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Public Lands

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Public Lands Issues

Environment Now
May 2001
Table of Contents

• Executive Summary 3
• Overview 6
• Public Lands Map 8
• The Issues 9
• Commercial Use and Resource Extraction 9
• Mining 9
• Logging 11
• Oil and Gas Extraction 14
• Grazing 16
• Commercial Fishing 18
• Public Use Issues 21
• Off Road Vehicles 21
• Excess Visitation 23
• Funding and User Fees 25
• Changes in Status and Ownership 29
• Antiquities Act 29
• Roadless Areas 31
• Land Exchanges 33
• Urban Encroachment 35
• Ecological Health 38
• Exotic Species 38
• Fire Management 40
• Wild Horses and Burros 42
• Management Plans 45
• Conclusion 48
• Endnotes 49


Our federal public lands, namely the National Parks, National Forests, BLM
Lands, National Wildlife Refuges, and National Marine Sanctuaries are continually
plagued with a wide range of problems from damaging mining activities to questionable
land exchanges to invasions of exotic species. Because these lands are owned by the
diverse American public, they must be shared amongst countless interests. Consequently,
it is no surprise that management issues are accompanied by fierce controversy as the
opinions and desires of the public come into conflict over these collectively owned lands.
Today’s most prominent issues can be divided into the following categories: commercial
use and resource extraction, public use, changes in status and ownership, and ecological

Commercial Use and Resource Extraction

Mining, logging, oil and gas extraction, grazing, and commercial fishing are
probably the most controversial public lands issues for many reasons. First is the obvious
problem of resource depletion; our forests, fisheries, rangelands and fossil fuels are being
consumed at unsustainable rates, and as a result our supplies are constantly dwindling.
Secondly, the removal of resources and the methods by which they are extracted are
having profound negative impacts on our environment:
• Mining is the top toxic polluter of all U.S. industry, causing extremely severe soil
and water pollution.
• Logging has destroyed over 95% of our original old growth forests, resulting in
widespread habitat loss, water pollution, severe soil erosion and nutrient loss, and
many other negative impacts.
• Oil and gas activities cause a wide range of damage including air pollution,
countless leaks and spills, and destruction of wildlife habitat due to the
constructio n of massive industrial facilities.
• Widespread grazing impacts (water pollution, forage loss, spread of disease, etc)
have resulted in the listing of 90 threatened and endangered species.
• Many commercial fishing techniques completely destroy marine habitats, greatly
threatening biodiversity and fisheries sustainability.

Finally, these commercial activities (with the exception of fishing) are heavily
subsidized by taxpayer money, a phenomenon known as “corporate welfare”. Americans
are paying large industrial corporations and ranchers to deplete our resources and destroy
our environment on our public lands.

Public Use Issues

The issues of Off- Road Vehicle (ORV) use, excess visitation, and user fees are
very difficult to resolve because they involve limiting public use of lands that are publicly
owned. Unfortunately these issue areas, though very different from one another, are all
negatively impacting public lands in their own ways.
• ORVs cause widespread habitat damage, air and water pollution, and conflicts
with other recreational users. However, ORV users believe they have a right to
recreate on public lands.

• Excess visitation has placed tremendous stress on our public lands (particularly
National Parks) in the forms of vehicle traffic, air pollution, noise, and increased
development. It is very difficult for public land managers to determine how to
balance visitation with conservation.
• Our public lands agencies are severely under- funded, and as a result our public
lands are suffering in various ways. Many agencies have been charging new or
increased user fees under the new “fee-demo” program to help remedy the
situation, however this has been an extremely controversial issue as many groups
feel they are being overcharged to use the lands that they technically own.

Changes in Status and Ownership

In theory, our public lands are managed to promote conservation, sustainable use,
and preservation for future generations. Consequently, changes in land status or
ownership can affect the land’s level of protection. Current issues in this category
include the Antiquities Act, roadless areas, land exchanges, and urban encroachment.
• The Antiquities Act allows the President of the United States to act promptly to
protect threatened lands by designating them as National Monuments. Many
government officials feel that the Act has been abused by past presidents
(especially Clinton) and are seeking to limit the president’s power under the Act.
• Roadless areas in National Forests have recently received increased protection by
former President Clinton under his Roadless Area Conservation Rule.
Unfortunately, the affected commercial industries (logging, mining, and oil and
gas) and the Bush administration are fighting to overturn the new rule.
• Land exchanges occur when public lands are traded for private lands of equal
value. Unfortunately there are several serious problems with the land exchange
program that result in subsidized environmental degradation and financial losses
to American taxpayers.
• Development of private lands on the outskirts of, and even inside of, our public
lands has resulted in problems of urban encroachment : habitat loss, air
pollution, traffic congestion, population growth, etc.

Ecological Health
Over the years, humans have altered the environment in a number of ways that
have caused changes to biological resources and natural processes everywhere on the
earth, including our public lands. Consequently, public land agencies are left with the
difficult task of managing unbalanced ecosystems. Current issues are exotic species, fire
management, and wild horses and burros.
• Invasive exotic species (plants and animals) can be extremely harmful by
upsetting the natural balance of ecosystems and greatly threatening biodiversity.
Unfortunately these exotics are very difficult and costly to control and are
therefore becoming a very serious problem.
• We have learned that fire is a natural and essential component of many western
ecosystems, yet the Forest Service continues to implement its traditional strategy
of total fire suppression rather than a more integrated fire management approach.
This extremely costly program negatively impacts ecosystem health and
endangers the lives of firefighters.

• Laws protecting wild horses and burros have worked too well- the animals’
populations have grown too large. The resulting management strategies are very
controversial amongst environmentalists, ranching interests, animal rights groups,
and others.

Management plans provide a means for land managers to set goals for, and guide
the direction of, the futures of our various public lands. Unfortunately these plans are not
always effective as many plans are outdated or created with inappropriate intentions. In
Yosemite National Park, for example, the recently completed pla ns for Yosemite Valley
and the Merced River are seen by many environmental groups and local communities as a
great threat to the park’s future, increasing development and decreasing protection for the
park’s already stressed resources.

Upon consideration of these public lands issues it appears that the managing
agencies are often failing to uphold their mission statements and are defeating the
purpose for which the public lands were created. As a result, our public lands are
plagued by countless problems that are threatening their health and survival.


Our federal public lands are the source of much debate and controversy. Because
they belong to the American people, public lands must be shared among countless
interests: recreational users, conservationists, commercial users, and plant and animal
species, among others. Public lands fall under many categories, and are managed by the
various federal agencies listed below:1

Public Lands Managing Agency

Bureau of Land Management Lands (includes special Bureau of Land Management, Department of the
designations- Wilderness Study Areas, Areas of Interior
Critical Environmental Concern, and National
Conservation Areas)

National Wildlife Refuges (includes special U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the
designation- Wetlands of International Importance) Interior

National Parks (includes special designations- National Park Service, Department of the Interior
National Preserves, National Seashores, National
Battlefields, National Cemeteries, and National
Memorials )

National Forests & Grasslands (includes special U.S.D.A. Forest Service, Department of Agriculture
designation- Roadless Areas)

National Marine Sanctuaries National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration,

Department of Commerce

National Estuarine Research Reserves National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration,

Department of Commerce

Military Reservations & Installations Department of Defense

Department of Energy Research Facilities or Other Department of Energy


Bureau of Reclamation Lakes & Reservoirs Bureau of Reclamation, Department of the Interior

U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Lakes U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Department of

In addition, public lands also exist on state and local levels, such as state parks,
wildlife management areas, forests, beaches, historic landmarks, etc. The types of state
and local public lands are virtually limitless, and are facing similar, if not identical,
problems that our federal public lands are facing. For simplicity, this report will not
specifically address state or local lands, however they are affected by many of the issues
discussed here.
It is very important to note that there are numerous “special designations” that can
apply to more than one type of public land. For example, Wilderness Areas can be

designated within National Forests, BLM lands, National Wildlife Refuges, or any other
public lands. These special designations include, but are not limited to: Wilderness Areas,
National Monuments, National Trails, National Wild and Scenic Rivers, National
Recreation Areas, Research Natural Areas, National Historic Sites, and Biosphere
Reserves. 2
While all of our public lands are significant and deserve protection, the most
prominent issues regarding public lands today are those concerning the Bureau of Land
Management (BLM) Lands, the National Forests, the National Parks and Monuments,
National Marine Sanctuaries, and the National Wildlife Refuges. For this reason, this
paper will concentrate on the issues pertaining to these public land types. Lands with
these designations are shown on the map on the following page.

The issues surrounding our public lands are limitless, reflecting the infinitely
diverse opinions and desires of the American public. This paper concentrates on today’s
most prominent and controversial issues, divided into the following topics: commercial
use and resource extraction, public use, changes in status and ownership, and ecological
health. Many of these issues overlap and could fall into more than one category, however
they have been placed under the most appropriate topic available.

Map adapted from original on Native Forest Council website: www.forestcouncil.org


Commercial Use and Resource Extraction

The debates over commercial use of public lands are undoubtedly the most high-
profile and controversial of all public lands issues. The reason behind this is that not only
are commercial interests severely depleting and degrading natural resources on public
lands, but their harmful activities are often subsidized by taxpayer money- a phenomenon
known as “corporate welfare”. In fact, many of the issues discussed below are
considered to be some of the most classic examples of corporate welfare in our nation’s
history. As Martin Litton from the Tule River Conservanc y stated in an interview with
the National Radio Project, “[The United States Government] is the only landowner in
the world, that I know of, that actually pays people to deplete its own resources.” 3
Discussed below are the issues of mining, logging, oil and gas extraction, grazing, and
commercial fishing.

Environment: Mineral extraction, like oil and gas extraction, is an activity that
has proven to be extremely damaging to the environment. Mining sites - including strip
mines, quarries, open wells, and pits- cause widespread devastation to surrounding lands
including surface and underground water pollution, acid mine drainage, metal
contamination, erosion and sedimentation, discarded drums and tanks full of hazardous
materials, and much more. 4 These effects cause great harm to surrounding ecosystems,
contaminating soils and water, and often clogging streams and rivers. The Environmental
Protection Agency’s Toxic Releases Inventory in 2000 exposed mining as the top toxic
polluter of all US indus try. 5 The report revealed some shocking statistics on the extent of
toxic pollution from mines 6 :
• In 1997 the chemical manufacturing industry reported 797.5 million pounds of
toxic releases nationwide. In 1998, in just one state, Nevada, mining reported
approximately 1.3 billion pounds of toxic waste.
• In 1998, the Cyprus Miami copper mine in Arizona released twice as much toxic
waste (123 million pounds) as all of the waste released in New York State (60
million pounds).
• In 1998, the mining industry in Nevada alone released more toxic pollution than
the other top 7 polluting states combined in 1997.

In addition to pollution and environmental damage, abandoned mine sites pose

serious hazards to humans in the forms of vertical mine openings, deadly gases and
oxygen deficiency, cave- ins, unstable explosives, unsafe structures, and radioactivity. 7
Yet despite these facts, mining projects occur by the thousands on our public lands.
Nationally, there are over 550,000 abandoned hardrock mines scarring American
landscapes and threatening environmental health. 8

Economics, Politics, Regulation: One of the main reasons our public lands have
been so exploited by mining is the archaic General Mining Law of 1872, considered to be
one of the most classic examples of corporate welfare in the nation’s history. Under this

law, mining companies not only extract minerals without paying royalties, but also can
buy public land for $5 an acre or less, paying ridiculously low prices for land that is
worth billions of dollars. 9

(Table on Value of Historic Mineral Giveaways taken from the Friends of the Earth Green Scissors Project
web site: www.foe.org/eco/scissors99/publiclands.html )

Not only does this law subsidize the “giveaway” of our public lands, but it also
allows for unlimited environmental damage. As stated by Larry Tuttle, the Director of
the Center for Environmental Equity:
“The 1872 Law grants an absolute right to mine but it has no standards for
prudent mine operations, mine site clean-up, reclamation or restoration, or
financial responsibility. Despite being the largest U.S. producers of hazardous
waste, mining companies have used their political clout to exempt themselves
from most federal hazardous waste laws.” 10

No requirements exist to restore publicly owned mine lands back to pre- mining condition
when mining ceases, and there is no fund for cleaning up abandoned mining sites. 11
Instead, the clean-up costs are left to the taxpayers: an estimated $32-$72 billion for the
clean up of the nation’s abandoned mines and the 10,000 miles of streams polluted by
mine waste. 12

Recent News: Very recently, a new issue has arisen regarding mining regulations.
Toward the end of the Clinton administration, new environmental mining regulations
went into effect that would better protect taxpayers and the environment from the harmful
effects of mining. Not only would the rules create more stringent environmental
performance standards, but they would also require that miners post adequate clean- up
funds prior to beginning any activity. 13 Under the previous laws, miners could simply
declare bankruptcy after mining was complete, leaving the clean-up bills to the taxpayers.
Although this might seem like a step in the right direction to most people, President Bush

and Secretary of the Interior Gale Norton have recently announced their planned rollback
of these new rules. 14
Activism: Until our outdated mining laws are reformed to consider environmental
protection and fair market value of our resources, our public lands will continue to be
exploited and severely degraded at the taxpayers’ expense. Many groups are working to
reform this mining law:
• Mineral Policy Center: www.mineralpolicy.org
• The National BLM Wilderness Campaign: www.blmwilderness.org
• Defenders of Wildlife: www.defenders.org
• Friends of the Earth, Green Scissors Project: www.foe.org/eco/scissors99
• National Wildlife Federation: www.nwf.org
• Center for Environmental Equity: http://www.teleport.com/~cee/

Opposition: Groups supporting traditional mining on federal lands are, of course,

mining industry groups and other groups that support “individual liberty”. A few
examples include:
• National Mining Association: www.nma.org
• The Cato Institute: www.cato.org
• Northwest Mining Association: www.nwma.org
• Western States Public Lands Coalition:?

Environment: America’s forests are essential to a healthy environment,
providing clean air, clean water, healthy ecosystems, wilderness, valuable habitat, scenic
beauty, and solitude, not only for humans but also for other living things. Conversely,
the effects of logging are devastating: increased forest fires, 15 severe soil erosion and
stream sedimentation, 16 loss of nutrients, lethal mudslides, drinking water pollution,
widespread habitat loss, and the destruction of nearly all of our old growth forests. 17
Despite this fact, timber companies continue harvesting 500,000 acres per year in our
National Forests alone 18 , not including logging on BLM lands. (Although logging on
BLM lands is not as widespread as logging in National Forests, it still poses a significant
threat. 19 ) In total, over 95% of our country’s original old growth forests are now gone as
a result of logging. 20

Economics, Politics, Regulation: There are many problems within the federal
timber sales system that facilitate the easy exploitation of our forests by the timber
industry. The first is an echo of the problems associated with mining and drilling: the
government subsidizes (with taxpayers’ money) the logging industry by selling timber for
a small fraction of the market value. 21 The Forest Service admits to losing $1.2 billion
(in taxpayer money) every year from timber sales, 22 because the amount they charge the
loggers does not cover the expenses of preparing and administering the sales or the costs
of restoring landscapes and watersheds. 23 Between 1992 and 1997, logging subsidies
directly cost American taxpayers $2 billion. 24 How does this happen? Chad Hanson
from the John Muir Project explains the process 25 :

“Congress appropriates money to fund the agency, the Forest Service, to conduct
the timber sales program. The Forest Service goes out and decides which stands
of trees it wants to cut down. It marks off the boundaries and gets a rough
estimate on how much it wants to sell those trees for (of course, it's always well
below market value). And then offers that sale for bid on the open market.
Highest bidder gets the sale, then they can go in and cut it. Now the scariest thing,
aside from the fact that there's logging in our national forests at all, is that fact that
the revenue from these timber sales doesn't go back to taxpayers. It goes to the
Forest Service and they pad their off-budget logging accounts with these funds.
They basically enhance their agency budget. So there's perverse incentive for
them to offer more trees for cutting, because the more trees they cut, the more
laws they break, the more money they make as an agency.”

This backward system is not unique to the Forest Service. The BLM, which
manages over 12 million acres of commercial forests, loses enormous amounts of
revenue and timber due to poor management. Like the Forest Service, the BLM fails to
cover the costs of administering the timber sales by charging only 10% of what they
should. 26 In addition, according to the Green Scissors ’99 report, as much as half of the
timber taken from these lands is stolen as a result of BLM negligence and timber industry
fraud. 27 In some cases, logging companies have taken as much as five times the amount
of timber that they paid for. 28
Financial management is not the only source of controversy; the Forest Service
also uses taxpayers’ money to build logging roads to assist the timber companies in
harvesting timber. Between 1992 and 1997, taxpayers paid $387.1 million to construct
timber roads 29 , subsidizing the loggers’ costs. As if that were not enough, the Purchaser
Road Credit program enables logging companies to harvest Forest Service timber at no
cost in exchange for constructing the logging roads themselves. 30 At present, there are
over 440,000 miles of roads scarring our National Forests (enough to circle the globe 17
times31 ), and nearly all of them were built by the taxpayers, for the logging industry. 32
Fortunately, there is one way to protect some portion of our public lands from road
building and logging: roadless area designation. The “Roadless Rule”, however, is
currently an issue of much controversy, and will be discussed in a later section.
Furthermore, the Forest Service has been accused of environmental negligence:
after conducting a study in the late 1990’s, Federal auditors concluded that the Forest
Service frequently violated environmental regulations. According to the auditors’ report,
environmental impact studies were poorly done, rules for wildlife and stream protection
were not followed, and restoration/repair plans were not carried out. 33 Examples
include 34 :
• At one location in Virginia, nine sites were examined where clearcutting was
prohibited within 100 feet of a specially protected, sensitive stream. Six of the
nine sites revealed clearcuts between 15 and 85 feet from the stream.
• Upon examining the environmental studies done for 12 locations, the auditors
found that 8 of them greatly misrepresented the number of special status species
contained within the study areas. Between these 8 cases, the reports failed to

identify 364 of the 436 endangered, threatened, and sensitive species actually
found there.

The timber industry presses for continued commercial logging on public lands,
claiming that logging provides needed jobs for Americans. On the contrary, the opposite
is true. Their argument is easily refuted by the fact that recreation, hunting, and fishing
in national forests creates 38.1 times more jobs than logging on national forests. 35 In
addition, one study by economists in the Pacific Northwest actually found a net increase
between 1988 and 1994 in the most “timber dependent” counties as a result of increased
environmental protection and decreased logging activities. 36 Furthermore, as the Native
Forest Network suggests, “If we ended the timber sales program on national forests and
redirected the logging subsidies we could provide over $30,000 for each public lands
timber worker for retraining or ecological restoration work, and still have over $800
million left over for taxpayer savings in the first year alone.” 37
Another tactic of the federal timber sales system is to promote logging under the
guise of “habitat restoration” or “wildfire protection”. For example, many Forest Service
“stewardship” projects include such objectives as “reducing the risk of catastrophic
wildfire”, removing “hazard trees”, “reducing tree densities through thinning”,
commercial harvesting “aimed at restoring” certain species, “reducing dominance” of less
desirable species, “reducing growth-related competition”, “improving visibility”, and
creating “early successional habitat”. 38 In reality, commercial logging to promote habitat
restoration is obviously very questionable, and it has been proven that logging actually
promotes catastrophic wildfires (fire management will be discussed in a later section).
There is a great nationwide movement to put an end to commercial logging on
public lands. The environmental benefits of such a ban are obvious. In addition, ending
commercial logging on public lands would undoubtedly result in nationwide economic
benefits. This is supported by a few simple facts:
• Of the total U.S. timber consumption, only 3.9% comes from our National
Forests. 39 We simply don’t need this timber- this amount could easily be made up
through increased recycling, decreased waste, and the use of wood alternatives. 40
• Forest Service economists estimate that timber only accounts for 2.7% of the total
values of goods and services derived from the National Forests while recreation
and fish and wildlife habitat (for hunting and fishing) produce 84.6%. 41 This
proves that healthy, protected forests are much more economically valuable than
logged ones.
• It is estimated that recreation, hunting, and fishing in national forests contributes
31.4 times more income to the nation's economy than logging. 42
• Logging subsidies cost billions to taxpayers, as discussed above.

Recent News: Giant Sequoias are the largest living things on earth, and half of
the world’s groves are located in Sequoia National Forest in California. 43 Last year,
President Clinton designated approximately 1/3 of the National Forest as a National
Monument. 44 On the surface this would appear to be good news, but closer examination
reveals that this designation may be more harmful than it is beneficial. This is because
logging in the new monument will be allowed to continue for several years (from the
time of designation), and the amount logged during this time will actually increase

substantially. In the next two and a half years 28 million board feet will be harvested,
which is four times more than would normally be cut in one year in the entire forest. 45
As Dan Hamburg of Voice of the Environment stated, “While the president declares a
national monument out one side of his mouth, out the other he calls in the hogs to the
trough for one last feast.” 46 Many environmentalists are angry that the Forest Service
will oversee the monument, declaring that we are “leaving the fox to watch over the
henhouse.”47 Clearly the designation of this “National Monument” may have actually
defeated its original intent- “to protect objects of scientific and historic interest.” 48

Activism: There are countless organizations working to end or reform

commercial logging on our public lands. Some of them include:
• John Muir Project: www.johnmuirproject.org
• Green Scissors Project: www.greenscissors.org
• Sierra Club: www.sierraclub.org
• Native Forest Network: www.nativeforest.org
• Forest Conservation Portal: http://forests.org/
• National Forest Protection Alliance: www.forestadvocate.org

Opposition: Obviously, the people who support logging on our public lands are
those belonging to the timber industry and “wise use” groups. Some examples are:
• American Loggers Council: www.americanloggers.org
• Forest Resources Association: www.apulpa.org
• Society of American Foresters: www.safnet.org
• Alliance for America: www.allianceforamerica.org


Environment: Oil and gas exploration is an extremely harmful activity that poses
numerous threats to the environment. Air pollution (nitrogen oxides, methane, and
particulate matter 49 ), displacement of wildlife, countless leaks and spills, hundreds of
miles of roads and pipelines, construction of massive pumping facilities, and damaged
rivers and lakes are among the many effects that plague our nation’s drilling sites. 50 Yet
despite this fact, thousands of new oil and gas activities are approved on our public lands
every year. 51 Current drilling activities in Alaskan public lands illustrate how oil and gas
exploration is harmful to the environment:
• At Prudhoe Bay, there is at least one spill per day of crude oil, refined oil
products, or hazardous waste. In 1999 alone, these spills amounted to 45,000
gallons of toxic substances. 52
• North Slope oil discharges millions of gallons of hazardous wastes into the
environment. 53
• Alaskan oil operations release 56,000 tons of nitrogen oxides and 24,000 tons of
methane every year. 54
• Oil operations at Prudhoe Bay have destroyed 17,000 acres of wildlife and marine
habitat for excavation, gravel fill, and waste disposal alone. 55
• North Slope oil operations extend across an 800 square mile region, with the
actual facilities and roads covering 10,000 acres. 56

• There are currently 55 toxic contamination sites associated with North Slope oil
production. 57

Economics, Politics, Regulation: Not only are these activities allowed to occur
on our public lands, but they are actually encouraged as oil companies are continually
allowed to underpay royalties by as much as $66 million per year. 58 This amounts to a
$5.5 million loss per month to the American taxpayers. 59 This is because the price that
the oil industry uses to make royalty payments (known as the “posted price”) is
substantially less than the market value of oil. 60 In essence, the government is
subsidizing harmful oil development on our public lands.
Proponents of new oil and gas projects argue on economic and political grounds,
claiming that new projects create jobs, generate revenue for states, and improve national
security by decreasing our dependence on foreign oil. Environmentalists and others
opposed to new projects argue in favor of protecting and preserving public lands, not
only citing the site-specific effects listed above but also considering more long-term
consequences. Some of these long-term considerations include the potential for
catastrophic oil spills such as the Exxon-Valdez spill in 1989, and the fact that more oil
and gas drilling only increases our dependence on these polluting, unsustainable fuel

Recent News: This issue has recently become one of great national controversy,
as oil proponents try to open the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR) in Alaska to
drilling. ANWR is not only a National Wildlife Refuge, whose purpose is to provide
wildlife conservation and ecosystem stability, but it is also a designated Wilderness Area,
meaning it should remain untouched by roads, buildings, and other eleme nts of the
modern world. 61 The refuge contains essential habitat for 36 fish species, 36 land
mammals, 9 marine mammals, and more than 160 migratory and resident bird species,
most of which would feel significant negative impacts from oil projects. 62 Why, then, is
oil development being considered in this area, which is considered to be the most pristine
unit in the National Wildlife Refuge System? 63 Because technically, when legislation
was updated in 1980, it called for the possibility of oil drilling in the coastal plain of the
refuge (often called area 1002, which is not part of the designated wilderness area) if
Congress so decided. 64
The oil industry is eager to begin developing this area, claiming that it is the
“largest unexplored, potentially productive onshore basin in the United States...There is a
95 percent probability (a 19 in 20 chance) that at least 5.7 billion barrels of oil are
recoverable."65 While this fact is generally accepted by nearly everyone, project
opponents point out that this qua ntity of oil will only provide about a six- month supply
for the country, 66 an amount they claim is not worth the severe damage the project will
cause to the refuge.

Activism: Fortunately, there are many organizations fighting to protect ANWR

and other public lands from oil and gas exploitation:
• Project on Government Oversight: www.pogo.org
• The National BLM Wilderness Campaign: www.blmwilderness.org
• Native Forest Council: www.forestcouncil.org

• Defenders of Wildlife: www.defenders.org
• State Public Interest Research Groups (PIRGs): www.savethearctic.com

Opposition: Examples of oil and gas industry organizations and “wise use” groups
that support expanded drilling in ANWR and other public lands include:
• Alaska Oil and Gas Association: www.aoga.org
• Arctic Power: www.anwr.org
• Alaska Support Industry Alliance: www.akalliance.org
• Independent Petroleum Association of America: www.ipaa.org
• Alliance for America: www.allianceforamerica.org

(Note: This section concentrates on Western public lands because 98% of all grazing on
U.S. public lands occurs in the 11 Western states. 67 )
Environment: Virtually all Western public lands are grazed by domestic
livestock. 68 The large majority of this rangeland is managed by the BLM and the Forest
Service; the remaining land is managed by the National Park Service. 69 Grazing has been
called “the single most pervasive and damaging activity on Western public lands” 70
because the impacts to the environment are so widespread. The most obvious impact of
grazing is the loss of grassland habitat. Grazing on public lands has resulted in the listing
of 90 endangered and threatened species. 71 Not only do livestock consume large amounts
of native grasses, but they also trample the soil and microbiotic crusts. 72 This results in
increased erosion and soil compaction, which leads to increased runoff, flooding and
nutrient loss. 73 In total, grazing has degraded or destroyed over 700 million acres of
Western grasslands. 74
There are many other less obvious, indirect impacts caused by grazing. Some of
these impacts are described below:
• Cattle displace native wildlife by competing for food and water. Of the sparse
grass that remains on our public lands, sheep and cows eat 90%, leaving only 10%
for wildlife. 75
• Cattle waste severely pollutes water sources. Livestock is the greatest non-point
source polluter of water in the west. 76
• Fences block the movement of native wildlife, fragment their habitat, and can
tangle, trap and kill many animals. 77
• Cattle promote the spread of exotic weeds, by spreading non-native plant seeds,
disturbing the soil, and by selectively grazing on native, “desirable” species.
• Cattle spread disease to vulnerable wildlife. 78
• Livestock “protection” results in the deaths of thousands of wild “pests and
predators” every year. In 1996 alone, over 100,000 native wild animals were
killed to protect domestic livestock. 79 Examples of animals killed are prairie
dogs, coyotes, wolves, mountain lions, bears and bison. 80
Many of these impacts contribute to the fact that livestock grazing is the single greatest
cause of biodiversity loss and the greatest threat to endangered and threatened species in
the West. 81

Economics, Politics, Regulation: Grazing on public lands is yet another
example of how enormous taxpayer subsidies facilitate the exp loitation of the
environment. In total, the federal government pays $500 million every year to support
grazing on our public lands. 82 One reason for this is that public lease rates for grazing are
a fraction of the going rates for leases on private lands. Grazing costs only $1.35 per cow
per month on public lands, where it costs approximately $10 on private lands. 83 The
revenue generated from these grazing fees is far less than the amount needed to cover
range program operating costs, and the difference must be covered by taxpayer dollars. 84
Taxpayers also pay for USDA assistance programs (drought relief, brush control,
grasshopper control, and flood relief), range improvements (fences, stock tanks and
ponds, cattleguards, and herbicide spraying), and predator control (yes, the taxpayers
actually pay ranchers to kill native wildlife). 85
These enormous subsidies seem even more absurd when one considers the
relative insignificance of the cattle industry in the West’s economy. First of all, the $500
million in federal subsidies benefits only 2.3% of all of the livestock operators in the
contiguous 48 states. 86 This seems like an excessive amount of money to benefit such a
small percentage of the industry. Secondly, grazing on public lands generates only .06%
of the jobs and .04% of the income in the Western states. 87 By contrast, healthy,
ungrazed public lands have the potential to generate substantial amounts of income and
jobs. For example, in New Mexico, wildlife-related tourism generates $768 million and
accounts for 5% of all jobs in the state. 88 Simply put, the grazing that occurs on our
public lands is unimportant to our economy.
There are several ideas about how to solve the problems of public lands grazing.
Many groups would like to simply end public lands grazing completely, although this
may be very difficult to do. Another idea is to establish legislation that would facilitate
the retirement of grazing lands. This means that livestock operators could relinquish their
grazing permits in return for compensation from the government, and the land would then
be permanently retired for wildlife and watershed values. 89 The funds needed to
compensate the ranchers could come from grazing fees that are currently used for range
improvements (discussed above), 90 which would no longer be needed if the land were
retired. Additional funds for this purpose could also be provided by increasing grazing

Recent News: In 1995, Secretary of the Interior Bruce Babbitt enacted new range
reform regulations that were highly controversial among both environmentalists (who
claimed the reforms did not do enough) and ranchers (who felt their grazing “rights” were
being infringed upon). 91 Since that time, the new regulations have been challenged
numerous times in court, mostly by ranchers. Last year, however, the Supreme Court
upheld the reforms in what was considered to be a major victory for opponents of public
lands grazing. 92
Ranchers and livestock groups challenged three major aspects of the reform that
were aimed at protecting the environment from the harmful effects of grazing. They
were defeated on all counts, and the Court upheld Babbitt’s reform regulations in the
following rulings:93

• Non-ranchers are legally allowed to compete for grazing leases on public lands.
This allows groups like the Nature Conservancy to lease and protect public lands
from grazing.
• Grazing leases are a privilege, not a right, and the Secretary of the Interior has the
right to cancel, modify, or limit grazing permits in order to protect other values of
public lands.
• The BLM has the right to consider long-term uses when determining grazing
leases (rather than automatically granting permits to ranchers adjacent to public
• The federal government has title to range equipment such as water tanks, pipes,
and fences, regardless of who installs them. The government can use this control
to force livestock reductions on public lands.

Activism: Many groups are working to monitor, end, and/or further reform
grazing on public lands:
• The Public Lands Grazing Activist: www.grazingactivist.org
• Range Net: www.rangenet.org
• Forest Guardians: www.fguardians.org
• Range Biome: www.rangebiome.org
• Range Watch: www.rangewatch.org

Opposition: Livestock ranchers and “individual liberty” groups want to protect

grazing “rights” on public lands. Some examples of large organizations include:
• National Cattlemen’s Beef Association: www.beef.org
• Cattlemen on the Hill: www.hill.beef.org
• Stewards of the Range: www.stewardsoftherange.org
• Environmental Conservation Organization: www.eco.freedom.org

Environment: Commercial overfishing has caused severe depletion of fish
populations throughout the world. Approximately 70% of the world’s commercially
important marine fish are fully fished, over-exploited or depleted. 94 Unfortunately, our
National Marine Sanctuaries (NMSs) are not protected from this exploitation, as
commercial fishing is allowed all of our nation’s sanctuaries with the exception of one
small area in the Florida Keys NMS. 95 Fagatele Bay, Florida Keys, Gray’s Reef, and
Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale are some of the NMSs that are threatened by
overfishing. 96
Not only are our sanctuaries being overfished, they are also being severely
damaged by destructive fishing techniques such as bottom trawling and dredging. 97
Ocean trawling is considered the equivalent of forest clear cutting, as it drags weighted
nets across the seafloor that rip up everything in their paths. 98 Nearly 6 million square
miles of ocean floor are trawled every year, which is 150 times the area of annual forest
clear cuts. 99 Trawling completely destroys marine habitats, and greatly threatens
biodiversity and fisheries sustainability. 100 One of the reasons trawling is so harmful is
that it is a non-selective technique, meaning that it takes not only the target species

(usually fish or shrimp 101 ), but also takes all other marine organisms in its path (known as
“bycatch” or “bykill” 102 ). Sometimes the target species represents only 5% of the actual
catch- the other 95% of bykill hauled up in the nets are left on the ship’s deck to die and
are later thrown back overboard. 103 In addition, any remaining seafloor organisms that
are not hauled up in the nets are buried, crushed, or exposed to predators. 104 Dredging is
a similar fishing technique, but is used for harvesting scallops, mussels, oysters and sea
urchins. 105
Other harmful fishing techniques include longlining and gillnetting, which are
also non-selective and therefore result in huge amounts of bycatch. Examples of
longlining bycatch include sea turtles, sea birds, porpoises, dolphins and sharks. 106
Unlike trawling and dredging, these methods do not harm the seafloor, but their
associated bycatch is nevertheless a great threat to biodiversity. 107

Economics, Politics, and Regulation: The National Marine Sanctuaries Act of

1972 authorizes the Secretary of Commerce to designate marine areas with significant
aesthetic, ecological, historical, or recreational values as National Marine Sanctuaries. 108
The purpose of the Act is to protect valuable marine resources while facilitating other
compatible uses. 109 Since its creation, the Act has been amended and re-authorized
several times to emphasize the importance of aesthetic, conservation, ecological,
educational, historical, and research values of NMSs. 110
The NMS Act does not specify rules and regulations for the sanctuaries, rather,
each sanctuary is managed on a case-by-case basis. 111 As a result NMSs have varying
levels of protection, 112 some of which are quite inadequate, and even absurd. For
example, in California and Florida, State waters are protected from trawling however the
NMSs in those states are not. 113
Fishing in all federal waters is managed by the Magnuson-Stevens Fishery
Conservation and Management Act of 1976. 114 The Act created eight regional Fishery
Management Councils, which are comprised mostly of commercial fishing interests. 115
The purpose of the councils was to create regional management plans intended to sustain
fisheries at an optimum yield, and these plans would be implemented and enforced by the
National Marine Fisheries Service of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Association. 116 Unfortunately economic interests have often prevailed and consequently
fish populations have declined, bycatch has increased, and habitat has been destroyed. 117
The act was subsequently amended by the Sustainable Fisheries Act of 1996 118 to include
regulations intended to prevent overfishing, recover depleted fish populations, minimize
bycatch and protect essential fish habitat. 119 Despite this change, fisheries management
has changed very little in recent years and harmful fishing methods such as trawling
continue on a widespread basis. 120
On a positive note, there are tools available to protect our National Marine
Sanctuaries from overfishing and damaging fishing techniques. Analogous to their
counterparts on public lands (Wilderness Areas, Roadless Areas, etc.), special
designations such as Marine Reserves, Marine Protected Areas, “No Take” Preservation
Areas, Ecological Reserves, and Research Only Areas can prohibit fishing altogether or
strictly regulate allowed fishing activities. 121 Research has shown that these areas are
extremely beneficial in replenishing fish populations, protecting marine habitat, and

preserving biodiversity. 122 For example, research on Marine Reserves (which prohibit all
commercial activities) revealed the following statistics:123
• Population densities inside reserves are, on average, 91% higher than those
outside reserves.
• Biomass is 192% higher inside reserves.
• The average size of organisms inside reserves is 31% higher than those outside
• Species diversity is 23% higher inside reserves.
Clearly more of these special designations would be beneficial to marine ecosystems,
unfortunately very few areas of our National Marine Sanctuaries currently have this type
of protection. Only one-tenth of one percent of our nation’s oceans is protected from all
resource extraction, which amounts to only 50 square miles of ocean. 124

Recent News: In 2000, President Clinton signed an executive order that would
create a coordinated nationwide network of Marine Protected Areas (MPAs). The
proposal would create new MPAs, expand existing MPAs, and strengthen the protection
and conservation of the entire system. 125 Under this plan, harmful commercial activities
such as fishing and oil and gas extraction would be prohibited in all MPAs. 126
Unfortunately, the Bush administration is considering reversing this proposal, and is also
considering pulling out of negotiations that would create no- fishing zones in the Channel
Islands National Marine Sanctuary. 127 In addition, the administration may reverse a
Clinton executive order that created the Hawaiian Islands Coral Reef Ecosystem Reserve
in December. 128

Activism: Many groups are working to protect our National Marine Sanctuaries
from overfishing and from harmful fishing methods such as trawling, and to designate
more specially protected marine areas:
• Marine Conservation Biology Institute: www.mcbi.org
• American Oceans Campaign: www.americanoceans.org
• Natural Resources Defense Council: www.nrdc.org
• Center for Marine Conservation: www.cmc-ocean.org
• National Coalition for Marine Conservation: www.savethefish.org

Opposition: Fortunately the commercial fishing industry is not entirely against

increased protection of fisheries, as most recognize the potential long-term benefits to the
industry. It seems that many commercial fishing organizations are undecided on the
• Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations: www.pond.net
• Pacific Fishery Management Council: www.pcouncil.org

Public Use Issues
This section will concentrate on issues related to recreational uses of our public
lands. Public use issues are controversial because they involve limiting public use of
publicly owned lands. The topics of off road vehicles, excess visitatio n, and funding and
user fees will be examined below.


The popularity of off-road vehicles (ORVs), snowmobiles, and personal
watercraft (jet skis) has skyrocketed in the last decade. (For simplicity, ORVs,
snowmobiles, and personal watercraft will collectively be referred to as ORVs in this
report.) Not only are more and more of these motorized vehicles being used every year,
but technological advancements continually enable them to travel further and further, into
more remote, pristine backcountry areas. 129 The use of ORVs on public lands has
become a very controversial issue due to their negative environmental impacts and the
conflicts they cause with other recreational uses.

Environment: The widespread environmental damage caused by ORVs has long

been recognized; in 1979 the White House Council on Environmental Quality stated that
“off-road vehicles have damaged every kind of ecosystem found in the United States.” 130
Twenty years later, the problem has only become worse. ORVs destroy vegetation and
cause severe soil erosion and soil compaction, which in turn leads to increased runoff,
flooding, and further erosion. 131 The disruption of soil also promotes the spread of
invasive exotic vegetation. 132 Wildlife can be adversely affected by ORVs through direct
collisions, habitat alteration, and overall harassment. 133 Perhaps the most shocking
impact of ORVs is the air and water pollution they cause:
• ORVs expel 20% to 30% of their oil and gasoline unburned into air and water. 134
• ORVs with 2-stroke engines produce 118 times as many smog-forming pollutants
(on a per- mile basis) as modern cars. 135
• On average, ATVs (a type of ORV) produce 4,000 times more carbon monoxide
emissions than modern cars. 136
• On average, a personal watercraft will release 2 ½ gallons of oil and gas into the
water in 2 hours. 137
Besides causing great damage to the environment, ORVs also severely conflict
with other recreational uses. The majority of hikers, horseback riders, hunters, and other
recreational users believe that the noise, pollution, and speed of ORVs degrades their
wilderness experiences. According to the Montana Wilderness Association, 89% of
hikers and 84% of horseback riders feel that ORVs are incompatible with their uses.
ORV users, however, argue that they ha ve as much right to public lands as everyone else.

Economics, Politics, Regulation: The National Park Service has taken some
steps to curb ORV use in National Parks, but at present, there is very little regulation of
use in National Forests or BLM lands. 138 Even the regulations that do exist are poorly
implemented. Two Executive Orders (EOs) exist that govern the use of ORVs on public

lands: EO 11644 (signed by Nixon in ’72) and EO 11989 (signed by Carter in ’77). 139
These orders require federal agencies to monitor ORV use and their environmental
impacts, and to close areas or trails to ORV use if the agency determines that ORVs are
causing, or will cause, “considerable adverse effects on the soil, vegetation, wildlife,
wildlife habitat or cultural or historic resources of particular areas or trails of the public
lands.” 140 However, several studies have shown that these regulations are rarely
implemented- agencies rarely monitor ORVs 141 and very little of our public lands have
been protected. The BLM, for example, has prohibited ORV use on less than 6% of its
land. 142 Many citizens and conservation groups feel that the remaining 94% left open to
ORVs is a very “unbalanced amount”, considering the widespread damage that the
vehicles cause. 143 Furthermore, nearly all of the BLM’s Wilderness Study Areas are
open to ORV use (Wilderness Study Areas are specially designated areas within BLM
lands that have special protection as ordered by Congress). 144 The BLM itself admitted
to its poor management of ORVs (also referred to as OHVs) in their report to Congress in
“The dramatic increase and subsequent environmental impacts from these popular
recreation vehicles was not anticipated. Therefore, the BLM’s plans do not
adequately establish designations for use and other requirements that provide an
adequate basis for OHV recreation. Consequently, proliferation of OHV trails,
continued widespread resource damage affecting other uses such as grazing and
wildlife, fragmentation of [threatened and endangered species] habitats, a
reduction in air and water quality, and visitor-use conflicts between motorized and
non- motorized users have led to a concerted campaign against OHV use by
environmental groups, resulting in litigation and court orders.”

The BLM is not the only agency to recognize the problem- one National Forest in Ohio
stated in 1998, “We have no control over off-road vehicle use.” 146

Recent News: On January 19, 2001, the BLM released its National Management
Strategy for Motorized Off-highway Vehicle Use on Public Lands. 147 This was a greatly
anticipated report that turned out to be a huge disappointment to conservation groups,
leaving ORVs “as unregulated as if nothing had happened”. 148 The strategy does nothing
to stop ORV abuse and damage, it only offers inconclusive, discretionary “guidance” for
any future ORV plans. Perhaps the biggest disappointment is that the strategy offers no
protection for Wilderness Study Areas 149 , which are considered to be “some of America’s
wildest and most remote and rugged lands”. 150
Conservation groups feel that in order to effectively protect our public lands, this
strategy (and any other future plans) should have done the following:
• Prohibit ORV use in Wilderness Study Areas, proposed wilderness areas, and
inventoried roadless areas. 151
• Limit ORV use to designated roads and trails, and prohibit cross-country travel.152
• Designate ORV routes only where they will not cause adverse environmental
impacts. 153
• Allow ORV route designation, construction, and upgrades only after National
Environmental Policy Act analysis. 154

Additional News: On April 22, 2001, the Bush administration announced its
plans to uphold a recent ban on snowmobiles in Yellowstone and Grand Teton National
Parks. 155 The ban, which will phase out snowmobile use in the parks by the winter of
2003-04, was approved by former President Clinton but was quickly delayed for review
by the new Bush administration. 156 Conservationists were pleased and surprised with the
announcement, which was delivered on Earth Day. Unfortunately the ban is not yet in
the clear, as the snowmobile industry has challenged the ban in court and is currently
talking with Justice department officials about a settlement. 157 Conservationists will
likely appeal any lifting of the ban. 158
With this good news comes some potentially bad news: On April 26th the Bush
administration announced its intent to review a new ban on personal watercraft (jet skis)
in four National Parks. Conservationists fear the ban will be weakened or overturned. 159

Activism: Several groups are working to protect our public lands from the
environmental damage and recreational conflicts caused by ORVs. Although ORVs are
deemed an acceptable recreational use by the BLM 160 , it is clear that they must be
monitored and regulated in order to preserve the integrity of our public lands:
• The Wilderness Society: www.wilderness.org
• The American Lands Alliance: www.americanlands.org
• Montana Wilderness Association: www.wildmontana.org
• Native Forest Council: www.forestcouncil.org
• Sierra Club: www.sierraclub.org

Opposition: Many organizations of ORV enthusiasts and manufacturers are

fighting adamantly to protect their rights to recreate on public lands. Some of these
• Off-Road Business Association: www.off-road.com
• BlueRibbon Coalition: www.sharetrails.org
• International Snowmobile Manufacturers Association: www.snowmobile.org
• Public lands for the People: http://oicu2.com/plp/
• American Recreation Coalition: www.funoutdoors.com
• Personal Watercraft Industry Association: www.pwia.org

According to Nevada Senator Harry Reid, “Our national parks are being
overused, over- loved. They’re being loved to death.” 161 He may be right: last year,
recreational visits to National Parks exceeded 285 million, an increase of almost 40%
since 1979. 162 Furthermore, a little known fact is that National Forest visitation actually
exceeds National Park visitation. 163 Unfortunately, it is extremely difficult to quantify
visitation in the National Forests for many reasons: there are indefinite access or entry
points, there are rarely entrance fees (unless using certain facilities or campgrounds), and
there is no standard technique for gathering visitation data. 164 Nevertheless, most
estimates agree that Forest visitation exceeds that of Parks. 165

Environment: Unfortunately, overwhelming numbers of visitors are placing
tremendous strain on our public lands. Most noticeably, the traffic congestion has
become almost unbearable in many Parks, often causing gridlock in the busier ones. 166
With this great increase in traffic comes more noise, air pollution, crime, and the need for
more infrastructure- roads, parking lots and tourist facilities. Severe air and noise
pollution has greatly degraded many parks, not only by harming the health of local
ecosystems but also by lessening the quality of tourists’ experiences. Construction of
more roads, parking lots, and buildings destroys natural habitat and spoils scenic beauty.
Even snowmobiles and air tours have contributed to serious air and noise pollution in
many parks. And inYosemite, Yellowstone, Glacier, and Rocky Mountain National
Parks, heavy human use has driven wildlife out of prime habitat areas. 167 A short case
study of Yosemite National Park in California illustrates many of these effects:

In 1980, visits to Yosemite National Park totaled 2.5 million. 168 By 1995, only 15
years later, visits had increased by 60% to over 4 million people. 169 As a result,
today Yosemite contains 196 miles of paved roads and 67 miles of graded roads,
30 miles of which bisect the Valley floor. 170 Between 1994 and 1996, these roads
saw as many as 8,000 cars per day and 526 car accidents per year. 171 These roads
resulted in great habitat loss and severe air pollution; the Yosemite General
Management Plan Update reported smog so thick that Yosemite Valley could not
be seen from airplanes. 172 Countless buildings and recreational facilities have
been constructed including hotels, dormitories, restaurants, retail stores, post
offices, gas stations, golf courses, auditoriums, education facilities, offices, tennis
courts, horse stables, etc., earning the Park a new nickname among locals:
YosemiCity. 173

This problem is not unique to Yosemite. In the National Parks Conservation

Association’s annual list of the nation’s top 10 endangered parks, major threats included
traffic congestion, air pollution, a push for wider use of motorized vehicles, poor
maintenance, vandalism and looting. 174 Disturbing statistics from other sources include:
• In the last 30 years, park visitation more than doubled from to approximately 133
million to 300 million people. 175
• Great Smoky Mountains National Park receives more visitors than any other
National Park: over 10 million per year. 176
• The South Rim of the Grand Canyon sees over 7,000 cars per day. 177
• Air tours (small planes and helicopters) buzz over the Grand Canyon every 90
seconds. 178 About 10,000 plane and helicopter flights fill the sky during the peak
summer months. 179
• At peak times during the 1990s, air pollution in Yellowstone was measured to be
worse than the air pollution in Los Angeles, mostly due to snowmobiles. 180
• It is estimated that 1,000 snowmobiles enter Yellowstone each day and emit
nitrous oxide and hydrocarbons equal to the tailpipe emissions of 1.7 million
cars. 181

In addition, huge masses of visitors have caused severe degradation of park
facilities and roads. Unfortunately, the parks are so under- funded that they are rarely able
to provide appropriate maintenance on these facilities. 182

Economics, Politics, Regulation: It has been very difficult for the National Park
Service to determine how to balance park visitation with park preservation. Michael
Finley, superintendent of Yosemite, states, "Making an honest determination about a
visitor's experience is a very difficult balancing act."183 There are many new ideas being
implemented by various Parks to try to lessen the impacts of increased tourism, and even
to decrease the number of visitors. Many parks are increasing fees, while other parks are
limiting visitor numbers by selling reserved tickets in advance. 184 Occasionally, on
extremely busy days Parks will close their gates, turning away hundreds of visitors. 185
A more innovative approach, which is being implemented in several of the busier
parks, is to greatly limit cars and provide visitors with mass-transit systems such as
alternative-fuel trams and buses (see below). 186
One of the biggest problems regarding this issue is that the National Park Service
is severely under- funded, operating with a total monetary shortfall of $11.1 billion. 187
Simply put, they do not have the resources to deal with the problems associated with
excess visitation. (The issue of funding will be discussed in a later section.)

Recent News: The National Park Service has made great progress in an effort to
solve the problems of traffic and air pollution. One example is Zion National Park in
Utah, where a new, alternative-fuels mass transit system was introduced in 2000. The
fleet includes 31 propane- fueled shuttles and 2 electric trams, 188 which will reduce traffic
congestion, noise and air pollution. Yosemite National Park has also made some
changes; they have banned cars in many areas of the park 189 and they now run various
shuttle services, many of which are run on alternative fuels. 190

Activism: The main groups working to solve the problem of overcrowded parks
are the National Parks Conservation Association and the National Park Service itself:
• National Park Service: www.nps.gov
• National Parks Conservation Association: www.npca.org


Environment: Our public lands agencies are severely under- funded. Over the
last 30 years, visitation to our National Parks has doubled, but the revenue of the National
Park Service has declined by 14%. 191 As a result our public lands have been neglected on
many different levels. Without adequate funding, needed environmental research cannot
be conducted, the problems of overcrowding (discussed above) cannot be addressed,
visitor facilities and roads cannot be properly maintained, and our precious natural,
historical, and cultural resources cannot be properly protected and cared for.
A lack of adequate funding for our public lands can affect natural resources in
countless ways. Some examples are illustrated here:
• Overcrowded parks lead to great increases in vehicular traffic, as discussed in the
previous section. If the Park Service cannot afford to properly maintain its roads

and parking lots, visitors will drive and park on the sides of the roads, destroying
vegetation and habitat, increasing erosion, raising dust, and spoiling scenic
beauty. 192
• Many research programs are critical in protecting natural resources, however
without funding, these studies cannot be conducted. Research is needed to
inventory and monitor wildlife, detect disease problems, control invasive species,
etc. 193 For example, in Yellowstone National Park, researchers were studying
how to prevent invasive lake trout from wiping out native cutthroat trout.
Cutthroat trout are a critical food source for the grizzlies, bald eagles, and white
pelicans in Yellowstone. Due to lack of funding, this program was cancelled,
threatening the cutthroat trout and the species dependent on them. 194
• For more than 10 years, Congress has been denying the National Park Service’s
requests for funding to repair Yellowstone’s old, failing sewage systems. 195 As a
result, over the last few years, several sewage leaks have threatened meadows,
streams, rivers, lakes, and groundwater. 196
• Many of our public lands ecosystems are threatened by exotic, invasive vegetation
(discussed later). Funding is greatly needed for full-time exotic species
management, to protect wildlife habitat and food sources. 197

These examples represent only a few of the problems associated with inadequate
funding. Much funding is needed for a wide variety of activities such as habitat
restoration, endangered species listing, wildlife recovery, trail maintenance, land
acquisition, museum improvements (maintenance, security, and exhibit preservation),
facilities maintenance, increased staffing, campsite maintenance, paleontology,
preservation of historic and archaeological resources, and many more. 198 (A report
entitled Public Lands Funding Initiative provides an excellent in-depth look at the
financial needs of our public lands agencies, and can be found at

Economics, Politics, Regulation: Traditionally, the public lands agencies rely

almost entirely on Congressional appropriations for funding, yet Congress continually
fails to provide these agencies with enough mone y to properly care for our public
lands. 199 As a result, agencies must look to other sources of revenue. An obvious yet
extremely controversial solution is to charge higher user fees on our public lands. Major
arguments for and against higher user fees are discussed below.

• CON: Americans own public lands. Citizens already pay taxes to support public
lands; it is unfair to make them pay twice to enjoy the lands that they technically
own. In addition, supplementing the agencies with user fees will only provide
more incentive for Congress to provide even less funding. 200
• PRO: Congress does not allocate enough taxpayer money for our public lands. It
makes sense for the people who actually use the public lands to help supplement
the costs of maintaining and preserving them. 201
• CON: Higher user fees would make it more difficult or perhaps impossible for
lower- income citizens to visit public lands. 202

• PRO: Public lands are an extremely inexpensive form of entertainment/recreation;
even the most expensive National Parks charge only $20 per car. (By contrast,
amusement parks such as Disneyland charge approximately $35 per head.) Even
if fees were raised, this would still be a very fair market value for entertainment or
recreation. In addition, it may be possible to charge discounted prices to lower-
income citizens. 203

Most people agree that it is important to consider the equitability of all user fees;
in other words, if recreational users are going to be charged higher fees, commercial users
must pay their fair share as well. Currently, mining, logging, and grazing uses pay only a
small fraction of market value for the use of public lands (as discussed earlier). For
example, under the Mining Law of 1872, a mining claim can be made for $2.50- the same
price as an overnight stay in a National Park. 204 It is evident that both recreational and
commercial use fees must be equitable and must represent fair market value.
In addition, many people dislike the fact that Americans pay twice to use our
public lands, yet foreigners only pay once. This problem could be solved by charging
foreigners much higher fees to visit our public lands, so that they will pay at least as
much as American citizens. 205

Recent News: In 1997, Congress enacted the Recreational Fee Demonstration

Program (often referred to as the “fee-demo”), which allowed designated public lands
(under the National Park Service, US Forest Service, US Fish and Wildlife Service, and
the Bureau of Land Management 206 ) to begin collecting, or increase existing user fees and
keep 80% of the generated revenue. 207 This program was a great success; in total, the
participating parks generated tens of millions of dollars and increased revenue by 57%. 208
This much needed revenue allowed the agencies to alleviate countless backlogged
projects and complete many other plans. In a paper on the need for increased funding for
National Parks, Richard J. Ansson, Jr. reports the following successes:

“….at Yellowstone, the Park Service has used the funds to rehabilitate
deteriorated electronic infrastructure, repair utility systems, replace deteriorated
docks, restore Turbid Lake roads, rehabilitate trails and campsites, repair
overlooks, and restore interpretive exhibits. In Alaska, the Park Service has used
fees to make major repairs and improvements at all of Alaska's national parks. In
Denali National Park, the park, which has received an additional $2 million in fee
money, will use the funds to repair Riley Creek Campground, replace broken and
outdated audio-visual equipment in the park aud itorium, repair three trails, paint
visitor centers near the park entrance, and repair deteriorated interpretive displays
along the park road and entrance trails. In addition to work at Denali, Glacier Bay
National Park will use the $3 million it has received from fees to finance several
projects—including several marine resource studies.” 209

In fact, this program was such a success that Senator Craig Thomas of Wyoming
proposed a bill that would extend the fee-demo through 2004, would allow more public
lands to participate, and would allow the agencies to retain 100% percent of the revenues
collected. 210 In June of 1998 this bill was passed, 211 however, the program has been

extremely controversial; numerous localities, environmental groups, outdoor enthusiasts
and other citizen groups have shown great opposition to the program, 212 holding
numerous demonstrations and public debates. 213 It seems that most of these groups
accept the implementation of the fee-demo in National Parks, but are strongly opposed to
its implementation in other public lands, particularly the National Forests. 214 In addition
to the “cons” mentioned above, opponents feel that the fee-demo is wrong because:215
• Public lands are the birthright of American citizens, not a commodity.
• It is an attempt by corporate America to privatize and commercialize public lands.

Activism: Clearly the issue of user fees is a very controversial one that will be
very difficult to resolve, even amongst environmentalists themselves. Considering the
current financial quandary of our public lands agencies, however, it is crucial that the
needed funds come from somewhere. The federal agencies themselves are working to
continue the fee-demo program as a way to raise funds:
• National Park Service: www.nps.gov
• US Forest Service: www.fs.fed.us/recreation
• Bureau of Land Management: www.blm.gov
• US Fish & Wildlife Service: http://www.fws.gov

Opposition: Many groups are opposed to increased user fees under the fee-demo
program, as discussed before:
• Wild Wilderness: www.wildwilderness.org
• Native Forest Network: www.nativeforest.org
• Free Our Forests: www.freeourforests.org
• Sierra Club: www.sierraclub.org

Changes in Status and Ownership
This section will focus on the issues associated with the designation of our public
lands, including the potential for gaining or losing protection due to changes in ownership
or status. The topics covered are the Antiquities Act of 1906, roadless area protection,
land exchanges, and urban encroachment.


Environment: The Antiquities Act of 1906 was intended as a tool for protecting
unique historical, scenic, and scientific resources on public lands by enabling the
President to designate National Monuments at his own discretion. 216 By giving the
President this power, he is able to act expeditiously to protect valuable or vulnerable
resources from sprawl, development, and overuse, 217 as well as from future damage from
mining, logging, grazing, etc. 218 The Act has been called “one of the mo st effective
environmental tools ever enacted by Congress” 219 as it has protected over 70 million
acres –approximately 10% of all federal lands- as National Monuments. 220 In addition,
Congress has re-designated (and even enlarged 221 ) many National Monuments as
National Parks; nearly 25% of our National Parks were originally protected under the
Antiquities Act, 222 including Grand Canyon, Grand Teton, Zion, and Olympic National
Parks. 223

Economics, Politics, and Regulation: There are many controversial issues

surrounding the Antiquities Act. In general, environmentalists and other similar interest
groups support the Act, as it allows for quick protection of valuable natural and historic
resources. Others desire reform, claiming that the Act grants too much power to the
President and is therefore frequently abused. The following paragraphs will briefly
discuss several of the political issues regarding the Antiquities Act.
Monument Size: The Antiquities Act authorizes the President to designate
National Monuments, “the limits of which in all cases shall be confined to the smallest
area compatible with proper care and management of the objects to be protected.” 224
Several presidents have designated extremely large monuments; more than 25% exceed
50,000 acres. 225 The largest National Monument, Wrangell- St. Elias National
Monument in Alaska, reaches nearly 11 million acres. 226 Critics claim that the Act was
intended to protect individual sites with small areas of surrounding land, and that the
President’s authority regarding size was intended to be very limited. 227 Supporters of the
Act believe that it allows the President to determine the proper size necessary to
adequately protect the integrity of the object(s) of interest. 228 In addition, supporters note
that in the early 1900s, Congress specifically decided against setting limitations on the
size of National Monuments. 229
Protected Sites: The Act states that designated National Monuments should be
“historic landmarks, historic and prehistoric structures, and other objects of historic or
scientific interest.” 230 This language has been widely interpreted by past Presidents, as
many National Monuments have been designated for broad purposes such as general
conservation, recreation, scenic protection, or protection of living organisms. 231

Although this pleases environmentalists and other such groups, critics claim that past
Presidents have stepped far beyond the original intent of the Act.
Economic Effects: When new monuments are designated, land uses are very often
affected. New designations can result in restrictions or even bans on new or existing
mining claims, leases, or permits, as well as on logging, grazing, hunting, and ORV
activities. 232 Consequently, many states and counties are against the designation of new
National Monuments within their jurisdiction because they fear potential harm to their
local economies. 233 While this seems like a rational argument, it has been widely proven
in many instances that healthy, preserved public lands are often more economically
beneficial (and sustainable) in the long term as a result of increased recreation and
tourism (discussed earlier in this paper).

These issues, among others, have led many members of Congress to seek change
of the Antiquities Act. Generally, most attempts at reform are aimed at limiting the
President’s power to designate new monuments. For example, H.R.1487 in 1999 would
have (among other things) made a President’s new designation subject to National
Environmental Policy Act review. 234 Other ideas include setting size limits, prohibiting
designations in certain states, or requiring the President to consult with the public,
state/local officials, and/or Congress before making a designation. 235 Admittedly some of
these proposals are very reasonable, however they defeat the original purpose of the
Antiquities Act, which is to allow the President to act promptly and at his own discretion
to protect threatened resources.

Recent News: Former President Clinton recently received overwhelming

criticism after he designated 3 new monuments and enlarged an existing one- all in one
day. On January 11, 2000, Clinton proclaimed the new Grand Canyon-Parashant
National Monument, the Agua Fria National Monument, and the California Coastal
National Monument, and enlarged the Pinnacles National Monument. 236 These actions
have been highly controversial, criticized as a “unilateral federal action” 237 , a “federal
land-grab”, 238 a “land lock-up scheme” 239 and “a blatant attempt by President Clinton to
use the Antiquities Act for political purposes to essentially shut out the democratic
process.” 240 Republican Congressmen are determined to overturn these actions and
return the lands to their previous management status. 241

Activism: Many environmental and conservation groups support the Antiquities

Act but only a few are actively working to prevent its reform, so that it may continue as a
valuable tool for protection of valuable public lands:
• The Wilderness Society: www.wilderness.org
• Antiquities Act Preservation Coalition: no contact information available

Opposition: Most opposition to the Antiquities Act comes from local, state, and
federal government officials. Past attempts at reform have been led by James Hansen of
Utah, Joel Hefley of Colorado, Orrin Hatch of Utah, and Larry Craig of Idaho. In
addition, some “wise use” groups such as Alliance for America
(www.allianceforamerica.org) want to see the Act amended.

Environment: As mentioned earlier in this paper, our National Forests contain
440,000 miles of roads, enough to circle the earth 17 times. Roads negatively impact the
health of our forests, as well as other public lands, in several ways. The roads themselves
destroy and fragment wildlife habitat, while the vehicles traveling on them cause air and
noise pollution. 242 The use of roads also degrades water quality and fish habitat by
increasing erosion and sedimentation in streams, lakes, and rivers. 243 In addition, forest
roads facilitate logging and the subsequent loss of forest habitat.
Conversely, roadless forest areas provide extremely valuable habitat with
continuous wildlife corridors, clean water, no automobile pollution, and little or no
logging. In fact, our country’s roadless areas provide critical habitat for over 200
threatened and endangered plant and animal species. 244 In late 1997, a group of 136
scientists and experts wrote in a letter to President Clinton, “A substantial amount of
scientific information collected from both aquatic and terrestrial environments has
demonstrated the importance of roadless areas in protecting the nation’s wildlife,
fisheries, and water resources. The ecological risks associated with developing these
areas are extremely high…” 245 Today there are nearly 60 million acres of roadless areas
remaining in our National Forests. 246

Economi cs, Politics, and Regulation: It has been shown that roadless areas not
only benefit the environment, but also benefit local economies. In his report entitled
“Economic Benefits of Protecting Roadless Areas in the United States”, John B. Loomis
examines the many economic benefits of healthy forests. He examines both quantifiable
and non-quantifiable values such as direct-use benefits (recreation, on-site hunting),
biodiversity conservation, ecological services (carbon storage, water quality), scientific
benefits (research), educational benefits, off-site benefits (higher property values, scenic
viewsheds), and community benefits (jobs, non- labor income). 247 Although some of
these economic benefits cannot be expressed in dollar amounts, many others can, and
were determined as follows (amounts are for all US roadless areas combined):248
• $600 million in recreational benefits
• $280 million in passive use values
• between $490 million and $1 billion in carbon storage services
• $490 million in waste treatment services
• 13% increase in property values
• 24,000 jobs

The subject of roadless areas has become extremely controversial after recent
actions by our former president. On January 12, 2001, President Clinton enacted the
Roadless Area Conservation Rule (often referred to as the “Roadless Rule”) which
protects the nation’s 58.5 million acres of roadless forests from most road building and
logging. 249 The creation of this rule involved 600 public hearings and 1.7 million
comments, breaking all records for public participation. 250 The results of this
participation showed overwhelming public support for the protection of roadless areas. 251
Some general provisions of the rule include the following:
• Road construction will be prohibited in inventoried roadless areas. Exceptions
include roads for private lands access, mining development, currently leased oil

and gas activities, public safety, environmental clean up, and federal highway
• Commercial logging will be prohibited in roadless areas, but there are several
exceptions (see following).
• Some logging for environmental purposes may continue as needed, for example
for fire management purposes or for habitat improvement.
• Logging activities that have already been approved may continue, as well as
activities that have started since the roadless areas were inventoried.

In general the Roadless Rule has been considered a great victory to

conservationists, however, the mining and logging industries as well as many Republican
leaders have sharply criticized the move and have vowed to overturn it. For example,
Congressman Jim Hansen of Utah called the Rule an “arbitrary, illegal road ban” and said
he would “make it a priority to undo this kind of reckless, last minute maneuvering.” 252
Senator Frank Murkowski of Alaska is also determined to overturn the roadless rule,
claiming that it will result in the loss of hundreds of jobs. 253
For the most part, environmentalists have hailed the Roadless Rule as a great
opportunity to preserve our last stands of unprotected yet relatively untouc hed forests.
However, some groups are unhappy with many of the provisions of the rule. For
example, as mentioned above, the “exceptions” to the rule allow continued logging and
road building in many circumstances. According to Jeanette Russell of the National
Forest Protection Alliance, these exceptions will amount to devastating damage in our
roadless areas; 61% of planned new roads will still be constructed and 73% of logging
will continue. 254

Recent News: Not surprisingly, the Bush administration has been unsupportive of
the new Roadless Rule. On his first day in office, President Bush ordered a 60-day delay
on the implementation of all regulations that were not already in effect. 255 Shortly
thereafter, on February 5, the administration more specifically delayed the
implementation of the Roadless Rule until May 12. 256 Then, in mid-March, the
administration delayed the rule yet again. 257 According to Tim Preso, an attorney for the
Earthjustice Legal Defense Fund, “ the Bush Administration is giving us every reason to
believe they're planning to bring bulldozers back into our national forests.” 258
Conservationists are particularly disappointed by the fact that the new administration
would consider overturning this rule that has proven so popular among the American
public, proven by the results of the rule’s record-breaking public participation period.

Activism: Several groups are fighting to uphold the Roadless Rule and protect
our National Forests from the devastating effects of logging and roadbuilding:
• American Wildlands: www.wildlands.org
• The Wilderness Society: www.wilderness.org
• National Forest Protection Alliance: www.forestadvocate.org

Opposition: Countless interests are opposed to the Roadless Rule, including the
logging, mining, and oil and gas industries. In addition, organizations devoted to

“individual liberty” are fighting the rule because it infringes upon their “rights”.
Examples include:
• Communities Against Roadless Expansion:
• Competitive Enterprise Institute: www.cei.org
• American Forest Resource Council: www.afrc.ws
• Northwest Mining Association: www.nwma.org
• Society of American Foresters: www.safnet.org
• American Policy Center: www.americanpolicy.org

Land exchange occurs when public lands, usually BLM lands or National Forest
lands, are traded for private (or sometimes State) lands of equal value. The main reason
for exchanges is to consolidate public and private lands, eliminating the confusing
“checkerboard patterns” and increasing mana gement efficiency and simplicity for both
parties. 259 Unfortunately, there are numerous flaws associated with the land exchange
program that often result in unfair trades that are clearly not in the best interest of the
American public or of the environment.

Environment: The BLM and Forest Service often engage in very questionable
land exchanges where environmentally valuable public lands are lost and poor quality,
damaged lands are gained. 260 This can occur for several reasons. First, land exchanges
are often exempt from National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) review, so the
environmental impacts of a trade are never properly considered. 261 Second, even if
NEPA review is completed, the public is often misinformed or given inadequate
information regarding the environmental impacts of the project. 262 Third, many
exchanges are simply made with poor judgment. Several examples illustrate how these
problems can result in land exchanges with negative environmental consequences:
• In a land exchange near Bend, Orego n between the Forest Service and Crown
Pacific timber company, the Forest Service revealed after the public comment
period that it had underestimated the amount of old growth forest on the public
land by 58%. 263
• In Washington’s Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie National Forest, an exchange occurred
between the Forest Service and the Weyerhaeuser and Plum Creek Timber
Company. The Forest Service traded low-elevation native and old growth forest
with high-quality habitat value for high-elevation land with very poor habitat
value. 264
• In a land exchange near Elko, Nevada, the BLM traded 140 acres of prime winter
habitat for antelope, and in return received land near its field office for additional
parking and storage space. 265
• In Arizona and New Mexico, large trades are proposed that would give miners
public lands on which to expand their open-pit mines. 266
• In Wyoming’s Targhee National Forest, the Forest Service is going to trade public
lands with Grand Targhee Resort so that they may expand their ski area, which is

adjacent to a wilderness area. This same exchange was cancelled in 1994 because
it was not deemed to be in the public’s best interest. 267
• Through land exchanges, the Forest Service and BLM often receive lands that
have previously been mined, logged, or grazed, 268 even roaded or developed, 269 in
exchange for healthy lands.
Clearly something must change; land exchanges must consider environmental values as
well as economic values. It is imperative that environmental assessments are properly
carried out and carefully considered when making these decisions.

Economics, Politics, and Regulation: Not only do many land exchanges result in
environmental losses, but they can also result in financial losses to the American
taxpayers. The main cause of this is faulty land appraisals that benefit private business
interests at the taxpayers’ expense. 270 Legally, land exchanges must involve parcels of
equal value, but under this severely flawed system, this is rarely the case. The General
Accounting Office has proven that when public lands agencies appraise the values of the
lands to be traded, they very frequently undervalue the public lands and overvalue the
private lands, shortchanging taxpayers by millions of dollars. 271 One example of this
occurred in Nevada, where faulty land appraisals for three land exchanges between 1992
and 1995 lost taxpayers $4.5 million. 272 Furthermore, it has been shown that often times,
when public lands agencies are going to receive damaged lands in exchange for healthy
ones, the cost of remediation (restoration, road removal) is not considered in the appraisal
process. 273 This essentially allows private businesses to exploit one parcel of land and its
resources, trade it for new, resource-rich land, and never have to pay for remediation.
Another flaw with the land exchange process is that the public (the owner of the
lands to be traded) does not have access to land appraisal data until after the transaction is
complete. 274 This makes it nearly impossible for the public to judge the accuracy of the
appraisals, the equality of the trade, and therefore the legality of the exchange.
This problem of “hiding” the appraisal values from the public hints at another
good point: land exchanges are unfair because they are “closed deals,” eliminating fair
market competition and giving the general public no opportunity to purchase the land. 275
For instance, if a public land agency appraises land for a very low value and then
exchanges it for another parcel, it precludes the possibility of another interest group
(maybe a conservation group?) from purchasing it for a higher, more appropriate value.
This would benefit the taxpayers financially, and possibly the environment (depending on
who the buyer was).
In addition, the General Accounting Office has discovered that on many occasions
public land agencies have abused their land exchange authority by selling lands, rather
than exchanging them, and keeping the revenue for themselves instead of returning it to
the federal treasury. 276
Another issue exists regarding exchanges of land on the outskirts of urban areas.
In recent years these types of transactions have been occurring rapidly, cheating
taxpayers out of millions of dollars. This is because the value of these lands is
continually underestimated, and traded to private interests who then proceed to inflate the
value of the land and sell it to developers for a very high price. 277 For example, on one
occasion in Nevada, the BLM traded 70 acres that had been appraised at $763,000. The
same day, the new owner sold the land for $4.6 million. 278 This is obviously unfair to the

original owners of the public lands- the taxpayers. It also calls many people to question
the competency of the BLM. Many groups feel that rather than trading these lands on the
outskirts of urban areas, they should be sold at a public auction and the proceeds should
go towards purchasing new public lands. 279 (Why trade them at all? Why not just keep
the open space as habitat and refuge from the urban area?)

Recent News: In July 2000, the General Accounting Office released a report
exposing the BLM’s and Forest Service’s poor performances regarding land exchanges
between 1989 and 1999. 280 The General Accounting Office concluded that overall, land
exchanges do not benefit the public interest, and recommended that Congress discontinue
the land exchange program. 281 The major conclusions reached in the report are as
• Both the Forest Service and BLM have failed to meet their statutory duties to pay
no more than fair market value for private lands and receive no less than fair
market value for public lands involved in land exchanges.
• The agencies have conducted exchanges that were not of demonstrable public
• The BLM is conducting illegal land sales under the guise of land exchanges.
• The agencies’ best efforts at procedural improvements may not be enough to
address the inherent difficulties in exchanges.
The report also prompted Congressman George Miller of California to call for an
immediate moratorium on land exchanges. 283 Unfortunately, land exchanges are still
occurring at a very rapid rate.

Activism: Several groups are working to prevent unfair land exchanges and
reform or end the land exchange programs of our public lands agencies:
• Western Lands Exchange Project: www.westlx.org
• American Wildlands: www.wildlands.org
• Green Scissors: www.greenscissors.org
• Public Lands Foundation: www.publicland.org

Opposition: Groups supporting the current land exchange programs are, of

course, those reaping the benefits of these unfair transactions. These groups include
mining companies, logging companies, grazing interests, etc.

The spread of urban areas has become a major threat to many of our public lands
in recent years. There are three main ways in which urban development can reach our
public lands. The first, and most obvious, is urban sprawl- the outward growth of cities
can eventually bring them to the borders of National Parks, Forests, etc. The second is
the development of “gateway communities”, that is, communities that are purposely
created on the outskirts of public lands, usually to cater to visiting tourists. The third way
urbanization can affect public lands is through “inholdings”, which are privately owned
parcels of land located within the boundaries of public lands.

Environment: Urban encroachment on public lands affects the environment in
the same ways that it does everywhere else: it causes habitat fragmentation, air pollution,
population growth, traffic congestion, etc. Unfortunately these problems are becoming
more and more common in and around our public lands, especially our National Parks.
Examples of how urban encroachment can threaten our public lands include:
• Yellowstone’s growing gateway communities include motels, golf courses,
galleries, commercial strips, etc. which have resulted in smog, pollution, and
overcrowded conditions. This has had a negative effect on wildlife in the park
and poses a long-term threat to the region’s geothermal activity. 284 The expansion
of eight ski resorts surrounding the park is planned for the future. 285
• As a result of urban sprawl, a new airport is being built near the Everglades and
Biscayne National Parks, which will obviously cause major air and noise
pollution. 286
• A six- lane highway is going to be built through Petroglyph National Monument in
Albuquerque that is expected to carry 24,000 vehicles a day. 287
• Near the South rim of the Grand Canyon, proposed development includes 5,000
hotel rooms, 540,000 square feet of retail space, and 2,600 homes. 288
• Outside Great Smoky Mountain National Park lies Dolly Parton’s Dollywood
theme park (near Knoxville, TN 289 ), vacation resorts, and a new Harrah’s casino
(in Gatlinburg) expected to draw 4 million people annually. 290
Not only do these existing (and future) developments have adverse impacts on wildlife,
habitat, air and water quality in public lands, but they (will) also disrupt the peacefulness
and natural beauty of these precious places.

Economics, Politics, and Regulation: It is nearly impossible to prevent

development of these lands, as they are privately owned. Consequently, the only way to
protect public lands from the effects of urban encroachment is to purchase the private
lands of concern. Conservation groups such as the National Park Trust, as well as the
public lands agencies themselves, have made great efforts to purchase these private lands
inside and adjacent to public lands boundaries. Unfortunately, these groups are not
keeping pace with the problem, as inholdings and adjacent private lands are actually
increasing due to the creation of new parks and monuments containing private lands. 291
In fact, the number of inholdings has increased by 35% in the past 10 years, despite the
numerous successes in private lands acquisition by these groups. 292 In our National Parks
alone, about 6 million of the 84 million total acres are privately owned. 293
The biggest obstacle to acquiring these lands is obviously lack of funding. About
thirty years ago, Congress approved the creation of the Land and Water Conservation
Fund, which was intended to provide $900 million annually for the purchase of private
lands in and adjacent to national, state, and local parks. 294 Sadly, however, Congress has
miserably failed to appropriate adequate funds for this purpose, usually allocating only a
small fraction of the amount needed for land purchases. For example, in 1998 the
National Park Service requested $230 million from Congress for private lands
acquisition, yet it only received $23 million. 295
Aside from pressuring Congress to appropriate funds for this purpose,
conservation groups purchase lands using funds raised from donations. For example, the
National Park Trust recently used donations to purchase 10,000 acres of tallgrass prairie

in Kansas. The organization now owns the land, while the National Park Service
manages it as a park. 296

Recent News: Mojave National Preserve was created in 1994 to protect its
ecologically diverse yet fragile desert ecosystems. 297 Unfortunately it contains over
86,000 acres of private inholdings that are considered a major threat to the park’s
resources. 298 One company wants to develop a golf course, condominiums, and motels
on its lands within the park’s boundaries. 299 The preserve is also threatened by potential
development outside its boundaries, such as a proposed airport, an army base expansion
and a possible mine expansion. 300 These threats have become more numerous in recent
years, but fortunately a great compromise was recently reached to allow the purchase of
some of these lands.
The compromise gives the BLM and the National Park Service $5 million each
for the purchase of private lands in the Mojave National Preserve and other desert
areas. 301 The Wildlands Conservancy was also instrumental in this deal, and will
purchase 24,000 acres of the private inholdings over a 3- year period, beginning in

Activism: Both public lands agencies and conservation groups are making great
efforts to purchase private lands inside and adjacent to public lands boundaries, to protect
them from the threat of urban encroachment:
• The Wildlands Conservancy: www.wildlandsconservancy.org
• The National Park Trust: www.parktrust.org
• The Wilderness Society: www.wilderness.org
• National Park Service: www.nps.gov

Opposition: There are countless organizations that actually want to reduce

federal government cont rol of public lands by privatizing the lands. Some of these
groups include:
• Competitive Enterprise Institute: www.cei.org
• The Cato Institute: www.cato.org
• American Policy Center: www.americanpolicy.org
• The Sutherland Institute: www.sutherlandinstitute.org
• National Inholders Association/Multiple Land Use Alliance: ??

Ecological Health
There are many difficult management issues regarding ecosystem health in our
public lands. This section will focus on the management of biological resources and
natural processes that have been disrupted through years of human alterations. The topics
that will be discussed are exotic species, fire management, and wild horses and burros.

Exotic species, simply put, are those that are not native to a given ecosystem.
They can also be referred to as non- native, alien, introduced, non- indigenous, etc. Many
exotic species are introduced into an ecosystem intentionally, for purposes such as
hunting, fur trading, landscaping, crops, forage, and many others. Other species are
introduced accidentally, for example marine organisms transported in ship ballast water,
organisms found on imported produce, or seeds transported on human clothing or animal
fur. Serious problems arise when these non-native species disrupt the balance of their
new ecosystems.

Environment: Not all exotic species are harmful to the environment; in fact,
many cause little or no problems in their new surroundings. For example, Great Smoky
Mountain National Park contains 1,500 vascular plant species, 400 of which are exotic,
however only 10 are considered to be harmful to the park’s natural resources. 303
Unfortunately, that small number of problematic species (often referred to as invasive
species) has the potential to cause devastating harm: the spread of exotic species is the
second greatest threat to biodiversity, rivaled only by habitat loss from development. 304
There are numerous reasons why these invasive, exotic species (often called weeds or
pests) are so harmful:
• Invasive plants can dramatically alter species composition by competing for
nutrients, water, sunlight, and space. This process severely decreases
biodiversity, alters wildlife habitat, and limits food sources. Some exotics spread
so far as to create a near monoculture, over-running all other plant species in the
area. 305 In total, exotic species threaten 60% of our nation’s imperiled species. 306
• Many invasive plants are extremely aggressive and spread very quickly. It is
estimated that exotic weeds claim 4600 acres of public lands every day, and
dominate 17 million total acres on western public lands alone. 307
• Exotic animals, such as feral cats, dogs and pigs, prey on native plant and animal
species 308 , yet they often have no natural predators. 309 In addition, their feeding
habits (such as digging) can also destroy vegetation. 310
• Introduced fish species such as trout and carp can decimate populations of native
amphibians and invertebrates in water bodies that previously contained no fish. 311
• Some exotic plants can cause unnatural fuel conditions and fire cycles, increasing
the occurrence of wildfire. 312
• Smaller exotic species, such as insects, fungi, and pathogens, have greatly
threatened many forest areas, severely damaging and almost eliminating 12 tree
species. 313 In total, these pest species have damaged 70% of our forests in the
Northeast and Midwest. 314

Unfortunately, these problems are getting more and more severe. In many public lands,
exotic species are causing the most severe permanent environmental damage in recorded
history. 315

Economi cs, Politics, and Regulation: Exotic plant and animal species are
causing great economic losses for several reasons. First, the control of exotic species
(particularly plants) has cost billions in research, herbicides, labor, etc. For example,
back in 1984, the cost of exotic weed control in the US cost $2.1 billion for herbicides
and $938 million in herbicide application costs. 316 It is estimated that it could cost $134
billion for the future control of only 15 problem species. 317 Second, there have been huge
economic losses due to decreased crop and forest production as a result of exotic species
damage. In 1991, it was estimated that decreased crop production due to exotic weeds in
the U.S. and Canada caused $4.1 billion in losses, not including the cost of control. 318 In
Wyoming, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Montana, the spread of one single weed
over wildlands and grazing lands results in annual losses of $129 million. 319 Last, severe
infestation of weeds has, on many occasions, ruined property values. In California, a
public lands agency was successfully sued by an adjacent landowner after a weed
infestation rendered his home completely un-sellable. 320
It is extremely difficult to control exotic species because they are often introduced
accidentally, they spread so quickly, and control costs are so high. There are however,
many moderately successful programs and regulations being implemented:
• In 1996 the BLM launched a program called “Partners Against Weeds” which
included prevention and detection, education and training, inventory, planning,
integrated weed management, coordination and monitoring, and weed prevention
measures for all resource activities. 321 Unfortunately the BLM does not receive
enough funding to properly implement the program. 322
• In 1990, the Nonindigenous Aquatic Nuisance Prevention and Control Act was
passed that created the Aquatic Nuisance Species (ANS) Task Force, co-chaired
by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration. 323
• The USDA Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service is responsible for keeping
exotic species out of the country, however it has been proven very inadequate and
ineffective. 324

Recent News: The most recent development in exotic species control occurred in
1999, when President Clinton signed Executive Order 13112 aimed at controlling alien
species. 325 The order instructs the various federal agencies to (to the extent possible)
prevent the introduction of harmful species, control them in a cost-effective and
environmentally sound manner, restore native species and habitats, conduct research on
invasive species and control methods, and promote public education on the issue. 326 The
order also created the Invasive Species Council, which will oversee the various federal
agency programs and identify problems in those programs. 327 In addition, the council
will issue an Invasive Species Management Plan for the nation, which will be evaluated
and updated every other year. 328

Activism: Public lands agencies, conservation groups, and countless state and
local groups recognize the severity of the invasive species problem, and are working to
combat it through management programs and public education:
• Bureau of Land Management: www.blm.gov
• National Park Service: www.nps.gov
• U.S. Forest Service: www.fs.fed.us
• U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service: www.fws.gov
• American Lands Alliance: www.americanlands.org
• California Native Plant Society: www.cnps.org
• Public Lands Foundation: www.publicland.org

Environment: For the better part of the century, fire was always viewed as a
horrible, tragic occurrence that had to be prevented and suppressed. However as time and
scientific understanding has progressed, we have learned that in reality, fire is a natural
and critical component of many ecosystems, particularly forests and grasslands in the
western United States. Most native species of plants and animals have adapted to
withstand fire, and many are dependent on fire for food, habitat, and reproduction. Some
examples of how fire is beneficial to many ecosystems include:
• Many plants and trees need fire to assist in their reproductive cycles. Logdgepole
and jack pine trees need the heat from fire to open seed cones and reproduce, 329
and many prairie species need fire to sprout seeds. 330
• When trees are burned, “snags” are created that provide ideal habitat for many
species of birds such as woodpeckers and eagles. 331
• Fires burn dead and decaying underbrush (bushes, shrubs, grasses, fallen trees,
etc.), releasing their nutrients so that they can be “recycled,” or used by other
plants. This also clears the way for new growth, allowing more sunlight to reach
the ground. 332 In turn, new growth provides more forage for wildlife.
• Most native plants have adapted to survive fires, however non- native plants have
not. Consequently, fire can be extremely helpful in eradicating harmful
exotics. 333
• Fires cleanse forests of harmful insects and diseases. 334

Through years of fire suppression we have learned that, somewhat ironically, lack
of fire can actually threaten pub lic safety. Without periodic small fires, underbrush
accumulates at unnaturally high levels, serving as fuel for the next fire. When a wildfire
finally breaks out, it is often uncontrollable and can destroy human lives and property.
As a result, the traditional policy of fire suppression is slowly transforming into one of
fire management, which includes prescribed burns to reduce the hazards and intensities of
wildfires. 335

Economics, Politics, and Regulation: This new understanding of fire ecology

prompted the creation of the Federal Wildland Fire Management Policy and Program
Review following the disastrous fires of 1994. 336 This new policy highly encourages
prescribed burns, and orders public lands agencies to develop new fire plans to allow for

a full spectrum of “Appropriate Management Responses”. 337 For example, if conditions
are appropriate, an agency may choose to manage a wildfire as a prescribed burn rather
than suppress it. 338 The policy has prompted the Bureau of Land Management and
National Park Service to create new fire management plans, however the Forest Service
has been reluctant to do so. 339 As a result, the Forest service continues to engage in
aggressive fire suppression for most wildfires. 340
One of the biggest problems of fire suppression (aside from the fact that it leads to
more dangerous and intense wildfires) is the outrageous costs associated with it. The
Forest Service has been sharply criticized for its reckless waste of fire management
funding. Between 1993 and 1997, the Forest Service spent $1.7 billion on fire
suppression, and in 1998 alone it spent over $1 billion. 341 In addition, fire suppression
costs are rising at an average of 15.5% per year. 342 It is very important to note that
prescribed burning, which is better for the environment and promotes public safety, costs
much less: in 1998 the National Park Service spent $2100 per hectare on fire suppression,
and only $200 per hectare on prescribed burning. 343 Furthermore, when a fire is
suppressed, the adjacent unburned lands will continue to accumulate underbrush “fuel”,
making the next fire bigger and more costly to control than the original fire. 344
It is clear that the Forest Service must follow in the footsteps of the BLM and the
National Park Service by reforming its fire management policy. Its traditional way of
attacking and suppressing most wildfires is putting human lives and property at risk,
wasting enormous amounts of money, and depriving forest ecosystems of an essential
natural process.
On a separate note, it is interesting to examine the debate over the effects of
logging on wildfire. Advocates of the timber industry often claim that logging helps
prevent dangerous wildfires by thinning out the trees and leaving less to burn. As one
man said, “I never saw a clearcut burn!” 345 Conservationists and others argue that in
reality, clearcuts and other logging activities actually promote more explosive, dangerous
fires. This is because when trees are cleared out more sunlight reaches the ground,
drying out the underbrush and leftover logging waste, and creating perfect fuel for
intense, quickly spreading fires. 346 Many people claim that in some instances fires will
actually “seek out” clearcuts because they provide such ideal fuel. As American
Wildlands points out, in 1967 the Ra ft River Fire on the Olympic Peninsula “literally
raced from clearcut to clearcut down the logging road, completely skipping the old
growth in between.” 347 In addition, loggers remove the oldest, largest trees which are the
most fire resistant, leaving the smaller, more flammable ones behind. 348 According to the
Sierra Nevada Ecosystem Project, “Timber harvest, through its effects on forest structure,
local microclimate, and fuels accumulation, has increased fire severity more
than any other recent human activity.” 349

Recent News: In the summer of 2000, extremely dry conditions and a history of
fire suppresstion contributed to the spread of 80,000 fires that burned nearly 7 million
acres 350 in Arizona, California, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico,
Oregon, Utah, Washington and Wyoming. 351 The fires resulted in great political
backlash, as Western politicians blamed the problem on the Clinton administration’s
policies of reduced logging. 352 Following the fires, Senators Conrad Burns of Montana
and Larry Craig of Idaho requested a significant increase in fuels reduction (logging)

without any requirements for environmental safeguards. 353 Interestingly, most of the
fires that burned that summer occurred in areas that were logged, roaded, and
developed, 354 showing that increased logging would most likely not have helped, and
perhaps would have even made the problem worse. For example, in Montana, 9 of the 12
biggest fires that summer occurred in logged, roaded, developed areas. 355

Activism: Conservation groups are advocating reformed, environmentally and

economically- minded fire management policies in our National Forests:
• American Wildlands: www.wildlands.org
• Sierra Club: www.sierraclub.org
• American Lands Alliance: www.americanlands.org
• Public Lands Foundation: www.publicland.org
• Bureau of Land Management: www.blm.gov

Opposition: It is generally agreed among most groups that the Forest Service’s
policy of fire suppression needs to be changed. However, many groups still believe that
in order to reduce the risk of dangerous wildfires, more “fuels reduction” (logging and
grazing) is needed:
• Competitive Enterprise Institute: www.cei.org
• The Cato Institute: www.cato.org
• National Cattlmen’s Beef Association: www.hill.beef.org
• Society of American Foresters: www.safnet.org


Environment: Wild horses and burros are natural components of many western
ecosystems, and are considered to be a “symbol of the historical and pioneer spirit of the
West.” 356 The majority of these animals inhabit BLM lands in Nevada, however they are
also found on BLM lands in Arizona, California, Utah, New Mexico, Wyoming,
Montana, Oregon, Colorado and Idaho. 357 It is unclear whether or not they are native to
this country as there are many conflicting opinions on the subject. It is known that horses
were brought to North America by Spanish explorers in the early 1500’s, and that some
modern day wild horses and burros are their descendents. 358 It has also been proven that
wild horses and burros evolved in North America over the course of 60 million years,
however there is argument over whether or not these animals ever became extinct. 359
Finally, others contend that modern day wild horses and burros are simply descendents of
horses that were lost or abandoned by settlers, ranchers, miners, and U.S. Cavalry. 360
Therefore, whether or not these animals are native remains unresolved and is greatly
subject to opinion.
The main concern over wild horses and burros is overpopulation. Although they
were once considered endangered animals, federal protection (discussed in the next
paragraph) and a lack of natural predators has enabled their populations to grow
uncontrollably. 361 Their annual population growth rate ranges between 5-25%, with an
average of 15%; at this rate their population will double every 5 years. 362 Unfortunately
their numbers have often grown beyond their carrying capacity and there is great concern
that they will deplete their natural resources and die of starvation and dehydration. Some

believe that competition for scarce resources and habitat will negatively impact wildlife
such as deer and antelope, while ranching and grazing interests complain that this
competition threatens resources for livestock production. 363

Economics, Politics, and Regulation: Prior to 1971, freelance cowboys would

routinely and illegally round up wild horses and burros (which were government
property) from public lands and sell them to slaughterhouses. 364 To help stop this abuse,
in 1971 the Wild Free-Roaming Horses and Burros Act was passed to protect, manage,
and control wild horses and burros. 365 The Act had overwhelming support; it passed
unanimously in Congress and received the second largest outpouring of mail in the
history of Congress, surpassed only by the Vietnam War. 366 The Act states “wild free-
roaming horses and burros shall be protected from capture, branding, harassment or
death; and to accomplish this they are to be considered in the area where presently found,
as an integral part of the natural system of the public lands.” 367 In addition, the Act was
later modified to state that federal agencies “shall manage wild free-roaming horses and
burros in a manner that is designed to achieve and maintain a thriving ecological
balance.” 368 The subsequent management of these animals by the BLM has resulted in
some highly controversial issues.
Population Control: As mentioned earlier, wild horse and burro populations have
grown very large, depleting their own resources and threatening their own survival. The
Wild Horses and Burros Act authorizes the BLM to manage this growth, which is
accomplished by the BLM’s adoption program (discussed below), by relocation, and
occasionally by humane destruction. 369 However, there is much controversy over the
actual numbers of wild horses and burros on the land. For example, in 1993 Senator
Harry Reid of Nevada estimated that 75,000 animals existed, while the Secretary of the
Interior estimated 60,000 and the BLM estimated 33,000. 370 Only a few years later, the
Animal Protection Institute estimated that only 20,000 horses remained. 371 Many of these
estimates are obviously biased towards certain interests, as animal protection advocates
want to see more animals protected, and grazing interests want to see more removed from
rangelands. Unfortunately, many groups believe that the BLM is “managing the wild
horses and burros out of existence” as a result of pressures from grazing interests. 372
Competition with Domestic Livestock: As mentioned earlier, the Wild Horse and
Burro Act calls for maintaining a “thriving ecological balance.” This provision has been
misinterpreted and misused by the BLM to remove “excess” horses and burros to “protect
the health of the land.” 373 Ironically these wild animals are often removed from public
rangeland to make room for domestic livestock, which cause much more harm to the land
than the wild horses and burros:
• The ratio of domestic livestock to wild horses and burros on public lands is at
least 50:1. 374
• Approximately 4.1 million domestic livestock graze public lands, compared to
only 25,000 wild horses and 5,000 wild burros. 375
• In one year, domestic livestock consumed 70% of the forage on public lands
while wild horses and burros consumed less than 5%. 376
• The foraging habits of wild horses and burros are much more environmentally
benign than those of domestic livestock. Horses and burros graze anywhere from
5 to 10 miles from water, and on a wide variety of terrain, causing mild, less

concentrated impacts. Livestock, on the other hand, graze within a mile of water,
causing heavy damage to a concentrated area. 377
Clearly domestic livestock cause greater damage to the environment than the wild horses
and burros, so it is absurd for the BLM to “maintain a thriving ecological balance” by
removing the wild animals and replacing them with cattle.
Adoption Program: The Wild Horses and Burros Act and the need to control the
animals’ populations resulted in the BLM’s wild horse and burro adoption program,
which places excess horses and burros up for public adoption. This multi- million dollar
federal program was created to save the lives of wild horses and burros, 378 which are
considered to be “living symbols of the historic and pioneer spirit of the West.”379
Overall, this program has been quite successful, as thousands of animals are placed in
welcoming homes every year. 380 Unfortunately, in 1997 an investigation revealed that
thousands of adopted horses were actually being sold to slaughterhouses, often times by
BLM employees themselves. 381 Shortly thereafter, the Fund for Animals filed a lawsuit
against the BLM, and the resulting settlement required that adopters sign an attestation
(under the penalty of perjury) that they do not intend to sell the adopted animal to a
slaughterhouse or for other commercial purposes. 382 However, despite this settlement,
the BLM continue s to allow people to adopt animals without signing the attestation, and
fails to take action against adopters who break the agreement. 383 In 1999 over 575 wild
horses were killed in U.S. slaughterhouses, and of these, more than 185 had been
slaughtered within three months of their adoption, and over 30 were slaughtered within
one month of their adoption. 384

Recent News: As previously mentioned, the BLM has failed to uphold its 1997
settlement agreement with the Fund for Animals regarding the signed attestations for
adoptions. In recent months, the Fund for Animals has returned to court on this issue,
and Judge Howard McKibben told the BLM that it was not working hard enough to
implement the “very simple steps” agreed upon to protect the wild horses and burros. 385
The BLM admitted that out of 332 cases in the last two years in which horses were
adopted and killed, only one has been properly investigated and prosecuted. 386 The BLM
also revealed that the extent of their “investigations” into the slaughter of adopted
animals consisted only of a few simple questions: how the animal was disposed of and
whether the adopter had intended to have the animal slaughtered. 387 According to
Howard Crystal of the Fund for Animals, “Evidently, so long as adopters are not so
foolish as to flatly admit that they violated the attestation, that appears to be the end of
BLM's inquiry regardless of the objective circumstances suggesting that a horse ended up
being slaughtered only months or weeks following the transfer of title.” 388

Activism: Because there are so many issues involved with these animals, there
are countless opinions on how they should be managed. Some of the groups working
towards reformed management and protection of wild horses and burros are:
• Animal Protection Institute: www.api4animals.org
• Doris Day Animal League: www.ddal.org
• American Horse Defense Fund: www.ahdf.org
• Animal Rights Law Project: www.animal- law.org
• Public Lands Foundation: www.publicland.org

Guiding the Future of Our Public Lands
One tool that can be useful in guiding our public lands agencies through these
issues is land management plans. Our National Parks, National Forests, BLM lands,
National Wildlife Refuges, and National Marine Sanctuaries all have management plans
which are meant to define future goals for the lands, mostly in terms of resource
management/preservation and visitor use. 389 Management plans should define the
mission and purpose of the particular land units, the visions for the future of the units,
and the strategies for reaching those visions. 390
Because of their interconnectedness, it is important that all resources and uses are
considered together to provide guidance for dealing with future changes. Plans for
different public land units will address issues specific to them. For example, Zion
National Park’s General Management Plan addresses the following issues: aircraft, river
uses, climbing/canyoneering, horse use, American Indian access, Wilderness
management, Resource Natural Areas, Wild and Scenic Rivers, inholdings and adjacent
lands, commercial services, transportation systems, and natural and cultural resource
management. 391 By contrast, the plan for Wasatch-Cache National Forest in Utah
addresses the following: watershed health, biodiversity and viability, roads and trails
access, recreation, Wild and Scenic Rivers, Wilderness Areas, roadless areas,
timberlands, rangelands, Research Natural Areas, and oil and gas leasing. 392
In general, management plans are supposed to be revised every 10 to 15 years at
the minimum to keep them up-to-date. 393 Unfortunately many plans are not updated as
frequently as they should be, and as a result they are inadequate in guiding the agencies
through current issues. 394 For example, the BLM has been highly criticized because over
50% of its plans are over 15 years old, and 75% are over 10 years old. 395 Often times a
plan is amended over the years to deal with one or more specific issues, however the
entire plan is not revised comprehensively and as a result it remains fundamentally
outdated. 396 Clearly outdated plans are not very helpful in dealing with current problems.
Furthermore, it seems that many management plans are created with inappropriate
intentions that fail to protect and preserve our public lands. A case study of Yosemite
National Park best illustrates this point.
Yosemite: In November 2000 the National Park Service completed the Final
Yosemite Valley Plan/ Supplemental Environmental Impact Statement (YVP) aimed at
restoring the park’s “breathtaking beauty”. 397 The main goals of the new plan are
modeled after the goals of the park’s 1980 General Management Plan: 398
• Reclaim priceless natural beauty
• Allow natural processes to prevail
• Promote visitor understanding and enjoyment
• Markedly reduce traffic congestion
• Reduce crowding

However since its release the YVP has been extremely controversial, as it fails to
uphold many of these goals. Although the plan proposes several actions that will benefit
Yosemite’s environment, numerous environmental groups and local communities have
severely criticized other parts of the plan, calling it a “development boondoggle” and

claiming that overall it will degrade air quality, expand development, and consume more
land. 399 Some of the most controversial issues are as follows:
• Diesel Busses: The new plan attempts to reduce traffic congestion and air
pollution in the valley by constructing new parking lots outside the valley and
encouraging visitors to park there and ride shuttle busses in. Unfortunately these
busses are diesel-powered, which are far more polluting than regular cars. 400
• No Limits: The YVP fails to limit the number of busses allowed to enter the
valley, allowing for unrestricted growth in bus traffic. As bus traffic increases, so
will pollution, and so will the need for more bus stations. 401
• Increased Development: Overall, the plan will increase the amount of
development in the park. Examples include: about half the valley’s roads will be
widened (including one riverside segment), two new segments if road will be built
while only one will be removed, two of three hotels will expand beyond their
current borders, a large bus station will be built, 402 and restaurants will expand by
• Economic Discrimination: Overall, accommodations will shift towards more
upscale types. The number of campsites will be reduced and 54% of inexpensive,
rustic accommodations will be removed while expensive hotel rooms will
increase by 24%. 404
• Employee Housing: The new plan moves hundreds of NPS employee housing
units out of the valley and into surrounding towns. Local residents are extremely
angry as the housing will be constructed on unspoiled forest land, town
populations will as much as double, and traffic will greatly increase as valley
employees will have a 30 to 60 minute commute. 405

Clearly these actions are not consistent with the goals mentioned above, and will
not leave the park “unimpaired for future generations” as the park’s superintendent,
David Mihalic, claims they will. 406
Another extremely controversial issue in Yosemite is surrounding the Merced
River Plan. The Merced River is a designated Wild and Scenic River and therefore must
have a management plan that will protect its “Outstanding Remarkable Values” (ORV’s).
Legally, management plans for Wild and Scenic Rivers should take precedence ove r any
other land management plans; in this case, it is the Merced River Plan that should legally
guide the creation of the Yosemite Valley Plan. 407 Unfortunately the opposite has
occurred in Yosemite’s case: the river plan was revised in conjunction with the creation
of the new Yosemite Valley Plan to provide a template for increased development and
exploitation of the area. In fact, the draft valley plan was finished before the public
comment period for the river plan had even closed. 408
Many environmental groups claim that the new river plan is illegal because it
fails, and even “refuses”, to protect the river. Among other things, the new Merced River
Plan does the following:
• Lists some of the river’s ORV’s as being designed landscapes, developed areas,
and roads. 409
• Changes the classification of certain river segments from “scenic” to
“recreational” to allow for more development. 410

• Arbitrarily removes several previously established ORV’s, including “air quality”
and “black oak woodlands”, to allow for more development. 411
• Fails to use complete, current scientific studies as the basis for protection. No
recent studies of the river’s flora and fauna have been completed. 412
• Allows rip-rap and other development along the Merced’s riverbanks, which will
alter its free- flowing character. 413

When one considers the timing and scope of the new Merced River Plan, it is
obvious that it was not created with the intention of protecting the river’s wild and scenic
values. Rather, it appears to have been created as a tool to support the development
agenda of the new Yosemite Valley Plan. Friends of Yosemite Valley and Mariposans
for Environmentally Responsible Growth are currently in the midst of litigation against
the National Park Service regarding the Merced River Plan.

In conclusion, it is clear that public land management plans are often failing to
provide proper guidance to land managers, either because they are outdated or just
created with inappropriate intentions. If these plans are to serve as valuable tools for
protecting and preserving our public lands, it seems they need to be re-evaluated and
more strongly enforced.


Clearly there are some very serious threats facing our public lands today. It is
extremely difficult to resolve these complicated issues as there are so many competing
interests involved. While considering these issues, it is quite interesting to note the
mission statements of the various public lands agencies involved:
• Bureau of Land Management: “…to sustain the health, diversity and productivity
of the public lands for the use and enjoyment of present and future
generations.” 414
• National Park Service: “…to promote and regulate the use of the...national
parks...which purpose is to conserve the scenery and the natural and historic
objects and the wild life therein and to provide for the enjoyment of the same in
such manner and by such means as will leave them unimpaired for the enjoyment
of future generations.” 415
• United States Forest Service: “…to provide the greatest amount of good for the
greatest amount of people in the long run.” 416
• United States Fish and Wildlife Service: “…working with others to conserve,
protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, and plants and their habitats for the continuing
benefit of the American people.” 417
• National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: “… to describe and predict
changes in the Earth's environment, and conserve and wisely manage the Nation's
coastal and marine resources.”418

It seems that in many cases, the management actions of public lands agencies are
not consistent with their mission statements, and are therefore defeating the original
purpose for which they were created. Sadly, the result is a nationwide system of public
lands suffering from commercial exploitation, poor maintenance, financial instability, and
severe environmental degradation.

Web site, Public Lands Information Center, www.publiclands.org/html/agencies/agency.html
Web sites,
National Wildlife Refuge System, http://refuges.fws.gov/specialareas/index.html
National Park Service, www.nps.gov/legacy/nomenclature.html
Bureau of Land Management, www.blm.gov/nhp/pubs/rewards/2000/treasures.htm
National Wilderness Preservation System, www.wilderness.net/nwps/nwps_classifications.cfm
Web site, National Radio Project, www.radioproject.org/transcripts/0025.html
Web site, National Park Service Abandoned Mineral Lands Program, www.aqd.nps.gov/grd/amlbrochure/
Web site, Mineral Policy Center, www.mineralpolicy.org/index.php3?whatshot=3
Web s ite, Friends of the Earth Green Scissors Project, www.foe.org/eco/scissors99/publiclands.html
Web site, Mining Activist’s Guide, http://www.teleport.com/~cee/
Zero Extraction from Public Lands, csf.colorado.edu/ecol-econ/apr96/0091.html
Web site, Mineral Policy Center, www.mineralpolicy.org/index.php3?whatshot=4
Web site, the John Muir Project,
Web site, Friends of the Earth Green Scissors Project, www.foe.org/eco/scissors99/publiclands.html
Web site, Sierra Club, www.sierraclub.org/logging/factsheet.asp
Web site, Native Forest Network, www.nativeforest.org/campaigns/public_lands/problem.html
Web site, The National BLM Wilderness Campaign, www.blmwilderness.org/threats.html
Web site, Native Forest Council, www.forestcouncil.org/learnmore/logging.htm
Web site, National Radio Project, www.radioproject.org/transcripts/0025.html
Web site, Native Forest Council, www.forestcouncil.org/learnmore/logging.htm
Web site, Friends of the Earth Green Scissors Project, www.foe.org/eco/scissors99/publiclands.html
Web site, Sierra Club, www.sierraclub.org/logging/factsheet.asp
Web site, National Radio Project, www.radioproject.org/transcripts/0025.html
Web site, Friends of the Earth Green Scissors Project, www.foe.org/eco/scissors99/publiclands.html
Web site, www.forests.org/archive/america/auditfa.htm
Web site, John Muir Project,
Web site, Native Forest Network,
Web site, US Forest Service,
Web site, John Muir Project,
Web site, Sierra Club, www.sierraclub.org/logging/report00/
Web site, John Muir Project,

Web site, Forests Forever, www.forestsforever.org/Sequoialogging.html
Web site, Common Dreams News Center, www.commondreams.org/views/041400-105.htm
Web site, National Radio Project, www.radioproject.org/transcripts/0025.html
Web site, Bureau of Land Management, www.blm.gov/nhp/what/monuments/
Web site, Defenders of Wildlife, www.defenders.org/wildlife/arctic/fws/drill/usfws4.html
Web site, Sierra Club, www.sierraclub.org/wildlands/arctic/oil.asp
Web site, BLM statistics, http://w3.access.gpo.gov/blm/images/3-13-96.pdf
Web site, Defenders of Wildlife, www.defenders.org/wildlife/arctic/arissue.html
Web site, Native Forest Council, www.forestcouncil.org/learnmore/drilling.htm
Web site, Defenders of Wildlife, www.defenders.org/wildlife/arctic/fws/drill/usfws4.html
Web site, Natural Resources Defense Council, www.nrdc.org/land/wilderness/anwr/anwr2.asp
Web site, Native Forest Council, www.forestcouncil.org/learnmore/drilling.htm
Web site, Friends of the Earth, Green Scissors ’99 Report, www.foe.org/eco/scissors99/publiclands.html
Web site, Project on Government Oversight, www.pogo.org/oil/oilindex.htm
Web site, About.com: Environmental Issues,
Web site, US Fish and Wildlife Service Arctic National Wildlife Refuge,
Web site, Defenders of Wildlife, www.defenders.org/wildlife/arctic/fws/drill/usfws
Web site, About.com: Environmental Issues,
Web site, About.com: Environmental Issues,
Web site, Sierra Club, www.sierraclub.org/wildlands/arctic/oil.asp
Web site, RangeNet, www.rangenet.org/directory/hudakm/overview.html
Web site, RangeNet, www.rangenet.org/rn2k/declaration.html
Web site, RangeNet, www.rangenet.org/directory/hudakm/overview.html
Web site, RangeNet, www.rangenet.org/rn2k/declaration.html
Web site, Natural Resources Defense Council, www.nrdc.org/land/use/fgrazef.asp
Web site, RangeNet, www.rangenet.org/directory/hudakm/overview.html
Web site, Native Forest Council, www.forestcouncil.org/learnmore/grazing.htm
Web site, RangeNet, www.rangenet.org/directory/hudakm/overview.html
Web site, RangeNet, www.rangenet.org/directory/hudakm/overview.html
Web site, RangeNet, www.rangenet.org/rn2k/declaration.html
Web site, Forest Guardians, www.fguardians.org/highcost.htm
Web site, Native Forest Council, www.forestcouncil.org/learnmore/grazing.htm
Web site, Forest Guardians, www.fguardians.org/highcost.htm
Web site, RangeNet, www.rangenet.org/directory/hudakm/overview.html
Web site, Forest Guardians, www.fguardians.org/boondogl.htm
Web site, American Lands Alliance, www.americanlands.org/forestweb/grasslands_&_deserts.htm
Web site, Forest Guardians, www.fguardians.org/cowboys.html#rest
Web site, Different Drummer Magazine, www.teleport.com/~rot/rangeref.html
Web site, Environment News Service, ens.lycos.com/ens/may2000/2000L-05-16-06.html

Web site, American Oceans Campaign, www.americanoceans.org/fish/what.htm
Web site, CNN, www.cnn.com/TECH/science/9812/15/bottomtrawlers.yoto/
Web site, NOAA National Marine Sanctuaries,
Web site, Environment News Service, http://ens.lycos.com/ens/jun2000/2000L-06-16-02.html
Web site, Marine Conservation Biology Institute, www.mcbi.org/btrawl/inserts.html
Web site, CNN, www.cnn.com/TECH/science/9812/15/bottomtrawlers.yoto/
Web site, Marine Conservation Biology Institute, www.mcbi.org/btrawl/insert.html
Web site, Environment News Service, http://ens.lycos.com/ens/jun2000/2000L-06-16-02.html
Web site, CNN, www.cnn.com/TECH/science/9812/15/bottomtrawlers.yoto/
Web site, Marine Conservation Biology Institute, www.mcbi.org/btrawl/insert.html
Web site, Tidepool, www.tidepool.org/Sutherland.sanc.cfm
Web site, Marine Conservation Biology Institute, www.mcbi.org/btrawl/insert.html
Web site, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
Web site, Animal Protection Institute, www.api4animals.org/areas.asp?c=5&ID=605
Web site, Tidepool, www.tidepool.org/Sutherland.sanc.cfm
Web site, American Oceans Campaign, www.americanoceans.org/fish/trawlpack4.htm
Web site, National Marine Fisheries Service, www.nmfs.noaa.gov/habitat/efh/
Web site, American Oceans Campaign, www.americanoceans.org/fish/trawlpack4.htm
Web site, National Marine Fisheries Service, www.nmfs.noaa.gov/sfa/
Web site, American Oceans Campaign, www.americanoceans.org/fish/trawlpack4.htm
Web site, Tidepool, www.tidepool.org/Sutherland.sanc.cfm
Web site, American Oceans Campaign, www.americanoceans.org/fish/trawlpack5.htm
Web site, Environment News Service, http://ens.lycos.com/ens/feb2001/2001L-02-22-06.html
Web site, Environment News Service, http://ens.lycos.com/ens/may2000/2000L-05-26-06.html
Web site, LA Times, www.latimes.com/news/politics/elect2000/pres/news2/20010406/t000029382.html
Web site, American Lands Alliance, www.americanlands.org/forestweb/offroad.htm
Web site, The Wilderness Society, www.wilderness.org/standbylands/orv/blm_wsa.htm
Web site, Native Forest Council, www.forestcouncil.org/learnmore/wreckreation.htm
Web site, American Lands Alliance, www.americanlands.org/forestweb/offroad.htm
Web site, Native Forest Council, www.forestcouncil.org/learnmore/wreckreation.htm
Web site, American Lands Alliance, www.americanlands.org/forestweb/offroad.htm
Web site, The Wilderness Society, www.wilderness.org/standbylands/orv/blm_wsa.htm
Web site, Biodiversity Associates, www.biodiversityassociates.org/blm/news/n4dec00.html
Web site, The Wilderness Society, www.wilderness.org/standbylands/orv/blm_wsa.htm
Web site, American Lands Alliance, www.americanlands.org/forestweb/offroad.htm

Web site, Bureau of Land Management, www.blm.gov/ohv/
Web site, Biodiversity Associates, www.biodiversityassociates.org/blm/news/n4dec00.html
Web site, The Wilderness Society, www.wilderness.org/standbylands/orv/blm_wsa.htm
Web site, Biodiversity Associates, www.biodiversityassociates.org/blm/news/n4dec00.html
Web site, American Lands Alliance, www.americanlands.org/forestweb/offroad.htm
Web site, USA Today, www.usatoday.com/news/washdc/2001-04-23-snowmobile.htm
Web site, CNN, www.cnn.com/2001/TRAVEL/NEWS/04/24/snowmobileban.ap/index.html?s=8%20
Web site, Los Angeles Times, www.latimes.com/news/nation/20010426/t000035382.html
Web site, Bureau of Land Management, www.blm.gov/ohv/
Web site, ABC News, http://abcnews.go.com/sections/science/DailyNews/parks990420.html
Web site, National Park Service, www2.nature.nps.gov/stats/
Web site, United States House of Representatives,
Web site, Pacific Northwest Regional Economic Conference, www.cahe.wsu.edu/~pnrec97/schal2.htm
Web site, American University, www.american.edu/projects/mandala/TED/yosemite.htm
Web site, Different Drummer, www.teleport.com/~rot/npsprobs2.html#RTFToC5
Web site, American University, www.american.edu/projects/mandala/TED/yosemite.htm
Web sites,
National Park Service, www.nps.gov/yose/planning/yvp/seis/vol_II/appendix_c.html
TIME, www.time.com/time/magazine/archive/1994/940725/940725.nationalparks.html
Web site, ABC News, http://abcnews.go.com/sections/science/DailyNews/parks990420.html
Web sites,
Florida State University College of Law, www.law.fsu.edu/journals/landuse/Vol141/anss.htm
Living on Earth, www.loe.org/archives/990730.htm
Web site, American Park Network, www.americanparknetwork.com/parkinfo/sm/
Web site, TIME, www.time.com/time/magazine/archive/1994/940725/940725.nationalparks.html
Web site, TIME, www.time.com/time/magazine/archive/1995/950703/950703.environment.html
Web site, Yellowstone Net, www.yellowstone.net/history.htm
Web site, Florida State University College of Law, www.law.fsu.edu/journals/landuse/Vol141/anss.htm
Web site, Roberts Environmental Center,
Web site, TIME, www.time.com/time/magazine/archive/1994/940725/940725.nationalparks.html
Web site, Alternative Fuels Data Center, www.afdc.nrel.gov/documents/altfuelnews/3_1feature.html
Web site, Florida State University College of Law, www.law.fsu.edu/journals/landuse/Vol141/anss.htm
Web site, Clean Cities, www.ccities.doe.gov/success/zion.shtml
Web site, Yosemite Park Net, www.yosemitepark.net/npsfaq/yosemite_1.htm
Web site, Yosemite Concession Services, www.yosemitepark.com/html/treasure_dnc.html
Web site, Florida State University College of Law, www.law.fsu.edu/journals/landuse/Vol141/anss.htm
Web site, Roberts Environmental Center,
Web site, Defenders of Wildlife, www.defenders.org/inter2.html
Web site, Florida State University Co llege of Law, www.law.fsu.edu/journals/landuse/Vol141/anss.htm

Web site, High Country News, http://www.hcn.org/servlets/hcn.PrintableArticle?article_id=4691
Web site, Billings Gazette, www.billingsgazette.com/wyoming/990308_wyo015.html
Web site, Defenders of Wildlife, www.defenders.org/inter2.html
Web site, Florida State University College of Law, www.law.fsu.edu/journals/landuse/Vol141/anss.htm
Web site, Roberts Environmental Center,
Web site, National Park Service, www.nps.gov/feedemo/#anchor170564
Web site, Florida State University College of Law, www.law.fsu.edu/journals/landuse/Vol141/anss.htm
Web s ite, National Trust for Historic Preservation, www.nthp.org/main/frontline/Pan7982.htm
Web site, Native Forest Network,
Web site, Free Our Forests, www.freeourforests.org/newsflash.htm
Web site, Wild Wilderness, www.wildwilderness.org/docs/scposition.htm
Web site, Free Our Forests, www.freeourforests.org/newsflash.htm
Web site, The Wilderness Society, http://www.wilderness.org/newsroom/pdf/antiquities0201.pdf
Web site, the National Council for Science and the Environment, www.cnie.org/nle/pub-15.html
Web site, Environmental News Network, www.enn.com/enn-news-
Web site, the National Council for Science and the Environment, www.cnie.org/nle/pub-15.html
Web site, The Wilderness Society, http://www.wilderness.org/newsroom/pdf/antiquities0201.pdf
Web site, the National Council for Science and the Environment, www.cnie.org/nle/pub-15.html
Web site, National Park Service, http://www.cr.nps.gov/local-law/anti1906.htm
Web site, The Wilderness Society, http://www.wilderness.org/newsroom/pdf/antiquities0201.pdf
Web site, the National Council for Science and the Environment, www.cnie.org/nle/pub-15.html
Web site, National Park Service, http://www.cr.nps.gov/local-law/anti1906.htm
Web site, the National Council for Science and the Environment, www.cnie.org/nle/pub-15.html
Web site, Environmental News Network, www.enn.com/enn-news-
Web site, the National Council for Science and the Environment, www.cnie.org/nle/pub-15.html
Web site, CNN, http://www.cnn.com/2000/NATURE/01/11/grand.canyon.02/
Web site, Freedom.org, www.freedom.org/prc/news/20000101/11.html
Web site, The Wilderness Society, www.wilderness.org/standbylands/monument_attacks.htm
Web site, CNN, http://www.cnn.com/2000/NATURE/01/11/grand.canyon.02/
Web site, Environment News Service, http://ens.lycos.com/ens/jan2001/2001L-01-11-15.html
Web site, American Wildlands, www.wildlands.org/publands/road_ecovalue.html
Web site, Environment News Service, http://ens.lycos.com/ens/jan2001/2001L-01-05-15.html
Web site, The Wilderness Society, www.wilderness.org/s tandbylands/forests/forest_health_facts.pdf

Web site, American Wildlands, www.wildlands.org/publands/road_ecovalue.html
Web site, The Wilderness Society, www.wilderness.org/standbylands/forests/TWS_Values.pdf
Web site, American Wildlands, www.wildlands.org/publands/road_ecovalue.html
Web site, The Wilderness Society, www.wilderness.org/standbylands/forests/roadless_area.htm
Web site, Environment News Service, http://ens.lycos.com/ens/jan2001/2001L-01-05-15.html
Web site, National Radio Project, www.radioproject.org/transcripts/0025.html
Web site, The Wilderness Society, www.wilderness.org/wildalert/021601.htm#roadless
Web site, American Wildlands, www.wildlands.org/publands/landx.html
Web site, Western Land Exchange Project, www.westlx.org/theissue.htm
Web site, Green Scissors, www.greenscissors.org/publiclands/landexchanges.htm
Web site, Western Land Exchange Project, www.westlx.org/theissue.htm
Web site, the Missoulian,
Web site, Western Land Exchange Project, www.westlx.org/theissue.htm
Web site, American Wildlands, www.wildlands.org/publands/landx.html
Web site, Green Scissors, www.greenscissors.org/publiclands/landexchanges.htm
Web site, Western Land Exchange Project, www.westlx.org/theissue.htm
Web site, American Wildlands, www.wildlands.org/publands/landx.html
Web site, Public Land Foundation, www.publicland.org/land.htm
Web site, Green Scissors, www.greenscissors.org/publiclands/landexchanges.htm
Web site, Public Land Foundation, www.publicland.org/land.htm
Web site, the Missoulian,
Web site, Public Land Foundation, www.publicland.org/land.htm
Web site, American Wildlands, www.wildlands.org/publands/landxgao.html
Web site, Western Land Exchange Project, www.westlx.org/news_articles/7-12responseGAO.doc
Web site, Florida State University College of Law, www.law.fsu.edu/journals/landuse/Vol141/anss.htm
Web site, US News, www.usnews.com/usnews/issue/970721/21park.htm
Web site, Florida State University College of Law, www.law.fsu.edu/journals/landuse/Vol141/anss.htm
Web site, US News, www.usnews.com/usnews/issue/970721/21park.htm
Web site, Dollywood, www.dollywood.com/Gen_Contact.htm
Web site, US News, www.usnews.com/usnews/issue/970721/21park.htm
Web site, Environment News Service, http://ens.lycos.com/ens/aug99/1999L-08-25-06.html
Web site, Beach Browser, www.beachbrowser.com/Archives/local-news/September-99/National-parks-
Web site, Environment News Service, http://ens.lycos.com/ens/aug99/1999L-08-25-06.html
Web site, Beach Browser, www.beachbrowser.com/Archives/local-news/September-99/National-parks-

Web site, National Park Service, www.nps.gov/moja/mojaplan/mojaappc.html#lppsum
Web site, Environment News Service, http://ens.lycos.com/ens/aug99/1999L-08-25-06.html
Web site, the Wilderness Society, www.wilderness.org/newsroom/15most_1999/mojave.htm
Web site, US House of Representatives, www.house.gov/apps/list/press/ca40_lewis/101399catellus.html
Web site, National Park Service, www.aqd.nps.gov/pubs/ranking/ranking.htm
Web site, California Native Plant Society, www.cnps.org/archives/exotics.htm
Web site, Bureau of Land Management, www.blm.gov/weeds/
Web site, American Lands, www.americanlands.org/forestweb/invasive.htm
Web site, California Native Plant Society, www.cnps.org/archives/exotics.htm
Web site, USGS Biological Resources Division , http://biology.usgs.gov/s+t/noframe/x180.htm
Web site, US Forest Service, www.srs.fs.fed.us/pubs/rpc/1999-03/rpc_99mar_27.htm
Web site, USGS Biological Resources Division , http://biology.usgs.gov/s+t/noframe/x180.htm
Web site, California Native Plant Society, www.cnps.org/archives/exotics.htm
Web site, Defenders of Wildlife, www.defenders.org/inter2.html
Web site, American Lands, www.americanlands.org/forestweb/invasive.htm
Web site, Public Lands Foundation, www.publicland.org/backgrou.htm
Web site, Larimer County, Colorado, www.co.larimer.co.us/publicworks/weeds/whyweedsarebad.htm
Web site, Public Lands Foundation, www.publicland.org/backgrou.htm
Web site, California Native Plant Society, www.cnps.org/archives/exotics.htm
Web site, Public Lands Foundation, www.publicland.org/backgrou.htm
Web site, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, http://fisheries.fws.gov/FWSMA/MAIS.htm
Web site, American Lands, www.americanlands.org/forestweb/invasive.htm
Web site, University at Buffalo, http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/e-resources/ebooks/records/754.html
Web site, Harvey Mudd College, www.cs.hmc.edu/~steve/bio52/animals.html
Web site, American Wildlands, www.wildlands.org/publands/fire_logging.html
Web site, University at Buffalo, http://ublib.buffalo.edu/libraries/e-resources/ebooks/records/754.html
Web site, American Lands, www.americanlands.org/forestweb/fire.htm
Web site, American Wildlands, www.wildlands.org/publands/fire_logging.html
Web site, Chester County, www.chesco.com/~treeman/nfpra/2000/fire -00.html
Web site, American Wildlands, www.wildlands.org/publands/wildfires.html

Web site, Environmental News Network,
Web site, American Wildlands, www.wildlands.org/publands/wildfires.html
Web site, Animal Rights Law Project, www.animal-law.org/wildhorses/wildhrse.htm
Web site, USGS Biological Resources Division, http://biology.usgs.gov/s+t/noframe/x182.htm
Web site, Animal Protection Institute, www.api4animals.org/doc.asp?ID=89
Web site, Public Lands Foundation, www.publicland.org/wildH&B.htm
Web site, USGS Biological Resources Division, http://biology.usgs.gov/s+t/noframe/x182.htm
Web site, Public Lands Foundation, www.publicland.org/wildH&B.htm
Web site, Animal Protection Institute, www.api4animals.org/doc.asp?ID=89
Web site, USGS Biological Resources Division, http://biology.usgs.gov/s+t/noframe/x182.htm
Web s ite, American Horse Defense Fund, www.ahdf.org/wildhorses.htm
Web site, Animal Rights Law Project, www.animal-law.org/wildhorses/wildhrse.htm
Web site, Animal Protection Institute, www.api4animals.org/doc.asp?ID=89
Web site, Animal Rights Law Project, www.animal-law.org/wildhorses/wildhrse.htm
Web site, Animal Protection Institute, www.api4animals.org/doc.asp?ID=89
Web sites,
Animal Rights Law Project, www.animal-law.org/wildhorses/wildhrse.htm
American Horse Defense Fund, www.ahdf.org/wildhorses.htm
Web site, Doris Day Animal League, www.ddal.org/currentcampaignsWHB.html
Web site, American Horse Defense Fund, www.ahdf.org/wildhorses.htm
Web site, Animal Protection Institute, www.api4animals.org/doc.asp?ID=89
Web site, Tarlton Law, University of Texas, http://tarlton.law.utexas.edu/dawson/theme/wild_97.htm
Web site, Animal Rights Law Project, www.animal-law.org/wildhorses/wildhrse.htm
Web site, Bureau of Land Management, www.wildhorseandburro.blm.gov/stats00.html
Web site, Environment News Service, http://ens.lycos.com/e-wire/Aug00/21Aug0002.html
Web site, Virunga News, http://virunga.org/jbin/story/4342
Web site, National Park Service, www.nps.gov/calo/gmp_proc.htm
Web site, National Park Service, www.nps.gov/piro/gmp2link4.htm
Web site, National Park Service, www.nps.gov/planning/zion/vmrp/4/issues.htm
Web site, Environmental Protection Agency, www.epa.gov/fedrgstr/EPA-
Web sites,
Environmental Protection Agency, www.epa.gov/fedrgstr/EPA-IMPACT/1999/September/Day-
National Park Service, www.nps.gov/calo/gmp_proc.htm
National BLM Wilderness Campaign, www.blmwilderness.org/maps.html
Web site, National BLM Wilderness Campaign, www.blmwilderness.org/maps.html
Web site, Forests.org, http://forests.org/archive/america/yosvallr.htm

Web site, National Park Service, www.nps.gov/yose/planning/yvp/seis/vol_Ia/esummary.html
Web site, Forests.org, http://forests.org/archive/america/yosvallr.htm
Web site, Sierra Club, http://california.sierraclub.org/yosemite/action_alert_17feb01.html
Fresno Bee, “Yosemite Plan Will Endanger Environment”, Greg Adair, 6 April 2001
Web site, Forests.org, http://forests.org/archive/america/yosvallr.htm
Fresno Bee, “Yosemite Plan Will Endanger Environment”, Greg Adair, 6 April 2001
Web site, Wawona Property Owners Association, www.wawona-
Web site, National Park Service, www.nps.gov/yose/planning/yvp/letter.html
Web site, Sierra Club, http://california.sierraclub.org/yosemite/action_alert_28jan00.html
Fresno Bee, “Yosemite Plan Will Endanger Environment”, Greg Adair, 6 April 2001
Web site, National Park Service, www.nps.gov/yose/planning/mrp/tables/II_1.pdf, and Pete Frost,
Western Environmental Law Center (a letter to Wild and Scenic River Advocates, regarding an Amicus
Pete Frost, Western Environmental Law Center (a letter to Wild and Scenic River Advocates, regarding
an Amicus Brief)
Ibid, and web site, Sierra Club, http://california.sierraclub.org/yosemite/action_alert_28jan00.html
Pete Frost, Western Environmental Law Center (a letter to Wild and Scenic River Advocates, regarding
an Amicus Brief)
Web site, Bureau of Land Management, www.blm.gov/nhp/facts/index.htm
Web site, National Park Service, www.nps.gov/legacy/mission.html
Web site, US Forest Service, www.fs.fed.us/pages/meetfs.html
Web site, US Fish and Wildlife Service, www.fws.gov/who/
Web site, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, www.strategic.noaa.gov/


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