Lab 6
Lab 6
Lab 6
Lab 6
Multisim Simulation for BJT
BJT (PNP) Characteristic
Name: ____________________________________________________________________ (50/______)
In this lab, the characteristics of Bipolar Junction Transistor (BJT (PNP) will be investigated. These
include the characteristic curves (CE- Common Emitter) for the BJT.
The bipolar junction transistor (BJT) can be modeled as a current controlled current source. The circuit
symbol and the pin out for the actual device can be seen in Figure 3-1.
These curves can be used to calculate the large signal current gain βDC (or hFE) and the
small signal current gain, βAC (or hfe). These values are in general calculated for a given
bias point ICQ, VCEQ using the following equations:
βAC = | ICQ - ICQ’ |/| IBQ- IBQ’|;
From this, one can see that a large signal gain depends only on the Q point and the small
signal gain depends only on small deviations around the Q point.
1) Transistor Common-Emitter Collector Characteristics (BJT_PNP with beta =100)
a) Connect the circuit shown in figure below.
b.3) Click the Output tab, select I(Q1[IC]), click Add to add it to Selected variable for
b.4) Click Simulate, a Grapher View window will pop up after simulation is complete,
showing the output we selected earlier, IC of Q1:
d) Plot the V-I characteristics with Ic on Y-axis and VCE on X-axis meaning obtaining different
IC for different values of IB.
To achieve this, just go back to the Analysis parameters tab, and check use source 2. Then set the start
with 0, stop with 0.0001 and increment with 2e-005 of the 2nd source, I1 in this case, as shown below:
The result is a family of IC-VCE curves for the specified base currents:
e) Calculate βDC and βAC for any VCQ from the curves.
(For the value of IBQ refer Figure 3.3)
The value of VCQ that you take from the graph. _____________.
Pick any two value for ICQ and corresponding IBQ for the VCQ that you take from the graph in above.
Compute change in ICQ = _______
Compute change in IBQ = _______
βDC = change in ICQ/ change in IBQ = ___________
d) The value of VCQ that you take from the graph. _____________.
e) βDC = ICQ/IBQ = ______________
f) Pick any two value for ICQ and corresponding IBQ for the VCQ that you take from the graph
in above.
g) Compute change in ICQ = _______
h) Compute change in IBQ = _______
i) βDC = change in ICQ/ change in IBQ = ___________
f) Calculate transconductance parameter gm.
k) Gm = ICQ/VT = __________. (Take VT = 26 mV)