic poetry and fiction 873
Class comprehensive works in 870

871 Latin poetry

Number built according to instructions under 871–878 and at beginning of Table 3
For dramatic poetry, see 872; for epic poetry, see 873; for lyric poetry, see 874

872 Latin dramatic poetry and drama

Number built according to instructions under 871–878 and at beginning of Table 3
Subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading

873 Latin epic poetry and fiction

Number built according to instructions under 871–878 and at beginning of Table 3
Subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading

874 Latin lyric poetry

Number built according to instructions under 871–878 and at beginning of Table 3

875 Latin speeches

Number built according to instructions under 871–878 and at beginning of Table 3

876 Latin letters

Number built according to instructions under 871–878 and at beginning of Table 3

877 Latin humor and satire

Number built according to instructions under 871–878 and at beginning of Table 3

878 Latin miscellaneous writings

Number built according to instructions under 871–878 and at beginning of Table 3

879 Literatures of other Italic languages

Including Latinian literatures other than Latin; literatures of Sabellian languages;
Osco-Umbrian literatures

880 Classical Greek literature and literatures of related

Hellenic languages
Class here literatures of Hellenic languages, comprehensive works of or on
literatures of classical (Greek and Latin) languages
For Latin literature, see 870
.01–.09 Standard subdivisions of classical (Greek and Latin) literatures

880 Dewey Decimal Classification 880

.1–.9 Standard subdivisions; collections in more than one form; history,

description, critical appraisal of works in more than one form of
classical Greek literature
Add to base number 880 the numbers following —0 in notation 01–09 from
Table 3, e.g., a collection of Greek literature 880.8

> 881–888 Subdivisions for specific forms of classical Greek

Add to base number 88 as instructed at beginning of Table 3, e.g., a collection
of classical Greek speeches 885; however, observe the special interpretations of
and exceptions to notation from Table 3 that appear below, e.g., classical Greek
epic poetry and fiction 883
Class comprehensive works in 880

881 Classical Greek poetry

Number built according to instructions under 881–888 and at beginning of Table 3
For dramatic poetry, see 882; for epic poetry, see 883; for lyric poetry, see 884

882 Classical Greek dramatic poetry and drama

Number built according to instructions under 881–888 and at beginning of Table 3
Subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading

883 Classical Greek epic poetry and fiction

Number built according to instructions under 881–888 and at beginning of Table 3
Subdivisions are added for either or both topics in heading

884 Classical Greek lyric poetry

Number built according to instructions under 881–888 and at beginning of Table 3

885 Classical Greek speeches

Number built according to instructions under 881–888 and at beginning of Table 3

886 Classical Greek letters

Number built according to instructions under 881–888 and at beginning of Table 3

887 Classical Greek humor and satire

Number built according to instructions under 881–888 and at beginning of Table 3

888 Classical Greek miscellaneous writings

Number built according to instructions under 881–888 and at beginning of Table 3

889 *Modern Greek literature

Class here Katharevusa and Demotic literature
*Add to base number as instructed at beginning of Table 3
890 Literatures of other specific languages and language families 890

890 Literatures of other specific languages and language

Class texts by more than one author in more than two languages not from the same
language family in 808.8; class history, description, critical appraisal of works
by more than one author in more than two languages not from the same language
family in 809

891 East Indo-European and Celtic literatures
892 Afro-Asiatic literatures
893 Non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic literatures
894 Literatures of Altaic, Uralic, Hyperborean, Dravidian languages; literatures
of miscellaneous languages of south Asia
895 Literatures of East and Southeast Asia
896 African literatures
897 Literatures of North American native languages
898 Literatures of South American native languages
899 Literatures of non-Austronesian languages of Oceania, of Austronesian
languages, of miscellaneous languages

891 East Indo-European and Celtic literatures

Standard subdivisions are added for East Indo-European and Celtic literatures
together, for East Indo-European literatures alone
Including Indo-Iranian literatures; comprehensive works on Indo-Aryan literatures;
Sanskrit literature, Middle Indo-Aryan literatures, comprehensive works on Prakrit
literatures; Iranian literatures; Baltic and other East Indo-European literatures not
provided for below
Class modern Indo-Aryan literatures, modern Prakrit literatures in 891.4

.4 Modern Indo-Aryan literatures

Former heading: Modern Indic literatures
Including Sindhi and Lahnda literatures; Panjabi literature; Hindi literature
and related Western Hindi literatures; Bengali literature; Assamese, Bihari,
Oriya literatures; Marathi and Konkani literatures; Gujarati, Bhili, Rajasthani
literatures; Sinhalese-Maldivian literatures; Sinhalese (Sinahala) literature;
other Indo-Aryan literatures (e.g., literatures of east central zone of Indo-Aryan
languages [Eastern Hindi literatures], Nepali literature, Pahari literatures,
Romani literature, Dardic [Pisacha] literatures)
Class comprehensive works on Prakrit literatures in 891

.6 Celtic literatures
Including Gaulish; Irish Gaelic literature; Scottish Gaelic literature; Manx
literature; Welsh (Cymric) literature; Cornish literature; Breton literature

.7 Russian literature and related East Slavic literatures

Including Ukrainian and Belarusian literatures
Class here East Slavic literatures
Class comprehensive works on Slavic (Slavonic) literatures in 891.8

891 Dewey Decimal Classification 891

.700 1–.700 9 Standard subdivisions of East Slavic literatures

.701–.709 Standard subdivisions; collections in more than one form; history,
description, critical appraisal of works in more than one form of
Russian literature
Add to base number 891.70 the numbers following —0 in notation 01–09
from Table 3, e.g., a collection of Russian literature 891.708
.71–.78 Subdivisions for specific forms of Russian literature
Add to base number 891.7 as instructed at beginning of Table 3, e.g.,
Russian poetry 891.71

.8 Slavic (Slavonic) literatures

Including Bulgarian literature and related South Slavic literatures; Serbian
literature; Serbo-Croatian literature; comprehensive works on Serbian, Croatian,
Bosnian literatures; Slovenian literature; Polish literature and related West
Slavic literatures; Czech literature; literature in Moravian dialects; Slovak
literature; Wendish (Lusatian, Sorbian) literature; Polabian literature
Class here comprehensive works on literatures of Balto-Slavic languages
Class Baltic literatures in 891
For East Slavic literatures, see 891.7

892 Afro-Asiatic literatures

Including Akkadian (Assyro-Babylonian) literature; East Semitic literatures;
literatures in Assyrian, Babylonian dialects of Akkadian; Aramaic literatures;
Eastern Aramaic literatures; Syriac literature; Canaanite literatures; comprehensive
works on Canaanitic literatures; Ethiopian literatures; comprehensive works on
South Semitic literatures; South Arabian literatures
Class here Semitic literatures
Class Hebrew in 892.4
For non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic literatures, see 893

.4 *Hebrew literature
Class comprehensive works on Canaanitic literatures in 892

.7 Arabic and Maltese literatures

Class here classical Arabic literature, modern standard Arabic literature,
Judeo-Arabic literature; literatures of Arabic and Maltese languages
See also 892 for South Arabian literatures
[.708–.709] Groups of people; history, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 892.7

893 Non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic literatures

Including literatures of Egyptian language, Coptic language, Berber languages,
Cushitic and Omotic languages, Chadic languages
*Add to base number as instructed at beginning of Table 3
894 Literatures of other specific languages and language families 894

894 Literatures of Altaic, Uralic, Hyperborean, Dravidian

languages; literatures of miscellaneous languages of south
Including Samoyedic literatures; Finno-Ugric literatures; comprehensive works on
Uralic literatures, on Uralic and Yukaghir literatures
For Japanese literature, see 895.6; for Korean literature, see 895.7

.8 Dravidian literatures and literatures of miscellaneous languages of

south Asia
Literatures of miscellaneous languages of south Asia limited to Burushaski
Standard subdivisions are added for Dravidian literatures and literatures of
miscellaneous languages of south Asia together, for Dravidian literatures alone
Including South Dravidian literatures; literatures of the Dravida group; Central
Dravidian literatures; Brahui literature and related North Dravidian literatures
Class literatures of languages of south Asia closely related to languages of east
and southeast Asia in 895; class literatures of Indo-Iranian languages of south
Asia and comprehensive works on literatures of south Asia in 891

895 Literatures of East and Southeast Asia

Including Tibetan literature and related Tibeto-Burman literatures; Burmese
Class here Sino-Tibetan literatures
Here are classed literatures of South Asian languages closely related to the
languages of East and Southeast Asia
For literature of Austronesian languages of East and Southeast Asia, see 899

.1 *Chinese literature
.6 *Japanese literature
.7 *Korean literature
.9 Literatures of miscellaneous languages of southeast Asia; Munda
Literatures of miscellaneous languages of southeast Asia limited to literatures
of Kadai languages, Kam-Sui languages; Thai (Siamese) and related Tai
literatures; Viet-Muong, Austroasiatic, Hmong-Mien (Miao-Yao) literatures
Class here literatures of Daic languages
For literatures in Austronesian languages, see 899
*Add to base number as instructed at beginning of Table 3
896 Dewey Decimal Classification 896

896 African literatures

Including literatures of Khoisan languages, Niger-Congo languages, Nilo-Saharan
languages, Chari-Nile (Macrosudanic) languages
Class Afrikaans literature in 839.3; class Malagasy literature in 899. Class literature
in an African creole having a non-African primary source language with the source
language, e.g., Krio literature 820
For Ethiopian literatures, see 892; for non-Semitic Afro-Asiatic literatures, see

897 Literatures of North American native languages

Including literatures of Inuit, Yupik, Aleut, Na-Dene languages; literatures of
Algic and Muskogean languages; literatures of Algonquian languages; literatures
of Penutian, Mayan, Mixe-Zoque, Uto-Aztecan, Kiowa Tanoan languages;
literatures of Siouan, Iroquoian, Hokan, Chumash, Yuki languages; literatures of
Oto-Manguean, Chibchan languages of North America; literatures of Misumalpan
Class here comprehensive works on literatures of North and South American native
For literatures of South American native languages, see 898

898 Literatures of South American native languages

Including literatures of Chibchan and Barbacoan languages; Paez literature;
literatures of Quechuan, Aymaran, Tucanoan, Jivaroan, Tupí, Arawakan languages;
literatures of Carib, Macro-Gê, Nambiquaran, Panoan languages; literatures of
Araucanian, Alacalufan, Chon, Lule-Vilela, Mataco-Guaicuru languages
Class comprehensive works on literatures of North and South American native
languages in 897

899 Literatures of non-Austronesian languages of Oceania, of

Austronesian languages, of miscellaneous languages
Miscellaneous languages limited to Basque, Sumerian; Caucasian (Caucasic)
languages, sign languages, artificial languages
Including Malagasy literature; literatures of Polynesian languages; literatures of
Eastern Malayo-Polynesian languages


900 History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines

Class here social situations and conditions; general political history; military,
diplomatic, political, economic, social, welfare aspects of specific wars
Class interdisciplinary works on ancient world, on specific continents, countries,
localities in 930–990. Class history and geographic treatment of a specific subject
with the subject, plus notation 09 from Table 1, e.g., history and geographic
treatment of natural sciences 509, of economic situations and conditions 330.9, of
purely political situations and conditions 320.9, history of military science 355.009
See also 303.49 for future history (projected events other than travel)
See Manual at 900

900.1–.9 Standard subdivisions of history and geography
901–909 Standard subdivisions of history, collected accounts of events, world history
910 Geography and travel
920 Biography, genealogy, insignia
930 History of ancient world to ca. 499
940 History of Europe
950 History of Asia
960 History of Africa
970 History of North America
980 History of South America
990 History of Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic
islands, Antarctica, extraterrestrial worlds

.1–.9 Standard subdivisions of history and geography

901 Philosophy and theory of history
902 Miscellany of history
.2 Illustrations, models, miniatures
Do not use for maps, plans, diagrams; class in 911

903 Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances of history

904 Dewey Decimal Classification 904

904 Collected accounts of events

Including events of natural origin; events induced by human activity
Class here adventure
Class collections limited to a specific period, collections limited to a specific area
or region but not limited by continent, country, locality in 909; class travel in
910; class collections limited to a specific continent, country, locality in 930–990.
Class history of a specific kind of event with the event, e.g., geological history of
California earthquakes 551.2209794
See Manual at 900: Historical events vs. nonhistorical events

905 Serial publications of history

906 Organizations and management of history
907 Education, research, related topics of history
.2 Historical research
Including oral history
Class here interdisciplinary works on historical research [formerly 001.4], on
Class writing of history in 808.06. Class historians and historiographers who
specialize in specific historical periods of a specific area with the historical
period for the area studied, plus notation 092 from Table 1, e.g., biography
of a German historian who specializes in the French Revolutionary period
944.04092; class historians and historiographers who specialize in a specific
area with the area in 930–990, plus notation 0072 from table under 930–990,
e.g., the biography of a German who specializes in French history in general

908 History with respect to groups of people

[.9] Ethnic and national groups
Do not use; class in 909

909 History, geography, and auxiliary disciplines 909

909 World history

Civilization and events not limited by continent, country, locality
Including history with respect to ethnic and national groups; areas, regions, places
in general, not limited by continent, country, locality; interdisciplinary works on
areas, regions, places in general (other than landforms, oceans, seas); specific
historical periods to 1700
Class collected accounts of events not limited by period, area, region, subject in
904; class general historical periods in 909.07–909.08; class general biographies
limited to a specific historical period in 920.009; class general collections of
biography by areas, regions, places in general in 920.0091; class comprehensive
works on Middle Ages in 909.07; class interdisciplinary works on landforms,
oceans, seas in 551.4
For geography of and travel in areas, regions, places in general, see 910.91;
for historical periods through 5th century, see 930
See Manual at T1—092: Comprehensive biography: Public figures; also at
306 vs. 305, 909, 930–990; also at 324 vs. 320.5, 320.9, 909, 930–990; also
at 909, 930–990 vs. 320; also at 909, 930–990 vs. 320.4, 321, 321.09; also
at 909, 930–990 vs. 910; also at 920.008 vs. 305–306, 362; also at 920.009,
920.03–920.09 vs. 909, 909.7–909.8, 930–990; also at 930–990: Biography
[.001–.008] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 901–908
[.009] History
Do not use for historiography; class in 907.2. Do not use for general
works on history; class in 909
[.009 1] Areas, regions, places in general
Do not use; class in 909
[.009 2] Biography
Do not use; class in 920
[.009 3–.009 9] Specific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds
Do not use; class in 930–990

> 909.07–909.08 General historical periods

Class here general histories covering three or more continents (or three or more
countries if not on the same continent)
Class specific historical periods to 1700, comprehensive works in 909; class
specific historical periods since 1700 in 909.7–909.8
For ancient history, see 930

909 Dewey Decimal Classification 909

.07 Ca. 500–1450/1500

Including comprehensive works on Crusades
Class here Middle Ages
Class history of a place during the period of the Crusades with the history of
the place, e.g., history of Europe during the period of Crusades 940.1
For comprehensive works on a specific Crusade, see the history of the
country or region in which most of the fighting took place, e.g., First
Crusade 956, Fourth Crusade 949.5
See also 940.1 for history of Europe during Middle Ages
.08 Modern history, 1450/1500–

> 909.7–909.8 Specific historical periods since 1700

Class specific historical periods to 1700, comprehensive works in 909; class
general historical periods in 909.07–909.08; class general biographies limited to
a specific historical period in 920.009
See Manual at T1—092: Comprehensive biography: Public figures; also at
920.009, 920.03–920.09 vs. 909, 909.7–909.8, 930–990; also at 930–990:

.7 18th century, 1700–1799

.8 1800–
.81 19th century, 1800–1899
Class here industrial revolution
.82 20th century, 1900–1999
For World War I, see 940.3; for World War II, see 940.53
.83 21st century, 2000–2099
See also 303.49 for futurology

910 Geography and travel 910

910 Geography and travel

Class here travel by private passenger automobile, travel by motor homes,
recreational vehicles, trailers [all formerly 796.7]; interdisciplinary works on
tourism, on travel
Class general works on civilization, other than accounts of travel, in 909; class
dictionaries and gazetteers of place names in 910.3; class physical geography of
specific continents, countries, localities in 913–919; class works on civilization,
other than accounts of travel, in ancient world and specific places in modern world
in 930–990. Class geographic treatment of a specific subject with the subject,
plus notation 09 from Table 1, e.g., geographic treatment of religion 200.9, of
geomorphology 551.4109; class physical geography of a specific geological feature
with the feature in 550, e.g., glaciers 551.31
For a specific aspect of tourism, see the aspect, e.g., tourist industry 338.4,
travel and tourism in Mexico 917
See Manual at 550 vs. 910; also at 578 vs. 304.2, 508, 910; also at 909,
930–990 vs. 910
(Option: Class primary textbooks on general geography in 372.89)

910.2–.9 Standard subdivisions, accounts of travel and facilities for travelers
911 Historical geography
912 Graphic representations of surface of earth and of extraterrestrial worlds
913–919 Geography of and travel in specific continents, countries, localities;
extraterrestrial worlds

(.1) Topical geography

(Optional number; prefer specific subject, e.g., economic geography
Do not use for philosophy and theory of geography and travel; class in 910
Add to base number 910.1 notation 001–899, e.g., economic geography
910.133; then add 0* and to the result add notation 1–9 from Table 2, e.g.,
economic geography of British Isles 910.133041

.2 Miscellany
Including world travel guides; guidebooks and tour books providing tourists
updated information about places in many areas of the globe: how to travel,
what to see, where to stay, how to plan a vacation
Class guides to areas, regions, places in general in 910.91; class guides to
specific continents, countries, localities in 913–919, plus notation 04 from table
under 913–919
.22 Illustrations, models, miniatures
Do not use for maps and plans; class in 912
*Add 00 for standard subdivisions; see instructions at beginning of Table 1
910 Dewey Decimal Classification 910

.25 Directories of persons and organizations

Class here city directories, telephone books
Class city directories, telephone books of a specific place in 913–919, plus
notation 0025 from table under 913–919
See also 910.46 for directories of facilities for travelers
See Manual at T1—025 vs. T1—029
.28 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
.285 Computer applications
Class here interdisciplinary works on geographic information systems
(GIS), global positioning systems (GPS), real-time locating systems
For an application of geographic information systems (GIS), global
positioning systems (GPS), or real-time locating systems (RTLS) to
a subject, see the subject, plus notation 0285 from Table 1, e.g., GIS
applications in mathematical geography 526.0285

.3 Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances, gazetteers

Class here works on place names systematically arranged for ready reference
Class historical material associated with place names in general in 909; class
discursive works on place names in 910; class historical material associated
with place names of specific places in 930–990

.4 Accounts of travel and facilities for travelers

Standard subdivisions are added for accounts of travel and facilities for travelers
together, for accounts of travel alone
Not geographically limited
Including trips around the world; ocean travel and seafaring adventures
Class water transportation safety in 363.12; class how to plan a cruise vacation
in 910.2; class travel in specific oceans in 910.9163–910.9167
For travel accounts that emphasize civilization of places visited, see 909; for
discovery and exploration, see 910.9. For ocean shipwrecks, see the location
of the wrecks in 910.9163–910.9167, e.g., sinking of Titanic 910.9163,
shipwrecks of Alaskan waters of the Pacific Ocean 910.9164; for inland
waterway shipwrecks, see the location of the wrecks in 913–919, plus
notation 04 from table under 913–919, e.g., shipwrecks of Mississippi River
See also 508 for scientific exploration and travel; also 910.2 for world travel

910 Geography and travel 910

.46 Facilities for travelers

Including resorts; park and safari lodges; bed and breakfast
accommodations; boarding and rooming houses; hostels; campsites;
recreation vehicle (RV), trailer camps
Class here directories of lodging for temporary residents; interdisciplinary
and descriptive works on lodging for temporary residents, hotels, inns,
Class trailer camps for long-term residents in 647.9; class travel by motor
homes, recreational vehicles, trailers in 910; class resorts, bed and breakfast
accommodations, hostels, campsites limited to specific continents, countries,
localities in 913–919, plus notation 06 from table under 913–919
For a specific kind of facility for travelers other than lodging, see the
kind of facility, e.g., transportation facilities 388, eating and drinking
places 647.95; for a specific aspect of lodging for temporary residents,
see the aspect, e.g., household management 647.94
[.460 25] Directories of persons and organizations
Do not use for general directories of persons and organizations;
class in 910.46. Do not use for directories of persons and
organizations limited to specific continents, countries, localities;
class in 913–919 plus notation 06 from table under 913–919
.460 9 History and biography
[.460 93–.460 99] Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use; class in 913–919 plus notation 06 from table under

.5–.8 Standard subdivisions

.9 History, geographic treatment, biography
Class here discovery, exploration, growth of geographic knowledge
.91 Geography of and travel in areas, regions, places in general
Class physical geography of areas, regions, places in general in 910; class
interdisciplinary works on landforms, oceans, seas in 551.4
.92 Geographers, travelers, explorers regardless of country of origin
.93–.99 Discovery and exploration by specific countries
Do not use for geography of and travel in specific continents, countries,
localities; extraterrestrial worlds; class in 913–919
Add to base number 910.9 notation 3–9 from Table 2 for the country
responsible, e.g., explorations by Great Britain 910.941
Class discovery and exploration by a specific country in areas, regions,
places in general in 910.91; class discovery and exploration by a specific
country in specific continents, countries, localities, extraterrestrial worlds
in 913–919, plus notation 04 from table under 913–919; class periods of
discovery and exploration in history in 930–990

911 Dewey Decimal Classification 911

911 Historical geography

Growth and changes in political divisions
Class here historical atlases
.09 History
[.091–.099] Geographic treatment and biography
Do not use; class in 911

912 Graphic representations of surface of earth and of

extraterrestrial worlds
Class here atlases, maps, charts, plans, road maps (highway maps)
Class map drawing in 526
For graphic representation of a specific subject other than geography, travel,
and roads, see the subject, plus notation 022 from Table 1, e.g., railroad atlases
.01 Philosophy and theory
Including map reading; orientation
Class orienteering in 796.58
.09 History and biography of maps and map making
[.091] Maps and map making of specific areas, regions, places in general
Do not use; class in 912
[.093–.099] Maps and map making of specific continents, countries, localities,
extraterrestrial worlds
Do not use; class in 912.3–912.9

.3–.9 Specific continents, countries, localities; extraterrestrial worlds

Class here land atlases of countries, tax maps that provide general descriptions
of assessed land and structures
Add to base number 912 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., maps of Illinois

913–919 Geography of and travel in specific continents, countries,

localities; extraterrestrial worlds
Class here comprehensive works on ancient and modern geography of and travel in
specific continents, countries, localities
Add to base number 91 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., geography of England
914.2; then add further as follows:
001 Philosophy and theory
Including discursive works on place names and their origin,
history, and meaning
Class dictionaries and gazetteers of place names in 003

913 Geography and travel 913

913–919 Geography of and travel in specific continents, countries,

localities; extraterrestrial worlds (continued)
002 Miscellany
0022 Illustrations, models, miniatures
Class maps, plans, diagrams in 912; class photographs
reflecting the civilization of places in 930–990
0025 Directories of persons and organizations
Class here city directories, telephone books
0028 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment,
00285 Computer applications
Class here geographic information systems (GIS), global
positioning systems (GPS), real-time locating systems
003 Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances, gazetteers
Class here works on place names systematically arranged for
ready reference
Class discursive works on place names in 001; class historical
material associated with place names in 930–990
005–008 Standard subdivisions
[009] History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use; class in 913–919 without adding from this table
04 Travel
Class here discovery, exploration; guidebooks
Class world travel guides in 910.2; class travel accounts that
emphasize the civilization of country visited in 930–990
For facilities for travelers, see 06
See Manual at 913–919: Add table: 04; also at 913–919 vs.
06 Facilities for travelers
Including resorts; park and safari lodges; bed and breakfast
accommodations; boarding and rooming houses; hostels; campsites;
recreation vehicle (RV), trailer camps; interdisciplinary and
descriptive works on lodging for campsites in specific continents,
countries, localities
Class here lodging for travelers; directories of facilities for
travelers; interdisciplinary and descriptive works on lodging for
temporary residents, hotels, motels, inns in specific continents,
countries, localities
Class trailer camps for long-term residents in 647
For a specific kind of facility for travelers other than lodging,
see the kind of facility, e.g., transportation facilities 388, eating
and drinking places 647.95; for a specific aspect of lodging for
temporary residents, see the aspect, e.g., household management
[06025] Directories of persons and organizations
Do not use; class in 06
Class historical geography in 911; class graphic representations in 912; class area
studies in 940–990; class comprehensive works, geography of and travel in more
than one continent in 910; class interdisciplinary works on geography and history
of ancient world, of specific continents, countries, localities in 930–990
See Manual at 913–919; also at 333.7–333.9 vs. 508, 913–919, 930–990

913 Geography of and travel in ancient world

Number built according to instructions under 913–919
914 Dewey Decimal Classification 914

914 Geography of and travel in Europe

Number built according to instructions under 913–919

915 Geography of and travel in Asia

Number built according to instructions under 913–919

916 Geography of and travel in Africa

Number built according to instructions under 913–919

917 Geography of and travel in North America

Number built according to instructions under 913–919

918 Geography of and travel in South America

Number built according to instructions under 913–919

919 Geography of and travel in Australasia, Pacific Ocean

islands, Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antarctica
and on extraterrestrial worlds
Number built according to instructions under 913–919
See Manual at 520 vs. 500.5, 523.1, 530.1, 919.9
.904 Travel on extraterrestrial worlds
Number built according to instructions under 913–919
Class here accounts of projected flights
See Manual at 629.43, 629.45 vs. 559.9, 919.904

920 Biography, genealogy, insignia

Class here autobiographies, diaries, reminiscences, correspondence; biography as a
Class biography of people associated with a specific subject with the subject, plus
notation 092 from Table 1, e.g., biography of chemists 540.92
(Option A: For biography of people associated with a specific subject, use
subdivisions identified by *
(Option B: Class individual biography in 92 or B; class collected biography in 92
or 920 undivided
(Option C: Class individual biography of men in 920.71; class individual biography
of women in 920.72)
See Manual at T1—092
.001–.002 Standard subdivisions of biography as a discipline
.003 Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances of biography as a
See also 920.02 for biographical dictionaries
.005–.007 Standard subdivisions of biography as a discipline
920 Biography, genealogy, insignia 920

.008 Biography as a discipline with respect to groups of people; general

collections of biography by groups of people with specific attributes
See Manual at 920.008 vs. 305–306, 362
[.008 1] People by gender or sex
Do not use; class in 920.7
[.008 2] Women
Do not use; class in 920.72
[.008 8] Occupational and religious groups
Do not use; class with the specific group plus notation 092 from Table
1, e.g., biography of Lutherans 284.1092
[.008 9] Ethnic and national groups
Do not use; class in 920.0092
.009 History and geographic treatment of biography as a discipline;
general collections of biography by period, region, group
Subdivisions are added for biography as a discipline, for general
collections of biography, or for both
See Manual at T1—092: Comprehensive biography: Public figures;
also at 920.009, 920.03–920.09 vs. 909, 909.7–909.8, 930–990; also
at 930–990: Biography
.009 2 Ethnic and national groups
Do not use for biography of biography as a discipline; class in 920
without subdivision
See Manual at 920.008 vs. 305–306, 362
.009 3–.009 9 Biography as a discipline by specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use for general collections of biography by specific continents,
countries, localities; class in 920.03–920.09
.02 General collections of biography
For a collection limited by period, place, group, or subject, see the
period, place, group, or subject, e.g., collections of biographies of people
resident in England 920.042, collections of biographies of scientists
[.020 3] Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
Do not use; class in 920.02
[.020 8] General collections of biography with respect to groups of people
Do not use; class in 920.008
[.020 81] People by gender or sex
Do not use; class in 920.7
[.020 82] Women
Do not use; class in 920.72
920 Dewey Decimal Classification 920

[.020 88] Occupational and religious groups

Do not use; class with the specific group plus notation 092 from
Table 1, e.g., biography of Lutherans 284.1092
[.020 89] Ethnic and national groups
Do not use; class in 920.0092
.03–.09 General collections of biography by specific continents, countries,
Not associated with a specific subject
Add to base number 920.0 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., collections of
biographies of persons resident in England 920.042
Class collections by gender or sex regardless of continent, country, locality
in 920.7
For collected biography of public figures who had a significant impact
upon general history of a specific continent, country, or locality, see the
history of the continent, country, or locality in 930–990, plus 009 from
table under 930–990, e.g., collected biography of kings and queens of
England 942.009
See Manual at T1—092: Comprehensive biography: Public figures;
also at 920.009, 920.03–920.09 vs. 909, 909.7–909.8, 930–990; also at
930–990: Biography

(.1) *Bibliographers
(.2) *Librarians and book collectors
(.3) *Encyclopedists
Class lexicographers in 924

(.4) *Publishers and booksellers

(.5) *Journalists and news commentators
.7 People by gender or sex
Class here individual biography of people not associated with a specific subject,
collected biography of people by gender or sex
Class general collections of biography in 920.02
For collected biography of transgender or intersex people, see 920.0086
(Option: Class here all individual biography; prefer specific subject, plus
notation 092 from Table 1, e.g., biography of a female scientist 509.2)
.71 Men
See Manual at 920.008 vs. 305–306, 362
.72 Women
See Manual at 920.008 vs. 305–306, 362
*(Optional number; prefer specific subject, as described under 920)
920 Biography, genealogy, insignia 920

(.9) *People associated with other subjects

Not provided for in 920.1–920.5, 921–928

(921) *Philosophers and psychologists

(922) *Religious leaders, thinkers, workers
(923) *People in social sciences
(924) *Philologists and lexicographers
(925) *Scientists
(926) *People in technology
See also 920.4 for booksellers

(927) *People in the arts and recreation

For people in literature, see 928

(928) *People in literature, history, biography, genealogy

Including historians, writers and critics of belles-lettres
See also 923 for explorers, geographers, pioneers

929 Genealogy, names, insignia

Including cemetery records

.1 Genealogy
For family histories, see 929.2; for sources, see 929.3
.102 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures
Do not use for apparatus, equipment, materials; class in 929.3
.107 2 Research
Class here the specific techniques and procedures involved in doing
genealogical research in a specific area
Class comprehensive works on genealogical research in 929.1
[.109 4–.109 9] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use; class in 929.1072
*(Optional number; prefer specific subject, as described under 920)
929 Dewey Decimal Classification 929

.2 Family histories
Class family histories emphasizing the contributions of the members of the
family to a specific occupation with the occupation, e.g., the Rothschilds as a
family of bankers 332.1092; class family histories of a prominent person that
emphasize the person’s life with the biography number for the person, e.g.,
forebears, family, and life of John Fitzgerald Kennedy 973.922
For royal houses, peerage, see 929.7
See Manual at 929.2
.202 8 Auxiliary techniques and procedures; apparatus, equipment, materials
Do not use for the techniques of compiling family histories; class in

.3 Genealogical sources
Standard subdivisions are added for miscellaneous collections and individual
Class here census records, court records, tax lists, wills
Use only for sources published by a genealogical organization or compiled by
a genealogist. Sources published or compiled by other agencies are normally
classed with the subject of the publication, e.g., United States population
census records 304.60973; however, if the source has been either enhanced or
rearranged to emphasize the genealogical content, the source is classed here,
e.g., United States population census records with name indexes added 929.373
Class cemetery records used as genealogical sources, epitaphs in 929; class how
to use sources in 929.1
[.309 3–.309 9] Specific continents, countries, localities
Do not use; class in 929.33–929.39
.33–.39 Specific continents, countries, localities
Regardless of form
Add to base number 929.3 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., sources from
New York 929.3747

.4 Personal names
Including surnames; forenames; lists of names for babies
See also 929.9 for names of houses, pets, ships

.6 Heraldry
Including crests
Class here armorial bearings, coats of arms
For royal houses, peerage, orders of knighthood, see 929.7

929 Biography, genealogy, insignia 929

.7 Royal houses, peerage, orders of knighthood

Class here rank, precedence, titles of honor; genealogies tracing or establishing
titles of honor; works emphasizing lineage or descent with respect to royalty or
the peerage; history and genealogy of royal families
Class Christian orders of knighthood in 255; class Christian orders of
knighthood in church history in 271; class histories of a royal family that
include general historical events or biographies of members of the royal family
in 930–990. Class family histories of a prominent person that emphasize the
person’s life with the biography number for the person, e.g., forebears, family,
and life of Winston Churchill 941.084092
[.709 41–.709 49] Specific countries of Europe
Do not use; class in 929.7

.8 Orders, decorations, autographs

Class autographs associated a specific subject with the subject, plus notation
075 from Table 1, e.g., American football autographs 796.332075
For armorial bearings, see 929.6

.9 Forms of insignia and identification

Including identification cards, motor vehicle registration plates, seals; flags
and banners; service marks and trademarks; names; interdisciplinary works on
onomastics (study of origin, history, use of proper names)
Class military use of flags and banners in 355.1; class etymology of names in
412; class seals with armorial bearings in 929.6. Class identification marks in
a specific subject with the subject, plus notation 02 from Table 1, e.g., airline
insignia 387.702; class a specific aspect of identification cards not provided for
here with the aspect, e.g., forgery of identification cards 364.16; class forms of
insignia and identification not provided for here with the form, e.g., coats of
arms 929.6
For place names, see 910; for personal names, see 929.4
See also 737 for artistic aspects of seals

930 Dewey Decimal Classification 930

> 930–990 History of specific continents, countries,

localities; extraterrestrial worlds
Civilization and events
Class here interdisciplinary works on geography and history of ancient world, of
specific continents, countries, localities
Add to base number 9 notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., general history of Europe
940, of England 942; then add further as follows:
001 Philosophy and theory
002 Miscellany
0022 Illustrations, models, miniatures
Do not use for historical atlases; class in 911
003–006 Standard subdivisions
007 Education, research, related topics
0072 Historical research
Class historians and historiographers specializing in
a specific historical period of a specific area with the
historical period for the area studied, plus notation 092
from Table 1, e.g., the biography of a Canadian historian
who specializes in United States Revolutionary War
See Manual at 930–990: Biography
008 Groups of people
[0089] Ethnic and national groups
Do not use for indigenous groups in a prehistoric period
that is set forth in the 930–990 schedules; class in 930–990
with the period e.g., Australian native peoples before
European settlement 994.01. Do not use for other groups;
class in 930–990 without adding from this table
009 Biography
Do not use for history and geographic treatment; class in
930–990 without adding from this table. Do not use for
individual biography; class in 930–990 without adding from
this table. Do not use for collected biography limited to a
specific period; class in 930–990 without adding from this
Class historians and historiographers in 0072; class
comprehensive works on collected biography of a specific
continent, country, or locality in 920.03–920.09
See Manual at T1—092: Comprehensive biography:
Public figures; also at 920.009, 920.03–920.09 vs. 909,
909.7–909.8, 930–990; also at 930–990: Biography
The schedules that follow do not enumerate all the countries and localities
that appear in Table 2; however, the foregoing instructions apply to history
of any place in notation 3–9 from Table 2, e.g., Malta in 20th century 945.8,
KwaZulu-Natal in 20th century 968.4

930 History of specific areas 930

> 930–990 History of specific continents, countries,

localities; extraterrestrial worlds (continued)
Class sociology of war in 303.6; class sociology of military institutions in
306.2; class social factors affecting war, social causes of war in 355.02; class
historical geography in 911; class geography of ancient world, of specific
continents, countries, localities in 913–919; class comprehensive works in 909
See Manual at 930–990; also at 306 vs. 305, 909, 930–990; also at 324
vs. 320.5, 320.9, 909, 930–990; also at 333.7–333.9 vs. 508, 913–919,
930–990; also at 909, 930–990 vs. 320; also at 909, 930–990 vs. 320.4, 321,
321.09; also at 909, 930–990 vs. 910; also at 930–990 vs. 355.009, 355–359

930 History of ancient world to ca. 499

.01–.09 Standard subdivisions
As modified under 930–990; however, for archaeology, see 930.1

.1 Archaeology
Study of past civilizations through discovery, collection, interpretation of
material remains
Including specific prehistoric ages (e.g., Paleolithic Age [Old Stone Age];
Mesolithic Age [Middle Stone Age]; Neolithic Age [New Stone Age]; Copper
Age and Bronze Age; Iron Age)
Class here early history to 4000 B.C.; prehistoric archaeology; interdisciplinary
works on archaeology
For industrial archaeology, see 609; for archaeology of specific oceans
and seas, see 909; for archaeology of continents, countries, localities
provided for in notation 3 from Table 2, see 931–939; for archaeology of
modern period, ancient and prehistoric archaeology of continents, countries,
localities not provided for in notation 3 from Table 2, see 940–990
See also 700 for artistic aspects of archaeological objects

> 931–939 Specific places

Class archaeology and history of specific oceans and seas in 909; class
archaeology and history of modern period, ancient and prehistoric archaeology
and history of continents, countries, localities not provided for in notation 3
from Table 2 in 940–990; class comprehensive works in 930

931 *China to 420

932 *Egypt to 640
933 *Palestine to 70
See also 220.9 for Biblical archaeology, history of Biblical events
*Add as instructed under 930–990
934 Dewey Decimal Classification 934

934 *South Asia to 647

Class here India to 647

935 *Mesopotamia to 637 and Iranian Plateau to 637

Including Upper Mesopotamian portion of Arabia Deserta to 637, Lower
Mesopotamian portion of Arabia Deserta to 637 [both formerly 939]
Subdivisions are added for Mesopotamia and Iranian Plateau together, for
Mesopotamia alone
For Persian Wars, see 938

936 *Europe north and west of Italian Peninsula to ca. 499

Including western Mediterranean region
Class here Europe, western Europe
For a specific part of ancient Europe not provided for here, see the part, e.g.,
Italy 937, Russia 947

.1 *British Isles to 410

Including Ireland from 410 to 433 [formerly 941.501], Northern Ireland from
410 to 433 [formerly 941.601], Republic of Ireland from 410 to 433 [formerly
For England to 410 and Wales to 410, see 936.2

.2 *England to 410 and Wales to 410

Subdivisions are added for England to 410 and Wales to 410 together, for
England to 410 alone

.3 *Germanic regions to 481

Including Hungary to ca. 640, Pannonia [both formerly 939]
For British Isles to 410, see 936.1
Scandinavia to 481 relocated to 936.8; Germanic regions in Netherlands to 481,
Germanic regions in Switzerland to 481 relocated to 936.9

.4 *Celtic regions to 486

For British Isles, see 936.1
Netherlands to 486, Belgium to 486, Luxembourg to 486, Switzerland to 486
relocated to 936.9

.6 *Iberian Peninsula to 415 and adjacent islands to 415

.8 *Scandinavia to 481 [formerly 936.3]
For Finland to 481, see 948.97
*Add as instructed under 930–990
936 History of ancient world to ca. 499 936

.9 *Netherlands to 486, Belgium to 486, Luxembourg to 486, Switzerland

to 486 [all formerly 936.4]
Including Germanic regions in Netherlands to 481, Germanic regions in
Switzerland to 481 [both formerly 936.3]

937 *Italian Peninsula to 476 and adjacent territories to 476

Class here Mediterranean region
Subdivisions are added for Italian Peninsula and adjacent territories together, for
Italian Peninsula alone
Corsica from 453 to 476 relocated to 944

938 *Greece to 323

Class here the Hellenistic World; eastern Mediterranean region; southern Europe

939 *Other parts of ancient world

Including Moldova to ca. 640 [formerly 947.6]
Class comprehensive works on the Sudan to 500 in 962.4
For Kyrgyzstan to ca. 640, see 958.43; for Kazakhstan to ca. 640, see 958.45
Hungary to ca. 640, Pannonia relocated to 936.3

.4 *Middle East to 640

Including Syria to 640, Phoenicia, Moab and Edom, Arabia Petraea, Arabian
Peninsula to 622
Class a specific part of Middle East not provided for here with the part, e.g.,
Egypt 932, Palestine 933
Upper Mesopotamian portion of Arabia Deserta to 637, Lower Mesopotamian
portion of Arabia Deserta to 637 relocated to 935; Arabia Deserta, 622–637
relocated to 953

> 940–990 History of specific continents, countries,

localities in modern world; extraterrestrial worlds
Class here area studies; comprehensive works on ancient and modern history of
specific continents, countries, localities
Class comprehensive works in 909. Class results of a war in and effects of a war
on a specific country with the history of the country, e.g., effect of Vietnamese
War on United States 973.923 (not 959.704)
For general history of ancient world, see 930

940 History of Europe

*Add as instructed under 930–990
940 Dewey Decimal Classification 940

940.01–.09 Standard subdivisions
.1–.5 [Historical periods]
941 British Isles
942 England and Wales
943 Germany and neighboring central European countries
944 France and Monaco
945 Italy, San Marino, Vatican City, Malta
946 Spain, Andorra, Gibraltar, Portugal
947 Russia and neighboring east European countries
948 Scandinavia
949 Other parts of Europe

.01–.09 Standard subdivisions

As modified under 930–990

.1 Early history to 1453

Including period of Crusades, 1096–1299
Class here Middle Ages, 476–1453
Class comprehensive works on Crusades in 909.07. Class comprehensive works
on a specific Crusade with the history of the country or region in which most of
the fighting took place, e.g., First Crusade 956
For ancient history to ca. 499, see 936

.2 1453–
Including Renaissance period, 1453–1517; Reformation period, 1517–1648;
Thirty Years’ War, 1618–1648; War of the League of Augsburg, 1688–1697;
War of the Spanish Succession, 1701–1714; War of the Austrian Succession
1740–1748; Seven Years’ War 1756–1763; Napoleonic Wars in specific
European countries, e.g., war in Spain (Peninsular War), 1807–1814
For World War I, see 940.3; for 1918 to present, see 940.5; for North
American aspects of War of the League of Augsburg, War of the Spanish
Succession, War of the Austrian Succession, Seven Years’ War, see 973.2

.3 World War I, 1914–1918

Including social, political, economic history; diplomatic history
For military history, see 940.4
.308 Groups of people
Do not use for noncombatants, pacifists, enemy sympathizers; class in
.308 9 Ethnic and national groups
Do not use for Armenian massacres, 1915–1916; class in 956.6
.309 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for participation of specific groups of countries; class in 940.3

940 History of Europe 940

[.309 4–.309 9] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world

Do not use; class in 940.3

.4 Military history of World War I

Including strategy; mobilization; ethnic minorities as troops; repressive
measures and atrocities; operations and units; land campaigns and battles;
air operations; naval operations; celebrations, commemorations, memorials;
prisoners of war; medical and social services; other military topics
Class Armenian massacres, 1915–1916, in 956.6
.400 1–.400 8 Standard subdivisions
.400 9 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for military campaigns; class in 940.4
.400 92 Biography
Do not use for personal narratives; class in 940.4
[.400 94–.400 99] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use for military participation of specific countries, land
operations; class in 940.4

.5 1918–
.53 World War II, 1939–1945
Including social, political, economic history; Holocaust; diplomatic history
Class here Sino-Japanese Conflict, 1937–1945
Class long-term welfare services to Holocaust survivors and their
descendants in 362.87; class prisoner-of-war camps, general works on forced
labor in 940.54
For war crime trials, see 341.6; for military history, see 940.54; for
Sino-Japanese Conflict during 1937–1941, see 951.04; for emigration of
Jews to Palestine as part of the history of Israel, see 956.94
.530 8 Groups of people
Do not use for noncombatants, pacifists, enemy sympathizers; class in
See also 940.53 for Holocaust
.530 86 People by miscellaneous social attributes
Use of this number for displaced persons discontinued; class in
.530 9 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for participation of specific groups of countries; class in
[.530 94–.530 99] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use; class in 940.53

940 Dewey Decimal Classification 940

.54 Military history of World War II

Including strategy; mobilization; ethnic minorities as troops; repressive
measures and atrocities; operations and units; campaigns and battles by
theater; air operations; naval operations; celebrations, commemorations,
memorials; prisoners of war (e.g., prisoner-of-war camps, prisoners
exchange); medical and social services (e.g., hospitals, relief and welfare
services, religious life and chaplain services)
Class concentration and related camps, Holocaust, forced labor as part of
Holocaust in 940.53; class Sino-Japanese Conflict during 1937–1941 in
.540 01–.540 08 Standard subdivisions
.540 09 History, geographic treatment, biography
Do not use for military campaigns; class in 940.54
.540 092 Biography
Do not use for personal narratives; class in 940.54
[.540 094–.540 099] Specific continents, countries, localities in modern world
Do not use for military participation of specific countries, land
operations; class in 940.54
.55 1945–1999
.56 2000–
941 *British Isles
Class here Great Britain, United Kingdom
See Manual at 941
.01 Early history to 1066
For ancient history to 410, see 936.1
.02–.05 Norman period through House of Tudor period, 1066–1603
Add to base number 941.0 the numbers following 942.0 in 942.02–942.05,
e.g., period of House of Tudor 941.05
.06 House of Stuart and Commonwealth periods, 1603–1714
Class Civil War in 942.06
.07 Period of House of Hanover, 1714–1837
.08 Period of Victoria and House of Windsor, 1837–
.081 Reign of Victoria, 1837–1901
Class here 19th century
For 1800–1837, see 941.07
*Add as instructed under 930–990
941 History of Europe 941

.082 1901–1999
For reign of George V, see 941.083; for 1936–1945, see 941.084; for
1945–1999, see 941.085
.083 Reign of George V, 1910–1936
.084 1936–1945
Class here reigns of Edward VIII, 1936, and George VI, 1936–1952;
period of World War II, 1939–1945
For reign of George VI during 1945–1952, see 941.085
.085 1945–1999
Class here reign of Elizabeth II, 1952 to present
For 2000 to present, see 941.086
.086 2000–
.1 *Scotland
For northeastern Scotland, see 941.2; for southeastern Scotland, see 941.3;
for southwestern Scotland, see 941.4
.101 Early history to 1057
Including 11th century
For ancient history to 410, see 936.1; for 1057–1099, see 941.102
.102 1057–1314
Including Battle of Bannockburn, 1314
.103 1314–1424
.104 Reigns of James I through James V, 1424–1542
.105 Reformation period, 1542–1603
Class here 16th century
For 1500–1542, see 941.104
.106–.108 Personal union with England to present, 1603–
Add to base number 941.10 the numbers following 941.0 in
941.06–941.08, e.g., reign of George V 941.1083

.5 *Ireland
.501 Early history to 1086
Including Battle of Clontarf, 1014
For ancient history to 433, see 936.1
410–433 relocated to 936.1
.502 1086–1171
*Add as instructed under 930–990
941 Dewey Decimal Classification 941

.503 Period under House of Plantagenet, 1171–1399

.504 Period under Houses of Lancaster and York, 1399–1485
.505 Period under House of Tudor, 1485–1603
.506 Period under House of Stuart, 1603–1691
.507 1691–1799
.508 1800–
.508 1 1800–1899
.508 2 1900–1999
.508 24 1970–1999
.508 3 2000–

.6 *Northern Ireland; Donegal, Monaghan, Cavan counties of Republic of

Subdivisions are added for Northern Ireland, Donegal, Monaghan, Cavan
counties together; for Northern Ireland alone
.601–.607 Early history to 1800
Add to base number 941.60 the numbers following 941.50 in
941.501–941.507, e.g., period under House of Tudor 941.605; however,
410–433 relocated from 941.601 to 936.1
.608 1800–
.608 1 1800–1899
.608 2 1900–1999
.608 24 1969–1999
.608 3 2000–

.7 *Republic of Ireland
For Leinster, see 941.8; for Munster, see 941.9
.701–.707 Early history to 1800
Add to base number 941.70 the numbers following 941.50 in
941.501–941.507, e.g., period under House of Tudor 941.705; however,
410–433 relocated from 941.701 to 936.1
.708 1800–
.708 1 1800–1899
.708 2 1900–1999
.708 24 1970–1999
.708 3 2000–
*Add as instructed under 930–990
942 History of Europe 942

942 *England and Wales

Subdivisions are added for England and Wales together, for England alone
See Manual at 941

> 942.01–942.08 Historical periods of England and Wales together, of

England alone
Class comprehensive works in 942
.01 Early history to 1066
For ancient history to 410, see 936.2
.02 Norman period, 1066–1154
Including Battle of Hastings, 1066
Class here 12th century
For 1154–1199, see 942.03
.03 Period of House of Plantagenet, 1154–1399
Class here medieval period
For 1066–1154, see 942.02; for 1399–1485, see 942.04
.04 Period of Houses of Lancaster and York, 1399–1485
Class here Wars of the Roses, 1455–1485
.05 Period of House of Tudor, 1485–1603
.06–.08 House of Stuart and Commonwealth periods to present, 1603–
Add to base number 942.0 the numbers following 941.0 in 941.06–941.08,
e.g., reign of Victoria 942.081

.9 *Wales
.901–.908 Historical periods
Add to base number 942.90 the numbers following 942.0 in
942.01–942.08, e.g., Wales during Wars of the Roses 942.904
*Add as instructed under 930–990
943 Dewey Decimal Classification 943

943 Germany and neighboring central European countries

Including East Germany, 1945–1990; German Democratic Republic, 1949–1990;
Holy Roman Empire
Class here central Europe
Class War of the Austrian Succession, comprehensive works on Thirty Years’ War,
on Seven Years’ War, on Napoleonic Wars in 940.2; class comprehensive works
on Merovingian dynasty in France and Germany, on Carolingian dynasty, on reign
of Charlemagne in France and Germany in 944
For ancient history to 481, see 936.3
Campaigns and battles of wars between France and Holy Roman Empire fought
outside of Italy, 1521–1599, relocated to 944; campaigns and battles of wars
between France and Holy Roman Empire fought in Italy, comprehensive works
on campaigns and battles of wars between France and Holy Roman Empire,
1521–1599, relocated to 945
.000 1–.000 9 Standard subdivisions of central Europe
As modified under 930–990
.001–.009 Standard subdivisions of Germany
As modified under 930–990
.08 Germany since 1866
.085 Period of Weimar Republic, 1918–1933
Including Revolution of 1918
.086 Period of Third Reich, 1933–1945
Class Holocaust in 940.53
.087 1945–1990
Class here 20th century; Federal Republic, 1949 to present;
comprehensive works on Federal and Democratic Republics
Class German Democratic Republic in 943; class 1900–1918 in 943.08
For period of Weimar Republic, see 943.085; for period of Third
Reich, 1933–1945, see 943.086; for 1990–1999, see 943.088
.088 1990–
.6 *Austria and Liechtenstein
Subdivisions are added for Austria and Liechtenstein together, for Austria alone
For ancient history to 476, see 936.3. For a specific part of the period of
House of Habsburg, see the part, e.g., period of House of Habsburg in Spain
.605 Austria since 1918
.7 *Czech Republic and Slovakia
*Add as instructed under 930–990
943 History of Europe 943

.703 1918–1992
Class here Czechoslovakia
For 1945–1992, see 943.704
.704 1945–1992
.705 1993–
Period of two sovereign nations
.71 *Czech Republic
.710 5 Period of Republic, 1993–
.73 *Slovakia
.730 5 Period of Slovak Republic, 1993–

.8 *Poland
.805 1939–
Class here 20th century
Class 1900–1939 in 943.8

.9 *Hungary
For ancient history to ca. 640, see 939
.905 1918–
944 *France and Monaco
Including campaigns and battles of wars between France and Holy Roman Empire
fought outside of Italy, 1521–1599 [formerly 943]; Corsica from 453 to 476
[formerly 937]
Subdivisions are added for France and Monaco together, for France alone
For ancient history of France to 486, see 936.4; for Merovingian dynasty in
Germany, Carolingian dynasty in Germany, see 943; for Carolingian dynasty in
Italy, see 945
French invasions of Italy, 1494–1559; French invasions of Italy during period of
House of Angoulême relocated to 945

> 944.04–944.08 France since 1789

Class comprehensive works in 944
.04 Revolutionary period, 1789–1804
.05 Period of First Empire, 1804–1815
Class here reign of Napoleon I, 1804–1814
Class Napoleonic Wars in 940.2
*Add as instructed under 930–990
944 Dewey Decimal Classification 944

.06 Period of Restoration, 1815–1848

Class here 19th century
For a specific part of 19th century not provided for here, see the part,
e.g., Second Empire 944.07
.07 Period of Second Republic and Second Empire (period of Napoleon
III), 1848–1870
.08 1870–
.081 Period of Third Republic, 1870–1945
Class here 20th century
For 1945–1958, see 944.082; for 1958–1999, see 944.083
.082 Period of Fourth Republic, 1945–1958
.083 Period of Fifth Republic, 1958–
For 2000 to present, see 944.084
.084 2000–
945 *Italy, San Marino, Vatican City, Malta
Including campaigns and battles of wars between France and Holy Roman
Empire fought in Italy, comprehensive works on campaigns and battles of wars
between France and Holy Roman Empire, 1521–1599 [both formerly 943]; French
invasions of Italy, 1494–1559; French invasions of Italy during period of House of
Angoulême [both formerly 944]
Subdivisions are added for Italy, San Marino, Vatican City, Malta together; for
Italy alone
Class comprehensive works on Carolingian dynasty in 944
For ancient history to 476, see 937
.09 Italy since 1900
.091 Reign of Victor Emmanuel III, 1900–1946
Including Fascist period, 1922–1943
Class here 20th century
For 1946–1999, see 945.092
.092 Period of Republic, 1946–
For 2000 to present, see 945.093
.093 2000–
946 Spain, Andorra, Gibraltar, Portugal
Class comprehensive works on Peninsular War in 940.2
For ancient history to 415, see 936.6
*Add as instructed under 930–990
946 History of Europe 946

.000 1–.000 9 Standard subdivisions of Spain, Andorra, Gibraltar, Portugal together

As modified under 930–990
.001–.009 Standard subdivisions of Spain
As modified under 930–990
.08 Spain since 1931
Class here 20th century
Class 1900–1931 in 946
.081 Period of Second Republic, 1931–1939
Class here Civil War, 1936–1939
.082 Period of Francisco Franco, 1939–1975
.083 Reign of Juan Carlos I, 1975–
.9 *Portugal
For ancient history to 415, see 936.6
.904 1910–
947 Russia and neighboring east European countries
Class here eastern Europe
Subdivisions are added for Russia and neighboring east European countries
together, for Russia alone
.000 1–.000 9 Standard subdivisions of eastern Europe
As modified under 930–990
.001–.009 Standard subdivisions of Russia
As modified under 930–990
.08 Russia since 1855
Including reign of Alexander II, 1855–1881; reign of Alexander III,
1881–1894; reign of Nicholas II, 1894–1917
Russo-Turkish war, 1877–1878 relocated to 949.6
.084 1917–1991
Class here 20th century; Communist period; comprehensive works on
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, 1923–1991
Class 1900–1917 in 947.08
For 1953–1991, see 947.085. For a specific part of Union of Soviet
Socialist Republics, see the part, e.g., Ukraine 947.708
.085 1953–1991
*Add as instructed under 930–990
947 Dewey Decimal Classification 947

.086 1991–
Class here comprehensive works on Commonwealth of Independent
States, 1991–
For a specific part of Commonwealth of Independent States, see the
part, e.g., Ukraine 947.7086

.5 *Caucasus
.54 *Azerbaijan
.540 8 1855–
.540 86 1991–
.56 *Armenia
Class comprehensive works on Armenia region in 956.6
.560 8 1855–
.560 86 1991–
.58 *Georgia
.580 8 1855–
.580 86 1991–

.6 *Moldova
Moldova to ca. 640 relocated to 939
.608 1855–
.608 6 1991–

.7 *Ukraine
.708 1855–
.708 6 1991–

.8 *Belarus
.808 1855–
.808 6 1991–

.9 *Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia

Class here Baltic States
.908 1855–
.908 6 1991–
.93 *Lithuania
.930 8 1855–
.930 86 1991–
*Add as instructed under 930–990
947 History of Europe 947

.96 *Latvia
.960 8 1855–
.960 86 1991–
.98 *Estonia
.980 8 1855–
.980 86 1991–

948 *Scandinavia
Class here northern Europe
For ancient history to 481, see 936.8
.06 1905–1999
.07 2000–
.1 *Norway
For ancient history to 481 of Norway, southeastern Norway, southwestern
Norway, central and northern Norway, see 936.8; for southeastern Norway,
see 948.2; for southwestern Norway, see 948.3; for central and northern
Norway, see 948.4
.104 1905–1999
.105 2000–
.5 *Sweden
For ancient history to 481 of Sweden, southern Sweden, central Sweden,
northern Sweden, see 936.8; for southern Sweden, see 948.6; for central
Sweden, see 948.7; for northern Sweden, see 948.8
.505 1905–1999
.506 2000–
.9 Denmark and Finland
For ancient history of Denmark to 481, see 936.8
.900 1–.900 9 Standard subdivisions of Denmark
As modified under 930–990

> 948.905–948.906 Denmark since 1906

.905 1906–1999
.906 2000–
.97 *Finland
.970 3 1917–
*Add as instructed under 930–990
949 Dewey Decimal Classification 949

949 Other parts of Europe

.1 *Northwestern islands
.12 *Iceland
.120 5 1904–1999
Including independence under Danish crown, 1918–1944; period of
Republic, 1944–1999
.120 6 2000–
Class here comprehensive works on period of Republic, 1944 to
For period of Republic, 1944–1999, see 949.1205

.2 *Netherlands
Class here comprehensive works on Low Countries, on Benelux countries
For ancient history to 486, see 936.9; for southern Low Countries, see 949.3
.207 1901–
.3 Belgium and Luxembourg
Subdivisions are added for Belgium and Luxembourg together, for Belgium
For ancient history to 486, see 936.9
.304 1909–
.35 *Luxembourg
For ancient history to 486, see 936.9
.350 4 1890–

.4 *Switzerland
For ancient history to 486, see 936.9
.407 1900–
.5 *Greece
Including Byzantine Empire; former Aegean Islands region; Crete region
For ancient history to 323, see 938; for ancient history of former Aegean
Islands region to 323, of Crete region to 323, see 939. For a specific part of
Byzantine Empire, see the part, e.g., Byzantine Empire in Egypt 932
.507 1830–
*Add as instructed under 930–990
949 History of Europe 949

.6 *Balkan Peninsula
Including Russo-Turkish war, 1877–1878 [formerly 947.08]
For ancient history to ca. 640, see 939
.605 1991–
.65 *Albania
For ancient history to 323, see 939
.650 3 1946–1992
Class here period of People’s Republic, 1946–1991; 20th century
Class 1900–1946 in 949.65
For 1992–1999, see 949.6504
.650 4 1992–

.7 *Serbia, Croatia, Slovenia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro,

For ancient history to ca. 640, see 939; for Balkan Wars, see 949.6
.702 Yugoslavia, 1918–1991
Class here comprehensive works on former Yugoslavia, 20th century
Class 1900–1918 in 949.7
For 1991–1999, see 949.703; for Yugoslavia (1991–2003), see
.703 Period as sovereign nations, 1991–
See also 949.7103 for Yugoslavia (1991–2003)
.71 *Serbia
For ancient history to ca. 640, see 939
.710 3 1991–
Including Yugoslavia (1991–2003), Serbia and Montenegro
Class Yugoslavia (1918–1991) in 949.702
For Montenegro, see 949.745
.72 *Croatia
For ancient history to ca. 640, see 939
.720 3 1991–
.73 *Slovenia
For ancient history to ca. 640, see 939
*Add as instructed under 930–990
949 Dewey Decimal Classification 949

.730 3 1991–
.74 *Bosnia and Hercegovina, Montenegro
For ancient history to ca. 640, see 939
.742 *Bosnia and Hercegovina
.742 03 1991–
.745 *Montenegro
Including period as part of Yugoslavia (1991–2003), Serbia and
Montenegro (2003–2006)
Class comprehensive works on Yugoslavia (1991–2003), on Serbia and
Montenegro (2003–2006) in 949.7103
For ancient history to ca. 640, see 939
.76 *Macedonia
For ancient history to ca. 640, see 939
.760 3 1991–

.8 *Romania
For ancient history to ca. 640, see 939; for Balkan Wars, see 949.6
.803 1947–
.9 *Bulgaria
For ancient history to ca. 640, see 939; for Balkan Wars, see 949.6
.903 1946–

950 History of Asia

950.01–.09 Standard subdivisions
.4 1905–
951 China and adjacent areas
952 Japan
953 Arabian Peninsula and adjacent areas
954 India and neighboring south Asian countries
955 Iran
956 Middle East (Near East)
957 Siberia (Asiatic Russia)
958 Central Asia
959 Southeast Asia

.01–.09 Standard subdivisions

As modified under 930–990

.4 1905–
*Add as instructed under 930–990
951 History of Asia 951

951 *China and adjacent areas

Subdivisions are added for China and adjacent areas together, for China alone
For ancient history to 420, see 931
.04 Period of Republic, 1912–1949
Class comprehensive works on Sino-Japanese Conflict, 1937–1945 in
.05 Period of People’s Republic, 1949–
Class here 20th century
Class 1900–1912 in 951
For 1912–1949, see 951.04; for 2000 to present, see 951.06
.06 2000–
.2 *Southeastern China and adjacent areas
.249 *Taiwan (Formosa) and adjacent islands
.249 05 Period of Republic of China (Nationalist China), 1945–
Including 20th century
Class 1900–1945 in 951.249
.25 *Hong Kong
.250 5 1945–1997
.250 6 Period as part of People’s Republic, 1997–

.9 *Korea
.904 1945–1999
Class here 20th century
Class 1900–1945 in 951.9
.905 2000–
.93 *North Korea (People’s Democratic Republic of Korea)
.930 4 1945–1994
Class here 20th century
Class 1900–1945 in 951.93
For 1994–1999, see 951.9305
.930 5 1994–
.95 *South Korea (Republic of Korea)
*Add as instructed under 930–990
951 Dewey Decimal Classification 951

.950 4 1945–1998
Class here 20th century
Class 1900–1945 in 951.95
For 1998–1999, see 951.9505
.950 5 1998–

952 *Japan
.03 1868–1945
Including Russo-Japanese War, 1904–1905
.04 1945–1999
.05 2000–
953 *Arabian Peninsula and adjacent areas
Including Arabia Deserta, 622–637 [formerly 939.4]
For ancient history to 622, see 939.4
.05 1926–
.3 *Yemen
For ancient history to 622, see 939.4
.305 1918–
Including Period as Republic of Yemen, 1990 to present
.32 *Northern Yemen
For ancient history to 622, see 939.4
.320 5 1918–
Including Yemen Arab Republic, 1962–1990; period as part of
Republic of Yemen, 1990 to present
.35 *Southern Yemen
For ancient history to 622, see 939.4
.350 5 1967–
Including People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen, 1970–1990;
period as part of Republic of Yemen, 1990 to present

.6 *Persian Gulf States

For ancient history to 622, see 939.4
*Add as instructed under 930–990
953 History of Asia 953

.67 *Kuwait
Class Gulf Crisis and War, 1990–1991, in 956.7044
For ancient history to 622, see 939.4

.8 *Saudi Arabia
For ancient history to 622, see 939.4
.805 1926–
Class military operations in Saudi Arabia during Persian Gulf Crisis and
War, 1990–1991, in 956.7044

954 *India and neighboring south Asian countries

Class here south Asia
Subdivisions are added for India and neighboring south Asian countries together,
for India alone
For history of India to 647, see 934
.02 647–1785
For 600–647, see 934
.03 Period of British rule, 1785–1947
For governorship of Lord Clive, of Warren Hastings, see 954.02
.04 1947–1971
For prime ministership of Indira Gandhi during 1971–1977, see 954.05
.05 1971–
.9 Other jurisdictions
Class here Pakistan (West and East, 1947–1971)
.900 1–.900 9 Standard subdivisions of Pakistan (West and East, 1947–1971)
As modified under 930–990

> 954.902–954.905 Historical periods of Pakistan (West and East,

Class comprehensive works in 954.9
For ancient history to 647, see 934
.902 647–1785
.903 Period of British rule, 1785–1947
.904 1947–1971
.905 1971–
*Add as instructed under 930–990
954 Dewey Decimal Classification 954

.91 *Pakistan
.910 2 647–1785
For ancient history to 647, see 934
.910 3 Period of British rule, 1785–1947
.910 4 1947–1971
.910 5 1971–
For Indo-Pakistan War, 1971, see 954.9205
.92 *Bangladesh
.920 2 647–1785
For ancient history to 647, see 934
.920 3 Period of British rule, 1785–1947
.920 4 1947–1971
.920 5 1971–
Including Indo-Pakistan War, 1971
.93 *Sri Lanka
.930 3 1948–

955 *Iran
For early history to 637, see 935
.05 1906–2005
.06 2005–
956 *Middle East (Near East)
For ancient history to ca. 640, see 939.4
.04 1945–1980
Including Israel-Arab War, 1948–1949; Sinai Campaign, 1956; Israel-Arab
War, 1967 (Six Days’ War); Israel-Arab War, 1973 (Yom Kippur War)
Class here 20th century
Class 1900–1945 in 956
For 1980–1999, see 956.05
.05 1980–
Including Israel-Lebanon-Syria Conflict, 1982–1985

.1 *Turkey
For ancient history to ca. 640, see 939; for divisions of Turkey, see
*Add as instructed under 930–990
956 History of Asia 956

.103 1950–1999
.104 2000–
.4 *South central Turkey
For history of south central Turkey to 640, see 939

.6 *Eastern Turkey
Including comprehensive works on Armenia region
For history of eastern Turkey to 640, see 939.4; for country of Armenia, see

.7 *Iraq
For ancient history to 637, see 935
.704 1920–
.704 4 1979–
Including Persian Gulf Crisis and War, 1900–1991, Iraq-Kuwait
Crisis, 1990–1991, Persian Gulf War, 1991; Iraq War, 2003 to
present; period of occupation and reconstruction, 2003 to present
Class here administration of Saddam Hussein, 1979–2003

.9 *Syria, Lebanon, Cyprus, Israel, Jordan

.91 *Syria
For early history to ca. 640, see 939.4
.910 4 1920–
Class Israel-Arab War, 1948–1949, Israel-Arab War, 1967,
Israel-Arab War, 1973 in 956.04; class Israel-Lebanon-Syria Conflict,
1982–1985 in 956.05
.92 *Lebanon
For early history to ca. 640, see 939.4
.920 4 1926–
Class here 20th century
Including Civil War, 1975–1990; Lebanon War, 2006
Class Israel-Arab War, 1948–1949 in 956.04; class
Israel-Lebanon-Syria Conflict, 1982–1985 in 956.05; class
1900–1926 in 956.92
.93 *Cyprus
For ancient history to ca. 640, see 939
.930 4 1960–
*Add as instructed under 930–990
956 Dewey Decimal Classification 956

.94 *Palestine; Israel

For early history of Palestine to 70, early history of Israel to 70, see 933;
for early history of Edom to 70, see 939.4
See also 320.54095694 for Zionism; also 909 for world history of Jews
.940 5 1948–
Class here 20th century
Class Israel-Arab War, 1948–1949, Sinai Campaign, 1956,
Israel-Arab war, 1967, in 956.04; class Israel-Lebanon-Syria Conflict,
1982–1985 in 956.05; class 1900–1948 in 956.94
.95 *Jordan and West Bank
Subdivisions are added for Jordan and West Bank together, for Jordan alone
For early history to 70, see 933; for early history of Moab to 70, early
history of Petra to 70, see 939.4
.950 4 1923–
Class Israel-Arab War, 1948–1949, Israel-Arab War, 1967 in 956.04

957 *Siberia (Asiatic Russia)

.08 1855–
.086 1991–
958 *Central Asia
For early history to ca. 640, see 939

.1 *Afghanistan
For early history to ca. 640, see 939
.104 1919–
Including Afghan War, 2001 to present

.4 *Turkestan
For early history to ca. 640, see 939; for Turkmenistan, see 958.5; for
Tajikistan, see 958.6; for Uzbekistan, see 958.7
.408 1855–
.408 6 1991–

.5 *Turkmenistan
For early history to ca. 640, see 939
.508 1855–
.508 6 1991–
*Add as instructed under 930–990
958 History of Asia 958

.6 *Tajikistan
For early history to ca. 640, see 939
.608 1855–
.608 6 1991–

.7 *Uzbekistan
For early history to ca. 640, see 939
.708 1855–
.708 6 1991–

959 *Southeast Asia

.05 1900–
.1 *Myanmar
.105 1948–
.3 *Thailand
.304 1910–
.4 *Laos
.404 1949–
Class here 20th century
Class 1900–1949 in 959.4; class military operations in Laos during
Vietnamese War in 959.704

.5 *Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore

Subdivisions are added for Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore together; for Malaysia
.505 Period of federation, 1963–
Class here 20th century
Class 1900–1963 in 959.5
For 2003 to present, see 959.506
.506 2003–
.55 *Brunei
.550 5 1984–
.57 *Singapore
*Add as instructed under 930–990
959 Dewey Decimal Classification 959

.570 5 1963–
Class here 20th century; period as separate nation, 1965–
Class 1900–1963 in 959.57

.6 *Cambodia
.604 1949–
Class here 20th century
Class 1900–1949 in 959.6; class military operations in Cambodia during
Vietnamese War in 959.704

.7 *Vietnam
.704 1945–
Including comprehensive works on period of North Vietnam and South
Vietnam, 1954–1975; Indochinese War, 1946–1954; Vietnamese War,
Class here 20th century
Class 1900–1945 in 959.7

.8 *Indonesia and East Timor

Including Lesser Sunda Islands (Nusa Tenggara)
Subdivisions are added for Indonesia and East Timor together, for Indonesia

> 959.803–959.804 Historical periods for Indonesia and East Timor

together, for Indonesia alone
Class comprehensive works in 959.8
.803 1945–1998
Class here 20th century; period of Republic, 1950 to present
Class 1900–1945 in 959.8
For 1998 to present, see 959.804
Administration of B. J. Habibie, 1998–1999, relocated to 959.804
.804 1998–
Including administration of B. J. Habibie, 1998–1999 [formerly 959.803]
.87 *East Timor
.870 4 1999–
Class here period as Democratic Republic of East Timor, 2002–

.9 *Philippines
*Add as instructed under 930–990
959 History of Asia 959

.904 Period of Republic, 1946–

For 2001 to present, see 959.905
.905 2001–

960 History of Africa

960.01–.09 Standard subdivisions
.3 1885–
961 Tunisia and Libya
962 Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan
963 Ethiopia and Eritrea
964 Morocco, Ceuta, Melilla, Western Sahara, Canary Islands
965 Algeria
966 West Africa and offshore islands
967 Central Africa and offshore islands
968 Republic of South Africa and neighboring southern African countries
969 South Indian Ocean islands

.01–.09 Standard subdivisions

As modified under 930–990

.3 1885–
961 *Tunisia and Libya
Class here North Africa
For early history to ca. 640, see 939
.04 1950–1999
.05 2000–
.1 *Tunisia
For early history to 647, see 939
.105 1956–
.2 *Libya
For early history to 644, Cyrenaica to 642, Marmarica to 642, see 939
.204 1952–2011
Class here 20th century
Class 1900–1952 in 961.2
.205 2011–
962 Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan
For early history of Egypt to 640, see 932
*Add as instructed under 930–990
962 Dewey Decimal Classification 962

.000 1–.000 9 Standard subdivisions of Egypt, Sudan, South Sudan

As modified under 930–990
.001–.009 Standard subdivisions of Egypt
As modified under 930–990
.05 Egypt since 1922
Class Israel-Arab War, 1948–1949, Sinai Campaign, 1956, Israel-Arab War,
1967, Israel-Arab War, 1973 in 956.04

.4 *Sudan and South Sudan

Subdivisions are added for Sudan and South Sudan together, for Sudan alone
For Sudan, see 962.5–962.8; for South Sudan, see 962.9
.404 1956–
Including Civil War of 1955–1972

.9 *South Sudan
Class comprehensive works on Sudan and South Sudan in 962.4
.905 2011–
963 *Ethiopia and Eritrea
Subdivisions are added for Ethiopia and Eritrea together, for Ethiopia alone
.07 1974–
Including Somali-Ethiopian conflicts, 1978–1991
Class Somalia Civil War, 1991 to present, in 967.7305

.5 *Eritrea
.507 1952–
964 *Morocco, Ceuta, Melilla, Western Sahara, Canary Islands
Subdivisions are added for Morocco, Ceuta, Melilla, Western Sahara, Canary
Islands together; for Morocco alone
For early history of Morocco to 647, see 939
.05 Morocco since 1956
965 *Algeria
For early history to 647, see 939
.05 1962–
966 *West Africa and offshore islands
.03 1885–
*Add as instructed under 930–990
966 History of Africa 966

.1 *Mauritania
.105 1960–2005
.106 2005–
.2 *Mali, Burkina Faso, Niger
.203 1960–
.23 *Mali
.230 5 1960–
.25 *Burkina Faso
.250 5 1960–
.26 *Niger
.260 5 1960–

.3 *Senegal
.305 1960–
Including Confederation of Senegambia, 1982–1989
For Gambian part of Senegambia, see 966.5103

.4 *Sierra Leone
.404 1961–2007
Including Sierra Leone civil war, 1991–2002
.405 2007–
.5 *Gambia, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Cape Verde
.51 *Gambia
.510 3 1965–
Including period as a part of Senegambia, 1982–1989
Class comprehensive works on Senegambia in 966.305
.52 *Guinea
.520 5 1958–
.57 *Guinea-Bissau
.570 3 1974–
.58 *Cape Verde
.580 3 1975–

.6 *Liberia and Côte d’Ivoire

.62 *Liberia
*Add as instructed under 930–990
966 Dewey Decimal Classification 966

.620 3 1945–
Class here 20th century
Class 1900–1945 in 966.62
.68 *Côte d’Ivoire (Ivory Coast)
.680 5 1960–

.7 *Ghana
See also 966.1 for Ghana Empire
.705 1957–
.8 *Togo and Benin
.81 *Togo
.810 4 1960–
.83 *Benin
See also 966.9 for kingdom of Benin
.830 5 1960–

.9 *Nigeria
.905 1960–
967 *Central Africa and offshore islands
Class here Sub-Saharan Africa (Africa south of the Sahara)
For each specific part of Sub-Saharan Africa not provided for here, see the
part, e.g., Nigeria 966.9
.03 1885–
.1 *Cameroon, Sao Tome and Principe, Equatorial Guinea
Class here Islands of Gulf of Guinea, Lower Guinea area
.11 *Cameroon
.110 4 1960–
.15 *Sao Tome and Principe
.150 2 Period of Republic, 1975–
.18 *Equatorial Guinea
.180 3 1968–

.2 *Gabon and Republic of the Congo

.205 1959–
.21 *Gabon
*Add as instructed under 930–990
967 History of Africa 967

.210 4 1960–
.24 *Republic of the Congo
.240 5 1960–

.3 *Angola
.304 1975–
Including Angolan Civil War, 1975–2002

.4 *Central African Republic and Chad

.41 *Central African Republic
.410 5 1960–
.43 *Chad
Class Kanem-Bornu in 966.9
.430 4 1960–

.5 *Democratic Republic of the Congo, Rwanda, Burundi

.51 *Democratic Republic of the Congo
.510 3 1960–
Including period as Zaire, 1971–1997
.57 *Rwanda and Burundi
.570 4 1962–
.571 *Rwanda
.571 04 1962–
.572 *Burundi
.572 04 1962–

.6 *Uganda and Kenya

Class here East Africa
.604 1961–1999
.605 2000–
.61 *Uganda
.610 4 1962–
.62 *Kenya
.620 4 1963–

.7 *Djibouti and Somalia

Class here Somaliland
*Add as instructed under 930–990
967 Dewey Decimal Classification 967

.71 *Djibouti
.710 4 1977–
.73 *Somalia
.730 5 1960–
Including Civil War, 1991 to present
Class Somali-Ethiopian conflicts, 1978–1991, in 963.07

.8 *Tanzania
.804 Period as United Republic, 1964–
.9 *Mozambique
.905 1975–
968 Republic of South Africa and neighboring southern African
Class here southern Africa
.000 1–.000 9 Standard subdivisions of southern Africa
As modified under 930–990
.001–.009 Standard subdivisions of Republic of South Africa
As modified under 930–990

> 968.02–968.06 Historical periods of Republic of South Africa

Class comprehensive works in 968
.02 Early history to 1488
.03 Period of European exploration and settlement, 1488–1814
.04 1814–1910
.05 Period of Union, 1910–1961
Class here 20th century
For 1900–1910, see 968.04; for 1961–1999, see 968.06
.06 Period as Republic, 1961–
.8 *Namibia, Botswana, Lesotho, Swaziland
.803 1885–
.81 *Namibia
.810 3 South African period, 1915–1990
.810 4 1990–
*Add as instructed under 930–990
968 History of Africa 968

.83 *Botswana
.830 3 1966–
.85 *Lesotho
.850 3 1966–
.87 *Swaziland
.870 3 1968–

.9 *Zimbabwe, Zambia, Malawi

.904 1964–
.91 *Zimbabwe
.910 5 Period as Republic of Zimbabwe, 1980–
.94 *Zambia
.940 4 Period as Republic of Zambia, 1964–
.97 *Malawi
.970 4 1964–

969 *South Indian Ocean islands

.1 *Madagascar
.105 1960–

970 History of North America

970.001–.009 Standard subdivisions
.01–.05 Historical periods
971 Canada
972 Mexico, Central America, West Indies, Bermuda
973 United States
974–979 Specific states of United States

.001–.003 Standard subdivisions

.004 North American native peoples
Class history and civilization of North American native peoples in a
specific place with the place, e.g., Hopi in Arizona 979.1004
(Option: Class North American native peoples in North America in
970.1; class specific native peoples in 970.3)
[.004 01–.004 09] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 970.004
.005–.007 Standard subdivisions
*Add as instructed under 930–990
970 Dewey Decimal Classification 970

.008 Groups of people

[.008 9] Ethnic and national groups
Do not use for ethnic and national groups other than North American
native peoples; class in 970. Do not use for North American native
peoples; class in 970.004
.009 Biography
Description, critical appraisal, biography of persons associated with the
history of North America but limited to no specific period
Class historians and historiographers in 970; class persons of a specific
period in 970.01–970.05, plus notation 092 from Table 1

> 970.01–970.05 Historical periods

Class comprehensive works in 970
.01 Early history to 1599
.02 1600–1699
.03 1700–1799
.04 1800–1899
.05 1900–
.051 1900–1918
Class here period of World War I, 1914–1918
.052 1918–1945
Class here period of World War II, 1939–1945
.053 1945–1999
Class here 20th century
For 1900–1918, see 970.051; for 1918–1945, see 970.052
.054 2000–
(.1) North American native peoples
(Optional number; prefer 970.004)
Class special topics in 970.3–970.5

(.3) Specific native peoples

(Optional number; prefer 971–979, with use of subdivision 004 from table
under 971–979, e.g., the Hopi in Arizona 979.1004)
Arrange alphabetically by name of people
Class government relations with specific native peoples in 970.5

970 History of North America 970

(.4) Native peoples in specific places in North America

(Optional number; prefer 971–979, with use of subdivision 004 from table
under 971–979, e.g., native peoples in United States 973.04, in Arizona
Add to base number 970.4 the numbers following —7 in notation 71–79 from
Table 2, e.g., Indians in Arizona 970.491
Class specific native peoples in specific places in 970.3; class government
relations in specific places in 970.5

(.5) Government relations with North American native peoples

(Optional number; prefer 323.1197 for comprehensive works; a specific subject
with the subject, e.g., Black Hawk War 973.5)
History and policy

> 971–979 Countries and localities

Add to base number 97 the numbers following —7 in notation 71–79 from
Table 2, e.g., general history of Canada 971, of Quebec 971.4; then add further
as follows:
001 Philosophy and theory
002 Miscellany
0022 Illustrations, models, miniatures
Do not use for historical atlases; class in 911
003 Dictionaries, encyclopedias, concordances
004 North American native peoples
Class North American native peoples in a prehistoric period
that is set forth in the 971–979 schedules in 971–979 with
the period, e.g., Canadian native peoples before European
settlement 971.01; class North American native peoples
in a prehistoric period that is not set forth in the 971–979
schedules in 971–979 without adding from this table, e.g.,
native peoples of Quebec before European settlement 971.4,
native peoples of Mexico before European settlement 972
(Option: Class specific native peoples in 970.3, native
peoples in specific places in North America in 970.4)
[00401–00409] Standard subdivisions
Do not use; class in 004
005–006 Standard subdivisions
007 Education, research, related topics
0072 Historical research
Class historians and historiographers specializing in
a specific historical period of a specific area with the
historical period for the area studied, plus notation 092
from Table 1, e.g., the biography of a Canadian historian
who specializes in United States Revolutionary War

971 Dewey Decimal Classification 971

> 971–979 Countries and localities (continued)

008 History with respect to groups of people
[0089] Ethnic and national groups
Do not use for North American native peoples; class in
004. Do not use for ethnic and national groups other than
North American native peoples; class in 971–979 without
adding from this table
009 Biography
Do not use for history and geographic treatment; class in
971–979 without adding from this table. Do not use for
individual biography; class in 971–979 without adding from
this table. Do not use for collected biography limited to a
specific period; class in 971–979 without adding from this
Class historians and historiographers in 0072; class persons
of a specific period that is set forth in the 971–979 schedules
in 971–979 with the period, plus notation 092 from Table 1,
e.g., biographies of 20th-century prime ministers of Canada
971.06092; class persons of a specific period that is not set
forth in the 971–979 schedules in 971–979 without adding
from this table; class comprehensive works on collected
persons treatment of a specific continent, country, or locality
in 920.03–920.09
See Manual at T1—092: Comprehensive biography:
Public figures; also at 920.009, 920.03–920.09 vs. 909,
909.7–909.8, 930–990; also at 930–990: Biography
The schedules that follow do not enumerate all the countries and localities that
appear in Table 2; however, the foregoing instructions apply to history of any
place in notation 71–79 from Table 2, e.g., Nova Scotia in 20th century 971.6
Class comprehensive works in 970
See Manual at 306 vs. 305, 909, 930–990; also at 324 vs. 320.5, 320.9,
909, 930–990; also at 333.7–333.9 vs. 508, 913–919, 930–990; also at 909,
930–990 vs. 320; also at 909, 930–990 vs. 320.4, 321, 321.09; also at 909,
930–990 vs. 910; also at 930–990; also at 930–990 vs. 355.009, 355–359

971 †Canada
.01 Early history to 1763
Class North American aspects of War of the League of Augsburg, War of
the Spanish Succession, War of the Austrian Succession, Seven Years’ War
in 973.2; class comprehensive works on War of the League of Augsburg,
War of the Spanish Succession, War of the Austrian Succession, Seven
Years’ War in 940.2
(Option: Class here North American aspects of War of the League of
Augsburg, War of the Spanish Succession, War of the Austrian Succession,
Seven Years’ War; prefer 973.2)
Expulsion of Acadians, 1755 and 1758, relocated to 971.5
.02 Period of early British rule, 1763–1791

†Add as instructed under 971–979
971 History of North America 971

.03 Period of Upper and Lower Canada, 1791–1841

Class here 19th century
For 1841–1867, see 971.04; for 1867–1899, see 971.05
(Option: Class here War of 1812; prefer 973.5)
.04 Period of Province of Canada, 1841–1867
.05 Period of Dominion of Canada, 1867–
For Fenian activities during 1867–1871, see 971.04; for 1911–1999, see
971.06; for 2000 to present, see 971.07
.06 1911–1999
.061 1911–1921
.062 1921–1935
.063 1935–1957
.064 1957–1999
.07 2000–
.5 †Atlantic Provinces
Including Expulsion of Acadians, 1755 and 1758 [formerly 971.01]
Class here Maritime Provinces
For Nova Scotia, see 971.6; for Prince Edward Island, see 971.7; for
Newfoundland and Labrador, see 971.8

972 Mexico, Central America, West Indies, Bermuda

Class here Middle America
.000 1–.000 9 Standard subdivisions of Mexico, Central America, West Indies,
As modified under 971–979
.001–.009 Standard subdivisions of Mexico
As modified under 971–979
.08 Mexico since 1867

> 972.8–972.9 Other parts of Middle America

Class comprehensive works in 972

.8 †Central America
.805 1900–
.81 †Guatemala

†Add as instructed under 971–979
972 Dewey Decimal Classification 972

.810 5 1871–
.82 †Belize
.820 5 1981–
Use of this number for period as self-governing colony, 1964–1981,
discontinued; class in 972.82
.83 †Honduras
.830 5 1838–
.84 †El Salvador
.840 5 1859–
.85 †Nicaragua
.850 5 1893–
.86 †Costa Rica
.860 5 1948–
Class here 20th century
Class 1900–1948 in 972.86
.87 †Panama
.870 5 1903–

.9 †West Indies (Antilles) and Bermuda

Class here Caribbean Area
For a part of Caribbean Area not provided for here, see the part, e.g.,
Venezuela 987
.905 1902–
.91 †Cuba
For Spanish-American War, see 973.8
.910 6 1899–
Class here period of Republic, 1902 to present
For 2008 to present, see 972.9107
.910 7 2008–
.92 †Jamaica and Cayman Islands
Subdivisions are added for Jamaica and Cayman Islands together, for
Jamaica alone
.920 6 Jamaica since 1962
.93 †Dominican Republic
.930 5 1902–

†Add as instructed under 971–979
972 History of North America 972

.94 †Haiti
.940 7 1957–
.95 †Puerto Rico
.950 5 1900–
.98 †Windward and other southern islands
.983 †Trinidad and Tobago
.983 04 1962–

973 United States

For specific states, see 974–979
.01–.09 Standard subdivisions
As modified under 971–979

.1 Early history to 1607

.2 Colonial period, 1607–1775
Including King William’s War (North American aspects of War of the League
of Augsburg), 1688–1697; Queen Anne’s War (North American aspects of War
of the Spanish Succession), 1701–1714; King George’s War (North American
aspects of War of the Austrian Succession), 1740–1748; French and Indian War
(North American aspects of Seven Years’ War), 1756–1763
(Option: Class North American aspects of War of the League of Augsburg,
War of the Spanish Succession, War of the Austrian Succession, Seven
Years’ War in 971.01)
Class events of 1763–1775 as causes of American Revolution in 973.3; class
comprehensive works on War of the League of Augsburg, War of the Spanish
Succession, War of the Austrian Succession, Seven Years’ War in 940.2

.3 Periods of Revolution and Confederation, 1775–1789

Standard subdivisions are added for periods of Revolution and Confederation
together, for period of Revolution alone

.4 Constitutional period, 1789–1809

Including Tripolitan War, 1801–1805

.5 1809–1845
Including War of 1812; War with Algiers, 1815
(Option: Class War of 1812 in 971.03)
Class here 19th century
Class events of 1809–1845 as causes of Civil War in 973.7
For a specific part of 19th century not provided for here, see the part, e.g.,
Civil War 973.7

†Add as instructed under 971–979
973 Dewey Decimal Classification 973

.6 1845–1861
Including Mexican War, 1845–1848
Class events of 1845–1861 as causes of Civil War in 973.7
For Dred Scott decision, John Brown’s Raid, see 973.7

.7 Administration of Abraham Lincoln, 1861–1865

Class here Civil War
Class a result as a specific event with the event, e.g., Reconstruction 973.8
.708 Groups of people
Do not use for southern Union sympathizers, northern Confederate
sympathizers, class in 973.7
.709 History, geographic treatment, biography
.709 2 Biography
Do not use for personal narratives; class in 973.7

.8 Reconstruction period, 1865–1901

Including Spanish-American War, 1898

.9 1901–
.91 1901–1953
Class here 20th century
For 1900–1901, see 973.8; for 1953–1999, see 973.92
.917 Administration of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, 1933–1945
.918 Administration of Harry S Truman, 1945–1953
.92 1953–2001
.921 Administration of Dwight David Eisenhower, 1953–1961
.922 Administration of John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 1961–1963
.923 Administration of Lyndon Baines Johnson, 1963–1969
Class here period of Vietnamese War, 1961–1975
For 1961–1963 period of Vietnamese War, see 973.922; for
1969–1974 period of Vietnamese War, see 973.924; for 1974–1975
period of Vietnamese War, see 973.925
.924 Administration of Richard Milhous Nixon, 1969–1974
.925 Administration of Gerald Rudolph Ford, 1974–1977
.926 Administration of Jimmy (James Earl) Carter, 1977–1981
.927 Administration of Ronald Reagan, 1981–1989
.928 Administration of George Bush, 1989–1993
.929 Administration of Bill Clinton, 1993–2001
973 History of North America 973

.93 2001–
.931 Administration of George W. Bush, 2001–2009
.932 Administration of Barack Obama, 2009–
974–979 Specific states of United States
Add to base number 97 the numbers following —7 in notation 74–79 from Table 2,
e.g., Arizona 979.1; then add further as instructed under 971–979, e.g., Indians of
Arizona 979.1004
Class comprehensive works in 973
For Hawaii, see 996.9

974 †Northeastern United States (New England and Middle

Atlantic states)
Number built according to instructions under 974–979

975 †Southeastern United States (South Atlantic states)

Number built according to instructions under 974–979

976 †South central United States

Number built according to instructions under 974–979

977 †North central United States

Number built according to instructions under 974–979

978 †Western United States

Number built according to instructions under 974–979

979 †Great Basin and Pacific Slope region of United States

Number built according to instructions under 974–979

980 History of South America

Class here Latin America
For Middle America, see 972
.001–.009 Standard subdivisions
As modified under 930–990
.03 1830–1999
.04 2000–
981 *Brazil
*Add as instructed under 930–990

†Add as instructed under 971–979
981 Dewey Decimal Classification 981

.06 Period of Second Republic, 1930–

Class here 20th century
Class 1901–1930 in 981

982 *Argentina
.06 1910–1999
.07 1999–
983 *Chile
.06 Period of later republics, 1861–
984 *Bolivia
.05 1899–
985 *Peru
.06 1867–
986 *Colombia and Ecuador
.1 *Colombia
.106 1863–
Including comprehensive works on United States of Colombia
For Panama as part of United States of Colombia, see 972.87

.6 *Ecuador
.607 1896–
987 *Venezuela
.06 Period of Republic, 1830–
988 *Guiana
.03 1945–
Class here 20th century
Class 1901–1945 in 988

.1 *Guyana
.103 1945–
Class here 20th century
Class 1901–1945 in 988.1
*Add as instructed under 930–990
988 History of South America 988

.3 *Suriname
.303 1945–
Class here 20th century
Class 1901–1945 in 988.3

989 *Paraguay and Uruguay

.2 *Paraguay
.207 1902–
.5 *Uruguay
.506 1886–

990 History of Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands,

Atlantic Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antarctica,
extraterrestrial worlds
.01–.09 Standard subdivisions of Australasia, Pacific Ocean islands, Atlantic
Ocean islands, Arctic islands, Antarctica, extraterrestrial worlds
together; of Australasia alone; of Pacific Ocean islands alone
As modified under 930–990

[991] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 9

[992] [Unassigned]
Most recently used in Edition 9

993 *New Zealand

.01 Early history to 1840
Including history of Maori before European settlement, of European settlers
.02 Colonial period, 1840–1908
Class here 19th century
For 1800–1840, see 993.01
.03 1908–1999
Class here Dominion period, 1908–1947
.04 2000–
994 *Australia
.01 Early history to 1788
*Add as instructed under 930–990
994 Dewey Decimal Classification 994

.02 Period of settlement and growth, 1788–1851

Class here 19th century
For 1851–1899, see 994.03
.03 Period of development of self government, 1851–1901
.04 Period of Commonwealth, 1901–
Class here 20th century
For 1945–1966, see 994.05; for 1966–1999, see 994.06; for 2000 to
present, see 994.07
.05 1945–1966
.06 1966–1999
.07 2000–
995 *New Guinea and neighboring countries of Melanesia
Class here Oceania
Subdivisions are added for New Guinea and neighboring countries of Melanesia
together, for New Guinea alone
Class Polynesia in 996

.3 *Papua New Guinea

Including Territory of Papua and New Guinea, 1949–1975
Class here New Guinea region
For Papuan region, see 995.4; for Highlands region, see 995.6; for Momase
region, see 995.7; for Bismarck Archipelago, see 995.8; for North Solomons
Province, see 995.92
.305 Period of independence, 1975–
996 Polynesia and other Pacific Ocean islands
.001–.009 Standard subdivisions of Polynesia and other Pacific Ocean islands
together, of Polynesia alone
As modified under 930–990

.9 Hawaii and neighboring north central Pacific Ocean islands

.900 01–.900 09 Standard subdivisions of north central Pacific islands
As modified under 930–990
.900 1–.900 9 Standard subdivisions of Hawaii
As modified under 930–990
*Add as instructed under 930–990
997 History of other areas 997

997 *Atlantic Ocean islands

For each specific island or group of islands not provided for here, see the
island or group of islands, e.g., Azores 946.9

998 *Arctic islands and Antarctica

999 Extraterrestrial worlds
Class here extraterrestrial civilization, extraterrestrial intelligence, SETI (search for
extraterrestrial intelligence)
Do not add from table under 930–990
*Add as instructed under 930–990

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