Pay Revision
Pay Revision
Pay Revision
Government of India
Ministry of Health and Family welfare
INI-I Section
After completion 3
years, will move to the
Academic Grade Pay of
Rs. 8700.
Associate Professor PB-4 Rs. 37,400 - 67,000 Level 13 A1
with minimum pay of Rs.
42,800: Academic Grade pay (Annexure-I of MoHRD's
R. 9000. Order dated 27.10.20t7)
Additional Professor PB-4 Rs. 37,400 -
67,000 Level 13 A2
with minimum pay of Rs.
46,000: Academic Grade pay (Annexure-I of MoHRD's
R. 9,500. Order dated 27.10.2017)
Professor PB-4 Rs. 37,400 -
67,000 Level 14 A
with minimum pay of Rs.
51,600: Academic Grade pay (Annexure-I of MoHRD's
R. 10,500, Order dated 27.10.20t7)
3. The effective date of fixation of pay of the faculty of the three Institutes
is 01.1.2015.
Yours faithfully,
(Lav Agarwal)
loint Secretary to the Govt. of India
Copy to:-
Thc Dircctors,
eit c"ntt"tty Funded Technical
Staff in Centrally Funded
Sub:- Revision of pay of Faculty and Scientific/D.esign
lnstitutions (i'rrr"; rrtto*irra th" pll revision of the central
Technical 7th central Pay commission
covernment emotoy"t' l-n *"""tlt*ttio'tio";f
(7th cPC).
aftcr taking into
Governmcnt of lndia have dccided'
I rm dirccted to say that the revise the Pay
n"n" Pay Review Commiftee' to
consideration tt'" 'ntotIntntltti""' "0" Iunded le'chnical Institutions
of Faculty and scientific/De;il;;';r:L;lrallv of 7th
tn" Ctntiut"C-out'n'ntnt employccs on the recommendation
the Dav rcvision of as approved
irc t*i"a pay and otherservice conditions
c"ntiai Pay Conrmission[CPCj' Funded
bv rhe Govcrnment of lndia
;;ii; i;;;it' ;i
scientific/Desien Staff in centrallv
i'"J"t*f Institutions (CFTIs) arc as undcr:
of Technologl [ItTs)' lndian lnstitute of Science
lndian lnstitutes of
\/!.,/ For
Bangalore, l"ai'n r"]tt"t"''ir f ilug"t"nt 0IMs)' National tnstitute
I n a ristri a I
E n ei"
ei' u "'"fr"i- : .t:rll.,::ff
Na6onal lnsti-tu- te
Iffi tfi :;;
Education & Research(ttSERs)'
Technolory (lllTs)'
lndian Institutes of tnformation
Faculty woulcl be as per
fitment table at Annexure-
(alThe pay fitment in respect ofthe
Professors (Contractuall
is changed into Assistant
(bl The nolnenclaturc of Assistant
and Assistant Professor
' ' Profo,.ot G'"tl"-ll (P;;""";i" oip ipoo;nd-AcP'7'060)shall be no chanse in the
J"';:;;;;;;J AGP e'000) rhere
Grade - I (Presentlv
(D For Academic posts other than those contained in Annexure-, ofthis order, they
shall follow AICTE pay Revision orders.
(ii) For Dircctors, thc Annexure-Il above shall apply as per
Z(ii) above.
1. Pay Fixation Method.
a nd Aca d em i c G r,,
ff ljfji:',T;,j:l,T il:r_T]
The first acadcmic"rcver (corresponding to AGp of
Rs.6000J is numbered as
academic level 10. Similarly, the other academic
levels are ti, tZ, nat,ii/f,,
14, 14A and 15.
c) Each cell in an academic level is 3% higher
than the previous cell in that level.
d) The Index of Rarionarisation
00D-E ilZ forecp'tlss tnan Rs.10,000 and 2.72
for the AGp of Rs.10,000 and abovts
The entry pay for cach levcl is as follows:
The Pay Matrix based on the above propositions on Acadcmic Lcvcls, cclls and Entry
Pay is at Annexure I & ll.
arises where more than two stages arc bunched together, one
lf a situation
bunched' and pay fixed
additional incrcment eq!.lal to 3% may be given for every two stages
in the subscqucnt cell in the pay matrix'
5. Increment
each cell being higher
(i) The annual increment is given in the Pay Matrix at 3%, with
if rZ, the previoui ccll in the same level, rounded off to nearest 100 The
academic level'
annual incremcnts to each employee'the would movc up in the same
with an employee moving from existing cell in the academic level to the
immediate next cell in the same academic level'
1't tanuary and 1{ )uly of
(iD There shall be two dates tor grant of increment namely,
cvcry ycirr, instead of existing date of 1 luly, provitletl
that an employee shall be
ofthese two dates depending on
entitied to only one annual increment on either one
the date of appointment, promotion or gratrt o[ financial
6. Promotion
pay on promotion would be fixed in
Whcn an indivi<tual gets a promotion' his new
the Pay Matrix as lollows:
On promotion, he worrld be given a notional
increment in his existing Acadimic Lcvel
of Pay, by moving him to the nextf,ighercell
atthatlevel shown in this cell would
to the post to whlch he has been
now be located in rhc new Academil level corresponding
that cell shall be the
p."r"i.a. ff. cell idcntical wtth that pay is availible in the new leve[, pay
shall be the new of the employee.
l"* pry, othcrwise the next higher cellin that level in thc new level' then the pay
lf the pay arrivcrl at in this *"inc' is less than the first
shall bc fixcd at thc first cell ofthat level'
willuken after consultation with
The decision otr allowances of faculty of CFTIs
is taken' atl allowances will
the Mi nistry of Finance Till a final decision on Allowances
pay hatl not been revised with effect
contin ue to bc paid at existing pay structure, as if the
from 01.01.2016.
8. SuperannuationandRe-employment
9. Scientific/DesignStaft-
The revised pay of Scientific/Design Staff shall bc mapped into the normal
replacement pay of 7th CPC.
10. Date of implementation ofrevised pay and allowance and payment of arrears:
[i) The revised Pay and revised rates of Dearness Allowance shall bc with effect from
(iiJ Payment of arrears shall bc made during the current financial ycar 2017-1g, after
deduction of income tax as admissible
(iii) An undertaking shall be taken frorn ever y beneficiary to the effect that any excess
payment made on account of incorrect fixation of pay in the revised pay Level or
grant of inappropriatc Pay Levcl and Pay Cells or any other cxccss paymcnt made
shall be adjusted against the future payments due or otherwise to the beneficiary in
the same manner as provided in Ministry of Finance (Departmenr of Expenditure)
O.M. No. 1-512016-lC dated 29th llly, 2A16.
(iv) The revised pay in the relevant Level and celr togerher wirh the applicable
allowances including arrears of salary as mcntioned abovc shall be paid to all eligible
11. Thc above revision is in linc with the guidelines issued by the Ministry of Finance
(Department ofExpenditure) vide O.M. No.1-5/2016-lC d ated Zgth
72. All other provisions/conditions not mentioned in this order shall continue to apply
as per MHRD letter no.?3-L/2008-TS-lt dared 18.08.2009 read wirh 76.09.2009.
l3 Anomalies, ifany, in the implementation of this order may be brought to the notice
of the Departmcnt of Highcr Education, Ministry of Human Rcsourcc tlevelopment, for
clarification/ decision of the Central Government.
Copy to:
Deputy Secr€tary to the Government
Annexure -l
Government oftndia
Ministry of Human Resourc€ Development
Department of Higher Education
t ,..\
@varnDcDtof lndL
ttinfuEf of llEDar ltasou!' DGvdopE nt
DePartDcnt of Hlgier Eductlio!
Cadre lltl6 -
72 2
6 I 00
I 100
3 111
1a 1
13 1600
1 117100
1 1242m
1 131700