Grade 1 DLL MATH Q4 Week 5
Grade 1 DLL MATH Q4 Week 5
Grade 1 DLL MATH Q4 Week 5
A. Content Standards The Learner demonstrates understanding of time and non-standard units of length, mass and capacity. WEEKLY TEST
B. Performance Standards The Learner is able to apply knowledge of time and non-standard measures of length, mass, and capacity in mathematical problems and real-life
C. Learning
Competencies/Objectives M1ME-IVe-21 M1ME-IVf-22
he LC code for each.)
estimates and measures mass using non-standard units of estimates and measures capacity using
mass measure. non-standard unit.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
B. Other Learning Resources ✓ improvised balance (made of a cloth hanger and 2 identical plastic ✓ Transparent plastic jars
bags) ✓ ●Plastic cups
∙ Two identical boxes as big as a chalk box labeled A and B (box A is ✓ Sand
half-filled with small marbles while box B is empty)
A. Reviewing previous lesson or Singing of a song Show two objects . posing the task:
presenting the new lesson Singing of a song
have the pupils measures the weight of each Show the pupils a
object. plastic cup and a
Tell: Suppose you
want to find the
number of cups of
sand that can fill the
jar, how would you
do it?
Have them share
their ideas on the
Guide pupils in
answering th
(possible answer is at TG on
page 82)
B. Establishing a purpose for the
lesson Show the pupils two identical Show different pair of object to the class Divide the class into Have them do the same
boxes and ask these groups of 4. Distribute task they did yesterday
questions: Divide the class into 3 groups the materials
What do I have here? including the Activity This time use a a plastic
What can you say about the Each group will measure out the weight / mass Sheet. Tell the pupils bottle to be fill- up of
boxes? of the objects. to estimate first water.
What can you say about their before finding the
weights? Have them present their work on in front of the actual number of Do the same groups
Is it possible that box A is class cups that can fill the
heavier than box B or box B is jar. Tell them to And have them make a
heavier than box A? Why? record their new activity sheets for
How will you know which box estimates and the their group new task to
is heavier? actual number of do.
Have the pupils think and cups in the activity
shares their answers. sheet.
Let them do the task
C. Presenting examples/instances Ask: Ask: Ask:
of the new lesson Discuss and explain to the What can you say now about the weights of Observe how pupils
class the possible answer on these two objects? do the activity. Observe how they do the
the given questions. Let them share their ideas/Answer. Observe how they activity and how they fill
put the sand into the up water into the plastic
Guide them in sharing their plastic cup and how bottle.
ideas/ answers the questions. they pour the sand
into the jar. Some
pupils might put the (remind them to do the
sand into the plastic activity they done
cup without leveling yesterday)
to its brim. Some
pupils may spill the
sand while pouring
into the jar. Make
sure that they put the
sand into the cup
D. Discussing the new concepts Divide the class in groups of 6. At this point let the pupils realize that it does not The jar used in this Presenting their activity/
and practicing new skills #1 Give each group two boxes always mean that if two objects look alike then plan contains four task in front of the class
which are exactly the same they have the same weight. There is a need to cups of sand. In the
as boxes A and B. hold and lift the objects or do hefting to actual class, the
-All boxes marked A should be determine if both have the same weight or if answer of pupils may
half-filled with marbles. Tell the any one of the two objects is heavier or lighter vary depending on
class not to open the boxes. than the other. the size of the plastic
-Let each member of the cup and the size of
group lift the two boxes to the jar that will be
check if the two boxes are of used.
the same weight
(for more discussion pls. refer to TG on page 76)
E. Discussing the new concepts What did you find out about Ask: Ask:
and practicing new skills # the weight of the two boxes? Can you think of another way of knowing Whose estimate is Ask:
Which box is heavier? which box is heavier? equal to the actual
Have the pupils answer the number of cups? Do you like our activity this
question. Show the improvised balance and say, “This is How did you morning?
an improvised balance. We can also use this to estimate?
Let them carry the box each compare the weights of the two boxes. -guide pupils in
one of them and answer the answering the
given questions. questions
ng mastery Teacher: Group activity: Ask: Ask:
“This time instead of lifting the How did you find the
boxes one at a time, put the Same grouping, let them compare the weights number of cups of How did you find the
two boxes in your hands, one of the two boxes using an improvised balance. sand needed to number of plastic bottle
box on each hand. Compare completely fill jar?
of water needed to
the weight of the two boxes.” Give each group an improvised balance. completely fill the big jar?
Observe how they do it. (possible answer is at
(more discussion is at TG on page 77) TG on page 82-83) Same discussion on
previous day
Get 1 empty jar and
practical applications of concepts and skills in Using this method of putting Have each group present their task in front of 1 empty cup. Call
daily living the boxes one on each hand, the class one pupil to
did you find the same result demonstrate in front
about the weights of the two And ask these following questions: of the class how they
boxes as when you lifted did it. Let the pupil
them? What did you notice with the balance when pour one cup of
What can you say now about you placed the two boxes? sand into the jar.
the weights of these two To which side did it tilt?
boxes which look alike? Why do you think it tilted to the side where box Ask other pupils to
Guide their answers on the A is? observe carefully.
given questions- are your guesses a while ago correct as to Ask: Do you think
what will happen to the balance when the two your classmate did it
boxes are placed one in each bag? correctly?
(pls. refer to TG on page 77) (more possible answers is at TG on page 77-78)
(more discussion is at TG
on page 83)
generalizations and abstraction about the lesson Remember: Remember: Remember these:
A. It does not always A. Different objects
mean that if two The capacity of a can be
objects look alike container can be B. Remember
then they have the
expressed in terms these:
same weight. Objects
need to be lifted or 1.An improvised balance can also be used to of smaller C. The capacity of a
weighed to find the weight of an object.
container can be
determine whether
expressed in
they have the same 2.In finding the weight of an object we can use To find the capacity terms of smaller
weight or not.
an improvised balance and a set of objects of a container, do containers
B. One way of which have the same size and the same the following:
D. To find the
comparing the weight. The weight of an object is expressed put objects like capacity of a
weights of two container, do the
in terms of the weight of the set of
objects sand, water, or salt
objects is by placing following:
in a smaller
the objects, one on put objects like
each hand. Another container, and then sand, water, or
3.Two objects have the same weights if their level it t its brim.
way is by using an salt in a smaller
weights are equal to the
weight of the same
pour the
improvised balance. container, and
When an improvised objects used for measuring.
contents of the then level it t its
balance is used, the smaller container brim.
balance would tilt to carefully into the the contents of
the side with a larger container. the smaller
heavier object. But container
Make sure that
when the objects carefully into the
being compared have larger container.
the same weights the Make sure that
repeat the
balance will not tilt nothing
process until the
to any side. But these E. repeat the
methods are larger
container is process until the
appropriate for small full to its brim.
light objects only.
is full to its brim.
Then count the
number of times the F. Then count the
process is number of times
process is
I. Evaluating learning Buluhatong Papel 1 Buluhatong Papel 2 Buluhton sa papel (teacher will make an
Lingini ang letra sa Tubaga ang mosunod nga pangutana: Upat ka baso nga activity sheets in suited
ensaktong tubag.
gatas makapuno to the lesson.)
(pls. refer to LM on page 393-394) (pls. refer to LM on page 395-396) sa sa usa ka
kahón. Idugtong
ang column/lindog
A ngadto sa
column/lindog B
gamiton ang linya
sa tukma nga
(pls. refer to LM on
page 399)
J. Additional activities for application Home Activity
or remediation Draw an improvised balance showing that the
weight of an apple is greater than the weight
of 2 guavas.
Draw an improvised balance showing that the
weight of a rectangular box is equal to the
weight of 5 marbles.
(pls. refer to LM on page 396) (pls. refer to LM on
page 400)
A. No. of learners who earned 80% in
the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for remediation
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of the teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter
which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovations or localized
materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other
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