Biblical Study: No Hebrew and Greek Required!
Biblical Study: No Hebrew and Greek Required!
Biblical Study: No Hebrew and Greek Required!
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Table of Contents
A Word about Words page 2 ▶
Study No Hebrew and
Greek Required!
Introducing Strong’s Numbers page 3 ▶ ▶ How anyone can search a
concordance to study the Bible
Introducing e-Sword® page 12 ▶ in its original languages.
Up and Running with e-Sword page 34 ▶ ▶ Bonus: How affordable Bible
Method for Biblical Word Study page 40 ▶ software searches in seconds. ▶
ords are usually considered the most basic pieces of “sin” translates fourteen different Hebrew words—never mind the other
communication.* They form the phrases and sentences, the English derivatives (“sinner”, “sinful”, etc.). Often, one biblical word will
dialogue and conversation of our day-to-day speech. The require various English words to render it accurately or appropriately for
words of the Bible communicate, too. They show God’s history with man; its context. For example, when translators attempt to render the Greek
they reveal his intentions and character; they make plain the Gospel; they word, σαρξ (sarx), in the New Testament, they have to decide whether
form the foundation of what we learn and teach about our relationships it should be translated “flesh” (i.e., soft body tissue), “human nature”, or
to God, ourselves, and each other. “sinful nature”, among other possible renderings, all depending on the
Yet, it’s difficult for English Bibles to translate exactly word-for-word context where it appears.
between the original sources—Hebrew, Aramaic, and Greek—and
our target language—English. Even Young’s Literal Translation, a very What if there was a way to study biblical words in the original
literal, or formal, rendering of the Bible, is inconsistent when translating languages—to get behind an English translation—without specialized
the Greek word for “word” (λόγος, logos).** This is because each word’s training in Hebrew or Greek? What if there was a way to find all the
meaning is shaped by its use in different contexts.*** Sometimes, English occurrences of a biblical word without the hours needed to hunt and
translations will render multiple Hebrew or Greek words with a single search for them?
English word. For example, in the King James Bible, the English word This tutorial shows how to find those original words without prior
knowledge of the biblical languages. It will demonstrates how to search
these quickly, in only a few seconds, so we can quickly begin study of any
* Actually, even more basic than words are the component pieces that words are made of,
what linguists call morphemes. biblical word in its many contexts. But before we dive in, let’s see how this
** Robert Young rendered the Greek word, logos, as “word” 86 percent of the time. used to be done, so we can better understand and appreciate the methods
*** Even the respected, multi-volume Oxford English Dictionary gives numerous historical
contexts for written and published English words in order to indicate how each is used. that have built from this process. Let’s get started. ▶
Here’s our italicized index number in Following the number, 2098 are this ▶ the word spelled out in Greek,
the concise Greek dictionary. entry’s component parts, hi-lighted and 2098 . εὐαγγέλιον ĕuaggĕliŏn, yoo-ang-ghel’-
explained in the next column: ee-on; from the same as 2097; a good message,
2098 . εὐαγγέλιον ĕuaggĕliŏn, yoo-ang-ghel’- i.e. the gospel:—gospel.
ee-on; from the same as 2097; a good message,
i.e. the gospel:—gospel.
▶ followed by a Latin transliteration,
2098 . εὐαγγέλιον ĕuaggĕliŏn, yoo-ang-ghel’-
Number 2098 in the concise Greek dictionary found in ee-on; from the same as 2097; a good message,
the back of Strong’s Exhaustive Concordance. i.e. the gospel:—gospel.
▶ an aid to pronunciation,
2098 . εὐαγγέλιον ĕuaggĕliŏn, yoo-ang-ghel’-
ee-on; from the same as 2097; a good message,
i.e. the gospel:—gospel.
▶ an etymological note,
2098 . εὐαγγέλιον ĕuaggĕliŏn, yoo-ang-ghel’-
ee-on; from the same as 2097; a good message,
i.e. the gospel:—gospel.
Notice the colon (:) and em dash (—)? 2097. εὐαγγελίζω ĕuaggĕlizō, yoo-ang-ghel-id’- Since we have all the English words (in this
What follows is every way that the King James zo; from 2095 and 32; to announce good news case, only one) that we need to look up in order
revisers rendered that Greek word into English. (“evangelize”) espec. the gospel:—declare, to find every occurrence of our biblical Greek
bring (declare, show) glad (good) tidings,
We need all the possible ways, or renderings, preach (the gospel). word, let’s return to the “Main Concordance”
that this word has been translated in order to 2098 . εὐαγγέλιον ĕuaggĕliŏn, yoo-ang-ghel’- and look again under the headword “gospel^”.
ee-on; from the same as 2097; a good message,
find its every occurrence in Scripture. i.e. the gospel:—gospel.
Look at entry 2097 above our number, 2098.
The various of ways these two entries are translated,
To find every occurrence for that word, we or rendered, in the King James Bible.
would have to look up each of its several ren-
derings in the “Main Concordance”—“declare”,
“bring (declare, show) glad (good) tidings”,
“preach (the gospel)”.*
Now look under the number 2098 to find
how many ways that Greek word has been
rendered in English. What we find is that there’s
only one rendering in the KJV—“gospel”.
This time, list and record every reference gospel^ See also gospel’s.
Ignore Matthew 11:5 and Luke 4:18; 7:22; 9:6;
in the Gospels indicated by the Strong’s index M’t 4: 23 preaching the g* of the kingdom 2098 20:1, because the English there renders a differ-
number, 2098, under the headword, “gospel^”: 9: 35 preaching the g* of the kingdom “ ent, though related, Greek word (2097). Let’s just
11: 5 having the g* preached to them 2097
24: 14 this g* of the kingdom shall be 2098 focus our attention on our number (2098).
Matthew 4:23; 9:35; 24:14; 26:13;
26: 13 Wheresoever this g* shall be “ See the notice to the right of the English
Mark 1:1, 14, 15; 13:10; 14:9; 16:15; M’r 1: 1 beginning of the g* of Jesus Christ “
14 preaching the g* of the kingdom of “
entry’s headword instructing us to “See also
15 repent ye, and believe the g*. “ gospel’s.”? There are a couple more references to
13: 10 the g* must first be published “ add to the list under “gospel’s”:
14: 9 this g* shall be preached throughout “
16: 15 preach the g* to every creature “
Mark 8:35; 10:29
Lu 4: 18 to preach the g* to the poor; *2097
7: 22 to the poor the g* is preached. *“
9: 6 preaching the g*, and healing every “
We now have a complete list to begin our
20: 1 in the temple, and preached the g*. “ word study! ▶
. . .
M’r 8: 35 his life for my sake and the g* 2098
10: 29 or lands, for my sake, and the g* “
. . .
In our search, we only had to look at one account, remove, To save time and to stay accurate, what follows
English word to find all the occurrences for cause, say(-ing), are a bonus tutorial and installation guide for a
our Greek number. But finding all the relevant communication, shew, Bible study software package that will automate
references for certain words can take a long time. concerning, × speaker, the concordance search and verse reference lists
Imagine if we were looking for a more common doctrine, speech, in various Bible versions.
word, or one that could be translated several fame, talk, Save time with Bible software. ▶
different ways, like “word” from John 1:1, × have to do, thing,
intent, + none of these Or, skip ahead to see how to complete and
“In the beginning was the Word . . .”
matter, things move me, summarize this word study.
To make a careful study, we’d have to look for mouth, tidings, Method for biblical word study. ▶
the number, 3056, under all the following head- preaching, treatise,
words:* question, utterance,
reason, word,
+ reckon, work.
* The addition sign (+) indicates that the King James revisers
rendered multiple Greek words with this one English word
or phrase. The multiplication sign (×) indicates that the
words rendered in English results from a unique Greek or
Hebrew idiom.
1# Introducing e-Sword
Search Strong’s Concordance quickly with free software.
here is a quicker way to conduct word It excels in word study when searching Bible
studies using free Bible study software. translations tagged with Strong’s numbers. (The
One such software package is e-Sword. King James Version with Strong’s is installed by
e-Sword enables us to come up with the same list default.) In this way, e-Sword can save hours of
in just seconds and start digging into word study flipping pages and scribbling references. In a just
right away. Let’s take a look at this wonderful a few mouse-clicks, we can find all the scriptural
software tool and what it can do. occurrences of our biblical word and jump right
into sorting passages, outlining references, and
e-Sword is developed and distributed analyzing how that word is used in Scripture.* ▶
by Rick Meyers. With it, he has made a large
number of free resources available—from If you haven’t already downloaded and in-
The free bible study software that’s been downloaded
numerous Bible translations in multiple 35 million times in 235 different countries. stalled e-Sword onto your Windows or Apple
languages, to commentaries, atlases, classic computer, start setting it up with a ▶ step-by-
Christian and contemporary historical literature, step installation guide.
sermon audio, and more.
What really makes e-Sword shine is its pow-
erful search capability. With it, we can search
for simple words in plain text or Unicode, or for
complex word patterns with regular expressions
(regex). * This tutorial is just an introduction. Advanced support and
more resources for e-Sword are available from its large and
growing community of users at ▶
◀ Table of Contents | ◀ Back to Introducing Strong’s Numbers, Slide 9| 1 of 22 12 of 47 | Biblical Word Study
Biblical Word Study | Page 13 of 47 |
2 Introducing e-Sword ®
Search Strong’s Concordance quickly with free software.
3 Introducing e-Sword
Search Strong’s Concordance quickly with free software.
4 Introducing e-Sword
Search Strong’s Concordance quickly with free software.
5 Introducing e-Sword
Search Strong’s Concordance quickly with free software.
◀ Return to Up and Running with e-Sword, Step 6 | 5 of 22 16 of 47 | Biblical Word Study
Biblical Word Study | Page 17 of 47 |
6 Introducing e-Sword
Search Strong’s Concordance quickly with free software.
cus to m b i b le se ar ch
7 Introducing e-Sword
Search Strong’s Concordance quickly with free software.
cus to m b i b le
se ar ch
Type the Strong’s number (G2098) into ▶ Continue to the next slide for the
the text box in the top-left of the “Bible Search” Quick Search method,
window, and then press the “Search” button or ▶ skip ahead to Step 10 to see the results.
( ) in the top-right (or press the “Return” key
8 Introducing e-Sword
Search Strong’s Concordance quickly with free software.
q u i ck se ar ch
9 Introducing e-Sword ®
Search Strong’s Concordance quickly with free software.
q u i ck se ar ch
10 Introducing e-Sword
Search Strong’s Concordance quickly with free software.
We get results! Notice, at the bottom of in (“74 verses found”), and the number of
the “Bible Search” dialog window, we are given times the word actually occurs in Scripture (“77
the number of verses this Greek word occurs matches”). ▶
11 Introducing e-Sword
Search Strong’s Concordance quickly with free software.
12 Introducing e-Sword
Search Strong’s Concordance quickly with free software.
If we scroll to the bottom of the “Bible 1. We can further ▶ refine our search. 3. Or, we can press the “OK” button and
Search” window, we can see the results broken 2. We can ▶ copy a list of Scripture references ▶ “lock in” our search results to read verse-by-
down and tabulated with more detail. to paste into our word processor or study notes. verse in e-Sword’s Bible window. ▶
We have several options at this point:
13 Introducing e-Sword
Search Strong’s Concordance quickly with free software.
r efi n e
se ar ch
By pressing the “Additional search can get very specific with what kind of search we limit (the Gospel of Matthew) and end limit (the
options” button in the Bible Search window, we want to perform. For this search, let’s just return Gospel of John), and press the “Search” button
results from a narrower range of for new results. ▶
Scripture. Set the search’s starting
14 Introducing e-Sword ®
Search Strong’s Concordance quickly with free software.
co py r efer en ce s an d v er se s
15 Introducing e-Sword
Search Strong’s Concordance quickly with free software.
co py r efer en ce s
an d v er se s
2 Matthew 4:23; 9:35; 24:14; 26:13; Mark 1:1,14,15; 8:35; 10:29; 13:10; 14:9;
What about copying verses from translations other than the KJV? ▶
16 Introducing e-Sword
Search Strong’s Concordance quickly with free software.
co py r efer en ce s
an d v er se s
We can copy all these verses from any The “Convert Search to Verse List” dialog
translation that we already have installed inside window pops up and allows us to save our list of
of e-Sword®. references. 2
Let’s return to the “Bible Search” window, Save the list under the suggested name, or
and press the “Add search results to Verse List” write a new name (e.g., “The Gospel in the Gos-
button. pels”), or append the references to an already
existing list. This list
will be stored so we
can retrieve and view
the passages later in
another translation. ▶
17 Introducing e-Sword
Search Strong’s Concordance quickly with free software.
co py r efer en ce s
an d v er se s
* Among the many free Bible modules are the English Stan-
dard Version, the Good News Bible, the American Standard
Version, and Young’s Literal Translation, as well various
translations from a number of different languages, includ-
ing Spanish, German, Russian, Indonesian, Vietnamese,
Latin, and many more.
** Several English translations are Premium Bible modules,
which means you will have to purchase a product key from
a third-party vendor before you can read them. Some of
these translations include the New International Version, the
New American Standard Bible, the New Revised Standard
Version, the New Living Translation, the Christian Standard
Bible, and the The Message, among others.
Selecting a different translation
18 Introducing e-Sword
Search Strong’s Concordance quickly with free software.
co py r efer en ce s an d v er se s
Retrieving our saved list with the Select Verse List button
19 Introducing e-Sword ®
Search Strong’s Concordance quickly with free software.
co py r efer en ce s an d v er se s
20 Introducing e-Sword
Search Strong’s Concordance quickly with free software.
co py r efer en ce s
an d v er se s
21 Introducing e-Sword
Search Strong’s Concordance quickly with free software.
v er se - by - v er se w i t h i n e - s wo r d
22 Introducing e-Sword
Search Strong’s Concordance quickly with free software.
v er se - by - v er se w i t h i n e - s wo r d
Advance through the list of our search results, viewing them verse- To go back up the list (that is, in reverse canonical order), press the
by-verse, by pressing the Search Next button (F3). Now, we can read each Search Previous button (Shift + F3). ▶
occurrence one at a time and in its context. Installing e-Sword. ▶
How to put a Word Study together. ▶
he e-Sword Bible-study software pack-
age is available for free on the Microsoft
Windows platform, and relatively inex-
pensive on the Apple macOS, iPad, and iPhone.*
For macOS, purchase e-Sword X from the
▶ App Store for $9.99.
For the Apple iPhone, purchase e-Sword LT
from the ▶ App Store for $1.99.
For the Apple iPad, purchase e-Sword HD
from the ▶ App Store for $4.99.
To get started on Windows for free, visit
▶ for the
latest available version and click the
▶ e-Sword v11.1.0 Install button to
download the installation file. ▶
◀ Table of Contents | ◀ Return to Introducing e-Sword, Step 1 | Go to Methods for Biblical Word Study ▶ | 1 of 6 34 of 47 | Biblical Word Study
Biblical Word Study | Page 35 of 47 |
If using Microsoft Windows, choose a Then navigate to saved file and double-click Then proceed through the installation
folder where to download the installation file the its icon begin installing the e-Sword soft- screens. Read through these screens since they
from the e-Sword website. ware package. will offer helpful tips when getting started. ▶
1 2
3 4 5
e-Sword® comes with two Bibles installed ules, including the New International Version modules tend to range in cost from $9.99
by default: The King James Version and the (1984, 2011), the Christian Standard Bible to $24.99 and must be purchased through a
King James Version with Strong’s numbers. This (2017), the New American Standard Bible, the third-party vendor, like ▶, in
is sufficient to conduct a word study within Revised Standard Version (1971), the New King order to obtain an activation key.
e-Sword, but there are many other possible James Version (1982), the New Revised Stan- Select the ▶ Download > Bibles... drop-
versions to work with. dard Version (1989), the New Living Translation down menu from the top of the main program
There are numerous free English Bible transla- (2015), The Message (2002), and more. These window to download other Bible versions. ▶
tions available (as well as commentaries, dictio-
naries, atlases, and other references), including
the English Standard Version (edition published
in 2016), the American Standard Version (1901),
the Lexham English Bible (2012), the Good News
Bible (1992), and Young’s Literal Translation
There are many more free translations in
other languages, as well as original language
modules for those who wish to study the New
Testament in Greek and the Old in Hebrew.
Finally, e-Sword has several premium mod-
ow that we’ve covered the basics of Strong’s numbers, let’s put
our skills together for a systematic word study. It’s one thing to
form a cursory opinion of a theme or topic with a quick word
search in a Bible study program. It’s another thing to sit down, sort the
results, and analyze the passages to form a comprehensive summary of
what the Bible says about any one thing.
The rest of this tutorial demonstrates a method for turning e-Sword’s
search results into a systematic study of biblical words. ▶
◀ Table of Contents | ◀ Back to Introducing Strong’s Numbers, Slide 9 | 1 of 8 40 of 47 | Biblical Word Study
Biblical Word Study | Page 41 of 47 |
If you’re recording this on paper, do not Strong’s G2098: Observations: Insights / Significance:
list the next reference until you have finished
Matthew 4:23 Jesus went about all Galilee, 1 Jesus brought the gospel to the
marking your interpretation and insights in the teaching in their synagogues, region where he lived and into in
third (right) column. This will organize the page and preaching the gospel of the his ethnic religious centers.
and guard it against overcrowding. ▶ kingdom, and healing all manner of 2 He brought physical healing with
sickness and all manner of disease his preaching.
among the people. 3 His gospel concerns the Kingdom
(of Heaven, of God).
Matthew 9:35 Jesus went about all the cities Again, Jesus is doing everything as
and villages, teaching in their syna- in Mt 4:23, except this one is more
gogues, and preaching the gospel specific where (not just in the gen-
of the kingdom, and healing . . . eral region of Galilee, but in all the
cities and villages, too).
Matthew 24:14 “[T]his gospel of the kingdom Jesus is speaking: He says that the
shall be preached in all the world for “end” won’t arrive until the gospel
a witness unto all nations; and then is preached throughout the world.
shall the end come.”—Jesus Christ
Matthew 26:13
Let’s take our verses and ask them some Where should the gospel be preached? preached before He returns.
basic investigative questions:
When was the gospel preached? It was preached in Galilee and it should go
Who? What? Why? Where? When? How? When should it be preached? throughout the whole world.
Here are some specific questions to ask our In what manner or to what degree should The gospel seems like it should be
verses. Not all questions may be relevant. Some the gospel be preached? accompanied with miracles and healing.
may not even get answered in this study, so can
Here are some possible answers that we de- It may help to group verses with similar con-
they can be left for a later study or discarded
rived from our verses: tent and themes together ▶
altogether. They’re here to start us probing and
investigating: The gospel concerns the kingdom of God
and Jesus Christ.
Who does the gospel pertain to? Who
preaches the gospel? Who hears the Jesus preached the gospel in his vicinity,
gospel? but it is intended for the entire inhabited
word and all of creation.
What is the gospel? What does it contain?
Or, what is it about? The gospel is why Jesus came; it’s the main
point of his arrival.
Why is the gospel preached?
Jesus’ preached the gospel during his
Where was the gospel proclaimed?
earthly ministry, but it will continually be
Finally, let’s summarize all we’ve THE GOSPEL OF THE KINGDOM OF GOD “FOR MY SAKE AND THE GOSPEL’S”
discovered from answering our investigative
(Mt 4:23; 9:35; Mk 1:14, 15) (Mk 8:35; 10:29)
questions and gather it into readable paragraphs
for sharing, perhaps with a small group, or for Most of the earliest mentions of the “gospel”, Jesus revealed the cost of following him and
preparing a sermon. that is the “good message” (acc. to Strong’s), giving oneself to the gospel: it costs everything.
Here’s the summary of my conclusions from in Matthew and Mark show Jesus preaching “For what shall it profit a man,” said Jesus, “if
the four Gospels to inspire you:* the “gospel of the Kingdom of God” which he he shall gain the whole word, and lose his own
demonstrated with miraculous healing. He soul?” (Mk 8.36) He revealed that the cost was
preached this gospel in Galilee, that is the worth it, “There is no man that hath left house,
region where He grew up, and in its towns and or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or
villages—the places where people lived and con- wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the
gregated—and in the ethnic religious centers gospel’s, but he shall receive an hundredfold now
therein (i.e., the synagogues). in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters,
He preached his “gospel of the Kingdom” and mothers, and children, and lands, with
with a call to action: to repent and to believe in persecutions; and in the world to come eternal
that gospel. He didn’t preach for information, life.” (Mk 10.29, 30) He promised material and
or heal for entertainment: Jesus preached the relational blessing in this life—though with per-
gospel for a response. secution—and eternal life in the world to come.
* Remember that the word “gospel” doesn’t occur anywhere (cont’d) ▶
in either Luke or John.
Jesus’ words, “for my sake and gospel’s”, im- WHEN WILL THE END ARRIVE? WHO WILL CARRY OUT THAT GOSPEL?
plies that devotion to the gospel is inadequate
(Mt 24:14; Mk 13:10) (Mk 16:15)
without personal loyalty to Jesus himself.
After Jesus prophesied the destruction of the Jesus Christ has commissioned his followers
(Mt 26:13; Mk 14:9)
temple in Jerusalem (Mt 24:2ff), his disciples with the responsibility of proclaiming the gospel
One such example was the woman who asked him privately when it would happen. throughout the world and to every created thing
valued Jesus more than her reputation or the They also asked him what sign would anticipate (every creature). What started in Galilee is to
cost of the precious ointment she poured on his Jesus’s arrival and that of the end of the world. stretch to the ends of the earth through the
feet in the presence of his disciples. The disci- In his answer, Jesus shared that the end’s arrival efforts of those who follow Jesus—those called
ples saw only the waste of good perfume and its was dependent upon the preaching, or publi- to personal allegiance to him and devotion to
monetary value. They even estimated its worth cation (distribution), of the gospel. It was to go his cause, which is the gospel of the Kingdom of
by its potential boon for ministry. But Jesus out among all people groups and all races (all God (cf. Lk 4:43). ◀
honored the woman’s generosity and love, and nations) first, “and then shall the end come.”
he announced, “Wheresoever this gospel shall
be preached throughout the whole world, this
also that she hath done shall be spoken of for a
memorial of her.” And that is why we know her
story even today.
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