Chapter 5: The Hydrodynamical Riemann Problem
Chapter 5: The Hydrodynamical Riemann Problem
Chapter 5: The Hydrodynamical Riemann Problem
5.1) Introduction
5.1.1) General Introduction to the Riemann Problem
We have seen in Chapter 4 that even Burgers equation, the simplest non-linear
scalar conservation law, can give rise to complex flow features such as shocks and
rarefactions. Linear schemes were seen to be inadequate for treating such problems. In
Chapter 3 we realized that a simple non-linear hybridization introduced by TVD limiters
could yield a monotonicity preserving reconstruction. In Sub-section 4.5.2 we even
designed an approximate Riemann solver for evaluating consistent and properly
upwinded numerical fluxes at zone boundaries based on the HLL flux for scalar
conservation laws. Such a strategy for obtaining a physically sound flux can indeed be
extended to systems to yield a basic second order accurate scheme. Since better fluxes
translate into better schemes, in this Chapter we invest a little time to understand
strategies for obtaining a good, high-quality, physically consistent flux at the zone
boundaries for use in numerical schemes. In this chapter we restrict attention to the Euler
equations. However, the next Chapter will show that the insights gained here are of great
importance in designing good strategies for obtaining the numerical flux at zone
boundaries in numerical schemes for several hyperbolic conservation laws of interest in
several areas of science and engineering.
In this and the next paragraph we motivate the need for studying the
hydrodynamical Riemann problem. Assume that we are solving a problem on a one-
dimensional mesh with fluid variables defined at the zone centers. The best choice of
fluid variables in simple Cartesian geometries consists of the density, the momentum
densities in each direction and the total energy density. These variables are referred to as
conserved variables and are an optimal choice because they enable us to enforce local
mass, momentum and energy conservation. Recall the Lax-Wendroff theorem from Sub-
section 4.7 which states that conservation form ensures that shocks move at the correct
speed and converge to the right locations on a mesh. The choice of variables is not
constraining because we can derive equivalent primitive variables from these conserved
variables. A good choice of such primitive variables could be the density, pressure and
velocities. We can use our slope limiters to endow each flow variable in each zone with a
linear profile. The limiters can be applied to the conserved variables but it is slightly
more advantageous to apply them directly to the primitive variables. Limiting the
primitive variables enables us to put in a small check to ensure that the density and
pressure profiles are positive all over each zone of the mesh. (The positivity of the
density is assured in one dimension by the TVD limiting if the initial density is positive.
Because the pressure is a derived variable, its positivity is not ensured by a TVD limiting
procedure that is applied to the total energy density. In Chapter 7 we will see how we can
reconstruct the conserved variables while still retaining pressure positivity.) The
primitive variables are also the variables of choice in which the expressions for shock and
rarefaction fans are expressed. Once linear profiles have been constructed in each zone,
we can use the zone-centered variables and their linear slopes to obtain the flow variables
to the left and right of any given zone boundary, see eqn. (3.55). Call the variables to the
variables to the right of the same zone boundary (ρ 1R , v x1R , v y1R , v z1R , P1R ) . We want to
obtain a set of flow variables at the zone boundary from which we can evaluate the
consistent and properly upwinded numerical flux.
violating solutions when the initial conditions are discontinuous. Thus the physically
consistent fluxes that we use at zone boundaries should satisfy an entropy condition. In
general, the jump in densities ρ1L − ρ1R , velocities v x1L − v x1R and pressures P1L − P1R can
be very large if the flow has one or more discontinuities. Early insight on this problem
was obtained by Bernhardt Riemann who analyzed the problem of how flows develop
when we have two adjacent slabs of fluid with a discontinuity in flow variables across
them. The problem considered by Riemann (1860) is referred to as the Riemann problem
and is a standard building block in numerical schemes for compressible flow. Sections
3.4 and 4.5 have prepared us for this study by showing us the importance of the Riemann
problem for linear hyperbolic problems and scalar conservation laws. The
hydrodynamical Riemann problem is the object of our study in this Chapter.
is filled with gas having density and pressure ρ1R and P1R respectively. At some point,
the diaphragm is suddenly removed and we wish to know the subsequent flow features
that develop. A schematic diagram of the initial conditions before the diaphragm is
removed is provided in Fig. 5.1, where we only show the central portion of the shock
tube. We readily see that, but for permitting arbitrary velocities v x1L and v x1R to the left
and right, the shock tube problem is very similar to the problem that interests us in this
Riemann’s ingenious realization was that even though the problem involved
strong jumps in density, pressure and possibly velocity, the resolution of the discontinuity
would bear some imprint of the linearized problem with some important differences. The
linearized version of the problem being discussed would only have infinitesimally small
jumps in flow variables. From Sub-section 1.5.2 and Fig. 1.9 we already know that the
linearized problem with very small fluctuations that are localized at a point along the x-
axis would resolve itself into : i) a right-going sound wave, ii) a left going sound wave
and iii) an entropy wave between them. The entropy wave may well have an additional
shear in the transverse velocities across it. The shear is brought on by the fact that v y1L
may differ from v y1R and similarly for v z1L and v z1R . Riemann realized that the fully
non-linear problem (i.e. with arbitrary jumps in flow variables across the diaphragm)
would resolve itself into: i) a right-going shock wave or rarefaction fan, ii) a left-going
shock wave or rarefaction fan and iii) an entropy pulse which may well have an
additional shear in the transverse velocities. When we studied compressive waves for
scalar conservation laws with convex fluxes in Sections 4.2 and 4.3, we learned that they
steepen into shocks. Similarly, Sections 4.2 and 4.4 showed us that situations which
correspond to an initial rarefaction open up into rarefaction fans. The connection between
the linearized problem and the fully non-linear problem for the Euler equations (which
too have a convex flux) can be made very concrete by realizing that : i) A finite
amplitude right-going sound wave can self-steepen into a right-going shock or open out
to form a right-going rarefaction wave depending on its initial profile. ii) A finite
amplitude left-going sound wave can self-steepen into a left-going shock or open out to
form a left-going rarefaction wave depending on its initial profile. iii) An entropy wave,
being linearly degenerate, can have any entropy jump across it. (Linearly degenerate
waves are waves that flow with the same speed regardless of wave amplitude. I.e., unlike
shocks an entropy pulse does not self-steepen.) When the entropy jump across an entropy
wave becomes large, the wave becomes an entropy pulse. Let us illustrate a Riemann
problem with a right-going shock, a left-going rarefaction fan and a contact discontinuity
between the two. A schematic depiction of the propagation of characteristics in space and
time in is shown in Fig. 5.2. We see that the solution is self-similar. In the course of this
Chapter we will show that Fig. 5.2 depicts the result of removing the diaphragm in Fig.
5.1 in the situation where P1L > P1R and ρ1L > ρ1R . An entropy pulse is also often referred
to as a contact discontinuity.
The connection between the Riemann problem and its utility in numerical
methods for computing flows with potentially discontinuous solutions was made very
slowly in the scientific literature. Godunov (1959) wrote a paper in which he viewed flow
variables in each zone of a mesh as being slabs of fluid. The slabs would obviously have
discontinuities between them at the zone boundaries. Godunov suggested that the
Riemann problem should be used to obtain a resolved state at each zone boundary. His
important insight was that fluid fluxes computed with the help of that resolved state
would naturally be physically consistent and properly upwinded. This is because the
Riemann problem represents an “in the small” evolution of the actual initial discontinuity.
A one-dimensional schematic representation of Godunov’s method is shown in Fig. 5.3.
Zone-centered variables are indicated with an integer subscript “i” and variables at zone
boundaries are indicated by a half-integer subscript “i+1/2”. Time levels are indicated by
a superscript “n” that denotes the nth time step. Intermediate values of variables that are
used to take a complete time step can have fractional superscripts. On either side of zone
number 1 we show the solution of the Riemann problem where right- and left-going
shocks are shown as S→ and S← respectively, right- and left-going rarefaction fans are
be broken up into the following two conceptual steps for taking a time step ∆t on a one-
dimensional mesh with zones of size ∆x :
i) Discretize the conservation law ∂ t U + ∂ x F(U) = 0 as slabs of fluid that have a
flat profile within each zone. Thus within each zone “i” at a time t n= n ∆t we have a
vector of conserved variables U i .
ii) Solve the Riemann problems at zone boundaries to get the resolved states and
( n n
resolved numerical fluxes, i.e. at zone boundary “i+1/2” we have FRP U i ,U i +1 . Use )
them to make the update
U in +1 = U in −
∆x ( ( n n
) (n n
FRP U i ,U i +1 − FRP U i −1 ,U i )) (5.1)
Section 5.4 will explain to us how the resolved state, i.e. the state that coincides with the
boundary, can be obtained from the Riemann problem. Section 5.4 will also explain to us
how the resolved fluxes are computed at each zone boundary.
Godunov’s method, despite the appeal of its transparently physical interpretation,
was slow in gaining wide-spread acceptance. In truth, the Riemann problem had to be
solved iteratively and the iterative method proposed by Godunov was slow to converge.
This made the scheme slower than other competitive schemes from that era. Furthermore,
the method was only first order accurate in space and time making it very dissipative. As
a result, Godunov’s method languished for another two decades. In a tour de force, van
Leer (1977,1979) proposed a second order extension of Godunov’s scheme. van Leer’s
papers have been cited thousands of times and a detailed reading of those papers has
continued to provide fresh insights to subsequent generations of computationalists.
It is said that the Wright brothers’ invention of the aeroplane was a consequence
of their making a combination of leading edge advances that meshed together
harmoniously. Similarly, van Leer made the following cutting edge advances all at once:
i) A very efficient iterative solution strategy for solving the hydrodynamical
Riemann problem which is still used with only small changes.
ii) A strategy for using piecewise-linear, monotonicity preserving reconstruction
of the sort studied in the previous chapter. As a result each interpolated fluid variable has
a linear profile within each zone. This makes the scheme spatially second order accurate
in regions of smooth flow and simultaneously enables it to capture shocks without
producing spurious oscillations.
iii) A method for increasing the temporal accuracy to second order.
Later on, van Leer later realized that second order temporal accuracy could also be
achieved by using the second order Runge-Kutta time-stepping strategy that was
catalogued in Sub-Section 3.6.2, (van Leer 1984). van Leer’s scheme is shown
schematically in Fig. 5.4.
van Leer’s scheme, with several modifications, is still used as a blueprint for
several successful numerical codes. A possible variant of his scheme that achieves its
temporal accuracy using a strategy that is simpler than the one originally presented by
van Leer is described schematically below. It can be broken up into the following three
conceptual steps for taking a time step ∆t on a one-dimensional mesh with zones of size
∆x :
i) Use a second order Runge-Kutta scheme described in eqns. (3.50) or (3.51) to
achieve second order accuracy in time. The scheme has been written in a format that
makes its conservative form self-evident. Each of the stages in the scheme consists of
using the following two steps.
ii) Within each zone “i” at the start of each stage we have a vector of conserved
variables Vi in each zone. The vector of primitive variables consists of density, the three
velocity components and the pressure. For each of the stages, make linear profiles ∆Vi
within each zone for the density, velocities and pressure using the componentwise
limiting applied to the vector of primitive variables, see eqn. (3.57) for an example of
componentwise limiting. Do this using the limiters described in Sub-Section 3.2. Giving
each slab of fluid a piecewise linear profile makes the method a spatially second order
accurate shock-capturing scheme. The interpolation, which is piecewise linear within
(ρ , v x1R , v y1R , v z1R , P1R ) ≡ Vi +1 − ∆Vi +1 / 2 at the zone boundary “i+1/2”, see eqn.
(3.55) for an example. We calculate the left and right states at each zone boundary.
Notice that the linear profiles within each zone can only be meaningfully interpreted
within the zones in which they are defined. This is what produces a jump in the flow
variables at the zone boundaries. The presence of the jump in fluid variables at zone
boundaries enables the hydrodynamical Riemann problem to introduce the needed
dissipation. Recall that in Sub-section 4.5.2 we showed that the jump in the scalar
variable at the zone boundaries was essential if we wanted the approximate Riemann
solver to stabilize discontinuities. The same concept carries over to systems of
conservation laws.
iii) Using the left and right flow variables at each zone boundary, compute the
resolved state and resolved flux at each zone boundary. The resolved flux is indeed the
properly upwinded and consistent numerical flux that we wish to use in our scheme. The
Riemann solver described in this chapter can be used like a machine that accepts a left
and right state and produces a numerical flux. The numerical flux can then be used to
obtain the time update for each of the stages shown in either eqn. (3.50) or (3.51).
By the end of this chapter the reader should be able to understand the construction
of a flow solver that is similar to the one described in the previous paragraphs using the
codes provided in this book. Problem 5.4 provides a step by step guide for constructing a
one-dimensional flow solver that is based on the steps described above.
It is worth pointing out that the texts by Courant & Friedrichs (1948) and Landau
& Lifshitz (1987) provide a very detailed study of hydrodynamical shocks and
rarefactions. Texts by Ben-Artzi and Falcovitz (2003) and Toro (2009) study the
hydrodynamical Riemann problem in great detail, especially as it applies to numerical
schemes. Colella and Glaz (1985), Menikoff and Plohr (1989), Ben-Artzi (1989) and
Ben-Artzi and Birman (1990) present ingenious solutions to the Riemann problem in the
presence of real gas equations of state and reactive flow. In this chapter, we only present
the essentials that are needed to study the numerical solution of the Riemann problem.
are u1 and u 2 . If the shock’s propagation speed is “s”, eqn. (4.10) and Fig. 4.8 tell us that
the fluxes and conserved variables should satisfy the relation f(u1 ) − f(u 2 ) = s ( u1 − u 2 ) .
We saw there that the derivation of this expression was very simple and general because
it only depended on a two-dimensional integration over a small rectangular domain in
one spatial coordinate and time, see Fig. 4.8. If the shock travelled a distance “X” in a
time “T”, the domain was chosen such that it contained the discontinuity. Thus it is very
easy to see that the same expression should hold component-wise for a hyperbolic system
of equations in conservation form. A construction that parodies eqn. (4.9) and Fig. 4.8 for
a system of conservation laws bears out our anticipation. In this section we focus
attention on the one-dimensional Euler equations that can be written in conservation form
ρ ρ vx
ρ vx ρ v 2x + P
∂ ∂
ρ vy + ρ vx vy = 0 (5.2)
∂t ∂x
ρ vz ρ vx vz
ε (ε +P ) v
Here ρ is the density; v x , v y and v y are the velocities; P is the pressure; “e” is the
thermal energy density and ε is the total internal energy density. Notice that eqn. (5.2)
can be written in the conservation form ∂ t U + ∂ x F(U) = 0 . The equations can be solved
along with the closure relation
ε =e+
ρ v2 with e ≡
2 Γ −1
which we take quite simply to pertain to a polytropic gas with polytropic index Γ . We
wish to find the relations that hold for the fluid variables on either side of a
hydrodynamical shock.
Notice that since each of the five components in eqn. (5.2) are required to satisfy
eqn. (4.9) with the same shock speed s= X T , we expect to find further relationships
between the fluid variables on either side of a shock. In general, we anticipate the
relationships to be rather complicated. Consequently, in Sub-section 5.2.1 we evaluate
the conditions that relate the fluxes on either side of a fluid discontinuity in the rest frame
of the discontinuity. In Sub-section 5.2.2 we obtain some relationships that pertain to
shocks without regard to the fluid’s equation of state. In Sub-section 5.2.3 we specialize
to polytropic gases and obtain relationships between the flow variables on either side of a
shock viewed in its own rest frame. Relying on the fact that the Euler system is Galilean
invariant, we obtain general relationships between the flow variables on either side of a
moving shock in Sub-section 5.2.4. Several other interesting hyperbolic systems can be
written in a conservation form that resembles eqn. (5.2). Consequently, the ensuing Sub-
sections are peppered with several asides that highlight the similarities and differences
between the Euler system and these other systems of interest.
[ F(U1 ) − F(U 2 )] =
0 (5.4)
which is to be applied to each of the five components of the flux in eqn. (5.2). Here U1
and U 2 denote the five-component vectors of conserved variables from eqn. (5.2) that are
specified on either side of the discontinuity. Our decision to work in the rest frame of the
discontinuity can be justified by realizing that the Euler equations are Galilean invariant.
In that frame we can specify the flow variables in primitive form on either side of the
( ρ,u , u y1 , u z1 , P1 ) ( ρ ,u , u y2 , u z2 , P2 )
discontinuity by the vectors 1 x1 and 2 x2
respectively. In this section the velocities in the rest frame of the discontinuity are
denoted by “u” instead of “v” to show clearly that they pertain to a specific choice of
coordinate frame. The velocities in the two frames of reference are related by a Galilean
transformation. Balancing the mass, momentum and energy fluxes from eqn. (5.4) yields:
ρ1 u x1 = ρ 2 u x2 (5.5)
ρ1 u 2x1 + P1 = ρ 2 u 2x2 + P2 (5.6)
ρ1 u x1 u y1 = ρ 2 u x2 u y2 (5.7)
ρ1 u x1 u z1 = ρ 2 u x2 u z2 (5.8)
1 1
ρ1 u x1 u12 + h1 = ρ 2 u x2 u 22 + h 2 (5.9)
2 2
Here “h” is the specific enthalpy, i.e. the enthalpy per unit mass. It is defined by
h= (5.10)
h= (5.11)
Γ-1 ρ
The first natural solution to eqns. (5.5) to (5.9) consists of setting the mass flux
across the discontinuity to zero. Thus we have ρ1 u x1 = ρ 2 u x2 = 0 . Since the densities
discontinuity. Eqn. (5.6) gives us P1 = P2 so that the pressures are required to match up
across this type of discontinuity. We further see from eqns. (5.7) and (5.8) that the
differences in the transverse velocities u y1 − u y2 and u z1 − u z2 are unconstrained and can
in the previous chapters, the contact discontinuity is one of the simple wave solutions for
the Euler equations.
Using the eigenmodal analysis of the Euler equations from Sub-section 1.5.2
gives us a further perspective on the discontinuities that we discussed in the previous
paragraph. In that chapter we saw that very small amplitude fluctuations in the density
and transverse velocities could propagate with the flow speed as entropy waves and shear
waves respectively. We see that an entropy pulse consists of a discontinuous jump in
entropy and is, therefore, a finite amplitude version of an entropy wave. When the
transverse velocities are also discontinuous across the discontinuity, we realize that we
have a finite amplitude shear pulse across the discontinuity. Again, our eigenmodal
analysis of the Euler equations informs us that these pulses in fluid shear are finite
amplitude versions of the shear waves studied in Chapter 1. Collectively, we refer to
these fluctuations in density and transverse velocity as contact discontinuities. Recall
though that the pressure and normal velocity must match up exactly on either side of a
contact discontinuity, We have therefore demonstrated that fluctuations in the density and
transverse velocities across a contact discontinuity do not self-steepen and any finite
amplitude fluctuation in just these variables can propagate unchanged. We call such
waves linearly-degenerate waves to distinguish them from the genuinely non-linear
waves, like the sound waves in Euler flow, which can self-steepen to form shocks. Fig.
5.5 provides a schematic representation of a contact discontinuity viewed in the rest
frame of the discontinuity.
Let us now consider discontinuities which have a non-zero mass flux across the
discontinuity, i.e. from eqn. (5.5) we get ρ1 u x1 = ρ 2 u x2 ≠ 0 . Eqns. (5.7) and (5.8) for
u z1 − u z2 =
0 . Because we are in the rest frame of the discontinuity, we make the further
simplifying assumption that
y1 u=
y2 u=
z1 u=
z2 0 (5.12)
Eqns. (5.5) and (5.6) for the conservation of mass and x-momentum remain unchanged
but (5.9) for energy conservation then simplifies to give us:
1 2 1
u x1 + h1 = u 2x2 + h 2 (5.13)
2 2
Eqns. (5.5), (5.6), (5.12) and (5.13) give us the conditions that prevail in the rest frame of
a normal shock. The shock is called “normal” because the transverse velocities are zero.
These equations, which are essentially balance equations on the fluid fluxes, are also
referred to in the literature as the shock jump conditions or the Rankine-Hugoniot jump
conditions after Rankine (1870) and Hugoniot (1889) who first derived them and studied
them in detail. Since shocks emerge through self-steepening of sound waves, it is natural
to think of shocks as the non-linear extension of sound waves studied in Chapter 1. In one
dimension it is natural to talk about right- and left-going sound waves and consequently
of right- and left-going shocks. Unshocked fluid flows into a right-going shock from the
right and into a left-going shock from the left. Fig. 5.6 shows schematic diagrams for
right- and left-going shocks viewed in the rest frame of the shock. For the rest of this
chapter, variables that are subscripted by “1” indicate fluid that propagates into a shock
or rarefaction fan while variables that are subscripted by a “2” indicate fluid that is on the
other side of the shock or rarefaction fan. Analogous to the simple waves discussed in the
previous chapter, shocks constitute another kind of simple wave solution for the Euler
this paragraph. As with our study of the Burgers equation in Chapter 4, it is possible to
have discontinuities in hydrodynamical flow that will not evolve to form shocks. For the
Burgers equation we saw that certain initial discontinuities actually go on to form
rarefaction fans. For the Burgers equation, the entropy condition, see Section 4.4,
determines whether an initial discontinuity goes on to form a shock or a rarefaction; an
exactly analogous situation prevails for the Euler equations. When studying linear
systems of hyperbolic equations in Chapter 3 we further learned that the variables on one
side of a simple wave are related to the variables on the other side by a single parameter,
see Sub-section 3.4.2. The same is true for simple waves, i.e. isolated shocks and
rarefaction fans, arising from the Euler system. We will discuss hydrodynamical
rarefaction fans in the next section. To be physically realizable, an isolated
hydrodynamical shock should also raise the entropy of the fluid that flows through it;
recall our discussion of entropy in Sub-section 4.2.2 and Section 4.3. To determine the
direction of propagation of a one-dimensional shock, a simple rule of thumb is to “follow
the entropy”. Physically consistent hydrodynamical shock waves always raise the entropy
in the post-shock region.
mechanistic model of shock waves in Section 4.2. Since the entropy is proportional to
log ( P ρ Γ ) we can therefore conclude that the post-shock pressure and temperature are
greater than the corresponding pressure and temperature in the unshocked fluid. Problem
5.1 at the end of this chapter makes this assertion more concrete. Using ρ 2 > ρ1 we can
also obtain important insights into the fluid velocities in the shock’s rest-frame. Eqn.
(5.5) which represents mass conservation, consequently implies that u x2 < u x1 and also
that u x1 and u x2 have the same sign, trends that are also displayed in Fig. 5.6. We also
see from Fig. 5.6 that u x1 < 0 in the rest-frame of a right-going shock while u x1 > 0 in the
We saw in Chapter 4 that characteristics flow into a physically realizable shock,
resulting in the loss of information at a shock. Problem 5.2 at the end of this chapter
shows that characteristics of a given family flow into a shock of the same family. Thus if
we have a right-going shock, the characteristics v xL + csL from the left of the shock and
v xR + csR from the right side of the shock flow into the shock. In other words, a right-
going shock is the locus of converging C+ characteristics formed by eigenvalues
= v x + cs . Similarly, a left-going shock is the locus of converging C− characteristics
We very briefly turn our attention to the physical process of entropy generation at
shocks. While the Euler equations are quite often a reasonably good representation for
several flow problems, it is important to realize that they basically represent the inviscid
limit of the Navier-Stokes equations which indeed include the viscous terms. Within a
shock, the viscous terms in the Navier-Stokes equations are very important in raising the
entropy in the post-shock fluid. The text by Landau & Lifshitz (1987) shows how a
viscous flow profile with a finite width reduces to a discontinuous shock jump in the limit
where the viscosity tends to zero, thus making the connection between the Navier-Stokes
and Euler equations very clear. The viscous terms in the momentum and energy equations
are proportional to the second derivative of the velocity. Thus while the viscous terms are
negligible in smooth flow, they can become rather large at a shock-front due to the rapid
change in velocity across the shock front. Consequently, the viscous terms operate in a
thin layer around the shock. Several numerical schemes for shock-capturing, especially
those with an older vintage, try to reproduce the same physical process by including some
amount of artificial viscosity. The artificial viscosity is then designed to stay small
everywhere except at locations where shocks are detected.
The important question is: How big should this artificial viscosity be? To answer
that question, consider fluid flow taking place with a typical velocity “v” in a region
having a size characterized by “L”. Let the mean sound speed be “cs” and let the mean
free path of the molecules be “l”. The viscosity “η” will scale as, η ∼ cs l . The Reynolds
number, Re , scales as Re ~ (v L)/(cs l). Now say that the flow is supersonic so that a
shock develops in it. Far from the shock, we have Re>>1 so that viscosity is
unimportant. When we focus on the shock though, the characteristic size over which the
shock forms is given by L~l. As a result, in the vicinity of the shock, we have Re~1. Now
say that a problem is being solved on a computational mesh with zones of size ∆x . If we
want to capture shocks with a typical size that is a few zones wide, we will require the
Reynolds number to be of order unity on length scales that are comparable to the width of
the shock. As a result, the numerical viscosity will have η ∼ v ∆x in the vicinity of the
The current trend is to move away from such artificial viscosity-based schemes
and rely on the self-adjusting properties of the Riemann solver to produce the correct
amounts of entropy and dissipation at discontinuities. However, the Riemann solver that
we construct later on in this chapter will itself use shocks as one of its building blocks
and will thus implicitly incorporate the physical dissipation and consequent entropy
generation that takes place at shocks. Furthermore, as we will see later, even such
Riemann solver-based higher order Godunov schemes are best off if they are
supplemented by a very small amount of artificial viscosity. The artificial viscosity is not
needed for one-dimensional shock flow but it is needed to provide cross-stream coupling
at multi-dimensional shocks, (Quirk 1994) .
The discussion in this sub-section has shown that strong shocks have larger jumps
in their flow variables. As a result, the physical viscosity generates entropy more
efficiently at stronger shocks with the result that stronger shocks have smaller viscous
widths than weaker shocks, as shown by Thomas (1944). We see the same trend in
numerical schemes where a very weak shock can sometimes be spread across several
zones but a strong shock will steepen to have a width of one or two zones. By itself this
fact is not detrimental for modern schemes for fluid flow though it can have an adverse
effect when radiative processes also cause strong changes in the post-shock temperature
and pressure. In such situations it may be appropriate to take time steps that are governed
both by the Courant condition as well as the time scale for radiative cooling on the
computational mesh.
The discussion in this sub-section has also shown us that the strength of a shock
depends on the extent to which entropy is raised at a shock. In the remaining sub-sections
it will help to have a measure of the strength of a shock. Thus any tracer of this entropy
increase, such as the ratio of post-shock to unshocked pressures P2 / P1 , is a good tracer of
the strength of a shock. In the next few sub-sections we will liberally use the ratio of
pressures as a measure of shock strength.
Comparing Linearly Degenerate Waves for the Euler and MHD Equations
The entropy pulse that arises for the Euler equations can also have an associated
shear wave. This is symptomatic of the fact that the eigenvectors with eigenvalues given
by λ = v x in the Euler system permit an entropy wave as well as a pair of shear waves.
This leads to a degeneracy in the eigenvalues. Such waves do not self-steepen as they
propagate in space. They are, therefore, known as linearly degenerate waves as opposed
to genuinely non-linear waves , i.e. the sound waves, which do steepen as they propagate.
Consequently, one can have any amount of jump in the density or transverse velocity
across a contact discontinuity without having a change in the propagation speed of the
discontinuity. Compare that to a hydrodynamical shock wave, where increasing in the
post-shock pressure (with the pre-shock conditions held constant) causes the shock to
propagate faster into the unshocked gas.
The MHD equations also sustain an entropy wave. If the magnetic field is non-
zero in the direction of wave propagation, then such an entropy wave cannot sustain a
shear in the transverse velocities across it. This is because the magnetic field breaks the
degeneracy of eigenvalues noted above. For the MHD system, the torsional Alfven waves
carry the shear in the flow. The MHD system then has one entropy wave and two Alfven
waves as its linearly degenerate waves while the four magnetosonic waves are nonlinear.
The two fast magnetosonic waves are precise analogues of hydrodynamical sound waves.
As the magnetic field strength is reduced to zero, the fast magnetosonic waves will even
transition in a continuous fashion to the sound waves while the Alfven waves transition
continuously to the shear waves.
In Sub-section 3.4.2 we saw that the values on one side of a simple wave are
related to the values on the other side by a single parameter, the coefficient of the right
eigenvector. In the same spirit, given a specification of the pre-shock density ρ1 and
pressure P1 and a measure of the strength of the shock, say P2 / P1 , we wish to predict the
other thermodynamic variables in the post-shock region. We would also like to express
the rest-frame velocities u x1 and u x2 as well as their difference u x2 − u x1 in terms of the
u x1 = j V1 ; u x2 = j V2 (5.14)
Substituting the velocities from eqn. (5.14) in eqn. (5.6) then gives an expression of the
mass flux that depends purely on the thermodynamical variables as follows:
P2 − P1
j2 = (5.15)
V1 − V2
Because j2 is positive we see that we can only have one of the two following possibilities.
The first possibility is P2 > P1 and V1 > V2 . The second possibility is P2 <P1 and V1 < V2 .
Since we take subscript “1” to indicate unshocked, uncompressed gas, only the first
possibility is physically consistent with entropy generation at a realizable shock. We call
such shocks compressive shocks because they result in a pressure increase in the post-
shock region. It is also possible to obtain
P2 − P1
j= (5.16)
V1 − V2
where the –ve sign for the mass flux “j” pertains to right-going shocks and the +ve sign
pertains to left-going shocks. See the right- and left-going shocks in Fig. 5.6 to realize
that they have negative and positive mass fluxes respectively. Substituting eqn. (5.15) in
the energy equation, i.e. eqn. (5.13), gives one possible expression for the Hugoniot
1 2 1 1 1
h1 + u x1 = h 2 + u 2x2 ⇒ h1 + j2 V12 = h 2 + j2 V22 ⇒
2 2 2 2 (5.17)
h1 − h 2 + (V1 + V2 )( P2 − P1 ) =
Since h 2 in the above equation depends on P2 and ρ 2 = 1/ V2 , the above equation makes
one post-shock thermodynamical variable, i.e. P2 , then permits us to obtain the other
thermodynamical variable ρ 2 . For problems involving a general equation of state, it may
be more valuable to obtain eqn. (5.17) in terms of the specific internal energy defined by
e / ρ . We then get
e1V1 − e 2V2 + (V1 − V2 )( P2 +P1 ) =
0 (5.18)
For polytropic equations of state the above equations yield several further
simplifications, as we will see in the next section. Even for a general equation of state we
realize that the internal energy density in the above equation depends on pressure as
e = P ( Γ − 1) with the result that given P1 and ρ1 and P2 we can always obtain ρ 2
iteratively using the above equation. For most real gases, the effective polytropic index Γ
is a slowly varying parameter. As a result, we can freeze it around some local value as
shown in the design of the Riemann problem for real gases in Colella & Glaz (1985). To
solve for the shock structure Colella & Glaz showed that one can make local iterations
around the shocked state to find an approximate value of Γ .
We will make a detailed study of the hydrodynamical Riemann problem over the
course of this Chapter. For that study it is very useful to have a compact expression for
the velocity jump across the shock, u x2 − u x1 . To do that, we first obtain
u x2 − u x1 = ± ( P2 − P1 )(V1 − V2 ) (5.19)
The +ve and –ve signs in the above equation pertain to right- and left-going shocks
respectively. It is now easy to see that u x2 − u x1 > 0 for right-going shocks while
Notice that none of the equations derived in this sub-section depend on the form
of the equation of state. In the next section we derive further relations that are specific to
the assumption of a polytropic gas.
Using the polytropic relation, eqn. (5.11), in eqn. (5.17) for the Hugoniot adiabat
we obtain
ρ1 u V
= x2 = 2 =
( Γ + 1) P1 + ( Γ − 1) P2 (5.20)
ρ2 u x1 V1 ( Γ − 1) P1 + ( Γ + 1) P2
Notice that eqn. (5.20) gives us the post-shock density ρ 2 in terms of the unshocked
density ρ1 and the ratio of pressures P2 / P1 . Eqn. (5.20) therefore permits us to make the
Hugoniot adiabat explicit for any choice of Γ . Fig. 5.7 shows us the Hugoniot adiabat
for a gas with Γ =1.4 . The solid curve in Fig. 5.7 shows us the locus of all the density
ratios ρ 2 / ρ1 that are accessible for physically acceptable choices of pressure ratio P2 / P1 .
Since a physical shock is always a compressive shock, we need P2 / P1 > 1 . The dashed
curve in Fig. 5.7 shows us the locus of a rarefaction shock. In a rarefaction shock, the
entropy in the shocked gas is lower than the entropy in the unshocked gas. Thus
rarefaction shocks, while mathematically feasible, are physically unacceptable because
they violate an entropy condition. The entropy condition tells us that in place of a
rarefaction shock the physical flow opens out to form a rarefaction fan. Enforcement of
such an entropy condition is, therefore, of paramount importance in ensuring that a
numerical scheme that is based on the Riemann problem produces physically consistent
shocks and rarefaction fans. Using T2 T1 = ( P2 V2 ) ( P1 V1 ) and eqn. (5.20) we can also
show that
T2 P
= 2
( Γ + 1) P1 + ( Γ − 1) P2
T1 P1 ( Γ − 1) P1 + ( Γ + 1) P2
j2 = ( Γ − 1) P1 + ( Γ + 1) P2 ( 2 V1 ) (5.22)
Using u x1 = j V1 and the results from eqn. (5.22) we get:
u 2x1 =
V1 ( Γ − 1) P1 + ( Γ + 1) P2 =
(c 2
s1 Γ ) Γ − 1 + ( Γ + 1) P2 P1 (5.23)
V1 ( Γ + 1) P1 + ( Γ − 1) P2 ( Γ − 1) P1 + ( Γ + 1) P2
u 2x2 =
2 (5.24)
1 2
( cs2 Γ ) Γ − 1 + ( Γ + 1) P1 P2
In preparation for our study of the Riemann problem, it is also useful to use eqn. (5.20) in
eqn. (5.19) to obtain an expression for the velocity jump u x2 − u x1 as follows:
2 V1
u x2 − u x1 = ± ( P2 − P1 ) (5.25)
( Γ − 1) P1 + ( Γ + 1) P2
The +ve and –ve signs in eqn. (5.25) pertain to right- and left-going shocks respectively.
for the shock strength. We wish to derive formulae for shock relations that depend on M1
because such formulae are often very useful in setting up isolated hydrodynamical shocks
in numerical simulations. Writing eqn. (5.23) in terms of the Mach number M1 we can
P2 P1 = 2 Γ M12 − ( Γ − 1) ( Γ + 1) (5.26)
Equating the pressure ratio P2 / P1 obtained from eqn. (5.23) and (5.24) then gives
The above equations also show that in the limit where we have infinitely strong
shocks, i.e. when M1 → ∞ , we have the asymptotic relations
ρ2 u
= x1 →
( Γ+1) ;
→ ∞ ;
→ ∞ ; M2 →
( Γ − 1) (5.30)
ρ1 u x2 ( Γ − 1) P1 T1 2Γ
The dashed line in Fig. 5.7 shows that the ratio of densities tends to ( Γ +1) ( Γ − 1) for
extremely strong shocks. In the limit where we have strong shocks that are not
necessarily of infinite strength we have the approximations
( Γ+1) ; T2 = ( Γ − 1) P2 ; u = ( Γ+1) P2 ( Γ − 1) P2
u x1 V ρ
= 1 = 2 = ; u x2 =
u x2 V2 ρ1 ( Γ − 1) T1 ( Γ+1) P1 x1 2 ρ1 2 ( Γ +1) ρ1
In Section 5.1 we saw that isolated shocks can arise in the Riemann problem. The
formulae derived in this section give us a good compendium of equations pertaining to
isolated shocks that we will use later in designing our Riemann solver.
Just like the Euler equations, the one-dimensional form of the MHD equations can
support shocks. In the MHD case we have four shock families; the right-going fast
magnetosonic shocks, the right-going slow magnetosonic shocks, the left-going slow
magnetosonic shocks and the left-going fast magnetosonic shocks. In the canonical case,
these shocks follow the same foliation of waves as the linear system. The post-shock
pressure is always larger than the pressure in the unshocked gas for all hydrodynamical
shocks and this is also true for magnetohydrodynamical shocks. As a result, we say that
all hydrodynamical shocks are compressive shocks, a property shared by MHD shocks.
In all of the formulae that we developed in this sub-section we used the ratio
P2 / P1 as a measure of the shock strength. Similar formulae for MHD are given in the text
of Jefferey & Taniuti (1964) and are adumbrated in their Appendix D, see also Bazer &
Ericson (1959).
= v x + cs flow into the shock from either side of the shock. Furthermore, all of the
other characteristics to the right of this shock and none of the other characteristics to the
left of this shock flow into the shock. Such shocks are known as genuine or classical
shocks. Hydrodynamical shocks are classical because the Euler system with an ideal
equation of state is convex (Lax 1972). For certain equations of state, the convexity of the
Euler system cannot be guaranteed; the resulting shocks then bear further examination. A
general definition of a classical shock follows: Consider an M-component hyperbolic
conservation law with eigenvalues λ m that are ordered from smallest to largest. Let UL
and UR denote the left and right states on either side of a discontinuity. The discontinuity
is said to form a classical shock of the mth family if it moves with speed “s” such that
λ m −1 ( U L ) < s < λ m ( U L ) and λ m ( U R ) < s < λ m +1 ( U R ) .
I.e., notice that the characteristics of the mth wave family are converging into the shock
and there are only M − 1 characteristics that are emanating from the shock. For example,
see the figure below and convince yourself that the right-going shock is a classical shock.
The only other discontinuities that arise for the Euler system are linearly degenerate
contact discontinuities, also known as exceptional discontinuities, where characteristics
of a given wave family evolve with the same speed on either side of the discontinuity.
See the figure below and convince yourself that the contact discontinuity is an
exceptional discontinuity. It is important to be able to classify the discontinuities that
arise in a hyperbolic system of conservation laws because that information guides us in
designing numerical schemes. For the Euler system with an ideal equation of state, the
discontinuities are all well-behaved. Consequently, it is easy to design good numerical
schemes for this system that converge to the physics of the problem.
The MHD system is non-convex and can on occasion produce compound shocks.
Recall that in the previous chapter we saw how compound shocks arise for the Buckley-
Leverett equation. Consequently, degeneracies in the MHD eigenstructure can also
produce situations where characteristics from different wave families on one or the other
side of a compound shock can become parallel to each other across the shock. Such
compound shocks usually occur in MHD when the pressure jump is small and the
transverse magnetic field on either side of a shock lies in a single plane but undergoes a
change in sign across the shock. In that case it often turns out that an Alfvènic rotational
discontinuity is conjoined with a magnetosonic wave, forming a compound shock.
Thus say that we are studying the problem of shock propagation in a frame of
reference F where the unshocked fluid has a velocity vector given by
to find the velocity u x1 of the unshocked fluid in the shock’s rest frame. Consequently,
even before we make any coordinate transformation, we know the velocity with which
the unshocked fluid enters the shock in its own rest frame. We wish to transform to the
shock’s rest frame, denoted by F/ , because the shock jump conditions are simplest in that
frame of reference. To do so, we make a Galilean transformation from the original frame
of reference F to the frame F/ that is moving with velocity
( v x1 − u x1 ) x + v y1 y + v z1 z with respect to it. Since we already know u x1 , the
velocity v F / of the frame F/ is easy to find. See Fig. 5.8 which shows that the scalar
variables remain unchanged by the transformation; however, the velocity vectors undergo
transformations as shown. Fig. 5.8 also gives us the formulae for the velocity
transformation as we go from one frame to the other. In the shock’s rest frame, eqn.
(5.24) gives us the velocity of the shocked fluid u x2 as a function of ρ1 , P1 and P2 .
Transforming back to the original lab frame of reference F (in which the shock is not a
normal shock) gives us the velocity in the post-shock fluid as
explicitly in terms of ρ1 , P1 and P2 then we can specify the post-shock velocity exactly.
2 V1
v x2 = v x1 + ( P2 − P1 ) (5.32)
( Γ − 1) P1 + ( Γ + 1) P2
In the rest frame F/, the right-going shock is at rest. It therefore propagates in the lab
frame F with an x-velocity given by v x1 − u x1 . Using eqn. (5.23) for u x1 , we get the speed
vshk → = v x1 + cs1
( Γ − 1) +
( Γ + 1) P2
2Γ 2Γ P1
To see why the above two equations pertain to a right-going shock, set v x1 = 0 to realize
that v x2 and vshk → are both positive, i.e. the shock overruns the fluid to its right.
Likewise, for a left-going shock we have:
2 V1
v x2 = v x1 − ( P2 − P1 ) (5.34)
( Γ − 1) P1 + ( Γ + 1) P2
The left-going shock propagates in the frame F with an x-velocity given by:
vshk ← = v x1 − cs1
( Γ − 1) +
( Γ + 1) P2
2Γ 2Γ P1
Focusing on right-going shocks, we can plot out v x2 using eqn. (5.32) for
done in the right panel of Fig. 5.9 where the solid curve gives us the locus of all points in
the ( v x2 , P2 ) plane that can be connected to the unshocked state by a right-going shock
denoted by S→ . The analytic extension of the plot to include (unphysical) rarefaction
shocks is shown via the dashed curve in Fig. 5.9. Using eqn. (5.34) we can similarly
display the locus of all points in the ( v x2 , P2 ) plane that can be connected to the
shown in the left panel of Fig. 5.9. In that panel we again show the physical shock with a
solid curve and the (unphysical) rarefaction shock as a dashed curve. We see that
progressively stronger right-going shocks produce increasing (and positive) values of
v x2 − v x1 while progressively stronger left-going shocks produce decreasing (and
negative) values of v x2 − v x1 .
iii) P2 = 0 at v x2 − v x1 = − cs1 , i.e there is a certain –ve velocity
Γ ( Γ − 1)
difference past which the pressure and density become zero in a rarefaction shock. In
other words, the flow experiences a cavitation. We will see that a similar trend exists in
physical rarefaction fans. The only difference is that a rarefaction fan will permit a larger
range of –ve velocities before it undergoes cavitation.
Trends that are analogous to the above three points can also be specified for left-going
In a numerical code, an actual rarefaction fan opens up in a self-similar fashion as
we have seen before in Chapter 4. Once a rarefaction fan has opened up on a
computational mesh, the jump in flow variables from one zone to the next is rather small
within the rarefaction fan. Consequently, for the sake of computational simplicity, it
becomes acceptable to replace actual rarefaction fans by (unphysical) rarefaction shocks.
This can be done as long as an entropy fix is included in the Riemann solver to account
for the fact that the rarefaction shock is actually a proxy for a rarefaction fan – a structure
that spreads out in space-time. In other words, we restore physical consistency by
asserting a wave model that includes an entropy fix, just as we did in Section 4.5. While
unphysical, the dashed lines in the above plots nevertheless provide a reasonably good
description of what happens as the flow variables evolve in a rarefaction fan. We will
elaborate on this point later. Rarefaction shocks will, therefore, see use in place of
rarefaction fans when constructing approximate Riemann solvers for flow codes. We will,
however, not forget the central property of rarefaction fans that they preserve the entropy
of the flow that passes through them, while rarefaction shocks decrease the entropy in the
post-shock region. Thus while rarefaction shocks are often used in place of rarefaction
fans during the iterative solution of the Riemann problem, we do need to go back post-
facto and enforce an entropy fix in the approximate Riemann solver.
5.3) Rarefaction Fans
Γ−1 2 2Γ
ρ ρ 2 c Γ−1 c Γ−1
P = P1 which gives : cs = cs1 ; ρ = ρ1 s ; P = P1 s (5.36)
ρ1 ρ1 cs1 cs1
Enforcing the above relations, all of which are equivalent, enables us to pick out
isentropic solutions of the Euler equations.
1 ∂ ρ ∂ ρ ∂ vx
+ vx + =0 (5.37)
ρ ∂t ∂x ∂x
∂ vx ∂ vx cs2 ∂ ρ
+ v = − (5.38)
∂x ρ ∂x
dρ 2 dcs
Eqns. (5.36) then give us an isentropic relation = . Incorporating it in the
ρ Γ − 1 cs
above two equations gives us:
∂ 2 ∂ 2 ∂ vx
cs + v x cs + cs =0 (5.39)
∂t Γ − 1 ∂x Γ − 1 ∂x
∂ vx ∂ vx ∂ 2
+ vx + cs cs = 0 (5.40)
∂t ∂x ∂x Γ − 1
By adding and subtracting the above two equations in a suitable way, we get:
∂ ∂ 2
∂t + ( v x + cs ) ∂x v x + Γ − 1 cs = 0 (5.41)
∂ ∂ 2
∂t + ( v x − cs ) ∂x v x − Γ − 1 cs = 0 (5.42)
The self-similarity in the above two equations is worth noting. We also see that the
isentropic assumption has reduced the number of variables that we need to consider in
one dimension from three to two (i.e. v x and cs ), which is a considerable simplification.
Eqn. (5.41) and (5.42) are the characteristic equations derived by Riemann. They
tell us that the Riemann invariant “R” defined by
R ≡ vx + cs (5.43)
Γ −1
remains constant along the C+ characteristic curve in space-time whose trajectory is given
by = v x + cs . Likewise, the Riemann invariant “S” defined by
S ≡ vx − cs (5.44)
Γ −1
remains constant along the C− characteristic curve in space time with a trajectory given
by = v x − cs .
R ≡ vx + l ( ρ ) (5.45)
S ≡ vx − l ( ρ ) (5.46)
cs dρ
l (ρ) = ∫ = ∫ρ c (5.47)
ρ P1 s
The Riemann invariants “R” and “S” are the images of the characteristics C+ and C− in
the two dimensional solution space ( v x , cs ) .
For small fluctuations, it is easy to see that the equations derived in the previous
paragraph tell us how the fluctuations move. The eigenvectors give us similar
information in the limit of small fluctuations, i.e. look at eqn. (1.74) where we use the left
eigenvectors defined in eqn. (1.61). We see that the fluctuations move along the
characteristic curves C+ and C− . But the above equations also go further. They tell us
that the propagation of finite amplitude isentropic fluctuations can also be tracked as long
as we track them along characteristics. This process can be continued as long as the
characteristics of a given wave family do not intersect, i.e. as long as shocks don’t form.
Fig. 5.10 shows a schematic representation of isentropic flow. The left panel shows the
space-time diagram of the characteristics. The right panel shows their image in the
solution space formed by the ( v x , cs ) plane. From the left panel in Fig. 5.10, we see that
the C+ and C− characteristics form an intersecting truss work and we can use it to define
respectively as shown in the left panel of Fig. 5.10. As long as characteristics of a given
family do not intersect with themselves, the two dimensional coordinate system formed
by (α , β ) provides an unusually easy coordinate system in which to read off the solution.
In practice, the problem is implicit but say for simplicity that someone constructed a
characteristic coordinate system and, furthermore, gave us v x ( x ) and cs ( x ) at time
t = 0 . Then we can find the solution at any space time point ( x, t ) by reading off the
corresponding (α , β ) from the left panel in Fig. 5.10. Then read off the Riemann
invariants R ( β ) and S (α ) from the right panel of Fig. 5.10. Using R ( β ) and S (α ) and
the definition of the Riemann invariants from eqns. (5.43) and (5.44), we can find
v x ( x, t ) and cs ( x, t ) at any general point in space and time. In practice, constructing a
characteristic coordinate system like the one shown in Fig. 5.10 is never that simple. To
map the characteristics in space and time, as was done in the left panel of Fig. 5.10, we
have to know the solution at all points in space and time. Thus the theoretical “solution
methodology” outlined in this paragraph assumes that the solution is already known,
greatly diminishing its practical utility.
There are, however, simple flows for which an explicit solution can be given.
These simple flows take the form of compression waves and rarefaction fans. Out of
these, we are only interested in the latter but some of the development in this section is
general enough to include the former. These are simple waves for which either the
Riemann invariant “R” or the Riemann invariant “S” is held constant all over space and
time. This is tantamount to saying that the entire solution lies on only one of the straight
lines in the ( v x , cs ) plane in the right panel of Fig. 5.10. As a result, v x is always
state on one or the other side of a simple wave. A rarefaction fan usually forms next to a
constant state of the flow. As a result, one of the families of characteristics has footpoints
starting from the constant state of the flow. Consequently, that entire family corresponds
to one and only one single value of the corresponding Riemann invariant.
The discussion in the previous two paragraphs might have been too abstract for
some readers’ taste; so we simplify it here. A practical, mechanical example of a
rarefaction fan occurs when a piston that is initially at rest in a tube of stationary gas is
suddenly pulled out of the tube at a constant velocity. Fig. 5.11 shows a schematic
diagram as well as a space-time diagram of the characteristics for the case where the
piston is pulled to the left. The piston is initially located at the origin. Notice that all the
left-going characteristics C− must originate from the constant initial state in the gas and,
therefore, must have the same Riemann invariant S1 = −2cs1 ( Γ − 1) . Here cs1 is the
sound speed in the initially static gas. The fluid immediately abutting the piston must
move with the piston’s speed. Because we know rarefaction fans to be self-similar
solutions, they can only depend on the ratio ( x t ) . Since S1 is a constant along all C−
characteristics, the only (isentropic) variation can be along the C+ characteristics. The C+
characteristics are the only characteristics in this problem that can have non-trivial
information propagating along them. Consequently, in order to form a self-similar
solution, the C+ characteristics must be straight lines in space-time. Note though that the
density and velocity across a rarefaction fan do not have linear variation along the x-axis.
Notice too from Fig. 5.11 that at t = 0 the solution has a discontinuity at x = 0 . Over
time, a wave with locus x = cs1 t moves into the gas to the right. I.e. over time, more and
more parcels of gas flow into the rarefaction fan from its right. We, therefore, call it a
right-going rarefaction fan.
The right boundary of the right-going rarefaction fan shown in Fig. 5.11 is
coincident with the first C+ characteristic that varies with ( x t ) . In other words, the
rarefaction fan. The left boundary of the same rarefaction fan consists of a fluid state with
a velocity that matches that of the piston. That is how the right-going rarefaction fan
produces a transition in x-velocities from a value of zero to its right to a value that
matches the piston’s velocity to its left. The space-time diagram in Fig. 5.11 shows us
that the C− characteristic are straight lines except when they pass through the rarefaction
fan. Inside the rarefaction fan, the C− characteristics can be curved. This is because they
In the next two sub-sections we will study right- and left-going rarefaction fans,
deriving expressions that are of general computational use. The derivation of the
expressions for right-going fans will be given in full while the results for the left-going
rarefaction fans will be stated without further detail since they very closely parallel the
previous results.
or rarefaction waves. Let us, therefore, denote the constant state to the right of this wave
by a subscript “1”. The flow variables in that constant state are given by
( ρ1 , v x1 , v y1 , v z1 , P1 ) with cs1 = Γ P1 / ρ1 . Across the right-going simple wave we can
2 2
vx − cs = v x1 − cs1 (5.48)
Γ −1 Γ −1
Eqn. (5.48) then gives us the sound speed at any point in the right-going simple wave as a
function of the velocity difference ( v x − v x1 ) as:
( Γ − 1)
cs = cs1 + ( vx − v x1 ) (5.49)
Incorporating eqn. (5.49) into eqn. (5.36) then enables us to obtain the pressure and
density in the right-going simple wave as a function of ( v x − v x1 ) as:
2Γ 2Γ
c ( Γ−1)
P = P1 s
( Γ − 1) ( vx − v x1 ) ( Γ−1)
= P1 1 + (5.50)
cs1 2 cs1
2 2
c ( Γ−1)
ρ = ρ1 s = ρ1
( Γ − 1) ( v x − v x1 ) (Γ−1)
1 + (5.51)
c 2 cs1
Eqns. (5.49), (5.50) and (5.51) express the sound speed, pressure and density in the
rarefaction or compression wave in terms of the variables in the constant state that abuts
the wave and one parameter that pertains to the interior of the rarefaction fan. In eqns.
(5.49) to (5.51), that controlling parameter is the velocity v x , or alternatively,
( vx − v x1 ) cs1 . Reasoning by analogy, recall that the post-shock pressure was the one
controlling parameter that determined the structure of a shock in eqns. (5.20) to (5.25).
The above three expressions are generally true for any right-going rarefaction or
compression wave in a polytropic gas. We now specialize them for a self-similar right-
going rarefaction fan that emanates from x = 0 at t = 0 . Since we are studying a right-
going rarefaction fan, we focus on the C+ family of characteristics. Such waves have the
further special property that they obey a similarity solution that depends only on the self-
similarity variable ξ ≡ ( x t ) . Furthermore, the C+ characteristics carry that similarity
x ( Γ+1)
= v x + cs = v x1 + cs1 + ( v x − v x1 ) (5.52)
t 2
2 x
v x − v x1 = − ( v x1 + cs1 ) − (5.53)
( Γ+1) t
( Γ − 1) 1 ( Γ−1)
( v x1 + cs1 ) −
P = P1 1 − (5.54)
( Γ+1) cs1 t
( Γ − 1) 1 ( Γ−1)
( v x1 + cs1 ) −
ρ = ρ1 1 − (5.55)
( Γ+1) cs1 t
Eqns. (5.53) to (5.55) give us the internal structure of a right-going rarefaction fan that
emanates from the origin at time t = 0 . For a given right state, the flow variables in the
rarefaction fan that abuts that state are entirely specified by the ratio ( x t ) . Notice that
for a centered, right-going rarefaction fan the right-most C+ characteristic that belongs to
the fan is given by x = ( v x1 + cs1 ) t . As one traverses the fan from right to left,
( v x1 + cs1 ) − t increases from an initial value of zero, see the C+ characteristic curves
in Fig. 5.11. Consequently, from eqns. (5.53) to (5.55) we see that v x , P and ρ decrease
monotonically from v x1 , P1 and ρ1 as the fan is traversed from right to left. If we denote
see that v x2 − v x1 < 0 , P2 < P1 and ρ 2 < ρ1 . These trends run exactly opposite to the
trends that we catalogued in the previous section for a right-going shock. Notice too that
the transverse velocities v y1 and v z1 do not change across rarefaction fans, a trend that is
Rarefaction fans are often a part of the solution to the Riemann problem at a zone
boundary. We say that a C+ rarefaction fan is open and straddles a zone boundary if
v x2 + cs2 < ( dx dt )boundary < v x1 + cs1 where ( dx dt )boundary is the velocity of the boundary .
When solving the Riemann problem, special attention will have to be paid to those
situations where an open rarefaction fan straddles a zone boundary. Eqns. (5.53) to (5.55)
are very useful when obtaining the resolved state at a moving (or stationary) zone
boundary when a C+ rarefaction fan straddles that boundary. In other words, eqns. (5.53)
to (5.55) give us the interior structure of a rarefaction fan in terms of the self-similarity
variable ( x t ) and are, therefore, very useful for enforcing the entropy fix at a subsonic,
For shocks we see that the post-shock pressure P2 is such a good variable. The previous
paragraph has shown that the pressure P2 behind a rarefaction fan is a similarly good
variable. We, therefore, obtain expressions for v x2 − v x1 and ρ 2 in terms of the variables
to the right of the right-going rarefaction fan and the ratio P2 P1 . Using eqn. (5.50) gives
( Γ−1)
2 cs1
P2 2 Γ
v x2 − v x1 = − 1 − (5.56)
( Γ − 1) P1
ρ 2 = ρ1 2 (5.57)
We can now plot out v x2 using eqn. (5.56) for decreasing values of pressure P2
and any given state ( ρ1 , P1 , v x1 ) that is to the right of the right-going rarefaction. This is
done in Fig. 5.12 where the solid black curve with P2 < P1 gives us the locus of all points
in the ( v x2 , P2 ) plane that can be connected to the right state by a right-going rarefaction
denoted by R→ . The dashed black curve extends the same plot to the compressive side,
i.e. eqn. (5.56) is plotted out even when P2 > P1 . The grey curve shows us the locus of a
the dashed grey curve shows the corresponding rarefaction shock. We see that for P2 ~ P1
both the black and the grey curves in Fig. 5.12 have the same slope. This is as expected.
It means that for weak shocks or weak rarefaction fans it does not matter whether we use
either curve. We also notice that for v x2 − v x1 < 0 , the rarefaction fan permits a larger
velocity difference before developing a cavitation than a rarefaction shock. A flow is said
to undergo cavitation when its pressure becomes zero. As a result, an exact Riemann
solver which uses rarefaction fans and compressive shocks will fare slightly better than
an approximate Riemann solver that uses compressive shocks but replaces rarefaction
fans by rarefaction shocks. Such an exact Riemann solver would use the solid grey curve
in Fig. 5.12 to represent right-going shocks and the solid black curve to represent right-
going rarefaction fans. In practice, this represents only a small advantage because the
solid black curve and the dashed grey curve in Fig. 5.12 don’t differ by much. Besides,
for most problems, the rarefactions in the flow are not too strong. For this reason, several
approximate Riemann solvers use the shock adiabat (solid grey curve in Fig. 5.12) for
compressive shocks but resort to rarefaction shocks (dashed grey curve in Fig. 5.12) to
represent rarefactions. We will see in the next chapter that there are yet other Riemann
solvers that resist the formation of cavitations even better than the exact Riemann solver.
We also see that for P2 >> P1 , i.e. for strong shocks, the rarefaction adiabat and the shock
adiabat have very different asymptotic behaviors. It is for this reason that efforts to
replace compressive shocks by rarefaction fans in the regime where P2 > P1 have not met
with much success. For an example of such a Riemann solver which was based entirely
on rarefaction fans, see Osher and Solomon (1982) and an easily implementable version
of the same by Dumbser and Toro (2011).
5.3.2) Left-going Rarefaction Fans
to the left of this wave by a subscript “1” and denote the flow variables in that constant
state by ( ρ1 , v x1 , v y1 , v z1 , P1 ) . Asserting the constancy of the Riemann invariant “R”
we obtain the sound speed at any point in the left-going simple wave as a function of the
velocity difference ( v x − v x1 ) as:
( Γ − 1)
cs = cs1 − ( vx − v x1 ) (5.58)
We further obtain the pressure and density in the left-going simple wave as a function of
( vx − v x1 ) as:
2Γ 2Γ
c ( Γ−1) ( Γ − 1) ( v x − v x1 ) ( Γ−1)
P = P1 s = P1 1 − (5.59)
cs1 2 cs1
2 2
c ( Γ−1)
ρ = ρ1 s = ρ1
( Γ − 1) ( v x − v x1 ) ( Γ−1)
1 − (5.60)
cs1 2 cs1
Notice that eqns. (5.58) to (5.60) for a left-going compression or rarefaction wave are
analogous to eqns. (5.49) to (5.51) for a right-going compression or rarefaction wave.
The above expressions are generally true for any left-going compression or
rarefaction wave in a polytropic gas. We now specialize them for self-similar left-going
rarefaction fans that are initially centered at x = 0 . As before, we set ( x t=
) v x − cs for
the right-going characteristics and using eqn. (5.58) to get
2 x
v x − v x1 = − ( v x1 − cs1 ) (5.61)
( Γ+1) t
( Γ − 1) 1 x ( Γ−1)
P = P1 1 − − ( v − c )
s1 (5.62)
( Γ+1) cs1 t
( Γ − 1) 1 x ( Γ−1)
ρ = ρ1 1 − − ( v − c )
s1 (5.63)
( Γ+1) cs1 t
Eqns. (5.61) to (5.63) give us the internal structure of a left-going rarefaction fan that
emanates from the origin at time t = 0 . For a given left state, the flow variables in the
rarefaction fan that abuts that state are entirely specified by the ratio ( x t ) . Notice that
t − ( v x1 − cs1 ) is positive and monotonically increases from zero as one traverses a
left-going rarefaction fan from left to right. If we denote the variables to the right of a
left-going rarefaction fan by ( ρ 2 , v x2 , v y1 , v z1 , P2 ) we see that v x2 − v x1 > 0 , P2 < P1
and ρ 2 < ρ1 . These trends run exactly opposite to the trends that we catalogued in the
We, now obtain expressions for v x2 − v x1 and ρ 2 in terms of the variables to the
left of the left-going rarefaction fan and the ratio P2 P1 . Using eqn. (5.59) gives us
( Γ−1)
2 cs1 P2 2 Γ
v x2 − v x1 = 1 − (5.64)
( Γ − 1) P1
ρ 2 = ρ1 2 (5.65)
Eqns. (5.64) and (5.65) for a left-going rarefaction fan are analogous to eqns. (5.56) and
(5.57) for a right-going rarefaction fan. Fig. 5.13 is analogous to Fig. 5.12 and compares
left-going rarefaction fans, shown as R← , with left-going shocks. In Section 5.1 we saw
that isolated rarefaction fans can arise in the Riemann problem. The formulae derived in
this section give us a good compendium of equations pertaining to isolated rarefaction
fans that we will use later in designing our Riemann solver.
In the next two sub-sections we introduce the Riemann problem in two easy
stages. In Sub-Section 5.4.1 we introduce it with diagrams in the (vx, P) plane. In Sub-
Section 5.4.2 we show how the problem can be solved numerically using an iterative
Newton-Raphson root solver. Sub-Section 5.4.3 describes the entropy fix in the iterative
Riemann solver.
Riemann envisioned a situation where two initially uniform slabs of gas are
brought into contact at the plane x = 0 and then allowed to evolve self-consistently in
one dimension along the x-axis. Call the initial variables to the left
(ρ 1L , v x1L , v y1L , v z1L , P1L ) and call the corresponding initial flow variables to the right
(ρ 1R , v x1R , v y1R , v z1R , P1R ) . The Riemann problem describes the subsequent evolution of
that flow. Riemann’s important realization consisted of realizing that the problem can
only evolve as a similarity solution in space-time. The only self-similar fluid dynamical
structures that we know of are shock waves, centered rarefaction fans and contact
discontinuities. In rarefaction fans the Riemann invariants are constant along certain
characteristic families. Assuming that the problem is well-defined and doesn’t form
cavitations, Riemann asserted that there are only four possible outcomes of such a
i) right-going shock and left-going rarefaction fan,
ii) left-going shock and right-going rarefaction fan,
iii) right- and left-going shocks,
iv) right- and left-going rarefaction fans.
In all of the above four cases, a contact discontinuity between the two elementary flow
structures, i.e. simple waves, preserves the original sanctity of the two original slabs of
fluid. Across the contact discontinuity the pressure and normal velocity remain
continuous, while the density and the transverse velocities may undergo a jump. The
transverse velocity remains v y1L and v z1L in all of the left fluid and v y1R and v z1R in all
of the right fluid. If the two fluids in the two initial slabs have different properties, such
as different polytropic indices or different composition, then that that difference is also
preserved across the contact discontinuity. The previous statement would, however, have
to be modified if the fluids had a complicated equation of state.
The case where P1L > P1R , ρ1L > ρ1R with all the initial velocities zeroed is
particularly interesting because of its relevance to shock tubes. The problem corresponds
to Fig. 5.2 which was presented schematically in the Introduction. It is also rather simple
to analyze intuitively and we do that first. Since the pressure to the left is higher, it sends
a right-going shock into the fluid to the right with a pressure P* that is intermediate
between P1L and P1R . All the C+ characteristics in the left fluid will have their footpoints
in the constant flow to the left of x = 0 . Since P* < P1L the only self-similar flow that can
establish itself in the left fluid is a left-going rarefaction fan. The density in the post-
shock gas that lies to the left of the right-going shock and the density in the gas that lies
to the right of the left-going rarefaction fan will not match in general. As a result, a
contact discontinuity develops in Fig. 5.2 with the same pressure P* and x-velocity v∗x in
intermediate state ( v∗x , P∗ ) that connects to them. Focus on Fig. 5.14a which shows a
situation that is slightly more general than the one presented in the previous paragraph.
Here the left and right velocities of the initial states do not have to be zero, but their
difference has to be suitably small. The right state is shown by the point ( v x1R , P1R ) and
has substantially lower pressure than the left state ( v x1L , P1L ) . The right state
( v x1R , P1R ) can only connect to right-going wave families. We can now identify all the
right-going shocks S→ in the ( v∗x , P∗ ) plane that propagate into the unshocked gas given
by ( v x1R , P1R ) . This is shown by the part of the solid curve that has P* >P1R in Fig. 5.14a.
We also identify all the right-going rarefaction fans R→ in the ( v∗x , P∗ ) plane that
propagate into the constant state given by ( v x1R , P1R ) . This is shown by the part of the
solid curve that has P* <P1R in Fig. 5.14a. The solid curve in Fig. 5.14a is, therefore, the
locus of all right-going simple waves, whether they are shocks or rarefactions, that can
connect to the initial right state ( v x1R , P1R ) . As a result it increases to the right, similar to
the situation depicted in the Fig. 5.12 for right-going waves. If the intermediate state is
found to be ( v∗x , P∗ ) then the right-going wave will be a shock if P* >P1R and a
rarefaction fan if P* <P1R . The left state ( v x1L , P1L ) can only connect to left-going wave
families. The dashed curve in Fig. 5.14a is the locus of all left-going shocks S← and
rarefactions R← that can connect to the initial left state ( v x1L , P1L ) . Notice that since the
dashed curve represents a left-going simple wave, it decreases to the right, similar to the
situation depicted in the Fig. 5.13 for left-going waves. As before, the left-going wave
will be a shock if P* >P1L and a rarefaction fan if P* < P1L . Because the solid and dashed
curves have increasing and decreasing trends respectively, the two curves are sure to
intersect for any physical Riemann problem that does not produce a cavitation. The point
of their intersection gives us the intermediate state ( v∗x , P∗ ) . Fig. 5.14a shows that the
fully evolved Riemann problem has a right-going shock and a left-going rarefaction fan
with a contact discontinuity between them. The density jump in the contact discontinuity
has a constant pressure P∗ on either side of it and moves with an x-velocity given by v∗x .
Fig. 5.15a shows the density, pressure and the x-velocity as a function of position along
the x-axis of a numerically computed Riemann problem. The values of the density,
pressure and velocity on the extreme left and extreme right of the plots shown in Fig.
5.15a, therefore, give us the initial left and right states of the Riemann problem. Notice
from Fig. 5.15a that the left state was initialized with higher density and pressure than the
right state and that the two states were stationary at the initial time. Fig. 5.2 shows the
self-similar wave propagation in space and time for such a situation. Fig. 5.15a shows us
that the solution indeed consists of a right-going shock and a left-going rarefaction fan
along with a contact discontinuity between the two. All shocks are compressive for the
Euler equations, so that the jump in the pressure shows the location of the right-going
shock. The jump in the density, with a constant pressure and a constant velocity across it,
shows the location of the contact discontinuity. The left-going rarefaction is identified by
the continuously varying profile in the density, pressure and velocity variables. All
rarefaction fans correspond to a reduction in the pressure, which enables us to figure out
the direction in which the rarefaction fan propagates. We therefore see that Fig. 5.15a
shows all the flow structures that we anticipate from Fig. 5.14a. This problem is known in
the literature as the Sod problem and is commonly used to verify that Euler flow codes
are operating correctly.
Fig. 5.14b shows the situation where the pressure of the left state is much lower
than the pressure in the right state with only a suitably small x-velocity difference
between the states. We clearly see that the Riemann problem shown in Fig. 5.14b
represents a right-going rarefaction fan and a left-going shock. Fig. 5.15b shows the
density, pressure and the x-velocity as a function of position along the x-axis of a
numerically computed Riemann problem that has a right-going rarefaction fan and a left-
going shock. As before, we see that Fig. 5.15b shows all the flow structures that we
anticipate from Fig. 5.14b.
Fig. 5.14c shows us a situation where the initial left and right states are
propagating towards each other with a rather large velocity, i.e. v x1L > v x1R so that the
fluid to the left runs into the fluid to the right. However, the difference in initial pressures
between them is suitably small. In that case, the intermediate state, which is given by the
point of intersection between the solid and dashed curves in Fig. 5.14c, has a pressure P∗
that is greater than either P1L or P1R . In physical terms, the kinetic energy of the two
colliding streams is turned into thermal energy. As a result, this Riemann problem
resolves itself into right- and left-going shocks with a contact discontinuity between them.
Fig. 5.16a shows the density, pressure and the x-velocity as a function of position along
the x-axis of a numerically computed Riemann problem that has right- and left-going
shocks, analogous to Fig. 5.14c. Notice that the central densities and pressures in Fig.
5.16a are much larger than the densities and pressures in the initial left or right states,
thereby showing the compression that has resulted from the two colliding streams.
However, the velocities of the initial left and right streams are much larger than the
velocity in the central compressed region.
Fig. 5.14d shows a situation where the initial left and right states are moving apart
with a rather large velocity, i.e. v x1L <v x1R so that the fluid to the left is initially flowing
away from the fluid to the right. As in Fig. 5.14c, the difference in initial pressures
between the initial left and right states is suitably small. In this case the intermediate state
has a pressure P∗ that is less than either P1L or P1R . As a result, this Riemann problem
resolves itself into right- and left-going rarefaction fans with a contact discontinuity
between them. Fig. 5.16b shows the density, pressure and the x-velocity as a function of
position along the x-axis of a numerically computed Riemann problem that has right- and
left-going rarefaction fans, analogous to Fig. 5.14d.
A couple of computational exercises are provided at the end of this chapter. They
invite the reader to build a one-dimensional flow solver for the Euler equations and use it
to solve the problems shown in Figs. 5.15 and 5.16. As seen from Figs. 5.15 and 5.16, the
numerical solutions are not entirely perfect and the computational exercises explain why.
We observe from the discussion in the previous two paragraphs that in all cases,
the contact discontinuity has a pressure P∗ on either side of it and moves with a velocity
v∗x along the x-axis. Recall our convention that subscripts “2” are used to denote post-
shock or post-rarefaction fan quantities. The solid curves in Fig. 5.14 give us the loci of
all states ( v∗x2R , P2R
) that connect to the initial right state ( v x1R , P1R ) of the Riemann
problem via either a right-going shock or rarefaction. The dashed curves in Fig. 5.14 give
us the loci of states ( v∗x2L , P2L
) that connect to the initial left state ( v x1L , P1L ) of the
Riemann problem via either a right-going shock or rarefaction. A solution strategy for
resolving the Riemann problem should, therefore, consist of finding the pressure P∗ for
solid and dashed curves in Fig. 5.14 change character as they transition from shocks to
rarefaction fans. Expressing that change of character in a numerical code entails
additional programming, inefficient cache usage and a possible loss of vectorization. For
that reason, it has come to be standard practice in this field to replace rarefaction fans by
rarefaction shocks in production codes. As seen in Section 4.5, it is very important to
have an entropy fix in one’s code when rarefaction shocks are used as a proxy for
rarefaction fans.
The previous sub-section has shown that a numerical solution of the Riemann
problem consists of finding the intermediate state ( v∗x , P∗ ) . Once the intermediate state
is found, the resolved state can also be found. Recall that the resolved state, which is the
state that overlies the zone boundary in space and time in Figs. 5.3 and 5.4, yields the
consistent and upwinded numerical flux. This is the flux that we use in our numerical
schemes. In this sub-section we, therefore, describe the procedure for iteratively
obtaining the intermediate state.
Notice from Fig. 5.14 that for any physical left and right state, there is always a
single intermediate state, thus ensuring it can always be found. Notice too that the right-
and left-going adiabats shown in that figure are always continuous and differentiable,
thus ensuring that efficient root finding methods for finding the intermediate state can be
used. Because the curves depicted in Fig. 5.14 are not straight lines, the solution has to be
obtained iteratively. In this section we explain the Newton-Raphson iterative procedure
developed by van Leer (1979). As explained previously, it is often advantageous to
replace rarefaction fans by rarefaction shocks as long as the wave model includes an
entropy fix. As noted by Colella & Woodward (1984) and Colella (1985) such an
approximate Riemann solver that is based on a two-shock approximation is perfectly
adequate for practically all situations. For that reason, we specify “S” in equation
numbers to denote that the equation can be used all by itself in an approximate Riemann
solver that is based exclusively on shocks and a contact discontinuity. We will also
specify “R” in equation numbers to denote that the equation pertains to rarefaction fans
and can be used along with the equations for shocks to design an exact Riemann solver
for hydrodynamics. Riemann solvers that are based exclusively on rarefaction fans
(Osher and Solomon 1982) have not been very successful because they cannot handle
very strong shocks properly.
The x-velocity v∗x2R behind the right-going shock or rarefaction can be specified
( Γ − 1) 1 − ( P∗ P1R )
WR ( P ∗
)= Γ P1R ρ1R for P∗ < P1R (5.67R)
1 − ( P P1R )
( Γ−1) ( 2 Γ )
2Γ ∗
Similarly, the x-velocity v∗x2L behind the left-going shock or rarefaction can be specified
( Γ − 1) 1 − ( P∗ P1L )
WL ( P ∗
)= Γ P1L ρ1L for P∗ < P1L (5.69R)
1 − ( P P1L )
( Γ−1) ( 2 Γ )
2Γ ∗
Fig. 5.17 shows the adiabats associated with eqns. (5.66) and (5.68) for the situation
shown in Fig. 5.14c which results in right- and left-going shocks. The steps in the
iterative solution are also shown in Fig. 5.17. When P∗ reaches its converged value we
have v∗x2L = v∗x2R = v*x . Thus the iterative Newton-Raphson root solver is designed to drive
The iterative process can be started by setting P∗ = P1R and P∗ = P1L in eqns.
(5.67S) and (5.69S) respectively. This is the first iteration shown in Fig. 5.17 where the
intersection of the local tangents to the two adiabats are used to obtain P∗(1) . Substituting
the resultant values for WR ( P1R ) and WL ( P1L ) in eqns. (5.66) and (5.68) respectively,
and equating the right hand sides of the two equations, gives us the first iterate P∗(1) for
P* as:
The above equation gives us a good starting approximation for the pressure in the
intermediate state.
We now specify how to take a general nth iterate P∗(n ) and obtain the (n+1)th
iterate P∗(n+1) . As an example, Fig. 5.17 shows the second iteration after P∗(1) has been
obtained from the first iteration described in the previous paragraph. We see from that
figure that the Newton-Raphson procedure requires us to use two more tangents from
points on the adiabats corresponding to P∗ = P∗(1) to obtain the second iterate P∗(2) . Fig.
5.17 also shows us that the velocities v∗x2R
and v∗x2L
after the second iteration are closer
the pressure, P∗(n ) , we obtain the nth iterate for the velocities, v∗x2R
and v∗x2L
, as follows:
= v x1R + ( P∗(n) − P1R ) WR ( P∗(n) ) (5.71)
= v x1L − ( P∗(n) − P1L ) WL ( P∗(n) ) (5.72)
d v∗(n) d v∗x2L
0 = v∗x2R
− v∗x2L
+ ( P∗(n+1) − P∗(n) ) x2R∗(n)
− ∗(n)
dP dP
The derivatives in eqn. (5.73) can be evaluated using eqns. (5.66) and (5.68) while using
eqns. (5.67) and (5.69) as supporting equations. For hydrodynamics, they have very
simple expressions that can be written with only a minimal amount of extra computation.
Thus we define ZR ( P∗(n) ) and ZL ( P∗(n) ) as:
d v∗(n) d v∗x2L
ZR ( P∗(n) ) ≡ 1 x2R L( )
and Z P ≡ − 1 ∗(n)
dP dP
to get
2 WR ( P∗(n) )
( Γ +1)
P ∗(n)
( 2Γ )
ZR ( P∗(n) ) = ρ1R cs1R for P∗(n) < P1R (5.75R)
2 WL ( P∗(n) )
ZL ( P ∗(n)
)= for P∗(n) ≥ P1L (5.76S)
WL ( P )
∗(n) 2
+ ( ρ1L cs1L )
( Γ +1)
P∗(n) ( 2Γ )
ZL ( P∗(n) ) = ρ1L cs1L for P∗(n) < P1L (5.76R)
Physically, ZR ( P∗(n) ) and ZL ( P∗(n) ) can be interpreted as the absolute value of the slopes
of the solid and dashed curves in Fig. 5.14. The (n+1)th iterate P∗(n+1) is now given by:
ZR ( P∗(n) ) ZL ( P∗(n) )
P ∗(n+1)
=P ∗(n )
ZR ( P
(v ∗(n)
− v∗x2L
) (5.77)
) + Z (P )
∗(n) x2R
Once P∗(n+1) is sufficiently close to its converged value P∗ , as evinced by
P∗(n+1) − P∗(n ) P∗(n ) having a suitably small value, we can optionally make a small, final
ZR ( P∗(n) ) + v∗x2L
ZL ( P∗(n) )
v = (5.78)
ZR ( P∗(n) ) + ZL ( P∗(n) )
This completes our description of the Newton-Raphson root solver for obtaining the
intermediate stats of the Riemann problem.
The Newton-Raphson iteration described above converges very rapidly and only
two or three iterations are usually needed even for the strongest of shocks that one is
likely to encounter. For problems with only a few shocks in the computational domain,
the solution is rather smooth at most zone boundaries. At those boundaries, even the two
or three previously mentioned iterations can be dispensed with by simply using eqns.
(5.70) and (5.78) to obtain the intermediate state. Once the intermediate state ( v∗x , P∗ ) is
found, we can always use eqns. (5.20) and (5.57) to obtain the densities ρ 2R
and ρ 2L
either side of the contact discontinuity. The transverse velocities are unchanged on either
side of the contact discontinuity.
The fully evolved Riemann problem now has four constant states, the first to the
left of the left-going wave, the second to the right of the left-going wave, the third to the
left of the right-going wave and the fourth to the right of the right-going wave. See Fig.
5.2 and Figs. 5.15 and 5.16. The speeds of any right- or left-going shocks in the Riemann
problem can be obtained from eqns. (5.33) and (5.35). Likewise, the structure of open
right- or left-going rarefaction fans can be deduced by evaluating the speeds of the C+
and C− characteristics respectively on both sides of the rarefaction fans. As a result, we
can evaluate the location of the four constant states relative to the zone boundary. If any
one of those states coincides with the zone boundary, we can use the flow variables from
( RS )
that state to obtain the U i+1/2 variables that are to be used in eqn. (5.1) to obtain the
physically consistent upwinded fluxes. If the zone boundary is straddled by an open,
( RS )
right-going rarefaction fan, we use eqns. (5.53) to (5.55) to obtain U i+1/2 . Similarly, if the
zone boundary is straddled by an open, left-going rarefaction fan, we use eqns. (5.61) to
( RS )
(5.63) to obtain U i+1/2 . This prescription of opening out rarefaction fans is followed even
when the Riemann solver is based on a two-shock approximation; and it is especially
important in such situations. It is known in the literature as entropy enforcement and is an
essential step in every type of Riemann solver if it is to produce physically consistent
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Problem Set
5.1) a) Recalling the Lax entropy condition from the previous chapter, show that physical
entropy is increased as the fluid flows through a compressive shock. Do this by picking
ρ1 = 1 , P1 = 1 , Γ =1.4 and P2 = 4 for the compressive shock. Then use eqn. (5.20) to
obtain ρ 2 for the post-shock density. Show that the post-shock entropy increases for the
compressive shock. b) Now show that the entropy decreases as the fluid flows through an
unphysical rarefaction shock. Do this by picking ρ1 = 1 , P1 = 1 , Γ =1.4 and P2 = 0.2 for
the rarefaction shock. Again, use eqn. (5.20) to obtain ρ 2 for the post-shock density.
Then show that the post-shock entropy decreases for the rarefaction shock.
5.2) a) Again recalling the Lax entropy condition from the previous chapter, show that
the right-going characteristics flow into a physical, i.e. compressive, right-going shock.
Do this by picking ρ1 = 1 , P1 = 1 , Γ =1.4 and P2 = 4 for the compressive shock. Then
use eqn. (5.20) to obtain ρ 2 for the post-shock density and then use eqns. (5.23) and
(5.24) to obtain u x1 and u x2 . Recall that these velocities are negative in the right-going
shock’s rest frame. Show that in the shock’s frame, the characteristics with speeds
u x1 + cs1 and u x2 + cs2 flow into the compressive shock. b) On the other hand, show that
the right-going characteristics flow out of a right-going rarefaction shock. Do this by
picking ρ1 = 1 , P1 = 1 , Γ =1.4 and P2 = 0.2 for the rarefaction shock. Again, use eqn.
(5.20) to obtain ρ 2 for the post-shock density and then use eqns. (5.23) and (5.24) to
obtain u x1 and u x2 . Show that in the shock’s frame, the characteristics with speeds
5.3) Consider a straight tube that is filled with gas having unit density, unit pressure and
Γ = 5/3. The gas is initially at rest. A piston that is initially at rest is placed in the tube at
x=0. We are interested in the gas flow that develops in the region with x>0. At time t=0
the piston is plunged to the right with a uniform, unit velocity. In the process, a shock
propagates to the right of the piston. a) Find the density, pressure and velocity of the
shocked fluid. b) Find the shocked velocity relative to the unshocked fluid.
5.4) Consider a right-going shock that is initially at x<0 and moving toward a stationary,
reflecting wall that is located at x=0. The unshocked fluid that lies between the initial
shock and the wall has unit density, unit pressure, Γ = 5/3 and is initially at rest. The
shock moves at a speed of two units relative to the unshocked fluid. a) Find the post-
shock density, pressure and velocity before the shock reaches the wall. b) After the shock
has reflected off the wall, find the density and pressure at the wall as well as the velocity
with which the shock propagates away from the wall.
5.5) Consider a straight tube that is filled with gas having unit density, unit pressure and
Γ = 5/3. The gas is initially at rest. A piston that is initially at rest is placed in the tube at
x=0. At time t=0 the piston starts moving to the left with a uniform, unit velocity. What
are the values of the density, pressure and x-velocity of the flow at x=0 for times t>0.
Computational Exercises
5.1) Using the Riemann solver provided on the CD-ROM, construct a one-dimensional
code for solving the Euler equations. Use the limiters that are also provided in the CD-
ROM. The minmod or van Leer limiters are perfect for this project. Use the time-stepping
scheme shown in eqns. (3.50) and (3.51) to construct a spatially and temporally second
order, one-dimensional Euler flow code. Do this using the following steps:
i) First declare one-dimensional array variables for the solution variables. We use
conserved variables as our solution variables and they consist of mass, momentum and
energy densities defined at the zone centers of our one-dimensional mesh. Remember to
leave a few extra zones (2 to 4 will do) on either side of the computational domain to
hold the boundary information that may need to be refreshed at each timestep. (For the
Riemann problems in the next problem, even this process of refreshing the boundary
zones is not needed.) Realize that eqns. (3.50) and (3.51) pertain to a two step scheme. As
a result, you will have to retain an old and new set of arrays for all the U in and U in +1
solution variables. You will also need to have further array variables that contain a
discrete representation of the rates of update for the solution variables.
ii) From eqns. (3.50) and (3.51) realize that we want a subroutine that accepts one-
dimensional array variables for the mass, momentum and energy densities and returns a
discrete version of their rates of update. Thus we want to come out of this subroutine with
an evaluation of ( F( RS )
i +1/2 − Fi(−RS
) ∆x for each zone “i”, i.e. the entire set of one-
dimensional arrays that went into the subroutine. This is done as follows:
ii.a) Once inside the subroutine, construct arrays of primitive variables, i.e. density,
velocities and pressure, from the conserved variables. I.e. for each vector U i in each zone,
ii.b) Construct arrays that hold the undivided differences of the primitive variables, ∆Vi .
Do this by using the limiters from the previous chapter.
ii.c) Use the primitive variables and their slopes on either side of each zone boundary to
construct variables to the left of the zone boundary
(ρ , v x1L , v y1L , v z1L , P1L ) ≡ Vi + ∆Vi / 2 and the corresponding flow variables to the
zone boundaries so that we have one array for each of the left variables and, similarly,
one array for each of the right variables.
ii.d) Send arrays of left and right variables to the Riemann solver. Think of the Riemann
solver as a machine that uses the information provided to return properly upwinded
fluxes Fi+( RS )
1/2 for each zone boundary “i+1/2”.
that in the corrector step we can overwrite U in with U in+1 for each zone “i”. Also evaluate
a new time step ∆t for the next iteration, consistent with the Courant condition.
5.2) Use the code from the previous problem to solve a few of the Riemann problems
described below. Use the flow solver described above with a mesh with about 100 to 400
zones covering the unit interval [−0.5, 0.5]. The results should match up with the
solutions shown in Figs. 5.15 and 5.16 wherever appropriate.
i) Sod (1978) shock problem:
( ρ , P, v x ) = ( 1, 1, 0) for x<0
= (0.125, 0.1, 0) for x>0
Use Γ = 1.4 for this problem. The problem should be stopped at a time of 0.2. The result
is shown in Fig. 5.15a.
ii) A problem that is quite similar to the Sod problem is the Lax (1954) problem:
( ρ , P, v x ) = ( 0.445, 3.528, 0.698) for x<0
= (0.5, 0.571, 0) for x>0
Use Γ = 1.4 for this problem. The problem should be stopped at a time of 0.13.
iii) One half of the Woodward & Colella (1984) problem:
( ρ , P, v x ) = ( 1.0, 0.01, 0) for x<0
= (1.0, 1000.0, 0) for x>0
Use Γ = 1.4 for this problem. The problem should be stopped at a time of 0.01. The result
is shown in Fig. 5.15b.
iv) Two strongly supersonic colliding streams of very low pressure gas:
( ρ , P, v x ) = ( 1.0, 0.2, 2.0) for x<0
= (1.5, 0.2, − 2.0) for x>0
Use Γ = 5/3 for this problem. The problem should be stopped at a time of 0.4. The result
is shown in Fig. 5.16a. The reader will see a slightly greater post-shock oscillation in his
or her result. The oscillations stem from the fact that the problem has extremely strong
shocks that move very slowly with respect to the mesh. The result shown in Fig. 5.16a
uses a small amount of Lapidus (1967) viscosity to damp out those oscillations.
v) Two strong rarefaction fans:
( ρ , P, v x ) = ( 1.0, 2.0, − 2.5) for x<0
= (1.5, 4.0, 2.5) for x>0
Use Γ = 5/3 for this problem. The problem should be stopped at a time of 0.08. The result
is shown in Fig. 5.16b. We see a small dimple in the density at the contact discontinuity.
This is a region of slightly higher entropy and is initially needed by the numerical method
to resolve the Riemann problem in an entropy satisfying fashion. However, once the
dimple is produced, the numerical method treats it as a flow feature and never gets rid of