Ks3 d2 PW Complete Answers
Ks3 d2 PW Complete Answers
Ks3 d2 PW Complete Answers
Unit 1 Answers
1.1 Prime factor decomposition
1 a 25, 5, 5
b 100 = 2 × 2 × 5 × 5
2 a 60 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 5
b 84 = 2 × 2 × 3 × 7
c 250 = 2 × 5 × 5 × 5
d 360 = 2 × 2 × 2 × 3 × 3 × 5
3 HCF = 24
LCM = 360
4 a 36
b 330
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
2 a
Prefix Letter Power Number Prefix Letter Power Number
12 –2
tera T 10 1 000 000 000 000 centi c 10 0.01
9 –3
giga G 10 1 000 000 000 milli m 10 0.001
6 –6
mega M 10 1 000 000 micro µ 10 0.000 001
3 –9
kilo k 10 1000 nano n 10 0.000 000 001
–1 –12
deci d 10 0.1 pico p 10 0.000 000 000 001
b i 1000 times
ii 1 000 000 times
iii 10 000 times
iv 10 000 000 times
3 a
Name of Diameter of planet (km) Average distance from Sun (km)
Earth 12 800 150 000 000
Mars 6 800 228 000 000
Jupiter 143 000 779 000 000
b Jupiter
c Mars
4 330 tonnes
5 0.0015 mm
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
1 Strengthen
Prime factors
3 4 4 3
1 a 7 ×5 ×2=2×5 ×7
5 2
b 3 × 11 × 13
4 3 2
c 2 × 5 × 7 × 11
2 a factor trees drawn
b i 660 = 2 × 3 × 5 × 11
ii 76 = 2 × 19
2 2
iii 468 = 2 × 3 × 13
3 a 8
b 15
4 a 160
b 180
Laws of indices
5 a 2
b 5
c 6
6 a 3
b 4
c 10
7 a 5
b 3
c 7
8 a 4
b 17
c 9
Powers of 10
9 a 4 700 000 km
b 530 000 nm
c 0.000 829 km
d 43 000 μm
Significant figures
10 a 4 tens
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
b 6 tenths
c 1 thousandth
d 5 thousands
11 a 5000
b 80
c 0.009
d 20 000
e 0.6
f 800 000
12 a 4300
b 2.46
c 0.38
d 0.0476
1 Extend
1 The number is 90.
2 2
The next possible prime factor after 2 × 3 × ... is 5, and 2 × 3 × 5 = 90.
The next possible prime factor after 5 is 7; this gives 126, which is more than 100.
2 3 cm
3 a i 2 ×5
2 2
ii 2 × 3 × 5
iii 2 × 3 × 5
b 20
c 1440
5 7
4 a 3 ×5
7 5
b 2 ×7
7 2 9
c 2 ×3 ×5
5 a 2
b 5
c 4
6 a 33
b 65
2 5 3
7 7340, 734 000 ÷ 10 , 0.0734 × 10 , 7 340 000 ÷ 10
8 a Populations: 23 300 000, 201 000 000, 56 100 000, 64 300 000
2 2 2 2
Areas: 7 690 000 km , 8 520 000 km , 130 000 km , 641 000 km
b Australia 3 people per km
Brazil 24 people per km
England 432 people per km
France 100 people per km
c i England
ii Australia
8 9 3 6 5 3
9 a 3 ×5 ,3 ×5 ,3 ×5
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
12 6 9 4
b 2 ×7 ,2 ×7
p+r q+s
10 a a ×b
p–r q–s
b a ×b
1 Unit test
1 a 2 ×5×7
3 2
b 2 ×3 ×7
2 a 7
b 5
c 10
d 3
3 a 28
b 2520
Prefix Letter Power Number
tera T 10 1 000 000 000 000
giga G 10 1 000 000 000
deci d 10 0.1
milli m 10 0.001
micro 10 0.000 001
nano n 10 0.000 000 001
5 a 36
b 24
6 a 480 000
b 0.05
c 52.56
d 4.96
7 a about 32 000
b about 80
8 A and E
B and F
C and D
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
Unit 2 Answers
2.1 Simplifying expressions
2 2
1 a 6x + 14y
2 2
b 7p + 2q
2 2 2 2 2 2
2 a any of 4x – 6y + 6x , 5x + y – 2x, 3x – 3y
b the other two expressions from part a
2 2
c 8x – 4y + x
3 a 7x + 1
b a–4
c 5y + 1
d 3c + 11
e h – 10
4 a 5y + 20
b 2y – 6
c 3y + 26
5 a ≡
b =
c ≡
d =
e ≡
f ≡
6 a LHS = 8 + 8 = 16 = RHS
b e.g. When x = 1, 2x = 2 and x = 1; 2x ≠ x
3 4 3 4
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
b 15y
c 3a
d 5t
e 6p
5 y 4 × 8 y 3 5
4 a = 10y
4 y2
6 y 6 × 1 2 y 5 3
b = 9y
8 y8
5 a 25y
b 8y
c 16y
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
5 a x = 12
b The paper measures 7 cm by 20 cm.
The photograph measures 5 cm by 18 cm.
2 Strengthen
Simplifying and substituting into expressions
1 a 7x
b 3p
c 5y
2 a 22
b 13
c 64
Index laws
3 a p
b r
c t
4 a p
b r
c t
5 a p
b r
c t
6 a 12t
b 28n
c 24f
d 5a
e 8c
f 3b
7 a 16a
b 8b
c 81c
d 4d
e r
f n
Expanding and factorising
3 2
8 a q + 6q
3 2
b k – 2k
3 2
c 5n + 4n
3 4
d 3h – 6h
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
3 2
9 LHS = 14p – 6p
3 2
RHS = 14p – 6p
10 a 2x (1 + 3x)
b 5y(3y – 2)
c 4p(2p + 5)
d 10r (2r – 5)
2 2
e 9a (2a – 3)
f 2bc(7bc + 9)
Solving equations
11 a x = 3
b x=5
c x=2
d x=7
2 Extend
1 a 75 m
b 40 m
2 2
2 a i 3(2a + 3ab – 4b )
2 2
ii 4(4b – ab – 3a )
2 2
b i 18a + 13ab – 28b
2 2
ii –18a – 13ab + 128b
c The answer to part b ii is the answer to part b i multiplied by –1.
3 a 3x(4x + 5x + 7)
b 5a(2a – 3b + 5)
2 2 2 2 2 3
c 9x y z (2z + 4xy – 5x yz )
2 2
4 a 10pq + 20p – 15p q = 5p(2q + 4p – 3pq)
3 2 3 2 2
b 6x y + 15x y – 21x y = 3x y(2x + 5 – 7xy)
5 a 69
b 5
c 2
6 a 7
b 4
7 a i 7x + 1
ii 179 – 7x
b 4(3x + 2) = 179 – 7x
c x=9
d angle ADC = angle ABC = 64°
angle BCD = angle BAD = 116°
e.g. 2(64 + 116) = 360
18 25 3 4 2 3 6 2 3 4 6 14 7 3 30 3 4
8 16x , 16x ÷ x ÷ x , (2x ) × 2(x ) , (2x ) × x , 4x × 4x ÷ x , 16x ÷ (x )
9 a A3, B6, C1, D7, E4, F8, G2
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
2 Unit test
1 a 3x
b 3y + 2y
2 a p
b q
c r
d e
e a
f n
3 2
3 a x – 6x
4 3 2
b 6f + 3f – 12f
4 a 11x + 16x
b 7y – 15xy + 11y
5 a yes
b no
c yes
6 a 6x(x + 3)
b 5y(5 – 3y + 2y )
7 a 6
b 34
c 14
d 4
8 x=5
9 a 10x
b 4y
c 9z
d 8z
e r
f c
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
Unit 3 Answers
3.1 Plans and elevations
2 a
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
b area of triangle = 30 cm
2 2 2
areas of the rectangles are 84 cm , 35 cm , 91 cm
c 270 cm
2 a i sketch of any working net of the triangular prism
ii 304 cm
b i sketch of any working net of the triangular prism
ii 313.8 cm
3 x = 8.0 cm (1 d.p.)
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
3.6 Cylinders
1 a 377.0 cm
b 653.5 cm
2 a i 28.3 cm
ii 311.0 cm
b i 153.9 cm
ii 307.9 cm
c i 3.1 cm
ii 31.4 cm
3 a 26 477.3 cm
b No, because 26 477.3 cm is 26.4773 litres, which is less than 27 litres.
4 6.3 glasses (or 7 glasses, rounding up)
3 Strengthen
Circumference and area of circles
1 a r = 6 cm
d = 12 cm
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b r = 5.5 cm
d = 11 cm
2 a 15.7
b 6.3
c 28.3
3 a 47.1 cm
b 19.5 cm
4 a 3.8 cm
b A = π × 3.8
c 45.4 cm
5 a 1
b 50.3 cm
c 25.1 cm
d 25.1 cm
e 12.6 cm
f 20.6 cm
Working with 3D solids
8 36 cm2
9 12 cm
10 a labelled sketches of two identical trapeziums, two identical rectangles and two different
b area of each trapezium = 31.25 cm
area of each identical rectangle = 54 cm
2 2
areas of the different rectangle are 45 cm and 67.5 cm
c 283 cm
11 a sketch of two circles both with radius 3 cm and a rectangle with the width labelled 7 cm
b 18.8 cm
c area of each circle = 28.3 cm
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
area of the rectangle = 131.9 cm
d 188.5 cm
e 197.9 cm
Pythagoras’ theorem
12 a 6.7 cm
b 9 cm
c 7.3 cm
13 a 9.8 cm
b 11.7 cm
c 9.2 cm
14 a 9.7 cm
b 90.9 mm
c 7.5 cm
15 a 15.6 cm
b 198.4 cm
c 43.3 cm
3 Extend
1 a 72.0 cm
b 35.4 cm
2 a C = 2 × π × r = 2π × 6 = 12π
A = π × r2 = π × 62 = 36π
b C = 15π cm
A = 56.25π cm2
3 a i 2.20 m
ii 181.89 revolutions
b i 1.57 m
ii 25.1 cm
4 a 4.8 cm
b 3.8 cm
5 a 4 cm
b 8.1 cm
c 32.2 cm
d 64 cm
e 193.0 cm
f 149.3 cm
6 a 7.3 units
b 6.4 units
c 4.2 units
7 The volume of the cake tin needed for the recipe is 942.5 cm .
Your cake tin has a volume of only 678.6 cm , so no, it is not big enough.
8 a x = 4.77 cm
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b y = 12.62 cm
3 Unit test
1 a
2 a i 25.1 cm
ii 50.3 cm2
b i 204.2 mm
ii 3318.3 mm
3 a 15.8 cm
b 12.7 cm
4 a i 42 cm
ii 96 cm
b i 162 cm
ii 203.4 cm
5 60 cm
6 a 510.5 cm
b 361.3 cm
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
Unit 4 Answers
4.1 Direct proportion
1 a yes
b about 1.6 kilograms
c about 8.8 pounds
d 1 kilogram
2 a No, because the line does not go through the origin.
b about £20.60
c about 20 minutes
d £16
3 a graph through points from table correctly drawn
b No, because the line does not go through the origin.
4 a yes
b no
c no
d yes
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
ii 20 mph
4 Strengthen
Direct proportion
1 graphs a and d
2 a about £5
b about £10
c about €14.40
Distance–time graphs
3 a graph through (1, 0), (1.45, 60), (3.15, 60), (4.15, 0) correctly drawn
b e.g. Ian’s journey
4 a 2 times
b 10 miles
c 180 miles
d 15 minutes
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e 3 hours
f between 11.15am and 12pm
g 60 mph
Real-life graphs
5 a 10p
b i about 20p
ii about £2.45
c 1980
6 a graph 3
b graph 2
c graph 1
d graph 4
7 a the right-hand graph
b the left-hand graph
c 1.4p per litre
d 0.85%
4 Extend
1 a i July
ii April
b i 13°C
ii 12.2°C
c i 53 mm
ii 97 mm
d April
2 125 mph
3 a graph through (0, 0), (3.5, 210), (6, 210), (9, 0) correctly drawn
b 64.6 mph
4 a 172.8 mph
b 0.058 m/s (or 0.21 mph)
5 a i about 5 million litres
ii about 21 million litres
b The amount of diesel delivered in the UK has gradually increased since 1970.
c The amount of petrol delivered in the UK gradually increased to 1990 and then gradually
d Yes, on the whole, because between 1970 and 2012, the volume of motor fuel delivered in the
UK has increased.
6 a i 29°C
ii 28°C
b i 80 mm
ii 80 mm
c The scales are not the same; it would be easier to compare the weather if the temperature
scales were the same as each other and the rainfall scales were the same as each other.
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
d No, because Rome is warmer than New York in all months apart from June and July, and is
wetter than New York from October through to December.
7 a 100 000 people
b The first square represents 1000 people and the second represents 10 000 people. After that,
each square represents twice as many people as the previous square.
d i 1000 people
ii 12 000 people
e the right-hand graph
4 Unit test
1 a 2 hours
b between leaving the shopping centre and stopping to buy lunch
c 15 km/h
2 a graph 2
b graph 1
c graph 4
d graph 3
3 a graph through points from table correctly drawn
b £20
c £25
d No, because the line does not go through the origin.
4 graphs b and d
5 a i £37 000
ii £17 500
iii £7500
b Salaries increased slowly up to 40 years ago and then increased more quickly in the last
40 years.
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
Unit 5 Answers
5.1 Reflection and translation
1 a x = 0 (or the y-axis)
b B is a reflection of S in the line y = 1
C is a reflection of S in the line y = 0 (or the x-axis)
D is a reflection of S in the line y = –x
2 a, b
3 a
5.2 Rotation
1 a
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
5.3 Enlargement
1 a
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2 a
3 a–c
4 a scale factor 3
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c (–6, –1)
d centre of enlargement at (–6, –1) with scale factor 3
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
2 a
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
3 a
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
4 a–c
5 Strengthen
Reflection, rotation and translation
1 a 3 right, 3 up
b 3 left
c 1 left, 4 down
d 4 right, 1 down
2 a
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
3 point C
4 a rotation, centre (1, –1), 180°
b rotation, centre (1, –2), 90° anticlockwise
5 a, b
6 a Y to A: 4 right, 2 down
Y to B: 10 right, 2 down
Y to C: 10 right, 6 down
Y to D: 4 right, 2 down
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
7 a i 10 cm
ii 90 cm
b ×9
8 a i 45 cm
ii 1215 cm
b × 27
9 a, b
Planes of symmetry
10 4 planes
5 Extend
1 a, b
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5 a
b 6.7 units
6 a
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7 a scale factor 1
b scale factor 2.5
8 452.4 cm
9 a 327 cm
b 384 cm
10 300 ml
11 a scale factor 3, centre (5, 5)
b scale factor 4, centre (0, –1)
c scale factor 2, centre (4, –4)
5 Unit test
1 rotation, 90° clockwise about (2, –1)
2 a–c
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5 a scale factor 3
b scale factor 1
6 32 cm
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Unit 6 Answers
6.1 Recurring decimals
1 a 1
b 3
c 4 =11
3 3
d 25
2 a 1 = 0.11111...
2 = 0.22222...
b 3 = 0.33333...
4 = 0.44444...
5 = 0.55555...
6 = 0.66666...
7 = 0.77777...
8 = 0.88888...
3 59p
4 a 5
b 8
5 a 29
b 318 = 106
999 333
c 574
6 a 2
b 26
7 a 52
b 4 2
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3 £90
4 £445 000
5 £4200
6 £165
7 6 hours and 19 minutes
2 £25 706.01
3 a £771.75
b £840.86
c £1056.93
4 a 79.8 million
b 89.6 million
5 a 100%
b 252 000 000 cells (3 s.f.)
6 £95.47
6 Strengthen
Recurring decimals
1 decimals a and c
2 a 0.222222222222
b 0.585858585858
c 0.641111111111
d 0.641414141414
e 0.641641641641
3 a 1
b 8
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c 1
4 a 53
b 28
c 35
5 a 43
b 11
c 1
Using percentages
6 a 1.1
b 1.35
c 0.6
7 a 110.5
b 67.5
8 a 44
b 38.5
9 £36
10 a £5
b £400
11 £45
12 a £336
b £44
Percentage change
13 a 6%
b Students check their own answers.
14 a i 20%
ii 35%
b Students check their own answers.
15 a 5%
b 26%
16 £663 at the end of year 1
£676.26 at the end of year 2
£689.79 at the end of year 3
17 £3037.13
6 Extend
1 a no
b e.g. An item originally costing £60 would be £48 in the sale with 20% off.
An increase from £48 to £60 is an increase of £12, which is 25% of £48, not 20%.
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2 1 = 0.142857142...
2 = 0.285714285...
3 = 0.428571428...
4 = 0.571428571...
5 = 0.714285714...
6 = 0.857142857...
This set of decimals are all recurring decimals and they all use the digits 142857142857... in the
same order.
3 a 184
b 167
4 £17 200 (3 s.f.)
5 4.5 cm
6 a i £20 400
ii £24 000
b No, because £17 340 ÷ 0.7 = £24 771.43, which is not the same as £17 340 ÷ 0.85 ÷ 0.85.
7 1.26 million visitors
8 a £3311.44
b 12 years
9 a 8.58 billion people
b during 2044
10 a income £26 458.10, expenditure £24 906.27
b 2025
6 Unit test
1 a 0.222222...
b 0.58333333...
c 0.4545454545...
2 a 52.2 cm
b 149.85 kg
3 £365
4 a 2
b 5
c 37
d 157
5 10%
6 £5899.26
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7 3.38 million
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Unit 7 Answers
7.1 Accurate drawings
1 a triangle XYZ drawn accurately
b triangle XYZ drawn accurately
2 a scale diagram drawn accurately
b 67°
c 6 cm
d 6m
3 right-angled triangle drawn accurately
The height of the tree is 19.2 m.
7.3 Constructions 1
1 perpendicular bisector constructed accurately (diagram must show construction marks)
2 perpendicular bisector of AB through the point P constructed accurately (diagram must show
construction marks)
7.4 Constructions 2
1 angle bisector constructed accurately (diagram must show construction marks)
2 a angle bisector constructed accurately (diagram must show construction marks)
b angle bisector constructed accurately (diagram must show construction marks)
3 parallelogram constructed accurately (diagram must show construction marks)
7.5 Loci
1 sketch of circle with radius 12 m
2 a two dots labelled A and B 10 km apart drawn at an appropriate scale
b perpendicular bisector constructed accurately (diagram must show construction marks)
3 a scale diagram drawn accurately and angle bisector constructed accurately (diagram must show
construction marks)
b 15.4 m
2 Strengthen
Accurate drawings
1 a angle drawn accurately
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7 Extend
1 a triangle ABC drawn accurately (diagram must show construction marks)
b perpendicular bisectors of AB and BC constructed accurately (diagram must show construction
c perpendicular bisector of AC constructed accurately (diagram must show construction marks)
All the perpendicular bisectors intersect at the point P.
d The points A, B and C are all on the circumference of the circle.
2 75° angle constructed accurately (45° + 30°)
3 net of hexagonal pyramid drawn accurately (diagram must show construction marks)
4 a diagram drawn accurately (two circles with radius 3 cm centred on the ends of a 5 cm line)
b intersection of the two circles shaded
c The field gets watered by both sprinklers.
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from one side of the room to the other without being detected by the sensor)
6 a sphere with radius 6745 km
7 Unit test
1 scale diagram drawn accurately
2 a 70° angle drawn accurately
b angle bisector constructed accurately (diagram must show construction marks)
3 perpendicular bisector of a 4.5 cm line constructed accurately (diagram must show construction
4 a diagram of dots forming a circle with radius 1 cm
5 net of triangular prism constructed accurately (diagram must show construction marks)
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Unit 8 Answers
8.1 Comparing probabilities
1 a i 1, 2, 3
ii 3 outcomes
b i A, B, C, D, E
ii 5 outcomes
c i 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
ii 6 outcomes
2 a ii 3
iii 1
b i 0.5
ii 0.3
iii 0.1
c i 50%
ii 30%
iii 10%
3 a yellow
b bag B
4 rules A and C
d 1
e 5
f True, because 4 + 1 = 5
6 6 6
3 a 2 is a factor of 4 and a prime number.
b 3 = 1
6 2
c 1
d 5
e False, because 1 + 1 ≠ 5
2 2 6
4 a 0.45
b 0.65
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c 0.35
5 0.97
6 29%
b about 24 = 3
80 10
c about 65 matches
2 a i about 11
ii about 7
b about 42 patients
c No, because some patients may have had a filling and an X-ray, so they are not mutually
exclusive events.
3 a about 7
b about 35 = 7
80 16
c Adam’s estimate because he asked more people.
d i about 21
ii about 84 fans
ii 13
c about 74 times
2 a 4 = 1
52 13
b 13 = 1
52 4
3 a about 12 times (2 s.f.)
b about 25 times
c about 56 marbles
4 a 1
b about 50 times
c Student’s own answer (probably Yes); she could spin it more times.
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b 8 outcomes
c i 2 = 1
8 4
ii 2 = 1
8 4
iii 3
2 a
First spin
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5
Second 2 3 4 5 6
spin 3 4 5 6 7
4 5 6 7 8
b 16 outcomes
c 5
d i 1
ii 4 = 1
16 4
iii 10 = 5
16 8
3 a
18 5 7
b i 18
ii 5 = 1
30 6
iii 25 = 5
30 6
4 a
First dart
3 19 7
3 6 22 10
19 22 38 26
7 10 26 14
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b i 1
ii 4
iii 5
b 25
c 30 = 15
64 32
2 a 2 = 1
6 3
b 5 letters
c 1
e i 2 = 1
30 15
ii 8 = 4
30 15
iii 16 = 8
30 15
8 Strengthen
Calculating probability
1 a 8 outcomes
b 3 outcomes
c 3
d i 5
ii 0
iii 4 = 1
8 2
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
iv 6 = 3
8 4
2 a Dice
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 1, 1 2, 1 3, 1 4, 1 5, 1 6, 1
1 1, 1 2, 1 3, 1 4, 1 5, 1 6, 1
2 1, 2 2, 2 3, 2 4, 2 5, 2 6, 2
2 1, 2 2, 2 3, 2 4, 2 5, 2 6, 2
3 1, 3 2, 3 3, 3 4, 3 5, 3 6, 3
3 1, 3 2, 3 3, 3 4, 3 5, 3 6, 3
b i 1
ii 2
iii 5
c 2 odd numbers
d First dice
1 2 3 4 5 6
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
2 3 4 5 6 7 8
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
3 4 5 6 7 8 9
e 4, 5 or 6
f 5
Estimating probability
4 a 11
b P(dog) = 7
P(other) = 1
c i 44 cats
ii 28 dogs
iii 8 other pets
Tree diagrams
5 a 0.49
b i 0.21
ii 0.21
iii 0.42
6 a 4, 1
5 5
b i 1
ii 16
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iii 8
8 Extend
1 Yes; e.g. 0.4 + 0.7 = 1.1 which is greater than 1 and a probability cannot be greater than 1.
2 a i 4 people
ii 12 people
b 20 people
c 1
3 a i 0.4
ii 0.1
b 45 red, 60 blue, 30 yellow, 15 green
4 3
5 a 3
b 11
6 a No; e.g. if the marble had been replaced, the probability of the second marble being yellow
would have been 2 not 1 .
9 4
c 7
8 Unit test
1 a 1
b 1
c 1
2 75 athletes
3 No; e.g. for Benjamin P(Vowel) = 3 but for Lucy P(Consonant) = 3 .
8 4
3 is greater than 3 so Lucy has more chance of winning.
4 8
4 a i 0.4
ii 0.3
b 5 red, 15 blue, 10 green, 20 white
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
5 a 1, 1; 7, 1, 7, 1, 7, 1
4 4 8 8 8 8 8 8
b i 7
ii 1
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
Unit 9 Answers
9.1 Maps and scales
1 a plan correctly labelled with 22 m, 16 m, 14 m, 3 m, 2 m, 19 m
2 a 600 m
b 1800 m
c 3750 m
3 a 20 mm
b 80 mm
c 280 mm
4 a 1 cm on the map is 100 km in real life.
b i about 80 km
ii about 140 km
iii about 45 km
5 accurate drawing of two overlapping circles, of radius 2 cm and 3 cm, with centres 4 cm apart and
overlap shaded
9.2 Bearings
1 a 134°
b 314°
2 a accurate drawing of 4.4 cm line at angle of 138° to north line
b accurate drawing of 2.7(2) cm line at angle of 326° to north line
3 a 280°
b 040°
c 150°
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
5 a i 0.5 km
ii 2.5 km
iii 12.5 km
b i 2m
ii 40 cm
iii 8 cm
9 Strengthen
Maps and scales
1 a 2 cm
b 0.5 cm
c 2.5 cm
d 5 cm
e 5 cm
2 a 2m
b 2.5 m
c 5m
d 8.5 m
e 13 m
3 b 1 : 200
c 1 : 1000
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d 1 : 200 000
4 a 037°
b 082°
c 160°
d 230°
5 accurate bearing of 065° drawn
6 accurate bearing of 310° drawn
7 a 095°
b 062°
c 242°
d 306°
Congruence and similarity
8 a
3 9
4 x
5 y
b scale factor 3
c x = 12, y = 15
9 a = 12 cm, b = 19.5 cm
10 triangles D and E
11 a WX is parallel to YX, because WXV and YZV (both 90°) are corresponding angles.
YZ = 2WX, because VZ is twice as long as VX.
b e.g. The angle at V is the same in both triangles, the angles at X and Z are both right angles,
the third angles at W and Y must be the same.
c scale factor 2
d 18 cm
9 Extend
1 a, b accurate scale drawing
c 11.6 km
2 a 1 : 50
b 1 : 25 000
c 1 : 62 500
3 a 105°
b 105°
c 30°
d e.g. The corresponding sides are equal (SSS).
4 a a = 10 cm, b = 6.5 cm
b c = 95°
c d = 10 cm, e = 40°, f = 95°
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
5 a 13 cm
b 32.5 cm
6 Auckland
7 a accurate drawing of an equilateral triangle, side length 2 cm, with arcs drawn 1 cm from each of
the three vertices
b no
8 a 245°
b 070°
9 16 cm
10 The pentagon is regular, so AB = BC = CD = DE = AE and AX = BX = CX = DX = EX (SSS).
9 Unit test
1 a 100 m
b 200 m
c 10 m
2 a 2 cm
b 14 cm
c 20 cm
3 a accurate scale drawing
b 61 km
c 275°
4 a a = 75°, b = 9 cm, c = 9.5 cm, d = 75°, e = 9 cm, f = 35°, g = 75°
b e.g. In triangle D the 9 cm side lies between a different pair of angles than the others.
5 a 6 6
b 9
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Unit 10 Answers
10.1 Plotting linear graphs
1 a y=2
b x = –1 1
x 0 –1 1
y 2 0
3 a –5
b 2
c 0
4 In order: D, B, E, A, F, C
5 any three equations in the form y = mx + 2, e.g. y = 3x + 2, y = 1 x + 2, y = x + 2
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
2 2
3 a student’s own line with gradient 3
b student’s own line with gradient –2
c student’s own line with has gradient – 1
10.3 y = mx + c
1 a gradient 3, y-intercept –2
b gradient 2, y-intercept 0
c gradient – 1 , y-intercept 1
2 In order: A, D, C, E, F, B
3 y = 0.4x + 15 (C), y = x + 10 (A), y = 2x – 3 (B)
4 a 3
b 2
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6 a (5, 14)
b no
7 a points C and E
b point A
c points B and F
5 a –1
b 1
c –2
d 2
6 A and H, B and I, C and F, D and H
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
d x+ 5
2 a +4
b –4
c x–4
3 a y= x
b y=x–3
c y=x+1
d y = 5x
e y=–x
f y=x
4 a y = x –1
b y= x+2
c y = 5x – 3
d y = 4(x – 3)
e y = 2– x
f y=1– x
5 Q: y = –2(x – 4)
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10 Strengthen
Linear graphs
1 a
x –2 –1 0 1 2
3x -6 -3 0 3 6
3x + 2 -4 -1 2 5 8
y -4 -1 2 5 8
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KS3 Maths Progress Delta 2
2 a
x –2 –1 0 1 2
1x –1 1
–1 0 1
2 2 2
1x –1 –1 1 –1
–2 –1 0
2 2 2
y –2 –1 1 –1 –1 0
2 2
3 a (0, 7)
b (0, –3)
c (0, –5)
4 3
5 c 4
7 a parallel
b The gradients of both lines are the same, 3.
c The lines of two equations in the form y = mx + c will be parallel if m is the same for both
d lines c and g
8 a 3
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b 4
c y = 3x + 4
9 y = 5x – 3
Inverse functions
10 a y = x – 10
b y=x÷5
c y = 4x
d y=x+3
11 a +5
b y = x+5
12 a y = x – 7
b y = x+5
c y = 9x – 4
d y = 7x + 3
13 line Q
Non-linear graphs
14 a £240
b £320
c £80
d i £160
ii £560
15 a about 9.2 kg
b from birth to 2 months
c about 28 months
10 Extend
1 a i y=2–x
ii y = 5 – x
iii y = 15 – x
b The functions are all self-inverse.
2 a –3
b y = –3x + 1
3 a y = 5x + c
b 2 = –10 + c
c –12
d y = 5x + 12
4 y = –3x + 10
5 a 5
b 6
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6 y = 3x + 1
7 a
b y = 4x – 1
c nth term = 4n – 1
This has the same form as the equation y = 4x – 1.
d 79
8 B y = 3x – 2
C y=–1x+3
D y=–1x–1
9 a (5, 4)
b 1.5
c –2
d y=–2x+71
3 3
10 a 90°
b A(0, 0), B(4, 2), C(10, 0)
c 5.4
10 Unit test
1 a x
b x–4
c x+3
d x +1
2 a (0, 5)
b –3
3 line C
4 y = 5x – 2
5 No, because 3 × 3 – 10 ≠ 1.
6 –2
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3 3
7 about 15.5 cm (±0.5 cm )
8 y = –3x + 5
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