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Dieselnet: Diesel Engine Emissions Online: The Log

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DieselNet: Diesel Engine Emissions Online

The Log
22 November 2018: Updated Technology Guide paper on Gas Phase Measurements. The updated material includes a
video on NOx measurement under real driving conditions using a fast CLD analyzer.

14 November 2018: Updated summary of European emission standards for heavy-duty truck and bus engines, with more
information on off-cycle emission testing, in-service conformity, and OBD.

Sponsored Links
Nett Technologies: Catalytic emission controls for diesel, LPG, natural gas and gasoline engines

Sierra: Model BG-3 particulate sampling system for steady-state and transient engine testing

13 November 2018: In its World Energy Outlook 2018, the International Energy Agency (IEA) predicts that global energy
demand is set to grow by more than 25% to 2040, and warns of tightening oil market in the 2020s due to insufficient
investment in conventional oil projects [more ...].

10 November 2018: VERT Association has announced the dates for two important emission control events in the
upcoming year 2019:

VERT Forum—Thursday, 14 March 2019 at EMPA in Dübendorf, Switzerland. The VERT Forum is a technical
knowledge transfer event dealing with emission control technology for internal combustion engines. This 10th
Forum is organized again in cooperation of EMPA and the VERT Association and will be mainly devoted to SCRT
retrofit solutions for HDV and LDV as they are available from VERT member companies.
23rd ETH Conference on Combustion Generated Nanoparticles—Monday, 17 June to Thursday, 20 June 2019 at
the Swiss Institute of Technology ETH in Zürich, Switzerland. The ETH-NPC started in 1997 as the first
interdisciplinary conference on basic research, development, engineering and implementation of best available
technology to minimize the health impact of nanoparticles emitted from engines and other combustion sources.
The event’s goal is to reduce emissions from the entire worldwide ICE fleet, as has been successfully achieved

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with the Euro 6/VI particle filtration technology for diesel and petrol engines.

26 October 2018: Summary of the technical sessions from the SAE Heavy-Duty Diesel Emissions Control Symposium
held on 16-17 October 2018 in Gothenburg, Sweden [more ...].

17 October 2018: Updated and restructured Technology Guide paper on Fossil Fuels and Future Mobility includes a
number of edits and one new figure.

8 October 2018: The UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) released a Special Report on Global
Warming of 1.5°C. The report shows that a number of climate change impacts could be avoided by limiting global
warming to 1.5°C, as opposed to 2°C or more. However, limiting global warming to 1.5°C would require “rapid and far-
reaching” transitions in land, energy, industry, buildings, transport, and cities. Global net human-caused CO2 emissions
would need to fall by about 45% from 2010 levels by 2030, reaching ‘net zero’ around 2050. To achieve these objectives,
the average annual investment in the energy system alone is estimated at 2.4 trillion USD2010 between 2016 and 2035,
representing 2.5% of the world GDP. But the reality is that at the current level of emission reduction commitments under
the Paris agreement, the world is on course for a 3°C of warming, and the global carbon emissions from the energy
sector are not being reduced—they continue to increase.

27 September 2018: The updated Technology Guide paper on Engine Fundamentals includes a new section on stroke-to-
bore ratio, new discussion of brake thermal efficiency, an example of a commercial application of the Atkinson concept
(the actual Atkinson concept of different geometric compression and expansion ratios, not the Miller cycle commonly
confused with it), and a number of other updates. The paper includes three new figures and one new video.

25 September 2018: The global oil demand is forecasts to grow to reach 111.7 million barrels per day in 2040, according to
the newest edition of the OPEC World Oil Outlook. Oil consumption growth is expected to be faster in the medium-term,
driven in part by the IMO marine fuel quality regulations that become effective from 2020 [more ...].

24 September 2018: Updated and expanded Technology Guide paper on Scavenging in Two-Stroke Engines includes four
new figures and one new video.

4 September 2018: Updated summary of China’s emission standards for onroad heavy-duty engines and for nonroad

3 September 2018: Updated and expanded Technology Guide paper on Exhaust Particulate Matter discusses particle
emissions from diesel and gasoline engines.

27 August 2018: Fossil Fuels and Future Mobility, a new, top-level Technology Guide paper reviews some important
concepts relevant to the energy supply of the world’s economy and the transition of the energy system away from fossil

25 August 2018: John Deere on DieselNet—updated page on John Deere engines and powertrains.

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24 August 2018: Updated summary of China’s emission standards for marine engines and diesel and gasoline fuel

21 August 2018: US EPA proposed to reverse the Obama-era Clean Power Plan (CPP) that imposed GHG emission
reduction requirements on coal-fired power plants. The EPA is instead proposing a new rule, entitled the Affordable
Clean Energy (ACE) Rule, which delegates any regulation of GHG emissions from the coal industry to the states. While
states would be empowered to regulate GHG emissions, they would not be under a mandate to do so. The proposal is
intended to counteract the decline of the US coal industry and to facilitate economic growth—the EPA projects the ACE
Rule would reduce the coal industry compliance burden by up to $400 million per year when compared to CPP. The
emission impact of the proposed rule appears marginal—the EPA estimates that the ACE Rule could reduce 2030 CO2
emissions by up to 1.5% from projected levels without the CPP. The CPP, adopted in 2015, was designed to reduce
carbon pollution from the power sector by 32% below 2005 levels by 2030.

9 August 2018: Updated Technology Guide paper on Engine Intake Charge Management provides a more comprehensive
coverage of the topic and discusses both diesel and spark-ignited engines.

2 August 2018: The US EPA and NHTSA released a notice of proposed rulemaking to relax the existing GHG emission
and CAFE fuel economy standards by freezing them at the 2020 levels. The EPA would also withdraw the California
waiver for their LEV III & GHG emission regulations, to prevent the state from enforcing their own, more stringent
standards [more ...].

31 July 2018: Cummins to recall 500,000+ heavy-duty truck engines in the United States over SCR catalysts [more ...].

25 July 2018: Summary of the technical sessions from the 5th Conference on Emission Reduction and Emission Sensors,
held in Stuttgart, Germany on July 10-12, 2018 [more ...].

Diesel Engine & Emissions

The diesel engine is the most efficient power plant among all known types of internal combustion engines. Heavy trucks,
urban buses, and industrial equipment are powered almost exclusively by diesel engines all over the world and diesel
powered passenger cars are increasingly popular. For the foreseeable future, the world’s transportation needs will
continue to rely on the diesel engine and its gasoline counterpart. However, both engine technologies are evolving at an
ever increasing pace to meet two major challenges: lower emissions and increased energy efficiency.

Internal combustion engines are significant contributors to air pollution that can be harmful to human health and the
environment. In response, clean diesel technologies with near-zero emissions of NOx and PM have been developed and
introduced in regions with the most stringent emission standards: North America, Europe and Japan. While new clean
diesel engines are gradually replacing the population of older diesel engines in these regions, older engines already in
service are being retrofitted with clean diesel technologies to hasten emissions reductions. As this trend spreads to other

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parts of the world, the environmental focus has shifted to climate changing emissions and energy efficiency. The
environmental benefit of low greenhouse gas emissions, traditionally associated with the diesel engine, is no longer
sufficient. To meet future greenhouse gas and fuel economy regulations, new technologies are being developed—low
temperature combustion, waste heat recovery, powertrain electrification, to name a few—that further increase the
efficiency not only of the diesel engine powertrain but the entire vehicle as well. Under low-carbon regulatory policies, the
scope for potential improvements is no longer limited to engines and vehicles, but also includes life cycle effects of fuel
production and vehicle manufacture.

DieselNet, the only information service exclusively devoted to diesel engines and emissions, is an internet forum for the
exchange of technical and business information on diesel engines, fuels, emissions and many of the important
technologies required by the clean and efficient diesel engines of the future.

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