Menstruation: Learning Outcomes
Menstruation: Learning Outcomes
Menstruation: Learning Outcomes
Menstruation is a
monthly bleeding
from her
tract induced by hormonal changes of the menstrual cycle. The length of a menstrual
cycle is the time from the start of a period to the start of the next.
Beliefs derived from personal experience and cultural, social and educational influences
determine whether she perceives the menstrual blood loss to be 'normal' for her.
However, a 'normal' quantity of monthly blood loss (MBL) can be defined objectively for
the whole population.
The menstrual cycle (as well as AUB) should be described according to four specific
symptomatic components (cycle frequency, duration, volume, regularity of cycle).
Mean is 28 days (95% CI 24–38 days); frequent <24 days, infrequent >38 days.
As age increases, the menstrual cycle tends to shorten; age 13–19 years, mean cycle
length 35 days (90th centile range: 28–44 days), age 35–52 years, mean cycle length
28 days (90th centile range: 25–32 days).
As age increases, the frequency of irregular periods reduces. The frequency of irregular
periods is around 21% between the ages 15 and 19 years and reduces 11% between
ages 40 and 44 years.
Duration of menstruation
As age increases, the duration of menstruation decreases. One study has reported that
the mean duration of menstruation changed from 3.9 days at aged 20, to 2.8 days at
40 years. Another study showed the average duration of menstruation was 4.7 days in
women aged between 13 to 17 years old and 4.1 days in women aged over 40 years.
Mean 40 ml (95% CI 5–80 ml); heavy is >80 ml; light is <5 ml.
ferritin levels adversely changed at MBL levels beyond 80 ml and suggested this should
be considered the upper limit of the population average MBL.
A subsequent study showed that anaemia and iron depletion occurred at two points,
first around 60 ml MBL and then around 120 ml MBL. The study concluded that a
definition around 120 ml may be more useful for the management of women with HMB
as this correlated to when anaemia was most likely to occur.
Regular cycle-to-cycle variation is between 2–20 days, irregular variation is >20 days or
Connolly A, Jones SE. Nonmenstrual bleeding in woman under 40 years of age. The Obstetrician &
Gynaecologist 2004;6:153–8.
Warrilow G, Kirkham C, Ismail K, Wyatt K, Dimmock P, O’Brien S.Quantification of menstrual blood loss. The
Obstetrician & Gynaecologist 2004;6:88–92.
Fraser IS, Critchley HOD, Munro MG, Broder M. Can we achieve international agreement on terminologies
and definitions used to describe abnormalities of menstrual bleeding? Hum Reprod 2007;22:635–643.
Key points
Normal duration is 4.5–8 days.
Definition of HMB
Heavy menstrual bleeding (HMB) is clinically defined as menstrual blood loss (MBL)
that is subjectively considered to be excessive by the woman and interferes
with her physical, emotional, social and material quality of life.
Quantifying monthly menstrual blood loss (MBL) does not improve clinical care and is
not undertaken in modern clinical practice. MBL may be estimated directly (e.g. by
collecting all sanitary protection and eluting and quantifying blood by laboratory
techniques such as the alkaline haematin test) or indirectly (e.g. Pictorial Blood Loss
Assessment Chart [PBAC]; subjective measures).
Prevalence of HMB
HMB has a major adverse effect on the quality of life of many women. Overall, 3% of
premenopausal women experience HMB. However, this absolute risk is almost doubled
in woman aged 40–51. HMB accounts for around 15% of all secondary care
gynaecological referrals in the UK.
It is estimated that HMB costs the UK NHS around £100 million a year.
Figure adapted from: National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence. Heavy menstrual bleeding:
costing report. Implementing NICE guidance in England. London: NICE; 2007
Causes of HMB
Pathological causes of HMB include uterine fibroids (20–30%), uterine polyps (5–10%),
adenomyosis (5%); endometriosis rarely presents as AUB, but is identified in <5% of
cases of AUB.
Key points
Pathological causes of HMB include uterine fibroids (20–30%), uterine polyps (5–
10%), Adenomyosis (5%); endometriosis rarely presents as AUB, but is identified
in <5% of cases of AUB.
Abnormal Any menstrual bleeding from the uterus that is either abnormal in
uterine bleeding volume (excessive duration or heavy), regularity, timing (delayed
(AUB) or frequent) or is non-menstrual (IMB, PCB or PMB)
Intermenstrual Uterine bleeding that occurs between clearly defined cyclic and
bleeding (IMB) predictable menses. Such bleeding may occur at random times or
may manifest in a predictable fashion at the same day in each
Chronic AUB AUB has been present for the majority of the past 6 months. In
most cases, chronic AUB is unlikely to require urgent immediate
clinical intervention
Oligomenorrhoe Bleeding that occurs at intervals of >35 days and <6 months,
a usually caused by a prolonged follicular phase
Menometrorrha HMB at the usual time of menstrual periods and at other irregular
gia intervals
Dysfunctional This may be ovulatory or anovulatory HMB. This is diagnosed after
uterine bleeding the exclusion of pregnancy, medications, iatrogenic causes, genital
(DUB) tract pathology and systemic conditions
The terms listed in the table above, until now, have been widely accepted as
appropriate terms to describe AUB. However, there has been concern that such
terminology is poorly understood by both doctors and patients and is liable to
The stimulus for this work was concern that women with AUB were often affected
by more than one component from the ‘PALM-COEIN’ classification. However, it
was not always possible to distinguish whether an individual component was
causal or associated with HMB.
FIGO have approved this new classification system and have called it PALM-
Using the full notation ‘PALM-COEIN’ it is possible to define women with AUB who
have one or more contributing pathologies. In all cases, the presence or absence
of each criterion is noted using 0 if absent, 1 if present, and ? if not yet assessed.
Reprinted from: Munro MG, Critchley HO, Broder MS, Fraser IS and the FIGO Working Group on Menstrual
Disorders. FIGO classification system (PALM-COEIN) for causes of abnormal uterine bleeding in nongravid
women of reproductive age. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2011;113:3–13 [Abstract], with permission from Elsevier
In general, the components of the PALM group are discrete (structural) entities
that can be measured visually with imaging techniques and/or histopathology,
whereas the COEIN group is related to entities that are not defined by imaging or
histopathology (non-structural).
The following illustrated table shows how diagnosed pathology can be described
used PALM-COEIN terminology.
Reprinted from: Munro MG, Critchley HO, Broder MS, Fraser IS and the FIGO Working Group on Menstrual
Disorders. FIGO classification system (PALM-COEIN) for causes of abnormal uterine bleeding in nongravid
women of reproductive age. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2011;113:3–13 [Abstract], with permission from Elsevier
The PALM-COEIN system can also include the Type O, 1, 2 submucosal fibroid
classification system (Wamsteker 1993 and ESGE), and expand this further to
intramural and subserosal location of fibroids. This is depicted in the figure
Reprinted from: Munro MG, Critchley HO, Broder MS, Fraser IS and the FIGO Working Group on Menstrual
Disorders. FIGO classification system (PALM-COEIN) for causes of abnormal uterine bleeding in nongravid
women of reproductive age. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2011; 113:3–13 [Abstract], with permission from Elsevier
Type 8 fibroids are leiomyomas that do not relate to the myometrium and include
cervical or broad ligament fibroids without direct attachment to the uterus, as
well as other so-called 'parasitic' (extra-pelvic) lesions.
Munro MG, Critchley HO, Broder MS, Fraser IS and the FIGO Working Group on Menstrual Disorders. FIGO
classification system (PALM-COEIN) for causes of abnormal uterine bleeding in nongravid women of
reproductive age. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2011;113:3–13 [Abstract].
Assuming pregnancy is excluded, the following are the main causes for AUB in
women of reproductive age group.
P Endometrial polyps, cervical polyps
A Adenomyosis
L Leiomyoma
M Premalignancy (endometrial hyperplasia)
Malignancy of the genital tract (cervical, endometrial, ovarian, vaginal, vulval,
sarcoma of endometrium or myometrium)
C Systemic coagulopathy, e.g. thrombocytopenia, von Willebrand's disease,
leukaemia, warfarin
O Disorders of ovulatory function, e.g. polycystic ovary syndrome, congenital
adrenal hyperplasia, hypothyroidism, Cushing's disease, hyperprolactinaemia
E Primary endometrial disorders, e.g. disturbances of local endometrial
hemostasis, vasculogenesis or inflammatory response (chronic endometritis)
I Iatrogenic causes, e.g. exogenous sex steroid administration (combined oral
contraceptives, progestins, tamoxifen), intrauterine contraceptive device,
traumatic uterine perforation
N Generally rare causes, e.g. arteriovenous malformations, myometrial
hypertrophy, sex steroid secreting ovarian neoplasm, chronic renal or hepatic
disease, endometriosis
diagnoses would be: malignancy, trauma, sexual abuse, assault or congenital
Key points
Establish if chronic AUB (>6 months) or acute AUB (urgent intervention required).
Recommendation for full blood count (FBC), cervical smear, pelvic infection
swabs and pelvic ultrasound (and coagulation screen if clinical question screen
Adopt hierarchical three-step treatment approach.
What was novel within the 2007 NICE HMB guideline (CG44) was the
recommendation that primary care request a transvaginal pelvic ultrasound scan
as a first-line diagnostic tool for identifying uterine and ovarian pathology, rather
than defer this investigation until a secondary care referral was made.
Transvaginal pelvic ultrasound investigation is indicated if ‘red flag’ features (see
diagram below) suggestive of gynaecological pathology are present.
Overall summary care pathway
PCB: postcoital bleeding; PMB: postmenopausal bleeding; IMB: intermenstrual bleeding;
2ww : urgent appointment within 2-week wait rule for suspected cancer; uterus>10w:
clinical measurements suggests uterus greater 10 weeks size (or uterine cavity >10 cm
length); FBC: full blood count (anaemia tends to indicate severe HMB).
Red flag features: six features are numbered in the figure that, if present,
warrant referral to secondary care.
Adapted from: National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Heavy menstrual
bleeding. NICE clinical guideline 44. London: NICE; 2007.
Although several assessment and treatment pathways for AUB have been published,
they essentially portray the same message. Initial assessment in primary care should
1. history: specifically enquiring about menstrual history, pelvic pain, fertility,
symptoms of anaemia and impact on quality of life, risk factors for inherited
coagulopathy (e.g. von Willebrand disease)
2. abdominal and pelvic examination: specifically, a bimanual examination of the
uterus and speculum examination of the cervix, with cervical cytology sampling
undertaken if appropriate
3. genital tract infection screening if risk factors are present or
cervicitis/endometritis is suspected on history or examination.
4. FBC to check for anaemia
5. pelvic ultrasound if ‘red flag’ features (see diagram above) are present.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Heavy menstrual bleeding. NICE
clinical guideline 44. London: NICE; 2007.
History and clinical coagulation screen
1. Define the nature of bleeding:
menstrual or non-menstrual (intermenstrual bleeding, postcoital bleeding,
postmenopausal bleeding)
subjective assessment of MBL (sanitary protection usage, flooding, clots,
duration of menstruation) and the woman's personal opinion
alteration in the menstrual cycle
pelvic pain and pressure effects
previous medical or surgical treatment for AUB
up-to-date smear test
family history of gynaecological pathology.
2. Identify symptoms that may indicate pathology or need for secondary care
referral (summarized as red flag features).
Pathology may include:
fibroids (pelvic pain, pelvic mass, pressure/obstructive GI/GUT symptoms)
endometriosis/adenomyosis (cyclical and non-cyclical chronic pelvic pain,
dyspareunia, dysmenorrhoea, infertility)
inherited or acquire haemostatic/coagulopathy disorder e.g. von Willebrand
disease. See table below. The presence of all three domains on clinical
questioning is highly predictive for a haemostatic condition that could be
contributory/causal to AUB and indicates the need to perform specific
haematological screening blood tests.
Secondary care referral is indicated if pathology is suspected/identified,
malignancy is suspected and/or failure of medical treatment. Malignancy may
be indicated by: PMB, IMB, PCB, alteration in menstrual cycle, pelvic pain,
pelvic mass, pressure/obstructive GI/GUT symptoms, weight loss/gain.
3. Identify pathological effects such as:
anemia (request FBC)
pelvic pain
impaired quality of life.
4. Identify treatment expectations such as:
concerns and needs
future fertility and contraception wishes
need for definitive treatment when offered treatment alternatives
According to NICE HMB guidelines (2007), if history taking reveals HMB without the
presence of pathology, then there is no need to undertake a physical examination prior
to initiating first-step medical treatment.
This will apply to the vast majority of cases. However, some clinicians have raised
concerns with this approach and it would be reasonable to undertake a clinical
examination particularly if there was:
structural pathology (i.e. PALM part of PALM-COEIN classification): given
severity of symptoms or co-existing pelvic pain and other symptoms such as IMB, PCB
and PMB, weight loss/gain
suspected coagulopathy: HMB or AUB since menarche, tendency to bruise
easily, and family history of coagulopathy may indicate an inherited or acquired
suspected ovulatory dysfunction: Oligoamenorhoea, obesity, acne, hirsutism,
and acanthosis nigricans may be suggestive of polycystic ovary syndrome or diabetes
mellitus, or oligoamenorrhoea and galactorrhoea, which could suggest
Clinical examination
In order to make an assessment more assured, the NICE HMB guidelines has defined
'high risk' women as follows.
full blood count
cervical smear
pelvic ultrasound
pelvic infection screening (genital tract swab testing).
For women with HMB who are under 45 years of age with no obvious pathology based
on any combination of history, physical examination, GP organised investigations (such
as cervical smear, FBC, pelvic ultrasound), there are two options for treatment:
Because there is no robust evidence to suggest which is the most effective (clinical and
cost-effective) option, all further treatment should be decided by both the woman and
her GP after due consultation.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Heavy menstrual bleeding. CG44.
London: NICE; 2007.
Primary care is under increasing pressure to reduce the need for referral to specialist
services. HMB lends itself to this goal, as primary care can readily optimise treatment
(particularly by first-line use of Mirena LNG-IUS) and achieve treatment success in the
majority of women within the community setting.
There are likely to be numerous locally produced, integrated primary and secondary
care pathways for HMB that focus on improving patient outcomes; an aspiration set out
by recent NHS reforms.
However, a key fundamental goal of primary care is to appreciate when to refer women
presenting with AUB for secondary care assessment (either one-stop ambulatory
menstrual disorder clinic or rapid access gynaecology clinic). Such 'red flag’ features of
AUB that warrant referral to secondary care are listed in the table below.
2 Requires endometrial biopsy (to rule Persistent IMB
out endometrial hyperplasia or >45 years with treatment failure
endometrial malignancy) Irregular bleeding while on hormone-
replacement therapy or tamoxifen
Pathology identified before/after treatment
3 Enlarged uterus (clinically measures Fibroids, adenomyosis
>10 weeks size or >10 cm uterine
cavity length on uterine sounding)
4 Moderate/severe anaemia on FBC Usually benign pathology such as fibroids,
Uterine/ovarian pathology identified on
pelvic ultrasound scan
Identification of
coagulation/haemostatic disorder on e.g. von Willebrand disease
clinical screening and testing
1. pelvic ultrasound
2. hysteroscopy
3. endometrial biopsy; either hysteroscopically directed or through 'blind' global
uterine cavity Pipelle® sampling.
Reprinted from: Munro MG, Critchley HO, Broder MS, Fraser IS and the FIGO Working
Group on Menstrual Disorders. FIGO classification system (PALM-COEIN) for causes of
abnormal uterine bleeding in nongravid women of reproductive age. Int J Gynaecol
Obstet 2011;113:3–13 [Abstract], with permission from Elsevier
Saline hysteroscopy
The endometrial biopsy may either be taken under direct hysteroscopic vision (e.g.
using the 5 French operating channel of the hysteroscope and inserting a hysteroscopic
grasper or biopsy forceps) or in a non-directed 'blind' manner sampling all surfaces of
the uterine cavity e.g. Pipelle® sampler.
Hysteroscopy has a sensitivity and specificity for identifying endometrial cancer of 86%
and 99%, respectively. Endometrial sampling alone has a sensitivity and specificity of
68–81% and 99–100% for identifying endometrial hyperplasia and endometrial cancer.
2D transvaginal pelvic ultrasound images of A) normal uterus and right ovay and B) a
normal uterus.
SIS outlines the intrauterine polyp (Figure B), which could not be easily seen with in the
routine transvaginal pelvic ultrasound (Figure A).
Supplementary investigations
Consideration may be given to other investigations, which may be requested from both
primary and secondary care settings.
These are summarised in the table below.
Investigations supplementary to baseline set
MRI and endometrial Particularly for assessing suitability for UAE or surgical
biopsy therapy for fibroids
Particularly for advanced stage endometriosis or features
suggestive of endometriosis recurrence
Sonohysterography Routine pelvic ultrasound identifies more uterine fibroids
(saline infusion than hysteroscopy but fewer polyps. Ultrasound will also
sonography) assess for ovarian pathology
Pelvic infection Particularly reproductive age groups or where sequelae of
screening STI (sexually transmitted infection) are suspected
Von Willebrand's Around 5–20% of women with menorrhagia have an inherited
disease (vWD) bleeding disorder, most often vWD
Indications to test for vWD include: menorrhagia since
menarche, family history of idiopathic menorrhagia, easy
bruising and/or personal history of easy bruising or dental
Assessment history:
Total attempts: 0
Average score: 0%
For each complication listed below, choose the frequency of their occurrence when
undergoing diagnostic or operative hysteroscopy. Each option can be used once, more
than once or not at all.
A: < 1% frequency
B: < 5% frequency
C: 5–10% frequency
Cervical laceration.
Please Select
Please Select
Please Select
Primary haemorrhage.
Please Select
Please Select
Electrosurgical injury.
Please Select
Secondary haemorrhage.
Please Select
Postoperative infection.
Please Select
Please Select
Vasovagal syncope.
Please Select
Please Select
Please Select
Postmenopausal bleeding
Unscheduled bleeding in postmenopausal women is abnormal and may indicate the
presence of endometrial cancer.
Nearly all cases of endometrial cancer (96%) are associated with a thickened
endometrium (>4 mm in postmenopausal women), which can be measured by
transvaginal ultrasonography. If the scan shows a thickened endometrium >4 mm, then
histological sampling is essential in the diagnostic evaluation of abnormal bleeding in
postmenopausal women.
Hysteroscopy combined with endometrial biopsy improves the detection of intrauterine
pathology and has a high specificity (highly unlikely not to detect cancer). SIS is a
sensitive technique for the detection of intrauterine, intramural and ovarian pathology
but does not provide histological data.
Causes of vaginal bleeding in postmenopausal women
Polyps 30%
Submucosal fibroids 20%
Endometrial atrophy 30%
Hyperplasia 8–15%
Endometrial carcinoma 8–10%
Ovarian, tubal, cervical malignancy 2%
More than 90% of the cases of endometrial cancer occur in women over 50 and this
cancer is associated with 10% of the cases of postmenopausal vaginal bleeding.
To this end, any unscheduled bleeding while on HRT should be referred to secondary
care for further investigation. Manufacturers of HRT have advised that erratic bleeding
may occur in the intial 3 months of HRT commencement, or when changing
preparations. However, unscheduled bleeding persisting beyond this period warrants
urgent referral and investigation.
Tamoxifen usage, like HRT, also increases the risk of developing endometrial
hyperplasia or cancer, but TVUS can be misleading in these patients.
Tamoxifen can cause subendometrial cyst development, which makes the endometrium
appear thickened in transvaginal sonograms. However, the subendometrial cystic
tissue can be differentiated from the endometrium itself in SIS.
Endometrial thickness
Women with PMB whose ET is <4 mm still have a 1–2% risk of having endometrial
cancer. TVUS can also show if the endometrial lining is very thin. If so, the bleeding
may be due to endometrial atrophy.
However, endometrial biopsy may fail to provide sufficient tissue for histology and is
reported to have up to an 11% false negative rate for the detection of endometrial
Testing for endometrial cancer
Endometrial cancer
The preferred investigation of endometrial cancer is hysteroscopy and either blind
endometrial biopsy (using Pipelle sampler) or hysteroscopic-guided endometrial biopsy.
This diagnostic test may be expanded in a 'therapeutic manner' by performing
hysteroscopic resection of any identified intrauterine focal lesions (polyps, submucous
fibroids), i.e. see-and-treat.
This test has a 99% specificity in women with PMB.
If this test is negative, then endometrial cancer is highly unlikely as the post-test
probability of endometrial cancer is <0.5%.
Predictive values for endometrial cancer in postmenopausal women
Sensitivity Specificity PPV NPV
Transvaginal ultrasound (TVU) 67% 56% 7% 97%
Endometrial biopsy (EMB) (blind)* 87% 98.5% 82% 99.1%
SIS 89% 46% 16% 97%
Hysteroscopy and biopsy 86% 99.2% 100% 99.5%
PPV = positive predictive values.
NPV = negative predictive values.
Case study
A 56-year-old woman presents with two episodes of PMB. She has taken continuous
combined HRT for the last 3 years. Her last cervical smear was 2 years ago and was
Below is an image of her transvaginal pelvic ultrasound investigation, which shows her
endometrial thickness being 14 mm (1.48 cm).
Based on the patient history and investigations, what assessments would you
perform next?
Write your answer in the reflective notes before proceeding to the next page.
The following key assessments follow a investigation of the woman's clinical history:
Key investigations
detectable by SIS
SIS is more sensitive than TVUS for detecting focal abnormalities of the
Intermenstrual bleeding
Intermenstrual bleeding (IMB) encompasses any bleeding which occurs outside of the
woman’s menstrual period. It may affect between 13–21% of women. The incidence in
perimenopausal women is as high as 24%. IMB can also include postcoital bleeding. It is
a symptom which although largely attributed to a benign cause, can result in significant
distress to the patient as it is a commonly known and accepted symptom of cervical
Causes of IMB can be classified based on their anatomical site. Commencing at the top
of the reproductive tract they are:
As outlined in the AUB bleeding section, thorough clinical history taking and
examination is vital to elicit and identify the possible causes of IMB. Undertaking
speculum examination should allow identification of any cervical or vaginal
abnormalities. A cervical smear should be taken only if the patient is due one based on
national recall (3 yearly for women aged 25–49 and 5 yearly from 49–64).
Cervical cytology with high vaginal and endocervical swabs should be obtained for the
diagnosis of STI’s. See the StratOG core training tutorial on Sexually transmitted
infections (including HIV) for detailed information on the investigation and
management of STI’s.
Wan LY, Edmondson RJ, Crosbie EJ. Intermenstrual and postcoital bleeding. Obstet
Gynaecol Reprod Med 2015;25:106–112.
(COC). She has been taking a COC for 6 years. Her last cervical smear (performed 3
months ago) was normal, as was her clinical pelvic examination.
The consultant refers the woman to secondary care and a transvaginal pelvic
ultrasound is requested.
uterine cavity 7 cm
normal ovaries (left 2 cm, right 3 cm with follicle)
thickened endometrium (12 mm) with a prominent endometrial echo (25 mm by
20 mm) indicating a possible polyp.
Color Doppler imaging demonstrates a vascular stalk (arrow)
An intrauterine polyp (3 x 2 cm) located at the fundus was identified through outpatient
diagnostic hysteroscopy.
Based on the patient history and investigations, what treatment option would
you suggest?
Write your answer in the reflective notes before proceeding to the next page.
Key points
Uterine polyps, whether endometrial or submucous fibroid polyps, are a
common cause of intermenstrual bleeding (IMB).
Once diagnosed by hysteroscopy, uterine polyps are easily treated by
hysteroscopic techniques with highly successful results in the vast majority of women.
1477756374 frmReflectiveNote
Causes of IMB
Assessment history:
Total attempts: 0
Average score: 0%
Endometrial polyp
Intrauterine device
Etonogestrel implant
(natural estrogen)
Oral progestogen (high- No effect Decrease 60% Contraceptive effect
dose) or licensed
Intrauterine Decrease 30% Decrease 70–100% Licensed
progestogen (LNG-IUS) (may also treat contraceptive
endometriosis and
GnRH analogues (3–6 Decrease 30% Decrease 60–100% Likely contraceptive
months with/without (causes but contraception is
add-back HRT) amenorrhoea in 80– advised
90% of women)
Progestogen-only Unknown Decrease 30–100% Licensed
implant (Nexplanon) or (causes contraceptive
Progestogen-only amenorrhoea in 15–
injectable 20%)
Second-step treatment (minimally invasive uterus-conserving surgery)
Hysteroscopic Excision and Decrease 50–80% Improved if excising
myomectomy removal of submucous fibroid
(hysteroscopic fibroid intracavitary No effect if excising
resection) fibroids uterine polyp
Endometrial ablation No effect Decrease 80% (may Likely contraceptive
also treat but contraception is
adenomyosis) advised following
Transcervical resection Will be able to Decrease 80%-100% Likely contraceptive
of endometrium excise and but contraception is
removal advised following
intracavity fibroids ablation
Laparoscopic Excise subserosal No effect or may No effect or may
myomectomy and non-deeply decrease up to 30% increase
intramural fibroids
Second-step OR third-step treatment (established and newly developed
minimally invasive uterus-conserving treatments)
Focal fibroid treatment
MRI-guided focused Decrease 15–20% Decrease 60% May decrease, have
ultrasound therapy no effect, or
improve fertility
Radiofrequency ablation Decrease 50-80% Decrease 50% Treatment still
of fibroids under trial
(hysteroscopic system is
Global uterus treatment
Uterine fibroid Decrease 30% Decrease 60–80% May decrease, have
embolisation no effect, or
improve fertility
Laparoscopic uterine Decrease 20-30% Decrease 50%-60% Treatment still
artery occlusion (with or under trial
without ovarian artery
Doppler-guided Decrease 20-30% Decrease 40-60% Treatment still
transvaginal uterine under trial
artery occlusion
Third-step treatments (major surgical procedures)
Abdominal Excise subserosal, Decrease 60–80% Improved,
myomectomy intramural and particularly if
intracavitary uterine cavity is no
lesions longer distorted
Hysterectomy Complete cure Complete cure Irreversible
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Heavy menstrual bleeding. CG44.
London: NICE; 2007.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Heavy menstrual bleeding: quick
reference guide. CG44. London: NICE; 2007.
Gupta J, Kai J, Middleton L, Pattison H, Gray R, Daniels J, et al. Levonorgestrel
intrauterine system versus medical therapy for menorrhagia. N Engl J Med
The levonorgestrel intrauterine-
releasing system (LNG-IUS) is an intrauterine, long-term progestogen-only method of
contraception currently licensed for 5 years of use.
It has a T-shaped plastic frame with a rate-limiting membrane on the vertical stem,
releasing a daily intrauterine dose of 20 microgram/24 hours of levonorgestrel with little
systemic absorption.
The LNG-IUS inhibits endometrial proliferation, thickens cervical mucus and suppresses
ovulation. The licensed and non-licensed uses are indicated in the table below.
Licensed in UK Unlicensed in UK
Contraception Dysmenorrhoea
(5-year duration) Uterine protection for women
receiving tamoxifen therapy
Menorrhagia-DUB Endometriosis, adenomyosis
Uterine protection with estrogen replacement Endometrial hyperplasia
therapy in perimenopausal and postmenopausal Endometrial cancer, if unfit for
women primary surgery
The main side effect, often cited as the reason for discontinuation, is erratic spotting.
This tends to subside 3–6 months from insertion. After 1 year of usage, there is a 71–
95% reduction in objectively measured MBL and around 50% women have
Indirect comparison has shown that LNG-IUS generates more quality-adjusted life years
(QALY) than other medical treatments (tranexamic acid, NSAIDs, COCP) and at a lower
cost. Therefore, LNG-IUS is the recommended first-line treatment for HMB.
In relation to second-line treatments LNG-IUS produces similar satisfaction rates as
endometrial ablation and hysterectomy. A randomised controlled trial compared Mirena
with no treatment in women awaiting hysterectomy for menorrhagia and showed the
Mirena No treatment
At 1 year 68% continued with Mirena 32% had
At 5 years 58% continued with Mirena 42% had
Cost–benefit Mirena was 40% cheaper than
analysis: hysterectomy
1477756708 frmReflectiveNote
Furthermore, 95% of women return to normal activities by 2 weeks. However, upon
longer follow up (around 5 years), around 20–30% of women opting for ablation will
either be dissatisfied or require secondary treatment (usually hysterectomy).
A) Hydro ThermAblator uses heated salt water (saline solution)
© BEI Medical Systems Inc., Teterboro, N.J.,
B) Her Option uterine cryoblation therapy system uses a cryosurgical probe to apply
extreme cold
© CryoGen, Inc., San Diego
All techniques are performed as day-case procedures with some being able to be
performed under local anaesthetic (with or without sedation) in an outpatient setting.
There is evidence to suggest that benefits result from thinning the endometrium (with
medical therapy such as GnRHa) prior to ablation, or performing the ablation just after
menses is complete. However, most techniques have now been shown to be equally
effective without such additional precautions.
Endometrial ablation should only be considered in women who do not wish future
fertility, who have a normal-sized uterus (10 cm uterine cavity length or less), and have
either no fibroids or submucous/intramural fibroids no larger than 3 cm in size.
family is complete or they have no desire for future fertility as decreased
fecundity as well as the risk (mainly theoretical) of harm to mother and fetus during
pregnancy follows ablation.
Endometrial ablation
Assessment history:
Total attempts: 0
Average score: 0%
Vaginal hysterectomy
There is insufficient evidence on the safety and role of total laparoscopic hysterectomy
(NICE guidance). However, laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy may be offered
to the woman provided she has been informed of the alternatives and their
Abdominal hysterectomy
Preoperative GnRHa treatment for 3–4 months may facilitate surgery by reducing
preoperative anaemia, intraoperative blood loss and the need for transfusion. Studies
have shown a reduction of fibroid size of by 60%, which may enable a lower transverse
incision (lower morbidity) rather than vertical midline laparotomy incision (higher
morbidity) when conducting the abdominal hysterectomy.
After STH, there is a 2–7% risk of persisting cyclical bleeding, 2% risk of cervical
prolapse and a 1% risk of cervical cancer.
There is no difference between STH and AH in terms of quality of life,
constipation, prolapse, satisfaction with sex life, pelvic pain, vaginal bleeding or
complication rates.
The decision about the appropriate route for hysterectomy depends on:
A systematic review by Johnson et al has assessed the most appropriate surgical route
for hysterectomy in women with benign gynaecological conditions.
The review concluded that the route of hysterectomy should be in the following order of
clinical preference:
Complications of hysterectomy
Vascular injury 0.8% 0.9% 1.8%
Pelvic haematoma 4–6% 4–6% 4–6%
Vaginal vault infection 2% 2% 4%
Abdominal wound infection 7% 0% 2%
Conversion to laparotomy NA 3% 4%
Urinary tract injury (bladder or urethral) 0.8% 1.6% 2.3%
Bleeding 1.6% <0.01 0.4%
UTI 5% 1.3% 5%
Chest infection 5% 7% 0.6%
Other febrile condition 13% 7% 10%
Venous thromboembolism <0.01 <0.01 0.6%
% %
*A negative percentage (i.e. -5%) indicates that hysterectomy was associated with a
5% improvement in urinary incontinence and nocturia as well as a 10–20% worsening
of these symptoms.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Heavy menstrual bleeding. CG44.
London: NICE; 2007.
Assessment history:
Total attempts: 0
Average score: 0%
Answer whether the following statements are true or false.
There are fewer abdominal wall infections and other postoperative infective
episodes for LH versus AH
In women undergoing VH compared with AH, hospital stay was shorter and
there was a quicker return to normal activities
Over the short- and long-term, there is higher patient satisfaction with
hysterectomy than endometrial ablation
Key points
Utilise the NICE 2007 Heavy menstrual bleeding guideline with its three-step
Step one is medical treatment with both hormonal and non-hormonal treatment.
Step two is minimally invasive uterus conserving surgery e.g. hysteroscopic
fibroid resection, endometrial ablation, transcervical resection of endometrium and
laparoscopic myomectomy.
Additional treatments have been added to step 2 involving newly developed
intervention in keeping with the above. It includes MRI guided focused USS therapy,
radiofrequency ablation of fibroids, uterine fibroid embolisation and laparoscopic
uterine artery occlusion.
Step three involves major surgical procedures e.g. abdominal myomectomy and
1477757342 frmReflectiveNote
Treatment of HMB
Assessment history:
Total attempts: 0
Average score: 0%
Choose the treatment technique associated with the adverse effects listed in the items
below. Each option can be used once, more than once or not at all.
A: Tranexamic acid
B: Uterine artery embolisation (UAE)
C: Myomectomy
D: Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
E: Combined oral contraceptives
F: Hysterectomy
G: GnRHa (gonadotrophin-releasing hormone analogue)
H: Injected long-acting progestogens
I: Oral progestogen: norethisterone (15 mg) daily
J: Endometrial ablation
K: Oophorectomy at time of hysterectomy
L: Mirena (levonorgestrel-releasing intrauterine system)
Licensed for 5-year therapeutic usage. COMMON: irregular bleeding that may
last for over 6 months, hormone-related problems such as breast
tenderness, acne or headaches (generally minor and transient). LESS
COMMON: amenorrhoea. RARE: uterine perforation at the time of device
Please Select
Please Select
Please Select
estrogen-sensitive disorders, such as endometriosis and fibroids). COMMON:
hormonal side effects, mood changes, headaches, nausea, fluid retention,
breast tenderness. VERY RARE: deep vein thrombosis, stroke, heart attacks.
Please Select
Taken daily from days 5–26. COMMON: hormonal side effects, weight gain,
bloating, breast tenderness, headaches, acne (but all are usually minor and
transient) RARE: depression.
Please Select
Please Select
Please Select
Please Select
Please Select
urinary tract or bowel, urinary dysfunction (frequent passing of urine and
incontinence). RARE: thrombosis (DVT and clot on the lung). VERY RARE:
death. (Complications are more likely if performed in the presence of
Please Select
Please Select
Please Select
The following items are clinical scenarios of women presenting with abnormal uterine
bleeding. For each item choose the best diagnostic procedure from the options listed
above that enables optimal management. Each option can be used once, more than
once or not at all.
A 47-year-old woman presents with a 6 month history of intermenstrual
bleeding. Despite this, she still exhibits regular menstrual cycles without
associated pelvic pain and without any postcoital bleeding. She currently
uses condoms for contraception, is not clinically anaemic and all previous
cervical smears appeared normal. Her last smear was 1 year prior to
Please Select
A 61-year-old woman is concerned because over the last week she has been
experiencing vaginal blood loss described as a period-like. Her final
menstrual period was when she was around 50 and she has never taken HRT.
Please Select
Please Select
Please Select
Aetiology remains obscure, however it is proposed that, polyps lose their apoptotic cell
regulation and overexpress estrogen and progesterone receptors causing them to grow.
Endometrial polyps are rare before the age of 20 with the incidence steadily rising after
that, peaking in the 5th decade of life and then declining at menopause. Incidence
estimates are variable based on the population studied, however, 10% of asymptomatic
women (incidental on pelvic ultrasonography) and 24-41% of women with abnormal
uterine bleeding (AUB) have endometrial polyps.
Clinical presentation
Heavy menstrual bleeding
Postmenopausal bleeding
Prolapse through cervical ostium
Abnormal vaginal discharge
Breakthrough bleeding
o large or multiple endometrial polyps can contribute to miscarriage and
infertility. Evidence also suggests that a polypectomy may improve spontaneous
conception rates in women with an endometrial polyp as the only factor contributing to
subfertility by normalising endometrial implantation factors
o polyp size of >1 cm, abnormal uterine bleeding and postmenopausal
status are all independent risk factors for malignant polyps. Hysteroscopic markers for
malignant endometrial polyps include surface irregularities such as necrosis, vascular
irregularities and whitish thickened areas, which are indications for obtaining a
histological diagnosis.
Diagnostic modalities
Pelvic ultrasound
Saline infusion sonogram (SIS) – safe, well tolerated, rapid, minimally invasive,
highly sensitive and superior to ultrasound in diagnosing polyps
Hysteroscopy – gold standard. Can be used to see and treat at the same sitting.
Hysteroscopic Polypectomy:
o symptomatic polyps
o asymptomatic polyps in postmenopausal women irrespective of size
o asymptomatic polyps in premenopausal women >1 cm in size.
Observational treatment:
o asymptomatic polyps in premenopausal women ≤1 cm in size.
Annan JJ, Aquilina J, Ball E. The management of endometrial polyps in the 21st Century.
The Obstetrician & Gynaecologist 2012;14:33–38.
Key points
Endometrial polyps are localised hyperplastic overgrowths of endometrial glands
and stroma.
They can cause HMB, PMB, abnormal vaginal discharge and breakthrough
bleeding. When large or multiple they are implicated in subfertility.
Polyps of >1 cm, AUB and PBM are all risk factors for malignant polyps.
Diagnosis is achieved with USS, SIS and hysteroscopy.
They can be observed or removed hysteroscopically (symptomatic,
asymptomatic in postmenopausal patient, >1cm in size in an asymptomatic
premenopausal patient).
Adenomyosis is a benign, common gynaecological condition causing heavy, painful
periods in premenopausal women who tend to be multiparous and between 40 and 50
years of age. Overall it is considered to contribute to approximately 10% of all cases of
HMB and 30% of all cases of HMB with dysmenorrhoea.
Screening investigations
However, pelvic ultrasound becomes less predictive for adenomyosis in women with co-
existing fibroids. MRI has a higher diagnostic capability, irrespective of the presence or
absence of uterine fibroids, with estimates of 85% sensitivity/specificity in diagnosing
adenomyosis. The high cost and limited availability, however, hinder its routine use.
The role of invasive hysteroscopic or laparoscopic biopsy remains limited, with only
small series reported. The small number and size of biopsies obtained may be
insufficient to rule out the disease, especially given that the diagnosis may be
influenced by the numbers of uterine sections examined.
Clinical treatment
There are few randomised controlled trials assessing the effectiveness of treatment in
women with adenomyosis given the difficulties in accurate clinical diagnosis.
Nonetheless, there are varying levels of evidence to support the following treatments.
o nonhormonal therapy, including mefenamic and tranexamic acid, may be
effective for the symptomatic relief of menorrhagia
o low-dose, continuous combined oral contraceptives with withdrawal bleeds
every 4-6 months may be effective in relieving menorrhagia and dysmenorrhea
o high-dose continuous daily oral progestogens
o GnRHa agonist
o Mirena LNG-IUS.
Uterus conserving:
o balloon endometrial ablation
o uterus-conserving minimally invasive treatments: uterine artery
embolisation, MRgFUS.
Adenomyoma excision at the time of abdominal myomectomy.
Laparoscopic myometrial electrocoagulation induces localised coagulation and
necrosis of adenomyosis uteri. This technique may be used in women > 40 years of age
who have completed their families, but who wish to avoid hysterectomy. Risks include
adhesion formation, bleeding resulting in a hysterectomy and difficulty in precise
application resulting in the weakening of the remainder of the myometrial tissue.
New treatments for adenomyosis being trialled include: aromatase inhibitors, selective
progesterone receptor modulators (e.g. asoprisnil) and bipolar radiofrequency ablation
via hysteroscopy or laparoscopy.
MRI imaging
Key points
A benign condition causing heavy painful periods, contributing to 10% of HMB
and 30% of HMB with dysmenorrhoea.
Histologically it is defined as the presence of non-neoplastic endometrial glands
and stroma in the myometrium.
On USS it is represented by an enlarged globular regular uterus with no fibroids,
myometrial cystic areas and decreased myometrial echogenicity.
MRI diagnostic rates are higher than USS.
There are no serum markers available.
Management options include:
medical – mefanamic, tranexamic acid, low dose COC, high dose
continuous progesterones, GnRHa agonists and the Mirena LNG-IUS
uterus conserving – balloon ablation and uterine artery embolisation
adenomyoma excision at abdominal myomectomy
laparoscopic myometrial electrocoagulation
Leiomyoma (fibroids)
Uterine fibroids
Uterine fibroids are smooth muscle tumours of the uterus. While they are generally
benign, occasionally (<1%) malignant transformations can occur (leiomyosarcoma).
Uterine fibroids are generally age-related and are a commonly occurring pathology.
They are more common in African-Caribbean women than any other ethnicity. They
vary tremendously in size from millimetres to tens of centimetres and are associated
with heavy periods, pressure symptoms and occasionally pain.
Fibroids are responsive to the female hormones (estrogen and progesterone), generally
shrinking to a degree at menopause. They are classified as subserosal, intramural and
submucous according to their uterine location (see image below).
Site, size and number of fibroids are linked to the level of MBL.
There is a wide spectrum on how women are diagnosed with fibroids. Most women are
referred due to symptoms. However, a significant number of women are incidentally
diagnosed with uterine fibroids and are essentially asymptomatic.
Hyaline degeneration is relatively common and presents as painful enlarged
fibroids due to hyaline/cystic degeneration pathological process.
Red degeneration (necrobiosis) occurs typically during pregnancy due to
infarction at mid-pregnancy.
Calcification (‘womb stone’) - usually in postmenopausal women.
Sarcomatous (malignant) change. Generally presents as a 0.2% risk. There is a
greater risk in women with multiple or rapidly growing fibroids, at advanced age, and if
there is a histology is leiomyosarcoma
Infection (abscess) - relatively rare.
Torsion of pedunculated fibroids.
A large fibroid uterus can often be palpated as a firm pelvic mass. The ideal first-line
investigation is pelvic ultrasound (transvaginal and transabdominal), although MRI is
useful when planning surgery or as a baseline prior to uterine artery embolisation
The NICE guideline for HMB (2007) has indicated that when surgery is necessary for
fibroid-related HMB, then the clinical case notes must demonstrate that there has been
due discussion and documentation of all treatment alternatives.
Issues like risk of re-treatment are significant for all uterus-conserving treatments;
around 20%–30% of all second-step treatments and abdominal myomectomy require
re-treatment in 2 years due to fibroid regrowth.
Preoperative GnRHa
There is evidence to support the use of a 3–4 month course of GnRHa prior to
myomectomy/hysterectomy as pre-treatment, as it:
symptoms are: severe (HMB, pressure-like effects, pain), there is significant pathology
(>20 week sized multifibroid uterus) that is unlikely to respond to other treatments;
there is a patient preference for definitive treatment and future fertility is not desired.
These treatments are relatively new, but sufficient evidence on their safety and efficacy
has accumulated to warrant their recommendation within the NICE HMB guideline
(2007). Essentially these treatments share common characteristics of:
uncertainty in their effects on fertility. Data conflicts on whether fertility is
reduced, improved or unchanged. Consequently, advice is that future fertility is not
advised after these treatments, although there are several hundred live births reported
following these treatments.
National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence. Heavy menstrual bleeding. NICE
clinical guideline 44. London: NICE; 2007.
Ulipristal acetate (UPA) has been used predominantly in the context of managing HMB
in association with uterine fibroids. Ulipristal acetate is a selective progesterone
receptor modulator (SPRM), an orally active steroid compound, which reversibly blocks
the progesterone receptor in the endometrium and myometrium. The net effect is
inhibition of ovulation without significant effects on estradiol levels or glucocorticoid
UPA has been compared to treatment with a placebo (PEARL I), and leuprolide acetate
([3.75 mg 4 weekly] PEARL II) in the treatment of women with uterine fibroid associated
HMB. These studies have shown UPA to be effective in controlling uterine bleeding
related to myomas, reducing myoma size and having a good safety profile in the short
term. UPA was also found to be non-inferior to once monthly leuprolide acetate in
controlling uterine bleeding and was significantly less likely to cause hot flushes.
In clinical studies, SPRM administration has been associated with a pattern of benign,
nonphysiological, nonproliferative, histologic features of the endometrium termed P
receptor modulator associated endometrial changes (PAEC). This is entirely reversible
on stopping treatment.
In the UK, UPA is used in a dose of 5 mg once daily for up to 3 months for either
preoperative or intermittent treatment of moderate to severe symptoms of uterine
fibroids in adult women of reproductive age. Re-treatment should commence only when
menstruation has occurred. Repeated intermittent treatment has been studied up to 4
intermittent courses.
Donnez J, Tomaszewski J, Vázquez F, Bouchard P, Lemieszczuk B, Baró F, et al; PEARL II
Study Group. Ulipristal acetate versus leuprolide acetate for uterine fibroids. N Engl J
Med. 2012;366:421–32.
Donnez J, Tatarchuk TF, Bouchard P, Puscasiu L, Zakharenko NF, Ivanova T, et al;
PEARL I Study Group. Ulipristal acetate versus placebo for fibroid treatment before
surgery. N Engl J Med. 2012;366:409–20.
Donnez J, Donnez O, Matule D, Ahrendt HJ, Hudecek R, Zatik J, et al. Long-term medical
management of uterine fibroids with ulipristal acetate. Fertil Steril. 2016;105:165–173.
Hysteroscopic myomectomy
Submucous fibroid classification (ESGE)
Type Intramural extension
0 None
1 <50%
2 >50%
Wamsteker K, Emanuel MH, de Kruif JH. Transcervical hysteroscopic resection of
submucous fibroids for abnormal uterine bleeding: results regarding the degree of
intramural extension. Obstet Gynecol 1993; 82:736–40.
Fibroid size Intracavity fibroid 90–100%
HMB Decrease >80%
Fertility Increase 40–60%
Secondary treatment 2 year 10%; 5 year 30%
Complication rate 1–2%
Uterine perforation
Sepsis; intrauterine adhesions
Additional treatment TCRF may be combined with
Endometrial ablation +/- Mirena for improved effect on
Performing a hysteroscopic myomectomy using the hysteroscopic
Until recently, most hysteroscopic resectoscopes were MONOPOLAR (having a closed
cutting metal loop delivering electrocautery with patient return plate) and therefore
required non-ionising fluid (i.e. Glycine) as the intrauterine distension medium.
Newer hysteroscopic resectoscopes are BIPOLAR (having a special ‘incomplete’ loop
delivering electrocautery in the space around the loop, no patient return plate required)
and therefore may use normal saline as the intrauterine distension medium. An image
of a bipolar resectoscope equipment (Gynecare Alphascope) is depicted above.
The hysteroscopic loop, whether monopolar or bipolar, uses electrocautery to
simultaneously cut and coagulate the target tissue lesion; additional bursts of
coagulation energy can be targeted at endometrial surface bleeding points if bleeding
is occurring. The myoma is released by progressively shaving of the stalk (which
attaches the fibroid to the uterine wall and contains the fibroid’s blood supply) until it is
During the procedure the loop of the resectoscope is placed at the most distant portion
and carefully withdrawn. Active resection should only occur when the resectoscope is
withdrawn from the cavity (in the direction of the surgeon). Futhermore, active
resection in the direction of the uterine fundus must be performed with extreme
caution as it increases the risk of both uterine perforation and damage to adjacent
A polyp or sponge holder forceps may be used to remove the mobilised free
intrauterine fibroid which should then sent for histological analysis. Further cervical
dilation is occasionally required to enable introduction of the forceps and final
withdrawal of the fibroid specimen.
Alternatively, once completely devascuarlised, the intrauterine fibroid may be left
within the uterus to undergo avascular degeneration. The necrosed fibroid will be
spontaneously expelled from the patient over a period of time as a blood stained
vaginal discharge. This alternative should only be considered if the surgeon is confident
that the fibroid polyp is benign and is considered appropriate only when there are
difficulties in dilating the cervix.
If bleeding occurs despite the electrocoagulation technique then a balloon catheter can
be inserted into the endometrial cavity postoperatively to tamponade the bleeding
sites. The balloon can then be deflated several hours after surgery and finally removed
when the bleeding has ceased.
The figure above shows a chronological sequence of photos taking from an abdominal
myomectomy procedure. Notice the use of a Foley catheter as a tourniquet around the
utero-upper cervix junction to create an avascular uterine body and therefore ‘dry
Abdominal myomectomy
Very low conversion rate to hysterectomy (<1%)
Comparable surgical morbidity risk to hysterectomy (organ damage, transfusion,
adhesion formation)
Re-treatment rates after myomectomy: 20% over 2–5 years (symptom +/- fibroid
recurrence) depending on the woman’s age and how near she is to menopause.
Before performing the UAE treatment, ultrasound (ideally MRI) must be performed to
accurately measure and locate the fibroids, and to evaluate whether UAE is appropriate
for the woman. Interventional radiologists prefer to use MRI prior to UAE, to screen for
pedunculated/part pedunculated fibroid lesions (FIGO L0-L2, and, L6-L7), which carry
attendant risks of sloughing tumour into uterine/abdominal cavities and/or pelvic sepsis
following the procedure. Hysteroscopy and endometrial biopsy is also advised to rule
out submucosal fibroids and ensure benign endometrium.
Relative contraindications
Pedunculated myomas
Recent GnRHa
Previous UAE
Postmenopausal status.
A UAE is performed under conscious sedation with a local anesthetic at the site of
vascular catheterisation.
Effect on HMB
UAE remains effective in reducing HMB and pressure-like symptoms for up to 5 years,
although recent studies have shown that there is a 20–29% chance of re-operation for
leiomyoma-related symptoms by this 5-year follow up.
Effect on fertility
The effect on fertility following UAE is unclear. There are no prospective studies
assessing fertility as a main outcome measure. Even so, there are at present around
100 cases of successful pregnancy (planned and unplanned) and live birth following
Severe pain
Bleeding from puncture site
Anaphylactic reactions to contrast dye
Uterine endometritis, pelvic abscess, with or without infective sequelae
Precipitate menopause (2–8% risk)
Expulsion of necrotic fibroids or vaginal discharge (5–8% of cases) is more
common if fibroids are submucosal - this discharge may be unpleasant, prolonged and
distressing for the patient
Unable to confidently exclude leiomyosarcoma presence, although follow-up
interval imaging may show irregular, persisting residual tissue mass even after a
technically successful procedure.
The future
Further studies (with longer term follow up) are needed to evaluate the effectiveness
and safety of UAE compared with myomectomy / hysterectomy (and other techniques
such as radiofrequency ablation).
A) Immediately after UAE, B) Revascularisation 6 months after UAE
Complications of UAE
Complications of UAE are based primarily on observational studies and data obtained
from various registries. These are divided into 3 major groups.
Local complications including pain, groin hematomas, contrast reactions and vasovagal
syncope have been reported. Non-target pelvic organ embolisation and pulmonary
embolism may occur.
Infection (endometritis and sepsis) are rare complications associated with UAE. Uterine
necrosis is a rare complication, however, superimposed infection can be life
threatening. An MRI is prudent to help with the diagnosis. Most infections can be
managed with IV antibiotics and supportive treatment, although occasionally a
hysterectomy may be used in women with sepsis refractory to other measures.
Fibroid expulsion is reported usually when UAE is used to treat submucous fibroids. A
partially attached and infarcted fibroid could require a further hysteroscopic resection.
Non-target embolisation usually affects the ovaries and occasionally the vagina. When
the vaginal blood supply is compromised, the resultant vagina ischemia could result in
sexual dysfunction/dyspareunia. When the uteroovarian blood supply is affected, the
resultant ovarian ischemia is associated with follicular depletion and premature
menopause in older women (>45 years). In younger women, transient postmenopausal
symptoms have been reported. A high FSH level usually reverts to normal in 10–12
months. The potential for compromising fertility does exist and as such UAE is a
relatively contraindication in women wishing to retain their fertility.
Risk of miscarriage
UAE is associated with a higher cumulative risk of miscarriage; several fold higher than
the general population. Possible explanations include endometrial ischemia resulting in
an altered environment for implantation and fibroid migration and distortion of the
endometrial contour.
Woman lying on ExAblate® 2000 (InSightec) focused ultrasound system ready to be
placed into an MRI unit
MRI-guided focused ultrasound ablation of
uterine fibroids
Fibroid size 20% at 2 years
AUB 60–70%
Higher NPV corresponds to greater fibroid size reduction and symptom relief at 12
Fertility Reported - mainly for single fibroid
Secondary treatment ? 30%
Complication rate 10% (pain, vaginal discharge)
1477769200 frmReflectiveNote
Key points
Fibroids are smooth muscle tumours of the uterus, usually benign but they can
have malignant transformations in >1% resulting in leiomyosarcoma.
They are classified by their location as subserosal, intramural and submucous.
Symptoms include AUB, HMB, dysparunia, anaemia and pressure symptoms. In
obstetrics they can cause subfertility, miscarriage, pain secondary to degeneration,
preterm labour, malpresentation and postpartum haemorrhage.
Treatment options vary depending on whether the woman wishes to conceive or
Seeking contraception:
1st step – COC, oral/injected/IUS progestogens, short course of GnRHa
2nd step – hysteroscopic myomectomy +/- ablation +/- Mirena IUS.
Additional minimally invasive uterus-conserving treatment; UAE, MR focused
ultrasonography, laparoscopic uterine artery occlusion and bipolar radiofrequency
3rd step – hysterectomy +/- bilateral salpingo-ophrectomy.
Wishing to conceive:
1st step – tranexamic acid/NSAID’s
2nd step – hysteroscopic myomectomy, laparoscopic myomectomy.
Additional minimally invasive uterus-conserving treatments as above
3rd step – abdominal myomectomy.
Leiomyoma (fibroid)
Assessment history:
Total attempts: 0
Average score: 0%
Clinical scenario
In the above clinical case, MRI scanning should be used as the first-line
diagnostic tool.
Endometrial hyperplasia
Endometrial hyperplasia is further classified into simple and complex hyperplasia based
on the complexity and crowding of the glandular framework:
There are four types of endometrial hyperplasia each varying in their predisposition to
malignant transformation.
Women with the following risk factors should have a comprehensive evaluation (pelvic
ultrasound and endometrial biopsy) if they present with AUB.
Atypical glandular cells of endometrial cell origin on a cervical smear indicate urgent
referral for hysteroscopic evaluation, as uterine cancer, endometrial hyperplasia or
cervical adenocarcinoma is present in 30–40% of such cases.
Treatment options
Remove any obvious exogenous estrogen sources. If taking oral or patch-based HRT,
then consideration could be given to Mirena LNG-IUS to both treat the endometrial
hyperplasia and continue to protect the uterus so that the patient can receive estrogen
only replacement therapy.
A similar approach could be used for tamoxifen-users, although Mirena-LNG IUS is only
licensed to be used as endometrial protection in HRT users and is not licensed for use in
tamoxifen users or women with endometrial hyperplasia.
Women with breast cancer have an inherently increased risk of developing uterine
hyperplasia and uterine cancer irrespective of whether they are taking tamoxifen.
Around 10–40% of women taking tamoxifen incur uterine abnormalities ranging from
unscheduled AUB, polyps, atypical hyperplasia and endometrial cancer. Pelvic scans
may identify the classical subendometrial cystic pathology and thickened endometrium
associated with tamoxifen users, which can be misinterpreted as invasive endometrial
A randomised controlled trial showed that tamoxifen induces a two-fold increased risk
of endometrial cancer. The absolute risk for endometrial cancer in tamoxifen-treated
women was 13.0 per 1000 compared to 5.4 per 1000 in women taking placebo.
Key facts
AUB is the most common presenting symptom of endometrial hyperplasia.
Endometrial hyperplasia, although a benign condition, may be considered as a
precursor to endometrial cancer.
It is most often diagnosed in postmenopausal women, but women at any age
with unopposed estrogen from any source are at an increased risk for developing
endometrial hyperplasia, e.g. HRT or tamoxifen.
In the absence of cytological atypia, less than 2% of cases progress to cancer.
In the presence of cytological atypia, around 30–50% progress to endometrial
cancer or have co-existing endometrial cancer. Therefore, hysterectomy is
recommended for women with atypical endometrial hyperplasia.
Oral progestagens or Mirena LNG-IUS (unlicensed) have been used successfully
in the management of non-atypical endometrial hyperplasia.
The choice of treatment for endometrial hyperplasia is dependent on patient
age, the presence of cytologic atypia, the desire for future childbearing, and surgical
Endometrial hyperplasia
Assessment history:
Total attempts: 0
Average score: 0%
Case scenario
The woman's pelvic ultrasound shows a uterus of 10 cm cavity length and endometrial
thickness of 15 mm (in menstrual phase of cycle) with no uterine structural
abnormalities and normal ovaries.
Insert Mirena LNG-IUS
These patients should not be denied hysterectomy if needed. Advice from a
haematologist is essential if any surgical procedure is considered. The timing and need
for infusion will be determined by factor vWF and factor VIII levels preoperatively and
Key points
VWD is a common cause of menorrhagia.
Management should be with COC (to increase fibrinogen, prothrombin, factor
VII, factor VII and vWF), other management options include Mirena IUS or endometrial
ablation if the woman's family is complete.
Desmopressin acetate and vWF replacement may be required.
Future trends
Promoting LNG-IUS and endometrial ablation therapies will help reduce the need for
hysterectomy in women with HMB and represents cost-effective treatment on direct
head-to-head treatment analysis. Cost savings are further amplified if outpatient local
anaesthetic, rather than day-case general anaesthetic, endometrial ablations are
performed. Uterine fibroid embolisation is becoming established as a treatment for
multi-fibroid, uterus-related HMB and is being offered by more hospital centres.
UK’s Health Technology Assessment, that funded the research, recommended that
future research should focus on evaluation of the clinical effectiveness and cost
effectiveness of the best second-generation EA technique under local anaesthetic
versus Mirena and types of hysterectomy such as laparoscopic supracervical
hysterectomy versus conventional hysterectomy and second generation endometrial
Roberts TE, Tsourapas A, Middleton LJ, Champaneria R, Daniels JP, Cooper KG, et al.
Hysterectomy, endometrial ablation, and levonorgestrel releasing intrauterine system
(Mirena) for treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding: cost effectiveness analysis. BMJ
Middleton LJ, Champaneria R, Daniels JP, Bhattacharya S, Cooper KG, Hilken NH, et al.
Hysterectomy, endometrial destruction, and levonorgestrel releasing intrauterine
system (Mirena) for heavy menstrual bleeding: systematic review and meta-analysis of
data from individual patients. BMJ 2010;341:c3929.
Women treated with E2V/DNG have significantly shorter and lighter withdrawal
bleeding than women treated with an ethinylestradiol/levonorgestrel (EE/LNG) pill.
Around 20% of women on E2V/DNG reported absent withdrawal bleeding. Furthermore,
E2V/DNG has been shown to reduce menstrual bleeding in women with HMB. E2V/DNG
is the only oral contraceptive with a licensed indication for the management of heavy
menstrual bleeding.
consider examining in colposcopy suite for better patient positioning and lighting
probe the lower cervical canal to see if threads are visible. If so, grasp the thread
with polyp forceps
often the threads and/or inferior aspect of body of IUCD, are withdrawn into the
internal os/isthmic portion of uterus and may be retrieved using long fine artery forceps
or specific IUCD plastic retriever.
4. If the removal attempt is unsuccessful:
establish the severity of HMB and how it has impacted on the woman's quality of
what are her treatment expectations, e.g. need for definitive treatment, wishes
to avoid any type of surgery, wishes to avoid surgery that has prolonged convalescence
because of work/home factors
shared decision making during counselling
aim to individualise information on risks and benefits of treatment
alternatives and document of this process
provide relevant patient information leaflets during counselling process.
3. Expectant management:
variety of techniques (TBEA, MEA, Novasure) with procedure times <15 mins
most can be performed in an outpatient setting, with or without local
anaesthetic, same day discharge, or as day case GA procedures
most women do not need endometrial thinning or menstrual phase timing
highly effective and safe (safer than previous first generation techniques)
short period of convalescence (1–2 weeks) compared with hysterectomy.
7. Hysterectomy
A 42-year-old woman is referred to you with a 4-year history of regular heavy periods
and pelvic pain. She is nulliparous.
The woman had been diagnosed to have a multi-fibroid uterus by another hospital and
has been recommended to have a hysterectomy. Abdominal examination reveals a 20w
sized fibroid uterus. She has been told that she has five fibroids, individually ranging in
size from 5 cm to 8 cm, at mostly intramural locations.
She is keen to preserve her uterus and wishes future fertility.
less than 1% chance of fertility, even if all fibroids are removed and IVF is
is uterus preservation justified given such poor fertility prognosis and significant
uterine pathology and symptoms?
4. Expectant management:
6. Uterus-conserving - hysteroscopic submucous myomectomy:
8. Abdominal myomectomy
Outline how you would manage the patient and justify the treatment options
you would offer based on this result.
Outline how you would manage the patient and justify the treatment options
you would offer based on this result.
Answer: This should include:
1. Assess severity of AUB/HMB and the need to treat the woman's symptoms as
well as the need to treat the diagnosis of hyperplasia. Determine impact on quality of
3. Expectant management:
4. Medical therapy. Suitable for both simple and complex non-atypical hyperplasia,
and no other malignant transformation risk factors:
oral progestagens–hormonal side effects, compliance issues; lower efficacy
medical therapy is likely to improve AUB symptoms but is not curative
lowers risk of malignancy if commencing treatment compared to no treatment
requirement for serial outpatient endometrial pipelle biopsies (every 6 months).
A 50-year-old woman had a Mirena IUS inserted 2 years ago for heavy menstrual
periods. She was initially amenorrhoeic but has now developed heavy menstrual
bleeding again. Endometrial biopsy shows complex endometrial hyperplasia with
What is the best treatment option?
Oral contraceptive pills in addition to Mirena in situ
A 55-year-old woman has been referred to the postmenopausal bleeding clinic following
an ultrasound organised by her GP for abdominal bloating. This showed the presence of
cystic spaces in the endometrium and an endometrial thickness of 15 mm. She has
previously used tamoxifen for 5 years for breast cancer.
What is the best management option?
High dose oral progestogens
You review a 48-year-old woman in the menstrual disorders clinic who complains of a 3-
year history of heavy menstrual bleeding. She is a mother of four children, all born by
normal vaginal deliveries. Her menstrual cycle is every 29 days and the bleeding lasts
for 6 days. However, recently it has become associated with clots.
Cervical smears are up-to-date and her BMI is 39. You perform a transvaginal scan
which reveals a bulky uterus of 8 mm endometrial thickness and three intramural
fibroids of 2, 4 and 5 cm size respectively. On vaginal examination you find stage I
cystocele, stage II rectocele and stage II uterine descent.
The current waiting list for benign gynaecological surgery in your hospital is 4 months.
What is the next most appropriate step in her management?
Add on to the waiting list for laparoscopic-assisted vaginal hysterectomy
You are performing an outpatient hysteroscopy on a 62-year old woman who presents
with postmenopausal bleeding. Her menstrual cycles ceased at the age of 50. She used
combined HRT for 2 years afterwards.
A transvaginal scan reveals an endometrial thickness of 8 mm with a hyper-echoic
intracavitary shadow suggestive of an endometrial polyp. The size of the polyp was 16
mm in diameter.
What finding on hysteroscopy would make you consider the polyp as a
malignant lesion?
Broad-based avascular lesion
Vascular surface
A 46-year-old para 2 who has completed her family presents with a history of painful
heavy menstrual bleeding in association with infrequent cycles (every 2–3 months) for
1 year. Her BMI is 44. She is currently on iron supplements for anaemia and is
prescribed proton pump inhibitors for GORD. She is otherwise fit and well.
Abdominopelvic examination is unremarkable. Pelvic ultrasound shows an endometrial
thickness of 12 mm with a bulky uterus and normal ovaries with no pelvic pathology. A
pipelle biopsy suggests a proliferative endometrium.
What treatment is most suited to her?
Combined oral contraceptive pill
GnRH Analogues
Mefenamic acid
Mirena IUS
Tranexemic acid
A woman who has recently had a uterine artery embolisation performed for a fibroid
uterus (18 weeks size – intramural and submucous fibroids) presents to the emergency
department with fever, nausea, vomiting, and foul smelling vaginal discharge.
Which investigation is best suited to guide further management?
CT scan of the abdomen and pelvis
Transabdominal ultrasound
Transvaginal ultrasound