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Life Cycle Management Model For Tunnels

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17–19 May 2018, Zadar, Croatia

5th International Conference on Road and Rail Infrastructure

life cycle management model for tunnels

Sandra Škaric Palić1, Irina Stipanović1,2, Meho Saša Kovačević3, Kenneth Gavin4
Infra Plan consulting, Croatia
University of Twente, Faculty of Engineering Technology, Netherlands
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Croatia
Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Netherlands

Tunnels are a vital link in transport networks which represent a significant investment in all
life cycle phases from planning, investigation works, construction and operation. Decisions
through the whole life cycle of a tunnel should be based on solid facts and reliable data
especially in the context of considerable impacts on both the environment and society. The
calculation of total life time costs for different design alternatives, maintenance options and
societal impacts can be used to compare different technical solutions and select the optimal
design and maintenance alternative. Generally problems related to tunnel degradation can
be divided into those caused by external pressure and those caused by the deterioration of
materials. These problems are gradually increased through all life cycle stages of a concrete
structure such as a tunnel, therefore decisions about the timing and the type of mainte-
nance should be based on degradation prediction models and monitoring of the structure
performance or degradation processes. Uncertainties in the decision making process can
be decreased by using information from monitoring which are used to establish triggering
thresholds for the structure passing certain performance levels. In this paper the use of mo-
nitored tunnel deformations in a life cycle management model for a tunnel is presented. The
monitoring data gives information about tunnel long term deformations that are used in the
decision making process, in order to prevent occurrence of tunnel damage and consequently
large maintenance costs.

Keywords: tunnels, maintenance, life cycle management model, decision making

1 Introduction
Tunnels, are vital part of many transport infrastructure networks, and represent a significant
financial investment with a very high influence on both environment and society. This type of
structure is designed and built for a very long life cycle of which a major part is the operational
phase with all related maintenance activities. Inadequate and untimely planning of main-
tenance and repair activities can cause immense costs, both financial and environmental.
Ageing is a general ubiquitous process but deterioration mechanisms and environmental
impacts are different regarding type of structure. At present day there are millions of civil
engineering and building structures, where design service life is usually defined in the range
of 70 – 120 years. [1, 2] The required service life of a structure, especially as one as important
as a tunnel, can often be much longer than it was initially designed for. But severe structural
defects that often occur in the service life can highly increase the overall life time cost.

 DOI: https://doi.org/10.5592/CO/cetra.2018.913 tunnels 1525

2 Problems related to tunnels
When it comes to underground structures there are specific problems regarding the envi-
ronmental influences on the structure and external loads which are very much dependant on
the surrounding soil or rock mass. The primary phase of the actual construction process of
a tunnel is excavation which leads to stress redistribution and changes in soil stiffnes. This
eventually leads to short-term and long-term deformations that can cause local cracks or
micro cracks on the concrete lining surface, [1]. Figure 1 shows some problems appearing in
tunnels such as cracks and leaking through tunnel lining.

Figure 1 Heavy leaking through tunnel lining and water on the pavement as a consequence influencing traffic
safety; cracks on tunnel ceiling [4]

Generally the causes of deterioration of tunnel lining can be broadly classified into two types,
(1) those caused by external pressure, including earth pressure and freezing pressure; and
(2) those caused by the deterioration of materials such as the concrete lining, [3]. The imple-
mentation of long term monitoring systems, which measure tunnel performance, will decrease
the uncertainties included in the life cycle tunnel management decision making processes.

3 Life cycle management

Whole-life costing (WLC) is “the methodology for systematic economic consideration of all
whole life costs and benefits over the period of analysis” as defined in the international
standard for life cycle costing of buildings and constructed assets [5]. Analysis of the whole
life costing is aimed for improving decision making process and does not necessarily mean
choosing the longest service life or the minimum costs but rather choosing an optimal solu-
tion based on reliable data.

3.1 Life cycle stages

There are a number of phases in the development and use of an asset. Typically the sequence
of events through the life of the asset progresses as follows:
• Concept phase – where the owner’s basic requirements and needs are established.
• Design – usually involving preliminary and detailed design phases.
• Construction – the process whereby the asset is built.
• Operation and use – through life performance and maintenance of its functionality.
• Disposal – the process by which the asset is either sold, decommissioned or removed.

Figure 2 shows the different phases in the service life of a concrete structure. It incorporates
the periods of design and construction, post-construction service life, the remedial interven-
tion process and also post-intervention performance. It shows the general steps and activities

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involved. Some parameters and other aspects which influence the potential durability and
service-life of the structure are listed. Such parameters might provide a basis for modelling
the performance of the structure and for developing better acceptance and performance cri-
teria which might be utilised by the owner for through-life management of the structure, [6].

Figure 2 Through-life processes and management of concrete structure [6]

3.2 Tunnels performance modelling and monitoring

When performing any life cycle cost analysis it is necessary to establish a deterioration cu-
rve to predict a structure, system or a part of a system passing from one condition state to
another. It can be applied for both new and existing structures and considers explicitly the
impact of maintenance interventions. First it needs to be determined which are the dominant
deterioration mechanisms for the tunnel and the influence the tunnel structural performance
as well as the quantifying the geological and hydrogeological conditions.
There are both deterministic and probabilistic models available which can be used to simula-
te the structural degradation. Since the parameters associated with underground structures
such as tunnels are associated with large uncertainty it is recommended in the literature [7]
to use probabilistic models combined with measurement data for simulating the degradation
of structures subjected to gradual deterioration.

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According to [8] a review of the published literature suggests that there are several uncerta-
inties associated failure assessments of tunnel structures that require further research: (i)
the stochastic formulation of time-dependent performance functions in tunnel structures has
not been fully developed in the previous studies; (ii) time-dependent reliability assessment
of tunnel structure, which leads to prediction of remaining lifetime, has not been fully imple-
mented; (iii) in the few reliability-based studies only one failure mode has been considered.
But often in practice when it comes to decision making a simple analysis based on expert
judgment of experienced engineers is used for the purpose of determining the transition into
a lower condition level.

3.3 Monitoring of tunnel long term deformations

Tunnels are not as accessible for inspections as some other types of structures. Although the
inside face of the primary lining of a tunnel is directly visible the secondary lining, rock or soil
behind it (possibly strengthened) and bonds between all layers cannot be examined visually.
Non-intrusive methods (e.g. ground penetrating radar) require interpretations whilst intrusive
techniques can compromise the structural integrity. Long-term monitoring provides a viable
alternative with which to reduce uncertainties regarding processes of condition assessment
and can be used for calibration of existing numerical models.
Long-term deformations can occur over large periods (tens of years resulting from various
time dependent processes such as creep, squeezing, swelling, and consolidation of soils. In
addition stress redistribution between the primary and secondary lining, creep or degradation
of the structural materials can occur, [9]. These deformations can cause local cracks or micro
cracks on the concrete surface.

3.4 Life cycle management model for tunnels

A large part of the total cost over whole life of a tunnel are incurred after construction in the
operational phase and can highly overcome the initial construction cost of a structure. Cho-
ices made regarding different alternatives of initial design for a new asset or maintenance
activities for existing assets can result in a very different life-time service cost.
The investigation and assessment processes need to give owners an understanding of the
urgency of any interventions required upon the structure, whether this is essential for its
structural functionality and the influence such issues may have upon the management of the
structure, as well as the choices available amongst the potential options for discharging the
owner’s specific and wider responsibilities, [6].
Figure 3 shows two types of maintenance approaches in infrastructure management decision
practice. Reactive or corrective maintenance imply actions after a fault or a failure already
occurs and it relies on data collected mainly through inspections. Proactive or preventive
and predictive maintenance is based on probability theory [2] and is based on the economic
assumption that it is better to invest now, to prevent structure damage or its advancement,
to save money later. Life cycle cost analysis is used to asses these costs through a certain
period or whole life of a structure.
Although sudden failures of tunnels do occur rarely they do not present a dominant way of
these structures reach their ultimate limit state and eventually end of life. Deterioration of a
tunnel is a gradual process through the life of a structure in which routine maintenance and
repair actions are performed. While routine maintenance does not improve quality level of a
structure but rather keeps it on an operational level repair/remediation works are intended
to increase structure performance level. Figure 4 shows how a standard gradual deterioration
curve of an ageing structure can be combined with monitoring data to establish threshold
values which can then be used for determination of optimal timing for certain measures.

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Figure 3 Two types of maintenance philosophies (a) corrective maintenance and (b) preventive and predictive
maintenance [2]

Figure 4 Life cycle of a structure combined with tunnel monitoring data

The Faculty of Civil Engineering in Zagreb installed extensive geotechnical instrumentation in

the Bobova tunnel which was constructed in 2005. It is located on the D404 state highway and
passes under a part of the Vežica – Sušak town area in Rijeka. Measurements were carried out
during excavation works and over the 12 years of operation. The deformation measurements
shown in Figure 4, indicate that the largest movements occurred during excavation, however,
displacements have continued to the present day, albeit at a continuously reduced rate.
The monitoring results are to be used to test a methodology for estimating rheological para-
meters for the prediction of long-term deformations using monitoring data for Croatian karst.
In this paper monitoring results are suggested to be used in the development of life cycle
management model for tunnels as shown in Figure 4.

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Figure 4 combines a theoretical gradual deterioration curve of structural performance and
ageing. In the first period before neutralization it is easy to maintain a structures performance
with routine maintenance. Once progression period begins inclination of deterioration curve
is increased and maintaining structures performance requires more costs. Establishing the
deterioration curve can help decision makers in choosing optimal time for repair works before
structural performance reaches a certain level where costs significantly increase. The curve is
valid while there are constant conditions and does not present environmental changes such
as floods or earthquakes. Long term monitoring of deformations can be used for determinati-
on of the phase in which structure is which is what triggers decisions regarding maintenance
or repair activities.

4 Conclusion
This research is the beginning of the optimisation of maintenance strategies by decreasing
uncertainties in the analysis of life cycle of a tunnel structure. Monitoring data can be used
to establish probabilistic deterioration relationships to determine future costs. Future steps
are needed to bring together data about defects and timing of defects with the data about
long term deformations collected through monitoring.

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[5] ISO 15686-5:2008 Buildings and constructed assets -- Service-life planning -- Part 5: Life-cycle costing
[6] fib Guide to Good Practice, Concrete Structure Management – The Owners’ Guide to Good Practice,
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[7] Ai, Q., Yuan, Y., Mahadevan, S., Jiang, X.: Maintenance strategies optimisation of metro
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[8] Yang, W., Baji H., Chun-Qing Li , C.-Q.: Time-dependent reliability method for service life prediction
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[9] Kovačević, M.S., Gavin, K., Stipanović Oslaković, I., Librić, L., Rossi, N.: ‘Monitoring of long term
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