A Manual Greek Lexicon of The New Testament (1922) Abbott-Smith, George
A Manual Greek Lexicon of The New Testament (1922) Abbott-Smith, George
A Manual Greek Lexicon of The New Testament (1922) Abbott-Smith, George
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• • » « * .
The need of a new Greek-English Lexicon of the New
Testament will hardly be questioned. Thayer's monumental
work, deservedly the standard for more than thirty years
past, and, supplemented by later literature, still likely to
remain a standard of reference for some time to come, was
rather too bulky to serve as a table companion to the New
Testament for the average man. A smaller book, which
would lend itself more readily to constant reference, has
been a real and growing want for the student.
This want has been enhanced by the progress of lexical
study during the last quarter century. The study of verna-
cular texts, which in recent years received a new impetus
through the discovery of vast numbers of non-literary papyri,
chiefly in Egypt, has removed all doubt as to tbe category to
which the language of the New Testament belongs. It is
now abundantly clear that the diction of the apostolic writers
is not a peculiar isolated idiom, characteristic of Jewish Hel-
lenists, but simply the common speech of the Greek-speaking
world at the time when the New Testament books were
While the statement just made has come to be a
commonplace, it has not been so for long. There has arisen,
therefore, the need not only of the collection and arrange-
ment in convenient form (a need which is now being supplied
for the advanced scholar in Moulton and Milligan's Voca-
bulary of the Greek Testament) of the results of pioneer
study in the papyri, but also of a systematic revision, in the
light of recent research, of many of the views regarding the
diction and vocabulary of the New Testament which were
commonly accepted thirty or even twenty years ago.
The considerations therefore so well set forth by Dr.
Moulton in his Prolegomena \\ hich call for an entirely new
grammar of the New Testament, apply also to the work of
the Lexicographer. And the materials for his work still —
steadily accumulating —
have been liberally furnished by the
special studies of Deissmann and Thumb in Germany and
Moulton and Milligan in Great Britain and have also found
their way into the more recent commentaries.
The new impulse given to the study of the Septuagint
by the publication of the Oxford Concordance by Hatch and
Eedpath, the Cambridge Manual Edition of the Septuagint
and its accompanying Introduction by Dr. Swete, together with
the Grammar of Mr. Thackeray, has also had its influence
on New Testament studies. While Dr. Abbott's caution as ^
September, 1921.
absol. = absolute. impv. = imperative.
ace. = accusative. in 1. = in loco.
act. = active. indie. = indicative.
ad fin. = ad finem. inf. = infinitive.
adj. = adjective. infr. = infra.
adv. = adverb. Ion. = Ionic.
al. alibi (elsewhere). I.e. = loco citato.
aor. = aorist. m. = masculine,
Apocr. = Apocrypha. metaph, = metaphorically.
App. Appendix. meton. = metonymj'.
Aram. = Aramaic. MGr. = Modern Greek.
Att. = Attic. n. = note, neuter.
bibl. ; biblical. neg. = negative.
bis = twice. nom. = nominative.
c. = cum (ivith). om. = omit, omits.
of. confer [compare). opp. = opposed to.
cl. classics, classical. optat. = optative.
cogn. = cognate. pass. = passive.
compar. = comparative. pers. = person.
contr. = contracted. pf. = perfect.
dat. = dative. plpf. = pluperfect.
e.g. exempli gratia (for in- prep. = preposition.
stance). prop. = properly.
eccl. = ecclesiastical. ptcp. = participle.
esp. = especially. q.v. = quod vide.
ex. = example. rei = of the thing.
exc. = except. s. = sub.
f. and following (verse). s.v. = sub voce.
ff. „ (verses). se. = scilicet (that is).
fig- figurative. seq. = sequente (followed by),
freq. frequent. subjc. — subjunctive.
fut. future. subst. = substantive.
gen. genitive. superl. = superlative.
Gk. Greek. supr. = supra.
Heb. Hebrew. syu. = synonym.
i.e. : id est. Targ. = Targum.
Jb. in the same place. V. = vide.
id; the same. vb. = verb.
impei's. impersonal. v.l. = variant reading.
impf. ; imperfect. v.s. = vide sub.
Equivalent to, equals, <^ Derived from or related to.
Macmillan, 1880.
Vau. : St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, by C. F. Vaughan.
Sixth Edition. Macmillan, 1885.
Veitch :
Greek Verbs, Irregular and Defective, by W. Veitch,
Oxford, 1887.
* A
single asterisk at the beginning of an article denotes (as in Moulton
And Geden's Concordance) that the word to which it is attached is not found
in the LXX or other Greek Versions of the O.T. and Apocrypha.
** A double asterisk similarly afifixed denotes that the word occurs either
in the Apocrypha or in the later Greek Versions of the O.T., but not in the
LXX Version of the Hebrew Canonical books, and therefore either has, as
a rule, no (known) Hebrew equivalent, or else was used in a translation not
kiiown to the N.T. writers. The later Greek versions (Aq., etc.) are cited, as
a rule, only when a word is not found in LXX.
* A single asterisk placed after a list of passages from the LXX
tnat the word occurs nowhere else in that Version.
t A dagger at the beginning of an article denotes that the word is not
found in Greek writers of the classical period.
t A dagger at the close of an article signifies that all the instances of the
word's occurrence in the N.T. have been cited.
An inferior numeral after a biblical book (e.g. in Macg) indicates the
number of times a word occurs in that book.
A, a, SiK^a (q.v.), to, indecl., aljyha, the first letter of the Greek
alphabet. As a numeral, a = 1, a^ = 1000. As a prefix, it appears
to have at least two and perhaps three distinct senses 1. d- (before :
"ApeX (WH, "A-), 6, indecl. (Heb. ^3^1), Abel (Ge 42-10) : He 11*
1224; af/.a-'A., Mt 2335, Lk lisi.t
'Apid (Heb. njns? , in;n>?), 6, indecl. (in FIJ, 'A^Stas, -a), Abia,
al. ; exc. Is 4427, Jb 41^2 for n^lS , nbisp , Jb 36i6 for nm) and] NT,
at once for the good and the advantage of him who comes in contact
with it" (Cremer, 3): yi?, Lk 8^; 8ey8pov, Mt 7^^; /capSta, Lk 8^^;
Sdo-is, Ja
^^p^^^ Lk. 10*2 ^pyor (freq. in PL), Phi 1^ ; eXms, 11 Th 2i«
Oai TO a., Eo 210, Eph 428; Trpdaa-eiv, Eo 9^, II Co 5^^ 8lwk€lv, I Th S^^; ;
exult, rejoice greatly : seq. i-n-L, c. dat., Lk 1*' c. dat. mod., i Pe 1^, ;
Ee 19". Mid., with same sense Mt 5^2, Lk lO-^, Ac 2^'« 16^4, i Pe 4^3 :
+ dydTrT), -775, t}, [in LXX for na,nN* which is also rendered by ,
dya.Tnf]crL<; and ^tXta ;] love, goodwill, esteem. Outside of bibl. and eccl.
books, there is no clear instance (with Deiss., LAE, 18^ 7O2, cf. the
same writer in Constr. Quar., ii, 4; and with MM, VGT, s.v., cf.
Dr. Moulton in Exp. Times, xxvi, 3, 139). In NT, like dyaTrdw,
1. Of men's love (a) to one another, Jo 13^5
(6) to God, i Jo 2^. ;
iii, 157).
Syn.: cfiiXia. signifying properly
(v.s. dyairdix)) love which
chooses its from LXX, where its connotation is
object, is taken over
more general, into NT, and there used exclusively to express that
spiritual bond of love between God and man and between man and
man, in Christ, which is characteristic of Christianity. It is thus
distinct from
friendship (Ja 4^ only), a-ropyq, natural affection
(in NT only in v.s. acrropyos) and epws, sexual love, which
is not used in NT, its place being taken by eVi^v/xta. (Cf. iya-waui ;
and V. Abbott, Essays, 70 f DB, vol. i., 555; Cremer, 13, 593; .
ib. IQi* opp. to lx^p6';, Eo ll^s (v. AE, Eph., 229 ; Cremer, 17 MM,
; ;
VGT, s.v.).
"Ayap (Kec. "A-), rj, indecl. (in FIJ, 'Ayapa, -qs', Heb. "IJn), Hagar
(Ge 16) : Ga 424. 25_t
* dyYapeu'w (from the Persian cf. Vg. angiare, ; and the Heb,
niaX; on the orthogr., v. Bl., §6, 1; M, Pr., 46), to impress into
; :
dye'XTi, -7?9, -7 aya>), [in LXX chiefly for -17?;] a herd: Mt S^o-^z,
Mk5ii.i3^ Lk832.33.t
*t dyck'caXoyrjTos, -ov {<C yeveoAoyco)), without genealogy, i.e. vathout
recorded pedigree (cf. Ne 1^^) : He V (Cremer, 152 ; MM, VGT, s.v.).
set apart for God ; of things Mt 23i''« ", ii Ti 22i of persons Christ,
: ; :
ayios, -a, -ov (<Cto ay&s, religious awe ; a^w, to venerate), [in LXX
chiefly for Vj^p ;] primarily, dedicated to the gods, sacred (Hdt. ; rare
in Att., never in Hom., Hes. and Trag., who use dyvos), hence, holy,
characteristic of God, separated to God, worthy of veneration. 1. Its
highest application is to God himself, in his purity, majesty, and
glory : Lk 1*^, Jo I711, Ee 4^. Hence (a) of things and places which
have a claim to reverence as sacred to God, e.g. the Temple : Mt 24i*,
the state in man resulting from dyiaa-fio^, q.v. : Ro 1*, n Co 7^, i Th 31^
(Cremer, 52 ; MM, VGT, 8.v.).t
dyKciXtj, -T/s, V « ayKos, a bend), [in LXX for b^^^ , p-'O;] the bent
arm : Lk 228 (cf. ^ayKa\t^o/«u).t
oyKiorpoi', -ov, to (-< dyjcos, a bend), [in LXX for n^D » etc.;] a fish-
hook : Mt 17",t
**aYKupa, -a?, rj
Ac 2V^' *«
ayKo?, a bend), [in Sm,
fig. (MM, VGT, s.v.), He G^^.t
Je 52^8*;] an anchor :
dyfcia (WH, dyvia), [in for nnnw TT3 "113 etc.;] purity : LXX , , ,
dyi'oeu, -w, [in LXX for n^tZT , ZZtlf , DtZTX , etc. ;] 1. to be ignorant,
not to know : absol., ace, Aci Ti Eo 10»,
l^^, He 5'-^
; c. IS^^ 1723,
II Co 211; ^v ol?, II 2* 6^ 7^, i Co 1438; ^^ ^,';^^
Pe 212 ; seq. on, Eo
{i/i,as dyvoeti/, a Pauline phrase: c. ace, Eo 11^^; seq. vwep, 11 Co 18;
TTcpt, I Co 121, J rpi^ 413 2ti, Eo 113, I Co IQi (for similar usage in tt.,
Jth 520, Si 232 5119, I Mac IS^^*;] a sin of ignorance (so in tt. ; v. MM,
VGT, s.v.) : He 9" .t
dyk'oia, -a;, r) {<^ayvoeoi), [in LXX chiefly for DCTN , n^Jt!; ;] ig-
norance : Ac 31" lY^o, Eph 418 (with sense of wilful blindness ; cf. MM,
VGT, s.v.), I Pe li^.t
dyi'os, -•>?, -oV « ayo9, V.S. dyios), [in LXX chiefly for "linM (Pss,
and Pr. only), also 11 Mac 138, iv Mac 18'', al. ;] 1. free from ceremonial
defilement, in a condition prepared for worship (for exx. of pagan
usage, V. MM, VGT, s.v.). 2. holy, sacred, veiierable (11 Mac, I.e.).
3. As in OT (cl.), pure, chaste, undefiled, guiltless; (a) of persons:
II Co 711 1112, I Ti 522, Tit 25, I Jo 33; (b) of things: Phi 48, Ja 31^
I Pe 32.
III Mac 527*;] igno7-ance (opp. to yvwo-i?) : i Co 153^, i Pe 21^ (v. Hort
in 1. ; MM, VGT, s.v.).t
** ayyio<TTos, -ov «yiv«o-K(o), [in LXX Wi :
1118 183, „ Mac li^ 2'
(Cremer, 157)*;] unknown: Ac 1723 (cf. MM, VGT, s.v.).t
Ayopd, -as, r) (<:^ dyeipo), to bring together), [in LXX for ]nTy, p-lltf;]
the dyo/od (Hdt., al.). 2. to buy in the market, purchase (Xen., al.;
LXX in tt. very common in deeds of sale, v.
; VGT, s.v.) absol., MM, :
Mt 21^2, Mk
11^5; c. ace. rei, Mt 13*4- 4", al.; seq. irapa, c. gen. pers.,
Ee 318 (LXX, Polyb.) Ik, Mt 27^ ; ; c. gen. pret., Mk 6^7, al. ; metaph.,
I Co 620 723, II Pe 21, Ee 5^ 143' *.
the dyopd dyopaiot (sc. i^fiepai) ayovrat (cf. Lat. conventus agere), court-
days are kept, Ac 193^ (for exx. of both usages, v. MM, VGT, s.v.).t
^dypa, -as, 17 (<]dyw), 1. the chase, a hunting or catching : Lk 5*.
2. that which is taken, a catch : of fish, Lk 5^.f
* dypd/jifiaTos, -ov (<^ypd(^co), without leamitig (ypafj-fxara), un-
lettered (in TT. freq. in formula used by one who signs for an illiterate
MM, VGT, s.v.) : Ac 4^3 (but cf. Thayer, 8.v.).t
* aypavXio), -w (<^dypavXos, dwelling in the field; ^dyp6<i, avXrj),
to live in the fields : Lk 28.t
dypeu'o, (dypa), [in LXX: Jb lO^*, Pr 522 625,26^ Ho 52 (np^ ni.,
tDniZT, etc.)*;] to catch or take by hunting or fishing; metaph.,
Mk 12i3.t
* dypi- A.aio9, -ov, 1. of the wild olive (Anth.). 2. As subst., the
wild olive : Eo ll^^. 24(^qGT, in 1. MM, VGT, s.v.).t ;
fields, wild : fxiXi. Mt 3^, Mk 1". 2. savage, fierce : Ju ". (Cf. usage
in TT. of a malignant wound ; MM, VGT, s.v.)t
'Aypiinras, -a (Bl., §7, 2), Agrippa (II): Ac 25i3. 22, 23, 24, 2«
261, 2, 19, 27, 28. 32,
(For Agrippa I, v.s. 'UpwSrj^, 3.)t
dypos, -oS, 6, [in LXX chiefly for nitr] ; 1. afield: Mt 628, al.
VGT, s.v.)t
c. ace, seq. tVi, ets, 2ws, xpos and simple dat. metaph,, to lead, guide, ;
dyajYVi, -^s, ^ dya,), [in LXX : Es 220 103, II Mac 4i6 B^ 112*,
training ; hence, from the expression d. tov /3iov, absol., conduct, way
of life : II Ti
3io (Cremer, 61 MM, VGT, s.v.).t ;
I Ti 410 612, II Ti 47; c. inf. (Field, Notes, 66), Lk 132* (Cremer, 609).t
'A8d^, 6, indecl. (Heb. DIX), Adam : Lk Rq 338, 514^ i Co 1522.«,
I Ti 2^3, u^ ju u .
Christ 6 ^crxaros 'A., i Co 15*5.t
*d8dTTa»'os, -ov (<^8a7rdvi7), 2vithout expense, free of charge:
I Co 9i8.t
d8e\4»6s, -ov, 6 (<!d- copul., SeXcfim, womb), i,n cl., a brother, born
of the same parent or parents. [In LXX (Hort, Ja., 102 f.), for n^ ;]
Joseph and Mary (Mayor, Ja., Intr. vi ff. DB, i, 320 ff.) or of Joseph ;
by a former marriage (Lft., Gal, 252 ff. DCG, i, 232 ff.), but the view ;
aSTjs, -ov, 6, [in LXX ehiefly for blNljr , also for nipTT , niCi , etc. ;]
wrong : o rjSLKrjcrev, Col 3"-^ to lorong some one, Mt 20i3, Ac 72*''2'' 251**,
and cf. dTToo-Tcpeo)) {b) to injiire, hurt: Lk 10l^ Ee 2ii 6« 72' 3 9*' 10 ll^.t
dSiKKifia, -Tos, TO (<^ dSi/ceoj), [in for pjT nj?g etc.;] a wrong, LXX , ,
dSiKia, -as, T] aSt/cos), [in LXX for Jir , yip^ , b}V , etc. ;]
1. injustice : Lk
18", Eo 91*. 2. unricihteousness, iniquity : Jo 7^^,
Ac 823, Ro 118' 29 28 613, II Ti 210, I Jo 1^ 51^ opp. to aX^Seia, 1 Co 136, ;
Ac 118, II Pe 213.15; cpydrai t^s a., Lk 1327; ^^a/xovSs T^S d., Lk 16^;
Koo'/xos T^s d., Ja 36; oiKovdyLios T^s d., Lk 168. 3. = ahiK-qfjia, an un-
righteous act : ironically, a favour, 11 Co 12i3 ;
pi., He 812 (Cremer,
261 ; MM, VGT, s.v.).t
dSiKos, -ov (•< SUr]), [in LXX for ipcr , b^y , etc. ;] 1. unjust
Eo 35, He 610. 2. unrighteous, wicked: Lk I611 I811, Ac 24i5,
I Co 61' 9, I Pe 318 opp. to StKaios, Mt 5*^ to ; ; cuo-c/?»;s, II Pe 2^ to ;
dSiKtos, adv. «a8tKos), [in LXX for IptS', b'W , etc.;] unjustly,
undeservedly : 1 Pe 2i9.t
'ASjiei./ (WH, mg., 'A8d/x), 6, indecl., Admin. : Lk 3'3.+
2. In LXX
and NT (Kennedy, Sources, 124; Hatch, Essays, 4;
Field, Notes, 46 f.), to be impossible : Mt 1V\ Lk l^^.t
d-SuVaros, -ov, [in LXX for 'Jl'^^N' , bl , etc. ;] 1. of persons, unable,
a8w (Attic form of Ion. and poet. deiSo)), [in LXX chiefly for
"VU ;] to sing, (a) intrans., c. dat. (MM, VGT, s.v.), of praise to God
de{, adv., [in LXX : Is 42^* (Qbisrn) 511^ (Tpn), Ps 94 (95)io, al. ;]
(also called rd d., Mk 14^), Lk 22^; r^fxipa twv d., Mt 26i7, Mk 14^2,
Lk 227 •
Fig-, of Christians, free from corr^iption :
r;/x,e/3at, 12^ 20*'.
Ac 1028, Pe 43.
**t a-0ecT/ios, -ov ^€o-/xos, lata, mstom), [in LXX iii Mac 5^2 62^ * ;] :
lawless, esp. of those who violate the law of nature and conscience
(cf. MM, VGT, s.v.) : 11 Pe 2" 3i7.t
Sl'N. : d^€/i.tTos, avofxos, KaKos, irovr)p6<;, ^avA.os (v. Tr., Syn.,
§lxxiv; DCG,u, 821b).
td0€Tcw, -tu {<^TL6r]fxL), [in for seventeen different words, LXX
rtZTD Tia 133 bra
, ,etc., often
meaning, as i Ki 13^ (Heb., al.), to
revolt; properly, to viaJce dOerov, or do away with wJmt has been laid
down (v. DCG, i, 453 f.)]. 1. to set aside, disregard (in Gramm., to
reject as spurious) hiaO-qKTqv, Ga 3^^; €VtoA.7;v, Mk 7®; vop-ov. He 102^;
dOpoi^w (<^ d6p6o<;, assembled in croivds, MM, VGT, s.v. ; <C dp6o<;,
a 7ioise, tumult), [in LXX
chiefly for V^p ;] to gather, assemble
Lk 2433.t
dGufieu, -w (d-^v/xos, witlvout heart), [in LXX for mn , etc. ;] to &fi
d6wos (Rec. wrongly, -wos LS, s.v. Mayser, 131), -ov (<^^cot^ ; ;
79, 611).
** aiScSs (-o'os), -ovs, r), [in LXX : iii Mac 1^9 4^ * ;] a sense of shame,
modesty : i Ti 29 (for exx., v. MM, VGT, s.v.).t
Syn.: ala-x^vt} (v. Thayer, 14; Tr., Syn., §xix; Cremer, 611 f.;
CGToniTi, I.e.).
Ai0io\|», -oTTos, 6 {<CaWi>i, to hum, wt/', face ; i.e. swarthy), [in LXX
for iris ;] Ethiopian : Ac S'-^.t
Jo 1^3 (v. MM, VGT, S.V.); (b) as in OT (AR on Eph, I.e.), in the
phrase adp^ koL at. (at. k. a.), to indicate human nature as opp. to God
and created spirits: Mt 161^, i Co 15^0, Ga l^^, Eph 6^2, He 2^^;
2i9> 20^ 1418-20
(c) of things in colour resembling blood : Ac jje 6^2
(d) of bloodshed, a bloody death (cl.) Mt 233o. 35 274. 6. 24, 25^ l^
1150, 51 131^ Ac 119 528 186 2026 2220, He 12*, Re 6io 17^ 182* I92
al. €Vx«tv (Deiss., LAE, 428; MM, VGT, s.v., at), Ro 3^5, Re 16^;
(e) of sacrificial blood, as an expiation 9'^' 12, 13, 18-22, 25 iQi ]^228 : He
1311 of the blood of Christ, Mt 2628,
; I42*, Lk 222o, Jo 6^3, 54, 56^ Mk
Ac 2028, Eo 325 59, I Co 1016 1125. 27^ Eph 1^ 21^, Col 120, 912. 1* He
1019,29 1224 1320^ I pe 12.19^ i Jq 17 (cf. S^' «), Re 15 59 71* 1211.
(Cremer, 69 f., 612 f.)t
+ aiKco-is, -cojs, ^7 (< alveo)), [in LXX chiefly for rryiri , n^np ;]
praise (Eccl.) : Ova-ta atveVcws (Le 7^^, n^lH n5|), He IS^^.t
aiK^u, -o) (<^aLvo'i), poet., Ion. and late prose (MM, FGT, s.v.)
for cl. eTraivco), [in LXX chiefly for bbn nT , ;] to praise : c. ace, t. ^ew,
Lk 2^3,20 1937 2463, Ac 2*7 S^'^, Eo IS^^ ; c. dat., t. ^e<3 (Je 20i3, al. for
!? b^n ; V. Field, Notes, 245), Ee IQ^.t
SYJV. : DCG, 211).
i^ofxoXoyeui, evXoyeo), ev^apicTTSw, /xaKapL^o) (v. i,
aii/iyfia, -T09, to (<^ alvLcra-ofjiaL, to speak ill riddles; <^ atvos = Seivos,
dread, strange), [in LXX for nTn Nu 12^ and always exc. De 28^'' ,
Pr., 158 f. MM, VGT, s.v.), to choose : Phi I22, n Th 2^3^ He IP^.
take up, lift or draw up : Jo 8^9 11*\ Ac 27^'^, al. 2, to bear, carry
Mt 4" 162*, al. 3. to bear or take aicay, carry off, remove : Mt 212\
Jo Co
1931, I 512 6^5 (y, Lft., Notes, 216), al. ; of the taking away sin
by Christ, Jo l^^, I Jo 3^. (Cf. d7r-, e^-, l-n--, fier-, <rvv-, virep-aipu). For
exx. from tt., v. MM, VGT, s.v.)
aiaOdi/ofjiai, [in LXX for j^n , TDPI JTT ;] to perceive: c.acc. rei
aiTEtj, -u), [in LXX chiefly for bnw ;] to ask, request : absol.,
Mt 7", Ja I*'; c. ace. pers., Mt 5^-, Lk 6^'*; c. ace. rei, seq. a-rro,
Syjv. : epwraw, q.V., TrvvOdvofiai. On
the proper distinction
between these words, v. Tr., Syn., % xl, Thayer, s.v. ai. In late Gk.,
however, al. and e. seem to have become practically synonymous (cf.
Ac 32.3; V. Field, Notes, 101 f.; M, Tii., I, 4^ M, Pr., m^; MM, ;
VGT, s.v.).
aiTT))xa, -To<;, to (•< alreo)), [in LXX chiefly for nbxia' ;] that which
alTia, -as, V, [^^ LXX : Ge 413 (|iy), Pr 28^' (ptzrV), and freq. in
Wi, II, III Mac ;] 1. cause, reason, occasion, case : Mt 193, l]^ 347^ ^c 102^
2224 2820, II Ti 1"' 12^ Tit 1^3, He 2^
y d o^tw<;
Lat. si ita ; ia-riv ai. (cf.
TH ib.
*2, Su
-a, -ov
53, II Mac
« airt'a), [in
4*'^ 13*, iv
I Ki
* ;]
2222 (-^^q)^ Da Bel «,
1. causative of, responsible
*+aiTiw|xa (Eec. oLTLa^a, the usual form; v. VGT, s.v.), -to?, MM,
TO (<| aiTtrio/x,ai, aiTLa), a charge, accusation : Ac 25'.
** ai<t>v'i8ios (in Lk, I.e., ^<^v- WH ; v. M, Pr., 35), -ov {<ial^i'r]^ =
a<^vws, suddenlji), [in LXX Wi IT^^^
: ii Mac 14^^ m
Mac 32* * ;] sudden,
unexjjected : Lk 21^*, i Th 5^.t
t aixH'Oi^'»*o'i<*> "Ci?) 1? (-<^ ai;^;u.aAa)Tos), [in LXX chiefly for "'lit??,
AcItoi, Eph48(I'XX)_t
t aixfAaXwTeud) (<^ alxfj.dX(DTOs), [in LXX chiefly for rOtS ;] = a-'x^a-
XcoTt^w, q.v., to lead caijtive : Eph 48(LXX)_f
t aix|AoiXwTtl^a> (<^ atxAiciA.wTos), [in chiefly for nsiS';] in late LXX
writers = cl. at^ptAtoTov ttoiw (ayw), to take or Zeaf? caj)tive : seq. eis,
Lk 2124 (cf. To li«) metaph., Eo 723, n Co 10^, ii Ti 3^t
alui', -coves", 6, [in LXX chiefly for abw IV , ;] 1. in cl., like Lat.
aevum (LS, MM, VGT, s.v.), a space of time, as, a lifetime, generation,
period of history, an indefinitely long period in of an indefinitely ; NT
long period, an age, eternity, usually c. prep. (MM, VGT) ;
(a) of the
past Sltt' al (cf. Heb. 0^127^), Lk I'O; (b) of the future eh
: : r. al. (cf.
Db)V^), forever, Mt 21^^; id., c. neg., never, Jo 4^'*; more strongly, ets
Is 4517, ny ^a!?iy-iy), Eo 16", LT; cf. also Eph 321, 11 Pe 3^^ Ju25,
Ee 14^^. 2. 01 ai., tJie worlds, the universe, "the sum of the periods of
time, including all that is manifested in them " He I2 ll^ (cf. i Ti 1^'^, :
where twv at. are prob. "the ages or world-periods which when
summed up make eternity ". 3. tlie present age (Heb. niH D^iirn)
6 al, Mt al ovtos, Mt 12^2 6 vvv aL, 1 Ti G^^ 6 €V€0-Ta)S al, Ga 1*
1322 ; 6 ; ; ;
STiV. .-
ordered tcniverse, the scheme of material things
Ko'o-/Ao?, i/ie
olKovfxevT], the inhabited earth ; in contrast with both of which at. is the
(< atwi'), [in LXX chiefly for cbir ;] age-long, eternal, (a) of that which
is without either beginning or end Eo 162^, He : 9^* ;
(b) of that
which is without beginning Eo 162^, 11 Ti 1^, Tit I2 :
; (c) of that which
is without end (MM, VGT, s.v.) o-K7?vat', Lk 169 :
^i^^^^ „ Co 5^
BtaOyKT], He 132** ; evayye'Xtov, Ee 14*' ; 7ra/oa*cXr;o-is, II Th 2^® ; Xw/acoo-ts,
i Th 2^ 47.t
moral : Bo V^^ 6'^, 11 Co 122\ Ga Eph 4^9 5^, Col 3^,
*t dKa0dpTTjs, -Tos, uncleanness : Ee 17*, Rec. (for t. dKu6'apTa).t
dKdOapTos, -ov « 17,
dKd^'0i»'os, -ov
151^ Jo 195.
« dKav^a), [in
2. of acantha-wood (Hdt.
Is 34^3 (td) *
tt. ap.
; MM, VGT,
;] I. of thorns
unfruitful, barren : fig., Mt I322, Mk 4^9, i Co 14^*, Eph 5^\ Tit 3^*,
II Pe 18, Ju i2.t
open to just rebtike, irrejyrehensible : Tit 2* (v. Cremer, 676 and for ;
2225. 2. = cl. aKpiTo<;, without trial, not yet tried (MM, VGT, s.v.)
Ac, 11. cc.t
**td-KaTd-\uTos, -ov (<;»caTaXi;w), [in LXX: IV Mac 10^1*;] iiidis-
soluble : He l^^.f
*t dKaTdirao-Tos (v. Mayor, 11 Pe, cxcvii; App., 170; MM. WH.
VGT, S.V.), -ov, a form otherwise unknown, prob. colloq. for -irava-ros
(q.v.) II Pe 2^*, L., Tr. mg., WH.t
Cremer, 739).
d-KaT<i-(rraTos, -ov « Ka^t'cTTT/zAi), [in LXX: Is 54^^ (rnvb);] un-
more freq., c. dat. (cl.), Mt 8^, al. seq. fierd, c. gen, (cl. Eutherford, ; ;
KPhr., 458 f.), Lk 9*^ ^ttiVw, c. gen. (Heb. i-iqK Tibn), Mt 10^8
Jo 52^' 28^ Ac 9^^ (on the distinction bet. this and d. <f>o)vqv, ib. *, v. M,
Pr., 66 ; Field, Notes, 117 Abbott, Essays, 93 f .)
; ; of God answering
prayer, Jo 9", i Jo 5^<« i* c. ace. rei, seq. vapd, Jo 82«. ^o^ Ac 10^2,
** dKpaaia, -as, 17 (<^ dxpaTT^s, q.v.), [in I Mac 6^" * ;] in Arist. LXX :
and later writers = d/cparcia (Lft., Notes, 222 f.), want of power, hence
want of self-control, incontinence : Mt 23^^, i Co 7*.+
dKpaTTJs, -e's (<C[ tpdros), [in LXX: Pr 27^"*;] (a) powerless, im-
potent; (b) in moral sense, lacking self-control, incontinent : ii Ti 3^.t
fiKparos, -ov
(25^5) (nan),
Kepduvv/xi), [in
m Mac 5^ *]
Ps 74 (75)8 (-iQp,)^ je 321
unmixed, pure
: o'vos, Ee lA^^.f
Wi 1221, Si 1625 42* *;] exactness, precision (for exx., v. MM, VGT, s.v.)
Ac 223.t
dKpiPiis, -€s, [in LXX Da LXX 2« 6^2 : (n^yi.) 42^, Es 4^, Si 182»
Eo213, Ja 122,23,25,t
t dKpoj3u(TTia, -as, rj (perh. an Alexandrian form of cl. aKpoTroa-OCa',
cf. MM, VGT, s.v.), [in LXX for nb")y ;] the prepuce, foreskin (LXX),
hence abstr., uncircumcision : Ac 113, jjq 22^-27 330 4.10-12^ j Qq 718, 19^
Ga 5" 6^*, Col 2^3 311^ gy meton., the uncircumcised : Eo 49, Ga 2^,
t aKpo-ycoi'taios, -ata, -aiov (•<[ axpos, ytavia, an angle), [in LXX:
Is 2816 (n|Q)*;] =
Attic ywvLalos (freq. in Inscr. ; MM, VGT, s.v. d.), at
the extreme angle : 6 d., the corner foundation stone, Eph 22'*, i Pe 26,t
* dKpoOit'ioK, -ov, TO (<^ dxpos, a heap), prop., the top of a heap,
hence, in pi., 1. first-fruits (Xen. MM, VGT, s.v.). 2. In war, the
**tdKup6«, -w
revoke, invalidate
« (MM, VGT,
Kvpo<i, authority), [in
s.v.) : Mt
i Es
jy MaCg*;]
S^^ (Plut.).t
** dKuXoTws, adv. (<; KwXvcj), [in Sm. Jb 34^^ * ;] without hindrance
** dXaj^ofia (Eec. -€ia, the earlier form), -as, rj (< dAa^wv), [in LXX :
a-XaXos, -ov (< XdXos, talkative), [in LXX Ps 30 (31)^8 (D^K ni.) :
aXas (T, dXa), -aTo%, to, late form of cl. dXs, -o?, 6 (MM, FGT, s.v.),
[in LXX chiefly for nblj ;] salt, lit. and fig. : Mt 5^3 9^0, Lk 143* ; like
Mk li«.i^ Lk 52.+
dX€i<t)w (cf. XiVos, oil), [in LXX : Ge 31", Ex 40i5, Nu 33 (ni2?a)
Ez 1310 ff-
(mM), Eu 33, II Ki 1220 142^ jy Ki 42, 11 Ch 281^, Mi 6^5, Da
LXX TH 103 Es 212, Jth 168*;] i^
("JJID), anoint, festally or in homage :
c.ace. rei or pers., Mt 6^^ Jo 123, Mk 16^ ; seq. dat., ^Amw, Mk 6^3,
Ja 51* ; fx^pi^, Lk 738. «, Jo ll^.t
Syn. : xP^<a, fivpi^o) (against the distinction made bet. d. and y.
in Tr., Syn., § xxxviii, v. MM, VGT, s.v., d.).
*t dX€KTopo<|>cj>'ia, -as, •^ (<^ dXexTwp, (ftwvrj), cock-crowing, i.e. the
third watch in the night 1335.t : Mk
dX^KTwp, -opos, 6 (poet, form of dkcKTpvwv v. MM, VGT, s.v.), [in ;
LXX Pr 24«« (303i) (T7-|7 BDB, Lex., 267)* ;] a cock : Mt 263*' ^*' 7^,
: ;
dXriOeia, -a?, rj (< aXr]6^<s), [in LXX chiefly for nOS (on which,
V. Cremer, 627 f.), njlD^;] trnth (v. DB, iv, 818 f.). 1. Objectively,
" the reality lying at the basis of an appearance the manifested, ;
truth, Ro 1^^, al. esp. of Christian doctrine, Ga 2'^, al. ; d. Oeov, Ro 15^.
II Go 126, Eph 4-25^ ai_ ^_ ^oielv, Jo 3^1, i Jo 1« (cf. DB, iv, 818 b, ff.).
(iD^iyp), Is 4426 (Qijar), Si 31 (34)"*;] to sjyeak the truth (R, mg., deal
<rwe, conforming to reality Jo 4^^ 5^^' ^^ 6^^ ( aX-q$iv6<i, q.v.) S^^* ^"»
: =
10*1 19^5 2124, Ac 129, Phi 48^ Tit l^^, i Pe 5^2, n Pe 2^2, i Jo 2^, iii Jo 12
{h) of persons, truthful : Mt 221^,
12i*, Jo 3^3 7^8 8^6,
Eo 3*, Mk
II Go 68.t
Syn. : aXrfOLvo^, real, genuine, ideal, as opp. to spurious or
imperfect. aXr}$i]<;, true to fact, as opp. to false, lying, denotes the
ception. (Gf. Tr., Syn., § viii Cremer, 84 f., 631 ; Abbott, JV, 234 f. ;
Mt 2441, Lk 1735.t
dXr]0is, adv. «dX7;()»?s), [in LXX (Je 35(28)6, Ps 57 (58)^, al.)
chiefly for |/^X and cogn. forms;] trzily, surely: Mt 1433 26''3 27^",
Mk 1470 1539, Lk 927 12** 213, Jo i48 442 qh 726, 4o gsi 178^ Ac U^\
I Th 213, I Jo 25.t
dXicus, V.S. dXecus.
t dXie.5(o « dAieus), [in LXX : Je 16^6 pi)* ;] to fish : Jo 213 (^M,
VGT, s.v.).t
dXi^u «; aAs), [in LXX for nba ;] to salt, season with salt : Mt
6", Mk 9«.t
*t dXioYTj/xa, -Tos, TO, (<^ late dXto-yew, to pollute), pollution
Ac 152«.t
dXXd (dXA.' usually bef. a and v, often bef. e and rj, rarely bef. o
and never bef. i; Tdf., Pr., 93 f.
to, WH, ^j;)^., 146), adversative ;
particle, stronger than 8e; prop, neuter pi. of aAAos, used adverbially,
with changed accent hence prop, othenuise, on the other hand (cf.
515, 17^ ]y[]j 539^ Jq 716^ q\ rhetorically subordinating but not entirely
(Bl., § 77, 13; M, Pr., 241; but cf. § iii, 10), Mt 20^3, Mk 4^2. WM,
2. Without previous negation, to express opposition, interruption,
transition, etc., but : Jo 16'^^ 122^^, Ga 2^* before commands or re- ;
clause, d\X' epx^Tai wpa, yea, etc., Jo 162; so with neg., dXA' oiBe, nay,
nor yet, Lk 23^^. 3. Joined with other particles (a practice which
increases in late writers Simcox, LNT, 166), d. ye, yet at least, Lk 242^,
Jo 19^-^ (Bl., § 47, 8) ; ol a., the others, the rest, Jo 202*, i Co 1429 •
Trpos SXKov = TTpos dAXr/Xows (BL, § 48, 10), Ac 2^2 ; dW (i.e. dXko) rf
(Bl, !<
77, 13), Lk 12*1 . geq. ^Xi?v, Mk 12^2 ^1^-^, Jo 622 ; ; 7rap({ c. ace,
I Co 3".
SVN. denotes numerical, 1. qualitative difference
: erepos, q.v. a.
(Cremer, 89). a. generally " denotes simply distinction of individuals,
I. involves the secondary idea of difference in kind
" (v. Lft., Meyer,
Ramsay, on Ga 1«' ^ ; Tr., Syn., § xcv BL, §51,6; M, Pr., 79 f., 246
(Field, Notes, 165 f.), ii Co lO^*' i«, i Ti 522, He 92*. 2. foreign, strange,
alien (opp. to oiKcro?; v. MM, VGT, s.v.) : Mt 1725.26^ Jq iqs, Ac 7«,
He 119' 34
dXX6(|)uXos, -ov (aXAos, <^i;Aov, a tribe), [in LXX chiefly for TW^^ ;]
chiefly for
dXodu, -w
« ;]
aXws, v.s. aXwv
to thresh : 1 Co 9"^'
and cf. MM,
i Ti 5^8. t
; VGT, s.v.), [in LXX
d-XoYos, -ov, [in LXX Ex 6^2 (Qinst^ : bljr), Nu 6^2 (ba:), Jb 11^2,
aX«(Tis, -cojs,
taking, capture :
aAio-Ko/Aat), [in
2^^ f
LXX : Je 27 (50)4" (izrsn ni.)* ;]
Sjia, adv., at once (Lat. simul) : Ac 24^6 27*'', Eo 3^^ (^^ ^^^ ^^^
= ITH^. , Ps 143), Col 43, I Ti 513, Phm 22 ; geq. o-i;V, i Th 4^7 51" ; as
prep. c. dat., together with : Mt 1329 (v. MM, VGT, s.v.) ; also, c. adv.,
a. Trpwi (cL, a. lo), etc.), early in the morning : Mt 20^t
ignorant : 11 Pe
-cs « fiav^avw), [in Sm. Ps 48 (49)^1 *;]
3^* (on the rareness of this word, v.
: unlearned,
*t dfAapdrriKos, -ov (<[ d/AapavTos), 0/ amaranth (Inscr.) hence un- ;
fading I Pe 5*.+
**t dfidpai'TOS, -ov (<^ /AapatVo/xat), [in LXX: Wi 6^2 (o-o^t'a)* ;] n7l-
fading (whence 6 d., the amaranth, an unfading flower) i Pe 1* (cf. :
etc.;] an
act of disobedience to divine law (Lft., Notes, 273), a sinful
deed, a sin : Mk
32^- 29, Eo 32^, i Co 6^», 11 Pe 1^, mg. al^viov d, WH, ;
{DOG, i, 788»), Mk
329 (for exx. from tt., v. VGT, s.v.).t MM,
SVN. : ayvorjfxa, a/xapria, dvofiia, d(re/3iia, TjTTrjfia, irapd/Sacri^,
TrapaKorj, Trapavo/xi'a, TrapaTTTw/xa (v. Cremer, 100 ; Tr., Syn., § Ixvi ; DB,
iv, 532 ; DCG, I.e. ; Westc, Eph., 165 f.).
dfxapTia, -as, ^ (<C afiaprdvoi, q.v.), [in LXX chiefly for riNipn
free from fault (in tt. of a marriage-contract ; M, Th., I, 31^ ; cf. MM,
VGT, s.v.) : Lk 1^, Phi 21^* 3*, i Th 31^ (WH, mg., -ws) He 87.t
SYN. : dfjuo/xo^, dv€yK\r]TO<;, dviTv[\r][XTrTo<;, q.V. (Tr., Syn., § ciil).
d-|jie|XTrTws, adv. (<^ d/me/xTrTos:), [in LXX : Es 31^ * ;] blamelessly
(Lft., Notes, 28, 89 ; WH, mg., 523.t
MM, VGT, s.v. -os) : i Th 21" 31^,
** d)i€pi/xk'os, -ov {<^fi€ptp.va), [in LXX: Wi 61* 72^*;] free from
anxiety or care : Mt 28l^ i Co 7^2 (for exx., v. MM, VGT, s.v.).t
**t d-|ieTcl0eTos, -ov {<^ ixeTariOrj/uLL), [in LXX: ill Mac 5i'i2*;] im-
mutable: He &^; as subst., to d., ivimutability ib.i^ (v. MM, VGT, ,
*d-p,€Ta-KiVif]Tos, -ov «
* d-|X€TafxeXT)Tos, -ov (<[ /Aera/xeAo/xat) woi relented
/x.€Ta/<tv€to), immovable, firm
, of,
: i Co
Eo 1129, „ Co 7i".t
*t dficrai'OTjTos, -ov impenitent: Eo 2*. 2.
(<] /xcTavoew), 1. = dfiera-
fiiXrjTos (tt., Philo, al.; v. Deiss., BS, 257; MM, VGT, s.v.).t
* otfxeTpos, -ov
excessively, 11 Co
pirpov), without measure : adverbially,
eis rd d.,
t dfiT]!/, indecl. (Heb. ]aK , verbal adj. fr. ^QN , to prop, ni., &e fi'i'm),
[in LXX : i Ch 16^6, i Bs 9*6, Ne 51^ 8«, To 8^ 14l^ iii Mac 723,
105 (106)*8, Je 115)* ] 1, As adj. (cf. Is, I.e.), 6 d., Ee S^\ 2. As adv.,
(a) in solemn assent to the statements or prayers of another (Nu, Ne,
etc., 11. TO d., I Co 14^"
c.) : (b) similarly, at the end of one's own ;
Jo 1*2 33 519^ al. ; TO vai, Kai ... to d., 11 Co l^'' (on usage in tt.,
(WH om.).t
a/ifios, -ov, 17, [in LXX chiefly for bin;] sand, sandy ground:
Mt 72«, Eo 927, He 11^2, Ee 121^ 208.t
djiK^s, -ov, b, [in LXX chiefly for 12^35 ;] a lamb : fig., of Christ
{DCG, ii, 620b), Jo 129, se^ Ac 8^2 (Lxx), i Pe l^e (cf . dpvi'ov ; Cremer,
102, 635).t
** d|xoiPii, -^s, rj «; dyutt'/^o/Aai, to repay) [in Aq., Sm. : Pr 12^*, al.
; ;]
Is 591" (rt:;^ hi.), Wi 11^, al. ;] to ward off, etc. Mid. (a) to defend
oneself against; (b) to requite; (c) = act., to defend, assist (Is, I.e.):
c. ace. pers., Ac 72* (MM, VGT, s.v.).t
dfji<|>idi^(«» (<[ d/A0i, on both sides : v. M, Pr., 100), Hellenistic for
&fx(f>ievvvfii (cf. MM, VGT, S.V.), [in LXX for irrnb , etc. ;] to clothe
Lk 1228 (T, .e'^«).t
dfi<|>i-pdXXa) (v. supr.), [in LXX Hb 1^^ * = : ;] throw
Trcpt/JdXXo), to
around, as a garment : absol. (MM, VGT, s.v.), of casting a net
Mk 1^8 (liec. Pa.\kovra<i djx(j)Ll3\r]crTpov)A
the more general term a net of any kind (Tr., Syn., § Ixiv).
d^<)>i6)^(u, V.S. d/x^ta^w.
a\i^iivv»y.i {<^tvvvixi, to clothe), to clothe : Mt G^o ll^, Lk 7"
(cf. dfji<f)Ld^(i))A
Ee 18i3.t
a-fiw/jios, -ov (< /xw/ios, q.V.), [in LXX chiefly for CDll] ; of sacri-
'AftcSs, 6, indecl. (Heb. pON Is 1^ DiDJr Am 1^ jins iv Ki
, ; ,
; ,
2118 ff.
^y I a^g ijj jy g;i^ ]g B ^^ 'A/i/Aciv; Jos., 'A/x/iwv, "A/xwo-os),
Amon : Mt l^o. 2. Amos : Lk S^^.t
ac, conditional particle, which cannot usually be separately
translated in English, its force depending on the constructions which
contain it LS, s.v. WM, § xlii M, Pr., 165 ff. MM,
(see further, ; ; ;
(a) in protasis with el, in Attic contr. idv, q.v. (b) in conditional, ;
relative, and temporal clauses (coalescing with ore, liru, etc. v.s. orav, ;
eirdv, etc.), ever, soever; (a) c. pres., rfyUa dv, 11 Co 3^*; os dv,
Eo 915 (LXX) 162, al.; 00-01 dv, Lk 9^; i? dv, Eo 152" (M, Pr., 167);
(/3) c. aor., 8s dv, Mt 521. 22, 31 . 1^5 s.v, until, Mt 2i3, Mk e^o, al.
is dv, ;
as soon as (M, Pr., 167), i Co ll^", Phi 223. Qn the freq. use of idv
for av with the foregoing words, v.s. idv; (ii) in late Gk., when some
actual fact is spoken of, c. indie. : orav (q.v.) ; ottov av, Mk 6^* (M, Pr.,
168) ; Ac
KaOoTL av, j,^ ^^^ j Co 122. 2^5 435
3, jn iterative construc-
tion, impf. and aor. indie. (M, Pr., 167) Ac 2*^ 435^ j Qq 122.
c. :
cf. Deiss., BS, 139 f.), d. eis cKaa-ro^, Ee 2121. Ag prefix, d. signifies
(a) up ava^aiveiv (b) to
: avayyiXXuv ;
(c) anew : avayewav ]
(d) back
avaKa/xTTTeiv. t
dKa-paOfids, -ov, 6 « dva^ouvo)), [in LXX for H^^D : III Ki lO^^' 20,
Mt 201^ CIS T. [fpdv, c. inf. (M, Pr., 205), Lk I810; with mention of
place of departure, Mt 3"^^ {a-n-o), Ac 8^9 (^^^ (5^ of things, to rise,
Ac 2422.t
di'a-PiPdj^w (causal of dva/3atvw), [in LXX chiefly for rhv hi., also
for 2D1 hi., etc. make go up, draw
;] to up, as a ship (Xen.) : (rayrjviqv,
Mt 13*8 (metaph., MM, VGT, s.v.).t
dm-pX^TTu, [in LXX chiefly for KCSr:;] 1. to look up: 82*, Mk
al. ; seq. ek, Mt 14^^^ ^1. (Xen., Plat.). 2. to recover sight (Plat.,
Aristoph. cf. MM, VGT, s.v.) Mt 11^, Jo 9'\ al.
; :
; MM, VGT, s.v.), -ov, to « dva, yrj), an upper room : Mk Id^*,
&v-ayy{K\ii}, [in LXX chiefly for 133 hi. ;] 1. to bring back word,
report (^sch., Thuc, al.) Jo (WH, cTttcv), Ac „ Co V. :
5^5 1427 154^
2. Later, = dn-ayyeAXw (MM, VGT, s.v.), to announce, declare (LXX;
Cremer, 24) Mt 28ii (WH, dTr-), Jo 425 16i3-i5, Ac IQ^^ 2020. 27, Eo I521,
I Pe 112, I Jo l*.t
**i &.va-yivv6.w, -w, [in LXX: Si prol.i^ K* (ABN« Trapa-)*;] to beget
again : metaph., of spiritual birth, i Pe 1^' 2^ (cf. Cremer, 147 ; MM,
VGT, s.v.).t
di'tt-yu'waKw (Attic dvayiyv-), [in LXX chiefly for X"Tp ;] 1. to know
certainly, know again, recognize. 2. Of written characters, to read:
Mt 2415, Mk 13l^ Ac 1531 2334, Eph 3^ ; c. ace. rei, Mt 223i, Mk 12io,
1 Pe 52 (rare).t
di'dyKT], -r]<;, r], [in LXX chiefly for piSCJ , "IS ;] 1. necessity : ex^tv
fioL eViKciT-at, 71. is laid on me, 1 Co 91* ; c. inf. (^avayKOLov Io-tl), Mt 18^,
Eo 135, He 91"' 23. 2. force, violence, hence pain, distress (Diod., al.
LXX ; V. M, TJi., 41 ; MM, VGT, s.v. ; cf. ^A/i/^is) : Lk 2123, j Co 72^,
I Th 3" ;
pi. (V. Bl., § 32, 6 ; Swete, Mk., 153), cV d., 11 Co 6* 12io.t
dm-yfwpil^w, [in LXX : Ge 45i (JTT hith.)*
;] to recognize : Ac 7i3
ava^Low; Cremer, 722; and tor other exx., v. MM, VGT, s.v.):
metaph. of moral revival, Lk IS^* (WH, mg., e^rjatv) of sin, Eo 7^.t ;
to look fur or seek careftilly (" specially of searching for human beings,
with an imphcation of difficulty": MM, VGT, s.v.): Lk 2**.*^,
Ac 1125.t
t diva-t,I>vyviii, [in LXX : Jg IS^^, Pr 2935 (3117) (^^U)* ;] to gird up
fig., T. oo-^uas T. Stavotas, I Pe 1^3 f
** di'a-^uTTupY^w, -w
(< ^coos, nip), [in LXX : I Mac 13^ * ;] to kindle
afresh: metaph., 11 Ti 1^ (for vernac. exx., v. MM, VGT, 8.v.).t
172* (n-IQ hi.).
edXX<o, to flourish), [in
89, Wi 4^ Si 5*;] to
LXX Ps 27 (28)" {nbv),
on which the curse is laid, accursed (De 72'') Eo 93, i Co 123 I622, :
Ga 18' 9 (v. ICG on Bo. ; Lft., Ga., 11. c. Cremer, 547 Tr., Syn., § v ; ;
I Ki
t dm-eejittTiiw
153, al.), I Mac
avdOefxa), [in
;] to
chiefly for WTi hi. (Nu 212,
devote to destruction, declare or invoke ana-
thema: absol, Mk 14''^; bind oneself under a curse:
kavTov, to Ac
2312, 14, 2i_ (Qf naTavadeixaTild), and on the occurrence of the word in tt.,
in III Mac 3^^^, al. ;] a gift set tip in a tenaple, a votive offering Lk 21^ :
(LT, -e€fia).f
** dmiSia (Eec. -eta, as in
slmmelessness, importunity :
cl.), -as,
11^ (for exx. from
« aiSws), [in LXX
tt., v.
Si 25^^ * .]
dk-aipeais, -€ws,
Jth 15*, II Mac
rj « dmipeco), [in
5^^*;] 1.
a takmg up or away (Thuc). 2. a
ll^^ (jin), Jg 15^7
destroying, slaying, murder (Field, Notes, 116 MM, VGT, s.v.) Ac 8^t
; :
av-aif>i(a, -w, [in LXX for 2in hi., HP hi., nD2 hi., etc. ;] 1. to take
Ac 2-3 533,36 728 923, 24, -29 IQ39 l^'i 13'^8 1627 2220 2315,21,27 25' 26^^
sum up, gather up, present as a whole mid., Eo 13^, Eph l^o (on wh, :
** dca-K\iVw, [in LXX : iii Mac 5^^ * ;] to lay u-pon, lean against,
hence, (a) to lay doxvn : Lk T ;
{h) to make to recline : Mk 6^^, WH,
mg., Lk 1237. Pass., to lie hack, recline : Mt S^i U^\ Lk IS^^.t
SYN. : dva.K€LjxaL (q.V.), aVaTTLTTTU).
di/o-Kpdi^w, [in LXX for Sip , etc. ;] to cry out, shout : Mk l^s 6^9,
Lk 433 828 23i8.t
d^'a-Kp^Va), [in LXX: I Ki 20^2 (npn), Da LXX Su ^3, ib. LXX,
TH *8» ^^ * ;] to examine, investigate, question (Lft., Notes, 181 f.) : Ac
n^\ I Co 2^4. 15 43, 4 93 1025. 27 1424 in forensic sense .
(MM, VGT, s.v.
esp. of examination by torture; v. Field, Notes, 120 f.),Lk 23^*, Ac 4^
12^9 248 28i8.t
SyN. : V.S. iicrdCoi.
** dfd-Kpi<Tis, -eo)?, 17, [in LXX : iii Mac 7* * an examination
;] : spec,
of legal preliminary investigation, Ac 252^ (v. MM, VGT, s.v.).t
* di/a-KoXioj, (a) to roll up ; (b) to roll back : Mk 16* (Eec, dn-o*c-).t
dm-Ku'iTTw [in LXX : Jb lO^^ (crxn s^2), Da LXX, Su 35* ;] to lift
oneself up ; (a) bodily Lk 13^^ ; Jo 8^7, 10] .
^j^ mentally, to be elated
Lk 2128 (cf. MM,
VGT, s.v.).t
dKa-XafAJBdew, [in LXX
chiefly for KOJZ also for T\pb etc. ;] 1. to , ,
dk'-aXiCTKw (on the etymology, v. MM, VGT, s.v.), [in chiefly LXX
for b^a also for rh3
, etc. ;] 1. to expend.
, 2. to consume, destroy : Lk
95*, Ga 515, II Th 28, Rec. WH, mg.t
**dcaXoYia, -as, rj (<[ Aoyos), [in Al. Le 2718*;] proportion (MM, :
** dmXos, -ov
aXs), [in Aq. Ez 13i«» H' i^ 2228 * ;] saltless, insipid
&va-\Liv(a, [in LXX mp
await " one v^ho33 coming is
for pi. ;] to
expected, perhaps with the added idea of patience and confidence "
c. ace, I Th 110 (v. M, Th., in 1. MM, VGT, 8.v.).t ;
to renew:
-w «
42^ (v.
[in LXX:
Jb 332*,Es 313,
Cremer, 428; MM, VGT,
Mac 8*;]
* &va-vr]^u, to return to soberness: metaph., 11 Ti 2^^ (cf. e/<v77<^(o).+
'Ami-ias (WH, 'Avav-), -a, 6 (Heb. 11^330), Ananias; 1. of Jerusa-
Ac 232 24i.t
**t dc-arrt'-pTiTos (T, -pprjro^), -ov {<^p7)r6<;, spoken), [in Sm. Jb IP :
manner : i Co 112''.t
dcd-Trauo-is, -cws, rj {avairavu)) ,
[in LXX chiefly for rn3 and its
derivatives, n2tS and its cognates (Ex, Le) ;] cessation, rest, refresh-
Yy\ ]512^ etc. ;] to give intermission from labour, to give rest, refresh
Is 112 ^[^2), TO 7rv€v/xa €^' v/iSs d., I Pe 41*. (In IT. this word is
Es 51,
dm--irri8dw, -w
To 4*;] to leap
«up TTTySdo), to leap),
1410 177 221*, Jo 1312 2120 on the ground, Mt IS^^, Mk 6*« 8«, Jo 6i« .
15i«, III Ki 7*1, Is 6O20), etc. make full (in tt. of com-
(Ge ;] 1. to fill up,
pleting contracts and making up rent cf. ; MM, VGT, s.v.) tottov, :
take one's place (cf. Heb. DipQ N^P), i Co 14}^; dfiapria^, complete the
number, iTh 2^^ ; t. vo/hov, observe perfectly, Ga 6^ ; pass., Trpn(f>r]Tua,
fulfilled, Mt 131*. 2. to SWppZ^; to va-reprjfia, I Co 1617, Phi 2^0
(Cremer, 838). t
*t dvairoXoyiiTos, -ov (<^ aTroXoyeo/xai) without excuse, inexcusable (in ,
(WH, E, ivoifas).t
d^-dTTTw, [in LXX chiefly for nS"";] to kindle: Lk 12*^, Ja 3*
(MM, VGT, s.v.).t
[Jb 312s,al.], wmwieraJZe He lli^.t
d»'-api0p.ir)Tos, -ov, {<^api6/ji€(x)), .•
s/jaA;e ow^, s/wiA;e 6acA;, move to and fro (Thuc, al.). 2. In late writers
(Diod., al. v. MM, VGT, s.v.), to stir up; metaph., to excite : t. o^Xov,
605b) ;
(a) of Christ : Ac I22 2^1 433, j^ 55^ p^i 310^ i Pe 321 .
^^ ^^
v^Kpwv, Eo 1* [ICC, in 1.) ; U vcKpw, i Pe 13 ; {b) of persons in OT hist.
(e.g. Ill Ki 17i''^) : He 1135 •
(g) of the general resurrection : Mt 2223. 28, 30^
Mk 1218. 23, Lk 2027. 33, 36^
Jo 1124^ Ac I718 238 2415, II Ti 218 d. ; U
v€Kpwv, Lk 2035, Ac 42 ; tSv v«pwv, Mt 223i, Ac 1732 23«, 2421 2623,
I Co 1512. 13. 21, 42^ He 62 ; d. ^w^s, resurrection to life (cf. 11 Mac 71*,
d. €15 ^utTQv) and d. T. KpLcreoi^, r. to judgment, Jo 52^ d. t. Stfcaiwi/, ;
MM, VGT, 8.V.), manner of life, belmviour, conduct : Ga 1^^, Eph 4^^^
I Ti 412, He 137, Ja 3^3, i Pe
li^.is 212 31.2,16^ „ Pe 2^ 3ii.t
*t dca-rdaaofiai, [in LXX
only as v.l. (Aid.) in Ec 2'-'*' ;] to arrange in
order, bring together from memory (Blass., Phil. Gosp., 14 ff. MM, ;
dm-<|>6'pw, [in LXX chiefly for Tlhv hi., also for 113p hi., etc. ;] 1.
to carry or lead up : c. ace. pers., Mt 17\ Mk 92 ;
pass., Lk 24^^ (WH,
reject, R, mg. omits) ; d. t. d/xapTias iirl t. ivXov (v. Deiss., BS, 88 f.
ICG, in 1. ; MM,
VGT, s.v.) i Pe 22*. 2. In : and NT, to bring LXX
to the altar, to offer (v. Hort on i Pe, I.e.) ^uo-ia?, etc., 7^7 IS^^, : He
I Pe 2^ ; eVi T. Bva-iaa-TTjpiov, Ja 2^1 (v. Mayor, in 1.). 3. to bear, sustain
(cf. Nu1433, Is 5312): 928. He
dm-<|>wi'€'w, -oi, [in LXX for racrhi., "IDT hi. ;] to cry out, exclaim:
Lk 1*2 (Arist., al.).t
*t dcd-xuo-is, -€0)5, 1? (<^dvax€to, to poiir 02it), a pouring out, over-
flowing, excess: metaph., i Pe 4* (MM, VGT, s.v.).t
dca-x^pew, -w, [in LXX
for n"12 , D13 etc. ;] 1. to go back. 2. to ,
a refreshing : Ac S^^.t
dca-tj/uxw, [in LXX for B7D3 ni., n^n etc. (freq. in sense of revive,
Mt 725. 27 826. 27^ Lk 825, Ac 27S Ju 12 ; oJ TcVo-ape? &. r^s y^s, Ee 7^ ; hence
the four quarters of the heavens (v. Deiss., BS, 248 ; MM, VGT, 8.V.),
Mt 2431, Mjj 1327. metaph., of variable teaching, Bph 4i*.t
SYN. : TTPevfjia, TTvor] (and cf. OviWa, XalXaij/).
*tdf-eV86KTos, -ov {<C.d- neg., evScKTos; <!^ivS€xoiJ^a.t), impossible, in-
admissible : Lk 17^t
** dce^cpauVtjTos (Eec. -cvvt/to?, as in Attic; M, Pr., 46), -ov (•<
ii-€p€vvd(o), [in Sm. {-ev-) Pr., 25^*;] unsearcJiable : Eo IP^.t
117, 18 (gf iTravipx-; and on its use of "going up" to the capital, MM,
VGT, s.v.).t
ct^cais, -€0)9, ^ «aviVO. \}^ LXX: II Es 422 (,t,2^)^ „ Ch 2316,
dceu, prep. c. gen. (rarer than x'^P'?. Q-v. ; cf. Ellic. on Eph 2^2;
MM, VGT, 42), without : Mt 1029, ^ Pe 31 49
*t diz-eu'-ecTos, -ov (v. MM, VGT, S.V.), no^ weZi placed, not fit : Ac
** di'-€upiaKw {dvd, evpiarKU}), [in LXX
IV Mac 3^* * ;] to find out by :
ivith = to listen to, c. gen. pers., Ac 18^* c. gen. rei, 11 Ti 4^, He I322 ;
due, befitting
it is : in ethical sense (MM, VGT, s.v.), Eph 5*, Col S^^;
TO dvrJKov, Phm
* ay-riii.epos, -ov (a-, rjixcpoi), not tame, savage (MM, VGT, s.v.)
II Ti 33.t
dfiip, aVSpo's, 0, [in LXX chiefly for VTii , freq. lZ;^3^^ , also n"lX
ac9os, -COS, TO, [in LXX for -p^ , etc. ;] a flower : Ja li". i\
I Pe 1'^ (Lxx).t
**d..epaKi(l, -as, ^ {<:ivOpa^), [in LXX: Si 11^2, iv Mac 920*;] a
heap) of burning coals : Jo I8I8 21^.t
human fashion, with words not properly weighed, Eo 61® (v. Field,
Notes, 156). t
* &y6p(3)TroKT6vo(;, -ov (< ktciVo), to kill), a murderer, manslayer
(Eur. V. MM, VGT, s.v.) Jo 8", i Jo 3".t
; :
acOpwiros, -ov, 6, [in LXX chiefly for DIX , IZTN , also for Vh2il{
I Pe 3*) ; 6 -n-aXatos, /caivo?, veos a., Ro 6^, Eph 2^5 422. 24, Col 3^' 10
joined with another subst., a. e/ATropos, a merclmnt, Mt 13*^ (WH,
txt. om. a.) ; oi*co8eo-7roTr;s, Mt 13^2 ; ftacTLXevs, 182^ ; ^a'yos, 11^^ ; with
name of nation, Kvprjvalo<;, Mt 27^2; 'lovSalos, Ac 21^9; 'Fw/xatos,
men, Mt 5">i«, Mk
Ac 16^7; pi. ot a., jJeople : 82*, Jo 428; ov8ek
dvOpdiTTOiv, Mk 112, I Ti 6^". 2. Indef., a. = tis, some one, a man:
Mt 171*, Mk 12\ al.; rts a., Mt 18^2, Jo indef. one (Fr. on),
5^, al. ;
SVN. : dvrjp, q.v. (and cf. MM, VGT, 44 Cremer, 103, 635).
1812 1938.t
&v-ir\\i.i {dvd, Irjixi), [in for HDI, XtZTS, etc. ;] 1. to send up, LXX
produce, send hack. 2. to let go, leave without support He 13^
to :
d>'-i<TTT]juii {dvd, la-TTqfxi), [in LXX chiefly for Dip ;] 1. causal, in fut.
and 1 aor. act., c. ace, to raise up: Ac 9*^ ; from death, Jo 63^,
Ac 232 ; to raise up, cause to he horn or ajypear : Mt 222*, Ac 3221 2«.
2. Intrans., inmid. and 2 aor act. (a) to rise : from lying, Mk 135 ;
"Ai'ms, -a (FIJ, 'Avavos, -ov), 6 (Heb. jari), ^wwas, the high priest:
Lk 32, Jo 1813. 2*, Ac 4«.t
d-f^TjTos, -OV (a- neg., vorjTo^; <^voetj}), [in LXX: Pr l?^^ (b^lj?),
Si 42^, al. ;] 1. not thought on, not understood (Horn., Plat.). 2. not
understanding, foolish (Hdt., al., LXX) Lk 2425, jjo ju^ q^ S^' : 3, i Ti
6», Tit 33 (Gremer, 438, 790 MM, VGT, 8.v.).t ;
^^di/oiius, adv., [in LXX: 11Mac 8^7*;] 1. lawlessly (11 Mac, I.e.).
2. aa x*"P''5 vo/Mov, without law : Eo 2^2.
df-opdou, -to (avd, opOoio, to set straight, set up), [in LXX chiefly for
diz-ddios, -ov (d- neg., oo-io?), [in LXX Ez 229 (-^,^7)^ ^i 12",
II Mac 7^* 8^^ III Mac 2- 5P, iv Mac 12^^ * ;] unholy, profane (Cremer,
464) I Ti 19, II Ti 3^ (MM, VGT, s.v.).t
** 6.V0X-1], -^?, y] ave'xw, -o/iai), [in LXX : i Mac 12^5 (RV, respite)* ;]
arr-airo-Soo-is, -€ws, 17 (v. supr.), [in chiefly for bna3, Dll^tt;;] LXX
recompense : Col 3^* (MM, VGT, s.v.).t
t dn-aTTo-Kpi^ofiai (dvn', ArroKpi'vw), [in LXX :^
Jg 529, Jb 169(8) 3212
(nay)* ;] to answer again, reply against : seq. Trpds, c. ace. rei, Lk 14*
e. dat. pers., Ro 92».t
^LVT-ii-nov {avTL, ciTTov), [in LXX for mizr hi., im pi., nay etc. ;] 2
aor., without present in use, to speak against, gainsay : Lk 21^^, Ac 4^*.t
dfT-^X*^ {avTL, e^w), [in LXX for pTfl hi., etc. ;] 1. trans., to Jiold against.
MM, VGT, s.v.), to hold firmly to, cleave to : e. gen. (v. Bl., § 36, 2), Mt
52*, Lk M, Th., in 1.),
1613, I Th 514 (v. Tit l^.t
6.vtI elided only in avff wv), prep. c. gen. (cf. MM, VGT,
(the t is
of, in place of, for (Horn., etc.) Mt 5^8 172^, Lk lli\ i Co ll^*. :
vdptros, Jo 1^" (M, Pr., 100) of price in exchange. He 12^* Xvrpov d.; ;
ctv^'-), denotes
over against, dvTLirepav; (b) co-operation, dvTijfidXXctv
(c) requital, (d) opposition, dvTi'xpicrTo?
avTi^ia-Oia (e)
; substitution, ;
metaph., \6yovs (cf . Lat. conferre serviones ; v. Field, A'b^es, 81), Lk 24i'^.t
*t di'Ti-8ia-Ti0T]p,i, in mid. to j^^^^ce oneself in opposition, oppose:
II Ti 225 (EV; but v. Field, Notes, 215 f.; cf. MM, VGT, s.v.).
di-TiSiKos, -ov {<^ 8tKT]), [in for i^T ;] as subst., an opponent LXX
in a lawsuit, adversary : Mt b^^, Lk 12^8 IS^, i Pe 5^ (Cremer, 696
MM, VGT, s.v.).t
* dKTi-Oeo-is, -ews, 17 (<^ Ti^r;/i.i), opposition: I Ti 62**.t
dt'Ti-Kae-icTTTi^i, [in LXX: De 31^1 (njr), Jos b\ Mi 2^ (mp)*;]
against: Ac 20^5 (v. Bl., §5, 4; 40, 7; Eutherford, M'/ir., 500 f.;
MM, VGT, s.v.).t
drrt-XafiPdi'U), [freq. in LXX for p7n hi., TjjQn , etc. ;] to take instead
of or in turn. Mid., c. gen., to take hold of ; (a) of persons, to help
(v. MM, VGT, 8.V.): Lk l^*, Ac 20^5; (b) of things, to partake of:
1 Ti 62 (v. Field, Notes, 210 Cremer, 386 and cf. avv-avTLXa/xjSdvJj.f ; ;
III Mac 228, ly ]\ja,c 4^" 82 * ;] contradict, oppose, resist (v. Field, Notes,
106; MM, VGT, s.v.); absol. :Ac 28i«, Eo IO21, Tit 1^ 2^; c. dat.,
Jo 1912, Ac 13*5; c ace. et inf., Lk 202' T; pass., Lk 23*, Ac 2822.t
di-Ti-Xrifiil/is, (Eec. -Xr]il,L?; v. MM, VGT s.v.; M, Pr., 56),
-ew;, rj {<C, avTi\afx/3(ii ofxai) , [in LXX for 7 JT , y'tlj , etc., freq. in Pss
and II, III Mac. ; freq. also in in petitions to the Ptolemies in sense
dmXoYia, -as, 17 (•< dvTtXeyw), [in LXX chiefly for 3^1 ;] gain-
saying, strife (the latter sense being found in tt. ; v. MM, VGT s.v.
cf. Field, Notes, 106) He 6i« 7' 123, Ju ^^.t :
* dm-XoiSopeo), -w, to revile in turn : i Pe 2^^.+
**t d»'Ti-XuTpo^, -ov, TO, [in Al. Ps 48 (49)»*;] a ransom: i Ti 2« :
an archetype (rrVos) (RV, like in pattern). He 9^*; (&) as the reality (of
which TUTTos is the copy or adumbration) (RV, after a true likeness),
I Pe 321 (Cremer, 357) .t
unfeigned Eo 129, 11 Co
: 6«, i Ti 1^, 11 Ti 1^, Ja 3^', i Pe I22 (Cremer,
380 ; MM, VGT, s.v.).t
**t dkuiroTaKTOS, -ov {<^ a- neg., VTrorda-a-o}) , [in Sm, : I Ki 2^^ IQiT (for
(opp. to Kdrw) Ac 219 with art. ^, Ga 426, p^i 314 ^^^ Jq 82s,
: ; .
Col 3I' 2 Icos ^. (wp to the brim), Jo 2^ (Cremer, 106 MM, VGT, 8.v.).t
; ;
^K Twv a.,
&vuQet', adv.
from heaven Jo 3^1
Jo 1923; meaning,
dno &., Mt 27", Mk 15^8;
5va)), (a)
Ja l^' S^^.H;
from above :
: W\
(&) from the first, from the beginning : Lk 1^, Ac 26^ whence (c) anew, ;
again : Jo 33» (so most, but v. Meyer, in 1. ; cf. Field, Notes, 86 f.)
a|ios, -a, -ov « ayw, in sense, to weigh), [in LXX for p (De 25^),
cf. Pr 315 811), geq. ^rpo's : Eo 8I8 (v. Field, Notes, 157) ;
[b) befitting,
meet gen., Mt
: c. Lk Ac 3^,Co (v. 38 23",
Pr., 216) 262o, i 16* M,
absol., II Th 1^ (c) of persons, worthy ; (a) in good sense c. gen. rei,
517, He
33 1029; {b) to think fit : c. inf. (v. M, Pr., 205), Ac 1538 2822.+
**d|ia)s, adv., [in LXX: Wi
71^ I61, Si I411*;] worthily: Eo 162,
Eph 41, Phi 127; c. gen. (freq. in Inscr. Deiss., BS, 248; VGT, ; MM,
51), d. T. Kvpiov, Col li« T. e^ov, I Th 212, III Jo«.t
(cf. OT;i/-a7r-ayw).t
d-iraiSeuTos, -ov (< TratSevw), [in LXX for b'^D? , etc., chiefly in
dTr-aiWa>, -Ji, [in LXX: De 152-3, al. (izr33), Si 20i5, Wi 15^, al.;]
to ask back, demand back Lk 6^0 I220 (MM, VGT, : s.v.).t
* diT-aXy^w, prop., to cease to feel pain for (Thuc, ii, 61).
-<o, 1.
2. In late Gk. (a) to desjjair (Polyb., i, 35, 5) (b) to become callous, ;
Siirai, adv., [in LXX for in^ , DVB ;] (a) once: 11 Co 1125, He 926, 27
hi a.. He
1226. 27 5, ^. iycavTod, .
9^ He
koI a. k. S15, twice : Phi 416, 11 Th ;
598 f.), Mt 1624, Mk 834 (mM, VGT, s.v.), Lk 923 (WH, mg., txt., ipv-) ;
of Peter's denials of Christ, Mt 2634. 35, 75^ y^^ 1430, 31, 72^ Lk 223*. «i
pass., Lk 12» (Cremer, 111).+
* dTTcipTi (WH, (xtt' apTL ] cl., oLTTapTL, V. MM, VGT, 8.V.) ) adv., [not in
LXX, where nijiy© is rendered by diro tov vvv ;] from now, henceforth
Jo 1319 14^ Ee 14i3.t
*t dirapTiCTfios, -ov, 6 (<^ d7ra/3Tt{o), to finish), completion : Lk 14^^
(cf. MM, VGT, 8.v.).t
dir-apxii, ->7s, 17 {<^airdpxofJi.ai, to make a beginning in sacrifice, o^er
first fruits), [in LXX chiefly for n?pnp , TT^CTXT;] 1. the beginning of a
sacrifice. 2. first fruits : tov Eo 11^*'. Metaph,,
cf)vpdfjiaTo<s (cf. Nu 15^**),
d. ifjiu^, Ga 328 (TTr.). Most freq. in Lk, Ac (v. VGT, s.v.). MM,
**t dTT-aCTird^ofjiai, depon., [in To 10^^ x * ;] to take leave of: c. LXX :
ace: Ac 2P.t
diraTdw, -w (<^ dTrar?;), [in LXX for riDD , HtSZ hi., etc. ;] to deceive
c. ace, Ja 12"; c. ace. pers., dat. rei, Eph 5''; pass., i Ti 2^* (on its
infrequency in late writers, v. MM, VGT, s.v.; cf. iiairaTd(o)A
dirdTT], -r??, ri, [in LXX
Ec 9« N (no Heb. equiv.), Jth G^. 10. is 168,
419 (MM, VGT, s.v.) t^s dSiKias, Th 2i« t^s dixapria^, He 3^3
; 11 ; ; al
i^iOvfjiiaL T^s d., Eph 422. PI., dWrai (v. M, Th., I.e. NTD, 75 ; ; MM,
I.e.) : II Pe 2^3 (WH, mg., E., txt., iv dyd7rats).t
*dTrdTup, -opo^, 6, rj (<C d- neg., Trarr^p) 1. fatherless. 2. witlwut ;
**dTTe{06ia (WH, -Bia, exc. He, 11. c.), -as, ^
Mae 89. is 12^ *
disobedience (MM, FGT, s.v.)
dneiO^^), [in LXX:
Eo IP". 32^ He 4*'' 11
viot T^s d. (gen. of definition, v. M, Pr., 73 f.), Eph 22 5«, Col 3^ (T, WH,
E, mg., omit).t
dirciOc'w, -to (<^ ttTrei^?;?), [in LXX for ma , IID , etc. ;] as in cl.
(MM, VGT, s.v.) ; to disobey, be disobedient : absol, Ac I42 19^, Eo
1021 1131 1531^ He 318 1131, I Pe 320 .
c, ^^t., Jo 336, Rq 28 113o, i Pe 28
31 417 (Cremer, 475).
dTrei0Ti9, -es (•< veiOofiai), [in LXX for ma ,
^^D , ^D ',] disobedient
absol., Lk li^. Tit lie 33 ; e. dat., Ac 26i9, Eo 130 11 Ti 32.t
direiOia, -as, 17, V.S. direidcLa.
-w (dTrctXr^), [in
direiXe'o), LXX Na : 14 (-ira), Is 661* (Din), Si 19",
al. ;] to threaten : 1 Pe 223 ^^^^ . ^c 4i7
(v. VGT, MM, and s.v., cf.
TrpocraTT €t Aew) t .
dTreiXri, -^9, rj, [in LXX for H^yj , etc.;] threatening, threat: Ao
429 9\ Eph 69.t
aiT-eifAi (ci/At', swm), [in LXX for ins ni., ni2 ni. ;] to be absent:
I Co 53, II Co IQi' 11 132. i»,
Phi 127, Col 2^t
aTr-€ ijxi (et/xi, i&o), to dejyart : Ac 17^'*.+
dir-eiiroi', 2 aor. without present in use, [in LXX for DNQ , IQN
etc. ;] 1. to tell oitt. 2. to forbid (iii Ki ll^), 3. to renounce : 1 aor.
mid. (WH, App., 164 MM, VGT, s.v.), 11 Co 42.t ;
*+ aircipaoTos, -ov (<^ rreipd^uj for cl. aTrcipT/Tos, <^ irctpato), untempted,',
aircipos, -ov (<[ d- neg., Treipa, iriaZ), [in LXX Nu : 142^, Za 11^*
+ d-TTcpi-T/itjTos, -OV (<[ TrepiTe/xvo}) , [in LXX chiefly for b"!;P ;] uncir-
d-n-^PXOfiai, [in LXX chiefly for "^bn ;] 1. togo away, depart (also,
in late writers, with "perfective" force, to arrive at a destination, the
thought being carried on to the goal ; M, Pr., Ill f., 247 MM, s.v.) ;
Lk 138; {^^^ p^Q 415. ^^j-^ Mt 222. 2. As in LXX, seq. ottio-w, c. gen.
(Heb. nns "^bn), to go after, follow: Mk l^o, Jo 12^^; metaph.,
Mk 1*2^ Re 211.
dir-exw, [in LXX chiefly for pm ;] 1. trans., {a) to hold bach, keep
(b) to Imve in full, to have received (on the "punctiliar" force of
off ;
the compound, v. M, Pr., 109, 247): c. ace, Mt 62.5,i6, Lk 62*,
Phi 4^^^, Phm^^ (for illustr. from ir., where it is used in receipts,
V. Deiss., BS, 229; LAE, 110 f.; s.v.); impers., a7r€x« (I'ield,MM,
Notes, 39), it is enough : 14*\ 2. Intrans., Mk
to be away, distant
absol., Lk 1520 ; seq. d7r6, Mt I42* 158, 76^ Lk 7« 152« 24^3. Mid., to j^
abstain : c. gen., Ac 1529, i Ti 4^, i Pe 2ii ; seq. d7r6, Ac I520, i Th 4»
**dm«rr£'a), -S
Mac8^3 * ;]
aTrto-ros), [in
to disbelieve, be faithless :
LXX: Wi 12 10^ IQi^ IS^s, Si 1",
Mk W^' i«, Lk 24ii' *\ Ac 282*.
I Pe 27 ; so prob. also Eo 3^, 11 Ti 2^^ {ICC, CGT, in MM, s.v.). 11. ;
i Co 6"
7^2-15 ^02'' 1422-24^
specif., of unbelievers as opp. to Christians :
where v.
Wi 1^ al.
(an^ lOr , d. r^s KapSias, cf. Col 322, Lft.), ;] simplicity,
II Mac 6" *
simply, sincerely, graciously : Ja 1*.
(" Later writers
comprehend under the one word the whole magnanimous and honour-
able type of character in which singleness of mind is the central
. . .
feature " —
Hort, Ja., l.c.)t
diro (on the freq. neglect of elision bef. vowels, v. Tdf., Pr., 94,
WH, App., 146), prep. c. gen. (WM, 462 ff.; on its relation to Ik,
Tj-apa, vTTo, ib. 456 f.), [in LXX for ]p , 3 , b ;] from (i.e. from the ex-
terior). 1. Of separation and cessation; (1) of motion from a place:
Mt 52»' 30 723^ Lk 52 22'i\ al. ; (2) in partitive sense (M, Pr., 72, 102,
245; MM, s.v.; Bl., §40, 2), Mt Qi" 2721, Jo 21i«, Ac 52, al.; also
after verbs of eating, etc. (3) of alienation (cl. gen. of separation), after
such verbs as Xoi'w (Deiss., BS, 227), Xi'w, o-w^w, Trau'w, etc. avdO^ixa d., ;
distance, Jo lO^^ 21^, Ee I420 (Abbott, JG, 227) (5) of time, d7r6 t. ;
(Spas, ^/Acpas, etc., Mt 922, Jo 1927, Ac 20^^, Phi 1^, al. ; dn alSyvo^,
Lk 17«, al. ;dw dpx^?, etc., Mt 19^ Eo 12"; dTro ^pe^ovs, 11 Ti S^^; d</>'
^s, since, Lk 7*^ al. dTro r. vw, Lk 1*^ al.
; ; dTro toVc, Mt 4^^ al. dTro ;
rank, dTro SieroOs, Mt 2^^ ; aTro 'A/Spadp., Mt 1^'^ ; €(38opo<; diro 'ASd/x,
Ju 1"*
; dTTo fiLKpov ecus /xeydAov, dm, Mt 20**, Ac 8^", He 8^^ ; dpxio-Oai
Jo 8^, Ac 8^^, al. 2. Of origin (1) of birth, extraction, and hence, ;
in late writers, (a) of local extraction (cl. i$; Abbott, JG, 227 ff.),
Mt 2111, Mk 15*3, Jo 145^ Ac 103«, al. ol dn6 'IraXias (WM, § 66, 6 M, ; ;
community'or society (BL, §40, 2), Ac 12^, al. (c) of material (= cl. ;
gen.; Bl. I.e.; M, Pr., 102), Mt 3* 2721 (d) after verbs of asking, ;
Kap8iCyv (nba), Mt 1835; dTr^ 6 oSv (WM, § 10, 2; M, Pr., 9), Ee 1*.
414 Q34, 38*.j \ iq iDrit^ out, copy. 2. to enrol; mid., to enrol oneself:
Lk 21 (M, Pr., 162 ; but. v. ICG, in 1.), ib.
^' ^
pass., He 12^3 (v. refif.,
s.v. d.Troypa(f)i]).f
diro-SeiKi'u/ii, 2^ (HXl), al. [in LXX : Es ;] 1. to bring out, show
forth, exhibit (Lit., Notes, 200; ICG, in 1.): i Co 4^. 2. to declare,
show : Ac 2^2. 3. to prove : Ac 25^. 4. As
in late Gk., to
proclaim to an office : seq. on, 11 Th 2* (Milligan, in 1. MM, s.v. ;
Mk 133*.+
dTro-8i8u|ii, [in LXX for IDIQ , mCT hi., ]n: , D^tT pi., etc. ;] to give
up or bach, restore, return: Lk ggp of wages, Mt 27^^, 420 9*2 xgs.
debts, oaths, etc. (MM,
render what is due, to 'pay (Deiss.,
s.v.), to
LAE, 334 f.) absol., Mt 1825.28^ Lk 7*2; c. acc, Mt 52« 1829-30,34 2O8
21*1 2221, Mk 12'", Lk 1035 1259 202^, Eo 13", He 12^, Ee 222; ^^^^^^^
Mt 533 (cf Nu 303, De 232i al.) of conjugal duty, t. oc^ciXt^v, i Co 73
. ;
Mt 6*- 6' 18 1627, Eo 26, II Ti 48-1*, Ee 18« 2212 KaKov avrX kukov, ;
* diro-8i-opil^(i) (<] Siopt^o), <[ opo?, a limit), to ma/rk off, hence
metaph. to make separations : Ju i^ (Cremer, 806).+
i,791b; Cremer, 286; MM, s.v. on the perfective force of this verb, ;
M, Pr., 112, 114 and on the distinction bet. pres. and aor,, ib. 113 f.).
2. In LXX
and NT, in special sense of divine revelation Mt 112* (on :
the tense, v. M, Pr., 136), ib.27 16i7, Lk 1021.22^ Jq 1238_ Ro P^. is^ 8'^,
I Co 21" 143", Ga 116 32^ Eph 3^ Phi 3l^ i Pe l^- 12 51 (Westc, Eph.,
178 f.; M, Th., 149 f.).t
SVN.: (ftavepou) (v. Thayer, 62; Cremer, 342).
t diro-KdXuiJ/is, -ecos, ^ « dTroKaXuVTw) ,
[in LXX: I Ki 2030 (miy).
Si 1127 2222 421 * .j (-^^ imcovering, laying bare (Plut.). Metaph., a reveal-
ing, revelation : a disclosure of divine truth, or a manifestion from God :
Notes, 102, 178 Westc, Eph., 178 f. M, Th., 145 ff. Cremer, 343).
; ; ;
V. Lft., Col., I.e. Ellic, Eph., I.e. but also May., Eph., I.e.), to reconcile
; ;
II Co 1^, E, mg. 2. an answer (v. Thayer, s.v.) 11 Co, I.e., E, txt. (In :
Cremer, 375).
diro-Kpii'u, [in LXX
chiefly for njJT;] in el., 1. to separate, dis-
tinguish. 2. to choose. Mid., to answer : Mt 27^2, 14«\ Lk 3i« 23^, Mk
Jo 51"' 1**, Ac 312. In late Gk. the pass, also is used in this sense, and
pass, forms are the more freq. in (M, Pr., 39, 161 MM, s.v.) (a) NT ;
Mt 12^8 seq. Trpos, Ac 251" (b) Hebraistically (i) like nay to begin
al., (ii) redundant, as in the Heb. phrase IDX'l JJPI (Dalman, Words,
24 f., 38 Pr., 14
; M, Bl., § 58, 4 74, 2 Cremer, 374)
; ; ; : dTroKpieiis
cTttc, Mt €>77,4*88 ; Xc'yti, 3^3 ; ;in Jo most freq. (Ittck. Mk k. cTttc, 1*».
dir6Kpu<|)os, -ov (<^ dTTOKpwTTTO)), [lu LXX chlefly for IfID;] hidden:
iv (q.v.), Eph 216, Ee 223, ^1. Metaph.: Eo 711 t. Ix^pav, Eph 2i«; ;
** d-n-oXauo-is, -€ws, r} (<^ aTroXavo), to take of, enjoy a thing), [in LXX
III Mac 7^^ * ;] enjoyment : i Ti 6^^ He ll^^ (for late exx., v. MM, s.v.).t
airo-XeiTTw, [in LXX for bin , ID"^ , etc. ;] 1. to leave, leave behind
(in TT. a term, techn. in wills; v. MM, s.v.) : ii Ti 4^^'-*', Tit 1*; pass.,
to be reserved, remain : He 4^' ^ lO^". 2. to desert, abandon : Ju *.t
t diro-Xeixw (for cViX-, q.v.), to lick up : Lk 16^^, Eec.t
dTT-6XXu|jit and airoXXvw, [in LXX for laX , etc. (38 words in all)].
1. Act., (1) destroy utterly, destroy, kill :
to ^l/vxyjv, Mk 1"* 9^^, al. ; t.
He 111 (LXX)^ al. (b) of persons Mt 82^, al. Metaph., of loss of eternal
Cremer, 451).
'AttoXXuui', -ovtos, 6 (pres. ptcp. of aTroXXvw), Apollyon, i.e. the
Destroyer Ee 9^^ (cf. 'Af3dS8u>v). (Cremer, 453 ;
: DB, i, 125, 172.) t
diroXoycofjiai, -ovfJLaL (<[ oltto, Xoyos), [in LXX : Je 12^ (S""!) 38 (31)",
II Mac 1326*;] 1. to defend: c. ace, Eo 2^^ 2. to defend one's self:
absol., Lk 21i*, Ac 26^ ; seq. on, Ac 258 ^;_ tg adduce something in.
one's defence, Lk 12^^, Ac 262* (ravra) 24^^ {to. irepl i/xavTov) irfpi, ;
defence : Ac 25l^ 11 Co 7^1, Phi 1". i«, 11 Ti 4^6 ; c. dat. pers., i Co 93,
I Pe 315 ; seq. Trpo's, Ac 22i.t
diTo-Xouw, in [LXX : Jb 9^''
(^m) * ;] to tuash off, wash away
mid., metaph., c. ace. rei, loash off oneself:
to d/xapnas, Ac 221";
absol., aTreXowcrao-^e, ye washed yourselves clean (cf. Cremer, 406),
I Co
t diro-XvTpwCTis, -ews, 17 (<C d.TroXvTp6w, to release on payment of
2128, Ro 324 (Yau., in 1.) 8^\ i Co V\ Eph l^.i* 430^ Col l^^, He 9^\
(On the extent to w^h. the word retains the sense of ransom, v. ICC,
Bo., 32*, Westc, He., 297 ff.; v. also ICC, Eph., 11; DCG, ii, 605;
Cremer, 410; Deiss., LAE, 331; Lft., Notes, 271, 316; Tr., Syn.,
§ lxxvii,)t
a-TTo-Xu'w, [in LXX for yim , etc., freq. in i-iv Mac;] 1. to set free,
release: Lk 13^2, a debtor, Mt 182^; metaph., of forgive-
Jo 19^0, al. ;
ness, Lk 6=^7, 2. to let go, dismiss (Field, Notes, 9 f.) Mt 1523, Lk 229 :
mid., to pack and remove one's goods : Ac 2P^, Eec. (v. €Vio--).t
*t diro-orKiao-fia, -tos, to (<^ airoaKid^w, to cast a shadow ; V.S. ctkio),
a shadow : Ja 1^^ (MM, s.v.l.t
diro-oTrdo), -w, [in LXX for pr\2 ni., hi., etc. ;] to draw off or away,
tear away (MM, s.v.) Ac 20^" ixaxaipav, draw a sword, Mt 26*^
: ;
apostasy, revolt ; in late Gk. (MM, Exp., viii ; Lft., Notes, 111 ; Cremer,
308) for cl. dTTo'crracris, freq. in sense of political revolt, in LXX (e.g.
Jos 22^2^ II Ch 29^9, Je 21^) and NT always of religious apostasy
Ac 21-1, ij Tj^ 2\f
dTrotrrdaioK, -ov, to
mrr'^S) *;] l.
an action
Is 501
** airo-(neydloj
« o-rey^;), [in Sm. : Je 4910 (2911)*;] f^ unroof:
Spirit), Lk 24*9, Rec. seq. ds, Mt 20^, Lk 11*^, Jo 31^ ^ttio-o), Lk I91*
; ;
€K, ib. 119 ; ivro, Ac 1017 (Eec. dTrd) ; seq. inf., Mk 31*, al. ; Iva, Mk 12^,
al. ; eh (of purpose), He li*; without direct obj. seq. tt/do's, Jo 5^^; :
; ;
Ec 88,
dTroo-TcAAo)), [in
4i3 (for
LXX : De 22^, m Ki 4^*
(a) with special ref. to the Twelve Mt 102, Mk 3l^ Lk 11*9, gph S^, :
Ee 182", al., equality with whom is claimed by St. Paul, Ga 1^' ^^^-j
I Ti 2^^,
al. (&) in a wider sense of prominent Christian teachers, as
different uses of the term in NT, v. Lft., Gal., 92-101; Cremer, 530;
DB, i, 126 DCG, i, 105 Enc. Br., ii, 196 ff.)
; ;
(Field, Notes, 96), excommunicated : Jo 9^2 12*2 152 (Cremer, 64, 607).t
dTTo-Tdaau, [in LXX
Ec 22o (^s'' pi.), i Es 62^, Je 202, i Mac 4 * ;]
to set apart. Mid., in late Gk. (Bl., § 37, 1 Swete, Mk., 136 f. MM, ; ;
8.V.), c. dat., (a) to take leave of: Mk 6*^ Lk 9^1, Ac 18^^'^\ 11 Co 2^3;
(b) to forsake : Lk 1433.
**d-iro-T€Xe'w, -w, [in LXX
i Es-5"3, 11 Mac 1539*;] to bring to an
d-iTo-(j>6pu, [in LXX for "^bn , etc. ;] to carry off, away bear, or lead
c. ace, Mk 151, I Co 163, Ee IT^ 2V<^. Pass., LkAc Id^KiI622,
** dTro-<j>£UYo>, [in Si 22^2 * -j LXX : to flee from, escape c, ace, 11 Pe :
togo aroay, depart, withdraw : seq. airo, Mt 7"3, Lk 9^^, Ac 13^3 (absol.,
Lk 2020, Tr., mg.).t
diTo-xwpi^w, [in LXX : Ez 432i (ij^sa)* ;] to separate, part asunder :
(Thuc. LXX, I.e.). 2. to leave off breathing, faint (Horn., Od., xxiv,
prohibitions, 11 Co 6i^, Col 22^ of hostile action, i Jo 5^^ (cf. dv, KaO-, ;
TV€pi- aiTTtai).
Syn. : diyyavia, tj/rjXaffidoi. d. is the stronger, $., to touch, the
lighter term. ij/. is to feel, as in search of something (Tr., Syn., § xvii;
Lft., Col, 201 f.).
etc. destruction, waste, loss, perishing (in tt., of money, v. MM, s.v.)
dpd, -Ss, rj, [in LXX chiefly for nbn] ; 1. a prayer (MM, s.v.). 2.
(as in Homer) a curse, malediction : Eo 3^* (i-^xx) +
'Apap^a, -as, 7^. Arabia : Ga l^^ 425.t
dpa^cuc, V.S. dppa/3wv.
apaye, V.S. apa.
S,pdye, V.S. dpa.
'Apdfi, indie. (Heb. Dn) , Aram: Mt l^.*, Lk S^' (E, txt., WH,
* apa<|)os, -ov (Eec. dppa<po<s, <^ pdiTTOi, to sew) without seam
Jo 1923.t
"Apatl*, -aySos, o, an Arabian: Ac 2ii.t
Si 3036 (3327), II
-Qy «Mac d/Dyo's), [in
: II
be idle; to Kpt>a
Es 42*, Ec 12^ (bian)
. . . d.,
i Es 23o,
MGr. dpyd, late : MM, s.v.) : 11 Pe 23.t
dpyos, -ov (in late Gk., incl. NT, -7, -ov; <^d- neg., epyov), [in
LXX: III Ki 67 (yoD?), Wi 14^ 15^5, Si S7^^ 3828*;] inactive, idle:
Mt 203' 6, I Ti 513, Tit 1^2, n Pe is, Metaph., of things, inactive, in-
effective, worthless : p^p.a, Mt 1236 ; Trto-rts, Ja 229 (v. Cremer, 259 f.).t
Syn.: /3pa8v?, slow; vw^po?, sluggish (Tr., Syn., §civ).
dpyupcos (v. MM, S.V.), -ov?, -a, -ovv (<^ dpyvpo?), [in LXX for
jripS;] of silver: Ac 192* (WH, br.), 11 Ti 22o, Ee 92o.t
dpyu'pioK, -ov, TO (<; dpyvpos), [in LXX for p]p3 (Ge 132, al.), exe.
La 41 (D)n3) ;]
prop., a piece of silver (Lft., Notes, 191) ; in NT,
(a) silver: Ac S* 7^6 19^9 2033, i Co 3^2, i Pe l^S; (&) money:
Mt25i8'27^ Mk 1411, Lk
93 1915.23 225, Ac 820 ; (c) a silver coin: pi.,
Mt 2615 273. 5, 6.
9 2812. 15, where the value is that of a shekel or
tetradrachm ; apyvpiov fivpidSes irevre (prob. drachmas; MM, s.v.),
Ac 19i9.t
t dpYopoK^TTos, -ov, 6 (<[ apyvpo<;, kotttw, to heat), [in LXX : Jg 17*,
Je 62» (f]li2)*;] a silversmith: Ac I92* (Plut.; tt., v. MM, s.v.).t
apyupos, -ov, o « upyo9, shining), [in LXX for p|D3 ;] silver (on its
(tTI) * ;]
pleasing, desire to please : Col l^**. In Gk. writers (Arist.,
dp^CTKw, [in LXX chiefly for SiM ;] 1. to please (Horn., Hdt., al.)
c. dat. pers., Mt 14^, Mk Rq 8^ 152,
622, i tj^ ^'^ 4^, i Co 732.33,3*^
Gal 110, II Ti 2*; seq. evwTriov (= Heb. •'jrs, Bl., §37, 1; 40, 7),
agreeable (Hdt., Xen.,
apeaKw), [in
later writers
-ovfor ICT
etc. ;] pleasing,
641 f.
; MM,
s.v.) c. dat. pers., Jo
82^, Ac 12^ seq. iyw-n-iov, c. gen. (Bl., § 37, 1 40, ; ;
7), I Jo 322; ip^^rov icTTtv, c. acc. et inf (Bl, §69, 5; 72, 5), Ac 62.t
'Ape'ras (WH, 'Ap. ; Intr., 313), -a, 6, Aretas, an Arabian king:
II Co 1132 (Deiss.,thinks the proper spelling 'Ap^das was
BS, 183 f.,
Is 42«'i2 4321 637 (n^nri), Es 14i«, Wi 41 5i3 8^, ii-iv Mac 22*;] prop.,
sense in which the original idea is blended with the impression which
it makes on others, i.e. praise, renown v. Hort, / Pe., 129. Deiss., ;
dpiOfAe'w, -w, [in LXX for IDD pi., IpD pi., etc.;] to number
(esp. for payment, MM, s.v.) : Mt 103o, Lk 12^, Re 7Kf
dpi(rrcp6s, -a, -oV, [in LXX for bxDij? ;] left, on the left : oirka,
seq. tva (M, Pr., 210),
: De 252 * ;] sufficient
Mt 10-^
: Mt G^*
c. inf.,
I Pe 43 (for exx., v. Deiss., BS, 257; MM, 8.v.).t
dpKc'w, -w, [in LXX for |in , etc. ;] 1. to keej) off ; c. dat., to assist.
dpKos (Eec. (cl.) apKTos), [in for ni ;] -ov, 6, rj, a bear : Ee I32. LXX
(This form is also found in late Inscr. MM, s.v.)+ ;
apfia, -Tos, TO (<[ dpapib-KO), to join), [in for SDT;] a chariot: LXX
Ac 828. 29, 38^ Re 99.t
'App.aycSwi' (WH, "Ap MaycSwv ; Eec. 'Ap/xaycSSwv, prop. = in
1130), cf. LXX, MaycSwi/, II Ch 3522, MaycSw, Jg 127; Har-Magedon
(AV, Armageddon) Ee 16i^ (v. Swete, in but also Thayer, 8.v.).t
: 1.,
dpfiol^w (-< dp/uo's), [in LXX for ]DX , etc. ;] 1. to fit, join. 2. of
marriage, to betroth. Mid., (a) to join to oneself, marry, take to wife;
(b) to give in marriage : 11 Co II2 (for this there is no direct parallel.
But V. M, Pr., 160; MM, s.v.).t
** dpp.6s, -ov, 6, [in LXX : Si 272, iv Mac 10^ *;] a joining, joint
He 4i2.t
Mt Lk T- 213 (^prove
'Ir^croOr, lO^^, n Ti 2^2, i Jo 222, Ju * ; iavrov, 923, II
false to). 3. C. ace. rei (in cl. to refiise), to deny, abjure: i Ti 5^,
Tit 212, II Ti 35 (cf 6.Trapvioti.ai).
etc. ;]
pillage, plundering, robbery : Mt 232^, Lk 11^9, He lO^^.t
dpir-ayfios, prop., acc. to the rule of its
ov, 6 (•<[ dpTra^to) ; 1.
formation (Bl., § 27, 2), actively, the act of seizing, robbery (Plut., de
Puer. Educ, p. 12a), Phi 2«, (Waterland, Works, II, 108 Cremer, AV ;
ii, 835 b). The lexical data favour the active meaning, but as they
also admit the possibility of the alternative, most modern expositors
have accepted the latter as seeming to suit the logic of the passage
better. The lexical difficulty, however, remains (MM, s.v., esp. the
last ref.). As to the usage of St. Paul, he seems inclined to adopt the
-/Aa form where it is appropriate (e.g. Eo 11^, where cf. i Co LXX ;
T. deov, Mt 1112 . c. acc. pers., Jo 61^, Ac 8^9 23io, Ju23 pass., seq. Icus, ;
MM, s.v.).t
-ayo9, 6, ^
rapacious : Mt 71^, Lk IBn
« ;
as subst., a swindler,
[in LXX: Ge
* ;]
s.v.), iCo5i«'ii6i*».t
dppapci^ (T, dpa/?- : II Co, 11. c), -wvos, 6, [in LXX : Ge 381^. is, 20
stalment II Co 122 55^ gph 114. ^The word is found in cl. and was
** appT)Tos, -ov «a- neg., pr^ros, pew), [in Sm. Le : 1823 * ;] 1. unspoken
(Horn., al.). 2. U7ispeakable (Hdt., al.; freq. in Inscr. ; MM, s.v.)
II Co 12*.t
appw(rro9, -ov (•< d- neg., pwwv/jLL), [in LXX : iii Ki 14*A, Ma 1*
(nbn), Si 735*;] feeble, sickly: Mt U^\ Mk G^.i^ letis]^ Co ll^o.t
[in LXX chiefly for -|37 ;] male : Mt 19*, Mk 10^ Lk 2^3, Ro 1^\ Ga S^s,
'ApTcfias, -a, 6, Artemas Tit 3^^^:
apTos, -ov, 6, [in LXX chiefly for DH^;] bread, a loaf: Mt 43»*,
Mk 320, al.; dproi t. Trpo^eVews, bread of the setting forth, i.e. the
shewbread. Metaph., 6 a. t. Oeov, t. ^wiJs, ref to Christ, Jo 633.
in general, food: Mt 6^^ al.; d. ^ayetv (Heb. DT]^ bDii), to eat (MM,
8.V.), Lu 14^, al.
** dpTow, [in Sm, Ca 82 * ;] 1. to arrange, make ready (Hom.). 2. Of
food (as in comic writers), to season (MM, s.v.) Mk 9'**, Lk 143*, Qq\ ^.ef :
dpx^, -rjs, r), [iJ^ LXX for Dl(7. , CTNl , IT'tZ^KI , etc. ;] 1. beginning,
i^ d., Jo 6"* 164; ^^' ^.^ Lk 12, Jo 1527, I Jo 27.24 311^ II Jo 5, 6. i^ s..,
Ac 1115 26*, Phi 415 Trjv apxrjv, adverbially, at all (Hdt., al. v. MM,
; ;
Eph 121 310 612, Col 11" 210' 15, Tit 31, Ju« (Cremer, 113).t
dpxiiYos, -ov, [in LXX for IS'Sl , K^'CJZ , etc. ;] beginning, originat-
freq. in Alex,
apxi- «and oipx"}), insep. prefix, denoting high office
Byzant. Gk. (MM, s.v.).
and dignity,
priest : Mk 226 14*7, al. ; of Christ : He 21^ 31, al. 2. In pi., chief
priests, including and members of high-priestly
families Mt 2\ Mk 8^1, al. (Cremer, 294 DCG, i, 297 f. MM, s.v.).
: ; ;
mummy label (Deiss., LAE, 97 ff. cf. MM, s.v.) used by modern ; ;
apxw, [in LXX for bbu , bCHS , etc. ;] 1. to begin. 2. to rule (v.
DCG, ii, 538 b.) : gen.,
c. Mk
lO''^, Eo IS^^. Mid., to begin : seq. a-n-o,
Mt 1621 208, Lk 14^8 235 2427, i\ Jo 8\ Ac 122 8^5 lO^^, i Pe 4^7 c. ;
an Aramaic
inf., pleonasm, Mk
1** 223 517^ j^^ 38^ ^1. (v. M, Pr., 14 f
Ac 317 45' 8 132" 145 rulers of synagogues, Mt 9^^' 23, Lk 8*1 I8I8 oi
; ;
depos, Eph 22 (MM, 8.V.; DB, iii, 838; Ext., 99 f; DCG, ii, 419;
DCB, s.v. Archon).t
apwfia, -Tos, TO, [in LXX for Digrs ;] spice : Mk I6I, Lk 235« 24i,
Jo 19*«.t
'A<T(i, v.S. Acrdcf).
aaaivb), V.S. o-atVo).
d-(T(i\60Tos, -ov
unmoved, immovable: Ac
« (TaXivw), [ixi LXX
Ex 13i«,
68 lli*
(niBMlM)* ;] ;
da^Pcia, -as, 17 «1 do-€y8i?s), [in LXX for VW^ , JTBT), etc.;] un-
godliness, impiety: Eo lis 1126, n Ti 2i«, Tit 2i2; Ipya do-f/Jcia?,
ungodly deeds, Ju ; cTri^v/xtai t. da-ffttiwv, desires for ungodly things
or fiee^^s, Jui8 (DB, iv, 532; Cremer, 523; MM, s.v.).t
act profanely
do-ePe'u, [in-w «Pe
for JTCTQ nzyi ;] to 6e ungodly,
cogn. ace. (MM, s.v.), Jui^.t
: 11
2*'; c.
dacPiis, -€s (o-cySo), to rewrence), [in chiefly for JTt&l ;] ww- LXX
godly, impious : Eo 4^ 5^ i Ti 1^, i Pe 418, 11 Pe 25. « 3^, Ju''' i5.t
** daeXyeia, -as, 17 do-cXyT/s, licentious ; V. MM, 8.V.), [in
Wi 142", III Mac 226*;] licentiousness, wantonness, excess: Mk 722,
Eo 1313, II Co 1221, Ga 51^ (Lft., in Eph 41^, i Pe 43, 11 Pe 22.7,i8^
Syn. : do-toTta, profligacy, prodigality (v. Tr., Syn., § xvi ; DB,
iii, 46).
a<7T],ios, -ov (< o-^/Aa, a mark), [in LXX : Ge 30*2 (CjtDjr), Jb 42ii,
a(TQevris, -€S « «" neg., cr^e'vos, strength), [in LXX for ""^y , etc. ;]
922 113o.t
'Aaia, -as, >;, ^sm, the Eoman province Ac 2^6^ 16^ 191,10,22,28
(M, Pr., 73), ib.27 20*'i«>i8 2127 24i8 272, Eo IG^, i Co IG^^, 11 Co l^,
II Ti 115, I Pe 1\ Ee l*.t
** da^eVws, adv. «
riSofiai, to be glad), [in
Mac 315 521*;] gladly : Ac 2V^A
11 Mac 4^2 1033, LXX :
a-ao4)os, -ov, [in LXX: Pr 9^x2 A*;] unwise, foolish : Eph 5^\f
I Mac 729, al. ;] to welcome, greet, salute : c. ace. pers., Mt 5*'^, Mk 9^^,
Ac 21' al. , ; id. seq. iv <f>i\-Q,jLaTt, Eo i Co I620, n Co 13^2, i Th 526,
iPe5i*; T. iKKXrjcrlav (Deiss., BS, 257), Ac 1822; ^s term. tech. for
conveying greetings at the end of a letter (MM, s.v.), used by an
amanuensis (Milligan, NTD, 23), Eo I622 (on the aoristic pres., here
d<nris, -i8os, rj, [in LXX for ]31Q , etc. ;] an asp : Eo S^^.t
* daaov (Eec, after Vg., "Ao-o-ov), adv. (compar. of dy;^t, near),
nearer : Ac 27^^ (EV, close in shore; v. Bl., § 11, 3; 44, 3; poets.
Ion. and late prose).
"Ao-o-os, -ov (also 'Ao-o-o'?, -ov), rj, Assos, a city on the E. coast of
Asia Minor: Ac 20^3,14 (y g ^a-(Tov)A
**+ doTareoj, -w (-^ dcrTaros, unstable), [in Aq. Is :
58'' (LXX, da-re-
yos) * ;] to be unsettled, be homeless, lead a vagabond life (Cremer, 738
MM, s.v.) I Co 4ii.t
2429, Mk
1325, I Co 1541, Re qis 8i«. 11.12 91 121,4; metaph., 6 d. 6
TrpwiVds, Ee 22s 221*' ^ TrXavrjrai, Ju 13 ; a. iirrd, symbolizing the angels
of the seven churches, Ee li«. 20 21 31 (cf darpov, and v. ii, 674 f . . DCG,
MM, s.v.).t
*t uustabU, unsettUd : 11 Pe 2i* 31^.
d-(TTT)piKTos, -OV {<:^(TTr]pLi^(i)),
*do-TopYos, -ov {<C(TTopyr), family affection, love of kindred, v.s.
dyd-Trri), ivithout natural affection : Eo 11 Ti 3^ (MM, s.v.).+
in cl.), the stars: Lk 2p5, Ac 2720, He ll^^; (b) in sing. (Xen., al.),
only of some noted star : the symbol or image of a star, Ac 7*^ (of.
aa-T-^p, and V. MM, s.v.).t
'AauyKpiTOS, V.S. 'Acrui/zcpiTov.
** d-ai5^(t.wKos, -ov, [in LXX Wi 181", Da, LXX, Bel 1**
: ;] dissonant,
discordant ; metaph., at variance : irpb^ aXX-^Xov<;, Ac 28^5.
Mt I516, Mk 718 (Swete, in 1.), Ro l^L 3i 1019 (for an ex. of its use in the
moral sense, v. MM, s.v.).t
d-auc-GeTOS, -ov
: Je 3"' ^' ^'^» ^^
false to
; V. M, Pr.,
engagements, not keeping covenant,
222; MM, 8.V.), [in
da<(>aXTJs, -e's a- neg., o-(/)aAA.w, to trif lip), [in for ItZTNpu., LXX
etc. ;] certain, secure, safe : Ac 213* 22^0 25^6, Phi S\ 6i9 (MM, s.v.).t He
+ d(T4)aXii;w «
d(7<^aAr?s), [in Ne 31* (pm hi.), Is 41io (TJDn), LXX :
Pr 28^
1", i
Pe 4*
II Mac 6**;]
(MM, s.v.).+
SYN. : dcreAyeta, q.V.
adv. (<^ do-toTos, prodigal, toasteful), [in
*do-oSTa>s, for mo, LXX
Pr 711 * wastefully : Lk 15^3 (EV, in riotous living ; but not necessarily
**a-TaKTos, -ov (<< rao-crw), [in III Mac 1^^*;] out of order, LXX :
out of place (Lat. inordinattis), freq. of soldiers not keeping the ranks,
or an army in disarray (cf iii Mac, I.e.) hence, metaph., irregular, . ;
Si 163 *
4921, Je 1821 childless : Lk 2028. 29,t .-j
insult : Mk 12\ TTr., mg., WH, Lk 20^\ Jo 8«, Eo 223, jg, 2^; pass.
Ac 541, RO 124 (cf dri/ldw).t
*d-Ti/xda>, -uj (-e^Ti/xT/), to dishonour, despise: c. ace. pers., Mk 12*,
LTr., txt. (cf. drifjid^w)
dri^os, -ov {<Tifji^), [in LXX : Is 3^ (nbp ni.), 53^ (.173), Jb 30*.
(DCr^b^), Wig, Si^*;] without honour, dishonoured, despised : Mt 13",
Mk 6*, I Co 410 ; comp., i Co 1223.t
dTtjiou, -w (<; ttTi/i-os), [in LXX chiefly for n73;] = dri/ia^w, to
dishonour, treat with indignity : Mk 12*, Eec.t
dT|xis, -tSos, 17, [in LXX for
Jjy , H^a^II , etc. ;] vapour : Ja 4^*
d. Kanvov, Ac 2i9(i'^^).t
sense, 3. improper, imrighteous (so in LXX, and for exx. from tt.
V. M, Th., I.e. ; MM, s.v.) : Lk 23*i, Ac 25^ 11 Th 32.t
'ArraXia (Eee. -dAeta), -as, rj, Attalia, a city of Pamphylia
Ac 1425.t
aoydSo) « avyr;), [in LXX: Le 1324-28.28,38 1456 (n^n^) 1339
(nn3)*;] 1. Trans, (cl.), to irradiate. 2. Intrans. {a) (poet.), to see
clearly (so perh. 11 Co, I.e. ; MM, s.v.) ; {b) as in LXX, to shine forth
II Co 4* (cf. 8t-, KaT-avyd^a)).t
*+ auOerre'w, -oi (<[ av9ivTrj<;, i.e. ahro-lvTiq<i, one who acts On his OWn
authority, in it., an autocrat; cf. Wi 12^; cf. -la, iii Mac 2'^^; -ikos is
freq. in vernacular, MM, s.v.), to govern, exercise authority over
I Ti 212.+
**auX€w, -w avXo'9), [in Al.
pipe: mid., Mt ll^^, Lk 7^2, i Co 14'.+
iii Ki l^o*;] : to play on a flute, to
auXi], -r}s, 17, [in LXX chiefly for isn ;] 1. in Hom., an open
courtyard before a house, hence, an enclosure in the open, a sheepfold :
Jo 10^'^^. 2. the court, courtyard, round which a house is built:
Mt 263. 58, 69^ Mk Jo 1815 T. vaoC, Re II2.
145-1. 66 1516^ Lk 1121 2255, ;
15i«, Lk 1121, Jo 1815 (but V. MM, s.v. cf. also DB, ii, 25, 287).+ ;
auXos, -ov, 6 (<[ aw, to blow), [in LXX chiefly for b'^bn ;] a pipe:
I Co 14'.+
aold^u (and the earlier form av^u>, Eph 22i,
Col 2i» ; MM, s.v.),
[in LXX chiefly for ms ;] 1. trans., to make to grow : i Co 3".
II Co 91**. Pass., to grow, increase, become greater : Mt 13^2^ '^•^ 48^
II Co 10^5, Col 1" ; TTj l-myviliCTiL T. 6€ov, Col 11^ CIS ; a-oiTTjpLav, I Pe 22.
2. In later Gk. (but nowhere in LXX), intrans., to groio, increase : of
plants, Mt 62«, Lk 1227 131^ ; of infants, Lk l^o 24« of a multitude, ;
Ac 2320 2522, I Co 1532, Lk 1332. 33^ ja 413 ; ^ a{5. (sc. ^fx^pa, MM, s.v.),
Mt 634, Ac 43; i^l rijv ai., Lk 1035, Ac i^; rh (WH om.) t«? ai.,
Ja 4i*.t
** auarrjpos, -a, -ov (< auw, to dry up), [in II Mac 143" ;] LXX :
aOxcipKTjs, -€s
112* 34.(31)28 40^8, IV
«Mac a^Tos, (ipKc'o.)),
(so always in nom. exc. when preceded by the art., v. infr., iii) (1) ;
Eo 15^4; av. 'Irja-ovs, Jo 2^*; av. /cat ol /xer avTod, Mk 225; ^^^-^
au., Mk 631 ggp (as freq j^ ^^ ^^_ ^^ j^j. 34^ j^^ 61^, Jo 1627,
hour, Lk IO21 (M, Pr., 91; MM, s.v.); (2) emphatic, he, she, it
(M, Pr., 86; Bl., §48, 1, 2, 7), Mt I21 12^0, Lk 63^, al.; pointing to
some one as master (cl.), Mt 82*, Mk 43^, al. av., koL av. = oOtos, 6 Se ;
(BL, § 48, 1), Mt 142, Mk 1415.44^ Lk I22 228, al. 2. In oblique cases
(cl.), for the simple pron. of 3rd pers., he, she, it, Mt 10^2 26**, al. V
with ptcp. in gen. absol., Mt 9^8, 13^, al. (for irreg. constructions, Mk
V. Bl., § 74, 5) ;
pleonastically after the relative (cf. Heb. ib ni?N;
WM, 184 ff. Bl., § 50, 4 MM, s.v.), Mk 72^, Ee 38 72,
; ; al. ; in constr.
ad sensum, without proper subject expressly indicated, Mt ^q 35^ 423,
II Co 213, al.; gen. airoi = iKeivov, Eo lin, i Th 21^, Tit 35, He 2*.
3. 6, rj, TO av., the same : He I12 138 t6 av., Trotetv, Mt 5*^' *7, al. 4>povfiv,
; ;
there : Mt 2636, Mk 633, ^h, mg., Lk 9^7, Ac 153*, WH, tag., E, mg.,
1819 21*.t
a6ToO, -^s, -oi, =eavTov (q.v.), Mt 634, Lk 12^7, al. (MM, S.V.).
** auTd<j)wpos, -ov «aiiTos, (f>wp, a thief), [in Sm. Jb 34^^*;] prop, :
with ref. to theft, then generally, in the very act : as freq., neut. dat.
after (ttl, Jo 8* (Eec, €7ravTo0a)p(x)).t
*auT6-x€ip, -pos, 6, 17 (-^auTo?, x"p)' ^^^^ <^'^^'^ ^^^ hand:
Ac 2719.+
* auxe'w, -w (< a^x^?, boasting), to boast : c. ace. (MM, s.v.), ficydXa
av)(^el (Rec. yucyaXavx", q-V.), Ja 3^.+
* auxpipos, -a, -oi' (< aux/"o'?, drought) 1. ;
drt/. 2. squalid,
dismal: 11 Pe l^^ (MM, s.v.).t
d<j)-aipew, -w, [in LXX
(Cremer, 615 f .) for 110 "QV DT) , , , , ms
etc. (35 words in take from, take aivay, take off: c. ace, to
all);] to
wTiov, Mt 26^^!, Mk
14*- {fLrdpiov, WH), Lk 22^^^ (oSs) wctSos, Lk pS; ;
vanishing : He 8i3_t
*a<|)aia-os, -ov (<:^ <^at'vo/xat), poet, and late prose (MM, s.v.),
invisible, hidden : Lk 243i.t
*t d4)c8poJ.', -wvos, 6 (cf . ae^cSpos, Le 125) =, ci_ 5<^o8os (MM, s.v.),
ajyrwy, drain: Mt 15^', Mk 7^^ (oxerdv, mg.).t WH,
*d<f)ei8ia (L, -£ia), -a?,
tmsjyarmg treatment, severity
rj « ctc^eiSrjs,
1. extravagance.
2. :
Mt 2628, Mk 1*, Lk 1"' 33 24*' Ac 238 531 1043 1338 26I8, Col l^* ,
TrapaTTTto/xarwv, Eph 1^ absol., Mk 329, He 922 1018 (cf. DB, ii, 56;
d<f>T), -^s, 17 (<^ ttTrro), to fasten, fit), [in LXX for V22 , freq. in Le ;]
**t d<|.0apaia, -as, r) .Jc^^apTos), [in LXX: Wi 223 510^ ly Mac 922
1712 * ;] incorruptibility, immortality : Eo 2'', i Co 15*2> 5o> 53, 54^ jj fj
110; dyaTTiavTwv . . . iv a., Eph 62* (v. AE, in l.).t
d<t>€(i)VTai (M, Pr., 38), Lk 5^^. 2. to Zeave aZowe, leave, neglect Mt 4^^ :
52* 151*, Mk 120.31, Jo 43,28^ al.; r. ^vtoX^ t- &^oi, Mk 7^; t^v t. apx^s
T. Xpio-Tou Aoyoi', He 6^ ; t. dydTrrjv t. TrptaTrjv, Re 2* ptcp., a<^€ts,
from all else at, fix one's gaze ufon: metaph, (MM, s.v.), He 12^; {h)
simply, to see : d<fii8w (v.s. aTrctSoi', and Lft., Phi., in 1, ; MM, s.v.),
Phi 2'-^«
(v. Ellic, in l.).t
d<j)-opiiw, [in LXX (Cremer, 805 £.) for blS hi., "130 hi., FJ13
wn hi., etc. ;]
(a) to mark off by boundaries from, separate from : c. ace,
Ac 19^, Ga 212; id. seq. iK {diro), Mt 13^3 25^2 (MM, s.v.); of excom-
munication, Lk 6^2. Pass., absol., ii Co 6^^ (b) to set apart, devote to ;
a4>pwi', -ov, gen. -ovo? (-< (^/or^v), [in LXX for b""?? , b^3 , etc. ;] with-
out reason, senseless, foolish, expressing " want of mental sanity and
sobriety, a reckless and inconsiderate habit of mind " (Hort cf MM, ; .
he late (Polyb., Si, I.e.). 2. Trans., to keep hack (Ne, I.e. ; v. Mayor,
Ja., 157 f.) : pass., Ja 5* (MM, s.v.).t
a<j>a)^os,-ov {i>wv^), [in LXX
Wi 41^, 11 Mac 32»*;] : Is 53^ (d^JX ni.),
dumb, speechless : Ac 8^2 (lxx) (MM, s.v.), i Co 122 Qf beasts,
of idols .
'Axaia (T, 'A;^aia), -as, rj (Bl., § 46, 11), Achaia, the Eoman
province: Ac 18^2.27 1921 Rq 152^, i Co 1&^\ 11 Co 1^ 92 llio,
iTh 17. 8.+
**dxXu's, -ws, rj, [in Aq. Ez 12^; Sm. Jb S^*;] : : a mist, esp. a
dimness of the eyes Ac 13^^ (v. Tr., Syn., § c).t
312 (LXX),t
13« 20* (E, txt., mg.) 28l^ 11 Co lO^^. i*. He 4^2, Ee I420 18^
(c) of measure or degree a. davarov, Ac 22^, Ee 2^** 12^^
: 3. As conj.,
until; (a) axpi alone: c. subj. aor., Ga 3^^ ^5 ^j t, mg.) id. WH, ;
(b) a. ov (i.e. a. Tovrov to) c. indic. aor., Ac 7^^; impf., 27^3; c. subj.
B, P, pTJTa, TO, indecl., beta, b, the second letter. As a numeral,
/r = 2; /?, = 2000.
BdaX (Eec. BaaA), 6, 17, indecl. (Heb. byn, lord), Baal: Eo
114 (LXX) i'}^g iem. art. here agrees with the usage of LXX, where,
following a similar Hebrew practice {TXDI for bv'2), ala-^^yrq appears
to have been substituted in reading for the written BaaX (cf. iii Ki
18^9),and to account for the freq. use of the fem. art. bef. B. The
usage, however, is not general, and in the passage cited in Eo (iii Ki
I918), LXX reads tw B.t
(3. ttXovtov . . . ®eov, Ro 11^3 ; to. /3. t. @eov (tbe Divine counsels),
I Co 210 ; 17 Kara /3<j.0ov<; irTwxtia, deej) poverty, 11 Co B^.t
PaStis (gen. vernac, Lk, I.e.; Bl., §8, 5), -tia, -v, [in LXX
chiefly for pay ;] deep Jo 411 metapb., opOpov /SaOew; (v. supr.),
; ;
missile then generally, of things and persons, lit. and metapb., to throw,
cast, put, place : c. ace, seq. ek, Mt 41^, and freq. im, Mt 103*; koltu),
Mt 4«; l^w, Mt 513; „v^^ Mt 5^9; Ik, 12**; SpeVavov, Ee 14i9; Mk
fxdxaipav, Mt 103* . ^x^pov, Mt 2735 ; of fluids, to pour : Mt 91^, Jo 135
pass., to be laid, to lie ill : Mt 92 ; e(3\i]0r] (timeless aor., M, Pr., 134),
Jo 15«; intrans., to rush (Bl., §53, 1): Ac 2?!*. Metaph., yS. ets t.
KapUav, Jo 132 (cf. usage in ir., without idea of violence also of ;
liquids MM, Exp., x v. also Cremer, 120, 657 cf. d^f^i-, dva-,
; ; ;
dvTi-, diro-, 8ia-, €k-, ifx-, rrap-e/J.-, iiri-, Kara-, fxira-, irapa-, irepi-, Trpo-,
Ac 1* 11^" ; virip Twv veKpwv, perh. to fulfil the wish of a dead friend,
I Co1529 (v. ICC, in 1.; cf. DB, i, 238 flf.; DCG, i, 169 ^ ii, 605 b;
Cremer, 126).t
*t pdirriCTfjia, -tos, to «; ySaTrri^o)) ,
prop., the result of the act, TO
fiaTTTL^eLv, as distinct from ^aTTTtcr/ios, the act itself, immersion,
baptism; metaph., of affliction: Mk 103^.39,
1. Lk 125o. 2. Of the
religious rite of baptism (a) of John's baptism ;
: Mt 3^ 212^, Mk Ipo,
Lk 729 20*, Ac 122 103' 1825 193 .
^ ^eravot'as, Mk 1*, Lk 33, Ac 132*
19*; (b) of Christian baptism; Eo 6*, Eph 4^, Col 2i2 (Tr., -/x(3, q.v.),
I Pe 321 (cf. Cremer, 130 ; Tr., Syn. § xcix).t
*t PaTmap.6s, -ov, 6 (•<[ ySaTTTt'^w) prop., the act of which ^dirTicTfx.a ,
and culture (and also, after the Persian war, with the added sense of
brutal, rude) Ac 282. 4^ jj^ lu^ j Co I411, Col 311 (v. Lft., in 1., and
Notes, 249).
Pap^u, -w (later form of papvvw, q.v.), [in LXX: Ex 71* (133),
IIMac 13^ * ;J
to depress, weigh down. In NT, in pass, only : Mt 26*^,
Lk 93'-! 2134, 11 Co V 5\ I Ti 5i«.t
3ap^a)9, adv. «/3apvs), [in LXX /3. (^c'peiv, Ge Sl^^ (ijiyi nin) : ;
Milligan, NTD, iii Dalman, Gr., 142), Barnabas: Ac 43« 9^^ II22.30
€v p., burdensome : 1 Th 2^, E, txt., but v. infr. {b) in late Gk. (Soph., ;
ICG, in l.).t
SVN. : oy/cos, an encumbrance ; t^opriov, a burden, that which is
BapcraPPds (Eec. -a/Ja?), -a (Aram., son of Sabba), Barsabbas: 1.
the surname of one Joseph: Ac 1-3. 2. The surname of one Judas:
Ac 1522.t
Baprifiaios, -ov, o {-pLolo';, T ;
perh. Aram. ""NO^'IS , v. DB, iv,
II, Mac;]
« ^acravos), [in
prop., to rub
on the touchstone,
: I Ki 53, Si 4^^ and freq. in Wi,
put to the test. 2. to
examine by torture, hence, generally, to torture, torment, distress : Mt
Q6,-iQ 1424^ Mk 57 6*8, Lk 828, II Pe 2^, Ee 9^ llio 12'-^ 14i« 20i".t
**pa(ra.'iafi6s, -ov, n {<^ fiaaavl^w), [in LXX: IV Mac 9^ 112*;]
torture, torment : Ee 9^ 14^ 18^'
fid<Tavo(i, -ov, 6 (of Oriental origin), [in LXX chiefly for D^?< , rn^bj
and freq. in iv Mac ;] 1. prop., touchstone, a dark stone used in testing
metals. 2. examination by torture. 3. torment, torture : Mt 4^*, Lk
1523, 28_t
PaCTiXeia, -as, rj (< /SaariXevw), [in LXX chiefly for rWD^O
npbpo;] 1. prop, abstract, so'uemg'n^^/. royal power, dominion: Lk 1^*
Mt 53.10 191*, Mk IQi*. Lk ISiS; Sih t^v /3., Mt 19i2; "ey^K^ t^s /?.,
Lk 1829; €vayy€At^€(T^ai, K-qpvcrauv, StayycUctv -n^v p., Lk 4*3 92,60.
^yyiKcv /S., Mt 32, Mk
rj li* kXcZs t^s /3., Mt I6IO; kX^ulv t'tjv fi., ;
Mt 231*; vloX T^s p., Mt 812 1338 (cf. Cremer, 132, 658).
PttCTiXcioj', -ov, TO « jSaaiKiios, q.v.), [in LXX
15i9*), etc.;] 1. a capital city.
for bs"*:! (Na 2*,
nates ;]royal, belonging to a king : x*^P°-' ^^ -^2^*^ icrOrj^, Ac 12^^ vo/x,os > ;
j3., a sjqireme law, " a law which governs other laws and so has a
specially regal character" (Hort), or because made by a king {LAE,
p. 367 3), Ja 2^; ns, one in the service of a king, a cotirtier, Jo 4*^1 *»
cTTi Tov (t^?) y8., in the ])lace concerning the bush : Mk 122^, Lk 2037.
tpdros -ov, 6 (Heb. na), [in LXX (also ^aid, /3d8o^) : 11 Es 722*;]
6 f.), Mk
131*. Mt 2415 (Cremer, 138).t
t p8e\uKT(5s, V, -oy « ySStA-vVo-o)), [in LXX : Pr IT^^ (nnrin), Si
41*, II Mac 127*;] abominable, detestable: Tit V^ (Cremer, 137).t
pSeXuVau {<^/3Se(j), to stink), [in chiefly for mm, Vp^'] ^^ LXX
cl., mid. only (Attic, -TTOfxai); to mahe foul; pass., Ee 21^; mid., to
turn away in disgust from to detest : Eo 2^^ (Cremer, 137). ,
**P£'3aios, -ov (also -a, -ov; <i^a&w), [in LXX: Es 3^3, Wi 723,
III Mac 5^1 T^, IV Mac 17* * ;] firm, secure : ayKvpa, He 6^^ metaph., ;
sure (esp. "in the sense of legally guaranteed security," Deiss., BS,
109 cf two foil, words)
; . i-n-ayycKia, Eo 4^^ cXttis, ii Co 1® \dyos.: ; ;
or perh. by} , habitation, but, v. DB, iv, 409 f. ; DCG, i, 181). The
AV, EV, Beelzebub, comes through Vg. from iv Ki 1^, 3117 bv2. , lord
(Rec. Boo-op).+
BT]Oapap(i, -as (Rec. -pa, indecl. ; Heb. TTay 11!^^, place of crossing;
-apa/Sa, R, mg.), Bethabara : Jo l^s, Rec. (WH, R, Br]6avLa.).f
BriBavia, -as (also -ta, indecl., Lk 19^*^ and in B*, Mk 11^), r],
force one's way into, Lk 16^^ (v. ICC, in 1., and in Mt, I.e. cf. irapa- ;
pi'aios, -a, -ov «y3ta), [in LXX for Brj^, 7;?, ly , etc.;]
violent : Ac 2^.f
*tpia<mfis, -ov, 6 {<C/3i(iCio), late form of /Staras; 1. strong, forceful.
2. violent (Philo) Mt II12 (see /3ia^a)).t :
being sometimes used;] a book, a roll, used much less freq. than
and with a "connotation of sacredness and veneration"
(MM, Exj)., x), Mt 1\ Mk 122^, Lk 3* 20*2 Ac I20 7*2 igi^; p. r. (;u>^s.
^ios, -ov, 6, [in LXX chiefly for D'^p^;] 1. period or course of life,
I Jo 3i7.t
ib.«'22 (p|ia pi.), Is 525 (|,j^3 hith.), Da LXX 329<96) (-,brzr nnx). To 118,
slander : Mt Mk 123i 15i9, 328 722, Eph 43i, Col 38, i Ti 6*, Ju9, Ee 29
(b) spec, impious speech against God, blasphemy Mt 26^*, Mk 14^* :
(Cremer, 570).
* PXe'fjLp.a, -Tos, TO {<C /3Xe7r<ji) a look, a glance: /SXe/xfiarL koI aKofj, ,
II Pe 28, sight and hearing, a sense not found for yS. in Gk. lit., but
perh. recognized in the vernacular {ICC, in l.)t
pXe'tro), [in LXX chiefly for nXT , also for TOG, etc.;] 1. of
bodily sight; (a) to see, have sight (opp. to Tv<^Xds ctvat) : Mt 1222,
Jo 9^ Ac 99, Eo 118, jje 318^ ^1. ;
(b) to perceive, look (at), see : absol.,
seq. TTtus, c. indie, Lk S^^, i Co 3^^ Eph 5^^ ggq. „', c. indie, Mk 42* ;
*tpXT]Teos, -a, -ov (gerundive of ySaAAw), (that which) one must put:
Lk 538.f
Bodl, v.s. Boos.
Boa»'T)pY^s, indecl. (on the derivation, v. Dalman, Gr., 144;
Words, 42; Swete, M;., I.e.; DCG, 216), Boanerges:
i, Mk 3^7.+
podu, -w
to cry, call out
«Mt :
ySoT;), [in
3^, 27*^,
chiefly for pyi pys Nip
1^ 15=^*, Lk
3* 9^8 IS^s,
;] 1. absol.,
123, Ac 8^
17« 252^ Ga 427. 2. C. dat., to call on for help (Heb. by pyr , Ho 7^*,
al.), Lk 187.t
SVN.: Ka\i(i}, to call, invite, summon; Kpd^io, to cry, harshly or
inarticulately, as animals; Kpauya^w, intensive of Kpa^w. ftodta ex-
presses emotion, whether joy, fear, etc.
Bo^s, 6, v.s. Boos.
PoT], ^s, 17, [in LXX for npVl , etc. ;] a cry : Ja 5*.t
poi^ecia, -as, ri (v.s. ftorjOeoy), [in LXX for 1}^ , etc.;] help:
He 41* ;
pi., helps, ^'/rapping," a technical nautical term (MM, Exp.,
x; DB, ext., 367): kcTI^''.^
PoTjO^w, -w {<^ftori + Bed), to run), [in LXX chiefly for 17^;] to
come to aid, to help, siiccour : absol., Ac 2128 . q ^^t., Mt 152^, Mk 922. 24
Ac 169, II Co 62 (LXX), He 2i8, Ee 12i«.t
por]0os, -ov (v.s. ftorjOew), [in LXX chiefly for 17^;] 1. (poet. -00s),
hasting to the war-cry (Hom.). 2. helping, auxiliary ; as subst. (Hdt.),
a helper: He 136(i'XX).t
poOocos, -ov, 6 (= ftoOpos, more freq. in cl.), [in LXX chiefly for
rne;] a pit: Mt DB, iii, 885; JDCG, ii, 367).t
12^1 15^\ Lk 639 (cf.
Boos and Boe's (RV, Bod^ Rec Boot,), o, indecl. (Heb. 7^3), Boaz
(Ru 21) : Mt 16, Lk S^^f
P6pPopos, -ov, 6, [in LXX: Je 45 (38)« (la-^M)*;] mud, filth: ii Pe
222 +
LXX for ]iB^;] 1. Boreas, the North wind. 2. the north: Lk IS^^,
Re 21i3.t
^oaKw, [in LXX for nv^;] prop., of a herdsman, to feed: Mt 8^^,
Mk 51*, Lk 33* 15^5; metaph., of Christian pastoral care, Jo 21^5, 17,
Pass., of cattle, to feed, graze : Mt B^o, 5^\ Lk B^'-^.t^ Mk
SVN. : TToifiaiveiv, to tend, shepherd, a wider term, including over-
sight as well as feeding (v. Tr., Syn., § xxv).
Boaop, V. Bcwp.
Poxdi^, -r;s, 7] «/?oV»ca)), [in LXX for n^y, Nizr^, Txn;] 1.
(of. a-Ta<^v\rj) .^
pooXcurVis, -ov, 6 {<:/3ov\€vw), [in LXX: Jb 3" 12i7 (|^y^)*;] a
councillor, a senator ; of a member of the Sanhedrin Mk 15*^, Lk :
PouXcuw {<^PovXrj), [in LXX chiefly for |^jr;] to take counsel,
deliberate, resolve. In mid., 1. to take counsel with oneself, consider
seq. tl, Lk 14^i. to determine with oneself, resolve : c. inf., Ac 5^"
273^ C. ace, II Co V' seq. cva, Jo IV^ 12^^ (cf. -rrapa-, <rv^-).f
PouXii, -rj^, rj (<^ y8ov\o/xai), [in LXX freq. for nxy ;] counsel,
tion (Bl., § 64, 6), Jo 183'' povXiqOii'i, of set purpose (v. Hort, in 1.),
Ja 118 impf., efiovXofjirjv ( = cl. ^ovXc'/jL-qv av Bl., § 63, 5 Lft., Phm. ^^),
; ] ;
PoukcJs, -ov, 6 (a Cyrenaic word, Hdt., iv, 199), [in LXX chiefly for
nyaa;] a hill: Lk 35(lxx) 233o.t
Pous, (3o6<i, 6, -q, [in LXX chiefly for ij?^ ;] an ox, a cow : Lk 13"
146. 19^ Jo 214. IS, I Co 99 (^^^\ I Ti 5i8.t
* PpaPciok, -ov, TO («< /SpayScvs, an Umpire), a prize in the games
I Co 924 metaph., of the Christian's reward. Phi 3i*.t
to direct, rule, control (so in Col., I.e., ace. to Thayer, s.v., Meyer,
in 1.), (cf. Kara-/3pa 13 evo)).f
«;8pa8vs), [in LXX: Ge 43io (ma hith.),
ppaSuVu De T^",
Is 46^3 (-inN pi.), Si 32 (35)i8*;] 1. trans., to retard (Soph., Is, I.e.).
2. More freq. intrans., to be slow, to tarry : i Ti 3", 11 Pe 3^.t
*t ppaSuirXoc'u, -w {<C /3pa8v<:, ttAovs), to sail slowly : Ac 27''.t
* ppaSus, -cia, -V, slow : €is to Xakija-ai, Ja 1^^ metaph., of the ;
understanding :
t. KapSia, assoc. with dvoT/ro?, Lk 24^*.
*Ppa8oTiis, -»}tos, rj, slowness : 11 Pe 3^.t
Ppaxus, -eta, -V, [in LXX chiefly for layp ;] short ; (a) of time
short, little: ftpa-xy, Ac 5^*; /actci ft., Lk 22*®; ft. n, a short time,
He 2'^. ^, EV, mg. (6) of distance Ac 27^® (c) of quantity or value,
little, few: Jo 6^, He 2''»^, EV, txt. pi., hia ftpaxeav, in few words. ;
He 1322.t
**Pp^4.os, -ovs, to, [in LXX: Si 19ii, i Mac le^, 11 Mac 6^0,
III Mac 5*^, IV Mac 4^**;] 1. an unborn child : Lk l^i. •**. 2. a new-
born child, a babe: Lk 2^2, le igis^ Ac 7l^ i Pe 2^; 6.-Kh ftpe<f>ov<;, from
infancy, 11 Ti 3".t
pp^X«, [in LXX
chiefly for 1130;] 1. <o wet: Lk 2. In 738.**.
late Gk. writers and vernac. = vctv, to send rain, to rain (Kennedy,
Sources, 39, 155) Mt 5" trop., ft. Tzvp k. Bilov, Lk 17^^ ; impers.,
: ;
rain: Mt 725.27.t
pp<5xos, -ov, 6, [in LXX: Pr 6* (Tj 721 (p^D) 2225 (tzrpto),
III Mac 48 *
a noose, a ;] slip-knot, a halter : metaph., a restraint (not,
as AV, E, txt., a snare) : i Co l^^.f
*+ Pupo-eu's,
: Ac
-e'oDs, 6
Puo-cricos, -T], -ov (<^ 0vcrcro<;), [in LXX chiefly for Uhp , yi3 , etc. ;]
n3«?b , n3V2 (iv Ki 2311, al.), once for 0^33 (Es 3^) ; t6 y., ra y., of a
ydXa, -aKTos, to, [in LXX for Q^n ;] milk: i Co 9". Metaph., of
elementary Christian teaching i Co 32, He 5^2, 13 ^^ AoyiKoi/ ahoXov y., : .
the rational (spiritual) genuine milk (v. Hort, in 1.), i Pe 22 (in support
of AV, milk of the word, v. ICC, in 1.).+
ra\dTT)s, -ov, 6 (originally syn. with cl. KcAt?;?; cf. i Mac 82, and
V. next word), a Galatian : Ga 3^.t
TaXaTia, -as, 17, Golatia ; 1. a gentilic region in Asia Minor,
settled by Gauls (iii/B.c). 2. A Roman Province which included this
region {DB, ii, 85 ff.) i Co 16^, Ga I2, 11 Ti 410 (T, Tr., mg., VaXXiav),
I Pe 11.+
ra\aTiK<5s, -ri> "o'v (v. previous word), Galatian, belonging to
Galatia : Ac 16« 1823.+
*ya\-l^vr\, -rjs, 17, a calm : Mt 826, Mk 439, Lk 82*.+
TaXiXaia, -as, rj (Heb. b''!?an , the circle, district), Galilee, the name
of the northern region of Palestine in times NT : F. twv i6vwv, Mt
415 (LXX). O^Xaaaa t^s T., Mt 1529 (cf. Jo 6^).
raXiXatos, -am, -alov, Galilcean : Mt 2669, Mk 14"o, Lk W^ 2 2259,
236, Jo 4«, Ac 111 27 537.+
raXXi'a, -as, rj, Gaul
mg., for TaAaTta, II Ti 410.+: T., Tr.,
TaXXiwi', -tovos, 6, Gallic, proconsul of Achaia Ac I812. 1*. i7 f :
199, Mk 617 IQii, Lk 1420 1618. 2. Of the woman, (a) mid. (and in late
cative and epexegetic : Mt 4^8 1912, Mk l^^ 512 154^ Lk 113o, Ko 71,
I Co 16*, al. 2. Conclusive, in questions, answers and exclamations
83i Ko
Mt 9* 2723, Lk 925 2227, Jo 930, Ac 163^ 193*, 15^6, i Co 910,
Phi 118 (Bllic, in 1.), i Th 220, al. 3. Causal: Mt I21 22.5.6, 323^
Mk 122 96, 115' 18^ Lk Jo 225, Ac 225, Ro 19. 11, I Co 115, Re 13, al.
giving the reason for a command or prohibition, Mt 22'^ 3^, Eo 13",
Col Th 43, al. where the cause is contained in an interrog.
33, I ;
Lk 632, I Qq 57^ al i(j as in cl. = etenim, where the koi loses its
connective force (Bl., § 78, 6; Kuhner3, ii, 854 f.), Mk U^\ Lk l«c
2237, II Co 13*. The proper place of ydp is after the first word in a
clause, but in poets it often comes third or fourth, and so in late prose
II Co 119. Yet "not the number but the nature of the word after
which it stands is the point to be noticed" (v. Thayer, s.v.).
yao-Ti^p, -Tpo9, rj, [in LXX for ]y5 , iv y. £;^£tv for i^in , iv y.
(but not always translatable into English) 1. used alone Lk 118 185 ; :
Eo 832. 2. More freq. with other particles aXkd yc, Lk i Co 92 :
Sipa y£, Mt 720 1726, Ac 1727; S.pd y€, Ac 830; ,;; y^ (Rec. ct'yc), II Co 53,
Ga 3*, Eph 32 421, Col 123 (y. Meyer, Ellic, on Ga, Eph, 11. c. Lft., ;
Y6fiilt« «ye/t(o), [in LXX: Ge 45^7 (|yD), iii Mac 5*^, iv Mao
31**;] to fill; 1. properly, of a ship (Thuc, al.) Mk 4^7 : (pass.).
2. In late writers, generally (MGr., v. Kennedy, Sources, 155), c. ace,
seq. gen., Mk Jo T 6^\ Ee 158 AttS, Lk I516,
1536, ; Eec. WH, mg.
iK, Lk 15i«, WH, Ee 8^ Pass., absol. Lk 1423.t :
hef^dl properly,
; of a ship
1. (Xen.). 2. Generally (Plat., al.), (a) c.
gen. rei: Mt 232^, Lk 1V^\ Eo 3i*(lxx)^ Ee 4''.8 58 15' 173<«-»i 2P;
{b) seq. iK Mt 232^ (c) c. ace. rei (called a solecism in
251 Bl., § 36, 4), as in later Gk. from Byz. to Mod. times (Jannaris,
Mk 919, Lk 9" 168, Ac 2*^ (b) of all the people of a given period ;
Mt 243^ Mk 1330, Lk 21^2, Phi 21*; pi., Lk 1*8; esp. of the Jewish
people, Mt 1116 1239. 4i, 42, 45 i^i 2336^ Mk 812. 38^ Lk V^ 1129.
30-32. 50, 51
(= "lin "trh Is 341'^, al.), Lk l^*'; ets Trao-as ras y. tov aiwvos twv
yiveai.^, -ctos, r}
« yCyvo/xai), [in LXX chiefly for nibw ;] 1. origin,
Lk 1^* (Rec. yiuvrjo-L's) irpoawTTov t^s face of his birth ("what God
; y.,
made him to be," Hort., in 1.), Ja 1^3; 6 rpo^os t^s y., the wheel
(course) of birth or creation ("the wheel of man's nature according to
'ts original Divine purpose," Hort), Ja 3^.t
YeceTTJ, -^s, ^ = ycverj, lon. for yei/ea, [in LXX : Le 25*^ (lj:5.37
y^vv&m, -co (<^ yeWa, poet. for yevoii), [in chiefly for ib^ ;] 1. LXX
of the father, to beget: c. ace, Mt l^-^^, Ac T^'^^; seq. «, Mt l^.s.s.
2. Of the mother, to bring forth, bear : Lk l^^. 57 2329, Jo I621 ; cts
SovXetav, Ga 424. Pass. (1) to be begotten: Mt l^O; (2) to be born: Mt
21, 4 1912 2624, Mk
1421, Lij i35_ Jo 34^ Ac 720, Ro 9^\ He 1123 geq. ^j^, .
yivvr\\La, -tos, to' (< yevvaw), [in LXX chiefly for riKinp;] off-
(^V')*;] begotten, born: pi., y. yvvaLKwv (cf. H^X Th"], Jb 14^), peri-
yepouo-ia, -a?, 17 « yipoiv), [in LXX (Hex. only in OT) for ]p\ ;] a
council of elders, senate ; in NT, of the Sanhedrin {CI. Bev., i, 43 f.
c. ace. (not cl., but v. Westc, Heb., I.e. M, Pr., 66, 245), Jo 2^. Metaph, ;
He 6* p^/xa Oeoi, He 6^ (on case, v. supr., and cf. Milligan, NTD, 68)
tyecipyioc, -ov, to « yccupyos), [in LXX, freq. in Pr., for ITW, etc.;]
ycupyos, -ov, 6 (<Cy^, «pyw = €p8w, to do), [in LXX for 13X, etc.;]
1. a husbandman : 11 Ti 2*, Ja 5''. 2. a vine-dresser (cf. a/i,7re\ovpyos,
Lk 13') : Mt 2133-35.38,40,41^ Mk 12i'2,7,9_ Lk 209'io«i*«i6, Jo 15i.t
yrj, y^s, rf, [in LXX for I'lN, naiX, etc.;] 1. the earth, world:
Lk 2135, Ac 18, He ll^^, Ee 3i«, al. ; opp. to Mt 5^8 11^5^ Mk
1327, al. 2. land ; (a) opp. to sea or water : Mk 4\ Lk 53, Jo 621, al.
(6) as subject to cultivation Mt 13^, Mk 48, : Lk 13", He 6' al. (c) the ,
ground Mt 102^,
: Mk 8®, Lk 24^ Jo 86, al. (d) a region, ;
Lk 425, Eo 928, Ja 517 y^ 'lo-paT^A., Mt 220. 21 Xa\8atW, Ac 7*
; ; rj 'lovSata
yfjpas, Attic, gen. (-aos) -ws, dat, a; Ion. and Koivrj, -cos (-ovs), dat.
-«, TO, [in LXX for n'^'^V , etc. ;] old age : iv y^pet, Lk 136.t
yTjpdCTKO) (also yr^pao) ; < y^Jpas), [in LXX chiefly for jpT ;] to grow
old : Jo 2118, He 81^.+
SVN. TraXaLovfiai.
II Ti 2^8, al. ;
,x.r, yevotro [LXX for nb-bn Jo ,
2229, al.], far be it, God
forbid : Ro 3* {ICG, in 1.), i Go 61^ and freq. in PI. ; koX iyivero, cyc'vcro
come to be : c. pred., Mt 43, Lk 43, Jo 2^, i Co 13^^, al. seq. cbs, wo-ci, ;
Mt 1025, Mk 92«; ek (M, Pr., 71 f.), 12io, al. c. gen.. Re ll^*; id., Mk ;
Field, Notes, 156), Ro 73.*; seq. iv, Ac 22'7, Re l^o, al. iirdvo,, Lk ;
19i»; fierd, c. gen., Mk 16[io^, Ac 9^^; seq. ek, cVt' (Field, Notes, 135),
Kara (ib., 62), c. acc. of place, Ac 201^ 213^ 27^, al.; seq. «, Mk 9^,
Lk 322, II Th 2^ al. Aoristic pf. yeyom (M, Pr., 52, 145 f. Field, ;
Notes, 1 f.), Mt 25«, Lk 1036, al. Aor. iyev-jOrj (for eyeVero, M, Pr., 139 f.
Mayser, 379), Mt 1123, ^1. (Cf. aTro-, 8ia-, em-, irapa-, avp.- irapa-, irpo-.)
yii'cjCTKa) (=
V. previous word. So also vulgar Attic, in
yiyv- :
yXeuKos (-«os), -ous, to, [in LXX for ]^^., Jb 32^^*;] must, sweet
new wine (Arist.) : Ac 2^^.t
yXukus, -«a, -V, [in LXX chiefly for pinp ; ] Ja S^^' 12 ; opp. to
yXuaaa, -77s, 17, [in LXX chiefly for ]il2;^;] 1. the tongue, as the
(v. supr.), a case for holding the reeds or tongues of musical instru-
ments. As in LXX, tt. (MM, s.v.), a box, chest: Jo 12« 1329.t
Y>'a(t>eus, -ews, o, Ion. and Koivrj form of Att. Kva<^cvs (<C KvairTOJ,
wife; MM, s.v.). 2. irwe, genuine, sincere: Phi 4^,1 Ti I2, Tit
1* as subst., to y. = ^ yvTjo-io'TT/s, sincerity, 11 Co 8^.t
yviiiit], -77s, r,
« yiyt/wo-zcw), [in LXX: Da TH 2^5 (ni), Ps 82
(83)3 (TiD), elsewhere, chiefly 11 Es, for Dytp ;] 1. « means of knoiving,
a token (Theogn.). 2. In Attic writers, the mind, its operations and
results (v. Edwards, Lex., App., A); (a) mind, understanding; (6)
purpose, intention : Ac 20^ (c) judgment, opinion : i Co V^, Ee 17^^ ;
(d) counsel, advice : i Co 72^. *o, n Co 8^^ Phm ^^ (e) royal purpose, ;
Lk 217. Pass., Ac 7^\ Ro 16^«, Eph 3^- »• i", Phi 4« (Cremer, 677 cf. ;
(ij'u-, 6tu-yi'a)^(.'^a)).t
Notes, 147) 81. ".10' 11 13- « U^, 11 Co 6« 8" 11«, Eph 3i9, Col 2^, i Pe 3",
II Pe 1*.*^; c. gen. obj., o-wTT^pias, Lk l" t. Sofvys t. Oeov, ii Co 4"; t. ;
6€oi}, II Co 214 105; Xpi(TToi) 'Iryo-oO, Phi 38 (v. Deiss., L^^, 3833), 11 Pe
31**; C. gen. subjc, deov, Eo IP^; Aoyos yvwo-ews, I Co 12^; t/^€i;8ujvv/xou
I Ti 62**.t
kjiojvn : Ac 9*'^ ; c. dat.,
a notable (EV)
Jo 18i'5. i«
one that
li^ 2i*
matter of knowledge, Ac 41*^
yvwo-rov iroulv, Ac 151". i^ ; to yvwo-rov t.
^eov, Eo
11^; in pi., as subst., yvoiaroi, acquaintances, Lk 2** 23*'-'; so
in sing., Jo 18i«'^«'.t
t yoyyuj^d), [in LXX
chiefly for ]ib ;] to mutter, murmur : i Co
IQlO; seq. Kard, Mt 2011 7rp6^, Lk 5^0 Trept', Jo 6*1.
; /xcT aAXT?\w, ; Jo
6*^; c. ace, seq. irepc, Jo 7^- (cf. 8(.a-yoyyi;^w).t
**t yoyyuaTi^s,
* ;] a murmurer
-ov, 6
«Ju yoyy.^C^)
[in Sm. : Pr 2622, jg 292* ; Th. : Pr
roXyoGd (Eec. -Oa; WH, mg., ToXyo^, Jo, I.e., Aram. Nnbili'il
Tojioppa, -a5, rj, and -lov, rd (Heb. iTlby), Gomorrah, one of the
a suppliant, Trpoo-TrtVrctv Tots y., Lk 5^; so also nOevaL TO. y., to kneel:
Lk 22*1,Ac 7«o 9*o 20^6 21*; in mockery, Mk IS^^; KdfjLTrTecv rh v., to
bend the knee : Eo 11*(lxx) 1411 (lxx)^ Eph 3^\ Phi 2io.t
*t YocoTTCTeoj, -u) {'C^yovv, ttitttw) ; 1. to fall on the knees: seq.
Ifxirpoa-dev, 272^. Mt
2. to fall down before one : c. ace, Mt IT^*,
Mk 1*0, R, txt., 10i7.t
Ypajxfia, -Tos, to (<^ ypdcfxD), [in LXX for "igD , etc. ;] 1. that
ivhich is traced or drawn, a picture. 2. that which is written; (!) a
character, letter : Ga Q^^ (2) a tvriting, a written document
; (a) a ;
bill or account: Lk IG'''"; (6) a letter: Ac 282^; (c) Ta Upa y., the
sacred writings, i.e. the OT
11 Ti 3^^ (so in Philo, Vit. Mos., iii, 39)
(d) TO y., the letter, the written word as an external authority in con-
trast with the direct influence of the Spirit as manifested in the new
Covenant Ro 22"> 2^ 7^ 11 Co 3"' ^ (3) Ta y., letters, i.e. learning : Jo 7^^
584.) t
Ypcififiareus, -ews (acc. pi., -cis, V. Bl., § 8, 2), 6 (<^ ypd.fji.fia), [in
written : Ro 2i*.t
Ypa<}>ii, -^s, rj
(<[ ypdffxj)), [in LXX chiefly for :iri3 ;] 1. a drawing,
painting. 2. (a) writing ; (6) that which is written, a writing iraa-a y., :
stands written (Luther), Mt 4*, Mk 7«, Lk 48, Eo l^^ i Co 1^\ al. ; id.
seq. tV, Mk 1^, Ac l^o, al. ; c. ace, to write of: Jo 1*^, Ko 10*; seq.
TTcpi, Mt 262*, Mk 1421, Jo 546^ al. ; c. dat. (WM, § 31, 4), Lk IS^i ; id.
seq. Iva (M, Pr., 207 f.), Mk 12^^ Lk 2028 ; Kara t. yeypa/x/^teVov, II Co
4^^ yeypa/x/jiivov iari, Jo 2^"
iypdijyr) 8t r]fi3.<;, Ro 42*
; iir aurw yeypafx- ;
fieva, Jo 12^*'
; (c) of writing directions or information, c. dat. pers.
Ro 15^5, II Co 7^2^ al. (d) of that which contains the record or
message: /3i/3\ioy, Mk 10*, Jo
i Ti 48.t
-as, -7 « yv/ivaC<«), [in LXX: IV Mac 1120*;]
cf. Deiss., LAE, 293), 11 Co 53; of seed, bare, 1 Co 1537 (Cremer, 168).+
tyup.t'OTTjs, -7T0S, rj
(<^ yu/Avos), [in LXX for DTy, De 28*8 *;]
yui'aiKcios, -a, -ov (<^ yi^i"?), [in LXX chiefly for n^K ;] female
I Pe 37.t
yuj'^, -aiKos, 7}, [in LXX for niJ^N;] 1. a woman, married or un-
married: Mt ll" 1421, al. ; vVavSpos y., Ro 72; y. xw«. Lk 42"; in
vocat., yvvai implies neither reproof nor severity, but is used freq. as a
term of respect and endearment, Mt 1528, Jq 2*, 421 192^. 2. a toife
Mt 120, I Co 73.*, al.; y. ^TroXveLv, Mk 102, al.; y. Ix"". Mk 6I8;
ka^elu, Mk 1219 ; y. yafidv, 1420. Lk 3. a deaconess, i Ti 3" {CGT,
in 1.).
TcSy, 6 (Heb. aia), indecl., Gcg, assoc. with Magog (q.v) : Re 20^.+
manuaij greek lexicon op the new testament 97
y^yloy -o?, ^ (< yow), [in LXX chiefly for njB ;] an angle, a
corner: Mt 6^,Ac 26^'; t. reWapas y. t. yjjs, Ke 7^, 20^; KC(f)a\r]
Saip.oi'ioi', -ov, TO (neut. of SaifiovLos, -a, -ov, divine), [in LXX (so
also in tt. ; v. MM, Exp., x) for "Ttp, b'biji. (freq. in To) ;] 1. as in cl.
(a) the Divine power, Deity (Hdt., Plat., al.) (b) an inferior divinity, ;
deity or demon (as in magical tt., Deiss., BS, 281 MM, Exp., x) ;
iiva 8., Ac 17^^. 2. (a) In OT, heathen deities, false gods (e.g. De
32^', Ps 95 (96)^) ;
(b) in NT, evil spirits, demons : dvova-iv 8aifxovioi<i,
I Co 102^* ; 8iSao-KaXi'ai Bai/xovLwv, I Ti 4^ ; irpoa-KWfiv to. 8,, Re 92**
722. In the phrase 7rv€v/x.a Sai/xoviov dKaOdprov, Lk 433, the wider cl.
usage (1. b) is recognised, olk. being elsewhere in NT, the epithet of
vrv., and 8. = ttv. olk. (v. 7CC, in 1; Cremer, 168).
**t 8aiiio^nS8T)s, -€s 8at/xo'viov,
demon-like : Ja 3** (Cremer, 171).
« (TSo^), [in Sm.: Ps 90 (91)6*;]
ialiiuv, -ovos, 6, rj, [in LXX for 13, Is 65^^ (X; 8ai/i,ovta>, AB)*;]
in cl. and NT = Sai/ioViov ; a demon: Mt 83^.+
Jite ;
Ukvu,, [in
metaph., Ga
for ^, Ge 491^, al., exc. De B^* (qitzr);] <o
SciKpuoi' (poet, form SaKpv), -ov, to, [in LXX for n^l ;] a tear
Mk 924 (WH, txt., R, txt. omit), Ac „ Co 2*, 11 Ti 1*, He 5^
20i9. 3i^
12", Re 717 21*; metaph., dat. pi., 8a^pvo-i (La 2^\ Thuc, vii, 75;
Bl., §9, 3), Lk738.4^t
8aKpuu, [in LXX for nps , etc. ;] to weep, shed tears : Jo ll^^.t
Syn. : KXaita, of audible weeping, to cry ; 68vpofiai, of grief ex-
pressed verbally, to lament ; Op-qviin, of formal lamentation, to sing a
dirge ; dXaXu^w, to tvail in Oriental fashion ; o-rcva^w, of grief expressed
by inarticulate sounds, to groan.
SaKTuXios, -ov, o «8aKTvXos), [in LXX chiefly for nySM;] a
ring : Lk 1522.t
II Co 1132, Ga 11'.+
8ai'6i^(i), V. Sav/^o).
Sdi'eioc, V. Saviov.
8at'£io-Tr)s, V. 8avto-T7;s.
prophet : Mt 24^^+
Sdi'ioi', -ov, TO (late form of Sdveiov, Eec. ; v.s. Savt'^w), [in LXX
De 2411 (ncr:) 15^' 10 (tanr hi.), iv Mac 28*;] a Zoaw; Mt 1827.+
292s*;] a money-lender
IV Ki 4S Ps 108(109)11 (ntZTJ), Pr 291^ (rzr-j), Si
Lk 7",t
** Sairavdu, -w, [in LXX : To 1", I Mac 14^2, al. ;] 1. to spend, expend
c.ace, Mk seq. 528 ; eVi, c. dat. pers., Ac 212* iwep, ; 11 Co 2. to
consume, squander : Lk IS^* ; e,/ t, rj8oval<; (on the constr. with iv, v.
Saird^, -rys, ^, [in LXX : 11 Es S*. » (n,"??3), Da LXX Bel 21, al. ;]
pit,a A., Ee 55; fSaatXeia A., 1110; v':6s A., the Messiah (Ps. Sol., Mk
1723 for other reff. in
; Jewish lit., v. Dalman, Words, 317), Mt li 92^,
1. copulative, but, in the next place, and, now (Abbott, JG, 104)
Mt 12 «, II Co 615. IS, II Pe l*-7; in repetition for emphasis, Eo 321. 22
930, I Co 2«, Ga 22, Phi 28 in transition to something new, Mt l^^ 2^^
or addition, Jo 3^9, Eo b^, i Co 1^2, Eph 2* 5=^2^ al.; <I)s U, Jo 2^; koL
. .Se, but also, Mt 10^8, Lk I'S, Jo 6", Eo 1123, al.; Kal iav 8i, yea
even if, Jo 8^^. 2. Adversative, but, on the other hand, prop., answering
to a foregoing fiiv (q.v.), and distinguishing a word or clause from one
preceding (in NT most freq. without yiteV; Bl., § 77, 12) eav 8c,
: Mt
614,23^ al.; cyw (o^, etc.) 8e, Mt 522 6^, Mk 82^, al.; b 8c, auros 8e', Mk
1«, Lk 4^0, al.; after a negation, Mt 6^9. 20^ Rq 3*, i Th 521, al.
S^Tjo-is, -cfc)s, 7} {<Chioixai), [in LXX for nsnp , nST, n^Sl?, etc.;]
1. a wanting, need (so Ps 21 (22)2^). 2, aw asking, entreaty, supplica-
tion ; in NT always addressed to God Lk l^^, n Co l^^. Phi l^^, n Ti :
13, Ja 516, I Pe 312 (LXX); with vvyo-Tcrat, Lk 23^; Trpoo-cvx*?, -ai, Eph 6^8,
Phi 4^, I Ti 2^ 5* LKerrjpiai, He 5^^ Trpo(TKapTipri<ri<i, Eph 618 cvTcvfcis,
; ; ;
8ei, impersonal (8ca)), [in LXX chiefly for infin. with ^;] one
must, it isc. inf., Mt 26**, Mk 13'', Ac 52^, al.
necessary : c. ace. et ;
inf., MtMk 831, Jq 37^ Ac 25io, al. with ellipse of ace, Mt 2323;
1621, ;
of ace. and inf., Mk I31*, Eo 12" S^*" oi (yu^) 8€t {non licet), ought not, nnist ;
Seov), Ac 193"; id., with ellipse of icrrLV, 1 Pe 1^; to. p.ri Scovra (= a ou
8cr), I Ti 513.
Mt 48 8*, Mk 1** 1415, Lk 4* 51* 202* 2212 24*o, Jo 2i8 520 1032 2020,
Ac 73>Lxx)^ I Ti 615, Ee I71 2P'io 221-8, pass., He 85(i'XX);
(j) to make
123i, Ee
knoion: Mt I621, Jo 148.9, Ac IO28, i Co li 41, 22^; (c) to
prove Ja 2i8 3i3.t
Da LXX 1127*;] to take the chief meal of the day, to dine, to sup:
Lk 178 2220 (WH, br., E, mg. omits), i Co 1125; metaph., Ee 320.+
SeiTTi'oi', -ov, TO, [in LXX chiefly for 35"n5) (Da) ;] the chief meal
of the day, dinfier, supper : Mt 23^, Mk 12^9, Lk 14^7. 24 20«, Jo 132' *
2120, I Co 1121 3 ^ouZv, . Mk 621, lij 1412,16^ Jo 122; ^yp^aKov (q.v.) 8.,
I Co 1120; metaph. (Dalman, Words, 118), S. r. ydjxov r. dpviov, Ee 19^;
8. T. fxeya r. 0£o9, Ee IQl^t
= cl. TecrcrapecTKai'ScKa, more freq. in later Gk. than the older form and
in MGr. (for thirteen and upwards) universal, fourteen: Mt li'^, u Co
122, Ga 21 (cf. Teo-o-ap£o-Kat8£KaTos).+
8eK(i-n), -17s, 1^, prop. fern. (sc. fx-ipoi) of ScVaTo?, -rj, -ov, [in LXX
for TtJ^yo : Ge li^o, Ne 12", et al. ;] a tenth part, a tithe : He T^.*.*.'
531 Ta 8., i/ie right side, Mk 16*; ck 8e$iwv, on the right hand, c. gen.,
Mt 2533' 34^ Mk 1527^ L]j 111^ al. of a place of honour in the Messianic ;
2139, II Co 520, 412 ; seq. Tva, Lk 9*o ; seq. to, c. inf., 11 Co IO2 ; c.
gen. pers. et rei, 11 Co 8* (ii) of prayer to God absol., Ac 43i ; seq.
S^Pfia, -Tos, TO «;8e/3w), [in for IliT;] i/^e sA;m, LXX /lide of
beasts : cv aiytbts 8., He 11^''',
ScpfKiTifos, -rj, -ov (<[ 8ep/xa), [in LXX for lijr ;] 0/ sA;m, leathern
Mt 3\ Mk 1« (cf. IV Ki 18).t
al.), etc. ;]
« 1.
put in chains
LXX for
: Lk
-|DX (Jg 16^\
8^^, Ac 22*.
D^K pi.
to hind, tie
S^apLTj (Eec. Sea-p.^), -7?s, 17 « 8€a)), [in LXX for ni^Jf Ex I222 * ,
a hundle : S-^aare aira cis Secrp.a'i (D, Orig., omit eis, and Blass thinks
original reading, 8€cr/xas Sia-p-as; v. Deiss., Zr^J5, 125^), Mt IB^^A
8^cr|jiios, -ov (also -a, -ov ; <^ 8((rp.6^), [in LXX for IDK ;] 1. hinding.
2. hound, captive; 6 8., as subst., a prisoner: Mt 27^^'^", Mk 15'',
SeCTfAos, -ov,
Lk 13^**
« 860)),
6 8€a-po^ t. yXwo-o-r/s,
[in LXX chiefly for
Mk P'' (for this
1DN ;] a band, hond
expression in
TT., V. Deiss., LAE, 306 ff. ; of actual bonds, v. Euth., Gr., 9). PI.,
8€o-yLiot, Phi 113 ; 8e(riJi<i (as also in cl.), Lk 829, Ac 162" 202^ gen., dat., ;
Ac 2329 2629. 31, Phi 1". 1*. 1^ Col 4:^^, II Ti 29, Phm 10, He 1136, Ju «
Seo-fiwrripioi', -ov, to, [in LXX for 'TjiQn JT'U (Ge), TD^ ;] a prison :
8ea(iwTT)s, -ov, 6, [in LXX for 1DN 1300 a prisoner , ;] : Ac 271- *2.t
8e<nr6Ttis, -ov, 6, [in LXX chiefly for ]nN, "^pi^; in Jth 91^, 8. t.
61. 2, II Ti 221, Tit 29, 1 Pe 21^ as title of God, voc, 8£WoTa (so usually in ;
LXX), Lk 229, Ac 424; ^ 8. = voc. Se'oTroTa (cf. Bl, § 33, 4), Ee 6^0; of
Christ, II Pe 2\ Ju *, E, txt. (but cf. mg.).t
Syn. : Kvptos (q.v.), implying limitation of authority and a more
general relation than 8., which "denoted absolute ownership and un-
controlled power" (Thayer).
Seupo, adv., [in LXX chiefly for "Sj^, np^;] 1. of place; (a)
8eoT€, adv., as pi. of Scvpo, 1. {b), q.v., [in LXX chiefly for 13^;]
*8€OT6paios, -a, -ov (<^ 8f urcpos), adj. with adverbial sense; on the
second day : SevrtpaioL ^XOofiev, Ac 28^3 J
*t ScuTcpo-TTpajTos, -ov, second-first (in what sense, there is no satis-
factory explanation. The reading is prob. not original, v. ICC, in 1.
DCG, i, 411 ; ii, 541, 724) Lk 6^, mg., R, mg.t : WH,
SeuTcpos, -a, -ov, second in order, with or without idea of time
Mt 2226.39, al.; edvaro^, Re 2" 201* 218; ^^p,^^ n Co l^s. In neut. as
adv., secondly, a second time ; opp. to Trpwrov Jo 3* 21^^, i Co 1228, :
Se'xo/iai, depon. mid., [in LXX chiefly for Upb ;] to receive, accept
1. c. ace. rei, of taking or accepting what is offered : ypdfifjLara, Lk
16"' 7 ; id. in different sense, Ac 282^ ; iroTrjpiov, Lk 22^7 ; TratSiw (cis t.
dy/caAas), Lk 228 •
Trept,Ke<f)aXatav, fxd-)^aipav, Eph S^^ ; iiriCTToXd^, Ac 22^ \
Cremer, 174).t
Sew (I), [in LXX
chiefly for IDH ;] to tie, bind, fasten ; (1) c. ace.
rei, seq. d<i 8£o-/t(is,_ 1330; of an ass, Mt 212,Mt II2.*, Lk 193o. (2) Mk
c. ace. pers., of swathing a dead body, o^ovtots, Jo 19*^ ScSo/acvos t. ;
lang. (Dalman, Words, 213 f.), to forbid, declare forbidden, Mt IB^^ IS^^
(cf. Kara-, frepi-, aw-, v7ro-8ecj Cremer, 82). ;
I Co
620 ijort. subjc, Lk
. 2^^, Ac IS^e indie, St; vov (T, BrJTrov, q.v.). He ;
2. the common people, the people generally; esp. the people assembled :
Ac 1222 I7si93»'33.t
SvN. : Xao's, 8., the people as a body politic
the people at large :
Xeo'is), is freq. in LXX and NT, and usually limited to the chosen
** 8T,fi6aios, -a, -ov S^/tos), [in LXX : 11 Mac B^o, iii Mac 2^7 47 * ;]
to the hpaxfi-n, q.v.: Mt 1828 QO^.^.is 22i9, Mk 6^7 12i5 145, Lk 7*^ lO^*
202*, Jo 67 126, Ee g*. ^^ ^l^^, g^ Mt 20".t
8ii-iroT6, indef. adv. (also written hrj Trore), with generalizing
force; 1. absol., sometime. 2. With adv. or relat., -soever : w 8., Jo 5C*]
(L, ouaSrjTTOTOvv) A
*8i]-irou (WH, 87; TTov), indef. adv., mostly in sense of surely,
of course, we know : 2^^ T (WH, 877 Trov).f He
Aio, ace. of Zcvs, q.v.
8i(£ (before a vowel 8l, exc. Eo 8^^, 11 Co 5^, and in pr. names
Tdf., Pr., 94), prep. c. gen., ace, as in cl.; 1. c. gen., through; (i) of
Place, after verbs of motion or action : Mt 2^2 12«, Mk 2^3, Lk 43«,
Jo 4*, II Co 1133, al. ; aioCea-Oat (Stao-) 8. Trvpo's, vSaros, I Co 3^5, I Pe 320;
^KfTreiv 8. iaoTTTpov, I Co 13^2 j metaph., of a state or condition : Eo
1420, II Co 2* 57. 10 ; 8. ypdfjLfjiaTos, d/cpo^vo-r/as (Lft., Notes, 263, 279),
Eo 227 411 . g^' i^o/xonjs, Eo 825. (ii) Of Time ;
(a) during which : Mt
26«\ Mk 1458, Lk ToC ^ijv, He 2^5 8. Travros (StaTravros in
55 . S. TravTOS ;
"perfective" action (M, Pr., 112 f., 115 f.), as 8ia<f>vy(D, 8ta/ca^apt^w.
Sia-PaiVw, [in LXX chiefly for IIT ;] 1. fo make a stride. 2. to
step across, cross over ; (a) trans. t. ^aXao-o-av,
: He 112^ ; (6) intrans.
seq. eis, Ac 169 .
^p^^ ljj i626.t
8io-pd\X«, [in LXX Da LXX : 38, th 38 62* <25'
(pj^ bjjf), 11 Mac
3^^, IV Mac 4^ * ;] 1. to throw across. 2. To slander, defame, accuse
falsely or maliciously : Lk 16^ (Cremer, 120).
* 8ia-PePat(5ofiai, -ov/xai, to affirm confidently : Tit 3^ ; seq. -n-tpt,
I Ti 17 (Cremer, 140).t
* Sia-pX^TTu 1, to look straight before one.
; 2. to see clearly: Mt
7^ Mk 8'-^^ Lk 612 (of. Sia'ygXei/^ts, Aq., Is 61i, for LXX Sn'd{3-).f
SidpoXos, -ov «8ia^dXAw, q.v.), [in LXX for Jl^jp (as Jb 1»),
8. ;
generally (cf. Es, 11. c), a slanderer, false accuser : i Ti 3^' ^
(CGT, in 1., but v. infr.) S^\ ii Ti S\ Tit 2^ (b) as chiefly in LXX, of ;
Satan, the Accuser, the Devil : Mt 4^' »' ». n 13^9 25^1, Lk 42. 3. e, i3 312,
Jo 132, Ac 1038, Bph 427 611, I xj 30, 7 (but V. supr.), n Ti 226, He 21*,
Ja 47, I Pe 58, Ju9, Ke 21" 12^. 12 202.10; cTi/ai toS 8., Jo 8**, i Jo 38; «
T€Kva Tov 8., I Jo 31'' V109, Ac 131*^ metaph., of Judas, Jo 6"^^ (Cremer,
; ;
8i(i8Tifia, -To<;, TO (<i StaSe'w, to bind round), [in LXX for iri3 (as
Es 1"), etc.;] the band round the Tidpa of a Persian king; a diadem,
the badge of royalty Re 123 131 191-2^ :
Ga 315 (R, mg., but v. Lft., in 1.), He 9^<^, " (R, txt. MM, Exp., xi, ;
and cf Thayer, s.v.). He 9^^' i' (R, mg., Westc, in 1. Hatch, Essays,
. ;
II Ti 118; c. dat. pers., Mt 411 81* 25** 27", Mk li^.ai I5*i, Lk 4^9 8^
12" 178, Jo 1226, Ac 62 1922, Ro 1525, Phm i^. He 6i9. 2. to serve as
deacon: i Ti 3i*''i^. 3. C. ace. rei, to minister, stipyply, stipply by minis-
tration: Pe 112 410 pass., 11 Co 3^ 8i9.2o.t
I ;
8iaKo^ia, -as, ^ « Sicikovos), [in LXX for T^J mCT pi. , : Es 68. » A
I Mac 11*8 * jj ijig office and work of a Staxovos, service, ministry ; (a)
of domestic duties (Field, Notes, 63) Lk (b) spec, of religious :
10*° ;
Ac 117.25 61.* 1129 1225 2024 2119, Rq 1113 127 1531^ j Co 1615, II Co 41 6»
8* 91. 13, Eph 412, Col 417, I Ti 112, II Ti 45. n, He li*, Re 2i9 ; 8. r.
T. KaraWayrj^, ib. 5^^; t. AciTovpytas, ib. 9^^; C. obj. gen., Ttjv VfJLWv 8., ib.
ICG, in 1.), Ju9; absol., Ju 2. Hellenistic (NT and Eccl.,
but not LXX), to be divided in ones mind, to hesitate, doubt : Mt 212^,
Eo 1423, Ja 1« ; ev cavT(3, Ja 2* ; iv t. KapBla, Mk 1123 . ^^3^^ g,^ Ac IO20
Eo 420, Ju 22 (B. txt.)
8. T. dTTio-Tm,
II Mac 1120 * jj fQ converse with, discourse (v. CI. Bev., i, 45), discuss,
argue : Ac 18* 19«' ^ 20^ c. dat. pers., Ac IT^^ Igis 20^, He 12* seq.
; ;
Trpds, Mk 934, Ac 1717 2412; TTcpt, Ac 2425, juO- ^^^ ^. ypa4>C>y, Ac I72.+
8ia-Xeiiru, [in LXX for bfl"' (as i Ki 10^), etc. ;] to intermit, leave
T, WH, mg.) Trpos aXXrjkov^, Mk 8^^ on, Mk 8^^ Jo ll*o, Eec. {DB,
; ; i,
5119*. to
J struggle
I against. 2. In argument, to contend: Ac 23^.+
8io-fx.^»'a), [in LXX
for TOJT etc. ;] to remain, continue : Lk I22 ,
Cor., XXV, 3), to continue : Ac, I.e. (Field, Notes, 134 f.).t
Sia-irai'TOs, V. 8id, c. gen.
*+8ia-jrapa-Tpipii, -rj^, 17 {^irapaTpi/Sr], friction, irritation), mutual
irritation (Field, Notes, 211), wrangling : 1 Ti 6^ (Eec. •7rapa8iaTpi^i?).t
8io-ir6ptia), -w, [in LXX : De dO^\ Is 232 (^2^1 i Mac ^ * ;] to pass
over, cross over Mt 9^ seq.
: ; cVl t. y^v, Mt 14^*, Mk 6*3 ^i^^ Mk 521,
Ac 212 .
^p^^ ^^ss, Lk 1626.t
* 8ia-irX^<i), -to, to sail across : Ac 27*.
8ia-iro^^a>, -S, [in LXX (nsr ni.), 11 Mac 228 in Aq.
: Ec lO^ ;
Wi 31) c. ace, Ac
** 8i-aiTopew, -w, [in Sm. : Ps 76 (77)*, Da 2^ * ;] to be quite at a loss,
be in great perplexity : absol., Ac 2^2; seq. 8ta to, c. inf., Lk 9'''; TrepC,
8ia-(7€i'u, [in LXX: Jb 4^* (ins hi.), iii Mac 7^^*;] to shake
violently ; metaph., to intimidate : Lk 3^*.t
t|8ia-aKopm'!t<D, [in LXX for ym, 7111, etc.;] to scatter abroad^
disperse : of sheep, Mt 26^1 = Mk 142'' (i-^^) ; of persons, Lk 1",
Ac opp. to auvdyw, Jo 11*^; of winnowing grain,
5^^, Mt 252*' 2«;
8ia-<rrAXa), [in LXX for bia hi. (De lO^, al.), -liTT hi. (Ez 3^^' ^^, al.),
8i(laTT]|ia, -Tos, TO (<^ Bua-Trjfjii), [in LXX for niT , etc. ;] an interval,
space : of time (Si, prol. 2*), Ac 5'^.t
in late writers (Deiss., LAE, 86 ff.) for cl. 8iaTa|^ts (wh., however, is
found in LXX, Ps 118 (119)^^, al.) ; (a) disposition (cf. Siara^ts for
N^y; Sm., IV Ki 23*, Je 82 19^3); ek Siaraya^ dyyeXwv, AV, by the
disposition of angels (Alf., in 1., Field, Notes, 116; but v. infr.): Ac 7**;
(6) ordi7iance (C. I. 3465) : Eo I32, Ac 7", E, txt. (and v. mg. ; Page
and EGT, in 1.; but also v. 8upr,).t
1 8id-TaYfia, -tos, to « SiaTcio-o-w), [in LXX : II Es 711 (liniyj), Es
313, Wi IV*;] an edict, mandate: He 1123.+
** 8ta-Tap(l<rcra), [in Sm. III Ki 20 (21)*3 *;]
: to agitate greatly (Lat.
perturbare) : Lk 129.t
8ia-T(i<ro-w, [in LXX for U^io , "TatZT , etc. ;] to charge, give orders
to, appoint, arrange, ordain : c. dat., Mt 11\ I Co 9^* 16^ ; seq. inf.,
Lk 855, Ac 182. Mid., i CoT^^, Ac 20^3 c. ace, i Co ll^* ; ; c. dat.,
Tit 15; seq. inf., Ac 7" 2423. Pass., to Siarcray/xeVov, Lk S^*, Ac 23^^;
tA StaTaxOipTa, Lk 17^' ^^ Siarayd^, Ga S^^.t ;
Ac 12i9.t
**8ia-Tpo4)ii, IJ?, r) {<^ 8iaTpe4>w, to support, sustain), [in LXX:
I Mac 6*^*
;] food, nourishment : i Ti 6*.t
txt. ; for discussion and retf. v. ICC on Eo, Phi, 11. c.).t
in Polyb., iv, IS^, al., to 8., ra 8., money : Si 27^ A2% 11 Mac S^ ;]
Mt 159, Mk
7^(1^^) (Cremer, 182).t
SyN. : 8t8a;^7^.
etc. ;]
to teach
LXX chiefly for pi., also for mb hi.,
instruct) a person, teach a thing ; 1. trans.
: c. ace.
pers., Mt 52, Mk l^^ al. seq. Sn, Mk 8^'; ir^pC, Jo 2^7; ; 1 c. inf., Lk
11^; c. ace. rei, Mk G^o 121"; ^ c^gn ace, Mt IS^d-xx). q^ ^^^\_ ace,
Mk 42, Jo 142« pass., 1^2^ 11 Th 2i*
c. Ga ; dat. pers. (like Heb., of.
Jb 212", Qut prob. a vernac. usage, v. Swete, in 1.), Re 2^*. 2. Absol.,
tfO teach, give mstruction : Mt 4'"^, Mk I'^i, and often in Gosp., Eo 12^,
I Co 417, I Ti 2^2^ al.
SiSaxV), -^s, (< StSao-Kco), [in LXX Ps 59 (60) tit. {yb pi.) Sm.
rj : ;
£1/ T. 8., in the course of his teaching Mk 42 12^8 XaAeiv ev 8., i Co 14*' : ;
SVN. 8i8acrKa\La. :
v6fj.i<rfjia, coin), [in LXX chiefly for bpW (Ge 28i*, al.), also for
P)p3 :
mult. ; e. dat. pers., seq. Ik, Mu 25^ ; id. c. gen. part.. Re 21" ; c. ace.
pers., Jo 31^ Re 20i3, al. ; 2^; Ga Lk 7**; yvio-iv,
8€^tas, cf>LXr]fxa,
228 (LXX) 8. •
Lva, Re 39 8e8wKa evwTrtdv aov Ovpav aveoyyfxivrjv, Re 3^.
Syn. : 8(o/jeo/Aai.
out through, an outlet pi., 8, twi/ 68a)v, RV, the partings of the high-
ways : Mt 22^.+
*t 8i-€pfiT)>'cuTiis, -OV, 6 (<^ 8L€pp.r]V€v(o), an interpreter : 1 Co 1428.
*t8i-€pjAr]j'€ta, as, 17, interpretation: 1 Co L, txt. (not else-
where), t
Si-Tjye'ofiai, -ov/agi, [in LXX chiefly for i£3D pi. ;] to set out in
detail, recount, describe absol.,
: He 11^^ q q^qq j-ei, Ac 8^^ ; c. dat.
Lk 839 9io.t
8i-iiYTj<Tis, -ews, 17 « SiT^yeoyxaO. [^^ ^XX : Jg 7^5 (l^Qa), Hb 28
Ga 311, He lO^s d-xx); g. ^^pa t. 6^(0, Eo 2i3; (6) of things: Ipya 8.,
opp. to TTovrjpd, I Jo 312 ^vtoXt;, Eo 7^2 metaph., alfia, Mt 23^* TO 8.,J j ;
Lk 12*7; g. i^^,^^ Ac 419, Eph 6\ Phi 1^; 6, Mt 20*; oo-a, Phi 48. 2.
In narrower sense (a) of persons, as in later cl. writers, jiist, rendering
T^s 8., Eph 6^*; 8tdKo.'oi 8., 11 Co 11^*; 6o-toT7?s Kal 8., Lk 1^5, cf. Eph
42* aya6(i)(Tvvr) Kal 8., Eph 5^ ; 8. k. elprjvrj k. x^/^S -^O 14^^
; 8. k. ;
ipyd^€a-eai 8., Ac lO^* StwKeiv 8., I Ti 611 TrXrjpoiv 7r5o-av 8., Mt 31*
; .
is r, iK v6fiov 8., Eo 10*; rj 8. iy v., Phi 36; 71 iSia 8., Eo 103, cf. Phi S^.
2.In narrower sense (cf. 8i»catos), justice : Ac 17^1, 11 Pe li, Ee 19"
{DCG, ii, 529 ff. Cremer, 190, 690).
SiKaiow, -w 8tKaios), [in LXX chiefly for piS pi., hi., (1) as Ez
16*1, je 311 (cf . NT Is 508 .j i_ Jq cl.,
usage) ; (2) as De 25i, Ex 23^
(a) c. ace. rei, to ; deem
do one right
justice ; pass., (b) c. ace. pers., to
tiKaiovfrOai, to be treated rightly, opp. to d8i«€tcr^ai. 2. In NT, as in
LXX, and as usual with verbs in -ow from adjectives of moral mean-
ing; (1) to show to be righteous : Mt lli", Lk 73*, Eo S^d-xx), i Ti 316;
(2) to declare, 'pronounce righteous: Lk 72^ 1029 I61* I81*, Eo
324,26,28 46 830,33^ Tit 3^ ; seq. dTro, Mt lli^, Lk 73*, Ac 1339, Eo 6^;
U 7ri'o-T£co9, Eo 330 51^ Ga 2i6 38-2* l^ lpyu>v, Eo 320 (LXX) 42^
2i«, Ja Ga
221.24,26. i^ ^^ x6yiav, Mt 1237; 8td T. ttiVtco,?, Eo 330 ; c. dat., Eo 32*. 28^
Tit 37; h, Ac seq. 1339, Eo 3* 59, i Co 4* 6", Ga2i7 3" 5*, i Ti 3i«
(v. Cremer, 193, 693; DB, ii, 826 ff.).t
SiKoiufio, -T09, TO (<^ St/catou), [ill LXX most freq. for ph , in Ez,
chiefly for l^tffp, in Pss, ra 8., freq. for D^TlpD;] a concrete ex-
SiKT], -T?s, T], [in LXX for np2, 3^1, etc.;] 1. custom. 2, right.
3. a judicial hearing ; hence its result, the execution of a sentence,
-punishment: 8. riveiv, 11 Th 1*; 8. {iTre'xctv, Ju^. 4. Personified (cf.
Lat. Justitia), justice, vengeance : Ac 28'*.t
SiKTuof, -ov, TO, [in LXX chiefly for n^ , npsijT ;]
general term
for a net : Mt 420. 21^ Mk l^s- ^^, Lk 52. *-«, Jo 216. 8, u.t
Syn. : d/Ji<f>i/3\r]aTpov (q.v.), a-ayrjvr].
*t8iXoYos, -oy
to repetition. 2.
« NT,
8ts, Ae'yw), 1.
prob. (cf.
in sense of SiXoyciv, -la (Xen.), given
SiyXcoo-o-os, Pr 11^^, Si 5*) double-
tongued : I Ti S^.t
Lk 113 2^ 2128, Ac 1335 1810 2026 22^8, Eo l^^. ^1 320 8^.21, i Co 159,
Phi 22«, I Th Notes, 37) 4^, He 11^. 23, Ja 43, i Pe l^^. 24 26.
28. 18 (Lft.,
-ovv), [in LXX for bD3 TOtJi^p and cognates ;] twofold, double i Ti
, ,
S. iJi.vpid8e<;, Ee 9^6.
Ais, nom. for Zev<s (q.v.), whence gen. Aids, ace. Ai'a:
**t 8io-fiupids, -a8o5, r), [in LXX
Mac g * ;] twice ten thousand : 11
Ee 916 (LT; 815 /xuptaSes, Eec.).t WH; 8i'o /^i.,
143i 28i^t
*8iaT(itw «8ts), to dow6^, hesitate: Mt
SYN. : diropio), Sia-n-opew, BiaKpivofxai, fi€Teo}pL^ofxat (v. DCG, i, 491).
8iVto^os, -OF « Sis, ard/xa), [in LXX : Jg 316, Ps 1496, Pr 54 (ri,,^)^
Mt 2324.t
** Sixdtw {8i'xa, apart), [in Aq. Le 1^^ De 14^ * ;] to ctd apart, :
Jo 41* 6^* 7^\ Ee 7^^ 21« 22^7; c. ace. (= cl. c. gen.), t. 8iKaL0(Tvvr)v,
Mt 5«.t
Si+os, -cov (-ow), TO, (late form of SitJ/a), [in LXX chiefly for K©^
and cognates;] thirst: ii Co ll^'.t
*t8i»|»uxos, -ov (-<8i.s, iffvxv), of two minds, wavering: Ja 1^ 4^
(Cremer, 588; DB, iv, 528).
Siwy^^s, -oO, 6 (< StwKco), [in LXX : Pr ll^^ {^m pi.). La 3^^ (li-lij),
II Co 1210, II Th 1\ II Ti 3ii.t
*+ StuKTTjs, -OV, 6
SiwKu, [in LXX
a persecutor : i Ti 1^^ f
opinion. 2. A public decree, ordinance : of Eoman rulers, Lk
Ac 17^ ; of the Jewish law, Bph 21*, Col 2i* ; of the Apostles, Ac 16*
(Cremer, 205).
fhoyiuarlloi, [in LXX : Es 39 (ana ni.). Da LXX, 2i3.i5 {ani, ni),
I Es 63*, II Mac 108 1536^ m Mac 411 * ;] to decree. Mid., to subject
oneself to an ordinance : Col 22o.t
SoK^w, -u) (<[SoKos, opinion, <:^8eK0fxai, lon. form of Se^-), [in LXX
for mia, ai3, etc.;] 1. to be of ojnnion, suppose: Mt 24**, Lk 12*^,
He 1029 c. inf., Mt 39, Lk 8I8 2437, Jo 539 162, Ac 129, 2713, i Co 3i«
7*0 82 1012 1437, Ga 63, Phi 3*, Ja 12« c. ace. et inf., i Co 1223, „ Co ;
22i7.*2 26««,
seems, c. dat. pers. (a) to think: Mt 172^, I812 2128
express belief resting on external proof, 77. denoting the more careful
judgment 8. and 01. imply a subjective judgment which in the case of
expresses how a matter phenomenally shows and presents itself "
8., from the standpoint of the observer, expresses one's subjective
judgment about a matter (v. Tr., Syn., § Ixxx Cremer, 204). ;
14i«, ii Co S^ Ga 6*, i Th 2*
Xpvatoi', I Pe 17; other things, Lk 12^«
521 ;Ta 8ia<^€po^Ta, Eo 2^», Phi l^" (R, mg., but v. infr.) irvevfjiara. ;
Syn. : ntipdCw (V. Tr., Syn., Ixxiv; Cremer, 494 ff., 699 ff.).
** 8oKifj.aaia, -as, rj
proving: He 3''(^^^).t
8o/ct/AaCa)) «
[in LXX: Si 62^*;] a testing, ,
86X10S, -a, -ov «8d\os), [in LXX — chiefly in Pss, Pr, Si for
njpna , etc. ;] deceitful : 11 Co 111^.+
II Co 42.+
Syn. .* KaTrrjXevo), q.V.
8<5|Ao, -TO?, TO «
hiSiofxi), [in LXX for njn© , etc. ;] a gift : Mt
7^\ Lk 1118, Eph Phi 4i7.t
STN. : Soo-is, SCjpov, Swped, Swp-qfia.
8<5Ca, -7]^, 17 (-< SoKe'co), [in LXX very freq. for T*I^, also for
nifttpri, Tin, etc., 25 words in all;] in cl., 1. expectation, judgment,
opinion (iv Mac 5^^).
opinion, estimation in which one is held, repute
in NT, always good opinion, hence reputation, praise, honour, glory : Lk
1410, Jo 12^3^ He 33 opp. to aicTXVvn, Phi 319 to (XTi/xta, II Co G^ 8. K.
; ; ;
Tt/xrJ, Eo 2^.10, Pe V, II PeI l^^; ^yjrf.v 8., Jo 54* 718 850, i Th 2«;
Xaixpavuv, Jo 5", II Pe 1^^ Ee 5^2 ; hihovai 8. t. ^€<S (cf. rnrpb» TQ3 jCl? ,
Je I316, al.), Lk 17^8, Jo 92*, Ac 1223, Rq 420^ jje 4^; cis (t.) 8. ^coC, Eo
37 157, Phi 111, al. ; in doxologies, t. ^£(3 (tS) ^ 8., Lk Eo ll^e 162^
Ga 15, Eph 321, al. 3. Later also (not cl.) as in LXX (= Tin, Jb
3920, 1 Ch 2925 ; Tins , Jb 199, Es 5", al.), visible brightness, splendour,
8o|<£|;o> (< 8d^a), [in LXX chiefly Tns ni., pi., also for TXB
etc. ;] 1. to think, siqypose, hold an opinion (^sch., Plat., al.). 2. To
bestow 86$a (q.v.) on, to magnify, extol, praise (Thuc, iii, 45; Plut.,
5i«, Mk 212, Jo 8^*,
al.) c. ace, Mt
: Eo 15^, i Pe 2i2, al. id. seq. im, ;
Eo 830, II Co 310, II Th 31, I Pe l^, al. ; of Christ, Jo 739 g^*, al. (on the
Johannine use, v. Cremer, 211 ; Westc, Jo., Intr.) ; of the Father, Jo
1331.32^ I Pe 411, al. (cf. *V-, cTvv-ho^at,i,i).
Soais, -co)5, v (8t8a)/zi), [in LXX for ph (Ge 4722), ]r)Q, npo
(Pr 211* 251*), freq. in Si. ;] 1. properly, the act of giving : Phi 41*.
absol., Eo 7«, Ga
426, i Ti 62; c. dat pers., Mt 62*, Lk 1529 iqu^
Eo 912 (LXX); of nations, Jo S^a, Ac 7Ui^^^); Sew, t. Kvptw, Mt 62^
Lk 1613, Ac 20ie, Eo 12ii (R, mg., Katp^) 16i< 6^, Col 32*, Eph
I Th 19; T. Xpi(TT,S, Ro Col 32*; vo>a, $eoi, Eo V^; r. ^cols, W^,
Ga 4^; t. Acatpw, Eo 12^^ (E, mg. for Kvptw) dAXr^Xots, Ga 5^^ o-rv i/xot, ; ;
Phi 222 ^_ afiapTia, Eo 6" vo/xw afjLapTia<;, Eo 72^ cVt^r/Atats »c. i78ovats,
; ;
SouXos, -r], -ov, [in LXX, 6. S. nearly always for Tjy ; 17 8. chiefly
o, rj 8., a slave; (a) fern., rj 8., a female slave, bondmaid (Cremer, 702;
DB, iii, 215): Lk ps-^s, Ac 2^»i^^^); masc, 6 8., a sZaw, 6ond-
man S^ 1823, ^1.
: Mtopp. to iXevdepos, i Co 722 12^3^ q^ 328^ ; gph 6^,
Col S^S Ee 6^5 131« 19^8; opp. to Kvptos, Sea-n-orrjs, oiKohiaTTOTri'i, Mt 102*
1327. 28^ Lk 12**5, Jo 15", Eph 65, Col 322 41, al. ; metaph., 8. Xpiaroi,
Tov Xp., IrjcToi Xp., Eo 1\ I Co 722, Ga l^o, Eph 6«, Phi 1^, Col 4^2,
to grasp with the hand, to lay hold of: metaph., c. ace. (M, Pr., 65),
8paxf''n) "'J?) V ("^C 8pda-(rofxai), [in LXX : in Hex. for yj^Sl > ^i?Jp »
in II Es for fiSllX ,
]iQ511 ;] o, drachma, nearly equal to the Roman
denarius (v.s. ^vdpiov) : Lk 158. 9 {pCG, ii, 200).t
Zpittavov, -ov, TO (later form of Attic Bpeirdvrj, <!^ SpcTrw, to pluck),
[in LXX for ni079 > 87010 > etc. ;] a sickle, pruning-hooh : Mk 42*,
Re 14i*-i9.t
8p<$fios, -ov, 6 (<^ Spa/xdv, V.8. Tpe)(u}), [in LXX chiefly for nymp j]
SuVafxis, -cws, 17 « Swa/Atti), [in LXX for b^n (b^U) , NS^ nnn3 ,
afiaprla's, I Co 15^6 of power in action, Ro 1^^' 20, i Co l^^, Phi 3^0, al.
pi. [LXX for niN^y], metaph., of the stars, Mt 2429, Mk 1325, Lk 212«
(d) of that wh. manifests God's power Christ, i Co I2* ; t. eiayyikLov, :
a pritice, ruler, potentate : Lk 1^2 ; of God (Si 465' ^^, 11 Mac 15^),
I Ti 6^5; of a high ofiicial (cf. Su^^ao-rai <l>apaw, Ge 50*), Ac 82'' (Cremer,
*t SumWw, -a> (<[ 8waTos), to be able, be powerful, mighty : c. inf.,
Eo 14*, II Co 98 ; absol., opp. to a(Td€v<ii, 11 Co 133.t
Suvaros, -77, -ov (<^ SuVa/xat), [in LXX for 1123, TO) etc.;] 1.
** 8uo-4>T)(iia, -as, 17
Mac 22^ * ;] evil-speaking,
8v(r<f>rjfji.os, slanderous), [in
defamation : opp. to
i Mac
Co 68,
poets and late (not Attic) prose; 1. a house, hall. 2. In (and LXX
Horn., Od., X, 554 cf MGr., terrace), house-top : eVl t. Sw^a, Lk 5^^,
; .
Swpoi', -ov, TO (<^ 8t8<D/Ai), [in LXX chiefly for J^lf?, also for
E, e, t i^ik6v {ii(/lXov), to, indecl., epsilon, 6, the fifth letter. As a
numeral, c' = 5, c^ =
ca, interj., expressing surprise, indignation, fear (in cl. chiefly in
poet.), ah! ha ! : Lk 43*.+
i&v, contr. fr. €i av, conditional particle, representing something
as "under certain circumstances actual or liable to happen," but not
so definitely expected as in the case of ci c. ind. (Bl., § 65, 4 cf. Jo ;
1317, 1 Co 73"), if haply, if; 1. c. subjc. (cl.) (a) pres. Mt 622, Lk 10«, ;
Jo 717, Eo 225.26, al.; {b) aor. (= Lat. fut. pf.) Mt 4^ 1626 (cf. ptcp. :
32, He 37 (^xx)^
C. indie, (as in late vnriters, fr. Arist. on; v.
2. WH,
App., 171; VD, MGr.'^, App., § 77; Deiss., BS, 201 f., LAE, 155,
254; M, Pr., 168, 187; Bl., § 65, 4); (a) fut.: Mt 18i9 T, Lk 19*^
Bl., § 26, 4; Mayser, 152 f. ; Deiss., BS, 202 ff.) : Ss i., Mt 51^, Mk
622,23^ Lk 173», I Co 618, al.; ^ttov i., Mt S^^; 6o-cik/s e., Ee 11«; oC c.,
(M, Pr., 157); d./.' lavroi, Lk 12^" 21^0, Jo 5^^, al. (v.s. a-n-6); 81'
iavTod, Eo 141*; iv £., Mt 39, Mk 5»0, al.; ct? c., Lk 15"; ^aO' kavTOV,
Ac 281^, Ja 21'^ ; irap kavrQ, at his onm liouse, i Co 16^ ; xpos c., with, to
himself, Lk 18^ ; as poss. pron. (with emphasis weakened ; v. M, Pr.,
87 f.), T. kavTOiv v€Kpoos, Lk 9^*^. 2. As reflexive 1st and 2nd pers. (so
also freq. in cl., chiefly poetry), Mt 23^1, Mk 9^o, Eo 823, ^ tj^ qs,
3. In pi., for reciprocal pron., dAXv/Awv, -ois, -ors, of one another, etc.
Mt 2138, Mk 163, Eph 519, al.
for HD"! hi., etc. ;] 1. to let, permit : c. ace, c.
edo), -w, [in
ace. et inf. (M, Pr., 205)
inf., c. Mt 24*3, l^ 4*i 22^1, Ac U^<^ 16^ 193o :
2332 2732 28*, I Co 1013. 2. to let alone, leave : ijKvpas, Ac 27*^ (cf
i^hofx-qKOvTa, ol, al, to., indecl. (<^ eTrrd), seventy: Lk 101' I'',
ipSojjios, -rj, -ov {<C tTTTtt), [in LXX chiefly for ^jr^Hjr ;] seventh
Jo 452, He 4MLXX)^ ju 14^ Re 81 10^ lli^ 161^ 212o.t
a more correct Greek term for the Jew of Semitic speech (v.s. 'Ey3pais,
and cf. Dalman, Words, 7) Ac 61, 11 Co II22, Phi 3^.f
cJs, Mt 21\ Mk 111, Lk 1835 1929 2428 Trpo's, c' dat., Lk 193^ ^e'^pi ;
Cremer, 223).
iyyoTcpos, V.S. eyyvs.
eyeipu, [in LXX
for Dip , etc. ;] trans, (imperat. lyeipc used in-
transitively, 95, Mk Mt 1. to awaken, arouse from sleep : Mk
211, al.) ;
Mt 95.7, Mk 131 927 1049^ al.; redundant, like Heb. Dip, Mt 2i5 9i9,
Ee 111 ^y. Dalman, 23 f.) (6) to raise up, cause to appear : Ac I322
in 1.), I Pe 5*.t
^y-Koin^, V.S. evK-.
^y-K(5irrw, V.S. ivK-,
**^yKpdTcm, -as, ^ (-< cy/cpaTiys), [in LXX: Si IS^"^''", IV Mac
52* * ;] mastery, control. 2. (sc. iavrov) self-control :
1. prop., Ac 24^^,
Ga 52», n Pe 1« (v. DB, iv, 558b 695^; Page on Ac, l.c.).t
^yKpareu'ofiai, depon., [in LXX
for pBN Ge 4331, j Ki , I312, Es
51° N^*;] ^0 exercise self-control: i Co 7^; c. ace, Travra (v. Bl., 91),
I Co 925.t
**4yKpaTVjs, -c's «/cpdTos), [in LXX: Wi
820, Si 627 IS^ 26i5 273o,
al. ;] 1. strong, powerful. 2. C. gen. rei, master of, hence, 3. (sc.
cauTov), self-controlled, exercising self-control : Tit l^.t
SYN. : (Tuxfipwv (v. raff. S. iyKpaxfia).
iy-Kpivu, V.S. CVK-.
cy-KpoTTTw, [in LXX for TDM , etc. ;] to conceal in : o. ace, seq.
€h, Mt I333.+
cyKuos, V.S. CVK-.
^y-xpi«, [in LXX:
Je 43o (np). To 2io 6' 11^*;] to rub in,
anoint : mid., c. dupl. ace, Ee S^^.t
iyd, gen., etc., i/iov, ifxoi, ifi€ (enclitic fiov, fiot, /ne), pi., ^/xeis, -wi/,
pers. pron. J.
-iv, -as, (a) The nom. is usually emphatic, when ex-
pressed as subjc, as in Mt 3^, Mk 1^, Lk 31', al. But often there is
no apparent emphasis, as Mt IQi^, Jo IQi^; iSov i. (= Heb. '>2Sr], cf.
(b) The enclitic forms (v. supr.) are used with nouns, adjectives, verbs,
adverbs, where there is no emphasis iv t. TrarpC /xov, Jo lA^^ ; fiov t.
Ao'you9, Mt 7^* ; OTTia-w fiov, Mt 3^^ ; l<T)(yp6T€p6<i /xov, ib. ; Xe'yti fxoL, Re
5^; also with the prep. as 9^^, al. The full forms {ifiov, etc.)
Trpo's, Mk
are used with the other prepositions, as 8t ifjbov, ev t/ioi', ei's e'/xe, etc.,
also for emphasis, as Lk 10^^, Jo 7^^, 14'', al. (c) The gen. fiov Mk
and rjfjiwv are often used for the poss. pronouns c/aos, i7U€Tepos t. XaoV :
fjiov, Mt 2" ; fiov TTj aTTLo-TLa, Mk 9^*. (d) Tt' ifiol Kol (Toi ( = Heb.
"Sjbl "h'TV^ , Jg 11^2, al.), i.e. what have we in common : Mt 8"^, Mk
124 57, Lk 828, Jo 2*; ti ydp fioi, i Co 52. (e) The interchange of eyai
and 17/xets, common in tt., appears in Pauline Epp. (v. M, Pr., 86 f.,
M, Th., 131 f.). (/) Kdyoi (= Kol iyw), and I, even I, I also : Mt 2%
Lk 2^8, Jo 6^^, Eo 3^ i Co 7*^ al. Kdyw Kai, both and, ; . . . . . .
Jo 728.
cSacJios, -cos (-ovs), TO, [in LXX for nsjr , yplp , etc. ;] bottom,
pavement, ground : Ac 22".
{<l8pa, a seat), [in Sm. Ps 32 (33)i*,
**^8palos, -ov : al.;] 1.
sitting, seated. 2. steadfast, firm; metaph., of moral fixity: i Co 7^^
15*8^ Col 123.+
*t|8paiwfia, -Tos, TO {<::^k8palo<i), a support, bulwark, stay (Vg.
fermamentum) : i Ti 3^* (eccl.).t
'E^cKi'as (Rec. *£{-), -ov, 6 (Heb. iTpTn, strength of Jehovah),
Hezekiah, King of Judah : Mt l^- ^^.t
*t eOcXo-OpTjCTKia (Rec. -€ia), -as, 17, self-iiiiposed worship: Col 223
(eccl.; cf. DB, iv, 923=»; Cremer, 733).t
cOeXw, V.S. ^cXw.
** ^e^^w « l^os), [in
pass. pf. ptcp., TO (WuTfievov, the established custom,
LXX : Si 23^' ^^, 11 Mac 143o
Lk 22'^.
to accustom :
**f ievdpxt]^, -ov, 6 (<£^vos, apxw), [in LXX: i 151.2*;] Mac 14*^
an ethnarch, a provincial governor (cf. i Mac, 11. c. FIJ, Ant., xiii, ;
people, Lk 7* 282, Jq ii48, 50-53 jgas^ Ac IO22 243. 10 26* 28i9. 3. In pi.,
impf., Lk 17«, Jo 839; geq. quaest., Mt 623, Jq 547 723 g^^ i Pe 220 (b) ;
as in LXX
(Nu 143o, i Ki 14", al. = Heb. QX), in oaths, with the
formula of imprecation understood in a suppressed apodosis (WM,
627; Burton, § 272) Mk 812, He
3ii(i'XX) 43(lxx). 6. Earely (cl.) e
1537, iPe3i*>i7.
II. Interrogative, if, whether. 1. As in cl., in indir. questions
after verbs of seeing, asking, knowing, saying, etc : c. indie pres.,
Mt 26^3^ Mk
1536, Ac I92, 11 Co 13^, al. fut., 32, ; Mk Ac 822, al. ; aor.,
Mk 15**, I Co li«, al. ; c. subje aor. (M, Pr., 194), Phi 312. 2. As in
II Co 41", Phi 217, al. 5. KOI el, even if, v.s. KaL 6. el /it;, if not,
unless, except, but only : Mt 2422, Mk 226 e^, Jo 933, i Co 71^ {only),
Ga 119 (cf. €av pLTj, 216; v. Hort,, Ja., xvi); cktos el prj, pleonastic
(Bl., § 65, 6), I Co 145 152, I Ti 519. 7. el ^-qv = cl. ^ (M, Pr., 46),
€i8^a (Eec.
9. elre . .
as in cl. ; v. Tdf .,
C180S, -ous, TO, [in LXX for nSHO , HNH , etc. ;] 1. that ivhich is
seen, appearance, external form : Lk 3^^ 9^^, Jo 5^'', 11 Co 5'^ {ICG in 1.).
(D''ni'fc^ -lyiN rrt), BeP, i Es 2^", i Mac 1*^ 10^2*;] an idol's temple:
I Co 3110; v. ICC, in i Co, l.c.).t
810 (cf. 'Ao-TaprcZov, I Ki
**t€i8a>X60uTos, -ov (<€i8a)Xov, 6vw), [in iv Mac 52*;] sacri- LXX:
ficed to idols: t6, t^ d., Ac IS^^ 212^, i Co BL^'^.io iqi9^ Rq 2i4,2o.t
*t eiSuXo-Xarpia (-ei'a, Eec), -as, r] (<C etSwAov, AaTpeta), idolatry
I Co IQi*, Ga 5^^ Col 3^ pi. (Bl, § 32, 6), i Pe 4^ (Cremer, 390).t
*t eiSuXoXdrpTjs, -ov, 6 (<^ eiSjjXov + Aarpis, a hireling), an idolator
I Co 5io> 11 69 10^ Eph 5^ Ee 21« 221^ (Cremer, 709).t
ciSuXoi', -ov, TO «eiSos), [in LXX for nibx, CT^^b^, etc.;]
eiKTj (-^, Eec, as in cl.), adv., [in LXX : Pr 28^* {tUfj* ;] 1. without
cause or reason : Mt 5^2 (E, mg.). Col 2^^ {ICC). 2. vainly, fruitlessly,
to no purjjose : Eo 13*, i Co I52, Ga 3* 411, Col 2i8.t
ciKoo-i (never -iv in WH, cf. Bl., § 5, 3, and note), indecl., 01, at,
Ta, twenty : Lk U^\ Jo 6^^ Ac 1^^ 2728, i Co 10^, Ee 4*. 10 5^ lli« 19*.t
€tKw, [in LXX : 11 Ki 12^ (.13^), Wi 1825, iv Mac l" * ;] to yield
Ga 25 (cf. V7r-€LKw).t
€iKca (obsolete pres.), v.s. loiKa.
iiKuv, -ovos (cf. eoiKo), [in LXX chiefly for D^S;] an image,
likeness: Mt 222o, 12i«, Lk
202S Mk Eo 123, i Co 15^^, Ee 13i*'i5
149, 11 152 162 1920 20* opp. to (TKid, ; He 10^ ; of man, ci. dioi, 1 Co
IV of the regenerate, cl. t. dcov.
; Col 310 (v. Lft., in 1.) ; d. t. vlov r.
Btov, Eo 829, n
Co 318; of Christ, d. r. Oco'v, 11 Co 4*, Col l^^.t
Syn. : 6/xoL(D/j.a, denoting resemblance, which
be may however
merely accidental, ci. is a derived likeness and like the head on a coin
or the parental likeness in a child, implies an archetype.
Cf also cTSos, appearance, not necessarily based on reality aKid,
. ;
Syn.: dyvos (q.v.), KaOapo^, cf. Tr., Syn., §lxxxv; DB, iv, 176*;
Cremer, 378 ; Westc. on i Jo 3*.
** eiXiKpiKia (Rec, cl., -Kptveia), -as, 17 (<^ eiAi/cptvjys), [in LXX Wi :
310, al.; c. dat. (of the possessor; Bl., § 37, 3), Mt I622, Lk 1^, Jo IS^o,
Eo 92, al.; eVriv 2s, oo-Tts (chiefly in pL), Mt 1628 192^ Mk 91, al.; (6)
c. inf., = ^$€ariv (q.v.), it is possible : He 9^, iCo II20, EV (but v.
ICC, in
1.). II. As copula uniting subject and predicate. 1. Ex-
pressing simply identity or equivalence Mt 5^^ : 14^^, Lk l^*, 19^ Jq 11
4}^, Ee 3^, al. mult. 2. Explicative, as in parable, figure, type, etc.
Mt 1319^-, I Co 92 10* 1125, Ga 42*, Ee IT^^, al.; roCr eVnv, Mt 27*«,
Mk 72, Eo 7^^ al. 5 ia-Tcv, Mk 31^, Col 12*. He 72, al. akin to this is
; ;
Lk 323, I Co 1433, He 12i\ al. part., i Ti I20, n Ti l^^ poss., Mt 53. 10,
; ;
21'^, al. 5. C. ptcp., as a periphrasis for the simple verb (Bl., § 62,
M, Pr., 225 ff.) (a) c. ptcp. pf. Mt 103o, Lk 932, Jo 32*, Ac
1, 2; ;
(cl.) :
2135,I Qq 1519^ al; (b) c. ptcp. pr. (esp. in impf., as in Heb. and
Aram. Dalman, Words, 35 f.), Mt
; 72^, Mk I22, Lk 43i I41, Ac l^o,
al. mult., id. for imper. (M, Pr., 180 f., 182 f.), vsdth ellipsis of €t/i,t, Eo
129. 10^ He 135, al. (c) c. ptcp. aor. (cl), Lk 23^.
6. Seq. a's (cf. Heb.
b ryn), a vernac. usage (M, Pr., 71) : Mt 195, Mk lO^, He 8^^, al.
cipTjkeoo) (•< eip7?v77), [in LXX chiefly for cblB', lUpW;] 1. to bring
to peace, reconcile (so i Mac 6""). 2. to keep peace, be at peace : Mk
950, Eo 1218, II Co 1311, I Th 513 (cf. Si 289; Cremer, 246).t
eipTjnf], -7JS, 17, [in LXX chiefly for ubp;] peace; 1. of public
12", Eo W,
I Co 715, Ga 5^^ Ja S^S; Cvr^lv d., i Pe 3^^; Sicokciv, ii Ti
2^2; ib. seq. fiera irdvT<Dv, He 12^*; by meton., of him who brings
V^ 2l^ Jo 1633, Eo 210 51 8«, al. o Kvpio^ t^s eu, 11 Th 3i«; o Oeh^ t^s ;
Mk 111 1316^ Lk 1410, Jo 63 1132, al. ; c. ace. pers. (as in Ep. and Ion.),
Ac 2315, Eo 512 1619, II Co 101* ;
(e) elliptical : cTrto-ToXat cts AafiacrKov,
Ac SiaKovia fiov fj eis 'I., Eo 1531 ; metaph., of entrance into
92 ; rj
Bl., M, Pr., 11. c.) = £v Lk 1** 423, Ac 20i« 211^, Jo V^ (but v. Westc,
in 1.), al. II. Of time, /or, unto; 1. accentuating the duration ex-
pressed by the ace. cis t. alZva, Mt 2119 :ct? ycveas ^at y., Lk 1^° ;
into a future period, eis to fieWov (v.s. fxeXXo}), next (year), Lk 13^ (but
V. ICC, in 1.) cis t. fiera^ o-a/SySaroi/, on the next Sabbath, Ac 13*2 ^i^ ^^
; .
al. ; dyd-n-r] ets, Eo 5^, al. ; XP^o-Tos, Eph 4^2 . ,^pov€tv eis, Ro 121*
Oappfiv, II Co 10^ V. Of the end or object : €u^€tos c(s, Lk 143*
o-d</>os, Ro 1619; lo-x^civ, Mt 5^3; d'i toDto, Mk l^s, al.; dc^opi'Cciv ets
€ts T(5, c. inf. (= Tm or dlo-re; Bl., § 71, 5; M, Pr., 218 ff.) Mt 20i« :
Ro gi8^ a,l. VI. Adverbial phrases £ts tc'Aos, eis to 7rdA.1v, etc
111, J Qq :
21''; id. c. gen. partit., Mt 51^, al.; seq. fV (i^), I418, Jo 6\ al.; Mk
metaph., of union and concord, Jo lO^o I711, Ro 12*' 6, Phi 127; dTro
/iias (Bl., § 44, 1). Lk 141^; c. neg., ets . . . ov (fxyj), more emphatic
than oi'Sct?, no one, none (cl.), Mt 51^ 1029, Lk ll^e 12«. 2. Emphati-
cally, to the exclusion of others ; (a) a single {one) 212*, jyu^ 3*4 : Mt
absol., I Co 92*, al. oiSk els, Jo 1^, Ro 310, al. ; (b) one, alone :
; Mt
Mk 27 10i«, 1819; (c) one and the same: Ro 3^0, i Co 3^ 11^ 12ii,
I Jo 5*. 3. In late Gk., with weakened force, = ns or indef. art. (cf.
8i9, 19«,
Heb. in?< , Ge 22i3, al. ; v. Bl., § 45, 2 ; M, Pr., 96 f.) : Mt
Re 813, al. ; els rts (Bl., I.e.), Lk 22^0, Jo ll*^. 4. Distributively : ets
exao-Tos (cl.), Lk 4**^, Ac 2'"', al.; els . . . koX ets (cl., eis fxiv ... ets hi),
Mt 17*, Mk 9^ Jo 2012, al. (cf. LXX and use of Heb. in^, Ex I712,
one by one, severally : 141^, Ro 12*, al. ets tov cva = dXXT^Xovs (Bl., Mk ;
eiCT-dviD, [in LXX chiefly for NIS hi. ;]to bring in : c. ace, Lk 227,
Jo 1816, Ac 7*5 ; seq. ets, Lk 22**, Ac 9^ 2128. 29, 37 222*, He 1" ; <SSe,
Lk 142i.t
eia-aKou'o), [in LXX chiefly for yatZT , also for niV , etc. ;] to listen
to, in two senses ;
(a) to obey : i Co I421 (cf . De 1*^, Si 3") ;
(b) to
listen, assent to ; pass., to be heard : of persons praying, Mt 67, He 57
of the prayer offered, Lk li^, Ac lO^i (cf. Ps 42, Si 31(34)29(26);
V. Cremer, 624).
el(T-8^X0fAat, [in LXX for |^np ;] to admit, receive : 11 Co 6i7 (lxx)
(Cremer, 687).t
eia-ci|jii, [in LXX
for KIS ;] to go in, enter : seq. ets, Ac 3^ 212«,
He 9« xpos 'Uko^^ov, Ac 21i8.t
223, Jo 1327. Mt
15", Ac ll^. Metaph., of thoughts, Lk 9*»;
of food,
£ts KOTTov, Jo Mt 26*^ Lk 22*<''*<'; of hope as an
438; CIS TTetpacT/Aoi',
ya/xovs, Mt 2510 £is T, xapav t. Kvptov, Mt 2521.23. ^j^ ^^ ^^^^^^ ])^t JS^.^
1917, Mk 9*3.45; J.5 ^, ^ao-jX. T. ovpavSv (t. ^coG), Mt 520 721^ ^1. (v.s.
/3ao-tXcta) €ts T. KaraTrauo-tv, He 3"> ^^ 4^ *• ; cts r. So^av, Lk 242«
; eto". Kal ;
c^cpx-. ^0 go in and out (like Heb. HKyi N13 De , 28^, etc.), of familiar
intercourse, Ac 12^; fig., of moral freedom, Jo 10^ (cf. iv-, Trap-, crw-
in, rush in : Ac 141* (Reo^ 162y (for exx. from tt., v. MM, Exp., xii).t
€iCT-Tropeuo|jiai, [in LXX
chiefly for XiS ;] to go into, enter : Lk 8^*
1133 1930. seq. cJs, Mk 121 656 112, Lk 22io, Ac 32; ace. pers.,
Trpo's, c.
Ac 928.t
** 6icr-Tp^x"' [^^ LXX II Mae 52« * to run in Ac 12i*.t
: ;] :
6io--<|>€pu, [in LXX chiefly for XlSl hi. to bring in, into ;] : c. ace.
pers., Lk S^^'i^; seq. eis, Mt 6^3^ Lk 11*; eVt, Lk 12^^; c. ace. rei, seq.
(k, iTi67; pass., He 13ii.t
denoting sequence; 1. of time; then, next : Mk 82^,
etra, adv.,
Lk 812, I Ti 310, Ja l^^; seq. gen. abs., Mk 4^7; in
Jo 135 1927 2027,
enumerations, i Co 15*' 7. 2*, i Ti 2^3. 2. In argument; (a) therefore,
then; (b) furthermore : He 12^ (cf. eiTcj').t
etT€, V.s. €1.
*elr€v, Ion. and Hellenistic for elra (q.v.), then: Mk 428.t
ci(i>0a, V.s. Ww.
iK {i$), prep. c. gen., from out of, from (see Addendum, p. 492).
Iicacrros, -r], -ov, [in LXX chiefly for BTK;] each, every (Lat.
quisque) ; (a) Lk 6**, Jo 1923 seq. Kara, He 3^3, Re
with a noun : ;
(- Heb. vry^b nrsi, Ge 263i), Mt 1836 (cf. He 8"); I. /icri toS TrXi^aiW
^KaTOkxae-nis (Rec. -tTijs), -e's (<^ cKarov, txT^s), [in LXX for
(cf. /cevTvpicjv).t
cK-paiV«, [in LXX for nby ;] to go out : He ll^^ t
^K-pdXXw, [in LXX chiefly for W'\Z pi., also for ^bttir hi., NS"' hi.,
BTT hi., etc. ;] 1. to drive, cast or se7id 02ct, to exjiel : c. ace. rei, mid.
(o-Itov), seq. €is, Ac 2V^; pass., Mt IS^^; c. ace. pers., Mt 21^2, Mk ll^s,
al. ; Satyadvia, Mt 722, Mk 13*, al. ; id. seq. Ik, Mk 72^ ; -^apd, Mk
16C9] ; iv,
Mk 322 ; (^v) T. 6vo>aTt, Mt 722, Mk 938 ; Adyu), Mt 816 ; seq. Uw, Jo
63''; id. c. gen., Mk 12^, al.; of expulsion from home, Ga430; from
the Church, in Jo '^^.
2. In LXX and NT (like Heb. K'^Sin and Aram.
in 1.), ib. *2 5*^ Lk IO2, Ja 22^; t. KpCaiv ets vikos (to cause to proceed to
its goal), Mt 1220 (LXX). 3 f^Q reject (cl.) r. ovo^a v/xCyv <Ls irovrjpov (cf. :
cK-poXVi, -^s
trouLdOai, ^ita hi.),
«Ez iK^aWoi), [in
478 (XS"')*;]
a throwing out.
11^ (lZ7"ia), Jos 1^ (iK^oXrjv
2. a jettison, a
throwing overboard of cargo : Ac 27^^ (cf. Jos, I.e. ; and v. Field, Notes,
*f iK-yaiiliw, Rec. for ya/xt'^co, q.v. Mt 223o 2438, : Lk 172^, i Co 7^^
Not elsewhere.
*t eK-yafiiaKu, Rec. for yafiLo-Kw, q.v. Lk 20^*> 35. : Not elsewhere.t
CK-yovos, -ov (<[ e(cyiyj/o/xai, to be bom of), [in LXX for '^5
from (Hom., Hdt„ al.). 2. (Rare in cl.), to expect, await : c. ace. rei,
Jo 513], He 1110, Ja 5^; e. ace. pers., Ac 17i«, i Co Ipa I61I; seq. Iws,
He 1013 (Cremer, 687).t
**Ik-8tiXos, -ov «8^\os), [in LXX : in Mac 3i» 6**;] strengthened
form of S^Xos, q.v., quite clear, evident : 11 Ti 3^.+
*^K-8Tifi^<», -w (-< IacSt^/xos, /rom home; cf. -la, iii Mac 4^^)*; to be
from home, absent: ii Go 5"; seq. oltto, ib.^; seq. Ik, ib. ^ (cf. Sltto-, ev-
xii) ; to let out to one's advantage, Mt 2133. 41^ i^j^ 121, Lk 20».t
cK-8i-iiY^o|jiai, -ovfjiai, depon., [in chiefly for 1BD pi. ;] to LXX ,
Mt 213 52*, al. ; ol i., Mt ; oC . . . Mt 621 I820 2428, Mk G^o, Lk
opp. to 0VT09, Lk 18^*, Ja 415 rifiel^, He 1225 ^^^-^^ j^t 13^1, Mk 4^1
; .
iWoi, Jo 99; iyw, Jo 330 to persons named, Mk 16tio. is. 20]^ Jq 221 of
; ;
Jo 1^^ 92^ 10\ Eo 141*, al. (on its reference in Jo 19^^, v. Westc, in 1.;
Moffatt, Intr., 568; Sanday, Fourth Gospel, 77 flf.). 2. As adj.,
joined, like outos, to a noun with the article Mt 7^*, Mk 3^*, Jo 18^*, :
constr. pregn. (MM, Exp., xii ; Field, Notes, 134), tovs i. ovra?, Ac 22*.+
+ iK-ly]Tiia, -w, [in LXX chiefly for mil , also for 1X3 , Cr^n , etc. ;]
1. = iKTiOivai, Ac 719.+
^K-Ka0aipa), [in LXX for "TT^, etc ;] l.to cleanse thoroughly, cleanse
out : c. ace., livrov, ii removed, ^vfirjv, i Co 5^^.+
Ti 22^ ; of the impurity
iK-Kaiu), [in LXX chiefly for 1373;] 1. to burn up. 2. to kindle.
Pass., to burn : metaph., of the passions (cf Si 16^, Jb 3^^), Eo 12^.+ .
^K-KXdw, -w, [in LXX: Le l^*" (VDW pi.)*j] ^o break off: pass.,
Eo 11^7. 19. 20.t
iK-Kktiu, [in LXX: i, Kpta-Lv, for ntt3 hi., Ex 232 (also as v.l.,
Jb 3420, Ps 67 (68)30)
* iQ shut out : Ga 41^. Pass., Eo 32^.+
{DB, i, '43la), Eo 165, i Co IG^^, Col i^^ Phm 2 (c) of the whole body ;
of Christians : Mt 16^8, i Co 1228, Eph 1^2, Phi 36, al, ; t. 6€ov, Ac 2028
{KvpLov, T, E, mg^, I Co 159, Ga 1", i Ti 3^^ ; i. tpotot6ku>v iiroyeypafx-
fievwv €v ovpavots, He 122^.
SVN.: (Twaywyri, q.v.42G; Hort, (v. Tr., Syn., § i; DB, i,
Ecclesia, esp. 4 ff., 107 ff. Hamilton, People of God, ii, 37 ff. reff.
; ;
turn away : metaph., from the right path, absol., Eo 3^2 (LXX) ; from
evil, absol., i Pe 3^1; seq. airo, c. gen. pers., Eo IG^'^.t
* ^K-KoXujxpdu, -w, to swim out of: Ac 27^2 f
* eK-KOfii^w, to carry out : as freq., a corpse for burial, Lk 712.+
** cK-Koirii, -^s, [in Aq. Is 51^ * ;] in T for ivKoinj (q.v.)
17, :
I Co 9i2.t
cK-KoiTTu, [in LXX
53o 188
for ms , etc. ;] to C7it out, cut off, cut down
of a hand, foot, Mt •
a tree, Mt 3^^ V^, Lk 3^ 13^' » ; fig., of a
branch, Eo II22 seq. ; eV, Eo II2* ; metaph., t. A<f,opfi.-qv (cf. Jb 191°,
cXTTi'Sa), II Co lli2.t
choice of persons, Mk
: I320, Ac I2* 13^7 15^, Eph 1*, Ja 2^ of things, ;
Ik-Xcittw, [in LXX for nbs ms , ni., Dan , etc., 47 different words
in all ;] leave otit, pass over. 2. Intrans., to leave off, cease,
1. trans., to
fail : p.a,jiwvas, Lk 1G9; ttiWis, Lk 2232 |^^ He 1^2
(lxx). of the sun in .
an eclipse, Lk 23*5.t
^K-XeKTos, -77, -ov «€KX€yw), [in for ina (so prob. in Is LXX
28i«, Pr 173, for MT ]n2l), XnS, etc.;] 1. choice, select (cl., rarely;
(xar c.) ;] usually of actions, voluntary : Kara c., of free will (Lft,, in 1.),
4koo<tiws, adv., [in LXX : Ps 53 (54)« (niT^S), n Mac 143, ai. ;]
fulfilment : Ac 212«.t
^K-irXr]<Tau (Attic -ttw, Ac 1312), [in LXX: (pass.) Ec 17i«t»^>
Mk 611; 1^^^ Mk ll^^; c.'s, Mk lO^^, Jo 5^9; cVt', c. ace. pers., Ee 16^*;
TT/jo's, c. acc. pers., Mt 3^, Mk 1^ dcnrop- (q.v.) koL I., Ac 92^ metaph.,
; ;
to come forth, proceed : of feelings, etc., Mk 723 ggq ^^^ Mt 15ii» i*, .
rumour, seq. eis, Lk 43^^ of the Holy Spirit, seq. irapa., Jo 152*.t
(Kennedy, Sources, 121 f.) ; {a) a trance: Ac IQio 11^ 221^; (6)
amazement : Mk 5*2 168, Lk 526, Ac 3i<'.t
iK-<TTpi^o,, [in LXX: De 322<>, Am 6i3'i2),
Ez 163* A (^Dn), Za
iK-idv(a, [in LXX for rhw , ni33 , etc. ;] to stretch out or forth
T. x«pa (as often in LXX), Mt 8^ U'^ U^\ 26^\ Mk 1« S^ Lk 5^^ &^\
Jo 21^^ Ac 26^; seq. iirl, c. ace, pers., towards, Mt 12*^; against,
Lk 2253 . £^5 i^^,^^ Ac 430 of anchors, to cast, Ac 273o.t
III Mac 6*^*;] zeal, intentness, earnestness (cf. Deiss., BS, 262):
Ac 26'.t
**^KT£MT]s, -£s «£/cT€tVw), [in LXX: in Mac 310 529*;] stretched,
strained. Metaph., earnest, zealous : i Pe 4^.t
turn aside, c. ace. Pass., with middle sense, intrans., to turn aside
He 12" (E, txt., for be ptd oiit of joint, E, mg., v. Thayer, s.v. Westc,
in 1.) fig., seq. cis, i Ti 1"
; tVi, 11 Ti 4* ottio-w, i Ti 5^^
; q ^gc^ ^^ ; .
iK-(^ip(a, [in LXX chiefly for K2r hi. ;] 1. carry out, bring out
c. ace. rei, Lk I522, i Ti 6^ ; c. ace. pers., Mk Ac 5^5 of the dead
823, ;
for burial (cf. Ko/At^w), Ac 5*' ^' ^^. 2. to bring forth ; {a) of women
(Hipp., Arist., al.) ;
{b) of the ground (Hdt.) : He G^.t
^K-<|>euY&), for D13
[in LXX
etc. ;] to flee , away, escape : absol.,
Ac 162^ I Th 53, He 2^ seq. «, Ac IQ^* c. ace. pers., ; ; He 1225 . q
ace, rei, Lk 213", Eo 23; t. x«i/>a5 avTov, 11 Co 1133.t
iK-<^o^iia, -Q), [in LXX chiefly for Tjn hi,;] to frighten away,
lK<|)opos, -ov, [in LXX : I, cTvat for -|iP , De 9^^; also i Mac 132 -j
Kipfxara, Jo 2^5 al/xa, Mt 2335 (cf MM, Exp., xii), Lk 1150, Ac 2220,
; .
^K-v|/u'xa,, [in LXX : Jg 421 A {V\^y), Ez 21^ (12) (nn^ pi.) * ;] to expire,
IXaioi', -ov, TO, [in LXX chiefly for lOtP;] olive-oil: Lk 16*,
Ee 6« 1813; for lamps, Mt 253. *.8; for healing, Mk Gi^, Lk 103*.
Ja 51*; for anointing at feasts, Lk 7**, He 19(i'XX).+
Syn. : fivpov, ointment, v. Tr,, Syn., 135,
t AaicSi', -wvos, o (<[ ikaia), [in LXX for it;! ;] olive-grove, olive-
^p^ ;] to be less (RV, Jiad no lack) : n Co 8^^ f^^^) (a rare word ; of.
He 29.t
eXa<})p6s, -a, -ov, [in LXX chiefly for bj? , bbp^ ;] light in weight
easy to bear : Mt ll^o ; 6Xii/^is (EV, our light affliction), u Co 4^^t
eXdxioTos, -f}, -ov (v.s. : as proper ikdcrcrwv), smallest, least
superlat., i Co 15®; elsewhere, as usually in late Gk., intensive (Bl.,
§ 11, Mt 2«(LXX) 25*»»45^ Lk 122«
3) ;
19^7, i Co 4^ 62, Ja 3*; L W^ h
T. (3a<T(Xtia T. ovpavwv, Mt Dalman, Words, 113). Compar.,
5^® (v.
cXaxioTorepos (for corresp. superl., v. LS; v. also Bl., §44, 3); lesi
than the least : Eph 3^.t
buke : II Pe 2i«.t
IXeciKiJs, -17, -ov (<^IX€os; in Ee, I.e., WH have the Attic poetic
form, cXeii ds), pitiable, miserable : Ee 3^^ ; comparat., i Co IS^^.t
i\€io> (in 9i«,
Eo Ju22, -c^o), q.v.), -S «IA€09), [in LXX (Hex,
Pss, Pr) chiefly for pn , also freq. in Proph. for etc. cm , ;] to have
pity or mercy on, to show mercy : absol., Eo 9^" 12^; c. ace, Mt 9^^
1522 1715 1833 20^0. 31, Mk 519 10*"' *8, Lk 16^* 17^3 ^gss. 39, Eo 9^^' is
1132, py 227, Ju22^ Pass., to havB pity or mercy shown one (BV,
obtain mercy) : Mt 5^ Eo 113o. 3i,
i Co 7^^ 11 Co 41, i Ti l^s. ^^,
I Po 2io.t
Syn. : oiKTctpo) (v. Tr., Syn., § xlvii ; Thayer, s.v. cAccw ; Cremer,
t £'X£Ti|xo<rufT|, -I??, y « cA£€w), [in LXX chiefly for TpH , nj?^^ ;]
IXeos, -ovs, TO (cl. -ov, 6, and so Eec, Mt 9" 12^ 2323, Tit 3^, He
4i«; on the Hellenistic form to l, v. WH, Ajyp., 158; M, Pr., 60;
Mayser, 277 Kiihner, i, 515), [in LXX chiefly for ipn ;] mercy, pity,
compassion ; 1. of men Mt :
9^3 (lxx) x2'' 2323 . ttouIv I. (and id. seq. /xcxa,
c. gen. ; cf. Heb. or IpH ni^V Ge 2123, al.), Lk 103^, Ja 2^3 3^^ 2.
Of God : Lk 150. 84, 58^ Rq 159, Eph 2*, ii Ti li«. is, Tit 35, He 4i6, i Pe
13 ;esp. in benedictions, Ga 6^^, i Ti 12, ii Ti 12, ii Jo 3, Ju 2 ; o-kcv^
cXt'ous, Eo 923 o-TrXdyxva iXeov;, Lk 1'^ ; ; ttouIv I. (v. SUpr.), Lk 1^2 j ^
ifi€T€pw eXe'ci, Eo 1131. 3_ Of Christ : Ju2i.t
Syn. : oiKTLpfxo^ (v.S. iXeio}).
sense, not a slave Jo 833, i Co 721. 22 I2i3, Ga 328, Eph 68, Col 311, Ee
Re 1812.
Lk 330. +
* i'Xiyfia, -T0<;,
to «
mg., E, txt.).+
eA.tWw), a roll : Jo 19^^, WH, txt, (jxly/xa,
; fiLyfjLa,
Lk 329.+
'eXiouS, 6, indecl., Eliud, an ancestor of Jesus: Mt l^^'^^.t
'EXiadpcT, v.s. 'EXeto--.
'EXiCTalos (Eec. 'EXio-o-aZos ; T, 'EXur-), -ov, 6 (Heb. ycrbfef), Elisha,
the prophet : Lk 42^".+
Lkl62i, Ee 162.11.+
*€Xk6«, -d; 1. to wound. 2. to ulcerate; pass., to suffer from
sores : pf ptcp.,
. eiAicw/tcvos (Eec. 17XK-), EV, full of sores, Lk 162<>.+
cXkuu, v.s. eX/coj.
IXku, (Hellenistic c, Ac 16i^), [in
form eX/cvw in Jo, 11. LXX
for ^CTD etc. ;] to draw : c. ace. rei, Jo ISi'' 21^
, c. ace. pers., seq. ;
cXm^w, [in LXX chiefly for ni22, also for non, bw pi., hi., etc.;]
to look for, expect, hope (for) : c. ace. rei, Eo S'^'**^^, i Co 13^, He
0. dat. rei (t. rvxu, Thuc, iii, 97, 2), Mt 12^1 ; seq. Ka^ws, 8^
11 Co
c. inf., Lk 634 23«, Ac 26^, Eo 152S i Co IS^, 11 Co 5'\ Phi 2^^<^\
I Ti 31*, II Jo 12, III Jo"; seq. 6ti, c. pres., Lk 242i; c. fut., Ac 24^6,
II Co 1^3 130, Phm 22. As in LXX (WM, § xxxiii, d; and esp. in the
pf., Ellic. BI., § 59, 2), c. prep.; ek, Jo 5*5 (v. Ellic. I.e.),
on I Ti 410 ;
LXX for ni321 and its derivatives, nipri (freq. in Jb), etc. ;] expectation
(in cl., rarely of evil, mostly of good, and so always in NT), hope; 1.
of hope in general: 11 Co 1<*; c. gen. obj., Ac 16^^; art. inf., Ac 272*^,
tV iX-rriSL, Ac 22« 26«, Eo 4^8 820, Tit 12; rfj i. iai^OrjfjLev, Eo 82*; ^ar'
iXiriha ^<arj<i alojviov, of the Messianic hope of Israel, Ac 23®
Tit 3^ ;
266' 7 2820 . of Christian hope, Eo 52. ". ^ 1212 154, 13^ i Co 13^3, n Th 2i«,
He 3« 611 719 1023^ Ig gen. obj., Eo 52, Col 127, j Th
Pe 13, 21 315 58,
. P
Tit 12; c. gen. of that on which the hope is based, Ac 26^ Eph V^ 4S
Col 123; 5 ^^^5 ^-5 >^ Eo 1513; |;^«v £. (= cl. cATTi'^eiP'), Ac 24l^ Eo 154,
II Co 312 1015, Eph 212, I Th 413 ; seq. inl, c. dat., i Jo 33 ds, Ac 241^
for: Ga 5^, Col 1^, Tit 2i3, He 6I8 (Cremer, 252, 712).t
'EXufjias, -a, 6 (<; Aram, or Arab., cf. DB, i, 246 b), Elymas
Ac 138.t
i\wl i-t Eec. ; iXwt LT Aram, ^n^^?), Eloi Mt 27*6, Mk
; :
153* (Lxx).t
efjiauToO, -rjs, -ov, reflex pron. of first pers., used only in gen.,
dat. and ace. sing., of myself: Lk 77, al. ; (Itt' L, Jo 53o 717.28 828.42
1018 1410 hr' i^avTov, Mt 89, Lk 78.
cfipaTeu'w, [in LXX : c. ace, Jos 19^9 (bui), 19" (pbu pi.) ; seq. ets,
on, come into possession of (Bur., Dem. LXX, Jos, 11. c.) on the ; ;
to set in, jyut in. 2. to put on board ship, embark c. ace. pers., seq. :
€1?, Ac 27".+
c>-pX£'Tra), [in LXX for nsi (m Ki 8\ al.), n2D (Jb G^s A, al.)
metaph., Is 51^ (CJ33 hi.), Si 2^", etc. ;] to look at : c. ace. rei, 8^^ Mk
c. dat. pers. (part., seq. Xeyct, fJirev, cf. Xen., Cyr., i, 3, 2), Mt 192*', y[^
1021, 27 i4fi7^ Lk 201' 2261 (^„e;8X€./.cv), Jo 136. 43 absol., to look, . Ac 22^
metaph., to consider : Mt G^^.t
c|x-ppifi(Iop,ai §22, 1), -w/xai {<^ ^piixr], strength,
(T, -iofxai; Bl.,
bulk, whence
(ipifxaofjiat, snort with anger), depon., with aor. mid. to
and pass., [in LXX
(Hatch, Essays, 25) Da ll^o (also Aq., Ps : LXX
7^2; Sm., Is 17^3)*;] to snort in (of horses, ^sch.), hence, to speak
or act with deep feeling {DCG, i, 62')) (a) to be moved with anger ;
37 (38)7 Bn^ ^-,i,p ni)^ ^^^ 1225, Si 2728, 11 Mac V, iii Mac 522*;] a
mocking : He ll^'.t
in-rrailu, [in LXX for b^T hithp., pniZT, etc.;] = Attic irpoa--,
ace. pers. et gen. rei, Lk 1^^^ ^^ ^4^^ pass., Lk 62^, Jo 6^2 metaph.,
c. gen. pers., to take one's fill of: Eo 15'-* (cf. Da LXX Su32).t
^fi-TTiirpTjjii, ifiTrprjOo} (for the form, v.s. €/i7ri7rXr//At, and cf. Veitch,
s.v. TrLfiTrprj/jii), [in LXX chiefly for P)li2?;] to set on fire: iroXcv, Mt
pass., of the body, to become inflamed : Ac 28^ (T ; iriixTrprjixi,
WH, q.v.).t
cfA-iriirTw, [in LXX chiefly for bD3 ;] to fall into : seq. ck, Mt
12", Lk 639 103"; metaph., ci9 Kpt>a, i Ti S"; 6v€iBLCTfi6y, ib. 3^;
veipaa-fiov, ib. :
6^ ; CIS x«pas ^^oO (cf. II Ki 241*, I Ch 21^3, Si 2^8),
He 103i.t
c>-ir\^K«, [in LXX: Pr 28i8
{bB2), u Mac 15^7 ;] to weave in,
entwine ; pass., metaph., to be involved, entangled in : 11 Ti 2*,
II Pe 220.t
*t ^fi-TrXoKi], -^s, 17 (<^ ifXTrXeKOi), a braiding : rpix'^v, 1 Pe 33,+
i\i-i:vi(ii, -S), V.S. evTT-.
^fi-TTopcu'ofiai, depon. (<[ l/tt7ropos), [in LXX chiefly for inD;] 1.
to travel, esp. for business. 2. to traffic, trade : Ja 4^3_ 3 q q^qq
rei (a) to traffic in; (b) to import: (Ho 12S for by^ hoph.). 4. C.
ace. pers., to make a gain of: 11 Pe 23.+
efiiTopia, -as, 17 (< l/xTropos), [in LXX for iriD, b^Ti , etc.;]
commerce, business, trade Mt 22*.+
c|x-irpoa6cc, adv. of place (in cl. also of time), [in LXX chiefly for
•35b;] 1. adverbially, before,in front : Lk 192^; c^s t6 I., ib. *; opp. to
oirurdfv, Ee
4"; opp. to ra ottlo-o), to. I., Phi 3^3 2. As prep., before;
(a) in front of Mt 52* 62 7« ll^o 272^, Lk 51^ 72^ I42, Jo 328 jq*, Re
1910 228; (J) in ^he presence of: Mt 27", Ga 2i*, i Th 13 2i» 39'i3.
6p.o\oy€~iv, 6.pvu(j6ai (Dalman, Words, 210), Mt 1032.33 26^0, Lk 128; ju
forensic sense, Mt 2532 27", Lk 2136, Ac 18", 11 Co 510, i Th 2^9, i Jo
3^*^ ; evBoKLa {deX-qixa) Ian I. deov (a targumic formula Dalman, Words, ;
211), Mt 1126 18^*, Lk 10^1 (c) in the sight of Mt S^" 6^ 17^ 2S^\ ;
into (cf.
Ge 2',
« 15i\
to blow), [in
breathe upon
LXX for nD3
: Jo 2022.t
, etc. ;] to breathe
iv, prep, (the most freq. of all in NT), c, dat. ( = Heb. 3 Lat. ,
in, c. abl.). I. Of place, c. dat. rei, pers., in, within, on, at, by, among :
Mt 101" .
8g'S,^Ke^ ^y r. xEipt (cf. Tt6l£Vai ev xepai, Hom., II., i, 441, al.),
Eo 8® ev TT. cLKaOdpTu),
123 Mk
q{ ti^g mystical relation of the Christian .
life and the believer himself, to God and Christ (cf. ICC, Bo., 160 f.
Mt 22^8; (c) c. art. inf., (a) pres. (so sometimes in cl., but not as in
NT = Iws; V. M, Pr., 215), whUe : Mt 13*, 6*8, Ga 4}% al. (/?) aor., Mk ;
e/A- before y8, p., -ir, <f), ij/ iy- before y, k, $, x', eX- before X.
; But in the
older MSS of NT, followed by modern editions, assimilation is some-
times neglected, as in evypac^w, evKaivi^w, etc.
t iy-ayKa\iioiiai
to take into one's
arms :
dyKaXr,), [in
93" lO^^'.t
LXX for pnn pi., Pr G^O 24*8 '33) * .j
1J3 , etc. ; cvavTt'ov, for "^59^ , etc. ;] over against, opposite, contrary :
cKaTos, (Rec. evi"), -7?, -ov, ninth : Re 212o of the ninth hour ;
ci'-ScKa, 01, at, rd, indecl., eleven : of the eleven apostles, ol I.,
Mt 28i«, Mk 16 [1"!, Lk 24^33^ Ac 126 2H.t
kv-%iKaTo%, -rj, -ov, eleventh : Mt 20"' », Re 212o.t
^f-Se'xojxai, [in LXX: Ps 118(119)122 (3-iy), „ Mac lli^*;] 1.
to admit, approve. 2. to be possible; impers., ivbexerai, it is possible :
c. ace. et inf., Lk 13^3 (Cremer, 687).
*^c8T]fi^a), -w {<^evS7]fj.o<;, living in a place), to live in a place, be
at home : iv t. a-wfian, II Co 5''' ^ ; Trpo? r. KvpLOv, ib. ^.t
ing in
*+ ^K-ScSiJiTjffis
: rj i. t.
(Rec. -8o/i,i;o-is),
Ac 2621 ; Tivos I., Ac 19^2 ; seq. toO, c. inf., 11 Co 7^2 o5 h., Lk 4^8. ;
as mid. by Lft., Ga., 204 f.; but v. AR, Eph., I.e.; Milligan, Th.,
28 f.; Mayor, Ja., 177 ff.), in NT, " always used of some principle or
power at work" (Meyer), to be actuated, set in operation: 11 Th 27;
seq. eV, Ro 7*, 11 Co 1« 412, Eph 320, Col 129, ^ Th 2i3 seq. 8ta, c. gen. ;
Lk 162«.t
ivQufxiofiai, -ov/jiai (<^ 6vfj.6<;), [in LXX for iTQl pi., etc. ;] to reflect
on, ponder : c. ace. rei, Mt I20 9*.t
**^Keup.r]ais, -£W9, v «ivevfiiOfiai), [in Sm. Jb 2127, Ez 1121*;] :
tei'Kaii'ia (Eec. cyx-), -wv, ra (•< ev, xaivds), [in LXX for HSjrj
\ iv-KOLivllin (Eec. iyK-, v.s. cv), [in LXX: {to renew) i Ki lli*,
II Ch 158, Ps 50(51)10 (Br-m pi.); {to dedicate) De 20*, 11 Ch V (-^jn);
Is 1611 411 4516 (aliter in Heb.), Si 33 (36)«, i Mac 43«. **' " 51, n Mac
229*;] 1. to innovate (Eust.). 2. to renew (LXX ut supr.). 3. to
initiate, inaugurate, dedicate (LXX ut supr.) : SLadr^K-qv, He 918 ; 686v,
ib. 1020 (Cremer, 323).t
**f iy-KaK4u>, -w (LTr., iyK-; Eec. iKK-; Notes, 157 f.;
cf. WH,
<KaKos, cowardly), [in Sm. :Ge Nu 21^, Pr
27*^, Is 7i«*;] to lose 311,
Lk 4I' i«,
heart : I81, 11 Co Ga 6^, Eph 31^, 11 Th 31^ (Cremer, 330).+
II Pe 28.t
t liz-KauKdofiai (Eec. iyK-, V.S. iv), -S/iai, [in LXX : Ps 51 (52)^
96(97)7 {bbn hithp.); Ps 73(74)* (zsm); Ps 105(106)^7 (natzr)*;] to
take pride in, glory in : seq. iv, ii Th I'^.t
** €i'-ice>'Tpi^(i) (Eec. iyK; v.s. ev; /ccvrpt^co, to graft), [in LXX: <
Wi 16^^*;] to ingraft, graft in: fig., c. ace. pers., Eo lli7, 19,23, 24_f
*^ iv-KOTTf] (Eec. iyK-, v.s. iv; T, ekk-), -^s, 17 (<^ ey/coTTTw) 1. ;
lK»'oia, -as, t) «voSs), [in LXX: Pr 1* 2^^ 321 4^ 52 812 I622 IB^s
197 23*' 19 247 (ni^fp Wi 21*, Da th Su 28 * l.
, etc.), ;] thifiking, considera-
iv-o%Kini, -u) (<; 0^X09), [in LXX for nbu ;] to trouble : c. ace,
He 121^ Pass., seq. dwo, Lk 6i8.t
cfoxos, -Ol' { = iv€x6fjLevos), (in LXX for jTtiyi hi., etc.;] 1. held in,
bound by: gen. (cl. c. dat.), SouXeias, He
c. 2. In law-phrases
(a) Zia6Ze to a charge or action (cl. c. dat., of crime) c. dat., of the :
tribunal (MM, Exp., xiii), Mt 521. 22 geq. cis (Field, Notes, 4 f.), ib. 22 ;
(c) c. gen. (cl. c. dat., rarely c. prep.; MM, Exp., xiii), of the crime
t ^t'-irepi-iraTew, -w (Eec i/jiir-, v.s. €v), [in Le 26^2 Jb 17^ al. LXX :
{"^bn hithp.), Wi
19-^ ;] to walk about in or among : seq. iy., dat. pers.,
II Co 61" (Lxx).t
iv-^v4u>, -!L (Rec. e/xTT-, v.s. e.-), [in LXX : De 20^6, Jos W^«- ll^i' ^*
hence : Lk 4^ IS^i, Jo 2^6 73 1431 i836 i^ ^^i I. (for cl. hOev k. evOev),
on this side and on that, on each side, Jo 19^^; similarly, i. koI iKcWev,
Re 222. 2. Of time, thereupon. 3. Causal; hence, therefore: Ja 4^+
** ec-Tcu^is, -€0)5, 17 (< ei'Tu^x"''<"> ^I-V-)' ^^ LXX: II Mac 4^*;]
1. a lighting upon, meeting tvith. 2. conversation. 3. a petition (in
this sense common in tt. ; cf. Deiss., BS, 121 f., 146; MM, Exp.,
xiii): iTi4^; pi., ib. 2^.+
Syn. StT^o-ts Cq.v.).
ei-Tiixos, -ov «;ti/at)), [in for lin etc.;] honoured, prized, LXX ,
ments in general, Lk 1«, i Co 7^9, i Jo 23-8 322-24 421 52, 3^ Re 12^7 1412
collectively, rj i. (cf. t. Ipyov t. <?eoS, Jo 629), i Ti B^S 11 Pe 22^ 32; (b)
of things commanded Christ by the Father Jo 12*9, so 1431 1510 (<,) :
al. TTOulv, I Jo 52
; S(SoVat, Jo 11^^ Xafifidveiv, Jo 10^8, II Jo *
; ^xetv, ; ;
8.V.; ICC, Lk, I.e.; Dalman, Words, 145 ff.); rh i., Mt 232«.t
iy-TpiiTO), [in LXX for yjs ni., D^S ni., etc.;] to turn about;
metaph., put to shame: c. ace, i Co 4^*; pass., 11 Th 3^*, Tit 2^;
mid., to reverence: c. ace. pers. (cl. c. gen.), Mt 213'^, 12*, Lk Mk
182.* 2013, He 129 (cf. Exp., iii, xiii).t MM,
* ^c-Tpe'<|>u, to train up, nurture; pass., metaph., tois Xoyots t.
TTio-Tetos, I Ti 4''.t
t €(/-Tpo|xos, -OV, [in LXX: Da th 10" (IV) hi.); e. yiyveo-Oai, Ps
17 (18)7 76 (77)18 (ts^y-,)^ 17i9, i wi Mac
132*;] trembling ivith fear
(Plut.) : Ac 732 1629, I221 (cVp-,He WH, mg.).t
cV-TpoTrVi, -%, tJ, [in LXX: Jb 203, pg 34 (35)26 43 (44)15 68
(69)7.19 70 (71)13 108 (109)29 (n?sb5)*;] 1. c. gen. pers., respect,
pi., Ac 2i'.t
tekwTTios, -ov «wi/'), [in LXX for nj^l , etc.;] face to face, in
t efwTiJofiai (<^ots), depon. mid., [in LXX chiefly for ]7S hi.;] to
give ear to, hearken to : c. ace, Ac 2^*,+
1 Co
to lift up, lift off the earth, remove :
M, Pr., 35), adv. «a</)i'w), [in LXX chiefly for DXriQ;] suddenly:
(nJES), Jb 3P (nns ni.), Si 52, Da LXX th, 3'"!'*;] to follow, follow tip
(in various senses) : metaph., 11 Pe 1^6 22' 1^.+
^^aK(5aioi, -ai, -a, six hundred : Ee 13^8 I420.+
^|-a\€i<j)u, [in LXX for TOM, Le 14-*2, al. ; metaph., nna, nnC!',
suddenly: Mk 98.t
+ ii-airopioj, -Q>, [in LXX, pass., for ]1B , Ps 87 (88)1^ * ;] so in NT,
depon. pass., to be utterly at a loss, be in despair : absol. (as Ps, I.e.),
« ttfjii), to go forth : Ac 13*2 n^^ 20^ ; seq. cm, c. ace,
Nia, nby, etc.;] depon., to go, or come out of: Mt 10^\ Mk p5,
Jo 13«o, al. c. inf., Mt ll^, Mk 321, lA 726. 2e^ Ac 20\ Ee 20^; id. seq.
Ac 83"
(B, mg.), I Co 1023; c.
elfjJ), impers. verb., it is permitted, lawful :
inf., 122.10,12 144 1526 193 2217
27«, Mt
Mk 34 1214, Lk 62' 9 143, Jo 510 seq. a4cc., 226, Lk 6* 20^2; c. dat. ; Mk
pers. et inf., Mt 201*, 6I8 IO2, Jo 183i, Mk
Ac I621 2137 222^ (inf. under-
stood), I Co 612 ; ^^oV (so. iarC), Ac 229, II Co 12* ; i$ov 7,v, Mt 12*.t
^|-€Tci^a) (<€TaCa, (rare), to examine), [in LXX De :
13i*'i5' I918,
€^-r)Y^ofjiai, -ovfjLaL, [in LXX chiefly for ISO pi. ;] to lead, show
the way; metaph., unfold, narrate, declare: c. ace. rei, Lk 243^,
Ac 2119; c. dat. pers., Ac 10^; Oeov (understood), Jo li^; seq. oo-a,
Ac 1512 ; KaOm, Ac 15i*.t
ii^Kovra, oi, al, ra, indecl., sixty: Mt 138.23, Mk 48.20, Lk 24i3,
t^|-r,x^o>, -w, [in LXX: Jl 3 (4)i* (]ian). Si 40i3, iii Mac 32*;] to
1223, 2^2 5*2 6", Lk 2*7 S^s, Ac 2^' ^2 S^s 921 10*5 12i« (Cremer, 309).t
**t i^-uTxua, [in LXX : Si 7" * ;] to have strength enough, to be quite
able : c. inf., Eph S^^.t
c|-o8os, -ov, 6 «68os), [in LXX chiefly for N^ID, also ^n,
etc. a going out, departure :
;] He II22 ; of death, Lk 9^^ 11 Pe l^*.t
t €^o\eep€u&) (so best MSS. and WH ; also read -o6p€V(o), [in LXX
freq. (rare in Gk. writers) for ms ni., hi., etc. ;] to destroy utterly
seq. €K T. Xao?, Ac 323(i'XX).t
t cl-ofioXoyeu, -w, and depon. mid., -co/xat, -ovfxai, [as always in
LXX chiefly for hi.;] 1. act. nT
cl. 6/xoA.oyea), to profess or agree to =
do (Field, Notes, 75) Lk 22". 2. Mid., to acknowledge, confess (MM,
-Oeveu), -divotsi) for 712, n73 , DNQ , U[1, etc.;] to despise, set at
nought : Mk 9^2 (cf £^ov^ev£a>).t
al., and as v.l. for -Stvcw, -6w, -Oevooi*;] to set at nought, despise
utterly, treat with contempt : c. ace. pers., Lk 18^ 23^^, Eo 143- 1*^, i Co
16" ; c. ace. rei, Ga 4^*, i Th 520 ;
pass., of persons : Mk 912 (T, -oto),
I Co 6* ; of things : XiOost Ac 4^^ (LXX aTreSoKLfjiaa-av) ; Xoyos, 11 Co
IQlO ; ra i^ovOeprjfxiva, I Co 128.t
Syn. : a6€T€(j), KaTa(f>pov€(o (v. DGG, i, 453b).
+ iioy>e€y6u>, -5, for (q.V.) Mk 9^2 T.t
^louaia, -as,
^ « -€o>
l^co-rt), [in
gen. obj., Eo 9^^ ; seq. eVt, c. ace, Ee 22^* ; Trcpi, i Co 73'^. 2. Later
(cf. Milligan, Th., 114; MM, Exj)., xiv), of the power of right,
authority: Mt 2P^, Mk ll^s, Lk 20'-; of Messianic authority, Mt 9«,
Mk of apostolic authority, ii Co 10^ 13^**
2^", al. ; of the authority of ;
iioxf], -^s, V «e^exoj, to stand out), [in LXX for ]B7, Jb 3928*;]
1. a projection (i. Trerpas, Jb, I.e.). 2. Metaph., eminence, excellence
01 Kar (., the chief men, Ac 2523.t
t^^u^T.ltco, [in LXX: Jg 16i4.2o^ i„ Ki 3^3 (yp^), Jb 14^2 (inr
ni.)*;] to awaken oiit of sleep (= d<^u7ri/t^(o) : c. ace. pers., Jo 11^^.
**t e^-uTTV'os, -ov {<Cvirvo<i), [in LXX: I Es 3^*;] roused out of sleep:
Ac 162 ".t
elu), adv. (^t^), [in LXX for pn;] 1. outside, withotit ; (a)
TToAets, Ac 2611 .
(^) as prep. gen.
c. Lk Ac: He 13^3,
2. 21^, 13^' 12.
elwGei/, adv. (^e^w; opp. to €(T<jiO(v), [in LXX for pn;] 1. prop,
(in answer to the question. Whence ?), from without Mk : 718. 2.
More often (= l|«; Bl., § 25, 3),
cf. without: Mt 232'. 28, Mk 718,
^opTTJ, -r}s, 17, [in LXX for an (chiefly), IITI^;] a feast, festival:
^TT-aYYcXia, -as, 17
c'TrayyeXA-to), [in LXX : Ps 55(56)8 (niSD),
etc.;] 1. a summons (as Attic law-term, Dem., al.). 2. a promise
(Dem., Arist., al.) : Ac 232^; esp. in NT of the divine promises, Ac 7^",
Ro 414= i« 9^ Ga 31"' 18' 21 423, He8« liy-i", 11 Pe 3^; c. inf., 4^; He
ytVcrat, etc., c. dat. pers., Ac 2^9, Ro 4^3, Ga 3i« seq. Trpos, Ac 13^2 26''
ace. rei, Ro 42\ Tit I2 c. dat pers. et ace. rei, Ja 1^2 2^, 11 Pe 21^
Mk 838, Lk 926; c. ace rei, Ro l^^, 11 Ti 18. 16; cm, c. dat. rei, Eo 621
c. inf.. He 2i-
; c. ace. pers. et inf.. He 11^6,
(Cremer, 74).
^ir-aKoXooGe'w, -w, [in LXX (chiefly metaph.) for IIHH , "-[bn , etc.;]
to folloiv after ; in NT
metaph.; absol. le^^^J (illustrated by use : Mk
in verifying accounts; v. MM,
Exp., xiv; Milligan, NTD, 78); c. dat.
pers., of sins, i Ti 52" (cf. Ellic. and CGT, in 1.); r. Ixvio-iu, i Pe 2^1;
epyw dyo^oi, I Ti 5^^.f
cir-aKoou, [in LXX for lf}:it27, HiV , etc.;] 1. to listen to. 2. to
hearken to, hear with favour (one's prayer) gen. pers., ii Co 6^ (t-xx^f
: c.
* cTr-aKpodofjiai, -uyfiai, to listen attentively : Ac 16-^ (cf. Page,
in l.).t
teir-(£i',conj. (<^e7r€i, q.v., av), later form of eVi^v, after, when: c,
subjc. pres., Lk ll^^; c. subjc. aor., Mt 28, Lk ll^^.t
* CTrai'dyKYjS, -es (<[ dvay/cr;) only in neut.; 1. eVavayKCS (sc. cctti), it
12* * ;] to bring up or back (sc. i aCs) ; to ptut out to sea {DB, iii, 63^)
Lk 5^'*; intrans., to return: Mt 21^8_f
* eTT-aca-fxifivriaKcj, to remind again: c. ace. pers., Eo 15^^.
cir-afa-irauw, [in LXX, mid., for 013 , ]VUf ni. ;] to refresh, cause to
rest (upon); mid., to rest upon: metaph., c. dat,, Eo 2^'^; seq. iiri, c.
ace, Lk 10" (Cremer, 827).t
eir-ai'-^PXOjjiai, [in LXX for miS^ , etc. ;] to return : Lk 10^^
ciT-af-ioTT)ni, [in LXX chiefly for Dip;] to raise up against;
mid., to rise up against : seq. iiri, c. ace. pers., Mt 102\ Mk 13i2_f
** eir-ai'-6p0wo-is, -€ws, 17 (<[ iTravopOoo), to Correct, restore ; cf 11 Mac .
14^ I Co 15". 2. As prep. 0. gen. (a) of place Mt 2« 51* 21^ 23i8, 20, 21;
; :
cTT-auXis, -cws, v «avXi?), [in LXX for lyn, n^M, (I.e.), etc.;]
eTr-eyeipw, [in LXX for l^V hi., Dip hi., etc.;] to rouse up, excite
c. ace. rei, 8iwyfx6v, Ac 13^" i/^vx^s, ib, 142.t ;
cl. and
suitable for the formal introduction of Lk) Lk li.t :
Ac 429.t
?Tr-eifjii, [in LXX: Ex 822 ds) (tq^), Si 42i9, etc.;] 1. to come
upon, approach. 2. Of time, to come on or after; mostly as ptcp,,
iTTLwv, -ovo-a, 6v, next, following : as freq. in late Gk.),
rrj e. (sc. -^/xepa,
Ac 1611 201^^ 2118; yficpu (as usual 'in cl), Ac 726 ; wktl, Ac 23ii.t
cirei-irep, conj., since indeed: Eo 33" (Eec; eiTrcp, WH).t
*€Tr-€i<r-aywYi7, -^s, a bringing in besides or in addition (Hipp.,
* extend:
€ir-eK-Tcii/w, to mid., to stretch forward: c. dat.,
Phi 313.+
come on: seq. ano, c. gen. loc, Ac 14^^ (eTr^X^av; cf. M, Pr., 65;
Deiss,, BS, 191) of ; tinae, Eph 2*". 2. come upon (as in Horn.) of
to :
Holy Spirit, Lk l^s, Ac 1*, [in LXX : ytyvo/xat eVi', Jg 14^, i Ki 11«, al.].+
^n-epwrdo), -w, [in LXX chiefly for bxiS' , also for cni , etc. ;] to in-
quire of, consult, question : c. ace. pers., Mk 12^*, Lk 2^", al. ; c. dupl.
ace, Mk 717 1129, Lk 20*«, al. ; c. ace. pers., seq. Aeyw, Mt 12^8, Mk 9^1
6/, Mk 823, Lk 236, al.; L ^€oV, Ro 102Mlxx), 2. In late Gk., to beg of,
demand of: c. ace. pers. et inf., Mt 16^ (cf. ipwrdw; and v. Cremer,
** iiT-€pi^Tr]iia, -ros, to, [in LXX: Da th 4^* [ubii^), Si 36(33)3*;]
1. a questio7i, an inquiry (Hdt., Thuc). 2. a demand : 1 Pe 32^ (v.
ICC, in l.).t
al.;] 1. to hold upon. 2. Like 7rape;^a) (as in Hom., al.), to hold out,
offer : Xoyov C'^rjs, Phi 2^^. 3. to hold or direct towards, sc. vovv ;
(a) absol., to intend, purpose ; (b) to observe, give attention to (v. MM,
Exp., xiv) seq. 7ra>s, Lk 14'^ c. dat. pers., Ac 3^, i Ti 4^". 4. to stay,
: ;
prep. e. gen., dat., ace. (ace. most freq. in NT), with primary sense of
superposition, on, upon. I. C. gen,, 1. of place, answering the
question, where? (a) of the place on which, on, upon: i-n-l (t.) y^?,
Mt 6i*>' 19,
al.; t. Ke<^aA^?, i Co lli« ; r. v£<^eAwv, Mt 243o, al. ; like Iv, in
above, Lk
2338 at, by, 1329, Jo 52, Ac 5^, al.
; Mk
(b) metaph., upon, ;
on the ground of, Lk 44(i'XX)j ^^ the matter of, 6*2 (y_ Swete, in Mk
1.) ; upon, of, concerning, Ac 5^^' *<* of the ground, reason or motive ;
(Bl., § 38, 2 ; 43, 3), Mt 18^ 199, Eo 12^2, al. c0* c2,/or the reason that. ;
etc., coming upon one, c. ace. pers., Mt 10^^ 122^, Ac 2^''', Jo 18*, Eph
5^, al. of addition (dat. in cl.), Xvirq hrl Xxnrqv, Phi 22"; eViKoXciv ovo/xa
i-n-i (v.s. liriKokioi), Ac 15^''^, Ja 2^; KoXfiv cTTt, to call after, Lk 1^^; of
number or degree: cttI rpts (cl. ek t.), thrice, Ac 10^^ 11^^ ; hrl ttXciov,
the more, further, Ac 4^^ ii Ti 2i« 3^ (v. also infr., 2, (a)) ; ^<^' ocrov (v.
infr., ib.), forasmuch as, Mt 25*"' *5, Eo IP^; of power, authority,
control, Lk 1^3, Ac 7^^ Eo 5^*, He 3^ al. ; of the direction of thoughts
and feelings, unto, towards, Lk T^ 2328, Ac Q^^.**, Eo II22, Ga 49,
Eph 2\ I Ti 5*, al. ; of purpose, for, Mt 3^ Lk 23*8 .
^y »
^^^^^ (j^gg
€<^' <L), Mt 2650; of hostility, against, Mt 24^, Mk 32*-26 IQH 138, Lk 9*,
Jo 13^8^ Ac 75*, I Co 7^®, II Co 123 J
Qf reference, concerning, for (cl.
usually dat.), Mk 9^2 152*,Jo I92*, Eo 49. 2. Of time, (a) during,
for: Lk 425 (WH, txt., omits kiri), Ac 1^^^ 16^8, He ll^o, al.; e>' So-ov
(xpovov), as long as, for so long time as, 9^^^ Eq 71^ a,l. (for
o. in Mk
another sense, v. supr., 1, (b)) e<^' t/cavdv (v.s. t.), Ac 20^^ iirl TrXeiov ; ;
(v. supr., 1, (b)), yet longer, ftirther, Ac 20^ 24* {b) on, about, toxvards ;
131) : Mk
14^2 (y_ aisQ Swete, in 1.) {b) to fall to one's share : to ;
linPaXXov (se dat.; Hdt., al., a technical formula freq. in tt. ; Deiss.,
BS, 230, LAE, 152), Lk 15i2.t
Eo 320 c. gen. pers., of God: Eph li^. Col lio, 11 Pe V'*; of Christ:
Eph 413, n Pe 18 220; of God and Christ: 11 Pe 12; Kar i., Eo 102;
Ixctv €v €., Eo 1^8 (y, AE, Eph., 248 ff. and for a somewhat difiierent ;
view, Thayer, s.v. ; Lft. on Col, 1^; Tr., Syn., Ixxv; Cremer, 159 f.;
cf. ata-Orja-Li).^
im-UUyuixi, [in LXX : Pr 121^ (niQ hi.), Is 3726 (Nin hi.), Ep.
Je II Mac 1532, al. ;] 1. to show, exhibit, display : c. ace. et dat.,
Mt 16^ 22^^ 24:\ Ilk 17^*. Mid., to display for oneself or as one's own
(but cf. Bl., § 55, 1): Ac 93^, 2. to show, point out, prove: c. ace,
He 617; c. ace. et inf., Ac 1828 (cf. Exp., xiv).t MM,
** ^m-Se'xofiai, [in LXX
Jth 13^3 b2, i Mac 10^ 1423, gi 5126^ al. ;]
(Menand.) (b) to receive hospitably (i Mac, Si, 11. c.) iii Jo ^^.t
€inhvadrjK7}, a second will, FIJ, BJ, ii, 2, 3 the word is used of wills ;
Ba 22',
^mciKia (Rec.
-eiK€La), -as,
3'42) 424^ ^h
«„ Mae^7rt«Kr?9), [in
222 10*, iii
LXX Wi :
2^^ 1218,
3^^ 7«*;]
fairness, moderation, gentleness {" siveet reasonableness," Matthew
Arnold) :Ac 24* ; c. irpavrf]-:, 11 Co lO^.t
Syn. : irpav-n}'; (v. Tr., Syn., § xliii).
liri-tTiWu, -w, [in LXX chiefly for tZhl , iv Ki 88, Is 62^2, al.
also for mpi, I Ki 20^, Ee Ho 3^; ipQ, 11 72^ '28), Ki 38;] "directive"
of ^T^reoD (MM, Exp., xiv), to inquire for, seek after, wish for c. ace. :
rei, Mt 632 1239 154^ Lk 123o, Ac 1939, Rq ht^ p^i 417^ He 11^* 13i*;
c. ace. pers., Lk 4*2, Ac
12i9; c. inf., Ac IS^.t
** emOai'dTios, -ov, [in LXX Da Bel 3i condemned to death : ;]
I Co 49.+
eiri-0eais, -cws, rj {<;^€inTWr]iii), [in LXX: II Ch 252^ {'^Wp)^ Ez
23^^ (n:?;?) II Mac 4*1 5* 14^5*.] i ^ laying on: x^'P*"". ^o S^^, i Ti
41*, II Ti 1«, He 62 (cf. Westc, He., I.e.; CGT on 1 Ti, I.e.). 2. an
attack, assault (11 Mae, ll.c.).+
^mOo|x^a), -w {<^0vfi6<i), [in LXX chiefly for mx pi., hithp. ; also
for lan , etc. ;] to set oiie's heart upon, after, covet
desire, lust
absol., Ja 42, Eo V IS^d-xx)^ i Co lO^ (cf. 2«); seq. Kara
iv Mac
(against, in opposition to), Ga 5^'^; prop, (as in el.) c. gen., Ac 20^^,
I Ti
3I; in late Gk. also c. ace. (M, Pr., 65), Mt 5^8 (Eec. avri}^;
T omits; cf.Mi 2^, Wi 163, ^1.); c. inf., Mt IS^^, Lk 15i«
Ex 20l^
1621 1722^ I pe ii2_ Re Qf- e. ace. et inf., He 61^ as in Hebrew, ; ;
cTri0u(iia, -as, r] « i-n-tOvfxeu)), [in LXX chiefly for niNl? , niK also ;
for Tian , etc. ;] desire, longing : Lk 22^5 (y_s_ ^^i^i^^^'o,), Phi 123, j Th
2^", Ee 18^*; pi., Mk 4^^; esp. with ref. to forbidden things, desire,
lust (Vg., concupiscent ia) : Eo T^^, Ja li*'i\ 11 Pe 1*; pi., Ga 52*,
Hdt., Xen., al. ef. Deiss., LAE, 426) KaiVapa (Se^ao-roV, Ac 252^),
; :
Kvpiov (yaov, o-ov; like Heb. njT DCr^ Ac 22i(i-xx) 914,21 2210, Eo
[in LXX for inN , also Wi 3^2 148^ jy Mac 2^9;] accursed: Ga
310 (Lxx) 13 (Lxx KtKarapaMyo,) (Cremer, 109).
lm-K6i>ai, [in LXX Ex
36*" {39^^) (p:), Jb IQ^ (lyi hi.) 212^
(Dan), I Mac 6", II Mac l^i, iii Mac 1^2*;] to be placed, lie on: Jo
21»; seq. iwi, c. dat., ib. ll^S; fig., He Q^O; dmyKT?, i Co 9i« ; x^'/^^". <o
threaten, come on : Ac 272** of persons, to press upon Lk 5^ 232^.
Phi 313; SttoIos ?,v, Ja 12*; pass. ptcp. (cf. Is 23i«, Si 3^* 23i*, Wi 2*),
Lk 12".+
cm-Xeyci), [in LXX chiefly for IFQ;] 1. to say in addition (Hdt.).
2. to call by name, to call : Jo 52. 3. to choose ; mid., to choose for
oneself: Ac 15*^+
eiri-XeiTru, [in LXX : Ob 1* N^ R (HNtz; hi.) * ;] to fail : c. ace.
pers., He 1132.+
*+ cm-Xcixw, ^0 lick over ace, Lk 162^ (cf. MM, Exp., xiv).+
**+^m-Xr,a,ion^, -^?, ^
ness : aKpoaTrj<i i. (gen. of qual.), Ja 12^.+
« : c.
cTTi-Xoiiros, -ov (<Aot7ros), [in LXX for in'', INB';] still left,
remaining : xpovos, i Pe 42.+
irri-Xudi^ -€0)5,^
solution, interjnetation : 11
« cTTtAvw), [in Aq.
: Ge408; Sm.
: Ho 3**;] L
**^m-Xo'a), [in Aq. Ge 40^ 418.12; : Th. : Ho 3**;] 1. to loose,
release. 2. to solve, settle, explain : Mk 43*, Ac 193^.+
* ^TTi-ixapTupew, -w, to bear witness to : c. ace. et. inf., i Pe 512,+
6i«, Mac
I Es I 161*, g,!. ;] attention, care : Ac 27* (v. Field, Notes,
^m-(i€Xeo|Aai, -ovtiai, [in LXX : Ge 4421 (Q,j,y Q,j2;)^ I Es 62^,
abide still: seq. iv, i Co 16^; airov, there, Ac 15^^ (WH, txt., EV,
txt., omit) 21*; c. dat., t. aapKL, Phi 1^*; seq. -irapd, c. dat. pers., Ac
2814; Trpds, c. ace. pers., i Co 16^, Ga l^^; c. ace. temp., Ac lO^s, 21*- 1"
28^2,14^ J Qq i57_ Metaph., to continue in a pursuit or state: c. dat.,
T. afiapria, Eo 6^ t. aTncTTia, ib. ll^^; t. ttio-tci, Col 1^^ avTois (v. ; ;
Ac 1820.+
^TTiVoia, -a?,
1412 154^ Si 402^
rj « Mac II
iirivoiw, to contrive), [in
12*^ iv Mac
LXX : Je 20^\
17^*;] a thought, design:
Wi 6i«
Ac 822. t
daily, is based on the Vg. (Lk; OL, Mt, Lk, quotidianus). "It is
difficult not to think that t6v e. rests upon misunderstanding of an
original Aramaic phrase, or upon a Greek corruption " (ICC on Mt,
I.e. ; cf. also Cremer, 239).
c-iri-iri-n-Tw, [in LXX chiefly for bB3 ;] to fall upon (Field, Notes,
25) : c. dat. pers., Mk S^^ (v. Swete, in 1.), Ac 20^"; seq. iirl t. rpaxr/Aov
(as Ge 4628, To 11^, 111 Mac 5*^, al.), Lk I520, Ac 20=*". Metaph.,
«^o>s, Lk 112, Ac 1917, 11^1; duiiSiafioi, Eo 153(lxx). of the Holy
Spirit: seq. eVi, e. dat., Ac 8^«; eVt, e. ace, Ac 10** 11^^; absol.,
Ac 237.t
* cirt-irXriorau, 1. to strike at, to punish. 2. to rebuke, reprove:
I Ti 5i.t
ciri-iroe^w, -w, [in LXX for nx^ , ZIV P)D3
hi., etc. ;] to long for,
desire: c. inf., Eo V\ 11 Co 52, i Th 3^, 11 Ti 1*. Phi 226 (WH, [txt.]);
c. acc. rei, i Pe 22; c. ace. pers., ii Co 9^*, Phi !« 2-'5 (WH, mg.);
absol., Ja 4^ (v. Mayor, in l.).t
*t ^Tri-ir<50T,<ns, 23ii*;] longing: ii Co T''^\f
-cws, rj, [in Aq. : Ez
*t ^m-iT66T)Tos, -ov, greatly desired, longed for : Phi 4^.t
*t^-irnro0ia (WH, -Tro^eta), -as, 17 = iTTLTrodrja-is, longing: Eo IS^^.t
t ^m-iropcu'ofiat, [in LXX : Le 26»3 (inN), Ez 391* (inr), Ep.
food : Lk 9i2.t
iiiti.-crKOTrf\, -rjs, 17, [in LXX chiefly for Hpp, Hlpg;] 1. a visitiiig,
^iri-cTKoiTos, -ov, 6 (•< o-KOTTos, tt wutcher), [in LXX for IpD , its
BS, 230 f.), in later Paul. epp. of the head of a church (Vg. episcopus),
a bishop : Phi l^, i Ti 3^ Tit 1^ (v. relf. s.v. €7r«7Ko;r7^).t
eirt-CTiraw, -w, [in LXX: Is 5^^ ('^C7a), etc.;] to draw on: mid.,
in peculiar sense of effacing signs of Judaism (cf. i Mac 1^^, FIJ, Ant.,
xii, 5, i v. Thayer, s.v.), to become as iincircumcised : i Co 7^^.t
attention (but v. Thayer, s.v. ; Field, Notes, 185 f.) 11 Co ll^s (WH, :
Eec. ut supr.).t
5225 (-pp^),
^TTKTTdTTjs, -OV, b
31^2 (Ta3),
l<i>lcTT-q ixi) ,
II Mac
[iu LXX
5^2, etc.
: IV
Kl 25^^ Jc 36 (29)26
a chief, commander,
master: Lk 5^ B^*'" g^^-" IT^^ (of. Dalman, Words, 336ff.).t
1025 12^ 1318 (in each case with v.l. dTroo-)*;] 1. to send to. 2. to
send a message by letter, to write word (MM, Exp., xiv) c. dat. pers., :
Ac 153.t
* iiri-auv-dy(i>, [in LXX for VpS Y^p etc. (Cremer,
, 65);] 1. to
gather together : Mt Mk 233" 2431, 132^, Lk 133*; pass., Mk 133, Lk 12^
1737. (cf. Ps 101 (102)23 105 (106)*^ II Mac 12-, al.). 2. to gather together
against (Mi 411, Za 123, i Mac 3^8, al.).t
**+ ivi-(TUV-ay<i}yr\, -^9, rj (<[ iTna-vvdyw), [in LXX : II Mac 2"^ * ;] a
gathering togetlver, assembly : He 102^ seq. ; iiri, 11 Th 2^ (cf . u Mac, l.c.).t
*+ em-o-uK-Tpe'xw, to run together again : Mk 92* (v. Swete, in l.).t
8tSao-K(iAov9, II Ti 43.t
t ^i-raYii, -^5, y) « cVtrao-o-w), [in LXX Da LXX 3i« : (oanp), i Es
118, Wi 14i« 1810 19«, III Mac 720*;] = cl, i-n-LTayfxa, a command, Eo
162«, I 7«'25, II Co88, I Ti li. Tit 13 (for use in Inscr. of divine
commands, v. MM, Exp., xiv) ; fi-era irdarj^ i., with all authority:
Tit 2i5.t
cm-Tdo-o-w, [in LXX for ln^H ms etc. to command, cliarge
, ,
c. ace. rei, Lk 1422; g ^at. pers., Mk 127 92^, Lk 436 82^; id. c. ace.
rei, Phm 8; id. c. inf., Mk 639, Lk 83i, Ac 232; ia. c. imperat., Mk 92^;
c. ace. et inf., Mk 627.t
SYN. : KeXevu).
cTTi-TeXe'w, -w, r\XDV [in
etc. ;] LXX
to complete for rh3 , ,
cf. Meyer, in 1.) : Ga 33 ; (6) to pay in full, pay the tax, be subject to
c. ace. (cf. Xen., Mem., iv, 8, 8), i Pe 59 (pass., EV, etc. cf. Thayer, s.v. ;
ICG, in l).t
^mxViSeios, -a, -ov, [in i Ch 282, LXX : ^i 45^ j Mac 4*^, al. ;] 1
suitable, convenient. 2. useful, necessary : to. i., necessaries, Ja 21".
176 Manual (Jreek lexicon op the new TestamenI'
€iri-Ti0T)fii, [in LXX for ]T)3 , Dltz? , etc. ;] 1. to lay, set or place
upon: c. ace. rei, seq. im, c. ace. rei, Mt 23*, Lk 15^, Jo 96(WH,txt.), is^
Ac 15^^ 28=5 eVt, c. gen. rei, Mt 27'^^; iv,
; ib. ; c. dat. pers., aravpov, Lk
23'''« ; (TTi4>ai'ov, Jo 19-^ ; om/ma, Mk 3l«' 17 ; nXrjyd^, Lk lO^o, Ac 1623
fTTi, c. ace. pers., Ee 22^^; of the laying on of hands, r. x"pa ("«5). seq.
ivC, c. ace. pers., Mt 9^^, Mk 1&^^\ Ac
S^^ g^^ c. dat. pers., IQi^. is^
; Mt
Mk 5'" 6* 732 823, Ljj 440 1313^ Ac 6« S^^ 9^2 13^ 19« 28^, i Ti 522. Mid.,
(a) to provide : Ac 2S^^ (EV, _?j?f i on board ; cf. Field, Notes, 149) (6) ;
Am 522, II Mac 221 32* 5* I222 141^ 1527, m Mac 2^ 5^. si *;] (in late Gk.
and Inscr., freq. of deities, v. MM, Exp., xiv), a manifestation, appear-
ance : II Th 28, I Ti 61*, 11 Ti li" 41. «, Tit 2i3 (cf. M, Th., 148 f.).t
^Tri4)afiis, -£S {<C. iTTLtfyaLvo)), [in LXX (v. Thayer, s.v.) for N'^'lJ , etc.,
Jg 18«, Jl 211' 31, al; 11 Mac 623, m Mac 535, ^1.;] renowned,
illustrious, notable: Ac 22*' (i^^^)
(cf. MM, Exp., xiv).t
t £m-<}>au<TKa> (variant form of ctti^wo-zco), q.v.), [in LXX : Jb 25*
{bni( hi.) 3126 419(10) (1,1,-, hi.)*;] to shine forth: fig., c. dat., Bph 5^*
(on v.l. -if/avcrei, V. ICC, Westc, AE, in l.).t
^Tri-<|>ep&>, [in LXX chiefly for rhvj ;] 1. to bring upon or against
Kpidiv, Ju ^. 2. to impose, inflict : Eo 3^.t
**c'm-4.w>'€<u, -i, [in LXX : i Es 9*"AE, ii Mac 123, m Mac 7^3*;]
to call out, shout: c. ace. rei, Ac 21^*; c. dat. pers., ib. 222^; seq.
Xe'yovres, Lk Ac 1222.f
2321; oj-^t. rect.,
1. to let shine. 2. to daivn (cf. MM,Exp., xiv): Lk 23^^; seq. cis, Mt 28i.t
cTTt-xc'w, [in LXX chiefly for ps^ Ge 28i^, al. ;] to pour upon ,
Lk 1034. t
€Tri-xopT)Y^a), -5, [in LXX: Si 2522, ^ j^^c 4^ A*;] to supply,
provide : c. ace. rei, 11 Pe 1^ id. c. dat. pers., 11 Co d^^, Ga 3^ pass.,
Jo 911 id. seq. eTrt, c. ace, Jo 9" (cf. MM, Exp., xiv).t
pass., Eph 220. 2. to build u,p : Col T, 1 Pe 2^ (T, otVoS- WH, Eec),
cir-okoiidl^u, [in LXX chiefly for N"lj5 ;] to name, call by a tmme,
surname : pass., Eo 2i'^.t
** iTT-oirr^iiu,, [in Sm. : Ps 93^ (IQi*) 32 (33)"*;] to watch (in Horn.,
as an overseer; cf. Ps, 11. c), look upon : i Pe 2i2 32.
** £'TT<5TrrT)s, -ov, 6, [in LXX (of God): Es 51, 11 Mac 3^9 735^
III Mac 221*;] 1. an overseer (LXX,c). 2. a spectator: 11 Pe
116 (of €. as applied to God, v. parallels in Inscr., Exp., xiv; of MM,
the use of this term in the mysteries, v. Mayor on 11 Pe, I.e. ; Thayer,
ciros, -cos (-ovs), TO, [in LXX : Za 7^, Si 44-'' *;] a word : ws 1.
iirrd, ol, al, rd, indecl., seven : Mt 12** 18^^ (cf. eySSo/ATjKOVTaxis),
190) ; id. seq. Trpo?, Ga 6^'^ kukov, seq. dat. pers. (more freq. dupl.
410, Re 153; of Christ, Mt IP; esp. in Jo, e.g. 520.36 73 1038 I411.12
152* ; in ethical sense, of human actions (AR, Eph., 190), bad or good,
Ju 15 T. o-zcdrovs, Eo 1312, Eph 511 I ^^^o^^ Ro 320, 28_ Ga 2i« 32. s. 10.
; .
T. eeov, Eo 1420.
cpcOi^ai, [in LXX: Da LXX llio=25 (ma hithp.), i Mac 15*",
II Mac
141^ etc;] 1. to stir up, provoke (as in cl.) Col 321. 2. In :
of places, Mt 14i3.i5 2338 (WH, om.), 13^ 632, ljj 442 912^ al.; as Mk
subst., 17 €. (sc. x^P"^'' *s ill Hdt., ii, 32, al.), the desert, Mt 3i'3,
Mk 13.*, Jo 31*, al. ; pi., al I., desert places, Lk l^o 51^ 829.
cpr]p,6a), -w (<^ epr]p.o<;), [in LXX for i")n hi., DOST ni., etc. ;] to
ipllo} (< Ipts), [in LXX for m)D , etc. ;] to wrangle, strive : Mt
1219 (LXX, K€KpciCeTai)A
**ipiQia, (T, cl, -eia), -as, rj, [in Sm. : Ez 23"*;] (on the origin and
history of the word, v. Hort, Ja., 81 ff. ; Ellic. on Ga 52"; Cremer,
262), ambition, self-seeking, rivalry : Ja 31*' i" Kar Ipidtav, Phi 23
ot £f c., Eo 28, Phi 11^ pi. (Bl., § 32, 6; WM, 220; Swete, Mk., 153),
II Co 1220, Ga 520.+
epiov, -ov, TO, [in LXX for iJpX , Le 13*^ Is li^, al. ;] wool : He
919, Ee li*.t
WH, txt.t
'Epjxds, -a, acc, -av (Doric form of 'Epfirj^:), Hermas, a Christian :
Ro 161*.+
ip\ij]V€ia, V.S. kpixrjVLa.
ipp.r\veKjT(]<i, -ov, 6 (<^ ipp^rivevw) ,
[in LXX for yih hi., Ge 42^3 *jj
an interpreter : iCo (WH, mg.).+14^8
^pu0p6s, -a, -ov, [in LXX for DIN , Is 632 ; L edkaa-aa for ;)m"Q!
epXO)iai, [in LXX very freq. for NH , also for ^bn ni., nHX , etc.,
incomm. (M, Pr., 75, 245), Mt 21^ Ee 25.ie; with adverbs: tto'^cv,
Jo 38, al. dvwOiv, Jo 331 ^TTio-^cv, Mk 52^ S^^, Mt 829 i^f,^ Jq iqz
; ; ;
• .
TTov, He 11^ seq. Iws, Lk 4*2; dxpi, Ac 11^ with purpose expressed ; ;
by inf., Mk 5^*, Lk 1^9, al. by fut. ptcp., Mt 27*9; Tva, Jo 129; ^i^ ;
TovTo, ha, Ac 921 8ta, c acc, Jo 129; before verbs of action, epx^rat
Kai, 7}X0€ KaL, etc. Mk 2^^, Jo 6^\ al. epxov Kal Kt, Jo 1*^ 113* ^xOwv
: ;
riiJLipat (pres. for fut. Bl., ^ 56, 8), Lk 2329, He 8»(^^^); fut., Mt 91^,
to go: SirCaw, c. gen. (Heb. nqi< ^^ri), Mt 162^, Mk 8^\ Lk 923; ^^v,
Jo 21^ ; 686y, Lk 2**. (Cf. dv-, eV-av-, ttTT-, 81-, CIS, in-eicr-, nap-eta--,
(rvv-€Lcr-, i^-, Sl-€$-, iir-, Kar-, nap-, avTi-Trap-, nept-, npo-, npoa-, crvv-
Syn. : TTopevofxai, xu)piw (v, Thayer, s.v. epxo/xai.).
cpw, V.S. Acyo), p. 496.
ipuT&u), -u), [in LXX chiefly for ^NlZr;] 1. to ask, question (c1.)
absol., Lk 193i 22«8, Jo 81'^ c. ace. pers., Jo 921 le^^.so 1821; ggq.
Xcyw, Mt 1613, Lk 233, Jo 119.21 512 919 165. c. dupl. ace. (WM, § 32,
4a), Mt 2124, Mk 410, Lk 203, Jo 1623 (M, Pr., 66„) c. ace. pers., seq. ;
Lk 438, Jo 179-20, I Jo 5I6; inep, II Th 2l»2; TOi (WH, txt., om. ra) Trpos
flprjVTfv, Lk 1432 (cf. 81-, iTT-epwTOiw).
'EaXci (Eee. 'Eo-At, v. WH, Notes, 155), 6, Esli, an ancestor of
Jesus Lk 32 5. t
1312, Ja 123.t
eonr^pa, -as, 17 (prop. fem. of Ij-mpos), [in LXX chiefly for n^y ;]
(a) (sc. <2.pa), evening: Lk 2429, Ac 4^ 20^5 2823; (J) (sc. x<^pa). ^^^
^(nrepik(5s, -'/, -ov ( = the more freq. to-n-eptos, -a, -ov), [in LXX for
n")y, IV Ki 16^*, Ps 140 (141)2, al. ;] of the evening, evening: Lk
1238 (WH, ^ujg ^)t
'Eapcifi ('Eo-pwv, Lk, I.e. ; Rec. 'Eo-p-), 6 (Heb. lllin , Ge 46^2, Nu
2621, I ch 25, al.), [in LXX both forms, ut supr. (cf. ICC, on Mt,
I.e. ; WH, § 408) ;] Esrom (AV), Hezron (RV), an ancestor of Jesus
Mt 13, Lk 333.t
'Eapuiv, 'Ecrp-, V.S. 'Ecr/Dcoyu,.
eoxaTos, -q, -ov, [in LXX ehiefly for rfinx ]iin8;] last,
utmost, extreme of the lowest or least honoured place,
; (a) of place :
6 €., Re 1^^ 2^ 22^3 jj^ phrases relating to the Messianic age and the
eaa)0€K (< ecro)), adv., [in LXX for n^33, ^55^ and cognate
eCTCJTcpos, -a, -ov (compar. of eo-w), [in LXX chiefly for ^p^35
Iraipos, -ou, 6, [in LXX chiefly for JT") and cognate forms, also
in LXX).t
*t cTepoSiSao-KaXeu, -w, to teach other or different doctrine : i Ti 13
63 (cf. CGT, in 1. Milligan, NTD, 102).t ;
Zrcpos, -a, -ov, [in LXX chiefly for lOJ*?;] distributive pron.,
prop, dual (BL, § 13, 5; 51, 6), denoting the second of a pair, but in
late Gk. encroaching on aAAos (M, Pr., 79 f.); 1. of number, other;
c. art., the other; (a) of two, Lk 5^ Q^", al. ; opp. to 6 tt/owto?, Mt 2130;
6 cts, Mt 6", Lk 7*1, Ac 23«, al. I. /x€v I. Se', the one the ; . . . . . .
other: i Co 15*"; the next: Lk 6^ 9^6 (sc. •^/^epa, Xen.), Ac 20^5 27^;
= 6 irXrjaLov, one's neighbour : Eo 2^ 13^, i Co 6^, al. (b) of more ;
2^3; oifih... 5AAot 8k ... I 84, Mt le^*; nvh ... I. 8i, Lk lli«.
2. Of kind or quality, other, another, different (Plat., Dem., al.) : Mk
16C12], Lk 929, Ac 2*, I Co 142i, „ Qq ^4^ q^ 16^ al. (cf. €Tepo-yXa,o-o-os,
-8t8acr*ca\€<o, -^vycw).
Syn. : aAAos, q.v. (v. reff. ut supr., also Eobertson, Gr., 748 ff.).
Lk 162 203«, He 102, Ee 3^2 203, al. 2. Of degree, even, yet, still,
further : c. compar., Phi 1^, He 7^^; of what remains, Mk 12®, Jo 43^
733, al; of what is added, Mt 18i« 26«*, He 1132 1226,27. of con-
tinuance apart from the idea of time, Eo 3" 62 9^^^ Qa 5^^ en 8e, Ac ;
Mk 1415, Lk 9^2 1247 229.12; c. inf., Mt 26i7; Tva, 14^2; (6) c. ace. Mk
rei Mt 22* 26^\
: Mk
14i6, Lk I220 178 228. 13 2356 241, Jo I42.
3, Phm 22,
Messiah, t. 680^ KvpLov, Mt 33, Mk 13, Lk 1^6 3* d-^) (c) c. ace. pers. ;
938 (1017)) Eph &-\ EV. 2. fo^mdation, firm footing (Ps 88 (89)^*)
Eph, I.e. (Hatch, Essays, 55 Exp. Times, ix, 38 but v. also Abbott, ; ;
Essays, 95).
cToinos, -ov, also (in cl. after Thuc.) -r} (11 Co 9^ i Pe 1^), -ov, [in
LXX chiefly for ]'ID3 , ]i3!p (cf . Hatch, Essays, 51 ff.)
prepared, ready ;
(a) of things : Mt 22*. 8, Mk 14^5, 11 Co 9^ 1Q^\ i Pe 1^ ; Ipxeade 5ti
yi8-q €TOifi<i 60-TIV (Field, Notes, 67), Lk 14^7; 6 Kaipos, Jo 7^; (b) of
persons: Mt 24** 25^\ Lk 12*o, Ac 232i geq. ^^^^ Tit 3^, i Pe 3i«; ;
c. inf., Lk 2223; toC, c. inf. (WM, § 44. 4a; Eobertson, Gr., 1068),
Ac 2315; iv c. Ixw (MM, Exp., xiv), c. inf., 11 Co 10«.+
dTr6, Lk 8*3, Eo 1523; ^Ld, c. gen. (v.s. Sui), Ac 241% Ga 2^; cV, Ac 24i0;
cts, Lk 12^9; cTTi, c. ace, Ac IQ^"; /xerd, c. ace, Ga 1^^ S^"^ irpo, c. gen., ;
cuayyeXiJu), [in LXX for "lizySl pi., hith. ; for good news in
general i Ki 31», al. of God's loving kindness, Ps 39 (40)io 95
: ; (96)2,
and esp. of Messianic blessings. Is 40^ 60^, al. ;] to bring or announce
glad tidings ; 1. act. (only in late writers) c. ace. pers., Ee 30'''; seq. :
1822' 25*;] in q\ ^ ^^^ ^ reward for good tidings (Horn.; pi., LXX,
II Ki in pi., ev. Oveiv, to make a thank-offering for good
410) ; (b)
tidings (Xen., al.). 2. Later (Luc, Plut., al.), good tidings, good news
in NT of the good tidings of the kingdom of God and of salvation
through Christ, the gospel : Mk li^, Ac 15^, Eo li^, Ga 22, i Th 2*,
423 Eo 15i^, al.
al. ; e. gen, obj., t. ySao-tXetas, Mt . ^ Xpia-Tov, ; t. KvpCov
TjfxMv 'ItjctoC, II Th 1^ ; T. vlov T. $€01), Eo 1^ ; T. So^r/s T. fiaKaptov Oeov,
I Ti 3^5^^ ^ Xpta-Tov, II Co 4* of the author, t. Beov, Eo
111 . ^^ ;
eu-yc, adv., in replies, well ! good ! tuell done ! : Lk 19^'' (WH for
Rec. ev, q.v.).t
Mt 31' 175, Mk 111, Lk 322 (on the tense, v. M, Pr., 134 f. ; DCG, i,
308 b), I Co 105, II Co 1219, He 1038 (lxx). (g) seq. eh : u Pe li^ (Cf.
a-w-€v8oK€iD, and v. Cremer, 213 f. ; Field, Notes, 48 f. ; DCG, i, 355*.) +
+ €u8oKia, -as, 17 «cv8oK£w, q.v.), [in LXX : Ps 512, al. (jlSl), freq.
al. ;] to
eiepyexe'w, -w
do good, bestow benefit
« cicpyerr^s)
[in LXX:
Ps 12 (13)« (^DS), Wi S^,
euflo's, -cia, -V, [in LXX chiefly for 1^;] 1. straight, direct:
euGos, adv., [in LXX (more freq. than cv^ews) chiefly for
s.v.) 922 (101) 144 (145)15 (ny), Si 382^ i Mac 11*2*;] fitting time,
€i(-Kaipos, -ov, [in LXX : Ps 103 (104)27 (ny), 11 Mac 1429 1520, 21^
III Mac 411 5** * ;] timely, seasonable, suitable (Cremer, 740) rj/Jiepa, :
Mk 621 ^Qj. gmpty^ as in Byz. and MGr. ; v. Exp., xiv) ; fioydeLa, MM,
He 4i6.t
**€uKatpws, adv., [in LXX: Si 1822*;] seasonably, in season: Mk
1411 opp. to Slk- (Kiihner3, iv, 346 d), 11 Ti 42.t
**t eJ-KOTTos, -ov, [in LXX: Si 22l^ i Mac 3i8*;] with easy labour,
easy: compar., -utrepov ian, c. inf., Mt 9^, 2^, Lk 523; q ace. et Mk
inf., Mt 192*, Mk 1025, Lk 161^ 182^ (Polyb. ; the adv. -m occurs in
Aristoph., Fr., 615).t
cuXoy^u, -to), [in LXX chiefly for ^la pi.;] 1. to speak well of,
praise (cl. ; LXX De 8^\ al.) : t. ^eoV, Lk V^ 228 2451. 53 (aJvoCi'Tes,
T,WH, mg.), Ja 3"; absol., to give praise, Mt 14^9 2626 (y, Swete on
Mk 1422), Mk 6*1 1422 (v. Swete, in 1.), Lk 243o, i Co 14i«. 2. As in
LXX (= "^13 pi.) ; (a) to bless, invoke blessings on (Ge 24«*', Nu 232»,
al.) : absol., i Co 4^2, i Pe 39; c. ace. pers., Lk 23* 628 2480.", Eo 12^^
He 7i'«>^ 1120,21. eiXoyT^/xcVos (= ^n^; V. Lft., Notes, 310; DCG, i,
De Eu 15i3) God
(a) of men (Ge 122 A, 7^*, Jg I72 B, 220, i Ki ;
(b) of
(Lft., Notes, 310 f.),as chiefly in LXX (Ge 92«, Ex 17^^ Ps 17 (18)*«,
al.) : Lk 1«8, Eo 12^ 9^ {ICC, in 1.), 11 Co 13 113i, Eph 13, i Pe 13
absol., 6 €v\oyrjT6'i (Dalman, Words, 200; JThS, v, 453), Mk U^^
(Cremer, 769).t
eoXoyia, -as, rj [in LXX chiefly for n^^S ;] 1. fair speaking,
fiaitering speech : xp^o-^oXoyias koI cu., Eo 16^^. 2. praise : of God (as
in late Inscr. ; LS, s.v.) and Christ, Ee 5^2. i3 712, 3. i^ LXX and
NT : blessing, benediction ; [a) the act of blessing : i Co 10^",He 12^'^,
Ja 3"; {b) concrete, a blessing: Eo 1529, „ Co 95. «, Ga 3^*, Eph 13,
He 6^ I Pe 39(cf. De ll^^, Si 732, al.).t
1.), I Ti
Eui'iKt] (Eec. -veiKt]), -tjs, Eunice, Timothy's mother: ii Ti l^.t
Mt 52^+
cucouxos, -ov, o (i.e. 6 ry]v iiv-qv (bed) «x*^'')» \}^ LXX for D^"1D
(141)^, v.l. for -tt,oi*;] to look well, make a fair show : metaph. (as in
IT.; V. Deiss., LAE,
96), Ga 6i2.t
t Eup-aKuXwi' (Rec. evpoK\v8(Dv, q.V.), -wvos (<^ Ewpos, the East tcind,
and Ija^i. Aquilo ; Vg., Euroaguilo), the Euraquilo, a N.E. wind (i.e.
between Eurus and Aquilo) Ac 27^*. :
eupiCTKw, [in LXX chiefly for NSa , also for 31273 hi., etc. ;] to find,
with or without previous search: absol., opp. to ^jjtc'w, Mt 7"'^, Lk
IP' 10 c. ace, Mt 2^, Mk l^^, Ac I322, n Ti l^^, al. pass., o{>x €i., of
for oneself, gain, procure, obtain : c. ace. rei, Aurpwcrtv, He 9^^ act. in j
same sense (so cl. poets, but not in Attic prose), Mt 10^'-' ll^^, Lk l^*^,
Ac 7*«, II Ti 118, al. (cf. dv-€vpt(TKw).
t £upo-KXuSa>f (G, evpvKX-), -wvos, 6 (<^ Evpos (v.l. <;^ evpv^, broad),
k\v8wv), Euroclydon (prob. a sailor's corruption of Ev/aaKv'Awv, q.v.)
Ac 171s Eec.t
copu-xwpos, -ov, {<^€vpv<i, broad + x'^P°^)' \y^
LX.X for am ni., and
cognate forms (Is 30^3, al.), exc. 11 Ch 18^ (pil ;] spacious, broad :
Mt 7i3.t
6; Mayor on Ja 2^), 11 Pe S^^ (on the use of ei. and cognates in Past.
Epp., V. CGT, on i Ti 22; cf. also Cremer, 524).
**€0-aep£'u, -w «cio-£^7?s, q.v.), [in LXX: Da LXX Su", iv Mac
9" nE ,
11^' 8. 23 132 * ;] to reverence, shotv piety towards ; c. ace. (else-
where more freq. seq. cis, ttcoi, Trpos) : oTkov, i Ti 5* Oeov, Ac 17^3
(Cremer, 525).t
c6(r€pris, -€s « ^v, ae(3op.m), [in LXX : Pr 12^2, Is 24i« 26^ (p^iy),
Gk. (v. Swete, Mk., I.e. ; MM, Exp., xiv), wealthy, influential (EV, of
honourable estate) : Mk 15", Ac 13^0 IT^^.t
€i,T6yiJs, adv. «€?, T«Va>), [in LXX for nilp'ltrs, JosG^'^)*.]
9) Ro 121,
: I Co 1417, I Th 5^8 of giving thanks before meat, Mt 15^6
2627, Mk
8" 1423, Lk 2217,19, Jo 611.23, i Co 112"; c. dat. pers., t. Oew,
Lk 17i«, Ac 2735 2815, j^ 146 164^ i Co U^», Phi 1^, Col 13. 12, Phm *
seq. 8ia 'I. XpLo-Tov, Ro 18 725, R, WH, mg.. Col 3^^; iv ovo/xan Xp.,
Eph 520 ; seq. Trept, I2, 11 Th 13 5tl, Ro 1^, 11 Th 2^3
i Th i^rc, c. dat. ; ;
rei, I Co 1^; iirip, i Co 103o, Eph l^* 520 5rt, Lk 18^, Jo ll*i, i Co ;
**c<3xapi(rria, -as, ^
3711, II Mac
£ Vp^^-^os), [in Es 8^3, 1628, Si
227*;] 1. thankfulness, gratitude (Polyb. Es, Si, 11 Mac,
« LXX:
11. c.) : Ac 243. 2. giving of thanks, thanksgiving (so in tt. and
Inscr. ; M, Th., 41 f.) : i Co 141", 11 Co 4^5, Eph 5*, Phi 4«, Col 27 42,
eoxn, -^s, v (•< evxofxai), [in LXX chiefly for l^j ;] 1. a prayer
Ja 518. 2. a vow : Ac IS^s 2123.t
Sriv^. : V.8. ScT^o-is.
euxofxai, [in LXX chiefly for "113 also for injr hi., etc. ;] <o
pray : c. ace. rei, 11 Co 13^; c. dat. pars., t. dew, Ac 26^9; seq. irpo? t.
^eoV, II Co 137 c. ace. et inf., Ac 272^,
; iii Jo 2; seq. i-n-ep, Ja 5i«;
qixofjLTjv ftvai. (on impf. here, v. 7CC, in 1., Lft., FhilemP), Eo 9^
(Cremer, 718).
eJ-xptjoTos, -ov {el, xpaof «0» [in LXX : Pr 31^3 (^^n), Wi 13^3 * ;]
useful, serviceable : c. dat. pers., 11 Ti ; id. seq. eis, c. dat. rei,
IITi 4^^ opp. to axp^ya-Tos,
; ^^,t Phm
*t cu»|/ux^oj, -o) (<< evif/vxps, courageous), to be of good courage : Phi
cuwSi'a, -a9, 17 (<^ evu)8ri<;, fragrant ; <C o^w), [in LXX for nwi
Ge 821, cvwStas) ; Si 20^ 24^^, al. ;] fragrance :
3,1. (oo-/x^ metaph.,
XpicTTov cv., II Co 2^* ; ocTfir] evwStas (a metaphor of sacrifice, most freq.
in Pent, and Ez.), 52, Phi 418.+ Eph
EiwSia, -as, rj. Phi 42, Eec. (for EuoSia, q.v.).t
eoufujxos, -ov (cv, 6vo/xa), [in LXX chiefly for bKDij^;] 1. of good
name or omen. 2. Euphemistic for apia-Tepo?, left : Ac 21^, Re IO2 ; i(
ciwvvVwi', on <;ie left : Mt 2021-23 2533.41 2738, lO^o 152'.t Mk
^4)(iXXo,jiai, [in LXX for n^y , i Ki 10^ 11" 16i3 * ;] to leap upon
seq. cTTt, c. ace. pers. Ac IQi^.t
*i<^-dTTat adv., 1. once for all (Eupol.) : Eo 61", He 727 912 IQio.
2. at once : i Co 15<'.t
c4)eiSoi', V.8. eTreiSov.
191,17,26 (on the gen., v. M, Pr., 73) 20i«'i7, i Co 1532 16^, Eph li,
€(}>-i<rrtip,i, [in LXX for 2X3 ni., ri'^lS' , ]r3 , etc. ;] 1. causal in
pres., impf., fut., 1 aor., to set upon or by, set up, etc. (-^sch., Hdt.,
Arist., al). 2. Intrans. in mid. and in pf and 2 aor. act. (a) to stand .
upon ; (b) to be set over ; (c) to stand by, be present, be at hand, come
on or u2)on: Lk lO^o 20i, Ac 6^2 12" 22i3.2o 23^^ ii Ti 42; c. dat.
^X^^s (Rec. x^«?)' ^-dv., [in LXX for blQI?!, etc.;] yesterday : Jo
452, Ac 1^, He 138 (on the form, v. Rutherford, NPhr., 370 f.).t
ex^pa, -as, 7} « ^x^po<;), [in LXX for nn'^K , nsjOT , etc. ;] enmity
Lk 2312, Eo 87, Ga 520, Eph 2i5, is,
Ja 44.t
exOpos, -a, -<^v (<^ ^x^o<s, hatred), [in LXX chiefly for S^iK , also
(on the Aktionsart of the various tenses, y. M, Pr., 110, 145, 150, 183),
various senses and constructions.
to have, as in cl., in I. Trans.; 1,
to have, hold, hold fast, etc. (a) to hold, as, in the hand Re 5^ 14®,;
al. ; iv T. x«P') Re 1^^ IO2, al. ; (b) of arms and clothing, ^e'pw, =
<f>op€w, to bear, wear : Mt %^ 22^2^ q\ qq ixe(\. pres. ptcp. (LS, s.v.,
ayaTTrjv, Jo 13^^ ;
yvwcrti', I Co 8^ ; TreiroLOrjcnv, II Co 3* OXixpiv, Jo 16^^, ;
7^7; vofiov, Jo 19^ iiTLTayriv, I Co 7^5; dywva, Phi l^o ; ,,pl^a, I Ti 5^2;
if) of complaints and disputes; Kara, c. gen. pers., Mt 5^3, Mk ll^S;
id. seq. oti, Ee 2*' 2*^; c. acc. seq. -n-po's, Ac 24^^, al. ; {g) c. inf., (a) (cl.)
to he able (Field, J^oies, 14) Mt 1825, 14^ (sc. Trot^o-ai), Lk 12*, : Mk
Ac 41*, al; (/3) of necessity (BL, § 69, 4): Lk 12^0, Ac 23i7-i9 281^.
II. Intrans. (BL, § 53, 1), to he in a certain condition crot/xws e., c. :
al. ; KttAais, Mk
IB^^^J; KOfxif/oTcpov, Jo 4^2 ^^^^ ^q 1536. impers., aWws j
in 1.) ;
ptcp., 6 near, next : of place,
ix'^fievo';, l^s of time, Mk ;
al. ;
(c) c. indie, pres. (Burton, §328; BL, §65, 10): Mk 6*^, Jo
2122,23^ I Ti 413. 2. C. indie, as long as, while (Burton, § 327): Jo
9* (Plat., Phaedo, 89 c). II. As an adverb (chiefly in late writers).
1. Of time, until, unto ; (a) as prep. c. gen. (BL, § 40, 6 M, Pr., ;
99) : T. ^<xipa<;, Mt 2629, Lk 1^\ Eo ll^, al. ; eSpas, Mt 27*^, al. ; riXov^,
I Co 18, II Co 113 ; T. vw, Mt
^^-^ ^^^ (pjeld, 2421, Mk 1319 (I Mac 233) .
(Burton, § 330 M, Pr., 91) ; (a) I. oC (Hdt., ii, 143 ; Plut., al.) c.
; :
1015, al.; {h) c. adv. (BL, §40, 6): Sivio, Jo 2^; Icro,, 14^*; Kdruy, Mk
Mt 2751, Mk
1538; <!iS€, Lk 23^; (c) e. prep.: i$w, Ac 21^; ,rp6s, Lk
2450 (Field, Notes, 83). 3. Of quantity, measure, etc. Mt I821, : Mk
623, Lk 2251, ai^
Jesus : Mt l^.t
Words, 53 f.).t
Zaxapias, -ov, 6 (Heb. HJIST , ITIST) ; 1. Zacharias, father of
John the Baptist : Lk l^. 12, 13, is, 21, 40, 5p, 67 32^ 2. Zechariah, the son
of Jehoiada (in txt. wrongly called son of Barachiah ; cf. 11 Ch 24^^^')
Mt 23=^^ Lk ll^i.t
j^dw, -w, [in LXX chiefly for n^n (most freq. ptcp., ^wv, inf., t,7]v,
for Tl) ;] 1- prop., to live, be alive (v. Syn., s.v. /3ios; in cl. usually of
animal life, but sometimes of plants, as Arist., Eth. N, i, 7, 12) : Ac
2012, Eo 71-3, I Co 739, Ee I920, al.airQ lwfi.ev, Ac
; iv 1728; if,ol t^
Cw Xpto-rd?, Phi 121 ; Sia 7ravT09 toC C^v (M, Pr., 215, 249), He 2'5 ; S 8e
vvv ^oi iv a-apKL, Ga 2^*'
; ^^ eV ifioX X^tards, Ga 22*^
; (6) ^wv, of God (""n -5N
and cognate phrases, Jos 3^0, Ho 2^ (l^"), Is 37*, al. ; v. DCG, ii, 39*),
Mt 16i«, Jo 6", Eo 92e, i Th 1^,He 312, Ee 72, al. ; in juristic phrase,
^w eyw (^3N-^n , Nu
Eo 14^ t,^v in aprw, Mt 4^
1421, ^1.), as I live, ;
the spiritual life of Christians, Lk 10-8, Jq 5.35^ j^q ^17 qu ^[^ ^ alwva, .
still water), in a spiritual sense, Jo 410.11 7^8 (DCG, ii, 39 f.): ikirU
iCicra, I Pe 13; 680s ^wcra, He
IO20 (cf. dva-, o-w-^d<u; Cremer, 270, 721).
l^ivvM^i., for <7y8-, I Th 519 T (v. Notes, 148).t WH,
ZepeSalos, -ou, 6 (Heb. iTlS? ; LXX: Za^Seid, II Es 88 1020;
^euyos, -cos (-ous), to {<^ ^evyn;/jii, to yoke), [in LXX chiefly for
ip^ , Jg 193, al. ;] 1. a yoke of beasts : Lk 141^. 2. a pair of any-
thing, Lk 224 (LXX),t
Zeus, gen., Aids, dat., Ad, ace, Ata (Ai'av, D, al.), Zeus (Lat.
Jupiter): Ac 14^2, i3_f
U<a, [in LXX
for nn, nm, metaph., iv Mac IS^";] to boil, be
hot; metaph., of anger, love, zeal: -ptc]^., fervent : t. Trvevfian, Ac
1825, Eo i2ii.t
*iT)X€u(i>, late and rare form of ^rjXow, q.v. ; 1. to envy, be jealous.
2. to be zealous : Ee 3^^.t
S^Xos, -ov, 6, and in late Gk,, also -cos, to' (ii Co 9^, Phi 3"), [in
LXX for nxj/? , Nu 2511, al.;] 1. zeal : ii Co T^^ 9^; KaTcl ^^Aos, Phi
3<5; c. gen. obj., Jo 2^7 (lxx)^ Rq 102; seq. vWp, ii Co 7^; c. gen. subj.,
Oeov, II Co 112; TTvpds, He 102" (cf. Is 26^1, Wi 5^8, and cf. Westc, in
l). 2. jealousy : Eo 13i3, iCo Co 3^, ii 122o, Ga 520 (WH, txt, EV),
Ja 314,10; 7rXr;o-%at C^Xov Ac 5^7 13« pi., ;
^^Xoi (v. Bl., § 32, 6), Ga
520, WH, mg.t
j^TjXo'w, -w, [in LXX chiefly for Hip pi. ;] burn with envy or
1. to
jealousy, to be jealous : absol., Ac i 7^ 17^, Co 13*, Ja 42 (E, mg., cf.
Mayor, in 1.). 2. to seek or desire eagerly : c. ace. rei, i Co 12^i
141.39 (cf. Si 5018, Wi 112); c. ace. pers., 11 Co II2, Ga 4i7; pass.,
Ga 4i8.t
jTiXwTiis, -oC, o « ^T/A-dco), [in LXX for N3{? (^tos C), Ex 20^ 34i*,
I Co 1412, Tit 21*, I Pe 31^ ; t. vo/xoi; (11 Mac, I.e.), Ac 2120 ,rapaSdo-€a>v, ;
l^tjT^u, -w, [in LXX chiefly for Wp2. pi., also for oni, etc. ;] 1. to
seek, seek for : Mt 7^' «, Lk 11^ 10 ace. pers.,
; e. 1", Lk 2«, Jo 62*, Mk
al. ; id. seq. iv, Ac 911 ; c. ace. rei, Mt 13*5, Lk I910 seq. eV, Lk 13«' ;
ij/vxriv, of plotting against one's life (Ex 41^, al.), Mt 220, Eo ll^d-xx).
Metaph., to seek by thinking, search after, inquire into : Mk lli^,
Lk 1228, Jq ]^gi9 •
^ 0^^^^ Ac 172'^. 2. to seek or strive after, desire :
Mt 12*6, Mk 1212, Lk 99, Jo 518, Eo 10^, al. ; t. edvarov, Ee 9^ ; t.
ySao-iXetav t. ^£oS, Mt 6^3 (Dalman, Words, 121 f.) ; Ta ava,, Col 31
iiPe2*.i7, Ju^.is.t
luy6s (in cl. more freq. to ^vyov), -ov, 6 (<^ ^evyvvixi), [in LXX for
bif , niSJiin, etc.;] l. a yoke; metaph., of bondage or submission to
authority : Mt 1129. so,
Ac Ga 5^, i Ti 6\ 2. a balance : Ee 6^ (of.
Is 4012, al.).t
l^u'iiT], -7;s, ^, [in LXX for ]^!0n , Ex 12^5 133 23is 3425, Dq 163
-ISBT, Ex 1215.19 137, Le 2ii, De 16**;] leaven: Mt 1333, l^ 1321.
T. apTou, Mt 1612. Metaph., of a moral influence or tendency, always,
exc. in the Parable of the Leaven (Mt 1333, ljj 1321)^ fo^ evil i Co :
(Ge 130), lie 163; of the life of one risen from the dead, Eo 510, He 716.
2. Of the life of the kingdom of God, the present life of grace and the
life of glory which is to follow (Dalman, Words, 156 ff. Westc, JEpp. ;
Jo., 214 ff.; Cremer, 272 ff.) Jo 651.53, Eo 710 86.10, Phi 2i«, Col 3*,
Eo C-, Ac
Jo 635. *8; giKtttWis 4<"^5, 111^; iv auToi ^. ^v,
Ee 3^; ivkov ^oj^?, Ee 2''; v8wp ^w^s, Ee 22^^; meton., of that which
has life : t. irvevfia, Eo 8^'^ prjfiaTa, Jo 6^3
; J
of one who gives life, Jo 11^^
14«, I Jo 12 ; r) ivToXrj, Jo 1260.
Stn. : v.s. /3ios.
£(5nfj, -lys, 17 {Cwwy/xi), [in LXX for tSJXlK , nnijn , etc. ;] a belt,
and which is never used of sacrificial animals. On the other hand, t,.
H, tj, TJTa, TO, indecl., eta, the seventh letter. As a numeral,
,;' = = 8000.
8 ; r?,
VI, disjunctive and comparative particle (Bl., §36, 12; 77, 11);
1. disjunctive, or ; (a) between single words Mt 5i^ 6^^, Lk 22*, : Mk
Jo 619, Eo 121, al. ; (b) before a sentence expressing a variation, denial
or refutation of a previous statement, freq. in interrog. form Mt 7*' 9, :
16i3, i Co 14«
. or, Mt 62*, Lk
. . (c) in a disjunctive question (as ;
before, seq. ace. et inf., Mt 1^^ Mk li^O; after a positive adj. (Ge 49^^;
cf. Robertson, Gr., 661), Mt IS^. », Mk
9«.45,47. 3. with other
particles : dX\' ^, v.s. dAAa ^ yap, ;
v.s. yap ; 17 Kai, or even, or also, Mt
71", Lk 1111.12, Ro 215 49, al; ^roi . . .
i Ro 6i« (cf. Wi lli^).
riyeoikai., -ov/xai, depon. mid., [in LXX (chiefly pres. ptcp.) for
I Co I533.+
^Kcj, [in LXX chiefly for K12 ;]
pf. with pres. meaning (hence
impf. = plpf.), to have come, he -present : Mt 24*0, 83 (late pf., Mk rjKa,
V. Swete, in 1. ; WH,
App., 169), Lk 12*6 x52' Jo 8*2, He 10^' 9- 3^, , i Jo
t^iXci (Rec. -^Xi', L, ^A/; Heb. ^b^C), Eli, my God: Mt 27*« (cf.
Eph, I.e.; Milligan, NTD, 74 f., and esp., MM, Exp., xv; e contra.
Field, Notes, 6).t
*^XiKos, -77, -ov,prop., as big as, as old as.
1. 2. As indirect
interrog., what sized, what, how great, how small (the sense to be
determined by the context) Col 2^, Ja 35, Ga 6^^ (WH, mg. 7n;X-,
: ;
§46, Mt
5*5 13*3 172 2429,
5), 132 4« 132" 162, Lk 4*0, Ac 220(i-xx) Mk
2613, Eph Ja 111, Re li«
426, 612 812 92 IQi 12i 168 1917 2123 ; ^A^eiv
7i« without art., Mt
Tov ^., Ac 1311 ; ovSe /XT) Trea-r) tV avrous o rj., Re ;
vvKTos (v. K. ^.), Ac 92*, I Th 29, II Th 38, Re 48 (BL, § 36, 13) ^^€>as _;
fj., 836 ; ^v rifxepa, Jo 11®, Ro 1313 . ^^ipa<; 6Sos, a day's journey,
Lk 2" ; fj. ytWroi, Lk 4*2 22^6 ; ^XiVci, Lk 912, al.metaph., Jo 9*, Ro
in general Jo 8^^ 1420^ „ Qq Q-i^ ^ph Qn, „ Pe 318 pi.^ Ac 157, gph
516, He 10^- ; 7r5a-as ras rj. (cf. U^pTl bs , De 4*», al. ; MM, Exp., xv),
Mt 2820; iKevaovrai ^. Srav (Sre), Mt Qi^, Mk 220, Lk 5^' 17^2; ai rj., C.
He 73.
%eT€pos, -a, -ov (ly/Acts), poss. pron. of first pers., our : Ac 2^^
246 26^ Ro 15*, II Ti 415, I Jo 13 22 ; TO ^., Lk 16^2, WH, txt., R, mg.
(to vfj.., Rec, WH, mg., R, txt.) ol ; -f)., our (people). Tit 3^*.t
T) fi-r]v, V.S. rj.
half-dead : Lk 103o.t
TJ)xiCTus, -€ia, -V, gen., -ovs (late, as in tt., for cl., -eos; BL, § 8, 4;
Mayser, 294), n. pi., rj/iiaLa (Rec, cl, -cia), [in LXX for ^sq, n^sqo;]
half; 1. as adj., agreeing in gender and number with the substantive
following, Ttt ri/JLiO-ia T. v-n-ap)^6vTWV, Lk 19^. 2. As neut. subst., to y/XLO-v,
the half; rj. (anarth.), a half: c. gen., ^. Kaipov, Re 12^*; Iw? rjfxLorov^
T. /SacriXetas /aou,
623 Mk
after a cardinal number, r)fi€pa<; Tpeis k. rjixurv,
Re 119' lit
*t i^|jiiwpo»' (Rec. -lov), -ov, TO (i7/ti, half + wpa), /iaZ/ a7t hour: Re
^k-iKa, rel. adv. of time, at which time, when; seq. av, c. subjc,
whensoever: iiCoS^^'^^.t
Tjircp, V.S. rj.
Mt 33 41* 81- 1217 131*' 35 157, 7«, Lk 3* 41^, Jo 123 1238, 39, 4i^ Ac S^s Mk
2825, Ro 927. 29 1016. 20 1512 iytyCvui<TK€v T. Trpocf>y]Tr]v 'H., Ac 830 •
jV t. .
•H., Mk P.t
'Haau, o, indecl. (Heb. it^rjr, Ge 2525), Esau: Eo 9^3 (Lxx)^ He
1120 i2i«.t
TJco-dofiai, V.8. rjTTau).
ri(T(T<av (Rec. i]TT-, the Attic literary form), ^a-a-ov, inferior, less
neut., TO 17., adverbially, Zess ; 11 Co 12^^ ; €ts to ^., /or </ie worse (opp.
to KpuTTov) : I Co ll^^.t
T^auxtiioj, [in LXX chiefly for IDpB? ;] to he still ; (a) to rest from
labour : Lk 23*^ ;
(b) to live quietly : i Th 4}^ ; (c) to be silent : Lk
143, Ac 1118 211* (cf, jb 327, Ne 58).t
SYN. : (Tiydw (q.V.), cruaTrdw.
f\<Tuxta, -as, 17 (-< Tjau'xios, q.v.), [in LXX for pXTVl , l^ffif , etc. ;]
2ii« i2.t
1. quietness : ii Th 312. 2. stillness, silence : Ac 222, i xi
iqaoxios, -a, -ov (= the more freq. ^crvxo^; cf. Wi I81*, Si 25^0),
i^TTdw, -w {rjrrcr-, II Co 1213, v.s. ^(r<TU)v), [in LXX for nnn , etc. ;]
be inferior seq. 11 Co
12i3. 2. be overcome
pass., 1. to : vircf), to
absol, iiPe220; c. dat., ib.i^.t
tr^TTtifia, -Tos, TO, [in LXX for DO, Is 31^ '8)*;] defect, loss,
defeat : Eo II12 (cf. Is, I.e.), i Co 6^ (cf. Field, Notes, 160 f., 171 f.
Tjxos, -ov, 6 (also in late and MGr., -cos, to, Lk 212^), [in LXX for
?ian , etc. ;] 1. a noise, sound : Ac 22 rj. ^aXao-o-T/s, Lk 212^ o-aATrtyyos,
; ;
inflame (Trag.) ;
{b) to foster, cherish : Eph 52^, i Th 2\f
edfiap (Tr., ®aixdp), 7] (Heb. IJpin , Ge 38«), Tamar Mt : l^.t
OajiPe'dj, -u) (^aya/?os), [in LXX for nra ni., pi., etc.;] 1. to be
amazed. 2. In late Gk., to astonish, terrify (11 Ki 22*) : pass., Mk 12^
1032; seq. iwC, c. dat rei, Mk 102*.t
edfipos, -ovs, TO, [in LXX for in© , etc. ;] amazement : Lk 4^^ 5^,
Ac S^o.t
*0am(Tifios, -ov (•< ^oti'ttTos), deadly Mk IGi^^lt
Qdvaros, -ov, 6 (Bv^crKw), [in LXX chiefly for ri'D , TID , sometimes
forn^l;] death; 1. of the death of the body, whether natural oc
violent: Jo 11", Phi 227, He 723, al; opp. to ^o,,?, Ro 838, p^i lao. of
e., Phi 28, Re 210; ivXr^y^ Oai'drov, a deadly wound. Re133; l^elv
ddvarov, Lk 22', He 11*; y€vea-6ai Oavdrov, Mk 91; ev'o^os Oavdrov,
Mk 14«* ; Oavdro) reXfVTav (Ex 211^, rup-^ ma), Mk 71" ; death personi-
fied, Ro 69, I Co 1526, Re 21*; pi., of deadly perils, 11 Co 1123. 2. Of
spiritual death : Jo 52" 8*1, Ro 7i«,
Ja li*, 520, i Jo 31* 5i«, al. ; of
2ii 218 (cf.
eternal death, Ro 132 75^ al. ; 6 6. 6 SevVcpos, Re Cremer,
283 ff. ; DB, iii, 114 ff. ; DCG, i, 791 f.).
6ai'aTou, -w, [in LXX chiefly for TOD hi., ho., also for 2in , etc. ;]
5«'9'i<»; Lk Ac Co
1412, Lk 9*9. 60^ Ac pass., I622, 229. i 15*.t
0apd (Rec. ®dpa), 6, indecl. (Heb. mCl), Terah (Ge 11) : Lk 33^t
-w (later form of Bapa-ew), [in
eoppc'w, Pr I21, LXX : Ba 421. 27,
Da LXX IV Mac 13ii
6i<'(i7),17"*;] to be of good cheer or courage, to
be confident: 11 Co 5''»8, He 13"; t. TrcTrot^r^o-et, 11 Co 102; seq. cis,
II Co 101 ev, ib. 7i«.t
Bapaiu, -u) (v.s. 6appew), [in LXX chiefly for K"); , c. neg. ;] to be
Jo 1633, Ac 23ii.t
6(ip<ros, -ovs, TO, courage : Ac 28^^.
0au/ia, -T09, t6, [in LXX: Jb IT^ IS^o 20* 216 (.,j^ ^tp ^ .-]
OaufAaoTcJs, -'?, -ov (<^ ^au/xa^cj), [in LXX for K^gl and cogn. forms
(Ps 117 (118)22.23 118 (119)129, Is 251, al )^ j^^, ^i (gx I511, Ps 64 (65)5,
al.), Tl» (Ps 81' 9 92 (93)*), etc. ;] wonderful, marvellous : Mt 21*2 (lxx)^
Mk 1211 ('*>•),
Jo 930, I Pe 29, Ee 15i.3.t
* 9€<1, -as, ri (fem. of 6e6<:, q.v.), a goddess : Ac 1927.t
Qidofiai, -wfiat, [in LXX : 11 Ch 22^ (nsi), To 22 136. 1*, Jth 15^,
II Mac 2* 336, III 5*'^*;] Mac
upon, contemplate, view to behold, look
(in early writers with a sense of wondering), in NT apparently always
in literal, physical sense of " careful and deliberate vision which
interprets ... its object": c. ace. rei, Mt 11^, Lk 72* 23^5, Jo li*.32
43s 11*5, Mt 22ii, Ac Eo
Ac 229, I Jo 11 ; c. ace. pers., 2127, I52*, i Jo
412; c. ptep., Mk Lk 52^, Jo
16^*1, 138, Ac 1"; seq. 5ri, Jo 65, i Jo 41*;
pass., Mt 61 235, Mkl6fiiU
SyN. : v.s. Oeiopeo}.
*t6caTpiiw {<^diaTpov), to make a spectacle of, expose to contempt
(eccl. iK6-, Polyb.)
; pass., He 1033.t :
Svvafxt^, II Pe 1^; ^vo-ts (for parallel in tt., v. MM, Exp., xv), ib>; to 6.^
the Deity (so in cl. ; of God, in Philo and FIJ), Ac IT^^.t
**t 0€i<5tt]s, -rjTu^, r) {<^ 6eLo<:), [in LXX Wi : 18^ * ;] divine natiire,
divinity : Ro l^*' (for ex. from tt., v. MM, Exp., xv). t
Sfn- : OeoTTrj':, deity, godhead, divine personality. Oei. = divine
nature and properties, a summary term for the attributes of deity,
differing from ^cot?/? as quality or attribute from essence.
*t0€iw8T]s, -«s {<C6iiov), of brimstone, sulphiireous : Re 9^'^.+
1 6Ar]fAa, -Tos, TO (< OeXui), [in LXX chiefly for j^gn , also for
Ac 221^ Ro 2i« 122, gph 1^, Col 1« 4^2, i Pe 4-'; t. Kvptov, Eph 51^; pi.
of precepts, Mk 3^-, WH, mg., Ac IS^^C^xx); ^o-rtv to 6., c. gen. pers.
seq. Tva, Jo 639. "o^ i Qq 1612 •
c. inf., i Pe 2^^ ; c. ace. et inf., i Th 4^
(b) subjectively = to ^e'Aeiv (cf. ^e'Xr/o-ts) Lk 2325, Jq 113^ i Pe 317 :
1823 (^gn) , Da LXX 11*5 (^ny) , To 1218, Wi 1625, „ Mac 12i«, iii Mac
22«*;] in colloq. and MGr. = to deXeiv, will : He2*.t
QiXta (the strengthened form iOeXw is found in Horn., and is the
more freq. in Attic; v. Rutherford, NPhr., 415 f.), [in LXX for
^'Sn ; c. neg., ]XD pi., etc. ;] to will, be willing, wish, desire
(more freq. than fiovXofxai, q.v., in vernac. and late Gk., also in MGr.
for various views as to its relation to /3., v. Thayer, 286 but ; v. also
BL, § 24, s.v.) absol., Ro 9^\ i : Co 4^9 1218, Ja 4^5 ; t. Oeov ^cAovtos,
Ac 1821; c. ace. rei, Mt 202i, Mk 1436, Jq 157^ Rq 715- le,
i 421 736, Co
Ga 51^; c. inf., Mt 5*o, 10*3^ Mk Jo 621.67, R0721, Ga 4^;
ace. et inf.,c.
Mk 72*, Lk 162, Jo 2122,23, Ro iQi9^ I Co 145, Ga 6i3; oi
OiXoi, Mt 183o,
al. ; id. c. inf., Mt 2'8, Mk 626, Jo 5«, i Co 16^ ; seq. Iva, Mt 712, Mk
625, Jo 1724. opp. to Ttoiioy, Trpda-a-fo, cVcpyeo), Ro 715.19, n Co 81"' n, Phi
213 seq. ^ {ICG, in 1.
; Deiss., LAE, I7924), i Co 14i9 ; eiXtov iv TaTrttvo-
<^poarw{j {of his own mere will, by humility, R, mg), Col 2i8; in OT
quotations, for Heb. c. ace. pers., Mt 27'*3 c. ace. rei, Mt 9i3
yBU , ; 12^
He 105.8; c. inf., i Pe 310 ; for -iax , c. inf., Ac 728 (v. Cremer, 726 ff.).
Re 211*' 19; ^eut., t6 6. (Arist., Phys., vi, 6, 10, LXX and later writers).
He 6^t
-a>, [in
defieXiou, LXX
chiefly for TD^ ;] to lay the foundation of,
to found: ace, t. yrjv, He 1^** (i-xx); pass., Mt 7^^, Lk 6*^; metaph.,
I Pe 510 (R, mg., settle) pass., Eph 3i«, Col l^^.t ;
God: Ac539.t
*t 6e6irK€uoTos, -ov (•< 6e6<;, Trve'w), inspired by God : 11 Ti 3^"^
ee6s, -o9, o, rj (Ac 1937 only v. M, Pr., 60, 244), late voc, Oti ;
(Mt 27*«; cf. De 32*, al.), [in LXX chiefly for D^ri^N, also for b^ and
other cognate forms, mn^ etc. ;] a god or deity, God. 1. In polythe- ,
istic sense, a god or deity : Ac 28", i Co 8*, 11 Th 2*, al. pi., Ac. ;
14" 1926, Ga 48, al. 2. Of the one true God; (a) anarthrous Mt 62*, :
Lk 2038, al. esp. c. prep. (Kiihner 3, iii, 605), aTro 6., Jo 32 cV, Ac 5^\
; ;
II Co 5\ Phi 39; VTTO, Ro 131 ; Trapa ^eoC, Jo 1" ; -n-apa OeQ, II Th 16,
I Pe 2* Kara^eov, Ro 82^, II Co
; also when in gen. dependent 7^' ^^ ;
Lk 1*7; tVl rhv 6., Ac 1519; ei? T. e., Ac 241^; ,rpos T. e., Jo 12; c. gen.
pers., Mt 2232, Mk 1226-27^ Lk 203^, Jo 20^^ al. ; 6 6. /xov, Ro 18, Phi 13,
al. 6 6. Kal irarrip k. t. \., Ro 15",
; 13, Phi 42", al. c. gen. rei, Ro Eph ;
ecpaircia, -as, i] {depaTrtvui), [in LXX for 0^2? , Ge 45i« (cf. Es 5'),
122^ Ja 5*;
eepi'^w « eipos), [in
fig., Mt
LXX chiefly for
Lk I921.22, Jo
Mt 6", Lk
ixp ;]
„ Co 9«, Ga e^'S 436-38,
to reap :
Re 14i«.+
ecpio-ixos, -ov, 6 (-< 9fpit,ui), [in LXX chiefly for TXi? ;] harvest
(a) the act : Jo 43^ ; (6) the time : fig., Mt 1330.39, Mk 429 (c) the crop
tig., Mt 937. 38, Lk 102, Re U^^.i
**eepi<rr^s, -oC, 6 «^6pt'^oj), [in LXX Da LXX : Bel 32, th ib.s'*;]
a reaper: Mt 133o.39.t
Qepiiaivu {<C0epp.6<;), [in LXX chiefly for Dan;] to warm, heat;
mid., to warmoneself: 145*. Mk 6", Jq I8I8.25,
Ja 2^^.f
e^Pfi^, -»?s, ^, [in LXX : Jb 6^', Ps 18 (19)6, Be 4^1 (non and
derivatives), Si 3828*;] heat: Ac 283.t
Oe'pos, -ous, TO [dipoi, to heat), [in LXX chiefly for ]^j5;] summer:
Mt 2432, Mk 1328, Lk 213o.t
eeao-aXovtKcu's, -cws, o, a Thessalonian : Ac 20* 272, i Th 1^ 11 Th
-77s, 17, Thessalonica, a city of Macedonia Ac :
Qeupiw, -a» (<[ ^cwpo's, a spectator, <^OedofxaL), [in LXX chiefly for
nxi mn ;] (pres. and impf. only, exc. Jo 73 (fut.), Mt 28\ Lk 23*8, Jq
85\ Re 11^2 (aor.) BL, § 24) 1. (el.), to look at, gaze, behold absol.,
; ; :
§ 24, s.v. opav), in pres. and impf. = opdio, to see, perceive, discern : seq.
oTi, Mk 16*, Jo 419 1219, Ac 1926 2710 ; TroVai, Ac 2120 ; 7rr?Ai/cos, He 7*
c. ace. rei, Mk
538; id. e. ptcp., Ac 17^6 286; e. ace. pers., Mk 311, Jo
1419, Ac 9' 1722; TTviZpxi, Lk 2437; ^^ ^.^ Jq 1417. geq. Stl, Jo 98; c.
ptcp., Lk 2439. 3. Hebraistically, to experience, partake of : t. Odvarov,
Jo 8" (cf. Ps 88 (89)*9) ; r. 80'^av, Jo I72* (cf. dva-, 7rapa-^€<op€a>).t
eewpia, -a?, ^ (v.s. ^ewpc'o)), [in LXX Da LXX : 5^, ii Mac 5^*
15^^*, III Mac 524*;] 1. a viewing. 2. = Oewprj/ia, a spectacle, sight:
Lk 23*^ (both senses in cl.).t
(n5^), lb. 32^ *;] a receptacle, chest, case : of the sheath of a sword,
Jo ISii.t
0TjXus, -€ia, -V, [in LXX chiefly for HSpJ ;] female : as subst,,
Br\pa, -a9, 17, [in LXX for T5f , pj^^p , TWl . and cogn. forms ;]
1.a hunting, chase (Hdt., Xen., al,). 2. prey, game (cl.). 3. As in
Ps 34 (358) ^ J-,^r^ a net : Eo 11^ (but v. Thayer, s.vj.t
Oripeuw (< ^?7pa), [in LXX for TIJT , etc. ;] to hunt, ensnare,
catch : metaph., Lk ll^^.t
*t 0T]piop,axc(>>, -w (<[ Orjpiov, fjLd)^o/xai), to fight with wild beasts
(Diod., al.) : i Co 1532.t
OrjpioK, -ov, TO (dimin. of Oi^p), [in LXX chiefly for iTO;] a ii^iZd
ftms^, 6eas<; Mk V\ Ac
11« 28*. ^^ Tit 1^2, He I220, Ja 3^, Ee &^; of
Antichrist, Ee 11^ 13-20.t
©Tjoraupi^w, [in LXX for ]D2? , etc. ;] to lay up, store up : of
riches, Ja 5^; id. c. dat, pers., Lk 122\ 11 Co 12^*; c. ace. rei, i Co
162; Orjo-avpovi iavriij, Mt 6^*' 20; paS8., II Pe 3^; metaph., opy^v cauTW,
Eo 25 (cf. Pr 118, Pss. Sol 99).t
6T]<Taup<5s, -ov, o (<^ TLOrjfxi), [in LXX chiefly for lylN ;] 1. a place
of safe keeping ; (a) a casket : Mt (b) a treasury (i Mac 3^^ and 2^^
221, He 1220 (LXX). 2. to injure (like Heb. yjj, and as in Eur., Iph.
Aul, 1351) : c. gen.. He 1128.t
Syn. : v.s. aTTTci).
eXipu, [in LXX
chiefly (6 dXi^wv) for lis ;] to press c. ace. pers., :
eXii|ns (LTr., eXIi/ris), -€0)5, ^ (< 0\C(3io), [in LXX for IT^y , etc. ;]
Okiyl^et, I Th 1« ;
pi., Ac 710 1422 2023, Ro 53, Eph 3i3, i Th 33, He 10^3;
T. Xpia-Toi, Col 12* ; e. T^s KapSca^, II Co 2* 6. iyetpeiv. Phi l^^.t
Srx. : dvdyKr), Siwy/xos, (rT€vo\ii>pia (v. supr., and cf. Tr., Syn,
§lv; Lft., Notes, 4:5).
0^'1^(rKa), [in LXX chiefly for mO;] to die; pf. (M, Pr., 114), to
be dead: Mt 22o, Mk 15*^ Lk 7^2 8«, Jo 11^* 1933, Ac 14^9 25^^;
metaph., of spiritual death, i Ti 5^ (cf. dTro-, a-vv-aTro-6vrj(TK<D).f
e^TcJs, -V, -o'v « eyyaKw), [in LXX : Pr 3^3 202* (qix), Jb 3023
OopuPos, -ov, 6, [in LXX for ]ian etc. ;] a noise, uproar, tumult, ,
etc.;] 1. intrans., to
-w « Oprjvos), [in
lament, wail
: Mt
chiefly for bb^ hi., also for ^'p pil.,
lli^, Lk V^, Jo 162'^. 2. Trans.,
to bewail: c. ace. pers., Lk 2327.t
Syn. : KXatia, KOTrrofiaL, XviriofiaL, Trcv^eo) (v. Tr., Syn., § Ixv).
Oprjfos, -ov, o, [in LXX chiefly for nrp ;] a lamentation : Mt 21^,
**tepTj(TK€ia (-Kta, T), -as,
^ ^/a^cr/cos), [in
6p<5fos, -ov, o [in LXX chiefly for NQS Ex 11*, al.;] in Hom., a seat,
Col 116; of Christ, Mt W-^ Ee 3^\ al.; of Satan, Ee 2^3; t. erjptov, ib.
1610 of the Apostles, Mt 1928, ljj 223o, cf. Ee 204 of Trpeo-ySvVcpot,
; ;
Lk 1* ; 'Afipadfi, ib. I316 (cf. Is I62, iv Mac 1528, ^Ij (d) of habita- ;
6u|iia|Aa, -To<i, TO (-< Ovfudw), [in LXX chiefly for TTpp ;] fragrant
stuff for burning, incense: rj wpa tov 9., Lk li*; dva-iaxrT-qpiov rov 6.
(n-)t9(7P), IV Mac 7"*;] 1. as in cl. (Hdt., iv, 162; Thuc, vi, 46) and
LXX, a censer : He 9* (but v. infr., and cf. Westc, in 1.). 2. As in
Philo., rer. div., § 46, FIJ, Ant., iv, 2, 4, al., the altar of incense : He,
I.e. (but V. supr. and cf. MM, Exp., xv).t
Qufxidta, -Q) (<^ 6vo)), [in LXX (with -a^to) chiefly for HiSip pi., hi. ;]
to burn incense : Lk l^.t
*t 0ufiop,axew, -w {6vfx6<;, /i,a;^o/xai), to fight desperately, have a hot
quarrel : c. dat. pars., Ac 12^''.t
0ufi.6s, -ov, 6 (<^^ua)), [in LXX most freq. for f)^, also for
flopis, -tSos, 17 (dim. of dvpa), [in LXX chiefly for T^bry ;] a window
Ac 209, II Co 1133.+
Oupupos, -ov, 6, 17 (<^ ^vpa, -f ovpo^, a guardian)^ [in LXX iv Ki :
6uaia, -as, 17 (^vto), [in LXX chiefly for Hllja , n3J ;] 1. actively,
811, Jo 45.6, Ac 78, al.; as in Heb. (cf. Nu 23^, Is 418, Si 23^2, al), of
his descendants, father-in-law of Mary Mt l^^- ^^
Eo 1126 d-^^). 2. The :
(on the form as distinct from that of the next word, v. Deiss., BS, 316i).
'idKu^os, -ov, 6 (Heb., V. previous word), James; 1. Son of
Zebedee : Mt 421, Mk
Alphaus Mt
l^^. 20, Ac 1" 122, al. 2. Son of :
son of Mary (v.s. Mapta, 3 KAwttSs), Mt 27^6, Mk 15*0 I61 (cf. Jo 19 "S). ;
I Co 157 (probably), Ga li9 Ja li, Jui. 4. The father of the
6i«, Ac li3.
apostle, 'lovSas 'laKco/Sou Lk :
lofia, -Tos, TO « iao/Atti), [in LXX for S^'p (ii Ch 36i«, Ec 10*,
not the modern stone of that name, but a translucent stone {DB, s.v.)
Re 43 21ii'i8,i9.t
'idawK, -ovo<;, 6, Jason : Ac 17^""'®; perhaps the same, Ro 162i.t
iaTp6s, -ov, 6 {<C Idofiai), [in LXX for K5i ;] a physician : Mt 912,
Ga 52.t
i8ea, -a?, r], V.S. elSea,
1810s, -a., -ov (in Attic usually -os, -ov), [in LXX chiefly for pers.
suff., also for urh , etc.; {to. t) ilT'S;] 1. one's own; (a) of that which
is private and personal (in cl. opp. to koiv6<;, 877/100-109 cf. infr. 3) ;
(6) of property, friends, home, country, etc. (in cl. opp. to dXAorptos in ;
late writers often, like iavTov, with weakened sense, v. M, Pr., 87 ff.
Deiss., 6", Jo 1*2 5*3, Ac 2^ 2028, i Co II21, Ga 6^,
BS, 123 f.) : Lk
II Ti 19, He 727, Ju^ al. Trpdo-a-eiv ra I, I Th 411 Kara ras I. eVt^v/x/as,
; ;
II Ti 43; ol ?8tot, Jo 111 (M, Pr., 90 f.; FieU, Notes, 84) I31, Ac 423,
and cf. WM, 7B%); (a) iSia, severally, separately : i Co 12^1; (6) kut
fStW, apart, privately, in private : Mt 14". 23 gO^^, Mk 43* T^^, Lk 1023,
Ac 2319, al.
l8ialTT,s, -ov, 5 «?8tos), [in Pr 6^ (no Heb.)*;] 1. a pri- LXX :
vate person, as opp. to the State or an official (/JacriXcls k. iStwrai, Pr, I.e.
and cf. MM, Exp., xv). 2. one without professional knowledge, un-
skilled, uneducated, unlearned : i Co 14^'' 23. 24
(^^ j^g^^ without gifts) ;
180U, [in LXX chiefly for ngn,] prop, imperat. 2 aor. mid. of
'lepdiroXis (WH,
'Upa IIoXi?), -cws, 17, HierapoUs : a city in the
Lycus valley in the Province of Asia Col 4}^.f :
Upaxeia (WH, -ta), -as, -q (< Uparevo)), [In LXX for ]n3 pi., njri?
+ UpciTEUfia, -Tos, TO (<^ leparevw), [in ySao-tXciov i., Ex LXX :
Syn., § xcii).t
tepos, -a, oV, [in LXX
Ez 28i8 (t2yi,7a) ; to I, i Ch 29* (ni3), Ez
thereof (as distinct from 6 vads, q.v., the Sanctuary proper) I Co 9^^, :
and freq. in Gosp. and esp. in Ac, Mt 12^, Mk 13^, Ac 4^ al. (on the
use of I. in Imperial Inscr., v. Deiss., LAE, 380 f.).
'l€poo-<5\u|Jia (WH, 'le/D-, V. Intr., § 408), -wv, rd (on TrSo-a 'I., Mt
23, V. WM, 79^; M, Pr., 48, 244; Thayer, s.v.), and 'UpovaaXrjfi (WH,
'Up-), fj., indecl., as always in LXX
exc. some parts of Apocr. CHeb.
Q^bchT , obsnT)- the former always in FIJ, Mk, Jo *^-
and Mt (exc.
27^''), and most freq. in Lk, the latter always in He, Re, and by
St. Paul Ga 1^'' ^^ 2^), Jerusalem
(exc. : Mt 2\ Mk 3^, Jo l^^, al.
its inhabitants, Mt 2^ 3^ 23", Lk 133*. Symbolically, 77 dvu> 'I., Ga
42^, contrasted with 17 vvv 'I., ib. '''*; 'I. eVovpavios, He 12^2; rj Kaivrj 'I.,
Re 312 212.10.
'l£pocroXup.€iTT]s (WH, lep- ; Rec. -/xiTr]<;), -ov, 6, [in LXX: Si
5027(29)^ II Mac
422.39 (V* -/x-^tt;?) 185 *;] an inhabitant of Jerusalem:
Mk 15, Jo 725.t
** Upo-CTuXc'w, -w (<^ lepdo-rXo?, q.v.), [in LXX: 11 Mac 92*;] to rob
a temple (commit sacrilege, R, mg.) Ro 222.t :
** Upoo-uXos, -ov {<^Lep6v, (rvXaoi), [in LXX: II Mac 4*2 (cf. -XrjfjLa,
452*, I Mac 25* 3*9 79>2i, ly Mac 535 76*.] priesthood: He 7ii'i=''24_t
'leacrai (FIJ, -o-o-aros), 6 (Heb. iCP , Ru 4}\ al.), Jesse Mt 15. «, :
*Itjo-ous, -ov, dat., voc. -ov, ace, -ovv (Heb. yilZTin^ yiif?iiT,
sufficient, render fit : c. dupl. ace, 11 Co 3" ; c. ace. pers. seq. cis,
Col 112.t
iKCTiipios, -a, -ov (><iK€T7/s, « suppUaut), [In LXX : Jb 4022(27),
fulness : Eo 128.t
IXdaKOfiai {<JXao<; = iXews), [in LXX (cf. Westc, Epp. Jo., 8^ f.)
(25)ii, La Da th
for nbo IV Ki 518 24*,
, Ps 24 3*2, -|D3 pi., Ps
919 ;
224 f.), and NT, to be propitious, merciful (c. dat, rei, Ps 78 (79)^ al.)
c. dat pers. (iv Ki 5^% Lk IS^^. 3. As in Philo (= i^ikdaK-, in LXX
Ez 43^2, al.), to expiate, make propitiation for : t. a/xapTLa-;, He 2^'^
t|xcts, -(ivTos, 6, [in LXX : Is 527 (^niy). Si 30^5 (332"), iv Mac 911,
al ;] a thong, strap : for binding prisoners (Ma, Si, 11. c), Ac 2225 ; for
fastening sandals, Mk 1^, Lk 3i«, Jo 127.t
ttfiaxi^o) «t/i,dTtov), to clothe : 5^^ Lk 8^5 (elsewhere only in Mk
TT.; cf. MM,^a;j)., xv; Deiss., L.4S, 78 f.).t
l\i.6.Tiov, -ov, TO (dim. of ei/xa, a garment), [in chiefly for LXX
135 . also for Th'O'^ , npbiZT , etc. ;] a garment, but in usage always
(exc. in pL, v. infr.) of an outer garment, a mantle, cloak (thrown over
9i«'2o,2i^ Mk
the xirwv; V. Eutherford, NPhr., 22; DCG, i, 499'*) Mt :
221 527, 28, 30^ Jo 192^ Ac 128, al. opp. to x'Tciv, Mt b^\ Lk 629, Ac 9^9 ;
pi., garments, clothes (i.e. the cloak and the tunic), Mt I72 2665
al. (13s) ; Ex 322 12^5, Eu 3^ al. (nbaur), etc. ;] clothing, apparel (usually
of sumptuous attire; v. Tr., Syn., % I): l^ V' 929, jo 1924 (Pg 2118
(2219), LXX for t2;n!p), Ac 2033, i Ti 29.t
t^€i'po>, [in LXX : Jb 321 B^E (ABs, 6/x-) ;] i Th 2^ (ReO^ ^.g,
adverb (poet., Hom., al.), 1. of place, where, whither. 2.
Xva, I.
of circumstance, when. II. Conjunction, 1. prop., final, denoting
purpose or end (cl.), that, in order that, usually the first word in the
clause, but sometimes (cl. also) preceded by an emphatic word (Ac 19*,
Eo Ga 2^", al.) (a) c. optat. (so in cl. after historic tenses)
11^1 (?), ;
after a pres., Eph 1^'^ (but WH, mg., subjc. v. Burton, § 225, Eem., ;
2) (b)
; c. subjc. after a pres., Mk 421, Lk &^\ Jo 3^5, Ac 225, Rq V\
aor.), Mt 71, Mk 1125, Jq iqss, j Co 7^, al. after a delib. subjc, Mk 138, ;
(where optat. in cl. WM, 359 f. M, Pr., 196 f.), Mk 6*1 (impf.),
; ;
in eccl. writers (Thayer, s.v.), c. indie, pres. i Co 4", Ga 4^^, al. (?; but :
principal verb, Jo 1^, 11 Th 3^, i Jo 2^^, al. of the final verb, Eo 4^*', ;
§ 69, 1), that ; (a) after verbs of wishing, caring, striving, etc. : ^e'Aw,
Mt 712, al. ; tvr^, I Co 42 I412 ; ^rjXow, I Co 141, al. ; (b) after verbs of
saying, asking, exhorting: eiTrelv, Mt 4^, al. ; ipiorw, Mk 72^, al.
TrapaKaXu), Mt 143^, I Co l^**, al., etc. ;
(c) after words expressing
expediency, etc.: <Tvfx(f)ip€i, Mt 18", Jo ll^o, al. ; J/cavo's, Mt 8^, Lk 7";
xpeiav 1x0), Jo 225, 3,1, etc. ; (d) after substantives, adding further
definition: wpa, Jo 1223 13^; xpo^o?. ^^ 22i; (rvvrjOeia, Jo 183^; /xlo-Oo^,
I Co 9^^. 3. In late writers, ecbatic, denoting the result, wcttc, tJiat, =
so that (M, Pr., 206 ff. ; WM, 572 ; Bl., § 69, 3 Burton, § 223) Eo 11",
; :
I Co 72'=', I Th 5*, al. (but v. Thayer, s.v.) ; so with the formula referring
to the fulfilment of prophecy, tva irkrjpwerj, Mt I22 2^* 4^*,
Jo 13^^, al.
'loTTiTT] (FIJ, id., and also 'Iottt;), -tjs, t}, (Heb. IB^), Joppa : Ac
9, 10, ll.t
'lopSd^Tis, -ov, o (Heb. ]TT), the Jordan : Mt 35, Mk 15, al.
l(5s, -oO, 6, [in LXX: Ez (nX^O), Ps 139, (140)3 (njjn),
class who opposed Jesus, Jo l^^ 2^8 510 11^ IS^^, al. ;
(b) 'lovBaia, -as, •;;
(sc. 77, x<^poL, cf. Jo 3-^ Mk 1^), (Heb. nTl.T), Judcea : Mt 2\ Lk I**,
Jo 43, al.
t'ioo8ai(7|x(5s, -ov, 6 «'IovSat^co), [in LXX : 11 Mac 2^1 8^ 1488,
IV Mac 4'-'^*;] Judaism, the observance of Jeivish rites Ga l^^'^^.t
'lou'Sas, -a,dat. -a, acc. -av (so in LXX, and also rarely, 'louSa,
indecl. ; cf. Thack., Chr., 163), (Heb. niniT^) 1.' Judah, son of Jacob ;
Ac 537.
iirireus, -«ws (on acc. pi., -ets, v. Bl., § 8, 2 ; Thack., Gr., 148), o
«r7r7ros), [in LXX chiefly for tZTlD;] a horseman: Ac 2323. 32.t
**lTrmK<5s, -V, -ov «?7r7ros), [in LXX: I Mac 1538, iii Mac l^*;]
of a horse or of horsemen, equestrian ; as subst., to L (sc. a-TpdreviJia),
cavalry : Re 91* t
iiriT-os, -ov, 6, [in LXX chiefly for DID sometimes for , W^B ^51 ,
a horse : Ja 33, «
Re 62 9^ « I420 18i3 1911 ^.t
tpis, -iSos, V, [in LXX : Ex 3024 {nip)*, (nw^?^ , Ge 9^3, Ez 128,
51* 10^0, al. ; in^r , Ez 40^ ff. ; 11 Mac 9^^, iv Mac I320, 21, al. ;] equal,
the same in size, number, quality, etc. Bwped, Ac 11^''
: /xxtprvpiai, ;
JsraeL- 6 o?/cos 'I., Ac 7*2 (Lxx)^ al.; A.ads, Ac 410 ; vloc, ib. 521, al.;
at <i>vXal Tov 'I., Mt 1928, al. By meton., for the Israelites, Mt 2\ Lk l^*,
Eo 112, al. ; 6 Aao9 'I., Ac 410 y^ 'I., Mt 220,21 /ja^-iXc^s 'I., Mt 27*2,
Jo 150; ^ iXn^ ToO '!., Ac 2820; 6 'I. tou deov (of Christians), Ga 6i«;
6 *I. Kara crdpKa, I Co 10^8.
i<rx"'s, -V09, ^, [in LXX chiefly for nS , also for b";n , Tir , nnnSJI,
'lutdva (TE, -vva ; V. WH, App., 159), -17s, Tj (Aram. JOV), Joanna
Lk 83 24io.t
'\(oavdv (Eec. 'Iwavvas, -a), 6, indecl. (Heb. ]2nV'), Joanan (cf.
'Iwdvri?) : Lk 327.t
'\<.)dvr\s (Eec. Gr., 142; Tdf., Pr., 79;
-vvr;?, q.v. ; cf. Dalman,
WH, App., 159; Bl., §3, 10; 10, 2), -ov, dat., -rj (but in Mt 11*.
Lk 718.22, Re 11, -«), ace, -rjv, 5 (Heb. ]3ni\ LXX : 'Iwavav, 11 Ch 23i,
Lk 112a. 30, 32 f
'Iwpdp,, o, indecl. (Heb. WyiW) , Joram, Jehoram : Mt l^.t
3. V.S. BapvdySas.t
'lu)(ni<|>, indecl. (FIJ, 'IcicnyTros, -ov), 6 (Heb. P)5i"'), Joseph; 1. the
Joram ib. 30. 3. The husband of Mary, the Lord's mother Mt V^ «-,
: :
Lk 127, Jo 1*^, al. 4. One of the brethren of our Lord (v.s. d8€X(f>6<;) :
K, K, K<iinra, to, indecl., kappa, k, the tenth letter. As a num-
eral, K =20; K = 20,000.
Kdyu, V.S. iyw.
KaQd, adv. (for Kaff a), [in LXX : Ge 7^ 19^, al. (lUrj^g , 5), Is
KaGciTrcp (for KaO' airep = KaOd), adv., [in LXX for n^rx? , Ge 12*,
Ex 7«, al. ;]
jiist as, even as : Ro 3* 4^ 9^3 IQi^ ll^ 12*, i Co lO^o 12^2,
II Co 11*, 313' 18 811, I Th 211 3"' 12 45, He
** KaQ-dtTTOi, [in Sm. : Ca 1* * ;] 1. to fasten on, put upon, c. ace.
2. Act. for mid. (cf. Bl., §53, 3), to lay hold of, attack: c. gen., x"po5,
Ac 283.t
tKaSapil^w (Hellenistic —FIJ, Inscr. — for Attic KaOaipw, q.v., on
the vulgar -€p-, Mt 8^, Mk 1*2, v. Bl., §6, 1; Thackeray, Gr., 74), [in
LXX chiefly for inci ;] to cleanse, make clean. 1. In physical sense
c. ace. rei, fig., Mt 232^' Lk 11^9; of disease (leprosy), c.
2<5, ace. pers.,
Mt 82.3 108 115, Mk l*"-*2,Lk 42" 512.13 722 1714,17. ^ xiirpa iKaeeptaOr,
(on the spelling v. supr.), Mt 8^. 2. In ethical sense : t. Kap8ia<s,
Ac159 (cf Si 381") ^_ ^upa%, Ja 4^ ; Xaov iavTw, Tit 21*
; t. iKK\r,a-cav,
Eph 526; c. ace. pers. (rei), seq. A-n-6 (Bl., § 36,^9; Deiss., BS, 216 f.),
II Co 71, He 91*, I Jo V' 9. 3. In ceremonial sense : Mk 71^,Ac lOi^
119, He 922. 23 102 (cf. 8ia-/ca^apt^(o).t
t Ka6apiCT(i(5s, -ov, TO (<[ Ka^api^w), [in LXX for incj , TYir^ , etc. ;]
6 K. Trj Kaphia {i<aOapos xapa^, Hdt., i, 35), Mt 5^; seq. (XTrd (cl. c. gen.
simp.'; Bl, S 36, 11 Deiss., BS, 196 Exp., xv), Ac 2026 (b) of
; ; MM, ;
Ja 127.t
STN. : v.S. dyvo's.
KaO-e'Spa, -as, rj (<^ Kara, + eSpa, a seat), [in LXX for 30?iD and
cogn. forms ;] a chair, seat : Mt 21^2, Mk ll^^ ; of teachers, Mt 232.+
KaQ-ilofiai, [in LXX : Le 12^, al. (nCT), Jb 3928 (p^^) ] ^^ 5^^
down, sit : Jo 20^2 ; seq. iv, Mt 26", Lk 2*6^ Jq 1120^ Ac 6^^ ; seq.
cTTi, c. gen., Ac 20^ ; id. c. dat., Jo 46 (cf. -n-apa-KaOit,-, Kd6r)p,ai).f
Mt 8^* 924 1325 255 26*»'*3.45^ Mk 427.38 539 1437,40,41^ lj^ g^s 22*6,
I Th 57. Metaph., (a) of death (as Ps, Da, 11. c.) i Th 51" (cf. Mt 92*,
Mk 5^^, Lk 852, and v. Swete, Mk., I.e.); (b) of moral and spiritual
insensibility Mk 13^6, Eph 5^*, i Th 56.+
SYN. : KOip.au).
* KaQriyr]Tr]s, -ov, 6 [<C^ KaOrjyiofiat, to QO before, guide), 1. prop.,
a guide. 2. a master, teacher (MGr. professor) : Mt 231".+
Ka0-iiKw, [in LXX : impers., Le 510, Ez 2127 02)^ al. (ifl^cns); ra k.,
Ex 51^, al. (l^"!J), etc. ;] 1. to come down, come to. 2. to befit, proper
impers., c. ace. et inf., Ac 2222 ^qq ^j^q tense, v. Bl., § 63, 4); ra firj
KaBrjKOVTa, Eo 128.
Kd0-T))yiai, [in LXX chiefly for nCT ;] inpres. cl. and impf only .
(prop, pf . and plpf. of KaOe^ofjiai ; cf. Bl., § 24), in LXX and NT fut.
also, to sit, be seated : Mt III6 22** d-xx), Mk 26, Jo 6^, Ac 22, Ja 2^
(on the vulgar imper. klL6ov, v. Kennedy, Sources, 162), Ee 4^, al.
seq. prep. c. ace, iirC, Mt 9^ Mk 2i*, Jo 12i5 ^rapd, Mt 13i, 10« ; Mk
ircpt', Mk
332.34. ^p^^^ Lk 2256; iTr6, Ja 2^; eis, Mk 13^; /xcra, c. gen
pers., Mt 2658; iK Bi^Lwv, Mt 22**; i7rdvu>, c. gen., Mt 282; dTreVavn, c
gen., 2761; tVi, c. dat., Ac 310 id. c. gen., Ac 828; ^Vcl, Mt 1529
Mt ;
pleonastic (M, Pr., 230, 241 Dalman, Words, 22), Mt I32, Ac 23^ ;
*+ Kaer)n€piv6s,
Ac 6^t
« xa^' vH-^pay), [in LXX : Jth 1215*;] daily
KaG-i^w, [in LXX chiefly for niT^ ;] 1. causal, to make to sit down,
set, appoint : Ac 2^", i Co 6*, Eph l^**. 2. Intrans., to sit down, be
seated, sit :Mt 5^, Mk Q^s, Lk 7^^, Jo 8^, al. ; c. inf. tel., i Co 10^
seq. £^9, II Th 2*; cVi', c.
ace, II2, Jo c. gen., Jo Ac Mk 12i*; id. W\
1221; <L8£, Mk
14^2; airoi, Mt 2636; iv Se^id, P; Ik Se$LQ>v, Mt He
2021,23. ^^ jje 321. Ka^t'o-as pleonastic (M, Pr., 14; Dalman, Words,
22), Mt 13^^ Lk 53 1431 16« ; of settling in a place {h x^P^ov, Thuc, iv,
93), seq. iv, Lk 24*^ (cf. ava-, iin-, Trapa-, ttc/ji-, crw-Ka^t^w).
Kae-iT]fti, [in LXX : Ex IT^i (013 hi.), and v.l., i Ch 2127, Za ll^^,
Je 39(32)1'**;] ^^ ^gj^^ or let down: seq. et's, Lk 5^^; Sid, c. gen., ib.,
Ac 925; ptcp^ seq. ^^^^ c. gen., Ac 10^ ck, Ac ll^.t ;
Ka9-iaTT)|jii (and KaOia-TaLvw, Ac 1715), [in LXX for ipE, Dip mtZT, ,
order, appoint, make, constitute: Tit 1^, 11 Pe 1^; c. dupl. ace, Kpn-qv,
Lk 1214; ^yov>vov, Ac 7^«; Ipxovra, ib. 27, 35 (LXX). s.pxi^nd<;, He 728;
seq. cTTi, c. gen., Mt 24*^ 2521.23, l^ 12*2^ Ac 6^; id. c. dat., Mt 24*^
Lk 12«; id. c. ace. He 27(i'XX) (WH, E, mg. omit); pass. (v. Mayor,
Ja., 115 f.), Eo 519, Ja 3« 4" seq. cis c. inf., He 8^ rk npos r. 6e6v,
; ;
KaOci (= Kaff o), adv., [in LXX : Le 95. is (-|^>^), i Es 15o, Si I620,
KaOm yeypa'^^'^^i (Deiss., BS, 249), Mt 262*, Mk 9i3, Eo li^, al.; intro-
ducing subst. clause as object of verb (as in Heb.), Mt 21*, Mk 11',
terms which are not mutually exclusive, as the part with the whole :
re) ;
connecting single words Mt 1028, Mk 4", Eo 1133, al. (b)
(a) :
also, even, still: Mt 539i40^ ;^j]j 228, al. mult.; esp. c. pron., adv., etc.,
Mt 20^ Jo 7^\ al; <Ls k., Ac IP^; KaBws k., Eo 15^ ovto^ k., Eo 6^^;
810 K., Lk 135; 5 ^. (Deiss., BS, 313 ff.), Ac 13^; pleonastically, ^erk k.
(Bl., § 77, 7; Deiss., BS, 265 f,). Phi 43; ti k., 1 1529; iXKk k., Co Lk
1422, Jo 518, al.; KaLy€ (M, Pr., 230; Burton, § 437), Ac 172^; KotVep,
He 58; K. idv, v.s. idv.
Koikis, -77, -ov, [in LXX (Bz ll^*, al.) for ann , exc. Is 65"
(inj<) ;] of that which is unused or unaccustomed, new in respect to
form or quality, fresh, unused, novel : opp. to iraXaios, dpxaios, Mt 9^^
1352, Mk 221.22^ Lk 536.38, n Co b'^\ Eph 42*; nXrjpwfia, Mk 221
/ivrjfielov, Mt 2760, Jo 19« ; 8iady]Kr] (T, WH, E, txt., omit), Lk 2220,
I Co 1125, II Co 3«, He 88 d-xx), is 915 ; oipavoC, y^, 11 Pe 3^\ Ee 21^ d^);
Koipo's, -ov, 6, [in LXX chiefly for ny , also for lyia , etc. ;]
adverbial usages: il k., Mt 24*5, iPe5« (cf. /caipaJ, Lk20i<*; to! k., Mt
122) a^pi Katpov, Lk 413 Trpos Kaipov, Lk 813, j Qq ys
^^.j-a Kaipov,
KdKcTt'os, -uvrj, -€tvo (by crasis for Kat e/ceivos, and so sometimes
written, v.s. c/ccivos), and he, she or it ; he, she or it also : Mt 15^^ 232*,-
Mk 12^>5 16t">"), Lk ir.42 20" 22i2, Jo 6" 7^^ IQi'' U^^ l?^^ IQ^^,
Ac 53' 1511 1819, Eo 1123, I Co 10«, II Ti 2^2, He 42.t
KaKia, -as, rj (<^ Ka^co's), [in LXX chiefly for nJH ;] 1. badnessin
quality (opp. to dperi], excellence). 2. ivickedness, depravity, malignity
Ac 8-2, Eo 129, I Co 5s 142«, Eph 431, Col S^, Tit 33, Ja I21, i Pe 2^' i«.
3. In late Gk., evil, trouble, affliction (Am 3«, i Ki 6^, Ec 7l^ Si 19«,
al.) : Mt 63* (cf. MM,
Exp., xv).t
Si'-iV. irovYjpLa.
Mac 322 73
malignity, malevolence
[in LXX: Es
: Eo
(Cremer, 329) .t
KaKoXoye'w, (<^ /caKoAdyos, slanderous), [in
-ai Ex 21^*' 222^, LXX :
I Ki 313, Pr 2020, Ez 22^ i^bp pi., hi.), n Mac 41*;] to speak ill of,
Ja 5i''.t
cJTT^rv, ipelv (TIN, bbp pi.), Ex 22^8(27). Le ld^\ Is 82i; k. t^v (nbn),
Ez 34*, al.;] badly, ill; (a) in physical sense: k. €Xftv, to be ill, Mt
424 QIC 912^ 1435 1715^ 132.34 217 Q55 L^ S^i T^ Mk
-Trda-xeiv, Mt 1715 ^
V. LS, s.v. ; MM, Exp., xv), evil that they are, he will evilly, etc.,
Mt 21*^; [b) in moral sense, wrongly (i Mac 7''2, iv Mac, I.e., al.) :
KaXdjATj, -7/s, 17 (cf. KaAa/Aos), [in LXX chiefly for IZ?(5, Ex 5^',
KdXajxos, -ou, 6, [in LXX chiefly for n?|"^ , Is 42^, Ez 403«'-, al.
a reed: Mt 11'^ 1220 (Lxx)^ jj^ 724. hence, acc. to its various uses, (a)
a reed-jyipe, flute; (b) a reed-staff, staff (cf. iv Ki 182\ paygSos
KaXafXLVT)) Mt 272''' 30. 48^ Mk ISi". 36 (c) a measuring reed or rod
(Ez, I.e.): Ee 11^ 21i^'i^; ((i) a xvriting reed, a pen: iii Jo ^^ (cf.
Milligan, NTD, 9, 7).t
KaX^w, -w, [in LXX chiefly for Nip ;] 1. to call, summon : c. acc.
pers., Mt 208 2514^ Mk 33i, Lk 19l^ Ac 4i« ; seq. e/c, Mt 2^5 (lxx); metaph.,
I Pe 29. 2. io caZZ io one's house, invite : Lk 14i«, i Co 102^, Ee 19«
€« T. ya/xov9, Mt 223.9, Lk 148.9, Jo 22; 6 KaAeVa?, Lk 739; oi K€KXr,-
fievoi, Mt 228; metaph., of inviting to partake of the blessings of the
kingdom ofGod (Dalman, Words, 118 f.) Eo 8^^ :
92^.25, i Co 7''- 18
ance to the essence," Cremer, 339), fair, beautiful : XiOol (BV, goodly),
Lk 21*. 2, In reference to use, of that which is well adapted to its
ends, good, excellent : of fish, t. KaAd (opp. to crairpd), Mt 13*8 a-Trep/xa, j
Mt Co 7i'26
eo-Tiv, c. inf. et dat., 18^' 9, i 91^ id. c. ace. et inf., Mt 17*,
Mk 95. «, 45, 47^
139; geq. d, Mt 262*, 933, He
9*2 1421 idu, Mk ;
KaXu-irru, [in LXX almost always for nD3 pi. ;] in cl., rare in
prose, to cover : c. ace. pers., Lk 2330; c. ace. rei et dat., Lk 81^ ;
Mt metaph., to veil, conceal: pf. ptep. pass., Mt 102^, 11 Co 43;
of the forgiveness of sins (cf. Ps 31 (32)^ 84 (85)2 j)^^ ij^ 55b) j Pe 48^ • •
Ja 520 ;
(v.l. for Katopevr}, WH, mg., Lk 2432).t
KaXws, adv. (<^ KaAo's), [in LXX for parts and derivatives
of SM'';]
4i7 5', Ja 23;
fi7iely, rightly, well: Lk 6*8, i Co 141^, Ga AeW,
XaXelv, etc., Mt 15^ Mk 7^ 12-^ Lk 626 2039, Jq 417 Qis 1313 1323^ Ac
2825; as exclamation of approval, Mk 1232, Rq 1120. ^ ^q^^-^^ -^^ 12i2,
I Co 737.38^ Ja 28.1'-'; c. dat. pers. (cl. ace; § 32, lyS), Lk 62'; WM,
c. ace. rei, Mk
73^; c. ptcp., Ac 1033 (M, Pr., 131), Phi 41*, 11 Pe li»,
III Jo 6; TrpoLcrrdvai {-aaOaL), I Ti 3*' 12 51^ SiaKovdv, I Ti 313; Siyarpe-
proverbs, Mt 192* 3324, Mk 1025, l^ 1825 (qq the v.l. Kdp.ikos, v. WH,
Notes, 151).t
KdfiiXos, V.S Kap.TjXo's, and cf. Thayer; LS, s.v.
Kd|xii/os, -ov, % [in LXX : Ge 19-^8, Ex 19i8, Is 48io, al. (]0r53 , "VIS),
Da LXX TH 36 ff-
(pnx) ;] a furnace : Mt 13*2. 50^ Re li5 92.t
(syncopated form of Karapvw, used by Ep. and koiv-q
v^riters; Eutherford, NPhr., 426 f.), [in LXX: Is 6i« (yytzr hi.) 29i9
3315 (DSr), La 3** AE*;] to shut the eyes: t. 6cj>ea\povs, Mt 131^,
Ac 2827 (is^ 1,(5.).+
Kdfji.'a), [in LXX : Jb IQi {wp ni.) I72, Wi 416 159, jy Mac 3^
7^^*;] 1. to work; hence, from the effect of continued work, 2. to be
weary : He 12^. 3. to be sick : Ja 5^^.t
Kap,oi = KoX ifjioi, V.8. iyu).
KdjiTTTw, [in LXX chiefly for y-|3 , iv Ki l^s, n Ch 2929, ig
4524 (23)^ ai f^Q bend, bow : ace. rei, yoVu,
c. to. y. ; c. dat. pers., ttj
BaaX, Eo ll'*(i'^x)j ^p,^,5 ^ irarepa, Eph 3^*; by meton., ttSv ydi'V for
ttSs, Eo 1411 (LXX)^ Phi 210 (cf. dva-, avy-Kdfji7rT0>).f
kSc, by crasis for kol av {= idv; WH, App., 145b; Thayer, s.v.),
c. subjunc, 1. and if: Mk 16[i8], Lk 1238, joSS", i Co 13^-3, Ja 51^; c.
ellips., Lk Concessive, even if: Mt 212i 2635, Jo S^* lO^s 1125,
139. 2.
He 1220. 3. As intensive of simple Kat (M, Pr., 167 730 ; WM,
Jannaris, Gr., 598), even, at least : Mk 528 6^^, Ac 5^^, 11 Co ll^^t
Kavd (Eec. -v5), •^, indecl., Ca7ia, of Gahlee Jo 2i«" 4^6 212.t :
the history of the word and esp. its later meanings, v. Westc, Canon,
App. A ; cf. also MM, Exp., xv; Cremer, 744.)t
KaiT€pi/aoup., V.S. }^a(f)apvaov/x.
* KaTTTjXeu'o) «
a huckster, cf. Is 122 (LXX)^ Si 2629), to make
a trade of (EV, mg., make merchandise of), or perhaps (cf. Is, I.e.) to
corrupt (EV, txt.) 11 Co 2^'^.f :
KapSi'a, -as, 17, [in LXX chiefly for 2^ , as^ ;] the heart, 1. the
bodily organ which is regarded as the seat of life (11 Ki 18^*, iv Ki 92^,
al.). 2. In a psychological sense, the seat of man's collective energies,
the focus of personal life, the seat of the rational as well as the
emotional and volitional elements in human life, hence that wherein
lies the moral and religious condition of the man {DB, ii, 317 f.
DGG, ii, 344a) (a) of the seat of physical life (Jg 19^, Ps 101 (102)^
a.^l€Tav6qTO<i, Eo 2^ ; elvai (ex^tv) eV ttj k., II Co Phi 1'^ 68vvr] rfj k.,
7^, ;
(cf. Heb. 1-15 n^y), Mt 310 717-19 1326, Lk 3^ 6« 8» 13^, Ee 222; 8i8oVai,
(Ge 302, al.), Ac 2^\ Metaph., (a) of works, deeds Mt 38 71"' 20 21*3, :
Phi 111; ^^payi^ecrOai tov k. (Deiss., 5S, 238 f.), Eo 15-8; ^, dya^oi',
Ja 317; (6) of advantage, profit: Phi 122 41^; l^"", Eo li^ 621.22;
a-vvdyuv, Jo 43". ^_ ^ SiKaLOcrvvr]^, He 1211, Jg, 318- Qf praise, KapTTOv
X«AeW (Ho 142, al.; cf. ^sch., Eum., 830) : He 13i5.t
KapTTo-<j>opea), -w, [in LXX: Hb 3I'
(n-ID), Wi 10^*;] to bear
fruit: x">Tov, Mk 428 (cf.
Wi, I.e.). Metaph., of conduct: Mt 1323,
Mk 420, Lk 815, Eo 7*.^ Col 110; mid.. Col V.f
KapTro-<|>6pos, -ov « KapTru's, <^€pw), [in LXX : Je 221 (vit), Ps 106
(107)3* 1489 (ng)*;] fruitful : Ac 14i7.t
Tdf., Pr., 95 WH, App., 146*), prep. c. gen., ace, dow7i, dowmvards.
I. C. gen. (WM, § 47, k; Bl., § 42, 2). 1. C. gen. rei, in local sense;
(a) down, down from : Mt 8«2, Mk 5i3,
Lk 833, ^ Qo 11*; (b) through-
out (late usage Bl, I.e.) k. 5\r}^ k.t.X., Lk 41* 23^, Ac 93i 1037 (c)
; : ;
al. ; (b) to, towards, over against : Lk 1032 (Field, Notes, 62), Ac 2io
157, Ga 211, Phi 31*, al.; (c) in adverbial phrases, at, in, by, of: kut
oiKov, at home, Ac 2**^ ; Kar I8iav (v.s. i8ios) kuO" iavrov, Ac 28^", Eo ;
1422, ja 217; c. pron. pers., Ac 1728 IS^s, Eo l^^, Eph l^^, al. 2. Of
time, at, during, about : Ac 826 12^ 1923, Eo 9^ He l^", al. 3. Dis-
tributive; (a) of place: k. tottod?, Mt 24^^, al. ; k. ttoXlv, Lk S^'*, al.
K. iKK\rj<riav, Ac 1423 .
(^) ^f time : k. eVos, Lk 2^^ ; iopTrjv, Mt 27^5, al.;
(c) of numbers, etc. : Kaff ha iravrts, i Co 143i (on Kad' ct?, v.s. eh) ;
K. Uarov, Mk 6'*o
; K. iiipo<i, He 9^ ; k. 4 wo/xa, Jo 103. Qf fitness,
reference, conformity, etc. ;
(a) w relation to, concerning : Eo 13> * 722
93.5, I Co 126 1018, Phi 112; ^. ^^^^a^ Ac 1722, Col 320.22^ He 2^7 41^;
{b) according to, after, like : Mk Lk jo 72s Eo Eph 7^, 22^.29^ 8* 14i5,
22,Col 2^, Ja 2^, al. III. In composition, k. denotes, 1. doivn, dotvn
from {Kara^aivu), etc.), hence, metaph. (a) victory or rule over ;
{KaraBovkow, -Kvpuvw, etc.); {b) "perfective" action (M, Pr., Ill ff.).
2. tinder (KaTaKoXcTTTO), etc.). 3. in succession {KaOe$rj<i). 4. after,
behind {KaTaXeiirw). 5. Hostility, against (KaraXaXccu).
Kara-Paifw, [in LXX
chiefly for IT ;] to go or come down,
descend. 1. Of persons: Mt 316 24i7, Lk 2" 6i7 103i 173i 195-6,
Jo 447.*9.8i 57^ Ac 731 815 410 1020 2019 23i» 241.22,
seq. Atvo, Eph ;
Eo 10^ 49; cTTi, c. ace. loc, Jo 6I6 c. ace. pers., Lk 322, Jo 133. 52.
Eph ;
Ac 826, Ja 117; cVt T. yijy, Lk 22** (WH, E, mg., reject); c'k t. oipavov
seq. dTTo, Ee 312 212. 10 j^ ggq ^.^^ jje 13i3; ^,ri, c. ace. pers., Ee I621.
Fig., K. Icos aSov, Mt 1123, Lk 10^5^ ^H, txt., Tr., mg. {KaTafSifSaaerjcrr],
T, WH,mg., EV), (cf. <xvv-Karal3aivw).f
Kaxa-pdXXw, [in LXX
chiefly for ^33 hi. ;] 1. to cast down,
prostrate : metaph., pass., 11 Co 4^. 2. to put doion, lay down
metaph., mid., c. ace, OefjiiXiov, He 6i.t
*t KaTa-Pape'«, -w, to weigh down : metaph., c. ace. pers., 11 Co 12i6.+
tKara-papuVo., [in LXX: II Ki 1325 1426 (^-^3), Ji 28, Si 815*;]
= /cara/Sapew : pass., pres. ptcp., Mk 14*o_f
Kara-pipdio), [in LXX for IT (hi., etc.) De : 21^ Ez 31i6, al.
to cause go down, cast down : pass., Iws ai8ov, Mt
to (WH, E, mg.), 1123
Lk 1015 (WH, mg.).t
** Kara-poXi^, -^s,
^ «
KaraySciXXa)), [in LXX: II Mac 229*;] 1. a
laying doxon : cis k. <nripfxaTo<i, He 11" (EV, to conceive seed). 2. a
foundation (of a house, 11 Mac, I.e.) metaph., dTrd k. Koa-fxov, Mt :
1335 (LXX) (om. K6<TfjLov WH, E, mg.), ib. 253*, Lk 1150, He 43 926,
Ee 138 178 ^p^ ^, KoV/xov, Jo 172^ Eph 1*, i Pe 12o.t
Col 2i8.t
*t KaraYYeXcus, -c'to?, 6, a proclaimer, herald (in Inscr., k. aywvojv,
Deiss., LAE, 97) : c. gen. obj., Ac n^\f
[in LXX
Pr IT^ A, ii Mac S^e 9^7*;] 1. to pro- :
pass., 3<j!)C(ris, Ac 13^8; 6 Xoyo? tov 0., ib. IT^^j ^ ,rio-Tis v/iaiv, Eo 1^;
c. ace. pers., of Christ, ov, Ac 17^, Col l^*; t. Xpia-Tov, Phi 1^^; pass.,
ib. ^^. 2. <o denounce (Xen., al.) ;
(for compariaon with dyycAXw, dvay-,
(iTray-, V. Westc. On I Jo 1^ ; and cf. 7r/)o-KaTayycXA.w).t
KOTa-YcXdu, -w, [in LXX chiefly for pniZT , Jb 52-, Pr 29^, al. ;]
guished from Kaid) ;] to burn up, burn completely : c. ace. rei, Mt 13^'',
Ac 1919 ;
pass., Co 3l^ i He 13^1, ii Pe S^", Ee 8" seq. ^vpi, Mt 3^2
13^«, Lk 317 (cf. Ex 29l^ al.) ; iv nvpC (De 9^1, al.) : Ee 171" IS^.t
Kara-KaXuTTTu, [in LXX chiefly for nD3 pi.;] to cover uj) ; mid.,
to cover or veil oneself : i Co 11®; t. K(.4>a\iqv, ib. ".+
t KaTa-Kaux«io|jiai, -w/Aat, [in LXX: Za lO^^ (rj^l hith.), Je 27
(50)11 (T^y), ib. 3^^
(bbn)*;] 1. to boast against, exult over: c. gen.,
Eo 111^, Ja 213 geq_ ^f^T^^ c. gen.,
. Ja 31* (T, om. Kara). 2, seq. Iv, to
glory in (Za., I.e., Je 2738).t
Kard-Keifiai, [in LXX: Pr 6^ 233" (^3^2;^^^ jth 13i\ Wi 17"*;]
1. to lie down. 2. to lie sick: Mk l^" 2\ Jo 5^ Ac 28^ seq. ivi, c.
gen., Ac 933 ; id. c. ace, Lk 5^^ ; eV, Jo 53. 3. to recline at meals (ef.
avdKecfjiaL) : Mk 143, Lk 529 . seq. iy^ Mk 2l^ Lk 737, i Co 8io.t
Kara-KXeia,, [in LXX: Je 39 (32)3 wi I72.16, iiMac I321,
III Mac 32^*;] to shut top: c. aco. pers., seq. iv (f>vXaKfj (-ats), Lk 32",
Ac 26i«.t
t Kara-KXripoSoTe'a), w, [in LXX De :
138 211^ A {-vo^iio, B), (bn3),
I Mac 33« XE (-vo^e'w. A)*;] Ac 131^, Eec, = -vo/xe'w, q.v.t
t KaTa-KXTipoi-oiJiew, -w, [in for bui 12?T etc. ;] 1. to distribute LXX , ,
Lk 1727, II Pe 25.t
t KaT-aKoXouOt'o), -i, [in LXX : Je 17i« (nyi), i Mac 623, al. ;] to
folloio after : Lk 23^^ ; c. dat. pers , Ac 16i7.t
KaTa-KiSirTw, [in LXX for n33 hi., DDS pi., etc. ;] to cut up, cut in
pieces (cf. Is 27^, Je 21s Ch 34") kavrhv Xieoa,
11 5^t : Mk
Kara-Kptiixt'ii^w « Kprjfivos), [in II Ch 25i2 LXX
('jjbtzr hi.), 11 Mae :
2215 1443^ JY Mac 42^*;] to throw over a precijnce, cast down head-
long : Lk429.t
*t Kard-Kpifxa, -tos, to (-c^^ KaTav/ni to), penalty (RY condemnation ,
but ef. Deiss., BS, 264 f. ; MM, Exp., xv) Eo 51^-18 8i.t :
ace. pers., Mk U^\ Jo 8Cio, u] ; disting. fr. Kpivety, Eo 2^, i Co ll^^ seq. ;
Kara-XaXeo), -w, [in LXX chiefly for ')2,1 ni., pi. ;] to speak evil
of, rail at: in cl., c. ace; in LXX, (a) c. gen., (b) seq. Kara, c. gen.;
in NT, c. gen. (M, Pr., 65) : Ja ^n, i Pe 2i2
pass., i Pe d^^.f
**t Kara-XaXid, -Ss, 17 (•< KaraXaAos), [in LXX: Wi 1^*;] evil-
speaking, railing : pL, 11 Co 12^'*, i Pe 2i.t
*t Kord-XaXos, -ov, 6, a railer, defamer : Eo I'^.t
Syn. : \l/i6vpi(TTr)<i, a whisjyerer (v. Tr., Syn., § cvii, 15; Lft.,
Notes, 256).
Kara-XafiPticw, [in LXX
for 2tff2 hi., 13^, etc.;] 1. to lay hold of,
seize, appropriate : Mk 91^ c. ace. rei, i Co 9^*, Phi 3i^' i3. 2. to ;
KaTa-Xciiru, [in LXX chiefly for INtZT , ni., hi., also for nTr , IT)"*
52'> *
KOT-aXXay^, -77s, rj
1. exchange.
KaraXkaaao}), [in
2. reconciliation : Eo Sn ;
Is 9^ <*', II Mac
k. Kwrfiov, Eo 11^*
Notes, 288; ICG on Ko, I.e.; DCG, ii, 474, 797), n Co Sis-iO; pass.,
Eo 5'", II Co 5^*^ ; of a woman returning to her husband, i Co 7^^ (cf.
aT:o-KaTaXXd(T(T(ji) t .
Kard-Xonros, -ov, [in LXX for ISUT , Ti^yxtp , flT , etc. ;] left re-
icaTa-fieVu, [in LXX for ntff^ (Nu 20\ al.), etc.;] to remain
permanently, abide : Ac 1^^ i Co 16^ WH {-rrapa/jL-, T, RV).t
KaTajiocas, Rec. for Kara /xdva?, V.S. fi6vo<;.
t KaT-avd-0€|Jia, Rec. for KardOefJia, q.v.
t KaT-afa-06|jiaTil^w, Rec. for KaraOe/jiaTi^u), q.v.
KaT-ak-aXioTKu, [in LXX chiefly for bSK;] 1. to use up, spend.
2. to consume : of fire, ptcp.. He 12-^(^^^).+
* Kara-i'apKda), -oi (<:^ vapKata, to grow numb, in LXX, in causal
sense, for y,T, Ge 322^(26); without Heb. equiv., ib. 32(33)^ jb 3319,
11^ *) ; 1. to cause to grow mimb, 2. Intrans., to grow
numb ; hence metaph., to be inactive, be burdensome to •
c. gen., ii Co
219 1213,14. pass., to be qitite numb (Hippocr.).t
* Kara-i'cuw, 1. to nod assent. 2. to make a sign by nodding the
head : c. dat. pers., Lk 5''.t
1224,27 2023, Ac 11^ 2739, Ro 419; c. ace. pers.. He 3^ 10^*, Ja 123.24 (on
the distinction bet. and voew simplex, v. M, Pr., 117).t
M, Pr., 132) 27^2 28i3; seq. 6.vTiKpy, c. gen., Ac 20i«. Metaph., seq.
€1?, c. acc. pers., i Co 10^^ 14^6 id, ; c. ace. rei, to attain to : Ac 26'^,
KaTo-irouw, [in LXX for TT12 , THO , etc.;] 1. trans., (a) to cause
Lk 82«.t
** KaTa-TTc^o), .£, [in LXX : 11 Mac 82 (A), iii Mac 22- is * ;] to wear
down, oppress, treat hardly : pass., Ac 72*, 11 Pe 2^.t
Kara-TToi'Titw, [in LXX for ynt3 pu., Ex 15* A, ybn pi., f]r3t2r Ps ,
54 (55)^ 68 (69)2, 9,1. ;] to throw into the sea, sifik or drown therein
Mt 1430 ;
pass., 186.t
KttT-apo, -as, 17, [in LXX chiefly for rhbp ;] a curse : Ga 31*'' i3,
pass. pf. ptep., accursed, under a curse (v. M, Pr., 221) Mt 25^i.t :
Kax-apTil^u, [in LXX chiefly in Pss (8^ al. ; ]13 , etc.) and
II Es (b^3) ;] to render a.pTio<;, i.e. fit, complete ; (a) to mend, repair
Mt 421, Mk 1^^; (b) to furnish completely, complete, equip, prepare:
pass., Lk 11^; mid., Mt 21i6 (^xx)^ He 10^ (i-^x); (c) in
6*0, Eo 922, He
ethical sense, to prepare, co77ij)lete, jyerfect : Ga 61 (BV, restore),
I Pe 510 pass., i Co lio (Field, Notes, 167), 11 Co I311, He 13^1
(cf. TTpo-KaTapTL^O)).'^
*t KOT-dpTiais, -ews, 17 (<C KarapTi^w), a strengthening, making fit
in ethical sense, 11 Co 13^.t
**t KaTapTiafios, -ov, 6, [in Sm. Is 381^ * ;] = KardpTio-ts (but v. ICC, :
Ac I316 id. c. dat. pers., ib. 21*o seq. inf., ib. 12i7.t
T. x€tpt, ; ;
He 92'
6 ; Kt/?<oTdv, He ll^ i Pe 320 ;
pass. pf. ptcp., Xadv k., Lk li^.t
KaTa-aKTjcdu, -w, [in LXX chiefly for ptZT;] ^0 jaite/i one's tent,
lodge, dwell: seq. ev, Mt 1332, Lk 131^; wd, c. ace, Mk 432; ^^'^XttiSi,
Ac 226 (LXX) t
t Kara-cTK^Kcuais, €«?, ^, [in LXX : I Ch 282 (,,,35) ^ Ez 372^ (]3l?TQ),
**t KaT(i-aTT)fAa, -tos, to {KaOia-T-q/xi), [in LXX : III Mac 5*^ (-e/Aa, A) * ;]
KOTo-Tierjiii, [in LXX
21^7 (n,o^ hi.), Ps 40 (41)8 (pj^,)^ : i Ch
I Mac to lay dotvn, deposit, lay by :
10^3, al.
;] 15*^, T ; mid., to lay Mk
up for oneself: x«pt»' (Hdt., al., v. LS, s.v.), c. dat. pers., Ac 24^^ 25^.t
**t KaTa-Top.li, -rj'i, rj, [in Sm. Je 48 (31)^^ (/caTarc/Avw is used in :
concision, mutilation : in sarcasm, by paranomasia, in contrast to
(true) TrepLTOfi-q (v ^), of Judaizing Christians, Phi 3^ (v. Lft., in 1.
Cremer, 883).
KaTa-To^€uci>, [in LXX
Ex 19^^ (HT), al. ;] to strike down with :
KaTa-<t)poi'^u, -0), [in LXX for IJH , 712 , etc. ;] to think little of,
gen., Mt &'' IS^o, Lk 16i«, Eo 2\ Co II22, i Ti 4^2 62,
despise : c. i
He 122, „ pe 2io.t
KarevavTL, and V. Lft., CoL, l.c), t. deod, Eph 1*, Col 122.t
* KaT-€iou(jidt,<i), to exercise authority over : c. gen. pers., Mt 202*,
Mk 10*2,t
Si'N. : KaTaKvpLcvo) (v. Swete, Mk., I.e.).
II Co 4^'^ 7^^ 9^^; id. seq. 8td, c. gen. pers., Eo 15^^; t. anjTrjpcav,
Phi 2^2
Q ace. pers. seq. cis, 11 Co 5* (EV, tvrought) of evil deeds, ;
Ka-njYop^w, -co (<^ Kara, ayopevoi), [in Da 6^ '^', I Mac LXX : LXX
76,25^ II Mac 4*7 10^3,21^ IV jviac 9^**;] to make accusation, accuse, (a)
in general absol., Eo 2^* ; c. gen. pers. (el.,
: 254), Jo 5*^ ; irreg. c. WM,
ace. pers., Ee 12^0 (j^ before a judge
absol., Ac 242» i^ c. gen. pers., : ;
Mt 1210, Mk
32, Lk 6^ ll'* (WH, txt., E, om.), 232.10, Jo 8^^\ Ac 25^
2819; i^ (3 ace. rei (el., but v. I.e.), WM,
153.* ; c. gen. rei (Dem.), Mk
Ac 24s 2511 ; seq. irepi, e. gen. rei (Thuc, viii, 85), Ac 241^; e. ace. rei,
seq. Kara c. gen. pers. (WM, § 28, 1), Lk 23i*. Pass. (Bl., § 54, 3),
seq. VTTo C. gen., Mt 2712, Ac 22^0; 5 KaTrjyopovfievo^, Ac 25i«.t
* KaTt]yopia, -as, rj {<C KaTrjyopo^) , an accusation, charge: c. gen.
pers., Jo 1829; seq. Kara, e. id., i Ti 51^; c. gen. rei, Tit l^.t
Ka-niYopos, -ov, 6, [in LXX: Pr 181^ (an), 11 Mac 45*;] an
accuser : Ac 23^0. 35 248 (WH, E, txt. om.) 25i«' i^.t
*t Ka-riiYupi o (Aram. Iirtpf?; Dalman, Gr., 185; but v. Deiss.,
LAE, 90 f.), = Kar-qyopos, an accuser : Ee 12io.t
* KaTTi<|>cia, -as, 7} {<^ KaTr}(f>r]<;, downcast, Wi 17* *), dejection
Ja 49.t
*t KaT-T)X€'cj, -w, 1. resound.
to 2. to teach by word of mouth,
instruct, inform (v. Bl., Phil. Gosp., 20, 31) Ga 6^ c. ace. pers., : ;
I Co 1419 pass. c. ; ace. rei, Lk 1* (iCC, in 1.), Ac 1825 2124 (^f. Lk,
I.e.), Ga
6^; seq. «, e. gen. rei, Eo 21^; Trepi, e. gen. pers., Ac 212i.t.
**fKar-i6(j, -d(intensive of tda>; <tds), [in Si 12"*;] to LXX:
rust over ; pass., become rusted over : Ja 5^.t
KaT-ioxoci), [in LXX
chiefly for pTri;] to overpower, prevail
against, prevail : absol., Lk 2323; q j^f^ ljj 2138; c. gen., Mt 16i8,t
Kar-oiKcw, -w, [in LXX
very freq. and nearly always for aia^ ;] 1.
trans., to inhabit, dwell in: e. ace., Lk 13*, Ac li^ 29'i* 41" 932,85
1910-17, Ee 172; of God, 2321. Mt
2. Intrans., to settle, dwell-
Ac 2212; seq. cV (el.), Ac 120(lxx) 2^ 72,4,48 922 1129 1327 1724^ 11^ g^
Ee 1312; seq. cis (Bl., § 39, 3; M, Pr., 62 f., 234 f.), Mt 223 413, 7*'
cirl T. yri% (Nu 13^3, al.), Ee 310 610 813 llio 138.1* I78; eVl TTuvras
KaTWT€po9, -€/3a, -cpov «; /cttTto), [in LXX for linnJ? > ^rinp ;] lower
TO. K. TTj? yrj<; (v. AE, Ej}h., l.c ; for rendering this lower earth, v. ICC,
Eph, I.e.), the lower parts of the earth (cf. Ps 138(139)1^; cf. also
MGr., ri KciTov yTj, the underivorld. Thumb, MGV, 334) Eph 49.t :
KaO/ia, -Tos, TO (<; Katw), [in LXX for dH Hin , , etc. ;] heat : Ee
wind from the east (Heb. C"!!? , v. LXX, ll.c), the modem sirocco
(v. on Am 4^) Ja
1^^ (EV, the scorching wind; cf. K, mg., the
hot wind, Mt, Lk, ll.c.).t
KauTTjpid^u, Rec. for Kava-TrjpLd^o), q.v.
KQuxdofxai, -(Lfiai, [in LXX for bbn hith., etc. ;] to boast
or glory
(in LXX, of joyous exultation, and so in the NT quotations, infr. cf. ;
seq. 0/ (LXX), Eo 2"^ 5^, i Co 3^1, 11 Co 5^2 IQi^ 1112 125,9^ Ga e^^.H,
Twv Kc'Spwv, II Ki 1523, III Ki 1513 (rnii?) ;] <J cedar : x^^/J^appo^ twv K.
(as in II Ki, iii Ki, 11. c), Jo 18^ (Eec. Tr., WH, E, mg. ; toC KeSpov, T,
WH, mg., V.S. Ke8pii>v, andcf. Westc, in 1.;WH, ^^^., 89 f.; Abbott,
JG, 513 ff.).t
KcSpwt' (v.s. K^8pos), o, indecl. (in FIJ, gen. -covos ; Heb. flTlp), [in
LXX Ki 1523, IV Ki 23", al. ;] Cedron (OT, Kidron) x^^f^appos
: II :
ToC K., Jo 181 (L, Tr., mg., E, txt. cf. BL, § 10, 5 Lft., Essays, 172 ff.).t ; ;
K€ipw, [in LXX chiefly for T73 , Is cut short the hair,
53'', al. ;] to
shear : a sheep, Ac S^"'^ (Is, I.e.). Mid., to have one's hair cut off, he
shorn : absol., i Co 11*' ; t. K^^aXrjv, Ac 18^*.+
83S 2230 2310 25«.i^ with ellipse of ace., Mt 8^^ 149 2758^ Ac 12^^ 2P3;
c.ace. et. inf. pres,, Ac 213* 222* 233-35 25^1 27*3; with ellipse of ace,
Ac 1622 ptcp. aor., . Ac 2523.t
STN. : v.S. evreXXw.
*^ KCkcp-paTeuw (not elsew., but perh. = -c'w, Plut., al.), to tread on
emptiness : Iwpa. (alwpa) k. (conjee, for a i6paK€v ifj^/i., Lft., in 1.), Col 2^^
also ICC, in l.).t
**t K€^o8o|ia, -as, Tj K€vo8o^os), [in
31**;] 1. foolish fancy, vain opinion, error (LXX, 11. c).
Wi 14i*, 11 « LXX : Mac
glory, groundless conceit : Phi 23.t
*t Kci'oSo^os, -ov
Kccos, -v> -ov, [in
Kevo's, ho^a), vain-glorious : Ga S^^.t
chiefly for p^T and cognate forms ;] empty
(Ge 372*, Jg 71"). Metaph., (a) empty, vain: Xdyot, Eph 5"; aTrarr],
II Co 93.t
Kiv-rpov, -ov, TO «; /ccvrew, to jwick), [in LXX : Pr 26^ (3^0). Ho
131* 512, Si 3825, IV Mac 14i»*;] 1. a sting (iv Mac, I.e.):
Ja 45.t
* Kcpai'a (WH, Kepea, V. App., 151), -as, r)
(<C Kepa<;), a little horn :
of the point or extremity which distinguishes some Heb. letters from
others (e.g. t from 1 DCG, ii, 733), Mt 5^^ Lk IG^^.t
are blended and form a compound, as in wine and water, whereas /*.
implies a mixing without such composition, as in two sorts of grain
(LS, S.V. Kpaai^).
Kt'pas, -aro? (pi. not irreg. as in Attic), to, [in chiefly for LXX
]1(7. ;] a horn : Ee 5« 12^ 13^' ^^ 17^' ^' ^^' ^'^
; of the projections at the
KTJTTos, -OV, 6, [in LXX for ]a, ma, n33, De ll^o, Ca 4^2, al.;]
KTiT09, -COS (-ovs), t6, [in LXX : Jh 2i. n (21), Ge I21 (|^3n), etc. ;]
KTi(}>as, -a (v. Bl., §10, 3), 6 (Aram, ND""?), Cephas, i.e. Feter
Jo 1*3, I Co 112 322 95 155, Ga 118 29, 11, u.t
KiPcoTos, -ov, 17, [in LXX : Ge 6-9 (n^Cl), elsewhere, very freq., as
Ex 259 '10', for jny ;] a wooden box or chest : of Noah's ark, Mt 2438,
KiVSuj'os, -ov, 6, [in LXX : Ps 114 (116)3 (-,yjjj)^ gj 326^ g^i .j daiiger,
KXat'o), [in LXX chiefly for nD2 ;] of any loud expression of pain
or sorrow, esp. for the dead, to weep, lament ; (a) intrans. : Mk 538.39
1472 (M, Pr., 131) 16[io], Lk 7i3. 32, 38 352, Jo 113i, 33 1520 2011. i3, is^
Ac 939
2113, I Co 730, Phi 318, Ja 49 51, Ee 5^ 18i5.i9; ^roXv, Ee 5*; TroXXd,
Ac 82* (WH, mg.) Trt^pSs, Mt 26^5, Lk 22«2; opp. to
; yeXdw, Lk 621.25;
c. acc, Lk
19*i 2328, Rq 189;
Xat'pca, Eo 1215; seq. ctti', jj^ t^ans., c. ace.
pers., to weep or lament\for, bewail Mt 2i8.t :
KX(iCT|xa, -Tos, TO (<^ K\do)), [in LXX for Jl^ , nbg);] a broken piece,
fragment : Mt I420 153^, Mk 6*3 88' i9.
20, Lk 9l^ Jo 612. ".t
Claudius ;
KXau'Sios, -ov, 6, 1. the Emperor : Ac 11^^ 18^. 2. A
military tribune, C. Lysias Ac : 232".
KXau0fi<5s, -ov, 6 (<^ KXatw), [in LXX chiefly for "^32, ;] crying, weep-
ing, Ac 203"
^. ^ai sSvp^os,. Mt 218 (LXX) ^ ^. ^^, ^ /3pvyfi6^, Mt 8^2 13*2. bo
22i» 24*1 2530, Lk W^f
K\d(o, [in LXX Je :
16'' (DHD), al. ;] to break, break in pieces : of
bread, Mt 14^^ IS^e 26'^ Mk 8« I422, Lk 22i9 M^\ Ac 2*6 20^- 1^ 2735,
I Co 1016 ]^X24. ggq ^i^^ Q a,cc. pers., 8^^ (cf. Ik-, /<aTa-»cXaw).t Mk
kXcis, -86s, Att. ace, KXetv, later -ctSa, pi., kXciScs, -as, contr., -cis,
^7, [in LXX for np50 , Is 2222, ^1. ;] a key. Fig., t. ySacrtXecas t. oipavwv,
(/cXeVras, WH, txt.,R, mg. V. Lft., Notes, 73 but cf. also M, Th., I.e.),
; ;
K\i]povoyiia, -as, rj (<^ KXr]pov6/xo<i), [in LXX chiefly for n^nj , also
KXripos, -ov, 6, [in LXX chiefly for rhui , blia ;] a lot ; (a) that
III Mac 51**;] a calling, call; in NT, always of the Divine call to
salvation : Eo 112^, i Co 1^6 72«, Eph lis 41. \ Phi 31*, 11 Th 1",
II Ti 19, He 31, II Pe li« (Cremer, 332).t
KXt]T6s, -q, -ov « Kokioi), [in LXX for Nip , XIpD Ex 121*5, ^1. ;]
called, invited (as to a banquet, ^sch., i Ki l*i, iii Mac 51*) in NT, ;
TTLO-TOL, Ee 171*; in gosp. (not in pi., v.s. KaXcw) disting. fr. ckX«kto?,
clination, slope, esp. the slope from the equator to the pole (Arist).
2. a region (Polyb., al.) pi., Eo 1523, n Co lli", Ga 12i.t
kXiVt], -rys, r;
(<; kXiVo)), [in LXX chiefly for HKia;] abed, couch:
Mt 9-«, Mk 4-^1 74.30, Lk 518 816 1734^ Re 222 (cf. MM, Exp., xv).t
* kXh'iSioi', -ov, to, dimin. of kXlvy), a couch : Lk S^^' 2* (cf. KXtvaptov).t
KXikco, [in LXX
chiefly for ni33 ;] 1. to make to bend, to bow
T. K€cf)a\ijv (of one dying), Jo 19^*^; t. Trpoa-wirov (of terrified persons),
Lk 912 2429.t
for reclining ; hence, (a) a hut ; (b) an easy chair ; (c) a couch.
2. a company reclining : pi., Lk 9^* (cf. Fl.T, Ant., xii, 2, 12).t
kXott^, --^s, 17 (<»cX£7rTco), [in LXX for 133;] theft: pi., Mt 15^^,
Mk 722.t
kXuSwi', -w: OS, o (kXv^w, of the sea, to wash over), [in LXX
Jh 1*- 12 (-lyo), al. ;] a billow, surge : Lk 82", Ja l«.t
SFi\r. ; KVfia, a tuave.
by waves
+ KXuSwf i^ofiai
metaph., to be tossed like waves (cf. FIJ, Ant., ix, 11, 3):
Is 572« {miS) * ;] to be tossed
kXvSwv), [in :
Bph 4i*.t
Glopas : Ja 1925.t
* Kvf\Qu) (late form of Kvdu)), 1. to scratch. 2. to tickle; pass,, to
itch : II Ti 43.t
Kk-iSos, -ov, V, Cnidus, a city (and peninsula) on S.W. coast of
Asia Minor : Ac 27".t
*t KoSpdfTTjs, (Lat. quadrans, the fourth part of
-ov, 6 an as), a
quadrans (AV, farthing) Mt 526, 12*2.t
: Mk
KoiXta, -as, rj « koiXos, hollow), [in
412i, al.
LXX chiefly for ^l$2 , D'^yO
3. Metaph. (as Heb. ]03 , cf. Jb 1535, Pr 202^, Si I912), of the heart
Jo 738.t
•coifidw, -w, [in LXX chiefly for MOT;] to lull to sleeky, put to
sleep. Mid and pass., to fall asleep (M, Pr., 162 ; M, Th., 1, 4, 13)
Mt 2813, Lk 22«, Jo 1112, Ac 12«. Metaph., of death : Mt 27*2, Jo lin,
Ac 7«o 1336, I Co 739 1130 156. 18, 20, 51^ j Th 413-15, II Pe 3* (cf. Is 148,
431^ II Mac 12*5).t
SYN. : KaOevSu).
** KoijiTjats, -£ws, rj, [in LXX: Si 46i^ 48i3*;] a reclining, resting:
Jo lli3.t
KoiK<5s, -V, -6v, [in LXX : Pr li* (in^t) 21^ 252* (-,3,^)^ ^i 73^ ^1.;]
1015 119.t
Syn. : ^e$r)X6(j}. Thayer (s.v. k.) mentions that Winer notes
the accuracy whereby the Jews are said to use k. in addressing Jews,
Ac 2P8^ and /?. when speaking to Felix, 24^ (Cremer, 362).
Koivwviio, -w, [in LXX
11 Ch 20^5, Jb 348, Ec 9* ("Qn), Pr in, :
KotTT), -i^s, rj (in Hom., koItos), [in LXX chiefly for 33l?ra , also
40), [in LXX chiefly for -|-|p n Ki 4^, Jl 2i«, i Es 3^, al. , ;] a bed-
chamber; o €7ri Tov K., a chamberlain : Ac 12^'*'.t
coccifera, y. DB, iv, 416), [in LXX for ny^lFI, rbim, ^ZUf , Ex 25*,
8^*, Wi
K0X09, docked),
freq.), i Mac
6^2 (i3) (qq Heb.), i Es
1. to curtail, dock, prune.
2. to check, restrain. 3. to chastise, correct, punish : pass., 11 Pe 2^
mid., cause to be punished (in Mac 7^) Ac 42i.t :
KdfiTj, -775, rj, [in LXX: Nu 6^, Ez 4420 (^-55), al.;] the hair:
I Co llis.t
KOfiij^a), [in LXX for
to take care of. 2.NtZTJ , etc. ;] 1. to carry
off safe. 3. carry off as booty. 4. to bear or carr;?/ ;
to Lk 7^'^.
Mid., to hear for oneself, hence, (a) to receive : He 10^" 11^^' ^^,
I Pe 1^ 5*, II Pe 2^^ ;
{h) to receive hack, recover (in so also act.)
Mt 2527, He 11^9; metaph., of requital, 11 Co 510, Col 325; ^„^^ Kvpiov,
Eph 6^ (cf. e*c-, arvv-KOp.lt,(Ji).^
*K0)x\j/6s, -77, -6v {<^ KOfx.€(i), to take care of), well-dressed, elegant,
fine; compar. neut., Ko/xij/oTepov e^eiv (cf. ko^jj^ws fx""' Epict., and
eolloq. Eng., "to he doing finely") Jo 4^2 f :
Koi/Kia), -ui
« Kovia, dust, lime), [in LXX : De 272' * (TBT), Pr
21^*;] to plaster or whiten over: of tombs, Mt 232^^; fig., of a
hypocrite, Ac 23^.t
KOfiopTos, -ou, 6 {<C KovLs ov Kovia, dust, opvvfjLi, to stir up), [in
LXX for pnx , etc. ;] in cl., dust stirred up (Ex 9^, Is 52*) ; in NT,
Ko-ircTiSs, -ov, o {<C KOTTTO), mid.), [in LXX chiefly for T5pp ;] = cl.
KOfifios, a heating of the head and hreast, lamentation : seq. i-n-i, c. dat.
pers., Ac 82,t
KoirVi, -^s, V « KOTTTO)), [in LXX: Ge U^^ Jos IO20 (n33 hi.,
Komdw, -u) (<K07ros), [in LXX chiefly for ya^;] 1. (as in cl.)
to grow weary : Mt 1128, Jq 46^ ^q 2^ (cf. Is 403i). 2. Hence, in
LXX and NT, to work ivith effort, to toil : absol., Mt 628, Lk 5^ 1227,
Jo 438, Ac 2035, I Co 412, Eph 428, u Ti 2"; c. ace. rei, Jo 4^8; freq. in
I Ti 4io.t
KOTTos, -OV, b (kC^ko'tttw), [in LXX chiefly for bt^ , also for
Koirpi'a, -as, 17, [in LXX chiefly for nbiyj;? ;] a dung hill (i Ki 28,
I Mac 2^2*;] = Kon-pos, dung : pi., Lk 138 (WH, mg., ko^ivov Koirpi(x}v).f
Ko'-n-TO), [in LXX for n")3 IDD 1133 hi., etc. ;] 1. to strike, smite.
, ,
2. to cut off: c. ace. rei, seq. Atto, Mt 218; ^^^ ^\^ Mid., to beat us
one's breast with grief, to mourn, beivail : Mt 11^'' 243*^ ; c. ace. pers.,
Lk 8^'^ 23^'^; seq. iiri, C. ace, Re l*" 18^ (cf. ava-, diro-, ««-, iv-, Kara-,
irpo-, 7rpocr-Kd7rTco).t
Syn. : Oprjveta, q.v.
KopdcTLov, -ov, TO, (dimin. of Koprj), [in LXX chiefly for n^ys , Ru
28, al. ; in Jl 3 (4)3, Za 8^ for nTt^^l ;] a colloquial word which survives
in MGr. (Kennedy, Sources, 154), girl, maiden: Mt 9-*'25 1411,
Mk 5"'*^ 622.28.t
(cf. Kopfidv).'^
II Ti 42o.t
K6pos, -ov, 6 (Heb. 13), [in LXX : Le 27^6, Nu 1132, Bz 4513 (xh)
more freq., 11 Ch 27*, al. (l3) ;] a cor, a Hebrew measure (AV, RV,
measure) : Lk 16'^.t
Kocr\i.4u), -w (<^ KoV/xos), [in LXX for my, ]pT\, etc.;] 1. io order,
arrange, prepare (in Horn. esp. of marshalling armies) : Mt 25" (cf.
Kpdrwp) : ol K. T. (TKOTovi TovTov, the ruUrs of this dark world, Eph 6^^.+
K<5(rfios, -ov, b [in LXX : Ge 2^, De 4i9 IV, Is 242i 40^6
Ex 335. «, Je 232 430^ Ez 720 1611 23*0 ('1^), Is 6I10 (^^3), al, Wi 22*
and freq.. Si 6'"^ al;] 1. order (Horn., Plat., al.). 2. ornament, adorn-
ment, esp. of women (Hom., al.) : i Pe 3^. 3. Later, the world or
universe, as an ordered system (Plat., al.) : Ac 17^*, Eo d^^, i Co 3^2,
Phi 2^*, He
In late writers only, the world, i.e. the earth
43, al. 4.
(= ^ with Lk 45) Mt 48, Mk 16^^^\ Col 220, i Ti 6^,
o'lKovfiivri, cf. Mt 48 :
51* 1338, Mk 149, Jo 110 4*2 12*7, Eo 3(5^ I Co 4^3, II Co 5^\ 11 Pe 25,
al. (6) of worldly affairs or possessions
Mt 162", j^k S^", Lk 92^, :
I Co 731, 1 Jo
2ie, al. (c) in ethical sense, of the ungodly
; Jo 7^ 141'","^ :
I Co 121, Ja 127, J Jo 4.4^ al. (d) metaph. 6 /c. r^s d8t/ctas, Ja 3*.
SVN. : alwv, q.v. (cf also Dalman, Words, 162 ff. ; Tr., Syn., § lix
Koo<t.ita) « /covc^os, light), [in LXX Ex I822, Jh : l^, al. (bbp hi.),
K^<|>i^os, -ov, 6, [in LXX : Jg 6^^ (bo), Ps 80 (81)« (Til) *;] a basket,
probably of wicker-work, such as were carried by Jews for food
Mt 1420 169, Mk 6*3 819, Lk 9^7 138, Jo 6" (cf. o-<^vpt's).t
**t Kp^Parros (Eec. KpdyS/Saros), ov, Macedonian word, = Lat.
6 (a
grabatus, el. or/ci/tTrovs), [in Aq. : Am a camp bed, pallet: Mk
24.9,11.12 655^ Jo 58-11, Ac 515 933 (v. Swete, Mk., 2*, and cf. KXLvr,).f
Kpdioi, [in LXX for py7 , pyS , Kip , etc. ;] in el. chiefly poet.,
1. prop, onomatop., of the raven, to croak, hence generally, of inartic.
cries, to scream, cry out (-^sch., al.) Mk 5* 92" 1539 (Eec, E, mg.), :
Lk 939, al. ; of crying for vengeance (cf. Ge i^°), Ja 5*. 2. to cry, call
Jo v.
SYN. : V.S. /Soao).
* KpanrdXt] {KpurdXr), WH), ->??, rj (cf. KpanraXdw for IDtZ? , Is 24^0
29**), dru7iken nausea (EV, surfeiting) : Lk 21^*.+
SVN. /cw/Aos, revelling ; fxiOrj, driinlceness
: ; otvo^Xvyta, a debauch ;
TTOTos, a drinking bout (v. Tr., Syn., § Ixi).
Kpai'toi', -ov, TO (<Ka(oa, the head), [in LXX : Jg 9^^ iv Ki 9^5
Kparew, -w (<^ Kpdros), [in LXX chiefly for p7n hi., also for THN
etc.;] 1. <o be strong, mighty, hence, to rule, be master, prevail (so
chiefly in cl. ; in LXX: Es 1^, i Es 438, Wi
U^\ al.). 2. to get
possession of, obtain, take hold of (Hdt., Thuc, al.) c. gen. rei (M, :
Pr., 65), Ac 2713; t. x^vos, Mt 9^5, 13i 5" 9^7, Lk 8^^; c. ace. rei, Mk
Mt 1211; e ^cc. pers., Mt 143 1328 21« 22^ 26*'''8ff-, 321 61^ I212 Mk
14i,44ff.^ 311 246, He 202 (cf. 11 Ki G^).
Ac 3. to hold, holdfast
(^sch., Polyb., al.) : c. Metaph. c. ace.
ace. rei, iv t. Sc^ta, Ee 2i. :
(90)11, Q^i
I strength, esp. as in Hom., of bodily strength. 2. power,
might : He
2i* ; to k.
t^s io-xuos a^ToG, Eph li9 610 (Is 4026, Da th
42^) T. S6$rj<; avTov, Col ln
; Kara Kpdros, mightily, Ac 192** a mighty
; ;
Mt 1219, Jo 1213 1915^ Ac 2223 geq. \iy^y^ Jo 18*o 19«' 12 ^^l \iyu>v, . ;
Lk 4" (WH, Kpdi-) cf^wvfi fj^eydXr,, Jo 11*^ (cf. Abbott, JV, 269 f.).+
Kpauyii, -j}s, ^, [in LXX for nf^rv , njrnp , nrilSr , etc. ;] crying,
Kp^as, -€ws, pi., Kpea, [in LXX for lim^ (freq.);] flesh, meat:
Eo 1421, I Co 8i3.t
Kpei(r<TO)v (Epic and old Att.) and KpciTTwv (later Att.), prop,
comparat. of KpaTv<;, strong, but in sense often (as in cl., v. LS, s.v.) as
comparat. of aya66<s, [in LXX chiefly for aitO ;] better ; (a) as to ad-
vantage or usefulness: i Co 11^^, He 11*'^ 12^*; 7roXX<3 fxaXXov k.,
Phi 123 ; Kpcro-o-ov TToulv, I Co 738 . ^o-^,^^ seq. inf., I Co 1\ 11 Pe 221
{h) as to excellence : He 1* B^ 7^' i^. 22 36 923 iqs* nic, 35 ^. ^o-rt, seq. .
inf., I Pe 317.+
Kp^p.a|Jiai, V.S. xpe/Ltawv/oit.
Kp€p,(ift/u|xi (also Kpe/jiawvo), Kpe/xdu) ; the pres. is not found in
NT), [in LXX
(where also ^pc/aa^w, Jb 26^) chiefly for nbn ;] trans., to
hang, suspend: c. ace. pers., seq. eVi $v\ov, Ac 53'' 1039; pass., Lk
2339; geq, Trcpi, Mt 18^. Mid., Kpi/xafxai, intrans., to hang: seq. Ik,
Ac 284; ,vl ^kov, Ga 3^3 (Lxx); metaph., seq. kv, Mt 22*o.t
KpcTrdlXr], V.8. KpanrdXr].
Ee 6«.t
Kpifia (Bl., §27, 2), -Tos, TO «/cp(:vw), [in LXX chiefly for
Kpii'oi', -ov, TO [in LXX chiefly for ]5ni2r , n|l2?inr;] a lily : Mt 628,
Lk 1227.t
Kplvm, [in LXX chiefly for DBirr , also for ]^1 , nn , etc. ;] 1. to
Kpioris, -cws, T) {<^Kpivw), [in LXX chiefly for laDtjrp, also foi
Re 6^^; a-nro (in cl. more freq. dupl. ace), Re 6^^; pass., Jo 12^^,
(Bl., §34, 4). Metaph.: Mt 1125 1335^ l^ 1152^ mg., IS^* 19*2, WH,
Jo 19^8 (of. OLTTO-, ev-, ir€pL-KpvTrT(D)A
*t KpuoraXXi^u «[ Kpuo-raXXos), to shine like crystal, be crystal-clear
Ee 2111 (5^_ x€y.).f
KpuoraXXos, -ov, 6 {<CKpvo<:Jrost), [in LXX : Jb3829, Ps 147«»(")^
Ez 122
(nif?), etc. ;] crystal : Ee 4« 22i.t
Kpu<|>ai09, -ai'a, -atov (<^ Kpvcfia = Kpv(firj), [in LXX for HHQD , Je
2324, al. ;] hidden, secret : kv tw k., Mt 6i«.t
Kpu(|)rj (prop, -ri, Rec. later spelling ; is due to assimilation to
dat. ; cf. dKrj), adv., [in LXX chiefly for IIID;] secretly, in secret:
Eph 5i2.t
KTrip-a, -Tos, TO (<^ KTao/xai), [in LXX for D^J , etc. ;] a possession,
property : Mt I922, Mk IO22, Ac 2« 5\f
K-n\voi, -0U9, TO {<^KTa.op.ai, hence primarily a possession), [in
LXX chiefly for npn^ , Ge 12^, al., also for njpa , N^S , etc. ;] a beast,
(in late Gk, esp.) a beast of burden : Lk 10^* ;
pi. (as chiefly in cl.),
Ac 232*, Re 1813 of quadrupeds, as opp. to
; fishes and birds (cf . Ge, I.e.),
I Co 1539.t
**t KTiiTCjp, -opo^, o (KTaofxai), [in Sm, Jl in *;] a possessor Ac 43*.
: :
KTitw, [in LXX chiefly for N-Q, Ps 50 (51)1", al; also for
rap, Ge 1419, Pr 822; -j^,^ jg 22" 46ii; Wi 223, gi l^.s (and freq.),
of the divine operation on the soul, Eph 2^"> ^^ 4^* (cf, Ps., i.c.).t
KTiVts, -€(05, i] {<KTiCio), [in LXX: Ps 103 (104)'';''
(j;?!?) , Pr
V^ A (]in) , To 85, Wi 2«, Si IG^^, m Mac 22, al. ;] 1. a founding,
settling, foundation (cl.). 2. In LXX and NT, (a) i/ie aci of creating,
creation: Mk 10« (Swete, in 1.), 131^, Eo l^o, ii Pe 3*; (6) that which
has been created, creation : Eo 1^^ 8^^, He 4^2 ; Kaivrj k., ii Co 5"',
KTiaTTis, -ov, 6 {<:ktl(u>), [in 11 Ki 22^2 (Heb., al.), Jth 912, LXX :
kokXos, -ov, 6, [in LXX chiefly for Zl^2p;] a ring, circle. Dat.,
KVKkoi, as adverb., round about, around : Mk 3^* 6"' ^e, Lk 9^2^ ^q 1519
c. gen., Ee 4« 5^^ 7^\f
kukX6<d, -w (<^ kvkXos), [in chiefly for 23D ;] 1. to move in LXX a
circle, revolve. 2. to surrottnd, encircle : c. ace. pers., Jo IO2* (WH,
txt., cf. -€va)), Ac 1420 ;
pass., Lk 2120, He ll^o (cf. 7r£pt-»cvKAo(o).t
Ku'/iPoXoK, -ov, TO (•< Kvfifty], tt cw^), [in LXX chiefly for n^5fO j]
a cymbal : i Co 13^t
Ku>iKo^, -ov, TO, [in LXX: Is 2825.27 (pg)*;] cummin: Mt 2323.t
* KUfdpiok', -ov, TO (in Att. also KwiSiov, dim. of kvwv), a little dog
Mt 1526' 27^ Mk 727.28.t
Kuirpios, -a, -ov, of Cyprus, Cyprian : Ac 4^* II20 21^''.t
Ku'irpos, -ov, ^, Cyprus : Ac IV^ 13* 15^^ 21^ 27*.t
Kuirrw, [in LXX chiefly for *np ;] to bow the head, stoop down
Mk 1''^;
seq. koltu), Jo 8'^'^! (cf. dva-, irapa-, a-vv-KVTTTiJij.f
Kupia (Kvpia, T, WH, mg.), -as, 17, [in LXX chiefly for ni^ ;]
I Co 1120; ^^^pa^ Ee l^". (Cf. Adym k., Papias, Bus., HE, iu, 39, 1;
ypa<f)cu K., Clem. Alex., etc; for eccl. usage, cf. Soph., Lex., s.v.)t
Kupieuu (<^»cvptos), [in chiefly for bCTD;] to be lord or LXX
master of, to rule (over) c. gen. obj., Lk 22^^, Eo 14^, 11 Co I2*:
also for ]nK b?3 , , etc. ;] having power (/cvpos) or authority ; as subst.,
o K., lord, master; 1. in general : c. gen. rei, Mt 938 208, Mk 129 1335,
Lk 1933; ^. aaftftdrov, Mt 128, Mk 228, Lk 65; c. gen. pers., Sov\ov,
etc., Mt 102*, Lk 1421, Ac 16i«, al. absol, opp. to ol ; SoSXoi, Eph 65.
in NT, (a) of God 6 k., Mt 533, b^\ Lk 1«, Ac 733, He 82, Ja 4^5,
: Mk
al.; anarth. (Bl., § 46, 6), Mt 219, I320, Lk ll^ He 721, i Pe 12*, Mk
al. ; K. T. oupavou KOI T. y^s, Mt 1125 t. Kvpuvovrtov, I Ti S^^ k. 6 ^cds, ; ;
Sriv^. ."
v.s. Seo-ttotj^s.
*t KupioTTis, -77T0S, 17 (•< Ku'pios), lordship, dominion : Eph l^i,
II Pe 210, Ju8; pi., Col 116 (cf, Lft^ CoZ.; Mayor, Ju., in 11.; DB,
i, 616 f.).t
Ku'tov', KUfos, 6, 17
(in NT masc. only), [in LXX for 2^3;] a dog :
Ee 22i5.t
KuXoi', -ov, TO, a limb, member of a body, [but in LXX (Le
2630, Nu 1429,32,33^ j Ki 17*^ Is 6624*) for -i^g.] hence, carcase:
seq. dTT^ (like Heb. p N^3 Ge 23^, al.), Lk 62^ (cf. Sia-KwXvi^).f
Br]6avia, ib. Ill TffiiYi the name of the district, ras k. Kaicrapias, Mk
K(o<|>6s, -77, -ov (<]Kd7rTw), [in LXX chiefly (Ex 411, al.) for Q^X;
for iar")n, Hb 218;] liiuyit, dull. Metaph., of the senses, esp. {a) of
speech, dumb : Mt 932. 33 i<^t2 1530, 31^ l^ I22 Hi* ; (6) of hearing, dea/;
Mt IP, Mk 732.3T 925^ Lk 722,t
parable: Lk 162o.23-25_t
XtiOpa (Att. ; in Horn., -prQ, Eec. -pa), adv., [in LXX chiefly for
-1^53;] secretly: Mt 1^9 T, Mk 5^3 (WH, mg.), Jo ll^s, Ac 1637.t
talk, speak, say: absol., Mt 933 12*6, 535, lj^ 8*9; seq. is, i Co Mk
1311, Ee 1311 ; €15, 1 Co 14^; iK, Mt 123*; c. ace. rei, Mt lO^*, Ipa, Mk
Jo 830, al. ; c. dat. pers., Mt 12*", Lk 246, jjq 7^, al. ; c. ace. rei et dat.
pars., Mt 918, Jo 10^, al. ; e. prep., Trpo's, fxerd, wepi, Mk 6^0, Lk l^'
233, al.; eV, €^, dTTo', Mt 133, Jo 12*^ 14io, al.; X. t. Xoyov, Mk 832, al.;
seq. orat. dir. (not cl.), Mk 143i, He 5^ ll'^; Hebraistically (Dalman,
Words, 25 f.), cXaXr^o-e Xe'ycov, Mt 1427, Jq 312, Ac 826, al.
SVN. : V.S. Xcyco.
XaXia, -a?, r], [in LXX chiefly for 1^1, HllS'T;] 1. loquacity.
Xafid (Heb. nij^ , v.l. Xf/wi = Aram. ND^), why : Mt 27*6 (WH,
mg., Xc/ota TTr., WH, txt., Xc/xd L), Mk 153* q^^^^ lt^ Xaixp.a, Eec.).t
XajA^dvu, [in LXX chiefly for npb , also for iimz , ID^, 7nx,
etc.;] 1.to take, lay hold of: absol., Mt 2626, Mk 1422; c. ace. rei, Mt
5*0 2652, al. mult.; c. ace. pers., Mt 2135, m^ 123, ^1.; pleonastic
Xa^civ (M, Pr., 230; Bl., §74, 2), Mt 133i 14i9, al.; so also indie,
Mk 727, Jo 19i» *o, Ee 8^, al. metaph., c. ace. rei, dcfiopfirjv, Eo 7^' 11
ir€ipao-/xds, I Co 10" ; aoristic pf. (M, Pr., 145, 238 ; BL, § 59, 4), Ee 5^
8^, al. 2. to receive : absol., opp. to atreiv, Mt 7^, al. ; StSdvai, Mt 10^,
Ac 2035; c. ace. rei, Mt 276, Mk 103o, al. mult.; c. ace. pers., Jo 621
1320 1927, n Joio; pamcrfiaaiv (a vulgarism; Bl., §38, 3), Mk 1465;
metaph., t. Xoyov, Mt 132°, Mk 4^6; T. pxLpTvpiav, Jo S^^ ; T. prjixara,
Ga 2« ; ^0)^;^ alwvtov (Dalman, oj). cit., 124 f.), Mk lO^o (cf. dm-, olvtl-,
(Tvv-avTi- (-/xat), d-rro-, iiri.-, Kara-, jutcra-, irapa-, avv-Trapa-, irpo', Trpocr-,
ford's NPhr., 131 f.; Tr., Syn., §xlvi; DCG, s.v. lamp; DB, iii,
43 f.
**Xa^nrp6s, -a, -ov «Ad/x7r(o), [in To 1S^\ Wi 612 1720^ Si LXX:
2922 331^ (3025) 34 (31)23^ Ep. Je«o*;] bright, brilliant: Trora/zd?, Ee
22^ (EV, clear) da-Trjp, ib. ^^ of clothing, brilliant, splendid : Lk 23^^
; ;
Xaos, -ov, o, [in LXX very freq. for D? , Ge 14^6, al. ; occasionally
for niib (Ge 2523, al.), etc. ;] a word rarely found in Att. prose ; 1. the
Ex 9i«, al.) joined with yXwaaa, 4>vXri, Wvo<;, Ee 5^ 7^ ll^, al. pi,
: ;
Lk 231, jio 1511 egp as almost always in LXX, of Israel, Mt 423, j^j^
1\ Lk 2i«,
Jo 1150, He 21^, al.; opp. to t. lOv-q. Ac 2617.23, Eo 15i0; ol
Trpeo-f^vrepoL [irpCiTOi, etc.) tov X., Mt 2123, LJj \^.\ Ac 4^, al. 6 X. p.ov ;
(avTQv, T. deov), Mt 2^, Lk 1^^ He 1125, al.; of the people disting. from
the rulers and priests (i Es lio, Jth 8^, al.), Mt 26*, Lk 201*, He 5^,
Aao-^a (Eec. -aia), -as, r), Lasea, a city of Crete, otherwise un-
known Ac 27^.t
III Mac 41**;] 1. hired service, service. 2. (in cl. also) divine service,
worship : Jo 162, Rq 94 121, He Q^'^.t
a hired servant), [in LXX (always, as Xarpeta,
Xarpeuo* (<^AaTpis,
of the service of God or of heathen divinities) chiefly for ^23f, Ex 3^2^
al. ; in Da LXX th (3^2^ ^1.) for nbp ;] 1. to work for hire. 2. to
Mk., I.e.), LebbcBUs: Mt 103, 3^8 Mk (WH, mg.; ©aSSalo^, q.v., Eec,
WH, txt., EV, cf. WH, App., 11, 24. In Lk 6", Ac 1^3, he is called
^Lfxwv 6 ZrjXwTrj's.)'^
\4y<a, [in LXX very freq., chiefly for nax ; Ac'yei for DX; , Ge
22^', al. ;] to pick out, gather, reckon, recount.
1. in Horn., 2. In
359, 369 f.), Mt 27^\ Mk 15^, Lk 23^, Jo IS^^; c. dat. pers., seq. orat.
dir., Mt 8-^ Mk 2^\ al. mult. id. seq. on, Mt 3^ al. c. prep., Trpos,
; ;
XeifAfia (WH, Xifx/Jia, V. their .^^^^'-j 154), -ros, to (<^ XetTito), [in
680s X., Is 40* A (nJTf^a); Pr 22« 12i3 2623*;] smooth: opp. to rpa^v^,
Lk 35 (i'^x).t
Xeiirw, [in LXX: Jb 4^1, Pr 19i(*)
(lis), al. ;] 1. trans., to leave,
leave behind; pass., to be left behind, to lack: seq. prep, (as more
usual in cl.), cv, Ja 1* c. gen. rei, ib ^ 2^^. 2. Intrans., to be gone, to
be wanting : c. dat. pers., Lk I822, Tit 3^^ ,-0, XeiTrovra, Tit 1^ (cf diro-, j .
one's own cost, render public service to the State, hence, generally,
2. to serve the State, do a service, serve (of service to the Gods, Diod.,
i, 21) of the official service of priests and Levites (Ex 293", ]^^ iqq^
Si 41*, I Mac 10*2, al. cf. Deiss., BS, 140 f.), He lO^i of Christians
; ; :
Syn. : XaTpivu) (q.v.), prop., to serve for hire, (as some- LXX
times in cl.), always of service to the deity on the part of both priests
and people (Ex 43, De 10^2^ and similarly in NT). Xttrovpyew " is the
fulfilment of an office it has a definite representative character, and
rq% ma-T€w^ V^v, Phi 2^^ ; of Christian beneficence, ii Co 9^2, Phi 23o.t
t XciToupYiK(5s, -rj, -6v, [in LXX for nia^, nittr; epya, Nu 75
XeiToupyiSs, -ov, o (<^ Aaos, epyov), [in LXX chiefly for n^BTlO , Jos
11 A, III Ki 105, Ps 102 (103)21, Si 7^\ al. ;] 1. in cl., one who discharges
a public office at his own expense, then, generally, 2. a public servant,
a minister, servant : t. dyiwv X., He 82 (cf. Ne 10^^, Si, I.e.) 'Irja-ov ;
Xpto-Tov, Eo 151" ;
pi., T, deov, Eo 13", He I^CLXX) .
x.. ifiwv t. xpetas fjLOv,
Phi 225.t
SYN. : V.S. SieiKOVos, XciTovpyeo).
Xc|id, V.S. Xafjid.
*tX^i'Tioi', -OV, TO (Lat. linteum), a linen cloth, towel : Jo 13*' ^.t
Mkl*2, Lk5i2.i3.t
Xeirpos, -a, -oV « AeTrts), [in LXX for yn^ yjSO , ;] 1- (in cl.)
\iuiv, -ovTos, o, [in LXX chiefly for i")}^ , rT!"ll< , also for TB5 ,
etc. ;J
a lion : He ll^^, i Pe 5\ Ee 4^ Q^- ^^ 10^ 132 ; metaph., ii Ti 41^,
Ee 55.t
X^Qx], -r?s, r) {<mei^ = XavOdvi^y), [in LXX: Le S^^ (byo), Wi
16^^ Si 14', al. ;]
forgetfulness : A.. XafSelv (on the phrase, v. Mayor, in
1.) : II Pe l».t
Xtifid, T, for AayLi<£, q.v., in Mt 27'"'.t
\T)p,<j/i,9 (Eec. X^i/'is, so in cl.), -cws, 17 (<^ Xafji/Sdvut), [in LXX (A^i/^-)
Pr 1529 (16S); A. SiLpi^v, Pr 15^7 (n:no) ; ^- '<al 800-19, Si 41^9 42^*;] re-
ceiviiig : Sdo-i? /<ai A., Phi 4^5.t
Xti»'<5s, -oO, y] (in some MSS., LXX and NT, 6), [in LXX chiefly for
n|T, Nu 1827, al; also for Mm (Ge SO^s."!), n3 (Ne U^\ al.), etc.;]
a trough or ^Ja^; esp. for the treading of grapes: Mt 21^^, Ee 142*'
19^^; rr}v A. . . . Tov fjieyav (a solecism perhaps inadvertent), Ee 14^'
(cf. VTToXrjvtov) .f
Xr](TTris, -ov, 6 (<;Ep. XrjLs = Xeta, booty), [in LXX for Tn^, etc.;]
a robber, brigand : Mt 21i3 (lxx) 26^5 2738. ", Mk ll^^ 14« 15^^, Lk
1030, 36 1946 22^2^ Jo IQl, 8 IgiO^ „ Qo 112«.t
Syn. KAeTT-n/?, q.v. :
LXX for npb, Ex 303*, Is 60«; Si 24i5, al.;] 1. in cl., the frankin-
cense-tree. 2. (Occas. in cl.) frankincense (so Le 2^ ; cf. Xi^avcords)
Mt 2^1, Ee 18i3.t
1. throw stones
to (Arist., Polyb., al.). 2. XidofioXeio (LXX, NT), to
pelt with stones, to stone: c. ace. pers., Jo 8 ^^J iQsi-as ns^ Ac 14^9;
pass., Ac 526, II Co 1125, He 1137 (v. DB, Art., "Crimes and punish-
ments," and cf. KaTa-A6^a^o>).t
Le 20^, al. ;] to pelt with stones, to kill by stoning, to stone (cf. Xt^a^w)
c. ace. pers., Mt 2135 23^7, Lk IS^*, Ac T^s- 59 14^ ;
pass., He 12^'0(Lxx).f
Xidos, -ov, 6 (and, in Att., of precious stones, 17.), [in LXX for
8i», al.;] a
75N, Ge 113, al.; x. rt/xios, fori?, Ps 18(19)10 20(21)3, p^
stone: Mt 4", al. at the entrance of a tomb, Mt
pi., Mt 3^ al. ;
225 f., quotes ex. in tt. which suggests the meaning ruin, destroy ; cf.
Vg. comminuet, AV, gririd to powder; cf. also Kennedy, Sources,
126), Mt 21** [WH], R, txt.t
Xijid, T '7,
for Xa/i,a, q.v.
Xi^riK, -evos, 6, [in LXX: Ps 106 (107)30 (Tina), ib.35, i Es 555,
\llivr], -77s, 77, [in LXX: Ps 106 (107)35 113 (114)8 (qjj^)^ Ca
(npi3), I Mae 1135, n Mac 121^*;] a lake : of the Sea of Galilee
(Mt, Mk, V.S. OdXafraa), Lk 52 822-23,33. X. Tevyr)(TapeT (q.v.), Lk 51;
X. T. TTvpo's, Re 1920 2010. 1*. 15 ; Kaiofievrj TTvpi, Re 218.t
Xijios, -ov, 6 (so in Att. ; in Dor. 17, and so sometimes in LXX,
v. Th., Gr., 146; in NT: Lk 15i*, Ac IpS; M, Pr., 60), [in LXX
\ivov (Tr. klvov), -ov, TO, [in LXX Ex 93i : (n^-i^TS), al.;] 1. flax:
Mt 1220 (LXX). 2. linen : Re 15^ (R, mg., v.s. Xt^os).t
Aii'os (Rec. Atvos), ov, 6, Linus: 11 Ti 42i.t
Xnrap<5s, -a, -ov (< XtVos, fat), [in LXX : Jg 329, Ne 935, jg
30^^ (])5^)*;] oily, fatty; metaph., of living, rich, dainty : ra X. koX
T. kafjLTrpd, Re 18^''.t
*t\iTpa, -as, 7] (cf. Lat. libra), 1. a Sicilian coin = Rom. libra or
as. 2. In weight, a pound : Jo 12^ IQ^'^.t
Xii|/, Ai/?os, 6, [in LXX chiefly for 233 . also for ]pT) , n;il?0
etc., Ge 1314, Nu 2io, ii
Ch 323o, al.
;] ^/le STF. wind : fikiirovTa Kara X.,
Ac 2712 (v. Page, in 1. ; Deiss., BS, 141).t
Xoyeia, V.S. Xoyia.
*tXoYia (prop., -ei'a, V. BS, 142 ff.), -as, 7; {<^\oyev(D, to collect, a
word found in tt., v. Deiss., BS, I.e.; LAE, 70, 103; MM, xvi), a
collection: i Co IG^'^.t
Xoyi^ofiai (<;Xoyos), [in LXX chiefly for SCTn ;] 1. prop., of
numerical calculation, to count, reckon: c. ace. seq. /xera, Mk 15^8 (LXX)
(Rec, R, mg.), Lk 22^". 2. Metaph., without reference to numbers,
by a reckoning of characteristics or reasons (a) to reckon, take into ;
account : c. ace. rei, i Co 13* id. seq. dat. pars., Ro 4^ (lxx), 4, 6, 8 (lxx)^
II Co 519, II Ti 4i« ; seq. cts (cf. Heb. ^ nCTHJ ; Bl, § 33, 3), Ac 19^^ Ro
226 43,5,9-11,22-24 98^ Ga 3MLXX)^ ja 2^3 (lxx). (J) iq consider, calctdate:
c. ace. rei. Phi 4^ ; seq. otl, Jo 11*", He 11^^ tovto, on, 11 Co 10^^ e. ace.
; ;
pers., c. inf., Ro 6^^ ; seq. ws, Ro 8^^(^^^); (c) to suppose, judge, deem :
al.; (cf. Xoyciov (-lov), for ]C7n , the oracular breastplate of the H.P.,
Ex 281*, al.) ;] an oracle : Ac 7^8, Ro 3^, He 512, i Pe 411 (on the eecl.,
Xoyia T. Kvptov, v. Lft., Essay on Sup. Bel., 172 ff.).t
*X6yios, -OV «Xdyos), 1. in el., learned (Ac, I.e., R, txt.). 2. In
late Gk., eloquent : Ac 1824 (v. Page, in 1. Field, Notes, 129).t ;
Xoyos, -OV, 6 (^Acyco), [in LXX chiefly for ^^1, also for
101*. Mk 838, Lk 9**, Jo 1424, al.; a. kcvoI, Eph 5«; ^\r,eLvoi, Ee 199;
TTia-TOL, Ee 22" ; esp. of the precepts, decrees and promises God, o of
A. T. 6(ov, the word of God : Mk 7^^, Jo lO^s, Eo 139, i Co 1436, Phi
11*, al.; absol., 6 \., Mt I321.22, Mk 16[20], Lk P, Ac 6*, He 412, al.
3. speech, discourse: Ac 14^2, n Co lOi", Ja 32; opp. to iirKTrokr],
II Th 215 listing, from <7o<f>La, i Co 2'
. avaa~rpo<f>-q, i Ti 412 ; 8wa/iis, ;
c. gen. attrib., He
5. a story, tale, narrative : Mt 281^, Jo 2123,
Ac 11 1122 seq. irepi, Lk 51^. 6. That which is spoken of (Plat., al.
Xo'yov TTopvcta?, Mt 532 jga, WH, mg., E, mg. 2. account, (a) regard
Ac 202*, Eec. ; (6) reckoning : Phi 41^. i7 ; o-vvai>«v (q.v.) X., Mt 1823
2519 ; in forensic sense, Eo I412, He 13i^ i Pe 4^ ; c. gen. rei, Lk 162
seq. TTcpt, Mt 1236, Ac 19*0, i Pe 31^. proportion, analogy : Phi 2i6
(Field, Notes, 193 f.). III. 5 A., the Divine Word or Logos : Jo li' 1*
T. ^w^s. I Jo 11; T. $€ov, Ee 19i3 (v. Westc, Swete, CGT, in refif.
in Artt., Logos, DB, DCG).
X<5yxti, -q's, y, [in LXX for nOT , etc. ;] 1. a spear-head. 2. a
lance, spear: Mt 27*9 (|[WH]|, E, mg.), Jo 193*.t
XoiSop^u, -u) (<^ Xot8opo9), [in LXX chiefly for S"""!;] to abuse,
revile : c. ace. pers., Jo 928, j^q 23* ; pass., i Co 412, i Pe 223 (^i ^^,^|^_
Xoi|i<Js, -ov, 6, [in LXX for Y^b , r^iy , b^b^ , etc. ;] pestilence
pi., Lk 2111 . metaph. (as in cl. ; LXX : Ps l^, Pr 212*, i Mac 15^\
al.), of persons, a pest : Ac 24^ (also as adj., av8pt<; Xoi/xoi, i Mac lO'i,
Xoi-iros, -i;, -o'v (•< XciVw), [in LXX chiefly for inn , also for
Mt 25ii,
^t<V , 6tc. ;] the remaining, the rest, 1. pi., ol X. : c. subst.,
Ac 272^ II Ti 48 ToO A. (sc. xpovov LS, s.v. M, Pr., 73 Bl., § 36, 13),
; ; ; ;
Ga 61'^, Eph 61** (6) besides, moreover, for the rest : Phi 31 4^
(of a dead body) id. seq. dTro' (Deiss., BS, I.e.), Ac 16^3
; pass. ptcp. ;
155 f., 238 f.), II Pe 222 metaph.. Re l^ Rec, R, mg. (cf. d7ro-Xovw).t
At588a, -as (Ac 93^, -r?s Rec), 7; and Ai;'S8a, -wv, TO. (ib.^2,35.
-av, Rec), (Heb. ib), Lydda (modern Ludd) Ac, 11. e.t :
I Pe 1^ X. KoX a^rjfjLoveiv, Mt
; opp tQ 2637 . ^^aiptiv, II Co 61" ; Kara ^eoV,
II Co 79* ^1 T. TTveufJia T. ayiov, Eph 43" (cf.
; <TW-XviTi(i>).f
Syn. : v.s. 6pnr)vi(o.
XuTTT), -T/s, 77, [in LXX for ay^ and cogn. forms, etc. ;]
pain of
body or mind, grief, sorrow : Jo 16^, 11 Co opp. to x^pa. Jo IS^**,
2^" ;
He 1211; ^^^ ^-^ x., Lk 22^5 ; iK X., 11 Co 9^• rj Kara B^ov A., opp. to
q T. Koa/JLOV X., II Co 710 ; X. /-tot ecrrtv, Eo 9^ ; X. Ix<^. Jo IG^l' 22 •
j^. seq.
aTTo, II Co 23 ; X. eirl X. Ix<^, Phi 2^7 ; eV X. eX^elv, II Co 2^ (to come sad
and cause sadness) ; pi. (cf. Ge S^e, Pr 15^^, al.), i Pe 2^^.f
Auaaf las, -ov, 6, Lysanias : Lk S^.t
Aoffias, -ou, o, Lysias {Claudius L., Ac 232«), Ac 24f],22_-|-
Xo'xi'os, -ov, 6, [in LXX for 13 (Ex 253" (37)^ al.) ;] a lamp (portable,
and usually set on a stand, Xv^ita) : Lk 113' ^p^„fju 6 X., Mk
Mt 5^^, .
421 ; X. S.7rT€iv, Lk 8i« 1133 158. ^-5 Xv'xvov, Ee 1823; id. opp. to <^.
17X10V, ib. 225; metaph., of the eye, Mt 622, Lk 113*; of John the
Xuu, [in LXX for nriQ 103 hi,, etc. ;] 1. to loose, unbind,
tie, I Co T^'^ one diseased, Lk 13^^ of release from sin, Ee 1^, WH,
; of ;
E, txt. (v.s. \ov<x)). 2. To resolve a whole into its parts, loosen, dissolve,
break up, destroy Jo 2^^, Ac 27*\ Ee 5^ metaph., 11 Pe 3^^ of an
: ; ;
M, fi, (iu, TO, indecl., mu, m, the twelfth letter. As a numeral,
/= 40, fji^
= 40,000.
Made, 6, indecl., Maath : Lk 32«.t
Magadan, an unidentified place on the coast of the Sea
of Galilee Mt 15^9 (Eec. MaySaAd cf Mk 8^^, where for AaA/xavov^d,
: ; .
liaeTj-nis, -ov, 6 (fxavOdvo)), [in only as v.l. (A) in Je I321 20^^ LXX
26 (46)9 *;] a disciple : opp. to SlUo-koXos, Mt lO^*, Lk 6*0 ; 'Iwavvov,
Mt 91*, Lk ^aptmjio^v, Mt 22^6,
7I8, Jo 218, Lk 533
325 ; T.
Mojvo-ccus, Mk .
Jo 928; 'It/o-oC, Lk 617 711 193^ Jo 666 73 1938. esp. the twelve, Mt 10^
111, Mk
71^ Lk 39, Jo 22, al. ; later, of Christians generally, Ac 6i»2,7
Qio, al. ; T. Kvpiov, Ac 9^.
*+ /iadi^Tpia, -as, v' ( = fio-OriTpis, fem. of fiaOrj-n^s, q.v.), a female
disciple : Ac 9^" f
MaOOaOias, V.S. MaTTa^ias.
MaeOalos (Eec. Mard-, V. WH, .4j9;)., 159; Bl., § 3, 11; on the
Semitic form, v. Dalman, Words, 51; Gr., 142), -ov, 6, Matthew : Mt
^ii., 99 103, Mk 318, Lk 615, Ac li^ (cf. Aci^c^.t
^€o's (8w<£o-t7?s), i Ti in
6i5; iXn^s, Tit 2i3;
happy {DCG, 177, 213) i, :
fiaKapiafios, -ov, 6 (fiaKapi^o)) , a declaration of blessedness,
felicitation : Eo 46, 9^ Qa 41^ (Plat., Arist.).t
/xaKpdv (prop. fern. ace. of fmKp6<i, sc. 68w), adv., [in LXX for
pm hi., prir^ , etc. ;] a long way, far : Lk IS'^", Ac 22^1 ; seq. airo, Mt
S'"'", Lk 1\ Jo 218, Ac 172"; id. metaph., Mk 12^4; ol d% /*., Ac 239 (cf.
Is 22) ; metaph., ol ttotI ovrts ju,. (opp. to lyyv%), Eph 21^ ; oi /a., ib. ^'^.t
6«, Ga 522, Eph 42, Col 312, i Ti lie, 11 Ti 42, i Pe 320, 11 Pe 3i*.t
lived: Eph63(Lx^).+
,id\a, adv., [in LXX for b^S, m Ki 1«, Da LXX lO^i, al.;
oo-o), He
1112, a,i 102s. 2. Of comparison, the more:
Too-ovrw .
. . .
Lk 5l^ Jo 518, Ac 51*, I Th 41'!'', 11 Pe V^; hi ,1. Kal p.. Phi 19; c.
compar., Mk 7^*, 11 Co 71^; iroWw fi. Kpelaa-ov, Phi 12^; ft, ha<f>ipiLV,
28", Is 38^ 533, al. ;] 1. prop., softness, effeminacy (Hdt., Thuc, al.).
2, In NT, as in LXX, = aa-devtLa, weakness, sickness : voo-os nal fx.,
Mt 423 935 IQi.t
/SFiV. ; V.S. d<r6€V€ia.
(Q^p-ji^ppg) *
ftaXaic^s, -i -oV, [in LXX: Pr 25^^^
(^n) 2622 .j
son of Joseph ; (6) the tribe which bore his name : Ee 7". 2. King
of Judah : Mt l^^.t
ftavQdvQ>, [in LXX chiefly for mb;] to learn, esp. by
1. inquiry
absol, I Co 1431, iTi 2^\ ii Ti 3' ; c. ace. rei, Jo 7^^ (sc. aird), Eo le^^,
I Co 1435, Phi 49, II Ti 3l^ Ee 14^; seq. quaes, indir., Mt 9^^; XptcrroV,
Eph 420
{ICC, in 1.) gen. rei, Mt 2432, ; I328; diro, c. gen.
seq. i-n-o, c. Mk
pers., Mt 1129, Col gen. pers., 11 Ti 31*;V;cv, c. dat. pers.,
-n-apd, c.
I Co 4''; "point" aorist (M, Pr., 117), to ascertain, seq. on, Ac 232^;
c. ace. seq. (xtto, Ga 32, 2. to learn by use and practice, acquire the
habit of, be accustomed to : e. inf. (Bl., § 69, 4), i Ti 5*, Tit 3^*; id. c.
nom. in pred. (Bl., § 72, 1), Phi 4}^; c. ace. rei seq. ctTro', He 5^; dpyal
fiav6dvov(Tiv (EV, they learn to be idle ; Bl., § 73, 5 ; Field, Notes, 210),
I Ti 5i3.t
(cf. a/i,apai'TOv).t
Dalman, Gr., % 4:1,1; 74, 3; Words, 328). Maran atha, i.e. the Lord
Cometh (but v. Dalman, 11. c. Field, Notes, 180 ICC, in 1.) i Co 1622.t
; ; :
MdpGa, -as (BL, §7, 2), 7; (Aram. Urt-]^), Martha: Lk lO^s. *o, 41^
Jo lli.s.iaff. 122.+
Eo 16^ (on the signification of the name, v. Zorell, s.v. on the use of ;
Phm24, I Pe 5'3 (v. Swete, Mk., Intr., xiiiff.; DB, iii, 245ff).t
** fidpfiapos, -ov, 6 {<^ij.apixatpui, to glisten), [in LXX: Ep. Je"2*;]
1. any crystalline stone (Hom., Eur., al.). 2. In later writers, marble :
Ee 18i2.t
p.dpTup, V.S. p-dpTVi.
fiapTupe'w, -w {<^ p.dpTv<s) , [in LXX chiefly for 137 (Ge 31*"»*^, al.),
also for Tiy hi. (Ge 43^, La 2^^), njy (Nu 353");] (a) a
prop., to be
witness, bear witness, testify: absol. (Pind., al.), Jo 15", Ac 26^;
parenthetical (Bl., § 79, 7 ; MM, xvi), 11 Co 8^ c. dat. pers. (coram,
at incomm.; Bl., § 37, 2), Ac 22«, He IQi*; id. seq. on, Mt 233i,
Eo 102, al.; ace. et inf., Ac lO*^; c. ace. rei (cl.), Jo 3", Ee 22^6.20;
c. ace. eogn., seq. Trcpt, Jo 5^^, i Jo 5^<> ; c. dat. rei, Jo 5^^, Ac 14^, al.
seq. gen. (pers. et rei), Jo V' 8- is 2^^ IS^s 212*,
TTcpt, c. al. ; id. seq.
oTi, Jo 536 7^ 5x1, Jo P* 4" al.; 5ti recit., Jo 439; Kara seq. on,
I Co 151*; pass., He 78; ptcp., Eo 3^1; impers.. He 7^7; (b) in late
Gk., to witness favourably, give a good report, approve (Bl., § 54, 3
MM, xvi Deiss., BS, 265) c. dat. pers., Lk 4^2 seq. Ittl, e. dat. rei,
; : ;
vTTo, c. gen. pers., Ac IO22, al. impers., in Jo^ (cf. i-m-, o-w-ctti-, ;
Kara-, (rw-/xapTvp€(i)).
{GGT, in I), I Ti 2« ; 17 <rK7]v^ toC p.. (LXX for iria br}ii), Ac 7**,
Ee 156.t
{<CpdpTvp), [in LXX: Jth 728, i Mac 2^^ N)*;] to
summon as witness (M, Th., 25 f Hort., / Pe., 53 f. Lft., Notes, 29 .
; ;
fidpTus (-^olic pdpTvp), -vpos, 6 (also 77), [in LXX for IJT;] a
witness : Ac 10*i, i Ti 612, 11 Ti 22, He 12i (Westc, in
in forensic
1.) ;
witnessed for Christ by their death (in later Xn. lit., martyr : Swete,
Ap., 35), Ac 2220, Rg 2i3 176.t
p,aa(iofi,ai (Eec. p-acrcr-), -wyuai (Aristoph. and late writers, but not
in Trag. or in good Att. prose), [in LXX : Jb 30* (dD^), Si 19^ A*;] to
fido-Til, -tyos, 17, [in for 13112? etc. ;] a whip, scourge : Ac LXX ,
<^ixdTr)v), [in LXX for N1C7 , b^H 3T3 , , etc.;] vain, useless: dvox^cX'^9
3uo(Lxx)j ayacrTpo(f>-q, I Pe 11^; of idols and heathen gods, ra [x. (Je 2*,
IV Ki 17l^ al.) : Ac 14i5.
38 (39)* 61 (62)9, g,]., and nearly 40 times in Ec ; for K"!2r , Ps 25*, al.
Eph 4I''
(elsewhere only in Pollux, 6, 134, and Eccl.).t
t^axaiou), -w «/AdTaios), [in IV Ki 17l^ Je 2^, LXX: al. (bnn),
etc. ;] to make vain, foolish : Eo l^i.t
]i.&Ti]v (prop. acc. of /AaV?;, a fault, folly), adv., [in LXX for
or dagger (as disting. from pofxcftaia, a large broad sword and ^i'</)os, a
straight sword for thrusting) Mt 26*7ff-, 1448,47,48^ Lk 2236 »-, j^ : Mk
18i»' 11, Ac 1627, He 1137, Ee 6* 13io. 1* o-To>a fiaxaipr]<: (as in Heb. ;
/jicYa^6i<5Tris, -qros, tj
« /xeyoXcros), [in LXX : Je 40 (33)9 (ni^fpn),
Da LXX 727, I Es 1* 4*o* ;] splendour, magnificence : Lk 9*^ Ac 1927,
II Pe 1^*5 (freq. in tt. as a ceremonial title, MM, xvi).t
II Mac 8^* 15^3, III Mac 2^*;] befitting a great man, magnificent,
majestic : 11 Pe l^^ (cf. MM, xvi).t
^i.€ya\6v(,} «/x,€yas), [in LXX chiefly for blS pi., hi.;] 1. to make
great : Mt 23*, Lk 1*^. 2. to declare great, exHol, magnify : Lk 1*",
tfieyaXwo-oinrj, -r)<s, r; (<^/x€yas), [in LXX chiefly for n^HJ and COgn.
forms, II Ki 72^, Ps 144 (145)^, al. ;]
greatness, majesty : He 1^ 8^, Ju 25
(elsewhere Eccl. only).t
(i^yas, fieydXr], /xe'ya, [in LXX chiefly for ^113 , also for DT], , n^^O
(incl. /Act^wv), ST (/i.€yto-Tos) ;]
great; 1. of external form, bodily size,
measure, extent : \i6os, Mt 27*'*>; SpdKw, Re 12^ lx6Zs, Jo 21^^ tto'Xis,
; ;
Re 11^ Re ;
fjLOLxaLpa, 6*, al. Of intensity and degree Swaynis, Ac :
^eo's (MM, xvi), Tit 2^3; "Apre^t^, Ac 1927; compar. (v. infr.), Mt 18^
(cf.Dalman, Words, 113 f.) neut. for masc. (Bl., ; § 32, 1), Mt 12« ;
contr. ix€L^(i), Jo 151 . double compar., fiei^orepo^ (M, Pr., 236 ; Bl., § 11, 4),
III Jo*; (b) superl, /ttyio-Tos (Deiss., BS, 365), 11 Pe 1*.
ol PL., the chief men, nobles (Manetho, FIJ, al.) : Mk 621, Re 6i5 1823.t
\iiQi\, -t;s, ^, [in LXX chiefly for "ipgr and cognate forms;]
drunkenness : Lk 213* . pi , jjo 1313, Qa, 52i.t
SYN. : V.S. Kuiyxos.
p,€9-to-rr)/xi and
(late form, i Co 13^) /jLeOia-Tavu}, [in for LXX
IID hi., etc.trans, in pres., impf., fut. and aor. 1, to change, remove
c. ace. rei, oprj, i Co 13^ (cf. Is 54^^) c. ace. pers. seq. ets. Col 1^^ ; :
seq. CK, pass., Lk 16* of causing death (cf. similar intrans. sense,
Eur., Ale, 21, al.), Ac 13'-^2_ Metaph. (cf. t. KapStW /x., Jos 148), c.
ace. pers., to pervert : Ac 19-^.t
*tjie0-o8ta (Eec. -€ta; cf. Bl., § 3, 5), -as, 17 t /At^oScvw, 1, to treat
by rule. 2. to employ craft : iv Ki 19'^^ *), craft, deceit : Eph 4^* 6^^
(not found elsewhere v. AE, in l.).t ;
li€Q-6piov, -ov, TO (neut. of /xe^optos, -a, -ov), [in Jos 19^^ LXX :
ficGow {<^fxi6v, wine, cf. fxidrj), [in LXX chiefly forlStZT, mi;] to
be drunken: Mt 24*9, Jq 210, Ac 2l^ i Co Ipi, i Th 5^; metaph.,
|i.ciYfia, -Tos, TO, v.s. /Aty/xa, and cf. Bl., § 3, 5.
(ih^), etc.;] black: Ee 6^. i2; opp. to A-cwkos, Mt b^^; neut., to /x.,
MeXcd (Eec. -5s, gen., -S), indecl, 6 (Heb. nx^p), Melea : Lk S^i.t
fiAi, -To^, TO, [in LXX freq. (Ge 43^1, al.) for ^y[; for ng)i, Pr
53;] honey: Ee lO^'^O; dypiov (q.v.), Mt 3*, Mk l«.t
*t jjicXio-aios, -a, -ov (elsewhere t-aios, -cios; •<^ /xc'Xto-o-a, a bee, cf.
/xc'Xi), made by bees : Lk 24*'- (Eec, WH,
E, mg.).t
MeXiTT], (Eec, E, txt.), MeXiT-qvr] (WH, E, mg., v. WH, App.,
160), Melita, Melitene (mod. Malta) : Ac 28i.t
one's own free will : c. inf. praes., Mt 2^3, Lk 10\ Ac 3^ 5^^, He 8*,
n Pe 112 (j^ield, Notes, 240), al.; c. inf. aor. (Bl., § 58, 3), Ac 12«, Ee
3^* ;
(b) of compulsion, necessity or certainty : praes., Mt 16^'',
c. inf.
Lk 931, Jo 671^ Ro 42*, al.; c. inf. aor., Eo S^s, Ga 323, Ee 32 12*.
2. Ptcp., 6 fx€k\mv: absol., Eo 838, i Co 322; ra fi., Col 2^^ ti's to fi.
(Field, Notes, 65) ; c. subst., Mt 3^ 1232 (« ^Iwy 6 fi. ; LXX for ly), Ac
2425, 1 Ti 48, He 25, al.
fieXos, -ovs, TO, [in LXX chiefly for np3 ;] a member, limb of the
body: i Go 12i*'i9.2e^
gph 41" (WH, mg.), Ja 3^; pi. (as always in
cl.), rh Mt 529.30, Eo 613.19 75.23 124^ i Co 1212^-, Col 3^, Ja 3« 41.
IX. :
^ic'Xoi, [in LXX : Jb 223 (1^50), To 105, wi 12i3, i Mac 14*2. «;]
1. intrans., to be an object of care, be a care; commonly in third
pers. dat. pers., Ac ISi'^ ; very freq. impers., i Co 7*i ; seq. oti,
: c.
Mk 438, Lk 10*0; c. gen. rei (as freq. in Att.), i Co 99; seq. Trtpt, Mt
22i«, Mk
121*, Jo 1013 126^ i Pe 5^. 2. Trans., in act. and mid., to
care for (not in LXX or NT).t
*t ficjippdi^a, -as, 17 (Lat. membrana), parchment Ti 4i3.t
: 11
**(i^^4)o^ai, [in Si 11^ 41^, 11 Mac LXX: 2^*;] to blame, find
fault: absol., 9i9;
ace, avrovs (WH, txt. avrois, Eec,
Eo c. ; WH,
mg. ; on rendering with avroh v. Westc, in 1.), He 88.t
* jicji»|/ifi,oipos, -ov (•<[ /A6yu.<^o/xat, + fxoLpa, fate, lot), complaining of
one' s fate, querulous : Jui^.t
conjunctive particle (originally a form of /at/v), usually
related to a following Be or other adversative conjunction, and dis-
tinguishing the word or clause with which it stands from that which
follows. It is generally untranslatable and is not nearly so frequent
in NT as in cl. Like 8e, it never stands first in a clause.
1. Answered by Se or some other particle /xev Se, indeed : . . .
. .partly. He 1033; ^^
. circira, Jo 11*; fiev KOL, Lk 85. ^ ^ . . .
fieV-Toi = fiiv TOL, yet, however : Jo 4^^, al. ; el /x., Ja 2^ (if indeed).
liivb}, [in LXX for TiQjr , mp , etc. ;] to stay, abide, remain.
1. Intrans. ;
(i) of place : seq. iv, Lk 8^7, al. ; Trapd, c. dat. pers., Jo 1*°,
al; <Tvv, Lk kavrov, Ac 28i«; c. adv., eKil, Mt lO^i; diSe,
1''*'; kuO'
Mt 26=*8; metaph., i Jo 2i8; of the Holy Spirit, Jo l^^.^a 1417. of
Christ, Jo 6^^ 15*, al. 6 ^€os, i Jo 4^" conversely, of Christians,
; ,
pers., Ac 20^' ^^ (cf. dia-, 8ta-, iv, l-m-, Kara-, irapa-, avv-Trapa-, nepi-,
irpocr-, VTvo-p-ivui).
bestow : Eo 12^, i Co 7^'', 11 Co 10^^, He 72; mid., c. ace. rei seq. p.€Td,
Lk 1213 (cf. 8m-, o-u/x-//cpt'^o)).t
al ;]
(in cl. chiefly poet.) care, anxiety : i Pe 5'^
pi., Lk 81*, 21^* •
(xcpts, -t'Sos, rj, [in LXX chiefly for pbn , nf^l^n;] 1. (as in cl.) a
part, 2)ortion: Lk 10*2, Ac 821, 11 Co 61^, Col I12. 2. In later Gk
(v. MM, xvi), as geographical term, a division, district : Ac 16i2.t
fiepior|ji6s, -oD, 6 (< fiepi^oi), [in LXX for n|?bqO , Hi^^no Jos , 1123,
Lk 1136, Jo 1923, Ac 52 23«, Eph 416, Ee 161^; c. gen. (of the whole),
duo. (/cara) fxepos, I Co 142^, He 9^ /xepos ti, aTro fi., in part, Eo 112' ;
respect of, Col 2^^ ; iv r. /*. toutw, in this respect, 11 Co S^^ 92.t
\Le(Tav6KT{.ov, V.S. fieaovvKTw;.
fieoTifijSpia, -as, 17 (/^ecros, vfiepa), [in LXX chiefly for inX , Ge
3i«, al; also for na5, Da LXX 8*- 9, al.;] 1. noon: Ac 226. 2. the
South: Ac826.t
*fi€aiT€o'« (<^ ^€(rtTr;s), to interpose, mediate: opKw, He 6^'''
ii, iii).t
fjL., midnight and late writers) gen., Lk 11^; ftc'^pt fi., Ac 20^;
(Arist. :
jjieo-os, -f], -ov, [in LXX chiefly for ^iri ;] middle, in the middle or
midst; 1. prop., as an adj. Lk 23*^, Jo 19^^ Ac l^^; c. gen. pi., Lk :
22^5, Jo 126; gen. temp, (BL, §36, 13), piearjs wktos, Mt 256; ^,
rjp.ipa'i, Ac 26^^. 2, In adverbial phrases, neut., fxeaov, to /x., as
subst. : dftt fiicrov, c. gen., between (cl. ; in LXX : Ge 1*, al.),
al. ; metaph., of divine help and guidance, Jo 3^, Ac 7^, Phi 4^, al.
opp. to elvai Kara, Mt 12^0^ Lk 1123 •
j^ Hellenistic usage (but v. M,
Pr., 106, 246 f.), TroXe/xeiv /xerd = cl. tt., c. dat., to wage war against
(so LXX for Qy nnb? , i Ki 1733), Ee 2i«, al.
; c. gen. rei, x^pas, Mt
1320, Mk 416, al. ; opy^s, Mk 3^, al.
II. C. ace, 1. of place, behind, after : He 93. 2. Of tim^, after:
Mt n\ Mk 141, Lk 1«4, Ac l^ Ga l^^, al.; /tcra toOto, Jo 2^2, al.;
TaZra, Mk 16112], Lk 527, Jo 322, al; c. inf. artic. (BL, § 71, 5; 72, 3),
Mt 2632, Mk 114, al.
III. In composition, 1. of association or community : /xcTaSt'Sw/i,!,
3. after : fxerafiiXofjiai.
** ii^ra-^aivu,, [in LXX Wi :
72^ 19i9, 11 Mac 6i'9'24*.-| to
pass over
from one place to another Mt I720, Lk IC : ; with reference to the
point of departure only, to tvithdraw, depart : Mt 83* 11^ 12^ 152^, Jo
73, Ac 18^ of removal from this life, ck t. koct/jlov Trpos t. Jlarepa,
share of, impart : c. dat. pers. et ace. rei (in cl. more freq., c. gen.
part., but ace. of that which is imparted, whether part or whole, so
here, v. Bl., § 36, 1), Ro l", i Th 2«, and (with ellipse of ace.) Lk 311
n^a hi., etc.)*;] 1. trans., to remove (LXX, 11. c). 2. (not cl.) to
depart : Mt IS^s I91 (cf. Aq. Ge 12«).t :
jSaTTTLo-fia (q.v.) /xcravotas, 1*, Lk 33, Ac 132^ 19*; ^ fJs Mk e^bv fi.,
Ac 2021 ; fi. diro vtKpwv epycov. He 61 ; €ts /A. KaXciv, Lk 532 ; id. dyctv,
Eo 2* ; dva*ca«vt'^€tv. He 6" ; cts /a. xuiprjaai, II Pe 39 ; {x. hovvat, Ac
531 1118^ ij Yl 5^25.t
Plut., al.), like /actoi (adv.), after, afterwards : to /a. o-a/^ySarov, Ac 13^^
(cf. CI., i?o., / Co., 44, 2).
Prep. c. gen., between: of place, Mt2336,
Lk 11" 1626, Ac 12'^; of persons, as to mutual relation, Mt IS^^,
Ac 159, Ro 2i^t
ftcTa-rr^^nro,, [in LXX (mid.) Ge 27*^ (npb), Nu 23^ (nn3 hi.),
II Mac 15^\ III Mac 5^^ j^^ ly Mac 123. c * ^q gg^ ^j^igj. or /or .j .•
pass., Ac 102y^ Chiefly in mid., to send for, summon: Ac
1113 201 2424.26 253.t
(jicTa-(jTp£<t>w, [in LXX chiefly for "JJDn;] io ^zi-rw about, turn,
change : pass. Ac Ja , (WH, txt., ixeraTpe-n-w, q.y.) in evil
22o (l^'^), 4^ ;
appearance c. ace. rei, t. o-w^a, Phi 321 mid., seq. ck, 11 Co ll^^.
: ;
ei?, fig., i.e. to make one thing a pretext for another, xapiv els da-eXyeiav,
Ju*. Mid., to change oneself, pass over: seq. airo et ets, Ga 1"
cf. ucTa(rTpe^a)).t
**^cT-e'TreiTa, adv., [in LXX: Jth 95, Es 31^, iii Mac 32**;] after-
wards : He 12i7.t
^€T-^X". [in LXX : Pr 51^ (n?<), lis, i Es 5*« 8^0, Si 5128, al. ;]
to partake of, share in : irr cXttiSi tov ^erix'^iv, i Co 91" ; c. gen. rei,
a tribe. He 7i3.t
II Mac 51^ 73*, III Mac 6^*;] to raise Ob, on high (Thuc, Xen., al. ;
Mi, Ez, 11. c). Metaph., (a) to buoy up ; pass., to be elated, puffed
up (Polyb., al., Ps, ii, iii Mac, 11. c.) {b) to be anxious, in suspense ;
(ieTWTToi', -ov, TO (yucTa + wi/', an Bye), [in LXX for nyp ;] the fore-
gen., as far as, even to, until ; (a) of place Eo 15^^ {h) of time Mt :
; :
1123 1330 2815, Lk 16i«, Ac 1030 20^ Eo 51*, i Ti 6^*, He 3^. i* 910
(c) of measure or degree Phi 28> 30^ n Ti 2^, He 12* (/i. at/taTos, cf
(Thuc, iii, 28, but more freq. /x. av, v. Bl., §65, 10), Mk 1330, Ga 4i9
cf. a^pi)."^
63^ Mk 1218, Ac 15^8, Eo 2^1, al. {b) c. artic. inf. after a prep., Mt ;
135, Mk 45, Ac 719, I Co 10«, al. without a prep., Eo 14i3, 11 Co 2i. i3, ;
1 Th 4*'
; (c) in sentences expressing consequence, after Siare : Mt 8^^,
Mk 320, I Co V,
C. ptcp. (v. M, Pr., 231 f., 239), in
II Co 37, al. 5.
hypothetical references to persons of a certain character or description :
6''*, I Co 1^8 4^' 18, II Co 521, al. ; where the ptcp. has a concessive,
causal or conditional force, if, though, because not : Mt 18^^, Lk 2*^,
Jo 7*9, Ac 926, Eo 21* 513, II Co 31*, Ga 6^, Ju ^ where the ptcp. has
wishes: 11 Ti 4.^H^^^); ^^^ yeVoiro (v. M, Pr., 194; Bl., § 66, 1), Lk
20i«, Eo 33, al. ; ix^ rts, Mk 13^ al.
II. As a conj., 1, after verbs of fearing, caution, etc., that, lest,
perhaps (M, Pr., 192 f.) c. subjc. praes., He 12i^ c. subjc. aor., Mt 24*, : ;
Mk 13^ Lk 218, Ac 13*0, Ga 51^, al. 5pa ^^ (v. M, Pr., 124, 178), ;
elliptically, Ee I910 22^; c. indie, fut. (M, Pr., I.e.), Col 28. 2. in order
that not : c. subjc. aor., Mk 133^, n Co 820 12^.
III. Interrogative, in hesitant questions (M, Pr., 170), or where
a negative answer is expected : Mt 79. 10, Mk 2i9,
Jo 3*, Eo 3^ IOI8. i9,
I Co 113, al. ; fx.-q Tts, Lk 22**, al seq. oi (Eo ; lOi'', al. in PI.), expecting
an affirm, ans. ; oi fxrj, Lk 18^^, Jo I8I1.
/xy as emphatic negation (cf. M, Pr., 188, 190 ff.
IV. ov Bl, ;
jxTJKos, -COS (-ovs), TO, [in LXX chiefly for IJIK;] length: Eph 3^®,
Ee 21i6.t
«/x^/cos), [in LXX: Is 441* (blZ pi.), Ez 1225.28
("tTJD ni.)*;] ^0 lengthen, extend: of causing plants to grow, Is, I.e.;
pass, (mid., Swete, in 1.), to grow : Mk 42".t
fjiT)XwTii, -^s, 7] {<^ixrjXov, a or goat), [in LXX
sheep for
Ki 1913. Ki 13, !**;]« sheepskin : He ll^^.t
nilN , III 19, IV 28'
y.y\v, gen., fx-qvos, o, [in LXX very freq. for B7in , Ge Tn, al. ; a
few times form?.;] a month: Lk 124,26,36,56 426^ Ac 720 IS" 198 203
ja g^.io.is II2 135 222;
Ee the festival of the new
2811, 517^ pj,^ of
moon (cf. Is 6623), 4io.t q^
**,iY].'u(a, [in 11 LXX
3^ 611 1437, : Mac m Mac 328, iv Mac 43*;] to
disclose, declare, make knotun : Lk 20^7, i Co 1028 ; in forensic sense,
to inform, report : Jo ll*^ j
pass., c. dat. pers., Ac 233*^.t
lest haply (the idea of chance rather than of time seems to prevail in
NT) Mt 4«(i'^) 525 78 l3iMLxx),29 1532 2764^ Mk 412(^x2:) 142^ Lk 411
917 (E, txt., cf. Westc, in 1. but v. supr.) {b) in indirect questions,
^fiTJirw {fjLTi TTw, LTr., in Eo, I.e.), adv., not yet: c. ptcp., Ro 9^^;
c. ace. et inf., He 9^.t
or ixq n-(M<i (so WH), negative particle, 1. as eonje., lest
haply in final sentences, i Co 9^", ii Co 2^" 9* after verbs of fearing
: ;
fiTjpos, -ov, 6, [in LXX chiefly for "JJT ;] the thigh : Ee Id^^.f
fiTi-T6, negative particle, differing from ovtc as /at; from ou, neither,
nor: fx^re . . fjuyn, neither
. nor, Mt 11^^ Lk 7^3 9^, Ac 2312.21
. . .
fiilTT]p, gen,, fj.rjTpo'i, rj, [in LXX chiefly for DN ;] mother : Mt 1^^
one who
takes the place of a mother, iSov fi. fj,ov, Mt
2^1, al. ; fig., of -fj
fi-f]Tpa, -as, rj {<C^fxrirr]p), [in LXX chiefly for 0111;] the womb:
Lk 223 (LXX)^ ^Q 419,t
*jiT)TpoXwas (Eec. -aAwas, in el., -aXot'as, V. BL, § 3, 3 6, 2), -ov, 6 ;
(<^ fi-JT-qp +
dAotaw, to smite) (a) a matricide : i Ti 1^ (AV, E, txt., ;
but V. infr.) ; (b) a smiter of his mother : 1 Ti 19 (E, mg., cf. Ex 211^,
and V. Ellic, CGT, in l.).t
fir]Tp6-iroXis, -£tos, 17, [in LXX for UN , etc. ;] a metropolis, chief
city : I Ti, subscr. (Eec.).t
fiia, V.S. els.
stain, defile, soil; (a) in physical sense; (b) inmoral sense: Tit li*.
He 1215, Ju 8 (c) in ritual sense (cf. La 22^, al.)
Jo 1828.t :
(xiKpos, -a, -dv, [in LXX chiefly for ]b(? , tsrp ;] small, little
Mt 26^3^ Mk i47o,f
MiXrjTos, -ov, rj, Miletus, a maritime city of Caria : Ac 20i^' i'^,
II Ti 42o.t
*t jxtXtoi', -ov, TO, a Boman mile (1680 yds.) Mt 5*i.t :
sins, =
to forgive. He
812 lOi'd'XX). q gen. pers., Lk 23*2; seq. oti,
Mt 523 2763, Lk 1625, Jo 21^.22 1216; ^5^ Lk 246; pf.^ ^c>v77/ii, in pres.
sense (cl.), c. gen. pers. (rei), i Co II2, 11 Ti 1* pres., fiifiv^a-KOfxat (only ;
IxifjLv^a-KOi. The tenses of this verb are from the older /ivaoyLiat).t
fiiCT^w, -w, [in LXX chiefly for N3C7 ;] to hate : c. ace. pers.
Mt 5*3 241^ Lk 171 622, 5!T^ 19U_ Jo 77 1518,19,23-25 lyu^ Tit 33, I Jo 29.11
313,15 420^ Re I716; pass., Mt IO22 24^, Mk 13i3, Lk 211^; c. ace. rei,
Jo Eo 715, Eph 5'-9, He 1^, Ju23, Re 26; pass., Ee 182. As the
fiiCT06s, -ou, o, [in LXX chiefly for "IS^T,"] 1. prop., wages, hire:
Mt Lk 107, Ro 4*, I Ti 518, Ja 5*, Ju 11 fx. dSiKi'as, Ac l^^, n Pe 2^3
208, ;
(but V. Mayor and ICC, in 1.), ib. ^^. 2. Generally, reward Jo 4^^, :
/xi<r0a)T<5s, ->?, ov, «/xio-^oa)), [in LXX for TDK?, Ex 12«, al.;]
MixariX, 6, indecl. (Heb. bN3"'P , who like God ?), Michael, the
Archangel (cf. Da 12i) Ju ^ Re 12^.+
[iva, -as, 17 (a Semitic word cf. Heb. nja ; , Aram. X3p , a weight
and a sum of money = 100 shekels, cf. iii Ki IQi''), a mina (Lat.),
mna, in Attic a weight and sum of money = 100 Spax/xat (q.v.) Lk :
ficcia, -as, r} {<^ixifx.vri(TK(M), [in LXX for IDT , its parts and deriva-
tives;] remembrance, mention (= fLvrj^ri) : Phi 13; ^. TroulaOai, c. gen.
pers., Eo l^, Eph V\ i Th 1^, Phm * (cf. Ps 110 (111)*) /x. ^x^tv, c. ;
fii'TjfjLetoi', -ov, TO, [in LXX for l^p. , HlOp ;] 1. a memorial, record
(cl., cf. Wi 10^). 2. (a) (cl.) a monument : Lk 11*^ ; {b) a r^pulchre, tomb
(Ge 23«. 9, Is 22i«, al.) : Mt 2329, Mk 52, Lk 11**, Jo 528, and freq. in
Gospels, Ac 1329.
SYN. : fivrjfjLa.
1520 154,21^ ^Q 20^^; c. ace. obj. (as more freq. in cl.), of persons, 11 Ti
28; of things, Mt 16^, i Th 29, Ee IS^; seq. ^rt, Ac 20^1, Eph 2>i,
II Th 2"; iroOev, Ee 2^; Trws, ib. 3^. 2. to make mention of c. gen.. :
He 1116 (but V. supr., and cf. M, Th., i, l^) ; seq. inpi. He 1122.t
jxnfjixoorui'ov, -ov, to (<^ /xv^/acov, mindful), [in LXX freq. for
15T , ]n37 and cogn. forms ;] a memorial : Mt 26^3, Mk 14^, Ac 10*
(where cf. Le 29.16 512^ ^u 526, Si 45i6, al.).t
fii'TjoTeuw, [in LXX for iyix pi., pu. ;] 1. to tvoo and win, espouse.
2. to promise in marriage, betroth; pass., of the woman, to be be-
trothed : c. dat. pers., Mt lis, Lk 127 2*.t
fioyyi-XaXos, V.S. /ioyiXaXos.
t^oYi-X(£Xos, -ov (<MoVs, XaXos), [in LXX: Is 35» (Q^N)*;]
speaking with difficulty : Mk 7^2 (Tr., txt., /loyytXaXos, thick-voiced,
V. Swete, in l.).t
**ii6yLs, adv. «Atoyos, toil), [in LXX: Wi Qi^nA (^xo'Xis, B),
III Mac 76 * ;] ivith toil or difficulty, hardly : Lk 9^^ (/xo'Xi?, WH).t
tjAoixaXis, -t'Sos, 17 (= Att. fxoix"-^, fern, of /i.ot;(os), [in LXX:Pr
1822 2455(3020), Ez 1638 23*5, Ho 31, Ma 3^ (ng^Ji, ng)N3p)*;] an
adulteress Eo 7^ meton., for ^loix'^La, 11 Pe
: ; Metaph., of infidelity 2i*.
to God Ez 1615 «', 23*=^ ^•, al.), Ja 4* as an adj., Mt 12^9 16*, Mk 88.t
(cf. ;
ni.), Si 21^8, al.;] to stoiw, soil, defile; in always symb. and fig. NT
I Co 8^ Ee 3* 144.t
SYN. : fxtaivoi, q.v.
t^oXua^ios, -oS, 6 «/ioXwa>), [in LXX: Je 23i5 (nSjq), i Es 883,
begotten {DCG, ii, 281), of sons and daughters Lk 712 8*2 938, He lli^; :
of Christ, Jo 316'18, l Jo 4^; fi. napa. Trarpos, Jo 11*; fi. Oeos, ib. i8.t
p.dfOC, V.S. fJLOVO?.
jiocos, -rj, -ov, [in LXX chiefly for 13^;] 1. adj., alone, solitary,
Mt U\ Lk 6\ al. attrib., only, (6) fx.. 6^6^, Jo 5*4 173, Eo 162^, i Ti li7,
Ja 122 ; ov fi. . . . aWd (Bl, § 77, 133), Ac 192^, i Jo 5^, al. ; id. seq.
Kat (Bl., § 81, I2), Eo 53 910, II Co 819, al. ; (b) Kara /Awas, alone (Bl.,
§ 44, 1), Mk 410, Lk 918.
* |jiof-6<J)0a\fx.os, -ov {<C fJ'Ovo'i), Ionic and koiv^, one-eyed, having one
eye : Mt 18^, Mk 9*7.1
|jio>'6u, -w (-< /xdvos), [in Aq. Ge 49® ;] to leave alone, forsake : :
{rr2^). Da LXX 319 (D^y), Da TH 433 56.9.10 728 (^,^)^ To 113, Wi I81,
fiop(f>i^, as distinct from the /u. itself (Lft., Notes, 262) a-xrjfjia., shape, ;
fashion, disting. from fiopffnij as the outward and accidental from the
inward and essential (cf. Tr., Syn., §lxx; Lft., Phi., 125 ff.; Gifford.,
Inc., I.e.).
**t (iop«|><5ti», -w {<C.iJLop<fiTi), [in Aq. : Is 44^3 *;] to form : fig., Ga 4^^
(cf. fiera-, <TVfx-fJiOpcf>6(i}).f
fx(i(rxos, -ov, 6, [in LXX chiefly for "ip , also for 11127 , bjT , etc. ;]
fiox^os, -ov, 6 (= Horn. /Aoyos), in cl. chiefly poet., [in LXX for
nxbpi , bnv , etc. ;] toil, laborer, hardship, distress : 11 Co ll^^, i Th 2^,
II Th 38.t
Syn. .'
Mu'pa, Mvppa (LT, Tr., WH), -wv, rd, Myra, a city of Lvcia:
Ac 27^+
fiupids, -aSos, 17 «/-iv/3tos), [in LXX chiefly for n;!^"!;] ten
liu'po*', -ov, TO, [in LXX chiefly for ]p2r Pr , 27», Ps 132 (133)2,
(Menand., Incert., 168), that which may not be revealed (not, however,
as in the modern sense, intrinsically difficult to understand), a secret
or mystery of any kind (To, Jth, 11 Mac, 11. c). 3. In NT, of the
counsels of God (cf. Th. Jb 15^ Ps 24 (25)1^ for TiD), once hidden but
now revealed in the Gospel or some fact thereof (a) of the Christian ;
T. TTto-Tcws, I Ti 3^ ; T. cuo-e^eiaq, ;
(b) of particular truths, or ib. 16
|i,(i>p6s, -a, -dv, [in LXX for ^23 , etc. ; freq. in Si. ;] 1. prop., of
al.), and -el, ace. -^v {»r LXX) and -ea (Lk 16^^ only), (Heb. nizra),
ifoses .-
Mt 8* 173. *, al. ; vd/xos Moouo-cV, Lk 22224*^ Jo 72^, Ac 1339
155 28^3, I Co 99, He 1028; by meton., of the books of Moses, Lk 1629
2427, Ac 1521, II Co 31^
N, V, No, Nu, n, the thirteenth letter. As a numeral, v = 50,
V, = 50,000.
NaaaacSc, 6, indecl. (Heb. |ir2rn3), Naasson : Mt 1*, Lk 332.+
Na^aprji'ds, -ov, o, (on the Semitic form, v. Dalman, Gr., 141 n.),
a Nazarene : 12* 10*^ 14«7 166,Mk 434 2419.+ l^
Na^wpaios, -ov, 6 (= -prjv6<s, q.v.), a Nazarene: Mt 223 (i^X) 26^1^
Lk 1837, Jo 185.7 1919, Ac 222 3« 41*^ 61^ 228 24^ 26^.+
seq. Aeyo) vfuv, Mt 11®, Lk 72^ repeated for emphasis, vol vol (opp ;
Mt 1527, Mk
728, Ee 14^3 157. jq confirmation of a previous assertion
Mt 112«, Lk 1021 1151 125, Pill 43^ Phm20; in solemn asseveration
Ee 17 2220.+
u Mac 62, al.) chiefly for ^yn ;] 1. a temple (Horn., Find., al.).
2. The inmost part of a temple, the shrine (Hdt., Xen., al.) in NT, ;
Kaus, veto?, acc. vaDv, •7, [in LXX for "'Jh? , iV2ii ;] a ship : Ac 27*^
I'cacias, -ou, 6 (<^ vedv = vc'os), [in LXX for "lyj , ^IPI^ ;] a yoking
man : Ac 7^8 20^ 231^. i8.t
keai'icTKos, -ov, 6 (dimin. of veavtas), [in LXX chiefly for "lyj , also
for mnn, etc ;] a yoimg man, youth : Mt 1920-22, Mk 14^^ 16^ Lk 7'*,
vio^, -a, -ov, [in LXX for •ir3 (Ge 372, Ex 33ii, al.), min (Le 23i«,
Nu 2826, al.), etc. ; compar. -oirepos for ]b(? , TITS , etc. ;] 1. young,
youthful : Tit 2*. 2. ?iew (prop., in respect of time; v.s. xaivos) : otvos
(cf. oT. /caivds. Mt 262*-'), Mt 917, Mk 222, Lk 5^^-m
^{.papa (fig.), I Co 57;
haOriKT) (cf. KdLvr] 8., He 91^), He 122*; metaph., dv^pwTro? (cf. <caivos d.,
Eph 215), Col 31*^. 3. Compar., -uyrepo<;, -a, -ov, younger: Lk 15i2'i3
222«, Jo 2118; pi., ol v., Ac 5^ (Eackham, in 1.), iTi 511, Tit 2^; opp. to
vpea-^vTepoi, I Ti 51, I Pe 5^; at v., I Ti 52' i*. 4. Nca HoXts, NeapoUs :
Ac 1611 (Jtec, NcaTToXts, q.v.).
Srw. : Katvds, q.v.
V€0(T(t6s, v.s. vocrcros.
Mt 4i3. i^ (LXi), Ee
Naphtali: 76.t
v€^p6s, -oi, 6, [in LXX for n^^S , Ex 29^^^ al. ; metaph., Ps 7«,
Ge 4215' Co 153i.t
vyUiav, i« (^n)*;] by: c. ace, i
v^Q<o, [in LXX for niip , "ITIZT hoph., Ex 26^1 3525, al. ;] to spin :
Mt 628, Lk 1227.t
* vr]iri6.l(a (< vi^ttios), (Hippocr., = vrjviaxevtiy, Hom.), to be a babe:
I Co 142o.t
I'^TTios, -a, -ov, [in LXX chiefly for bbiy, also for ''lys, etc.;]
naos, -ov, 6, [in LXX for ^K ;] an island : Ac 13« 2726 28^' 7' »»
Ee P 614 1620.+
i'T]crT6ia, -as, 17 (•< vi^orevw), [in LXX for n\'2 fasting a fast 'i\ ,
I'TJoTis, -los, 6, 17 (•<[ vr]-, neg. prefix, + iadiui), in cl., chiefly poet.,
Mk 83.+
* i'r]<|>dXios (-Xcos, Eec, in i Ti, 11. c), -ov (in cl., -a, -ov), «;v7;<^w),
1. in cl., of drink, not mixed with wine. 2. In later writers (Plut.,
of persons, sober, temperate: Ti 32'
al.), i n, Tit 22.+
* vi\^<ji, to be sober, abstain from wine ; metaph., of moral alert-
Karriyoip, ib. ^<^), Ee 12^^; c. ace. rei, tov Koo-ynov, Jo 16^^, i Jo 5*'5;
TO KUKoy, Eo 122^; pass., fxr] vlkS) vtto t. KaKOv, ib. (cf. V7r€p-vi/caa)).t
I Jo 5*.t
NiK68T)|ios, -ov, 6, Nicodemus : Jo S^' *• » 7^0 ig^a.t
NiKoXaiTTis, -ov, 6, a Nicolaitan : pi., Ee 2'» ^^.t
II Mac 1088, IV Mac 17^2; ci? v. (instead of cts tcAo?, Jb I420), n Ki 22«,
victory : Mt 122o (Is 423, lxX dX^^cia), i Co 15^* (Is 258, Aq., Th.),
ib. " (Ho 13", LXX 8i'/cr?), ib. s^.t
etc ;] to perceive with the mind, understand (for the phrase vowv k.
4>povwv, in wills, V. xvii) MM,
absol., Mt 16^, 8^7 ; c. ace, Eph 3*,
: Mk
I Ti 17 c. dat. instr., t.
; Kap8ia, Jo 12*^ ;
pass., Eo I20 seq. oTt, Mt 15^7 ;
16", Mk
7^8; c. ace. et inf.. He
IP. 2. to think, consider : absol.,
Mt 24^5^ Mk
131*, Eph 320 ; c. ace. rei, 11 Ti 27 (cf. ev-, Kara-, /xcTa-,
TTOO-, viro-vo€(o).f
**v6rnLa, -Tos, to (voew), [in LXX: Si 21", Ba 28, iii Mac S^^*;] a
thought, purjwse, design : ii Co 2^^ 10^ 11^, Phi 4'^. Meton., of the
mind, ii Co ^^^ 4*.t
** v6Qo<i, -r], -Of, [in LXX Wi : 4^ * ;] a bastard, base born, i.e. born
of a slave or concubine : He 12*^.
yo}i.r\, -rj^, T) (<^ ve/x,(o, to pasture), [in LXX chiefly for Piy^D, also
Mt 2235, Lk 10'-^ Tit 313; pi^ lj^ 730 1145,46,52 143 j^f mM, xvii).t
SyN. : ypa/iynaTev's, q.V.
** cofii'ii.ojs, adv. (<] vo/ii/Aos, conformable to law), [in LXX: iv Mac
618 * ;] rtghtly, lawfully : i Ti l^, 11 Ti 2^.f
v6\io%, -ov, 6 {<CyiiJnii, to deal out, distribute), [in LXX chiefly for
min , also for npn , etc. ;] that vsrhich is assigned, hence, usage,
custom, then law ; in NT (only in Mt, Jo, Ja, and the Lucan and
Pauline bks.) 1. of law^ in general: Ro 3^" 513''; pj^ qI (jjvine laws.
Lk 222, Jo 723, Ac 15*, al.; Kvplov, Lk 239; ^^^^^ ^^^ Ac 22i2, He 7^ j,.^
922. 3. Anarthrous (Bl, §46, 8; ICC on Ro y^fios, (a) of
law Ro 2i2' i'"' 320- 21 41^, al. (b) of the Mosaic law in its
in general : ;
quality as law Ro 21'"^ 520 10*, Ga 2l^ al. oi cV v., Ro 4" iiro vofiov,
: ; ;
Ac 52. 3.t
f^Tos, -OV, 6, [in LXX chiefly for 233 , also for UHl ,
and D^li? ;] 1. prop., the south wind : Lk 12^^ Ac 271^ 28i3. 2. South
Lk 1329, Ee 2113. 3. the South, as a region (cf. n3|) : Mt 12*2,
Lk Ipi.t
** vouBevla, -a9 r) (^^ vovOeriw), = cl. vov6€Tr)a-i<s ',
[in LXX Wi :
16«*;] admonition: i Co 10", Eph 6*, Tit 310 (Aristoph., Diod., al.).t
fouOcTco), -w (•<! vov<;, Tid-qfjn, hence, put in mind), [in LXX
I Ki 313 (nns pi.), Jbg (ID"' pi., ]^3), Wi llio 122-26*;] to admonish,
exhort : c. ace. pers., Ac 203i, Ro 151*. i Co 4i4, Col 128 31", i Th 512. i4,
n Th 3i5.t
i'ou|JiY]i'ia, V.S. v€Ofir]VLa.
*vouv€xC)<i, adv. (<[vov?, €x<^)' sensibly, discreetly: Mk 12^4.+
coOs (contr. from voos), 6, gen., dat., voo?, vot (late forms, = el,
vov, v(3 ; Bl., § 9, 3), ace, vow, [in LXX chiefly for n^ , Ss!?;] 1. prop.
Vaughan on Eo 72=*) : Lk 2445, Rq 128 723 122 145, Eph 4i'.23, Phl Al
II Th 22, I Ti 65, II Ti 38, Tit 115, Re I318 179; v. t. o-a^Kos (ICC, in 1.)
Col 218 .
opp. to a-dpi, Eo 725 ; to TTvevfjia, I Co 1414- 15 to yXSxraa, ib. l^ ;
fu'iJK})!!, -7;s, 17, [in LXX chiefly for n^"?;] 1. cl., a bride, young
wife, young woman: Mt 25^, WH, mg., Jo S^", Re IS^^ 2P,^ 22^7.
yuv, adv., [in LXX chiefly for HFiy;] 1. prop., of time, now,
i.e. at the present time: as opp. to past, Jo 41^, Ac 7^2, Ro ISn,
II Co 79, Col opp. to
1^4, al.; fut., Jo 12^7, Ro ll^i, al.; c. art.,
6 (rj, to) v. et subst., the present: Ro S^^, Ga 4^5, i Ti 6i^ Tit 212, al;
dTT^ ToC (LXX for nny©), Lk l^s, Ac 18«, al. <Jxp'
V. ; toD v., Ro 822,
Phi V; eV ToS V. (LXX for nj?y ly), Mt 2421, Mk 13i9; rb. v., as
regards the present, Ac 5^^^; c. pret., just now, b^it notv, Mt 26**,
Jo 11^ 2110; c. fut., noiv, presently, Jo 12^i, Ac 2022; so c. praes.,
presently, forthwith, Jo 12^i 17i=* ml v., Jo II22 17^, al. ; ; hXXa v.,
Lk 22=^«; hi v., ICo 32; T6re (ttotc) ... v. (8c'), Eo 621 ll^O; y, ^Sr),
I Jo 4^; V. ovv, Ac 10^^,
al. 2. Of logical sequence (often difficult
to disting. from the temporal sense; cf. Lft., Notes, 113 f.), now,
therefore, fiow, hoivever, as it is: Lk ll^^j ^^t v., Ac 31", 11 Th 2",
I Jo 2-8; id. seq. Sevpo, Ac 7^4; y. 8i, Jo 8^0 941 152^.24, igse, i Co 5"
71^ 1220, al. (cf. 579,,). WM,
vuvi, an Attic strengthened form of vvv (in cl. always of time,
and most often strictly of the pres.), [in LXX Jb 5, Pss 2, 11, iv Mac 4, .
(not so in cl.) : Ro 71", i Co 511 (vw. WH) 121^ (vw, WH, txt.) I520,
He 8« (vCv, WH, txt.), ib. 926 (cf. WM, 24, 579n).+
v6i, gen. wKTo^, rj, [in LXX chiefly for n^^^ ;] night : Mt 12*o,
happens; M, Pr., 73; Bl, § 36, 13), wktos, hy night, Mt 2", Jo 32,
Ac 126 fViouo-r/, Ac
23ii ace. durat. (BL, § 34, 8 Kiihner; 3, m, 314 b), ;
*+ cuxOV^Po?' -°^' -o" «'^'^. V«P«» V. Bl., § 28, 4), lasting a night
and a day ; as subst., (to) v., a night and a day : 11 Co IP^ (pi., Ch'. Sib.,
8, 203).+
Nw€ (as LXX, FIJ, who also gives Nwcos, T^(l!>xo<s), o, indecl.
(Heb. ni), Noah: Mt 2437.38^ Lk d^^ 17^6."^ He 11", i Pe 3-^o,
11 Pe 2^+
KwOp^s, -a, -oV, [in LXX: Pr 2229 (^trn), gi 429 11^2*;] shiggish,
|eVos, -t], -ov, [in LXX chiefly for "'ipj;] (a) foreign, alien:
Saifjiovta, Ac 17^^ ; SiSaxai, He 139 ; (b) c. gen. rei, strange to, estranged
from, ignorant of: Eph 2^2 (c) strange, unusual ;
: Pe 4^2_ ^.s subst.,
Srjfioiy He 11^^; (b) one of the parties bound by ties of hospitality; (a)
the guest ; (/S) the host Horn., B., xv, 532) Eo IG^^.t {— ^ci/oSokos, :
^TjpaiVw {<C,irjp6<:), [in LXX chiefly for CT^J;] to dry up, parch,
Irjpos, -a, -or, [in LXX chiefly for tZTJ^, its parts and deriva-
tives, also for ns.'in , etc. ;] dry : metaph. (of a sinner), ^vkov $., Lk 23^^
hand, Mt 121^ Mk 3^, Lk G^.S; of the dry land, r} ^pa (sc. y^, cf. Ge
19' i«, Jh P, al.) : Mt 2315; 7^, He IP^.t
luXu/os, -y], -ov {^vXov), [in LXX chiefly for j^JT;] wooden: 11 Ti
220, Ee920(cf. Ep. Je4ff-)-+
luXoi', -ov, TO, [in LXX chiefly for |^y;] 1. wood: i Co 3^2, Re
18'^. 2. of wood, hence, anything made of wood, as, [a) a
a ])iece
cudgel, staff: pi., Mt 26*"-", 14*3.« Lk 22^2; {b) stocks, for con- Mk
fining the feet (Jb 33i\ 10) : Ac 16^* ; (c) a beam to which malefactors
were bound (late Gk.), in LXX, of a gibbet (De 2122.23)^ in NT, of the
Cross : Ac S^o 10^9 132^, Ga 31^, i Pe 22*. 3. In late writers (v. MM,
xvii), a tree (Ge 129, is 148^ al.) Lk 23^1 ^. rij^ ^wijs, Ee 2^ 222- 1*. i^.t
^updu, -w, late form of ^upew (q.v.) : i Co 11** {$vpaa-6ai, Eec. and
Edd., but v.s. ^vpw)A
-w (< $vp6v, a razor), [in
iupibi, (also -dw) chiefly for nbn LXX
pi., pu.
(no ex. of pres. -iw), to shave: pass, and mid., to shave
oneself, have oneself shaved, aor., Ac 212*; pf^ (Att.), i Co ll^.t
^u'po), rare form of fupco) (Veitch, s.v.), aor. mid., ^vpaa-Oat (Bl., § 24,
S.V.; Zorell, s.v., etc.) for -ao-6'ai (Eec, Edd.) : i Co ll^t
0, omlcron, short 0, the fifteenth letter.
o, o /jiiKpok', As a
numeral, o 70,000. = 70, o, =
6, r), TO, the prepositive article [apOpov irpoTaKTiKov), originally a
demonstr. pron. (so usually in Hom.), in general corresponding to the
Eng. definite article.
1. As demonstr. pron. 1. As freq. in Hom., absol., he {she, it),
1732, Phi lie, al.; ol fikv . . . oEAXot 8e, Mt I61*, Jo 7^^; ol fih . . . 6
Mt ll^', Jo 19^, Ja 51, al. ; to things which pertain to one, r] x^^P> ^i^
hand, Mk
3^ ; to names of persons well known or already mentioned
usually to names of countries (originally adjectives), 17 'louSata, etc.
2. To modified nouns c. pers. pron. gen., /jlov, arov, etc.
: c. poss. ;
pron., €/xo'?, o-ds, etc. ; c. adj. between the art. and the noun, 6 dya^os
avOpwTTO'i, Mt 12^^; the noun foil, by adj., both c. art., 6 iroLfjbrjv 6 /caXds,
Jo 10" (on 6 oxA-os ttoAvs, Jo 12^ v. M, Pr., 84) before adjectival ;
OiXiiv, Ro 718, al.; gen., tov, after adjectives, a^iov tov Tropeveadai, 1 Co
16* verbs, lAa^cv tov Ovpnacrai, Lk 1^
; and freq. in a final sense, ;
i^XOev 6 aireipwy tov (nreLpeiv, Mt 13^ (on the artic. inf., V. Bl., § 71).
4. In the neut. to sentences, phrases or single words treated as a
quotation to 'Ei Sv^, : Mk
9^3 ; to cti a-n-a^, He 12^7 ; t6 dvcySr?, Eph 4^, al.
5. To prepositional phrases 01 dTro 'iTaXtas, He 13^*
: 01 eV vofiov, Ro ;
oStjY^w, -w «r,8r?yds), [in LXX chiefly for nn3 , also for Till hi.,
^bn hi., etc. ;] to lead on one's way, to guide : c. ace. pers., Mt I51*,
T^v o., Mt 13*, al. c. gen. pers, (subj.), t-^v o. eroi/xa^ctv (fig.), Mt S'^,
ace, o^ov, with force of prep, (like Heb. ^"I'l ; Bl., § 34, 8 ; 35, 5), d.
Oa\d(T(rr}<i, Mt 4i5(Lxx)_ g. A
traveller's way, journey : iv r. 6., Mt 5-^,
Mk 8^", al.; e'f o., Lk 11"; d^ «., Mt IQlO; T. dSov irap,v€adai, Ac 833;
6. -^/Aepas, Lk 2**; 0801/ Troiciv (= cl., 6. TToteto-^ai; V. Field, Notes, 25),
^0 mal'e one's wa?/, i.e. proceed on one's journey, 2^3. 3. Metaph. Mk
(cl. but esp. freq. in Heb. v. Cremer, 442 ff.), of a course of conduct,
; ;
LXX: Za 9^ 12io
6hvydui, -w «dSuVv), [in (b^n), (Tia hi.),
68u.'Tj, -q<;, 77, [in LXX for ]ir , "10, etc. (26 words in all);]
Mt 26^2, Jo 131, Ac 316, al. ; t. ^eov, i Th 4^, Tit V\ al. ; c. ace. et inf.,
Lk 4", Mt
al.; seq. Lk Jo
on, Eo IP, al.; seq. quaest.
9^, 2021, 32, 22
indir., Mt 26^0,Eph l^^, al.; c. inf., to know how (cl), Mt 7^\
Jo 921,
Lk 1113, Phi 412, I Th 4*, al. in unique sense of respect, appreciate:
oiKcios, -a, -ov (<; oiKos), [in LXX for Til , liitp , etc. ; in Is 58^,
ol. Tov <nripixaTo<; for 11^2 ;] in or of the house (opp. to ^eVos, dXAorpios)
(a) of things ; to. 01., household affairs or goods ; (&) of persons, of the
same family or kin; as subst., 01 oL, kinsmen: i Ti 5^; c. gen. pers.,
of the family of: metaph., t. diov, Eph 2^^; t. ttio-tcws (Lft., in 1.),
Ga 6io.t
Try^vfia deov, Eo 8^» H, I Co 31^ (cf. iv-, kut-, fv-Kar-, Trap-, Trepi-, crw-otK€(j)).i
Ac 127.t
oiKia, -as, -q (-^oi/cos), [in LXX chiefly (very freq.) for IT'S;] a
house, divelling: Mt 2^1 7'^"^-^',
oUia (= cl. kut olKcav),
l^^, al; iv
at home, Lk 8-^; ci's ol, ii Jo^'*; ol, c. gen. pers., usually has the art.
(Mt 8^^ al., but cf. olKOi and v. Bl, § 46, 9) ^ ol. t. Trarpos fjiov, ;
§ 81, 4).t
oiKo8op,ea>, -w (<;otKo8o/x,os), [in chiefly for HJS;] to build a LXX
house, to build: absol., Lk 11^^ 143<^ 17^^; ol ot/coSo/Aowres, the builders
(as Ps 117 (118)2^ D^Jinn), Mt 21^2^ 12io, Lk 201^, i Pe 27(l^x) Mk
er'aWorpLov O^ixiXtov ol., proverb., Eo 152"; c. ace. rei, Ga 2^^; mpyov
Mt 2133, mij 121, Lk 1428; ^^o6r,Ka<;, Lk 1218; ^^^^^ Mk 1458; pass.
Jo 220; oiKta, Lk 6^8; c. ace. rei seq. dat. pers. (cf. Ge 820, Ez 162*)
Lk 7^ Ac 7*''4''; ace. seq. Ini, Mt 724.26, Lk 6«; iroXiv cV opovs
Lk 429; of rebuilding, or restoring, Mt 2329 26«i 27*", Mk 1529, Lk 11*^
Metaph., t. ckkAt^o-iW, Mt 16^8 of the growth of Christian character ;
oiKot/ojxeu, -u> (<^ oLKovofjio^) , [in LXX : Ps 111 (112)^ (bl3 pilp.),
II Mac 3^**;] to manage as house-steward, be a steward: absol.,
Lk 16^ ; hence, generally (v.s. olKovojxia), to manage, regulate, arrange
(cl, II Mac, I.e., Ill Mac 32E).t
oiKos, -ov, 6, [in LXX chiefly for n"]3 , also for bs^H , bns , etc. ;]
oT. 'Icrpa^X (AavetS, 'Ia<c(;;/?; Bl, §47, 9), Mt 10«, Lk P'' 33, al. (cf.
Ex 61*, IKi 230, al.).
SYN. : v.s. otKia.
oiKouiieVtj, -77s, 17 (fern. pres. pass. ptcp. of oi/cecj; sc. yrj), [in
LXX chiefly for b^ , ^1^',] the inhabited earth; (a) in cl., the
countries occupied by Greeks, as disting. from barbarian lands (Hdt.,
Dem., al.) (b) in later writers, the Roman world Lk 2^, Ac 112^ 24^
He 25.t
*t oiKoupyos, -ov (<^ oTkos + root of Ipyov), working at home : Tit 2*
(Rec. otKoupos, q.v.).t
*oiK-oup6s, -ov (<^oTkos 4- ovpo^, a keeper); 1. watching or keeping
the house; as subst., 17 ol., a housekeeper (Soph., Eur.; v. LS, s.v.).
2. keeping at home : Tit 2^, Rec. (v. Field, Notes, 220 ff. CGT, in 1., ;
oiofiai, olfxa', [in LXX for n|n , Ge 37'', al. ;] to suppose, expect,
imagine: c. ace. et inf., Jo 21^5; c. inf., Phi li''; seq, on, Ja l''.t
(y:a ni.), Jg 18^ (bsy ni.), To 12*5' 13, Jth 121^, Si V^, iv Mac 14* * ;] to
shrink from doing, hesitate to do (Horn., Thuc, al.) hence, to delay: ;
dKKTjpos, -a, -ov «6KV€aj), [in LXX for iJSJT, Pr 6^'^ al.;]
Bo 12ii
shrinking, hesitating, timid : c. dat. (Bl,, § 38, hence, 2), ;
cf. TCTapTaios:).'^
Lk 2-i,
6ktcS, ol, 0.1, TO., indecl., eight : Jo 5^, al.
oXeOpeuo), V.S. oXoOpexna,
oXe'Gpios, -ov (also -a, -ov, as in Wi, I.e.), [in LXX : iii Ki 21
(20)*2 (Dnn), Wi 1815 * ;] destructive, deadly : SUrjv, 11 Th l^, L, txt.
oXiyos, -7], -ov (on ovx o\., V. infr.), [in LXX chiefly for 13^0 j] of
44; Thackeray, Gr., 126 f.), Ac 12i8 14^8 15-' (c. gen. part.) 17*' 12
1923,24 2720 pi., absol., Mt 71* 20i« (WH, txt., EV, om.) 22^\ Lk 13-3,
Ja 41* iv 6., Ac 26'-8.29 (with little effort v. Page, in 1.) id., in brief,
; ; ;
Bl oXiywv, in few words, briefly, i Pe 5^2 (cf. Plat., Legg., vi, 778 c).+
+ oXtyoiJ/uxos, -ov [in LXX: Is 35'* (ina ni.), etc.;] faint-hearted.
I Th 5i4.t
1 6XoKauTW|i,a, -Tos, to (<^ oXos, Kat'to), [in LXX chiefly for n?y ;] a
whole burnt offering: Mk 12^^, He 10®» ^ (lxx) (cf _ Kennedy, Sources,
Srx. : V.S. Ova-La.
6X6-kXt]pos, -ov (<^ oXos, (cX^pos, i.e. with all that has fallen by
lot), [in LXX : Le 23l^ Ez 15* (D^pn), De 27«, Jos 92 (S^i) (obCT),
Za 111^ (nS3 ni.), Wi 15^ i Mac 4*^, iv Mac 15^^*;] complete, entire;
in NT in ethical sense (as Wi, iv Mac, 11. c), i Th 52^; 6. koI reXeioi,
Ja l*.t
Syn.: oXotcXt;? (q.v.), Te'Xeios (Tr., Sy7i., § xxii),
oXoXuJ^cj (onomatop.), [in chiefly for i^iji hi.;] LXX (in Hom., of
women crying to the gods in prayer or thanksgiving), to cry aloud:
Ja 5i.t
oXos, -r}, -ov, [in LXX chiefly for bs ;] of persons and things,
whole, entire, complete; 1. of indefinite ideas, c. subst. anarth. Lk 5^, :
Ac 1126 2830, Tit 111; ^Xov avOpoiiTov {an entire man; v. Field, Notes,
93), Jo 723 .
Mt 2^ V. Bl., § 47, 9), Ac 2131.
-Xri 'Iepov(Ta\rjfji{= 7r5cra 'I., ;
2. Definite, c. art.; (a) preceding subst.: Mt 423,24^ l^ 8^^, i Co
al. (b) following subst.
Mk l^^, Lk 925, Jo l^s^ Ac : al. (c) ;
between art. and subst., where subst. is an abstract noun (Plat., al.).
3. Attached to adj. or verb: Mt 1333, Lk I321, Jo 93*, al.; adverbially,
8t' 5\ov (MM, xviii), Jo 1923.
ofAfia, -Tos, TO, in cl. chiefly poet.; [in LXX for yi^ (Pi's. Wig,
IV Mac 3)* ;] an eye : pi., Mt 203*, Mk 823.t
Hdt. and some Att. writers) and o/xw/xi (so generally in
6|j,vu'oj (so
Att. prose and always in Trag. Mk 14^i, -vvai), [in LXX chiefly for ;
6/xo0ujxa8ow «o/xo?, ^v/xo's), [in LXX for in\ HH: (freq. in Jb),
Wi 10^"^ with one mind, ivith one accord : Ac 1^* 2*" 4^*
18^' ^2, al. ;]
512 757 86 1220 1525 1812 1929^ Ro 15« (Hatch, Essays, 63 f., argues that
the un-cl. sense together, which is found in Jb 3^^ 38^^, Nu 24^4^ Wi
18^' 12 (but not lO^O), al., should be attached to the NT instances, but
V. Abbott, Essays, 96 MM, xviii).t ;
op,oios, -Ota, -oiov, [in LXX for IDS , etc. ;] like, resembling, such
as, the same as : c. dat., of form or appearance, Jo 9^, l^^ Ee (WH, mg.,
E, but V. infr.) ib. ^^ 2^» 4«. ^ 97, 10 (bi., § 37, 63) ib. i^ ll^ I32. ^ ; 6pda-€i,
Ee43; of nature, condition, ability, etc., 22^9, Ac IT^^, 521, Mt Ga
I Jo 32, Ee 13^ 1818 2111' 18; of comparison in parables, 13^1 »• 20i, Mt
Lk 1318.19.21; of thinking, acting, etc., lli^ 13^2, Lk 6*7-49731,32 Mt
(T, c. gen. ; BL, § 36, 11) 123«, Jo 8'^, Ju ^ c. ace, Ee li^ (WH, txt.;
Swete, Hort, in 1.)
: Jb
-w «
6/xoXoyos, of one mind :
409(1*' (-,-p ^i.), Je 51 (44)25 (-,-,3)^ ^j .j
Su "^
oTi, ib.. He 1113; c, ace. rei, Ac 23^, i Jo 19, Ee 3^; id. c. dat. pers.,
Ac 241*; c. ace. cogn., i Ti 6i2; c. ace. pers., i Jo 223 43. j^ ggq pj-ed.
ace. (Bl., § 34, 5 73, 5), Jo 922, Eo 109, j Jq 42, 15^ n Jo 7
; c. inf. (M, ;
Pr., 229), Tit li«; c. dat. pers. seq. on, Mt 723; seq. ^v, c. dat. pers.
(M, Pr., 104; Bl., § 41, 2), Mt 10^2, Lk 128. 4 t^ ^gree, promise:
T. iirayyeXiav, Ac T^^ ; c. inf. obj. (Bl, § 61, 3), Mt 14^. 5. = Uo/xo-
Aoyt'w, to praise : He 13^^ (Westc, in 1.). (Cf. avB-o^oXoyio^ai, i$-
o/xoAoye'co.) +
6fio\oYta, -as, 7] «6/ioXoy£'w), [in LXX : De 12«''>i',
Am 4^, Ez
4612 (nnij), Le 221^ Je 51 (44)"^ (n-j^), i Es 9^*;] 1. in cl., an agree-
oj'ciSos, -ous, to', [in LXX chiefly for nQIO , also for nisb? , etc. ;]
ovofia, -Tos, TO, [in LXX chiefly for Dl?;] 1. in general, the name
by which a person or thing is called : Mt IO2, Mk 3i«, Lk V^, Jo I810,
al. ; avOpum-o^ (etc.), <? (ov) 5. (t. o.), sc. ^v or cWiV (BL, § 30, 3), Mk 1432,
Lk 126,27. ^th same ellipsis, Kal t. o. avroC (o. aurw), Lk 1*, Jo 1*, al.
ovo/AttTt, seq. nom. prop., Mt 27^2^ -^-^ 522^ Ljj ;][5^ ^^ 51^ g^j
q^^q absol.
(Bl., § 34, 7), Tovvofjia (= T, ovofLo), Mt 27^^; o. /Aot (sc. icTTLv ; cf. Horn.,
Od., ix, 366), Mk 5^ (cf. Lk S^o) ; l^^iv 5., Ee 911 ; Kokuv {iTnneivai) 5.
(Bl, § 33, 1), Mt 121, Mk 316 ; ^t^\<o ^a)i}s (cf. Deiss., iv^^,
T. 6. iv (t.)
121), Phi 43, Ee 138, cf. Lk IO20 (^t. oipavoh) o. /3Xaa<f>r]fua^, Ee 131 ;
the name as opp. to the reality, Ee 3^ (cf. Hdt., vii, 138) as a title ;
Eph 121, Phi 29' 10 (Lft., in 1.). 2. By a usage similar to that with
ref. to Heb. UW (Lft., Notes, 106 f.), but also common in Hellenistic
(M, Pr., 100; Bl., §39, 4; Deiss, £S, 146 f., 196 f.; LAE, 123J,ofall
that the name implies, of rank, authority, character, etc. of acting on :
one's authority or in his behalf, €v (eis) 6., c. gen. pers. (v. reff. supr.),
Mt 10^1 219 2819, Mk
119, Lk 13^5, Jo 5*^, Ac 81^, i Co l^^ ; of the
name Christian, i Pe 4^* esp. of the name of God as expressing the ;
ot'os, -ov, 6, 7], [in LXX chiefly for lian , also for ]inN , etc. ;]
Je 323 (px), 1019 Cjjx), III Ki 122*, wi 17U*.] really, actually, truly:
Is 52s {puf), etc. ;] 1. sharp : Ee li" 2^^ 141*. i^, is 1915. 2. Of motion,
swift: Eo 315 (LXX Taxivos).t
6ini, ~^s, 17, [in LXX for in, 13n , etc.;] an opening, a hole:
Ja 311 (cf. Ex 3322), He ll^s (cf. Ob 3).t
oirnrfleK, adv. of place, [in LXX chiefly for ICIX , HnNQ ;] behind,
after: Mt 9^o, Mk 5^7, Lk 8^*, Ee 4« 51. As prep. c. gen.: Mt 1S^\
Lk 23^6, Ee 110 (WH, mg.).t
oTTiau, adv. of place and time, [in LXX chiefly for "'lOX , inx
and cogn. forms;] 1. prop., as in cl., adv., (a) of time (not in NT);
(6) of place, back, behind, after: Mt 24i8, LkT^S; ra 6., PhlS^^; c^s
TO. 6., Mk
I316, Lk 9«2 1731, Jo 6^6 IS^ 20i*. 2. By a usage not found in cl.,
and in LXX representing the Heb. prep. iiniS} (Bl, § 40, 8 ; Thackeray,
Gr., 46 f.), but also prob. general in vernacular (M, Pr., 99), as prep.
c.gen. ;
time, after : Mt 3^1,
(a) of Jo l^^- 27« ^o (5) of pjace, Mk V .
behind, after: Mt4i9 lO^s 16^3.24^ li'.^o m^^\ Lk 92^ I427 191* 21^, Mk
II Pe 21", Ju'7, Ee li** 121^; in constr. praegn. (v. Swete on Ee, I.e.),
ottXoc, -ov, to, [in LXX for ]3Q , n32 , etc. ;] 1. a tool, implement,
instrtiment : o-n-Xa dSiKtas (opp. to o. StKaiocrvVr;?) , Eo 613. 2. Freq., in
pi., arvis, weapons: Jo 183, 11 Co lO"*; metaph., t. c/xutos, Eo 1312;
T. 8LKaio(Tvvr]<;, II Co 67.t
oiroios, -Ota, -otov, [in LXX Ca 510, 11 Mac 1137*;] of what : sort:
I Co 313, Ga 2«, ITh 1^, Ja I2*; toioSto? 6., such as, Ac 2629.t
dTTOTc, when: Lk 63, Eec. (WH, E, 5Te).f
adv. of place, correlat. of irov (q.v.), where. I. Prop., of
place, 1. where; (a) in relative sentences, c. indie: Mt 252*'2'', Mk 2*
45, 15 540 1314^ Jo 38 662 734, 36 1132 143 1724 2019, Eo 152", Ee 213 after ;
nouns of place, for relat. prepositional phrase (iv cS, etc.), Mt 6i9'20 135
26" 28«, Mk 6" 9*^, Lk 1233, Jo V» 42«.*e 623 742 io4o ipo 121 181.20
1918,20,41 2012, Ac 171, Ee 213 us 2010 ; seq. e^r, Mt 621, Lk 123* 1737,
Jo 122« ; id. pleonast. ( = Heb. DIT . . . lerx ; Aram. IQp . . 1 ; cf
Ge 133), 5. . . . Ee 12^.
in aiVSv, ib. 17^ 5. av, wherever
; 2. . . . ;
141*1', L]j 2211. 2. In late writers (sometimes also in cl. Bl, § 25, 2), ;
with verbs of motion, = ottoi, whither : c. indie, Jo 82I' 22 1333, 36 144 2118^
He 620, Ja 3'i o. av, whithersoever, c. pres. ind., Ee 14'* subjc, Lk 9^"
; ;
II. Conj., c. subjc. (in cl. also c. opt., indie. : so in Mt 26^^, LT, Tr.),
in order that, to the end that, that; 1. final, denoting purpose or
design (in which the original idea of modality has been merged) after :
pres., Mt 62, al.; pf., Ac 91^, al; impf., Ac 9^*; aor., Ac 92, al. plpf., ;
Jo 11"; fut., Mt 2335; imperat., Mt 28, al.; 5. ix-q (M, Pr., 185), Mt
618, Lk 1626, Ac 20^6, I Co 1^9 ; o. TrAr^pcu^^, Mt 223 817 1335. 5, s_^
opajia, -Tos, TO «6paa)), [in LXX for ]i7n, n?<10 , etc.;] that
Kal tSe, Jo 1*6, al. seq. on, Mk 2^\ al. c. ace, Mt 22, Mk l^o 16^,
; ;
Ga 1^9, al. Oeov, Jo 1^8^ i jo 420, al. 2. to see with the mini, perceive,
discern: absol, Eo I521; c. ace. rei., Mt 92 275*. Ac 823, Col 2^8, al.
3. to see, take heed, beware : opa fvq, c. aor. subjc, Mt 8* 18^*', 1**, Mk
Th 51s id., sc. ^^ Re 19i» 22^ (Bl.,
I ; ttoit^ot??, § 81, 1); seq. imperat.
Mt 9»o 16«, Mk 81^ 4. \o experience: t. edvarov, Lk 2^\ He ll^;
^wT^v, Jo 3'*^ ; T. SLa(f>6opdv, Ac 2^''. 5. to visit : c. ace. pers., Lk 8^^,
Jo 12-\ Ro 1^\ al.; c. ace. loc, Ac 19^^ 6. to see to, care for : Mt
27*, Ac 18^* (cf. acf)-, Kad-, irpo-, crvv-opaw).
SYN. : V.S. /SXeVo).
opYT), -^s, ^, [in LXX chiefly for ^ii , also for ]nn , nJpn , ^'Sl>. , etc. ;]
Mk 3^ Eph Col 3s, I Ti 2*, Ja l^^-ao (j) of God (a) that reaction
4^1, ; ;
Jo 336, ijo 25,8 35 415 59 134,5 Eph 56, Col 3«, I Th 5^ Ja P^, Re e^^.^^
11^^; a-K^vr} opyrj^, Ro 9^^; Tc/cva 6py^s, Eph 23.t
SyN.: V.S. ^r/AOS.
opYil^u {<iopyrj), [in LXX chiefly for mn , also for P]Sp , etc.;]
to make angry, provoke to anger ; in cl. most freq. in pass., and so always
in NT, to be provoked to anger, be angry absol., Mt 18^* 22'', Lk 14^1 :
15-8, Eph 42MLXX)^ Re ll^S; c. dat., Mt 5^2; seq. liri, c. dat. (iii Ki liy,
al.), Re 12^^ (cf. 7rap-opyt{w).t
6pYtXos, -V, -ov {<opyri), [in LXX: Pr 22^4 2922 (p,pn)_ ^tc.;]
t6p0piia) «5p^pos), [in LXX chiefly for DSCr hi., Ge I92, al.; also
for in27 pi., Ps 62^ (63), al., etc. ;] = cl. poet., opOpivw, to rise early : seq.
TTpo's, c. ace. pers. (as Ps, I.e., al.), Lk 2P'* (v. Thumb, Hellen., 123).t
«o>^pos), [in LXX Ho
topepi.'o's, -V, -Of Hg :
6^4) 133 (^2^ hi.),
215(H), Wi ll'^2*.j late form of SpOpLos (q.v.), early.- Lk 24PA
opOpos, -ov, o, [in LXX for inO)' , Ipi , etc. ;] daybreak, dawn
opOpov yga^eojs (M, Pr., 73), at early daum, Lk 24^; opOpov, Jo St^]; iTrb
rhv 6., Ac 5^1 (cf. MM, xviii).t
dpOois, adv. «6p^o9), ri^/iiZy.- 7^^ Lk 7^^ 1028 go^i.t Mk
optjw «opos, a boundary), [in for IDS, ^33, etc.;] 1. to LXX
separate, mark off by boundaries (so Nu 34^, Jo 13""). 2. to determine,
apjwint, designate: of time, c. ace, Ac 17'^'', 4''; c. ace. pers., Ac He
1731 ; c. inf., Ac 1129; pass., Lk 22^^^ Ac 2^3 10*'^ Ro 1* (cf. d<f>-, airo-
8l-, 7r/oo-op6^aj).t
opKos, -OV, 6, [in LXX chiefly for V^W nyStZT and , cogn. forms ;]
6p)x<i(i>, -aj (<; opp.ri), [in LXX for 'yi'OJ , etc. ;] 1. causal, to set in
motion, ^irge on. 2. Intrans., to hasten on, rush: seq. cis, Mt 832, Mk
513, Lk 833, Ac 1929; i-rrl, c. ace, Ac 7".t
6p|x^, -^s, r), [in LXX : Pr 32^ (nxiS'), etc. ;] 1. a violent move-
a rush : Re 182i.t
opi/coK, -ou, TO, = opvL's, [in LXX chiefly for liQS ;] a bird : Re 182
1917.21 (Horn., al.).t
''topKi^ (cf. Doric gen., opvi^os, and MGr., opvtx', v. M, Pr., 45),
= 6pri^: Lk 1334 (T; WH, 2pm).t
Sp.is, -t^os, 6, ^, [in LXX: 6. iKXcKTai, iii Ki 3^ 423 (53)
opos, -ovs, TO, [in LXX chiefly, and very freq., for in;] a
viountain : Mt opp. to /?ovvos, Lk
4^ 17\ Mk 9^ Jo 4'-*', ii Pe l^^^ ^1. ;
36 (LXX) J
3, ^. iXaiCiv, ^uLv (2., prob. in gen. Mt 211 24», al. (v.s. L); 6.
appos.), He 12'^\ Ee U^; 6. 5.iva, Ac T^o-^s, Ga 4^4' 25; to o., of the hill
district as distinct from the lowlands, esp. the hills above the Sea of
Galilee, Mt 5^ 8^, Mk 3^^ 6*6, al. ra 6., Mt IS^^, Mk 55, He ll^s, Re ;
6p<|)ai'ds, -v, -oV, [in LXX for Din^ ;] 1. prop., orphan, father-
less : Mk 12**^, WH, mg, Ja V''^. 2. In a general sense (as also in cl.
V. LS, s.v. ; and cf. MM, xviii), her eft, friendless, desolate: Jo 14i^t
opx^ofjiai, -ovfiai, [in LXX for ipi , etc. ;] to dance ; Mt 11^^ 14*',
Mk 622, Lk 732.t
the postpositive article {ap6pov vTroraKTiKov).
OS, rj, o,
511 8? /tev
; S? 8e, the one the other, Mt 21^5 22^ 25^5, Lk 2333,
. . . . . .
Ac 27*\ Ro 145, I Co 1121, II Co Ju 22; neut., 8 /;i^ . . . 8 8i, the
one . . . the other, some . . Mt 13^' 23^ Ro 92^;
. some, os (o) /xev . . .
neut. d with nouns of other gender and wdth phrases, which thing,
which term : Mk 3^7 12*2, Jq 139^ Col 3^*, al. with a sentence, Ac 232, ;
wherefore, Lk 123 e<^' w, since, for that, Ro 5^2 d^' ov, since (tem- ; ;
{lav), v.s. S.V, lav ; OS Kai, Mk 3^9, Jo 2120, JJq 52^ al. ; 8s Kal airo^, Mt
27^'^. Gen., ov, absol., as adv. (v.s. 01!).
oCTdKis «]dcros), relat. adv., as often as: seq. idv (q.v.), i Co
1125,26, Relie.t
: 6.
« 00-109), adv., [in
koI StKattos k. d/AeyaTrTws (on the distinction
LXX: iii Ki 8^^ Wi 6^"*;] piously,
here between these
synonyms, v. M, Th., 24 f.), i Th 2io.t
6aft.r\, -rj<s, rj (^o^to), [in LXX chiefly for H"^"!;] a smell, odour
Jo 123; metaph. (EV, savour), 11 Co 2^*'^"; of the effect of sacrifice
(cf. ryrisy 0"'T , Ge 821, al., V.S. fitoSta), o. €i;a)Sias, Eph 52, Phi 4i8.t
seq. ovTot (ravTa), Eo 8^*, Phi 48; c. indie, Mk Q^^, Ee 3^^; c. subjc.
Mk 328, al. 5. 6.v, Mt 1&^, Jo II22, al.
; {h) of measure and degree ;
§ 411 Tdf.,
; Pr., Ill), in NT scarcely ever except in nom. (M, Pr., 91),
the only instance of the oblique cases being found in Iws otov (v.s. Iws),
relative of indef. reference (related to simple os as Lat. quisquis
to qui), whoever, anyone who ; (a) of an indef. person or thing in :
Phi 4^ al.; {d) as in Ionic and late Greek (Bl., § 50, 1 M, Pr., I.e.), ;
[in LXX chiefly for izriH ;] made of clay, earthen : ii Co 4J, ii Ti 22o.t
6(t4>us, -vos, 7], [in LXX chiefly for D'^JIID , also for ]^bn , etc. ;]
Lk 622, Jo 210 828 (Field, Notes, 94), 10*, al. 2. As in Hom. (LS, s.v.),
but not in el. prose, c. indie, when (M, Pr., 167 f. ; Bl., § 65, 9)
c.impf., Mk 3" (cf. Ge 38«, al.) ; c. praes., Mk
112^ ; e. fut.. Re 4^
(Swete, in 1.); c. aor., Mk ll^^, Re 8^ (Swete, in 11.; M, Pr., 168, 248;
Field, Notes, 35).
temporal particle (correlat. of TroVe, roVe), when; c. indie,
(so generally in cl., but also c. optat., subjc. LS, s.v.), most freq. ;
Lk l^i, Jo 12", Ac 151, He lli*, al. (on the pleonastic ws oVt, v.s. 0)9).
II. As causal particle, /or that, becatise : Mt 5*- 12, Lk 620.21, Jq iso
527, Ac 15, I Jo 4i«, Re 3i«, al. mult.; 8ta tovto Sn, Jo 8*' IQi^ al.;
22 729 1212 1613 206.8 2510 281*, Ro 926 (Lxx)^ Col S\ He Sm^^^\ Ee
171^ of condition, Eo 4^^ 52**, 11 Co 3^^ ; (b) in answer to the question
oil, before a vowel with smooth breathing ovk, before one with
rough breathing ovx (but improperly ovx l8ov, Ac 2"^, WH, mg. cf. ;
WH, Intr., § 409; M, Pr., 44, 244), [in LXX for ify , J^ii , •ps;] neg.
many), Ac 17*, al. ovk aar)iJio<;, Ac 21^^; ttus ; ov, c. verb, (like . . .
alas ! woe ! most freq. c. dat. pers., Mt II21 23^*, Mk13^^ 1421^ Uj-
62*-26, Ju vocat. (nom.), Ee 18i«' 16, i9
11, al. ; c. (cf. Is 12*, al.) ; c. ace,
Ee 1212, seq. U, 8^3; c. dat. seq. diro (v. M, Pr., 246), 18^. As Mt
subst., I Co 9i« (cf. Je 6*); ^ oi., Ee 9^2 11^; pi., 9^2; Ee
oi., oi., oi.,
Ee 813.
**ou8afAa)s «ouSa/ics, not even one), adv., [in ii-iv MaCg*;] LXX :
al. ; ot'Stv el fxrj, Mt 5^^, Mk 9-^ al. c. neg., strengthening the negation,
Eph 21^ He 10^8, al. ; c. neg. (to strengthen the negation), Mt 22*«,
Mk 53, Ac 839, al.
ouKouf, adv. {<^ovKovv, not therefore), vrith the negative element
lost, therefore, so theti : Jo 18^'^.
€7r€i ovv, He 21*; ovv c. ptcp. (= eWi ovv), Ac 230, Eo 51, al.; iav ovv
(where ovv rather in sense belongs to the apodosis), Mt 523, Lk 4'',
Jo 6«2, Eo 226, al. oZv, Jo 41, al. ; <l,s
ouTTu, neg. adv. of time, not yet Mt 24«, Mk 13^ Jo 2* 32* 6I', al. :
oipdyio<5, -ov (cl. usually -a, -ov), [in LXX De 28i2 A (Q-lOCr), etc. ;] :
** oupaco'eeK
Ac 1417 26i3.t
oupavos), adv., [in LXX IV Mac 4"* * ;] from heaven :
oupai/o's, -ov, 6, [in LXX chiefly for U^iytS (hence, often pi., 61 ov.,
at vc<^iXai ToO ov., Mt 2430, al. ra TreTfiva tov ol., Mt 626, Mk 432,
; al.
3i6, Mk
oh., Ee 613, al.; pi. {ol) ov. (Bl., § 32, 5), Mt
ol 6.cTripes ToS
Jo 132, II Pe 37,13^ al. 2. Of the abode of God and other blessed
beings: of angels, Mt 2436, Mk 1225, Ga 18, Ee IQi, al.; of Christ
glorified, Mk 16n9], Lk 245i, Ac 321, Eo 106, al. ; of God, Mt 53*,Eo lis,
al.; 6 HarV o Iv roh ou. (Dalman, Words, 184 ff.), Mt 516 61, al.
ous, gen., tiro's, TO, [in LXX chiefly for ]|N ;] the ear : Mt 13^*',
Mk 733, Lk
2250, I Co 29 12^\ i Pe 3^2 ; t. <io-i', Lk 421 eh t. S>Ta h ;
Jo 2^2 W,
al. (6) epanaleptic (referring to what precedes)
; Mt 5^9, :
partly. He 103^; kol tovto (tovtov, TavTa), and that (him) too, Eo 13ii,
I Co 22, He 1112 ^o5^' ^^^^^ ^J^(^l ^g ^^ ^^^^ Mt 27*^.
2. As adj., c.
subst.; {a) c. art. (a) before the art. Mt 1232, 92 9, Lk 7*^ Jo
4i5, : Mk
Eo 112*, Re 199, al. (y8) after the noun Mt 39, ;
12i«, Lk 113i, : Mk
Jo 413, Ac 613, Ro 1528^ I Co po^ Re 22*, al. {b) c. subst. anarth. (with ;
predicative force Bl., § 49, 4) Lk 136 22 2421, Jo 2" 45* 21i*, 11 Co 13i.
; :
ouTws, rarely (Bl., § 5, 4; App., 146 f.) ovTuy, adv. «olto9), WH,
[in LXX chiefly for ]5;] in this way, so, thus; 1. referring to
what precedes: Mt 516 63o, Mk 10*3 1459, l^ 125 2^8 157, Jq 38,
Eo 115, I Co 812, al. o{;tu)s /cat, Mt 1712, Mk 1329, al. pleonastically,
I Co 77.
(]ri^-^p), Nu 143(2) 203 (,^)^ pg 118 (119)^ (•'i?nx), etc.;] in cl. with an
infin.(chiefly poet.), would that: with indie, aor., i Co 4^ ; impf.,
IICo 11\ Ee 31^ fut., Ga 5^2 (a practicable wish, v. Bl., 206 f., 220.
The construction with indie, is only found in late writers. )+
(<^ o^e'AAw, to increase), [in
o(^eXos, -ovs, to Jb 15^ LXX :
(bm hi.)* ;] advantage, help : i Co 1532, Ja 2^^'
*t 64>0aX(io-8ooXio (Eec. -eia), -a?, r/ {<^6(p6a\iJ.6<;, SovAos), eye-service
Eph 6«, Col 322 (not found elsewhere).
64»0aX(j,o's, -ov, 6, [in LXX chiefly for yv ;] the eye (as in cl.,
6<|>pus, -W9, ri, [in LXX : Le 14" {j^V na) * ;] an eyebrow, the
brow of a hill Lk 429.t :
oxXos, -ov, 6, [in LXX for ]inn (chiefly in Da th), b''j:i, bnp^,
opp. to S^/xos, q.v., and cf. Tr., Syn., § xcviii), the populace, the
common people (cf. 6 iroXU 6., supr.), Mt 14^ 2126, Mk I212, Jo 712*'; so
with contempt (cl.), Jo 7*9^ Jn ^ more general sense, a multitude
c. gen., ovo/ActTwj' (v.s. o.), Ac li^ ;
p,ady]Twv, Lk 6i^, al.
oxopwfia, -Tos, TO {<C6xvp6<a, to fortify, make firm), [in LXX for
"IS^a etc. a strongJwld, fortress (Ps 88 (89)*o, Na 312. i*
, ;] al.) ; in
Za IQi, Je 524 (ryipi?)^), Ex 9^2 (b^EX)*;] poet, and late for o./.ios,
Zaie; v€t6s o., i/ie Zaiier ram (v. DB, s.v. "rain"), with ellipsis of
{-6T0S (v. WM, 740), Ja S^.t
**o«|/ios, «o.//€), Za^e ; ^ alpa,
-a, -oy Ipi (Eec, Mk WH, mg.).
In late writers, 17 dij/M (sc. wpa), as subst., evening [in LXX : Jth 13^ *]
Mt 816 1415. 23 162 208 2620 27", 1^2 4^5 6*' 141^ 15*2, Jo Mk G^^, 20i9.t
o\|/is, -€ws, 7], [in LXX chiefly for n?«flO;] 1. the act of seeing,
n, TT, m, pi, p, the sixteenth letter. As a numeral, •tt' = 80,
TT = 80,000.
tTraviSeuw «7rayt's), [in LXX: I Ki 28^ (iyp3 hith.), Ec 912
elsewhere) .t
poet. (Aristoph., al.) and late for Tray?/, a trap, snare; metaph. (as
also in cl.) Lk 21^5, : Eo lisd-xx)^ i Ti 3' 6^, 11 Ti 226.t
flayos, V.S. "Apetos.
* Tra'9T)|jia, -tos, to {^iracrx*^), like ird.6o<i, 1. that which befalls one,
a suffering, affliction : pi., Eo Co ",
8i«, 11 1«' Col I2*, 11 Ti 3", He 2io
1032, I Pe 5»; of Christ's sufferings: ra cts X., i Pe l^^; t. Xpto-roC,
iraiSa'pioi', -ov, to, dimin. of Trais, [in LXX chiefly for "1^3 ;] a little
boy, a lad (in late and colloq. Gk. the word seems to be used with
greater latitude and even to lose its dimin. force entirely ; cf. To 6'^' *,
iraiScia (-tct, T), -as, rj {<^TraiS€vo}), [in LXX chiefly for 1D1D;]
TraiSioc, -ou, to, dimin. of Trais, [in LXX chiefly for lb;; , also for
I Jo 2^3. 18 37,t
iraiSiaKT], -r/s, r}, dimin. of Trais, [in LXX for nUSit^ , nipK , etc. ;]
irois, gen., iraiSos, 6, rj, [in LXX chiefly for 1337 , also for lyj , n'iy3 ,
Like Heb. 13^, Lat. puer, Fr. gargon, Eng. boy (.^sch., Aristoph.,
Xen., al.), servant, slave, attendant: Mt S^'^'^*, Lk 7" 12*^ 1526. j^
late writers (Diod., LXX : Ge dl^*", al.), of a king's attendant or
minister : Mt 14^ ; so ( = Heb. njT; l^y) tt. t. e^oi (Ps 68 (69)^^
Is 418, wi 213, al.), of Israel, Lk l^*; of David, Lk l^^, Ac 4'"; of
Jesus (but V. Dalman, Words, 277 Mt 1218(Lxx)^ Ac 312.26 427,30.t
but with emphasis on the former. Cf. also iraiSapLoi', TraiStW, irai^Lo-K-q,
and V. Westc. on i Jo 31. 2. v.s. Oepd-n-wv, and cf. Thackeray, Gr., 7 f.
iraiw, [in LXX chiefly for HDJ hi. ;] to strike, smite : with the
hand or fist, Mt 26^\ Lk 22"*; with a sword, 14*^ Jo 18i»; of a Mk
reptile, to sting : Re 9^.t
naxaTiai'ii, -rj<;, 17, Pacatiana, the western part of the Province of
Phrygia, as constituted in iv/A.D. i Ti subscr. (Eec.).t :
nrdXai, adv. of time, [in LXX: Is 48^''' (7S10), etc.;] long ago,
av6po)iros (for similar phrases, v. Westc, E'ph., 68), Eo 6", Eph 4.^'\
Col 39 neut. pi., Katva koI it., Mt 13^^; of things not merely old, but
and the act., v. supr., may have the sense of abrogate, v. LS, Zorell,
SYN. : yijpdcrKO).
*irdXt], -77s, ^ (<^iraX\a), to sway), wrestling, hence, g&xxQXdXly, fight,
contest : fig., of the spiritual combat of Christians, Eph 6^.t
iraXiYyevco'ia, V.S. irakivyev^a-ia.
voXiv, adv., [in LXX for 31127, etc. ;] 1. of place, hack, backwards
(LS, S.V.). 2. Of time, again, once more: Mt 4.^, Mk 2^3, Lk 232o,
Jo 135 (and freq.), Ga 1^,
Ac IV^, Eo ll^^, He l^, al; pleonastically,
TT. dvaKa/XTTTCtl', Ac Ga l^'^ CIS TO TT., II Co 13^;
18^^; VTrO(TTpe(f>€lV, CK ; TT.
rpirov (Bl., § 81, 4), Mt 26*4; U htvripov, Mt 26^^ Ac 1015; TT. 8iVT€pov,
Jo 45* 2116; TT. dvw^t,/ (Wi 19«), Ga 4^. 3. Ehetorically, again; (a)
further, moreover Mt 5**, Lk 13^*^, Jo 12^^, al. (b) in turn, on the
: ;
Ex 11 (rr^S), III Mac 3^^ (where A in each case reads -/cia, the Attic
form, cf. Ge 50^, al.)*;] with all the household: Ac IS^^.t
irai'OTrXia, -as, rj (<7r5s, ottXov), [in LXX: II Ki 2^1 (n^f^q), Jb
3920, Jth 143, Wi 517, Si 46«, I, II, IV Macg*;] full armour: Lk II22;
metaph. (cf. Wi, I.e.), t. O^ov, Eph G"' i^.t
irat'oupyia, -as, rj (<^ Travoupyos), [in LXX J08 9*, Pr 1* 8^ :
iraf oupyos, -ov, [in LXX chiefly for DTir ;] ready to do anything ;
(a) in cl., chiefly in bad sense, knavish, crafty : 11 Co 12^^ ;
(b) in
good sense, skilful, clever (Pr 13^ 28''^).+
II Mac 8" *
;] everywhere : Ac 212^.t
irai'TaxoOe*', adv., [in LXX: IV Mac 13^ 15^2*;] from all sides:
Mk 145, Rec.t
iracTaxou, adv., [in LXX: Is 42^^ (d^3)*;] everywhere: Mk p8
16[20], Lk 96, Ac 1730 243 2822, i Co 4i7.t
**Tra^T€XVis, -€? «7rSs, rcAos), [in LXX: III Mac T^^ A*;] all-
complete, entire, perfect ; ek : t. TravreAe's, completely, utterly Lk 13^^,
He (where perhaps in temp, sense, finally ; v. MM, xviii).t
**TT(£^TT) (Eec. -T-q), adv. «7r5s), [in LXX: Si 5022, Mac 4^*;] m
every way, entirely : Ac 243.t
TTdyroQiv, adv. «7ras), [in LXX: Je 31
(n^^), al.;] from
al., and freq. in Am, Za, Ma ; also in Wi 72^, Si 42^7 50^^' i^, and freq.
in Jth, II, III Mac;] almighty : 11 Co G^s, Ee l^ 4^ 11^7 153 iq7,u 96,15
**TTd^TOT€, adv. of time «7r5s), [in II21 19^^*;] in late LXX Wi :
II. C. dat. pers. (exc. Jo 19^^, tt, t. a-ravpiS), by the side of, beside,
by, with, [in LXX for b^^, T^, ^ry3;] Lk ll^^ 197, Jo 1*° 4*o,
Ac 28^*, al. ; Trap' iavrtZ, at home, i Co 16^ c. dat. pi., among, Mt 22^^,
after verbs of motion, Mt 4^^ Mk 4^, Lk 8^, Ac 4'*, al. after verbs of ;
rest, Mt 13^ Mk 5^\ Lk 8^5, al. 2. beside, beyond, metaph. (a) be- ;
ib. ^; seq. avo (as ]p 1TD, De 17'^**, al.), to turn aside, fall away {cLtt.
T^s a\ri6eLa<s, Arist., Gael., i, 5, 2) : Ac l^^.t
Trapa-P(iX\(u, [in LXX: Pr 2^ 420 5^'^^ 22^7 (.1133 hi.), Eu 2^6
(^buf), 11 Mac
14^^ (elsewhere as v.l.J*;] 1. to throw to or beside, as
fodder to horses (Horn., al.). 2. to lay beside, compare (Hdt., Plat.,
al.) : Mk
i^^, Eec. 3. Eeflexive, to betake oneself, come near ; of
seamen, to cross over : cis Sa/tov, Ac 20^^. 4. In mid. = Trapa-
/SoXcwo/xat, q.v.t
irapd-paffis, -ews, 17 «7rapa^aivu)), [in LXX: Ps 100 (lOl)^
(D^Bp), IV Ki 224 A, Wi 143i, 11 Mac IS^"*;] 1. a going aside, a devia-
tion (Arist.). 2. In later writers, aii overstepping ; metaph., trans-
gression (Plut., al.): Eo 41^ 51*, He 22 Q^^; t. vo/xov, Eo 2^3; Iv tt.,
I Ti 2^* ; T. 7rapa/3d(T€wv x^ptv, Ga 319.
(117 hi.), I Ki 2823 ^r^ yiS), V.I.4*;] 1. prop., to force against nature
seq. Iva (M, Pr., 207; Bl., §69, 4), Mk 6s, 11 Th 3^2; c. dat. pers.,
Ac 1730 E, txt., I Th 411 seq. kiyo^v, Mt 10^ c. inf. aor., Mt lb^\ Mk 8«,
; ;
al.; also for ]iy, Is 51^; D^IS, Ne 2^, Ec 2^;] 1. a park, pleasure-
ground, garden (LXX), an orchard (in tt., v. MM, ii, xviii Deiss., BS, ;
Ee 27.t
irapo-S^XOF^ai. \}^ LXX Ex :
23^ {HVJZ), Pr 3^2 (nsi), ii Mac 422 E,
HI Mac
712 * j] to receive, admit
; (a) of things : Mk 42", Ac 15* I621
2218, I xi 519 ; (6) of persons : He 12^ (i'XX),t
id. seq. iwip, Eo 8^2; c. dat., Mt 525, Mk 15\ Lk 1258, Jq ign^ ^1.; id.
seq. Iva, 12*; seq. ci's, Mt lO^^ 1722 24^, Lk 21^2, Ac
Jo I916 ; c. inf., Ac
83, II Co 411, al. t. Saram, I Ti 120; j^ ggq ^.^ oXiOpov aapKOS, I Co 5*
**Trap<i8o|os, -ov «7rapd, 86$a), [in Jth 13^3^ 52 16^7 195, LXX: Wi
Si 4325, ii-iv Mac 3 * ;] contrary to received opinion, incredible, marvel-
lous : pi., Lk 526.t
Syn. : v.s. Swa/iis.
and in To 10^', n Mac 3^'^' ^5, v.l. for wapaKarad-^Kr] (q.v.) *;] a deposit or
trust: I Ti 520, 11 Ti 112,14 (for exx. of this form, v. MM, Exp., iii,
xviii) .+
**Trop-oii'^«, -5, [in LXX: 11 Mac 725.26, m Mac S^^ 712*;] to
exhort, advise: c. ace. pers. et inf. (v. Bl., § 72, 5; M, Pr., 205), Ac
27-; absol., seq. Aeyw, Ac 279.t
irap-aiWofjiai, -ov/tai, [in LXX for CTpS pi., etc. ;] 1. to beg of or
from another Mk 15^ (Rec.
ov-rrep tjtovvto, v. Field, Notes, 43).
: 2. to
deprecate ; neg., to entreat that not (Thuc, al.)
(a) prop., c. 12^*; : He
(b) to refuse, declme, avoid : c. ace, i Ti 4^ S^i, ii Ti 2^3, Tit
3'o, He
12" (EV but V. Field, Notes, 234). 3. to beg off, ask to be excused,
the gods Dem., Xen., al.), to invoke, call on, beseech, e^itreat : t.
ace, Ac 1532, 1 Th 2^1, He 3", al. id. seq. inf., Ac IF^, Ro Phi 42,; U\
I Th
4i», al.;
seq. Iva (v. M, Pr., I.e.), i Co T", 11 Co 8^ i Th 4^, a-l.
3. to cheer, encourage, comfort (Plut., Jb 4^, Is 35^, Si 432*, LXX :
al.) : c. ace, 11 Co 1«, Eph 622, Col 22, al.; id. seq. Iv, i Th 4^8; 8i<£,
II Co 1* ;
pass., Mt 5*, Lk 162^, Ac 20^2.
SYN. : irapaixveiw (cf. M, Th., 25).
Trapa-KaXoTTTw, [in LXX: Is 44^ (ins), Ez 222« (nbr hi.) * ;] to
cover by hanging something beside, to hide : metaph. (as Plat., al.),
Lk 9*^.t
liapa-Kara-eiiKTi, -7??, rj « TrapaKararL6-np.i), [in LXX Ex 2280. "(10) :
II Co l*-7
7'''7»i3, II
Th 2i«, Phm"; t. ypac^wv, Ro 15*; ^cos -n)s tt.,
Ro 155, Co 13; ToC 'lapa-qX (v. Dalman, Words, 109 f.), Lk 225.t
** TTapd-KXrjTos, -ov
TrapaKaXew) [in Aq., Th. Jb 162*;] called to ,
lit., KlJI^bp^B), " a friend of the accused person, called to speak to his
character, or otherwise enlist sympathy in his favour" (Field, Notes,
102). In NT, specif., 6 ir., (a) of Christ, i Jo 2^ (v. ICC, Jo. Epp.,
23 fif.); (b) of the Holy Spirit (AV, comforter; but v. opp. c), Jo
1416,26 1526 167 (cf. also Abbott, Essays, 86, 97; Deiss., LAE, 339 f.;
MM, xviii; Westc, Jo., ii, 188ff.).t
*irap-aKoii, a hearing amiss (Plat.).
-^s, rj, 2. Later,
1. as
following inattention, disobedience : Eo 5^®, ii Co 10®, He 2^ (cf.
TrapaKovd), and V. Tr., Syn., § lxvi).t
**Trap-aKoXouec'w, -S), [in LXX : ii Mae 8" 9^7 E*;] c. dat., to
follow closely, accompany. Metaph., in various senses, (a) to result
Mk 16t''J (b) to follow up, trace, investigate : Lk 1^ (so freq. in cl.)
etc., c. prep. ;] by the sea ; rj tt. (sc. x<^P«> i^^ LXX irapaXia, De 1^,
Trapa-rriTTTw, [in LXX : Ez 14^3 158 1324 2027 (l,y;a), 22* (nUrX),
Es 6i«
hi.), Wi 69 12^, 11 Mae 10* A*;] 1. most
freq. (Hdt.,
Thuc., al.), to fall in 07ie's way, befall. 2. to fall into or in (seq. «is,
Polyb. ; e. dat., 11 Mac, I.e.). 3. tofall away (Ez, Wi, 11. c. in Polyb., ;
** TrapaaTjiios, -ov (<[ cr^/xa, a mark), [in iii Mac 2^9*;] 1. in LXX :
airoiTK-, KaraxTK-), 4^, I Mac 9^^ J< II Mac I521 * ;] 1. preparation.
irapaftoXrjv, Mt 132*'
II. Mid., 1. to have set before one (Horn., Thuc,
Xen., al.). 2. to deposit with another, give in charge or commit to
(Hdt., Xen., Polyb., al.) c. acj. et dat., Lk 12*8 23*^, Ac 142^ 20^2,
brief duration (cf. 17 tt. Xa/ATrpdn^s, Thuc, ii, 64), momentary, for a
vioment : 11 Co 4i''.t
irdpSaXis, -eo)s, f), [in LXX for 103 , Ca 48, Ho 13^ Is 11«, al. ;]
I Mac : 2*2, al.) ; (b) of siege works, to cast up : c. acc. et dat., p^dpa/cd
o-oi, Lk 19*3.t
1. an (^schin.).
insertion, interpolation 2. In the Macedonian
dialect (Eutherford, NPhr., 473), as a military term; (a) an army in
battle array : He 11^4 (cf. Ex 141^.20, Jg 416, al.; freq. in Polyb.) (b) ;
SYN. : irapa^aLVd}.
*'irdpe<ris, -ecus, 17 (<^irapir)fu), 1. a letting go, dismissal. 2.
pratermission, passing by (of debt or sin) : Eo S^^.t
Syn. : a</)€(ns, q.v.
irap-e'xu), [in LXX: Ps 29(30)7 (lay hi.), etc.;] I. Act., 1. to
furnish, provide, supply ; with ref. to incorporeal things, to afford,
show, give, cause : c. ace, Ac 22^, i Mk Ti 1*; c. ace. et dat., Mt 26^'',
14«, Lk 117 185, Ac 16i« 1731 282, q^ giv^ i Ti &\ 2. to present, offer:
0. aec. et dat., Lk 62^ c. pron. reflex, et ace. pred., to show or present
oneself (v. infr., and cf, Bl., § 55, 1). II. Mid., 1. to supply, furnish
or display of ones own part : c. ace. et dat., Lk 7*, Ac I92**, Col 4^.
2. In late writers, c. pron. reflex, et aec. pred. (= act. ut supr.), to
show or present oneself (Xen., FIJ, al. cf. M, Pr., 248; Deiss., BS, ;
Ge 24i*> i«' ^s
and Ge
Is 23*, al. ; also for lyj , niTJ , 343, for na!?:? ,
I Co 135.t
2. irritation : Ac 15^^.t
irap-opYiJiu, [in LXX chiefly for 0^3 hi.;] (in cl., passive only),
to provoke to anger : Eo 10^^ fLXX)^ Eph 6*.t
t irap-opyiap.os, -ov, 6 (<^ Trapopyt^w) ,
[in LXX: III Ki 15^'', IV Ki
2326 (Dy3) ; IV Ki 193, Ne 918.26 (nyx?) ; Je 215 a (f)S|?.) *;] irritation
(" distinguished from opyrj as implying a less permanent state " ; ICC,
Eph., 140; and v. Tr., Syn., § xxxvii) : Eph 426.t
* irap-oTpoVu, to urge on, stir up: c. ace. pers., Ac 13^° (Pind.,
Hipp., and late writers) .t
Trap-ouam, -as, 17, [in LXX : Ne 2« A, Jth 1018, II Mac 812 1521,
III Mac 31^*;] 1. usually in
cl., a being present, presence : i Co 16^'',
II Mac 8^2) : 11 Co ?«• ', Phi 126, n Th 2^; in late writers (v. M, Th.,
145 ff.; MM, xix; LAE, 372 ff.) as technical term for the visit of
a king; hence, in NT, specif, of the Advent or Parowsia of Christ
Mt 243.27,37,39^ I Co 1523, 1 Th 219 313 415 523, II Th 21.8, Ja 5^.8, n Pe
116 3*. 12, 1 Jo 228.t
*irap-o\|/is, -tSos, rj (<[7rapa, oif/ov V.S. oi/^aptoj'), 1. a side-dish of ]
dainties (Xen., al.). 2. In Comic poets and late prose, the dish itself
on which the dainties are served Mt 232^. 26. (In this sense : it is
condemned by the Atticists v. Rutherford, NPhr., 265 f.)t ;
boldly, be bold in speech: Ac 927.28 1346 143 1326 igs 2526, Eph 620,
irds, TTaao, iroi', gen., Travros, 7rda"r]<i, TravTOS, [in LXX chiefly for
bs;] 0,11, every.
I. As adj., 1. c. subst. anarth., all, every, of every kind
Mt 310 423, Mk 9*9, Lk 437 Jo 2io, Ac 2720, Ro 78, Re 18i7, al.
pi., all, Ac 2215, -^Q 512^ 2e je, al.
; of the highest degree, ir. i^oviria
{irpodvpLia, xapa), Mt 2818, Ac 1711, Phi 229, al. ; also the whole (though
in this sense more freq. c. art.), Mt 23, Ac 236, Ro 112«. 2. C. art.
(before the art., after the noun, or, denoting totality, between the art.
and noun), all, whole : Mt 8=*^ 1S\ Mk 5^\ Lk li«, Ac 7^\ Eo 3i9,
He 2^; seq. rel. pron., Mt 7^\ Ac 2-\ Ga S^o, al.; c. ptcp. (anarth.),
Mt 13>9, Lk 114; c, ptcp. (c. art.), Mt 5^2, Mk 7^, Lk 6*^, Jo S^
Ro 116, al. ;
pi., TraVrt?, absol., all, all men, Mt 10^2, Mk IS^^, Lk 2038,
Jo 1" 326,
I Co 8^ al. ; ol it. (collectively, as a definite whole), Ro 11^^,
I Co 10^^ Eph 413, al.; tt. 01 (5crot), Mt 42*, Mk 1^2, Lk 4*o, al. 2.
Neut., (a) sing., irav, everything, all: irav to, c. ptcp., i Co 102^.27^
Eph Jo 216 5*
513, I (sc. ov) ; ttSv 5, Jo I72, Ro 1423 collectively, of
from anarth. Travra, all things severally; cf. Westc, Eph., 186 f.),
absol. : Ro 1136, j Co 86, Eph 3», He 13, al. relatively, Mk 4^, Ac ;
IT.), Mt 632' 33^ al. Trai'Ttt, c. prep, in adverbial phrases, 7rp6 Trai/Twv,
311, I Pe 411, al. Kara Travra, in all respects, Ac I722, al. 3. C. neg.,
n-as ov {firi) = ouSct?, v.s. ov and jxri, and cf. M, Pr., 245 f.
t-n-do-xa, to, indecl. (Aram. NFips), [in LXX for nOg);] 1. the
festival of the Passover : Mt 262, yi^ ^41^ l^ 22i, Jo 213.23 6* ll^s 121
1839 191*, Ac 12S He ^ Lk II28; ^opTr; tov tt., 2*1, Jo 13i. 2. By
meton., (a) the pascJial supper : €Toiyu,a^€iv to tt., Mt 261^, Mk I416, Lk
228' 13
. ^0^^-^ .ro TT., Mt 2618 (b) the paschal lamb : Ovetv to ;
tt. (Ex 12^1),
Mk 1412, Lk 22"; of Christ, i Co S''; c^ayeiv to it. (lamb or supper),
Mt 261^ Mk 1412.1*, Lk 2211' 15, Jo 1828 (cf. 11 Ch 30i').t
I Pe 219' 20, 23 317 415,19. seq. ^,^0, c. gen., Mt 17i2; imep, Ac 916, Phi V^\
II Th 1\ PeI 221 ; c. dat. ref., i Pe 41 ; Trcpi, c. gen. (seq. virip), 1 Pe 318
hid, c. 31*; oXiyov {a little rvhile), i Pe 51°; c. ace, Mt 271^,
ace, I Pe
Mk Lk 132 2426, Ac 285, „ Yi I12, He 58, Re 2io iraO-^fx.ara, 11 Co 16
912, ;
TavTa, Ga 3* (EV cf. Lft., in 1., but v. infr.) ace. seq. a^rd, Mt I621,
; ;
iraTTJp, irarpos, -rpi, -ripa, [in LXX chiefly and very freq. for ON ;]
a father ; 1. prop., (a) of the male parent: Mt 2^2, Lk 1^^, Jo 4^3.
anarth., He 12^ (M, Pr., 82 f.) pi., of both parents (cl.), He 1123; ;
4n, 12, 16
(j^ a,s a title of respect or honour, used of seniors, teachers
beings Eph S^^'^*, He 12^ (c) of men, esp. those in covenant relation
with Him (freq in OT and later Jewish lit. v. Dalman, Words, 184 ff.) ;
al. blvr. ovpavoh, Mt 7", al. 6 oipdvio^, Mt 15i3 vocat., Jo ll*i 1227. 28
; ; ;
v. M, Pr., I.e.), Eo 15«, 11 Co 13 113i, Eph 13, Col l^. He 15, i Pe l^,
Ee 1« (cf. Westc, Epp. Jo., 27-34).
ndxfios, -ov, -fj, Patmos, an island in the ^gean Sea Ee : 1^.+
irarpaXuas, V.S. TrarpoXwas.
iraTpid, -as, 17 {<^-naT-^p), [in LXX chiefly for a^, Ex 61*, al.,
ancestry (Hdt.). 2. =
irdrpa (more common in cl.), a family or tribe
(sosometimes in Hdt., in LXX of related people, in a sense narrower
than (^vX-q and wider than otKos v. Ex 123, ^u 3228) Lk 2* in a ; : ;
irarpiKos, -77, -ov {<^7raTrjp), [in LXX for 3^, Ge 508, al. ;]
ii-iv Mac 12*;] of ones fathers, received from one' s fathers : Ac 22^
2414 28i7.t
riauXos, -ov, 6 (Lat. Paulus), 1. Sergius Paulus : Ac 13'^. 2. the
Apostle Paul (cf. SaOAos) : Ac 13^, and freq. throughout Ac, Ro 1^
I Co 11, al., II Pe 315.
iravo), [in LXX for nbs pi., etc.;] to make to cease, restrain,
hinder : c. ace. rei, seq. a-n-o, i Pe
Mid., to cease, leave off:
Lk 82* 111, 138; c. ptcp., Lk 5*, Ac 5*^ 61^ 13i« 20^1 2132,
Ac 201, I Co
Eph 116, Col 1^ He 102; c. gen., d/xapnas, i Pe 4i (WH, mg., R, txt.)
c. dat., ib. (WH, txt., R, mg.).t
n(i<|>os, -ov, rj, Paphos, a city in Cyprus : Ac IS^'i^.t
ire'ST), -r}<;, rj Trc'^a, the instep), [in LXX for TXffn^ , etc,;]
ireSifos, -rj, -ov (< TreSiov, a plain), [in LXX chiefly for rh^Wi
{t} it.) ;] level, plain : Lk 6i''.t
14i^ Mt
(WH, mg., R, txt.). 2. 0pp. to going by sea, hy land :
Ac 1928; seq. Trept, c. gen. rei, Ac 19*; c. ace. pers., Ac 12^^ 14^^ ig*,
II Co 5", Ga l^*' ; t. Ka/aSta? TjfiCJv, I Jo 3^^ ; c. ace. seq. Ac 28^^
c. ace. et inf., Ac 13 ^ 26^* (v. Field, Notes, 141 ff.) ; c. ace. seq. Lva
(Plut.), Mt 2T\ Intrans., 2 pf. TrcVot^a with pres. sense (v. M,
Pr., 147, 154; BL, §59, 2):
to trust, be confident, have confidence:
c. ace. et inf., Eo 2^9 c. ace. ref. (v. Ellic, in I) Phi I''. " c. dat.,
; : ;
Phi ll^ Phm2i; lauTw, c. inf., ii Co 10"; seq. iv. Phi 33.*; iu Kvpioy
6ti, Phi 2^4. ,vi', c. dat., Mt 27« (WH, mg.), 10^* (T, E, mg.', Mk WH,
om.), Lk 1122 189^ II Co He 19, 2^3; cVi, e. ace, Mt 27*3 (e. dat., WH,
mg.) id. seq. on, ii
; Co 2\ ii Th
3* (v. Lft., Notes, 127) ek, c. ace. ;
pers. seq. on, Ga 5^^. (ii) Pass, and mid. 1. to be persuaded, believe ;
nD3 pi.) 33* (HDa) , Wi 1820.25, n Mac 89, iv Mac 81*;] a trial, ex-
yeriment ; tt. Xafx.fia.vfiv, to make trial, have experience of: He 1129|36
(for exx., V. Field, Notes, 232 f.).+
-ireipdj^u, poet, and late prose form of ireLpdw, q.v., [in LXX for
nD3 pi.
;] 1. to make proof of (Hom.). (Luc, Polyb., 2. to try, attemjit
al.) c.
: inf. (v. 4), Ac 16"
M, Pr., 205 Bl., § 69,
92« 246. 3, j^ LXX ;
and NT, like Heb. nD3 c. acc. pers., to test, try, prove; (a) in a good
TTc'/iTTTos, -rj, -ov, [In LXX for ^CT'^pn and cognate forms ;] fifth
Re 69 91 1610 212o.t
Tr^fiTTu, [in LXX chiefly for nbtZT;] to send; (a) of persons:
c. ace, absol, Mt 22^ Lk 7^^, Jo l^^^ n Co 9^, al. ;
ptcp. seq. verb.,
Mt 1410, Ac 1931, al.; ptcp. seq. Sid (= Heb. 11^5, i Ki I620, al.), Mt
112 Re V) of teachers sent by God, Jo l^^ i^\ Eo 8^, al. c. ace.
(cf ; ;
et dat., I Co 4^'^, Phi 2^9 seq. tt/oo's, c. ace, Lk 42*, Jo 16'^, al.
; seq. ;
Xeytjv (cf. Heb. -lbs!? nbm, Ge 382*, al.), Lk 7«'i9; seq. ets, c. ace.
loc, Mt 28, Lk 1515, al. seq. eis (of purpose), Eph 622, Col 48, i Pe 2^*
111; id., of purpose, Ac IF^, Phi 41^; c. dat. pers., 11 Th 2"; tt. t.
hpiiravov aov (cf. €^a7roo-Ttt'A.aT€ Spenava = 7S0 ^Tl?^ > Jl 3 (4)13), j^q
TT€»'0ea), -to, [in LXX chiefly for blN;] to modern (for), lament;
(a) intrans. : Mt 5* (5) 91^, Co 52 tt.
i ; Kal KXaUiv, Mt I610, Lk 625, jg, 49^
ir^fSos, -ovs, TO, [in LXX chiefly for b^\] mourning: Ja 4',
Eel87.8 21*.t
ir€>'ixp<5s, -a, -ov (•<! ""O'o/tai, V.S. irevrj^), [in LXX: Ex 22^**
Pr 28^5 29'^ (b?) * ;] chiefly in Comic poets and late prose (but Plato,
subst., 17 TT. (a) (sc. fnpk), at Athens, a tax of two per cent.
; {h) (sc. ;
rjfiepa, i.e. the fiftieth day after the Passover), Pentecost, the second
of the three great Jewish feasts (To, 11 Mac, 11. c. ; kofyrr} i^SofidSwv,
De 1610, al.) : Ac 2^ 20^^, 1 Co 168.+
confidence 11 Co
: Eph 3^2; seq. cis, n Co 822; ^^ py 34
l^^ 3* 10^, (the
word is condemned by the Atticists, v. Eutherford, NPhr., 355).+
nip (akin to Trepi), enclitic particle, adding force or positiveness
to theword which precedes it indeed, by far, etc. In the NT, it is :
always affixed to the word to which it relates, v.s. SioTrcp, idvirep, eiirep,
iirfLTTtp, eTreiSiQTrep, y}TT€p, KaOdirep, Katrrep, oanrep, wcnrtp.
*iT€paiTip<a (<[7r€pa, beyond), compar. adv., beyond: Ac 19'*,
L, Tr., WH (T, Eec, E, -rrcpl iT4pu>v).f
ircpac, adv., [in LXX for l^jr and cognate forms ;] on the other
side, across (usually with the idea of water lying between) (a) as in ;
221 25
the older poets, as prep. c. gen. t. 6a\dc<rr]^, Jo 6^'
: ^ 'lopSdvov, ^'^> •
-ir^pas, -ttTos, TO (^TTcpa, beyond), [in LXX chiefly for y^, nyp
and cognate forms ;] an end, limit, boundary ; (a) of space chiefly in :
pi., T^i TT. T. y^s, Mt 12*2, Lk 1131; .r. oJkoi^/a^t^s, Eo IQiSd^); (b) (opp.
to dpxv) i^^ ^^^ •'
C- g6Il., dvTtXoytas, He 61'.+
ncpyafjios, -ov, rj (so Xen., Paus., al., but -ov, to in Strabo, Polyb.,
and most writers, also in Inscr. ; in NT the termination is uncertain),
Fergamum, a city of Mysia : Ee 1" 2 12.+
Perga, a city of Pamphylia Ac 13i3' ^* 142*.t
n^PYT], -175, 17, :
prep. c. gen., acc (in cl. also c. dat. cf. M, Pr., 105 f.),
irepi, ;
with radical sense round about (as distinct from dyu^i, on both sides).
I. C. gen., 1. of place, about (poet.). 2. Causal, about, on
accoxmt of, concerning, in reference to : Mt 2^, 1^*, Lk 4^^, Jo 16^^, Mk
Ac 28^^ al. mult. ra ircpi, c. gen., the thiiigs concerning one, one's
(Mt 26^8, I Co 1^3, al.), often with iirip as variant (cf. M, Pr., 105).
II. C. acc, 1. of place, about, around : Mt S\ 1^, Lk IS^, Mk
Ac 22", al. ; oi TrepC, c. acc. pers., of one's associates, friends, etc.,
Mk 410, Lk 22*9, Jo 1119^ Ac IS^^ ; 01 Trepl r. ToiaCra ipydrai, Ac 19^5
hi., ho.) ; Ez 37^ 462i (-Qy hi), 11 Mac 4^8 G^o*;] 1. to lead about or
around : c. acc. pers., i Co 9^. 2. Intrans., to go about : Ac 13"; seq.
€v, Mt 423acc. loc. (governed by the Trcpi-, not so in cl., v. Bl.,
; c.
23l^ Mk
§ 34, 1 53, ;1), Mt 9»5 6«.t
ircpi-aipe'w, -w, [in chiefly LXX
for liD hi. ;] to take away that
which surrounds, take away, take off (rei'x^, Hdt., Thuc. x'^'i'i'a, ;
(b) of clothing, to put on, wrap about, clothe with : acc rei, Lk 23" c
c acc. pers., Mt
2536.38,43- c. dupl. acc. (notch; Bl., § 34, 4), Jo 19^;
pf. pass., to have wrapped round one acc. rei (cl.), 14^^ 16^, : c Mk
Re 79.13 iQi 113 121 174 1816 1913. c. dat. rei. Re 4* (WH, txt.; seq. e^,
WH, mg.) ; fut., seq. Iv (cf. De 22^2, Ps 44 (45)9. i3)^ Re 3^. Mid., to
clothe oneself, wrap round or p^it on oneself : absol., Mt 6^9, Lk 12^'',
in NT, (a) a mantle (Ps 101 (102)27, ig 5917^ al.) : He 112(Lxx); (h) a
veil : I Co ll^^ (but v. ICG, in l.).t
intrans. (Bl., § 53, I3 ; MM, xix; Hort, in 1.), it stands written, i Pe 2*.+
rrepi-j^cSi'cuiii Veitch, s,v.), [inand chiefly for "Tjn also
-xna (v. LXX ,
Re 1^3 15« (but V. infr.). Mid., to gird oneself: Lk 123^ n& (and so
perh. Ee, 11. c. supr., cf. i Ki 2*) ; c, ace. rei (fig.), t. 6(r(f>vv, Eph 6^*
(seq. ev, cf. Ch 152').+
putting around, putting on
-eto?, r, « :
i Pe 33.+
[in Sm. : Ps 31 (32)^*;] a
completely, De IS^o, Jos 5*, iv Mac 129*), [in Pr 21i8 ("1513)*;] LXX :
ibout : /ii;A,os, XiBos (EV, were hanged about), Mk 9*2, Lk 172; ve^os
uaprvpuiy, He 12^. 2. to have around one, be clothed with : Ac 282'^
fig., daOevetav, He 52.+
irepi-iraTeu, -w, [in LXX chiefly for "JJ^H pi., hith. ;] to loalk
absol., Mt 95, Mk 5*^, Lk Jo 52^, l^e c. pred., yv/zvo's, Ee IG^^
; ^n-avo ;
Lk ll*-* ; hid, c. gen., Ee ^V"^ eV, ; Mk 11^7 123^, Jo 7^ ll^S Ee 2^, al.
Iv T. o-Korm, fig., Jo 812 1235, I Jo 16,7 211; ^^,; c. gen., Mt 142^; id. c.
Plut., LXX, TT.; M, Pr., 11; Deiss., BS, 194): dKpLJ3w<;, Eph 51^;
draKTcus, II Th 3«>ii; twxT/ftovojs, Eo 1313, I Th 4^2; d^t'ws, e gen., Eph
Eph 417 l^ Phi Th 41 o^tw^
41, Col 110, I Th 212 ; KaOw^ ((S?), 58' 317, I ;
(Ss, I Co 717 ; seq. nom. qual.. Phi S^» ; e dat., Ac 2121, Eo 13^3, n Co
1218, Ga 516 ; seq. ev, Eo 6*, 11 Co 42 5^ 103, Eph 22. 10 4^7 52, Col 3- 4^,
He 139, II Jo 4'
«, al. ; iv XpiarQ, Col 2« ; Kara, e ace, Mk 7^ Eo 8* 141^,
I Co 33, II Co 102, II Jo « (cf. iv-Trepnrareoj).
*+ Trepi-ireipw, to put on a spit, hence, to pierce: metaph., iavrov
. . . 08m at9, iTi6i«.t
-ircpi-Tri'TTTo,, [in LXX: Eu 23, 11 Ki 1^ (mp), Pr 11^ {bS2), Da
LXX 29, II Mac 6i3 97'2i 10* * ;] 1. to fall around. 2. to fall in with,
light upon, come across : c. dat., ATyo-xats, Lk 103** ; ireipaafxoL'i, Ja I2
seq. «is, Ac 27^\f
ircpi-iroiew, -w, [in LXX for ivn pi., hi., etc. ;] to make to remain
over, preserve. Mid., (a) to keep or save for oneself : t. ^vxtjv (cf.
Xen., Cyr., iv, 4, 10; Arist., Pol, v, 11, 30), Lk IT^S; (b) to get or
gain for oneself, get possession of (Thuc, Xen., al.) Ac 20^^, : i Ti 3^^.t
t ircpi-iroiTjo-is, -ecus, rj (<^ TreptTroiew), [in LXX : II Ch 4^3(11!) ^-j.,|-|p^^
Ma 31"
(n^^P), Hg 210(9)*;] 1. preservation: He 10^9 (11 Ch, I.e.). 2.
Ec 319 {-ITT ni., -inr). To 416, Si 10^^ ll^^ 19^* 3038 (3329), i Mac33o*;]
I. Prop., intrans., 1. of things, to be over and above the number (Hes.),
hence, (a) to be or remain over : Mt 14^" 153% l^ 917^ Jq 512, 13 ^^^ ^^ .
irXdov, Mt 520. II. In late writers (Lft., Notes, 48 f.), trans., (a) to
make to abotmd : c. ace. seq. eis, 11 Co 4^^ 9^, Eph 1^ ;
pass., Mt I312
252'' ; c. gen. rei, Lk 15P, WH ; (&) to make to excel : c, ace. pers., dat.
rei, I Th 3^2 (ef. v7rcp-7r€pto-o-€vw).t
SYN. : TrXcom^o).
irepio-aos, -17, -O'', [in LXX for iriH and cogn. forms;] 1. viore
^TTov, II Co 12i5.t
ircpiorepti, -5s, rj, [in LXX chiefly for nzv ;] a dove : Mt 3i<'
(b=ia ni., nbllD), Je ll^* * ;] circumcision ; (a) of the rite itself : Jo 722» 23^
s.v. Kd6apfia; hit., Notes, 200 f., and on Ign., Eph., 8).t
*t irepircpeoofiai (<^ Tre/DTrcpos, vainglorious), to boast or vaunt oneself:
I Co 13* (elsewh. only in Antonin. v. Abbott, Essays, 87).t ;
*t Wpoai, adv. (^ire/jas), last year, a year ago : airo tt. (as in ir., v
Deiss., BS, 221 LAE, 70), ii Co S^o 9\f
frequentat. of irerofiai (Aristoph., al.), Eec. for ircVo/xai (q.v., cf. Veitch,
jreT€Lv6s, -T], -01/ (<[ TTCTo/Aat), [in chiefly for Jljijr;] in trag.. LXX
Ion. and late writers, winged, flying ; as subst., to tt., a winged fowl,
a bird : pi., Mt &^ S^o 13*- ^2, Mk
4*' ^2, Lk 8^ Q^s 122* 13i9, Ac lO^^,
lie, Eo 123, ja, 37
WTojiai, [in chiefly for LXX qw;] to fly: Ee 4^ 8" 12" 14«
19^^ (Eec. Trerdofjiai, q.V.).t
ir^Tpo, -as, 17, [in LXX chiefly for yl^p , ns ;] a rock, i.e. a mass
of live rock as distinct from TrcVpos, a detached stone or boulder Mt :
(cf. Is 2^0, al.). Metaph., Mt 16^8 (on the meaning, v. Hort, EccL,
16 ff., but cf. also ICG, in 1.), i Co 10*; = TreVpos, Eo 9^^ i Pe 28
ricTpos, -ov, 6 (i.e. a stone, v.s. TreVpa, Kr]<f)a.s), Simon Peter, the
Apostle Mt 4^8 102, Mk 3i«, Lk 58, Jo 1*^' *3, al.
* ir€Tpc58T)s, -€? (<[7reTpa, etSos), roch-lihe, rocky, stony: to, to. tt.,
TTTjYT], -^s, rj, [in LXX chiefly for ]^y, also for llpD, etc.;] a
spring, foimtain : Ja 311, 11 Pe 2^7 ; t. vhd.TiMv, Ee 810 14^ 16* ; of a well
fed by a spring, Jo 4*5 ; tt. tot) ai/xaro?, of a flow of blood, Mk 52^
metaph., Jo 4^*, Ee T^^ 216.t
TTTiYi'oixi, [in LXX
chiefly for nt33 also for ypn etc. ;] to make , ,
**Tnipa, -as, •^, [in LXX: Jth lO^ IS^o.^s*;] a Zeai/ierw ^owc/i for
TTiKpia, -as, T] {<^TnKp6<;), [in LXX chiefly for "(Q, Wlip and
cognate forms ;] bitterness ; (a) of taste (Arist., Je 15^^, al.) (6) ;
niKp6s, -a, -6v (poet, in cl.), [in LXX chiefly for IQ ;] 1. sharp,
metaph., (cf. iriKpov SaKpvov, Horn.), IxXaucre TT., Mt 26'^5^ Uj 22^2 ^y_
MM, xviii, S.V. n-apaKoXovOeoi).f
riiXciTOS, v.s. IletXaTOS.
Tn'fnr\Ti/ii, [in LXX chiefly for N^D
also for V2iO ;] trans, form
seq. «
(of the vessel), Mt 2627, al. ; id. (of the drink; Bl., § 36, 1), Mt
2629, Jo 413.14, Ee 1410, al.; AttS, Lk 22i8 (cf. Atto-, (tw-ttiVw; on the
form irUa-ai, Lk 17^, v. BL, § 21, 8, and on the contr. aor. -n-elv, M,
Pr., 44 f., Thackeray, Gr., 63 f.).
ttkJttjs, -77TOS, rj {<^TrL<Dv,fat), [in LXX chiefly for IST"!!;] fatness:
Eo lli^t
irnrptl(TKw, [in LXX chiefly for "TSD ni. ;] to sell : c. ace. rei, Mt
134" (on this pf., v. Bl., § 59, 5), Ac 2*5 434 54 c. gen. (of price), Mt 269, •
Mt 211, al. ; iviLiTLov, Ee 410 5^; iwl 7rpoo-(o;rov, Mt 26''9, al. ; (b) of things,
to fall, fall down : Mt 21**, Lk 233*>; of falling to ruin and destruction,
Mt 15i«, He (timeless aorist; M, Pr., 134), Ee 182.
725, Ac ll^o ; Ittco-c
as distinct from mere credence or belief v. ; M, Pr., I.e. DB, i, 829 b), ;
Mt 18«, Jo 211 (v^ Westc, in 1.), and freq., Ac lO*^ 194^ Rq iqu^ Ga 2^\
Phi 129, I Jo 510, I Pe 18 CIS T. Srofjia (v.s. ovofia), Jo ;
1^2 223 318^ j Jq 513
cVt, c. ace, Mt 27*2, Ac 9*2 un igsj 22i9, Ro 4^; cVi, c. dat., Ro
933 (Lxx) iQiMib.)^ I Ti as subst.,
116, I Pe 2MLXX); ptcp. pres., ol tt.,
Ac 2*^ Ro 322, 1 Co 121, al. aor., IGfis], Ac 4»2 pf.^ Ac I918 212" (on ; Mk ;
Johannine use of the tenses of tt., v. Westc, Epp. Jo., 120). 2. Trans.,
to entrust: c. ace. etdat., Lk IGU, Jo 22*; pass., to be entrusted with:
c. ace, Ro 32, I Co 917, Ga 2^, i Th 2* (v. Lft., Notes, 21 f.), i Ti 1",
Tit 13.
*t moTiKos, haviiig the gift of persuasion (Plat,,
-q, -6v (ttio-tis), 1.
Gorgf.,455 A). 2. (a) of persons, /ai^/i/?^Z, irws^^ (Plut.) {b) of things, ;
Ga 312 ; hih. (rijs) TT., Ro 330, Ga 21^, Phi 3^. By meton., objectively,
that which the object or content of belief, the faith : Ac 6'^ I422,
Ga Phi 126,27, Ju3.20, and perh. also Ac 13^ IG^, Ro l^ and
123 323 610,
1626 (v. supr.), I Co 1613, Col 123, „ t^ 32 (Lf^^ ;^qi^^^ i^b), i Ti li^ 3^
41,6 58 610.12^ II Ti 38 4^ Tit l*'i3 315, I Pe 5^. 2. In passive sense, (a)
fidelity, faithfulness: Mt 23^3, Ga 522; ^ tt. toO e^oi, Ro 33; {b)
objectively, plighted faith, a pledge of fidelity i Ti 512. (On the :
iri<rr<5s, -v?, -ov {<CTr€i$(o), [in LXX chiefly for ]lpN3;] I- Pass., to
Lk 12*2, Ac 1615, 1 Co 42. 17 725, Eph li 621, Col I2. ^ 4^. \ i Ti I12, 11 Ti 22,
He 217 32. 5, 1 Pe 512, Re 2i3 19" ; of God, i Co 1^ 10i3, 11
Co lis, iTh 52*,
II Th 33, He 213,1023 11", 419 seq. Iv, II Ti i Jq 19, i pe ; Lk 16i"-i2
1917, I Ti 311 ; 2523; ^^pi davarov. Re 210; 5 ^^^^^^ ^ ^^
l-iri, c. ace, Mt
Re 1*; id. koI aXrjOivo^, Re 31*. 2. Of things, trustworthy, reliable,
stcre : Ac 133*, i t^
-^n 31 49^ „ Ti 2", Tit 1" 3^, Re 215 226. H. Act.,
believing, trusting, relying : Ac I61, 11 Co 6i5, Ga 3^, i Ti 41" 51* 62,
Tit 1«, Re 171*; pi., Ac 10*5, I Ti 43.12; opp. to ^Trto-ros, Jo 2027; ^.
tts Oiov, I Pe 121 TT. TTouLv, III Jo 5.;(On the difficulty of choosing in
some cases between the active and the passive meaning, v. Lft., Gal.,
157.) +
iriCTTow, -w (<^7rto-ros), [in LXX chiefly for ]DX ni. ;] to make
nUvj], -r)^, rj, [in LXX: Pr 148 (nnip), Wi 1^2, al;] a wa/n-
dering. Metaph., a going astray, an error (in NT always with
respect to morals or religion) Mt 27«4, Eo : 127, Eph 4^*, i Th 23,
II Th 211, Ja 520, II Pe 2i8 3^7, i Jo 4«, Ju^i.t
irXd^, -a/co?, rj, [in LXX for jyh l] anything fiat and broad.
1. a plain (poet.). 2. In late writers (Luc, al.), a fiat stone, a tablet
II Co 33, He 9*.t
irXdaaw, [in LXX chiefly for "IS"" ;] to form, mould : Eo 920 (Lxx),
Ti 2i3.t
* irXaoTos,
-v> -ov «
irXaWw), 1. formed, moiilded (Hes., Plat., al.).
Metaph., made up, fabricated, feigned (Hdt., Xen., al.) 11 Pe 23.t :
irXdros, -ous, to, [in LXX chiefly for nni ;] breadth : Eph 3^8^
irXoTu's, -eia, -v, [in LXX for ailT ;] broad : Mt 7^3. As subst.,
Mk 65«, WH, mg., Lk lO^o 132" I421, Ac 5l^ Ee 118 2121, 222.t
**irX^Y|xa, -Tos, Th. Is 28**;] what is
to «irXc/cw), [in Aq., :
Phi 41", II Th 1^ II Pe 18. II. Trans. (Nu 265-', Ps 70 (71)2i not cl., ;
(rSH), Jg
411 B*;]
-w «
intrans., to have more, to have
q.v.), [in LXX: Hb 2^ Ez 22^7
an advantage
(cl., c. gen. pers.). 2. Trans., in late writers (v. M, Pr., 65), to over-
Co i Th 4^
reach, defraud: c. ace. pers., 11 iv t. Trpay/xan,
(v. M, Th., in 1.) ;
pass., 11 Co 2^1 (as also in cl. ; v. LS, s.v.).t
** irXeo>'€'KTT]S, -ov, 6 (<[ irXiov, ^X^)' P'^ LXX : Si 14^ * ;] =6 Oekoiv
ttXc'ov €X€iv (v. MM, XX), one desirous of having more, covetous
I Co 510' 11 610, Eph 55.t
irXeupd, -as, 17, [in LXX (freq. pi. as in Horn.) chiefly for sby,]
IV Mac 73; ace. (poet.), Si 432*, i Mac 132^ (cf. Ac 272, Eec.)*;] to
sail Lk
: 82^, Ac 272* seq. ek, Ac 21^ 272. « iirl, Ee IS^^ (cf. SL7r6-, 8ta-,
; ;
T^Y^' "^'. ^ (^TrXr^o-o-w), [in LXX chiefly for nSS, also for
nD30 , etc. ;] a blow, stripe, wound : pi., Lk 10^" 12'*8, Ac 1623» 33^
wav TO TT., Ac 1512 ; c. gen., Lk po 83^ 193^ 23i, Ac 432 516 qi, 5 252*.t
'IrX1f)0u^'fc) (causal of TrXiqOvoi, to be full, <^irXr]6v^, Ion. for ttX^^os),
[in LXX chiefly for rar\ hi. ;] 1. trans., to increase, multiply :ii Co 9^^,
;q^q Qu (Lxx) -^
pass., to be increased, to multiply: Mt 24^^^ ^c G'' 7^'^
931 122*; Q dat. pers. (Da LXX th 3"(98), al), 1 Pe I2, 11 Pe I2, Ju^.
2. Intrans., to be increased, to multiply : Ac 6^.t
irXi^flo), V.S. TTtfJLTrkrjfjLi.
** TrXi]KTT)s, -ov, 6 {<^TrXr](r(r(D), [in Sm. : Ps 34 (35)^5 *;] a striker,
brawler : i Ti 3^ Tit 1^ (Arist., Plut., al.).t
t irXii/jL/xopa, ->?s (for Att. -as, V. Bl., § 7, 1) «7rA.77^a)), [in LXX:
TT. yevea-Oai, Jb 4018(23) (-,,-,3 j5l2?y) * ;] ayZood (of sea or river) Lk G^^.t :
•n-Xrif, adv., [in LXX for pT, 13^, IJif, etc.;] 1. introducing
a clause (= dAAa, Si; "it is obvious that ttXtjv was the regular word
in the vulgar language": Bl., §77, 13), yet, howbeit, only: Mt
1122,24 187 2639.6* (M, Pr., 86), Lk 624-35 1011,14,20 1141 1231 1333 171
188 1927 2221.22,42 (WH, mg. om.) 2328, j Co 11", Eph 533, p^i 316 414^
Ee 225 . ^, 2„ (Hdt., Plat., al.), except that, save that, Ac 2023, Phi II8.
2. As prep., c. gen., except, save (cl.) 1232, Jq gi*^, Ac 8^ : Mk
1528 2722.t
irXiipTis, -€s, [in LXX chiefly for N^p ;] 1. full, filled : Mt 1420
Phi 4^^; TJxo'i irrXripoia-f. t. oTkov, Ac 22; c. gen. rei (cl.), Ac 528; pagg,^
seq. CK, Jo 123 ^^f gj^ g 35^ 4^ ^_ ^ KapSiaw, Jo 16", Ac 53 metaph., . ;
of the all-pervading activity of Christ, Eph 4^'> mid., Eph 123 ^^^ qJ ; .
persons to fill with, cause to abound in c. gen. rei (cl.), Ac 228 (ixx),
: :
Eo 1513; pass., to be filled with, abound in Eph 31^, Phi 4^8 q^ ggQ^ :
rei (cl.), Ac 13^2, Eo 15^*, 11 Ti 1*; c. dat. (^sch., al.), Lk 2*o (c. gen.,
T), Eo 129, II Co 7*; c. ace. (so in tt., v. MM, xx). Phi 1", Col l^;
seq. iv, Eph 5i8, Col 21**. 2. to complete ; (a) to complete, fulfil of :
number, Ee 611, WH, txt. of time (MM, xx), Mk V^, Lk 212*, Jq 78^ ;
Ac 723.30 9-23
2427; ivSoKiav, II Th 1"; T. xapav, Phi 22; pass., Jo 329
15" 162* 1713^ I Jo 14^ II Jo 12 ; ^. ^pya, Ee 32 ^ iTraKO^, II Co 10« T.
; ;
Trdo-xa., Lk 22^" ;
(b) to execute, accomplish, carry out to the full : Mt
315, Lk 71 931, Ac 1225 13^5 1426 1921^ Ro 8* 138 1519^ Ga 5^\ Col 12^ 417,
Ee 6", T, WH, E, mg, ; (c) of sayings, prophecies, etc., to bring to pass,
fulfil : Mt 122 215. 17, 23 414 517 817 1217 1335 214 265*. 56 27», 14*9 1528 Mk
(WH, E, txt. om.), Lk po 421 24:*\ Jo 1238 I318 152^ I712 189.32 1924.36^
Ac li« 318 1327, Ja 223 (cf Lffc^ CqI^ 255 ff.).t
TrXi^pujjia, -Tos, TO (<^ ttXt/poco) ,
[in LXX for xbo ;] the result of
the action involved in irXrjpow (Lft., Col., 255 ff. AE, Eph., 255 ff.), ;
1026 (LXX) Eph 123 (AE, 42 ff.) 319 (ib. 87 ff.) 4^3, Col li^ 2^; of time,
Ga 4*, Eph V^ ; ko<^iVwj/ (o-^uptSwv) TrXr/pw/mra, basketfuls, Mk 6*3 820.
2. In active sense ( = as freq. in words of these formations,
cf. KTto-is, and v. MM, xx)tvhich fills up (but v. Lft., I.e.)
(a) that
Mt 9i«,
Mk 221; (j) a filling up, completing, fulfilment : Eo IS^^.t
irXirjCTioi', V.S. 7rkr)(rio<;.
ttXtjotios, -a, -ov (<^ TreXas, 7iear), near, close by, neighbouring.
As adv., TrXr](TLov = ireXas, near : c. gen., Jo 4^ c. art., 6 tt., one's neigh- ;
bour [in LXX chiefly for jri] : Lk 1029. 36^ Ac 727, Ro 131" 152, gph
425, Ja 412; dyaTi^o-cis Tov tt. aov (Ls o-cavroV (Le IQ^^, LXX), Mt 5« W^
2239, Mk 1231. 33, Lk 1027, Eo 139, Ga 51*, Ja 2^ (on the various senses
of 5 TT. in OT, NT, v. DB, iii, 511 ;DCC, ii, 240f.).t
n\r\<T}i.ovr\, -rj<;, rj {<:^TrLfx7rXr]/xi), [in LXX chiefly for rjIT and
cognate forms;] a filling up, satiety : (EV, against the
irpo<s it. a-apK6<i
indulgence of the flesh; but ICG, in 1., for the full satisfaction of the
flesh, op. cit., 276 ff.), Col 223.t
irXiiacrw, [in LXX chiefly for T\2Z hi., ho. ;] to strike, smite
pass., Ee 812 (cf. €k-, e7ri-7rA.7;o-o-w).t
* TrXoidpioi', -ov, TO (dimin. of ttXolov), a boat : Mk 39, Lk 52 (TrXoIa,
WH, txt., E), Jo 622.23 ^^xola, 2* 218.t WH)
ttXoioi', -ov, TO (<^7rX€w), [in LXX chiefly for ^J3^?;J a boat, also
(= obsol. vavs) a ship: Mt 421.22, and freq. in Gosp. and Ac, Ja 3*,
Ee 89 1819.
**TrXoos, irXoos, gen., -60V, -OV (and in late writers also irXo6<:, like
voo's from vovs), 6 (<[7rA€(u), [in LXX: Wi 14i*;] a voyage: Ac 217
irXou'aios, -a, -ov (<^ ttXoutos), [in LXX chiefly for TC^y;] rich,
wealthy : Mt
27", Lk 121^ I412 I61. 1823 191 Substantively, 6 tt., i9
Lk Ja 110,
1621.22, n. ^j ^^ Lk 62* 21i, i Ti 6i7.
Ja 2« 51, Ee 61^ I316;
anarth., a rich man, Mt 1923.2*, Mk 102^ 12", Lk 182^. Metaph., of
God, £v iXiei (= cl., c. gen., dat.), Eph 2"; of Christ, 11 Co 89; of
Christians, Ee 29 3i7 iv irtVrci, Ja 25.t ;
irXouTc'd), -w, [in LXX chiefly for ^WV hi. ;] to he rich, aor,, to
become rich : Lk Ti 6^ seq. Sltto (Si ll^s), Re IS^s eV, Ee IS^. i9
1^3, i ; ;
cv (= cl., c. gen., dat., ace, cf. 7rA.ouo-tos), i Ti 6^^ Metaph., tt. cis 6c6v,
Lk 12^^; of God, cis Travras, Ro 10^2; aor., I became rich, i Co 4^,
II Co 8^, Re 3^^ pf I have become rich, Ee 3^^,t ; .,
Kol Tj i(r. Kol T. (rS)fJM, I Th 523 (M, Th., in 1.) dat., tc3 tt., in spirit, ;
Lk 433; TT. do-^tvcms (Bl., g 35, 5), Lk I311 tt. dKddapTov, Mt lOi, Mk ps, ;
Lk 43c, Ac 5i« ; tt. dfXaAov (koI kox^oV), Mk 917. 25 ; ^oi/>?poV, Lk 721, Ac I912,
al. Of the Holy Spirit, tt. ayiov, to a. tt., to tt. to a., TO TT., TT. (the article
as a rule being used when the Spirit is regarded as a Person or a
Divine Power, and omitted when the reference is to an operation,
influence or gift of the Spirit; v. WM, I5I5; Bl., §46, 7): anarth.,
Mt 118 311.16 41, 18 (Swete, in Mk 1.), ib.i", Lk li^, Jo 7^9, Ac I92,
Ro 55, I Co 2*, al. ; c. art., Mt 41 123i. 32, Mk lio 329, Lk 226, Jo 7^9 I426,
Ac 431 53, Ro 816, a,l. ;
(to) tt. (toO) 6eov, Mt 316, Ro 89, Eph 316, i Jo 42,
al. ; TO TT. T. irarpo's, Mt 102** ; TT. deov ^dvTOS, II Co 3^ ;
(to) tt. toS Kvpiov,
Lk 4I8,
Ac 59 8^9 ; TO TT. 'Ir;o-oii, Ac 167 •
XpicTTov, Ro 89 ; 'Irjcrov XptcrTov,
Phi 119; t6 tt. t. dAr?^€ias, Jo 1526 1613, I Jo 46; Ae'yct {^aprvpit) t^ tt.
{Todycov), Ac 2111 2825, I Ti 41^ He 37 IQi^, Re 14i3; seq. t. c/cKX^o-t'aw,
created beings to. tt. (RV, the spiritual hosts), Eph 6^2 of that which
: ;
SVN. : ifrvxi.KO';, q.v., and cf. DB, ii, 410, iv, 612.
*t-jr>'€ufi,aTiKws, adv. (<^Trv€v/xa), spiritually ; (a) by the aid of the
Holy Spirit : i Co 213(WH. mg.), u (i) jn a spiritual sense
; Re ll^.t :
tto8t^PT]s, -£s «7rovs), [in LXX: Ex 25" P) 35^ (pn), 28* 29^
(c) of cause : Mk
8* 1237, Lk 1*3, Jq 1*9 ^n.t
TToia, -as, 17, Dor. for irda, [in LXX (with v.l. v6a) : Pr 272^ {iitg%
iroi^w, -u), [in LXX for a great variety of words, but chiefly for
niyy;] l. to make, produce, create, cause: c. ace. rei, Mt 17*, 9^, Mk
Jo 911, Ac 9=*^ Eo 9-^ al. ; of God as Creator (c. ace. pers. also), Mb
19*, Mk 10«, Lk 11*0, Ac 42*, He 1^, al.; like Heb. niZTV, absol.
= ipydCofxai, to work, Mt 20^2 (cf. Eu 2^^ ; so AV, but v. infr.), Ee 13^
E, mg. (but V. infr.); a-KuvSaXa, Eo IB^^; dpyjvrjv, Eph 2^^, Ja 3^8;
cVtcTTao-tv, Ac 24^2; crv(TTpocf>-rjv, Ac 23^2; c. ace. rei et dat. pers., Lk 1^^,
Ac 15^ with nouns expressing action or its accomplishment, forming
a periphr. for the cogn. verb: 68dv tt. (cl. o. Troieio-^ai), to go on,
advance, Mk
2^^; -n-oXefjLov, Ee 11^, al.; cVStKT^o-tv, Lk IS^.S; iviSpav, Ac
253 ; Kpiaiv, Jo 52^, Ju ^* €/3ya, Jo 5^", al. (rrjixtla {repara koI a:), Jo 2^^
; ;
and freq., Ac 2^2, al. ; so also mid. Troicto-^ai /xoioyv, Jo 14^3; Tropeiav, :
Mk 621, al. ;
80XW, Lk 52" 14^3 .y^^ovs, Mt 222 ; of time, to spend (cl.)
wpav, Mt EY
(but V. supr. and cf. McN, in 1.) ; /t^vas, Ee 13^, E,
txt. (cf. Swete, in 1. but v. supr.) iviavrov, Ja 4^^ c. ace. seq. «,
; ; ;
adv., KttXws, Mk
T^^; ioprrjv tt. (Dem., Ex 23^6, al.), Ac I821, Eec;
TraVxa, Mt 26^^; to make or offer a sacrifice (Plat., Xen., al. ; Jb 42^,
III Ki 11^3; so some understand tovto ttouItc, Lk 22^^, but v. Abbott,
Essays, 110 ff.) ; seq. lya (WM, 422 f. ; M, Pr., 228), Jo Col 4i«,
Ee 3^. 2. to do, perform, carry out, execute : absol., c. adv., KaAws tt.,
Mt 1212, I Co 737. 38, Ja 219 ; id. seq. ptcp. (el. ; v. M, Pr., 228), Ac 10^3,
Phi 41*, II Pe 119, III Jo « ; o^Tcos, Mt 24*«, Lk 9l^ al. i? (KaOik), Mt
1^* 21*, al. ; 6/xottos, Lk 311 ; wo-arTtos, Mt 20^ ; C. ptcp., dyvowv liroC-qa-a,
I Ti 113 ; c. ace. rei : rC interrog., Mt 123, Mk 225, ^k 62, al. ; toOto, Mt
1328, Mk 532, Lk 2219 (WH om.; v. supr., ref. to Abbott, Essays), Eo
72®, al. with nouns expressing command
; or regulation t. vo/xov (not :
iroiTjcTis, -cojs, r] (ttoico)), [in LXX chiefly for HJff^ and cognate
forms;] 1. a making (Hdt., Thuc, al.). 2. a doing (Si IQi^ 51i9)
Ja 125.t
**'iroiTjTiis, -ov, 6 (-<Trou{D), [in LXX: i Mac 2*"*;] in cl., 1. a
maker, author. 2. Esp., a poet : Ac 172^. Later, 3. a doer : t. vofxov,
TToiKiXos, -r], -ov, [in LXX for npj , napT , etc. ;] many-coloured,
TToXefAcw, -co (<; TrdAc/Aos) [in LXX chiefly for DUb ni. to make , ;]
Mk 13'^, Lk 1431 21^, He 1134 tt. ttouIv, seq. fierd, c. gen. (cf. TroXffxiui), ;
Re 117 1217 137 1919, 2. = fxdxT), a fight, battle i Co 148, Re 9". » 12^ :
region, Lk F^ 43i,
Jo 4^ of the inhabitants, ; Mt 10^^.23, Lk 23^1, Ac
193*, II Q gen. pers., of one's residence or native place, Mt 22",
Co 1132 .
Mac 321.23,
« 320 8^
II Mac 4"
Ac 2228
623 S^^ I31*,
(iii Mac,
11. c, Hdt., Xen,, al.). 2. government, administration (Aristoph.,
Dem., al.). 3. a commonwealth : Eph 2i2^t
iroXuXoYia, -as, ^7, [in LXX : Pr lO^^ (cn^l nn) * ;] much speak-
ing, loquacity : Mt 6''.t
iroXo's, TToXXii, iroXu, [in LXX chiefly for ST and cognate forms ;]
1. as adj., much, many, great, of number, space, degree, value, time,
etc. : dptVs, Ac II21 ; 6xXos, Mk 52^ Oepiafjio^, Mt 9"
; xopros, Jo G^o ;
Mk 526, al.; ace. with adverbial force, Mk 1«, Eo 16« (Deiss., LAE,
317), I Co 1612, ja 32^ al.; neut. sing., v,oXu: Lk 12*8; adverbially,
Mk 1227, al.; ^oXAoC (gen. pret.), Mt 26^; c. compar. (Bl., §44, 5),
TT. (TTTOvBaiOTipOV, II Co 822 ; TToXXtO TtXciOVS, Jo 4*1.
Compar., irXeiwc, neut., TrXelov
App., 151), and TrXe'ov (v. WH,
Mayser, 69), more, greater
pi., TrXe/oves, -as, -a, contr., TrXetors, -o) (cf.
1. as adj. Jo 152, Ac 182o, He 33; seq. Trapd, He 11* (cf. Westc, in 1.
2411, al. 2. As subst., ol tt., the greater number : Ac 1032 2712, i Co lO^
15^ also (Bl., § 44, 3) others, more, the more : 11 Co 2'' 41^, Phi li*
24*. 3. As adv., TrAetov : seq. 17, Lk 9^* ; c. gen. comp., Mt 5^° TrXcto) ;
c. num., Mt 26^3.
Superl., irXeiaTos, -r], -ov, (a) prop., most : Mt ll^o 21^ ad- ;
verbially, TO TT., I Co 142"; (b) elative (M, Pr., 79), very great: oxAos
TT., Mk 41.
TToXoTcXris, -€s {<C. iroXv's, Tc'Aos), [in LXX for 1|T , etc. ;] very
costly, very precious, of great value : Mk 14^, i Ti 2^ metaph., i Pe 3*.+ ;
TTOfia, -Tos, TO (-<; TTtVw) , late form of Att. irS)fxa, [in LXX : Ps 101
(102)9 i^^pm), a^.^*,] drink: i Co 10*, He 9io.t
TTov-qpos, -a, -ov (-^Trovew, io toii), [in LXX chiefly for n;] 1. (a)
wicked; (a) of persons: Mt 7" 123*. ^5 i832 252", Lk 6*^ 11^3 1922^ Ac
175, II Th 32, II Ti 313 yevca, Mt 1239. 45 16*, Lk 1129 ; TTvc^a, Mt
Mt 539, I Co 513 id. esp. of Satan, the evil one, Mt 537 513 (y^ L£t_^
Eph 6i«, II Th 33 (Lft., Notes, I.e.), i Jo 2i3.i* 312 Si^.i"; (jS) of things
Mt 511 1235 1519, Lk 622. 45^ Jo 319 77^ Ac 181* 251^, Ga 1*, Col I21, i Ti
6*, II Ti 418, He 312 1022, Ja 2* 416, i Jo 312, 11 Jo n, iii Jo i"
; 64>eaXix6<:
(q.v.), Mt 623 2015, Mk 722, Lk 113*; as subst., neut., t^ tt., Ac 282i,
irovos, -ov, 6 [in LXX for ^QiT , etc. ;] 1. labour, toil : Col 4i3.
iropeia, -as, rj (<^Trop€V(o), [in LXX chiefly for np^brj and cogn,
forms;] 1. ajozirney: Lk 13^2. 2. a going : metaph. (" the rich man
perishes while he is still on the move," Hort., in 1.), Ja l^^t
(<^ 770/009, a fofd, fl passttge), [in
TTopeu'w, chiefly for lbr\',] LXX
in (the act. becomes obsolete in late Gk. v. M, Pr., 162), to cause
cl. ;
to go over, carry, convey. Mid. (always in and NT), -o/^ai, to go, LXX
proceed, go on one's way : c. ace, 6S6v, Ac 8^^ seq. iKCidev, Mt 19^^ ;
Mt 121, Mk 930 c. inf., Lk 23, Jo 142; o-w, Lk 7«, al.; Tva, Jo 11";
absol., Mt 2^ Lk 7^, Jo 4^^ Ac 520, al. ptcp., Trop€v6eL<i (on the pass, ;
form of the aor., v. M, Pr., 161 f.), redundant (as in Heb. and Aram.;
V. M, Pr., 231 Dalman, Words, 21), Mt 28, Lk 722, al. Metaph.
(cf. Soph., O.T., 884 ; Xen., Cyr., 2, 2, 24, al), (a) like olxofiaL in cl,
as euphemism for 6vt](rK(o (so "Jjbn in Ge I52) ; Lk 2222 ^^^ perh. also
1333 (v. Field, Notes, 66) ; (b) in ethical sense (De 199, Ps I42, al
cf. M, Pr., II2; Kennedy, Sources, 107): seq. ev, Lk 1^, i Pe 43,
II Pe 219; Kara, c. ace, 11 Pe 33, Jui^'iS; c. dat. (Bl, § 38, 3), Ac
14i«, Ju 11 (c) of disciples or partisans (Jg 2i2, iii Ki lli», Si 461")
seq. oTTt'o-o), C. gen. pers., Lk 21^ (cf. Sia-, ek- (-/tat), «- (-fiai), cv- {-p-ai),
tTTi- (-/Aat), irapa- (-/tai), Trpo-, irpoa-- (-/tat), (rvv- (-/i,ai)).
** TtopQlii), collat. form (in cl. chiefly poet.) of rrepOw, [in LXX
IV Mac 423 11**;] to destroy, ravage : Ac 921, Ga li3>23_f
TTopj'cia, -a?, 17 (<^7ro/3V€i;w), [in LXX for ^3131, rnJTP and cogn.
forms;] fornication: Ac I520.29 2125, i Co 51 6i3.i8, 11 Co 122i, Ga 5i9,
Tr<5ppa>0ci', adv. {<^7r6ppoi, q.v.), [in LXX for pIFT^O and cogn.
forms;] from afar : Lk 17^^^ He ll^^.t
Trop(()upa, -a?, 17, [in LXX for ]1^^1i< , ]']^lii ;] 1- the purple-fish
Ee 17* 186.t
*t -irop<}>up6Trw\is, -1809, 17, a seller of purple fabrics : Ac IG^^.t
-iroadKis, interrog. num. adv., how often : Mt
182^ 23^''', Lk 13^*.t
absol., Lk 16^''^; dat., ttoo-w, adverbially, how much, Mt 12^2; id. seq.
IxaXkov, Mt 711 1025, Lk 1113 1224.28^ Rq 1112.24, Phm He 91*;
1«, TT.
Xiipovo^ Ti/xwptas, He 1029; pi., Mt 15^* 169. lo 271^, Mk e^s 8^.19.20 15*,
Lk 1517, Ac 212o.t
iroTa/ji6s, -o9, 6, [in LXX chiefly for inj , lk"];] a river, stream,
torrent : Mt 3« 72^.27, Mk 1^, Lk
«, Ac IBi^, 11 Co 1126, Ee 810 91* 648.
1215, 16 164, 2.
12 211,
Fig., pi., ^. {;Sa^o5 ^^^05, Jo 738.t
*t iroraiio-cfxipTiTos, -ov, carried away by a stream : Ee 121^ (for two
exx. in tt., v. MM, xxi).t
**TroTaiT6s (late form of cl. ttoS-), -rj, -ov, [in LXX: Da LXX
Su^**;] 1. (= TToSaTTos) from what country? 2. In late writers,
= TToros, of what sort ? Mt 82^, Mk I31, Lk 129 7^9, n Pe 311,
: i Jo 3i.t
Tr6T6, interrog. adv. of time, when?: Mt lJj 21^, 2537-39,44,
Jo 625 . |^^5 ^., ho^ long : Mt 17l^ Mk 9i9, Lk 9*i, Jo IO2*, Ee 610. In
indir. questions, = 6ir6r(, Mt 243, Mk 13*» 33,35, l^ i236 1720 (y^ bI,
§ 25, 4).t
iroTi, enclitic particle, 1. once, formerly, sometime : of the past,
Jo 913, Eo 79, 1130, Ga 113.23 26 (Lft., in 1.), Eph 22. 3. ".13 58, Col I21 3^
I Th 25, Tit 33, Phm ", i Pe 2i« 35.20 ; ^g^ ^roTi, now
at length, Phi 410
of the fut., Lk 2232; « ttcos ^87] itotc, if sometime soon at length, Eo li".
2. ever: after a neg., Eph 529, ^ pg 110,21. [j^ ^ question, ns tt.,
iroTT^pioi', -ov, TO, dimin. of ttottJp (<[7rtVw), [in LXX chiefly for
Dta;] a wine cup: Mt 2325. 26 2627, Mk 7* 1423, Lk IP^ 22i7'20»
(WH, E, mg., om.), i Co 1125, Re 17*; TriVctv cV toO tt., i Co 1128;
c. gen. rei, Mt 10*2, Mk 9*^
by meton., of the
; t. cuAoyias, i Co lO^" ;
c. ace. pers., Mt 2535. 37, 42 2748^ Mk 153«, Lk IS^s, Eo I220 c. dupl. ace;
iroTos, -ov, 6 «7rtVa)), [in LXX chiefly for n]pt?ra ;] a drinking bout,
carousal : i Pe 43.t
SVJV. : V.S. KpanraX-q.
iroC, interrog. adv., [in LXX for '{i} , n^lSI , n:X ;] 1. prop., where ?
TToos, TToSos, 6, [in LXX chiefly for bjl ;] afoot, both of men and
beasts : Mt Mk 9*5, Lk 179, Jq ii44^ Ac 75, al. i-irh roh^ yr.,
4" d-^x)^ ;
Eo 1620,Co 1525.27^ Eph 122, He 28; inoKdrio Twv IT., Mt 22** (lxx);
He 1213.
which has been done, a deed, act : Lk li, Ac 5*, 11 Co 711, He 6I8.
2. That which is being done (like Lat. res), hence, a thing, matter,
affair : Mt 18i9, Eo 162, i Th 4^ (v. M, Th., in 1.), He lOi lli, Ja 316 ; in
forensic sense (as freq. in tt., v. Deiss., BS, 233), a law-suit : i Co 6i.t
irpayfiaTeia, V.8. TrpayfutTia.
'Hpoj'Sov, Ac 2336. 3. the Pratorian Guard: Phi l^^ (v. Lft., in 1.;
ICC, 51 f.).t
one who
does or accomplishes. 2. In Athens, owe i^^/i-o exacts payment,
a collector ; hence, generally (freq. in tt., v. Deiss., BS, 154), a court
ofpx^er : Lk U^^.f
irpalis, -€0)9, ,^ «7rptio-o-(o), [in LXX : II Ch 13^2 27" 282^ (r^y^),
practices (freq. in Polyb.) Lk 23^1; pi., Eo 8^^ Col 3»; with ref. to
Gr., 180 f.) for Ijy, rjJT, ^3^;] gentle, meek: Mt 5^ II29 21* (^x^),
I Pe 3^t
TrpauTTjs (Rec. -ottjv, exC. Ja, I Pe, 11. C, where irpairrji), -t/tos, 17,
late form of ^pcuii^s, [in LXX : Ps 44 (45)* 89 (90)io 131 (132)^ (nw,
ni3^), Es 5^ Si 8*;] gentleness, meekness : i Co 4^1, ii Co 10\ Ga 5'^^
Eph 4«, Col 312 (v. Lft., in 1.), n Ti 225, tj^ 32^ ja_ 121 313^ i pe 3i5.t
I Mac 9^**, al. ;] an old man. Compar., irpcCTPoTcpos, -a, -ov, [in LXX
chiefly for ]pj;] 1. of age, elder : 6 vios 6 ir., Lk 1525; 3,3 subst., opp.
233 ff. LAE, 373) (a) among Jews Mt I621 26*7. 57 273. 12, 20, « 2812,
Mk 8=^1 1127 14«. 53 151^ Lk 73 922 201 2252, Jq sm, Ac 45. ». 23 512 231* 24^
T. 'lovSaidiy, Ac 2515 t. Xaov, Mt 2123 263 271 (b) among Christiana
Ac 1130 1423 152.4,6,22,23 164 2118, I Ti 5^7,19^ Tit 15, II Joi, Jo^, m
I Pe 51'
5; T. €KK\ria-ia<s, Ac 20^^^ jg, 51* ;
(c) the visions of the
Apocalypse: Ee 4*'io 55.e.8.n,i4 711,13 nio 143 194 (Qn the NT
use of this word and its relation to cTrio-KOTros (q.v.), cf. Lft., Phi.,
93 ff., 189 ff. CGT, Past. Epp., Ivi ff) t
**t irpcaPuWpiot', -ov, to
TrpecrySvTcpos) [in LXX: Da TH Su 50 A * ;]
a 6orft/ of elders, presbytery : of the Sanhedrin (cf. (rwiSpiov), Lk 22"^,
iioadlong, prone : Ac 1^^+
irpo, prep. c. gen., [in LXX chiefly for ^J?!?;] before; (a) of
Teaa-dpwv, fourteen years ago, 11 Co 122 tt. irpoawTrov (v. supr.), Ac I32* ;
c. gen. pers., Mt 5^2, Jq 57 IQS, Eo 16^, Ga 1^'^; c. gen. art. inf. (= TrptV;
M, Pr., 100; Bl., § 69, 7), Mt 6^, Lk 221 22^5, Jq 1*9 1319 175, Ac 2315,
Ga 2^2 323 as in late writers (resembling a Latin idiom but indepen-
dent of it; Bl., § 40, 5; M, Pr., 100 f.; cf. 1^, 11 Mac 153«, and Am
for other exx.. Soph., Lex., s.v.), irpo ef rj/juipa^ tuv 7ra(j;(a, on the sixth
day bef. the Passover, Jo 12^ (c) of preference tt. Travrwv, Ja 5^2, i Pe ;
48 ;
in compos., (a) c. subst., of position before
(d) irpoavXLov, Trp6- :
pers., Ac
Intrans. (Plat., Polyb., and later writers; v. Bl.,
252^. 2.
§ 53, 1 MM, xxi) (a) to lead the way, i Ti 1^^ ^jj, mg.), hence, to go
; ;
Mt 2533.
Trpo-pipdj^o), causal of Trpo^atW, [in LXX : Ex 35^* (nT hi.), De
{I2t2f pi.) * ;] to lead forward, lead on ; metaph., to induce, incite,
urge : Mt 148.t
tirpo-pX^TTu, [in LXX: Ps 36 (37)^3 (nsi)*;] to foresee: mid.,
He 11*0 (v. Bl., § 24, 55, l).t
**irpo-Yi»'onai, [in LXX Wi IQ^^ xA, : II Mac 143 158*.] ^^ happen
before : pf. pass, ptcp., Eo 325.t
** Trpo-yii'WCTKw, [in LXX Wi :
6^^ 8^ 18"' * ;] to know beforehand,
foreknow : n Pe 3i'^
; c. ace. pars., Ac 26^ ; of the Divine fore-
knowledge, Eo 829 112, I Pe 120
(not elsewhere).
*+ irpo-cTT-aYYeXXw, to annx)unce before. Mid., to promise before:
c. ace. rei, Eo 1'^ 11 Co 9^ (Dio. Cass.).t
irpo-%o|xai, [in Ge 333. 1* LXX(-,^)^ jth ^^\ Si 35 (32)io,
: r
al ;] 1. to go forward, go on, advance : seq. p,iKp6v, Mt 26^^ and 14^5 Mk
(WH, mg., Trpoo-eX^wv) pvii-qv fuav (cf. Plat., Bep., i, 328e), Ac
c. ace. pers. (not cl.), Lk 22*'' (c. gen., Eec.) seq. evwrnov, Lk 1^^ ;
(nsnyo), II Ch 419 (D"':q), i Mac 122, II Mac 3^, al. 1. a setting forth ;]
hand. In Attic law, as subst. (so always in cl.), 17 tt. (sc. rifiepa), a day
appointed beforehand, a previously appointed time : Ga d^.t
** TrpodufAia, -as, 17 (<^ Trpo^u/xos) [in Si 45'^^*;] eagerness, ,
ITi 3*' (b) to direct, maintain : c. gen. rei, KaXwv epywv. Tit
^' 1^ 3^* 1*
223 f.).t
** irpo-KaXeu, -w, [in LXX : II Mac 8" A * ;] to call forth. Most
freq. in mid., (a) to challenge ; hence, to provoke : Ga 5^^ ; (b) to
invite (11 Mac, l.c.).+
*t irpo-KaT-ayYeXXu, to announce beforeJiand : c. ace. et inf., Ac 3^*
anticipate (in cl., c. ace, gen. or dat.) : c. inf. (= cl. (f>6dvu), v. Bl.,
c. gen. (Dem., 546, 6), viake provision for show care for , Eo 13^*.t
irpo-opcia,, -w, [in LXX : Ps 15 (16)8 (mizr pi.), i Bs 5" A*;] to see
before (as to place or time) : c. ace, Ac 212^, Mid., c. ace, seq. evoWidv
/lOV, Ac225(LXX).t
*t Trpo-opi^u, to predetermine, foreordain : c. ace, Eo 8^^ id. et inf., ;
Mt 26i2, Eo Co 6^ denoting
of purpose, 32", i al. ; tt/jos to, c. inf.,
Jth 8«*;] the day before the Sabbath: Mk 15*2 (L, Tr., txt., -n-phs o-.).t
Trpo<r-aYop£.5a,, [in LXX
De 23« (7) (uhl), 11 Es lO^Bi (HT hith.),
Wi 1422, 1 Mac 14*0, n Mac 136 4^ 10^ 143^*;] to address, greet, salute;
hence, to call by name, address, style : c. dupl. ace, pass., He 5^^
irpoa-dyo}, [in LXX chiefly for Sip hi., also for W22 , etc. ;] 1.
Ac 1024 .
c. ace. rei, ii Pe S^^-i* ; c. ace. et inf., Ac 286 •
q^ {^i^ p^Q 35_t
near : absol., ^^\ Mt Lk 9^2^ al. ; c. infin., Mt 24\ al. ; c. dat. loc,
He 1218-22; (jat. pers., Mt 5^, and freq., Jo I221, al.; ptep., TrpoaeXOi^v,
c. indie, Mt 82, and freq., Mk l^i, Lk T^*, al. ; tt. air^, e. indie., Mt
43, Mk 6^5, al. Metaph., (a) of approaching God : absol. (Le 211'',
prayer to God
31 6* 1031, Eo 1212, I Co 75, Col 42
: M
I721 (WH, E, txt., om.) 2122, Mk 929, Lk 22«, Ac
pi., Ae 2*2 104, Rq
Bph li«. ;
Wi Lk 6i2; -r-pos t.
I Ti 21 5^; TT. Tov $€ov, prayer
7] to God (ef. 162^),
ee6v, seq. i^ip, Ac 12^; pi., Eo IS^O; Hebraistically (Bl., §38, 3),
Trpoa-evxij irpoa-evxea-OaL, Ja Si'' (BV, prayed fervently). 2. a place of
prayer: of a synagogue (iii Mae 72*^, v.l. ; v. Charles, APOT, i,
pers., Ja S^*; c. dat. pers., Mt 6", i Co ll^^; seq. irepl, c. gen., Ac 8'*
Col 13 43, I Th 525, II Th 1" 31, HeI318; w€p, Mt 5**, Lk 628, Col l^
Ja 516 ; seq. Iva, Mt 2420, Mk I318 14^5, Lk 22*6, i Co 14^3 tovto ha ;
Phi 19; c. inf., Lk 22"; seq. ror, c. inf. (Bl, § 71, 3), Ja S^^.t
irpo<T-^X"' \y^ LXX for D.tSp hi., idtD ni., etc. ;] 1. to turn to,
bring to expressed or understood, to bring to
(freq. vavv, port, land
Hdt., al.). seq. dat., to turn one's mind to, attend to; in
2. T. vovv,
Xen. and later writers with vow omitted (Bl., § 53, 1 81, 1) Ac 8^ ; :
TT. £ain-(3, to give heed to oneself (M, Pr., 157 cf. Ge 24«, Ex 1028, al.) ;
n-poor-KaX^w, -w, [in LXX chiefly for K^p ;] to call to. Mid., to
call to oneself (v. M, Pr., 157) : c. ace. pers., Mt lOi, Mk 3i3 6^, Lk 71^,
irpoCT-KOTTTw, [in LXX for P]J3 , bw'3 ni., etc. ;] 1. trans., to strike
(e.g. hand or foot) against : c. ace. seq. 7rp6<;, fig., Mt 4^, Lk 4^^ (LXX)^
beings absol, Jo 420 U^«, Ac 8" 24", He Ipi (Westc, in 1.), Re ll^;
TTLTTTuv KOL IT., Rc 5^* ; c. dat. (on the significance of this constr. as com-
pared with the usual cl., c. ace, v. Abbott, JG, 78 f.; JV, 133 ff.),
Jo 421.23, Ac 7*3, 1 Co 1425, He 1«, Re 410 7" lli« 13*' ^^ 14^ 162, 19*' 10. 20
228' 9 c. ace. (v. supr.), Mt 4i«, Lk 4^ 24^2 (wh, R, mg., om.), Jo 422.24,
Re 920 13*' 8. 12 149.11 20*; seq. cttcI^iov, Lk 4^, Re 15*; (b) as in cl, of
homage to human superiors (cf. MM, xxi) absol, Mt 202", Ac 102^; :
c. dat. (v. supr.), Mt 22. » 82. 918, 1433 152 5 182« 28^, Mk 15i9, Jo 9^» ; 7re(ri)v
part., ib.36; (b) of persons: c. ace, Mt I622, 832 (y_ Swete, in l), Mk
Ac 175 182« 282, Ro I4I' 3 15", i^.t Phm
* irpoa-X-qfiil/is (Rec. -Xi/i/'is, as in Att.), -cws, rj {<!^irpoakap./3avw)i
1. an assumption (Plat.). 2. a receiving (cf. irpoa-Xa/jb/Sdvo}) : Ro lli^.t
Manual gebek lexicon or* the new testament 387
I Ti 5\f
* 7rpoa-op|jLil^(i) (<[ opfio^, an anchorage), to bring a ship to anchor at
usually in mid., to come to anchor near, and so pass, in late writers
(Ael., Dio Cass.) Mk 6'\f :
(a) trans. (TraiSta TreVpais, FIJ, Ant., ix, 4, 6) (&) intrans., c. dat. Lk ; :
1. to put to. 2. to add, join to, give in addition : c. ace. seq. ctti, Mt
627, Lk 320 1225 ; eVt T^ avTo, Ac 2*^ ; c. ace. et dat., Lk 17^, He 12i9 (v.
MM, xxi) ; pass., absol., Ac 24i,
Ga 3i9; e. dat., 633, 42*, Mt Mk Lk 123i,
Ac 514 1124; ^poatTWr] tt/dos t. TraWpas (cf. Ge 268, jg 210, al.), Ac 133«;
c. inf.,of repeating or continuing the action signified by the following
verb, as in Heb. idiom (Ge 42 812, al. cf. § 54, 5 Lft. on Clem., ; WM, ;
/ Co., xii but v. also M, Pr., 67, 233 Deiss., BS, 67^
; xxi), Lk ; ; MM,
20", Ac 123 ; similarly ptcp., Trpoo-^cis, c. indie. (Ge 38^, al.), Lk ign.t
irpoa-Tp^X«. [i° LXX for |^n ;] to run to : Mk 91^ lOi^ Ac 83o.t
{have ye taken any fish, Field, Notes, 109 Abbott, Essays, 105 cf. ; ;
•irp6CT<t)aTos, -ov (on the derivation, v. Boisacq, s.v. and cf. -ws), [in
471 f.).+
c. ace. et dat. pers., Mt 4^* S^e 92. 3^ 1435 1716^ Mk 2^ (WH, E, txt.; sc.
af^Tov) 1013, Lk 18l^ 231*; pass., Mt 12''2 (act., WH, txt.) 18^*
{irpod-qxe-q, WH) 19^3; c. acc. rei, Mt 2520; id. c. dat. pers., Mt 22i9,
Ant., iii, 9, 3) sacrifices, gifts and prayers to God: absol., seq. irepi
(iwip), Mk 1**, Lk 51s He 5^'^ 9^ lO^^; pass., Ac 21^6; c. acc. rei
(Swpov, Ovcriav, Xarpeiav, Trpocrcfiopdv) , Mt 5^3,24 (aoristic pres. ; M, Pr.,
247) 8S Jo 162, Ac 7*^ 21^6, 5^ 83- He * 97.9 iQi. 2, s, n, 12
g^^^^^ ^^ ^. .
TTp6v(j)iTov, -OV, TO ("C^ TTpos, wi/^), [in LXX chlefly and Very freq. foi
D^S^i;] 1. prop., of persons (so always in cl.) ;
(a) the face, counte-
Dalman, Words, 30), c. inf., to set one's face towards, Lk 9^^ ; similarly,
TO TT. avTOU ^v TTopevo/JLevov (op. cit., 31), ib. ^^ ; to tt. tou Kvplov iiTL, 1 Pe
312 (LXX) /orm, person : Kavxaa-Oai cv tt. Kai ixrj ev KapSia, II Co 5^2 (cf.
J (5^
I Ki 16''') ; metaph., as in Heb. idiom, of judgment according to
appearance, external condition or circumstances (0^39 ^^3; v. Dalman,
Words, 30 ; Thackeray, Gr., 43 f.) : Xa/^/Javeiv tt., Lk 2021, Ga 2«
ySAcTTCiv £19 TT., Mt 22^6, Mk 121*; davpACitv n-p6<x<.ma, Ju 16. 2. Of
things (cf. Dalman, I.e.) ;
(a) face, appearance (Ps 103 (104)^*') : Mt
163 (WH, E, mg., om.), Lk 12^^^ jg, lu. (j) surface (Ge 2^) : Lk
2135, Ac 1726.
** irpo-rdaCTw, [in LXX : II Mac 8^6 E (A, Trpoo-T-)*;] 1. to place in
front. 2. to arrange beforehand : Ac 1726, Eec. (for Trpoo-T., Edd.).t
**Trpo-Teiv(a, [in LXX: II Mac 7, iii Mac 2i*;] to stretch out,
stretch forth : of preparations for scourging (v. Field, Notes, 136 f.),
Ac 2225.t
-irpcJTepos, and TrpwTos, compar. and superl. from Trpo, opp. to
varepos, vcrTaTO<;.
A. Compar., TrpoVcpo?, -a, -ov, [in LXX for D^3D^ , jiOTN"! , etc. ;]
B. Superl., TrpoM-os, -r;, -ov, [in LXX chiefly for liUyXT , also for
M, Pr., 79; Bl, § 11, 5; Thackeray, Gr., 183 f.) c. gen., tt. fiov Tjv :
(my chief: Abbott, Jg., 509 flf. but cf. M, Pr., 245), Jo l^*' ^o c. art., ; ;
1522 19*'^', Ac 13^^ al. 3. Neut., irpCrrov, as adv., ^rs^, at the first ; (a)
of Time Mt 821, Mk
: 428, al. to tt., Jo 10^^, al.
; (b) of Order Eo 32, ;
I Co 1118, al.
Trpo-Ti0T]^ii, [in LXX: Ex 40*. 23, Le 248 (^-,y), pg 53 (54)3
(Dltr), etc.;] forth publicly; so also in mid.: c.
1. to set before, set
ace. pers., Eo 32^ (for a suggested alt. rend., v. MM, xxii), 2. Mid.,
to set before oneself, propose, purpose: c. inf., Eo 1^^; c. ace. rei,
Eph 19.t
**Trpo-Tp^Tra), [in LXX: Wi 14^8, n Mac 11^ iv Mac 12^ 15^2
16" * ;] to iirge forwards, exhort, persuade. Mid., in same sense (as
also in cl.) : Ac 1827.t
I Th 2*.+
Ee 1910 (Luc, FIJ, LXX, tt. ; v. Deiss., BS, 235 f. ; MM, xxii).t
•n-po<})TjT€uu (<; 7rpo07^s), [in LXX chiefly for N23 ni., hith. ;] to be
a irpocf)T^r)? (q-V-)i ^0 prophesy in the : primary sense of telling forth
the Divine counsels, Mt 722 26«8, Mk 14«^ Lk 1" 22"*, Ac 19«,
I Co 11*' 5 139 141.3-5.24,31,39^
^ith the idea of foretelling Re 113;
future events (an idea merely incidental, not essential; v. Lft., Notes,
83 f.), Mt 1113, Ac 21". 18 (LXX) 219; geq. rrepi, Mt 15^ 7", iPe li«; Mk
iTTi, c. dat., Ee 10" ; Xe'ywv, Ju 1* ; oti, Jo ll^i.t
SyN. : fiavT€VO/jLaL, q.V.
Trpo<J)i7Trjs, -ov, 6 {<Cirp64>rjfj.L, to sjJeak forth), [in LXX chiefly for
N^13 ;] one who acts as an interpreter or forth-teller of the Divine
will (v. Lft., Notes, 83 f.; Tr., Sy7i., § vi), a prophet ; 1. in cl.
(.SIsch., Hdt., Plat., al.), of the interpreters of oracles. 2. In NT,
the use of the term in tt. and Inscr., v. Deiss., BS, 235 f. MM, xxii). ;
n Pe li9.t
Jos 312 {npb), Da LXX 322, II Mac 3^ 8^ 14^2 A *;] 1. to put into the
hand, deliver up pass., Ac 32*'.
: 2. More freq. as depon., -o/wii,
to take into one's hand; hence, metaph., to propose, determine, choose:
c. inf., Ac 221*; q q^qq pers., ib. 26i6.t
* irpo-xcipo-Tof ^w, -ui (v. x€ipoTov€a)), to choose or appoint beforehand
Ac 10*1 (Plat., al.).t
np<Sxopos, -ov, 6, Prochorus : Ac 6*.
*irp6nva, -rj'i, rj, prop. fem. of adj. irpu/ivo?, •rj, -ov, (sc. vavs), the
hindmost part of a ship, the stern : Mk 4^^, Ac 27^* ; opp. to irptopa,
irpwi (Rec. TTpwt), adv. «7rpo), [in LXX chiefly for '\p%, 1(?.23;]
Ex 1813), Ac 2823.t
-irpuia, V.8. irpwios.
-irpui|X09, V.8. Trp6'ifxo<;.
+ irpuii'cJs (Eec. -iVos, V. WH, App., 152), -^, -ov {<^Trp(j)[), [in LXX
chiefly for IpS ;] = cl. irpmos, at early morn, early : aar-qp, Re
228 22i6.t
irpuios (Rec. -los), -a, -ov (<[7rpu)t), [in LXX for lp.2, '5, '3;]
at earlymorn, early ; as subst., rj tt. (sc. wpa, cf. ^ <5. 17 tt., hi Mac 52*),
prop., of soldiers, one who stands first, one in the front rank (Thuc,
Xen.) ; hence, metaph., a leader : Ac 24^.t
t Trp&)T0T<5Kia, -wv, Ttt (<^irpwTOTOKOv), [in LXX (with V.l. -tia, -ei'a) :
De 21i7, Ch
Ge 2531"- 2736, i 5^ (n-JS?)*;] the rights of the first-born,
irripya, -t/s, rj, [in LXX for D^Jf ;] the heel : fig., hraipuv T^v IT.
^TTi', Joiais^i-^^^t
irTcpoyioj', -ou, to (dimin. of -irrepv^), [in LXX chiefly for PJJp,] 1.
Ac 217.t
**irruo»', -ov, to, [in Sm. : Is 30^**;] a winnowing shovel or fan:
Mt 312, Lk 3i^t
* irropofiai, depon., to be startled, frightened : Phi l^s. (The active
TTTvpoi is also found in some late writers.) t
*irTu<Tfia, -Tos, TO, (<;7rTva)), spittle: Jo 9" (Hipp., Polyb., al.).+
* TTTuaCTu, to fold ; of a scroll, to roll wp : ySiySXi'ov, Lk 420 (cf
dva-iTTUo-o-o}) .t
TTTiJu, [in LXX: Nu 12^* (pT), Si 28^2*.] ^^ 5^^. ^k T^' 823,
Jo 9' (cf. €*c-, €/x-7rn;(i>).t
(1^15)), Is 51i» (Tir), Jth 8i«, Wi 4^8, al. ;] 1. a fall, metaph., a mis-
fortune, calamity (Trag., Plat., Polyb., al. ; LXX). 2. That which has
fallen (a) of buildings, a ruin (Polyb.)
; {b) of living creatures, in ;
cl. (poet, only) usually c. gen., vcKpwv, etc., but also absol., as in late
writers and NT, a fallen body, a carcase, corjjse : Mt 14^2 2428^ ^\^ 1545
X. avToi, Mk 629; airCiv, Ee 118' 9 (cf. Rutherford, NPhr., 472 f.).t
TTTwcrts, -€0)s, 17 (<^7rt7rTw), [in LXX chiefly for }:]33, n!?50, and
cogn. forms;] a falling, fall (Plat., Plut., al.) : Mt T^'; metaph.,
Lk 234.t
destitution : 11 S^. 9, 29.t
TTTuxeuo) TTTcoxos), [in LXX : Jg 66, Ps 78 (79)8 ^^n) Jg 1415 A,
Pr 2321 (rrv); Ps 33 (ani), To 1. to be a beggar, to beg
(so chiefly in cl.). 2. to be poor as a beggar, to be destitute, poor
Opp. to TrXoi'crios wv, II Co S^.t
TTTwxos, -v> 'ov (<! •TTfajo-o-a), to crouck, cowev), [in LXX for
'^SSf , bl , t&T . etc. ;] of one who crouches and cowers, hence, 1. as subst.,
jaoor Mt 11^ I921 269> ", Mk IO21 12*2, « 145, 7^ l^ 418 722 1322 198 21^,
TTOYfiVi, -^s, 7]> [in LXX Ex : 21^8, Is 58* (Plil^l^) * ;] the fist
irvyfjiy viipaadai t. xetpas (T, irvKva. ; Vg., Goth., Copt., crebro), to wash the
hands with the fist {diligently, R, txt. ; up to the elbow, R, mg. ; the
exact meaning is doubtful v. Swete, in 1.) Mk l^A ; :
ttuXt], -r^s, rj, [in LXX chiefly and very freq. for "M^, sometimes
for r\bl , nw ;] a Lk 7^2, Ac 92* 12io 16i3, He 13^2 ^ 'QpaU U. t.
gate : ;
Upov, Ac 310. Metaph., Mt 7^^' " nvkaL dSov (Wi 16", iii Mac 5^\ and ;
•Kvikdiv, -(3vo9, o {<^TnjXrj), [in LXX chiefly for nOSl, 1!^ ;] 1. the
irup, gen,, TTupos, TO, [in LXX chiefly and very freq. for 12?^ ;] fire :
Lk 1729 ; KaraKaUiv (eV) tt., Mt 13*0,Re I7I6 188 KatW^ai Trvpi', He 1218, .
Re 88 218 . ^x6$ 7rvp6^, Ac T^o, 11 Th 18, He 1^, Re 1^* 2^8 19^2 Xa/t7ra8es ;
Ro (LXX)
TTvpos, Re 4^ ; o-tvXol irvpos, Re 10^ ; av^pa/<es TTD/Do's, 122** . yXwo-o-at
wo-ei TTvpds, Ac 2^ ; 8oKip.d^€iv (-n-vpovadai) 8ia Trvpos, I Pe 1^, Re 3^8
3i'\ hell (cf. Dalman,
(I)s St^i TT. (Lft., ^otes, 193), I Co Of the fire of
Words, 161) : Mk 9*8 d-xx) • ^^ ^, .^o aiwnov, Mt 188 25*i (cf. iv Mac 12^2)
ao-ySecTTOv, Mk 9** Trupos atwi/tou 8iki;v virif^eiv, Ju ^ yee
; tou tt. 522
wa , Mt
50. 20i»> i*'i5;
189; Ka>vos ToS TT., 13*2. Mt ^ Ai>v7? ToC TT., Re 192« irvpl
TrjpeLo-daL, II Pe 3^ ;
/3a(ravi(r6rjvai iv tt., Re li}*^. Metaph. : ^aTTTL^eiv irvpi,
Mt 311, Lk 31" ; of the tongue, Ja 3^ ; of strife and discord, Lk 12*9;
CK TT. iprrdleLV, Ju 23
xupi dXifco-^ai, ; Mk 9*^ ^^Xos Trvpds,
102" He ; of God,
TT. KaravaAio-KOv, He 1229
**Trvpd, -as, -^«7rCp), [in LXX: Jth 75, Wi 17«, al.;] afire:
Ac 282. 3,t
Re 9i7.t
TTopow, -S (<;7rvp), [in LXX chiefly for P)1S;] to set on fire, burn
up. In NT on fire, to burn : Eph 61", ii Pe
always pass., 1. to be set
312; ptcp., glowing, Metaph., of grief or indignation, ii Co
Re li^.
tirupptlta) «7n;ppo's), [in LXX, Tr^ppt'^tu : Le 1319. *2ff.
irupp<5s, -a, -dv «7n)p), [in LXX for Dl^ ;] fiery red : Re 6* 123.t
* ;] 1. a burning : Re 189- 18. 2. a refining or trial by fire
metaph., i Pe 4i2.t
irw, enclit. part., yet, V.S. /xtJ-vu), jx-qhi-Troi, ov-ttod, ovBi-irw, TTW-TTOTc.
TTwiKia, -w, [in LXX
chiefly for "1DD;] 1. to exchange or barter.
2. to sell : EeLk13^^ ol 7ru)XoJ)vrcs, Mt 21i2 259,
IT^s, ; 11", Lk Mk
19^5 . c. ace. rei, Mt 13** 19^1 21^2, lO^i ll^s, Lk 1233 1322 223«,Mk
Jo 21*. i«, Ac 51 (sc. aird, air6v), ib. 43*. 37. Pass., I Co 1025; c. gen.
pretii, Mt 1029, Lk 12«.t
iruXos, -ov, 6 (in cl. also 17), [in LXX chiefly for T? ;] a foal, colt,
652 817.t
* iroSpuo-is, -€ws, 7] (<^7rwpoa)), a covering with a callus, a hardening
metaph., Mk 3*, Eo 1125, Eph i^^.t
TTws, enclit. part., at all ; v.g. ctTrws, /xt^ttws.
TTws, interrog. adv., correl. of ottws, 1. prop., in direct questions,
how?: c. indie, Mt 1229, Mk 323, Lk ll^s, Jo 3*, al.; Kal tt., Mk 4",
Lk 20**; TT. oi^v, Mt 1226; tt. oi, Mt Lk 16^1, 1256; i^ deliberative
questions (cf. Bl., § 64, 6), c. subjc, Mt 2333 2654 ^. ^^^ Rq 10^* •
; tt. Be,
Eo 10^*. geq15 •
»^^ g optat., Ac 8^^. more
2. As sometimes in cl. but
freq. and increasingly so in late writers (v. § 57, 2 Bl., § 70, 2 WM, ;
Thumb, MGr., 192; Jannaris, Crr., App., yi, 13 f.), =» ottws, ws; (a) in
indirect discourse c. indie, Mt 628, Mk 12*^, Lk 83«, Jo 9^5, Ac 92^, al.
'Padp (and Paxo/3, Mt 15; Fax^ftv -^s. ^^ ^U). V> indecl. (Heb.
nm), Bahab (LXX, Jos 2\ al.) : He 113i, Ja 225.t
*tpa|3pei (Eec. -^l, v. WH, App., 155) (Heb. and Aram. iST, my
master ; v. Dalman, Words, 327, 331 ff.), a title of respectful address to
Jewish teachers, Babbi : Mt 23^.8; of John, Jo 326; of Christ, Mt
2625. «, Mk 95 IPI 14*5, Jo 139.50 32 ^31 025 92 US; kV>C p., Mk 1051
(WH, mg., V.S. pa/SfSovveCj.f
Ben : Lk S^s.t
* pa8iou'pYT])xa, to (<^ paSiovpyiw, to act rechlessly or wrongly),
1. a reckless act. 2. crime, villany : Ac IS^^.t
*pa8ioupYia, -a?, 17 (v.s. pa8Lovpyr]p.a), 1. ease doing, facility m
(Xen.). 2. easiness, laziness (Xen.). 3. recklessness, wickedness (of
lewdness, Xen. ; fraud, Plut. in it., of theft, MM, xxii) Ac IS^^.t ; :
an expression of contempt, raca : Mt 5-^ (cf. DB, iv, 191 f. ; and for
other explanations, v. Zorell, s.v.).t
pa)(d, V.S. pa/ca.
'Paxdp, V.S. Tad/3.
'Pax-fiK V, indecl. (Heb. bm), Bachel : Mt 2i8(Lxx),t
ptiycufii and (Mk 9^^) pT/o-o-w, [in LXX chiefly for ypa also for ,
Mt 9^^. 2. Of the voice, c. ace, (fnavrjv, etc. (Hdt., al.), to break forth
into speech absol., Ga i^^f^^^), : 3. = pda-a-w (Dem., al.), to throw or
dash down Mk 9^^, Lk 9*^ (cf. 8ia-, wept-, 7rpoo--p7?yvvyu,t).t
prjfia, -Tos, TO, [in LXX chiefly for "ini , also for ng , and Aram.
D3I1B, etc.;] 1. prop., of that which is said or spoken, (a) a word:
Mt 271*, II Co 12" ;
pi., Toi p., of speech, discourse, Lk Jo S^o, Ac
2^*, Eo
Pe 32, al. (b) opp. to ovofia (a
10^8, II ; single word), a saying,
statement, word of prophecy, instruction or command (in cl., phrase)
Mt 26-5, Mk 932, Lk l^s 2^\ Ac lli«, E0.IO8, He 11^; ^. Oeoi Uvpiov),
Lk 32, Ac lli«, Eph 6", He 6^ 113, j pe 125 (lxx). ^^ ^. ^. q^^-^ Jo 334
8*7 ^. Apyov, Mt 1236
; p. dppTjTa, II Co 12*. 2. Like Heb. -i;il (but
Gr., 41), of that which is the subject of speech, a thing, matter (Ge
151, De 178, al.) : Lk 1^7 21*, Ac 10^7 ;
pi., Lk V^ 2^^' ^\ Ac 5^^ 13*^.
'Pr]<rd (L, -a-a), 6, indecl., Bhesa : Lk 3^7.+
^r\(T<TU>, V.S. pTjyVVfJLL.
*pi]Tup, -opos, o, a public speaker, an orator : Ac 24^.t
*tpTjTus, adv. (<^p?7Tos, stated, specified), in stated terms, expressly
I Ti 4i.t
plia, -q<;, rj, [in LXX chiefly for ^^m ;] a root : Mt 3^0, Lk 3^
iK 'pit^v, Mk 1120 .
^, 1^^^^^ Mt 13«, Mk 4« ; id. seq. ^v lavroJ, fig., Mt
1321, Mk 4^7^ Lk 8^^. Metaph. (as in various senses in cl.), of cause,
origin, source, etc.; (a) of things, p. trdvTwv r. KaKwv (Eur.), i Ti 610
{b) of persons of ancestors, Eo lli^-is j ^_ 7ri*<ptas,
: 12^^. He Of that
which springs from a root, a shoot; metaph., of offspring, Eo
1512 (Lxx)^ Ee5*22i«.t
^Ctfii^, -w «ptCa), Is 402*, je 122 (0^-12^), Si 328 [in LXX:
24^2* j] to cause to take root. Metaph., to plant, fix firmly, establish
pass. (BV, rooted), Iv dydnrj, Eph 3'8(i7); iv XpiarQ, Col 27 (cf. iK-
*pnni, -^s, rj (<^piirTw), poet, in cl., any rapid movement such as
the throw or flight of a javelin, the rush of wind or flame, the flapping
of wings, the twinkling of lights; p. 6cf>da\fj.ov, the twinkling of an
eye i Co 15^2 (l^ mg., poin], q.v.).t
piTTTw, fin.), [in LXX chiefly for ^bo? hi.;] 1. to throw, cast, hurl: c.
garments, to throiv off (for flight, Eur., Xen., al. ; oTrXa, i Mac 5*^; so
EV Ac 22^^, but v. infr.). 2. = piTrrd^w, to shake, toss, throw about
T. IfidTLa, Ac 2223 (^EGT, Page, Eackham, in 1. Field, Notes, 136 but ; ;
V. supr.).t
t pofj,4>aia, -as, rj, [in LXX chiefly for ^lO ;] a large broad sword,
used by the Thracians (v. DB, iv, 634) then generally (in
; used LXX
interchangeably with /xdxatpa, q.v.), a sword : Ee l^*" 2^-' ^*' 6* 19^^' ^i
metaph., Lk 235.t
poTTTJ, --^s, 17
(<[p€7rw, to incline), [in LXX: Is 40^^ (PHIS'), etc.;]
inclination downwards, as the turn of the scale : L, mg., for piirri, q.v.,
I Co 1552 (v. Tdf., in l.).t
the deliverer, Eo 1126. Passive: seq. dwo, Eo 153i, 11 Th 32; seq. ix,
Lk l'\ II Ti 417.+
filth : I Pe 32i.t
E, mg.+
t aaPawO, indecl., [in LXX for Dixny , chiefly in Isaiah (in other
being mistaken for a pi., the sing, a-d ft/Barov was formed from it), and
ad^^ara, -wv, rd, [in LXX for n^tj? , ]in28r ;] 1. the seventh day of the
week, the sabbath ; (a) the sing, form -ov, to a. : Mt 12^, Mk 22''',
Lk G',
«V (t(5) a-., Mt 12", Lk 67, Jo 5^^, al. ace, of duration, to a., Lk 236« ;
'<aTk^7rav a:, Ac 13^7 15^^ 18*; pi., o". Tpta, Ac l?-^ E, txt. (but V. infr.)
(b) as most freq. in (v. Swete, Mk., 17 LXX
Thackeray, Gr., 35) the ;
pi. form, TO. a. (v. supr. on the Aram. form. There is also an analogy
in the names of other festivals, t. cyKaiVta, at,vfxa, etc.) Mt 28^, Col 2^^ :
CTaytivT], -»;s, 17, [in LXX chiefly for WJO;] a drag-net, seine:
Mt 13^'.t
SyJV. : afiffycftX-qcTTpov (q.V.), Slktvov.
Zadok : Mt li*.t
prop. (Hom., al.), of dogs, to loag the tail, fawn. 2.
*aaicw, 1.
Metaph., of persons, c. ace, to faiun upon, flatter, beguile : pass.,
I Th 33 (for conjectural emendations of the text, v. ICC, and M, Th.,
in l.).t
Lk 10l^ Ee ll^.t
laXd, 6, indecl. (Heb. nb^), Sala, Shalah : Lk 3^2 (E, txt.,
CTaXeu'o) « o-aXos), [in LXX for Mia , yi3 , etc. ;]
prop., of the action
Lk 6*8, Ac 431 162« ; the earth. 1226 the heavenly bodies, Mt 2429,He ;
(b) c. ace. pers., to cast down from a sense of security and happiness
Ac 2^^ (L^^^) •
(c) to unsettle or drive away : pass., seq. oltto t. voos,
II Th 22 ;
(d) to stir up : t. oxXovs, Ac IT^^.t
WH, E, mg.).t
XaX/iwi'r], -7^9, 17, Salmone, a promontory of Crete : Ac 27^^.+
opdXos, -ov, 6, [in LXX for Iflia , etc. ;] in poets and late prose,
a tossing, as of an earthquake ; esp. the tossing, the rolling swell of
the sea : Lk 2125.t
Lk 1711, Jo 44. 5.
7, Ac 18 81 (and perhaps also ^-i*), 93i IS^.t
Iafio9paKT] {-OpaKY], BE), -77s, 17, Samothrace, an island in the
^gean: Ac IG^.t
IdfAos, -ov, 17, Samos, an island in the ^gean : Ac 20^^.+
aoi'is, -180s, ^, [in LXX : Ca S^, Ez 27^ (iTib) *;] a board, plank :
Ac 27**.
loouX, 6, indecl. (in FIJ, :S,dovko^; Heb. bwtfO, Saul; (a) the
King of Israel Ac 13^^ (b) the Jewish :
name of the Apostle Paul,
used in the indecl. form only in address (cf. SavAos) : Ac 9*' ^^ 22'"' ^*
** o-airp<5s, -a, -6v, [in Sm. : Le 27-^' ^' * ;] rotten, corrupt, bad, worth-
less : of trees and fruit (opp. to dya^o?, KaAds), Mt T^'-^^ 1233, lJj 643.
of fish, Mt 13*^. Metaph., in moral sense: Aoyos a-., Eph 4'^^ "In
Hellenistic ... it became a synonym for alcrxpo'; or /caxos," MM, xxii.t
Ac 5^t
t CTtlTr4>eipos, -ov, rj, [in LXX for TDQ;] sapphire (perh. = lapis
lazuli) : Ee 2V^.f
*aapYcit'T], -i;s, rj, 1. a plaited rope (Msch.). 2. a hamper, a basket
made of ropes : ii Co ll^^.t
IdpSeis, -€(jiv, at, Sardis, the chief city of Lydia : Ee 1" 3^* *.t
the sardian stone, sard (of which carnelian is one variety) Ee 4^ 21"'^''.+ :
SdpcTTTa, -wv (Ob 20), TO. (Heb. nui^), Sarepta, a city of Sidon:
Lk 426.t
*CTapKiK6s, (v.l. for (rapKivo?, Arist., H.A., X, 2, 7),
-ij, -ov (<^crdp^)
= Lat. caritalis, associated with or pertaining to the flesh,
i.e. (a)
fleshly, cartml : Eo 15^^, i Co 9^^ (6) in a more ethical sense, of the ;
nature of the flesh, under the control of its appetites, fleshly, carnal,
sensual (but including more than mere sensuality cf. Hort, / Pe., ;
133) I Co 33,
: II Co 112 lOS i Pe 2".t
Syn.: cra.pKLvo<i (q.v.), i/'vxiko's; cf. Tr., Syn., §§ Ixxi, Ixxii; Lft.,
Notes, 184 f. ; Vau. on Eo 7^*.
He 7^*. (Eec. has -iko's in all these passages except 11 Co, I.e., but the
evidence is decisive against it.)+
Syn. : o-ap/<iKos, q.v.
1539 II Co 127, Ga 6^3, al.; o-. Kal aV, i Co IS^O; a. Kal ^o-rea, Lk 243y;
pi., of the flesh of many or parts of the flesh of one (cl.), Ee 17^^ 19^8j
<i>ay€lv, Ee, 11. c. (cf. KaT€(r$i€Lv, IV Ki 9^^, al., and ^i^pwo-Kciv, freq. in
•1.) metaph., Ja 53; mystically, <f>. (rpwyciv) t^v <t. tov vlov t. avOpoynov,
Jo 6*2-58 .
(j^ Qf ijjie whole substance of the body, = a-wfia : Ac
n Co 12^ Ga Eph 5^9; fiia a., Mk lO^; tk tilav (Ge 4^*, <t.
2"), Mt 195, Mk 108, I Co 6^6^ Eph 5^1 hence, of the material as opp. ;
to the immaterial part of man (of. Lft., Notes, 88) opp. to rrvevfxa, :
present life, iv o-., Eo 7^ Ga Phi I22.24, i Pe 42; of Christ's life on
earth, at rjixipai T. (xapKos avTov, He 5''; of things pertaining to the
body, iv (jfj) o-., Ga 612.", Phi S^-*. 2. As in Heb. idiom, (a) of a
living creature : vda-a a: (Heb. "11^2-^3; cf. Bl., § 47, 9), Mt 2422, j^^
1320, 1 esp. of man and his mortality (Ps 55 (56)5, gj 28^, al.),
Pe 12* ;
(b) of natural origin and relationship (Ge 22*, Is 58^, al.) Tc/cva-r^so-., :
opp. to Trv€Vfj.a, Mt 26*\ Mk 14^^ t. dlkrjfxa r>5s cr., Jo 1^^ rj (iriOvfiia Trj<i ; ;
esp. in Pauline Epp., of the flesh as the seat and vehicle of sinful
desires : opp. to voCs, Eo 72^ ; to irvevfia, Eo 8*-9> ^2. is, Ga 5^^' i^- " 6^ (cf.
IdpwK, -uivo<i (acc. -wa, WH), o (Heb. ]n^), the plain of Sharon
Ac 935.+
larams, -a (so also Si 21^", but in III Ki 11^*, o-arav indecl.
Heb. ]tpi{^; Aram. KJMD , whence the inflected Gk. form), 6, Satan (i.e.
the adversary, as in LXX, 11. c.) Mt 410 1226, l^^ 323. 26 4^5, Lk : Mk
10^8 1118 1316 223.31, Jo 1327^ Ac 53 2618, Eo I620, i Co55 7\ 11 Co 2"
111*, I tij 218, II Th 29, I Ti po 51^, Ee 2^.13.2* 3^ 12^ 202. 7; addressed
in person of Peter, Mt 1623. 833 ^yy^Xo^ SaravS, 11 Co 12' .+ Mk .
*a€PaaT6s, ->7, -6v {are^at^o^ai), 1. reverend, august. 2. In late
writers,with reference to the Eoman Imperial name; (a) 6 2.,
Augustus, i.e. the Eoman Emperor: Ac 25''^^'2^; (6) Augxistan
a~rreipa cr., Ac 271. (See further, Deiss., BS, 218.) +
a€(3<u, [in LXX (chiefly for XT , Jos 4^4, al.) and NT always mid.,
a-efiofiai, exc. IV Mac 5'-*
;] to worship : c. ace. pers., Mt 15^, Mk 7'',
Ac 18^^ 19"^'^
; a-e/Sofievo^ t. 6e6v, Ac 16^4 137 o-fySo/xei/oi .
(cr. irpoo-^XvToi,
a-. "EXXrjvi's), devout, Ac IS*^' ^o 17*' ^^ (cf. 7rpoo-7?Xvros) .+
1. (a) 0. cor<i; (Z>) a chain (cf. Pr., I.e.) crcipai ^d^ou, : 11 Pe 2*, Eec,
E, mg. (v.s. o-«/)6s). 2. a ZocA; of hair (Jg, 11. c.).+
*aeip6s (cri/Do's, T), -ov, 6 (Eec, E, mg., creipd, q.v.), = cl. aipos, a pit
for the storage of grain : o-cipot Coi^ov, 11 Pe 2*, WH, E., txt. (but v.
Mayor, in 1.; Field, Notes, 241).+
(Tcio-fios, -ov, 6 (<^(T€L<a), [in LXX chiefly for Byyi;] a shaking,
commotion, as a tempest at sea : Mt 8^* ; esp. an earthquake : Mt 24^^
2754 282, Mk 138, Lk 2111, Ac 162«, Ee 612 8^ llis.io iQis.t
aeib), [in LXX chiefly for tz^yi ;] to shake, move to and fro
T. yqv, He 1226 (LXX) . pass., yij, Mt 27^1
<i^^x) o-vk^, Ee 6^K ; Metaph.,
to agitate, stir up, with fear or some other emotion : Mt 21i** 28* (cf.
o-eXrii'il, -»7S, ^, [in LXX chiefly for n"i; (Ge 37^ al.), also for n:!^
-ofiai, to be moonstruck,
« creAT^vr/), act. in
i.e. epilej}tic
Manetho {Carm., 4, 81), in
(epilepsy being supposed to be
NT depon.
influenced by the moon) : Mt 42* 171^.+
a£|jii8aXi9, -cws, r], [in LXX chiefly for nbc ;] fine wheaten flour .
Ee 1813.+
•in cl. of the gods and also of human beings. 2. grave, serious ; of
persons: i Ti 3^. n, Tit 22; of things: Phi 4^ (v. Tr., Syn., § xcii
Cremer, 37; MM, xxii).+
** <Te;iv6Ti]<5, -rjTo^, rj
Ti 22 34 (Vg.
o-€/>ivds), [in LXX: II Mac 312*;] gravity:
oTjjuiaiVa) (<^ (ji7fta, a sigfw), [in LXX ym hi., ypn etc. to give
for , ;]
sign portending future events (Soph., Plat, al.) Mk 13*, Lk 21^' ^i' ", :
Ac 2^9^ j{e 12^' 3 15^ {d) of miracles and wonders (MM, xxii), regarded
23s, Jo 2"' 18.23 454 630 Ac 4i«. 22; pi., Mk 16n7.20]^ Jo 211.23
io« 12^8,
32 62, 14, 26 731 916 1147 1237 2030,
Ac 8^, I Co 122 (Lf^.^ j^Iqi^s, 162) the ;
Mt 242*, Mk 1322, Jo 4*8, Ac 219. *» 430 512 68 73" 143 I512, Eo 15i9, 11 Th
29; id. seq. koX Swaynct?, ii Co 12i2, He 2*; o-. koX SvvdiJ.eis, Ac 8i3
8. Kttl T. Kal a-., Ac 222; ^ gtSoVai, Mt 242*, Mk 1322.t
in l.).t
(rfi}i€pov (Att. Trj/jL€pov), adv., [in LXX for Dl'n ;] to-day : Mt 611
<r^s, (njTos (late gen. for cl. o-cds), o, [in LXX : Jb 4i9,
Is 509
(lZ?y), Is 518 (QQ)^ al.;] a mo^/i, clothes moth: Mt 619.20, Lk 1233.t
**<Tiy^, -^?, v> [ill LXX Wi : 18", in Mac 3^3*;] silence : Ac 21*o,
Re 8\f
aiSi^pcos, -a, -ov (-ovs, -a -ovv) (<^ cn'Sv^pos), [in LXX chiefly for
*t CTiKdpios, -OV, 6 (Lat. <i sica, a dagger carried under their cloth-
ing by the Sicarii), a bandit, assassin, one of the Sicarii (FIJ, B.J.,
ii, 17, 6, al.) Ac 2P8.t :
taiKepa, to, indecl. (Aram. KISOT), [in LXX for ISt? (also
IiXwdfi (indecl., but in FIJ, gen., -S, B.J., ii, 16, 2), 6 (Heb.
nbtr), Siloam (v. DB, iii, 515 f.) : Lk 13*, Jo 97. ".t
*taifaiTi, -«a)5, to (prob. Egyptian), = Attic to vSttu, mustard:
Mt 1331 172«, Mk 431, Lk 1319 17«.t
aiTi'o^, -ov, t6 (dimin. of o-itos), [in LXX : Pr 24^7 (30^2) (DO^) *;]
1. corn, grain: Ac 7^2 (but v. Bl., §9, 1). 2. Mostly in pi., o-m'a,
bread, food, provisions (LXX, I.e., Hdt., al.).+
LS, S.V.), [in LXX chiefly for W0n , bltlTSp;] prop., the bait-stick oi a
**aKdi,r], -r]s, V ^xa^ruy), [in LXX : Da LXX Bel 32, TH ib. 33*;]
anything scooped out, esp. alight boat, skiff: Ac 27^^' 3"' 32.t
<tk£Ko%, -ovs, to, [in LXX for by^ , etc. ;] the leg from the hip
downwards : Jo 193i'33.t
* aKeiracTfia, -tos, to (< o-/c€7ra^a), to cover), a covering, esp. clothing
I Ti 6«.t
ZKcuas, -a, Sceva : Ac 19^4.t
**aKeuT), -^s, 17, [in LXX: in Mac 5*^E*;] equipment, tackle:
Ac 27i».t
CTKciios, -ofs, TO, [in LXX chiefly for v5J] '^ vessel, implement
(for exx. in various senses, v. MM, xxii) : Mk lll^ Lk 8^^ Jo 192",
Ac 10"' i« ll^ Eo 921, Ee 18^2; pi., n Ti 22«, Eo 22^; ri o-. t^s
XfiTovpyta?, He 921 ;
pi., TcL o-., utensils, goods, Mt 1229, Mk 32^, Lk
1731 ; the tackle or gear of a ship (Xen., Polyb., al.)
id. of so in ;
<TKr\vr], -77s, 17, [in LXX chiefly for S'lX , also for ISUTD , n;pp ,
(TKT^l'OCo) .t
tabernacle (cf. a-n-qviQ, aKrjvos) of the temple as God's dwelling (Ps 131
aKid, -as, v> [in LXX chiefly for by , iv Ki 20^ «-, Ps 56 (57)i, al.
but 0-. and o-. OaraTov are also used for niCibx , Jb 3^ Ps 22 (23)*,
rough, violent : a-KXrjpov aoi (ecm), Ac 26^*; Aoyos, Jo 6""; avc/xos, Ja 3*;
CTKXrjpa. XaXeiv, Ju ^^.t
SYN. : auo-Ti;/3os, q.V.
<TKkr\p6vbi {<C (TKXr}p6s), [in LXX chiefly for ni&p hi., also for pin ;]
aKoXi6s, -a, -ov, [in LXX : De 32* (m^V), Pr 28i8 (o-. 6Sors TropcuW^ai,
for D^.S^"^ ^P??)' •''^^ ^^^ i'^P?)' ^^^- !] curved, bent, winding (opp. to
(cf. MM, i, xxiii ; DB, iii, 700 f. ; Deiss., St. Paul, 62 f. ; Field, Notes,
**aKOTr€'u,, -w «o-K07r(is), [in LXX : Es 813, II Mac 45*;] to look at,
behold, watch, contemplate. Metaph., to look to, c. ace. rei, consider :
II Co 4^8, Phi 2* c. ace. pers., Ro ; Phi S^^ seq. fi-q, Lk ll^^ W\ ;
oTKopTTiJiw, [in LXX for |^D hi., etc. ;] in vernac. and in Ion. and
late writers for o-KcSavw/ii (v. MM, xxiii; Rutherford, NPhr., 295),
to scatter : 6 Xvkos, Jo 10^^ 6 ; fir] a-wdywv /act' ifiov a-KopirL^ei, Mt 12^®,
Lk IP*; pass., seq. cis, c ace. loc, Jo 16^^; of one who dispenses
blessings, 11 Co 9^(^^^^ (cf. 8ia-o-Kop7ri'^o/xai).t
ffKOTciKos (WH. -Tivos), -17, -OV « (TKOTos), [in LXX chlefly for
^jjrn and cogn. forms ;] dark : opp. to </)<ot€ivos, Mt 6^^, Lk ll^*' ^".t
taicoTi'a, -«, ^, [in LXX : Jb 283 (ij^j^)^
Mi 3« (npvn). Is IS^*;]
in late writers = o-koto?, darkness : Jo 6^^ 20^. Metaph., (a) of secrecy
(opp. to iv T. <f)(i}Ti) : Mt 10^7, Lk 12^ ; (b) of spiritual darkness
Mt 41«, Jo V 812 1235. 46^ I Jo 15 28. 9. H.t
tcTKOTil^w (<;o-KdTos), [lu LXX for IJttTn j] fo darken; in NT always
pass., -o/i,at, to &e darkened : of the heavenly bodies, Mt 24^^, Mk 13^*,
Lk 23" (Rec, WH, mg.). Re 8^2. Metaph., of the mind, Ro pi
1110(LXX)(cf. o-KOTO(o).t
aK<5Tos, -ov, o, the more usual cl. form (cf.o-., to), darkness : He 12^*,
aK(5Tos, -ovs, to', a form rare in cl. (cf. 6 a.) but freq. in LXX,
[chiefly for ^jljrn;] darkness: Mt 27*5, Mk Lk1533, 22^3 23**, Ac 22o,
Eph 58; T. Ipya ToO o-., Ro 13^2, Eph 5^1; o-kotovs elvat, Th 5^ iv
I ; o-.
Jvai, ib. * ; ol ^ o-., Lk V^ Ro 2^9 ; 6 Aa^s o Kae^fievos iv o-., Mt 416
**f aKu^aXov, -ov, to', [in LXX : Si 27**;] refuse, esp. dung (v. MM,
ii, iii, xxiii) : Phi 38.t
Scythian, an inhabitant of Scythia, i.e. Russia and
Ik«59tis, -ov, o,
Siberia, a synonym with the Greeks for the wildest of barbarians:
Col 3ii.t
aKuGpuTTos, -ov (also -77, -ov) {<^(rKv0p6s, sullen, + wxp), [in LXX
Ge 40'^ (jrn), etc.;]
of a gloomy countenance : Mt 6^*, Lk 24^^.t
o-kgJXt]|, -rjKos, 6, [in LXX chiefly for jrbin and cogn. forms ;] a
worm : kind which preys upon dead bodies, metaph., of fut.
of the
punishment, Mk
9*8 (LXX, Is 662* cf. Si 7^\ Jth 1610-+ ;
o-iiupm (in some MSS, ^fi-; v. Bl., § 3, 9), -t/s, 17, [in LXX for
"lb liD ;] myrrh, a resinous
gum used as an unguent and for em-
balming Mt 211, Jo 1939.t
Zfiupj-a (T, Z/A-; BL, § 3, 9), -av, rj, Smyrna, an Ionian city on
the ^gean Re 1" 28.t :
BL, § 10, 1; Tdf., ProL, 104, 119; WH, App., 158), 6 (Heb. nbb«?),
SoZowon ; Mt 1«' ^ 62* 12*2, l^ ll^i 122^, Jo 1023, Ac 3^1 5^2 7*^+
aop(5s, -ov, ri, [in LXX Ge 502« (]nN), Jb 21^2 A*;] (a) a cinerary
a<5s, -rj, -ov, possess, pron. of second pers., thy, thine Mt 7^, al. :
BS, 223).+
(To^'ia, -as, rj, [in LXX chiefly for npsri;] skill, intelligence,
wisdom, ranging from knowledge of the arts and matters of daily life
to mental excellence in its highest and fullest sense (a) of human ;
(Tvvea-is critical, both being applications of a-, in detail (cf. Lft., and
ICC on Col 19 Lft., Notes, 317 f. Tr., Stj^i., § Ixxv Cremer, 870 ff.).
; ; ;
ao<|)6s, -yj, -6v, [in LXX chiefly for UDU;] skilled, clever, wise,
**aTr€Tpa, -779 (on this form of gen., v. M, Pr., 38, 48; Bl., § 7, 1
Mayser, 12; Deiss., BS, 186), [in Jth 14^1, 11 Mac 8^3 1220,22*.] LXX :
<nre'pfi,a, -T09, to {<^ a-ireipw) , [in LXX chiefly for r^7 ;] seed; (a)
of plants: Mt 1324,27,37,38^ n Co Q^"; pi., Mt 1332, Mk 43i,
i Co 1538
Tim., 23 c; FIJ, Ant., xi, 5, 3), Ro 92^; (b) of men (as yov^; Lat
semen genitale ; so in cl. ; cf. in LXX, Le 15^6, al.) : He ll^^ ; metaph.
of the divine influence, i Jo 3^; by meton. (as freq. in poets), seed
offspring, posterity: Mt 2224.25, Mk 1219-22, Lk 1^5 2028(lxx)^ Jq 742
8-^3, 37^
Ac 325 75, 6 1323^ j^o 13 413, 18 97, 8 111^ n Co 1122, Ga 3i6' i^, 11 Ti 28,
He 216 1118; pi (pij^ j^^t., viii, 7, 6; Plat., Leg., ix, 853 c; iv Mac
181; iQ Qa,, I.e., contrasted with sing., v. Lft., in 1.; Milligan, NTD,
105 f.), Ga 316; of spiritual offspring, Eo 416.18 98, 329, Ga
12i7.t Ee
*o-Trep/jioX6Yos, -ov {<^(nr€pfjia, a seed-picker ; (a) prop., of
birds (Arist., Aristoph, al.) ;
(b) in Attic slang, of an idler who lives on
scraps picked up in the agora; hence, as subst., 6 cr., an idle babbler
Ac 17i8.t
oTTcuSu, [in LXXina pi., also for bn2 pi., hi., etc. ;]
chiefly for
1. mostfreq. intrans., to hasten : c. inf. (as freq. in cl.), Ac 20i6; ptcp.
2i6; c. imperat., Lk 19^^-6; aTrtCo-ov k. i^eXde, Ac 22i8.
c. indie, Lk 2.
Trans., c. acc. (a) to hasten, urge on, accelerate (as Hom., Od., xix,
137 Eur., Med., 152 Si 33 (36)8) „ Pe 312^ r^ ^g. (cf. Mayor and
; ; .
ICC, in 1., but V. infr.) (6) to desire eagerly (Pind., Pyth., iii, 110;
criTTiXaioi', -ov, to, [in LXX chiefly for HiyiO ;] a cave, cavern : Jo
1138, He 1138, Re 615; ^^ (eV, den) Xrjarihy (Je 711), Mt 21i3, Mk lli7,
Lk 1946.t
*<nrtX(is, -q'Sos, (on the gender in Ju, I.e., v. Mayor, Ju., 41), 1.
poet, in cl., a rock or reef aw ev which the sea dashes (Polyb., FIJ, al.).
<nrXaYX>'iSoH'**'' (<C ^^^<=^7X^o*') [^^ (act., -t'^w) Pr 17^ A, >
S.V.; MM, xxiii quote Thumb, Hellen., 123 as practically confirming Lft.
on Phi 1^, in the suggestion that the verb was a coinage of the Jewish
dispersion.) t
(TirXdyyvov, -ov, to, mostly (in NT always) in pi., a-irXdyxya, -(DV,
II Mae 9^' ^, al. ;] the inward parts (heart, liver, lungs, etc. ; Lat.
viscera) Metaph., of the seat of the feelings and of the
: Ac 1^^.
feelings themselves (in Gk. poets, of anger, anxiety, etc.), the heart,
affections (the characteristic LXX and NT reference of the word to
feelings of kindness, benevolence and pity, is found in tt. ; v. MM,
xxiii ; cf. Lft. on Phi l^) : 11 Co 612 7^5, Phm 7. 12, 20^
i Jq 317 ; o-. olKTtpfxod,
Col 312
o-_ ^al o'lKTipfJiOL, Phi 2}; (J. iXeov<; Oeov rjfjiuyv, Lk 1'^; cr. XptcrTOV
'I770-OU, Phi l^.t
*aTz6yyos, -ov, 6, a sponge : Mt 27*8, Mk 153«, Jo 1929.t
airoSos, -ov, 6, [in LXX chiefly for Hg^ ashes He 9^^ iv (rdKK<a ;] : ;
KoX a-. (Is 585, Jo 3<5^ Da LXX 93, al), Mt II21, Lk lO^^.t
airopd, -a9, V
a sowing. 2. seedtime.
« o-Tc/po,), [in LXX iv Ki 1929 (y-|7), Mae lO^" *
3. seed sown
(of human
offspring, Soph.,
Tr., 316, 420) : i Pe F* (cf. aTripfia, and v. Milligan, NTD, 105 f.).t
1. sowing or seedtime. 2. seed sown (so usually in late Gk.) : Mk 42"- 27^
Lk 85. 11, II Co 910" (LTr.) ; metaph., of almsgiving, 11 Co d^'^^.f
<nrou8<£tw (< o-ttovStJ), [in LXX chiefly for bnS ni. ;] tomake haste
hence, to he zealous or eager, to give diligence : c. inf. (v. M, Pr., 205 f.).
-ore/jos, ib. (here in superl. sense, v. Bl., § 44, 3) ^^.t
** airouBaius, adv. «[o-7rou8aros), [in Wi 2^*;] 1. with Jiaste LXX :
ordSioc, -ov, TO, pi., oraSia (Jo 6^^, T), and metapl,, oraSiot (v. Bl.,
§ 9, 1), [in LXX Da LXX : a stadium, 49, Su^\ 11 Mac 11^ 129 5- *;]
i.e. a measure of length = 600 Greek feet or -^ of a Eoman mile
Mt 1424 (Eec, WH, txt., E, mg.), Lk 1^^\ Jo &^ ll^^, Ee 142» 21i6,
and, this being the length of the Olympic course, 2. a race-course
I Co 924.t
(TTci^.'os, -ov (6 and), if, [in LXX : Ex 16^3 (njyjV). "i ^i 122*
14^ (pSpS), Da LXX BeP2*j] prop., an earthen jar for racking off
*t CTTaaiaonis orao-ta^w, to stir iip sedition, Jth 7^*, II Mac 4^*' 14* *)
= Att. o-Tao-iwrr;?, a rebel, revolutionist, one who stirs up sedition:
Mk 157 (FIJ, al.).t
ordais, -ioyi, V (<^ l(TT-qp.i), [in LXX chiefly for HOSf, its parts and
derivatives, also for nn (Pr 17^*), etc. (v. Deiss., BS, 158 f.) ;] 1. a
standing, place, status : a-, cxciv (Polyb., v, 5, 3 and cf. Lat. locum ;
6dvaTo<; (rravpov, Phi 2^ t. alfia tov a., Col 1^**.; Metaph., in proverbial
sayings alptw :(Aa/x/3av€iv, ^ao-rc^etv) tov o"., Mt 10^8 162*. 83* 1021 Mk
orTa4»u\T, -i}?, Tj, [in LXX for nay ;] a bunch of grapes : Mt 7^^,
grapes rather than the cluster on which they grow (Swete, Apoc,
187 f.).t
ardixus, -vos, 6, [in LXX chiefly for ribiatzr;] an ear of corn:
Irdxus, -vos, 6, Stachys : Eo 16^ (v. Lft., Phi, 174 ; MM, xxiii).+
MM, xxiii).+
**<rr4y(a (cf. Lat. tego), [in LXX:
Si 8^'''*;] 1. prop., to cover
closely, to protect by covering, esp. to keep water in or out (Soph.,
Plat., al.). 2. to cover, keep secret, co7iceal (Si, I.e., Polyb., al.) i Co 13'^, :
E, mg. 3. By covering to ward off', bear up tinder, endure (for exx., v.,
(rreipos, -ov, also -a, -ov, [in LXX for Tr\\).V[ , H^j^y ;] barren : of
hence, mid., to set oneself for, pirepare (Wi, 11 Mac, 11. c). 2. to
bring together, gather up (in Hom. of furling sails), hence to restrain,
check ; mid., to restrain or withdraw oneself, hold aloof, avoid : 11 Co
82*; seq. aTTO, 11 Th 3® (cf. airo-, l^-airo-, (Tvv-aTro-, 8ia-, Ittl-, Kara-, crv(v)-,
viro-aTeWoi) T .
arecdl^w, [in LXX for n3K ni., p3N , etc. ;] to groayi (" the word
denotes feeling which is internal and unexpressed," Mayor, Ja., 162)
Mk 73*, II Co 52. *, He 1317, Ja 5^ (EV, murmur) eV kavroh, Eo 823 ;
aTci'69, -Yj, -ov, [in LXX for ny , etc. ;] narrow : fig. (v. MM, xxiii),
oTccoxupia, -as, 17 (v. supr,), [in LXX for nj512, etc. ;] narrowness
Metaph., (a) in bad sense, hard, cruel (Horn., al.) ; {b) in good sense,
steadfast, firm : t. Trio-ret, i Pe 59.+
(TTcpeow, -Q) «o-T€p€os), [In LXX : Is 425 (yp-i)^ Je 5" (pm pi.),
etc. ;]
(a) to make firm or solid ; (b) to strengthen, make strong ; c. ace.
pers., Ac S^® ; t. /Sda-eis, pass., ib. ^. Metaph. (cf. Je, I.e.) : t. ttio-tci,
pass., Ac 16^.+
OTcpe'cuiia, -tos, t6 «o-T£peoa)), [in LXX : Ge l«ff-, Ps 18 (19)1,
1501, Ez 122-26 iQi 135, Da LXX, th 3(56) 123 (jrpn), De 332« (pntzr),
Ps 17 (18)2 70 (71)3 Es 929, I Es 8^8 (82), Si 431- «, i Mac 91* * ;] a
solid body ; (a) a support, foundation (Arist., al.) metaph., strength ;
LXX for the golden crown of royalty (prop., ^laZrjpxL, q.v., cf. Hort and
Mayor on Ja I12) : Mt 2729, Mk 15i^ Jo 192-5, i Co 92^, Ee 44.io 62 9^
121 i4u_ Metaph. : Phi 41, Ee 311 ; r. SiKaiocTv'vT?? (cf. Deiss., LAE,
Th 2i9 M,
312), II Ti 48 ; T. So'^T^s, i Pe 5* ; /cavxiyo-cws, i (v. Th., in 1.)
Afp., 169 Kennedy, Sources, 158 M, Pr., 238 MM, xxiii), [in LXX
; ; ; :
Ac 311 512.+
He 512 ; TTTwxa o"-. Ga 4^; o-. tov Koa-fxav, ib. 3, Col 28'20 (but v. infr.).
4. The material elements of the universe (Plat. ; LXX, 11. c.) : 11 Pe
310,12 5_ The heavenly or bodies (Diog. Laert.). 6. The demons
tutelary spirits of nature (Enoch., Test., Sol., al. for this sense in ;
Ga, Col, 11. c, V. ICG on Col 2*; Enc. Bibl., s.v. " Elements ").+
aToixe'w, -w (-c^o-Toixos, a row), [in LXX : Ec 11" (1573)*;] to be
in rows (of waves, plants, etc., as well as of men), to walk in line (esp.
of marching in file to battle; Xen., Cyr., vi, 3, 34, al.). Metaph.,
in late writers, to walk by rule : Ac 212* g ^a,t., to walk by or in
(as a rule of life), Eo 412 (cf. MM, xxiii), Ga 52^ 6i«, Phi 3i« (cf. aw-
otoXti, -^s, v «o-t€A.Xco), [in LXX chiefly for IJJ, also for
TO o-., Ee 12^6 ; 0-. fiaxalpas (Heb. aiq~'B , Ge 34^^ al.), the edge of the
opp. to KapSta, Mt 12^*, Eo 10^' I*' in various phrases (some cl., some ;
resembling Hebrew; cf. Bl., §40, 9): dvoi'yctv t. cr. (v.s. avotyw) <t. ;
Trpos 0-. (nS)"^^ ng), Nu 12^; = cl., Kara o"., Hdt., al), face to face,
II Jo 12, III Jo 14 ; St^t Toi) o-. (of the Holy Spirit), Lk l^o, Ac V^, al.
ttTTo (€k) tov 0-. (cf. ctTTo o". eiTrciv, Plat., al.), of speaking by word of
mouth, Lk 22^1, Ac 22'^ 86X0^ (if^eiSo^) ev t. o-., i Pe 222, Ee 146(i'XX)
2*. Metaph. (cf. MM, ii, xxiii), of spiritual conflict, to war, make
war 11 Co 10^, i Ti lis, Ja 41, i Pe 2ii.t
<rrpaTif]Y<5s, -ov, 6 (<^ orpaTos, ayw), [in LXX chiefly for |3Q (always
in pi.), liy;] 1. a military commander, a general (Hdt., al.). 2. A
civic commander, a magistrate (Hdt., Xen., al.)
governor, Ac :
Svj^. : apx^ov (cf. EGT on Ac I620 Eamsay, St. Paul, 217). ;
orparidi, -as, 17, [in LXX chiefly for K^S 1. = o-TpaTos, an army, ;]
a host: of angels (ni Ki 221^, al.), Lk 21^; of the stars of heaven (Je
82, II Ch 333), Ac 7*2. 2. As sometimes in cl. (poet.), = orpaTcia :
<rrp^<t)w, [in LXX chiefly for "^JDH , also for 21D , etc. ;] to turn
c. ace. rei dat. pers., Mt 5^^ ; = a-n-oa--, to bring back, Mt 27^ (cf. Is 38^)
reflexively (WM,
§ 38, 1), to turn oneself, Ac 7*^; c. ace. seq. cis,
= /xeraa-, to change. Re 11". Pass., reflexive, to turn oneself: seq.
et?, Jo 201S Ac 739 13*« ptcp., o-rpa</)€/9, c. indie, Mt 7« 92-' IG^s, Lk 7^
955 1425 2261, Jo 138 2016 id. seq. Trpos, Lk 7" 10^2 (WH, R, om.),
ib. 23 2328 ; metaph., to change : absol., Mt 18^, Jo 12*0 (cf. dva-, Sltto-,
which first appears in the middle comedy (Rutherford, NPhr., 475 f.),
to run riot, wax ivanton : Re 18"' ^ (cf. KaTa-a-Tprjvidwj.f
Sv.V. : (nraraXdo) (q.V.), Tpvcjidtt),
o-rpui'kua) or arpcSi/i'upii (v. Bl., § 23, 1 ; Veitch, s.v.), [in LXX for
JTX"' hoph., etc.;] to spread: IfxdTia iv r. 68w (ets t. 6S6v), Mt 21^, Mk
11^ of making a bed, a-rpwa-ov (sc. t. kXlvtjv) o-eavnZ, Ac
; of 9^* ;
co^mtenance fell), Mk IO22 of the sky (so o-Tvyj'o'rT/s, Polyb., iv, 21, 1),
Qi Re Ga
Re ] ; 0-. ev T. vao), fig., 312. Metaph., 2^ ; r. dXrjOelai, 1 Ti S^^.t
pi,, {i/Acts, -wv, -iv, -as (enclitic in oblique cases sing., except after prep.
(BL, § 48, 3), though Trpos o-€ occurs in Mt 25^^). Nom. for emphasis
or contrast Jo l^o. « 410 533, 39, 44^ Ac 4^ Eph 5^2 so also perhaps crv
: ;
elTras, Mt 26^*, al. (M, Pr., 86) before voc, Mt 2^, Lk V^, Jo 17^, al. ; ;
sometimes without emphasis (M, Pr., 85 f.), as also in cl., but esp. as
rendering of Heb. phrase, e.g. rlos fwv cT av (nriN"''35l , Ps 2^"), Ac 13^^.
The gen. (a-ov, v/awv) is sometimes placed bef. the noun Lk 7*^ :
ffUKtifiii'os, -ou, 17, [in LXX for nOpttT (pi.) ;] the mulberry tree
(Lat. morus ; cf. /nopoi', i Mac 6^* *), the sycamine : Lk 17^. (In LXX,
(T. appears to represent the a-vKOfj.opo'i (v.s. a-vKOfjiopia), but St. Luke
distinguishes between the two v. ICG, in 1. DB, iv, 634.) t ; ;
auKTJ (contr. fr. o-u/ce'a), -^s, 17 (<] o-Ckoi/), [in LXX for njNP j] 0,
auKo^, -ov, t6, [in LXX for n;m '] a fig : Mt 7i«, Mk 11^3, Lk 6",
Ja 3i2.t
**CTuXd{D, -w, [in LXX : Bp. Je^^*;] c. ace. pars., to strip, plunder,
spoil : II Co ll^.t
<ToXX-, V. passim a-wX-.
auX-XajxPaww, [in ace, to bring LXX for izTDn , H'fn , etc. ;] 1. c.
together, collect. 2. to seize, take : c. ace. pers., as a prisoner, Mt 26^*,
Mk 1448, Lk 225^ Jo 18^2, Ac l^^ 12^ pass., Ac 23^" mid., in sense of ;
act., Ac 2621 ^ aypav IxOvwv, Lk 5^. 3. C. dat. pers., to take part with,
Ac 923.t
**t aufiPouXiov', -ov, TO IV Mae 1?!^ N *;] a «(n;>/3ovAos), [in LXX :
Lk 22^' ^^ only), Symeon, a Heb. name for which the Gk. '^ifnav, q.v.,
was also used ; 1.the son of Jacob (Ge 29^^) Re V. 2. An ancestor :
I Mac 16i«, II Mac 22^, m Mac 4}^ 5^^ S^a 34 (31)3i 35 (32)5'
; o-. otvov, Si
491 * ;] 1.a drinking -party. 2. By meton., of the party itself, the guests
(Plut.) ; pi, cr. 0-. (coUoq. ; v. M, Pr., 97), in parties or companies :
Mk 639.t
o-ufi<|»-, v. passim o-w0-.
aufi-.|>^pa>, [in LXX : Je 33 (26)i* (aita), Pr 19io
(niNj), Si 30^9,
seq. Iva (Bl, § 69, 5), Mt 529. 3« 18«, Jo ll^o 16^. Ptcp., <rvfjL<f>ipuiv,
profitable: i Co 12"; pi, Ac 202"; {ov a. sc. co-rtv; = mi av/x<^£/3€t; cf.
Thuc, iii, 44, 2), 11 Co 12^ as subst., to a., profit, He 12i».t ;
TH ib.
(n^JGQID), IV Mac 14^ A*;] 1. symphony, music: Lk 15^5.
assistance, rj x^P'''^ '^- ^^^^ ^^^ ^/^°''> ^ ^° ^^^^ ^^ ^^^ ^^ more things !
together, almost = /cat, Lk 23ii, Ac 3* 10^ 14^ 23^5, Eph 3^8 avv ;
XpicrToJ t,^v, II Co 13* ; besides (FIJ, LXX), <tvv ttSo-i tov'tow, Lk 24^1.
In composition : with (o-wxatpw), together (crv>/w8iVo>), altogether
aoc-dyu), [in LXX chiefly for f]DN , also for |^np , etc. (cf.
Jo 182, al. In late writers (v. Kennedy, So^irces, 128 ; cf. De 222, q^\^^
to receive hospitably, entertain: Mt 25^^'^^'*^ (cf. iTn-crvvdyw).
auv-ayoiyvi, -rj<;, rj, [in LXX chiefly for niy , also for bnp , etc.;]
Mk 537.t
** <Tin'-a\it<a, [in Al: Ps 140 (141)**;] to assemble with: Ac 1*
(EV, mg., eating with, but on this rendering and on the force of the
pres. ptcp. here, v. Field, Notes, 110).
* (TUK-aXXdworu, to reconcile: impf. (conative, v. M, Pr., 129),
Ac 726.t
aoi'-am-PaiVw, [in LXX for nbv,] to go up with: c. dat. pers.,
seq. ek, c. ace. loc, 15*^ Mk Ac IS^^t
**t (Tuc-avd-Keifiai, [in LXX : iii Mac 5^^ * ;] to recline tvith or together
at table : Mt 149, Mk 622, Lk 7« U^^ ; c. dat. pers., Mt 910, Mk2l^
Lk 14io.t
* (TUf-ai'a-fiiYi'ufi.i (acc. to Bl., 8, -fieiyw/xi), [in LXX: Ho 7*
(bba hithpo.), Ez 20^^ A*;] to mix up together; pass., reflex, and
metaph., to associate with (Plut., Ath., al.) i Co 5^' ^\ u : Th 3^* (v.
M, Th., 117) .t
auj'-aca-irauop.ai, [in LXX : Is IV (}^n) * ;] c. dat. pers., to lie
down to rest with, sleep with. Metaph., to be refreshed in spirit with
Eo 1532 (L, om.).t
auv-avrdo), -w, [in LXX for JTJD, UJJB, Nip, mp , etc.;] meet
"perfective" of amd^oi (v. M, Pr., 113), (a) to seize and carry away
(so most commonly) : Ac 27^^ ;
{b) to seize and hold Lk 8^^, Ac 6^'^
** (Tuv-avi&i'o), [in LXX: ii Mac 4^ iv Mac 13^7*;] to cause to
increase or grow together. Pass., to groiv together: Mt 13^*' (Xen.,
au^-pdXXo) (Eec. (rv/Lt-), [in LXX : ii Ch 251" (ma hith.), Is 46^
(blT), Je 50 (43)* (mo hi.), Wi 5^, al. ;] to throw together, hence, (a) of
speech (seq. Adyous, Eur., al.), to discuss, confer (sc. \6yov<i) c. dat. :
pers., Lk 11^^ WH, mg., Ac IT^^; seq. Trpo? 6.\\rfXov<;, Ac 4^5; (6) to
reflect, consider, ponder : iv t. KapSla, Lk 2^^ ;
(c) to vieet with, fall in
with : Ac 20^* ; in hostile sense, ets -noX^fiov, c. dat. {ds t*-d.xnv, Polyb.),
Lk 14^1 {d) mid., to contriMite (Polyb., al.
cf. MM, ; xxiv) : Ac 1827.t
**t aot'-paaiXeo'u (Rec. o-v/i,-), [in I Es 8^^ A * ;] LXX : to reign together
or with : metaph., of sharing the glories of the Kingdom of God,
I Co 48, II Ti 2i2.t
**auK8po^V], -^s, ^ (n;^T/)€'xa>), [in LXX: Jth 10^8, III Mac 38*;]
a concourse, esp. of a riotous gathering: Ac
21^^ (Arist., Polyb., al.).t
aok-eYcipo., [in LXX : Ex 23^6^ (nTy), Is 14^ (ny pil.), iv Mac
2^* *;]to raise together : metaph., of the Christian's mystical resur-
rection with Christ, Eph 2« pass., Col 2^2 S\f ;
Je 1517 (-nc),
auvi^piov, -ov, TO
P8 25
(26)* (no),
(Tvv + ISpa,
Pr 22io
a seat), [in
262« (bnf^)
Pr IV^ I522,
Pr 24^ 272a
3123, „ Mac 145, IV Mac 17^^ * ;] 1. a council (Plat., Xen., al. ; LXX
in TT., cr. T. BS, 156) of a local Jewish tribunal,
Trpea-fivrepuyv, Deiss., :
15\ Lk 22^6, Ac 521.27, 34, 41 612, 15 22^0 23i> «> is, 20, 28 (WH,E,mg.,om.) 2420
of a meeting of the Sanhedrin, Jo 11*" ; of the place of meeting, Ac 4}^.f
He I318; TTOvrjpd, He 1022; 6 voC? Kal ri <t., Tit 115; g^^ ^^^ ^^^ Rq 13^,
^a^^, o-., He 99
I Co 1025. 2 7, . iwh (r^s) o-., Jo 8 [9] (Eec), i Co 102^ (cf. ;
Notes, 41, 188), i Co 3^ (pi.), i Th 32 [WH] R, mg. (R, txt., ScdKovov rod 6.
on the original reading, v. ICC, in 1.) ; t. x^pa? ifiStv, 11 Co 1^^ ; t.
aXrjOita, III Jo^; seq. ci's, II Co 823, Col ^^\f
auc-^PXOfiai, [in LXX for ^bn N13 , , P)DK ni., etc. ;J
1, (cl.) to come
together, assemble : 320 14^^ T, Mk
txt., WH, Ac l^ 2« 10^^ W^ 19^2
2122 22=*« 2817, I Co 1426 ; seq. eis, c. ace. loc, Ac 5^^ ; iyrl t. aiT6, i Co
1120 1423 c dat. pers.,
. 14^^^ mg., Mk WH, R {irph^ airov, v. Field,
Notes, 40), Jo 1133; ^ i^^Xrjcr[a, I Co ll^^ ; evdaSe, Ac 251^; avToi,
Mk 633, WH, mg. (cf. WH, Intr., 95 ff.) ; Sttov, Jo I820; c. inf.,
Lk 51^; CIST, (^ayav, I Co 1133; ^i^ ^_ rj(T<rov, I Co 11^'^' sexual
3*; of
intercourse (Xen., al. ywatfcior absol.), Mt V^. 2. ;
In later sense (v.
exx. in Milligan, Selections, 64, 105), to accompany : c. dat. pers.,
Lk 23", Ac Pi 939 1023. 45 1112; geq. g-^^v, Ac 21i6 ; ek, Ac 1538. t
aoVeo-is, -€ws, 17 « o-wi7//At) , [in LXX for n3"'2L and cogn. forms,
b'^ptyo , nyi niQ5n, , etc. ;] l. a running or floioing together (Horn.).
2. (a)understanding : Lk 2*^ i Co 1^9 (lxx), Eph 3S Col 19 2\ 11 Ti 2^;
(6) the understanding, the mind or intelligence : Mk 1233.t
Sk/v. ; V.S. o-o0i'a.
(Tui'cTos, ^7, -ov {<^crvvLrjfiL), [in LXX for pnj , MFI, etc.;] intelli-
* oru»'-e<j>-io-TT]|jii, to place over. Pass., 1. to stand over (Thuc).
2. to rise together : seq. Kara, c. gen. pers. {against), Ac I622. t
Qytv-iyjit, [in LXX for isry isn etc. ;] 1. to hold together (t.
, ,
(Tviixov T. iravra, Wi 1") of closing the ears, Ac 7^"^ (t. (TT6f/.a, Is 52^^)
to hem in, press on every side : Lk 8*^ 19*3_ 2. to hold fast ; (a) of a
prisoner, to hold in charge (Luc; cf. exx. in Deiss., BS, 160; MM,
xxiv) Lk 22^3; [b) to constrain: 11 Co 5^*; pass., Lk 12^", Ac 18^
: (t.
Aoya>; Field, Notes, 128), Phi 123; j^ pass., of ills, to be seized or
^schin., 23, 37, and v. MM, xxiv), habitual use, force of habit with
respect to, i Co S^.t
"+ au>'-t]\iKioSTT]s (<CT7A.iKia), = crw^Xt^ (^sch.), one of the same age,
an equal in age : Ga l^^.t
* o-of-OdiiTw, to bury together with : in symbolical sense, of baptism,
auT<2 {with Christ), Ro 6*, Col 2i2.t
aoK-iTjiit and aurio) (v. Bl., § 23, 7), [in LXX chiefly for j'^a hi,,
24"; seq. on, Mt I612 171^; seq. quaest. indir., Eph 5^7; ^m t. a/rrois,
Mk 6*2 as subst., o-wiW (o a-., WH, mg.), a man of understanding,
CTuc-i<rrTi|jii, [in LXX for ms pi., bnp ni., etc. ; i Mac 12*3, „ m^c
42*, III Mac (and freq. in these books) ;] 1. trans., (a) to commoiA,
10i2'i8; id, c. dat., Ro 16^ (as
recommend: ace. pers., 11 Co 3^ 6*
2. Intrans., pf., a-vvia-TtjKa (as also 2 aor. and plpf.) (a) to stand with ;
or near : Lk 9^'^; (b) to be composed of, consist, cohere : Col 1^'^ (v. Lft.,
in 1.), II Pe 35.t
<ruv-K<ier]fiai (Eec. (rvy/c-), [in LXX
Ps 100 (101)6 (niz;"')*;] to :
make to sit together : c. ace. pers., seq. iv, Eph 2*^. 2. Intrans. = mid.,
to sit together : Lk 22*^.t
*+ auK-KaKOTraOe'o) (Eec. crvyK-), -w, to bear evil treatment along with,
take one's share of ill-treatment : ii Ti 2^ c. dat. commod., t.
10^^, Da LXX
TH 3 (*») * ;] to go down with : Ac 25^. In late writers also
metaph. (Wi, I.e.), to condescend, on wh. v. Eutherford, NPhr., 485 f.t
*t auK-Karci-Oeo-is (Eec crvyK-), -ecus, rj [<C^a-vvKaTaTLdr)fjLi), COncord,
agreement : ii Co 6^^ (Polyb., Plut., al.).t
*f auv-Kara-veuQ), to agree, consent to: Ac IS^'', WH, mg. (Polyb.).+
aoc-KaTa-TieTjfii (Eec. crvyK-), [in LXX: Ex 23^ {T. JT^Or), ib.
(ms), Da TH
Su^***;] to deposit together. Mid., to deposit one s vote
with, hence, to agree with, assent to : c. dat., Lk 23^i.t
*t ao»'-KaTa-4'T]4)iiw (Eec. criryK-), 1. to condemn with or together
(Plut., T/iewis^., 21). 2. to vote one a place among : pass., Ac 1^*^ Not
else where.
<T\)v-K€p6.vv\j^[. (Eec. crvyK-), [in LXX Da LXX :
2*^ (3'5? ithpa.),
instr., to be united with, agree tvith, ib., txt., E, txt. (v. Westc, WH,
in l.).t
(Tuv-Kivim (Eec. crvyK-), -w, to move together. Metaph., to excite,
stir up : t. \a6v, Ac 6^^ (Arist., Polyb., al.).t
(tuv-kKsIo) (Eec. crvyK-), [in LXX chiefly for 130;] to shut together,
enclose, shut in on all sides : of a catch of fish, Lk 5^ ; metaph. (Ps
30 (31)9, al.), Eo 1P2, Ga 322.23.t
*t (ruc-KXripo-i'Ofios (Eec. crvyK-), -ov, 6, a co-iuheritor, fellow-heir:
Eo 81^ Eph 36 ; c. gen. rei, He 11^, i Pe 3^ (for exx., v. Deiss., LAE,
88 f.).t
c. gen. rei, dat. pers.) : c. dat. rei, Eph 5^\ Ee 18* ; id. c. gen. pars.,
Phi 4i*.t
*t CTui'-KoiKui'os (Rec. (TvyK-), -6v, partaking jointly of: c. gen. rei, Eo
1117, I Co 9^3; id. c. gen. pers.. Phi 1^; 8eq. cv, Re l«.t
(Rec. o-vyx-), [in
ffui'-KoniJw Jb 5"^« (nby)*;] 1. to bring LXX :
aoK-Xuire'o) (Eec. crvAA.-), -5, [in LXX : Ps 68 (69)2o, Is 5V^ (TIJ) *;]
to make to grieve with (Arist.). Pass., to be moved to grief by sympathy
seq. cTTi, c. dat., Mk S^.t
(JTT), Jb 276; ptcp., i Mac A, ii Mac iii Mac 28E*;] 1. to 4^1 4*iA,
share the knowledge of, be privy to (Hdt., Thuc, al.) ptcp., Ac 52. :
orut'-xeX^u, -w, [in LXX chiefly for n!33 pi., also for niriT DDH ,
and freq., To 1", 11 Mac 12*2, al. ;] "perfective" of -rqpiiji (v. M, Pr.,
118, 116), 1. to preserve, keep safe, keep close : c. ace. pers., Mk &^
c. ace. rei, Mt 9^^ •
^^ KapSta, Lk 2^^ (Arist. and later writers ; cf.
MM, xxiv).+
<rui'-Tteif]fi.i, [in LXX : i Ki 22^3 ("itZTp), etc. ;] to place ov put together,
in various senses. Mid., (a) to observe, perceive; (b) to determine,
agree, covenant : c. inf., Lk 22^ ; seq. tov, c. inf., Ac 232* .
ggq^ i^^^
Jo 922.+
aiiv-r6y.u^, adv. {<^ crvvTifxvoy) , [in LXX : Pr 1323 (WDiya xbj) 232»,
III Mac 5^^ * ;] concisely, briefly : Ac 24* (for a similar ex., v. MM,
auj'-Tpe'xw, [in LXX : Ps 49 {60f^ (Djr n^n), ii Mac 3, Jth ^*•;\ to
rim together or loith : seq. cVet, Mk 6^^ ; rrpos, c. ace, Ac 3^^ ; metaph,,
I Pe 4^t
(Tuy-rpi^o), [in LXX chiefly for ^'2t2f ',]to shatter, break in pieces
Mt 12^0 (L^x)^ Mk 54 143, Jo 193«(i^x)^ Ke 2^7; of persons and parts of
the body, to break, crush, bruise : Lk 9^^ ; fig., Eo 162**.t
cruV-Tpo<f)os, -ov,
: III Ki 12-*, i
« (rvvrp€(f)Ofi.cu, to
1« E, 11 Mac
be brought up together), [in
9^^*;] 1. prop., one nourished
or bro2ight up with, a foster-brother : Ac 13^ EV. 2. In Hellenistic
usage, as a court term, an intimate friend of a king (v. Deiss., BS,
305, 310 f.) Ac 13^ (cf. also MM, xxiv).t
*t o-uV-ij/uxos (Eec. a-vfx-), -ov (<C >/'^A'*?)' of one mind: Phi 22.t
* aui'-wSifw, to be in travail together (Arist.) metaph. (Eur.), Eo B^-.t :
conspiracy : Ac 23^^.
XopdKouo-ai, -wv, at, Syracuse : Ac 28^2.t
Zupio, -a?, if, Syria: Mt 42*, Lk 2^, Ac 1523. *i iQia 20^ 21\
Ga pl.t
Ivpa, a Syrian : Lk 42^,
lo'pos, -ov, 6, fern. 72«, mg.+ Mk WH,
Zupo(t>oikiKio'aa (Eec. -^otVicro-a) -t/s, r/, a Syropo&nician woman ,
Mk 7^«, WH,
txt., EV
(cf. v ^oivUrj ^vpia, Diod., 19, 93).t
lopTis (L, (Tvprts), -cws, acc. -IV, rj, Syrtis, the name of two large
sand-banks on the Libyan coast : Ac 27^^.t
o-o'pti), [in LXX
17^^ (300), iv Mac 6\ al. ;] to draw, drag
: ii Ki
c. acc. rei, Jo 21^, Ee ; c. acc. pers., of taking to trial or punish-
ment, Ac 8^ ; 1^0) T. TToXeb)^, Ac 14^* ; iirl t. TroXirapxas (cf. IV Mac, I.e.),
Ac 17" (cf, KaTa-crvpu)).f
*t ao-oTrapdao-w, to convulse completely : c. acc. pers., Mk Q^", Lk 9*^
(cf. cnrapaorcraj).t
t <T6<T-<n]iiov (T, (TVV-), -ov, TO « o^/Lttt), [In LXX : Jg 2038. «> (n«iy»),
Is 526 4922 6210 (D3) * ;J a fixed sign or signal : Mk 14**. (Strab., Plut.,
(T^ayri, -rjs, 17 (<^ (rtfxi^u)), [in LXX for njK) , H^IlI , etc.;] slaughter :
a<}>6Spa, adv. (prop, neut, of o-</)o8po5, excessive, violent), [in LXX
chiefly for ikO J] very, very much, exceedingly : with verbs, Mt 17"' 23
1831 1925 2622 275*, Ac 6^ ; with adjectives, Mt 2^^ Mk 16*, Lk 1823,
Re im.f
a<(>o8pws, adv., exceedingly : Ac 27i8.t
toCtov, fig. (cf. Deiss., BS, 238 MM, xxiv; DB, iv, 427a), Eo 1528; f. ;
Ee 10* 2210 . (c) for distinction, Ee T^-s ; metaph., Eph l^^ 420 mid., ;
II Co 1^^ (d) ;
for authentication (Es 8^) : Jo 3^^ 6'^'' (cf. KaTa-CT<^payt^w).t
<T<t>paYis, -rSos, ^, [in LXX : Ex 28^\ al. (Dl^h) 352- (nn), Si 17^\
*<T<^vpis (T, Eec. <T7rvpLs, V. WH, App., 148; Bl., § 6, 7), -1809, f,,
a flexible mat-&as^e^ for carrying provisions Mt 15^'^ 16^°, Mk 8^* ^•', :
o-XrifAa, -Tos, to «€xw), [in LXX : Is 3^^ (riB) *;] figure, fashion
I Co 7=^1, Phi 28.t
SVJV. : v.s. ixop4>iq.
(Txilw, [in LXX chiefly for rps ;] to cleave, rend : Mt 27", Mk l^o
1538, L]j 536 23*5, Jo 1924 2111; metaph., in pass., to be divided into
factions, Ac 14* 237.t
TO «o-xt^a)), a rent (Arist.,
*<Txi<r^La, -TOS, al.) : Mt 91c, Mk 2^1.
ffXoXV], -^s, Tf, [in LXX : Ge 33^* {Karh o-., ^ISn!?), Pr 28i9, Si
382* *.j 1 leisure. 2. Later (from Plato on), (a) that for which leisure
is employed, a disputation, lecture; (b) the place where lectures are
delivered, a school : Ac 19^ (for the later sense of employment, v. MM,
CTcS^w (on the more accurate o-w'^w, v. WH, hitr., § 410 ; Bl., § 3,
1-3), [in LXX chiefly for rtzr hi., also for tabo ni., b'SZ ni., etc. ;] to save
from peril, injury or suffering : Mt 8^^^ Mk 132*^, Lk 23^*^ al. ; t. ^I/vxw,
Mt 1625, al. ; seq. ex, Jo 122^, He 5^, Ju * ; of healing, restoring to
health Mt 922, Mk 5^*, al. In NT, esp. of salvation from spiritual
He 928" (Vau. on Eo 5»). Seq. d.7r6, Mt I21, Ac 2*o, Eo 5»; iK, Ja 520,
Ju 23 (cf. Cremer, 532 ff.).
cFUfia, -TO?, TO, [in LXX for lH^^, HJIJ, etc., and for Aram.
n^JJ? ;] 0, body. human body, (a) as always in Hom.
1. Prop., of the
(opp. to Se>a9), of the dead body Mt 27^^' ^^ Mk 15*3, ^1. (b) of the :
ment of the soul, Ta Sta rov a:, II Co 5^" opp. to TTvevfjLa, Eo 8^**, I Co 5' ;
7^ Ja 226 to ^vxv. Mt 6" 1028, Lk 12^2 (cf. Wi 1*, al.) to t^ tt. Kal ^
. ;
I Th 52^;
ij/., {J/v)(i.k6v, opp. to(7.Trvtv^jLaTLKOv, I Co 15**; 6 vao9 rov a.0-.
Phi 321
similarly, to cr. t. crap/cds, Col 1^2
; a. rov Oavdrov (subject to ;
al.). 4. Of any corporeal substance (Plat., al.) opp. to o-Kia, Col 2^^. :
Eph 4*.
**aw,iaTiK<5s, -rj, -ov «o-S/ta), [in LXX: IV Mac 132 31*;] (a) of
or for the body, bodily: yvfj-vama, i Ti 4^; (b) (opp. to do-w/iaTos)
bodily, corporeal : cTSos, Lk 322.t
*o-wfiaTiKws, adv., bodily, corporeally : Col 2^ (v. ICG, Lft., in l.).t
Iwirarpos, -ov, 6, Sopater : Ac 20*.t
awpeiJo), [in LXX: Pr 2522 (nnn), Jth 15"* ;J (a) to heap on: c.
ace. seq. eVt c. ace, Eo 122" (lxx) (Arist., al.) {b) to heap with: c. ace. ;
<T<iiTf)p, -rjpoi, 6 (<^o-(ij^w), [in LXX for jnZT and cognate forms ;]
Tit 13 210 3*, Ju 25 (b) of Christ Lk 2", Ac 53i I323, Phi 320 t.
: ;
Koa-fjLov, Jo 4*2, I Jo 41* (for the general use of the word, v. Westc,
in 1.) ; rjixwv, II Ti li«. Tit 1* 36 ; Oeo^ (Kvpto^) Kal a-, (v. Deiss., LAE,
3484;M, Pr., 84), Tit 2i3, n Pe IL" 220 32.18; o-. tov o-ci/taTos (i.e. of the
Church ; v.s. a-w/xa, 5), Eph 523.t
<rwTt]pia, -as, 17 « o-om^p), [in LXX for VU''., H^mi, n^tZ?!^,
awTi^pios, -ov (^[o-wTi/p), [in LXX for nyilS^ , D^ty, etc.;] saving,
I Pe 47.t
** CTw4)poi'ij^a», [in Aq. : Is 38i® * ;] to make cruxftptov, recall one to his
senses, control (EV, trai7i) : c. ace. pers., Tit 2*.t
*t (rw<}>po»'iCT)i6s, -ov, 6 {<^<T(ji(^povit,(ji), (a) an admonishing (FIJ, Plut.,
al.) ; {b) self-control, self-discipline : 11 Ti 1^ (on the reflexive meaning
here, v. Ellic, in l.).t
** aa)<|)p<5»'a>s, adv., [in LXX Wi 911*;] : with sound mind, prudently
soberly: Tit 2^2.
** iTu>^po<T6vy], -779, ^, [in LXX : Es 3i3,
Wi 8^, 11 Mac ^^\ iv Mac^*;]
(a) soundness of mind, good Ac 2G25 sense, sanity (opp. to /tavta, Xen.) :
n^n , "hy^ ;] that which has been arranged or placed in order ; esp. as
military term, a company/, troop, division, rank: metaph.,
• i Co I52*
(v. ICC, in l.).t
Ee 3i7.t
equivalent to a talent in weight (v. DB, iii, 418 ff.) Mt IS^* 25^5 ^-t :
TaireiviSs, ->/, -ov, [in LXX for b^f^ , ''3^ , ""jy , etc. ;] low-lying
metaph., lowly, of low degree, broiight low : Ja 1^, 11 Co 7^ (cf.
Si 252^); oi opp. to SvvdarTai, Lk 1^'^ ; t. TaTrttvois (neut., E, txt.
cl usually in a slighting sense (v. Tr., Syn., § xlii but v. also Abbott, ;
Essays, 81), in NT
in an honourable sense : 11 Co 10^ seq. t. KopSta, ;
rdpaxos, -ov, 6 (<^Tapda-(r(i>), [in LXX for rHQinp , etc. ;] later form
of Tapaxv (Xen., Thackeray, Gr., 159) Ac 12i8 1923.t
al. ; v. :
T£la(T(D, [in LXX chiefly for DW , also for ms pi., ]T)3 , etc. ;]
TaGpos, -ov, 6, [in LXX chiefly for liizr ;] a bull : Mt 22^ Ac 14i3,
He 913 lO^.t
ra^-f], -rj<;, rj (<[^a7rrw), [in LXX chiefly for n^j!! and cognate
forms;] burial: Mt 27^ (Hdt., al. ; for other meanings, v. LS, s.v.,
TaxEws {<C.Taxv<:), adv., [in LXX chiefly for HinO and cognate
Si 11^"'^ 18^'^*;] poet, and late for raxvs, swift: of swift approach,
II Pe 11* 2i.t
T6,)^l<rra, v.S. raxy.
rdxos, -0U9, TO, [in LXX chiefly for parts of iriD ;] and derivatives
swiftness, speed. Adverbially, cv t. (= raxews), quickly, speedily, soon:
Lk 188, Ac 127 2218 25*, Eo IG^o, i Ti S^\ Ee 1^ 22«.t
Tttxu (neut. of raxvs), adv., [in LXX chiefly for iriD pi. ;]
speedily, forthwith : 5^^ 28^' «, Mt Mk 9^9, Lk 15^^ Jo 1129, Re 2i« S^i
111* 22'7»12. 20 Compar., Ta^^ov (T, Eec. Ta^tov), = cl. Oaa-aov, 6aTT0v
(Att.), (v. Bl., § 44, 3): Jo 13^^ 20^ i Ti 31* (T, Eec), He 1319.23.
Superl., Taxto-ra: ws T., as quickly as possible (Bl., § 11, 3), Ac IT^^.t
Tcixos, -ous, to, [in LXX chiefly for nain;] a wall, esp. that about
III Mac 32**;] a sure sign, a positive proof : Ac 1^ (for exx., v. MM,
Syn: : eySeiyfxa, q.V.
*+TeKi'ioi', -ov, TO (dimin. of reicvov), a little child: as a term of
endearment, in voc. pi, Jo 13^3, Ga i Jo 2i. 12.28 3'. is 4* 52i.t
*f T^Kvoyovioi, -to, to begetor bear children : i Ti 51* (Anthol.).t
*T€Ki'OYoi'ia, -as, ^, child-bearing: i Ti 2i* (Arist.).t
T^Kvoi', -ov, TO {<^TiKTw), [lu LXX cMefly for ]a, also for 1^11,
etc. ;] that which is begotten, born (cf. Scottish bairn), a child of either
sex : Mk Lk 1^, Ac 7^ pi., Mt 711, Mk 72^ Lk li^, Eph 61, al.
I312, ;
Cr23.), of posterity, Mt
Lk 38, al.; specif., of a male child, Mt 2128,
Ac a,l. ; in voc. as a form of kindly address from an elder to a
junior or from a teacher to a disciple, Mt 92 2128, -^^ 2^, Lk 2*8 r. ;
liov (= cl. T. /Aoi; v. Bl., § 37, 5), Ga 4i9 {r^Kvia, WH, txt.), 11 Ti 2i.
Metaph., (a) of disciples (apart from direct address, v. supr.) Phm 1**, :
I Ti 12, Tit 1*, III Jo * (&) with reference to the Fatherhood of God
(v.S. Tra-rfip, yiwdw), reKva t. Oeov (cf. Is 301, ^i 1521^ jJq gl®, Eph 51, .
Phi 21*; and esp. in Johannine bks. (cf. Westc, Epp. Jo., 94, 120),
Jo V^, al.
I (c) of those who imitate others and are therefore
Jo 3\ ;
19*^, Ga 42^ (e) with an adjectival gen., freq. rendering a Heb. ex-
WXeio9, -a, -ov (<; reXos), [in LXX chiefly for D^KT, Q'^an and
cogn. forms ;] having reached its end, finished, mature, complete,
perfect; 1. of persons, primarily of physical development, [a) full-
grown, mature : He 5^* ; ethically Phi 3^^ opp. to vrpno<i (-a^civ), : ;
pass., Lk 1332, Jo 1723, Phi 312, He 5^ 7^8 ll*o 1223, i Jo 418 (for a
different view of the meaning in He 21**, al., v. Eendall, in l.).t
**TeXeia)s «Ta«os), adv., [in LXX : Jth 11«, 11 Mac 12*2, „i Mac
326 722^ R*.j completely, perfectly : 1 Pe li3.t
103, Lk 312 527.29 729 1810,11,13. pi.^ K. dfjiapTiokoL, Mt 9i«.ii 1119, Mk .r.
Tc'pas, -aT09, TO, [in LXX chiefly for nSIQ ;] a wotider, marvel
in NT always pi., t. k. a-qfjula, Mt 242*, al. (v.s. o-rjixecov).
Tertius : Eo 1622.t
TipTio<s, -ov, 6,
T^pTuXXos, -ov, 6, Tertullus : Ac 24i. 2.t
T^ao-apes (and lon. and late -epes, and late ace. -«s; v. WH, App.,
150; M, Pr., 36, 45 f.), ol, al, -apa, tol, gen., -wv,four: Mt Mk 23,
Thackeray, Gr., 62 f., 73 f.), ol, al, rd, indecl, forty : Mt 4^, Mk 1",
Lk 42, Jo 220, Ac 13, al.
* TcaaepaKorraenis (T, -c'tt/s ; Eec. reara-ap-, V. SUpr.), -e's, of forty
years, forty years old : Ac 7^^ IS^'^.t
Wrapros, -V, -ov, [in LXX chiefly for ^^2.1 ;] fourth : Mt 1425, Mk
6*8, Ac 103», Ee 47 6". « 8^2 16^ 21i9.+
*t Terpaapxeo) (Eec. rerpapX' 145), -w (^Terpaapx^?),',
V. WH, A])]).,
Ac lO^^ 11^,
TCTpapxc'w, -apxv^, V.S. Terpaapx^w, -ap^^?'
Eo W :
T£'x»'T), -77s, -iy, [in LXX for nn^U , njyyo, n^jiny;] arf, craft,
T. adfS^aTov, Jo
9i«; T. cvT-oX^v (-as), Mt IQ^^, Jo 1415 1510^ I Ti 6^\
52, 55 1423.24 1520 17c
I Jo 2^- 322.24 53^ Ee 1217 1412 T. Aoyov (-ovs), Jo 8".
crvv-eTTL-, Kara-, crw-Kara-, ft-fra-, irapa-, irepi-, rrpo-, Trpoa-, (tuv-, vtto-
1621, Ga 427 (LXX) (v. M, Pr., 127), Re 122. * vl6v, Mt 121. 23, 25^ ik 13i 27, ;
fix the value, price: c. ace. pers., of Christ, Mt 27^ (I'^^^l 2. to honour:
c. ace. pers., Mt ISMLxje), 6, 8(Lxx) 1919 (lxx)^ T^'^o lO^^, Lk Mk
1820 (LXX)^ Jo 523 8« 122", Bph m'^^^\ I Ti 53, I Pe 2^7 ; TroXXals n/xar?,
Ac 28i».t
Tijxii, -ri<i, 7], [in LXX for ^13?, Ij^"!, etc.;] a valuing, hence,
objectively; ^Wce paid or received e. gen. pers., Mt 27^; e. gen.
1. a :
Tifxios, -a, -ov {<^TLfjLT^), [in LXX chiefly for "Ij?^;] valued, hence,
v. Page, in l.).t
Tis, neut., Ti, gen., tivo?, interrog. pron., [in LXX for ^p ^
np ;] in
who, what ?, Mt 3^ 26<'8, Mk II28, Lk 9^, al. mult. c. gen. partit., Ac 7*2, ;
Mk 4*1 62, Lk 193, Ac 171^ al. ; = Trdrepos (M, Pr., 77), Mt 213i 271^,
Lk 2227, al. ; = 5s or 5(ttls (rare in cl. ; cf. Bl., § 50, 5 M, Pr., 93), ;
Ac 1325. 2. Neut. : tC; whit ?, Mt 5*^ 117, Mk 103, al. x^P^v tlvo^, ;
I Jo 312 ; Sii Mt 911, al.
TL, ; eis n', Mt al. elliptically, im tl (sc. ;
yevrjraL), why, Mt 9^, al. ; TioSv, Eo 39 61' 15, I Co 1415, al. tl ydp, ;
Eo Phi 118
33, ; Tl c/xol (v/juv) Koi crot, v.s. eyw. II. As adj. who ? :
Lk 143i, 2i8,
what? which?, Mt 5*«, Jo al. III. As adv.: =8ta t*
(ti' on), why, Mt 628, 4*o, Lk 6*«, Mk Jo 1823, al. ; in rhet. questions,
= a negation, Mt 27*, Jo 2122. 23^ i Co 5^2 716^ q\. i^ exclamations
Gike Heb. nij), how (n Ki 620, Ps 3^ al.), Lk 12*9.
Tis, neut., Ti, gen., nvos, enclitic indefinite pron., related to interrog.
Ti's as TTov, TTCtfs, TTOTc to TTov, TTOJ?, TTOTc. I. As subst., 1. onc, a Certain
one : Lk 9*®, Jo 11\ Ac 52^, al. ;
pi., nVes, certain, some : Lk 13^, Ac 15^
Eo 3^, al.someone, anyone, something, anything :
2. Mt 122^, Mk Q^",
Lk 8*6, Ac 1725, Eo 5^, al. = indef., one (French on), Mk 8*.
Jo 225, ;
8*, al. ;]
accordingly, therefore : as in cl., after the first word in a
sentence, i Co 926 ; ace. to later usage, at the beginning, Lk 2025,
He I313.+
-oioaSe, -dSe, -ovSe, such : II Pe l^^.t
roiouTos, -avTT}, -ovto (as usually in Att. prose. Ep. and Ion. neut.
-ovTov in Al., Ac 2125, ^qq^ only), correlat. of oTos, ottoios, m, etc., sitch
as this, of such a kind, such : 98 185, 433 52 713 937 (t, Tot^rtuv), Mt Mk
Jo 916, Co 51 1116, II Co 3*. 12 123, He 726 81 123 1316, Ja 416
Ac 162*, I
olos ... T., I Co 15*8, II Co IQU id. pleonast. (v. Bl., § 50, 4), ;
*T0|i6s, -rj, -ov «; T€/xvw), sharp: compar., -cirepos, metaph.,
He 4i2.t
To^oi', -OV, TO, [in LXX chiefly for lywp. ',] a bow : Ee G^.t
troTrdl^iG.', -ov, TO (and TOTra^o?, 6), [in LXX : Ex 28^7 361^ (391"),
Swete, in l.).t
(q.v.), ib.
eToi/xd^av t., Jo 142. 3
; i^^cv. Re 126 Si86vaL, Lk 149 c. ; . ;
Mk 1522, Jo 1917 seq. oS, Ro 92^ Sttov, Mt 28^, Mk 1G«, Jo 420 623 1940
; ;
1130 1941 .
^y ^^ Jo 116
of a place which a person or
. ^^' ,5^ Ac 733 ;
Xpovo?, Jo 149, He 47; pi., Lk 1529 (£T77), Jo 1237 2I11, i Co I410; seq.
wo-Te, Mt 1533 ; absol. pi., Jo 6^, Ga 3*
: of price, too-otjtov, Ac 5^ dat., ; ;
Ga 48; opp. to vw, Ga 42^, He 1226 6 t. Kdo-/tos, 11 Pe 36 (b) of ;
He 4i3.t
xpdxTjXos, -ov, 6, [in LXX chiefly for INjy , also for pj^JT , etc. ;]
the neck : Mt 18«, Mk 9*2, Lk I72 iTmreaeiv hrl t6v t., to embrace ;
(Ge 4629), Lk 1520, Ac 203^. Metaph., vTro^elvai tov iavroi T. (for similar
phrase in v. Zorell, s.v.), Eo le'*
tt., iTnOfivai tyyov im tov t., Ac IS^'^.t
Tpaxus, -ila, -V, [in LXX : Is 40* (D^'i), etc ;] ro^lgh : 68ol (Is,
Lk 3^.t
Tpeis, ol, at, Tpi'a, rd, three : Mt 12*'', al. ; fi^ra T. fjp.lpa'i — TTJ
rpirrj ^., Mk 11 ff.).
lO^*, al. (cf. Field, Notes,
Tpeis TaPc'pcai (v.s. rapipvrj), Three Tavems (Lat. Tres Tabernae),
a halting place on the Appian Way Ac 29^* (v. DB, iv, 690) .t :
xp^fAw, to tremble, esp. with fear Mk 5^^, Lk 8^"^ c. ptep. (in cl. : ;
Tpi^ta, [in LXX for iT^n hi., bl3 pi., b^H hi., etc. ;] 1. to make to
grow, bring up, rear (cl. ; i Mac S^'^ ll^'^) Lk 4^® (T, WH, mg., avar-).
Ee 99 ;
indie, Mt 27*8,
ptcp., Spayativ, 15^\ Lk 15^\
c. Mk Metaph.,
from runners in a race, of swiftness or of effort to attain an end Eo :
Ga 22 57, Phi 218 t. dyC^va (Hdt., Eur., al). He 12^ 6 Uyos r.
; ;
three stories : to t. (sc. oIkij/jlo), the third story, Ac 20^ (Dion., FIJ,
rpia-xiXioi, -ai, -a, three thousand : Ac 2*i.t
rpiTos, -V, -ov, the third : Mt 222e, Mk I221 152^, Lk 242i, Ac 2l^
al. ; TJ7 T. rjij-epa (i.e. : the next day but one
Xen., al. v. Field, Notes, ;
11 Mt 1621, Lk 24*",
ff.), substantively, ace. masc, rpirov, a third
al. ;
(servant), Lk 20i2; neut., to t., c. gen., the third part of: Ee 87"i2 915. is
12*. As adv., TO T., the third time : 14*i, Jo 21i7 anarth., rptTov, Mk ;
Tp6fios, -ov, 6 (^^Tpe/AO)), [in LXX for niTT , TJTT, T05, etc;]
trembling, quaking, esp. from fear Mk 168 <f)6fio<; k. t. (as in Ge 92, : ;
Ex I516, De 225, ig 1916^ al.), i Co 23, 11 Co 71^, Eph 6^, Phi 212.+
xpoin^, -^s, V «Tpe7ra)), [in De 331*, Jb 3833, ^i 718^ al.;] LXX :
Ka6' ov T., Ac 151^ 2725 (cf. MM, XXV) Kara Trai^a t., Eo 3^ Kara fxrjSiva ; ;
Tpo(t>ri, -^s, ^ «T/)c<^a)), [in LXX for DO^ , ]i70, bpx, etc.;]
nourishment, food : Mt 3^ B^^ IQio 24*5, Lk 1223, Jo 48, Ac 2*" 9^9 14^7
2733, 34, 36, 38^
Metaph. He
ja 215. :
512. i4.t
Tpo7ro(f}op€w, q.V.).+
TpupXioi' (Rec. Tpv^Xiov), -ov, TO, [In LXX chiefly for niyj?;] a
bowl, dish : Mt 2623, Mk I420 (Hippocr., Aristoph., Plut., al.).t
Tpuydw, -w, [in LXX for iSp 1X3 , , etc. ;] to gather in : c. ace,
(a) of the fruit, Lk 6**, Re 141^ ;
(b) of that from which it is gathered,
Re 14i9.t
Tpuywc, -ovos, Tf «; rpv^o), to murmur, coo), [in LXX for nin , iri ;]
a turtle-dove : Lk 22*.t
trpu/iaXid, -as, 17 (•<Tpu(o, to Wear aioay), [in LXX : Je 13* {p'^pi),
TpwyoWioj' (also written -yvXtov, -yt'Xiov, -ia, V. Bl., § 6, 3), -ov, to,
Trogyllium, a city of Ionia Ac 20^^ (WH, txt., R, txt., om.).t:
Trapa-, a'vv-Tvy)(avo)).T
TUfA-n-afij^w (•< ru/ATravov, a kettle-drum), [in LXX: i Ki 21^3(i4)
(D^y), III Mac 8^**, IV Mac 6^^*^] i the mark of a blow: twv ^Xwv,
Jo 20^5. 2. An impression, impress, the stamp made by a die; hence,
a figure, image : Ac 7*^ (LXX)^ S.form (Plat.) : Ro 6^'^ the sense or sub-
Tu4)X<5s, -y], -6v, [in LXX for luy ;] blind : as subst., o t., Mt Q^^,
cl.,a flower, prob. the dark blue iris; (b) in late writers, a precious
stone of the same colour, perhaps the sapphire Ee 212'' (phil,, :
FIJ, al.).t
* ud\iyo<i, -7), -ov (<^vaAo?), of glass, glassy: Ee 4'' 152.t
SaXos, -ov, 6, [in LXX: Jb 28^7 (n^D-iD7)*;] 1. (Hdt.) a clear
uPpis, -cws, 17, [in LXX chiefly for ]iKa and cogn. forms;] 1.
uyiaiVw {<^vynj<;), [in LXX chiefly for Dibtty, and freq. in To;]
to be sound, healthy, in good health : Lk 5^^ 7^" IS^^, Jo "K In Past. m
Epp. (as also in cl.) metaph,, i. iv t. tticttci, Tit 1^^ t. TrCa-Tei, t. ayaTrrj, ;
soioid, ivhole, healthy : Mt Jo 5W. 12i3 lb^\ «> 9' "' i*- ^^ 7^3, Ac 4i0; seq.
4i«-ii i^-i^)
(t.) v. (t.) ^wv, Jo (cf. ib. t. v. t. ^oj'^s, of spiritual refresh- ;
_ ulos, -ov, 6, [in LXX very freq. and nearly always for ]3 Ge ,
al. ; for 13, Da LXX th 71^, al. etc.;], a son; 1. in the ordinary ;
(v.s. vvfjL<t>iov), Mt 915, Mk 2^9, ai. ; t. c^wrds (Lft., Notes, 74), Lk 168, Jq
123«, I Th 55; T. £ip^'j/r;s, Lk 10" ; yce'vi^s, Mt 2315 ; r. <l7ra>Xeias, Jo 17^2,
II Th 23 ; T. aiwvos TovTov, Lk 16^ 203* ; t. dTrci^eias, Eph 22 5« ; /Spoils,
Mk 3^^ ; T. dvaoracrcws, Lk 203® ; TrapaKXrytrcw?, Ac 43" t. Trpo^r/roiiv k. t. ;
8ta^7;K77s, Ac 325 ; (&) vios T. ^€ov (cf. Dalman, Words, 268 ff. Deiss., ;
BS, 166 f. DB, ; iv, 570 ff. ; DCG, ii, 654 ff.), of men, as partakers of
the Divine nature and of the life to come : Mt 5^, Lk 203«, Eo S^* 926,
al. ; viol (k. OvyaT€pe<;) t. vi//tcrTov, Lk 6^^, II Co 6^8 •
{j^ ^n unique sense
of Jesus, Mt 43 829 2819, Mk 3*, Lk 4", Jo 935 1127^ ^1. ; 6 Xpiar^s o vl
T. Ocov ^wvTO^ (t. ivXoyrjTOv) , Mt 16^^, Mk 14"^; (c) (6) vtos tov avOpwTrov
(in LXX Heb. DIN Aram, mzs "Q
for cf Dalman, Words, p , ; .
234 ff. DB, iv, 579 ff. DCG, ii, 659 ff. Westc, St. John, i, 74 ff.
; ; ; ;
other reff. in Swete, Mk, 2}^), based on the Aram, of Da 7^3^ where the
phrase, like the corresponding Heb. (as in Ps 8*), means a man, one of
the species, and indicates the human appearance of the person in
question. It is used of the Messiah in Enoch, c. 46, § 1-4, also in
II Es 133» 12, ai._
Our Lord first makes the phrase a title, using the def.
art. It seems to combine the ideas of his true humanity and repre-
sentative character. Exc. in Ac 7^* and (anarth.) Ee 1^3 1414^ it ig ^ged
of Jesus only by himself Mt 820, Mk 2^0, Lk 52*, Jo 1^2, al. :
S^^l, -v:. V, [in LXX: Jb 1929 (t) 38*9 (n?^), Ps 68 (69)2 B'
(^), Is 10^7 (Tp^), Wi 1117 1513, Si 2810, 11 Mac 22*, iv Mac 129*;]
ojiKos, -ov, 6, [in LXX for n^ni?, HJ'^aj, TCT, etc.;] a hymn;
(a) in cl.a festal song in praise of gods or heroes ; (b) in LXX and NT
a song of praise addressed to God Eph 5i9, Col : di^^.f
TTod (q.v.), Jo 1235 145 165^ I Jo 211; -^^^ (q^^^ Jq 821.22 1333,36 144^
Ee 14* iKel, Jo ll^ c. prep. Trpo's, Jo V^ 133 16^. i". i7 ; ds, Mt 9^
; ; :
ib. 2323 *
obedience (opp. to TrapaKorj)
;] 1. in general, absol., cis v., ;
He 118 Q aat. pers. (Plat., al. but more freq. c. gen.), Mt 82^,
. 12^ ; Mk
4*1, Lk 825 176^ Eo 616, Eph 61' 5, Col 320. 22, 5^, i Pe 36 c. dat. rei, He ;
Ac 6^ Eo 612 1016, II Th 18 31* seq. €ts (by attraction, for dat. v. ICG, ; ;
in 1.), Eo 6i7.t
tfiiravSpos, -ov, [in LXX Nu 520. 29 : (i^tn non), Pr 62*. 29^ Si 99,
4121 * under or subject to a vian, married : ywrj, Eo 7^ (Polyb.,
Diod., al.).+
inr-avrduy, -S,, [in LXX Da LXX : 101* (n-ip), Si 93, al.;] to go
to meet, meet : c. dat. pers. (v. M, Pr., 64), Mt 828 289, 52, Lk 82^ Mk
1712 (dTT-, WH, txt.), Jo 4" 1120, 30 1218^ Ac I6I6; of meeting in battle,
Lk 143i.t
Ja 215, II Pe 311 ;
ptcp. c. pred., Lk I61* 235o, Ac 23o 3^ I72* 22^, Eo 4i9
I Co IV, II Co 8^7 1216, Ga T* 2^*; pi., Lk 1V\ Ac 1620.37,1729
II Pe 219 ; seq. cv, c. dat. rei, Lk V^ 16^3, Ac 5* IO12, i Co lli^, Phi 320
mg., being originally). Phi 2^ cv, c. dat. pers.
€v p-op^rj Otov vTrdpxoiv (E, ;
uir-emcTios, -a, -ov, [in LXX for n^N , nS , etc. ;] set over against,
opposite. Metaph. (Plat., Arist., a.\.), opposed to, contrary to: c. dat.
pers., Col 21* ; absol., as subst., 6 i., He 102^ (cf. Is 26ii).t
(when following
gen., ace.
subst. — poet. virep; so as adv., 11 Co 11^3)^
Christ giving his life for man's redemption, 142*, Jq IQU^ Ac 21i3, Mk
Eo 5«-8, al. opp. to Kara, ;
9*o, Lk 9*o, Eo 83i. 2. Causal, for,Mk
because of, for the sake of : c. gen. pers., Ac Eo 1^, Phi 129,
3. = dvrt
12i«, al. c. gen. rei, Jo 11* Eo 15^, 11 Co 1^, al.
(v. M,Pr., 105), for, instead of, in the name of: i Co 15^9, 11 Co 51^' 21,
Ga 313, Col V, Phmi3 (cf. Pield, Notes, 225). 4. In more colourless
sense, = TrepC (M, Pr., I.e.), for, coticerning, with regard to : Eo 92'',
II Co 1« 823 128^ Phi 17^ n Th 2i,
ace, primarily of place, over, beyond, across, hence, metaph.,
II. C.
of measure or degree in excess, above, beyond, over, more than
Mt 102*. 37, Ac 2613, I Co 10i3, 11 Co 1^, Eph I22 320, Phm le, al.
Lk 6*0,
after comparatives =than (Jg 112^, al.), Lk 16^, He 412.
III. As adv. (v. supr. ad init.), more virep iyot, I more, 11 Co 11^3 : j
raise over. Mid., to uplift oneself: 11 Co 12'''; seq. hri, c. ace. pers.,
II Th 2* (cf. II Mac 523).
uirep-cISoi', aor., [in LXX for D^JT hi., bjTQ , etc, ;] to overlook : c.
ace. rei, Ac 17^".
*+ uTTcp-^Kcii/a, comp. adv. (v. Bl., § 28, 2 M, Pr., 99), beyond: as ;
Phi 23 c. ace. (cl. v. supr.), Phi 4'' as subst., t. vTrepixov, the excel-
; ; ;
189), [in LXX for T7. , n^fj , y^b , etc. ; ] showing oneself above others; (a)
in good sense (Plat., al.), pre-eminent, splendid; (b) more freq. in bad
sense, and so always in Scr., arrogant, haughty, disdainful (v. Westc,
parallel to this phrase, v. Deiss., BS, 255, and cf. ii Mac, I.e.), i Ti 22.t
*t uirep-irepiao-euw, to abound more exceedingly : Eo 52^. Mid., iu
same sense (EV, overflow) c. dat. rei, 11 Co 7*.t :
Mand., v, 2, 5).t
1 6Tr€p-u»|/6a), -w, [in LXX Ps 36 (37)^5 : (p-)y) 96 (97)^ {rh7 ni.).
(V^W), etc.;] giving ear, obedient, subject: Phi 2^; c. dat. pers.,
V. WH, App., 146; Tdf., Pr., iv), prep. c. gen., dat. (not in NT), ace.
C. gen., primarily of place, under, hence, metaph., of the
efficient cause, by : after passive verbs, c. gen. pers., Mt 1^2, 1*, Mk
Lk 218, Jo 1421, Ac 411, I Co 1", He 3*, al.; c. gen. rei, Mt 82*, Lk 7^*,
Eo 3^^ al. with neut. verbs and verbs with pass, meaning, Mt 17^^^
irapaSetyiJia (v. Eutherford, NPhr., 62), (a) a figure, copy : He 8^, 92^;
{b) an example : for imitation, Jo
13i*, Ja 51" for warning, He 4", ;
II Pe 26.t
Sy"N. : DB, iii. 696^).
op-OLdyfia, TViro<s, vTroTUTrtocns (v.
uiro-SciKt'up.i, [in LXX
133 hi., etc. ;] 1. to show secretly. for
2. to show by tracing out ; hence, generally, to teach, make knotvn : c.
dat. pers., Lk 6*7 125, Ac 9^^; id. c. inf., Mt 3^, Lk 3^; seq., on,
Ac 2035.t
** [in
6170-8^X0^^1, LXX:
To 1^'^ Jth 13^3 A, i Mac 161*, iv Mac
1317*;] to receive under one's roof, receive as a guest, entertain
hospitably : c. ace. pers., Lk 19^, Ac 17^, Ja 22* ; eis t. oTkov, Lk 10^*
(v. MM,xxv).t
6tto-8^w, [in LXX : 11 Ch 28l^ Ez I610 {bV2) * ;] to bind under,
esp. of foot gear. Most freq. in mid. and pass. c. ace. ;
(a) of the
foot, vTroS-qa-dfjuevoL T. TToSas, your feet shod : Eph 61* ;
{b) of that which
is put on, <Tav8d\ta : Mk 6^, Ac 12^.t
TO ^. (Hdt., al.), a beast of burden; colloq., an ass (v. Deiss., BS, 160
1), and so always in LXX and NT Mt : 2V(^^^\ 11 Pe 2i«.t
** uiro-|^wi'i'0)j,i, [in LXX: 11 Mac 3^^*;] to undergird (Hdt., al.
vTTo T. fiaa-Tov;, II Mac, l.c.) ; of a ship, to undergird or frap : Ac 27^^
(v. DB, ext. 367a).t
uTTo-KdTO), comp. adv. (v. M, Pr., 99), [in LXX chiefly for nnni;]
below, under : as prep. c. gen., Mt 22**, &^ 7^» 12^6 (Rec, R, txt., Mk
as in LXX), Lk 8i«, Jo 1^\ He 2^(^^), Re 53. i3 e^ 12i.+
Lk 7*3.t
*+ uiroXafiTTcis, -d8o<s, fj, a wiudow : Ac 208 D (for Xa/iTras ; v.
MM, xxv).t
uTTo-Xeififia (WH, -Kififia, V. their App., 154), -to^, to, [in LXX
chiefly for D'^^MfiP';] a remnant : Ro 92^ (Arist., al. ; cf. KaTaXctft/xa).t
iro-XeiTTw, [in LXX chiefly (pass.) for IIT' ni., 'MiV ni. ;] to leave
remaining (Horn., Thuc, al.) : pass., of survivors, Ro 113.t
f&TToX'fiviov, -ov, TO «v7rd, Xr?vos), [in LXX : Jl 3 (4)13, Hg 217 (i«),
receive the juice (BV, a pit for the winepress) : Mk 12^ (v. Swete, in 1.,
uTTo-fAoi'ri, -rj<i, 7j (vTTo/AeVoj), [in LXX for njpp and eogn. forms;
freq. in iv Mac;] 1. a remaining behind (Arist.). 2. patient enduring,
endurance : Lk 8^' 21i'-',
Eo 5=^' ^ IS^- &, 11 Co 6* 12^2, Col 1", 11 Th 1*,
I Ti 611, II T- 310^
22^ He 10^6^ Ja l^.* 5^ 11 Pe 1®, Ee 22.3.19 1310
Ga 25 I Ti 211 3*.t
uiTo-Ti0T)|jii, [in LXX for Dli27 etc. ;] to place under, lay down.
Metaph., t. r/aap^T/Aov inroOelvai, to risk one's life (v. Deiss., LAE, 119 f.)
Eo 16*; mid., to suggest : 1 Ti 46.t
*uiTo-Tpt'xw, to run in U7ider ; of navigators, to run in the lee of:
c. ace. (v. M, Pr., 65), Ac. 27i«.t
*t uTTo-TUTTuais, -€cos, t) [<^ vTroTVTroui , to delineate), an outline, sketch.
Metaph., a pattern, example : i Ti li^, 11 Ti li3.t
Syjv. : o/xotw/Att, TVTTOs, mroSeiy/JLa (v. DB, iii, 696^).
urro-i^ipu, [in LXX for SWZ , etc.;] to bear by being under,
i Co
10i3, 11
Metaph., to endure : c. ace. rei, Ti 311, i Pe 2i9,t
late, bebehind (opp. to Trporepcw, cf)6dv(o; c. gen. rei, /or; c. gen. pers.,
later than). Metaph., 1. of persons, (a) absol., to come short, fail :
He 4}; seq. Atto, 19}^.; (b) c. gen. pers., to come short of, be inferior
to : II 11^ ovZiv (in nothing, in no respect), ib. 12^^ (c) with refer-
Co ;
ence to things, to come short {of), be in want (of): c. ace. rei, Mt 19^*
(Si 5124); c. gen. rei, Lk 22^5; so mid. (Diod., FIJ), Eo 323; ^bsol., to
be in xvant, suffer want, Lk 15l^ i Co S^, ii Co 11^, He ll^^ (Si 11")
opp. to Tr€picr(r(.v€iv, Phi 4^2 ggq ^^ j Qq \7^ 2. Of things, (a) to fail,
be lacking: Jo 2^; c. ace. pers. (v. Swete, in 1.; Mozley, Ps., 42),
Mk 1021; {b) to be inferior: mid., i Co 122* (cf, d<^-i;orTe/3ew).t
1 6(rTe'pr)fJia, -tos, to «vo-T€peco), [in Jg 18l« 1919.20^ Pg 33 LXX:
(34)9 (itoHQ), Ec 115 {yrm), 11 Es 6^ {v. eTvai, ntjrq)*;] (a) that which
is lacking, deficiency, shortcoming : c. gen. poss, (pron. poss.), i Co 16^'^,
Phi 230 c. gen. rei. Col I2*, i Th 310 {b) need, ivant, poverty (Ps 33
; ;
oCTxepos, -a, -ov, [in LXX for ]il05J and cogn. forms;] latter,
tp«|»os, -ovs, TO, [in LXX for njpip , Dnp , etc. ;] height : Eph 3^',
Ja 19, Ee 21i«; of heaven (EV, on high), i$ i., Lk V^ 24^9; eJs i., Eph
48 (LXX) f
u<|/6ci), «ui/^os), [in
-o) LXX
chiefly for Dn, also for nna, Xi2^3,
etc. ;] to lift or raise up : c. ace, Jo 3^* S^^ 12^2,34. ^(^,5 ^_ ovpavov, fig.,
pass., Mt 1123, Lk 10^^ Metaph., to exalt, uplift : Ac 2^3 53\ 11 Co
117, Ja 410^ I Pe 5« ; opp. to Ta-n-eivw, Lk l'^' ; eavroV, Mt 2312, Lk 1411 181*
(cf. v7r€p-ui/^oa)).t
u>«Hia, -To^, TO, [in LXX: Jb 2*24 (t), Jth 10^ 13* 15«*;] (a)
height : Eo S^^ ; (6) ^/lai w/iic/i is lifted up, a barrier : 11 Co lO^.t
openly : Mk I'ts
; opp. to ev k^vitt^,, Jo 7^"* {h) clearly : Ac 10^ ;
<j>dpaY§, -ayyos, 17, [in LXX chiefly for bui , also for N?|l , etc. ;]
Ac 236' al. apxi^pfi^ «. $., Mt 21^\ Jo 7^2, al. (v. DB, iii, 826b).
7^ ;
(jxipiiaKOk, -ov, TO, [in LXX for PJIZTSI;] (a) a drug; (b) an in-
<f>ap|jiaK6s, -q, -ov, [in LXX for ?]ZS^3P , etc. ;] devoted to magical
arts. As subst., 6 ^. = <j>apfm.Ke.vs, a magician, sorcerer : Ee 21^ 22i^.+
nom., Eo 1^2,1
<j>dTinf], -77s, 17, [in LXX for D11K, etc.;] a manger: Lk 2'»^2,ic
§ Ixxxiv), worthless, bad : Jo 21^^, Tit 2*, Ja 3^^ opp. to dya^os (q.v.),
<j)e'YYos, -ovs, TO, [in LXX chiefly for n3J;] light, brightness,
Notes, 217 f., where the view that the </>. here is an eccl. vestment is
discussed) : 11 Ti 4^3_t
<J)epu, [in LXX chiefly for Ni2 hi., also for XiZTJ, etc.;] to bear;
1. to bear, carry : c. ace, Lk 2326 24^, Jo 193^, He 1* (v. Westc, in 1.)
pass., Ac 22 2715.17^ He 6^ 11 Pe V'^^; of the mind, ib. 21. 2. to bear,
endure : c. ace. rei. He
c. ace. pers., Eo 922.
122'^ 13^3
3. to bring,
bring forward : c. ace. pers., Ac 5^^; id. seq. Trpos, 132 qs 917,19,20- Mk
liri, Lk 518; c. dat., 7*2 822; c. ace. rei, Mk 62^ II2 12^5, Lk 1523, Mk
Ac 434.37 52^ n
Ti 413; id. seq. tt/do's, 11^; d^, Ee 2124.26; ^^^; Mt Mk
14", Mk628; dTrd, Jo 21i0; c. dat., 12^5, Jo 28; id. seq. .SSe, MtMk
1418 1717. Jo 433; T. haKTvXov {xfipa), Jo 2027;
geq, (^ayetv (sc. Ti),
of a gate (680s, cl.), seq. ets, Ac 12^'' (cf. dva-, airo-, Sea-, tier-, Trap-€i(T-,
Trpoao'mov, Ee 20"; c. gen. rei, Mt 3^ (M, Pr., I.e.) 23^3, Lk 3^, i Co 10^*
(cf. diro-, Sia-, £*<-, KaTa-(fi€vyo)) .f
Felix, procurator of Judaea: Ac 232^>26
tjXiC (L, <^^-), -iKos, o,
243,22,24,25,27 2514.t
Ac 2335, al. cl>r](TL, impersonal (BL, § 30, 4), i Co 61^ (Lft., Notes, 217
but cf. Bl., I.e.), II Co 10i« (WH, mg., <^ao-tv). He 8^; joined with
synon. verb (cf. LS, s.v., 11, 2), aTroKptdeh avriL ifftrj, Lk 23^ seq. Trpds, ;
Lk 22"o, al. : c.ace. rei, i Co lO^^.i" ; ace. et inf., Eo 3^; seq. on (Bl.,
2624, 25 32 _t
<|>0(ivoj, [in LXX for V2Z hi., SDQ, etc. ;] 1. come before another,
<|>9€YY0fiai, [in LXX for riDiT, yi3 hi., etc. ;] of men or animals, to
destroy, corrupt, spoil (on the varied usage and distinctive meaning of
the word, Mayor on ii
v. Pe, App., 175 ff.) c. ace, : i Co 3^^ 1523, ii Co
72; seq. ATr6, u Co 11* ^, ; ii Pe 212, Ju 10, Ee 192; Kard, Bph 422 (cf.
Sia-, KaTa-(l>0€tpu)) A
* «J>0ii'-oTro)pii/6s, -77, -ov (<; autumn), autumnal:
(^^ti/oVojpov, late
SevSpa ^., atituvm trees (said to be without fruit therefore at a time
4^. le
AB *
;] to envy : c. dat.
**4.e<5.'os, -or, 6, [in LXX: Wi 2'^* 623, ^ Mac 8^^ iii Mac 6^*;]
envy : Eo 129, Ga 521, i Ti 6*, Tit 3^, i Pe 2^ ; 8ik <i>66vov, Mt 27^8,
Mk 15^**, Phi 1^^ Trpo? cftOovov limroOd r.
; irvevfjia (on the meaning, v.
E, txt., mg. 1,2; Hort, Ja., 93 f.), Ja 45.t
4)0opti, -a?, 17 « (pOeLpw), [in LXX for nrSJff bin etc. ;] destruc-
, ,
tion, corruption, decay (v. Mayor on 11 Pe, Aj)p., 175 ff.) Eo 82^, i Co 15*2,
Col 222, n
Pe 2^2 j opp. to ^wry aiwvios, 6^ ; Ga by meton., of that which
is subject to corruption, i Co 15^'^ ; of moral decay, n Pe 1* 2^2, 19 (gf^
Wi 1412).
<|>idXif], -r/s, fj, [in LXX chiefly for p^Ta;] a shallow hotul (= Lat.
patera), used for pouring libations, etc. Ee 5^ IS'' 16^"^'' 17^ 21^+ :
<^tXaS£A«/>os), [in
<|)iXaSe\<}):a, -as,
^ «
iv Mac 1323.26 141*;]
the love of brothers, brotherly love : of Christians' mutual love as
II Mac 622 149, III Mac S^^' ^^ * ;] humanity, kindness (v. Field, Notes,
147 f.) Ac 282, rj-^. 34 (^.f ^^^^ j^qq^ ii^ 356 ^ ) +
Lk 1614, II Ti 32.t
* <t>iX-auTos, -ov, loving oneself {kxi^i.) ',
in bad sense {\h.), selfish
II Ti 32.t
Syn. : av$d8r]<; (v. Tr., Syn., § xciii).
^Ckiia, -G> « «^t'Xos), [in LXX : Ge 27*- «, al. (nnx), ib. 27, al.
iXnnrot, -wv, ol (on the pi., V. WM, § 27, 3), Philippi : Ac I612
206, Phi 11, I Th 22.t
<t>iXnnros, -ov, 6, Philip ; 1. the husband of Herodias Mt 14^, : Mk
617. 2. The tetrarch :Mt 16l^ Mk 8^7, Lk 31. 3. The apostle : Mt
103, Mk 318, Lk 61*, Jo l**-*9 65. 7 1221, 22 148, 9^ Ac VK 4. The deacon
and evangelist : Ac 65 85-*<' 218.t
* 4)iX6-e6os, -ov, loving God (Arist.) 11 Ti 3*.t :
II Mac 4*, iv
but mostly in bad
Mac 1^^
<})iXos, --q, -ov, [in LXX chiefly for yi , nnx ;] 1. pass., beloved,
115 1410 156 169 2116 2312, Ac 273, III Jo 15; opp. to SoCAos, Jo 15i5;
<^. dvay^aroi, Ac 102* ; c. gen. sub]., Mt lli9, Lk 7^* 11«' « 12* I412 1529,
Jo 11" 1513. 1* ;
6<f>. Toi vvficjiiov, Jo 329; T. Kai'o-apos (v. Deiss., BS 167
LAE, 382 f.), Jo 1912; Oeoi (v. Hort, in 1.), Ja 22^; c. gen. rei,
T, Koo-fxov, Ja 4*; {b) fern., 17 <^., Lk 159.t
* ;] a philosopher : Ac 17^^^
Ps 96(97)3
^\oyilu> «
pi.). Da th
[in LXX
: Ex
9"" {npb
ithp.), Si S^o, i
hith.), Nu
21^* (t),
to set on fire, burn, burn tip : fig., Ja S** (on the meaning of the
sentence, v. Hort, in l.).t
^\6i, gen., c^Xoyos, [in LXX chiefly for nnb , nnn^;] a flame:
Lk 1624 ; cj> TTupds, Ac V\ 11 Th l^. He 17(Lxx)^ Rq 1^* 2^8 19i2.t
*4>Xoapeu, -w (<^ (^Xuapos), to talk nonsense : c. ace. pers., rjfjias (BV,
prating against ics), iii Jo ^'*.+
**4)Xuapos, -ov {<^ cfiXvo), to babble), [in iv Mac 5^''*;] babbling, LXX :
piit to flight.
io(3ew, w </)o/?os), « ;]
162), to be seized with fear, be affrighted, fear Mt 10»i 14^7, 5^3 6'-\ : Mk
Lk 113 850_ Jo 619 m\ Ac
al; opp. to ^-qXacf^povelv, Eo II20; 1638,
o-0dSpa, Mt 176 275* c. cogn. ace, 4>6^ov ixiyav, Mk 4*\ Lk 29 (i Mac
108); ^o/3ov airaJv (obj. gen., but cf. ICC, in 1.), I Pe 31*; -n-TO-qaiv,
I Pe 36; c. ace. pers., Mt 10^^ Mk 11^8, Lk 19^1, Jo 922, Ac 920,
Eo 133, al, ; seq. diro (like Heb. ]» NIJ , Je 1^, al. ; cf. M, Pr., 102,
104„), Mt 1028, Lk
12*; seq. /^.^ (cl.; Bl., § 65, 3; M, Pr., 184 f.),
Ac 23i» 27^7. ^^^^5^ Ac 27^^ 11 Co 11^ 122", Ga 4" /tT^Trorc, He 4^; ;
fear: Mk 620, Eph 5^3; t. ee6v, Lk l^o, Ac IO2, i Pe 2^^, Ee 14^, al.;
T. Kvplov, Col 322, Ee
15*; r. ovofia T. 6eov (v.S. ovofxa), Ee 11^^ j ,,[
«(><5pos, -ov, 6, [in LXX chiefly for nX")"; , also for iriD , niQ"'^ , etc. ;]
Lk 29; c. gen. obj., Jo 7^3 1938 20^9, He 2^, i Pe 31* (but cf. ICG, in 1.)
dTTO (rod) ci>., Mt 1426, Lk 2126; e?s cf,., Eo S^^ /xera c^d/3ov, Mt 288; ^, ;
oiki'kt,, -775, ^, Phoenicia : Ac lli^ 153 212 (y, x>S, iii, 856^ 857\).t
oiKiKio-CTa (on the ending, v. Bl., § 27, 4, and cf. ^olvi^), a Phoenician
woman : 2vpa $., Mk
72'', "WH, mg., for %vpo4>oLviKi(ja-a, q.v.t
oifi|, -iKos, o, rj, (a) a Phceniciari (also with fern., <E>otVtcro-a, Horn.,
al.) ; (b) Phoenix, a city of Crete Ac 27i2.t :
Jo 1213; of palna branches, cliOLVLKe<; (as Arist., 11 Mac lO'^, al.), Ee l^.f
**4)0k£us, -€ws, 6 (c^oVos), [in LXX Wi : 12^*;] a murderer : Mt 22^
Ac 752 28*, I Pe 415, Ee 218 2215 ; dv^p <^., Ac 3i*.t
SvJV. : av9punroKT6vo<;.
i^ovevd} {<C 4>ov€v<;), [in LXX chiefly for nsi ;] to kill, murder
absol., Mt 521, Ja 42 ; fi^ (ot,) cf^ovevarj^ (-£19), Mt 521 1918^ Mk 10".
Lk 1820, Eo 139, Ja 211 from Ex 20i3.i*) Mt 233i.35^
(all ; c. ace, Ja 5«.+
<^6vo<s, -ov, 6, [in LXX for Dl, ng, etc.;] murder, slaughter: Mk
157, Lk 2319.25, Ac 91, Eo 129; cf,. fj^axaipv^ (cf. Ex 1713, al.), He 1137;
pi., Mt 1519, Mk 721, Ee 92i.t
<|>ope'a), -S>, [in LXX : Pr 1623 {^u^ hi.), Si 11^, al. ;] frequent, of «^€pa>,
«j>6pos, -ov, 6 {<^(j>€p(x)), [in LXX chiefly for D!3, also for IT^p,
(i Mac 8^.7), Lk 20^^ 23^; dTroSowai, Eo 13^^ TcAelv, Eo 13" (Hdt., al.).t
Syiv. : Krjv(To<;, TcAos (q.v.).
(<<^opT09), [in
<(>opTi£a) Ez 16^3 (-mis')*;] to load: c. LXX:
dupl. ace, Lk 11*^; pass., to be laden: metaph. (EV, heavy laden),
Mt 1128.t
<t>opTioi', -ov, TO (dimin. of (jiofyro?), [in LXX chiefly for SifO ',]
burden, load: of the cargo of a ship (Hdt., al.), Ac 27^**; metaph., Mt
Ipo 234, Lk 1146^ Ga S^.t
Syj\r. : ftdpos (<l-v.), oy/cos.
* <(>6pTos, a load esp. of a ship's cargo (Horn.,
-ov, 6 «; ^epw), :
<()paYfJ.6s, -ov, 6 (<^ ^pao-o-w), [in LXX chiefly for "113 , 11^13 , also
4>pd£(o, [in LXX: Jb 62* (]i3 hi.) 128 (-jT hi.),Da LXX 2*
(niq pa.)*;] to show forth, tell, declare, explain: Mt 133" (WH, EV,
Stacrdfjirjaov) IS^^.t
<j>p(iaau, [in LXX: Jb 388 (-j-jq hj j^ Hq 2«(8) (rpcy), Pr 21^3
(DMX), etc. ;] to fence in, stop, close : a-To/xaTa Acovtwv, He 1133 . o-to/xo,
metaph., Eo 3^^; pass., Kavxyja-c^, n Co ll^^.t
<|>peap, -ttTos, TO, [in LXX chiefly for 1X3 ;] a well : Lk 14^, Jo
4"' 12; ^_ ^^5 Sl/3vo-(tov, Ee 9i«2.t
*t ^(pec-aTraTtiw, -to (<^ ^pevaTraT?;?), to deceive one's mind (Lft., deceive
by fancies, v. Ga., I.e.) c. ace. pers., Ga 63.t :
Is 4418 d-in)
« <i>pyv), [in LXX
: De
1^ 143o, i
92 (DDn), Ps 93
u Mac
{bDm hi.), ib. 28, 8^3, IO20,
]^4.8, 26
2_ ^Q have understanding (Horn., al.). 2. to think, to be
minded in a certain way : ws vr^Trtos, i Co 13^^ ; c. ace. (usually neut,,
adj., or pron., as freq. in cl), o Se?, Eo 12=*; S., Ac 2822; tovto, Phi 3^^;
Ti. erepois, ib. ovSkv a\Xo, Ga 5^" ; T. al'To (j). (Deiss., BSy 256), to be of the;
same mind, ii Co 1S^\ Phi 22 42; id. seq. ek (ev) a\Xy^Xovs{ots), Eo 12i«
15* ; T. €v (f>., Phi 22 (Lft., in 1.) seq. vTvep, Phi V. 3. to have in mind, ;
be mindf'ul of, think of (Hdt., Xen., al. Es, i Mac, 11. c.) ra t. Bcov, ; :
32 ;TOVTO (ftpovtLTe (EV, /iave this mind in you). Phi 2* vij/rjXa., Eo 12^^ ;
TrepL-, vTrep-<f)pov€Oi).T
(EV, wise in one's own conceit), Eo 112* 12^^ (cf. Pr 3"); compar.,
-wrepos, Lk le^.t
Sr^. : v.s. croc^os.
4)po>'ifjicjs, adv., sensibly, prudently : Lk 16^,t
«<^poi/Tts, thotight), [in
<|)po»'Ti!;w i Ki 9* (3XT), Ps 39 LXX:
(40)^'' (itZ^n), al. ;] to give heed, take thought (in cl. usually absol., c.
ace, c. gen.), c. inf.. Tit S^ (v. Bl., § 69, 4 M, Pr., 206 f.).t ;
127(5 ) also for bnn , etc. ;] a dry stick : pi., brushwood : Ac 28^.t
puyia, -as, rj (prop., the adj., ^pvyios, -a, -ov sc. yrj, X^JP^), ;
Phrygia, a region of Asia Minor Ac 2^*^ <^. koI TaXaTiKrj x'^P^ (r. x- : ;
xxii f.).t
uyeXos (Eec. -XXos), -ov, 6, Phygelus : 11 Ti 1^*.+
^ityr\, -rj<;, 17
« c^evyw), [in LXX chiefly for DIJD and cogn.
forms ;]
flight : Mt 242<'.t
<t>uXaKVi, -ij<;, rj {<^ (fivXaaa-uj) , [in LXX chiefly for nilptjriQ and
where persons are kept under guard, a prison (Hdt., Thuc, al.) : Mt
1410, Mk 61^ Lk 320, Ac 5^9, 11 Co 6^, i Pe 3^9, Ee IS^, al.; {d) of the
time during which guard was kept by night (Lat. vigilia; Anthol.), a
watch : Mt 14^5 24«, Mk 6*8, Lk 1238.
**t <j,u\aKi£a., [in LXX Wi 18**;] to imprison: Ac 22i9.t :
Lk 1128 1821, Jo 12*7, Ac 753 16* 212*, Eo 22«, Ga 6^^, i Ti 521. Mid.,
to be on one's guard (against), keep oneself from, beware of: c. ace,
Ac 2125, II Ti 415 ; seq. dTro, Lk 121^ ; iVa firj, 11 Pe 3^^ ; as in LXX
(Ex 1217, Le 18*, al.), of laws, etc., to keep, observe : ravra iravra,
Mk 1020 (cf. 8ia-<f>vXda(roy).f
<|)u\Ti, -^s, rj, [in LXX chiefly for n^po, also for IS^V?, nnptjrp,
<|)upafjia, -T09,
Nu 1520.
« cj>vpd<o, to
(cf. Plut., Mor., 706a): ^(2a yeyewrjfieva (f). (RY, bom mere animals;
Mayor, born creatures of instinct; ICG, animals born of mere nature),
II Pe 2i2.t
* 4)U(7iKws, adv., naturally, by nature : Ju ^<'.t
Metaph., to puff
« make
2)roud : i Co
to puff or blow up,
Pass., to be puffed
= cl. (f>vcra.oj,
I Co 4" (on the form of the subjc, v. M, Pr., 54; Bl, § 22, 3).t
** <j)i5ais, -£0)9,
v <^^'(o), [in «
IV Mac 1^*' 57,8,25 23'27 1513,25 163*;] iiature, i.e., (a) the nature
Wi 7^o IS^ IQ^" a A, iii Mac S^s, :
Ga 2^^ (c) nature, i.e. the regular order or law of nature: i Co 11^*;
Mi l\
Ez 17' (riaa) * ;J
l. a planting (Xen., al. ; 2. </>uTew/Aa,
(t>uT€U(a {<Cif^vT6v, a plant, <^<f)vo)), [in LXX chiefly for 37133, also
for br\W, etc.;] to plant Lk 17^^ i Co S'^'S; c. ace, cf^vreiav, Mt IS^^*;
d/^7r€ASva, Mt 2133, Mk 12\ Lk 20^, i Co 9' pass., seq. ev, Lk 13" 17«.t ;
[in LXX
<j)u'<j, Pr 26'-', Ez 37« {rbv), etc.: 1. trans., to bring ;]
forth, produce (of men, to beget) pass., to spring up, groiv Lk S*^' ^. ;
2. Intrans., in 2 aor., pf., plpf., and rarely in pres. (v. LS, s.v., A, 11.),
to spring up : He 12i^.t
*4)a)Xeos, -ov, 6, a hole, den, lair: Mt 8-», Lk 958.t
iw^'cw, -S (< ^oivri), [in LXX for Nip (Je 17^\ al), etc. ;] I.
prop., of persons, Mt 2^8 (lxx)^ al. ; <^. alpcLv (cTratpctv), Lk 17i^ Ac 21*,
al. ; 4>- f^^y^^V f'TTctv (Ae'yetj', (ftm'eiv, etc.), Lk 8^^, Ac 7^", Ee 5^2^ ^1.
yiveraL {epx^Tat) (f).
e/c t. ovpavwv (i^ ovpavov), Mk 1^^ Lk 322, Jq 1228^ al.
(of. DCG, ii, 810*; Dalman, Words, 204 f.) ; aKoveiv cfiwvyy (-77s ; v.s,
dKoi^'co), Ac 9*.', al.; <^. ySo^vros, Mt 3=*, Mk 1^, Lk S\ Jo 123(Lxx);
T, $€ov, Jo 5^'', He 37, al. By meton., (a) of the speaker, fSXeireiv tyjv (f>.,
Ee 1^2; speech, la^iguage (Ge 11^, iv Mac 12', al.) i Co 14io (b)
(y8) :
ot/cwv oLTTpoa-iTov, I Ti 6^6 (j^ Qf spiritual truth and its effects; on the
lives of men Mt 4^6 5^\ Jo 1*- ^ 319-21, Ac 26^8. 23^ n Co 6^\ Eph 5^3,
Tov <fi., Eph 59; fv T. </>. TrepcTraTeiv (etvat, /Aeveiv), I Jo 1^ 29' 1** uioi ;
from whom truth shines forth Ac 13*'' d^^), Eo 2^9 ; esp. of Christ, :
Ee 21ii.t
metaph,, i Co 4*>''.t
X, x> X^' "^^^ indecl., chi, ch, the twenty-second letter. As a
numeral, x' = 600, x. = 600,000 ; but in Inscr., X = 1000.
xai'po,, [in LXX for nnw (Ge 45i6, al),
b^n (Pr 2^*, al.), etc.
inf., as greeting (v. infr.). Is 4822 5721 (qi^e^), i Mac 10^8, n Mac 1^ and
freq. in these books ;] 1. to rejoice, be glad : Mk 14ii, Lk 155» ^2 196,37
225 238, Jo 436 856 2020, Ac 5*1 839 1123 1348^ „ Qo 610 77 139, Phi 217.28^
Bl, § 81, 1), greeting: Ac 15^3 23'"" Ja 1^; (b) at parting, farewell:
II Co 1311 (c) on other occasions, be of good cheer : ev Kvpcta, Phi 3^
4* (cf. crw-xatpco).t
loosen; (b) to let loose, let go; (c) to lower, let down: c. ace. rei, Mk
2\ Lk 54. ^ Ac 9-5 27i7> =^0; c. ace. pers. (cf. Je, I.e.), pass., 11 Co ll^^t
XaXSaios, -ov, 6, a ChaldcBan : yrj XoXSatW, Ac 7*.t
hard ; {a) hard to do or deal ivith, difficult ; (b) hard to bear, painful,
grievous : Kaipoi, 11 Ti 3^ (c) of persons, hard to deal with, harsh, ;
Xapd, -as, rj «xat>w), [in LXX for nnptr, ]ii2r^, etc.;] joy,
\. Trjs TTtWews, Pbl 125; ayaXXiaa-OaL {-xaipeLV, q.V.), x^P?^) Jo ^2^, I Pe l^J
X- eX"''' Ptina
; trX-qpovv (-ovcrdai) \apas, Ac 13*2^ J^q 151^, II Ti 1* ; TTOULV
graven : Ac 172^.+
xapaKTrjp, -yjpos, o {<^x"-P^^^^> ^^ engrave), [in LXX: Le 132^
[in LXX chiefly for ]n;] 1. objectively, that which causes favourable
151), [in LXX chiefly for nSKT ;] a lip (as in Heb., of the lip as the
Metaph., of things, an edge, brhik, etc. (Horn., Hdt., al.) : of the sea-
shore, He lli2.t
xetfid^u {<^x'^^f^°-' winter cold),
[in LXX: Pr 26^" (t)*;] 1. to
expose to winter cold, go into xvhiter quarters. 2. to drive with storm
pass., to be driven with storm, tempest-tossed : Ac 27^8,t
Xeifi/^apos (shortened form of the more usual -00s, Attic contr.,
-ous), -ov (<;x"/*'^> P^^)> \y^ LXX chiefly for bnj;] winter-flowing ; as
T ;] the hand : Mt 3^2^ ]\iij 31^ l]^ ge^ g^i_ mult. ; ^ x->
^^ acting subject,
esp. those without art., similar to Heb. constructions (Bl., § 32, 4 40, ;
ellipse of x- {v Sc^m, apLcrrepa Bl., § 44, 1), 6^, al. ; Mt By meton., for
the power or activity of an individual, Mt I722, 9^1, Mk Lk 9**, Jo 10^9,
Ac 12^1, al. ; metaph., of the activity or power of God Lk 1^^ 23*^ :
xeipwi', -ov, compar. of /ca/co's, [in LXX : i Ki l?''^ B, Wi IS^^ 17^
III Mac 520*;] worse : Mt 9i« 12*^ 27"*, Mk 221, Lk Ips, Jo 5^\ i Ti 5^,
He 1029, II Pe 220 ; d^ {irrl) t6 x^'pov, Mk 526, n Ti S^^.t
tXcpoupeiV (Eec. -^t», ra (Heb. a'^nns). Cherubim: He 9^ (cf.
(Eec, E, mg.), Mk 12*o-*3, Lk 2^7 425 712 IS^- ^ 20*^ 212.3, Ac 6^ 939.",
X-. Lk
I Co 78, I Ti 53-5.11.16^ Ja 127; yvv^ 426; of one of an ordo
viduarum (v. CGT, in 1.), i Ti 5^; metaph., of a city forsaken,
Ee 187.t
XiXids, -aSos, rj
{<Cx^^''^')> [in LXX for p)b^;] the number one
Lk 143i, Ac Co Ee 5" 7^-^ 11^3 I41.3
thousand, a thousand: 4*, i lO^,
Xt'Xioi, -ai, -a,a thousand : 11 Pe S^(^^^\ Ee ll^ 126 1420 202-7.t
Xios, -ov, Y], Chios, an island in ^gean Sea Ac 20i5.t :
XiTOJK, -wvos, 6, [in LXX chiefly for T)^in^ :] the garment worn
next the skin (though two tunics were sometimes worn, v. Swete, Mk.,
117) a tunic: Mt lO^o, Mk 69 1463, Lk 311 93, Ju 23; disting. from
Ifidnov (q.v.), Mt 5*0, Lk 629, Jo 1923, Ac 939 (v. DCG, i, 338', 340 »,
Xiojv, -ovos, 17, [in LXX chiefly for ^XP , also (in Da) for Zlbp ;]
cloak worn over the xitwv (q.v.) : Mt 27^^'^^ (v. Tr., Syn., § l).t
xXwpos, -a, -ov («< xAo't;), [in LXX for py, , etc. ;]
(a) ^jaZe green
xis (on r, v.s. Z), in T, Tr., Eec. for efaKoo-tot e^T^Kovra e^, six
hundred and sixty-six (L, mg., E, mg,, sia? hundred and sixteen), the
mystical number of the Beast Ee 13^^ (on the interpretation, v. :
** -w
« xo-^^)'
"I. =
[ill LXX
xoAoC/xat, to be
: III Mac
31 E*
: c.
;] 1.
dat. pers.,
to be melancholy
Jo 7-3.t
XoXri, -vs, rj, [in LXX for ITNT, n:y^ , n^ip ;] gall: Mt 273*
xopos, -ov, 6, [in LXX chiefly for binip, nbhO;] o, dance: pi.,
Lk 15'".t
XopToLto), «xVos). [in LXX for yatZT, Ps 16 (17)i*, al.;] (a)
prop., of animals (v. Lft. on Phi 41^), to feed, fatten : Ee 19-i (b) in ;
late Gk. (Kennedy, Sources, 82, 156), of persons, to fill or satisfy with
food c. ace. pers., Mt 1533; pass., Mt
15*7, 6*2 7^^ 88, Lk 91^, W^ Mk
Jo 626, ja opp. to Treimv, Phi 412; ^ gen. rei,
216; Mk 8*; diro, Lk I621;
iK, Lk I516, WH, txt., metaph., Mt 5^, Lk 62i.t
XopTos, -ov, 6, [in LXX chiefly for 2.i^y, also for TSFI, etc.;]
Xous, -oos, acc, ovv, 6, (contr. from x°o?)) [^^ LXX chiefly for
ISiT;] 1. earth, soil. 2. In later writers (Plut., LXX), = Kovtopros,
/xaXXov XPW°-'- (i-6- ^^16 opportunity ; v. M, Pr., 247), i Co. 721 ; as some-
times in late writers M, Pr., 64
(cf. ; Lft., Notes, 233), c. acc, i Co
of feelings, etc., to exercise, sheiv : 11 Co li^ 312 ; c. adv., d7roTo/xws, to
deal sharjjly, 11 Co 131" ; c. dat. pers. (cl.), to treat, deal with, Ac 273.t
gen.), Ac 2*5 435; c. gen. pers., Mt 912 2665,'Mk 2" 14^3, Lk 53i; c. inf
(Bl, § 69, 5), Mt 31^ 14l^ Jo 1310, I Th 18 49; seq. Tva, Jo 225 1530
I Jo 227; absol., 225, Mk
428, i Jo 31^; ovSev
x- ^X""' ^^Eph
^ x
c. gen. subjc. Phi 225 4.16,19. pi_^ ^.c 203*,
12i3. 2. matter, business Eo
(so esp. in late writers, Polyb., al. i 12*5^ ai_) Ac 63.t ; Mac .
Eo 162.t
pi, (a) wealth, riches : ol ra x- ^xovres, Mk 10^3, 24^ j^^ i82't (b) money : ;
warn: pass. (Bl., § 54, 3), Mt 2^2, He 8^ ll^ 1225; c. inf. (Bl., § 69,4;
70, 3 ; 72, 5), Mt 2^2, Lk 22^, Ac IO22. 3. to assume a na/me (as in
business), be called (Polyb., al.) Ac 112^, Eo 7^ (gnomic fut. cf. : ;
Burton, § 69).
XpT|fAaTi<T)jL6s, -ov, 6 (-< ;)(/377/xaTi^co, q.v.), [in LXX : Pr 24«^ (31^)
(Ni|^0), II Mac 2^ ll^'^*;] a divine response, an oracle : Eo 11* (Xen.,
Plat., al.).t
al.;] use: in a sexual sense, Eo 12"; c. gen. obj., ^T^Xeias, ib. 2^ (for
exx., V. Thayer, s.v.).t
*t xpT)(TT€oofiai (<C!xP'?<^™5), to be kind : 1 Co 13* (eccl.).t
*+ Xpil<^ToXoYia, -as, 7] {xpr]crT6<i, Aeyw), fair speaking : in bad sense,
Eo 16^^ (in good sense also, eccl.).t
XpTjoTos, -rj, -ov (<;;^pao/x.ai), [in LXX chiefly for 2iM (freq. of
God : Ps 24 (25)8, al.), also for -),T (Ez 2722 28i3), i^r^ (Pr 221 K A) ;]
serviceable, good ; (a) of things, good, pleasant of food (as often in cl.),
oTvos, Lk 5=^9 .
^^^5^ ]y[t 1130 (EV, easy) ; in ethical sense, ^Or], i Co
15^^ ; (b) of persons, good, kind, gracious : Eph 4^2 •
of God, Lk 6^^^
I Pe 2^ ; T. -xft-qa-Tov {= rj )(pr](rT6Tr]s) Tov 6eov, Eo 2*.t
Xpt]o-t6tt)s, -r]To<;, t]
(<C XF?''"'''^^) ,
[in LXX for 3113 and cogn.
forms;] 1. goodness, excellence, tiprightness : Eo 3^2(lxx)_ 2. goodness
of heart, kindness : Eo 2*, 11 Co 6^, Ga 522, Col 3^2, Tit 3*; seq. hrC, c.
ace. pers., Eph 2''; id., opp. to aworoixia, Eo II22.
SvN. : V.S. ayaOdifrvvq.
xpio-fxa (T, xp^Lo-jxa, as in cl. ; v. Tdf., Pr., 102 ; Bl., § 4, 2), -tos, to
{<Cxpi^), later form of xP^fJia {MbcK, al.), [in LXX for nniyp and
cogn. forms (Ex 29'', al.) ;] an anointing, unction (the result of the
action xP^f.iv; ICG, in 1.; but cf. Westc, in 1., for the view that the
oil, not the act, is meant) i Jo 22^' 27.t :
Xpicrr<5s (X/3-), -r/, -ov (<^xpitu), [in LXX for TV^XSl^ and cogn.
forms;] 1. as adj., (a) of things, atwwiting, to be used as ointment
(^sch., Eur., al. ; t. eXaiov to x-> Le 2V^) ; (b) of persons, anointed
(6 tcpevs 6 x-> •'-'6 ^^ >
X' i*p€'5> II Mac l^*') : 6 x- '''^^ Kvpiov or Oeov
(i Ki 210, Ps 22, al.), of the Messiah (Aram., nrvi^p; cf. Dalman,
Words, 289 ff.), Lk 211.26, Jo 1«, Ac 2^^ 426, al. 2. As subst., 5 Xpto-Tos,
the Messiah, the Christ : Mt 2*, Mk 82^, Lk 2^, Jo I20, Ac 2^1, Eo 7*
al. ; 'Vo9s X., 1^, Jo Mk l^^, Ac 2^8, al. ; X. 'Ii^o-oCs, Mt l^s, WH, mg.
Lk 2ii; Ac
Ac 5*2, Eo 63, al.; X. Kvpios, "Irja-ovs X. 6 Kvptos, 152«,
Eo 1^ al.
xpt'w, to anoint (Horn., al.); [in chiefly for ntZTO, of LXX
consecration to a sacred office: priest, Ex 28*^; prophet, in Ki IQ^**;
king, I Ki 10^; of things. Ex 409, Le S^o, al.]. In NT, metaph., of
God's anointing, (a) Christ: Ac 4^'^; c. inf., Lk 4^s(i'^^); c. dupl. ace.
(v. Bl., § 34, 4), He 19 (i^); Trvcvftan dyio), Ac lO^s (b) Christians: ;
time (a space of time, whether long or short cf. Lft., Notes, 70) Mt ; :
27, Mk 921, Lk 1", Ac 321 71-' 23 1318 1730 279, He ll^^, i Pe l^^ 4^, Ee
10^ (JTLyfXT] )(p6vov, Lk 4^ trXrjpiOfxa tov ;(., Ga 4* TTOtetv ;(., Ac 15^^
; ; ;
1823; /8iwo-at, I Pe 42; StSoVat, Ee 22^; pi., ;^. koX (^) Kaipot (Lft., I.e.),
instr. dat. of extension of time (v. Pr., 75, 148; Deiss., LAE, 206),
Lk 82-. 29, Jo 149, Ac 8^\ Eo 1626; ace, of duration of time, 2}^, Mk
Lk 209, Jo 56 7»3 1235 149, Ac 143.28 1922 2018, I Co 167, Ee 6ii.t
Svjv. : v.s. Katpo?.
Xpuo-oo), -<j {<^ xP^o-os:) [in chiefly for nSS pi.;] to gild, ,
cover with gold: pass., c. dat., xp^o'^<^ (pleonast., cf. Ex 26^^, Ee 17^
Xpws, gen., _i(/owros, 6, [in LXX chiefly for ntjT^ ;] in cl. rare in
prose, the surface of the body, skin : Ac 19^^^
XwXos, -rj, -6v, [in LXX for nipS ;] lame, halt, maimed : Mt 11^
1530, 31 188 2114, Mk 945, Lk 722 1413.21, Jo Ac
53^ 3^ 8^ 148, He 12i3.t
Xwpa, -as, rj, [in LXX for ]''"1N, Hri^ , etc.;] 1. most freq. in
cl., a space, place. 2. land, i.e. (a) a land, country, region : Mt 12-,
Mk 51" 655, Lk 28 1513-15 1912, Jo 1154, Ac IS^^ 27^^ TaAar^T^, Ac 16^ x-
1823 . TpaxwvmSos, Lk 31 ; T. 'lovSatas, Ac 262" .
^_ 'louSaicov, Ac 10=^^
i/xb's ov x<^P" ^
vfjilv, Jo 837 (E, txt., lucth not free course ; E, mg., hath
no place, for wh. cf. Field, Notes, 94 f.). II. Trans., to have space for
holding, to hold : Mk
22 (cf. Ge, I.e.), Jo 2125 of measures (iii Ki, ;
Mt 19«, Mk 109; c. ace. pers., seq. airo (Wi 13), Eo 835,39; pf. pass,
ptcp., He 726. 2. In late writers, mid. and 1 aor pass., to separate
oneself, depart : Phm i5
; seq. dTro, Ac 1*, Ik, Ac I8I' 2 ; of divorce
(Polyb., al), I Co (cf_ ^^^.^ 8ia-xcopt^o)).t
Xwpt'oi', -ov, TO (dimin. of x<i^pa, x^pos), [in LXX : i Ch 272'' ("13))
122 pi. (i Ki ;]
16^^ twang
*•, (as a bowstring, etc.
al.) 1. to pull, twitch,
Lk 2042, Ac 12o.t
^\i€vhr\s, -€s {<^xJ/€vSofjiaL), [in LXX for If^??, Ninr, 173; etc.;]
lying, false, untrtie (of persons and things) : Ee 22 ; /xdfyrvpes, Ac 6^^
as subst., 6 if/., a liar : Ee 21^.t
*t ij/eu8o-8i8(i(7KaXos, a false teacher 11 Pe 2^.t -ov, 6, :
* <j/€u8o-X6yos, -ov Ti 4^
{<Cif/cv8y]s, Aeyw), speaking falsely, lying : i
a false prophet = cl. i/^cvSoVavn?) Mt 7^5 24ii' 2*, Mk I322 (v. Swete,
( :
Messianic office" (Swete, Mk., 309; of. also Tr., Syn., § xxx) : Mt 242*,
Mk 1322 (cf. dvTtxpto-ros).+
deceive by lies; more freq. in the depon. mid. form
\{>6u'8w, to
ij/evSofxat always in NT), [in LXX chiefly for izrn3 pi. ;] 1. absol.,
to lie: He 6^8, i Jo 1^, Ee 3^ oi if^evSofiai, Eo 9^, 11 Co ll^i, Ga l^o,
I Ti 27; c. dat. pers. (Ps 17(18)«, Je 5^^ al.), Ac 5* seq. ek, Col 3»; ;
1. to feel or grope about ; c. ace, to feel abotit for, search after : metaph.,
of seeking God, Ac 172^. 2. to feel, to2ich, handle : c. ace. pers., Lk
24^^, I Jo 1^ ; 7rpo(T€\.-r]\v6aTe iJ/rjXacfxofxevii) {opet'^), He 12^* (^^ txt., a mount
that viight be touched; mg., a 'palpable and kindled fire; v. Westc,
in l.).t
»j/ri4)i!;(o (<i//^</)os), [in LXX: m Ki 3^ B^A (ISO ni.)*;] to
count (prop., with pebbles), reckon, calculate: Lk 142^; t.
t. ha-Trav-qv,
apiOfxov (i.e. calculate the number's meaning), Ee 13^* (in cl. chiefly
mid., to vote by casting a pebble cf. dvy-Kara-, ; crvfx-<f)r](f)Lt,wi).f
«|/oxii, --^s, rj, [in LXX very freq. for iyS3 , sometimes for
3^ , SSb , etc. ;] 1. breath (Lat. anima), breath of life, life (Hom., al.
Eph 6", Col 323; ^jy^ as a periphrasis for person or self (freq. in
419, ni Jo 2.
Syjv. : v.s. vovs, 7rvevfx.a, ifrvxi-Kos, and cf. ICC on i Th 52^, Lft.,
Notes, 88 f.
**»^uxik6s, «il/vxj), [in
-ri, -6v iv Mac 1^2*;] of the ifn^xn LXX :
(as the lower part of the immaterial in man), EV, natural : opp. to
irvevixaTtKos, I Co 2^^ 15**'*^; Trvevfia firj ex'^vra (EV, senstbol ; E, mg,,
natural or animal ; better perhaps, of the mind ; v. infr.), Ju ^^ ; with
cTTtyctos, Sai/AOviwSTjs, opp. to avwOev KaTepxofJiivr} (cro</)ta), of the mind
(Hort, in 1.), Ja S^^.t
»|/uxos (LT, ijjv-, as in cl.), -cos (-ous), to (•< i/^vx^), [in LXX
Ge 822 (ip)^ jb 379^ pg 1476(17) (n-||5), Za 14^, Da LXX th 3". 69*;]
cold : Jo 1818, Ac 282, 11 Co 1127.t
»|/uxp6s, -a, -ov «»/'vxw), [in LXX : Pr 252^ (-|p). Si 4320, iv Mac
112«*;] cold: sc. iSwp (cf. Theogn., 263; Hdt., ii, 37), Mt 10*2;
metaph., of indifferent persons, Ee 3^^' ^^.t
\(fux(«), [in for Tip LXX
riMUT ;] to breathe, blow ; hence, to make
rei, to give out for food, i Co 13^ (cf WM, § 32, 4an for dupl. ace, . ;
12, o>, id \i-^yo- (cf. o fiiKpov), omega, 6, the twenty-fourth and last
letter. As a numeral, w' = 800, w^ = 800,000. As a symbol of the
last (= TO T^os), To'O (Eec. O, L, 5, T, w), the Omega Ee l^ 21« 22^^ :
(cf. 'AA.(^a).t
&, inter j., c. vocat., 0; (a) in simple address (less freq. than in
2i. 3
cl. ; M,
71) Pr., ; Ac 1^ I81* 2721, Eo 920^ j Ti 620 ; expressing
reproof, Ja 22" (b) in exclamations of surprise, etc.
; : Mt 152^, Lk 242^,
Ac 13i«, Eo 11^3, Ga 3^; c. nom. (Bl, § 33, 4), Mt 17^7, Mk 9^^,
Lk 9".t
'flp^S, v.s. 'IiDl37j8.
fiSe, adv., [in LXX for n|n, nb, dbri, etc.;] 1. prop., of
manner, so (Horn., al.). 2. In poets (rarely) and late writers, of place,
(a) hither (BL, § 25, 2) : Mt 829, Mk ll^, Lk 9^\ Jo 62«, al. ?a)s 58e, ;
Lk 235 (b) here : Mt 126, Mk 9\ Lk 9^^, Jo 6^, al. t^i diSe, Col 4^
wSiV (late form of (iSt's), -ivos, fj, [in LXX for bjn (and wrongly
for b^n, cf. Ac, I.e.), b^n, etc.;] a hirth-pang travail-pain , : i Th 5^'
ciSii'w, [in LXX chiefly for bin also for b2n pi., etc. ;] to have,
wfjios, -ov, 6, [in LXX chiefly for DDIJT , pjns ;] ^/le shoulder
Mt 23*, Lk 155.t
* uvdoixaL, -ov/xai, to buy : uivqcraTo ( = cl. lirpiaTo ] V. Eutherford,
NPhr., 210 ff. ; Veitch, s.v.), c. gen. pret., Ac 1^^.\
(001/ (Eec. (ioV), -ov, TO, [in LXX for nS'^S ;] aw egg : Lk ll^.t
wpa, -as, r], [in LXX chiefly for ns. and in Da for n^C!';] 1. any
^ime or period fixed by nature, esp. a season (Hom., Hdt., Plat., al.).
2. A part of the day, and esp. a twelfth part of day or night, an
Jwiir : Mt 2436, Mk 13^2, Ac lO^, al. accus. in ans. to " when " ? (M, ;
gen. rei, Lk V^ U^', Ee 3i», al.; c. gen. pers., Lk 22^3, Jo 2* 7^\ al.;
rj dtprt {^pa, I Co iaxdrr] w., I Jo 218; seq. Sre, Jo 421.23 525 1625. ^^„^
Jo 1223, al. ; c. ace. et inf., Eo 13" (cf. DB, ext., 475^ 476'').
wpaios, -a, -ov, (<< wpa), [in LXX for nN3 , ^IID , HSP , etc. ;]
I. As relat. adv. of manner, as, like as, jttst as, even as ; 1. with
I Co 1V\ Phi 223. 2. Final, in order that; c. inf., in order to (M, Pr.,
204„), Lk 9^2, Ac 2024, He 7".
^tiaai/^d (T, cio--), (Heb. NJnznn; v. Dalman, Words, 220 ff. ; Gr.,
249), hosanna : Mt 21^, Mk 11^. lo,
Jo 12^3 ; t. viq AaW8, Mt 219. i5_t
(oo-auTws, adv., Horn, at the beginning of
strengthened for ws (in
a clause, in the form ws aurws, later in one word), in like manner,
just so, likewise : Mt 20^ 2V^' ^e 2517, Mk 14^1, Lk 13^ 20^1, Eo 826,
I Ti 525, Tit 26; with verb to be supplied from context, Mk 122i,
Lk 2220, I Co 1125, I Ti 29 38. 11, Tit 2^.+
oxrei, adv., (a) as if, as it were, like as, like : Mt 3^6 9^6, Ac 2^
615, Eo 613, He 112; ytVeo-^at ((^atWa^ai) wcra', Mk 926, Lk 22*4 (|[WH]1
E, mg., om.), 2411 in calculation, and with numbers, abotit
Mtl42i, Lk 323 9i4>28 22*1.59 23*^ Ac 2*1 103 197. i,a-d )^6ov fioX^v,
Lk 22*i.t
al. in protasis, with ovtws (Kai) in apodosis Mt 12*0^ l]j 1724^ Jq 521,
; :
Lk 2251, Jo I826.t
w<|)^\€ia (WH, -Xia), -a5, yj, [in LXX for bm hi., 3rS5,etc.;]l.
assistance, help (Thuc, Plat., al.). 2. profit, advantage, benefit (Hdt.,
Plat., al.): Eo3i, Juis.t
<o<j>€Xew, -w (<^ oc^eXo?), [in LXX chiefly for biT hi. ;] to help,
benefit, do good, profit : absol., Eo 225 ovSeV {do no good ; v. Field,
201, Ac 12'' 17 2730, al. constr. prseg., o-w^etv (Stao-.) ck, Ju \ Ac 28*.
Jo 10-^8' 29, 39^ Ac 12* 24^ Ee 192; mVtiv (q.v.) eK; of tbe place from
which an action proceeds, Lk 5^ (cf. 12^6, Jo 13S 11 Co 2*). 2. Of
change from one place or condition to another Jo 8*2, Eo G^^ 13", :
Lk 1715, al. ouSct's, Jo 1^\ al. ttoAAoi', Jo ll^^, al. rt?, Lk ll^^, al.
; ; ;
Jo 113 35 ff.^
al .
ip-^^a-dai, Civat, etc., ck : T. TToXews, Jo 1** ;
0^X779, Lk 236,
al. ; T. i^ovcTLa? 'Hpw'Sov, Lk 23^^ ; 6 wv ck t. yrjs, Jo 331. 2. Of the
author, occasion or source : Mt 53^, Jo 21^, Eo 229, i Co 8^, Ga 5^, al.
CK (t.) Oeov, I Co T^, II Co 51, I Jo 4''';
e/c T. Trarpos, Jo 6^5, al. ; €K T. 77s
icTTiv, XaX€7, Jo 331 ; iK KapStas, Eo 61^ cf. Mk 1230, I Ti 15 ; iK il^vxv^,
Eph Col 323; ^v marem, Eo 1423; Kptvetv
66, eK, Lk 1922, Ee 2012.
3. Of the agent, after passive verbs Mt 15^, : Mk 711, 11 Co 22, al.
freq. in Ee after dSiKeio-OaL (2ii),
etc. 4. Of cause, dependence, source
of supply T. TTovov {-(iiv), Ee I61O' n
: t. (^wvwv, Ee 8i3 eV tovtov, Jo 6*6 ; ;
Eo 412, Ga 212, Col 4" ; Tr/veiv iK, Mt 2629, Mk I425, Jo 4i3, al.
; eep^^eiv,
Ga 6^; /Acrexetv ck (= partit. gen.), l Co 10i3 ; c. inf., ck tov ^xav,
II Co 811. 5. Of material: Mt 2729, Jo 2i5 I92, Eo 921, i Co II12,
Ee 1812, al. ; allied to which is its use of price (= cl. gen.) Mt 27^, :
ayyeXXo), fut. -dyye\co, pf. rjyyiKKa, p. -rJyyfXfjiai, 1 aor. ^yyeiXa, m. -dfiijv, 2 aor.
ip. {Bh, ^1^, 3) r^yyeXrjv.
-ayvvfii, fut. -ea^o), 1 aor. -fa^a, 2 aor. p. -edyrju, with irreg. use of augment (Bl.,
§ 16, 2) in fut. Karfd^a and 2 aor. subjc. p. naTeaya.
aya, fut. a^a, pf. p. ^yfiai, 2 aor. fjyayov, 1 aor. a. -rj^a, p. {jx^rfv, 1 fut. p.
d)(6T)(rofiai, impf. m. Tjyofirjv.
alveo), fut. alvfo-a (-atveVco, n Co IV, aor. subjc. ?), 1 aor. jjvea-a.
alpew, fut. (the simple verb m. only, -opai, in NT), cXw (late Gk., LXX),
p. -alpfdrjaofiai, pf. rjprjKa, jjpijpai, 2 aor. (IXov (and -Xa, a hybrid form with
ending of 1 aor., Bl., 5^ 21, 1 inf. iXelv), 1 aor. p. Tjpfdrjv, 2 aor. p. f'lXofirjv.
atpa), fut. dpS>, pf. rjpKa, TJpp.ai, 1 aor. a. ^pa (inf. dpai), p. rfpffrfv, 1 fut. p.
alirddvopai, 2 aor. rjadoprjv.
alavvvopai (p.), f. alcrxwdrjaofiai, 1 aor. rjcrxwdriv {-ai(Tx^v6rjv).
aKovat, fut. aKOXiao), -opai (Bl., § 18, 3), pf. dKTjKoa, 1 aor. a. rJKOvaa, p. tjkoxxtOtjv,
1 fut. p. dKOVO'drfcropMi.
a\ei<p(i), fut. dXei\//'CB, 1 aor. a. ^Xeii/^a, p. inf. dXKpdrjvai.
-aXXdccrci), fut. dXXd^co, 1 aor. a. -^Wa^a, pf. p. -rjXkaypai, 2 aor. rfWdyriv,
2 fut. p. dWayqaofjLai.
dWofiai, 2 aor. -rjXoprjv, a form -T)\dp.r]v (v.S. aipem).
dpaprdvo), fut. dpaprrjcra}, pf. fjpdpTTjKa, 2 aor. rjpaprov, 1 aor. rjpdpTT]<Ta.
dp(f)ievvvni (-e't'^' "''C'^)) P^- rjpcpiiapai.
dvaXicTKO) (-00)), fut. dvaXwao), 1 aor. a. dvrjXaxra, p. dvrjXoydrjv.
dvoiya (v. Bl., § 24, s.v. o'iyco), fut. dvoi^o}, pf. dveaya (M, Pr., 154), -ypai.,
T]viayp,ai, rjvoLypai (M, Pr., I.e.), 2 aor. rjvoiyr^v (M, Pr., 66), 1 aor. a.
rjvoi^a, dpfoi^a, r]vea)^a, p. rjvoixdtjv, dvecoxdl^, rjVfci^drjv (inf. dveoi^^dfjpai,
Lk 3^^), 1 fut. p. dvot.-)(6r}(Topai, 2 dvoiyrjcropai.
d7ro-Ka6-l(rrr]p.i (v.S. toTTjfii), 1 aor. p. dTreKarfOTddrjv (double augment).
dp((TKa>, fut. dptfro), 1 aor. a. fjpecra.
-fiaiva, fut. -^rja-opai, pf. -^e^T]Ka, 2 aor. -e/Sr;!/ (M, Pr., 110).
^dXXo), fut. /3aXa), pf. [•ii^'krjKa, -pai, 2 aor. ej3a\ov (a form -av, Ac 16^''), 1 aor. p.
f^\rj6j]v, 1 fut. p. j3\T]6i]aopai, plpf. p. efie^Xi'jprjv.
^8f\vaaupai, pf. e/3SeXuy/iat.
j3i/3pa)(r/ca), pf. ^e^pcoKu.
/SXaordi'Q) (-do)), 1 aor. a. e^Xda-rrja-a (Bl., § 19, 1 *
^ovXofiai, 1 aor. p. depon. e^ovXrjdrjv (v.l. ^^-).
SeT (impers.), subjc. Sei;, inf. Seli', ptcp. neut. Seoi/ (pi. Seoira), impf. eSet.
8fiKvvp.i {-vo)), fut. Set'^oj, pf. deSeiyfiai, 1 aor. a. eSei^a, p. ibei-xQrjv.
beopai, 1 aor. p. edeTjdrjp.
Sepco, 1 aor. a. eSetpa, 2 fut. p. 8apT]aop.ai.
dfxopah fut. 84^opai, pf. Se'Sfy/xai, 1 aor. m. e8€^dp.r)v, p. -e8ex6r}v.
84(0, fut. 8r](Tco, pf. 8i8fKa,
1 aor. a. €8T)aa, p. f8edr]v.
eyyt^co, fut. eyyi'trco (Ja 4^ A), -toj, pf. ijyyiKa, 1 aor. a. rjyyKra.
eyeipoi, fut. fyepa, pf. fyrjyeppai, 1 aor. a. rjyfipa. p. rjyipdtjv, 1 fut. p. f'yfp-
«t/xt (to be), fut. ea-ofiai, impf. ^'firjv (cl. rjv), imperat. 'ia-di, pi. eo-re, 3 pers. earc*
{rJTa>), pi. €<rra)(rav, subjc. pres. S, optat. ftr}v, inf. €(i/at, eaetrdai, ptcp. &v,
fim (to go ; in NT, compound only), pres. 3 pi. -ia(n{v), impf. -^'ftv, pi. -jjeo-av,
inf. -levai, ptcp. -lav.
flirov (2 aor.), e'lprjua, etx;., v.s. Xe'-ym.
ftayda (pf. pres. obsolete), plpf. 3 pi. ela>6ecrav.
evpia-Ko), fut. €vpr]ao), pf. evprjKa, 2 aor. cvpoi' (and -a, v.s. alpe'co), m. €vp6p.r]v,
1 aor. p. evpidrjv (ptcp. evpafxevoi. He 9^^ ; M,
Pr., 51n), 1 fut. p. eipea-
e(f>L(rTT]fii (v.s. 7aTr)p.i), 3 sing. m. erriaraTd.
((f>opd(o (v.s. opao)), 2 aor. imperat. €(f)i8€.
eX'^^ ^^^- ^^""j pf- ^^X'?"'') 2 *or. f(Txov (inf. trxeti'), impf. erxov (a forms in pi.).
^ao) (Bl., § 24, 8.V. ; M, Pr., 54), fut. ^jjo-w {-op.ai), impf. e^/^i', 1 aor. f^rjaa.
(fo), does not contract, -ecu, -eo-.
Xeyo) (to gather, in NT only in comp.), fut. -Xe'^w, pf. Xekty^ai, 1 aor. -eXe^a,
m. -iXe^afirjv.
XetVo) (Xifjiirdvco), fut. Xe/ ''co, pf. XeXet/i/iot, XeXi^fiat, 2 aor. -eXtTroi/, 1 aor.
eXef\|/a, p. eXeicfydijv.
Xouo), pf. XfXov/Mii, XeXo"o-/Liat, 1 aor. a. eXoucra, m. eXovadfjLTjv.
pvrjoTfVQ), pf. fpvTioTevpai (v.l. fte/x- ; BL, § 15, 6), 1 aor. p. ipvq<TTeiidr)v.
pcopaivco, 1 aor. ipapava, p. ipoipdvdrjv.
3rd pi. i(racri(i'), fut. eiSijcro), plpf. .V^et", imperat. icr^i, utto), mttc, taraxrav,
subjc. fiSw, inf. etSe'vai, ptcp. eiScos.
oiKTelpa), fut. olKTfiprjcra.
oiopai, contr. oipai.
ouroo, V..S. cf)fp(j}.
6pd<i) (Bl., § 24), fut. oyj^opai, pf. ioipaKa (J6p-), 2 aor. et'Soi' (iSov in R« inf. ;
Td(r(T(o, fut. -rd^opai, pf. r€'ro;^a, -ypai, 2 aor. -trdyrjv, 1 aor. a. era^a, p. fTd)(6r]v,
m. 2 fut. p. -rayrjaopai..
-Teivco, fut. -revco, 1 aor. -eVetva.
TeXeco, fut. -reXeVco, pf. TfreXeKa, -ecrpai, 1 aor. a. eVeXeo-a, p. eTfXeadrjv, 1 fut. p.
-rfXXco, fut. -TfXoCpat, pf. -reVaXKa, -pat, 1 aor. a. -eVfiXa, in. -ereiXdpijv.
-Tepvo), pf. -T€rp.r)pai, 2 aor. -erepov, 1 aor. p. -eTprjdriv.
Ti]Ka>,2 fut. p. TaKTjaopai.
Ti$i]pi (-fo)), fut. Ot](T(d, pf. rddeiKa, -p.ai, 2 aor. m. edfp,r]v, 1 aor. a. edrjKa,
p. fT(6T)v, 1 fut. p. T€0r](TOpai.
TiKTco, fut. Tf^opai, 2 aor. ereKOv, 1 aor. p. eTf)(6T)v.
TlVOOj fut. t'kTCjO.
XeXuo-ai (Xvco), pf. pass. o/xi'i3i'at, -uetj/ ippvvpi, -voj), pres. inf. a.
a ^
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