Advisory 1 API Procedures Concerning Communications With Third Parties
Advisory 1 API Procedures Concerning Communications With Third Parties
Advisory 1 API Procedures Concerning Communications With Third Parties
API is aware that some API licensees utilize consultants and other third parties to assist in the development of
management systems for their facilities. API also recognizes that these consultants can provide a valuable
service to the industry and can help to expedite the licensing and certification process.
For the purpose of this Advisory, the term “Program Participant” includes all organizations licensed, registered,
certified or under application with the API Monogram Program and/or API Quality Registrar (QR), as well as
those organizations’ employees, consultants, and other representatives involved in the API licensing and
certification process.
API does not approve or endorse third party consultants, and a Program Participant’s choice to use or not use a
particular consultant’s services shall not affect their status with API. Program Participants are not required to
use consultants. API auditors shall not require or recommend consulting services to meet the API program
The Management Representatives (MR) or other authorized personnel who are the Program Participant’s
employees must be appointed by the organization’s management and be employed by the organization on a
full-time basis. Consultants hired on a contract or temporary basis do not satisfy this requirement.
This Advisory is intended to notify all Program Participants and the public of API’s procedures for managing
communications if a third party is involved in the application or certification process or if a member of the public
submits a non-conformance report (NCR) for a faulty product or registers a complaint about a Program
Participant. The key elements of this procedure are as follows:
If requested by the Program Participant API will also send copies of correspondence related to the
certification or application to a third party.
API will only respond to specific inquiries or questions relating to a Program Participant when the
correspondence comes directly from a Program Participant’s authorized employee (i.e., Management
Representative, Quality Manager, etc.).
An authorized employee of the Program Participant must sign all program forms and legal documents;
this includes electronic and online forms.
The Program Participant remains solely responsible for complying with all of the requirements of API’s
programs, including but not limited to, responding to correspondence from API.
API will acknowledge receipt of the NCR and/or the complaint and inform the person filing the NCR or
complaint that appropriate action will be taken.
In any follow-up correspondence, API may ask for additional clarifying information but will not
communicate actions taken.