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B. H, Blackvvell,
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Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies



OCT 02^931

The want of an elementary Gothic grammar written on

scientific and historical principles must long have been felt

in England by pupils and teachers alike. And as a knowledge

of Gothic is indispensable to students of the oldest periods
of the other Germanic languages, the following grammar
will, I trust, be found useful at any rate to students whose
interests mainly lie in the philological or linguistic side of

these languages.
Considerable care and trouble have been taken in the
selection of the matter contained in the chapters relating to
phonology, and I venture to say that anyone, who con-
scientiously works through the book, will not only gain a
thorough elementary knowledge of Gothic, but also of the
principles of Germanic philology in general. I should
however advise the beginner not to \york right through the
phonology at first, but to read Chapter I on Gothic pro-
nunciation, and then to learn the Accidence. As soon as
the paradigms havfe been learnt, he ought then to begin
reading the Gothic Text and to work systematically at the
In the plan and scope of the book I have for the most
part followed the lines adopted in my Old and Middle High
German Primers, published by the Clarendon Press in 1888.

In all the three books my chief aim and object have been
to furnish beginners with an accm*ate outline of the main
features of the languages in question. But in the present
book I thought it advisable to enter rather more fully into
details, because most students, who worked through the
two German Primers, would almost be sure to continue their

studies in more advanced works on the subject. Whereas in

the case of Gothic it is somewhat different. As most
students simply wish to acquire an elementary knowledge of
the phonology and accidence of the language for the great

light which these throw upon the grammar of the other old
Germanic languages, it is important that everything they
require for that purpose should be put together in a
convenient form. In fact a careful examination of the
p)honology and accidence will show that these parts of the
work are much more complete than the title of the book\

The Glossary not only contains all the words occurring

in thfe Gothic Text (pp. 147-229), but also the words
contained in the Accidence, each referred to its respective
A short list of the most important works relating to
Gothic will be found on pp. 145, 146. Amongst the works
which I have found most useful in the writing of the present
book, I would especially mention my indebtedness to the two
excellent grammars by Douse and Braune.
In conclusion, I have to express my best thanks to my
friend Prof. Napier for many valuable suggestions whilst the
book was going through the press.

OxYO'R.J), January, 1892.

In revising this new edition, I have kept in view the class

of students for which the book was originally intended.
Although in the grammar the paragraphs remain the same
as in the former edition, it will be seen that many addi-
tions and improvements have been made, especially in the
Phonology, which in its present form will serve as an
elementary introduction to Germanic Philology in general.
I am sorry to be unable to comply with the wishes of the
many teachers who desired me to treat the Accidence with
special reference to the other Germanic languages, so that
the book in its new form might serve as an elementary
comparative grammar of these languages. After giving the
matter serious consideration, I came to the conclusion that

the book would become too large, and that through the
necessary introduction of a great many details concerning
the other languages, I should have been obliged to omit
many important points relating to Gothic itself, and thus
I should have defeated the object with which the book was
originally written.

Some time ago I collected the material for an elementary

Comparative Grammar of the Germanic languages, and had
begun to prepare it for publication, but during the last few

years all my spare time has been taken up with the English
Dialect Dictionary. Ere long, however, I hope to have
sufficient leisure to publish the book.
In compliance with the requests of several Examining
Bodies, and of the Delegates of the Clarendon Press, I have
included in new edition the whole of the Gospel
this of
St. Mark which has come down to us in Gothic.

Oxford, April^ 1899.

INTRODUCTION (§§ 1, 2) '. . . . . . i


Alphabet and Pronunciation 2-14

The Gothic alphabet (§ 3). Representation of the
Gothic vowel-system (§ 4). Pronunciation of the Gothic
vowels:— a, a (§ 5) ; e (§ 6) ; i, i (§ 7) ; 6 (§ 8) ; u, u
(§ 9) ; iu (§ 10); ai, di, ai (§ 11); au, du, au (§ 12).
The Gothic vowel-system (§ 13). Representation of the
Gothic consonant- system (§ 14). Pronunciation of the
Gothic consonants :—b (§ 15); d (§ 16); f (§ 17);
g (§18); li (§19); lu (§20); j (§21); k (§22); 1, m,
n (§ 23); p (§ 24); q (§ 25); r (§ 26); s (§ 27);
t (§ 28) ; p (§ 29) ; w (§ 30) ; z (§ 31). Phonetic survey
of the Gothic sound-system (§ 32). Stress (§ 33).


The Primitive Germanic Equivalents of the Indo-

Germanic Vowel-sounds 15-19
The Indo-Germanic vowel-system (§ 34). a (§ 35)
e(§36); i (§ 37) o (§ 38) u (§ 39) ; ; ; a (§ 40) ; §(§41);
i (§ 42) ; 6 (§ 43) ; u (§ 44) ; ai (§ 45) ; ei (§ 46) ; oi

(§ 47); au (§ 48); eu (§ 49); ou (§ 50). The Indg.

vocalic nasals and liquids : —m (§ 51) ; n (§ 52) ; r (§ 53)
1 (§ 54).


The Primitive Germanic Vowel-system . . . 19-22

Table of the Prim. Germanic vowel-system (§ 55). The

change of a to a (§ 57). The change of e to i (§ 58).
The change of i to e (§ 59). The change of u to o, u
(§ 60). The change of eu to iu (§ 61). The vowel-
system at the close of the Prim. Germanic period (§ 62).


The Gothic Development of the General Germanic

Vowel-system in accented Syllables . . . 23-30

a (§ 63) ; e (§§ 64, 65) ; i (§§ m, Ql) ; o (§§ 68, 69) ;

u(§§70,71); a (§72); 8e(§§ 73,74); e (§ 75) i (§ ; 76)

6 (§§ 77-79) u (§ 80) ai (§ 81) aa (§ 82) iu (§
; ; ; ; 83) ;

eu (§ 84).


The Gothic Development of the Prim. Germanic

Vowels in unaccented Syllables .... 30-35

Indg. final consonants in the Germanic languages (§ 85).

Final short vowels (§ 86). Final long vowels (§ 87).
Final diphthongs (§ 88).


The Germanic Equivalents of the Gothic Vowel-

sounds 35-37

Short vowels (§§ 90-94). Long vowels (§§ 95-101).

Diphthongs (§§ 102-104).

Ablaut (§§ 105-108) 37-42


The First Sound-shifting, Verner*s Law, and other

Consonant Changes which took place in the
Primitive Germanic Language 43-59

The Indg. consonant system (§ 110). The first sound-

shifting: — the tenues (§ 111); the mediae (§ 112); the
tenues aspiratae (§ 113); the mediae aspiratae (§§ 114-117).
The twofold development of the Indg. velars in the Ger-
manic languages (§ 118). Verner's Law (§ 119). Other
consonant changes (§§ 120-125). Table of Prim. Ger-
manic consonants (§ 127).


The Gothic Development of the General Germanic

Consonant-system 59-67
Semi-vowels :—w (§ 129); j (§ 130). Liquids and
nasals (§ 131). Labials :—p, f (§ 132); b, t) (§ 133).
Gutturals :—k, kw (§ 134) ; h, x, X^ (§ 135) ; g, s
(§ 136) Dentals:— t (§ 137); p (§ 138); d, d (§ 139).
Sibilants:— s (§ 140); z (§ 141).

Declension of Nouns 68-81

A. The strong declension: —Masculine a-stems (§§ 144,

145); neuter a-stems (§§ 146, 147); masculine ja-stems
(§§ 148, 149); neuter ja-stems (§§ 150, 151); masculine
wa-stems (§ 152); neuter wa-stems (§ 153). The femi-
nine and wo-stems (§§ 154-158). Masculine i-stems
0-, jo-,

(§§ 159-161); feminine 1-stems (§§ 162-164). Masculine

and feminine u-stems (§§ 165-168); neuter u-stems
(§ 169).
B. The weak declension: —Masculine n-stems (§§ 170,
171); feminine n-stems (§§ 172-174); neuter n-stems (§§
175, 176).

C. Minor Declensions :
— stems in -r (§ 177) ; stems in
-nd (§§ 178, 179); masculines (§§ 180, 181); feminines
(§§ 182, 183); neuters (§ 183).

Declension of Adjectives 82-94
A. Strong Declension : —a-stems (§§ 187, 188) ; ja-stems
(§§ 189-192); wa-stems (§ 193); i-stems (§§ 194, 195) ;

u-stems (§§ 196, 197).

B. Weak declension (§§ 198, 199).

C. Declension of participles (§§ 200-203).

D. Comparison of Adjectives(§§ 204-207). Numerals: —

Cardinal (§§ 208-213); ordinal (§§ 214,215); other
numerals (§§ 216-219).

Pronouns 94-102
Personal (§§ 220, 221); possessive (§§ 222,223); demon-
strative (§§ 224-228); relative (§§ 229-231); interro-

gative (§§ 232, 233); indefinite (§§ 234-238).


Verbs 102-124
On Gothic verbs in general (§§ 239-242).
A. Strong Verbs : —
The conjugation of the model strong
verbs niman and Milan (§ 243). Class I (§§ 245, 246) ;

Class II (§§ 247, 248); Class III (§§ 249, 250); Class IV
(§§ 251, 252) ; Class V
(§§ 253, 254) ; Class VI (§§ 255,
256); Class VII (§§ 257-259).
B. Weak Verbs :
— First weak conjugation (§§ 260-265) ;

second weak conjugation (§§ 266, 267) ; third weak conju-

gation (§§ 268, 269); fourth weak conjugation (§§ 270, 271).

O. Minor Groups :— Preterite-presents (§§ 272-279);

verbs in -mi (§§ 280-282).

Appendix . 125-127
Adverbs (§§ 283-287). Prepositions (§ 288). Con-
junctions (§ 289).

Syntax 1 28-141
Cases : —Accusative ($ 290) ;
genitive (§ 291) ; dative
(§ 292). Adjectives (§§ 293, 294). Pronouns (§ 295).
Verbs :— Tenses (§ 296) ; voices (§ 297) ; subjunctive
(§ 298) ; infinitive (§ 299) ;
participles (§ 300).

Introduction 142-146
St. Matthew 147-153
St. Mark 154-199
St.Luke 200-211
St.John 212-222
The Second Epistle to Timothy 223-229

NOTES 230-241

GLOSSARY 243-277




Gr. = Greek. mid. = middle.

Indg. = Indo-Germanic. NHG. ^New High German.
Lat. = Latin. Prim. Germ. = Primitive Ger-
OE.-Old English. manic,
0HG. = 01d High German. = root.

O. Icel. = Old Icelandic. Skr. = Sanskrit.

OS. = Old Saxon.

The asterisk (*) prefixed to a word denotes a theoretical form.

The colon (:) used on pp. 37-41 means stands in ablaut relatioii to.

On the letters p, a, 3, "b, x see § 110 note 4.



§ 1. Almost the only source of our knowledge of the Gothic
language consists of the fragments of the biblical translation
made by Ulfilas (b. about 311 a.d.^ d. 383), the Bishop of
the West Goths. See p. 142.
§ 2. Gothic forms one member of the Germanic (Teutonic)
branch of the Indo-Germanic family of languages.
The Germanic branch consists of:

I. Gothic.

II. Old Worse (Scandinavian), which is sub-divided into

two groups :

East Norse, including Swedish, Gutnish, and Danish.

West Worse, including Norwegian and Icelandic.

Note. — I and II are sometimes classed together and called East


III. West Germanic, which is composed of Old English

(OE.), Old Frisian, Old Saxon (OS.), sometimes called Old
Low German, Old Low Franconian (Old Dutch), and Old
High German (OHG.). •

2 ALPHABET, [§ 3.


Alphabet and Pronunciation.

§ 3. The Gothic monuments, as handed down to us, are

written in a peculiar alphabet which, according to the Greek
ecclesiastical historians Philostorgios and Sokrates, was in-

vented by Ulfilas. But Wimmer^ and others have clearly

shown that Ulfilas simply took the Greek uncial alphabet as
the basis for his, and that in cases where this was insufficient
for his purpose, he had recourse to the Latin and runic
alphabets. The alphabetic sequence of the letters can be
determined with certainty from the numerical values, which
agree as nearly as possible with those of the Greek. Below
are given the Gothic characters in the first line, in the second
line their numerical values, and in the third line their trans-
literation in Roman characters.

j\ B r iV 6 u z h t tl
I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
a b g d e q z h > i

K A n H q n n ^ )^

20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
k 1 m n J u P
- r

S T Y I'
X G Q t
200 300 400 500 60c ) 700 800 900
s t w f X > —

^ Wimmer, 'Die Runenschrift/ Berlin, 1887 ; pp. 259-274.

§§3.4-] ^^ NUNCIA TION OF VO WELS. 3

Note. — i. Two of the above 27 Gothic characters were used as

numerals only, viz. IJ = 90 and 4^ = 900. The X occurs only

in Xristus {Christ) and one or two other words, where X had probably

the sound- value k. The Gothic character 1 was used at the beginning
of a word and medially after a vowel not belonging to the same syllable,
thus 13l<VQj\5 iddja (/ went) ; t:Rj\lTld), fra-itip {he devours).
2. When the letters were used as numerals a point was placed before
and after them, or a line above them, thus W A, 'l* 1 = 30.
3. In words borrowed from Greek containing v in the function of
a vowel, it is transcribed by y, thus avuayooyrj, synagoge, synagogue,
y may be pronounced like the i in English bit. See p. 280.
In our transcription the letter \ is borrowed from the OE. or O. Norse
In some books q, h;, w are represented by kw (kv), hw (hv), v

A. The Vowels.
§ 4. The Gothic vowel-system is represented by the five

elementary letters a, e, i, o, u, and the digraphs ei, iu, ai, and

Vowel length was entirely omitted in writing. The sign ~,
placed over vowels, is here used to mark long vowels.
The vowels e, o (uniformly written e, 6 in this grammar)
were always long, a, u had both a short and a long quantity.
i was a short vowel, the corresponding long vowel of which
was expressed by the digraph ei after the analogy of the Greek
pronunciation of ei in the fourth century, iu was a falling
diphthong. Each of the digraphs ai, au was used without
distinction in writing to express three different sounds which
are here written ai, ai, ai and du, ati, au.
A brief description of the sound-values of the above vowel-
system will be given in the following paragraphs. Our chief

B 2

sources for ascertaining the approximate quality and quantity

of the Gothic simple vowels and diphthongs are: — (i) The
pronunciation of the Greek and Latin alphabets as they
obtained in the fourth century ; the former of which was
taken by Ulfilas as the basis for representing his own native
sound-system. (2) A comparison of the Gothic spelling of
Greek loan-words and proper names occurring in Ulfilas,

with the original Greek words. (3) The spelling of Gothic

proper names found in Greek and Latin records of the fourth
to the eighth century. (4) The occasional fluctuating ortho-
graphy of one and the same word in the biblical translation.

(5) Special sound-laws within the Gothic language itself

(6) The comparison of Gothic with the other Old Germanic

§ 5. a had the same sound as the a in NHG. mann. It
is thecommonest of all Gothic vowels, and is found both
initially, medially, and finally, as ahtau, eighty akrs, field

aXjis, o/her; sjrbij heritage ] B,ttB,, father ',

dags, day ; namo, name ; skapjan, to shape ; in the

preterite singular of all strong verbs belonging to the third,
fourth, and fifth ablaut-series, as rann (§ 249), / ran ; nam
(§ 251), I took; sat (§ 253), I sat; in the pp. and present
forms of strong verbs belonging to the sixth ablaut- series, as
alan (§ 255), to nourish, pp. alans
nima, I take; giba^giyt; waurda, words; daga (dat. sing.),

day, imma (dat.), ina (ace), him.

a had the same sound as the a in English father. In
native Gothic words it occurs only in the combination ah.

(see § 57), as fahan, to catch, seize ; brahta, I brought; )?ahta,

/ thought ;
]?ah6, clay ; unwahs, blameless.

§ 6. e was a long close e-sound, strongly tinctured with the


vowel sound heard in NHG.

Hence we sometimes
sie, she.

find ei (that is i), and occasionally i, written where we should

etymologically expect e, and vice versa. These fluctuations
occur more frequently in Luke than elsewhere examples ;

are: qeins = qens, Luke ii. 5; faheid = fahef), Luke ii. 10.
spewands = speiwands, Mark vii. 33 mi]?J:>ane=niif>f>anei, ;

Luke ii. 43. birusj6s=berusjos, Luke ii. 41 duatsniwun ;

= duatsnewun, Mark vi. 53. usdrebi=usdribi, Mark v. 10.

It occurs rarely initially, but frequently medially and finally,

as etun, they ate ;

qens, ivoman ;
jer, year ; slepan, to sleep ; in the preterite

plural of all strong verbs belonging to the fourth and fifth

ablaut-series, as nemum (§ 251), we took] setum (§ 253),

we sat]
dage (g'en. pi.), 0/ days] swe, as] hidre, hither] bisun-
jane, near, round about] unte, since, because,

§ 7. i was probably a short open vowel like the i in

English bit. It occurs both initially and finally, and very

frequently medially, as ik, /; im., / am ; itan, to eat]

idreigon, to repent] ibns, even]

arbi, heritage ; nemi, he might take ] bandi, a band] awej>i,
a flock of sheep]
sigis, victory] dagis (gen. sing.), of a day] fiBk.s, fish] in
the present forms (except before r, h, hr) of all strong verbs
belonging to the third, fourth, and fifth ablaut-series, as
bindan (§ 249), to bind, binda, / bind, bindau, / may bind,
bindada, / am bound, bind, bind thou, bindands (pres. part.)

niman (§ 251), to take] sitan (§ 253), to sit] in the pret.

subjunctive, the pret. pi. indie, and pp. of strong verbs

belonging to the first ablaut-series (§ 245), as bitdau, / might
bite, bitum, we bit, bitans, bitten ; and in the pp. of strong

verbs belonging to the fifth ablaut-series (§ 253), as gibans,

given ; itans, eaten,
i (written ei) was the vowel sound heard in NHG. sie, she.

Cp. the beginning of § 6. It occurs rarely initially, but often

medially and finally, as eis, they ; eisarn, iron ;

swein, swine, pig ; hreila, a while, time ; leitils, little ;

gasteis, guests ; in the present forms of strong verbs belong-

ing to the first ablaut-series (§ 245), as beitan, to bite, beita,
I bite, beitada, I am bitten, beitands, biting]
managei, multitude ; sokei, seek thou ; aij?ei, mother.

§ 8. 6 was a long close vowel, strongly tinctured with the

vowel sound heard in NHG.
gut, good. Hence we occa-
sionally find u written where we should etymologically expect
o, and vice versa, as supuda=supoda, Mark ix. 50; uhtedun
= ohteduii, Mark xi. 32, faiho=faihu, Mark x. 23.

It occurs rarely initially, but often medially and finally, as

ogan. to fear ; ogjan, to terrify ;

broJ>ar, brother ; sokjan, to seek ; bloma, flower ; in the

pret. of strong verbs belonging to the sixth ablaut-series, as

sloh (§ 255), / struck ; sworum, we swore ;

saiso, I sowed \ hairto, heart) gibo (gen. pi.), of gifts.

§ 9. u had the same sound as the vowel in English put.
It does not occur very frequently initially and finally, but
very often medially: — as ubils, evil', unte, since, because)
ufta, often \

]?u, thou ; nu, now ; faihu, cattle ; sunu (ace. sing.), son ;

sunus, son', fugla, fowl, bird; fruma., flrst; in the pret.

pi. and pp. of strong verbs belonging to the second and third
ablaut-series, and in the pp. of those belonging to the fourth,
as drusum (§ 247), we fell, pp. drusans bundum, we ;

bound, pp. bundans (§ 249); numans (§ 251), taken.


u had the same sound as the u in NHG. gut. Cp. the

beginning of § 8. It only occurs initially and medially, as
ut, uta, out ; uht-wo, early morn ; uhteigs, seasonable,
runa, a secret \ hus, house) J>usundi, thousand) brulgan,
to make use of\ brujps, bride,

§ 10. iu was a falling diphthong (i. e. with the stress on

the i), and pronounced like the -ew in North. Engl. dial, pro-

nunciation of new. It only occurs in stem-syllables (except

in uhtiugs, seasonable^, as iupa, above ; iupajjro, from above ;

)>iuda, people ; niujis, new ; in the present forms of strong

verbs belonging to the second ablaut-series, as driusan
(§ 247), to fall, driusa, Ifall \ kiusan, to prove, test) biugan,
to bend)
triu, tree) kniu, knee,

§ 11. As has already been pointed out in § 4, the digraph

ai was used by Ulfilas without distinction in writing to
represent three different sounds which were of threefold
origin. Our means for determining the nature of these
sounds are derived partly from a comparison of the Gothic
forms in which they occur with the corresponding forms of
the other Indo-Germanic languages, and partly from the
Gothic spelling of Greek loan-words. The above remarks
also hold good for the digraph au, § 12.

ai was a short open e-sound like the e in OHG. neman,

and almost like the a in English hat. It only occurs be-
fore r, h, hr (except in the case of aij>})du, or, and pos-
sibly waila, well^ and in the reduplicated syllable of the
pret. of strong verbs belonging to Class VII). See §§ 65, 67,
257 note. As airf>a, earth) bairan, to bear) wairpan, to

throw ; faihii, cattle ) taihun, ten ) sailuan, to see. But see

P- 279.

aiauk, I increased \ lail6t, I let\ haihait, I named.

ai was a diphthong and had the same sound as the ei in

NHG. mein, my\ and nearly the same sound as the i in

English mine. It occurs rarely initially, but frequently

medially and finally, as aij?s, an oath ; aij?ei, mother ; ains,
hlaifs, loaf \ stains, stone ; haims, village^ lit. home ;

haitan, to name) habaida, / had] and in the pret. sing,

indie, of strong verbs belonging to the first ablaut-series, as

bait (§ 245), I bit] staig, I ascended]
twai, two ] nimai, he may take] anstai (dat. ^\ng}j, favour ;

blindai, dat. sing. fern, and nom. pi. masc. of blinds, bli7td.

ai had probably the same pronunciation as OE. » (i. e. a

long open e-sound). It occurs only in very few words before
a following vowel, as saian, to sow\ waian, to blow] faian,
to blame ; and possibly in armaio, mercy, pity. But see p. 281.
§ 12. au was a short open o-sound like the o in English
not. It only occurs before r and h, as J?aurp, village]
haurn, horn ] waurd, word ; dauhtar, daughter ] auhsa, ox ]

waurhta, I wrought. See § 71 and p. 280.

au was a pure diphthong and had approximately the same
sound as the ou in English house. It occurs initially,

medially, and finally, as audags, blessed] augo, eye] auso,

ear ] aukan, to increase ;

daujjus, death] haubij>, head] galaubjan, to believe] and

in the pret. sing, of strong verbs belonging to the second
ablaut-series, as draus (§ 247), I fell] bdug, I bent]
}>au, than] ahtau, eight] sunau (dat. sing.), son] nimau,
/ may take.

au was a long open o-sound like the au in English aught.

It only occurs medially before vowels, and is not of frequent

occurrence, as staua, judgment ; taui, deed : trauan, to

trust) bauan, to build , inhabit. Cp. §§ 4 and 11. But see

p. 280.
§ 13. From what
has been said in §§ 5-12, we arrive at the

following Gothic vowel-system :

Short vowels a, ai, i, au, u

Long „ a, e, ai, ei, 6, au, u
Diphthongs ai, au, iu

Note. — i. For y, see § 3 note 3. The nasals and liquids in the

function of vowels will be found under consonants §§ 23, 26.
2, i,iy du, iu were falling diphthongs, that is, the stress fell upon the
first of the two elements.

B. The Consonants.
§ 14. According to the transcription adopted in § 3, the
Gothic consonant-system is represented by the following
letters, which are here re-arranged after the order of the
English alphabet :—b, d, f, g, h, hr, j, k, 1, m, n, p, q, r, s, t,

w, z.

§ 16. b had a twofold pronunciation. Initially, as also

medially and finally, after consonants, it was a voiced
explosive like English b, as barn, child] blinds, blind',
bairan, to bear ;

salbon, to anoint ; arbi, heritage ; lamb, lamb ; -swarb, he

Medially after vowels it was a voiced bilabial spirant, and
may be pronounced like the v in English live, which is a
voiced labio-dental spirant, as haban, to have ; sibun, seven ;

ibns, even. See § 133.

§ 16. d had a twofold pronunciation. Initially, as also

medially and finally after consonants, it was a voiced explosive

like the d in English do, as dags, day ; dduj?us, death ;

dragan, to draw ;

kalds, cold ; bindan, to bind, band, he bound ; huzd,

treasure] also when geminated, as iddja, / went.
Medially after vowels it was a voiced interdental spirant
nearly like the th in English then, as fadar, father ; badi,
bed] biudan, to offer. See § 139.
§ 17. f was probably a voiceless bilabial spirant like the f

in OHG. slafan, to sleep ; a sound which does not occur in

English. It may, however, be pronounced like English f in
life, which is labio-dental. It occurs initially, medially, and
finally, as fd^dox, father ] faran, to go] fulls, full]

ufar, over ] hlifan, to steal ] wulfs, wolf]

fimf, Jive ] hlaif (ace. sing.), loaf] gaf, he gave,

§ 18. g. The exact pronunciation of this letter, which

occurs initially, medially, and finally, cannot be determined
with certainty for all the positions in which it is found.
Initial g had the same sound as the g in English go, as
gopa, good] giban, to give ; the same may also have been
the pronunciation of combination vowel + g + con-
g in the

sonant (other than a guttural), as bugjan, to buy tagla, ;

hairs \ tagra (nom. pi.), tears. Cp. § 136.

Medially between vowels it was a voiced spirant like the

widely spread pronunciation of g in NHG. tage, days, as

augo, eye\ steigan, to ascend, Cp. § 136.
Final postvocalic g and g in the final combination gs was
probably a voiceless spirant like the ch in NHG. or in
Scotch loch, as dag (ace. sing.), day ] mag, he can ; dags,
day. Cp. §136.
Before another guttural it was used to express a guttural
nasal {p) like the y in Greek nyycXos, angel ; ayxs ^^^^ \

the ng in English thing, or n in think, as aggilus, angel ;

briggan, to bring ; figgrs, finger ; drigkan, to drink ;

f>agkjan, to think ; sigqan, to sink.

The combination ggw was in some words equal to id +

gw, and in others equal to gg (a long voiced explosive) + w.
When it was the one, and when the other, can only be deter-
mined upon etymological grounds. Examples of the former
are siggwan, to sing aggwus, narrow and of the latter ; ;

bliggwan, to beat^ strike] triggws, true, faithful. Cp. § 129


§ 19. h occurs initially, medially, and finally. Initially

before vowels, and possibly also medially between vowels, it

was a strong spiritus asper, as haban, to have ; hairto, heart ;

faihu, cattle] gateihan, to announce. Cp. § 135.

In other positions it was a voiceless spirant like NHG. ch,

as hlaifs, loaf] nahts, night] falh, I hid] jah, and.

§ 20. hr was either a labialized h or else a voiceless w. It

may be pronounced like the wh in the Scotch pronunciation

ofwhen. It occurs initially, medially, and finally, as hras ?
who hreila, a while time] luopan, to boast]
.^ \ ^

ahra, river ; saihran, to see] leihran, to lend]

sahr, he saw ; nehr (av.), near. Cp. the notes to §§ 3, 135.

§ 21. j (that is i in the function of a consonant) had nearly

the same sound-value as English y in yet. It only occurs
initially and medially, as jer,^^ar; iuggs, young juk,j/<?^^; ]

lagjan, to lay ; niiijis, new ; fijands, fie7id, enemy.

§ 22. k had the same sound as English k, except that it

must be pronounced initially before consonants (1, n, r). It

occurs initially, medially, and finally, as kaurn, corn ; kuni,

kin, race] kniu, knee]
akrs field ] aukan, to increase ; brikan, to break ;

ik, /; ink, yoke; taitok, I touched,

§ 23. 1, m, n had the same sound-values as in English.
They all occur initially, medially, and finally, in the function

of consonants.
1. laggs, long ; laisjan, to teach ; hails, hale^ whole ; haldan,
to hold ; skal, / shall \ mel, time,

m. mena, moon mizdo, ; meed^ reward ; namo, name ;

niman, to take nam, he took ; ; nimam, we take,

n. nsihts, m'ght ; niun, nine; jnensi, moon ; rinnaxi, to run ;

laun, reward; kann, I know.

In the function of vowels they do not occur in stem-
syllables, ex. fugls,y^ze;/, bird; tagl, hair; sig]j6, seal;

mdij^ms, gift ; bagms, tree^ beam ; ibns, even ; taikns,

token. See § 131.
§ 24. p had the same sound as English p in put. It occurs
initially (in loan-words only), medially, and finally, as pund,
pound ;
paida, coat ;
plinsjan, to dance
slepan, to sleep ; diups, deep ; hilpan, to help ;

saislep, he slept ; skip, ship,

§ 25. q was a labialized k, and may be pronounced like

the qu in English queen. It is found both initially, medially,

and finally, but is not of frequent occurrence, as qiman, to

come; qens, wife;

sigqan, to sink ; riqis, darkness ;

sagq, he sank; bistugq, a stumbling. See §§ 3 note, 137.

§ 26. r was a trilled lingual r, and was also so pronounced

before consonants, and finally, like the r in Lowland Scotch.
It occurs as a consonant initially, medially, and finally, as
raihts, rights straight; redan, to counsel; razn, house;
bairan, to bear ; barn, child; baurgs, city^ borough
fi&w6v,four ; daur, door.

In the function of a vowel it does not occur in stem-

syllables, as akrs, field] tagr, tear] huggrjan, io hunger.
Cp. § 131.
§ 27. s was a voiceless spirant in all positions like the s in

English sin, as sama, sa?7ie ; slahan, to strike ; sibun, seven ;

wisan, to be ;
Jjusundi, thousand ] gasts, guest ;
hras ? who ? ; bus, house ;
gras, grass.

§ 28. t had the same sound-value as English t in ten. It

occurs initially, medially, and finally, as taibun, ten ; tagr,

tear ; tun J? us, tooth ;

haitan, to name ; mabts, might, power ; bairto, heart ;

mat (ace. sing.), meat] wait, / know] at, to, at.

§ 29. \> was a voiceless spirant like the th in English tbin.

It occurs initially, medially, and finally, as )ju, thou ; J^agkjan,
to think ]
})reis, three ;

br6J>ar, brother ]
qi]?an, to say ; bruf»s, 3r/(^^

niif>5 with ; qaj), he said ] fan}?, he found.

§ 30. w (i. e. u in the function of a consonant) had mostly
the same sound-value as the w in English wit. After
diphthongs and long vowels, as also after consonants not
followed by a vowel, it was probably a kind of reduced
u-sound, the exact quality of which cannot be determined.
Examples of the former pronunciation are :
wens, hope ;

witan, to know wrikan, to persecute ] ; swistar, sister ;

taihswo, right hand.

And of the latter : snaiws, snow ; waurstw, work ;

skadwjan, to overshadow.
§ 31. z was a voiced spirant like the z in English freeze,
and only occurs medially in regular native Gothic forms, as
huzd, hoard, treasure ; hazjan, to praise ; maiza, greater.
But see § 141.

§ 32. Phonetic Survey of the Gothic

A. Vowels (Sonants).

Guttural i
S^^""' *' *^' "
I Long a, 6, an, u
Palatal / Short ai, 1

I Long e, al, ei
To these must also be added the nasals m, n, and the
liquids 1, r in the function of vowels. See § 13L

B. Consonants.
Labial. Dental. Guttural.
( Voiceless p t, tt k, kk: q
( Voiced b d, dd
I Voiceless f s, ss h, (g?) : hr
( Voiced b d z g
Nasals m, mm n, nn g(gg)
Liquids 1,11; r,;rr
Semi-vowels w, j (palat:an

To these must be added the spiritus asper h. See § 3

note I for X.

Stress (Accent).

§ 33. In all uncompounded words the chief stress falls

upon the stem-syllable, and always remains there even when
suffixes and inflexional endings follow it. This syllable is

always the first of the word.

In compound words the chief stress falls upon the stem-
syllable of the first component part if the second part is a
noun or an adjective and on the stem-syllable of the second

part if this is a verb or derived from a verb.



The Primitive Germanic Equivalents of the Indo-

Germanic (Indo-European) Vowel-sounds.

§ 34. The prim. Indo-Germanic language had the follow-

ing vowel-system :

Short vowels a, e, i, o, u
Long „ a, e, i, o, u
Diphthongs ai, ei, oi, au, eu, ou
Short vocalic 1, m, n, r

Note. — i. 9, the quality of which cannot be precisely defined, is

omitted from the above table as being of little importance for the
purposes of this book. It became a in all the Indo-Germanic lan-
guages, except in the Aryan branch, where it became i, as Gr. irar-qp^

Lat. pater, O. Ir. athir, Goth, fadar, Skr. pitdr- (from *p8t^r-),/^M^r.
For further details concerning this vowel, the reader must be referred
to Brugmann's *
Grundriss der vergleichenden Grammatik der indoger-
manischen Sprachen,' 2nd ed., vol. i. p. i7off.
2. Strictly speaking the combination a, e, or + nasal or liquid is
also a diphthong. Cp. § 110 note 3.

3. On 1, m, n, r in the function of vowels see § 110 note 3.

4. The long vocalic nasals and liquids, as also the long diphthongs
ai, 6i, &c., were of such rare occurrence that they are here left out of

§ 35. a (Lat. a, Gr. a) remained, as Lat. ager, Gr. aypo^,

Goth, akrs, OS. akkar, OHG. ackar, field, acre ; Lat.
alius, Gr. oKKo^, Goth, aljis, alius ; Lat. dacruma (lacruma),
Gr. da^pv, Goth, tagr, OHG. zahar, tear ; Lat. aqua, Goth,
ahra, OS., OHG. aha, water,
§ 36. e (Lat. e, Gr. i) remained, as Lat. fero, Gr. (^e/aw, I
hear, OHG., OS., OE. beran, to lear\ Lat. edo, Gr. cS-o/xai,

/ eat, OE., OS. etan, OHG. ez^an, O. Icel. eta, to eat ; Lat.
pellis, Gr. TTtXXa, OE. fell, OHG. fel, skin, hide.
§ 37. i (Lat. i, Gr. t) remained, as Lat. vidua (adj. fern.),

bereft of, deprived of, Goth, widuwo, OE. widewe, OS.

widowa, OHG. wituwa, widow) Lat. piscis, Goth, fisks,
OE. fisc, OHG., OS. fisk, O. Icel. fiskr, fish Gr. Horn. ;

Fi8iJi€v, Goth, witum, OE. witon, OS. witun, OHG. wizi^un,

O. Icel. vitom, we know.

§ 38. o (Lat. o, Gr. o) became a in stem-syllables, as Lat.
hostis, stranger, enemy, Goth, gasts, OS., OHG. g&st, guest;
Lat. octo, Gr. 6kto), Goth, ahtau, OS., OHG. ahto, eight;
Lat. hortus, garden, Gr. xop'^os", enclosure, yard, Goth, gards,
house, household, OHG. gart, circle, O. Icel. garSr, garth.

Note. —o seems to have remained in unaccented syllables, cp. e.g.

such forms as OHG. tago-lih, daily, wego-wiso, sign-post. In Goth,
however it appears as a, cp. Goth. baira-in = Gr. Dor. (p€po-fjL€Sj we
bear, baira-nd = Dor. (pcpo-vn, they bear.

§ 39. u ( = Lat. u, Gr. v) remained, as Gr. Qvpa, OE. duru,

OS. duri, OHG. turi, door ; Lat. gustus, taste, Goth, ga-
kusts, OS., OHG. kust, test, bu-budhima, ive choice; Skr.
watched, Gr. Tre-nvo-Tai, he has inquired, Goth, budum, OE.
budon, OS. budun, OHG. butun, O. Icel. butSom, we an-
nounced, offered; Gr. kvv6^ (g^n. sing.), Goth, hunds, OE.
hund, OHG. hunt, O. Icel. hundr, dog, hound.
§ 40. a (= Lat. a, Gr. a, 7;) became 6, as Lat. mater, Gr.

Dor. \ivLrr]p, OE. modor, OS. modar, OHG. muoter, O. Icel.

moSer, mother Gr. Dor. cfypaTrjp, member of a clan, Lat. frater,

Goth. bro)?ar, OE. broSor, OS. brothar, OHG. bruoder,

O. Icel. broSer, brother ; Lat. fagus, beech, Gr. Dor. (^ayo^,
oak, Goth, boka, letter of the alphabet, OE. boetreow, beech-

tree, OS. bok, OHG. buohha, O. Icel. bok, beech.


§ 41. e (Lat. e, Gr. 7;) became » (Goth, e, OE. sb, OS.,

OHG., O. Icel. OE. dsed, OS. dad,
a), as Goth. ga-de}>s,

OHG. tat, O. Icel. daS, deed^ related to Greek ^77-aa), I shall

place Lat. mensis, Gr. \ir]v^ months Goth, mena, OS.,

OHG. mano, O. Icel. mane, moon Lat. edimus, Goth. ;

etum, OE. seton, OHG. azun, we ate.

§ 42. i (Lat. i, Gr. t) remained, as Lat. su-inus (aj.), belong-

ing to a ptg, Goth, swein, OE., OS., OHG. swin, O. Icel

svin, pig ; Lat. velimus = Goth, wileima (§ 282) ; Lat.

sinius = OHG. sim (sin), we may be,

§ 43. 6 = Lat. o, Gr. w) remained,

( as Gr. Dor. Trwy, Goth.
fotus, OE., OS. fot, OHG. faoz, O. Icel. fotr, >^/; Gr.
TrXoDTor, swimmings Goth, flodus, OE., OS. flod, OHG. fluot,

O. Icel. flotS, flood, tide] Lat. flos, Goch., OE. bloma, OS.
blomo, OHG. bluoma, blossom, flower.

§ 44. u (Lat. u, Gr. v) remained, as Lat. sus, Gr. vs^ OE.,

OHG. su, soWy pig] Lat. mus, Gr. ^vs, OE., OHG., O. Icel.

mus, mouse ; Goth, fuls, OE., OHG. ful, O. Icel. full, foul,

related to Gr. iriOo), I make to rot^ Lat. puteo, / smell bad.

§ 45. ai ( = Lat. ae (e), Gr. at, Goth, ai, OE. a, OS. e,

OHG. ei (e), O. Icel. ei) remained, as Lat. aevum, Gr. olcov

(older alfoDp), Goth, aiws, time, life-time, eternity] Lat. aedes,

originally fire-place, hearth^ Gr. al'^o), / burn, OE. ad, OHG.
eit, ignis, rogus ] Lat. laevus, Gr. Xatds, left, OE. slaw, OHG.
sleo, weak^ dow, all from older *slaiwos.
§ 46. ei ( = Lat. i (older ei), Gr. ei) became i, as Gr. (ndx^a,
I go, Goth, steigan, OE., OS., OHG. stigan, O. Icel. stiga,
to ascend] Gr. Xfi/rco, / leave, Goth, leihran, OHG. lihan,
to lend.

§ 47. oi ( = Gr. 01) became ai (cp. § 38), as Gr. oJ^e, Goth.

wait, OE. wat, OS. wet, OHG. weiz, O. Icel. veit, he knows ]


Gr. 06pots=Goth. bairais, thou mayest hear] Gr. Tre-Trot^e, he

trusts, Goth. bai}>, OE. bad, OS. bed, OHG. belt, O. Icel.
belts, he waitedfor \ Gr. rot = Goth. J>ai (§ 224). Cp. § 45.

§ 48. au (Lat. au, Gr. au, Goth, au, OE. ea, OS. o, OHG.
ou (o), O. Icel. au) remained, as Lat. augere, Goth, dukan,
O. Icel. auka, to add, increase ; Lat. auris, Goth, auso, OE.
eare, OS., OHG. ora, ear] Lat. aurora, Gr. dial. a{/(o-)aj$,

dawn, OE. east (av.), in the east, OS., OHG. ostar (av.),

O. Icel. austr, eastwards,

§ 49. eu (Gr. €v) remained, as Gr. TrevOofxai, I inquire, prim.
Germ. *beu3:o, / inquire, offer] Gr. -yeuo), / give a taste of,

prim. Germ. *keuso, / test, choose ; Indo-Germ. '^deuko (Lat.

douco, duco), prim. Germ. *teuxo (Goth, tiuha), / lead.

See § 61.

§ 50. ou became au (cp. §§ 38, 48), as prim. Indo-

Germ. *roudhos, Goth, raujjs, OE. read, OS. rod, OHG.
rot, O. Icel. rautSr, red] prim. Indo-Germ. *bhe-bhoudhe,
has waked, Goth, bau}?, OE. bead, OS. bod, OHG. bot,
O. Icel. bautS, he offered] Goth, kausja, prim, form *gous6j6,
/ test, taste,

§ 6L m (Lat. em, Gr. a, a/i) became um, as Gn a\i6- (in

a[x66^v,from some place or other), Goth, sums, OE., OS., OHG.

sum, O. Icel. sumr, some one] Gr. Uarov, Lat. centum (m
>n by assimilation), Goth., OE., OS. bund, OHG. hunt,
hundred, all from prim, form *knit6in; Gr. /Saaty, a step,

walk, Goth. ga-qumf>s, a coming together, assembly, prim,

form *gmtis, a going, cp. Lat. in-ventus (pp.), invented,

§ 52. n (Lat. en, Gr. a, av) became un, as OE. wundor,

OS. wundar, OHG. wuntar, wonder, cp. Gr. aSpioi (from

^fa6p€(o), I gaze at ; Lat. juventa, Goth, junda, youth ] Gr.

avT6-p.aTo^, acting of one^s own will, Lat. com-mentus (pp.),

devised, Goth, ga-munds, remembrance, prim, form *nint6s

(pp.) from root men-, think,

§ 53. r (Lat. or, Gr. ap, pa) became ur, ru, as Goth, ga-
daursan, OS. gi-durran, OHG. turran, /o dare, venture, cp.

Gr. 6ap(Tvs (Bpa(Tvs), bold, 6apa-€(o, I am of good courage ; Lat.

porca, the ridge between two furrows, OE. OHG. furuh,
furrow ; OE., O. Icel. mortS, OS. inor}>, OHG. mord, mur-
der, cp. Lat. mors (gen. jnortis), death ; Goth. dat. pi. fadrum,
OE. faBd(e)rum, Gr. naTpda-i, to fathers. See § 60.

§ 54. 1 (Lat. ol, Gr. a\, Xa) became ul, lu, as prim. Indo-
Germ. *wlqos, Skr. vfkas, Goth, wulfs, OE., OS. wulf, OHG.
wolf, wolf; Skr. prthivi, OE. folde, OS. folda, O. Icel. fold,
earth, cp. Gr. irXarvs, flat, broad \ Goth, fulls, OE., OS. full,

OHG. vol, prim, form ^^\n.b^, fulL See § 60.

Note. —The u inum, un, ur, ru, ul, lu had the same further
development in the Germanic languages as Indo-Germanic u. See § 60.


The Primitive Germanic Vowel-system.

§ 55. From what

has been said in §§ 35-54 we arrive at
the following vowel-system for the prim. Germ, language :

Short vowels a, e, i, o, u
Long „ 8§, e, i, 6, u
Diphthongs ai, au, eu
Note. — »1. was an open e-sound like OE. §1. § had the sound of
the e in NHG. reh, roe. The origin of this vowel has not yet been
satisfactorily explained. See § 75.

C 2

2. o only occurred in unaccented syllables (§ 38 note). But see § 60.

3. In comparing Germanic words with those of the other Indg. lan-
guages,it must be observed that Indg. o became a in accented syllables,

and then underwent the same further development as original a hence ;

it cannot be decided without the aid of the other languages whether

a Germ, a goes back to Indg. a or o, cf. §§ 35, 38 ; 45, 47 ; 48, 50. The
same remark applies to Germanic 6, which equals both Indg. o and a,
§§ 40, 43 and to Germ. 1, which equals both Indg. i and ei,

§§ 42, 46.

§ 56. This system underwent several modifications during

the prim. Germanic period, i. e. before the parent language
became differentiated into the various separate Germanic
languages. The most important of these changes were :

§ 57. a-f nx became ax, as Goth., OS., OHG. fahan, OE.

fon, from *faiDx^^^^j ^^ catchy seize, cp. Lat. pango, Ifasten ;

Goth, fahta (inf. fjagkjan), OS. thahta (inf. thenkian),

OHG. dahta (inf. denken), OE. Sohte, from older *j:anxta,
he thought, cp. O. Lat. tongeo, / know. Every prim. Germ.
a in accented syllables was of this origin. Cp. § 40.

Note. — The a in the above and similar examples was still a nasalized
vowel in prim. Germ., as is seen by its development to 6 in OE. It is

also probable that the i (§ 58, (t)) and u (§ 60) were also nasalized
vowels in prim. Germ.

§ 58. e became i under the following circumstances :

(i) before nasal + consonants, as Goth, winds, OE., OS.

wind, OHG. wint, O. Icel. vindr, wifid, cp. Lat. ventus ;

Goth., OK, OS. bindan, OHG. bintan, O. Icel. binda, to

bind, cp. Lat. of-fendimentum, chin-cloth, of-fendix, knot,

band, Gr. nevdcpos, father-in-law. became i under

This i

the same conditions as those by which a became a (§ 57), as

Goth. f>eihan, OS. thihan, OE, tSeon, OHG. dihan, from
*]?irDXanan, older *J>enxa^a^5 ^^ thrive. The result of this

sound-law was the reason why the verb passed from the third
into the first class of strong verbs (§ 245), cp. the isolated

pp. OS. gi-thungan, OE. ge-Sungen.

(2) When followed by an i, j, or i in the same or the next
syllable, as Goth., OS., OHG. ist, OE. is, is, from "^isti,

older *esti, cp. Gr. eWc ; Goth, satja, / set, from *satij6,

older *sod6jo (§ 46); OHG. irdin, earthen^ beside erda,

earth; Goth, midjis, OE. midd, OS. middi, OHG. mitti,
O. Icel. miSr, middle, from original ^medhjos, cp. Lat.
medius; OS. birid, OHG. birit, he bears, from original
*bh6reti, through the intermediate stages *b6reai, *1&6ri3i,
*birid(i), beside inf. beran.
(3) In unaccented syllables, as OE. fet, older feet,

O. Icel. fcetr, feet, from *f6tiz, older *fotez, cp. Gr. TroSes,

Lat. pedes.

§ 59. i, followed originally by an a or o in the next syllable,

became e when not protected by a nasal + consonant or an
intervening i or j, as OE., OS., OHG. wer, O. Icel. verr,
man, from *wiraz, older *wiroz, cp. Lat. vir; OE., OHG.
nest, nesty cp. Lat. nidus, from *nizdos. In historic times,

however, this law has an exceedingly great number of excep-

tions owing to the separate languages having levelled out in
various directions, cp e.g. OHG. quee, beside OE. cwic,
O. Icel. kvikr, quick, alive, cp. Lat. vivos (vivus) ; OHG.
leben (older "^lebain), beside OE. libban, O. Icel. lifa,

to live, &c.
§ 60. u, followed originally by an a or o in the next
syllable, became o, except when protected by a following
nasal + consonant or an intervening i ( j), as OHG. joh, OE.
QeoQ,yoke, cp. Lat. jugum, Gr. (vyov, OE., OS. god, OHG.
got, god, from an original neuter form *ghut6m, beside

OHG. ^^tvn, goddess \ OE. geholpen, pp. of helpan, to help,

OS. giholpan, OHG. giholfan,

OE. gebunden, pp. of beside
binden, to hind^ OS. gibundan, OHG. gibuntan; OE.budon,
O. Icel. butSum, OHG. butun, we offered, beside pp. OE.
geboden, O. Icel. botSenn, OHG. gibotan.
Every prim, o in accented syllables was of this origin.

u became u under the same conditions as a and i became

a and i, as pret. 3 sing. Goth. f>uhta, OE. f>uhte, OS.
thuhta, OHG. duhta, seemed, beside inf. Goth. f)ugkjan,
OHG. dunken.
§ 61. The diphthong eu became iu when the following
syllable originally contained an i, i, j, cp. § 58 (2), but remained
eu when the following syllable originally contained an a
or o. On these differences rested, e.g. OHG. pres. 3 sing.

kiusit (OE. ciest), beside infin. keosan (kiosan), OE.

ceosan, to choose ; OHG. leoht (lioht), light, beside liuhten.
from *liuhtjan, to light ; OHG. teof (tiof ), OE. deop, deep,

beside OHG. tiufi, depth,

§ 62. From what

has been said in §§ 57-61, it will be seen
that the prim. Germ, vowel-system had assumed the following
shape before the differentiation into dialects of the Germanic
parent language :

Short vowels a, e, i, o, u
Long ,, a, 8B, e, i, 6, u
Diphthongs ai, au, iu, eu

The further development of these sounds in Gothic will be

briefly discussed in the following chapter.


The Gothic Development of the General Germanic


A. The Shokt Vq-wels of Accented


§ 63. Germanic a remained unchanged in Gothic, as Goth.

dags, OE. daBg, OS. dag, OHG. tag, O. Icel. dagr, day \

Goth, gasts, OS., OHG. gsist^gues/; Goth, ahtau, OS., OHG.

ahto, ezg/i/; Goth., OE., OS., OHG. faran, O. Icel. fara, /o

go ; Goth., OE., OS. band, OHG. bant, ke dound, Goth. inf.

bindan (§ 249) ; Goth., OS., OHG., O. Icel. nam, Ae took,

Goth. inf. niman (§ 251); Goth., OS., O. Icel. gaf, OHG.
gab, he gave, Goth. inf. giban (§ 253).


§ 64. Germanic e became i, as Goth, wigs, OE., OS.,

OHG. weg, O. Icel. vegr, way \ Goth, hilms, OE., OS.,
OHG. helm, helm ; Goth, swistar, OS. sw^estar, OHG.
swester, sister ; Goth, hilpan (§ 249), OE., OS. helpan,
OHG. helfan, to help\ Goth, stilan (§ 251), OE., OS., OHG.
stelan, O. Icel. stela, to steal) Goth, itan (§ 253), OE., OS.
etan, OHG. e^zan, O. Icel. eta, to eat.

Note. — The stem-vowel in Goth, walla (cp. OE., OS. wel, OHG.
wela), well\ and in Goth, aippau (cp. OE. eppa, oppe, OHG. eddo,
edo), or, has not yet been satisfactorily explained in spite of the explana-
tions suggested by various scholars.

§ 65. This i became broken to e (written ai) before r, h,

and hr, as Goth, hairto, OS. herta, OHG. herza, heart]


Goth. airf>a, OS. ertha, OHG. erda, earth ; Goth. wairf>an

(§ 249), OS. werthan, OHG. werdan, O. Icel. vertSa, to
become] Goth, bairan (§ 251), OE., OS., OHG. beran, O.
Icel. bera, to hear\ Goth, raihts, OS., OHG. reht, right]
Goth, taihun, OS. tehan, OHG. zehan, ten ; Goth, saihran
(§ 253), OS., OHG. sehan, to see.

Note. — For nih, a7td not^ from older *ni-h;i = Lat. neque, we should
expect *naih, but the word has been influenced by the simple negative
ni, not.


§ 66. Germanic i generally remained in Gothic, as Goth,

fisks, OS., OE. fisc, OHG. fisk, O. Icel. fiskr, fish ; Goth,
widuwo, OE. widewe, OS. widowa, wituwa, widow OHG. ;

Goth., OE., OS. witan, OHG. wizzan, O. Icel. vita, to know ;

Goth, bitum, OE. biton, OHG. bizi^un, O. Icel. bitom, we

bit, inf. Goth, beitan (§ 245), pp. Goth, bitans, OE. biten,
OHG. gibizzan, O. Icel. bitenn. See § 58.

§ 67. Germanic became broken to e (written ai) before


r, h, hr, as Goth, bairij?, OS. birid, OHG. birit, he bears

cp. § 58 (2), Goth. inf. bairan ; Goth, maihstus, OHG. mist
(from *inihst), Mod. English dial, mixen
dunghill ^ cp.

Goth, ga-taihun, they toldj OE. tigon, OHG. zigun, they

accused, Goth. inf. ga-teihan (§ 245), pp. Goth, taihans, OE.
tigen, OHG. gi-zigan; Goth, laihrum, OE. -ligon, OHG.
liwun, we lent, inf. Goth, leihran (§245), pp. Goth, lailuans,
OE. -ligen, OHG. giliwan, OS. -liwan.
Note. —On the forms hiri, hirjats, hirjip, see note to Mark xii. 7.


§ 68. Germanic o became u, as Goth, juk, OHG. joh, OE.

QeoQ,yoke; Goth. guf>, OE., OS. god, OHG. got, god\ pp.

Goth, budans, OE. geboden, OS. gibodan, OHG. gibotan,

O. Icel. boSenn, inf. Goth, biudan (§ 247), io offer) Goth,
pp. hulpans, OE. geholpen, OS. giholpan, OHG. giholfan,
Goth. inf. hilpan (§ 249), to help', pp. Goth, numans, OHG.
ginoman, Goth. inf. niman (§ 251), to take. See § 60.

§ 69. The u, became

which arose from Germanic o (§ 68),
broken to o (written aii) before r waurd, and h, as Goth,
OE., OS. word, OHG. wort, word] Goth, dauhtar, OE.
dohtor, OS. dohtar, OHG. tohter, daughter pp. Goth. ;

tauhans, OE. getogen, OS. -togan, OHG. gizogan, O. Icel.

togenn, Goth. inf. tiuhan (§ 249), to lead] Goth, waurhta,
OE. worhte, OHG. worhta, he worked, inf. Goth, waurk-
jan, OHG. wurken; pp. Goth. waurj>ans, OE. geworden,
OS. giwordan, OHG. wortan, O. Icel. ortSenn, Goth. inf.
wairjjan (§ 249), to become pp. Goth, baurans, OE. geboren,

OS., OHG. giboran, O. Icel. borenn, inf. Goth, bairan

(§251), to bear] ga-daursta, OE. dorste, OS. gi-dorsta,
OHG. gi-torsta, he dared] inf. Goth, ga-daursan (§ 275).


§ 70. Germanic u generally remained in Gothic, as Goth,

juggs, OS., OHG. iMTCi^, young] Goth, hugjan, OS. huggian,
OHG. huggen, to think] Goth, budum, OE. budon, OS.
budun, OHG. butun, O. Icel. butJom, we offered, announced,
inf. Goth, biudan bundum, OE. bundon,
(§ 247); Goth,
OS. bundun, OHG. buntun, O. Icel. bundom, we bounds
Goth, inf bindan (§ 249), pp. Goth, bundans, OE. gebunden,
OS. gibundan, OHG. gibuntan, O. Icel. bundenn. See § 39.

§ 71. Germanic u became broken to o (written au) before

r and h, as Goth, saiihts, OS., OHG. suht, Germanic
stem suhti-, sickness] Goth. waurm.s, OS., OHG. wurm,

OE. wyrm, stem wurmi-, serpent^ worm Goth, waurkjan, ;

OHG. wurken, to work) Goth. waurf)un, OE. wurdon,

OS. wurdun, OHG. wurtun. O. Icel. urSo, ihey became^
Goth. inf. wairj>an (§ 249) ; Goth, tauhun, OE. tugon,
OHG. zugun, they drew, pulled) Goth. inf. tiuhan (§ 247).

B. The Lojstg Vo^wels of AccEigrTED Syllables.


§ 72. The a, which arose from a according to § 57, remained

in Gothic, as hahan, to hang] faurahah (faurhah), curtain,
veil^ lit. that which hangs before ;
gahahjo (av.), in order, con-

nectedly ; brahta, he brought, inf. briggan ;

gafahs, a catch,
haul, related to gafahan, to seize) fram-gahts, progress,
related to gaggan, to go ; J?ah6, clay ; unwahs, blameless.

§ 73. Germanic se ( = 0E. se, OS., OHG., O. Icel. a)

became e in Gothic, as Goth. ga-dej>s, OE. daed, OS. dad,
OHG. tat, deed) Goth. niana-sef)s, multitude^ world, lit. man-
seed, OE. ssed, OS. sad, OHG. sat, seed) Goth, ga- redan, to

reflect upon, OE. raedan, OS. radan, OHG. ratan, O. Icel.

raSa, to Goth, berum, OE.

advise ; OHG. barun, bseron, OS.,
O. barom, we bore, Goth. inf. bairan (§ 251); Goth,

setun, OE. saeton, OS. satun, OHG. sazun, O. Icel. sato,

they sat, Goth. inf. sitan (§ 253).
§ 74. The Germanic combination aej became se (written ai,
the long vowel corresponding to ai) in Gothic before vowels.
This ai was a long open e- sound like the » in OE. slsepan
or the vowel sound in English their. It occurs in very few
words : as Goth, saian, OE. sawan, OS. saian, OHG. saen,

O. Icel. sa, to sow ; Goth, waian, OE. wawan, OHG. TAraen

(wajan), to blow ; Goth, faianda, they are blamed,


§ 75. Germanic e, which cannot be traced back phonolo-

gically to Indo-Germanic e (§ 41), is of obscure origin. In
the oldest historic periods of most of the Germanic languages,
the two sounds are kept quite apart, cp. §§ 41, 73.
Germanic e appears in Gothic as e (OE., OS., O. Icel. e,

OHG. e, later ea, ia, ie). In Goth, it occurs in a few words

only, as Goth., OE., OS., O. Icel. her, OHG. her (hear, hiar,
hier), here\ Goth, fera, OHG. fera (feara, fiara), country,
region, side, part \ Goth, mes, OE. mese (myse), OHG. meas
(mias), table, borrowed from Lat. mensa. Cp. § 6.


§ 76. Germanic i, written ei in Gothic, remained, as Goth.

swein, OE., OS., OHG. swin, O. Icel. svin, pig^ cp. Lat.
su-inu-s, pertaining to a pig', hreila, a while, time, season^

OE. hTvil, a while, OS. hwila (hwil), time, OHG. Tvila

(hwil), time., hour, O. Icel. hvil, place of rest \ Goth, seins,
OE., OS., OHG. sin, his', Goth, steigan (§ 245), OE., OS.,
OHG. stigan, O. Icel. stiga, to ascend. Cp. §§ 6, 7, 42, 46.

§ 77. Germanic o remained in Gothic, as Goth, fotus, OE.,

OS. fot, OHG. fuoz, O. Icel. fotr, foot^ cp. Gr. Doric ttcos ;

Goth, flodus, OE., OS. flod, OHG. fluot. O. Icel. fio^, flood,

stream ; Goth., OE., OS., O. Icel. for, OHG. fuor, I fared,

went, Goth. inf. faran (§ 255). Cp. §§ 40, 43.

§ 78. The Germanic combination ow became a long open


o-sound (written au) before vowels, as Goth, sauil, sun^ cp.

OE., O. Icel., Lat. sol ; Goth, staua, (masc.) judge, (fern.)

judgment^ stauida, / judged (inf. stojan), cp. Lithuanian

stoveti, to stand, O. Bulgarian staviti, to place ; taui (gen.
tojis), deed, afdauidai, pp. masc. nom. pi. exhausted, inf.

Here probably belong also bauan, to inhabit, OE., OHG.
buan, to till, dwell) bnauan, to rub trauan, OHG. truen, ;

OS. truon, to trow, trust,

§ 79. The Germanic combination owj became 6j, as stoja,

I judge, from *stowjo, older *st6wijo ; tojis (from. *towjis),

gen. sing, of taui, deed,


§ 80. Germanic \x. remained in Gothic, as Goth, hus (in

gud-hus, temple^, OE., OS., OHG., O. Icel. hus, house ; Goth.

rums, OE., OS., OHG., O. Icel. rum, room, related to Lat.
ru-s (gen. rti-ris), open country) Goth. Jjusundi, OE. Jjusend,
OS. thusundig, OHG. dusunt, O. Icel. Jjusund, thousand)
Goth, ga-lukan, to shut, close, OE. lucan, OHG. luhhan,
O. Icel. luka, to lock.

On the u in forms like }>uhta, // seemed,, appeared \ huhrus,

hunger) iuhiza,, jounger i
uhtwo, early morn, see § 60.

C. The Diphthongs of Accented Syllables.


§ 81. Germanic ai (OE. a, OS. e, OHG. ei(e)5 O. Icel. ei)

remained in Gothic, as Goth, ains, OE. an, OS. en, OHG.

ein, O. Icel. einn, one) Goth, hails, OE. hal, OS. hel, OHG.
heil, hale^ whole, sound) Goth, stains, OE. stan, OS. sten,

OHG. stein, O. Icel. steinn, stone ; Goth, staig, OE. stag,

OS. steg, OHG. steig, he ascended^ Goth. inf. steigan (§ 245);
Goth, haitan (§ 258), OE. hatan, OS. hetan, OHG. hei^an,
O. Icel. heita, to name, call, Cp. §§ 45, 47.


§ 82. Germanic au (OE. ea, OS. 6, OHG. ou(6), O. Icel.

au) remained in Gothic, as Goth, augo, OE. eage, OS. oga,
OHG. ouga, O. Icel. auga, eye ; Goth, haubij? (gen. haubidis),
OE. heafod, OS. hobid, OHG. houblt, O. Icel. haufu}), head\
Goth. dau)>us, OE. deaS, OS. doth, OHG. tod, death Goth, ;

gaumjan, to perceive, observe, OS. gomian, OHG. goumen, to

pay attention to ; Goth, -hlaupan, OE. hleapan, OS. -hlopan,
OHG. louffan, O. Icel. hlaupa, to leap, 7'un ;
pret. i, 3 sing.

Goth, kaus, OE. csas, OS., OHG. kos, O. Icel. kaus, inf,

Goth, kiusan (§ 247), to choose. Cp. §§ 48, 50.


§ 83. The lu, which arose from older eu (§ 61), remained

in Gothic, as Goth, niujis, OS., OHG. niuwi, stem *niuja-,
older *neujo-5 nevo \ Goth, stiurei (in us-stiurei, excess,

riot), cp. OHG. stiuri, greatness, magnificence Goth, kiusif), ;

OS. kiusid, OHG. kiusit, he chooses, tests] Goth, liuhtjan,

OS. liuhtian, OHG. liuhten, to light] Goth, stiurjan, to
£stablish, OHG. stiuren, to support, steer.


§ 84. eu (OE. eo, OS., OHG. io(eo), O. Icel. jo)

became iu in Gothic, as Goth, diups, OE. deop, OS. diop,
OHG. tiof, O. Icel. djopr, deep] Goth, liuhaj?, OE. leoht,
OS., OHG. lioht, a light, cp. Gr. \(vk6s, light, bright] Goth.

tiuhan (§ 247), OS. tiohan, OHG. ziohan, to draw, pull\

Goth, fra-liusan (§ 247), OE. for-leosan, OS. far-liosan,
OHG. fir-lipsan, to lose.


The Gothic Development of the Primitive Germanic

Vowels in Unaccented Syllables.

§ 86. In order to establish and illustrate the Gothic treat-

ment of the vowels of final syllables by comparison with other
non-Germanic languages, Lat., Greek, &c., it will be useful to
state here a law, relating to the general Germanic treatment
of Indo-Germanic final consonants, which properly belongs
to a later chapter :

(i) Final -m became -n. This -n remained when protected

by a particle, e. g. Goth. ))an-a (§ 224) = Skr. tarn, Lat.
is-tum, Gr. -rov. But when it was not protected by a particle,

it, as also Indo-Germanic final -n, was dropped in prim.

Germanic after short vowels ; and the preceding vowel under-

went in Gothic just the same treatment as if it had been

originally final, i. was dropped with the exception of u,

e. it

e. g. ace. sing. Goth, wulf, ivolf^^x. vfkam, Gr. Xu/coz/, Lat.

lupum; nom. ace. sing. Goth, juk, j/(?/^^=Skr. jrugam, Gr.
fi/yov, Lat. jugum ; ace. sing. Goth. ga-quinj>, a coming to-

gether., assemdly=: Skr, gdtim, Gr. ^daiv, prim, form *gmtini,

a going ; cp. also the Lat. endings in partim, sitim, &c.
But ace. sing. Goth, sunu, son'=^S\x. sunum, cp* the end-
ings in Gr. iJSuj;, Lat. fructum ; ace, sing. Goth, fotu, foot^

cp. Lat. pedem, Gr. TrdSa (see § 51). In Gothic sibun, seven^
and taihun, ten, for older *sibu, *taihu, the final -n was re-

introduced through the influence of the ordinals *sibunda,

Note. — The oldest Norse runic inscriptions still retained these final
vowels, as ace. sing.'staina beside Goth, stain, stone \ ace. sing. neut.

horna beside Goth, haurn, horn\ nom. sing. gastiR beside Goth,
gasts, guest, stranger.

On the other hand, final -n merely became reduced after

long vowels in prim. Germanic, and only disappeared in the

course of the individual Germanic languages. After the
disappearance of the nasal, the long vowel remained in
Gothic when it originally had the *
slurred '
accent, but became shortened when it originally had the
'broken' (acute) accent, as gen. pi. dage, of days, gaste, of
guests^ hanane, of cocks, hairtane, of hearts, baurge, of
cities, from Indg. -em gen. pi. gib 6, of gifts, tuggono,

of tongues, from Indg. -om but ace. sing, giba, gift, from

Indg. -am, cp. ace. sing. fern, ni aino-hun, no one ; nom. sing.
hana, cock, from Indg. -en, cp. Gr. T:oi[ir]v, shepherd) ace.
sing, bandja, band, from Indg. -jem, cp. Lat. faciem, from
*faciem, shape.

Note. — For full details concerning the Germ, treatment in final

syllables of Indg. vowels with the *
shirred ' and *
broken ' accent, see
Streitberg's *
Urgermanische Grammatik,' ch. ix.

(2) The consonants, which arose from the Indo-Germanic

explosives (t, d), were dropped in primitive Germanic, as hra,
what=. Lat. quod ; berun, from *berun]?, they bore.

Note. — So far as the historic period of Gothic is concerned, the law

relating to the treatment of Indo-Germanic final consonants may be
stated in general terms thus : — With the exception of -s and -r all other

Indo-Germanic final consonants were dropped in Gothic. In the case

of the explosives it cannot be determined whether they had or had not
previously undergone the first sound-shifting (§§ 109-16).
Of Indo-Germanic final consonant groups, the only one preserved in
Gothic is -ns, before which short vowels are retained, e. g. ace. pi.
masc. Goth, pans — Gr. Cretan tovs (Attic rous), the \ ace. pi. Goth,
wulfans, wolves^ cp. Gr. Cretan Kopfxovs = Att. Koofxovs ; ace. pi. Goth,
prins = Gr. Cretan rpivs, three ; ace. pi. Goth, sununs, sons, cp. Gr.
Cretan vlvvs, sons, Cp. the law stated in § 86.

a. Short Vowels.

§ 86. With the exception of u all other prim. Indo-Ger-

manic final short vowels, or short vowels which became final

in prim. Germanic (§ 85), were dropped in Gothic, as also

were short vowels in the final syllables of polysyllabic words,
when followed by a single consonant other than consonantal
i, u :—

Goth. wait = Gr. ol^a, Skr. v4da, / know wdlst=Gr. \

olaBa, Skr. vettha, thou knowest] hlaf, I stole ^Gr, KeKXocj^a.

Goth, akrs, 7?^/^= Gr. dypos ; wulfs=Gr. \vkos, Skr. vfkas,
Lat. lupus, wol/', cp. nom. sing. O. Norse runic inscription
HoltingaB; gen. sing, dagis, from *dageso, o/a day, cp. O.
Bulgarian ceso=^Goth. hris, whose; af, ojT, yrom^Gr. cino;

nom. sing, hairdeis, shepherd^ from '^hirdij-az.

Voc. sing. Goth. wulf=Gr. X^/ce, Lat. lupe, Skr. vrka;

nim, take thou^^Gv, z/e/xe ; nasei, from *nasiji, save thou]
heiivip,ye dear^^Gr, ^/pere; wait, he knows=zGT. olde ; lailu,

he lent=zGr. XeAotTre, he has left; fnnfj Jive^ cp. Gr. nevre;

mik (ace), me, cp. Gr. ^fxeye ; nom. pi. Goth, gumans, men
= Lat. homines, cp. Gr. aKfxoves; nom. pi. gasteis, from
*gasty-(i)z, guests =L2it, hostes, from *hostejes, strangers,
e/iemies, cp. Gr. 7rdX€t$', from *7roXf/Vs ; nom. pi. sunjus, from

*sunius, *suniuz, older *suneu-es, sons—^Vx, sunavas, cp.

Gr. iJMff, from ""h^if^^. Cp. § 58 (3).
hrain, from *liraini (neut.), clean^ pure^ cp. Gr. tdpt ; dat.

sing, ^umin, Lat. homini, to man, cp. Gr. noifievi ; dat. sing.

br6}?r, Lat. fratri, fo a brother^ cp. Gr. Trarpl ; bairis==Skr.

bharasi, t/iou bearest \ bairif»=Skr. bharati, he bears \ bai-
rand=Gr. Dor. (j^epovrt, Skr. bharanti, they bear ; nom. sing.

gasts = O.Norse runic inscription gastiB, ^^<f^/, Lat. hostis;

wairs, from *wirsiz (av.), worse, cp. Lat. magis.
nom. ace. neut. Goth. faihu = Lat. pecu, cattle, cp. Gr.
aWv ; filu, much-:=.Qxx, ttoXv ; nom. sing. sunus=rSkr. sunus,
son, cp. the endings in Gr. vckvs, Lat. fructus.

Note. — The law of final vowels does not affect originally mono-
syllabic words, cp. e.g. nom. sing. Goth, is, -^^ = Lat. is, beside gasts =
Lat. hostis ; Goth. h;a, wkaf — Lat. quod, beside juk, yoke — Lat.
b. Long Vowels.
§ 87. Prim. Indg. long final vowels, or those which be-
came final in prim. Germanic (§ 85 and note), became
shortened in polysyllabic words, when the vowels in question
originally had the ^
broken '
accent, but remained unshortened
when they originally had the '
slurred ' accent.
Examples of the former are : — fem. nom. sing, giba, from
^'ge156, gift (cp. so, § 224), cp. Gr. x<^P"j la7id, Indg. -a; neut.
nom. ace. pi. juka, from *juko (cp. neut. nom. ace. pi.

§ 224), Skr. (Vedic) yuga, O. Lat. juga, Indg. -a.

baira, Lat. fero, Gr. (p€pco, I bear, Indg. -6 ; mena, 7noon, cp.

menojjs, month ;
particle -6 preserved in forms like ace.
sing, hran-6-h, each, everyone, but shortened in ace. forms like

hran-a, whom ? ;
}>an-a, this ;
}>at-a, that ; bindan-a, blind,

Pret. 3 sing, tawida, from ^tawided, he did, Indg. -dhet


ainamma, dat. (properly instrumental) sing. masc. neut. of

ains, one^ beside ainumnie-hun, to anyone) hramnia? to

whom ? beside hramme-h, to everyone ; dat. sing. masc. neut.

Jjamma, to this, from an^ Indg. instrumental form *tosme (cp.
Goth^J:)e, § 224 note); dat. sing, daga, to a day, from Indg.
*dhoghe bairaima, we may bear^ Indg. -me. Final Indg.

-er became -ar, as nom. fadar, Gr. Trarr^p^/ather,

fiwi (gen. }>iujos), maid-servant, formed from *f>ius (pi.
f>iwos), man-servant, like Skr. devi, goddess, from devas, god\
frijondi, from ^frijondi (Jtm..), friend) cp. Skr. pres. part,
fem. bharanti ; will, from *wili, he wilt, cp. wilei-ma, we
will ; nemi, from *nemi, he might take.
Examples of the latter are: —undaro, under, cp. Skr.
adharad, below, Indg. ablative ending -od; of the same
origin is the -6 in adverbs like J?iubj6, sec'retly, glaggwo,
accurately, and in adverbs v^ith the suffix -}>ro (§ 286), as

hraf>r6, whence, f>af>r6, thence, Nom. tuggo, tongue, hairto,

heart, Indg. -o. ^

managei, multitude, Indg. -1.

The preservation of the final -e in adverbs with the suffix

-dre (§ 286) is also due to the vowel having had originally
the 'slurred' accent.

Note. —Long vowels remained in monosyllables, as nom. fem. so,

the, this = Gr. Dor. a ; ace. fem. po = Gr. Dor. rav ; nom. ace. fem. pi.

J)6s = Skr. tas.

They also remained in the final syllables of polysyllabic words, when
protected by a consonant which was became final in
originally final or
Gothic, as nom. pi. nom. pi.
wulfos, wolves, cp. Skr. vrkas, wolves ;

gibos, gifts, cp. Skr. a9vas, ma7'es\ dat. pi. gibom, to gifts nemeip, ;

ye might take salbos, thou anointest salboj), he anoints, ye anoint

; ; ;

tawides, thou didst, beside tawida, he did-, wileis, thou wilt, beside
will, he will.
On final long vowels when originally followed by a nasal see § 85.

c. Diphthongs.
§ 88. Originally final -ai became -a in polysyllables, as
bairada, he is borne =^Gy. mid. (pfperai ; bairanda, /hey are
borne ^=^Gv. mid. (f>€povTat; faura, before, cp. Gr. Trapal.

Originally long diphthongs became shortened in final syl-

lables, as ahtau, from an original form "^oktou, ei'ghf; dat.

sing, gibai, from "^gelboi, older *ghebhai, /o a gift, cp. Gr.

Xa)pa for *x^P^'j d3,t. sing, sunau, to a son, from loc. form
*suneu ; dat. sing, anstai, to a favour, from locative form
*anstei, cp. Gr. TroXrj'i; habais, from *x^^®i2(i), thou hast,
habaif from
5 *x^''^®i^(i)? ^^ ^^•^*

Note. — Gen. sing, anstais, 0/ a favour, from Indg. -01s ; bairdi,

Skr. bh^ret, he may bear, cp. Gr. \einoi, from Indg. -oit sundus, 0/ ;

a son, from Indg. -ous.


The Germanic Equivalents of the Gothic Vowel-

souNDS. See § 62.

§ 89. In the following paragraphs will only be given the

equivalents in accented syllables. The equivalents in Gothic
final syllables will, as far as is necessary for the purposes of
this book, be given in the Accidence.

a. Short Vowels.
§90. Gothic a = Germ, a, as feidav, father ; Bik.vs, field;
tagr, tear] gasts, guest ; ahtau, eight; hand, he bound ; nam,
he took; gaf, he gave, Cp. § 63.
D 2

§ 91. Goth. ai=(i) Germ, e, as taihun, ien\ faihu, cattle

saihran, to see ; bairan, to bear (cp. § 65).
= (2) Germ, i, as bairi}?, he hears \ J^aihum, we throve,
pp. )?aihans ; laihrum, we lent, pp. laihrans. Cp. § 67.

§ 92. Goth. i=(i) Germ, i, as fisks, yf^^; bitum, we bit,

pp. bitans ; nimis, thou takest ; bindan, to bind. Cp. § 66.

= (2) Germ, e, as swistar, sister ; hilpan, to help ;

niman, to take ;
giban, to give, pp. gibans. Cp. § 64.

§ 93. Goth. au=(i) Germ, o, as waurd, word) dauhtar,

daughter] tauhans, pp. drawn. Cp. §§ 68, 69.
^=(2) Germ, u, as waurms, worm] waurkjan, to work ;

tauhum, we drew. Cp. § 71.

§94. Goth. u=(i) Germ, u, as inggs, young ; fralusts,
loss;budum, we offered] bundura, we bound, pp. bundans;
hulpum, we helped. Cp. § 70.
= (2) Germ, o, as juk, yoke] hulpans, pp. helped]
budans, pp. offered] numans, pp. taken. Cp. §§ 60, 6l8.

b. Long Vow^els.

§ 95. Goth. a=Germ. a, as hahan, to hang] Jjahta, he

thought] brahta, he brought. Cp. §§ 72, hi.

§ 96. Goth. e = (i) Germ, e, as her, here] fera, country,

region. Cp. \1^*
= (2)
Germ, se, as qens, wife] gade)>s, deed] berum,
we bore] setum, we sat] slepan, to sleep, Cp. § 73.
§ 97. Goth. ai = Germ. »(j), as saian, to sow] waian, to

blow. Cp. § 74.

§98. Goth. ei=Germ. i, as seins, his] swein, pig]

steigan, to ascend. Cp. \1^.
§ 99. Goth. 6 = Germ. 6, as i^tVi^, foot ] brof>ar, brother]
§§99-105-3 ABLAUT, 37

for, Ifared, went, pi. forum ; saiso, I sowed stojan, to judge

Cp. §§ 11, 79.

§ 100. Goth. au = Germ. 6(w), as staua, yV^<^^, stauida,

Ijudged bauan,
\ to inhabit, Cp. § 78.

§101. Goth. u=Germ. u, as rums, room\ Jjusundi,

thousand', galukan, to lock, shut\ iixhizei, younger, Cp. §80.

c. Diphthongs.

§ 102. Goth. ai==Germ. ai, as stains, stone ; wait, / know ;

staig, /, he ascended ; hditan, to name, call, Cp. § 81.

§ 103. Goth. du=(i) Germ, au, as augo, eye\ aukan, to

add, increase ; kaus, he chose, tested. Cp. § 82.

= {2) Germ. aw, as snau, he hastened, inf.sniwan; maujos,
of a girl, nom. mawi ; taujan, to do, pret. tawida. Cp. § 129.
§ 104. Goth. iu = (i) Germ, iu, as niujis, new ; liuhtjan,
to light', Cp. §§ 61, 83.
kiusif>, he chooses.
= (2) Germ, eu, as diups, deep ; liuhaf), light ; fraliusan,
to lose, Cp. §§ 61, 83, 84.
= (3) Germ, ew, iw, as kniu (gen. kniwis), knee ;
(gen. qiwis), quick, alive \ siuns, sight, face, Cp. § 129.


Ablaut (Vowel Gradation).

§ 105. By ablaut is meant the gradation of vowels both in

stem and suffix, which was caused by the primitive Indo-

Germanic system of accentuation.
The vowels vary within certain series of related vowels,
called ablaut-series. In Gothic, to which this chapter will
38 ABLAUT, [§ 105

chiefly be limited, there are seven such series, which appear

most clearly in the stem-forms of the various classes of strong
verbs. Four stem-forms are to be distinguished in a Gothic
strong verb which has vowel gradation as the characteristic
mark of its different stems: (i) the present stem, to which
belong all the forms of the present, (2) the stem of the
preterite singular, (3) the stem of the preterite plural, to which
also belongs the whole of the preterite subjunctive, (4) the
stem of the past participle.

By arranging the vowels according to these four stems, we

arrive at the following system :

I. u. ni. IV.

I. ei ai i(ai) i(ai)

II. iu au u(au) u(au)

III. i(ai) a u(au) u(au)
IV. i(ai) a e u(au)
V. i(ai) a e i(ai)

VI. a a
VII. e 6 e

Note. — On the difference between i and ai, see §§ 64-67; u and

ail see §§ 68-71.

But although the series of vowels is seen most clearly in the

stem-forms of strong verbs, the learner must not assume that

ablaut occurs in strong verbs only. Every syllable of every

word of whatever part of speech contains some form of ablaut.

E. g. the sonantal elements in the following stem-syllables

stand in ablaut relation to each other :
—un-weis, unknowing,
ignorant', witan, to know) *leisan [lais (§ 11Z\ I know\
to know : laisareis, teacher : lists, cunnings wile.
§§ I05, io6.] ABLAUT. 39

liufs, dear : ga-laubjan, to believe : lubo, love ; siuks, sick^

ill: sauhts, sickness] ana-biudan, to command: ana-busns,
command) fra-liusan, to lose : fra-lusts, loss,

bindan, to bind: bandi, band, bond: ga-bundi, bond]

rinnan, to run : rannjan (wv.), to let run : runs, a runnings
issue] f)airsan, to be withered: J)aursnan, to become withered:

f>aursus, withered.
bairan, to bear: barn, child: hevusjos, parents : batr,
son : qiman, to come : ga-quni]>s, a coming together, assembly ;

man, / think : muns, thought ;

ga-tairan, to tear in pieces :

ga-taura, a tear, rent ;

qino, woman : qens, zvtye, woman.
mitan, to measure: us-met, manner of life, commonwealth ;

giban, to give : gabei, wealth.

batiza, better: bota, advantage] sdip^,full: ga-£6f>jan, A;

fill, satisfy] dags, day: ahtau-dogs (aj.), eight days old]

fraj)jan, to understand : frodei, understanding ;
grab an, to

dig : groba, ditch, hole.

niana-sef>s, mankind, world, lit. man-seed: saian, to sow ]

ga-dej>s, deed: doms, judgment, cp. Gr. rl-OrjfjLL, I place, put:

6cofx6s, heap ; waian, to blow : wods, raging, mad.
Examples of ablaut relation in other than stem syllables
Nom. pi. anstei-s, favours : gen. sing, anstai-s : ace. pi.
ansti-ns ; nom. pi. sunju-s (original form *suneu-es, § 86),
sons : gen. sing, sunau-s : ace. pi. sunu-ns ; fulgi-ns (aj.),

hidden : fulha-ns, pp. of filhan, to hide ]

gen. sing, dagi-s, of
a day : ace. pi. daga-ns ; baira-m, we bear : bairi-f), ye bear
= Gr. (pepo'fiev: (l)€p€-T€ ] broJ)a-r, brother: dat. sing. broJ)-r,
cp. Gr. Trarrj-p: dat. iraT'p-L ]
gen. sing. *a-uhsi-ns, of an ox:
ace. pi. *auhsa-ns: gen. pi. anhs-ne.
§ 106. In the following paragraphs will be given the Ger-
40 ABLAUT, [§§ io6, 107.

manic equivalents of the above seven ablaut series, with one

or two illustrations from Gothic. For further examples see
the various classes of strong verbs, §§ 245-259.

Ablaut-series I.

Gothic ei ai i(ai) i(ai)

Prim. Germ, i ai i i

steigan, to ascend staig stigum stigans

}>eihan, to thrive }>aih J^aihum Jjaihans

Note. — Cp. the parallel Greek series ttc/^o; : -nk-noiBa : emOov.


Goth. iu au u(au) u(au)

Prim. Germ, eu au u o
biugan, to bend baug bugum bugans
tiuhan, to lead tduh tauhum tauhans
Note.— I. On iu and eu see §§ 61, 83, 84 ; on u and o see §§ 60, 68.
2. Cp. Gr. k\^v{Q)aoixai (fut.): ii\i\KovBa : ijXvOov.


Goth. i(ai) a u(au) u(au)

Prim. Germ, e, i a u 0, u
hilpan, to help halp hulpum hulpans
bindan, to bind band bundum b,undans
wairf>an, to become war}) waurf>um waur)>ans

Note. — i. On e and i, see § 58 (i) ; on o and u, see §§ 60, 68.

2. To -this class belong all strong verbs having a medial nasal or
liquid + consonant, and a few others in which the vowel is followed by
two consonants other than nasal or liquid + consonant.
3. Cp. Gr. d€pKOfiai : Sidop/ta : ttpaKov ; irifjnroo : iT€Vo/x<pa.
§ 107.] ABLAUT, 41


Goth. i(ai) a e u(au)

Prim. Germ, e a ae o
niman, to take nam nemum numans
bairan, to bear bar berum baurans

Note. — i. On i and e, see § 64 ; e and se, see § 73 ; u and o,

see § 68.
2. To this class belong all strong verbs whose stems end in a single

liquid or a nasal.

3. Cp. Gr. yikv(x3 : ixovi] : fii-fxvcu ; depou : Sopd : de-bap-fiivoi.

Goth. i(ai) a § i(ai)

Prim. Germ, e a ae e
giban, /^ gwe gaf gebum gibans
saihran, to see sahr sShrum saihrans

Note. — i. On i and e, see § 64 ; e and §§, see § 73.

2. To this class belong strong verbs whose stems end in a single
consonant other than a liquid or a nasal.
3. Cp. Or, TTiTQjjLai : ttSt/jlos : I-ttt-o/zt;!/ ; Tp4iTou : ri-rpo(pa : rpaircaOai.

Goth. a 6 a
Prim. Germ, a 6 a
faran, to go for forum farans
slahan, to strike sloh slohum. slahans

Note. —The stems of verbs belonging to this class end in a single

42 ABLAUT, [§§ 107, 108.

Goth. e(ai) 6 6 e(ai)
Prim. Germ, se 6 o se

letan, to let lai-lot lai-lotum letans

saian^ to sow sai-so sai-soum saians

NaTE. — I. On e and ai, see § 74.

2. Cp. Gr. i-?7-/it : Dor. dcp-i-co-Ka ; TL-Orjfii: Ocofios.

§ 108. The ablaut series as given in § 107 have, for prac-

tical reasons, been limited to the phases of ablaut as they
appear in the various classes of strong verbs. From an
Indo-Germanic point of view the series I-V belong to one
and the same series which underwent in Germanic various
modifications upon clearly defined fines. For details the
learner must be referred to Brugmann's Grundriss,' 2nd'

vol. i. pp. 482-505. In a few isolated cases there are also

phases of ablaut which do not manifest themselves in the
various parts of strong verbs, as e. g. ace. pi. *auhsa-ns, oxen:

gen. pi. alihs-ne, where the vowel disappears altogether, as

in Gr. Trerofiai: i-7rT-6fir]v ; slauhts, slaughter', slahan (VI),
to slay \ lats, slothful: letan (VII), to let] ra}>jo, number,
account: redan (VII), to counsel] lukan, to lock: pret. sing.

lauk (II), which is an aorist-present like Gr. rv^co, rpt^So),

another similar aorist-present form is trudan (IV), to tread.

For traces of other ablaut series in the Germanic languages
see Brugmann, loc. cit.


The First Law, and other

Sound-shifting, Verner's
Consonant Changes which took place in the Primi-
tive Germanic Language.

§ 109. The first sound-shifting, popularly called Grimm's

Law, refers to the changes which the Indo-Germanic tenues,
tenues aspiratae, mediae, and mediae aspiratae underwent in
the period of the Germanic primitive community, i. e. before
the Germanic parent language became differentiated into the
separate Germanic languages :
— Gothic, O. Norse, O. Eng-
lish, O. Frisian, O. Saxon (=0. Low German), O. Low
Franconian (O. Dutch), and O. High German.
§ 110. The Indo-Germanic parent language had the fol-

lowing system of consonants :

Labial. Dental. Palatal. Velar

CO , tenues p t k q
•| ^
mediae b d 9
^ \ tenues aspiratae ph th kh qh
^ \ mediae aspiratae bh dh gh 9^
^^'-^^^^^^ s
Spirants f
I voiced V z J

Nasals m n 11 ^
Liquids 1, r
Semivowels w(u) j(i)

Note. — i. Explosives are consonants which are formed by complete

closure of the mouth passage, and may be pronounced with or without
voice, i. e. with or without the vocal cords being set in action ; in the

former case they are said to be voiced (e.g. the mediae), and in the

latter voiceless (e.g. the tenues). The aspiratae are pronounced like
the simple tenues and mediae followed by an h, e.g. like the th in
English pothook^ ph in haphazard^ or dh in madhouse.
The palatal explosives are formed by the front or middle of the
tongue and the roof of the mouth (hard palate), like g, k (c), e.g.
get^ goodJ kidy could whereas the velars are formed by the root of the

tongue and the (velum).

soft The latter do not occur in
English, but are common
Hebrew, and are generally also heard in
the Swiss pronunciation of literary German. The palatal and velar
nasals only occurred before the corresponding explosives, nk, ng ; loq,
K)g, &c.
2. Spirants are consonants formed by the mouth passage being
narrowed at one spot in such a manner that the outgoing breath gives
rise to a frictional sound at the narrowed part.
z only occurred before voiced explosives, e.g. *ozdos = Gr. o^os,
Goth, asts, fwig.
V was probably bilabial, not labio-dental like English v in vine,
j was

like the widely spread North German pronunciation of j in ja, not

exactly like the y in yes, which is generally pronounced without dis-
tinct friction, v, j occurred very rarely in the prim. Indo-Germanic
language. In the Germanic, as in most other Indo-Germanic languages,
the frictional element in these sounds became reduced, which caused
them to pass into the so-called semivowels.
3. The nasals and liquids had the functions both of vowels and con-

sonants (cp. §§ 51-54). The twofold function of these sounds is not

uncommon in Gothic, see §§ 23, 26, 131. And in like manner the
semivowels, w (u) and j (i) are the consonants corresponding to u, i.

The essential difference between the so-called semivowels and full

vowels is that the latter always bear the stress (accent) of the syllable
in which they occur, thus e.g. in English cow, std-in the first element
of the diphthong is a vowel, the second a consonant but in words like ;

French rwd (written roi, king), bjer (written bidre, beer), the first

element of the diphthong is a consonant, the second a vowel. In con-

sequence of this twofold function, a diphthong may be defined as the
combination of a sonantal with a consonantal vowel. And it is called
a falling or rising diphthong according as the stress is upon the first or
second element.

For practical reasons the second element of diphthongs is written i,

u in this book, when the first element is the bearer of the stress, thus
ai, du, &c., but j, w when the second element has the stress, thus jd.,

w^, &c.
4. In the writing down of prim. Germanic forms the signs p ( = th in
thin), d (= th in then), 'b (=a bilabial spirant, which may be pro-
nounced like V in vine), S (= g often heard in German sagen), x
( = German ch).

§ 111. The Indg. tenues p, t, k, q, become in prim. Ger-

manic the voiceless spirants f,
J?,x> x(x^)-
p>f. Lat. pes, Gr. ttous, Goth, fotus, OE., OS. fot,

OHG. fuoz, O. Icel. fotv, foot] Lat. pecu, Goth, faihu, OE.
feoh, OS. fehu, OHG. fihu (fehu), O. Icel. fe, catlk] Lat.
piscis, Goth, fisks, OS., OHG. fisk, OE. fisc, O. Icel. fiskr,

Jish; Lat. nepos, Goth. *nifa, OE. nefa, OHG. nefo, O.

Icel. nefe, nephew] Lat. clepo, Gr. kXctttco, I steals Goth.

hlifan, to steal.

t>f>. Lat. tres, Gr. rpely, Goth. *f)reis, OE. }>ri, OS.
thrie, O. Icel. })rir, OHG. dri, three] Lat. tu, Gr. Dor. tv,

Goth. J?u, OE., O. OS. thu, OHG. du, thou Lat.

Icel. \>% ;

verto, / turn, Goth. wairj>an, OE. weorSan, OS. vsrerthan,

O. Icel. verSa, OHG. werdan, to becovie Lat. frater, Goth. \

br6}>ar, OE. brotSor, OS. brothar, O. Icel. brocSer, OHG.

bruoder, brother,
k>x. Lat. canis, Gr. kvo^v, Goth, hunds, OE., OS. hund,
O. Icel. hundr, OHG. hunt, hound, dog] Lat. cor (gen.
cordis), Gr. Kapbla, Goth, hairto, OE. heorte, OS. herta,
O. Icel. hjarta, OHG. herza, heart] Lat. decern, Gr. Se/ca,

Goth, taihun, OS. tehan, OHG. zehan, ten] Lat. pecu,

Goth, faihu, cattle] Lat. dtico, / lead, Goth, tiuhan, OS.
tiohan, OHG. ziohan, to draw, lead.

q>X (x^)- ^^t- capio, I take, Goth, hafjan, OE. hebban,


OS. hebbian, OHG. heffen, O. Icel. hafja, to raise ; Lat.

clepo, Gr. KXeVra), I s/eal, Goth, hlifan, /o steal \ Lat. vinco,
I conquer^ Goth, weihan, OHG. wihan, to fight,
Lat. quis, Goth, hras, OE. hwa, OS. hwe, OHG. hwer
(wer), who ? Lat. sequor, Gr. ; enoixai, I follow^ Goth,
saihran, OE. seon (from *seohan), to see ; Lat. linquo (pf.
liqui), Gr. XeiTrco (from *leiqo), / leave^ Goth, leihran, OE.
leon (from *lihan), OHG. lihan, to lend.

Note. — i. The Indg. tenues remained unshifted in the combination

s + tenues.
sp : Lat. spuere, Goth, speiwan, OE., OS., OHG. spiwan, to

vomit \ Lat. con-spicio, I look at, OHG. spehon, to spy.

St : Gr. arcixcj, I go, Lat. vestigium, footstep, Goth, steigan, OE.,

OS., OHG. stigan, O. Icel. stiga, to ascend-, Lat. est, Gr. laji^ Goth.,
OS., OHG. ist, is,

sk : Gr. cklo, shadow, Goth, skeinan, OE., OS., OHG. scinan,

O.Icel. skina, to shine ; Lat. piscis, Goth, fisks, OE. fisc, OS., OHG.
fisk, O. Icel. flskr, fish.

sq : Gr. Bvo-gk6os, sacrificing priest, Goth. *skaggwon, OE. scea-

wian, OS. scauwon, OHG, scouwon, to look, view.
2.The t also remained in the Indg. combinations pt, kt, qt.
pt>ft : Gr. KXiirT-qs, Goth, hliftus, thief', Lat. neptis, grand-
daughter, niece, OE., OHG. nift, niece.

kt>xt: Gr. oktoj, Lat. octo, Goth, ahtd^u, OE. ealita, OS., OHG.
ahto, eight; Gr. o-pcKTos, stretched out, Lat. rectus, Goth, raihts,
OE. riht, OS., OHG. reht, right, straight.
qt>xt: gen. sing. Gr. vvktos, Lat. noctis, nom. Goth, nahts,
OE. neaht, OS., OHG. naht, night,

§ 112. The Indg. mediae b, d, g, g became the tenues p, t,

k, k(kw).
b>p. O. Bulgarian, slabu, slack, weak, Goth, slepan,
OE. slsepan, OS. slapan, OHG. slafan, to sleep, originally,
to be slack; Lat. lubricus for *slubricus, slippery, Goth.

sliupan, OE. slupan^ OHG. sliofan, to slip ; Lithuanian,

dubus, Goth, diups, OE. deop, OS. diop, O. Icel. djopr,
OHG. tiof, deep ; Lat. tribus, trihe^ related to Goth. J)aurp,

field, OE. J)orp, OS. thorp, OHG. dorf, village,

d>t. Lat. decern, Gr. Se^a, Goth, taihun, ten \ Lat.
dueo, / lead^ Goth, tiuhan, to draw, lead) Gr. Kapdia, Lat.

gen. cordis, Goth, hairto, heart ; Lat. videre, to see, Goth.,

OE., OS. witan, O. Icel. vita, OHG. wizzan, to know ; Lat.
edere, Goth, itan, OE., OS. etan, O. Icel. eta, OHG. e^zan,
to eat,

g>k. Lat. genu, Gr. yow, Goth, kniu, OE. cneo, OS.,
OHG. kneo, O. Icel. kne, knee\ Lat. gusto, / taste, Gr. yevo),

/ let taste^ Goth, kiusan, OE. ceosan, OS., OHG. kiosan,

(keosan), O. Icel. kjosa, to test, choose ; Lat. ager, Gr. aypos,
Goth, akrs, OE. aBcer, OS. akkar, OHG. Sidk.diV, field, land]
Lat. ego, Gr. iy^, Goth., OS. ik, OE. ic, O. Icel. ek, OHG.

g>k(kw). Lat. ^ebx, frost, Goth, kalds, OE. ceald, OS.

kald, OHG. kalt, O. Icel. kaldr, cold] Skr. gurus, Gr.
from *gr-rus, Lat. gravis, Goth, kaurus from prim.

Germ. *k(w)uruz, heavy; Lat. augere, Goth, aukan, O. Icel.

auka, OS. okian (wv.), OHG. ouhhon (wv.), to add, increase.
Cp. also OE. part. adj. eacen, great ; Lat. jugum, Gr. ^vyov,

Goth, juk, OE. geoc, OHG. joh, yoke,

Gr. jQto? from *giwos, life, Lat. vivos (*gwiwos), Goth, qius,
(gen. qiwis), OE, cwicu, OS. quik, OHG. quec, O. Icel.

kvikr, quick, alive; Gr. ^aivo^ for *j3aiy*a), I go^ Lat. venio for
*gwemjo, / come, Indg. form *ginj6, Goth, qiman, OHG.
queman, OE., OS. cuman, O. Icel. koma, to come ; Gr.
epe^oy, Goth. riqis (stem riqiza-), prim, form *regos, dark-

§ 113. The Indg. tenues aspiratae became voiceless spirants

in prim. Germanic, and thus fell together with and under-
went all further changes in common with the voiceless
spirants which arose from Indg. tenues (§ 111), the latter
having also passed through the intermediate stage of tenues
aspiratae before they became spirants.

The tenues aspiratae were, however, of so rare occurrence

in the prim. Indg. language that two or three examples
must suffice for the purposes of this book, for further
examples and details the learner must be referred to

standard philological works, such as Brugmann's ^ :

Lat. habere, Goth, haban, OE. habban, OS. hebbian,

OHG. haben, O. Icel. hafa, to have, prim, stem *khabhe-
Gr. d(rKr}dr}s, unkur/, unscathed^ Goth, skafjjan, to hurt, injure.

rt. *skath- ; Skr. kvathati, boils, kvathayati, makes boil,

Goth, hrafdan, to foam,

§ 114. The Indg. mediae aspiratae probably became first of
all the voiced spirants tJ, d, g, g(w). For the further de-
velopment of these sounds during the prim. Germanic period
see§§ 115, 116.
§ 115. b, a initially, and b, S, g medially after their cor-

responding nasals, became the voiced explosives b, d, g :

b. Goth, bairan, OE., OS., OHG. beran, O. Icel. bera, to

bear, Skr. bharami, Gr. c^epco, Lat. fero, I bear ; Goth, brojjar,
OE. broSor, OS. brothar, OHG. bruoder, O. Icel. brotSer,

Skr. bhratar-, Lat. frater, brother, cp. also Gr. cj^pdrTjp,


Goth. *kanibs, OE. comb, OHG. camb (chamb), O. Icel.

kambr, comb, Skr. jambhas, tooth, Gr. yop^os^ bolt, nail, prim,
form *gombhos.
^ Grundriss.
§§ 115, ii6.] THE FIRST SOUND-SHIFTING, 49

d. Goth, dags, OE. daeg, OS. dag, O. Icel. dagr, OHG.

tag, day^ Skr. ni-daghas, older *ni-dhaghas, hot season,
summer^ Indg. form *dhoghos ; Goth. ga-de)>s (stem ga-
dedi-), OE. daed, OS. dad, O. Icel. datS, OHG. tat, deed,

related to Gr. 6r)-(rco, I shall place^ Skr. dhama, law, dwelling-

place, rt. dhe-.
Goth., OE., OS. bindan, O. Icel. binda, OHG. bintan, to

hind, Skr. bandhanam, a binding, cp. Gr. 7rei/^6poy, /ather-i7t-

law, Lat. of-fendimentum, chin-cloth, rt. bhendh-.

g. Goth, aggwus, OS., OHG. engi, O. Icel. pngr, narrow,
cp. Lat. ango, Gr. ay^^o, I press tight, rt. angh-; Goth, laggs,
OE. long, OS., OHG. lang, O. Icel. langr, Lat. longus,

§ 116. fe, d, g remained in other positions, as Goth. *nibls,

OS. nefeal, OHG. nebul, mist, Lat. nebula, Gr. vecpeXrj,

cp. Gr. i/e^09, Skr. nabhas, cloud, prim, form *n6bhos

Goth, liufs (stem liuba-), OE. leof, OS. liof, OHG. liob,

O. Icel. Ijufr, dear, original form *16ubhos, cp. Skr. lubh-

yami, I feel a strong desire, Lat. lubet (libet), it pleases-.

Goth, midjis, OE. mid (gen. middes), OS. middi, OHG.

mitti, O. Icel. mitSr, Skr. madhjas, Lat. medius, middle ;

Goth, rauj^s (stem rauda-), OE. read, OS. rod, OHG. rot,

O. Icel. rautSr, prim, form *roudhos, cp. Skr. rudhiras, Gr.

epvOpo?, prim, form *rudhr6s, red; Goth., OE. guma, OS.
gumo, OHG. gumo, O. Icel. gume, Lat. homo (from stem
form *ghomon-), man ; Goth, gasts, OE. giest, OS. gast
(still spirantal in the modern dialects), OHG. gast, O. Icel.
gestr, guest, Lat. hostis, stranger, enemy, prim, form *ghostis;
Goth, steigan, OE., OS., OHG. stigan, O. Icel. stiga, to

ascend, Gr. o-reixco, prim, form *steigh6, / go, cp. also Lat.
vestigium, foot-step ; Goth, ga-wigan, OE., OHG. wegan,

O. Icel. vega, to move, carry Lat. veho,

^ / carry, prim, form
*wegho, cp. also Gr. 0x0^, wagon.
On the pronunciation of Goth, b, d, g, see §§ 15, 16, 18.

Note. —g
was dropped in the initial combination a;w = Indg. gh,
Goth, warmjan, to warm, OE. wearm, OS., OHG. warm, warm,

Skr. gharmds, Gr. 6(pfx6s, Lat. formus, warm.

§ 117. The further development of t), d, g belongs to the

history of the separate languages.

§ 118. From the examples given in §§ 111-16, it will be

seen that the Germanic sounds, which arose from the Indg.
velars, appear partly with, and partly without labialisation.
In the latter case they together with prim. Germ, x, k, g

from Indg. k, g, gh, cp. e. g. Goth, hafjan (q), kalds (g),

gasts (gh), beside Goth, hund (k), kniu (g), guma (gh).
The conditions for this twofold development of the Indg.
velars in the Germanic languages have not yet been definitely

ascertained for all cases. It is, however, now pretty certain

-that the parent Indg. language contained two series of velars :

(i) pure velars which never had labialisation. These velars

fell together with the palatals in the Germanic, Greek, Latin,
and Celtic languages, but were kept apart in the Aryan and
Baltic-Slavonic languages. (2) Velars with labialisation.

These velars appear in the Germanic languages partly with

and partly without labialisation in the latter case they also

fell together with prim. Germ, x^ kj g which arose from

Indg. k, g, gh. The most commonly accepted theory is

that the Indg. labialised velars q, g, gh regularly became

X, k, g in prim. Germ, before Indg. u, o, o (=Germ. a § 38),

and xw, kw, gw before Indg. e, 1, a, a ( = Germ. 6 § 40);
and that then the law became greatly obscured during the
§§ ii8, 119.] VERNER'S LAW, 51

prim. Germ, period through form-transference and levelling

out in various directions.

Note. — In several words the Indg. velars, when preceded or followed

by a w or another labial in the same word, appear in the Germanic
languages as labials by assimilation. The most important examples
are:— Goth, wulfs, OK, OS. wulf, OHG. wolf, O. Icel. ulfr = Gr.
\vKQs for *p\vK03, prim, form *wIqos, cp. Skr. vfkas, vjolf; Goth.
jBdwor, OE. feower (but fyper-fete, four-footed), OS. fiwar, OHG.
fior, prim, form *qetwores, cp. Lithuanian keturi, Lat. quattuor,
Gr. T€Wo/)€s, Skr. catvaras ; Goth, fimf, OE., OS. fif, OHG. fimf
(finf) from *fimfi, prim, form *peioqe, cp. Skr. panca, Gr. TreVre, Lat.

quinque (for *pinque), yfz/^ ; OHG. wulpa, she-wolf, from *wul*bi.

prim, form *wlqi, cp. Skr. vrki ; Goth, wairpan, OE. weorpan, OS.
werpan, OHG. werfan, O. Icel. verpa, to throw, cp. O. Bulgarian
vriga, / throw ; OE. swapan, OHG. sweifan, to swing, cp. Lithua-
nian swaikstill, / become dizzy.

Verner's Law.

§ 119. After the completion of the first sound-shifting, and

while the principal accent was not yet confined to the root-
syllable, a uniform interchange took place between the voice-
less and voiced spirants, which may be thus stated :

The medial or final spirants f, )>, x, X^? ^ regularly became

15, d, g, gw, z when the vowel next preceding them did not,
according to the original Indg. system of accentuation, bear
the principal accent of the word.
The t>5 d, g, gw which thus arose from Indg. p, t, k, q
underwent in the Germanic languages all further changes in
common with the t5, d, g, gw from Indg. bh, dh, gh, gh.
Verner's law manifests itself most clearly in the various
forms of strong verbs, where the infinitive, present participle,
present ten«e, and preterite (properly perfect) singular had
E 2
52 VERNER'S LAW, [§ 119.

the principal accent on the root-syllable, but the indie, pret.

plural, the pret. subj. (properly optative), and past participle
had the principal accent on the ending, as prim. Germ. *w6r]5o
>0E. weor'Se, / hecome^:.^\x varta-mi, / iurn^ pret. 3 ,

sing. *warj5i>0E. wearS, he became^:^Skx. va-varta, has

turned, pret. i pi. *wurdunii>OE. *wurdum (wurdon is
the 3 pers. pi. used for all persons) = Skr. va-vrtima; past
part. *wurdana- > OE. worden= Skr. va-vrtana- OS. birid ;

= Skr. bharati, he hears, Goth. 2 sing, indie, pass, bairaza

= Skr. bharase. Or to take examples from noun-forms we
have, e.g. Skr. pitar-, Gr. Trarep- = prim. Germ. *fad:er-5 Goth.
fadar, OE. faeder, OS. fader, O. Icel. fo^ev, father ] Skr.
9atam, Gr. €-KaT6v, Lat. centum = prim. Germ. *xund:6m,
older *x^^^^^» Goth., OE., OS. hund, hu7idred\ prim.
Germ. *jurDgas, Goth, juggs, OS., OHG. jung,j/^^/;i5^, beside
Goth, juhiza from *jurDxizo, younger (§§ 60, 123); Gr. kKvpa,

cp. Goth. *swigrus, OE. sweger, OHG. swigar, mother-in-

law ; Gr. Se/ccif, Goth. *tigus (pi. tigjus), OE. -tig, decade.

The combinations sp, st, sk, ss, ft, fs, hs, and ht were not
subject to this law.

Note. —The primitive Germanic system of accentuation was like that

of Sanskrit, Greek, &c., i. e. the principal accent could fall on any syl-
lable ; it was not until a later period of the primitive Germanic language
that the principal accent was confined to the root-syllable.
The following formula may be of use to the student :

Indg. asakapatam became prim. Germanic asaxafapam. Then we

have ^sa,^at5aa:am, azaxa'badam, aza3afaa'am, aza^a'bapam, aza^al^a-

In Gothic the regular interchange between the voiceless

and voiced spirants in the forms of strong verbs was, with
two or three exceptions, given up by levelling out in favour
§ 119-] VERNER'S LAW. 53

of the voiceless spirants. In this respect the West-Germanic

languages show an older stage than Gothic.
— "b. Goth, j^arf, / need, pi. Jjaurbum ; OHG. heflfen, to

raise, huobun, gihaban, but Goth, hafjan, hofum, hafans.

— d. Goth. fra])jan, to understand, frodei (d=d) under-
standing ; QE. weorfjan,
wurdon, worden, but to become,
Goth, wairj^an, waurf>um, waurf>ans OE. snij)an, to cut, ;

snidon, sniden, but Goth. sneif>an, snif>uni, snif)ans.

s — z. Prim. Germ. *k6uso, I test, pret. i pi. "^kuzumi, pp.
*kuzana- OE. ceosan, to choose, caron, coren, but Goth,

kiusan, kusum, kusans.

The West-Germanic languages and Old Norse regularly
developed this z to r. Cp. also Goth, auso, ear, beside OE.
eare, OS., OHG. ora, O. Icel. eyra.

X — ^5. Goth, aih^ I have, aigum (g=g); Goth.

pi. fahej?s,

gladness, faginon, to be glad', huhrus (§§ 60, 123), hunger,

huggrjan, to hunger ; filhan, to hide, fulgins (adj.), hidden ;

jtihiza (§§ 60, \2'^), younger, juggs, young OE. teon (from

*teohan, to draw, tugon, togen, but Goth, tiuhan, tauhum,

tauhans ; OE. slean (from *sleahan), to smite, slogon,
slaBgen, but Goth, slahan, slohum, slahans.
XW- — ^gw. Prim. Germ, sexwan-, to see, pret. i pi. *sae-

gwumi, pp. *segwaaa-, cp. OE. seon from *seo(hw)an,

s^gon, sewen, but Goth, saihran, sehjum, saihrans.
gw became g before u, in other cases it became w, as Goth,
magus, boy, beside mawi from *ina(g)wi, girl Goth, siuns, ;

OE. seon(sion), OS. siun, from ^se(g)wnis, a seeing, face ;

Goth, snaiws, OE. snaw (with -w from the oblique cases)

from *snai(g)waz, prim, form *snoigh6s.
Note. — Causative verbs had originally suffix accentuation, and there-
fore also exhibit the change of consonants given above. But here too

Gothic, partly through the influence of the corresponding strong verbs,

has not always preserved the law so faithfully as the West Germanic
languages, e.g. Goth, wairpan, to become — fra-wardjan, to destroy, cp.

Skr. vartayami, / cause to turn ; Goth, leipan, OE. lipan, to go — OE.

leldan from *laidjan, to lead; Goth, ur-reisan, OE. a-risan, to arise —
Goth, ur-rdisjan, up, OE.
to raise rseran, to raise ; Goth, ga-nisan,
to become whole, OE. ge-nesan, to be saved — Goth, nasjan, OE.
nerian, to save; Goth. *leisan (cp. i sing. Idis, / know), to know —
Goth. Idisjan, OE. l®ran, to teach. Cp. the regular form hazjan,
beside OE. herian, to praise.

Other Consonant Changes.

§ 120. Most of the sound changes comprised under this §

might have been disposed of in the §§ treating of the shifting

of the Indg. mediae and mediae aspiratae, but to prevent any
possible misunderstanding or confusion, it was thought ad-
visable to reservethem for a special paragraph.
The Indg. mediae and mediae aspiratae became tenues
before a suffixal t or s already in the pre-Gerijianic period :


dt K^
" ds I

dht ] dhs \

ght I
ghs J

9* }<lt
ght 1
1* 9L>qs
§hs /

Examples are Lat. nuptum, nupsi, beside nubere, to marry ;

Skr. loc. pi. patsu, beside loc. sing, padi, on foot \ Lat. rexi,
rectum, beside regere, to rule\ Lat. vexi, vectum, beside

vehere, to carry ^ rt. wegh- ; Lat. leetus, couch, root, legh- ;

Skr. yukta-, Gr. feu/cro?, Lat. junctus, j'(?^^<i, rt. jeug- ; &c.
Then pt, kt, qt ;
ps, ks, qs were shifted to ft, xt ; fs, x^
at the same time as the original Indg. tenues became voice-
less spirants (§ 111). And tt, ts became ss through the
intermediate stages of )>t, J)s respectively, ss then became
simplified to s after long syllables and before r, and then
between the s and r there was. developed a t.

This explains the frequent interchange between p, b(b),

and f ; between k,
and h (i. e. x) ; and between t,

d:(d), and ss, s in forms which are etymologically related.

p, b(b) — f. Goth, skapjan, OE. scieppan, OHG. ske-
phen, to create, beside Goth, ga-skafts, creation, OE. ge-
sceaft, OHG. gi-scaft, creature ; Goth, giban, OHG. geban,
to give, beside Goth, fra-gifts, a giving, OE., OHG. gift,
gift] OHG. weban, to weave, beside English weft.
k, g(g) — h. Goth, waurkjan, OE. wyrcan, OHG. wur-
ken, to work, beside pret. and pp. Goth, waurhta, waurhts,
OE. worhte, wrorht, OHG. worhta, gi-worht ; Goth. J>ugk-
jan, OE. J)ync(e)an, OHG. dunken, to seem, appear, beside
pret. and pp. Goth. ]?uhta, *)?uhts, OE. fuhte, Jjuht, OHG.
duhta, gi-duht; i pres. pi. Goth, magum, OE. magon,
OHG. magun (mugun), we may, can, beside pret. sing. Goth,
mahta, OE. meahte, OHG.
mahta, pp. Goth, mahts, cp.
also Goth, mahts, OE. meaht, OHG. maht, might, power \

Goth, bugjan, OE. byog(e)an, to buy, beside pret. and pp.

Goth, bauhta, bauhts, OE. bohte, boht; Goth, briggan,
OE., OHG. bringan, to bring, beside pret. and pp. Goth,
brahta, *brahts, OE. brohte, broht, OHG. brahta,
t, ]>, d(d) — ss, s, Goth, witan, OE. witan, to know,

beside pret. Goth, wissa, OE. wisse, OHG. wissa (wessa),

part. adj. Goth. *ga-wiss, OE. ge-wis(s), OHG. gi-wis(s),

sure, certain Goth, ga-hratjan, OE. hwettan, to sharpen^


beside Goth, hrassei, sharpness, hrassaba, sharply \ Goth.

qij)an, to say, beside ga-qiss, consent \ Goth, ana-biudan, to

command^ beside ana-busns (ana-busns ?), commandment,

from pre-Germ. -*bhutsni-, rt. bheudh-.
ss>s after long syllables and before r: Goth, hditan, to

command, call, OE. hatan, to call, beside OE. haes, from

*haissi-, command) OE., Goth, witan, to know, beside Goth.
un-weis, unknowing, OE., OHG. wis, wise, cp. Lat. visus
Goth, itan, OE. etan, to eat, beside OE. aes, OHG. as, carrion,
cp. Lat. esum. Goth. guf>-blostreis, worshipper of God,
OHG. bluoster, sacrifice, cp. Goth, blotan, to worship', OE.
fostor, O. Icel. fostr, sustenance, cp. Goth, fodjan, to feed.
Instead of ss (s) we often meet with st. In such cases
the st is due to the analogy of forms where t was quite
regular, e. g. regular forms were Goth, last, thou didst gather,
inf. lisan ; sloht, thou didst strike, inf. slahan ; OE. meaht,
OHG. maht, thou canst, inf. OHG. magan ; then after the
analogy of such forms were made 2 pers. sing. Goth, waist
for *wais, OE. wast for *was, OHG. weist for *weis;
Goth, qast for *qass, inf. qij?an, to say, Goth, baust for
*baus, inf. biudan, to bid] regular forms were pret. sing. Goth,
waurhta, OE. worhte, OHG. worhta, Goth. inf. waurkjan,
to work', then after the analogy of such forms were made
OE. wiste, beside wisse, OHG. westa, beside wissa (wessa),
/ knew, inf. OE. witan; Goth. pret. sing, kaupasta for

"kaupassa, inf. kaupatjan, to strike with the palm of the hand,


For purely practical purposes the above laws may be thus


formulated: — every labial +t appears as ft, every guttural +t

as ht, every dental +t as ss, s (st).

§ 121i Assimilation: nw>-nn-, as Goth., OHG. rinnan,

to 7'un, from *rinwan ; Goth, kinnus, OHG. kinni (chinni),
O. Icel. kinn = Gr. yeW?, chin, cheek] Goth, minniza, less,

cp. Lat. minuo, Gr. jjllvvOco,

-ind->-nd-, as Goth., OE. hund, hundred, prim, form
kmtom ; Goth, skaman, OHG. seamen, io he ashamed^ beside
Goth, skanda, OHG. scanta, shame.
-In- > -11-, as Goth, fulls, OE., OS. full, cp. Lithuanian
pilnas, full) Goth. wuUa, OE. wuU, OHG. woUa, cp.

Lithuanian wilna, wool.

Prim. Germ. Ibn, dn, gn = Indg. pn-, tn-, kn- qn- (by
Verner's Law), and bhn-, dhn-, ghn- glin-, became bb, ctd,

gg before the principal accent, then later bb, dd, gg; and
in like manner Indg. bn-, dn-, gn- gn- became bb, dd, gg.

And these mediae were shifted to pp, tt, kk at the same time
as the original Indg. mediae became tenues. Examples are
wanting in Gothic, but are common in the West Germanic
languages. See Paul-Braune's '
Beitrage/ ix. p. 169 fF. ; xii.

p. 504 ff.
§122. Indg. z-f media became s-f- tenuis, as Goth, asts,

OHG. ast, branch, twig = Gr. ofos, from *ozdos ; Goth.

*nista-, OE., OHG. nest, nes/, Lat. nidus from *ni-zdos,
related to rt. OE. maesce, OHG. masca, ??iesh,
sed-, sz'l;

loop, cp. Lithuanian mezgu, / tie in knots.

Indg. z + media aspirata became z -f- voiced spirant, as Goth,

mlzdo, OE. meord, pay, reward, cp. O. Bulgarian mizda,
pay, Gr. /xio-(9off Goth. *mazga-, OE. mearg, OS., OHG.

marg, O. Bulgarian, mozgii, marrow, rt. mezgh- Goth. ;

razda, OE. reord, speech, language, prim, stem '^razdh-


Goth, huzd, OE. hord, hoard, treasure, cp. Lat. custos, rt.

§ 123. Guttural n (p) disappeared before x ; for examples
see §§ 57, 58 (i), 60.

§ 124. X became a spiritus asper (written h) initially before

vowels, and possibly also medially between vowels.
§ w disappeared before u, as Goth, kaurus, from
*k(w)urus = Gr. heavy, prim, form *gr-rus; OE., O.

Icel. sund, a swimming, from *swunida-, cp. OE. swimman,

O. svimma, to swim pp. OE. cumen, OHG. koman
Icel. ;

(beside quoman, a new formation), O. Icel. komenn, OHG.

inf. queman, to come OE. swingan, to swing, beside pp.

s(w)ungen; O. Icel. svimma, to swim, beside pp. summenn.

See § 119. In verbal forms the w was mostly re-introduced
in the pret. pi. and pp. after the analogy of forms which
regularly had w, e. g. Goth, swultum, swultans, for *sul-
tum,*sultans, through the influence of forms like inf. swiltan,
to die, pret. sing, swalt ; similarly qumum, qumans, for

*kumum, *kumans, inf. qiman, to come. For levelling out

in the opposite direcdon, cp. Goth, siggwan (regular form),

beside OE., OS., OHG. singan, to sing', Goth, sigqan,
beside OE. sincan, OHG. sinkan, to sink.

§ 126. For the Germanic treatment of Indg. final conso-

nants, see § 85 and note.
§ 127. The remaining Indg. consonants suffered no
further material changes which need be mentioned here.
Summing up the results of §§ 111-25, we arrive at the
following system of consonants for the close of the prim.
Germanic period :


Inter- Palatal and

Labial, dental. Dental. Guttural.
T^ , .
f voiceless p t k
| ^^;^^^ ^ d g
o .^ f voiceless f \> s X
Spirants: |
^^j^^^ ^ d z s
Nasals m n ID

Liquids 1, r
Semi-vowels w j (palatal)

To these must be added the spiritus asper h.


The Gothic Development of the General Germanic


§ 128. In the following paragraphs will be briefly indi-

cated the few changes which the consonant system, given in
the previous paragraph, underwent in Gothic.


§ 129. Germanic w generally remained in Gothic. For

examples see § 30.
became u after short vowels (i) finally, as kniu, knee,
gen. kniwis; snau, he hastened, inf. sniwan; cp. on the
other hand hlaiw, grave ; lew, opportunity. (2) before con-
sonants, as gen. maujos, nom. mawi, girl\ taujan, to do,

prel. tawida; siuns, from *se(g)wnis, sight, /ace] qius,

quick, alive, gen. qiwis siujan, to sew, cp. Skr. sivyami, /

sew] cp. on the other hand lewjan, to betray] hnaiws, lowly ]

skadwjan, to overshadow.
For the Gothic treatment of 6w, owj, see §§ 78. 79.

Note. — In -ww- the origin of which

a few instances medial -w- (or
is?) became -ggw- in Gothic and -ggv-, -gg- in
after short vowels,

O. Icel., whereas the West- Germanic languages developed an u before

this -w- which united with the preceding vowel to form a diphthong, or

u (when the preceding vowel was u). The conditions under which this
sound-change took place have not yet been satisfactorily explained. The
examples are : — Goth,
bliggwan, OE. *bleowan, OHG. bliuwan,
to strike Goth, triggws, O. Icel. tryggr, OE. triewe, OS., OHG.

triuwi, true, faithful, cp. also Goth, triggwaba, truly, triggwa,

covenant Goth. *glaggwus, exact, accurate, O. Icel. gloggr, OE.

gleaw, OHG. glau (inflected form glau^wer), wise, prudent cp. also \

Goth, glaggwo (av.), diligently, glaggwuba (av.), diligently, acctt'

rately\ Goth, skuggwa, O. Icel. skugg-sja, mirror, OE. scuwa,.

OHG. scCiwo, shade J shadow,


§ 130. Germanic j remained for the most part unchanged

in Gothic, as hafjan, to raise ;
juk, yoke^ &c. For further
examples see § 21.
Germanic became i before consonants and
-ij- finally, as
Goth. *f>reis, OE. f>ri, OHG. dri, O. Icel. J^rir, three, cp.
Lat. tres from *trejes, Gr. rpeiy from "^rpej^s ] Goth. nom.
pi. gasteis, from *2astij(i)z5 guests =lj2ii. hostes from
*hostejes ; imper. 2 sing. Goth, nasei from *nasij(i), inf.

nasjan, to save, cp. Gr. </)oi3et from ^ (\>o^^{j^^, frighten thou.

Germanic -iji- ( = Indg. -eje-)>-ij->-i- after long closed

syllables, but -ji- in other cases, cp. e.g. pres. sing, sokeis,

from *sokij(i)z{i), 3 sing, sokeij? from *sokij(i)d:i, inf.

§§ 130, 131.] P. G. LIQUIDS AND NASALS IN GOTHIC. 6i

sokjan, to seek^ beside nasjis, nasjif>, inf. nasjan, to save ;

stojis, stojif), inf. stojan, to judge.

Final j became -i, as kuni, race, gen. kunjis; ace. sing.

hari, army, gen. harjis ; nom. ace. sing. neut. midi, viiddle,

gen. midjis.
For the treatment of sej see § 74.

Note. — In a few words medial -j- (or -jj- the origin of which is ?)

after short vowels,became -ddj- in Gothic, and -ggj-, -gg- in O. Icel.,

whereas the West-Germanic languages developed an i before this -j-,
which united with the preceding vowel to form a diphthong, or i (when
the preceding vowel was i). A satisfactory explanation of this sound-
law has not yet been found. The examples are :
— gen. Goth, twaddje,
O. Icel. tveggja, OHG. zweijo, of two, cp. Skr. dvayos ; Goth, wadd-
jus, O. Icel. veggr, wall, related to Lat. viere, to plait ; Goth, iddja,
OE. eo-de, / went, cp. Skr. ^yam, / ivent ; Goth, daddjan, to suckle,

cp. Skr. dh^yami, I suckle.

Liquids and Nasals.

§ 131. Germanic 1, m, n, r underwent no material changes

in Gothic. For examples, see §§ 23, 26.
1, m, n, r, preceded by an explosive or spirant, became
Vocalic in final syllables after the loss of a short vowel. See

Examples are: tagl, hair', ^^x^^, sacrifice', fugls, /owl,

bird', sitls, settle, seat,

maif)ms, ace. sing. inaif>m, treasure', bagms, tree.

razn, house ; taikns, token, sign ; ibns, even ; laugnjan, to

deny, beside ana-laugns, secret.

tagr, tear ; ligrs, bed, couch ; o^vs, field ',
timrjan, to build]
timrja, carpenter, beside *timrs.
On the representation of Germanic id in Gothic, see § 18.
62 PRIM, GERM, LABIALS IN GOTHIC, [§§ 131-133.

Note. — mn->-bn-, -fn-, as witubni, knowledge', fastubni, ob-

servance, fasting \ frdistubni, temptation', stibna, voice, cp. OHG.
stimna wundufni, wound, plague waldufni, pozver, might.
; ;

In namnjan, to name namne, of names, the -mn- was re-introduced


after the analogy of nam 6, namins, &c.


§ 132. Germanic p and f suffered no changes in Gothic.

Examples are slepan, to sleep ; diups, deep ; hilpan, to

Note. —p does not occur initially in Gothic in pure Germanic

fa>d.d^v, father ) hlifan, to steal) fimf, y^z;^.

b, b.

§ 133. Germanic b, which only occurred initially and after

m, remained in Gothic (§ 115), as br6}>ar, brother; bindan,
to bind] dumbs, dumb] lamb, lamb.

b>b after r and 1, as arbi, heritage swairban, to wipe ;


kalbo, calf] salbon, to anoint ; -swarb, he wiped,

b>f after vowels both finally and before final -s. Hence
the frequent interchange between b (written b in Gothic), and
f in inflexion, as giban, to give, pret. sing, gaf ; sweiban, to
cease, pret. sing, swaif ; bi-leiban, to remain, pret. sing, bi-
laif ; gen. hlaibis, nom. sing, hlaifs, ace. hlaif, loaf, bread,
cp. on the other hand swairban, to wipe, pret. swarb.

Note. —In occasional forms like grob beside grof, he dug) hldib
beside hldif, the b had been transferred from forms where it was

Medial b (written b) remained unchanged after vowels, as

haban, to have ; llban, to live ] sibun, seven ]

ga-laubjan, to

believe] ibns, even.




§ 134. Germanic k remained in Gothic. For examples,

see § 22.


kw (OE. cw, OHG. qu, O. Icel. kv) became a labialised

k which had same sound-value as Lat. qu, i. e. it was a

simple sound, and not a compound one composed of the
elements k + w; hence Ulfilas expressed it in his alphabet

by a single letter 11. In modern philological works the sound

in question is transcribed by q. Examples are :
—qens, wife ;

qiman, to come ; qij?an, io say ; riqis, darkness ; naqaf>s,

naked ; sigqan, to sink ; sagq, he sank.

h, X.

135. Prim. Germ, x had already become the spiritus

asper (written h) initially before vowels and possibly also
medially between vowels during the prim. Germ, period
(§ 124), as hairto, heart \ hafjan, to raise \ hund, hundred \

faihu, cattle ; taihun, ten ;

J?eihan, to thrive,
Germanic x (written h, and pronounced like NHG. ch)
remained in Gothic in other positions, as hlaifs, loaf, bread ;

hliftus, thief) brains, pure^ clean ; dauhtar, daughter ; filhan,

io hidey bury ; Jjalh, he throve,

Germanic xw (OE., OS., OHG. initial hw, O. Icel. hv)
became hr (§ 20) in Gothic, as luas? who?) hjopan, to boast)

ahra, water river ^ ; saihran, to see ; sahr, he saw ; nehr (av.),


Note. —The reasons for assuming that Goth, hr was a simple sound,
and not a compound one composed of h + w, are: — (i) Ulfilas uni-
formly represented it by a single letter 0. (2) Ulfilas wrote hw only
incompound words where h and w came together by composition, e. g.
ubuhwopida = uf + uh + wopida, and he cried out pairhwakandans ;

= pairliH- wakandans (pres. part. nom. ace. pi. of -wakan, to wake,

watch). (3) The principal parts of sailuan, to see, are the same as
those of strong verbs with stems ending in a single consonant other than
a nasal or liquid (§ 253). (4) hr is treated as a single consonant in

reduplicated syllables, as h/aih/op, he boasted, inf. luopan.

§ 136. Prim. Germanic g, which only occurred after r)

(§11 5), remained in Gothic, as briggan, to bring ; huggrjan,

to hunger ; laggs, long ; figgrs, finger ; aggwus, narrow.
The changes which Germanic g underwent in Gothic
cannot be determined with perfect certainty. Initially, and
medially after consonants, it probably became g, as gasts,
guest) giban, /^ ^^'z'^ ;
^o^s, good\ gvetan, to weep ; bairgan,
to hide, keep ; fairguni, mountain ; tulgus, steadfast, sure ;

azgo, ash, cinder.

g (written g) remained medially between vowels, and

medially after vowels before voiced consonants, as agis,

fright, terror ; augo, eye ; biugan, to bow, bend] steigan, to

ascend ; bagms, tree ; tagr, tear ; rign, rain ; fugls, fowl,

bird] lagjan, to lay.

After vowels both finally and before -s,

g probably became
X (=NHG. ch), but was written g. This change of g to x
can be assumed from the corresponding Gothic treatment of
b (§ 133), and ct (§ 139). Examples are: — ace. sing, dag,

day ; wig, way ; b%, Ifear mag, ; he can, may ; nom. sing.

dags, day] wigs, way] manags, much, many,

Cp. Goth, magt, thou canst, mayest, beside OE. meaht,
OS., OHG. maht (§ 120).



§ 137. Germanic t remained in Gothic, as tagr. tear]

tun}>us, tooth ; taihun, ten ; tamjan, to tame ; triu, wood ;

twai, two.
leitils, little ; wato, water ] itan, to eat ] witan, to know ]

sitls, settle, seat] hairto, heart.

at, at ] wait, he knows ; mat, he measured.


§ 138. Germanic \> remained in Gothic, as J^agkjan, to

think ] J>airh, through ;

}>aurnus, thorn ; *)?reis, three ;

]>wahan, to wash,
qijjan, to say] brojjar, brother \ air]?a, earth, land] fra}>-
jan, to understand ] wairj>an, to become,
qa}), he said] war}), he became] ace. sing. aif>, oath.

d, d.

§ 139. Germanic d, which only occurred initially and after

n, remained in Gothic (§ 115), as dags, day] diups, deep]

driusan, to fall ; drigkan, to drink ; bindan, to bind ; hund,
hundred] winds, wind.
d became d after voiced consonants, as aids, age, generation]
haldan, to hold, keep] waurd, word] gards, house] gazds,
goad, sting', huzd, treasure.

d became J)
after vowels both finally and before final -s

hence the frequent interchange between d (written d) and J?

in inflexion, as inf. beidan, to abide, await] ana-biudan, to

command \ bidjan, to pray, beside pret. sing. baij>, -bau)>,

ba}>; gen. sing, godis, hdubidis, nasidis, beside nom. sing.

sol's, good, haubijj, head, nasif>s (pp.), saved.

Note. — In occasional formsbad, -baud, gods, god, beside the

regular forms bap, bduj>, gops, gop, the d had been transferred from
forms where it was regular.

Medial d (written d) remained after vowels, as fadar,

father beidan,
) to abide, await) fidwor, four ; midjis, middle ;

fadrein, paternity, parents.



§ 140. Germanic s remained in Gothic, as sandjan, to

send] sitan, to sit', sibun, seven] slepan, to sleep] swistar,

sister] wisan, to be] ga-nisan, to become whole] auhsa, ox ]

wissa, / knew ] hals, neck ; was, / was,


§ 141. z only occurred medially and finally in prim. Germ.

Medial z, which became r in the other Germanic languages,
generally remained in Goth., as azgo, ash, cinder] razda,
speech, language ; huzd, treasure] mizdo, pay, reward; alj?iza,

older] m^iza,, greater ] hazjan, to praise \ talzjan, to instruct.

Note. —In the forms of strong verbs, medial z was supplanted by s

through the levelling out of the s-forms, e. g. kusum, kusans for
*kuzujn, *kuzans, after the analogy of kiusan, kdus, &c., see § 119.
z was also supplanted by s in several weak verbs, which in some cases

was due to the influence of the corresponding strong verbs, as nasjan,

for *nazjarj, after the analogy of nisan, cp. OE. nerian, OHG.
nerien, to save ; ur-raisjan, to raise up^ sv. ur-reisan, to arise^ cp. OE.
r»ran, to raise ; Idisjan, cp. OE. Iseran, OHG. leren, to teach ; "was-
jan, to clothe^ cp. OE. werian, OHG. werien, to wear, see § 119.

Germanic final -z became -s in Gothic, as gen. diuz-is,

riqiz-is, but nom. dius, wild beast', riqis, darkness] nom.

sing, dags, from *dagoz, day ;
gasts from *gastiz, guest)
nom. pi. dagos from *ctag6z; gasteis from *gastiz; nom.
sing, akrs from *akroz, field nimis from *nimiz(i), thou \

takest. This -s was dropped when it came to stand after an

original s through the loss of a vowel, as wairs from *wirs(i)s
older *wirsiz (av.), worse, cp. adj. wairsiza, worse] nom.
drus (gen. drusis) from *drusiz, fall] laus, empty, but gen.
laus-is; frQiYiaXSj/feedom, but gen. freihalsis.
Final -s (-z) was dropped after a short vowel 4- r, cp. nom.
sing, wair, man ] baur, son ; anjjar, second] unsar, our, &c.,
beside nom. sing, dags, day] gSLSta, guest ; akrs, field ] swers,
honoured, &c.

Note. — i. The z, in such form^ as riqiz, darkness \ vairnZy fiesh,

meat, beside the regular forms riqis, mims, was due to the levelling
out of the stem form of the oblique cases.
2. Final -z remained when protected by a particle, cp. e.g. wileiz-u?
7vilt thou? \ luaz-uh, each, every \ iz-ei (rel. pr.), who \ uz-uh (prep.),
whether from ; beside wileis, thou wilt ; luas ? who ? ; is, he ; us, out,
3. The prep, us became ur before r in compounds, as ur-reisan,
to arise ; ur-rinnan, to go out. The was sometimes dropped
s in us-
in compounds before st, as u-standan = us-standan, to stand up, cp.
also di-skritnan, beside dis-skritnan, to be rent in twain.

F 2
68 DECLENSION OF NOUNS, [§§ 142, 143.

§ 142. Gothic nouns have two numbers — singular and
plural ; three genders —masculine, feminine, and neuter, as in
the other Old Germanic languages, from which the gender
of nouns in Gothic does not materially differ ; four cases
Nominative, Accusative, Genitive, and Dative. The Vocative
is mostly like the Nominative, but in the singular of some
classes of nouns it regularly fell together with the Accusative,
see §§ 85, 86.
Gothic nouns are divided into two great classes, according
as the stem originally ended in a vowel or a consonant.
Nouns, whose stems originally ended in a vowel, belong to
the vocalic or so-called Strong Declension. Those, whose
stems end in -n, belong to the Weak Declension. All other
consonantal stems are in this grammar put together under
the general heading of *
Minor Declensions.'
The learner, who wishes to compare the Gothic case-end-
ings with the corresponding forms of Latin, Greek, &c., will
find it useful to master Chapter V before attempting to do
so, as what has already been stated there will not, as a rule,
b3 repeated in the chapter on the Accidence.

A. The Vocalic or Stroistg Declension.

1. The a-declension.

§ 143. The a-declension comprises masculine and neuter

nouns only, and corresponds to the Latin and Greek o-de-
§§ I43-I45-] THE A-DECLENSION, 69

clension (Gr. masc. -oy, neut. -oi/, Lat. -us, -um), for

which reason it is sometimes called the o-declension. The

a-declension is divided into pure a-stems, ja-stems, and

a. Pure a-stems.

§ 144. Masculines.


Nom. dags, day hlaifs, loaf^ bread

Ace. Voc. dag hlaif

Gen. dagis hlaibis
Dat. daga hlaiba


Nom. dagos hlaibos

Ace. dagans hlaibans
Gen. dage hlaibe
Dat. dagam hlaibam

Note.— i On the interchange of f (hlaifs, hlaif)

. and b (hldibis, &c.),
see § 133.
2. On nom. forms like wair, 7?ian^ freihals, freedom^ gen. wairis,
freihalsis, see § 141.

§ 145. Like dags are declined a great many Gothic mascu-

line nouns, e. g. aif>s (gen. aijjis), oath ; asts, bought twig ;

akrs, field bagms, 4ree

; fisks, fish ; fugls, bird^ fowl
; ;

hunds, dog^ hound himins, heaven; ligrs, bed^ couch ; ;

mai}?ms, ^//*/; maurgins, morning) stains, stone sitls, J*^^/; \

skalks, servant \ f>iudans, king \ wigs, way\ winds, wind;

wulfs, wolfi Like hlaifs is declined laufs, leaf.
70 THE A'DECLENSION. [§§ 146-148.

§ 146. Neuters


Nom. Voc. Ace. waiird, word haubijj, head

Gen. waurdis haubidis
Dat. waurda haubida

Nom. Voc. Ace. waurda haubida
Gen. 'waurde haubide
Dat. w^aurdam haubidam

Note. — On the interchange of p (haubip) and d (haubidis, &c.),

see § 139.

§ 147. Like waurd are declined a great many Gothic

neuter nouns, e. g. agis (gen. agisis), fear ; akran, fruit ;

awistr, sheepfold\ barn, child \ bl6f> (gen. bl6}?is), blood \

dius (gen. diuzis), wild beast \ daur, door \ eisarn, iron\

gras (gen. grasis), grass ; haurn, horn ; huzd, treasure ;

year ;
juk, yoke ; kaum, corn ; laun, pay^ reward ; leik,

body, flesh] niaurj>r, murder \ riqis (gen. riqizis), darkness',

silubr, silver ; skip, ship ; tagl, hair ; tagr, tear. Like
haubi]? are declined liuhajj, light; wit6J>, law.

b. ja-stems.


§ 148. In this class of nouns the nom. and gen. sing, end
in -jis when the stem-syllable is short ; but in -eis when the
stem-syllable is long, or when the stem (apart from any prefix)

is of more than one syllable.



Nom. haijis, army hairdeis. herdsman

Ace. Voc. hari hairdi
Gen. haijis hairdeis
Dat. harja hairdja

Nom. haijos hairdjds
Ace. haijans hairdjans
Gen. harje hairdje
Dat. haijam hairdjam

§ 149. Like harjis are declined andasta)>jis, adversary \

nijjjis, kinsman. Like hairdeis are declined andeis,
end\ asneis, servant) bokareis, scribe \ laisareis, teacher'^

lekeis, physician ; motareis, toll-taker ; siponeis, pupil,


§ 150. USTeuters.

Sing. Plur.
Nom. Ace. Voc. kuni, race kurga
Gen. kunjis kuiije
Dat. kunja kunjam

§ 151. Like kuni are declined a large number of neuter

nouns, including both those with long and short stem-
syllables, as arbi, heritage) andbahti, service] andwair})i,
presence ; badi, bed] fairguni, mountain ; fraj>i, understand-
ing] gawi (gen. gdujis, § 129), region, district] gawairj>i,
peace ] kun]>i, knowledge ; nati, net ; reiki, rule, power ; taui
(gen. tojis, § 79), deed, work.
72 THE JA-DECLENSION, [§§ 152-154-

c. Wa-stems.

L52. Masculines.
Sing. Plur.
Nom. J>ius, servant f>iwos
Ace. J>iu }>iwans
Gen. Jjiwis fiwe
Dat. Jjiwa J^iwam

Note. — Of the masculine wa-stems there are only traces extant, viz.
the nom. and gen. pi. of *pius, and the nom. sing. sndi"ws, snow, the
ace. sing, of which would be sndiw, gen. sndiwis, see § 129.

§153. Neuters.
Sing. Plur.
Nom. Aee. Voc. kniu, knee kniTva
Gen. kniwis kniwe
Dat. kniwa kniwam
Note.— I. Only pi Liral forms of kniu are extant. Like kniu is also
declined triu, wood.
2. fraiw, seed\ hl^iw, ^rave; lew, occasion \ waiirstw, work^
retain the w in the nom. ace. sing, according to § 129, and are declined
like waiird. /

2. The 6-declension.

§ 154. The 6-declension contains feminine nouns only, and

corresponds to the Latin and Greek a-declension, for which
reason it is sometimes called the a-declension. It is divided
into pure o-stems, jo-stems, and w6-stems» The w6-stems
and also the j6-stems with a short radical syllable are declined

exactly like the pure 6-stems. The remaining j6-stems are

also declined like the pure o-stems, except that the nom. sing,
ends in -i.
§§ 155-158.1 THE 0' AND JO-DECLENSIONS. 73

§ 155. a. Pure o-stems.

Sing. Plur.
Nom. Ace. giba, gift gibos
Gen. gibos gibo
Dat. gibdi gibom

§ 156. Like giba are declined a very large number of

feminine nouns, as ahra, river ; air}>a, earth ; bida, request ;

bota, advantage ; fera, country, region ]

graba, ditch ; hairda,
herd ; karkara, prison ; laiba, remnant ; mulda, dust ; ne J>la,
needle ; rtina, mystery ; razda, language ; saiwala, soul ;

stibna, voice) stOiVLSi, judgment.

Wo-stems — bandwa, sign, token ; fijaj?wa (fiajjwa), hatred]

frijajjwa (fria}>wa), love; nidwa, 7'ust] triggwa, covenant,
j6-stems —with a short radical syllable —brakja, strife;

halja, hell] lu^io,, face] plapja, street] sibja, relationship]

sunja, truth.

§157. b. jo- stems.

Sing. Plur.
Nom. bandi, band bandjos
Ace. bandja bandjos
Gen. bandjos bandjo
Dat. bandjai bandjom

§ 158. Like bandi are declined jo-stems which have a

long stem-syllable, and those whose stems are polysyllabic, as
frii6n.6i, friend ] fraistubni, temptation] haipi, Jield] haiti,
command mawi \ (gen. maujos, § 129), maiden] J>iudangardi,
kingdom] J)iwi (gen. Jjiujos, § 129), maid-servant] wasti,
74 THE /'DECLENSION, [§§ 159-162.

3. The i-declension.

§ 169. The i-declension contains masculine and feminine

nouns only.
§ 160. a. Masculines.
Sing. Plur.
Nom. gasts, guest gasteis
Voc. gast
Ace. gast gastins
Gen. gastis *
Dat. gasta gastim
Note. — i. On nom. forms like drus, fall^ baiir, childy son, gen.
drusis, baiiris, see § 141. On the nom. sing, ndus, corpse, beside nom.
pi. naweis, see § 129.
2. The endings of the whole of the singular and of the gen. plural
being the same as those of the a-declension, it can only be decided by
aid of comparison with the other Germanic languages, whether a noun,
whose nom. dat. or ace. is not extant, belongs to this or to the

a-declension. Thus the mutated .vowel in OE. cyme, coming) dryre,

fall, shows that Goth, qums, drus belong to the i-declension.

§ 161. Like gasts are declined arms, arm ; balgs, wine-

skin barms, bosom, lap briij?faj)s (gen. -fadis, § 139), bride-
; \

groom gards, house hups, hip laists, track mats, meat

; ; ; ; ;

muns, thought', saggws, song\ sauf>s (gen, saudis, § 139),

sacrifice ; staj)s (gen. stadis, § \2>^\ place,

§ 162. b. Feminines,
Sing. Plur.
Nom. QXi!&\j^, favour ansteis
Voc. anst
Ace. anst anstins
Gen. anstais anste
Dat. anstai anstim
§§ 162-164.] THE I'DECLENSION. 75

Note. — On forms like nom. usstass, gen. usstassdis, resurrection^

see § 141.

§ 163. Like ansts are declined a great many feminine

nouns, as aihts, property ; arbaif>s (gen. arbaidais), labour ;

Bj&^Tna^ harvest \ anabusns (anabusns?), ^6?/^2^^^«;2fi^; andahafts,

answer) dails, portion) dej?s (gen. dedais), ^<f^^; fadreins,
family) fahef>s (gen. fahedais), joy) fralusts, loss) fra-
'waurhts, sin ;
gabaurjjs, birth ;
gahugds, thought ;
test ;
gamunds, remembrance ;
ganists, salvation ;
assembly ;
gaskafts, creation ;
gataurj>s, destruction ; haurds,
door) li^tB, craftiness ) missadejjs (-deds), ;?z/>^<?f^; niagaf)S,
;;2(2/^ ; mahts, power ; manase}>s (gen. -sedais), world ;

mikildujjs, greatness ; nauj>s, «^^^ ;

qens, woman ; sauhts,
sickness ; siuns, i*?^^/ ; slauhts, slaughter ; sokns, search ;

taikns, /(^te ;
)>aurfts, «^^^ ; urrists, resurrection ; wens,

§ manner are
164. In the same also declined the abstract
nouns formed from weak verbs of the second and third con-
jugation ; as lajjons, invitation^ inf. lajjon, to invite) mitons,
a thought, inf. miton, to think over) salbons, ointment, inf.

salbon, to anoifit) sunjons, a verifying, inf. sunjon, to verify;

bauains, dzvelling, inf. bauan, to inhabit ; libains, life, inf.

liban, to live ; J?ulains, sufferance, inf. }5ulan, to suffer.

Abstract nouns formed from weak verbs of the first Con-

jugation are also declined in the same manner except that
the nom. and gen. plural are like those of the 6-declension

(§ 155), thus laiseins, doctrine, gen. laiseinais, but nom.

gen. pi. laiseinos, laiseino ; other examples are galaubeins,
faith, inf. galaubjan, to believe) daupeins, baptism, inf.

daupjan, to baptize ; naseins, salvation, inf. nasjan^ to

76 THE U'DECLENSION, [§§ 164-167.

Note. —hdims, village, is declined like ansts in the singular, but

like giba (§ 155) in the plural.

The u-declension.

§ 165. The u-declension contains all three genders. The

case-endings of the masculine and feminine nouns are exactly

§ 166. a. Masculines and Peminines.

Nom. sunus (masc •)> son handus (fem.), hand
Voc. Ace. sunu handu
Gen. sunaus handaus
Dat. sunau handau
Nom. sunjus handjus
Ace. sununs handuns
Gen. suniwe handiwe
Dat. sunum handu m
Note. —The above are the regular endings, but in a few instances the
singular au- and u-endings have been confused by later scribes, e.g.
nom. sundus beside sunus, dat. sunu beside sundu.

§ 167. Similarly are declined the following masculine nouns

and a few others : airus, messenger ; asilus, ass ; dau}>us,
death ; fotus, foot ; huhrus, hunger ; hairus, sword ; hliftus,
thief \ ibnassus, evenness \ kustus, test\ lif>us, limh\ luftus,
air ; lustus, desire ; magus, hoy ; sidus, custom ; skadus,
shadow) skildus, shield) tun)>us, tooth \
)>aurnus, thorn \

})iudinassus, kingdom ; wi}>rus, iamb ; wuljjus, glory ;

wintrus, winter.
§§i68-i7i.] THE WEAK DECLENSION, 77

§ 168. Besides handus also the three feminine nouns

asiluSj she-ass ] kinnus, cheek] waddjus, wall.

b. Neuters.

§ 169. Of the neuter u-stems only a few traces are extant

in Gothic. No plural forms occur.

Nom. Ace. faihu, cattle

Gen. faihaus
Dat. faihau

Note. —The gen. fafhaus does not occur, but it can be inferred from
fild,us, the adverbial gen. of filu, much, gdiru (nom. sing.),^<?<2flf, and
sihu (ace. sing.), victory^ occur only once, and as glosses ; the latter is

probably miswritten for sign, which would then presuppose a masc.

form *sigus = OHG. sign, otherwise we should expect saihu (§ 67).
The ace. form leipu, strong drink, probably also belongs here, since it

is neuter in all the other old Germanic languages.

B. Weak Declension (N-stems).

§ 170, a. Masculines.

Sing. Plur.
Nom. hana, cock hanans
Ace. hanan hanans
Gen. hanins hanane
Dat. hanin hanam

§ 171. Like hana are declined a great number of weak

masculines; as aha, mind\ sihin.Q.j spirit ] Sittdi, father brunna,

well spring
J ; bloma, flower ; fana, bit of cloth ; galga, cross,
gallows I
gajuka, companion ;
garda, fold ;
gataura, tear^
78 THE WEAK DECLENSION, [§§171-173.

rent ; guma, man

hiuhma, crowd hliuma, hearing liuta,
; ; ;

hypocrite lukarnastajja, candlestick

; magula, little hoy ;

malma, sand mena, moon nota, stern of a ship skula,

; ; ;

debtor smakka, fig snaga, garment swaihra, father-in-

; ; ;

law BtBMdb, judge vsTQ^ha^.^ priest.

\ ]

arbja, heir ; baurgja, citizen ; bandja, prisoner ; faura-

gaggja, governor ; fiskja, fisher ; frauja, master ;
priest ; haurnja, horn-blower ; nehrundja, neighbour ; sTTvriglja,

piper] timrja, carpenter] wsirdja,, guard wilja, Z£;27/. ]

ga-waurstwa, fellow-worker ; skuggwa, mirror sparwa, ;

Note. — aba, wa;/, has in the gen. pi. abne, dat. pi. abnam ; and
aubsa, ox, has in the gen. pi. aiihsne. See § 108.

§ 172. b. Feminines.


Nom. tuggo, tongue managei, multitude

Ace. tuggon managein
Gen. tuggons manageins
Dat. tuggon managein

Nom. Ace. tuggons manageins

Gen. tuggono manageino
Dat. tuggom manageim

§ 173. Like tuggo are declined a large number of nouns,

as agio, anguish ; azgo, ash ; brinno, fever ] fuUo, fulness ;

kalbo, <r(2^; mawilo, ^^««^ maiden] mizdo, reward] qino,

woman ] stairno, star ; swaihro, mother-in-law ;
}?ah6, clay ]

}>eih;6, thunder,

arbjo, heiress ; brunjo, hreast-plate ;

gatimrjo, building ;
§§173-177-] MINOR DECLENSIONS. 79

heJ?jo, chamber \ nipjOj /emale cousin; raJ?jo, account; sakjo,


gatwo, street ; uhtwo, early morn ; wahtwo, watch.

§ 174. Like manage! are declined a large number of

nouns, most of which are formed from adjectives, as aglaitei,
lasciviousness ; aijjei, mother ; audagei, blessedness ; baitrei,
bitterness ; balf>ei, boldness ; bairhtei, brightness ; bleif>ei,

mercy ; diupei, depth ; drugkanei, drunkenness ; frodei,

understanding ;
gagudei, piety ;
garaihtei, righteousness ;

hauhhairtei, pride ; hlutrei, purity ; kilj>ei, womb ; liutei,

deceit] marei, sea ; mikilei, greatness ;

f>rainstei, locust ;

))aurstei, thirst.

§ 175. c. Weuters.
Sing. Plur.
Nom. Ace. hairto, heart hairtona
Gen. hairtins hairtane
Dat. hairtin hairtam
§ 176. Like hairto are declined the following nouns :

augo, eye ; auso, ear ; augadauro, window ; barnilo, little

child ; kaurno, corn ; sigljo, seal ; J?airk6, hole.

Note. wato, water has in the dat. pi. watnam, and namo, name^

has in the nom. ace. pi. namna other plural cases of these two words

are not extant.

C. Minor Declewsions.
§ 177. 1. Stems in -r.

Sing. Plur.
Nom. br6f>ar^ brother br6J?rjus
Ace. brojjar brofjruns
Gen. brojjrs bro}>re
Dat. br6J>r bro]?runi
8o MINOR DECLENSIONS, [§§ 177-180.

Note. —The nom. pi. is a new formation after the analogy of sunjus
(§ 166).

In the same manner are declined :

— datihtar, daughter ;

swistar, sister. The word fadar, father^ only occurs once,

and that in the voc. or nom. sing. *M6dar, mother^ does not
occur at all, instead of which dij>ei (§ 174) is used.

2. Stems in -nd.

§ 178. To this class belong participial substantives, which

were originally present participles (for the inflection of the

participles themselves, see § 200).

Sing. Plur.
Nom. frijonds, /r tend frijonds
Voc. Ace. frijond frijonds
Gen. frijondis frijonde
Dat. frijond frijondam

§ 179. In like manner are inflected the extant forms of

allwaldands, tke Almighty^ bisitands, neighbour \ daup-
jands, haptizer ; fraujinonds, ruler ; lijands, enemy ; fra-
weitands, avenger \
gibands, giver) merjands, proclaimer]
midumonds, mediator] nasjands, saviour ] talzgands, teacher

3. Masculines.

§ 180. Manna, man, is declined partly according to its

original declension, and partly according to the weak declen-

sion (§ 170), the forms of the latter are printed in italics.

Sing. Plur.
Nom. manna mans, mannans
Kc:c. mannan mans, mannans
Gen. mans manne
Dat. mann mannam
§§ 181-184.J MINOR DECLENSIONS, 81

§ 181. Of other masculines belonging here we have only

traces, as nom. menojps^ monih^ gen. menojjs (or

menojjis ?), dat. meno)?, pi. nom. ace. menojjs, dat. meno-
)>uin sing. nom. reiks, ruler
; gen. reikis, dat. reik, pi.

nom. ace. reiks, gen. reike, dat. reikam sing. nom. weit- ;

wods, witness^ ace. weitwod, pi. nom. weitwods, gen.


§ 182. 4. Feminines.
Sing. Plur.
Nom. baurgs, city batirgs
Ace. baurg baurgs
Gen. baiirgs baurge
Dat. baurg baurgim
Note. —The dat. pi. was formed after the analogy of the i-declension
(§ 162).

§183. In the same manner are declined: — alhs, temple

brusts, breast \ dul}>s, y^^j/; m.iluks, inilk\ iuita]>s (gen.

mitads), measure \ nahts, 7/?^i^/, but dat.pl. nahtam, formed

after the analogy of dagam (§ 144); spaurds, racecourse \

waihts, thing.

Note. — dulj>s and waihts are also declined according to the i-

declension (§ 162).

6. Neuters.

§ 184. Sing. nom. ace. fon, fire, gen. funins, dat. funin.
No plural forms occur.

Declension of Adjectives.

§ 185. Adjectives are declined as strong or weak (§ 294).

They have three genders, and the same cases as nouns. The
endings of the strong declension are partly nominal and
partly pronominal (the latter are given in italics).

A. STBOisra Declewsiow.
§ 186. The strong declension contains a-stems, i-stems,
and u-stems.

§ 187. The a-stems are subdivided into pure a-stems, ja-

stems, and wa-stems, like the corresponding declension of

Pure a-stems.
Sing. .

Masc. A^euf. Fern.

Nom. blinds, blind blind, blind^/^ blinda
Ace. tlin&ana blind, blinda/tz blinda
Gen. blindiR blindis hlinddizds
Dat. \y\iiiidamma hlindamma blinddi

Nom. blinds/ blinda blindos
Ace. blindans blinda blindos
Gen. hlinddzze hlinddtze hlinddtzo
Dat. hlinddtm blinda/>?2 hlinddim
Note. — On adjectives like Idus, empty (gen. l^usis) ; gaqiss, con-
senting (gen. gaqissis) ; see § 141.

§ 188. Like blinds are declined by far the greater ma-

jority of Gothic adjectives. Examples are aiweins, eternal ;

air}>eins, earthly ; alls, all ; arms, poor ; audags, blessed ;

bairhts, bright ; baitrs, bitter ; barnisks, childish ; diups,

deep\ dumbs, dumb] dwals, /bolish ; fagrs, beautiful] fro)?s
(gen. frodis), wise ; fulgins, hidden ; fulls, full ;
like] gaurs, sad] g6)?s (gen. ^b6!iB),good] gredags, hungry]
guljjeins, golden ; hails, whole ; halts, lame ; handugs, wise ;

hlutrs, /)wr^ ; hul)?s, gracious ] ibns, ^z^^/z ; juggs, young ]

kalds, cold ; laggs, long ; lats, slothful ; leitils, /////^ ; liufs

(gen. liubis), dear ] mahts, possible ] mahteigs, mighty ]

manags, much ; mikils, great ] m.6dags, angry ; raihts,

right ] saf>s (gen. sadis), full ] sineigs, old ; siuks, sick ;

smals, small] snutrs, wise] swarts, black] swers, honoured]

swinj?s, strong ; tils, fit ] ubils, evil ] unweis, unlearned ;

wairf)s, worthy] weihs, holy.


§ 189. The ja-stems are divided into two classes like the

corresponding declension of nouns (§148): (i) ja-stems

with a short radical syllable, and those whose stems end in a
vowel ; (2) ja-stems with a long stem-syllable. The latter

only differ from the former in the singular.


Masc, NeuL Fern,

Nom. midjis, middle midi, m.idj(2/a mtidja

Ace. Txiid^ana midi, m.idja/a midja
Gen, m.idjis midjis rsn.'d^dizds

Dat. xnidjamma mx^amma midjai

G 2

Masc, NeuL Fern,
Norn. midj^/* midja midjos
Ace. midjans midja midjos
Gen. lanA^dize mididize jxiidi at zo

Dat. m.ididzm mi^idzm mididim

§ 190. Like midjis are declined fuUatdjis, per/ec/ ; niujis,

new; ubiltojis, evz'l doing, Frija-,yr^^, has in the nom. sing,

masc. freis.

§ 191.
Masc. Neut. Fern.
Nom. wil}>eis, wild wil})i, wilpja/a wil)?i

Ace. wilpiana wil)?i, wilpia/a wilfja

Gen. wiljjeis (or -jis ?) wil}>eis (or -jis ?) wilpjdt zos
Dat. "wilpiamma wilpiamma wilfjai

Note. — The gen. sing, of an adjective belonging to this class is not


§ 192. Like wilj?eis are declined alrzeis, astray, aljjeis,

old\ fairneis, old\ w6J?eis, sweet.


§ 193. The wa-stems are declined like the pure a-stems.

Only a very few adjectives of this class are extant in Gothic
triggws, true; lasiws, weak^ the regular form of which
would be *lasius (§ 141), occurs once only, and that in the

nom. sing. masc. The nom. singular forms *qius, alive^ pi

qiwai; *faus, little, pi. fawai; *usskaus, vigilant, pi. uss-

kawdi, do not occur. See § 141.



§ 104. The declension of an i-stem differs but slightly

from that of midjis, viz. in the nom. sing. masc. and fern.,

and in the nominal form of the nom. ace. sing. neut. The
gen. sing. fem. of an adjective of this class is not extant
nor is the -ata form of the nom. ace. sing. neut.

Masc, Neut, Fem.
Nom. hrdins, clean hrdin hrains
Ace. hrdinj^wa hrdin hrainja
Gen. hrainis hrdinis *hrdinj^/2^f
Dat. \\xkvc^amma \ixk\n^amma hrainjai

Nom. hrainjtf/ hrainja hrainjos
Ace. hrdinjans hrdinja hrdinjos
Gen. hrainidize hx^injdtze YnoBin^dizo
Dat. hrsiinidim hrainidzm hv^iuidim

§ 196. Like hrdins are declined analdugns, hidden] ana-

siuns, visible andanems, pleasant dujjs, desert brtiks,
; ; ;

useful] ^oSkvoc^^ well-behaved] gamdins, common] sels, kind]

skduns, beautiful skeirs, clear
; suts, sweet and a few
; ]


§ 196. The u-forms appear only in the nom. sing, of all

genders and in the ace. sing. neut. The gen. and dat. sing,
of all genders are wanting. The ending of the gen. sing. masc.
and neut. would probably be -due; cp. the adverbial gen.
fildus (§ 291). The nom. ace. neut. pi. are also wanting.
All the other extant cases have passed over into the ja-

Masc. Neut, Fern.
Norn. hardus, hard hardu, hscrdjafa hardus
Ace. hsirdj ana hardu, hardja/a hardja
Gen. *hardaus *hardaus *h.Sirdidtzds

Dat. '^havdjamma *h.SbYdiamma *hardjai

Norn. hardja/ hardja hardjos
Aec. hardjans hardja hardjos
Gen. hardjdize hsirdjdize hardjdizd
Dat. haxdidim h.SLrdjdim heiYdjdwi

§ 197. Like hardus are declined the following adjectives

—aggwus, narrow ; aglus, difficult ; hnasqus, soft ; katirus,
heavy \ laushandus, empty handed) manwus, ready) qairrus,
gentle ; seif>us, late ; tulgus, steadfast ; twalibwintrus, twelve
years old] )?aursus, withered] }?laqus, soft.

B. Weak DECLEisrsiON-
§ 198. The weak declension of adjectives agrees exactly
with that of the three nouns hana (§ 170), hairto (§ 175), and
tuggo (§ 172).
Masc. Neut. Fern,
Nom. blinda, blind blindo blindo
Ace. blindan blindo blindon
Gen. blindins blindins blindons
Dat. blindin blindin blindon
Nom. blindans blindona blindons
Ace. blindans blindona blindons
Gen. blindane blindane blindono
Dat. blindam blindam blindom

§ 199. In the same manner are declined the weak forms of

the ja-stems. The i- and u-stems are also thus declined, but
have the endings -ja, -jo, -jo in the nom. sing, like the ja-

stems, thus :


Masc, Neut. Fern,
Nom. niuja, new niujo niujo
Ace. niujan niujo niujon
&c. &c. &c.

Nom. wiljyja, wild wil)?j6 wiljjjo
Ace. wil}?jan wiljjjo wilfjon
&c. &c. &c.

i -stems.

Masc. Neut, Fern,
Nom. hrainja, cleat I hrainjo hrainjo
Ace. hrainjan hrainjo hrainjon
&c. &c. &c.

Masc, Neut. Fern,
Nom. hardja, hard hardjo hardjo
Ace. hardjan hardjo hardjon
&c. &c. &c.

C. DECIiENSIOIjr OF Pabticiples.
§ 200. In the nom. sing. masc. the present participle has

both a strong form nimands and a weak form nimanda. In

other respects the declension of the present participle agrees
exactly with that of the three nouns hana (§ 170), hairto
(§ 175), and managei (§ 172).

Masc, Neut, Fern,
Nom. nimands, nimanda, taking nimandS nimandei
Ace. nimandan nimando nimandein
Gen. nimandins nimandins nimandeins
Dat. nimandin nimandin nimandein
Nom. nimandans nimandona nimandeins
Ace. nimandans nimandona nimandeins
Gen. nimandane nimandane nimandeino
Dat. nimandam nimandam nimandeim

§ 201. The past participle has both the strong and the
weak declension. In the former case it is declined like blinds

(§187), and in the latter like blinda (§198).

§ 20;2. Strong.

Masc. Neut. Fern,

Nom . numans, taken numan, numanata numana
Ace. numanana numan, numanata numana
&c. &c. &c.

In the same manner are declined the past participles of weak

verbs, as nasij?s, saved^ ace. nasidana; salbo]?s, anointed,

ace. salbodana, &c. On the interchange of \> and d see

§ 139.

§ 203. Weak.

Masc. Neut, Fern.

Norn. 1 numana numano numano

I nasida nasido nasido

f miTTianan numano numan6n
i- i.\^V^.

I nasidan nasido nasidon

&c. &c. &c.

D. The Compabisow of Adjectives. •

1. The Comparative Degree.

§ 204. The comparative is formed by means of the two

suffixes -iz- ( = OHG. -ir-) and -6z- (=OHG. -or-). It

follows the weak declension and is declined like the present

participle (§ 200), except that the nom. sing. masc. is always
weak, ja-stems, i-stems, and u-stems take the suffix -iz-
pure a-stems sometimes take the one, sometimes the other
suffix, thus :

Positive. Comparative.
manags, great managiza
iu^S^, young juhiza(§§ 60, 119)
s-winj^s, strong swinjjoza
alj>eis, old al}>iza

suts, sweet sutiza

hardus, hard hardiza

2. The Superlative.

§ 205. The superlative is formed by means of the two

suffixes -ist- and -ost-. The rule seems to have been that
adjectives which had -iz- in the comparative had -ist- in the

superlative, and those which had -oz- in the comparative had

-ost- in the superlative ; but there are not sufficient examples
of the comparative and superlative of the same adjective
extant to enable us to establish the rule with certainty. The
superlative has both the strong and weak declension. In the
former case it is declined hke blinds (§ 187), except that the
neut. nom. ace. sing, in -ata does not occur, and perhaps
was not in use; and in the latter case like blinda (§ 198).
Examples of the superlative are armosts, poorest ; hauhists,
highest ; managists, greatest,

3. Irregular Comparison.

§ 206. The following adjectives form their comparative and

superlative from a different root or stem than the positive :


g6J?s (gen. godis), good batiza batists
leitils, little minniza minnists
mikils, great maiza maists
sineigs, old wanting sinista
ubils, evil wairsiza wanting

Note.— sinista is used as the translation of Gr. irpfaPiiTepos, elder,

pdi sinistans, the elders,

§ 207. There are also six superlative forms ending in -ma,

-tuma, -duma, which have been formed from adverbial stems :

fruma, first ; innuma, inmost ; auhuma, higher ; aftuma.

§§ 207-2IO.] ' CARDINAL NUMERALS. 91

last\ iftuma, next\ hleiduma, left.They are all declined

weak, and the feminine follows manage! (§ 172). auhuma
and hleiduma have lost their superlative meaning. To
auhuma a new superlative auhumists (auhmists), highest,
was formed : in like manner frumists, first, foremost \

aftum.ists, last, aftermost ; hindumists, hindmost, from

*hinduma ; spedum.ists, last, from *speduma, are properly
double superlatives.


1. Cardinals.

§208. The extant cardinal numerals are: — dins, one)

twai, two\ f)rija (neut.), three \ fidMvov, four ] fimf, five]
saihs, SIX] sibun, seven] ahtau, eight] niun, nine] taihun,
ten ] *ainlif (but dat.ainlibim), eleven] twalif (dat. twalibim),
twelve ] fidwortaihun, fourteen ] fimftaihun, fifteen ; twai
tigjus, twenty] *f>reis tigjus (but ace. f>rins tiguns), thirty]
fidwor tigjus, y^r/j/; fimf tigjus, 7^/?j/ ; saihs tigjus, sixty]
sibuntehund,^^?;^;^/^? ahtautehund, ^2^>^/y; niuntehund(gen.
niuntehundis), ninety ; taihuntehund (taihuntaihund),
hundred ; twa hunda, two hundred ;
}?rija hunda, three
hundred ; fimf hunda, five hundred ; niun hunda, nine
hundred] f>iisundi, thousand] twos }>iisundjos, two thousand]
•g- (=*}>reis, see § 3) ]?iisundjos, three thousand] fidwor }>u-

BMn6.]6s, four thousand fi.in.f \>VL&ui[i&ios,

\ five thousand] and
the datives mif> taihun J^usundjom, wilh ten thousand] mij?
twaim tigum J?usundj6, with twenty thousand. See § 3.
§ 209. The first three cardinal numerals are declinable in
all cases and genders.
§ 210. (i) ains, neut. din, dinata, fern, aina is always
92 CARDINAL NUMERALS, [§§ 210-213.

Strong and is declined like blinds (§ 187). Plural forms

meaning only^ alone also occur.

§ 211. (2) Masc. Neut. Fem.

Nom. twai twa twos
Ace. t'wans t"wa twos
Gen. twaddje twaddje —
Dat. twdim twdim twaim

§ 212. (3) Masc. NeuL Fem.

Nom. *}5reis )>rija *J>reis

Ace. ]>rins f»rija J?rins

Gen. fryg frije
Dat. Jjrim )>riin

§ 213. The cardinal numerals 4-15 usually remain un-

inflected : when inflected they follow the i-declension (§ 159),
forming their dat. in -im, gen. in -e ; the existing examples
are dat. fidworim, taihunim, dinlibim, twalibim, fimftai-
hunim, gen. niune, twalibe. The cardinal numerals 20-60
are formed by means of the units and the noun *tigus, decade,
which does not exist in the singularj but in the plural is

declined like sunus (§ 166). These numerals govern the

gen. case. The existing ace. gen. dat. forms are : — ace.

J>rins tiguns, fidwor tlguns, fimf tiguns; gen. Jjrije

tigiwe ; dat. twaim tigura, saihs tigum. The foimation

of the numerals 70-100 is difficult to explain; for an ac-
count of the various explanations hitherto proposed, see
OsthofF-Brugmann's *
Morphologische Untersuchungen/ v.

pp. 11-17. The numerals 200, 300, 500, 900 are formed
from the units and the neut. noun hund, hundred, which is

declined like waurd (§ 146). They govern the gen. case.


The only existing inflected forms of the oblique cases are :

dat. twaim hundam, fiinf hundam ;

)>usundi is a fern, noun,
declined like bandi (§ 157), and governs the gen. case. The
examples of the oblique cases are : dat. fidwor fusundjom,
fimf J>usundj6in, and those given in § 208.

2. Ordinals.

§ 214. The extant ordinals are : — fruma (frumists, § 207),

first \ anf)ar, second \ \>Tidia,y Mrd ; saihsta, sixth \ ahtuda,

eighth ; niunda, ninth ; taihunda, tenth ; fimftataihunda,
fifteenth (dat. fiinftataihundin).

§ 215. fruma follows the weak declension, the fern, of

which is declined like managei (§ 172). an}>ar is declined
strong like blinds (§ 187), except that the nom. ace. neut,
never ends in -ata; nom. masc. an|>ar (§ 141), neut. an}>ar,

fern. an)>ara. The remaining ordinals are declined weak

like blinda (§ 198).

3. Other Numerals.

§ 216. Both is expressed by masc. nom. bai, ace. bans,

dat. baim, neut. nom. ace. ba ; also by masc. nom. baj6f>s,
dat. bajojjum.
§ 217. The only extant simple distributive numeral is

tweihnai, two each, of which the fem. ace. tweihnos, dat.

tweihnaim occur. Distributive numerals are expressed by

prepositional or pronominal phrases twans ai}5j?au maist : bi
}>rins, by twos or at most by threes] ana hrarjanoh (§ 234)

fimftiguns, by fifties in each {company^ insandida ins twans ;

hranzuh (§ 234), he sent them forth two and two.

§ 218. Multiplicatives are formed by adding the adj. fal)>-

to the cardinals. They are ainfaljjs, onefold, simple ; fidur-

94 PERSONAL PRONOUNS. [§§ 218-220.

fel\>B, /our/old ] taihuntaihundfal}>s, hundred/old', manag-

fal}>s, manifold.

Note. —Observe that instead of fidwor we have fidur- in compounds

other examples are : fidurdogs {Sidi].) ^ space offour days \ fidurragineis,
tetrarchate \ cp. OE. fy^evtete^fourfooted,

§ 219. Numeral adverbs in answer to the question, how

often ? are expressed by numerals together with the dat. sing,

and pi. of *sinf»s, time (lit. a going) : ainamma sinj>a, once

anjjaramma sinfja, a second time ; twaim sinjjam, twice ;

Jjrim sinjjam, thrice ; fimf sinjjam, five times ; sibun sin]>ain,

seven times ; cp. OE. »ne sitJa, once ; f if siSum, five times.



220. 1. Personal.
First Person,
Sing. Dual. Plur.
Nom. ik,/ wit weis
Ace. mik ugkis, ugk uns, unsis
Gen. meina ugkara unsara
Dat. mis ugkis uns, unsis

Second Person,
Nom. ])u, thou *jut jus
Ace. J>uk igqis i2wis
Gen. feina igqara izwara
Dat. J)us igqis izwis

Third Person.
Masc, Neut Fem>
Norn, is, he ita, it si, she
Ace. ina ita Ua
Gen. is is izos
Dat. imma imma izai

Nom. eis . ya *ijos
Aee. ins *ija ijos
Gen. ize *ize izo
Dat. im im im
§ 221. 2. Reflexive.

Ace. sik, oneself

Gen. seina
Dat. sis

Note. — sik, seina, sis are used for both numbers and all genders of
the third person.

3. Possessive.

§ 222. The possessive pronouns of the first and second

persons are formed from the gen. case of the corresponding
personal pronouns, thus meins, my] *ugkar, 0/ us two]
unsar, our ; Jjeins, thy ; igqar, ofyou two ; izwar, your.
The possessive pronoun of the third person is formed from
the gen. of the reflexive pronoun for the ace. gen. dat. sing,

and plural. This form of the possessive pronoun is only

used when it relates to the subject of its own sentence.
When it relates to any word other than the subject of its own
sentence, it is expressed by the gen. case of the personal pronoun
masc. and neut. sing, is, plural ize ; fem. sing, izos, plural izo.

The nom. of the possessive pronoun for both sing, and plural
all genders is expressed by the gen. case of the personal
pronoun (§ 220). See § 295.
§ 223. The possessive pronouns are declined according to
the strong declension like blinds (§ 187). The possessive
pronouns ending in -ar do not have the form in -ata in the

nom. ace. sing. neut. On the nom. sing. masc. unsar, &c.,
see § 141 :

Masc, Neut, Fem,
Nom, meins mein, meinata meina
unsar unsar unsara
Ace. meinana mein, meinata meina
unsarana unsar unsara
seinana sein, seinata seina

4. Demonstrative.

§ 224. The simple demonstrative sa, ]>ata, so was used both

as demonstrative pronoun this^ thai, and as definite article,

Masc, Neut. Fem.
Nom. sa }>ata so
Ace. J>ana J>ata fo
Gen. J,i8 ],i8 ]>izos

Dat. J>amma ]>amma J)izai

Nom. Jjai ],o ]}OS

Ace. ]7ans J,o ]>os

Gen. ]>ize }>ize J)izo

Dat. J)aim })aim ))dim


Note. — i. An instrumental neut. sing, has been preserved in the phrase

ni pe haldis, none the more^ and as a factor n several conjunctions i :

bi-J)e, whilst; jaj>-pe, andif\ pe-ei, that, &c.

2. The final a in Jjata is usually elided before ist, pat' ist.

§ 225. The compound demonstrative pronoun is formed

from the simple one by 1 affixing the enclitic particle -uh.

Masc, Neut, Fern.
Nom. sah, this, that }>atuh soh
Ace. Jjanuh Jjatuh ]>oh
Geri. Jjizuh Jjizuh Jjizozuh
Dat. Jjammuh Jrammuh Jjizaib

Nom. Jjaih fob Jjozuh
Ace. Jjanzuh Jjoh })6zuh
Gen. ])izeh J)izeh J>iz.6h

Dat. Jjaimuh Jjaimuh Jjaimuh

Note. — i. Of the plural of all genders only the nom. masc. is extant,

and of the fern. sing, only the nom. is found.

2. Where the cases of the simple pronoun end in -a this a is elided
before the u (except in the nom. sing, masc), but after a long vowel or
a diphthong the u of uh is elided. On the z in pizuh, &c., see § 141.

§ 226. Of the demonstrative pronoun *his only the ace.,

dat. sing, of the masc. and neut. have been preserved in a

few adverbial phrases of time, as himraa daga, on this day,

to-day ] und hina dag, to this day fram himma, ; henceforth ;

und hit a, und hita nu, ti'It now, hitherto.

§ 227. jains, that, yon, is declined like blinds (§ 187).
The nom. ace. sing. neut. is always jainata.
§ 228. silba, setf\ and saraa, same) are declined like

blinda (§ 198).

98 RELATIVE PRONOUNS. [§§ 229 231,

5. Relative.

§ 229. A relative pronoun proper did not exist in Gothic,

its place was supplied by affixing to simple demonstrative or
personal pronouns the particle el, that,

§ 230. The relative pronoun of the third person is expressed

by affixing the particle ei to the simple demonstrative sa, J>ata,
BO, and is declined as follows :

Masc. Neut. Fein,
Nom. saei Jjatel soei
Ace, ])anei Jjatei J36ei
Gen. J>i2ei J}izei Jjizozei
Dat, ^ammei ^ammei ]>izaiei

Nom. faiei fpel J)6zei
Ace. Jjanzei J)oel Jjozei
Gen. J>izeei J>izeei *J>iz6ei
Dat. Jjaimei Jjaimei Jjaimei

Note.— I. An instrumental neut. pe-ei also occurs, but only as a con-

junction. }?atei is also used as. a conjunction.
2. Where the cases of the simple pronoun end in -a this -a is elided
before the particle ei (except in, the nom. sing, masc ). On the z in
pizei, &c., see § 141.
3. Besides the nom. sing, forms saei, soei, there also occur forms
made from + ei) fern,
the personal pronouns, thus masc. izei (from is ;

sei (from si + ei), which is more

met with than soei. Instead
of izei the form ize occasiop^lly occurs (cp. §§6, 7). The form izei
^ize) is sornetimes also used for the nom, pi. masc. pai sind pai ize, ;

these are they ivho\ atsalbip faiira liugnapraufetum pdim izei

qimand at izwis, bewai-e offalse prophets, of them who come to you.

§ 231. The relative pronoun for the first and second


persons is expressed by suffixing ei to the respective personal

pronouns, thus ikei, (/) who ; J>uei, (Jhou) who Jjukei, {thee)

whom ; J>uzei, (to thee) whom ;

juzei, [ye) who dat. pi.

izwizei, {to you) whom.

6. Interrogative.

§ 232. Of the simple interrogative pronoun, only singular

forms occur.
Masc. Neut. Fern,
Nom. hjas, who hra, what hro
Ace. hrana hra hro
Gen. hris hjis *hjiz6s
Dat. hjamma hrarmna hrizai

Note. — i. An instrumental neut. lue, how^ is also found.

2. A trace of the compound form hianzuh
plural occurs in the
(§ 234); insandida ins twans Ivanzuh, he sent them forth two and
3. On Ivas, h;a, luo, used as an indefinite pronoun, see § 238.

§ 233. Nom.
masc. and neut. hraj>ar, which of two,

(other cases do not occur) hrarjis, which {out of many),


inflected like midjis (§ 189), except that the neut. nom. sing,

always ends in -ata ; hrileiks, what sort of] hrelau]>s (fern,

hrelauda), how great swaleiks, such swalaujjs (fem.
; ;

swalauda), so great. The extant cases of the last four words

are inflected like blinds (§ 187).

7. Indefinite.

§ 234. From hras, hrarjis, hraj)ar are formed by means

of the particle uh, the three indefinite pronouns hrazuh, each,

every \ luarjizuh, each^ every] lira}>aruh, each of two] but of

H 2

the last only the dat. masc. occurs hraj}arammeh (and in

the form ainhrajjarammeh, to each one of two). The other

two are declined thus :—

Masc. Neut. Fern.

Nom. larazuh hrah hi oh

Ace. liranoh hrah hroh

Gen. lirizuh Ivizuh hrizozuh
Dat. luammeh hrammeh hrizaih

Note. — Of the fern, only the nom. occurs. Ace. pi. masc, luanzuh
^Iso occurs (§ 232 note).


Masc. Neut. Fein.

Nom. hrarjizuh hrarjatoh hrarjoh
Ace. hrarjanoh hrarjatoh hrarjoh
Gen. hrarjizuh hrarjizuh hrarjizozuh
Dat, hrarjammeh hrarjammeh hrarjaih

Note. — i. Of the neut. only the nom. and of the fem. only the ace.
2. The uninflected form ain- prefixed to hjarjizuh forms the com-

pound dinh;arjizuh, every one. The foUowmg cases are found masc. :

sing. nom. ainluarjizuh, ace. ainluarjanoh, gen. ainh;arjizuh, dat.

ainhjarjaniineh, nom. sing. neut. ainluarjatdh.

§ 235. The three combinations hrazuh saei, sahrazuh

saei, sahrazuh izei are used in the nom. sing. masc. with
the meaning whosoever ; the corresponding neut., which only
occurs in the ace. sing., is Jjatahrah })ei, whatsoever.
Another compound indefinite pronoun with the same mean-
ing is formed by prefixing an indeclinable ]>is to hrazuh,

hrah, followed by saei (neut. fatei), Jjei, or ei. It is de-

clined as follows :

Masc. Neut.
Nom. J>ishrazuh saei J)ish;ah J>ei or Jjatei
Ace. J>ishranoh saei ])ishrah J>ei or Jjatei
Gen. wanting }>ishrizuh Jjei

Dat. Jjisluamnieh saei Jjishramineh Jjei

§ 236. Sums, some ojte, a certain one, declined like blinds

(§ 187). Sums . . . sum.s (=:Gn o \xiv . , . 6 6e), the one

. . . the other] in this usage the particle uh is generally

added to the second member, and sometimes to the first

also, as nom. pi. sumai(h) . . , suxaaih, so?ne . . . and


§ 237. From hras, who, manna, nmn, ains, one, are

formed with the enclitic particle hunj the three indefinite

pronouns hrashun, mannahun, ainshun. They always

occur along with the negative particle ni in the meaning
no one, no, none (neut.), nothing. Of the first only the nom-
sing. masc. ni hrashun, no one, occurs. Of the second,
which is naturally always masc, we nave sing. nom. ni
mannahun, no one, ace. ni mannanhun, gen. ni manshun,
dat. ni mannhun. Wi ainshun, 710 one, no, none (neut.),
nothing, is declined thus

Masc. Neut. Fern.
Nom. ainshun ainhun ainohun
Ace. 1 I ainhun ainohun
\ ainohun J

Gen. ainishun ainishun *ainaiz6shun

Dat. ainummehun ainummehun ainaihun
102 VERBS, [§§ 238, 239.

§ 238. The simple interrogative hras, hra is often used

indefinitely with the meaning anyone, neut. anything ; also the
numeral ains, one^ a certain one.



§ 239. The Gothic verb has the following independent

forms :

Two voices : active and passive. The passive (originally

middle) only occurs in the indicative and subjunctive present
the other forms are supplied by the past participle used with
wair]:an or wisan. See § 297.
Three numbers : singular, dual, and plural. In the passive
there is no dual, and in the dual active the third person is

Three persons : The third person of the dual is wanting.
In the present passive there is only one form for all three
persons of the plural.
Two tenses : present and preterite.
Two complete moods : indicative and subjunctive (origin-

ally optative), besides an imperative which is only used in

the present tense of the active.
A present infinitive which is an uninflected verbal sub-
stantive, a present participle with active meaning, and a past
participle with passive meaning.
§§ 240-243.] CONJUGATION OF VERBS, 103


§ 240. The Gothic verbs are divided into two great classes
(strong and weak) according to the formation of the preterite
tense. Besides these two great classes of strong and weak
verbs, there are a few others which will be treated under the
general heading Minor Oroups,
§ 241. Strong verbs form their preterite by ablaut (nima,
/ take, nam, / took), or simply by reduplication (haita, / call,
haihait, / called), or else by ablaut and reduplication com-
bined (teka, / touch, tait6k, / touched). The strong verbs
are subdivided into two classes : non-reduplicated and re-
duplicated verbs. The non-reduplicated verbs are divided
into six classes according to the first six ablaut-series given
in § 105. The reduplicated verbs, which form their preterite
by ablaut and reduplication combined, belong to the seventh
ablaut-series (§ 105). Both these and those which form
their preterite by reduplication simply, are here put together
and called Class VII
§ 242. Weak verbs form their preterite by the addition of
the syllable -da, (-ta), as sokja, / seek, sokida, / sought',

bugja, / buy, bauhta, / bought ; salbo, / anoint, salboda, /

anointed. The weak verbs, which for the most part are de-
rivatives, are divided into four classes according as the infini-

tive ends in -jan (sokjan, to seek), -on (salbon, to anoint),

-an (haban, to have), -nan (fullnan, to become full),

A. Strong Verbs.
§ 243. The conjugation of niman, to take, and haitan, to

call, will serve as models for all strong verbs.


a. ^.ctive.
In0ic. SuBj.
Sing. I. nima haiita nimau haitau
2. nimis haitis nimais haitais
3- nimijj haitij) nimai haitai
Dual t. nimos haitos niinaiwa haitaiwa
2. nimats haitats nimaits haitaits
Plur. I. nimam haitam riimaima haitaima
2. nimi]) haitij) nimaij) haitaij)

3. niinand haitand nimaina haitaina

Sing. 2. nim hait
3. nimadati haitadau
Dual 2. nimats haitats
Plur. I. nimam haitam
2. nimij> haitij}

3. nimandau haitandau


niman haitan


nimands haitands

Indic. SuBJ.

Sing. I. nam haihait nemjau haihaitjdu

2. namt haihaist nemeis haihaiteis
3- nam haihait nemi haihaiti

Indic. Subj '.

Dual I. nemu haihaitu nemeiwa haihaiteiTva

2. nemuts haihaituts nemeits haihaiteits
Plur. I. nemum haihaitum nemeima haihaiteima
2. nemuj? haihaituj> nemeijj haihaitei]>

3- nemun haihaitun nemeina haihaiteina

numans haitans

b. Passive.

Indic. Subj \,

Sing. I. nimada haitada nimaidau haitaidau

2. nimaza haitaza nimaizau haitaizau
3- nimada haitada nimaidau haitaidau
nimanda haitanda nimaindau haitaindau

Note. i. Owing to the limited amount of Gothic which has come
down to us, there is not a single verb extant in all its forms. Of most
verbs only very few forms occur, and of many only one or two. The
forms wanting in the paradigms of niman and hditan have been sup-
plied from the extant forms of other verbs. The first pers. dual pret.
subj. does not occur at all, either in strong or weak verbs, but it may be
inferred to have been nem-eiwa because of the corresponding present,
2. In the imperative 2 pers. sing, and pret. indic. i, 3 pers. sing., final
b, d become f,
as imper. gif, pret. gaf, inf. giban, to give ;
af-skduf, bap, -baup, inf. af-skiuban, to push aside \ bidjan, to pray,
-biudan, to bid. See §§ 133, 139.
3. In the 2 pers. sing. pret. indic., b appears as f, and a dental appears
as s, before the personal ending, as gaft, inf. giban, to give; groft, inf.

graban, to dig\ ana-baust, inf. ana-biudan, to bid\ bi-gast, inf. bi-

gitan, to find\ haihaist, inf. haitan, to call ;
qast, inf. qipan, to say.

See § 120.
io6 STRONG VERBS, CLASSES /, //. [§§ 244-247,

1. Non-reduplicated Strong Verbs.

§ 244. In order to be able to conjugate a strong verb of

the non-reduplicated class, it is necessary to know the four
stems, as seen (i) in the infin., (2) i pers. sing. pret. indie,

(3) I pers. pi. pret. indie, (4) the past participle. See
§§ 105, 107.

§245. CliASS I.

Infin. Pret. Sg. Pret. Pl. P.P.

ei ai i(ai, §67) i (ai, § 67)
beidan, lo await baijj bidum bidans
sneij>an, to cut snai|> snij>uin snijjans
leihran, to lend laihr laihjum laihr ans

§ 246. To this class also belong :

beitan, to bite ; deigan,.
to knead ; dreiban, to drive ;
greipan, to seize ; hneiwan, to

bow \ bi-leiban, to remain ;

ga-leipan, to go; ur-reisan, to

arise ; skeinan, to shine ; dis-skreitan, to rend ;

to smear; speiwan, to spit; steigan, to ascend; sweiban, to

cease ;
ga-teihan, to tetl ;
Jjeihan, to thrive ;
J>reihan, to press
upon ; weihan, to fight ; weipan, to crown ; in-weitan, to


§ 247. CLASS II.

Infin. Pret. Sg. Pret. Pl. P.P.

iu au u(au, §71) u (au, § 69)
ana-biudan, to bid -bauj) -budum -budans
driusan, to fall draus drusum drusans
tiuhan, to lead tauh tauhum taiihans
§§ 248-250.] STRONG VERBS, CLASS III, 107

§ 248. To this class also belong : — biugan, to bend ;

driugan, /(? serve as a soldier \

giutan, to pour; hiufan, to

mourn ; dis-hniupan, to break asunder ; kiusan, to test ; kriu-

stan, to gnash ; liudan, to grow ; liugan, to lie ; fra-liusan,
to lose ;
ga-ltikan, to shut ; niutan, to enjoy ; siukan, to be

sick] af-skiuban, to push aside] sliupan, to slip] Jjliuhan, to

flee ] us-J?riutan, to trouble.

Note. — ga-lukan (-ld,uk, -lukum, -lukans), is properly an aorist

present, like Gr. Tvcpcoy rpi^oj.

Class III.

§ 249. To this class belong all strong verbs having a

medial, nasal, or liquid + a consonant, and a few others in
which the vowel is followed by two consonants other than
nasal or liquid + a consonant. Cp. § 107.

Infin. Pret. Sg. Pret. Pl. P.P.

i (ai, §§ 65, 67) a u (au, § 71) u(au, §§ 69,71)
bindan, to bind band bundum bundans
hilpan, to help halp hulpum hulpans
wairjjan, to become warj) waurjjum waurjjans

§ 250. To this class also belong :

—bairgan, to keep ;

bliggwan (§ 129 note), to beat] brinnan, to burn] drigkan,

to drink ; filhan, to hide ; finjjan, to find ; us-gildan, to

repay ; du-ginnan, to begin ; uf-gairdan, to gird up ] fra-

hinjjan, to capture ; hrairban, to walk ] af- linn an, to depart ;

rinnan, to run ; siggwan, to sing ; sigqan, to sink ; fra-

slindan, to swallow up ] spinnan, to spin ] stigqan, to thrust ;

af-swairban, to wipe out ; swiltan, to die ; ana-trimpan,

io8 STRONG VERBS, CLASSES IV, V. [§§ 250-25^.

to tread on] at-J)insan, to attract] ga-J)airsan, to wither]

J}riskan, to thresh ] wairpan, to throw ] wilwan, to rob ;

windan, to wind] w^innan, to suffer] ga-wrisqan, to hear


§ 251. To this class belong strong verbs whose stems end
in a single nasal or liquid, and a few others. Cp. § 107.

Infin. Pret. Sg. Pret. Pl. P.P.

i (ai, § 65) a e a (au, § 69)

niman, to take nam nemum namans
bairan, to bear bar berum baiirans

§ 252. To this class belong also: — brikan, to break]

qiman, to come] stilan, to steal] ga-tairan, to destroy] ga-
timan, to suit] trudan, to tread.

Note. —trudan (*trap, *tredum, trudans), is properly an aorist

present, like ga-lukan (§ 248 note).

Class V.
§ 253. To this class belong strong verbs having i (ai) in

the infinitive, and whose stems end in a single consonant

other than a liquid or a nasal. Cp. § 107.

Infin. Pret. Sg. Pret. Pl. P.P.

i (ai, § 65) a e i (ai, § Qb)
giban, to give gaf gebum gibans
qijjan, to say qaj) qe])uni qijjans
safhran, to see sahr sehrum saihrans
sniwan, to hasten snau (§121}) snewum sniwa,nB
§§ 254-256.] STRONG VERBS, CLASS VI. 109

§ 254. To this class also belong : bidjan, to pray ; diwan,

to die ; fitan, to travail in birth ; fraihnan, to ask ; bi-gitan,
to find', hlifaTi, to steal -^
itan, to eat] ligan, to lie down\
lisan, to gather ; mitan, to measure ;
ga-nisan, to he saved ;

nij>an, to help ; rikan, to heap up ; sitan, to sit ;

to hind) ga-wigan, to shake down ; "wisan, to he, remaifi ;

wrikan, to persecute.

Note. — In bidjan (bap, bedum, bidans), the j belongs to the

present only. In the present tense bidjan is conjugated like, nasjan
(§ 261). sitan, ligan are new formations. The regular forms would
be *sitjan, *ligjan, cp. the corresponding forms of the other Germanic
In fraihnan (frah, frehum, fraihans), the n belongs to the present
only. The pret. of itan is et (occurring in fret, pret. of fra-itan, to
devour) =^0Y.. set, OHG. §5, Lat. edi.

§255. Class VI.

Infin. Pret. Sg. Pret. Pl. P.P.
a 6 a
alan, to groiv 51 olum alans
slahan, to smite sloh slohum slahans
graban, to dig grof grobum grabans
fraj?jan, to understand fic6}p fr6]>uin fra]jans

§ 256. To this class also belong :—usanan, to expire;

ga-daban, to hesee7n ;
ga- drab an, to hew out ga-dragan, to ;

heap up] faran, to go ] af-hlajjan, to lade] malan, to grind;

sakan, to rebuke] skaban, to shave] standan, to stand]

swaran, to swear ]
Jjwahan, to wash ] wakan, to wake.
Seven verbs of this class have j in the present ; but in
other respects are like alan, &c. ; fraj>jan, to understand \

hafjan, to raise] hlahjan, to laugh] ga-raj?jan, to count]


ga-skapjan, io create \ Bka}>jan, to injure \ wahsjan, to grow.

Cp. the similar formation of the present in verbs like Lat.
capio, facio. These seven verbs are conjugated in the
present tense like nasjan or sokjan according to the rules
given in § 260.

Note.— OE., OS. swerian, OHG. swerien, O Icel. sverja, to swear,

show that Goth, swaran is a new formation for *swarjan.

The n in standan (stoJ>, stojjum, *staj>ans) belongs to the

present only, cp. Engl, stand, stood, and Lat. perfects like
fregi, vici to presents frango, vinco.

2. Reduplicated Strong Verbs.

Class VII.
§ 257. The reduplicated verbs are most conveniently
divided into two classes :

— (a) verbs which retain the same

stem vowel through all tenses, and form their preterite simply
by reduplication, as haitan, to call] haihait, haihaitmn,
haitans ;
(b) verbs which form their preterite by reduplica-
tion and ablaut combined. These verbs have the same stem
vowel in the pret. sing, and plural, and the stem vowel of the

past participle is the same as that of the present tense.

Note. —In verbs beginning with two consonants, only the first is

repeated in the reduplicated syllable except in the combinations st, sk,

as fraisan, io tempt, pret. faifrais ; but ga-staldan, to possess, pret. ga-
stalstald ; skdidan, to sever, pret. skaiskdlp.
When the verb begins with a vowel, the reduplication consists in pre-
fixing af, as aukan, to add, pret. ai^uk.
The vowel in the reduplicated syllable would regularly be i, except in
verbs beginning with r, h, hr, where the al is quite regular (§ 65), but
from forms like redan, pret. rairop, haitan, pret. haih^it, the ai has
been extended to the reduplicated syllable of all verbs of this class.

Class (a).

§ 258. Five sub-classes are to be distinguished according

as the present stem contains :
— a(a), ai, e, 6, au.

Infin. Pret. Sg. P.P.

a(a): — falj?an, to fold faifal}? faljjans
haldan, to hold haihald haldans
ga-staldan, to possess ga-staistald ga-staldans
fahan (§ 57), to seize faifah fahans
hahan (§ 57), to hang haihah hahans

Note. — i. The following verbs, the preterites of which are not extant,
also belong us-alpan, to grow old blandan, to mix
here : ana- ; ;

praggan, to oppress saltan, to salt waldan, to rule gaggan, to go,

; ; ;

pp. gaggans, the wanting pret. *gaigagg is supplied by the weak pret.
iddja (§ 265).

Infin. Pret. Sg. P.P.

ai -af-aikan, to deny af-aiaik af-aikans
fraisan, to tempt faifrais fraisans
haitan, to call haihait haitans
laikan, to leap lailaik laikans
maitan, to cut maimait maitans
skaidan, to divide skaiskaij) skdidans

Note. — 2. Here belongs also ga-]>laihan, to cherish^ comfort^ the pret.

of which is not extant.

Infin. Pret. Sg. P.P.

e: —slepan, to sleep saislep slepans

Note. — 3. Here belongs also uf-blesan, to blow up^ puff tip^ which
only occurs in the pres. pass., 3 pers, sg. and the pp.

Infin. Pret. Sg. P.p.

6 : —hropan, to boast hraihrop hropans

Note. — 4. Here belong also the preterites faiflokun, they bewailed,

lailoun, they reviled, the presents of which *fl.okan, *lauan are want-
ing ; as also the verb blotan, to worship, pret. wanting.

Infin. Pret. Sg. P.P.

ail : aukan, to add aiauk aukans

Note. — 5. Here belong also hl^upan, to leap\ stautan, to smite,

which only occur in the present.

Class (b).

§ 259. The verbs of this class belong to the seventh ablaut-

series (§ 107).

Infin. Pret. Sg. P.P.

gretan, to iveep gaigrot gretans

letan, to let lailot letans
ga-redan, to reflect upon ga-rairoj) ga-redans
tekan, to touch taitok tekans
saian, to sow saiso saians
waian. to blow waiwoun (pi.) waians

Note. —Of waian only the pres. part. masc. dat. sing, ("waiandin),
and the pret. 3 pers. pi. occur. The 2 pers. sing. pret. of saian is

saisost, with the ending -st, instead of -t, from verbs like last, where -st
was regular, see § 120.

B. Weak Vebbs.

1. First Weak Conjugation.

§ 260. The verbs of this conjugation are subdivided into

§§ 26o, 261.] FIRST WEAK CONJUGATION, 113

two classes :
— (i) verbs with a short stem-syllable, as nasjan,
to save\ or with a long open syllable, as stojan, to judge) (2)
verbs with a long closed syllable, as sokjati, to seek] and
polysyllabic verbs, as glitmunjan, to shine.
The two classes only differ in the 2 and 3 pers. sing, and
the 2 pers. pi. of the pres. indie, and in the 2 pers. pi.
imperative. Class (i) has -ji-, but class (2) -ei-. See § 130.

§ 261. The full conjugation of nasjan, stojan, sokjan will

serve as models.

a. Actitre.



Sing. I. nasja stoja sokja

2. nasjis stojis sokeis
3. nasjij) st6ji}> sokei|>
Dual I. nasjos stojos sokjos
2. nasjats stojats sokjats
Plur. I. nasjam stojam sokjam
2. nasjij) stojiJ> sokeijj

3- nasjand stojand sokjand

Sing. I. nasjau stojau sokjau
2. nasjais stojais sokjais
3. nasjai stojai sokjai
Dual I. nasjaiwa stojaiwa sokjaiwa
2. nasjaits stojaits sokjaits
Plur. I. nasjaima stojaima sokjaima
2. nasjaijj stojaijj sokjaijj

3. nasjaina stojaina sokjaina



Sing. 2. nasei *stauei sokei

3. nasjadau stojadau sokjadau
Dual 2. nasjats stojats sokjats
Plur. I. nasjam stojam sokjam
2. nasjijj stojij) sokeiJ>
3. nasjandau stojandau sokjandau


nasjan stojan sokjan


nasjands stojands sokjands



Sing. I. nasida stauida sokida

2. nasides stauides sokides
3. nasida stauida sokida
Dual I. nasidedu stauidedu sokidedu
2. nasideduts stauideduts sokideduts
Plur. I. nasidedum stauidedum sokidedum
2. nasidedujj stauidedu J) sdkideduj>
3. nasidedun stauidediui sokidedun

Sing. I. nasidedjau stauidedjau sokidedjau
2. nasidedeis stauidedeis sokidedeis
3. nasidedi stauidedi sokidedi
Dual I. nasidedeiwa stauidedeiwa sokidedeiwa
2, nasidedeits stauidedeits sokidedeits

Plur. I. nasidedeima stauidedeima sokidedeima

2. nasidedeijj stauidedeij> sokidedeijj
3- nasidedeina stauidedeina sokidedeina


nasijjs stauijjs sokifs

b. Passive.



Sing. 1. nasjada stojada sokjada

2. nasjaza stojaza sokjaza
3. nasjada stojada sokjada
Plur. 1.2.3. nasjanda stojanda sokjanda

Sing. I. nasjaidau stojaidau sokjaidau
2. nasjaizau stojaizau sokjaizau
3. nasjaidau stojaidau sokjaidau
Plur. 1.2.3. nasjaindau stojaindau sokjaindau
Note. — On stojan beside stauida, see §§ 78, 79.
§ 262. Like nasjan are conjugated the following and many
other verbs: arjan, to plough) gatamjan, to tame] hazjan,
to praise] huljan, to hide] kukjan, /6> kiss] lagjan, to lay \

m.atjan, to eat] natjan, to wet ; satjan, to set] Jjragjan, to run ;

waljan, to choose] warjan, to forbid] wasjan, to clothe,

§ 263. Like stojan are conjugated the following verbs

which change iu, au back to iw, aw before a following vowel

(§ 129): ana-niujan, to reneiv] ga-qiujan, to give life to]

siujan, to sew] *straujan (pret. strawida), to streiv] taujan,
to do.

I 2
ii6 FIRST WEAK CONJUGATION. [§§ 263-265.

Note. —Here would also belong *af-m6jan, to fatigue, *af-d6jaii,

to fatigue,but of these two verbs only the nom. pi. masc. of the pp.
occurs once, af-mauiddi, af-dauid^i, cp. § 78.

§ 264. Like sokjan are conjugated the following and a

great many others : and-bahtdan, to serve ; augjan, to show ;

dailjan, to deal out\ daupjan, to baptize', dauj>jan, to put to

death \ domjan, to judge \ dragkjan, to give to drink\ draibjan,

to trouble \ faurhtjan, to fear \ fodjan, to feed \ fra-wardjan,
to destroy, ga-brannjan, to burn\ ga-laubjan, to believe',

ga-motjan, to meet', gaumjan, to perceive', glitmunjan, to

shine', goljan, to greet', hailjan, to heal', hausjan, to hear',

hnaiwjan, to abase', hrainjan, to make clean', huggijan, to

hunger', laisjan, to teach \ laistjan, to follow, liuhtjan, to

give light', maidjan, to falsify; maurjjijan, to murder]
meljan, to write ; meijan, to preach, proclaim ; mikiljan, to

magnify ; namnjan, to name ; ogjan, to terrify ; raisjan, to

raise ; rodjan, to speak ; siponjan, to be a disciple ; sniumjan,

to hasten-^ swogatjan, to sigh] Jjaursjan, to thirst] wandjan,
to turn ] wenjan, to hope.

§ 265. The following verbs are irregular :

Infin. Pret. P.P.

briggan, to bring brahta *brahts
brukjan, to use bruhta *bruhts
bugjan, to buy bauhta baiihts
gaggan, to go iddja gaggans
kaupatjan, to buffet kaupasta kaupatij>s
Jjagkjan, to think ])ahta fahts
Jjugkjan, to seem J)uhta ]>uhts
waurkjan, to work waurhta waurhts
Note. — i. On the consonant changes in the pret. forms (except iddja),

see § 120. On the vowel lengthening in brahta, pahta, see § 57, and

puhta, § 60. The pp. pahts, puhts occur only in compound adjectives,
anda-pahts, cautious, vigilant hauh-puhts, high-minded.

2. gaggan (§ 258 note) is properly a reduplicated verb, the pret. of

which, gaigagg, has been lost. The extant forms of iddja (§ 130 note)
are inflected like nasida (§ 260); in one instance a weak pret. gaggida
also occurs.
3. The present briggan is a strong verb of the third class (§ 249).
The regular weak present *braggjan ( = OE. breng(e)an, OS. bren-
gian) has been lost. Cp. also OHG. bringan, pret. brahta, beside the
rare strong form brang.

§ 266. 2. Second Weak Conjugation.

a. Active.

Indic. SuBJ. Imperative.
Sing. I. salbo, I anoint salbo —
2. salbos salbos salbo
3. salboj) salbo salbodaa
Dual I. salbos salbowa
2. salbo ts salbots salbots
Plur. I. salbom salboma salbom
2. 8albo]> salbo]) salbo])
3. salbond salbona salbondau

Infin. Participle.
salbon salbonds


Indic. SuBj.
Sing. I. salboda salbodedjdu
2. salbodes salbodedeis
[&c. like nasida] [&c, like nasi-dedjdu]



b. Passive.

Indic. SuBj.
Sing. I . salboda salbodau
2. salboza salbozau
3. salboda salbodau
Plur . I. 2. 3. salbonda salbondau

§ 267. Like salbon are conjugated the following and

several others : aihtron, to hegfor ; airinon, to be a 7?iessenge?' ;

awiliudon, to thanti ; dwalmon, to be foolish ; faginon, to

rejoice \ fiskon, to fish\ fraujinon, to be lord ox king] frijon,

to love; gdunon, to lame?it] ga-leikon, to litien\ hatizon, to-

hate] holon, to treat with violence] hrarbon, to go about]

idreigon, to repent] karon, to care for \ kaupon, to traffic]

lajjon, to invite ; luston, to desire ; miton, to consider ] reiki-

non, to rule ] sidon, to practise ; skalkinon, to serve ] spillon,
to narrate] sunjon, to justify] swigl5n, to pipe] uf ar-munnon

to forget.

268. 3. Third Weak Conjugation.

a. Active.

Indic. SuBj. Imperative.
Sing. I. haba, I have habau
2. habais habais habai
3. habdij) habai habadau
§§ 268, 269.] THIRD WEAK CONJUGA TION. 119

Indic. SuBJ. Imperative.

Dual I. habos habaiwa
2. habats habaits habats
Plur. I. habam habaima habam
2. habai]> habai]> habaij>
3. haband habaina habandau
Infin. Participle.
haban habands

Indic. Subj.
Sing. I. habaida habaidedjau
2. habaides habaidedeis
[&c. like nasida] [&c. like nasidedjau]



b. Passive.

Indic. Subj.
Sing. I. habada habaidau
2. habaza habaizdu
3. habada habaiddu
Plur. I. 2.3. habanda habaindau

§ 269. Like haban are also conjugated : aistan, to

reverence) ana-silan, to he silent \ and-staurran, to murmur

against) arman, to pity \ bauan, to dwell) fastan, to fast,
hold firm) fijan, to hate) ga-geigan, to gain) ga-kunnan,
to recognize) hatan, to hate) jiukan, to contend) leikan, to
please ) liban, to live ; liugan, to marry ) maurnan, to mourn ;

munan, io consider ; reiran, /o tremble ; saurgan, to sorrow ;

sifan, to rejoice) skainan(sik), to be ashamed; slawan, to be

silent \ trauan, to trust) sweran, to honour) }>ahaii, to be

silent) witan, to watch, observe.

Note. — i. On the stem-vowel in bauan, trauan, see § "1%.

2. bauan belonged originally to the reduplicated verbs (cp. O. Icel.

bua, to dwell, pret. sg. bjp, pp. buenn), and the strong form is still

regularly preserved in bauip, the 3 pers. sing. pres. indie.

3; Beside hatan there also occurs twice hatjan.

4. It cannot be determined whether bnauan (§ 78), to rub, of which

only the pres. participle occurs, belongs here or to the reduplicated verbs.

§270. Fourth Weak Conjugation.

Indiq. SuBJ. Imperative.
Sing. I. fullna, I become full fuUnau
2. fullnis '^
fuUnais fiilln

3- fnllnijj fullnai fullnadau

Dual I. fullnos fullnaiwa
2. fullnats fullnaits fullna^ts

Plur. I. fullnam fullnaima fullnam

2. fullnij> fullnaij) fuUni})

3- fullnand fullnaina fuUnandau

Infin. Participle.
fullnan fullnands

Sing. I. fuUnoda fuUnodedjau
2. fuUnodes fuUnodedeis
[&c. like nasida] [&c. like nasidedjdu]

Note.— All verbs belonging to this class are intransitive, and accord-
ingly have no passive voice.
§§ 27I-274-] PRETERITE-PRESENTS. 1 2

§ fuUnan are conjugated the following verbs and

271. Like
a few others af-dumbnan, to hold one's peace af-daubnan,
: ;

to become deaf\ af-taurnan, to he torn away from', and-

bundnan, to he unhound bi-auknan, to hecome larger ; ;

dis-skritnan, to hecome torn ; fra-lusnan, to perish ; fra-

qistnan, to perish ; ga-batnan, to profit ;
ga-blindnan, to

hecome blind ;
ga-dauj)nan, to die ;
ga-haftnan, to he attached
to ;
ga-hailnan, to hecome whole ;
ga-qiunan, to he made alive ;

ga-skaidnan, to hecome parted ; ga-J>aursnan, to dry up,

wither away ;
ga-waknan, to awake ; in-feinan, to be moved
with compassion ; mikilnan, to be magnified ; tundnan, to take

fire) ufar-hafnan, to be exalted] us-geisnan, to he aghast-,

us-gutnan, to be poured out ;
us-hauhnan, to he exalted ;

us-luknan, to hecome unlocked] us-mernau, to he proclaimed \

weihnan, to become holy.

A. Preterite-Presents.
§ 272. These verbs have strong preterites with a present
meaning, like Greek otSa, Lat. novi, / know, to which new
weak preterites have been formed. The following verbs,
most of which are very defective, belong to this class

§ 273. I. Ablaut- series.

wait, / know, 2 sing, waist, i pi. witum, subj. witjdu,
pret. wissa (§ 120), subj. pret. wissedjau, pres. part, witands,
infin. *witan.
lais, I know. This is the only form extant.

§ 274. II. Ablaut-series.

daug, it is good/or, profits. The only form extant.

122 PRETERITE-PRESENTS, [§§ 275-278.

§ 275. III. Ablaut-series.

kann, / know^ 2 sing, kant (kannt), i pi. kunnum, pret.

indie. kunf>a, pret. subj. kunjjedjau, infin. kunnan, pres.

part, kunnands, pp. kunjjs.
Jjarf, I need, 2 sing. J?arft, i pi. Jjaurbum, subj. Jjatirbjau,
pret. indie. ]>aurfta, infin. ^Jjaurban, pres. part. Jjaurbands,
pp. Jjaurfts, necessary.
ga-dars, / dare^ i pi. ga-daursum, subj. ga-daursjau,
pret. indie, ga-daursta, infin. ga-daT3rsan.

§ 276. IV. Ablaut- series.

skal, I shall, owe, 2 sing, skalt, i pi. skulura, subj. skul-
jau, pret. indie, skulda, pret. subj. skuldedjau, infin. *skulan,
pres. part, skulands, pp. skulds, owing, lawful.

man, / thiiik, i pi. munum, subj. raunjau, pret. indie.

munda, infin, munan, pres. part, munands, pp. munds.
bi-nah, it is permitted ox lawful) ga-nah, it suffices, pp. bi-
nauhts, sufficient, infin. *-nauhan. Other forms are wanting.

§ 277. V. Ablaut-series.
mag, / can, may, 2 sing, magt, dual m.agu, maguts, i pi.
magum, subj. magjau, pret. indie, mahta, pret. subj. mah-
tedjau, infin. "^magan, pres. part, magands, pp. mahts.

§ 278. VI. Ablaut-series.

ga-mot, I find room, i pi. *ga-motum, subj. gamotjau,
pret. indie. ga-m.6sta, infin. *ga-motan.
og, Ifear, i pi. *ogum, subj. ogjau, pret. indie, ohta ; im-
perative 2 sing, ogs, 2 pi. ogeijj (properly subj.), infin. "^ogan.

The pres. part, of the real old infin. still survives in un-
agands, fearless.
§§ 279-281,] VERBS IN -ML 123

§ 279. aih, / have, probably belonged originally to the

seventh class of strong verbs (§ 258), i, 3 sing, aih (7) and
aig (i), plural i. aigum (2) and aihum (2), 2. aihuj> (i),
3. aigun (2), subj. 3 sing, aigi (2), plural 2 pers. aigei]> (i),

3. aigeina (i), pres. part, aigands (5) and aihands (i),

infin. aihan (i) occurring in the compound fair-aihan, to

partake of, pret. indie, i, 3 sing, aihta, 3 pi. aihtedun, subj.

2 sing, aihtedeis.

Note. In the pres. h was regular in the i, 3 pers. sing, indie. (§ 119),
and g in all other forms of the present. But in a few cases we find h
where we should expect g, and in one case g instead of h. The figures
in brackets give the number of times h and g occur in forms of the


§ 280. Of the verbs of this class only scanty remains have

been preserved in Gothic. These are the pres. indie, and
sul^j. of the substantive verb, and the verb will,

1. The Substantive Verb.

§ 281. The substantive verb forms its present tense from
the root es. The other parts of the verb are supplied by
wisan (§ 254).

Indic. Subj.
ing. I. im, I am sijau
2. is sijais

3- ist sijai

)ual I. siju *sijaiwa

2. *sijut3 *sijaits
124 VERBS IN 'ML [§§ 281, 282,

Indic. SuBj.
Plur. I. sijum sijaima
2. sijuj> sijaij?

3. sind sijaina

Infin. w^isan Participle wisands

Indic. SuBj.
Sing. I. was wesjau
2. wast weseis
[&c. like nam, § 243] [&c. like nemjau]

Participle wisans
Note. — i. For the imperative the subj. forms sijais, &c., are used.
2 . Observe the elision of the vowel in nist = ni ist, patist = pata ist,

karist = kara ist.

2. The Verb ^will.'

§ 282. The present tense of this verb was originally an

optative (subjunctive) form of a verb in -rai, used indica-
tively. In Gothic the endings of the present are those of the
preterite subj. The existing forms are: —
Sing. I. wiljau Plur. I. wileima
2. wileis 2. wileijj

3. will 3. wileina
Dual 2. wileits

Infin. wiljan Participle wiljands

Indic. Subj.
Sing. I. wilda wUdedjau
[&c. like nasida, § 261] [&c. like nasidedjau]
§§283-286.] ADVERBS. 125



1. Adverbs.

§ 283. Adverbs of manner are mostly formed from adjec-

tives by means of one of the suffixes -ba or -o. Most adverbs
of this class have the suffix -ba, which is added to the stem
of the adjective, as ubila-ba (§ 187), badly \ sunja-ba (§ 189),
truly \ analaugni-ba (§ 194), secretly \ hardu-ba (§ 196),
hardly^ severely. Adverbs in -o are formed by changing the
final vowel of the adjectival stem into o, as uhteigo, season-
ably, from uhteiga- ; Jjiubjo, secretly, from J)iubja- ;
accurately, from glaggwu-, of glaggwuba.
§ 284. The comparative degree of adverbs ends in -is, as
airis, earlier ; framis, further ; mais, more ; nehris, nearer.
To this rule there are five exceptions : mins, less ; wairs,
worse ; J>ana-seiJ)s, further, more ; aljaleikos, otherwise ;

sniumundos, with more haste.

Of the superlative degree two examples only are extant

frumist, first of all ; maist, at most.
§ 285. Adverbs of time are expressed either by simple
adverbs, as nu, noiv ;
ju, already ; ufta, often ; or by the
oblique cases of nouns and pronouns, as himma daga, to-

day ;
gistradagis, to-mo7'row ; dagis hrizuh, day by day
ni aiw, never; fram himma nu, henceforth.

§ 286. Adverbs of place denoting rest in a place have the

suffix -r or -a, those denoting motion to a place have either
no suffix or one of the suffixes -J>
(-d), -dre ; and those
denoting motion from a place have either the suffix -})ro or

-ana, as hrar, where, hra]), hradre, whither^ hrajjro, whence ;

J>ar, there ^ *J>aJ), thither^ Jjajjro, thence ;

jainar, yonder^ jaind,
jaindre, thither^ jainJ>ro, thence ; dala]?a, beloiv^ dalaj>, down,
dalajjro, from below ; iupa, above, iup, upwards, iupaj^ro,
iupana, from above ; uta, without, ut, 6>///,
forth, utajjro,
utana,yrd?;;^ without.

§ 287. The affirmative and negative particles are ja, jai,

yea, yes ',
ni, not', ne, nay, no.

The interrogative particles are u, which is attached encli-

tically to the first word of its clause, as skuldu (=skuld-u)
ist? is it lawful?', in compounds having a prefix it is
attached to the prefix, as gaulaubjats ? ( = ga-u-laubjats?),
do ye two believe.^ niu (=m-u), not', an, nuh, then', jau
(=ja-u), whether', J>au (in the second of two alternative
questions), or ; ibai, which like Gr. /x^, Lat. num, requires
a negative answer, cp. St. Mark ii. 19.

§ 288. 2. Prepositions.

(i) With the accusative: and, along, throughout, towards',

fsiur, for, before; inuh, without; paivli, through, by, undar,

under; wijjra, against.
(2) With the dative: af, of, from; alja, except; du, to;
faura, before; fram., from; mip, with ; nehra, nigh to, near;
undar 6, under us, out, out of;

(3) With accusative and dative : afar, after, according to ;

ana, on, upon ; at, at, by, to ; bi, by, about, around, against,
according to ; hindar, behind, beyond, among ; uf, under ;

over, above; und, with ace, until, up to, with dat y^r.

(4) With accusative, dative, and genitive : in with ace, in,

into, towards, with dat. in, into, ainong, with gen. on account of.
§ 289.] CONJUNCTIONS, 127

§ 289. 3. Conjunctions.

(i) Copulative: jah, and^ also; uh (enclitic), and] nih,

and not; jah . . . jah, both . . . and \ ni Jjatainei . . . ak
jah, not only . . . but also ; nih . . . ak jah, not only . . .

but also,

(2) Disjunctive: 3bippSiU,or; andizuh . . . SLippsbu, eit/ier

, . . or; jajjjje . . . jaj>jje, whether , , , or \ ni (or nih)

. . . ni (or nih), neither . . . nor.

(3) Adversative : ak (after negative clauses), but ; akei,

but ; ij>, J)an, ajjjjan, but^ however,

(4) Conclusive : nu, nunu, nuh, Jjannu, ]?anuh, Jjaruh,

ei]>an, dujie (dujjjje), therefore.

(5) Concessive : ]>au, in that case ; J>auhjabai, even though ;

swejjauh, indeed, however,

(6) Causal : allis, auk, raihtis, unte, for, because ;

Jjeei, (not^ because; J>ande, inas7nuch as.

(7) Final: ei, ]>atei, Jjeei, Jjei, that; du]>e, duj>])e ei, du
J>aninia ei, to the end that ; ei, swaei, swaswe, so that; ibai
(iba), lest, that . . . not.

(8) Conditional : jabai, if; nibai, niba, unless, if . . .


(9) Temporal: bwq, just as; J)an, Jjande, when, as long

as; bij)e, niij)}>anei, whilst; sunsei, as soon as; faurjjizei,
before that; unte, und J^atei, })ande, until, until that, as
long as.
(10) Comparative : hraiwa, how ; swe, as ; swaswe,
so as.




§ 290. Accusative. Transitive verbs govern the accusa-

tive as in other languages : ga-saihri]> J>ana sunu mans, ye
shall see the son of man ; akran bairan, to bear fruit ; &c.
A few verbs take an accusative of kindred meaning, as ohte-
dun sis agis mikil, lit. theyfeared greatfearfor themselves, they

feared exceedingly ; haifstei J)o godoa haifst, fight {thou) the

good fight] huzdjan huzda,
similarly to treasure up treasures]
waurkjan -waurstwa, to work works.
An accusative of closer definition occurs very rarely in
Gothic urrann sa dau]>a gabundans handuns jah fotuns

faskjam, the dead man came forth bound as to hands andfeet

with bandages standai]) nu ufgaurdanai hupins iz"warans

sunjai, stand therefore, girt as to your loins with truth.

An accusative of the person is used with the impersonal
verbs gredon, to be hungry] huggrjan, to hunger] J>aursjan,
to thirst] and also with kar(a) ist, there is a care, it concerns,
as ni kar-ist ina Jjize lambe, he careth notfor the sheep.
The space and time over which an action extends are ex-
pressed by the accusative, as qemun dagis wig, they went a
days journey jabai hras J)uk ananaujyai rasta aina, gag-

gais mi]) inim.a twos, if anyone (whosoever) shall compel thee

to go a mile, go with him two ; salida twans dagans, he abode
two days.
laisjan takes two accusatives, one of the person, and one
of the thing taught, as laisida ins in gajukom manag, he

taught them many a thing in parables. The following verbs

and a few others have a double accusative in the active, one
of the external object, and one of the predicate taujan, as : —
hrana ])uk silban taujis J)u ? whom makest thou thyself.^ ;

waurkjan, as raihtos waurkeij? staigos gujjs unsaris, make

ye straight the paths 0/ our God] briggan, as so sunja frijans
izwis briggijj, the truth shall make you free] domjan, as
garaihtana domidedun gu|>, they justified God] kunnan,
as kunnands ina "wair garaihtana jah weihana, knowing
him (to be) a just and holy man ; bigitan, as bigetun Jjana
siukan skalk hailana, they found the sick servant whole ;

qijjan, as you not servaiits

izwis ni qijja skalkans, / call ]

namnjan, as Jjanzei apaustauluns namnida, whom he called

apostles rahnjan, as triggwana mxk rahnida, he counted

me faithful haitan, as Daweid ina fraujan haitijj, David


calls him Lord] aigan, as attan aigum Abraham, we have

Abraha?n as father,
§ 291. Genitive. Many verbs govern the direct or in-
direct object in the genitive, as hilp meinaizos ungalaubei-
nais, help thou my unbelief] fraihna jah ik izwis ainis
waurdis, I will also ask you one word] saei allis skamaij)
sik meina aijjfau meinaize waurde, J)izuh sunus mans
skamaij) sik, for whosoever shall be ashamed of me or my
words^ of him shall the son of man be ashamed. Other ex-
amples are brukjan, to use] fuUjan, to fill] fulhian, to be-
come full] gairnjan, to long for ]
ga-hrainjan, to make clean]
ga-J)arban, to abstain from \
ga-weis6n, to visit] hailjan, to

make whole] luston, to desire] niutan, to enjoy] J^aurban,

to need] &c.
The gen. is also governed by certain adjectives, as ahmins
weihis fulls, full of the Holy Ghost ] frija ist J)is witodis,

130 GENITIVE CASE, [§291.

she is free from that law ; similarly filu, much ; laus, empty,
void] wans, lacking, wanting] wairjjs, worthy, etc.

The gen. is often used in a partitive sense, especially with

ni, ni waihts, the interrogative and indefinite pronouns ;

also with the cardinal numerals ])usundi, taihuntehund,

twa hunda, etc., and those expressing the decades (twai
tigjus, etc., § 208). Examples are : jah ni was im barne,
they had no waiht warJ)igos, nothing of [^ no) con-
child] ni

demnation hras izwara, which one of you hro mizdono,

] ;

what reward] hrazuh abne, every man sums manne, a ;

certain man] ni ainshun J>iwe, no servant] all bagme go-

daize, every good tree] hrarjis J>iz8 wair]ji]> qens, of which of
these shall she be wife] wesun auk swe fimf Jjusnndjos
waire,y*^r there were about five thousand men ; taihuntehund
lambe, a hundred sheep ] twaim huiidam skatte hlaibos ni
ganohai sind Jjaim, two hundred pennyworth of bread is not

sufficient for them ; dage fidwor tiguns, fraisans fram dia-

bulau, being forty days tempted of the devil. A partitive gen.

is also sometimes used with verbs, as insandida skalk ei

nemi akranis, he sent a servant thai he might receive (some)

of the fruit.
The gen. is also sometimes used adverbially, as ni allis,

not at all] raihtis, indeed] filaus, much, very much] landis,

over the land, far away ]
gistradagis, to-morrow ] dagis
hrizuh, day by day ; nahts, by night ; usleij>am jainis stadis,
let us pass over to the other side] insandida ina hai]?jos
seindizos, he sent him into his field. The following adverbs
of place govern the gen., when used prepositionally : —hin-
dana, from behind, beyond ; innana, from within, within ;

utana (iitajjro), from without, out of] ufaro (also the dat.),
over, above.
§§ 291, 292.] GENITIVE AND DATIVE CASES. 131

Amongst other examples of the use of the gen. may be

mentioned : in Saraipta Seidonais, unto Sarepta {a city) of
Sidon ; Tyre jah Seidone land, the land of the Tyrians and
Sidonians^= Tyre and Sidon] gaggi]) sums manne fram ]>is
fauramajjleis synagogeis, thej^e cometh a certain man from
{the house) of the ruler of the synagogue gasahr lakobu ]>ana ;

Zaibaidaiaus, he saw fames the {son) of Zebedee ludan ;

(ace.) lakobaus, fudas {the brother) offames was auk jere ;

twalibe,y^r she was {of the age) of twelve years.

§ 292. Dative. The following verbs and several others
take a direct object in the dative case : afwairjjan, to cast away,
put away ; andhafjan, to answer ; bairgan, to keep, preserve ;

balwjan, to torment] frabugjan, to sell] fraliusan, to lose]

ivdiqinisin., to spend, consume] fvdi}piaxi, to understand] frakunnan,

to despise] gdiumjaxi, to perceive ] idweitjan, to upbraid; kukjan,
to kiss ] tekan, attskan, to touch ] ufarmunnon, to forget.
The verbs fraqistjan, usqistjan, and usqiman, to destroy ]

wairpan, to cast ; uswalrpan and usdreiban, to cast out,

sometimes take the dative and sometimes the accusative

without a distinction in meaning. A few other verbs take
the dative or accusative with a change of meaning, as ana-
haitan, with dat. to scold, with ace. to invoke ] uskiusai),
with dat. to reject, with ace. to prove, test.

Many adjectives take a dative, as aglus, difficult] anda-

neij>s, hostile ] ansteigs, gracious ; azetizo, easier ; bruks,
useful] gojjs, good] hulj>s, gracious] kunjjs, known] liufs,

dear] modags, angry] raJ>izo, easier] skula, guilty, liable

to ; skulds, owing ; swers, honoured ] swikunjjs, manifest ;

unkunps, unknown ; wi])rawair}>s, opposite.

The dative together with wisan or wairjjan often has the
same meaning as haban, as ni was im barne, they had no
K 2
132 DATIVE CASE, ADJECTIVES, [§§292,293.

children ; saurga mis ist mikila, / have great sorrow ;

wairjjij) Jjus fahejjs, thou shalt have joy ; ei uns wairj>ai

Jjata arbi, that we may have the inheritance.

The dative is often used reflexively, as leihran sis, to

borrow) rodida sis ains, he spake within himself) ni ogs

J>us, he {thou) not afraid) ni faurhteijj izwis, he (ye) not
affrighted \ frawaurhta mis, / have sinned) Jjankjan sis or
miton sis, to think to oneself

The dative also discharges the functions of the old ablative,

instrumental, and locative, as wopida lesus stibnai mikilai,
fesus cried with a loud voice ) slohun is haubijj rausa, they
smote his head with a reed. After the comparative where we
should use than together with a nominative, as sa afar
mis gagganda swinjjoza mis ist, he that cometh after me is

mightier than I) niu saiwala mais ist fodeinai jah leik

"wastjom, is not the life more than meat, and the hody than
raiment) swegnida ahmin lesus, fesus rejoiced in spirit)

naht jah daga, hy night and day.

For the dative absolute, see § 300.


§ 293. Adjectives agree with their nouns in number,
gender, and case not only when used attributively, but also

when the adjective follows the noun, either predicatively or

in apposition. To this general rule there are a few exceptions,
(i) An adjective accompanying managei, people, multi-

tude, and hiuhma, crowd, luostly occurs in the masculine

plural, as jah was managei beidandans Zakariins, and the

people waited for Zacharias) jah alls hiuhma was mana-

geins beidandans, and the whole crowd of the people was
waiting (the Gr. has TrpoaevxofjLcvou, praying).
§§293,294.] ADJECTIVES, 133

(2) Grammatical feminines are occasionally treated as

masculines, or even when denoting and things as neuters ;

grammatical neuters (when suggesting persons) as mascu-

lines, as bigat iinhuljjon usgaggana, she found the devil gone

out', ei kannij) wesi handugei gujjs, that the wisdom of God

might he known ni wairj>ij> garaihts ainhun leike, no man


(lit. no one of bodies^ becometh just.

(3) When the same adjective refers both to masculine and

feminine beings, it is put in the neuter plural, as wesunuh
)>an garaihta ba in andwairjjja guj)s, and they (Zacharias
and Elizabeth) were both righteous before God.

§ The strong and weak forms

294. of adjectives are em-
ployed in much the same manner as in the other old Ger-
manic languages ; that is, adjectives used without the definite
article follow the strong declension, and those with the
definite article follow the weak declension, as was drus is
mikils, great was the fall of it\ ni mag bagms J>iuJ>eigs
akrana ubila gataujan, a good tree cannot produce evilfruity
hairdeis sa goda, the good shepherd \ unte baurgs ist ^p\s
mikilins J)iudanis,y^r it is the city of the great king.
All cardinal numerals, the ordinal numeral anjjar, second^
the possessive pronouns meins, my ; J>eins, thy ; etc., the pro-
nominal adjectives sums, some\ alls, all\ iainH^that^ swaleiks,
such) etc., as also the adjectives falls, full] ganohs, enough;
halbs, half; midjis, middle; are always declined strong.
All ordinal numerals (except an]>ar), all adjectives in the
comparative degree, all the old superlatives ending in -ma,
as frMTOiQ,, first; aftuma, last; the present participle (except
in the nom. sing, masc, see § 200), and sama, same; silba,
self; are always declined weak.
134 PRONOUNS, [§ 295.


§ 295. The nominative of the personal pronouns is

generally omitted, except when the person is to be mentioned

with special emphasis. When a pronoun stands for two
substantives of different genders it is put in the neuter plural,
as miJ)J>anei ^^b wesun jainar, while they {Joseph and Mary)
were there ; is is sometimes used where we should expect sa,
as dugann merjan filu
ij) is .... swaswe is ni

mahta in baurg galeijjan, but he {the leper) began to publish

it widely ... .so that he [Jesus) could not enter into the
saei bigiti]> saiwala seina, fraqistei|> izai, jah saei
fraqistei]> saiwalai seinai in meina, bigitij) J>o, he that
findeth his lije shall lose it, and he that loseth his life Jor my
sake shall find it.

The reflexive pronoun always relates to the subject of its

own sentence, as nih Saulaumon in allamma wiilj>au
seinarama gawasida sik swe ains J>iz3, not eve?i Solomon in
all his glory was clothed like one oj these ; swa lagga hreila
sTTre mi]? sis haband brujjfad, ni magun fastan, as long as
they [sunjus] have the bridegr 00771 with them, they cannot Jast ;

jah [l§sus] gawaurhta twalif du wisan mij) sis, and [Jesus ]

appointed twelve to be with him jah suns ufkunnands lesus ;

ahmin seinamma J>atei swa J?ai mitodeun sis, qaj> du im,

and immediately Jesus perceiving in his spirit that they so

reasoned within themselves, said to them.

The manner in which the possessive pronoun of the third
person is expressed, has already been stated in § 222, examples
are :
— qij>a izwis Jjatei haband mizdon seina, I tell you that
they have their reward] urrann sa saiands du saian fraiwa
seinamma, the sower went Jor th to sow his seed\ daupidai
§295.] PRONOUNS. 135

we sun allai andhaitandans frawaurhtim seinaim,

they were all baptized confessing their sins ; J)ug-
keij> im auk ei in filuwaurdein seinai andhausjaindau,
for it seems to them that they will he heard for their much
talking. On the other hand we have : afletij) mannam
missadedins ize, ye forgive men their sins] jah [qino]
baj> ina ei J)o unhuljjon uswaurpi us dauhtr izos, and
[the woman\ begged that he would cast forth the devil out of
her daughter) jah qimands garda Paitraus
lesus in
gasahr swaihron is ligandein jah in heitom jah attaitok
handau izos, and fesus coining into the house of Peter he saw ^

his mother-in-law lying and in a fever and he touched her hand.

sama, same, as substantive and adjective, is used both with

and without the article, as niu jah motarjos ])ata samo
taujand ? do not even the publicans the same in Jjamma
.^ \

samin landa, in the same countfy ',

ei samo hugjaima jah
samo frajyaima, that we may think the same thing and mind
the same thing] sijaina \o twa du leika samin, they two
(man and wife) shall become the same flesh.
silba, self is always either actually or virtually appositional,
as silba atta, the father hiiyiself] ik silba, I myself nasei \

Jjuk silban, save thyself] ik gabairhtja imma mik silban, /

will manifest myself to him ; silba fauraqimijj, he himself shall
come before. The genitive of silba used with possessive pro-
nouns agrees in number and gender with the noun, as Jjeina

silbons saiwala ]?airhgaggij> hairus, a sword shall pierce

thine own soul ; waurstw sein silbins kiusai hrarjizuh, each
man should test his own work.
The reciprocal pronoun is expressed by means of the per-
sonal pronouns and the adverb misso, reciprocally^ or by
using anjjar twice, as ni J>anamais nu uns misso stojaima,
136 PRONOUNS. VERBS, [§§295,296.

let us not therefore judge one another any more ;

jah qejjun du
sis iQisso, and they said one to another ; unte sijum an]?ar
anjjaris li])us, for we are members one of another ; where
lijjus is in the singular agreeing with anj>ar.
The antecedent to a relative pronoun is sometimes omitted,
the relative may then be either in the case required by the
verb of its own clause or in that required by the verb of the
principal clause, as hra wileij) ei tatyau paminei (for

J>aniiiia J:anei) qi]>ij) ]>iudan ludaie ? what will ye that I do

to him whom ye call king of the fews ? wait atta izwar J)izei

(for Jjata ]>izei) jtis JjaurbuJ), your father knows of what ye

have need. Instead of the conjunction Jjatei, that, properly
the nom. ace. sing. neut. of saei, there occurs Jjammei or
J>izei when the verb of the principal sentence governs the
dative or genitive, as ij) dins J>ize, gaumjands Jjammei
hrains war]?, and one of them, perceiving that he was
cleansed ; laisari, niu kara (ist) ]?uk J>izei fraqistnam ?
master, carest thou not that we perish ?
On the genitive governed by the interrogative and
indefinite pronouns when used partitively, see § 291.


§ 296. Tenses. The future simple is generally expressed

by the present, as gasaihrij) ]>ana sunu mans, j/^ shall see the
son of man inuh J)is bileij>ai manna attin seinamma jah

dijjein seinai,_/2?r this reason a man shall leave his father and

his mother. The future is sometimes also expressed by the

present tense forms of skulan, shall', haban, to have',

duginnan, to begin ; together with an infinitive, as saei

skal stojan qi wans jah daujjans, who shall judge the quick
and the dead', ]>arei ik im, J>aruh sa andbahts meins wisan
§§ 296-298.] VERBS, 137

habaijj, where I am, there shall also my servant he \

jah gretan duginni]>,_>'^ shall mourn and weep.
The simple preterite is used in Gothic where we in Mod.
English use either the preterite, perfect, or pluperfect, as jah
stibna qam us himinain, and there came a voice from heaven]

ni jus mik gawalideduj>, ak ik gawalida izwis, ye have not

chosen me, but I have chosen you ; managans auk gahailida,
for he had healed many. A present participle along with the
preterite of wisan, to be, is sometimes used, as in Mod.
English, to express a continuative past tense, as was loharines
daupjandSjy^'y^;^ was baptizing', wesun siponjos fastandans,
the disciples were fasting,
§ 297. Voices. Special forms of the passive voice are
extant in the present tense of the indicative and subjunctive
only, as daupjada, he is baptized] jah ]>u, barnilo, praufetus
hauhistins haitaza, and thou^ child, shall be called the prophet

of the Highest ; afletanda ]>us frawaurhteis Jjeinos, thy

sins are forgiven thee ; ei andhuljaindau us managaim
hairtam mitoneis, that the thoughts of many hearts may be
revealed. The other forms of the passive voice are expressed
by the past participle and one of the auxiliary verbs wisan,
to be ; wairjjan, to become ; as gamelij) ist, it is written ;

aJ)J>an izwara jah tagla haubidis alia garajjana sind, but

the very hairs of your head are all numbered] qam lesus jah

daupijjs was fram lohanne, fesus came and was baptized by

fohn] gaaiwiskoJ)s wairjja, I shall be ashamed] sabbato in
mans warj) gaskapans, the sabbath was 7?iade for man]
gamarzidai waurjjun in Jjamma, they were offended at him.
§ 298. Subjunctive. The subjunctive is used very often
in principal sentences to express a wish or command, as ni
briggais uns in fraistubnjai, lead us not into temptation]
138 VERBS, [§298.

J>airhgaggaiina ju und BeJ>lahaiin, jah saihraima 'waurd

|>ata "waurjjano, let us go now into Bethlehem^ and see this
thing (lit. word) ivhich is come to pass ; ak haitadau
Idhannes, l>ut he shall be called John ; wainei ]>iudan6-
dedeij), would that ye reigned as kings. It is also used in
direct dubitative questions, as hra qijjau ? what shall I say ?
hraiwa meinaim waurdam galaubjai]? ? how shall ye
believe my words hias Jjanui"', sa sijai? who then can this
The most important cases in which the subjunctive is used
in subordinate sentences are :

(i) In indirect or reported commands or entreaties, as

anabaujj im ei mann ni qe]?eina, he commanded them that
they should not tell any man ; wiljau ei mis gibais haubi)>
lohannis, / will me
that thou give the head ofJohn.
(2) In reported speech when the principal sentence is

negative or subjunctive or is a question implying uncertainty,

as ni galaubidedun Jjatei is blinds wesi, they did not
believe that hehad been blind jah jabai qejxjau J>atei ni\

kunnjau ina, sijau galeiks izwis liugnja, and if I were to

say, I know him not, I shall be a liar like you hra wileis ei ]

taujau ]jus ? what wilt thou that I do for thee ?

(3) In indirect propositions governed by verbs of hoping,
trusting, supposing, and the wenja ei kunneij>, I hope
like, as

that ye know ; J>aiei trauaidedun sis ei weseina garaihtai,

who trusted in themselves that they were righteous ;
hugidedun J>atei is bi slep qej>i, they supposed that he
was speaking about sleep,
(4) In statements reported at second hand, as weis hausi-
dedum ana witoda J>atei Xristus sijai du aiwa, we have
heard out of the law that Christ abide th for ever.
§ 298.] VERBS, 139

(5) In indirect questions, as frehun ina skuld-u sijai

mann qen afsatjan, they asked him whether it was lawful
for a man to put away his wife] ni wissa hra rodidedi,
he knew 7tot what he should say] ni haband hra matjaina,
they have nothing to eat,

(6) In a relative clause attached to an imperative or a

subjunctive clause, as atta, gif mis sei undrinnai mis dail
aigins,yi2//?^r, give me the portion ofpropej^ty which falleth to me >

saei habai ausona du hausjan, gahausjai, he that hath ears

to hear, let him hear. The verb in a relative clause is also in
the subjunctive w^hen the principal clause is interrogative or
negative, as hras sa ist saei frawaurhtins afietai? ivho is

this who forgiveth sins P ] nih allis ist hra fulginis J>atei ni

gabairhtjaidau, for there is nothing hid, which shall not he


(7) In conditional clauses implying hypothesis or uncer-

tainty, as jabai hras mis andbahtjai, mik man laistjai, if any
serve me^ let him follow me] nih qemjau jah rodidedjau du
im, frawaurht ni habaidedeina, if I had not come and
spoken to them, they would not have had sin.

(8) Frequently in adverbial clauses which express a reason,

as ni manna giutij) wein juggata in balgins fairnjans,
ibai aufto distairai "wein ]>ata niujo Jjans balgins, no
man poureth new wine into old bottles, lest perchance the new
wine hurst the bottles.

(9) To express purpose, as attaiihun Jjata barn, ei

tawidedeina bi biuhtja witodis, they brought the child that

they might do according to the custom of the law ] frawardjand
andwairjjja seina, ei gasaihraindau mannam fastandans,
they disfigure their faces, that they may appear unto men to

140 VERBS, [§§298-300.

(10) The temporal conjunction faurjjizei is always

followed by the subjunctive, as wait atta izwar J)izei jus
J>aurbuJ>, faurjjizei jus bidjaij) ina, your father knoweth
what ye need before ye ask him.
§ 299. Infinitive. The infinitive or a clause containing
an infinitive is often used as the subject or object of a finite

verb, (i) As subject: ni goJ> ist niman hlaif barne jah

wairj>an hundam, it is not good to take the children s bread
and to cast it to dogs ; warj> afslaujjnan allans, it came to

pass that they were all amazed) warj> Jjairhgaggan imma

Jjairh atisk. it came to pass that he went through the cornfields.
(2) As object: ohtedun fraihnan ina, they feared to ask
him sokidedun attekan imma, they sought to touch him
; ;

qij>and usstass ni wisan, they say that there is not any resur-

The infinitive with and without du is also used to express

purpose, as qemun saihran, they came to see] gagg J>uk
silban ataugjan gudjin, go, show thyself to the priest] sat du
aihtron, he satfor the purpose of begging.
The passive infinitive is variously expressed, (i)

Generally by wair]>an and a past participle, as skal sunus

mans uskusans wairjjan, the son of man shall be rejected,

(2) Not un frequently by the active infinitive, as qemun J?an

motarjos daupjan, then came the publicans to be baptized]
qemun hailjan sik sauhte seinaizo, they came to be healed of
their infirmities, (3) Occasionally by mahts wisan, skuld
wisan, along with an active infinitive, as maht wesi frabugjan,
it might have been sold (lit. it were possible to sell) luaiwa ]

])u qij)is, }>atei skulds ist ushauhjan sa sunus mans ? how

sayest thou^ that the son of man must be lifted up .^

§ 300. Participles. The dative of the participles is

§300.] VERBS, 141

often used absolutely like the ablative in Latin, and the

genitive in Greek, as jah uslei]?andin lesua in skipa,
gaqemun sik manageins filu du imma, Jesus having passed
over in the ship, there came together to him a great multitude ;

dalaj> J>an atgaggandin imma af fairgunja, laistidedun

afar imma iumjons manages, when he was come down from
the mountain^ great multitudes followed after him.


Ulfilas (Gothic Wulfila) was born about the year 311 A.D., but where
his birthplace was in the wide tract of country then inhabited by the
Goths, is not known. Although Ulfilas was born and grew up among
the Goths, he was of Cappadocian descent. According to the testi-

mony of the historian Philostorgius, the parents, or perhaps rather the

grandparents, of Ulfilas were natives of Sadagolthina, near the town of
Parnassus in Cappadocia, who had been carried off as captives by the

Goths, during an irruption made by this people into the northern parts
of Asia Minor in the year 267.
In the year 332 he accompanied an embassy to Constantinople, where
he remained until 341. In the latter year he was consecrated bishop of
the Goths dwelling North of the Danube. For seven years (341-8)
he laboured zealously among the Goths in Dacia, and won over a great
multitude of them to the Christian faith. But the persecution and
oppression, which Ulfilas and his converts suffered through Athanaric,
became so great that he applied to Constantinus in 348 for permission

to lead his converts into Roman territory. Constantinus readily granted

the request, and Ulfilas accordingly led a great number of his people

across the Danube, and settled near Nicopolis in Moesia, at the foot of
the Balkan mountains, where he preached and laboured until his death,
which took place in 383 while on a visit to Constantinople.
By far the most important source of our knowledge of the life and
work of Ulfilas is found in the account of him given by Auxentius, from
which we extract the following passage (for the full account the
TEXT. 143

reader must be referred to the work :

tjber das Leben und die Lehre
des Ulfila/ by G. Waitz, Hannover, 1840).
Eg ita praedicziA^ et per Cristum cum dilectione dec patri gratias
agente haec et his similia exsequente, quadraginta annis in episcopatu
gloriose florens, apostolica gratia grecam et latinam et goticam
linguam sine intermissione in una et sola eclesia Cristi predicavit, quia

et una est eclesia dei vivi, veritatis, et unum

columna et firmamentum
esse gregem Cristi domini unam culturam et unum
et dei nostri,

aedificium, unam virginem et unam sponsam, unam reginam et unam

vineam, unam domum, unum templum, unum conventum esse Cristia-

norum, cetera vero omnia conventicula non esse eclesias dei, sed syna-

gogas esse satanae adserebat et contestabatur. Et haec omnia de divinis

scribturis eum dixisse et nos describsisse qui legit intelligat. Qui et

ipsis tribus Unguis plures tractatus et multas interpretationes volentibus

ad utilitatem et ad aedificationem^ sibi ad aeternam memoriam et

mercedem post se dereliquid. Quem condigne laudare non sufficio et

penitus tacere non audeo ; cui plus omnium ego sum debitor, quantum
et amplius in me laborabit, qui me a prima etate mea a parentibus meis
discipilum suscepit et sacras litteras docuit et veritatem manifestavit
et per misericordiam dei et gratiam Cristi et carnaliter et spiritaliter

ut filium suum in fide educavit/

Sokrates expressly mentions that Ulfilas invented the Gothic alphabet,

and that he translated the whole of the Scriptures into Gothic, with the

exception of the four books of Kings, which he is said to have omitted

so as not to excite the warlike spirit of his people. The latter remark
was no doubt a pure invention on the part of Sokrates, because the
books of Joshua and Judges would have even been more likely to stimu-
late the Gothic passion for fighting than the books of Kings. The
probability is, as Bradley points out, that Ulfilas did not live to finish
his translation, and that he intended to leave to the last the books
which he thought least important for his great purpose of making good

The Manuscripts, containing the fragments of the biblical translation

which have come down to us, are not contemporary with Ulfilas ; but
144 TEXT.

were written in Italy about the year 500. The fragments of the New
Testament all point to one and the same translator, but the two small
fragments of the books of Ezra and Nehemiah differ so much in style

from those of the New Testament, that scholars now regard them as
being the work of a later translator. It is also highly improbable that
Ulfilas was the author of the fragments of a commentary on the Gospel
of St. John, first published by Massmann under the title :
* Skeireins
aiwaggeljons J)airh Johannen,' Munich, 1834.
The Manuscripts, containing the fragments of Gothic, which ha.ve

come down to us, are the following :

I. Codex argenteus in the University library of Upsala. The codex

contained originally on 330 leaves the four Gospels in the order
Matthew, John, Luke, Mark ; of which 177 leaves are still preserved.

II. Codex Carolinus, a codex rescriptus, in the library of Wolfen-

biittel. This, consisting of four leaves, contains about forty-two verses

of Chapters xi-xv of the Epistle to the Romans.

III. Codices Ambrosiani, five fragments (codices rescripti), in the

Ambrosian library at Milan.

Codex A contains on ninety-five leaves fragments of the Epistles to

the Romans, Corinthians, Ephesians, Galatians, Philippians, Colossians,

Thessalonians, to Timothy, Titus, and Philemon ; and a small fragment
of a Gothic Calendar.
Codex B contains on seventy-seven leaves the second Epistle to the
Corinthians complete, and fragments of the Epistles to the Corinthians
(first Epistle), Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, Thessa-
lonians, to Timothy, and to Titus.
Codex C, consisting of two leaves, and containing fragments of
Chapters xxv-xxvii of St. Matthew.
Codex D, consisting of three leaves, and containing fragments of the

books of Ezra and Nehemiah.

Codex E, consisting of eight leaves (three of which are in the Vatican

at Rome), and containing a fragment of a commentary on St. John.

See above.
IV. Codex Turinensis, in Turin, consisting of four damaged
TEXT, 145

leaves, and containing the fragments of the Epistles to the Galatians

and Colossians.
For other fragments of Gothic which have come down to us, see the

article '
Gotische Literatur,' by E. Sievers, in Paul's Grundriss der
germanischen Philologie, vol. ii. pp. 69, 70.
The following short list of books and articles will be useful to
students wishing to pursue a further study of Gothic :

(i) The history of the Goths and the life of Ulfilas. t)ber das

Leben und die Lehre des Ulfila, by G. Waitz, Hannover, 1840. Uber
das Leben des Ulfilas und die Bekehrung der Gothen zum Christentum,
by W. Bessel, Gottingen, i860. Ulfilas, Apostle of the Goths, by Ch.
A. A. Scott, Cambridge, 1885. The Goths, by H. Bradley, London, 1890.
(2) Editions. Ulfilas, by H. C. von der Gabelentz and J. Loebe,
2 vols., Altenburg und Leipzig, 1836-1846. Volume i, containing the
text, Latin translation, and critical notes, is now antiquated. But
vol. ii, containing the glossary and grammar, is very valuable, especially
for the accidence and syntax. Ulfilas, by H. F. Massmann, Stuttgart,
1857, containing also a Latin and a Greek text, notes, glossary,

grammar, and historical introduction. For a faithfully printed copy

of the various Manuscripts all later editors of Ulfilas are especially

indebted to the edition by A. Uppstrom, which appeared in parts,

Upsala, 1 854-1 868 (Codex Argenteus, 1854; Decem codicis argentei

rediviva folia, 1857 > Fragmenta gothica selecta, 1861 ; Codices gotici
ambrosiani, 1 864-1 868). Vulfila, oder die gotische Bibel, by E. Bern-
hardt, Halle, 1875, containing a most valuable introduction, Greek
text, and commentary. The first Germanic Bible, translated from the
Greek by the Gothic bishop, Wulfila, in the fourth century, and the
other remains of the Gothic language. With an introduction, a syntax,
and a glossary, by G. H. Balg, Milwaukee, Wis., 1891. Ulfilas, by
M. Heyne, ninth edition, Paderborn, 1896, containing also a grammar
and glossary. It is from this edition that our specimens have been

For a fairly complete list of the various editions of Ulfilas, see the
introduction to Bernhardt's edition, pp. Ixii-lxv.

146 TEXT,

(3) Glossaries. Gothisches Glossar, by E. Schulze, Magdeburg,

1847 ; this is the most complete Gothic glossary. Vergleichendes Wor-

terbuch der gotischen Sprache, by L. Diefenbach, vols, i, 2, Frankfort,
1 85 1. A Moeso-Gothic Glossary, with an introduction, an outline of
Moeso- Gothic grammar, and a list of Anglo-Saxon and Old and Modern
English words etymologically connected with Moeso-Gothic, by W.
W. Skeat, London, 1868. A Comparative glossary of the Gothic Lan^
guage, by G. H. Balg, Mayville, 1887-1889. Grundriss der gotischen
Etymologic, by S. Feist, Strassburg, 1888 ; containing merely a selection
of the Gothic vocabulary. Kurzgefasstes etymologisches Worterbucli
der gotischen Sprache, by C. C. Uhlenbeck, Amsterdam, 1896. Cp.
also (2) above.

(4) G-rammars, &c. Die gotische Sprache by L. Meyer, Berlin, 1869.

Altdeutsche Grammatik, by A. Holtzmann, Leipzig, 18 70-1 87 5, contain-

ing the phonology of the old Germanic languages. Gotische Grammatik,
by W. Braune, fourth edition, Halle, 1895. Kurzgefasste gotische
Grammatik, by E. Bernhardt, Halle, 1885. An Introduction, phono-
logical, morphological, syntactic, to the Gothic of Ulfilas, by T. le
Marchant Douse, London, 1886. Gotisches Elementarbuch, by W.
Streitberg, Heidelberg, 1897. See also (2) above. Die Aussprache
des Gotischen zur Zeit des Ulfilas, by W. Weingartner, Leipzig, 1858.
tJber die Aussprache des Gotischen, by F. Dietrich, Marburg, 1862.
Geschichte der gotischen Sprache, by E. Sievers, in Paul's Grundriss der
germanischen Philologie, vol. i. pp. 407-416.

(5) For a list of other works and articles relating to Gothic, see
K. Goedeke's Grundriss zur Geschichte der deutschen Dichtung, second
edition, Dresden, 1884, vol. i. pp. 7-1 1: and the two articles by
E. Sievers mentioned above.

1 AtsaihriJ) armaion izwara ni taujan in andwairj^ja manne
du saihran im ; aif)]5au laun ni habaij> fram attin izwa-
ramma J)amma in himinam.
2 tan nu taujais armaion, ni haiirnjais faiira ]?us, swaswe
}>ai liutans taujand in gaqumj)im jah in garunsim, ei

hauhjaindau fram mannam ; amen qi]?a izwis : andne-

mun mizdon seina.

3 lip f)uk taujandan armaion ni witi hleidumei J^eina, hra

taujij) taihswo J^eina,

4 ei sijai so armahafrtif)a )?eina in fulhsnja, jah atta J^eins

saei saihrif) in fulhsnja, usgibi]? Ipus in bafrhtein.

5 Jah J>an bidjaif), ni sijaij? swaswe J)ai liutans, unte frijond

ingaqumf)im jah waihstam plapjo standandans bidjan, ei
gaumjaindau mannam. Amen, qi)?a izwis J^atei haband
mizdon seina.

6 lip pu J^an bidjais, gagg in hef>jon f)eina, jah galukands

haiirdai J^einai bidei du attin peinamma f>amma in fulhsnja,
jah atta f>eins saei safhrij? in fulhsnja, usgibi]? f>us in

7 BidjandansuJ)-J>anni filuwaurdjaif), swaswe f>di f>iudo;

im auk ei in filuwaurdein seinai andhausjaindau,

8 Ni galeikoj? nu j^aim ; wait auk atta izwar f>izei jus f>aur-

buj), faurj>izei jus bidjaij> ina.

L 2
148 AIIVAGGELJO pAIRH MAhpAIU. [Ch. vi. 9-2.:^.

9 Swa nu bidjaif) jus : Atla unsar \m in himinam, weihnai

namo f)ein.
10 Qimai f>iudinassus J^eins. Wairj)ai wilja f>eins, swe in

himina jab ana airf)ai.

1 Hlaif unsarana f>ana sinteinan gif uns himma daga.

12 Jah aflet uns ]?atei skulans sijaima, swaswe jah weis afle-
tam ]?aim skulam unsaraim.

13 Jah ni briggais uns in fraistubnjai, ak lausei uns af f)amnia

ubilin; unte f)eina ist {^iudangardi jah mahts jah wul]:)us

\xx aiwins. Amen.

14 Unte jabai afleti|? mannam missadedins ize, afleti)? jah
izwis atta izwar sa ufar himinam.
15 Vf jabai ni afletij^ mannam missadedins ize, ni J)au atta

izwar afleti)^ missadedins izwaros.

16 Af>f>an bif)e fastaif>, ni wairf)aif) swaswe f>ai liutans gaurai

frawardjand auk andwair]5Ja seina, ei gasaihraindau man-

nam fastandans. Amen, qij^a izwis, f>atei andnemun
mizdon seina,

17 If) J^u fastands salbo, haubij? J>ein, jah ludja f>eina fjwah,
i8, ei ni gasaihraizau mannam fastands, ak attin J>einamma
fjamma in fulhsnja, jah atta f>eins saei saihrif) in fulhsnja,

usgibif) f)us.

19 Ni huzdjaij^ izwis huzda ana airf)ai, ))arei malo jah nidwa

frawardeif), jah J>arei f)iub5s ufgraband jah hlifand.
20 If> huzdjai]? izwis huzda in h.imina, f)arei nih malo nih
nidwa frawardeif>5 jah f)arei f)iu.bos ni ufgraband nih stiland.

2 I'arei aukhuzd izwar, J)aruh ist jah hairto izwar.


22 Lukarn leikis ist augo jabai nu augo ]?ein ainfalf>

: ist,

allata leik J?ein liuhadein wairf>if>

23 ij5 jabai augo J^ein unsel ist, allata leik J?ein riqizein wairj^i]^.

Jabai nu liuha]? f>ata in })us riqiz ist, J^ata riqiz hran filu
Ch. vi. 24; Ch. viii. 3.] AIWAGGELJO pAIRH MAppAIU, 149

24 Ni manna mag twaim fraujam skalkinon ; unte jabai

fijaij? ainana, jah anf)arana frijof) ; ai]5f>au ainamma
ufhauseif), if> anf>aramma frakann. Ni maguf) guj^a
skalkinon jah mammonin.
25 DuJ)]:'e qi))a izwis : ni maurnaij? saiwalai izwarai hra
matjaif) jah hra drigkaif>, nih leika izwaramma hre was-
jai]? ; niu saiwala mais ist fodeinai jah leit wastjom ?

26 Insaihrif) du fuglam himinis, f>ei ni saiand nih sneij)and,

nih Hsand in banstins, jah atta izwar sa ufar himinam
fodei]:) ins. Niu jus mais wulf)rizans siju]^ ])aim ?

27 IJ) hras izwara maiirnands mag anadukan ana wahstu

seinana aleina aina ?

28 Jah bi wastjos hra saurgai])? Gakunnaif) blomans haij)-

jos, hraiwa wahsjand ; nih arbaidjand nih spinnand.

29 Qif)uh f>an izwis f)atei nih Saiilaiimon in allamma wulj^au
seinamma gawasida sik swe ains j^ize.

30 Jah f)ande ]9ata hawi hai]:»jos himma daga wisando jah

gistradagis in auhn galagif) gu]? swa wasji]^, hraiwa mais
izwis leitil galaubjandans ?

31 Ni maiirnai)? nu qij^andans : hra matjam 3.i])p3,u hra drig-

kam, a]]?]:)au hre wasjaima ?

32 All auk f)ata f>iud6s sokjand; waituh f)an atta izwar sa

ufar himinam J)atei f)aurbuf>


1 Dalaf) f)an atgaggandin imma af fairgunja, laistidedun

afarimma iumjons manages.
2 Jah sai, manna ]:>riitsfill habands durinnands inwait ina
qif)ands : frauja, jabai wileis, magt mik gahrainjan.

3 Jah ufrakjands handu attaitok imma qij^ands : wiljau,

wafr]? hrains ! jah suns hrain war]? f>ata f>rutsfill is.

1 50 aIiVA GGELJO pAfRH MAppAIU, [Ch. viii. 4-16.

4 Jah qaf> imma lesus : safhr ei mann ni qi}>ais, ak gagg,

f)uk silban ataugei gudjin, jah atbafr giba ]?oei anabauj)
Moses du weitwodiJ)ai im.
5 Afaruh f)an f>ata inn atgaggandin imma in Kafarnaum,
duatiddja imma hundafaj)s bidjands ina,
6 jah qif)ands : frauja, f>iumagus meins ligif) in garda
uslifja, harduba balwif>s.

7 Jah qaf> du imma lesus : ik qimands gahailja ina.

8 Jah andhafjands sa hundafaj>s qaf) : frauja, ni im wafrf>s
ei uf hrot mein inn gaggais, ak f)atainei qij) waurda jah
gahailnif) sa f)iumagus meins.

9 Jah auk ik manna im habands uf waldufnja meinamma

gadrauhtins, jah qi]?a du J^amma: gagg, jah gaggi]?; jah
anj>arampia : qim, jah qimif> ;
jah du skalka meinamma :

tawei ]^ata, jah taujif>.

10 Gahausjands J)an lesus sildaleikida, jah qa}) du J>aim afar-

laistjandam: amen, (jif)a izwis, ni in Israela swalauda

galaubein bigat.
1 managai fram urrunsa jah saggqa
AJ)]:?an qif>a izwis f>atei

qimand, jah anakumbjand mij). Abrahama jah Isaka jah

lakoba in f>iudangardjai himine
1 if) f)ai sunjus f>iudangardjos yswatrpanda in riqis J>ata hin-
dumisto ;
jainar wairj^ij? grets jah krusts tunf)iwe.

13 Jah qaf) lesus f)amma hundafada : gagg, jah swaswe

galaubides wairj)ai f>us. Jah gahailnoda sa J)iumagus is

in jainai hreilai.

14 Jah qimands lesus in garda Paitraus, gasahr swaihron is

ligandein jah in heitom.

15 Jah attaitok handau izos jah aflailot ija so heito; jah
urrais jah andbahtida imma.
16 At andanahtja f>an waurf>anamma, atberun du imma
Ch. viii. 16-28.] AIWAGGELJO pAIRH MAppAIU. 151

daimonarjans managans, jah uswarp f)ans ahmans waurda,

jah allans ]5ans ubil habandans gahailida,
17 ei usfullnodedi ]?ata gamelido f>airh Esai'an praiifetu

qij^andan : sa unmahtins unsaros usnam jah sauhtins

18 Gasaihrands f)an lesus managans hiuhmans bi sik, haihait

galeif>an siponjans hindar marein.

19 Jah duatgaggands ains bokareis qa}? du imma : laisari,

laistja f>uk, f)ishjaduh J^adei gaggis.

20 Jah qa]? du imma lesus : fadhons grobos aigun, jah fuglos

himinis sidans, if> sunus mans ni habai}? hrar haubij? sein
2 Anf>aruh f>an siponje is qaf> du imma : frauja^ uslaubei

mis frumist galeif>an jah gafilhan attan meinana.

22 If) lesus qaf) du imma : laistei afar mis, jah let f)ans dau-
f)ans filhan seinans dauf)ans,

23 Jah inn atgaggandin imma in skip, afar iddjedun imma

siponjos is.

24 Jah sai, wegs mikils warf) in marein, swaswe f)ata skip

gahuh]:) wairf>an fram wegim ; '-C^ is saislep.

25 Jah duatgaggandans siponjos is urraisidedun ina qif>an-

dans : frauja, nasei unsis, fraqistnam.

26 Jah qaf) du im lesus : hra faiirhteif), leitil galaubjandans !

I^anuh urreisands gasok windam jah marein, jah warf) wis


27 I]5 f>ai mans siidaleikidedun qif>andans : hrileiks ist sa,

ei jah windos jah marei uf hausjand imma ?

28 Jah qimandin imma hindar marein in gauja Gairgaisaine,
gamotidedun imma twai daimonarjos us hlaiwasnom
rinnandans, sleidjai filu, swaswe ni mahta manna usleif'an
f)airh f>ana wig jainana.
152 AiWAGGELJO pAfRH MAppAIU, [Ch.viii. 29; Ch. xi. 7.

29 Jah sai, hropidedun qif)andans : hra uns jah f)us, lesu,

sunau guf)s qamt her faiir mel balwjan unsis ?

30 Wasuh J^an fairra im hairda sweine managaize haldana.

31 If> f>o skohsla bedun ina qij^andans jabai uswairpis uns, :

uslaubei uns galeif>an in \o hairda sweine.

32 Jah qaf) du im gaggif> If) eis usgaggandans gali)^un in
: !

hairda sweine ;
jah sai, run gawaurhtedun sis alia so
hairda and driuson in marein, jah gadauj^nodedun in
33 If) f>ai haldandans gaf)lauhun jah galeif)andans gataihun
in baurg all bi J)ans daimonarjans.
34 Jah sai, alia so baiirgs usiddja wif>ra lesu, jah gasaihran-
dans ina bedun ei uslij)i hindar markos ize.


1 Jah war]9, bif>e usfullida lesus anabiudands f>aim twalif

siponjam seinaim, ushof sik jainf)ro du laisjan jah merjan
and baurgs ize.

2 If) lohannes gahausjands in karkarai waiirstwa Xristaus,

insandjands bi siponjam seinaim qaj) du imma
3 f>u is sa qimanda f)au anparizuh beidaima }

4 Jah andhafjands lesus qaf) du' im : gaggandans gateihif)

lohanne J^atei gahaaseif) jah gasaihrif).

5 Blindai ussaihjand, jah haltai gaggand, f)rutsfillai hrainjai

wairf)and, jah baudai gahausjand, jah dauf)ai urreisand,

jah unledai wailamerjanda
6 jah audags ist hrazuh saei ni gamarzjada in mis.
7 At f)aim f)an afgaggandam, dugann lesus qif>an f>aim
manageim bi lohannen hra usiddjeduf) ana anf)ida

saihran 1 raus fram winda wagidata ?

Ch. xi. 8-15.] AIWAGGELJO pAIRH MAppAIU. 153

8 Akei hra usiddjeduf) saihran ? mannan hnasqjaim wastjom

gawasidana ? Sai, f)aiei hnasqjaim wasidai sind, in gardim
]?iudane sind.

9 Akei hra usiddjedu]? saihran ? praiifetu ? Jai, qij^a izwis :

jah managizo praiifetau.

10 Sa ist auk bi f)anei gamelij) ist : sai, ik insandja aggilu

meinana faura f>us, saei gamanwei]? wig ]?einana faura


1 Amen, qif)a izwis : ni urrais in baurim qinono maiza

lohanne ]pamma daupjandin ; \\> sa minniza in J^iudan-
gardjai himine maiza imma ist.
12 Framuh J^an j^aim dagam lohannis ]>is daupjandins und
hita ]:>iudangardi himine anamahtjada, jah anamahtjandans
frawilwand f»o.

1 Allai auk praiifeteis jah witof) und lohanne fauraqef)un :

14 jah jabai wildedei]^ mij? niman, sa ist Helias, saei skulda

1 Saei habai k\xsdna hdusja7vddna^ ^^hausja/.


1 Anastodeins aiwaggeljons lesuis Xristaus sunaus guj>s.

2 Swe gamelif) ist in Esaiin praiifetau : sdi, ik insandja

aggilu meinana faura f)us, saei gamanweif) wig J^einana

faiira f>us.

3 Stibna wopjandins in au]:>idai : manweij? wig fraujins,

raihtos waurkeif> staigos gups unsaris.

4 Was lohannes daupjands in auf>idai jah merjands daupein

idreigos du aflageinai frawaurhte.

5 Jah usiddjedun du imma all ludaialand jah lairusaiilymeis,

jah daupidai wesun allai in laurdane ahrai fram imma,
andhaitandans frawaiirhtim seinaim.
6 Wasuf>-f>an lohannes gawasij^s taglam ulbandaus jah
gairda filleina bi hup seinana, jah matida f>ramsteins jah
milij) haij)iwisk,

7 jah merida qif)ands : qimif) swinf)oza mis sa afar mis,

f)izei ik ni im wairf)s anahneiwands andbindan skaudaraip
skohe is.

8 Af>J>an ik daupja izwis in watin, if> is daupeij) izwis in

ahmin weihamma.
9 Jah war]? in jainaim dagam, qam lesus fram Nazaraif>
Galeilaias, jah daupif>s was fram lohanne in laurdane.

10 Jah suns usgaggands us f)amma watin gasahr uslukanans

himinans, jah ahman svve ahak atgaggandan ana ina.

11 Jah stibna qam us himinam :

J)u is sunus meins sa liuba,

in j>uzei wail a galeikaida.

1 Jah suns sai, ahma ina ustauh in auf)ida.
13 Jah was in f)izai auf)idai dage fidwor tiguns fraisans fram
Satanin, jah was mij? diuzam, jah aggileis andbahtidedun
14 If> afar f)atei atgibans war}? lohannes, qam lesus in

Galeilaia merjands aiwaggeljon J^iadangardjos gu]5s,

15 qif>ands f)atei usfullnoda f)ata mel jah atnehrida sik J?iu-

dangardi guf>s : idreigo]:) jah galaubeij? in aiwaggeljon.

16 Jah hrarbonds faiir marein Galeilaias gasahr Seimonu
jah Andraian bro]:?ar is, f)is Seimonis, wairpandans nati in
marein wesun auk fiskjans.

1 Jah qaf) im lesus hirjats afar mis, jah gatauja igqis


wairj^an nutans manne.

1 Jah suns afletandans \o natja seina laistidedun afar imma.
19 Jah jainf>ro inn gaggands framis leitil gasahr lakobu f>ana
Zaibaidaiaus jah lohanne broJ?ar is, jah J^ans in skipa
manwjandans natja.

20 Jah suns haihait ins. Jah afletandans attan seinana

Zafbaidaiu in f>amma skipa mif> asnjam, galif)un afar

2 Jah galif)un in Kafarnaum, jah suns sabbato daga galei-

f)ands in synagogen laisida ins.

22 Jah usfilmans waurf>un ana J^izai laiseinai is; unte was

laisjands ins swe waldufni habands jah ni swaswe f)ai


23 Jah was in f)izai synagogen ize manna in unhrainjamma

ahmin, jah ufhropida
156 AIWAGGELJO pAIRH MARKU. [Ch. i. 24-39.

24 qij^ands: fralet, hra uns jah f)us, lesii Nazorenai, qamt

fraqistjan uns ? Kann \>wk, hras ]>\i is, sa weiha guf>s.
25 Jah andbait ina lesus qif)ands : J^ahai jah usgagg ut us
f>amma, ahma unhrainja.
26 Jah tahida ina ahma sa unhrainja, Jah hropjands stibnai
mikilai usiddja us imma.
27 Jah afslau]?nodedun allai sildaleikjandans, swaei sokidedun
mij) sis misso qi):)andans : hra sijai J)ata ? hro so laiseino
so niujo, ei mi}^ waldufnja jah ahmam f>aim unhrainjam
anabiudif> jah ufhausjand imma ?
28 Usiddja f>an merif)a is suns and allans bisitands Galeilaias.
29 Jah suns us J^izai synagogC'n usgaggandans qemun in

garda Seimonis jah Andraiins mif) lakobau jah lohannen.

30 Vp swaihro Seimonis lag in brinnon: jah suns qe]:>un
imma bi ija.

31 Jah duatgaggands urraisida ]>b undgreipands handu izos,

jah aflailot f>o so brinno suns, jah andbahtida im.

32 Andanahljaf)an waurj^anamma, j^angasaggq sauil, berun du

imma allans J:>ans ubil habandans.jah unhul]^6ns habandans.
33 Jah so baurgs alia garunnana was at daiira.
34 Jah gahailida managans ubil habandans missaleikaim
saiihtim, jah unhulfjons managos uswarp, jah ni fralailot

rodjan J>os unhulj^ons, unte kunj^edun ina.

35 Jah air uhtwon usstandands usiddja, jah galaij? ana auf)jana

sta]^, jah jainar baf).
36 Jah galaistans waurj^un imma Seimon jah ]>i\ mi)? imma.
37 Jah bigitandans ina qej^un du imma J^atei allai f>uk sokjand.
38 Jah qaf) du im gaggam du f)aim bisunjane haimom jah

baurgim, ei jah jainar merjau, unte duf)e qam.

39 Jah was merjands in synagogim ize and alia Galeilaian

ah unhulf>ons uswairpands.
Ch. i. 40 ; Ch. ii. 6.] AIWAGGELJO pAIRH MARKU, 157

40 Jah qam at imma f)rutsfill habands, bidjands ina jah

kniwam knussjands jah qij^ands du imma f>atei jabai
wileis, magt mik gahrainjan.

41 If> lesus infeinands, ufrakjands handu seina attaitok imma

jah qaj) imma : wiljau, wair]^ brains.

42 Jah bif)e qaf) J^ata lesus, suns f)ata l^rutsfill aflaif) af imma,
jah brains warf).

43 J^h gahrotjands imma suns ussandida ina,

44 jah qaf) du imma saihr ei mannhun ni qif)ais
: waiht ; ak
gagg J:)uk silban ataugjan gudjin, jah atbair fram gabrai-
neinai f>einai f)atei anabauf) Moses du weitwodif>ai im.

45 If> is usgaggands dugann merjan filu jah usqif>an J^ata

waurd, swaswe is juf>an ni mahta andaugjo in baiirg

galeif>an, ak uta ana auj>jaim stadim was; jah iddjedun
du imma allaf>ro.


1 Jah gala if) aftra in Kafarnaum afar dagans, jah gafrehun

f>atei in garda ist.

2 Jah suns gaqemun managai, swaswe juf)an ni gamoste-

dun nib at daiira, jah rodida im waurd.
3 Jah qemun at imma usHf>an bairandans, hafanana fram
4 Jah ni magandans nehra qiman imma faura manageim,
andhuHdedun brot f>arei was lesus, jah usgrabandans
insailidedun J)ata badi, jah fralailotun ana J^ammei lag sa

5 Gasaihrands ]:>an lesus galaubein ize qaj? du f)amma

uslif)in : barnilo, afletanda f>us frawaiirbteis f)einos.
6 Wesunub J)an sumai J?ize bokarje jainar sitandans jah
J?agkjandans sis in bafrtam seinaim :
1 58 AIWAGGELJO pAIRH MARKU. [Ch. ii. 7-18.

7 hra sa swa rodeij? naiteinins ? hras mag afletan frawaiirh-

tins, niba ains gu)? ?

8 Jah suns ufkunnands lesus ahmin seinamma f>atei swa

\2x mitodedun sis, qaf) du im duhre mito)? J?ata in

hairtam izwaraim?
9 hraf)ar ist azetizo du qij)an J^amma uslif>in : afletanda
f>us frawaurhteis J^einos, f)au qij^an : urreis jah nim f)ata

badi J^einata jah gagg ?

10 Af)f)an ei witeif) )?atei waldufni habaij> sunus mans ana

air)?ai afletan frawaiirhtins, qaf) du J?amma uslif)in

1 )?us qif)a : urreis nimuh J?ata badi f)ein jah gagg du garda
12 Jah urrais suns jah ushafjands badi usiddja faiira and-
wairf)ja allaize, swasvve usgeisnodedun allai jah hauhidedun
mikiljandans guj>, qij^andans ]?atei aiw swa ni gasehrun.
13 Jah galaij? aftra faur marein, jah all manageins iddjedun
du imma, jah laisida ins.

14 Jah hrarbonds gasahr Laiwwi f>ana Alfaiaus sitandan at

motai jah qaj? du imma : gagg afar mis. Jah usstandands
iddja afar imma.
15 Jah warj>, bif>e is anakumbida in garda is, jah managai
motarjos jah frawaiirhtai mif> anakumbidedun lesua jah
siponjam is ; wesun auk managai jah iddjedun afar imma.
1 Jah J^ai bokarjos jah Fareisaieis gasaihrandans ina mat-
jandan mi]? f)aim motarjam jah frawaiirhtaim, qef>un du
})aim siponjam is : hra ist f)atei mij? motarjam jah fra-
waiirhtaim matjif) jah driggkij? ?

17 Jah gahausjands lesus qaf) du im : ni J^aiirbun swinf>ai

lekeis, ak f)ai ubilaba habandans ; ni qam laJ>on uswaiirh-

tans, ak frawaiirhtans.
18 Jah wesun siponjos lohannis jah Fareisaieis fastandans ;
Ch. ii. 18-28.] AtWAGGELJO PaIrH MARKU. 159

jah atiddjedun jah qe)?un du imma : duhre siponjos

lohannes jah Fareisaieis fastand, if> f>ai fjeinai siponjos
ni fastand ?

19 Jah qaf) im lesus : ibai magun sunjus bruf>fadis, und

J>atei mij) im ist bruf)faf)S, fastan? swa lagga hreila svve

mif) sis haband bruf)fad, ni magun fastan.

20 AJ)f>an atgaggand dagos J)an afnimada af im sa bruj?fa]?s,

jah J)an fastand in jainamma daga.

2 Ni manna plat fanins niujis siujij? ana snagan fairnjana
ibai afnimai fullon af f>amma sa niuja f)amma fairnjin,

jah wairsiza gataura wairf>if>.

22 Ni manna giutij? wein juggata in balgins fairnjans; ibai

aufto distairai wein f>ata niujo J)ans balgins jah wein

usgutnif), jah f>ai balgeis fraqistnand ; ak wein juggata in

balgins niujans giutand.

23 Jah war]? J^afrhgaggan imma sabbato daga J^airh atisk,

dugunnun siponjos is skewjandans raupjan ahsa.

24 Jah Fareisaieis qef)un du imma: sai, hra taujand siponjos
J)einai sabbatim f)atei ni skuld ist ?

25 Jah is qaj? du im : niu ussuggwuj? aiw hra gatawida

Daweid, f)an J)aurfta jah gredags was, is jah ]:>ai mij?
imma ?
26 hraiwa galaij? in gard guj)s uf Abiaf>ara gudjin jah
hlaibans faurlageinais matida, J>anzei ni skuld ist mat-
jan niba ainaim gudjam, jah gaf jah ]?aim mi}? sis

wisandam ?

27 Jah qaf) im : sabbato in mans warf> gaskapans, ni manna

in sabbato dagis
28 swaei frauja ist sa sunus mans jah f)amma sabbato.
i6o AIWAGGELyo PaIrH MARKU. [Ch. iii. 1-12.


1 Jah galaij) aftra in synagogen, jah was jainar manna

gaf)aursana habands handu.
2 Jah witaidedun imma hdilidediu sabbato daga, ei wro-
hidedeina ina.
3 Jah qaf) du J^amma mann ]:)amma ga])aursana habandin
handu : urreis in midumai.

4 Jah qaj? du im : skuldu ist in sabbatim Jjiu)^ tdujan aif>f)au

unj^iu)) taujan, saiwala nasjan af]:>|)au usqistjan? \\ eis


5 Jah ussaihrands ins mif) moda, gaurs in daubijjos hafrtins

ize qaf) du f)amma mann : ufrakei \o handu peina ! Jah

ufrakida, jah gastof) aftra so handus is.

6 Jah gaggandans |)an Fareisaieis sunsdiw mij) J^dim Hero-

dianum garuni gatawidedun bi ina, ei imma usqemeina.
7 Jah lesus aflaif) mij? siponjam- seinaim du marein, jah filu

manageins us Galeilaia laistidedun afar imma,

8 jah us ludaia jah us lairusaiilymim jah us Idumaia jah
hindana laiirdanaus ;
jah Jpai bi Tyra jah Seidona, mana-
geins filu, gahausjandans hran filu is tawida, qemun at

9 Jah qa]? ]:>dim siponjam seinaim ei skip habaij? wesi at
imma in f)izos manageins, ei ni J)rafheina ina.

10 Managans auk gahailida, swaswe drusun ana ina ei imma

11 jah swa managai swe habaidedun wundufnjos jah ahmans
unhrainjans, f>aih ]5an ina gasehrun, drusun du imma jah
hropidedun qij^andans f>atei f)u is sunus guj^s.

1 Jah filu andbait ins ei ina ni gaswikun]?idedeina.

Ch. iii. 13-27.] AIWAGGELJO pAIRH MARKU. i6i

13 Jah ustaig in fairguni jah athafhait f>anzei wilda is, jah

gali]:>un du imma.
14 Jah gawaiirhta twalif du wisan mi]:> sis, jah ei insandidedi
ins merjan,

15 jah haban waldufni du hailjan sauhtins jah uswairpan un-

16 Jah gasatida Seimona namo Paitrus ;

17 jah lakobau J^amma Zaibaidaiaus, jah lohanne hxo\x

lakobaus, jah gasatida im namna Baiianairgais, f>atei ist
sunjus ]:>eihr6ns
18 jah Andraian jah Filippu jah Barf)aulaumaiu jah Matf)aiu
jah toman jah lakobu f>ana Alfaiaus, jah l^addaiu jah
Seimona J^ana Kananeiten,
19 jah ludan Iskarioten, saei jah galewida ina.

20 Jah atiddjedun in gard, jah gai'ddja sik managei, swaswe

ni mahtedun nih hlaif matjan.

2 Jah hausjandans fram imma bokarjos jah anj^arai usidd-

jedun gahaban ina qe}?un auk f>atei usgaisif)s ist.

22 Jah bokarjos J)ai af lairusaulymai qimandans qej^un f)atei

Bafailzaibul habaif>, jah J^atei in J^amma reikistin unhul-

]:>ono uswairpi]:> J^aim unhulj^om.

23 Jah athaitands ins in gajukom qaf) du im : luaiwa mag
Satanas Satanan uswairpan ?
24 Jah jabai f>iudangardi wij^ra sik gadailjada, ni mag stan-
dan so f)iudangardi jaina.

25 Jah jabai gards wif>ra sik gadailjada, ni mag standan sa

gards jains.
26 Jah jabai Satana usstof) ana sik silban jah gadailijps warf),
ni mag gastandan, ak andi habai]?.
27 Ni manna magkasa swin]?is galeij^ands in gard is wilwan, niba

1 62 AiWAGGELJO pAIRH MARKU. [Ch. iii. 28; Ch. iv. 5.

28 Amen, qij^a izwis, f)atei allata afletada f>ata frawaiirhte

sunum manne, jah naiteinos swa manages swaswe waja-
merjand ;

29 af)]5an saei wajamereif) ahman weihana ni habaif) fralet

aiw, ak skula ist aiweinaizos frawaiirhtais.

30 Unte qef)un : ahman unhrainjana habaij).

31 Jah qemun f)an aif)ei is jah brof>rjus is jah uta standan-

dona insandidedun du imma, haitandona ina.
32 Jah setun bi ina managei; qef>un f)an du imma: sai,

aif)ei J>eina jah brof>rjus )?einai jah swistrjus f>einos uta

sokjand f)uk.

33 Jah andhof im qif^ands: hro ist so aif>ei meina d^ippiu Jjai

brof)rjus meinai ?

34 Jah bisaihrands bisunjane f)ans bi sik sitandands qaf)

sai, aif>ei meina jah Ipii brof>rjus meinai.

35 Saei allis waurkeij? wiljan gups, sa jah brof)ar meins jah

swistar jah aij^ei ist.


1 Jah aftra lesus dugann laisjan at marein, jah galesun sik

du imma manageins filu, swaswe ina g2i\eip3.ndan in

skip gasitan in marein ;

jah alia so managei wif)ra marein
ana staf)a was.
2 Jah laisida ins in gajukom manag, jah qa]o im in laiseinai


3 hauseif) ! Sai, urrann sa saiands du saian fraiwa sei-

4 Jah warf), mif)f)anei saiso, sum raihtis gadraus faiir wig,
jah qemun fuglos jah fretun f>ata.
5 AnJ)aruj5-f)an gadraus ana stainahamma, f>arei ni habaida
Ch. iv. 5-19.] AtWAGGELJO pAIRH MARKU. 163

airf)a managa, jah suns urrann, in f)izei ni habaida diupai-

zos airf)OS
6 at sunnin l^an urrinnandin ufbrann, jah unte. ni habaida
waiirtins gaj^aiirsnoda.

7 Jah sum gadraus in f>aurnuns jah ufarstigun ; J^ai f>aurn-

jus jah af hrapidedun f)ata, jah akran ni gaf.
8 Jah sum gadraus in airf)a goda, jah gaf akran urrinnando
jah wahsjando, jah bar ain •!• jah ain 'j* jah ain t.

9 Jah qaj) saei habai ausona hausjandona, gahausjai.


10 IJ> bij^e warf) sundro, frehun ina f)ai bi ina mif) J^aim twa-
Hbim )?izos gajukons.
1 Jah qaf) im : izwis atgiban ist kunnan runa f)iudangard-
jos guf>s, ij) jainaim f)aim uta in gajukom allata wair]?if),
1 ei saihrandans saihraina jah ni gaumjaina, jah hausjandans
hausjaina jah ni fra}>jaina, nibai hran gawandjaina sik jah
afletaindau im frawaiirhteis.

1 Jah qaf) du im ni wituf) :

f)o gajukon, jah hraiwa alios })0s

gajukons kunneif) ?
14 Sa saijands waiird saijif>.

15 Af)J>an f)ai wif)ra wig sind, f)arei saiada f)ata waiird, jah f)an

gahausjand unkarjans, suns qimij? Satanas jah usnimij?

waurd f)ata insaiano in hafrtam ize.

16 Jah sind samaleiko f>ai ana stainahamma saianans,

f)aiei ]?an hausjand f>ata waiird, suns mif) fahedai nimand

1 jah ni haband waiirtins in sis, ak hreilahrafrbai sind ;

}>a]?roh, bif)e qimij) agio aif)J)au wrakja in J^is waiirdis,

suns gamarzjanda.
1 Jah f)ai sind f)ai in f>aiirnuns saianans, *)?ai waiird haus-
19 jah saiirgos f>izos libainais jah afmarzeins gabeins jah ]?ai

M 2
1 64 AIWAGGELJO pAfRH MARKU. [Ch. iv. 19-32.

bi ]?ata anj>ar lustjus inn atgaggandans afhrapjand f>ata

waurd jah akranalaus wairf)if).

20 Jah ]5ai sind f)ai ana airf)ai ]?izai godon saianans \>i\^\
hausjand ])ata waiird jah andnimand, jah akran bairand,
ain 'l* jah ain j* jah ain t*.
21 Jah qaf) du im : ibai lukarn qimij? duj>e ei uf melan
satjaidau aiJ^J^au undar ligr ? niu ei ana lukarnastaf)an
satjaidau ?

22 Nih allis ist hra fulginis f)atei ni gabairhtjaidau : nih war)?

analaugn, ak ei swikunf) wairf)ai.
23 Jabai hras habai ausona hausjandona, gahausjai.
24 Jah qaf) du im : saihri]? hra hausei)?! In ]?izaiei mita]?
mitij>, mitada izwis jah biaukada izwis f»aim galaubjan-
25 Unte ]?ishrammeh saei habaif) gibada imma ;
jah saei ni
habaij? jah J)atei habaij? afnimada imma.

26 Jah qaf) : swa ist J^iudangardi gu)?s, swaswe jabai manna

wairpij? fraiwa ana airj^a.

27 Jah slepif) jah urreisi]? naht jah daga, jah J>ata fraiw keini]?
jah liudij> swe ni wait is.

28 Silbo auk air}?a akran bairif) : frumist gras, f)af)roh ahs,

]5a]:)roh fulleif) kaurnis in ]?amma ahsa.
29 t'anuh bij>e atgibada akran, suns insandeif) gilj>a, unte
atist asans.

30 Jah qaf> : hre galeikom J)iudangardja guj^s, aif)J)au in

hrileikai gajukon gabairam Ipb"^

31 Swe kaiirno sinapis, ]:>atei ]:>an saiada ana airf)a, minnist

allaize fraiwe ist f)ize ana airf)ai

32 jah ]?an saiada, urrinnif) jah wairj^ij? allaize grase maist,

jah gataujif) astans mikilans, swaswe magun uf skadau is

fuglos himinis gabauan.

Ch. iv. 33; Ch. V. 4.] AIWAGGELJO pAIRH MARKU, 165

33 Jah swaleikaim managaim gajukom rodida du im J)ata

waiird, swaswe mahtedun hausjon.

34 IJ) inuh gajukon ni rodida im, \]> sundro siponjam seinaim
andband allata.

35 Jah qaf) du im in jainamma daga at andanahtja f>an

waur]:)anamma ; usleif)am jainis stadis.
36 Jah afletandans ])6 managein andnemun ina swe was in

skipa ;
jah f)an anf)ara skipa wesun mif) imma.
37 Jah warf) skura windis mikila jah wegos waltidedun in

skip, swaswe ita juj^an gafullnoda.

38 Jah was is ana notin ana waggarja slepands, jah urraisi-

dedun ina jah qefjun du imma: laisari, niu kara f>uk

f)izei fraqistnam ?

39 Jah urreisands gasok winda jah qaf) du marein : gaslawai,

afdumbn ! Jah anasilaida sa winds jah war)? wis mikil.
40 Jah qaf) du im : duhre faiirhtai sijuj? swa ? hraiwa ni
naiih habaij? galaubein ?

41 Jah ohtedun sis agis mikil, jah qej^un du sis misso : hras
J^annu sa sijai, unte jah winds jah marei ufhausjand
imma ?


1 Jah qemun hindar marein in landa Gaddarene.

2 Jah usgaggandin imma us skipa suns gamotida imma
manna us aurahjom in ahmin unhrainjamma,
3 saei bauain habaida in aurahjom : jah ni naudibandjom
eisarneinaim manna mahta ina gabindan.

4 Unte is gabuganaim jah naudi-

ufta eisarnam bi fotuns
bandjom eisarneinaim gabundans was, jah galausida af
sis f>os naudibandjos, jah ]>6 ana fotum eisarna gabrak,
jah manna ni mahta ina gatamjan.
1 66 AfWAGGELJO pAtRH MARKU. [Ch. v. 5-19.

5 Jah sinteino nahtam jah dagam in aurahjom jah in fair-
gunjam was hropjands jah bliggwands sik stainam.

6 Gasaihrands f)an lesu fairraf)ro rann jah inwait ina,

7 jah hropjands stibnai mikilai qaj? : hra mis jah f>us, lesu,
sunau guj^s J)is hauhistins ? biswara J^uk bi guf)a, ni balw-
jais mis
8 Unte qa}> imma : usgagg, ahma unhrainja, us J^amma
9 Jah frah ina : hra namo f>ein ? Jah qaj) du imma : namo
mein Lafgafon, unte managai sijum.
10 Jah baj? ina filu ei ni usdrebi im us landa.
1 Wasuh J^an jainar hairda sweine haldana at f)amma fafr-

1 Jah bedun ina alios f)os unhulj^ons qij)andeins : insandei
unsis in ]?o sweina, ei in \o galeij^aima.

13 Jah uslaubida im lesus suns. Jah usgaggandans ahmans

J)ai unhrainjans galij^un in f)o sweina, jah rann so hairda
and driuson in marein; wesunu)5-f)an swe twos f)iasund-

jos, jah afhrapnodedun in marein.

14 Jah f)ai haldandans \o sweina gaf)Iauhun, jah gataihun in
baurg jah in haimom, jah qemun saihran hja wesi f>ata

15 Jah atiddjedun du lesua, jah gasaihrand f)ana wodan
sitandan jah gawasidana jah fraf)jandan f)ana saei habaida
lafgafon, jah ohtedun.
16 Jah spillodedun im f)aiei gasehrun, hraiwa warf) bi f)ana
wodan jah bi \o sweina.
17 Jah dugunnun bidjan ina galeif>an hindar markos seinos.

1 Jah inn gaggandan ina in skip baj? ina, saei was wods, ei

mi)5 imma wesi.

19 Jah ni laflot ina, ak qaj? du imma: gagg du garda f)ei-

Ch. V. 19-34.] AtWAGGELJO pAIRH MARKU, 167

namma du f)einaim, jah gateih im, hran filu f)us frauja

gatawida jah gaarmaida f)uk.
20 Jah galaif) jah dugann merjan in Daikapaiilein, hran filu

gatawida imma lesus jah allai sildaleikidedun. ;

2 Jah usleij^andin lesua in skipa aftra hindar marein, gaqe-

mun sik manageins filu du imma, jah was faiira marein.
22 Jah sai, qimif> ains ]?ize synagogafade namin Jaeirus; jah
safhrands ina gadraus du fotum lesuis.
23 jah baf) ina filu, qif)ands f>atei daiihtar meina aftumist
habai]:>, ei qimands lagjais ana \o handuns, ei ganisai
jah libai.

24 Jah galaif) mij) imma, jah iddjedun afar imma manageins

filu jah J^raihun ina.
25 Jah qinono suma wisandei in runa bloj^is jera twalif,

26 Jah manag gaf>ulandei fram managaim lekjam jah fra-

qimandei allamma seinamma jah ni waihtai botida, ak
mais wairs habaida,
27 gahausjandei bi lesu, atgaggandei in managein aftana
attaitok wastjai is.

28 Unte qaf) ]?atei jabai wastjom is atteka, ganisa.

29 Jah sunsaiw gaf)aursn6da sa brunna bloj^is izos, jah uf-

kunf>a ana leika f>atei gahailnoda af f>amma slaha.
30 Jah sunsaiw lesus ufkunf)a in sis silbin f)o us sis maht
usgaggandein gawandjands sik in managein qaj? hras

mis taitok wastjom ?

3 Jah qej^un du imma siponjos is : saihris f)6 managein

fjreihandein f)uk, jah qif)is : hras mis taftok ?

32 Jah wlaitoda saihran f>o f>ata taujandein.

33 If> so qino ogandei jah reirandei, witandei f>atei warf) bi

ija, qam jah draus du imma, jah qaf> imma alia f>o sunja.

34 If) is qaf) du izai: dauhtar, galaubeins f)eina ganasida

1 68 AtWAGGELJO pAtRH MARKU. [Ch. v. 34; Ch. vi. 3.

f)uk, gagg in gawafr]?i, jah sijais haila af }?amma slaha

35 Nauhf>anuh imma rodjandin qemun fram J>amma synago-
gafada, qif)andans f>atei daiihtar f)eina gaswalt : hra |5ana-
mais draibeis f)ana laisari ?

36 Vp lesus sunsaiw gahausjands f)ata waiird rodif>, qaf) du

f)amma synagogafada ni faurhtei J^atainei galaubei.

37 Jah ni fralaflot ainohun ize mi]^ sis afargaggan, nibai

Paitru jah lakobu jah lohannen brof>ar lakobis.
38 Jah galaif) in gard J^is synagogafadis, jah gasahr aiihjodu
jah gretandans jah waifairhrjandans filu.

39 Jah inn atgaggands qaf) du im hra auhjoj? jah : greti]??

})ata barn ni gadauj^noda, ak slepij?.

40 Jah bihlohun ina. Vp is uswairpands allaim ganimij?

attan f)is barnis jah aif>ein jah f)ans mi]? sis, jah galai)?
inn f>arei was f)ata barn ligando.
41 Jah fairgraip bi handau pata barn qaf)uh du izai: taleif>a
kumei, f)atei ist gaskeirij? mavv^ilo, du f)us qif)a
: urreis. :

42 Jah suns urrais so mawi jah iddja ; was auk jere twalibe ;

jah usgeisnodedun faiirhtein mikilai.

43 Jah anabauf) im filu ei manna ni funj^i J^ata; jah haihait

izai giban matjan.

1 Jah usstoj) jainf)ro jah qam in landa seinamma, jah laisti-

dedun afar imma siponjos is.

2 Jah bif>e war]? sabbato, dugann in synagoge laisjan, jah

managai hausjandans sildaleikidedun qif)andans hra]?ro :

J?amma f)ata, jah hro so handugeino so gibano imma, ei

mahteis swaleikos ]?airh handuns is wair]?and ?

3 Niu f>ata ist sa timrja, sa sunus Marjins, if) broJ)ar lakoba

Ch. vi. 3-17.] AtWAGGELJO pAIRH MARKU, 169

jah luse jah ludins jah Seimonis ? jah niu sind swistrjus
is her at unsis ? Jah gamarzidai waurf)un in ]?amma.
4 QaJ) )?an im lesus f>atei nist praiifetus unswers, niba in
gabaurf^ai seinai jah in ganif)jam jah in garda seinamma.

5 Jah ni mahta jainar ainohun mahte gataujan, niba fawaim

siukaim handuns galagjands gahailida.
6 Jah sildaleikida in ungalaubeinais ize, jah bitauh weihsa
bisunjane laisjands.

7 Jah athaihait dugann ins insandjan twans

f)ans twalif jah
hranzuh, jah gaf im waldufni ahmane unhrainjaize.
8 Jah faurbauj^ im ei waiht ni nemeina in wig, niba hrugga
aina, nih matibalg nih hlaif nih in gairdos aiz,

9 ak gaskohai suljom : jah ni wasjaif) twaim paidom.

I o Jah qaf> du im : J^ishraduh \€\ gaggaij? in gard, J^ar
saljaif), unte usgaggaif) jainf>ro.
II Jah swa managai swe ni andnimaina izwis ni hausjaina

izwis, usgaggandans jainj^ro ushrisjaif) mulda \b undaro

fotum izwaraim du weitwodif>ai im. Amen, qif)a izwis :

sutizo ist Saiidaiimjam ai]5f)au Gaumaurjam in daga stauos

f>au f>izai baiirg jainai.
1 Jah usgaggandans meridedun ei idreigodedeina*
13 Jah unhulf)ons manages usdribun, jah gasalbodedun alewa
managans siukans, jah gahailidedun.

14 Jah gahausida J^iudans Herodes, swikun]? allis warf) namo

is, jah qaf> f)atei lohannis sa daupjands us dauf)aim urrais,
duf)f)e waiirkjand '^0% mahteis in imma.
15 AnJ^arai ]:>an qej?un f)atei Helias ist ; an]:>arai f)an qej^un
f>atei praufetes ist swe ains f>ize praufete.
16 Gahausjands f)an Herodes qaf) j^atei f>ammei ik haubij?
afmaimait lohanne, sa ist : sah urrais us dau]:)aim.
1 Sa auk raihtis Herodes insandjands gahabaida lohannen
170 AfWAGGELJO pAfRH MARKU. [Ch. vi. 17-28.

jah gaband ina in karkarai in Hairodiadins qenais Filip-

paus brof)rs seinis, unte \o galiugaida.
18 QaJ> auk lohannes du Heroda J^atei ni skuld ist j^us

haban qen brof>rs j^einis.

19 If) so Herodia naiw imma jah wilda imma usqiman, jah

ni mahta
20 unte Herodis ohta kunnands ina wair
sis lohannen,
garaihtana jah weihana, jah witaida imma, jah hausjands
imma manag gatawida, jah gabaiirjaba imma and-
21 Jah waurf)ans dags gatils, J^an Herodis mela gabaiirj^ais

seinaizos nahtamat waiirhta f>aim maistam seinaize jah

j^usundifadim jah ]^aim frumistam Galeilaias,
22 jah atgaggandein inn daiihtr Herodiadins jah pHnsjandein
jah galeikandein Heroda jah f)aim mif) anakumbjandam,
qa)5 f)iudans du f>izai maujai : bidei mik f)ishrizuh J?ei
wileis, jah giba f)us.

23 Jah swor izai f)atei J^ishrah j^ei bidjais mik, giba f)us und
halba J^iudangardja meina.
24 If) si usgaggandei qaj? du aif)ein seinai : hris bidjau ? If)

si qaf) : haubidis lohannis f)is daupjandins.

25 Jah atgaggandei sunsaiw sniumundo du f)amma f)iudana
baf) qif)andei wiljau ei mis gibais ana mesa haubij?

lohannis f>is daupjandins.

26 Jah gaurs waurf)ans sa Jjiudans in f)ize aif)e jah in f)ize

mif) anakumbjandane ni wilda izai ufbrikan.

27 Jah suns insandjands sa f)iudans spaikulatur, anabau]?

briggan haubif) is. I)) is galeif)ands afmaimait imma
haubif) in karkarai,
28 jah atbar f)ata hdubif) is ana mesa, jah atgaf ita f)izai

maujai, jah so mawi atgaf ita aif)ein seinai.

Ch. vi. 29; Ch. vii. 6.] AlWAGGELJO pAtRH MARKU. 171

29 Jah gahausjandans siponjos is qemun jah usnemun leik

is jah galagidedun ita in hlaivva.

30 Jah gai'ddjedun apaiistauleis du lesua jah gataihun imma

allata jah swa filu swe gatawide^^^;/

53 jah duatsniwun.

54 Jah usgaggandam im us skipa, sunsaiw uf kunnandans ina,

55 birinnandans all f>ata gawi dugunnun ana badjam )?ans

ubil habandans bairan, f)adei hausidedun ei is wesi.

56 Jah f)ishraduh f)adei iddja in haimos ai)5f)au baurgs aif>f)au

in weihsa, ana gagga lagidedun siukans jah bedun ina ei

f>au skauta wastjos is attaitokeina ;

jah swa managai swe
attaitokun imma, ganesun.


1 Jah gaqemun sik du imma Fareisaieis jah sumai f)ize

bokarje, qimandans us lairusaulymim.

2 Jah gasaihrandans sumans f)ize siponje is gamainjaim
handum, J^at-ist unj^wahanaim, matjandans hlaibans
3 if) Fareisaieis jah allai ludaieis, niba ufta f)wahand han-
duns, ni matjand, habandans ahafilh ]?ize sinistane,

4 jah af maf)la niba daupjand ni matjand, jah anf)ar ist

manag f)atei andnemun du haban : daupeinins stikle jah

aiirkje jah katile jah ligre ;

5 f>af>roh f)an frehun ina f>ai Fareisaieis jah ]5ai bokarjos

duhre f)ai siponjos f)einai ni gaggand bi f>ammei ana-
fulhun J?ai sinistans, ak unj^wahanaim handum matjand
6 If) is andhafjands qaf) du im f)atei wafla praiif etida Esai'as
bi izwis f)ans liutans, swe gamelij? ist : so managei wafrilom
mik sweraif), if) hairto ize fairra habaif) sik mis.
172 AfWAGGELJO pAIRH MARKU, [Ch. vii. 7-20.

7 If) sware mik blotand, laisjandans laiseinins, anabusnins

manne ^
8 afletandans rafhtis anabusn guf>s habaif) J)atei anafulhun
mannans, daupeinins aurkje jah stikle, jah arif>ar galeik
swaleikata manag taujij?.

9 Jah qaf) du im : waila inwidif) anabusn guj^s, ei f>ata

anafulhano izwar fastaif>.

10 Moses auk rafhtis qa]?: swerai attan f>einana jah aij^ein

J^eina ;
jah saei ubil qij^ai attin seinamma aiJ^J^au aij^ein

seinai, dauf)au afdaufjjaidau.

1 If) jus qif'if): jabaiqif>ai manna attin seinamma aff)]5au aif)ein:

kaurban, f)atei ist maif>ms, f)ishrah f)atei us mis gabatnis,

12 jah ni fraletif) ina ni waiht taujan attin seinamma ai]:?f)au

aif>ein seinai,

13 blauf)jandans waiird guf)S f)izai anabusnai izwarai, f)oei

anafulhuf) ;
jah galeik swaleikata manag taujif).

14 Jah athaitands alia f>o managein qaf) im : hausei]? mis

allai jah fra]:)jaif>.

15 Ni waihts ist utaf)ro mans inn gaggand5 in ina f>atei

magi ina gamainjan ; ak f)ata ut gaggando us mann f)ata
ist f)ata gamainjando mannan.
16 Jabai hras habai ausona hausjandona, gahausjai.
17 Jah f)an galai}? in gard us f)izai managein, frehun ina
siponjos is bi f>o gajukon.

18 Jah qaf) du im : swa jah jus unwitans sijuf)? Ni fraf)jif)

f)ammei all f)ata QtaJ^ro inn gaggando in mannan ni mag

ina gamainjan
19 unte ni galeif)if) imma in hairto, ak in wamba, jah in
urrunsa usgaggif), gahraineif) allans matins.
20 Qaf)uf)-f)an f)atei f>ata us mann usgaggando f)ata gamaineij>
Ch. vil. 2 1-35.] aIwA GGELJO pAfRH MARKU. 173

2 Innaf)ro auk us hairtin manne mitoneis ubilos usgaggand

kalkinassjus, horinassjus, maurj^ra,
22 J^iubja, faihufrikeins, unseleins, liutei' aglaitei, augo unsel,
wajamereins, hauhhairtei, unwiti.
23 1^0 alia ubilona innaf)ro usgaggand jah gagamainjand
24 Jah jainj^rousstandands galaif) in markos Tyre jah Seidone,
jah galeif)ands in gard ni wilda witan mannan jah ni
mahta galaugnjan.
25 Gahausjandei raihtis qino bi ina, j^izozei habaida daiihtar
ahman unhrainjana, qimandei draus du fotum is.

26 Wasuf)-]5an so qino haif)no, Saiirini fynikiska gabaurf)ai,

jah baf) ina ei \>o unhulj^on uswaurpi us daiihtr izos.
27 If> lesus qaf> du izai : let faiirj^is sada wairf>an barna,
unte ni gof) ist niman hlaib barne jah wafrpan hundam.
28 If) si andhof imma jah qa]:> du imma : jai frauja ;
jah auk
hundos undaro biuda matjand af draiihsnom barne.
29 Jah qa]? du izai: in J?is waiirdis gagg, usiddja unhulj^o us
daiihtr f)einai.

30 Jah galeij^andei du garda seinamma bigat unhulJ)on

usgaggana jah f)o dauhtar ligandein ana ligra.
3 Jah aftra galeij^ands af markom Tyre jah Seidone qam at

marein Galeilaie mif) tweihnaim markom Daikapaulaios.

32 Jah berun du imma baudana stammana, jah bedun ina ei

lagidedi imma handau.

33 Jah afnimands ina af managein sundro, lagida figgrans
seinans in ausona imma jah spewands attaitok tuggon is,

34 jah ussaihrands du himina gaswogida, jah qaf) du imma

aiffaf>a, f)atei ist uslukn.

35 Jah sunsaiw usluknodedun imma hliumans jah andbund-

noda bandi tuggons is jah rodida rafhtaba.
174 AIWAGGELJO pAIRH MARKU. [Ch. vii. 36 ; Ch. viii. 10.

36 Jah anabauf) im ei mann ni qef)eina. hran filu is im ana-

bauf), mais f)amma eis meridedun,
37 jah ufarassau sildaleikidedun qif>andans wafla allata :

gatawida, jah baudans gataujif) gahausjan jah unrodjandans

rod Jan.


1 In jainaim ]?an dagam aftra at filu managai managein

wisandein jah ni habandam bra matidedeina, athaitands
siponjans qaj?uh du im :

2 infeinoda du f)izai managein, unte ju dagans f>rins rcvOp

mis wesun, jah ni haband hra matjaina

3 jah jabai fraleta ins lausqi)?rans du garda ize, ufligand ana
wiga ; sumai raihtis ize fairraf>ro qemun.
4 Jah andhofun imma siponjos is : hraj^ro f>ans mag hras
gasof>jan hlaibam ana auf)idai ?

5 Jah frah ins : hran managans habai]:> hlaibans ? Vp eis

qej^un : sibun.
6 Jah anabauj? f)izai managein anakumbjan ana airjpai ;
nimands fjans sibun hlaibans jah awiliudonds gabrak jah
atgaf siponjam seinaim, ei atlagidedeina faur ;
jah atlagi-
dedun faiir ])0 managein.
7 Jah habaidedun fiskans fawans, jah })ans ga]?iuf)jands qaj?

ei atlagidedeina jah f>ans.

8 Gamatidedun f)an jah sadai waurj^un ;
jah usnemun laibos
gabruko sibun spyreidans.
9 Wesunu})-f)an j^ai matjandans swe fidwor ):usundjos ;
fralailot ins.

10 Jah galaij) sunsaiw in skip mij? siponjam seinaim, jah qam

ana fera Magdalan.
Ch. viii. 11-23.] AIWAGGELJO pAIRH MARKU, 175

11 Jah urrunnun Fareisaieis jah dugunnun mif) sokjan

imma sokjandans du imma taikn us himina, fraisandans

12 Jah ufswogjands ahmin seinamma qaf) : hra j^ata kuni

taikn sokeif) ? Amen, qif>a izwis : jabai gibaidau kunja

f)amma taikne.

13 Jah afletands ins, galeij^ands aftra in skip uslaij? hindar

14 Jah ufarmunnodedun niman hlaibans jah niba ainana
hlaif ni habaidedun mi]? sis in skipa.

15 Jah anabauj^ im qif>ands : saihri}? ei atsafhrif> izwis f>is

beistis Fareisaie jah beistis Herodis.

1 Jah f>ahtedun mif) sis misso qif)andans : unte hlaibans ni
1 Jah fraf)jands lesus qaf) du im : hra f)aggkeiJ5 unte hlai-
bans ni habaif) ? ni nauh fraf)ji]5 nih witu]?, unte daubata
habaif) hairto izwar.
18 Augona habandans ni gasaihrif), jah ausona habandans ni
gahauseij?, jah ni gamunuf>.

1 tan J)ans fimf hlaibans gabrak fimf J^Qsundjom, hran ma-

nages tainjons fullos gabruko usnemuj) ? Qef>un du
imma : twalif.

20 Aj5f)an f)an J?ans sibun hlaibans fidwor f)Usundjom, hran

managans spyreidans fullans gabruko usnemuj?? IJ? eis

qef>un : sibun.
21 Jah qaf> du im : hraiwa ni nauh fraf>ji]:? ?

22 Jah qemun in Bef)aniin, jah berun du imma blindan jah

bedun ina ei imma attaftoki.

23 Jah fairgreipands handu f>is blindins ustauh ina utana

weihsis jah speiwands in augona is, atlagjands ana handuns
seinos frah ina ga-u-hra-sehri }
1 76 aIiVA GGELJO pAtRH MARKU. [Ch. viii. 24-35.

24 Jah ussaihrands qaf): gasaihra mans, J?atei swe bagmans

gasaihra gaggandans.
25 l>af)roh aftra galagida handuns ana J^o augona is jah gata-
wida ina ussaihran ;
jah aftra gasatif>s warf) jah gasahr
bairhtaba allans.
26 Jah insandida ina du garda is qif)ands : ni in Jjata weihs
gaggais, ni mannhun
f)amma wehsa. qij^ais in

27 Jah usiddja lesus jah siponjos is in wehsa Kaisarias f)izos

Filippaus : jah ana wiga frah siponjans seinans qij^ands du

im : hrana mik qij^and mans wisan ?

28 If) eis andhofun : lohannen f)ana daupjand, jah anf)arai

Helian : sumaih f)an ainana praiifete.
29 Jah is qaj? du im : a]:)f>an jus, hrana mik qif>if>

wisan ? Andhafjands f)an Paitrus qaj? du imma :

J^u is


30 Jah faurbauj? im ei mannhun ni qef>eina bi ina.

31 Jah dugann laisjan ins f)atei skal sunus mans filu winnan
jah uskiusan skulds ist fram ))aim sinistam jah f>aim aiihu-
mistam gudjam jah bokarjam, jah usqiman jah afar f)rins

dagans usstandan.
32 Jah swikunf>aba f>ata waurd rodida ;
jah aftiuhands ina
Paitrus dugann andbeitan ina
33 ij? is gawandjands sik jah gasaihrands f>ans siponjans
seinans andbait Paitru qif)ands gagg hindar mik, Satana,

unte ni fraj^jis J^aim guf>s, ak J^aim manne.

34 Jah athaitands f)0
managein mif) siponjam seinaim qaj? du
im : saei wili afar mis laistjan, inwidai sik silban, jah nimai
galgan seinana jah laistjai mik.

35 Saei allis wili saiwala seina ganasjan, fraqisteif) izai :


saei fraqisteif) saiwalai seinai in meina jah in f>izos aiwag-

geljons, ganasjif) \>o.
Ch. viii. 36; Ch. ix. 9.] AtWAGGELJO pAtRH MARKU, 177

36 hra auk boteif) mannan, jabai gageigaif) f>ana fairhru allana

jah gasleif)eif) sik saiwalai seinai ?

3 7 Aif)f>au hra gibif) manna inmaidein saiwalos seinaizos ?

38 Unte saei skamai]? sik meina jah waiirde meinaize in ga-

baurf>ai f>izai horinondein jah frawaiirhton, jah sunus mans

skamaif) sik is, f)an qimi)^ in wulf)au attins seinis mi)?

aggilum f>aim weiham.


1 Jah qaf) du im : amen, qif>a izwis f)atei sind sumai )?ize

her standandane, J?ai ize ni kausjand dauf)aus, unte gasai-

hrand f>iudinassu guf)S qumanana in mahtai.
2 Jah afar dagans safhs ganam lesus Paftru jah lakobu jah
lohannen, jah ustauh ins ana fairguni hauh sundro ainans :

jah inmaidida sik in andwairf)ja ize.

3 Jah wastjos is waurj^un gUtmunjandeins, hreitos swe snaiws,

swaleikos swe wullareia ana airj^ai ni mag gahreitjan.

4 Jah ataugij?s war]? im Helias mij? Mos^ ;

jah wesun rod-
jandans mij? lesua.
5 Jah andhafjands Paftrus qa]? du lesua : rabbei, go)? ist

unsis her wisan, jah gawaurkjam hlijans )?rins, ]?us ainana

jah Mose ainana jah ainana Helijin.
6 Ni auk wissa hra rodidedi ; wesun auk usagidai.

7 Jah war]? milhma ufarskadwjands im, jah qam stibna us

)?amma milhmin: sa ist sunus meins sa liuba, )?amma

8 Jah anaks insaihrandans ni )?anasei)?s ainohun gasehrun,

alja lesu ainana mi)? sis.

9 Dala)? ]?an atgaggandam im af )?amma fairgunja, anabau)?

im ei mannhun ni spillodedeina |?atei gasehrun, niba bi)?e
sunus mans us dau)?aim ussto)?i.

178 AiWAGGELJO pAfkH MARKU. [Ch. ix. 10-23.

10 Jah f)ata waurd habaidedun du sis misso sokjandans: hra

ist f)ata us dauf)aim usstandan ?

1 Jah frehun ina qif>andans : unte qif>and f>ai bokarjos

f)atei Helias skuli qiman faurj^is ?

12 Vp is andhafjands qaf) du im: Helias swef>auh qimands

faurj^is aftra gaboteif) alia jah hraiwa gameli]:? ist bi sunu

mans, ei manag winnai jah frakun)7S wairf)ai.

13 Akei qij^a izwis f>atei ju Helias qam jah gatawidedun imma

swa filu swe wildedun, swaswe gameli]? ist bi ina.

14 Jah qimands at siponjam gasahr filu manageins bi ins, jah

bokarjans sokjandans mij^ im.
1 Jah sunsaiw alia manage! gasaihrandans ina usgeisnodedun,
jah durinnandans inwitun ina.
16 Jah frah J?ans bokarjans : hra sokei}? mi]? }?aim?
17 Jah andhafjands ains us f>izai managein qaf>: laisari,

brahta sunu meinana du f)us habandan ahman unrodjandan.

18 Jah f>ishraruh J^ei ina gafahi]:>, gawairpij? ina, jah hra]?jif)

jah kriustif) tun]:>uns seinans, jah gastaurkni}? ;

jah qaf)
siponjam f>einaim ei usdreibeina ina, jah ni mahtedun.
19 If) is andhafjands im qaf>: o kuni ungalaubjando ! und
hra at izwis sijau? und hra J?ulau izwis? Bairi]? ina du
20 Jah brahtedun ina at imma. Jah gasaihrands ina sunsaiw
sa ahma tahida ina; jah driusands ana afrj^a walwisoda
2 Jah frah f>ana attan is : hran lagg mel ist ei f>ata warj?
imma ? Vp is qaj) : us barniskja.
22 Jah ufta ina jah in fon atwarp jah in wato, ei usqistidedi
imma; akei jabai mageis, hilp unsara, gableif)jands unsis.

23 If) lesus qaj? du imma fata jabai mageis galaubjan ; allata

mahteig f)amma galaubjandin.

Ch. ix. 24-37.] AIWAGGELJO pAlRH MARKU. 1 79

24 Jah sunsaiw ufhropjands sa atta f>is barnis mif) tagram

qaj? : galaubja ; hilp meinaizos ungalaubeinais !

25 Gasafhrands f)an lesus f>atei samaf> rann managei, gahro-

tidaahmin J^amma unhrainjin, qif)ands du imma :
ahma, f>u unrodjands jah bauj^s, ik f)us anabiuda : usgagg
us f)amma, jah f)anaseij?s ni galeijpais in ina.
26 Jah hropjands jah filu tabjands ina usiddja ;
jah war)? swe
daufjs, swaswe managai qef)un f)atei gaswalt.

27 If) lesus undgreipands ina bi handau urraisida ina; jah


28 Jah galeif)andan ina in gard, siponjos is frehun ina

sundro : duhre weis ni mahtedum usdreiban f)ana ?

29 Jah qaf) du im : J)ata kuni in waihtai ni mag usgaggan,

niba in bidai jah fastubnja.
30 Jah jainf)ro usgaggandans iddjedun f)airh Galeilaian, jah
ni wilda ei hras wissedi,

31 unte laisida siponjans seinans, jah qaf) du im f)atei sunus

mans atgibada in handuns manne, jah usqimand imma,
jah usqistif>s f>ridjin daga usstandif>.

32 If) eis ni frof)un f)amma waiirda, jah ohtedun ina


33 Jah qam in Kafarnaum, jah in garda qumans frah ins

hra in wiga mi]? izwis misso mitodeduj? ?

34 If) eis slawaidedun ; du sis misso andrunnun, hrarjis

maists wesi.

35 Jah sitands atwopida f)ans twalif jah qaf) du im : jabai

hras wili frumists wisan, sijai allaize aftumists jah allaim
36 Jah nimands barn gasatida ita in midjaim im, jah ana
armins nimands ita qaf) du im
37 saei ain f)ize swaleikaize barne andnimij? ana namin
N 2
1 80 aIwA GGELJO pAIRH MARKU, [Ch. ix. 37-49.

meinamma, mik andnimij? jah sahrazuh saei mik


andnimif), ni mik andnimif), ak J^ana sandjandan mik.

38 Andhof J?an imma lohannes qij^ands : laisari ! sehrum
sumana in f)einamma namin usdreibandan unhulf)ons,
saei ni laisteif) unsis, jah waridedum imma, unte ni
laistei}) unsis.

39 Vf is qaf): ni warjif) imma; ni mannahun auk ist saei

taujij? maht in namin meinamma jah magi sprauto ubil-
waiirdjan mis
40 unte saei nist wif>ra izwis, faiir izwis ist.

41 Saei auk allis gadragkjai izwis stikla watins in namin

meinamma, unte Xristaus sijuf>, amen qij?a izwis ei ni
fraqisteif) mizdon seinai.

42 Jah sahrazuh saei gamarzjai ainana f)ize leitilane f)ize

galaubjandane du mis, go]? ist imma mais ei galagjaidau

asiluqairnus ana balsaggan is jah frawaurpans we si in


43 Jah jabai marzjai f)uk handus J?eina, afmait J)o; goj? J?us

ist hamfamma in libain galeifjan, f>au twos handuns

habandin galeij^an in gafainnan, in fon f>ata unhrapnando,
44 f>arei maf)a ize ni gaswiltij? jah fon ni afhrapnij?.

45 J^h jabai fotus J^eins marzjai J^uk, afmait ina; go)? f>us
ist galeif>an in Hbain haltamma, f)au twans fotuns haban-
din gawairpan in gafainnan, in fon f)ata unhrapnando,
46 )?arei ma)?a ize ni gaswiltij? jah fon ni afhrapni]?.

47 Jah jabai augo f>ein marzjai f)uk, uswafrp imma; gof) J?us
ist haihamma galeij>an in ]?iudangardja guf>s, f)au twa
augona habandin atwairpan in gafainnan funins,
48 f)arei maf)a ize ni gadauj)nij? jah fon ni afhrapnif>.
49 hrazuh auk funin saltada jah hrarjatoh hunsle salta

Ch. ix. 50 ; Ch. X. 14.] AIIVA GGELJO pAtRH MARKU. 1 8

50 Gof> salt ; ij? jabai salt unsaltan wairf)if), hre supuda ?

HabaiJ? in izwis salt, jah gawairj^eigai sijaij? mif) izwis



1 Jah jainj^ro usstandands qam in markom ludaias hindar

laurdanau ;
jah gaqemun sik aftra manageins du imma,
jah, swe biuhts, aftra laisida ins.
2 Jah duatgaggandans Fareisaieis frehun ina, skuldu sijai

mann qen afsatjan, fraisandans ina.

3 If) is andhafjands qaf) : hra izwis anabauf) Moses ?

4 If) eis qef)un : Moses uslaubida unsis bokos afsateinais
meljan jah afletan.

5 Jah andhafjands lesus qaf) du im : wif>ra harduhafrtein

izwara gamelida izwis \o anabusn.
6 I)? af anastodeinai gaskaftais gumein jah qinein gatawida

7 Inuh f>is bileif)ai manna attin seinamma jah aif)ein seinai,

8 jah sijaina \o twa du leika samin, swaswe f)anasei)?s ni

sind twa, ak leik ain.

9 l^atei nu guf> gawaj?, manna f>amma ni skaidai.

10 Jah in garda aftra siponjos is bi f)ata samo frehun ina.

1 Jah qaf) du im : sahrazuh saei afletif) qen seina jah liugaif>
anf)ara, horinoj? du f)izai.

12 Jah jabai qino afletij? aban seinana jah liugada anf)a-

ramma, horinof).
13 tanuh atberun du imma barna, ei attaitoki im: if) f)a

siponjos is sokun f>aim bairandam du.

14 Gasaihrands f>an lesus unwerida jah qaf) du im : letif) f)o

barna gaggan du mis jah ni warjif) J)o, unte f)ize ist f)iu-

dangardi guf)s.
.l82 AfWAGGELJO pAIRB MARKU, [Ch» x. 15-27.

15 Amen, qif)a izwis : saei ni andnimij? f>iudangardja gu}>s

swe bam, ni J^auh qimif) in izai.

16 Jah gaf>laihands im, lagjands handuns ana ]?o f>iuj)ida im.

17 Jah usgaggandin imma in wig, duatrinnands ains jah
knussjands baj? ina qi}>ands : laisari J>iuf>eiga, hra taujau
ei libainais aiweinons arbja wairj^au ?

18 If) is qaf) du imma : hra mik qif>is f)iu]?eigana ? ni hrashun

f)iu]?eigs, alja ains guf).

19 f^os anabusnins kant : ni horinos ; ni maiirj^rjais ; ni

hlifais ; ni sijais galiugaweitwods ; ni anamahtjais ; swerai
attan f>einana jah ai]:?ein f>eina.

20 i'aruh andhafjands qa]? du imma : laisari, J?o alia gafas-

taida us jundai meinai.

21 IJ? lesus insafhrands du imma frijoda ina jah qaf) du
imma: ainis f)us wan ist; gagg, swa filu swe habais
frabugei jah gif f>arbam, jah habais huzd in himinam ;
hiri laistjan mik nimands galgan.
22 If) is ganipnands in f)is waiirdis galaif) gaurs; was auk
habands faihu manag.
23 Jah bisaihrands lesus qaj? siponjam seinaim : sai, hraiwa
agluba f>ai fafho gahabandans in f>iudangardja gufs
24 If> f)ai siponjos afslaufnodedun in waurde is. i'aruh lesus
aftra andhafjands qaf) im : barnilona, hraiwa aglu ist f>aim
hugjandam afar faihau in f)iudangardja guf>s galeif)an.

25 Azitizo ist ulbandau j^airh fafrko nef>los galeif>an, f)au

gabigamma in f)iudangardja guf)S galeif an.

26 If> eis mais usgeisnodedun qif>andans du sis misso: jah

hras mag ganisan ?

27 Insafhrands du im lesus qaf) : fram mannam unmahteig

ist, akei ni fram guf>a ; allata auk mahteig ist fram guf)a.
Ch. X. 28-38.] AtWAGGELJO J?aIrH MARKU. 1 83

28 Dugann ]^an Paitrus qif>an du imma : sai, weis aflailotum

alia jah laistidedum f)uk.
29 Andhafjands im lesus qaf> : amen, qif>a izwis: ni hrashun
ist saei aflailoti gard aij^J^au brof>runs aif))?au aif>ein aif)f>au

attan aif>]9au qen aiJ^J^au barna aif>f)au haimof)lja in meina

jah in f)izos aiwaggeljons,
30 saei ni andnimai t* falj? nu in f)amma mela gardins jah
brof)runs jah swistruns jah attan jah aij^ein jah barna
jah haimoJ)lja mif> wrakom, jah in aiwa J^amma anawairf>in
libain aiweinon.

31 A]:)]9an managai wairf)and frumans aftumans, jah aftu-

mans frumans.
32 WesunuJ)-f)an ana wiga gaggandans du lairusaulymai jah
faurbigaggands ins lesus, jah sildaleikidedun jah afarlaist-

jandans faiirhtai waur]:>un. Jah andnimands aftra J)ans

twalif dugann im qij^an ]:>oei habaidedun ina gadaban.
33 tatei sai, usgaggam in lairusaulyma jah sunus mans atgi-
bada j^aim ufargudjam jah bokarjam, jah gawargjand ina

34 jah bilaikand ina jah bliggwand ina, jah speiwand ana

ina jah usqimand imma, jah )?ridjin daga ustandi]^.

35 Jah athabaidedun sik du imma lakobus jah Johannes,

sunjus Zaibaidaiaus, qif)andans: laisari, wileima ei ]:>atei

f)uk bidjos, taujais uggkis.

36 Vp lesus qaf) im : hra wileits taujan mik igqis ?

37 I]5 eis qej^un du imma : fragif ugkis ei ains af tafhswon

];einai jah ains af hleidumein J)einai sitaiwa in wulj^au
38 IJ) lesus qaj)uh du im: ni wituts hris bidjats : magutsu
driggkan stikl f)anei ik driggka, jah daupeinai J^izaiei ik

daupjada, ei daupjaindau .?
1 84 AIWAGGELJO pAtRH MARKU. [Ch. x. 39-52.

39 If) eis qef)un du imma : magu. lf> lesus qaj^uh du im

swef)auh f>ana stikl )^anei ik driggka, driggkats, jah f)izai

daupeinai |?izaiei ik daupjada ddupjanda ;

40 if> du sitan af taihswon meinai 2iii\)lpiu af hleidumein


nist mein du giban, alja )?aimei manwif) was.

41 Jah gahausjandans j^ai taihun dugunnun unwerjan bi

lakobu jah lohannen.

42 If) is athaitands ins qaf) du im : wituf) f)atei J?dmpuggk-
jand reikinon f)iudom, gafraujinond im, ilp f>ai mikilans ize
gawaldand im.
43 If) ni swa sijai in izwis ; ak sahrazuh saei wili wafrf)an

mikils in izwis, sijai izwar andbahts ;

44 jah saei wili izwara wairf)an frumists, sijai allaim skalks.

45 Jah auk sunus mans ni qam at andbahtjam, ak andbaht-
jan jah giban saiwala seina faur managans lun.
46 Jah qemun in lairikon. Jah usgaggandin imma jdinf)ro
mif) siponjam seinaim jah managein ganohai, sunus
Teimaiaus, Barteimaiaus blinda, sat faiir wig du aihtron.
47 Jah gahausjands f)atei lesus sa Nazoraius ist, dugann
hropjan jah qif)an : sunau Daweidis, lesu, armai mik !

48 Jah hrotidedun imma managai ei gaf)ahaidedi ; if> is filu

mdis hropida sunau Daweidis, armai mik

: !

49 Jah gastandands lesus haihait atwopjan ina. Jah wopi-

dedun f)ana blindan, qif>andans du imma J^rafstei f)uk ; :

urreis, wopeif) f)uk.

50 If) is afwairpands wastjai seinai ushlaupands qam at lesu.

51 Jah andhafjands qaf> du imma lesus hra wileis ei taujau :

f>us ? If) sa bhnda qaf) du imma rabbaunei, ei ussaihrau.


52 If> lesus qaf) du imma: gagg, galaubeins f)eina ganasida

f)uk. Jah sunsaiw ussahr jah laistida in wiga lesu.
Ch. xi. I-I2.] AfWAGGELJO pAIRH MARKU, 185


1 Jah bij^e nehra wesun lairusalem, in Bef)sfagein jah Bi-

f>aniin at fairgunjaalewjin,insandidatwans siponje seinaize,

2 jah qaf> du im : gaggats in haim J:o wi}?rawairf)on iggqis,
jah sunsaiw inn gaggandans in f>o baiirg bigitats fulan
gabundanana, ana J)ammei naiih ainshun manne ni sat

andbindandans ina attiuhats.

3 Jah jabai hras iggqis qij^ai : duhre f)ata taujats ? qif)aits :

\2i\.€\ frauja f)is gairneif) ;

jah sunsaiw ina insandeif) hidre.
4 Galif)un f)an jah bigetun fulan gabundanana at daura uta
ana gagga ;
jah andbundun ina.

5 Jah sumai f>ize jainar standandane qef>un du im : hra

taujats andbindandans f)ana fulan ?
6 If) eis qef)un du im swaswe anabauf) im lesus, jah
lailotun ins.

7 Jah brahtedun f>ana fulan at lesua ;

jah galagidedun ana
wastjos seinos, jah gasat ana ina.
8 Managai f)an wastjom seinaim strawidedun ana wiga;
sumai astans maimaitun us bagmam jah strawidedun ana

9 Jah f>ai faiiragaggandans hropidedun qif)andans : osanna,

J?iuf)ida sa qimanda in namin fraujins
10 Kuf>ido so qimandei f)iudangardi in namin attins unsaris
Daweidis, osanna in hauhistjam !

11 Jah galaif) in lairusaiilyma lesus jah in alh; jah bisai-

hrands alia, at andanahtja juf>an wisandin hreilai usiddja in

Bef>anian mif> f)aim twalibim.

12 Jah iftumin daga usstandandam im us BeJ^aniin gredags
i86 AtWAGGELJO pAtRH MARKU. [Ch. xi. 13-25.

13 Jah gasaihrands smakkabagm fairraf)ro habandan lauf

atiddja, ei aufto bigeti hra ana imma; jah qimands at

imma ni waiht bigat ana imma niba lauf ; ni auk was mel
14 Jah usbairands qa]? du imma: ni f)anaseif>s us J^us aiw
manna akran matjai. Jah gahausidedun J^ai siponjos is.

15 Jah iddjedun du lairusaulymai. Jah atgaggands lesus in

alh dugann uswairpan ]:>ans frabugjandans jah bugjan-

dans in alh, jah mesa skattjane jah sitlans J?ize frabug-
jandane ahakim uswaltida.
1 Jah ni lailot ei hras f)airhberi kas J^airh \>6 alh.

1 Jah laisida qif>ands du im : niu gamelif) ist f)atei razn

mein razn bido haitada allaim f)iudom ? ij? jus gatawideduj?
ita du filigrja waidedjane.

18 Jah gahausidedun ]:>ai bokarjos jah gudjane aiihumis-

tans jah sokidedun, hraiwa imma usqistidedeina :

ohtedun auk ina, unte alia managei sildaleikidedun in

laiseinais is.

19 Jah bif>e andanahti warf), usiddja ut us f)izai baurg.

20 Jah in maurgin faiirgaggandans gasehrun J^ana smakka-
bagm f>aursjana us waurtim.
2r Jah gamunands Paitrus qaf) du imma : rabbei, sai, smakka-
bagms f)anei fraqast gajjaursnoda.

22 Jah andhafjands lesus qa]^ du im : habaif) galaubein gu]5S !

23 Amen auk qij^a izwis, J^ishrazuh ei qif)ai du f>amma fafr-

gunja : ushafei f>uk jah wairp f)us in marein, jah ni

tuzwerjai in hairtin seinamma, ak galaubjai f)ata, ei f)atei

qif)if) gagaggij), wairj^ij? imma f)ishrah f)ei qif>if>.

24 Duf)f)e qij^a izwis: allata f)ishrah f)ei bidjandans sokeif>,

galaubeij? f)atei nimif), jah wairf)if> izwis.

25 Jah ]:>an standaif) bidjandans, afletaif>, jabai hra habai]?

Ch. xi. 25 ; Ch. xii. 2.] aIWAGGELJO pAIRH MARKU. 187

wif>ra hrana, ei jah atta izwar sa in himinam afletai izwis

missadedins izwaros.
26 If) jabai jus ni afletif), ni f)au atta izwar sa in himinam
afletif) izwis missadedins izwaros.

27 Jah iddjedun aftra du lairusaiilymai. Jah in alh hrarbon-

din imma, atiddjedun du imma f>ai aiihumistans gudjans

jah bokarjos jah sinistans.
28 Jah qe]:>un du imma : in hramma waldufnje f)ata taujis?

jah hras f)us f)ata waldufni atgaf, ei J^ata taujis ?

29 If) lesus andhafjands qaf) du im : fraihna jah ik izwis

ainis v/aiirdis jah andhafjif) mis, jah qif>a izwis in hramma
waldufnje f)ata tauja.

30 Daupeins lohannis uzuh himina was f)au uzuh mannam ?

andhafjif) mis.

31 Jah f)ahtedun du sis misso qif)andans, jabai qif)am : us

himina, qif>if) : af>f)an duhre ni galaubideduf) imma?
32 Ak qif)am: us mannam, uhtedun \b managein. AUai
auk alakjo habaidedun lohannen f)atei bi sunjai praufetes

33 Jah andhafjandans qef)un du lesua : ni witum. Jah

andhafjands lesus qaj? du im : nih ik izwis qif)a in

hjamma waldufnje f)ata tauja.


1 Jah dugann im in gajukom qif>an : weinagard ussatida

manna, jah bisatida ina fajpom, jah usgrof dal uf mesa,
jah gatimrida kelikn, jah anafalh ina waiirstwjam, jah
aflaif) aljaf).

2 Jah insandida du f)aim waurstwjam at mel skalk, ei at

J)aim waurstwjam nemi akranis f)is weinagardis.

i88 AiWAGGELJO pAIRH MARKU, [Ch. xii. 3-14.

3 Vp eis nimandans ina usbluggwun jah insandidedun


4 Jah aftra insandida du im anf>arana skalk ;

jah f)ana
stainam wairpandans gaaiwiskodedun jah haubif> wundan
brahtedun, jah insandidedun ganaitidana.

5 Jah aftra insandida anj>arana; jah jainana afslohun, jah

managans anf)aranSj sumans usbliggwandans, sumanzuh
f>an usqimandans.
6 fanuh nauhj^anuh ainana sunu aigands liubana sis, in-
sandida jah f)ana du im spedistana, qij>ands f)atei gaaistand
sunu meinana.
7 Vp jainai f)ai waiirstwjans qe})un du sis misso f>atei sa ist

sa arbinumja; hirjif), usqimam imma, jah unsar wair-

f>if> f)ata arbi.

8 Jah undgreipandans ina usqemun, jah uswaiirpun imma

ut us J)amma weinagarda.
9 hra nuh taujai frauja f>is weinagardis ? QimiJ? jah usqisteij?
f)ans waiirstwjans, jah gibi)^ f)ana weinagard an]:>araim.

10 Nih f)ata gamelido ussuggwuf) : stains f)ammei uswaur-

pun ]?ai timrjans, sah warj^ du haubida v/aihstins ?

1 Fram fraujin warf) sa, jah ist sildaleiks in augam unsa-

1 Jah sokidedun ina undgreipan, jah ohtedun f>o managein
fro]5un auk J^atei du im f>o gajukon qaf>. Jah afletandans
ina galif)un.

1 Jah insandidedun du imma sumai f)ize Fareisaie jah Hero-

diane, ei ina ganuteina waiirda.

14 IJ? eis qimandans qef>un du imma: laisari, wiium f)atei

sunjeins is jah ni kara f)uk manshun ; ni auk safhris in

andwair]?ja manne, ak bi sunjai wig guf)s laiseis : skuldu

ist kaisaragild giban kaisara, j^au niu gibaima ?
Ch. xii. 15-28.] AIlVAGGELJO pAtRH MARKU, 189

1 IJ? lesus gasaihrands ize liutein qaf) du im : hra mik

fraisij? ? atbairi]? mis skatt, ei gasaihrau.

16 If) eis atberun, jah qaf> du im : hris ist sa manleika jah so

ufarmeleins ? If) eis qef)un du imma : kaisaris.

17 Jah andhafjands lesus qaf> du im : usgibif) f)0 kaisaris

kaisara jah \>o guf)s guf)a. Jah sildaleikidedun ana

18 Jah atiddjedun Saddukaieis du imma f)aiei qif)and usstass
ni wisan, jah frehun ina qif)andans

19 Laisari, Moses gamelida unsis f)atei jabai hris brof)ar ga-

dauj^nai, jah bileif)ai qenai, jah barne ni bilei]:>ai, ei nimai
brof>ar is
qen is, jah ussatjai barna brof)r seinamma.
20 Sibun brof)rahans wesun ;
jah- sa frumista nam qen, jah
gaswiltands ni bilaif) fraiwa.

21 Jah anj^ar nam f>o; jah gadauf)n6da, jah ni sa bilaif)

fraiwa. Jah f)ridja samaleiko.

22 Jah nemunj^o samaleiko J^ai sibun, jah ni bilif)un fraiwa.
Spedumista allaize gaswalt jah so qens.

23 In f)izai usstassai, f)an usstandand, hrarjamma ize wairf)i|5

qens 1 Hi auk sibun aihtedun \b du qenai.

24 Jah andhafjands lesus qaf) du im: niu duf>e airzjai sijuf),

ni kunnandans mela nih maht guf)s }

25 AUis f)an usstandand us dauf)aim, ni liugand ni liuganda,

ak sind swe aggiljus f>ai in himinam.

26 Afjj^an bi dauf)ans, f>atei urreisand, niu gakunnaideduj?
ana bokom Mosezis ana aihjatundjai, hraiwa imma qaf)
guj) qif)ands: ik im guf) Abrahamis jah guj) Isakis jah
lakobis ?

27 Nist gu]) dauf)aize, ak qiwaize. Af)f)an jus filu airzjai


28 Jah duatgaggands ains f)ize bokarje, gahausjands ins

190 AfWA GGELJO J?aIrH MARKU. [Ch. xii. 28-38.

samana sokjandans, gasafhrands \2X€\ waila im andhof,

frah ina : hrarja ist allaizo anabusne frumista ?
29 If) lesus andhof imma f)atei frumista allaizo anabusns:
hausei Israel, frauja guf> unsar frauja ains ist.

30 Jah frijos fraujan guf) j^einana us allamma hairtin f)ei-

namma jah us allai saiwalai f)einai jah us allai gahugdai

J^einai jah us allai mahtai f)einai. So frumista anabusns.
31 Jah an]?ara galeika j^izai: frijos nehrundjan f>einana swe
f)uk silban. Maizei f>aim anf)ara anabusns nist.

32 Jah qaj) du imma sa bokareis: waila, laisari, bi sunjai

qast J^atei ains ist, jah nist an)^ar alja imma
33 jah J^ata du frijon ina us allamma hairtin jah us allamma
fra]9ja jah us allai saiwalai jah us allai mahtai, jah J^ata du
frijon nehrundjan swe sik silban managizo ist allaim f)aim
alabrunstim jah saudim.

34 Jah lesus gasafhrands ina f>atei frodaba andhof, qa]? du

imma : ni fairra is J^iudangardjai guf>s. Jah ainshun
f)anaseif>s ni gadaiirsta ina fraihnan.

35 Jah andhafjands lesus qaf> laisjands in alh : hraiwa qij^and

J^ai bokarjos J^atei Xristus sunus ist Daweidis ?

36 Silba auk Daweid qa}) in ahmin weihamma qi]?if> frauja :

du fraujin meinamma, sit af taihswon meindi, unte ik

galagja fijands f)einans fotubaiird fotiwe J^einaize.

37 Silba raihtis Daweid qi]:>if' imma

ina fraujan, jah hra]?ro
sunus ist? Jah alia so managei hausidedun imma ga-
38 Jah qaJ) du im in laiseinai seinai: saihrij? faura \ibkar-
Ch. xiii. 16-28.] AIWA GGELJO pAtRH MARKU, 1 9


16 wastja seina.
1 Af>]:>an wai f)aim qij^uhaftom jah daddjandeim in jainaim
18 Af)f)an bidjaij) ei ni wafrf)4i sa J^ladhs izwar wintrdu.
19 Wairf>and auk )?ai dagos jainai agio swaleika, swe ni was
swaleika fram anastodeindi gaskaftais f>oei gaskop guf),

und hita, jah ni wafr]:>i]:>.

20 Jah ni frauja gamaiirgidedi f)ans dagans, ni f)auh ganesi

ainhun leike akei in J^ize gawahdane J^anzei gawalida,

gamaurgida f)ans dagans.

21 Jah f>an jabai hras izwis qif)ai : sai, her Xristus, aij?f)au

sai^ j^inar, ni galaubjai]^

22 unte urreisand galiugaxristjus jah galiugapraiifeteis, jah

giband taiknins jah faiiratanja du afafrzjan, jabai mahteig
sijai, jah J^ans gawahdans.
23 If) jus safhrif), sai, faiiragataih izwis allata.

24 Akei in jainans dagans afar \o aglon jaina sauil riqizeif)

jah mena ni gibi]? Huha)^ sein.

25 Jah stairnons himinis \vairf)and driusandeins jah mahteis

J>os in himinam gawagjanda.
26 Jah )?an gasaihrand sunu mans qimandan in milhmam
mif) mahtdi managai jah wulf)au.
27 Jah ]?an insandei]? aggiluns seinans jah galisij? f>ans gawali-
dans seinans af fidwor windam fram andjam afrJ)os und
andi himinis.
28 Af)f)an af smakkabagma ganimi]? J?o gajukon. {'an f>is
juf)an asts f)laqus wairf)if) jah uskeinand laubos, kunnuj)
f>atei nehra ist asans.
192 AIWAGGELJO pAtRH MARKU. [Ch.xiii.29; Ch.xiv. 14.

29 Swah jah jus, Jjan gasafhrij? f>ata wafrj^an, kunneij? J^atei

nehra sijuf) at


4 fraqis\€ms> f)is balsanis warf> ?

5 Maht wesi auk f)ata balsan frabugjan in managizo ]?au

j?rija hunda skatte, jah giban unledaim. Jah andstaur-
raidedun )?o.

6 IJ? lesus qaf) : letif) j?o ; duhre izai usf)riutif) ? j^annu gof>
waiirstw waiirhta bi mis.
7 Sinteino auk f>ans unledans habaij? mif) izwis, jah }^an
wileif), magu]^ im waila taujan; i)? mik ni sinteino habaij).

8 tatei habaida so gatawida ; faursnau salbon mein leik du

usfilha. ,

9 Amen, qif)a izwis: f>ishraruh ]?ei merjada so aiwaggeljo

and alia manasej), jah f)atei gatawida so rodjada du
gamundai izos.

10 Jah ludas Iskarioteis, ains f)ize twalibe, galaif) du ]?aim

gudjam, ei galewidedi ina im.
1 If) eis gahausjandans faginodedun jah gahafhaitun imma
faihu giban ;
jah sokida hraiwa gatilaba ina galewidedi.
12 Jah J^amma frumistin daga azyme, f)an paska salidedun,
qef>un du imma f)ai siponjos is hrar wileis ei galei)?andans :

manwjaima, ei matjais paska ?

13 Jah insandida twans siponje seinaize qaj^uh du im gaggats :

in \o baiirg, jah gamoteij? igqis manna kas watins bairands

gaggats afar f)amma,
14 jah f>adei inn galeif)ai, qif)aits f>amma heiwafrdujin f)atei

laisareis qi]:»if>: hrar sind salij^wos f>arei paska mi}? siponjam

meinaim matjau ?
Ch..xiv. 15-54.] AfWAGGELyo pAtRH MARKU, 193

15 Jah sa izwis taikneif> kelikn mikilata, gastrawij?, manwjata ;

jah jainar manwjaif) unsis.

16 Jah usiddjedun J^ai sipoD/'J^

41 — sai, galewjada sunus mans in handuns frawaurhtaize.
42 Urreisi|p^ gaggam ! Sai, sa lewjands mik atnehrida.
43 Jah sunsaiw nauhj^anuh at imma rodjandin qam ludas,
sums ]:>ize twalibe, jah mi]^ imma managei mi]:> hairum jah
triwam fram f>aim auhumistam gudjam jah bokarjam jah

44 Atuh-f)an-gaf sa lewjands im bandwon qij^ands : f>ammei

kukjau, sa ist : greipijp J)ana jah tiuhif) arniba.

45 Jah qimands sunsaiw, atgaggands du imma qaj) : rabbei,

rabbei jah kukida imma.

46 Vf eis uslagidedun handuns ana ina jah undgripun ina.

47 \\) ains sums "[^ize atstandandane imma uslukands hairu
sloh skalk auhumistins gudjins jah afsloh imma auso f)ata

48 Jah andhafjands lesus qaj? du im : swe du waidedjin
urrunnu]^ mi]? hairum jah triwam greipan mik.

49 Daga hrammeh was at izwis in alh laisjands jah ni gripuj:)

mik: ak ei usfullnodedeina bokos.

50 Jah afletandans ina ga]?lauhun allai.

51 Jah ains sums juggalauj^s laistida afar imma biwaibi}?s

leina ana naqadana jah gripun is J^ai juggalaudeis.

52 bileif'ands f)amma leina naqaj^s gaf>lauh faiira im.

If) is

53 Jah gatauhun lesu du auhumistin gudjin jah garunnun ;

mif) imma auhumistans gudjans allai jah J^ai sinistans jah


54 Jah Paitrus fairraj^ro laistida afar imma, unte qam in garda

f>is auhumistins gudjins ; jah was sitands mif) andbahtam

jah warmjands sik at liuhada.

194 AfWAGGEiyO pAfRH MARKU, [Ch. xiv. 55-68.

55 Vp f)ai aiihumistans gudjans jah alia so gafaurds sokidedun

ana lesu weitwodifja du afdau]?jan ina; jah ni bigetun.
56 Managai auk galiug weitwodidedun ana ina, jah samalei-

kos f>os weitwodij^os ni wesun.

57 Jah sumai usstandandans galiug weitwodidedun ana ina

58 J)atei weis gahausidedum qif)andan ina f)atei ik gatafra

alh f)o handuwaiirhton, jah bi f>rins dagans anf)ara un-

handuwaiirhta gatimrja.
59 Jah ni swa samaleika was weitw6dif)a ize.
60 Jah usstandands sa auhumista gudja in midjaim frah lesu
qi]:)ands: niu andhafjis waiht, hra ]?ai ana J^uk weitwodjand?

61 I J) is ]5ahaida, jah waiht ni andhof. Aftra sa auhumista

gudja frah ina jah qaj> du imma : ^pM is Xristus sa sunus
f>is f)iu]:>eigins ?

62 Vp is qaf)uh: ik im; jah gasaihrif) f>ana sunu mans af

taihswon sitandan mahtais, jah qimandan mi]? milhmam

63 Vp sa auhumista gudja disskreitands wastjos seinos qa]?

hra J^anamais J^aurbum weis weitwode ?

64 HausideduJ? f>o wajamerein is: hra izwis f>ugkei]5?
taruh eis allai gadomidedun ina skulan wisan dauf>du.
65 Jah dugunnun sumai speiwan ana wlit is jah huljan and-
wafr)?i is jah kaupatjan ina, jah qej^un du imma : praufetei
jah andbahtos gabaurjaba lofam slohun ina.
66 Jah wisandin Paitrau in rohsnai dalaf>a jah atiddja aina

f>iujo f)is aiihumistins gudjins,

67 jah gasafhrandei Paitru warmjandan sik, insafhrandei du

imma qa]? : jah ]:>u Tm}p lesu a f>amma Nazoreinau wast.
68 If) is afaiaik qij^ands : ni wait, ni kann hra f>u qif>is. Jah
galaif) faiir gard, jah hana wopida.
Ch. xiv. 69 ; Ch. xv. 9.] AfWAGGELJO pAfRH MARKU. 195

69 Jah f>iwi gasaihrandei ina aftra dugann qif)an |^aim faura-

standandam, f>atei sa J^izei ist.
70 IJ> is aftra laugnida. Jah afar leitil aftra f)ai atstandandans
qej^un du Paitrau : bi sunjai, j^izei is ;
jah auk razda ]:>eina

galeika ist.

71 If) is dugann afaikan jah swaran f)atei ni kann f>ana

mannan ]:>anei qif>i]:>.

72 Jah an]^aramma sinf>a hana wopida. Jah gamunda Paitrus

f>ata waiird, swe qa]^ imma lesus, f>atei faurf)ize hana
hrukjai twaim sinj^am, inwidis mik f>rim sinf>am. Jah
dugann greitan.

1 Jah sunsaiw in maiirgin garHni taujandans J^ai auhumis-
tans gudjans mij? }?aim sinistam jah bokarjam, jah alia so
gafaurds gabindandans lesu brahtedun ina at Peilatau.
2 Jah frah ina Peilatus \m is f)iudans ludaie : ? If) is

andhafjands qa)) du imma \>m qif>is. :

3 Jah wrohidedun ina ]:>ai auhumistans gudjans filu.

4 If) Peilatus aftra frah ina qif)ands : niu andhafjis ni waiht ?

sai, hran ana f)uk weitwodjand.


5 If) lesus f)anamais ni andhof, swaswe sildaleikida Peilatus.

6 If) and dulf) hrarjoh fralaflot im ainana bandjan f)anei

7 Wasuh f)an sa haitana Barabbas mif) f>aim mif) imma
drobjandam gabundans, f)aiei in auhjodau maurf>r gata-
8 Jah usgaggandei alia managei dugunnun bidjan, swaswe
sinteino tawida im.

9 If) Peilatus andhof im qif)ands: wileidu fraleitan izwis

f>ana f)iudan ludaie ?

1 96 AIWAGGELJO pAlRH MARKU, [Ch. xv. 10-25.

10 Wissa auk \2Xt\ in neij^is atgebun ina f>ai aiihumistans

1 If) ]:>ai auhumistans gudjans inwagidedun J>o managein ei

mais Barabban fralailoti im.

1 If) Peilatus aftra andhafjands qaf) du im : hra nu wileij?

ei taujau f)ammei qi]:>if) f>iudan ludaie ?

13 If) eis aftra hropidedun : ushramei ina.

14 If) Peilatus qaf) du im : hra allis ubilis gatawida ? IJ? eis

mais hropidedun : ushramei ina.

15 If) Peilatus wiljands f)izai managein fullafahjan, fralailot

im f>ana Barabban, if) lesu atgaf usbliggwands, ei

ushramif)s wesi.
16 If) gadraiihteis gataiihun ina innana gardis, f)atei ist

praitoriaiin, jah gahaihaitun alia hansa,

17 jah gawasidedun ina paiirpurai, jah atlagidedun ana ina
. f>aurneina wipja uswindandans,
18 jah dugunnun goljan ina : hails, })iudan ludaie !

19 Jah slohun is haubij? rausa, jah bispiwun ina, jah lagjan-

dans kniwa inwitun ina.

20 Jah bif)e bilailaikun ina andwasidedun ina f)izai paiir-

purai, jah gawasidedun ina wastjom swesaim, jah ustaiihun

ina ei ushramidedeina ina.
21 Jah undgripun sumana manne, Seimona Kyreinaiu,
qimandan af akra, attan Alaiksandraus jah Rufaus, ei

nemi galgan is.

22 Jah attaiihun ina ana Gaulgauf)a staf) f)atei ist gaskeirif)

hrairneins staf)S.

23 Jah gebun imma drigkan wein mif) Smyrna ; if) is ni nam.

24 Jah ushramjandans ina disdailjand wastjos is wairpan-
dans hlauta ana f>os, hrarjizuh hra nemi.

25 Wasuh f)an hreila f)ridjo, jah ushramidedun ina.

Ch. XV. 26-40.] AtWAGGELJO pAIRH MARKU. 197

26 Jah was ufarmeli fairinos is ufarmelif) : sa f)iudans ludaie.

27 Jah mip) imma ushramidedun twans waidedjans, ainana af

taihswon jah ainana af hleidumein is.

28 Jah usfullnoda f)ata gamelido ]?ata qiJ>ano: jah mif) unsib-

jaim rahni]?s was.
29 Jah ]?ai faiirgaggandans wajameridedun ina, wif)ondans
haubida seina jah qif)andans : 6 sa gatairands \o alh jah
bi J^rins dagans gatimrjands j?o,

30 nasei )5uk silban jah atsteig af f)amma galgin !

31 Samaleiko jah f)ai auhumistans gudjans bilaikandans ina

mi]^ sis misso mif) J^aim bokarjam qefjun : anf)arans gana-
sida, if) sik silban ni mag ganasjan.
32 Sa Xristus, sa J^iudans Israelis, atsteigadau nu af j?amma
galgin, ei gasaihraima jah galaubjaima. Jah J^ai mi]>
ushramidans imma idweitidedun imma.

33 Jah bi]:)e war]? hreila saihsto, riqis war)^ ana allai airj^ai
und hreila niundon.
34 Jah niundon hreilai wopida lesus stibnai mikilai qif>ands:
ailoe ailoe, lima sibak]9anei, J^atei ist gaskeiri}) : guj?
meins, gu]^ meins, duhre mis bilaist ?

35 Jah sumai f>ize atstandandane gahausjandans qef>un : sai,

Helian wopei)^.
36 i^ragjands f>an ains jah gafulljands swam akeitis, galag-
jands ana raus, dragkida ina qij^ands let, ei safhjam :

qimaiu HeHas athafjan ina.

37 IJ5 lesus aftra letands stibna mikila uzon.

38 Jah faurahah alhs disskritnoda in twa iupa]^ro und dalaj).

39 Gasaihrands ])an sa hundafaf>s sa atstandands in and-

wair|5Ja is t^atei swa hropjands uzon, qaj) : bi sunjai, sa
manna sa sunus was guf>s.

40 WesunuJ)-]?an qinons Tairra^ro saiKrandeins, in ]:)dimei

198 aIiVA GGELJO pAIRH MARKU. [Ch. xv.^o ; Ch. xvi. 5.

was Marja so Magdalene jah Marja lakobis f>is minni-

zins jah losezis aij^ei jah Salome.
4 Jah J^an was in Galeilaia, jah laistidedun ina jah andbah-
tidedun imma, jah an]:)aros manages ]:>ozei mij> iddjedun
imma in lairusalem.

42 Jah juf)an at andanahtja waurf)anamma, unte was paras-

kaiwe, saei ist fruma sabbato,
43 qimands losef af Areimaf>aias, gaguds ragineis, saei was
silba beidands ]?iudangardjos guf)S, ananan]:>jands galaij?
inn du Peilatau jah baj? J^is leikis lesuis.

44 If) Peilatus sildaleikida ei is juf)an gaswalt ;

jah athaitands
l^ana hundafaf) frah ina juf)an gadauf)nodedi.

45 Jah finj)ands at J)amma hundafada fragaf f)ata leik losefa.

46 Jah usbugjands lein jah usnimands ita biwand f)amma
leina jah galagida ita in hlaiwa \2X€\ was gadraban us
staina, jah atwalwida stain du daura J^is hlaiwis.

47 If) Marja so Magdalene jah Marja losezis sehrun hrar

galagij^s wesi.


1 Jah inwisandins sabbate dagis Marja so Magdalene jah

Marja so lakobis jah Salome usbaiihtedun aromata, ei
atgaggandeins gasalbodedeina ina.

2 Jah filu air f>is dagis afarsabbate atiddjedun du f)amma

hlaiwa at urrinnandin sunnin.

3 Jah qef)un du sis misso : hras afwalwjai unsis f)ana stain

af daurom f>is hlaiwis ?

4 Jah insa-ihrandeins gaumidedun f)ammei afwalwif)s ist sa

stains ; was auk mikils abraba.

5 Jah atgaggandeins in f)ata hlaiw gasehrun juggalauf>

Ch. xvi. 5-12.] AIWAGGELJO pAIRH MARKU. 199

sitandan in taihswai biwaibidana wastjai hreitai ; jah

6 taruh qaj? du im : ni faiirhteif) izwis, lesu sokeif) Naz5-
raiu J^ana ushramidan ; nist her, urrais, sai f>ana sta]^

f>arei galagidedun ina.

7 Akei gaggif) qif)iduh du siponjam is jah du Paitrau J^atei

faiirbigaggif) izwis in Galeilaian ; J^aruh ina gasaihrif),

swaswe qa]^ izwis.

8 Jah usgaggandeins af f)amma hlaiwa gaj^laiihun ; dizuh-

f)an-sat ijos reiro jah usfilmei, jah ni qe)?un mannhun
waiht ; ohtedun sis auk.
9 Usstandands f)an in maurgin frumin sabbato ataugida
frumist Marjin J)izai Magdalene, af J^izaiei uswarp sibun
10 Soh gaggandei gataih f>aim mi]? imma wisandam, qainon-
dam jah gretandam.
11 Jah eis hausjandans f)atei libaif> jah gasaihrans warf) fram
izai, ni galaubidedun.
12 Afaruh ]:»an }>ata


1 Warf> ]9an in dagans jainans, urrann gagrefts fram kaisara

Augustau, gameljan allana midjungard.
2 Sob f)an gilstrameleins frumista war]? at [wisandin kindina
Sy rials] raginondin Saurim Kyreinaiau.
3 Jah iddjedun allai, ei melidai weseina, hrarjizuh in seinai
4 Urrann f)an jab losef us Galeilaia, us baiirg Nazaraif>, in
ludaian, in baiirg Daweidis sei baitada Be)?labaim, du]?e
ei was us garda fadreinais Daweidis,

5 anameljan mi)? Mariin sei in fragiftim was imma qeins,

wisandein inkilJ?on.

6 War]? ]?an, mi]?]?anei Ipo wesun jainar, usfullnodedun

dagos du bairan izai.

7 Jab gabar sunu seinana ]?ana frumabaiir, jab biwand ina,

jab galagida ina in uzetin, unte ni was im rumis in stada

8 Jab bairdjos wesun in )?amma samin landa J)airbwakan-
dans jab witandans wabtwom nabts ufaro bairdai seinai.

9 I{) aggilus fraujins anaqam ins jab wulf)us fraujins bis-

kain ins, jab obtedun agisa mikilamma.

lo Jab qaf> du im sa aggilus: ni ogeij), unte sai, spillo izwis
fabeid mikila, sei wairf>ij> allai managein,
Ch. ii. 11-24.] .AIWAGGELJO pAtRH LVKAN. 201

11 f)atei gabaurans ist izwis himma daga nasjands, saei ist

Xristus frauja, in baurg Daweidis.

1 Jah f)ata izwis taikns : bigitid barn biwundan jah galagid
in uzetin.

13 Jah anaks warf> mij? f)amma aggilau managei harjis himi-

nakundis hazjandane gu]p jah qi]:»andane :

14 wulj^us in hauhistjam gufja jah ana air]:>ai gawairj)i in

mannam godis wiljins.

J 5 Jah warf), bij^e gali]?uu fairra im in himin f>ai aggiljus,

jah mans J>ai hairdjos qej^un du sis misso

]9ai : ]:>airhgag-

gaima ju und Bef>labaim, jah saihraima waiird f)ata waur-

f)ano, J^atei frauja gakannida unsis.
16 Jah qemun sniumjandans, jah bigetun Marian jah losef,
jah ]:>ata barn Hgando in uzetin.

1 Gasaihrandans ]?an gakannidedun bi f)ata waurd J>atei

rodif) was du im bi ]?ata barn.

18 Jah allai ]5ai gahausjandans sildaleikidedun bi \o rodidona

fram f)aim hafrdjam du im.
19 If> Maria alia gafastaida J?o waiirda, l^agkjandei in hafrtin

20 Jah gawandidedun sik l^ai hairdjos mikiljandans jah haz-
jandans guj? in allaize )?izeei gahausidedun jah gasehrun
swaswe rodif) was du im.
2 Jah bif>e usfulnodedun dagos ahtau du bimaitan ina. jah

haitan was namo is lesus, pata qif)ano fram aggilau, faiir-

]:>izei ganumans wesi in wamba.

22 Jah bi]:>e usfulnodedun dagos hraineinais ize bi wiloda
Mosezis, brahtedun ina lairusalem, atsatjan faiira fraujin,

23 swaswe gamelid ist in witoda fraujins : \2X€\ hjazuh gu-

makundaize uslukands qif)u weihs fraujins haitada,

24 jah ei gebeina fram imma hunsl, swaswe qi))an ist in

202 AtWAGGELJO pAIRH LUKAN. [Ch. ii. 24-37,

witoda fraujins, gajuk hraiwadubono aif)f>au tw5s juggons

25 t^aruh was manna in lairusalem, j^izei namo Symaion, jah
manna was garaihts jah gudafaurhts, beidands la]5onais
Israelis, jah ahma weihs was ana imma.

26 Jah was imma gataihan fram ahmin f>amma weihin ni

saihran dauf)u, faurf>izei sehri Xristu fraujins.
27 Jah qam in ahmin in f)izai alh; jah mi]?]?anei inn attaii-

hun berusjos f>ata barn lesu, ei tawidedeina bi biuhtja

witodis bi ina,
28 jah is andnam ina ana armins seinans, jah f>iuf)ida guf)a
jah qaf)
29 nu fraleitais skalk f>einana, fraujinond frauja, bi waurda
f>einamma in gawair]?ja
30 J^ande sehrun augona meina nasein f)eina,
31 f)oei manwides in andwairf)ja allaizo manageino,
32 liuhaf) du andhuleinai J^iudom jah wulf)u managein f)einai


33 Jah was lose f jah aij^ei is sildaleikjandona ana J^aim J^oei

rodida wesun bi ina,
34 Jah f>iuf>ida ina Symaion jah qaf) du Mariin, aij^ein is

sai, sa Hgif) du drusa jah usstassai managaize in Israela

jah du taiknai andsakanai.

35 Jah f>an f>eina silbons saiwala f>airhgaggi)5 hairus, ei and-

huljaindau us managaim hairtam mitoneis.

36 Jah was Anna praiifeteis, daiihtar Fanuelis, us kunja

Aseris ; soh framaldra dage managaize libandei mif) abin
jera sibun fram magaj^ein seinai,

37 soh ]?an widuwo jere ahtautehund jah fidwor, soh ni afiddja

fairra alh fastubnjam jah bidom blotande fraujan nahtam

jah dagam.
Ch. ii. 38-51.] AtWAGGELJO pAIRH LUKAN. 203

38 Soh j^izai hreilai atstandandei andhaihait fraujin, jah

rodida bi ina in allaim f>aim usbeidandam laf)on lairusaii-
lymos. ^

39 Jah bif>e ustaiihun allata bi witoda fraujins, gawandidedun

sik in Galeilaian, in baurg seina NazarafJ?.
40 If) f)ata barn wohs jah swinf)noda ahmins fullnands jah
handugeins, jah ansts guf)S was ana imma.
41 Jah wratodedun f)ai birusjos is jera hrammeh in lafrusa-
lem at dulf) paska.

42 Jah bif>e warf) twalibwintrus, usgaggandam J^an im in

lairusaiilyma bi biuhtja dulj^ais,

43 jah ustiuhandam f)ans dagans, mif)f>ane gawandidedun sik

aftra, gastoj? lesus sa magus in lafrusalem, jah ni wisse-

dun losef jah aif>ei is.

44 Hugjandona in gasinf)jam ina wisan qemun dagis wig jah
sokidedun ina in ganij^jam jah in kun]:am.

45 Jah ni bigitandona ina gawandidedun sik in lairusalem

sokjandona ina.
46 Jah warj? afar dagans f)rins, bigetun ina in alh sitandan
in midjaim laisarjam jah hausjandan im jah fraihnandan ins.

47 Usgeisnodedun f)an allai f>ai hausjandans is ana frodein

jah andawaurdjam is.

48 Jah gasaihrandans ina sildaleikidedun, jah qaf> du imma

so aif)ei is magau, hra gatawides uns swa ? sai, sa atta

f>eins jah ik winnandona sokidedum f>uk.

49 Jah qaj) du im : hra J^atei sokidedu]? mik .? niu wisseduf>

f)atei in ]:>aim attins meinis skulda wisan ?

50 Jah ija ni froj^un f>amma waurda J^atei rodida du im.

51 Jah iddja mif) im jah qam in NazaraiJ), jah was ufhaus-
jands im ;
jah aij)ei is gafastaida ]>6 waurda alia in hairtin

204 aIwA GGELJO pAIRH LUKAN, [CK ii. 52 ; Ch. iv. 1 1

52 Jah lesus f)aih frodein jah wahstau jah anstai at gu]?a jah


J Vf lesus, ahmins weihis fulls, gavvandida sik fram laui

danau, jah tauhans was in ahmin in au]:>idai
2 dage fidwor tiguns, fraisans fram diabulau. Jah ni matida
waiht in dagam jainaim, jah at uslaiihanaim J^aim dagam,
; bif>e g re dags war]:).

3 Jah qaf) du imma diabulus jabai sunaus sijais guj^s,


J^amma staina ei wairj^ai hlaibs.

4 Jah andhof lesus wij^ra ina qij^ands : gamelid ist f>atei ni

bi hlaib ainana libaid manna, ak bi all waiirde guf)S.

5 Jah ustiuhands ina diabulaus ana fairguni hauhata, atau-

gida imma allans J^iudinassuns ]?is midjungardis in stika
6 Jah qaf) du imma sa diabulus : J)us giba J^ata waldufni
]?ize allata jah wulf)u ize, unie mis atgiban ist, jah J>is^

hrammeh f>ei wiljau, giba J^ata.

7 I'u nu jabai inweitis mik in andwairj^ja meinamma, wair^

^\\> J?ein all.

8 Jah andhafjarids imma lesus qa)? : gamelid ist, fraujan

guf) J)einana inweitais jah imma ainamma fullafahjais.

9 taf>roh gatauh ina in lairusalem, jah gasatida ina ana

giblin alhs, jah qaf> du imma : jabai sunus sijais guf)s:,

wairp f)uk ]9af>ro dalaf) ;

10 gamelid ist auk f>atei aggilum seinaim anabiudi}? bi f)uk

du gafastan J>uk,

11 jah f)atei ana handum puk ufhaband, ei hran ni gastag-

qjais bi staina fotu f>einana.
Ch. iv, 12-25.] AtWAGGELyO pAIRH LUKAN. 205

1 Jah andhafjands qaj? imma lesus }:atei qij^an ist : ni

fraisais fraujan gu]^ J^einana.

1 Jah ustiuhands all fraistobnjo diabulus, at'sto]:) fairra imma

und mel.
14 Jah gawandida sik lesus in mahtai ahmins in Galeilaian,
jah merij^a urrann and all gawi bisitande bi ina.

15 Jah is laisida in gaqumf>im ize, mikilids fram allaim.

16 Jah qam in NazaraiJ?, f)arei was fodif)s, jah galaij^ inn bi
biuhtja seinamma in daga sabbato in synagogein, jah
usstof) siggwan bokos.
1 Jah atgibanos wesun imma bokos Eisaeiins praiifetus, jah
uslukands J^os bokos bigat stad, f>arei was gamelid :

18 ahma fraujins ana mis, in J^izei gasalboda mik du waila-

merjan unledaim, insandida mik du ganasjan ]^ans gamal-
widans hairtin,

19 merjan frahunj^anaim fralet jah blindaim siun, fraletan

gamaidans in gaj^rafstein, merjan jer fraujins andanem.
20 Jah faffalj^ f)os bokos jah usgibands andbahta gasat. Jah
allaim in f>izai synagogein wesun augona fairweitjandona
du imma.
2 Dugann ]:>an rodjan du im J^atei himma daga usfullnode-
dun mela J^o in ausam izwaraim.
22 Jah allai alakjo weitwodidedun imma jah sildaleikidedun
bi \o waurda anstais \o usgaggandcna us mun]:)a is jah
qej^un : niu sa ist sunus losefis ?

23 Jah qa]? du im : aufto qi]5if> mis ]?o gajukon :

J^u leiki,

hailei ]:)uk silban ; hran filu hausidedum waur]?an in

Kafarnaum, tawei jah her in gabaurf>ai f)einai.

24 Qa]^ ]^an : amen izvvis qif>a, f)atei ni ainshun praiifete anda-

nems ist in gabaur]:>ai seinai :

.25 af)f)an bi sunjai qif>a izwis )?atei managos widuwons wesun

206 aIwAGGELJO pAfRH LUKAN. [Ch. iv. 25-38.

in dagam Heleiins in Israela, f)an galuknoda himins du

jeram J^rim jah meno]?s safhs, swe warf) huhrus mikils
and alia afr]^a

26 jah ni du ainaihun J?izo insandi]5s was Helias, alja in

Sarafpta Seidondis du qinon widuwon.
27 Jah managai J^rutsfilldi wesun uf Haileisaiu praufetdu in
Israela, jah ni dinshun ize gahrainids was, alja Naiman sa
28 Jah fullai waiirj^un allai modis in f>izai synagogein haus-
jandans J^ata.

29 Jah usstandandans uskusun imma ut us baiirg jah

brahtedun ina und aiihmisto ]:)is fairgunjis ana J^ammei so
baiirgs ize gatimrida was, du afdrausjan ina ]:>a]5ro.

30 If) is ]:)airhleif)ands J?airh midjans ins iddja.

31 Jah galaif) in Kafarnaum, baiirg Galeilaias, jah was

laisjands ins in sabbatim.

32 Jah sildaleikidedun bi J>o Idisein is, unte in waldufnja was

waiird is.

33 Jah in J)izai synagogein was manna habands ahman

unhull^ons unhrainjana, jah ufhropida,
34 qif)ands :
• let 1 hra uns jah ]5us, lesu Nazorenu ? qamt fra-

qistjan unsis ? kann ]5uk, hras is, sa weiha guf)s.

35 J^h gahrotida imma lesus qif>ands : afdobn jah usgagg us

J^amma. Jah gawafrpands ina sa unhulj^a in midjaim
urrann af imma, ni wafhtai gaska]:>jands imma.
36 Jah war)? afslduj^nan allans, jah rodidedun du sis misso
qij^andans : hra waiirde J^ata, ]:)atei mi]? waldufnja jah
mahtai anabiudij? J^aim unhrainjam ahmam jah usgaggand?
37 Jah usiddja meri])a fram imma and allans sladins f>is bi-

sunjane landis.
38 Usstandands ]:>an us })izai synagogai galaif) in gard
Ch. iv. 38 ; Ch. xiv. 14.] AfWAGGELJO pAfkH LVKAN, 207

Seimonis. Swafhro ]:>an ]:?is Seimonis was anahabaida

brinnon mikilai, jah bediin ina bi jpo.

39 Jah atstandands ufar ija gasok pizai brinnon, jah aflailot

ija. Sunsaiw ]?an usstandandei andbahtida im.

40 Mif)})anei f>an sagq sunno, alldi swa managai swe habdi-
dedun siukans sauhtim missaleikaim, brahtedun ins at
imma: if) is ainhrarjammeh ize handuns analagjands
gahailida ins.
4 Usiddjedun J^an jah unhulf^ons af managaim hropjandeins
jah qipandeins ]?atei \m is Xristus, sunus gu]:)S. Jah gasa-
kands im ni lailot f>os rodjan, unte wissedun silban Xristu
ina wisan.
42 Bif>eh f)an warj) dags, usgaggands galdij? ana au]?jana
stad, jah manageins sokidedun ina jah qemun und ina jah
gahabaidedun ina, ei ni aflif)i fairra im.

43 taruh is qaf) du im f>atei jah f)aim anj)araim baiirgim

wailamerjan ik skal bi f>iudangardja guf>s, unte duf)e mik

44 Jah was merjands in synagogim Galeilaias.


12 Qa)5u]5-]?an jah f>amma haitandin sik: f>an waurkjais

undaiirnimat ai]5f)du nahtamat, ni haitais frijonds ]:5einans

nih broj^runs f)einans nih nif>jans f)einans nih garaznans

gabeigans, ibai dufto jah eis aftra haitaina puk jah wair-
\\\ )?us usguldan ;

13 ak f)an waurkjais daiiht, hait unledans, gamaidans, haltans,

14 Jah audags wafrf)is, unte eis ni haband usgildan J^us; us-
gildada auk f)us in usstassai f>ize uswaiirhtane.
2o8 AllVAGUELyO pAIRH LUKAN, [Ch. xiv. 15-27.

15 Gahausjands pan sums ]?ize anakumbjandane ]pata qaf)

du imma : audags saei matjif) hlaif in ]?iudangardjai guf)S.

1 f>aruh qaj) imma frauja : manna sums gawaurhta nahtamat

mikilana jah haihait managans.
17 Jah insandida skalk seinana hreilai nahtamatis qi)^an )?aim
haitanam : gaggi]?, unte ju nianwu ist allata.

;i 8 Jah dugunnun suns faurqif>an allai. Sa frumista qa]?

land baiihta, jah f)arf galei]^an jah saihran j^ata ; bidja J^uk,
habai mik faiirqij^anana.
19 Jah anf>ar qa)^ : juka aiihsne usbauhta fimf, jah gagga
kausjan f>ans ; bidja J^uk, habai mik faurqipsanana.
20 Jah sums qaf) : qen liugaida, jah duf>e ni mag qiman.
21 Jah qimands sa skalks gataih fraujin seinamma ]^ata>
i^anuh J)wafrhs sa gardawaldands qa)^ du skalka sei-
namma : usgagg sprauto in gatwons jah staigos baiirgs,

jah unledans jah gamaidans jah blindans jah haltans

attiuh hidre.

22 Jah qa]:> sa skalks : frauja, war]) swe anabaust, jah nauh

stads ist.

23 Jah qaf) sa frauja du f)amma skalka : usgagg and wigans

jah faf>os, jah nauf>ei inn atgaggan, ei usfulnai gards meins.

24 QiJ^a allis izwis j^atei ni ainshun manne jainaize p>ize faiira

haitanane kausei]^ J^is nahtamatis meinis.
25 Mif> iddjedun ]:>an imma hiuhmans managai, jah gawand-
jands sik qaf) du im :

26 Jabai hras gaggi}) du mis, jah ni fijai]^ attan seinana jah

aif>ein jah qen jah barna jah broj^runs jah swistruns,
nauhuf>-]5an seina silbins saiwala, ni mag meins siponeis

27 Jah saei ni bairij^ galgan seinana jah gaggai afar mis, ni

mag wisan meins siponeis.

Ch. xiv* 28; Ch. XV, 6.] AiWAGGELJO pAfRH LUKAN. 209

28 Izwara hras raihtis wiljands kelikn timbrjan, niu frumist

gasitands rahneif) manwij^o habaiu du ustiuhan ?

29 ibai aufto, bif>e gasatidedi grunduwaddju jah ni mahtedi

ustiuhan, allai f)ai gasaihrandans duginnaina bilaikan ina,
30 qif>andans f)atei sa manna dustodida timbrjan jah ni
mahta ustiuhan.

31 Ai]:)f>au hras f)iudans gaggands stigqan wi]?ra an]?arana

J)iudan du wigana, niu gasitands faurj^is f)ankei)?, siaiu

mahteigs mi]^ tafhun J^usundjom gamotjan f)amma \m\>

twaim tigum J^usundjo gaggandin ana sik ?

32 Eif>au [jabai nist mahteigs] nauhf)anuh fairra imma

wisandin insandjands aim bidji]? gawairj^jis.

33 Swah nu hrarjizuh izwara saei ni afqij^if) allamma aigina

seinamma, ni mag wisan meins siponeis.
34 God salt; if) jabai salt baud wairf)if), hre gasupoda?

35 Nih du afrf>ai, ni du maihstau fagr ist; ut usvvairpand

imma. Saei habai ausona gahausjandona, gahausjai.


1 WesunuJ)-f>an imma nehrjandans sik allai motarjos jah

frawaurhtai hausjan imma.
2 Jah birodidedun Fareisaieis jah bokarjos, qif>andans f>atei

sa fravvaiirhtans andnimi}) jah mi)? matjif) im.

3 Qaf) ]:an du im \b gajukon qif»ands

4 hras manna izwara aigands taihuntehund lambe jah fraliu-
sands ainamma f>ize, niu bileif>if> \b niuntehund jah niun
ana auf)idai jah gaggif> afar f)amma fralusanin, unte bi-
gitif) J^ata?

5 Jah bigitands uslagjij? ana amsans seinans faginonds,

6 jah qimands in garda galaf>of) frijonds jah garaznans

210 AlWAGGELJO pAiRH LUKAN, [Ch. xv. 6-19.

qi]?ands du im : faginoj^ mij? mis ]?ammei bigat lamb mein

f>ata fralusano.

7 Qif>a izwis f>atei swa faheds wairj^i]? in himina in ainis

frawaurhtis idreigondins f)au in niuntehundis jah niune
garaihtaize J^aiei ni J^aurbun idreigos.
8 Aff>f)au suma qino drakmans habandei taihun, jabai
fraliusif> drakmin ainamma, niu tandeij? lukarn jah us-
baugei]? razn jah sokei)^ glaggwaba, unte bigitij? ?

9 Jah bigitandei gahaiti]? frijondjos jah garaznons qif)andei

faginoj) mif) mis, unte bigat drakmein J^ammei fralaus.
10 Swa qifja izwis, faheds wairf)ij) in andwairj)ja aggile guf>s
in ainis idreigondins frawaurhtis.

1 Qa]?uj5-J?an : manne sums aihta twans sununs.

12 Jah Q^ sa juhiza ize du attin : atta, gif mis, sei undrinnai
mik dail aiginis jah disdailida im swes sein.

13 Jah afar ni managans dagans brahta samana allata sa

juhiza sunus, jah aflaif) in land fairra wisando, jah jainar

distahida f)ata swes seinata libands usstiuriba.

14 BiJ?e ]:an frawas allamma, warf> huhrus abrs and gawi

jainata, jah is dugann alaf)arba wairj^an.

15 J^h g^gg^^ds gahaftida sik sumamma baiirgjane jainis

gaujis, jah insandida ina haif>jos seinaizos haldan sweina.
16 Jah gairnida sad itan haurne, f)oei matidedun sweina, jah
manna imma ni gaf.

17 Qimands f)an in sis qaf): hran filu asnje attins meinis ufa-
rassau haband hlaibe, if> ik huhrau fraqistna.

18 Usstandands gagga du attin meinamma jah qif>a du imma

atta, frawaurhta mis in himin jah in andwairf)ja \€\-
namma ;

1 ju })anaseij)s ni im wairf)s ei haitaidau sunus f)eins ;

wei mik swe ainana asnje )?einaize.

20 Jah usstandands qam at attin seinamma. Nauh]?anuh

j?an fairra wisandan gasahr ina atta is jah infeinoda, jah
}?ragjands draus ana hals is jah kukida imma.
2 Jah qaf) imma sa sunus : atta, frawaurhta in himin jah in
andwairj^ja J^einamma, ju panasei]:)S ni im wairJ)S ei

haitaidau sunus J^eins.

22 Qaf) f>an sa atta du skalkam seinaim : sprauto bringif>

wastja \q frumiston jah gawasjif) ina jah gibif) figgragulf)
in handu is jah gaskohi ana fotuns is ;

23 jah bringandans stiur f>ana alidan ufsneif)if>, jah matjandans

wisam waila
24 unte sa sunus meins dauf>s was jah gaqiunoda, jah fralu-
sans was jah bigitans war]? ;
jah dugunnun wisan.
25 Wasu]?-]:)an sunus is sa alj^iza ana akra, jah qimands
atiddja nehr razn, jah gahausida saggwins jah laikins.
26 Jah athaitands sumana magiwe frahuh hra wesi J^ata.

27 I'aruh is qaj) du imma f)atei brof>ar ]:)eins qam jah afsnai)?

atta f>eins stiur J>ana alidan, unte hailana inaandnam.
28 fanuh modags war]? jah ni wilda inn gaggan, if) atta is

usgaggands ut bad ina.

29 t^aruh is andhafjands qaf) du attin: sai, swa filu jere skal-

kinoda f)us, jah ni hranhun anabusn f)eina ufariddja, jah
mis ni aiw atgaft gaitein, ei mif) frijondam meinaim
30 ij) J>an sa sunus f)eins, saei fret J^ein swes mij> kalkjom,
qam, ufsnaist imma stiur f)ana alidan.

31 I'aruh qaf) du imma: barnilo, f)u sinteino mif) mis wast

jah is, jah all f)ata mein J?ein ist
32 wafla wisan jah faginon skuld was, unte brofjar J^eins

dau)5s was jah gaqiunoda, jah fralusans jah bigitans

warf>. ,

p 2


I in Bef>anijin, J^arei was Lazarus sa dauf)a, f)anei

urraisida us dauf>aim lesus.
2 i^aruh gawaiirhtedun imma nahtamat jainar, jah Marfja
andbahtida ; if) Lazarus was sums f)ize anakumbjandane
milp imma.
3 lip Marja nam pund balsanis nardaus pistikeinis filuga-

laubis, jah gasalboda fotuns lesua, jah biswarb fotuns is

skufta seinamma; if> sa gards fulls war]? daunais f)izos


4 QaJ) f)an ains f)ize siponje is, Judas Seimonis sa Iskariotes,

izei skaftida sik du galewjan ina
5 duhre f>ata balsan ni frabauht was in 't* skatte jah fra-
dailij? wesi parbam ?

6 I'atuJ^-J^an qaf), ni J^eei ina J?ize f>arbane kara wesi, ak unte

J^iubs was jah arka habaida jah f>ata inn waiirpano bar.

7 Qaf) f>an lesus: let ija; in dag gafilhis meinis fastdida


8 lip f>ans unledans sinteino habai]? milp izwis, i]> mik ni,

sinteino habaif>.

9 Fanj5 f)an manageins filu ludaie J)atei lesus jainar ist, jah
qemun, ni in lesuis ainis, ak ei jah Lazaru sehreina J^anei
urraisida us dauj^aim. •

Ch. xii. 10-23.] AhVAGGEiyO pAIRH JOHANNEN. 2 1

10 Munaidedunu]?-J>an auk ]:>ai auhumistans gudjans, ei jah

Lazarau usqemeina,
1 unte managai in J^is garunnun ludaie jah galaubidedun
12 Iftumin daga manageins filu sei qam at dulj^ai, gahaus-
jandans p'atei qimij? lesus in lairaiisaulymai,

13 nemun astans peikabagme, jah urrunnun wij^ragamotjan

imma, jah hropidedun : osanna, J^iuJ^ida sa qimanda in
narnin fraujins, f>iudans Israelis.
14 Bigat ]^an lesus asilu, jah gasat ana ina, swaswe ist

15 ni ogs f»us, dauhtar Sion, sai, J)iudans f>eins qimi}^ sitands
ana fulin asilaus.

16 f'atuj^-J^an ni kunj^edun siponjos is frumist ; ak bij^e gas-

\veraif)s was lesus, J^anuh gamundedun ]:atei f>ata was du
l^amma gameli)^, jah f)ata gatawidedun imma.
17 Weitwodida j^an so managei, sei was mij) imma, pan
Lazaru wopida us hlaiwa jah urraisida ina us dauf>aim.
18 Du]5j?e iddjedun gamotjan imma managei, unte hauside-
dun ei gatawidedi f>6 taikn.
19 tanuh J^ai Fareisaieis qej^un du sis misso : safhrij^ ]:atei ni

botei]^ waiht sai, so manaseds

; afar imma galaif).

20 Wesunuf)-f>an sumai ]?iudo f>ize urrinnandane, ei inwiteina

in f>izai dulf)ai.
21 Mi atiddjedun du Filippau, p>amma fram Bef>saeida
Galeilaie, jah bedun ina qij^andans : frauja, wileima lesu
22 Gaggif> Filippus jah qif>if> du Andraiin, jah aftra Andraias
jah Filippus qej^un du lesua.
23 If> lesus andhof im qif>ands : qam hreila ei sweraidau
sunus mans.
214 . AtWAGGELJO pAikH JOHANNEN. [Ch. xii. 24-36.

24 Amen amen qif)a izwis : nibai kaiirno hraiteis gadriu-

sando in airf>a gaswilti}>, silbo ainata aflifnij? : ij? jabai
gaswiltif), manag akran bairif).

25 Saei frijo]5 saiwala seina, fraqisteif) izai, jah saei fiaij?

saiwala seina in f>amma fairhrau, in libainai aiweinon

bairgif) izai.
26 Jabai mis hras andbahtjai, mik laistjai ;
jah f)arei im ik,

)?aruh sa andbahts meins wisan habai]^ ;

jah jabai hras mis
andbahtei]^, swerai]? ina atta.

27 Nu saiwala meina gadrobnoda, jah hra qif)au ? atta,

nasei mik us J^izai hreilai. Akei du]5j>e qam in J)izai


28 Atta, hauhei namo f)einata ! Qam J)an stibna us himina :

jah hauhida jah aftra hauhja.

29 Managei )5an sei stof) gahausjandei, qej^un )?eihron wair-
J?an ; sumaih qef>un : aggilus du imma rodida.

30 Andhof lesus jah o^ : ni in meina so stibna war]?, ak in

31 Nu staua ist ]5izai manasedai, nu sa reiks f>is fairtiraus us-

wairpada ut.

32 Jah ik jabai ushauhjada af airj^ai, alia atf)insa du mis.

33 {^atuJ^-J^an qaf> bandwjands hrileikamma dauj^au skulda
34 Andhof imma so managei : weis hausidedum ana witoda
f>atei Xristus sijai du aiwa ;
jah hraiwa \m qif)is f>atei

skulds ist ushauhjan sa sunus mans 1 hras ist sa sunus

mans .?

35 Qa)^ l^an du im lesus : naiih leitil mel liuha)? in izwis ist.

Gaggif) f>ande liuha}) habai]?, ei riqiz izwis ni gafahai ;

saei gaggij? in riqiza, ni wait hraf> gaggij?.

36 t*ande liuhaf) habai]?, galaubei|) du liuhada, ei sunjus liu-

Ch. xii. 36-49.] aIiVAGGRLJO pAtRH JOHANNEN. 215

hadis wairf>aif>. fata rodida lesus, jah galaif> jah gafalh

sik faura im.

37 Swa filu imma taikne gataujandin in andwairjjja ize, ni

galaubidedun imma,
38 ei J^ata waurd Esaeiins praiifetaus usfullnodedi J^atei qa)?
frauja, hras galaubida hauseinai unsarai? jah arms frau-
jins hramma andhulif>s warf) ?

39 mahtedun galaubjan unte aftra qa)? Esaeias

Duf>]:)e ni ; :

40 gablindida ize augona jah gadaubida ize hairtona, ei ni

gaumidedeina augam jah froj^eina hairtin, jah gawandi-
dedeina jah ganasidedjau ins.

41 &ata qaf) Esaeias, pan sahr wulj^u is jah rodida

bi ina.

42 &anuh f)an swef)auh jah us f>aim reikam managai galau-

bidedun du imma, akei faura Fareisaium ni andhaihaitun,

ei us synagogein ni uswaurpanai waiirj^eina.

43 Frijodedun auk mais hauhein manniska )?au hauhein


44 I]:) lesus hropida jah qa]:> : saei galaubeij^ du mis ni ga-

laubei]:) du mis. ak du J^amma sandjandin mik.
45 Jah saei saihri)? mik, safhri]:) f)ana sandjandan mik,
46 Ik Huhad in J)amma fairhrau qam, ei hrazuh saei galaubjai
du mis, in riqiza ni wisai.

47 Jah jabai hras meinaim hausjai waiirdam jah galaubjai, ik

ni stoja ina nih ]:>an qam ei stojau manased, ak ei ga-

nasjau manased.
48 Saei frakann mis jah ni andnimi]^ waiirda meina, habaid
)?ana stojandan sik. Waurd f)atei rodida, f>ata stoji]? ina
in spedistin daga.

49 Unte ik us mis silbin ni rodida, ak saei sandida mik atta,

sah mis anabusn at^o/*

21 iWAGGELJO }?aIrH JOHANNEN, [Ch. xiv. 1-12.


1 Ni indrobnai izwar hairto ;

galaubei]^ du guf>a jah du mis
2 In garda attins nieinis saliJ)wos manages sind; aj)]5an

niba weseina, ai]:)]:)au qef>jau du izwis : gagga manwjan

stad izwis,

3 Jah J)an jabai gagga /(^^ manwja izwis stad, aftra qima
jah franima izwis du mis silbin, ei ]?arei im ik, f)aruh siju]?

jah jus.
4 Jah f'adei ik gagga kunnu)^, jah f)ana wig kunnuf).
5 i'aruh qaf) imma t'omas : frauja, ni witum hraf> gaggis,

jah hraiwa magum J^ana wig kunnan ?

6 QaJ? imma lesus : ik im sa wigs jah sunja jah Hbains.

Ainshun ni qimif) at attin, niba f>airh mik.

7 If) kunf>edeif) mik, aif>J>au kunf)edeif> jah attan meinana

jah f'an fram himma kunnuf) ina jah gasaihri}) ina.

8 If) Filippus qaf)uh du imma : frauja, augei unsis ]?ana

attan ; f)atuh ganah unsis.

9 taruh qa]:) imma lesus : swalaud melis mif) izwis was, jah
ni ufkunf>es mik, Filippu? saei gasahr mik, gasahr attan,

jah hraiwa f)u qij?is : augei unsis f)ana attan ?

10 Niu galaubeis f>atei ik in attin jah atta in mis ist? I^o

waiirda f)oei ik rodja izwis, af mis silbin ni rodja, ak atta

saei in mis ist, sa taujif) \o waurstwa.
1 Galaubei]^ mis J^atei ik in attin jah atta in mis ; ij? jabai
ni, in J^ize waiirstwe galaubeif) mis.
12 Amen amen qif)a izwis : saei galaubeid mis, ]?o waurstwa
f>oei ik tauja, jah is taujij? jah maizona f)aim taujij?; unte
ik du attin gagga.
Ch. xiv. 13-26.] AIWAGGELJO pAIRH JOHANNEN. 217

13 Jah f)atei hra bidjif> in namin tneinamma, f>ata tauja, ei

hauhjaidau atta in sunau.

14 Jabai hris bidjif) mik in namin meinamma, ik tauja.

15 Jabai mik frijoj?, anabusnins meinos fastaid.

16 Jah ik bidja attan, jah anf>arana parakletu gibif) izwis, ei

sijai mi]^ izwis du aiwa,

17 ahma sunjos, ]:»anei so manaseif)S ni mag niman, unte ni
safhrif) ina, nih kann ina ; i]^ jus kunnuf) ina, unte is mij>
izwis wisi]^ jah in izwis ist.

18 Ni leta izwis widuwairnans ;

qima at izwis.

19 Naiih leitil, jah so manaseif>s mik ni J^anaseiJ^s saihrif) ; i]5

jus safhrif> mik, f>atei'ik liba, jah jus libaif>.

20 In jainamma daga ufkunnaif) jus ]?atei ik in attin mei-

namma jah jus in mis jah ik in izwis.

21 Saei habaid anabusnins meinos jah fastai]:> ]:>os, sa ist saei

frijo]? mik : jah f>an saei frijof) mik, frijoda fram attin
meinamma, jah ik frijo ina jah gabairhtja imma mik

22 f^aruh qaj) imma ludas, ni sa Iskarjotes : frauja, hra war]?

ei unsis munais gabairhtjan f>uk silban, i]^ ]:>izai manase-

dai ni ?

23 Andhof lesus jah qaf) du imma : jabai hras mik frijof) jah
waiird mein fastai]^, jah atta meins frijo]^ ina, jah du imma
galeif>os jah salif)wos at imma gataujos.
24 IJ) saei ni frijo]? mik, J)o waiirda meina ni fastaij? ;
f)ata waiird f)atei hauseif) nist mein, ak f>is sandjandins
mik attins.

25 t>ata rodida izwis at izwis wisands.

26 A]:>]:>an sa parakletus, ahma sa weiha, J>anei sandei}) atta
in namin meinamma, sa izwis laiseij? allata jah gamaudei]?
izwis allis f)atei qaj? du izwis.
2i8 AtWAGGELJO pAfRH ydHANNEN.\<:M.y:\^,2y, Ch.xv.6.

27 Gawairj^i bileij^a izwis, gawairf)i mein giba izwis ; ni

swaswe so manase]^s gibi]?, ik giba izwis. Ni indrobnaina

izwara hairtona nih faurhtjaina.
28 Hausideduf) ei ik qaj) izwis: galeif>a jah qima at izwis;

jabai frijodedei]^ mik, ai]?)5au jus faginodedei]? ei ik gagga

du attin : unte atta meins maiza mis ist.

29 Jah nu qaf> izwis, faurj^izei waurj^i. ei bif)e wairj^ai ga-


30 i'anasei]:>s filu ni ma})lja mi]:) izwis ;

qimij? saei J^izai

manasedai reikino]^, jah in mis ni bigiti]:* waiht.

31 Ak ei ufkunnai so manasef)s f>atei ik frijoda attan mei-

nana, jah swaswe anabaud mis atta, swa tauja. Urreisif),

gaggam f^apro.


1 Ik im weinatriu J^ata sunjeino, jah atta meins waiirstwja


2 All taine in mis unbairandane akran go]:>, usnimij? ita :

jah all akran bairandane, gahrainei}? ita, ei managizo

akran bairaina.
3 Ju jus hrainjai sijuj? in ]?is waurdis J^atei rodida du izwis.
4 WisaiJ) in mis jah ik in izwis. Swe sa weinatains ni mag
akran bafran af sis silbin, niba ist ana weinatriwa, swah
nih jus, niba in mis sijuf).

5 Ik im f>ata weinatriu, if) jus weinatainos; saei wisi]^ in

mis jah ik in imma, sa bairij? akran manag, J)atei inuh

mik ni maguf) taujan ni waiht.

6 Niba saei wisij? in mis, uswairpada ut swe weinatains, jah
gaf>aursnif) jah galisada, jah in fon galagjand jah in-

7 Af)]?an jabai sijuf? in mis, jah waurda meina in izwis sind,

f>atahrah f>ei wilei]? bidjif>, jah wair)^if> izwis.

8 In f)amma hauhif>s ist atta meins, ei akran manag bairaij)

jah wair]:)aif) meinai siponjos.

9 Swaswe frijoda mik atta, swab ik frijoda izwis; wisaif> in
friaf)wai meinai.

10 Jabai anabusnins meinos fastaid, sijuj) in fria]?wai meinai,

swaswe ik anabusnins attins meinis fastaida, jah wisa in

friaf)wai is.

1 &ata rodida izwis, ei fahef>s meina in izwis sijai, jah faheds

izwara usfulljaidau.
1 fata ist anabusns meina, ei frijoj) izwis misso, swaswe ik

frijoda izwis.

13 Maizein J^izai fria]:)wai manna ni habai)?, ei Ivas saiwala

seina lagjij? faur frijonds seinans.

14 Jus frijonds meinai sijuj?, jabai taujif) J^atei ik anabiuda

1 I'anaseil^s izwis ni qij^a skalkans ; unte skalks ni wait hra

taujif) is frauja, \\ ik izwis qa]^ frijonds, unte all J>atei

hausida at attin meinamma, gakannida izwis.

16 Ni jus mik gawalidedu]^, ak ik gawalida izwis, ei jus sni-

waif> jah akran bairail^, jah akran izwar du aiwa sijai, ei

f>atahrah f)ei bidjaif) attan in nam in meinamma, gibif)


1 fata anabiuda izwis ei frijoj? izwis misso.

18 Jabai so manaseds izwis fijai, kunneif> ei mik fruman
izwis fijaida.

19 Jabai J^is fairhraus weseif), aff)j3au so manaseds swesans

frijodedi ; af>])an unte us f)amma fairhrau ni sijuj?, ak ik

gawalida izwis us f)amma fairhrau, du]:?]?e fijaid izwis so

220 AfWAGGELJO PaIrH JOHANNEN, [Ch.xv.2o;Ch.xvii.4.

20 GamuneiJ> ]^is waurdis J^atei ik qa]^ du izwis : nist skalks

maiza fraujin seinamma. Jabai mik wrekun, jah izwis

wrikand ;
jabai mein waiird fastaidedeina, jah izwar

2 1 Ak \2X2i allata taujand izwis in namins meinis, unte ni

kunnun J>ana sandjandan mik.
22 Nib qemjau jah rodidedjau du im, frawaiirht ni habaide-
deina if) nu inilons ni haband bi frawaiirht seina.

23 Saei mik fijai]:), jah attan meinana fijai]:).

24 If> f>o waiirstwa ni gatawidedjau in im J^oei anj^ar ainshun

ni gatawida, frawaiirht ni habaidedeina if) nu jah gase- ;

hrun mik jah fijaidedun jah mik jah attan meinana.

25 Ak ei usfullnodedi waiird J)ata gameUdo in witoda ize ei :

fijaidedun mik arwjo.

26 Af>J)an f)an qimi}? parakletus f)anei ik insandja izwis fram
attin, ahman sunjos izei fram attin urrinni]?, sa weitw6deif>

bi mik.

27 Jah f)an jus weitwodeif>, unte fram fruma mif) mis sijuj).


1 I'ata rodida lesus uzuhhof augona seina du himina jah

qa]:) : atta, qam hreila, hauhei f)einana sunu, ei sunus f>eins

hauhjai f)uk ;

2 swaswe atgaft imma waldufni allaize leike, ei all f>atei

atgaft imma, gibai im libain aiweinon.

3*Soh f>an ist so aiweino libains, ei kunneina f)uk ainana
sunjana guf) jah f)anei insandides, lesu Xristu.
4- Ik ]?uk hauhida ana afrf)ai ; waiirstw ustauh patei atgaft
mis du waiirkjan.
Ch. xvii. 5-17.] AfWAGGELJO /?aIrH JOHANNEN. 221

5 Jah nu hduhei mik, J)u atta, at pus silbin famma wulf>au,

Jjanei habaida at f)us, faiirj^izei sa fairhrus wesi.
6 Gabairhtida f)einata name mannam J)anzei atgaft mis us
pamma fafrhrau. l^einai wesun jah mis atgaft ins, jah
]?ata waurd l^einata gafastaidedun.

7 Nu ufkunf)a ei alia J^oei atgaft mis, at ])us sind ;

8 unte J50 waurda \ot\ atgaft mis, atgaf im, jah eis nemun
bi sunjai f>atei fram f)us urrann, jah galdubidedun J^atei

\\i mik insandides.

9 Ik bi ins bidja; ni bi J^o manasef) bidja, ak bi J)ans
f>anzei atgaft mis, unte ))einai sind.
10 Jah meina alia J^eina sind jah J^eina meina, jah hauhij^s im
in f)aim.

11 Ni j^anaseij^s im J^amma fafrhrau

in ; if) f>ai in ]?amma
fafrhrau sind, jah ik du f>us gagga. Atta weiha, fastai

namin J^einamma, f)anzei atgaft mis, ei sijaina ain

ins in

swaswe wit.
12 f'an was mi]^ im in })amma fafrhrau, ik fastdida ins in
namin J^einamma, tanzei atgaft mis gafastaida, jah
ainshun us im ni fraqistnoda, niba sa sunus fralustais, ei
J^ata gamelido usfullij) waiirj^i.

13 If) nu du f>us gagga, jah f>ata rodja in manasedai, ei

habaina fahed meina usfullida in sis.

14 Ik atgaf im waiird f)einata ;

jah so manasef)S fijaida ins,
unte ni sind us f)amma fafrhrau, swaswe ik us f>amma
fafrhrau ni im.

15 Ni bidja ei usnimais ins us ]?amma fafrhrau, ak ei bafrgais

im faiira f>amma unseljin.
16 Us J)amma fafrhrau ni sind, swaswe ik us f'amma fafrhrdu
ni im.

1 Weihai ins in sunjai ; waiird f>einata sunja ist.

2ZZ AtWAGGELyO pAIRH yOHANNEN, [Ch. xvii. 18-26.

18 Swaswe mik insandides in manase]?, swah ik insandida ins

in f)o manased.
19 Jah fram im ik weiha mik silban, ei sijaina jah eis weihai
in sunjai.

20 Af>f)an ni bi f)ans bidja ainans, ak bi f>ans galaubjandans

f»airh waiirda ize du mis,
^r ei allai ain sijaina, swaswe ]:>u, atta, in mis jah ik in ]?u,s,

ei jah f)ai in uggkis ain sijaina, ei so manasef)S galaubjai

J^atei \w mik insandides.
22 Jah ik wulf>u f>anei gaft mis, gaf im, ei sijaina din sw^aswe
wit ain siju.
25 Ik in im jah f>u in mis, ei sijaina ustaiihanai du ainamma,
jah kunnei so manasej^s f)atei f>u mik insandides, jah fri-

jodes ins, swaswe mik frijodes.

24 Atta, f)atei atgaft mis, wiljau ei f)arei im ik, jah f)ai sijaina

mif) mis, ei safhraina wul]?u meinana J>anei gaft mis, unte

frijodes mik faiir gaskaft fafrhraus.

25 Atta garafhta, jah so manasef)S |)uk ni ufkunf>a \\\ ik f)uk

kunf)a. Jah f>ai ufkunjpedun ]:)atei J^u mik insandides.
26 Jah gakannida im namo J^einata jah kannja, ei friaf)wa

f>oei frijodes mik, in im sijai jah ik in im.



1 Pawlus, apaiistaiilus Xristaus lesuis )?airh wiljan gups bi

gahaitam libainais sei ist in Xristau lesu,

2 Teimauf>aiau, liubin barna, ansts, armaio, gawairf>i fram

guf)a attin jah Xristau lesu fraujin unsaramma.
3 Awiliudo guf>a meinamma, J^ammei skalkino fram fadrei-
nam in hrainjai gahugdai, hraiwa unsweibando haba bi

Ipuk gaminf)i in bidom meinaim naht jah daga,

4 gairnjands f)uk gasaihran, gamunands tagre f)einaize, ei

fahedais usfullnau,

5 gamaudein andnimands ]?izos sei ist in f)us, unliutons

galaubeinais sei bauaida faurj^is in awon f)einai Lauidjai
jah aif)ein f)einai Aiwneikai, gaf)-]?an-traua f>atei jah in

6 In J^izozei waihtais- gamaudja J>uk anaqiujan anst guj^s,

sei ist in Ipus ]?airh analagein handiwe meinaizo.
7 Unte ni gaf unsis gup ahman faurhteins, ak mahtais jah
friaj^wos jah inaheins.

8 Ni nunu skamai f)uk weitwodif)os fraujins unsaris lesuis

nih meina, ban dj ins is, ak mi]? arbaidei aiwaggeljon bi

mahtai guf>s,

9 J^is nasjandins uns jah laj^ohdins laj^onai weihai, ni bi

waurstwam unsaraim, ak bi seinai leikainai jah anstai sei

gibana ist unsis in Xristau lesu faiir mela aiweina,

224 DU TEIMAUpAtAu ANpARA. [Ch. i. lo; Ch. ii. 4.

10 if) gaswikun|)ida nu ]^afrh gabafrhtein nasjandis unsaris

lesuis Xristaus, gatafrandins rafhtis dauf)u, i]? galiuht-
jandins libain jah unriurein J^airh aiwaggeljon,
11 in J^oei gasatij^s im ik merjands jah apaustaulus jah
laisareis J^iudo,

12 in ]^iz5zei fafrinos jah f)atawinna; akei nih skama mik,

unte wait hramma galaubida, jah gatraua J^ammei mah-
teigs ist J)ata anafilh mein fastan in jainana dag.

13 Frisaht habands hailaize waurde, f>oei at mis hausides in

galaubeinai jah friaf)wdi in Xristau lesu,

14 f>ata godo anafilh fastai J^airh ahman weihana saei baui)^

in uns.

15 Waist f)atei afwandidedun sik af mis allai ]?diei sind in

Asidi, J?izeei ist Fygailus jah Airmogaines.
16 Gibdi armaion frauja Auneiseifaurdus garda, unte ufta mik
ana]:»rafstida jah ndudibandjo meinaizo ni skamaida sik;
17 ak qimands in Ruiiidi usddudo sokida mik jah bigat.

1 Gibdi frduja imma bigitan armahairtein at frdujin in

jdinamma daga ;
jah hran filu mdis in Aifaison and-
bahtida mis, waila f>u kant.


1 tu nu, bam mein waliso, inswin}>ei f>uk in anstai J?izdi in

Xristau lesu,
2 jah f>oei hausides at mis f)afih managa weitw5dja, waijrda
gu)5s, \o anafilh triggvvdim mannam, f>diei wafrj^di sijdina
jah an]?arans Idisjan.
3 &u nu arbdidei swe gods gadraiihts Xristdus lesuis.

4 Ni dinshun drauhtinonds frdujin dugawindi)^ sik gawaiirk-

jam J^izos alddis, ei galeikdi J)ammei- draiihtinof).

Ch. ii. 5-I9-] DU TEIMAlJpAiAU ANpARA, , 225

5 Jah f)an jabai haifsteij) hras, ni weipada, niba witodeigo


6 Arbaidjands afrf>6s waiirstwja skal frumist akrane andni-

7 Fraf)ei f)atei qi]?a ;
gibi]^ auk J^us frauja fraj^i us allaim.
8 Gamuneis Xristu lesu urrisanana us dauj^aim us fraiwa
Daweidis bi afwaggeljon meinai.
9 in ]:)izaiei arbaidja und bandjos swe ubiltojis ; akei waurd
guf>s nist gabundan.
10 Inuh f)is all gaj^ula bi ]?ans gawalidans, ei jah f>ai ganist
gatilona, sei ist in Xristau lesu mi]^ wulj^au aiweinamma.
1 Triggw ]?ata waurd : jabai mif) gadauj^nodedum, jah mi}?
libam ;

12 jabai gaf>ulam, jah mij? f)iudanom ;

jabai afaikam, jah is

afaiki]^ uns
1 jabai ni galaubjam, jains triggws wisif) ; afaikan sik silban
ni mag.
14 I'ize gamaudei, weitwodjands in andwafr]?ja fraujins.

Waurdam weihan du ni wafhtai daug, niba uswalteinai

f>aim hausjondam.
1 Usdaudei ]?uk silban gakusanana usgiban guf>a waurstwjan
unaiwiskana, raihtaba raidjandan waurd sunjos.
16 I]? \o dwalona usweihona lausawaurdja biwandei; unte
filu gaggand du afgudein,
17 jah waurd ize swe gunds ali]^; j^izeei ist Ymainaius jah
18 ]:aiei bi sunja uswissai usmetun, qi]^andans usstass ju
waurf)ana, jah galaubein sumaize uswaltidedun.
19 Af)f)an tulgus grunduwaddjus gups standi]?, habands
sigljo ]?ata : kun]:>a frauja ]?ans J^aiei sind is, jah : afstandai
af unselein hrazuh saei namnjai namo fraujins.

226 DU TEIMAdpAiAU ANpARA. [Ch. ii. 20; Ch. iii. 5.

20 AJ>]?an in mikilamma garda ni sind f)atainei kasa gulj)eina

jah silubreina, ak jah triweina jah digana, jah suma du
swerein, sumu]9-f)an du unswerein.
21 Af)J?an jabai hras gahrainjai sik J^ize, wafrf)i)^ kas du
swerif>ai gaweihaij), bruk fraujin, du allamma waiirstwe
godaize gamanwi]?.
22 Af)f)an juggans lustuns j?liuh ;
if) laistei garafhtein, ga-
laubein, friaf)wa, gawair]?i mij? J^iim bidai ahahaitandam
fraujan us hrainjamma hafrtin.

23 I)? )56s dwalons jah untalons soknins biwandei, witands

]?atei gabairand sakjons.
24 I]) skalks fraujins ni skal sakan, ak qafrrus wisan wi]?ra
allans, Idiseigs, usf>ulands,

25 in qafrrein talzjands J^ans andstandandans, niu hran gibai

im guj? idreiga du ufkunf)ja sunjos,
26 jah usskawjaindau us unhulj)ins wruggdn, fram J)ammei
gafahanai habanda afar is wiljin.


1 Aj^j^an )>ata kunneis ei in spedistdim dagam atgaggand

jera sleidja,
2 jah wafrj^and mannans sik frijondans, fafhugafrnai, bi-

haitjans, hauhhairtdi, wajamerjandans, fadreinam unga-

hrafrbai, launawargos, unairknai,

3 unhunslagai, unmildjai, fafrinondans, ungahabandans sik,

unmanariggwai, unseljai,
4 fralewjandans, untilamalskai, ufbduliddi, frijondans wiljan
seinana mais f>au guf>,
5 habandans hiwi gagudeins, Vp maht iz5s inwidandans ;
J>ans afwandei.
Ch. iii. 6-17.] DU TEIMa6J?AIAU ANGARA. 227

6 Unte us })aim sind J^aiei sliupand in gardins jah frahun-

))ana tiuhand qineina af hlaf>ana frawaurhtim, f)oei tiuhanda
du lustum missaleikaim,
7 sinteino laisjandona sik jah ni aiw hranhun in ufkunj^ja

sunjos qiman mahteiga.

8 A)?f)an J^amma haidau ei Jannes jah Mambres andstof)un
Moseza, swa jah j^ai andstandand sunjdi, mannans fra-
waiirj^anai ahin, uskusanai bi galaubein

9 akei ni f)eihand du filusnai, unte unwiti ize swikunf) wair-

J)iJ> allaim, swaswe jah jainaize was.
10 Vp ]^u galaista is laiseinai meinai, usmeta, muna, sidau,
galaubeinai, usbeisnai, friaj^wai, )?ulaindi,
11 wrakjom, wunnim, hrileika mis waiirj^un in Antiaiikiai, in

Eikaiinion, in Lystrys, hjileikos wrakos usf)ulaida, jah us

allaim mik galausida frauja.

1 Jah J^an alldi f>aiei wileina gagudaba liban in Xristau lesu,

wrakos win n and.
13 If> ubildi mannans jah liutai f)eihand du wairsizin, airzjai
jah airzjandans.
14 If> f>u framwafr]:)is wisais in f)aimei galaisides j^uk jah ga-

trauaida sind f)us, witands at hramma ganamt,

1 jah f)atei us barniskja weihos bokos kunj)es, f>os mahtei-
gons f>uk usfratwjan du ganistai Jpairh galaubein ^p6 in
Xristau lesu.
16 All boko gudiskdizos ahmateinais jah J^aurftos du laiseinai,

du gasahtai; du garafhteinai, du talzeinai in garaihtein,

1 ei ustauhans sijai manna guf)s, du allamma waiirstwe go-

daize gamanwifjs.

Q 2
228 DU TEIMAUpAfAu ANpARA. [Ch. iv. 1-13.


1 Weitwodja in andwairf>ja guf)S jah fraujins Xristaus lesuis.

Saei skal stojan qiwans jah dauj^ans bi qum \^ jah f>iudi-

nassu is

2 merei waurd, instand uhteigo, unuhteigo, gasak, ga]?laih^

gahrotei in allai usbeisnai jah laiseinai.

3 Wair]?i)? mel f)an haila laisein ni usj^uland, ak du

seinaim lustum gadragand sis laisarjanS; suj^jondans
4 apf>an af sunjai hausein afwandjand. if), du spillam ga-
wandjand sik.

5 If) f)U andaf)ahts sijais in allaim, arbaidei, waiirstw waiir-

kei aiwaggelistins, andbahti f)ein usfullei.
6 Af>f)an ik ju hunsljada jah mel meinaizos diswissais

7 Haifst f)0 godon haifstida, run ustauh, galaubein gafas-

8 f>af)roh galagif)s ist mis waips garaihteins, J^anei usgibij?

mis frauja in jainamma daga, sa garaihta staua ; a]:>f>an ni

J>atainei mis, ak jah allaim |7aiei frijond qum is.

9 Sniumei qiman at mis sprauto ;

10 unte Demas mis bilaif), frijonds f>o nu aid, jah galaif) du

taissalauneikai^ Xreskus du Galatiai; Teitus du Dal-
1 Lukas ist mif) mis ains. Marku andnimands brigg mi}>
J)us silbin, unte ist mis bruks du andbahtja.
1 Af)f)an Tykeiku insandida in Aifaison.

1 Hakul f>anei bilaif) in Trauadai at Karpau qimands atbafr,

jah bokos, f)ishun mafmbranans.

Ch. iv. 14-16.] DU TEIMAUpAtAu ANpARA, 229

14 Alaiksandrus aizasmifja managa mis un]^iuf>a ustaiknida

usgildi}? imma frauja bi waiirstwam is

15 f)ammei jah \\i witai, lilu auk andstof) unsaraim

16 In frumiston meinai sunjonai ni manna mis mif) was, ak
allai mis bili]:»un, ni r^hnjiiddu wu
[The references refer to the paragraphs in the grammar.]

St. Matthew.

1. du sailuan im. = iTpds to OiaOrivai avToTs, see § 299,

3. puk td,ujandan, ace. gov. by witi. Two Lat. MSS. (Vercellensis,
and Veronensis) of the Gospels have the same construction ; te facien-
tem, the Greek version has here the gen. absolute : aov iroiovvro^,
4 so armahairtipa peina, a lit. rendering of aov -q kK^rj^oavvrf.
This construction is very common in the Gothic translation.
5. waihstam, gov. by in.
6. bidei, see §§ 130, 254.
7. bidjandansup = bidjandans + the enclitic particle uh. The final

b. in the particles uh, jah, nih, is occasionally assimilated to the initial

consonant of the following word, swaswe pai piudo, lit. like those of
{the) heathens.

9. pu in himinam ; the Gr. has o kv rols ovpavols. In addressing a

person the Gr. def. article is translated by the personal pronoun in
IT. himma daga, see § 226.
12. aflet uns patei skulans Bi]dA.iaa>, forgive us what we are owing,
i. e. our debts, patei, ace. gov. by skulans, see the Glossary under
13. in fraistubnjai, iftto temptation. With verbs of motion the
prep, in sometimes takes the ace, sometimes the dat., cp. ahma ina
ustauh in aupida, the spirit led him away into the wilderness^ beside
qemun in garda (dat.) Seimonis, they came into Simon's house.
15. ni pau atta izwar afletip missadedins izwaros, i7t that case
NOTES, 231

your father will not forgive your trespasses. For ni pdu. the Gr. version
has ovhkj and not, nor.

23. pata riqiz hran filu! supply ist; and on the -z in riqiz, see

§ 141 note I.

24. jabai . . . aippau, either . . . or. Ulfilas seems to have read «t,

//, instead of rj, either.

25. niu = ni + u= Lat. nonne, where -u is an interrogative particle;

cp. such phrases as skuldu ist, is it lawful fodeinai, wastjom, the

dat. of the things compared, dependent upon mais. Cp. the similar
idiomatical construction in Greek and Latin, where the former has the
gen. and the latter the ablative, as fxel^ojv tov ddekcpov = rj 6 db€\(p6s

major fratre = major quami frater. See § 292, p. 132.

26. J>ei = patei, that, paim, dat. pi. gov. by mais ; see note to
verse 25.
29. qipuh = qipa uh.


I. atgaggandin imma = KaraPavTi avrw, is in apposition to the

second imma. Similarly in verse 5.

9, tawei, see §§ 129, 130.

saggqa^sagqa (§ 18). The guttural nasal is sometimes written

gg q and k.
24. swaswe pata skip gahulip wairpan fram wegim. To indicate
consequence or result swaswe with the inf. is sometimes used, in imita-
tion of the Greek coare with inf. ; cp. (ucrre to ttXolov /caXviTTeaOai. In
the pi. wegs fluctuates between the a- and i-declension ; cp. wegos in

Mark iv. 37.

29. h/a uns jah pus ? lit. what {is there cotntnon) to us and to thee ?

The dat. of relationship.

30. haldana, pp. with act. meaning like the Gr. ^oaKOfi^vrj, agreeing

with hairda.
31. qipandans, masc. agreeing with the natural gender.
32. hairda has the verb in the pi. because of its collective meaning.
Cp. Mark ii. 13.
232 NOTES.


2. bi siponjam seindim, instead of J>airli siponjans seinans = the

Gr. 5ta rwv fiaOrjTcuv avrov.
3. anparizuh. = anparis (gen.) + uh, see § 141 and note 2 to it.

6. luazuh saei, see § 235.

9. praiifetau, see note to Matth. vi. 25.

12. und hita, see § 226.

13. praiifeteis. The nom. sing, has two forms, praiifetes = Gr.
Ttpo^rjT'Qs, gen. praiifetis, nom. pi. praiifeteis, like gasteis (§ 160) and ;

praiifetus inflected like sunus (§ 166). Cpi verse 9.

14. mij) niman = andniman, to receive, accept.

St. Mabk.


5. in laiirdane alvdi, with retention of the Gr. ending in the proper

name : \v to) 'lopSai/?/ Trorafto).

7. swinpoza mis, see § 292.

19. jah pans in skipa manwjandans natja, is a lit. rendering of
KoX avTovs kv Tw nXoiq) KarapTi^ovTas rd BtKTva,

24. h;a uns jah. pus ? see note to Matth. viii. 29.

27. mip sis misso, see § 295. h;6 so Idiseino so niujo ? IVkat
is this new 07te of doctrines ? The Gr. has tls ^ hidax^ rj KaivT) avrrj ; see

§§ 164, 291.
32. ubil habandans, having an illness^ a lit. translation of the Gr.
KaKOJs exovras. See also eh. ii. 17.


1. gafrehun, see § 254, note.

2. ni gamostedun, t/iey did not find room, see § 278.
7. gup is properly neuter, and retains its old gender in the plural
nom. ace. guda, heathen gods ; in the sing, it is used for the Christian
NOTES, 233

God, and is always masculine, although it retains its nom. voc. ace.
form gup. The MSS. have regularly the contracted forms nom. voc.

ace. gp, gen. gps, dat. gpa.

13. all manageins, cp. note to Matth. viii. 32.
16. driggkip = drigkip.
17. ak pai ubilaba habandans, a lit. translation of the Gr. dxV ol


21. fuUon af pamma, sa niuja pamma fairnjin,

ibai afnimai
ks^ it {the piece of new cloth) take away the fulness {the piece of the old
garnierit lying beneath the new piece) from it, the nezv (sa niuja, in ap-
position to the subject) frofji the old (pamma fairnjin, in apposition to
af pamma). The Gr. has €l 5e fxri, aipei to TrXrjpcujxa air avTov to Kaivov
Tov -naXaiov. Ulfilas took to TrXrjpoofxa as the ace, and then translated
the Gr. word for word.
22. giutand, they pour, people pour.
23. warp pairhgaggan imma. The Gr. has kyevcTo TrapairopeveaOat
avToVj but after an impersonal predicate, the dat. with the inf. is far

more common than the ace. with the inf. in Gothic. For an example of
the latter construction, see Luke iv. 36.

25. niu, see note to Matth. vi. 25, and § 287.

26. gups, see note to Mark ii. 7. uf, under in the days
, of.

hlaibans faiirlageindis, lit. the loaves of laying forth^ i. e. show-bread,

panzuh, see § 225.
27. sabbato, Gr. (TaPPaTov, is indeclinable. The nom. form sabba-
tus follows the u-declension in the sing., but the i-declension in the
plural: cp. verses 24 and 28, and see p. 282. in sabbato dagis, Gr.
Sia TO ordp^aTov, on account of the Sabbath day,


2. h^ilidediu = hdilidedi + u, whether he would heal. The par-

ticle u is always attached enclitically to the first word of its clause, and
is used to indicate direct (as in verse 4 skuld + u) or indirect interroga-
tion, see § 287.

9. habaip, pp. neut. of haban.

28. frawaurhte, gen. pi. gov. by allata pata.
31. standandona, haitandona, pres. part. neut. pi., see § 293.


I. swaswe ina galeipandan in skip gasitan in marein, on the

construction see note to Matth. viii. 24.

5. anparu J)-pan = anpar + uh-pan.

8. On •!•, -j", and -r*, see § 3.
10. frehun, see § 254 note, and § 291.
14. saijands, saijip = saiands, saiip.
19. bi pata anpar lustjus, lit. desires concerning the other things i. e.

concerning other things.

25. pisluaninieh saei, see § 235.
27. keinip, properly a strong verb belonging to the first ablaut-series

(§ 245). The n belongs to the pres. only, just as in fraihnan (§ 254

note). The regular pret. would be *kai, *kijuni; instead of which we
have a new pret. us-keinoda (Luke viii. 8), formed after the analogy of
weak verbs of the fourth class (§ 270). us-kijanata, the neut. of the
old strong participle occurs in Luke viii. 6. •

29. atist, 3 sing. pres. of at-wisan.

33. hausjon, the more usual form is hausjan.
37. wegos, cp. note to Matth. viii. 24.
38. niu kara puk pizei fraqistnam ? On tlie construction of kara,
see § 290.


5. nahtam, see § 183.

7. lua mis jah. pus, cp. note to Matth. viii. 29. sunau = sunu.
1 3. wesunup-pan = wesun-uh-pan.

14. hdimom, see § 164 note. qeraun, they \the people of the
villages^ came,
18. wods, see § 139 note.
23. afturaist habaip, is at the point of deaths a literal translation
of the Or. (dxarcws ex^t. habaip supply bidja puk.
26. jah ni waihtdi botida, ak mais wairs habaida, a literal ren-

dering of KoX fiijbev ojcpeXvOetaa dWa jxdWov eis to x^'^P^^ kkOovaa ; so

thatbotida and habaida are here pp. fern. sing.
41 qapuh = qap + uh.
. taleipa kumei = Gr. TaAi^d kovjxu,

43. was auk jere twalibe, see § 291.

NOTES, 235


2. jah hjo so handugeino so gibano imma ? the Gr. has KaX t[s 37

ero<p[a fj ZoOuaa avTw cp. note to ch. i. 27.


Herodes qaj> patei pammei ik haubip afmaimdit lohanne,

lit.Herod said that to whovi I cut the head off, to John The Gr. has »

b 'Hpcudrjs €lir€v on ov kycb diT€K€<pd\iaa 'lojavvqv^ Herod said that it is

John whom I beheaded.

21. jah. waurpans dags gatils, and a fitting day being come, Ulfilas

generally used the dat. in such instances corresponding to the Gr. gen.
absolute, but he has here used the nom. See also v. 26.

53. duatsniwun, see § 6.


4. anpar ist manag, lit. other {thing there) is many. The Gr. has
the pi. aAAa ttoWcl €Otlv.
5. bi pammei anafulhun pai sinistans, according to that tuhich the

ciders have handed doivn as a tradition.

6. ip hairto ize fairra habaip sik mis, lit. but their heart has itself
far from ??ie.

11. pishrah patei us mis gabatnis, as to ivhatsoever thoti profiles

from me, Ulfilas has closely followed the Gr. o lav \^ kfxov aj(p€\r]6f)s
which omits the apodosis eS ex^i.
12. ni . . . . ni waiht is a double negative like the Gr. ovkItl ....
ovSev. Cp. also ch. xv. 4.

31. mip tweihnaim markom, lit. amid the ttvo boundaries.

34. aififapa = Gr. ktpcpaOd, open, be opened!
36. mdis pamma, by that the more, so much the more.


12. jab£i gibaidau kunja pamma taikne, lit, if there should be

given of signs to this generation. Bernhardt following Meyer's sugges-
tion supplies : so tue mir Goit dies U7id das. The Gr. has u do9rjo€Tai
2:^6 NOTES,

23. frah ina ga-u-h;a selui, he asked him whether he saw anything.
See § 238.
26. 27. wehsa = weihsa, see § 6.
uskiusan skulds
31. ist, is liable to be rejected, on the inf. see § 299.
Similarly usqiman.

2. ainans, see § 210.

18. usdreibeina = usdribeina, see § 6.

23. allata mahteig pamma galaubjandin, everything \is'\ possible to

the one who believes.

50. supuda, see § 8.


14. unte pize ist piudangardi gups. Here pize is a mistranslation

of the Gr. tqjv toiovtojv ; the correct translation, pize swaleikdize, occurs
in Luke xviii. 16.

21. dinis pus wan ist, lit. there is lacking to thee of one thing.
25. azitiz6 = azetizo, see § 6.
32. poei habaidedun ina gadaban, those things which were about
to happen to him, cp. the Gr. ra fiiWopra avrw avfj-^aiveiv.


I. alewjin is here used adjectively agreeing with fairgunja. The

Gr. has opos ru)v kXaiwv, the Mount of Olives.
10. piupido = Gr. (vXojTjjjLivTj. in namin attins unsaris Daweidis
is meaningless, and does not correspond to either of the Gr. readings :

Tov iraTpbs tjijlwv Aaveid, or €i/ ovofxari /cvpiov tov irarpos -^fxcuu Aaveld.
Possibly fraujins has been inadvertently omitted in the Gothic version.
12. usstandandam im, the dat. absolute, see § 300.
14. usbairands, answering, only occurs here in this meaning. The
Gr. has diroKpiOeis.
15. in alh, see §§ 182, 183.
18. gudjane, gen. pi. dep. on aiihumistans.
21. fraqast, 2 pers. sing. pret. of fraqipan, but see p. 56.
23. pisluazuh ei, see § 235.

30. uzuh, whether fro7?i. see § 141 note 2.

32. uhtedun for ohtedun, see § 8.

NOTES, 237

2. akranis, partitive gen., see § 291, p. 130.

4. h^ubip, accusative of closer definition, see § 290,

5. sumanzuh = sumans + uh.

7. hirjij>, come hither ^ an old imperative used as an interjection.
The sing. 2 pers. hiri, and dual 2 pers. hirjats also occur. The i in

the stem-syllable has not yet been satisfactorily explained. See Feist,
Grundriss der gotischen Etymologic,' p. 53.
14. kara puk manshun, on the construction see § 290. skuldu =
skuld + u, see note to Matth. vi. 25.
J>du niu gibdima ? the Gr. has dw/xev rj 8cDju€i/ (jltj ;

20. broprahans, brethren^ probably from an adjective *bro]?rahs;

cp. such forms as un-barnahs, childless, beside barn.

32. qast, see § 120.


28. uskeinand, see note to ch. iv. 27.


70. jah duk razda peina galeika ist, after duk supply Galeilaius
is jah. Cp. the Gr. koX ycLp Va\i\aios d mi rf \a\id <fov dfjioid^ei.

9. wileidu = wileij) + u, fraleitan = fraldtan, see § 6.

34. ailoe ailoe, lima aibakjjanei = the Gr. text ^EKcul ekoul Xi/xd

42. fruma sabbato, Gr. irpoaa^^arov, the day before the Sabbath.

9. frumin sabbato, Gr. irpwrr) ffa(Bpdtov, on the first day of the week,
i. e. the first day after the Sabbath, Cp. ch. xv. 42, where fruma sabbato
means the day before the Sabbath,
238 NOTES,

St. Luke.

Before reading the chapters from St. Luke, the beginner should refer
to §§ 6, 7, 8, and the notes to §§ 133, 139, 166.


2. [wisandin kindina Syriais], a marginal gloss, which has crept

into the text of the MS. which has come down to us.

Kyreinaiau = Kyrenai^u.
4. sei, see § 230 note 3.

5. anameljan, on the construction, see § 299. qeins = qens,

7. rumis, gen. gov. by ni, see § 291.
10, faheid -: fahej?.
12. bigitid = bigiti]>. galagid = galagip.
13. hazjandane, qipandane, gen. pi. agreeing with the plurality im-
plied in harjis.
20. Jjizeei, gen. pi. gov. by gahausidedun.
21. usf alnodedun = usfuUnodedun (cp. v. 6). Similarly in v. 22..

23. gamelid = gamelip.

27. berusjosj/ar^^/j-, originally the perfect part. act. of bairan.
29. fraleitais = fraletdis.
33. sildaleikjandona, on the gender see § 293. Similarly in vv. 44,

37. bl6tande = bl6tandei.

41. birusj6s = berusjos.
48. magau = magu.
50. ija, neut. pi., see note to v. 33.


3. sundus = sunug. hlaibs = hlaifs.

4. gamelid, hldib, libaid = gaineli)?, hlaif, libdi]>.

5. diabuldus = diabulus.
6. Jjisluammeh pel, see § 235.
8. gamelid = gameli]? ; also in vv. 10, 17.
NOTES. 239

1 3. frdistobnjo = fr^lstubnjo.
14. bisitande, of those that dwell round about
15. niikilids=inikilij>s.
17. praiifetus — praufetdus. stad==stap.
25. menops, ace. pi.

27. Halleisaiu = Halleisaiau. gahrdinids=gahrainips.

36. jah warp afsld,uj>nan allans, see note to Markii. 23.

40. 6inhfarjammih, see § 234 note 2,

42. stad = stap.


1 2 . qapup-pan = Q[aj)-uh-pan.
19. auhsne, see § 171 note.
22. anabdust, see § 120. stads = staps.
2 3. usfulndi = usfullndi.

26. naub.up-]?an = naiih-uh-pan.

28. manwipo habdiu, whether he has the necessary means where ;

manwipo is the gen. pi. used partitively and dep. upon habdiu =
hab^i + u.
31. du wigana. The codex argenteus has wiga na. The Gr. ^U
TToKcfjiov suggests that du wigana means to war, in which case it i^
related to weihan, to fights
pankeip = pagkeip.
si^iu for sijai + u, whether he may he.

32. eip^u = alppdu. nist = ni + ist.

34. god, bdud = gdp, baup.


I. wisunup-pan^wesun-uh-paii. Similarly in v. 25.

7. fah.eds= fah6ps, also v. 10.

8» Instead of suma we ought to have had hras. The translator mis-
took the indef. pronoun rh for the interrogative rtj. drakmans, drak-
min presuppose a nom. form drakma.
9. drakmein, the Greek case form [ppaxii'f}v) with ei for e ; but masc.
as is shown by pammei.
II. qapuj), see note to v, 1.
240 NOTES.

12. juhiza, see p. 51. sei, see § 230 note 3*

16. sad = sap.
22. bringip = briggij).
23. bringandans = briggandans.
24. jah. dugunnun wisan, supply walla.
28. bad = ba]).
30. ufsn^ist, cp. § 120.

St. John.

chapter xii.

4. Seimonis, see § 291.

6. patup-pan^pata-uh-pan, also in vv. 16, 33.
kara, on the construction see § 290. piubs = piufs.
10. munaidedunup-pan = munaidedun-uli-pan. Similarly in
. 20.

19. manaseds — manaseps.

25. fidij) = fij^i]?.
26. On habaip, see § 296.
29. sum^ih = sumdi + uh.
35. riqiz, see § 141 note i.

46. liuhad = liuhap.

47. nianased = nianasep.
48. habaid = habaip.


2. stad=sstap, also in v. 3.

8. qapuh = qap + uh. patuh = pata + uh.

9. swald,ud = swaldup.
12. gal^ubeid = gal^ubeip. maizona pdim, see § 292.
15. fastdid = fastdip.
17, 19. manaseipa = manaseps.
21. hab^id =^ habaip.
28. mdiza mis, see § 292.
31. anabdud = anabaup.
NOTES, 241

6. inbranjada for inbrannjada.
7. patahrah pei, see § 235.

9. friapwai = frijapwai, also in vv. 10, 13,

fast did = fastaip.

II. faheds = faheps.

18. manaseds = rQanaseps, also in v. 19.

19. fijdid = fijd;ij>.

20. nist = ni ist.


1 .uzuhhof = uzuh + hof.

1 3. fahed = fahep.
18. manased^manase)?.

21. uggkis = ugkis.

26. friaj)wa = frijapwa.

The Second Epistle to Timothy.


5. gap-pan-traua — ga-uh-pap-traua, where ga belongs to traua.

7. friapw6s = frijapw6s. Similarly in v. 13.


3. g6ds = g6ps.
22. friapwa = frijapwa.


10. friapwa = frijapwa.



sm., sf., sn., — strong masculine, etc, sv, — strong verb.
wm., wf,, wn., —
weak masculine, etc. wv, — weak verb.
pret.-pres. =
preterite present.
The remaining abbreviations need no explanation.
The Roman numeral after a verb indicates the class to which the verb
belongs. The ordinary numerals after a word indicate the paragraph in
the Grammar where the word either occurs or some peculiarity of it is
The letter h; follows h and p follows t.

aba. af-gaggan.

A. afar-sabbatus, sm. the day after

the Sabbath ; pis dagis afar-
aba (171 note), ze/w. man, husband. sabbate.
abraba, av. strongly, excessively, afaruh = afar + uh.
very, very much, af-ddubnan (271), wv. IV, to be-
abrs, aj. strong, violent, great, come deaf.
mighty. af-d^upjan, wv. T, to kill, put
af (288), prep. c. dat. of, from, by, to death pass, to die.

away from, out of. af-dobnan, wv. IV, to be silent.

af-aikan (258), sv. VII, to deny, *af-d6jan (263 notej, wv. I, to
to deny vehemently. fatigue.
af-airzjan, wv. I, to deceive, lead af-drausjan, wv. I, to cast down.
astray. af-drugkja, zvjfi. drunkard,
afar (288), prep. c. ace. and dat. af-dumbnan (271), wv. IV, to
after, according to. hold one's peace, be silent<?r still.
afar-gaggan (258 note), sv. VII, af-etja, wm. glutton.
to follow, go after. af-gaggan (258 note), sv. VII,
afar-laistjan, wv, I, to follow to go away, depart, go to,
after, follow. come.
B 2
af-gudei. 244 ain-faljjs.

af-gudei, wf. ungodliness. to restore ; aftra gasatjan, to

af-hlapan (256), i-z^. VI, to lade, heal.
load. aftuma (207), aj. hindmost, last.
af-h;apjan, wv. I, to choke, aftumists (207), aj. last, after-
quench. most; aftumists haban, to be
af-hrapnan, wv. IV, to be choked, at the point of death.
be quenched. af-wairpan, sv. Ill, to cast away,
af-lageins, sf, a laying aside, re- put away.
mission. af-walwjan, wv. I, to roll away.
af-leitan = af-Ietan. af-wandjan, wv. I, to turn away.
af-leipan, sv. I, to go away, de- aggilus {dyy€\o^), sm. angel,
part. messenger the //. fluctuates

af-letan, sv. VII, to dismiss, leave, between the i- and u- declen-

forsake, put away, let alone, sion, as nom. pi. aggiljus and
forgive, absolve. aggileis.
af-lifnan, wv. IV, to remain, be aggwus (197) aj. narrow.
left. agis (147), sn. fright, fear, terror.
af-linuan (250), sv. Ill, to de- aglaitei (174), wf. lasciviousness.
part. agio (173), wf. anguish, afflic-
af-mditan, sv. VII, to cut off. tion.
af-marzeins, sf. deceitfulness. agluba, av. hardly, with diffi-
*af-ni6jan (263 note), wv, I, to culty.
fatigue. aglus (197), aj. difficult, hard.
af-ninaan, sv. IV, to take away. aha (171), zv7ti. mind, understand-
af-qipan, sv. V, to renounce, for- ing.
sake. ahaks, sf. (?), dove, pigeon.
af-sateins, sf. divorcement. ahana, sf. chaff.
af-satjan, wv. I, to divorce. ahma (171), ww. spirit, the Holy
af-skiuban (248), jz/. II, to push Ghost.
aside. ahmateins, sf. inspiration.
af-slahan, sv. VI, to kill, slay. ahs, sii. ear of corn.
af-slaupnan, wv. IV, to be ahtau (208), num. eight.
amazed, be beside oneself. ahtautehund {20%), num. eighty.
af-sneipan, sv. I, to kill, cut off. ahtuda (214), num. eighth.
af-standan, sv, VI, to stand off, alua (156), sf river, water.
depart. aigin, sn. property, inheritance,
af-s-wairban (250), sv. Ill, to goods.
wipe out. aigum (279), we have.
aftana, adv. from behind. aih {^2^^)fpret.-pres. I have, pos-
af-taiirnan (271), wv. IV, to be sess.
torn away from. dihtron (267), ivv. II, to beg for,
af-tiuhan (247), sv. II, to draw pray, desire.
away, push off ; to take, draw aihts (163), sf. property.
aside. ailua-tundi, sf. thornbush.
aftra, av. back, backwards, again, ain-falps (218), num. onefold,
once more ; aftra gabotjan, simple, single.
ain-hjarjiz-uh. 245 ana-biudan.

ain-luarjiz-uh (234 note 2), indef. akran (147), sn. fruit ; akran
pr. everyone, each. giban, to bear fruit.
*dinlif (208), num. eleven. akrana-ldus, ^'.unfruitful, barren.
ains (210), 7itim. one, alone, only ;
akrs (145), sm. field.
indef. pr. (238), one, a certain ala-brunsts, sf. burnt offering,
one ains
jah ains, the . . . holocaust.
one . . . and the other. alakjo, av. together, collectively,
ains-hun (237), ijidef. pr. v^ith alan (255), sv. VI, to grow,
the neg. particle ni, no one, no, ala-parba, weak aj. very needy,
none, very poor,
air, av. {comp. diris), soon, early. aids, sf. age, life,
airinon (267), wv. II, to be a aleina, sf. ell.
messenger. alew, sn. olive oil.
^iris (284) av. earlier. alews, aj. of olives fairgnni ;

airpa (156), sf. earth, land, region. alewjo, Mount of Olives.

air])eins (188), aj. earthly. alhs (183),/. temple.
dims (167), sm, messenger. alja,cj. than, except, unless, save;

airzeis (192), aj. astray, erring ;

prep. c. dat. (288), except,
airzeis wisan or wairpan, to aljap, av. elsewhere, in another
go astray, err, be deceived. direction afleipan aljap, to

airzjan, zvv. I, to deceive, lead go away,

astray. alja-leikos (284), av. otherwise.
aistan (269), wv. Ill, to rever- aljan, wv. I, to bring up, rear,
ence. fatten.
aipei (174), wf. mother. allapro, av. from all sides, from
aips (145), sm. oath. every quarter.
aij?pau (289), cj. or, else; andi- allis, av. in general, wholly, at
zuh aippdu, either ... or
. . . ;
all ni allis, not at all cj. for,
; ;

aippau jah, truly. because nih allis, for neither,


aiwaggeljo (€ua77eA.ioi/), wf. for not allis ;ip, indeed . . .

gospel. . , . but.
aiwaggellista, W7n. evangelist. alls (188), aj. all, every, much.
diweins (188), aj. eternal, ever- all-waldands (179), m. the Al-
lasting. mighty,
diws, sm. time lifetime, age, alpeis (192), aj. old.
world, eternity ni aiw (285), ; amen {dfirjv, Hebrew loan word ,

never in ai\ivins, du aiwa, for

; av. verily, truly.
ever. ams (a-stem), sm. shoulder,
aiz, sn. brass, coin, money. an (287), inierrog. particle, then
diza-smipa, wm. coppersmith. = Lat. an.
ak (289), cj. but, however (after ana (288), prep. c. ace. and dat.
negative clauses). on, upon, at, over, into
akei (289), cj. but, yet, still, against ; av. upon, on.
nevertheless. ana-dukan, sv. VII, to add to.
akeit (aket), ? sn. or akeits 1 sm. ana-biudan (247), sv. II, to bid,
vinegar, cp. Lat. acetum. command, order.
ana-busns. 246 and-staurran.

ana-bnsns (163), sf. command, ana-trimpan (250), sv. Ill, to

commandment, order. tread on.
ana-filh, sn. a thing committed, ana-prafstjan, wv. I, to comfort,
tradition, recommendation. ana-wairps, aj. future.
ana-filhan, ^z'. Ill, to commit to, and (288) p?'ep. c. ace. along,
entrust, let out, hand down as throughout, towards, in, on,
tradition, among.
ana-fulhano.//. n. of ana-filhan, anda-hafts, (163), sf answer,
used as a noun, tradition ;
pata anda-nahti, sn. evening,
anafulhano izwar {jr]v wapd- anda-nems (195), aj. pleasant,
doCTLV VjXWV). acceptable,
ana-haban, wv. HI, to take hold anda-stapjis (148), sm. adversary,
of; in pass. (Luke iv.38), to be anda-pahts, aj. circumspect.
taken (with fever). and-augjo, av. openly.
ana-haitan, sv. VII, to call on. anda-waiirdi, sn. answer,
ana-hnaiwjan, wv. I, to lay, lay and-bahti (151), sn. service,
down. ministry,
ana-hneiwan, sv, I, to stoop and-bahtjan (264), ivv. I, to serve,
down. minister,
anaks, av. straightway, at once, and-bahts, S7n. servant.
suddenly. and-beitan, sv. I, to blame, re-
ana-kumbjan, ivv. I, to lie or proach, threaten, charge,
sit down, sit at table, recline. and-bindan, sv. Ill, to loose,
ana-lageins, sf. a laying on. unbind, explain.
ana-lagjan, wv. I, to lay on. and-bundnan, wv. IV, to be-
ana-Mugniba (283), av. secretly. come unbound, be loosened,
ana-laugns (195), aj. hidden, andeis (149), S77i. end.
secret, and-hafjan, sv. VI, to answer,
ana-maMjan, tvv. I, to do vio- and-hditan, sv, VII, to call to
lence, injure, damage, revile. one, profess, confess, acknow-
ana-meljan, ivv. I, to enroll. ledge, give thanks to.
ana-nanpjan, tvv. I, to dare, and-hausjan, zvv, I, to listen to,
have courage, be bold. obey, hear.
ana-niujan (263), wv. I, to re- and-huleins , j/. uncovering, reve-
new. lation, illumination.
ana-praggan (258 note), sv. VII, and-huljan, wv. I, to disclose,
to oppress. open, uncover, reveal,
ana-qiman, ^z'. IV, to come near, and-niman, sv. IV, to receive,
approach. take.
ana-qiujan, wv. I, to arouse make , and-rinnan, sv. Ill, to compete in
alive. running, strive, dispute,
ana-silan (269), wv. Ill, to be and-sakan, sv. VI, to dispute,
silent, be quiet, grow still. strive against.
ana-siuns (195), aj. visible. and-standan, sv. VI, to withstand,
ana-stodeins, sf. beginning. and-staurran (269), wv. Ill, to
ana-stodjan, wv. I, to begin. murmur against.
and-wairjji, 247 augjan.

and-wairpi (151), sn. presence, at (288),/;"^/. c. ace. and dat. at,

face, person ; in andwairpja, by, to, with, of.
before, in the presence of. at-augjan, wv. I, to show, ap-
and-wasjan, wv. I, to unclothe, pear pass, to appear.

take off clothes. at-bairan, sv. IV, to bring, take,'

anno, zvf, wages, carry, offer,
ansts (162), sf. favour, grace. at-gaggan, (258 note i), sv. VII,
anj)ar(2i4,2i5), ^'. other, second; to go, go up to, come to, enter,
phtral^ the others, the rest an- ; come down, descend.
par . anpar, the one
. . . . . at-giban, sv. V, to give, give up
the other, to, give away, deliver up, put
apaustadlus, apaustulus (dTro- in prison.
(TToAos), sm. apostle; pL nom. at-haban, zvv. Ill, with sik to
-eis^gen. -e, ace. -uns and -ans. come towards,
aqizi, sf. axe. at-hafjan, sv. VI, to take down,
arbaidjan, wv. I, to work, toil, at-haitan, sv. VII, to call to one.
suffer. atisk, S7t. corn, cornfield,
arbaips (164), sf. labour. at-ist (281), is at hand,
arbi (151), sn. heritage, inheri- at-lagjan, wv. I, to lay, lay on,
tance. put on clothes.
arbi-numja, W7?i. heir. at-nelujan, wv. I, refi. to draw
arbja (171), wtn. heir; arbja near, be at hand.
wairpan, to inherit. at-saih;an, sv. V, to take heed,
arbjo (173), wf. heiress. observe, look to.
arjan (262), zvv. I, to plough. at-satjan, ivv. I, to present, offer,
arka, sf. money-box, chest. at-standan, sv. VI, to stand near,
arma-hairtei, wf. mercy, at-steigan, sv. \, to descend,
arma-hairtipa, sf charity, alms. come down,
armaio, wf. mercy, pity, alms. atta (171), win. father,
arman (269), wv. Ill, to pity, at-tekan, sv. VII, to touch,
have pity on. at-tiuhan, sv. II, to pull towards,
arms (188), aj. poor. bring,
arms (161), s??i. arm. at-pinsan (250), sv. Ill, to attract,
arniba, av. surely, safely. at-wairpan, sv. Ill, to cast, cast
aromata (dpojfxaTa), sweet spices. down,
arwjo, av. in vain, without a at-walwjan, wv. I, to roll to.
cause, at-wisan, sv. V, to be at hand.
asans (163), sf. harvest, summer, at-w6pjan, wv. I, to call,
asilu-qairnus, sf a mill- stone, appan (289), ej. but, however,
III. ass-mill. still, yet.
asilus (167), sm. ass. audagei (174), wf blessedness.
asilus (168), sf. she-ass. dudags (188), aj. blessed.
asneis (i^g), sm, servant, hireling, auftd (aufto ?j, av. perhaps, in-
hired servant, deed, to be sure.
asts (145), sm. branch, bough, d.uga-daur6 (176), wn, window,
twig. dugjan (264), zuv» I, to show.
augo. 248 bidjan.

dug 6 (176), 7vn. eye. baj6f)s (216), num. both.

aiihjodus, sm. tumult. balgs (161), sm. wine-skin.
aiihjon, zvv. II, to make a noise, bals-agga, see hals-agga.
cry aloud. balsan, sn. balsam.
*auhns, sm. oven. balpei (174), wf. boldness.
auhuma (207), aj. higher, high. balwjan, wv. I, to torment, plague.
auhumists, auhmists (207), aj. bandi (157), sf. band, bond.
highest, chief, bandja (171), wm. prisoner.
aiihsa (171 note), wm. ox. bandwa (156), sf. sign, token.
auk (289), cj. for, because, but, bandwjan, wv. I, to give a sign,
also; auk raihtis, for. signify.
dukan (258), sv. VII, to add, in- bansts, sm. barn.
crease. barms (161), sm. bosom, lap.
*aurahi, sf» or aurahjo, zvf. tomb, barn (147), sn. child; barna
grave. ussatjan, to beget children to.
aurkeis, S7n. jug, cup, cp. Lat. barnilo (176), ?£/;/. little child, son.
urceus. barniski, sn. childhood.
duso (176), 7on. ear. barnisks (188), aj. childish.
dupida, sf. wilderness, desert. batists (206), aj. best.
aups (19s), aJ. desert, waste. batiza (206), aj. better.
awiliudon (267) 7vv. II, to thank,
, bauains (164), sf. dwelling,
give thanks. dwelling-place.
awistr (147), sii. sheepfold. bauan (269 and notes i, 2), 7£/7'.

awo, wf. grandmother. Ill, to dwell, inhabit.

azets, aj. easy. *baugjan, wv. I, to sweep.
azgo (173), wf. cinder, ash. baur (160 note i), sm. son, child.
azymus, sm. unleavened bread, baurgja (171), W7n. citizen.
gen. pi. azyme (jwv d^vjjLojv). baurgs (182),/. city, town.
baups, aj. deaf, dumb baups ;

wairpan, to become insipid.

beidan (245), sv. I, e. gen. to
expect, await, look for.
badi (151), sn. bed. beist, S7t. leaven.
bagms (145), sm. tree. beitan (246), sv. I, to bite.
bdi (216), mim. both. berusjos, sm. pi. parents.
bairan (251), sv. IV, to bear, bi (288), prep. c. ace. and dat.
carry, bring forth. by, about, concerning, around,
bairgan (250), sv. Ill, to keep, against, according to, on ac-
hide, preserve, protect. count of, for, at, after, near.
bairhtaba, av brightly, clearly. bi-aukan, sv. VII, to increase,
bairhtei (174), w/! brightness; in add to.
bairhtein, openly. bi-duknan (271), wv. IV, to be-
bairhtjan, wv. I, to reveal, come larger.
bairhts (188), aj. bright. bida (156), sf. request, prayer.
bditrei (174), wf. bitterness. bidjan (254 and note), sv. V, to
baitrs (188), aj, bitter. ask, beg, entreat, pray.
bi-gitan. 249 dags.

bi-gitan (254), sv. V, to find, blaupjan, wv. I, to make void,

meet with. abolish, abrogate,
bi-haitja, wm. boaster. bleipei (174), wf. mercy.
bi-hlahjan, sv, VI, to deride, bliggwan (250, 129 note), jz/. Ill,
laugh to scorn. to beat, strike, scourge.
bi-laikan, sv. VII, to mock. blinds (187), aj. blind.
bi-leiban (246), sv. I, to remain. bloma (171), %vm. flower.
bi-leipan, sv. I, to leave, leave blotan (258 note), sv. VII, to
behind, forsake. worship, reverence, honour,
bi-mditan, sv. VII, to circumcise. blop (147), sn. blood.
bi-nah. (276), pi-et.-pres. it is per- bnauan (78, 269 note 2), wv. ill,
mitted, is lawful. to rub.
bindan (249), sv. Ill, to bind. boka, sf. si7tg. a letter of the
bi-rinnan, sv. IIL to run about. alphabet ; //. epistle, book, the
bi-rodjan, wv. I, to murmur. Scriptures bokos afsateinais,

bi-sailuan, sv. V, to see, look, a bill of divorcement.

look round on. bokareis (149), S77i. scribe,
bi-satjan, tvv. I, to beset, set bota (156), sf. advantage.
round anything. botjan, wv. I, to do good, avail,
bi-sitan, sv. V, to sit about, sit help, profit,
near, brakja (156), sf. strife.
bi-sitands (179), m. neighbour. briggan (265 and notes i, 3), wz'.
bi-skeinan, sv. I, to shine round. I, to bring, lead ; wundan
bi-speiwan, sv. 1, to spit upon, briggan, to wound.
bi-suujane, av. round about, near. brikan (252), sv. IV, to break,
bi-swairban, sv. Ill, to wipe, dry. quarrel, fight.
bi-swaran, sv. VI, to swear, ad- brinnan (250), sv. Ill, to burn.
jure, conjure. brinno (173), wf. fever.
bi-tiuhan, sv, II, to go about, bropar (177), ni. brother.
visit. broprahans, ni. plur. brethren,
bi-pe (289, 224 note), cj. whilst, brukjan (265), wv. I, to use.
when, as soon as av, after, ; bruks (195), cij. useful.
thereupon. brunjo (173), ivf. breastplate.
*biudan, sv. II, to offer, bid, brunna (171), wtii. well, spring,
order ; see ana-biudan. issue, fountain,
biugan (248), sv. II, to bend. brusts (183),/. breast.
bi-uhti, sn. custom. brup-faps (161), sm. bridegroom,
bi-uhts, aj. accustomed, wont. brups, sf. bride, daughter-in-
bi-waibjan, wv. I, to wind about, law.
encompass, clothe. bugjan (265), wv. I, to buy.
bi-wandjan, wv. I, to shun.
bi-windan, sv III, to wrap round,
enwrap, swathe.
bi-wisan, sv. V, to make merry, daddjan (130 note), wv. I, to
blandan (258 note), sv. VII, to suckle, give suck.
mix. dags (144), S7n. day, dagis Ivam-
dailjan. 250 du-ga-windan.

meh or luizuh, day by day, dis-skreitan (246) sv. I, to rend,

daily ; himma daga, to-day. tear,
ddiljan (264), ivv. I, to deal out, dis-skritnan (271), wv. IV, to
divide, share. become torn, be rent apart,
dails (163), sf. portion, share. dis-tahjan, zvv. I, to waste, destroy,
daimonareis, sm. possessed (with dis-tairan, sv. IV, to tear to pieces,
devils). From Gr. dai]j.ojv with tear asunder, burst.
Goth, ending -areis. dis-wilwan, sv. Ill, to plunder.
dal, sn. dale, valley, ditch dal uf ; dis-wiss, sf. dissolution.
mesa, a ditch or hole for the diupei (174), 71//. depth.
winevat. diups (188), aj. deep,
dalap (286), av. down; und dius (147), sn. wild beast,
dalaj), to the bottom dalapa, ; diwan (254), sv. V, to die.
below ; dalapro, from below, domjan (264), 7c/v. I, to judge,
daubipa, sf. deafness, hardness, dragkjan (264), wv. I, to give to
obduracy. drink.
daufs, aj. deaf, dull, hardened, draibjan (264), wv. I, to drive,
daug {2'j^)j pret.-pres. it is good trouble, vex.
for, profits. drakma, wm. drachma. See note
daiihtar (177),/! daughter, to Luke XV. 8, 9.
daiihts, sf. feast. drauhsna, sf. crumb, fragment.
dauns, sf. smell, odour, drauhtinon, wv. II, to war.
daupeins (164), sf. baptism, dreiban (246), sv. 1, to drive,
washing. drigkan (250), sv. Ill, to drink,
daupjan (264), wv. I, to baptize, driugan (248), sv. II, to serve as
wash oneself. a soldier.
daupjands (179), m. baptizer. driusan (247), sv. II, to fall, fall
daur (147), sn. door. down, fall upon, press against,
daiiro, w/. door. crowd upon,
*daursan {2*j^),/>reL-pres. to dare, driuso, wf. slope,
daupeins, the peril of death.
sf. drobjan, wv. I, to cause trouble,
daupjan (264), wv. 1, to put to excite to uproar.
death. drobnan, zav. IV, to become
daups, dead.
aj. anxious, troubled.
daupus (167), sm. death, drugkanei (174), ivf. drunken-
deigan (246), sv. I, to knead, form ness.
of earth, drus (160 note i), sm. fall,
deps (163), sf. deed. du (288), /r^/. c. dat. to, towards,
diabaulus, diabulus (Gr. Bidpo- against, in.
Aos), sm. devil, du-at-gaggan (258 note i), sv.
digans,//. made of earth. VII, to go to, come to.
dis-dailjan, wv, I, to share, divide. du-at-rinnan, sv. HI, to run to.
dis-hniupan (248), sv. II, to du-at-sniwan, sv. V, to hasten
break asunder. towards.
dis-sitan, sv. V, to settle upon, du-ga-windan, sv. Ill, to en-
seize upon. tangle.
du-ginnan. 2i=;i faur-bi-gaggan.

du-ginnan (250), sv. Ill, to be- faihu-gairns, aj. avaricious.

gin, undertake. fair-greipan, sv. I, to seize, catch
du-hre, av, why, wherefore. hold,
dulps (183),/ feast. fairguni (151), j^/a. mountain,
dumbs dumb.
(188), aj. fairhjus, sm. world.
du-rinnan, sv. Ill, to run to. fairina, sf, accusation, charge,
du-stodjan, wv. I, to begin. cause.
du-pe, duppe (289), cj. therefore, fafrinon, wv. II, to accuse.
besides, on that account, be- fairneis (192), aj. old.
cause ; dupe, duppe ei, to the fairra, av. far, far off followed ;

end that. by dat. from prep,

far ;
dwalmon (267), wv. II, to be verbs of motion) from,
foolish. fairrapro, av. from afar,
dwals (i88j, aj, foolish. fair-weitjan, wv. I, to gaze
falpan (258) sv. VII, to fold,
E. close.
ei (2S9), cj. that, so that ; interr. *falps (218), aj. -fold dinfalps, ;

part, whether ;part, used as

rel. onefold, simple fidurfalps,

suffix ; also, used alone for fourfold.


saei, soei, patei du parama

fana (171), wm. bit of cloth,
ei, to the end that. faran (256), sv. VI, to go.
eisarn (147), sn. iron; eisarna fastan (269), wv. Ill, to fast,
bi fotuns gabugana and ana hold firm, keep.
fotum eisarna, fetters. fastubni, sn. fasting, observance,
eisarneins, aj, iron. fapa, sf. hedge.
ei-pan ^289), cj. therefore. faiiho, wf. fox.
faiir (288),/;'^/. c. ace. for, before,
by, to, along, from, concerning;
av. before.
fadar (177), m. father. faiira {2^^%) prep. c. dat. before, for,

fadrein, sn. paternity;//, parents. on account of, from av. before, ;

fadreins (163), sf. family, race, faura-gaggan (258 note i), sv.
lineage. VII, to go before.
faginon (267), wv. II, to rejoice, faura-gaggja (171), wm. go-
be glad. vernor.
fagrs (188), aj. beautiful, fit. faura-gateihan, sv. I, to inform
fahan (258), sv. VII, to seize, beforehand, foretell.
catch. faura-hah, sn. curtain, veil.
faheps (163), sf. joy, gladness. faura-qipan, sv. V, to prophesy,
fair-aihan, to partake of. See foretell.

§279. faura-standan, sv. VI, to rule,

faihu (169), sn. cattle, property, govern, stand near.
possessions, money. faura-tani, sn. sign, wonder,
faihu- frikei, wf. covetousness, faur-bi-gaggan (258 note i), sv.
greed. VII, to go before, precede.
faur-biudan. 252 fra-lusnan.

faur-biudan, sv. II. to command, filu-waiirdjan, zvv. I, to talk

forbid, much, use many words,
faiir-gaggan (258 note i), sv. fimf (208), num. five.
VI], to pass by. finaf-taihun (208), 7ium. fifteen.
faiirhtei, wf. fear, fimfta-taihunda (214), nutji.
faurhtjan (264), 7vv. I, to fear, fifteenth.
be afraid. fimf tigjus (208), num. fifty.
faurhts, aj. fearful, afraid, finpan (250), sv. Ill, to find, find
faur-lageins, sf. putting before, out, know, learn, hear.
exhibiting hlaibos faurlagei-
; fiskja (171), wm. fisher.
nais, shew-bread. fiskon (267), ivv. II, to fish.
faiir-qipan, sv. V, to make excuse, fisks (145), sm. fish.
excuse. fitan(254),^27.V, to travail inbirth.
faur-sniwan, sv. V, to hasten *fl6kan (^258 note 4), sv. VII, to
before, anticipate. bewail.
faiir-pis, av. first, beforehand, fodeins, sf. meat, food.
formerly, fodjan (264), wv. I, to feed,
faiir-pizei (289), g. before that, nourish, bring up.
"^f^us (193), aj. little. fon (184), n, fire.
*feinan, see in-feinan. fotu-barud, sn. footstool.
fera (156), sf. region, district. fotus (167), sm. foot.
iidur-dogs (218 note), aJ. space fra-bugjan (265), wv. I, to sell.
of four days. fra-dailjan, wv. I, to divide, dis-
fidur-falps (21: i), num. fourfold. tribute.
fidur-ragineis (218, 148), S7n. fra-giban, sv. V, to give, grant.
tetrarchate. fra-gifts, sf. espousal.
fldwor (208), num. four, fra-hinpan (250), sv. Ill, to cap-
fidwor-taihun (208), mmi. four- ture, imprison ; fra-hunpans,
teen. prisoner.
fidwor tigjus (208), num. forty, fraihnan (254 and note), sv. V,
figgra-gulf), sfi. finger-ring, ring, to ask, ask questions.
figgrs, S7n. finger, fraisan (258), sv. VII, to tempt.
iijan (269), wv. Ill, to hate, fraistubni (158), sf. temptation.
fijands (179), ni. enemy. fra-itan (254 note), sv. V, to eat
fija]?wa, fiapwa (156), sf. hatred. up, devour.
filhan (250), sv. III. to hide, fraiw (153 note 2), S7i. seed.
conceal, bury. fra-kunnan (275), pret.-pres. to
filigri (filegri), sn. den, cave, despise.
hiding-place. fra-letan, sv. VII, to liberate, let
filu (169 note, 291), neut. aj free, leave, let down, permit.
also used adverbially^ great, fra-lets, sm. forgiveness, remission
very much. deliverance.
filu-ga-laufs (filugalaubs) , aj. fra-lewjan, 7vv. I, to betray.
very precious, costly. fra-liusan (248), sv. II, to lose.
filusna, sf, multitude. fra-lusnan (271), wv. IV, to
filu-waurdei, wf. much talking. perish, go astray, be lost.
fra-lusts. 253 ga-baurj)s.

fra-lusts (163), sf. loss, perdition. frodaba, av. wisely.

fram (2S8), prep. c. dat. from, frodei (174), wf understanding,
since, by, on account of. wisdom,
fram-aldrs, aj. of great age. frops (188), aj. wise.
framis (284), av. further, onward. fruma (214, 215), aj. first ; fruma
fram- wair pis, av. henceforward. sabbato, the day before the
fra-niman, sv. V, to receive, take. Sabbath.
fra-qiman, sv. IV, to expend, fruma- baur (14O, sm. first-born,
spend. frumists (207), aj. first, foremost,
fra-qisteins, sf. waste. best, chief (men) av. (284), first

fra-qistjan, wv. I, to destroy. of all.

fra-qistnan (271), wv. IV, to frums, S7n. beginning,
perish, be destroyed. fugls (145), sniy bird, fowl,
fra-qij)an, sv. V, to curse. fula, wni. foal.
fra-slindan (250), sv. Ill, to fulgins (188), aj. hidden.
swallow up. fulhsni, sn. the thing hidden, a
frapi (151), sn. understanding. secret.
frapjan (255), sv. VI, to under- fuUa-fahjan, wv. I, to satisfy,
stand, perceive, think, know. serve.
frauja (171), wm. master, lord. fulla-tojis ^190), aj. perfect,
fraajinon (267), ivv. II, to be fulleips, sf. or fuUeip, S7i. fulness,
lord or king, rule. fulljan, wv. I, to fill, fulfil.
fraujinonds (179), m. ruler. furnan '270), wv. IV, to become
fra-wairpan, sv. Ill, to cast away. full,
fra-wairpan, sv. Ill, to corrupt. fullo (173), wf. fulness.
fra-wardjan (264), wv. I, to de- fulls (188), aj. full.
stroy, spoil, corrupt, disfigure.
fra-waiirhts (163), sf. evil doing,
fra-waurh.ts, aj. sinful ; subs. ga-^istan, wv. Ill, to reverence,
sinner. ga-aiwiskon, wv. II, to ill-treat,
fra-waurkjan, wv. I, to sin. make ashamed.
fra-weitands (179), w. avenger. ga-arman, wv. Ill, to have pity
fra-wilwan, sv. Ill, to rob, taice on, pity.
forcibly. ga-bairan, sv. IV, to bring forth,
fra-wisan, sv. V, to spend, ex- compare,
haust. ga-bairhteins, sf. appearance,
freihals (144 note 2), sm. free- manifestation,
dom. ga-bairhtjan, wv. I, to declare,
freis (190), aj. free. reveal, manifest.
frijapwa, friapwa (156), sf. love. ga-batnan (271), wv. IV, to
frijon (267), W(). II, to love. profit, benefit.
frijondi (158), sf. friend. ga-bauan (78), wv. Ill, to dwell.
frijonds (178), m. friend. ga-baurjaba,d;z/. gladly, willingly,
*friks, aj. greedy. ga-baiirps (163), sf. birth, birth-
fri-sahts, sf. example. place, native country, genera-
gabei. 254 ga-h;eitjan.

tion ; mel gabaiirpfiis, birth- ga-filhan, sv. Ill, to hide, con-

day. ceal, bury.
gabei, wf. riches. ga-fraihnan, sv. V, to find out,
ga-bigs (ga-beigs), aj. rich. learn by inquiry, ask, seek.
ga-bindan, sv. Ill, to bind. ga-frdiujinon, wv. II, to exercise
ga-biugan, sv. II, to bend. lordship.
ga-bleipjan, ivv. I, to pity. ga-fuUjan, wv. I, to fill.
ga-blindjan, wv. I, to blind. ga-fullnan, wv. iV, to fill, be-
ga-blindnan (271), wv. IV, to come full.
become blind. ga-gaggan (258 note i), sv. VII,
ga-botjan, iw. I, to make useful to collect, assemble, come to
aftra gabotjan, to restore. pass ; also with sik.
ga-brannjan (264), wv. I, to burn. ga-ga-mainjan, wv. I, to make
ga-brikan, sv. IV, to break. common, defile.
ga-bruka, sf. fragment. ga-geigan (269), wv. Ill, to gain.
ga-daban (256), sv. VI, to be- gaggan (265, 258 note), sv. VII,
seem, happen, befall. to go; pret. iddja (265 note 2).
ga-dailjan, wv. I, to divide. gaggs, sm. road, way.
ga-dars, see § 275. ga-grefts, sf. order, decree.
ga-daubjan, wv. I, to make deaf, ga-gudaba, av» godly.
harden. ga-gudei (174), wf. piety, godli-
ga-daiirsan (275), pret,-pres. to ness.
dare. ga-gups (-guds), aj. godly, pious.
ga-daupnan (271), wv. IV, to ga-haban, wv. Ill, to have, hold,
die, perish. secure, possess, lay hold on.
ga-domjan, wv. I, to judge, pro- ga-haftjan sik, wv, I, to join
nounce judgment, condemn. oneself to, join.
ga-draban (256), sv. VI, to hew ga-haftnan (271), wv. IV, to be
out. attached to.
ga-dragan (256), sv. VI, to heap ga-h^iljan, wv. I, to heal.
up, heap together. ga-hailnan (271), wv. IV, to
ga-dragkjan, wv. I, to give to become whole, be healed.
drink. ga-h^it, promise.

ga-draiihts, sm. soldier. ga-haitan, VII,sv. to call to-

ga-driusan, sv. II, to fall, be gether, promise.
cast. ga-hausjan, wv. I, to hear.
ga-drobnan, wv. IV, to become ga-hnaiwjan, wv. I, to lower,
troubled, anxious. abase.
ga-fahan, sv. VII, to catch, take, ga-hraineins, sf cleansing.
seize, overtake, apprehend as a ga-hrd,injan, wv. I, to cleanse,
criminal. make clean.
ga-fastan, wv. Ill, to keep, sup- ga-hugds (163), sf thought, mind,
port, hold fast. conscience.
ga-faurds, sf. chief council. ga-huljan, wv. I, to cover, con-
ga-faurs (195), aj. well-behaved. ceal.
ga-filh, sn. burial. ga-hreitjan, wv. I, to whiten.
ga-hrotjan. 255 ga-nasjan.

ga-h/otjan, wv. I, to threaten, together, meet together, assem-

rebuke, strictly charge. ble.
gaiainna, win. Gehenna, (yiepi/a, ga-liug, sn. lie ; galiug weitwod-
hell). jan, to bear false witness.
ga-iddja, see ga-gaggan. ga-liugan, wv. Ill, to marry.
gairda, sf. girdle. ga-liuga-praiifetus, sm. false pro-
gairnjan, wv. I, to be fain <?r phet.
willing, desire, wish, long for. ga-liuga-weitwops (-wods), sm.
gairu (169 note), sn. goad. false witness.
gaiteins, aj. belonging to a goat ga-liuga-xristus, sm. false Christ.
neu^. gd.itein, young goat, kid. ga-liuhtjan, wv. I, to bring to
ga-juk, sn. pair. light, illumine.
gajuka (171), wm. companion. ga-lukan (248 and note), sv. II,
ga-juko, w/. parable, comparison. to shut, lock.
ga-kannjan, wv. I, to make ga-luknan, wv. IV, to be shut up.
known. ga-mainjan, wv. I, to make com-
ga-kiusan, sv. II, to approve. mon, defile.
ga-kunnan (269), zav. Ill, to re- ga-mains (195), q/. common, un-
cognize, observe, consider, read. clean.
ga-kunps, sf. appearance. ga-maips (ga-maids), aj. weak,
ga-kusts (163), s/. test. feeble, bruised.
ga-lagjan, wv. I, to lay, lay down, ga-malwjan, wv. I, to bruise.
set, place, make. ga-manwjan, wv. I, to prepare,
ga-laisjan, wv. I, to teach. make ready.
ga-ldista, wm. follower; gal^ista ga-marzjan, wv. I, to offend.
•wisan, to follow. ga-matjan, wv. I, to eat.
ga-laistjan, wv. I, to follow. ga-maudeins, s/. remembrance.
ga-lapon, wv. II, to invite, call ga-maudjan, 2£;z;. I, to remember,
together. remind.
gaMubeins (164), sf. faith, belief. ga-maiirgjan, wv. I, to curtail,
ga-laubjan (264), wv, I, to be- cut short.
lieve. ga-ineljan, W7J. I, to write, enroll;
ga-ld.ugnjan, wv. I, to be hid, lie Jjata gamelido, writing, scrip-
hid. ture.
ga-14usjan, wv. 1, to loose, loosen. ga-minpi, S7t. remembrance.
ga-leikan, wv. Ill, to please, take *ga-ni6tan (278), pret.-pres. to
pleasure in. find room, to have room.
ga-leikon, wv. II, to liken, com- ga-motjan (264), wv. I, to meet.
pare, resemble, be like. ga-munan (276), pret.-pres. to
ga-leiks (188), a/, like, similar. bethink, remember.
ga-leij>an (246), sv. I, to go, ga-munds (163), j/. remembrance.
travel,come. ga-nah (276), pret.-pres. it suf-
ga-lewjan, wv. I, to give up, fices.
betray. ga-nd,itjan, wv. I, to treat shame-
galga (171), wm. cross, gallows. fully.
ga-lisan ^,sik), sv, V, to gather ga-nasjan, wv. I, to save.
ga-niman. 2r;6 ga-tamjan.

ga-niman, sv. IV, to take to one- ga-salbou, wv. II, to anoint.

take, take with one, conceive
self, ga-satjan, ivv. I, to set, lay, place,
ga-nipnan, wv. IV. to mourn, be add, appoint, restore ;
sorrowful, namo, to surname.
ga-nisan (254), sv. V, to be ga-sigqan, sv. HI, to sink.
saved, become whole, recover, ga-sinp.ia (ga-sinpa), wm. com-
ga-nists (163), sf. salvation, panion.
health, ga-sitan, sv. V, to sit, sit down.
ga-niutan, sv. II, to catch with ga-skafts (163), sf. creation, crea-
nets, catch. ture.
sm. kinsman.
ga-iii))jis, ga-skaidnan (271), wv. IV, to
ga-nohs, aj, enough, sufficient, become parted.
numerous. ga-skapjan (256) sv. VI, to
ga-qiman, sv. IV, to assemble, make.
come together, ga-skapjan, sv. VI, to injure.
ga-qiss, (187 note), ^'.
consenting. ga-skeirjan, wz;. I, to make clear,
ga-qiujan (263), %vv. I, to give interpret.
life to. ga-skohi, sn. pair of shoes.
ga-qiunan (271), wv. IV, to be ga-slawan, %vv. Ill, to be still, be
made alive. silent.
ga-qumps (163), sf. assembly, ga-sleipjan, wv. I, to slight, in-
synagogue. jure gasleipjan sik, to be

ga-raihtei (174), wf. righteous- injured in, suffer the loss of.
ness. ga-smeitan (246), j-z^. I, to smear.
ga-raihteins, sj. righteousness, ga-s6pjan, wv. I, to fill, satisfy.
ga-raihts, aj. righteous, just. ga-stagqjan, wv. I, to dash
ga-raij)s (ga-raids), aj. due. against.
ga-rapjan (256), sv. VI, to count. ga-staldan (258), sv. VII, to
ga-razna, W7n. neighbour. possess.
ga-razno, wf. female neighbour. ga-standan, sv. VI, to stand fast,
gar da (171), wrn. fold. stand remain, be restored.

garda-waldands (178), m. ruler ga-staiirknan, wv. IV, to become

or master of the house, dry, dry up, pine away.
gards (161), sm. house, household. ga-strdujan, wv. I, to strew,
court. furnish.
ga-redan (259), i-z/. VII, to reflect gasts (^160), sin. guest.
upon. ga-supon, wv. II, to season. '

ga-rinnan, sv. Ill, to run, hasten ga-sweran, wv. Ill, to glorify,

together, come together. make known.
ga-riini, sti. consultation, counsel. ga-sw^ikunpjan, wv. I, to make
ga-runs, sf. market-place, street. known, proclaim.
ga-sahts, sf reproof. ga-swiltan, sv. Ill, to die.
ga-saihran, sv. V, to see, behold, ga-swogjan, wv. I, to sigh.
perceive, ga-tairan (252), sv. IV, to de-
ga-sakan, sv. VI, to rebuke, stroy, break.
reprove. ga-tamjan (262), wv. I, to tame.
ga-taujan. 257 gras.

ga-tdujan, wv, I, to do, make, ga-waknan (271), wz/. IV, Ip

perform. . awaked :>. .l, zl:.::!^.-:^
ga-taiira (171), wm. tear, rent. ga-waldan, sv.VII, to rule, bear
ga-taur]?s (163), j/". destruction. rule. 1 / : ^^

ga-teihan (246), i'Z'. I, to tell, re- ga-waljan, wv. I, to choose,

late, proclaim, make known, choose out.
show. ga-wandjan, ze/z;. I, to turn round,

ga-tilaba, av. conveniently. bring back with rejl. pr. to be


ga-til6n, wv. II, to attain. converted, turn round, return.

ga-tils, aj. convenient. ga-wargjan, wv. I, to condemn.
ga-timan (252), sv, IV, to suit. ga-wasjan (sik),wz;. I, to clothe.
ga-timrjan, zvv. I, to build. ga-waiirki, sn. deed.
ga-timrjd (173), wf. building. ga-waurkjan, wv. I, to make,
ga-tiuhan, sv, II, to draw, lead, prepare, appoint.
bring, take. ga-waiirstwa (171), wm. fellow-
ga-trauan (78), wv. Ill, to trust, worker.
entrust, be persuaded. ga-weihan, wv. III, to sanctify.
gatwo (173), wf. street. gawi (151), sn, region^ district,
ga-f>ahan, wv. Ill, to be sileAt,_ land, neighbourhood.
ga-pairsan (250), $v. IH, to ga-widan (254), sv, V, to bind,
wither. join together.
ga-paiirsnan (271), wv. IV, to ga-wigan (254), sv. V, to shake
become ^dryj_ dry up, wither down.
away. :^ - ga-wrisqaii (250), sv. III. to bear
ga-piupjan, wv. 1, to bless. fruit.
ga-plaihan (258 note 2), sv. VII, giba.(i54), ^. gift.
to cherish, comfort, take in the giban (253), sv. V, to give, yield,
arms, caress. offer.
ga-pliuhan, sv. II, to flee. jjbn.Sid gibands (179), ni. giver.
ga-prafsteius, sf. comfort. gibla, wm. pinnacle.
ga-prask, sn. threshing-floor. gilstra-meleins, sf. taxation,
ga-j?ulan, wv. Ill, to suffer, en- taxing.
dure. gilpa, sf. sickle.
gauja, WW. countryman; zised in gistr a- dagis ( 2 8 5 ) , «z^. to-morrow.
plural, land, region. giutan (248), sv. II. to pour.
gaumjan (264), wv.. I, to per- glaggwo (283), av. accurately.
ceive, see, behold, observe. glaggv7uba, glaggwaba, av. ex-
gaunon (267), wv. II, to lament. actly, diligently.
gdurs (188), aj. sad, troubled, glitmunjan (264), wv. I, to shine,
mournful, sorrowful. glitter.
ga-wagjan, wv. I, to stir, shake. goljan (264), wv. I, to greet,
ga-wairpan, sv. Ill, to cast, cast salute.
down, throw down. gops, gods (188), aj. good.
ga-wairpeigs, aj. at peace, peace- graba (156), sf. ditch.
ably disposed. jijjjiiil gra,baii (255), sv. VI, to dig.
ga- wairpi (151), sn. peace^;: : 7/ gras(i47),j«. grass, blade of grass.
gredags. 258 MubiJ).

gredags (188), aj. hungry. h^ihs, aj. half-blind, with one eye.
greipan (246), sv. I, to seize, lay hdiljan (264), wv. I, to heal.
hold of, take (prisoner). hails (188), aj. whole, sound, safe.
gretan (239), sv. VII, to weep, hdimopli, S7t. homestead, lands.
lament. hdims (164 note), sf. village,
grets, sm. weeping. country place.
groba, sf. den, hole, cave. hairda (156), sf. herd, flock.
grundu-waddjus, sf. foundation. hairdeis (148), sm, shepherd.
guda-faiirhts, aj. devout, god- hair to (175), wn. heart.
fearing. hairus (167), sm. sword.
gudisks, aj. divine. haitan (258), sv. VII, to call,
gudja (171), wm. priest. name, order, command, invite.
gulp, sn. gold. h^iti (158), sf, command.
gulpeins (188), aj. golden, hdipi (158), sf field, heath.
guma wm. man.
(171), haipiwisks, aj. wild.
guma-kunds, aj. male, of the h^ipno, wf. a heathen woman.
masculine gender. hakuls, s?ti. cloak.
gumeins, aj» manlike, male. halbs, aj. half.
gunds, sm. or sf. cancer, canker. haldan (258), sv. VII, to hold,
guj), sm. God; neut. pi. guda, take care of, tend, feed.
heathen gods. See note to halja (156), sf hell.
Mark ii. 7. hals, sm. neck.
hals-agga (for the probably cor-
H. rupt bals-agga of the manu-
script), wm. neck.
haban (268), wv. Ill, to have, halts (188), aj. lame.
possess, hold, take, esteem, hamfs, aj. one-handed, maimed.
count, consider, keep, observe, hana (170), wm. cock.
be able to do ; ubil and ubi- handugei, 7vf. cleverness, wisdom.
laba haban, to be ill wairs ; handugs (188), aj. clever, wise.
haban, to be worse gafahana ; handus (166), sf hand.
haban, to hold captive; poei handu-waiirhts, aj, wrought by
habaidedun gadaban,
ina hand.
what things should happen unto hansa, sf. a company, band of
him; aftumist habail, to lie men.
at the point of death ; fairra harduba (283), av. hardly, severe-
haban sik, to be far from ly, grievously.
habai]? wisan at, to be held, hardu-hairtei, wf. hardness of
be ready for. heart, hard-heartedness.
hafjan (256), sv. VI, to raise, lift, hardus (196), aj. hard.
bear up, carry. harjis (148), S7ii. army, host.
haftjan, ivv. I, to join. hatan (269 and note 3), wv. Ill,
hahan (258), sv. VII, to hang. to hate.
haidus, sm. manner. hat is, sn. hatred, wrath.
haifstjan, wv. I, to strive, fight. haubip (146), sn. head, haubip
haifsts, sf. fight. waihstins, corner-stone.
hauheins. 259 hrot.

hauheins, sf. praise. hitherto ; fram himma, from

hduh-hairtei (174), wf. pride, henceforth.
hduh-hairts, aj. proud-hearted. hiufan (248), sv. II, to moura,
hauhisti, sn, the highest height, weep, complain.
highest-point, highest heaven. hiuhma (171), wm. crowd, multi-
hauhjan, wv. I, to glorify, make tude, heap.
high, praise, exalt, magnify. hiwi (129), sn. appearance.
hduhs, aj. high. hlahjan (256), sv, VI, to laugh.
haurds (163), sf. door. hlaifs (144), sm. loaf, bread.
haiirn (147), sn. horn, skin, husk. hlains, sm. hill.
haurnja (171), win. horn-blower. hlaiw (153 note 2), sn. grave,
haurnjan, wv. I, to blow a horn, tomb.
trumpet. hlaiwasna, sf. {only found in
hauseins, sf. word, preaching, plur^, tomb.
report (///. = hearing), sense of hlaupan (258 note 5), sv. VII, to
hearing, leap.
hausjan (264), wv. I, to hear, hlauts, sm, lot.
perceive, listen to. hleiduma (207), ^y. left; as suhst.
hausjon, wv. II, to hear. fem. the left hand or side.
hawi (130), sn. grass, hay. hlifan (254) sv. V, to steal.
hazjan (262), wv. I, to praise. hliftus (167), sm. thief.
heito, wf. fever. hlijans, ace. pi. nom. ? hleis sm,

heiwa-frauja, wm. master of a or ?hlija w?n.s tent, tabernacle.

house, hliuma (171), wm, hearing.
her, av. here, hither. hlutrei (174), ^vf. purity.
hepjo (173), wf
chamber, room, hlutrs (188), aj. pure.
hidre, av. hither. hn^iwjan (264}, wv. I, to abase,
hilpan (249), sv. Ill, to help. lower.
himina-kunds, aj. heavenly. hnasqus (197), aj. soft, tender.
himins (145), S7n. heaven. hneiwan, sv. I, to bend down-
hindana, prep. c. gen. behind, on wards, decline, bow.
that side of, beyond. holon (267), wv. II, to treat with
hindar (288),/;^^/. c. ace. and dat. violence, deceive, injure.
behind, over, beyond, among. horinassus, sm. whoredom, adul-
hindumists (207), aj. hindmost, tery.
outermost. horinon, tvv. II, to commit
hiri {old imperative used as an adultery.
interjection)^ come here dual ! horinondei, pres. part. fem.
hirjats, come here, ye two !
//. hirji)?, come ye here! See hr^ineins, sf. purification.
note to Mark xii. 7. hrainjan (264), wv. I, to make
*his (226), dem. pr. preserved in
clean, cleanse.
the adverbial phrases himma hrains (194), aj, clean, pure.
daga, on this day, to-day; und hraiwa-dulDO, wf. turtle-dove.
hina dag, to this day; und hropjan, wv, I, to call, cry out.
hita, und hita nu, till now, hrot, sn. roof.

S 2
hrugga. 260 in.

hrugga, sf. staff. h;as (232), interrog, pr, who,

hrukjan, wv. I, to crow. : ; I what; indef.pr, (238), anyone,
huggrjan (264), v)v. I, to hunger. h/as-hun (237), hidef pr,. with
hugjan, wv. I, to think, consider, the neg. particle ni, no one.
imagine. h;aj) (286), av. whither.
huhrus (119, 167), sm. hunger, h;apar (233), pr, which of two,
famine. whether.
huljan (262), wv, to hide, con-
I, h;apar-uh (234), indef, /r. each
ceal, cover, disguise. of two.
hulps (188), aj. gracious. h;apjan, wv. T, to foam.
hund (208, 213), j/^. hundred. h;apro (286), av. whence.
hiinda-fajjs, sm. centurion. h;az-uh (234), indef pr. each,
hunds (145), sm. dog, hound. every twans h;anzuh, two

hunsl, sn. sacrifice. av... and two.

hunsljan, wv. I, to sacrificci ;• '«: h;az-uh saei (235), indef, pr.
hups (161), sm. hip, loins. whosoever.
huzd (147), sn. treasure. h;e (232 note), av. how.
huzdjan, wv. I, to collect trea- hreila, sf. time, season, hour.
sures, store up, hoard up. h;eila-h;afrbs, af inconstant,
transient, enduring only for a
h;. hreits, aj. white.
h;elaups (233), /'r. how great,
h;adre (286), av, whither. hrileiks (233), /r. what sort of.
h;airban (250), xz/. Ill, to walk. h;6pan (258\ sv, VII, to boast,
h;airnei, wf. skull. h/otjan, wv. I, to threaten, rebuke,
h;aiteis, sm. corn, wheat. charge.
hj^iwa (289), cj. and av. how, in
what way.
h/an, fl;z^., interrog, when, when-
ever before ajs. and avs.^ how
: ibdi (287), interrog, particle, like
before co?npars.^ how much; with Gr. )ui7, Lat. num; ibai, iba
other particles, at any time (289), cj. lest, that . . . not.
h;an lagg mel, for how long ibnassus (167), sm. evenness,
a time nibai h;an, lest at any
; ibns (188), aj. even.
time hran filu, how much.
; iddja, I went, see § 130 note,
h;an-hun, av, ever, at any time ;
idrelga, sf. repentance.
only used with neg. as ni-h/an- idreigon (267), wv. II, to repent,
hun, never. id-weitjan, wv. I, to reprove,
h;ar (286), av. where. blame, revile, reproach,
h/arbon wv, II, to go about,
(267), ifturn a (207), aj. next, the one
pass by, wander, walk. the following,
hfarjis (233), /r. who, which (out igqar (2 2 2), poss. pr. of you.two.
of many). ik {2 20) pers. pr, I
. ., .. ;,-

h/arjiz-uii X234)> indef /r« each, im (281), I am. .vjij'j ^ii:£[

every. in ^(2 8 8), prep, c, acctimi into^^ito-
in-ahei. 261 jujjan.

wards; c. gen. on account of; c. is (281), thou art.

dat. in, into, among,
by. itan (254), jz;. V, to eat; sap itan,
in-ahei, wf, soberness, sobriety. to fill one's belly.
in-brannjan, wv. I, to put in the ip (289), cj. but, however, if.

" fire, burn. iumjo, wf. multitude.

in-drobnan, wv. IV, to become iup (286), av. upwards; iupa
sad. above iupaprS, iupana, from

in-feinan (271), wv. IV, to be above,

moved with compassion, have iz-ei, iz-e (230 note 3), rel. pr.
compassion on, pity. masc. who, which.
inilo, wf. excuse, pretence. izwar {222), poss. pr. your.
in-kilp6, weak aj. with child.
in-mdideins, sf. change, ex-
change. ja, jdi (287), av. yea, yes, verily,
in-mdidjan, wv. I, to change, ex- jabdi (289), g. if, even if, al-
change, transfigure. though; jabdi . . . aippau,
inn, tfz/. in, within; innatgaggan, either ... or.
to enter, enter into, go into inn ; jah (289), cj. and, also, even; jah
gaggan, to go in, enter. . jah, both
. . and ni pa- . . . ;

innana, av. within ; prep. c. gen. tainei ak jah, not only

. . . . . .

within, inside. but also nih ak jah, not; . . .

innapro, av. within. only but also.

. . .

innuma (207), aj. inmost. j^inar (286), av. yonder, there, in

in-saian, sv, VII, to sow in. that place.
in-saih/an, sv, V, to look at, jaind (286), av. thither.
look upon, look round, behold, jaindre (286), av. thither,
regard. jains (227), detn. pr. that, yon.
in-sailjan, ivv. I, to bind with jainpro (286), av. thence.
ropes, let down with cords. jap-pe (224 note), cj. and if;
in-sandjan, wv. I, to send, send jappe jappe (289), whether
. . .

forth. ... or.

in-standan, sv. VI, to persist. ja-u (287), interrog. particle,
in-swinpjan, wv. I, to grow whether; in indirect questions,
strong; in-swinpjan sik, to if, so, so then.
be strong. jer (147), S7i. year.
in-tandjan, wv. I, to burn up. jiukan (269), wv. Ill, to contend,
inuh, inu {2^^), prep. c. ace. with- ju (285), av. already, now.
out, except. jugga-laups, sm. a youth, young
in-wagjan, wv. I, to stir up. man.
in-weitan (246), sv. I, to worship, juggs (188), aj. young, youthful,
reverence, salute. new,
in-widan, sv. V, to reject, frus- jiihiza (204, 119), aj. younger.
trate, deny, refuse. juk (147), sn. yoke,
in-wisan, sv. V, to be present, be junda, sf youth,
near at hand. jus, pers. pr, ye.
Is {226), pers. pr. he. jupan, av. already.
kaisar. 262 Idufs.

krusts, sf gnashing,
K. kukjan (262), wv. 1, to kiss.
*kumbjan, see ana-kumbjan.
kaisar (Lat. Caesar, Gr. Kaiaap), kumei {Kovfiei, from Syriac),
sm. Caesar, emperor, governor, i?nper. arise
kaisara-gild, sn. tribute-money. kuni (150), sn. race, generation,
kalbo (173), wf, calf, tribe.
kalds (188), a/\ cold, kunnan {2*jc^),pret.-pres. to know,
kalkinassus, sm. adultery, forni- kunpa, see § 275.
cation. kunpi (151), sn. knowledge,
kalkjo, w/, harlot, kunps, //. of kunnan, known ;

kann, see § 275. sm. acquaintance.

kannjan, wv. I, to make known,
kara (290), sf. care, anxiety ni ;

kara puk, there is no care to

thee, thou carest not. laggs (188), ^'. long.
karkara (156), ^. prison. From lagjan (262), wv. I, to lay, lay
Lat. career, down, set, place; kniwa lagjan,
karon (267), wv. II, to care for, bend one's knees gawairpi

be concerned about. lagjan ana airpa, to send peace

kas, sn. vessel, pitcher, on earth.
katils, sm. kettle, vessel for water, Idiba (156), sf remnant.
kaupatjan (265), 7iJV. I, to buffet, laigaion (Gr. X^y^ojv), legion,
cuff, strike with the palm of the Mikan (258), sv. VII, to leap.
hand. laiks, sm. dance, dancing.
kdupon (267), wzj. II, to traffic, lais {2^'^, pret.-pres. I know.
kaurban, (Gr. Kop^av) gift, laisareis (^49), sm. teacher,
kaiirn (147), sn. corn. master.
kaiirno (176), wn. corn, a grain lalseigs, aj. teachable.
of corn, laiseins (164), sf. doctrine, teach-
kaurus (197), aj. heavy, ing.
kdusjan, wv. I, to prove, test, laisjan (264), wv. I, to teach.
taste. laistjan (264), wv. I, to follow.
keinan, sv. I, to bud, grow, spring laists (161), sm, track.
up ; weak pret. keinoda, see lamb, S7t. lamb, sheep.

note to Mark iv. 27. land, sn. land, country.

kelikn, S7t. tower, upper- room. lasiws (193), aj. weak.
kilpei (174), wf. womb, lats (188), aj. slothful.
kindins, sm. ruler, governor, lapon (267), ivv, II, to invite,
kinnus (168), cheek.
sf. call.
kiusan(248), jz^.II, to choose, test. lapons (164), sf. invitation, re-
kniu (154), sn. knee, demption, consolation.
knussjan, wv. I, to kneel; knuss- lauan (258 note 4), sv. VII, to
jan kniwam, to kneel. revile.
kriustan (248), sv. II, to gnash *ldubjan, wv. I, see galaubjan.
with the teeth, grind the teeth. laufs (145), sm. leaf, foliage.
laugnjan. 263 maiza.

Idugnjan, wv, I, to deny, lie. liuta (i7i)> ^^- hypocrite.

laun (147), sn. pay, reward. liutei (174), wf deceit, hypocrisy.
l^una-wargs, sm. an unthankful liuts, aj. hypocritical.
person. lofa, wm. palm of the hand.
Idus (187 note), aj. empty. ludja (156), sf. face.
lausa-waurdi, sn. empty words, luftus (167), sm. air.
babbling. liikan (248 note), sv. II, to shut,
Idus-handus (197), oj- empty close.
handed. lukarn (Lat. lucerna), sn. light,
Idusjan, wv. I, to loose, deliver, candle.
free, lukarna-stapa (171), wm. candle-
laus-qiprs, aj\ fasting, with empty stick.
stomach. lun, sn. ransom.
leilvan (245), sv. I, to lend. luston (267), wv. II, to desire.
leik (147), sn. body, flesh, corpse, lustus (167), sf?t. desire, lust.
leikains, sf. liking, good pleasure.
leikan (269), wv. Ill, to please. M.
*leik6n, see ga-leikon.
lein, sn. linen. *magan (277), pret.'pres, to be
leitils (188), aj. little, small. able.
*leipaii, see ga-leipan. magapei, wf. virginity, maiden-
leipu (169 note), sn. strong drink. hood.
lekeis (149), S7?i. physician. magaps (163), j/] maid.
letan (259), sv. VII, to let, leave, magula (171), zvm, little boy.
permit, suffer. magus (167), sm. boy, servant.
lew (153 note 2), sn. occasion, mahteigs (188), aj. mighty, able,
opportunity, possible.
lewjan, wv. I, to betray. mahts (163), sf. might, power,
libains (164), sf. life. strength, virtue, miracle.
liban (269), zvv. Ill, to live, m.ahts (188),aj. possible.
ligan (254 and note), sv. V, to lie, maid j an(264), wv. I, to falsify.
lie down. maihstus, sm. dunghill.
ligrs (145), s?n. bed, couch, maimbrana (Gr. fxc/d^pdva), wm,
lisan (254), sv. V, to gather. parchment, manuscript.
lists (163), sf. craftiness. mais (284), av. more, rather
lipus (167), i-;;z. limb. mais pau, more than, rather
liudan (248), sv. II, to grow, than filu mais, much more
; ;

spring up. und filu mais, much more, so

liufs (188), aj. dear, beloved. much the more luan filu ; . . .

liugan (269), wv. Ill, to marry. mais pamma, the more . . .

liugan (248), sv. II, to lie. so much the more.

liuhadeins, aj. bright, light, maist (284), av. at most.
liuhap (147), sn. light. maists (206), aj. greatest, chief.
liiihtjan (264), wv. I, to give light. maitan (258), VII, to cut, hew.

*liusan, jz;. II, to lose; see fra- mdipms (145), sm. gift.
liusan. maiza (206), aj. greater.
malaii. 264 iiiij>-s6kjan.

malan (256), sv. VI, to grind. meljan (264), wv. I, to write.

malma (171), wm. sand. mena (171), wm. moon.
malo, wf. moth. menops (181), m, month.
mammona (Gr. fxafioji/ds), wm. meripa, sf, rumour, report, fame.
mammon, riches. merjan (264), wv. I, to preach,
man, I think, see § 276. proclaim.
manage! (172), wf. multitude, merjands (179), m. proclaimer.
crowd, mes (Lat. mensa), jw. table, dish.
manag-falps (218), nwji. many- midjis (189), aj. middle, midst.
fold. midjun-gards, sm. earth, world,
manags (188), aj. much, great, *miduma, sf, midst; in midu-
many, mdi, in the midst.
mana-seps (163), sf. mankind, midumonds (179), m. mediator.
world, multitude. mikil-dups (163), sf greatness.
man-leika, wm. image, picture. mikilei (174), wf. greatness.
manna (180), m. man. mikiljan, wv, I, to make much of,
manna-hun (237), indef. pr. with praise, exalt, magnify, glorify.
the neg. particle^ ni, no one. mikilnan (171), %w. IV, to be
mannisks, aj. human, of man. magnified.
manwipa, sf, preparation; //. mikils (188), aj. great.
necessary means. milhma, wm. cloud.
manwjan, wv. I, to prepare, milip sn. honey.
manwus (197), aj, ready. miluks (183),/ milk.
marei (174), wf. sea. mins (284), av. less.
marka, sf. boundary, border, coast. minnists (206), aj. least, smallest.
marzjan, wv. I, to offend, hinder, minniza (206), aj. smaller, less.
cause to stumble. missa-deps (163), j/! misdeed, sin.
mati-balgs, sm, meat-bag, wallet, missa-leiks, aj. different, various.
scrip, misso, av, reciprocally, the one
matj an, wv. I, to eat, feed. the other, one to another;
mats (i6t), sm. meat, food, always with /^r /r. J".

mapa, wm. worm. mitan (254), sv, V, to measure.

mapl, S7i. market, market-place, mitaps (183), sf. measure, bushel.
mapljan, wv. I, to speak. miton (267), zvv. II, to consider,
maiirgins (145), S7?i. morning. think, ponder.
maurnan (269), wz/. Ill, tomourn, mitons (164), sf. thought, con-
be anxious, take care for. sidering, reasoning.
maurpr (147), S7t. murder. mip (288), prep. c. dat. with,
maurprjan (264), wv. I, to murder. among, together with, through,
ma-wi (158), sf maiden, damsel. by, near; mip tweihndim
ma^wilo (173), wf. young maiden. markom, amid the two bound-
meins {222), poss. pr. my. aries, in the midst of the region
mel, sn, time, hour, season ;
pi, mip ushramjan, to crucify
writings, Scriptures ; mel with ; av. with.
gabaurpdis, birthday. mip-sokjan, wv, I, c. dat. to
mela, wm, bushel, measure. dispute.
mip-psLn-ei. 265 osanna.

mip-pan-ei (289),^*. while, during, neh;is (284), av. nearer.

when, nehrjan sik, wv. I, to approach,

mizdo (173), w/. reward, draw near.

modags (188), aj. angry, wrathful, neh;undja (171), wm. neighbour.
mota, sf. custom, custom-house. neip, sn, envy.
*motan, see § 278. neiwan, sv. I, to be angry.
motareis (149), sm. toll-taker, nepla (156), j/. needle.
publican. ni (287), av. neg. not; nist = ni
*ni6tjan, wv. I, to meet, see ga- ist ;ni ak, not but ni
. . . . . . ;

motjan. alja .alja, not other

. . than; . . .

mops (mods), sm. anger, wrath. ni . ni or nih, neither

. . . . .

mulda, (156), sf. dust. nor.

munan (269), wv. Ill, to consider, nibai, niba (289), cj. unless, ex-
think, intend. cept, if . . . not.
munan {2i(i), pret.-pres. to think. nidwa, sf rust.
*niunds, sf. see ga-munds. nih (65, 289), CJ. and not, not
muns ( 1 6 1 ) J w
, . thought, intention. even nih. (or ni)
; . . . nih (or
munps, sm. mouth. ni), neither . nor. . .

niman (251), sv. IV, to take, take

N. away, receive, accept mip ni- ;

man, to receive, accept.

nadrs, sm. adder, viper, nist = ni ist.
nahta-mats, sm. supper, evening nipan (254), sv. V, to help.
meal. nipjis (149), sm. kinsman.
nahts (183),/ night. nipjo (173), wf female cousin.
nditeins, blasphemy.
sf. niu (287), interrog. particle, not =
namnjan (264), wv. I, to name. Lat. nonne niu ^iw, never. ;

namd (176 note), wn. name, niujis (190), aj. new, young.
naqaps, aj. naked. niun (208), 7tum. nine.
nardus (Gr. va^hos)^ sm. nard. niunda (214), num. ninth.
naseins (164), sf. salvation, niuntehund (208), num. ninety.
nasjan (261), wv. I, to save, niutan (248), sv. II, to enjoy.
nasjands (176), 7it. saviour. nota (171), wm. stern of a ship.
nati (151), sn. net. nu (289), az^. now, so, consequently;
n^udi-bandi, chain, fetter.
sf. aj. present, existing ; subs, pre-
naiih, av. still, yet ni naiih or; sent time nu, nunu, ; nuh, av.
naiih ni, not yet, not as yet. and cj. therefore.
naiih-panuh, av. still, yet. nuh (287), interrog. particle J then.
naiihup-pan, av. and also. nuta, wm. fisher, catcher of fishes.
ndus (160 note i), sm. corpse,
naupjan, wv. I, to force, compel.
n^ups (163), sf need. O.
ne (287), av. nay, no.
tielu, av. near, close by. *ogan {2"]^), pret.-pres. to fear.
nelua {2%%), prep. c. dat, nigh to, ogjan (264), wv, I, to terrify,
near ; av. near. osanna {yjaavva), hosanna.
pdida. 266 reiro.

qineins, aj. female ; neul. foolish

qino (173), wf woman, wife,
paida, sf. coat. See Feist: qipan (253), sv. V, to say, tell,
Grundriss der gotischen Ety- name, speak; ubil qipan, to
niologie,' pp. 87, 142. speak evil of one waila qipan,

parakletus (TrapdK\T]Tos),sm. com- to speak well of, praise,

forter. qipu-hafts, aj. pregnant ;
paraskaiwe (irapadK^vq), the day h.a>ft6,fem. used as sb., a woman
of the preparation. being with child.
paska (iraaxo-), sf. indeclinable, qipus, sm. body, womb.
feast of the passover, pascal *qiuiian, wv. IV, to become alive;
feast. see ga-qiunan.
paurpura, purple.
sf. {TTop(\)vpa), qius (193), aj, alive, quick, living.
peika-bagras, sm. palm-tree the ; qums, sm. advent.
origin of peika is uncertain.
pistikeins, aj. genuine, pure. it.
From Gr. ttlotlkos with Goth.
suffix -eins. rabbei ('Pa/3/3€i), master, teacher,
plapja (156), sf street; only occurs ragineis, sm. counsellor, governor,
once (Matth. vi. 5), and is prob- raginon, wv. II, to be ruler,
ably a scribal error for *platja rahnjan, wv. I, to count, reckon,
from Lat. platea. number,
plats (O. Bulgarian platu), sm. raidjan, zav. I, to determine,
patch. raihtaba, av. rightly, straightway.
plinsjan (O. Bulgarian pl§sati), raihtis (289), cj. for, because; av.
wv. I, to dance. for, still, then, however, indeed.
praitoriaun, n. (irpaLToupiov), Pre- raihts (188), ^'. right, straight.
torium. *raisjan (264), wv. I, to raise; see
praiifeteis {irpocprjTis), fern, pro- ur-raisjan.
phetess. *rakjan, wv. I, to reach see uf- ;

praiifetjan, wv. I, to prophesy. rakjan.

praufetus, praufetes {irpocprjTTjs)^ rapjo (173), wf account,
sm. prophet. raupjan, wv. I, to pull out, pluck,
pund (Lat. pondus), sn. pound. raus, sn. reed.
razda (156), sf language, speech.
razn, sn. house.
reiki (1^1), sn. rule, power, king-
qainon, zuv. II, to weep, mourn, dom.
lament. reikinon (267), wv. II, to rule,
qairrei, 7vf. meekness, govern,
qairrus (197), af. gentle, reiks, a;', mighty, powerful superl. ;

qeins = qens, see § 6. reikista, the mightiest, prince.

qens (163), sf wife, woman. reiks (181), m. ruler, prince.
qiman (252), sv. IV, to come, reiran (269), wv. Ill, to tremble.
arrive. reiro, wf, trembling.
rikan. 267 sibuntehund.

rikan (254), sv, V, to heap up. salhs tigjus (208), num. sixty.
rinnan (250), sv. Ill, to run, saihran (253), sv. V, to see, take
hasten. heed; saihran faura, to be-
riqis, riqiz (147), sn, darkness. ware of.
riqizeins, aj. dark. sSiwala (156), sf. soul, spirit, life.
riqizjan, wv. I, to become dark, sakan (256), sv. VI. to rebuke,
be darkened. dispute, strive.
rodjan (264), wv. I, to speak, sakjo (173), wf strife.
rohsns, sf. hall. sakkus (Lat. saccus, Gr. gclkkos),
rums, sm. room, space. sm. sackcloth.
runa (156), sf. secret, mystery, salbon (266), zuv. II, to anoint.
runs, S7n. running, issue, course salbons (164), sf ointment.
run ga-waiirkjan sis, to rush salipwos, sf.plur. dwelling, abode,
violently. mansion, guest-chamber.
saijan, wv. I, to dwell, abide,
S. remain.
saijan, wv. I, to bring an offering,
sa (224), dejn.pr. this, that; pers. sacrifice.
pr. he def. art. the.
; salt, sn, salt.
sabbato (aa^^aTov), indeclinable, saltan (258 note i), jz;. VII, to salt.
Sabbath; sabbatus {crdPI3aTos), sama (228), /r. same.
sm. Sabbath //. fluctuates be-
sama-leiko, av. likewise, in like
tween the i- and u- declension. manner, equally.
sa-ei (230), rel. pr. who, he who, sama-leiks, aj. agreeing together.
which, samana, av. together, in the same
saggqjan = sagqjan, wv. I, to place, one with another.
sink, go down, sandjan, wv. I, to send.
saggqs = sagqs, sm. sinking, going satjan, wv. I, to set, put, place.
down (of the sun), he^ice West, saps (18S), aj. full, satisfied; saps
see saggqjan. wairpan, to be filled, be full.
saggws (161), sm. song, music. saiihts (163), sf. sickness, disease.
sah. (225), pr. dem. {fern, soh, sauil (77), S7t.sun.
neut, psituh) = sa, + enclilzc uh, saiirga, sf. care, grief, sorrow.
that, this. saiirgan (269), wv. Ill, to sorrow,
sa-luaz-uh izei (235), indef. pr. trouble, take thought.
whosoever, saups (161), sm. sacrifice, burnt-
sa-hraz-uh saei (235), indef. pr. offering.
whosoever. sei = si + ei (230 note 3), rel. pr.
sdi, interj. see lo
! behold cp.
! ; fem. who, which.
OHG. se, se-nu. seins {ii'^^ pass. pr. his.
saian, saijan (259, 74), sv. VII, seipus (197), aj. late.
to sow. sels (195), aj. kind.
saAsindSjpres. pari, t?/" saian (259), sibja (156), sf. relationship.
one sowing, sower, sibun (208), num. seven.
saihs (208), num. six. sibuntehund ^^208), mmi. se-
saihsta (214), num. sixth. venty.
sidon 268 sleideis.

sidon (267), wv. II, to practise. skaftjan, wv. I, to make ready,

sidus (167), sm. custom, habit, prepare.
sifan (269), wv. III, to rejoice, skd/idan (258), sv. VII, to divide,
siggwan (250), sv. Ill, to sing, sever, separate, put asunder,
read. skal, see § 276.
sigljan (Lat. sigillare), wv. I, to skalkinon (267), wv. II, to serve,
seal. skalks (145), sm. servant,
sigljo (176),wn. seal. skaman sik (269), wv. Ill, to be
sigqan (250), sv. Ill, to sink, go ashamed, be ashamed of.
down, skattja, W7?t. money-changer,
sihu (169 note), victory, skatts (O. Bulgarian skotu, cat-
sijau (281), I may be. tle), S7n. money, coin, penny.
sijum (281), we are. skapjan (256), sv. VJ, to injure,
sik (221), refl. pr. oneself; gen. skduda-rd^ips, sm. leather thong,
seina, dai. sis. shoe-latchet.
silba (228), pr. self. skduns (195), aj. beautiful,
silda-leikjan, wv. I, to marvel, skduts, sm. the hem of a garment,
wonder, be astonished. skeinan (246), sv. I, to shine,
silda-leiks, aj. wonderful. skeirs (195), aj, clear,
silubr (147), sn. silver. skev^jan, wv. I, to walk, go, go
silubreins, aj. silver. along,
sinaps? sm. sinap? j-;?. mustard skildus (167), S7ii. shield,
cp. Lat. sinapi, sinapis, Gr. skip (147), sft. ship, boat,
aivdiii. skohs, sm. shoe.
sind (281), they are. skohsl, sn. evil spirit, demon,
sineigs (188), «/'. old. skuft, sn. the hair of the head,
sinista (206 and note), aj. oldest; skuggwa (129 note, 171), wm.
an elder. mirror,
sinteino, av. always, ever, con- skula, aj. owing, in debt, guilty
tinually. W//2. (171), debtor; skula wisan,
sinteins, aj. daily. to be a debtor, owe, be in danger
*sinps (219), sm. time, lit. a of, be guilty of.
going. *skulan {2"]^), pret.-pres. to owe,
siponeis (149), sm. pupil, dis- to be about to be, shall, to be
ciple. one's duty, be obliged, must;
siponjan (264), wv. I, to be a skuld ist, it is lawful,
disciple. skiira, sf. shower ; skiira windis,
sitan (254 and note), sv. V, to sit. storm.
sitis (145), sm. seat, chair, nest, slahan (255), sv. VI, to smite,
siujan (263), ivv. I, to sew. strike, beat, hit.
siukan (248), sv. II, to be sick, slahs, sm. stroke, stripe, plague,
be ill. slaihts, aj. smooth.
siuks (188), aj. sick, ill, diseased. slaiihts (108, 163), sf. slaughter,
siuns (163), j/! sight, appearance. slawan (269), wv. Ill, to be silent,
skaban (256), sv. VI, to shave. be still.

skadus (167), sm. shade, shadow. sleideis, aj. fierce, dangerous.

slepan. 269 suns.

slepan (258), sv, VII, to sleep, stamms, aj. stammering, with an

fall asleep. impediment in the speech.
sliupan (248), sv, II, to slip. standan (256), sv: VI, to stand,
smakka (171), wm. fig. stand firm.
smakka-bagms, sm. fig-tree. staps (161), sm. gen. stadis,
smals (188), aj. small. (place), neighbourhood ; j^inis?
smyrn, sn. {afxvpva), myrrh wein ; stadis, unto the other side (of
mip Smyrna, wine mingled with the lake), €is ro irepav.
myrrh. sta,ps( gen. stapis),i-;;/.land, shore.
snaga (171), 'wm. garment. staua (78, 171), wm. judge.
snaiws (152 note), sm. snow. staua (78, 156), sf. judgment.
sneijjan (245), sv. I, to cut* stautan (258 note 5), sv. VII, to
reap. smite, push.
sniumjan (264), wv. I, to hasten. steigan (246), sv. I, to ascend,
sniumundo, av. with haste, quick- mount up.
ly; comp. sniumundos (284), stibna (156), sf. voice.
with more haste. stigqan (250), sv. Ill, to thrust,
sniwan (253), sv. V, to hasten. push, make war.
snutrs (188), aj. wise. s tikis,sm. cup.
sokjan (261), wv. I, to seek, de- stiks, sm. a point, moment; stiks
sire, long for, question with, melis, a moment
of time.
dispute; sokjan samana, to stilan (252), sv. IV, to steal.
reason together, discuss. stiur (141), sm. steer, calf.
sokns (163), sf. search, inquiry. stojan (79, 261), wv. I, to judge.
spaikulatur, m. (Gr. aTT^KovXarcup, *straujan (263), 2uv. I, to strew,
Lat. speculator), spy, execu- spread, spread (with carpets),
tioner. furnish.
sparwa (171), wm. sparrow. suljo, 2vf. sole of a shoe.
spaurds (183),/. race-course. sums (236), hidef. pr. some one,
speds, aj. late. a certain one sums ; . sums,
. .

spedumists (207), aj. last. the one . . . the other ; noin. pL

speiwan, spewan (246), sv. I, sumai(h) sumaih, some . . .

to spit. . and others.

. .

spill, sn. fable, story. sundro, av. alone, asunder, apart,

spillon (267), wv. II, to narrate, privately.
relate, bring tidings of. sunja (156), sf. truth ; bi sunj^i,
spinnan (250), sv. Ill, to spin. truly, verily.
sprduto, av. quickly, soon. sunjaba (283), av. truly.
spyreida, wm. large basket. (Gr. sun joins, aj. true, veritable.
(TJTvpis, gen. airvpldos, fish- sunjon (267), wv. II, to justify.
basket). sunjons (164), sf. verifying, de-
staiga, sf. path, way. fence.
st^inahs, a/, stoney. sunna, wm. sun.
stains (145), sm. stone, rock; sunno, wf. or wn. sun.
st^inam wairpan, to stone. suns, av. soon, at once, immedi-
stairno (173), w/! star. ately, .-_ ..
suns-diw. 270 tils.

suns-diw, av. immediately, open swi-kunj>s wairpan, to


straightway. become or be made manifest,

suns-ei (289), cj. as soon as. appear ((pavepos yiyveaOai).
sunus (166), sm. son, child. swiltan (250), sv. Ill, to die.
supon, wv, II, to season. swinpnan, wv, IV, to grow strong.
suts (195), aj. sweet, patient, swinps (188), aj. strong, sound,
peaceable, tolerable. healthy.
supjon, wv, I, to itch, tickle. swistar (177),/. sister.
swa, swah, av. so, just so, also, swogatjan (264), wv. I, to sigh.
thus. synagoga-faps, s?n. ruler of the
swa-ei, swa-swe (289), cj. so that, synagogue.
so as. synagoge {avvayojyTj)j/em. syna-
swaihra (171), ivm. father-in-law. gogue.
swaihro (173), wf. mother-in-law.
swairban (250), sv. Ill, to wipe.
swa-laups (233), /r. so great.
swa-leiks (233), /r. such. tagl (147), sn. hair,
swamms, sm. sponge. tagr (147), sn. tear,
swaran (256 and note), sv. VI, tahjan, wv. I, to tear, rend,
to swear. taihswa, s/. the right hand,
sware, av. without a cause, in taihswa, w. aj. right as noun, ;

vain. wf. taihswo, the right hand,

swart s (188), aj. black. taihun (208), num. ten.
swa-swe, av. even as, just as ; cj. taihunda (214), num. tenth.
so that. taihuntaihund-falps (218), num.
swe, av. and cj, (289), like, as, hundredfold.
just as, so that, about ; swe taihuntehund, taihuntaihund
. . .swa, as . so ; swe. . (208), num. hundred.
. . jah, or swa jah, or swah,
. taiknjan, wv. I, to betoken, point
like ... so too. out, show,
sweiban (246), sv. I, to cease. taikns (163), sf. token, sign,
swein, sn. swine, pig. wonder, miracle,
sweran (269), wv. Ill, to honour, tainjo, w/. a basket of twigs,
reverence, glorify. basket.
swerei, wf, honour. tains, sm. twig, sprig, branch,
sweripa, sf. honour. taleipa (jakiOd, from Syriac),
swers (188), aj. honoured. maid, damsel.
swes, aj. one's own as noun, ; talzeins, s/. instruction,
possession, property. talzjan, wv. I, to instruct, teach,
swe-pauh, av. yet, indeed, how- talzjands (179), m. teacher,
ever. tandjan, wv. I, to light, kindle,
swiglja (171), wm. piper. taui (78, 151), sn. deed, work,
swiglon (267), wv. II, to pipe. taujan (263), wv. I, to do, make,
swi-kunpaba, av, openly, mani- tekan (259), sv. VII, to touch.
festly. *tigus (208, 213), sm. decade,
swi-kunj)s, manifest, evident, tils (188), aj. fit.

timrja 271 J>auh-jabai.

timrja (171), wm. carpenter, pairh-leipan, sv. I, to go through.

builder, pairh -wakan, sv. VI, to keep
tiuhan (247), sv, II, to lead, watch.
draw, guide. pairko {^^(i)^ wn. a hole through
trauan (78, 269 and note i), wv. anything pairko neplos, the

Ill, to trust. eye of a needle.

triggwa (129 note), sf. covenant, pan, rel. particle^ when, as, then,
triggws (129 note, 193), aj. true, as long as dem. {never stands

faithful. Jirsi), then, at that time, there-

triu (153 note), sm, tree, wood, upon cj. (289), but, indeed,

staff, and, however, therefore, as long

triweins, aj. wooden. as.
trudan (252 and note), sv. IV, to pana-mdis, av. still, further.
tread. pana-seips (284), av. further,
tuggo (172), wf. tongue, more, still; with neg. no more,
tulgus (197), ^*. firm, fast. no longer.
tundnan (271), wv, IV, to take pande (289), cj. if, because, since,
fire. when, as long as, until, until
tunpus (167), sm. tooth, that.
tuz-werjan, wv. I, to doubt. pannu, panuh (289), cj. therefore,
twaddje, see § 130 note. then, so, for.
twai (211), num, two. par (286), av. there.
twai tigjus (208), num. twenty, parba, wm., a needy one, pauper,
twalib-wintrus (197), aj. twelve beggar.
years old. parba, sf. poverty, need, want.
twalif (208), num. twelve. par-ei, av. where.
tweihndi (2 1 7), num. two each. parf, see § 275.
par-uh (289), cj. therefore, but,
and av. there, now.

i>. pat-ainei, av. only.

pat-ei, 7teut. of rel. pr. (230), as
Jjadei, av. whither, where, where- cj. that, because, if.
soever, papro (286), av. thence, from there.
pagkjan (265 and note i), wv. I, pa-proh, av. afterwards, thence-
to think, meditate, consider. forth.
pahan (269), wv. Ill, to be silent, pau, pauh, cj. and av. after a
hold one's peace. co??ip.also after 2i pos. standing
paho (173), wf. clay. for the cofnp. than, gop pus ist
pahta (57), I thought, pret. of. . .p^u {KaXov aoi koTiv
. ij) . . .

pagkjan. it is better for thee than ; . . .

pairh (288), prep. c. ace, through, introducing the second part of

by, by means of, on account of. a disjunctive interrogation, or ;

pairh-bairan, sv. IV, to bear pau niu or not ; after an in-

through, carry through, terrog. pr., then, in that case ;

pairh-gaggan, sv. VII, to go still, perhaps.

through, come through. pauh-jabdi (286), cj. even though.
J)aurban. 272 ubils.

patirban {2*j^,pret.'pres, to need, piwi (T58), j/. naaid-servant, hand-

be in want, lack. maid.
J>a-drfts (275), aj. necessary,..., plaqus (197), aj. soft, tender.
paurfts (163), sf. need. o±lui- , plaiihs, sm. flight.
paiirneins, aj. thomy. pliuhan (248), sv. II, to flee.
paurnus (T67), sm. thorn. prafstjan, wv, \, to console, com-
padrsjan (264), wv. I, to thirst. fort prafstjan sik, to take

paiirstei (174), w/i thirst. courage, be of good cheer.

paiirsus (197), aj, dry, withered. pragjan (262), wv. I, to run.
pe-ei (224 note, 289), cj. that, be- pramstei (174), wf locust.
cause, for that ni pe-ei^ not
; preihan (246), sv, I, to press
because. upon, throng, crowd.

pei (289), r;'. that, so that ; rel. *preis tigjus (208), num. thirty.
part, that, as used with salua-
; pridja (214), num. third.
zuh, pishraduh, pishrah, pata- prija (212), num. three.
luah, where it gives the force of priskan (250), sv. Ill, to thresh,
a relative. pruts-fill, sn. leprosy. .

peihan (246), sv. I, to thrive, pruts-fills, aj, diseased with

prosper, increase. leprosy, leprous.
peih/o (173), wf. thunder. , lixriLi:;: pu {220), pers. pr. thou.
peins (2 2 2),/^5i-. /r. thy. pugkjan (265 and note i), wv. 1,
pis-hun, av. especially. to seem.
pis-hraduh padei, av. whitherso- puhta, it seemed, /^-^A of pugk-
ever. jan. . . . _, :;::-T-c:.::.--
pis-h;ali,/r. whatsoever, whatever. pulains (1 64) , sf, sufferance^ suffer-
pis-hraruh, av. wheresoever. ing, patience,
pis-luaz-uh saei (235), indef.pr. pulan, wv. Ill, to tolerate, suffer,
whosoever. put up with, endure.
piubi, sn. theft. pusundi (208, 213), sf. thousand.
piubjo (283), <2z/. secretly. pusundi-faps, sm. leader of a
piuda, sf. people //. heathens,
thousand men, captain, high
Gentiles. captain (x'Atapxos).
piudan-gardi (158), sf, kingdom, pwahan (256), sv. VI, to wash.
palace. pwairhs, «;'. angry.
piudanon, wv. II, to reign.
piudans (145), sm. king. U.
piudinassus (167), i-w. kingdom.
piufs (piubs), sin. thief. -u (287), interrog. particle (at-
piu -magus, sin. servant. tached enclitically to the first

plus (152), sin. servant. word of its clause).

piup, sn. good. ubilaba (283), av. badly, evilly.
piupeigs, aj, good, blessed. ubils (i$8), a;*, evil, bad as noufi, ;

piupjan, wv. I, to do good, bless, pata ubil, pata ubilo, the evil
praise. ubil haban, to be ill ubil ;

piub-spillon, wv. II, to tell or qipan c. daf. to 5pe;ak> evil of,

bring glad tidings. curse, i ;_..:: . ...^ /jo:..
ubil-tojis. 273 un-ga-laubj ands.

ubil-tojis (190), aj, evil doing; kunpa), to recognize, know,

as noun, evil-doer. acknowledge.
ubil-waiirdjan, 2vv. I, to speak uf-kunj)i, sn. knowledge,
evil of. uf-ligan, sv. V, to lie under, faint.
ubuh = uf+ enclitic particle uh. uf-rakjan, wv. I, to stretch forth,
uf (288), prep. c. dat. and ace, stretch up, lift up.
under, beneath, in the time of. uf-sneipan, sv. I, to slay.
ufar (288), p7'ep. c. ace, and dat. uf-swogjan, wv. I, to sigh deeply,
over, above, beyond. ufta (285), «z/. often.
ufarassus, sm. abundance, super- ugkar (222), poss.pr. of us two.
fluity dat, ufarassau, used as
; -uh, -h (289), enclitic cj. (like
av, in abundance, greatly, Lat. que, and), but, and, now,
enough and to spare. therefore. In composition with
flfar-gaggan, sv, VII, to go too pronouns it often adds intensity
far, transgress. to the signification. The h is
ufar-gudja, W7n. chief-priest. often assimilated to the initial
ufar- hafnan (217), wv. IV, to be consonant of a following word,
exalted. see note to Matth. vi. 7.
ufar-meleins, sf. superscription. uhtedun = ohtedun, see § 8.
ufar-meli, sft, superscription. uhteigo (283), av, seasonably,
ufar-meljan, wv. I, to write over. opportunely.
ufar-munnon (267), wv. II. to uhtwo (173), wf. early morn.
forget. ulbandus, sm. camel.
ufaro, av, above prep. e. dat. and
un-airkns, aj. unholy.
ace. above, upon, over. un-diwisks, aj. blameless.
ufar-skadwjan, wv. I, to over- un-bairands,/r^j"./ar/. not bear-
shadow. ing, sterile.
ufar-steigan, sv. I, to spring up, und (288), prep. c. ace. unto, until,
mount up. up to e. dat. for
; und patei,

uf-bauljan, wv. I, to puff up. while und h;a, how long.


nf-blesan (258), sv. VII, to blow undar (288), prep. c. ace. under.
up, puff up. undaro {2^^), prep. e. dat. under.
uf-brikan, sv. IV, to reject, de- undaTirni-mats, sm, breakfast,
spise. dinner.
uf-brinnan, sv. Ill, to bum up, und-greipan, sv. I, to seize, lay
scorch. hold of.
uf-daupjan, wv, I, to baptize. und-rinnan, sv. Ill, to run to
uf-gairdan (250), sv. III, to gird one, fall to one, fall to one's
up. share.
uf-graban, sv. VI, to dig up. un-ga-habands (sik), pres, part,
uf-haban, wv. Ill, to hold up, incontinent.
bear up. un-ga-luairbs, aj, unruly, disobe-
uf-hausjan {c. dat.), wv. I, to dient.
submit, obey, listen to. un-ga-ldubeins, sf. unbelief.
uf-hropjan, wv. I, to cry out. un-ga-ldubjands, pres. part, un-
uf-kunnan, wv. Ill (but pret. uf- believing.
un-handu-walirhts 274 us-fulljan.

un-handu-waiirhts, aj\ not made un-"weis, aj. unlearned.

by hands. un-werjan, wv. I, to be unable
un-hr^ins, aj. unclean. to endure, be displeased.
un-hulpa, wm, devil, evil or un- un-witi, sn. ignorance, folly, fool-
clean spirit. ishness.
unhulpo, wf. devil, evil or unclean un-wits, aj. without understand-
spirit. ing, foolish.
un-hunslags, aj. without offering, ur-raisjan, wv. I, to raise, rouse
truce- breaking, implacable. up, wake.
un-hrapnands, pres. part, un- ur-reisan (246), sv. I, to arise.
quenchable. ur-rinnan, sv. Ill, to proceed, go
un-karja, weak aj. careless, neg- out from, go forth, rise, spring up.
lectful. ur-rists (163), sf. resurrection.
un-leps, poor.
aj. ur-runs, sf. a running out, de-
un-liuts, aj. unfeigned. parture, decease.
un-mahteigs, aj. vireak, impos- ur-runs, sm. a running out, a
sible. rising, draught ; hence East.
un-mahts, sf. infirmity, weakness. us (288), /r^/. c. dat. out, out of,
un-mana-riggws, aj. inhuman, from.
fierce. us-agjan, wv. I, to frighten utterly.
un-milds, aj. not mild, without us-anan (256), sv. VI, to expire.
natural affection, unloving. us-alpan (238 note i), sv. VII, to
un-riurei, wf. immortality. grow old.
un-rodjands, pres. part, not us-bairan, sv. IV, to carry out,
speaking, speechless, dumb. bear, endure, suffer ; answer
un-saltans, //. unsalted. (Mark xi. 14).
unsar {222), pass. pr. our. us-baugjan, wv. I, to sweep out.
un-selei, wf. wickedness, crafti- us-beidan, sv. I, to await, look for.
ness, injustice, unrighteousness. us-beisnei, wf. long-suffering.
un-sels, aj. evil, wicked, unholy. us-beisns, sf. long-suffering.
un-sibjis, aj. lawless, impious; us-bliggwan, sv. Ill, to beat
sb. transgressor. severely, scourge.
un-sweibands, pres. part, un- us-bugjan, wv. I, to buyout, buy.
ceasing. us-daudjan, wv. I, to strive, be
unswerei, zvf. dishonour, shame, diligent, endeavour.
disgrace. us-ddudo, av. zealously.
un-swers, aj. without honour. us-dreiban, sv. I, to drive out,
un-tals, aj.unlearned, indocile. send away. r.y-1 1::

unte (299), cj. for, because, since, us-drusts, sf a falling away, a

until. rough way.
un-tila-malsks, aj. rash, unbe- us-filh, sn, burial.
comingly proud. us-filmei, wf amazement.
unpiup, sn. evil. us-films, aj, amazed, astonished.
un-pwahans, pp. unwashed. us-fratwjan, wv. I, to make wise.
un-uhteigo, av. at an unfit time, us-fulljan, wv. I, to fulfil, com-
inopportunely. plete.

us-fallnan. 275 us-J>riutan.

us-fullnan, wv. IV, to be fulfilled, us-luknan (271), wv. IV, to be-

become full, come to pass. come unlocked, be opened,
us-gaggan, sv. VII, to go out, open,
forth, us-mditan, sv. VII, to cut down,
us-gaisjan, wv. to deprive of
I, us-mernan (271), wv. IV, to be
intellect, strike aghast ; pass, to proclaimed.
be beside oneself. US-met, sn. behaviour, manner of
us-geisnan (271), wv. IV, to be life.

aghast, be amazed, be aston- us-mitan, sv.V, figuratively, to

ished, behave ; uswiss usmitan, to
us-giban, sv. V, to give out, re- be in error, to err.
ward, repay, restore, show. us-niman, sv. IV, to take out or
us-gildan (250), sv. Ill, to repay, away, take down.
reward, us-qiman, sv. IV, c. dat. or ace.
us-graban, sv, VII, to dig out, to kill, destroy,
pluck out, break through. us-qistjan, wv. I, c. dat. and ace.
us-gutnan (271), wv. IV, to be to kill,
poured out, be spilt, flow sv. V, to proclaim, blaze
away. abroad,
Tis-hafjan, sv. VI, to take up, us-saihran, sv. V, to look up, look
lift up ; us-hafjan sik j^inpro, on, receive sight.
to depart thence. us-sandjan, wv. I, to send out,
us-hdulijan, wv. I, to exalt. send forth, send away,
us-hduhnan (271), wv. IV, to be us-satjan, wv. I, to set on, place
exalted. upon, set, plant.
us-hl^upan, sv. VII, to leap up, us-siggwan, sv. Ill, to read,
rise quickly. us-skdus, (193), aj. vigilant.
us-hramjan, wv. I, to crucify. us-skawjan, wv. I, with refi. ace.
us-hrisjan, wv. I, to shake out, sik, to awake ;
passive, to re-
shake off. cover oneself
us-keinan, sv. I, to spring up, us-standan, sv. VI, to stand up,
grow up, put forth, produce rise up, rise again, come out or
see Reinan. from,
us-kiusan, sv. II, to choose out, us-stass, sf. resurrection, rising,
prove, test; with instr. dat. to us-steigan (usteigan), sv. I, to
cast out, reject. go up, mount,
us-lagjan, wv, I, to lay out, us-stiuriba, av. licentiously,
stretch out, lay, lay upon. riotously,
us-laubjan, wv. I, to permit, us-tdiknjan, wv. I, to show,
allow, suffer. prove,
us-leipan, sv. I, to go away, pass us-tiuhan, sv. II, to lead out,
by, come out. lead or take up, drive forth,
wm. one sick of the palsy,
us-lij>a, finish, perform, perfect.
paralytic person. us-pulan, wv. Ill, to endure,
us-lukan, sv. II, to open, to un- us-priutan (248), sv. II, to threat-
sheath (a sword). en, trouble, use despitefully.

T 2
UB-wairpan. 276 waurts.

us-wairpan, sv. Ill, to drive out, wairpan (250), sv. Ill, to throw,
cast forth, overthrow, reject. cast.
us-waltjan, wv. I, to overthrow, wairs (284), av. worse,
overturn. wairsiza (206), aj. worse,
us-walteins, sf. overthrow, a sub- wairpan (249), sv. Ill, to become,
verting. happen, come to pass.
us-waurhts, aj. right, just, right- wairps (188), aj. worthy.
eous. w^it, see § 273.
us-weihs, aj. unholy, profane. waja-mereins, sf. blasphemy,
us-windan, sv. Ill, to plait. waja-merjan, wv. I, to blaspheme,
us-wiss, aj, dissolute, vain. slander.
ut (286), av. out, forth; uta, out, wakan (256), sv. VI, to wake,
without utapro, utana, c.gen.
; watch.
from without. waldan (258 note i), sv. VII, to
uz-eta, wm. manger. rule, govern.
uzuh, prep, whether from. waldufni, S7i. power, might, do-

minion, authority.
walis (141), aj. chosen, true, dear,
waddjus (168), sf. wall. waljan (262), wv. I, to choose.
•waggari, sn. pillow. waltjan, wv. I, to roll, beat upon,
wagjan, wv. I, to move, shake. dash against.
"wahsjan (256), sv. VI, to grow, walw^ison, wv. II, to wallow.
increase. wamba, sf. belly, womb.
wahstus, sm. growth, size, stature. wan, sit. want, lack wan wisan ;

wahtwo (173), wf. watch. with dat. of person and gen. of

wdi, iftterj. woe ! thing, to lack,
waian (179, 2 59), VII, to blow.
j^z^. wandjan (264), wv. I, to turn,
wd,i-dedja, 107)1. woe-doer, male- turn round.
factor, thief. wardja (171), wm. guard.
wd,i-fairhfjan, wv. I, to lament *wardjan, wz^.I, see fra-wardjan.
loudly, wail greatly. warjan (262), wv. I, to forbid.
waihsta, wm. corner. warmjan, wv. I, to warm, cherish,
waihts (183), /. thing, affair; wasjan (262), wv. I, to clothe.
mostly used along with the neg. wasti (158), sf. clothing, raiment,
particle ni as ace. ni waiht, dress.
"waiht ni, naught, nothing ui ; wato (176 note), wn. water,
waiht^i, ni in waihtdi, in no- waurd (146), sn. word, speech,
thing, not at all. waurdjan, wv. I, to speak.
waila (64), av. well, rightly, ex- waiirkjan (265), wv. I, to work,
cellently. make, perform,
waila-merjan, wv. I, to preach, waurstw (153 note 2), sn. work,
bring good tidings. deed.
wfiips, sm. wreath, crown. waurstwja, w;?i. worker, labourer,
wair (144 note 2), sju. man. husbandman,
wairilo, wf. lip. waiarts, sf. root.

wegs. 277 wunns.

wegs, wave, tempest, storm.

sfn. wis, S7t.calm (of the sea).
weiha (171), ivm. priest. wisan (254), sv. V, to be, remain ;

weihan, wv. Ill, to sanctify, make waila wisan, be merry.

holy. *witan {'I'j'^^ pret.-p}-es. to know.
weihan (246), sv. I, to fight, witan (269), wv. Ill, to watch,
strive. keep watch, observe.
weihnan (271), zvv. IV, to be- witodeigo, av. lawfully,
come holy, be hallowed. witof) (147), sn. law.
weihs (188), aj\ holy. wipon, wv. II, to shake, wag.
wein (Lat. vinum), sn. wine. wipra (288), prep. c. ace. against,
weina-gards, S7n. vineyard. over against, by, near, to, in
weina-tains, S7}i. vine- branch. reply to, in return for, on account
weina-triu, sn. vine, vine-tree. of, for.
weipan (246), sv. I, to crown. wipra-ga-motjan, wv. I, to go
weitwodei, 7£^. witness, testimony. to meet.
weitwodi, sn. testimony. wipra-wairps, aj. opposite, over,
weitwodipa, sf. testimony, wit- against,
ness. wiprus (167), sm. lamb.
weitwodjan, wv. I, to bear wit- wlaiton, wv. II, to look round
ness, testify; galiug weitwod- about.
jan, to bear false witness. wilts, S771. face, countenance.
weitwods, *weitw6ps (§ 181), wopjan, ivv. I, to call, cry out,
7n. witness. cry aloud, crow,
wenjan (264), wv. I, to hope, wopeis (192), aj. sweet,
expect, await. wops, wods, aj. mad, possessed,
wens (163), sf. hope. wraiqs, aj. crooked.
widuwairna, 2vvi. orphan ; aj. wraka, persecution.
comfortless. wrakja, sf. persecution.
widuwo, wf. widow. wraton, wv, II. to go, travel.
wigans, S7n. ? war (see note to wrikan (254), sv. V. to persecute.
Luke xiv. 31). wrohjan, ivv. I, to accuse.
wigs (145), S7n. way, jom-ney. wruggo, wf. snare.
wilja (171), iV7n. will. wulfs (145), S771. wolf,
wiljan (282), to be willing, will, wullareis, S77i. one who whitens
wish. wool, a fuller.
wilpeis (191), (ij, wild. wulprs, aj. of worth, of con-
wilwan (250), sv. Ill, to rob, sequence mais
; wulpriza
take by force. wisan, to be of more worth,
windan (250), sv. Ill, to wind. be better.
winds (145), S7?i. wind. wulpus (167), S7n. glory. -*

winnan (250), sv. Ill, to suffer, wunds, aj. wounded ; haubip

sorrow. wundan briggan, to wound in
wintrus (167), S7n. winter. the head.
winjji-skauro, wf. winnowing fan. wundufni, sf. wound, plague,
wipja, sf. crown. wunns, sf. suffering, affliction.

The Gothic spelling and pronunciation of Greek proper

names and of loan-words generally, were intentionally ex-
cluded from the chapter on Gothic pronunciation, in order
that what was necessary to be said on these points might be
reserved for the Glossary of proper names. The following
few remarks, which are mostly confined to the vowels in
proper names, will be useful to the learner :

Greek a is regularly represented by a, as 'A^iddap, AbiaJ>ar ;

''Avpuj Anna ; BrjOa-cjjayr}, BeJ>sfagei ; Arjfxas, Demas ; 0a)/xay,

i*6inas; *Io-adK, Isak.

Greek e is regularly represented by ai, as "E^eo-or, Aifaiso
Xeyfo)!/, Laigaion ; neVpoj, Paitrus ; BeeXfejSoi'X, Baiailzaibul
but Br]6X€€fij BeJ>lahaiin. Cp. § 11.
Greek i is represented by i or ei. No fixed rule can be
laid down as to when it is represented by the one and when
by the other. Examples of the former are AeKandkis, :

Daikapatilis ;
^lXtjtos, Filetus *l5ov/xaia, Idumaia
; ^vpia^ ;

Syria; ^laKcjjSy lakob; 'It^o-oC?, lesus ; 'Icoo-jJc^, losef; and of

the latter :
*1k6vlov, Eikaiinio ; TakiXaia, Galeilaia ; TifioOtos,

Teimaupaius ; 2iSa)i/, Seidon; 2//Lta)i/, Seimon.

I is represented by ai in Kyreinaius, Kvprjvios.

I is sometimes represented by j before a following vowel,

as 'laetpoy, Jaeirus ; *Iapvr)s, Jannes ; Mapia, Marja, beside

Greek o is regularly represented by au in other than final

syllables, as ^Ovrja-KpSpos, Auneiseifaurus ; Baua-


nairgais; 'lopdavos, laurdanus; 2o\opLcov, Saulaumon. Cp.

the beginning of § 12.
In final syllables it is regularly represented by u, as
AvyovdTos, Agustus MapKos, Markus ^lXittttos, Filippus
; ;

Uerpos, Paitrus. These and similar words are declined like

sunus (§ 166) in the singular, but are mostly declined like
i-stems (§§ 160, 162) in the plural.
o is represented by o in Airmogaines, *EpiJ,oyevr]s. The u
instead of au in lairusaulyma, 'lepoaoXvfxa is due to the

influence of the u in lairusalem, 'Upovo-aXrjp.

Greek v is regularly represented by y in the Gothic

alphabet, so that forms like ^vyeXos, 2vpLa ought properly to
be transcribed by Fwgailus, Swria, cp. au, eu below. It

has however become usual in all grammars, glossaries, and

editions of the Gothic text, to transcribe Greek v in the
function of a vowel by y. Inaccurate as this mode of trans-
scription is, I have thought it advisable to adopt the usual
transcription throughout this book. Examples are : TvxtKos,

Tykeikus 'lepoo-okvfjLa, lairusaulyma

; ; 'Ypevaios, Ymainaius ;

^vpecovy Symaion.

V is represented by au in Saur, Supor.

Greek rj is mostly represented by e, as 'Ao-rjp, Aser ; Arjfxas,

Demas ; ^avovrjK, Fanuel ; 'It/o-oi;?, lesus. It is also some-

times represented by ei (cp. § 6), as 'Ovricn^opos, Auneisei-

faurus ; Kvpj^i/toj, Kyrelnaius.

rj is represented by ai in Gairgaisainus, T€py€(Tr)v6s, And
beside the regular form Bejjania, BrjOavia, we have the daL
form BiJ>aniin (Mark xi. i).

Greek © is usually represented by 6, as *IaKa)/3, lakob;


*Ia)o-;70, losef; Ma)(7^y, Moses ; eco/xa?, f omas ; 2okofiQ)v,

It is represented by au in Lauidja, AcoiV ; Trauada,
Tpcods; cp. the end of § 12. And by u in Ruma, Lat.
Greek ai, which was a long open e-sound like the m in OE.
slaepan, is regularly represented by ai, as 'AXc^aloy, Alfaius
Naijuai/, Waiman ; *l5ov/xaia, Idumaia ; ^apiaalos, Fareisaius
cp. the close of § 11.
at is represented by aei, as Br^Oa-didd, Bejjsaeida; 'Ho-amy,
Greek et, which was a long i-sound, is regularly repre-
sented by ei (§ 4), as Aaveld, Daweid ; 'Ideipos, Jaeirus.
Greek av is represented by aw, as Aaveid, Daweid ; IlavXos,

Pawlus ; but in Agustus, Avyov(7Tos it is represented by a.

Greek ev is represented by aiw, as EvvUrj, Aiwneika ;

AcvtV, Ijai"wweis ; evayyeXiov, aiwaggeljo.

Greek ov, which was a long close u-sound, is regularly
represented by u, as Avyovo-ros, Agustus ; ^avovrjXj Fanuel
'iSof/xa/aj Idumaia ; 'irjaovSj lesus ; 'lovdas, ludas ; Ka<papvaoviJi,

The Gothic representation of the Greek consonants in

proper names requires but little comment. The Greek con-

sonants are generally represented by the corresponding
Gothic equivalents, that is (3, y, S, f, ^, k, X, p, v, ^, tt, p, o- (s),

r, (/), \jr are almost in every case regularly represented by b,

g, d, z, J>,
k, 1, m, n, ks, p, r, s, t, f, ps respectively. For
examples see the Glossary below. The following points
require to be noticed :

The Greek spiritus asper is generally represented by h,

as 'EXto-atoff, Haileisaius ; 'UXlas, Helias ; 'Hpcodiavof, Herodi-

anus ; it is however also occasionally omitted, as in 'Upov-
aoKr^ii, lairusalem.
An h has sometimes been inserted in the Gothic form
between two vowels, as 'A^padfi, Abraham ; BrjOXfcfi, BeJ>la-
haim; ^Icodvi/rjSy lohannes.
For Greek r we have p in IN'azareiJ), Nafaper.
Greek x is represented by X in Xristus, Xpicrros ; but it is

generally represented by k, as Antiaukia, 'Avnoxla; Tykei-

kus, Tvxi<6i,. On the other hand Greek k is represented by
X in Xreskus, Kprjo-Krjs,

The inflected forms of Greek proper names in Gothic are

given in the Glossary below, so far as they occur in the
specimens which I have chosen. No hard and fast rule
for the inflection of these words can be given, as they some-
times preserve the Greek endings, sometimes have Gothic
endings, and sometimes have a mixture of the two. Most
consistency prevails in nouns ending in the nom, in -us,
Greek -o? ; these usually follow the u-declension in the sing.,
but the i-declension in the pluraL
If any one, who has the necessary time, leisure, and quali-
fications to work out fully the phonology of Greek proper
names and of loan-words generally in Gothic, would under-
take the task, I am sure some valuable results might be
obtained both for the Gothic and Greek pronunciation of
the fourth century a. d. It seems to me incredible that

a man like Ulfilas, who shows such great skill in other

respects, should have used e.g, ai to represent three distinct
sounds. The two works quoted on p. 146, are now for the
most part antiquated, and the whole subject requires to be
treated again according to our present knowledge of Greek
and Gothic phonology.

Abiapar (*Api6,$ap), sm. *Abia- Bafailzafbul (BccAfeiSovA), m.

thar *
; dat. Abiapara. Beelzebub.*
Abraham ('AlSpaajji), sm. *
Abra- Barabbas (Bapa^pds), m. Bar- '

ham gen. Abrahamis

; ; daf. abbas ' ; ace. Barabban.
Abrahama. Barteimaius (BapTLfidios), sm.
Agustus {AvyovoTTos:), sm. ' Au- '
gustus '
; daf. Agustau. Barpaiilatiniaius (BapOoXofiaios) ^
Aifaiso (^Ecjycffos) j wf. Ephesus ';
sm. * Bartholomew ' ; ace. Bar-
dat. Aifaison. paiila-dmaiu.
Airmogaines {'EpfjLoyivrjs) m. Bauanairgais (Boavepyes), Boa- '

* Hermogenes.* nerges.'
Aiwneika (EvviKfj), sf, * Eunice * Bepania, Bi]>ajiia.(BrjOavia),/em.
dat. Aiwneikd-i. *
Bethany dat. Bipaniin, Be-

Alalksandrus A\€^avdpos) sm.

(' panijin (John xii. i).
* Alexander *
gen. Alaiksand- Beplahalm (Biy^Ac^/i), *
rd-us. hem.'
Alfaius ('AA</)aros), sm. *
Alphae- Bepsfagei (B-qOccpayrj) wf. Beth- ,

us *
gen. Alfaidus. phage dat, Bepsfagein.
; '

Andraias ('Ai/Sp^as), wm. An- *

Bepsaeida (Brjeadidd), * Beth-
drew ace. Andraian
' ; gen, ; saida.'
Andraiins dat. Andraiin. ; Daikapaulis (Ae/rarroXts), /em.
Anna (^Avva),fe7n. * Anna.' ^
Decapolis *
gen. Daikapati-
Antiaiikia {'Avrioxio), sf. Anti- '
laios ; dat. Dalkapaiilein.
och ' ; dat. Antiatikidi. Dalmatia (Aa\fjLaTia),s/. Dalma- *

Arimapaia Arima- ('ApifiaOia), *

tia ' ; dat. Dalmatidi.
thaea gen. Arimapaias.
' ; Daweid (Aavcid), sm. *
Aser (AaTjp)^ sm. *Aser*; gen, gen, Daweidis.
Aseris. Demas (Arjfids), m. Demas.' ^

Asia (*Acrta), sf,

Asia '
; dat. Eikaiinio ('Ikoviov), wf, Iconi- *

Asidi. _ um dat. Eikadnion.


AlineiseifaTirus {'OvrjffKpopos), Esaeias_ ('Hera/as), m. ^jEsaias '

sm. * Onesiphorus ; gen. Aii- • aee, Esaian; gen.__ Esaeiins

neiseifatirdus. (Eisaeiins) ; dat, Esaiin.
gen, Fanuelis.
(^ai/ouTyA), sm. Phanuel
lairiko ('Ipfx^)>
dat. lairikon.
^ ' Jericho '

Fareisaius i^^apiaaioi)^ sni. nom. lairusalera, ('Upovaakrjix)^ /em.

pi. Fareisaieis, 'Pharisees'; '
gen.pl. Fareisaie ; dat.pl. Fa- lairusaulyma (lepoaoXv/jLa) , s/.
reisaium. '
; dat. lairusaiily-
Filetus (^fATyroy) sm. 'Philetus.' mai; gen. lairusaulymos.
Filippus (^lXittttos), sm. Philip * '
lairusaulymeis //. 'Jerusalem/ ,

ace. Filippu gen. Filippaus ; ; ' the people of Jerusalem ; dat-


dat. Filippau. pi. lairusaiilyniim.

Fygailus (*u7€Aoj), S77i. '
Phygel- lakob ('la/^cOjS), sm. '
Jacob' gen.
lakobis lakoba. ; dat.
Fynikiska, aj. '
lakobus ('Idfcoj/Bos) sm.'- James'
Gaddarenus (ra5ap?;i/os), sm. ;
ace. lakobu gen. lakobdus,

gen. pi. Gaddarene, 'of the


lakobis dat. lakobau, lako- ;

Galatia (FaAarta), sf.
Galatia '
laiirdanus ('Iop5ai/o?), sm. 'Jor-
ctaL Galatiai.
dan gen. laiirdanaus
' dat. ;
Gairgaisainus (Tcpy^aTjvos) sm. ,

gen. pi. Gairgaisaine, of the '

Idumaia ('I5ou/xa/a), '

Idumaea' ;
dat. Idumaia.
Galeilaia {Va\iXaia),fem. Gali- '

lesus ('It^coi/j), sm. '

Jesus '
; ace.
lee' ace. Galeilaian gen. Ga-
; ;
voc.lesu; gen. lesuis ; dat.
leilaias ; dat. Galeilaia.
lesua (lesu).
Galeilaius (TaXiXaios), sm.Gali- '

lohannes, -is ('Icuavj/Ty ?) m. ,

leean gen. pi. Galeilaie.

ace. lohannen, loh-

Gaulgaupa {ToKyoOd), Gol- ' '

anne gen. lohannis;

dat. ;
Gaiimaurus (Fonoppos;), sm. an
losef ('Ia;cr77(^), sm. Joseph'; gen. '
inhabitant of *
Gomorrha ' ; dat.
losefis ; dat. losefa.
pi. Gaumaurjam.
Haileisaius ('EAicatos), sm. '
loses ('lojcTTJ), sm. '
Joses ' ;
seus '
; ace. Haileisaiu ; dat.
Haileisaiau. Isak ('laacLK) sm. Isaac ,
; dat.

Hairodiadins, see Herodia. Isaka gen. Isakis. ;

Helias {'UXias), m. Elias'; gen. ' Iskariotes, Iskarjotes {'laKapioj-

Heleiins dat. Helijin ace. ;
TTjs), m. Iscariot ace. Is- '
' ;

Helian. karioten.
Herodes, -is ('HpcOS?;?), sm. Israel {'IffparjX) Israel dat. ,

Herod dat. Heroda. ' ;
Israela gen. Israelis, ;

Herodia ('HpcuSm?), zvf. Hero- ' ludaia ('louSaia), Judaea ace. ' '

dias gen. Herodiadins, Hai-

ludaian ; dat. ludaia ; gen.
rodiadins, ludaias.
Herodianus ('Hpcu5mi/os), sm. ludaialand, sn. ' Judaea.'
Herodian Herodia-
' ; dat. pi. *Iudaieis ('lov^aioi), sm. pi.
num; gen.pl. Herodiane. Jews
gen, ludaie. ' ;

ludas (^lovhas), m. '

Judas' ; ace. ^Nazarene'; voe. Nazorenu,
ludan ; ^en. ludins. Nazorenai.
luse {'lajarj), *Joses.' Paitrus (UeTpos), sm. Peter'; *

Jaeirus ('Idefpos), sm. Jairus/ '

aee. Paitru gen. Paitraus. ;

Jannes {'lawrjs), m. Jannes.' ' Pawlus (IlaiJAos-), sm. Paul.' '

Kafarnaum (Kacpapvaovfx^ Karrfp- Peilatus (nefAaros), sm. Pilate ' '

vaovfx), 'Capernaum.* dat. Peilatd-u.

Kaisaria (KaKrapia), f. '
Cae- iliinia (^Voj^-q, Lat. Roma), sf.
sarea '
gen. Kaisarias. *
Rome ' ; dat. Riimai.
Kananeites (Kai^ai/iTTys), '}n. *
Ca- Saddukaieis (SaSSou/^afoi), nom.
naanite '
; aee, Kananeiten. pi. the Sadducees/

Karpus (Kapiros), sm. '

Carpus ' Salome (XaXou fxij),/. ' Salome.'
dat. Karp^u. Saraipta (SapeTrra), Sarepta.' '

Kyreinaius {^vpi]VLoi), sm. Cyre- ' Satana and Satanas (aaravas).

nius dat. Kyreinaiau.
' ; m. '
Satan ' ; aee. Satanan.
Laigaion {\eyewv) Legion/ ,
Saiidauma (^odofxa), ^
Laiwweis (Afvts), sm. 'Levi'; Saudaiimus, sm. an inhabitant
aee. Laiwwi. of Sodom; gefi. pi. Saiidaii-
^Lauidi or *Ijauidja (Acu/s), s/, mje dat. ; pi. Saiidaumim,
Lois '
; dat. Lauidjdi. Saudaiimjam.
Lazarus (Ad^apos) sm-. Lazarus , '
Saiilaumon {'So\oiJicijv),sm. Solo- '

aee. Lazaru; dat. Lazarau. mon.'

liukas (AovKcis), sm. '
Luke.' Saiir {'^vpos)j sm. * Syrian '
; dat.
Lystra (77 Avar pa, tcl Avar pa), pi. Saurim.
'Lystra'; dat.pl. in Lystrys, Saurini,y. a Syrian woman.
* kv AvGTpOlS.^ Seidona (St5a;i/), sf. *Sidon';
Magdalan (MaydaXdv), '
Magda- gen. Seidondis.
lan.' Seidoneis, m. pi. the inhabitants
Magdalene (M.ayba\r]vr]) , nom. of Sidon gen. Seidone. ;

and dat. ^ Magdalene.' Seimon m. Simon

{'kifiojv), * '

Mambres (M.a}x^pr]s), m. 'Mam- aee. Seimona, Seimonu; gen.

bres.' Seimonis.
Maria, Marja (Mapia), fern. Sion ('Xi(xjv),/em. 'Sion.*
Mary '
; aee. Marian ;
gen. Symaion ('Xvfxewv), m. 'Simeon/
Marjins ; dat. Mariin. Syria (^vpia), sf. 'Syria'; gen.
Markus (Mdp/cos), sm. * Mark * Syridis.
aee. Marku. Teimaius (Tipiaios), sm. '
Marpa (^dp6a),fem. Martha.' '
aeus '
gen. Teimaiaus.
Matpaius, Ma (Mar^atos), sm. Teimaupaius (TijxoOeos), sm.
' Matthew aee. Matpaiu. '
; 'Timothy'; dat. Teimaiipa-
Moses (Mcwo-^s), spt. Moses '
gen. Mosezis; dat. Moseza, Teitus (Titos), sm. '
Mose. Trauada (Tpojds), sf. 'Troas';
Naiman (Nat/idi/), m. Naaman.' '
dat. Trauadd,i.
Nazaraip (Nafaper), Nazareth/ *
Tykeikus (Tvxikos), sm. '
Nazorenus (iHa^ojprjvos), sm. cus ' ; aee. Tykeiku.

Tyrus (Tvpos), sm, * Tyrian '

; //. Xreskus (KprjaKrjs), sm. * Cres-
gen. Tyre ; dat. Tyrim. cens.'
Tyra (Tv/)os), Tyre.'
Xristus (XptCTos), sm, * Christ *

paddaius {QabhaXoi), sm. * Thad- ace. Xristu gen. Xristdus.


daeus ace. paddaiu.

; Ymainaius ('T/^cVmos), sm, * Hy-
paissalauneika (eeaaaXoviKrj), sf. menseus.*
Thessalonica * ; dat, paissalau- Zaibaidaius (ZePedaTos)^ sm.
neikdi. ' Zebedee' ;
gen, Zaibaldaidus ;

pomas (0cy;taj), m. ' Thomas '

ace. Zaibaidaiu.
ace. poman.

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