Lect. 3 PL Path 111 - History of Plant Pathology PDF
Lect. 3 PL Path 111 - History of Plant Pathology PDF
Lect. 3 PL Path 111 - History of Plant Pathology PDF
P.N. Sharma
Department of Plant Pathology,
CSK HPKV, Palampur (H.P.)
Amos (about 750B.C.) was so Ancient times
steeped in mysticism while
writing the Bible.
Romans created two Gods for
dreaded Rust – “Robigo and
On 25th April – Robigalia - a special
Theophrastus (200 B.C.) observed
that plant disease were worse in
low spots than on high grounds
Diseases 14.1%
Insects 10.2%
Weeds 12.2%
Total av. looses 36.5%
by Plant
“The 21st century will prove to be a fort of
strength for plant pathology, a fountain
head of knowledge where students will
drink, and the waters of which will wet the
dry lands of the whole world”
I gratefully acknowledge the use of some very
important photographs given in text book
“Plant Pathology” by G N Agrios.
I also acknowledge the scientists who spent
valuable time in generating information on
various aspects of plant pathology and
displayed the same on internet for use by
students, teachers and researchers
Lecture dedicated to respected “G N Agrios”