MATH 21 - Differential Equations
MATH 21 - Differential Equations
MATH 21 - Differential Equations
This course covers differentiation and integration in solving first order, first degree differential
equations and solving linear differential equations of order n.
Week Course Outcomes Topics Assessment
1-2 Define differential equation. I. Definitions Lecture Seatwork
Problem Solving Assignment
Classify a DE as ordinary or a. Definitions and Board Work Quiz
partial DE, and linear or Classifications of
non-linear. Differential Equations
Identify the order and
degree of a DE. b. Order and Degree of
a DE
Determine the independent
variables, dependent c. Solution of a DE
variables and parameters of (General and
a DE. Particular)
3-5 Solve the different types of II. Solution of Some 1st Lecture Seatwork
1st order, 1st degree Order, 1st Degree DE Problem Solving Assignment
differential equations. Board Work Quiz
a. Variable Separable
b. Homogeneous
c. Exact Equations
d. Linear Equations
e. Equations Linear in a
f. Bernoulli’s Equation
b. Newton’s Law of
c. Mixing of Solutions
d. Electrical Circuits
9 Midterm Examination
10-11 Identify a linear DE IV. Linear DE of Order Lecture Seatwork
n Problem Solving Assignment
Apply the Wronskian Board Work Quiz
determinant to test for a. Standard Form of a
linear independence or Linear DE
linear dependence.
b. Linear Independence
Apply operations on of a Set of Functions
differential operators.
c. Differential Operators
Write a DE in differential
operator form. d. Differential Operator
Form of a Linear DE
a. General Solution
b. Auxiliary Equation
b. Method of
c. Variation of
18 Final Examination
1. Rainville, Earl D., Bedient, Phillip E, and Bedient, Richard E.; Elementary Differential
Equations, 8th Edition, 2002
2. Dela Fuente, Ruben A., et. al.; Simplified Differential Equations, 2014
3. Xie, Wei-Chau; Differential Equations for Engineers, 2010
4. Nagle, R. Kent, Saff, Edward B., and Snider, Arthur David; Fundamentals of Differential
Equations, 8th Edition, 2012