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A Two-Stage Online Prediction Method For A Blast Furnace Gas System and Its Application

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3, MAY 2011 507

A Two-Stage Online Prediction Method for a Blast

Furnace Gas System and Its Application
Jun Zhao, Wei Wang, Ying Liu, and Witold Pedrycz, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—The byproduct gas in steel industry is one of the most in order to reduce a negative environmental impact and improve
significant energy resources of an enterprise. Due to the large quan- the abilities to save energy while sustaining production safety.
tity of yield, fluctuation, and various categories of users encoun- Nowadays, in most of steel enterprises, the manual predic-
tered in a blast furnace gas (BFG) system, it is very difficult to ac-
curately predict the amount of gas to be generated and forecast the tion based on human experience is widely used in the evalua-
users’ consumption demand. In this paper, a two-stage online pre- tion of the BFG level. Since such generation is a highly com-
diction method based on an improved echo state network (ESN) is plex chemical process for which it very difficult to establish
proposed to realize forecasting in the BFG system. In this method, a sound model, along with the prediction realized by humans,
one completes the prediction realized at the levels of BFG genera- the prediction accuracy is largely influenced. Although some re-
tion and consumption using a class of ESN with input compensa-
tion and parameter optimization. At the second stage, to predict search on byproduct energy in steel corporations has been car-
gas holder level of the BFG system, the energy flows being pre- ried out, these studies were mainly focused on the optimal al-
dicted at the first stage are denoised, and their correlation with the location and planning of the byproduct. For instance, an op-
holder level are determined by using a concept of grey correlation timal assignment for gas balance was constructed in [2]. The
with time delay. Then the effect factors exhibiting high correlation authors proposed an adjustment mechanism based on mixed in-
levels are extracted to construct the model of the gas holder. The
prediction system designed in this manner is applied in the Energy teger linear programming (MILP), with intent of a reasonable
Center of Baosteel Co., Ltd, China. The results demonstrate that usage of the byproduct and reducing energy waste. The resulting
the prediction system exhibits high accuracy and can provide an solution was concerned with controlling the holder level through
effective guidance for balancing and scheduling of the byproduct punishing the situations of gas shortage or its surplus. A certain
energy. scheme of gas utilization of internal power plant based on the
Index Terms—Blast furnace gas (BFG) system, empirical mode MILP method was presented in [3]. The discussed application
decomposition (EMD) filtering, grey correlation, improved echo was implemented in Kawasaki Steel Corporation, where a re-
state network (ESN), time series prediction.
markable effectiveness of the scheme was reported. The MILP
model to produce an effective gas assignment for Tata Corpora-
I. INTRODUCTION tion, India, which considered the maximal production profit as
the objective was presented in [4]. The research being reported
so far was mainly concentrated on energy scheme concerning

T HE energy resource related prediction and control have

become a noticeable research field [1]–[4]. Blast furnace
gas (BFG) is a key byproduct in iron and steel production
a middle or long term planning, which exhibited a low demand
on the system dynamics and real time performance. The energy
management discussed in those papers might not be deemed ap-
process, which is also an important secondary fuel for coking, plicable in a general setting including the one encountered in
reheat furnace, power plant, heat treatment and others. The Baosteel of China. There are a number of different approaches.
reasonable utilization of BFG exhibits a direct relationship with A multi-period optimization of byproduct gas using a dynamic
the decrease of energy waste and production costs. In practice, programming augmented by some heuristics was discussed in
its level of generation as well as the consumption demand ex- [5]. A balance allocation method of byproduct gas using MILP
hibit significant and frequent fluctuations related to production was presented in [6] whose objective was to minimize the gas
states. Furthermore, the abrupt BFG surplus or its shortage diffusion, maintain the stability of gas holder, and maximize the
may easily lead to the energy waste or equipment breakdown fuel utility. However [5] and [6] brought only very limited con-
[2]. Therefore, a reliable prediction of BFG flow can provide a siderations as to the effect of users’ consumption on gas holder.
sound guidance as to the utilization and allocation of the energy After all, guaranteeing the production stability is the ultimate
goal to be satisfied. In addition, the models presented in those
Manuscript received March 15, 2010; accepted May 18, 2010. Manuscript papers were constructed on a basis of available precise predic-
received in final form May 24, 2010. Date of publication June 28, 2010; date of
current version April 15, 2011. Recommended by Associate Editor S.-L. Jámsá-
tion of the gas holder level; however such assumption about the
Jounela. This work was supported by the National High-Tech R&D Program of high quality of prediction is difficult to meet in practice.
China (2007AA04Z1A9). In the study on the integrated balance and optimization of
J. Zhao, W. Wang, and Y. Liu are with the Research Center of Information
and Control, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian 116023, China (e-mail:
energy system in Baosteel, China, we have found that it be-
zhaoj@dlut.edu.cn; wangwei@dlut.edu.cn; liuying8227@163.com). comes important to accurately predict the amounts of genera-
W. Pedrycz is with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, tion, consumption and storage of the byproduct. Once we be-
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2G7, Canada and also with Sys- come aware of the running trend of the energy system, the op-
tems Research Institute, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw 01-447, Poland
(e-mail: pedrycz@ee.ualberta.ca). timization methods such as MILP, mixed nonlinear program-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TCST.2010.2051545 ming, heuristics and knowledge—based approaches (such as,
1063-6536/$26.00 © 2010 IEEE

Fig. 1. Structure of the BFG system in steel industry.

e.g., expert systems), can be considered. In the current pro- This paper is organized as follows. In Section II, we describe
duction practice being encountered in large steel corporations the underlying practical problem. The prediction measure of the
around the world, the energy information management system BFG generators and users is presented in Section III. The corre-
has been widely established to accomplish functions such as lation analysis of the gas holder level is presented in Section IV,
data acquisition, monitoring, alarming, and generation of data where a concept of grey correlation is presented. In Section V,
statistics. However, with regard to estimation of flow amounts we offer a comprehensive suite of experiments while Section VI
of generation and consumption, any approximation based on presents conclusions resulting from the study.
human experience and being still quite commonly utilized, often
brings about a low accuracy of the resulting estimation. II. PROBLEM DESCRIPTION
In this paper, a prediction of a significant byproduct in steel The BFG system in steel industry is a complex multi-input
industry, the BFG, is studied. As we have already noted, this and multi-output system, which consists of blast furnaces, trans-
byproduct exhibits a large fluctuation; there are a large number portation networks and a series of energy users. Considering
of users, complicated pipeline networks, and a high diffusion Baosteel as an example, the structure of the BFG system is pre-
ratio. Since it is difficult to build a physical model, we con- sented in Fig. 1. Four blast furnaces viewed as the generation
sider here a prediction scheme based upon the use of time se- units can supply into the transportation network on average 1.8
ries. At the first stage, the amount of generated BFG and its re- million m BFG per hour, whose calorific power is about 3200
lated consumption demand of users are predicted, in which an KJ/Nm . The transportation system usually includes pipelines,
improved echo state network (ESN) is introduced as an under- mixing stations and pressure stations. The consumption users
lying model. The parameters of the ESN are optimized online by primarily consist of coking oven, hot rolling plant, cold rolling
making use of a step-variable method of the least mean squares plant, chemical products recovery (CPR), low pressure boiler,
(LMS). At the second stage, the trend of the BFG holder level and power plant. Since the hot blast stoves of blast furnace ex-
is forecasted based on the flow of units predicted in Stage I. pend quite a quantity of BFG, and be continuously switched,
We determine the correlation between the flow amount of gas the generation amount flowed into transportation will frequently
generators (or users) and the level of BFG holder by adopting fluctuate. In Baosteel, taking the overlapping of wave crests and
a grey correlation model. Then the BFG units (including gen- troughs into consideration, the variation of generation amount
erators and users) with high correlation values are selected to may reach 500 thousand m BFG per hour, which will exhibit a
engage in the holder level prediction. The application system drastic impact on the whole gas system. Although the gas holder
is developed and applied to the practice encountered in the En- can be treated as a buffer storage unit, its total capacity of only
ergy Center of Shanghai Baosteel. The results demonstrate that 300 000 m is hardly enough to completely respond to the vari-
the system realizing an online prediction, exhibits a significant ations present in the BFG system. Besides, there are often ab-
improvement compared with the previous approximation based normal conditions occurring in the production process such as
on worker’s experience, and as such it can provide a sound guid- blast reduction, user shutdown or equipment fault. Such circum-
ance for energy scheduling. stances also lead to the system imbalance.

Fig. 2. Overall structure of the ESN.

To maintain the system stability, the scheduling workers need DR is , and the output is
to timely judge about the trend of gas holder level according to . is the connection ma-
the generation amount and consumption demand of the BFG trix describing the relationships between the elements located
system, and subsequently adjust users’ demands (such as low in the input and DR. is the weight matrix of the neurons in
pressure boiler or power plant). If the flow amount cannot be DR. To provide proper memorization capabilities, is a sparse
precisely determined, unreasonable adjustment might occur, matrix whose connectivity level is 1%–5% and the spectral ra-
which will result in a waste of energy or an increase of produc- dius is less than 1. denotes the feedback weight matrix
tion costs. consisting of connections between the connecting output layer
and DR; denotes the output weight. The recursive relation
III. PREDICTION FOR SYSTEM UNIT BASED ON THE ESN governing the ESN is described as follows:
The generated amount of BFG exhibits a strong and highly
complicated relationship with the production plan of blast fur- (1)
naces, while the consumption flow of each user is determined
by the detailed practical scenario. For example, the consump-
tion amount of hot rolling is related to the steel grade of product, where is the activation function of the neurons in DR
discharge temperature, beam walking speed, equipment running and is the corresponding function for output layer. In the
status, etc. Depending on the large number of historical produc- process of building the ESN model, , , and are
tion data, time series-based prediction arises as a viable mod- determined during the initialization phase, and the matrix
eling alternative. is formed through the network learning, see [11].
A. ESN Prediction Based on Time Series B. An Improved Version of the ESN
We have witnessed a significant number of prediction models Although the parameters of the ESN such as , and
such as radial basis function neural networks [7], support vector may be initialized randomly in the phase of the network
machines [8], and recurrent neural networks [9], to name the design, we find that for the different modeling problem in in-
most representative examples. ESN is a class of recurrent neural dustry, the dynamics of ESN calls for quite different require-
network that exhibits several significant differences in compar- ments, which mainly depends not only on the spectral radius and
ison to some generic neural networks. Sound prediction capa- the sparsity level of , but the inputs of the network as well.
bilities of ESN when applied to some chaotic time series have Certainly, the expert experience can be employed to decide upon
been reported in [10]. the values of these parameters, but such approach might result
As illustrated in Fig. 2, the ESN consists of an input layer, in a low quality of the resulting prediction. A systematic method
dynamical reservoir (DR) and an output layer. The number of to select both input variables and the level of connectivity avail-
input units is equal to ; the number of neurons in the DR is able through a feedforward neural network with a single hidden
while the size of the output layer is equal to . At the th step, layer was presented in [12]. A successful industrial application
the input is , the states of of this method was reported in [13]. In this study, we consider

an improved version of the ESN to be used for prediction of activation function is specified as . In this case, the
various BFG units. We add a compensation signal to serve as a corresponding derivative reads as
certain input in order to eliminate the impact coming from input
noise. The corresponding recurrent expression reads as follows:
C. Unit Prediction
where is the input compensatory signal, and are the Using the improved version of the ESN, the prediction is re-
proportionality coefficients of the DR states and the output alized in the following fashion.
feedback, respectively. These parameters are optimized online
during the design of the model. To ensure the effectiveness of Step 1) Initiate the parameters of the ESN including
the learning, a step-variable LMS algorithm is used to optimize matrices of connections , , , set up
the parameters of the network. Here, the error and the an initial state of DR, , and the values of the
squared error are described as follows: parameters , , and .
Step 2) Input a training sample to update the DR using (3).
Step 3) Determine the states of DR, the sample input vector
and the output vector, and check whether the
requirement on the specified number of samples for
If we consider to be a linear activation function, then the
calculating has been satisfied. If so, calculate
optimization process can be realized as
using (2); otherwise go back to Step 2.
Step 4) Input a sample data, calculate the output using (2)
(5) and (3), and obtain the value of error .
Step 5) Calculate the gradient for each optimized
(6) parameters.
(7) Step 6) Calculate the current step length of the LMS by (6),
and update the parameter value with the use of (5)
and .
Expression (5) serves as an update rule for the three param- Step 7) Check the convergence of the learning process. If
eters of the network, where denotes , , and . The vari- the convergence has been achieved, go to Step 8;
able step update is realized by means of (6), where de- otherwise go to Step 4.
notes the length of the th step. Here and denote the cor- Step 8) The training has been completed. The prediction
responding coefficients. During the initial iterations, the step can be carried out using (2) and (3).
length is made fairly large, which promotes a rapid, yet quite
rough search to move to the most promising region of the search IV. UNIT SELECTION BASED ON A CONCEPT OF
space. In the sequel, this length is gradually decreased. Expres- GREY CORRELATION
sion (7) offers the computational details regarding , Gas holder level is an important index of the entire BFG
where . Combining (1) and (2), we obtain system whose trend reflects whether the amount of flow is in-
sufficient or excessive. Since the holder level is directly related
to the generation amount and user expenditures, we consider the
use of some correlation techniques to realize the prediction task.

A. Denoising Based on Empirical Mode

Decomposition (EMD)
Due to the complexity and fluctuations of the production
process as well as the occurrence of detection error, noise
is often associated with the detected flow data. If using the
original flow information to predict holder level, the accuracy
of the model could be negatively impacted. To alleviate this
(9) problem, we first denoise the predicted data based on an EMD,
and then construct the relationship between the flow amounts
of the BFG generators or users and the holder level.
The EMD was first presented by Huang [14] at NASA as a new
signal processing technique, which decomposes a multi-compo-
(10) nent signal into several single-component signals called intrinsic
mode functions (IMFs) by stepwise filtering to reflect their phys-
ical meaning. We can observe that when using the traditional
where (8)–(10) form the essence of the iterative optimization for EMD,whicheliminates small scale IMFsbeing regarded as noise,
. In this study, we assume that , and the it also tends to remove some useful information. In this study, we

employ the method presented in [15], which is concerned with where is the standardized increment of signal on time
adaptive denoising via the standard deviation of adjacent signals, , ;( 1, 2;
which still retains useful signals of small amplitude. ). and are the in-
crement correlation coefficient and the change rate correlation
Step 1) Determine all local maxima and minima of the coefficient, respectively.
signal, complete its cubic spline interpolation, and , and
calculate the average value of the envelope curve,
, then . Check whether is
an IMF. If not, repeat the above decomposition,
where the th step . Record otherwise.
the first IMF as . (13)
Step 2) Calculate . Take as the input
signal, repeat the above filtering process presented The value of the correlation coefficient may be positive or
in Step 1 until the remaining component is a negative depending on the sign of . When
monotonic function or less than a given value. the two signals have identical increments and change rates in a
Then IMFs and a remainder, , is expressed as certain time framework, then the correlation degree is equal to
. 1.
Step 3) Select the first IMFs to be filtered by the adaptive Making use of the proposed grey correlation, we can select
threshold , , where a suitable threshold of the correlation level for all the BFG
is the standard deviation of th scale signal. units, and choose those with high correlation (viz. exceeding
Step 4) Calculate the standard deviation of adjacent signal the threshold) to predict the gas holder level.
of the th one, . If , then use the low pass
Step 5) Reconstruct the denoised IMF and the non-processed
components to achieve the flow data of BFG A. Simulation Experiments
units for the holder level prediction. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed two-stage
approach and quantify its performance, we use the real-world
B. Grey Correlation Model With Time Delay data of May, 2009 obtained from Shanghai Baosteel. The sam-
pling interval of the time series is 1 min.
A large number of impact factors affecting the holder level
1) Stage I: Flow Prediction of BFG Generators or Users:
occur in the BFG system given a significant variability in the
We first apply the improved ESN to predict the flow amounts
generation and demand levels. If all these factors are used to
of BFG generators or users. As for those BFG units in general
form the relationship between the variables of interest, then
practice, their flow variation within one hour (60-min data) can
real-time ability of the model could be negatively affected. In
reflect the corresponding the dynamics characteristics of these
this paper, we quantify the contribution of the impact factors
production units. Thus, we set the input dimension of the im-
to the holder level online and select a few of these factors with
proved ESN is 60. The inputs used in this prediction problem
high correlation level. Additionally, due to the distribution of
are denoted as ,
gas pipeline network, the change of flow amounts of BFG units
where is the time series describing the value
may be reflected in the holder level after some time delay. To
of flow amounts. The 1-D output is . Several typical
address the problem, we propose using a concept of grey corre-
BFG units, including the BFG generator #1 blast furnace, the
lation with time delay.
users #1–2 coke oven, #1 hot rolling plant, and #1 cold rolling
Let us recall that the fundamental idea of grey correlation is to
plant, are taken as representative examples since they usually
quantify correlation by determining a proximity level of the cor-
exhibit a significant impact on the holder level. To set up a
responding data trend [16], [17]. The essentials of the concept
sound tradeoff between the dynamic memorization capacity of
are covered in the Appendix. Due to the large fluctuation and
the ESN and the real-time requirements of the application, the
the high time-variability present in the practical BFG system, it
number of nodes in the DR is set to 200 whereas the connec-
is not sufficient to determine the correlation only by the stan-
tivity of is set up to be 2%. In the adaptive LMS, the values
dardized increments of time series as this computing does not
of the parameters are selected by running some preliminary set
capture the effect of signal change rate (the comparative anal-
of experiments. As a result, the value of is set to 0.95; is set
ysis is presented the Appendix as well). To alleviate this short-
to 0.0005, and the initial step length is equal to 0.05. Although
coming, we introduce some extension of the grey correlation.
the variable-step LMS is relatively computationally demanding,
Given two time series, and
the prediction of all of BFG generators or users takes about 1–2
, the grey correlation for
min. Considering that the sampling interval of the time series
and with delay is defined as follows:
is 1 minute and the predicted time horizon is 60 min, the time
requirements for online prediction online can be fully satisfied.
We randomly choose a series of consecutive 2000 data as the
training data, and use the predictor built on their basis for the
(12) subsequent 60 min of data. The optimal normalized values of


Fig. 3. Prediction results of the typical BFG generator or users (a) generation amount of #1 blast furnace, (b) consumption amount of #1–2 coke oven, (c) con-
sumption amount of #1 hot rolling plant, (d) consumption amount of #1 cold rolling plant.

the parameters of the ESN obtained by the learning process are from scheduling workers (MAN); 2) radial basis function net-
listed in Table I. The prediction results are shown in Fig. 3; we work (RBF) reported in [7]; 3) support vector machine (SVM)
note here good prediction capabilities of the model. The max- coming from [8]; and 4) a “generic” ESN. The generic version
imal relative error is always less than 5% (on average), which is of the ESN can be regarded as a special case of the proposed
fully adequate from the practical perspective. ESN with fixed global parameters ( and ). We
To further contrast the advantages of the improved ESN, we randomly choose the flow data at Baosteel Co., Ltd. recorded
consider four other prediction methods when carrying out the for May 20, 2009 to carry out a comparative analysis. The re-
comparative analysis, which are: 1) manual estimation coming sults are reported in Fig. 4. Through a quick visual inspection,

(NRMSE) and mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) to quan-

tify the prediction quality

where is the number of predicted data point; is the pre-

dicted value; is the real data; denotes the variance of
the results. Going through the statistical analysis of the predic-
tion results, see Table II, it becomes apparent that the predic-
tion accuracy of the proposed method is definitely higher than
the accuracy reported when running the four other methods.
More specifically, the manual estimation based on the worker
experience gives only an approximate flow trend of the BFG
units. As anticipated, its prediction quality is the worst. The RBF
network, realizing a static input-output mapping, comes with a
large prediction error. The performance of the generic ESN (al-
though the network was able to avoid the local minima in its
training process), is negatively influenced by existing noise. On
the other hand, the proposed ESN model not only is less af-
fected by disturbances, but also adapts to the dynamics of dif-
ferent BFG units. Altogether this leads to the best prediction
In order to study the impact of the global parameters on the
performance of the network and further validate the effective-
ness of the proposed method, we also selected some units to
complete the prediction as shown in Table III. Here, 100 times
independent experiments were repeated for each unit. The
results indicate that the modified ESN yields higher prediction
accuracy than those provided by the generic version of the ESN.
As mentioned above, the improved ESN comes with better
generalization capabilities given a way it has been designed.
Note that the DR can effectively memorize the information
obtained from training sample and afterwards minimize the
training error via optimizing the output weights by linear re-
gression. This way of training helps avoid local minima, which
are quite common when designing neural networks. Secondly,
the optimized global parameters of the improved ESN are
suitable for different units, which make the ESN capable of
dealing with the dynamics of the objects.
2) Stage II—Prediction for Gas Holder Level: The flow
data of the BFG units are always negatively affected by var-
ious sources of noises. For a more accurate prediction of gas
holder level, we first handle the predicted results of the system
units at Stage I by running the denoising method based on the
EMD technique. Here the amount generated by the #2 blast
furnace is taken as an example. Fig. 5 illustrates the randomly
selected flow data of a continuous section of 500 min, which
Fig. 4. Comparison of prediction results produced by using four methods; see involves a high level of fluctuation. Using the EMD method,
the details in the text. (a) Generation amount of #1 blast furnace, (b) consump- 15 decomposed IMFs and remainder are obtained as shown in
tion demand of #1–2 coke oven, (c) consumption demand of #1 hot rolling, (d)
consumption demand of #1 cold rolling.
Fig. 6, where we denoise the first three IMFs using a low pass
filter, and reconstruct the signal, see Fig. 7. The obtained results
we conclude that the proposed ESN results in the best predic- indicate that the useful information residing in the predicted
tion performance. We use the normalized root mean square error flow data is well retained.



After removing noise, we determine the correlation between on the gas holder, named as impact factors, is 28; while the
BFG units and the holder level using the proposed grey corre- number of selected units with high correlation is 20, which has
lation model with time delay. The calculated correlation values been decreased by about 30% when the correlation model is
are listed in Table IV, where the time delay of each unit is de- used. Such operation largely reduces the complexity of the pre-
termined based on production experience expressed by experts diction model for the gas holder and makes the method more
in the Energy Center of Baosteel. It is apparent that the amount amenable to the online realization. As illustrated in Table III,
of the BFG generation has the highest correlation level with gas to the BFG generators that usually have a rapid flow variation, a
holders, and the units with a small amount of consumption or relatively large number of nodes in DR (200 nodes in this study)
positioned at a long distance from the gas holder have limited in- becomes necessary for improving the quality of prediction. Cer-
fluence on the holder level. We pick the BFG generators or users tainly, the corresponding computational consumption is consid-
whose correlation value is higher than 0.1 (those are marked by erable. While, considering the slow variation of the gas holder
rectangle in Table IV), as the input for gas holder level. As seen compared to the BFG generators or users, its number of nodes
from this table, the total number of the BFG units impacting in DR can be reduced as long as it can appropriately describes


To quantify the effectiveness of the proposed method, we

carry out some comparative studies including the same methods
as discussed at stage I: 1) manual estimation; 2) RBF network;
3) SVM; and 4) ESN without grey correlation analysis. The pre-
diction results as illustrated in Fig. 8 show that the ESN without
correlation analysis performs a little better than the RBF, but its
performance deteriorates over time. As somewhat expected, the
manual estimation exhibits the worst performance. In contrast,
the proposed prediction gives the best results both for #1 and #2
gas holders. The corresponding results are covered in Table V.

B. System Application
The developed application based on the proposed approach
has been successfully applied to the Energy Center of Baosteel.
We used C++ as the implementation language and the system
Fig. 5. Generation amount of #2 blast furnace. runs on an IBM P_SERIES server. The graphic user interfaces
are developed using Visual C# language, and the background
database using Oracle 10 g acquires the flow data of each unit via
the dynamics of the ESN, and enhance the training efficiency a real-time database called iHistorian available on the SCADA
of the ESN. Therefore, we experimentally select it being equal system. The original sampling interval of SCADA is 3 sec-
to 100, and the prediction results are completely acceptable and onds, which is too short for the required prediction task. We
fully meet the demands of industrial practice. pre-process the original data in advance to yield mean values

Fig. 6. Results of EMD for generation flow by #2 blast furnace.

The developed software system has been given a high evalua-

tion from the scheduling experts at Baosteel. Using this system,
the scheduling workers can precisely and timely forecast the
running circumstances of the BFG system of the entire enter-
prise, which provides a useful decision support platform to the
byproduct energy balance and scheduling.

In this paper, we proposed a trend prediction technique for
the BFG system in steel industry, which constitutes an effec-
tive attempt to solve the important online prediction for the flow
amounts of the BFG generators, users and gas holder. The ap-
proach uses the mechanisms of time series analysis and the con-
cept of grey correlation. The proposed model exhibits good per-
formance, which is visible not only in simulation studies but
Fig. 7. Reconstructed signal after EMD denoising. also in practical applications. The effectiveness of the system
run at Baosteel can greatly improve the energy prediction level,
as well as provide an effective guidance for the decision making
of the time series reported in successive 1-min time intervals. in energy utilization and scheduling.
Fig. 9 displays an overall structure of the application, in which On the other hand, some theoretical improvements related to
the human-machine coordination is adopted to further enhance the design presented in this paper deserve further studies. First,
the flexibility of the system. Fig. 10 offers a snapshot of the in- when developing the ESN model, the choice of the scale of DR,
terface: here the results of prediction are shown vis-à-vis the the level of connectivity, and the spectral radius were selected
practical data. The vertical line in the chart points at the current through intensive experimentation. While this is a practically
time moment. viable option, in the future it would be beneficial to carry out

Fig. 8. Prediction results of gas holder level by four methods: (a) #1 gas holder level and (b) #2 gas holder level.

some theoretical analysis that may lead to establishing some ap- information. One of the most well accepted representations is
proximate values (or ranges of parameters) of such parameters. a so-called “black box” paradigm, which stands for an object
For example, the method by Saxén and Pettersson [12] might be with its internal relations or structure totally unknown to the
considered here as a useful optimization alternative. Second, the investigator. We use the term “black” to represent unknown
iterative prediction applied in the proposed ESN, which might information, “white” for completely known information, and
lead to error accumulation when predicting over a longer time “grey” for the information which is only partially known.
horizon, may require more attention and further improvements. Accordingly, the systems of this nature are referred to as
grey systems, cf. [16]. With modeling based on the use of a
APPENDIX small amount of data, grey systems theory is concerned with
GREY CORRELATION MODEL problems of uncertainty due to small samples and/or poor and
The grey system theory is concerned with the study of incomplete information.
unascertained problems with few data and/or poor information. Grey correlation analysis comes as a part of this theory.
In control theory, the darkness of colors is commonly used to The essence of the underlying concept can be outlined
indicate the degree of clarity (transparency or availability) of as follows. Given are two sequences of data, a so-called


Fig. 9. Functional structure of the developed BFG prediction system.

reference series, ; and a grey correlation coefficient on time reads as follows:

series to be compared: . The
grey correlation degree of these two series denoted here by
, where
is the correlation coefficient associated with is expressed in (A.2)
the form where ; ( 1,
2; ), and
is the sign of the correlation coef-
ficient. When , then , which
means and have equal incremental direction at ;
namely, positive correlation. When ,
(A.1) and exhibit negative correlation.
A brief example serves here as an illustration.
where , and Consider four time series, where is the refer-
. The degree of grey correlation ence series, and – are the comparative se-
can be viewed as a certain similarity indicator of the ries: ,
pattern and . If , then exhibits ,
stronger resemblance to the reference than . , and .
Given that the calculations of the grey correlation might be Following the calculations presented above, we ob-
affected by some local minima or maxima of the sequence data, tain , and
a certain improvement had been proposed in [18]. Consider . Hence the value of the grey correlation
two time series, and sequence is .
, the grey correlation of the two se- In this paper, to highlight the applicability of the newly pro-
quences is , where is the posed grey correlation model in the setting of the BFG system of

Fig. 10. Typical software interface of the developed system.

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The authors would like to thank the Associate Editor and 2007.
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[15] Y. Liu, J. Zhao, W. Wang, Y. Wu, and W. Chen, “Improved echo state Research Fellow with the Department of Engineering Science, University
network based on data-driven and its application in prediction of blast of Oxford during 1998–1999. His research interest covers adaptive control,
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[17] L. Hsu and C. Wang, “Forecasting integrated circuit output using mul- Ying Liu received the B.S. and Ph.D. degrees from
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[18] Y. Dang, S. Liu, B. Liu, and C. Mi, “Improvement on degree of grey She currently holds a Post-Doctoral position with
slope incidence,” Eng. Sci., vol. 6, pp. 41–44, 2004. the Department of Control Science and Engineering,
Dalian University of Technology. Her research
Jun Zhao received the B.S. degree in control theory interest covers integrated production planning and
from Dalian Jiaotong University, Dalian, China, and scheduling, system simulation and modeling, intel-
the Ph.D. degree in engineering from Dalian Univer- ligent optimization and application, and artificial
sity of Technology, Dalian, China, in 2003 and 2008, neural network.
He is currently an Assistant Professor with the
Research Center of Information and Control, Dalian
University of Technology. His research interest Witold Pedrycz (M’88–SM’90–F’99) is a Professor
covers industrial production scheduling, computer and Canada Research Chair (CRC—Computational
integrated manufacturing, intelligent optimization, Intelligence) with the Department of Electrical
and machine learning. and Computer Engineering, University of Alberta,
Edmonton, AB, Canada. He is also with the Sys-
tems Research Institute of the Polish Academy
of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland. His main research
Wei Wang received the B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees directions involve computational Intelligence, fuzzy
from Northeastern University, Evanston, IL, in 1982, modeling and granular computing, knowledge
1986, and 1988, respectively, all in industrial automa- discovery and data mining, fuzzy control, pattern
tion. recognition, knowledge-based neural networks,
He is currently a Professor with the Research relational computing, and software engineering. He is also an author of 14
Center of Information and Control, Dalian Univer- research monographs covering various aspects of computational intelligence
sity of Technology, Dalian, China. Previously, he and software engineering.
was a post-doctor with the Division of Engineering Dr. Pedrycz is intensively involved in editorial activities. He is an Editor-in-
Cybernetics, Norwegian Science and Technology Chief of Information Sciences and Editor-in-Chief of IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON
University during 1990–1992, Professor and Vice SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS—PART A. He currently serves as an Asso-
Director of the National Engineering Research ciate Editor of IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS and a number of other
Center of Metallurgical Automation of China during 1995–1999, and a international journals.

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