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Astro Taara Balam

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No English Name Tamil Name Ruling God ### Position Type Remarks Position Remarks New_Remarks Taara Balam

emarks Position Remarks New_Remarks Taara Balam is most significant for any business travel, education or starting a business or even for the marriages and other functions. Tara is b eing calculated as per the person’s own birth star and connecting it with the Star on the day you would like to start the things. In some cases when the day’s star is not auspicious as per the Tara chart – you need to look for the next available day.
1 Ashvini/Aswini Aswini Saraswathi Devi 4 Kshema Taara Safe, Good 14 Pratyak Taara Not Good
2 Bharani Bharani Durga Devi 5 Pratyak Taara Not Good 15 Saadhana Taara Very Good Matrix of calculatio n: As you are a ware there are 27 stars in total. Your birth star is constant. So refer the Panchanga, and see the Star on the pa rticular day, and note it. Then you start counting from your birth start (including your star to the star you noted for the particular day) For example your Birth star is Rohini and the star in the Panchanga on that day is Visakha. So Rohini 1, Mrigasira 2, Aaardra 3, Punarvasu 4, Pushyami 5, Aaslesha 6, Magh a 7, Pur – Ph alguni 8, Uttara 9, H asta 10, Chitta 11 , Swa th i 12, Visakha 13 ; T hat is it. T he total is 13, then divide it with 9, you get a balance of 4, See the chart – on top line select the Visakha ( a s it is Star of Pancha nga) and search for the left side row and look out for Rohini ( Your Birth Star) The meeting point is shown as Ravi 4 !
3 Krittika/Krithika Karthigai Arthanaarishwar 6 Saadhana Taara Very Good 16 Naidhana Taara Totally Bad
4 Rohini Rohini Krishnan 7 Naidhana Taara Totally Bad 17 Mitra Taara Good Now com ing to th e different Tara Bala n um bers:
5 Mrigashirsha Mrigasheersham Anna Poorni 8 Mitra Taara Good 18 Parama Mitra Taara Good
6 Ardra Thiruvaathirai Chidambara Natarajaar 9 Parama Mitra Taara Good 19 Janma Taara Not good If you get balance 1 – Jan ma Taara : Not Good, Sun ( Ravi is the lord) creates problems that will hit your mind. The third Pada of the star is having inbuilt bad affects. It creates unbelievable mental torture.
7 Punarvasu Punarpoosam Kalabhairavar 10 Janma Taara Not good 20 Sampatt Taara Very good
8 Pushya Poosam Punnai Nallur Mariyamman 11 Sampatt Taara Very good 21 Vipat Taara Dangerous If you get balance 2 - Sampatt Taara : Very Good for b usiness, Good. Budha (Mercury) is the lord . F ina ncial gains and comforts are indicated.
9 Ashlesha Aayilyam Aadiseshan 12 Vipat Taara Dangerous 22 Kshema Taara Safe, Good
10 Magha Makam Visalakshi 13 Kshema Taara Safe, Good 23 Pratyak Taara Not Good If you get balance 3 - Vip at Taara : Dangerous, Not Good, Rahu is th e lord. T he first Pada of the star is not in good position. There m ay be difficult situations and people may discredit you and misunderstands may occur. N o positive work w ill be done rather there will be some clashes.
11 Purva Phalguni Pooram Andaal Devi 14 Pratyak Taara Not Good 24 Saadhana Taara Very Good
12 Uttara Phalguni Uthiram Lakshmi Devi / Ayyappan 15 Saadhana Taara Very Good 25 Naidhana Taara Totally Bad If you get balance 4 K shem a T aara : Safe Good, there are no bad afflictions and negative results. You get mental confidence, your work will be done and there w ill be comforts and the people live happily e ver afte r!
13 Hasta Hastham Tirupathi Perumal 16 Naidhana Taara Totally Bad 26 Mitra Taara Good
14 Chitra Chithirai Boodevi 17 Mitra Taara Good 27 Parama Mitra Taara Good If you get balance 5 Pratya k Taara : N ot Good , Not Good. The 4th Pada in the star is not good. Danger of fatal accidents and danger of harming your busin ess deals and career path!
15 Swati Swaathi Narasimhar 18 Parama Mitra Taara Good 1 Janma Taara Not good
16 Vishakha Visaakam Murugan 19 Janma Taara Not good 2 Sampatt Taara Very good If you get balance 6 Saad hana T aara : Very Good ! F ame enabler. You help others, your get wealth and you be come famous and in the process – your work will be done.
17 Anuradha Anusham Lakshmi Narayanan 20 Sampatt Taara Very good 3 Vipat Taara Dangerous
18 Jyeshtha Kettai Varaha Perumal 21 Vipat Taara Dangerous 4 Kshema Taara Safe, Good If you get balance 7 N aidhan a Taara : Totally Bad, Not Go od. Creates financial loss and fear of clashes! The 2nd pada of the star is not good. D ifficulties, roaming around, unnecessary spending, expe nses.
19 Mula Moolam Hanuman 22 Kshema Taara Safe, Good 5 Pratyak Taara Not Good
20 Purva Ashadha Pooraadam Shankara Narayanan 23 Pratyak Taara Not Good 6 Saadhana Taara Very Good If you get balance 8 Mitra Taara : Good. Gives the comfort and happiness – p articularly the sexual pleasures. Develop creative spirits and unexpected pleasures are indicated.
21 Uttara Ashadha Uthiraadam Shankara Narayanan 24 Saadhana Taara Very Good 7 Naidhana Taara Totally Bad
22 Shravana Thiruvonam Ulaganantha Perumal 25 Naidhana Taara Totally Bad 8 Mitra Taara Good If you get balance 9 Param a Mitra Taara : Good but with little effort, your work w ill be done. T here will be some financial gains at the e nd.
23 Dhanishtha Avittam Brahman 26 Mitra Taara Good 9 Parama Mitra Taara Good
24 Shatabhisha Chathayam/Sadayam Swarna Bhairavar 27 Parama Mitra Taara Good 10 Janma Taara Not good
25 Purva Bhadrapada Poorattathi Kuberan 1 Janma Taara Not good 11 Sampatt Taara Very good
26 Uttara Bhadrapada Uthirattathi Kamadhenu 2 Sampatt Taara Very good 12 Vipat Taara Dangerous 1 Janma TaarNot good
27 Revati Revathi Sri Aranganathan 3 Vipat Taara Dangerous 13 Kshema Taara Safe, Good 2 Sampatt TaVery good
3 Vipat TaaraDangerous
4 Kshema TaaSafe, Good
5 Pratyak TaaNot Good
6 Saadhana TVery Good
7 Naidhana TaTotally Bad
8 Mitra TaaraGood
9 Parama MitrGood
Panchanga) and search for the left side row and look out for Rohini ( You r Birth Star) The meeting point is shown as R avi 4 !

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