Bernice Skelton Rogers
Bernice Skelton Rogers
Bernice Skelton Rogers
Part 1
We know we live in a physical realm that we see, feel, and touch, but there is a spiritual
realm that is more superior to the physical that we take for granted. This seen realm was
created from the unseen realm.
Hebrews 11: 3, Message Bible: By faithless understand that the universe was formed at
God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.
There is the existence of a spiritual reality, unseen by human eyes. Our physical reality,
we do not question it, we see it and just accept it; yet we doubt this unseen realm we call
spiritual. Spiritual reality consists of good and evil. The good comes from God and holy
angels . The evil comes from Satan and his demons who are fallen angels God evicted
from heaven . Ezekiel 28:11-17, Isaiah 14:12-15. When God created us, He gave us a
spiritual component, a heart that longs to know him , his spirit and when we receive him at
salvation, that spirit man comes alive within us and is no longer under the authority of the
The Bible gives us many encounters of God’s spiritual realm coming in contact with this
physical realm: casting out demons, feeding the thousands of people with a few fish and
loaves of bread, speaking to sickness and seeing it go, and dead things coming to life.
Heavenly realms means a sphere of spiritual activity and includes both good and evil
activity. God is a spirit and is not bound to time, space, or matter. His home is heaven, He
sits on a throne surrounded by angels that exist to serve God and minister to his saints
and they have the ability to appear as men when sent to deliver us a message from God.
The dark side belongs to Satan and his evil spirits, he is not God’s counterpart because
our God has no challenger. Satan only has the power God allows him for only as long as
God allows it. Only God has the answer to the why of this statement, hopefully it is to
perfect us to grow more in his likeness and image, just as he first created man to be.
Our physical battles that we face are intense at times, the results only temporary for
another battles always awaits until we reach a point that our faith rises above the battle
and soars completely in God above the storms of life. Every spiritual battle has eternal
consequences. If we could see these battles with unveiled eyesight, we would be more
careful about what we say and do, for our words releases power in the spiritual realm.
This is why we must learn our own limitations in the spirit and understand our spiritual
authority. When we do, we will see our spiritual gifts will be enhanced then. God desires
all of us to walk every day in his spiritual authority and power that he has placed back in
our hands. Prayer is the key to walking in this power and authority.
There is always order in the spirit and God’s order undergirds our authority. We have no
authority in the flesh, but when we use our God given authority, things change in the spirit
realm and in the physical realm. God’s authority will always be challenged, just as it has
been since Satan stole it from Adam. Spiritual authority is our secret weapon and the side
of evil has to cave into this authority. We can confuse the spirit of darkness if:
We walk with God in a personal relationship and have nothing before him in our hearts.
Walk in the dominion that God has given us in this earthly life.
We will not need this power and authority when we get to heaven, it is to be used here on
earth by walking in faith 100% of the time and not by sight. We have the victory in every
battle if we have learned how this enemy of ours operates In our lives. Satan wants all the
power and authority God has placed in our hands, yet as God’s saints, few of us use it to
its fullest potential.
by Bernice Skelton Rogers