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Def 90 110 WSM Book4

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Number Page


- Overhaul manual steering box 1

- Overhaul steering column 3
- Overhaulpower steering box
-Bleeding power steering system I 8
-Test power steering system
- Adjustpower steering box I Adwest early models

- Overhaul power steering pump -V8 engine vehicles -early models

- Overhaul Adwest lightweight power steering box 20
-Bleeding Adwest lightweight power steering box 30
-Test Adwest lightweight power steering box 30
-Adjust Adwest lightweight power steering box 31
- Overhaul Gemmer power steering box 32
-Power steering -fault diagnosis 43
- Overhaul drop arm joint 44
- Adjustingtrack rod and drag link joints 46


- Overhaul front hub assembly 1

- Overhaulstub axle, axle shaft constant velocity joint and swivel assembly 3


- Description 1
~, -Overhaul front brake calipers 2
- Overhaul rear brakes - ‘90’ models 6
- Overhaul rear brakes - ‘110’models 7
- Overhaul transmission brake 8
- Bleeding brakes 10
- Overhaul master cylinder 11
-Fault diagnosis 14

-Chassis dimensions -‘90’ models 1

- Chassis dimensions -‘110’ models 3
- Kemoving door trim - ‘90’ ana ’iiW 6
- Rearside doors and window mechanisms - ‘90’and ‘110’ 7
- Front doors and window mechanisms - ‘90’ and ‘110’ 12



This Workshop Manual covers the Land Rover Ninety and One Ten range of vehicles. It is primarily designed to
assist skilled technicians in the efficient repair and maintenance of Land Rover vehicles.

Using the appropriate service tools and carrying out the procedures as detailed will enable the operations to be
completed within the time stated in the 'Repair Operation Times'

The Manual has been produced in separate books; this allows the information to be distributed throughout the
specialist areas of the modern service facility.

A table of contents in Book 1 lists the major components and systems together with thc section and book numbers.
The cover of each book details thc sections contained within that book.

The title page of each book carries the part numbers required to order replacement books, binders or complete
Service Manuals. This can be done through the normal channels.

References to the left- or right-hand side in the manual are made when viewing the vehicle from the rear. With the
engine and gearbox assembly removcd, the water pump end of the engine is referred to as the front.
To reduce repetition, operations covered in this manual do not include referencc to testing the vehicle aftcr rcpair. It

is essential that work is inspected and tested aftcr completion and if necessary a road test of the vehicle is carried out6'":
particularly where safety relatcd items are concerned. ' .t

The dimensions quoted are to design engineering specification. Altcrnative unit equivalents, shown in brackets
ColJowingthe dimensions, have bccn converted from the original specification.
During t h e period of running-in from new, certain adjustments may vary from the specification figurcs given in this
Manual. These adjustments will be re-set by t h e Distributor o r Dealer at the After Sales Service, and thereafter
should bc maintained at the figures specified in the Manual.


When replacement parts are required it is essential that only Land Rover parts are used.
Attcntion is particularly drawn to the following points concerning repairs and the fitting of replacement parts and
Safety features embodied in the vehicle may be impaircd if other than Land Rover parts are fitted. In certain
territories, legislation prohibits the fitting of parts not to the vehicle manufacturer's specification. Torque wrench &++.
sctting figures given in the Repair Operation Manual must be strictly adhered to. Locking devices, where specified, ;
must bc fitted. If the efficicncy of a locking device is impaired during removal it must be renewed. Owners
purchasing accessories while travelling abroad should ensure that the accessory and its fitted location on the vehicle
conform to mandatory requirements existing in their country of origin. The terms of the Owners Service Statement
may be invalidatcd by the fitting of other than Land Rover parts.
All Land Rover parts have the full backing of the Owners Service Statement.
Land Rover Distributors and Dealers are obliged to supply only Land Rover service parts.

Many liquids and other substances used in motor vehicles arc poisonous and should under no circumstances be
consumed and should as far as possible be kept away from open wounds. These substances among others include
antifreeze, brake fluid, fucl, windscreen washer additives, lubricants and various adhesives.


The following information provides basic precautions which must be observed if petrol (gasoline) is to be handled
safely. It also outlines the other areas of risk which must not be ignored.
This information is issued for basic guidance only, and in any case of doubt appropriate enquiries should be made of
g-; ='
your local Fire Officer.
PetroVgasoline vapour is highly flammable and in confined spaces is also very explosive and toxic.
When petrol/gasoline evaporates it produces 150 times its own volume in vapour, which when diluted with air
... , ~
becomes a readily ignitable mixture. The vapour is heavier than air and will always fall to the lowest level. It can
.... readily be distributed throughout a workshop by air current, consequently, even a small spillage of petrol/gasoline is
......,'.' _
,.C I._..1

potentially very dangerous.

Always have a fire extinguisher containing FOAM CO2 GAS, or POWDER close at hand when handling or draining
fuel, o r when dismantling fuel systems and in areas where fuel containers are stored.
Always disconnect the vehicle battery BEFORE carrying out dismantling or draining work on a fuel system.
Whenever petrol/gasoline is being handled, drained or stored, o r when fuel systems are being dismantled all forms of
ignition must be extinguished or removed, any head-lamps used must be flameproof and kept clear of spillage.





Draining or extracting petrol/gasoline from vehicle fuel tank must be carried out in a well ventilated area.
The receptacle used to contain the petrol/gasoline must be more than adequate for the full amount of fuel to be
extracted or drained. The receptacle should be clearly marked with its contents, and placed in a safe storage area
which meets the requirements of local authority regulations.


On vchiclcs where the fuel line is secured to the fuel tank outlet by a spring steel clip, it is recommended that such
clips are reieased before the fuel line is disconnected or the fuel tank unit is removed. This procedure will avoid the
possibility of residual petrol fumes in the fuel tank being ignited when the clips are released.
As an added precaution fuel tanks should have a PETROWGASOLINE VAPOUR warning label attached to them
as soon as they are removed from the vehicle.


Under no circumstances should a repair to any tank involving heat treatment be carried out without first rendering
the tank SAFE, by using one of the following methods:
STEAMING: With the filler cap and tank unit removed, empty the tank. Steam the tank for at least two hours
with low pressure steam. Position the tank so that condensation can drain away freely, ensuring that any
sedimcnt and sludge not volatised by the steam, is washed out during the steaming process.
BOILING: With the filler cap and tank unit removed, empty the tank. Immerse the tank completely in boiling
. .. water containing an effective alkaline degreasing agent or a detergent, with the water filling and also
surrounding the tank for at least two hours.
After steaming or boiling a signed and dated label to this effect should be attached to the tank.

Purchasers are advised that the specification details set out in this Manual apply to a range of vehicles and not to any
one. For the specification of a particular vehicle, purchasers should consult their Distributor or Dealer.

The Manufacturers reserve the right to vary their specifications with or without notice, and at such times and in such
manner as they think fit. Major as well as minor changes may be involved in accordance with the Manufacturer's
policy of constant product improvement.

Whilst every effort is made to ensure the accuracy of the particulars contained in this Manual, ncither thc
Manufacturer nor the Distributor or Dealer, by whom this Manual is supplied, shall in any circumstances be held
liable for any inaccuracy or the consequences thereof.

@ Land Rover Limited 1984

. .. .
,, . ..,
I.. .
. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be produced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any
, ... .",.
: '
form, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or other means without prior written permission of Land
Rover Limited, Service Department, Solihull, England.
. Special Service
The use of approved special service tools is important. They are essential if service
operations are to be carried out efficiently, and safcly. The amount of time which they
save can be considerable.
Every special tool is designed with the close co-operation of Land Rover Ltd., and no
tool is put into production which has not been tested and approved by us. New tools are
only introduced where an operation cannot be satisfactorily carried out using existing
tools or standard equipment. The user is therefore assured that the tool is necessary and
that it will perform accurately, efficiently and safely.
Special tools bulletins will be issued periodically giving details of new tools as they are
All orders and enquiries from the United Kingdom should be sent direct to V. L.
Churchill. Overseas orders should be placed with the local V. L. Churchill distributor,
where one exists. Countries where there is no distributor may order direct from V. L.
Churchill Limited, PO Box 3 Daventry, Northants, England N N l l 4 N F .

The tools recommended in this Workshop Manual are listed in a multi-language, illustrated catalogue
obtainable from Messers. V. L. Churchill at the above address under publication number 2217/2/84 or from
Land Rover Ltd., under part number LSM0052TC from the following address, Land Rover Merchandising
Service, P.O. Box 534, Erdington, Birmingham B24 OQS.
Special tool:
RO 1016
1. Remove the steering box from the vehicle, and
remove the drop arm.
2. Remove the adjuster locknut.
3. Remove the four bolts securing the top cover.
4. Unscrew the top cover from the adjuster.
5. Lift out the sector shaft.
6. Remove the four bolts securing the worm shaft
retaining plate and remove the plate complete with
shims and joint washer.
7. Remove the taper bearing and track.
8. Withdraw the worm shaft and collect the opposite
- taper bearing.
.9. Drift out the worm shaft oil seal.
10. Drift out the shaft-end bearing track and collect the
ST 887M
shim. Note since this shim or one of the same value
must be refitted, as a precaution against loss, check
the thickness with a micrometer and note the 21. With the lip side leading fit the oil seal to the
reading. shaft-end of the box.
11. Prise out the sector shaft oil seal.
12. Drift out the sector shaft needle roller bearings. NOTE: When performing instructions 22, 23 and 26
Inspection pressure must only be applied to the hardened square
13. Clean and degrease all parts and examine for wear end of the bearings.
and damage.
14. Renew the bearings (if worn), oil seals and joint 22. Press in the sector shaft top bearing to a depth of
washers and any other unsatisfactory parts. 83 mm (3.150 in) from the top machined face o f
15. If the bearing in the top cover is worn renew the the steering box.
complete cover with bearing. 23. Press in the sector shaft lower bearing 1,OO mm
(0.040 in) below the chamfer.
Assembling 24. Check that n o end-play exists in the sector shaft
Cleanliness, during the following instructions, is adjuster. To reduce end-play unstake the threaded
essential. cup and turn clockwise until all play is removed and
16. Press o r drift in the worm, shaft-end, bcaring track restake.
ensuring that the same shim or one of the same 25. Fit the sector shaft so that the roller is in the centre
value is fitted behind the track. It is essential that of the worm in the straight ahead position.
the track is fitted squarely and pressed fully home. 26. Fit the bearing to the sector shaft top cover.
17. Lubricate and fit the bearing to the shaft and insert 27. Screw the top cover onto the adjuster and secure
the shaft into the box. with the four bolts and evenly tighten to 25 to
18. Lubricate and fit the opposite bearing and track to 30 Nm (18 to 22 Ibs ft).
the worm. 28. Loosely fit the adjuster locknut.
19. Fit the cover plate, joint washer and original shims. 29. Keeping the sector shaft in the straight ahead
Secure with the four bolts and evenly tighten to 25 position fit the drop arm and turn the adjuster
to 30 Nm (18 to 22 Ibs ft). clockwise until pre-load is applied to the shaft. The
20. Check the worm shaft bearing pre-load by amount of pre-load should be such that when the
attaching special tool R01016 or a similar shaft is turned half a turn to the left then half a turn
alternative 63,5 mm (2.5 in) diameter, to the worm to the right, the backlash must only just be
shaft. Wrap string round the tool and attach a perceptible. When satisfactory tighten the adjuster
spring balance to one end and with a steady pull locknut.
note the rolling resistance which should be 2.26 to 30. Fit the sector shaft oil seal.
2.72 Kg ( 5 to 6 Ibs force). Adjust by adding or 31. Remove the oil filter plug and pour in
subtracting shims. When the correct figure is approximately 0,43 litres (0.75 pints) of the
achieved, remove the bolts, coat the threads with appropriate recommended oil to a minimum level
sealant and fit and evenly tighten to within the of 25 m m (1.0 in) below the top of the filler hole.
above torque figures. Refit the plug and tighten to 20 Nm (14.75 Ibs ft).




1. Adjuster lock nut. 10. Worm shaft taper bearing.

2. Top cover retaining bolts. 11. Worm shaft oil seal.
3. Topcover. 12. Worm shaft bearing track shim.
4. Top cover joint washer. 13. Sector shaft oil seal.
5. Sector shaft. 14. Sector shaft needle roller bearings.
6. Worm shaft retaining plate and bolts. 15. Worm shaft grommet.
7. Worm shaft shim(s). 16. Sector shaft adjuster.
8. Worm shaft joint washer. 17. Sector shaft threaded cup.
9. Worm shaft. 18. Oil filler plug and washer.

,. ...
rI REMOVE AND OVERHAUL STEERING 8. Remove the four screws securing the instrument
I .,I,

.L * panel and pull panel away from facia to enable the

speedometer cable to be disconnected.
Remove the collapsible shaft 9. Also disconnect two block conncctors. one
1. Remove the bonnet. multiplug connector and one white wire and
2. Set the road wheels and steering wheel in the withdraw the panel complete with instruments.
straight ahead position.
3. Mark the relationship of the steering column inner
shaft to the top universal joint.

NOTE: The Collapsible shaft can be disconnected

from the steering column only, if required, by
removing the bolts from the top universal joint and
slackening the top bolt of the lower universal joint.

4. Remove the two bolts from the top universal joint

and the lower bolt of the bottom universal joint.
Slacken the top bolt of the lower universal joint
and withdraw the shaft.

Remove the steering column switches

10. Remove five screws and two self-tapping screws to
remove the top half of t h e nacelle.
11. Ease the bottom half of the nacellc from the four
switch grommets and disconnect the mixture
control cable (Petrol vehicle) and remove the lowcr

Remove the steering wheel

5 . Remove the single screw retaining steering wheel
finisher and remove the finisher.
6. Remove the steering wheel retaining n u t and if
necessary, use a suitable puller to remove the 12. Disconnect the four multi-plugs, one for each
wheel. switch making note of their positions.
13. Remove one clamp screw on top of the switch
Remove the instrument panel cluster and withdraw t h e switches.

7. Disconnect the battery. continued


Remove the steering column

Remove the steering column lock-switch
21. Remove the bolt securing the tie-bar to the stecring
14. Note the position of the wires on the back of the column, behind the instrument panel.
lock switch and disconnect the lucars.
15. Using a punch or stud extractor remove the two
shear bolts securing the switch to the column.
Remove the switch and collect the two plain
washers between the switch and clamp.

b 22. Remove the two bolts securing the lower end of t h e

ST572M column.

Remove the brake pedal box

16. Remove the vent cover and the strip retaining the
mill board trim covering the brake pedal
mechanism and remove the trim, to expose the
pedal box bolts.
17. Remove the two nuts securing the brake master
cylinder to the servo and disconnect the vacuum
hose from the servo.
18. Remove the six bolts retaining the pedal box to the
bulk head. ST575M
19. Disconnect the wires from the stop lamp switch.
20. Taking care not to damage the brake fluid pipes
remove the pedal box from the bulkhead complete
with the brake pedal assembly.

~ ,:' ..I,_(
23. Remove the two bolts securing the two halves of 29. Drive the needle bearing from the outer column.
. *.


the top clamp and the two bolts that secure the top
half of the clamp to the bulkhead and remove the
clamp and rubber packing.
24. Remove the two bolts securing the column inaia
support bracket to the bulkhead.
25. Remove the steering column and main support
bracket from the vehicle.

ST576M t I shaft.
31. Fit the retaining collar, ensuring that it butts
against the bearing and that the roll pin holes linc
up. Secure with the roll pin.
32. Fit a new roller bearing to the top end of the outer
Overhaul the steering column
column to a depth of 10 mm.
26. Remove the circlip from the lower end of the 33. Fit the inner shaft and bearing assembly to the
steering column. outer column and secure with the circlip.
27. Drift out the inner shaft complete with bearing
from the top end of the column. continued
28. Remove the roll pin from the bearing retaining
collar and drive the collar and bearing from the
inner shaft.




Fitting steering column

34. Fit the main support bracket and padding to the
steering column and manoeuvre the column into
position in the vehicie.
35. Loosely secure the main support bracket and
harness bracket to the bulkhead with two bolts.
36. Loosely fit the clamp and rubber packing strip to
the column and retain with two bolts.
37. Loosely secure the lower end of the column to the
lower support bracket with two nuts and bolts.
38. Loosely secure the clamp bracket to the main
support bracket with two bolts.

41. Fit the pedal box and secure with the six bolts. Fit
-- the pedal assembly mill board trim and secure with
retaining strip, vent cover and screws.
42. Fit the master cylinder to the servo and connect the
servo vacuum hose.
43. Connect the stop lamp switch leads.

Fit steering column lock switch

44. Place lock switch in position and rotate the steering
column inner shaft to line up the slot with the
switch plunger.


39. Wn-bing inside the vehicle cab, fit the tie-bar to the
cc n bracket and secure with the single bolt.
40. Fir.. .ly tighten the main support bracket bolts,
clamp bracket bolts, upper clamp bolts and the
lower support bracket nuts and bolts.
45. Secure the lock to the column with the clamp and Fit instrument panel and nacelle
shear bolts, whilst inserting two plain washers
between the switch and clamp. Tighten the bolts 47. Offer up the instrument panel and connect the
but not enough to shear them. Temporarily fit the speedometer cable, two block connectors one
steering wheel and operate the switch and lock multi-plug and single white wire. Secure the panel
mechanism several times to ensure it functions with the four screws.
properly before finally tightening the bolts until the
heads shear. Connect the electrical leads to the
rear of the switch.

* .. ...
.. .. ..

48. Locate the top half of the nacelle in position and fit
the mixture control cable (Petrol only) to the lower
half. Locate the switch grommets and securc the
ST583M two halves together with the four long screws one
short and two self-tapping screws.

Fit steering column switch assembly

46. Fit the steering column switch assembly and secure
with the single screw. Connect the four multi-plugs
to the main harness.

I. .

Fit the steering wheel

49. Turn the cancelling ring so that the slots are
vertical and the lug with the arrow points to the
left, in the direction of the indicator switch. Engage
the steering lock.
50. Fit the steering wheel with the finisher attachment
lug at the bottom. Ensure that the indicator
cancelling forks locate in the cancelling ring slots.
Secure the wheel with the shake-proof washer and
nut and tighten to the correct torque. Fit t h e
.. ... .
... ?. . finisher and secure with the single screw.
. .



early vehicles
- Adwest e
Service tools:
'C' Spanner -606600
Peg Spanner -606601
Ring expander -606602
Ring compressor -606603
Seal saver, sector shaft -606604
Seal saver, valve and worm -R01015
ST587 M Torque setting tool -R01016

Fit collapsible steering shaft
1. Remove the steering box from the vehicle, and
51. If necessary, fit new universal joints to the support. withdraw the drop arm.
Note that the long joint is fitted to the short length
of shaft and short joint to the long end. The joints
can only be fitted one way to the shaft.
52. With the steering lock engagcd and the road wheels
in the straight ahead position line-up the marks
made in instruction 2 and fit the collapsible shaft \
assembly with the long leg of the shaft to the
steering box. Fit the pinch bolts and tighten to the
correct torque figure.

ST 1043M

2. Rotate the retainer ring, as necessary, until one

end is approximately 12 mm (0.500 in) from the
extractor hole.
3. Lift the cover retaining ring from the groove in the
ST588M cylinder bore, using a suitable pointed drift applied
through the hole provided in the cylinder wall.
4. Complete the removal of the retainer ring, using a
5. Turn on left lock (L.H. steering) until the piston
pushes out the end cover (for R.H. steering
models, turn on right lock).



15. Tap the splined end of the spindle shaft to free the
16. Withdraw the bearing cup and caged ball bearing
6. Slacken the grub screw retaining the rack pad assembly.
adjuster. 17. Withdraw the valve and worm assembly.
7. Remove the rack pad adjuster. 18. Do not disturb the trim screw, otherwise the
8. Remove the sector shaft adjuster locknut. calibration will be adversely affected.
9. Remove the sector shaft cover fixings. 19. Withdraw the inner bearing ball race and shims.
10. Screw in the sector shaft adjuster until the cover is Retain the shims.
11. Slide out the sector shaft.

l6R 17

Steering box seals

ST 10 4 5 M 20. Remove the circlip and seals from the scctor shaft
housing bore.
NOTE: Do not remove the sector bush unless
replacement is required. Refer to instruction 23.
21. Remove the circlip and seals from the input shaft
12. Withdraw the piston, using a suitable UNC bolt
housing bore.
screwed into the tapped hole in the piston.
13. Remove the worm adjusting screw locknut using NOTE: Do not remove the input shaft needle
.! .’ ‘C’ spanner 606600. bearing unless replacement is required.
14. Remove the worm adjusting screw using peg
spanner 606601. continued



Sector shaft assembly

Inspecting 27. Check that there is no side play on t h e rollers.
28. If excessive side play on the roller does exist renew
22. Discard all rubber seals and provide replacements. the sector shaft.
29. Check the condition of the adjuster screw threads.
NOTE: A rubber seal is fitted behind the plastic 30. Examine the bearing areas on the shaft for
ring on the rack piston. Discard the seal also the excessive wear.
plastic ring and provide replacements. 31. Examinc the gear teeth for uneven or excessive


STlOSl M '32

Sector shaft cover assembly

Steering box casing
32. The cover, bush and seat are supplied as a
23. If necessary, replace the sector shaft bush, using c=mp!ete assemb!j! fe: :ep!ace!??en? pllrpnses.
suitable tubing as a drift.
24. Examine the piston bore for traces of scoring and sector
shaft adjuster locknut
25. Examine the inlet tube seat for damage. If
replacement is necessary this can be undertaken by
33. The locknut functions also as a fluid seal and must
be replaced at overhaul. e-..
using a suitable tap.
26. Examine the feed tube for signs of cracking. continued

Valve and worm assembly NOTE: Any sign of wear at locations 39,40 and 41
make it essential that the complete valve and worm
34. Examine the valve rings which must be free from assembly are renewed.
cuts, scratches and grooves. The valve rings should
be a loose fit in the valve grooves. Ball bearing and cage assem blies
35. Remove the damaged rings ensuring that no
damage is done to the seal grooves. 42. Examine the ball races and cups for wear and
36. If required, fit replacement rings, using the ring general condition.
expander 606602. Both rings and tool may be 43. If the ball cage has worn against the bearing cup, fit
warmed if found necessary. Use hot water for this replacements.
purpose. Then insert into the ring compressor 44. Bearing balls must be retained by the cage.
606603 to cool. 45. Bearings and cage repair are carried out by the
complete. replacement of the bearings and cage
NOTE: The expander will not pass over rings assembly. The bearing cup may be replaced
already fitted. These rings must be discarded to separately only.
allow access then renewed. 46. To remove the inner bearing cup and shim
washers, jar the steering box on the work bench.

NOTE: Should difficulty be experienced at this

stage, warm the casing and the bearing assembly.
Cool the bearing cup using a suitable mandrel and
jar the steering box on the bench.



37. Examine the bearing areas for wear. The areas

must be smooth and not indented.
38. Examine the worm track which must be smooth
and not indented.
39. Check for excessive end-float between the worm
::: and valve sleeve. End-float must not exceed
., ., 0,12 mm (0.005 in). Rack thrust pad and adjuster
40. Rotary movement between the components at the
trim pin is permissible. 47. Examine the thrust pad for scores.
41. Check for wear on the torsion bar assembly pins; 48. Examine the adjuster for wear in the pad seat.
n o free movement should exist between the input 49. Examine the nylon pad and adjuster grub screw
shaft and the worm. assembly for wear.


49 40 47
I \ \

,,. .-.
...- ..... .'..
... JI
ST10 5 3M

Rack and piston REASSEMBLE

50. Examine for excessive wear on the rack teeth. NOTE: When fitting replacement oil seals, these must
51. Ensure the thrust pad bearing surface is free of be lubricated with recommended fluid. Also ensure that
scores and wear. absolute cleanliness is observed during assembly.
52. Ensure that the piston outer diameters are free
from burrs and damage. Input shaft oil seal
53. Examine the seal and ring groove for scores and
damage. 56. Fit the seal, lipped side first, into the housing.
54. Fit a new rubber ring to the piston. Warm the white When correctly seated, the seal backing will lie flat
nylon seal and fit this to the piston. Slide the piston on the bore shoulder.
assembly into the cylinder with the rack tube 57. Fit the extrusion washer and secure with the circlip.
outwards. Allow to cool.


ST 1058M / I

Input shaft needle bearing Sector shaft seal

55. If necessary, replace the bearing. The replacement 58. Fit the oil seal, lipped side first.
must be fitted squarely in the bore (numbered face 59. Fit the extrusion washer.
of the bearing uppermost). Then, carefully push 60. Fit the dirt seal, lipped side last.
the bearing in until it is flush with the top of the 61. Fit the circlip.
housing bore, Ideally, the bearing will be just clear
of the bottom of the housing bore. continued



Fitting the valve and worm assembly

62. If removed, refit the original shim washer(s) and
the inner bearing cap. Only vaseline must be used
as an aid to assembling the bearings.

NOTE: If the original shims are not available, fit

shim(s) of 0.76 mm (0.030 in) nominal thickness.

63. Fit the inner cage and bearings assembly.

64. Fit the valve and worm assembly, using seal saver
R01015 to protect the input shaft seal.
65. Fit the outer cage and bearings assembly.
66. Fit the outer bearing cup.

SrlOSl M

Fitting the rack and piston

71. Screw a suitable bolt into the piston head for use as
an assembly tool.
72. Fit the piston and rack assembly so that the piston
is 63.5 mm (2.5 in) approximately from the outer
end of the bore.
73. Feed in the sector shaft using seal saver 606604
aligning the centre gear pitch on the rack with the
centre gear tooth on t h e sector shaft. Push in the
sector shaft, and, at the same time rotate the input
shaft about a small arc to allow the sector roller to
engage the worm.


67. Renew the worm adjuster sealing ring and loosely

screw the adjuster into the casing. Fit the locknut,
but do not tighten.
68. Turn in the worm adjuster until the end-float at the
input is almost eliminated.
69. Measure and record the maximum rolling distance
of the valve and worm assembly, using a spring
balance and cord coiled around the torque setting
tool R01016.
70. I----- I I I the worm adjuster to increase the figure
I U I I I .-

recorded in instruction 69 by 1,8 to 2,2 kg (4 to

5 Ib) at 1.250 in (31.7 mm) radius to settle the
bearings, then back off the worm adjuster until the
figure recorded in instruction 69 is increased by 0,9
to 1,3 kg (2 to 3 Ib) only, with the locknut tight.
Use peg spanner 606601 and 'C' spanner 606600.

Fitting the rack adjuster Fitting the cylinder cover

74. Fit the sealing ring to the rack adjuster. 82. Fit the square section seal to the cover.
75. Fit the rack adjuster and thrust pad to engage the 83. Remove the slave bolt and press the cover into the
rack. Back off a half turn on the adjuster. cylinder just sufficient to clear the retainer ring
76. Loosely fit the nylon pad and adjuster grub screw groove.
assembly to engage the rack adjuster. 84. Fit the retainer ring to the groove with one end of
the ring positioned 12 mm (0.5 in) approximately
from the extractor hole.
76 75


Adjusting the sector shaft

Fitting the sector shaft cover
77. Fit the sealing ring to the cover. 85. Set the worm o n centre by rotating the input shaft
78. Screw the cover assembly fully on to the sector half the total number of turns from either lock.
shaft adjuster screw. 86. Rotate the sector shaft adjusting screw anti-
79. Position the cover on to the casing. clockwise to obtain backlash between the input
80. Tap home the cover. If necessary back off on the shaft and the sector shaft.
sector shaft adjuster screw to allow the cover to 87. Rotate the sector shaft adjusting screw clockwise
joint fully with the casing. until the backlash is just eliminated.
88. Measure and record the maximum rolling
NOTE: Before tightening the fixings, rotate the resistance at the input shaft, using a spring balance,
input shaft about a small arc to ensure that the cord and torque tool R01016.
sector roller is free to move in the valve worm. 89. Hold still the sector shaft adjuster screw and
loosely fit a new locknut.
81. Fit t h e cover fixings and torque load to 2,2 to 2,8 90. Turn in the sector shaft adjuster screw until the f".

kgf m (16 to 20 Ibf ft) (23 to 28 Nm). figure recordcd in instruction 88 is increased by 0,9
to 1,3 kg (2 to 3 Ib) with the locknut tightened.



e','t:i:t Adjusting the rack adjuster Adjustments
91. Turn in the rack adjuster to increase the figure 95. Note where the greatest figures are recorded
recorded in 90 by 0,9 to 1,3 kg (2 to 3 lb). The final relative to the steering gear position. If the greatest
figure may be less than but must not exceed 7,25 kg figures are not recorded across the centre of travel
(16 Ib). (i.e. steering straight ahead position), adjust as
92. Lock the rack adjuster in position with the grub follows:
screw. L.H. steering models. If the torque peak occurs
before the centre position, add to the shim
Torque peak check washer valve; if the torque peak occurs after
the centre position, subtract from the shim
With the input shaft rotated from lock-to-lock, the washer valve.
rolling resistance torque figures should be greatest R.H. steering models. If the torque peak occurs
across the centre position (1% turns approximately before the centre position, subtract from the
from full lock) and equally disposed about the centre shim washer valve; if the torque occurs after
position. the centre position, add to the shim washer
This condition depends on the value of shimming fitted valve.
between the valve and worm assembly inner bearing Shim washers are available as follows:
cup and the casing. The original shim washer value will 0,03 mm, 0,07 mm, 0,12 mm and 0,24 mm (0.0015 in,
- give the correct torque peak position unless major
components have been replaced.
0.003 in, 0.005 in and 0.010 in).

NOTE: Adjustment of 0,07 mm (0.003 in) to the shim

NOTE: During the following 'Procedure', the stated value will move the torque peak area .by ''9 turn
positioning and direction of the input shaft applies for approximately on the shaft.
both L.H. and R.H. boxes. However, the procedure for
shim adjustment where necessary, differs between L.H. 96. Fit the drop arm to the steering box using a new tab
and R.H. steering boxes and is described under the washer. Tighten the nut to the correct torque and
applicable L.H. stg. and R.H. stg. headings. bend over tab.
97. Refit the steering box to the vehicle.
Procedure 98. Replenish the system with the correct grade of
93. With the input coupling shaft toward the operator, fluid. Refer to Recommended Lubricants and
turn the shaft fully anti-clockwise. bleed the system.
94. Check the torque figures obtained from lock-to- 99. Test the system for leaks, with the engine running,
lock using a spring balance cord and torque tool by holding the steering hard on full lock in both
R01016. directions.

NOTE: Do not maintain this pressure for more than

30 seconds in any one minute to avoid over-heating
the fluid and possibly damaging the seals.

100. Road test the vehicle.

. .
Service tools:
1. Fill the steering fluid reservoir to the mark on the
side of the reservoir with one of the recommended
Three-way adaptor JD10-2/1
Gauge -JDlO
2. Start and run the engine until it attains normal
Hose JD 10-3
2-off Hose -JDIO-3A
operating temperature.
Adaptor -JD10-6/1
3. Run the engine at idle speed. Adaptor -JD10-6/2
NOTE: During the carrying out of items 4, 5 and 6, If there is a lack of power assistance for the steering the
ensure that the steering reservoir is kept full. Do not pressure of the hydraulic pump should be checked first
increase the engine speed or move the steering wheel. before renewing any components of the system. The
fault diagnosis chart should also be used to assist in
4. Slacken the bleed screw. When fluid seepage past tracing faults in the power steering.
the bleed screw is observed, retighten the screw. PROCEDURE
1. The hydraulic pressure test gauge is used in
conjunction with the special adaptor (as illustrated)
for testing the power steering system. This gauge is
calibrated to read up to 140 kgf/cm’ (2000 Ibf/in2) -.
and the normal pressure which may be expected 3.- _I

in the power steering system is 60 kgf/cm2

(850 Ibf/in2j.
2. Under certain fault conditions of the hydraulic
pump it is possible to obtain pressures up to
105 kgf/cm2 (1500 lbf/in2). Therefore, it is
important to realise that the pressure upon the
gauge is in direct proportion to the pressure being
exerted upon the steering wheel. When testing,
apply pressure to t h e steering wheel very gradually
while carefully observing the pressure gauge.
3 . Check, and if necessary replenish, the fluid
4. Examine the power steering units and connections
for leaks. All leaks must be rectified before
attempting to test the system.
5. Check the steering pump drive belt for condition
and tension, rectify as neccssary.
The pump used on the V8 engined vehicle is
different from that fitted to the four cylinder T-r
5 . Ensure that the fluid level is in alignment with the engined vehicles but the test figures are the same
mark on the reservoir dipstick. for both pumps, Diagrams show how the test
6. Wipe off all fluid released during bleeding. equipment is assembled for both vehicles.
7. Check all hose joints, pump and steering box for 6. Assemble the test equipment in accordance with
fluid leaks under pressure by holding the steering the diagram for the vehicle concerned.
hard on full lock in both directions. 7. Open the tap in the adaptor JD10-211.
8. Bleed the system but exercise extreme care when
CAUTION: Do not maintain this pressure for more carrying out this operation so as not to overload the
than 30 seconds in any one minute, to avoid causing pressure gauge.
the oil to overheat and possible damage to the seals. 9. With the system in good condition, the pressures
The steering should be smooth lock-to-lock in both should be as follows:
directions, that is, no heavy or light spots when (a) Steering wheel held hard on full lock and
changing direction when the vehicle is stationary. engine running at 1,000 rev/min, the pressure
shouici be 60 to 67 i<gf/cm2(850 to 950 ibf/in2j.
8. Carry out a short road test. If necessary, repeat the (b) With the engine idling and the steering wheel
complete foregoing procedure. held hard on full lock, the pressure should be
28 kgf/cm2 (400 lbf/in2) minimum.

These checks should be carried out first on one lock,
then on the other.

CAUTION: Under no circumstances must the steering

wheel be held on full lock for more than 30 seconds in
any one minute, otherwise there will be a tendency For
the oil to overheat and possible damage to the seals may


V8 Engine Diagram
A Steering box.
B Steering pump.
C Existing hose, steering box to pump.
D Hose JD10-3.
E Test adaptor JD10-2.
F Pressure gauge HY23.
U 10. Release the steering wheel and allow the engine to
idle. The pressure should be: 7 kgfkm’
(100 Ibf/in2).
11. If the pressures recorded during the foregoing test
are outside the specified rangc, or pressure
110 and 90 Engine Diagram imbalance is recorded, a fault exists in the system.
To determine if the fault is in the steering box or
A Steering box.
the pump, close the adaptor tap for a period not
B Steering pump.
exceeding five seconds.
C Existing hose, steering box to pump.
12. If the gauge fails to register the specified pressures,
D Hose JD10-3A.
the pump is inefficient and the pump relief valve
E Test adaptor JD10-2.
should be examined and renewed as necessary.
F Pressure gauge HY23.
13. Repeat the foregoing test after renewing the relief
G Hose JDIO-3A.
valve and bleeding the system. If the pump still
H Thread adaptor JDlO-6.
fails to achieve the specified pressures, the pump
I Thread adaptor JDlO-6.
should be overhauled or a new unit fitted.
14. If pump delivery is satisfactory and low pressure or
marked imbalance exists, the fault must be in the
steering box valve and worm assembly.



OVERHAUL -Series 30
NOTE: The condition of adjustment which must be
checked is one of minimum backlash without Dismantle
overtightness when the wheels are in the straight-ahead 1. Remove the steering pump from the vehicle.
position. 2. Clean the exterior of the pump and drain off any
1. Jack up the front of the vehicle until the wheels are 3 . Remove the bolt, spring washer and large plain
clear of the ground. washer securing the pulley to the pump shaft.
4. Using a suitable puller, withdraw the pulley. Do
WARNING: Wheels must be chocked in all not attempt to hammer the shaft from the pulley,
circumstances. o r lever the pulley from the shaft, as this may cause
internal damage.
2. Gently rock the steering wheel about the straight- 5. Withdraw the square key from the shaft.
ahead position to obtain the ‘feel’ of the backlash 6. Remove the four bolts and spring washers securing
present. This backlash must not be more than the bearing retainer plate and front mounting plate
9,5 mm (0.375 in). to the pump body. Remove the plates.
3 . Continue the rocking action whilst an assistant 7. Remove the three bolts and spring washers
slowly tightens the steering box adjuster screw after securing the rear mounting plate to the pump body
slackening the locknut until the rim movement is and remove the plate.
reduced to 9,5 mm (0.375 in) maximum. 8. Clamp the pump body in a vice, ensuring that the
4. Tighten the locknut, then turn the steering wheel jaws are protected.
from lock to lock and check that no excessive 9. Remove the union bolt and withdraw the fibre
tightness exists at any point. washer, inlet adaptor and rubber gasket.

NOTE: The tubular steel venturi flow director under the

inlet adaptor is pressed into the cover and should not be

10. Remove the six Allen screws securing the cover to

the pump body. Separate the cover from the body
vertically to prevent the parts falling out.

11. Remove the pump from the vice.


5. Lower the vehicle to ground level and remove the

wheel chocks.
6. Road test the vehicle.

.. 12. Remove the ‘0’ ring seals from the grooves in the NOTE: Ensure that the aluminium restrictor in the output
“ .- * I . 1

c ”-
pump body. port is thoroughly cleaned but not dislodged.
13. Carefully tilt the pump body, and remove the six
rollers. Reassemble
14. Draw the carrier off the shaft, and remove the drive
pin. 23. Carefully examine a new shaft seal to ensure that it is
15. Remove the shaft from the body. clean and undamaged. Smear the sealing lips with
grease and apply a fine smear of ‘Wellseal’ to the
pump body where t h e outside diamcter of the oil seal
locates (applies to metal cased seals). Place the seal
5,42 square to the housing recess with the lip towards the
inside of the housing.
13fl 12,33 24. Press the seal into position approximately 0.80 mm
// (& in) below t h e seal housing face, ensuring that it
does not tilt.
25. Replace the cam lock peg into the location in the
26. Renew the cam if worn o r damaged. Refit the cam,
ensuring that it seats correctly in the body and that
15,28 the slot locates over the locking peg.
27. Fit a new sealed bearing onto the pump shaft.
28. Insert the shaft and bearing assembly into the seal
RR186M 14,30 side of the body.
29. Refit the carrier drive pin in the shaft.
30. Inspect the carrier and replace in position, ensuring
16. Remove the cam and the cam lock peg from the that the greater angle on the carrier teeth is in the
pump body. leading position as illustrated.
17. If necessary withdraw the sealed bearing from the
18. Remove the shaft seal from the body, ensuring that
no damage is caused to the shaft bushing.
19. Remove the valve cap, ‘0’ring, valve and valve
spring from the body. Place all parts where they will 3
not be damaged, or subject to contamination.


RR 187M

Inspection 31. Inspect the rollers, paying particular attention to the

finish on the end. Renew the rollers if scored,
20. Wash all parts in a suitable solvent, air dry, or wipe damage or oval. Refit the rollers to the carrier.
clean with a lint-free cloth if air is not available. 32. Using a straight edge across the cam surface, and a
21. Check the pump body and cover for wear. Renew feeler gauge, check the end clearance of the carrier
. . .,.,. .
. .... either part, if faces or bushes are worn. and rollers in the pump body. If the end clearance is
22. Check the pump shaft around the drive pin slot. more than 0,05 mm (0.002 in) rencw the carrier and
Remove any burrs. rollers.


\- Adwest
6 a $
Service tools:
‘C’ Spanner -LST120
Worm adjusting socket LST119
Drop arm extractor -MS252A
Ring expander -606602
Ring compressor -606603
Seal saver, sector shaft -606604
Seal saver, valve and worm -R01015
Torque setting tool -R01016

1 . Remove the steering arm from the vehicle, and
withdraw the drop arm.
33. Smear a fine trace of Loctite 275 to the pump body in
a ‘figure of 8’ outside the ‘0’ rings and inside the bolt
holes. Install new ‘0’ rings to the body of the pump.
34. Refit the cover on the pump body and secure with six
Allen screws and spring washers.
35. Tighten the Allen screws, in diagonal sequence,
checking that the shaft rotates freely and does not
bind. Final torque to be 15 to 17 Ibf.ft (20 to 23 Nm).
36. Replace the square sectioned rubber gasket to the
groove around the inlet port and replace the inlet
adaptor, fibre washer and union bolt. Torque to 28 to
30 1bf.ft (38 to 41 Nm).
37. Refit the rear mounting plate to the pump body and
secure with three bolts and spring washers.
38. Refit the front mounting plate and the bearing
retainer plate to the pump body and secure with four
bolts and spring washers.
39. Refit the flow control valve spring in the bore. The
spring tension should be 8 to 9 Ibf (11 to 12 Nm) at
21 mm (0.820 in). If not, renew the spring.
40. Replace the valve in the bore, inserting the valve so
tha; the exposed ball end enters last. Ensure that the
2. Rotate the retainer ring, as necessary, until one end ?f“
valve is not sticking.
is approximately 12 mm (0.500 in) from the extractor . e r
41. Renew the ‘0’ ring on the valve cap and assemble in
the pump. Tighten the cap to a torque figure of 30 to
3. Lift the cover retaining ring from the groove in the
35 Ib.ft (40 to 47 Nm).
cylinder bore, using a suitable pointed drift applied
42. Refit the pulley key.
through the hole provided in the cylinder wall.
43.’ Refit the pulley to the shaft and with the
4. Complete the removal of the retainer ring, using a
special washer, spring and washer and bolt. Tighten
the bolt to a torque figure of 10 to 12 Ibf.ft (13 to
,L ’*TA_\ 5 . Turn on left lock (LH steering) until the piston
10 iumi.
pushes out the end cover (for R H steering models,
44. Refit the steering pump to the vehicle.
turn on right lock).



K lll \

15. Tap the splined end of the spindle shaft to free the
1 . ’. . RR1695M w bearing.
16. Withdraw the bearing cup and cagcd ball bearing
6. Slacken the grub screw retaining the rack pad
7. Remove the rack pad adjuster. l6 17
8. Remove the sector shaft adjuster locknut. A \
9. Remove the sector shaft cover fixings.
10. Screw in the sector shaft adjuster until the cover is
11. Slide out the sector shaft.

17. Withdraw the valve and worm assembly.
18. Withdraw the inner bearing ball race and shims.
Retain the shims.



12. Withdraw the piston, using a suitable bolt screwed

. ‘I
into the tapped hole in the piston.
. ;, 13. Remove the worm adjuster locknut using ‘C’
spanner, LST120.
14. Remove the worm adjuster using socket LSTl19.

Steering box seals Steering box casing

19. Remove the circlip and seals from the sector shaft 22. If necessary, replace the sector shaft bush, using
housing bore. suitable tubing as a drift.
23. Examine the piston bore for traces of scoring and
NOTE: Do not remove the sector bush unless wear.
replacement is required. Refer to instruction 22.

RR929M v/ 22 23

24. Examine the inlet tube seat for damage. If

replacement is necessary this can be undertaken by
20. Remove t h e circlip and seals from the input shaft using a suitable tap.
housing bore. 25. Examine the feed tube for signs of cracking.
NOTE: Do not remove the input shaft needle Sectorshaftassembly
bearing unless replacement is required.
26. Check that there is no side play on the rollers.
Inspecting 27. If excessive side play on the roller does exist renew
the sector shaft.
21. Discard all rubber seals and provide replacements. 28. Check the condition of the adjuster screw threads.
29. Examine the bearing areas on the shaft for
NOTE: A rubber seal is fitted behind the plastic excessive wear.
ring on the rack Piston- Discard the sea1 also the 30. Examine the gear teeth for uneven or excessive
plastic ring and provide replacements. wear.

RR930M ‘3 2


.: ..._.. Sector shaft cover assembly
.: ,,;...-,
,..,. =:...__.,
/ -
37. Examine the worm track which must be smooth
&. . ,
'i..Y., ?
. and not indented.
31. The cover, bush and seat are supplied as a

38. Check for wear on the torsion bar assembly pins;

complete assembly for replacement purposes. no free movement should cxist between the input
shaft and the worm.
Sector shaft adjuster locknut
32. The locknut functions also as a fluid seal and must NOTE: Any sign of wear makes it essential that the
be replaced at overhaul. complete valve and worm assembly is renewed.

Valve and worm assembly Ball bearing and cage assemblies

33. Examine the valve rings which must be free from 39. Examine the ball races and cups for wear and
cuts, scratches and grooves. The valve rings should general condition.
be a loose fit in the valve grooves. 40. If the ball cage has worn against the bearing cup, fit

* .-
. .. . .
.. . ..
I .


34. Remove the damaged rings ensuring that no

damage is done to the seal grooves.
35. If required, fit replacement rings, using the ring
expander 606602. Both rings and tool may be
warmed if found necessary. Use hot water for this
purpose. Then insert into the ring compressor
606603 to cool.
41. Bearing balls must be retained by the cage.
NOTE: The expander will not pass over rings 42. Bearings and cage repair are carried out by the
already fitted. These rings must be discarded to complete replacement of the bearings and cage
allow access then renewed. assembly.
43. To remove the inner bearing cup and shim
36. Examine the bearing areas for wear. The areas washers, jar the steering box on the work bench, or
must be smooth and not indented. use a suitable extractor.

NOTE: Should dificulty be experienced at this

stage, warm the casing and the bearing assembly.
Cool the bearing cup using a suitable mandrel and
j a r the steering box on the bench.




Rack thrust pad and adjuster Input shaft needle bearing

44. Examine the thrust pad for scores. 52. If necessary, replace the bearing. The replacement
45. Examine the adjuster for wear in the pad seat. must be fitted squarely in the bore (numbered face
46. Examine the nylon pad for distortion and adjuster of the bearing uppermost). Then, carefully push
grub screw assembly for wear. the bearing in until it is flush with the top of the
housing bore. Ideally, the bearing will be just clear
46 45 44 of the bottom of the housing bore.
I I \


Rack and piston RR936M

47. Examine for excessive wear on the rack teeth.

48. Ensure the thrust pad bearing surface is free of
scores and wear.

R" NOTE: When fitting replacement oil seals, these must

be lubricated with recommended fluid. Also ensure that
absolute cleanliness is observed during assembly.

Input shaft oil seal

53. Fit the seal, lipped side first, into the housing.
When correctly seated, the seal backing will lie flat
on the bore shoulder.
54. Fit the extrusion washer and secure with the circlip.


49. Ensure that the piston outer diameters are free

from burrs and damage.
50. Examine the seal and ring groove for scores and
51. Fit a new rubber ring to the piston. Warm the white
nylon seal and fit this to the piston. Slide the piston
assembly i n t o the cylinder with the rack tube
outwards. Allow to cool.

Sector shaft seal 64. Renew the worm adjuster sealing ring and loosely
screw the adjuster into the casing. Fit the locknut,
55. Fit the oil seal, lipped side first. but do not tighten.
56. Fit the extrustion washer. 65. Turn in the worm adjuster until the end-float at the
57. Fit the dirt seal, lipped side last. input is almost eliminated.
58. Fit the circlip. 66. Measure and record the maximum rolling distance
of the valve and worm assembly, using a spring
balance and cord coiled around the torque setting
tool R01016.
67. Turn in the worm adjuster to increase the figure
recorded in instruction 66 by 1,8 to 2,2 kg (4 to
5 Ib) at 31,7 mm (1.250 in) radius to settle the
bearings, then back off the worm adjuster until the
figure recorded in instruction 66 is increased by 0,9
to 1,3 kg (2 to 3 Ib) only, with locknut tight. Use
worm adjusting socket LST119 and 'C' spanner

Fitting the valve and worm assembly

59. If removed, refit the original shim washer(s) and
the inner bearing cap. Only vaseline must be used
as an aid to assembling the bearings.

NOTE: If the original shims are not available, fit

shim(s) of 0,76 mm (0.030 in) nominal thickness.

60. Fit the inner cage and bearings assembly.

61. Fit the valve and worm assembly, using seal saver
R01015 to protect the input shaft seal.
62. Fit the outer cage and bearings assembly.
63. Fit the outer bearing cup. RR940M 65,67


.., ,..
<.' . .'


Fitting the rack and piston Fitting the sector shaft cover
68. Screw a suitable bolt into the piston head for use as 74. Fit the sealing ring to the cover.
an assembly tool. 75. Screw the cover assembly fully on to the sector
shaft adjuster screw.

----- -
RR941M I J

69. Fit the piston and rack assembly so that the piston
is 63,5 mm (2.5 in) approximately from the outer 76. Position the cover on to the casing.
end of the bore. 77. Tap home the cover. If necessary back off on the
70. Feed in the sector shaft using seal saver 606604 sector shaft adjustcr screw to allow thc cover t o
aligning the centre gear pitch on the rack with the joint fully with the casing.
centre gear tooth on the sector shaft. Push in the
sector shaft, and, at the same time rotate the input NOTE: Before tightening the fixings, rotate the
shaft about a small arc to allow the sector roller to input shaft about a small arc to ensure that the
engage the worm. sector roller is free to move in the valve worm.

Fitting the rack adjuster 78. Fit the cover fixings and tighten to the correct
71. Fit the sealing ring to the rack adjuster.
72. Fit the rack adjuster and thrust pad to engage the Fitting the cylinder cover
rack. Back off a half nylon turn on the adjuster.
73. Loosely fit the nylon pad and adjuster grub screw 79. Fit the square section seal to thc cover.
assembly to engage the rack adjuster.
80. Remove the slave bolt and press the cover into the “j-;.
cylinder just sufficient to clear the retainer ring



.. .*.
,.Gz.::. 81. Fit the retainer ring to the groove with one end of The condition depends on the value of shimming fitted

,..z..y the ring positioned 12 mm (0.5 in) approximately between the valve and worm assembly inner bearing
from the extractor hole. cup and the casing. The original shim washer value will
give the correct torque peak position unless major
Adjusting the sector shaft components have been replace.
NOTE: During the following ‘Procedure’, the stated
82. Set the worm on centre by rotating the input shaft positioning and direction of the input shaft applies for
half the total number of turns from either lock. both LH and RH boxes. However, the procedures for
shim adjustment where necessary, differs between LH
and RH steering boxes and is described under the
applicable LH stg. and RH stg. headings.
90. With the input coupling shaft toward the operator,
turn the shaft fully anti-clockwise.
91. Check the torque figures obtained from lock-to-
lock using a spring balance cord and torque tool


83. Rotate the sector shaft adjusting screw anti-

clockwise to obtain backlash between the input
shaft and the sector shaft.
84. Rotate the sector shaft adjusting screw clockwise
until the backlash is just eliminated.
85. Measure and record the maximum rolling
resistance at the input shaft, using a spring balance,
cord and torque tool R01016. RR946M w
86. Hold still the sector shaft adjuster screw and Adjustments
loosely fit a new locknut.
87. Turn in the sector shaft adjuster screw until the 92. Note where the greatest figures are recorded
figure recorded in instruction 88 is increased by 0,9 relative to the steering position. If the greatest
to 1,3 kg (2 to 3 Ib) with the locknut tightened. figures are not recorded across the centre of travel
(i.e. steering straight-ahead position), adjust as
Adjusting the rack adjuster LH steering models. If the torque peak occurs
88. Turn in the rack adjuster to increase the figure before the centre position, add to the shim
recorded in 90 by 0,9 to 1,3 kg (2 to 3 Ib). The final washer value; if the torque peak occurs after
figure may be less than but must not exceed 7,25 kg the centre position, subtract from the shim
(16 Ib). washer value.
89. Lock the rack adjuster in position with the grub RH steering models. If the torque peak occurs
screw. before the centre position, subtract from the
shim washer value; if the torque occurs after
the centre position, add to the shim washer
Torque peak check value.
With the input shaft rotated from lock-to-lock, the Shim washers are available as follows:
rolling resistance torque figures should be greatest 0,03 mm, 0,07 mm, 0,12 mm and 0,24 mm (0.0015 in,
across the centre position (1Y2 turns approximately 0.003 in, 0.005 in and 0.010 in).
. ... .... from full lock) and equally disposed about the centre NOTE: Adjustment of 0’07 mm (0.003 in) to the shim
position. value will move the torque peak area by ‘/4 turn
approximately on the shaft.

NOTE: Do not maintain this pressure for more than

30 seconds in any one minute to avoid overheating
the fluid and possibly damaging the seals.

97. Road test the vehicle.


1. Housing. 24. Circlip.

2. Housing bushes. 25. Seal torsion bar.
3. Seal. 26. Rotor.
4. Back-up washer. 27. Teflon rings -3 off.
5. Back-up seal. 28. Stop-off rings.
6. Circlip. 29. Worm.
7. Seal. 30. Bearing cage and balls.
8. Drop-arm. 31. Bearing track.
9. Tab washer. 32. Seal.
10. Sector shaft nut. 33. Worm adjusting screw.
11. Sector shaft and follower assembly. 34. Locknut.
12. Seal. 35. Piston.
13. Bush. 36. Piston ‘0’ ring.
14. Cover plate. 37. Piston Teflon seal.
15. Self locking screws-4 off. 38. Cylinder cover seal.
16. Bleed screw. 39. Cylinder cover.
17. Locknut. 40. Cylinder cover retainer.
18. Rotor seal. 41. Screw.
19. Seal washer. 42. Rack adjusting screw.
20. Circlip. 43. Rack adjusting screw seal.
21. Shims. 44. Rackpad.
22. Bearing track. 45. Fluid line.
23. Bearing case and balls.


.. ..
. .... . ...
. ..
.. . I

POWER STEERING SYSTEM - Adwest Lightweight POWER STEERING SYSTEM - Adwest Lightweight
box box

1. Fill thc steering fluid reservoir to the mark on the
If there is a lack of powcr assistance for the steering the
side of the reservoir with one of the recommended
pressure of the hydraulic pump should be checked first
before rcncwing any components of the system. The
2. Start and run the engine until it attains normal
fault diagnosis chart should also be used to assist in
operating temperature.
tracing faults in the power steering.
3. Check and correct the reservoir fluid level.

NOTE: During the carrying out of items 4, 5 and 6, Procedure

ensure that the steering reservoir is kept full. Do not
increase the engine speed or move the steering wheel. 1. The hydraulic pressure test gauge is uscd for testing
the power steering system. This gauge is calibrated
4. Run the engine at idle speed, slacken the bleed to read up to 140 kgf/cm2 (2000 Ibf/in2) and the
screw. When fluid seepage past the bleed screw is normal pressure which may be expected in the
observed, retightcn the screw. power steering system is 77 kgf/cm2 (1100 Ibf/in2).
2. Under certain fault conditions of the hydraulic F:h
pump it is possible to obtain pressures up to g-4 ;,::;
105 kgf/cm2 (1500 Ibf/in'). Therefore, it is
important to realise that the pressure upon the
gauge is in direct proportion to the pressure being
exerted upon the steering wheel. When testing,
apply pressure to the steering wheel very gradually
while carefully observing the pressure gauge.
3. Check, and if necessary replcnish, thc fluid
4. Examine the power steering units and connections
for leaks. All leaks must be rectified before
attempting to test the system.
5. Check the steering pump drive belt for condition
and tension, rectify as nccessary.
6. Assemble the test equipment and fit to the vehicle
as illustrated.
7. Open the tap in the adaptor.
8. Bleed the system but exercise extreme care when
carrying out this operation so as not to overload the
pressure gauge.
&. *,;::
. s
9. With the system in good condition, the pressures
ST1805M \\\ --I/ v should be as follows:
(a) Steering wheel held hard on full lock and
engine running at 1,000 rev/min, the pressure
should be 70 to 77 kgf/cm2 (1000 to
5 . Ensure that the fluid level is in alignment with the 1100 Ibf/in2).
mark on thc reservoir dipstick. (b) With the engine idling and the steering wheel
6 . Wipe off all fluid released during bleeding. held hard on full lock, the pressure should be
7. Check all hose joints, pump and steering box for 28 kgf/cm2 (400 Ibf/in2) minimum.
fluid leaks under pressure by holding the steering
hard on full lock in both directions. Thesc checks should be carried out first on one lock,
then on the other.
CAUTION: Do not maintain this pressure for more
than 30 seconds in any one minute, to avoid causing CAUTION: Under no circumstances must the steering
the oil to overheat and possible damage to the seals. wheel be held on full lock for more than 30 seconds in
The steering should be smooth lock-to-lock in both any one minute, otherwise there will be a tendency for
directions, that is, no heavy or light spots when the oil to overheat and possible damage to the seals may
changing direction when the vehicle is stationary. result.

8. Carry ut a short road test. If necessary, repeat the 10. Release the steering wheel and allow the engine to
complete foregoing procedure. idle. The pressure should be below 7 kgf/cm'
30 (100 Ibf/in2).
11. If the pressures recorded during the foregoing test ADJUST POWER STEERING BOX - Adwest
are outside the specified range, or pressure Lightweight box
imbalance is recorded, a fault exists in the system.
To determine if the fault is in the steering box or NOTE: The condition of adjustment which must be
the pump, close the adaptor tap for a period not checked is one of minimum backlash without
exceeding five seconds. overtightness when the wheels are in the straight-ahead
12. If the gauge fails to register the specified pressures, position.
the pump is inefficient and the pump relief valve
should be examined and renewed as necessary. 1. Jack up the front of the vehicle until the wheels are
13. Repeat the foregoing test after renewing the relief clear of the ground.
valve and bleeding the system. If the pump still
fails to achieve the specified pressures, the pump WARNING: Wheels must be chocked in all
should be overhauled or a new unit fitted. circumstances.
14. If pump delivery is satisfactory and low pressure or
marked imbalance exists, the fault must be in the 2. Gently rock the steering wheel about the straight-
steering box valve and worm assembly. ahead position to obtain the 'feel' of the backlash
present. This backlash must not be more than
TEST EQUIPMENT 9 3 mm (0.375 in).
3. Continue the rocking action whilst an assistant
slowly tightens the steering box adjuster screw after
slackening the locknut until the rim movement is
reduced to 9,5 mm (0.375 in) maximum.

.. .

4. Tighten the locknut, then turn the steering wheel
from lock to lock and check that no excessive
tightness exists at any point.
5. Lower the vehicle to ground level and remove the
A. Steering box
wheel chocks.
B. Steering pump 6. Road test the vehicle.
C. Existing hose from steering box


... .,.........
. ::,.,.



Special tools:
Drop arm puller MS 252 A
End cover wrench adaptor LST123
Input shaft oil seal installer LST124
Sector shaft oil seal installer LST125
Valve seal installer and valve ring compressor LST126
Preload setting tool R01016

1. Remove the steering box from the vehicle.
2. Bend back the locking tab and remove the drop
arm nut. Using special tool MS 252 A o r a suitable
alternative, withdraw the drop arm from the sector
3. Using special adaptor tool LST123 turn the
cylinder cover anti-clockwise to expose end of the
locking ring. Now turn the cover clockwise to
extract the ring. 5. Slacken the grub screw securing the rack pad

ST1811M ST1813M
p * .

4. To remove the cover, turn the input shaft to the left With a screwdriver remove the rack pad
lock for a LHD drive steering box o r to the right ‘0’ ring and spring.
for a R H D drive steering box until the rack piston
pushes the cover out to enable it to be withdrawn
by hand.

., * . -,,.. 7 . Restrain the sector shaft adjuster with a 6 mm 11. Remove the rack and piston assembly and collect
. .*
- ...
:e hexagonal key and remove the locknut. the rack adjuster thrust pad.
8. Remove the six bolts securing the sector shaft

ST1816M ST'1819M

9. Hold the sector shaft cover and turn the adjuster

and screw clockwise until the cover can be 12. Drive-out the worm adjusting screw locking pin.

13. Using special tool LST123, remove the input shaft

worm adjusting screw anti-clockwise.
10. Lift-out the sector shaft.

14. Tap the spiined end of the input shaft to free the
outer bearing. Remove the bearing track and ball
cage assembly.

.. ..



15. Withdraw the input shaft, worm and valve




16. Release the circlip and remove the steel washer

and oil seal from the sector shaft housing.
17. Remove the wire circlip, anti-extrusion washer and
Qil seal from the input shaft housing.

Sector shaft assembly

5. Check that no side play or wear exists in the roller.
6. Check the condition of the adjuster and its retainer
and that the crimping is sound.
7. The axial clearance of the adjuster should not
exceed 0,20 mm (0.008 in).
8. Examine the bearing journals on the shaft for wear
and damage.
9. Check the gear teeth for excessive and uneven
wear, scores and pitting.


ST1949M I I


Steering box housing

1. Examine the sector shaft upper and lower needle
roller bearings and if necessary drive them from the
housing with a suitable drift.
2. Inspect the input shaft needle bearing and if worn
drive it from the housing and press-in a
3. Examine the piston bore for wear and scores.
4. Check the input shaft bores for wear and scores.


Valve and worm assembly

NOTE: If the inner ball race is faulty and unfit for

further service it cannot be renewed and a new valve
and worm assembly must be obtained and fitted. Should
this be the case, the following checks of the valve and
worm can be ignored.

10. Examine the valve rings which must be free from

cuts, scratches and scores. Also, the rings should
be a loose fit in the grooves.
11. If any ring is unsatisfactory, all the rings must be
renewed. When removing the rings take care not to
damage the valve grooves.
12. T o fit new rings use special tool LST126, which
consists of the following three parts:-

a) Ring expander.
b) Split collcr.
c) Ring compressor.
15. Remove the split coller and with care, ease the
Before using the tool lubricatc each part with the compressor tool over t h e ring and leave for a fcw
recommended power steering fluid. minutes to cool before carefully rcmoving the tool.

13. Warm the five rings in hol water leaving them in

the water until ready for fitting. When pliable, feed
the ring for the Iowcr groove (nearest the roller
bearing) over thc expander and position the 5
expander over t h e input shaft, slide thc ring into
the groove and mould it into position with the



16. Using the expander tool, as before, fit the

remaining four rings, one at a time, into the
grooves and mould with the fingers. It is important
that only one ring at a time is placed on the
expander since in the meantime the remaining
ST1941 M
rings could cool in an expanded condition making it
difficult to locate and contract thc rings in thc valve
14. Encircle the ring with the split coller and squeeze grooves. Encircle the four rings with the split coller
the coller together, by hand, and hold for and squeeze together for approximately thirty
approximately thirty seconds. seconds. Then, with care, ease the compression
tool over the four rings and allow to cool for about
five minutes before carefully withdrawing the


.... _...-
.. .


17. Examine the bearing surfaces of the valve assembly 29. Remove the plastic seal and the ‘0’ring seal
for wear and scores. beneath it, from the piston groove.
18. Examine the worm track for wear and pitting. 30. Ensure that the outer diameters of the piston are
19. Check that the end-float between the locator and free from burrs and damage.
valve sleeve does not exceed 0,12 mm (0.005 in). 31. Fit a new ‘0’ring seal to the piston groove.
20. Rotary movement between the components at the
trim pin is permissible.
21. Check that no free movement exists on the torsion
bar assembly pin between the input shaft and

18 20 19 ST1957M
32. To fit a new plastic seal to the piston, warm the seal
in hot water and fit to the piston groove. Insert the
22. The valve and worm assembly should be renewed if piston in the inverted position i.e. piston first into
there is wear at the following points: the cylinder and leave to cool.
a) Inner and outer bearing tracks.
b) Worm.
c) Valve locator.
d) Input shaft needle bearing Journal.
23. Examine the outer ball race and track for wear and
general condition. The race should be renewed if
there is wear and pitting o r if a new valve and worm
assembly is being fitted.

Thrust pad and adjuster

24. Examine the thrust pad for scores.
25. Check that the thrust pad seat in the adjuster is not
worn or scored.
26. Check that the thrust pad spring is not broken.

Rack and piston

27. Examine the rack teeth for wear and pitting.
28. Check that the surface on which the thrust pad
bears is not worn and scored.
Sector shaft cover
33. Examine the sector shaft cover needle bearing and
if necessary extract the bearing taking care not to
damage the housing.


34. Drive-in a new bearing, up to the shoulder, with 2. Fit the sector shaft upper needle bearings, number
the bearing number and chamfered ends of the outwards, up to the shoulder.
rollers trailing.
35. Fit a new ‘0’ ring seal to the cover.
36. Check that the cover bearing lubrication passage
and bleed nipple hole is clear.


... ...
.. .. . .
Fitting the valve and worm assembly (input shaft)
3. Fit the input shaft to the steering box housing and
lubricate with the recommended fluid. Turn the
ST1 shaft to the straight ahead position.

Assemble 3
During the following assembly instructions absolute
cleanliness must be observed. Also when fitting
components and oil seals they must only be lubricated
with the recommended fluid, or petroleum jelly.
1. If removed, fit the sector shaft lower needle
bearings, numbers outwards, to the steering box to
just below the chamfer.


4. Fit the input shaft outer bearing and track.

5. Lubricate and fit the input shaft cover and ‘0’ring
seal using special tool LST123.


... .,..

, .....
I , :’..



6. Secure preload setting tool R01016 to the input

shaft with the grub screw. Wind string round the
tool and tie a spring balance to the free end of the
string. Whilst turning the input shaft cover
clockwise, pull the spring balance until a constant
preload reading of 0,69 Nm is achieved. ST1937M

10. Without moving the adjuster, fit the locknut whilst

restraining the adjuster screw with the 6 mm key
6 / and just nip the locknut with an open-ended


Fitting sector shaft and piston-rack assembly

7. Fit the sector shaft to the housing and engage it 11. Temporarily fit the drop arm and tighten the
with the input shaft worm in the straight ahead locknut until n o clearance is felt between the sector
position. shaft and drop arm.
8. Screw-on, to the sector shaft adjuster, the sector 12. Rotate the input shaft one turn clockwise, then
shaft cover and secure with two or three of the six turn the shaft back to the straight ahead position
retaining screws. whilst noting the point at which the backlash to the
9. Turn the adjuster screw clockwise, with a 6 mm drop arm disappears or is 'taken-up'.
hexagonal key, until the sector shaft just makes 13. Repeat instruction 12 and rotate the input shaft
contact with the input shaft worm. anri-ciockwise on to the opposite iocic.

18. Lubricate the rack piston plastic seal and insert the
piston into the piston bore, rack end first, as in
instruction 11 of the dismantling procedure, to a
depth of 37 mm below the lip of the bore.
19. Lubricate and fit :he sector shaft in the straight
ahead position.
20. Lubricate and fit '0' ring seal to the sector shaft
21. Restrain the sector shaft adjuster and screw-on the
cover, reversing instruction 17. Secure with the six
bolts, tightening evenly to 25 to 30 Nm (18 to
22 lbs ft).
22. Restrain the sector shaft adjuster and fit and
tighten the locknut, as instruction 10.
23. Fit and lubricate an '0'ring seal to the rack
adjuster screw.
24. Fit the rack pad and spring noting that the larger
flat side of the pad is towards the rack.
~ . ..
14. If the difference between the two points at which
.. .. *
the backlash is 'taken-up' or disappears is greater
than 90" (9'4 of a turn) it will be necessary to change
the shimming behind the input shaft inner bearing
15. If the shimming requires adjustment, add a shim on
right-hand drive steering boxes if backlash starts
too quickly on clockwise rotation. Should backlash
start too quickly for anti-clockwise rotation,
remove a shim. For a left-hand drive steering box,
reverse :he foregoing procedure.

NOTE: If it is necessary to perform instruction 15,

instructions 3 to 13 must be repeated afterwards.

16. Remove the drop arm and whilst restraining the

sector shaft adjuster, so that it does not turn,
remove the locknut. 25. Screw-in the rack pad adjuster until the head is
17. Remove the sector shaft cover screws and while 4 mm from the steering box face.
still restraining the adjuster, unscrew clockwise,
... ...-
/. .
the cover from the sector shaft and withdraw the
sector shaft.

ST1943M I


26. Lubricate and fit an ‘0’ring seal to the piston-rack 33. Restrain the sector shaft adjuster, as in instruction
cover. 10, and tighten the locknut to 70 to 90 Nm (52 to
27. Fit the piston cover to steering box. Align the 66 Ibs/ft).
retaining ring hole in the cover with the cut-out in 34. Secure the rack adjuster with the grub screw,
steering box housing and insert hooked end of the reversing the dismantling procedure instruction 5 .
retaining ring in the hole. Using special tool
LST123, rotate the cover anti-clockwise to feed the
ring into the groove until the ring is fully seated.
This is a reversal of instruction 3 of the dismantling


35. Secure the worm adjuster with a new pin. If

necessary, drill a new 4 mm hole in the adjuster
through the hole in the steering box housing to
locate the pin. Check, before drilling that the new
ST1956M \
hole will not break into the side of the existing
28. Temporarily fit the drop arm and secure with the
nut so that n o backlash is present between the arm
and sector shaft. Set the steering in the straight
ahead position.
29. Fit the prcload setting tool R01016 to the input
shaft and secure with the grub screw. Rotate the
input shaft in both directions clockwise and anti-
clockwise % to 3/4 of a turn to check the backlash
30. To check the drop arm angular travel for a LHD
drive steering box use the preload setting tool to
turn the input shaft two turns clockwise and one
and three-quarter turns anti-clockwise. For RHD
drive boxes, the opposite applies.
31. Remove the drop arm.
32. Return to the straight ahead position and screw the
rack adjuster clockwise until the adjuster pad just
contacts the pad.


n /

Fitting sector shaft oil seal

40. Lubricate the oil seal and seal-saver LST12.5, and
slide the seal over the tool, lip side leading.
41. Using the seal-driver part of the tool, push thc seal
37. Withdraw the conical seal-saver and place the fully home into the housing.
lower part of the tool with the seal, lip side
downwards, over the input shaft.
38. Place the seal-driver part of the tool on top of the
seal and drive it fully home.



42. Fit the steel washer and secure the assembly with
the circlip.


39. Fit the anti-extrustion washer and secure the

assembly with the wire circlip.

ST1951M I

43. Fit the drop arm, tab washer and nut. Tighten the
nut to 170 to 180 Nm (125 to 132 Ibs/ft). Fold one
side of the tab washer over the drop arm and the
other over a flat against the nut.
44. Refit the steering box to the vehicle and bleed the
hydraulic system.

NOTE: Bleeding and test of the power steering box

is the same as that for the Adwest Lightweight box.



P ~~ ~ ~ ~~


INSUFFICIENT POWER (1) Lack of fluid. Check hydraulic fluid tank level. If low, fill and bleed thc system.
PARKING (2) Engine idling speed too low. Try assistance at fast idle. If necessary, reset idle specd.
(3) Driving belt slipping. Check belt tension. Adjust thc driving belt
(4) Defective hydraulic pump a n d (a) Fit pressure gauge between If pressure is outside limits (high
or prcssure relief valve. high pressure hose and steering or low) after checking items 1 and
pump, with steering held 3, see Note 2 below.
hard on full lock, see Note 1
below, and 'Power steering
pump test'.
[b) Release steering wheel and If pressure is greater, check
allow engine to Idle. See steering box for freedom and
'Power steerine Dumu test'. self-centring action.
~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~~ ~ ~~

POOR HANDLING Lack of castor action. l l i s is caused by over-tightening It is most important that this
WHEN VEHICLE IS :he rocker shaft backlash adjusting screw is correctly adjusted. See
w ,. [NMOTION mew on top of steering box. Instructions governing adjustment.
, . ,
Steering too light and/or over- :heck for loose torsion bar fixings Fit new valve and worm assembly.
jensitive. In stecring box valve and
worm assembly.
3YDRAULlC FLUID Damaged pipework, loose :heck by visual inspection; leaks Tighten or renew as nccessary.
,EAKS :onnecting unions, etc. 'rom the high pressure pipe lines
ire best found while holding the
;teering on full lock with engine
wnning at fast idle speed (see
'Jote 1 below).
x a k s from the steering box tend
o show up under low pressure
:onditions, that is, engine idling
md no uressurc on steering wheel.
3XCESSIVE NOISE :I) If thc high pressure hose is 'heck the loose runs of the hoses. 4lter hose routc or insulatc as
allowed to come into contact necessary.
with the body shell, or any
component not insulated by
the body mounting, noise will
be transmitted to the car
'2) Noise from hydraulic pump. :heck oil level and bleed svstem. if no cure, change hydraulic pump.

:RACKED STEERING Zxcessive pressure due to faulty Zhcck by visual inspection. Pit new steering box and rcctify
3ox ,elief valve in hydraulic pump. iydraulic pump or replace as
iccessary .
.... ...,, .,.,.

. .... Jote 1. Never hold the steering wheel on full lock for more than 30 seconds in any one minute, to avoid causing the oil to overheat and possible
damage to the seals.
riotc 2. High pressure- In general it may be assumed that excessive pressurc is due to a faulty relief valve in the hydraulic pump.
Low pressure - Insufficient pressure may be caused by one of the following:
1 . Low fluid level in reservoir Most usual cause of
2. Pump belt slip } insufficient pressure
3. Leaks in the power steering system
4. Faulty relief valve in the hydraulic pump
5. Fault in steering box valve and worm assembly
6. Leak at piston sealing in steering box
7. Worn components in either stecring box or hydraulic pump

The drop arm ball joint can be overhauled and there is
a repair kit available which consists of the following
Ball Pin Ball lower socket
Retainer Spring
Spring rings ‘0’ring
Dust cover Cover plate
Ball top socket Circlip

1. Remove the drop arm from the vehicle and clean
the exterior.
2. Remove the spring rings and prise-off the dust
3. In the interests of safety, position the ball joint
. under a press to relieve the spring tension and
support the housing both sides of the ball pin, as
illustrated. Apply pressure to the cover plate and
remove the circlip and slowly release the pressure.

WARNING: Personal injury could result if the circlip is

removed without pressure being applied and maintained
to the cover plate.

4. Remove the spring, top socket, and ‘0’ ring.



1. Spring rings. 7. Topsocket
2. Dust cover. 8. Spring.
3. Ball housing. 9. ‘O’ring.
4. Retainer. 10. Cover plate
5. Bottom socket. 11. Circlip.
ST1382M 6. Ball pin.

. I !. 5 . Since the ball pin cannot be removed with the 6. Using a sharp-edged punch or chisel, drive the
i: 4- retainer in position, tap the threaded end of the ball lower socket from the housing. Should
ball pin to release the retainer and to remove the difficulty be experienced, apply gentle heat to the
pin from the housing. housing and then continue to drive the socket
from the housing.
7. Clean the housing and remove any burrs.

8. Press-in the lower socket squarely up to the
9. Dip the ball in Duckhams LBlO grease, or
equivalent and fit to the housing and pack with
10. Fit the top socket.
11. Fit the spring, small diameter towards the ball.
12. Fit the ‘0’ ring and using the same method as for
removing the circlip and compress the cover plate
and secure with the circlip. Ensure that the circlip
is fully seated in the machined groove.
13. Press the retainer on to the ball pin so that the top
edge is level with the edge of the taper.
14. Fit the dust cover and retain with the two spring


15. Fit the drop akrn to the steering box using a new
lock washer. Tighten the retaining nut to the
correct torque and bend over the lock washer.
16. Assemble the ball pin to the drag link, see
ST 1384M
instructions for fitting drag link and track rod, and
tighten the castle nut to the correct torque and
secure with a new split pin.


When adjusting or renewing a track rod or draglink it is
important to ensure that the ball joints are assembled in
the same angular plane and that the ball joint pins are
central in their respective housings, as example ‘A’
illustrated below. Premature wear could result if the
pins are inclined to one-side as illustration B.

CAUTION: A track rod or draglink that is damaged or

bent must be renewed. No attempt should be made to
repair or straighten it.


., OVERHAUL FRONT HUB ASSEMBLY 13. Remove the key washer.

I. .. . i i
14. Withdraw the hub and brake disc assembly

* Service tools: complete with bearings.

Drift 18G 134 15. Remove the outer bearing.
Hub oil seal replacer 1SG 1349 16. Mark, for reassembly, the relationship between the
Dial gauge bracket RO 530106 hub and brake disc, if original hub is to be refitted.
17. Remove the five bolts and separate the hub from
DISMANTLE the brake disc.
1. Slacken road wheel nuts. NOTE: The road wheel retaining studs must not be
2. Jack up the vehicle and lower onto axle stand. renewed. Should any studs be unservicable a new
3. Remove the road wheel. hub complete with studs must be obtained.
4. Slacken the lock nuts securing the jump hose to the
retaining bracket. continued
5 . Remove the two bolts securing the brake caliper
and whilst withdrawing the caliper from the brake
disc release the jump hose from the bracket. Tie
the caliper securely to one side. KEY TO HUB ASSEMBLY
NOTE: Since the bracket on later vehicles is not 1. Dust cap.
1 open-ended, the caliper must be removed 2. Drive shaft circlip.
completely. 3. Drive shaft shim
4. Drive member.
6. Lever-off the dust cap. 5. Drive member joint washer.
7. Remove the circlip from the drive shaft. 6. Drive member retaining bolt (five off).
8. Remove the drive shaft shim. 7. Locknut.
9. Remove the five bolts and withdraw the driving 8. Lock washer.
member and joint washer. 9. Hub adjusting nut.
10. Bend back the lock washer tab. 10. Keyed washer.
11. Remove the locknut and tab washer. 11. Outer bcaring.
12. Remove the hub adjusting nut. 12. Hub.
13. Inner bearing.
14. Grease seal.
15. Brake disc.


18. Drift-out the grease seal and inner bearing from 22. With the lip side leading fit a new seal to the hub
the hub and discard the seal. using special tool 18G 1349 grease seal replacer
19. Drift-out the inner and outer bearing tracks. and drift 18G 134. Drive-In the seal so that it is
recessed 4,83 to 5,33 m m (0.190 to 0.210 in) below
the rear face of the hub. Apply grease liberally

p between the seal lips and springs.


23. Assemble the brake disc to the hub lining up the

marks made during dismantling. Fit and tighten the
ASSEMBLE five retaining bolts to 65 to 80 Nm (48 to 59 Ibf ft).
24. Grease as in instruction 21 and fit the outer bearing
20. Clean and degrease the hub and drift-in the inner to the hub.
and outer bearing tracks. 25. Clean the stub axle and drive shaft and fit the hub
assembly to the axle.
26. Fit the key washer.
27. Fit the hub adjusting nut and tighten by hand whilst
rotating the hub until all end-play is taken up.
28. Mount a dial gauge using bracket RO 530106 and
rest the stylus in a loaded condition on the
adjusting nut.


21. Pack the hub inner bearing with a grease

recommended In the lubrication chart and fit to the ST6*lM
hub. Use a minimum of 8,5 grams of grease.

.;I-.~~ 29. Slacken off the adjusting nut until an end-play of OVERHAUL STUB AXLE, AXLE SHAFT,
t - . y .'
* -
-%E,- 0,1270 to 0,1016 mm (0.0005 to 0.004 in) is CONSTANT VELOCITY JOINT AND SWIVEL
obtained. ASSEMBLY
30. Fit a new keyed lock tab washer.
31. Fit and tighten the hub adjusting nut and re-check Special tool: 18G 284AAH bush extractor
the end-play before bending the lock tab over.
32. Fit a new joint washer to the driving member and Remove stub axle, axle shaft and constant velocity joint
fit the member to the hub and secure with the five
1. Remove the hub complete as described in the
bolts tightening evcnly to 60 to 70 Nm (44 to
operation to overhaul the hub assembly
52 Ibf ft).
instructions 1 to 14.
33. Fit the original drive shaft shim and secure with the
2. Drain the swivel pin housing and refit plug.
3. Remove the six bolts retaining the stub axle to the
34. To check the drive shaft end-play mount a dial
swivel housing.
gauge using bracket RO 530106 and rest the stylus
4. Remove the mud shield.
in a loaded condition on the end of the drive shaft.
5. Remove the stub axle and joint washer.
35. Fit a suitable bolt to the threaded end of the drive
shaft and using a pair of pliers move the drive shaft
back and forth noting the dial gauge reading. The
end-play should be between 0,127 to 0,254 mm
. .
...,.... .,./. (0.005 to 0.010 in).
..... .

6. Pull-out the axle shaft and constant velocity joint

from the axle casing.


*. ..
36. If the end-play requires adjustment, remove the
circlip, measure the shim thickness and fit an
appropriate selective shim to give the required
37. Remove the bolt from the drive shaft, fit the circlip
and dust cap.
38. Fit the brake caliper and tighten the two bolts to
120 to 150 Nm (88 to 111 Ibf ft).
39. Locate the jump hosc in the bracket and tighten
the locknuts.
40. Fit the road wheel, remove the axle stand and
finally tighten the road wheel nuts.
41. Operate the footbrakc several times to locate the
brake pads before taking the vehicle on the road.


Remove constant velocity joint from axle shaft 12. Swivel the cage into line with the axis of the joint
and turn is until two opposite windows coincide
7. Hold the axle shaft firmly in a soft jawed vice. with two lands of the joint housing.
8. Using a soft mallet drive the constant velocity joint 13. Withdraw the cage.
from thc shaft. i4. Turn the inner track at right angles to the cage with
9. Remove the circlip and collar from the axle shaft. two of the lands opposite the cage openings and
withdraw the inner race.
15. Degrease and examine all components for general
wear and condition.
.eI 16. Examine the inner and outer track, cage balls and
bearing surfaces of the constant velocity joint for
damage and excessive wear.
17. To assemble the constant velocity joint, reverse the
dismantling instructions and lubricate with a
recommended EP oil.
18. Check that the end-float of the assembled joint
does not exceed 0,64 mm (0.025 in).


Dismantle the constant velocity joint

10. Mark the relative positions of the constant velocity
joint inner and outer race and the cage for correct
11. Tilt and swivel the cage and inner race to remove
the balls.

- 12



. Fit constant velocity joint to axle 28. Remove the two bolts, complete with the brake
, "
9 ,
disc shield bracket, securing the lower swivel pin to
19. Fit the collar and a new circlip.
the housing.
20. Engage the constant velocity joint on the axle shaft
29. Withdraw the lower swivel pin and joint washer by
splines and using a soft mallet, drive the joint
tapping the small protruding lug.
30. Remove the top swivel pin retaining bolts complete
with the brake jump hose bracket.
31. Withdraw the top swivel pin and shims.
32. Remove the swivel pin housing whilst retrieving
the lower taper bearing.
33. If the swivel pin housing is to be renewed, remove
the drain and level plugs and lock-stop bolt and

Remove swivel pin bearing housing

34. Remove the seven bolts securing the swivel pin
I bearing housing to the axle case and remove the
housing and joint washer.
1( 35. Remove and discard the swivcl pin oil seal and
Renew stub axle intermediate oil seal and bush joint washer.
21. TO remove the bronze bush and oil seal use special
tool 18G 284AAH and a slide hammer. Ensure Overhaul swivel pin bearing housing
that the fingers of the tool locate behind the oil seal 36. Prise-out the oil seal from the back of the housing.
so that the seal and bush are driven-out together. 37. Drift-out the lower swivel pin bearing track.
38. Press-out the upper swivel pin in Railko bush
39. If worn, pitted or damaged, renew thc housing.
40. Press-in the lower swivel pin bearing track.
41. Press-in the Railko bush housing ensuring that the
machined flat is towards thc back of thc housing, ic
when the housing is fitted to thc axle, the flat faces
42. With the cavity side trailing press the axle shaft oil
seal into the housing and grcasc.
43. Fit the thrust disc into the bottom of the Railko
bush housing and check that it is still in position
when the swivel pin is fitted.

Fit swivel pin bearing housing to axle

22. Lubricate the seal and lip with EP90 oil and with
the cavity side lcading press-in a new intermediate 44. Coat the swivel pin bearing housing to axle casing
oil seal using a suitable tube. bolts with Loctite 270.
23. Using a suitable block, press or drive-in the bush 45. Coat both sides of a joint washer and place in
up to the shoulder. position on the swivel pin bearing housing to axle
mating face.
Remove swivel pin housing 46. Hang the swivel pin bearing housing oil seal,
retainer and joint washer over the back of thc
24. Remove the brake disc shield secured by one nut housing.
and bolt at the bottom front, and one single bolt, 47. Fit and secure the swivel pin bearing housing to the
behind the shield, in the swivel housing. axle with the seven bolts tightening evenly to 65 to
25. Disconnect the track-rod end ball joint from the 80 Nm (48 to 59 Ibf ft).
26. Disconnect the drag-link ball joint. Fit swive! pi,n,hcusinn6
27. Remove the seven bolts securing the swivel pin
housing oil seal and retaining plate and joint 48. Grease and fit t h e lower swivcl pin bearing to the
washer and release the assembly from the swivel bearing housing.
pin housing. Note that whilst the joint washer can 49. Place the swivel pin housing in position over the
be removed at this stage, the oil seal and retaining swivel in bearing housing.
plate must remain until the swivel pin bearing
housing is removed. continued
50. Coat a joint washer both sides with sealing 63. Fit the stub axle with the keyway uppermost at
.” ,..* .,
c J .;
i r .R

’ compound and place in position on the lower 12 o’clock. At this stage it is most important to
swivel pin. ensure that the constant velocity joint bearing
51. Fit the lower pin with lip outboard. Do not secure journal engages fully into the bronze bush in the
with bolts at this stage. rear of the stub axlc before the stub axle is secured
52. Lubricate the Railko bush with an E P oil and fit the with bolts. Damage to the bush can occur if this
top swivel pin with existing shims and fit the precaution is not observed. To ensure proper
securing bolts and jump hose bracket (do not engagement, grasp the stub axle with one hand and
tighten). with the other pull the axle shaft into the bush. The
53. Coat the threads of the lower swivel pin bolts with shaft and bush are correctly engaged when the end
Loctite 270 and fit, together with the brake disc of the axle shaft splines are flush with the end of
shield bracket, and tighten to 22 to 28 Nm (16 to the stub axle. This condition must be maintained
21 Ibf ft). during all ensuing assembly operations.
54. Tighten the top swivel pin securing bolts to 60 to 64. Place the mud shield in position and secure the stub
70 Nm (44 to 52 Ibf ft). axle to the swivel pin housing with the six bolts
55. To check the top swivel pin pre-load attach a spring using Loctite 270 and evenly tighten to 60 to 70 Nm
balance to the track-rod ball joint bore and pull the (44 to 52 Ibf ft).
balance to determine the effort required to turn the 65. To complete the reassembly, follow instructions 25
swivel. The resistance, once the initial inertia has to 41 covering front hub overhaul.
- been overcome, should be 3,60 to 4 3 0 Kg (8 to 66. Check that the swivel pin housing drain plug is
10 Ibs). If necessary, adjust by removing or adding tightly fitted and remove the filler level plug.
shims to the top swivel pin as required. 67. Inject approximately 0,28 litres (% pint) of
recommended EP oil until the oil begins to run out
of the filler hole. Fit and tighten the plug and wipe
away any surplus oil.
68. Set t h e steering lock-stop bolts to providc a
clearance between the tyre wall and radius arm in
accordance with the dimensions below. This
dimension however, must bc set to 56 mm,
irrespective of tyre size and type where steering
gaiters are fitted.

Tyrc Size Dim ‘A’ & 0,25 mm

750 x 16 Michelin XS 54,OO mm
750 x 16 Avon Rangers 54,OO mm
750 x 16 (All others) 51.00 m m

56. Liberally apply - but do not pack - a

recommendcd grease between the lips of the swivel
oil seal (2,5 to 4,O grams).
57. Secure the oil seal and joint washer with the
retaining plate and securing bolts tightening evenly
to 7 to 10 Nm (5 to 7 Ibf ft).
58. Fit the track-rod and drag link and secure with new
split pins.
59. Fit the brake disc shield.
60. Loosely fit the lock stop bolt and nut for later
adjustment .

Fit drive shaft and stub axle ST18OlM

61. Place a new joint washer in position on the swivel

pin housing to stub axle mating face.
, .
62. Taking care not to damage the axle shaft oil seals,
insert t h e axle shaft, and when the differential
splines are engaged, push the assembly home.

OVERHAUL REAR HUB ASSEMBLY 6. Withdraw the hub complete with inner and outer
taper roller bearings and dual lipped seal.
Service tool: 18G 1349 seal replacer 7. If required, remove the oil catcher and bearing
sleeve by removing the six brake backplate
Dismantle retaining nuts and bolts.

Overhaul hub
NOTE: The oil catcher mentioned in instructions 7 and
17, is fitted to 110 models only. 8. Remove the dual lipped seal and inner bearing
from the hub.
1. Slacken the road wheel retaining nuts, jack up the 9. If new bearings are to be fitted drift or press out the
vehicle, lower onto axle stands and remove the old bearing cups.
road wheels. 10. Examine the road wheel studs and renew any worn
2. Remove the three brake drum retaining screws and o r damaged ones.
withdraw the brake drum. If necessary, slacken the 11. Press in new bearing cups u p to the shoulder.
brake adjuster to facilitate removal. 12. Examine the oil seal housing in the hub and
3. Lever off the hub cap and remove the axle shaft remove any burrs that could damage the seal.
circlip. 13. Pack the inner bearing with Shell Retinax A grease
4. Remove the six bolts and withdraw the hub driving o r equivalent and fit to the hub.
1 member and joint washer. 14. While taking care not to touch the seal lips,
5. Unlock the tab washer, remove the outer and inner liberally smear - not pack - the cavity between %*’
locknuts and keyed thrust washer. the seal lips with Shell Retinax A or equivalent.

15. To avoid possible damage to the seal and to ensure 16. If this tool is not available obtain a suitable tube
the correct depth into the hub, press-in the seal, lip that will fit exactly on the four diametrically
side leading, using special tool 18G 1349. opposed pads in the channel round the seal on the
opposite side to the lip and with the lip leading
press-in the seal so that it is recessed 4,s to 5,3 m
(0.190 to 0.210 in) from the rear face of the hub.

. . ... ...
,..,. ,.
i., . ,, ..


1. Dust cap. 10. Brake dru!??.

2. Circlip. 11. Hub.
3. Driving member. 12. Outer bearing.
2 4. Joint washer. 13. Oil seal.
5. Locknut. 14. Oil catcher.
6. Lock washer. 15. Brake back plate assembly.
7. Adjusting nut. 16. Stub axle.
8. Key washer. 17. Joint washer.
9. Outer bearing. 18. Half-shaft.

Reassemble hub to axle 23. Using a new joint washer, fit the hub driving
member and tighten the retaining bolts and spring
17. If removed, assemble the backplate and oil catcher washers to 60 to 70 Nm (44 to 52 Ibf ft).
to the axle having first smeared Hylomar SQ32M 24. Fit the circlip to the axle shaft, ensuring that it
on the face of the oil catcher to seal it to the locates correctly in the groove.
backplate. Ensure that the milled slot and the drain 25. Fit the hub cap, if necessary using a new ‘0’ ring
hole in the backplate line up at the bottom. Secure seal.
the assembly to the axle with the six bolts and nuts 26. Fit the brake drum and secure, if necessary with
and tightcn to the correct torque. new screws.
27. Adjust the brake shoes to the drum.
28. Fit the road wheels, using new nuts if necessary.
29. Remove the vehicle from the axle stands and
finally tighten the wheel nuts to the correct torque.


With inner and outer seals. From axle numbers

Land Rover 90 22308284B
Land Rover 110 21S22955B

18. Before fitting the hub, ensurc that thc journal on Special tools:
which the dual lipped seal runs is clean and free Oil seal replacer LST 550-5
from imperfcctions that could damage the seal. Drift for seal replacer MS 550 or 186134
19. Fit the hub to the bearing sleeve, pack the outer Hub nut spanner 606435
bearing with grease and fit to the hub.
20. Fit the keyed thrust washer and adjusting inner Remove
nut. Tighten the nut, by hand, whilst rotating the
hub until all the end-play is taken up. 1. Jack-up the vehicle, lower onto axle stands and
21. Mount a dial test indicator so that the stylus rest on remove the road wheels.
the adjusting nut. Slacken the nut back to obtain an 2. Remove the two brake drum retaining screws and
end-float of 0,050 to 0,101 mm (0.002 to 0.004 in). withdraw the brake drum. If necessary, slacken the
22. Fit the tab washer and outer locknut. Tighten the brake adjuster to facilitate removal.
locknut, re-check the end-float and lock the nuts. 3. Prise-off the hub cap.
4. Remove the circlip.
5 . Remove the five bolts and withdraw the hub
driving member and joint washer.
6. Prise-up the lock washer and remove the outer
locknut and inner adjusting nut.
7. Withdraw the hub complete with with the inner
and outer seals, seal track spacer, and inner and
outer taper roller bearings.
8. If the stub axle is damaged o r scored remove and
discard it by removing the six brake back plate
retaining nuts and bo!ts.

Overhaul hub
9. Remove the seal track spaccr and outer seal.

10. Remove the outer bearing cone. f ”’
‘ I J


S I. ... 11. Remove the inner seal and bearing cone. 26. Taking care not to damage the seal lips fit the hub
. I
12. If new bearings are to be fitted drift or press out the assembly to the stub axle. Do not allow the weight
old cups. of the hub to rest, even temporarily, on the outer
13. Degrease and examine the hub for cracks and seal otherwise damage and distortion could occur.
damage and renew if necessary. Renew hub if Therefore hold the h u t clear of the stub axle until
wheel studs are faulty. the seal track spacer is fitted.
27. Carefully fit the seal track spacer, seal lip leading.
28. Fit the hub inner nut and using spanner 606435
Assemble tighten the adjusting nut whilst slowly revolving the
14. If removed, fit the stub axle to the axle casing with hub until all end-float is removed then back-off the
a new joint washer and secure with the six nuts and nut approximately half-a-turn.
bolts and tighten to the correct torque. 29. Mount a dial test indicator and bracket on the hub
15. Fit new inner and outer bearing cups to the hub, so that the stylus rests in a loaded condition on the
ensuring that they are drifted or pressed squarely nut. Check the end-float which must be 0,013 to
into position. 0,010 mm (0.0005 to 0.0004 in). Adjust the nut as
16. Fit the inner bearing cone and pack with one of the necessary to achieve this.
recommended hub greases. 30, Fit the locker and locknut and tighten against the
adjusting nut.

- Fitting inner oil seal

31. Rotate the hub several times to settle the bearings
then re-check the end-float.
32. Bend one segment of the locker over the adjusting nut
17. Clean the hub oil seal housing and ensure that the and another, diametrically opposite, over the locknut.
seal locating surface is smooth and the chamfer on
the leading edge is also smooth and free from V/ ,

18. Examine the new seal and ensure that it is clean,
undamaged and that the garter spring is properly
located. Even a small scratch on the seal lip could 32,
impair its efficiency.
19. Although the new seal is already pre-greased by
the manufacturer, apply one of the recommended
hub bearing greases to the outside diameter of the
seal, before fitting, taking care not to damage the
20. Place the seal, lip side leading, squarely on the hub
and using the 76 mm end of seal replacer tool
LST 550-5 and drift 550 or 18 G 134 drive the seal
into position to the depth determined by the tool.

Fitting outer oil seal

21. Fit the new outer bearing cone and pack with one
of the recommended hub greases.
22. Carry out instructions 17 to 19 but insert the seal 32’
with the lip side trailing.
23. Place the seal, lip side leading, squarely on the hub
and using the 72 mm end of seal replacer tool
LST 550-5 and drift 550 or 18 G 134, drive the seal
ST1800M Y//
into position to the depth determined by the tool. 33. Using a new joint washer, fit the hub driving
member and secure with the five bolts and tighten
evenly to the correct torque.
Fitting hub to stub axle 34. Fit the circlip to the axle shaft ensuring that it is
properly seated in the groove.
24. Smear the lips of both seals with one of the
35. Fit the hub cap.
recommended greases. This is important since a
36. Fit the road wheels and secure with the nuts.
dry seal can be destroyed during the first few
Jack-up the vehicle, remove axle stands and lower
revolutions of the hub.
vehicle to ground. Finally tighten the road wheel
25. Select a new seal track spacer and check that the nuts to the correct torque.
outer diameter is smooth and free from blemishes
and that there are no burrs on the chamfered
leading edge.



1. Hub cap. 14. Locknut.

15. Bolt. stub axle to axle casing
2. Circlip.
3. Spring washer- hub driving member bolt. 16. Axle shaft
4. Hub driving member. 17. Locknut.
5. Hub driving member bolts. 18. Lock washer.
6. Brake drum retaining screws. 19. Joint washer.
7. Otter bearing cone. 20. %a! !El& SFX€!r.
8. Outer bearing cup. 21. Hub casting.
9. Inner bearing cup. 22. Brake drum.
10. Inner bearing cone. 23. Outer oil seal.
11. End-float adjustingnut. 24. Road wheel stud.
12. Inner oil seal. 25. Stub axle.
13. Joint washer.

OVERHAUL REAR SUSPENSION 22. Using ball joint extractor tool R01006 or a suitable
. .'. proprietry tool remove the ball joint from the axle


Remove the lower links bracket.

23. Remove the pivot bracket complete with the ball
1. Jack up the rear of the vehicle and lower on to axle joint and if fitted, the lower ball joint of the
stands. levelling unit.
2. Remove the nut and bolt retaining the lower link to 24. Remove the two bolts securing the ball joint to the
the axle bracket. pivot bracket and press the ball joint from the
3. Remove the three nuts and bolts retaining the bracket.
foward end of the link to the chassis bracket.
4. Withdraw the lower link from the vehicle.
5. Remove the locknut and washer and remove the NOTE: Replacement ball joints are supplied as
flexible mounting from the link. complete assemblies packed with grease.

Renew the bushes 25. Using two bolts as a guide to ensure correct
6. Press out the bush from the rear end of the lower alignment press the knurled ball joint into the pivot
link. bracket and secure with the two nuts and bolts.
7. Press in a new bush squarely into the link.
Assemble upper links and ball joints
Fit the lower link 26. Fit the pivot bracket ball joint and bracket to the
8. Assemble the flexible mounting to the link and axle and secure with the plain washer castle nut and
secure with the locknut but do not tighten at this split pin. Tighten the nut to 176 Nm (130 Ibf ft).
stage. 27. Fit the levelling unit, if used.
9. Fit the link to the vehicle, securing the front end of 28. Assemble the upper links to the chassis attachment
the link to the chassis bracket with the three nuts brackets but do not at this stage fully tighten the
and bolts. pivot nut and bolt.
10. Assemble the rear end of the link to the axle 29. Fit the upper link assemblics to the chassis with t h e
bracket and retain with the nut and bolt, but d o not six nuts and bolts, (three each side). Note the
tighten at this stage. positions of the bolt heads. Tighten the nuts to
11. Lower the vehicle to the ground and allow the 47 Nm (35 lbf ft).
suspension to settle. 30. Secure the rear ends of the upper links to the pivot
12. Tighten the nut and bolt at the rear end of the link. bracket and tighten the two nuts and bolts and
13. Tighten the forward locknut to 176 N m tighten to 115 Nm (85 Ibf ft).
(130 lbf ft). 31. Remove the jack from the chassis, allow thc
suspension to settle and tighten upper link pivot
Remove upper links
14. Jack up the vehicle under the chassis so that the Renew anti-roll bar bushes and ball joints
rear axle is freely suspended.
15. Remove nuts and bolts retaining the upper link 32. Remove the two nuts and bolts securing the anti-
bracket to the chassis frame. roll bar to the axle link.
16. Remove the two nuts and bolts securing the upper 33. Remove the eight nuts and bolts (four each side)
links to the pivot bracket. retaining the anti-roll bar to the chassis and remove
17. Withdraw the upper links complete with the chassis the bar from the vehicle.
attachment brackets from vehicle. 34. Remove the split pin and castle nut and remove the
18. Remove the nut and bolt retaining forward end of ball joint and link from the axle location.
the link to the chassis bracket and separate the two If the ball joint requires replacement the complete
parts. link must be renewed.
19. Press out the bush from the forward end of the 35. Renew the rubbers and fit the anti-roll bar to the
links d.2 squ.re!y press in new bushes. chassis and secure with the eight bolts and nuts
tightening to 24 Nm (18 lbf ft).
36. Fit the ball joint and link to the axle location and
Renew pivot bracket ball joint tighten the castle nut to 176 Nm (130 lbf ft) and fit
a new split
- pin.
' '-
20. Remove the levelling unit -if fitted. 37. Fit the anti-roll bar to the ball joint link and fit new
21. Remove the split pin, castle nut and plain washer bushes in the sequence illustrated and tighten the
securing the ball joint to the pivot bracket. nuts and bolts, to the correct torque.
A 1

--I 3

1. Salisbury axle casing

2. Anti-roll bar 12. Lower link flexible bush assembly
3. Boge self levelling unit 18 13. Lower link bush and bolt assembly
4. Levelling unit upper ball joint assembly 14. Coil spring assembly
5. Levelling unit lower ball joint assembly 15. Bumpstop
6. Fulcrum bracket 16. Shock absorber
7. Fulcrum bracket ball joint assembly 17. Shock absorber top bush assembly
8. Suspension top links 18. Shock absorber lower bush assembly
9. Top link mounting brackets 19. Anti-roll bar bush and strap assembly
10. Top link bushes 20. Anti-roll bar ball joint and link assembly
11. Lower links 21. Heavy duty Rover axle casing

t i


A Boge Hydromat levelling unit is located in the centre

of the rear axle.
When the vehicle is unladen the levelling unit has little
effect. The unit is self-energising and hence the vehicle
has to be driven before the unit becomes effective, the
time taken for this to happen being dependant upon the
vehicle load, the speed at which it is driven and the
roughness of the terrain being crossed.
If the vehicle is overloaded the unit will fail to level
fully and more frequent bump stop contact will be
Should the vehicle be left for a lengthy period e.g.
overnight, in a laden condition, it may settle. This is
due to normal internal fluid movement in the unit and
is not detrimental to the unit performance. 6. Load weights to the value of 650 kg (1143 Ibs)
. .,
, .
Before carrying out the checks below, verify that the
vehicle is being operated within the specified maximum
evenly over the rear load area of the vehicle and
leave it to settle undisturbed for minimum period
loading capabilities. If the levelling unit is then believed of thirty minutes.
to be at fault, the procedure below should be followed. 7. With the driving seat occupied or with an
Whilst slight oil seepage IS permissible, the unit should approximate equivalent weight of 75 kg (165 Ibs)
be renewed if there is an excessive oil leak. check the bump stop clearance and note the
1. Remove excessive mud deposits from underneath measurPment.
the vehicle and any heavy items from inside the 8. Drive the vehicle on a test route approximately
vehicle that are not part of the original equipment. 5 km (3 miles) in length over undulating roads or
2. Measure the clearance between the rear axle bump graded tracks. At the completion of the drive bring
pad and the bump stop rubber at the front outer the vehicle to rest by light brake application so as
corner on both sides of the vehicle, dimension A . not to disturb the vehicle loading.
The average clearance should be in excess of 9. Without disturbing the vehicle load and with thc
67 mm (2.8 in). driving seat occupied, check the bump stop
3. If thc bump stop clearance is less than the above clearance and note the reading, which must be in
figure remove the rear springs and check the free excess of 45 mm (average).
length against the following data in the chart. 10. Subtract the reading obtained under Instruction 7
4. Renew any spnng where the free length is more from that obtained under Instruction 9. If the
than 20 mm (0.787 in) shorter than the figures in change in clearance is in excess of 10 mm (0.394 in)
the chart. the levelling unit is functioning correctly.
. 5. Having refitted or renewed any springs repeat the 11. If the figures obtained in instructions 9 and 10 do
clearance check as described above. If the average not exceed 45 mm and 10 mm (1.77 and 0.39 in)
bump clearance is still less than 67 mm (2.8 in) respectively unload the vehicle and renew the
renew the levelling unit. levelling unit.




NRC 6388


(180) I

6 I
Free length

412 1
Two Blue

- - -1t R.H. PASSENGER NRC 7000 31.5 (180) 6 400

One Green
and onc
White stripe

DRIVER I NRC6388 131.5 (180) 1 6 1 412 1 Two Blue

One Green
PASSENGER NRC 7000 31.5 (180) 6 400 and onc
White stripe

REMOVE LEVELLING UNIT -where fitted 2. Support the weight of the axle with a jack.
3 . Disconnect the shock absorbers at the lower end.
WARNING: The levelling unit contains pressurised gas 4. Remove the spring retainer plate.
and must not be dismantled nor the casing screws 5. Lower the axle sufficiently to withdraw the spring,
removed. Repair is by replacement of complete unit but take care not to stretch the flexible brake hose
only. by lowering the axle too far.
1. Raise and support the vehicle under the chassis and 6. Remove the spring pan.
use a jack to support the weight of the axle.
2. Disconnect the upper links at the pivot bracket. Renew rear springs
3. Ease up the levclling unit lower gaiter and unscrew 7. Fit the spring pan and retainer plate.
the lower ball joint at the push rod using thin jawed 8. Fit the spring into the chassis top location and using
spanners. a turning motion fit the spring to the axle pan.
4. Release the webbing strap from the chassis. 9. Secure the shock absorbers with the rubbers
5 . Remove the four nuts securing the top bracket to correctly located.
the chassis and withdraw the levelling unit 10. Remove the axle support, fit the road wheels and
complete with bracket. lower the vehicle to ground.
11. Finally tighten the road wheel nuts.
Renew levelling unit ball joints
1 Remove shock absorbers "--..h
The-ball joints for the levelling unit may be dismantled h --.
for clcaning and cxamination. 12. Slacken the road wheel nuts, raise the rear of the
6. Unscrew the lower ball joint from thc pivot vehicle and support it under the axle and remove
bracket. the road wheels.
7. Unscrew thc ball joint from the top bracket. 13. Remove the shock absorber upper and lower
8. Reassemble the ball joints, packing with retaining nuts and rubbers.
Dextagrease G.P. or equivalent or if necessary 14. Remove the shock absorber from the top locating
renew the joints if worn. shaft and withdraw it from the vehicle.
9. Check the condition of the gaitcrs and renew if
necessary. Test shock absorbers

Fit levelling unit 15. Hold the shock absorber vertically in a vice, being
careful not to damage the threads.
10. Ensure the ball pin threads are clean and smear 16. The shock absorber employs differential damping
Loctite grade CVX on the ball pin threads. having greater resistance on the extension stroke.
11. Fit the upper ball joint to the levelling unit and Check operation by extending and compressing the
secure the gaiter. shock absorber.
12. Fit the top bracket complete with levelling unit to Resistance should be uniform throughout the
the chassis and sccure with the four nuts and length of each stroke. If resistance is erratic or
tighten to 47 Nm (35 Ibf ft). weak, renew the shock absorber. When checking
13. Fit the levelling unit to the lower ball joint and resistance a new shock absorber may be used for
secure the gaiter. comparison. To ensure that the new shock
14. Attach the webbing strap to the chassis cross absorber is primed, fully extend and compress the
member. unit several times before testing begins.
15. Fit the upper links t o the pivot bracket and retain
with the two bolts and nuts but do not tighten at Fit shock absorbers
this stage.
16. Remove the jack in support of the axle and the 17. Fit the shock absorbers using new rubbers and fit
support from under the chassis. the lower rubbers and caps in the order illustrated.
17. Allow the suspension to settle and then tighten the 18. Fit the road wheels, lower the vehicle and finally
two bolts and nuts retaining the upper links to the tighten the road wheel nuts.
pivot bracket to thc correct torque.


Remove rear springs
1. Slacken the rLAr road wheel nuts and raise the rear
of the vehick and lower the chassis on the axle
stands or similar supports and remove the road
~. .,”, ,
:.... ...,
.* .*-‘

... ..
, , ,..



.. ... BRAKES primary circuit to the rear brakes will continue. The
... ....>:.

., ._
: P.D.W.A. will function in a similar manner should a
DESCRIPTION failure occur in the primary, rear brake circuit. A
Girling type 80 vacuum servo is fitted when a
The mechanical components of the Land Rover 90 and combination valve is used.
110 braking system consist of single cylinder Girling The P.C.R. valve allows fluid to the rear brakes until a
drum brakes at the rear and Lockheed, four piston predetermined pressure is reached when the valve
caliper disc brakes at the front. The cable controlled closes. the valve, from this point on, will only permit a
handbrake is a mechanically operated single drum proportion of any increase in fluid pressure to reach the
mounted on the output shaft of the transfer box and is rear brakes to prevent premature locking of the rear
completely independent of the main braking system. wheels. Should a failure occur in the front brake
Adjustment of all drum brakes is by a snail cam turned secondary circuit the design of the valve will ensure that
by a square peg on the back-plates. the fluid to the rear brakes will by-pass the valve and
The basic hydraulic system involves two separate and allow full circuit pressure to the rear wheel cylinder.
independent primary and secondary circuits which To satisfy the demand of other regulations certain
permit a degree of braking should a fault occur in one vehicles are equipped with a deceleration actuated
of the circuits. The primary circuit operates the rear anti-lock valve fitted in the rear brake (primary) line
brakes and the secondary circuit controls the front instead of a P.C.R. valve. Then this valve is used a
brake calipers. The tandem master cylinder, which is Girling type 80 vacuum servo is fitted. The valve is
assisted by a type 50 direct acting servo, is fed by a situated on the inner face of the chassis right-hand side
divided fluid reservoir. The rear section contains fluid member at an angle of 20" to the horizontal so that the
for the primary cicuit and the front portion supplies angle of inclination is towards the front of the vehicle.
fluid for the secondary circuit. Under normal braking conditions the valve remains
passive. When fierce or emergency braking is necessary
Land Rover 90 models have a brake fluid loss switch
the valve operates at a pre-determined deceleration
fitted to the master cylinder filler cap. The switch is
figure and reduces the rate of increase in the hydraulic
wired to a warning lamp bulb on the drivers control
pressure to the wheel cylinders.
panel and the bulb will illuminated momentarily when
the starter motor is actuated, indicating that the brake
warning circuit is functioning correctly. A hydraulic
failure in the primary o r secondary circuits will result in
fluid loss and cause the warning bulb to illuminate, in
such an event, the driver must stop the vehicle
immediately and investigate the cause. In some
territories, alternative and additional switches and
controls may be fitted (as described in the following for
110 models) to meet legal legislation.

Land Rover 110 models have a Pressure Differential

- . Warning Actuator Valve (P.D.W.A. Valve) o r in some
cases a combined P.D.W.A. Valve and a Pressure
Conscious Reducing Valve (P.C.R. Valve) situated
between the master cylinder and the front and rear
The valves are bolted to the bulkhead within the engine
compartment. The type of valve fitted is dependent
upon the nature of the vehicle and the braking
classification regulations prevailing in the territory
where the ehicle is to operate. Both types of valve
incorporate an electrical switch wired to a warning bulb
on the vehicle control panel. The bulb will illuminate
momentarily when the starter motor is actuated
indicating that the brake warning circuit is functioning
correctly. A fault in either the primary or secondary
circuits is evident if the warning bulb illuminates upon
application of the foot brake while the engine is
running. Should a pressure failure occur in the front
brake circuit (secondary) the piston in the P.D.W.A.
valve will move in the diretion of the failed circuit A. Primary circuit.
causing the switch to operate and the warning bulb to B. Secondary circuit.
illuminate. At the same time full fluid prcssure in the C. P.D.W.A. or combination valve.

3. Removing friction pads -early type

1 2 Remove the retaining pins and anti-rattle springs
and withdraw the pads. If the same pads are to be
refitted, identify them for assembly to their original

A B -
Removing friction pads latest type
Remove the four spring clips and remove the
retaining pins and anti-rattle springs and withdraw
3 4 the pads. If the same pads are to be refitted,
6 identify them for assembly to their original
4, Remove the two bolts and withdraw the caliper
from the vehicle.

A. Combination valve.
B. P.D.W.A. valve. /. -%
E -
C. G. valve. L"

1. Inlet from master cylinder to secondary circuit.

2. Inlet from master cylinder to primary circuit.
3. Outlet to front calipers via 'T' junction.
4. Outlet to rcar brakes via 'T' junction.
5. Inlet port.
6. Outlet port.
7. Angle of inclination (20°C).


Special tool:
186672 -Piston clamp
NOTE: The following procedure is applicable to Land
Rover 90 and 110 models. A 110 caliper is illustrated
and varies mainly in size and external pipe connections
from the 90 version.

1. Slacken the front wheel retaining nuts, jack-up the
vehicle and lower onto axle stands and remove the
2. Expose the brake flexible hose by moving the
n n;I~rlm ,ntn,-t;.ra
y 1 U k b b L n " b
, - n s r a A n n
b U " b ' L I I ~
h nco
L U L ' b "

Disconnect the hose from the caliper.

NOTE: The first illustration shows the early type of

friction pad retaining pins and anti-rattle springs.
The second illustration shows the latest anti-rattle
springs and method of retaining the pads, using
parallel pins and retaining clips, or split pins.

1. Bleed screw.
2. Caliper.
3. Anti-rattle springs.
4. Retaining pins.
5. Friction pads.
6. Brake disc.
?."*, *
7. Piston. ST1271M 1
.? , 8. Wiper seal retainer
9. Wiper seal.
10. Fluid seal.


1. Bleed screw.
2. Caliper.
3. Anti-rattle springs;
4. Retaining pins and clips.
5 . Friction pads.
6. Brake disc.
7. Piston. I
8. Wiper seal retainer. ST1809M
9. Wiper seal.
10. Fluid seal.
DISMANTLE AND OVERHAUL 12. Smear the appropriate piston with disc brake
r :
. .I
lubricant and insert it squarely into the bore by
Do not separate the caliper halves. hand only. Do not tilt the piston during insertion
5. Clean the outer surfaces of the caliper with and leave approximately 8 mm projecting from the
methylated spirit. bore.
6. Using special tool 18G672, clamp the pistons in the 13. Coat a new wiper seal with disc brake lubricant and
mounting half of the caliper and gently, keeping fit it to a new seal retainer. Slide the assembly, seal
fingers clear, and with CAUTION, apply air first, over the protruding piston and into the bore
pressure to the fluid inlet port to expel the rim half recess. Remove the piston clamp from the
pistons. Since it is unlikely that both pistons will mounting half and use t h e clamp to prcss home the
expel at the same time, regulate the rate with a seal retainer and piston.
suitable piece of timber between the appropriate
piston and caliper. Mounting-half pistons
7. Finally, remove the pistons keeping them
identified with their respective bores. 14. Clamp the rim-half pistons and carry out the same
8. Remove the wiper seal retainer by inserting a blunt procedure as for removing and fitting the rim half
screw driver between the retainer and the seal and pistons and seals, instructions 6 to 13.
prise the retainer carefully from the mouth of the
bore. Fit calipers and pads to vehicle
9. Taking care not to damage the seal grooves, extract
* 15. Fit the caliper to the axle and secure with the two
the wiper seal and fluid seal.
10. Clean the bores, pistons and particularly the seal bolts tightening evenly to the correct torque, sce
grooves with clean brake fluid or methylated spirit
only. If the caliper or pistons are corroded or if 16. Connect the brake flcxiblc hose to the calipcr and
remove the hose clamp.
their condition is not perfect the parts must be
17. Lightly smear the back and edges of the pads with
disc brake lubricant carefully avoiding the friction
18. Fit the friction pads and secure using ncw pins and
rctaining clips or split pins (latest type) and anti-
rattle springs. Splay the cnds of thc early typc
retaining pins.
19. When the foregoing instructions have been
completed on both calipers, depress the brake
pedal firmly several times to locate the friction
20. Fit the road wheels, rcmovc the axle stands and
finally tighten the road wheel nuts, see data.
21. Road test the vehicle, remembering that if new
friction pads have been fitted they are not ‘bedded-
in’ and may take several hundred miles before the
brakes are at maximum efficiency.


Assemble rim-half pistons

11. Coat a new fluid seal with Lockheed disc brake
lubricant. Ease the seal into the groove in the bore
using only the fingers and ensure that it is properly
seated. The fluid seal and the groove are not the
. I*
same in section so that when the seal is seated it
feels proud to the touch at the edge furthest away
from t h e mouth of the bore.
WARNING: Do not use an air line to blow dust from the
brake assemblies - asbestos dust from brake linings
can be a serious health risk if inhaled.

1. Slacken the road wheel nuts, jack-up the vehicle,

lower onto axle stands and remove the road
2. Slacken the brake shoe adjuster on the rear of the
back-plate to assist removal of brake drum.
3. Remove the single retaining screw and withdraw
the brake drum.
4. Remove the trailing shoe anchor plate.
5. Lever off the brake shoes whilst noting the position
of the pull-off springs.
6. Disconnect the brake fluid pipe to the wheel
cylinder and cover the pipe end to prevent ingress
14. Fit new seals to the pistons noting that the seal lip is
of dirt.
towards the cylinder.
15. Lubricate the pistons with new clean Girling brake
16. Fit the spring between the two pistons.
17. Fit the dust covers.
18. Fit a rubber band around the cylinder to retain the
parts, until the brake shoes are in position.
19. Fit the bleed screw and tighten to 0,5 to 0,8 kgf m
(4 to 6 Ibf ft).


1. Fit the wheel cylinder to the back-plate and secure
with the two nuts and spring washers.
2. Reconnect the pull-off spring to the brake shoes
and fit the shoes at the wheel cylinder end first.
3. Reconnect the leading shoe pull-off spring; replace
it with its long end hooked over the post on the
shoe web.
4. Refit the trailing shoe anchor plate and secure with
the two bolts and tab plate.
5 . Turn the adjuster on the back-plate to check
4 operation.
6 Connect the brake fluid pipe to the wheel cylinder.
7. Examine the brake drum for internal scoring and
ovality. If required, the interior of the drum can be
machined to a maximum diameter of 255,52 mm
7. Remove the two retaining nuts and withdraw the (10.060 in).
wheel cylinder from the back-plate. 8. Fit the brake drum and ensure that it seats
correctly on the hub register and secure with the
Dismantle and overhaul wheel cylinder single screw.
9. Turn the adjuster on the back-plate until the brake
8. Remove the two dust covers. shoe is locked against the drum. Back off
9. yqithdra.w tiie pistoiis ariddiscard
approximateiy two serrations so [hat the drum
10. Remove the spring. revolves freely.
11. Remove the bleed screw. 10. Repeat the procedure for the opposite brake.
12. Clean components with Girling cleaning fluid and 11. Bleed the brakes.
allow to dry. 12. Fit the road wheels, remove the axle stands and
13. Examine the cylinder and pistons for corrosion, finally tighten the road wheel nuts to the correct
scores and wear. Renew any component that is not torque.
satisfactory or replace complete cylinder assembly.

I yr.
' :--r
:..I OVERHAUL REAR BRAKES - 110 models Dismantle and overhaul wheel cylinder
.... .iy
DISMANTLING 7. Remove the two dust covers.
8. Withdraw the pistons and discard seals.
WARNING: Do not use an air line to blow dust from the 9. Removc the spring.
brake assemblies - asbestos dust from brake linings 10. Remove the bleed screw.
can be a serious health risk if inhaled. 11. Clean components with Girling cleaning fluid and
1. Slacken the road wheel nuts, jack-up the vehicle, allow to dry.
lower onto axle stands and remove the road 12. Examine the cylinder and pistons for corrosion,
wheels. scores and wear. Renew any component that is not
2. Slacken the two brake shoe adjusters on the rear of satisfactory o r replace complete cylinder assembly.
the back-plate to assist removal of brake drum. 13. Fit new seals to the pistons noting that the seal lip is
3. Disconnect the brake fluid pipe to the wheel towards the cylinder.
cylinder and cover the pipe end to prevent ingress 14. Lubricate the pistons with new clean Girling brake
of dirt. fluid.
4. Remove the two retaining nuts and withdraw the 15. Fit the spring between the two pistons.
wheel cylinder from the back-plate. 16. Fit the dust covers.
17. Fit the bleed screw and tighten to 0,5 to 0,8 kgf m
(4 to 6 Ibf ft).


ST Assembling rear brake

18. Fit the wheel cylinder to the back-plate and secure
with the two nuts and spring washers.
5. Remove the single retaining Screw and withdraw 19. Assemble new brake shoe pull-off springs to re-
the brake drum. lined brake shoes as illustrated.
6. Lever off the brake shoes whilst noting the position
of the pull-off springs. continued

ST 1

20. Locate the shoes in the wheel cylinder piston slots 2. Disconnect the propeller shaft from the output
and lever the opposite ends into the pivot block. flange.
21. Operatc the snail cams to check that the shoes 3. Remove the two screws and withdraw the brake
respond. drum. Skim if excessively scored or oval.
22. Connect the brake fluid pipe to the wheel cylinder. 4. Remove the split pin and clevis pin connecting the
23. Fit the brake drum and secure with the single drawlink to the actuating lever.
screw. 5. Remove the brake shoes complete with pull-off
24. Adjust each brake shoe independently as follows: springs. Note position of springs in relation to the
turn one adjuster until the shoe is locked against shoes.
the drum. Back off approximately two serrations of 6. Remove the four bolts securing back-plate to
the snail cam so that the drum revolves freely. transfer box and withdraw the back-plate complete
25. Repeat instruction 24 on the second shoe and carry with oil catcher.
out the same procedure for the opposite brake.
26. Bleed the brakes. KEY TO TRANSMISSION BRAKE
27. Fit the road wheels, remove the axle stands and
1. Brakedrum.
finally tighten the road wheel nuts to the correct
2. Brake drum retaining screws.
3. Brake shoes.
4. Brake shoes pull-off springs.
5. Expander assembly.
6. Adjuster assembly.
7. Drawlink.
8. Oil catcher.
OVERHAUL TRANSMISSION BRAKE 9. Back plate and retaining bolts.
10. Dust cover.
WARNING: Do not use an air line to remove dust from
11. Locking plate.
the brake assembly. Asbestos dust from the brake
12. Packing plate.
linings can be a serious health risk, if inhaled.
13. Spring plate.

ST1192M ‘2
Remove and overhaul expander assembly Assemble adjuster assembly

7. Remove the rubber dust cover. 20. Grease and screw in the adjuster cone.
8. Remove the expander and draw link. 21. Grease and fit the adjuster plungers and align the
9. Remove the retainer spring plate. chamfered ends with the adjuster cone. Note that
10. Remove the locking plate. the two plungers are identical and can be fitted to
11. Remove the packing plate and withdraw the either bore. Secure the assembly with a rubber
expander assembly from the back-plate. band to prevent the plungers falling out.
12. Remove the two plungers and rollers.
13. Clean all parts in Girling cleaning fluid and allow to
dry. Examine the components for wear and discard
if unsatisfactory.

Assemble expander assembly

14. Grease and fit the expander and drawlink.
15. Grease and fit the plungers and rollers noting that
the highest end of the ramp on the plungers is fitted
towards the back-plate. Secure the assembly with a
rubber band to prevent the plungers falling out and
- place to one side for assembly to back-plate.

NOTE: If the brake linings are oil-soaked check and if
necessary renew the output shaft oil seal.

22. Position the expander assembly on the inside of the

back-plate and secure with the following plates at
the rear of the back-plate.
23. Packing piece.
24. Locking plate.
25. Retainer spring.
-127% 26. Fit the rubber dust cover.


Remove and overhaul adjuster assembly

16. Remove the two bolts and withdraw the adjuster
assembly from the back-plate.
17. Remove the plungers.
18. Screw the adjuster cone inwards to remove from
t h e housing.
19. Clean the parts in Girling cleaning fluid and discard
any unsatisfactory components.

...,. ...

. ....,. ,.,. ,


27. Fit the adjuster assembly to the back-plate with the BLEEDING THE BRAKES
two bolts but do not fully tighten at this stage.
28. Fit the back-plate assembly and mud shield to the Primed System
transfer box with the four bolts and tighten to the Bleed the front brakes first starting with the wheel
correct torque. nearest to the master cylinder.
29. Fit new pull-off springs to relined brake shoes and 1. Attach a rubber tube to the bleed screw and
fit to the back-plate. Note that the fully lined end immerse the other end in a glass jar containing a
of the lower shoe must be toward the expander quantity of clean, new recommended brake fluid.
assembly and the fully lined end of the upper shoe 2. Check that the fluid reservoir is full to the maximum
towards the adjuster assembly. mark.
3 . Unscrew the bleed screw approximately half-a-turn,
enough to allow fluid to be pumped out. Do not
open the screw too far o r air will be drawn back into
the system around the threads.
4. Smartly depress the foot pedal, pause and then
allow the pedal to rapidly return, pause again before
29 repeating the procedure.
5 . Continue with the above sequence until all air
bubbles cease whilst ensuring that the reservoir is
kept topped-up.
6. Close the bleed screw immediately after the last
down stroke, whilst t h e pedal is depressed.

Unprimed System
To bleed a replacement master cylinder or a fully
drained system.
7. Top up the fluid reservoir to the maximum mark.
ST1275M 8. Open a bleed screw in both circuits and allow fluid
to prime both circuits of the mastcr cylinder by
30. Fit the brake drum and secure with the two screws. gravity for approximately five minutes, then bleed
31. Connect the expander drawlink to the actuating as for a primed system.
lever with a new clevis pin, washer and split pin.
32. Turn t h e adjuster cone fully in and tighten the two
retaining bolts left slack in instruction 27.
33. Slacken off the adjuster two ‘clicks’ and firmly
apply the hand lever to centralise the shoes. The
drum should then rotate freely.
34. Adjust the handbrake cable t o give the pawl two
‘clicks’ free movement on the ratchet before the
third ‘click’ fully expands the shoes against the
35. Connect the propeller shaft and evenly tighten the
retaining nuts to the correct torque.
36. Remove chocks from wheels and connect the

. _._-_
OVERHAUL THE MASTER CYLINDER 6. Secure the master cylinder in a vice and push the
primary plunger down the bore and withdraw the
1. Remove the master cylinder from the servo and secondary plunger stop pin.
2. Remove the master cylinder filler cap and pour off
surplus fluid.
3 . From the filler cap, prise out the plastic baffle and
rubber seal.
4. Drive out the two roll pins and remove the
reservoir from the master cylinder.
5. Prise out from the master cylinder the two
reservoir retaining seals.


1. Reservoir.
2. Reservoir filler cap.
-3. Rubber seal.
4. Plastic baffle.
5. Roll pins.
6 . Reservoir retaining seals.
7. Secondary plunger stop pin.
8. Plastic circlip
9. Primary plunger assembly.
10. Secondary plunger assembly.
11. Master cylinder flange seal.
12. Nuts and washers securing cylinder to servo.


. ., ...
STl193M ‘8

7. Press down the primary plunger and remove the

plastic circlip.
8. Withdraw the primary plunger assembly. a

b c
11 I

9. Tap the master cylinder sharply on a soft or ST1195M

wooden surface to remove the secondary plunger
assembly. 12. Fit a new outer seal into its groove by squeezing the
seal between the finger and thumb into an ellipse
and press the raised part of the seal over the flange
using the fingers of the other hand. Using the
method illustrated for rencwing the secondary scals
following instruction 16.
13. Fit the recuperating seal assembly parts in the
reverse order of removal. Compress the spring and
secure the assembly with the bolt tightening to 2 to
3 Nm (1.5 to 2.2 Ibf ft). Do not overtighten.


8-f ....

13 12

Renewing primary plunger seals

10. Using a 2.5 mm Allen key, unscrew the retaining
h A l t F,,,
piiiiiaiy -I,.-*-- ,-A

(a) spring retainer ST1197M

(b) plunger spring
(c) seal retainer
(d) recuperating seal
(e) washer
11. Taking care not to damage the plunger, prise off
the outer seal.
..,. Renewing secondary plunger seals 17. Fit the recuperating seal assembly parts in the
,*: reverse order of removal.
14. Remove the following items from the plunger:
(a) spring Assembling master cylinder
(b) seal retainer
(c) recuperating seal It is important that the following instructions are
(d) washer carried out precisely, otherwise damage could be
15. Taking care not to damage the plunger prise off the caused to the new seals when inserting the plungers into
outer seal. the cylinder bore. Generous amounts of new brake
fluid should be used to lubricate the parts during
assembly. Never use old fluid or any other form of
cleaning and lubricating material. Cleanliness
a throughout is essential.
b d 14 18. Clamp the cylinder in a vice and lubricate the
\ \ I I
secondary plunger seals and cylinder bore. Offer
the plunger assembly to the cylinder until the
recuperation seal is resting centrally in the mouth
of the bore. Gently introduce the plunger with a
circular rocking motion, as illustrated. Whilst
. ensuring that the seal does not become trapped,

ease the seal into the bore and slowly push the
C 15 plunger down in one continuous movement.


16. Fit a new outer seal using the same procedure as II 18

for the primary plunger outer seal by squeezing the
seal between the finger and thumb into an ellipse
and press the raised part of the seal over the flange ST 1ZOOM
using the fingers of the other hand.

19. Fit the primary plunger assembly using the same

method as for the secondary plunger. Press the
plunger down and secure the assembly with the
plastic circlip.
20. Slowly press the plunger down the bore and fit the
secondary plunger stop-pin.
21. Lubricate new seals and fit to the inlet ports (large
diameter downwards).
22. Press the reservoir into position and secure with
the two m!I pins.
23. Fit a new washer to the reservoir cap and press the
plastic baffle into position inside the cap.
24. Fit a new rubber seal to the cylinder flange and fit
the master cylinder to the servo and secure with
two nuts and spring washers.




FADE Incorrect linings. Badly lined shoes. Distorted Replace the shoes, decrease vehicle load or
shoes. Overloaded vehicle. Excessive renew hydraulic fluid as necessary.
braking. Old hydraulic fluid.
SPONGY PEDAL Air in system. Badly lined shoes. Shoes Check for air in the system using a Hose Clamp
distorted or incorrectly set. Faulty drums. and bleed if necessary. Check t h e master
Weak master cylinder mounting. cylinder mounting, lined shoes and drums
and replace as necessary. Renew the hydraulic
fluid if appkdblc.
LONG PEDAL A. Disc Brakes A. Check the disc run out does not exceed
Discs running out 0,lO mm (0.004 in)
pushing pads back. 1. Rotate the disc on the hub.
Misplaced dust covers. 2. Check the d i d h u b mounting faces.
B. Drum Brakes B. Check the brake adjustment, filler cap vent
Brakes need adjustment. and for fluid leaks. Adjust brakes, repair leak,
Fluid leak. if necessary, or renew seals and change fluid.
Fluid contamination. Wom or swollen seals
in master cvlinder. Blocked filler caD vent.
BRAKES BINDING Brakes maladjusted. No clearance at master Check the brake adjustment. Check for clearance
cylinder push rod. Seals swollen. Siezed pistons. at the master cylinder, siezcd pistons or weak
Shoe springs weak or broken. Servo faulty. shoe springs. Repair or replace parts as necessary.
HARD PEDAL- Incorrect linings. Glazed linings. Linings wet, Replace the shoes, or if glazed, lightly rub down
POOR BRAKING greasy or not bedded correctly. Servo with rough sandpaper. Check caliper for damage
unit inoperative. Siezed caliper pistons. and repair as necessary. Check servo.
Worn shock aborbers causing wheel bounce. Fit new shock absorbers.
BRAKES PULLING Siezed pistons. Variation in linings. Unsuitable Check thc tyres and pressures, seized pistons,
tyres or pressures. Worn shock absorbers. greasy linings, or loose brakes; then check
Loose brakes. Greasy linings. Faulty drums, suspension, steering and drums. Repair
suspension or steering. Contaminated seals. or replace as necessary. Fit new shock
absorbers. Recti@ contamination, fit new seals
and hoses.
FALL IN FLUID LEVEL Worn disc pads. External leak. Leak in Scrvo Chcck the pads for wcar and for hydraulic fluid
1 Unit. I leakage.
~~~~~~~~~ ~
1 Worn retaining pins. Worn discs.
I Renew the retaining pins, or discs. Apply disc
brake lubricant to back of pads.
UNEVEN OR EXCESSIVE Disc corroded (by salt). Disc badly scored. Pads Check the disc for corrosion. or scoring and
PAD WEAR scored. Pads require interchanging. Incorrect replace if necessary. Alternatively, interchange
friction material. pads. Fit new pads with correct friction material.

.:...:;, :
... .
. ...



....... ,...,.;





- 2mm



A FrontDatum 25. 639,5-436,5 mm

B Chassis Datum 26. 136,5 mm
C Front axle centre Iine 27. 299,5-295,5 mm
D Rear axle centre line 28. 103 - 100 mm
29. 131,5-- 126,5 mm
30. 7 0 5 3 -7 0 4 3 mm
1. 239,O-236,5 m m 31. 7 0 5 3 -7 0 4 3 mm
2. 82,O-79,5 mm 32. 42,2-40,2 mm
3. 633 mm 33. 491 -486 mm
4. 2420,6-2418,6 mm 34. 594,2-593,4 mm
5. 2306,4-2305,4 mm 35. 283,O-2282,2 mm
6. 981,2-978,7 mm 36. 32,25 -31,25 mm
7. 182,7 mm 37. 397 - 395 mm
8. 41,5-37,O mm
- . .. 9. 252-250 mm
10. 110 mm
11. 2360" -Wheelbase
12. 636 -654 mm
13. 488-483 mm
14. 488-483 mm
15. 3431,l-3426,l mm
16. 588,3 -586,3 mm
17. 2313,8-2311,8 mm
18. 590,5 mm
19. 295,25 mm
20. 519,60 -517,OO mm
21. 259,80-258,50 mm
22. 1242,6 - 1240,6 mm
23. 6423-66393 mm
24. 750,9 mm


p i

..... ’:.
., . ...
, . .:I~ .

A FrontDatum 23. 594,2 -593,4 mm

B Chassis Datum 24. 283 -282,2 mm
C Front axle centre line 25. 283 -282,2 mm
D Rear axle centre line 26. 1970- 1968 mm
27. 642,9-639,5 mm
28. 590,5 mm
1. 4148 -4143 mm 29. 295,25 mm
2. 40093-4005 mm 30. 136,5 mm
3. 978,7-981,2 mm 31. 103 - 100 mm
4. 22-20” 32. 1177,5- 1175,5 mm
5. 252-250 mm 33. 1692,5 - 1689,5 mm
6. 239-236,5 mm 34. 2610-2606 mm
7. 3023,3-3022,3 mm 35. 2040,5 -2037,5 mm
8. 3030,7-3028,7 mm 36. 1912,5 -1909,5 mm
9. 155- 153 mm 37. 1359- 1357 mm
- - 10. 871,2-869,2 mm 38. 1573- 1571 mm
11. 2794 mm - Wheelbase 39. 270 -268 mm
12. 488 -433 mm 40. 665,5-633,5 mm
13. 488 -433 mm 41, 440 -438 mm
14. 82-79,5 mm
15. 750,9 mm
16. 750,9 mm
17. 4 3 9 3 -4363 mm
18. 4393 -4363 mm
19. 2 9 9 3 -2953 mm
20. 500-495 mm
21. 500 -495 mm
22. 594,2-593,4 mm

I. .



REMOVING THE DOOR TRIM - Front and rear 5. Lever off the window regulator center finisher and
doors remove the retaining screw and withdraw the
handle and bezel.
1. Prise off the two finishers and remove the two
screws securing the door pull.
--.___ ...-

1 .

2 . Remove the single Screw behind the remote control 6- Using a screwdriver, the trim away
lever. from the door.
3 . Prise off the remote control lever bezel.
Fitting door trim

7. Remove any trim fasteners held in the door panel

and insert them into the back of the trim or use new
8. Ensure that the anti-vibration pads are in position
and offer-up the trim to the door, lining-up the
fasteners with the holes in the door and push the
trim into position.

4. Prise off the door locking button bezci.


. ,. ..
I .
9. Fit the bezels to the locking button and remote Fitting regulator
, ~

control lever.

10. Fit the single screw behind the remote control

5. Insert the lifting arm button into the lifting
11. Fit the door pull and secure with two screws and
12. Fit the window regulator handle and retain with the
single screw and finisher.



To remove
1. Remove the door trim.
2. Remove the protective weather sheet.
3. Temporarily fit the handle and wind the window up c-- --- -/--

.- to its fullest extent and support the glass in this


position, with a length of timber, to prevent it 6. Position the regulator so that the fixing holes
falling when removing the regulator. line-up with the holes in the mounting panel.
4. Remove the four screws retaining the regulator to 7. Secure with the four screws and tighten evenly.
the mounting panel and withdraw the regulator 8. Temporarily fit the handle and check that glass can
whilst sliding the lifting arm button from the lifting be raised and lowered smoothly without tight
channel. To assist this operation, remove the spots.
timber and lower the glass. 9. Fit the weather protection sheet with adhesive.
10. Fit the door trim, regulator handle, door pull, and
r-----.-----. - -1


To remove
To remove
1. Remove the door trim, regulator handle, door pull
and bezels. 1. Remove the door trim, regulator handle, door pull
2. Peel back sufficient of the weather protection sheet and bezels.
to gain access to the handle mechanism. 2. Peel back sufficient of the weather protection sheet
3 . Disconnect the actuating rod from the handle to reveal the mechanism.
operating lever. 3 . Release the spring clip securing the button to the
4. Remove the two screws and withdraw the handle operating rod and withdraw the rod from the
and bezels. button.
4. Remove the two screws securing the button to the
Fitting handle door panel and remove the button.
5 . Fit the handle to the door ensuring that the two
bezels are in position - flat faces towards the door
and secure with the two screws.

Fitting locking button

5. Secure the locking button assembly to the door
panel with the two screws.
6 . Fit the operating rod to the button assembly and
secure with the spring clip.
7. Reseal the weather protection sheet and fit the
door trim, door pull, regulator handle and bezels.

6. Connect the actuating rod to the handle operating

lever and secure with spring clip.
7. Re-scal the weather protection sheet.
8. Fit the door trim, regulator handle, door pull and

RENEW REMOTE CONTROL LEVER - rear side Fitting control lever
9. Fit the plastic retaining clips to the rod assembly
into position and secure with the two screws.
To remove
10. Connect the control rods to the latch assembly and
1. Remove the door trim, door pull, regulator handle secure with the clips.
and bezels. 11. Fit the plastic retaining rod clips to the mounting
2. Peel-back sufficient of the weather protection sheet panel.
to gain access to the remote lever. 12. Connect the control rod to the locking button and
3. Remove the spring clip and disconnect the control secure with the clip.
rod from the locking button. 13. Re-seal the weather protection sheet and fit the
trim panel, regulator handle, door pull and bezels.



To remove
1. Remove the door pull, regulator handle, bezels
and door trim.
2. Peel-back sufficient of the weather protection sheet
to reveal the latch.
3. Release the remote control lever rod from the latch
4. Disconnect the door outer handle control rod from
the latch assembly.
5. Disconnect the door locking button remote control
4. Release the spring clip and disconnect the short
rod from the latch mechanism.
locking button control rod from the latch
6. Remove the three retaining screws and withdraw
the latch assembly from the door.
5. Disconnect the long remote control rod from the
latch assembly.
6 . Remove the two screws securing the remote
control lever to the mounting panel.
7. Release the control rods from the plastic retaining
clips located in the mounting panel.
8. Withdraw the remote control lever and rods from
the door.

S I ’ ,


Fitting the latch

7. Fit the latch assembly to the door and secure with
Remove the four screws retaining the mounting
panel to the door and remove the panel complete
with rods and control lever.
the three screws, noting that the uppermost screw
is longer.
8. Connect the remote control levers to the latch
mechanism reversing instructions 3 , 4 and 5.
9. Re-seal the weather protection sheet and fit the
regulator handle, door pull, door trim and bezels.

REMOVING DOOR GLASS -rear side door

To remove
1. Disconnect the door check rod from the door post.
2. Remove the regulator handle, door pull, bezels
and door trim.
3. Remove the weather protection sheet.
. 4. Remove the window regulator assembly.
5 . Disconnect and remove the door locking button.
6. Disconnect the control rods from the latch and
door outer handle mechanism.

ST191OM / /
8. Remove the single self tapping screw to remove the
water channel.
9. Remove the door check torsion bar.
10. Remove the door check rod by bending back t h e
end stop to enable the rod to be withdrawn.

11. Remove the four self-tapping screws - two each 17. Secure the lower channels with the four self-
side-securing the glass lower channel. tapping screws. Ensure that the screw heads are
12. Remove the inner and outer weather strips from screwed down firmly below the bottom of the
the door sill. channels to prevent damage to the glass.
18. Fit the door check rod and bend the end stop back
12 to the closed position.
19. Fit check stop torsion bar and secure with the two
'7 Y nuts and bolts.
20. Fit the water channel and secure with the single
self-tapping screw.
21. Fit the mounting panel complete with rods and
remote control lever.
22. Connect the control rods to the latch and door
outer handle mechanism.
/ 23. Fit the door locking button and connect the control
24. Fit the window regulator.
25. Fit the door inner and outer sill weather strips.
26. Fit and re-seal the weather protection sheet.
/ // 27. Fit the door trim, regulator handle, door pull and
28. Connect the door check rod to the door post.
13. Lower the glass down to the bottom of the door,
lift the glass over the lower edge and withdraw
from the door
14. Remove the lift channel from the glass, if

- / '
. , . .. .. ..-. ~


Fitting glass
15. Fit the lift channel to the new glass if not supplied
already fitted.
16. Insert the glass into the lower channels and
carefully push the glass up to the top of the frame.


REMOVING MOUNTING PANEL -front doors 5 . Slide the window regulator arm from the mounting
panel channel and remove the panel with the
To remove remote control lever and rod.
1. Remove the door trim, window regulator, door
Fitting mounting panel
pull, bezels and weather protection sheet.
2. Remove the four screws securing the window 6 . Engage the window regulator arm in the mounting
regulator to the mounting panel. panel channel.
3. Remove the five screws securing the mounting 7. Connect the remote control rod to the latch
panel to the door frame. mechanism and secure with the clip.
4. Release the remote control lever rod from the latch 8. Fit the mounting panel and retain with the five
mechanism and from the plastic clip in the screws.
mounting panel. 9. Secure the window regulator to the mounting panel
with the four screws.
10. Raise and lower the window to check for free
11. Fit the weather protection sheet, door trim,
window regulator handle, door pull and bezels.



To remove
1. Remove the door trim regulator handle, door pull
and bezels.
2. Peel back sufficient of the weather protection sheet
to expose the mechanism.
3. Release the spring clip and disconnect the
operating rod from the latch mechanism.
4. Remove the two screws and withdraw the locking
button assembly.


2.i: -.... ”
I ‘I
Fitting locking button Fitting regulator
... 5. Secure the locking button assembly to the door 6. Insert the regulator operating arms into the
with the two screws. channels.
6 . Connect the operating rod to the latch mechanism 7. Fit and tighten the mounting panel lower screws
and secure with the spring clip. and tighten the upper screws.
7. Reseal the weather protection sheet and fit the 8. Position the holes in the regulator to line-up with
door tnm, door pull, regulator handle, and bezels. the holes in the mounting panel and secure with the
four screws.
9. Temporally €it the regulator handle and check that
the glass can be raised and lowered without tight
10. Secure the weather protection sheet with adhesive.
To remove 11. Fit the door trim, regulator handle, door pull and
1. Remove the door trim.
2. Remove the weather protection sheet.
3. Temporarily fit the handle and position the window
half open and support with a length of timber.
4. Remove the two lower screws securing the
~ mounting panel t o the door and slacken the three doors
upper screws.
To remove
5. Remove the four screws retaining the window
regulator to the mounting panel and slide the 1. Remove the door pull, regulator handle, bezels
operating arms from the channels attached to the and door trim.
glass and mounting panel and remove the 2. Peel back sufficient of the weather protection sheet
regulator. to gain access to the remote lever.
3. Release the spring clip and disconnect the control
rod from the latch mechanism.
4. Release the control rod from the plastic clip in the
4 mounting panel.



5. Remove the two screws securing the remote 3. Disconnect the operating rod from the handle
control lever to the mounting panel and withdraw mechanism.
the lever and control rod. 4. Disconnect the rod from the locking barrel lever.

sTi 9 8 2 ~

5. Remove the two screws and withdraw the handle

Fitting remote control lever assembly .
6. Feed the control rod into position and loosely
secure the lever to the mounting panel with the two
7. Connect the control rod to the latch mechanism
and secure with the spring clip.
8. Tighten the control lever retaining screws.
9. Secure the control rod to the plastic clip in the
mounting panel.
10. Secure the weather protection sheet with adhesive.
11. Fit the door trim, regulator handle, door pull and



To remove Fitting the handle

1. Remove the regulator handle, door pull, bezels 6. Fit the handle to the door ensuring that the two
and door trim. bezels are in position - flat faces ’towards the
2. To gain access to the handle mechanism, remove door, and secure with the two screws.
the mounting panel and support t h e glass with 7. Connect the rod to the handle operating lever and
timber. secure with the spring clip.
8. Connect the rod to the locking barrel lever and
retain with the spring clip.
8. Carry-out the instructions for fitting the mounting
panel and door trim and fittings.

REMOVE THE DOOR LATCH ASSEMBLY - front 7. Remove the three screws securing the latch
doors assembly to the door.
8. Whilst taking care not to damage the runner, ease
To remove it away from the latch and manoeuvre the latch
1. Carry out the instructions tc remove the mounting assembly from the door:
panel and support the glass with timber.
2. Disconnect the control rod from the handle
operating lever.
3. Disconnect the control rod from the locking lever
on the handle.
4. Disconnect the locking button control rod from the
latch mechanism.

Fitting latch assembly

9. Carefully ease the window runner away,
sufficiently to enable the latch to be located into
10. Secure the latch to the door with the three screws.
11. Secure the window runner with the two screws
ensuring that the packing strip is in position and
that the screw heads are below the bottom of the
ST1983M runner to prevent damage to t h e glass.
12. Fit the handle with the two screws, ensuring that
5 . Remove the two screws and remove the handle the bezels are in position.
assembly from the door. See exterior door handle. 13. Connect the control rod to the handle operating
6. Remove the two self-tapping screws retaining the lever and secure with the spring clip.
lower end of the window glass runner. 14. Connect the control rod to the locking lever and
retain with the spring clip.
15. Connect the locking button control rod to the latch
lever and secure with the spring clip.
16. Carry-out the instructions t o fit the mounting
17. Fit the door trim, regulator handle, door pull, and

ST 1977 M


REMOVING GLASS -front doors

To remove
1. Carry-out the instructions to remove the
mounting panel.
2. Remove the window regulator.
3. Push the glass up to the top of its travel and support
with a suitable length of timber.
4. Remove the two self tapping screws securing the
window glass runner on the latch side of the door
and the single screw from the hinge side.

7. Ease the runner from the glass at the hinge side of

the door, lift the glass over the bottom edge of the
door and withdraw.

I ' 1

Fitting glass
8. Insert the glass into the runners at an angle as
5. Taking care not to damage the paint work, prise
the exterior waist weatherstrip from the door.
9. Whilst lifting the glass, position it squarely in the
6. Remove the timber support and lower the glass to
runners and raise it to the top of its travel and
the bottom of the door.
insert the timber support.
10. Secure the hinge side runner with the single screw
ensuring that the packing strip is in position.



I e 0


6. Withdraw the lock barrel from the exterior door

ST1967M handle complete with the locking sleeve.

11. Locate the packing strip and secure the opposite

runner with the two screws. Ensure that all three
screw heads are well below the bottom of the
runners to prevent damage to the glass.
12. Locate the regulator in the window lift channels.
13. Carry-out the instructions to fit the mounting
14. Fit the door trim, window regulator, door pull and


'' ' To remove ST1980M

1. Remove the regulator handle, door pull, bezels,

door trim and weather protection sheet.
2. Carry-out the instructions to remove the mounting 7. To remove the bane1 from the plastic retaining
panel. sleeve, depress the spring loaded button and
3 . Raise and support the glass to gain access to the withdraw the sleeve.
latch mechanism.
4. Release the spring clip and disconnect the rod from
the lock operating lever.
5. Remove the single screw and withdraw the lock
lever assembly. 7




Refit the lock barrel

Note: If a new barrel is being fitted, check that the
number on the barrel coincides with the number on the
accompaaing key.

8. Push the plastic retaining sleeve over the barrel

until the spring loaded peg locks it into position.
9. Fit the barrel and plastic sleeve assembly to the
locking sleeve and insert into the exterior handle
reversing instruction 6 .
10. Assemble the lock lever components as illustrated
and from the inside of the door panel, fit them to
the barrel assembly with the single screw.


11. Connect the operating rod to the lock lever and

secure with the spring clip, reversing instruction 4.
12. Fit the mounting panel and weather protection
sheet. Fit the door trim, regulator handle, door
pull and bezels.


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