Diffuser Augmented
Diffuser Augmented
Diffuser Augmented
The diffuser-augmented wind turbine (DAWT) is one of the advanced concepts being investigated to improve
the economics of wind energy conversion systems (WECS). Application of modern boundary-layer control
techniques has reduced the surface area requirements of an efficient diffuser by an order of magnitude. Many
parameters that affect the performance of the diffuser system have been examined in small-scale wind tunnel
tests with a family of compact diffusers, using screens and centerbodies to simulate the presence of a turbine.
Flowfield surveys, overall performance, the effect of ground proximity, and the prospects for further im-
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provement are described. The baseline configuration is a conical, 60 deg included angle diffuser with an area
ratio of 2.78 controlled by two tangential injection slots. This first-generation DAWT can provide about twice
the power of a conventional WECS with the same turbine diameter and wind. Economic estimates show that this
DAWT can be as much as 50% cheaper than conventional WECS for the same rated power.
properly done, this technique has the effect of preventing flow FLOW R E T A R D A T I O N
separation from the wall (the primary cause of failure of large
angle diffusers). There are several aspects of modern TOTAL PRESSURE
12.5 'LOSS
technology that offer significantly greater advantages to these
shrouded systems than have been considered in the past. 2 The 10
most important of these are: 1) the promise of boundary-layer (ACCELERATION) i 7 5
control to reduce the surface area (i.e. length) requirements of
an efficient diffuser by an order of magnitude; and 2) the i 5
realization (first indicated by Igra 3 and since confirmed by ! 2.5
our experiments) that there is a beneficial augmentation of a
shrouded wind turbine that results from the turbulent -2-1 2 3 4 5 1 3
momentum interaction between the turbine/diffuser wake A X I A L DISTANCE F R O M A X I A L DISTANCE FROM
and the accelerated peripheral flow. This momentum ex- SCREEN (DIFFUSER SCREEN (DIFFUSER
change results in a greatly reduced exit plane pressure that has LENGTHS) LENGTHS
been as beneficial as the effect of the diffuser itself. There is Fig. 3 Typical centerline axial static- and total-pressure surveys in
also the promise of synergistic advantages derived from the 60-deg included angle diffuser, CT = 0.47.
design features of a static diffuser structure which dampens
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Experimental Method
Experiments have been conducted in a low-speed low- Fig. 4 Boundary-layer controlled (BLC) diffuser models: a) (left to
turbulence-level free jet tunnel facility. The core region of a right) 40-, 60-, and 80-deg included angle models each with an area
29.2-cm-diameter free jet flow is used as the test section in ratio of 2.78; b) baseline configuration, 60-deg diffuser with an area
which uniform wind conditions are simulated. A velocity of ratio of 2.78 (screen installed CT = 0.37).
13.0 m/s (43fps) was used for the tests. Models were mounted
slightly downstream of the nozzle exit plane.
Since it is impractical to build a family of wind turbines for derived from an ideal turbine, 0.593 of the total available free
an exploratory investigation of small-scale diffuser models, wind power in a streamtube with the same area as the turbine.
turbine energy extraction was simulated by screens that As given in Ref. 6,
dissipate energy at the turbine station. The turbine per-
formance is simulated by the total pressure change across the r=HV2/q0V0 (0.593}
screen. The power extracted per unit area of screen is the
product of the change in total pressure and local velocity. where His the total pressure drop across the turbine (screen).
The instrumentation system employed a transconductance The magnitude of H is a function of the particular screen
differential pressure transducer. Measurements were derived used and the local dynamic pressure and is measured directly
from the combined use of a single static-pressure probe and a in the system. Figure 3 shows the standard technique used to
single total-pressure probe, each of which could pass through determine the system augmentation. The local dynamic
the screens used. For the axial- and radial-pressure surveys, pressure q2 is <?inlet + q0. The screen factor, C r , is computed as
the probes were mounted on a motor-driven traversing — H/q2. Measurements of static, dynamic, and total pressure
mechanism. This device produced an electrical output usually were made. Repeated axial surveys at different radial
proportional to its position so that pressure vs spatial position positions indicate that r increases with radial distance from
could be recorded. the axis. The weighted average over the entire cross section of
The augmentation ratio is defined as the ideal power ex- the turbine simulator gives the total diffuser augmentation
tracted by the turbine, normalized by the optimum power ratio, f.
Diffuser Additional
Number of Area ratio (diffuser exit/ included Disk tests below
segments screen inlet) angles, deg loading, CT footnoted
1 4.94 40,90 0.47 c
2.55,1.93 40 0.47 c
2.78,2.05,1.93,1.85,1.63 60 0.47
1.69 80 0.47
2 4.94 90 0.47 c
3.92 40 0.47
2.78 40 0.47 c —e
2.78 60 0.37,0.47, b,f-j
2.78 80 0.37,0.47, b,g,h,j
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2.49 40,60,80 0.47 a,c
2.37 60 0.47 a
1.28 40 0.47
4 4.94 40 0.47,0.55, b
4.94 60 0.47 b
4.43 40 0.47 b
Inlet slot height/radius,%,0,1.25,2.5,5.
Auxiliary slot height/local radius,%,3.36,2.52,1.92,1.76,1.68,1.63,0.36.
Positioning screen at diffuser inlet with and without screen ring.
Internal turbulent tape trips.
Trailing-edge flaps.
Leading- and trailing-edge configurations.
Ground plane and/or shear flow study.
Position of auxiliary slots.
'Centerbody configurations.
Yaw sensitivity.
Figure 4 shows two BLC diffusers. The upper photo shows Diffuser
three diffusers with included angles of 40, 60, and 80 deg and Many parameters have been identified that influence the
the same exit-to-turbine disk ratio (2.78) and slot sizes. The diffuser system performance. Investigations were conducted
40-deg diffuser is of an earlier construction employing rolled to determine the effect of several of these. Although it was
stainless steel sheet, and the other two are spun aluminum. impossible to span the entire parameter space for each
The decrease in material from 40 to 80 deg is evident. The configuration, data were compiled that give an indication of
second photograph is a three-quarter view of the 60-deg the important trends.
diffuser showing the mounting details of the screen ring, inlet, Over 100 variations of wide-angle segmented diffusers that
and auxiliary slots. employed the boundary-layer control mechanism were
constructed and tested. A partial summary of these is given in
Experimental Results Table 1. A 60-deg included angle diffuser with a screen factor
The system augmentation is primarily a result of the in- (disk loading) of 0.63 is the best configuration tested, giving a
creased mass flow rate through the turbine. This increase in mass-weighted average-augmentation ratio of 1.89. This
entrance velocity may be thought of as the combination of configuration has an area ratio of 2.78 and uses an inlet and
two major pressure effects. The first of these is the static- auxiliary slot for boundary-layer control. It is expected that
pressure rise in the diffuser. The efficiency of this element is with further model refinements it will be possible to improve
dependent upon such factors as the inlet configuration, upon this value.
number, and location of boundary-layer energizing slots, size The first important result was learning how to start the flow
of the slots, and turbine disk loading. along the diffuser wall against the large adverse pressure
The second effect is due to the accelerated flow around the gradient. If the flow in the diffuser was not properly started,
diffuser structure producing an exit plane static-pressure it behaved like a jet issuing from a plane wall; i.e. a vena
reduction. The importance of this effect may be emphasized contracta flow. The solution was simply to move the screen up
by realizing that a subatmospheric exit pressure requires that into a constant area section upstream of the diverging section,
the exiting fluid continues to expand to the far downstream and to provide an initial inlet slot around the screen section
conditions. The corresponding further rise in static pressure is which added enough momentum to the boundary layer to
accomplished without the need (and cost) of constructing allow it to start turning the angle of the diffuser wall as if it
more diffuser structures. For 60 and 80 deg, typical values for were a Coanda flow process. It appeared to be necessary to
the exit pressure coefficient are -0.58 and -0.63, respec- provide a short attachment surface of little or no divergence
tively. However, a DAWT receives the net benefit from the downstream of the screen prior to where the diffuser wall
diffuser of only that pressure reduction below the equivalent began to rapidly diverge or else jet flow would form.
CP4 value for a conventional rotor of -1/3—that is, Figure 5 shows the augmentation obtained with various
something like -0.25 to -0.3. angle diffuser configurations as a function of their area ratio.
CT = 0.47
Fig. 5 Trend of centerline augmentation with area ratio for diffusers Fig. 6 Average induced dynamic pressure ratio for 60- and 80-deg
constructed of various numbers of segments. BLC diffusers at various disk loadings.
moves upstream when sections with increased wall area are 6 1.6
Fig. 8 Effect of slot configuration on average augmentation in 60- Fig. 10 Exit plane pressure reduction for various BLC diffuser
deg BLC diffusers. angles as a function of area ratio.
o = 2.78
o 0.52-
NO SLOTS X 0.44-
DC 0.40-
presents a more cost effective solution for wind energy benefits of DAWT in the intermediate size range are
conversion. The diffuser cost estimates were made by somewhat obscured by the significant uncertainties of current
Grumman on the basis of a finite-element structural analysis turbine cost estimates. The indirect benefits of DAWT's,
for a full-scale baseline diffuser design (2.78 area ratio, 6 = 60 including a potentially greater factor for usable annual wind
cleg, r— 1.89). The total cost of the diffuser and of the rotor energy patterns, tower cost reduction, elimination of tower
elements has been normalized by the turbine diameter squared wake, and reduction of wind shear and direction problems,
to facilitate comparison of the two systems. probably mean that DAWT's have the possibility of becoming
At this time, operationally reliable rotor diameters greater more economical than conventional WECS, regardless of size
than 65 m are highly speculative. The most straightforward or turbine costing trends.
advantage of the DAWT is that it offers an alternative to
replication of conventional WECS when the desired unit
output would require these large turbine rotors. The cost
comparison is shown in Fig. 12 for equal rated power output This work was performed under U.S. Energy Research and
on the basis of the turbine and diffuser elements of the system Development Administration (ERDA) Contract E(l 1-1) 2616.
only. That is, differences in the costs of the electrical
generator, tower, foundation, control system, and References
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Savino, J.M. (ed.), Proceedings, NSF-NASA Workshop on Wind
Downloaded by Universitats- und Landesbibliothek Dusseldorf on September 14, 2013 | http://arc.aiaa.org | DOI: 10.2514/3.47988
have not been considered in these cost comparisons, nor have Driven Generator Systems, Rept. NSF/RA/W-73-006, Dec. 1973.
any other system economics of scale. 2
Betz, A., "Energiemsetzungen in Venturidusen," Natur-
The DAWT can be as much 50% cheaper than a WECS for wissenshaften, Vol. 10, S. 3, 1939, pp. 160-164.
turbine diameters greater than about 35 m. For smaller Igra, O., "Shrouds for Aerogenerators," Dept. of Mechanical
turbine sizes, the DAWT can be anywhere from marginally Engineering, Ben Gurion University of Negev, Israel, Rept. 2, March
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A usable annual wind pattern factor has not been included Are Now," NASA TMX-71890, March 1976.
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in the graphic results. But, because of the inherent wind Contract NAS 3-19404," Kaman Aerospace Corporation, July 1975.
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economic advantage for the DAWT, regardless of which
turbine cost estimate is appropriate.
The experimental fluid mechanics of boundary-layer
controlled compact diffusers were investigated for power STATEMENT OF OWNERSHIP, MANAGEMENT AND CIRCULATION
(Required by 39 U.S.C. 3685)
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