All forward-looking statements are subject to various risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially
from expectations. Readers are cautioned not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements, which speak only
as of their dates, and they should not be relied upon in making purchasing decisions.
Brand Unification
Solution Key User, Solution Administrator, Line of Business Operations User and related
enterprise functions
Solution overview
Upgrade timeline
Line of Business and Industry solution enhancements
Configuration options
Further Training, Engagement, Contact and Information
Omni-Channel Customer Engagement
Anywhere, Anytime
User Experience
Packaged Integration
23rd June 2016 – Planned August 2016 Release Conversation with Customers and Partners ~6 weeks to upgrade
Lead Management
Opportunity Management
Sales Quotes
Marketing & Marketing Attributes
Outlook Integration
Sales Orders
Product Lists and Products
Visits & Routes
Account, Contact, Individual
Customer, Partner
Automatically Assign the logged in user as the Owner for an
Account/Individual Customer through Workflow
When creating a new account or
customer, the logged in user can
be defaulted as the “owner”.
You can enable this feature by
defining a workflow rule that
conducts the assignment.
Enhanced Code List Restrictions: Party Roles, Payment Terms, Reason for Rejection
Product GTIN part of output sales quote form message
Display Determination Method for Involved Parties
Display of Tax Amount (Total and Item)
Display of Product Category in Product table
Authorization Levels for External Pricing Elements
Add read-only fields Tax Amount (only available for documents that use external Pricing) or Product Category via
Adaptation or Personalization.
Marketing Attributes
Marketing Attributes – ‘Add’ Button Can be Hidden
Navigation to
Object detail view
Report to Report
Manage View and Selection in Responsive UI
You can rename, delete or mark selections and view as default in manage
Mobile: Download report data as a CSV file in Extended App
Business Analytics work center is now available in HTML5. Common Tasks is available as separate work center
Hierarchical Selection support for Report-to-Report Navigation
You can upload and download KPI & Dashboards to move content from
Development to Test to Production tenants.
SAP Lumira Integration
MS Outlook Integration
Server Profiles
Improved handling for obsolete contacts
Sorting for side-bar entries
Supportability Matrix
MS Outlook plugin: Server Profiles – Setting Defaults
Order Items - Support for Custom Line increments – Online and Offline
Account Summary Form – Sales Order Header enhanced with additional fields
Code List Restrictions - Possibility to restrict by Party Role for Sales Documents
Performance Enhancements
Copy action on Products facet in Order Details
Ability to copy Order items inline
within the Order Details
Copy of line item adds a new
row with the next line item
New line item copies over the
Product ID
Product Category
Item Type
Item Qty
Manual Conditions
Extension field values
Item Parties
Item Parties – Document Address
Internal & External Notes
Pricing does not get copied if Order
has been simulated
Delivery Status, Billing status and
ATP quantities also, does not get
copied for transferred orders
Free Goods and Cancelled
products do not have the ‘copy’
Support for Custom Line increments
Ability to maintain custom line
increments per document type for
Sales Order Items and Sub-Items.
Prerequisite - Enable
‘Sales Orders’ in Offline
External Price Document enhancements in Offline Orders
Account Summary Form – Sales Order Header enhanced with additional fields:
Ship-To Party Internal ID
Ship-to Party Name
Code List Restrictions - Possibility to restrict by Party Role for Sales Documents
Products & Product Lists
Product Features
Workflow Enhancements
General Round-offs
Workflow Enhancements
Created By/Changed By
(Name) fields in Activity/Visit
Create Workflow rules or
utilize these fields as
Contacts/Attendees – Detail Enhancement
Performance Optimizations
General Roundoffs
Performance Optimizations
Ability to maintain
reference to predecessor
automatically from follow-
up creation of Visit or
manual addition of
General Roundoffs
Performance Optimizations
Enabling more than 4 answer options for radio button and checkbox type answers
Odata Services
The Odata services would enable the reading of survey results from an external system, thus
providing the flexibility in the usage of C4C survey. These services would efficiently handle high
volume data.
Both checklist and product type surveys are supported.
A2A Services
It is possible to write back data into C4C surveys using A2A services.
The services have been enabled for checklist type surveys only
Attachment search for surveys and Visits
Performance improvements
Lazy loading of for surveys having more than 200 products.
Dynamic product list determination optimization
JSON optimization
Topic Highlights
Chunk View
Chunk View (Continued)
Chunk View will be available in Desktop, Tablet & Smartphone. The first 5-7 number of column fields shall be shown on chunk view.
The default view for smartphone and Tablet shall be Chunk view for better touch experience.
If end user changes the table visualization (Example from chunk view to map view), app will remember this for next time login on same device
for that specific table. Such a personalization is User specific, table specific and device specific.
For chunk view , since we don’t have a concept of leading object in 1608, we will display the first column of table as Title and Navigation shall be
based on what is configured as First Column. If we configure for e.g. Date or Status field as first column, then no navigation will be triggered.
Note: In all result set please ensure that the first column is the main field that supports navigation. For example in Account result set, have
Account Name as first field, so that we supports navigation to Account Detail view from result set.
Chunk view in cozy mode will not show any links. For e.g., if you are account owl, you will not see a link for navigation to owner. Cozy mode will
enable only one navigation which will work based on point 5. Compact mode will show all links in addition to one click navigation based on
leading object described on point 5.
Chunk views configured by applications will no longer be visible on RUI, as they will be replaced by a consistent feature.
Client side persistency for alternative visualization
Tool Bar
Visual Design Enhancements in Calendar
Reduce one click when you disable Quick View using Company setting.
Link to launch HTML5 UI
Launch HTML5 link in browser will launch the current screen in a new tab in HTML5.
This can be used by end user to personalize the screen in HTML5,
Personalization made in HTML5 will be reflected in Responsive UI.
Extended Edition Mobile Apps
Topic Highlights
The code restrictions works also in advance search when selecting values in dependent fields
Code List Restriction – Default Value Beta Version
Key User will be able to add PSM enabled fields in the Object Header.
Currently fields will be Read-only.
Mandatory Fields cannot be Hidden
Business Value: This feature shall provide the relevant error messages to the developer when a Save is rejected. The information shall
provide the solution details that is responsible for the save rejection.
Design Time:
If no selection parameters are provided for the query execution, the ABSL
compiler shall raise a warning message to caution the developer on a longer
This shall apply for queries on Custom BOs and SAP BOs
Run Time:
A warning message is displayed in UI if the hits
of a QueryByElements exceeds specific value.
Solution property Enhancement
In 1605 Studio release, two new fields (Detailed Description & Keywords) were
introduced in the solution properties.
The Detailed Description field that allows developers to add more information/description
about the add-on solution.
The Keywords field that allows the developers to maintain relevant keywords for the add-
on solution.
In 1605, these properties were available only for new solutions that were created.
With 1611 release, these properties shall be maintained for existing solutions.
For existing solutions which were created prior to 1605, these fields shall be defaulted with
the value of the ‘Description’ field in the following cases.
1. When user opens the solution properties, by right clicking on solution name
2. When patch is created, it will default the fields in both original and patch solution.
3. When the patch solution is uploaded to production tenant, Original solution will be
defaulted with long text and keyword of patch solution.
The user shall be allowed to edit the values of the properties anytime through the lifecycle of
the solution and in all types of tenants (DEV,TEST,PROD).
SAP Hybris Cloud for Service
What’s new in 16.08
SAP Cloud for Service
• If a customer is calling
about an existing ticket,
simply select the ticket
from the list at the bottom
of Live Activity
Preliminary UI
• The Phone Call will be
appended to the existing
Preliminary UI
ticket, tracking the multiple
Call Center Integration Subject to
Support multiple callers as Phone Activity participants Change
Preliminary UI
Workflow Subject to
Workflow Monitoring Change
• Registered Products
facet now enabled on
Account TI in Offline mode
Only Active/In
Preparation status are
eligible for this (both for
parent and child
functional locations)
Preliminary UI
Offline Subject to
Registered Product on Account Change
Preliminary UI
Offline Subject to
Tickets on Registered Product Change
Preliminary UI
Offline Subject to
Contracts facet on Registered Product Change
Preliminary UI
Offline Subject to
My queries in Installed Base Change
Preliminary UI
Offline Subject to
Measurements Enhancement Change
Preliminary UI
Registered Product Subject to
Overview in Responsive UI Change
Preliminary UI
Registered Product Subject to
Location determination Change
Preliminary UI
Registered Product Subject to
Location Update Change
If a registered product is
selected from the list,
certain fields, such as,
customer, serial ID,
product etc. are
automatically determined
in the ticket.
Preliminary UI
Registered Product Subject to
Query A2X Change
Preliminary UI
Installation Point Subject to
Attachments Change
Preliminary UI
Installation Point Subject to
Add Existing Functional Location Change
Only Active/In
Preparation status are
eligible for this (both for
parent and child
functional locations)
Multilanguage support is
enabled for Installed Base
Preliminary UI
• Quantity contracts
• Header document types and page
• Item Type determination
• Exclude Services and Parts
• Item hierarchy
• Offline enhancements
• Contracts in Individual Account
• Authorization levels for External
• ECC integration enhancements
Contracts Subject to
Quantity Contracts Change
Preliminary UI
Contracts Subject to
Quantity Contracts –Target Definition Change
Preliminary UI
Contracts Subject to
Quantity Contracts Ticket Contract Release Change
Preliminary UI
Contracts Subject to
Quantity Contracts – Release History [Item] Change
• “Release History”
shows the list of
Tickets that have
been created with
reference to a
contract item
• It also shows the
release quantity per
Preliminary UI
Contracts Subject to
Quantity Contracts – Release History [Header] Change
• Release History
information is
available on Contract
Preliminary UI Header and Item
Contracts Subject to
Header [Document] Types – BC Path Change
Preliminary UI
Contracts Subject to
Header [Document] Types – BC & UX Relation Change
Preliminary UI
Preliminary UI
Contracts Subject to
Header [Document] Types – Page Layout Change
Preliminary UI
Item Types Enhancements - Determination Relevance Rules
Contract Item Types can be defined in
Business Configuration
3 1
Subject to
Item Types Enhancements – Products Assignment (2)
Subject to
[Contains Pattern] Set Categories Change
and.. using (*)Categories
incl. Subcategories to assign n
products to types/ determination Preliminary UI
relevance rules
[Contains Pattern] Set Products
and using (*) to assign n products
to types/ determination
relevance rules 3
Item Types Enhancements –Det. Relev. & dynamic Facets (1)
Preliminary UI
Items and Entitled Services and Parts = this contract item will be determined if this item [product] or one of
its assigned Entitled Services & Parts are used in the ticket item [Example: Education - Installation…
(here limited to 50 hours] MCD-0443 or Boiler-Calibration-Training MCD-0502
Type & Determination Relevance Combination: all facets are enabled
Subject to
Item Types Enhancements –Det. Relev. & dynamic Facets (2)
Preliminary UI
Limited to Entitled Services and Parts = this contract item will be determined if at least one of the listed
entitled Services & Parts is used in the ticket item [Example: any Service from category ´Commercial
heating Services´ assigned to Entitlement Product ´1-Year-Extended Warranty´] Subject to
Type & Determination Relevance Combination: No Target Definition and Release History Facets Change
Item Types Enhancements –Det. Relev. & dynamic Facets (3)
Preliminary UI
None = this contract item will not be determined in the ticket item [Example: Texts for grouping purposes like
´Break Fix Box´…]
Type & Determination Relevance Combination: only General Data and Billing Plan Facets Subject to
Item Types Enhancements –Det. Relev. & dynamic Facets (4)
Preliminary UI
Limited to item = this contract item will be determined only if this item [product] is used in the ticket item.
[Example: Remote Calibration with 100 hours quantity limit]
Type & Determination Relevance Combination: No Entitled Services & Parts and Excluded Services & Parts
Subject to
Contracts Subject to
Item Type Enhancements Change
Preliminary UI
Contracts Subject to
Item Products Enhancements Change
• Text/description can be
added per product/line
• It’s now possible to
EXCLUDE Services &
Parts per contract item
• It’s possible to search for
contract based on
Preliminary UI
EXCLUDED Services and
• Contract templates not
only consider Hierarchy
but also, determination
reference and manual
entered pricing
• ECC Costing assignment
Contracts Subject to
Item Products – Text Items Change
Preliminary UI
Contracts Subject to
Item Products – Excluded Services & Parts (1) Change
Preliminary UI
Contracts Subject to
Item Products – Excluded Services & Parts (2) Change
• It’s possible to
search for contract
based on ENTITLED
Preliminary UI or EXCLUDED
Services and Parts
Contracts Subject to
Item Products – Template Enhancement Change
Preliminary UI
Preliminary UI
If we have [e.g. limited] products on sub item level in contracts these products can also
be determined [-> see Determination Relevance] in the C4S on work ticket item level
and be set there as contract reference (Example: Contract Subitem 3917/101 for Filter
X in ticket line 4711/10). Same applies for the contract reference in the following
ECC invoicing process (Example: use ECC contract 40001548/101 for Filter X)
In Accounting the costs of such products are often handled differently: Product Costs
should in ECC [needs customizing] be assigned/ related to the main item
(Example: Filter Costs should be posted to 40001548/100 - 1 YEAR GOLD SUPPORT)
Contracts Subject to
Item Hierarchy – Inheritance Header->Item Change
Preliminary UI
• Status and Validity
dates are inherited
from Contract Item
to Sub-item
Contracts Subject to
Item Hierarchy – Inheritance Item Checks (1) Change
Default Increment by BC
Preliminary UI
Contracts Subject to
Item Hierarchy – Inheritance Header->Item Change
Preliminary UI
Offline Function Enablements – new Fields
Preliminary UI
Offline Function Enablements – new Fields
Preliminary UI
Offline Function Enablements – new Fields
Preliminary UI
Offline Function Enablements – new Fields
Preliminary UI
Offline Function Enablements – new Fields
Preliminary UI
Contracts Subject to
Offline Function Enablements - Attachments Change
Preliminary UI
Offline Function Enhancements – Dynamic Accounts
Subject to
Contracts Subject to
Contract Facet – Individual Accounts Change
Preliminary UI
Determination - Reference Objects on Work Ticket Item –
Example: Customer
has two Contracts for different
Covered Objects/ Products
Preliminary UI
Subject to
Contracts Subject to
N different Reference Objects on Work Ticket Item Change
Preliminary UI
Contracts Subject to
Determination Contract on item Change
Preliminary UI
Contracts Subject to
ECC Contract Integration – Revoke Transfer Status Change
Preliminary UI
Contracts Subject to
Authorization Control – Contract pricing BC Change
Preliminary UI
Contracts Subject to
Authorization Control – Contract pricing BC Change
Preliminary UI
Preliminary UI
Contracts Subject to
Authorization Control – Contract pricing BC Change
Preliminary UI
Covered Objects:
- Product Category ID + Description
- ProcessingTypeCode + Name
- ReleaseControlCode + Name
- TargetQuantity
- HierarchyRelationship/ParentItemID
- ItemEntitledProduct/ExcludeIndicator
- Product Recipient Party (= Ship To)
- Bill-to Party
- Payer
- Employee Responsible
section ->
Set Requested Start
Date and Set
Requested End Date
Example continued:
Preliminary UI
Preliminary UI
• Main object can be changed new contract and warranty determination on ticket header
• Ticket included in the Ticket History of each of the added objects
Multiple Registered Products in Ticket Subject to
Objects tab in RUI Change
Preliminary UI
Multiple Registered Products in Ticket Subject to
Link ticket items to Serial ID or Installation Point Change
Preliminary UI
Multiple Registered Products in Ticket Subject to
Link ticket items to Serial ID or Installation Point Change
Preliminary UI
Multiple Registered Products in Ticket Subject to
Integration with ECC Change
Preliminary UI
Preliminary UI
Multiple Registered Products in Ticket Subject to
Integration with ECC – data in IDOC Change
Preliminary UI
Preliminary UI
Multiple Registered Products in Ticket Subject to
Restrictions Change
• Following ticket capabilities are based on the main object on ticket header level, and are not dependent on the
additional registered products in the Objects tab:
• Service Categorization of the ticket
• Routing Rules for the ticket
• Work flow Rules for the ticket
• Tasks for the ticket
• Surveys for the ticket
• Service Location of the ticket
• Reports based on ticket data source
• Warranty determination
• SLA determination
• The registered product shown in Ticket Lists (OWL, Queue, Ticket in Account, …) is the main object. Additional
registered products will not be visible in such lists
Preliminary UI
Ticket Enhancements Subject to
Add Summary with Signature Change
Customers now have option to add summary with signature i.e. signature can only be captured while generating the Summary
Preliminary UI
Ticket Enhancements Subject to
Additional fields for the Ticket Summary Template Change
Preliminary UI
Ticket Enhancements Subject to
Main Ticket Reference in Ticket Migration template Change
Preliminary UI
Ticket Enhancements Subject to
Web Service to provide email interactions for Ticket(s) Change
Preliminary UI
• Enhancements in Demand
• Redesign of Resource
Scheduler UI
• Configuration enhancements
Resource Scheduler Subject to
Ticket requires on-site work Change
Preliminary UI
Preliminary UI
assignments show
new time on the fly
Preliminary UI
Resource Scheduler Subject to
Demand Processing Change
Preliminary UI
Resource Scheduler Subject to
Maintain Colors Change
Preliminary UI
Resource Scheduler Subject to
External Status and Time Entries Change
Preliminary UI
Preliminary UI
Time Recording Subject to
Total Duration for a Time Report Change
Preliminary UI
Time Recording Subject to
Enable “New” on the Time Entries facet for Ticket in Offline Change
Preliminary UI
Time Recording Subject to
Merge Time Entries Change
Preliminary UI
• User can now add involved parties which are maintained in the Business Configuration of the Ticket
Preliminary UI
Offline Ticket Subject to
Offline Involved Party – Delete Change
• User can delete involved parties which are maintained in the Ticket
Preliminary UI
Offline Ticket
Enable queries “My Work Tickets” & “Work Tickets with my Subject to
Preliminary UI
Offline Ticket Subject to
Offline : Expose involved parties in Ticket QC Change
• User can add the involved party details in Ticket Quick Create in offline
Preliminary UI
Offline Ticket Subject to
Offline : Contract for Ticket Change
Preliminary UI
Offline Ticket Subject to
Offline : Van Stock for Ticket Change
• User can now add product from van stock as Ticket Item in offline
Preliminary UI
SAP Hybris
Cloud for Customer
What’s new in Integration in 16.08
SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer - On-Premise Integration
Release Highlights 1608
This presentation and SAP‘s strategy and possible future developments are subject to change and may be changed by SAP
at any time for any reason without notice. This document is provided without a warranty of any kind, either express or implied,
© Subject to change including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, or non-infringement
SAP Hybris
Cloud for Customer
What’s new for Industries in 16.08
SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer - Utilities
Highlights of Release 1608 for Utilities Call Center
The focus of SAP Cloud for Customer for Utilities is on providing a customer call center solution that enables
Utilities companies to engage with and service their B2B and residential customers.
Key capabilities:
Call Center solution for customers enabling multi-channel service such as social, email, and chat
360 view of the customer though integration with SAP IS Utilities backend capabilities
Hana Cloud Integration (HCI) for Utilities Customer Overview & Hierarchy
Update installation/pod level description
Performance Enhancements - Improve ERP response message
Provide extensibility on highlights/alerts
Mailing Address Handling for Move In / Transfer/ Move Out
Internal/External IDs - Personalization to hide/unhide IDs & hyperlinks
Add new mailing address during the process
BP Replication - Replicate from C4C to IS-U in contract partner role
Premise Overview & Hierarchy
Extensibility Enable search for premise by Point of Delivery
Hide/unhide actions in facets Ability to add meter reading
Ability to add new facets Update installation/pod level
PSM enablement for replicated objects description
IS-U Finder Bill Correction
Extensibility for custom search fields Ability to rebill from the bill correction
Enhance IS-U finder search fields to include contract ID screen for adjustment reversals
Guided Sales Process Installment Plan Create
Launch guided sales process in edit mode Ability to select multiple open items
Enable search for premise by Point of Delivery Payment plan type to default fields
Prospect and status handling
Service Order
Switch doc status and action to update in quote TI
Add time stamp to service order
Extensibility for switch doc
Resources, Contact, Training and Engagement
Subject to Change
Thank You!
SAP Hybris Cloud
for Customer
Release Version – August 2016 (16.08)