Trio-Mass/ Tru-Mass
Trio-Mass/ Tru-Mass
Trio-Mass/ Tru-Mass
Mass Flowmeter
The ABB-Mass Flowmeters TRU- and TRIO-MASS are character- Principle of Operation
ized by the following design features: When masses flow through a vibrating pipe, Coriolis forces are
generated which bend and twist the pipe. These very small pipe de-
• The flow loop is formed from a single tube without any joints.
formations are measured by optimally mounted sensors and elec-
• Straight through flow with minimal pressure drop.
tronically evaluated. Because the measured phase shift of the
• Insensitive to pipe line vibrations and stresses. sensor signals is proportional to the mass flowrate, the Coriolis
• Extended meter life is assured by minimizing tube stresses and Mass Flometer measures the mass flowrate in the flowmeter direct-
thick wall sections. ly. The metering principle is dependent of the density, temperature,
• Good long term stability. viscosity, pressure and conductivity.
• Special in- and outlet sections are not required (arbitrary
The metering tubes always vibrate at resonance. The resonant fre-
installation orientations).
quency during operation is a function of the meter tube geometry,
• Independent of flow profile.
the material characteristics of the flowmeter and the mass of the
• Self draining when installed in vertical and horizontal fluid in the metering tube which is also vibrating. It provides an ac-
orientations. curate measure of the density of the fluid being metered. In sum-
• 180 °C fluid temperature. mary, it is possible to simultaneously measure the mass flowrate,
• No electronic assemblies in the flowmeter primary. fluid density and temperature with the Coriolis Mass Flowmeter.
• Stainless steel flowmeter primary.
• µP-controlled converter with keypad entry of process
• Backlit 2 line LCD display.
• Current outputs user configurable for indication of mass, densi- Movement of the
ty, volume or temperature. tubes inward,
• Converter design (FILL-MASS) includes software for fast batch kein Durchfluss
• Converter design (DENSI-MASS) for high accuracy density
measurements; concentration, calculation of solids content,
Brix etc.
• Communication capable on serial data link or HART®- Fc
Protoco or Profibus DPl.
Direction of theCoriolis
• Pulse output active or optocoupler, galvanically isolated forces with flowrate and
• Ex-design: TÜV 99 ATEX 1388X movement of the
II 2G EEx em [ib] IIC T2 ... T6 Fc
Fc tubes inward
II 1/2G EEx emd [ib] IIC T2 ... T6
• Food industry design with sanitary coupling or Tri-Clamp con-
• Maximum cable length between flowmeter primary and
converter 300 m.
Movement of the
tubes outward,
no flowrate
Direction of the
Coriolis forces with
Fc Fc flowrate and
movement of the
tubes outward
Page 2 of 39 05.01
System Design
he flowmeter primary consists of two one piece, formed meter With the TRU-MASS sensor two identically-formed screw-shaped
tubes oriented in parallel. A twist and bend resistant mounting measuring pipes are electromagnetically oscillated to their reso-
structure which connects the in- and outlet of the flowmeter is es- nance frequency. The corolis forces that occur when flow takes
pecially designed to isolate the meter tube from external forces and place through the medium, cause a slight deviation in flow rate,
moments. which is linearly dependent on the measurement pipes to an oscil-
lation axis (vertically standing) standing upright to the measure-
ment axis that forces and overlays the pipe movement by the
exciter. This movement is traced by two speed sensors and is then
electronically evaluated.
The in- and outlet ends of the meter tube are welded to flow split-
ters. Therefore there is no direct connection to the process
connections. This approach minimizes the effects of external vibra-
tions on the measurements.
Long life is assured by elimination of weld seams in the highly
stressed areas and by hard silver soldering under vacuum the
mounts for the meter tube , driver and sensor. Exceptional long Fig. 5 Metering LoopTRU-MASS
term stability is assured by the vacuum stress relieving of the meter
Straightforward installations, wide flow ranges and a variety pro-
cess connections and last but not least, the quick amortization of
the costs make the TRIO-MASS an instrument which can be opti-
mally applied in production processes.
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Page 4 of 39 05.01
Installation Information
Flowmeter Primary
Pipe Reduction
Product Reservoir
Page 5 of 39 05.01
Fig. A
Fig. B
! Note
Check that the coordination between the flowmeter primary and
the converter is correct. The instruments which are to be con-
nected together have identical end numbers e.g. X001 and
Y001 or X002 and Y002 on the Instrument Tags.
Pressure loss
The resulting pressure loss is a function of the medium character-
istics and of the existing flow. For calculation of pressure loss
please use the sizing program FLOWCALC.
Page 6 of 39 05.01
Ambient Temperature
-25 to +60 °C, (-20 °C to +60 °C EEx)
Protection Class
IP 67
Electrical Connections
Screw terminals Pg 13.5
Cable Length
Standard: max. 300 m; EEx: max. 120 m
Process Connections
Flanges (DIN/ANSI)
Pipe coupling DIN 11851
Page 7 of 39 05.01
∆ p [bar]
1 3 10 30 100 300 1000 3000 10 000
Mass Flowrate [kg/min]
Page 8 of 39 05.01
MC16 (EEx)
80 142 80
DIN 2635
ANSI B16.5
ISO 7005
Meter Size Process Connection DIN 2635 ANSI ANSI G G F B ∅A Weight
PN 40 150 lb 300 lb (MC16) [kg]
DN 10 493
„C“ (10) 313 367 83 45 60 9
DN 15 (1/2“) 578 593 603
DN 10 653 11
„D“ (15) DN 15 (1/2“) 578 593 603 331 385 93 45 76 11
DN 20 (3/4“) 683 703 713 13
DN 15 (1/2“) 693 708 718 15
„E“ (20) DN 20 (3/4“) 598 618 628 358 412 114 60 89 15
DN 25 (1/2“) 698 728 738 16
DN 20 (3/4“) 758 778 788 16
„F“ (25) DN 25 (1/2“) 658 688 698 358 412 114 60 89 16
DN 40 (1 1/2“) 808 838 893 19
All dim’s in mm
Page 9 of 39 05.01
MC16 (EEx)
80 142 80
DIN 2633
DIN 2635
ANSI B16.5
ISO 7005
Meter Size Process Connection DIN 2633 DIN 2635 ANSI ANSI G G F B A Weight
PN 16 PN 40 150 lb 300 lb (MC16) kg]
DN 25 (1“) 879 910 922 20
„G“ (40) DN 40 (1 1/2“) 780 810 825 374 428 129 64 90 22
DN 50 (2“) 940 970 980 23
DN 40 (1 1/2“) 1045 1075 1090 32
„H“ (50) DN 50 (2“) 940 970 980 403 457 148 80 110 34
DN 65 (2 1/2“) 1100 1135 1145 38
DN 50 (2“) 1220 1250 1260 43
DN 65 (2 1/2“) 1100 1135 1145 47
„I“ (65) DN 65 429 483 164 97 130
(2 1/2“) 1100 1220 1230 48
DN 80 (3“) 1220 1240 1260 50
DN 65 (2 1/2“) 1330 1365 1375 56
„J“ (80) DN 80 (3“) 1220 1240 1260 456 510 186 108 140 58
DN 100 (4“) 1450 1480 1500 1520 69
DN 80 (3“) 1640 1660 1680 84
„K“ (100) 500 554 215 131 170
DN 100 (4“) 1450 1480 1500 1520 91
„L“ (150) DN 150 (6“) 1990 2030 2060 2080 613 667 285 190 250 190
All dim’s in mm
Fig. 15 Dimensions, TRIO-MASS Flowmeter Primary Sizes “G” to “L”, DIN/ANSI
Page 10 of 39 05.01
Dimensions: Flowmeter Primary TRIO-MASS, Sizes „C“ to „F“, Pipe Coupling DIN 11851
MC16 (EEx)
142 80 Pipe Coupling DIN 11851
Threaded Connection
Threaded Connection
All dim’s in mm
Fig. 16 Dimensions, TRIO-MASS Flowmeter Primary Sizes “C” to “F”, DIN 11851
Page 11 of 39 05.01
Dimensions: Flowmeter Primary TRIO-MASS, Sizes „G“ to „K“, Pipe Coupling DIN 11851
MC16 (EEx)
80 142 80 Pipe Coupling
DIN 11851
Threaded Connection
Threaded Connection
All dim’s in mm
Fig. 17 Dimensions, TRIO-MASS Flowmeter Primary Sizes “G” to “K”, DIN 11851
Page 12 of 39 05.01
Dimensions: Flowmeter Primary TRIO-MASS, Sizes „C“ to „F“, Tri-Clamp DIN 32676
MC16 (EEx)
80 80
All dim’s in mm
Fig. 18 Dimensions, TRIO-MASS Flowmeter Primary Sizes “C” to “F”, Tri-Clamp DIN 32676
Page 13 of 39 05.01
Dimensions: Flowmeter Primary TRIO-MASS, Sizes „G“ to „K“, Tri-Clamp DIN 32676
MC16 (EEx)
80 80
All dim’s in mm
Fig. 19 Dimensions, TRIO-MASS Flowmeter Primary Sizes “G” to “K”, Tri-Clamp DIN 32676
Page 14 of 39 05.01
In addition to the Ordering Number please supply information about your application (see Questionnaire, Page 40)
Ordering Number MC1
Design (primary/converter)
Remote Design 1
EEx, Remote Design 6
None A
3.1 B per EN 10204 B
FM-Approval1) C
3A-Approval D
Flow Loop Material
Stn. stl. No. 1.4571 1
Stn. stl. No. 1.44041) 2
Stn. stl. No. 1.4404 (polished)1) 3
Hastelloy C4 4
Tantalum1) 5
Flow Ranges [kg/min]Sizes
0 - 18 “C” (DN 10) C
0 - 45 “D” (DN 15) D
0 - 75 “E” (DN 20) E
0 - 125 “F” (DN 25) F
0 - 365 “G” (DN 40) G
0 - 710 “H” (DN 50) H
0 - 1450 “I” (DN 65) I
0 - 1890 “J” (DN 80) J
0 - 3200 “K” (DN 100) K
Process Connection Size
DN 6 1/4” 6
DN 10 3/8” 10
DN 15 1/2” 15
DN 20 3/4” 20
DN 25 1” 25
DN 40 1 1/2” 40
DN 50 2” 50
DN 65 2 1/2” 65
DN 80 3” 80
DN 100 4” 1H
DN 150 6” 1F
Process Connection
Flange DIN PN 16 D
Flange DIN PN 40 F
Flange DIN PN 1001) H
Flange JIS B22121) K
Flange ANSI Cl 150 P
Flange ANSI Cl 300 Q
Flange ANSI Cl 6001) R
Standard 1
Pressure tight1) 2
None (standard) A
Internal (steam, liquid)1) B
Flowrate forward / density 1
Flowrate forward - reverse / density 2
Flowrate forward / enhanced density 3
No flowrate / enhanced density 4
Flowrate forward - reverse / enhanced density 5
Instrument Tag
German 1
English 2
French 3
1) In preparation
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TRU-MASS D184S020U02
Electrical Connections
Screw terminals Pg 13.5
Cable Length
Standard: max. 300 m, EEx: max. 120 m
II 2 G EEx em [ib] IIC T2 ... T6
The maximum allowable temperature in relationship to the am-
bient temperature, the Temperature Class and the flowmeter
size is listed in the following table:
Model Meter Size Tempera- Maximum Ambient
ture Class temperature
40 °C 50 °C 60 °C
10MI2 DN 3 / 3/8“ T2 150 °C 150 °C –
T3 140 °C 140 °C 110 °C
T4 75 °C 75 °C 75 °C
Fig. 20 Flowmeter Primary TRU-MASS T5 40 °C 40 °C 40 °C
T6 25 °C 25 °C 25 °C
DN 6 / 1/4“ T2 180 °C – –
DN 15 / 1/2“ T3 165 °C 160 °C 110 °C
T4 100 °C 100 °C 100 °C
Flow loop, flanges: Stn. stl. No. 1.4571,
T5 65 °C 65 °C 65 °C
stn. stl. No. 1.4404 electropolished, Tantalum (DN 3), 1.4404
T6 50 °C 50 °C 50 °C
Housing: Stn. stl. No. 1.4301
Connection box: Stn. stl. No. 1.4571 Process Connections
Flanges (DIN/ANSI/JIS), Tri-Clamp, Threads (NPT/R),
Fluid Temperature Pipe Couplings DIN 11851, Food Industry Design
Standard: -50 to +180 °C
EEx Design: -20 °C to + 180 °C Meter Sizes
DN 3; 6; 15
Accuracy Flow
±0.25 % of rate ±0.025 % of Qnom Pressure Rating
PN 40, PN 100
Accuracy Density
Standard calibration: ± 0.005 kg/dm3 Measuring Range, Density
Special calibration: ± 0.001 kg/dm3 0.5 kg/dm3 to 3.5 kg/dm3
Reproducibility: ± 0.0001 kg/dm3 Measuring Range, Flow
Measuring Range, Temperature Meter Size Qmeas (kg/min) Qnom (kg/min)
-50 °C to +180 °C < 1.5 °C 3 0 - 4 3
-20 °C to +100 °C ± 0.5 °C 6 0 - 21 16
Ambient Temperature 15 0 - 130 100
-25 to +60 °C (-20 °C to +60 °C EEx) Flow range 1:25
Qnom is the flowrate for a pressure drop of approx. 1 bar for
Protection Class water (20 °C)
IP 67 Qmeas for a pressure drop of approx. 1.8 bar
DN 3 DN 6 DN 15 DN 25 DN 40
∆ p [bar]
1 10 100 1000
Mass Flowrate [kg/min]
Page 16 of 39 05.01
TRU-MASS D184S020U02
Meter Size Process Connection, Flanges Meter Dimensions Flange Dimensions Weight
G A L H F D d k kg
DN 3 DN 10 - PN 40 DIN 2635 174 236 342 260 172 90 14 60 6.9
DN 10 - PN 100 DIN 2637 362 100 70 7.8
DN 6 DN 10 - PN 40 DIN 2635 244 266 405 330 207 90 14 60 10.6
DN 10 - PN 100 DIN 2637 425 100 70 11.5
DN 15 - PN 40 DIN 2635 411 95 65 10.7
DN 15 - PN 100 DIN 2637 425 105 75 11.6
DN 15 DN 15 - PN 40 DIN 2635 325 286 483 410 248 95 14 65 18.1
DN 15 - PN 100 DIN 2637 497 105 14 75 19.0
DN 25 - PN 40 DIN 2635 487 115 14 85 19.3
DN 25 - PN 100 DIN 2637 523 140 18 100 22.1
All dim’s in mm
Fig. 22 Flowmeter Primary DN 3 to DN 15, DIN Flanges
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TRU-MASS D184S020U02
Meter Size Process Connection, Flanges Meter Dimensions Flange Dimensions Weight
G A L H F D d k kg
DN 3 1/2” - Cl 150 ANSI 174 236 378 260 172 88.9 15.7 60.5 6.6
1/8” 1/2” - Cl 300 ANSI 387 95.2 66.5 7.1
1/2” - Cl 600 ANSI 400 95.2 66.5 7.5
DN 6 1/2” - Cl 150 ANSI 244 266 431 330 207 88.9 15.7 60.5 10.2
1/4” 1/2” - Cl 300 ANSI 439 95.2 66.5 10.7
1/2” - Cl 600 ANSI 453 95.2 66.5 11.1
DN 15 1/2” - Cl 150 ANSI 325 286 503 410 248 88.9 15.7 60.5 17.7
1/2” 1/2” - Cl 300 ANSI 512 95.2 15.7 66.5 18.2
1/2” - Cl 600 ANSI 524 95.2 15.7 66.5 18.5
1” - Cl 150 ANSI 518 108.0 15.7 79.2 18.8
1” - Cl 300 ANSI 531 124.0 19.0 88.9 19.8
1” - Cl 600 ANSI 544 124.0 19.0 88.9 20.3
All dim’s in mm
Fig. 23 Flowmeter Primary DN 3 to DN 15, ANSI Flanges
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TRU-MASS D184S020U02
Dimensions: Flowmeter Primary TRU-MASS, DN 3 to DN 15, Pipe Coupling DIN 11851, Tri-Clamp ISO 2852
All dim’s in mm
Fig. 24 Flowmeter Primary DN 3 to DN 15, Pipe Coupling DIN 11851, Tri-Clamp ISO 2852
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TRU-MASS D184S020U02
L Cable Connector Pg 13.5
All dim’s in mm
Page 20 of 39 05.01
TRU-MASS D184S020U02
Meter Size Process Connection, Flanges Meter Dimensions Flange Dimensions Weight
G A L H F D d k kg
DN 3 DN 10 DN 10/10 k 174 236 342 260 172 90 15 65 6.8
DN 15 DN 15/10 k 95 70 7.2
DN 6 DN 10 DN 10/10 k 244 266 405 330 207 90 15 65 10.5
DN 15 DN 15/10 k 411 95 70 10.8
DN 15 DN 15 DN 15/10 k 325 286 483 410 248 95 15 70 18.3
DN 25 DN 25/10 k 487 125 19 90 19.7
All dim’s in mm
Fig. 26 Flowmeter Primary DN 3 to DN 15, JIS B2212
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TRU-MASS D184S020U02
In addition to the Ordering Number please supply information about your application (see Questionnaire, Page 39).
Ordering Number
Standard 10MM2
EEx 10MI2
Flow Loop Material
Stn. stl. No. 1.4571 1
Stn. stl. No. 1.4404, interior polished 2
Stn. stl. No. 14404 4
Tantalum2) 5
Other materials 9
Meter Sizes (Flow Loop)
DN 3 (1/8”) 02
DN 6 (1/4”) 03
DN 15 (1/2”) 04
Design Level A
Process Connection
1/4” (Threads) A
DN 10 B
DN 15 (1/2”) C
DN 25 (1”) D
DN 20 (3/4”)3) G
Connection Type Pressure Rating
Flange DIN PN 404) 02
Flange DIN PN 1004) 04
Flange ANSI Cl 1504) 05
Flange ANSI Cl 3004) 06
Flange ANSI Cl 6004) 07
Flange JIS B22124) 12
Threads NPT PN 1004) 14
Threads R PN 1004) 15
Tri-Clamp4) 16
Pipe coupling DIN 118514) 18
Others 99
None A
Others Z
Housing Style
Standard, stainless steel 1
Others 9
Standard (none) A
EEx ib IIC T4 B
3.1B per EN 10204 C
FM-Approval D
3A E
EEx and EN 10204 (3.1B) F
Others Z
Instrument Tag
German 1
English 2
French5) 3
Others 9
Standard flowrate / standard density (3 flow points. forward) A
Special flowrate / standard density (5 flow points. forward/reverse) B
Special density / standard flowrate C
Special density / no flowrate D
Special density / special flowrate E
Others Z
Footnotes see Page 23
Page 22 of 39 05.01
TRU-MASS D184S020U02
1) Upon request
2) Only for flow loop size DN 3.
3) Only for Tri-Clamp DN 6.
4) Process connections (see table below)
5) In preparation
Process connections
Conn. Type Meter Size
3 6 15
DIN PN 40 DN 10 DN 10 DN 15
DN 15 DN 15 DN 25
DIN PN 100 DN 10 DN 10 DN 15
DN 15 DN 15 DN 25
ANSI Cl 150 1/2” 1/2” 1/2”
ANSI Cl 300 1/2” 1/2” 1/2”
ANSI Cl 600 1/2” 1/2” 1/2”
JIS B2212 DN 10 DN 10 DN 15
DN 15 DN 15 DN 25
R/NPT 1/4” 1/2” 1”
DIN 11851 DN 10 DN 15 DN 25
Tri-Clamp 1/2” 3/4” 1”
Page 23 of 39 05.01
Signal Cable
The max. cable length between the primary and converter is 300 m
(Ex 120 m). A 10 m long signal and excitation cable are included
with the shipment. If more than 10 m are required, see Interconnec-
tion Diagram converter, Page 19, Footnote.
Parameter Settings
Data entry in a variety of languages is possible from the keypad on
the converter. When the power is off, all parameter and
totalizer values are stored for a period of 10 years without a
2x16-character LC-Dot Matrix display with LED background light-
ing. Both lines can be user configured for displaying the mass or
volume flow rate in engineering units, density,
temperature, 7 digit totalizer values with overflow counter in
engineering units for mass or volume.
In the function multiplex two informations can be shown alternating
at the second line of the display.
Fig. 27 Converter 50MM2000 in Field Mount Housing/19”-Insert
Flow Range
User adjustable
! Note:
The instrument conforms to the NAMUR-Recommendations
"Electromagnetic Compatibility for Manufacturers and Users of
Electronic Instruments and Systems, Part 1", 5/93 and EMV-
Response Time Guidelines 89/336/EWG (EN 50081-1,
For step change 0–99 % > 1 s EN 50082-2).
User adjustable 1 s to 99 s
Supply Power
230 V AC ±10 %
115 V AC ±10 %
24 V AC ±10 %
16.8 – 62 V DC
! Note:
The converter and flowmeter primary are calibrated
together and constitute a single unit, i.e. the converters may not
be interchanged with each other.
50/60 Hz ±6 %
Power Consumption
<22 VA (primary including converter)
Ambient Temperature
-20 to +50 °C
! Note:
During operation of the primary 10MI2000 (EEx) the safety
max. power supply of the signal in-/and outputs is UM = 60 V
Protection Class per DIN 40050 (except power supply 230/115 V AC).
IP 65 for field mount housing
IP 00 for 19”-Insert
Field mount housing, cast light metal, painted
Lower section: RAL 7012, dark grey
Upper section: RAL 9002, light grey
I9”-Insert, 167 mm long, 3 HE, 21 TE
Electrical Connections
Cable connector Pg 13.5, screw terminals
Approx. 4.4 kg field mount housing
Approx. 2.0 kg 19”-Insert
Page 24 of 39 05.01
Page 25 of 39 05.01
Fig. 28 Communication with HART-Protocol Fig. 29 Communication with RS 485 Data link
Transmission Mode
FSK-Modulation on the 4-20 mA current output per Bell 202 Stan-
1200 Baud
logic. 1: 1200 Hz, logic. 0: 2200 Hz
AWG 24 twisted
Max. Cable Length
1500 m
Max. Signal Amplitude
1.2 mApp
Current Output Load
min. > 250 Ω , max. < 750 Ω
Page 26 of 39 05.01
2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 10)
10) 8)
S1 85
S2 86
S3 87
S4 88
UT+ 83
! Note:
The safety max. power supply of the signal-in/and -outputs is UM = 60 V.
Page 27 of 39 05.01
Scaled Pulse Output Active (Option) Scaled Pulse Output Passive, Optocoupler (Option)
internal external internal external
forward RB *
24 V+ V13 V13
24 V+
forward (11) (56)
V12 V12
– –
(9) (55)
0/4–20 mA + 0/4–20 mA
– V12
Ext. Zero Return, Active Ext. Zero Return, Passive Ext. Totalizer Reset, Active Ext. Totalizer Reset, Passive
internal external internal external internal external internal external
U2 G2 0 U2 G2 0
X1 X1 +24 V X2 X2 +24 V
(22) (22) (31) (31)
(39) U CE
*RB ≥ -----------
Select to open or close I CE
at alarm
Page 28 of 39 05.01
Field Mount Housing with Hinged Door Cable Connector Pg 13.5 Mounting Dimensions
All dim’s in mm
All dim’s in mm
Page 29 of 39 05.01
Signal Cable
The max. cable length between the primary and converter is 300 m
(Ex 120 m). A 10 m long signal and excitation cable are included
with the shipment. If more than 10 m are required, see Interconnec-
tion Diagram converter, Page 25, Footnote.
Parameter Settings
Data entry in a variety of languages is possible from the keypad on
the converter. When the power is off, all parameter and
totalizer values are stored for a period of 10 years without a
2x16-character LC-Dot Matrix display with LED background light-
ing. Both lines can be user configured for the displaying mass or
volume flow rate in engineering units, density,
temperature, 7 digit totalizer values with overflow counter in
engineering units for mass or volume.
In the function multiplex two informations can be shown alternating
at the second line of the display.
Fig. 34
Flow Range
User adjustable
! Note:
The instrument complies with the NAMUR-Recommendations
"Electromagnetic Compatibility Guidelines for Manufacturers
and Users of Electronic Instruments and Systems, Part 1", 5/93
Response Time and EMV-Guidelines 89/336/EWG
For step change 0–99 % > 1 s (EN 50081-1, EN 50082-2).
User adjustable 1 s to 99 s
Supply Power
230 V AC ±10 %
115 V AC ±10 %
! Note:
The converter and flowmeter primary are calibrated
together and constitute a single unit, i.e. the converters may not
24 V AC ±10 % be interchanged with each other.
16.8 – 62 V DC
50/60 Hz ±6 %
Power Consumption
<22 VA (primary including converter)
! Note:
During operation of the primary 10MI2000 (EEx) the safety
max. power supply of the signal in-/and outputs is UM = 60 V
(except power supply 230/115 V AC).
Ambient Temperature
-20 to +50 °C
Protection Class per DIN 40050
IP 65 for field mount housing
IP 00 for 19”-Insert
Field mount housing, cast light metal, painted
Lower section: RAL 7012, dark grey
Upper section: RAL 9002, light grey
I9”-Insert, 167 mm long, 3 HE, 21 TE
Electrical Connections
Cable connector Pg 13.5, screw terminals
Approx. 4.4 kg field mount housing
Approx. 2.0 kg 19”-Insert
Page 30 of 39 05.01
Converter, FILL-MASS
t3 = Fine injection, t2 - t1
t4 = Overrun quantity measurement,
Endcontact programmable, 0–2 s
Batch selection
Page 31 of 39 05.01
Page 32 of 39 05.01
2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)
S1 85
S2 86
S3 87
IT+ UT+ UT- IT- S1S2 S3 S4 M6 M7 SE 1)
S4 88
Flowmeter Primary
TRU-MASS (10MM2000) Operational ground S5 89
S6 90
Signal cable
IT+ 95
to the
IT- 96
S5S6 IT+ UT+ UT- IT- S1S2 S3 S4 M6 M7 SE
UT+ 83
Flowmeter Primary
TRIO-MASS (MC1) Operational ground
UT- 84
M6 91
Page 33 of 39 05.01
Appropriate noise suppression measures should be utilized for the valves and switchgear equipment in the vicinity of the
metering system, e.g. protection diodes, varistors or R-C combinations (VDE 0580).
All cables are to be shielded and connected to the protection ground.
+24 V 0V +24 V 0V
Button (momentary contact)
System Alarm
Alarm P5 P6 P7
V7 V8 V9 Electrical Data:
V6 V5 Module Only for Allowable load for
+24 V a)Relay contact
+24 V 0V max. 28 V, ≤ 3 W, ≤ 250 mA
Operate: V8 - V9 closed b)Optocoupler output
0V V7 - V8 open UCE 25 V
Operate: contact closed Alarm: V7 - V8 closed ICE 7.5 mA
Alarm: contact open V8 - V9 open
Page 34 of 39 05.01
Signal Cable
The max. cable length between the primary and converter is 300 m
(Ex 120 m). A 10 m long signal and excitation cable are included
with the shipment. If more than 10 m are required, see Interconnec-
tion Diagram converter, Page 29, Footnote.
Parameter Settings
Data entry in a variety of languages is possible from the keypad on
the converter. When the power is off, all parameter and
totalizer values are stored for a period of 10 years without a
2x16-character LCD-Dot Matrix display with LED background light-
ing. Both lines can be user configured for the displaying mass or
volume flowrate, density, concentration, Brix, density at 20°C,
mass concentration flowrate, 7 digit totalizer values with overflow
counter in engineering units for mass or volume.
In the function multiplex two informations can be shown alternating
at the second line of the display.
Fig. 38 Converter 50MM2000 in Field Mount Housing/19”-Insert
Measurement Range
User programmable
! Note:
The instrument conforms to the NAMUR-Recommendations
"Electromagnetic Compatibility Guidelines for Manufacturers
and Users of Electronic Instruments and Systems, Part 1", 5/93
Response Time and EMV-Guidelines 89/336/EWG (EN 50081-1, EN 50082-2).
For step change 0–99 % > 1 s
User programmable 1 s to 99 s
Supply Power
230 V AC ±10 %
115 V AC ±10 %
! Note:
The converter and flowmeter primary are calibrated
together and constitute a single unit, i.e. the converters may not
24 V AC ±10 % be interchanged with each other.
16.8 – 62 V DC
50/60 Hz ±6 %
Power Consumption
<22 VA (primary including converter)
Ambient Temperature
-20 to +50 °C
Protection Class per DIN 40050
IP 65 for field mount housing
IP 00 for 19”-Insert
Field mount housing, cast light metal, painted
Lower section: RAL 7012, dark grey
Upper section: RAL 9002, light grey
I9”-Insert, 167 mm long, 3 HE, 21 TE
Electrical Connections
Cable connector Pg 13.5, screw terminals
Approx. 4.4 kg field mount housing
Approx. 2.0 kg 19”-Insert
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The scaled pulse output is not available. Current output 1 and cur-
rent output 2 are galvanically isolated from each another.
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2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7)
S1 85
S2 86
S6 90
Signal cable
IT+ 95 to the
IT- 96
S5S6 IT+ UT+ UT- IT+ S1S2 S3 S4 M6 M7 SE
UT+ 83
Flowmeter Primary
Operational ground UT- 84
M6 91
M7 92
1) Supply power, see Instrument Tag
2) Selection of curve
Terminals: G2, X1; Function: 22, passive
Terminals: U2, X1; Function: 22, active over contact (closed), factory setting
3) External totalizer reset
Terminals: G2, X2; Function 31, passive
Terminals: U2, X2; Function: 31, active over contact (closed), factory setting
4) Current output 1 selectable, load < 1k Ω , 0/4–10/20 mA; Terminals: +/–
5) System monitor, opens at alarm
a) Relay contact, ≤ 3W, ≤ 250 mA, ≤ 28 V DC, Terminals: V5, V6; Function: 39, 40
b) Optocoupler, UCE ≤ 25 V DC, ICE ≤ 7.5 mA, Terminals: V5, V6; Function: E9, C9
6) Scaled pulse output
a) Active, 24 V DC, load >150 Ω ; Terminals: V12, V13; Function: 9, 11
b) Passive, 5 V < UCE < 25 V, 5 mA < ICE < 30 mA; Terminals: V12, V13; Function: 55, 56
c) Current output 2 selectable, load < 500 Ω , 0/4–20 mA, Terminals: V12, V13; Function: C-, C+
Terminals Ux, G2 external 24 V supply for pulse and current output 2, galvanically isolated from data link, passive
Terminals U2, G2 internal 24 V supply for pulse and current output 2, galvanically isolated from data link,, active
7) Three programmable output (for forward/reverse signal/min./max. contact) P1/P2; P3/P4; P5/P6/P7
a) Relay contact (bipolar), ≤3W, ≤250 mA, ≤28 V DC
b) Optocoupler UCE ≤25 V; ICE ≤7.5 mA
8) Shielded signal cable , ABB Part No. D173D022U01, 10 m included with shipment.
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Customer: Date:
Mr./Mrs./Ms.: Department:
Telephone: Telefax:
Liquid content: Gas content:
Flowrate: kg/h
(Min, max, operating value)
Density: kg/m3
(Min, max, operating value)
Dyn. Viscosity: Pa ⋅ s
(Min, max, operating value)
Fluid Temperature: °C
(Min, max, operating value)
Ambient Temperature: °C
Pressure: bar
(Min, max, operating value)
Flow: Steady Pulsating (frequency)
Batch Operation: Yes No
(Batch quantity, time)
Concentration Calculation: Yes No
Enhanced density calibration(± 1 g/l) Yes No
Ex-Protection: Yes No
Supply Power: AC voltage: DC Voltage:
230 V AC 16.8 – 62.4 V DC
115 V AC
24 V AC
Electrical Outputs: Communication :
Current output I: 0/4–20 mA Serial data link RS 485
Current output II: 0/4–20 mA Serial data link RS 232C
Pulse output HART
Profibus DP
Additional Information:
Pipeline diameter ............. . mm inch
Process Connection .............
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ABB Automation Products GmbH Technical changes reserved.
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Certified per DIN EN ISO 900
Tel. 0551/90 5 - 0 D184S020U02 Rev. 02 / 05.2001
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