Greek English Lexi 00 Rob I Rich
Greek English Lexi 00 Rob I Rich
Greek English Lexi 00 Rob I Rich
UFUI tBitiou.
ELEVEN years have now elapsed, since the Author of this work published a
Lexicon of the New Testament, in the form of a revision and translation of
the * Clavis Philologica' of Wahl, in its first edition. That work was favour-
received, as in some degree a want which had long been felt ;
ably supplying
and the whole edition of fifteen hundred copies was exhausted in a little more
than four years.
On returning in 1830 from a residence of several years in Germany, it was
the Authors first wish, and perhaps duty, to have immediately prepared
another edition of the former work, or a new volume of a similar character.
But providential circumstances seemed for a time to call him to other kindred
labours ; and then sickness intervened ; so that it was not until the autumn of
\W.\\\ that he was able to give himself in earnest to the preparation of a
Lexicon. Since that time his labour upon it has been uninterrupted ; so that,
comparatively speaking, scarcely a day has elapsed, of
which the largest por-
tion has not been spent upon the volume here given to the public.
It was at first supposed, that a revision of the former work was all that
would be necessary. But in the lapse of eight years devoted to studies of this
nature at home and abroad, the Author's own views and principles in respect
to lexicography and philology in general, had naturally become farther de-
veloped and in some parts modified. In the same interval, too, the progress
of science in this department, as in others, had not ceased to be onward ; new
editions of the Lexicons of Wahl and Bretschneider had appeared ; Winer
had pushed his researches further, and brought the results into a better form ;
and above all, the labours and improvements of Passow had been spread before
the world. In this state of things, an attempt merely to remodel an imperfect
foreign work seemed hardly advisable. It appeared, therefore, to the Author
and his friends decidedly preferable, that, calling no man Master on earth, he
should go on and prepare from the New Testament itself, and from the auxil-
iary sources, a new and independent work, adapted to the wants of students
in our own country. In doing this, he has been able to resort to all the
sources from which Schleusner, and Wahl, and Bretschneider drew their
materials ; and while he has freely availed himself of their labours, he has
found occasion on every page to distrust their judgment and accuracy, and to
turn from them habitually to the original authorities. Accordingly, the pre-
sent volume is throughout the result of the Author's own investigation ; and,
with a few slight exceptions, has been sent to the press wholly in manuscript.
inquiry. The scholar who would pursuethe study of a language critically and
philologically, docs not rest, until he has traced each word to its origin ; inves-
tigated its primitive form and signification ; noted the various forms and senses
in which it has been current in the different epochs and dialects of the lan-
guage, and the manner and order in which all these are deduced from the
primitive one, and from each other ; and last, though not least, has observed
the relations in which it stands to other words, in constructions and phrases,
M31 31.60
See a very able article on the subject of Greek Lexicography in the London Quarterly
Review, Vol. LI. No. 101 reprinted in the Bibl. Repos. Vol. IV. p. 556 sq.
and its metropolis Alexandria. But these terms are probably too specific ; and
embrace what strictly belonged to the later language of common life in general,
rather than to the dialect of any particular tribe or city.*
The language of the New Testament is the later Greek language, as spoken
ty foreigners of the Hebrew stock,
and applied by them to subjects on which it had
never been employed by native Greek writers. The simple statement of this
fact, suggests at once
what the character of this idiom must be ; and might,
one would think, have saved volumes of controversy. The Jews came in con-
tact with the Greeks only at and after the Macedonian conquests ; and were
therefore conversant only with the later Greek. They learned it from the
intercourse of life, in commerce, in colonies, in cities founded like Alexandria,
where the inhabitants were drawn together from Aia as well as from Greece;
and it was, therefore, the spoken language of common life, and not that of
books, with which they became acquainted. But they spoke it as foreigners,
as Hebrews and, therefore, it could not fail to have in general a colouring of
the Hebrew, or rather of the later Arama?an, which was their vernacular
tongue. Jews who spoke Greek, are called in the New Testament -'EXXqi/urrat',
Hellenists ; and hence in modern usage, since the time of the younger Scaliger,
the Jewish Greek has not unaptly been termed Hellenistic. t
The earliest monument of this idiom is the Version of the Seventy, made at
Alexandria, probably at different times during the centuries immediately pre-
ceding the Christian era. This, as being a direct translation from the Hebrew,
made by Jews, exhibits strongly the influence of the Hebrew, as well as an
imperfect knowledge of the Greek ; though in various degrees in its different
parts. Closely allied to this are the Apocryphal books usually connected with
the Septuagint. .Meanwhile, the Greek language had become current also in
Palestine, along with the Aramaean ; partly through frequent intercourse with
Hellenistic Jews settled in Egypt and in Asia Minor, who constantly resorted
to Jerusalem : and partly from the influence of the Herod s and the Roman
dominion.} Hence the New Testament was written in the now universal
tongue. Still later there appeared other Greek Versions of the Old Testament,
made by Jews ; and also the remaining Pseudepigraphic and Apocryphal
writings of the Old and New Testaments. Two Jewish writers only, Philo
and Josephus, lx>th of them contemporary with the Apostles, were able to
overcome in a great measure the influence of their vernacular tongue ; and
although when treating of Jewish affairs they necessarily employ many terms
belonging to the Jewish Greek, yet in general they approach much nearer to
the written idiom of the later Greek, than any of the writers either of the
St'ptuagint or New Testament.
The- writers of the New Testament, with the exception of Paul, and
tially perhaps of Luke, were unlearned men ; and, like the rest of their
countrymen, knew the Greek language only from the intercourse of common
life, and not from books. With them, therefore, the Hebrew element which
mingled in their idiom, would naturally have great prominence although, ;
since their writings are not translated from a Hebrew not here is
original, it
as strongly marked as in the It often lies in the turn of the
thought, or in the thought itself, rather than in the expression. Even where
the expression is modelled after the Hebrew, this is seen more in the construc-
tion and connexion of words in
phrases and sentences, than as affecting their
intrinsic signification. Whoever has himself learned to speak a foreign
language, or has closely watched the discourse of foreigners speaking our own
tongue, will readily have perceived, that the signification of words is in gene-
ral much more easily retained and correctly applied, than their forms and
their proper construction and connexion. Thus, nothing perhaps imparts
more to the Gospels the air of the Hebrew narratives of the Old Testament,
than the frequent use of the particle xai as a connective, corresponding to the
Hebrew usage of the particle Vav (1). From Hebraisms of this kind, the
writings of Paul are tree; since from his birth and residence
amid the Greek schools of Tarsus, he probably had acquired a more accurate
k iu>n ledge of that language than was usual with the Hebrews of Palestine;
though the course of his education and the
character of his learning were not
Greek, but wholly Jewish.
The writers of the New Testament, further, applied the Greek language to
on which it had never been employed by native Greek writers. No
native Greek had ever written on Jewish affairs, nor on the Jewish theology
and ritual. Hence the Seventy, in their translation, had often to employ
Greek words as the signs of things and ideas, which heretofore had been ex-
pressed only in Hebrew. In such a case, they could only select those Greek
words which most nearly corresponded to the Hebrew ; leaving the different
shade or degree of signification to be gathered by the reader from the context.
Thus, to express the idea of the Hebrew fci^ as a word of salutation or
farewell, they employ the Greek word elprjvtj, just as we use the word peace
in the same way and for the very same reason. Similar is tvXoytut for Heb. 7p2.
to blets ; in Greek writers only to speak well of. Thus far the path was indeed
already broken for the writers of the New Testament. But beyond this,
they were to be the instruments of making known a new revelation, a new
dispensation of mercy to mankind. Here was opened a wide circle of new
ideas and new doctrines to be developed, for which all human language was
as yet too poor ; and this poverty was to be done away, even as at the present
day on the discovery and culture of a new science, chiefly by enlarging the
signification and application of words already in use, rather than by the for-
mation of new ones. An example of this in the New Testament is especially
the word mVrif, to which may be added tucatoavvr), SiKaiovaSai, IxXoyri, curo-
<rro\of, and many others.
The New Testament, then, was written by Hebrews, aiming to express
Hebrew thoughts, conceptions, feelings, in the Greek tongue. Their idiom,
consequently, in soul and spirit, is Hebrew ; in its external form, Greek, and
that more or less pure, according to the facilities which an individual writer
might have possessed of acquiring fluency and accuracy of expression in that
* See
generally, H. Planck De vera natura atque indole rationis Grsecse Nov. Test.
Goetting. 1810; reprinted in Rosenm. Commentationes Theol. I. p. 112; also translated
in the Bibl. Repos. I. p. 638 sq. See also Winer's Gramm. 14.
f See the articles x0avo'c, Zrrmrof, <rtvXa{\ov, etc. To these should be added, xijUTrw,
f, see Gesen. Heb. Lei. art. ~TD.
have to do only with those significations and constructions which are found in
the New Testament itself. But the logical method is still applicable in its
full force. This consists in assigning first to each word its primary significa-
tion, whether found in the New Testament
or not ; and then deducing from it,
in logical order, all the significations which occur in the New Testament ; but
not others, except so far as they may be necessary to illustrate the former.*
In this connexion the attempt has every where been made, to discriminate
between the intrinsic significations of a word, and those senses in which it
may be employed through the force of adjuncts. By referring the latter to
their appropriate heads, the multiplicity of meanings given by earlier lexico-
Particular attention has also been
graphers has been greatly diminished.
to out to view the force of the prepositions in composition.
given, bring
3. The various constructions of verbs and adjectives, with their cases and
with other adjuncts, is in general fully given. Unusual or difficult construc-
tions are noted and explained, by reference both to grammatical rules and to
the usage of other writers. Here the usual Latin abbreviations for marking
the construction of words, are too convenient to be laid aside for any English
substitutes ; and therefore such terms as seq. genit. or c. ace. and the like, have
been retained without scruple ; just as the common English has adopted the
forms etc. and per cent.
4. The different forms and inflexion of words are exhibited, so far as
seemed proper in a Lexicon. Any variety or irregularity of form is, in par-
ticular, folly explained.
5. The usage of the writers of the New Testament, is in all cases illustrated
the other to the common or later idiom of the Greek language. For the
former or Hebrew element, the Version of the Seventy is of the highest im-
portance since it was probably the only Greek writing with which most of
the sacred penmen were acquainted and many words, phrases, constructions,
and even whole passages, are in the New Testament drawn immediately from
it. Next in order are the Apocryphal writings connected with the Septua-
gint ; and also the other Greek Versions. Thus far the Concordance of
Trommius, and the Lexicons of Biel and Schleusner on the Septuagint, furnish
sufficient aid. The works of Philo and Josephus are here of great import-
ance ; the latter of whom, especially, contains a treasure of illustration in
respect to the facts and antiquities of the New Testament. Valuable though
imperfect materials from their writings, have been collected in the Observa-
tiones of Loesner and Krebs ; and one of the merits of Bretschneider is his
frequent (though often faulty) reference to Josephus. The later Apocryphal
writings of both the Old and New Testaments are of value as throwing light
upon the opinions of the later Jews, rather than as illustrating the Scriptural
idiom, since they are in a great degree mere servile imitations of the latter
For the other or Greek element, reference is made to the prominent writers
of the later dialect, in the current editions ; and wherever a word belongs
also to the Attic epoch, a single reference is usually added to a writer of that
age, mostly to Xenophon. Here the Lexicons of single authors, and the col-
lections of Eisner, Kypke, Raphel, and, more than all, of "Wetstein, greatly
facilitate the labours of a lexicographer of the New Testament.
Let the student not be startled at the apparent multitude of such refer-
ences, nor think them all of no avail. They are adduced, not merely nor mainly
to elucidate themeaning of a word, but to show its authority and standing in
the Greek language. They serve to show in what relation each word stands
to the Septuagint and Jewish writings, and also the later and Attic Greek ;
and whether it is common to all or any of them, or found in none. In this
To those friends by whose kind advice and encouragement the author has
been cheered, he tenders his sincere thanks. Among these the Rev. Prof. Stuart
has ever been foremost ; and I take pleasure in thus testifying my obligations
to him. Nor can I pass over the kind offices of another valued friend, the
Hon. John Pickering, whose eminence as a Greek scholar and general philo-
logian is known and appreciated throughout Europe, not less than in our own
country. His friendly advice and aid have been always at hand ; and the
stores of his valuable library have been opened to me as freely as if they had
been my own. A similar acknowledgment is due also to the Trustees having
charge of the Theological Seminary at Andover, who have liberally left in
my hands for years all the books I desired from the library of that institution,
the richest in its collections of Sacred Literature which our country yet
A Hebrew and English Lexicon of the Old Testament, translated from the
Latin of Gesenius by the author of the present volume, was published
a few weeks since. The translation was carried on along with the preparation
of the present work, without however causing any delay of the latter, unless
in a slight degree. The two works together embrace the lexicography of the
whole of the original Scriptures.
18. 6. 10) ;
to whom it , ere, *l, well-doing, love
was afterwards confirmed by Claudius of virtue, virtuous conduct, 1 Pet. iv. 19 ;
19. 6. 1). At his death it went cf. dyaSoTroilw, no. 2 -- Test. XII Pat.
with his other dominions^ to Agrippa ap. Fabric. Cod. Pseudep. I. 722 __
Minor (ib.
20. 7. 1. B. J, 2.
__ See Others, beneficence.
Krebs Obss. in N. T. p. 110. Rosenm. bene-
'A-yaSoTrotocj ov, o, r/, adj. pp.
Alterthk. I. Pt. II. p. 257. in the sense of bland, courteous,
ficent j
'AjSfovS, b, indec. Abiud, Hebrew e. g. ywri Ecclus. xlii. 14. In N. T. up-
T)5T3J< (Judah is his father), pr. name right, virtuous, 1 Pet. ii. 14 c. f. dyaSo- ;
v. 45. xii. 35. xxii. 10. xxv. 21, 23. In the sense of suitable,
adapted to, Eph.
Luke vi. 45. xix. 17. xxiii. 50. John iv.29 Xoyoc dy. Trpog oiKodofirjv. Rom. XV.
vii. 12. Acts xi. 24. So Sept. for niu 2. Jos. Ant. 4. 6. 1 iroXtg tyoiviKag
2Chr.xxi. 13. Pror. xiii.2, where dyaB-og Pausan. Eliac. poster, c. 26. 4
is opposed to Trapavo/tog. xv. 3. Is. Ixiii. 7 KCtpTTOVg IKTptytlV CtjaSfT].
Kpirtjs dyaSoe for yto~ :n. Xen. Mem. neut. ro dya-3-ov,
c) (a) something use-
8 K0\a&iv ful and profitable, benefit, Rom. viii. 28.
3. 4. rotig KCIKOVC ical rouf dya-
xii. 21. xiii. 4. Gal. vi. 10. Eph. iv. 28.
of things, (a) in a physical sense, vi. 8. 1 Thess. v. 15. Philem. vi. 14 __
e. g. SevSpov Matt. vii. 17, 18. y/j Luke Xen. Cyr. 4. 2. 18 rd dyo&d, things
viii. 8. So Sept. yfj dy. for nita Ex. iii. 8.
good and useful, benefits, blessings. Matt.
Diod. Sic. 11. 25 x&pa dy. Xen. CEc. vii. 11. Luke i. 63. xvi. 25. Gal. vi. 6.
16. 7 yj dy __ in a moral sense, good, Heb. ix. 11. x. 1 __ Xen. 3. 15
(/3) Cyr. 6.
upright, virtuous ; e. g. jcapfta Luke viii.
15. ivroXrj Rom. vii. 12. Xoyog 2Thess. In the sense of goods, wealth, Luke xii.
ii. 17. 3\7J/ia TOV 0. Rom. xii. 2, and 18, 19. So Sept. niB Gen. xxiv. 10.
so Sept. for iiu with rd irvtvfta Neh. ix. xlv. 18, 20. Dent. vi. 11 Xen. Cyr. 3.
20. Ps. cxliii. 10. Wisd. viii. 19 ^vxn dy. 3. 20.
Hence awtiStjaig dyoSiy, i. e. conscious- . 4. good, in respect to the feelings ex-
ness of rectitude, Acts xxiii. 1. 1 Tim. i.
cited, i. e.
pleasant, joyful, happy. 1 Pet.
.", 1!). 1 Pet. iii. 16, 21. So tpya dya$d, iii. 10 rjftfpaf dy. Rom. x. 15 rd dyaSa
good deeds, virtue, rectitude, Rom. ii. 7. happy times. Sept. for mitt Ps. xxxiv.
xiii. 3. Eph. ii. 10. Col. i. 10. 2 Tim. ii. 12 17/ilpaf dy. Zech. viii. 19 toprdf dy __
21. iii. 17. Tit. i. 16. iii. 1. Heb. xiii. Ecclus. xiv. 14. 1 Mace. x. 55,
21. So
Sept. for nita 1 3am. xix. 4
7rou;/iara dy. Wisd. iii. 15 TTOVOI dy. to, w, f. /<rw, (contr. for
neut. dyaSov and dya&d, i. e. vir- q. v.) to do good to others.
tue, rectitude, love of virtue, Matt. xii. 34,
absol. Acts xiv. 17 in some MSS Cy-
35. xix. 16. Luke vi. 45. John v. 29. Julian. 3. p. 81. A. et in Mich.
rill. c.
Rom. ii. 10. iii. 8. vii. 18, 19. ix. 11. cap. 2. p. 409. C.
xii. 9. xiii. 3. xvi. 19. 2 Cor. v. 10.
c? >?> (for
1 Pet. iii. 11, 13. 3 John 11. Rom. vii.
in Greek writers ayaxoTns, or better
13 bis r6 dyaSoi/ that which is in itself
xpijoror/je, Thorn. Mag. p. 921. H.
good. Rom. xiv. 16 where TO dya^ov is
Planck de Indol. p. 162, 164, and in Bib.
the cause, i. e. the religion of Christ.
good I. p. viz.
Repos. 683), goodness,
Sept. for 2iB Ps. xxxiv. 14. liii. 2, 4. of disposition and character, pro-
Xen. Mem. 3. 10. 5. a)
bity, virtue, Rom. xv. 14. Eph. v. 9.
3. good, in respect to operation or in-
2 Thess. i. 11. So Sept. for nllO Ps. Iii.
fluence on others, i. e. useful, beneficial,
5. nnia 2 Chr. xxiv. 16.
of persons, benevolent, beneficent, b) towards others, beneficence, Gal. v.
a) 22. Sept. for mt3 Neh. ix. 25.
Matt. xx. 15. Rom. v. 7. 1 Thess. iii. 6.
Tit. ii. 5. 1 Pet. ii. 18. So Sept. for nia ewe, V, not found in
2Chr. xxx. 19 6 Sebc dy. Ps. Ixxiii. 1. Gr. writers ;
but often
Sept. in the in
Xen. Cyr. 3. 3. 4 Evtpyirqv, TOV dvSpa sense of joy, exultation, for ^3 Ps. xlv.
TOV ayaSov. Thuc. 1. 86. 16. Ixv. 13. rejoicing, with song, danc-
b) of things; e. g. Sofiara Matt. vii. 11. ing, etc. for n^n Ps. xxx. 7. cxviii. 15.
Luke xi. 13. tioaie James i. 17. tpyov cxxvi. 2, 6. great joy, for ptoi Ps. xlv.
Phil. i. 6. avaaTpo^f) 1 Pet. iii. 16 rapTroi 8. Ii. 10, 14. Tob. xiii. 1.
James iii. 17. iriariQ Tit. 10. Sept. for
ii. In N., gladness, rejoicing, Luke
nit3 1 Sara. xii. 23 dy. 6of. Neh. ix. 13. i. 14, 44. Acts ii. 46. Jude 24. Acta
tvToXai dy. Matt. xii. 35 dy. Sr/eravpof, Thorn. ^ 7 iv x a P9 Ka * dya\X<d(m. Heb.
treasure of good things. Luke vi. 45 So __ i.9 tXaiov dyaXXid<rwf, from Ps. xlv. 8,
tpya dyaSd, good deeds, benefits, Acts ix. oilof gladness, i. e. with which guests
36. 2 Cor. ix. 8. 1 Tim. ii. 10. v. 10. were anointed at feasts, here put as an
B 2
emblem of the highest honour j
see Cal- themselves and saying, for ayavait. xal
i/yaXXtd<raro, 'Iva idy rijv ijp.ipav rfjv iurjVf loved MS; so 2 Sam. xiii. 15. See Buttm.
he rejoiced that he should see my day, i. e. $131.3. Matth. 408. Winer 32. 2.
to see it. Cf. Liicke Comm. in Joh. II. Hence perf. part. Pass. ^ymnjfiEvos, be-
p. 246. loved, Eph. i. 6. Col. iii. 12. al.
d) seq.
iiri c. dat. Luke i. 47 i)yaXXi- as referred to superiors, and in-
afff rb irvivpd fiov liri ry ,
where it
cluding the idea of duty, respect, vene-
should prob. read dyoXXido-trat rb irv. ration, etc. to love and serve with fidelity,
coll. Ps. xiii. 6 dyaXXidaerat rj /capita pov. Matt. vi. 24. xxii. 37. Mark xii. 30, 33.
So dydXXtff^ai Xen. Mem. 3.
i-rri rivi Luke xvi. 13. Rom. viii. 28. al step.
5. 16. Sept. Ps. ix. 15. xxi. 2. xxxv. 9. Hence
Sept. for nrrK 1 Sam. xviii. 16
iv c. dat. where a simple dative oldyaTTwvTte rbv Kvptov, the faithful dis-
e) seq.
might stand. John v. 35 dyaX. iv T$ ciples or followers of the Lord, Eph. vi.
0wrt avTov. 1 Pet. i. 16. So Ps. Ixxxix. 24. James i. 12. ii. 5. Sept. for nns
16 iv Ttfi bvofiari oov dyaXX. xiii. 5. Xen. Ex. xx. 6. Deut. v. 10.
Iliero 1. 16 tvaivioSai iv TIVI. regard with favour,
e. to
b) to love, i.
Drag. 28. Jos. Ant. 2. 13. 3. Herodian. delight in. Luke xi. 43 dyairarf. rfjv
8. 7. 6 __ Mark xiv. 4 dyavaxTovvrtq TT^OQ irpuTOKaSedpiav. John iii. 19. Heb. i. 9.
iavrovg xal Xeyovrtf, indignant among 1 John ii. 15. Sept. for nn*$ Ps. xlv. 8.
Xen. Cyr. 7. 24 pdXurr' dv dyairdv
5. which God or Christ is the object in the
Ti]v Trap' Ant. 7. 1. 6
Siairav. Jos. hearts of Christians. So of God, Luke
avrov avrov xi. 42. John v. 42. 1 John ii. 5 and so
<T<f>6dpa (David) r/}> Trpog ;
neglect, to disregard, to contemn. Rev. xii. we find Joh. XV. 9 iv ry dydirrj Ty ifiy,
11 OVK rfycLTTijcrav rffv \f/i'xrjv avrwv XP* i. e. in the love of me.
Savdrov, they contemned their lives even c) by meton. the effect or pi-oof of
unto death, i. e. they willingly exposed love, beneficence, benefit conferred. Eph.
themselves to death. See Ov, and comp. i. 15 Ti]v dydirijv Ttjv tig irdvTag rovg dyi-
Gesen. Lehrg. p. 832. Stuart 537. Wi- ovg. iii. 19. 1 John iii. 1. 2 Thess. ii.
ner 59. 1. So Ecclus. XV. 13 OVK dya- 10 Ttjv dydirijv Trjg dXijSrtiag, the true love,
ITTJTOV, detestable. AL. i.e. the true and real benefits conferred
tive, and sometimes objective or passive. Thess. ii. 8. Heb. vi. 9. 1 Pet. ii, 11. iv.
(a) subj. or act. it signifies the love 12. 2 Pet. in. 1, 8, 14, 15, 17. 1 John iii.
ichich God or Christ exercises towards 2,21. iv. 1,7,11. 3 John 1,2, 5, 11. Jude
Christians. So of God, Rom. v. 5. Eph. 3, 17, 20. Tim. vi. 2 iriaToi tloi ical dya-
ii. 4. 2 Thess. iii. 5. Followed by rig conjoined in the bonds of faith
7r//rcH, i. e.
speaks of Epenetus, TOV dyairijTov /*ov, 3 KtXn'na fJ.rjde dyyapw<r3'ot TU. T>V 'lov-
Rom. xvi. 5; so xvi. 8, 9, 12; comp. 1 ("iMc.;)-
u7rovyia. Hence
Cor iv. 17 TiftoSiov, of Ion rkitvov p.ov In N. T. trans, to compel, to press,
xx. 13. So Sept. for TIT Gen. xxii.2, 12. -Ql Prov. xii. 25.
14. Sept. for
and in the phrase irivSoc dyaTrrjrov for
1. a
TIT, mourning for an only son, i. e. "AyytAoc, ou, o, (dyysXXw).
most vehement, Jer. vi. 26. Amos viii. 10. messenger, one who is sent sc. in order
Zech. xii. 10.
Hesych. dyaTrqrov fiovo-
to announce, teach, perform, or explore
any thing. Matt. xi. 10. Luke vii.
yivij, x a P l<y/"vov. Pollux 3. 2 icaXoTro
3' av v'tbf dyaTrqrog, o p.6vo av Trarpt i) 24. ix. 52. Gal. iv. 14. James ii. 25
Cf. Obss. Sac. 1. p. 312. coll. Josh. vi. 17 al. In 1 Cor. xi. 10
spies ; others, angels ; others, evil angels,
"Ayap, rj,
indec. Hagar, Heb. nan demons. Sept. for TJS^T? Mai. ii. 7. al.
(flight), pr. name of a maid-servant of
Diod. Sic. 11. 23. 'ien. Cyr. 2. 4. 1.
Abraham, and the mother of Ishmael. So in Rev. i. 20 sq. the angels of the
In Gal. iv. 24, 25, Paul applies this name, even churches, are probably the bishops
by an allegorical interpretation, to the or pastors of those churches, who were
inferior condition of the Jews under the
the delegates, messengers, of the churches
law, as compared with that of Christians to God in the offering of prayer,
under the Gospel. Gen. c. 16. Others refer this to guardian an-
send off to
'AyyapEvo), f. tixru, pp. gels.
an dyyapoc or public courier. This word 2. an angel, a celestial messenger, in
is of Persian
origin, and after being re- the usage of Scripture, i. e. a being su-
ceived into the Greek language, passed perior to man. The Deity is represented
also into use among the Jews and Ro- as surrounded by a race of beings of
mans. Cyrus, or, according to Hero- a higher order than man, whom he also
dotus, Xerxes, was the first to establish employs as his messengers and agents
relays of horses ('nrirwvfg) and couriers in administering the affairs of the world,
at certain distances on all the great and in promoting the welfare of indi-
roads, in order that the royal letters and viduals as well as of the whole human
UK --;
might be transmitted with the
TCS family. Matt. i. 20. xx. 30.
xviii. 10.
greatest possible speed. These dyyapot Acts vii. 30. al. As to the numbers of
had authority to press into their service the angels, see Heb.
xii. 22. Rev. v. 11.
men, horses, ships, or any thing which S^e more under 'AuxyyXof. Some ot
came in their way, and which might these beings anapTi'jaavrtc xai p
28, where it is opposed to tvytvyf in v. Thess. iv. 3, 4, 7. 1 Tim. ii. 15. Heb.
26. Plut. Pericl. c. 24. xii. 14 __2 Thess. ii. 13 iv dyia<r^< irvtv-
^Elian. V. H. 1. 5.
&7rapxn a-yia Rom. xi. 16. Luke ii. 23.
of apostles, Eph. iii. 5. of prophets, Luke ac, *l,
an anchor. Acts
i. 70. Acts iii. 21. 2 Pet. i. 21. of
xxvii. 29, 30, 40. Heb. vi. 19 __ Xen.
Matt. xxv. 31. 1 Thess. iii. 13. al. (Others
Anab. 3. 5. 10.
(xvii. 23.) Pass, ayvoovptvoi, unknown, convoke,) anyplace ofpublic resort in the
towns and cities, where the people came
i. e.
rejected, contemned, 2 Cor. vi. 9.
2. to sin, to do wrong, originally with the together.
idea of being done ignorantly and ill-
u) a public place, a broad street, etc.
Sept. for rnty Deut. xxviii. Set passim. Mnason, by attraction for Mvd<ru>va, see
forth, John xix. 4, 13. (0) seq. cue, Luke 2. trans, spoken of time, a)
to pass,
iv. 29. Acts xvii. 15. So Mich. i. 15. to spend. Luke xxiv. 21 rptYjji/ iipipav
liri c. accus. of
(y) seq. person or place, dyti ffrjfitpov, the third day is passing ;
to lead or conduct to, to bring before, where dytt is either impers. or there is
Matt. x. 18. Luke xxi. 12. xxiii. 1. Acts an ellipsis of 6 xp v See Bos Ell. Gr.
xvii. 19. xviii. 12. So Sept. Ex. xxii. 13. p. 543.
Jer.xxv.9. Ez. xliii. 1. Somewhat dif-
to celebrate, to hold. Matt. xiv. 0.
TO. Acts xix. 38 dyopatoi absol. John xviii. 36. 2 Mace.
dytiv ytvkata. a) pp.
dyovrai, see 'Aydpaioff. So Sept. for nty^ viii. 16. Jos. Ant. 5. 7. 4. Plutarch.
Esth. ix. 18, 19, 21, 22 2 Mace. ii. 16. Marcell. 10.
Jos. Ant. 4. 5. 6. 2. 6.
d) metaph. with the idea of labour
1. Xen.Cyr.
3. intrans. or reflexive with kavrov and toil in behalf of the cause of Christ.
etc. implied, to go, to depart ; e. g. <5yw- 1 Tim. vi. 12, see 'Aywv 2. a. 2 Tim iv. 7.
guidance, Xen. Eq. 6. 4, metaph. educa- 38. Rom. Cor. xv. 22, 45.
v. 14 bis. 1
tion, discipline, Xen. ib. 3. 4. Clem. 1 Tim. ii. 13, 14. Jude 14. In 1 Cor.
Alex. Strom. 1. 26. In N. T. by me- xv. 45 Jesus is called the second Adam,
ton. of effect for cause, manner of life, 2 as being our second or spiritual head, and
Tim. iii. 10. 2 Mace. vi. 8. xi.24. Jos. the giver of spiritual life.
Ant. 14. 10. 2 irepi Trjc 'lovdaiw aywyj}f.
ib. 12. 1. 1. Diod. Sic. 5. 6. SeeLoesner ou, o, rj, adj. (a pr. and
Sairavdw to expend,) without expense,
Obs. in N. T. e Phil. p. 420.
gratuitous, 1 Cor. ix. 18. Diod. Sic. 1.
'Aywv, wvoc, t>> ptece of assembly, 80.
where games were often celebrated, indec. Addi, pr. name of a
Horn. II. 18. 376. a stadium, course, , 6,
2. a contest, combat; pp. a conflict in 35. Luke xiv. 26. Others here suppose
the public games, 2 Mace. iv. 18 or in ;
Jesus to have used the word sisters in
battle, 2 Mace. x. 28. xiv. 18. In N. T. the sense of near female relatives, like
metaph. spoken of unwearied zeal in Sept. and nlfTX Gen. xii. 13, 19.
promoting the spread of the gospel, viz. b) metaph. afemale friend, one esteemed,
a) genr.
1 Tim. vi. 12 aywvi'ou rbv and beloved sc. like a sister. genr. (a)
KaXbv dyufva TJJQ Triorlwf , fight the good 1 Tim. v. 2. Rom. xvi. 1.
as a sister
fight offaith, i. e. exert unwearied zeal. of the same faith, a female Christian, 1
2 Tim. iv. 7. See Buttm. 131. 3. Wi- Cor. vii. 15. ix. 5. James ii. 15. al. See
ner 32. 2. 2. e. AL.
with the accessory idea of peril,
eX^oc? ou, 6, (a
of unity, and
toil,affliction. Phil. i. 30. Col. ii. 1.
uterus ;
see Buttm. 120. n.
1 Thess. ii. 2. Polyb. 4. 56. 4.
pp. a brother, whether derived from
\M>rJ dct\<;>6:, however, the sacred certainly, i. e. irresolutely, 1 Cor. ix. 26.
writers appear rather to have followed Plat. Symp. p. 1180. C See Eisner
the usus loquendi of the Hebrews in Obs. Sac. II. p. 104.
regard to the word ntf. Hence (5, f.
(adquwv sa-
'AS?]/*ovtw, rjffbt,
one barn in the same country, de- Ps. cxvi. 11. Xen.~'H. G. 4. 4. 3.
scended from the same stock, a fellow- e.
"AtSjc> i- '$?), ou, o, (for
iii. 22.
countryman, Matt. v. 47. Acts. A'iifis, frojn a pr. and ictlv to see), pp.
Heb. vii. 5. al. So Sept. and fTK Ex.
what is in darkness; hence Pluto, II.
ii. 11. iv. 18. 15. 188. more usually in classic writers
one of equal rank and dignity,
c) orcus, the infernal regions. Sept. very
Matt, xxiii. 8. Comp. Sept. and rw
freq. for Heb. biXU}, as Is. xiv. 9 sq
Job x x. 29. Prov. xviii. 9.
Hence also in N. T! the abode or world
of disciples, followers, etc.
d) spoken of the dead, hades, orcus. According to
Matt. xxv. 40. Heb. ii. 11, 12. the notions of the Hebrews, $Sije was a
one of the same faith, a fellow Ch //.>- vast subterranean receptacle, where the
1 Cor. v. 11.
tian, Acts ix. 30. xi. 29. souls of the dead existed in a separate
al. Comp. n Amos i. 9.
state until the resurrection of their bo-
an associate, colleague, in office
f) dies. The region of the blessed during
dignity, etc. 1 Cor. i. 1. 2 Cor. i. 1.
this interval, or the inferior Paradise,
ii. 12. In Rev. vi. 11 it is joined with
they supposed to be in the upper part
ffvvSovXos, coll. xix. 10. xxii. 9. So of this receptacle ; while beneath was
Sept. and TIN Ezra iii. 2.
the abyss or Gehenna, Tartarus, in which
one oftJie same nature, fellow-man, the souls of the wicked were subjected
o irXrioiov. Matt. v. 22, 23, 24. vii. ~>. to punishment. See Lowth, Lect. on
Heb. ii. 17. viii. 11. al. So Sept. and Heb. Poetry VII. Campbell, Prel.
ns Gen. xiii. 11. xxvi. 31. Diss. VI. pt. 2. 2 sq. 19. Stuart
one beloved, sc. as a bro-
*h) by impl. Essay on Fut. Pun. p. 128 sq.
ther, in a direct address, Acts ii.
29. vi.
a) genr. Acts 27, 31, c/c $$ov sc.
3. 1 Thess. v. 1. AL.
Stina, see Buttm. 132. n. 9. Rev. i. 18.
In this sense hades is personified, 1 Cor.
, rrjroC) n, (afcX^of), pp.
brotherly affection and intercourse, 1 xv. 65. Rev. vi. 8. xx. 13, 14. For
Mace. xii. 10, 17. In N. T. a frater- Matt. xvi. 18, TrvXat $dov, see UvXrj
1 Pet. Metaph. e.
nity, the Christian brotherhood,
ii. ?o>c q.tiov KaTaf3t(3aaSrrjvai, i.
ft dv -
unceasingly, wickedness. Luke xiii. 27 ipy&Tai Ttjg
without intermission, i. e. in N. T. as- adiKtas, workers of iniquity, i. e. wicked
siduously, Rom. i. 9. 1 Thess. i. 2. ii. men. Acts i. 18. Rom. i. 29. iii. 5. vi.
13. v. 17. 2 Mace. xv. 7. Polyb. 9. 13. 2 Tim. ii. 19. 2 Pet. ii. 13. Heb. viii.
3. 8. 12. 1 John v. 17. So 1 John i. 9, where
the sense is, < God, who himself is Siicaioc,
ac, *i> ( a P r an d - &- will not only pardon sin, but also render
f&ft'pw to corrupt), pp. incorruptibleness ;
in N. T. metaph. uncorruptness, purity,
man Siicaiog.' For James iii. 6, KoapoQ
xxxvii. 18. >73 2 Chr. xxvi. 16/ Ez. 18 bis, where rffv a\r]tiav iv adiKiy
xvii. 20. yiEh IK. viii. 47. Ps. 106. 6. Kar^xovTig are those who impede the
in respect to others, trans, to wrong,
b) worship of the true God by their obsti-
to injure. Matt. xx. 13. Acts vii. 26, 27. nate adherence to worldliness or to
1 Cor. vi. 8. 2 Cor. vii. 2. With two idolatry. Rom. ii. 8. 2 Thess. ii. 10,
accus. Gal. iv. 12. Philem. 18 d &e 12. 2 Pet. ii. 15. So Sept. for ty
}ucjj<r! of. Buttm. 131. 5. Pass, ah- has vibg aSiKias, idolater, 2 Sam. vii. 1&
to be
wronged, to suffer wrong or for Ez. ix. 9.
Ktofiai, py
injury, Acts vii. 24. 2 Cor. vii. 12 __ 3.
fraud, deceit, guile. John vii. 18.
Mid. to suffer one's self to be wronged, Luke xvi. 8 oiVovo/toc aSiKiag, a dishonest
1 Cor. vi.7 see Buttm. 135. 8
Xen. steward, xvi. 9. ^tct/Lt/iwvaff TTJG aduciag,
Anab. 5. 4. 6. wealth fraudulently acquired. Eurip.
2. by meton. to hurt, to injure, Luke Helen. 911, et Electr. 943, -n-Xovrog aSi-
x. 19. Rev. ii. 11. vi. 6. vii. 2, 3. ix. 4, eog. Acts viii. 23. I Cor. xiii. 6. Sept.
10, 19. xi. 5. . Sept. for rnin Is. li. 23. for rPOHTp Hos. xii. 7. for
^, &a r&v
Is. x. 20. Lev' vi. 2. pig'y N37
adiKiwv rijg tfjnropiaQ ffov, (
through the
Is . iii. 15. Herodian. 7. 5. 9. Plutarch'. frauds of thy traffic/ Ez. xxviii. 18. for
Symp. 4. 2. -ipllj
Deut. xix. 18. Mic. vi. 12. Comp.
Jos." Ant. 4. 6. 5, where Balaam,
T excusing
i, aroe, >
(adt/eu>), wrong,
Acts himself, says, tfv rk /toi di fvxVG pidtv
transgression, iniquity. xviii. 14.
( I was un-
aSiKrjffai aov rr\v tTTiSi/juiav,
xxiv. 20. Rev. xviii. 5. Sept. for
1 Sam. xxvi. 18. 1 Sam. xx. 1. willing to deceive your expectation.'
ou, adj. (a pr.
DTpnT 2 Sam. x xii. 49.
lix. 12. Jos. Ant. o, f),
xvi. 10 bis, 11. 'Adiieia no. 3. OVK d$vvarj)aei irapd ry S'ey ira
Deut. xix. 18. Jer. v. So Sept. Gen. xviii. 14.
Sept. for -ifltg
31. xxix. 9.
'ASvvaroc? ou, o, adj. (a pr. and ),
and ,
i. e.
^Sw, f- ?<, (contr.
"ASoXoc, ou, 6, ij, adj. (a pr. to sing, trans, as yfo/v Rev. v. 9.
without guile or falsehood, spoken
6\oe), xiv. 3. xv. 3. So Sept. for T)U> Ex.
of a person, Thuc. 5. 18. 47. In N. T.
xiv. 32. Num. xxi. 17 -- Jos. Ant. 3.
of milk, unadulterated, pure, genuine,
3 __ Seq. dat. of pers. to sing in praise
metaph. for purity of doctrine, 1 Pet. ii. or honour cl any one, to celebrate, Eph.
2. Pollux On. 3. 86 dpyvpiov dSoXov.
So Sept. for Titfi
v. 19. Col. iii. 16.
, '/ ov, of Adra- Ex. xv. 21. IChr. xvi.23. Xen. Conv.
myttium derived from 'Afyauvrtiov v.
/ 3. 1.
TOV vvv 'Adpiov \tyop.evov. VII. p. 488. customarily, every year. So Sept. Judg.
Hesych. 'loviov 7re\ayo 6 vvv 'Atfptaf . xvi. 21 irotrjffw KaS&G dti, where the
Acts xxvii. 27. Vatican texts reads d> tiira% ical aira.
'ASpOTTJC, TTJTOC, >7, (afyoC fully By impl. assiduously, 2 Pet. i. 12. Jos.
grown, ripe), pp. maturity, fulness; Ant. 3. 2. 4.
c. dat. of pers. Matt. xvii. 20 ovfov dSv- for the vultur barbatus or vultur percnop-
varriaii vfilv. So Sept. Job. xlii. 2. Wisd. terus, Job xxxix. 27 coll. ver. 30.
xiii. 16.
Seq. iraod c. dat. Luke i. 37 xxx. 17. See Gesen. Lex. Heb. art. 113.
The eagle feeds only on fresh
or living Virg. JEn. 5. 376; the sense is, <to speak
In Eph. ii. 2, Satan is
prey ; see Rees' Cyclop, art. Fako.
or tictinvain.'
called dpxu)v TTJQ tZovaictQ TOV depoe, 'prince
'Avjuoc, ou, o, r), adj. (a pr. and
of the spirits of the air/ i. e. that dwell
&HTI leaven), unleavened. in the air or have power over it, accord-
of bread, TU a^vfia sc.
a) pp. spoken
ing to the later Jewish belief; see Eisner
Xayava, ol aty*ot sc. aproi, unleavened Obs. in N. T. in loc. Others, as Coc-
cakes or irazd, Heb. rri*P3, cf. Lev. ii. 4.
ceius, explain drip here by darkness, as in
Num. vi. 15. 1 Chr. xxiii. 29. Hence
and rd profane writers so Eustath. in Horn. II.
eoprt] v. at rffiepat TWV d.vfui)v,
xiv. 12. See Bibl. Repos. IV. p. 111. sq. Cor. xv. 53, 54. 1 Tim. vi. 16. Lucian.
b) metaph. unmixed, unadulterated, D. Deor. 4. 10.
breathe), the air, the atmosphere, (as IvToXrjv Mark vii. 9. TTJV (3ov\riv TIVOQ
opp. to a&fjp, the higher, purer region, Luke vii. 30. 1 Cor. i. 19, coll. Is. xxix.
Horn. II. 14. 288), Acts xxii. 23. 1 Thess. 14. Gal. ii. 21. iii. 15. So Sept. for
iv. 17. Rev. ix. 2. xvi. 17. The phrases N-an Ps. xxxiii. 10. 133 Is. xxiv. 16.
ti'c depa XaXav, to speak into the air, DE>n Ez. xxii. 26. 1 Mace. xi. 36.
1 Cor. xiv. 9, and dg dlpa Skptiv, to beat Hence, not to keep, to cast off, rrjv Trpat-
the air, 1 Cor. ix. 26, (Buttm. Lexil. I. TIJV irivTiv 1 Tim. v. 12. Sept. "r:Q Jer.
p. 115), are proverbial, and correspond iii. 20. nYitf Ps. cxxxii. 11.
to the Latin ventis verba profundere Lu- b) to deny, to despise, contemn, vofiov
cret. 4. 929, and verberare ictibus auras Heb. x. 28. Spoken of per-
sons, Mark vi. 26. Luke x. 16 quater. Acts xxi. 5. xxvii. 39, 40. Sept. for
John xii. 48. 1 Thess. iv. 8 bis. Jude 8. Judg. v. 17. Ecclus. xxiv. 15. Jos.
illustrious men. Acts xvii. 15, 16. xviii. Mizraim and the princes who gov-
atonement made
what is called Upper Ethiopia or Ha- 20. Eph. ii. 13 ;
to the
his death, Rom. iii. 25. v. 9. Eph.
Egypt 6n the Nile,
besch, lying south of by
and including the island of Meroe, the 7. Col. i. 14. Heb. ix. 12, 14. x. 19.
XT. 20, 29. xxi. 25 ; where airkxtoSai 4 fjiexptg oY/zaroi, unto death,
i. e. with
TOV a'iparoc, etc. to abstain from eat-
is, exposure of life.
ing blood, etc. The Jews regarded the from the Heb. blood-guiltiness,
i. e.
blood as the seat and principle of life ; the guilt and punishment of shedding
hence they were to offer H in sacrifice blood, Matt, xxiii. 35. xxvii. 25.
Acts v.
to God, but were forbidden to eat it, 28. xviii. 6. xx. 26. So Sept. and tn
Lev. xvii. 10 14, coll. iii. 17. Gen. ix. Num. xxxv. 27. Jos. ii. 19. Ez. ix. 9.
4. Dent. xii. 23. Jos. Ant. 3. 11. 2.
(2) xxxiii. 4. 2 Sam. i. 16. coll. Lev. xvi.
of men, Luke xiii. 1. John xix. 34. Rev. 21 sq. et Herodot. 2. 39.
xvii. G. xiv. 20 where human blood is
d) blood-relationship, kindred, Hneage,
spoken of under the symbol of the blood progeny, seed. Acts xvii. 26 i% ivbq aY/ia-
of grapes, or wine, al/^a trra^vXifc, comp. Tog, of one blood, i. e. kindred. Sept.
Gen. xlix. 11. Deut. xxxii. 14. Ecclus. 2 Sam. xxi. 1. Jos. Ant. 2. 6. 3 kfffikf
xxxix. 26. So afym flficaiov Matt, xxiii.
adf\(f>oi Kal KOIVOV alpa. ib. 20. 10.
At via c* ou, o> JEneas, pr. name of a to choose, Sept. for insT Judg. v. 8 et
man, Acts ix. 33, 34. ssep. 1 Mace. ix. 30. In N. T. to prefer,
to love, trans. Matt. xii. 18 coll. Is. xiii. 1.
ypn Num.
Atv<nc> > (afrew,) praise, Sept. for xiv. 8.
>nj Gen.
xiii. 15 Sucrta aivlatwc. So Sept. for xxx. 20. Hesyeh. ypsTiaafitjv ^y^Trqaa,
min Ps. xxvi. 2, et saep. n^nn Ps. . Sturz de Dial. Alex. p. 144.
Ixvi. 2. Ecclus. xxxii. [xxxv.J 2 3-v-
Koc, ou, o, (aip7-to>,) who one
atdfav alvtatwg. Clem. Alex. Strom. 7. 6.
creates dissensions, introduces errors, etc.
AIvlw, c5,
f. /< and I
(Buttm. a factious person, Tit. iii. 10. This word
95. n. to praise, to celebrate, trans. is not found in classic Greek, but often
spoken in N. T. only of God. Luke ii. in ecclesiastical writers ;
see Suicer's
13, 20. xix. 37. xxiv. 53. Acts ii. 47. Thesaur. Ecc. s. h. v. Campbell Prel.
iii. 8, 9. Rom. xv. 11. Rev. xix. 5. Diss. IX. pt. iv. 11.
Sept. for rrrin Gen. xlix. 8. *>jbn 1 Chr.
f- aor. 2 tlXov, to
xvi. 4, 10, e't saep. a Ps. c. 4. Aiptw, w, ijaw,
take, e. g. a city or camp, Xen. Ag. 1.
obscurely, JEL V. H. 2. 29,) an eniyina, 7/ffo/iai, aor. 2 ei\6p,r)v, to take for one's
riddle; so Sept. for nTTf I K. x. 1. self, i.e. to choose, to elect, to prefer . trans.
Prov. i. 0. Ecclus. xxxix. 3. xlvii. 15. and absol. 2 Thess. ii. 13. Heb. xi. 25.
In N. T. metaph. obscure intimation. Phil. i. 22, where for the fut. instead
1 Cor. xiii. 12 tv aiviypari, i. e. of the subj. see Matth. 616. 3. n. 2.
inaticulli/, obscurely. So Sept. for TTTT\ Buttm. 139. n. 7. Winer 42. 4.
Num. xii. 8, where it is opp. to ri>
Sept. for in^l Job xxxiv. 4. 2 Sam. xv.
the clear reality. 15. 2 Mace. xi. 25. Jos. Ant. 9. 6. 1.
Herodian. 4. 14. 3 aipovvTcti
, (aiviw,) pp. discourse,
ou, o,
narration, i. q. /zvSoc, Horn. Od. 14. 508.
Ecclus. xv. 9, 10 ; and so of Esop's fa- f. aor. 1
A?/oa, (for ift'pw,) <ipoi, r/pcr,
In N. T. praise, Matt. xxi. 16
perf. /pjca Col. ii. 14, perf. pass, r/p^tat John
bles. coll.
Ps. viii. 3. Luke x viii. 43. Sept. for ft Ps. xx. 1, to take up, trans, corresponding in
viii. 3. Wisd. xviii. 9. Horn. Od. 21.
Sept. generally to the Heb. Ni$.
110. Clem. Alex. Strom. 7. 6, 7, ol aZvoi, 1. to take i. e. to
up^ simply, lift up,
praises of God in the churches. to raise, pp. as stones from the
indec. ground, John viii. 59. serpents, Mark
Aivwv, ), JSnon, (fr. )^y xvi. 18. Xen. Eq. So of anchors,
fountains, Buxt. Lex. Ch. Rab. Tal. 6, 7.
Matt. xxi. 21, better under no. 3.
*Vw, (alptrog captus,
as the eyes*
alpw,) a word of the Alex- b) trop. to raise, to elevate,
andrine age, used in Sept. for John xi. 41. So Sept. and x
C 2
cxxi. 1. cxxiii. 3. the voice, i. e.tocry a) pp. Luke vi. 29, 30. xi. 22. Matt
unf, to sing, etc. Luke xvii. 13. Acts iv. ix. 16 a'pti sc. ri, i. e. the new piece
24. So Sept. and Hty; Judg. xxi. 2. 1 tears awaymore of the old garment,
-vmi. xi. 4. So a'tptiv \lsvxnv rivof, to Mark ii. 21. Spoken of branches, to cut
hold the mind of any one suspended, i. e. off, prune, John xv. 2. Spoken of per-
in suspense, doubt, John x. 24. Phi- sons, to take away or remove, e. g. from a
lostr. 2. 4. Comp. Jos. Ant. 8. 13. 6 church, i. e. to excommunicate, 1 Cor. v.
ciijnpivovc ry ttavoitf raTf
icai 2 dpS-y, where some editions read iap$y.
Tin- phrase aipv T So to take away or remove out of the
^Nttip} Nty},
wpoc, to #/* /%e soul towards, i. e. to de- world, by death, etc. John xvii. 15. Matt.
urf, does not belong here ; comp. Dent, xxiv. 39. Acts viii. 33 bis, iv ry Taireivu-
xxiv. 16. Ps. Ixxxvi. 4. al. Gesen. Lex. an avTOv icpiene avrov, -ijpSr)
Heb. i.
according to the Heb. < in his
Z to take up and place on one's self, humiliation and oppression was his sen-
to afa P w ^ bear, i. e. to ftear, to carry. tence ; he was torn away/ i. e. hurried
Matt, iv. 6 licl x fl 9^> v apovai <r, coll. away to death ; coll. Is. liii. 8, and see
Sept. and Nty} Ps. xci. 12. Matt. xi. 29 Hengstenberg in Christol. and in Bibl.
*pnre riv uyov /xov, coll. Sept. and tfto$ Repos. II. p. 357. Kuincelinloc. Others,
Lam. iii. 27. So the cross, Matt, xxvii. his punishment was taken
away. So Sept.
Mark xv. 21. al. and metaph. Matt, for
Is. Ivii. 1, 2.
-||3 Is. liii. 8. In
x \ C'4. al.
i . So to take or carry with one, a somewhat stronger sense, especially in
Mark vi. 8. Luke ix. 3. al. Sept. and the imperat. alpt, apov, away with ! i. e.
xliv. 1. 2 K. vii. 8.
Kty; Gen put out of the way, kill, Luke xxiii. 18.
3. to take up and carry away, i. e. to John xix. 15. Acts xxi. 36. xxii. 22.
fake away, to remove, sc. by carrying, b) trop.
John xi. 48 dpovai T}UU>V ical TOV
Matt. ix. 6. John v. 8 TOTTOV Kcd TO IStvoQ, ujid destroy our city and
spoken of a bed,
8<}> al. of a dead body, a person, etc. nation. 1 Cor. vi. 15 apard n'tXri rovXpio-
Matt. xiv. 12. xxii. 13. Acts xx. 9. al TOV, taking away wrongfully the members
1 Mace. ix. 19.
Spoken of bread, etc. which belong to Christ, etc. So in the
with the idea of laying up, making use sense to deprive of, e. g. the kingdom of
of,Matt. xiv. 20. xv. 37. Mark viii. 8. heaven, Matt. xxi. 43. the word of God,
19, 20. al. So genr. Matt. xvii. 27. Mark iv. 15. Luke viii. 12, 18. gifts, Mark
Acts xxi. 11. al. Pass. dpSyn Matt. xxi. iv. 25. joy, John xvi. 22, coll. Sept. Is.
21 be thou removed. Trop. alpeiv TY\V xvi. 10. Spoken of vices, to put away,
apapriav TIVOQ, to take away the sin of any Eph. iv. 31. of a law, to abrogate. Col.
one, i. e. the imputation or punishment ii. 14. 1 Mace. iii. 29. AL.
of sin, John i. 29. 1 John iii. 5. So the
AicrS'avo/icu, alt&faofuu, f. aor. 2
Engl. Vers. and Sept. alptiv TO audpTrjfia
(duo, alaSru, Buttm.
y<r2r6p.r)V, 112.
for rwDn Nty;
1 Sam. xv. 25. But as
a Mid. deponent, to perceive, pp.
W Nty} etc. often means to bear the 13,)
with the eternal senses, Xen. Mem. 1:
punishment of sin, as Lev. v. 17. Num.
2. 31. In N. T. metaph, to understand,
v. 31. xiv. 33. al. (Sept. \afitiv,
avatyk- Luke
pv,) and as atpeiv often has in the Sept.
trans. ix. 45. Sept. for ^3 Job
xxiii. 5. yi; Prov. xxiv. 14. Xen. Cyr.
the sense to bear, as above, we may here
1. 1. 2.
also admit for alpttv the sense to bear the
which is elsewhere A'/O'S'Tja'fCj *W> *7, (aiVSdi/o/mi,) pp.
punishment of sin,
perception by the external senses, Xen.
expressed in the N. T. by ftaard^ttv,
Matt. viii. 17. 1 Pet.
Mem. 1. 4. 5. In N. T. metaph. un-
avafyiptiv, etc. coll.
ii. 24. Or perhaps the seiisus praegnans derstanding, the power of discerning,
Phil. i. 9. Sept. for n^l Prov. i. 4, 22.
is better, viz. to take away by taking upon
one's self.
nTDSn Ex. xxviii. 3. Judith xvi. 17.
4. to take away, to remove, simply, the
jElian. V. H. 1. 12.
T. metaph. internal sense, faculty ofper- put to; Pass, to be made ashamed,
ception, Heb. v. 14.
So Sept. Jer. iv. to be put to shame.
19 rd aivSnTrjpia TTJQ KapSiag. 4 Mace. a) pp. 2 Cor. x. 8. Phil. i. 20. 1 John
ii. 22. 11. 28 aio'xvv.&w/uj' atr avrov, that
be not put to shame before him, etc. So
Sept. for tthsi Jer. xxii. 22.
poe), ea</er even for
and dis-
(ala x p6s
b) Mid. to shame one's self, to fee<,
honourable gain, sordid, 1 Tim. iii. [3],
ashamed, to feel dishonoured, Luke xvi.
8. Tit. 7. Xen. Ag. 11. 3. Herodot.
3. 1 Pet. iv. 16. So Sept. for flfta
1. 187. Ps. xxv. 3. cxix. 30. Xen. Cyr. 6. 4. 6.
adv. for the sake of
AlcrxpOKtpSus, Atrtw, w, f. >w, to- ash, usually
dishonourable gain, sordidly, 1 Pet. v.
with accus. of pers. or thing or of both
2, coll. Tit. i. 11.
Buttm. 131. 5. also with accus. of
pp. deformity. In N. T. trop. impro- for inn ipK Job vi. 22. for Chald.
priety, indecorum, either in words or Dan. ii. 49. 2 Mace. vii. 10 TI]V
actions, Eph. v. 4, i.
q. oav at'rjj&fc, i. e. being required to thrust
q. v. out his tongue. Xen. Anab. 2. 1. 10.
* ib. 1. 3. 13.
a lff Xc)> shame, i. e.
xv. 2. xix. 4. 1 K. ix. 15. take prisoner, lead captive, trans. This
a forensic sense, cause, i. e. () a later word, for which earlier writers
c) in
an accusation of crime, charge, Acts xxv. used al\na\ti)Tov Troiew, see Lobeck ad
xxvii. 37. Mark xv. 26. p. 442.
18, 27. Matt, Phryn.
Phavorin. atria- } icarijyopfa. a) pp. Eph. iv. 8. Sept. for rOT$ Ps.
Ant. 4. 8. 23. Xen. Cyr. 6. 3. 16. Ixviii. 19. n^2 Ez. xxxix. 23. np^ Job
John xviii. 38. 15, 17. 1 Sam. xxx. 2. Const.
(/3) fault, guilt, crime, i.
18. So
Porphyr. Adm. 30. 94. B. Nicet. Annal.
xix. 4, 6. Acts xiii. 28. xxviii.
iv. 13. for Ql? ptoV
Sept. for py Gen. 16. 6.
Prov. xxviii. 17. Xen. Mem. 1. 2. 28'. to captivate, 2 Tim. iii.
b) metaph. 6,
in text, recept.
Am'a/Ka, aroc, , charge, crimina-
tion, Acts xxv. 7. Thuc. 7. 72.
i'<rw, (ai'x/*aXwroe),
usual ; it is read in Griesb. Acts xxv. 7. period or lapse of time, perpetuity, ever,
Thuc. 6. 72. for ever, eternity. Sept. everywhere for
q. a$avT]c fr. a pr. and 0aiVoA, unfore-
phrases, viz.
seen, sudden, Luke xxi. 34. 1 Thess. v. 3. rbv ai&va, ever, for ever, with-
It has the force of an adverb ; Buttm. (a) tie
out end, to the remotest time ; spoken of
123. n. 3. Wisd. xvii. 16. Jos. Ant. 3.
Christ,Heb. vi. 20. vii. 17. vii. 24, 28.
8. 6. Herodian. 1. 6. 8. Thuc. 4. 125.
Spoken of the happiness of the right-
jla, ac, 7> ( ai XM an <l eous, John vi. 51, 58. 2 Cor. ix. 9.
aX<ricfc>), captivity. 1 John ii. 17. al. of the punishment of
a) pp. Rev.
xiii. 10 tie aixpa\w<riav. the wicked, 2 Pet. ii. 17. Jude 13.
Sept. for *au5' Deut. xxviii. 41. With a negative, never; Matt. xxi. 19.
b) meton. for at'x/iaXwroi, captives, a Mark iii. 29. John iv. 14. viii. 51. 62.
captive multitude. Eph. iv. 8. Rev. xiii. x. 28. xi. 26. al. So Sept. for
U^iy^ Is.
10 aixpaXuioiav avvayei. So Sept. for xl. 8. Ii. 6, 8. U^ly "ry Deut. xxix.' 29.
*y Ps. Ixviii. 19. Num. xxi. 1. TTZllp Is. xxviii. 28. Jer. 1. 39. So tie
E'Z.' iii. 11. r&ia 2Chr. xxviii. sM- alSivoQ, 2 Pet. iii. 18, i.
q. tis rbv
ever, comp. Stuart 1. c. spoken of God, 8. 2 Tim. iv. 10. Tit. ii. 12. Hence it is
Gal. i. 5. Phil. iv. 20. 1 Tim. i. 17. called at'wv TTOV^OQ, evil world, Gal i. 4.
1 Pet. v. 11. So in the expression iif and Satan is called the god of this world,
iraaaq rc yeveaf TOV aiuivot; TU>V aitiivw, 2 Cor. So Sept. and t^ty Ecc.
iv. 4.
Eph . iii. 21 .
Spoken of Christ 2 Pet. iii. iii. See Gesen. Lex. Heb.
18. Rev. i. 18. v. 13. xi. 15. of the (y) by
meton. the men of this world,
happiness of the saints, Rev. xxii. 5. of wicked generation, etc. Eph. ii. 2 Kara
the punishment of the wicked, Rev. xiv. rbv alwva TOV tcovfiov TOVTOV, called else-
11. xix. 3. xx. 10. So Sept. etc alwva where tnot TOV alStvoQ TOVTOV, Luke xvi. 8.
ai&vot for iy^ Ps. xix. 10. ex. 3, 10. xx. 34.
Tob. vi. 18 For the intensive form, by meton. the world itself, as an
see Gesen. Lehrgeb. p. 091, 692. Stuart object of creation and existence, Heb. i.
455. c. Matth. Gr. Gram. 450. 6. 2 i' ov TOVQ aiutvae kTroitj<re,cf. Stuart 1.
raliter regnaturus sit. Vide Abarbanel. Salom. Ps. iii. 13, 15, 16. Acta Thorn. 7.
), uncleanness, filth,
i. e. lewd- coll. Gen. 18,iii. where Sept. for Heb.
ness ; trop. of idolatry, Rev. xvii. 4 in "pip. IS. XXXli. 13. - SO <T7rpJ/ 7Tl O.KO.V-
text, recept. Others ru d/coSapra. So &a s , etc. Matt. xiii. 7 bis, 22. Mark iv.
i"TN73p and Sept. aicaSapaia Ez. xxxvi. 7 bis, 18. Luke viii. 7 bis, 14. Sept. for
Jer. iv. 3. ii. Cant.
crown of thorns, Matt, xxvii
ou, 6, rj, adj. (a pr.
and 29. John xix. 2 __ Diod. Sic. 5. 41.
unclean, impure.
in the Levit.
a) sense, see Lev. v. 2, A/cav3'tvoc, OV) o, adj. made of
and comp. Winer bibl. Realw. thorns, Mark xv. 17. John xix. 5 __ Sept.
p. 570.
Spoken of food, Acts x. 14. xi. 8. of Is. xxxiv. 13.
birds, Rev. xviii. 2. So Sept. for K73Q
Deut. xiv. 7. Lev. xi. 4 AicapTTOC, ou, 6, r), adj. (a pr. and
So of persons without fruit, barren, sterile.
who are not Jews, or who do not
to the Christian
belong a) pp. Jude 12 ^v^pa aap7ra. Sept.
community, Acts x. 28. Jer. ii. iv 7 y d/cd P 7r V
PcJyb. 12. 3. 2. .
Judas had betrayed Jesus, and appro- 28. xiii. 7. So Sept. for 2 Sam.
priated as a place of burial for strangers. xiii. 30. yp$ Jer. 1. 43. fhuc. 2. 41.
Acts i. 19. Dem. 497. 12/
d) spoken of things, actions, etc. to 11. Luke x. 16. John v. 24. xviii. 37.
accompany. Rev. xiv. 13 TU e fyya Acts iii. 22, 23. iv. 19. 1 John iv. 5, 6. al.
avr&v ctKd\ov$t~i [itr avrwv, their So Sept. and
good yKflf Gen. iii. 17. Ex. xvi.
deeds accompany them, sc. to the 20. Deut. xi. 27. al. saep.
ment-seat of God, i. e.
judg- n^pn 2 Chr.
they bear them xx. 14. Is. xlviii. 18. Esdr.v.69. Xen.
v.ith them and receive an
immediate Cyr. 8. 6. 1. ^Elian. V. H. 8. 16 Here
reward. So vice versa Rev. xviii. 5 belongs the phrase, 6 i^v ovg, &ra, &KOV-
\ov$i>oav in the earlier editions ; others ffdra), whosoever hath ears, let him hear,
read iicoXX^ffav. Judith xii. 2 rd i. e.
give heed, obey, etc. Rev. ii. 7, 11,
food which I have 17, 29. iii. 6, 13, 22. xiii. 9.
XovSriKora pot, <
i. e. Matt. xi.
brought with me.' AL. 15. xiii. 9, 13. Comp. the phrases 6
vovv Rev. xiii. 18, and 6 tx wv aofyiav Rev.
f. awl/ a later form, Matt.
xvii. 9
In the writings of John spoken
xiii. 14, H. Planck in Bibl.
15. al see
of God, to heed, regard, i. e. to hear and
Repos. 643, 666 ; better fut. & K oi-
I. p.
answer prayer, John ix. 31. xi. 41, 42.
ffofiat Buttm. 113. 4 and n. 7;
perf. 1 John v. 15. So yaqf Ps. x. 17 where
ri^oa Buttm. 85. 2. 97. n. 5 ; perf. Sept. elaaicoveiv.
pass. TjKowuai Buttm. 98. n. 6 ;
aor. 1 2. to hear, i. e. to learn
pass. n*ovff$q v
by hearing, to
Comp. Winer 15. be informed, to know.
1. to hear,
a) intrans. i. e. to have the a) genr. Matt. ii. 3, 22. iv. 12. v. 21,
faculty of hearing, spoken of the deaf, 27. xi. 2. Mark v. 27. vi. 14. Acts xiv.
oto. Matt. xi. 5. Mark vii.
37. al, Rom. 14. xv. 24. al. So Sept. and ynvj Gen.
xi. 8 w-ct rov
fttj ears unable to
CIKOVUV, xii. 15. xiii. 2. Spoken of instruction,
xiv. 2. Gal. iv. 21. So Sept. for ytt^) ously, perfectly, Matt. ii. 8. Luke i. 3.
.Elian. V. H. 13.
Acts xviii. 25. 1 Thess. v. 2. Xen. GEc.
Gen. xi. 7. xlii. 23.
2. 3. In the sense of circumspectly, Eph.
45. Porphyr. de Abstin. Anim. 3. p. 248,
v. 15. Sept. for yiyrr, well, Deut. xix. 18.
"Apafifs [ilv Kopdicuv CLKOVOVfftv Tvppqvoi
$k aertttv. AL.
"hi a locust,
*Aic/ofc> *$OC, Matt. iii. 4.
38. So Sept. for b^n Jer. xxv. 34. Potter Gr. Ant. II. p. 385. Adam's
xlvii. 2. Spoken of cymbals, to give a Rom. Ant. p. 444.
clattering, clanging sound ; 1 Cor. xiii. 1
ta, at,', 'h (
Ki'fifiaXov dXaXdov, clanging, clattering and cock-crowing ; pp. JEsop.
cymbal. Fab. 79, 316. In N. T. put for the third
'AAaArjToc, ou, o, /, adj. (a pr. and watch of the night, about equidistant
XaXtw), unutterable,
not to be expressed in from midnight and dawn, Mark xiii. 35.
words, Rom. viii. 26 Anthol. Gr. II. See in *v\a/c^. cf. Adam's Rom. Ant.
p. 74 ed. Jac. p. 333 __ Niceph. Greg. 9. 14. 284. C.
2. of a man who had been High Rom. ii. 2. iii. 7. xv. 8. 1 Cor. v. 8.
Priest, Acts iv. 6. 2 Cor. vii. 14 iv aXrjdiiy. xi. 10. tartv
3. of a certain Jew, Acts xix. 33 bis. &Xrj$eia X. iv t/tot, i. e. as I truly, sin-
4. of a brazier or coppersmith, x^- cerely, follow Christ. Eph. iv. 24 iv
Ktv,;. 1 Tim. i. 20. 2 Tim. iv. 14. bffwTtjTi TTJQ aXtj^tias, in true and sincere
what is not concealed, but open and 3. 3 John 1. So Sept. for np$ 2 Sam.
known. Hence, ii. 6. Josh. ii. 6. n^73^ Ps! xxxvi. 5.
1. truth, i. e. verity, reality, conformity 2 Chr. xix. 9 Ecclus. vii. 20.
to the nature and reality of things, viz. 3. In N. T. especially, divine truth,
a as evinced in the relation of facts, the faith and practice of the true religion;
etc. Mark V. 33 tiiriv avry iraaav rrjv and called aXrjSeia, either as being true
aXr'fitiav -- Jos. B. J. 7. 2 irvSofjitvoQ in itself and derived from the true God ;
iraoav aXrjSttav. John v. 33. 2 Cor. or as declaring the existence and will ot
vi. 7 Iv Xoyy aXifiiiag, in speaking the the one true God, in opposition to the
truth. So XaXav rffv aXifieiav, to speak worship of false idols. Hence divine truth,
the truth, John xvi. 7. Rom. ix. i. Eph. gospel truth, as opposed to heathen and
iv. 25. 1 Tiin. ii. 7. Sept. and npN Jewish fables; John i. 14, 17. viii. 32 bis,
2 Chr. xviii. 15. 1 K. xxii. 16 __ So i*r
shews, Luke iv. 25. xxii. 59. Acts iv. 27. 6 cav iic Tije aXrjSsiag, every one who loves
x. 34. Sept. for O^TOhJ Job ix. 2. Is. divine truth, xviii. 38. Rom. i.
18, 25,
xxxvii. 18. and so rwOfe 4X0frifat 2 Mace. see in 'Adiicia. 2 Cor. iv. 2. xiii. 8 bis.
iii. 9. Xen. Mem. 2. 6. 36. Plat. Apol. Gal. [iii.
v. 7. 2 Thess. ii. 10, 12, 13.
Socr. 5. 1 Tim. ii. 4, 7. iii. 15. 2 Tim. ii. 25.
of what is true in Tit. 1, 14. Heb. x. 20. James 18.
b) spoken itself, i. i.
purity from all error or falsehood. Mark iii. 14. 1 Pet. i. 22. 2 Pet. i. 12. ii. 2.
xii. 32. Acts xxvi. 25. Rom. ii. 20 >} /top- 1 John ii.21 bis. 2 John 2, 4. 3 John 8.
0wcri rijs yvwatwg Kai rjjf aXi)$tiac iv Hence Jesus is called 17 aXyStia, the
rip vofjitfif
i. e. rijs yvdiatuc riis aXtfitviic, truth, i. e. teacher of divine truth, John
the form of time knowledge in the law. xiv. 6. Esdr. iv. 33 41 17
2 Cor. vii. 14 ult. xii. 6. Col.i.6. 2Tim. spoken of God. Act. Thorn. 26
ii. 18. iii. 7, 8. iv. 4 coll. Ecclus. iv. 28, aXijSftaf. So ro Trvfv/m TTJQ
31. So } aXrjSrtia rof> i>ayyeXt'ov, the spirit of truth, i. e. who declares or re^
truth, verity of the gospel, Gal. ii. 5, 14. veals divine truth, John xiv. 17. xv. 26.
So 6 XoyoQ rfiQ aXifititiQ, i. e. the true xvi. 13. 1 John iv. 6 So ol iyvuKortQ
word, tme doctrine, etc. Eph. i. 13. Col. rfiv aXrjSuav, who know the truth, i. e.
i. 5. 2 Tim. ii. 15. James i. 18. So are disciples of Christ, 2 John 1. 1 Tim,
Sept. at ivroXai aov aXifitia for iv. 3. So Heb. np$ and Sept.
the true religion, Ps. xxv. 5. xxvi. 3. not fictitious, John xvii. 3 fj.6voe
Ixxxvi. 11. see Gesen. Lex. Heb. Clem. $to, the only true God, not feigned like
Alex. Strom, prooem. 1 ib. 1. 5. Act. idols. 1 Thess. i. 9. 1 John v. 20 ter. Rev.
Thorn. 1 TOIQ "IvSots KiipvZat rrjv dXi'i- iii. 7. So Sept. for 'jpN ">i!?K Is. Ixv. 16.
2 Chr. xvi
np$ Vrb< 3. Spoken 01
4. conduct conformed to the truth, in- WDftt is true in itself, genuine, real, opp.
a life conformed to that which is false, pretended, etc.
tegrity, probity, virtue,
John iii. 21 John iv. 23.
i. 9.1 John ii. 8. So 6
to the precepts of religion.
TTOIIJV TTJV dXrfittav who
acts uprightly, dfiirtXoQ John xv. 1, coll. Jer. ii. 21.
Trpdffffwv in ver.
20. John Zech. viii. 3, where Sept. for np$. So
opp. to 6 <j>ai>Xa
viii. 44 iv ry dXnStiy ovx rr/v, he did aprof air' ovpavov John vi. 32, of which
not remain in his integrity. Rom. ii. 8 et the manna was the type. So aKijvi}
1 Cor. xiii 6, opp. to ddiicia. Eph. iv. 21. dXrjSivr] Heb. viii. 2, i. e. the heavenly
1 Tim. James v. 19. 3 John 3 bis,
vi. 5. temple, after the model of which the
4, 12. So Sept. and n^tt$ Ps. cxix. 30. Jews regarded that of Jerusalem as built.
nlrO} Is. xxvi. 10. OH Prov. xxviii. 6 --
Cf. Wisd. ix. 8. Ecclus. xxiv. 8 12.
to act
550. So TU aXijStv* liyta Heb. ix. 24 in
Gal. iv.
the same sense, as opposed to the earthly
truly, speak the truth, be sincere.
copy cf. Rev. xi. 19. xv. 5 __ Luke
16. Eph. iv. 15. So Sept. for rw np*< ;
p^lJJ Is. xii. 26. 14, 55 bis. vii. 26 bis, 40. viii. 31. xvii.
'AArj^fvoCs TJ, ov, (aXf/3//c.) 8. Acts x-ii. 11.1 Thess. ii. 13. 1 Johnii.
true, conformed to truth, John iv. 37.
1 . 5 __ So aXtjS&e Xsytiv, to speak with cer-
xix. 35. In the sense of real, unfeigned, tainty, assuredly, Luke ix. 27. xii. 44.
xxi. 3. Sept. for Jer. xxviii. G. 26, 27. Kuincel in loc. Hesych. dXi-
Gen. xx. 12. Herodian. 8. 3. 11.
f. (vffw, (aXiti'f),
to fish, a) in direct antith. after the neg. part,
absol. John xxi. 3. Sept. for ifil Jer. ov, ftr].
Matt. iv. 4 OVK kir apr<
xvi. 16. t/<rerai 6 av3pa>7roe, aXX' iv TTCIVTI pfj
Matt. V. 17 ov fi\Sfov KctTaXvffai, dXXd
'AX/o>, f. i<, (aXc salt), to sptinkle So Sept. for Job
7rXi7pw<rai. al. ssep. "\
owner for sale in the market, or be- lyw ver. 49 dXXd [rovro iytvfTo]
came the occasion of a banquet, either 'iva TrXjjpwS'aJo'iv at ypa0at. John xi. 11,
in the temple or at his own house see ; 15, 22. Rom. xi.4. 1 Cor. viii. 7. Phil.
Schcettgen. Hor. Heb. in loc. et ad ii. 27. et
passim. Sept. for fax Ezra
I Cor. c. 8. Horn. Od. 3. 470. ib. 13. x. 13.
'AAAa 33
(y) by
some phrase modifying or ex- b) emphatically, where there is a gra-
plaining what precedes ; especially after dation in the sense, but still
more, yea,
ftev, yap, de. Matt. xxiv. 6 del ydp, iravTO. even, and with a neg. nay, not even. Luke
yev<r3ai dXX' otnritt iarl TO T'I\OQ. Mark XXlll. 15 ovBev
evpov iv rip dv&p&TrM
ix. 13 'HXt'af fiev t\$uv Trpwrov, cnroKa- dXX' ovSe 'Hp(!Jcr). John xvi. 2 diro-
Siffrqi iravra.' dXXd vp.1v. Xyw John avvayuyovg irotriffovffiv vfidf- dXX' p-
xvi.20 vptiQ e XvirriaeoSre, dXX' r) XVTTJ; XfTat utpa K. T. X. Luke xii. 7. xvi. 21.
vn&v elf \apav yevTifferai. John xi. 30. 2 Cor. vii. 11. Phil. iii. 8 dXXd pev ovv
xii. 42. Luke xxi. 9. Acts. v. 13. 1 Cor. Kai, yea indeed and I count, etc thei'efore
iv. 4. vii. 7. xiv. 17. saep. Not unfre- 3. yet, at
nevertheless, least, yet as-
quently \ikv is omitted, John iii. 8. viii.
suredly, in an apoaosis after the condi-
37. xvi. 33. Rom. x. 2. 1 Cor. iii. 6. vi. tional particles Rom.
el, iav, etc. vi. 5.
12. 2 Cor. vi. 8, 9. et passim. So Sept. ei rov
avptyvToi yeyovapev ry bfioiujiaTi
1 Sam. xv. 30. xxix. 9.
avrov, dXXd jcat rrjg dvaffTatretag
() by an interrogation ;
as Matt. xi.
,yet assuredly also. 1 Cor. iv. 15.
8, 9, ri IZrjXStre elg rfjv 2
tprjfiov ix. ei aXXotc OVK elfil air6aro\og, dXXd ye
05ai KaXapov K. T. X. dXXd ri ^ij elui. Mark xiv. 29. 2 Cor.
vplv v. 16.
avSpuirov K. T. X. dXXd ri iqX- xi. 6. Col. 5 Mace.
Idt'tv, ii. 1 ii. Lu-20.
Stre i$e~tv ;
Luke vii. 25. Cf. Kypke Obs. cian. Pise. 24. ^Elian. H. An. 11. 31.
I. p. 69. Xen. Cyr. 4. 3. 14. Cf. Kypke Obs. II.
() by a phrase of incitement, urging, 197 Sometimes the protasis must be
etc. where it is followed by an imperat.
supplied; e. g. Acts xv. 11 dXXd TTI-
Acts x. 20 dXXd avaoras rara/3/^t rat i. e. we ob-
arevofiev ffuSrjvai, [although
a-opevov avv avrolf, but arise now and go serve the law only in we hope
part] yet
down and go with them. xxvi. 16. Matt. to be saved even as Rom. v. 14.
ix. 18. Mark ix. 22. xvi. 7. Luke xxii. not
[although sin is
imputed where
36. So Sept. Job xii. 7. xxxvi. 21. xl. there is no law], death
15. 1 Mace. x. 56. Jos. Ant. 5. 8. 6.
reigned, etc.
Xen. Cyr. 1. 5. 13. ib. 2. 2. 4. ib. 5. 5.
4. dXY i], after a negative, other than,
24. Cf. Palairet Obs. in N. T. p. 128,
except, unless, (pp. i. q. rd dXXa ;),
298. Krebs Obs. p. 208.
ix. 8 ovKtn ovdeva eldov, dXXd rov
dXXd is employed to mark a tran- [j]
d) 'Itjffovv povov. 1 Cor. iii. 5 rig ovv l<m
sition to something else, without direct
IlavXof, rt'f tie 'ATroXXwf, dXX' f) SIOLKOVOI.
antithesis, e. g. Mark xiv. 28 dXXd fierd Luke 2 Cor. i. 13.
xii. 51. So Sept.
TO iyfpSijvai elf rqv
7rpodu> vfidf
fie, dXX' ri for DDX Num. xiii. 28. xxiii. 13.
VuXiXaiav. John Acts xx. 24.
xvi. 7.
*Tfal Deut. iv. 12. ?>nN Dan. x. 7, 21.
1 Cor. viii. 6. ix. 12. x. 6. 2 Cor. i. 9.
2 Chr. xix. 3. D^ "5' 2* Chr. xviii. 30.
et saep. So Sept. Is. xliii. 17. Job. xxxvi.
xxi. 17. 1 Mace. ix. 6, 9. Xen. Anab. 7.
10. So after an interrogation implying
7. 53. Cf. Herm. ad Viger. p. 812. AL.
a negative. John vii. 48 fifj TIQ IK ruv
&p\6vTb)v liriffrevffev elf avrov dXX' 6 ; 'AAAao-o-w, Or aAAarrow, f. aw,
oxXog OVTOQ K. T. X. Rom. viii. 35 37. (dXXof ), to change, trans.
1 Cor. x. 20. Sept. Job xiv. 4. a) pp.
to change, sc. the form or na-
2. but, i. e. as continuative, but now, ture of a thing, to transform, e. g. rrfv
but indeed, but further, moreover. Qwvrjv, the voice or tone, Gal. iv. 20. So
as marking a transition in the to change for the better, Pass. 1 Cor. xv.
a) genr.
progress of discourse. Mark xiii. 24. 51, 52. Sept. for Jer. xiii. 23.
Luke vi. 27. xi. 42. John vi. 36, 64. Wisd. xii. 10. or for the worse, to cor-
Rom. Gal. 14. rupt, cause to decay, e. g. ol ovpavoi Heb.
x. 16. ii.
Eph. v. 24.
Rev. x. 7. et passim. Sept. for
12, i. e. the heavens shall grow old,
1 Sam. xvi. 6. Jos. Ant. 5. 10. 4. lose their splendour, decay ; cf. Ps. cii.
Hence dXX' el, but if, but if indeed, 1 Cor. 27,where Sept. for fn, coll. Is. Ii. 6.
vii. 21. 1 Pet. iii. 14. So dXX' ov, Wisd. iv. 11. So dXXa rd e$jj, to
neither, but neither, John x. 8. Gal. ii. 3. change the customs, i. e. do them away,
Sept. Job. xxxii. 21. Acts vi. 14. So Sept. for Chald.
31 'AAAorptoc
Ezra vi. 11, 12. Diod. Sic. 1. 73. Lu- a) without the article, other, another,
cian. Dial. Deor. 4.2. some other, (a) simply, Matt. ii. 12 Si
b) to change, sc. one thing for another, dXXrje btiov. xiii. 33. xxvi. 71. xxvii. 42.
to exchange. Rom. i. 23 -fjXXaKav r>/v Gal. i. 7. et saepiss. another, sc. of the
86<tv Siov iv o/iojw/zari, /Aey changed the same kind, Mark vii. 4, 8. John xxi.25.
glory of God for an image, i. e. set up an another besides, Matt. xxv. 16, 17. Mark
image in place of the true God. So Sept. xii. 32. xv. 41. John vi. 22. xiv. 16 dX-
aXXdffffu iv, for TJprr Ps. cvi. 20. aXX. Xov irapaKXrjTov. al. saep. So as marking
c. dat. for
Lev. xxvii. 10, 33. of succession, i. e. in the second or third
garments, for^n Gen. xli. 14. 2 Sam. place, Mark xii. 4, 5. Rev. xii. 3. xiii. 1 1 .
ITTI id. Strom. 5. 11. ?rp6c dXXov,one to another. Acts xix. 32.
ya<rrepa tpirovaa.
Not found in Sept. et xxi. 34 dXXot fikv ovv dXXo n
The Jews of the !<cpaov,
some cried one thing, and some another.
age of our Saviour, as also many of the
later fathers, supposed that all the nar- Xen. Anab. 2. 1. 15. Wisd. xviii. 18
rations of the O. T. were dXXog dXXo^iJ.
susceptible of
an allegorical interpretation. b) with the article 6 dXXoc, etc. the
other. Matt. v. 39. x. 23. xii. 13.
'AAAjAoi>ta, Alleluia, Heb. John xviii. 15, 16. et passim. Rev. xvii.
FT ye Jeho- 10 6 dXXof, the other, the
lb*?7T, Hallelujah, praise remaining one.
vah. Rev. xix. 1, 3, 4, 6. Cf. Ps. civ. So 01 dXXot, the others, the rest, ceteri,
35. Tob. xiii. 18. 1 Cor. xiv. 29. John xxi. 8. al. ssep __
Xen. Cyr. 3. 3. 4. Cf. Buttm. 127. 5. AL.
wvj Gen. Plur. of a recipr.
pronoun Dat. oc, ate, otf ; Accus. OVQ,
; 'AAAor/(HO7n'<rco7roc, OTTOU, 6,
as, a ; each other, one another. Matt. xxiv. (dXX(5rpio, found only in
10. John xv. 12, 17. et saepiss. Buttm. N. T. 1 Pet. iv. 15, where it is spoken of
one who suffers, not &>c
74. 4. Xen. CEc. 8. 13. AL. Xpiorjaj/of, but
as dXXorptW
tTriaKOTcoQ, i. e. either an in-
>e, o, ), adj. (dXAoc spector of foreign or strange things, a di-
and yevoc), of another race, or nation, rector of heathenism, etc. or else one who
i. not a Jew, Luke
e. xvii. 18, coll. v. 16. busies himself with what does not concern
Sept. for 1J Job. xv. 19. Ex. xxix. 33. him, a busy-body, in the sense of seditious,
-D;}- )^
Ex. ii. 22. xviii. 3. "in** Deut. xxxi. 18, Prov. vu. 17. Cant. iv. 4. See Cal-
21. _Wisd. xix. 15. "Ecclus. xi. 34. met art. Aloe.
and <j>v\ij
or of another race or
<j>i>\ov), sorrowful. Xen. Hiero 9. 9.
India and the Moluccas, the wood of ferent modes of pronouncing the Heb.
which is
highly aromatic. It is used name 5*?rr, which Matt, and Mark give
D 2
2. of the father of Matthew or Levi, ,
ov f o, >}, adj. (i. q.
Mark ii. 14. unfading ; hence, endur-
ing, 1 Pet. i. 4. Wisd. 6. 12.
"AXon-, wvoc, <> and n, (also &\u>s,
gen. a'Xw, o, /), a threshing floor, area, 'Aiiaprd Vd), f a/iapr>}<rw (Buttm. 1 1 2.
Sept. for -pa Gen. 1. 10, 11. Xen. CEc. 13), aor. 1 rjudpniffa, aor. 2 ijfiaprov.
18. 6, 7, 8'. In N. T. by meton. the The forms a/iaprTferw and rmdpTnoa be-
produce of the threshing floor, corn, grain, long to the later Greek the earlier form ;
Matt. iii. 12. Luke iii. 17. So Sept. and was a/zapr^cro/iat, etc. Lobeck ad Phryn.
Job xxxix. 12. Sept. Ex. xxvi. 2. p. 732. Buttm. 113. n. 7. 114. 'A/wp-
Ruth iii. 2. Judg. xv. 6. See in 'AXoaw. rdvu) is pp. to miss, err from, sc. a mark,
# ./for, Matt. the way, etc. Xen. Cyr. 1.4. 11. Horn.
'AAa>7rj!;, EKO, }>
viii. Luke ix. 68. Sept. for ^iiri II. 8. 311. Hence in N. T. metaph.
JSlian. V. H. to err, to swerve from the truth, go
Judg. xv. 4. Ez. xiii. 2.
1. 5. Metaph. a shrewd, cunning man, wrong, absol. 1 Cor. xv. 34 KCU /*?} a/tap-
Luke xiii. 32. Plut. Sulla 28. Palaeph. ravtrt, i. e. beware lest ye be drawn into
de Incred. 8. errors, sc. of faith, of which the apostle
is speaking. Tit. iii. 11 Jos. B. J. 4. 4.
7, (aXt'fficw), capture, 3 OVK CLV dfidproifii tiir&v, I should not be
2 Pet. ii. 12. So Aquila for
rpn Job wrong in saying, Ant. 3. 7. 6, 7.
xxiv. 5. ^51;) Jer. 1. 46. Jos. Ant. 2.
2. to err in action, in respect to a pre-
10. 2. ib. 6. 1. 5 rf)v
scribed law, i. e. to commit errors, to do
wrong, to sin.
"Ajua, adv. and prep. (Buttm. 146. a) genr. to sin, spoken of any sin,
2), together, together with, viz. absol. Matt, xxvii. 4. John v. 14. viii. 11.
a) as adv. spoken of time, at the same ix. 2, 3. Rom. ii. 12 bis. iii. 23. v. 12 ; 14,
time, Acts xxiv. 26. xxrii. 40. Col. iv. 3. 16. vi. 15. 1 Cor. vii. 28 bis. 36. Eph.
1 Tim. v. 13. Philem. 22. Xen. Mem. iv. 26. 1 Tim. v. 20. Heb. iii. 17. x. 26.
2. 3. 19. Spoken of persons, etc. to- 1 Pet. ii. 20. John i. 10.
2 Pet. ii. 4. 1
uav$dvu>), unlearned, uninstructed, 2 Pet. xxxix. 9. Tivi 1 Sam. xiv. 33, 34. Susan.
iii. 16 JElian. V. H. 2. 8. Xen. Mem. 23 IvttlTTlOV TOV KVptOV.
1. 2. 49.
7, ou, o, r), adj. (a pr. pp. a mistake, miss, Polyb. 34. 3. 11,
and /xapaiVo/tai), unfading; hence, en- Thuc. 4. 89. In N. T. metaph. an error,
during, 1 Pet. v. 4. Philostr. Heroic, sin, transgression. Mark iii. 28, and
19. v. 29 in Mas. iv. 12. Rom. iii. 25. 1 Cor
Ajuaprt'a 37
vi. 18. Sept. for nNBn Gen. xxxi. 36. 7rp6f ri)v dpapriav, collect, for the adver-
al. step.
Ex. y$?
xxviii.~38. al. Is. saries of religion.
Iviii. 1. al/ssep. Wisd. ii. 12. xvii. 3. d) by meton. the practice of sinning,
Jos. Ant. 3. 8. 10. B. J. 4. 5. 5. habit of sin, Rom. iii. 9. v. 12, 20, 21.
Gal. iii. 22. al. Wisd. xxv. 27 dirb u-
'A/zapria, ac, >7> (a/iaprdj/a>), pp. miss,
failure, etc. In N. T. metaph.
1. aberration from the truth, error; e) by meton. proneness to sin, sinful
John viii. 46 T'IQ desire or propensity, John viii. 34. Rom.
i\ky\ti p.e -rrepl a/mprfaf ;
general or spoken of particular sins, etc. consequences of sin, the guilt and punish-
ment of sin ; as in the phrase atpttv rrjv
a) genr. Matt. iii. 6. ix. 2, 5, 6. Mark
Heb. iv. 15. al.
Cor. xv. 3. duapriav, etc. to take away or bear sin,
i. 4, 5. 1
i. e. the imputation of it, John i. 29.
seep. Sept. for nNan Gen. xviii. 20. al.
1 John iii. 5. coll. Rom. xi. 27. Heb. ix.
saepiss. Gen. xv. ~16. al. ytfp Is. liii.
yy 26. x. 11. 1 Pet. ii. 24. So fyiijut rd ff
5. John ix. 34 iv dfiapriac <rv lyevvrjSrjc
auapTtac and U^KJIQ TUV aftaprtuiv, to
oXof, thou art wholly born in sin, i. e. art
remit sin or the remission of sins, i. e. the
a sinner from the womb ; cf. Ps. li. 7.
Iviii. 4. Is. xlviii. 8, and for the opp. Wisd. punishment of sins, Matt. ix. 2, 5, 6.
xxvi.28. Luke vii. 47, 48, 49. John xx. 23.
viii. 19,20. Ecclus.xliv. 10
sq. So iroitiv
Heb. x. 4. et step. John ix. 41 dpap-
duapriav, to commit sin, 2 Cor. xi. 7.
1 Pet. ii. 22. 1 John iii. 9. al. and in the
ria vp&v pivti, i. e.
your guilt and ex-
same posure to punishment remain. So
sense, ipyd<rat dpapriav, James
ctftapriav, to have sin, i. e. to be
ii. 9. coll. Ecclus. xxvii. 10 ; and also
lfy and liable to punishment, John ix.
dftaprdvtiv duapriav, to sin a sin, com-
mit any sin, 1 John v. 16; see in 'A/zap-
41. xv. 22, 24. 1 John i. 8. al. 1 Cor.
xv. 17 tri iffri iv ratf dfiapTiais v^iUJv, ye
ravw 2. a. In the gen. after another
are yet in your sins, i. e. are still under
noun, d/xaprta often supplies the place
the guilt and exposed to the punish-
of an adject, sinful, wicked, impious, see
Stuart 440.
ment of your sins. Heb. ix. 28 x w P'ff
Buttrn. 123. n. 4. e. g.
d/zaprt'af,without sin, i. e. he shall ap-
2 Thess. ii. 3 6 av$punro TTIQ d/zapria,
that impious man. Rom. vii. 5 TraS^/iara pear the second time not t/e a$tTr)<riv
Tu>v a/zapnW, El- dfiapriaf, not for the putting away of the
sinful passions, al.
consequences of sin, as is said in v. 26.
lip tically, iripi dpapriaf for Svffia iripi
So Sept. and Npn Lev. xxii. 9. Num.
a/tap riaff, sacrifice for sin, Heb. x. 6. 8.
xiii. 11. and 7rp<xr0opd
ix. 13. Lam. iii. 39. rttttan Zech. xiv.
fully ib. x. 26,
19. Prov. x. 16. Ez. iii." 20. Is.
Trept aft. x. 18. So Sept. for DKan Ps. -py
v. 18. liii. 0, 11. AL.
xl. 7, coll. Lev. v. 8.
b) spoken of particular sins, which 'A^iapTupoc, ou, b, 17, adj. (a pr.
are to be gathered from the context ; and without testimony, unwit-
e. g. of unbelief, d-maria, John viii.
nessed. Acts xiv. 17 __Jos. Ant. 14.7.2.
24. of lewdness, etc. 2 Pet. ii. 14. of de- Thuc. 2. 41.
fection from the religion of Christ, Heb. 'AfjiapT(i)\0, ov, b, 17, adj. (d/*ap-
xi. 25. xii. 1. al. v.) pp. erring from the way or
rdvtt), q.
mark. In N. T. metaph. as adject, and
c) by meton. of abstr. for concrete,
apapTia for d/iaprwX6f, sinful, i. e. either
as causing sin, Rom. vii. 7 6 vo/zoe dpap- 1. as adj. erring from the divine law,
is the law the cause
ria ; of sin? or as sinful, wicked, impious.
16, 24. So yvvr) d/iaprwXog Luke vii. 37, be an antidote against drunkenness,
39. Sept. for Nan Num. xxxii 14. Nan whence its name.
Ecclus. xxvii. 31. Luke xiii.
w, f. "haw, (a pr. and
Is. i. 4.
2 d/iaprwXoi Trapd iravrag, more wicked not to care for, to neglect, absol.
than all others, etc. xviii. 13. Rom. iii.
Matt. xxii. 5. 2 Pet. i. 12. c. c. gen.
7. v. 8 Gal. ii. 17. James iv. 8 d/*ap- 1 Tim. iv. 14. Heb. ii. 3. viii. 9. see
TuXoi, ye sinful! Buttm. ^ 132. 5. 3. Sept. Jer. iv. 17.
b) obnoxious to the consequences of sin, xxxi. 32. Wisd. iii. 10. 2 Mace. iv.
guilty and exposed to punishment, see 14. Jos. Ant. 4. 4. 2. Xen. Mem. 1.
2. as subst. a sinner, transgressor, Heb. viii. 7. Sept. for "15 Job. xi. 4.
impious person. tinJob i. 1, 8. ;
John ix. 25, 31. 1 Tim. i. 9, 15. Heb. vii. xiii. 3. Herodian 6. 1.
Apoc. Esth.
26. xii. 3. James v. 20. 1 Pet. iv. 18 2. ib. 6. 9. 5.
Sept. for gen. nNBn T
Am. ix. 8. NBn
'A/ucptjuvoc, ov, o, v, adj. (a pr.
Ps. i. 1, 5. Is. xiii. 9." yih Ps. xxxvii. and void anx-
Ez. xxxiii. ntpifiva), without care, of
12, 20. 8, 11, 19.
iety, 1 Cor. vii. 32. Matt, xxviii. 14.
the of the
b) in language Jews, Wisd. vi. 15. vii. 23. Herodian 2. 4. 3.
sinners, despisers of God, is
'AjLtra3-roc5 ov, b, ?, adj. (a pr.
put for foreign nations, i. e. Gentiles,
Mat. xxvi. 45. and /turari^/zt), immoveable, i. e.
heathen, pagans, ra iSvri,
table, sure, Heb. vi. 17, 18. 3 Mace. v.
Mark xiv. 41, compared with Luke xviii.
32. Matt. xx. 19. Mark x. 33. So Sept. 1, 12. Clem. Alex. Strom. 6. 13. Diod.
Sic. 1. 23. ib. 16. 82.
and ytth Is. xiv. 5. and 1 Mace. ii. 44,
coll. v. 4 0, 48. Tob. xiii. 6, coll. Wisd. 'Ajufraia'vTjToe, ov, o, rj, adj. (a pr.
xvii. 2. Psalt. Salom. ii. 1 d/taprwXov and p.iTa.Kivtu), immoveable, unmovedjirm,
q. tSvr] dXXorpia, Fabr. Cod. Pseud. 1 Cor. xv. 58. Dion. Halic. 8. 74.
V. T. I. p. 918.
, ov, , v, adj. (a pr.
Sept. for i^j} Lev. xxv. 11. Deut. xxiv. flexible, impenitent, obdurate,
sc. icapdi'a
19. Hesych. d/i^<rai $ept<rai. Rom. ii. 5. Test. XII Patr. in Fabr.
and Cod. Pseud. V. T. I. 685. Clem. Alex.
'A/uE^voroc, o, (a pr.
Strom. 5. 1.
/if^uw), amethyst, a gem of a deep pur-
ple or violet colour, Rev. xxi. 20. Sept. ov, o, 17, adj. (a pr.
for nTD^nii Ex. xxviii. 19. See Rees' without measure, immoderate.
Cyclop. The amethyst was supposed to 2 Cor. x. 13, 15, tig rd d/*trpa, adv. for
beyond measure , immoderately. and amen, i. e. are most true and faith-
4. V 4 d/itrpo w/iorrjf
Jos. B. J. An- . ful. AL.
thol. Gr. IV. 170, 206. ed. Jac. J
More rarely ^73^ 26. Wisd. viii. 20. Clem. Alex. Strom.
36, Sept. ykvoiro.
stands in O. T. at the beginning of a 7. 7. duiavTov TTJV ^/v\^v Z\it.v xprj.
25. ix. 5. Rev. i. 6. v. 14. xix. 4. al. 16. $>in Gen.xxii.17. Ex.ii. 12. Is.x.8.
cf. Ps. cvi. 48. 1 Chr. xvi. 36. Diod. Sic. 5. 7. Plato Phsedo. 58.
Neh. viii. 6. Hence Xyav rb d^v, to re-
oc* ou, o, a lamb, spoken in
spond amen, 1 Also after
Cor. xiv. 16.
N. T. metaph. of Christ delivered over
benedictions, invocations, etc. Rom. xv. to death, as a lamb to the sacrifice, John
33. xvi. 24. 1 Cor. xvi. 24. Heb.xiii.25.
i. 29, 36. 1 Pet. i. 19. Acts viii. 32, coll.
3. as an adv. at the beginning of a
Is. liii. 7 where Sept. d/j-vog for 7JT1.
sentence, by way of asseveration, truly, Lev.
Sept. dfivoc for ton? Ex.
xii. 5.
assuredly, certainly, verily, Matt. v. 18. xiv. 10, 12, 13.13 Is. xvi. 1. So dfivbg
xvi. 28 coll. Luke ix. 27 dXqSwc. Matt.
Seov, the Messiah," Test.
XII Patr. Fabr.
xxv. 40. Luke iv. 24 coll. v. 25. In John
Cod. Pseud. V. T. p. 724, 725, 730.
it is repeated, dfii'jv, d/*/p>, John iii. 3. 5,
11. v. 19. viii. 51. al. saep. o, (d/m/3o>, to
Very rarely 'AjUOtjSrj, rig,
in this sense in the end or midolle of a Horn. Od. 14.
change), change, exchange,
clause ;
Rev. i. 7 va\, dprjv, yea verily ! 521. requital, sc. for evil indemnity,
2 Cor. i. 20 TO val /cat TO d/j^v, are yea Horn. Od. 12. 382. In N. T. requital, sc.
40 "AjUWjUOV
for good, kind offices, etc. 1 Tim. v. 4. tnrr Hab. i. is, 17. rrrisa
Ecc. ix. 12.
cxxviii. 3. Ecclus. xxiv. 17. In Rev.xiv. c. accus. et dat. Plato Protag. p.321. A.
18, 19, i] dpirtXoc TTIQ yj/e, denotes the now Cf. Buttm. 1. c.
prosperous enemies of the Messiah,
*we, ?, Amphipolis, pr.
who are to be cut off as grapes are name of the metropolis of the southern
gathered and cast into the wine press j It was situated
region of Macedonia.
comp. Is. Ixiii. 2, 3. Lam. i. 15.
near the mouth of the river Stryinon ;
which, indeed, flowed around it, and
'AjuTTcAouoyocj ou, o, V) (contr.
for d^iTTcXoEpyof, fr. a/tTreXot; and tpyov,) gave occasion for its name. It is now
a Luke called Empoli or Yamboli. Acts xvii. 1.
vine-dresser, xiii. 7. Sept. for
Liv. 45. 29 'capita regionum, ubi concilia
2 Chr. xxvi. 10. Is. Ixi. 5.
fierent, primse regionis Amphipolin.'
, wvoc, o, a vineyard- Wetst. N. T. II. p. 559.
Matt. xx. 1, 2, 4, 7, 8. xxi. 28, 33, 39, 40,
"Aju^oSov, ou, TO, (also a/^otfog,
41. Mark xii. 1, 2, 8, 9 bis. Luke xiii. 6. and 6 Jog,) pp. bivium, an open
fr. a/i0a>
xx. 15 Cor. ix. 7.
bis, 16. place where two or more ways meet, Xen.
9, 10, 13, I
Sept. for E13 Gen. ix. 20. Is. v. 1 7. Anab.4.2. 11. ib. 5. 2. 7. In N. T. a
q. v. Plut. pro nobil c. 3. street or open place in a village or city,
Markxi.4. Sept. Jer. xvii. 27. xlix.26.
'A^TrAmf, ioVf , Amplias, pr.
name of a Christian at Home. Rom. xvi. Hesych. dfi^oSa- ai pvpai, ayviai,
8. 'AjU00Tpoc pa, cpov, each of two,
and Plur. a^ortpoi, at, a, both, spoken
f. to avert,
vvti, (nvvn), PP- only of two, Matt. ix. 17. xiii. 30. xv.
to repel, Horn. II. 1. 456; then to aid,
14. Luke v. 7, 38. vi. 39.
i. 6, 7. vii.
Jightfor, avenge, Thuc. 3. 67. Jos. Ant. 42. Acts viii. 38. Eph. ii. 14, 16, 18,
4. 8. 45. Mid. a/uui/o/iai, to avert from Jews and
rovf. afjiQoTipovG, etc. both, i. e.
one's self, to resist, repel, Xen. Cyr. 4. 4.
Gentiles. Acts xxiii. 8 rd d/i^orcpa,
6. Jos. Ant. 9.1. 2. 2 Mace. x. 17.
both, i. e. the resurrection, and the
In N. T. Mid. afivvofjiai, to aid, assist, existence of angels and spirits ; the
defend. Acts vii. 24 rifivvaTo, he defended p.fjTe being copulative and combining
sc. him. So Sept. c. accus. for the two, dyyeXov and Trvtvpa, into one
deliver, Is. lix. 16.
generic idea ; see Buttm. 149. p. 427.
Matt. iv. 18. Mark i. 16. Sept. for ou, TO, amomum, an
Ps.cxli. 10. Hab.i. 16. odoriferous plant or seed, used in pre-
Cyr. 1. 2. 4.
(7) we dv, when,
as soon Greek writers, e. g. Agath. 32. 12.
as, indefinite, 1 Cor. xi. 34 we av IXSw, 117. 12. 287. 13. Once with the pres.
when I shall come, i. e. but I know not Indie. Mark xi. 24 TTUVTU oaa av Trpoo--
when this will be. Phil. ii. 23.
() airtiffSre, where MSS. read
OGO.KIQ dv, so often as, however often, in the Subjunct. So Luke viii.
1 Cor. xi. 25. 18. x. 8, in earlier editions. Winer
with the illative particle oTrtuf, that, 43. 3.
in order that ; and OTTWC av, that at some 2. As an adv. or rather in a false con-
time or other, that sooner or later, etc. struction, perhaps, possibly. So once
Luke ii. 35. Acts iii. 19. xv. 17. Rom. before an Infin. 2 Cor. x. 9 'iva /*>}
Sept. for
4. Ps. Ii. 6.
^p^ $6Zb), av iKfofiiiv i>udc, which is
3. With the Indicative, in the histori- probably to be resolved by oc av IK^O-
cal tenses, (but not in the primary /3o7/u vuac, as if I would terrify you ;
av is used in the apodosis of a condi- comp. Plat. Crit. p. 44. B, TroXXoTf 6w,
tional sentence in which d precedes, d> dut\r]ffaiui. Winer 43. 6. Once
and indicates that the thing in question also without any mood, 1 Cor. vii. 5 uij
would have taken place, if that which dTroerrepeire aXXrjXoig, ei \tr\ n
av [yevot-
is the subject of the protasis, had also TO~\ IK ffvfJL(f>ii)vov Trpof icaipov, unless
taken place but that in fact neither the
; perhaps by mutual consent. Winer 43. 1.
one nor the other has taken place. AL.
Matt. xi. 21 d iv Tvpy lyivovro al dvva-
TrdXoi av iv aaKK<$ icai ffiro8($ ftiT-
II.*Av, conjunction, contr. fr. lav, if,
and distinguished from the radical dv
fvorjffav, if these miracles had been done of the preceding article, by being put at
in Tyre, they would Jiave repented; but
the beginning of a proposition or clause ;
the miracles were not done, and they
Buttm. 139. 8. Herm. ad Viger. p. 822.
did not repent. Luke xix. 23. John iv.
In N. T* John xx. 23 bis. Jos. Ant. 4.
10. ix. 41. Heb. iv. 8. Johnviii. 42 d 6
4. ib. 4. 8. 15. Xen. Cyr. 3. 1. 42.
$O 7rar?/p vfiu>v T/V, T/yaTrarc av /t, if- ^4.
God were your father, ye would love me ; 'Ava, prep, governing in Greek
but neither is true. So Matt. xi. 23. poets the Dat. on, upon, in, Horn. II. 1.
xii. 7. xxiii. 30. xxiv.22, 43. Markxiii. 30. 15 ; but in prose writers the Accus. on,
John xi. 21. Rom. ix. 29. 1 Cor. ii. 8. in, as dvd aroua %iv, to have always in
xi. 31. Gal. i. 10. 1 John ii. 19. al. saep. the mouth. See Buttni. 147. n. 2. Vi.
Wisd. xi. 25. Jos. Ant. 7. 4. 2. Xen. gerus p. 574 sq. and Herm. ib. p. 855.
Mem. 4. 2. 24. ib. 1. 1. 5. 8. In N. T. only with an accus. in two sig-
II. The following are departures from nifications, viz.
classic usage, viz. 1. with its accus. it forms a peri-
1. When
in relative clauses a relative phrase for an adverb ; e. g. avd /ispof,
pronoun with av is followed by the In- by turns, alternately, 1 Cor. xiv. 27. avd
dicative here classic writers employ
; H'IGOV seq. gen. in the midst of, through
the Subj. or Opt. This occurs in N. T. the midst of, between ; spoken of place
when a thing is spoken of as actually Matt, xiii.25. Mark vii. 31. Rev. vii. 17
coll.v.6. Sept. Is. Ivii. 5. for -pnTpS K. xvi.
taking place, not at a definite time or
in a definite manner, but as often as 14. Horn. II. 1. 570. Diod. Sic. 2. 4.
It is thus Xen. An. 7. 4. 2. Spoken of persons,
opportunity presents, etc.
found only with a preterite. Mark vi. IMace. vii. 28. Diod. Sic.
56 icai offot av I]TTTOVTO avrov, and as 3. 13. So Matt. xx. 9, 10, dvd Srivdptov,
denarius-wise, i. e. each a denarius
many as, however many, touched him. ;
ib. OTTOV av tioticopiviTo tiQ K&uag, and better perhaps under no. 2.
wheresoever he entered, etc. Acts ii. 45. with numeral words it marks dis-
vi. 35. 1 Cor. xii. 2
Trpde TO tttuXa, d>f tribution, e. g. Mark vi. 40 dvd tttarov icai
av T/ytffS-e, dirayoutvoi, led away to idol- dvd TTivrriKovTa, by hundreds and by fif-
worship, just as ye happened to be led, ties. Luke ix. 14. Luke ix. 3 dvd five,
i. e. I do not
say by whom or how. two and two. x. 1. John ii. 6. Rev. iv.
Sept. Gen. ii. 19. Lev. v. 3. and in later 8, coll. Is. vi. 2. Jos. Ant. 3. 6. 1. ib. 6.
2. 5. Xen. An. 3. 4. 21. Herodot. 2. and n!?yT K. xii. 27, 28. Ezra ii. 1.
132. By a peculiar anomaly we find vii. 6, 7. Neh. vii. 6. Esdr. ii. 18. Jos.
dvd once in this sense before the Nom. Ant. 12. 7. 6. Xen. Anab. 1.1. 2.
Rev. xxi. 21 dvu elf txaarog TU>V TruXwvwv, Spoken of those who ascend into heaven,
each one of the gates ; see Vigems p. 576. tig TOV ovpavov, tig TO ttyog, etc. either to
NOTE. In composition dvd denotes have intercourse with God or to dwell
1. up, upward, as ava^aivta. 2. back, there, John iii. 13. vi. 62. xx. 17 bis.
comp. Deut. xxx. 12. Prov. xxx.4. Is
cu, o,
xiv. 13, 14. Jer. Ii. 53. Ps. cxxxix. 8. cf.
act of ascending, Pausan. 10. 6. 9. In
Job. xxxviii. 19 38. Bar. iii. 29. Tob. xii.
N. T. by meton. means of ascent, i. e.
20 Spoken of angels, who are said,
steps, stairs. Acts xxi. 35, 40, spoken of
the stairs leading from the fortress An- dvafiaivtiv KOI Karafiaivtiv iirl TOV vibv TOV
dvSptijTrov,John i. 52, coll. Gen. xxviii. 12,
tonia to the temple. Sept. for n^p i. e.
they minister continually unto him j
1 K. x. 19, 20. Dio Cass. 58. 11. Jos.
Ant. 8. 5. 2. The Attic form is ava- comp. Matt. iv. 11. Mark i. 13.
/3a(r/u6f, Paus. 10. 5. Lobeck ad Phryn. b) spoken also of inanimate things,
which are said to go up, ascend, rise ;
p. 324.
e. g. smoke xairvog, Rev. viii. 4. ix. 2.
/3q<ro/zai, aor. 2 xiv. 11. xix. 3. So Sept. and n^ty Ex.
'tfiqv, aor. 2 imper. dva/3j3i and xix. 18. Is. xxxiv. 10 1 Mace. v. 31.
dvdfta Rev. iv. 1, cf. Buttm. p. 223, 269, Spoken of plants, fruit, etc. to spring up,
(dvd and /3atW), to cause to ascend, grow, Matt. xiii. 7. Mark iv. 8, 32. So
Herodot. 1. 80. In N. T. to go up, to
Sept. and n^V Is. v. 24. xxxii. 13. Iv. 13.
ascend, sc. from a lower to a higher Theophr. Hist. PI. 8. 3. Spoken of a
place ; constr. with dwo et iie seq. gen. rumor, Acts xxi. 31 dvi(3tj <f>daig T<$ \i-
of place whence, and with tfc, Iwi, Trpof,
Xtdpxv, i. e. word was brought up to the
seq. accus. of place whither, or titit Rev. chiliarch in the fortress Antonia see ;
iv. 1. Jos. B. J. 5. 6. 8 Of thoughts, actions,
a) spoken
of persons, animals, etc. etc. which come up into one's mind, to
Matt. v. 1 et Mark iii. 13 its rb opoQ. Luke xxiv.
spring up, arise, iv T$ KapSiy.
Luke v. 19 tTrt TO Pupa, comp. for irri 38. iiri TY\V Acts vii. 23. 1 Cor.
Gen. xlix. 4 where Sept. for n^. Jos. ii. 9. elf p.vT]fio<Tvvijv Acts x. 4. This
Ant. 3. 1. 5. Xen. Cyr. 6. 4. 9.
xix. 4 i-Trl i. e. to
corresponds to the Heb. 3!? ^ n^
ffVKOfjiwpaiav, climb, Sept. dvipx(0$cti or dvafiaivtiv irrl rr\v
Mark vi. 51 tig TO TrXoTov, i. e. to em- Jer. xxxii.
Kapciav, Is. Ixv. 17. iii. 16.
bark, coll. 3 where Sept. for TT.
Jon. i.
35. xliv. 21. AL.
John X. 1 dvapaivuv d\\oxo$ev,
'Ava/3uXXw, /3aXw, to put lack,
climbing up or entering some other way.
Acts viii. 31 avaflavTa sc. ec'c TV p/*a v. 29,
i. e. to put at$\ov, Horn. Od. 19.
off, defer,
584. to take up, lift up, Sept. for
i. e. to
get up into, etc. Matt. iii. 16 dtrb xfyj
Jer. xiii. 20 In N. T. Mid. ava/3dXXo/mi,
TOV VCCLTOQ, and Acts viii. 39 IK TOV v^arof,
in a forensic sense, to defer, to put off or
from the water, sc. upon the land, cf. v.
38 and Gen. xli. 3, 18, 27, where Sept. over, trans.Acts xxiv. 22. Sept. OVK dve,
'AvajSoaw, c5,
f. to lift up the
7<, John iii. 3 So the fathers speak of re-
voice, exclaim, cry aloud ; absol. Matt. generation as a renewal, a change from
xxvii. 46. Mark xv. 8. Luke ix. 38. Sept. a lower to a higher, from a carnal to a
for pyj Ez. xi. 13.
py^ Num. xx. 16. better and holy life. Justin. Mart. Apol.
2. p. 93. Clem. Alex.
hnp xxxvi. 13. -Jos. Ant. 9. 1. 2.
Is. Protrept. 116 Xoyof,
Herodian. 1. 4. 17. Xen. Anab.5. 4.31. 6 dvaytwuv TOV avSrpbiTrov, tt d\r)$ttav
avrbv ava$'t$(av. For the Rabbinic
i], rjj (dva(3d\\w q. v.) new
earth thrown up, Xen. Anab. 5. 2. 5. In nip'irr n"*i3, creature, see Schoettg.
N. T. delay, putting over, in a forensic
Hor/Heb! ad 2 Cor. v. 17.
yXa r aor. 2 pass. dj/j/yyeXjjv Rom. xv. V.H. 14.43. Xen. An. 1.6. 4 Metaph.
2 Cor. ill. 2
} lirtffroXi) T//iwv avayti'w- 1 Cor. vii. 37. 2 Cor. ix. 7. Philem. 14
irdvTuv, read of all men, i. e.
aicopevii VTTO
Xen. Cyr. 8. 1. 20.
4. 8. 12. c) spoken
of the obligation of duty ;
avdyKTjv t\tiv, to be right, proper, just, I
(dvd-YKn), <, to
hare need, I must needs, Luke xiv. 18.
necessitate, to compel, to constrain, trans.
xxiii. 17. Jude 3. Rom. xiii. 5. 1 Cor.
to compel, sc. by force, threats, cir-
a) ix. 16 Xen. Cyr. 2. 4. 12.
cumstances, etc. Acts xxvi. 11. xxviii. 2. unavoidable
Esdr. distress,
19. 2 Cor. xii. 11. Gal. ii. 3, 14
Luke Cor. vii. 26. 2 Cor. vi. 4.
xxi. 23. 1
iv. 6. Bel and Drag. 30. I Mace. ii. 25.
xii. 10. 1 Thess. iii. 7. So Sept. for
Xen. Mem. 1. 2. 44.
rrjpixa Ps. xxv. 17. cvii. 6. pto Ps.
to constrain, sc. by entreaty, invita- cxix. 'l43. Job xxvii. 9. Tob.
b) rn2J
tions, etc. to persuade, Matt. xiy. 22. iii. 7, 11. Jos." Ant. 2. 5. 2. ib. 2. 9. 3.
Mark vi. 45. Luke xiv. 23. Gal. vi. 12. Diod. Sic. 4. 43.
Diog. Laert. 1.1.4. Xen. Symp. 3. 5.
'Avayvwpt^w, f. *<rw, pp. to recog-
'AvayKotoc, a, ov, (dvdyio/),
com- nize; in N. T. only in the aor. 1 pass.
pulsive, Od. 17. 399. compelled, Od. 24. dvfyv<api<T$i]v, with reflexive meaning, to
498. In N. T. necessary, viz. make one's self known, Acts vii. 13. So
of things required by na- Sept for Vl^nrr Gen. xiv. 1 Sec
a) spoken
Buttm. 136." 2l
ture, etc. 1 Cor. xii. 22. or for the sup-
port of life, Tit. iii. 14 dvaycatat xpai, 'AvayvttMTiGr cwc, /> (avayivdJOKut
2 Mace. iv. 23. Jos. q. v.) reading, whether public or private,
necessary wants.
Ant. 2. 5. 6. Xen. Mem. 4. 5. 9. Acts xiii. 15. 2 Cor. iii. 14. 1 Tim. iv. 13.
point out, to declare, trans. Acts i. 24. minds in constant preparation. So 1]x
2 Mace. ii. 8, coll. ver. 6. Polyb. 1. Job xxxviii. 3. Prov. xxxi. 17. Jer. i. 17.
80. 12. In the sense of to appoint, Luke
w, f. (avd and
x. 1 -- Esdr. i. 34 paviXta. 2 Mace. xiv.
take upon one's self, 2 Mace. viii. 36. again, to flourish again, Ecclus. xlvi. 12.
Xen. Cyr. 1. 6. 18. In N. T. to receive, Wisd. iv. 4. Horn. H. 1. 236. trans, to
i. e. in the sense of to embrace,
confide in,
cause toflourish, to produce, e.g. fruit, etc.
as promises, itrayytXiag Heb. xi. 17 __ Ecclus. 1. 10. and metaph. as eiprjvtjv,
Clem. Alex. Strom. 6. 12 rr)v dptrrjv. tv\oyiav, Ecclus. i. 18. xi. 22. In N.
Or as a guest, to entertain, Acts xxviii. T. metaph. and intrans. to
flourish again,
7 So vTTodkxofiai jElian V. H. 4. 9. to be again
prosperous. Phil. iv. 10
Diod. Sic. 13. 4. on dv&dXtTe TO vTrep tp.ov ^povetv, that ye
are again prospered in respect to your
f. Swaio, to give, to hand
up, Xen. Conv.2. 8. to shoot up, to care of me. Others less well, trans, 'that
spoken of the earth yielding plants, etc. ye have renewed, augmented, your care
Jos. Ant. 1. 11. 1. In N. T. to give up of me.'
or over, to deliver, trans. Acts xxiii. 33 TO
, aroe, (dvan'3-^/it to
Polyb. 6. 29. 10.
iTTKTToXrjv. 7. place or lay up,) a later form instead
Diod. Sic. 11. 45. Jos. Ant. 1. 16. 2. of dvdSrijfjLa. Moeris dvd^rjfia, d
Sffia spoken in like manner of animals, Gr. Ant. I. p. 235. Adam's Rom. Ant.
persons, etc. Lev. xxvii. 28, coll. v. 29 ; p. 322. The same custom was imitated
in the Jewish temple see dvdSrrj^a Jos.
and, since every living thing thus con- ;
secrated to God could not be redeemed, Ant. 15. 11. 3 ult. B. J. 2. 17.3. Ju-
but was to be put to death, hence Din dith vi. 19. 2 Mace. ii. 13. v. 16. ix.
and Sept. avaSt^a denote any thing ir- 16. 3 Mace. iii. 17. Polyb. 11. 4. 1.
revocably devoted to death, to destruction, Xen. H. G. 7. 3. 8.
etc. any thing on which a curse is laid, as
'Ava&eia, ac, "hi (dvaiSfc, fr. a
cities and their inhabitants, etc. Josh. vi.
pr. and al$wg\, want of modesty, shame-
17, 18. vii. 1. al. and therefore any thing
lessness, in tne sense of importunity,
abominable and detestable, Deut. vii. 20.
without regard to time, place, or person,
Comp. Jahn 394. Hence fj
Luke xi. 8 --
Ecclus. xxv. 22. So
In N. T. an accursed thing, spoken of
avatifjQ Ecclus. xxiii. 6. Sept. Deut.
persons, one accursed, one excluded from xxviii. 50.
the favour of God and devoted to destruc-
tion. 1 Cor. xii. 13 Xeyeiv 'Inffovv dvd-
'Avafp<ric wc> /> (avatpew),
Stpa, to call Jesus accursed, xvi. 22. Gal. taking up or away, sc. of dead bodies
i. 8, 9. Acts xxiii. 14 dvoSe^art dvS/za- for burial, Thuc. 3. 113. In N. T. a
Tioaptv, intens. we have bound ourselves fa/ting away, sc. from e. death, a
life. i.
with a heavy curse ; for the dat. see Wi- putting to death, Acts viii. 1. [xxii. 20 in
ner 58. 3. Matth. 408, note. Buttm. text,
recept.] Sept. for :nn Num. xi.
133. 3 -- Rom. ix. 3 nvxopnv yap avrbf 15 --Judith xv. 3. 2 Mace." v. 13. Jos.
iytjj dvc&tfjia tlvai dirb rov Xpiorov virtp Ant. 2. 3. 1. ib. 8. 12. 2. Herodiau.
TUV a5i\$u>v /xou, put by constr. praeg- 2. 13. 1.
nans for rjv)(6p.rjv a.vd5tp,a tlvai Kai
Xopi6/uvo dirb rov X. accursed from 'Avatpcw, w, f. -iiffb), (ava and
alpsw), aor. 2 dvtlXov, whence in later
Christ, i. e. excluded from God's favour,
editions the forms dviiXare, dj/t\aro,
separated from Christ and the benefits
Acts ii. 23. vii. 21. Sept. Is. xxxviii. 14;
of his death, and devoted to eternal de-
for which see Winer Gr. 13. 1. Buttm.
struction, as an expiatory victim in be-
half of my people. For the expression marg. to take up, lift up, trans.
96. n. 1.
sc. from the ground, ^El. V. H. 5. 16.
dirb rov X. comp. 2 Thess. i. 9.
Sept. for nip'tt Ex. ii. 10. trnn Num.
xvi. 37. or for burial, Dem. 1069. 2 __
q. v.) to declare one to be avaStpa i. e. In N. T.
accursed, to curse, to bind by a curse, 1. Mid. to take up, trop. spoken of
trans. Mark xiv. 71 dva^f/zari&iv sc. children, to take to one's self, to adopt, to
Acts xxiii. 12, 14, 21, see in bring up; Acts vii. 21 avrov dvtiXaTo,
So Heb. D^TTTT Num. xviii. i. Pharaoh's daughter took him up,
14. Deut. xiii. 15. Josh! vi. 21 __ iMacc. adopted him, etc. Diod. Sic. 3. 57.
v. 5. Arrian. Diss. Epict. 1. 23. 7. Hesych.
dvaiptiv TO Tfjfiiv dvarps^eiv. So Lat.
w, f. ?<, (dvd in-
tollo, Cic. Div. 1. 21. al.
tens. and Sswpew), to behold, contemplate,
2. to take away, i. e. to remove, put
trans. Acts xvii. 23. Metaph. to consider,
out of the way, viz.
Heb. xiii. 7 __ Diod. Sic. 14. 109. ib.
of things, to destroy, to
a) spoken
12. 15. Heb. x. 9 __Test. XII Patr. in
aroe, ?
Fabric. Cod. Pseud. V. T. I. p. 681 >}
'AvalriOQ 48
Sept. for rrari Ex. xxi. 29. yyy all impediments to knowledge being re-
2 Sam. x. 18. nan Is. xxxvii. 3~6. moved, coll. v. 13. So Sept. and n^3
kop Dan. ii. 13, 14.-l-Herodian. 2. 1. 1. Job xxiii. 16. Is. xxii. 14. Prov. xx.
jEYian. V. H. 4. 1. 22. rnj> Is. iii. 17 __Tob. xii. 7. Po-
Sept. for -p5 Deut. xix. 10, 13. xxi. 8, bend or turn up or back ; intrans. to turn
9 __ .Elian. V. H. 6. 18. Xen. Cyr. 1. back, to return, Matt. ii. 12. Acts xviii.
6. 10. 21. Heb. xi. 15. Sept. for niti Ex.
f. fcw, (dvd and
xxxii. 27 -- Diod. 3. 54 Hence
in *Ayw no. 3 __
Plut. Philop. c. 20 fioXis El^ltf, which you have wished them,
tavTov iir doStvdaQ avK(iSiffe. Plat. shall not happen to them. Comp. Is.
Phaedon. 3. xlv. 23 et Iv. 11, where Heb. yfti, Sept.
TO 7rp6(T(uTrov TiJG yfjs for Tinn Ps. civ. or deposited, as offerings in the temples
30. Jos. Ant. 9. 8. 2. In N. T. me- of the gods, Thuc. 3. 114. Ceb. Tab. 1.
taph. to renew t/ nerdvotav, spoken of
and so in the Jewish temple, Jos. Ant.
those who have fallen from the true faith, 3. 1. 7. Comp. in dvd^r^ia. In this
to bring back to repentance and their for- sense dvaKtifiai serves as the neut. or
mer faith, Heb. vi. 6. Sept. trop. for pass, of the act. dvaTi&ijui. In N. T.
tthrnnrr Ps. ciii. 5 --
1 Mace. vi. 9. 1. to be laid out, as a dead
body, Mark
Barnab. Ep. dvaKaiviaas iv ry d<f>i-
v. 40 in text, recept.
beings both in heaven and on earth, by 7 jjfia -- Sept. for -ipn 1 Sam. xx. 12.
means of the Christian dispensation, es- Jos. Ant. 5. 9. 3 dvsiepive rt'g tlrj. 4.
6.2. Xen. Cyr.
pecially between Jews and Gentiles cf. 1. 6. 13.
'Avoicpaa>, f.
E, to cry aloud, to up, trans.
a) genr. sc. from the ground, Sept. Hesyrh. jcar' avaXoyiav Kurd ptTpov 9)
b) Mid. dvafiifjivfiaicofiai,
to call to mind, Ananias was afterwards killed in a tu-
to recollect, to remember, absol. Mark xi. mult. Act* xxiii. 2. xxiv. 1. See Jos.
21. With a gen. of thing, Mark xiv. 72 Ant. 20. 6. 2. ib. 20. 8. 5. 8. B. J. 2.
avtfiviiffST] TOV pfi/j,aro, Buttm. 132. 5. 17, 9. On the pp or vicar of the high
3. So Sept. for -|3J Gen. viii. 1. Num. priest, see Buxt. Lex. Ch. Rab. Tal.
xv. 39. Ecclus. in. 14. Jos. Ant. 2. 7. 8. 1435 sq. Krebs Obss. in N. T. e Joseph.
Constr. c. accus. 2 Cor. vii. 15 n}v vTra- p. 3 sq. 114, 175. Comp 2 K. xxv. 18.
riv. Heb. x. 32. Xen. An. 7. 1. 26.
, ov, b, i}, adj. (a pr.
dvri and ^ptw), not to be contradicted, in-
q. v.) remembrance, Luke xxii. 19. 1 Cor. disputable, Acts xix. 36. Symmach.
xi. 24, 25, coll. ver. 26. Heb. x. 3. Sept. Job xi. 2. Polyb. 6. 7. 7. ib. 28. 11. 4.
(avairava)), rest,
f. ^w, to become sober quiet, sc.from occupation, oppression,
again, sc. * /teSijc Lucian. Herinot. 83. or torment. Rev. iv. 8 avairavaiv OVK
In N. T. metaph. to recover sobriety of txovffi \iyovTtg, exclaiming without in-
mind, to recover one's self, sc. IK rfje TOV termission, etc. for the constr. see Buttm.
Sia(36\ov TrayiSog, intrans. 2 Tim. ii. 26. 144. n. 3 Matt. xi. 29 tvprjffert itva-
Jos. Ant. 6. 11. 10 i*e ^pi/vwv. Philo Rev. xiv. 1 1
Travffiv TOIQ i//vxtf vfjiuiy. ,
dratus, governor of Syria, and Jona- to free from sorrow or care, to refresh,
E 2
recreate, trans. Matt. xi. 28. 1 Cor. the ancient manner ;
see in 'Avatcfifiai *2.
xvi. 18. 2 Cor. vii. 13. Philem. 7, 20. Matt. xv. 35. Mark vi. 40. viii. 6.
So Sept. for TT3n Prov. xxix. 17. Is. xiv. John vi. 10 bis. xiii. 12. xxi. 20 kirl
yO"in Ez. xxxiv. 15 __ Ecclus. iii. 6. TO (TTjj^oe upon the breast
'ITJO-OV, reclined
Mid. avairavofiat, to rest, i. e. to of Jesus, i. e. next to him on the tricli-
take rest, to enjoy repose, the idea of nium see in 'Avaictifjiai 2, and comp.
previous exertion, anxiety, or suffering, John xiii. 23, 25 --Tob. ii. 1 avkirioa rov
being included. Spoken of those who <t>aydv. Judith xii. 15. Ecclus. xxxv.
are fatigued, Mark vi. 31. of those who 2. Lucian. Asin. 23. By impl. to
sleep, Matt. xxvi. 45. Mark xiv. 41. of take a place at table, etc. to eat, Luke xi.
those who enjoy a tranquil life, Luke xii. 37. xxii. 14. In the same sense, aor. 1
19. of those who quietly wait for any mid. imperat. ava-rriaai, Luke xiv. 10 et
thing, Rev. vi. 11. of those who die, xvii. 7 in later edit, for ava-n-toov or -<re
Rev. xiv. 13. So Sept. for m: Deut. in text, rec This sense of the word be-
v. 4. Esth. ix. 16. 3TP Mic. iv. 4. longs only to the later Greek j see Phryn.
Job. x. 20. Act. Thorn. 4. Pint. and Lobeck, p. 216.
y^n For the constr. with EK,
Symp. 8. 7. 4 'AvaTrArjpowj w, f. w<rw, to fill up,
Rev. xiv. 13, see Matth. ^ 355. n. 1. So to complete, e. g. a chasm, xdapa, Jos.
with &TTO Jos Ant. 3. 5. 5. Ant. 7. 10. 2. time, Sept. for K?70 Gen.
from the Heb. ava-jravo^ai, to have xxix. 28. Ex. vii. 25. number, Xen.
a place of rest, to abide, to dwell. 1 Pet. Vect. 4. 24. In N. T. also to fill up, to
iv. 14 TO 7TV(.vfj,a e0' V^IOLQ ava.Travt.Tai, coll.
fulfil, to complete, trans.
Rom. viii. 11. So Sept. for pi$ Deut. spoken of measure, 1 Thess. ii. 16
xxxiii. 20. Is. xiii. 21. xxxii. 16. ynn i ai)Twv Tag ajuaprtac;, i. q. TO
Is. xiii. 20. xxvii. 10. TTD Prov. xxi. 16. T&V a/fapria>v in Matt, xxiii. 32 ;
c) spoken
of a work or duty, to fuljil,
send up, sc. before a judge, a tribunal,
to perform. Gal. vi. 2 TOV vbpov TOV Xp.
etc. to refer, to remit, Luke xxiii. 7, 11,
15 --
Jos. Ant. 4. 8. 14 TTJV Siicnv eig uoav
of Christ, coll. John xiii. 14,
the precept
34. Barnab. Ep. 21 iraaav ivroXrjv.
w6\iv. Xen. Cyr. 7. 5. 34. Herodian.
Jos. Ant. 6. 13. 4 TTJV T&V
2. 12. 11.
2. to send back, trans. Philem. 12.
of persons, avaTrXjjpouv TOV
Plut. c. 36. d) spoken
Pomp. TOTTOV TIVOQ, to Jill the place of any one,
deprived of some
pr. and dTroXoy so/tat,) without apology, Lam. iii. 63. Thuc. 1. 133. from ambush,
inexcusable, Rom. i. 20. ii. 1. Polyb. Polyb. order to do any thing,
5. 70. 8. in
12. 21. 10.Just. Mart. Apol. 2. p. 71. Sept. for Qlp Zeph. iii. 8. a rising, i. e.
Clem. Alex. Strom. 7. 2. an insurrection, Dem. Olynth. 1. 1.
I<TTI 6 /<.) Hence in N. T.
1. a rising up, as opp. to 77 TrrSxris,
v. TTW, f. w, to make
fall; by meton. the author or cause of
up, i. e. to call in, to exact, e. g. a debt,
rising up ? i. e. metaph. the author of a
in some MSS. Luke xix. 23, instead of
better state, of higher prosperity, of eter-
av !Vpa?a. Xen. Anab. 7. 7. 31.
nal happiness, Luke ii. 34. Others here
take avaaraaiQ in the sense of breaking
>, f w, (avd and
to fold,) to/0Zd fozc&, to unfold, Xen. Eq. up, removal, as in Jos. Ant. 10. 9. 7 ; and
12. 6. Sept. for ^D
Deut. xxii. 17. In as referred to the mind, disturbance, agi-
N. T. to unroll, e." g. r6 /3i/3Xiov, a roll tation, perturbation ; comp. Is. viii. 14,
or volume, Luke iv. 17. See Bi/3Xi'o>. 15. But see Olshausen in loc.
2. resurrection, sc. of the body from
Sept. fortol$>2 K. xix. 14. Herodot. 1.
wards and forwards, e. g. the hands, 15, 21. xxvi. 23. 1 Cor. xv. 12, 13, 21,
Thuc. 4. 38. In N. T. metaph. to stir up, 42. Heb. vi. 2. John v. 29 bis, ti'c avao-
up p.
g. from a seat, Sept. for Q^p see espec. 2 Mace. vii. 14. coll. Is. xxvi. 14
f- a><rw.
around, to be turned around, etc. i. q.
'Ava<rraroa>, w, (di/dora- Lat. versari, or as in comm. English, to
roc fr.
found only in later
turn one's self or one's hand to any thing ;
Greek, and equivalent to dj>d<rraroi>
c. c. lv seq. dat.
Troitlv in earlier writersSturz de ;
Dial. Alex. p. 146. H. Planck de Indole, a) spoken of place, to move about in
a place, i. e. to sojourn, to dwell in, Matt.
in Bibl. Repos. I. p. 684 ; to drive out,
xvii. 22. 2 Cor. i. 12. So Sept. and
expel, Aquil. and Symm. intrans. for "HD Ez. xix. 6.
"dbrrnn Josh. v. 5. Jos.
Ps. xi.l. y^n Ps. lix. 12. to devastate, de-
Ant. 1.2. 1.
Hesych. d^acrrpe^o/uj/of
stroy, as cities, Jos. Ant. 8. 12. 2. ib. 10.
6. 2. and so dvdararov iroitlv Thuc. 6.
irepifpxofitvoe. Spoken of a state, a
thing, etc. to be occupied with, to be in,
76. Hence in N. T. to disturb, to agi-
live in, e. g. Iv TrXdvy, 2 Pet. ii. 18.
tate, to put in commotion, trans, spoken
Ecclus. viii. 8 iv 7rapoi/u'ai. xxxix. 3. 1.
of cities, Acts xvii. 6. xxi. 38. of the
28. Wisd. xiii. 7. Jos. Ant. 2. 7. 5 ir^l
minds of Christians, Gal. v. 12, coll. ver.
vofidg, i. e. to be
employed in pasturing
flocks, etc. Xen. Ag. 9. 4.
'Avaoraupow, <5, f. w<rw, (dvd, b) spoken
of persons, etc. lit. to move
to raise up and fix upon the cross, about among, i. e. to live with, be conversant
to crucify, trans. Jos. Ant. 11. 6. 10. B.
with, and hence genr. to live, to pass
J. 2. 14. 9. Diod. Sic. 2. 1.Xen. An. one's time, to conduct one's self, etc. Eph.
3. 1. 17. In N. T. metaph. Heb. vi. 6 li. 3 iv Q[Q icai
J7/u!f Travrtg dj/torpd^Tjjiiev
[TraXtvl dvaaravpovvrag iavrole rbv vibv Trore tv TO~IQ STriB'iyuaif. Heb.
rov Seov. See Tittm. de Syn. N. T. p. x. 33. xiii. 18. 1 Tim. iii. 15. 1
235, and in Bibl. Repos. III. p. 63. Pet. i. 17. So Sept. for Prov. xx.
J 7. ntoV Ez. xxii. 7. Xen/Anab. 2. 5.
Ava<rrvaw, (ava and ctTevd-
f. w,
to fetch up a deep-drawn sigh, i. e.
to si-gh deeply, Mark viii. 12. See Tittm.
de Syn. N. T. p. 228 sq. and in Bibl. 'Avaorpo^rj, rjCj ^> (dj/aorptyw q. v.)
a turning about, Xen. Cyr. 5. 4. 8. In
Repos. III. p. 56. So Sept. for fQifO
N. T. mode of life, conduct, deportment,
Lam. i. 4. 2 Mace. vi. 30. Ecclus. xxv!
Gal. i. 13. Eph. iv. 22. 1 Tim. iv. 12.
18. 22. Xen. Conv. 1. 15.
James iii. 13. 1 Pet. i. 18. ii. 12. iii. 1,
f. i/>w, aor. 2 pass, dve- 2, 16. 2 Pet. ii. 7. iii. 11. 2 Mace. v.
8. Tob. iv. 14. Arrian. Diss. Epict. 1.
16, dj>a<rrpet//u> icai dvoiKoo/i//<ra> rr\v <JKI\- Matt. v. 45. So Sept. for TTTpSn Gen.
vr/v put adverbially for again,
&a(3id, iii. 18. Is. Ixi. 11. Philo de Nom. mu-
like nrntt)** Gen. xxx. 31. 2 K. i. 13. tat. p. 1083. Diod. Sic. 17. 7. Horn. II.
Mark iv. 6. xvi. 2. James i. 11. So Sept. spoken of mental culture, to educate,
xxxii. 31. Ex. xxii. 3. Judg. Acts xxii. 3. Herodian. 1.
rnj Gen.
for 4. 8.
spoken both of the heavens and the 31. Sept. b'teptvc dvafepwv for NaTTOn
earth, Matt. ii. 1,2, 9. viii. 11. xxiv. 27. Lev. vi. 19.
Lukexiii.29. Rev. vii. 2. xvi. 12. xxi. 13. 2. to take up and bear, sc. in the place
So Sept. avaToXai for JT1T.P Num. xxxii. of another, to take from another upon
one's self, to take away ; in N. T. spoken
19. Deut. iii. 27. al. Dip Gen. ii. 8.
Josh. vii. 2. metaph. of sins, rag a^aprt'ag, to bear the
punishment of sin, to expiate, Heb. ix. 28.
^w, to overturn, over-
1 Pet. ii. 24 og TCLQ a/zapn'ag r}^(5v avrbg
throw, trans, pp. Xen. Cyr. 2. 2. 5. Sept.
avi]viyKf.v iv T(j> awfiaTi avTov eiri TO
Ps. cxviii. 13. In N. T. metaph, to sub- own body
Xov, who bore our sins in his
vert, destroy, 2 Tim, ii. 18. Tit. i. 11.
upon the cross, i. e. himself bore the
Sept. for tj'irr Prov. x. 3. Diod. Sic. 1.
punishment due to our sins comp. Is. ;
77 TrjV TTtOTlV. liii. 12, where Sept. &va.(pipuv for
So Num. xiv. 33 avoioovoi rfjv iropvtiav
3pi/>w, lit. to nourish
up, i. e. to
bring up, as a child, trans. vfAwv for Heb. N^.
Acts vii. 20, 21. Wisd. vii. 4. Jos. Ant. 'Ava^wvcw, w, f. 7<rw, to lift up the
4. 8. 24. Xen. Mem. 4. 3. 10. Metaph. voice, i. e. to exclaim, cry out. Luke
2. AL.
rrJQ daioTtae dvdxvaiv, into the same emp-
tying out, excess, of f. i, (a**)?))
to render
Spoken of the mouth of a river, etc. manly or brave, Xen. (Ec. 5. 4 In N.T.
estuary, .Elian. H. A. 16. 15. Strabo. Mid. aj/fyi'o/iai to show one's self a man,
III. p. 200, 374. 1 Cor. xvi. 13. Sept. forpjn Deut. xxxi.
to 6, 7. Josh. x. 25. yfcN JosL. i. 6,9. 1
'Ava^tupf'w, w, r'jau,f.
go back,
Mace. 64. Xen. Anab. 4. 3. 34.
spoken of those who flee, Sept.
to recede, ii.
and 6y*aXw to
arraign,) pp.
not arraign-
31. Polyb. 1. 11. 15. Matt. ix. 24
e. able-, hence in N. T. unblameable, ir-
urf, withdraw, i.
give place.
reprehensible, 1 Cor. i. 8. Col. i. 22.
l> (dva\l/vx< q. v.) 1 Tim. iii. 10. Tit. i.
6, 7 __ 3 Mace. v.
refreshment, recreation, rest. Acts iii. 20 31. Jos. Ant. 5. 8. 8. Xen. Mem. 2.
'Avai//vYd>, f <*>>
dvd and i|/w Cyr. 7. 1. 32.
breathe, to cool,) to draw breath again, ) ov, o, 17, adj. (a pr.
to take breath, i. e. to revive, be refreshed, and ticXaXtw to speak out,) unspeakable,
intrans. Sept. for ID'S? Ex. xxiii. 12. n;n Pet i. 8. Ignat. ad Eph. c.
ineffable, 1
Judg. xv. 19. Ps. xxxix. 13. rrn 19 TO 0wg airov dvtK\d\r]Tov
rb^n fjv.
1 Sam. xvi. 23. to refresh with cooling,
stealer, kidnapper, 1 Tim. i. 10. comp. ovocj <>, -h, adj. (a pr.
Ex. xxi. 61. Deut. xxiv. 7. Philo de and tXfi7/*wv,) uncompassionate, cruel,
Joseph, p. 529. Polyb. 12. 9. 2. Xen. Rom. i. 31. Sept. for ips Prov. v. 9.
Mem. 1. 2. 6. xi. 17. Wisd. xii. 5. xix. 1.
(oVf/toe), to agitate
f. i'<ro>,
, ov, 6, }, adj. (a
by winds, to Pass, spoken of waves, and
toss, pr. tTraKT^vvo/iai), without cause oj
James i. 6. Not found in Sept. nor in shame, irreproachable, 2 Tim. ii. 15.
classic writers.
, OU, 6, rj, adj. (a pr
"Avc/ioe, ou, o, (aw or atjfit to 7riXa/i/3dvw), pp. not to be appre-
breathe, to blow), wind, i. e. air in mo- hended; in N. T. metaph. irreprehcn-
tion. sible,unblameable, 1 Tim. iii. 2, coll. Tit.
a) pp. Matt. xi. 7. xiv. 24. Mark iv.
i. 7 where it is
dvkyK\r\TOQ. 1 Tim. v. 7.
41. Luke vii. 24. Rev. vii. 1 prj irv't-g vi. 14. Clem. Alex. Psed. 1. 2. id.
dvffiog. Spoken of violent, stormy winds, Strom. 6. 14. Xen. Cyr. 1. 2. 15. Plut.
Matt. 25, 27. viii. xxvi. xiv. 30 rbv
vii. Pericl. 10.
and !ixviaw to
explore), which cannot strument, without the help of, 1 Pet. iii.
be explored, metaph.
inscrutable, incom- 1 dvev \6you. So Sept. for R53 Is. Iv. I.
prehensible, Rom. xi. 33. Eph. iii. 8. ^N Ex. xxi. 11. Also Dan. ii. 34 dviv
Sept. for -ij?n -ps Job v. 9. ix. 10. Xfipwv for Chald. ]1T:i N^ Thuc. 7. __
xxxiv. 24. Prayer of Manas?. 6. 65 __ Spoken of manner, 1 Pet. iv.
So Sept. Sam. 'Ava//toc> ou, b, a nephew, Col. iv. 10.
1 vi. 7 /36ac
i.their calves being left
Sept. for Tn
Num. xxxvi. 11. Tob.
at home __ Diod. Sic. 1. 90. vii. 2. Jos. Ant. 1. 19. 4. Xen. An. 7.
of persons, without the 8. 9. Hesych. dvt^ioi- a
b) spoken
knowledge or will of, Matt, x.29 aviv TOV
jroTpoQ, without the Father's knowledge. , ou, TO, anethum, dill, an
So Sept. and Amos iii. 5. So dvtv aromatic plant, Matt, xxiii. 23 __ Dios-
Scov Horn. Od. 2. 372. Find. Ol. 9, 156. cor. 3. 461. Plin. H. N. 19. 8.
ness, of any one, Matt. xvii. 17. Mark 3 In the voc. in a direct address, av-
ix. 19. Lukeix. 41. 2 Cor. xi. 1 bis, 19. men! sirs! Acts xiv. 15. xix. 25.
Eph.iv.2. Col. iii. 13. Sept.
forpSNnn Is. :
xxvii. 10, 21, 25 __
Xen. Anab. 1. 4. 14.
Ixiii. 15. Sept. Is. xlvi. 4 Poly b. 3. 82.5. It here expresses respect and defer-
c) by impl.
to admit, to receive, i. e. to ence ;
and hence implies also a man of
listen to, c. gen. spoken of persons, Acts
weight, importance, etc. Luke xxiv. 19.
xviii. 14.2 Cor. xi. 4. of doctrine, etc. John i. 30. James ii. 2. Ecclus. x. 23
2 Tim. iv. 3. Heb. xiii. 22 __ Sept. Job in antith. with TTT-WXOC. 1 Mace. ii. 25,
vi. 26. Philo Quod omn. prob. p. 870. 31. So Esdr. viii. 27, parallel to Ezra
ib. p. 873 ouSt iraptiyopiaf dv't^ovrai. vii. 28 where Heb. tn$*n, Sept.
Comp. Kypke II. p. 93. rec, chiefs, leaders.
b) joined
with an adjective or noun face ; so Sept. for p.^nnrr 2 Chr. xiii. 7,
it forms a periphrase for a subst. Luke 8. comp. Sept. Josh. i. '5. xxiii. 9.
v. 8 dvrjp d^taprcjXos dpi, i. e. a sinner,
Matt. vii. 24, 26. Acts iii. 14. Xen. 'AvS'o^uoXo'yltoj tt>, r)ff<, (avTi
and 6/ioXoyl<> q. v.), Mid.
Anab. 1. 3. 20. So with gentile adjec- dj/So/ioXoyeo-
pp. to mutually utter the same
tives, as dvt)p 'lovdaioe, i. e. a Jew, Acts,
Xen. An. 1. 6. 6 dvSptg QiXoi. praised the Lord, i. e. as Simeon had just
before done. So Sept. for rnln Ps. Ixxix.
a man, sc. of ripe un-
c) trop. av/yp, 13. and dvSo/ioXoyjjo-tf for ntYin Ezra iii.
derstanding, opp. to a child, 1 Cor. xiii.
11. Ecclus. xx. 2, and
11. So in Eph. iv. 13 the progress of
Christians is likened to the growth of a
ib. xvii. 27. Diod. Sic. 1. 70
child into a perfect man, i. e. in under- Xoyovv rdf dperdf TIVOQ.
etc. i. e. he, iUe. James i. 12. So Sept. " To heap coals of fire on one's head,"
and UTN Ps. i. 1. cxii. 5. Xen. An. 1. 3. here signifies to excite in him feelings of
12. So dvdptc row TOTTOV, inhabitants, In a different sense,
painful regret.
Matt. xiv. 35. Luke xi. 32. Sept. and 4 Esdr. xvi. 53.
ttPN 1 Sam. v. 7. AL.
ou, o, 17, adj.
'AvS'tarijm, f. dvTiorriad), (dvri and
absol. Mat. v. 39. Luke xxi. 15. Acts 'AvSjowTnvoc, Ivrj, LVOV, (dv$pu>-
vi. 10. xiii. 8. Rom. ix. 19. xiii. 2 bis. TTOC), human, pertaining to man, e. g.
Eph. vi. 13. 2 Tim. iii. 8 bis. iv. 15. in nature or kind, James iii. 7
James iv. 7. 1 Pet. v.
Sept. for "jTDy
9. $vmg dvSpuTTivr], human nature, i. e. man,
Ps. Ixxvi. 8. Tirin Jobix. 19. Jer. xlix". 1 Cor. ii. 4, 13 o-o^t'a avSpwirivT],
18. rnjnn Jer. L 24. Chald. NTO Dan. wisdom. Sept. for tth3$ Job x. 5. 0*JN
iv. 32. Xen. An. 7. 3. 11. Herodian. Num. xix. 16. Wisd. xii. 5. Jos. Ant.
2. 10. 11 Gal. ii. 11 Kara
irpdavirov 2. 15. 5. Xen. Mem. 1. 1. 12.
1 Cor. iv. 3 dvSpwrrivn ij/^pa, human day of human infirmity and imperfection,
e. a court-day. 1 Pet. ii. 13 especially when spoken in opp. to God
of trial, i.
TTIVOS, i. e. common to men, not peculiar. Gal. i. 11, 12, KUTCL avSpwTrov Trapa
Rom. 19 dvSpwTnvov Xlyw, / speak in
vi. dvSpwTrov, i. e. of human origin Xen.
the manner of men, (Buttra. 115. 4), i. e. Mem. 4. 4. 21. So Xtyetv vel XaXeiV
in a manner adapted to human weak- jcard dv$pw7roj/, to speak after the man-
Jos. Ant. 7. 7. 1 d ner of men, i. e. in accordance with hu-
ness, etc.
l(m TO man views, etc. to illustrate by human
examples or institutions, to use popular
adj. (av-
speaking, etc. Rom. iii. 5.
ov, 6, rj,
mode 1 Cor.
and jcretvw), in N. T. as subst. a of
ix. 8. Gal. iii. 15. 1 Cor. xv. 32 d icard
homicide, a murderer ; spoken of Satan, to
avSrpwirov l^r]piofidxn ffa ) if according
as the author of sin and death, John viii.
man's will, etc. i. e. ou Kara Siov, coll.
44 see Wisd. ii. 23, 24, coll. Ecclus. For the phrase
2 Cor.vii. 9, 11. xi. 17.
xxv. 24. Rom. v. 12. Constit. Apost.
woe row dvSpwirov, see no. 4 below.
8. 5 6 dvSpwTroKTovog 50if, i. e. Satan.
The gen. dvSpwTrov stands also instead
Hence a murderer, sc. in heart, in pur-
of the adj. dvSpuirivoc, as 2 Pet. ii. 16
pose, 1 John iii. 15 bis.
iv dvSpwTrot; fytovg, with a human voice.
prob. to the family dvd, avta, dvboc, dv- number, e. an ordinary number,
i. xxi.
person. Sept. everywhere for GIN, (/3) metaph. spoken of the internal
also irnaj*. man, 6 terw dr&pwTroc, i. e. the mind, the
a) gerif.
and univers. Matt. iv. 19. xii. soul, the rational man, Rom. vii. 22. Eph.
12. Mark vii. 21. Luke ii. 52. v. 10. iii.16. called 1 Pet. iii. 4 6 K^VKTOQ Tijs
John i. 4. 1 Cor. iv. 9. al. ssep He- KapSiae dvSpuTTos, the hidden
man of the
rodian. 2. 5. 11. Xen. Mem. 1.1. 7. heart, to which is opposed 6 fw dvSpw-
In a direct address, u* dvSpwTrf, but TTOC, the external visible man,
2 Cor. iv.
rather implying an inferior or common 16. Philo de Gigant. p. 288 6 7rp6f r^v
person, etc. comp. in 'Avr/p 1. a. Luke d\r]$tiav dvSpcjTTOQ. So 6 TraXaibs Kai
v. 20. xii. 14. xxii. 58, 60. Rom. ii. 1, 3. 6 Kctivbz avSpuirog, i. e. the old man, or
ix. 20. James ii. 20. So Sept. and tn$ the former unrenewed disposition of
Is. ii. 9. v. 15. See Gesen. Lex. art. tnk. heart, and the new man, or the dispo-
Xen. Cyr. 2. 2. 7. So ol ovSpwTroi, sition which is created and cherished by
men, i. e. the living, Rev. ix. 10, 15. 18, the religion of Jesus, Rom. vi. 6. Eph.
20. (Jos. Ant. 9. 2. 2.) or those with ii.15. iv.22,24. Col. iii. 9. Act. Thorn.
whom we live, people, Matt. v. 13, 16, 19. 55.
vi. 1. viii. 27. xiii. 25. Mark viii. 24, c) spoken with reference to the cha-
27. al. or men of this
world, this genera- racter and condition of a person, and
tion, wicked men, Matt. x. 17. xvii. 22. applied in various senses according to
Luke vi. 22, 26. al Also ol avSpu-n-oi, the context, viz.
other men, others, simply, Matt. vi. 5,
a man, vir, i. e. a male person of
14, 15, 16. vii. 12. xix. 12. xxiii. 4 sq. ripe age, Matt. viii. 9. xi. 8. xxv. 24.
Luke vi. 31. xi. 46. al. So Sept. and Mark iii. 3. Luke xix. 21. John i. 6. iii.
Judg. xvi. 7. xviii. 28. 1. Acts iv. 13. al. ssep. -'AV&PWTTOC row
in reference to his human man of God, i. e. minister or mes-
D) spoken Srtov,
nature, a man, i. e. a human being, a senger of God, one devoted to his service.
mortal. 1 Tim. vi. 11. 2 Tim. iii. 17. 2 Pet. i.
(a) pp. Phil. ii. 7. James v. 17 'HXiag 21. So Sept. for trn*?N
UTN 1 K. xiii.
rr/g d^apriaf, 2 Thess. ii. 3, see in 'A/zap- So Sept. and irhx Gen. ix. 5, 20. Ex.
n'a 2. a. ii. 11. Horn. II. 16. 263. Od. 13. 123.
a husband, in opp. to a wife, Matt. Xen. Anab. 6. 4. 23.
xix..3, 10 77atria TOV dvSpwTrov /ird yu- c) dVSpwTrog, with the ar-
by impl.
vaiKog. 1 Cor. vii. 1. So Sept. for UTK ticle,every man, every person, whoever.
Deut. xxii. 30. Esdr. ix. 40 d-n-b dvSpw- Matt. iv. 4 TT' dpry ZrjetTai 6 di/SpajTroe,
irov wg yvvaiKog, coll. Neh. viii. 2 where coll. Deut. viii. 3 where Sept. for Q-JK,
Sept. a-rrb dvdpog for 11PK72. Test. XII as also Gen. viii. 21. Lev. v. 4. Matt.
Patr. in Fabr. Pseudep. V. T. 1. p. 529, xii. 35. xv. 11, 18. Mark vii. 15, 18, 20.
yvvaliceg fjTTuJvrai virip TUJV dv$pa7roiv. Luke iv. 4. vi. 45. Rom. vii. 1. x. 5.
a son, as opp. to a father, Matt. x. xiv. 20. al.
35, or a male child generally, John vii. 3. o dvSpwTrof, with the article, i.
23. xvi. 21. Ecclus. iii. 11. Herodian. airof or iKslvof, this, that, he, etc. Matt.
1. 5. 14. xii. 13, 45. xxvi. 72 OVK olSa TOV
() a servant, Luke xii. 36, coll. ver. 37. 21. Luke vi. 10 il-ntv r< dvSpuirv, where
So prob. ^v\ai dvSpwTTwv, female slaves, later editions read aury. Luke xxiii. 4,
Rev. xviii. 13. So Sept. and OIK ttJD} 6. John iv. 50. xix. 5. So Sept. and
Ez. xxvii. 13. See in Vv\rj. 1 Mace, ii! ttT Gen. xxiv. 29, 30, 32. Xen. An.
38. Xen. Vect. 4. 14. So 17 avSpw^roc, 2. 4. 16. Sometimes Utivoq is added ;
a female, Herodot. 1. 60. Philo de Abr. as Matt. xxvi. 24 6 dv^p. 1/ctTvoc. Mark
p. 384. coll. Viger. p. 77, 78. xiv. 21. James i. 7.
() ol dv$pu>7roi iv Ty TroXet, i. e. citi- 4. vlbf TOV dv^pwTrov, son of man, from
zens, inhabitants. John iv. 28. Xen. the Heb.
Cyr. 1. 1, 2, 3.
a) i.
q. dv^pwTrof, a man ; and so sons
2. indef. dv^pwTrof, any man,
q. n'c, of men are i.
q. men. Mark iii. 28 irdvTa
a certain man, i. e. one, some one, any one. d<f>t$rifffTai Ta d/xapri/ftara roif VIOIQ TWV
a) genr. TIC avSpanroq, a certain man, di/^pw7rwv coll. Matt. xii. 31, where it is
Without rig, Matt. ix. 9 tldev dv3pw- clause ri iffnv dvSpwiroc, in the second
TTOV Ka$iip.vov. xii. 10. xiii. 31. xvi. 26. fl vlbg dvSpwTrov. Rev. i. 13 o/ioiov vi<
xxi. 28. Mark iv. 26. v. 2. x. 7. xii. 1. dvSpwirov. So Q1K ^5 and Sept. vli>c
Luke vi. 48, 49. John iii.4, 27. al. saep. TOV dvS-pwTrou Ps. viii. 4.
So Sept. for GIN Lev. xiii. 2. 8. Xen. b)
as a proper name for the Messiah,
Cyr. 6. 3. 9. vElf oVSpwrroc for tic TIQ, with the art. 6 vibg TOV dvSrpuirov, drawn
John xi. 50. xviii. 4. So in a general from Dan. vii. 13, where Sept. for Chald.
proposition, a man, i. e. any one out of a ltf$N *12. It is used by Jesus of him-
number. Rom. iii. 28 TrtVret SiKatovaSai self"'; but is applied to him by no other
dvSpwTTov, a man is justified ly faith, i. e. person, except once by Stephen, Acts
any one who has faith. 1 Cor. xi. 28. vii. 56. It would seem to refer not so
With a negative, no man, no one, Matt. much human
nature, as to the fact
to his
xix. 6.John v. 7. vii. 46. 2 Cor. xii. 4. of his being the Messiah who is described
So Sept. for Q-JN & Ex. xxxiii. 20. as coming from heaven og vibe TOV dv-
b) joined with an adject, or noun it SpwTrov, in a human form, Dan vii. 13.
forms a periphrase for a subst. comp. x. 16. Rev. i. 13. xiv. 14. Comp.
'Avrjp l.b. Matt. XI. 19 avSpwiros 0dyof John iii. 13. vi. 62, coll. ver. 58.
rat oivoTroTTjS) a
glutton and vnnebibber. John xii. 34, where 6 vibg T. dvSr. and
xiii. 24, 45
dvSp. t/iTropog, a merchant. 6 Xpioroe are interchanged. So in Luke
xiii. 52
dvSp. oiicode<nr6Tng, a householder. xxii. 69, 70 6 vlbg TOV dv$. and 6 vibg TOV
xviii. 23. xxi. 33. Luke ii. 15. Tit. iii. $tov. Matt. xvi. 13, 16, 20, 6 vlbg TOV
10. al. So with gentile adjectives, as dv- Seov, b vibe TOV dvSpwirov, and 6 Xpttrro^.
Sp. KvpjjvaTof, a Cyrenian, Matt, xxvii. By using this name of himself before his
32. dv$p. 'Pw^aToe, a Roman, Acts xvi. judges, Jesus openly professed himself
87. dv$p. 'lovSaloc, a Jew, Acts xxi. 39. to be the Messiah, and was so understood
oy all present, Matt. xxvi. 64. Mark Acts ix. 41. So Sept. Av. arriXqv for
xiv. 62. Luke xxii. 69, 70. John i. tTj?n Lev. xxvi. 1. aicrjvriv Num. vii. 1.
52. v. 27. Not found in the Epistles. AL. Jos. Ant. 5. 4. 2. ib. 7. 8. 5. Polyb.
'AvSvirarevto), f. ivw, (avSviraroQ),
13. 7. 8. Spoken of the dead, to raise
to be proconsul, Acts xviii. 12. Hero- up, recal to life, John vi. 39, 40, 44, 54.
ilian. 7. 5. 2.
Acts ii. 32. xiii. 33. So IK veicp&v Acts
xiii. 34. xvii. 31 __
Horn. II. 24. 551,
ou, o, (aj/ri and vTra-
756. Xen. Yen. 1.6.
roe consul), a proconsul, Acts xiii. 6,
b) metaph. to raise up, i. e. to cause to
8, 12. xix. 38. Polyb. 21. 8. 11. Plut. cause to appear, e. g. airkpua rivi
Gall. c. 3. For the rank and authority
Matt. xxii. 24, coll. Gen. xxxviii. 8,
of proconsuls, see under 'Hy^tuiv. Cy- where Sept. rbv Xpiarov Acts
for 0"pn.
prus was originally a pretorian province, ii. 30. Acts iii. 22, 26. vii. 37.
trrparnytKr}, and not proconsular but ;
So Sept. and tTpn Deut. xviii. 18.
was left by Augustus under the senate, Pass, ieptvc dv. Heb. vii. 11, 15.
and hence was governed by a proconsul ;
II. Intransitive, in the perf.
Dio Cass. 54. p. 523. ed. Leuncl. See pluperf.
and aor. 2 Act. and in the Mid. to rise
Adam's Rom. Ant. p. 158, 165. Kuinoel
up, to arise, viz.
on Acts xiii. 7.
a) pp. spoken of those who are sit-
f. avfjaut, aor. 2. avijv, aor.
'Avirini) ting or lying down, Matt. xxvi. 62.
1 pass. avtSrjv,
(ava and 'o?/u), to send up Mark v. 42. ix. 27. xiv. 60. Luke iv.
or forth, Od. 4. 568. In N. T. to let up,
16. v. 25. vi. 8. xxii. 45 avaarag airo rijc
to let go, trans, i.e.
upfrom prayer, i.e. from
TrpoffEwxJjg, rising
to relax, to loosen, e. g. TCLQ ZevKTij-
a) a kneeling or recumbent posture, xvii.
pias,Acts xxvii. 40 rd Seepd Acts xvi. 19. al. Xen. Anab. 4. 4. 11. Lucian
26. Wisd. xvi. 24 opp. to liriTtivuv. D. M. 27. 7. Horn. II. 1. 533. Spoken
Xen. Mem. 3. 10. 7 opp. to Ivreivew. of rising from bed or from sleep, Luke
Eunap. Max. p. 106. xi. 7, 8. xxii. 46. Xen. Mem. 2. 1.3.
b) to omit, cease from, as ri]v airtiXriv So avaffTTJvai t vficpwv, to rise from
Eph. vi. 9. -Jos. Ant. 6. 11. 8 OVK avrj- the dead, return to life, Matt. xvii. 9.
<TW Trplv In the sense of to leave, neg-
ix. 9. 10. Luke xvi. 31. John
lect, not care for, Heb. xiii. 5 oy \ir\ <rc xx. 9. Acts xvii. 3. al. So without CK
avS>. So Sept. for no*! Deut. xxxi. 6. Matt. xx. 19. Mark
veicpwv, viii. 31. ix.
rpltfn Is. v. 6. nn 1 Sam. ix. 5. Ec-
31. x. 34. Luke ix. 8, 19. xviii. 33.
clus.'xxx. 8. Xen^Cyr. 7. 5. 75.
1 Thess. iv. 14, 16. al. 2 Mace. vii. 9
'AvtAewc, o>, o, -fj, adj. (a pr. and coll. ver. 14. xii. 44. Horn. II. 21. 56.
VXewe or V\ao), uncompassionate, stern, Herodot. 3. 66, 67. Trop. Eph. v. 14
James ii. 13.
avaara IK rwv veicpcSv, i. e. arise from the
, ou, 6, /, adj. (a pr. and death of sin, put on the new man in
, unwashed, Matt. xv. 20. Mark Christ. Comp. Clem. Alex. Protr. 8,
vii. 2, 5. Horn. II. 6. 266. ay%op.ivov virb KaKiag rbv av-
'Avforijjut, avaarrjaw, (ava. and
door sc. of faith or of the kingdom of the mind, i. e. cause to perceive and
x. 2, 8. xx. 12 bis.
1. 2. 44 Hence
Spoken of the seals
of a book, T&G fftypayiSac Rev. v. 9. vi. b) by impl. and from the Heb. sin,
Xen. de Rep. iniquity, unrighteousness, Matt, xxiii. 28.
1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12. viii. 1
xxiv. 12. Rom. iv. 7 a>v atykSriaav at avo-
Lac. 6. 4 dvoiZavTag TO.
ftiai, coll. Ps. xxxii. 1 where Sept. avo-
d) spoken of the mouth, TO oro/ia, to
H'ia yyj&, parallel with a/tapn'a.
open the mouth, e. g. of a fish, Matt. xvii.
vi. 19 TO. dov\a ry dvofitg, tig
27. So Sept. and TTSDT
Ps. xxii. 14 __ p,i\r} vfjiwv
Sept. and nSD of the earth, Num. xvi. without law, not subject to the law,
30. Deut. xi. 6. rTHD Num. xxvi. 10. sc. of Moses. 1 Cor. ix. 21 quater, to
Ps. cvi. 17. Demostlu 777. 9. those not subject to the law (i. e. Gentiles)
e) spoken
of the eyes, TOVQ df&aX- I was as one not subject to
the law, (though
povg, to open the eyes, e. g. either one's not indeed without this law in the sight of
own eyes, Acts ix. 8, 40. or those of God), that I might win, etc. Hence put
another, i. e. to cause to see, to restore for gentile, pagan, Acts ii. 23. Wisd
sight, Matt. ix. 30. xx. 33. Johnix. 10. xv. 17. 1 Mace. ii. 44. iii. 5.
14, 17, 21, 26, 30, 32. x. 21. xi. 37. So b) by impl. and from the Heb. a vio-
Sept. and H]?D Is. xxxv. 5. xxxvii. 17. lator of the divine law, a transgressor,
xiii. 7 Metaph. to open the eyes sc. of impious, wicked, 1 Tim. i. 9. 2 Pet. ii. 8.
In the sense of malefactor, Mark xv. 28. ance from death the phrase
being bor-
Luke xxii. 37 2 Thess. ii. 8, that im- rowed from the redemption of a slave ;
pious one, i. q. aVSpwTrof TTJQ a/iaprtag in comp. Eisner I. 83. So Sept. for TTTTp
ver. 3, referring to the guilt of idolatry, 1 K. xxi. 2. Jer. xv. 3. Job xxviii!
etc. Sept. for jng's Is. liii. 12. 15. rrTITan Ruth iv. 7. Ecclus. vi. 15.
Ez. xviii. 24. xxxiii. 8, 12. -p^ U xxvi. 14. 'Jos. B. J. 1. 18. 3.
Iv. 7. Xen. Mem. 4. 4. 13.
w, wo-w,
to erect again, to rebuild, Acts xv. xxii. 25. tJ-hli Prov. xxv. 23. Ecclus.
16, quoted from Amos
ix. 11 where Heb. iii. 31. xxx. 6.
x? V, av*xu, vxo/*ai, a e. g. of
good, Luke xiv. 12. of evil, Rom.
N. T. only Mid. to holdfast to, cleave to, 17. Wisd. xviii. 3. Xen. An.'l. 3. 4.
i. e. to be faithfully attached to
But dv$' wv is more commonly a causa-
any per- tive particle for avrl TOVTOV on, on this
son or thing ;
c. c. gen. Matt. vi. 24.
account that, because that, or simply be-
Luke xvi. 13. Tit. i. 9. Hence faith-
cause. Luke i. 20 dv$' &v OVK kirlaTtvaaQ.
fully to care for, c. gen. 1 Thess. v. 14
T&V daSev&v. xix. 44. Acts xii. 23. 2 Thess. ii. 10.
Sept. for T2TPT Jer. viii. 2.
See Buttm. 150. p. 435. So Sept. for
Zeph. i. 6.
p]n Is. Ivi. 2, 4, 6. Prov.
18. Prov.
Gen. xxii. 18. xxvi. 5. 2 Sam.
iii. "i?pi iv. 6.
Jer. ii.
xii. 6. Tijx nrjJD Deut. xxviii.62.
8. 1 Mace. xv. 34. Pol. 5. 1. 8 . Diod.
Jer. xxii". 9. Jos. Ant. 7. 6. 2. 'Sen.
Sic. 2. 12. Xen. Cyr. 2. 2. 27.
Cyr. 6. 1. 48.
'Avr/, prep. c. gen. pp. simply local, NOTE. In composition avri denotes
over against, in presence of, as avri TIVOQ
1. over against, as aj/nrarretv. 2. con-
oTijvai Horn. II. 21. 481. Hence spoken
trary to, as dvTiXsysiv. 3. reciprocity, as
metaph. either in a hostile sense, against, 4. substitution, as CLVTL-
or by way of com- dvTcnroSiduni.
contra, II. 15. 415.
(3a<ri\V, avSvirciTOQ proconsul. 5. simi-
parison, where it implies something of
larity or correspondence, as d
equivalent value, and denotes substitu-
etc. Buttm. Comp. Buttm. 147. n. 9.
tion, exchange, requital,
147. n. 2. So in N. T. ,
f. /3aXw, to throw in
one's turn, as a weapon, Thuc.
In 7. 25.
by way of substitution, in place of,
one's turn, to take part in, to interest one's d5j f. fiffat, to revile in
selffor, seq. gen. turn, 1 Pet. ii. 23 Lucian. Conv. 40.
, ac,
Antioch, the name Herodian. 6. 3. 13. In N. T. metaph.
of two cities in N. T. to oppose, resist, strive against, c. dat.
Antioch of Syria was situated on
1. Acts vii. 51. Sept. infin. for ny*]73
the river Orontes, and was the royal Num. xxvii. 14. Polyb. 25. 9. 5.
residence and metropolis of all Syria.
Mid. dep. (dvri,
It was founded by Seleucus Nicanor,
and called by him after the name of his pp. to lead out an army against,
viii. 26. Some MSS. read avmripa. Sept. for 2N$ Gen. xxiv. 13, 20. n^l
Jos. Ant. 2. 16. 3. Xen. H. G. 6.2. 9. Ex. ii. 16, 19. Xen. (Ec. 7. 40.
pp. to fall wjiat is drawn,
'AvrtTTiTTTti), Trfffovftai, "AvrAijjua, aroc? >
ry^y Is.
vii. 3. Diod. Sic. 4. 55. Xen. An 7
'AvTO(f)^O\fJ.i(jt), (dvTi, W, rj(T<a,
4. 11.
to look at directly or in the
face; Barnab. Ep. c. 5 tig dicrlvae TOV b) motion to a higher place, upwards,
sursum, John xi. 41. Heb. xii. 15. Sept.
i'l\iov avTo^a\fj.ij(Tai. Chrysost. in Jes.
vi. 2 In N. T. trop. spoken of a ship, for
njp Is. viii. 21. xxxvii. 21. Ecc.
iii. 21. 1 Chr. xxii. 5 Xen. An. 4. 8. 28.
to look the wind in the face, i. e. to bear
John ii. 7 ewe dvw, to the very top or
up against, to resist, to withstand, c. dat.
Acts xxvii. 15. Wisd. xii. 14. Polyb.2. brim. Sept. for np*>
1^ 2 Chr. xxvi. 8.
24. 1.
'Avorytov, ov, TO, i.
q. 'Avdyaiov q.
, ou, o, r], adj. (a pr. and
Wwp,) waterless, dry, as dvvSpot TOTTOI, "AvwStv, adv. (avo>.)
of place, from above,
dry places, i. e. barren, sandy, desert, 1 .
from a higher
Matt. xii. 43. Luke xi. 24. The Jews place, Matt, xxvii. 51. Mark xv. 38. John
supposed that the abode of evil spirits xix. 23. Jos.Ant. 3. 7. 3. Herodian. 8.
was in deserts see Tob. viii. 3. Baruch.
4. 20. Thuc. 3. 21 Hence spoken of
iv. 35. and
comp. Rev. xviii. 2. Sept. for whatever is ovpavoSiv or IK TOV
}1?^tfP Is. xliii. 19, 20. inin Is. xii. vov,from heaven, and since God dwells
in heaven, it
19. n^
Hos. ii. 3. nttfc is. xfir. 8. signifies, from God, in a
2 Mace. i. 19. Polybl 5. 80. 2 __ divine manner, John iii. 31.
(iii. 3, 7.)
Trop. spoken of boastful deceivers and 11. James i. 17. So James iii. 17 n
seducers, who are called Tri/yai dvvSpot dvwStv <ro<f>ia, heavenly or divine wisdom,
2 Pet. ii. 17, and ve<t>i\ai (Buttm. 125.
dwSpoi Jude 6,)
q. ) oofia avuStv
in ver. 15.
12, i. e. fountains or clouds that promise Sept for ^7333 Ex. xxviii. 27.
much water, but deceive those who Job iii. 4 Clem. Alex. Protrept. 1.
on them. Just. Mart. Cohort,
p. 9. ^Elian. H.
An. 9. 30. Xen. Mem. 4. 3. 14.
, ov, o, r/, adj. (a pr. 2. of time,
and a) from thefirst, from the
uTroKpt'vo/iai,) unfeigned, real, true, Luke
Rom. beginning. i. 3. Acts xxvi. 5
sincere, xii. 9. 2 Cor. vi. 6. 1 Tim. Trpo-
yivwcricovTfs ue$f.v,from the first, e.
i. 5. 2 Tim. i. 5. James iii. 17. 1 Pet.
from the earliest age Dem. 1125. 24.
i. 22 Wisd. v. 18. xviii. 16.
Herodian. 8. 6. 12 KO.T' tvvoiav, r}v tl^ov
par. of avw, Buttm. 115. 5. Luke xiv. c) by impl. suitable, congruent, cor-
10. Heb. x. 8 dvwTtpov Xeywv, having responding to, C. gen. as icaoirovs <iiovf
said above, before, in the former part of TTJC fitravoiag, Matt. iii. 8. Luke iii. 8.
the quotation. Sept. for ^7373 Lev. xi. Acts xxvi. 20. So Luke xxiii. 41 1
21. Mace. x. 54. Xen. Ag. 1 1 .Hence aio* .
Luke vii. 4. Rev. iii. 4. Seq. gen. of 14. 4. 4. Xen. Mem. 4. 3. 13.
thing, Matt. x. 10 TTJG TpoQrjg. Luke x.
7 TOV P.HT&OV. 1 Tim. v. 18. Acts xiii. 46. 'ATTayyAAw, f. yeXoi, imperf. a7rr/y-
Acts xxvi. 20 in later edit. aor.
1 Tim. i. 15. iv. 9. vi. 1. Sept. for
rnirf Esth. vii. 4 Wisd. vi. 16. ix. 12. ^yyeiXa, aor. 2 Pass. a7r;yyeX?jv
2''Macc. iv. 25. Xen. Mem. 1. 2. 62 __ Luke viii. 20, doubtful, see Buttm. 103.
John i. 27. Dem. 279. 8. Matt, viii, 33. xiv. 12. xxviii. 8, 10, 11.
of evil, deserving of, absol. Rev. Mark vi. 30. xvi. 10, 13. Luke vii. 18.
20, 36. ix. 36. xiii. xxiv. 9. John
Seq. gen. TiX^ywv Luke xii. 28.
viii. 1.
vi. 6.
Luke xx. 18. Acts iv. 23. xi. 13. 1 Thess. i. 9.
>, deserving of death,
xxiii. 15. Acts xxiii. 29. xxv. 11, 25. Sept.forTan Judg. xiii. 10 Xen. Anab.
xxvi. 31. Rom. i. 32. Wisd. xix. 4. 1 . 7. 2. Seq. tig, Luke viii. 34 arr^yyttXav
Xen. Mem. 1. 2. 62 Savdrov l
tig rovgdypov^. Mark v. 14
71 'ATraXXacratt)
vii. 22. xiv. 21. Acts v. 22. xxii. 26. 11. al. ssep. Comp. Buttm. 130. n. 2.
In N. T. only aor. 1 Pass. airrjpSnv, in
Sept. for T3H Gen. xxvii. 42. xxix. 12.
Xen. Mem! 1. 2. 33. the pass, sense, to be taken away, Matt.
ix. 15. Mark ii. 20. Luke v. 35. or per-
f. ayw, to strangle. In N.
haps with the mid, intrans. sense, to de-
said irprjvrjg ytvop,ivog iXaicT/<Te p'toog K.T.\. vog. Luke vi. 30. xii. 20 TIJV -^v\r\v <rov
lit. they shall require
d-rraiTovoiv O.TTO aov,
i. e. having hanged himself, and the
cord perhaps breaking, he fell with such thy life, indef. for the Pass, thy life shall
violence as to dash out his bowels. be required sc. by him who gave it ;
comp. Buttm. 129. 11. Stuart 500.
ayw, f. w, aor. 2 airrjyayov, aor. Ecclus.
Sept. for to?} Deut. xv. 2, 3.
1 Pass. airrix^nV) to lead away, to con-
xx. 15. Jo's. Ant. 12. 4. 5. Theophr.
duct away, trans.
Char. 9 or 12.
a) genr. Luke xiii. 15. seq. irpog Acts
f. *l<ru,
xxiii. 17. Sept. for 371} Gen. xxxi. 18. 'ATTaX-yfO), w, (airo, aXyew,)
Deut. xxviii. 37. Tpbln Deut. xxviii. 36. pp. to grieve out, i. e. to cease from griev-
Matt, xxvii. 31. Luke xxiii. 26. Johnxix. remove from, trans, rt OLTTO
a\\aaa(i),\ to
16. Hence
absol. anaxSnvai, to be put to rtvog, Xen. Anab. 3. 2. 28. Sept. for
death, Acts xii. 19.~Ep. Jerem. 18. Sept. Job ix. 34.
T'DrT xxvii. 5. Jer. xxxii. 31,
aTTTjyusvog, a prisoner, for -nDN* etc. Gen. Hence in N. T.
xxxix. 22. xl. 3. xiii. 16. Hesych. a)
aTraXXaffffo/iat, to remove
tig Savarov \Ktaai. one's selffrom, or intrans. to depart, to
by irapl. to free, to set free, to dis- 18. So Sept. for Q^nuJI Qys Neh. xiii. 20.
miss, trans, seq. air 6. Luke xii. 58 1 Mace. iii. 30.
cnrijXXdx^aL air' avrov, to be set free, let b) trop. once for all, already, formerly,
go, from thy opponent, creditor, etc. Heb. vi. 4. x. 2. Jude ver. 3, 5. So Sept.
sc. by private adjustment. Seq. Gen. for nnK Ps. Ixii. 12. Ixxxix. 36. Jos.
Wisd. xii. 2, 20. Jos. Ant. 2. 3. 3. Xen. Ant. 5. 3. 2.
Mem. 2. 9. 6.-^So metaph. Heb. ii. 15.
Savdrov 'A7rapa/3aroc, ou,
o, 17? adj. (a pr.
a7raXXdy TOVTOVC oeroi 0o/3y and Act. not passing over,
tvoxot fiaav SovXtiac. Seq. gen. Philo i. e. not transgressing sc. a law, Jos.
de spec. Leg. p. 793 aTraXXax^w r?fc
Ant. 18. 8. 2. Pass, not violated, invio-
liri T<$ SavaTty
rt/iwp/ae. Jos. Ant. 11.
late, e. g. o voftoc, Epict. Enchir. 50. 2.
6. 12. Xen. Cyr. 5. 1. 12.
Xoyoe Sttoc Plut. de Fat. 1. de def. Orac.
'ATraXXorptow, w, f.
wow, (air 6,
3. In N. T. spoken of Christ's priest-
to estrange, to alienate; hood, Heb. vii. 24, either Act. not tran-
Pass, to be alienated from, to be a stran- perpetual; or Pass, immutable, un-
ger to, seq. gen. Eph. ii. 12. iv. 18. absol. changing. Found only in the later
Col. 21. Sept. for -m Ps. Iviii. 4. ^53
Greek, Lob. ad Phryn. p. 313.
Job xxi. 29. 4 Mace. i. 3. Diod. Sic. 3.
72. ib. 11. 48. 'ATrapatncsvaoTOc, ou, o, 77, adj. (a
pr. 7rapa<ncuaa>,) unprepared, 2 Cor.
ix. 4, coll. ver. 3. Jos. Ant. 4. 8. 41.
oe, 77, o v, soft, tender ; spoken
of a shoot of a tree, Matt. xxiv. 32. Xen. Cyr. 2. 4. 15.
Diod. Sic. 18. 59. 'polyb. 5. 26. 8. a) henceforth, hereafter, Matt, xxiii.
39. xxvi. 29, 64. John i. 52. Comp. awb
"ATTO^, adv. of time, once. i. e. TOV vvv Luke i. 48. Whether the Attics
a) pp. one time, semel, 2 Cor. xi. 25. used it in this sense, is doubtful ;
Heb. ix. 7, 26, 27, 28. xii. 26, 27. 1 Pet. ad Phryn. p. 20, 21.
q. dprt, but stronger, at this very to deceive, to
aw, w, f.
time, evennow, John xiii. 19. xiv. 7. Rev. delude, i. lead into error, trans.
e. to
xiv. 13 fiaKaoioi 01 vticpoi 01 tv Kvpiy a7ro- v. 6. 1 Tim. ii. 14 bis. James, i. 26.
Svr'jvxovTeg dirapTi, blessed, even now, are Sept. for rpDn 2 K. xviii. 32.
' N^'n
the dead, etc. Aristoph. Plut. 388. Gen. iii. 13.
Ex. xxii. 15 __ He-
rodian. 2. 1. 22. Xen. Cyr. 5. 4. 20.
OCj ov, o, (a7raprt'w to
complete, a word of the later Greek,
r\g, */>
(aTrardw), decep-
Lob. ad Phryn. p. 447), completion. Act.
tion, delusion ; dg diraTtjv avrov
Luke xiv. 28 i tx fl [dtovTal irpbg Judith xvi. 8 in N. T. Pass, spoken of
nest, the pledge, dpp a/3wv, of future and 15 -- Orig. c. Cels. 5. 10 cnravy. QUTOQ
higher gifts. Ecclus. xxxii. 8 dirap- d'idiov.
xn xup>v <TOV.
aor. 2, subj. awitiw,
b) spoken of persons, first
in time, first (d-n-o,
firstling. Rom. xvi. 5 og iartv dirapxn away from one thing towards another,
Ttjg 'Affiag eig Xpicrrbv, i. e. the first in seq. Trpof Thuc. 7. 71. seq. ti'c Act.
Asia Minor who embraced the Christian Thoin. 51. trop. to look at, to regard,
religion. 1 Cor. xvi. 15. James i. 18. seq. Trpoe Jos. Ant. 2. 6. 1. Dio. Cass.
Rev. xiv. 4. In 1 Cor. xv. 20, 23, Christ p. 396. ed. Reim. In N. T. to see out,
is called / d7rap\) T>V KSKot^irj^ivittv, i. e. to see through, i. e. to see to an end, to
the first who has risen from the dead. perceive, to know, Phil. ii. 23. Sept.
Jonah iv. 5 ewg ov oTri'^y ri earai ry
, aora, av, ('/*, Tff), q- for
but stronger, the whole, every, all
i. e. inca-
7ripaw), untried, untempted,
iii. 1. ry tuayyfXiy 2 Pet. iv. 17. Comp.
pable of being tempted, seq. gen. James
Deut. i. 26 r< r/tart. ix. 23. xxxii. 53.
i. 13. Comp. Buttm. 132. 6. 1. Ig-
r'h pr. nat. Ep. ad Philipp. ri ireipa&iQ TOV
? adj. (
and unwilling to be persuaded, curtipaaTov. Constitut. Apost.
I. 8. Un-
refusing belief and obedience, contuma- attempted, Jos. B. J. 5. 9. 3. ib. 7. 8. .
cious, Luke i. 17. Tit. i. 16. iii. 3. Seq. Others, Act. not having tried.
dat. ofpers. or thing, Actsxxvi. 19. Rom.
"ATTffpoCj ou, o, 77, adj. (a pr.
i. 30. 2 Tim. Sept. for *inlD Deut.
iii. 2.
xxi. 18. TTTI73 Num. xx. 10. "HE Is. Tmpa), inexperienced, ignorant, seq. gen
Heb. v. 13 aireipog Xoyou, ignorant of true
xxx. 9. Ecclus. xvi. 6. xlvii. 21. He-
rodian. 2. 4. 10. Xen. Mem. 3. 5. 19.
doctrine. Comp. Buttm. 132. 5. 1.
<ro/tat, (CLTTO, tlfiL am), to r
be absent, I Cor. v. 3. 2 Cor. x. 1, 11. a putting off, metaph. renunciation, Col.
xiii. 2, 10. Phil. i. 27. Col. ii. 5 __ Wisd. ii. 11 CLTTtK^VaiQ TOV <T(i)fiaTO(; TTJQ ffUOKOQ.
ix. 6. Herodian. 2. 7. 8. Xen. Conv. 8. 18.
aor. 1 dTTT/Xa^a, (OTTO,
, (CLTTO, Ei/it go), impf. airy IXavvw), to drive away from, seq. OTTC,
Acts xviii. 16. Sept. for ^n Ez. xxxiv. Job xxxvi. 26. Herodian. 8. 5. 21.
12. Wisd. xvii. 8. Xen. Mem. 2. 6. Thuc. 4. 36.
adv. (a pr. and TTE-
ov, b, (dTrtXeyxo*), pt<T7rao> to distract), without distraction,
futation- by impl. disesteem, contempt, without solicitude, sc. about earthly
Acts xix. 27 i. e.
tif aTrtXey/iov tX^elv,
things, 1 Cor. vii. 35, coll. ver. 32 34.
cnrt\eyx t<T$ al ) parallel to ou&v Xoyt- Arrian. Diss. Ep.
Polyb. 2. 20. 12.
1.29. 59.
i. e. whose heart and ears are still co-
t'<ro>, (dir6,
vered with the dicpo(3v0Tia of nature, so
to hope out, have done hoping, to
i. e. to
that they neither listen to nor obey the
despond, to despair, Luke vi. 35 SaviiZert,
divine precepts ; hence obdurate, per-
[wara] ftrjdtv aTrtXirf ovrf, i. e. lend, never
verse. So Sept. and zb'^'ty Ez. xliv.
despairing nor doubting of requital, for
so your reward will be great from God ;
7. D^T-"! Jer. vi. 10.
for ^:& Ex. xiv. 2. Num. vii. 10. 4. 3. 14. Xen. Mem. 4. 2. 39. Trop.
Hos. vii. 2.
Gen. xxi. 16. ngi spoken of things, etc. of leprosy, Mark
Judg. xix. 10 ^-'Spoken of place, Matt. i. 42. Luke v. 13. of fruits, Rev. xviii. 14 j?
xxvii. 61 TOV Tdfov. Sept. for ^pi> Ez. 67rwpo dirijXStv dirb oov, has passed away ,
xl. 49. 153 Neh. vii. 3. perished, from thee, i. q. aTrwXero dirb
b) by tiebr. trop. of what is before
<rov ibid. So Rev. xxi. 1 ) irpwrrj yr/
the mind, Rom. iii. 18 oirjc Ion <f>6fioe dirrjXSev has passed away, in later edit.
Seov d-rrkvavTi T&V 6<j>5aXp.u>v UVTWV, xxi. 4. Rev. ix. 12 ) oval y uia
quoted from Ps. xxxvi. 2, where Sept. diriiXScv, is over, is past. xi. 14. So
Sept. 6 verbs dirrjXSrsv for Cj^n Cant. ii.
coll. ix. 26 where it is itfteev. Includ- Matt. vi. 2, 15, 16. TrapaK\^criv Luke vi.
ing the idea of arrival, i. e. to go away 24 iravTa Phil. iv. 18. Spoken of a per-
quite to a place, i. e. to come to, to arrive son, to have for good and all, Philem. 15.
Ut, Luke xxiii. 33 'on cnrfjXSrov ITTI rbv Sept. Gen. xliii. 23 and Num. xxxii. 19,
TOTTOV. So Sept. airrj\^tv i$' SX7;//if where Heb. Ni2 __ Jos. Ant. 1. 30. 6.
for Kia Gen. xlii. 21. Plut. Solon, c. 22. Hence air't^ti im-
Hebr. c. c. 6iriffa) TIVOQ, to pers. sufficit, it is enough, Mark xiv. 41,
c) by go
away after any one, i.
follow, e. to
g. e. i.
ye have slept enough ; comp. Luke
xxii. 45, 46, and comp. iicavov IOTI, Luke
as companions or disciples, in the Jew-
ish manner, Mark i. 20. Luke xvii. 23. xxii. 38. Anacr. Od. 38. v. 33 airix"
John xii. 19. So 67ri<ro> ffapKos trkpag (3\ETTU) yap avrriv. Hesych. awt^t CLTTO-
Jude 7 __ Heb. "nnN TJ^n Judg. ii. 12. Xptj, Others, it is gone, it is over,
1 Sam. vi. 12, where Sept. iropevopai sc. the hour of anguish.
iTrtVw. In a similar sense, seq. -rrpoe Ttva,
'A7TtOT(U, M 9 f. l'lV(D, (aTTlOTOf), to
John vi. 68.
withhold belief, to doubt, to distrust, absol.
in the sense of to withdraw, to go
d) Acts xxviii. 24. Mark xvi. 11. Luke
apart, Matt. xxvi. 36. Acts. iv. 15.
xxiv. 41. dat. Luke xxiv. 11 __
e) spoken of those who turn back, Wisd. i. 2. xii. 17. Jos. Ant. 2. 4. 5. Xen.
to go back, to return, seq. tig, Matt. ix.
Anab. 2. 5. 6 Hence, to disbelieve, to be
7. Luke i. 23. John iv. 3. So Sept.
unbelieving, i. e. without faith in God and
for yitfj Gen. iii. 19. xxxi. 13. Josh. i. Mark xvi. 16. Rom. iii. 3.
15. vi. 14. Job i. 21. al Herodian.
Wisd. x. imp. to break one's
7. By
8. 8. 18. Xen. Cyr. 1. 5. 1. In John
faith, to prove false, 2 Tim. ii. 13.
c. c. a'e TO. 6iriffti), to turn back, John xviii.
6. to return, vi. 66. AL. a,
}, (awrroff), unbelief,
, TTjToe, n, (aTrXooc), sim- xiv. 36. Luke ix. 5. John xviii. 28. al.
jects as before were on, by, or with, ano- voSev. 24. 492. Spoken of order or suc-
ther, but are now separated from it ; cession, apxo/xcu diro TIVOQ, to begin from,
(not in it, for to this IK corresponds); etc. Matt. xx. 8. Luke xxiii. 5. John
either in respect of place, time, origin, viii. 9. Acts viii. 35. Theophr. Char. 2.
or source, etc. Its general meaning is Xen. Mem. 3. 5. 15. So with apdfj,evoe
therefore from, away from, of, etc. Sept. implied, Acts xxviii. 23. xvii. 2. So Matt,
for ]73 passim. xxiii. 34. Matt. ii. 16 dirb SitTovg ical *a-
Of place.
I. 1. Implying motion rwrpw,/rom two years old downwards.
from, away from. Implying the separation, removal,
a) genr.
and put after words signify- of one thing from another and put af- ;
ing departure from a place, person, etc. ter words which denote this in any way.
Matt. viii. 34 OTTWC /iTa/3y dirb TU>V 6pi'a>v Such verbs are often construed with a
ni'Tuiv. xiii. 1 i%e\2r<i}v dirb r/jjg ouaag. simple genitive but the prep, may also
SX. 29 tKTTopeuo/iEvwv avrSiv dirb 'Itpt^w. be inserted for the sake of perspicuity ;
ixiv. 1 Mark xvi. 8 fyvyov curb TOV \LVT}- Buttm. 132. 3. Thus
liiiov. Luke iv. 1. ix. 33 Siaxupi&aSai
after verbs implying separation,
air' ai'Tov. xxiv.31,51. Actsi.4. xii. 19. Matt. xxv. 32. Rom. viii. 35, 39. 1 Thess.
A iii.
13, 14 __ Xen. Mem. 2. 6. 11. Anab. ii. 17. Wisd. i. 3. Plat. Phsedo. c. 12.
7. 1. 4. So trop. spoken of diseases, So in the constructio prcegnans Rom.
'A' 78 'A'
ix.3, BeeinavaStpa. 2Cor. xi. 3. 2Thess. dirb irpoauicov TOV offwg, i. e. far from.
i.9. Col. ii. 20. away from, the serpent -- Xen. Anab. 3.
b) after verbs of depriving, removing, Maicpav diro, far from, Matt. viii.
taking away, etc. Matt. ix. 15. xiii. 12. 30. al. Sept. for
-pp pn*in
Ex. xxxiii. 7.
Luke x. 42. Luke vi. 29, see in KwXvw. So after dirtx<> Luke vii. 6 dirb r/Jg
So where this idea is implied in the con- otKt'af. xxiv. 13. Xen. An. 4. 3. 5.
text ;
as diruXtTo dirb oov, Rev. xviii. 14. Diod. Sic. 3. 67 __ In later Greek writers
So Sept. and "]p 15*$ Jer. xviii. 18. and in N. T. ait 6 is prefixed to the noun
After verbs of hiding, concealing, in which of measure, which marks the distance ;
removal is implied, Matt. xi. 25. Luke as John xi. 18 tfv Si 7} BijSavia
ix. 45. xix. 42. So Sept. and TP)pn p 'itpoffoXvfittiv, w dirb ffradiuv
Gen. iv. 14. &^?y.n 2 K. iv. 27.
xxi. 8 <I>cairb 7rt)x&v SICLKOO'KIIV. Rev. xiv.
Ecclus. xvii. 15, 20. Horn. Od. 23. 110. 20 -- Jos. Ant. 5. 1. 4 /SdXXwv orparo-
So after vorepow, Heb. xii. 15. ireSov airb Siica araSiwv rfjs 'lpi%ovj/ro.
rairavttv Heb. iv. 4. 1 Pet. iii. 10. IK- Before an adv. of distance, OTTO /*a/c-
Si K ~iv Rev. vi. 10Xen. Cyr. 1. 3. 11. poStv, Matt. xxvi. 58. Rev. xviii. 10. So
i. e. Xvtiv and PS. cxxxviii. 6. pirnp!?
d) after verbs of loosing, Sept. for prnp?3
diroXveiv, Luke xiii. 15. xvi. 18. 1 Cor. Ezra iii. 13. Comp. Lob. ad Phryn. p. 46^
vii. 27. Karapytiv, Rom. vii. 2, 6. In 461. Polemo Physiogn. 1. 6.
like manner after verbs of freeing, puri- 4. Found sometimes instead of IK,
fying from, healing, etc. and also after where the distinction between the two
similar adjectives. So after au&iv Matt. (see above) is not definitely kept in
1.21. Sepairtveiv Luke V. 15. laSfrjvai view ;
so after verbs comp. with IK, as
vi. 17. Siicaiovv Acts xiii. 39. i\tvSe- tK/3dXo> rb icdpQoc; airb rov 6^3'aX/jov Matt.
povv Rom. vi. 18, 22. pveaSai xv. 31. vii. 4, coll. ver. 5, where it is IK rov
2 Cor. vii. 1. 2 Tim. ii. 21. 6$$. Acts xiii. 50, coll. John. ii. 15.
Heb. x. 22. Xovtiv Acts xvi. Luke ix. 5 I%epx6ptvov airb riJQ iroXtwg,
33. Rev. i. 5, etc. By implic. Heb. xi. coll. John iv. 30 IK rijs TroXewg. Matt.
34. After a3woQ Matt, xxvii. 24. vyirie xvii. 18 ki)XSev air avrov rb Saipoviov,
Mark v. 34. KaSapos Acts xx. 26. IXev- Mark i.
25, 26 t avrov. So metaph.
Sepoe Rom. vii. 3. aviriXoe James i. 27. of thoughts, purposes, etc. Mark vii. 15
So with verbs of redeeming, Rev. xiv. TO.
tKiropevofifva air' avrov, Coll. ver. 20
3, 4, comp. 'Ayopdw. IK TOV dvSpuirov, and Matt. xv. 11 IK
e) after verbs imply ing fear, caution, rov arofiaTOg, ib. 18, 19 IK rrjg
avoidance, etc. e. g. after <poj3e~ia5ai Matt, Matt, xviii. 35 tl d^fJTf airb T>
x. 28.
Jer. x. 2.
Luke xii. 4.
So Sept.
iv. 2. 1
p nnn
irapairrufjiaTa, coll.
such verbs imply
Mark xii. 30, 33.
viii* many
12. So 06/3o diro TIVOQ Xen. Anab. 7. external departure, and are then properly
2. 37. After tyvXarrtiv and <j>vXd.TTta$ai, construed with air 6, as Luke v. 8 I^XSt
1 John v. 21. 2 Thess. iii. 3. Luke air' l/iov, comp. 1. a. above. Put also
xii. 15. Sept. for p
^piT) Ps. xviii. 24.
Xen/ Cyr. 2. 3. 9.
for IK after the verbs lye/pw,
Ecclus. xii. 11. etc. Matt. i.
SityepStis airb TOV vir-
After irpoaex tv Matt. vii. 15. x. 17. vov, coll. Rom. xiii. 11 ! virvov tyepSrj-
Luke xii. 1. xx. 46. Sept. for
2 Chr. xxxv. 21. Ecclus. vi. 13. xiii"
^irj p vai. Matt. xiv. 2 riytpSr) airb rwv vtKpwv,
and so xxvii. 64. xxviii. 7, coll. Mark
8. After (SXtireiv in the sense of to be- vi. 14, 16. John xii. 1,9. Acts iii. 15.
ware, Mark viii. 15. xii. 38. ^tvyctv to xiii. 30, etc. where it is IK vsKp&v. So
avoid, 1 Cor. x. 14. airo for tK Xen. Mem. 2. 7. 2 Xap.pdvofiev
3. Implying distance of one object ovre IK rrJQ yijg ov$iv cure dirb TW
from another. Rev. xii. 14 Hiero 1. 38.
ATTO 79 'A'
II. Of time, i. e. from any time on- parable drawn from the fig-tree. 2 Tim.
wards, since any time. i. 3 XaTpevw dirb irpoyovutv, i. e. whom
before a noun. Matt. ix. 22 diro I worship with a devotion inherited
rrJ wpa tKtivtQ xi. 12 dirb T&V rjfitp&v
from my ancestors. Others, in the
'Iwavvou. Luke i. 70. viii. 43. Acts xxiii. manner of, see no. 3 below Thuc. 4.
23. 1 John i. 1 Xen. Anab. 7. 5. 6. 108. Plu. Fab. Max. c. 2. So 1
Pint. Lucull. c. 2. With the names of ii. 6, co$av ovre d(f>' v/j.wv OUTS air' dX-
persons, Matt. i. 17. Rom. v. 14. He- Xwv, parellel to avSpuiruv, i. e. hu-
rodian. 6. 2. 5 Before events or cir- man applause. Palaeph. Fab. 13, 40.
cumstances, Matt. i. 17. xiii. 35. Luke Spoken of persons from whom one
ii. 36. Acts xi. 19 Herodot. 8. 54. 55. hears, learns, asks any thing. Matt. xi.
Thuc. 7. 43. 29 ftdSeTt air epov. Col. i. 7. Mark xv.
45 yvovQ dirb TOV KevTvpiwvog. Luke xxii.
b) before a pronoun,
as a$ rjg sc.
^fi'epag,from what day, i.
e.from the time 71 T^Koixrajjitv dirb TOV (TTOfiaTog avTov.
when, since, Luke vii. 45. Actsxxiv. 11. Acts ix. 13. So of any source of know-
2 Pet. iii. 4. Fully written Col. i. 6. 9. ledge, Matt. vii. 16, 20, dirb TU>V icapir&v
comp. Acts xx. 18. xxiv. 11. Xen. H. avTutv kiriyvwaeaSe O.VTOVQ Thuc. 1. 25.
G. 4. 6. 6. So a<f>' ov sc. \oovov from Here too we may refer the use of diro
what time, since, Luke xiii. 25. xxiv. 21. to mark that which is the occasion or in-
Rev. xvi. 18. Sept. for IN?? Ex. v. 23. direct cause of any thing, e. g.
Jos. Ant. 4. 4. 6. Xen.'Conv. 4. 62. a)
before the incidental cause, from,
Fully, a0' ov xpovov Xen. Cyr. 1. 2. 13. i. e. by reason of, on account of, because
before adverbs of time, with or
c) of, in consequence of. Matt, xviii. 7 oval
without TOV, e. g. d-rb TOV vvv,from now, Tip KofffKf) dirb T&V (TKavEdXwv. Luke
henceforth, Luke i. 48. Actsxviii. 6. air' xix. 3 oyie r)SvvaTO dirb TOV ox^ov. John
aoTt see in'Apn and'Arraprt. dirb irtpv<ri f xxi. 6. Acts xx. 9. xxii. 11. 2 Cor. vii.
since a year ago, 2 Cor. viii. 10. ix. 2. 13. Heb. v. 7. Rev. ix. 18. So Sept.
curb TTpun, from morning, Acts xxviii. 23. and "pp
Ex. vi. 9. 2 Chr. v. 6. xx. 9.
curb TOT(,from that time, Matt. iv. 17. al. Ecclus. xli. 17 sq. Jos. Ant. 9. 4. 3
see in Tort. Simplic. in Epict. 166. dx\vv, a<f>' rjg dyvofjfftiv avrbv ifieXXov.
See Lob. ad Phryn. p. 47, 461. Sturzde b) before the inciting cause, motive,
Dial. Alex. p. 210. especially an affection of the mind, e. g.
III. Of the origin or source of any Matt. xiii.44a7ro TTJQ x a P** O.VTOV virdyti.
thing ;
where diro marks the secondary, Luke xxiv. 41. xxiL 45 KOIHUHEVOVC. dirb
indirect, mediate orgin ; while IK denotes Ttjs Xuirrjc;. Matt. xiv. 26 dirb TOV (}>6(3ov
the primary, direct, ultimate source ; tKpaZtv. xxviii. 4. Luke xxi. 26. Acts
and VTTO the immediate efficient agent; xii. 14. 2 Cor. ii. 3.
24, the Mount Sinai covenant. Mark viii. ashamed at his coming, before him,
11 ffrjfiflov
3. 2. 17.
cur ovpavov. Xen. H. G. 1 John ii. 28. Sept. for
Jer. xxii.
After verbs of having or receiving
^ im
2. Of the source, i. e. the person or any thing from the author, etc. 1 Cor.
1 John ii. 20, 27.
thing from which any thing proceeds, vi. 19. 1 Tim. iii. 7.
is derived, etc. Matt. xxiv. 32 dirb rfjs iv. 21. So aTTo Sreov, dirb Kvpiov, etc.
dStTt rr\v irapaftoXrjv, i. e. the as the author or bestower, Rom. i. 7.
'ATTO' 80
xiii. 1. 1 Cor. i. 3,30. iv. 5. 2 Cor. i.2. ancestors; others from, see in III. 2,
Gal. i. 4. Eph. i. 2. Phil. i. 2, 28. al. above.
saep. So d^' eavTov, of one's self, i. e. 4. Of the instrument, or instrumental
of one's own accord, by his own authority, source, from, by means of, with. Luke
Luke xii. 57. xxi. 30. Johnv. 19. xv. 4. viii. 3 diijKovovv avTijj dirb TU>V virao\6v-
al. IpavTov, of myself, etc.
'Air' John Twv avToig. xv. 16 yefiitrai rr\v KotXiav
v. 30. vii. 17. xiv. 10. al. 'ATT' Iftov, of dirb rS)v KtpariW. Rev. xviii. 15 ol TrXov-
myself, by my own authority, John vii. 28. TiaavTEQ air' auri/. Ecclus. xi. 18. Jes.
Diod. Sic. 17. 66. See Kypke Obs. Ant. 4. 8. 9. Horn. II. 24. 605. Xen.
in N. T. I. p. 391. Mem. 1.2. 9.
d) put
and passive verbs
after neuter 5. Of the material, i. e. from, of, etc.
to mark the author and source of the Matt. 4 tvdvfjia dirb TQI-%G>V.
iii. Esdr.
action but not where the author is to
viii. 57. Herodot. 7. 65 iifiara dirb ZvXuv
be conceived of as personally and imme-
diately active, this latter idea being 6. Spoken of dependence from or on
dedtiynlvov, i. e. confirmed from God, Tivw TU>V dirb TOV irXoiov. Herodian. 7.
from heaven, etc. Jos. Ant. 7. 14. 5. 1. 11. ib. 7. 9. 2. Lucian. Conv. 6.
So Acts X. 17, 21, dire<TTa\nevoi dirb Comp. Lob. ad Phryn. p. 164.
TOV KopvnXiov, i. e. sent from Cornelius, 7. Implying a part in relation to a
from his comp. xi. 11 where
household ; whole, a part from a whole, in the sense
it is dirb KaKrapaag, and comp. also in of from, of, etc. So after t(r3t'u> and
a different sense Luke i. 26 dirtaraX. Trlvb), to eat or drink of any thing, i. e.
VTTO and John i. 6 irapd. So James i. a part of it, Matt. xv. 27. Mark vii. 28.
13 dirb TOV Stov irtipdZojjMi, L e. tempted Luke xvi. 21.
xxii. 18. [Rev. ii.
from God, from heaven comp. virb TOV ;
Mark vii. 4 dirb dyopag, see in 'Ayopd b.
ta/36\ov, Matt. iv. 1. Luke iv. 2. al. The Attic writers employ here the gen.
where Satan represented as the imme-
is without diro, see Buttm. 132. 4. 2. b.
diate agent. Rev. xii. 6, coll. Matt. xx. Sept. eaS'uiv diro for -jTp ^ON Lev. xi.
3. Matt. xi. 19. Luke vii. 35. Jude 23. 40, also iaSitiv tie 2 Sam. xii. 3. irivtiv
Still diro would seem in a few in- diro for nJTllJ Jer. Ii. 7, also irivtiv ex,
stances in N. T. to be used less definitely Gen. ix. 21. Comp. Luke xxii. 16.
where viro might be expected Mark viii. ;
John iv. 14. 1 John iv. 13. al. So also
31 diroSoKip.airS'rjvai cnrb T&V irptffjSvTSpdtv. afterother verbs, where an accus.
Luke ix. 22. xvii. 25. Comp. 1 Pet. ii. would imply the whole. Mark vi. 43
4, where it is viro.
Comp. Passow sub gpav dirb T&v i-^vdiv. xii. 2 Xd(3y dirb
dir6 C. 9. TOV Kctpirov. Luke xx. 10. xxiv. 42. John
3. Spoken of the manner or mode in xxi. 10. Acts ii. 17, 18. v. 2, 3. Rev. xxii.
which any thing is done, etc. e. g. Matt, 19. Comp. Winer 30 % 5 __ Spoken of
xviii. 35 to forgive airb KapSi&v,from the a class or number of persons, etc. from
heart, i. e. heartily, fully So dirb ^vxrjs which one selected, of which he
Theophr. 19 or 17. cnrb yvw^Tjc -ZEschyl. forms part. etc. Matt, xxvii. 9 tn^aav-
Eumen. 661. air' avro/xdrou voluntarily TO
[ru>~j dirb TWV v\&v 'ItrparjX. xxvii. 21
Xen. An. 1. 2. 17.
dirb (ispovg, Hence Tiva SiXere dirb T&V dvo. Luke xvi. 30.
ex parte, i. e. in part, partly, Rom. xi. xix. 39. Heb. vii. 2. Xen. Cyr. 4. 2. 47.
25. xv. 15. 2 Cor. i. 14 Diod. Sic. 13. Thuc. 1. Herodot. 6. 27.
108. Luke xiv. 18 dirb fiiag iraoaiTtl- NOTE. In composition diro implies
with one accord; or better, dirb
1. separation, from, off, as diroXvtu, diro-
(fHuvrig, with one voice
sc. Hero- 2. removal, away, as d7ro/3dXXw,
f rjffonat,
aor. 2 TT- aor. 2 cnrfyfvofirjv, to
separate, IO.VTOVQ Jude 19, i. e. to create a) spoken of persons, etc. Matt. ix. 24.
schisms, i.
q. d0optu; Gal. ii. 12. Mark v. 35, 39. ix. 26. Luke viii. 42,
52, 53. John xxi. 23. Acts ix. 37. Rom.'
f. affio (a-rro i.
'AiroSoKifJidZw, vii. 2, 3. Heb. xi. 4. Rev. xiv. 13 01 i v
a pr. oKi/iaw,) to disapprove, to reject,
Kvtj'Kp airo$vf)cncovTEG, who die in the Lord,
trans. Spoken of a stone rejected or devoted him. Rom. xiv.
i. e. in fidelity to
worthless, Matt. xxi. 42. Mark xii. 10.
7, 8, iavT(fi, Ty Kvpiy diro2rvf)ffKEiv, to die
Luke xx. 17. 1 Pet. ii. 4, 7. So Sept.
to or for one's self, to or for the Lord,
and DN72 Ps. cxviii. 22. Jer. vi. 30.
i. e. both in life and in death we
Xen. (Ec. 19. 12. Spoken of Jesus re- not to ourselves, but to the Lord, and
jected as the Messiah by the Jews,
are bound to glorify him. Rom. vi. 10
Mark viii. 31. Luke ix. 22. xvii. 15.
diriSavi ry dpapriy, he died e.
for sin, i.
Of Esau, Heb. xii. 17. So Sept. and on account of it Buttm. 133. 3. 2.
DNtt Jer. vi. 30. vii. 28. xiv. 19. xxxi.
Xen. Cyr. 6. 2. Sept. for m73 Gen. ii. 17. iii. 3, 4. al.
36. Polyb. 3. 86. 8. Herodot. 2. 63. Xen. 4. 8. Mem.
3. Spoken of a violent death, to be put
re- to death, to be killed, to perish, etc. Matt,
fjc, V, aTTo^xo/zai,)
ception, pp. of a guest, etc. Diod. Sic. xxvi. 35. Acts xxi. 13. xxv. 11. Rom. v.
SI. In N. T. metaph. assent, approba- 6, 7, 8. Heb. xi. 37. Rev. viii. 9, 11. So
tion, praise, 1 Tim. i. 15. iv. 9. Diod. of animals, to perish, Matt. viii. 32. Rev.
Sic. 4. 84. Jos. Ant. 6. 14. 4. xvi. 3. Spoken of the punishment of
death, John xix. 7. Heb. x. 28. So Sept.
and rnn Ex. xxi. 12, 18. xxii. 2. Deut.
a putting off, laying aside, trop. 1 Pet. iii.
xvii. 6, 12. Susann. 41, 43. Jos. Ant.
21. 2 Pet. i. 14. Clem. Alex. Strom.
4.8. 2, 3. Herodian. 3. 15. 8. Xen. Mem.
4. 25.
4. 8. 9.
Sept. ra/mta. Jos. Ant 9. 13. 3. Cor. xv. 22. Heb. vii. 8 mortal men.
So Sept. and Gen. xlviii. 21.
f. i<ru, to treasure
Rev. iii. 2 aT^piffovra *onra
d) metaph.
away, to lay up in store, Ecclus. iii. 4. & t/itXXov airoSaviiv, which are ready to
Diod. Sic. 5. 40. In N. T. trop. 1 Tim.
expire, i. e. become extinct, where it re-
vi. 19, comp. Matt. vi. 20. Rom. ii. 5. etc.
fers to religious faith, works,
to 'Airo5vi'i<TK(iv or atro TIVOQ, to die to
'o, f. $u, press from
or from any thing, i. e. to renounce, to
every side, to crowd, absol. Luke viii. 45.
Sept. for yn^ Num. xxii. 25. Jos. Ant. forsake, Col. ii. 20 airo T>V oToixt'uav.
5. 2 jSorpuc cnroSXififiv Gal. ii. 19 r< vo/xy, i. e. the Mosaic
<f>id\r]v. Cf. i'c
Tittmann in Bib. Repos. III. p. 65. law. Rom. vi. 2 ry a/taprt'p, which
supply also in ver. 7, 8. Col. iii. 3 d-n-e-
airoSavovpat, SdvtTC yap 8C. TOIQ iirl ri]Q yfjg, to earthly
aor. 2 atr'&avov, to die, intrans. i. e.
through the force of d-n-6, to die out, to to die forever, to come under
e) trop.
e become quite dead ; hence it is
i-jrire, to condemnation of eternal death, i. e. ex-
stronger than SVIJOKU, though generally clusion from the Messiah's kingdom, and
used synonymously with it and instead subjection to eternal punishment for
G 2
a) of restoration to health, etc. Matt. xvii. 30. So Sept. and n^2 1 Sam. iii.
xii. 13. Mark iii. 5. viii. 25. Luke vi. 10. 21. 4 Esdr. xiii. 32. Spoken of anti-
So Sept. and nilfi Ex. iv. 7. Lev. xiii. 16. christ, 2 Thess. ii. 3, 6, 8.
Test. XII
Patr. p. 535. Hippocr. Opp.
6. p. 12. ed. Foes. Xen. Lac. 6. 3.
an uncovering, i. e. nakedness, Sept. for
of the Jewish kingdom, govern-
b) rn*iy 1 Sam. xx. 30. Plut. Cato Maj.
ment, etc. which the Messiah was ex- c/26. ib. Mm. Paul. c. 14. In N. T.
pected to restore and enlarge, Matt. xvii. only metaph.
11. Mark ix. 12. Actsi. 6. So Sept. a) of the removal of the veil of igno-
and 3TO' Ez. xvi. 55. 1 Mace. xv. 3. rance and darkness by the communica-
Diod. Sic. 20. 32. Polyb. 4. 25. 7. tion of light and knowledge, illumina-
of restoration to one's friends and tion, instruction, Luke ii. 32 <f>u>s tig diro-
country, e. g. from prison, Heb. xiii. 19. .
Comp. "lift, Sept. 0oi
So Sept and 3^71 Jer. xvi. 15. xxiv. 6. ,
Is. xiii. 6.
Esdr. i. 31. Jos. Ant. 11. 1. 1. Po- b) in the sense of revelation, disclosure,
lyb. 3. 5. 4. manifestation, e. g. of that which be-
comes manifest by the event, Rom. ii. 5
'ATTOKaXuTrrw, f. $w, to uncover,
Sept. for n^2 Ruth iii. 4, 7. Herodian. 7. rip'spa. airoKa\v\l/0'G, day of manifestation
faith, should be revealed. Plato Gorg. itmakes part of the title of the book.
311. D. c)
in the sense of appearance, and
b) spoken
of things revealed from God, spoken of Christ's appearance from
heaven, 2 Thess. i. 7. 1 Cor. i. 7. 1 Pet. Dio Cass. 71. 28. Not found in Attic
i. 7, 13. iv. 13. usage, Lob. ad Phryn. p. 341.
a) pp.
to answer, to reply, sc. to a So Sept. for Chald. part. NrnnO?? Dan.
question, Matt. xi. 4. xiii. 11. xix. 4. ii. 22. Xen. Conv. 8. 11.
Mark xii. 34 al. saep. Sept. for n^ b) by impl. laid up in store, trop. Co).
1 Sam. xxvi. 2 Sam. xiv. 19.
14. XenT. ii. 3. So Sept. and pttq?? Is. xiv. 3.
(Ec. 19. 4. Lucian. D. Mort. 29. 2. To pp. Sept. for Q"3.p373 Dan.' xi. 43. pp.
a judicial interrogation or accusation, 1 Mace. i. 23.
Matt. xxvi. 62. xxvii. 12, 14. Mark xiv.
'AnoiCTtivu), also droKreva> and a?ro-
61. Herodian. 4. 7. 2. To an entreaty, f. aor. 1
, diroKTtvui, aTriicTfiva,
exhortation, proposition, etc. Matt. iv. aor. pass. cnrtKTd$r)v, to kill outright, to
4. xii. 29. xiii. 37. xxv. 9. Luke xxii. to death, trans. The form diroKTtvu),
68. al. sajp. Sept. and njy Gen. xxiii. occurs in later edit. Matt. x. 28. Luke
5. xxiv. 50. Xen. An. 1. 4. 14. ib. 2. xii. 4, but is doubtful, and can belong
1.9, 10, 15. H. G. 2.2. 18 __ By way of
only to the later Greek. For airoKTtvva),
contradiction, denial, etc. Matt. iii. 15. in later edit.Rev. vi. 11. Sept. Hab. i.
viii. 8. xii. 48. Mark vii. 28. x. 20. 17. Dan. ii. 13. Esdr. iv. 7. Wisd.
John ii. 18. iii. 9. Acts xxv. 4. al. saep. xvi. 14. also as a form of the later Greek,
b) by Hebraism, to proceed to speak,
Nicarch. Ann. Br. XX, see Gregor. Cor.
i. e.either, to continue the discourse, Matt.
p. 588, 597, ed. Schafer. Sturz de Dial.
xi. 25. xii. 38. xv. 15. xxii. 1. xxvi. Mac. et Alex. p. 119, 128. Winer 15
63. Mark ix. 19. x. 24. al. Sept. and The
p. 76. marg. aor. 1 pass. inriKTav-
roy Gen. xviii. 27. xxvii. 37, 39. al. or
&TJV, Matt. xvi. 21. Mark viii. 31. al.
more frequently, to begin to speak, prob.
though poetic, occurs mostly only in
with reference 'to what another had later prose, e. g. Dio Cass. 65. 4 see ;
already said. So diroKpiSeig ilirt, or Kai Winer 15. p. 76. Lob. ad Phryn. p.
jiTrtKpiSi] teal tiTTf, Matt, xvii.4, 17. xxviii. 36. 757. Buttm. 101. n. 6. 114 sub.
5. Mark ix. 5. x. 51. xi. 14. xii. 35. KTtiva). Spoken
Acts iii. 12. al. So Sept. apd n^ in to to to death, in
a) pp. kill, put any
later Heb. Cant. ii. 10. Is.xiv/ 10.
way, Matt. xiv. 5. xvi. 21. xxi. 35, 38,
Zech. i.10. iii. 4. iv. 1 ] . al 1 Mace, xviii. 39. Mark vi. 19. John xviii. 31. Rev.
19. So of an interrogation, Matt, xxvii. vi. 8. al. ss&p. Sept. for :nn Gen. iv.
21, coll. Mark xiv. 61, where it is ip<u- 8. Judg. ix. 5. al. saep. JTTSn Gen. xviii.
rdta. Rev. vii. 13. So Sept. and n^V 25. Ex. iv. 24. nsn Josh. xi. 10. 1 Sam.
Dan. iii. 14. So a-jroKpivis Act. ThonT. xvii. 46. Herodian. 2. 12. 1. Xen.
40. AL. Anab. 1. 1. 3. ib. 2. 1. 11. So CLTTOK-
Ttivetv eavTov, to kill one's self, John viii.
an answer, a reply, Luke ii. 47. xx. 26. 22, coll. Wisd. xvi. 14. Passive, to be
John slain, i. e. to die, to perish, Rev. ix. 18.
i. 22. xix. 9. Sept. for H^yp Job
xxxii. 5. Prov. xv. i. "Ql Deiit'. i. 22. 20. al.
Jos. Ant. 7. 6. 1. Diod* Sic. 14. 25. b) trop. to hill eternally, to bring under
Xen. Hiero 1. 35. condemnation of eternal death; see in
'AiroSvriffKui e. Matt. x. 28 TTJV \l/vx>iv
f. \^o), to hide away, to kill the soul, there i.
., q.
to conceal, trans. TO dpyvpiov, Matt. xxv.
ijv cnroXkoai iv ytkvvy, comp. Luke
18. Wisd. vii. 14. Jos. Ant. 3. 6. 5. xii. 5. Rom. vii. 11.2 Cor. iii. 6.
Xen. Anab. 4. 4. 11. Metaph. to hide, to destroy, to abolish, rrjv %-
c) trop.
e. not to reveal, seq. dtro c.
gen. of Spdv Eph. ii. 16. Comp. Sept. and y\n
pers. Matt. xi. 25. Luke x. 21. absol. Ps. Ixxviii. 47. AL.
1 Cor. ii. 7.
Eph. iii. 9. Col. i. 26. So
Sept. and JD^yn 2 K. iv. 27. Tripn S'W, w, ;<, (diro of com-
H>2 Gen. xxix. 3, 8, 10. Judith xiii. 9. Xen. Ag. 2. 29. Lucian. D. Deor. 5. 1.
Jos. Ant. 4. 8. 37. Apollod. Bibl. 3. ff-> trans.
* w to fak
'ATToAci'xo), >
\a(36fitvoc avrov airo TOV fyXov car' iSiav. Luke xvii. 27, 29. xix. 47. xx. 16.
[vi. 9.]
So airoXa/Swv V. a7roXa/36/ivof rtvd John x. 10. Jude 5. So Sept. for :nn
jear' iiiav 2 Mace. 21, coll. iv. 46.
vi. Gen. xx. 4. Esth. ix. 16. 12N Deut.
Jos. B. J. 2. 7. 2. Appian. de Bell. Civ. xi. 4. Esth. iv. 9. 1 Mace. ii. 37. Jos.
lib. 5. p. 18. Philostrat. Vit. Apollon. Ant. 1. 2. 1. Xen. Cyr. 3. 2. 12. Anab.
7. 18. 2. 6. 39. In a judicial sense, Matt.
xxvii. 20. James iv. 12.
of eternal death, i. e.
fruition, enjoyment,
i. e. (/3) spoken
the act of enjoying, etc future punishment, exclusion from the
Messiah's kingdom, etc. see in 'ATTO-
for enjoyment, i. e. to enjoy, 1 Tim. vi.
17__ 3 Mace. vii. 16. Jos. 2. 4. 4. He- SvriffKw e. Matt. x. 28. Mark i. 24.
rodian. 2. 3. 18. Luke iv. 34. ix. 56. Rom. xiv. 15.
ov atriXurov iv Tpwadt. iv. 20 --Jos. Ant. X rjv i7roX!<rat, i. e. to lose one's life or
4. 8. 21. Herodot. 3. 48. Xen. An. 6. soul, Matt. x. 39 bis. xvi. 25 bis. Mark
3. 4. Pass, to be left behind, to remain, viii. 35 bis. Luke ix. 24 bis. xvii. 33
Sept. for "IXlEb Ex. xiv. 28. trop. airo- bis. John xii. 25.
XetTrcrai, there remains, Heb. iv. 6. 9. II. Middle and Passive forms, as
x. 26. Polyb. 3. 39. 12. coll. Wisd. also perf. 2 aTroXwXa.
xiv. 6. 1 . to be destroyed, to perish, intrans.
a) spoken of things, Matt. v. 29, 30. one's self off, i. e. to plead for one's self,
01 dffKol aTToXovvrai, Matt. ix. 17. Mark to defend one's self', before a tribunal or
ii. 22. Luke v. 37. John vi. 27. Jumes elsewhere ; absol. Luke xxi. 14. Acts
i. 11. 1 Pet. i. 7. Rev. xviii. 4 in later xxv. 8. xxvi. 1. Rom. ii. 15 __2 Mace.
edit. Heb. i. 11 avroi [oi ovpavoi~\ xiii. 26. Jos. Ant. 4. 7. 3. Seq. dat of
a-rroXovvrai, quoted from Ps. cii. 27 pers. to or against whom, Acts xix. 33.
where Sept. for inN, as also Jer. ix. 11. 2 Cor. xii. 19. So Sept. Trpoc nva for
xlviii. 8. Ez. xxix. 8. xxxv. 7. Xen. D*in Jer. xii. 1. Seq. irepi c. gen. Acts
H. G. 1. 1. 36. xxvi. 2. Xen. Cyr.
Jos. B. J. 4. 5. 5.
of persons, to be put to death, to die,
2. 2. 13. With an accus. implying man-
to perish,
(a) spoken
of physical death, ner, Buttm. 131. 6. Luke xii. 11 ri
Matt. viii. 25. xviii. 14. xxvi. 62. Mark aTroXoyjjen/erSc. Acts xxiv. 10. xxvi. 24.
iv. 38. Luke viii. 24. xi. 61. xiii. 33. Diod. Sic. 13. 69. Demosth. 1052.
xv. 17. John xi. 60. xviii. 9, 14. Acts 25.
v. 37. 1 Cor. x. 9, 10. 2 Cor. iv. 9.
2 Pet. iii. 6. Jude 11. So Sept. and 'ATToXo-yfa, ac, ^ (aTroXoyeo/iai), a
TnN Lev. xxiii. 30. Esth. ix. 12. al. plea, defence, before a tribunal or else-
where ; Acts xxii. 1. 2 Tim. iv. 16. So
Jos! Ant. 7. 11. 8. Ml. V. H. 6. lOult.
of eternal death, see I. l.b. genr. 2 Cor. vii. 11. Phil. i. 7, 17, row
(/3) spoken Wisd. vi. 10. Polyb. 4. 16.
to perish eternally, i. e. to be evayyeXiov.
(3, above ;
4. Xen, Apol. Socr. 4. Seq. dat. of
deprived of eternal life, etc. xiii.
pers. against whom, 1 Cor. ix. 3. 1 Pet.
3, 6. John iii. 15, 10. x. 28. xvii. 12.
Rom. ii. 12. 1 Cor. xiii. 11. xv. 18.
iii. 15.
Trtpi nvoQ Acts xxv. 16. 7rpo
Acts xxii. 1. Xen. Mem. 4. 8. 5.
2 Pet. iii. 9 __ So JLirv&kt^vct, those
Jer. 1. 6. Ez. xxxiv. 4.
day's journey from the former place. from the power and consequences of
Acts xvii. 1. sin which Christ procured for his fol-
lowers by laying down his life as a ran-
wc, w, 6, Apollos, pr. name som, Xvrpov, cf. Matt. xx. 28. So Rom.
of a Jewish Christian, born at Alex-
iii. 24.
Eph. i. 7, 14. Col. i. 14. Heb.
andria, distinguished for his eloquence ix. 15. By meton. 1 Cor. i. 30.
and success in propagating the Christian
Acts xx. 28. Col. i. 13. Heb. ii. 14.
religion. His history and character are John xii. 31. Clem Alex. Strom. 7.
given Acts xviii. 24 sq. Acts xix. 1.
1 Cor. i. 12. iii.
4, 5, 6, 22. iv. 6. xvi.
12. Tit. iii. 13.
b) deliverance, simply, the idea of a
random being dropped; e. g. from ca-
f. lamities and death, Luke xxi. 28. Heb.
'AiroXoytOfJLai, ov/im, r?<ro/iae,
apportion, to assign, Sept. for p^n Dent. Ant. 1.21.1. ib.2. 12.2. a7ropov/*ai ^El.
iv. 19. Jos. Ant. 5. 1.24. Polyb. 14. 4.2. V. H. 8. 5. Xen. Anab. 5. 9. 22. ib. 7.
at?, r}, (diropsh) q. v.) the Luke xxii. 41. Acts xxi. 1 2 Mace.
state of one who knows not what to do ; xii. 10, 17. Diod. Sic. 20. 39. Clem,
doubt, pei-plexity. Luke xxi. 25 awoxn Alex. Strom. 1.1.
fSrvutv iv diropi<f,
disquiet of nations, with
etc, V, (fy'urrripi), apos-
uncertainty, perplexity, sc. as to the event,
tasy, defection, a later word instead of
etc. Sept. for
n^n^ Lev. xxvi. 16. rns g, Lob. ad Phryn. p.
Is. viii. 22. Heroiilian. 4. 14. 1. Xen'.
Acts xxi. 21. 2 Thess. ii. 3. Sept. for
Anab. 1. 3. 13.
Jer. xxix. 32. fy$3 1 K. xxi. 13.
separate^ from his disciples, 1 Thess. ii. isnot improbably spoken of the awning
17. drawn over the court of oriental houses ;
f. dffit), and Mid. diro-
see Calmet, art. House, p. 506, 507.
to divest one's self of bag-
Strabo IV. p. 304. V. p. 542.
vesting ourselves of baggage, i. e. perhaps Matt. xxi. 37. al. c. tig Matt. xv. 24. al.
leaving part of it behind see Olshausen's ;
as to the place whither, c. tig Matt. xiv.
Comm. in loc. Dion. Halic. Ant. 9. 23. 35. al. c. lv Matt. x. 16. al. <5e Mark
Or airo(JKtva<jd}i(.voi sc. TO. irdvTa may xi. 3. as to the person or place whence,
mean, putting aside or disregarding all C. airo. Acts X. 21. XI. 11. al. irapd c.
impediments, comp. vers. 12 14. Later gen. of pers. John i. 6. -Sept. for n^JJ
editions read passim.
a) spoken
of persons sent as agents,
aroc, TO, (CLTTO and
Matt. x.
messengers, etc. 5, 16. xi. 10.
a shade, shadow ; metaph. the
xxi. 1. Mark i. 2. vi. 7. Luke xiv. 32.
slightest trace or vestige, James i. 17.
al. saep. So of persons, i. e. prophets,
, w, f. ao-w, to draw from, teachers, angels, sent from God, Matt. x.
to draw away, trans, e. g. rrjv pdxaipav, 40. xiii. 41. xv. 24. xxiii. 37. Lukei. 26.
sc. from the scabbard, Matt. xxvi. 51. John i. 6. iii. 17. Acts 26. Heb. i.
Herodot. 3. 159 rag TrvXae, i. e. to 14. Rev. i. 1. Sept. forn^f Gen. xxxii.
tear away. Spoken of persons, to draw 3. xxxvii. 12. al. saep. Xen. Cyr. 7. 4.
away disciples from another to one's self, 8. Polyb. 4. 66. 2. In this sense the
Acts xx. 30. Ml. V. H. 13. 31. Jos. accus. of the person sent is often omit-
Ant. 13. 4. 7. Aor. 1 pass, in mid. ted j
John V. 33 vfitig dirtardXicaTf
sense, (Buttm. 136. 2,) to withdraw one's Trpbg 'Iwdvvnv. xi. 3. Acts xiii. 15. xvi. 36
veJf, to depart, to go away, c. c. air 6, coll. ver. 35. So onroartiXaf before an
91 ATTO crro/iar i a>
self to be defrauded, 1 Cor. vi. 7. Comp. to repeat from the mouth or memory ;
Ecclus. xxix. 7. so Suidas and Tim. in Lex. Plat, also
(this was the common practice of xii. 42. xvi. 2. There were three spe-
Athenian schoolmasters ; see Ruhnk. ad cies of this excommunication, viz. n3,
answered off-hand, to ensnare by ques- was not debarred the privilege of attend-
tions, trans. Luke xi. 53. See Kuinoel ing the sacred rites. The second involved
and Olshausen in loc. an exclusion from the sacred assemblies,
was accompanied with heavy maledic-
f. ^i, to turn away
to turn aside, to avert, trans, seq. tions, and prohibited all intercourse
with the person subjected to it. The
airo c. gen.
last species was a perpetual exclusion
rf}Q oXrjSreias, the
a) pp. rijv d.KOT]V from all the rights and privileges of the
ears from the truth, 2 Tim. iv. 4. . So
Prov. iv. 27. 2 Chr. xxx.
Jewish people, both civil and religious.
Sept. and Tpn See Lightfoot Hor. Heb. and Kuinoel
9 __ Ecclus. iv'.' 5. Diod. Sic. 4. 35. Xen.
on John ix. 22. Buxtorf. Lex. Rab. Tal.
Cyr. 2. 4. 25. Trop. Acts iii. 26. Luke
xxiii. 14 aTToarpE^oi/ra rov \aov SC. curb 827, 1303, 2466.
rov Kaiaapog (ver. 2) turning away the v. rarrw, f. <>, to ar-
people from Cesar, i. e. exciting to rebel- range off,i.e. to assign to different places,
lion. Sept. for Tpn Job xxxiii. 17. and to separate, 1 Mace. xi. 3. Jos. B. J.3. 4.
Mid. for yrti Josh. xxii. 16, 18. Ecclus. 2. Xen. H. G. 5. 2. 40. In N. T. Mid.
xlvi. 11. Mid. Xen. H. G. 4. 8. 4 In djroTCKTffOfiai, to arrange one's self off,
the sense of to put away from, to remove, to separate one's self from, i. e. to take
Rom. xi. 26 aTi-corp^ei aSuc'tag CLTTO leave of, to bid farewell to, c. c. dat. In
quoted from Is. lix. 20, where
'I(Tprt7/X, this sense the word occurs only in the
Sept. for yijp "51$. Sept. also for "Tpn Alexandrine Greek, especially in Jose-
Ex. xxiii. 5. Ecclus. xxiii. 4. 1 Mace. phus and Philo comp. Lob. ad Phryn.
away from, seq. accus. Buttm. 135. 4. 2 Cor. ii. 13. Jos. Ant. 8. 13. 7. Cha- i
fuse, to reject, Matt. v. 42. Tit. i. 14. Matt. xiv. 23 Jos. Ant. 11. 8. 6.
Heb. xii. 25. So Sept. for nj] Hos. viii.
b) trop. to renounce, to forsake, Luke
3. Zech. x. 6. 3 Mace. iii. 23. Jos. xiv. 33. Jos. Ant. 11. 6. 8. Jamblich.
Ant. 2. 4. 3. ib.5. 1.25. Polyb. 9. 39. 6.
Vit. Pythag. c. 28. p. 145.
to turn bach, i. e. to return, to
'ATTortAloj, w, f. to finish off,
restore', Matt, xxvii. 3 TO.
apyvpia TOIQ
to perfect, 2 Mace. xv. 39. Xen. H.
icpevcn. So Sept. for n"l2JrT Gen. xxiv. G.j
3. 2. 10. Pass, to beperfected, completed,
Spoken of a sword, to
5, 6. xxviii. 15.
Matt. xxvi. 52 Esdr. v. 73. Polyb. 6. 29. 2. In N.
put back, to replace, etc. T.j
Pass, to be perfected, i. e. to be grown up,
a7ro0rpi|/6i/ aov rr\v p,a%aipav tiQ
rov roirov
to be offull stature, James i. 15 __ Trop.
avrrje, comp. Heb. and Sept. 1 Chr. xxi.
Xen. de Mag. Eq. 7. 4 dvr}p airoTiTt\t-
f. i'y<> lit. to hate
'ATTCxrrwyat), w,
off, i. e. with hatred, to abhor,
to avoid f. Sriffw, to put off, t<A
to detest, trans. Rom. xii. 9. Parthen. lay aside, Sept. for irsn Ex. xvi. 33, 34.
Erot. 8. Eurip. Ion. 488. Herodot. 2. Lev. xvi. 23. In N.T. and more coinm.
47. in Greek, Mid. airortdejiat, to put off,
from one's self, to lay aside, trans, e. g. Luke xvi. 22. 1 Cor. xvi. 3. Rev. xvii.
ru ipaTia, Acts vii. 58. 2 Mace. viii. 35. 3. xxi. 10. Sept. for N>nn 2 Chr. xxxvi*.
^Elian. V. H. 3. 3. Xen. Cyr. 4. 4. 11. 7. >-oirr Job xxi. 32! Hos. x. 6 __
Metaph. to renounce, to abjure, Rom. Esdr. i. 13. Xen. Cyr. 2. 4. 19.
xiii. 12 T& tpya TOV OKOTOVQ. Eph. iv. 22,
25. Col. iii. 8. Heb. xii. 1. James i. 21. ,
f. w, to flee from, to
trans. Luke ix. 5 TOV Acts out, to utter aloud, to declare, absol. Acts
ii. 4. trans, xxvi. 25. seq. dat. ii. 14.
xxviii. 5 TO Srjpiov. Sept. for 1 Sam.
-IM Lam. ii. 7. Sept. for K2i 1 Chr. xxv. 1. &$p Ez.
x. 2. Eurip. Bacch.
xiii. 9.
V. 253 diroTivavativ xiaaov. Diog. Laert. 1. 63. Jamblic.
de Myster. 3. 12.
v. r/w, f. >(>, to pay off,
i.e. to to make good, Philern. 19. i,
tVo/iat, (cnro and
repay, to unlade, trans. Acts xxi.
Sept. for s|tD Lev. xxiv. 18. pp Ex. 0o/[>7-og load,)
xxi. 19. Ex. 3 ; spoken only of the
unlading of a ship,
xxii. 17. Herodian.
4. 15. 19. "Xen. Anab. 7. 6. 16.
either in port or in a storm at sea __
Dion. Halic. Ant. 3. 44. Athen. II. p.
lit. to dare 37. C. Philo de Praem. p. 915.
w, f. /
iff, i. come out boldly, Rom. x. 20
e. to
at Xsyet, comes out boldly and
TTO^orjtnc, (tC, r
'h (aTOXpaopcti to
iTroroX/xp use up, Polyb. 1. 45.
a using up, con-
says, or, boldly declares; see Gesen.
sumption by use ; hence genr. use. Col.
Lehrgeb. p. 823, Stuart ^ 533. Buttm. ii. 22 a I<TTI Travra
tig <j>$opav Ty cnro-
144. n. 8. Acta Thorn. 33. Diod.
Xpi?<m card TU IvToXpctTa avSpw-rruv,
Sic. 12. 17. Polyb. 2. 45. 2.
all which, i. e. the touching, tasting,
'AirOTOfJlia, a?) >7>
(a7ror/ivw,) pp. handling, if indulged in (ry diro x pr]ff(i
a cutting off; metaph. cutting severity, in the are causes of destruction,
sharpness, rigour, Rom. xi. 22 bis. condemnation, according to these men,
Diod. Sic. 12. 16. Plut. de Pueror. etc. Dion. Halic. I .
p. 97 cnroxw-Q
C. 18 TT)V AlTOTOUiaV yj/c, the use of land Others take airo-
Ty rrp
XpnoiQ as meaning abuse ; PO a7roxpao/*ai
Herodian. 1. 8. 2; but this gives here a
adv. (dTrort/xvwV me- weaker sense.
taph. sharply, severely, 2 Cor. xiii. 10.
Tit. i. 13. Wisd. v. 23. Polyb. 17. w, f.
i7(Tw, to depart
11.2. from, to go away, intrans. d-n-6 c.
gen. Matt. vii. 23. (coll. Ps. vi.
turn away
^w, to
ix. 39. Acts xiii. 13. Sept. for
rriD} Jer.
from, to avert, trans. Ecclus. xx. 29.
xlvi. 5 2 Mace. iv. 33. Jos. Ant. 1.
Xen. Conv. 4. 47. In N. T. Mid.
aTrorpl- 18. 2. Thuc. 7. 73. Xen.
Tro/iai, to turn one's self away from, i. e.
Ag. 2. 25.
to avoid, to shun, trans. 2 Tim. iii. 5. 'ATro^wpt^w, f.
few, to separate off,
See Buttm. 135. 4. Plut. Fab. c. 16. i. e. to designate, to appoint,
Sept. par-
Eurip. Orest. 410 UTraiStvTov ticip. for Tj?D?? Ez. xliii. 21. In N. T.
disjoin, Pass. Rev. vi. 14
to separate, to
6 ovpavbg
aTrixupiaSr], the heavens, i. e.
, ae, 77,
(aTrei/a), absence, the firmament
Phil. ii. 12 Jos. Ant. 2. 4. 5. Xen. (ypl Gen. i.
were se-
Quaest. 2. 59. exanimor, Terent. Andr. self to, i. e. to touch, c. c. gen. Buttm.
1. 5. 17. 132. 5, 3 and 6, 3.
ix. 20. Mark
a) genr. Matt. viii. 3, 15.
, ou, o, Appius, i. e. Ap- i. 41. v. 27. Luke vii. 14. xxii. 51. al.
pius Claudius Csesar, a celebrated censor On John
saep. xx. 17 see Olshausen in
of Rome, who built the Appian way
loc. So Sept. for V33 Ex. xix. 12. 2 K.
from Rome to Brundusium. Hence in
xiii. 21. .Elian, v". H. 3. 32. Xen.
N. T. 'ATTTTIOU 0opov, Forum Appii, a
small town situated on the Appian way
Mem. 2. 1. 24.
43 r. miles from Rome, Acts xxviii. 15. b) in the Levitical sense, comp. Lev.
v. 2, 3, where Sept. for yjj, and Lev.
Comp. Hor. Sat. 1. 5. 3. Cic. ad vii. 18 21 al. So Col. ii. 21 /*} ctyy,
Attic. 2. 10, 12.
p,r]de ytvoy, fjirjdt &iyyG j
or perhaps here
, ou, o, r\, adj. (a pr. and by implic. in the sense to eat, which
approach), unapproached,
would make the climax stronger, viz.
unapproachable, inaccessible. 1 Tim. vi. eat not, taste not, touch not. So Philo
16 (f>a>s cnrpoffirov, i. e. excessive. Comp. de Spec. Leg. p. 794 oo-a o-apKwv dv-
Ps. civ. 1 3. Ez. i. 4, J3, 26 28. _ S'PWTTIVWV aTTTfTai S^pi'd. Id. de Exsecr.
Diod. Sic, 19. 96 /cara^wy^. Polyb. 3. p. 931. Horn. Od. 4. 60. Xen. Mem. 2.
49. 7op?/. Philo Vita Mos. p. 146. 1. 2 2 Cor. vi. 17 a/ca-
ffirov airTfcrSat.
a dv. (a pr. d) by irnpl. to harm, to injure, 1 Johr
and Trpoo-wTroXjjTrriw), without respect of V. 18 6 Trov^pof ov% aVrerai avrov. Sf
persons, impartially, 1 Pet. i. 17. For Sept. and y& 1 Chr. xvi. 22. Job v. 19.
the Hebraism, see in Aapfiavw and
Hp6- Xen. H. G. 1. 4. 19. Arrian. Exped.
ffwTrov. So a7rpo<ra>7roA.?/7rrof spoken of Alex. M. 4. 4. 1. AL.
God, Clem. Alex. Strom. 6. 6. Theophyl.
in Gal. vi. 2.
, ac, )> Apphia, pr. name of
a woman, Philem. Chrysostom and 2.
Theodoret suppose her to have been the
j ov, o, rj, adj. (a pr.
and not stumbling, pp. of a horse, wife of Philemon.
Xen. de re Equest. 1. 6. In N. T.
metaph. without falling into sin, blame- to thrust away, to cast
off, Sept.
less, i.
q. dfjuo^ioG, Jude 24. 3 Mace. vi. for Ps. xliii. 2. Herodot. 1. 173. In
39. Lncian. Amor. T. II. p. 449 ed. N. T. Mid. aTrwS-lo/tat, aor. 1 dirw^dfi^v,
Heiz. Si d-nraiffTov Kai a/cXtvovf to thrust one's self, to cast
(3iov away from
off, to repulse, trans. Acts vii. 27
avrov. Sept. for prrj Ez. xi. 16 Winer p. 372, 425, 460. edit. 1830. In
Jon. ii. 5. Jos. Ant. 5. 3. 3 aTra N. T.
avrovQ, e. the enemy.
i. Herodian. 4. I. As illative, apa, therefore, then,
14. 18. In the sense of to reject, to re- now, consequently, marking a transition
Acts vii. 39. xiii. 46. Rom. to what naturally follows from the words
fuse, etc.
xi. 1,2. 1 Tim. i. 19. So Sept. for preceding.
inaT Ez. v. 11. TO? Ps. lx. 11. cviii.
a) pp.
Rom. vii. 21 eupiWw apa rbv
12. DN73 Hos. HE. 19. 2 K. xvii. 15, vo^ov, Ifind therefore a law. viii. 1. 1 Cor.
20. JeY. vi. 19. Jos. Ant. 4. 6. 4. xv. 14. Gal. iii. 7. Wisd. vi. 20. Jos.
Xen. Cyr. 6. 1. 26. Ant. 2. 2. 1. Lucian. D. M. 13. 1. Xen.
Anab. 1. 7. 18. So lirti apa, since
, etc, *l> (drroXXtf/H), loss, then, since in that case, 1 Cor. v. 10.
destruction, viz. vii. 14.
a) spoken of things, waste ; Matt. xxvi. b) where it does not directly refer to
8, Mark xiv. 4. Sept. for rnilN, some- any thing expressed, but still the idea
thing lost, Lev. vi. 3, 4.
according to nature or custom/ etc. lies
"Apa or
apa, a particle illative and 11. In this use, apa is sometimes
interrogative. As illative, it stands in strengthened by other particles ; e. g.
classic writers after other words in a apa ovv, therefore then, so then, where-
fore, a favourite expression of Paul, Rom.
clause, andalways written dpa.
is As
interrogative, stands first in a clause,
it v. 18. vii. 3, 25. viii. 12. ix. 16, 18. xiv.
and in prose and the epic poets is written 12, 19. Gal. vi. 10. Eph. ii. 19. 1 Thess.
apa in other poets if the first syllable
; v. 6. 2 Thess. ii. 15. Comp. Buttm.
be long it is written apa, if short, apa. 149. 431 marg. Also dpa yt,
See Hermann ad Viger. p. 823. Buttm.
therefore then, so then, etc. Matt. vii. 20.
$ 149. 2. p. 431. Passow sub dpa. xvii. 26. Acts xi. 18. Once after , as
apa yc, ifperhaps, if haply, Acts xvii. p. 105. In N. T. not labouring, unem."
27. ployed, inactive.
II. As interrogative, apa, at the
a) pp.
Matt. xx. 3, 6 bis. With the
beginning of a clause, serves merely to idea of choice, idle, 1 Tim. v. 13 bis __
denote a question, like the Lat. num, Ecclus. xxxvii. 11. Herodot. 5. 6. Xen.
and cannot be expressed in English. Mem. 1. 2. 57. coll. JE1. V. H. 10. 14.
It requires the answer to be negative. Spoken of land, Herodian. 2. 4. 12.
Luke xviii. 8. Gal. ii. 17. Comp. Wi- b) by impl. indolent, slothful, slow;
ner p. 425. So Sept. for n Gen. xviii. metaph. 2 Pet. i. 8, slothful in Christian
3. Neh. iii. 34. [iv. Jos. Ant. 6. 10. duty. Tit. i. 12 yaoTtotq dpyaf, slow
2. Xen. Mem. 2. 5. 2. Cyr. 1. 4. 11. bellies, i. e. lazy gormandizers. Wisd.
Strengthened by ye, as dpd yc, num, XV. 15 ir6$ts dpyot. So Sept. depydf
whether indeed ? Acts viii. 30 Sept. -- Prov. xix. 15. xv. 9.
Gen. xxvi. 9. Jer. iv. 10. Xen. Mem. c) by impl. vain, empty, without effect,
3. 2. 2. Cyr. 1. 6. 12. in the sense of false, insincere ; e.
T irav prjjua dpyov, Matt. xii. 36, i. e. the
Apa, see above in "Apa --*Apa ye,
T language of a man who speaks one
*Apa ovv, see in *Apa I. c. Apd y,
see in *Apa II.
thing and means another; see Olshau-
sen in loc. Tittmann in Bibl. Repos.
I. p. 481 Stobaeus Serm. c. 34 X6-
'ApajS/a, ae, }, Arabia, the name sq.
of a large region, including the desert yoe dpyo. So the sophism Xoyog dpyoe,
and peninsula which lies between Syria, Cic. de Fat. c. 12.
Chrysostom Homil.
Palestine, the Arabian and Persian 43 in Matt, dpyov Sk TO
/card Trpdy-
gulfs, and the Indian ocean or sea of fjLaroQ Ktipevov, TO iptvdeQ. Others, use-
Arabia. It is usually divided into Ara- less, and then wicked, injurious, like
bia Felix in the S. E. Arabia Deserta in Chald. ^ga
Buxtorf. Lex. Chald. Rab.
the N. E. and Arabia Petrcea on the W. Talm. 291. "Symmach. for ^33 Lev. xix.
and S. W. See Calmet. In N. T. the 7, where Sept. d
Arabia mentioned in Gal. i. 17 is pro-
OVQ i la, a ; eov, ovv ;
bably the northern portion, not far from (dpyvpog,) silver, i. e. made of silver, Acts
Damascus in Gal. iv. 25 Arabia Petnea
; xix. 24. 2 Tim. ii. 20. Rev. ix. 20.
is meant.
Sept. for 6jp5 Gen. xxiv. 63. Ex. iii.
indec. Aram, Heb. (high,
22 Xen. 'Anab. 4. 7. 27.
1 Chr. ii. name of a man', Matt.
10), pr. sil-
Luke 'Ap-yvptov, iov, TO, (dpyvpof,)
i. 3, 4. iii. 33.
ver, i. e.
tins, a hill in Athens with an open place, good, placet, Acts vi. 2.
it is
Seq. dat.
where sat the court of the Areopagus, of pers. it is pleasing to, it gratifies,
the supreme tribunal of Acts xii. 3. Sept. for T!J^1 31O Gen,
justice institu-
ted by Solon xvi. 6.
see Potter's Gr. Antiq.
1Sam. vi. 4. 1 K. xviii. 31. 1 Chr. vii. 2. dpicrrov was a slight refreshment, taken
Xen. Mag. Eq. 1. 2. Anab. 1. 7. 10 __ sometimes in the morning, or a little
Spoken of an indefinite number, a mul- before noon, or just after noon, as cir-
titude, Acts vi. 7. xi. 21. xvi. 5. Rom. cumstances might vary. Luke xi. 38.
ix. 27. Rev. xx. 8. So Sept. for 1DE> xiv. 12. So Matt. xxii. 4, where others
llos. i. 10. uStfl Num. i. 49. Ecclus. unnecessarily make it i.
q. Selirvov.
li. 36. Xen. Cyr. 8. 2, 15. In Homer the apurrov is taken about
sunrise ;
in later times it corresponded Rev. xvi. 16. seems to be formed
to the Lat.prandium, and was taken from the Heb. ^ft in
mountain of
about mid-day see Potter's Gr. Antiq.
; Megiddo ; comp. 2 C'hr. xxxv. 22, field
II. p. 352, 353. Adam's Rom. Ant. p. 433. of Megiddo. The name Megiddo, Sept.
Sept. for &rr 1 K. v. 2. [iv. 22.] Mtyedde v. Mayt^w, occurs in O. T. as
lyift 2 Sam. xxiv. 15. Susann. 12. a city situated in the great plain, but
Tob. ii.1. Thuc. 7. 81. Xen. Cyr. 4. pertaining to the tribe of Manasseh ;
'AjOKo>, w, f. i'i<ru, to hold back from, Horn. Od. 5. 247. Jos. Ant. 6. 9. 5.
to ward off, trans. Horn. II. 6. 16. Hence intrans. to fit, to be adapted, Sept. for
in N. T.
rns} Prov. xvii. 7. 3 Maec. i, 19. Jos.
to aid, to assist, seq. dat. 2 Cor. xii. Ant. 2. 4. 1. Xen. Mem. 3. 10. 10 15.
9 doKti ooi rj \doiQ pov, which however
Hence, to join in wedloch, to marry sc. to
better referred to no. 2.
is Eurip. another, trans. Sept. Prov. xix. 14. Jos.
Hecub. 1164. Horn. II. 21. 131. Od. 16. Ant. 20. 8. 1. Herodot. 9. 108. and
261. See Kypke in loc. Mid. to marry to one's self, to take as a
b) by impl. to be strong and able sc. to
wife, Herodot. 5. 32, 47 In N. T. Mid.
assist any one hence, to suffice,
to be
dp/i6(yiac, to marry, sc. to another in one's
enough, seq. dat. of person, Matt. xxv. 9. own behalf, seq. accus. et dat. tr<>i>. 2
John vi. 7. Sept. 1 K. viii. 27. Num. xi. Cor. xi. 2 Philo de Abr. p. 364. p. 384.
22 bis. Wisd. xiv. 22. Herodian. 4.7.9. In the trans, sense tofit, the Attic form
Xen. An. 5. 1. 13. Hence impers. was dpjtorrw, Greg. Cor. p. 154. Lob. ad
ipjctl TIVI, it is enough, John xiv. 8. Phryn. p. 241.
So Sept. for
Prov. xxx. 16. Jos.
a Heb.
Ant. 9. 13. 2 Mid. dpicsopai, to 'Apjuocj ou, o, (dpw,) joint,
suffice iv.12. Ecclus. xxvii.2. Test. XII Patr.
one's self with, i. e. to be satisfied, to be
p. 633 oi dpfioi TOV (rw/^aroc. Xen. Ven.
content with, c. c. dat. of thing, etc.
5. 29.
Luke iii. 14. 1 Tim. vi. 8. Heb. xiii.
f. depon.
5 __2 Mace. v. 15. Jos. Ant. 12. 7. 2. 'Apveo/ieu, ovfjiai, riffo^ai,
to deny, i. e.
OVK TjpKtiTo TOIQ ovffiv. Stob. Serm. 95.
a) to contradict, to affirm not to be,
Polyb. 1. 20. 1. So c. c. ITTI TOVTOIS,
opp. to bfjio\oyt?v, absol. Luke viii. 45.
3 John 10.
John i. 20. Acts iv. 16. Sept. for iD'n$
"Apcoc in later edit, or Apjcroc? ou,
Gen. xviii. 15. m. V. H.14.28. Xen.
6, a bear, Rev. xiii. 2. So dpicof
Mem. 4. 2. 10. Spoken of Peter's deny-
JE1. H. An. 1. 31. Jos. Ant. 6. 9. 3. ing himself to be Christ's disciple, Matt.
dpicroff m. V. H.
13. 1. Xen. Cyr. 1. xxvi. 70,72. Mark xiv. 68,70. John xviii,
refuse, seq. Heb. 24. infin. xi.
b) , ov, 6, (apjraw,) pp.
Wisd.xii.27. xvi. 16. xvii. 10. Jos. Ant. 1.
q. apira-yi], robbery, the act of rapine,
4. 5. 1. ib. 5. 7. 2. Herodot. 6. 13. Plut. de Puer. educ. c. 15. Tom. VI.
in the sense of to renounce, to reject, 39. 11. ed Reiske __ In N. T. trop. ob-
trans, e. g. to reject Christ. Matt. x. 33. ject of rapine, something to be eagerly
Lukexii.9. Acts iii. 13, 14. vii.35. 2Tim. coveted, Phil. ii. 6 Others, plunder,
ii. 12. 2 Pet. ii. 1. Jude 4. So rrjv TT'IOTIV,
spoil, i. e.
something to be acquired by
i.e. todesert the Christian faith, to aposta- force, not merit.
tize, 1 Tim. v. 8. Rev. ii. 13. So Rev. Hi.
8 TO ovofta Xpiorov. Spoken of Christ as 'Ap7Taa>, f. aou), aor. 1 pass. r/pTrder-
but aor. 2 pass, ^pirdyjjv, a laterform,
rejecting men, Matt. x. 33. 2 Tim. ii. 12.
Buttm. 114. Winer 15 to seize
Trop. Luke ix. 23 apv. iavrov
to upon, to snatch away, trans.
recept. arrapv.) to deny one's self, i. e.
a) spoken
of beasts of prey, o XVKOQ
disregard one's personal interests and
But 2 Tim. ii. 13 apv. dp7rdei TO.
irpojSara, John x. 12. So
1 avrov, to
deny one's self, i. e. to renounce
Sept. for cpa Gen. xxxvii. 33. Ez. xxii.
25, 27. Xen. Mem. 2. 7. 14 __ Metaph.
one's own character, to be inconsistent
to seize with avidity, Matt. xi. 12 air^v
with one's self. Tit. ii. 12 THJV
TWV ovpav&v, implying the
sc. rj)v /3a<rtX.
2 Tim. iii. 5.
eagerness with which the gospel was
ov, ou, r6, (dimin. fr. aprjv, received in the agitated state of men's
gen. apvof,) a lamb, agnellus, Sept. for minds ; comp. Luke xvi. 16, and see Ols-
hausen in loc. Herodian.
15 Ps.
to?5 Jer. xi. 19. cxiv. 4, 6. 2. 6. 10. ib.
45. Jos. Ant. 3. 8. 10. 2. 9. 3. Xen. An. 6. 5. 18.
IKS' Ty2$ Jer. 1.
In N*. h
position to plunder, rapacity, ravening, 17, 18, 20. Stobsei Serin. 42. Plut. Galba
Matt, xxiii. 25. Luke xi. 39. Xen. Cyr, c. 14 In N. T. inetaph. spoken of the
5. 2. 17, Others, spoil, prey, as Sept, of Christians in this
privileges life,
fpr nfe :
Is. iii. 14, and Herodian. 1. 10, especially the gift of the Holy Spirit, as
4. Xen. H. G. 3. 2. 26. being an earnest, a pledge, of future
101 "ApTOQ
bliss in the Messiah's kingdom. 2 Cor. had a splendid temple at Ephesus see ;
i. 22. v. 5. Eph. i. 14. Stobaei Serm. "E$<ros. Acts xix. 24, 27, 28, 34, 35.
59 J^jueTg t\ovTtc appa/Suiva TI\V rk^vijv row
, ovoc, o, (aprdw to
Zijv. Act. Thorn. 51 Trape^i/ ri/g TT'UJ- hoist,)
a top-sail, supparum, Acts xxvii. 40 __
<TOV TOV appa/3wva.
Others, a jib, dolon.
13] Lev. xxvii. 7. Ecclus. xxxvi. 21. to vvTtpov. xvi. 12, 31. Cor. xiii. 12 1
Jo8. Ant. 7. 7. 2. Xen. CEc. 7. 18. TOTC. xvi. 7. Gal. i. 9, 10. iv.
bis, apTi
and 20. 1 Thess. iii. 6. 2 Thess. ii. 7. 1
"ApprjToe, ov 9 o, }, adj. (a pr.
fr. Horn. Od. 11. Pet. i. 6, 8 __Jos. Ant. 2. 12. 2
p7/ro tytTv,) unspoken,
466. wrong to be spoken, Eurip. Here. t)v aprt KctToucovffi yrjv. 1. 6. 1
Fur. 174. Hecub. 198. Heliodor. IX. fiev dpTt KiK\nvTai. Theocr. Id. 2. 104.
p. 424. secret, private, Diod. Sic. 2. 18.
Id. 23. 26. Xen. An. 7. 4. 7. _Hence
In N. T. unspeakable, ineffable, 2 Cor. r)aprt wpa, the present time, 1 Cor. iv. 11.
xii. 4. Clem. Alex. Strom. 2. 2 SaC/za comp. Buttm. 125. 6. So EWQ aprt,
until now, i. e. up to the present moment,
Matt. xi. 12. John ii. 10. v. 17. xvi.
"Appw(TTO, ov, > n, adj. ( pr. and 24. 1 Cor. iv. 13. viii. 7. xv. 6. 1
of the sick,
pwvvv/u), infirm, feeble, spoken John ii. 9. For air' oprt, from nowt
Matt. xiv. 14. Mark vi. 5, 13. xvi. 18.
henceforth, see 'Airdpn.
1 Cor. xi. 30. So Sept. for particip.
rn 1 K. xiv. 5. Mai. i. 8 __ Ecclus. ou, 6, rj, adj. (apri
vii. 37. Xen. CEc. 4. 2. and yivvi]TOQ fr. born, new
born ; metaph. those who have just em-
g, OU, o, (aperrjv, xoirn, braced the Christian faith, 1 Pet. ii.2.
bed,) a sodomite, i. e. one who lies with
pp. Lucian. D. Deor. Mar. 12. 1.
a male as with a female, 1 Cor. vi. 9.
1 Tim. i. 10. coll. Rom. i. 27. Diog. , ov, o, 77, adj. (apw, aprt,)
Laert. 6. 65. perfect, complete, spoken of a religious
teacher, who should be wanting in
"Aparjv, 6VO, o, and dp<rtv, TO, (old
or Ion. form for the later Attic, apprjv, nothing, 2 Tim. iii. 17. Theophr. H. PI.
2. 7. Hesych. apna- a7r7jpria/i!j/a, reXcta,
Buttrn. 16. n. i. e. of themale
4,) male,
sex, Matt. xix. 4. Markx. 16. Lukeii.
23. Rom. i. 27
Gal. iii. 28. Sept.
, ou, 6, bread, Heb. QllJ,
for Gen. Lev. i. 3. 27.
iii. 1.
i. a
T T a) genr. bread, loaf, plur, aprot,
Hom Il. 8. 7. Od. 13. 16. Anacr. 52.
. loaves. See Calmet. art. Bread. Matt.
5. Soph. Trachin. 1213. iv. 3, 4. vii. 9. xiv. 17, 19. xv. 34, 36.
Mark vi. 41. John xxi. 9, 13. al. ssep.
'Aprfjuae, , ? Artemas, pr. name of tn Gen. xiv. 18. 1 Sam.
a Christian friend of Paul, Tit. iii. 12. Sept. for xvii.
37. al. Xen. Mem. 2. 7. 5. Spoken
"ApTE/iif, icx>c or ioq, i/, Artemis, of the shew bread, Matt. xii. 4. Heb. ix.
the Greek name of Diana, the goddess of 2. So Sept. and t)r$ Lev. xxiv. 7.
hunting, etc. among the heathen. She 1 Sam. xxi. 4, 6. Of' the bread in th<j
24, 25. Wisd. xvi. 20. Others under- who have authority over other angels,
stand here intellectual aliment, doctrine, Rev. xii. 7 ; and are the patrons of par-
wisdom, etc. comp. Prov. ix. 5. Ecclus. Dan. x. 13. xii. 1. The
ticular nations,
xv. 3. xxiv. 21. names of three only are found in the
from the Heb. e. Jewish writings Michael, the patron of
b) food, any thing i. ;
for the sustenance of the body. Matt. vi. the Jewish nation, Dan. x. 13, 21. xii. 1.
Mark vi. Luke 2 Cor. Jude 9. Rev. xii. 7. Gabriel, Dan. viii. 16.
11. 8, 36. xi. 3.
ix. 10. al. So Sept. and Ex. xvi. 4, ix.21. Lukei. 19,26. Raphael, Tob. iii.
Ecclus. xxxiv. 17. v. 4. viii. 2. ix. 1,5. xii. 15. The
15, 29. Is. Iviii. 7. al.
Xen. Mem. 2. 8. 1.
Sept. 6 iff$i(t)v aproue fiov for 70nt? ^?1i<
Hence aprov 0ay7v Trapa TLVOQ, to eat ov, o, Archelaus, a son
the bread of&ny one, i. e. to be supported of Herod the Great, by Malthace his
by any one, 2 Thess. iii. 8. Compare Samaritan wife, Jos. Ant. 17. 1. 3. He-
Sept. and Heb. 2 Sam. ix. 7, 10. So rbv rod bequeathed to him his kingdom, ib.
lavr&v aprov iffSleiv, to eat one's own 17. 8. 1, 2, 4. B. J. 1. 33. 8. but Au-
bread, i. e. to support one's self, 2 Thess. gustus confirmed him in the possession
iii. 12.' AL. of only the half of it, viz. Idumea, Ju-
dea, and Samaria, with the title of eth-
f. viroj, (a'pw,) to prepare narch, tSrvapxris, ib. 17. 11. 4. B. J. 2.
fitly, to set
in order, trans, e. g. an army 6. 3. After about ten years, he was ban-
Vor battle, Horn. II. 15. 303. In N. T.
ished, on account of his cruelties, to
and later writers, to prepare food, etc. by Vienne in Gaul, Jos. B. J. 2. 7. 3 and ;
seasoning, to season, Mark ix. 50 and his territories were reduced to the form
Luke xiv. 34, where it is spoken of re- of a Roman province under the procu-
storing to salt its pungency comp. ; rator Coponius. ib. 2. 7. 3, and 2. 8. 1.
Matt. v. 13. Symmach. T/prujuevov for In N. T. he is said (3a<n\tviv, to be king,
n p *1 Cant. viii. 2. Athen. II. p. 67. Matt. ii. 22, referring to the interval
Metaph. Coll. iv. 6 Xoyoe 7?pry/zvoe aXart, immediately after the death of Herod,
discourse seasoned with salt, i. e. appro- when he assumed the title of kin.
priate, salutary.
?C ? ^> beginning, viz.
'Ap^a^aS, Arphaxad, Heb.
o, indec. spoken of time, the beginning, com-
TEb.P"y$, a son of Shem, Luke iii. 36.
mencement, Matt. xxiv. 8. Mark i. 1. xiii.
Comp. Gen. x. 22, 24. xi. 10, 12. 9. Heb. vii. 3. Sept. for rr,T?>n Job xl.
14. r^rrn Hos. i. 2 __ Polyb. 3. i. i. 723, 882. Others, that which I said to
Xen. Cyr/5. 5. 16. Mem. 2. 1. 1. you from the beginning ; but then it
Hence apx^ Xa/3ai/, to fo^rz/z, Heh. ii. 3. should read, O,TI nai rrjv opx^v XaXa
So Philo de Vit. Mos. I. p. 614. JEl. V. VfJLlV.
H. 2. 28. Polyb. 1. 12. 9 __ John ii. 11
b) spoken by meton. of abstr. for
T>]V dp\Tjv TUJV ai\^ , i. c. the first concr. spoken of persons, etc. the first,
miracle. Heb. iii. 14 TJJV px }) v r >lG ^ 7ro primus. Col. i. 18 og konv apx), Trpw-
crao-ewe, for rr/v v7r60Tacr> r?)v Trpatrtjv, TOTOKOQ IK TWV vticp&v. So Sept. apx?)
i.e. our first confidence, our faith as at T'ZKVWV, first-born, for ri""CDX*3 Gen. xlix. 3.
the first ;
Buttm. 123. n. 4. So Heb. Deut. xxi. 17. So apx*} *ai reXog, the
v. 12 rd oroixTa ri/g PX^C> * e r ffT l X' - <>
beginning and the end, i. e. the first and
-a TT PUT a,firstprinciples, elements; Buttm. the last, Rev. xxi. 6. xxii. 13 ;
[i. 8.]
1. c. Heb. vi. 1. With prepositions, etc. comp. under 'A. Rev. iii. 14 r/ apx) rijg
viz. KTianoQ, coll. Prov. viii. 22. Theophil.
ait apxns,from the
beginning, viz. ad Autol. lib. 2. p. 88, OVTOQ \k-
of all things, from everlasting ; Matt. ytTai apxfi, OTI apx ci Ka Kvpisvei iravTdJv <-
a* the beginning, sc. of lers, Luke xii. 11. Tit. iii. 1. So Sept.
of old, Heb. i. 10. So Sept. and Mic. iii. 1.
iB'Ki Jos. Ant. 4. 8. 16.
for tT2L-> Ps. cii. 26. Xen. Cyr. 1. 2. 12.
; Olp Ps. cxix. 151. Herodian. 8. 6. 18.
Pint. Solon, tlato Thea>t. p.
c. 3.
Spoken of the princes or chiefs
185. B. Polyb. 4. 52. 7. 21. 10. Col.
among angels, Eph. i. iii.
say unto you. See Olshausen and Kui- a) the author, source,
cause of any
iioeJ in loc. Philo de Spec. Leg. p. 796. thing, Acts iii. 15. Heb. ii. 10. xii. 2.
Herodot. 4. 25,28. So ap X r/v Herodot. So Sept. for rrtiftn Mic. i. 13. 1
1. 9, 193.
Comp. Herm. ad Vig. p. 80, Mace. ix. 61. x. 47. Jos. Ant. 7. 9. 4.
Sept. for -tip Is. xxx. 4. Judg. v. 15. bers of the Sanhedrim, and indeed the
TipD 2 Chr. xxiii. 14 __Thuc. 1. 132. expressions apxieptfs Kai ypo/i/iareuj
Dem. 1378. 6. Matt. ii. 4. al. and dpxitptig KO.L
from John vii. 32, 45. al. seem to be put by
'Ap^i-, an inseparable particle
names of office or dignity way of circumlocution for rb crwtSpiov,
&PX*l> prefixed to
like our Arch-,which is equivalent to it the Sanhedrim; and in some instances
and derived from it. the word apx'fpetg appears to be used by
itself in a general sense to denote the
same council as John xii. ; 10, coll. xi.
belonging to the high priest, pontifical, 47. Jahn 244. 1.
Acts iv. 6. Jos. Ant. 4. 4. 7. ib. 6. 6. 3.
in the Ep. to the Heb. c. ii. 17. iii.
ib. 15. 3. 1. c)
1. iv. 14. v. 5. vi. 20. et passim, Christ
is called apxiepeve and compared with
a /<//* priest, chief priest, pontifex
/'C,) the high priest of the Jews, as having
maximus. Sept. for bvran 'jHDn Lev. iv. offered up himself a sacrifice for sin ;
3 more usually 6 leptv^b /Kyc, Lev. xxi. AL.
comp. Heb. ix. 7, 11, 12.
10. Num. xxxv. 25. al. Esdr. ix. 40.
1 Mace. x. 20. Jos. Ant. 3. 7. 1. coll. '\p-\iTroifjiTt\v, tvog, b, (apxi- and
a chief shepherd; metaph. of
Pol. 23. 1.2. ib. 32. 22. 5. In N. T. Troi/tTfv,)
Christ as the chief teacher of religion
a) the high priest of the Jews, Matt. and head of the church, 1 Pet. v. 4.
xxvi.3,62,63,65. Mark ii. 26. Lukexxii.
50. al. By the original divine appoint- "A/OYf7r7roc, ov, b, Archippus, pr.
ment he was to be of the family of Aa- name ot a Christian, Col. iv. 17. Phi-
ron, Ex. xxix. 9. For his duties, etc. see lem 2.
tute is not expressly mentioned in the Cor. iii. 10. Sept. for linn Is. iii. 2.
scriptures, though such a person seems Ecclus. xxxviii. 30. Xen. Mem. 4. 2. 10.
was beginning, entering upon, [the age and Jos. Ant. 20. 1. 2 dpxovres 'itpoo-oXv-
about thirty years, where the gt-n. fiiTwv. Spoken of the chief of the fallen
irwv be governed by under- angels, Satan, dpx^v r&v Satfj,ovi(i)v, Matt.
may dvr/p
as J Ant. 7. ix. 34. xii. 24. iii. 22. Luke xi.
stood, or by dpxoptvog, s-
ungodliness, either in thought or action, 2 Cor. xii. 5, 9 bis, 10. Spoken of the
Rom. i. 18. xi. 26. 2 Tim. ii. 16. Tit. weakness and infirmity of human na-
ii. 12. So the genitive as adj. Jude 15, ture generally 2 Cor. xiii. 4. Heb. iv.
18, comp. Buttm. ^ 123. n. 4. Sept. for 15. v. 2. vii. 28 Sept. Job vii. 37.
Ez. xvi. 57. y^'D Jer. v. 6. Ez. Herodot. 8. 51.
xxi. 24. ^'l Prov. iv. 17. Ecc. viii. 8. b) spec, infirmity, sc. of the body, i. e.
_Diod. Sic. 18. 90. Xen. Cyr. 8. 8. 6. disease, sickness, Matt. viii. 17. Luke v.
to be
15. viii. 2. xiii. 12. John v. 5. xi. 4.
'Ao-J3o, w, ?<, (Affepfa,) Heb.
Acts xxviii. 9. 1 Tim. v. 23. xi.
ungodly, to live impiously, intrans. 2 Pet.
34. Luke irvevpa affSevtias, i.e.
xiii. 11
ii. 6. Jude 15. Sept. for y^D Zeph.
an evil spirit causing disease, coll. ver.
iii. 12. Vi^T! Dan. ix. 5. Jos. Ant. 9.
16 2 Mace. ix. 21, 22. Herodian. 1.
13. 1. Diod. Sic. 1. 77. Xen. Cyr. 5.
4. 16. Xen. Mem. 4. 2. 32.
2. 10.
of the mind, feebleness, de-
c) trop.
ic, toe, ove,
r adj- ( P r -
pression, want of energy, 1 Cor. ii. 3.
> 'h
and aepopai), impious, ungodly, wicked, Sept. acr$. 0wv} for 5D^ Ecc. xii. 4.
1 Tim. i. 9. 1 Pet. iv. 18. 2 Pet. ii. 5.
Xen. Ag. 9. 5.
iii. 7. Jude 4, 15 bis. Implying ex-
d) by impl. sorrow, affliction, distress,
posure to punishment, Rom. iv. 5. v. 6. producing depression and perplexity of
Sept for yipis Hos. xiv. 10. yiih
mind, Rom. viii. 26. Gal. iv. 13. So
i. 1. Jer. v. 26 __
Xen. Cyr. 8. 8. 27.
Sept. for rmy Ps. xvi. 4.
Mem. 1. 2. 2.
vi. 21.
without mark, Sept. Gen. xxx. c) trop.
of the mind, to be feeble-
42. of money, unstamped, Sept. Job xlii. minded, faint-hearted, timid, 2 Cor. xi.
11. Herodot. 9. 41. In N. T. metaph. 21. So Sept. for ^5-3 Is. vii. 4. 1Mace.
obscure, ignoble, mean, Acts xxi. 39. xi. 49. Xen. Hiero 1 . 23. By Hebra-
etc. Acts xx. 35. 2 Cor. xi. 29 bis. as appears from Acts, and from Jos. Ant.
xii. 10. So Sept. and ^3 Job iv. 4. 12. 3. 2. 14. 10. 11. 16. 2. 3 __ In N.
Ps. cvii. 12. Dan. xi. 33, 34, 35. T. Asia is
for the whole of Asia Minor, Acts
'Ao-Sc'vrjjua, aroc, , (a^evlw, perf. xix. 26, 27. xxi. 27. xxiv. 18. xxvii. 2.
pass. riffStvnfiat,} pp. infirmity ; metuph. Rom. xvi. 5 in later edit.
doubt, scruple, hesitation, Rom. xv. 1.
for proconsular Asia, i. e. the re-
See 'A<r$vw c. b)
gion of Ionia, of which Ephesus was
eoe, ovc, o, ), adj. (a the capital, and which Strabo also calls
pr. and aStvos},
without strength, infirm, Asia, lib. 14. init. Acts ii. 9. vi. 9. xvi.
weak, feeble, viz. 6. xix. 10, 22. xx. 4, 16, 18. (1 Cor.
Matt. xxvi. 41 aaStvfc xvi. 19. 2 Cor. i. 8.) 2 Tim. i. 15. 1 Pet.
a) genr. / <rup
equal to the task. Mark xiv. 38. 1 Pet. proconsular Asia as containing the pro-
iii. 7. Sept. for nn
Num. xiii. 19. Job vinces of Phrygia, Mysia, Caria, and
iv. 3. *>rn Ez. xvii. 14 __
Wisd. ii. 11. Lydia. Pro Flacc. 27.
Jos. Ant. 3. 1. 3. Herodian. 2. 10. 13.
Xen. Mem. ov, 6, rj, adj. Asiatic, i.
Including the idea
1. 4. 6.
of imperfection, Cor. xii. 22. Gal. iv. 9.
1 belonging to Asia Minor, Acts xx. 4.
Heb. vii. 18. So neut. as subst. 1 Cor.
, ou, o, ('A<rta,
i. 25 TO daStvic TOV Srtov. ver. 27 TO. da-
an Asiarch, Acts xix. 31 Strabo 14.
Stvii rov KOfffiov, spoken of men. Buttm.
p. 960 __ In the eastern provinces of the
123. 3. Roman empire, persons of wealth were
b) spec, infirm in body, sick, diseased, annually appointed to preside over the
Matt. xxv. 39, 43, 44. Luke x. 9. Acts
public worship, and to exhibit games
iv. I), v. 15, 16. 1 Cor. xi. 30. own
and theatrical amusements at their
c) trop.
of the
mind, faint-hearted, expense in honour of the gods, in the
timid, 2 Cor. x. 10. Comp. xi. 21 and manner of the Roman aediles. These
1 Cor. ii.3. Implying a want of de- officers received their titles from the
cision and firmness of mind, weak- province to which they belonged, as
minded, i. e.
doubting, hesitating, vacil- SvpidpxTiG 2 Mace. xii. 2, AvKidpxng,
lating, in opinion or in faith, 1 Cor. viii. &oiviKapxr]G, Kapiapx 7??) etc. and of
7, 10. ix. 22 bis. 1 Thess. v. 14. See course, in proconsular Asia, they were
in 'A.<r$tv't(u c. called 'Adiaoyat. They were ten in num-
d) by impl. afflicted, distressed, by sc. ber, selected by the cities and approved
oppression, calamity, etc. 1 Cor. iv. 10, by the proconsul of whom one was the
comp. ver. 9, 11 sq. Sopt. for Prov. ^ chief Asiarch, and always resided at
Ephesus the capital ; the others were his
xxii. 22. xxx. 14. *yj Prov. xxxi.
5. In a moral sense, wretched, diseased, colleagues and advisers. Comp. Euseb.
i. e. in a state of sin and wretchedness, Hist. Ecc. IV. 15. Wesseling Diss. de
Rom. v. 6 ovTiiiv T}[iu>v aoztvuv, i.q. d Asiarchis, Ultraj. 1753. Western and
uJv UVT. rj. in ver. 8. Kuinoel in loc.
'Acnrm 108 A.<riri
"AcricoCj ouj o, a bottle sc. of skin, Heb. xiii. 24 bis. 1 Pet. v. 13. 2 John
for water, wine, etc. like the oriental 13. 3 John 15 bis.
bottles of the present day ; see Calmet to love, to treat with affec-
d) by impl.
art. Bottle. Matt. ix. 17 quater. Mark tion, Matt. v. 47. Herodot. 1. 122. JE1.
ii. 22. quater. Luke v. 37 ter, 38. Sept. V. H. 9. 4. Xen. Ag. 11. 3, where it ia
for "W3 Josh. ix. 4, 13. ^53 Jer. xiii. Opp. to fiifffiv.
12. Jos. Ant. 1. 12. 3. Horn.'' II. 3. 247. spoken of things, to welcome, to
Herodot. 2. 121. Xen. An. 3. 5. 9. embrace, to receive gladly, e. g. r&t
i. e.
41. xxi. 17. comp. Luke viii. 13. Eurip. Ion. 587.
2 Mace. iv. 12. Jos. Ant. 4. 6. 7. Xen. sa-
'A<T7ra0yzoe> ou, o, (a<T7raoftai,)
Mem. 3. 11. 10. Ag. 9. 3. lutation, greeting, either oral or by letter,
Matt xxiii. 7. Mark xii. 38. Luke i.
, ou, o, 17, adj. (a pr. and
, unwise, i. e. without true wisdom 29, 41, 44. xi. 43. xx. 46. 1 Cor. xvi.
in Christ, v. 15. Xen. Mem. 3. 21. Col. iv. 18. 2 Thess. iii. 17 __ Act.
9.4. Thorn. 11.
^Egean Sea, about nine miles below 'A<TTO\(i) 9 <t, f. haw, (atrroxof fr. a
Troas. Acts xx. 13, 14. It was also called pr. and aroxoj mark), to miss the mark ;
Apollonia; Plin. 5. 30. trop. to miss, to err, to swerve from, c. c.
comp. *>n; Ps. xiv. 1. Job ii. 10, where Sept. for nt?? Gen. xxxiv. 25. 1 Mace.
vi. 40. Xen.'Mag. Eq. 6. 2. ib. 8. 12.
Sept. d<ppa>v.
Gen. xxxiv. 7. rmy Deut. xxiv. 1. "Arcp, adv. without, in the absence of,
Wisd. ii. 20. Hist.Vf Sus. 63. Xen. Ap. c. c. gen. and chiefly poetical, Luke
Soc. 7. Plut. Apophth. Mor. II. p. 171. xxii. 6, 35. See Buttm. 146. 1, 2 2
ed. Tauchn. Mace. xii. 15. Horn. II. 1. 498. Od. 7.
'Atrom'a, ac, r
/> (acrwroe not save.
able, incorrigible, dissolute, past hope, f. cLffo), to dis-
Polyb. 14. 12. 3 ; from a pr. and o-o^u*,) honour, to contemn, trans. John viii. 49.
dissoluteness, debauchery, revelry, Eph. Rom. ii. 23. Sept. for ^3 Mic. vii. 6.
v. 18. Tit i. 6. 1 Pet. iv. 4. Sept. ^p Niph. Gen. xvi. 4, 5. Xen. Mem.
for Prov. xxviii.
*>1?7 7. 2 Mace. vi. 4. 2. I. 31. ib. 2. 2. 14 In the sense of
Herodian. 2. 5. 2. to abuse, to treat shamefully, spoken of
adv. (ara/croc), disorderly, Sept. for -ji^ Prov. xi.2. xiii. 18. nj?3 s
of place, i. e. iraepf, absurd, 123. n. 3. Symm. for D^ Ex. xxxv. 5.
Xen. 2. 3. 15. Arrian. Diss. Ep. Lucian. Catapl. 4. p. 430, e'iireTo av-
3. 2. 17. unusual, strange, Thuc. 3. 38. Plut. de Garrul. 4.
Philo in Flacc. p. 970. In N. T. zm-
proper, i. e. evi/, wicked ; spoken of per- w, f. rjatt), (avSevrrie for
Athen. VII. p. 279. fr.avrog and TO. tvna armour,
sons, 2 Thess. iii. 2.
to enlighten, metaph. and c. c. dat. 2 Cor. pipe, i. e. to play on the pipe, intrans.
Matt. xi. 17. Lukevii. 32. 1 Cor. xiv. 7.
iv. 4. Sept. pp. for rnnn Lev. xiii. 24,
Clem. ^Elian. V. H. 14. 8. Xen. (Ec. 1,
25, 26, 28. Alex''. 'Protr. 6. pp.
Eurip. Hec. 637.
Av\i), f)c> n> (<">) yard, a court,
Airyrj, fjc, *l) light, brightness, spoken
of the light of day, the sun, etc. Acts xx.
any inclosed space in open air, ex-
11 axptg avyrje, till dawn, Sept. for PTjb posed to the winds and weather spoken ;
in N. T.
Is. lix. 9. Polysen. IV. p. 386 Kara
of a sheep-fold, into which flocks
rfjv TrpiiJTijv avyrjv Trig r)/*paf . Xen. Mem. a)
are driven at night, John x. 1, 16.
4. 7. 7 avyfj tj\iov.
Horn. H. 4. 433. So of the circle in
, ov, 6, Augustus, a sur- which nomadic shepherds pitch their
name conferred by the senate on Oc- tents, Jos. Ant. 1. 11. 2.
tavianus, the first Roman emperor see ;
of the court of an oriental
b) house or
Flor. 4. 12. Sueton. Aug. 7. Our Saviour edifice, the open court in the mid-
i. e.
was born in the forty-second year of his dle, around which the house is built,
reign, Luke ii. 1. He died A. D. 14, and which serves as a place of reception
set. 76, after a
reign of fifty-six years, for company, etc. see Calmet. art. House.
reckoning from his first entrance on Jahn ^ 35. Matt. xxvi. 58, 69. Mark xiv,
54, 66. xv. 16. Luke xxii. 55. John xviii. b) intrans. avdvw and auw in later
15. So Sept. for -iSTT Ex. xxvii. 9. Neh. writers, and Mid. avZdvopai, f. ^<ro/iat, aor.
viii. 16. Esth. i. 5. al __
Jos. Ant. 12. 4. 1 pass.' with mid. signif. nvKrjSriv, (Buttm.
11. .El. V. H. 3. 4. Spoken of the 136. 2,) to receive increase, to
groio, to
exterior court, before a dwelling or edi- grow up. (a)
Mid. Matt. xiii. 32. 1 Pet.
fice, Rev. xi. 2. Horn. II. 24. 452. ii. 2. Metaph. 2 Cor. x. 15. Col. i. 10.
c) by synecd. of a part for the whole, Sept. for *na Gen. xxi. 8. Judg. xiii.
a house, mansion, palace, Matt. xxvi. 3. 24.
N^3 Num. xxiv. 7. rPlS Gen. i.
Luke xi. 21. So Sept. for -p$n Is. 22, 28. 'Ex. i. 7. Herodiari." 1. 11. 8.
xxxiv. 13. Jos. B. J. 2. 17. 6. Hero- Xen. Mem. 2.6.39. (/3)
Act. form.
dian. 2. 12. 8. Polyb. 5. 26. 9. Horn. Matt. vi. 28. Mark iv. 8. Luke i. 80.
Od. 4. 74. ii. 40. xii. 27. xiii. 19. John iii. 30.
Acts vi. 7. vii. 17. xii. 24. xix. 20. Eph.
TJc, ov, o, (auXew,)
a piper, ii. 21. iv. 15. Col. ii. 19. 2 Pet. iii. 18.
a minstrel, Matt. ix. 23. Rev. xviii. 22. Jos. Ant. 2. 7. 7 ov yap i]v%e, sc. tlio
Xen. Mem. 1. 7. 2. On the custom Nile. 8. 2. 9. JSsop. Fab. 48. Diod. Sio.
of employing minstrels in mourning, see 4. 64.
Jos. B. J. 3. 9. 5.Calmet, art. Mourn-
Aui](nc, wc /> (a&w>) increase,
ing. Jahn 211. Buxtorf. Lex. Chald.
enlargement, Eph. iv. 16. Col. ii. 19.
766, 1524.
avtt TTIV avn<riv rov Stov, i. e. which
AvA'o/za, f. iffopai, depon. Mid. God bestows for the accus. see Buttm.
b) spoken
of the necessaries of life, 28 Sept. Job xiii. 8. 3 Mace. iii. 13.
etc. competency, 2 Cor. ix. 8. Herodot. 3. 83. Xen. Cyr. 2. 1. 9, 11.
Hiero 1. 24 --
So with other pronouns,
, oe, our, 6, 17,adj. (av- as avroi OVTOI Acts xxiv. 15, 20. og icai
Tog and sufficient in one's self)
apiclw), avroQ Matt, xxvii. 57. Mark xv. 43 __
self-adequate, Xen. Mem. 4. 7. 1. Jos.
Xen. Cyr. 2. 3. 4. Plut. Gees. c. 5.
Ant. 4. 8. 23. p. 243. In N. T. satisfied
1 Sept. 1 Sam. x. 19.
with one slot, contented, Phil. iv. 11.
Ecclus. xl. 18. 6. 48. 7. Xen b) with the sense even, implying com-
Polyb. parison and distinction. 1 Cor. xi. 14 fj
Mem. 2. 6. 2.
ovdk avT^i rj 0uo-i SiSdaicti, does not even
nature herself teach? 2 Cor. xi. 14 av-
Auroicara/c/otToe, ou, o, rj, adj. (air-
roc and jcaraK/cn'vto), self-condemned, Tit. rbg yap 6 2aTavaQ,for even Satan himself,
Rom. viii. 21. Heb. xi. 11. 2 Mace. iv.
iii. 11
Chrysost. Horn. 1. Photius, ol
12. Horn. II. 6. 451.
as marking the strongest emphasis
Avro/iaroe, TJ, ov, (avroz and and prominency, the very. John v. 36
n'sfiaa to strive for, fr. obs. p.du,\ existing aijra ra pya &
7rot<3, /taprvpa, the very
or acting of one's self, spontaneous, in an works which do, etc. /Heb. ix. 24 tig
adverbial sense, Mark iv. 28. Acts xii. avrbv TOV ovpav6v --
Thuc. 2. 3 avrb TO
10. See Buttm. 123. n. 3. Sept. for
TTDD Lev. xxv. 5, 11 Wisd. xvii. 6. -- d)
as marking the exclusion of all
Jos/Ant. 1. 2. 1. Diod. Sic. 1. 8. Xen. else, self alone. 2 Cor.
13 avrbg tyw, xii.
H. G. 6. 4. 7. 7 alone, i. e. exclusive of the other apos-
tles. Rev. xix. 12 ovopa o ovStlg oldev,
AuroVrfjc, ou, and UTT-
o, (CLVTOQ ei
/ii) avTcg, except himself alone __ Horn.
i. e. an
ro/tat,) self-beholding, eye-witness, II. 8. 99. Wolf ad Lept. p. 303 __With
Luke i. 2 __
Polyb. 1. 4. 7. Xen. Cyr.
John vi. 15 'Inwvs avt-
fiovog subjoined,
5. 4. 18.
^wp7]<T TO ooog avTog fiovog.
tig So the
Auroc, TJ, o, pron. self; in the ob- Attics, Xen. Cyr. 3. 3. 38. Wolf ad
lique cases him, her, it; and with the art. Lept. p. 288.
the same ; see Buttm. 127. 2. Herm. e) of
one's self, of one's own accord,
ad Viger. p. 733 sq. sponte. John xvi. 27 avTog yap 6 7rar)p
I. Self, in all the persons, myself, vpag, the Father himself, of his own
thyself, himself, etc. accord, lovethyou. (1 Pet. ii. 24.) Horn.
Joined with a noun or pronoun,
1. II. 17. 254. Xen. Cyr. 5. 4. 27. Anab.
as if in apposition and put either after
2.1.6. Mem. 1.3. 7.
the noun, or before it and its article, viz. 2. Used alone, the pers. pron. being
a) self, emphatic,
and apart from every omitted or implied chiefly in the nomi-
Mark xii. 36, 37, avrbg ydp AafiiS, David various degrees of emphasis in the ob- ;
himself. Luke xx. 42. John iv. 2 'Irjaovg lique cases only at the beginning of a
avTog, Jesus himself, i. e. in distinction construction ;
Buttm. 127. 2. I. b.
from his disciples. Luke xxiv. 15. 2 Cor. and often having /cat. So in
a) genr.
x. 1 avTog 8k eyu> IIauXo. Mark vi. 17 the Nom. Luke vi. 42 avrbg ov /3\7ra)v,
avTOQ o 'HpwoTjf. al. ssep Xen. Cyr. 1. thyself not seeing the beam, etc. Phil. ii.
3. 1. ib. 5. 2. 29. other nouns, With 24 OTI /cat avTog ra\kwQ iXevcropai, that J
Rom. viii. 26 avrb TO Trveu/ta. 1 Cor. xv. myself shall also come shortly. Luke xi.
28 avrog 6 vlog. Gal. vi. 13 ovdl ydp ol 4 *cat yap avroi a^i'f/uv. Luke xi. 46, 52.
TTfpiTtfivofievoi avToi. 1 Thess. iv. 16. xv. 14. John vii. 4. ix. 21 bis. Acts ii.
Heb. ix. 23. 3 John 12. Rev. xxi. 3 av- 34. xiii. 14. xvii. 25. xxi. 24. Col. i. 17.
TOS 6 $t6 s __ Xen. Cyr. 1. 6. 8, 9. Hiero 1 John i. 7. al. saep. Xen. Cyr. 1. 6.
6. With personal pronouns as avrbg
6 ;
35 1.4, 10.
bis. 8. in Thuc. 6. 5. So
eyw Luke xxiv. 39. Rom. xv. 14. icdyw the oblique cases at the beginning of a
avTog Acts x. 26. vfing avToi Mark vi. construction, Luke xxiv. 24 O.VTOV Si
31. 1 Cor. xi. 13. airroi uTc John iii.
. OVK itfiov. John ix. 21 nvTov
others, whom all know and venerate, etde TO irvtvfia TOV Seov tp^ofitvov ETT'
etc. So of Jesus, i. e. He, for the Master, O.VTOV. vi. 26 bis. viii. 1
sq. xi. 25.
the Lord, etc. Matt. viii. 24 avrbe t 6*a- xxvi. 71. Mark iii. 33. Luke i. 21, 22.
StvSe. Mark iv. 38. vi. 47. viii. 29. Luke John i.
5, 6. Acts vii. 21. al. seepiss __
v. 16, 17. viii. 54. ix. 51. x. 38. xi. 17. Plut. Caes. Xen. Mem. 3. 1. 3.
c. 2. _
xiv. 1. So of God, Heb. xiii. 5. Schol. In this use of O.VTOV, etc. some irregu-
ad Aristoph. Nub. 218. Comp. the avruQ larities occur in N. T. viz.
ver. 5 10. vi. 4 cat 6 Tran/p aov 6 /3\7ra>v VOIQ $u> aviTiiXtv avTolc. V. 40 r<
iv T(
icpuTrnp, auTbc airoS<ii<Tfi ooi, HE shall StXovTi d0f avTifi. xxv. 29 cnrb 8e TOV
reward thee openly, xi. 14 auroc iffTiv IXOVTOQ dpSrjaiTai
air' avTov. John
'HXiac, THIS is Elias. xii. 50, coll. Mark xv. 2. Rev. i. 5, 6. ii. 7. r$ VIK&VTI
iv. 35 where it is ovrog. Matt. xxv. 17. w<rw avTqi. ^vi. 4. In a different case,
Mark i. 8. xiv. 15. Luke i.
17, 36. xi. Matt. xii. 36. Gen. xvi. 3 r< *A/3pa/t
14. John xiv. 10. Acts x. 42. xv. 27. ai>T(fi. Esdr. vi. 1 ITTI TOVQ 'lovdaiovg
Heb. viii. 9. 1 John ii. 2. al. So 7rt avTovf. Xen. Cyr. 1.3. 15 r< TraTr-
Sept. and Heb. Kin Is. liii. 5, 7, 12. Ps. ttv awry. Anab. 5. 6. 15 Se-
xix. 6. Wisd. xii. 27 iiri TOVTOIQ ov?
IdoKovv Seovfy iv aurotf jcoXao/ivoi. Jos. Comp. Winer 22. 4. a. Especially
Ant. 6. 13. 4. Plat. Repub. 2. p. 217. does this take place after a relative;
Pala-ph. Fab. 20. Horn. Od. 5. 198. Mark vii. 25 yvvrj, ijs cZ^e ro Svyarpiov
b) with ordinals, abroQ implies one's avriJQ 7rvtvfi.a aiedSrapTOV. i. 7. John i.
self with the others included in the num- 27. Acts xv. 17 ty' ovs ITT
ber. Rev. xvii. 11 avrbg oytioof e<rri, icai Eph. ii. 10. Rev. iii. 8 Svpav, rjv
IK r&v iirrd itTTt, HE is the eighth, i. e. he cvvarat K\t"iffai 2 olg
avrrjv. vii.
was with the seven and is of them. Comp. avTo~i. vii. 9. So Sept. freq. Ex. iv. 17.
2 Pet. ii. 5 Jos. Ant. 10. 11. 1 avrbg Lev. xviii. 5. Num. xi.21. Judg. xviii. 5;
oXtyodrof. Time. 1. 46. Xen. H. G.2.2. 6. 1 K. xiii. 10. al. Esdr. iii. 5. iv. 54.
17. Comp. Vigerus, p. 73. Kypke Obs. Judith xvi. 4. Baruchii. 17. Herodian.
II. p. 442. 8. 6. 10 olc iirupoiTaiffiv avrotf. Herodot.
II. Put instead of the pers. pron. of 2. 10. Diod. Sic. 1. 97 dgovtlg UVTOV.
the third person, him, her, it, them, etc. Comp. Winer 22. 4. b. Of the same
but only in the oblique cases and not at kind are those clauses commencing with
the beginning of a construction ; Buttm. a relative, where the writer falls out of
127. 2. II. Herm. ad Viger. p. 735. the construction and proceeds with av-
XI. TOV, etc. 2 Pet. ii. 3 olq TO Kpifjia OVK ap
Ai/ro'c 116
ad Vig. p. 170, 708. Of a different so Matt. xi. 1. xii. 9. Heb. viii. 8 avrotc
kind are those constructions where av- Xeyet, SC. rolf t^ovtrt r/)v $ia$r)Ki}v TI]V
rov, etc. put after a relative epexegeti-
is Xen. Cyr. 5. 4. 42.
cally; Matt. iii. 12 ov TO TTTVOV iv x t P* 3. Sometimes a$Tov, UVTOV, etc. is
avrov, as in Engl. whose fan is in HIS found where we might expect the re-
hand. Rev. vii. 9. Sept. Judg. vi. 10. flexive tavrov, avTov, etc. Matt. xxi. 45
Gen. xxiv. 3. Comp. Winer 1. c. ol 4>api(ratoi tyvwtrav, on Trcpt O.VT&V
2. Where no definite subject or ante- Xtyet, instead of Trtpi aurwv. John i.
b) where there
is no grammatical Phil. i. 30. al. So Sept. for -?rjN
reference whatever to the preceding xxxi. 15. Ex. xxxvi.8. 2Macc. iii. 33.
context, but the antecedent is merely Xen. Mem. 3. 4. 6, 7. So TO avro, rd
presupposed ;
Luke i. 17 a6r6f irpoeXev- awra, the same, the same things, like things,
fftTai i. e. the Mes- Matt. v. 46. Luke vi. 33. Acts xv. 27.
avrov, before HIM,
siah ;
so 1 John ii. 12. 2 John 6 comp. ;
Rom. ii. 1. 1 Cor. i. 10. Eph. vi. 9.
avT&v, sc. of the mother and child, xxiii. 51 lowing adverbial phrases: (a)
ro avro,
ry 7rpaf i avr&v, i.e. of the Sanhedrim, T&V the same, in the same manner, in like
manner; Matt, xxvii. 44. 1 Cor. xii. 25. very act or offence ; e. g. adultery, John
Xen. Mem. 3. 8. 5. (/3) ITTI TO avro, 4 yvvij iraTti\r]^jj 7rai>ro^>wp<> uot-
but comp. Kypke and Kuinoel in loc. Aux/xrjpoc, a, ov, (avxpoQ,) dusty,
Xen. Mem. 2. 1. 31. In
dirty, squalid,
b) spoken subjectively, always the
N. T. by impl. murky, dismal, dark, 2
same, i. e. not changing, immutable; Heb.
Pet. i. 19. Suidas, avxpnpv GTV^VOV
i. 12 (TV Sk o avrbf
tl, quoted from Ps.
cii. 28, where Sept. for mn.
Heb. xiii. i]
8 'Ir)<rovc Xp. o ai>TOf. So Kin Is. xli. 4. 'Atyaipiw, w, f. *!<*<, in text. rec.
Thuc. 2. 61 lyw fit v o UVTOQ ei/u, *cai OVK Rev. ii. 19
f 2 d^eXu), aor. 2 a^aXov,
Sept. for -"Eon Is. Iviii. 6. l^n Lev.
b) by impi.' to destroy, consume, xxv. 10. Is. ixil 1 Esdr. iv. 62. JPolyb.
Matt. vi. 19, 20, coll. Luke 33 where
1. 79. 12. Herodian. 7. 11.3.
it is Sia$$tipu. So Sept. for Q731$ Ez.
2. remission, i. e. forgiveness, pardon,
xxxvi. 34, 35, 36. Joel i. 17. 1731$ sc. of sins, absol. Mark iii. 29. Heb. ix.
Hipb. and Niph. Prov. xiv. 11. Judg. 22. x. 18. rStv afiapTiwv, Matt.
xxi. 17. m^n Ex. viii. 9. Jer. xlvii.
xxvi. 28. Mark i. 4. Luke i. 77. iii. 3.
.M\. V. H. 2. 4. Diod. Sic. 15: 48.
xxiv. 47. Acts ii. 38. v. 31. x. 43. xiii.
Xen. An. 3. 2. 11.
38. xxvi. 18. Col. i. 14. seq. r&v Trapa-jr-
to deprive of a good appear-
c) trop.
rw/mrwv, Eph. i. 7. Ep. Barnab. 6
ance, i. e. to deform ^to disfigure, e. g. ret Act. Thorn.
Matt. vi. 16, \e. by neglect, etc.
47. Spoken of
debt, tri-
bute, etc. Sept. Deut. xv. 3. Esth. ii. 18
comp. ver. 17. See Kypke in loc. I. p. 33.
1 Mace. xiii. 34. rfje
Tipwpia Diod. Sic.
Stob. Serm. 72. p. 445, yvvrj afavifav
20. 44.
rag fyeig sc. with pigments, ib. 46.
p. 333. Test. XII Patr. in Fabr. Cod. 'A0rj, fje, ;, (aVrw necto,) a liga-
N. T. p. 184, 192, 545. Jos. Ant. 9. 3. ture, vinculum, sc. by which the differ-
2. ent members of the body are connected,
a dis- commissure, joint, Eph. iv. 16. Col. ii. 19.
'A^cwo/ioc, ou, o, (ctyai/igw,)
Plut. Anton. 27.
appearing, vanishing, i. e. destruction.
Sept. for nNiffi'a Zeph. i. 16. Jer.
rnpfi CLQ, n-
ii. 15. mattE) Jer. li. 26, 62. Polyb. 5.
17, a^aproc,)
corruption, incapacity of decay ; hence
11. 5. In N. T. trop. abolition, abroga-
spoken of the future bodies of saints,
tion, sc. of a covenant, Heb. viii. 13.
immortality, 1 Cor. xv. 42, 50, 53, 54.
See Kypke in loc.
So of their future life and happiness,
and 2 Tim. i. 10 o)j/ icat a<p$apaiav, by hen-
"A(j>avTOQ, ou, 6, 77, adj. (a pr.
3 p. perf. pass. i. diadys for wi}v a^aprov. So Rom. ii.
(ftaivofiai, Tre^avrat), q.
a<*>avi]g, not apparent, not seen ; hence
7, comp. 1 Cor. ix. 25 and 1 Pet. v. 4.
Also Tit. ii. 7 in earlier editions. Wisd.
dfavTog ytvkvSai, to disappear, to vanish,
Luke xxiv. 31. Eurip. Orest. 1557. ii. 23. vi. 18, 19. Plut. Aristid. c. 6.
Diod. Sic. 4. 65. Plut. de def. Orac. 1. Spoken of things, etc. perpetuity ; Eph.
So a^avfjQ ytvtaSai 2 Mace. iii. 34. Act. vi. 24 Iv
Thorn. 27. 43.
roc, ou, 6, 77, adj. (a pr. and
fr. i. e.
wv, wvoc? > (airo, eSpa seat, ,
^ei'pw), incorruptible;
privy, Matt. xv. 17. Mark vii. spoken of persons, immortal, as God,
19. Florentin. Geoponic. 6. 2. 8.
Rom. i. 23. 1 Tim. i. 17. the future
This word belongs only to a later age ;
bodies of saints, 1 Cor. xv. 52. Wisd.
Sturz de Dial. Alex. p. 150. Comp. in xii. 1. Diog. Laert. X. 123. Spoken
of things, imperishable, enduring, 1 Cor.
Sept. d<f>t$po, menses, Lev. xv. 19, 20,
24. al. Psalt. Sal. viii. 13. ix. 25. 1 Pet. i. 4, 23. iii. 4. Wisd.
xviii. 4. Jos. Ant. 3. 5. 3.
'A0tta, ae, n, (a<f>eiSr}s, fr. a pr. and
0to/iai,) unsparingness, i. e. rigour, aus- ac, )j (a^opog fr. a
terity, Col. ii, 23. Ml. V. H. 14. 34. pr. and ,) pp. incorruption, in-
integrity, Tit. ii. 7 in some MSS. for 6. 24. Jos. Ant. 6. 5. 6. Herodot. 6. 30
rf)v alriav. Comp. 2E1. V. H. 1. 14.
fjQiov from (tyiai, Mark i. 34. xi. 16. John iv. 3 TI}V 'lovtiaiav. Matt. xix. 27, 29
comp. Ecc. ii. 18. v. 11. Philo Leg. ad TO. irdvTct. So Sept. for tift^ 1 Sam.
Cai. p. 1021. Buttm. 108. I. 5. Winer xvii. 20, 28. Jer. xii. 7. Wisd. x. 14.
1. c. For the augm. see Buttm. 86. n. Ecclus. vi. 27. Lucian. D. Deor. 6. 12.
2. Perf. Pass. 3 plur. aQsuvrai Matt. So to leave, sc. in any place or state,
ix. 2, 5. Mark ii. 5, 9. al. from a form to let remain. Matt. v. 24 a^c tKtl TO
of the perf. act. ttyiwica, Buttm. 108. 1. Stipov oov. xviii. 12. Mark i. 20. Luke
p. 231, marg. note. 97. n. 2. Winer 1. x. 30. John iv. 28.
xiv. 18, 27. Acts xiv.
c To send forth or away, to let go from 17. afytkvai Tiva povov John viii. 29. xvi.
one's self, trans. 32. So Sept. for TTSH Gen. xiii. 33.
a) pp. e. g. rove o\\ovs, to dismiss, 1 K. xix. 3. 1 Chr.Vvi. 21.
aty Ex.
Matt. xiii. 36. Xen. Cyr. 1. 2.8. ib. 8. ix. 21. 2 Sam. xv. 16. 1 Mace. vii. 20.
1. 6 __ Spoken of a wife, to put away, i. 28. So to leave to any one, i. e. to
1 Cor. vii. 11, 12, 13 __Jos. Ant. 15. 7. let him have or take, Matt. v. 40 dftg
10. So Matt, xxvii.50 a0j/* T0 irvtvpa, aury Kai ifiaTiov. Comp. Ecclus. xv.
he gave up the ghost, i. e.^expired Sept. 14. Jos. Ant. 7. 11. 4 TOV vibv d<ptg /ioi.
Gen. xxxv. 18. Jos. Ant. 7. 13. 3 TIJV Further, to leave behind, sc. at death,
^vxnv. 5. 2. 8. J31. H. An. 2. 1. See Matt. xxii. 25. Mark xii. 19, 20, 21, 22.
Kypke in loc. Mark xv. 37 a^tif $uvi}v Sept. for rnn Ps. xvii. 14. Ecc. ii. 18.
HfydXijv, sending forth a loud cry. Sept. Soto leave remaining, and Pass, to be
*?ip in}
Gen. xlv. 2. Act. Thorn. left, to remain-,
Heb. ii. 8. Matt, xxiii. 38.
39. Jos. Ant. 8. 13. 3. Dem. 301. 10. Luke xiii. 35. So Matt. xxiv. 2 ov /*/)
Comp. Kypke in loc. a$e$g udt XiSos ITTI \i$ov. Mark xiii. 2.
to let go from one's power, posses- Luke xix. 44. xxi. 6. Sept. for TT3n
sion, etc. i. e. to let go free, to let escape, Judg. ii. 23. iii. 1 Jos. Ant. 10. 10". 4.
Matt. xxiv. 40, 41. Luke xvii. 34, 35, 36. ((3) metaph. to leave, in various senses,
Sept. for n*nn Cant. iii. 4. Prov. iv. 13. viz. to desert, to quit, Rom. i. 27 T^V
Palaeph. Fab. 41. Trop. to let go Qvaticriv xpiiaiv. Rev. ii. 4. Or, to omit,
from obligation towards one's self, t topass by, Heb. vi. 1 a^'tvTtg rbv rrje
remit, e. g. a debt, offence, etc. seq. dat. apXVG Xoyov. Eurip. Androm. 392. Ar-
of pers. Matt, xviii. 27, 32, 35. Mark xi. rian. Diss. Epict. 4. 4. 36. So to neglect,
25. Sept. for Bptg
Deut. xv. 2 __ to omit, Matt, xxiii. 23 bis, ra (Sapurepa
1 Mace. x. 29. V. H. 14. 24. ML TOV vopov. Mark vii. 8. Luke xi. 42.
Dem. 1480. 11. So of sins, to remit the Sept. for TVSn Ecc. xi. 6.
penally of sins, etc. i. e. to pardon, to for- to let go, i. e. to let pass, to permit,
give, seq. dat. of pers. e. g. 60i\i7/mra to suffer, seq. ace. c. infin. expressed or
Matt. vi. 12 bis. dp-apriae Matt. ix. 2, 5, 6. implied, Matt. viii. 22. xiii. 30. xix. 14.
xii. 31. Mark ii. 5, 7, 9, 10. al. ftKaafyrjuiav Mark i. 34. v. 37. al. Matt. iii. 15. Mark
Matt. 31, 32 bis. TrapaTrrw/mra Matt.
xii. v. 19. xi. 6. Luke xiii. 8. John xi. 48.
So Sept. for 135 Is. xxii. 14. Nto} Gen. Ktiv. Sept. for TT2n 2 Sam. xvi. 11.
1.17. Ex. xxxii. 31. Ps. xxiv. 18. xxxii. Judg. xvi. 26. p} Ex. xii. 23. Num.
Lev. iv. 20. v. 10, 13. Is. Iv. 7. xxii. 13. Xen. Cyr. 1. 2. 2. Palaeph.
Fab. 4 __ Seq. Wa with the subjunct. in c. c. dTro seq. gen. Luke ii. 37. iv. 13.
the manner of the later poets after verbs Acts xii. 10. xix. 9. Luke xiii. 27 quoted
of command, etc. Mark xi. 16 OVK rtyitv from Ps. 8 where Sept. for niD coll.
So the imperat. aftc, afytrt, is followed Sept. for TiD Num. xii. 10. 1 Sam. xviii.
by the subjunct, without t'va, e. g. atyf, 12. C. c. gen. Herodian. 1. 10. 6. ib.
tflw/uv, let its see, suffer us to see, Matt. In the sense
6. 4. 8. Polyb. 1. 88. 12.
xxvii. 49. Mark xv. 36. d^ec, ic/3dXw, of to forsake, to desert, Acts xv. 38. So
let me cast out, Matt. vii. 4. Luke vi. Sept. for yp^ Jer. vi. 8. Ez. xxiii. 17, 18.
42. See Winer 42. 4. Herm. de In the sense of to withdraw from, to
Ellips. p. 183. Comp. Matth. 516. B. avoid, 1 Tim. vi. 5. 2 Tim. ii. 19. So
Viger. p. 315 __ Arrian. Diss. Epict. 1. Sept. for T)D Lam. iv. 15. C. c. gen.
9. ib. 3. 12 <c, i&o. AL. Jos. Ant. 1. 18. 4. Diod. Sic. 1. 80.
Thuc. 7. 7.
*A<f>iKvio[jiat, ovfJLcUy io[iai, depon.
b) metaph. to desist from, to refrain
(CLTTO, \Kvkopai\, to come or go away, sc. to
a place, etc. i. e. to arrive at, to reach, from, to let alone. Acts v. 38 airoarriai
curb TWV avSpwiruv TOITWV. xxii. 29. 2
c. c. (f, Jos. Ant.
1. 8. 3. Xen. Cyr.
Cor. xii. 8. So Sept. for bin Job vii.
2. 1. 2. In N. T. metaph. spoken of a
16. -no 1 Sam. vi. 3. 2 Sam. ii. 22,
report, rumour, to come forth, to spread 23. 5. 46. 4. Dem. 78. 21.
c. c. Rom. xvi. 19. Ecclus. Polyb.
abroad, ei'f,
c) to make defection from, to revolt, to
xlvii. 17.
apostatize, absol. Luke viii. 13. seq. gen.
'A^iXcryaS'dc, ov, b, /, adj. (a pr. 1 Tim.
iv. 1. seq. euro c. gen. Heb. iii.
^t'Xog and dyaSog'), unfriendly, hostile,
to 12. Sept. for rnttn Ez. xx. 8. ^jfl?
good and to good men, 2 Tim. iii. 3. Chr. xxvi. 18. xxviii. 19, 22. TITS Gen.
xiv. 4. Dan. ix. 9. C. c. gen. Jos. Ant.
a dj-
'A^tXapyupoc, ov, o, ty> ( pr. 8. 7. 8. ib. 9. 5*1. Herodian. 6. 2. 19.
0/Xo and dpyupoc), not covetous, liberal, Xen. Cyr. 4. 5. 11. seq. euro 5. 4. 1.
generous, 1 Tim. iii. 3. Heb. xiii. 5.
'A0iOTij/zt,f. J?<TW, (euro, Vcrrq/u,) trans. xvi. 10. Phil. i. 14. Jude 12. Sept.
and intrans. See "lorjj/ii and Buttm. for inSTp Prov. i. 33 -- Wisd. xvii. 4.
107. 11. .
Herodian. 7. 2. 1. Xen. Hiero 7. 10.
I. Trans, in the Act. pres. imperf. fut.
and aor. 1 ;
toplace away from, to sepa- , w, f. w<n, (diro,
to liken off, i. e. to make like, Pass.
rate, i e. to remove, to cause to depart,
Sam. Heb. vii. 3. Ep. of Jer. 5, 63, 71. Xen.
Sept. for TDrr 1 xviii. 13.
Is. lix. 11. 'Ecclus. xlii. 9. Xen. 'Hi Mem. 3. 10. 2.
Ex. xix. 12, 33. Polyb. 17. 5. 7. InN.T. awake from sleep, Anthol. Graec. II. p.
to set off apart, to separate, Matt. xiii. 49. 103. ed. Jac. In N. T. and later writers,
xxv. 32 bis. Acts xix. 9. 2 Cor. vi. 17. to sleep away, i. e. to fall into a deep and
Gal. ii. 12. Sept. for ^l^n Lev. xx. 25. prolonged sleep, Luke viii. 23, coll. Matt.
Is. Ivi. 3. Dem. 719. 17. So to set viii. 24 et Mark iv. 38 where it is jcaSeu-
apart for any thing, to select, to choose, du>. So Sept. ed. Aldin. for
nstp' Judg.
e. c. tiQ ri Acts xiii. 2. Rom. i. 1. absol. v. 27. Nicet. Ann. II. 6. 48. B. Comp.
Gal. i. 15. Sept. for ^1271 Lev. xx. Lob. ad Phryn. p. 224. H. Planck in
26 Act. Thorn. 44 In the sense of Bibl. Repos. I. p. 677.
to excommunicate, Luke vi. 22. Eurip.
Hec. 931. ? ou, o, T], adj. (a pr. and
i. e.
'A^OpjU?'/, ijc, !?> (> Pf"/0 PP-
, voiceless,
dumb, not having the power of
from which any thing proceeds, viz.
speech, e. g. beasts, 2 Pet. ii. 16. idols
means, material, apparatus, sc. for ac-
1 Cor. xii. 2, comp. Ps. cxv. 5 sq. Hab
complishing any thing, Jos. Ant. 5. 1. ii. 18, 19. jEschin. 88. 37.
16. Xen. Mem. 3. 6.11. Polyb. 14. 9. 8.
b) mute, silent, sc. in patient suffering
In N. T. occasion, opportunity, Rom.
Acts viii. 32, quoted from Is. liii. 7 where
vii. 8, 1 1 2 Cor. v. 12. xi. 12 bis. Gal. v.
Luke vi. 35. 2 Tim. iii. 2. Ecclus. xxix. ad ; with verbs, as a conjunction, so long
17, 25. Jos. Ant. 3. 16.
1. Xen. Mem. 2. as until, i. e. until, followed in N. T.
x ^p an d TTOIEW), no wmefe w^VA hands, during a season, Luke iv. 13. Acts xiii. 11.
Mark xiv. 58. 2 Cor. v. 1. Col. ii. 11. XX. 11 dxpiff avyrje. - Jos. Ant. 6. 11. 4
dxpirj/cew. Actsii. 29. iii. 21. xxii.22.
xxiii. 1. xxvi. 22. Rom. v. 13. 1 Cor. iv.
darkness, sc. which shrouds objects from
In N. T. spoken 11. 2 Cor. iii. 14. Gal. iv. 2. Phil. i. 6.
view, Horn. Od. 7. 41.
a before the eyes,
Heb. vi. 11. Rev.ii. 26.--2Macc.xiv.15.
of the eyes, mist, sc.
Jos. Jos. Ant. 4. 8. 23. Xen. Conv. 4. 37 --
Acts xiii. 11 dxAvc *ai o-Koroe.
3 ax\i)v TCUQ fyaiq avriav
So dxpt J7/*/owv TrkvTe, during, i. e. in
Ant. 9. 4.
Themist. Jive days, or until, ON,
the fifth day,
iTnpaXuv. Horn. II. 5. 127.
Acts xx. 6. So of a point of time, e. g.
Orat. 21. Spoken often in Homer of Rev. ii. 10.
Acts xxii. 4.
the mist which comes over the eyes of dxpi 3-avarov,
xii. 11. So Heb. iv. 12 __ Of place,
the dying, II. 5. 696. ib. 16. 344. (/3)
Acts xi. 5 axpiff I/AOV. xiii. 6 axpi H-
e, a, ov, (a pr.
and 0ov. xx. 4. xxviii. 15. 2 Cor. x. 13, 14.
useless, unprofitable, pp. Epist. Jer. 17. Rev. xiv. 20. xviii. 15. Lucian. D,
Xen. Cyr. 6. 3. 21. Mem. 1. 2. 54. In Deor. 7. 4.
N. T. by implic. b) with a relative pron. either with a
a) slothful, wicked,
Matt. xxv. 30. coll. noun of time, as dxpi /g rjfiepae, until the
ver. 26. Achill. Tat. V. p. 321. Comp. day when, i. e. until, Matt. xxiv. 38.
dxptdnj Tob. iv. 13. Luke i. 20. xvii. 27. Acts i. 2. or seq.
b) spoken
in humility, humble, of little
ov, for dxpt xpofof "> until the time when,
value, Luke xvii. 10. So Sept. an i. e. until ; so that dxpig ovhas the nature
12. Act. Thorn. 12. "AXVOOV, ou, TO, chaff, pp. Sept.
i^n Job. xxi. 18. yb Is. xvii. 13.
Axpi> or "AXP'C sometimes before Polyb! 1. 19. 13. Xen. CEc. 18. 6, 7, 8.
a vowel, Buttm. 26. 4. Lob. ad Phryn. In N. T. straw, sc. as broken up by
p. 14. pp. adv. of time (in N. T. also treading out the grain, Matt. iii. 12.
place) marking duration, continuedly ; Lukeiii. 17. So Sept. and 'pp) Gen. xxiv.
with the genitive, as a preposition, con- 25, 32. Judg. xix. 19. ^a'ls. xxx. 24.
tinuedly until, i. e.
during, until, usque Such straw was used by the Hebrews
pr. and incapable offalsehood, ve- comp. Deut.xxix. 18. Heb. xii. 15." Ex.
xv. 23. Xen. Anab. 1. 5. 1. fyi v .
rax, Tit. i. 2 Syram. for"ipirr^ Job
xxxvi. 4. Wisd. vii. 18. Herodian. 2.9.4. Stov.
BaaX, 6, indec. Baal, Heb. ^n gree, standing, 1 Tim. iii. 13. Artemid.
Chald. iya, 3, Bel, p. name 2. 42. Plut. Alcib. c. 17. Lucian. Amor.
of one of the chief gods of the Phe- 53. The Attic form is ftao^oq, Lob.
nicians and Babylonians, representing ad Phryn. p. 324.
either the sun, or more probably the
planet Jupiter. Rom. xi. 4 OVK txra/t-
yow ry [eurovi] BaaX, quoted from
\l/av Matt. xiii. 5. Markiv.5. Rom.
1K. xix. 18 where it is r< BaaX comp. a)pp.
; viii. 39. Eph.iii. 18. Luke v. 4 tig TO fid-
Buttm. 125. 5. The Israelites were e. the deep, deep
&o, sc. Trig 3-aXa<r<rj7f, i.
often seduced to the worship of this
water, the sea. Sept. for trj?J>7p Ez.
god; Judg. ii. 11, 13. iii. 7. viii. 33. 1 xxvii. 34. Is. li. 10. n^lSO Zech. x.
K. xvi. 31. See Calmet, art. Baal. ^nnn Ez. xxxi.
11. 14, 18. )iod. Sic.
the chief seat of idolatry, probably pagan Horn. II. 19. 125 fprjv pa$t~ia.
rfeep twilight,
i. e. earliest dawn, i.
q. place out, money with the brokers, etc.
and seducing teachers, 2 Pet. ii. 15. to cast into, e. g. tic TO TTVO, etc. Matt. iii.
Jude 11. Rev. ii. 14. See in NIKO- 10. v.29. vi. 30. xiii. 42. Mark ix. 22,
45. al. saep. Sept. for nTOT Dan. iii. 21,
25 __ Ei'c TTJV $d\aa<rav, Matt. xxi. 21.
BaXuK, indec. Balak, Heb. p^2, Mark Rev.
j xi. 23. xviii. 21. Spoken of
a king of the Moabites, Rev. ii.
(vacant), nets, etc. to cast into, to let down into the
14. See Num. c. 22. Josh. xxiv. 9. Jos. sea Matt. iv. 18. xiii.47. So
Ant. 4. c. 6.
Sept. for TpbllDn Is. xix. 8. Et $v\a.Kr}v,
to cast into prison, Matt, xviii. 30. Luke
BaXavTiov, oVj TO, also f3a\\avTiov,
xii. 58. Acts xvi. 37. al. Arrian. Diss.
a purse, Luke x. 4. xii. 33. xxii. 35,
36. Sept. for *n*i2J Job xiv. 17. D*3 Epict. 1. 29. 6. Spoken of contribu-
tions in money cast into a treasury, etc.
Prov. i. 14. Herodian. 5. 4. 4. Xen.
Conv. 4. 2.
Mark xii. 41 44. Luke xxi. 1 4. Also
to deposit, Matt, xxvii. 6. John xii. 6.
BaXXw, f. /3aX<3, perf. /Se/BXjjica, aor. Spoken of a sword, to thrust into, sc.
2 tpa\ov, perf. pass. pspXrjfiai, aor. 1 the sheath, i. e. to put up, John xviii. 11.
pass. tflXrjSrjv, f. 1 pass. /3X?/^ryoro^ai, to of a sickle, Rev. xiv. 19, comp. in be-
throw, to cast, with a greater or less de- low. So of the finger, hand, etc. to
gree of force as modified by the context; thrust into, to put into, Mark vii. 33. John
trans, and seq. dat. or a prep. xx. 27. Comp. Heb. -^ nbiB Sept. IKTUVW,
a) genr.
TOV K\fjpov, to cast lots, sc. into Job xxviii. 9. Dan. xi. 42. James iii. 3.
the urn or vessel, Matt, xxvii. 35 bis, TOVQ ^oXiVO^C /SaXXciv, to put,
Mark xv. 24. Luke xxiii. 34. al. Comp. to place, sc. bits in horses' mouths.
Potter's Gr. Ant. I. p. 333. Adam's Spoken of liquids, as wine and wate ,
Rom. Ant. p. 302. So Sept. for *rDn where we can only translate by to put
1 Sam. xiv. 42. Neh. x. 34. xi. 1. into, to pour into, Matt. ix. 17 bis. Mark
Ecelus. xxxvii. 8. Jos. Ant. 6. 3.4. Comp. ii. 22 bis. Luke v. 37, 38. John xiii. 5.
Virg. ^En. 5. 491. Spoken of a tree, So Sept. and tri> Judg. vi. 19. Arrian.
to cast, sc. its fruit, Rev. vi. 13. So Diss. Epict. 4. 13. 12, olvov, 'iva /3aXw tie
pd\\eiv tavTov, to cast one's self, and with TOV TriSov. Dioscor. 1. 94 vwp /SaXwv
KCLTW, to cast one's self down, Matt. iv. 6. ti'f dyytTov. Metaph. j3a\\nv ti'f r>}>
BaXX( 125
/3dpof, to M* upon, i. e. to put upon, to ry 7rape/i/3oXy STTI rr/ff Tri/y/)^ rou voWof.
impose. Spoken of a sickle, to thrust in, Ecclus. xxxi. 25 /3a7rrt^6/ivof aTro vsicpov,
Rev. xi v. 16, and c.c. 'c ver. 19 Spoken comp. Lev. xi. 25, 28, 40. Num. xix.
of liquids, to pour, Matt. xxvi. 12, coll. 18, 19.
ver. 7 ;
see more in 8 above. 2. to baptize, to administer the rite
Pass. perf. and pluperf. ptpXij/iai, baptism, either that of John or of Christ.
to be cast, i. e. to be laid, to lie, i. q. cI- Pass, and Mid. to be baptized or to cause
/iai, comp. Buttm. 113. 6. Matt. viii. 6 one's self to be baptized, i. e. genr. to
/3/3X?jrat iv ry oiieiq. irapaXvTiKOQ. ver. 14. receive baptism. In the primitive
ix. 2 tiri K\ivrjs /3/3Xj/ilvov. vii. 30. Mark churches, where, according to oriental
Luke xvi. 20. So the Act. Rev. ii. 22 habits, bathing was to them what wash-
/3dXXw CLVTTJV tig K\ivrjv, I will cast her ing is to us, the rite appears to have
into a bed, i. e. will afflict her with di- been ordinarily though not necessarily
sease, etc. performed by immersion. Spoken
nccus. of pers. to throw at any and (a) simply, Matt. iii. 6, 13,
c) seq. a) pp.
one, Mark xiv. 65 pa-n-ia^afft avrbv t/3a- 14,16. Marki. 4, 5. xvi. 16. Luke iii.
Xov, they threw at him with blows, i. e.
lit. 7, 12.21 bis. vii. 30. John i. 25, 28. iii.
they gave him blows. Sept. /SdXXtiv 22, 23 bis, 26. iv. 1, 2. x. 40. Acts ii.
jcai Xiot for ITV 2 Chr. xxvi. 15. 41. viii. 12, 13, 36, 38. ix. 18. x. 47. xvi.
baptized into the Jordan, Mark i. 9. de Educ. Pueror. 13. 3, \l/vxn rolg
Plut. de Superstit. 3. Jos. Ant. 4. 4. 6. (Fvp,p.TpoiG av^tTai irovoiQ, rolf dt ii
tit c.accus. of person, to baptize or to ifthe dead, ol vticpoi, do not rise, why
be baptized INTO sc. a profession of faith expose ourselves to so much danger
in any one and sincere obedience to and suffering in the hope of a resur-
him; Rom. vi. 3 and Gal. iii. 27 ilg Xpier- rection ? comp. ver. 30, 31, where Kivdv-
TOV. 1 Cor. X. 2 tif rbv MutiJffTjv. So vevu> and cnro^vrjaicu) are substituted for
tig TO ovo^idnvog, into the name of any ficurTiZofiat j see also Calmet, p. 145, 147.
one, in the same sense ; Matt, xxviii. 19. Comp. above in a. /8.
Actsviii. 16. xix. 5. 1 Cor. i. 13, 15.
So also in the same , aroc> TO, /a7rrt^w,) pp.
sense, i-n-i
T$ 6v6-
38 and iv ry 6v6-
Acts ii.
something immersed ; in N. T. baptism,
HCITI 'lt]ffov, ;
xxi. 2. Matt. x.3. Mark iii. 18. Luke Comp. ox\of fiapvs, a great army, Sept.
vi. 14. Acts i. 13.
Num. xx. 20. 1 Mace. i. 17, 20.
a, Barsabas, sur-
we, ou, o, Bar-jcsus, Heb.
, '
3. 11. 6.
cepts, of which the observance is bur-
densome, Acts xv. 28. Rev. ii. 24 __ c) trop. grievous, i. e. oppressive, hard
to be borne ; e.
Ecclus. xiii. 2. Clem. Alex. Strom. 3. 1. g. precepts, 1 John v. 3.
Plato Legg. 11. p. 971. E, vbpuv fidpog. Sept. for -T22 Neh. v. 18. Wisd. ii. 15.
Ecclus. xxix" 28. In the sense of afflic-
Spoken of sinful conduct and its con-
tive, violent, as XVKOI papiig, i. e. fierce
sequences, trouble, sorrow, etc. Gal. vi. 2
d\\T]\wv TO. fidpij /3aorare. In a pecu- wolves, Acts xx. 29. Sept. avy^vaig
niary sense, 1 Thess. ii. 6 iv fidpti ilvai, paptla for 122 1 Sam. v. 11, coll. v. 6.
to be 3 Mace. vi. 5 6 papiig
buidensome, comp. v. 9, and see in 'Aero-vptW
Bapo. paaiXtvg. Wisd. xvii. 21 Ml. V. H. 1.
Others, honour, authority, as in
Diod. Sic. 4. 61. 34 SravctTov Tpoirov fla.pvTa.Tov.
in N. T. to torture, i. e. to torment, to
H. G. 3. 3. 5 So by meton. of abstr.
for concrete, kings, Rev. i. 6 in later edit,
afflict with pain, etc. trans.
where the text. rec. has paaiXelg. Comp.
of disease, Matt. viii. 6 Su-
a) spoken
ffWTTjptov for tru>r7;p, Luke ii. 30. irevia for
vwf /3<ravi6/vof. Rev. ix. 5. So Sept.
Trlvrjrtc, Jos. Ant. 4. 3. 2.
for n^nn Mic. vi. 13. 1 Sam. v.
b) dominions, realm, i. e. a people and
3 2 Mace. ix. 6. Spoken of the pains
territory under kingly rule, Matt. iv. 8.
of parturition, Rev. xii. 2. of punish-
Mark vi. 23. Luke iv. 5 Matt. xii. 25,
ment, Matt. viii. 29. Mark v. 7. Luke viii.
28. Rev. xi. 10 coll. ver. 6. Rev. xiv. 10.
26. Mark iii. 24 bis. Luke xi. 17, 18.
Matt. xxiv.7bis. Mark xiii. 8 bis. Luke
xx. 10. Wisd. xi. 9. xii. 23. 2 Mace.
xxi. 10 bis. So Heb. xi. 33. Rev. xi.
i. 28. Jos. Ant. 2. 14. 4. genr. Arrian.
Diss. 2. 22. 35.
15. xvi. 10. Sept. for rvisitt 2 Chr.
Ep. xxxii. 15. Esth. ii. 3. rD^ttip Gen. x.
b) trop. to vex, to harass, 2 Pet. ii. 8.
10. Num. xxxii. 33. Josh.' xi. 10
^VX-TIV ciKatav. So physically, with toil,
Mark Ecclus. xliv. 3. m. V. H. 4. 5. Hero-
vi. 48. Spoken of a vessel tossed dian. 4. 3. 11.
by the waves, Matt. xiv. 24.
In the phrase 77 (3a<ri\eia rov Seov,
,ov, 6, (/3a<rav/2>,) pp. kingdom of God, Matt. vi. 33. Mark i.
examination, sc. by a touch-stone or by 4, 15. Luke iv. 43. vi. 20. John iii.
torture. In N. T. torture, torment; 13, 5. al. saep. also 77 (3atr. row Xpiorot,
Rev. xiv. 11 KO.TTVOQ fiaffavifffiov, i. e. the Matt. xiii. 41. xx. 21. Rev. i. 9. or
smoke of the fire in which they are rov X. /cat Stow Eph. v. 5. or rov
tormented. Rev. ix. 5 bis. xviii. 7, 10, Aaw, as the ancestor and type of
15. 4 Mace. ix. 6. the Messiah, Mark xi. 10; further,
TUIV ovpav&v, kingdom
77 /3a<r. of heaven,
Batraviorrjc? ov, 6, ((3a<ra.viu,} pp. but only in Matthew, as iii. 2. iv. 17.
one who applies the torture, an inquisitor,
al. for which we find in 2 Tim. iv. 18
Dem. 978. 11. In N. T. a prison-keeper, and likewise
/Saer. iTTovpdvioe ',
absol. 77
jailer, Matt, xviii. 34, i. q. fo Matt. viii. 12. ix. 35. al.
fiaaiXfia, i.
Symm. /Saaavtor^pcov for later Heb.
xx. 2. trri^ ma^tt or tPttEin JTD^a
All expressions are in N. T.
Batravoe, ou, 17, pp. a touch-stone, synonymous, and signify the divine spir-
the ancient itual kingdom, the glorious reign of the
lapis Lydius, for trying
metals, etc. Find. Pyth. 10. 106.
Messiah. The idea of this kingdom
there the Scholia, and also Rees' has its basis in the prophecies of the
art. Touch-stone- O. T. where the coming of the Messiah
Hence, examination,
and his triumphs are foretold e.
trial, Polyb. 22. 3. 7. torture, Polyb. 15. ; g.
27. 7. Ml. V. H. 7. 18. comp. Wisd. Ps. 2 and 110. Is. ii. 14, coll. Mich.
ii. 19 In N. T. torment, pain, e.
g. from
iv. 1 sq. (where in ver. 7 the Targum has
5 sq.
tP.E>E?n rflS^a,) Is. xi. 1 sq. Jer. xxiii.
disease, Matt. iv. 24. Sept. for m:n
Ez. xii. 18. So of punishment, Lukexviu xxxi. 31 sq. xxxii. 37 sq. xxxiii. 14 sq.
Wisd. Ez. xxxiv. 23 sq. xxxvii. 24 sq. and espec.
23, 28. iii. 1. xvii. 13. xix. 4.
Jamblich. Vit. Pythag. 68.
Dan. ii. 44. vii. 14, 27. ix. 25 sq. His
of the pains of parturition, Anthol. Gr. reign js here figuratively described as a
ed. Jac. II. p. 205. golden age, when the true religion, and
with it the Jewish theocracy, should be
kingdom, re-established in more than pristine
purity, and universal peace and happi-
ness prevail. All this was doubtless to in the Christian sense, as an-
be understood in a spiritual sense and ;
nounced by John, where perhaps some-
so the devout Jews of our Saviour's time thing of the Jewish view was inter-
appear to have received it as Zacharias,
; mingled, Matt. iii. 2 comp. also Luke ;
Luke i. 67 sq. Simeon, ii. 25 sq. Anna, ii. xxiii. 51. As announced by Jesus and
36 sq. Joseph, Luke xxiii. 50, 51. But others, Matt. iv. 17, 23. ix. 35. x. 7.
the Jews gave to these prophe-
at large Mark i. 14, 15. Luke x. 9, 11. Acts xxviii.
cies a temporal meaning and expected a
31. al In the internal spiritual sense,
Messiah who should come in the clouds Rom. xiv. 17 ov yap ianv i) j3. TOV S.
of heaven, and as king of the Jewish /3pu>(ri icat TToertf, aXXd CIKCIIOGVVT] KO.I
nation restore the ancient religion and fiprjvt) Kal xpa iv rrvtvfiaTi ay/y. Matt.
worship, reform the corrupt morals of vi. 33. Mark x. 15. Luke xvii. 21. xviii.
the people, make
expiation for their 17. John iii. 3, 5. 1 Cor. In the
iv. 20.
sins, free them from the yoke of foreign external sense, i. e. as embodied in the
dominion, and at length reign over the visible cnurch and the universal spread
whole earth in peace and glory comp. ;
of the gospel, Matt. vi. 10. xii. 28. xiii.
A'IMV 2. See Schoettgen Diss. de regno 24, 31, 33, 41, 47. xvi. 28. Mark iv. 30.
coelor. in Hor. Heb. I. p. 1147. Wet- xi. 10. Luke xiii. 18, 20. Acts xix. 8. al.
stein N. T. I. p. 256. Kuinoelon Matt, or as perfected in the future world, Matt.
iii. 2.
Koppe Exc. 1. in Ep. ad Thess. xiii. 43. xvi. 19. xxvi. 29. Mark xiv.
p. 92 sq. Keil Hist. dogm. de regno 25. Luke xxii. 29, 30. 2 Pet. i. 11.
Mess, in Opusc. Acad. p. 22 sq. Ber- Rev. xii. 10. al. In this view it denotes
tholdt Christol. Judseor. p. 187 sq especially the bliss of heaven which is to
Referring to the O. T. idea, we may be enjoyed in the Redeemer's kingdom,
therefore regard the kingdom of heaven i.
q. eternal life, Matt. viii. 11. xxv. 34.
etc. in the N. T. as designating in its Mark ix. 47. Luke xiii. 28, 29. Acts xiv.
Christian sense, the Christian dispensation, 22. 1 Cor. vi. 9, 10. xv. 50. Gal. v.21.
or < the community of those who receive Eph. v. 5. 2 Thess. i. 5. 2 Tim. iv.
Jesus as the Messiah, and who, united 18. Heb. xii. 28. James ii. 5. al.
by his Spirit under him as their Head, Spoken generally, Matt. v. 19 bis. viii.
rejoice in the truth and live a holy life 12 mot ri/f j3a<?i\tia, sons of the kingdom,
in love and in communion with him.
i. e. the Jews, who thought the Mes-
This spiritual kingdom has both an in- siah's reign was destined only for them ;
ternal and an external form. As inter- but viol T?IQ (3. Matt. xiii. 38, are the
nal, it already exists and rules in the true citizens of the kingdom of God.
hearts of all Christians, and is therefore Matt. xi. 11, 12 see in 'Ap7raw. xiii. 11.
present. As external, it is either embo- 19. 44, 45, 52. xviii. 4, 23. xix. 12, 24.
died in the visible church of Christ, and xx. 1. al. sacp. Spoken also genr. ot
in so far is present and progressive ; or the privileges and rewards of the divine
to be perfected in the coming of the
it is kingdom both here and hereafter, Matt.
Messiah to judgment, and his subsequent v. 3, 10, 20. vii. 21. xviii. 3. Col. i. 13.
spiritual reign in bliss and glory, in 1 Thess. ii. 12. AL.
which view it is future. But these dif-
ferent aspects are not always dis-
, ov, b, /, adj. (/3a<riXvf),
tinguished ;
the expression often em- royal, regal.
bracing both the internal and external a) pp. 1 Pet. ii. 9 fiaaiXtiov ifpartvpa,
sense, and referring both to its com- a royal priesthood, consecrated to God
mencement in this world and its comple- as kings and priests, i. e. in a distin-
tion in the world to come. Comp. Ols- guished manner quoted from Ex. xix. ;
hausen on Matt. iii. 2. Tholuck Berg- 6, where Sept. for D^HS Hp^TDp Wisd.
pred. p. 72 sq Hence in N. T. spoken. xviii. 15. Jos. Ant! 2. '10. 2. Xen,
(a) in the Jewish temporal sense, by Anab. 1. 10. 12.
Jews and by the apostles before the and plur.
as a subst. TO (3affiXuov,
day of Pentecost, Matt, xviii. 1. xx.21. TO. /Sao-j'Xfia, (sc.
a SwfJia or Sufiara,^
Luke xvii. 20 init. xix. 11. Acts i. 6. royal mansion, palace, Luke vii. 25. So
131 Baa "A r era
Sept. piur. for ^p JV3 Esth. ii. 13. 3. 13. 3.comp. 7. iO. 3, ar^l 8. 8. 6, 15
ni2& tT2 Esth. ii. 13.
^n Nah. Trop. spoken of Christians, as about
ii. 6.'
sing for p7*
Prov. xviii. 19. to reign with the Messiah over the na-
Plur. Jos.Ant. 13. 5. 3. Xen. Cyr. 1. 1. tions, Rev. v. 10. i. 6 in text. rec.
5. Sing. Jos. Ant. 6. 12. 4. Xen. Cyr. comp. xx. 6, and see in BaatXtuw b
8. 7. 1. AL.
Ba<T*XiJc wc> o, a king, i. e. one BacrfXfi/W) evffai,
to be
and genr. of David, Matt. i. 6. etc. Luke xix. 14, 17. 1 Tim. vi. 15 6
a) pp.
Acts (3a<TtXfvwv, a Spoken of Arche-
xrii. 22. Pharaoh, Acts vii. 10, 18. king.
Heb. of the Roman em- laus, who for a time had the title of
23, 27.
peror, John xix. 15. of ancient Jewish king, Matt. ii. 22, see in 'ApxeXaof.
Sept. for TJ^tt Judg. ix. 8, 10. 1 Sam.
kings, Luke x. 24. Herodian. 4. 10. 4.
Xen. 1. 2. 1. So viii. 9, 11. C. c. gen. Herodot. 1. 206.
Polyb. 3. 33. 3.
also Jesus as the Messiah is often
Xen. Mem. 3. 2. 2 Spoken of the
Messiah, Luke i. 33. 1 Cor. xv. 25.
called king, king of Israel, of the Jews,
etc. Matt. ii. 2. xxi. 5. xxv. 34, 40. Luke Rev. xi. 15.
xix. 38. John i. 50. xii. 13, 15. al. So b) absol. to reign, i. e. to possess and
to exercisedominion ; spoken of God as
Sept. and rr^p Ps. ii.6. Ez. xxxvii.24.
Spoken of God, 1 Tim. i. 17. vi. 15. vindicating to himself his regal power,
Rev. xv. 3. xvii. 14 fiafftXivg
Rev. xi. 17. xix. 6. So Sept. and
panXeuv, 7^73
Ps. xciii. 1. xcvi. 10. xcvii. 1. xcix. 1.
king of kings, by way of emphasis ;
comp. ava avaKTdiv ^Eschyl. Suppl. Trop. spoken of Christians who are to
633. Matth. $ 430. 5. Gesen. p. 692. c. reign with Christ, i. e. enjoy the high
Stuart, 455. c. So Sept. and 7jp Ps. privileges, honours, and felicity of the
v. 3. xxix. 10. xlvii. 3. xcv. 3.
Messiah's kingdom, Rom. v. 17. Rev. v.
10. xx. 4, 6. xxii. 5. So of Christians on
Ii. ]. Matt. v. 35 iroXig TOV peydXov
i. e. of God, viz. Jerusalem as. earth, to enjoy the honour and prosperity
the seat of his worship so Sept. and of kings, 1 Cor. iv. 8 bis. Comp. Lat.
vivo et regno, Hor. Ep. 1. 10. 8 Trop.
Ps. xlvii. 2.
in a more general and lower sense,
to have dominion, to prevail, tobe predomi-
b) e. g. death, Rom. v. 14, 17. sin
as a title of distinguished honour, vice- nant, and
Thus etc. grace, v. 21 bis. vi. 12.
roy, prince, leader, chief,
Herod the Great and his successors had
the title of king, but were dependent oe, 17, ov, (/3affiXeve,) kingly,
royal, i. e.
for the name and power on the Ro-
to a king, e. g. a
a) pp. belonging
mans; Matt.ii. 1, 3, 9. Luke i. 5. Acts
xii. 1 xxv. 13 sq. xxvi. 2 sq. But Herod
territory, Acts xii. 20. a robe, xii. 21.
So Sept. for Num. xx. 17. xxi. 22.
Antipas was in fact only a tetrarch, '
about any one, to slander, trans. Plut. criy/mra Iv r< ffw^an. So Symm. for
Pericl. 12. In N. T. to prate tj any K^5 Ps. Ixxxix. 51, where Sept. VTTEX^.
mislead by pretences, as if
e. to
Luke xi. 27 KoiXia 17 /Baorao-aora <re.
one, i.
So Schpl. MS. 59 ov Iv
in Horn. II. 6.
by magic arts, to fascinate^ to bewitch,
trans. Gal. iii. 1. Herodian. 2. 4. 11. yaoTpi 77 /*7?rijp fiaaraZoi, comp. "Wet-
Diod. Sic. 4. 6. Aristot. Probl. 20. 34. stein in loc. In the sense of to wear,
for which classic writers use 0opew,
Theocr. Id. 6. 39. Comp. Lob. ad
Luke x. 4. So ^opew, Diod. Sic. 20. 54.
Phryn. p. 462 sq. Wetstein N. T. ad
loc. Xen. An. 1. 8. 29.
IYOC ou, o, a frog , Rev. xvi. 17. _ Test. XII Patr. p. 615 iv
13. Sept. tor Ps. Ixxviii. 45. cv. ypaaiv k$v&v. Here belongs the
30. ^Elian. V."H.'l. 3. Artemid. 2. 15 phrase TO (3'e\vypa rfjg fcpjy^ciffewg,
Matt. xxiv. 15 and Mark xiii. 14, quoted
by Jesus from Dan. ix. 27, coll. xi. 31.
xii. 11, where Sept. for QTpto y^plp',
Jewish sense, and especially of impure 7. Heb. iii. 6. vi. 19. So Rom. iv. 16.
Heb. ii. 2. iii. 14. ix. 17. 2 Pet. i. 10, 19.
idol-worship hence, idolatry, licen-
Wisd. vii. 23. Jos. Ant. 4. 8. 2 /erijo-if.
tiousness, abominable impurity, Rev. xvii.
So Sept. rd (3St\vyfiara 7. 9. 2. Xen. Cyr. 3. 2. 23 a'p^vij. Hiero
4, 5. xxi. 27.
TUV 3. 7 $t\ia.
iSvtiv forjTQ2rin2 K. xvi. 3. xxi. 2.
comp. Lev. xviii.22. yj7$ Lev. xi. 10,
Bt/Scuow, (t, f. w<r>, (/3/3atof,) to
12, 13.
Jer. xi. 15, coll. v. 13, make steadfast, to confirm, trans, spoken
of persons, 1 Cqr. i. 8. 2 Cor. i. 21. See Buxt. Lex. 333. Lightfbot Hor,
Col. Heb. xiii. 9. So Sept. for Qj:>
ii. 7. Heb. ad Matt. xii. 24.
Ps. cxix. 28. rrsn Ps. xli. 13. Spoken
of things, etc. to corroborate, to ratify, licAtaA or BtAmp, o, indec,
to cstaM6-A, sc. by arguments, proofs,
^'^ or ?<
Heb *&3 (wicked-
^ ^
So Sept.
xxi. 4, 5
for ^n Lev.
Lz. xxn. 26.
x. 10
r ^ ;
etc .
Lp. Eph.
vi. 16 rot,
of persons
^ j. e . missiles
m V. H
e -
3. 9.
fitted with combustibles, etc. Sept. for
g gam xxii 15 Ps xyiii J5 cxliy
In N.T. spoken of persons, profane
i. e. tminoiM, 1 Tim. i. 9
^_ Arrian E Alex< 2> 21
scoffer Xen. Anab. 5. 2. 14.
Heb. So Sept. for ^n Ez. xxi.
xii. 16.
25. 3 Mace.
14. Spoken of things,
^ ^eer, com-
BcXr/wv, ovoc, ,
as disputes, etc. common, unholy, un- par. of ayo&og, Buttm. 68. 1. The
sanctified, 1 Tim. iv. 7. vi. 20. 2 Tim, neut. (3t\riov stands adverbially, 2 Tim.
ii. 16. i. 18. (3t\riov ywwaKeif, thou knowest
-n & \ ~ * better sc. than I can write, etc, Comp,
B f
/3,Xd w ,
f. o,, Woe,) *,
^/3o^j8, Beelzebub, i. e. lord of flies, fly- her uncle Herod, king of Chalcis and ;
god. 2 K. i. 2, where Sept. BaaX after his death, in order to avoid the
pv~iav; comp. the Ztvg 'ATrofiviog of the merited suspicion of incest with her
Greeks, Pausan. 5. 14. 2; and the Ju- brother Agrippa, she became the wife
piter Myagrius of the Romans, Solin. of Polemon, king of Cilicia. This
Polyhist. c. 1. This form is also found connexion being soon dissolved, she re
in some MSS. of the N. T. but the form turned to her brother, and afterwards
B\{/3oi>X, applied in contempt by a became mistress of Vespasian and Titus.
slight paronomasia,seems to have been Jos. Ant, 19. 5. 1. ib. 20. 7. 2, 3. Tacit,
the prevailing one among the Jews. Hist. 2. 81. Sueton, Tit* 7.
Bt'oom 135
near mount Bermius. It was after- birthplace of David and Jesus. It was
wards called Irenopolis, and is now situated in the limits of the tribe of
called by the Turks Boor; by others, Judah, about six or eight miles south
Cara Veria. Acts xvii. 10, 13. Thuc. by west of Jerusalem, and probably re-
1. 61. ceived its appellation from the fertility
of the circumjacent country. Matt. ii. 1,
Toc, a, ov, of Berea, Berean, Luke 4, 15. John 42.
5, 6, 8, 16. ii. vii.
Acts xx. 4.
See Miss. Herald 1824. p. 67.
a, ac, n, Bethabara, Heb.
JT2 (house or place of the ford BijvO-ai'Sa, 17, indec. also BrjScraiddv',
text. rec. in Matt, and Mark, Bethsaida,
sclVf the Jordan), John i. 28 where ;
the best MSS. and later editions read BTJ- Heb. rTTS
JV3 (place of hunting or
Savia. The reading BijSafBapa. seems to fishing), pr.
name of two cities or towns
have arisen from the conjecture of Origen, in N. T.
who found in his day no such place as Bethsaida of Galilee (John xii. 21),
K^ns; a date, Buxtorf. Lex. Rab. Tal. imply. It was the birth place of Philip,
Andrew, and Peter, John i. 45. Matt.
1 . A town or village about fifteen fur- xi. 21. Mark vi. 45. (viii. Luke x. 13.
from Jerusalem (John xi. 18) 22.)
longs .
John i. 45. xii. 21.
beyond the mount of Olives so called ;
2. The other Bethsaida lay in Gau-
from the great number of palm trees
lonitis N. E. extremity of the
at the
which grew there. It was the residence
lake, near where the Jordan enters it.
of Mary, Martha, and Lazarus and ;
This town was enlarged by Philip,
Jesus often went out from Jerusalem to
tetrach of that region (Luke iii. 1), and
lodge there. At present it is a misera- called Julias, in honour of Julia the
ble village. Matt. xxi. 17. xxvi. 6.
Mark xi. daughter of Augustus. Jos. Ant. 18.
U, 12.
1, xiv. 3. Luke xix. 29.
2. 1. B.J.2.9.1. ib.3. 10.7. Plin..H.
xxiv. 50. John xi. 1, 18. xii. 1.
N. 15. 15. In the desert tract near
2. A place on the eastern side of Jor-
this city Jesus miraculously fed the five
dan, where John baptized. The exact
thousand, and afterwards departed by
position of it is not known. John i.
ship to the other side of the hike, Luke
28, in later edit, where others read
Some derive it here
ix. 10. Comp. Matt. xiv. 13 sq. Mark
B>/3aj3apa q. v. vi. 31 sq. John vi. 1, 2, 5 sq. 17, 22, 24.
from rP2K rr3, i. e. house or place of
Hither Griesbach and others refer also
ships ; and suppose it to have been the Mark viii. 22 ; see Kuinoel ad loc.
same place as Bethabara.
indec. Bethphage, Syro-
Sa, r), indec. BetJiesda, Syro- Chald. \DKD rr3 (house of figs), Buxt.
Chald. Nlprj JV2 (house of compassion)
Lex. Ch. Rab. 1691, pr. name of a vil-
Buxt. Lex. Ch. Rab. 798, a pool or
lage, Ku>nrj, east of the mount
of Olives,
fountain at Jerusalem whose waters had
and near to Btfiavia. Matt. xxi. 1. Mark
a healing virtue, with a building over
xi. 1. Luke xix. 29.
or near it for the accommodation of
the sick. John v. 2. See Calmet. Jahn (/3atW,) a i. e.
Bi^ia, aroc, , step,
198. a pace, foot-step, Acts vii. 6 ovSk
BrjovXXoc 13G
q. tPn IpD, Sept. ftgXoc wvrwv, Ps. *?, ov, (/3iWif,) per-
Ixix. 29,'corap. Ex. xxxii. 32, 33, i. e. taining to this life, Luke xxi. 34. 1 Cor.
in the figurative style of oriental poetry,
vi. 3, 4. Act. Thorn. 36. Aristot. H.
God is represented as having the names Anim. 10. 16. Diod. Sic. 2. 29. The
later Greeks used jSiwrucog instead of
of the righteous, who are to inherit
the earlier form roC Lob. ad Phryn.
eternallife, inscribed in a book ; Phil. iov,
live, to pass one's life, etc. 1 Pet. iv. 2 Seq. accus. of pers. or thing, Acts xix.
ftWCTrtl \pOVOV. SO Sept. TTO\VV XpOVOV 37. Tit.iii. 2. James ii. 7. 2 Pet. ii. 10.
&ti(Tw for t3"7^ nsnn Job xxix. 18. Jude 8, 10. So 2 Pet. ii. 12 iv olg, for
n;n Prov. vii. 2. 'Wisd. xii. 23. Jos. ravra kv olg. Pass. Rom. iii. 8. xiv. 16.
Ant. 3. 5. 1. ttiwffa, Lucian. Macrob. 1 Cor. iv. 13. x. 30. 2 Pet. ii. 2. Sept.
12, 17. Xen. (Ec. 4. 8. for 5)13 2 K. xix. 6, 22. Jos. Ant. 6. 9.
28. See Buttm. 131. 3. Spoken in XtfifiaTt ical uicoy, with seeing and hear-
reference to Jesus while on earth, seq. ing, i. e. with what he saw and heard.
accus. Matt, xxvii.39. Mark xv.29. Luke In the sense of look, mien, Herodian.
xxiii. 39. absol. Luke xxii. 65. Acts xxvi. 4. 6. 17. 2Elian V. H. 6. 14. ib. 8.
iv. 14. Rev. xiii. 0. xvi. 9, 11, 21. Pass. to have the faculty of sight, and spoken
1 Tim. vi. 1. Sept. for yx^nrr Is. Iii. of the blind, to recover sight, inlrans.
6. Jos. Ant. 6. 9. 3. Diod. Sic. 2. Matt. xii. 22 ware TOV Tv<j>X6v >\tirtiv.
21. Seq. t'c c. accus. to blaspheme Acts ix. 9. fir) SXkiruv, i. e. blind. Rev. iii.
against, Mark iii. 29. Luke xii. 10. Bel 18 'iva CXeTryc, coll. ver. 17. Rev. ix. 20.
and Drag. 10. Jos. B. J. 2. 17. 1. Dem. So Sept. and niO 1 Sam. iii. 2. Ps. Ixix.
12-29. 5. Absol. Matt. ix. 3. xxvi. 65. 24.
nfn Dan. V. 25. n^S Ex.
iv. 11.
a) genr.
and spoken of men and 01 GXtTTOVTlC Kttl 01 Xt-
firj tXeTT<i)0l,
things, evil speaking, slander, reviling, Trovreg rv^Xoi ytvwvrai. ver. 41. So by
Matt. xii. 31. xv. 19. Mark iii. 28. vii. 22. of the same
Hebraism, with a particip.
Eph. iv. 31. Col. iii. 8. 1 Tim. vi. 4. verb by way of emphasis, GXiirovrfs
Rev. 9.
ii. So in the gen. instead of an
\tyere, seeing ye shall see, i. e. ye shall
adj. Jude 9 /epicnj/ Xa<r0i;/uac, i. q. indeed see, Matt. xiii. 14. Mark. iv. 12.
Xdff^>t]fiov icoiffiv 2 Pet. ii. 11. Comp. Acts, xxviii. 26. Is. vi. 9, where
Buttm. 123. n. 4. So Sept. for nvjo
Sept. for -ixT lio, of which Heb. idiom
Ez. xxxv. 12. 2 Mace. x. 35. Jos. Ant. this is an imitation. Winer 46. 7. Gesen.
3. 14. 3. ib. 6. 13. 7. Dem. 141. 2. Stuart 514.
p. 778.
b) spoken of God and his Spirit or of b)
in the sense of to perceive, sc. with
divine things, reviling, contumely, impious the eyes, to discern, to desci'y, trans.
irreverence, Matt. xii. 31. xxvi. 65. Matt. vii. 3 ri di GXiirttQ TO tcdp^og TO iv
Mark ii. 7. xiv. 64. Luke v. 21. John TOV aov xi.
T$ 6<}>$aXfi<$ ddfXQov ; 4.
x. 33. Rev. xiii. 5, 6. So
in the gen. xiv. 30. xxiv. 2. Mark viii. 24. Luke xi.
for an adj. 6v6p.aTa \a<T(f>iip.iac for Xa- 33. John i. 29. xxi. 9. al. So
a^tjfia, Rev. xiii. 1. xvii. 3 see above in n^n 2 K. Amos viii.
Sept. for ix. 17. 1.
a. So Sept. for Chald.
Dan. iii. 29. Herodian. 2. 9. 6 __ Rev. i. 12 GXiirtiv
2 Mace. viii. 4. xv. 2i.
rr\v <puvTjv to see the voice, i. e. to see
whence it came. Construed with an
ov, >), (Xa7rra> or
and ^77/117,) accus. and particip. instead of a sub-
blasphemous, spoken of
words uttered against God and divine junct. or infin. Matt. xv. 31 tXtTrovrag
So of words KioQovg XaXovvTctg K. T. X. Mark v. 31.
things, Acts vi. 11, [13^j.
John v. 19. 2 Cor. xii. 6 where supply
against men, slanderous, contumelious, 2
Pet. ii. 11. PhiloLeg. ad Cai. p. 1012.
ovTa or irpdffffovTa. Comp. Buttm.
B. .Elian. V. H. 12. 57. Herodian. 7. 144. 4. b --Jos. Ant. 6. 14. 2. ib. 1. 2. 1.
viii. 24. /\7rfc di pXiirop.ivjj oi>K tffTtv x. 18. Jos. Ant. 6. 8. 1 __ Col.
i. Lope which is present can no lon-
e. ii. 15 xaiotov ttai tXsrrcjv vfi&v TYJV
ger be hope. So rd (BXeiro^sva, things i.
joyfully beholding, Gesen. p. 82-3.
text, rec. where others read Ifo. So Sept. accus. Matt. xxii. 16 ou ydp fiXsTreig tie
/3X*7Tw/, seer, for 1 Sam. ix. 9.TIN !, TrpoffwTcov dvSpwTrwv, i. e. thou regardest
c) metaph. to perceive, sc. with the not, hast not respect to, the external
mind, to be aware of, to observe ; Rom. of men; see Tlpouuirov. So TO. rd
vii. 23 /3\7rw eTcpov vopov iv roTf /"Xfcri TrpoVwTTov GXeireiv, 2 Cor. x. 7 Polyb. --
pov. Heb. x. 25. For the particip. 39. 2. 10 ore ftiv tt rdf airofyaatig avrov
instead of the subjunct. see above in b. rt (3Xi\l/eis ore 8' I'IQ TOV x^ipifffibv T&V
So Sept. and nNT Neh. ii. 17. Jos. Comp. Jos. Ant. 1. 3. 1
Ant. 6. 10. 2 Aavidnc tiuvirpaywv I/3XI- dperijv CXfTrovrff. Seq. rt and
TTITO. So seq. on, 2 Cor. vii. 8. Heb. TTUC, how, etc. Mark iv. 24. Luke viii. 18.
iii. 19. James ii. 22. 1 Cor. iii. 10. Eph. v. 15. Seq. Vva,
2,- to look, i. e. to look at or upon, to 1 Cor. xvi. 10. Col. iv. 17. 2 John 8.
direct the eyes upon, to behold, trans, and Spoken by way of caution, in the im-
intrans. perative, X7Trw, X7rer, look to it,
of persons ; seq. take heed, be on the watch, beware, absol.
a) pp. (a) spoken
accus. Mutt. v. 28 Traf 6 fiXtiruiv yvvdlxa. Mark. xiii. 23, 33. seq. iavrovs etc. Mark
Rev. v. 3. 4, ove pXtiretv UVTO sc. rd xiii. 9. 2 John 8. So gXeTTfre pfj, take
(3i/3Xiov, i. e. to look into it, examine it. heed lest, seq. aor. subjunct. Matt. xxiv. 4.
Sept. and mn Cant. i. 5. Hag. ii. 4. Luke xxi. 8. Acts xiii. 40. Gal. v. 15 .
^Esop. Fab/ 120. So Matt, xviii. 10, 1 Cor. x. 12. /ijjTT^c 1 Cor. viii. 9 So
01 dyyfXot avTuiv SiairavTOf pXiirovai TO opa pi'i Lucian. D. Deor. 8. 22. Xen.
irpoffiuTrov TOV Trarpoj pov,
their angels Cyr. 3. 1. 27. Seq. fut. indie. Col. ii. 8.
behold continually the face of my father, /iJ77rorc Heb. iii. 12 -- So SXfTTfrc CLTTO,
oriental monarchs, they have constant Mark. viii. 15. xii. 38. See in 'ATTO 1. 2. e.
access to him, are admitted to his privacy Tittm. de Syn. N T. p. 114. AL.
as his friends. So Heb. rfy@n "JS *N%
BArjrloc, a, Ov, (/3dXXa>,)
a verbal
for which Sept. ol lyyvg row /SaenXIwjr
Esth. i. 14. ol op&vTtQ TO irpoauirov implying necessity, propriety, etc. to be
TOV jSafftXfwff 2 K. xxv. 19. ot iv irpoaai- cast, to be put, Mark ii. 22. Luke v. 38.
(BXtTTovra KCLTCL Aifia. So Sept, for 135 Luke ix. 54, where see Olshausen.
Ez. xl. 23.H3D 2 Chr. iv. 4. Ez. xlvi!
to cry
1, 13, triD Ez. xl. 6, 21, 22, 46. al.
20. Boaw, w, f- fa**) (^>)
Herodian. 2/1 1.16. Xen. Mem. 3. 8. 9. aloud, to exclaim ; genr. and absol.
to direct the Luke xviii. 38. seq. T'I Acts xxi. 34. seq.
b) metaph. to look to,
mind upon, to consider, to take heed ; on Acts xvii. 6. Sept. for Qn; Is. v. 30.
1 Sam. xxiv. S.-^
seq. ace. 1 Cor. i. 26 fiXtirtrt TIJV pyS 2 K. ii. 12. in]?
140 B O(T(lf)
Herodian. 2. 2. 7. Xen. Cyr. 7. 1. 37. sense of cistern, Matt. xii. 11, i.
q. <f>piaf
Spoken of exclamations of joy, Gal. iv. in Luke xiv. 5. See Jahn 45. Sept.
27, quoted from Is. liv. 1, where Sept. and nns 2 Sam. xviii. 17.
for bn^. Sept. for Is. xiv. 7. xliv.
23 Xen. Cyr. 7. 5. 26 __
So of terror or BoArj, f?c, }, (/3dXXw,)
a cast, a
throw, spoken of distance, Luke xxi. 41
pain, seq. 0wvy /xtydXp, Acts viii. 7, Mark
o;<Ti XiSou /3oX//v about a stone's throw ;
xv. 34. Comp. Buttm. 133. 3. 2. Sept.
comp. Buttm. 131. 8 Sept. Gen. xxi.
pyj 1 K. viii. 18. Is. xv. 5. jop Gen. 16. Thuc. 5. 65
xxxix. 15,18. Comp. 2 K. Kyiii.38. Neh.
ix.4. Plut. Coriolan. 25. Xen. Cyr. 4.
2. 28. Spoken of a command or ex- ,
f. f<rw,
(/3oX'f q. v.) to heave
hortation given with a loud voice, as by the lead, to sound, intrans. Acts xxvii.
a herald, Matt. iii. 3. Mark i. 3. Luke 28 bis Eustath. ad II. e. p. 427. 49. S.
iii. John i. 23. comp. Is. xl. 3, 6, p. 615. 53.
where Sept. for hnp. Diod. Sic. 12. 62.
Xen. An. 4. 3. 22*. Of a cry for help, BoX('c> oc, ?> aw,) pp. some-
Luke thing thrown, as the lead in sounding,
c. c. ?rpof riva, xviii. 7. Sept. for
14. Hos.
whence ]8oX/w q. v. In N. T. a missile,
py] Judg. x. vii. 14. p^S
Gen. iv. 10. Num. xii. 13.
i. e. a missile
weapon, e. g. a javelin or
lop Judg. Heb.
xv. 18. Joel i. 19. Seq. acciis. Xen. dart, xii. 20. Sept. for n^TE Neh.
Cyr. 7. 2. 5.
iv. 17.
yn Num. xxiv. 8. Ez.'v. 16.
Plut. Vit. Paral. V. 6. 6. ed. Reiske.
a cry, outcry, exclama-
jc, 17,
tion, sc. for help, James v. 4. Boo, indec. Booz or Boas, Heb.
Sept. for 6,
name of a man
Hj^S 1 Sam. ix. 16. nyyif *
Ex. ii. 24. \tfSi(sprightliness), pr.
IMian. V. H. 13. 46. Xen. Anab. celebrated in the book of Ruth. Matt.
4. 7. 23. i. 5. bis. Luke iii. 32.
;torch,) Sept. Btwp, Beor, Num. xxii. 5, by rmpl. purpose, plan, etc. Acts
pr. name of the Father of Balaam, 2 Pet. iv. 28.v. 38. xxvii. 42. So Sept. and
ii. 15. nsy Ezra iv. 5. Neh. iv. 15. JElian.
Vl'H. 2. 4 Spoken of the secret
Boravrj, TJC, >7> (/36<rica>,) pp. pas-
i. e. Heb. thoughts, purposes, cogitations, 1 Cor. iv.
turage, herbage, grass, plants,
So Sept. for
nn^'rpa Job v. 12. Is.
vi. 7. Sept. for Ntijl Gen. i. 11, 12.
Iv. 7, 8 Ecclus. xxx. 21. Esdr. vii.
x. ix. 22, 25. Lilian. V. H. 2. 40.
15, comp. Ezra vi. 22 where Heb. 3%,
, woe, o, a cluster, sc. of Sept. Kapcia.
grapes, etc. Rev. xiv. 18. See Buttm.
50. Sept. for bSnite Gen. xl. 10. Num. BovXrjjua, aroc, TO, (fBovXouat,^ pp,
that which is willed, i. e.
xiii. 25. Jos. Ant/2. 5. 2. Xen. QEc. will, purpose,
19. 18.
Acts xxvii. 43. Rom. ix. 19 2 Mace.
xv. 5. Jos. Ant. 2. 14. 4. Dem. 1109. 15.
/jc, ou, o, (/3ouXvw,)
counsellor, senatorspoken of a member
BovXojueu, depon. Pass. 2pers. (3ov\ti
G. 2. 3. 23.
1 i(3ovXri$T)v James iv. 4, and nfSovX^rjv
2 John 12, see Buttm. 83. n. 5. H.
BouXevw, f.
eu<rw, (/3ouXi7,)
to re- Planck in Bibl. Repos. I. p. 662. to
solve in council, to decree,
Sept. for y^ will, to be willing, to wish, to desire.
Is. xxiii. 8. Xen.
Rep. Ath. 2. 17. <ty' <iv According to Buttmann, the distinc-
6 Srjuos iflovXtvffiv. to advise in council, tion between fiovXouai and SeXw is, that
Xen. Anab. 2. 5. 16. to be a counsellor the latter expresses an active volition
or senator, Xen. Mem. 1. 1. 18 __ In N. and purpose, the former a mere passive
T. only Mid. povXevopai, f. tvffopai, to
desire, propensity, willingness ; Lexilog.
take counsel, i. e. to consult, to deter- I. p. 26. Or, /3ovXo//ai expresses also
with one's self, or
mine, to deliberate, sc. the inward predisposition and bent from
with one another in council j Buttm. which the active volition proceeds see ;
spoken of God, Luke vii. 30. Acts ii. 23. avrrjv. Acts v. 28. xii. 4. 2 Cor. i. 15.
xiii.36. xx. 27. Eph. i. 11. Heb. vi. 17. Sept. foryjr Ezra iv. 5. Xen. H. G. 3.
of men, Luke xxiii. 51. Acts xxvii. 12. So 4. 2. So in a stronger sense, to desire, to
Sept. for nsy Prov. xix. 21. Is.v.19. Jer. aim at ; 1 Tim. vi. 9 ol (3ovX6p.voi irXov-
xlix. 20, 30. Horn. II. 1. 5. Od. 11. 296. T(1v James iv. 4. Jos. Ant. 5. 8. 3.
Bovvoc 142
Xen. An. 2. 6. 21. In the sense of to tirayytXlac, the Lord will not be tardy,
choose, to please, to prefer, to decide; slack, in respect to his promise ; Buttm.
John xviii. 39. Acts xviii. 15. xxv. 20. 132. 6. 1. Others, the Lord of the pro-
James iii. 4. 2 John 12. Sept. for nS5> mise will not be slack, sc. to fulfil it;
Ezra x. 3. ypnT 1 K. xxi. 6. 1 Sam. xxiv. comp. ^n Buxt. Lex. Ch. Rab. 133. .
3. Xen. Cyr. 6. 1. 5, 15 As implying Sept. for nnjj Deut. vii. 10. Is. xlvi. 13.
Sept. ppaxi'f apiS/xoc, for B^a Dent. i.e. impose on you any
necessity. Sept.
xxvi. 5. xxviii. 62. Jos. B. J. 4. 5. 4. for ffi'pia Prov. xxii. 25. Sept. Prov.
Lucian. Tox. 56. vi. 5. vii. 21. Xen. Ven. 2. 5.
Aquila for uty, moth, Is. 1. 9. Comp. Ep. 12 in later edit, xviii. 16. xix. 8 bis, 14.
of Jer. 12 ov 3iafftt>ovTai curb iov cai/3pu>-
Diod. Sic. 1. 85.
HCLTMV, i. e. prob. moths.
b) of that
which is eaten, food, i. q. ou, 17, byssus, a species of
pend on an attention to meat and drink. xxvii. 16, here apparently distinguished
Col. ii. 16. nour- from that of Egypt (coll. ver. 6), but in
(/3) Metaph. aliment,
ishment ; John iv. 32 Ppuxriv lx w 0ayv, later Hebrew, i.
q. iD'iS, 1 Chr. iv. 21. 2
q. j3pw/*a in ver. 34, see ^in Bpw/m b. Chr. iii. 14. coll. Ex." xxvi. 31 ;
that of
In John vi. 27, 55, Jesus uses Ppuxng India, which was said to grow on a tree
in the sense of food for the soul, i. e. similar to the poplar, Philostr. Vit. Apol-
that spiritual aliment from above lon. 2. 29 ; and that of Achaia, which grew
which is proffered through him to only in the vicinity of Elis, Pausan.
Christians. Act. Thorn. 7. Clem. Eliac. 5. 5. or I. p. 294. ed. Xyl. Gar-
Alex. Strom. 5. 10 /3pwcrt ical iroaig TOV ments of byssus varied in colour accord-
Srtiov \6yov rj yv&oiq eari rfjs ^tiag ing to the tint of the material white ;
obsol. lends its forms to sanius says the byssus of the He-
(1. c.)
brews was yellow. They were some-
Bi,3po><7Ku> q.
times dyed of a purple or crimson colour;
BvS<w, i. i, (/3uSoe,)
to sink in
Hesych. jSiWtva- Trop^upa comp. Luke ;
the deep, i. e. to cause to sink, trans. xvi. 19. Sept. for UJ11? and "pa as cited
Pass, to sink, Luke v. 7. 2 Mace. xii. above. Jos. Ant. 3. 6. 1. ib. 3. 7. 2
4. Diod. Sic. 5. 4. Metaph. 1 Tim. See Pollux. Onom. 7. 17. 75. Plin. H.
vi.9 etf 5\^pov. Comp. Ps. Ixix. 2, 3.
N. 19. 1. Kuinoel on Luke xvi. 19
cxxiv. 4, 5. Gesen. Thes. Ling. Heb. art. yia. Rccs*
Bu&oe, ov, 6, depth, the deep, 2 Cyclop, art. Byssus.
Cor. xi. 25 vvxSrjfiepov iv rtf fivSKJi ec.
)C ou, o, (/3at7'o>, /3aw,)
a step
ri]Q SaXaffffrie. So Sept. for n^ST:) Ex.
base, pedestal, Horn. II. 8. 441. Od. 7.
xv. 5. Ps. cvii. 24. Artemid. 4. 53.
100. In N. T. an altar, sc. to which the
Diod. Sic. 3. 21. the deepest part bottom,
ascent was by steps, Acts xvii. 23. So
Xen. (Ec. 19. 11.
Sept. far 715173 Ex. xxxiv. 13. Num. xxiii.
, hide,) a 1. Jos.Ant."l7. 1. Xen. Mem. 1. 1. 2.
more in AiSoerr/owroff. Comp. 23 Ez. II. Faa, TJC, 17, Gaza, Heb. n$?
xliii. 13, and see Gesen. Thesaur. p. 256.
(the strong), the celebrated city of the
Buxt. Lex. 377.
Philistines, situated on a hill near the
indec - Heb. coast of the Mediterranean towards the
Faj3pn'jX> > Gabriel,
of God), name of an arch- southern limits of the territory of the
^p"P3 (man
Israelites, and constituting the key be-
angel', Luke i. 19, 26. See in Apxy-
tween Egypt and Syria. It was as-
6, 8, where Sept. for nsiri*?, and for of Jerome, 600 years after the migra-
Esth. iii. 9. According to the Tal- tion. Under Augustus, about A. C. 26,
mudists the treasury was in the court this country became a Roman province.
of the women, where stood 13 chests, Galatia was distinguished for the fertility
called from their form of its soil and for its trade. It was the
nilpitD', trumpets,
into which the Jews cast their offerings, seat of colonies from various nations,
Ex. xxx. 13 sq. See Buxt. Lex. Chald. among whom were many Jews and ;
Talm. 2506. Jahn 342 In N. T. from all these Paul appears to have made
Mark xii. 41 bis, 43. Luke xxi. 1. many converts to Christianity. ge e
Spoken of the court itself John viii. 20. Strabo I. p. 301, ed. Tauchn. Pansan.
Phoc. 10.23. 9. Liv.38.16, 18. Tucit.
Fatoc, ou, 6, Gaius, Lat. Caius, pr. Ann. 15. 6. Comp. Rosenm. Bibl.
name of several men in N. T. Geogr. I. ii. p. 210. In N. T. 1 Cor.
1. a Macedonian, and fellow-traveller xvi. 1. Gal i. 2. 2 Tim. iv. 10. 1 Pet.
of Paul, who was seized by the popu- i. 1.
lace at Ephesus, Acts xix. 29.
2. a man of Derbe who accompanied FaXtmicoe, 7> ov, Galatian, Acts
Paul in xvi. 6 TaXaTtKTjv ^wpaj/, i. e. Galatia.
his last journey to Jerusalem,
Acts xx. 4. xviii. 23.
derived from the Gauls, TaXdrat ; of level and and very populous.
whom two the Trocmi and To-
tribes, Lower Galilee have contained
is said to
listoboii, with a tribe of the Celts, Tecto- 404 towns and villages, of which Caper-
jects of contempt; John i. 47. vii. 52. 1 Cor. vii. 39. seq. dat. Mark x. 12.
They had a peculiar dialect, by which Jos. Ant. 4. 7. 5. Palaeph. de Incred.
they were easily distinguished from the 32 avrai yiipaffSai ovcevi r){$ov\i]Si}aav,
Jews of Jerusalem, Mark xiv. 70. See Pint. Romul. 2. Demetr. 2.
Jos. B. J. 8. 8. 2. Buxtorf. Lex. Rab.
Tal. 434 sq. f- i,
(yrt/">ff ) to marry, 5
c) by meton. marriage, i. e. the mar- NO for what evil hath he done ? comp.
riage state, Heb. xiii. 4. Wisd. xiv. 24, below in c. Mark viii. 38 what can a man
26. Jos. Ant. 6. 11.2. Herodian. 3. give in exchange for his soul ? [vain
10. 10. hope !] of ydp dv, FOR whoever, etc.
Mark xii. 23. Luke xxii. 37. John iv. 44
he departed into Galilee, [not indeed into
Tap, a causative particle, standing
always after one or more words in a Nazareth, his traToig,~\ avrbg ydp 'Ir}oovgt
clause, and expressing the reason of what for Jesus himself had testified, etc. comp.
has been before affirmed or implied ;
Luke iv. 16 sq. Acts xiii. 36. xxi. 13.
far, in the sense of because, etc. Comp. xxii. 26. Rom. ii. 25. viii. 18 [yea, I
Buttm. 149. p. 428. Sturz Lex. say suffer with him that we may also
Xenophont. I. p. 565. be glorified with Xoyifruat ydp,
Simply, i. e. alone,
after an FOR / reckon, etc. Comp. Stuart's
antecedent sentence expressed. Matt. i. Comm. in loc. Rom. xiv. 10. 1 Cor.
20 fir) irapaXa(3iiv Mapid/i ro
i. 18. al. saep Xen. Mem. 4. 2. 6.
yap tv avry ytwifiiv. ver. 21 xaXiffiif In a quotation, where the preceding
TO ovofia avTov 'Iijffovv avrbg ydp <7a<m. clause is omitted, Acts xvii. 28. So Kai
Mark 22. vi. 18. Luke i. 15. al. pas-
i. yap, Matt. viii. 9 and Luke vii. 8, [this I
sim. After a clause of prohibition or know by comparing my own case,] jcai
caution, Matt. iii. 9. xxiv. 5. Luke vii. ydp tyw, FOR / too am, etc. Matt. xv.
6. al. We find yap put after two words, 27 vat, vvpie, Kai ydp ra Kvvdpia, truey
in a clause, Matt. ii. 6. Mark i. 38. Lord, [yet help me,] FOR even the
Luke vi. 23. John xii. 8. Actsiv. 20. al. dogs, etc. So ov ydp Matt. ix. 13. Acts
So yap often found in two consecu-
is iv. 20. al.
tive clauses, viz. where th same idea in common usage
c) elliptically and
is expressed twice, i. e. affirmatively and ydp is also
simply intensive, and merely
negatively, or generally and specially, serves to strengthen a clause, like the
John viii. 42. 1 Cor. xvi. 7. 2 Cor. Engl. then, truly, etc. (a)
in questions
xi. 19. or where the latter clause is de- where a preceding NO may perhaps be !
or where two different causes are assign- XpivToe tpxtTai, shall THEN Christ come
ed. Matt. vi. 32. xviii. 10, 11. Rom. out of Galilee? Acts viii. 31 TTIUQ ydp av
yvi. 18, 19. In similar circumstances, Svvaint)v, how can 7 THEN ? xix. 35 rif
yap is also found in three consecutive yap tariv 6 dvpa>7rof, what man THEN
clauses, Mark ix. 39, 40, 41. Matt. xvi. is Rom. iii. 3. and Phil. i. 18, ri
25, 27. Luke ix. 24, 25. 26. Acts xxvi. ydp what THEN ? 1 Cor. xi. 22. Comp.
26. al. So Matt. xxvi. 10, 11, where Buttm. 1. c. Herm. ad Vig. p. 829.
Ipyov yap and fiaXovaa yap refer to the Jos. Ant. 9. 4. 6. Philo de conf. Ling,
act of the woman ; and Trdvrore yap to p. 240. D. Aristoph. Nub. 218. See
the objection of the disciples. The Loesner Obs. e Phil. p. 221.
in a
yap is also sometimes repeated, where strong affirmation or negation John ix. ;
the writer again takes up a sentence 30 Iv ydp Tovrip Sravnaarov tan, TRULY
which begun with yap and was inter- herein, or, herein THEN is a strange
rupted, as Rom. xv. 26, 27. 2 Cor. v. thing. 1 Pet. iv. 15 /ii) ydp Tig vpwv
apayt and
apdyt, see in "Aoct I. See in $r)c, and comp. Judith xvi. 17.
c. and II. at least, if indeed, Ecclus. vii. 17. Fabr. Cod.
Pseudep. V.
(y) *iy, if
if so be, etc. seq. indie, and spoken of T. I. p. 194, 645. So simply ykivva
what is taken for granted ; Eph. iii. 2. Matt. v. 29, 30. x. 28. Luke xii. 5.
iv. 21. Col. i. 23. Comp. Herm. 1. c. James iii. 6. also yitvva TOV Trvpof,
KClKOVpyOTCtTOV tffTl K. T. \. So 6iyC Kdl, - Mark ix. 43, 45, coll. ver. 44, 46, 48. So
if indeed also, which as applying only Matt, xxiii. 15 v'ibv yefvvrjz, son of Gehen-
to what is taken for granted, may be na, i. e. worthy of punishment in Gehen-
given by since, although ; Gal. iii. 4 dyt na. Matt, xxiii. 33 Kpiaic TIIQ y. condem-
Kal tiKij, i. e. since this it is in nation to Gehenna, coll. Jude ver. 7. It
(in case)
vain. 2 Cor. v. 3 tlys Kal ivSvyajjitvoi, istherefore a place of eternal fire, and of
although being now clothed, we shall not, thick darkness; comp. Jude ver. 6, 13.
etc. comp. ver. 4 and Cor. xv. 51 sq. 1 The name Tsfvva is the Heb. 0317 K-J,
JE1. V. H. xii. 9 iy oi iraiStg avrbv Kal valley ofHinnom, Josh. xv. 8, the narrow
Soph. Philoct. 652. (fl)
tl 8k valley skirting Jerusalem on the south,
q. ct ck /i?j, but stronger, but if running westward from the valley of
not indeed, if otherwise indeed', and Jehoshaphat under Mount Zion. Here
serving to annul the preceding proposi- the ancient Israelites established the
tion, whether affirmative or negative. idolatrous worship of Moloch, to whom
So after an affirmation, but if not, other- they burned infants in sacrifice; 1 K.
wise, Matt. vi. 1. Luke x. 6. xiii. 9. xi. 7. 2 K. xvi. 3. Jer. vii. 31. xxxii. 35.
Comp. Herm. ad Vig. p. 833 __ Xen. This worship was broken up and the
Cyr. 8. 7. 22. so d 8k // Xen. An. 7. 7. place desecrated by Josiah, 2 K. xxiii. 10,
3. 4. 5. 10
Cyr. After a negation, 14 ; after which it seems to have be-
where consequently affirms if other-
it ;
come the receptacle for all the filth of
wise, else, etc. Matt. ix. 17. Lukev. 36, the city, as also for the carcasses of ani-
37. xiv. 32. 2 Cor. xi. 16. Comp. mals and the dead bodies of malefactors
Buttm. 148. n. 10 -- and at left unburied, to consume which fires
(e) icaiye,
least, Luke xix. 42. Lucian. D. Deor. 4. would appear to have been from time
2 and even, yea even, Acts ii. 18. Lu- to time kept up. Sept. iv T<f iroXvav-
cian. D. Deor. 20. 14, 24. Comp. above in dp'y, Jer. ii. 31, i. e. place of dead bodies,
It was also called DDH, To-
I. a, b.
() rat'rotyc. i. q. Ka'iTot, but cemetery.
stronger, though indeed, John iv. 2. Acts phet, Jer. vii. 23, i. e. abomination, vomit,
xiv. 17. xvii. 27 __ Lucian. D. Deor. 20. from ?pn exspuere ; or, more probably,
15. Xen. Mem. 1.2. 3. Comp. Herm. ad since it had this name also among idol-
Vig. p. 840. (A fjttvovvye, i. q. p,tvovv, aters, from rnapl-J, i. e. place of burning
but stronger, yea indeed, yea truly, etc.
sc. dead bodies, etc.
By an easy meta-
Luke xi. 28. Rom. ix. 20. x. 18. Phil. phor the Jews transferred the name to
iii. 8.
Comp. Viger. p. 541. ed. Herm. the place of punishment in the other
Sturz de Dial. Alex. p. 203.
(3) jr/riye, world, the abode of demons and the
q. but stronger, not to say then,
souls of wicked men. See Buxt. Lex.
much more then, 1 Cor. vi. 3, Comp. Ch. Rab. Tal. 395, 2623. Wetstein N. T.
Herm. I.e. p. 803. Buttm. 150. p. 434. I. p. 299. Gesen. Thesaur. Ling. Heb.
280. Tholuck Ausleg. d, Bergpredigt
, Gideon, Heb.
the deliverer of Israel from p. 182.
(a cutter off),
the power of the Midianites, Heb. xi. 32.
See Judg. ffj,
in MSS. also
c. 6- 8.
f, name of a
indec. Gethsemane, pr.
FcEvva, TJC> *l> Gehenna, i. e. the small field or place just out of Jerusa-
place of punishment in hades or the lem, over the brook Cedron and at the
world of the dead, i. q. Taprapof 2 Pet. foot of the mount of Olives. The
ji. 4. Xifivrj TOV Trvpof Rev. xx. 14, 15. name would seem to be derived from n?
rb wvo TO aiwviov, Matt. xxv. 41. Jude 7. and N^73^ Matt. xxvi. 3fi
(pres?) (oil).
Mark xiv. 32. See Miss. Herald 1824. Matt. i. 17 ter. So Sept. for nil Gen.~
p. G6. xv. 16. Deut. x-xiii. 3. rvniiD Gen. xxv.
13.- Jos. Ant. 1. 7. 2. ib. 7. 5. 2. Philo
Tttrwv, ovog, > Vj neighbour,
Luke xiv. 12. xv. 6,9. Johnix.8. Sept.
vit. Mos. I. p. 603.
spoken of the period of time from
pup Jer. vi. 21. pfcf Job xxvi. 5. c)
one descent to another, i. e. the
Jos. Ant. 1. 18. 3. Xen. Mem. 2. 2. 12. average
duration of human life, reckoned appa-
, w, f. a<ra>, Luke vi. 21, in
rently by the ancient Hebrews at 100
earlier writers f. dffofiai, Buttm. 113. 4. years, comp. Gen. xv. 16 with Ex. xii.
n. 7 ; to laugh, sc. in joy and triumph, 40, 41 ; by the Greeks at three genera-
intrans. Luke vi. 21, 25. Sept. for pn^ tions for every 100 years, i. e. 331 years
Gen. xvii. 17. xviii. 12, 13, 15. pnty Lam. each ; Herodot. 2. 142 jeveai rpcic av-
i 7.
Job xxii. 19. ^El. V". H. 14. tip&v tKctTov trta l<7ri. Hence, in N. T.
36. Xen. Mem. 4. 2. 5. of a less definite period, an age, time,
period, day, etc. as ancient generations,
sc. of joy or triumph, James iv. 9. Sept.
i. e. timesofold, etc. Acts xiv. 16. xv.21.
Job Eph. iii. 5. Luke i. 50 dq yevtuz ytvtCJv,
for pns Gen. xxi. 6.
viii. 21.
to generations i. e. to the
Jos. Ant. 4. 8. 31. Xen. byr.2. 2. 15. of generations,
remotest ages, comp. Rev. i. 6. So Sept.
Vo, (r */"") to make full,
f. for Q""l1l "lil Ps. Ixxii. 5. cii. 25. Is.
and seq. gen. of thing, Mark
to fill, trans, xxxiv. 17. The expression is strongly
xv. 36. John ii. 7 bis. vi. 13. Comp. intensive; Gesen. Lehrg. p. 692. c. Stuart
Buttm. 132. 5, 2 __ Xen. H. G. 6. 2. 25. 455. c. Matth. 430. So genr. Sept.
So with OTTO, Luke xv. 16, see in'ATro and nil Gen. ix. 2. Prov. xxvii. 24.
III. 4. or with IK, Rev. viii. 5. xv. 8. Joel iii. 20. Diod. Sic. 1. 24. Xen. Cyr.
So "jTD N-?73 Ps. cxxvii. 5. Jer. li. 34. 5. 2. 4. Luke xvi. 8 'e rr\v ytveav TI}V
Lev. ix. 17^ Absol. Mark iv. 37. Luke iavTwv, i. e. are wiser in their day, so far
xiv. 23. as it concerns this life.
of the men of any
f. u&, to be d) meton. spoken
, full of, to be stuffed
generation or age, those living in any
with, intrans. and seq. gen. Matt, xxiii.
one period, a race, class; e. g. v ytviu
27. Lukexi. 39. Rev. iv. 6, 8. v. 8.
xv. 7. xvii. 3, 4. xxi. 9. Rom. iii.
avTn, etc. the present generation, Matt. xi.
16. xii. 39, 41, 42, 45. xvi. 4. xvii. 17.
quoted from Ps. where Sept. for
x. 7,
xxiii. 36. xxiv. 34. Mark viii. 12 bis, 38.
tf|?O seq. accus. Comp. Buttm. 132. 5, 2.
ix.19. xiii. 30. Lukevii. 31. ix. 41. xi.
Diod. Sic. 13. 3. 84. Polyb. 4. 65. 2. xvii. 25. xxi. 32.
So with IK, Matt, xxiii. 25, like Heb.
Acts ii. 40. Phil. ii. 15. Spoken of aformer
Is. ii. 6. Ez. xxxii. 6.
generation, Acts xiii. 36. Heb.
iii. 10. of
where Sept. for ill see Hengstenb. Pass. y6j>aXoyeo/irtt, ovfiat, to be traced
22. Esth. ix. 28. ill Lev. xxiii. 48. Chr. v. 1. ix. 1.
Gen. xvii. 12 __ Jos. Ant. 1. 10. 3 TroXX^v
yivtav. 5. 1. 2. Polyb. 20. 6. 6. FtVEaXoyia, ac, 'h (yfvsaXoylw,)
table, sc. of an-
b) a descent,
a degree, sc. in a genea- genealogy, genealogical
cestors, etc. 1 Tim. i. 4.
Tit. iii. 9. Sept.
logical line of ancestors or descendants,
for inf. VD'rrnn 1 Chr. vii. 5, 7. ix. 22. plrin Gen. 5. 3 sq. sspp. So oi yewi}-
Polyb. 9. 2. 1.' oavTiQ, parents, Lucian. D. Deor. 22. 2.
Polyb. 3. 98. 9. Xen. Mern. 2. 1. 27.
Tevleia, wv, ra, (adj. yevetrioc, natal, Trop. to generate, to occasion, e. g. /*a-
Jos. Ant. 12.4.7. Philo de Opif. Mundi
Xc, 2 Tim. ii. 23. Jos. Ant. 6. 7. 4.
p. 10,) in earlier Greek writers, solemn 67. 2.
Polyb. 1. Metaph. (a) spoken in
rites for the dead, fer ice denicales, Hero-
the Jewishmanner of the relation be-
dot. 4.26 comp. Cic. Leg. 2. 22. Adam's
tween a teacher and his
disciples, to
Rom. Ant. p. 485. In later writers and
beget, sc. in a spiritual sense, to be the
in N. T. birth-day celebration, birth-day
spiritual father of any one, i. e. the in-
festival, Matt. xiv. 6. Mark vi. 21 __ strument of his conversion, to a new
Alciphr. Ep. 3. 18, 55. Dio Cass. 47.
spirituallife, 1 Cor. iv. 15. Philem. 10.
18. 503. ib. 56. 46. 813. In this sense
Philo Leg. ad Cai. p. 1000, B, /zaXXov
earlier writers used TO. ytvlSXia, see Lob. av-ov 77 OVK TJTTOV Twv yovktav yeyivvijica.
ad Phryn. p. 103 sq. Sanhedrin fol. 19. 2, dix. R. Jonath.
" si quis filium proximi sui
legem docet,
n> (ylvopai, y'tvw,} pro-
Xen. Lac. 2. 1. In N. T. birth, hoc idem putat scriptura, ac si ipsum
of God, to beget,
nativity, i. e. genuisset." (/3) spoken
sc. in a spiritual sense, i. e. to impart a
a) pp. Matt. i. 18 and Luke i. 14 in
later edit, where text. rec. new spiritual life, which consists in
James i. 23 TO Trpoaunrov rT/c sanctifying, quickening anew, and en-
i. e. native or natural face. Sept. for nobling the powers of the natural man,
by imparting to him a new life and a
m^lTD Gen. xxxi. 13. xxxii. 9. Jos. 4.
8. 23. Diod. Sic. 1. 6. 8. Herodian. 7. 1. new spirit in Christ, 1 John v. 1. Hence
Christians are said to be born of God,
5. Trop. James iii.6 rpo^oc ri/c ytvifftuQ,
lit. the wheel of birth, i. e. which is set (see below in II. b,) and to be the sons
in motion at birth and rolls on through of God, comp. Rom. viii. 14. Gal. iii. 26.
life, i.
q. course of life. Comp. Judith
iv. 6. Spoken of the relation between
Wisd. God and the Messiah, who, as the vice-
xii. 18. vii. 5. Others, nativity, in
the astrological sense. gerent of God, is figuratively called his
Son, and whom therefore God is figu-
b) in the sense of descent, lineage, and
/3i/3Xof yrl(T(iJc, book of descent, i. e. ratively said to beget, i. e. to appoint, to
declare, sc. as a king, etc. Acts xiii. 33.
genealogy, genealogical table, Matt. i. 1.
So Sept. and nilpin *lpp Gen. v. 1. for Heb. i. 5. v. 5. So Sept. and i^ Ps.
Gen. ii. 4.' x. lj 32. 11. 7, coll. ver. 6, 8. Comp. in Ytof Ge- .
o>, f. rj<r<, (yivva poet, for bis. ry0X6f, ix. 2, 19, 20, 32. etc TOV KOO-
trans, to beget, spoken of men; HQV, xvi. 21. Acts vii. 20. xxii. 28 y-
to bear, spoken of women ;
Pass, to be ykvvi}}.iai, sc. 'Pw/tiaToc. Rom. ix. 11. Heb.
begotten, to be born. xi. 23. Gal. iv. 23, 29, Kara <rap<ca, accord-
I. Act.
a) spoken
of men, to beget, ing to the flesh, in the course of nature.
Matt. i. 2 16, where it occurs thrice Sept. for i^lD Job iii. 2. T^ Ps. Ixxxvii.
in each verse, except ver. 6 bis, 11, 12 bis, 4, 5, 6 Jos. Ant. 4. 4. 4. Plut. Agesil.
16. Acts vii. 8, 29. Sept. for T^ and 3. Lucian. D. Mar. 29. 3. Seq, etc final,
denoting destination, John xviii. 37. 2 around it is the most romantic and
Pet. ii. 12. Seq. tic c. gen. of the mother, turesque in Palestine. It is subject to
Matt. i. 10. Luke i. 35. c. gen. of sudden, though not long continued
source, etc. John iii. 6 tic r//c o-apicog. tempests. See Jos. B. J. 3. 10. 7. Ro-
viii. 41. Seq. tv c. dat. of place, Acts senm. Bibl. Geogr. II. i. p. 176 sq. Cal-
xxi. 3. c. dat. of state or condition, John met art. Tiberias In N. T. r) yfj Ttv.
ix. 34. Acts ii. 8 Iv y sc. diaXesry, i. e. Matt. xiv. 34. Mark vi. 53. / Xt/ii; Ttv.
our native dialect. Metaph. tic 3oD Luke v. 1.
V. IK irvivparoc iy(vvi'iSr)v V. ytylj/-
Ttvvr\<JiQ, <t>e, *1)
(ytwaw,) birth,
vrjftat, only in the writings of John, to
nativity, Matt. i. 18 and Luke i. 14 in
be born of God, or of the Spirit, sc. in a
text. rec. Others yV<rif q. v. Sept.
spiritual sense, to have received from God
Ecc. vii. 1. Jos. Ant. 2. 9. 3.
a new spiritual life,
see above in I. a.
John i. 13. iii. 5, 6, 8. 1 John ii. 29. "hi ov, (ytvvaw,) born,
iii. 9 bis. v. 1 bis, 4, 18 bis.
iv. 7. So brought forth ; Matt. xi. 11 and Luke vii.
atao yivvT/S/jvat avuSrtv, to be born again, 28 iv ytvvijTo'ig yvvaiK&v, among those
q. IK SeoD yev. John iii. 3, 7. See in born of women. So Sept. and Heb.
2. b. rriBS "n>? Job. xiv. 1. xv. 4. xxv. 4
Diod. Sic. 1. 6 yvvjjr6v tlvai Kooyiov
Yivvr\na, aroc, rd, (ytvvaw,) lit.
von'iaavrtQ. Comp. rj TIKOVGO. TIVOQ
what is born or produced, i. e.
Eurip. Alcest. 169, et ibi
a) spoken
of men, offspring, progeny,
Matt. iii. 7 ytrvr/^ara i\tfvS>v, progeny of Tivog, toe, owe, T ) (Tfivoftaij) genus*
vipers! so xii. 34. xxiii. 33. Luke iii. 7. race, i. e.
later edit. ylvij/m. Used in this sense others, sect, order. Sept. and ynj Jer.
1 Mace. v. 2. Xen. Cyr.'l. 2. 1.
only by later writers, as Diod. Sic. 5. 81. xii. 1.
II. ii.
p. 28. Reland. Falsest, p. 806. i. e. either, the Sanhedrim EVEN the whole
Legh, in Bibl. Repos. III. p. 651 __ senate of Israel ; or else it here stands
Many MSS. and also Knapp read rpa- for the elders of Israel in general, i. e.
GIJV&V, Matt. viii. 28, where the text. rec. persons of age and influence who were
lias Tfpyeanvwv, and other MSS. Tada- invited to sit with the Sanhedrim, i. q.
Wvuv, which is read also Mark v. 1. ot
irpeffflCrtpoi TOV 'laparjX Acta iv. 8.
Luke viii. 26, 37. The city of Gerasa xxv. 15.
lay too remote from the lake to admit
the possibility of the miracle's having Tipu)v, ovTO t 6, an old man, se-
been wrought in its vicinity if there- nex, John iii. 4. Sept. for jpj Prov. xvii.
(ad Obad. 1) that ancient Gilead was in a) pp. and absol. Matt, xxvii* 34. Col.
his day called Gerasa; and Saadias in 21 see in "ATTT-W. seq. ace. John ii. 9.
his Arabic version puts Jerrash for the So Sept. c. accus. for o^O 1 K. iv. 29.
Heb. Gilead. Origen also testifies that Job. xii. 11. xxxiv.3. Ecclus.xxxvi. 19.
repavrjv&v was the ancient reading. See Jos. Ant. 3. gen. Xen. Mem. 3.
1. 6. seq.
in 14. 5. In the sense of to eat, to partake
of, absol. Acts x. 10. xx. 11. seq. gen.
ov, 6, Gergesene,a
Luke xiv. 24. Acts xxiii. 1 4, comp. Buttm.
Heb. ^Hp'pa and Sept. ripyeadioG Gen.
132. 5. 3. So Sept. and tJJ?B 1 Sam.
xv. 21. Deut. vii. 1. Josh. xxiv. 11 ; pr.
xiv. 24 aprov. 2 Sam. iii. 35. 2 Mace.
name of one of the ancient tribes of
vi. 20. Jos. Ant. 3. 5. 8.
Xen. An. 1.
Canaan destroyed by Joshua, and of
9. 26.
which Josephus says nothing remained
but the name, Ant. 1. 6. 2. b) metaph. to experience, to prove, to
however partahe of; seq. accus. Heb. vi. 5. piipa
says, that a city rpye<ra an- Stov. Seq. gen. yevHrSai Savdrov, to
ciently stood on the eastern shore of the
lake of Tiberias, and that the precipice
tasteof death, i.e. to die, Matt. xvi. 28.
Mark ix. 1. Lukeix. 27. John viii. 52,
was still pointed out, down which the
Heb. ii. 9. Comp. Rabb. NJV73 Urtt,
swine rushed; Opp. IV. p. 140. But Buxt. Lex. Ch. Rab. 895. So Heb. vi. 4
in the silence of all other
testimony this Jos. Ant. 2. 10. 1
yfu. T?JG dwptae.
tradition can have little weight; and
rutv dyaStiv. ib. 4. 8. 48. Philo de
the reading Vepyeaijvuv in Matt. viii. 28, Nob. p. 903 Polyb. 15. 33. 5.
Ttjs arofictQ.
which rests on Origen's conjecture, is
Seq. on, 3 yeu. on xpjjtrrof
1 Pet. ii.
therefore less probable than rtpaffijvOJv,
6 Kvptoe. So Sept. for Q^qi Ps. xxxiv. 9.
which he testifies to have been the an-
Prov. xxxi. 18.
cient one. Comp. in
w, ifffcj, (ycwpyof,) f. to
ta, ac, (ypoy<rtoc fr.
till sc.the earth, Pass. Heb. vi. 7. Sept.
a council of elders, a senate, Paus.
forrrni? ntoy 1 Chron. xxvii. 26 Esdr.
3. 11. Xen. Mem. 4. 4. 6. So the elder- iv. 6.' Jos/Ant. 5. 6. 1. Xen. CEc. 14. 2.
ship, i.e. collect, the elders among the
rWp-ytov,ou, TO, a
Jews, either of the whole people, Sept. (ytwpytw,)
for tD^p7 Ex. iii. 16, 18. Deut. xxvii. 1 pp. Sept. for rrtfp Prov.
tilled field, farm,
or of particular cities, Deut. xix. 12. xxiv. 30. xxxi. 16. Strabo XIV. p. 687.
xxi. 2 sq. al. and later the Sanhedrim, S. In IS. T. metaph. of Christians, 1 Cor.
iravav rijv ytpovaiav T&V vlwv 'Tcrnm/A. a tiller of the ground, husbandman, viz.
Trj 155
a) pp.
2 Tim. ii. 6. James v. 7. So privileges and retributions of his spiritual
Sept. for -ON Jer. 14. 4. xxxi. 24. li. 23. kingdom in another life. See Tholuck
Xen. GEc/5. 16. in Bibl. Repos. III. p. 705
Sept. also __
in N. T. also i.
q. dfnrtXovpyog, a for nttlN Gen. xlvii. 26. Numb. xi. 12.
vine-dresser, keeper of a vineyard, Matt. Is. i. al. Xen. An. 1. 3. 4 __ By
xxi. 33, 34, 35, 38, 40, 41. Mark xii. 1, meton. put for the inhabitants of a
2 bis, 7, 9. Luke xx. 9, 10 bis, 14, 16. country, Matt. x. 15. xi. 24.
Metaph. of God, John xv. 1, comp. Is. the earth, i. e. the terrestrial globe,
v. 1 sq. So yetupyeTv, to till the vine, etc. in distinction from 6 obpavos,
Plato Eutyph. 4. Matt. v. 18, 35. vi. 10, 19. Luke ii. 14.
Acts ii. 19. vii. 49. al. ssep. Sept. for
, (contr. fr. r !et i.
q. yata,) nmtf Gen. iv. 11. vii. 4.
yns Gen. i.
earth, land, i. e. one of the four elements ; 1/2V ii. 4. *>nn 1 Chr. xvi. 30. Hero-
spoken. dian. 2. 11. 8.' Horn. II. 19. 259.
in reference to its vegetative Hence rd and TCL Iv TOIQ
ITTI rfj yi]Q
power, earth, soil; Matt. xiii. 5, 8, 23.
ovpavolc, things on earth and things in
Mark iv. 5, 8, 20. Luke xiv. 35. John xii. heaven, i. e. the universe, Col. i. 16, 20.
24. al. Sept. for rflaiN Gen. iv. 2, 3. yrj Katvrj, a new earth, 2 Pet. iii. 13.
James v. 17. Rom. ix. 28, coll. Is. x. Ps. xcii. 15,
23. Sept. Iv y77p f for ro^*
of the earthly Canaan, which was al- to be 'old, to become old, intrans. John
ready used in the O. T. to denote xxi. 18. Heb. viii. 13. Sept. for -)p]
the coming of the Messiah's kingdom, Gen. xviii. 13. xxvii. 1. Hiph. Job xiv.
employed by Christ to describe the 8. Xen. Vect. 4. 22. Ag. 11. 14.
ylyvop,at, f.
ytVTjaop.a.t, aor. 2 tytvo/iijv,
be created, etc. i. q. iroiov/tai (a)
perf. part, yeytv/j/xevoc, perf. 2 yeyova, Spoken of the works of creation, John i.
pluperf. 2 eyeyovetv, Acts iv. 22 ; also in 3, 10. 1 Cor. xv. 45. Heb. iv. 3. xi. 3.
later writers and in N. T. aor. 1 pass. So Sept. for
Gen. ii. 4. Is. xlviii. 7.
fytvrjSrjv for tyevo/iijv, Acts iv. 4. Heb. of works 'of art, etc. Acts xix. 26
vi. 4. al. Diod. Sic. 1. 1. ib. 3. 40. Po- ui \tipStv. Diod. Sic. 1. 43.
lyb. 2. 67. 8 cornp. Lob. ad Phryn.
miracles and the like, to be wrought, to
p. 108 sq. Buttm. 114. p. 272. This be performed, Matt. xi. 20. Acts iv. 22.
verb is a Mid. depon. intrans. with the viii. 13. seq. Sid, Acts ii. 43. iv. 16. Mark
iv. 39. VKOTOQ Matt, xxvii. 45. Mark xv. Luke xxiii. 31 tv r< T'L
jjp< ykvrjrai ;
33. veftXtj Luke ix. 34. Mark ix. 7. what shall be done in the dry 1 Gal. iii.
night, evening, etc. to come, to come on, 1 Thess. iii. 4. Rev. i. 19. Heb. ix. 15.
to approach, Matt. viii. 16. xiv. 15, 23. SavaTov death having taken
xxvii. 1. Mark vi. 2. xi. 19. xv.33. Luke place, i. e. through his death. Matt, xviii.
xxii. 14. John vi. 16. xxi. 4. Acts xxvii. 31. Luke viii. 34. James iii. 10. 2 Pet. i.
27 Jos. Ant. 4. 8. 41. Xen. H. G.2.4. 20. al. passim Herodian. 8. 3. 12.
6 Trpdff r)n*pav sytyvtro. Comp. in b. 17. Xen. Cyr. 1. 4. 25. So in the phrase
b) as implying origin through an /u) y'tvoiro, let it not happen ! God for-
bid! an exclamation of aversion, Luke Diod. Sic. 2. 20. m. V. H.2. 23. Acts
xx. 16. Rom. iii. 4, 6, 31. vi.2,15. vii. 7. xii. 18 rt dpa o Hirpog iyivtro, what
al. Comp. Sept. and Heb. n^brr Gen. Peter was become, for <
what had become
xliv. 7, 17. Josh. xxii. 29. IK. xxi. of Peter.' So ri Thuc. 2. 52.
Luc. D. Deor. 1. 2. Arrian. Diss. comp. Matth. 488. 5. Herm. ad Vig.
Epict. 1. 1. 13. ib. 2. 8. 2, 26. See p. 730. (2) Construed with tig n as
Sturz de Dial. Alex. p. 204. (/3) Seq. the predicate, by Hebraism Matt. xxi. ;
dat. of pers. to happen to any one, etc. 42 iytvr)5r] tig Kt$a\r}v yuviag. Mark
Mark ix. 21. Luke xiv. 12. John v. 14. xii. 10. Luke xiii. 19. John xvi. 20. Acts
1 Pet. iv. 12. JEsop. F. 94. Xen. Hiero v. 36. al. So Sept. for b rrn, etc. Gen.
1.1. ib. 3. 5.Seq. infin. as subject, Acts ii. 7. 1 Sam. xxx. 25. 2 Sam. v. 3. al.
xx. 16. Gal. So Sept. and *? n^rr
vi. 14.
T Comp. Gesen. Lehrg. p. 816. Stuart
Gen. xliv. 7, 17. Jos. Ant. 6. 11. 8 . 507. b. When
the predicate is an
Xen. Cyr. 6. 3. 11. With an adv. of adjective ; Matt. vi. 16 firj yivtaSt GKV-
manner, Mark v. 16. Eph. vi. 3 JE1. &PWTTOI', do not become of a sad counte-
V. H. 9. 36
With prepositions, in nance, i. e. do not put on or
affect sad-
the same sense, ast'e nva, Acts xxviii. 6. ness, etc. 16 yivtaSrt ovv 0p6vt/iot
TIVI Mark v. 33.
() With an in- xii. 45 yivtrat rd lo\ara \iipova. xiii. 22
fin.and accus. expressed or implied, to yivtrai aKap-rrog. xxiii. 26. xxiv. 32, 44
come to pass that, Mark ii. 23. Acts xxvii. yivtaSt tToipot, i. e. prepare yourselves.
44 ourwe iyivtTO irdvrag diaawSiivai. John ix. 39. Acts vii. 32. x. 4. Rom. iii.
xxviii. 8. Matt, xviii. 13 iav yivtjrai 19. al. saep. Herodian. 1. 11. 6. Thuc.
evptlv avTo. Theogn. 639. comp. Viger. 3. 23. (4) With a particle of manner,
p. 231. V. (*)
So (cat iyivtTO Or iyt- etc. Matt. X. 25 'iva ytvyrai we SiSaa-
VITO ?i, corresponding to the Heb. caXoc avrov. xviii. 3. xxviii. 4 iysvovro
1 *rP},
and it came to pass that, always wffti vtKpoi. seq. dat. of pers. for or in
with a notation of time, introduced by respect to Cor. ix. 20, 22.
whom, 1
on, we, iv, a gen. absol. etc. and fol- Seq. gen. of possession or relation ; Luke
lowed by a finite verb with or without XX. 14 'iva -fjfjiuiv yevtjTair] K\r]povofj.ia. XX.
icat', c. g.
with icat repeated, Matt. ix. 10 33. Rev. xi. 15. Xen. Cyr. 1. 2. 16.
ical tytvtro avTov dvaKtipfvov Kai i6v. QEc. 3. 8. Comp. Jos. Ant. 6. 14. 3 /io\i$
Mark ii. 15 :ai iy'ivtro iv Kai TroXXoi iavTov ytvofitvov.
(6) Seq.
dat. of pers.
K. T. \. Luke ii. 15 icat iytvtro we icat as possessor, etc. Rom. vii. 3, 4, ytvkaSat
ol ic. r. \. v. 1, 12, 17. viii. 1,22. ix.28. avSol irkpif), to become to an-
xiv. 1. xvii. 11. xix. 15. xxiv. 4, 15. al. other man. So Sept. and ^ n;n Lev.
ssep. So 1 "IT} and Sept. Gen. xxxix. 7, xxii. 12. Jer. iii. 1. Plut.' Ages. 11.
13, 19. xliii. 1. So without icat repeated, Achill. Tat. Y. p. 323.
Matt. vii. 28 icat iyivtro on itir\rioaovTO (/3)
construed with prepositions or
ol <5\'Xot. xiii. 53. xix. 1. xxvi. 1. Mark adverbs implying motion, it denotes
i.9. iv. 4. Luke i. 8. ii. 1. vi. 12. al. sa^p. change or transition to another place,
So Sept. fori -n^ Gen. xxii. 1. etc. to come, viz. to come to
(1) Seq. tig,
d) as implying a change of state, con- or into, to arrive at, Acts xx. 16. xxi. 17.
dition, etc. or the passing from one state, xxv. 15 Herodot.5. 38. Trop.) Qwvi]
etc. to another, to become, to enter upon Luke i. 44. tvXoyia Gal. iii. 14. tuay-
any state, condition, etc. ytXtov 1 Thess. i. 5. eXjcoc Rev. xvi. 2.
(a) spoken of persons or things which Xen. H. G. 7. 2. 7 Kpavyr} tig rrjv TTO-
leceive any new character or form. Xtv. to come from a place,
(2) Seq. tK,
Where the predicate is a noun; etc. e. g. r) <j>wvri Mark i. 11. Luke iii.
Matt. V. 45 OTTWe ytVllffSt Viol TOV 7rarpO. 22. ix. 35. But t/c pfaov ytv'sffSai, to
Mark i. 17 vpdg ytviaSai aXtsTe dvSpw- be put out of the way, 2 Thess. ii. 7. (3)
xii. 11 ytvopsvog
TTWV. Matt. iv. 3 'iva 01 XtSot OVTOI dproi Seq. iv, e. g. trop. Acts
y'tvuvTai. xiii. 32 yivtrat dtvdpov. Luke iv iavTy, being come to himself; comp.
iv. 3. vi. 16. xxiii. 12. John i. 12, 14. ii. Luke xv. 17. Polyb. 1. 49. 8 ra X vSi iv
9. Acts xxvi. 28.* Rom. iv. 18. Heb. ii. iaury ytvofisvog. Xen. An. 1. 5. 17.
17. Rev. viii. 8. al. Herodian. 1.8. 16. See Herm. ad Vig. 749, coll. 858. (4)
158 Tivw
^4) Seq. iTri, viz. c. gen. to come upon, to Heb. v. 12. Rev. xvi. 10. So rrn and
arriveat, Lukexxii. 40. John vi. 21. Acts Sept. tlvai Neh. i. 4. ii. 13, 15. Comp.
xxi. 35. c. accus. Luke xxiv. 22. Acts E//u II.f. Gesen.
Lehrg. p. 792. Stuart
viii. 1. Luke i. 65 <f>6ftoQ. iv. 36. So of 630.Soph. Ajac. 589. Plato Phsedo. 20.
an oracle, Luke iii. 2 comp. below in (6). ;
See Viger. p. 232, 749. Matth. r>r>0.
c. gen. to come through- c) joined with prepositions
it implies
(5) Seq. Kara,
out, etc. Acts x. 37. c. accus. to come locality or state, disposition of mind,
to, Luke x.32. Acts xxvii. 7. Jos. Ant. etc. (a) Seq. iv, spoken of place, to be
1. 9 yevopivoi dk KCIT& 2o5o/ia. Xen. in a place ;
Matt. xxvi. 6 yvo/*evov iv
Cyr. 7. 1. 15.
(6) Seq. irpos
c. accus.
BrjSaviy. Mark ix. 33 iv ry ouc/p. Acts
to come to, 2 John 12 in later edit. So xiii. 5. 2 Tim. i. 17. Rev. i. 9. 1EI.
of oracles, Acts vii. 31. x, 13. Sept. V. H. 4. 15. Spoken of condition or
and Heb. ^N rrn Gen. xv. 1, 4. Jer. i. state, to be in any state, etc. Luke xxii.
2, 4. (8)
With an adverb, e. g. lyyvc, 44 ytvofifvoQ iv aywv/p. Acts xxii. 17 iv
to come or draw near, John vi. 19. trop. eKffrdaei. Rev. i. 10 and iv. 2 iv Trvevfian.
Eph. ii. 13. Xen. Cyr. 7. 1. 7. So wfo, Rom. xvi. 17 iv Xpiory, i. e. to be in the
hither, John vi. 25. 1/ceT, thither,
Acts number of Christ's followers, Christians.
xix. 21. Herodian. 4. 11. 13 tictT. Phil. ii. 7 iv ofioiMfiari yfvofisvoQ, i.
II. In the aor. and perf. to have be- bfjioiioSeig. 1 Tirn. Trapafldaei,
Luke vi. 44. 1 John iii. 24. iv. 6. Xen. 6, xii. 16. xiii. 12. Acts viii. 30. Rom.
Cyr. 1. 6. 44. Seq. tv rivi, to know by xi. 34. 1 Cor. ii. 14. So Sept. and yi;
any thing, John xiii. 35. 1 John iii. 16, 1 Sam. xx. 38. Prov. i. 2 Xen. CyrI
19, 24. So Sept. for y-p
iv. 13. v. 2. 4. 2. 28.
Gen. xxiv. 14. xlii. 33. So seq. o$iv f) by euphemism,
to lie with, sc. a
1 John ii. 18. and Kara, re Luke i. 18. person of another sex spoken of a man, ;
So Sept. for yr Gen. xv. 8. (/3) Seq. Matt. i. 25 of a woman, Luke i. 34.
c) in the sense of to know, sc. from Xen. Mem. 1. 4. 8 Seq. accus. and
others, to learn, to find out ; Pass, to be particip. Acts xix. 35 og ov ytvw<rK(i rfiv
made known, to be disclosed, Matt. x. 26. iroXiv ovffav. Xen. Cyr. 3. 1. 20 Seq.
Acts Seq. accus. of thing, expr.
ix. 24. adv. as Acts xxi. 37 iXXrjviffTi yu/wo-Ktie;
or impl. Mark v. 43. Acts xxi. 34. Col. dost thou know Greek ? Comp. Seq. Neh.
iv. 8. Matt. ix. 30. Luke ix. 11. So xiii. 24 OVK tTriyivbHTKOvTiQ XaXelv 'lou-
Sept. and jn^ 1 Sam. xxi. 2 Palaeph. Saurri, for Heb- rTTirr;
2. 10. XenV Cyr. 8. 8. 3. Seq. on, Xen. Cyr. 7. 5. 31
John iv. 1. Acts xxiv. 11. Sept. and y-^ Cic. de Fin. 2. 5 Greece scire. () seq.
1 Sam. iv. 6 ^El. V. H. 10. 15. So accus. of person, to know, sc. by sight or
with OTTO TIVOQ, Mark xv. 45. person, John i. 49. 2 Cor. v. 16. or to
in the sense of to perceive, to ob- know one's character, etc. John i. 10.
serve, to be aware of, seq. accus. expr. or ii. Acts xix. 15. al.
24. xiv. 7, 9. xvi. 3.
impl. Matt. xxii. 18 rfjv iroviipiav. xvi. 8. So Sept. and yi; Deut. xxxiv. 10. Ps.
xxvi. 10. So Sept. and jn; Ruth iii. 4 Ixxxvii. 4. cx'xxix. 1 Dem. 539. 25.
Xen. H. G. 3. 4. 8 Seq. on, John iv. Xen. Cyr. 3. 1. 21. So c. accus. and par-
53. vi. 15. Acts xxiii. 6. So Mark v. 29 ticip. Heb. xiii. 23. (y) seq.
on instead
tyvtt) Tqi ffu)[^ari on.Sept. and ^1^ 1 of an ace. and infin. John xxi. 17. James
Sam. xx. 33. Xen. Cyr. 1. 3. 5 Seq. i. 3 infin. alone, Matt. xvi. 3.
(5) seq.
and particip. Luke sc. as
accus. viii. 46 yw b) in the sense of to know, being
fyvwv dvvapiv iZtXSoveav air ifiov. what one is or professes to be, to ac-
Mem. Matt. vii.23. Pass.
Xen. 4. 2. 40. knowledge, seq. accus.
in the sense of to understand, to 1 Cor. viii. 3. Gal. iv. 9. So Sept. and
Is. xxxiii. 13. Ixi. 9. Ixiii. 16.
comprehend, seq. accus. expr. or impl. jn;
Matt. xiii. 11 ra fivorrjpia. Mark xiv. 13 ~c)
from the Heb. with the idea of vo-
Luke xviii. 34. John iii. 10. lition or good will, to know and approve
Tropa/SoXof .
vii. 49 TOV 1 Cor. ii. 8. John x. or to care for, etc. seq. accus. of
vofiov. love,
Tim. 19 ty vu Kupioc rou Is. Ixvi. 18. Chald. -p^ Dan. iii.
pets. 2
ii. 4, 7,
avrov. John x. 14, 15, 27. So Sept. 30, 32. al. (y)
In the phrases yXw<r<rai
to speak in or
and yTT of God, Ps. cxliv. 3. Am. iii. 2. lr'ipai v. Kaivcuc XaXeTv,
Nah.i.7. Hos. viii. with other or new tongues, Acts ii. 4.
a) pp.
as a part of the body, Rev.'xvi. 6, 7 sq. Most interpreters have adopted
10. as the organ of taste, Luke xvi. 24. the first meaning some prefer the latter.
as the organ of speech, Mark vii. 33, 35. Others suppose there is a reference to
Luke i. 64. 1 Cor. xiv. 9. James iii. 5. two distinct gifts. See Olshausen Comm.
6 bis. So also personified, Rom. xiv. on Acts ii. 4. Neander Hist, of the
11 and Phil. ii. 11 Traera yXw(r<ra, i. e. Apost. Age, and in Bibl. Repos. IV. p.
every person ; comp. Is. xiv. 23 where 249 sq.
Sept. for Acts ii. 26, coll. Ps. put for any thing resembling
jtafj. c) trop.
xvi. 9. So to bridle the tongue, etc. a tongue in shape ;
e. g. Acts ii. 3.
James i. 26. iii. 8. 1 Pet. iii. 10. comp. yXwo'O'ai woti tongues as of fire,
Ecclus. xxviii. 18 sq. Sept. for \ti&3 i. e. lambent flames. So VJR -jta^ Is. v.
Judg. vii. 5. Job xxix. 10. xxxiii. 2. 24.
Xen. Mem. 1. 4. 5.
ou, rt, (yXw<r<r?;,
b) by meton. speech, language,
John 18 p) dyaTrw/tev Xoyy tongue, reed, sc. of a musical instrument,
genr. 1 iii.
and Ko/xew,) pp. a box for keeping reeds,
p.T]Sk ry yXaWy, let us not love in word nor
etc. iv y avXrjrai aTrfT&eaav rag yXwff-
in speech only. (Comp. yXwoxri; 0i'Xo
oiSag, Hesych. In N. T. genr. any box,
Theogn. 63, 13.) So Sept. and -pir^
Prov. xxv. 15. xxxi. 26. Wisd. i. 6. case, bag, etc. e. g. for money, John xii.
and dressed new cloths, or washed and 7 sq. to make knoivn, trans, and seq. dat.
scoured soiled garments, Mark ix. 3. or -jrpoQ nva Phil. iv. 6; viz.
Sept. for DI13, a treader, i. e. washer, a)
to others ;
(a) genr.
to make
fuller, 2 K. xviii. 17. Is. vii. 3. xxxvi. 2. todeclare, toreveal, Rom. ix. 22, 23. e. dat.
Theophr. Char. 19 or 10. 4. Xeii. Mem. Luke ii. 15. Acts ii. 28 quoted from Ps.
3. 7. 6. The earlier pronunciation seems xvi. 11 where Sept. for V'H'in. Eph. iii.
to have been K 3, 5, 10. Col. i. 27. Gal. i. 11 where for
the attract, see Buttm. 151. 1. 6. seq.
OV, o, n, adj. (y'tvog, yeve- 7rpo Phil. iv. 6. Sept. for ^Tin 1 Sam.
oQ ), genuine, legitimate ; pp. spoken of xvi. 3. 1 Chr. xvi. 8. Ps. xxv. 4.
children, etc. Jos. Ant. 1. 16. 3. Xen. Prom, vinct. 496.
[487.] Hesych.
Cyr. 8. 5. 19. In N. T. (f>avfpo7roii]0a.i. in the
spoken sc. son sense of to narrate, to tell, to inform, Eph.
a) trop. own, genuine, ;
of the relation of a disciple to his teacher, vi. 21. Col. iv.7, 9. 2 Cor. viii. 1, comp.
iv Triarii, Kara irianv, 1 Tim. i. 2. Tit. Buttm. 1. c. 1 Mace. xiv. 28. (y) spoken
i. 4. of a teacher who
unfolds divine things,
b)by impl. sincere, faithful, true, Phil. etc. to announce, to declare, to proclaim,
iv. 3 __ Ecclus. vii. 18. Herodian. 3. 10. John xv. 15. xvii. 26 bis. Eph. i. 9. vi.
9 So ri> yvrjffiov, sincei'ity, 2 Cor. viii. 19. 2 Pet. i. 16. Rom. [xiv.] xvi. 26.
8 __ Comp. 3 Mace. Hi. 19. Sept. for yiin Ez. xx. 11. in the
rvTj<nwc> adv. (yv//(riof), sincerity, sense of to put in mind of, to impress, to
Phil. ii. 20 __ 2 Macc.xiv.8. Jos. Ant.2. confirm, 1 Cor. xii. 3. xv. 1.
4. 1. Dem. 1353. 28. b) to one's self, i. e. to ascertain, to
Fvo^oc, ou, 6, (fr. vtyoc, Eustath. 22. So Sept. for Tsn Job xxxiv. 25. .
ad II. /x. p. 489. 16,) dense black clouds, Herodian. 2. 1. 23. .Eschin. 11. 8.
thick gloom ; Heb. xii. 18 yvo^> /cat trcory
icai SvsXXy. So Sept. for ^Eny Ex. xx. , ewe, riytyvwKu,} knowledge,
21. 2 Sam. xxii. 10.
Jbeiit. iv. 11. i. e.
v. 22. Ecclus. xlv. 5.
the power of knowing, intelligence,
comprehension, Eph. iii. 19 rr\v u7rp/3a\-
TJC? >7, (yvw(ricw,) pp. the
Xovffav rijc yvwo-twg ayaVjjv rov Xp. that
mind, i. e. the sentient principle, i. q. love of Christ surpassing comprehension.
$vxib Xen Cyjf. 8. 8. 10. Mem. 1. 1. 7,
ii. 14. iv. 6. Col. ii. 3. Sept. and ny"T Sept. for Y^.n Ex. xvi. 7. Seq. irtpi c.
Dan. i. 4. Mai. ii. 7 -- So of religious gen. John vi. 41. 61. Sept. for^nNum.
knowledge, i. e. doctrine, science, spoken xiv. 27 --
Seq. Trpoe c. accus. Luke v.
of Jewish teachers, Luke xi. 52. Rom. 30. Seq. ^er' aXX^Xwv John vi. 43.
ii. 20. 1 Tim. vi. 20. or of a deeper Marc. Anton. 2. 3. Arrian. Diss. Ep. 1.
Christian knowledge, Christian doctrine, 29. 65. ib. 4. 1. 79.
etc. 1 Cor
8 Xoyoc yvwatwf, i. e.
ou, *> (yoyyvo> q. v.)
the faculty of unfolding and expounding e.
murmur, .
VT73 2 K. x. 11. Ps. Ixxxviii. 9, 19. 29. 2 Pet. ii. 6. Jude 7. See Gen.
c. 19. Heb.
royyv^w, f. v<rw, to murmur.' The
Attic form was rovSopvo> or roj/3pvw, ou, 6, (ye/zw q. v.) a load,
of an animal, Sept. for
Phryn. ed. Lob. p. 358. sc.
N^p Ex. xxiii.
i. e. to utter in a low voice
6. In N. T. lading, i. e.
a) genr.
privately, seq. accus. and irtpi c. gen. a)ofaship,Actsxxi.3.-Dem.l283.21.
John vii. 32. Phavorin. yoyyvfriv ITTI b) by impl. merchandize, wares, Rev.
xviii. 11, 12.
TTJQ irtpiffTtpag Xsyerai
b) with the idea of complaint, to mut- 6(t>C, o, (yivofiai, yeyova,)
ter, tomanifest sullen discontent; absol. a father ; in N. T. only plur. oi yovftf,
1 Cor. x. 10. So Sept. for p*nrr Num. Mark
parents, Matt. x. 21. xiii. 12.
xi. 1.
Seq. Kara c. gen. Matt. xx. 11. Luke ii. 27, 41. viii. 56. xviii. 29. xxi. 16.
Fovu 163
a, Me knees, Heb. xii. 12. Sept. 27, 29. vii. 6. 2 Cor. iii. 6 bis, 7.
for 0*5*1:1 Gen. xxx. 3. xl. 12. Xen.
c) letters, learning, as contained in
Cyr. 7. 3. 5. Hence in phrases :
(a) books, etc. Acts xxvi. 24. Sept. ipp
TO. lit.
Sets, SivTff, TiSrkvTtQ yovara, Dan. i. 4. Ceb. Tab. 34. Eurip. Hip-
placing the knees, i. e. kneeling down, e.g. pol. 954. [966.]
in prayer or supplication, Luke xxii. 41.
Acts vii. 60. ix. 40. xx. 36. xxi. 5. a
So of the mock homage offered by the writer, scribe.
soldiers to Jesus, Mark xv. 19. (/3) Luke in the Greek sense, a public officer
V. 8 TrpoffEiriaf. rolf yovaoi 'I/jerou, \\t. fell in the cities of Asia Minor, whose duty
at his knees, i. e. embraced them by way it seems to have been to preside in the
of supplication. (y) KapirTeiv yovv v. senate, to enrgl and have charge of the
yovara nvt, to bend the knee or knees to laws and decrees, and to read what was
any one, i. e. to kneel, sc. in homage, to be make known to the people; a
adoration, etc. Rom. xiv. 11 Ipoi Ka^et public clerk, secretary, etc. Acts xix. 35.
rrav yovv, quoted from Is. xlv. 23, where Dem. 485. 18. Xen. H. G. 7. 1. 37.
Sept. for rps yi3 Rom. xi. 4. Phil. ii. The office of ypap-fj-arevg varied much
10. in supplication, Eph. iii. 14 Sept. in different places. See Potter's Gr.
for 1 Chr. xxix. 20.
11^ Ant. I. p. 78, 88. Boeckh Staatshaush.
der Ath. I. p. 198 sq. Adam's Rom.
i, M, f. /<rw, (yovv and
Ant. p. 176.
one's knees,
7ri<Ttv,)lit. tofall upon in Sept. like
i.e. to kneel, seq. accus. ordat. of person; b) in the Jewish sense ;
a Xen. Mem. 1. 4. 1.
p fa, ri, (ypttyw,) picture,
V. H. 2. 2, 44.
. . a writing, 1 Mace. c)
to write, i. e. to compose or pre-
pare in writing e. g. /3//3\t'ov airoara-
xii. 21. Herodian. 1. 17. 9. Thuc. 1. ;
a^w, f. ^w, to grave or cut in, 26 bis. ICor. v. 9. vii. 1. xiv. 37. 2
to insculp, Sept. for ypp 1 K. vi. 28. Cor. ix. 1. So 1 Thess. iv. 9 ov xptia.v
Horn. 11. 6. 169. to sketch', to picture,
ypatytiv vp.1v, and V. 1 ov \p. t%. vfjuv
2\. V. H. 2. 3. Xen. Cyr.l. 2. 13. In see on these infin. Buttm.
N. T. to write, viz. 140. 3. Hence ypdfttv lvro\riv TIVI, to
a) pp. to form letters with a stylus, write a precept or command to any one,
illthe ancient manner, so that the let- i. e. to prescribe, Mark x. 5. 1 John ii.
ters were cut in or graven upon the 7. absol. Mark xii. 19. Luke xx. 28.
material ; absol. John viii. 6, 8. 2 Thess. So it is Luke ii.
yeypaTirai, prescribed,
iii. 17 ovT(t>
ypd^w, i. e. this is my hand. 23. al. So Sept. and nD?2 K. xvii. 37.
Xen. Mem. 4. 2. 20. In the sense of Ezra iii. 4. Tob. i. 6. E~sdr. vi. 17, coll.
to write upon, i. e. to fill with writing, Ezrav. 13. Ml. V. H.6. 10 vopov. Xen.
q. ^Triypd^w, Rev. v. 1. Mem. 1.2.43, 44.
to write, i.e. to commit to writing, to inscribe, e. g. one's name in a
b) e)
to express by writing; c. accus. expr.
booK, register, etc. Luke x. 20. Rev.
or impl. John xix. 21, 22 o ylypa^a, xiii. 8. xvii. 8. al. See So
yeypa^a. xx. 30, 31. xxi. 24, 25. Luke Sept. and3D3Ps.lxix. 28. cxxxix. 16. AL.
i. 63. xvi. 6, 7. Rom. xvi. 22. Rev. i.
tion, Matt. iv. 4, 6, 7, 10. xxvi. 31. Buttm. ^ 114 in tyetpw. Phryn. ed. Lob.
Luke iv. 4, 8, 10. Rom. i. 17. ii. 24. al p. 118, 119. Sturz de Dial. Alex. p.
Constr. with prepositions, viz. Sid TIVOQ, 157. to wake, to keep awake, to watch,
by any one, Matt. ii. 5. Luke xviii. 31. intransi
iiri Tiva Mark ix. 12, 13, and ^TTI TIVI
a) pp.
Matt. xxiv. 43. xxvi. 38, 40, 4 1 .
John xii. 16, of or concerning any one. Mark xiii. 34. xiv. 34, 37, 38. Luke xii.
7T*pt TIVOQ, of or concerning any one, 37, 39. Sept. for Neh. vii. 3. ip^'
Matt. xxvi. 24. John v. 46. Seq.
xi. 10. Jer. v. 6. 1 Mace. xii. 27. Jos. Ant.
dat. of pers. Mor. ed
of or concerning whom, 11. 3. 4. Plut. p. 20. II.
Luke xviii. 31. In a similar sense, to Tauchn. Achill. Tat. Erot. 4. 17.
pp. in respect to the body, viz. tempt, a weak, silly woman, 2 Tim. iii. 6.
Marc. Anton. 5. 11.
(a) wholly nude, without any clothing ;
perhaps Mark xiv.51,52. trop. Rev. xvi. da, ctov,
15. xvii. 16. Sept for Oiiy Gen. ii. 25. womanly, womanish, female. 1 JPet. iii.
Job. i. 21.
tfry Gen. Hi/ 7, 10, 11. 7 (TvvoiKOvvTeg u>
dffSrtve<Trtp(f) ffKevti rtfi
Xen. Ag. 1. 28" of one where
(/3) Spoken a-jrov'^ovrtQ Tifnr)V, rtf
r 166
Lev. xviii. 22. Deut. xxii. 5. Xen. iv. 21. xx. 13, 15. 1 Cor. vii. 16. Jos.
Mein. 2. 7. 5. Ant. 1. 16. 3. Horn. II. 3. 204. Xen.
Cyr. 5. 1.6. AL.
7^vai, a
/> voc -
indec. Gog, Heb. aia. This
woman, one of the female sex, viz.
name is
Matt. xiv. 21. xv. 38. Acts applied in the O. T. Ez. c. 38,
a) genr.
39, to the king of a people called Magog,
xxii. 4. 1 Cor. xi. 12. al. seep. Sept. for
Gen. ii. 23 __ Xen. Mem. 2. 1. inhabiting regions far remote from Pa-
rnJp'N 22,
30. Spoken of a young woman, maiden,
lestine. By Magog, the ancients would
seem to have intended the northern na-
damsel, Luke xxii. 57, coll. ver. 56. (Gal.
tions generally,which they also called
iv. So Sept. for rnjJJ Esth. ii. 4.
4.) Sjcvdot. In N. T. the name Gog is also
Of an adult woman, Matt. v. 28. ix. 20,
22. xi. 11. Rev. xii. 1, 4. al. soep. apparently spoken of a similar remote
people, who are to war against the Mes-
with a gen. or Zxuv, or the adj
siah. Rev. xx. 8.
tiiravtpoe Rom. vii. 2, it implies relation
to some man,viz. one betrothed, a Twviia, *i> an angle, a corner,
bride, but not yet married, Matt. i. 20, i. e.
indec. written also the son of David, i. e. descended
or AaviS as in Sept. and Josephus, from him spoken of Joseph the hus-
David, Heb. Ill (beloved), later Til, band of Mary, Matt. i. 20 often ap- ;
Gesen. Lehrg. p. 51,) the celebratec1 plied to Jesus as a title of the expected
king of the Israelites and founder of the Messiah, Matt. ix. 27. xii. 23. xv. 22.
Jewish dynasty, reigned A. C. 10551015. xx. 30, 31. Mark x. 47, 48. al. saep.
For his life see 1 Sam. c. 16 2 Sam. but not in John's writings. So 77 pi'Z/i
fin. 1 Chr. c. 12 30. In N. T. pp. AapiS, in the same sense, Rev. v. 5.
Matt, i, 6, 17. xii. 3. xxii. 43, 45. al. Heb. xxii. 16. coll. Is. xi. 1, 10. Hence
the Psalms ; comp. Ps. xcv. 7. 'O v'tbg, designated by the appellations :
Antjuoviov, ou, ro, (neut. of adj. Matt. vii. 22. ix. 34. x. 8. xii. 24, 27, 28.
cai/zoviog,) demon, i. e. Mark i.34, 39. iii. 15, 22. vi. 13. vii. 26.
a) renr. a god, deity, spoken of the
ix. 38. xvi. 9, 17. Luke ix. 49. xi. 14, 15.
heathen gods, Acts xvii. 18. Jos. B. J. 18, 19, 20. xiii. 32. Pass. Matt. ix. 33.
1. 2. 8. Diod. Sic. 20. 20. Xen. Mem. This was done by Christ in his own
1. 1. 1. divine authority, and by the apostles in
his name.
b) spoken of a genius or tutelary de- (Luke xi. 15. ix. 1. x. 17.
mon, e. g. that of
Socrates, Xen. Mem. comp. Acts xix. 13 sq.) but the Jews
i. 8. 1, 5. Apol. Soc. 4. Comp. Dem. charged him with doing it by authority
415 ult. ib. 124. 46. In N. T. in the of Satan, who is called apx wv v ^ at"
Jewish sense, a demon, i. e. an evil Hoviuv, Matt. ix. 34. xii. 24. Mark iii. 22.
spirit, devil, subject to Satan, Matt. ix. Luke xi. 15. See the Jewish form of
34. al. a fallen angel, see in 'AyyeXoc; exorcism in the name of Solomon, Jos.
4ml i.
q. irvtvpa uKoSaprov, Luke viii. 29,
Ant. 8 2. 5. (t)
Where the acts, etc.
coll. ver. 30. al. These were sup-
of demons thus dwelling in persons are
posed to wander in desert and desolate spoken of, Mark i. 34. Luke ix. 1, 42.
Cyr. 1. 4. 13. Sept. for rnD as also Hos. iv. 16. for
Sept. iv Sdicpvvi for 11^7373 Ps. vi. 7. ocj ?'/, ov, belonging to
Lam. ii. 11. rd tdicpva 2 K. xx. 5.
Damascus, a Damascene, 2 Cor. xi. 33.
Lam. i. 3. ^El. V. H. 14. 22. Xen.
GEc. 10. 8. Aajuaoncoc, ov, 17, Damascus, Heb.
piSEH a celebrated city of Syria, first
W, f. vffb), (&icpv,)
to shed mentioned Gen. xiv. 15, and now pro-
tears, to weep, intrans. John xi. 35 id-
bably the oldest city on the globe. It
vpv<Ttv 6 '\IIOOVQ. Jos. Ant. 2. 4. 4. Xen. stands on the river Chrysorrhoas, or
3. 1. 7.
Cyr. Barradi, in a beautiful plain on the E.
and S. E. of Anti-Libanus, open to the
ov, o, (aK7-wXoc,) a S. and E. and bounded on the other
finger-ring, Luke xv. 22 ; given as a
sidesby the mountains. The region
mark of honour, etc. comp. Gen. xli. 43.
around it, including probably the valley
and Esth. viii. 2, where Sept. for n^Sta.
between the ridges of Libanus and
1 Mace. vi. 15. Xen. An. 4. 7. 27.
Anti-Libanus, is called in the Scrip-
tures Syria of Damascus, 0~IN ptopi
ou, o, a finger, Matt.
xxiii.4. Mark vii. 33. Luke xi. 46. xvi.24.
2 Sam. viii. 5 ; and by Strabo Ccelesyria,
John xx. 25, 27. 16. p. 1095. In the days of Paul, the
viii. 6.
Sept. for ya^N
Lev. iv. 6. Cant. v. 6. Xen. Eq. 6. 8'. city was so much thronged by Jews,
meton. that according to*Josephus 10,000 of
By 6 SdKTv\og TOV Stov, for
them were put to death at once ; and
the power of God, Luke xi. 20, coll.
Matt. xii. 28 where it is Trvtvpa rot S. most of the females of the city were
So Sept. and D-Tih* yaSN Ex. viii. 15. converts to Judaism Jos. B. J. 2. 20. 2.
Ps. viii. 4.
At this period the city was properly
under the Roman dominion but was ;
or village near Magdala, Mark viii. 10, It is still called by the Arabs
coll. Matt. xv. 39
probably on the ; Demesk, or also El Sham. See Calmet.
western shore of the lake of Gennesareth, Rosenm Bibl. Geog. I. ii.
p. 284. Acts
a little north of Tiberias. ix. 2, 3, 8, 10, 19, 22, 27. xxii. 5, 6, 10,
Aav 169 A*'
Comp. Lob. ad Phryn. p. 468. dt 'I. Xp. 17 ykvtaiQ OVTWQ fjv. ii. 9. iii. 1.
Mark xvi. 9. Luke xii. 1 1, 16 xiii. 6, 10.
., o, indec. Daniel, Heb. xv. 11, 17. Acts vi. 1, 2, 8, 9. ix. 7, 8.
v. ^S3l (a judge from
7 God), pr. name 1 Cor. xiv. 1. xvi. 1. xv. 17. al. saep.-^-
of the celebrated Jewish prophet who In this way it is sometimes emphatic,
lived and wrote at Babylon in the time
espec. in interrogative clauses, as 2 Cor.
of the captivity. Matt. xxiv. 15. Mark vi. 14, 15, 16. Gal. iv. 20 ffieXov 1
xiii. 14.
could wish indeed.
f. ^<ro>, (5airavn,\ to b) where it takes up and carries on a
spend, to be at expense, trans. Mark v. thought which had been interrupted,
26. absol. 2 Cor. xii. 15. Bel and Drag. then, therefore, etc. Matt. vi. 7 icpoat v\6-
3. Xen. An. 1. 1. 8. ib. 1. 3. 3. Acts fievot $e. John xv. 26. Rom.v. 8. 2 Cor.
expense, cost, Luke xiv. 28. Sept. for 8 !% avrag rpfificc, trembling also
Ninppa Ezra vi. 4, 8 __
1 Mace. iii. 30. seized them, etc. where some translate
Xen. Mem. 3. 6. 6. for, i. q. yp, but without necessity.
170 At/K'l'UjUt
sense of also, i. e. we? a&0, Mark iv. 36 dence would dictate, Acts xxvii. 21
KO.I dXXa k TrXoTa fjv p,tr' aiirov. John See in Alov. AL.
xv. 27. Acts v. 32. See Buttm. 1. c.
, arof, TO, (StiKvvfju,) pp.
p. 425. what is shown, a sample, specimen, Jos.
Ant. 6. 7. 4. Polyb. 3. 69. 3. In N. T.
^schin. Dial. Soc. 2. 39, 40 ;
in N. T. an example, warning, Jude 7. comp. 2
prayer, viz. Pet. ii. 6. Theoph. ad Autol. lib. 2. p.
as the expression of need, desire, Lucian. Scyth. 7.
a) pp. 95, i.
etc. supplication, petition, sc. for one's
f. i<, to
self, Luke i. 13. Phil. iv. 6. Heb. v. 7. , (foly/ia,)
Pet. So Job make an example of,expose, sc. to
1 iii. 12. Sept. for n^S
xxvii. 19. Ps. xxxix. 18. xl. 2. shame, i.
q. 7rapafliy/iarto>, absol. Col.
1 K.
28, 30. Baruch iv. 13.
11. 15. supply iavrov and
n$nn show forth one's self,\. e. set
In behalf of others, Phil. i. 19. James translate, to
an example. Not found in classic au-
v. 16. seq. vTrlp Rom. x. 1. 2 Cor. i. 11.
ix. 14. Phil. i. 4. 1 Tim. ii. 1. seq. Trepi
b) genr. spoken of any prayer, Luke former the purer Attic form, Buttm.
ii. 27. v. 33. vi. 18.
14.] Eph.
[Acts 106. n. 5 ; the latter occurs Matt. xvi.
Phil. i. Trm. v. 5.
4. 2 Tim. i. 3.
1 21. John ii. 18. Rev. xxii. 8. also
Sept. for n^pn 1 K. viii. 45. 2 Chr. vi. Hesiod. "Eyp. 421, 472. Ceb. Tab. 4.
40. 1 Mace. vii. 37. Herodiau. 8. 4. 25.
to show, trans, viz.
Dem. 53. 2. to point out, to cause to see, to pre-
Ac7j imperf. ten, infin. Silv, imper- sent to the sight ; Matt. iv. 8 and Luke
sonal, pp. itneeds, there is need of, sc. iv. 5 Traaag TUQ fiaaiXtiag TOV <co<r/iov.
x. 28. 1 Cor. xii. 31. So Sept. for Potter's Gr. Ant. II. p. 352
sq. 381
] Sam. xii. 23. TE& Deut. iv. 5. Is. Comp. in'Apiorov. As figurative of the
xlviii. 17. Xen. Mem. 1. 2. 17, 18. Messiah's kingdom, Rev. xix. 9, 17. See
in rd/tog a.
AttXt'a, ac, >?> (^X6c,) timidity, 2
Tim. i. 7 irvtv^a SeiXias, a spirit of b) spoken of the paschal supper, John
xiii. 2, 4. xxi. 20. of the Lord's supper,
timidity, i.
q. TTV. det\6v. Sept. for nTTN
1 Cor. xi. 20 ; comp. in 'AydTr?? 2.
Ps. Iv. 4. nnrra Ps. Ixxxix. 41. 1 Mace.
c), sc. taken at supper, 1
iv. ,32. Herodian. 2. 1. 22.
Cor. xi. 21. So Sept. for 33ng) Dan. i.
, w, f. a<ru, to ie 16.
timid, to be afraid, absol. John xiv. 27.
nn3 fr. nOH n', ovoe, 6, 17, adj.
Sept. for Is. xiii. 7.
Deut. i. 21. "josh. x. 25. 2 Mace, xv' ) fearing the gods, i. e. in
a good sense, religiously disposed, Xen.
8. Classic writers prefer
see Passow. Cyr. 3.3. 58. Ag. 11.8. in a bad sense,
superstitious,Diod. Sic. 1. 62. Theophr.
Char. 22 or 16. In n N. T. in the first
AXdc, rj, ov, (SiiSu,} timid, fearful,
Matt. viii. 26. Mark iv. 40. Rev. xxi. sense, religiously disposed, spoken of the
8. Sept. for TinT Judg. vii. 3. 7p Deut. Athenians, Acts xvii. 22 flei<nai/jwvEOTs-
xx. 8. Ecclus. xxxvii. 11. Jos. Ant. pot/f sc. 77 dXXowf, more than others ;
6. 11. 4. Dem. 405. 18. see Winer 36. 3, and n. 3. Matth.
457. Comp. Pausan. Attic, c. 24 'AS?j-
, o, /, ro, gen. Siivoc, dat. folvi,
VdiOlQ TTtptOffOTtpOV Tl T) TOIQ CL\\Oig tff
ace. tit some one, such an one ; spoken
~tva, rd Seld lort ffirovdrjg. Hesych.
of a person or thing, whom one does not
/'twv 6 fvff(3rjg icai daXoff
know, or does not wish to name, Matt.
xxvi. 18. Buttm. 73. Herm. ad Vig.
p. 21, 704.
pp. fear of the gods,
i. religiousness,
Aetvwc, ad y (vof), -
greatly, vehe- Diod. Sic. 1.Polyb. 6. 56. 7. su-
mently, Matt. viii. 6. Luke xi. 53. Wisd. Char. 22 or 16 In
perstition, Theophr.
xvii. 3. Jos.Ant. 3. 1. 1. Xen.H.G.6. N. T. in the first sense, religiousness, i.e.
2.25. "Acts xxv. 19. Jos. Ant. 10. 3.
u 2.
f- to
e'u, w, *l >
sup, intrans. Luke xvii. 8. Sept. for on? Alfca, ot, ten, Matt. xx. 24.
al, TCI,
Prov. xxiii. 1. Tob. viii. 1. Xen. Mem. Mark x. 41. al.Often put for any spe-
2. 7. 12. Spoken of the paschal supper, cific number, Matt. xxv. 1, 28. Luke
Luke xxii. 20.Cor. xi. 25. Jos. Ant.
1 xv. 8. xix. 13, 17, al. So Sept. and
2. 14. 6 __ In the sense of to eat, to ban- Am. v. 3. Rev. ii. 10 SXtyij;
for a short
quet, as figurative of the
Messiah's king- n^v Mica, of tenanddays, i. e.
dom, Rev.
Act. Thorn. 5.
iii. 20. See in Ta/ioc a. time.
So Sept.
Sam. xxv. 38. AL.
n^ Dan. i. 12.
311 ; in Attic wri- 11. So Sept. for nitoV tPnirf Ex. xxviii.
fast, II. 8. 53. Od. 9. ChV'xv. 10. The more
21. -itoy tr:U5 1
ters and in N. T. dinner or supper, viz.
the Jews, and usual form IB SAfaa, Buttm. 70.
a) pp. the chief meal of
also of the Greeks and Romans, taken xi. 18. Acts
teKairivrt, fifteen, John
at or towards evening, and often pro- xxvii. 28. Gal. i. 18. Sept. for in
longed into the night hence genr. ;
mfty Gen. vii. 20. The more usual
evening banquet, or a feast
in general 70.
fornTis TrevrticaiStKa, Buttm.
Matt, xxiii. 6. Mark vi. 21 . xii. 39. Luke
xiv. 12, 16, 17, 24. xx. 46. John xii. 2.
the ten cities, a region so
So Sept. for Chald. onfe Dan. v. 1. Decapolis, i. e.
Jos. Ant. 1. 18. 6. Horn. Od. 17. 176. called embracing ten cities, all except-
Xen. Mem. 1. 3. 6. ib. 3. 14. 1. See ing Scythopolis lying in the country
east of the Jordan. Pliny and Ptolemy bait, to entrap, pp. Xen. Mem. 2. 1. 4
agree as to eight, viz. Scythopolis, Hip- In N.T. metaph. to entice, to beguile, trans.
pos, Gadara, Dion, Pella, Gerasa, Phila- James i. 14. 2 Pet. ii. 14, 18. Philo
delphia, Canatha; to these Pliny adds de Agric. p. 202, 8 fiff irpbc rjdovfjf StXta-
Damascus and Raphana but Ptolemy ;
ffSiv e'iXicvffTai. Jos. Ant. 8. 8. 4. Hero-
with more probability Capitolias ; and dian. 1. 12. 11.
1. e. Me
rfe4*, in
general, e. g. 1 K teb&v, f
%' ** mws * **&, e. g. from the
on the right, Matt, xxvii. 38. Mark Clrcumstan ces or nature of the
xv. case, 1
27. Lukexxiii.33. et { 6 -- Herodian. 1.
' '
Matt. xxv. 33, 34! 5. 22. Or 'in
Luke 11. \v accordan ce with what is
rote fc&oTc Mark xvi. 5. right and pro-
Sept. for -pa? Gen. xlviii. 13. Ex. xiv. per> *ff*** Acts xix 36. T & diovra 1 Tim. -
perf. 3 pers. Ion. ISiero, Luke viii. 38. Zech. 4 Jos. Ant.
xiii. 9. 2. 1. Strabo
so Job Xen. H. G. 6. 1.6;
xix. 16.
16. p. 1124. C.
comp. Buttm. 114 sub Siu. Lob. ad
Phryn. p. 220. to need, to want, Jos. A tow, f.
fopw, aor. 1
tdeipa, aor. 2
Ant. 5. 8. 3. Xen. Cyr. 1. 4. 1. In N. pass, pass, ^ap^o-o/^at, to
iddprjv, f. 2
T. to make known one's need* i. e. to to flay,
ask, skin, Sept. for irp'Drr 2 Chr.
to beseech, to xxix. 34. Horn. II. 1. 459. in N. T. to
pray, etc.
a) genr. absol. Rom. i. 10 foofitvoc, beat, to scourge, pp. so as to take off the
making request. 2 Cor. v. 20. Herodot. skin ; seq. accus. Matt. xxi. 35. Mark
5. 30
Seq. gen. of pers. pp. teopai xii. 3, 5. Luke xx. 10, 11. Acts xvi. 37.
TIVOS Kara n, see Buttm. 132. 5. 2. xxii. 19. John xviii. 23 ri fit depeiz ; i. q.
Matt. 38 et Luke x. 2.
ix. Lukev. 12. trance pdirifffia in ver. 22. 2 Cor. xi. 20
viii. 28, 38. ix. 38,40. Acts viii. 34
ieopai eif Trpoffwirov Stpti, i. e. treats with con-
<rov, I pray thee, xxi. 39.
xxvi. 3. Gal. iv. tumely. With accus. impl. Luke xxii.
12. Sept. for pnnrr Dent. Hi. 23. 2 K. i. 63. Acts v. 40. Aquila for eab Prov.
13. Prov. xxvi. 25. Jos. Ant. 2. 13. 5. x. 8. Aristoph. Ran. 619. [632.] Diog.
Xen. Cyr. 1.5. Seq. accus. of thing,
4. Laert. 7. 23. Pass. SaprjcrecrSe, Mark
or infin. for accus. 2 Cor. viii. 4. x. 2. xiii. 9. c. c. accus. of manner, TroXXag v.
Act. Thorn. 50 TOVTO tfeo/ueS-a (rov. oXiyag, sc. TrXjjyaQ, Luke xii. 47, 48;
b) spoken of prayer to God in gen- comp. Buttm. 131. 4. 134. 7, and
eral, eo/i. TOV Stov, Acts viii. 22. x. 2. n. 2 so Xen. Anab. 5. 8. 12 TOVTO \t\v
rt>v Kvpiov, Acts viii. 24. absol. Luke av'cKpayov iravrtQ o>c 6\t'ya
m Atupo
Dem. 403. 4. Arrian. Exp. Alex. 0. 11. xxxix. 5. Ps. ii. 3. Jer. xxvii. 1.
13. For depa dipiiv, 1 Cor. ix. 26,
see Plato Grit. 6 -- (/3) rd e<r/id in Luke's
in 'Arjp. writings, Luke viii. 29. Acts xvi. 26. xx.
23. xxii. 30. xxiii. 29. xxvi.29,31. 3
f. tixno, to bind,
Aco-jUEUCU, (titapoc,") Mace. vi. 27. Lucian. D. Deor. 15. 3.
Plato Euthyphr. 10 --
Mceris p. 127,
as a prisoner, with cords, chains,
a) d, ovStrkpuc, 'Arrtjcwc- foer/zot, apatvi-
etc. Acts xxii. 4. Sept. for 1D.N Judg.
wc. Thorn. Mag. p. 204.
xvi. 11. Xen. Hiero 6. 14.
Af<TjLlW, W, f- i, (fo*/iOf,)
tO A(TjUfe)TT7/tMOV, tOU, TO,
676. 23.
ov, o, a
a bundle, sheaf, <r/*w,)
A(TJUTJ, TJC, n, (^,) prisoner, Acts xxvii. 1, 42. i. q. Stafiioc in
Matt. xiii. 30. Sept. for rn!!X Ex. xii.
22. Dion. Hal. Ant. 3. 61 J"
xxviii. 16. Sept. for TDK Gen. xxxix.
20. Jos. Ant. 2. 5. 1. Herodot. 3. 143.
evayytXiov, in bonds for the gospel's sake. 22. So Sept. and \O3 2 Sam. xiii. 11.
Heb. xi. 36. [x.
Jude 6. Sept.
for TrDN. Judg. xv. 14. npifc Job
fut. indie.
ix. 10, 12.
Acts vii.
2 K. v. 5 __ With
34 teal vvv
AfcDr 175
Aico(TTf\u> at tig A'>. Rev. xvii. 1. xxi. 9. ihe first of the seven, but the second in
So Sept. and "$ I Sam. xvi. 1. Judg. respect to the first day or sabbath of
xix. 11, 13 __ Horn. II. 23. 485. Luc. unleavened bread. So Scaliger and
Vitar. Auct. 15. most interpreters __ Others translate, the
b) of time, apx 1 T v Stvpo, sc. \povov f of two sabbaths, and refer it to a time
unto this time, Rom. i. 13 So pixp 1 when two sabbatical days woiild imme-
fevpo Jos. Ant. 7. 9. 5. Plut. Vit. Pomp. diately succeed each other ; e. g. when
24. the first or last day of unleavened bread
Buttm. (Lev. xxiii. 7, 8) fell on the day before
Aturc, adv. pp. Sevp' Ire,
the weekly sabbath, the former would
115. n. 8, used as plur. of tievpo q. v.
here! i. e come! come hither! spoken
then be a aafifiarov fourtpoTrpwrov. So
to several e. g. Zivrt els, come Matt. Olshausen in loc.
; to,
xxii. 4. Mark vi. 31. Stvre irpoQ, come , n, ov 9 ord. adj. second,
Matt. xi. 28. StvTt 6viota pov, come e.
g. in number, Matt. xxii. 26. John iv.
after, follow me, Matt. iv. 19.
Mark i. 54. Tit. iii. 10. in order, Matt. xxii. 39.
17. So Sept. for >nnK 13*> 2 K. vi. 19. Acts xiii. 33. 1 Cor. xv. 47, comp. in
With an imper. e. g. Stvre, inroKTti- 'ASap. Rev. iv. 7. in place Acts xii. 10.
vufjiev avrov, Matt. xxi. 38. Mark xii. 7. Heb. ix. 3. in time, Acts vii. 13 iv r<
Luke xx. 14. So Sept. and 1D*> Gen. Sevriptf) sc. XP^ V V- Neut. adverbially
xxxvii. 19. So SIVTI tfore Matt, xxviii. 6. ro StiiTtpov, the second time, again,
John iv. 29. Sept. and ia*> 2 K. vii. 14. 2 Cor. Jude 5. Sept. for rnti
xiii. 2.
Pg. Ixvi. 5. Also Matt. xx'v. 34. John Gen. Lev. xiii. 5.
xii. 5. JEsop. Fab. 5.
xxi. 12. Rev. xix. 17 __ Wisd. ii. 6. So without the art. devrtpov, either
the second time, again, John iii. 4. Rev.
cua, atov, (Sfvre-
an adj. marking succession of xix. 3. and with TrdXiv, John xxi. 16. or
1 Cor. xii. 28. Sept. for rrJltf
days, and used only in an adverbial secondly,
Gen. xxii. 15. Jer. xxxiii. 1. Xen. An.
sense, on the second day Acts xxviii. 13
lamb was to be killed and eaten on the sented or brought by another, to receive,
eve of (preceding) the 14th day of trans.
Nisan, Lev. xxiii. 5 on the 15th was a ) PP- f things, etc. to take, to
; (a)
the first day of the festival of unleav- receive, sc. into one's hands, etc. Luke
ened bread, a day of rest or sabbath, ii. 28 idiZaro avrb eig rag ayKaXag avrov,
Lev. xxiii. 6, 7, and, when coinciding i. e. from his parents, xvi. 6, 7, i$ai
with the weekly sabbath, called ^tydX?/ (TOVTO ypa/i/ia, take thy note, sc. back
i7/pa TOV (ra/3/3arov, a great sabbath or from me. xxii. 17 dtZapivoe irorijpiov,
vi. 17.
high festival, John xix. 31 on the mor- ;
sc. from an attendant. Eph.
row of this sabbath, or the 16th of Ni- xxix. 16, 22 Horn.
Sept. for^ij? 2 Chr.
san, the sheaf of the first-fruits was to II. 5. 227 paaTiya ical nvia. (/3) genr.
be presented, Lev. xxiii. 10, 11 and from ;
to receive, to accept, e. g. 7rt<7ro\ae Acts
this day, the 16th, were to be counted xxii. 5. xxviii. 21. \apiv, i. e. the col-
seven full weeks to the day of Pente- 2 Cor. viii. 4. TCL Trap vpuiv
Sept, for np^ Gea.
cost, Lev. xxiii. 15, 16. The sabbath of Phil. iv. 18.
10. Ex. xxix. 25. xxxii. 4.--1 Mace.
the first of these weeks was probably xv.
the <raj3/3arov SevTepoirpwrov, being 20,27. Plut. Them. 28. Xen. Cvr. 1. 4
Alw 176
So of what is received by the ear, to hear coll. Is. xxii. 22. Rev. iii. 7 and ;
of, to learn, as TO tvayylXiov 2 Cor. xi.4. according as they shut or open the door
Herodian. 1.4. 20 ayyeXi'av. to any one on earth, so shall it be also
of persons, etc. to receive, to admit,
in heaven, i. e. whomsoever they ex-
viz. of persons, to receive kindly, to clude or admit on earth, he shall as a
welcome, as a teacher, friend, guest, etc. general rule be excluded or admitted in
e. g. e rbv OIKOV Luke xvi. 4, 9. heaven. The allusion here is to the
Arrian. Diss. Ep. 3. 26 slg oiidav. Xen. ancient manner of binding together the
An. 5. 5. 20. So genr. Matt. x. 14, 40 doors of houses with a chain, etc. to
quater, 41 bis. xviii. 6 bis. Markvi. 11. which a padlock was sometimes sus-
ix. 37 quater. Luke ix. 5, 48 quater, 53. pended comp. Adam's Rom. Ant. p.
x. 8, 10. John iv. 45. Acts xxi.17 a<r- 521. Others here translate, to interdict,
p,ev(i>e lSt%avTO i;/iag. 2 Cor. vii. 15. Gal. to prohibit, i. e. to exclude, like Chald.
iv. 14. Col. iv. 10. Heb. xi. 31. Hero- Dan. vi. 8, 9, 14, 16.
dian. 7. 4. 5. Xen. Cyr. 4. 8. 23. ib. 5.
b) of persons, to bind, sc. the hands,
6. 2. So of being received into heaven, feet, etc. to put in bonds, i.e. to deprive,
Acts vii. 59. So Acts iii. 21 ov Sti ou- of liberty ;
e. g. dXtxreo-t, Mark v. 3, 4.
pavbv deatT$ai. In the sense of to admit, Acts xii. 6. xxi. 33 Wisd. xvii. 18.
sc. to one's presence, to the house where comp. Sept. 2 Chr. xxxvi. 6. c. c. tv nvi
one is, etc. TOVQ ox\ovg, Luke ix. 11. Sept. Judg. xvi. 7, 8. Xen. An. 4. 3. 8.
Hence by impl. to bear with, 2 Cor. xi. So genr. fllw nvd, Matt. xii. 29. xiv.
16 as atypova ci^acS'i pe __ (j3) Metaph. 3. xxii. 13 SrjvavTeg avrov irodag. xxvii.
of things, to receive, to admit, sc. with 2. Mark iii. 27. vi. 17 tdrjaev avrbv Iv
the mind and heart, i. e. by impl. to ap- 0uXacy, i. e. had cast him bound into
prove, to embrace, to follow, absol. Matt. prison, xv. 1. John xviii. 12. Acts ix.
xi. 14, TOV Xoyov, Luke viii. 13. Acts 14. xxi. 11 bis. xxii. 29. Rev. xx. 2.
viii. 14. xi. 1. xvii. 11. 1 Thess. i. Pass. Ssofiai, to be bound, to be in bonds, in
6. ii. 13. James i. 21. TO. TOV TrvtvfiaTOQ. prison, etc. Mark xv. 7. John xviii. 24.
1 Cor. ii. 14. irapaK\r]env 2 Cor. viii. Acts ix. 2, 21. xxi. 13. xxii. 5. xxiv. 27.
17. dydirnv rrjs aXj/Sa'ag, 2 Thess.
TI}V Col. iv. 3. Rev. ix. 14. Sept. for -i&>j
ii. 10. So Sept. for nj?^ Prov. x. 9. Gen. xlii.2 Sam. iii. 34. 2 K. xviii
Zeph. iii. 7. Jos. Ant. i. 13. 14. Plut. 4. Pass, for TC)K Is. xlii. 7 Xen. Cyr.
Them. 12. Thuc. 4. 16. 1. 4. 13. Mem. 1. 2. 49 Trop. Luke
xiii. 16 rjv tdrjaav 6 ffaravag, whom Satan
I. Atw, to want, see AI and hath bound, i. e. deprived of the use of
II. AEQJ, f. enow, aor. 1 tSrjffa, perf. her limbs, etc. see ver. 11 Satan being ;
StSeica, perf. pass. Stctfjiai, comp. Buttm. here represented as the author of physi-
95. n. 4
to bind, trans. cal evil, see in Aaipoviov. 2 Tim. ii.
a) of things, etc. to bind together or to 9, aXX' o Xoyo TOV f.ov ov SidtTai, i. e.
any thing, to bind around, to fasten. the preaching of the word is not
Matt. xiii. 30 crjffaTS avra tig ctcrpac. hindered, restrained, because I am in
Acts x. 11. Matt. xxi. 2 ovov dtdtfitvtjv. bonds.
Mark xi. 2, 4. Luke xix. 30. Sept. for e) perf. pass. i$ep,ai, to be bound,
Tig'p Josh. ii. xxi. trton Judg. xv. 4. metaph. (a) spoken
of the conjugal
Xen. An. 3. 5. 10.' ib. 5. 8. 24. bond, seq. dat. to be bound to any one,
Spoken of dead bodies which are bound Rom. vii. 2. 1 Cor. vii. 27, 39. Jam-
or wound around with grave-clothes ;
blich. Vit. Pythag. 11. 56 KaXtvat TJV
John xi. 44 diStfj-ivoQ 'TOVQ TroSctQ KeioLaig. dya/iov, Kopqv. rr\v e
Trpog dvdna
xix. 40 tSrjaav aurb iv bSrovioic. Here SedtntvTjv, vvpfpnv (/3)Acts xx. 22 fc-
belong also Matt. xvi. 19 bis, and xviii. Sffifvog T(fi Trvti'/xari,
bound in spirit, i. e.
18 bis, b lav offffyQ tiri TiJQ y/7j tercet f- impelled in mind, compelled ; comp
A7/ 177 A)J7TOT
and accus. See Passow's Lex. Winer Markii. 1 Si' ^tpwv sc. nvuv. See Winer
Gr. 51. i. 53. c. Tittmann in Bibl. 51. p. 326.
i. So Sept. for y>p
Repos. 1. p. 170 sq. Deut. ix. 11. xv. 1. Diod. Sic. 5. 28.
I. With the genitive, through, etc. Herodot. 1. 62. Xen. Cyr. 1. 4. 28 Sid
1. Of place, implying motion through 3 Of the instrument or intermediate
a place, and put after verbs of motion, cause ; that which intervenes between
e. g. of going, coming, etc. as dvaxu- the act of the will and the effect, and
ptiv, Matt. ii. 12
Si aXXr/c bSov dvi^-
through which the effect proceeds ;
pvaav. So with Siafiaivtiv, Heb. xi. through, by, by means of, etc. see Winer
29. SicnroptvtaSai, Luke vi. 1. Sup- 61, i.
X<r3at, Matt. xii. 43. xix.24. eiVepx- vii. a)
of things, through, by, by means of,
13 bis. John x. 1.9. iKiroptveoSai Matt. etc. Mark xvi. 20r6vXoyov/3/3atouvroe^td
iv. 4. tpxwSai Mark x. 1. vapa- ffimiiwv. John xi. 4. xvii. 20. Acts iii. 18,21,
Mark ii. 23. ix. 30. TTCC- a TrpoKarj/yyEtXt #ia arofiaTOf rSiv Trpo^rj-
Matt. viii. 28. vTroarpifuv Acts T&V. V. 12 Sid TU>V X fl f>& V T & V aTTOOTO-
xx. 3. Diod. Sic. 20. 111. Xen. Hiero Xwv kyivtro ffijp.tla. viii.
18. x. 43 Sid TOV
2. 8. So Si Vfi&v a7rjO%6o 3'ai
2. Of time, viz. a)
continued time, 2 Cor. x. 1.
time how long, through, throughout, b)
of persons through whose hands
during ; Acts i. 3 Si ijfifoStv Ttaaaod- any thing as it were passes, through or
KOVTU, during forty days. Heb. ii. 15 Sid. by whose agency,ministry, etc. an effect
travTog TOV yr, during their whole life. takes place or is produced, the efficient
So Sid iravToe or SiairavTbQ adverbially, cause ; Matt. i. 22 TO prjStv VTTO TOV Kvpiov
see in AictTrayroe. Xen. Mem. 1. 2. 61 Sid TOV irpofriTov. ii. 5, 15, 23. Luke xviii.
Sid iravToq TOV jSiov. Cyr. 2. 1. 19. 31. John i. 17. Acts ii. 22 ornitia 9. iiroi-
Luke v. 5 Si oXns Trjg VVKTOG, during the t)<T 6 Sibe Si' avTov. ii. 43. iv. 16. xii. 9.
whole night, i. e. all night. Acts xxiii. Rom. ii. 16. v. 5. 1 Cor. ii. 10. viii. 6.
31 Charit. 1. 5. Xen. An. 4. 6. 22. Heb. i,
2, 3. So Rom.1 Cor. i. 5. v. 1.
Polyb. 37. 3. 3 ha r/julpae. Spoken of xi. 12 6 dv)p Sid Tfje yvvaiKog. Gal. i.
time when, i. e. of an indefinite time, 1. 2 Tim. ii. 2. Heb. ii. 2. vii. 9. So
during a longer interval, viz. Sid rfc through the fault of, etc. Matt, xviii. 7.
during the night, i. e. at some xxvi. 24. Rom. v. 12, 16, 19. 1 Cor. xv
179 At*
vfiaf Std TOV Kvpiov K. r. X. 1 Thess. iv. 2. i. e. believers \vho are not circum-
2 Thess. iii. 12. cised. 1 Cor. xiv. 19 Xoyoue did vo6e
of the mode, manner, state, cir-
4. /zov Fovragl \a\ijffai. 2 Cor. ii. 4 Sid
cumstances, through which any thing TroXXwv SaKpvwv ypai//a, i. e. weeping.
as it were passes, i. e. takes place, is iii. 11 Sid TTJQ S6%r)g i.
q. Stdo,a-
produced, etc. fffievov. v. 10. vi. 7 bis. Phil. i. 20 tire
of manner, where Sid with its gen. ia
ZWTJG fire Sid SavaTov, i. e. whether
forms a periphrase for the correspond- 1 live or die. 2 Thess. ii. 2 iTriaroXr) wg
ing adverb. Luke viii. 4 dire Sid ?rapa- Si -iijiSiv [ou<ra],
i. e. w v/ierlpa. 2 Pet.
Po\rjg, through a parable, i. e. by
lit. i. 3 TOV
KaKiaavTOQ ;/zag Sid S6%1] Kal
means with a parable, irapa(BoXiKwg.
of, aptrrig,through glory and virtue, i. e. the
Acts xv. 27 lid Xoyov, by word, i. e. highest S6%t] and dperr] of God being
orally. Rom. viii. 25 et Heb. xii. 1. Si' thus conspicuously exhibited Symn;.
vTro/idvTjc, through or with patience, i. e. Ps. Iv. 12 6 Sid [jiiaovg pot, where Sept.
patiently. Rom. xiv. 20 Sid Trpoo-Ko/i/za- 6 Jos. Ant. 4. 6. 2 Si evvoiag
on occasion of, because of. Rom. xiv. ceives through, by means of, those miracles.
14 oi'Sfv KOIVOV Qtoriv] Si avrov, through _Diod. Sic. 1. 4. ib. 3. 8. Xen. Mem.
So Heb. 12 Sid TOV
itself, i. e. in and of its own nature. 2 7 1. also v.
xpovov, through the time spent, i. e. the in the sense of for the sake of, in
time spent should have made you behalf of, etc. as marking the purpose or
already teachers. 2 Pet. iii. 12 TOW Siov object of an action, etc. Matt. xiv. 3. et
rin^a Si r\v K. r. X. the day of God, Mark vi. 17 &a 'HpuSidSa TTJV yvvaiKa
through, in consequence of which the ^iXiTTTTOw. xxiv. 22 ia rovf tK\eKTovQt
dyd7T7;v. Phil. i. 15 Diod. Sic. 1. 8. vii. 43. x. 19. Rom. ii. 4 TO ovo/ta TOV
Sid <j>6(3ov. Xen. Lac. 4. 6 did ri\v tpiv. Sreov Si v/iaf /3Xa(T07/uIrai iv roTg tSr-
2. Of
the ground or motive, the vfffi. xv. 15 Sid TYJV %dpiv TYJV So3rtl<rav
moving or impelling cause of any thing, p,oi, i. e. because of, by virtue of. 2 Pet.
on account of, because of, propter, etc. ii. 2. Xen. Cyr. 7. 3. 10 Si kpk.
a) genr.
Matt. x. 22 niaovfitv 01 Sia 3. Of the manner or state through, or
TO ovofid fjiov. xiii. 21 SXTi//< f; Siwy^bg during which any thing takes place ;
Siu rbv Xdyov. xiii. 58. Mark ii. 4 Sid comp. I. 4, above. Gal. iv. 13 oiSaTc
TOV oxXov. Luke viii. 47. John iv. 39, 41. Sk, OTI Si aaSkvtiav Tije (rap/cos; tvrjy-
xii. 11. Acts xxii. 24. xxviii. 2. al. sse- ycXio-d/iTjv through infirmity, i. e.
piss Sept.Deut. xv. 10. Gen. xliii. 18 during bodily weakness. This sense of
Diod. Sic. 1. 7. Xen. An. 1. 9. 22 Sid Sid is rare with the accus. and comes
xi. 8. xxiii. 8 Sid TO O.KOVHV TroXXd. Acts fji&va. See Winer Comm. in Gal. 1. c.
xviii. 3 Sid TO 6/i6r%vov tlvai. Mark v. 4. NOTE. In composition Sid mostly
Sid TO avrbv TToXXdKie StdeaSai. Acts iv. retains its signification, and refers: 1. to
2. al. saep. Sept. Deut. i. 36. Diod. space and time, through, throughout,
Xen. Cyr. 5. 5. 34. Hiero 1.
Sic. 2. 16. implying transition, continuance, etc.
37 Also in phrases, e. g. Sid TI ; on as SiafSaivw, SicnrXtw, Siayivo/Jiai, Sidyoj j
what account ? wherefore ? why ? Matt, also trop. through, to the end, marking
ix. 11. Luke v. 30, 33. John xiii. 37. completeness, and thus becoming in-
written also Siari, Matt. xiii. 10. xv. 2. tensive, as SiafiXeTTti), SiayivuMTKO). 2. to
Mark ii. 18. vii. 5. Luke xix.23. Johnvii. distribution, diffusion, etc. throughout,
45. Acts v. 3. al. Sept. for jnip
" Ex. among, every where, as foayyiXXw. 3. to
ii. 18. m T
Num. xi. 11. mutual or alternate effects or endea-
Deut. xxix. 23. Xen. Mem. 3. 11. 17 vours, through, between, among, sc. one
So oicc TOVTO, on this account, for another, to and fro, as StaKpivopai,
thi* cause or reason, therefore ; Matt. vi. ciapaxonai. 4. to separation, i. q. Lat.
25. Mark vi. 14. Acts ii. 26. Rom. i. dis, in two, in pieces, apart, etc. Buttm.
26. 2 Cor. iv. 1. Rev. xviii. 8. al. saep. 147. n. 9 as Siaipew, SiaXvu, Siapprf
Sept. for -pN Is. xlix. 4. p^ Mic. iii. 12. yrvfii. Comp. Tittm. in Bibl. Repos
Paljeph! 33. Xen. An! 1. 7. 3. So III. p. 50. AL.
ta TOVTO seq. on, on this account
John v. 16. viii. 47. inverted to pass
John xv. 19. through or over, seq. ace. of thing, e. g.
Ti}v SaXatrtrav Heb. xi. 29. So Sept. 5,8,11. xiii. 39. xxv. 41. Luke iv. 2, 3,
and "in^Gen. xxxi. 21. I Sam. xiii. 7. 5, 6, 13. viii. 12. John xiii. Acts x. 38.
Jos. Ant. 7. 9. 7 rov 'lopSdvijv. Xen. An. Eph. i4. 27. vi. 11.1 Tim. iii. 6, 7. 2 Tim!
1. 2. 6 __ Seq. tig, Acts xvi. 9 __ Xen. An. ii. 26. Heb. ii. 14. James iv. 7. 1 Pet.
7. 2. 9. Seq. Trpog c. ace. Luc. 16. 26. v. 8. Jude 9. Rev. ii. 10. xii. xx. 9, 12.
Atayc, Luke xi. 8, see in rl I. a.
, ou, o, >}, (ota-
a calumniator, slanderer, Amytvojucu, aor. 2 Sitytvofjujv, to be
/3aXXa> q. v.)
throughout, i. e. to be always, 2 Mace.
accuser, viz.
1 Tim. iii. 11. 2 Tim. 3.
xi. 26. Xen. Mem. 2. 8. 5. In N. T.
a) genr. iii.
Acts xxv. 21. Wisd. iii. 18. Jos. Ant. trans, or absol. Luke xi. 22. xviii. 22.
15. 3. 8. Diod. Sic. 1. 60. John vi. 11. Acts iv. 35. Xen. Cyr. 1
3. 6 bis. 1. 4. 10 bis, 11.
f. vou, (Sta, yoyyvw
which see,) to murmur throughout, i. e. oi>
to keep sc. with the idea of a
murmuring, successor, sc. in office, Acts xxiv. 27.
complaint, to express sullen discontent, Ecclus. xlvi. 1. Jos. Ant. 1. 13. 3.
absol. Luke xv. 2. xix. 7. Sept. yi!? ^ Xen. An. 7. 2. 5.
Ex. xv. 24. xvi. 2, 8. Ecclus. xxxiv.
24. Heliodor. 7. 27. or &awvvwa>, flit.
succession, trans. Rev. xvii. 13 in text. teal al TrXdicf e rijs 8. i. e. the ark which
Tec. rf]V iZovaiav avrutv r< Srrjpiy SiaSdj- was the symbol of God's presence un-
aovffiv. Others Sidoamv __Tnuc. 1. 76 der the Mosaic covenant, and the tables
apx*} v Tf -
^t^^o/tvjv iStZaniSa.' Comp. of the law which the people had cove-
in Ata^l\;ojuai. nanted to obey. Rev. xi. 19, comp.
2. to deal
out, to divide out, to distribute, Heb. viii. 5. So Sept. and rr"i2J Num.
p. 220. Spoken of the servants or at- 29 (J.TI diaicpivuv TO ff&fjia TOV Kvpiov, 66.
tendants of a king, Matt. xxii. 13. So from common food. Mid, James ii. 4
to contend or strive with, to
dispute Trpos d\Xr)\ov, Mark ix. 34, coll. ver. 33.
with, seq. dat. Jude 9. seq. Trpog c. ace. Sept. for roi: Is. i. 18. seq. Trpog for
Acts xi. 2. Sept. seq. dat. for -p-pa
3-n Judg. viii. 1.
Seq. dat. Xen. Mem.
Jer. xv. 10. seq. Trpof for Ez. xx". 1. 6. 11. seq. Trpdf ib. 1. 6. 1.
35. Luc. Pseudosoph. 5. Polyb. 22. 27. b) of
public teaching, etc. to discuss,
to discourse, to reason, to
1. to be in strife with one's
(/3) self, i. e. argue, intrans.
to doubt, to hesitate, to waver, Matt. xxi. and absol. Acts xviii. 4. xix. 8, 9. xx. 9.
21. Mark xi. 23. Rom. iv. 20. xiv. 23. xxiv. 25. seq. dat. Acts xvii. 2, 17. xviii.
James i. 6. ii. 4 /cat ov tiiaicpi&nTe iv 19. xx. 7. seq. irpog c. ace. Acts xxiv. 12.
eavrolg, without interrog. and if ye do Sept. for nai Is. Ixiii. 1. seq. irpos
this icithout hesitation; Ex. vi. 27. Ecclus. xiv. 20. Xen. H.
comp. inb. above.
So G. 2. 2. 11. Mem. 3. 3. 7. seq. dat. ib.
p.rjtv SiaKpivofitvoe, without hesita-
Anab. 2. 5. 41. Trop. of an exhorta-
tion, confidently, Acts x. 20. xi. 12.
James i. 6. Hesych. tion, etc. to address, to speak to, seq. dat.
Heb. xii. 5. Herodian. 1.5.2. Xen.
Mem. 4. 4. 4.
distinguishing, a discerning clearly, i. e. ,
^w, pp. to leave between,
spoken of the act or power, Heb. v. i. e. to leave an interval, sc. of space or
14 icaXov Kai KctKOL'. 1 Cor. xii. 10 r&v time ;
hence in N. T. to intermit, to de-
scrutinizingsof thoughts, i. e. not with 3. Sept. 'for Jnn Jer. xliv. 18 tiTTOn
Jer. xvii. 8. Jos/Ant. 8. 12. 3. Xen.
searching out and pronouncing judgment
on their opinions comp. ver. 5, 13. ; Apol. Soc. 16.
Others, doubts, scruples.
, ov, n, &o\!yopa* q. v.)
w, f- i, to hinder through-
i' speech, language, as articulated through
out, i. e. to impede or forbid utterly, or by the tongue, Aristot. H. An. 4. 9.
trans. Matt. iii. 146 ct '\wavvr]Q In N. T. language, sc. as spoken by a
Sept. for rQ1$q?2 Prov. xxi. 18. evil, Ps.
AmAAa<7<7ft> arruj, f. <>, (Sid, Ivi. 6. Is. lix. 7 In the sense of doubt,
to change between, i. e. to per-
aXXacro-w,) Luke xxiv. 38 Sta\oyi<rp.ol avafiaivovat,
mute, to change for another, to exchange, i. e. doubtful
thoughts, suspense.
2 Mace. vi. 27. Xen. H.G. 1.6. 4. Trop.
in the sense of dispute, debate, con-
to change in feeling towards any one, to tention, Luke ix. 46, coll. Mark ix. 33, 34.
reconcile, trans. Xen.H. G.
1. 6.7. Vect.
Phil. ii. 14 x w P' KCII dia-
6. 8. In N. T. only Mid. iaXXa<r<ro/m, XoyHTfjLuiv. Tim. ii. 8.
1 Ecclus. ix. 15.
aor. 1. pass. Sirj\\dx$nv with Mid. signif.
xxvii. 4. Plut. Mor. II. p.23. ed.Tauchn.
Buttm. 136. 2, to change one's own
feelings towards, i. e. to reconcile one's ,
f. vffu, to dissolve ; in N. T.
self, tobecome reconciled, c. dat. Matt. v. spoken of a collection of people, to dis-
24 Sia\\dyi]$i T<$ aStXQv <rov. So Sept. perse, to break up, Pass. Acts v. 36 __
for nS~inrT 1 Sam. xxix. 4 Esdr. iv. Jos. Ant. 4. 3. 1 TOV auXXoyov. Xen.
31. Jos". Ant. 16. 4. 4. Thuc. 8. 70. Cyr. 5. 5. 43 TJJV ffTpariav.
f. rechon,
iVo/zai, to tjf. ovfiai, depon. Mid.
count, Dem. 1236. 17. In N. T. trop. men, all beings, i. e. to affirm with solemn
to consider, to
reflect, to reason, to ponder, obtestations, Sept. Deut. iv. 26. Xen.
viz. H. G. 3. 2. 13. In N. T. to testify
a) genr.
e. g. iv TOIQ Kapdiaig, Mark ii. through and through, i. e. to bear full and
6, 8, where for ravrasee Buttm. 131. 7. complete witness, viz.
Luke iii. 15. v. 22. iv iavr<$ Luke xii. to admonish solemnly, to fharge ear-
17. iv kavToiQ Mark ii. 8. Trap' tavrolg nestly, to urge upon, seq. dat. Luke xvi.
Matt. xxi. 25. seq. on John xi. 50. seq. 28. absol. Acts ii. 40. 1 Thess. iv. 6.
iroTcnroc Luke i. 29. absol. Luke v. 21 . Strengthened by the adjunct ivwTriov TOV
Stow K. T. X. 1 Tim. v. 21. 2 Tim. ii.
Sept. c. accus. for niJIjn Ps. Ixxvii. 6.
cxix. 59. Xen. H. G.'is'. 4. 20. 14. iv. 1. Sept. for.T>J>rr Ex. xix. 21-
Ps. Ixxxi. 9. Fabr. Cod.' Pseudep. V.T.
b) in a mutual or reciprocal sense,
I. p. 632 TroXXa
to .consider together, to deliberate, to de- SiafiapTvpdnr]V avrolg TOV
bate ; seq. iv eavTo~i, Matt. xvi. 7, 8. /*>) TToiijoat. Polyb. 1. 37.4. Xen. Cyr.
ITOOQ d\\r}\ovQ Mark viii. 16. Trpbe iav-
7. 1. 17.
vided against, to be at discord with, etc. spoken of the first-born, Luke ii. 23.
Luke xi. 17, 18. xii. 53. Sept. and tDTTl la? Ex. xiii. 2. xxxiv. 19.
So Siav. TCLQ CLKOO.Q, to open the ears, i.e.
throughout, Jos. Ant. 9. 13. 9. Xen. Mem. to understand, receive, etc. Luke xxiv.
3. 4. 1. In N. T. trop. to divulge, to 45. Acts xvi. 14. 2 Mace. i. 4, comp.
spread abroad, sc. els TOV \aov, Pass. Themist. II. p. 29.
Sept. Hos. ii. 15.
Acts iv. 17. _ Hence, Siav. rag to open the
scriptures, i. e. to lay open the sense, to
Atavcuw, f. tixrio, to nod or wink re- Luke xxiv. 32. Acts
explain, to expound,
peatedly, i. e. to make signs with the xvii. 3. So TO? Ps. cxix. 130, Sept. ^
head, eyes, etc. Luke i. 22. Sept. for \6ywv.
V.J? "Hi?
Ps. xxxv. 19. Ecclus. xxvii.
22 liavtvdiv So ry % f 'P* An- f. *w<ra>, (Sia, VVK-
6(j>5a\[i<i>. vKTC/OEVW,
Gr. III. fr. to bring the night through,
thol. p. 47. ed. Jac. , i/v,)
to pass the whole night, intrans. Lukevi. absol. Luke xviii. 36. Rom. xv.24. Sept.
12 __ Sept. addit. Job ii. 9.
Jos. B. J. for ana Gen. xxiv. 62. iny Zeph. ii. 15.
2. 14. 7. Diod. Sic. 13. 62. BlEi Jb " 2 __ Seq. ace. &en. An. 2. 5.
18. absol. ib. 2. 2. 11.
f to bring
Amvuw, vff<jj, (Sid, dvv<i>,)
through to an end, i. e. to complete, to AfOTTOp to, to,
f. ^
finish, Acts xxi. 7 TOV 7r\oi>v. 2 Mace. q. v.) ^o Z>e throughout in perplexity, to be
xii. 7. Jos. Ant. 4. 6. 8 TOV fiiov. Xen. in much doubt, to hesitate greatly, intrans.
Cyr. 1. 4. 28 b86v.
Luke ix. 7. Acts ii. 12. x. 17. seq. 7Tp*
c. gen. Luke xxiv. 4. Acts v. 24.
AmTravroe, a^v. (i." q. Sid TTUVTOQ Jos. Ant. pro2m. 4. Diod. Sic. 2. 18.
the whole time, i. e. con-
Xioorou,) through V. H.
virip TIVOS Lilian. 4. 17.
tinually, always $ corap. in Aid I. 2. a.
Mark v. 5. Acts ii. 25. xxiv. 16. Rom. f.
xi. 10. 2 Thess. iii. -16. Heb. xiii. 15.
depon. to work through or out, to go
Spoken of what is done at all stated or through with, to examine closely, Plato
proper times, Luke xxiv. 53. Acts x. 2. Phaedon. 24. In N. T. to do or effect
Heb. ix. 6. Sept. for "paip Deut. xi. 12. in business, to accomplish by traffic, to
Ps. xxxiv. 2. cxix. 44. Xen. Cyr. 2. 4. gain by trade, intrans. Luke xix. 15.
3,4. So TrpaynaTtvTrjq, a business-man, mer-
^> 7ra " chant, Plut. de cupidit. Div. 4. de non
Am7ra/oarp*|3//, fjc> (^"*
fcener. 2. Hence Rabb. DIBIBttnD,
parpif3rjrubbing, contention,) vehement
dispute, wrangling, 1 Tim. vi. 5, in MSS. merchant, Buxtorf. Lex. Ch. Rab. Tal.
and later edit, less well for 7rapadiaTpi(3ri 1799.
'lopSdvrjv for 2 Sam. xix. 15. TTJV KapdiaiQ Acts vii. 54. absol. v. 33.
SaXaaaav Is. xxiii. 2 -- Polyb. 11. 18. 4. Hesych. dieirpiovTO' iSvfJiovvTO, trpi^ov
Xen. Yen. 9. 18. rovg odovrag.
VOQ, perverted, i. e. perverse, corrupt, ordinance, mandate, Heb. xi. 23. Sept:
vicious, Matt. xvii. 17. Luke ix. 41. Acts Ezra vii. 11. Wisd. xi.7. Plut. Marcell.
xx. 30. Phil. ii. 15. Comp. Buttm. ^ 113. 24 fin.
6. So Sept. for bn*?OD Deut. xxxii. 5.
or arrw, f. ?w, to stir
<Lw, f. Wai, to save through, up throughout, spoken of the mind, etc.
to disturb, to
i.e. to bring safely
through, sc. danger, agitate ; Pass. Luke i. 29.
sickness, etc. to preserve, trans, comp. Pol. 8. 16. 8. Xen. Mem. 4. 2. 40.
Tittm. in Bibl. Repos. III. p. 50. So
Amru(T(TOL> or aTTti), f. w, to ar-
1 Pet. iii. 20 cuawSnaav Si' vSarog,
range throughout, to dispose in order, as
were brought safely through the waters.
trees,Xen. CEc. 4. 21, 22 j or troops, 2
Acts xxvii. 43. xxviii. 1,4. Sept. for t^a
Mace. xii. 20. Xen. An. 1. 7. 1. In
Job xxix. 12. Dan. xi. 41. ytfhn Num. N. T. trop. to set fully in order, to ar-
x. 9. Deut. xx. 4. Jos. Ant. 1. 3. 2.
ib.6. 12. 13. Xen. Mem. 2. 10.2. H. G. range, to appoint, to ordain, trans, viz.
7. 2. 20 __ With the idea of motion, to a) genr. Gal. iii. 19 6 vofiog diara-^elg
dyylXwv, comp. in Aiarayrj a. Polyb.
bring safely through to any place or per- 2. 13. 3 ^opoi diarax$tvrt.
son Pass, to come to or reach safely ; Hesiod.
*Ep r 252..
a) pp.
Acts vii. 53 tXdptTt- rbv vofiov ei pointed, where the perf. pass, has the mid.
^tarayde dyysXwv, i. e. into or conform- signif. Comp. Buttm. 136. 3. Matth.
ably to the dispositions or arrangements 493. Winer 40. 3.
of angels comp. Gal. iii. 19 6 v6pos
, <5,
f. <rw, to bring
tfearayeig Si dyyeXwv, also Heb. ii. 2.
through to a full end, to finish fully, to
The plural form may refer to the fact of
complete, Xen. H. G. 7. 3. 4. spoken of
the giving of the law in portions and at
time, with rbv xpovov or the like, to
various times. For this use of tig,
bring through the whole time, to pass the
comp. Matt. xii. 41. Luke xi. 32. Xen. Mem. 1. 2. 6. Hence
time, etc.
See E< 3. e The O. T. makes no in N. T. absol. to continue throughout, to
mention of angels at the giving of the remain Acts xxvii. 33 dcnroi ^mrfXtT-f.
law, Ex. xx. 1, xix. 22 but the above ;
Comp. in Aidyw and Atarp//3w. Ml. V.
passages of the N. T. assume their in- H. 10. 6 ditTtXeae fitvroi O.VOGOQ. Xen.
strumentality, in accordance also with Mem. 1. 6. 2.
Jewish tradition so Sept. Deut. xxxiii. 2
, v , M ,,
Jos. Ant. 15. 5. 3 to have one's eye upon throughout, to
Itt^ JVT tt>K irfc-l?.
TO. iv rote; vo/totg Si dyykXtav
watch carefully, to keep with care, trans.
Soynara Trapa
row Stou /mSlvra. Com. Winer Gr. Polyb. 1.7. 7. ib. 7. 8. 4. Aristot. H.
53. a, ult. Olshauseu's Comm. in Acts An. 9. 7. In N. T. trop.
1. Also Winer 32. 4. b, ult.
c. to guard with care, to lay up, to re-
tain, sc. iv ry Luke ii. 51. So
b) in the sense of ordinance, institute, icapdiq,
Rom. xiii. 2 Sept. Ezra iv. 11. Sept. and "i?2ilj Gen. xxxvii. 1 1 . Ecclus.
xxviii. 5
arov, b) with taviov etc. to guard or keep
Atari 191
one's self wholly sc. from any thing, to to shine through, i. e. spoken of day-
abstain wholly, seq. IK, Acts xv. 29. light, to break forth, to dawn, intrans.
Comp. Sept. seq. /iij c. infin. for
}p 17212' 2 Pet. i. 19. Polyb. 3. 104. 5 /m r<
Is. Ivi. 2. Siavyd&iv.
Atart or ta rt', wherefore? see in Atauyj^e, eoc, ove, > >7? adj. (did,
Aid II. 2. a. and ayyr/,)
shining through, i. e. pel-
e. to
. .
a) gonr.
to appoint, to make over, to parent, Rev. xxi. 21 in text. rec. Others
commit to, etc. e. g. TTJV fiaviXfiav, seq. diavyrjG. Sept. for 7 Ex. xxx. 34.
dat. Luke xxii. 29 bis Xen. Cyr. 5. 2. Diod. Sic. X. p. 175. ed. Bip.
7 TTJV Suyarspa. So of a testamentary
A(^tow, f.
Sioiffb), aor. 2
disposition, to devise, to bequeath, sc. by
see Buttm. 114. p. 305.
will hence 6
; ta3l/voc, o. testator, Heb.
1. to bear or carry sc. a place
ix. 16, 17. Jos. Ant. 13. 6. 1. Pol. 20. through
6. 5. Dem. 1029. 27.
etc. Mark. xi. 16 tW rig ditveyicy trictvos
Sia TOV Upou. Comp. Esdr. v. 55
b) spoken of a covenant, to make an '
arrangement with another party and ;
2. to bear asunder, to
SutTiStftai tiiaSfjKrjv, to institute or carry different
make a covenant with, ways, Lat. differo, viz.
seq. dat. Heb. viii.
trans, but in N. T. only in the pass.
10, coll. ver. 9. seq. Trpoc c. accus. Acts iii. a)
construction. Spoken metaph. of doc-
25. Heb. x. 16. So Sept. for rns, rp^ trine, Pass, to be divulged, to be published
seq. dat. Deut. v. 3. Josh. ix. 6, 7. seq.
Ex. xxiv. abroad, Acts xiii. 49 diefeptro b Xoyof
irpog Deut. v. 8. 2. 2 Sam. iii.
TOV KVOIOV Si oXrjs TIIQ ^wpaf Wisd. xviii.
13. Aristoph. Av. 439 ijv /u)
10. Plut. ed.R. VI. p. 622. pp. Xen. CEc.
y' olSe
9. 8 --
Spoken of a ship. Pass, to be
Amr/o/'jSw, rub in pieces,
f. ^o>, to borne hither and thither, to be driven
om. II. 11. 846 or 847. to rub continu- about, Acts xxvii. 27. Lucian. Hermot.
ally e. g. the eyes, Tob. xi. 8, 12. to 28 d\X' avdyKt) Iv ry TrtXaytt BiatyepsaSrai.
wear away or consume, sc. by rubbing, Plut. de Orac. dcf. VII. p. 650. ed. R.
etc. Theogn. 921. Herodot. 7. 120. rr\v vavv
In N. T. spoken only of time, to spend, b) intrans. or pp. reflex, with IO.VTOV
to pass, trans, e. g. \o6vov, Acts xiv. 3, impl. to bear one's self apart, to separate
28. Vtpac, Actsxvi. 12. xx. 6. xxv. 6, one's sc. from others, comp.
14. So Sept. Star, rifitpac for
nip; Lev. *Ayo> 3 hence genr. to differ, as also
xiv. 8 --
xp vov Polyb. 4. 57. 3. Xen. Lat. differo ; genr. Sept. Dan. vii. 3, 7.
Mem. 2. 1. 15. So absol. or with xpo- Xen. Hiero 1. 2. In N. T. (a) ra Sta-
vov etc. implied, to remain sc. in a place, QepovTa, things different, discrepant.
to sojourn, to abide, with an adv. or Rom. 18 et Phil. i. 10 doKifj.auv TO,
other adjunct of place, John iii. 22. xi. diaftpovTa, to distinguish things
64. Acts xii. 19. xv. 35. Sept. for Tin are different ; so Theodoret in loc. TO.
Jer, xxxv. 7 Jos. Ant. 5. 4. 2. Hero- tvavria d\\7]\o1g, diKaiovvvqv KCII adiKiav,
dian. 8. 8. 3, 14. Xen. Cyr. 1. 2. 12. and Theophyl. ri Set 7rpa%ai Kai TI [irj
epti. On this later use of the dat. in a moral sense, Xen. Mem. 1. 2. 8
see Lob. ad Phryn. p. 394 __ Ml. V. H. In N. T. as arising from putrescence ;
1. 25 I/tot yap ovSlv Siafepet. Arrian. hence Ifttiv ciafySopdv, to see corruption,
Diss. Ep. 2. 19. 14 (y) Seq. gen.
to i. e. to
die, Acts ii. 27, 31. xiii. 35, 36, 37.
rior, Jos. Ant. 2. 7. 3 6Xiyy Siatyiptiv $5opdv, i. e. to die no more ; comp. Job
TOV /3aeri\ewf. Pol. 18. 11. 1. In N. T. xxxiii. 28. Sept. for nnitf Ps. xxx. 10.
and usually in a greater degree, to be Is. Ii. 14. Soph. Aj." 1276. Suid.
superior, to be better than, to surpass ; SdvaTO, SidXvvtc TOV
Matt. vi. 26. x. 31. Luke xii. 7. seq.
dat. Troery Matt. xii. 12. Luke xii. 24.
seq. lv TIVL 1 Cor. xv. 41. seq. ovc'tv , ov, o, /, adj. (
i. e.
Gal. iv. 1. Seq. dat. 2 Mace. xv. 13. different,
Jos. Ant. 4. 5. 3. Xen. H. G. 3. 1. 10. a) diverse, various, Rom. xii. 6. Heb.
seq. tv Diod. Sic. 5. 57. Xen. Hiero 1. 8. ix. 10. Sept. for G^S Deut. xxii. 9.
Jos. Ant. 1. 8. 2. Xen. 'Mem. 1. 3. 2.
seq. ovcev Xen. Vect. 4. 25. iroXv Diod.
in the sense of superior, better, etc.
Sic. 2. 34. Xen. Mem. 3. 1. 7. b)
Heb. i. 4. viii. 6. See in Ara^epw 2. b. y.
f. to flee
, through,
Sept. Ezra viii. 26. Xen. Mem. 4. 4. 15.
i. e. to escape by flight, absol. Acts, xxvii.
42. Sept. for t^D Josh. viii. 22. 13^723 or arrw, f. w, to
Prov. xix. 5. Seq. accus. 2 Mace. vii. guard through i. e. ever, to protect ; Luke
31. Xen. Mem. 3. 12. 4. iv. ae, where for TOV
10 TOV Sia<f>v\d%cu
see Buttm. 140. n. 1. Sept. for -iptjj
0rjjU /o),
f. t<ro>, to rumor
Gen. xxviii. 15. Ps. xci. 11. 3 Mace.
abroad, to divulge, to spread abroad, iii. 3. Xen. Mem. 1. 5. 2.
trans, TOV \6yov, Matt, xxviii. 15. Mark
i. 45. Dion. Hal. 11. 46. Diod. Sic. f. tffw, to have pass
T. X. p. 151. ed. Bip. Spoken of a through one's hands, to administer, Xen.
person, nvd, to spread one'sfame abroad,
H. G. 7. 4. 34. Anab. 1 9. 17 __ In N. T. .
a) genr.
Luke xii. 33. 2 Cor. iv. 16. to deride greatly, to scoff, absol. Acts ii.
Rev. viii. 9. xi. 18 Sia^tlpai rove 8. 13 in later edit, for x\tvaw in text. rec.
Sept. for. ^nn Ecc. v. 5. Dan. iv. 20. Pol. 17. 4. 4. Dem. 1221. 16.
JVrnrin Judg. vi. 4. xx.21.25. 2 Sam.
f. to separate
xi. 1.--Jos. Ant. 2. 3. 1. ib. 7. 4. 1. Xen. Aia^WjO/w, i'<,
Conv. 4. 54. throughout, i. e. wholly, Sept. for ^""^Qn
Gen. i. 4, 6, 7. Xen. (Ec. 8. 11. ib. 9.
b) metaph. and in a moral sense, to In N. T.
7. Mid. iaxwpj'o^t, to
corrupt wholly, to pervert ; 1 Tim. vi. 5
TOV vovv, separate one's self wholly from, i. e. to
$it<f>$ap[ji'evoi corrupted in
depart, to go away, seq. d-rro TIVOQ Luke
mind, i. e. men of perverse minds for ;
2 Dion. Hal. 5. 21. Comp. Kypke in Susann. 13, 51. Diod. Sic. 4.53.
loc. Rev. xi. 18 TOVQ diaQStipovTag TT\V Afacriicoc ov, di-
rj, (cicdoKtt},
those corrupting the earth, i. e. se- Tim.
yijjv, dactic, i.
teaching, apt to teach,
e. 1
double, Sept. for Dkfl Cant. iv. 5. Horn. Deor. 2. 23. Ep. Fam. 11. 1. So witb
Od. 19. 227. a twin, plur. twins, Sept. an accus. where the idea may often also
for QNn Gen. xxv. 24. Lucian. D. Mort. be expressed by the verb cognate with
16. 4. In N. T. as a surname of the the noun e. g. didovai alvov
; T$ &t<$, i.
apostle Thomas, Didymus, i. e. the Twin, to praise, Luke xviii. 43.
(Palaeph. 43.)
John xi. 16. xx.24. xxi. 2. Act. Thorn. dtd. d-TTOKpimv, to
give an answer, i. q. to
1. Comp. Thilo ib. p. 92. answer, John i. 22. did. aQopfirjv, to
good will; trans, with accus. and dat. fiepov. ix. 8 Stbv rov dovra iovaiav
expressed or implied. ToiavTtjv Tolg avSpuirciQ. xii. 39. Mark
to give, to bestow upon,
(a) genr.
xiii. 11. Luke xii. 32. John iii. 27. xvii.
Matt. iv. 9 ravra irdvTa trot tfwcrw. xiii. 12. 22, 24. Acts vii. 5. ^i. 17. 2 Cor. ix. 9.
xxv. 8. Mark ii. 26. x. 21. Luke vi. 4. Gal. iii. 22. Eph. iv. 8. 2 Tim. ii. 7.
xii. 33. John
comp. Gen. xlviii. 22.
iv. 5, Rev. ii. 28. al. So dovvai x"9 iv or "Q
xxiv. 53. xxv. 5, 6. 1 Sam. xxx. 11, 12. or favour, the grace given, benefit con-
al. saep. Palceph. 7. Xen. Hi. 7. 8. ferred, James iv. 6. Rom. xii. 3, 6. 1
(/3) spoken of sacrifice, homage, etc. Cor. iii. 10. Eph. iii. 8. al __ JSschyl.
to offer, to present ; Luke ii. 24 dovvai Prom. 827. comp. Lob. ad Phryn. p. 18.
Suaiav. Rev. iv. 9. Horn. II. 12. 6. Passow Lex. in xi'C 3- a Rev. ii. 21 -
tp. Actsii. 4. Rom. xiv. 16. Luke viii. 55. xv. 16.
John iv.
xv. 5. 2 Tim. i. 18. Rev. vi. 4 Jos. 7. vi. 31. Rev. xvi. 6 Comp. Lucian.
Ant. 3. 12. 2. JS1. V. H. 13. 36. Plut. D. Deor. 7. 4. ML V. H. 9. 15. So
C. Gracch. 6. Xen. Cyr. 1. 3. 11. ib. 5. flifl. TOIQ Kv<ri, Matt. vii. 6. comp. Horn
1. 29 This infin. is sometimes implied ; 11.23.21. Xen. Ven. 7. 4,12.
AS Matt. xix. 11 olc dedorai, sc. \<aptlv. in the sense of to to en-
(/3) commit,
John xix. 11. Rev. xi. 3. With Iva trust, sc. to the charge or care of any
instead of the infin. Mark x. 37 So one ; spoken of things, Matt. xvi. 19
with an accus. and infin. to permit, to $w(ra> <rot TU.Q K\tiQ TIJQ /3a(7iXe/a rSiv ova.
suffer, to grant, Acts ii. 27 et xiii. 35 xxv. 15. Mark xii. 9. Luke xii. 48. xvi.
ovSf 8w<Tfig TOV oatov oov iStiv dicuft&opdv. 12. xx. 16. John iii. 35. v. 22. xiii. 3. al.
x. 40. xiv. 3 Horn. 11. 3. 322. Lucian. Sept. and p} Cant. viii. 11. Xen. An.
D. Mort. 9. 2. So Rev. iii. 8 citiwica 1. 1. 8.
Cyr. 8.7.11. So of works, etc.
ivwiriov ffov Svpav dvtt^^p,svrjv, SC. to be done, John v. 36. xvii. 4,8,
elvai, 11, 14.
I have granted, caused, an open door to Acts vii. 38. Xen. CEc. 7. 6. Spoken
be before thee ; others under d below. of persons delivered over, committed to
Spoken of evil or punishment divinely one's charge, teaching, etc. John x. 29.
inflicted, to give, to inflict, etc. 2 Thess. xvii. 6, 9, 22, 24. Heb. ii. 13 pp. Xen.
i. 8 Rev. xviii. 7 /3a<ravi(r/u6i/
tK^tKTjffiv. Cyr. 5. 1.28 __ Hence
cat 2 Cor. xii. 7 iSoSij poi
irivSoe. (y) SiSovat tavrov,
to give one's self, to
X("ipa. al. saep Xen. Cyr. 1. 4. 10, 11. Soph. Phil. 664. Of things, Luke vi. 38
ib. 4. 6. 10 rf)v SeKiav Actsi. 26tdwjcav vp'iv /urpov
doSrrjfftTai us Swffovatv
viii. 37. Matt. xxii. 17. xxvii. 10. Luke The classic form is
'xx. 22. xxiii. 2. Heb. vii. 4. Sept. for pov,whence vo/io3^r^ff a lawgiver, etc.
inn Zech. xi. 12. Xen. Conv. 1.5 ap-yv- comp. Passow Lex. art. ri3*/u A. 3. c.
ptov. Palaeph. 38 i$. $6pov. (y) Spoken AL.
of the earth, to give forth, to yield, sc.
Matt. xiii. 8. Mark iv. 7, 8. So AtrycfpWj f. pw, (Std, lyeipw,) to wake
up fully, to route, trans, pp. persons from
Sept. and p} Zech. viii. 12. So airotii-
sleep, Matt. i. 24. Mark iv. 38, 39.
Xen. Cyr. 8. 3. 38.
Luke viii. 24. Jos. Ant. 2. 5. 5. He-
d) from the Heb. used
in the sense of
rodian. 2.1. 13 __ Trop. of
and twto, comp. Gesen. things, e. g.
t, like ]rg of a sea, to agitate, pass. John vi. 18.
Lex. art. "jrjg 2, 3 to put, to place, etc
Comp. Heb.n^D and Sept. {geytipw Jon.
(a) PP- an d seq. ttrl c. ace. to place or put i. 13. Of the mind, to excite, incite, stir
upon any thing g. TO dpyyptov ETTI TTJV
2 Mace. vii. 21.
up, 2 Pet.
i.13. iii. 1.
TpdTrtZav, to place money upon the table, xv. 10. Fabr. Cod. Pseud. V. T. I.
*c. of the broker, Luke xix. 23, comp.
650. Clem. Alex. Protr. 9.
Matt. xxv. 27, i. e. to place at interest ;
comp. Sept. and pj Lev. xxv. 37.
So Sid. TO. Supa/iara iirl TO SvoiaoTrjpiov, to revolve in mind throughout,
Rev. viii. 3, i. e. to offer in sacrifice i. e. to consider carefully, seq. Trepi c. gen.
etc. comp. Ec- Acts x. 19 in later edit, for sv3u/io/iai in
[tt^ia] Taig TrpoffEu^aTg,
xxxv. 16, 17. text rec.
[xxxii.] Sept. and
Ez. vii. 3, 4. al. comp. p} Gen.i.7.
p3 Atf^oSoc, ou, *], (Sia, too,) passage
ix. 13, where Sept. T'I^TJUI iv. So seq. out through, a pass, Herodian. 8. 1. 11.
tig Luke xv. 22. Metaph. to apply, in
comp. Sept. for N^itt 2 K. ii. 21. In
the Latinism Sovvai tpyaaiav, dare N. T. a thoroughfare, i. e, prob. a place
opcram, to give labour, i. e. to apply in a city where several streets meet, and
effort, to endeavour, seq. infin. Luke xii. where many people usually collect or
58 Hermog. de Invent. 3. 5, 7, s/oya- Matt. xxii. 9. Others, high-ways,
pass ;
sc. as any thing, where the last ace. is comp. Lob. ad Phryn. p. 37, 38. Buttm.
by apposition ; Eph. i. 22 avrbv tSwice 108. V. 5. 114. p. 282 to come or go ;
Spoken of a law, ordinance, etc. to give, eKtivrjg, sc. 6Sov, Luke xix. 4. $t'
i. e. to ordain, to institute, to prescribe ; 2 Cor. i. 16. (a Tpvirrj^aTOQ pa<j)ido
e. g. v6/*oj>, John vii. 19. Gal. iii. 21. Matt. xix. 24. Mark x. 25. Comp.
$.a<yr)Ki)v 7rpiro/Z7}g Acts vii. 8 :
Trtpt- Buttm. 147. n. 12. So Sept. for Kin 2
rofju'iv John vii. 22.
for }H} So Sept. Chr. xxiii. 15. Ez. xliv. 2.
iny 1 Sam.ix.
Lev. xxvi. 46. for Q^ton Josh. xxiv. 25. 3,4. Ez. xxix. 11. Seq. accus. of place.
rns Ezra ix. 11. did. Sict$iiKir)v, Sept. Luke xix. 1 dirjpxtro TTJV 'lepi^w. Acts
and pj Num. xxv. 12. and Heb. p^ xii. 10. xiii. 6. xiv. 24. xv. 3, 41. xvi.
Gen. xvii. 2. Lev. xxvi. 1, where Sept. 6. xviii. 23, xix. 1, 21. xx. 2. 1 Cor.
Aicpwraw 197
xvi. 5 bis. Heb. iv. 14 SifXrjXvSora rovf Others supply X p6vov, comp. 2 Mace.
ovpavovf, who has passed through the x. 3. Jos. Ant. 2. 5. 4. Herodot. 2. 2.
heavens, i, e. all the heavens, quite up
to the throne of God, comp. 2 Cor. xii. ac? /> (^ter^c,) space of two
2, 4. iv. 10. Heb. vii. 26. So Sept. years, biennium, Acts xxiv. 27. xxviii. 30.
for Tjbrr Josh, xviii. 4. 1 Sam. xxx. 31. f.
fjarofiai, depon.
, ovjjiai,
"Oy Gren. xii. 47. Ez. ix. 4. Herodian. Mid. (^ia, pp. to lead or con-
8."l. 7. Xen. Cyr. 1. 1. 5. An. 3. 5, 17. duct through, to the end ; hence trop.
Absol. but with an accus. implied, as to through with, to recount,
go to
rrjv yijv, TY\V iroXiv,x&pav, etc. i. e.
TT/V tell,to declare, sc. the whole of
through the intervening country, the thing 5 trans, or seq. rrwg, oaov, irepi, etc.
region round about, etc. Acts viii. 4, Mark v. 16. ix. 9. Luke viii. 39. ix. 10.
40 SifpxofJievof EuayytXt&ro rag iroXttf Acts ix. 27. xii. 17. Heb. xi. 32. Acts
icdaaf. x. 38. xvii. 23. xx. 25. seq. Kara viii. 33 rr/v Sk ytvfav avrov rig dirjyriatTat,
Kupaf Luke ix. 6. So seq. suf c. gen.
quoted from Is. Ixiii. 8, where Sept. for
of place, to go or travel through sc. the nnito see in Atpw 4. a. Bibl. Repos. II.
4. Xen. An. 6. 3. 16. 1. lp73 Judg. vii. 15. 2 Mace. ii. 32.
(U 16.]
Pol. 3. 36. 4.
things, e. g. a sword, to
Spoken of
pierce through, seq. accus. Luke ii. 35.
AtrjvK?7C loc, oue o, fi, adj. (^ta,
of a weapon, seq. gen. Horn. II. 20. or fr. dirjvtyica aor. 1 of dia<p'epb)\
100. Trop. of a rumor, Xoyoc, to go out pp. carried through, i. e. extended, pro-
through sc. the country, to be spread tracted, Horn. II. 12.134. Luc. Ver. Hist.
abroad, absol. Luke v. 15. Plut. Galba 1. 19 VVKTI SirjveKti iraaa Karti^tTO. In
7. Xen. An. 7 SinXSe X6yof.
1. 4.
N. T. spoken only of time, continuous,
b) spoken of those who pass over a perpetual, viz. ds TO Sirjveiceg, adverbi-
river, lake, sea, etc. Mark iv. 35 et Luke Heb. x. 1.
ally, continually, perpetually,
viii.22 SuXSutfitv elf TO irkpav. Acts xiii.
forever, Heb. vii. 3. x. 12. 14. Symm.
14 SifXSovref dirb rfjc Iltpyrjf, i. e. pass- for -nn tj^ty Ps. xlviii. 15. Heliodor.
ing over by water from Perga to Antioch, I. p. 25.
comp. ver. 13. xviii. 27. So Sept. for
Nia Deut. iv. 21. *ny Jer. ii. 10. xlviii. ow, o, V) adj. (Sic,
32. Xen. An. 4. 1. 3. Hesych. SikX- between two seas, bimaris ; so
of Corinth, Hor. Od. 1. 7. 2. In N. T.
spoken, prob. of a shoal or sand bank at
aw, w, fjffu), (Sid, epwrdw), the confluence of two opposite currents,
to inquire through, sc. to the end, till
Acts, xxvii. 41. Dio Chrysost. V. p. 83.
the inquiry e. to
Comp. Wet-
is successful, i.
D, rpax *ai S&aXarTa.
out, e. g. TI}V olKiav, Acts x. 17 Polyb. stein N. T. in loc.
6. 50. 12. Xen. Cyr. 1. 3. 15 ft /irjrjjp
f. fatSopcu, (Sid,
ii7puira TOV Kvpov irorepa K. T. \. juat,
to go or pass through, i.
child of three years old and upward, 2 Ta, trans, to place asunder, to sepa-
Chr. xxxi. 16. airb eiKOffairovf 1 Chr. rate ; aor. 2 hkarriv, jatrans. to separate
xxvii. 23. Ezraiii. 8. Pollux On. 2. 2. 8. sc. one's self, to go a-vay ; see m*
Luke xxiv. 51. Acts xxvii. 28 Ppctx*> ^ /Spinet tiri SiKaiove teal aSiicovG.
Mark ii.
departing a little,
diaffrrjffavTfG sc. eavrovc, 17. Luke v. 32. xviii. 9. xx.20. Acts x.
i. e.
going a little further Ecclus. -- 22. Rom. v. 7. 1 Tim. i. 9. Heb. *i. 4.
xxviii. 14. Pol. x. 3. C. Spoken of time, 2 Pet. ii. 7, 8. al. So Sept. and pvj$
to pass away, to elapse, Luke xxii. 59. Gen. xviii. 23 sq. Ecc. iii. 17. ix. 1, 2 --
Jos. Ant. 6. 1. 4. Xen. H. G. 2. 4. 40.
j\iio", f. iffopat, depon. Mid. Mem. 4. 8. 11. Including the idea of
(did, IffxvpiZoum to affirm), to affirm innocent, Matt, xxvii. 19, 24. So Sept. for
through and through, i. e. to affirm
N"j?3 Job ix. 23. Prov. vi. 17. In-
strongly, absol. Luke xxii. 59. Acts xii.
cluding the idea of mild, clement, kind,
16. Jos. Ant. 2. 6. 4. Luc. Hermotim.
Matt. i. 19. 1 John i. 9. comp. Tittmann
31. Dem. 447. 25. I.e.
(/3^ Especially of those whose
hearts are light with God, righteous,
, etc, )> (ii*uot and
just judgment, Rom. ii. 5. comp. pious, godly, Matt. xiii. 43 rort ol S'IK.
2 Thess. i. 5. Gr. Anon, for 135^72 UXd^ovaiv t>g o ijXioe. ver. 49. xxiii. 29.
Hos. vi. 5. Test. XII Patr. in Fabric. Y. xxv. 46. Mark vi. 20. Luke xiv. 14.
p. 547. 581. Just. Matt, de Resurrect. xxiii. 47. Rom. ii. 13. iii. 10. v. 19. al.
p. 213.
Rom. i. 17. Biiccuoc IK iri<jTnaQ,just through
faith, i.
q. ducaitttSfilg $. IT. Sept. and p^lS
, ta, ov, (prob. fr. /x a )> Gen. vi. 9. Ps. i. 5. cxviii. 15, 19. al.
right,just, i. e. physically, like, even, equal, Act. Thorn. 20. Test. XII Patr. Fabr.
e. g. numbers, Herodot. 2. 149. ap/iaXen. Cod. Pseud. V. T. I. p. 571,609. (r)
Cyr. 2. 2. 26. just as it shouty be, i. e. Spoken in the highest and most perfect
fit, proper, goody e. g. yrj Pollux On. I. sense of God, John xvii. 25. Rom. iii.
227. Xen. Cyr. 8. 3. 38. justis-
-yrjdiov 26. 1 John ii. 29. of Christ, Acts iii. 14.
sima tellus, Virg. Georg. 2. 460. Hence vii. 52. xxii. 14. 1 John ii. 1. iii. 7. Sept.
usually ana in N. T. in a moral sense, for p-'-rs Ex. ix. 27. Deut. xxxii. 4.
p^S, see Gesen. Lex. sub. v. no. 3. KO.IOQ b. So of actions, duties, etc. i. q.
Spoken of things, Ipya 1 John iii. 12. TO diicatov, what is right, proper, fit,
lvTo\r] Rom. vii. 12. and hence TO SiKat- Matt. iii. 15 irXrjpuHrat -naaav SiKaiotrvvrjv.
ov, what is
right, proper, etc. as wages, Of disposition, conduct, viz. (a) in the
Matt. xx. 4, 7. Col. iv. 1. (Xen. An. 7. 7. language of common life, Eph. v. 9.
i. 7. 2 Pet. 1 Tim. vi. 11. 2 Tim. ii. 22. Heb. i. 9.
14.) genr. Eph. vi. 1. Phil.
13. Jos. Ant. 2. 11. 2. Xen. Mem vii. 2. Rev. xxii. 11 in later edit. Sept.
p-p Ps. xv. 2. Job xxix. 14. r) faoKovia TrJQ ducaioavvtjQ.
opp. to 17 fltafc;
iSam.'xxvi. 23. Prov.viii. 18, 20 Xen.' rije Ka.TaKpiaiu>Q. Gal. ii. 21. iii. 21. v
Mem. 1. 2. 24. Conv. 3. 4.
Including 5. Put for the mode or way of
the idea of kindness, benignity, liberality, tion, Rom. x. 3 ter. AL.
1 Cor. ix. 9, 10. 2 Pet. i. 1. Comp. in
AiKaiog b. Also in later edit, put for f. to
iXnjfioffvvT), alms, Matt. vi. 1, coll. ver. 2. justify, i. e. to regard as just, to declare
So Sept. for ipT} Gen. xx. 13. xxi. 23. one to be just, trans.
Is. Ixiii. 7.
1 Sam. xii. 7. Ps. xxiv. a)
as a matter of right, justice, etc. to
6. Mic. vi. V. Tob. ii. 14. Bar. v. 9. absolve, to acquit, to clear, sc. from any
Fabr. Cod. Pseud. V. T. I. p. 82. charge or imputation. Matt. xii. 37 IK
Spoken of that righteousness which has T&V Xoywi/ (TOV diKauo&rjffy, Kai SK r. X.
regard to God and
the divine law, viz. ffov
KaTadiKaffSrriff'g. 1 Cor. iv. 4.
(1) merely
external and consist- OTTO c. gen. of thing, Acts xiii. 39 bis.
to be justified, e. g. Trj'ora or IK
tien, xxviii. 18. Xen. Hiero 4. 10.
TTtoTewf Rom. iii. 28. v. 1. Gal. ii. 16. c) righteously, piously,
1 Thess. ii. 10.
iii. 24. tpywv or OVK l tpywv, Rom.
i$ Tit. ii. 12. Ignat. Ep. ad Eph. 14. Clem.
iii. 20. iv. 2. Gal. ii. 16 bis. James ii. Alex. Strom. 3. 6 Su
21, 24, 25. OVK iv vo/ay Gal. iii. 11. v.
4. genr. Rom. ii. 13. iii. 24. v. 9. 1 Cor. ffe>c, 17,
(ducaiou),} jus-
vi. 11. Gal. ii. 17. Tit. iii. 7. So Luke tification, sc. which God bestows on men
xviii.14. Comp. Protevang. Jac. in through Christ ; see in Aiicaiow b. /8. Rom.
Fabr. Cod. Apoc. N. T. p. 77. iv. 25. v. 18 pp. Jos. Ant. 18. 1. 3
in the sense of to make or cause to diKcttdJaeis
[eivai^j olf dptTrjs tTriTi'iStvffiQ
be upright, etc. Mid. to make one's self ylyovc.
f. V(ttt>, (td conj. (M 8rt,)
q. &
through, to traverse, seq. ace. of place ort, on account of this that, for this rea-
Acts xvii. 1. seq. *card c. ace. Luke viii. son that, e.
simply, because, for,
1. Sept. for Jer. 1. 13. ii. 7. xxi. 28. Acts xvii. 31. Rom.
*ny 7|j?nnn i. 19.
Gen. xiii. 17. Wisd. v. 7. 1 Mace. xii. Gal. ii. 16. al. Sept. for \p Zeph. ii. 10.
32. Pol. 2. 15. 5. by Job xxxii. 2. Xen. Conv. 8. 19. Mem.
1. 2. 54. Comp. Buttm. 149. p. 423.
ov, Oj Dionysius, an
Areopagite of Athens, converted under
Paul's preaching, Acts xvii. 34.
Atorp0rje, >?, owe, 6, (Aof gen.
of Zewg and
rptyw,) Diotrephes, pr. name,
A(07Tp, conj. (16 strengthened by 3 John 9.
which very account, wherefore,
I Cor. viii. 13. x. 14. xiv. 13. Comp. A(7rXooc 5 ouc ; 017, fj , oov, ovv ;
Buttm. 75. 3. 149. p. 432. Judith (Buttm. 71. 3. 60. 5. b ;) two-fold,
viii. 17. Xen. Cyr. 5. 1. 13. double; pp. Sept. for n^'TD Gen. xliii.
15. Ex. xvi. 15. Xen. An.
In 7. 6. 7.
N. T. trop. for any greater relative
gen. of Zevf, and Trtrwi.q. iriirTu,}fallen
amount, as of honour, 1 Tim. v. 17 of
from Jove, heaven-descended ; Acts xix.
35 TOV SiorriTovg, sc. ayX/iarof, viz. the punishment, Rev. xviii. 6 bis. So Sept.
and rq\p'p Jer. xvi. 18. Herodian. 6. 7.
image worshipped in the temple of Diana 7. Xen. Cyr. 2. 3. 23. Comparative
at Ephesus; see Plin. H. N. 16. 40.
Calmet arts. Diana, Ephesus __ Hero- iir\oT(pov as adv. two-fold more, Matt.
xxiii. 15. Comp. Buttm. 115.5.
dian. 1. 11. 2 dyaX/m
the East are built of clay, earth, etc. double-mouthed, e. g. 7rora/*oe Pol. 34. 10.
Matt. vi. 19, 20. xxiv. 43. Luke xii. 39. 5. In N. T. spoken of a sword, two-edged,
See Calmet p. 511. So Sept. and IDH Heb. iv. 12. Rev. ii. 12. [xix. 15 in
Job Gesen. on Is.
xxiv. 16. so Ez. xii. 7 TOV rolxov. I MSS.] Rev. i. 16, comp.
Xen. Conv. 4. 30. Thuc. 2. 3. xlix. 2. So Sept. for ni s D nnrj Ps. cxlix.
6. Prov. v. 4. Ecclus. xxi. 3. Eurip.
(Aiog gen. of KOVQ,
(*)v, oi, Orest. 1296.
and Kovpog [1303.]
i. a youth ; written
q. 6po
also Ai6(TKopot, Lob. ad Phryn. Afo-^Ato*, at, a, ord. adj. two thou-
p. 235,)
the Dioscuri, i. e. Castor and Pollux, in sand, Mark v. 13.
Pol. 10. 15. 5, which was a cruel kind toi'o> f. dtwZw Luke
of punishment practised among the He- xxi. 12. John xv. 20. Xen. An. I. 4. 8 ;
ment, Matt. xxiv. 51 Luke xii. 46. Comp. . cute, seq. accus. expr. or impl. Matt. x.
Hist, of Sus. 55, 59. 23. xxiii. 34 icai di^tre cnrb iro-
\io)Q tiQ TroXtv. Acts xxvi. 11. Rev. xii.
Ar/>w, to, f.
57<ra>, the contraction
13 1 Mace. v. 21. Herodian.l. 13. 16.
being properly always into t] instead of a,
ib. 7. 11. 10. So genr. to
Thuc. 1. 37.
like aw, Buttm. 105. n. 5 ; the form
persecute, to harass, to maltreat, seq. ac-
h^q. instead of Si-fyy belongs to the later
cus. Matt. v. iO, 11, 12, 44. Luke xxi.
Greek, John vii. 37. Rom. xii. 20. Athen.
III. 474. jEsch. Dial. Soc. 3.
12. John v. 16. Acts vii. 52. Rom. xii.
5; comp. 14. Gal.
Lob. ad Phryn. p. 61. Winer 13, 23. vi. 12.
Sept. for t]T1
13. 3.
to thirst, to be at hirst, viz.
Ps. vii. 1. Jer. xvii. 18 __Wisd. xvi. 16^
2 Mace. v. 8.
intrans. Matt. xxv. 35, 37, 42,
a) pp.
44. John iv. 13, 15. xix. 28. Rom. xii. b) genr. to pursue, to follow, sc. in
20. 1 Cor. iv. 11. company or in order to find, overtake,
Sept. fortfp^Judg.
etc. spoken of persons, absol. Luke xvii.
xv. 18. Prov. xxv. 22. Xen. Cyr. 1. 2.
23 Ecclus. xxvii. 20. Xen. H. G. 1.1.
11. Mem. 1.3. 6.
13. de Mag. Eq. 4. 5 __ Metaph. of
b) metaph. to thirst after, to long for,
to desire vehemently, things, to follow earnestly, to pursue after,
seq. accus. as rfjv
God and
in order to
acquire or attain to Rom. ix.
e. piety towards
ciKctiovvvriv, i.
its attendant privileges, Matt. v. 6 ; 30,31. ICor. xiv.l. 11. Heb.
xii. 14. absol. to
comp. Winer Gr. 30. 7. So Sept. for follow on, topressforward,
Wisd. xi. 14. Jos. B.
Phil. iii. 12, 14. So Sept. and Deut.
is pS Ps. Ixiii. 2 t]-n
xvi. 20. Prov. xv. 9. Diod. Sic. 2. 59.
J. 1. 32. 2 ult Hence absol. to thirst,
Xen. Cyr. 8. 1. 39. AL.
the disposition and privileges of
sc. after
the children of God, of the Messiah's a
fl i, arocj T >
(flow,J decree,
kingdom, John iv. 14. vi. 35. vii. 37. edict, ordinance, e. g. of a prince, Luke
Hev. vii. 16. xxi. 6. xxii. 17. So Sept. ii. 1. Acts xvii. 17. of the apostles,
and Nps Ps. xlii. 3 Xen. Cyr. 5. 1. 1. Acts xvi. 4. of the Mosaic law, i. e. ex-
ourwf ty w vftiv ternal precepts, Eph. ii. 15. Col. ii. 14,
coll. ver. 16, 20 sq. Sept. of a prince, for iv. 5. Absol. Luke xvii. 9 oi ^o^ct5.
Chald. Ml Dan. ii. 13. vi. 8, 15. tJ3?p seq. y wpa Matt. xxiv. 44. Luke xii. 40.
Dan. iii. 10. vi. 13.
Ignat. ad Magn.' seq. iroffy Heb. x. 29.~Xen. Cyr, 5.3.30 wg
13 lv Soyfiaffiv TOV icvpiov Kai T&V iyw SOK&. 7. 2. 19. Anacr. 40. 15 TTOO-OV.
Xuv. Xen. An. 3. 3. 5. in
reference to others, to
b) seem, to
f. iffw, to make appear, etc. seq. dat. and infin. Luke x.
36 rig ovv SoKtl croi ir\r)<riov ysyovsj/ai.
a decree, to prescribe an ordinance, in-
Without dat. but seq. infin. of the same
trans. i. q, 6y/m r&kvai, 2 Mace. x. 8.
xv. 36. In N. T. subject, which then takes the adjuncts
Diog. Laert. 3. 51
in the nominative, Buttm. 142. 2. 1.
Mid. doy/ian'o/*ai, to suffer a law to be
1 Acts xvii. 18 %iv(av iaqioviw doKtl Karay-
prescribed to one s self, to be subject to
ordinances, Col. ii. 20. Comp. Buttm.
y\vg elvai. 1 Cor. xii. 22. 2 Cor. x.
135. 8.
9. Heb. xii. 11. Jos. Ant. 5. 7. 5.
Lucian. D. Deor. 2 Spoken also in
v.'ith a reflex, pron. expr. or im- 42 01 doKOVVTfQ dp%lV, i. q. Ol ap%OVTtQ.
plied, tWw
tfiavrf, SoKiiv iavr<fi, etc. to Luke xxii. 24. 1 Cor. xi. 16. Gal. ii. 9.
seem to one's self, i. e. to be of opinion, Heb. iv. 1. Susann. 6. Jos. c. Ap. 1. 12.
to think, to suppose, to believe, etc. seq. Herodian. 2. 5. 10. Xen. Anab. 1. 9. 1.
infin. Acts xxvi. 9 tyw piv ovv
prces. Hi. 2. 1. Gal. ii. 6 ol SOKOVVTEC; tlrai n,
tdo%a ctiv woXXd ?rpaai K. T. X.
iftavr<ft who seem to be something, i. e. who are
Xen. Hiero 1. 6 SOK& p.ot aiaStavtaSai. persons of note, distinguished, comp. ver.
1. 33. Hence genr. as an act. intrans. 9 ; and so ol SIKOVVTC g, chiefs, leaders, etc.
verb in the above sense, the reflex, dat. Gal. ii. 2, 6 Jos. Ant. 19. 6. 3. Hero-
being suppressed, viz, to be of opinion, dian. 6. 1.3.
to think, etc. infin. with the Soicel pot, etc. it seems to me,
(a) Seq. c) impers.
same subject, Buttm. 140. 1. Winer i.e.
to think, to suppose, etc. interrog.
45. 2 ;
with infin. present, express-
e. g. ri oKi ffoi v. vfilv, etc. what thinkest thou?
ing a continued action, etc. Buttm. Matt. xvii. 25. xviii. 12. xxi. 28. xxii.
137. 5. Winer 45. 8 med. Matt. iii. 17, 42. xxvi. 66. John xi. 56. Without
9 /*>) djjre Xtytiv iv iavTotg, think not, interrog. Acts xxv. 27 aXoyov yap /toi
presume not, to say, etc. Luke viii. 18. to/cil. Lucian. D. Deor. 6. 4. Xen. H.
xxiv. 37. John v. 39.
xvi. 2 86%y G. 2. 4. 18 b)Q y' tfjioi SoKti (/3)
it seems
\arpiiav TrpoaQeptiv T<^ .&<. Acts xii. 9. 1 good to me, it is my
pleasure, etc. i. q.
Cor. iii. 18. vii. 40. xiv. 37. Gal. vi. 3. pers. to determine, to resolve, seq. infin.
James i. 26 2 Mace. ix. 8, 10. Xen. Luke i. 3. Acts xv. 22, 25, 28, 34.
An. 2. 2. 14. With infin. perfect, im- Esdr. Jos. Ant, 7. 9. 7. Xen.
viii. 11.
viii. 2. Phil. iii. 4. Xen. Cyr. 1. 1. 6. Thuc. 1. 84?rapa ro SOKOVV vu~tv. Xen.
(/3) Seq.
infin. with a different subj. in H. G. 6. 3. 5.
the accus. Winer 45. 2. Mark vi. 49
t8oav ^avTaapa ilvai. 1 Cor. xii. 23. 2 Ao/cfjua^w, f. aw, (96tipot>)
to prove,
Cor. xi. 16. So Sept. for n^'n Gen. to try, trans.
to put to the
xxxviii. 15. Pakeph. 1. Xen. Cyr. 1. a) pp. to make trial of,
6. 10 instead of the accus. etc. by
(y) Seq. on, proof, to examine; e. g. metals,
and Buttm. 149. p. 423. Winer
infin. fire, 1 Pet. i. 7. 1 Cor. iii. 13. Sept.
57. 5. Matt. vi. 7 SOKOVGI yap on K. r. X. and Zech. xiii. 9. tp^p Prov. xvii.
xxvi. 53. Luke xii. 51. xiii. 2, 4. xix. 11. 3. Ecclus. ii. 5. Isocr. ad Dem. p.
John v. 45. xi. 13. xiii. 29. xx. 15. 1 7. B. So of other things by use,
Cor. iv. 9. x. 12. 2 Cor. xii. 19. James Luke xiv. 19 j and genr. in any way,
AoKtjuaorfa 204 Aoa
Horn. xii. 2. 1 Cor. xi. 28. 2 Cor. viii. 1 Cor. xi. 19. 2 Cor. x. 18. xiii. 7.
8, 22. xiii. 5. Gal. vi. 4. Eph. v. 10. 1 2 Tim. ii. 15. James i. 12. Xen. Ag.
Thess. ii. 4 TUQ jcapdi'ac. v. 21. 1 Tim. iii. 1. 23. Hesych. SoKtpov xp^ffi/iov, rcXctov.
10. 1 John iv. 1. So Sept. and ]na Ps. By impl. acceptable, well reported of,
xvii. 3. Jer. xi. 20. npn Ps. cxxxix. 1, Rom. xiv. 18. Herodot. 7. 117. Anth.
23. Wisd. xi. 10. Jos. Ant. 1. 13. 4. Gr. III. p. 25. ed. Jac.
Xen. Mem. 2. 6. 1. Spoken in respect
Aoicoe, ou, v, a beam, joist, Matt.
to God, to to the proof,
put i. e. to tempt, vii. 3, 4, 5. Luke vi. 41, 42 bis. Sept.
q. Trsipafrii/, Heb. iii. 9. So 'pill Mai.
iii. Hence by impl.
for rnp Gen. xix. 8. Cant. i. 17.
15, Sept. avSitrrmu.
Diod. Sie. 2. 10.
to examine, and judge of, i. e. to estimate,
to distinguish, Luke xii. 56 bis, coll. AoA(Oc (a, toy,
(WXoc,) guileful,
Matt. xvi. 3. Rom. ii. 18 et Phil. i. 10. deceitful, 2 Cor. xi. 13.Sept. for rra"llp
see in Aia^spw 2. a. a. Sept. forij^ Zech. Prov. xi. 1. n;73"l Ps. cxx. 2, 3. Xen.
xi. 13. An. 1. 4.7.
in the sense of to have proved, i. e.
AoA/ow, (6Xoc,) to use
f. wo),
to hold as tried, to regard as proved, and
guile, to deceive, intrans. Rom. iii. 13 raTj
genr. to approve, to judge fit and proper,
yXoKTcroif aiiTwv idoXtovvav, for iSoXiovv,
e. g. persons, 1 Cor. xvi. 3. 1 Thess. ii.
4 StSotiuaan&a. Jos. Ant. 3. 4. 1. Diod. quoted from Ps. v. 10, where Sept. for
Sic. 4. 7. Of things, Rom. xiv. 22. P^TTrj. So for fe? Num. xxv. 18. For
this Alexandrine form of the 3d plur. of
seq. infin. Rom. i. 28. Jos. Ant. 1. 7.
the historical tenses, see Buttm. 103. V.
1. ib. 2. 7. 4.
1. H. Planck in Bibl. Repos. I. p. 664.
(<to/idw,) trial,
c> /> Lob. ad Phryn. p. 349.
probation, pp. Jos. Ant. 4. 3. 4. Xen.
Mem. 2. 2. 13. In the sense of temp- AoAoc, ov, 6, (&Xw, tfeXtap,) bait,
Horn. Od. 12. 252. Heuce genr. fraud,
tation, act of tempting, Heb. iii. 9 in
MSS. guile, deceit, Matt. xxvi. 4. Mark vii. 22.
xiv. 1. John i. 48. Acts xiii. 10. Rom.
i?C> 17, (oKt/tof,) proof] trial, i. 29. 2 Cor. xii. 16. 1 Thcss. ii. 3. 1
. e.
Pet. ii. 1, 22. iii. 10. [Rom. xiv.
the state of being tried, a trying,
a) Sept. fornEnT? Gen. xxvii. 35. Is. liii.
2 Cor. viii. 2 i v TroXXy doicifiy dXt^cuc, i. e. 9. rTTp"! Job xiii. 7. Ps. xxxii. 2. Xen.
through An. 5.' 6. 29. H. G. 7. 1. 46.
b) the state of having been tried, tried
probity, approved integrity, Rom. v. 4 bis. AoXdw, w, f.
wtro), (6Xo,) to deceive,
2 Cor. ii. 9. ix. 13 SOK. r//c Siaicoviag,
trans. Xen. Cyr. 1. 6. 28. In N. T. to
tried probity exhibited in this ministry. falsify, i. e. to adulterate, to corrupt, e.g.
Phil. ii. 22. TOV \6yov TOV Seov, by Jewish traditions,
etc. 2 Cor. iv. 2 __ JE1. H. An. 16. 1.
c) proof, in the sense of evidence, sign,
Lucian. Hermot. 59. Hesych.
token, 2 Cor. xiii. 3, coll. xii. 12.
AoKf/itov, tou, TO, (oici/ioc,) proof,
test,Herodian. 2. 10. 12. Sept. for cps?3 Ao/ua, aroC) > (&/,) a gift,
a Prov. xxvii. 21.
crucible, In N. .
Matt. vii. 11. Luke xi. 13. Phil. iv. 17.
proof, trial, i. q. SoKifirj, viz. Act. a try- Eph. iv. 8, cell. Ps. Ixviii. 19 where Sept.
ing, James i. 3. Pass, tried probity, for rrcnTO, as also Gen. xxv. 6. Dan. ii.
sincerity, etc. 1 Pet. i. 7. 48.
"jnpProv. xviii. 16 __ 1 Mace. x.28.
Plut/Mor. II. p. 29. ed. Tauchn.
AoKf/io^) ou, o, T], adj. (Sfxofiat,^
receivable, current, spoken of money, etc. Aoa, TJC, >?, (floww,)
a seeming,
as having been tried and refined ; Sept. an appearance, Jos. Ant. 1. 11. 2 o! 8t
for -Qi> Gen. xxiii. 16. pftja
1 Chr. co^av avrqi 7rapia\ov laSiovnav. opin-
xxix. 4. Tina 2 Chr. ix. 17. Hence in ion, sc.which one has of any thing, He-
N. T. metaph. tried, proved, approved, rodot. 1. 79. Xen. Mem. 4. 8. 10. or
and therefore genuine, Rom. xvi. 10. in which one is held by others, estima-
Trpog c6av T. Seov, 2 Cor. i. 20. virlp of Moses' face, 2 Cor. iii. 7, coll. Ex.
T?IQ 86r]G T. 3-. John xi. 4. So XafBelv xxxiv. 29, 30, 35. or of the celestial light
ri\v doKav, to receive praise, glory, i.e. to which surrounds angels, Rev. xviii. 1 ;
be extolled in praises, etc. Rev. iv. 11. or glorified saints, Luke ix. 31, 32. 1
For the phrase Sovvat oav ry $((. Cor. xv. 43. Col. iii. 4. Phil. iii. 21 __
see in A<u>/ a. y. So in ascriptions, Ecclus. xliii. 9. 1. 7. Bar. iv. 24 __
Luke ii. 14 86%a iv V^'IOTOIQ $. Rom. Spoken espec. of the celestial splendour
xi.36. Gal.i. 5. 1 Pet. iv. 11. Sept. al. in which God sits enthroned the divine ;
of external condition, dignity, Bar. v. 9 T<$ (JHDTI rijt; doZrjs avrov. So
splendour, glory; 1 Pet. i. 24 Traoa Xepovfiip oje, cherubs of glory, i. e. the
$6*a Tijg aapKog wf avSof. Heb. ii. 7, representatives of the divine presence,
quoted from Ps. viii. 6 where Sept. for Heb. ix.5. Comp. Ex. xxv.22. Num. vii.
113,3. So by meton. that which re- 89. 2 Sam. vi. 2. Song of 3 Child. 31.
splendid apparel, Matt. vi. 29. Luke xii. ci the divine perfections, John i. 14.
ii. 11. of the Spirit, 1 Pet. iv. 14. Just. 3 1 Chr. xix. 3. Prov. 18.
Mart, de Resurr. p. 284 __ Spoken also Esth. vi. 6, 8, 9, 11. Ecclus. xlviii. i'
of things, in place of an adjective, 1 Mace. ii. 64. Diod Sic. 12. 36 __ In
excellent, splendid, glorious, 2 Cor. iii. the sense of to render excellent, splendid,
7 t $k fj StctKoi'ia tyevf)3fij iv $6%y. ver. etc. Pass, to be excellent, splendid, glo-
idea of his regal majesty as Messiah, Son, John xii. 28 ter, TO uvo\ia $tov.
Luke xxiv. 26. John xvii. 5, 22, 24. 2 xiii. 31, 32. xiv. 13. xv. 8. xvii. 1. xvii.
Thess. ii. 14. 1 Tim. iii. 16. 1 Pet. i. 11. 4. or by Christians, John xxi. 19. Of
Spoken of glorified saints, i.
q. salva- Christ as glorified by the Father, John
tion, eternal life, etc. Rom. ii. 7, 10. viii. viii. 54. xiii. 32 bis. xvii. 1, 5. Acts iii.
18. 1 Cor. ii. 7. 2 Cor. iv. 17. 1 Thess. 13. or by the Spirit, John xvi. 14. or by
ii. 12. 2 Tim. ii. 10. Heb. ii. 10. 1 Pet. Christians, John xvii. 10. or genr. John
v. 1. .
doa TOV Seov, the glory which xi. 4. xiii. 31. So Sept. and 133 Lev. x.
God toill bestow, Rom. v. 2. 1 Pet. v. 3.
Is. v. 16. pass, for nijo Ex.
10. Meton. the author or procurer of xv. 6, ii.
this glory to any one, i. e. the author of of Christ and his followers,
(y) spoken
salvation, etc. Luke ii. 32, i.
q. icvotoe to glorify, i. e. to advance to that state
rfje 6%r]G 1 Cor. ii. 8, coll. v. 7. AL. of bliss and glory which is the portion
of those who dwell with God in heaven ;
w, f. to be of e. g. of Christ as the Messiah, John vii.
affu, (oa,)
opinion, to think, etc. Xen. Mem. 1. 1. 13. 39. xii. 16, 23. comp. Is. Iii. 13, where
to consider, to estimate, to
judge, Sept. Sept. pass, for Nfopi. Of Christians Rom.
Dan. iv. 31. Xen. Cyr. 5. 5. 46. In viii. 30. Barnab. Ep. 21 6 TTOI&V raura
N. T. to glorify, trans, i. e. iv Ty TOV Scow doZao'SrjatTa.i.
to ascribe glory or honour to
a) any
one, to praise, to celebrate, to magnify ; Ao/oicac? aSoc, }, Dorcas, pr.
Matt. vi. 2 OTTwg doZaaSwffiv VTTO rSiv name of a female, Acts ix. 36, 39 ; pp.
av$pu>TT(t)v. Luke iv. 15. John viii. 54 i.
q. Heb. ^nx, Syr. N$"3B Tabitha,
IfiavTov. Rom. xi. 13. Acts xiii. 48. i.e. gazelle, Cant. ii. 7, 9. Acts ix.
Heb. v. 5. Rev. xviii. 7. So Sept. for 36, 4C .
AouXaywytw, w, ^<rw, (SovXos, AovXtj, Tjc? fl, (SovXos,) femaU a
aya), to lead as a slave, to make a slave slave or servant, a
handmaid, Acts ii. 18.
of, Diod. Sic. 12. 24. In N. T. trop. to Sept. for n?2i$ Lev. xxv. 44. nrTDU)'
bring into subjection, to subdue, absol. 1 Sam. viii. 16. 1 Mace. ii. 11. 3Cen.
1 Cor. ix. 27.
Cyr. 5. 1. 4 Used in the oriental style
by a female in addressing a superior,
AouXa'a, a?, n, (fovXevw,) slavery,
instead of the pers. pron. 7, Luke i. 38.
bondage, Sept. for mi^y Ex. vi. 6.
T 48. So Sept. and n7DN 1 Sam. xxv. 41.
Xen. An. 7. 7. 32.T. trop. ln'N. 1 K. i.
13, 17. nnDif 2 Sam. xiv. 6.
spoken of the condition of those under 2 K. iv. 2, 16.
the Mosaic law, Gal. iv. 24. v. 1. and so Comp. Gesen, Lehrg. p.
739 sq. Stuart 475.
Rom. viii. 15 irvtvf.ta dovXtiag, a slavish
opp. to Tfv. vloSsoriag.
spirit, Also of the I. AouAoc, ouXrj, SouXov, (i<t>,\
condition of those who are subject to sewing, bound to serve, in bondage, seq.
dat. Rom. vi. 19 bis. Wisd. xv. 7 TO.
death, Rom. viii. 21, or to the fear of
Heb. ii. 15 SCLVUTOV tvoxoi TWV jcoo'ttpwf epywj/ SovXa OKtvij. Eurip.
death, 0o/3<p
Hec. 134.
Eph. vi. 7. 1 Tim. vi. 2. Sept. for -ny 15. So genr. servant, Matt. xiii. 27. 28.
Lev. xxv. 39. Deut. xv. 12 Lucian. I). John Eph. vi. 5. 1 Tim. vi. 1.
iv. 51.
Deor. 13. 2. Xen. Mem. 4. 2. 33 ter. Acts ii. 18 ol SovXoi fiov, i. e. the ser-
Spoken of a people, to be subject to, etc. vants among my people. Sept. for
John viii. 33. Acts vii. 7. Rom. ix. 12, coll. Lev. xxv. 44. Josh. ix. 23. Judg.
Gen. xxv. 23 et xxvii. 40 where Sept. for vi'.27 Xen. CEc. 5. 16. Ath. 1. 10.
"T2y ; also Gen. xiv. 4. Judg. iii. 8, 14. Phil. ii. 7 fiop<f>r)v SovXov Xa(3u>v, i. e.
Jos. Ant. 4. 6. 4. Xen. Mem. 2. 1. 13
appearing in a humble and despised
Metaph. of those subject to the Mosaic condition.
law, Gal. iv. 25. b) trop. spoken of voluntary service,
b) trop. spoken of voluntary service, a servant, implying obedience, devoted-
to obey, to be devoted to ; Luke xv. 29. ness, etc. John xv. 15. Rom. vi. 16.
Phil. ii. 22. Gal. v. 13. Rom. xii. 11 1 Cor. vii. 23. Gal. iv. 7. So in mo-
T<fi Katp<t> SovXtvovTtg, i. e. doing what desty, 2 Cor. iv. 5 ; or in praise of
the occasion demands but others read
; modesty, Matt. xx. 27. Mark x. 44 ,
ry Haply. So Sept. and ~\3,y Gen. xxix. 2E1. V. H. 9. 19 ol gropes SovXoi TOV
15, 18, 20, 25, 29. In a moral sense, irXr'jSovg eiffi. Spoken of the true fol-
spoken as to God or Christ, etc. d. r< lowers and worshippers of God, e. g.
$e< Matt. vi. 24. Luke xvi. 13. Actsxx. SovXog TOV Seov, either of agents sent
19. Rom. vii. 6. 1 Thess. i. 9. T$ from God, as Moses, Rev. xv. 3. and so
Xptory, Rom. xiv. 18. xvi. 18. Col. iii. 24. Sept. and 153? Josh. i. 1. (Jos. Ant. 5. 1.
T($ v6/*< Stov, Rom. vii. 25. Sept. and 13.) or prophets, Rev. x. 7. xi. 18. and so
iny Deut. xiii. 4. Judg. ii. 7. Mai. iii. 18. Sept. and 155? Josh. xxiv. 29. Jer. vii. 25.
Ecclus. ii. 1. Spoken of false gods, or simply oi' the worshippers of God,
Gal. iv. 8. So Sept. and "jny Ex. xxiii. Rev. ii. 20. vii. 3. xix. 5. al. So Sept.
33. So of
things, to obey, to follow, to and iriv Ps. xxxiv. 23. cxxxiv. 1. al.
indulge in, e. g. uafnovy. Matt. vi. 24. Used in the oriental style of addressing
Luke xvi. 13. auapTiy Rom. vi. 6. r a superior, instead of the pers. pron. J,
vofitp Trjg aftapTiag Rom. vii. 25. Ty KOiXiq, Luke ii. 29. Acts iv. 29. So Sept. and
Rom. xvi. 18 rolf ffroixfiolg Gal. iv. 9.
15^ 1 Sam. iii. 9, 10. Ps.
xix. 12. al.
Tit. iii. 3. Jos. Ant. 15. 4. 1 Cbmp. in AovXn. Spoken of the fol-
Xen. Mem. 1. 5. 5. TO.IQ lowers and ministers of Christ, SovXoc
1. 6. 8. TOV XpivTov, Eph. vi. 6. 2 Tim. ii. 24.
AouXou) 208
espec. of the apostles, etc. Rom. i. 1. So Heb. 15^ Job v. 13 where Sept-
Gal. i. 10. Col. iv. 12. James i. 1. icaraXa/ijSdvw. Sept. pp. for y?D|? Num.
2 Pet. i. 1. Jude 1. Rev. xxii. 3. v. 26 2 Mace. iv. 41. Jos. B. J.'a. 8. 6.
Spoken also in respect to things, of one SpaffffofjitvoQ Tijv SeZidv. Herodot. 3. 13.
who indulges in, is addicted to,any thing j Seq. gen. Judith xiii. 7. Diod. Sic. 18. 17.
seq. gen. e. g. SovXoc TTJQ dfiaprias John
viii.34. Rom
vi. 16, 17. 2 Pet. ii. 19. A/oa^jUT], ijc, *7> (Spdffau,} drachma, a
V. H. 41 pen. rov an Attic silver coin worth nearest
JE1. 2. irivtiv dovXof. 16^
Xen. CEc. 1. 22. cents, or one-sixth of a dollar, according
in the sense of minister, attendant, to Boeckh, (Staatshaush. I. p. but
c) 16,)
current among the Romans as equal
spoken of the officers of an oriental
to the denarius, which was worth about
court; Matt, x viii. 23, 26, 27, 28, 32. xxii.
3, 4, 6, 8, 10. al -- So a satrap, Xen.
14 cents ; see particularly under 'Apyvptov
An. 1. 9. 29. ib. 2. 6. 38. AL. c, and also under AiSpaxpov. Luke xv.
8 bis, 9.
dd), (5, f- Mfftt), ($ovXoG\ to w see
make a slave of, to bring into bondage,
trans. Pass. perf. StdovXuipai, etc. with to
A/otTravov, ovj TO, (Spew pluck
present signif. to be a slave, to serve, i. q. off,)
a a crooked knife
sickle, scythe, i. e.
SovXtvw. Comp. Buttm. 113. 6. for gathering the harvest and
a) pp.
Acts vii. 6. 2 Pet. ii. 19. Mark iv. 29 see in 'ATroerraXw b. Rev.
Sept. Gen. xv. 13. 1 Mace. viii. 11. Xen. xiv. 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 bis, 19. Sept.
Cyr. 3. 1. 11. Metaph. dttiovXunai, to for ^273 Joel iii. 13. Artemid. 2. 24.
be in bondage, be bound, to be held
i. e. to Pol. 22. 10. 5.
see Buttm 107. p. 223, marg. 114. p. Mark ix. 22 ei n Svvaaai. 2 Cor. xiii. 8
276. Winer 13. 2. b. Lob. ad'Phryn. ov dvvdfjitSd TI. So ti ri Svvaivro Xen.
p. 359. to be able, I can, and ov Svva- H. G. 7. 5. 15. Zi> dvvaTai ti-navTa,
to be unable, I cannot, both in a Horn. Od. 4. 237.
fiai, comp. Xen. Cyr. 8.
physical and moral sense, and as depend- 7. 22. AL.
ing either on the disposition or faculties
of mind, the degree of strength or skill,
pp. the
the nature and external circumstances of being able, i. e.
ability, power, strength,
the case, etc. It is always followed by efficacy, force, viz.
an infin. expr. or impl. belonging to the Spoken of intrinsic power, either
same subject, viz. physical or moral, etc. comp. in Avvafiai
a) seq.
infin. expressed, e. g.
of init.
the present, as expressing continued ac- (a) of the body, Heb. xi. 11 Sdppa
tion, etc. Buttm. 137. 5. Winer 45. duvafiiv E( Krtra/3oX/)v (nrspfiaTog tXafit.
8 ined. Matt. vi. 24 ov ?vva<r$t SovXiv- 1 Cor. XV. 43 TO ffa>p,a tyf/perai iv
nv $t$ K. T. X. vii. 18. Mark ii. 7, 19. Svvdfiit, i. e. for dvvarov, opp. to iv
Luke vi. 39. John v. 19, 30. vi. 60. ia so Heb. form HIS?, and Sept.
Acts xxvii. 15. Rom. xv. 14. 1 Cor. x. Ps. xxix.4. comp. Gesen. Lehrg.
21. 1
Gen. xxxvii.
Thess. ii.
7. al.
So Sept.for
32. al. Xen. An!
^ p. 646. 4. Stuart 442. Sept. for yitf
Job xl. 11. nro? Job xxxix. 19 __ '"
Sfbg IK rSiv Xi$<t)v tytTpat T'IKVCL K. T. X. Buttm. 123. n. 4. (comp. Trvtvfia dvva-
x, 28. Mark vi. 5. Lukev. 12. John vii. /iwf, a strong wind, Wisd. v. 23.) Heb.
34,36. x.35. Acts iv. 16. xvii. 19. vii. 16. xi. 34. Rev. i. 16 ug 6 r/Xtof
1 Cor. ii. 14. James iv.Rev. iii. 8.
2. (paivu iv ry avrnv. So Sept.
xiii. 4. al.
xix. 19
So Sept. for ^
Gen. xv. 5.
Diod. Sic. 2. 26. Xen. An. 1.9.
and rTPQa 2 K.
TTD 1 Chr. xxix. 2.
xviii. 20.
Ezra ii. 69. x. 13.
Job xii. 13
27. So where the action in itself t~y 1 Chr. xiii. 8. Diod. S. 4. 45. Xen.
might be expressed either as continued Mem. 3. 5. 16. So in various construc-
or transient, but the writer chooses to tions e. g. Kara ^vva^iv, according to
express it as transient ; see Winer 45. one's power, i. e. as far as one can,
p. 276. Buttm. 137. 5 ult. Matt. v. 14 2 Cor. viii. 3. Diod. S. 14.81 ult. Xen.
ov fivvciTai rroXif KpvfSijvai. Luke i. 20, Mem. 1. 7. 4. vTrip Svvafiiv, beyond
22. John iii. 3. Acts xiii. 39. Rom. viii. one's strength, power, 1 Cor. i. 8. viii. 3.
7. Heb. ix. 9.
(y) the Rev. ii. 2. of Dem. 292. 25. iv cWa/ui, with
Mark vi. 19. Luke ix. 40. Actsxxvii. 39. God, his almighty energy, etc. genr.
1 Cor.
xxii. 22.
iii. 2. al. So Sept. for
Constr. with accus.
de- ri,
1 K. Matt. xxii. 29. Mark xii. 24. Lukei. 35.
v. 17. Rom. i. 20. ix. 17. 1 Cor. vi. 14.
pending on the infin. iroitiv implied, or 2 Cor. iv. 7. xiii. 4 bis. Eph. i. 19. iii. 7,
i. 3.
Sept. for xs. lix. 12. ^n
7y Ps. concrete, put for a worker of miracles, '
xxi. 14. Ixxiv. 12.1-Joined with 36Sa it Cor. xii. 28, 29 Svvd^ (C ,
q. O l s SiSurai
implies the greatness, omnipotence, ivfpyfjjj.aTa SvvdfjiHDv V. 10.
majesty, of God, Rev. xv. 8 ; and hence (E) spoken of the essential power, true
as abstr. for concr. omnipotence for the nature and efficacy, reality, of any
thing ;
Omnipotent, the Almighty, Matt. xxvi. 64 Phil. iii. 10 yv&vai TTJV dvvafiiv rije dva-
et Mark xiv. 62 et Luke xxii. 69 IK faZtwv avTov. 2 Tim. iii. 5 t^ovrtf
TTJ uva/uf, coll. Heb. i. 3 iv 8ti$ Trjv de Svvap.iv ai-
TfjQ ptya\(i)avt>T} Rabb.
K. r. \. like the So
also as opp. to Xoyof,
iTTQa. as a name of God, Buxt. Lex. speech merely, 1 Cor. iv. 19, 20. 1 Thess.
Rab. 'Ch. Tal. 385. So Sept. and ty 1. 5 Plato Phileb. 96. Xen. (Ec. 9. 2.
Ps. Ixiii. 3. Ixviii. 35. cl. 1. Meton. So of medical virtue, Diod. Sic. 1. 97.
spoken of a person or thing in whom ib. 4. 51. Metaph. of language, the
the power of God is manifested, i. e. power, sc. of a word, i. e. meaning, sig-
the manifestation of the power of God, nification ; 1 Cor. xiv. 11 Tjv Svvafjiiv
Acts viii. 10 OVTOQ iffTiv ij Svvafiig TOV TTIQQwvrjs Dion. Hal. 1. 68. Dio
Seov. Rom. i. 16. 1 Cor. i. 18, 24. Cass. 55. 3. So Mvapat JRl. V. H. 9.
Where the gen. TOV $tov expresses the 16.
ercising a power to heal, Mark v. 30. (a) power, authority, might, Luke iv. 36.
Luke vi. 19. viii. 46, comp. Olshausen ix. 1. Acts iii. 12. 2 Pet. Rev. xiii.
ii. 11.
on Matt. ix. 20. or as the Messiah, ij 2. xvii. 13 Ecclus. xliv.3. Xen. Mem.
Svvamg XpiffTov, genr. 2 Cor. xii. 9 bis. 1. 2. Spoken of omnipotent sove-
So iv $ivdp.ti for the gen. TOV Svvarov reignty as due to God, etc. e. g. in as-
Rom. i 4, comp. above in a. In the criptions, 13. Rev. iv. 11. v.
sense of power, omnipotent majesty, Matt, 12. vii. 12. xi. 17. xii. 10. xix. 1. So
xxiv. 30 et Luke xxi. 27 fitrd dvvdpewg Sept. and JTTQa Chr. xxix. 11. Joined
Kai Sofyg. Mark ix, 1. xiii. 26. 2 Thess. with ovofia Acts iv. 7. 1 Cor. v. 4. i. e.
i. 7 fier' ayyeAwv Trjg Svv. avrov,i. e. the warrant. Meton. abstr. for concr. put
angels who are the attendants of his for 6 Iv Svvdufi hiv, one in authority, and
majesty. 2 Pet. i. 16. Spoken also of plur. dwdfieig, like Engl. authorities, i.e.
the Spirit, 17 Svvamg TOV Trvevfiarog, the persons in authority, the mighty, the
power of the Spirit, i. e. imparted by the powerful, of either world, etc. Rom.
Spirit, Luke iv. 14. Rom. xv. 13, 19. viii. 38. Cor. xv. 24. Eph. i. 21. 2 Pet.
working miracles, Rom. xv. 19, explained avrrJG. Jos. Ant. 3. 2. 4 TT\OVTOV
by Svv. T. irvivnctTOQ in the next clause.
97 vafjiiv irpo<rf.\af3ov. Xen. Cyr.
Act* x. 38. 1 Cor. ii. 4, coll. 2 Cor. xii. 8. 4. 34. (Ec. 9. 15.
Metaph. for en-
12. so 2 Thess. ii. 9. By meton. of ef- joyment, happiness, Heb. vi. 5.
fect for cause, plur. Swa^uc is often put
of warlike power, like the Engl.
for mighty deeds, miracles, Matt. vii. 22. force, forces, i. e. host, army. Luke x.
xi. 20, 21,23. xiii. 54, 58. xiv. 2. Mark 19 ITTI Trdffav TTJV fivvafiiv avrov, i.e. over
vi. 2,5, 1 4. ix. 39. Luke x. 13. xix. 37. Acts the whole host of Satan, coll. ver. 20.
ICor. xii. 10. 2Cor.
ii.22. viii. 13. xix. 11. Sept. for ^n Ex. xiv. 28. xv. 4. al.
xii. 12. Heb.ii. 4. So Sept. for
Gal. iii.5. Kns 2 Sam. x. 7. xvii. 25. xx. 23. al.
JTIN^D2 Job xxxvii. 14. Heb. nlTQa Ps. 1 Mace. iv. 3, 4. Jos. Ant. 4. 5. 2. Diod.
cvi.2where Sept. $waartiat.~Tyut. IVtat. Sic. 14. 81 med. Xen. Mem. 3. 6. 9
de Resurr. p. 225. Hence, as abstr. for By Hebr. $Wa/*ftf r&v ovpaviav, the
211 Auo
hosts of heaven, i. e. the sun, moon, and ci'ju without an infin. to be
strong, 2 Cor.
stars, Matt. xxiv. 29. Mark xiii. 25. x-ii. 10. xiii. 9.
Luke xxi. 26. comp. Rev. vi. 13. So b) Svvarbs Iv TIVI, powerful in any
Sept. and Heb. Dtaip'nNns Is. xxxiv. 4. thing, i. e. able, skilful, eminent, Luke
Dan. viii. 10. al. See Gesen. Lex. and xxiv. 19 Svv. iv fpyy KOI X6yy. Acts vii.
on Is. 1. c. 22. xviii. 24 iv TCUQ ypa.<f>aig, i. e. eminent
in scripture learning. Sept. pass, for
AiM'/foa>, co, w<ru>,
2 Chr. xxxv. 3
"pnri Ecclus. xxi. 7
strengthen. Pass. Col. i. 11 tv Traay dvvd-
Svv. iv yXuxjvy. Diod. Sic. 13. 101 tivv.
fiti Ivvapovfiivoi, see in Auj/a/uc a. 3-
X6 7V Thuc. 1. 37.
ceedingly mighty, like aariiog T<$ Sty in, toimmerse, Buttm. ^114 dvw,^to sink,
Acts vii. 20; see in '\oTiiog __ Xen. GEc. to go down, intrans. of the sun, Mark i.
7. 23 <TtD/ia tivvarbv Of persons, 32. Luke iv. 40. So Sept. and Nia Gen.
irpoQ n.
xxviii. 11. 2 Chr. xviii. 34. Jos. Ant.
6 Svvarof, the mighty, and spoken of
5. 1. 2. Xen. An. '2. 2. 3.
God, the Almighty, Luke i. 49. So
Sept. and -na? Ps. xxiv. 8 Of men, Avo, ot, at, rd, two, indec. by the
Xen. Cyr. 2. 3.' 6. Mem. 2. 1. 19. Attics and in N. T. the comm. gen.
Hence, Swarog t/ii, i. q. tivvapai, to be and dat. Svolv not being found in N. T.
able, I can, c. c. infin. (see in Avva/ia. The irreg. and later dat.
Svai Matt. vi.
viz. infin. present, Tit. i. 9. Heb. 24. xxii. 40. Luke xii. 5. al. occurs also
xi. 19. (Xen. An. 7. 4. 24.) with an in Jos. B. J. 2. 8. 7. Plut. Marcell. 29.
infin. aor. Luke xiv. 31. Rom. iv. 21. Pol. 4. 32. 3. Aristot. H.An. 4.
xi. 23. xiv. 4. 2 Cor. ix. 8. 2 Tim. i. 12. See Buttm. 70. 2 Winer 9. 2. b.
James iii. 2. Acts xi. 17 tyw de rig ijfirjv Lob. ad Phryn. p. 210 In N. T. Norn.
tivvarbq jcwXverai, or comp. Buttm. 140. Matt. ix. 27 Svo rv^Xoi. xx. 21 oi dvo viol
3. Sept. for bi; Num. xxii. 38. Chald. I*. Luke vii. 41. Johni. 37. al Genit.
^-p^ Dan. iii. 17. Metaph. Swaro^, Matt, xviii. 16 vo fiaprvpuv. xx. 24. Luke
strong, i.
e.Jirm,Jhvd, established, Rom. xii. 6. John i. 40. al. Xen. Mem. 2.
XV. 1 oi Svvarol, SC. iv TT'HJTII. SoSvvarog 5. 2. Dat. see above. Accus. Matt. iv.
18 rt$t cvo aSeXfovc. Luke iii. 11. al. xxi. 13. So Sept. for rnytt Ps. Ixxv. 6.
ssep. So in phrases, viz. Svo fj rpelg, Is. xliii. 4. lix.19. NlnttPs. 1.2. cxiii.3.
two or i. e. some, a
three, few, Matt, xviii. Mai. i. 11.
20. Cor. xiv. 29. (Xen. An. 4. 7. 5.)
avd dvo and Kara tivo, by two's, two and ) ou, o, 17, adj.
voi)Tog fr. j/olo>),
hard to be understood, 2
two, Luke ix. 3. x. 1. 1 Cor. xiv. 27.
Pet. iii. 16 Diog. Laert. 9. 13
elf dvo, in two, taxivSri tig Svo, SC. fi'^prj,
TQV re /cat
Matt, xxvii. 51. Mark xv. 38. Lu-
cian. D. Deor. 8. 1 SitXs /xou
r^v KtyaXjv
w, a, vg, 0??/t?,) o
ou, o, >7, adj. (Svg, Mace. vii. 38. Dion. Hal. 6. 48. He-
hard to be borne, oppressive, sych.
e. g. 0opr/a, Matt, xxiii. 4. Luke xi. 46.
Plut. IX. Au(i>, see Av
Sept. for 53 Prov. xxvii. 3.
p. 625. ed. Reiske. AwStica, o!, al, rd, indec. twelve,
Matt. ix. 20. xiv. 20. al. ssep. So ol
Sv in-
Avo-fvrc/0/a, ac, >?> ( c> tvrepov
Acts xxviii. 8. SatBfKa, twelve, sc. apostles, cor-
testine,) dysentery, flux,
Jos. Ant. 6. 1. 1. Pol. 32. 15. 14. responding to the twelve tribes, Matt.
xxvi. 14, 20, 47. Mark xiv. 10, 20. al.
u, Comp. Matt. xix. 28. Rev. vii. 5 sq. xxi.
o, rj, adj.
12 sq. xxii. 2. also Ex. xxviii. 17. Num.
u),) of explanation, and
xvii. 2. Josh. iv. 5. 1 K. vii. 25. AL.
by impl. hard to be understood, Heb. v.
11 __ Philo de Somn. II. p. 649. Arte-
inid. 3. 67. , 17, ov, the twelfth, Rev.
xxi. 20.
, ou, o, 17, adj. (5vf, KO\OV
j OU 5 TO,
difficult about one's food ;'
food), collect, the twelve tribes, sc. of Israel, the
genr. hard to please, morose, peevish, Xen.
Mem. 2. 2. 2. ra SvaicoXa, unpleasant people of Israel, Acts xxvi. 7.
17. _
(flwpsw,) gift,
Jos. Ant. 4.
8. 47. Xen. Hiero 8. 4.
3. TOV ay. TrvivfidTOQ. Rom. v. 17 r/j
in the sense of groundlessly, without is consecrated to God. So of money
cause, John XV. 25 ifii(Tr](rdv fit Supedv. contributed in the temple, comp. in At-
Gal. 21 dpa Xptorof Swptdv cnrkSavt,
Spaxp-ov ; Luke xxi. 1, and ver. 4 tfiaXov
i. e. then there was no cause els rd d&pa TOV Ssov, they cast in, unto,
why Christ
should suffer ; see Winer's Comm. in among, the offerings made to God. Sept.
loc. Tittm. de Synon. N. T. p. 161. for nna.p Gen. iv. 4. 1 Chr. xvi. 29.
Sept. and 0}n Ps. xxxv. 7. 1 Sam. l^ft "lev. i. 2, 3. ii. 4, 5, 7, 12. Is.
xix. 5. Ixvil 20. Horn. II. 8. 203.
vi. 22, where Sept. a, a. coll. Josh. vii. Indicative; and very rarely in classic
7. Joel i. 15. Arrian. Diss. Ep. 2. 24. writers with the Optative; see Buttm.
Aristoph. Plut. 824. [825.] 139. 8. n. 3. Herm. 1. c. p. 822. Matth.
'Eav, conjunct, (for ct aV,) if, I. Used alone, i. e. without other
contracted also into dv, see *Av II. It particles.
differs from el, in that ti expresses a 1. With the Subjunctive, and imply-
condition which is merely hypothetical, ing uncertainty with the prospect
i. e. a
subjective possibility ; while kdv decision, Buttm. 139. 9. 2.
4. 16. Xen. An. 5. 8. 24 The fut. of 28. So seq. indie, perf. in pres. sense,
the apodosis, or the whole apodosis, is John xx. 23. Rom. vii. 2. xiv. 23. comp.
sometimes to be supplied John vi. 62 ;
above in a. y.
() seq. aorist subjunct.
lav ovv Sewprjre K. T. \. i. e. how much 1 Cor. vii. 28 bis, el di ical yjij/tyc, OVK
more will this offend you, vfiag fficavSa- rjfiapTeg, K. T. X. James iv. 15. So after
Xivtt. Acts xxvi. 5. 1 Cor. iv. 15. Fut. "iva depending on a previous clause,
for imperat. Luke xix. 31 KO.I iav TIG Mark xii. 19 et Luke xx. 28. John ix. 22.
v/tag pwrp ovTwg tpfTrc avrtf. comp. xi. 57. So with OTT^Q Acts ix. 2.
in 'AyaTraw b. Instead of the fut. in- c)
sometimes with both Subjunctive
dic. is put the aor. subjunct. after ov prj, present and aorist in the same clause,
see Buttm. 139. 4. Acts xiii. 41 e. g. seq. indie, fut. in apodosis, 1 Cor.
y ou fiirj TrtartvaijTe, edv TIQ xiv. 23. seq. imperat. Matt. v. 23. (Xen
ov pfi in An. 7. 1. 25.) seq. indie, present, 1 Cor
y/iTv. Comp. Mrj. (J3) seq.
imperat. e. g. present, John vii. 37 iav xiv. 24. James ii. 15. 1 John i. 6.
rtf tfup, tp%ka5t Trpof /if.
Horn. xii. 20. 2. With the Indicative, but only in
aorist, Matt. x. 13 iav fikv y 77 onct'a a4t'a, later Greek writers in N. T. only ;
iXStTw K. T. \. Mark ix. 43 pres. Epict. once and with indie, perf. as present in
Ench. 43. perf. ib. 33. 6. (y) seq.
indie, the apodosis, 1 John v. 15 idv olSafiev
present, John viii. 10 icai lav Kpivat ds oldautv ori K. r. X. comp. in a. y, above.
tyw, ) tcpiaiQ r} ifttj dXrjSrjG iarj.. xiii. 17. Sept. Job xxii. 3. ix. 14. Theodoret.
xxi. 22. Rom. ii. 25. 1 Cor. vi. 4. xii. III. p. 267. .Elian. V. H. 4. 24. See
15, 16. .2 Tim. ii. 5. Matt. viii. 2. al. Herm. ad Vig. p. 822. Winer 42. p.
After on, as in a, Gal. v. 2 Plato 243, 244. Matth. 525. d.
Apol. Soc. 21. So seq. indie, perfect 3.Used in respect to things certain as
in pres. sense, John xx. 23 dv [idv~\ if they were uncertain, and hence equiv-
Tivwv tcparijTB, KticpdnivTai. Buttrn. alent to a particle of time, when, i. q.
113. 6. orav, with the Subjunctive; John xii.
with the Subjunct. aorist, comp. 32 idv v^wS-w tK Trie yijg, irdvTag iXicvam
Buttm. 139. 12. Matth. 501. 521 ; Tcpbg i/jiavTov. xiv. 3. 1 John iii. 2. So
and in the apodosis, (a) seq. indie, fut. Sept. and ON Prov. iii. 24. Is. xxiv. 13.
Matt. iv. 9 Tavra irdvra ooi ^OKTW, iav Amos So ON Gen. xxxviii. 9,
xvii. 2.
TTfffuv irpofficvvrjvyg /tot. v. 13. xxviii. 14. where Sept. orav. Comp. Gesen. Lex.
Mark John viii. 36. Rom. x. 9. al.
viii. 3. OK C. 4. So Lat. si., Hor. Ep. 1. 7. 10.
step Sept. Job viii. 18. ix. 12. xi. 10. 4. Instead of dv, in N. T. and later
^El. V. H. 2. 36 iav oTroSavw. Lucian. Greek writers, used in relative clauses
D. Deor. 5. 3. With the apodosis or and with relative words; see in'Av I. 2.
the fut. implied, Mark xi. 32 dXV iav Winer 43 ult. Vig. p. 516, and Herm.
fjTrw/isv, i
dvSpwiriiJv, sc. ye know p. 835. Such words are thus rendered
what will happen. Rom xi. 22. Comp. more general, imply mere possibility,
1EL V. H. 1. 34 ult. Fut. for imperat. and take only the Subjunctive, Buttm.
Matt. xxi. 3. 1 John v. 16. comp. above 139. 8 ; ever, soever, Lat. cunque. Thus
in a. a. Instead of the indie, fut. whatso-
(a) OQ idv, whoever, whosoever,
put the aor. subjunct, after ou /t?/, John ever, Matt. v. 19. vii. 9. x. 14, 42. xii.
viii.51, 52. comp. in a. a, above. Xen. 36. xiv. 7. xvi. 19. al. saep. Sept. Gen.
Hi. 11. 15. imperat. e. g. pres- xv. 14. xxi. 22. al.
(|3) OOTIQ idv, wJi*>-
(/3) <?eq.
Gal. Col. 23.
ent. Matt, xviii. 17. 1 Cor. x. 28. (y) bVog
ever, whatsoever,
vi. 1. al. aorist, Matt, xviii. 15, 17. 1 Cor. idv, whosoever, as many as, etc. Matt,
vii. 11. Col. iv. 10. Ench. xviii. 18 bis. Rev. iii. 19. Sept. Gen. xliv.
pres. Epict.
. S ~> in prohibitions expressed by \ir\ 1. (d) OTTOV idv, wheresoever,
Matt. viii.
seq. aor. subjunct. instead of the im- 19. xxiv. 28. Mark
vi. 10. xiv. 14. al.
Matt. xxiv. 23. Heb. iii. 7. see () ou idv, wheresoever, 1 Cor. xvi. 6.
Eavrov 2J5 'Eavrow
Sept. Gen. xx. 13. () J> idv, as if, in ff , Buttm. 127. n. 5. Matth. 489. II.
whatsoever manner, as when, Mark iv. 26, Thus for 1 pers. plur. rj^L&v avr&v, etc.
coll. Luke xi. 36. whensoever, Rom. xv. ourselves, Rom. viii. 23 -tifielg avrol iv
24. Sept. Job xxxvii. 10. Dan. i. 13 iavTolg (TTvdofiv. 1 Cor. xi. 31. 2
KaSuc idv Isocr. Panath. 32. p. 419 ed. Cor. i. 9. x. 12, 14. 1 John i. 8.
Lange. (r\)Ka$b idv, according to what- Thuc. 1. 82 avrwv. Plato Phsedop. 78.
soever, 2 Cor. viii. 12. (3) bodxig idv,
B. So for 2 pers. sing, atavrov, ijg, ov,
so often as, Rev. xi. 6. thyself, Rom. xiii. 9 ayaTHjtme TOV TrXrj-
In connexion with other particles,
II. <riov ffov O)Q eavTov JE1. V. H. 1. 21.
where however for the most part each ^Eschyl. Agam. 1308. Also for 2 pers.
retains its own power. The folio wing only plur. vp&v avTwv, etc. yourselves, 1 Cor.
require to be noted ; all with the Sub- vi. 19 OVK i<TT eavTuiv. Heb. x. 34. al.
>6 DN Ex. iv. 8, 9 Pol, 3. 38. 2. Xen. iavTov, through or by itself, in its own
An. 5. 7. 30 In the sense of except nature, Rom. xiv. 14. (y)
iv iavry,
that, but that ; Mark iv. 22 ov yapscrrt n in himself, etc. in mind, genr. Matt,i. e.
KpvTTTOv, o idv fit) 0avpwSy, i. e. but xiii. 21. Mark v. 30. ix.50. John xi. 38.
idv irip, if indeed, if now, Heb. iii. In the phrase yivtadai v. fyx^Sat iv
6, 14. vi. 3. non. al. 2 Mace. iii. 38. eavT<fi, to come to one's self, i. e. to re-
Xen. Cyr. 4. 6. 8. cover one's recollection, senses, Acts
lav rt, if it be, be it that, 2 Cor. x. xii. 11. Luke xv. 17. Xen. An. 1.5. 17.
8. Also as repeated idv re idv re, Jos. Ant. 6. 8. QiavTov yivsaSai. Diod.
whether or, Rom. xiv. 8 quater. non al. S. 13. 95 tiQ iavrovg lp%6/j,tvoi. (o) i%
So Sept. for DN Ex. xix. 13. Lev. iii. 1. iavTov, of or by one's self, 2 Cor. iii. 5.
Xen. Mem. 2. 4. 6. Comp. Viger. p. (e)
Ka& iavTov, by himself, etc. i. e.
517. Matth. $617.5. AL. alone, Acts xxviii. 16, coll. ver. 30. (Xen.
Mem. 3. 5. James ii. 17 rj TT'KJTIQ
a) pp. of the 3d pers. sing, and plur. 12. Sept. Num. xxiv. 25.
John xx. 10.
Matt. viii. 22. xxvii. 42. Luke ix. 25. Jos. Ant. 7. 8. 5. Pol. 5. 93. 1 In the
John v. 18. al. srepiss. sense with or in himself, i, e. in mind,
a general reflexive, standing in thought, Luke xviii. ll.Aristsen. Ep.
b) as
also for the first and second persons, 1.6. AL.
'JEawj w, f. laaw, aor. 1 7a<ra, impf. 'E/3pa7ot are the Jews of Palestine, who
iu>v, (augm. Buttm. 84.
to let, to use the Hebrew (Aramaean) language,
let be, etc. to whom the language and country of
their fathers peculiarly belong, the true
a) pp. topennit, to suffer, not to hinder,
seq. accus. and infm. Matt. xxiv. 43. seed of Abraham ; in opp. to ol 'EXXTjvif-
Luke iv. 41. Acts xiv. 16. xxvii. 32. rai, i. e. Jews born out of Palestine and
xxviii. 4. Cor. x. 13. Rev. ii. 20 in text.
1 using chiefly the Greek language;
reeept. So with the infin. implied, Acts comp. Hug. in Bibl. Repos. I. p. 547
xvi.7. xix. 30. Sept. for imper. nan sq. So 2 Cor. xi. 22. Phil. iii. 5 'Eppaioc
Gen. xxxviii. 16. Job ix. 18.
Mace. xv. 14. Lucian. D. Mort. 13.
^ 1
emphat. comp. in Bct(n\{t>c
In Acts vi. 1 spoken of Hebrew
Xen. Cyr. 1. 4. 9. Chiistians, in distinction from Hellenistic
to let alone, to leave, seq. accus. of Christians.
person, Acts v. 38. Sept. for. nD*in sc.
'Ej3pai'c '/'&>, 17,
Judg. xi. 37 __ 2 Mace. vi. 13. Horn. the Hebrew language, i. e. the Hebrew-
II. 24. 684. Dem. 933. 7. Spoken of
AramEean, Syro-Chaldaic, which
things, to let alone, absol. to desist, Luke was the vernacular language of the
xxii. 51 fart twg TOVTOV, desist ! thus far,
Palestine Jews in the time of Christ
sc. is enough Xen. H. G. 4. 6. 2.
and the apostles. Acts xxi. 40. xxii. 2.
to leave to, to commit to, spoken of
c) xxvi. 14. See Bibl. Repos. I. p. 309 sq.
persons, to leave in charge, Acts xxiii. 32. 317 sq.
Of things Acts xxvii. 40 t"iuv (rrjv vavv)
tig rrfv SaXaaaav, they committed the 'Ej3paV(rrt,
adv. Hebraice, in He-
ship to the sea, i. e. let her drive Jos. brew, i. e. later Hebrew, John v. 2. xix.
Ant. 2. 9. 4 itaaav iiri r< 13, 17, 20. Rev. ix. 11. xvi. 16. For
Siqi rrjv (TwTrjpiav
avrov. the force of adverbs in -tort see Buttm.
119. 15. c.
ot, at, ra, indec.
seventy, Actsvii. 14. xxiii. 23. xxvii. 37. f. /<ro, (yyve,) Att. fut.
disciples sent out by Christ as teachers, bring near, cause to approach, trans.
equal in number to the Sanhedrim. Sept. for iTPSn Gen. xlviii. 10. IT"}prr-
Is. V. 8. Pol. 8. 6. 7 iyyivavree Ty yy
a^ v seventy -
'EjSpcuoe, eucr, atov, or 'E(3paToc, xiv. 4. a^p Gen. xxvii. 17. Spoken
of things, time, etc. Matt. 2 n
ov, o, a Hebrew, from Heb. ^pV (passer
iii. 7/yyiKe
over, ) applied to Abraham Gen. xiv. 13, pamXtia T&V ovpavtiv. iv. 17. x 7. Mark
and to his descendants, the Israelites i. 15. Matt. xxi. 34. xxvi. 45. Luke xxi.
generally, Gen. xxxix. 14. Ex. i. 15. 8,20,28. xxii. 1. Actsvii. 17. Rom.xiii.
Deut. xv. 12. al. step. In N. T. o 12. Heb. x. 25. James v. 8. 1 Pet. iv. 7.
to worship him with pious heart, Heb. vii. 3. xxii. 10. TO 7raerx John ii. 13. vi. 4.
19, coll. iv. 16. James iv. 8. Matt. xv. 8 xi. 55. } eoprrj John vii. 2. rj (BcunXeia
quoted from Is. xxix. 13, where Sept. for TOV Sreov Luke xxi. 31. Perhaps Phil.
So God is said lyyi&iv TOIQ iv. 5, comp. Heb. x. 37. So Sept.
dvSpatiroic, to draw near to Christians, tyywc / 77/ifpa for nllj? Ez. xxx. 3. Joel
sc. by the aids of his Spirit, grace, etc. i. 15. ii. 1. al. Horn." II. 22. 453. seq.
James iv. 8. So Sept. and Deut. dat. Xen. Cyr. 2. 3. 2 6 p.kv dywv t)/uv
iv. 2. comp. Ps. cxlv. 18.
^w, to adv. compar. of fyyve,
'Eyypa0w, (Iv, r/o<tya>,)
quently of the latter, Passow sub. v. 9. Pliit. Pomp. 36. Xen. CEc. 5. 4 __
a) of place, absol. John xix. 42. Seq. Trop. from sluggishness, torpor, Rom.
gen. John iii. 23. vi. 19, 23. xi. 18, 54. xiii. 11. comp. Eph. v. 14 below in d.
xix. 20. prob. Luke xix. 11. Acts i. 12. So trop. from death, of which sleep is
comp. Buttm. 146. 2. Sept. for arip the emblem among all nations ; comp.
Gen. xlv. 10. Ez. xxiii. 12. 1 Mace. iv. Horn. 11. 14. 231. Xen. Cyr. 8. 7. 21.
18. Xen. Mem. 4. 2. 1 Seq. dat. Acts Virg. ^En. 6. 278. Job. xiii. 13. Ps. xiii.
ix. 38 tyyi> Sk ovarjg AvSSrjs
ry 'loinry. 4. Dan. xii. 2. Matt, xxvii. 52. Thus
xxvii. 8 __ So Sept. metaph. Ps. xxxiv. to raise the dead',
iytipeiv vticpovg,
19. Diod. Sic. 1. 41 tyyiora ry d\rj$ei<p. Matt. x. 8 vticpovG lyciptrt. John v. 21.
Comp. Matth. 386. 6. Trop. near, Acts xxvi. 8. 1 Cor. xv. 15, 16. 2 Cor.
nigh, absol. Phil. iv. 5 6 Kvpiog tyyvg, sc. i. 9.Also iyeipeiv etc vfKp&v, to raise
as a helper etc. comp. ver. 6. So Ps. the dead, and Mid. seq. cnro or IK,
xxxiv. 19. cxlv. 18. Seq. gen. Heb. vi. 8. to rise from the dead; John xii. 1 ov
viii. 13. iyyvQ aov, near thee, i. e. close at ver. 9. 17. Gal. 1.
fjyeipev ex vtKp&v.
hand, near by, Rom. x. 8 quoted from 1 Thess. i. 10. al. Mid. seq. a. Matt.
Deut. xxx. 14 where Sept. for 3Vlj?. So xiv. 2. xxvii. 64. xxviii. 7. al. seq. IK
oltyy v as adj. (Buttm. 125. 0,) the near, Mark vi. 14, 16. Luke ix. 7. John ii. 22.
those who are near, sc. the Jews, as al. Absol. Matt. xvi. 21. xvii. 23. xxvii.
having the knowledge and worship of 63. Mark xvi. 14. Acts v. 30. Rom. iv
25. '2 Cor. iv. 14. So Sept. ind we, /, a wak-
K. iv. 31. Is. xxvi. 19. ing up, sc. from sleep, Pol. 9. 15. 4 in
the idea of sleep being dropped, some edit, a rising up, Sept. for
b) tHp
to cause to rise tip, to raise up, to set up- Ps. cxxxix. 2. erection, building, Esdr.
right, and Mid. to rise up, to arise, viz. v. 62 In N. T. resurrection, sc. from
(a) Spoken of persons, e. g. sitting, Acts the dead, Matt, xxvii. 53,
iii.7. reclining at table, John xiii. 4.
John ii. 19, 20. Jos. Ant. 4. 6. the festival of lights or lanterns. See
1 Mace. iv. 52 59. 3 Mace. x. 5 8.
Jlerodian. 8. 1. 12
Jos. Ant. 12. 7. 6, 7. Jahn 3(U Not
found in the classics. Suid.
to raise up, to cause to
c) metaph. n,
arise or exist ; Mid. to arise, to appear, eopr?) KCI& rjv iyicaivovpyrjSij
sleep, trop. sluggishness, Eph. v. 14 tyi- against ; seq. dat. of pers. Acts xix. 38.
KaStvSw. Also, to rise up, to arise, and^ac.acc. xxiii.28. Ecclus. xlvi.19.
p<u 6
sc. from a sitting or recumbent posture. Jos. Ant. 4. 6. 3. Xen. Hi. 5. 3. Seq.
Mark ii. 9, 11. iii. 3. v.41. x. 49. Luke accus. of person, or in Pass, with gen.
v. 23, 24. vi. 8. John v. 8. In classic of thing, Acts xxvi. 2. or with irtpi
writers only poetic in this sense, Aris- c. gen. of thing, Acts xix. 40. xxiii. 29.
toph. Han. 340. Eurip. Iph. in Aul. xxvi. 7. Matth. 369. ^ 370. n. I
Comp. .
monosyllabic forms pov, pot, pi, are In N. T. metaph. fixed, firm, steadfast,
sc. in mind and purpose, 1 Cor. vii. 37.
usually enclitic, but are orthotone after
prepositions, except in TTOOQ fie ;
Buttm. xv. 58. Col. i. 23. Symm. for prg
ib. n. 2. 3. Prov. iv. 18. Ignat. ad Eph. 10 iSpalov
Nom. yu, plur. r//zTf,Matt. viii. 7. Ty TTt'orti. So idpaiHjQ Herodian. 3,
Acts Matt, xxviii. 14. Mark xiv.
xvii. 3. 14. 10.
58. al. scepiss. So with a certain em-
phasis, Matt. iii. 11,14. v. 22, 28, 32, 34. fr. 1 Tim.
John iv. 26. al. Matt. vi. 12. xvii. 19. basis, foundation,
iii. 15.
xix. 27. al. saep Used sometimes by
Paul KoivuviKwe, i. e. where the speaker ov f o, Hezekiah, Heb.
puts himself as the representative of all, 7 or n *l?yT? (strength from Je-
or vice versa ; e. g. lyw for ?//m, Rom. Matt. i. 9, 10.
hovan), king'of Judah,
vii. 9, 10, 14, 17, 20 bis, 24, 25. 1 Cor. See 2 K. c. 18 20. 2 Chr. c. 29 31.
x. 30. riptlg for tyw, 1 Cor. i. 2, 3. Is. c. 36 38.
ii. 10, 12, coll. ver. 4. ib. iv. 8, 10. In
the phrase lyw, icvpu, Acts ix. 10,
idoii ac, >7>
and lyw Kvpu, Matt. xxi. 30, put by voluntary worship, will-wor-^
Hebraism instead of an affirmative ad- ship. i. e. beyond what God requires,
verb. So Sept. and "3}n 1 Sam. iii. 8. supererogatory ;
Col. ii. 23 iv i$t\o-
Gen. xxii. 1, 11. "pbN Gen. xxvii. 24. $pi]0Kti<f. Kal Tairtivotypoavvg, prob. re-
2 Sam. xx. 17. See Gesen. Lehrg. p. ferring to the phrase SsXwv iv ran. Kal
829. 6. 5rpi]GKtiq. TU>V ayykXwv, in ver. 18. Comp.
vi. 54. saep. rip&v Matt. vi. 12. Luke i. This was forbidden by the council of
55. Rom. vi. 6. saep. So pov as passive Laodicea see Wetstein in loc.
or objective, John xv. 10 kv ry ayairy prob. the Essenes, Jos. B. J. 2. 8. 7.
pov, i. e. love of or towards me. Comp. Rev. xix. 10. xxii. 9. Suid.
Dat. in the phrase T'I spot /ecu voi ; eSeXoS-p^o-Ktl* Idly &f\r}p,aTi oi^ti TO
what is to me and thee sc. in common ? SOKOVV. Comp. &e\odov\tla Lucian.
what have I with thee ? Matt. viii. 29. Nigrin. 23.
Mark v. 7. Luke viii. 28. John ii. 4. So see
Sept. and Tj^ "^Tr?? Judg. xi. 12. 2
Sam. xvi. lo! xix. 23. Comp. Matth. to accustom;
*389.i. a. Arr. Epict. 2. 19. 16. ib. 1. 1. Pass, to be accustomed, and of things, to
16. AL. be customary, Xen. Eq. 7. 7. Mem. 3.
'Ea0to>, f. ,
(t0oe)> to level 14. 6. 2 Mace. xiv. 30 __ In N. T. Pass.
with the ground, to raze, to destroy, trans. particip. perf. neut. TO il^iafikvov, what
Luke xix. 44. Sept. for IB'EH Hos. xiv. 1. is customary, and as a subst. custom, rite,
Nah. iii. 10. CM' Niph. Amos ix. 24. Luke ii. 27. Buttm. 128. 2. Comp.
Pol. 6. 33 6." Xen. Hiero 9. 7.
j O,
OVQ, TO, (<>,) pp. 'E-vi/QjOvrj^j ov, o, (tSvog and aj
a) genr.
Acts viii. 9 TO tSrvog rf/f 2a/to- strued with the Optative more usually ;
peiac, the people, inhabitants, of Samaria, with the Indicative and rarely with the ;
spoken of all who are not Israelites, ei Kai, in III below. So seq. praet.
and implying ignorance of the true God Acts xxiv. 19 OVQ tdti ITTI aov
and idolatry, the heathen, pagan nations ; ica Karriyoptiv, t n
Matt. iv. 15. x. 5.*Mark x. 33. Luke Horn. II. ix. 389. ti Kai Lucian. Tox. 1.
ii. 32. Actsiv. 27. xxvi. 17. Rom. ii. 14. Xen. Hiero 9. 10. comp. Matth. 524. 3.
iii.29. al. soep. So Sept. and tna Neh. Buttm. 139. 10, 11. Elsewhere in
v. 8, 9. Is. ix. 1. Ez. iv. 13. G^ay Jer. parenthetic clauses, Acts xxvii. 39 ov <'
x. 3 coll. ver. 2. Ez. xxvii. 33, 36. xxxiv. tjSouXcueravro, ti SvvaivTo, i^uxrai TO
13. AL. TrXolov. 1 Pet. iii. 17 ei 3-tXoi, others
ei SriXei. So ti ru%ot, should it SO
oc> ouc T > a custom, usage, is may be, i. e. it
happen (as probable)
manner, whether established by law or Here
perhaps, 1 Cor. xiv. 10. xv. 37.
otherwise, Luke i. 9. ii. 42. xxii. 39.
the apodosis in each case lies in the
John Acts vi. 14. xv. 1. xvi.
xix. 40.
In Greek writers, the use
21. xli.21. xxv. 16. xxvi. 3. xxviii. 17.
of ti with the Opt. is much more ex-
Heb. x. 25 Wisd. xiv. 16. 2 Mace. xi.
25. xiii. 4. Xen. Cyr. 1.6. 10. Mem. 3.
2. With
the Indicative, implying pos-
sibilitywithout the expression of uncer-
as to
"ESfcj, only in perf. 2 tttoS-a, with tainty, a condition or contingency
pres. signif. to be accustomed, to be wont ; which there is no doubt Buttm. 139. ;
see Buttm. 97. 9. 2. 114 ?3w. comp. 9. 1. Passow Ji ^' A. 2. Winer 42. p.
^ 113. 6. Hence pluperf. tiwSav as im- 240 sq.
perf. Matt, xxvii. 15. Markx.l Ecclus.
With the Indie, present, and in the
xxxvii. 14. Herodian. 1. 17.7. Xen. An. 7. Matt. xix. 10 ti
apodosis, (a) seq. pres.
8. 4. Particip. ward TO tiSof avrti, ovrwc kffTiv rj atria TOV dv3-p. ov (ru/i^eptt
Acts v. 39. Rom. viii. 25.
according to his custom, as he was wont, ya/ij<ra<.
222 EJ
Hiero 9. 11.
(y) seq.
fut. Mark xi. 26 Heb. iv. 8 Gal. iii. 21
(/3) seq.
aor. in
ft t
OVK dtyitTe, ov$e 6 7rar)p d^vet the sense would have been, would have
K. T. X. Acts xix. 39. Rom. viii. 11. done, etc. after imperf. c. ', John xiv.
Heb. ix. 13. Xen. An. 7. 2. 14. In- 28 ti
riycnraTt sxapl v, if ye had
stead of the fut. indie, is put the aor. loved me ye would have rejoiced, etc. xviii.
subjunct. after ov (irj,
1 Cor. viii. 13. 30. Acts xviii. 14. after aor. c. ti, Matt,
see in Buttm. 139. 4. So also seq. xi. 21kysvovro i
fterivoijoav dv, if
aor. subjunct. in exhortations, 1 Cor. these had been done, they would have re-
xv. 32. Gal. v. 25. Buttm. 139. n. pented, etc. 1 Cor. ii. 8. after a pluperf.
7 seq. aor. Matt. xii. 26, 28. c. ft, Matt. xii. 7 el tyv&Kurt OVK dv
Gal. ii. 21
(e) seq. perf.
1 Cor. xv. KartdiKaaaTf
(y) sep. pluperf. in the
13, 16, ti vtKOOt OVK lyeipovrat, ovoe sense would have been, etc. after im-
Xpicrrof lyqycprac, i. e.
admitting, sup- perf. c. el, John xi. 21 ct rjs tide, 6 ddt\-
posing, that the dead are not raised, 06c fjiov OVK dv IreSvrjKei. 1 John ii. 19.
Rom. iv. 14. 1 Cor. ix. 17. Dem. Ep. after a pluperf. c. el, John xiv. 7. Comp.
3. p. 114. B. Herm. ad Vig. p. 902. Diog. Laert. 3.
b) with the Indie, future, and in the 26. Lucian. Fugit. 1. JEsop. 31.1
apodosis, (a) seq. pres. 1 Pet. ii. 20. So (d)
In such constructions dv is some-
seq. perf. as pres. James ii. 11 ci ov pot- times omitted in the apodosis, e. g.
\evfftig, QovevffetG Se ysyovag irapafBdnis John [viii. ix. 33. Rorn. vii. 7. John
vopov. Buttm. 113. 6.
(/3) seq. fut. xv. 22. xix. 11. Acts xxvi. 32. So too
Matt. xxvi. 33 el irdvree Matt. xxvi. 24 Sept. Judg. viii. 19.
ffovrat iv ffol, yu ovdtTTOTS Diog. Lsert. 2. 5. 6, 9. Comp. Matth.
<rofiai. Others read el icai.
(y) seq.
508. n. 2. Winer 1. c.
with the Indie, perfect, and in the the Optative would
naturally be ex-
apodosis, (a) seq. pres. 1 Cor. xv. 19. el pected, viz. where a thing is uncertain,
iv ry fay Tctvry ^XTTIKOTSQ iapev iv X. though assumed as probable ; see in
povov, iXeeivorepot -jrdvTCJV dv$p. tapiv. no. 1. above. Acts xx. 16 tvirevSe ydp,
xv. 14, 17. 2 Cor. v. 16. Acts xxv. 11. el dvvaTov fjv avry* yevsffSai K. T. \.
Dem.Pantaen. p. 639. A.
(/3) seq.
Horn. II. 12. 59. Ml. V. H. 12. 40.
imperat. Actsxvi. 15. fut. John Comp. Winer 42. p. 243. Herm. ad
(y) seq.
xi. 12. Rom. vi. 5 (<J) seq. perf. 2 Vig. p. 904. Passow in Et A. 2. c. So
Cor. ii. 5. where there is no
probability nor even
d) with the Indie, aorist, and in the assumed possibility ;
Mark 35 tl
apodosis, (a) seq. pres. Rom. iv. 2 ci SVVCITOV kori, TrapeXSp / Matt,
'Afipadp i ipyuv idiKat(!)$ti, t\ti Kav^i]pa. xxiv. 24. Mark xiii. 22. Comp. Horn.
xv. 27. 1 John iv. 11. seq. imperat. II. 5.350.
John xviii. 23. Rom. xi. 17. sq. Col.
g) In the urbanity and delicacy of
iii. 1. Philem. 18.
(y) seq. fut. John Attic discourse, ci with the Indie, is
xiii. 32. xv. 20 bis. Rom. v. 10, 17 spoken of things not merely probable,
() seq. aor. Rom. v. 15. but certain, and dependent on no con-
e) with the Indie, of the historic tenses, dition ;
Buttm. 149. p. 423. Passow
and in the apodosis a similar tense in Ei A. Viger. p. 504.
2. c. Matth.
with dv, expressing a previous condi- 617. f. penult. Thus
tion on which depended a certain result, (a) after 5avudu, and other verbs
but implying that neither has taken signifying an emotion of mind, where
place Passow in Et A. 2. d. Buttm.
it is
equivalent to ore ; Mark xv. 44
139. 9. 4. Winer 43. 2. See in "Av tSavpacrev, el ijStj T&vijKt, he wondered
I. 3. seq. imperf. in the sense IF he were already dead, i. e. that he was
would would do, etc. so soon dead. 1 John iii. 13.
(Jos. Ant.
be, after iinperf.
c. ei, Luke vii. 39 OVTOS el i}v 14. 7. 2. Herodot. 1. 155. Xen. Mern. 1.
Ei 223 El
Luke xii. 49
/cat ri
$!\w, el
Acts xxvi. 8
^ its Trjv KaTcnravaiv pov, i. e.
not enter, iv. 3, 5. Mark viii.
they shall
avri<j>$n. (Herodot. 24.)
ri diriOTOv KpiveTai, ti 6 Srto vtKpovq tyci- vlv el
i. e. there shall not
pei ; ver. 22, 23, paprvpovfievog a TraSrj- be given. Heb. iii. 11 is quoted from
rof 6 X. ci irp<3roc *c.
15 ov ftsya ovv, el K.
r. X.
X. 2 Cor. xi.
Ps. xcv. 1 1 where Heb. t!N
"Shp :
(Sept. comp. Ps. Ixxxix. 36. Gen. xiv. 23. &um.
So perhaps Mark ix. 42. Luke xiv. 30 coll. ver. 28. 1 Sam. iii. 14. The
full form is, ON
xvii. 2.
tril^ ^ nto^^-ns,
elsewhere also as equivalent to
(/3) Sept. rade. Trot^trai pot 6 Stbc el jc.'r! X. 2
iirei. i.e. since, as, inasmuch as; Matth. K. vi. 31. comp. 1 Sarn. iii. 17. 2 Sam. iii.
617, f, ult. So with Indie, present, Matt. 35. See Gesen. Lex. Q>? C. c.
vi. 30 d Si TOV xP TOV K T X- IF then the - '
p. 844. Winer | 59. p. 417 sq.
grass, since, vii. 11. John vii. 23. xiii. 17. 3. With the Subjunctive, rarely, both
Heb. vii. 15. Actsiv. 9. Herodot. 5. in N. T. and early Greek writers, and
78. Xen. Cyr. 5. 5. 21. With Indie. only where an action, etc. depends on
aorist, John xiii. Acts xi. 17.
14, 32. something future, if, if so be, supposing
2 Cor. v. 14. Lucian. D. Mort. xxviii. that, and with a negative, unless, except,
1. Xen. An. 7. 1. 29. comp. el fit'i below see Winer 42. ;
in n, if any one, etc.
fl rif, tl p. 243. Passow in Ei A. 3. Matth.
used with a sort of emphasis for o(rrf, 525. b. Herm. ad Vig. p. 831, 902.
whosoever, whatsoever, every one who, etc. So Luke ix. 13 el firjTt irop. jy/itTt; ayopa-
Buttm. 149. p. 423. Matth. 617. e. where others read ayopdvofitv. 1
So with Indie, present, Luke xiv. 26 el Cor. xiv. 5 ijcrdf el pr) Siepprivevy, others
rif tpxerai irpof fie. Mark ix. 35. 1 Cor. SiepfiTjvevet. Phil. iii. 12 SIWKU SI, el ical
1 Tim. v. S. vi. 3. With Indie, future, xi. 5 bis, a TIQ $i\y, others $k\n. More
1 Cor. iii. 14, 15.(Xen. An.
Rev. xiii. 10. frequent in later prose writers.
7. 2.
With Indie, perfect, 2 Cor. II. As an interrogative particle, whe-
vii. 14. x. 7. With Indie, aorist, Rev. ther, Lat. an, viz.
xx. 15. a) pp. in an indirect question, after
Indie, before an aposio- verbs implying question, doubt,. uncer-
h) with the
pesis, i. e. where the apodosis is not ex- tainty, and the like, with the Opt. and
pressed, but left to be inferred ; the Indie, as in classic writers, Buttm. 149.
protasis being thus rendered more em- p. 423. Passow in Ei B. Matth. 526.
ix. 22
Si SsXaiv 6 $dc IvStiZaaSat 49. Mark xv. 36. tyriQifav Luke xiv. 28.
Luke 31. ota
if then God, etc. where
xiv. o3*c
rr\v opyrjvie. T. X. Pov\tvea$ai
the apodosis might perhaps be, < What John ix. 25. KpiveivActs iv. 19.
then ?' or we might repeat from ver. 20, $ave<r$ai Acts x. 18. anove^at Acts
rig el 6 avrairoicpivofjievog ry Stqi.
oi) See xix. 2. 2 Cor. xiii. 5. yv&vat
Winer 66. 6. comp. Buttm. 151. IV. SoKirfv 2 Cor. ii. 9. etc.
Lucian. D.
Mort. 20. 3. Xen. Hi. 1. 7. With Indie.
4. Viger p. 509.
2 irapeT^ovv avrbv ei
(j3) by Hebraism,
like tJN, in oaths future, Mark iii.
I Cor. vii. 16 ri oldac, d
and asseverations, the apodosis or im-
precation being omitted, el comes
to im- K. T. \. _
Xen. An. 1. 3. 5 With Indie.
aorist, Maik XV.
Heb. iii. 11 we 44 iirrjpuTrjafv avrbv, el
ply a negative, not ; e. g.
ira\ai airs'yave. Acts V. 8. 1 Cor. i.
fl elfftXtvffovTai
iv ry opyy pov
Ei 224 E;
perhaps, with indie, future, Mark xi. 13 56. Thuc. 2. 5. Xen. An. 7. 1. 8.
r/\j/ ti apa evprjatt n. Acts viii. 22. Et Si pri ye, see in rl II. S.
in a direct question, Lat. num, ne, the subsequent clause and then each
where implies some doubt, uncertainty,
it retains itsown separate power, if also;
in the mind of the interrogator, which or Kai refers to the condition expressed
cannot be expressed in English. Luke by d, if even, i. e. though, although.
xiii. 23 dire TIQ avnj)' icvptf, el 6Xtyoi ot Herm. ad Vig. p. 832. (1) genr. if
<ru;o/ivoi ; Luke xxii. 49 drrtv aur<- KV- with the Indie. 1 Cor. vii. 21. 2 Cor. xi.
pt, ft 7rarao/av iV /iax''p j Acts i. 6. 15. non al. and so el Si Kai, see in y
So Matt. xii. 10. xfx. 3. Luke xiv. 3. Acts above. With the Opt. 1 Pet. iii. 14, see
vii. 1. xxi. 37. xxii. 25. So Sept. and UN above in I. 1. With the Subjunct.
1 K. i. 27. Gen. xvii. 17. Jobvi.5, 6.' Phil. iii. above in I. 3.
12, see (2) if
for n Gen. xvii. 17. 1 K. xiii. 14. Ruth even, though, although, implying the
i. e.
i. 19. Job vi. G. Dan. ii. 26. iii. 14. reality and actual existence of that
Tob. v. 5 It is doubtful whether d is which is assumed thus differing from ;
rent in this sense in the later language Herm. ad Vig. p. 832. Buttm. 149.
of common life; comp. Winer 61. 2. p. 423. Only with the Indie, e. g.
III. In connexion with other parti- present, Luke xviii. 4 d icai rbv 3-eov ov
cles ;
where however for the most part <j>opovnai. 2 Cor. iv. 16. xii. 11, 15. Phil,
each retains its own power. Only the ii. 17. Col. ii. 5. Heb. vi. 9. imperf. 2
following require to be here noted, in Cor. vii. 8. future, [Matt.xxvi.33.] Luke
which d precedes other particles ;
xi. 8. 2 Cor. vii. 8
aorist. non al.
bis, .12
its usual place
being at the beginning Lucian. D. Mort. 9. 1. Xen. An. 6.
of a clause. For Kai ei see in d Kai 6. 27. So very rarely *ai d, even if,
below. though, i.
q. ei Kai, Mark xiv. 29. 1 Pet.
(a) d apa, and above Kai yap t 2 Cor. xiii. 4.
see in 'Apa I. c j
iii. 1. Kat yap
inrfa. t7Tp 1 Cor. viii. 5. non al.
de, where Sk has
usual ad- its expressing a negative condition, suppo-
versative or continuative power, but if, sition, etc. in which ju?) refers to the
and if, etc. Matt. xii. 7. Luke xi. 19. whole clause thus differing from el ov,
John x. 38. al. ssep. So in d $1 Kai, where ov refers only to some particular
and if also, etc. Luke xi. 18. 1 Cor. word with which it expresses one idea ;
iv. 7. 2 Cor. iv. 3. v. 16. xi. 6. non al. Winer 59. 5. Buttm. 148. 2. b, and
presses the contrary or negative ; e. g. /*/} OVTOQ irapa Stov. xv. 22. xix. 11.
John xiv. 2 iv ry oiKig. TOV Trarpoe fiov Acts xxvi. 32. al. So also seq. "iva, John
fioval TroXXai elaiv d Si firj,
dirov av x. 10. on 2 Cor. xii. 13. Eph. iv. 9.
Vfliv. Ver. 11 -TTlffTtllfftTB flOf
d Si fir) K.T.X. With the Subjunct. see above in I. 3
Rev. ii. 5, 16. non al. So Gen. xxiv. 49. (2) genr.
and without a following finite
xxx. Xen. H. G. 1. 4. 4. CEc. 15.
1. al verb, Matt. XI. 27, d firf 6 7rarr/p, i IIYI
2. Sometimes also after a negative b vloQ. xii. 4, 24, 39. vi. 8. ix. 9. Mark
Acts xi. 19. al. ssep. 1 Cor. vii. 17 a /i?)
clause, of which it then necessarily
expresses the contrary and therefore sc. otdac. Gal. i. 7 where ci \ii\ refers
affirms, if otherwise, else ;
Mark ii. 21 back to SavnaZw OTI. Xen. An. 2. 1.
o-vleig tVijSXq/ta tTrippoVrfi iirl i/iarty 12. Seq. infin. Matt. v. 13 el j3\rj^n- ^
TraAaty- d Si /x?}, atpti K. r. \. ver. 22. non vai ?u>. Acts xxi. 25. Xen. H. G. 2.
al. Comp. Buttm. 148. n. 10. Matth. 2. 10.
(3) tKTOQ
d fif h unless, except,
*at aTrfp, though, although, 1 Cor. viii. (Buttm. 114 iw, 6pdw,) in the sense
5 see above in d xai.
; Comp. Horn. of / saw, trans, implying not the mere
Od. 1. 167. nori. al. act of seeing, but the actual perception
it TTWC,
if by any means, if'possibly ; of some object, and thus differing from
with the Opt. Acts xxvii. 15. Comp. in /3\7mv; comp. Tittm. Lex. Syn. N. T.
I. 1, above. So Sept. for -^N 2 Sain. p. 114, 116.
xvi. 12. Xen. An. 2. 5. 2. With the a) pp. seq.
accus. of person or thing,
Indie, fut. Rom. i. 10. xi. 14. Phil. Matt. ii. 2 tldoptv yap avrop TOV aartpa.
iii. 11. non al, So Sept. for "iw 2 K. v. 1 iSijjv dk TOVQ OX\OVG. xxi. 19. Mark
xix. 4. 1 Mace. iv. 10. ix. 9. xi. 13, 20. John i. 48. iv. 48.
tire t'tTf, whether or; Viger. p. Acts viii. 39. Heb. iii. 9. Rev. i. 2. al.
515, Matth. 617. 5 ult. as in- srep. Sept. for n>n Gen. ix. 23. Ex.
followed xxxix. 44. 1 Sam. xvii. 24, 42. Hero-
cluding several particulars ;
oe, ovg, TO, (obsol. sfow,) quoted from Ex. iii. 7 where Sept. for
thing seen, external appearance, i. e. TPiO Hfen see in ;
BXfTrw I. a Seq.
a) pp.fonn, shape, appearance; Luke on with indie. Mark ix. 25. John vi. 22,
iii. 22 au)fj.aTiK<$ tldei. ix. 29. John v. 37. Rev. xii. 13. Absol. Matt. ix. Luke 8.
Sept. for rrjOp Gen. xii. 2 sq. Ex. ii. 17. Acts iii. 12. al. Hence oi idovreg,
xxiv. 17. Num. ix. 16. -itfh 1 Sum. xxv. the spectators, Mark v. 15. Luke viii. 36.
3. Esth. ii. 7. Act. Thorn. 8. Xen. Before an indirect question, Matt,
Cyr. 1. 2. 1. 2 Cor. v. 7 ov dm Move xxvii. 49. Mark v. 14. Gal. vi. 11. al.
TftpiTrarou/zfv, i. e. our future bliss has Xen. Conv. 2. 15..-- Also in various modi-
yet no visible appearance, form. fied senses, viz. (a) to behold, to look upont
b) trop. manner, kind, species, 1 Thess. to contemplate, Matt. ix. 36. xxviii. 6.
V. 22 enrb iravroQ (ISovQ -Trovtjpov. So Mark viii. 33. Luke xxiv. 39, John xx.
Sept. for nnDllJTS Jer. xv. 3 Ecclus. 27. al. seep. For imper. Us, behold, as a
xxv. 2. Jos. Ant. 10. 3. 1 TTO.V elSos no- particle, see "Ide. Sept. for tS^an Num.
vrjpias. Xen. Cyr. 8. 2. 6. Others here, xii. 8 Philostr. Vit. Sophist. 2. 32.
every evil appearance ; comp. Tittm. Syn. Xen. An. 2. 1. 9 (/3) to sec, sc.
in order
N.T. p. 117. See in '0, 77, ro, p. 553, col. A, to know, to look at or into, to examine^
Mark v. 14. vi. 38. xii. 15. Luke viii. 35. signif. toknow, and the pluperf. becomes
xiv. 18. John i. 40, 47 Wisd. ii. 17, an imperfect Buttrn. 1. c. and 1 13. n.10.
where q. 7raoaw.
#0 see, sc. face
a) pp.
and genr. i. e. to be acquainted
to face, to see and talk with, to visit, i. e. with, etc. seq. accus. e. g. spoken of
to have personal acquaintance and in- things, Matt. xxv. 13 OVK oiSart ri]v 17^!-
tercourse with ;
Luke viii. 20. ix. 9. John pav. Mark x. 19. Luke xviii. 20. Johniv.
xii. 21. Acts xvi. 40. Rom. i. 11. ICor. 22. Rom. vii. 7. xiii. 11. Jude 5, 10. al.
xvi. 7. Gal. i. 19. Phil. i. 27. ii. 28. al. saep. Sept. and yi;; Ex. "* 8 *^^ v *"- &
**o of a city, 'Pvfirjv, Acts xix. 21. Lu- Herodian. 8. 4.~6. Xen. Mem. 3. 6. 17.
cian. D. Deor. 9. 1. Xen. Cyr. 1. 4. 28. So in attract. 1 Cor. xvi. 15 oUart rr\v
An. 2. 4. 15.
to see out, i. wait
e. to oiKiav ^Tujtava on K. r. X. 1 Thess. ii.
Mark ii. 12. So iStlv rf\v rjfi'spav TIVOQ, personally. So Heb. yi^ Gen. xxix. 5,
to see one's day, i. e. to witness the events Sept. yivw<TKtu. Xen. Mem. 4. 2. 26.
of his life and times, etc. Luke xvii. 22. Conv. 4. 35. So seq. accus. with an
John viii. 56 where comp. Olshausen's adj. the particip. ovra being implied,
Comm. Pol. 10. 4. 7. Mark vi. 20 ti'dwg avrov dvdpa c'tKaiov.
spoken of the mind, to per- Buttm. 144. 4. 6. (Xen. An. 1. 10.
b) trop. 16.)
ceive, sc. by the senses, etc. to be aware In attract. Mark i. 24 oUa as TIQ d.
of, to remark', Matt. ix. 2 i$<av rrjv TTIOTIV Luke xiii. 25. John vii. 27. see Buttm.
avr&v ver. 4 iSwv rag iv^vfjtfjfftig avriUJv. 151. I. 6. So Sept. and yi; 2 Sam.
Luke xvii. 15. John vii. 52. Rom. xi. xvii. 8 Xen. Mem. 4. 2. 36 ult. Seq.
22. Seq. on Matt ii. 16. xxvii. 24. Mark accus. and infin. Lukeiv. 41. 1 Pet. v.
xii. 34. Acts xii. 3. xvi. 19. Gal. ii. 7, 14. 9. Seq. with the indie, instead of
al. So Sept. and run Ecc. ii. 12, ] 3. Job accus. and Matt. xv. 12. Mark xii.
xxxii. 5. yi^ Josh. viii. 14. Is. vi. 9. coll. 14. Luke viii. 53. Acts iii. 17. al. ssep.
Matt. xiii. 14. Seq. TrtpirivoG, Matt. xxiv. 36. Mark xiii.
Hebr. to see, i. e. to experience, 32. Absol. Luke xi. 44. 2 Cor. xi. 11.
c) by
viz. either good, to enjoy, or evil, to suf- Before an indirect question with the
fer, seq. accus. e. g. Srdvarov Luke ii. indie. Matt. xxiv. 43. Mark xiii. 35.
26. Heb. xi. 5. Heb. HNH, Sept. Luke xii. 39. 1 Thess. iv. 2. 2 Thess. iii. 7.
OTCTOfiai, Ps. Ixxxix. 49. Col. iv. 6. al. With the subjunct. Mark
ii.27, 31. xiii. 35 sq. Sept. and ix. 6 OVK ydti ri XaXrjcry.
Ps. xvi. 10. irkvSoQ Rev. xviii. 7. ?/ie- b)
in the sense of to perceive, to be
pluperf. ydeiv, fut. el$rjff<o Heb. viii. 11 ; able, etc. seq. infin. Matt. vii. 11. Luke
see Buttm. 109. III. The plur. forms, xii. 56. Phil. iv. 12. 1 Thess. iv. 4.
olSaptv John ix. 20 sq. olSars 1 Cor. ix. 1 Tim. iii. 5. James iv. 17. 2 Pet. ii. 9.
13, olSaffi Luke xi. 44, belong to the With infin. impl. Matt, xxvii. 65 Xen.
later Greek, instead of the better ones Cyr. 1. 6. 46.
tcr^ev, fore Heb. xii. 17, i<ra<ri Acts xxvi. d) from
Heb. with the idea of
4; see Winer 15 ettfw. Matth. 231. know and approve or love ;
volition, to
OZa is
strictly, to have seen, perceived, hence spoken of men, to care for, to take
apprehended; hence it takes the present an interest in, 1 Thess. v, 12 eiCivai rove
EicwXetov 227
Ei3iuXo3'urov, ou, TO, (t'SdiXov, t, ol, at, ra, indec. twenty, Luke
xiv. 31. Acts xxvii. 28. AL.
Svw,) idol-sacrifice, any thing sacrificed
to idols, i. e. in N. T. the flesh of victims
E'/KW, f. w, to give place, to give
offered to idols, which remained over
way, to yield, seq. dat. Gal. ii. 5. Wisd.
and was eaten or sold see in 'AXiayt^a. ;
xviii. 25. Jos. Ant. 1. 4. 3. Xen. Cyr. 3.
Acts xv. 29. xxi. 25. 1 Cor. viii. 1, 4, 7,
10. x. 19, 28. Rev. ii. 14, 20. Clem.
Rom. Homil. 7. 8. Origen. c. Cels. lib. II. E'/KOJJ obsol. whence perf. 2
8. 29, 30. lotKa, with pres. signif. to be like, seq.
dat. James i.
6, 23. See Buttm. 84. n.
ac> 'h ewov, 6. 109. III. 5. marg. Sept. Job vi.
Xarpn'a,) idolatry, idol-worship, pp. and 25. Jos. Ant 3. 7. 7. Xen. Mem. 1. 4. 7
genr. Gal. v. 20. Spoken of partaking bis. ib. 1. 6. 10.
of things offered to idols, rd ii$u>\6$vra
q. v. 1 Cor. x. 14. Of the vices usually n} (tiKOj, like-
connected with idolatry, 1 Pet. iv. 3. ness, i. e.
Test. XII. Patr. p. 615 aotXytlat, yon-
a) image, effigy, figure, Matt. xxii. 20.
rttac rat cidtoXoXarpelat. Origen. de Orat. Mark xii. 16. Luke xx. 24. Rom. i. 23.
28 tiduXarpeiag, ftotxtiag, iropvelae Trop. . Of an idol-image, statue, etc. Rev. xiii.
of covetousness, Col. iii. 5. 14, 15ter. xiv. 9, 11. xv. 2. xvi. 2. xix.
20. xx. 4. Sept. for Dent. iv. 16. ^pp
an bp? K. xi. 19. Ez.
Is. xl. 18, 20. ts 2
servant,) idolater, idol-wor- xxiii. 14 __ Wisd. xiv. 15, 17. Pol. 6. 53.
shipper, genr. 1 Cor. v. 10. vi. 9. Rev.
4. Xen. Ag. 11. 7. In the sense of copy,
xxi. 8. xxii. 15. Spoken of one who
representation, 1 Cor. xi. 7. 2 Cor. iv. 4.
partakes of things offered to idols, ra Col. 15. So Heb.
i. x. 1 77 avrfj EIKWV
tiduXoSvTo. q. v. 1 Cor. v. 11. x. 7.
TU>V TrpayfjiaTuv, the real and perfect
i. e.
Trop. of a covetous person, Eph. v. 5,
representation, opp. to 77 OKIO., a shadowy
coll. Col. iii. 5.
and imperfect one __ Wisd. ii. 23. vii.
26. Lucian. Imag. 28.
ouj TO, (eto,) an image,
spectre, shade, Horn. II. 5. 449. of the b) abstr. likeness, sc. to any one, resem-
dead, Od. 11. 476 dpor&v dduXa Kapov- blance, similitude, Rom. viii. 29. 1 Cor.
TWV. any image, figure, Xen. Mem. 1. 4. xv. 49 2 Cor. iii.
bis. 18. Col. iii. 10. So
4. In N. T. an idol, i. e. Sept. for inai Gen. v. 1. 0^ Gen. i.
an idol-image, Acts vii. 41. 1 Cor. 26, 27. ix. 6.--Ecclus. xvii. 3.'
xii.2. Rev.ix.20. Sept. for^DB 2 Chr.
xxxiii. 22. Is. xxx. 22. Pol. 31. 3. 13.
~El\iKpivta, ac? /> ("AiKpivrk,)
ness, metaph. pureness, sincerity, 1 Cor.
b) meton. an idol god, a heathen deity, v. 8. 2 Cor. i. 12. ii. 17.
1 Cor. viii. 4, 7. x. 19. Sept. pi. foi trn^<
Num. xxv. 2. 2K.xvii. 33. tr!^!-?32 K!
xvii. 12. xxi. 11, 20. By iinpl. plur. ra in sun-shine;
j, piVw,) pp. judged of
flSuXa, idols, for idol-worship, idolatry, by impl. clear as light, manifest, Xen.
Rom. ii. 22. 2 Cor. vi. 16. 1 Thess. i. Mem. 2. 2. 3 tiXiKpivfa TIQ av elrj a
ia; In N. T. metaph.pMn?, sin- So laTi, tiVi, etc. there is, there are t
cere, Phil. i. 10. 2 Pet. iii. 1. Fabr. Rom. iii. 23. 1 Cor. xii. 4 6. Acts
Cod. Pseud. V. T. I. p. 734 d\. icai icaSa- xxvii. 22. John vii. 12. Rev. x. 6. xxi.
pa SiaSevis. Pol. 4. 84. 7. 4. al. seep. John vii. 39 ovTrwyap ijv trvtv^a
a'yiov, the giving of the Holy Spirit
i. e.
EtAt<T<ra>, tw, (Ion. and poet, for
had not yet occurred. Hence by impl.
eXi<r<rw, from e'Xi, ti'Xlw, Buttm. 114,) to be present, i.
q. Trapei/a, but this sense
to r0Z/ Mjt?,
or together, as a scroll, Pass.
Rev. vi. 14. Horn. II. 22. 95. Anth. Gr.
lies only in the adjuncts, Matt. xii. 10.
xxiv. 6. Mark viii. 1. Comp. Jos. Ant. 7.
III. p. 79. ed. Jac.
11. 6 Tf\v ovffav ovvap.iv. Xen. An. 4.
tffonai, (tw,) imperf. rjv, im- 2. 3.
(y) Spoken
also of time, genr.
perat. laSi Matt. ii. 13. al. 3 pers. lorta Luke xxiii. 44 fjv dk w<m wpa sicri]. John
Matt. v. 37. al. Buttm. 108. IV. i. 40. Acts ii. 15. 2 Tim. iv. 3. Mark
Less usual forms are Imperf. 2 pers. : xi. 13 Xen. Cyr. 5. 4. 18 -i]8t] #pa rjv.
ijs Matt. xxv. 21, 23. al. instead of the H. G. 4. 5. 1 >6 firjv. Of festivals, etc.
more usual 7/crS-a Matt. xxvi. 69. Mark Mark xv. 42. Acts xii. 3. Xen. Conv.
xiv. 67. see Buttm. 108. IV. 1, and 1.2.
marg. Winer Lob. ad Phryn.
14. 2. c.
b) by impl.
and by force of the ad-
p. 149. Imperf. fj^v Matt, xxiii. 30. juncts, to come to be, to come into exist-
Gal. i. 10, 22. al. Lucian. D. Deor. ence, i.
q. ytvojuat, i. e. to come to
Mar. 2. 2. Xen. Cyr. 6. 1. 9. see Buttm. pass, to tahe place, to occur, to be done,
108. IV. 2. Winer 14. 2. b. Sturz de etc. so in the fut. larai, etc. Matt, xxvii.
Dial. Alex. p. 170. Lob. ad Phr.p. 152. 7, 21. Luke xii. 55. xxi. 11, 25. Acts
Imperat. ijrui 1 Cor. xvi. 22. James xi.28. xxvii. 25. Acts xxiii. 30. al. Luke
v. 12. Plat. Rep. p. 361. C. see Buttm. xxii. 49 TO ivofitvov, i. e. what was about
108. IV. 1. marg. Winer 14. 2. a. to happen. Matt. xxiv. 3. Luke i. 34. al.
So 2 pers. plur. J/TE for tart 1 Cor. vii. 5, Seq. dat. of pers. Mark xvi. 22. Luke
where text. rec. vvv'tpxtaSt.. For the xiv. 10 Xen. Mem. 3. 2. 1 TOVTO
Xoyof. viii. 50, 58. Mark xii. 32. Acts any thing, i. e. to become any thing ;
xix. 2. Heb. xi. 6. al. Of things, John Matt. xix. 5 et Eph. v. 31 KOI laovTai
xvii. 5.2 Pet. iii. 5. Rev. iv. 11. Forwr, ol Svo tig (rdpica p.iav, quoted from Gen.
ra uv-a, etc. see below in d Philo de ii. 24 where Sept. and Heb. Luke iii.
Charit. p. 709 ykwriaig di TIQ TO fu} ov 6 coll. Is. xl. 4. Acts xiii. 47 coll. Is.
ayiTai tig TO tlvai. Xen. Mem. 1. 1. 14. xlix. 6. Eph. i. 12. Col. ii. 22. al.
ib. 2. 2. 3 OVQ [^raT^ag] ol yovtig IK [j.kv Gesen. Lehrgeb. p. 816.2. Stuart 507.
OVK QVTWV tiroirjaav tlvai. Spoken of b, note. Seq. dat. of pers. 1 Cor. xiv.
life, to exist, to live, Matt. ii. 18. xxiii. 30. 22. 2 Cor. vi. 18. Heb. i. 5. viii. 10.
not to die, Acts xvii. 28. Jos. Ant. 7. 10. James v. 3. al.
5. Xen. Ven. 11.
genr. to be,
(/3) c)
terrt seq. infin. it is proper, is in
to exist, to be found, as of persons, Luke one's power or convenience, etc. licet ;
iv.2o7roXXotx>)pai^(Tav.ver.27.Matt. xii. Heb. ix. 5 Trepla>v OVK lun vvv Xsystv,
11. John iii. 1. Rom. iii. 10, 11. Lucian. of which we cannot now speak. So also
D. Mort. 22. 1. Xen. H. G. 5. 4. 25. some 1 Cor. xi. 20, but less well.
60 of things, to be, to exist, to have place, Ecclus. xxxix. 21. Ml. V. H. 13. 33.
Matt, vi.30. xxii. 23. Mark vii. 15. Luke Xen. Cyr. 1. 6. 11. Comp. Passowaub
vi.43. Acts ii. 29. Rom. xiii, 1. al. sacpiss. voc. 2.
d) particip. o5v, .u<ra, 6V, being, viz. of two or more, i. e. to be one in mind
(a) joined
with a noun or pronoun, it is and purpose, John x. 30.
xvii. 11, 22.
used in short parenthetic clauses, by or to be one in rank, right, etc. 1 Cor.
way of emphasis, to indicate an exist- iii. 8. xii. 12. Gal. iii. 28. In this con-
ing state, condition, character, etc. and struction, dpi with an adject, sometimes
may be rendered by the case absol. or by forms a periphrasis for the cognate
being, as being, as, etc. Matt. vii. 11 ei verb ;
e. g. Swaroe dpi i.
q. cvvapai,
ovv vptfq, TrovTjpoi ovrt, o'idarf K. r. X. Luke xiv. 31. Acts xi. 17. Rom. iv. 21.
John iii. 4. iv. 9. ix. 25. Acts xvi. 21 fKdij\<'g dpi i. q. kKGrjXovpai, 2 Tim. iii.
& oi-K t&anv rjptv iroiiiv, 'Pwpaiotg ovvt. 9. Herodian. 8. 1. 2 K^V^IOQ dpi i. q.
Rom. v. 10. xi. 17. Gal. vi. 4. Eph. ii. KrpuTrro^at. For the particip. as predic.
4. Tit. iii. 11. James iii. 4. al. See Pas- see below in f.
proper name of God and governed by 1. al. ssepiss. Matt. vii. 12 owroelcmv 6
CITTO Rev allusion probably to
4, vo/iof, i. e. is contained in the law
the Heb. rnrp. ver. 8. xi. 17. xvi. 5. Herodian. 3. 10. 10. Xen. Cyr. 1. 4. 27.
Comp. Winer 10 ult. Wisd. xiii. 1 (Ec. 14. 7 c. dat. Sometimes the noun
OVK ia\voav iifiivai TOV ovra, i. e. God. (or pronoun) of the predicate is not di-
So Tit ovra and TO. prj ovra, things exist- rectly expressed, but only implied; Matt,
ing and things non-existing, pp. Rom. iv. xiv. 27 yo> up, I am, sc. the man, i. e.
17. metaph. 1 Cor. i. 28. 2 Mace. vii. it is I. John xiii. 13 tlfii yap, sc. 6 Sidaa-
28. Philo de Great, princip. p. 728 TO, *caXoc. xviii. 5 iyui tlfjn, sc. 'IrjvovQ. So
yap pij ovra tJcaXttrtv ilg rb ilvai. Xen. OVTOQ ionv, Mark vi. 16. Luke vii. 27.
Mem. 4. 6. 1 bis, 7. John vii. 25. ix. 9. al. Seq. dat. of pers.
As logical copula, connecting the
II. or thingybr or in respect to whom the pre-
subject and predicate, to be, where the dicate is asserted ;
Acts i. 8 KO.I tarevSre fioi
predicate specifies who or what a person ndprvpeg. ix. 15. Rom. i. 14. 1 Cor. ix.
or thing is in respect to nature, origin, 2 si aXXoig OVK ei'jut aTroVroXog, dXXaye
office, condition, circumstances, state, v-/iv dpi. i. 18. ii. 14. Trop. and
place, habits, disposition of mind, etc. meton. the subst. of the predicate often
etc. But all this lies in the predicate, expresses, not what the subject actually
is, but what it is like, or
and -not in the copula, which merely is accounted to
connects the predicate with the subject. be, or signifies, viz. by comparison,
The predicate may be made by various substitution, etc. or as cause or effect ;
parts of speech, etc. Thus so that ei'/u may be rendered to be ac"
with an adjective as predicate; counted, to be like or in place of, to sig-
which is strictly the more logical con- nify, etc. Matt. v. 13, 14, vpels *<" rb
struction. Matt. ii. 6 <rv, Bq-dAtc/i, ov- aXac TIJQ yrjs, TO <f>a>Q TOV KOffpov. xii.
tiapwg t\a\'(.<rrrj fl iv TOIQ rjy. K. r. X. 50 avTog pov ade\<j>be /cat adeXtyrj rai
xviii. 8. Mark i. 7. John iv. 12. v. 32. pr]TTjp iffTiv. xiii. 37
39. xix. 6. Luke
Acts 11 6 IGTIV b
Xoyo. xii. 1.
r) paoTvoia OVK IOTIV a\r]&-fi. vii. 6. viii. o*7ropo
Rom. viii. 29. 1 John i. 9. al. saepiss. John i. 4 77 wr) 1]v 0wf TWV avSpw-
Herodian. 3. 7. 7. Xen. Mem. 3. 5. 1. TTWV. ver. 8. iv. 34. vi. 33, 35 lyai eipt 6
So with a neg. adj. ovdiv, it is aproc TIIQ fafJG- ver. 41, 48, 50, 51, 55.
Cor. xii. 50. xv. 1, 5. Acts iv. 11.
nothing, Matt, xxiii. 16. 1 vii. 19. xi. 25.
xiii. 2.pnSiv Gal. vi. 3, comp. above in 1 Cor. iii. 10. iv. 17. x. 4. Eph. v. 8.
I. d. a. Jos. Ant. 4. 8. 24. Pint, de James iv. 1 4. Rev. iv. 5. xxi. 22. al.ssepiss.
Exil. 6. Xen. Cyr. 6. 2. 8 With nu- So in the words of Christ, rouro ian
merals Mark v. 13 ijaav Se we iWxiXoi. TO pov, TOVTO tort ru alpd pov,
; trutpa
So in the phrase tlf or ev t1vat } spoken Matt, xxvi.26, 28. Alark xiv. 22,24. Luke
xx ii. 19. 1 Cor. xi. 24. The Romish property, etc. pp. Matt. v. 3, 10, avrtiv
.church takes these words literally. iffTiv TI (BaaiXeia T&V ovpav&v. Mark xii.
Xen. An. 3. 1. 13. H. G. 1. 4. 3 (y) 7, 23. Luke iv. 7. John x. 12 xix. 24.
Here too ei'/ii with the subst. of the pre- Acts xxi. 11. al. saep. Matth. 315. 1
dicate, sometimes forms a periphrasis for Isocr. ad Nicocl. p. 19. B. Xen. Cyr.
the corresponding verb ; comp. in a, ult. 7. 5. 73. Metaph. of persons or things
e. g. tTri^vprjTTjg tifit for tir&vfiew, 1 Cor. to whom the subject belongs, apper-
x. 6. ZiiXwTTiQ tlfii for 77X00;, 1 Cor. xiv. tains, or on whom it isin any way de-
12. etc. pendent ;
e. g. of God, 2 Cor. iv. 7.
with a pronoun as predicate, in the 1 Cor. iii. a master, teacher,
23. of
same case with the subject, viz. OVTOQ, guide, etc. Acts xxvii. 23. Rom. xiv. 8.
this, the following, Matt. x. 2 TO. 6i/6/tara 1 Cor. i. 12. iii. 4. vi. 12. 2 Cor. x. 7.
ictTi TO.VTO.. John i. 19 O.VTI) iariv rj juap- al. Of things which one follows after,
Tvpia. xv. 12. xvii. 3. Acts viii. 32. 1 Thess. v. 5,8. Xen. An. 2. 1. 11
al. avTdg, Luke xxiv. 39. Heb. i. 12. So as implying fitness, propriety, etc.
riff, indef. some one, any thing, 1 Cor.
TI, Acts i. 7 ov% vfi&v IOTI yvujvai %p6vov
x. 19. metaph. of moment, important, ic. T. X. Heb. v. 14 TtXtiiav Se IOTIV rj ore-
Acts v. 36. 1 Cor. iii. 7. Gal. vi. 15. pea Tpofrj. Matt. 316. Xen. An. 2.
al. riff, ri, interrog. who, what, John v. 1.4.
13. Rom. xiv. 4. 1 Cor. ix. 18. Heb.
with the dative of a noun or pro-
xii. 7. James iv. 12. Act* xxi. 22 TI noun as predicate, to be TO any one,
ovv iffTi, what is then? sc. to be done. implying possession, property, etc. John
1 Cor. xiv. 15, 26. TroToff Mark xii. 28. xvii. 9 on voi tivi, for they are thine.
TToeroff Mark ix. 21. iroTcnroe Luke i. Luke xii. 20. Acts ii. 39. 1 Cor. ix. 16,
29. oTroIoff Acts xxvi. 29. bVriff Gal. 18. 1 Pet. iv. 11. al Xen. Cyr. 1. 2. 4.
v. 10, 19. etc. etc. So the ^possessive By inverting the construction it
pronouns ;
as tfioff,aog, John xvii. 10. be rendered to have, as Luke vii. 41 Svo
vpi-epoc Luke vi. 20. etc. Xen. Mem. Xptw^tiXerai r/erctv SavtiaTy Tivt, a cer-
3. 3. 3. Trop. as with nouns (b. /3, tain creditor had two debtors, vi. 32, 33,
above) the predicate often expresses, not 34. John xviii. 39. Acts viii. 21. xxi.
what the subject actually is, but what it 23. Eph. vi. 12 OVK IGTIV r\\iiv irdXij 17
iiv ydp tTaiv SwCtKa. Acts iv. 22. al. 6 ijaav de TivtQ KaSriptvot. ver. 18. xiii.
rat Ippiu'evoi K. r. X. Mark vi. 52 i]v ydp place whence, origin, etc. irobiv Matt,
i) Kapfiia O.VT&V TrcTrwpw/uv*;. 1 John i. xxi. 25. John vii. 27. ii. 9. tvTtvStvJohn
4. Also in impersonate, as Seov tan for xviii. 36. Xen. An. 5. 6. 24. ib. 6. 4.
till,Acts xix. 36. Trpkirov ttrri for Trps- 14 Of
time, kyyvg Matt. xxvi. 18.
TT, 1 Cor. xi. 13. al. See Winer 46. h) with a preposition and its case as
8. Matth. 559. Viger. p. 343. comp. predicate, viz. John i. 45.
(a) cnro,
Gesen. Lehrg. p. 792. 2. Stuart 530. comp. 'ATTO III. 1. tig, c. ace. viz. (|3)
So Eurip. Here. fur. 312 sq. Hero- as marking that which any thing be-
dian. 1. 3. 5. Diod. S. 2. 5. Xen. An. comes ; comp. above in I. b. /3. As
2. 2. 13. In some cases the particip. is denoting direction, object, end, tig rt,
not the predicate, and then EI'/U is not Luke V. 17 Kal Svvap,ig icvpiov fjv tig TO
thus an auxiliary, e. g. Mark x. 32 iavSat avrovg. Of a person, tig TWO.
$<rav iv ry bdqi avafiaivovTtg tig 'lepoff. 1 Pet. i. 21 &<TT TtJV TTlffTlV VfJL&V KCti
where iv ry b$$ is the predicate, and i\7rL5a tlvat tig Stov, i. e. be or rest in
instead of a personal tense of the verb 18. al. tic c.gen. always implying
; (y)
Matt. iii. 3 ourog yap !<rrt 6 prjStig vtrb origin ; e. g. spoken of place, John i.
'Hffaiov, the person spoken of, the
i. e. 47 ic Naaper Svvarai n ayaSw tlvai j
predicted, instead of og tppifii). xiii. 19. Acts xxiii.34. John iv. 22. So of family,
Mark vii. 15 kKtivd e<rrt rd KOIVOVVTO. rbv race, etc. Luke ii. 4. Acts iv. 6 Of
av&puirov. John iv. 10. Acts ii. 16. persons or things as the source, author,
Rom. iii. 11. 1 John v. 5. Jude 19. cause, etc. Mark xi. 30 t% ovpavov ijv fj
Rev. ii. 23. Rev. xiv. 4 OVTO'L ti<riv ol i% a^pwTrw . John viii. 23 vptlg IK rStv
&Ko\ov$ovvreg, where comp. the pre- icdruttart, eya IK rS>v avu> tifii. XV. 19.
ceding construction, OVTOI tlaiv, oi OVK xvii. 14 bis, KK TOV Korrftov tlvai. Acts
IpoXvvSqffav. al. saep. Comp. Buttm. xix. 25. Gal. iii. 21. Matt. i. 20 !K irvtv-
125. 3, and n. 2. Winer 19. 1. c. 46. fiarog effriv ayi'ou. V. 37. John vii. 17 TJ
4. Matth. 270. Viger. p. 342 sq. He- diScix*! tK TOV Srtov Acts V. 38.
IffTiv. 1
rodot. 9. 70. Xen. H. G. 2. 3. 43. John ii. 16. Hence metaph. of a per-
g) with an adverb as predicate e. g. ;
son on whom one is dependent, to whom
of quality or character, as ovrug, John he is devoted as a follower, etc. e. g.
iii. 8 ovTbig tori TTO.QK. T. X. Matt. xix. 10. John viii. 47 EK TOV Srtov OVK ye are tori,
So ovrtag tvrat, Rom. iv. 18. Matt. xxiv. not of God, i. e. not his followers, ad-
27. Luke xvii.24, 26. al. Seq. dat. Matt, herents. 1 John iii. 10. iv. 6. vi. 19.
xii. 45. Luke xi. 30. al. ravra as adv. So John viii. 44 vfntlg IK TOV Siaj36\ov
q. oi5rwc,Luke xvii. 30. 1 Cor. vi. 11. tvTt. So of things, as EK Trjg
Comp. Buttm. 115. 4. 128. n. 4. ug, John xviii. 37. 1 John iii. 19.
according as, Rev. xxii. 12. Of likeness, TOV vopov Gal. iii. 10. Also Gal. iii. 12
as wg, Matt. xxii. 30. xxviii. 3. Luke vi. 6 vopog OVK IGTIV IK 7rt(rrfwg, i. e. the law
40. al. tiffTTtp, Matt. vi. 5. Luke xviii. 11. depends not on faith, has no connexion
Sf q. dat. Matt, xv'ii. 17.
; Of plenty or with it Of a whole in relation to a
want TrepurffuTtpwg 2 Cor. vii. 15. x w ~ 1 Cor. xii. 15, 16, OVK tipi IK TOV
; part ;
pig Heb. xii. 8. Of place, viz. place o-w/xarof. Of persons, Luke xxii. 3
e. g. Rom. x. 8. John xi. OVTO. IK TOV dpiSpov T&V SwdtKct. Matt,
where, eyyuc
18. al. iKtl Matt, xviii. 20. Mark iii. xxvi. 73 ai> l avT&v tl. John i. 24. x. 16.
Col. iv. 9. 2 Tim. iii. 6.
I. (Xen. H. G. 4. 8. 14.) paw&v
al. xviii. 17, 25.
Mark xii. 34. John xxi. 8. OTTOV Mark Plut. Galb. 27. Herodot. 2. 46. Of the
v. 40. John xviii. 1. vii. 34. al. (Xen. material, Rev. xxi. 21 f)v tt tvbg /iapyapi-
Matt. 374. b, note. See in 'EK.
Cyr. 2. 4. 31.) irov Matt. ii. 2. John vii. TOV.
kv c. dat. implying a being in a
II. (Luc. D. Mort. 13. 1 or 3.) <5fo ()
Matt. xii. 6, 41. Rev. xiii. 9. ect. etc. Of place, thing, person, etc. Spoken of
place, part, etc. Mark i. 3 iv ry Ipii iii. Acts vii. 9. xviii. 10. Phil. iv. 9.
John ii. 23 iv roTf 'Iepo<ro\. Acts v. 12. Jos. Ant. 15. 5. 9 -- So to be imparted to
Rev. ix. 10. al Herodian. 8. 8. 10. anyone, etc. 2 John 2, 3 __ irapd, seq. (3)
Xen. An. 5. 6. 13, 15 Of things ;
iv gen. tlvat Trapa nvog, to befrom any one,
TOVTV, in this, i. e. herein, John ix. 30. i. e. sent
by any one, John vi. 46. vii.
1John iv. 10. or hereby, 1 John ii. 3. 29. or received from any one, John xvii.
So iv TOVTOIQ i<r3i, be wholly in these 7. Seq. accus. of place, to be by, on, at,
things, occupied with them, 1 Tim. iv. Mark v. 21. (i) irpo, seq. gen. of place,
15. (Jos. Ant. 2. 16. 4. Xen. Cyr. 5. to be before, Acts xiv. 13. metaph. of
2. iv actoKi tlvai, to be in the flesh, dignity, Col. i. 17. ac-
5.) (K) Trpoc, seq.
i. e. followers of the world, aliens from cus. of place, etc. tlvai Trpoe n, to be near
God, Rom. vii. 5. 'iva ?} iriariQ vpuv fir) to, by, etc. Luke xxiv. 29. Mark iv. 1.
y iv avSrp&Truv, a\X' iv dt/va/m
Achill. Tat. V. 343. Of persons, to
Seov, i. e. consist in, depend on, 1 Cor. be near, with, among, Matt. xiii. 56. Mark
ii. 5. Of a state, condition, etc. iv pvvei ix. 19. (\\ avv seq. dat. tlvai avv nvt,
aifjiaroe ovva, Mark v. 25. So Luke to be with any one, i. e. present with, in
xxiii. 40. Phil. iv. 11. 1 John ii. 9. company with, Luke xxiv. 44. Phil. i.
Jos. Ant. 7. 2. 1. Of
persons, to be in 23. Col. ii. 5. 1 Thess. iv. 17. or as a
any one, viz. where the subject is a thing, follower, disciple, Luke viii. 38. Actsiv.
Acts xxv. 5 el TI iartv iv ry avtipi TOVT<, 13. or as a partisan, Acts xiv. 4. Xen.
in or on this man, i. e. in his conduct, H. G. 3. 1. 18.
(/*) {/Trip seq. gen. dvai
etc. John xi. 10 ro 0u> OVK tariv iv av- vTrlp rivog, to be for any one, on his side,
r<, i e. in his path, around him. So of Mark ix. 40. Seq. accus. of pers. virip
faculties, virtues, vices, which are in Tiva, to be above any one, trop. Luke
any one, John i. 4, 48. Acts iv. 12. xx. vi. 40.
VTTO seq. accus. to be under,
10. Where
the subject is a person, i. e. spoken of place, John i. 49. 1 Cor. x. 1.
to be near and in intimate union with, to of person or thing, to be subject to, Rom,
be one with, sc. in mind, purpose, feeling, iii.9. Gal. iii. 10. 1 Tim. vi. 1.
etc. So God and Christ, John xiv. 10, NOTE. As copula, the forms of dpi
11. Christ and his followers, John xv. are very frequently omitted ; e. g. Matt
4. Christ in his followers, 2 Cor. xiii. 5. ix. 37. xiii. 54. Mark ix. 23. 1 Cor. x,
the Spirit in Christians, John xiv. 17. 26. xi. 12. al. ssepiss. See Buttm. 12-9,
Christians in Christ, Rom. viii. 1. xvi. 11. 12. Matth. 306. Winer 66. 2. AL,
1 Cor. i. 30. 1 John v. 20. Seq. dat.
plural, to be among, Matt, xxvii. 56. to
34, 35. See Buttm. | 108. V.
be in the midst of, 1 Cor. xiv. 25. ()
iiri, seq. gen. of place, upon, Luke xvii.
Etveica, see "Evena.'
31. John xx. 7. metaph. of dignity, sta-
see in Ei III. f.
tion, over, Acts viii. 27. Rom. ix. 5.
Seq. dat. of place, upon, in, at, Mark iv. Enrov, aor. 2; imper. t'nr't, opt.
inf. li-xtiv, par-
34. Matt.xxiv.33 Seq. accus. of place, {(7roijui, subjunct. ITTW,
intercourse, 1 Cor. vii. 5. of person, tlvat Matt. xxvi. 25. Mark xi. 3. al. imperat,
irri nva, to be or rest upon, metaph. Acts eiTrov Acts xxviii. 26. dirarwaav xxiv. 20.
iv. 33. Kara seq. gen. elvai Kara used likewise by the Attics, Xen. Mem.
TIVOQ, to be against any one, Matt. xii. 30. 2. 2. 8. al. Comp. Buttm. 96. n. 1 and
9. 114 sub tlirov. Winer 15 sub
Gal. v. 23 Seq. accus. of thing, elvai
KOTO, n, to be according to, in accordance dTTov. With these aorists from an ob-
with, 2 Cor. xi. 15. Rom. ii. 2. Luke sol. theme en-w or eliru), the Greeks
xvii. 30 (^ fttra seq. gen.
elvai fiera employed 07?/u as a present,
with any one, e. 1. c. and 109. 1.2; and likewise, as
rivog, to be i. present
also in N. T. the fut. ipti from po> (only
with, in company with, Matt. xvii. 17.
Mark ii. 19. Luke xxiii. 43. al. to be for the perf. eipj*ca from obsol.
poetic) ;
or on the side of any one, as an ad- pta>, pluperf. elpfiKtiv, perf. pass, etpi^at,
xii. 30. John aor. 1 or less usual ippi-
herent, helper, etc. Matt. pass. Ippifirjv
Enrox 233 E/TTOV
clause spoken, as Matt. ii. 8. iv. 3, fin. with accus. Rom. iv. 1. with accus.
Luke v. 13. John iv. 27. vi. 59. al. implied Matt. xvi. 12. Xen. H. G. 1.
Hence ilirt is inserted like l$i\ in the 6. 6. So with ilvai implied, where dirslv
middle of a clause, Luke vii. 42. With may be rendered to call, to name, etc.
an accus. of person, once, John i. 15 John X. 35 eyo> eiTra, 3-tot etrrf ci tKtivovQ
3v iltrov, as in Engl. whom I said, i. e. tiiTf. Srfovs K. T. \. xv. 15. 1 Cor. xii. 3.
of whom spoke, i. q. iripi ov in ver. 30.
I Comp. Xen. H. G. 1. 6. 7 diruv a$\iw-
Along with the accus. expr. or im- TO.TOVQ tlvat Tovg"E\\r]va^. Apol. Socr.
plied, are also further constructions of 15. Herodian. 6. 1. 15 () seq. on,
the person to whom, the manner, etc. Matt. v. 31. John viii. 55. 1 Cor. i. 15.
(a) seq.
dat. of pers. John xvi. 4 ravra with dat. Mark xvi. 7. John vi. 65.
$1 vp.1v t
apxiis OVK iltrov. Matt. xvi. 8. Xen. Cyr. 1. 4. 25.
Mark ii. 9. Luke iv. 3. John xiv. 26. b)
as modified by the context, where
Rev. xvii. 7. Luke vii. 40 t^w ooi n the sense often lies not so much in
litrtiv, comp. Luc. Tim. 20. Aristaen. 2. t'nriiv as in the adjuncts e. g. spoken ;
II. xii. 32. c. gen. of 10. John viii. 10. Acts xix. 2, 3. Xen.
(?) seq. irepl
pers. or thing, to speak ofoT concerning, Cyr. 1. 3. 16. before replies, for to
etc. John vii. 39. x. 41. xi. 13. c. dat. answer, to reply, etc. viz. to a direct
of pers. Matt. xvii. 13. John xviii. 34. question, Matt. xv. 34. Mark viii. 5.
(e) seq. trpog
c. accus. of pers. to speak Luke viii. 10. al. and so preceded by cnro-
or say to any one, etc. Luke xi. 1. xii. or cnrtKpiSt] ccti, Matt. XI. 4. XV.
16. John vi. 28. Acts ii. 37. Heb. i. 13. 13. John vii. 20. Acts v. 29. Without a
al. (Luc. D. Mort. 1. 1. Xen. Cyr. 1. 4. preceding question, Matt. xiv. 18. Acts
13.) In the sense offor, with reference 2. 9. xi. 8. with cnroKptStic, Matt. iv.
to, Mark xii. 12 c. ace. of thing, to 4. xii. 39. Mark vi. 37. al. (y)
of nar-
say in respect to, Rom. viii. 31. ration, teaching, etc. for, to tell, to make
() seq.
adverb, or a prep, with its noun, imply- known, to declare, etc. Matt. viii. 4. xvi.
ing manner; e. g. fyoi'we Matt. xxvi. 35. 20. xviii. 17. Mark xi. 29. xvi. 7, 8. John
bioavrwQ xxi. 30. KaSug xxviii. 6. So iii. 12. xii. 49. Sept.
Ka\u>c elirag, thou hast well said, i. e. for -pan 2 K. xxii. 10. Is. xii. 22.
right, correctly, Luke xx. 39 ; and ab- rnin Job xii. 7. predictions,
s^l. with icaXoif implied, Matt. xxvi. 25, to foretell, to predict, etc. Matt, xxviii. 6.
6 {, ov tiirag. Hence with an accus. of Mark xiv. 16. Luke xxii. 13. John ii. 22.
pers. KaXtie tiiriiv riva, to speak well of al. Here used especially in the passive
Rom. ix. 12, 26.
any one, Luke vi. 26 ;
and KCIK&S tiiriiv forms, e. g. typifi*
Acts xxiii. 5j see Rev. vi. 11. Luke iv. 12. Heb
Tira, to speak evil of, tlptjrat
234 Ei,
iv. 7. r6 clpTju'tvov Luke ii. 24. Acts ii. Matt. x. 13. Luke x. 6. John xiv. 27.
16. al. 6 pi^et'c, lit. the foretold, Matt. Hence /ur' with good wishes,
iii.3. TO prjtev, thatforetold, etc. Matt. benediction, kindness, Acts xv. 33. Heb.
i. 22. ii. 15, 17. xxii. 31. al. ssep. of xi. 31. lv tipnvg, 1 Cor. xvi. 11. So
what is said with authority, for to direct, Sept. and Heb. toibip'^ Gen. xxvi. 29.
to bid, to command, etc. Matt. viii. 8. Ex. xviii. 23 Hence also in the for-
Mark v. 43. x.49. Lukevii.7. xvii. 7,8. mulas of salutation, either at meeting
xix. 15. 2 Cor. iv. 6. James ii. 11. al. or parting see in 'A<r7rao/mi.
; Jahn
Seq. Matt. iv. 3. Mark Hi. 9. Rev.
"iva, 175. Gesen. Lex. Oi^tf, B. 1. Thus
ix. 4. Sept. forms Ex. xxxv. 1. Lev. ix. on meeting, e!pr)vij vp.1v, peace unto you,
6. AL. i.
every good, Luke xxiv. 36.
e. John
see in El III. n- xx. 19, 21, 26. Also in letters, etc.
Rom. i. 7. ii. 10. 1 Cor. i. 3. 2 Cor.
ojj f. evffbt,
(clpqvq,) Gal. i. 3. al.
i. 2.
(Act. Thorn. 27.)
peace, to be at peace, Sept. for tJ^ttin 1 Luke x. 5 elprfVT] T<fi O"IK<{) Tovrq). So
K. xxii. 44. Polyb. 5. 8. 7 x^pa e/c
Sept. and Heb.tJ?V,?p Judg. xix.20. Oi^
TraXaiou e!pr]Vvofikvtj. Diog. Laert. 2. 5.
1 Chr. xii. 18. I)an. x. 19. At parting,
In N. T. metaph. to live in peace, har-
v-n-aye fig tiprjvrjv, go away info peace.
mony, concord, etc. absol. 2 Cor. xiii. 11.
Mark v. 34. vir. ive!privy,goinpeace,Jsimes
iv eavrols 1 Thess. V. 13.
iv aXXfjXoie
ii. 16. Troptvov ej'f tiprjvrjv Luke vii. 50.
Mark ix. 50. pera irdvrwv Rom. xii. 18. viii. 48. iv tlpfivy Acts xvi. 36.
Ecclus. vi. 6. xxviii. 9, 13.
Comp. in Etc no. 4. Sept. for Heb.
pfdce, vz.
TJC, i?
trib#3 *$ Judg. xviii. 6. 1 Sam. i. 17.
in a civil sense, the opposite of xx. 42. AL.
a) pp.
war and dissension, Luke xiv. 32. Acts
xii. 20. Rev. vi. 4. al __ Xen. Ag. 1. 7. Ktprjviicoc, 7, ov, (elprjvT],} peaceful,
pp. relating to peace, Xen. (Ec. 1. 17
Amongindividuals, peace, concord,
In N. T.
Matt. x. 34. Luke xii. 51. Acts vii. 26. elprjviKal tTnaTripai.
Rom. xiv. 19. al. 2 paoiXtvs Heb. vii. a) pacific, disposed to peace, James iii.
eiprjvrjG, i. e.
pacific king. Trop. peace
17. Sept. for tD'telp' 1TTK Ps. xxxvii. 37.
of mind, tranquillity, arising from recon- comp. Deut. ii. 26.
ciliation with God and a sense of the b)
from the Heb. healthful, wholesome,
divine favour, Rom. v. 1. xv. 13. Phil.
Heb. xii. 11 Kapirbs tlpr}viKOQ. Comp.
iv. 7.
in Eiprjvij c.
Comp. Is. liii. 5.
1, Of place, which is the primary and 1. Matt. xxii. 3 K a\k<rat ttf row f
most frequent use, into, to, viz. ver. 4. Mark v. 14 dTr^yyaXav tif
after verbs implying motion of any TroXiv. xi. 8 larpaxrav
a) tif TJJV oflov. xiii.
kind into, or also
towards, upon, anyto, 10 tie iravTO. TO. eSrvtj dtl
place or object e. g. verbs of
Luke xxiv. 47. John viii. 26 ravra
coming, leading, following, sending, tif TOV KOfffjiov. Acts vii. 39 <rrj
throwing, placing, delivering over, and Talf KctpSiaif CLVT&V tif AiyuTrrov. xxvii.
the like, etc. etc. Matt. ii. 12 avt^upvaav 6. 1 Cor. xiv. 9 tif 2
d'epa XaXovvrtf.
fig ri\v -^wpav aiiTuiv. iv. 8. V. 1 dve/3); Cor. viii. 24 tie avTovf kv$dZ, xi. 6.
tig TO opof. vi. 6 tlatXSt tig TO ra/itlo al. ssep. Xen. Anab. 5. 6. 28, 37.
aoi/. viii. 18 diriXStlv tlf ro
ir'tpav. xii. Especially after verbs of looking, etc.
44 tTTtorpt^/a) <f rov olicov fiov. XV. 11, Acts i. 10 a.Ttvi%ovTtf tif TOV ovpavov.
17 irav TO ti(T7roptv6fitvov (if TO oro/za, jcai iii. 4. Matt. xxii. 16 ov pXtTrttf tif
e/C d^etfpwva tK/SdXXtrai. xx. 17 dva- a)7rov dvpo7rwv. John xiii. 22. xix. 37.
ing place ; as John xviii. 6 d.rrrjX^ov tif Luke xxii. 33. xxiv. 20. John iv. 38.
rd oirivu. vii. 8, 10, tif rr\v iopTrjv, SC. at v. 24. xvi. 13. Acts xxvi. 18. 2 Cor.
Jerusalem. Mark xiii. 16. iv. 22 tie x. 5. Gal. i. 6. Phil. i. 12. iii. 11.
Qavtpbv IXSy. John i. 11 tif rd ISia ijXSrt. 1 Tim. ii. 4. iii. 6, 9. Hcb. ii. 10. al.
Acts xv. 38 tif TO ipyov. xxi. 6. John ssep. For virayt v. rroptvov tlf tiprjvijv,
xvi. 32. With an accus. of person, but go into peace, see no. 4 below. Xen.
referring always to the place where the Ath. 1. 9. Mem. 1. 2. 22. So in
person dwells or is, and implying to, constr. praegn.' TWO. v.
/BaTrn'&iv tlf
among, etc. Luke x. 36 i^irta^v tif Tovf tif ovofj.0. to baptize into the
nvof, i. e.
iif. xxi. 24. Acts xviii. 6 tie rd tSvy obligations incumbent on a disciple of
XX. 29 tiotXtvoovrai XVKOI any one, etc. Matt, xxviii. 19. Acts viii.
tif vpaf. xxii. 21. Rom. v. 12. 16. Rom. vi. 3, 4. al. See in Ba7rri'w 2.
xvi. 19. 2 Cor. ix. 5. x. 14. 1 Thess. i. *.&
5. Rev. xvi. 2. al. See Buttm. 147. 2. Of time, viz. a) time when, im-
n. 5. Winer 53. a. Matth. 578 plying a term, limit, to, up to, until ;
Horn. Xen. Cyr. 3. 3. 6.
II. 15. 402. Acts iv. 3 tif TIJV avpiov, till the morrow.
Mem. Spoken also of persons
1. 1. 14. Matt, x, 22 tif rtXof. Phil. i. 10 tif rifitpav
into whom demons have entered, Mark Xpiorov, i. e. against the day
of Christ.
ix. 25. Luke viii. 30. comp. Matt. viii. ii. 16. 2 Pet. iii. 7. Acts xiii. 42. 1
31. Luke viii. 32. al. Also Lukexv. 17 Thess. iv. 15. 2 Thess. ii. 6. 2 Pet. ii. 4.
tie iavTot> iXSwr, having come to himself, al Xen. Cyr. 5. 3. 26. (Ec. 17. 10.
i. e. to his right mind. Diod. Sic. 13. So with accus. of person, as marking the
95 time when one lives, appears, etc.
tie tctvrotie tpxofitvoi.
verbs implying direction
after iii.17, 24, tif XptffTov.
Herodian. 2. 9.
upon or towards any place or object; 8. Herodot. 3. 97.
e. g. verbs of hearing, calling, announc-
time how long, marking duration,
Matt. x. 27 et Matt. xxi. 19 TOV ai&va, for
ing, showing, etc. etc. for, etc. tif
Acts xi. 22 dicovfiv t!f TO. tin a. Luke vii. ever. Mark iii. 29. John viii. 35. 2 Pet.
iii. 18. Luke i. 50 tig ytvtag ytvttiv. xii. perhaps Matt. v. 25tVoxoc tig TJV yhvvav,
19 tig tTTj TroXXa. 1 Tim. vi. 19. Heb. vii. i. e.
guilty even to Gehenna but see in ;
3. Rev. ix. 15. al. Xen. Lac. 11.2. ib. "Evoxog. Chiefly by way of periphrasis
9. 2. for an adverb ; Winer 53. c. a. 55.
3. Tropically, as marking the object 1. b. Matth. 578. d. Luke xiii. 11 tig
or point to or towards which any thing TO TravTiXtg, i. e. entirely, and Heb. vii.
22. Heb. vi. 6, 8. 1 Pet. i. 22 al. ssep. tvSoicia Trjg lf*ijg Kapdiag vTrip avriav
Horn. II. 9. 102. Diod. Sic. 19. 33. tffTiv tig (rwTiipiav. Jude 21 TO t\tog TOV
So with an infin. as subst. Rom. vii. Kvp. 'I. X. tig ioi}v aidjviov. Rom. i. 27
4 tig TO yfviaSai vpag K. r. X. ver. 5. xii. iv Ty 6piti avT&v tig aXXrjXovg. xiv. 19.
3. 1 Cor. ix. 18. Gal. iii. 17. Heb. xi. Phil. i. 23
tTT&vnia tig TO avaXvaai.
3. al. seep. Xen. An. 7. -8. 20. So Matt. XXVI. 10 tpyov KaXbv tlpjaaciTO tig
from the Heb. Avhere tig corresponds to t/iE. Rom. xii. 16. 2 Cor. x. 1. 1 Thess.
the Heb. *> see Gesen. Lehrgeb. p.
iv. 10. v. 15. 2 Pet. iii. 9. al Judith
816. Stuart 507. b. Thus Xoyio/*at vi. 17. Thuc. 1. 38. So after nouns,
tig TI, to reckon or count FOR, e. g. aya-n rj tig Tiva, Rom. v. 8. 2 Cor.
[rtva, TI,~\
AS, any thing, Acts xix. 27. Rom. ii. 26. ii. 4, 8. Eph. i. 15. al. x^fntf/m tig Tiva,,
ix. 8. So Sept. for *? mtfn 1 Sam. i. 2 Cor. i. 11. So Acts xx. 21. 2 Cor.
13. Is. xxix. 17. Wisd. ix. 6. c. ix. 13 2 Mace. ix. 26 After adjec-
double accus. Wisd. v. 4. xv. 15. Also tives, xpjjorot tig aXXrjXovg Eph. iv. 32.
of measure, degree, extent, etc. Lukexxii.65. Actsix.l. Col. iii. 9. al.
El, 23T FI?
m. V. H. 11. 10.
Thuc. 1. 130. ib. 3. xvi. 6. 2 Cor. viii. 6. Gal. iv. 11.
Eph. i.
85. Xen. Cyr. 2. 2. 2 So after nouns, 5 elg avTov. 2 xl l iii.
o3-l<ra /uoi eif
Heb. xii. 3 dvr/Xoyta / avrov. Acts xxiii. vjjiag. 1 Pet. i. 4
K\rjpovofiiav Tfrrjpi]-
30 cTri/SouX*} t7g rtva. Rom. viii. 7 p.ivjjv elg vpag. al. saep Xen. An. 1.
eiff Stov. Xen. H. G. 7. 4. 34 2.27. ib. 3. 3. 19. H. G. 4. 2. 9. So
if roue Stovf. Luke vii. 30 TTJV (3ov\r]V TOV Stov r/&!rj-
of an intention, purpose, aim, end, <rav elg iavTovg, i. e. to their own detri-
i. e. ttf final, In the sense of unto, in ment.
order to or for, i. e. for the purpose of, for e) genr.
as marking the object of
the sake of, on account of, etc. Matt. viii. reference, relation, allusion, into, unto,
4 TO iSfov tig [jiapTvpiov avTolg. ver. 34 towards, i. e. with reference to, etc. Pas-
T) rr6\ig tf/X3'El' / ffWaVDjfflV T(fi 'llJffOV. sow in Elg no. 5 (a) pp.
in accordance
xxvii. 7 f/yopao-ay rbv aycbv tig ra^i\v. with, conformably to ; Matt. x. 41, 42,
ver. 10. Mark i. 4. /3a7rri<r/m fitTavoiag 6 Sex,ofJ.tvog irpotyrjTrjv tig ovofia irpo<pi}-
ei'f atytaiv afj.apriwv. Luke V. 4 ^aXatrare TOV K. T. X. i. e. in accordance with the
r diKTva tig dypav. xxii. 19 rouro irottirs character of a prophet, or AS a prophet.
elf TI}V iftfjv avd^vr]Giv. xxiv. 20. John i. Matt. xii. 41 et Luke xi. 32 ptTtvorivav
7. ix. 39. Acts iv. 30. xi. 29. xiv. 26. elg TO jc/7pvy/za 'Iwva, into, i. e. con-
Rom. i. 16, 17. v. 21. vi. 19. ix. 21. x.
formably to or AT the preaching of Jonah.
4. xv. 18. 1 Cor. ii. 7. 2 Cor. ii. 12. Acts vii. 53 IXdfltTe TOV vofiov elg diara-
Eph. iv. 12 bis. 1 Tim. i. 16. al. seep. yag dyysXwv, into, i. e. conformably to
So Matt. iii. 11 Pairri^siv tig peTavoiav, or in consequence of the arrangements
unto repentance. 1 Cor. xii. 13 elf Iv of angels, etc. in the sense
(/3) genr.
ffwfia iftaTTTi(r3njfiev, elg 'iv Trvev^ia iiro- of as to, in respect to, as, concerning,
Tia$T]fiev, i. e. in order that we may be etc. Acts ii. 25 AaftlS yap Xlyft elg
one in body and spirit. Matt, xviii. 20 avTog, concerning him ;
so Eph. v. 32
ffWTjyfitvoi ovopa, I. e. on
elf TO ifibv
et Heb. vii. 14. (Comp. Kypke Obs.
my account, for my sake, in order to II. p. 15.)
Acts xxv. 20 airopovpevog
promote my cause, etc. So before an lyu elg TIJV ZrjTrjfftv. Luke xii. 21 pq
infin. c. art. in order to, in order that, etc. elg TOV Sebv TT\OVT&V. Rorn. iv. 20 elg
Matt. xx. 19 tig TO i/iiraigac. Mark xiv. Trjv 7rayyfXiav ov SitpKpiSrr). Rom. xiii.
55 elf TO SavaTwoai avrov. Luke xx. 20. 14 Trpovoia elg eTriSrv^iag. XVI. 5 cnrapxri
Rom. i. 11. xi. 11. James i. 18. al. Trjg 'Affictg tig Xptorov. xvi. 19 aotyovg
saep. Herodian. 1.6. 20. Herodot. 2. p,ev elg TO ayaSrov, aKtpaiovg fie elg TO
103. Xen. Cyr. 7. 1.5. An. 6. 5. 14. KCIKOV. 2 Cor. ii. 9 el elg iravTa VTT^KOO'I
Xen. Men. 3. 6. 2. Ag. 9. 3.
c. infin. (ere. ix. 8. Gal. vi. 4. Eph. iii. 16.
Hence elg ri, to what end? wherefore? 1 Thess. v. 18. 2 Tim. ii. 14. 1 Pet.
why? Matt. xiv. 31. Mark xv. 34. al. iii. 21. al. ssep. Diod. Sic. 2. 57. Luc.
elg TOVTO, to this end, for this purpose, pro Imag. 23. Xen. An. 2. 6. 30. ib. 4.
ix. 17. p.l. elf o, to ichich end, ivhereunto, 4. Sometimes elg c. accus. is found
etc. 2 Thess. i. 11. 1 Pet. ii. 8.
where the natural construction would
In the sense of to or for, implying use, seem to require iv c. dat. as after verbs
advantage, etc. and equivalent to the which imply neither motion nor direc-
< dat commodi et
incommodi,' but more tion,but simply rest in a place or state.
emphatic Winer 53 c. S. Matt. x. 10
In such cases the idea of a previous
state is either
fir) KTrjff-qaSe irfjpav elg
bcov. XX. 1. IZrjXSrtv coming into that place or
is implied in the
piffSuffaaSai, tpydrag tig TOV ap,7rt\CJva actually expressed, or
avTov. Mark viii. 19, 20, ore roiig doTovg context. See Passow, Elg no. 6. Winer
ticXacra tig Tovg iriVTa.Kiaxi\i6vg K. T. X. 54. 4. b. Matth. 596. Comp. Buttm.
Luke ix. 13. xiv. 35 ovrt tig yrjv, OVTS 151. I. 8. So Matt. ii. 23 eXSwv
Matt. V. 13. Ti'oXij.'. Mark i. 39 ical
KOTrpiav evSeTov
elg I art. KciTyicrjcrev elg
John vi. 9. Acts ii. 22. Rom. xi. 36 et f]v Kijpvavwv tig rAg ffvvayuyag, comp.
1 Cor. viii. 6, avrov, for him, i. e.
elg ver. 38 where is dyw/iv etg rag
for his honour and glory. Rom. xv. 26. Mark ii. 1. xrat
Efc 238
ttf KaTTEpvaoty, <eai Luke vii. 50. al. James ii. 16. Acts xvi.
olfcov tori, i. e. that he was came into 36. Coznp. in Elprjvij ult.
the house, xiii. 9, 16. Luke xi. 7 NOTE. In composition tig implies 1
rd iratdia fiov ifjiov tig TTJV KO/TTJV motion into, as tiock\opai, t'atifju, tlv'tp-
as in colloquial my children xo/tat, EiV^fpw, etc. 2. motion or direc-
ei'at'v, Engl.
are to bed. xxi. 37. John ix. 7 v tion to, towards, as aVaKovw, etc. AL.
vtyai tig TJ)V KoXvp.[3r)$pav TOV
Acts vii. 4. viii. 39, 40, Trvtvpa Kvpiov jut'a, ?v, gen. ivoc, fiiag, ivog,
7/p7ra<T TOV ^t'XtTTTTOV, CVpeSjJ # E/C *Aw- one, the first cardinal numeral ; see
rov. xviii. 21. xxi. 13, coll. dva/3ao/ivin Buttm. 70.
ver. 12. xxiii. 11. al. Horn. II. 15. 275 and genr. e. g. without subst.
a) pp.
l^dj/7/ Xig tig b<$6v. Xen. Cyr. 1. 2. 4 v6- Luke 19 ovStlg dyaSbg, ti p,ij tlg t
[Kp tig rag taurwv %wpa eVaarot TOVTUIV Stog. 1 Cor. ix. 24. Gal. iii. 20. al.
irdpttaiv. 2. 1. 5.
An. 1. 2. 24. JE1. V. Matt. xxv. 15 ^WKE TaXavra, ^E vo, <
'lopodvov ifiaTTTiZovTO iv Tijj 'lopfidvqt tig, one one, i. e. one the other, Matt.
VTT'avTov, i. e. the attention in the latter xx. 21. xxiv.41/a'a fiia, xxvii. 38. John
case being fixed upon the act of baptism ;
xx. 12. al. Also 6 tig one
o tig, the the
in the former, also on the coming of other, Matt. xxiv. 40. tig TOV tva 1 Thess.
Jesus to the Jordan. So too in the V. 11. tig vTTtp TOV ivog 1 Cor. iv. 6.
phrases inrayt. V. Tropfuou tig ttprjvrjv So tig tig ?c, Matt. xvii. 4. Luke ix
or iv tlprjvy, go away INTO peace 33. Mark iv. 8. al. Sept. for TTW1. "1HN
or IN peace, i. e. INTO or IN the enjoy- Lev. 2Chr. iii. 17. for "PIN"! ins
xii. 8.
ment of peace, good, etc. the idea being ITINI 1 Sam. x. 3. xiii. 17, 18. fecclus.
at bottom the same, but expressed xxxi'. 23. Xen. Cyr. 1. 2. 4 In like
under different aspects; Mark v. 34. manner, tig 6 trtpog, one the other,
Matt. vi. 24. 3 6 tig 6 srepog, ike one the 13. ix. 13. al. So Sept. and -|rw Ezra
other, Matt, vi.24. Luke vii. 41. Acts xxiii. iv. 8. Dan. ii.31. viii. 3. CompI'Gesen.
6. 6 tig 6 aXXof, Rev. xvii. 10. (/3) elf Lehrg. p. 655. Stuart 412. n. 3.
'e-KaoTog, each one, every one, Acts ii. 6. xx. from the Heb. as an ordinal, the
31. Col. iv. 6. al. (Xen. An. 6. 6.
12.) Seq. first, mostly spoken of the first day of
gen. partitively, Luke iv. 40. Acts ii. 3. the week, Matt, xxviii. 1 tig fiiav
Eph. iv. 7. al. For avd tig eicaoTog Rev. T&V o-a/3/Sarwv. Mark xvi. 2. Luke xxiv.
xxi. 21, see in 'Avd 2. jca3' eva, icaS' 1. Acts xx. 7. 1 Cor. xvi. 2. al. So
(y) Sept.
ev, one by one, singly, pp. for tig Ka$' eva, and irw of the first of the month, Gen.
etc. John xxi. 25. 1 Cor. xiv. 31. oi i. 5. viii. 13. Ex. xl. 2, 17. al. See
icaS' tva Eph. v. 33. *ca$' tv eitacrTov, Gesen. Lehrg. p. 701 sq. Stuart 465.
each one singly, Ka' 'iv here qualifying Jos. Ant. 1. 1. 1 avrrj (lev av tlrj q
eicaoTov, Acts xxi. 19. Xen. Ven. 6. 14. irpwrrj rififpa- Mwvffijg d' avrrjv fiiav
K. e.tKaaTov Cyr. 1. 6. 22. Apol. 15. dirt. Joined with dtvTtpog, rpiroc, etc.
So ev Ka5' ev, one by one, one after ano- Rev. ix. 12 77 oval >/ pia, comp. xi. 14.
ther, singly, Rev. iv. 8. From the Herodot. 4. 161. Eurip. Bacch. 680
analogy of this correct form has sprung Comp. Gesen. Thesaur. Heb. p. 62.
in N. T. the anomalous tig KU&' tig, one AL.
by one, etc. instead of tig Ka$' eva, Mark
xiv. 19. John Also 6 Si KaS' tig,
viii. 9.
f. &fa, (ayco), to
Rom. Lucian. Pseudosoph. 9.
xii. 5.
c. accus. of place. Thus of person,
c. emphatic, one, i. e. even one,
(a) Luke 54 etVr/yayov avrbv tig TOV
one single, only one, Matt. v. 36 ov Sv-
OIKOV TOV ap^teplwc. ii. 27. Acts ix. 8.
vaaai fiiav Toi^a Xtvicrjv / psXaivav Troiij-
xxi. 28, 29, 37. So tig TTJV av\r}v John
vai. xxi. 24. Mark viii. 14. x. 21. xii. 6.
xviii. 16, coll. ver. 15. Also tladytiv tig
John vii. 21. 1 Cor. x. 17. 2 Pet. iii.
Tt}v oiKovfievrjv, i. e. to produce, to intro-
8. al. For dirb fiidg Luke xiv. 18, see
duce, into the world,
'ATTO III. 3. (Xen. An. 4. 7.
In the
Luke xiv. 21. Sept.
eense of only, alone, Mark ii. 7 ct
fttj tig
6 Stag. James iv. 12. eva TOTTOV
9. xxiv. 67. 2K.ix.2. Palseph. Fab. 19.
Xen. An. 1. 6. 11. Of things, Acts vii.
John xx. 7. Xen. Cyr. 4. 1. 17 (/3)for
45. Act. Thorn. 13. Xen. Athen. 2. 3.
one and the same, Rom. iii. 30 tig 6 $tbg,
og SiKcuwou K. T. \. 1 Cor. iii. 8. Gal. iii. hear
Ei<racovw, f. ovffopai, (a/eouw,) to
28. Phil ii. 2. Heb. ii. 11. Rev. xvii. 13.
to, to listen to, i. e.
50 Sept. and irw Gen. xii. 25, 36
a) to give heed to, to obey, seq. gen.
Wisd. vii. 6. xvii'. '17. Plut. Alex. 22 1 Cor. xiv. 21 ouo' OVTWQ tlaaKovtrovTai
Fully written, tv icai TO avTo, 1 Cor. xi. 5. ftov. So Sept. and y&tfT
Deut. i. 43. iv.
xii. 11. Diod.Sic.ll.47.Polyb.2.62.4. 30. al. Ecclus. iii. 6. absol. Thuc. 5.
2. 12. 11. Thuc. 1. 85. Comp. Kypke 1. to receive into, sc. one's house, city,
81, 41. al. Hence in N. T. 2 Cor. vi. of state, condition, etc. Matt, xviii. 8, 9,
17, Kuyu> tlaCfZofiat vnag, and I will tig TT}V o>r/v. Mark ix. 43, 45. tig rfjv
gather from
you, etc. quoted apparently (3a<riXtiav TOV Stov, Matt. v. 20. xviii. 3.
Jer. xxxii.37,38, where Sept. vvvayto for xix. 24. Mark ix. 47. John iii. 5. al. tig
aor. 2 dffijXSov, to go or come into, to xv. 11. Acts xi. 8. Comp. Xen. Cyr. 1.
enter, spoken. 6. 17 TO. tiaiovTa. Metaph. Luke ix. 46
of persons etc. seq. tig c. ace. of i(r/lX^ Iv avToit; i. e. there
a) $itt\oyi<rj^o
place, Matt. vi. 6 ftereXS-e fie, TO r^r/mov. arose a dispute among them. (Jos. Ant.
xxiv. 38. Mark iii. 27. Lukeix. 34. John 14. 14. 4 'AVTWVIOV olKTOQ fio-spxfrai. Plat.
xviii. 28. Actsxi. 20. Rev. xxii. 14. al. Phaedo. 2. Herrn. ad Vig. p. 759.) James
saep. With c/e c. ace. implied, Matt. ix. V. 4 at (Boat / TO, WTO. KVO'IOV fiatXijXvSaoiv.
25. Mark xiii. 15. Luke xiv. 23. xvii. 7. Of hope, Heb. vi. 19 a<Tpxo/ivov fig T&
xxiv. 3 coll. ver. 1 . xxiv. 29. f Cor. xiv. 23, ecrwrfpov K. T. X. entering in, i. e. extend-
24. al. Sept. for Kin Gen. vi. 18. xix. 3. ing even unto, etc.
al. ssep. Palaeph. Fab. 14. Xen. Cyr. 7.
57 turep^frat tig TO. /Satri'Xfia.
d) from the Heb. ficepx ^ 1 Kai
5. 1. 4.
ttpxojucu, to go in and out, i. e. to per-
13. ssep. Seq. tig c. ace. of pers. form one's daily duties, spoken of one's
Acts xvi. 40 dg TTJV AvSiav, i. e. into dailywalk and life e. g. of Jesus, Acts ;
pers. to enter in by or with any one, to ou, >?,. (e, od6 s ,\ pp. way
lodge with, Luke xix. 7. Seq. iroog c. into any place, entrance, Horn. Od. 10. 90.
accus. of pers, to enter to any one, i. e. Sept. for Ni3?3 Judg. i. 24, 25. Hence
into his house, etc. Mark xv. 43. Acts in N. T. entrance, i. e. the act or power
x. 3. xvii. 2. Rev. iii. 20. Ceb. Tab. of entering, seq. dg c. ace. of place 2
29. Xen. Mem. 3. 10. 1. Seq. viro, Pet. i. 11. seq. gen. Heb. x. 19. Seq.
ace. of place, Trpof c. ace. of person, a coming to any
c. e. g. VTTO Ttjv CTtytjv,
Matt. viii. 8.
Seq. t<rw Matt. xxvi. 58. one, access, 1 Thess. i. 9. ii. 1. abso]
oirov Mark xiv. 14. we Matt. xxii. 12. Acts xiii. 24. Sept. and sis 1 Sam.
b) metaph. of persons, seq. tig c. ace. xvi. 4. Mai. iii. 2.
f. to leap into,
Eto'TTTjoatu, ai, rj<ru>,
Etra, adv. then; spoken
to spring in, e. g. tig rbv of time,
o^Xov, a) i. e.
afterwards, after that,
among the people, Acts xiv. 14. absol. Mark viii. 25 tlra TrdXiv
ITT^KE. Luke
Acts xvi. 29. Sept. for ^3 Am. 5. 19. viii. 12. John xiii. 5. xix. 27. xx. 27.
Herodian. 7. 5. 6. Xen. An. 1. 5. James i.Plut. Mor. II. p. 19* ed!
8. Tauchn. Xen. 4. 2. 13 __
Mem. By a sort
of redundance, before a
tixrofiat, depon. participle, Mark
IV. 17 tlra
to go into, to enter ytvofievrjg SXtyfwg K. T \. The .
; spoken
Greeks place it after the
a) of persons, seq. tig c. accus. of particip. Buttm.
Mark i. 21. 114. n. 6. 149. p. 429. Herm
place, vi.56. xi. 2. Acts iii. 2. Cornp.
With Luke ad Vig. Xen. An. 1. 2. 25.
p. 772.
tig implied, viii. 16. xi. 33.
xix. 30. coll. Mark xi. 2. b) of order and succession, as ?rpw-
Sept. for ^i3
Gen. rov lira, 1 Tim. ii. 13. iii. 10. Mark iv.
xxiii. 10. xl. 29. al Xen. Cyr. 2.
28 bis, Trp&Tov, Stvrtpov,
3. 21. Seq. OTTOV, Mark v. 40. ov rpirov, eira, 1
Luke xxii.
Cor. xii. 28. eTreira elra 1 Cor. xv.
10. seq. Kara, rovg olicovg, 7,
from house to house, Acts viii. 3.
24. inverted, ver. 5 -- So Trpwroa/ dra
accus. of pers. to enter to any one,
Xen. Mem. 1. 2. 1. An. 1. 3. 2.
wpoff c.
as a particle of
i. e. into his house, Acts xxviii. 30. So c) continuation, then,
so then, consequently, etc. Heb. xii. 9.
Sept. for Kis Gen. xliv. 30. Esth.ii. 14.
Ceb. Tab. 29.
See Buttm. 149. p. 429. Plut. de esu
Anim. Or. II. 2. Xen. Mem. 2. 2. 13, 14.
b) of things, to enter in, comp. iii
EiVspxo/icu c. So
seq. tig, Matt. xv. 17. Etre, see in Ei III. Sr.
fig Ttjv iroXiv. Jos. Ant. 7. 14. 6. Xen. 1. Of place, which is the primary and
An. 5. 2. 16. most frequent use, out of, from, viz.
a) after verbs implying motion of any
aor. 2 eiotivtyicov, aor. 1 kind out of or from any place or object,
to bear into, to bring e. g. verbs of going, coming, sending,
into, trans, and seq. tig c. ace. of place, throwing, falling, gathering, separating,
1 Tim. vi. 7 ovdtv tlaqvtyicafitv tig rbv removing, and the like, etc. etc. Matt.
Kofffiov. Heb. xiii. 11. With tig impl. ii. 6 nal ov BjjS'Xtt/i, IK ffov yap l&Xetxrerai
Lukev. 18, 19. Sept. for^nn Ex. xl. riyovp-evog. Mark v. 2. Matt. yii. 5
19. Num. xxxi. 54. al. Jos. Ant. 3. 8. 2. tKf3a\e TTJV SOKOV IK rov oip^aXfiov oov.
Xen. Cyr. 8. 8. 10. Conv. 2. 11. Spoken xiii. 52. John ii. 15. Luke ii. 4 avk^rj
of persons, and seq. tig c. ace. of state, 'luiffrjift
IK TroXfwc Naapr eig rrjv 'lov-
condition, i.
q. to lead into, e. g. fig Saiav. Mark i. 11 0wv;} lyBvtro iie rStv
7Tfipa(r//6v, Matt. vi. 13. Luke xi. 4 -- ovpavtiv. ix. 7. Matt. xvii. 5. Luke
X. 18 rov ovpavov irtffovra. xvii. 24.
Trop. <'<T0epiv TI tig rag aicoag rivog, to
xxiii. 55. John i. 19 airkaTiCkav e% 'lepo-
kring to (into) the ears o/*any one, i. e.
to announce, Acts xvii. 20 Eurip. -- <ro\. xiii. 1. Heb. iii. 16. Matt. ii. 15 1$
xiii. 49
AiyuTrrov eicaXeffa rov
Dan. 55 tig wra ^epai>. id. Bacch. 649. vlov pov.
rove Xoyouc yap ilfftytpug KO.IVOVQ act. a<f>opiov<Tt roisg irovqpovg
Soph. Aj. Flagell. 149. Comp. Wetstein Mark xi. 8 IKOTTTOV IK T&V kv$$uv. Rom.xi.
in loc. 24. Mark xiii. 27 kiriavva$ti r
'Eic 242
rwv naff, avifjioiv. 2 Thess. ii. 7 IK or over the beast, etc. As implying the
vjjrai, i. e. be taken away. Rev. direction in which one
is placed
ii. 5. Mark 15 apai TI IK rrjg oliciag.
xiii. or in respect to a person, etc. as Ka&o-at,
Matt. xxiv. 17. (Xen. Cyr. 7. 2.
Mark iffTuvai, elvcu, IK foiaf, IK t%tu>v, !
X vi. 3 Tig &7TOKV\icrei TOV \i$ov IK rijg Srvpag. evwvvn<i>v, where in Engl. we use at
Acts xxiii. 10. xxvii. 29, 30 tyvyiiviK TOV or on; Matt. xx. 21, 23. xxii. 44. xxv.
irXoiov. al. saepiss. Comp. ^73
Gesen. 33. xxvi. 64. Mark x. 37. Luke i. 11.
Lex. 2. Herodian. 1. 15. 2. Xen. H. G. Acts 25, 34. Heb. i. 13. So Sept. and
forth out of the loins of any one, i. e. to vfKp&r. ver. 31. iv. 2. Rom. vi. 13 Zwvrag
be born to him, Heb. vii. 5, coll. ver. 10. IK vKpwv t xi. 15. Col. i. 18 TFDMTOTOKOQ
So Sept. and f^rra NS; Gen. xxxv. 11. IK veicp&v. Rom. vii. 24 Tig [it pv0Tai IK
2 Chr. vi. 9. K. T. \. Luke i. 74. 2 Cor. i. 10. v. 8.
b) after verbs implying direction Gal. iii. 13 Xp. i?^ac i&jyopafftv IK TJJS
out of or from any place, etc. thus mark- Kardpag. John xii. 27 ff&ffov p,e IK rfjg
ing the terminus de quo, the point from wpaf TavTijQ. Heb. v. 7. Luke i. 71.
which the direction sets off or tends. (Xen. An. 3. 2. 11.) John xvii. 15 "iva
Luke v. 3 tSiSaaKtv IK TOV irXoiov. John Tijpjjffyc avTOvg IK TOV irovnpov. (trop.
xix. 23 IK T&V avwSev vfavTog. Mark Acts xv. 29.) Rev. iii. 10. ii. 21 jit-
xi. 20 <rvKrjv t^rjpafjLfievrjv IK piwv. (Sept. TaroTjaat IK T?\q iropveiag. ver. 22. ix. 20,
Kareorpe^f. IK ptwv opt] for li^ti-fo Job 21. Acts i. 25 aTTooroA/} 1$ rjg iraptfiif
Acts xxviii. 4 Kptfiaptvov TO 'lovSag. Also John v. 24. 2 Tim. ii.
Srjpiov IK rijg xfpc> avTov, (Horn. Od. 8. 26. James v. Pet. i. 18 et 1 Cor.
20. 1
67. Xen. Mem. 3. 10. ver. 17. Rev. ix. 19. 2 Pet. ii. 21. Rev.
ix. 13. Comp. Matth. 574. p. 1133. Xiv. 13 avaTravffiovTai IK rwv KOTrwvayrcDf.
Jos. Ant. 14. 7. 1. Herodot.4.10. Xen. al. ssep. Horn. II. 10. 107. Herodian.
An. 1. 8. WdxovTa SptTravatK TWV a%6vwv 7. 12. 13.
TrXayiov aTcoTtTa\
tic; So by Hebra- 2. Of time, viz. of the beginning of
^w v. Kpivbi IK for "j?3 UD12 1 Sam. xxiv. xv. 21. xxiv. 10. al. JE1. V. H. 3. 4.
16. 2 Sam. xviii. 19. So in constr. Herodot. 3. 33. Herodian. 6. 2. 7. Xen.
praegn. of a different sense, Acts xv. 2 CEc. 3. 10. Cyr. 8. 5. 12. Hence it
TOVTOV, sc. xpovov, from this time, i. e. b) of the source, i. e. the person,
afterwards, John vi. GO. tic hvTipov, i. e. thing, etc. out of or from which any
a second time, again, Acts x. 15. IK rpi- thing proceeds, is derived, to which it
TOV, Matt. xxvi. 44. al. Winer 55. 1. c. pertains, etc. (o) genr. Mark xi. 30, 31,
Diod. Sic. 15. 43 l avr^g. Xen. Cyr. TO Paimfffjia 'icjdvvov t oupavou ijv, ?)
1.2. 8 IK TOVTOV. Mem. 2. 9.8. I? avSpwirwv. Matt. xxi. 19 /IJJKET-I IK
3. Of the origin or source of any thing, oov KaoTrbQ yevtjTai. Luke i. 78 avaroXij
i. e. the primary, direct, immediate t
v-fyovQ. John iv. 22 rj ffwTijpia i% TU>V
source, in distinction from dn-o; see 'ATTO 'lovdaiwv ivriv, i. e. is first revealed to
III. init. Winer 61. p. 313. This is the Jews and proceeds from them to
strictly theprimary sense of the genitive Others. John x. 16 & OVK ZGTIV IK rrjg
case which is also so used both in
itself, avXrjs ravrrje. ver. 32. Luke x. 11. Joliu
N. T. and in Greek writers e. g. 2 Cor. ;
i. 13. iii. 31. 1 Cor. xv. 47. 2Cor.v.
iv. 7. 1 Thess. v. 8. Xen. Cyr. 1. 2. 1 2 Tb t| ovpavov, i. e. heavenly. John iii.
ter. Spoken 25 %r)TT]ffi IK TUJV na$ri]TSiv, i. e. pro-
of persons, viz. of the place, stock, ceeding from the disciples of John,
family, condition, etc. out of which one ver. 27. vii. 22. Acts v. 38. xix.25. Rom.
is derived, or to which he 29. x. 17. 18 TO 1% vptiv, so
belongs, e. g. ii. xii. i. e.
of the place whence one is, where one far as it is of or from you, depends on
resides, etc. Luke viii. 27 avrjp TIQ IK you, etc. (Horn. II. 1. 525.) Heb. ii.
TIIQ TroXewf. xxiii. 7 on IK Tijg tZovaiag 11. vii. 6. 1 John iv. 7. Rev. xv. 8. al.
'HpwcW tori. John i. 47. Acts xxiii. s?ep. So 1 Cor. ii. 12 TO irvtv^a TO IK
34. al. So 6 vpCJv, of you,
l i. e. of your Sfov, i. e. divine. 2 Cor. viii. 7. ix. 2.
oypavy Matt. v. 45. vi. 9. vii. 21. al. Spoken likewise of any source of
Comp. Xen. An. 1.2. 18 ol in r//g dyopae, knowledge, Matt. xii. 33 IK ydp TOV Kap-
i. e. market-people. Epict. Fragm. 161 Troy TO SevSpov yiv&aKiTai. Luke vi. 44.
ol IK TraXaiffTpae, i. e. athletoe. Viger. p. John xii. 34 r'l^^g t/Kouo-a/^v
IK TOV vo-
601. (/3)
offamily, race, ancestors, etc. pov. Rom. ii. 18. (Xen. An. 7. 7.
xiii. 21. Rom. ix. 5, 24. Heb. vii. 14. Or of the source from which any judg-
Acts xv. 23 aStXfoi oi l i5vu>t>, i. e. Gen- ment is drawn, from, out of, where in
tile Christians. Rom.
ix. 6 ol l 'laoarjX, Engl. by, according to ; Matt. xii. 37 IK
aipaTOQ. John iii. 6 yeyev. IK TTJG OCLOKOQ. Luke xix. 22 IK TOV <rro/jaro <rov K
Matt. iii. 9 IK TOIV XiB-wv lytTpai T'IKVO. T<$ (re. Rev. xx. 12 Sept. is TOV
'Afipadft. So IK airtpnaTOG TIVOQ, of or fj.epieiQ TJJV K\ijnovojiiav Num xxvi. 56.
from the seed, i. e. family, race, of any where IK for -!jr^. Xen. Cyr. 2. 2,
one, John vii. 4-2. "Rom. i. 3. 2 Tim. 21 IK T&V tpywv Kal avroi
244 'E,
ib. 2. 3. 6.
As marking not only the d) of the efficient cause, agent, etc,
source and origin, but also the character that from which any action or thing
of any person or thing as derived from proceeds, is
produced, effected,/r0m, by,
that source, etc. implying connexion, etc. Rom. 12 et Gal. v. 8 IK rov
SiapoXov. 1 John iii. 8.John iii. 6, 8, IK IVOQ KOITI\V txovaa, comp. in Koirr], So
TiiQ ffapKoQ. Johniii. 31 tKTrjc yrjt;,
bis. viii. especially for VTTO or Trapd after passive
23 IK T&v KCLTio, IK TU>V dvat. John xvii. 14, verbs, where in the active construction
16, IK rov KOfffjiov. 1 John ii. 16. iv. 5. al. the gen. after IK would become the no-
Trop. of the source of character, qual- minative ;
Buttm. 134. 3. Matth.
ity, etc. implying adherence to, con- 574. p. 1135. John vi. 65 lav firj y SeSo-
nexion with, etc. John xviii. 37 TTCLQ 6 fisvov avTtfi IK rov iraTpog fiov. 2 Cor. ii.
&v IK TIJQ aXr)$eia. 1 John ii. 21. iii. 19. 2 6 XvTTovfievos i% l/tov. vii. 9. Eph. iv.
Gal. iii. 10 0001 yap l
epywj/ vopov tiffiv. 16. Phil. i. 23. Rev. ii. 11. ix. 2, 18.
ver. 12 6 6k vofiog OVK tariv tic Trtorewf . Horn. Od. 7. 70. Herodot. 2. 151 TO
Hence with its gen. preceded by the
IK TrotrjSrev ?K TIVOQ. ib. 7. 175. Xen. H. G.
article, forms a periphrasis for an adj. or 3. 1. 6. Hiero 7. 6.
TriffTeus 'Afipadfj,, i. e. a pers6h of Abra- qycurqiv oX?;e Trig KapSiag Kal I? bX/f Trjc
ham's faith, who believes as he did, etc. ^VX?IG K. T. X. Luke x. 27. Acts viii. 37.
So 6 IK vopov, one of the law, i. e. one Rom. vi. 17 IK KapSiag, i. e. heartily.
under the law, an adherent of it, etc. Rom. Eph. vi. 6 IK ^vxvs. (Xen. CEc. 10. 4.)
iv. 14, 16. Also Rom. ii. 8 o! & ip&eias, Rom. xiv. 23 bis, OVK IK Triorewg, not out
q. lpiovrf. ver. 27 IK 0vo-<>
) Kpo- of faith, i. e. not in or with faith. 1
/3v0ria, i.
q. <^v<nKrj. Tit. ii. 8 6 l ivav- Thess. ii. 3 OVK IK irXdvrjG, ov&e !
ia, i.
q. 6 kvavrioQ. ffiag, ovre cv o^oXy. So where in Engl.
of the motive, ground, occasion, of, according 2 Cor. viii. 11 IK
to, etc.
whence any thing proceeds, the inci- rov fx lv t i
according to your ability,
e -
dental cause, from, out of, i. e. by rea- ver. 13, ! iaorijTog. (Herodot. 7.
son of, because of, in consequence of, 135 I? i<rov.)
Matt. xii. 34. John iii. 31
etc. John iv. 6 KK07riaKu> IK rrJQ oSonro- IK Tije yriQ XaXel. viii. 44. 1 John iv. 5.
ptae. James iv. 1 OVK svTfv&ev IK T&V 1 Pet. iv. 11 I? ia\voQ rjg K. T. X. Air.
htiovuv K. T. \. Rev. viii. 11, 13 ovai IK Diss. Ep. 1. 22. 1. ib. 2. 17. 22. Hero-
T&V XOITTWV tydiv&v K. T. X. xvi. 10, 11,21. dian. 1.4.21. ML V.H.I. 21. Xen. An.
So 2 Cor. xiii. 4 loravpwS^
I? aaStvtiag, 4. 2. 23. ib. 6. 4. 9. So in an adverbial
dXXd y IK SvvafieujQ S'tov, K. r. X. 1 Tim. sense, e. g. IK abundantly, exceed-
vi. 4. Heb.vii.l2!dt>ayK?7c. (Herodian. ingly, Mark vi. 51. xiv. 31. tKfispovs,ex
1. 4.
Phil. i. 16, 17, i filv I? dya- parte, i. e. in part, partly, 1 Cor. xii. 27.
irrJG) oi ^f ! IptS-ttaf. al. Herodian. 1. xiii. 9, 10, 12. IK fierpov, measurably, mo-
14. 4. Xen. Mem. 1. 2. 31. An. 2. 5. 5. derately, John iii. 34. IK vvfjupuvov, i. e.
Conv. 8. 22. So fltKaiovv, SiKaiwSrjvai by mutual consent, 1 Cor. vii. 5. Comp.
IK Trierrfwg, from faith, i. e. on account of, Winer 55. 1. c Herodot. 6. 85. Po-
by, through, etc. Rom. iii. 30. v. 1. lyb. 2. 46. 1. Xen. Mem. 3. 11.8. H. G.
Gal. ii. 16. iii. 24. al. (elsewhere c. dat. 6.5.16. Thuc.3.43,B7.
irlffret, Rom. iii.
SLK. I? Ipywv, Rom. f
of the means, instrument, instru-
iii. 20. iv. 2, Gal. ii. 16 bis. al. diKatoQ mental co.use,from, i. e. by means of, by,
IK trioTttag Rom. i. 17. 8iKaio<rvvr) tK through, with, etc. Luke xvi. 9 Troujcrare
Rom. ix. 30. x. 6. tavrolf (ftiXovc tK TOV /tn/uwva, i. e. by
245 "EjCdOTOC
means of. John iii. 5 Idv prj nc ytwrjby 132. 4. 2. c Spoken of a class or num-
i vSarof. I Cor. ix. 14 IK TOV evayyeXiov ber out of which one is separated,
yv, coll. ver. 13. John ix. 6. Heb. xi. 35. which he forms part, etc. John i. 24 O i
Rev. iii. 18 \pvaiov Trtirvpovfitvov iKTrupoj. airfffTaXfifvoi r)Gav IK TWV 3>api<raiwv. ]
XX. 2 avfKfxtivfjaaf /itrd rStv Ipydrwv IK x. 29 Iv II avTcJv. Mark ix. 17. Luke
tiqvapiov, coll. ver. 13. xxvii. 7 jjyopao-av xv. 4. al. Svo Mark xvi. 12. John i.
i avT&v (dpyvpiW) TOV dypoV. Actsi. 18. 35. irtvTi I? avTtav Matt. xxv. 2. Trpwrof
Here tie c. gen. is equivalent to the simple I? Acts xxvi. 23. SeicdTi]v IK Heb. vii. 4.
of the material, viz. of, out of, from,
After rfc interrog. Matt. xxi. 31 rig
Matt, xxvii. 29 ark^avov 1% cucavS&v. IK T&V Luke xi. 5. John
tivo. viii. 46. al.
John ii. 15 <ppayi\\iov tKo\oivi(i)v. Rom. After oiiiele John vii. 19. etc. So with
ix. 21. 1 Cor. xi. 8. Eph. v. 30. Heb. rif, Tivls, implied, Matt, xxiii. 34. Luke
xi. 3. Rev. xviii. 12. xxi. 21. Comp. John ix. 40. xvi.
xxi. 16. 17. Rev. iii. 9.
a hundred years old, Rom. iv. 19. Sept. 25. Luke xix. 45. Acts xvi. 37. Gal,
for r^itf rwjp Gen. xvii. 17.
15 On iv. 30. Spoken of demons, to cast or
the form and flexion comp. Buttm. 56. drive out, to expel, sc. from the body of
n. 4. 70. n. 2. Ausf. SpracHl. any one, e. g. airo TIVOQ, Mark xvi. 9.
56, n.
7.* Lob. ad tK Tivog Mark vii. 26. genr. Matt, vii,
Phryn. p. 407.
22. Mark i. 34, 39. Luke ix. 40 lu
ovoc, > */>
ac '
the sense of to send out, sc. ipydrag t/
(Buttm. 71. 3), a hundred-fold, cen- TOV Stpianov Matt. ix. 38. Luke x. 2.
tuple, Luke viii. 8 jcapirov ticar. *Matt. xix. So to send away, to send off, James ii,
29. Mark x. 30. Sept. for tTTpys n*jp 25. Metaph. in the sense of to cast out,
2 Sam. xxiv. 3, Xen. (Ec. 2. sc. to scorn and reproach, to reject, Luko
vi. 22 OTUV K/3dXaxn TO 6vo/ia vfi&v kg
jroyrjpbv IVIKO. K. r. X. i. e. when they
ou, o, (t/carov, apx w >) <* centurion, see shall slander you, i.
falsely q.
Adam's Rom. Ant. p. 370. In -ng,
TTUV irovripov prjfia KO.& vftuiv
Acts x. 1, 22. xxiv. 23. xxvii. 1, 31.
'ivtKiv K. T. X. Matt. v. 11 ^El. V. H.
Jos. Ant. 9. 7. 2. Herodian. 5. 4. 12.
13. 16 of a rejected actor. Dem. 449.
In -og, Matt, viii 5, 8, 13. xxvii. 54.
Luke vii. 2, 6. xxiii. 47. Acts xxi. 32.
the idea of force being dropped,
xxii. 25, 26. xxiii. 17, 23. xxvii. 6, 11, b)
to take out, to extract, to remove, etc.
43. xxviii. 16. Sept. for MINT? ity Ex. Matt. vii. 4 tc/3dXa> TO icdpQog ctTrb TOV
xviii. 25, Deut. i. 15. Herodian, 2. 13.
ver. 5 IK TOV 6f&. Luke vi. 42. So
3. Xen. Cyr. 5. 3. 41 bis.
to bring out or forth, etc. x. 35,
2 i&Pnv,
to go out ;
aor. Matt. xii. 35 bis. ver. 20 wc av iupdXy
so Griesb. Heb.
15 dfi fjg l&prjffav,
xi. tigviKog Tt]v Kpiffiv, quoted from Is. xiii.
for i^iXSov in text. rec. 3, where Sept. tig dXrj&tiav tZoieti Kpiffiv
Sept. lor n^y
for Heb. n Also ? *
Josh. iv. 16sq. Jos. Ant. 15. 1, 3, Xen. tastijto P^^-
H. G. 7. 1. 29.
throw out, i. ." not to include, to leave out,
Rev. xi. 2 T-ffv avXrjv T^V tw$tv tic/3aXs
without augm. e/c/3/3Xr/icv Mark xvi. 9, ing the neg. Kat /ii) avT^
corn}). Buttm. $ 83. n. 6 to throw out, ;
to cast out, trans. Comp. in BdXXw.
n enr. and \vith the idea of force. going out. rgress, Pol. 4. 04. 5. In N. T.
'E,c/3oXr, 247
xiii. 7 iKftaaig rrjg avavTootyiig. Wisd. ii. go out from one's people, to be absent
17. comp. Pol. 3. 7. 2. Trop. of the from one's country, Jos. Ant. 9. 4. 6 IK-
exit of any thing, i. e. result, event, end, crjfirjo'a.vTog de tig Aap,aaKov 'EXtatratou rev
1 Cor. x. 13. Wisd. viii. 9. Phavor. Trpo^rov. Arr. Diss. Ep. 1. 4. 22.
(Kpaffiv TI)V Tr\rjp(i)(Jiv, TTJV Comp. tKdrjfiog Xen. Cyr. 8. 5. 26 In
a cast- N. T. genr. to be absent from
'EicjSoAT/, fie, /, (k/3aXXo;,) any place,
of the lading of a ship
sc. person, etc. 2 Cor. v. 6, 8, 9. Comp.
ing out,
order to lighten her, l^a.t.jactura. Acts
xxvii. 18 iicpoXqv ITTOIOVVTO. So Sept. f.
tK^wcrw, to give out, i. e.
for ^rtprr Jon. i. 5. Aristot. Eth. 3. 1. to publish, e. g. a etc. Esdr.
book, decree,
Dem. 926. 17. viii. 4. Pol. 2. 37. 6. to deliver out or
to up, e. g. a person, Pol, 3. 8. 8, 10. Xen.
* out,
t<T<t>, marry
trans, i. e. to give in marriage, absol. 1
An. 6. 6. 10, 18. to place out, sc. in
Cor. vii. 38 bis, comp. ra/u'o). Pass. marriage, to give in marriage, Sept. Ex.
ii. 22. Herodian. 1. 8. to give out
Matt. xxii. 30. xxiv. 38. Luke xvii. 27. 6, 7.
on hire, to let out, 2E1. V. H. 14. 15. Pol.
q. tKya/i/a>, Pass. 6. 17. 2. In N. T. Mid. k&fyuat, to let
Luke xx. 34, 35. own benefit,
out, to hire out, sc. for one's
OUj 6, >}, adj. (tKjivofiai,
e. g. a/tTTtXaij/a,Matt. xxi. 33,41. Mark
perf. 2 lit.
sprung from, born xii. 1. Luke xx. 9.
of, Jos. Ant. 2. 12. 1 ayaSov icat /tfyaXwv
avdpwv tKyovov. Hence a descendant of to tell out, to relate in full,
any kind,as son, daughter, grandchild, trans. Acts xiii. 41. xv. 3. Sept. for
etc. Ammonius p. 47. Horn. II. 5. 813.
"ijpp Ez. xii. 16. Heb. i. 5. Ecclus.
ib. 20.206. al. In N. T. neut. rd tK-yova, xxxiii. 8. xiii. 17.
descendants, spec, grandchildren, 1 Tim.
v. 4 TtKva fi tK-yova. Sept. genr. for
Is. xlix. 15. Deut. xxix. 10. execute right andjustice, viz.
1^2")^ p]D
to do justice to, to maintain one's
xxxi. '12. "ns Deut. vii. 13. Is. xiv. a)
25). rl/cva T'IKVWV. right, to defend one's cause, Luke xviii. 5.
Hesych. tKyova- genr.
Xen. Lac. 1. 4. So in constr. praegn. Luke xviii. 3 JK-
diKijffov fie CLTTO TOV avTiSiicov [iov, comp.
w, f. to spend
I?<TW, in 'EK 1. b. Sept. Ps. xxxvii. 28. 1
for, to look for, to expect, trans. John v. Dem. 801. 24. In the sense to punish,
3 IK^IX- frfv TOV vdctTog Kivtjffiv. Acts xvii. simply, 2 Cor. x. 6 iraaav irapaicoriv.
20. toDti Ob.
16. 1 Cor. xi. 33. xvi. 11. Heb. xi. 10. Sept. and top? Ex. xxi.
James v. 7. absol. Heb. x. 13. 1 Pet. 21. Ecclus. v. 3. xxiii. 21.
iii. 20 Pol. 3. 45. 6. ib.20. 4. 5.
,O5 ovj b, rj, adj. (IK intens. tion of right and justice, viz.
q. but stronger, quite
ij\og maintenance of right, support, pro-
n'/i,' conspicuous,
2 Tim. iii 9. 3 Mace, tection; hence TTOIZIV iKCiKriaiv, i. q.
tK?iKtir, to maintain one's right, to de~
vi. 5. Pol. 3. 12. 4.
fend one's cause, seq. gen. of pers. for Mutt. ii. 13 teal ta$i iictl wc K. r. \. V.
whom, Luke xviii. 7, 8. seq. dat. of pers. 24. vi. 21. xii. 45. James ii. 3. al.
against whom, Acts vii. 24. Comp. Sept. So by impl. Luke xiii. 28 iicti larai 6
xi. 36. 2 K. xxii. 48. KXavSpoe as in the corresponding
K. T. \.
b) avengement, vengeance, i. e. penal passages, Matt. viii. 12. xiii. 42, 50.
retribution, Rom. xii. 19. Heb. x. 30. xxiv. 51. xxv. 30. Also ot tee!, those
Sept. for rrttftD. 2 Sam. iv. 8. Ps. Ixxix. there, i. e. those who were there, Matt.
10. Jer. xi. 20.'
Tn$& Hos. ix. 7. In xxvi. 71. Sept. for D^j Gen. ii. 8, 12.
comp. in Avrog I. 2. b. Matt, xxvii. 63 greatly amazed, astonished, sc. from ad-
kxtivoQ 6 irXdvos. So of Jesus, John vii. miration, Markix. 15. from terror, Mark
1 1 TTOV iffTiv iicelvog 2Tim. ii. 13. 1 John
xvi ,5, 6. from distress of mind, Mark
iii. 3, 5, 7. Luc. D. Deor. 11. 1. Ml. xiv. 33,where it is paral. with XuTrtTtrSrat
V. H. 2. 14. Dem. 308. 18 In like Matt. xxvi. 37. Comp. Tittm. de Synon.
manner r) ripkpa iiceivij refers to the time N. T. p. 184.
of Christ's second coming, Matt. vii. 22.
ou, o, n, *dj. (tK, 3-a/i-
xxvi.29. Acts ii. 18. 2Thess. i. 10. Rev. ,
of a tumultuous
cause to burn orflame out, i. e. to kindle, assembly not legal, Acts
trans. Herodot. 4. 134. xix. 32, 40. Judith vi. 16. xiv. 6. JEl.
Sept. for lya
Ex. xxii. 6. Judg. xv. 5. metaph. TOV V. H. 5. 12. Xen. Mem. 3. 7. 6. An.
1. 3. 2. In the Jewish sense,
TroXepov Plut. Agesi. 31 med __ In N.T. congrega-
Pass, or Mid. to burn out, to tion, assembly,of the people for
flame up, worship,
e. g. in a
intrans. i. e. to be inflamed, to burn vehe- synagogue, Matt, xviii. 17. or
mently ; metaph. iv ry opitt, with lust, genr. Acts vii. 8. Heb. ii. 12 quoted
Rom. i. 27. Of anger, Sept. for nys from Ps. xxii. 22, where
Sept. for $>np
T ;
Ps. ii. 13. Jer. iv. 4. also Deut. xviii. 16. 2 Chr. i. 3, 5. al.
Deut. xxiY.
20. So Diod. Sic. 14. 108. Pol. ix. 10. 1 Mace. ii. 56. iv. 59. Ecclus. xiii.
]0. pp. Dion. Hal. Ant. 7. 14. 20.
Rom. iii. 12, quoted from Ps. xiv. 3. liii. 4, 29.3. Xen. Cyr. 7. 1.2.
where Sept. for 1 -- Seq. airo c. gen. to
turn away from, to avoid, Rom. xvi. 17. ), f.
tK\r]ffh>, (IK intens.)
1 Pet. iii. 11. So Sept. for -jtt -| Ps. to make forget entirely, Horn. II. 2. 600.
Mid. form intrans. of Xen. CEc. 7. 11. Cyr. 8. 6. 7 __ Seq.
fc c. gen. John xv. 19 tic TOV KO<T{IOV.
i, (Buttm. 114 Kpfftdvvvfii,^
(Ecclus. xiv. 4.) seq. OTTO c. gen. Luke
to hang from ; trop. of those who listen
as in Engl. vi. 13. (Ecclus. xiv. With an infin.
closely to a person speaking, 16.)
implied, James ii. 5 Sibg l&XeZaro TOVS
to hang on the lips of any one ; seq. gen.
of person, Luke xix. 48 6 Xabg ?Kf>/iaro TTTW^OVQ (tlvai\ 7T\ovcriov K. T. X. Seq.
kv, among, Acts xv. 7 o SSOG lv r^iiv i&-
avTov AKOVUV. Comp. Sept. Gen. xliv.
Xcaro diet TOV aTOfiarog fiov aKovaai rd
SO.Philo deAbr.p.373.E, 6 dt TroSy aXtKTy
ZSvri K. T. X. i. e. God chose among us
TOV Traicbg tKKptfidfievog. Id. de Viet. off.
p. 856. C.
Plut. VII. p. 851. 14. ed.
that through my mouth, etc. Comp.
Winer 32. 3. a.
to choose out, with the
b) by implic.
'EicXaXlw, w, f- r/<, to speak out, i.e. accessory idea of kindness, favour, love,
to to disclose, trans, c. dat. of pers. etc. Mark xiii. 20. John xiii. 18. Acts xiii.
Actsxxiii. 22 prjdtvi kXaXr/aai, where for 17. Eph.i.4. So Sept. and -ina Deut.
the infin. instead of the imperat. see iv. 37. Ps. Ixv. 5. Zech. iii. 2. So
Buttm. U42.n.5. Winer45.7.--Judith. in MSS. Luke ix. 35 ^icXcXey^oj; for
xi. 0. Item. 8*4. 08.
$<*>, to leave out or off, b) election, i. e. the benevolent purpose
trans, i. e. to
relinguish, to desert, Xen. of God by which any are chosen unto
An. 4. 1. 8. H. G. 1. 1. 19 __ In N. T. salvation, so that they are led to embrace
intrans. to leave off, i. e. to fail, to cease; and persevere in the religion of Christ
e. g. } TTiVrif Luke xxii. 32. So Sept. and the enjoyment of its privileges and
for ins Jer. vii. 27. So TO. lrr\Heb. i. blessings here and hereafter. Rom. xi. 5
12, quoted from Ps. cxxii. 28, where icar iicXoyvv xap'i-o,. xi. 28. 1 Thess. i. 4.
Sept. for QTp^i Niph. Sept. also for n^3 2 Pet. i. 10. meton. of abstr. for
Gen. xxi. 15. n*]33 Josh. iii. 13. Xen'. concr. i.
q. ol licXticToi, Rom. xi. 7.
An. 4. 5. 15. Vec't. 5. 12. By impl. c) by impl. free choice, free will, libera
to cease to live, i. e. to die, Luke xvi. 9. voluntas; Rom. ix. 11 77 tear !/cXoy/)i/ Trpo-
Sept. for jna Gen. xlix.32. Lam. i. 20. Seffig, the purpose according tofree choice,
nitt Jer. xlif. 17, 22. Jos. B. J. 4. 1. 9. i.e. the free, spontaneous purpose of God,
a) genr. Acts ix. 15 aictvoQ tK\oyr)Q, a and fjivKTijpiZa), to turn the nose at,
chosen vessel ;
comp. Buttm. 123. n. 4. to scorn, fr. /juicrr/p, the nose,
Pol. 5. 03. 11. Diod. Sic. 12. 80. deride out and out, to scoff at, trans.
Luke xvi. 14. xxiii. 35. Sept. for 17. 365. Appian. Maced. 9. 4. 517.
Ps. 4. xxii. 8. Esdr. 51.
ii. i.
Comp. Lob. ad Phryn. p. 45 sq. where
the word is shown to
f. (ixrcj, to nod out, i. e. belong only to the
later Greek.
spoken of a horse, to throw out the head,
intrans. Xen. Eq. 10. 12. also trans. f.
a<rw, (IK intens.) to
to shake off, by throwing out the head, try out, i. e. to put to the test, to tempt,
ib. 5. 4. Then genr. to incline out, sc. trans. Matt. iv. 7. Lukeiv. 12. x. 25.
with the head, intrans. Xen. Ven. 10. 1 Cor. x. 9.
Sept. for rrEO Deut. vi. 16
12. also trans, to avoid by inclining the where see. viii. 16. Ps. Ixxviii. 18.
head or body, Diod. Sic. p. 675. C. ed.
Rhod. 6 Si ertpof jSpa^v irapfyK\ivag, 'EicTrtjUTrw, f. ^w, to send out, to
TTJV iiri^tpop.f:vrjv TrXqyT/v i&vwae. ib. 15. send forth, Acts xiii. 4. xvii. 10.
87 fltXwv TO. fitv i&vtve. for r&Ti Gen. xxiv. 54, Bar. iv.
Comp. Sept. 56, 59.
Mic. vi. 14. Hence in N. T. intrans. to 16. Xen. H. G. 1. 1. 32.
turn aside, to turn away, absol. John v.
13 6 ydp 'lijffovc i^kvtvatv, o^Xov OVTOQ abun-
iv r< rorry, i. e. he turned away, went dantly, exceedingly, vehemently, Mark
aside, withdrew. So for "no
xiv. 31 in MS
S. for IK irepivaov.
Judg. iv. 18. n$D Judg. xviii. 26. comp. f.
2 K. ii. 24. xxiii. 16. Philo Vit. Mos. Buttm. 114,) to spread out, to expand,
p. 690. E, rroT rtf rpaTrj/rai, irol ri ic- to stretch forth, e.
g. the hands in sup-
vtvvy Plut. VIII. p. 280. 5. ed. Reisk.
x. 21, from Is. Ixv. 2
iKvivffac piKpbv rj/c oSov. Pind. Ol. 13. where Sept. for tolD, as also Ex. ix. 30,
163. Jos. Ant. 7. 4. 26 Aavi^c IKVW- 34. Ecclus. xlviii. 20. 1 Mace. iii. 48
<raf tig ri
xwpiov. trop. 3 Mace. iii. 22. ro/3i/3Xu>v. Pol. 1.44. 3.
Trans. Jos. Ant. 9. 6. 3 ro appa (if ere-
pav 6S6v i&vfvae. Others derive the aw, }
f. w
77 <rw, to leap out,
form tivtvfft from iKviw, f. to to rush forth, intrans. Acts xiv. 14t?7rr/-
swim out, i. e. to escape by swimming, tirjaav tt'c rov o^Xov in later edit, for /<r-
Thuc. ii. 90; and hence genr. to escape, tirrjfaffav in text. rec. Judith xiv. 17
to withdraw privately, etc. See Kuinoel IZeirrjSrjfftv tig rbv Xaov. Jos. Ant. 6. 9. 5.
in loc. Krebs Obs. e Jos. Kypke Obs. Xen. Cyr. 1. 4. 8.
tKirtaovnai, perf. IK-
out, i. e. to become sober out of drunk- Gal. v. 4, comp. Buttm. 97. n. 9. 114.
enness, Sept. for 1^ NS^ 1 Sam. xxv. p. 298. "Winer 13. 1. a. Lob. ad Phryn.
Gen. ix/24. p. 724 ; to fall out of, to fall from or off,
37. -p.'Tp yp; -ppn Joel
i. 5.Aretseus 4. 3 __ In N. T. metaph. intrans.
Xen. Cyr. 5. 4. 8
rodian. 3. 7. 8.
voluntarily, Heb. x. 26. 1 Pet. v. 2.
to fall out or to be
Jos. Ant. 5. Spoken of a ship,
Sept. for ilzn^S Ps. liv.8. driven out of its
course, usually seq.
2. 3. Xen. Mem. 2. 1. 18.
tig c. ace. of place, to be driven upon ;
"Ec7raXa(, adv. (TraXai), of old, long Acts xxvii. 17 $o(3. nn eig ri\v 2/;pnv *.--
since, 2 Pet. ii. 3. iii. 5. Plut. Aristid. Trlo-wo-t. ver. 26, 29 -- Diod. Sic. 2. 60 ro
seq. gen. rryg x"P ir f Gal. v. 4. TOV iSiov Matt. vii. 28 ITTI ry iiSaxy. xxii.33. Mark
oTijpt-ynov 2 Pet. iii. 17. irtetv IKTT. Rev. i. 22. xi. 18. Luke iv. 32. ix. 43. Acts
ii.5 in text. rec. where others ir'nrTWKae. xiii. 12. Hesych. t&TrXayTj' tSavnavEv,
Jos. Ant. 7. 9. 2. Luc. D. Deor. 1. 2 l&ffTTj. Seq. ITTI c. dat. JE1. V. H. 12.
or 4. Thuc. 8. 81. 41. Xen. Cyr. 1. 4. 27. seq. dat. ib. 6.
to fall away, i. c. to fail, 3. 15. seq. accus. 2 Mace. vii. 12. Jos.
b) metaph.
to be without effect, to be in vain, 7} dydirij Ant. 8. 7. 5. Herodian. 1. 15. 10.
1 Cor. xiii. 8. 6 \6yoc Seov Rom. ix. 6.
So Josh, xxiii. 14. 2K.
, w, f. tv<ra>, to breathe out
>D$. Sept. or forth, trans. Pint. ed. Reisk. VIII.
x. 10. Josh. xxi. 45.
diairi7rT<a Plut.
238. 6. Plato Phjedo. 16. In N. T.
de Audit. VI. p. 140. 1. ed. Reisk. X6yo<r
intrans. to expire, to die, Mark xv. 37,
39. Luke xxiii. 46. Soph. Aj. Fl. 1045.
au, f. tvaopat, to sail out of, Plut. de gen. Socr. 32 The accus. n}v
to sail from,a port or harbour, seq. fig, here implied so in
^vx^'iv is strictly ; full,
Acts xv. 39. xviii. 18. seq. diro xx. 6. Eurip. Orest. 1163 ejcTrj/ewv Trjv
c. ei'c Xen. H. G. 4. 8. 32. seq. airo Phoeniss. 1475.
An. 5. 6. 23.
f. tvffofjiat, to go out
of, to go or come forth, spoken
to complete in full, trans, e. g. in measure of persons, seq. IK c. gen. of place
or number, 2 Mace. viii. 10. Xen. Cyr. whence, Mark xiii. 1 iKiropevofisvov av-
5. 4. 32. In N. T. metaph. to /z^/, TOV IK TOV iepov. Seq. cnro, Matt. xx.
e.g. a promise, Acts xiii. 32. Pol. 1. 29 tKTTopfvofitvwv avT&v cnro 'Ifpi^w.
f)7. 1 i Mark x. 46. tw c. gen. Mark xi. 19.
iKtlStv Mark vi. 11. iraad c. gen. of
person from whom, John xv. 26. absol.
a filling
out, completion, 2 Mace. vi. 14. Luke iii. 7. Acts xxv. 4. Spoken of
In N. T. of time, fulfilment ; Acts xxi.
demons, absol. Matt. xvii. 21. Sept.
26 foayylXwv r>)v fKirXrjpwffiv T&V ij^nnuiv
TOV dyv. announcing the fulfilment [full
c. EC for
}p K^; Ps. xix. 6. c.'diro Ex.
v. 20. c. l&lStv Dent. xi. 10. c. k-
observance] 0/" Me c??/s, i. e. that he Pol. 6. 58. 4. absol. Xen. Ag. 2. 25.
was about to keep in full the proper
Seq. 'c c. ace. of place whither, Mark
number of days, etc. comp. Num. vi. 9. X. 17 (.KTroof.vop.kvov avTOii fig ooov.
So BKirXrjpow, Diod. Sic. 2. 57 vopipov
Johnv. 29. iiri c. ace. of pers. Rev. xvi.
avTolg iffTt %yv irStv itpurfttvuv, Kal TOV
14. Trpogc. ace. of pers. Matt. iii. 5. Mark
Xpovov TOVTOV tKirXrjpdJffavTtg, iKovai&Q i.5. Sept. c. fiQ for
N^ Ex. xxxiii. 7.
fifTa\\d.TTfiv. Comp. TrXrjpow 1 Mace.
c. 7ri Ex. vii. 15. c. TTpos Judg. ix. 33.
iii. 49. .
pass. IZfirXdyrjv (a instead of 77) in such ceed out of; seq. tic c. gen. IK TOV av-
compounds as signify < to terrify,' etc. SpbiTcov, Mark vii. 20. IK rijg KapSiac
Buttm. 114 ir\r](Tff(D ; pp. to strike out, VH. 21. TU IKTTOO. tK TOV (TTOflClTOG, Matt.
to force out by a blow ; but found only xv. 11, 18. Luke iv. 22. Eph. iv. 29.
trop. to strike one out of his senses, Also symb. of a sword, Rev. i. 16. xix.
his self-possession, i. e. to strike with 15, 21. (comp. ii. 16. Is. xlix. 2. Hos. vi.
astonishment, admiration, etc. i. e. to be Mark vii. 23. Sept. c. IK for N*j; Num.
astonished, to be amazed, gnnr. Matt, xix, x xxii. 24. Ez.i.l3.for^DKtfaI>eut.viii.
3. xxiii. 24 -- Seq. etc c. ace. of place f. to turn out
i//w, of
whither ; spoken of rumour, Luke iv. 37 a place, trans, e. g. a tree or post IK rfc
tc7rop. iiXS iff
pi O.VTOV tig iravTO. TOTTOV. yije, Arr. Exped. Al. M. 3. 29. to turn
In the sense of to be ejected, ttV TOV a^e- inside out, as a garment, Schol. in Aris-
cp&va, Mark vii. 19. toph. Nub. 89 __ In N. T. metaph. to
from the Heb. in the phrase eiV- change, sc. for the worse, i. e. to
iropfvofiai Kcii iKiropfvopat, to go in and to pervert, perf. pass. Tit. iii. 11. So
out, i. e. to perform one's daily duties, Sept. for rjpn Am. vi. 12. Pass, for
Acts ix. 28 see in EiWo/otuo/xeu c, and
; ro>n.E Deut. xxxii. 20. genr. Aristoph.
'EicTrruco, f.vo<, to spit out, Horn. Andocid. de Myster. 6 Si rr\v iro\iv O\TJV
Od. 5. 322. In N. T. metaph. to loathe,
to reject, trans. Gal. iv. 14. comp. Rev.
iii. 16. So airoTTTvti) Eurip. Androm. ,
f- rtv&, perf. TiraKa, to
stretch out, to extend, e. g. TOV TpdxrjXov
607. Hesiod. Op. et D. 724.
Xen. Eq. 1.8. or the body for sleep,
out ratf Xen. Conv. In N. T. spoken
'Eif/oiow, <T>, f. w<, to 4. 31.
1TTD 2 Chr. xiv. 14. ijhtf Ez. xxvii. 35. to complete fully, absol. Luke xiv. 29,
xxxii. 45.
Test. XII Patr. p. 538. n^3 Deut.
Jos. Ant. 4. 8. 10. Epict. Ench. 31. 3.
a) pp. of place, with the art. TO IKTOG,
Plut. ed. Reisk. VI. 282. 1.
the outside, Matt, xxiii. 26 TO IKTOC avr&v.
Buttm. 125. 6, 7. So rci IKTOQ, Arr. ^w, f. k3p^o>, to nourish
Diss. Ep. 3. 7. 2. Pol. 3. 46. 2. As a out sc. in full, to nourish up, to bring
prep, with a gen. out of, 2 Cor. xii. 2, 3, up to maturity, e. g. children. Sept.
eir tKTog TOV erw^arof. 1 Cor. vi. 18 irav for na Kal and K. Piel, 1 xii. 8, 10.
i. e. does
afidpTrjfia BKTOQ rov <rw/iar6c ecri, Is. xxiii. 4. xlix.21. Xen. An. 7. 2. 32 __
not pertain to the body, is not physical. In N. T. genr. to nourish up, to cherish,
Horn. Od. 12. 219. Xen. Mag. Eq. e. g. Triv iavTov adpica, Eph. v. 29.
7.4. Sept. for ??3^3 Gen. xlv. 11. ^El. V. H.
4 tKTpeQerf avTa iv -rraiStiy r. r. X. Sept. greatly terrified, Mark ix. 6. Heb. xii.
Prov. xxiii. 24. Pol. 1. 65. 7 21. Sept. tK<j>. ti/ni for n;p Deut. 9. 19.
teal v6[j.oi K. r. X.
f. v<, aor. 2 Utyw, to
aroc, >
generate out, to produce, to put forth,
to wound out, i. e. <
to cause or suffer trans. Matt. xxiv. 32 and Mark xiii. 28
abortion/ Diod. Sic. 3. 64. ib. 4. 2. OTO.V 6 K\ado TO. $v\\a IK^VTJ, in sub-
Herodot. 3. 32,) an abortion, one born junct. pres. for N^Jin Ps. civ.
prematurely, trop. 1 Cor. xv. 8, coll. ver. 14. Sept. ayayiv. Plut. ed. Reisk. VIII.
9. Sept. for
^D} Job iti. 16. Ecc. vi. 3. 732. 10. Others in these passages read
_ Aristot. H. An. 10. 27. PhiloLeg. Al- tK<t>vy, which is the subjunct. of l^vt]v,
leg. p. 54. C. Found only in Ionic a later form of the aor. 2 for i&fyvv,
and later writers ;
the Attics said dp.- (intrans. as also the perf.) to egerminate,
/SXw^ta, Phryn. p. 208 et ibi Lob. Thoin. to shoot oat, to put forth, i. e. the leaves
Mag. p. 318 sq. Sturz de Dial. Alex. put forth. See Buttm. 114 ^vw. Pas-
p. 164. sow sub $v<i).
Winer ^ 15. p. 81. Jos.
Ant. 2. 5. 5 ffTaxvcis tK^vivTae. .
*Eicd>/0(t), eoi'<rw, aor. 1 t^lreyKa,
laeph. 6. 1. Hesych. ijc^vvac tic/3\a-
aor. 2 i&vtyicov, to bear out, to cany out,
aTijffat, ytvvitii]vai. perf. Horn. II. 11.
to bringforth, trans.
a) pp.
out of a place, Luke xv. 22
r>)v oTo\ijVy sc. from its place. Acts v. also
EK^VVW a later form
15 rovff aaStviic, sc. out of the houses. disapproved by the grammarians, Lob.
1 Tim. vi. 7. Sept. for K^2n 1 Sam. v. ad Phryn. p. 726 fut. iK\tG>, instead of
1. N'Sin Gen. xiv. 18. Judg. vi. 19. the Att. K%EW for iKxtvau, Buttm. 95.
Herodian.2. 1.3,4. Xen. Cyr. 5. 2. 7. n. 9. 114. xw. Ausf. Sprachl. II. p.
So of a dead body for burial. Acts v. 436. Matth. 182. n. 1. Winer 13. 3.
1 Sam. xxv. 31. 2 K. xxi. 10. coll. Deut. ley of the Cedron ; it was formerly-
xix. 10. Ps. Ixxxi. 10. By melon, of the planted with olive-trees, of which few
container for the contents, lux. rj/v^iaXtjv, remain ; see Calmet, art. Jerusalem p.
Rev. xvi. 1, 2, 3, 4,8, 10, 12, 17. 564, and art. Olives, Mount of. Matt.
to pour out, to shed abroad, xxi. 1. xxiv. 3. xx vi. 30. Markxi. 1. xiii.
b) metaph.
to give largely, seq. Iv, Rom. v.
5 r\ 3. xiv. 26. Luke xix. 29, 37. xxi.37.xxii.
TOV Stov tKKexvrat iv TOIQ KapSiaiQ 39. John viii. 1. Sept. forONTtn irj Zeph.
seq. liri c. ace. of pers. e. g. rb xiv. 4. comp. 2 Sam. xv. 30. Jos. Ant.
Acts ii. 17, 18, 33. x. 45. Tit. 20. 8. 6. B. J. 5. 2. 3. On the value
iii. 6. So Sept. and Ps. Ixxix. 6. and culture of the olive, see Jahn 71.
Jer. xiv. 16. Joel ii. 28, 29. iv. Rees' Cycl. art. Olea.
19. Zech. xii. 10. Ecclus. xviii. 11. the fruit, an olive, James iii. 12.
xxiv. 35. Xen. An. 7. 1. 37. CEc. 19. 13.
Pass, or Mid. to be poured out,
c) trop. i. e.
"EAcuov, OV) TO, (IXat'a,) oil,
spoken of persons, i. e. as in Engl. of various qualities and uses
olive-oil, ;
intrans. to pour forth, to rush tumultu-
e. g. for lamps, Matt. xxv. 3, 4, 8. for
ously, Horn. Od. 8. 515. Plut. ed. Reisk. wounds and anointing the sick, Mark
III. 761. 2, els ri\v bSov. Comp. Sept. vi. 13. Luke x. 34. James v. 14. as
Judg. ix. 44. xx. 37. In N. T. and later
mixed with spices for anointing the
writers spoken metaph. of a passion or
head and body in token of honour, etc.
direction of the mind, to rush into, to
Luke vii. 46. Heb. i. 9, see in 'AXa'^w.
give one's self up to, e. g. ry TrXdvy TOV Jahn 148. Oil was also an article of
Ba\dap Jude 11 Ecclus. xxxvii. 32.
traffic, Luke xvi. 6. Rev. xviii. 13. Sept.
Test. XII Patr. p. 520 iropveia iv y i^x*'
Gen. xxviii. 18. 1 Sam. xvi. 1,
Srqv iya>. Plut. Vit. Marc. Anton. 21 dg
13. ah Xen. An. 4. 4. 13. Conv. 2. 4.
TOV rjdwrraSrj xal a.KO\aarov fiiov l/nct^v-
Pol. 32. 11.4. Lat. 'effun- By meton. and genr. oil is put for the
p.evos. Comp. fruit or the tree, Rev. vi. 6. comp. Is. xl.
dantur adluxuriam/ Liv. 34. 6. < in amo-
10. Hag. i. 11.
rem effusus,' Q. Curt. 8. 5.
'EAcHwv, wvocj b, (eXat'a,) an olive-
see in
yard, pp. Sept. for fTT Ex. xxiii. 11. 2
w, f. 7<rw, to depart out K. v. 26. In N. T. as a name of the
of a pla^e, to go away, to flee out, Luke Mount of Olives, Acts i. 13 ; see in
xxi. 21. Sept. for ms Am. vii. 12. 'EXafa a. Jos. Ant. 7. 9. 2.
1 Mace. ix. 62. Ml. V. H. 3. 21.
b, an Elamite, an
*EAajur)C? ov,
f. to breathe out, to
w, inhabitant of Elam
or Elymais, a region
expire, to die, intrans. Acts v. 5, 10. of Persia near the extremity of the
xii. 23. Sept. Ez. xxi. 7 [12]. coll. Persian gulf, between Media and Baby-
Judg. iv. 21. lonia, and forming part of the district
of Susiana or the modern Khusistan, of
EKWV, owora, ov, willing, voluntary, which Susa was the capital Acts ii. ;
'L-AarroWw, w, f.
7<rw, ^Xdrrwv,) precepts, requirements, are light ___
tfo make less, i. e. trans, to diminish, Horn. II. 12. 450. Xen. Yen. 6. 11. ib.
Sept. Prov. xiv. 36. for O yan Lev. xxv.
s 4. 1. Metaph. 2 Cor. iv. 17 TO
16. -ir>n Gen. viii. 3, 5. In N. T. in- Trig SXnJ/eue, i.
q. IXa^pd
77 J&Xtyif, comp.
trans. to be in respect to
less, quantity, Buttm. 123. 3, and n. 4.
i. e. to lack, to
fall short, absol. 2 Cor.
viii. 15 6 TO oXtyov, OVK
eXarrovT/tre, quoted , ?? ov, pp. superl. of
from Ex. the old epic iXaxvs, but used as
xvi. 18, where Sept. for ipn. superl.
of juijcpo^, comp. in 'EXdaowv, Buttm.
also for tr}>7arr Ex. xxx. 15. Eccius.
68. 4, i. e. the least, minimus, e. g. in
xix. 5, 7. 'A later word instead of
ow, Passow sub voc. magnitude, James iii. 4. in number
and quantity, Luke xvi. 10 bis. xix. 17.
irapd TOVC dyylXovf, to make lower than, xv. 9. in weight or importance, Matt. v.
Heb. ii. 7, 9, quoted from Ps. viii. 6 19 tvToXai iXax. Luke xii. 26. 1 Cor.
where Sept. for -|gn. Sept. also for vi. 2. iv. 3 see in E'tpi II. h. /?. So
tt"y72n Num. xxvi. 54. Eccius. xviii. of dignity for
TJ$ 1 Sam. ix. 21. Job
5. "xlii. 29. Philode Opif. p. 20. A. Xen. xxx. 1. -jap 2 K. xviii. 24. of impor-
H. G. 1. 4. 16. Pass, or Mid. intrans. tance, for iaj? Prov. xxx. 24 __ Of dig-
to become less, to decrease, John iii. 30. nity Wisd. vi[ 6. Xen. Mem. 2. 1. 6. H.
Sept. for iprj Jer. xliv. 18. Eccius. G. 7. 1. 4.
xviii. 19, 20. *xli. 2. Jos. Ant. 7. 1. 1.
Philo de Gig. p. 287. C. Plut. Vit. , rj, ov, (compar.
from the less, far
superl, iXaxivTog,) far
Pyrrh. 26 init.
inferior, Eph. iii. 8. Such double com-
'EAauvo;, f. l\dff<t>, perf. tXjjXaica, parisons, though used by the poets, are
to drive, to impel, to urge on, trans. In elsewhere found only in the prose of a
N. T. later age, Buttm. 69. n. 3. Winer
of ships and clouds driven about 11. 2. b. Lob. ad Phryn. p. 136.
a) pp. to convict, to show to be wrong, 2 K. xiii. 22. Ps. vi. 2. urn Deut. xiii.
etc. John viii. 9 virb TIJQ avvtiShatiag, 17. Is. xiii. 18. Ml. V. H.' 14. 40. Xen.
eXeyxo^fvoi. seq. Trtpi John viii. 46. xvi. Mem. 2. 6. 1. Spoken perhaps of those
8. Also 1 Cor. xiv. 24. James ii. 9. Sept. who had charge of the poor, etc. Rom.
for Train Ps. 1. 21. Prov. xxx. 6 xii. 8. Comp. Sept. and 'pn Prov. xiv.
Jos. "Ant. 4. 8. 15. Ml. V. H. 12. 51. 21, 33. xxviii. 8 Of those who are freed
Xen. Cyr. 3. 1. 12 __ Hence, to convince from deserved punishment, in the Pass.
TOVG avTiXiyovrae iXi-y^eiv. ver. 13. il. 15. 13, 16. Comp. Sept. and pi Deut. vii.
So Sept. for TTpin Job. xxxii. 12. ipn 2. *>?prT Is. ix. 19. Ez. yii/4, 9. By
Prov. xviii. 1?". Arr. Diss. Ep. 2. 1. 32' impl. and from the Heb. to be propitious
Xen. Mem. 3. 8. 1. towards, to bestow kindness on, Rom. ix.
b) by impl.
to reprove, to rebuke, to 15, 16, 18, quoted from Ex. xxxiii. 19
admonish; Luke iii. 19 l\tyxn^.tvoQ vie' where Sept. for pn. comp. Gen. xliii.29.
avrov Matt, xviii. 15. in N. T. of the mercy of
irtpi b) spoken
1 Tim. v. 20. 2 Tim. iv. 2. Sept. for God through Christ, or salvation in
TTDin Gen. xxi. 25. Prov. ix. 8. Christ, i.
q. to bestow salvation on ;
Ecclus. xix. 12, 13, 14, 16. JE1. V. H. Pass, to obtain salvation ;
Rom. xi. 30.
13. 24. Xen. Mem. 1. 2.47 __ Hencefrom 31, 32. 1 Cor. vii. 25. 2 Cor. iv. 1.
the Heb. in the sense of to reprove by 1 Pet. ii. 10.
to free, to set at liberty, trans, pp. Xen.
of the mercy of God through Mem. 2. 1. 28. In N. T. metaph. to
b) spoken make free, sc. from the power and pun-
Christ, i. e. salvation, sc. from sin and
ishment of John viii. 32, 36.
misery, in the Christian sense. Jude21
sin, seq.
ri> tXeof 'Irjffov, i. e. the salvation of or
OTTO c. gen. 18,22. From the
Rom. vi.
through Christ. Rom. xi. 31. So in yoke of the Mosaic law, Gal. v. 1, or of
its condemnation, seq. airo Rom. viii. 2.
benedictions, including the idea of mer-
cies and blessings of every kind e. g.
From a state of calamity and death, Rom.
wy tXeoc 6 icvpiog, 2 Tim. i.16, 18. also
in a civil sense,
1 Cor. 3, 6, indec. Eliud, pr. name
Jtii. 13. Gal. iii. 28. iv. 22, 23, 30, 31. of a man, Matt. i. 14, 15 j prob. comp.
262 "EXXi
from Heb. *>x God, lin praise, but not by the Myrmidons ;
afterwards of the
found in O. T. whole central part of continental Greece,
r;, indec. Elizabeth, Heb. as far north as to Thesprotia, excluding
ynir!?K (God her is Etislieba Ex. the Peloponnesus and islands, Hes. Op.
vi. 23, the wife of Zacharias and mother 655. Herodot. 8. 44, 47. Plin. H. N. 4.
of John the Baptist, Luke i. 6, 7, 13, 24, 11. In this sense it seems to be used
36, 40, 41 lis, 37. Comp. prob. from in Acts xx. 2, where it is distinguished
Heb. ^K God, and y^f to swear, or from Macedonia. Comp. Arr. Exp. Al,
to satiate ; not found in O. T. M. 2. 10. 11. ib. 4. 11. 14. See in
'EXto-aatoe, ou, o, Elisha, Heb. 'AXI Elsewhere in the classics it is
yip"^X (God his deliverance), the cele- likewise spoken of the whole extent 9f
brated' prophet of the O. T. Luke iv. 27. the
Greece, including Peloponnesus,
See 1 K. xix. 16 sq. 2 K. c. 2. c. 4 sq. c. the islands, Macedonia, etc. Xen. Vect.
xiii. 14 sq. I. 6.and so as opposed to Asia Minor,
V. TTO), f. Xen. H. G. 3. 4. 5. but sometimes also
#o roZ/ zip, to fold up, as a garment to be including Ionia, Herodot. 1. 92, where
laid away ; trop. of the heavens, Heb. i. Ephesus said to be Iv ry 'EXXafo.
, a&oc, */? Hellas, Greece. pos. I. p. 547 sq. Acts xvi. 1, 3. xix.
At first this was the name of a city in 10,17. xx. 21. xxi. 28. Rom. i. 16. ii.
Thessaly founded by Hellen the son of 9, 10. in. 9. x. 12. 2 Cor. i. 22 24.
Deucalion, Horn. II. 2. 683 ; then of the x. 32. xii. 13. Gal. ii. 3. iii. 28. Col. iii.
adjacent portion of Thessaly inhabited II. So Acts xi. 20 in later ed. for
'EXX 263 'EX7T/C
'E\\T)vioTdg in text. rec. John vii. 35 bis, Sep. ttn instead of an infin. Luke xxiv.
where &aer7ropd TUIV 'EXXrjvwv is the dis-
rj 21. Acts xxiv.26. 2 Cor. i. 13. xiii. 6.
persed among the Gentiles. Comp. Sept. Philem. 22. Comp. Winer 45. 2 ult,
for Qnra&B Is. ix. 11. 1 Mace. viii. 18. Seq. accus. of thing, tohopefor, Rom.
2 Mace. iv. 30. Jos. Ant. 12. 5. 1. viii. 24, 25. 1 Cor. xiii. 7. Hence Pass.
c) spoken
of a Gentile convert to Ju- ra tXTTt^o/zeva, Heb. xi. 1. Xen. Mem,
daism, a Greek proselyte, John xii. 20. 4. 3. 17.
Acts xiv. 1. xvii. 4. xviii. 4. b)
in the constr. to hope in or on
i. e. to trust in, to
one, confide in; so
'EXXrjvficoc, ', ov, Greek, Grecian,
Luke Rev. ix. 11. genr. seq. dat. Matt. xii. 21 r< ovo/iart
xxiii. 38. Sept. Jer.
avTov tSvrj iXTriovvi, in later edit, but
xlvi.16. 1.16. Jos. Ant. 12.5. 1,5. Xen.
text. rec. lv r< 6v. see below. Seq. tig
Cyr. 22. 28. c. accus. John v. 45 tig ov eXTriKare. So
'EXXrjvt'o t'Soe, (fern, of adj. r/>
Sept. for brv Is. li. 5. into Ps. cxlv.
pp. Greek, in fern. 2 Mace. vi. 8.
**3X\iji>,) 15.
(Herodian. 7. 10. 1.) Seq. tiri nvi,
Xen. An. 5. 1. 1. In N. T. a female Rom. xv. 12 sir' avr^ t$vr) tXTriovvi. 1
Greek, i. q. a Gentile, Mark vii. 26 yyy?) Tim. vi. 17. Sept. for ntt^ Judg. ix.
EXX. Acts xvii. 12. Comp. in"EXXj7vb. 26. Ps. xliv. 7. Comp. Matth. 399.
Palseph. 35. n. 1. Seq. kiri nva, 1 Pet. i. 13. So
'EXXrjv/OTT/e, ou, o, (iXXrjvitu, to Sept. for ruga Judg. xx. 36. Ps. Ixii. 9,
Hellenize, i. e. to speak Greek, Thuc. 2.
11. Spoken of those who put their
68. Xen. Cyr. 7. 3. 25. Lob. ad Phryn. trust in God ; geq. tig c. ace. 2 Cor. i.
379 sq.) a Hellenist, i. e. a Jew by 10. Seq. CTTI c. dat. 1 Tim. iv. 10. So
birth or religion who speaks Greek ; Sept. for nBS Ps. xxvi. 1. al. eomp. Is.
used chiefly of foreign Jews and prose- xi. 10. Seq. eiri c. accus. 1 Tim. v. 5.
whether converted to Christianity 1 Pet. iii. 5. So Sept. for noa Ps. xxxvii.
or not, Acts vi. 1. ix. 29. So text. 3, 5. irhl Is. xi. 10
Spoken of trusting
rec. Acts xi. 20, where later edit. "EX- in Christ, seq. iv c. dat. 1 Cor. xv. 19.
Xrjvag. See Hug. in Bib. Repos. I. 547 Sept. c. kv for g nB3 2 K. xviii. 5. Ps.
Winer 3. p. 28. n.* Wetstein on xxxiii. 21. Comp. iXirida l\tiv lv rivi,
Actsvi. 1. Xen. Mem. 4.2. 28. coll. Pol. 1. 59. 2.
hope, i. e. the hope of salvation through 23. ix. 1. xiii. 2. xiv. 22, 32. xv. 39.
Christ, of eternal life and happiness, Markiv. 1. v. 18. vi. 45. viii. 10, 13.
Rom. v. 2 i\7T. rf/f 6i]Q row Stov. v. 4, Luke v. 3. viii. 22, 37. John vi. 17, 22,
5. xii. 12 ry \7ri'^i xatpovrtf. XV. 4, 13 24. 1 Mace. xv. 36. Pol. 1. 25. 2. Xen.
bis, 6 Sibf TTJC lXir. i. e. God the author An. 1.3. 17.
and source of hope. 1 Cor. xiii. 13. 2
Cor. 12. Thess. 'Eju|3aXXw, fiaXw, (iv, /3aXXw,) to
Eph. ii. 12. iv. 4. 1
cast in, Luke xii. 5
iv. 13. v. 8. 2 Thess. ii. 16. Tit. i. 2. ifi(3aXtiv tic TTJV yeev-
of a hope in or upon any one, i. e. ar* vw, f.
evffu, (iv, paTevu i.
trusty confidence, etc. seq. tfc,
Acts xxiv. /3atvw,) pp.
to go in, to enter, e. g. t/c ri
15 iXirida x wv t'? Tov ^rt " v 1 -P 6 *- * 21. opof Jos. Ant. 2. 12. 1. Jilsch. Pers. 449.
seq. ivi TIVI, 1 John iii. 3. Comp. in Dion. Hal. Ant. I. p. 196. in a hostile
'EXirifa b. sense, \wpav, i. e. to invade, 1
tig TIJV
Mace. xii.xv. 40 __ In N. T. ine-
a, 6, Elymas, i.
q. 6 /ua
taph. to go into a matter, to investigate,
a magician, as explained by Luke, Acts and with the idea of impertinence, to
xiii. 8. It appears to come from the
pry into, to intrude into, seq. accus. i.
Arabic E^,
wise, learned. with 18
j'f implied, Col. ii. 8.
fir) i^otttv
ifipaTtvuv. 2 Mace. ii. 30.- Philo de
Eloi, interj. Aram. TT^t,
Plant. Noe, p. 225. de Opif. p. 16. Xen.
my God, Mark xv. 34, quoted from Ps. Conv. 4. 27 in some editions.
xxii. 2 where Sept. 6 Stog ftov for Heb.
See Matth. 148. n. 2. Buttm. 75. 3. upon, to regard fixedly, seq. dat. Mark
X. 21 'Irjffovs ififiXtyac ai/ry. ver. 27.
n. 3. AL.
xiv. 67. Luke xx. 17. xxii. 61. John i.
(iv, flaivu,)
in N. T. 36, 43. Matt. xix. 26. Pol. 15. 28. 3.
only in aor. 1 ve/3jv, inf. if Xen. Cyr. 1. 3. 2. Se-j. / c. ace.
25, coll. ver. 24. absol. Acts xxii. 11. elsewhere, as 1 Mace. iii. 40. Jos. Ant.
14. 11.2. B. J.2.20.4.
son, as tig TTJV ifiijv avafivijaiv, in my i, the fibeing dropped after */z,
memory i. in memory of me, Luke
e. Buttm. 114. Lob. ad Phr. p. aor. 1
xxii. 19. Cor. xi. 24, 25.
1 dyarrjj ?/ aor. 1 pass. iveTr\rjv$niv, par-
i. e. love of me, John xv. 9. Jos. ticip.pres. ifnrnrXtiv Acts xiv. 17, from
Ant. 1.3.8 IgvjSpcgov tig rrjv ifuqv tvffi- a form tfitmrXattt less usual in this tense
fitiav, i. e. tig 4/u, towards me. Xen. and not Attic, Buttm. ^ 114 Tri'^TrX^t.
Cyr. 3. 1. 28 0iXiV ry l/ty 8. 3. 32 rrjq 106. n. 5. 107. n. 1/2 __ To fill in,
cuptag. i. e. the gift to me. AL. Lat. implere, i. e. to fill up, to make full,
trans. Sept. for^73 Gen.xlii. 25. Prov.
xxiv. 4. Herodian/1. 12. 5. Xen. Mem.
scoffing ; only in later edit.
2 Pet.
1. 4. 6. In N.T. spoken only of food,
3 iv t/i7raiy^ovy ifj,TralKrai, i. e. intens.
to fill,with food, to satisfy, to satiate,
for shameless scoffers. Gesen. Lehrg. r>.
absol. John
vi. 12 we e\r]a$i]aav.
671. 3. Stuart 456. Not found in
Sept. for yili> Lev. xxvi. 6. Ps. Ixxviii.
Sept. or Greek writers.
29 Xen.Cyr. 1.3.4. Mem. 1.3. 6.
So trop. to fill, to satiate, sc. one's desire
ov, o, (t/t7rai^w,) deri-
with good, absol. Luke vi. 25.
sion, mocking, Heb. xi. 36.
scoffing, Seq.
Wisd. xii. ace. and gen. Luke i. 53. Acts xiv. 17.
Sept. for np|j? Ez. xxii. 4
25. Ecclus. xxvii. 28. A form of the comp. Buttm. 132. 5. 2. Sept. for
Alexandrine age, Lob. ad Phryn. N^?3 Is. xxvii. 6. Ps. cvii. 9. ynty Jer.
241. n. xxxi. 14. Ecclus. xvi. 30 -- Metaph.
Pass, to befilledv/iih any person or thing,
w, f. cu'w, (iv, 7rai'a>,) aor.
i. e. as in Engl. to enjoy the society,
a later form instead of the
a, intercourse of any one, Rom. xv. 24 lav
earlier ivkiraiaa, Buttin. 114 naifa. u. Comp. Hist, of Su-
Phryn. et Lob. p. 240 ; pp. to sport in,
sann. 32.
with, against any one, Lat. illudere, Engl.
to illude, to mock, i. e. 7T<TOV^ai,
aor. 2 ivk-nicov, to fall in, seq. tig c. ace.
to deride, to scoff at, seq. dat. Matt.
of place, to fall into; Matt. xii. 11 fie
xxvii. 29 iveiraiZov auT$. \tyovTtg. ver.31.
Mark x. 34. xv. 20. Luke xiv. 29. xxii. floSvvov. Luke xiv. 5 ei'e 0plap. So Sept.
63. xxiii. 36. absol. Matt. xx. 19. xxvii.
and !?p3 Ex. xxi. 33. Prov. xxvi. 27.
41 . Mark xv. 31 Luke xviii. . 32. xxiii. 11 .
JEsop. F. 117 nvla !/i7re(Toi5<ra tiq %VTpav.
Xen. Cyr. 3. 3. rafypovQ. An. 5.
64 tig
Sept. forprre Gen. xxxix. 14, 17. M^nn
Ex. x. 2. ~L Mace. ix. 26. AnthoL ~Gr. 7. 25. Of persons, to fall in with, to fall
among, to meet with, Luke x. 36 fig roiig
III. p. 58, 115.
in the sense of to delude, to deceive, Xyardg. 2 Mace. v. 12. Arr. Epict. 3.
b) 13. 3 OTO.V Xen.
Pass. Matt. ii. 16. fi'c Xyarag IfiTrkvufiiv.
Sept. Jer. x. 14.
Cyr. 3. 1. 4. Metaph. to
ib. 8. 5. 14.
in, 2 Tim. ii. 4. Pass. 2 Pet. ii. 20 __ In N. T. trade, traffic, commerce, Matt.
Isocr. 181. E. Pol. 1. 17.3. ib. 25. 9. 3. xxii. 5. Sept. for rnfrp Ex. xxvii. 15.
Comp. Sept. Prov. xxviii. 18. n?DT Ez. xxviii. 5. Pol. 3. 23. 4. Thuc.
6. 44. Xen. Hi. 9. 9.
f. tv<T<i), (Iv, to ou, o, (kv, ir6poG, pas-
blow in or upon, to breathe in, intrans. sage, transit, fr. ireipw, Trtpdw, Trope w,)
e. g. alXoig ipirvfiv, Anth. Gr. II. p. 103. lit. a passenger from one place to
Horn. II. 17. 502. genr. to draw breath, another, 6, iv nopy &v, one on a journey,
to breathe, i. e. to live, Plut. Eumen. Suit. a traveller, etc. Soph. (Ed. C. 456.
CEd. T. 25, 303. Espec. a passenger by
Aristoph. Thesm. 926 or 933. Eurip.
Phoen. 1440. Sept. Ifnrviov for ^'D3 ship who pays fare; and this indeed
Josh. x. 28 sq. seems to have been the earliest use of
Trop. trans, to breathe
Wisd. xv. the word, (for which later
in, to inspire, c. c. ace. et dat. eTrijSarjjg,)
1 1 u><rav.
Horn. Od. 2. 319. ib. 24. 300. et ibi
luTrvtvaavra aur^ ^/y^)v
Horn. Od. 9. 381 Sapaoc. II. 15. 262
Schol In N. T. and usually, a mer-
In N. T. trop. and intrans. to chant, trader, i. e. one who trades to
foreign countries by sea or land on a
breathe, to respire, and seq. gen. to
breathe of any thing, i. e. to be full of, large scale, a wholesale dealer distin- 5
to be ready to burst with j Acts ix. 1 guished from the Kairr}\OQ or ayopaiog,
i^Trv'niiv a7rti\rJG *ai fyovov. See Matth. who purchased his wares of the t/iTropoc
376. Buttm. 132. f>. 2 __ So and dealt them out at retail Bceckh
Soph. Elect. 405. CEd. T. 456 or 464. Lat. incendo, to inflame, to set on fire, i. e.
Pol. 28. 10. 6. In N. T. and usually, to destroy by fire, rr\v TTO\IV Matt, xxii*
to travel about, sc. as a merchant or 7. Sept. for ]-mp
Deut. xiii. 16. Judg.
trader on a large scale, i. e. to trade, to xviii. 27. Henxlian. 3. 7. 16. Xen. H.
traffic, viz. G. 1.2. 4.
a) genr. and absol. James iv. 13. Sept. adv. and prep. (Iv,
-inp Gen. xxxiv. 10. xlii. 34. 2 Chr.
, before, viz.
ix. 14~ Diod. Sic. 5. 39. Xen. Lac. 7. 1. 1. As adv. of place, after verbs of
b) seq. accus. to traffic in, to make gain motion, forwards, Luke xix. 28 ipTropev-
of, 2 Pet. ii. 3 V^ICLQ ifjnroptixrovTai, i. e. cro ifATrp. or before a person implied,
they will deceive you for their own xix. 4 __Jos. Ant. 7. 8. 5. Xen. Cyr.
gain. Jos. Ant. 4. 6. 8 OVK 4. 2. 23. So
(virgins) TO. tfiirpoaSev, things before,
rov (rwfiaroz.
ifiiroptwopivai rtjv wprjv Phil. iii. 14. Comp. Buitm. 125. 6, 7.
Athen. XIII. p. 569. F. See Winer _ Xen. An. 6. 3. 14. Mem. 2. 3. 19.
p. 503 sq. Of the body, before, in front, Rev. iv.
In Sept. and Greek writers spoken also Athen. 0. 11. Comp. Lob. ad Phryn.
of time, Kuth iv. 7. Judg. i. 11. al. p. 17. Thorn. Mag. p. 507.
Ml. V. H. 2. 41. Xen. Vect. 4. 28.
2. As prep. seq. gen. Buttm. 146. 2.
Pass, to appear in e. g. a
mirror, Xeri. Conv. 7. 4), pp. appearing
of place, before c. gen. of person, hence genr. apparent,
in any thing
after verbs of motion, etc. John iii. 28. ;
vi. 2.
to shut up
TWV dvSp. before, so as to shew, trans. Pass, to appear, to be seen
prevent from entering ; comp. Sept. openly.
Is. xlv. 53
avoi(ti t/iTTjj.
ai'Tov 3vpag. for "p.p*? a) pp. Matt, xxvii.
1. Act. Thorn. 7 oi tfnrp. avT^g VTrrj- TToXXotf. Heb. ix. 24
Hence and from the Heb. 7Tp00(iJ7r<{) TOV &OV WTTCp TjflUIV, 1. C. In OUF
TOV Stov, before in the
God, behalf; for the construction ipf. T$ Trp.
of God, i. e. God b<?ing
night witness, comp. Sept. and Heb. Ps. xlii. 3, coll.
God knowing and approving ;
1 Thess. xcv. 2.
3. 9, 13. 1 John 19. Comp. to make known, to
b) trop. to manifest,
i. iii. iii.
Heb. ^pb
7. 144.
oc, ou, o, >!, adj. (iv, 0o/3oc,)
to pp. in fear, i.e. terrified, affrighted, Luke
'E/iTTTUW, f. vffu, (iv, TTTUW,) spit
in or on, seq. ti'g, as tie TO -Trpown-ov, xxiv. 5,37. Actsx. 4. xxii. 9. xxiv. 25.
to spit in one's face, Matt. xxvi. 67. genr.
Rev. xi. 13. 1 Mace. xiii. 2. Theophr.
xxvii. 30. Sept. tig r6 Ttp. for Num. Char. 24 or 25. 1.
xii. 14. Kara TO irp. Deut. xxv. 9. See ,
f. I']<TOJ, (iv, <f>v<rctM,}
Jahn 180 ult. Plut. ed. Reisk VI. to blow in or on, to breathe on, absol.
715. 14, (.{lTTTVf.IV TlVl t(Q TO TTpOffWITOV. John xx. 22. Sept. for riD? of wrath
Seq. dat. Mark x. 34. xiv. 65. xv. 19. Ez. xxii. 21. of a wind xxxvii. 9
Pass. Luke xviii. 32. JE1. V. H. 1. 15. Ez. xxi. 31. Dioscor. 5. 99
inborn, implanted, sc. by nature, Wisd. T$ KofffKf), John xiii. 1. Col. i. 6. al. l v
xii. 10. Pol. 9. 11. 2. Xen. Mem. 3. 7. ry SaXdffvy Mark v. 13. iv pcay T i)Q $ a \.
5. In N. T. trop. implanted, engrafted, vi. 47. 2 Cor. xi. 25. Of a book,
sc. from another source, rov l/t^vrov writing, etc. Mark xii. 26 iv ry /3i/3\ v
>iyov James i. 21, the gospel being here Mwtrlwf. Luke ii. 23. xx. 42. al. Acts
represented under the figure of a seed or xiii. 33 iv ry ^/aX/uy T$ Stvr. Heb. iv. 5.
shoot implanted or engrafted, as else- v. 6. So Heb. 7 iv Aa/3i', i. e. in the
where by seed sown ; comp. Mark vi. 14 book of David, the Psalms. John vi. 45
Barnab. Ep. c. 9, r/ t/*0. Smptd rijs iv TOIQ TTpo^raig. Rom. xi. 2 iv 'HX/p,
rii: T. Stov. Herodot. 9. 94 i. e. in the section
respecting Elijah.
Of the body and its parts, Rom. vi. 12
iv Ty SvijTtji (Tiofian. 2 Cor. xii. 2. Matt,
'Ev, prep, governing the dative, iii. 12 iv
Ty \tipi avrov. Rev. vi. 5. xi.
with the primary idea of rest in any 9. al. (Xen. An. 6. 1. Matt. vii. 3, 4,
place or thing, as also on, at, by. As iv T< 6f9-aXju<. Matt. i. 18,23, iv ya<rrpl
compared with ilg and tr, it stands be- X ilv > * e to be pregnant, see in Taorr^p
tween the two, ti'c implying motion into, b. Luke i. 44 iv ry /eoiXfy. Trop. iv Tolg
iv the being or remaining in, and iic mo- Rom. vii. 5. James iv. 1. ev ry
tion out of. See Passow in 'Ev. Winer ,
iv ra7f Kapdiaig, Matt. v. 28.
52. a. Matth. 577. Luke ii. 51. Matt. ix. 4. Mark ii. 6/8.
1. Of place, which is the primary and iv <rr6fiaTi 1 Pet. ii. 22 Spoken of per-
most frequent use, and spoken of every sons, pp. in one's body ;
Matt. i. 20 TO iv
thing which is conceived as being, re- avT-g ytvvnSiv. vi. 23. Acts xx. 10. of a
maining, taking place, within some de- demoniac Acts xix. 16. Trop. Rom. vii.
finite space or limits, in, on, at, by, etc. 17, 18, 20. al.
Sept. usually for Heb. 3. b) spoken
of elevated objects, a sur-
within ; Luke xi. 1 iv TO-KV etc. in, i. e. on, upon, as a fig-
a) pp. in, face,
Tivi. Matt. viii. 6 iv ry ouc/p. Acts ii. 46 tree, iv avry Mark xi. 13. a moun-
iv TV iipv> Luke xxii. 65 iv piay Ttjg tain, iv rtf opfi, Luke viii. 32. John iv.
ayX//f . Matt. iv. 23 iv TOIQ ervvayuiyaTf . 20. Heb. viii. 5. (Sept. and in^ Ex.
iv. 21 iv TV TrXoi'y. xi. 2. Mark v. 3. xxxi. 18. Luc. D. Deor. 4.3. Xen. An.
John v. 28. xi. 17. xix. 41. Phil. i. 13, 4. 3. Matt. viii. 24
31.) (racr/iog Iv ry 3-ct-
dian. 1. 9. 7. ib. 1. 12. 12. Xen. Cyr. 1. xviii. 19. Trop. Jude 12 iv raig aydiraif
4. 5. An. 1. 2. 8, 26. With the names
of cities, countries, places, etc. Luke ii. in a somewhat wider sense, im-
43 iv 'ltpovaa\r)i*. Matt. ii. 1, 5, iv Br]$- plying simply contact, close proximity,
Xel/i. Rom. i. 7 ir 'Putfiy. Matt. ii. 19 iv etc. in, i. e. at, on, by, near, with, equiv-
ix. 31. iii. 1, 3, iv ry iprjpv rjjf 'lovSaiag. i. 3. viii.l. x.12. Rom. viii. 34. al. (Xen.
iv. 13. Acts ix. 36. x. 1. 1 Thess.
vi. 4. 2. 4. 5 iv TCUQ' yw-
So Matt. vi.
Cyr. 2.)
viag TUV TrXarauiv. xxiv. 36 et Acts
Herodian. 1. 3. 1. ib. ii. 19
i. 7, 8. al.
3. 2. 7. Thuc. 7. 21. So iv TV 7y iv TV ovpavv, in or on the sky. (Horn.
Luke xvi. 23. comp. Matt. x. 28. Rev. II.22. 318.) Luke xiii. 4 6 Trvpyog iv TV
xxi. 8. iv iv TOIQ ovpavoig, at or near the fountain, comp.
ovpavv, jXwo/i,
Matt. vi. 10, 20. Luke xv. 7. Matt. v. Jos. B. J. 5. 4. 1. Luke xvi. 23 et John
12. xvi. 19. al. also of 6 7rar)p 6 xiii. 23, see in 'Ava/c/iat 2. Matt. vii. 6
iv roif ovp. as adj. i. 6 i-n-ovpavioQ, KaTaTraTr)ff<i>ffiv iv rolg TTOfflv
q. firjiroTf.
avrwv. at or under their feet. John
Jieavenly Father, Matt. v. 12, 45. vii. 11. i. e.
'Ev 271 'Ev
any one, be being judge; Luke xvi. 15 comp. in full, Xen. Cyr. 2.
TO iv dv$rpio7roiv\l/TiX6v, i. e. in the sight, a pron. absol. e. xpovy Mark
g. iv $, sc.
judgment, of men. 1 Cor. xiv. 11 6 ii. 19. John (Thuc. 7. 29. Xen. An.
v. 7.
f) spoken
of that by which one is John ii. So iv olc, sc. irpdy-
28. al. seep.
surrounded, in which one is enveloped, fjiaai, i. e. during which things, mean-
etc. in, with. Matt. xvi. 27 tpxtaSai *v while, Luke xii. 1. Luc. Alex. 36 iv
ry S6%y. xxv. 31. al. Mark xiii. 26 iv T<$ Xot/i^. Diod. Sic. 14. 68. Xen. Mem
vt$'t\aiQ. Luke xxi. 27. al. Acts vii. 30 2. 1. 32. Herodian. 5. 1. 4 iv OIQ.
^v^XoyiTrvpog. Horn. II. 15. 192 ovpavbg Espec. c. dat. of art. and infin. in, i. e. on
iv ai3epi KO.I vc^sXytri. Of clothing, or at an action or event, while it is taking
Matt. xi. 8 lv fj.a\aico7s i/iarioig 7/*0i- place ; Luke ix. 36 iv T<$ ytviaSai TTJV
ffffjiivov. vi. 29. vii. 15. Mark xii. 38. ijxiivrjv. i. 8. ii. 6. v.l. xxiv. 51. Acts
Heb. xi. 37. James ii. 2. al. of orna- viii. 6. al. saep Sept. 1 Sam. i. 7. Diod.
ments, 1 Tim. ii. 9. of bonds, Eph. vi. Sic. i. 21. Xen. Cyr. 1.4.5.
20. So tv (rapKi, in the flesh, i. e. clothed of time how long, i. e. a space or
in flesh, in the body, 1 John iv. 2. 2 period within which any thing takes place,
John 7. Zy iv vapid, Gal. ii. 20. Phil. in, within, iv Tpivlv rtpepais, in three days,
i. 22.
Sept. and ^ Deut. xxii. 12. Ps. Matt, xxvii. 40. Mark xv. 29. al. So
cxlvii. 8. Jos. Ant. 18. G. 7 6 iv ry Trop- Sept. and 5 Is. xvi. 14. ^El. V. H. 1.
Qvpidt. Pind. Isth.6. 53. Herodian.2. 6. Diod. Sic. 20. 83 ult. Xen. Ag. 1. 34
13. 5. Xen. Mem. 3. 11. 4. Hence of iv Svolv tTolv.
that with which one furnished, which
is 3. Trop. of the state, condition, man-
he carries with him, etc. 1 Cor. iv. 21 ner, in which one is, moves, acts ; of the
iv pd(3S v tXSai. Heb. ix. 25. Metaph. ground, occasion, means, on, in, by,
Luke 1. 17 iv irvivpaTi KO.I dvvapei 'HXiou. through which one is affected, moved,
Rom. xv. 29. Eph. vi. 2. Sept. and 3 acted upon, etc.
Gen. xxxii. 11 iv pa/3^. Josh. xxii. 8.
Of the state, condition, or circum-
1 Sam. i. 24. Ps. Ixvi. 13 Jos. Ant. stances in which a person or thing is,
6. 9. 4 av fikv iirepxy pot iv pop.^>aiy. K. T. X. viz.
Diod. Sic. 18. I6ult. Xen. Cyr. 2. 3. 14. either external or internal ;
(a) genr.
Mem. 3. 9. 2. comp. Passow 'Ev 2. Winer 52. p.
2. Of time, of time when, i. e. a 330. Matth. 577. 3. E. g. of an ex-
definite point or period, in, during, on, at, ternal state ;
Luke35 iv rpvQy vTrap-
which any thing takes place, etc. Matt, "X.ov~(.Q, viii. 43 yvvfj ovaaiv pvffti aV/zarof.
ii. 29 et xi. 21 iv
tipfivy, comp. James ii.
ii. 1 iv rifispats 'Hpo^ow. iii. 1. viii. 13.
xii. 1, 2 iv aappaTy. Acts xx. 7. 1 Cor. 16 viraytTf. iv tiprjvy for which see in Eij
xi. 23. al. saepiss. John xi. 9, 10 iv Ty 4. Luke xvi. 23 iv f3aadvoi^. xxiii. 1
j)/i6p2, iv ry VVKTI, i. e. by day, by night. iv IX^P$- ver 40. Rom. i. 4 vibe Stov tt
tians, i.
q. ot Xpierrtarni, viii. 1. 2 Cor. Acts ii. 29. xx. 32. Rom. i. 5, 6. 1 Cor.
xii.2. Gal. i. 22. 1 Pet. v. 14. al. So xi. 18. Eph. v. 3. 1 Pet. v. 1, 2. 2 Pet.
genr. i. e. in connection with Christ, in ii.8. al. ssepiss. So iv iavrolg, among
the Christian faith, Rom. xii. 5. Gal. iii. themselves, Matt. ix. 3. xxi. 38. Acts
28 rravrff v/ietf tlf Ion iv Xp. V. 6. vi. xxviii. 29. (Thuc. 7.
iv aXXf/Xoif,
15. Phil. iv. 1,7. 1 Thess. iii. 8. 1 John with one another, Mark ix. 50. John xiii.
ii. 24. al. Vice versa of the union of 35. Rom. xv. 5. (Luc. Asin. 19.) So
Christ with Christians in consequence with a dat. sing of a collective noun,
of their faith in him John vi. 56. xiv. ;
Luke iv. 25, 27, iv r$ 'Icrpar/X. i. 61 ii. .
20. xv. 4, 5. xvii. 23, 26. Rom. viii. 9. 44. John vii. 43. Acts x. 35. Eph. iii. 21.
Gal. ii. 20. al. Of a like union with God, 2 Pet. ii. 1 al. Sept. for 3. 2 K. xviii. 5.
ii. 24. iii. 6, 24. iv. 13, 15, 16. al. Of the iii.4 Horn. II. 13. 689. J31.V. H.1.31.
mutual union of God and Christ, John Luc. D. Deor. 23. 1. ib. Alex. 2. Xen.
x. 38. xiv. 10, 11, 20. al. Of the Holy An. 2. 3. 15. Cyr. 1. 3. 2. Hence with
Spirit in Christians, John xiv, 17. Rom dat. plur. of persons by whom one is
viii. 9, 11 bis. 1 Cor. iii. 16. vi. 19. 1 Pet. accompanied, escorted, etc. Luke xiv. 31 .
i. 11. al
Of those in, with, on Jude 14 TjX&e Kvptog iv pvpidviv ayiaig
whom, i. e. in whose person or charac- avTov. So Sept. and g Num.xx.20.
ter any thing exists, is done, (comp. 1 Mace. i. 17. vii. 2 With a dat.
irapo,) e. g. in external life and conduct, plur. of thing, 1 Cor.
xv. 3 iv TTQWTOIQ,
John xviii. 38 et xix. 4, 6 oix f-voiaKd) iv the i. e. adv. first of all.
among first,
avr(ji airiav. Acts xxiv. 20. xxv. 5. 1 Xen. (Ec. 4. 4. Cyr. 1.6.24.
John ii. 10. 1 Cor. iv. 2. So genr. of of persons, by implic. before, in the
presence of; Mark viii.
38 oc iiraiaxvvS'g
any power, influence, efficiency, e.g.from
God, the Spirit, etc. Matt. xiv. 2 Sid /if
iv Ty yevtq ravry. Luke i. 25. Acts vi.
TOVTO al Svvantig ivtpyovaiv iv avry. 8. xxiv. 21 COTWC iv avro~iQ, sc. as judges.
Johni. 4. xiv. 13. ver. 30 iv l/iot OVK t^" 1 Cor. ii. 6. 2 Cor. x. 1. Col. i. 23.
ovdtv. xvii. 26. 1 Cor. xii. 6. 2 Cor. iv. Trop. and from the Heb. Luke iv. 21 iv
4, 12. vi. 12. Gal. iv. 19. Phil. ii. 5, 13. TO~IQ baiv vfi&v, comp. Sept. and ^
Col. Heb. 21. 1 John iii. Deut. v. 1. Judith, xvi. 1. Plut. Leg".
i. 19. xiii. 9,
15. al. So iv lavry, in, with or of 10. p. 886. E, ica-rjjyopav iv aatfikaiv av-
oneself, etc. Matt. xiii. 21. John v. 26. SpAirois. Arr. Diss. Ep. 3. 22. 8. Pol.
vi. 63. 1 Cor. xi. 13. 2 Cor. i. 9. al. 17. 6. 1. Horn. II. 1. 587. Xen. Cyr. 1.
272 'E,
mind, feelings, etc. Acts xi. 5 iv iii. 35. Acts iv. 12 OVK lanv iv
Rom. xv. 32 iv x a P$' 1 Cor. i. 10 iv T<$ ovSevl % ffb>Ti)pta. So iv Trvevfjia.Ti, i. e.
avT<i> vol K. r. \. ii. 3 iv aoStviiif Kai iv in the power or under the influence of
06/3</>. xiv. 6 lv ctTTOKaXinpfi K. T. X. the Spirit, in a state of inspiration, in-
i. e. in
the state or condition of one who re- spired, Matt. xxii. 43. Mark xii. 36.
ceives and utters a revelation. 2 Cor. Luke ii. 27. iv. 1. ix. 1. 1 Cor. xii. 3.
xi. 17,21. iv Afpoffvvy. Eph. iii. 12. v. also Matt. xii. 28. 1 Pet. iii. 19. Rev.
21. 1 Thess. ii. 17. 1 Tim. i. 13. ii. i. 10. iv. 2. xvii. 3. al: Of demoniacs,
11. Heb. iii. 11. James i. 21. ii. 1. iv TTvevfiaTi aica$apT<i>, i. e. in the power
Jude 24. al. saep. Horn. II. 7. 302. of, possessed, 2 Mark
Jos. i. 23. v.
Thuc. Xen. An. 7. 6. 38. Cyr.
3. 22. Ant. 3. 1. 5. Aristoph. Av. 1677 iv T$
5. 2. 5. In this usage iv with its dative Tpc/3aXXy irav TO Trpdyfia. Herodot. 6.
is often equivalent to an
adjective Rom. ;
109. Xen. CEc. 6. 14 iv aol iravTa. iariv.
iv. 10 tav iv avpofivcFTiq., iv TrepiTOfiy, i. e. Hence, yevopevoc iv iavT(f, having
as uncircumcised or circumcised. 2 come to himself, Acts xii. 11. Comp.
Cor. iii. 7, 8, et Phil. iv. 19 iv 6Zy i. q. Herm. ad Vig. p. 749, 856. Matth.
ivSoZog. I Tim. ii. 7, 12, 14. Tit. i. 6 677. 6 ult.
of a rule, law, standard, in, by, iv riiuv /LtaSjjrE. 2 Cor. iv. 3. Eph. i.
according to, conformably to ; comp. 20. Phil. i. SO.^Plato Meno. 82. p.
Passow Winer
iv 1. h.52. a. 3. b. A, iTnSeiicvvoSai tv TLVI. Xen. Cyr. 1.
Matth. 577. 3 ult. So Matt. vii. 2 iv 6. 29 So after verbs implying, < to do
$ rpt/zan Kpivtre, Kpi$T)<Tea$f. Luke i. 8 anything in one's case,' i. e. to or
Iv ry rati, corap. 1 Cor. xv. 23. Phil. one, where the ace. or dat. might stand ;
icpiatig TroieTv. Xen. Conv. 2. 8. Cyr, 1. xii. 8. Comp. Winer 32. 3. b. Also
2. 2. Mem. 3. 9. 1 So c. dat. of person
; ffKavdaXiZeaSai tv TIVI, to take offence
2 Cor. x. 12 iv iavroiQ iavrovg ftETpovvrtg. in any one, i. e. in his case or cause,
Also < in conformity with the will, law, Matt. xi. 6. xiii. 37. xxvi. 31, 33. al .
iffnv tipyafffiiva. 1 Cor. vii. 39 iv Kvpitp. iv ipoi. Spoken also of that in which
Eph. vi. 1. any thing consists, is comprised, ful-
in the sense of in respect to, as to ; filled, manifested, etc. John ix. 30 iv yap
Luke i.
7, 18, irpo[3t(3T]Kevai iv r/yutpatf. Tovrif) Savfiaaruv kariv. Rom. xiii. 9 iv
Gal. iv. 20 ort an-opou/iai iv vftfv, comp. Toi>T<ft r< Xoy^j avcuctQaXatovTai. Gal. V.
Winer Comm. in loc. Eph. ii. 11 &vt) 14 6 Trag vofiog iv ivl Xoy^> irXrjpovTat.
iv (rapid. Tit. i. 13 Vva vyiaivuffiv Iv ry Eph. ii. 7. v. 9. Heb. iii. 12. 1 Pet. iii.
iriffTct. James ii. 10 et iii. 2 irrauiv iv 4. 1 John iii. 10 et iv. 9 iv TOVTQ i<J>a-
evi, iv Xoyy. So iv iravTi, in every res- vtptiiS/rj. iv. 10. 17. al. So from laxness of
pect, 2 Cor. viii. 7. ix. 8, 11. iv ^tvi, expression, Matt. xxii. 40 Iv ravraiQ rale,
in no respect, 2 Cor. vii. 9. James i. 4. Svalv ivroXalg oXog 6 vop,og K. ol irp
Iv ovtitvi Phil. i. 20. Also after words Kpfpavrai. Also Acts vii. 14 iv i//u%a7f
signifying plenty or want, Rom. xv. 13 f/3. Trivre, consisting in 75 souls ; comp.
irspHTfftvtiv iv ry iXiritii. 2 Cor. iii. 9. viii.
Deut. x. 22 where Sept. for 3, and
7. Col. ii. 7 et Eph. ii. 4 TrXovaiog iv see Winer 52. p. 334. e. Herbdian.
IXsct. 1 Cor. i. 5. 1 Tim. vi. 18. al. 2. 3. 17 ov yap iv ry KCtSecipiq. rj irpo-
1 Cor. 7 vanpiiaSai iv fi^Sevl xa.piapa.Ti.
i. tSpia, dXX' iv TOIQ tpyoif. Here too we
Soph. (Ed. Tyr. 1112 iv paupy yr?pp may refer the use of Iv by Hebraism
vv<f8u Tyds TavSpi, high old age he
< in after verbs of swearing, to mark the
accords, etc.' Palaeph. 28. 2 inrtpftpuv ground, basis, object, on which the oath
Iv. Diod. Sic. 5. 57 StaQspu) iv, and so rests, in Engl. by, sometimes upon;
Xen. Hi. 1. 8. ib. 2. 2. v. 34, 35, 36, /i?) 6p,6ffai iv r< ovpavy, iv
Of the ground, basis, occasion, in, Ty yy, iv ry Ki<j>aXy oov. xxiii. 16, 18,
on, upon which any thing rests, exists, sq. Rev. x. 6. al. Sept. for g yairb 1 Sam.
takes place, etc. Thus xxiv. 22. 2 Sam. xix. 8. 1 K. 'ii. 8.
I Cor. ii. 5 'iva r/ iriariQ vp&v pi] r/ iv Winer 52. p. 331. Matt. vi. 7 on iv ry
3. iv Tovrtft yiv&GKtiv, to know Soph. Aj. 1136. Dem. 31. 10. ib. 710. 18.
herein, hereby, i. e. by this, etc. John xiii. (/3)
c. dat. of thing, but used
1 John ii. 3, 5. al.
35. iv $, equiva- only of such means as imply that the
lent to iv TovTy OTI, herein that, e. in
object affectedis actually in,
among, sur-
that, because, Rom. viii. 3. Heb. ii. 18. rounded by them, pp. in and through;
1 Pet. ii. 12.
(Thuc. 8. 86.) wherefore, Passow 'Ev 4. Winer 52. p. 332. Matth.
Heb. vi. In this sense of propter,
17. 577. 7 Matt. viii. 32 airkSavov iv ro7c
iv does not occur with a dat. of person, vSaai, i. e. in and by the waters. 1 Cor.
Winer 52. p. 332 Spoken also of the iii. 13 Iv Trupi airoKaXvTTTiTai. Rev. xiv.
authority in consequence of which any 10. xvi. 8. al. So Sept. and 2 Lev. viii.
intervention, in, by, with, through whom and 2 Lam. v. 4. 1Sam. xxiv. 24. Ecc.
any thing is done, etc. Winer 52. iv. 9. Rom. i. 23 r/XXaav rr\v S6av
p. 332 ult. Matt. ix. 34 ippaXXti TO. Sat- Stov iv bfioiwpaTi, for an image, etc.
fiovia iv T(p ap%6vTi rStv 5. Actsiv. 9 t.v ver. 25. So Sept. for ^ T1?n Ps. cvi
'Ev 275
So Horn. II. 1. 441 iv \tpai gen. over against, Mark xv. 39. comp.
irapadiiffy. Buttm. 123. 3. 115. n. 5. Sept. for
ri$et. ib. 1. 593. Metaph. after words
TJ3 Josh. viii. 11. 15373 Neh. iii. 27.
expressing an affection of mind towards Time. 4. 33.
any one ; e. g. aydvrj iv -nfjuv 2 Cor. viii. hostilet
John b) metaph. contrary, adverse,
7. 1 iv. 9, 16. 6py?) iv r< Xa<
seq. dat. 1 Thess. ii. 15. Acts xxviii. 17.
Luke xxi. 23 in text. rec. Comp. Sept. So ivavTta irpdff<reiv seq. irpoq c. ace.
and 3 2 Sam. xxiv. 17. Lib. Henoch. Thuc.
xxvi. 9. comp.Sept. Ez.xviii.18.
in Fabr. V. T. Pseudep. p. 161.
7. 11. Xen. Cyr. 1. 4. 22. So 6 *4
NOTE. In composition iv implies :
an adversary,
ivavriag, i. q. 6 ivavriof,
1. a being or resting in, as Ivci/u, !/*/*!vw. an enemy, Tit. ii. 8. See Buttm. 125. 6.
2. into, when compounded with verbs of
Xen. Eq. 11. 3.
motion, as ipfiaivo). 3. conformity, etc.
as ivtiiKoq, twofjLos. 4. participation, as
co), w, f. now,
'Ev^tTjCj ovg, 6, }, adj. (ivSea),^ in
pp. to be among one's people, to be at
want, needy, destitute, Acts iv. 34. Sept.
for Deut. xv. 4, 7. Is. xli. 17. home, Jos. Ant. 3. 11. 3. In N. T. trop.
p\^N to be present in
any place, or with
KafiijXov, the usual garment of the an- b) metaph. (a) of the soul as clothed
cient prophets, comp. 2 K. i. 8. Zech. with the body, 2 Cor. v. 3 ecyc at Iv-
xiii. 4. Jahn 122. (Sept. for 155 2 Sam. comp. in Fe II. y.
Svffafjievoi, Fvftvos b.
xx. 8. so Wisd. xviii.
Also tvSvfia Sept. and irb^ Job x. 11. (/3) of a
yd/zov, a wedding garment, Matt. xxii. 11, person as clothed, i. e. endued, furnished,
12, presented to guests in token of with any power, quality, etc. Svvap.iv
honour, according to oriental custom ;
Luke xxiv. 49. afdapaiav, dSavaaiav,
1 Cor. xv. 53 bis, 54 bis.
comp. Gen. xlv. 22. Judg. xiv. 12 sq. (TTrXdyxva OIK-
2 K. v. 5, 22 sq. Jahn 178. Act. Thorn. i. e.
rtp/ioi), compassion, Col. iii. 12.
7. Metaph. Matt. vii. 15 Iv ivSvpaffi Sept. for Tin^, c. dvvafjiiv Ps. xciii. 1.
7rpo/3drwv, i. e. externally with the meek- comp. Ez. vii. 27. 2 Chr. vi. 41. Job
ness and gentleness of lambs, in contrast xxix. 14. al __ Ecclus. xvii. 3. Test. XII
to the spirit of wolves. Patr. p. 587 svd. tvQpoavvriv. of one
who puts on, i. e. assumes, a new cha-
w, f. waw, to
to render strong, to
i. e.
racter, etc. rbv KCLIVOV av$p. Eph iv. 24.
strengthen in,
Col. 10.
iii. ivS. TOV Xptarov, i. e. to be
impart strength to, trans. Pass, or Mid.
to acquire strength, to be strong, spoken filled,imbued, with Christ's spirit, to
be like him, Rom. xiii. 14. Gal. iii. 27.
of the body, as made strong out of
Dion. Hal. Ant. 11. 5, TOV TapKi-
weakness, Heb. xi. 34 Trop. of the viov tKtivnv ivdvojAtvoi. Comp. O.TTO-
mind, etc. Actsix. 22. Rom. iv. 20. Eph. rbv Luc. Gall.
vi. 10. Phil. iv. 13. 1 Tim. i. 12. 2 Tim. dvffdfj,evo(; Ily^ayopav
ii. 1. Sept. for 77^ Ps.
iv. 17. Iii. 9.
Aquila for "aa Gen. vii. 20, 24. Not
the put"
found in the classics.
ting on sc. of clothes, wearing, 1 Pet.
or cvSuoj, f. taw, (uw to iii. 3.
thing in or with which, Buttm. 134. 6. N. T. in order to kill any one, Acts xxiii.
xxiii. 16, i.
q. evtfya, which is for which cause, wherefore, Luke iv. 18.
tuted for it in later editions. Sept. for rivog 'ivtKa, for
what cause, wherefore, Acts
:i"li<7p Judg. ix. 35. xix. 32. So iivtKtv TOV seq. infin. 2 Cor.
vii. 12 tivtKtv TOV tyavtatiifyrivai, in order
'EvaAau, w, f. j<rto, (a'Xew, Buttm. that, etc. In such constructions 'ivtKa
to roll up in, to wrap up in, trans, is often omitted ; comp. Buttm. 140.
and seq. dat. of thing, Mark xv. 46. n. 1. 130. n. 1.
Sept. for t3^ 1 Sam. xxi. 9. Artemid. "
1. 13 or 14.
aa, ac, "h, O^pyfcj) energy,
to be in any place, <
the being in work,' i. e. operation,
Xen. An. 2. 4. 21, 27.
trop to be in or
efficiency, active power, etc. Eph. i. 19
with any person, Xen. Mem. 1. 2. 28. Kara ivkoytiav TOV Kpdrov avrov,
In N. T. impers. ZvtvTi, but only in the
according to the efficiency, active exhibi-
form Ivij e. the Ion. form of the
tion, ofhis might, sc. in raising up Jesus.
prep, the verb being dropped, Buttm.
iv, 7. iv. 16. Col.
iii. i. 29. Especially as
117. 3. 2. Winer 14. 2. there is exhibited in
n,) mighty works, miracles,
in, tvith, among, e. g. Ivi sc. iv vfuv, e. g.of God, Phil. iii. 21. Col. ii. 12. of
Gal. iii. 28 ter ; others iv Xpierry, comp.
Satan, 2 Thess. ii. 9. By meton. put
'Ev 1. C. a. Col. iii. 11 OTTOV OVK tvi.
for the works or miracles themselves,
James i. 17 Trap' < OVK tvi. Test. XII 2 Thess. ii. 11 kvipytiav TrXdi/jjg, i. e.
Patr. 733. Palseph. 14. 1. Aristoph. false miracles, delusive signs, viz. those
Plut. 348. pp. Xen. An. 5. 3. 11. So mentioned in ver. 9, 10. Wisd. vii. 26.
rd ivovTa, things within, that which is
xviii. 22. 3 Mace. iv. 21. Pol. 1. 4. 7. ib.
within, pp. 1 Mace. v. 5. Xen. Ag. 2.
8. 9. 2.
19. H. G. 2. 3. 7. In N. T. Luke xi. 41
TO. ivovTa Sort i. e. in the w, pp.
to be in work/ i. e. to work, to be effec-
figurative discourse of Jesus, give that
tive, operative, etc.
within the cup and platter as alms, comp.
neut. to work, to be active, to pro-
ver. 39, here a)
spoken of the inner man, duce spoken of things ; Matt. xiv.
the heart, viz. give alms from the heart,
and not
2 et Mark vi. 14 at Svvdfj.tis kvtoyovoiv
merely externally ;' for the
doub. accus. comp. Buttm. 131. n. 5.
Iv ai)T<$, power of miracles
i. e. the
Others here prefer the sense rd works, miracles are wrought by him.
Eph. i. 20 j)j/ [tvkpyuav] lvkpyrj<rtv, see
ivovra, pro facultatibus, according to Buttm. 131. 3. Eph. ii. 2. Phil. ii. 13
what you have, (Hesych. ivov Swarbv
r6 IvepycTv. With a dat. of pers. Gal.
f) ivvTrdpxov,) but the more usual con-
ii. 8 bis, 6 tvtpyrjffac ITerpy ei'c K. T. X.
struction would then be IK T&V ivovTwv,
kvrjpyrfat leal ifiol etc TO. eSrvrj, i. e. he who
as Epict. Frag. 108.
effected in the case of Peter that he
"Evcica, Luke vi. 22. Acts xxvi. 21. should be the apostle of the Jews, ef-
Rom. viii. 36 more frequently 'ivtKtv
; ;
fected also in my case that I should go
also poet, and Att. tivtKtv, [Luke iv. 18.] to the Gentiles comp. ver. 7. So Sept
working, operative, active, effective, Heb. have in mind, to revolve in mind, to think
iv. 12. 1 Cor. xvi. 9 Svpa pot avk^ye upon, trans. Matt. i. 20. ix. 4. seq. Trtpt
peyaXri Kai Ivtpyfa, i. e.
effective,pre- c. gen. Acts x. 19 in text. rec. where
65. 12. ib. 11. 23. 2. seq. Trcpt Wisd. vi. 15.
ivi?x* <*$< dtwbv \6\ov. stand in or upon, Buttm. 107. 11. 1 sq.
p.518 lvx- Soyfiaatv. Lucian. Disp. c. i. e. present, Rom. viii. 38 ovrc ivtaTura,
Hes. 2. Herodot. 1. 90. ib. 2. 121. 2. ovTf peXXovra. 1 Cor.iii. 22. vii. 26. Gal.
VI*) 280
i. 4. Heb. ix. 9. Esdr. ix. 6. Jos. Ant. Diog Laert. 3. 79 tvvoia KO\OV. Pol. 1.
in the phrase ?/ wpa 17 swan/, Me m'nlA 35 Trpon tvwxov \iav, very early, yet in
hour. sc. in the Jewish mode of reckon- the night,i. q. opSpov (3aSeog Luke xxiv.
Mark Hi. 29 Dem. 1229. 11 IVO X OQ joined upon or towards you, quoted from
Ex. xxiv. 8 where Sept. dia$. fa dt&fro
7rp6 s vpaQ for Heb.
b) in the sense of chargeable with, t35pi> rn| ; but
elsewhere Sept. often $ta$r}Kijv ivirti-
guilty of, seq. gen. of that in or in re-
Xaro vfuv for Heb. dpriN n^n
spect to which crime is committed; 1 PT12J,
e. g. '
Cor. xi. 27 tv. TOV a&p. K. TOV Deut. iv. 13. Josh.' xxiii. 16. Judg-
TOV dip.
ii. 20.
Kvpiov. James ii. 10 irdvTuv evo x og
Sept. Is. liv. 17. 2 Mace. xiii. 6. Philo ,
adv. strengthened form
de Joseph, p. 558 TTJS KXOTTTJS Zvo X o. from f v$v, Buttm. 1 16. 7, hence,
Lys. in Alcib. 5. p. 140. init. tv. XUTTO- from this or that place, Matt. xvii. 20.
raZiov. c. dat. Sept. Deut. xix. 10. Diod. Luke iv. 9. xiii. 31. xvi. 26 in text. rec.
Sic. 1. 77 penult. John ii. 16. vii. 3. xiv. 31. xviii. 36
Jos. Ant. 1. 21. 3. Xen. An. 1. 2. 7, 10,
EvruA/ia, roc* r >
(tvreXXofiai,} i.q. 11. al. So IvTtvStv ical evTevSev, hence
ivToXr), mandate, precept, ordinance, Matt. and hence, on this side and that side, on
xv. 9. Mark vii. 7. Col. ii. 22. Sept. each side, John xix. 18. Bev. xxii. 2.
for mSTp Job xxiii. 12. Is. xxix. 13.
Sept. for rrpyi njtt Num. xxii. 24. n|rp
CtffU), (kvTadilOQ, fr. n$n Dan. x'ii.
5.-l-Trop. of the cause^r
iv, ra^.oc, pi. TO.
evrd^ta grave-clothes source, hence, James iv. 1. Jos. Ant. 4.
and ornaments, Eurip. Hel. 1404 or 8. 18. Herodian. 2. 10. 13.
1424. JE1. V. H. 1. to prepare
16,) for
burial, i. e. to
lay out in the lvTa<j>ia, to pp. afalling in with, meeting with, coming
decorate, to
embalm, in the Jewish together, Ml. V. H. 4. 20. access,
manner, see Jahn 204, 205. trans. audience, Pol. 16. 21. 8. ib. 25. 6. 6.
Matt. xxvi. 1.2. John xix. 40.
Sept. for petition, Jos. Ant. 15. 3. 8. Diod. Sic.
Ojrr Gen. 1. 2, 3 Test. XII Patr. 16. 55. In N. T. supplication, prayer,
sc. to God, 1 Tim. ii. 1. iv. 5 Plut.
K. T. X Plut. ed. Beisk. X. 138. 14 Numa 14 penult. TroicTaS-at rag 7rpo TO
weTTrep vKpov tvTa<f>id%ovTt. Anth.Gr. IV. &tiov tvTv%f.iQ. Clem. Alex. Strom. 7.
p. 137. 7.
ov, o,
tvrafidfa,) "Evr^oc, ou, 6, h
adj. (Iv, pp,
preparation for burial, i. e. a laying in honour, i. e.
EvroXfj 282
a) honoured, estimable, dear, Luke vii. 5 TO IVTO. Herodian. 2. 15. 15. Hero
2. xiv. 8. Phil. ii. 29. Sept. for tD^tl dot. 7. 47.
Neh.ii. 16. iv. 14. "!3^3
Num. xxii. 15.
f. i//o>, Lat. inverto,
Herodian. 2. 1. 10. Xen. Cyr. 8. 2. , Eng.
to invert, i. e. to turn about, 'trans, e. g.
rd V&TO. Herodot, 7. 211. to turn back,
b) precious, costly, spoken of a stone,
1 Pet. ii. 4,6, comp. Is. xxviii. 16 Diog. Laert. Socr. 11. 29. Trop. to turn
one in upon himself, to bring to reflection,
where Sept. for
lft\ Dem. 1285. 18.
q. to affect, to move, Ml. V. H. 3.
17 pen. Horn. II. 15. 554. Hence in
'EvroXrj, T?C, >7> (ivrsXXo/iat,)
N. T.
tion, charge, command, i.
impl. et u7Tp v. Kara c. gen. Rom. xi. 2 1 Sam. v. 3. rOb!> Gen. xxx. 39 __
wf iTvy\dvf.i r<p> &($ Kara. TOV 'laparjX. viii. Elsewhere of persons, before, in the
27, 34 virkp dyiwv, virkp //juuh'. Heb. vii. presence the sight of; Luke i. 17
of, in
25. 1 Mace. x. 61, 63 Kara. Jos. Ant. TrpotXevffETai ivwTTiov avrov, as a herald,
14. 10. 13 iiTrep. i.
q. Trpo Trpoo-wTTou avrov in Mark i. 2.
Luke i. 19 rappirjX, 6 hw-
'EvrvXtaau) v. rrw, ?w, to roll up
f. napfffrrjicue
dat. of thing,
TTIOV TOV Siov, comp. in 'ApxdyyfXog. So
in, to inwrap, trans, c.
Matt, xxvii. 69. Luke xxiii. 53. Also to TTpOCFKVVtiv V. TTtTTTflV kvitiTTlOV TIVOQ, to
vain and empty opinions, deceivers, xi. 33, 38. al. '*}& Neh. ix. 28. Ps. v.
Jude 8. Comp. Lat. somnio, Cicero de 9. xix. 15. --From the Heb. evwTriov TLVOQ,
Divin. 2. 71. where in Greek a dat. is usual, Luke
'Ev< 28-1
(Iv, OVQ wroc), to receive in the ear, i. e. 'EJmpc'w, w, f. rjff^j (*, atjotw,) aor.
2 itl\ov, aor. 2 mid. irreg. IZdXaro Acts
to give ear to, to listen to, seq. ace. Acts
vii. 10 et xii. 11 in some edit, see in
ii. 14.
Sept. for Gen. iv. 22. -p^ii
xxxvii. 14. Wisd. 'Avcupfw, to take out, trans, i. e.
^lE'pn Jer. viii. 6.
vi. 2. Test. XII Patr. p. 520. Alex. a) to pluck out, to tear out, e. g. an
TOV vojjiov, iv. 5. Comp. in 'Ayopaa> b. Judg. xx. 13. al. Tpn Josh. vii. 13.
adv. (lie, atyuijc i.
q. t,
f- or^o-w, (l/c,
u<pvoj. q. suddenly, unex- trans, to cause to rise up out of, to raise
pectedly, at once, Mark xiii. 36. Luke ii. up out of; intrans. to rise up out of.
13. ix. 39. Acts ix. 3. xxii. 6. Sept. for Buttm. 107. II.
QkDD Prov. xxiv. 2. Jer. vi. 26. yri Is. a) trans, pp. of soldiers out of am-
xlvii. 9. Paus. 3. 5. 9. Xen. Mem.'i. 2. bush, Thuc. 7. 77. Xen. H. G. 4. 8. 37.
6. Comp. Lob. ad Phryn.p. 18. n. Buttm. of beasts out of their lairs, Xen. Cyr. 2.
115. n. 5. 4. 20. In N. T. in aor. 1 Act. from the
Heb. to raise up sc. seed, offspring ; Mark
'E&lKoXouSfW, W, f- /> (!:, xii. 19 et Luke xx. 28 QavaaT
to follow out, i. e. trop. to O.VTOV SC. IK
oucoXouSsw,) Ttft dSe\<p(^ rrjg
copy after, to conform to, seq. dat. JJLV^OIQ Sept. for n*n Gen. xix. 32, 34. rpip'
2 Pet. i. 16. a<TXyiaiff ii. 2. ry 6fy7 Gen. iv. 25.
rn/of ii. 15. Sept. for n}D Is. Ivi. 11. intrans. in aor. 2. Act. to rise
up out
Jos. Ant. procem. 4. Pol. 17. 10. 7. number
ofsc. a place, a or body of per-
# hundred, Rev. sons, etc. to stand forth, Acts xv. 5.
'EZaKoarioi, at, a,
xiii. 18. xiv. 20. Buttm. 70. 4. Sept. for Dip Gen. xviii. 16. xix. 1. Judg.
iii. Pol. 15. 31. 2. Dem. 284. 23.
f. >K (i*, <&Xe.>w,) pp.
to smear out, i. e. to blot out, to expunge, 5, 7<rw, ( intens.)
i. aTrardwbut stronger, to deceive wholly,
as rb ovopa IK TTJC /3i/3Xov riJQ to beguile, to seduce, i. e. to lead out of
a) pp.
fane Rev. iii. 6. So Sept. for nna Ps.
the right way into error, trans. Rom.
lxix.29. Ex. xxxii. 31, 32. Lucian. pro vii. 11. xvi. 18. 1 Cor. iii. 18. 2 Cor. xi.
3. 2Thess. ii. 3. Susann. 56. Jos. Ant.
Iinag. 26. Xen. H. G. 2. 3. 51 In the
sense of to abrogate a law, TO x"P- 10. 7. 3. Xen. Mem. 4. 2. 19.
ypa^oi/ Col. ii. 14. Dem. 468. adv. later form for t-
1 vofiov.
Lys. 96. 10. Trop. for to pardon, rac airivijG Ion. for e^ai^vrjs q. v. suddenly,
dfiapriac Acts iii. 19. So Sept.
and HTO unexpectedly, Markix. 8. Sept. for QkHS
Ps. Ii. 11. Is. xliii.25. Jer. xviii. 23. Josh. xi. 7. Ps. Ixiv. 5. Num. vi.9.
Lys. 106. 32. Zonar. 7. 25. ib. 10. 37. See H. Planck
to wipe off or away, &s in Bibl. Repos. 678.
b) by impl. I. p.
irav rb Sdxpvov inrb rStv o<p$. Rev. vii.
17. xxi. 4. , oujueu, (e intens.)
q. aTTopo/iai but stronger, to be wholly
* aXovuat, (fc, &\- without resource, to despair utterly, seq.
from a house,
to leap out, e. g.
i,) gen. TOV Zyv 2 Cor. i. 8. comp. Buttm.
Plut. Agesi. 34 pen. from a chariot, 132. 6. 1. absol. 2 Cor. iv. 8. Sept.
Xen. Cyr. 8. 8. 25 In N. T. to leap up
or forth, sc. from the place where one
ps Ps. Ixxxviii. 16. Plut. Alcib. 5
pen. Pol. 3. 48. 4.
sat or was, Acts iii. 8. Sept. for Tpn
Joel ii. 5 __ Plut. Pelop. 32 med. Pomp. ,
f. trrtXai, O, aTro-
b) simply, to send away, to dismiss, to yrjv, i. e. out of the water c. IK, Lu-
letdepart, Acts xvii. 14. Sept. for rfayf cian. Bun. 6. Ant. 7. 9. 4.
seq. gen. Jos.
Gen. xlv. 24. 1 Sam. ix. 19, 26 Pol. absol. Herodian. 7. 9. 8. In the sense
10. 35. 2 __ In a stronger sense, to send of to go away, to depart out of a place,
away, sc. peremptorily, c. c. accus. et absol. Acts xvii. 15. xx. 7 Jos. --
adj. Luke
53 TrXovrovvraq i^air. Ktvovg.
i. Ant. 5. 2. 8. seq. gen. Herodian. 3.
xx. 10, 11 OVTOV xevov. So Sept. and 15. 12.
Gen. xxxi. 42. Deut. xv. 13. Job
'EeAi(7X w >
f< 5w > C
1* intn8 -) i-
xxii. 9. Pol. 15. 2. 4 roi>g irptffptig ava-
e\eyx w ^ ut stronger, #0 convict fully, to
iroicpirovg Irt7r.-- shew to be wholly wrong, Dem. xcii. 9.
'EKapTtZw, f. tow, (l, Apr fr. Xen. (Ec. 2. 9. In N. T. to rebuke
aprtof q. complete fully, trans.
v.) sternly, to condemn, to punish, Jude 15.
spoken of time, to finish, to bring to an So Sept. and TTDin Is - Ji - 4 - Mic 4 - 3 --
i/XSov. xvii. 8. comp. Sept. Num. xvi. iii. 10. of healing power or virtue, to
35. So genr. to depart from any one, i. e. emanate, l eavrov Mark v. 30. Trap'
from his presence, intimacy, etc. Luke avTov Luke vi. 19. of an edict, to be
v. 8 fe\$ air' Ipov. 2 Cor. vi. 17 IIX- published, promulgated, Trapd Kaivapog,
Strc IK /icffot; avT&v. (y) The place Luke ii. 1. So of lightning, to come out
whence being not expressed but im- of, toappear from, air' avaToX&v, Matt.
go out, i. e. to go away, to de-
plied, to xxiv. 27. Sept. and N^; Zech. ix. 14
part, etc. Matt. ix. 31 ol i IZtXSovree of liquids, for to flow out, John xix.
dit<f>jlpi<rav K. r. X.
Mark ii. 12. Luke 34 QrjXSev alpa Kal vdup. Rev. xiv. 20
iv. 42. Acts vii. 7. Rev. vi. 2. al. So of IK Trjs Xr)vov.
of a hope, to depart,
demons departing from the body, Matt, i. e. to be at an end, to vanish, Acts xvi.
any thing is true or not, i. q. lrao* but Heb. v. 14. Ecclus. prol. Arr. Diss.
stronger and more used by the Attics ; Ep. 1. 4.22. Pol. 10. 47. 7.
Passow in voc. Hence
also t^to-raw Acts viii. 9,
to inquire out, i. e. to seek
a) genr. (comp. in 'ATroKaSiarrim,} aor. 1. t-
out the truth by inquiry, etc. seq. irtpi
eoTrjaa, aor. 2 i>tjv, trans, to put out
c. gen. Matt. ii. 8. seq. rig interpog. x.
of place, Sept. for Eton Ex. xxiii. 27.
11. Sept. for 1DTT Deut. xix. 18. Josh. x. 10. intrans. to be put out, to be
Ecclus. xi. 7. Herodian. 4. 5. 5. Dem.
out of place, etc. spoken of the joints,
23.29. Xen. Mem. 1. 2. 36.
Test. XII Patr. p. 653. to recede from,
to ask, seq.
b) by impl. to question, to yield, Thuc. 2. 63. to depart, Xen.
ace. of pers. John xxi. 12. Act. Thorn.
An. 1. 5. 14. See Buttm. 107. 11. 1.
3. Phavor. igerdgw epwrw.
In N. T. only trop. comp. Tittm. de
*Ei)'yOjuaf, ov/maif
j?ax>/tac, depon. Syn. N. T. p. 134, 136.
Mid. (SK,
to lead out, i. e. to trans, in pres. aor. 1, and later
ryylojuat), a^
take the lead, be leader, Xen. An. 6. 6. pert. f&aTaica Buttm. 107. II. 5, to put
34. c. dat. H. G. 1. 6. 9. In N. T. to out of oneself, i.
q. TOVQ av&p. rov Qpovtiv
lead or bring out, i. e. to make known, to et<rr77/u, Xen. Mem. 1. 3. 12; hence
vii. 11. Acts xxi. .1. xxv. 27. xxvii. 18. 21. x. 45. xii. 16. Sept. for TTT Ex. xix.
Test. XII Patr. p. 595. Jos. Ant. 3. 5. 18. Ruth iii. 8. npn Gen. xliii. 33. Job
6. in full Jos. Ant. 4. 8. 44. '3o genr. xxvi. 11. Arr. D~iss. Ep. 2. 22, 6. Xen.
2 Mace. vii. 8. Pol. 1.52.4. Mem. 2. 1. 4.
(ic, ^intens.) i. q.
vtrw, adjure, trans. Matt. xxvi. G3.
Sept. tor
but stronger,
to be in full strength, y3ir>n Gen. xxiv. 3 __ Diod. Sic. 1. ]
to be fully able, seq. inf. Eph. iii. 18. me'd.' Dem. 1265. 16.
Ecclus. vii. 6. JE1. V. H. 6. 13.
give thanks, to praise, seq. dat. of pers. 9 k%ov$revovvTa<; TOVQ \OITTOVQ. xxiii. 11.
Matt. xi. 25. Luke x.21. Rom. xiv. 11. Rom. xiv. 3, 10. 1 Cor. vi. 4. xvi. 11.
xv. 9, quoted from Ps. xviii. 50 where Gal. iv. 14. 1 Thess. v. 20. 1 Cor. i.
Sept. for rrrin. also Ps. Ivii. 10. 1 Chr. 28 et 2 Cor. x. 10 eSovSevj/juei/of, con-
xvi. 4. 2 Chr. xxx. 22. al. ssep -- Act.
Philo de Alleg. p. 1105. c.
temptible, abject. Sept. for Prov. i.
2 Chr. xxxvi. 16.
Thorn. 25. 7. Ez. xxii. 8.
ace. Tob. xii. 22. EusVb. H. E. 5. 1. 209. Comp. Lob.
2. Act. to assent fully, to agree, to pro- ad Phr. p. 182. impl. to reject with
mise, absol. Luke xxii. 6 IZufioXoyrjae. scorn, Acts iv. 11, comp.
Matt. xxi. 42.
So Ant. 6. 3. 5. ib. 8. 4. 1 Sam. viii. 7 Psalt. Sal.
6/ioXoyso*, Jos. Sept. for DK73
3. Xen. An. 7. 4. 13, 22. ii. 5. Act. Thorn. 14.
b) power,
sc. of doing or not doing, Luke xii. 11. Rom. xiii. 1, ter, 2, 3. Tit.
Iv ry t'% tZovv'iy. v. 4. ix. 21. 1 Rom. So for the celestial and infernal powers,
Cor. vii. 37 tZovaiav !%i Trtpi TOV ISicv princes, potentates, e. g. angels, arch-
his own
deXrifiaroct i. e. if it stands in angels, Eph. i. 21. iii. 10. Col. i. 16.
free will. viii. 9. ix. 12 bis, 18. 246, 11. 10. 1 Pet. iii. 22. Comp. Test. XII
Thess. iii. 9. Rev. xxii. 14. --Ecclus. xxv. Patr. p. 597, 598. Or demons, Eph. vi.
23. JE1.V. H.3.35. Herodian. 1. 10. 12. 12. Col. ii. 15. Eph. ii. 2, see in 'Arjn.
Xen. Hi. 5.2. Comp. Test. XII Patr. p. 546. So
power, sc. as entrusted, i. c. com- genr. of the powerful adversaries of the
mission, authority, right, full-power; gospel, 1 Cor. xv. 24. Comp. in 'Apx?;
Matt. xxi. 23 bis, iv iroig. iovffi$ TO.VTO. d.
1 Cor. xi. 10 o^etXtT ^ yvvri iov-
Troths ; ver. 24, 27. Mark iii. 15. xi. 28 ffiav t%av tirl Trjg KttyaXijs Sia roi'c
bis, 29, 33. Luke xx. 2 bis, 8. John i. dyylXovf, prob. emblem of power,' i.e.
12. Acts ix. 14. xxvi. 10, 12. 2 Cor. x. a veil or covering, (comp. ver. 13, 16,)
3. xiii. 10. Heb. xiii. 10. Rev. xiii. 5. as an emblem of subjection to the power
1 Mace. x. 6. Jos. Ant. 2. 9. 5. Por- of a husband, a token of modest ad-
phyr. Vit. Pythag. 8. Diod. Sic. 17. 54 herence to duties and usages estab-
pen. Pol. 32. 15. 5. lished by law or custom lest spies or ;
sc. over persons and things, evil minded persons should take ad-
d) power,
dominion, authority, rule, viz. vantage of any impropriety in the meet-
18 Ifld3-if
(a) pp. and genr. Matt, xxviii. ings of the Christians. Comp. Sept. TT,V
uoi Traaa iZovvia Iv ovpaviji teal ITTI y^ff. Ttprjv TOV Trpoo-wTTCV for E^!J? mD5
Matt. yiii. 9 et Luke vii. 8 VTTO eov<riav Gen. xx. 16. Gesen. Lex. Heb. art.'
Ecclus. xvii. 2V Diod. Sic. 1. 58. ib. 18. in the sense of to have leave, to be
50. Herodian. 3. 10. 12. ib. 7. 10. 4. So permitted. 1 Cor. vii. 4 bis, rov Idiov <rw-
bondage to, trop. 1 Cor. vi. 12. (3\nSnvat ?w. xiii. 48. Luke xiv. 35.
1 John iv. 18. John
43 Stvpo fw. xi.
r?e, V, (e#xu to be promi- Acts 34 v. xvi. 30 irpo-
TToiijffai ta).
nent, ) prominence, projection, e.g. a point, ayaywv !w. So after verbs of motion
corner, etc. Sept. for Job xxxix. 28.
yyj compounded with IK, as egayu Luke
Herodian. 4. 15. 6. In'N. T. metaph. xxiv. 50. t&pxopai Matt. xxvi. 75. John
eminence, distinction, Acts xxv. 23 dv- xix. 4, 5. al. K/3aAXw, Luke viii. 54.
t /car' i$oxnv Siref, i.
q. ot Acts ix. 40. Pol. 1. 50. 2. Xen. H. G.
4. 4. 16. An. 5. 5. 19. As prep. seq.
j, tVw, (ty7rvo,)f wake
gen. Matt. xxi. 17 IXijvStv H,o> rj~/ iroXtwg.
out of sleep, trans, trop. of the dead,
ver. 39. Mark v. 10. viii. 23. Acts iv.
John xi. 11. Sept. pp. for yp^ 1 K. iii.
15. xiv. 19. Herodian. 4. 2. 11. Xen.
15. -ny Job xiv. 12 __ pp. Test. XII
An. 5. 7. 15. AL.
Patr. p. 568, 060. Pint. M. Anton. 30.
also Vol. X. q. 75, 70, ed. Reisk. A adv. of place,
(t'?w,) from
word of the later Greek instead of the without, i. e. outwardly, externally, viz.
earlier afvirvifa, Lob. ad Phryn. p. 224. a) pp. Matt, xxiii. 27, 28. Lukexi. 39.
H. Planck in Bibl. Repos. I. p. 676. 2 Cor. vii. 5. Sept. for "pm? Gen. vi.
14. Ex. xxv. 11. al. Herodian. 2. 8. 10.
*Eu7rvoe, ou, > v> adj. (I*, {57rt>oe,) Thiic. 2. 49. Xen. Mem. 2. 1. 14. So 6
pp. out of sleep, i. e. wakened, awake, u>3-j/ as adj. outward, external, 1 Pet.
Acts xvi. 27 iZvirvoQ ?t ytvo/itroc, i. e. iii. 3. Rev. xi. 2. TO ZZwSev the outside
awaking. Esdr. iii. 3.
Matt, xxiii. 25. Luke xi. 40. that from
i. 10. Rev. xxii. 15. Sept. for yina 'E^wSai), w> f- 7< and w<rw, (IK,
Gen. xxiv. 31. Ezra x. 13. Herodian. &>$&> Buttm, 114,) to thrust out, to drive
4.2.11. Xen. Cyr. 7. 5. 31. An. 7. 6. out, sc. from a place, viz.
So ol to> as adj. external, those trans, and
24. a) pp. of a nation, to expel,
without, Buttm. 125. 6, 7. Acts xxvi. seq. OTTO, Acts vii. 45. Sept. for TT^n
11 ei'c rag w 7r6Xe> even to foreign Deut. xiii. 5. Jer. viii. 3. p^rnrr Joel iv.
cities. 2 K. xvi. 18. Xen. H. G. 6. Psalt. Sal. xvii.6. Ml. V. II. 3. 17
6. 1. 5.) Trop. of those not belonging med. Pol. 2. 69. 9.
to thrust forward
to one's society, church, etc. not Chris- b) as a naval term,
tians, 1 Cor. v. 12, 13. Col. iv. 5. 1 Thess. a ship from the sea towards the
drive out on shore,
iv. 12. of those not belonging to the shore, to propel, to
number of the apostles, Mark iv. 11. trans. Acts xxvii. 39 afymXov, tig 81
Mark \a(3<ov, i.
q. TO TO t7rayyt\\6[j.tvov t
simply Matt. xxvi. 5. xxvii. 15.
i. e. having received the promised effu-
xiv. 2. xv. 6. Luke ii. 42. xxiii. 17.
sions of the Spirit, Acts ii. 33. Gal.
John iv. 45 bis. vi. 4. xi. 56. xii. 12, 20.
xiii. 29. Sept. fornnEx. xii. 14. xxxiv.
iii. 14. Comp. Buttm. 123. n. 4.
b) by impl. order, mandate, Acts xxiii. promise; with perf. pass. tTrrjyytXftai in
21. Pol. 9. 38. 2 TO. Kara TTJV tTrayye- mid. signif. Rom. iv. 21. Buttm. 136.
3. but also as Pass. Gal. iii. 9. 2 IVIacc.
c) by impl. promise, viz.
(a) pp. iv. 27. Buttm. 113. n. 6.
promise given. 2 Cor i. 2J) oo-at yup a) g-enr.
to promise, e. c. ace. et dat.
expr. or impl. James i. 12 a Luke xvi. 8. Rom. xv. 11. 1 Cor. xi. 2
ov i?rjyyetXaro 6 icvpiog 22 bis.
u/j rolg aya- 17, Sept. for rrniiS Ecc. viii. 15!
ii. 5. 2 Pet. ii. 19. 1 John
^|>n Gen. xii. 15. Ps. x. 3 Jos. Ant.
ii. Rom.iv.21. Tit. i.2.
25. 4. 3. 1. Ceb. Tab. 31. Xen. Mem. 3. 2,
the promise
i. e. to whom praise upon, i. e.
applause, commenda-
tion, praise. Epll. i. 6 t'iQ tTTdlVOV T1IQ
was made. So Sept. and 173K Esth. iv.
cofys K . T. X. ver. 12, 14. 2 Cor. viii. 18.
6. Jos. Ant. 3. 1 5 Pol. 5. 89. 6.
Phil. i. 11. 1 Pet.i. 7. Meton. object
Xen. An. 5. 6. 26.
ofpraise, something praiseworthy, Phil.
b) in the sense of to profess, to make Tin
iv. 8. Sept. for 1Chr. xvi. 27.
profession of, seq. accus. Stoakfiuav 1 xxii. 4 Ecc.'xliv. 8, 15. Pol. 1.
Tim. ii. 10. Wisd. n|nn
yvStoiv vi. 21.
1. ll Thuc. 1. 76 ult. Xen. Hi. 1. 14.
13. Xen. Mem. 1.2.7. ib. 3. 1. 1.
In the sense of approbation, commenda-
'ETTayycXjUa, roe, ro, (tTrayytXXo/tat,) tion, Rom. ii. 29 ov 6 tV. OVK i% ch/p., 2 Pet. i. 4. iii. 13. Dem. 397. xiii. 3. Meton. reward, 1 Cor. iv. 5. 1
3. Pet. ii. 14 Wisd. xv. 19.
aor. 1 particip. ind^as 2 f.
aou>, (fcTTt, a?pw,) to take
Pet. ii.
(on which form see in *Ayo;,)
5, up, to raise up, trans.
to lead up to, to bring upon, to introduce, as a sail, to hoist up, Acts xxvii.
a) pp.
pp. to a place, Sept. Ez. xiv. 15. Thuc. 40. (Luc. V. H. 2. 38. Plut. Theseus
2. 2. ib. 5. 5. In N. T. upon persons, 17, 22.) Pass, to be taken up, to be borne
c. c. ace. et dat. 2 Pet. ii. 1 cnruXtiav. upward, Acts i. 9. comp. Mark xvi. 19
ver. 5. Sept. seq. liri for N'On Gen. vi. et Luke xxiv. 51 .
Spoken of the hands,
17. Ex. xi. 1. Lev.xxvi.25. Philo to lift up, sc. in prayer and benediction,
Leg. ad Cai. p. 1018 icivSvvov ITT. Pa- Luke xxiv. 50. 1 Tim. ii. 8. So Sept.
laeph. 6. 7. Hesiod. *Epy. 242 Seq. fortrnn Ex. xvii. 11. Nto} Ps.cxxxiv.
7ri, Acts v. 28 lirayaytiv i<f> iy/iaf TO 2 __ Xen. Eq. 12. 6. Trop. to lift up,
alfia, to bring upon us, i. e. to impute to e. g. TOVQ 6(f>$a\fj.ovt;, i. e. to look upon,
us, make
us answerable for. Sept. for Matt. xvii. 8. Luke vi. 20. xvi. 23.
N"2n Gen. xx. 9. "Jps Ex. xxxiv. 7. xviii. 13. John iv. 35. vi. 5. xvii. 1.
Dem. 275. 4. (Sept. for Kip^ Gen. xiii. 10. Ez. 6.)
trans, to collect together to or and injure, John xiii. 18, quoted from
Ps. xii. 15 where is different.
upon any place, etc. Mid. intrans. Sept.
TO dopv liri for b^tpn 1 Sam.
t7ra3poi'o^ai, to collect together to or upon, Sept. cTTT/pc
w, (""<> Att. f.
N^nn Ezra iv. 19. Dan. xi. 14. Me-
Rom. Xen. H. G. to become elated,
t, xv. 11. 3. taph.' to be lifted up,
2.6. Buttm. 113.6.n. 7. butalsofut. 2 Cor. xi. 20. Sept. for nns Jer. xiii.
tou, 1 Cor. xi. 22. Xen. An. 5. 5. 8. 15. Nto? Prov. xix. 18. Philo de For-
Dem. 414. 8. lit. to praise upon, i. e. tid. p. 7 36. JE1. V. H. 8. 15. Xen. Cyr.
to applaud, to laud, to commend, trans. 8. 5. 21.
'&7raKT\vro/utu, only
Mid. (atV^u-
2 K.
1 Sam.
xiii. 4.
vii. 9.
Wy Gen. Luc. 20.
4. 5. 9. Ti-
aor. pass. tTryaxi'vS/jv an(^ ^ut *
1 -
for Ps. cix. 10. Ecclus. xl. 28. tical term, to lead [a or out upon
b%$ ship] up
Hom.'ll. 23. 593 ed Wolf. the sea, to put out to sea, fig TO /3d.9-oc,
Luke v. 4. absol. ver. 3. See in 'Avdyw
w, f. n<ro>, (^h b. 2 Mace. xii. 4. Xen. H. G. 1. 6. 40.
to accompany, to attend upon,
ib. 2. 1.24.
tofollow upon. Mark xvi. 20 did T>V
2. to lead back upon or to a place, to
iTraKoXovSovvTwv ffTjp.ti(t)v,
accompa- cause to return, Herod ian. 6. 6. 4. ib. 7.
nying signs, seq. dat. 1 Tim. v. 24 rial
6. 7. In N. T. intrans. to return to, e. g.
e KOI f.7ra.KO\ov$iovaiv, sc. ai afiaoriat,
tig rrjv TTO\IV, Matt. xxi. 18. See'Ayw 3.
and some they follow after, i. e. are mani-
2 Mace. ix. 21. Diod. Sic. 16.26ult.
fest only subsequently. Sept. fonnN Tpn Pol. 33. 5. 5.
Job xxxi. Prov. vii. 22
7. Diod. Sic.
16. 61. Plut. Timol. 3 med __ Metaph. -KW, f.
fivjj<rw, (tTrt,
1 Pet. ii. 21 'iva tTrajc. TOIQ "ixveaiv avrov, pp. to call up the mind
to follow upon his footsteps, i. e. to follow
upon, \. e. to remind of, to put in mind
his example. Sept. for -nrrN Deut. xii. upon or of, seq. accus. of pers. Rom. xv.
30 __ Philo de Humanit. p. 385. 44. 15 Dem. 74. 7.
1 Tim. v. 10 TravTi spyy ayaS^p tTraKoXci
f. CtVGti),
'EtTTCLVCLTTClVlt), (tTTt, ava.7CClV<i),\
has followed close upon every good
to cause to rest upon, Eustath. prcef.
work, i. e. been studious of, devoted to. Mid. to rest oneself
Iliad, p. 1. 20.
Sept. for ^nnx N^?2 Josh. xiv. 8, 9.
Luc. Parasit! 3. Dem. 805. 24 ro7g upon, to lean upon, Sept. for ^ffi'a 2 K.
vii. 2, 17. Hdian. 2. 1. 3. In N. 'T. only
Mid. tTravaTravofjLai, to rest upon, rnetaph.
f. viz.
(Tt, a/couw,)
see in 'AKOVU, to hear to, to hearken up- a) to abide upon, to remain with, Luke
on, i. e. to hear any thing at which one X. 6 iTravcnravaiTai ITT' avrbv 77 eipijv)]
is present, Xen. An. 7. 1. 14. In N. T. V/YWV. So Sept. and rPI3 Num. xi. 25, 26.
to hear to, to hearken to, i. e. to hear and 2K.ii. 15.
answer prayer, seq. gen. 2 Cor. vi. 2 b)
to confide in, to rely upon, seq. dat.
Sept. for H2^ Gen. xxxv. Rom. ii. 17 rtfi voi). Matth.
trans, and seq. i-rri riva Acts xiii. 15. 20. jEschin. Dial. Socr. 2. 12. Time. 8.
<ara TIVOQ xiv. 2. Sept. forTi>7T 2 Chr. 68. Comp. Viger. p. 404.
xxi. 16. D"j?rTl Sam.xxii. 8. Am. vi. 14.
aor. 2 to pres. tyopaw,
[itTa TOVTO, Gal. i. 18 tir. Kin Judg. xviii. 17. Pol. 2. 7. 3. Thuc.
tri] rpia. ii. 1. Also in
enumerations, 7.42. Xen. Cyr. 1.4. 13.
when the preced. clause contains like- of person, to come upon, e.
b) g. in a
wise a notation of time genr. I Cor. xii. hostile sense, to invade, to
attack, Luke
28. xv. G, 7, 23. Heb. vii. 27. So Trpwrov xi. 22. Sept. and Nis 2 Sam. xxx. 23.
7rura, first then, next, etc. 1 Cor. 2 Chr. xxii. 1. absol. Hdian. 8. 4. 8.
xv. 46. lThess.iv.17. Heb. vii. 2. James seq. dat. Jos. Ant. 6. 4. 1. Hdian. 4. 5.
Hi. 17. Hdot. 2. 29. Xen. Cyr. 8. 3. 24. 10. Xen. H. G. 7. 4. 24 __ So of evils,
Trpwrov V. Xen. Cyr. 1. 3. 14. ib. 7. calamities, etc. to come upon, to befall,
3. 1. seq. 7ric.acc. Luke
xxi. 35. Actsviii. 24.
xiii. 40. Sept. and Kin Judg. ix. 57.
adv. (iir' iKiiva, Buttm. 2 Chr.' xx. Mic.
8. iii. 11. Luc. Amor.
115. n. Acts vii. 43
5,) beyond, seq. gen. 23. Hdot. 1. 30. ib. 6. 107. Spoken of
iif'iKtiva Eaf3v\u>tfO(,\ Sept. for nN*?iT the Holy Spirit as resting upon and ope-
Am. v. 7. Gen. xxxv. 21. Diod.Sic.
rating in a person, seq. ITT'I c. ace.
3. 50. Hdot. 3. 115. Xen. H. G. 5.
35. Acts 8.
i. i.
Comp. Sept. for ^53 1
1. 10.
Sam. xi. 7.
tTTtKTtlVOflfVOf Sept. for nitta Is. xli. 22. ni'lnfc Is. xliv.
7. xlv. 11. Fabr. Cod. pseud. V. T. p.
, ov, >, irtvvw, upper 191 r\o iTTBpxonevov. Comp. Hdot. 6. 2.
garment, tunic, i. e. the usual tunic, Att. ib.8. 11. Pol. 6. 19.6.
\ITUV, in distinction from the inner gar-
ment next the skin, which was called
virotivTijG, Att. xiTwviffKOG, Lat. indusium. to ask at or of any one, to inquire
John xxi. 7. Comp. Jahn 120. Adam's of, viz.
Rom. Ant. p. 418. Sept. for ^p a) genr.
and c. c. dupl. accus. Mark
1 Sam. xviii. 4. 2 Sam. xiii. 18. Suid.' xi. 29 lirepUTriffu jcdyw tva \6yov.
VIToSvTtJV TO tO&TfpOV IfJlOLTlOV, iTTtvdvTIJV Luke xx. 40. See Buttm. 131. 4, 5.
$k TO iiravu. Moeris, x/rwj>t'<r*:oe ical Matth. Sept. for ^$1$ 2 Sam.
417. c.
in loc.
fiivov. ix.6. xvi.!9bis, ITTC rijs yrjQ. xviii.
,>?w, aor. 2
f. 19. xxiv. 30 ^0%0/ifvov iiri rStv
dat. and with vovv implied. Acts iii. 5 fit-ivg tTrt TOV ffravpov. xx.
7. Acts viii. 28.
o dt iirtlx er avTolQ. 1 Tim. iv. 16. xx. 9 7ri TTJG Svpidog, upon or in the
wwf, Luke xiv. 7 Aristoph Lysist. 490. window, xxi. 40. James v. 5. Rev. i. 20
Hdot. 6. 96. Pol. 10. 41. 8. in full Luc. cTrt rrjs s%ia<; uov, i. e. on or in the hol-
Alex. 4 ult. aet rolg yutytcroiff iirsx lv low of my hand, coll. ver. 16. iv. 9 Ka$.
rbv vovv. iiri TOV Spovov. V. 10, 13 i-jri TT/C Sa-
ii. 16
Xoyov %<*>rje tTrkxovTtQ, i. e. perse- So Luke xxii. 21 r) x ( ip f* T ^tov t^i TTJC
vering in the acknowledgment and Tpa.7rer]g upon the table and so ver. 30
practice of the Christian doctrine. 'iva iaSrirjTe Kai TrivrjTt tVi TIJS Tpa-jrki^rjg
remain, to stay, Acts xix.22 avToc eVl^x* <r7f, i.on the shore of the lake. So
Matt, xxviii. 14 lav aKovvSy TOVTO iiri 16. Philem. 4 -- Diod. Sic. 4. 3 STTI TWV
TOV Tjyt/iofof. Mark xiii. 9. Acts xxiii.
30. xxiv. 10, 20 ffrdvTOQ pov iiri rov 3. Tropically, spoken of dignity,
avvtcpiov. XXV. 9. icpiveffSrai ITT' Ifiov. authority, etc. upon, over, Matt. ii. 22
ver. 10, 26. xxvi. 2. 1 Cor. vi. 1, 6. 1 Tim. fiaaikivii iTri r//e 'lovdaictQ, over Judea.
vi. 13. So
genr. 2 Cor. vii. 14 17 Kavxnvi-S Rom. ix. 5 et Eph. iv. 6 6 &v TTI TTUVTUV
rj ITTI TITOV, i. e. our boasting before Titus, 3-<5f. Acts viii. 27 off fjv ini TTCHJTIQ TO.Q
comp. el TI avr(fi K(.Kav\i]fjia.i ibid. Comp. ydZrjc ai}Ti)Q. xii. 20 TOV tiri TOV KOIT&VO^.
Matth. 584. n. Winer 51. g. p. 322.
(Arr. Diss. Ep. 3. 22. 15 ol eiri
Dem. 1367. 17 tTri TOV iKa<TTT]piov. So Ka2fiffTtjiJ.i tiri, Matt. xxiv. 45. Luke
Diod. Sic. 11. 65 1-n-i TOV KOIVOV vvvtSpiov xii. 14. Acts vi. 3. (So Sept. for
r&v 'EXXijvwv. Luc. Philops. 22. Xen. 3 VpDn Gen. xxxix. 5.) Rev. ii. 26 w<
II. G. 6. 5. 41 oi>K iir' oX/ywv papTvpuiv. iZovaiav s-jri T&V iSv&v. ix. 11. xvii. 18.
Vect. 3. 14. xx. 6. Comp. in 'Eov<ria d. a. So genr.
b) of place whither,
after words im- Sept. and ^ Gen. xliv. 1, 4. Dan. vi.
plying motion or direction upon, to, to- 7. Athen. 13. 7 ini TIIQ'E^OV. Diod.
wards, etc. with subsequent rest upon, Sic. 13. 47 ol 7rt TWV tpyuv. Dem. 309.
Matt. xxvi. 12 fiaXovaa TO pvpov iiri TOV 9. Xen. An. 3. 2. 36. Comp. Lob. ad
oc /*ou. Mark iv. 26 (3dXy TOV OTTO- Phryn. p. 164, 474.
yijfc. ix. 20. xiv. 35. Luke viii. b) of a subject of discourse, on, of,
16. xxii. 40 yvo/*i>o k eVt TOV TOTTOV.
concerning, only after verbs of speech,
John 2 trtj^ela a iiroin STTI T&V dar&t-
vi. writing, etc. comp. Passow ITT'I I. C. ult.
VOVVTUV, which he did upon, to, the sick. Gal. iii. 16 ov Xlyti u>g kirl TroXXwv aXX'
in the case of, JE1. V. H. 30. Luc.
(Act. Thorn. 16. Others, on, wg tf hog. 1.
K. T. \. Trop. 7rt Kapdias Heh. viii. 10. Jos. Ant. 5. 1. 2 CTT' ctdciaf i. q. ddttie-
x. 16 __ Sept. Job Ant. 4,
xvii. 16. Jos. Diod. Sic. 13. 12 ty' rj<rvx ia S- Dern - 484 -
Luc. D. Mort. 11. 2 tiri p.iag ripeoaG. Buttm. 142. n. 4. Winer 52. c. p.
of place where, after words im- t. Jos. Ant. 2. 9.
Ecclus. vii. 12.
txovaav. Xen. Gyr. 5. 2. 1 Kvpoc i<}>' during the reading, whenever it is read.
tWy. (/3)
As implying close proxi- Phil. i. 3 liri irctay ry~ fivdy, vptiv, at
mity, contact, upon, at, close by, Matt, every mention, as often as I think of
xxiv. 33 tyyvc ivn iiri $vpai. John iv. 6 you. Heb. ix. 15 tTri ry irpdJry SiaSqicy,
tKaSe&TO iiri Ty irrj-yy, by the fountain, during the first covenant, while it was
1. e. on the side of the well. v. 2. in force. So as implying merely co-
Acts iii. 10 tTri ry irvXy. ver. 11. v. 9 tTri existence in time, 2 Cor. vii. 4 tTri iraay
ry Svpy. Rev. xxi. 12. Comp. Matth. ry SXtyu i)/j,wv, i. e. in, during, under all
586. y. Winer 1. c. Jos. Ant. 4. 8. 1. our afflictions. Eph. iv. 26 6 tfXiog /u)
Hdian. 8. 2. 6 TrdXig (TTI SaXdrry irpoictt- iiri$vsT<D tTri rCJ Trapopyi0-/i< v/iwv, during,
fiivi]. Xen. An. 5. 3. 2. ib. 1. 2. 8 tTri i. while your wrath continues ; comp.
Svvarbs &V ini Toig TrX^Stotv. Xen. Mem. b) in the sense of after, immediately
2. 1. 27. following upon, Acts xi. 9 SXtytwe TIJQ
b) of place whither, after words
im- ytvofikvriQ iiri 2rt0dvy, i. e. immediately
plying motion or direction upon, to, to- after Stephen. John iv. 27 tTri Tovry,
wards, etc. and including the idea of upon thereupon.
this, Xen. H. G. 4. 4.
subsequent rest upon, (a) genr.
Matt. 9 TTJV iiri ry VVKTI jj/itpav. Dem. 927. 3.
ix. 16 et Mark ii. 21 ovdsig iiripaXXn Xen. An. 6. 1. 11, 12, tTri rovry.
iiri(3Xrjp.a iiri i/iari<p TraXaiy. John viii. 7 3. Tropically, spoken
of power,
XiSov ITT' avTy /3aXtrw. Acts viii. 16. Matt, authority, care over, etc. Matt. xxiv. 47
xvi. 18. Eph. ii. 10. So Mark v. 33 et Luke xii. 44 ITTI iraoi rolg virap-^ovaiv
o ytyovcv ITT'
avry. Acts V. 35 tTri roig avTov Karaa'Trjaei avrov. Comp. Matth.
/itXXtrc irpavativ. Trop. 586. Lob. ad Phr. 164, 474
. Dem.
Heb. X. 16 SiSovg vopovg TOIQ Kapdi- liri 21. 19. Xen. Cyr. 6. 3. 28. An. 4. 1. 13.
Iph. in Aul. 1103. [1111.] Hdot. 3. 14. rovroig, besides all this. Eph. vi. 16.
Comp. Matth. 415. n. 2.
(/3) Trop.
Col. iii. 14. 1 Cor. xiv. 16 TTW tptl TO
of a direction of mind towards any one, afirjv iiri Ty cry ivxapiaTiq. Phil. ii. 27
e. g. in a friendly sense, 2 Cor. ix. 14 XVTTT] iiri Xviry in text. rec. Heb. viii. 1 .
\aptv TOV Scov 10' vfiiv. Luke xviii. 7 Comp. Buttm. 1. c. Passow 'ETTI II. C.
/najcpo^w/ioiv sir' avr )"ig.
and ^ Matth. XII Patr.
586. y, ult. Test.
2 Sam. xiv. 1. Xen Cyr. 8. 7.
Also p.523 tTri Philo de Opif.
iraai TOVTOIQ.
in a hostile sense, against, Luke xii. 52, Mund. p. 16. Xen. Cyr. 4. 5. 38 iv*
63, dianffiepiffptroi rpeTg iiri v<ri Kai rewrote, prseterea. Mem. 1. 2. 25. Eur.
Siio iiri
rpiert- iranjo 0' vty icai vio Iph. Taur. 197 Qoros iiri <f>vi>y Luc. D.
iiri irarpi. Rev. xii. 17 wpytVSi; ^TTJ ry Mort. 1. 3.
'Eirt 801
Mark x. 21 Trtiro&orac iiri roTc I]TIQ ITTI Kpeirroffiv iTrayytXiaig vtvo-
Xprjpamv. Luke xi. 22. al. Lukexxiv. 25 /io^r;;rai i. e. under the sanction
of, etc.
triVTtueiv tiri irdaiv oi K. r. X. 1 Pet. ii. ix. 17 dtaSrjKi) yap tiri vtKpolg ftt(3aia
(5. Acts xiv. 3 TrappijffiaZofifvoi t/rt r< 1. e. a testament is only valid the testator
Kvpitp. Also in the phrase iir' iXirict, being dead. x. 28 ITTI Svvlv % rpio-i
upon or in hope, i. e. resting upon hope, Haprvaiv cnroSvtiffKft, i. e. was put to
Acts ii. 26. Rom. iv. 18. viii. 20. Tit. i.2. death under two or three witnesses,
al. Xen. Mem. 2. 1. 18 iir' dySy eX- comp. Deut. xvii. 6 where Sept. for
iriSt Here belongs the phrase
TTOVWI/. "ET^V) coll. Deut. xix. 15 where Sept.
r</> ovopari TIVOQ, upon the name of for ^Q ^y. See Matth.
TTI tTrt <rro/iaro
any one, i. e. to do any thing upon or in 585. (3. Passow irri II. F. Jos. Ant.
the name of a person, on the ground of, 2. 10. 2 pen. ib. 5. 2. 6. Luc. D. Deor.
under colour of his name, etc. comp. 1. 2 ult. Xen.
Cyr. 3. 2. 23 iirl TOVTOIQ
Winer 1. c. marg. Acts iv. 17, 18 SiSa- tdovav Kcti \af3ov TTCLVTIQ rd Tnard. H.
ffKfiv eTTi r<
ovofiari 'lijcrov, to teach upon G. 3. 2. 19.
thename of Jesus, i. e. resting upon his (d) of the ground, motive, exciting
name, upon him as the ultimate teacher cause of any action, upon, at, i. e. on
and author, v. 28, 40. Luke xxiv. 47. So account of, because of, Matt. xix. 9 prj
Luke ix. 49 iirl rip bv. <rov iicftdXXovTa tiri
Tropvfly.. Luke ii. 20 alvovvrtg TOV
rd Satfi6via f casting out demons upon Srebv STTI Tracriv K. T. X. V. 3 ITTI ry pr}-
thy name, i. e. resting the efficacy of /mrt aov ^aXdau) TO ZIKTVOV. Acts iii. 16
their exorcism upon thy name. Also ?ri
ry 7ri<rr. iv. 21. xxvi. 6. 1 Cor. i. 4.
Matt. xxiv. 5. Acts ii. 38 pavTiff&firu iiri viii. 11. 2 Cor. ix. 15. al. Seq. dat. of
ry bv. I. Xp. be baptized upon the name person, LIT' avToiq Acts xxi. 24, see in
of Christy i. e. the baptism being Aatravdu. Comp. Matth. 585 ult.
grounded upon the profession of his Passow ITTI II. E. Winer 52. c. (3.
name, etc. Matt, xviii. 5 bg idv StfyTai Jos. Ant. 4. 5. 2 ticafivov iirl Stytt.
iraidiov 'iv iirl r<p 6v6p.ari p.ov, i. e. as Hdot. 1. 137. Luc. Hermot. 80. Xen.
resting upon or professing my name, Mem. 3. 14. 2. Conv. 3. 10. Hence
as a Christian. Matt. ix. 37. Luke ix. 48. t(p' $, for 7ri TovTy OTI, on this account
So Sept. for
Deut. xviii. 20 Luc. that, because, Rom. v. 12. 2 Cor. v. 4.
Pise. 15 yo)ra<; titl T<$ fffUTtfHp bvb\iari Phil. iv. 10. Comp. Buttm. 150. p.
TroXXa teal papa irpaTTOvraq. Dem. 495. 435 Diog. Laert. 2. 12. 5. Thorn. Mag.
7 TO.VT tirl Tt$ TUV Srfwv ovofiart irotslv. 0' <, dvTi TOV SIOTI, ou %dpiv.
917. 28. (t)
of the occasion upon or at which,
of the subject of an action or
in connexion with which, any thing
of discourse, upon, in reference to. takes place, upon, at, over, after words
Mark vi. 52 ov avvt]Kav [Vo ai]^it1ov TO signifying an emotion of mind,
as joy,
7rt ro7g aprotf, l. e. sorrow, compassion, astonishment, etc.
'Eiri 302
action, etc. upon, unto, for ; comp. Wi- tirl TO P'ITWTTOV. ver. 9. al. So Matt. xiii.
ner 52. c. o. Matth. 585. (3. Gal. v. 2 6 OX\OQ iirl TOV alyiaXbv ti<TTT]Ki, Stood
13 v/mf yp tTr' iXcv$tpi<f iKXr)3rijTe. or had stationed themselves along upon
1 Thess. iv. 7. Eph. ii. 1. 2Tim.ii. 14. the shore, Rev. xv. 2. Matt. xix. 28
Phil. iii. 12 t^' y, ^a^ ybr which. So Kct$i(T(T$e t'/i7f tTri d&dsKa Srpovovs, i. e.
Acts xv. 14 67ri ry ovopctTi O.VTOV in text. along upon the row or circle of thrones,
rec. where later edit, omit Itri. AVisd. as in Rev. iv. 4. xx. 4. Horn. Od. 11.
ii. 23. Hdian. 2. 1. 18 i* 6X^py ,
liri 577 ITT' ivvka ictiro TreXtSpa. xiv. 120 iirl
aioTTipltf.. Thuc. 1. 73. Xen. Mem. 2. 3. TroXXd dXriSrjv. Palaeph. Fab. 1. 10 TT-
of the norm
or model upon or to wards all of whom, Matt. 45 bis tTrt
which any thing is adjusted or con- Kcti ayaSo^c K. T. X. 49 tK-
formed, upon, after, according to. Luke rr\v X ^P a ^ 7r ' rods p.a$rjTa.. Acts
i. 59 sKaXovv avro ITTI rijj OVO\JLO.TI TOV xix. 12. Rev. xiv. 6 in some edit. Horn ,
Trarpof avTov. So Sept. and yj Ezra II. 10. 213 tcXtog irdvTctQ iir' dv2rpwircv.
ii. 61. Neh. vii. 63. Esdr. iv. 63. Pint. where the motion is directed to a
Rom. 19 ult. KaXi~iff$at n'tv 'PdJurjv ITTI higher place, implying elevation or
'Pw/zvXy TIJV TroXiv. Plato Parm.p.l47.D. placing upon, i. e.
up upon, up over,
Also Rom. V. 14 oi>
a^apr^cravrag up to, out upon, etc. or simply upon,
6/iotw/zart rijg K. r. X.
ry 2 Cor. ix. over. Matt. iv. 5 'iffTrjvtv UVTOV iiri
6 bis, 6 (TTmpo'v ITT tvXoyiae, i. e. adv. TTrepvyiov TOV iepov. v. 23. ix. 18. xiii. 48
bountifully. ^schyl. Supp. 628, [636,] dvaf3i(3d<ravTf lirl TOV alyiaXov. xxi. 5
iirifitpriKwe iirl ovov i. e. mounted upon.
III. With the Accusative. E. g. xxii. 16 tyivykTuaav iiri TU. oprj. xxvii. 29.
1. Of place, and generally combining Mark viii. 25. x. 16 TtSrtig TO.Q x 'P fl c tjr ^ '
the ideas of rest and motion upon; ai)To.. xi. xv. 22 KOI 0fpou<ri avrov
where sometimes however the idea of iiri ToXyoS'a TOITOV. Luke V. 11, 19 ara-
motion upon is more prominent, and TO ?wm. viii. 27. Acts xvii. 19.
ETTI' 803
xx. 13. xxvii. 43, 44 see in Aia<rww. Rom. Acts X. 25 trcffwv iiri TOVQ TrJoac, UVOn
^evycc. Thuc. 7. 37 CTTI rd rei'xij. So of Jos. Ant. 6. 11. 8. ciKovTia /3a\<iv t:ri TOV
a yoke, burden, taken up and placed ov. Diod. Sic. 2. 19 iir' avrijv
upon any one, Matt. xi. 29 apart TOV . Xen. Cyr. 1. 6. 29 iiri CTKOTTCIV
uyov /iov ^' vfifrc. Acts xv. 10. Matt. fia\\siv. So after verbs of going, com-
xxiii. 4 Qopria. 7rtn3'a<Tiv trrt rovt; ing, conducting, collecting, etc. equiv. to
uljuovf ru)i> avcrp. trop. of a covenant, off c. accus. Matt. iii. 13 rorc Trapayi'-
Heb. viii. 8. Metaph. spoken of fear, b 'Irjffovt; dirb r//f F. iiri TOV 'lop-
evils, punishment, which come
guilt, upon the Jordan, i. e. to the region
upon any one as a burden, as some- of Jordan, xii. 28 t<j>$a<rev 1^' vfias /
thing laid upon one so after ytveajai, ; ftaffiXfia. r. ^. V. 21 <rvvi']x$>1 "X^ ? 7ro ~
iirepxtoSai, tpx<r3a, iiriiriTTTfiv, and XiVtV avrov. xxvii. 27. Mark xi. 13.
the like Matt, xxiii. 35 oiruif tA.3y i<f>'
Luke xxiv. 24. John vi. 16. Actsi. 21.
vpag irdv alpa Sicatov. ver. 36. Luke i. xxi. 32, 35. 2 Thess. ii. 1. 2 Tim. iv. 4.
12, Go Kttl iyivtro iiri iruvTag $6j3o{. Heb. vi. 1. Rev. vii. 17. xviii. 7. al. So
xxi. 34, 35 u> Trayif tTTiXtvffiTai iiri irdv avvax$nvcti V. ovvtpxeySai iiri TO avTo
rag. John iii. 36. xviii. 4. Acts v. 28. viii.l . i. e.
upon or /o the same place, together,
xiii. 11 xtfpKvpiov iiri <rs. xviii. 6.Rom. i. Mutt. xxii. 34. Acts iv. 26. 1 Cor. xi. 20.
18. xv. 3. 1 Pet. v. 7. In like man- also 1 Cor. vii. 5, see in
Ei'/ii II. h. c.
ner of good, prosperity, etc. Matt. x. Pnlaeph. 2. 10. Luc. D. Dcor. 4. 1 ult.
13 eX&rw tipi'ivti vftuv
iir' auri'iv SC. Hiluin. 8. 5. 13 Iiri rijv 'Pwfttjv x'-'p'/^ct'-
T>}V oiKiav. Luke x. 6. Gal. vi. 16. Acts Xen. An. 1. 4. 11 ivTitStv i^\avvu iiri
VC- (So ^ -in-T "n^ 1 Chr. xxii. 8,
QntTiii lir' avToi'c, sc. like the sun. Sept. dat. Usually Heb. btf, Sept.
Sic. 2. 19 ol piv iirl TI}V yi/r iirurTOV. irpof, Jer. Also as imply-
i. 4, 11. al.)
Xen. (Ec. 18. 7. Trop. of the divine ing accession, addition, Matt. vi. 27
Spirit or power descending and abiding 7rpo<7^tlvai Iiri Ttjv rjXtKiav avTOv irijx 1 1'
upon any one. Matt. 16 ro 7rv*v/m iii. iva. Rev. xxii. 18.
Karafialvov icai ep^o/xEvov iir' avrov. xii. (j3)
where the motion or direction
18. Luke i. 35. ii. 25. xxiv. 49. al. 2 Cor.
upon implies also an affection of the
xii. 9. Rev. vii. 15. mind for or against. E. g. favourable,
b) of place whither, implying motion kindly, Luke i. 48. ix. 38 iiripXe^ai iiri
upon, to, towards, any place or object as TOV viov pov. 1 Pet. iii. 12 ot 6$$. KV-
a limit, aim, end, with subsequent rest iiri rovg StKaiovg, i. e. are directed
thereupon. upon, quoted from Ps. xxxiv. 16 where
(a) pp.
and genr. e. g. after wiVrw, Sept. for >x, comp. Ps. xxxi. 8. So
TO}, aS irilTTilV 7Tt
TTOUaWTTOV, 1. .- of disfavour, upon, against, Acts iv. 29
forwards, Matt. xxvi. 39. Luke v. 12. comp. in 'EirtHcir. 1 Pet. iii. 12 irpo-
Rev. vii. 11. al. (Xen. Yen. 10. 13 TTI- awirov Kvpiov iiri irotovvTag KctKa, i. e. is
ffTopa.) Matt. xv. 20 t/rfTrfo-sv directed against, quoted from Ps. xxxiv.
i TOV rpx>j\or avrov. John xxi. 20. 17 where Sept. for 3. In a hostile
'Eirf 304 'E7T*
conduct or testimony against any one, upon the coming of which any thing is
Mark x. 11 /loixarai ITT' avrrjv. Luke done or assigned, upon, at, about. Mark
ix. 5 tig papTvpiov tir O.VTOVQ. So in an XV. 1 iv5iu) ITTI TO Trpwi. Luke X. 35
imprecation, 2 Cor. i. 23 /xaprupa roi> Stov tTTt ri]V avpiov. Acts iii. 1 ITTI Tr}v
TTJG Trpoffevxvc Arr. Alex. M. 3. 18. 11
(y) trop.
of measure, extent, upon, cTrt TT}V tta. Horn. Od. 7. 288. Pol. x.
unto, i. e. wp to, about, Rev. xxi. 16 8. 7 Joined with an adverb in the
ffikrpnffa rr}> TroXiv ITT* (rraSiovg dwStica. later usage, e. g. liri
rp/g, up to thrice,
XiXidduv .
Comp. Matth. 586. c. p. 1169. i. e. thrice, Acts x. 16. xi. 10. See
Winer 53. p. 345 __ &l. V. H. 3. 1 init. Winer 54 ult. n. 1. p. 356. Lob. ad
ro fifJKOQ tTTi
Teffffapdicovra Eu'jKtt araSiovf. Phryn. p. 46, 48. Comp. e/t rp/c Jos.
Xen. An. 1. 7. 15 So e^' offov, in so Ant. 5. 10. Xen. Cyr.
4. 7. 1. 4.
upon, at, by, etc. Matt. ix. 9 where text. rec. has t-n-i c. dat. see above
ITTI TO TtXwviov. Acts X. 17 i-rrs in II. 3. b.
iiri TOV irvX&va. xi. 11. Rev. iii. 20. viii. of an object or substratum upon,
3. Comp. above in 1. 1. a. II. 1. a. /3. over, in respect to which any thing is
Xen. Cyr. 3. 3. 12 -jrapCivat ETTI r done, felt, directed, etc. Comp. above
ib. 3. 3. 68. So arrival inl rot'f in II. 3. c. Winer 53 p. 345. E. g.
to stand up upon the feet, Acts xiv. 10. (a) of the subject of an action or
xxvi. 16. Rev. xi. 11. AlsotVi TO avro, of discourse, upon, over, in respect to.
lit.upon the same place, as adv. together, Mark xv. 24 pdXXovrtc KXfjpov IV avrd.
Lukexvii.35. Acts i. 15. Comp. in Auroc (Plut. Rep. 10. p. 617. E, p '
III. a. (3. fTri 1 Cor. vii. 36 see in
2. Of time, viz. a)
time how long, fiovkti) b. James v. 14
during, for, Luke iv. 25 iKXeivSr} o ov- IV auTov, let them pray OVER him, i. e.
pavbz 7ri ZTIJ rpi'a. xiii. 31. xviii. 20. xix. in his behalf, in allusion also perhaps to
8, 10. Heb. xi. 30. Comp. Winer 53. the posture. Winer 1. c. p. 345 marg.
p. 345. Matth. 586. c. p. 1169. Palaeph. So of a subject of discourse, writing,
28. 2. Thuc. 2." 35. Xen. An. 6. 6. 36. etc. upon, of, concerning. Mark ix. 12
xpovov, for a time, Luke xviii. 4. ytypaTrrat iiri TOV v'ibv TOV ai'S'p. ver. 13.
(Hdot. 9. cxrov xpovov so long Rom. Tim. i.
iv. 9. 1 18. Heb. vii. 13.
22.) ^>'
as, Rom. vii. 1. Gal. iv. 1. i$' oo-ov sc. Sept. for by Jer. xxv. 13. Palseph. 49.
of that on which the mind, heart, sion, addition, as im0vyayw, tTratrtw. 4.
Diod. Sic. 14.84 init. t/f Boiwn'aj'.
fiav. Xen. Mem. 2. 3. 10. Hence also
16. 66 pen. ry 2iX/ ? . Thuc. 1. 103 c.
of the object of trust, confidence, hope,
Matt. XX vii. 43 iriiro&tv iiri TOV Sriov.
Acts ix. 42 TToXXoi iirioTevaav iiri TOV KV- b)
to go up upon, to mount, intrans.
e. g. iiri orov Matt. xxi. 5. So of a ship,
piov. xi. 17. Rom. iv. 5. 2 Cor. ii. 3.
to embark, sc. tic TO TrXotov Acts xxi. 6.
Heb. vi. 1 iriffTis iiri Stov. 1 Tim. v. 5
T<$ irXoiy xxvii. 2. absol. xxi. 2. Sept.
fj\irtKv iiri TOV Stov. 1 Pet. i. 13. iii. 5.
n^ Jer. xlvi. 9. 231 1 Sam. xxv.
Also of the occasion or object upon or
20. Gen. xxiv. 61. Horn. II. 5. 255
over which joy or sorrow is felt, Rev.
VTTTTWV tm/?. Thuc. I. Ill et Xen. H. G.
xviii. 20 ivfpaivov iir' avrrjv in text. rec.
3. 4. 1 iiri TOV TrXcTov. Thuc. 7. 70 raif
Others iir' avry. Luke xxiii. 28/*>) icXaifre
Rev. i. 7. So Sept. of joy, for
a Is. Ixi. 10. Ps. xxxii. 11. of sorrow, 'E7T</3tiXXw, f. /3aXw, to cast upon or
for by Zech. xii. 10. over, to lay upon, trans.
(y) of that on which the will or in- a) pp.
and seq. dat. Mark xi. 7
tention is directed, the end, purpose, avT($ TO. l^dna. 1 Cor. vii. 35
aim of an action, etc. upon, for, for the vp.1v iiri8d\b>. Sept. seq. iiri c. ace. for
sake of, after. Matt. iii. 7 ipxopivovc iiri ton^)
Num. Hos. vii. 12. n^TT
iv. 6, 7.
laeph. 19. 1. ib. 40. 4. Hdot. 3. llisvai phrase iiri(3d\\uv TTJV x f *P a v r<*C X"P a C> *
vdu>p. Xen. Cyr. 1. 6. 12. So of a seq. iiri Ttva or dat. to lay hands upon,
result, 2 Tim. iii. 13 iiri TO xpov. Heb. i. e.
(a) to seize, to do violence to a
xii. 10. person, seq. liri nva Matt. xxvi. 50.
from the Heb. spoken of persons Mark xiv. 46. Luke xx. 19. xxi. 12.
upon or over whom a name is called, who John vii. 30, 44. Acts v. 18. xxi. 27.
are called by that name, implying pro- seq. dat. Acts iv. 3. and by
perty, relation, etc. James ii. 7. Acts Acts xii. 1 7r/3aXv TUQ x e 'P a C KctK&aai
XV. 17 10* oDf iiriKeicXijTai TO ovop.d jj.ov f Ttvac, for iiri Tivaq XxJTt. KaK&aat avTovf,
quoted from Amos ix. 12 where Sept. comp. Buttm. 151. 1. 4. So Sept. for
for *?y O^p N7i??> as a ^ so 2 Sam. xii. 28. "T n^', seq. iiri nva Gen. xxii. 12. seq.
Jer. xiv. 9. Comp. Gesen. Lex. art. in"? dat. Esth. vi. 2. Seq. dat. Pol. 3. 5. 5.
Niph. /3. Bar. ii. 15. Diod. Sic. lib. 38 init. ed Tauchn. or X.
NOTE. In composition iiri implies p. 205. ed. Bip (/3)
in the sense of to
1. motion, upon, towards, against, as lay hold of, to undertake, Luke ix. 62
sirdyw, iirip\opat, etc. 2. rest upon, over, 7ri/3. T. x- in' dporpov. So Sept.
at, as iirixw, iiravairavu, etc, 3. acces- Deut. xii. 7, IS.
306 ;
intrans. or pp. with idvr&v implied, M. 6. 29. 8 rdVijrtt 7rt/3X;/idrwr Ba/3vXw-
to cast oneself upon, i. e. to rush upon, to
fall upon; comp. Buttm. 113. n. 2.
*130. n. 2.Matth. 496. 1. Winer 39. 'E7n|3ouw, w, /<no, (tTri intens.)
to cry out upon, to exclaim vehemently,
1. So seq. els c. ace. Mark iv. 37 rd
absol. Acts xxv. 24. nvi Pol. 10. 12. 5.
Kvfiara t7TE/3a\V erf TO irXoiov. Also
Time. 5. 65. c. ace. to invoke, Wisd. xiv. 1 .
absol. xiv. 72 Kal l7rr/3aXwi/ tsXaie, i. e.
Xav. Acts xxii. 24. 2 Pet. ii. 21 bis. 1 from the Heb. with the idea of good
Cor. xiv. 37 where for the attraction with will, toknow and approve, to acknow-
b>i, see Buttm. 151. I. 6, 7 ult. Seq. ledge and care for, to cherish, seq. ace. 1
mot c. gen. Acts xxiv. 8. absol. 1 Cor. Cor. xvi. 18 iiriyivtiHTKfre ovv rove roiou-
xiii. 12. Sept. for yr; Jer. v. 5. Jon. i. rovf. So Sept. and yi* Num. xvi. 5.
7 Plut. Lysand. 31 pen. Pol. 2. 11.3. T3n Ps. cxlii. 5. Ruth ii. 10, 19. See
Xen. CEc. 9. 12. Plato Apol. Soc. 7 in TivuffKu 2. c.
xxvi. 17. Test. XII Patr. p. 543. Plut. crime, Mark xv. 26. Luke xxiii. 38. For
Arr. Diss. Ep. 42. this Roman custom, see Sueton. Dom.
Agesi. 21 pen. 1. 6.
a) pp.
Matt. xxii. 19 imfcigarc /ioi
r6 XII Patr. p. 702t7ri. r}v tiatrav. Diod,
v6j.itfffia.Luke xx. 24. xxiv. 40. Mid. Sic. 14. 47 7ri<rroXdf. Hdian. 7. 6. 19.
39 b) trop. to give over, to commit to,
Acts ix. lifiltiKvvittvai \iru>v<i, i. e. as a
showing their tunics, etc. So Luke xvii. ship to the wind, Acts xxvii. 15 i-n-iSovrff
14 tiriS. iavrovQ rotf \tpo1q, show yourselves, [SC. TO TT\01OV V. TO. ICTTia T(fi a.Vffl(f)~\ I0f-
i. e.
present yourselves before the priests. poneSa. Plut. de Fort. Rom. 319. D. or
Hdot. ii. 42. Xen. An. 1.2. 14. Mid. VII. p. 267. ed. R. l-n-iSidov ry rt/xy TO.
Jos. Ant. 10. 4. 1. Diod. Sic. 13.27ult. loria, KO.I fiix ov T^ irviv\ia., rtf irvkovn
So of deeds, miracles, to show forth, iriffTivuiv. Luc. Hermotin. 28. comp.
to exhibit,Matt. xvi. 1. Luc. Somn. 10. Achill. Tat. 1. p. 45tfovf e lavrbv
jEschin. 60. 8 __ In the sense of to point Spofiov Trvtvpa-i. See Wctstein and
out before or to any one, e. g. vr< TUS Eisner in loc.
oiKoSofias, Matt. xxiv. 1. Hdot. 3. 105.
Xen. GEc. 9. 4. ,
f. w<>, pp. to make
straight upon, i. e. to putfurther to rights,
to show, sc. by arguments, to
b) trop. In N. T. only
demonstrate, to prove, c. ace. Heb. vi. 17.
to arrangefurther, trans.
c. ace. et infin. Acts xviii. 28 JEl. V. Mid. Tit. i. 5 TU \iiirovra Itri^io^way.
H. 3. 7. Xen. Mem. 3. 9. 11 bis. Comp. Matth. 496. 7. Philo in Flacc.
II. p. 535 Trtpt Ttjs rS)v \iirovr(i>v tTri-
f. &o/iat, depon. Mid.
to receive upon or up to oneself, i. e.
forth, sc. from oneself upon or to another, Sept. for ^']52 Ecc. vii. 28 Jos. Ant. --
to give over, to deliver over, i. e. to put 4.8.29. Dem. 271. 16. Xen. Cyr. 2. 4.
into one's hands, trans. 25. In the sense of to seek at the hands
a) genr. Matt. vii. 9 ^7} \idov iiricu>ffti of any one, to require, to demand, Matt.
avT$. ver. 10. Lukexi. 11 bis, 12. Luke xii. 39 <rr)p,t~iov e7ri/rtt. xvi. 4. Mark viii.
iv. 17 7rs36$Ti avTtf fiipXiov'Ha. xxiv. 30, 12. Luke xi. 29. So Phil. iv. 17 TO
42. John xiii. 26. Acts xv. 30. Test. copa. Acts xix. 39 TI Trepi trlowv.
desirer, one eager for any thing, 1 Cor. iirdvu) O.VT&V, i. e. to sat upon them. So
X. 6 7riv/iyra icaicwv. Sept. for Sept. for n^
Gen. xxxi.34. Lev. 15. 20,
mnp Num. xi. 34 __Jos. Ant. 8. 7. 8. Comp. Pol. 4. 61. 6. Buttm. 113. 2.
1/iod. Sic. 16. 55. Xen. Ap. Soc. 28.
, w, f. <TW, to call upon,
, ac, ,) earnest viz.
desire, longing, viz. 1. to call upon, sc. for aid, in N. T.
only Mid. to call upon for aid in one's from Amos ix. 12 where Sept. for E\p' ^
own behalf, to invoke, trans. >np}, as also 2 Sam. xii. 28. Jer. xiv.
a) pp.
of invocation addressed to 9. Comp. Gesen. Lex. art. 1-np Niph.
Christ for aid, Acts vii. 59 Srtyavov, /3. Baruch. ii. 15.
hand, Mark viii. 23. Acts xxiii. 19. trop. 4.28. So Pass. perf. particip. Luke
Heb. Sept. forp^irrrr Jer. xxxi.
viii. 9. Xll. 6 iv l avrStv OVK tOTiv lirt\t\r)ffp.ivov
32. Zech. xiv. 13. Diod. 'Sic. 17. 30. IvuTTtov TOV Seov,- is not forgotten, ne-
Xen. Ath. 1. 18. An. 4. 7.2 Seq. gen. glected, before God. So Sept. particip.
of person expr. or impl. denoting that for
ro\( Is. xxiii. 16.
some part is laid hold of, e. g. in order
f- <>, to speak or say upon
to lead, to conduct, etc. Luke ix. 47. 'ETTi\tyw,
Acts xvii. 19. apparently c. accus. Acts
i. e. besides, in addition to, Thuc. 6. 28.
Xen. An. 1.9.26. In N. T.
ix. 27 Bapva/3ag Sk lTrt\afi6p.tvo avrbv say or utter upon, i. e. by impl.
7/yaye K. T. \. i.avrov, see above.
e. ?}yay
to name, to call, John v. 2 rj tTrtXtyo/m'i;
(Xen. An. 4. 7. 13.) So in order to
t/3paV(rri BrjStada.
succour, to heal, etc. Matt. xiv. 31. Luke
2. to choose upon, i. e. in addition or
xiv. 4. trop. Heb. ii. 16 bis. Sept. for
succession to another, Mid. to choose for
pMrjn Judg. xix. 25. Is. iv. 1. Arr. 40 t7rtXfa^6voc
DIM. Bp. 3. 24. 75. Dem. 533 ult. Plat. oneself, c. accus. Acts xv.
SiXav. So Sept. for nra, Act. Ex. xvii,
Gorg. p. 527. A. With the idea of
9. xviii. 25. Mid. 2 Sam. x. 9. Act.
violence, to lay hold of, to seize, sc. by
Hdot. 3. 44. Mid. Jos. Ant. 4. 2. 4.
force, as a prisoner, etc. Luke xxiii. 26.
Hdian. 4. 7. 3. Hdot. 3. 157.
Acts xxi. 30, 33. seq. accus. apparently,
see above, Acts xvi. 19. xviii. 17. So 'ETH/WTTW, f. f> PP- to leave or
Sept. for ins Judg. vi. 12. xvi. 21. Pol. forsake upon i. e. in or during any-
8. 20. 8. ib~ 8. 22. 5. Xen. thing ; hence, by impl. to fail, not to
Cyr. 7. 1. 31. Heb. xi. 32
suffice, seq. ace. of pers.
Trop. spoken of language, to lay hold
*7rtXt'i//i yap Sirjy. o xpovof. Comp.
of one's words, i. e. to cavil at, to fif
Matth. 412. 7 -- Isocr. p. 4. A, tTn\'nro
censure, Luke xx. 20 Vva erriXa/Swi/rat
8' dv
rifiag 6 -nag xpoi/off.
Dem. 324. 17
CIVTOV Xoyov. ver. 26. Isocr. 223. B,
67riXnpj qp-ipa Xeyovra.
Xen. An.
tTriX. T&V ilpTipevtDv. Plut. ed. Reisk. VI. (it rj
Xen. 1.5.6.
p. 467. 3. Plato Gorg. p. 469. C.
H.G.2. 1.32. r?e, ",
Xa/3ov r>"/ aiwviov wjjjc. ver. 19. Test. for ajcp. 67riXjff/jwv, Buttm. 123. n. 4.
XII Patr. p. 595 TWV v^ijXaiv fc7reXa/3o- Ecclus. xi. 27. tTTiXrjfffjiwv Xen. Mem.
H&a. .El. V. H.14.27. 4.8.8.
'Evr/X 312
adv. carefully,
fwc, 7> (sTrtXvw q. v.)
Luke xv.
i. e. in N. T. trop. sedulously, 8. Sept. for Ch.
solution, exposition,
2 Pet. i. 20 iraaa. N$"?Spi$ Ezra vi - 8 > 12 > 13 2 Mace. viii.
interpretation, ?rpo-
31. 'Xen. Mem. 2.4. 2.
QTjreia ypa0i/c <&'af iTrtXvtrfwf 06 ytvtrai,
1.e. <no prophecy is of, comes from, f. v&, aor. 1. iirsfieiva, to
any private exposition sc. of the will remain upon, i. addition, longer,
and purposes of God by the prophets whence genr. to remain, to continue,
Hi),to testify
o5, f. '/ffa>,
Dem. 360. 7.
upon, to attest, c. c. accus. et infin. 1 Pet.
y. 12 __
Jos. Ant. 7. 14. 4, Plut. Lysand. acj n> (> VOV
G>) PP-
22 med. thought upon, i. e. cogitation, purpose,
Acts viii. 22. Wisd. xv. 4. Jos. Ant. 5.
care 5. 2. Thuc. 3. 46.
for, attention. Acts xxvii. 3
Tvxtlv, i. e. to enjoy the kind attentions
of his friends 2 Mace. xi. 23. Xen. q. v.) comm. fut. iTrtopKj^o/iai, Buttm.
1, 6. 16. Mem. 4. 8. 10.
113. 4, and n. 7. to forswear oneself
e. to swear
falsely, not to fulfil one's
j or to/iat, oath, absol. Matt. v. 33. Esdr. i. 48.
f. T/ao/iai, (piXu, see Passovv s. voc. ,
Wisd. xiv. 28. Hdian. 3, 6. 16. Xen. An.
depon. Passive, see Buttm. 113. 3. 2. 5.
38, 41.
1 Tim. i. 10. Hesych. iiriopicov opKov/z/} So ^D} Ez. xi. 5, Sept. tirias. ITT'
Ipf. TTV.
asked not for to-morrow, but to-day, above, besides, Hdot. 5. 93. Plato Pro-
ffi'iftepov, derive i-movoioQ from liri and tag. p. 329. D. In N. T. by impl. to
ov<j(a being, existence, and translate, bread desire earnestly, to long fory seq. infin.
for sustaining life, i. e. by impl. suffi- Rom. i. 1 1 (Trnro3u> yap itiiiv vfiaf. 2 Cor.
cient, necessary. So Origen, TOV tit rijv
v. 2. 1 Thess. iii. 6. 2 Tim. i. 4. Seq.
ovffiav ffvfji(3a\\6fiivov aprov. Suidas, 6 ace. of thing, TO yd\a 1 Pet. ii. 2. So
^TTI ry oi>ai<f rfftwv appoZutv, f; 6 jea3- Sept. for n^ Mic. vii. 1. DW? Ps. cxix.
ijfiepivot. SeeTholuck Bergpred. p. 407 174. Seq. ace. of person, to long after,
to regard with longing, to love, 2 Cor. ix.
14. Phil. i. 8. ii. 26. Comp. Ecclus.
'IZirnrtTTTt*), trtaov^ai, aor. 2 iir- xxv. 21. Diod. Sic. 17. 101. Seq.
tjrcffov, perf. tTTtiriirrbtKa, to fall upon, to incline towards, to tend to,
Trpoc TI,
in N. T. only in respect to persons, James iv. 5 Trpog <j>56vov liwroStl TO
q. to throw oneself upon, seq.
Ha K. T. \. So Sept. Trpof Stov for ^
a) pp. Ps. xlii. 2.
dat. Acts xx. 10 iiriirtviv airy, i. e. upon
his body, comp. 1 K. xvii. 21. 2 K. iv.
34 iiri c. ace. Luke xv. 20 iirt- earnest desire, strong affection, 2 Cor. vii.
sq. Seq.
Trfffiv STTI TOV TpdxwXov avrovf i. e. em- 7, 11. Aquila for Ex. xxiii. 11.
braced him. Acts xx. 37. So Sept. and
ou, o, 77, adj. (tTrt
Gen. xlvi. 30. 1.1. (Philo de Joseph.
much desired, longed for, Phil. iv.
p. 563. c. dat.) Johnxiii. ZSiirnriouv 'nri
TO ffrijSoc avTov, i. e. throwing himself
back on Jesus' breast as he reclined at ac, n* tTrtTrow, .
table ;
see in 'AvaKti^at 2 In the sense earnest desire, Rom. xv.
of to rush or press upon, seq. dat. Mark 23.
iii. 10 wore iTrnriirTfiv CLVT<JJ. In a hos- f. tvaofiai, to go or
tile sense, c. dat. Pol. 1. 24. 4. Xen. An. come upon, i. e. to a.
place or person, seq.
4.5.17. Luke
Trpoc avTov, viii. 4. Sept. for "iny
to fall upon, to come upon or 2 Mace. ii. 29.
b) trop. Ez. xxxix. 14. Dion.
over any one, seq. ini c. ace. of pers. Hal. 10. 43. seq. iiri riva. Pol. 4. 9. 2.
e. g. 06/3oc Luke i. 12. Acts xix. 17.
(Sept. and >D} Ex. xv. 16.) iKaramQ 'ETrippaTTTtJ,
f. i^w, to sew upon,
Acts x. 10. (Sept. and ^ Dan, x.
trans, and seq. iiri c. dat. Mark ii. 21
314 'Err
IJ^irn Num. xxxv. 20. Ez. xliii. 24. upon orfor any thing,
for put all in readiness
Jos! B. J. 4. 5. 3. Xen. An. 5. 2. 23. to furnish out upon, to equip, e. g. a ship,
Trop. of care, etc. to cas* off upon in filial Pol. 3. 24. 11. Xen. H. G. 1. 6. 10.
confidence 1 Pet. v. 7, quoted from Ps. horses, Xen.
pack-horses, i..e. ib. 5. 3. 1.
Iv. 23 where Sept. a temple, Jos. Ant.
to load, ib. 7. 2. 18.
9. 8. 2 --In N. T.
only Mid. to furnish
'ETntrrjjUOC, ov, 6, r], adj. (tiri, ffrjfAa,) out oneself upon, i. e. to make preparation
'having a mark upon/ e. g. of
for a journey, absol. Acts xxi. 15 in later
money, stamped, coined, Jos. Ant. 17. 8. edit. See in
1. Xen.Cyr.4.5.40. InN.T.trop. noted,
i. in a good sense, distinguished, emi-
'E7Tt<Ticrjvoa>, w, f. waw, pp. to pitch
nent, Rom. xvi. 7 __ 3 Mace. vi. 1. Jos. tent upon, and genr. to come and dwell
B. J. 6. 1. 8. Hdot. 2. 20 __ In a bad upon or in, Pol. 4. 18. 8. ib. 4. 72. 1.
sense, notorious, Matt, xxvii. 16. Jos. In N. T. trop. of a divine influence, to
Ant. 5. 7. 1. Plut. Fab. M. 14. descend and abide upon, to rest upon, e.g.
iir' iik 2 Cor. xii. 9.
ov, 6, (tTrio-trt^w to
supply with food, fr. <nria>, air OQ,
\food, f. dffa), to cast
Luke ix. 12. a^OJ, (<naaa>,)
victuals, Sept. for rTTX a shadow upon, to c. accus.
Josh. i. 11. ix. 5, 11. Hdian. 6. 7*3.
Matt. xvii. 5. Luke ix. 34. c. dat.
Xen. An. 7. 1.9.
Mark ix. 7. Acts v. 15. Sept. c. dat. for
Ps. xci. 4. c. tTTi TI for Ex.
'Err* (TictTrrojuat, f.
i//o/iai, depon. Mid. ^3p pip'
of which the present xl. 32. Anth. Gr. I. p. 114 rfy/3of
is rarely found in
earlier Attic Buttm. Ausf. tireaKiaaev. JEl. V. H. 3. 1 med. Trop.
To look upon, to of a divine power and influence, to over-
Sprachl. II. p. 434.
look at, i. e.
genr. to view, to inspect, Xen. shadow, to rest upon, Luke i. 35 Svva-
6. 3. 21. In N. T. fiig vtyiarov 7ri<riua<rei <rt. Just. Mart.
to look at, sc. in order to select, to Apol. 2. p. 75 r) yap dvvafiig infyiarov
look out, to seek out, e. g. persons for i-TreXSrovffa ry TrapSivip, kirtaKiaatv avrtjv
K. T. X.
office, trans. Acts vi. 3. Sept. for T^a
Lev. xiii. 36. Ezravi. 1. trhi Ez. xx. 40.
EW, W, f. /<TW, to
Diod. S. 12. llouroQ Se 7ri (ffKOTTliU,)
look upon, to behold, Xen. Ven. 12. 21 . to
inspect, Xen. H. G. 3. 2. 11. to visit, sc.
to look upon, i. e. to visit, to
b) go to the sick, etc. Xen. CEc. 15. 9. In N. T.
see, to look after, seq. accus. (a) pp. to look after, to see to, to take care
Acts vii. 23 tTrivKtyaaSai TOVQ adtX<J>oi>. of,
absol. 1 Pet. v. 2 k-jrioKOTrovvrtg taking
xv. 36. Sept. and Tp) Judg. xv. 1.
Xen. Cyr. 5. 4. 10. So of those who
care of, sc. TO TTOI/HVIOV. Seq. neg. rig, ^
to take care lest, Heb. xii. 15. Sept. for
visit the sick or poor, Matt. xxv. 36, 43.
ttrn Deut. xi. 12. Lycurg. 159. 33.
James i. 27. Ecclus. yii. 35. Hdian. 4.
Xen. (Ec. 9. 14. Lac. 2. 2.
2. 7. Xen. Mem. 3. 11. 10. (0) From
the Heb. spoken of God, who is said to
TIG, n,
visit men, to inquire as it were into visitation, spoken
their situation and afford them relief or a) of the act of visiting or being visited,
aid, seq. accus. expr. or irnpl. Luke i.
inspected, etc. in N. T. trop. of God,
68, 78. vii. 16 cVEo-K^aro 6 Srtbs TOV Xabv who is said to visit men for good, comp.
aVTOV. ActS XV. 14 6 StOQ ITTtaKtyaTO in 'E7ri<7K7rro/iai b. j3. Luke xix. 44 rbv
\_ra & vn ~\
Xafiilv K. T. X. Heb. ii.6 on Kcupbv tTTHTKOTriiQ vov, i. e. the time when
(ll'TOV, qilOted ft'OIIl Ps. viU. 5 God visited thee, was present to favour
tliee. 1 Pet. ii. 12. So Sept. for Hesycll. /*) t7ri(T7ra(73'w fit)
Hence in Athens iirimroinu were magis- ace. and particip. Actsxxiv. 10ovra<r *pt-
trates sent out to tributary cities to ri)v 7Ti<rra/ivof. Comp. Buttm. 144. 4. b.
organize and govern them, see Schol. Luc. D. Mort. 9. 2. Xen. An. 6. 6. 17.
in Aristoph. Av. 1023. Boeckh Staats-
b) in the sense of to understand, to
haush. der Ath. 1. p. 168, 256. Nean- comprehend, c. accus. Mark xiv. 68 OVK
der Gesch. der Pflanz. u. Leit. der chp. olSa, ovSe liriffTapai ri oi) Xeytif. 1 Tim.
Kirche, I. p. 178, and in Bibl. Repos. vi. 4. Jude 10. Sept. for ystorr Is. xli.
JV. p. 254. In N. T. spoken of officers 29. Xen. Conv. 3. 6.
in the primitive churches, an overseer,
superintendent, Acts xx. 28. Phil. i. 1. 'ETT/oraTTjCj ou, o, (tyiVra^at to be
< one
set set one/ a prefect,
1 Tim. iii. 2. Tit. i. 7. Trop. of Jesus, over,) pp.
1 Pet. ii. 25. This name was originally master, spoken of a king, Xen. Cyr. 8. 1.
8. of a commander of a hip, Xen. QEc.
simply the Greek term equivalent to
21. 3. of a military officer, Sept. for
7rpf<r/3urpo, which latter was derived
from the Jewish polity see Neander TpS 2 K. xxv. 19. of a director in gym-
1. c. and comp. Acts xx. 17, 28. Tit. i. nastics, iraiSoTpifirje, Xen. Mem. 3. 5. 18.
and genr. of directors of public works,
5, 7. 1 Pet. v. 1, 2. Afterwards, a
Boeckh Staatshaush. der Ath. I. p. 218.
In N. T. only in Luke and addressed
'ETntTTruw, w, f. a,
to draw upon,
in the voc. to Jesus, master, as having
todraw to, e. g. TY\ V Svpav, to shut, Xen. the authority of a teacher, pa(3fti, among
H. G. 6. 4. 36. In N. T. Mid. to draw
his disciples, comp. master and teacher
upon or over, sc. in respect to oneself, in English, Luke v. 5. viii. 24, 25. ix.
viz. to draw over the prepuce again, 1
33, 49. xvii. 13. So pappi Mark ix. 5,
Cor. 18 /*/} iTriaicaaSn), i. e. let him
vii. <
and Kuptof Matt. xvii. 4, coll. Luke ix. 33.
not become as if uncircumcised/ The
So SiSdfficaXoG Mark iv. 38, coll. Luke viii.
allusion is to a mode of removing the
24. Comp. Kypkel. p.227.
mark of circumcision, described by Cel-
sus 7. 25, and practised by Jews who f. Xw, to send upon, to
abandoned their religion and national send to, i. e. to send word to any one ver-
customs. 1 Mace. i. 15. Jos. Ant. 12. bally or by letter, e. g. verbally Xen.
5. 1. The Rabbins call such persons Cyr. 1.4.26. In N. T.
0"D 5 'l2)?D, see Buxtorf Lex. Rab. Ch. to send word by letter, to give direc-
1274 sq. Schoettg. Hor. Heb. 1159. sq. tion by letter, absol. Acts xxi. 25. c. d9t.
Acts XV. 20 ^TTtortlXai avTolq TOV air't- iTTi TOV icvpiov. ver. 17^7ri<rrp-
Xfr$a where
K. T. X. for the infin. with i^ai Kapfiictf; Trarepwv ITTI So Sept.
TOV see Buttm. 140. Matth. 540. n. 1. for 2pn Ezra vi. 22, comp. Mai. iv. 6.
n. 1. Winer 45. 4. p. 269 __Jos. Ant. Ecclus. xlviii. 10. In the sense of
8. 2. 7. Hdian. 4. 12. 7. Xen. H. G. 1. to turn back again upon, to cause to re-
5.2. turn, sc. from error, with iirl rr\v 0X17-
in later
usage, simply to send a Seiav or the like implied, James v. 19,
letter, i. q. to write to, seq. dat. Heb. xiii.
20. Sept. pp. for S*qjn 1 K. xiii. 18
22 __ .El. V. H. 10.20. Plut. Agesi. 21 20. pp. Xen. H. G. 6. 4. 9.
ult. 2. intrans. i. e. in Act. with eavrov
OVO, ,
Matth. 496. 1. and also in Mid. to turn
knowing, endued with knowledge, James oneself upon or towards, i. e. to turn to-
Sept. for -p; Deut. i. 13. iv. wards or unto, etc.
6. Ecclus. x. 25. Xen. (Ec. 21. 5. a)
Act. intrans. (a) pp.
Acts ix. 40
J Trpof ro erw^ttt. Trop. e. g. tiriffTptyeiv iiri
f. <Vw, to place firmly TOV Seov v. KVOIOV, i. e. to turn to the
upon, Pass, or Mid. to rest or lean upon,
service and worship of the true God,
to be supported on, Sept. for i^UD'a 2 Sam.
Acts ix. 35. xi. 21. xiv. 15. xv. 19.
i. 6. "TOD3 Is. xxxvi. 6. Lucian. adv. 2 Cor.
xxvi. 18, 20. Trpof xvptov iii. 16.
Indoct. 6. In N. T. trop. to confirm, to 1 Thess. i. 9. iirl TOV 1 Pet. ii.
establish, trans. Acts xiv. 22 TUQ 25. Sept. for n;D Deut. xxxi. 18. pp.
wv. xv. 32, 41. xviii. 23.
Gen. xxiv. 49. Ibp} 1 Chr. xii. 19. 3TQ)'
Josh. xix. 34. Hos. v. 4. Am. v. 6,8.
fe, r/> tTTiorXXw, an
Ecclus. xvii. 25. pp. Susann. 47. Pol.
epistle, letter, Acts xv. 30. xxiii. 25,33.
7. 11. 4. to turn about upon
Rom. xvi.22. 1 Cor. v. 9. xvi. 3. 2 Cor. (/3)by impl.
or towards. Rev. i. 12 bis, cat sTrlarpe-
iii. 1. vii. 8 bis. x.9 11. Col. iv. 16.
Thess. v. 27. 2 Thess. \f/afiXeiretv TTJV 0wvj)v fifT Ifiov K. T. X.
1 ii. 2, 15. iii.
absol. Acts xvi. 18. Sept. for HJS Judg.
17. 2 Pet. iii.
Trop. 2 Cor. iii.
1, 16. T
xviii. 21. Xen. Eq. 8. 12. Ven. 10. 15."
2, 3. Sept. for NnziN Ezra iv. 8, 11.
Hence, (y) to turn back upon, to return
1T$ Neb. vi. 5, 17. Diod. Sic. 1. 95.
unto, pp. and seq. btriffw Matt. xxiv. 18.
Xen". An. 1. 6. 3. By impl. letter of
tig TO. o-rriffdj Mark xiii. 16. Luke xvii.
authority, despatch, Acts ix. 2. xxii. 5.
31. 1. V. H. seq. tig c. ace.
So Sept. for Neh. ii. 7, 8
n^K Xen. __ (JE1. 6.)
8. 3.
Matt. seq. ITTI c. ace. 2 Pet. ii.
xii. 44.
Ag. 22. [Luke xvii. 4.] absol. Luke ii.
f- 'O'w, 20 in text. rec. Acts xv. 36. So of the
(67TI, oro/ia,) pp.
to the mouth, i. e. to stop the
jw upon breath or spirit returning to a dead body,
mouth, sc. with a bit or curb, Philostr. Luke viii. 55. Sept. for yftfi Ruth i. 7,
Icon. 2. 18. to check, to curb, Philo de 10. 2 Sam. vi. 20. 1 K. ii. 30 Xen.
Agric. p. 201. B. In N. T. trop; to stop H. G. 4. 5. 16. Trop. spoken of a re-
the mouth, to put to silence, seq. ace. Tit. turn to good, to return, to be converted,
i. 11. Dem. 85. 4 absol. Luke xxii. 32. Acts iii. 19. So
87re(rrojueai/ roiig avnji
avTiXkyovTag. Plut. Cato Min. 38. Lu- Matt. xiii. 15. Markiv. 12. Acts xxviii.
cian. Icarom. 21. 27, all quoted from Is. vi. 10 where Sept.
for yrs$. Also to evil, to turn back
^w, aor. 2 pass, ,
unto, Gal. iv. 9 TTW? ^Trtor-ptyerc iraXiv M
96. 3, 5.
(Buttm. 100. n. TO. TTTuxd oToi\tia. 2 Pet. ii. 21 iTrtorpt-
with mid. signif. Buttm. c 136, 2, to turn ipat IK TTJG tvTO\t]G, SC. lirl ri\v ^S'opdv,
upon, to turn towards, trans. Horn. II. 3. coll. ver. 19.
370. trop. ro vbi}\t.a ely n Theogn. 1079. b)
Mid. intrans. with aor. 2 pass, see
[1083.] TO.Q fytig tie iavrfjv Hdian. 5. 3. above, (a) by impl. to turn about upon
15. In N. T. trans, and intrans. or towards, Matt. ix. 22 6 St 'Ir)<rovc
1. trans, in a moral sense, to turn upon tTriffTpa^dt;. Mark viii. 33. Johnxxi. 20.
or to, to convert unto, Luke i. TT. }v T<I> o^Xy, Mark v. 30. Sept. for
2 Thess. ii. 1. Heb. x. 25. 2 Mace. ii. 27 roTf irvtvfiafft ro7f dicaSr. iiriTaaou.
7 assembly. Luke iv. 36. viii. 25. Sept. for rn$ Gen.
xlix.32. Esth iii. 12. 2 Macc.ix.8. Xen.
Cyr. 4. 2. 33. Seq. ace. and dat. Philem.
'0 7*MH together upon or to the 8 liriraaaiiv ooi rb avfjicov.
rpY.u/,) C. ace. impl.
scene of any action, Mark ix. 25. Mark ix. 25 __Jos. Ant. 1. Xen. CEc. 9.
7. 23. Seq. dat. and infin. aor. Mark
vi. 39. Luke viii. 31. inf. pres. Acts xxiii.
pat to come together upon,) a concourse,
2. Xen. An. 7. 3. 13. An. 2. 3. 6.
crowd, whence irotnv iiriovoTaoiv to excite Seq.
a concourse, to raise a tumult, Acts xxiv. ace. and inf. Mark vi. 27 iir'tTa^tv tvtx-
12. Sept. for-ny Num. xvi. 40. Esdr. v. Stjvat TTJV Kt<f>a\T)v. Sept. Dan. vi. 9.
90. Jos. c. ApV'l. 20. Sext. Empir. Eth. Xen. Lac. 5. 8. Absol. Luke xiv. 22.
127. Spoken of a croicd, constant in- f.
, 7>, e<rw, (iiri intens.)
gress of persons coming to any one, 2 to bring through to an end, to finish, to
Cor. xi. 28 iiriavaTaaiQ KCI&'
>) pov r/
perform, trans.
rifiepav, i.
q. quotidiani hominum impetus, a) pp. spoken of any work, business,
Cic. pro Arch. 6. course, etc. Luke xiii. 32 iaatiQ. Rom.
xv. 28. 2 Cor. vii. 1 Iv. ayuDavvrjv, i. e.
Tje, EOC, oc o, >/, iri,
to practice, viii. 6, 11 bis. Phil. i. 6.
lit. near upon falling,' i. e.
intrans. and seq. dat. of manner, Gal. c. ace. Acts viii. 17. seq. dat. Acts vi. 0.
iii. 3. vvv viii. 19. xiii. 3. xix. 6. 1 Tim. v. 22.
kvapZantvoi TrvtvficcTi, <rapjci
eirtreXt'iffSt ; having begun in the Spirit, Com. in 'E-n-iSeatc. So Rev. i. 17
do ye noiv end in the flesh 1 i. e. in attach- iTrsS-, rr\v tiav avrov ITT' ipi in text,
ment to carnal ordinances. So Sept. rec. Sept. c. tTri for
Lev. i. 4.
upon, to charge strictly, the idea of re- a freedman, rtjs ova(a$ sTrirpoTroj/. Xen.
buke or censure being implied, e. g. (Ec. 12.2. ib. 21. 9.
demons, seq. dat. Matt. xvii. 18. Mark b) i.
q. 6 Trttidaywyof, which see, i. e.
i. 25. ix.25. Luke iv. 35, 41. ix. 42. Of a guardian, curator, usually a
persons, c. dat. Luke ix. 21. So seq. slave or freedman, to whose care the
dat. and 'iva, Matt. xx. 31 6 Sk 5\\os boys of a family were committed, who
67rcrt'juj7<7v avroiQ, 'iva (fritoTr/'/ffuxTtv. Mark trained them up, instructed them at
x. 48. Luke xviii. 39. Matt. xvi. 20 in home, or accompanied them to the public
MSS. Seq. dat. and 'iva ufj, i. q. to schools, Gal. iv. 2. Plut. Cic. p. 880.
forbid strictly, Matt. xii. 16. Mark iii. B. Tl OVV OVK iTTtVpOTTOV CtVTOV TOLQ TtKVOtQ
12. viii. 30. <l>v\aa<Ttic ;
JE1. V. H. 13. 43 or 44. Xen.
Mem. 2. 1. 40.
ac i?, (In-infiow,)
\i. 14. 2 Tim. iv. 1, 8. Tit. ii. 13. Comp. Comp. Buttm. 133. n. 2. Matth. 389.
Luke 78, 79.
i. Of splendid celestial Plut. Timol. 36.
appearances in aid of Israel, 2 Mace, iii
to grow
24. v. 4. al. of the pillar of fire, Jos. 0u>e,)
light upon, to dawn upon, intrans. Matt.
Ant. 3. 14. 4. genr. Pol. 3. 94. 3. Diod. xxviii. 1 ry iirityucrKovaij sc. rifitpy. Luke
Sic. 1. 25.
xxiii. 54. Diod. Sic. 13. 1 8 in some edit.
f'oc our, 6, 17, adj. comp. Hdot. 3. 86.
appearing upon or 0,
visible, 7. 19. c/ear, manifest, *E7r/.^fp!w, w, f. TJ<TW, (x'p>) to
Xen. Mem. 3. 1. 10. In N. T. splendid, lay hands upon, e. g. Siiirvy, <rfry, Horn.
Od. 24. 386, 395. to attack, Jos. de
i. e. trop. illustrious, memorable. Acts
Vita sua 44. In N. T. trop, to take in
ii. 20 TTJV tjfifpav Kitpiov TT}V fieyaXtjv Kai
hand, to undertake, to attempt, c. c. infin.
tTTiQavfj,quoted from Joel ii. 31 where
Heb. i. 7.
Luke i. 1 TroXXot iTrtxtiprjaav avara^aa^fat
Sept. for NTO, as also ver. 1 1 .
Pol. 1. 36.3. ib. 1. 78. 11. of persons Striyrjfftv. Actsix. 29. xix. 13. 2 Mace.
Jos. Ant. 5. 8. 2. JFl. V. H. 3. 19. Xen.
ii. 29. Pol. 1. 47. 3. Xen. Mem. 3. 6. 1.
CEc. 10. 8.
Ag. 3. 2.
'}L7ri\w 9 f.
(xw,) to pour
to appear unto, to shine upon,
trop. to upon, trans, e.
g. upon wounds, Luke
ps; Gen. xxviii. 18.
x. 34. Sept. for
give light to, to enlighten, c. dat. Eph. v.
14. Act. Thom. 34 tirtyavat yap pot xxxv. 14 Jos. Ant. 2. 16. 3. Xen. CEc.
OTTO QpovTiSoe. Not found in the clas- 17.9.
f. tTToiffb), aor. 2 lirri-
TV ffiriipovri. Gal. iii. 5. 2 Pet. i. 5, 11.
to bear or bring upon or to a per-
Comp. Is. Iv. 10 where Heb. "jrg Sept.
didupi. Ecclus. xxv. 22 of a wife who
son, viz.
pp. to bring to any one, seq. !* brings with her a large dowry. Mid.
C. ace. Acts xix. 12 wore in a reciprocal sense, to supply one ano-
i-jrl TOVG a<T$t-
vovvrac UTTO TOV ai>Tov ther, to furnish aid mutually, Col. ii. 19
iri<f>eptff3rai xpwToe
Jos. Ant. 4. 8. 22. Thuc. TO aiafia fTrixoprjyovftfvov Kai ffvp,f3ij3a^6-
4.87. pivov, where TO (rw/ta is put collectively
for all the parts or members, comp.
b) in the sense of to add upon, to su-
peradd to, Phil. i. 17 ot'6/itvot SXtyiv Eph. iv. 16 TO 001/j.a ffvvapp.o\oyovf*fvov
iTriQspeiv Philo Leg.
TOIQ Stfffiolf fiov.
ad Cai. 1009 Trvp iirupeptiiv rrvpi. Aris-
toph. Rhet. 3. 6. supply, aid, help, Phil. i. 19. Eph. iv. 16
to bring upon, i. e. against, in a
c) dta traariz a<prjg rijg iTrt^op^y/ag through
judicial sense, of accusation, etc. Acts all the joints of supply, i. e. which afford
xxv. 18 alriav. Jude 9 ttpioiv -- Jos. Ant. mutual
aid, comp. in
4. 8. 23 post init. Hdian. 3. 8. 13. Pol.
6. 41. 3. So of wrath or punishment, itJ, f. tVo>, to rub or
Rom. iii. 5 i. e. in- smear upon, to anoint upon, seq. ace. and
lirify'tpuv TI}V bp-yrjv,
Jos. Ant. 2. 14. 2 cTTt c. ace. John ix. 6 k7rexP tff TOV irn^bv
flicting punishment.
aXXijv TOIQ AiyvTrrtoig kirifyipti TrXrjyrjv.
iirl TOVQ 6$$a\povG' Seq. ace. of the
thing anointed, ver. 11 lfl-xP t<r * A* 00 ro *C
'Eirt^tovtO), Wj
f. r\au, to cry out Lucian. Quom.
ofySaXfiovs sc. T(j> -TrrjXy.
upon, i. e. thereupon, Luke xxiii. 21. in Hist, conscr. 62 iinxpivac. M TITOLV^ sc.
acclamation, Acts xii. 22. JEsdr. ix. 47. TO ovo[ia.
Plut. de Herodot. malig. 34 Seq. dat.
of person upon i. e. for or against W, f- T], (fTTi,
wnom outcry is made, Acts xxii. 24 w, to build upon, sc. as a foun-
implying the constant internal and ex- angels. 2 Mace. iii. 39. Horn. Od. 17.
ternal developement of the kingdom of 484. II. 6. 129 __ Of those who come
God and the visible church, like a holy from heaven, 1 Cor. xv. 48 bis, 49, coll.
temple progressively and unceasingly ver. 47 et Phil. iii. 21. Of the heavenly
built up from the foundation comp. ; bodies, the sun, moon, etc. 1 Cor. xv. 40
1 Cor. iii. 9, 10. See Neander Gesch. bis, coll. ver. 41.
d. Pflanz. u. Leit. der chr. Kirche, I. neut. plur. rdt inovpavia, i. e. the
p. 160, and in Bibl. Repos. IV. p. 245. heavens, heaven, Eph. i. 20 iv dei avrov
So Pass. seq. iiri c. dat. Eph. ii. 20t7ro- iv rolf iirovpavioig. ii. 6. iii. 10. So of
KodofllJ^tVTtS 67TI T($ StfltXitp TWV ttTTO- the lower heavens, the sky, the air, as the
<rroXwv K. T. X. Col. ii. 7. Act. seq. ace. seat of evil spirits, Eph. vi. 12, comp. in
et ITTI c. ace. 1 Cor. iii. 12. seq. ace. Oi-pavof and 'A/jp. Test. XII Patr. p.
ver. 14. absol. ver. 10 bis. Byimpl. 546 sq.
to build up further, sc. in the faith and c) spoken of the kingdom of heaven
upon Christ, seq. accus. of pers. expr. and whatever pertains to it, see in
or impl. Acts xx. 32 ry Svvaftiv^ i-jrot- BturiXcia c. E. g. of the kingdom itself,
KoSonijoai, SC. vpaf. Jude 20 ITTOIK. iav- 2 Tim. iv. 18 tig r)v /3a<r. rrjv iirov^aviov.
rovf. Coinp. Pint, de Monarch, et De- So Heb. iii. 1 xXijffif iirovpavios. vi. 4.
mocr. 1 init. viii. 5. ix. 23. xi. 16. xii. 22, coll,
Rev. xxi. 2. Also rd itcovpavia, things
f. t\u>, (6rXXw q.
to drive or force upon, g. a ship
e. pertaining to the kingdom of God, Eph.
i. 3. or genr. things spiritual, John iii.
upon a shoal, etc. to run aground, trans.
Actsxxvii.41 l7rw<Xavr}v vawv.Hdot.
7. 182 rriv via. Pol. 4. 41. 2. Thuc. 4. 'ErrTa, ot, al, ra, indec. seven, Matt.
26. xv. 34, 36, 37. Acts xx. 6. al. The
number seven was often put by the Jews
foranindef. round number, Matt. xii. 45.
toname upon or after, i. e. in allusion to Luke
xxii. 25. xi. 26. al. comp. Gen.
some other name or circumstance, Sept. xviii. 41 sq. Ruthiv. 15. 1 Sam. ii. 5. Is.
In N.
for jnp Gen. iv. 17, 24, 25. al.
iv. 1. Prov. xxvi. 25. Likewise as a
T. Pass, to be named in addition, sc. to
sacred number, of good omen, as also
some other name, to be also called, Rom.
Pol. 29.
among the Egyptians, Arabians, Per-
ii. 17 oi) 'lovtiaioc iirovopaZy. 1.
sians, etc. Acts vi. 3. Rev. i.
4, 12, 16. ii.
2. Xen. CEc.6. 17.
Ex. xxxvii.
1. al. comp. Gen. xxi. 28.
a looker-on, spectator, eye-wit-
ness, 2 Pet. i. 16. 2 Mace. vii. 35. 3 thousand, Rom. xi. 4, quoted from 1 K.
Mace. ii. 21. overseer Dem. 47. 4. xix. 18 where Sept. kirra xiXidfoc. Sept.
for E"D^N n^nil) Num. viii. 22. 1 Chr.
> *irov, STTW,) a
xxix. 4.
word, Heb. vii. 9 t!> tiros
f i^~v so to
to do business, i. e. to trade, to
(y) Also, 'E/oyatrm, ac, *7>
(tpyao/iat,) work,
traffic, Matt. XXV. 16 /pyd<raro Iv avrolg. labour, Hdot. Vit. Horn. 3 airb Ipya^Tjc
Dem. 957. 27 nvi. Xpv. In N. T.
2. trans, to
work, toform by labour, i. e. i. e. trop. pains, effort , in
a) labour,
to do, to perform, to produce, etc. the Latinism epyaaiav didovai, operam
a) genr. of things wrought, done, per- dare, Luke xii. 58, see fully in Aiw/*i d.
Ipya TOV Stov pyae<r&at John vi. 28 to work all uncleanness. Comp. Sept.
ix. 4. Ipyov TOV Kupiov 1 Cor. xvi. 10. for rDNifc 1 Chr. vi. 49. xxviii. 20.
fpya iv Se$ elp-yafff.fva, wrought in God, ial. 2. 36 irpbg ipyaaiag ?rpay-
i. e. in conformity to his will, John iii.
21. Sept. for-py Num. iii. 7. viii. 12.
c) work,
i. e.
occupation, trade, craft,
^Q Job xxxiii. 29". Ps. vii. 16. Hdian. Acts xix. 25. Sept. for HDN^Tp
Jon. i.
8. 1. 14.Xen. An. 6. 3. 17. (Ec. 7. 20. 8. comp. Ps. cvii. 23. em. 503. 17. D
Antiphon. 14. 34 py. tpyov TOIOVTOV __ Xen. CEc. 6. 8, 9.
Also epydojuai tpyov ica\6v elg Tiva Matt. d) meton. earnings, gain, sc. from la-
xxvi. 10. [tv
Mark xiv. 6. 3 John bour, Acts xvi. 16, 19. xix. 24 __ Act.
5. TO ayaSbv Trpog Travraq Gal. vi. 10. Thorn. 16. Dem. 1283. 28. Xen. Mem.
ro KOKOV TIVI Rom. xiii. 10, comp. Prov. 3.10.1.
iii. 30 where Sept. for ^733. c. fig rivt a worker,
'Epyarrjc? ow, o, (tpyd^o/iat,)
Dem. 1252. 20. Palseph. .1. 8, 11. TIVO. labourer, viz.
TI Luc. D. Mort. 2. 1. Xen. Conv. 4. 30. sc. in the fields, Matt. ix. 37
a) genr.
Trop. to work, sc. good or evil, to do, 6
Sepicrnbg 7ro\vg, ol Si Jpydrai 6Xtyot.
to commit, to xx. 1, 2, 8. Luke x.
practise, c. ace. as TO dya- ver. 38. x. 10.
$6v Rom. ii. 10. rr\v dticaioavvi)v Acts 2 bis, 7. 1 Tim. v. 18. James v. 4.
c)a workman, artisan, Acts xix. 25. to right and wrong, as judged by the
Luc. Sornn. 2. Xen. Hiero 6. 11. moral law, the precepts of the gospel,
(1) genr.
Matt, xxiii. 3, 5 iravra
j oij TO, (obsol. tpyw to do,) TO.
tpya avT&v TTOIOIXTI Trpog TO Sta^jyvrti
work, i. e. rorgav^p. John iii. 20, 21. Actsxxvi.20.
a) labour, business, employment, some-
Rom. iii. 27. Gal. vi. 4. So/cora ra tpya
thing to be done, viz. (a)genr. Mark xiii. airotitdovai, etc. to reward according to
34 /eat Soi'f trdory TO ipyov avrov. Kj>h. one's works, Rom. ii. 6. 2 Cor. xi. 15.
iv. 12 etc tpyov itaxoviac. 1 Tim. iii. 1. 1 Pet. i. 17. Rev. xx. 12. So Sept. and
Sept. for rT3N^7p Gen. ii. 2. xxxix. 11. !?^D Prov. xxiv. 12. Jer. 1. 29 (2)
Ex. xxxv. 2. Luc. D. Deor. 17. 1 iv good works, with epithets, e. g. tpyov
fpytt , fi<rav. Xen. CEc. 7. 6. ib. 20. 16, 19. ayaSnv, tpya ayaSa, a good deed,
Of work which Jesus was sent to
the good works, i. e. either benefit, h'uuhu'ss,
fulfil on earth, TO
Ipyov John xvii. 4. TO. Acts ix. 36. 1 Tim. vi. 18. or, well-
tpya John v. 20, 36. x. 38 TO ipyov TOV do'nuj, virtue, piety, Rom. ii. 7. xiii. 3.
Trarpof, SC. 5 ditiuici /uot 'iva rrottjow, John 2 Thess. ii. Heb.
iv. 34. ix. 4. comp. xvii. 4. So TO 21. (comp. Xen. Cyr. 8. 1. 12. Meiu.
fpyov TOV Kvpiov, the work of the Lord, 2. 1.
20.) tpyov ica\6v, tpya icaXct, a
i. which he began and
e. be con- left to good deed, good works, i. e.a pious act,
tinued by his disciples, i.
q. the cause of well-doing, virtue, etc. Matt. v. 16.
Christ, the gospel-work, 1 Cor. xv. 58. Mark xiv. 6. Tit. ii. 7. Heb. x. 24.
xvi. 10. Phil. ii. 30. Also of this work 1 Pet. ii. 12. (comp. Xen. Mern. 2. 6.
as committed to apostles and teachers, 35.) TO. tpya iv SiKaioavvy, i. q. TO. Si-
2 Tim. iv. 5 tpyov Troiqaov tvayytXioTov, icaia, Tit. iii. 5. tpyov TtXnov, perfect
Acts xiii. 2. xiv. 26. xv. 38. Phil. i. work, i. e. full, complete in well doing,
22. Further, tpyov TOV Stou, work of James i. 4. Without epithet, John viii.
God, i. e. which God requires, duty to- 39 ra tpya rot; 'A/3paa/z. James iii. 13.
wards him, John vi. 28, 29. Rev. ii. 26. (3)
of evil works, with epithets, e. g.
in the sense of undertaking, at- tpya irovrjpa, wicked works, evil deeds,
tempt, Acts v. 38. 2 Tim. iv. 18. Sept. John iii. 19. Col. i. 21. 1 John iii. 12.
for rrtgya Deut. xv. 10. Til Job xxxiv. tpya dead works, i. e. sinful, Heb.
21. Wisd.ii. 12. vi. 1. tpya dvopa 2 Pet. ii. 8. tpya
b) work, i. e. deed, act, action, some- ao-tfitiag Jude 15. tpya rou aicorovc, i.e.
thing done, viz. (a) genr. as tpyov tpyd- of moral darkness, sin, Rom. xiii. 12.
ZioSai, to work a work, to do a deed, tpya rijff o-apico, carnal works, Gal. v. 19.
Acts xiii. 41 bis, quoted from Hab. i. 5 (Xen. Cyr. 1. 2. 3 tpy. irovripbv Kai
where Sept. for ibyS by$, comp. Buttm. QtVxpov. An. 5. 7. 32 tpya ao-t/StTf.)
131.3. Hdian". 2. 3. 17. Xen. Conv. So without epithet, by impl. Rev. ii. 6
1.1. Mem. 3. 5. 3. So of the works ore iiiatigra tpya ra5vN<*coXaYrJiv. ver. 13,
of Jesus, miracles, mighty deeds, Matt. 22. xviii. 6. 1 Cor. v. 2. John viii.
iii. 1.
xi. 2. John vii. 3, 21. xiv. 10 12. 41, coll. ver. 44. --(4) of works of the law,
xv. 24. Of God, Heb. iii. 9 tUov TO. tpya tpya TOV vopov, i. e required by or
, from Ps. xcv. 9 where Sept. for conformable to the Mosaic moral law ;
so of a course required by this law,
Rom. ii. 15 TO Ipyov TOV vofiov. or con- sea, a volcano, Horn. Od. 5. 403. Pind.
formable to this law, Rom. iii. 20. Gal. Pith. 1.of a river emptying itself,
ii.16. So with rou vopov implied, in Diod. Sic. 2. 11. App. B. Mithr. 103.
Paul's writings, Rom. iv. 2, 6. ix. 11. xi. of a cry of men or animals, to belch out,
6. Eph. ii. 9. 2 Tim. i. 9. al
of to bellow, Theocr. Id. 13. 58. Horn. II.
works of faith, pya 7n'<rra>c, i. e. spring- 20. 403 Hence in N. T. and in Alex-
ing from faith, combined with faith, e. g. andrine usage, to speak out, to utter,
epya irtarewc, 1 Thess. i. 3. 2 Thess. i. 11. trans. Matt. xiii. 35 tptvopai KtKpvfjtfitva.
So with rj/f TTicrrewf implied Heb. vi. 10, Sept. for jran Ps. xix. 2. cxix. 171.
and in the Ep. of James c. ii. 14, 17 cxlv. 1*. See Sturz. de Dial. Alex. p. 167
26. comp. esp. ver. 22, 26. See Bibl. sq. Lob. ad Phr. p. 63 sq.
Repos. IV. p. 696 sq. J
ovpavoi, quoted from Ps. cii. 26 where vated tract of country, Matt. xv. 33.
Sept. for iTipytt, as also Ps. ciii. 22. Mark viii. 4. 2 Cor. xi. 26. Heb. xi. 38.
civ. 31. comp.' Is. Ixiv. 8. for b^D Is. Sept. for na-in Ez. xxxv. 4 Jos. Ant.
xlv. 11. Horn. II. 19.22 So of works 3. 10. 3. X enI H, G. 5. 4. 41. Comp.
implying power, and put for power, Calmet art. Desert. Jahn 17.
might, e. g. of God, John ix. 3 'iva <f>ave-
Of Satan, "EpTjjuoe? ov, o, jy, adj. solitary, desert,
pwSry rd ipyd TOV &eov iv avT(j>. viz.
1 John iii. 8 'iva \v<ry TO. tpya TOV dtaflo-
a place or region uninhab-
AL. a) pp.
\ov, i. e. destroy his power. ited and uncultivated, Matt. xiv. 13 ti s
2 __ Horn. Od. 22. 450. Gr. Anth. II. 242 Sept. for nTapitf. Diod. Sic. 16. 37
fiaffTtfi ITTI fiaarbv ipiiaag. trans. Pol. 3. tprjfjioi (rvfifjidxwv. comp. Xen. Cyr. 7.
46. 1. See Buttm. Lexil. p. 112 sq.
3. 12.
as subst. p^of, sc.
b) 17
depon. Mid.
f. Kon<u, a solitude, desert, i.
q. Iprj^iia, i. e. an un-
pp. to eject through the mouth/ hence inhabited and uncultivated tract of
to vomit, Horn. Od. 9. 374. trop. of the country, Matt. iii.3 ^>wv/} /Sowvrof Iv ry
3*5 'Epjurji/tia
xi. 17. TroXif Rev. xviii. 19. TrXoSroc, , ou, TO, (dim. of tpi^of,) a
i. e. to be destroyed, to come to nought, young hid, kidling, Matt. xxv. 33, coll.
Rev. xviii. 16. So of a person, Rev. xvii. ver. 32.
16 rtprjpufiivqv iroiriffovffiv rr)V Tropvrjv, i. e. a a young
, ou, 6, T/, hid,
shall make her desolate, shall despoil
goat 9 pp. Luke xv. 29. Sept. for "Ha
her. So Sept. for 3inT Jer. xxvi. 9. Ez. Gen.xxvii. 9. xxxviii. 17. fy Ex. xii. 5.
xxvi.19. Niph. tn;Is .liv.3. Ez. xxxii. __
Ecclus. xxi. 5 TT\OVTOV. Xen. Ag.
Tjnp Gen. xxxvii. 31 Theocr. Id. 8.
50.' Luc. Bacch. 1 In Matt. xxv. 32, --
1. 20 kids are put as the emblem of wicked
to*?, *i, prjpou,}
desola- men, because of their inferior value,
tion, a laying waste, Luke xxi. 20. Matt. lechery, etc. comp. Lev. xvi. 5 26.
xxiv. 15 et Mark xiii. 14 TO /3&Xuy/*a TTJC
'E^ytac, a, > Hermas, pr. n. of a
see in BdeXwy/ia b. Sept. for
Christian, Rom. xvi. 14.
ninn Jer. vii. 34. n?2$ Jer. iv. 7. 2
Chr.xxxvi.2L Arr. Al. M. 1.9. 13. o n> tpMvtvw,) n-
terpretation, explanation, 1 Cor. xiv. 26.
to strive, to Meton. for faculty of interpreting, as a
wrangle, Horn. II. 1. 277. Luc. D. Deor. charisma, 1 Cor. xii. 10. Ecclus. xlvii.
13. 1. In N. T. by impl. to cry out, to 17. Luc. quom. Hist, conscr. 45, speech,
be vociferous, like wranglers, intrans. as the interpreter of thought Xen. Mem.
Matt. xii. 19 oi'Ktpiyti, ovCt 4. 3. 11.
tvffw, to interpret,
i. e. come, so that e g. yXSiv is rarely used of
to explain, to declare, Luc. Abdic. 18. one who goes from or aMvry (Luke ii. 44),
Xen. Mem. 1. 2. 52. In N. T. to trans- while the forms from tpxf<r$ai are used
late, sc. from one language to another, indifferently of both' directions ;
John i. 39, 43, K"7;0c, o tp/t^vsverat Ile- Buttm. Ausf. Sprachl. II. p. 137 sq.
. ix.7. Jleb. vii. 2. Sept. for Ch. 1. to
go, with adjuncts implying mo-
Ezraiv. 7. Xen. An. 5. 4. 4. tion from a place or person to another.
Repos. II. p. 753 sq. Sept. for tpD-Q? XXV. 11 vffTtpov fit tpxovrai Kai at Xonrai
Ex. x. 19. xiii. 8. al. 1 Mace. iv. 9~
TrapS-evot, coll. ver. 10. Matt. xxv. 19.
Hdot. 1. 1. Diod. S. 3.18. Mark ii. 18. John xx. 18. 3 John 3
A, instead of yv or -go. ;
fut. tXtvvofjiai 13. John vi. 14. xi. 27. So in the
Matt. ix. 15. 1 Cor. iv. 19, instead of
periphrase of the name Jehovah, 6 &v
the more Attic efyii,
as also in Hdot. 1. Kai b f]v Kai b spx<5/uvoe Rev. i. 4, 8.
142. ib. 5. 125. See Buttm. 114. p. 282. iv. 8. See in Ei'/u I. d. By a species of
108. V. 4, 5. Matth. 234. Winer 15. pleonasm, the particip. IXSwv is pre-
p. 78. H. Planck in Bibl. Repos. I. p. fixed to other verbs in which the idea
685. To come, to go, to move or pass of coming is already presupposed, in
along, intrans. sc. in any direction, as order to render the idea more full and
marked by the adjuncts or often simply complete. Matt. ii. 23 Kai IXSwv icary-
by the context. The forms from iXStiv, Ktjaev tie TroXiv Xty. Naap!r, as in Engl.
however, more frequently signify to he came and dwelt, viii. 2. Mark v. 23.
xh. 14. xvi. 1 . Luke vii. 3. Eph. ii. 17. al. Matt. xxiv. 30 iirl TWV vt<}>e\tiv c. ace.
Comp. in 'AviffTtjpi II. d. See Winer of place upon or to which one comes,
67. 2. Matth. 557. n. 1. Passow s. voc. Mark vi. 53 irrl rr\v yrjv Tew. Luke xix.
3 c. Horn. if. 16. 521. Xeii. Cyr. 2. 2. 5. xxiv.Acts xii. 10.
1. c. ace. of object
6. or purpose, Matt. iii. 7 CTTI ro ftdirrifffia
with adjuncts marking object or
avrov. c. acc. of person, to come to or
purpose, e. g. seq. iufin. Matt. ii. 2 r/X- beforeany one, Acts xxiv. 8. to come
Sop.iv irpoffKvviiffat airy. Mark ii. 17. upon any one, e. g. TO irvevpa, Acts xix.
Luke iv. 34. al. Buttm. 140. 2. Winer 6. Matt. iii. 16. (Test. XII Patr. p. 545.)
45. 3. b Seq. particip. fut. Matt. also, tocome against, Luke xiv. 31.
xxvii. 49 et
tp%erat 'HXiag <rw<rwv avrov. Xen. An. 3. 1. 24. (6) e'wf ai)Tov, Luke
Acts viii. 27. Buttm. 144. 3 Plato iv. 42.
Kara c. acc. to move to, to-
Euthyphr. 1. Xen. An. 7. 1. 28. So c. ward, along by, Acts xvi. 7. Luke x. 33.
part. pres. imply ing purpose and manner, (8) /zerd c. acc. of pers. to come after sc.
Luke xiii. 7 rpia tTijtp\Ofjiai ZTJTWV Kapirov*
in time, to follow, to appear later, Acts
p. 100. B. Seq. 'iva, John x. 10. xii. 9, pers. to come after, i. e. to follow, trop.
46, 47. to become the follower, disciple, of any
c. dat. of pers. either pleonastic, Luke xix. 23. xiv. 27.
one, Matt. xvi. 24.
in respect to, for, Winer 31. 3. Buttm. Of time, to come after, to appear later,
133. n. 2. Matth. 389. or directly for Matt. iii. 11. John i. 27. (10) -jrapd
rpoc rivet, Winer 31. 2. p. 174. Matt, c. gen. of person, to come from any one,
xxi. 56 (3a<ri\tvc <rov ipxirai <roi. Rev. ii. i. e. as sent, Luke viii. 49. c. acc. of
5, 16. Comp. Fabr. Pseudep. V. T. I. place, at, near, along, w. r^v SaXaaaav
p. 594 of fiXSofjiiv ry TroXtt. Hdian. 3. Matt. xv. 29. c. acc. of per-
(11) Trpof
1. 6 'Arpjjvoi ( T/X3ov avry
<ri>ftp.a\oi.^ son to whom one comes, and this is the
So c. dat. of thing, as manner or in- more usual construction, Matt. vii. 15.
strum. John xxi. 8 ol Si aXXoi Mark ii. 13. Luke vii. 7. John iii. 2. xi.
TrXoiapt'y r/XSov. Buttm. 133. 3. 19. xiv. 6, 23. al. saep. c. acc. of thing.
c. adv. of place, Matt. viii. Johniii. 20, 21.
wfo ic. r. X. Mark v. 27. Luke x. 1.
in the sense of to come forth, sc.
John iv. 16. viii. 14. Soc. infiu. before the public, to appear, to make
of purpose, John iv. 15 fiTjdl tpx^ai one's appearance. Matt. xi. 14 O.VTOQ
ivSact avrXttv. Also tpx- <&# tig TOVTO, icrnv 'HXi'ag 6 peXXuv epx^^ai. ver. 19.
Acts ix. 21. Mark ix. iii. 19. 2 Pet. iii. 3.
11,12. Gal.
() construed with prepositions, viz. al. Pres. in fut. sense, Matt. xvii. 11. 1
dwo c. gen. of place Acts xviii. 2 Cor. xv. 35. Comp. above in a. a. Seq.
iXtiXvSoTa a-jrb TTJC 'lraXict. Mark i. 9. part. pres. 01 manner, comp. above in a. (3.
vii. 1. al.(Palaeph. 6.6.) c. gen. of pers. Matt. xi. 19. Luke vii. 33. John i. 31
from a person, Mark v. 35. John iij. 2. So iv come, appeared, in the
ffapici, i. e.
Gal. ii. 12 (2) 'c
c. ace. of place, to flesh,spoken of Christ, 1 John iv. 2.
come into, e. g. eg r)v olxiav, to enter, 2 John 7. (Ep. Barnab. c. 5.) iiri T<#
Matt. ii. 11. Luke xiv. 1. a country, ovoiiaTt TIVOQ Matt. xxiv. 5, see in 'Eirl
city, etc. to come to or into, v. 1. Mark II. 3. c.
viii. 10. John xi. 38. Acts viii. 40. Gal. in the sense of to come again or
ii. 11. 1 Tim. i. 15. al. c. ace. of pur- back, to return, absol. Luke xv. 30 j/X-
pose, i. e. els final, John i. 7 OVTOQ ijX- $tv, of the prodigal son. Rom. ix. 9.
$fv fit; fjtapTvpiav. iv. 45 ei'g rr\v iopTrjv, Heb. xiii. 23. co> tpxo/mi, Luke xix. 13.
f. e. to attend the feast, xi. 56. With John xxi. 22. tXS-wv pleonastic, see
tig repeated, both of place and final, above in a. a. Matt. v. 24. Luke xviii.
John ix. 39. 2 Cor. ii. 12
gen. c. 8. al. So seq. infin. of purpose, 2 Thess.
of place whence, Luke v. 17. Johniii. i. 10. seq. particip. pres. of manner,
31. vii. 41. ec John iv. 54
(K et
iv John ix. 7 7/X3-6 /HXsTrwv, he came back
c. dat. of manner, Luke xxiii. 42
(5) seeing, comp. above in a. /?. seq. e/c
iui c. gen. of thing, implying rest upon, c. acc. of place, Matt. ii. 21. seq.
d) metaph.
of persons, e. g. seq. did, also ace. of thing or other adjunct.
as 6 IXSwv $i vdaTOG KCII ai^iaroQ, 1 John Buttm. 131. 4, 6.
v. 6. see in Aid I. 4. b. Seq. tig, as ti'c a)
to ask, i. e. to
interrogate, to inquire
favrov l\$wv, coming to himself) i. e. re- of, c. ace. of pers. Matt. xvi. 13 )pwr<r
covering his right mind, Luke xv. 17. rovf /mSrjrdf auroi; Xeywv. John i. 19.
f/e x* l
9v IXSovaa, growing worse, Mark xvi. 5. Sept. for ^^) Gen. xxiv. 47.
V. 20. t/'c airtXfyfiov Acts xix. 27. i'c xxxii. 17. Luc. D. ~Deor. 7. 1. Xen.
e. to be condemned, John v. 24.
jcptVn', i.
Cyr. 8. 5. 19. Seq. ace. of pers. and of
/e tTn'yvwcrij/ 1 Tim. ii. 4. (Cebet. Tab. 12 thing, Matt. xxi. 24 pwr?7<ru> vp,a.Q X<5yov
r>)v dXj/3'ivr}j' TraiStiav iXSeiv.} 2 Cor. eva. Mark iv. 10. Luke xx. 3. Sept. for
xii. 14. wpav ravr^v, John xii.
ti'c r?)j> ^NiTJ Jer. xxxviii. 14. Xen. Cyr. 3. 3. 48.
27. Xen. Cyr. 6. 2.29. Seq. IK, Rev. Seq. ace. of pers. et wtpt gen. of c.
vii. 14 IK rijc SXtyeu^, i. e. have escaped thing, Luke ix. 45. Sept. and bt$$ Jer.
from. xlv. 1 1 Hdot. 1. 32 tTrcpwrdw.
. Absol.
e) trop. spoken
of things, e. g. (a) of Luke xxii. 68. Sept. for ipn Deut. xiii.
time, as tXtixrovrai ripepai Matt. ix. 15. 14. 2 Mace. vii. 2. Xen. "An. 1. 6. 7.
f g od or evil e & of a ood - rov Wa K. T. X. Luke vii. 36. John iv. 47.
(r) >
result, Rom. iii. 8. seq. e"e ri Phil. i. 12. 1 Thess. iv. 1. OTTUQ Luke vii. 3. Acts
seq. 7Tiriva, to come upon, e. g. r/ c/pqi/q xxiii. 20. Seq. ace. of pers. and infin.
Matt. x. 13. S6 of evil, guilt, etc. aor. Luke v. 3. John iv. 40. Acts iii. 3.
III. 1. To
ta*i food, spoken
cat, to Heb. apTov taSitiv v. tyayt'iv, to eat
both of men and
animals. bread, i. e. to take food, to take a
and absol. of persons, Matt. xv. 2. Mark vii. 5. 0ay.
e. g. ia$.
a) genr.
Matt. xii. 1 Ti\\tv ffTaxvciG Kai Matt. xv. 20. John vi. 23. al. So Sept.
xiv.21. xxvi.21,26. Mark vii. 3. Lukevi. for t3t-6 ^3NT !<rS. 1 K. xxi. 5.
1. Actsxxvii. 35. 1 Cor. Qaytfv, Gen. xxxvii. 24. 2 K. iv. 8. Trop. of a
Matt. xv. 37 xxvi.26. Markvi.42. viii.8. banquet in the kingdom of God, Luke
Luke ix. 17. c. infin. final, htiovai Tivl xiv. 15, see in 'AvaicXiru b. For the
0aym>, Matt. xiv. 16. xxv. 35, 42. Mark phrases dprov 0ay7v irapa nvog 2 Thess.
v. 43. al. Buttm. 140.2. Sept for ^ON, iii. 8, and TOV eavT&v aprov icrSUiv 2
loSiuv 1 Sam. i. 7, 8. tyayiiv Gen. iii. Thess. iii. 12, see in "Apros b. (3) by
13. xviii. 8. iff*. ML V. H. 2. 17. Xen. impl. to eat sc. in order to support life,
Mem. 2. 7. 7. 0y. Luc. Parasit. 12. to use as food, to live upon, Mark i. 6
Xen. Mem. 2. 1. 18. Seq. piTa c. gen. toSiiDv ciKpidac eat /u\i ayptov. John vi.
to cat with any one sc. at table, to take 31 rb pawn. Rom.
xiv. 2, 3, 6. 1 Cor.
a meal with, Luke vii. 36 jjpwra ck rig x. 3, 25, 27. al. Trop. John vi. 53. With
avTov, 'iva 0-y y fitr' avrov. Matt. IX. 11 a negat. Lukeiv. 2. 1 Cor. viii. 13. Xen.
ttr3Hv. So ivuTTwv nvoc, to eat before Ag. 9. 3. Cyr. in a parti-
8. 1. 44.
any one, in his sight, Luke xxiv. 43. tive sense to eat of, to partake of, for
Sept. 0nyTv for *>DN, c. ^ira 1 Sam. i. v. OTTO rcvoc as above, 1 Cor. viii. 7, 10.
18. c. tvwTrioj' 2 Sam. xi. 13. xi. 2(5, 27. Rev. ii. 14, 20.
b) with an adjunct of the object, or c)
from the Heb. in the phrase
thing eaten, viz. (a) Seq. gen. once,
ioSriuv v. 0aytlv Kai irivtiv to eat ana
Luke xv. 16 repartW wv tfaStov cl x?~ drlnh, absol. or c. accus. (a) simply
poi of which, partitively, Buttm.
i. e. for to take a meal, etc. Luke x. 17. xvii.
comp. Mntth. 327. But
132. 4. 2. d. 8 bis. Sept. for nrvi$h ^N 1 K. xix.
the gen. is here more prob. by attrac- 6, 8. 2 K. vi. 23. Bel and Drag. 6.
tion instead of the accus. as below. for to live sc. in the usual manner,
(/3) Seq. IK c. gen. to eat of any thing, Matt. xi. 18 /o/rt iaSiwv prjTt TT/VWV,
i. e. a part of it, by Hebraism instead i. not living as other men, comp.
of the Attic simple gen. comp. Buttm. Matt. iii. 4, etc. Matt. xi. 19 ?i\$tv o vlbc
1. c. Matth. 327. So ko$. IK TOV aprov TOV av3p. laSiaiv Kai irivwv, i. e. like
1 Cor. xi. 28. 0ayw Luke xxii. 16. John other men. Luke vii. 33, 34. 1 Cor.
vi. 28, 50. Rev. ii. 7. So Sept. for ix. 4. Hence in antith. with vrjcrTtvetv,
"P? i?3K> t<r3. 2 Sam. xii. 3. 2 K. iv. itsignifies not to fast, Luke v. 33. But
40. 0ay. Num. vi. 4. Ecclus. xi. 19. with a neg. ov tyayiiv ovSi iriiiv, not to
In the sense of to live from, 1 Cor. ix. 7. eat or drink, to abstain from food, to fast,
13. Heb. xiii. 10. comp. J.os. B. J. 5. 13. Actsix.9. xxiii. 12,21. So Sept. Ex.xxxiv.
6 t avrov TptQtaSai. (y) Seq. OTTO 28. 1 K. xiii. 8, 9.
(y) by impl. to feast,
c. gen. to eat from i. e. of any thing, a to banquet, Luke xii. 19 avairavov, $dyt,
part of it, as in (3, comp. Matth. 1. c. Trie, tvfpaivov. 1 Cor. X. 7. XV. 32.
so taSitiv, spoken of dogs, Matt. xv. 27. With the idea of luxury, revelling, etc.
Mark vii. 28. 0ay. Rev. ii. 17 in text, Matt. xxiv. 49. Luke xii. 45. xvii. 27, 28.
rec. Sept. 0ayeTv for "jTp *?3N Gen. iii. 1 Cor.
xi. 22, coll. ver. 21 So Sept. for .
trop. Rev. xvii. 16. So Sept. for ijN TTJG TpaTrk^riQ [j.ov iv ry (3a<r. p.ov, i. e. that
Gen. iii. 14. Ex. xii. 8. m. V. H. 1. ye may feast at my table, live in familiar
1 irav OTIOVV <pay. ib. 2. 40. JEsop. intercourse with me, etc. comp in 'Ava-
Fab. 47 1 Cor. 20 KvpiaKov Sttirvov
xi. b.
(2) from
to celebrate. the
d) trop. to devour, to consume, trans
i. e.
, evening,
Luke xxiv. 29. Acts iv. 3. Heb. i. 1. 2 Pet. iii. 3. Iv Kaipy
xxviii. 23. Sept. for sny Gen. i. 5, 8. al. ary, in the last time, 1 Pet. i. 5. iv
Hdian. 3. 12. 23. Xen. Cyr. 1. 4. 17. povy, in the last time, Jude 18.
ITT' !<rxarwv TWV xP OVh)V I Pet. i. 20.
o, indec. Esrom, Heb.
tcrxarry eort, it is the last hour,
(walled in) Hezron, pr. n. of the 1 John 18 bis, all which refer to the
grandson of Judah, Matt. i. 3 bis. Luke last times of 6 at'wv OVTOQ, the times
iii. 35. comp. 1 Chr. ii. 5.
since the coming of Christ, in which
, 07-77, rov, (prob. xw> the power of this world is in part
the last, the extreme, uttermost, broken, but will be wholly destroyed
spoken of place and time, viz. only at his second advent, i. q. rd rk\ij
of place, T&V alu)v(t)v 1 Cor. x. 11 comp. in
a) (a) pp. extreme, remotest, ;
and neut. as subst. TO tff^arov, the ex- Aiwv 2, and BaffiXeia c. These ex-
tremity. Acts i. 8 et xiii. 47 eo>f iax^ TOV pressions seem therefore strictly to
rnQ yj/c- Jer. xvi. 18.
Sept. for DpN
n^j? cover the whole interval between the
Deut. xxviii. 49. Is. xiviii. 20. ^El.V.H. first and final advent of Christ but ;
3. 18 med. Diod. Sic. 1.60. Xen. Vect. they sometimes refer more particularly
1 . 6 (/3) trop. implying
rank or dig- to the period in which the sacred writers
nity, the last, lowest, least. Luke xiv. 9, lived, adjacent to the first coming, as
10 tiQ rbv tax* roirov. So genr. Matt. Acts ii. 17. Heb. i. 1. 1 Pet. i. 20.
xix. 30 bis, TroXXot t aovrai Trpwrot t o^aroi, Jude 18. 1 John ii. 18 bis ; and else-
Kal tax^roi Trpwroi. So genr. Mark ix. where more to later times, before the
35. x. 31 bis. Luke xiii. 30 bis. John second coming, as 2 Tim. iii. 1. James
viii. 9. 1 Cor. iv. 9.
Comp. homines v. 3. 1 Pet. i. 5. 2 Pet. iii. 3. (y) In
postremi, Cic. pro Rose. Am. 47. (y) of the phrase 6 Trpwroc Kal o Zax aT G-> the
order or number, the last, utmost, Matt. first and the last, spoken of the Messiah
v. 26 TOV tax- KoSpdvTTjv. Luke xii. 59. in glory, Rev. i. 11, 17. ii. 8. xxii. 13,
b) of time, the last, the latest, only in prob. in the sense of eternal, the be-
the later Greek,
(a) genr.
of persons, ginning and the end comp. Heb. ;
ginning and end, the source and sum > ov, (compar. fr.
of all things ; comp. Heb. and Sept. inner, interior, Acts xvi. 24. Heb.
Xoyot oi Trpwroi Kai 01 toward, first and vi. 19, comp. Lev. xvi. 15 where
last, i. e. all, 2 Chr. ix. 29. xii. 15. al. for
Test. XII Patr. p. 617. See also Clem.
'EraTpoc, ou, o, a companion, com-
Alex. Strom. 4. 25, as quoted under art.
rade, friend, Matt. xi. 16. Sept. for
A, p. 1.
y-\ 2 Sam. xiii. 3. xvi. 17. Hdian. 2. 1.
adv. extremely, i. e. in ex- 10. Xen. Cyr. 5. 1. 1. Mem. 2. 6. 15.
esse, to be at the last gasp, at the point Engl. my good friend, Matt. xx. 13. xxii.
of death, Mark v. 23 Artemidor. 3. xii. xxvi. 50 Suid. sub tratpe- 6 HXd-
61. Diod. Sic. Excerp. Vales, p. 242 Tiitv Kai ol aXXoi
^tXoero^ot rovf yvq<rtoi/c
TOV QijptKvStjv . . . . iv Ai?Xy TUIV Xdywv tratpovf ixaXovv.
i(j\a.T<>) e\nv. So
Diod. Sic. 18. 48 et ibi oc? ov, o, 17, adj.
,) other-tongued, of ano-
Wesseling. Pol. 1. 24. 2. Elsewhere, ther language, 1 Cor. xiv. 21 Iv trepo-
Xen. Cyr. 7. 5. 75. Sava-
yXw<r<rotc sc. Xoyotf, or perhaps neut. for
Arr. Epict. 3. 26. tTrtSnranwf
yXuWaig ^repaif, with allusion to Is.
. V. H. 13. 26 or 27. See Lob.
xxviii. 21. Aquil. for jj& Ps. cxiv. 1.
ad Phr. p. 389.
Pol. 41. 9. 5.
av$p. the inner man, the mind, soul, Christians living in familiar intercourse
Rom. vii. 22. Eph. iii. 16. ot <rw, those with pagan idolaters, 2 Cor vi. 14. coll.
within sc. the church, Christians, 1 Cor. ver. 15 sq.
v. 12 pp. Xen. Ven. 10. 7. Luc. Navig.
correl. the
38 TO itcrw. "Ert/ooc, a, ov, pron.
other, other, Buttm. ^
78. 2, and n. 1.
adv. of place, 127. 5.
from within, pp. implying motion from a) pp.
and defin. 6 Ypo, with the
within. Mark vii. 21 !<rwSfv IK ri/c icp- article,the other sc. of two, where one
SiaQ K. T. X. ver. 23. Luke xi. 7. Epict. has been already mentioned, as Matt.
Ench. 16. Arr. Epict. 4. 1. 57. By vi. 24 TOV eva fiiarjan, Kai TOV ertpov
iinpl. like to-w, within, internally, of per- dyaTrjjtm. Luke v. 7. vii. 41. xxiii. 40. al.
sons Matt. vii. 15 ZauStv Si tioi XVKOI Luke iv. 43 iv ratf eTspaig iroXiaiv, in
r. T. X. Cor vii. 5.
xxiii. 25, 27, 28. 2 those other cities where tbe gospel has
Rev. iv. 8. v. 1. So Sept.
and Ira?? not yet been preached. In distinction
Gen. vi. 14. Ex. xxv. 11. HIT?. Ex.xxxix. from oneself, another person, i.
q. TOV
18. Arr. Epict. 2. 8. 14/' Xen. An. 1. TrXrjoiov, Rom. ii. Cor.
1. 1 iv. 6. xiv.
4. 4. Hence 6, 17, TO iauSriv as adj. the 17. Gal. vi. 4. James iv. 12 Hdian. 5.
inner, the inside, trop. for the mind, heart, 7. 1. Xen. Cyr. 2. 3. 17. So 17 iripa
etc. Luke xi. 39, 40. 2 Cor. iv. 16. sc. J7ftpct, the other, i. e. the next
day, the
Comp. Buttm. 125. 6. day after, Acts xx. 15. xxvii. 3. Xen. 4.
0. 10 i]v cupiov cyf Trpwi, ry ertpa dv KoiXiae /uijrpiif. Heb. vii. 10.
Of the
avXi^oio Trap" rffitv. future, yet still, still further, longer.
b) indef. and without the art. other, Luke xvi. 2 oit
yap Svvi'i<ry in oiKovofjitlv,
another, some other, i.
q. aXXoc, but with Mark v. 35. John iv.35. vii. 33. xiv. 19.
a stronger expression of difference ;
Rom. vi. 2. 2 Cor. i. 10. al __ Xen.
Buttra. 127. 5. Mem. 2. 6. 20. Apol. Soc. 33 TOV in
(a) pp. Matt. viii. 21 erepof 8t r&v %yv Espec. with a negative, not fur-
lia$i}r>v. Luke viii. 3. John xix. 37. ther, no more, no longer, Lat. non amplius.
Acts i. 20. al. Eph. iii. 5 lv ertpaie y- Matt. v. 13 its ovdlv Iff^vti in. Luke
vtaiq, i. e. former. Sept. for inx Gen. xx. 40. John xiv. 30. Gal. iv. 7. Heb.
iv.24. viii. 10. al. Hdian.5.7. 13. Xen. viii. 12. Rev. iii. 12. vii. 16. al. Comp.
Cyr. 6. 3. 5. Joined with rig indef. Buttm. 149. p. 430 __ Luc. D. Deor. 3.
trepot,' TIQ ,
some other one, any other, Acts 1. Hdian. 3. 11. 13. Xen. Cyr. 4. 2. 26
viii. 34. xxvii.l . Rom. viii. 39. I Tim.i.10. in. Comp. Oyiclrt.
So distributively, either repeated, as (b) implying accession, addition, etc.
1 Cor. XV. 40 fcYepa erepa de or ; yet, more, further, besides,
(a) genr.
with other pronouns, Matt. xvi. 14 oi Matt, xviii. 16 7rapaXa/3e /itra aov in 'iva
Htv aXXoi St sYepoi dt K. r. X. Luke xi. rj Svo. xxvi. 65. Heb. xi. 32, 36. al __
16. xiv. 19, 20. 1 Cor. xii. 9, 10. Sept. Hdian. 5. 2. 13. Xen. An 6. 6. 13. So
for tt>K Gen. xxxi. 49. Ex. xxvi. in dk KO.I, and further also, moreover
3. Matth. 288. n. 6. also, Luke xiv. 26. Acts ii. 26. xxi. 28.
of another kind, etc. another, dif- Hdian. 3. 5. 4. Xen. Cyr. 2. 4. 14 __
ferent, i.
q. dXXoToCj e. g. kv erep^t [j.op<f>y (/3)
a comparative, intens. yet,
Mark xvi. 12. VOUOQ Rom. vii. 23. euay- much, far. Phil. i. 9 in paXXov ai /*.
ysXiov Gal. i. 6. oS6f James ii. 25. Heb. vii. 15. Comp. Winer 36. 3. n. 1.
"Erf, adv. yet, still, viz. Matt. xxvi. 17, 19. Mark xiv. 12, 15, 16.
a) implying duration, e. g. (a) spoken Luke xxii. 8, 9, 12, 13. So Sept. for
of the present time, yet, still, hitherto,
ppn Gen. xliii. 16 Hom. II. 19. 197.
Lat. adhuc, Matt. xii. 46 en avrov Of a place, domicile, etc. TOTTOV John
XaXouvrog. xxvii. 63 CLTTIV in wv. Luke xiv. 2, 3. Rev. xii. 6. -n-oXiv Heb. xi. 16.
ix. 42. xxiv. 6. Johnxx. Rom.v.6. al.
1. Keviav Philem. 22. Luke ix. 52. Sept.
Jos. Ant. 7. 4. 2. Luc. D. Deor. 2. 1. for 1 Chr. xv. 3. So IT.
yDn K-upiy
Plut. Mor. II. p. 39 ult. ed. Tauchn. Xaov Luke i. 17. Comp. Sept. 2 Chr.
Xen. An. 1. 6. 8. Cyr. 4. 2. 9. Of the xxvii. 6. Ecclus. ii. 18. Of persons, to
present in allusion to the past, yet, still, prepare, to put in readiness, e. g. soldiers,
even now, sc. as before. Mark viii. 17. Acts xxiii.23. a bride, laurel/Rev, xix. 7.
Luke xxiv. 41. Actsix.l. Rom. iii. 7. Gal. xxi. 2. a servant or minister, tavrov,
i. 10. al. So in vvv, yet now, even now, Rev. viii. 6. ix. 15. Luke xii. 47, Pass.
1 Cor. iii. 2 Jos. Ant. 2. 14. 6 vvv in. i. e.
particip. riToipaafikvoQ, prepared,
Xen. Cyr. 1. 2. 16 vvv S' in. In the trop. apt, ready, 2 Tim. ii. 21. pp. of
sense of even, already, Luke i. 15 iri >K horses, ;r. tlf woXefjiov, Rev. ix,, 7. genr.
prepared good or evil for men, i. e. to 2. 9.In the phrase tlvai v. yivo/mt
destine, to appoint. Matt. xx. 23. xxv. truv, to be of such and such an age, Matt.
34,41. Luke ii. 31. Mark x. 40. 1 Cor. v. 42 iiv yap trbiv dwdtKct, i. e. twelve
ii. 9. So Sept. for
Ex. xxiii. 20. years old, Luke ii 37, 42. Acts iv. 22.
Is. xli. 21.
rrpn Gen. xxiv. 14, 44. al. (Sept. Gen. v. 32. Xen. Mem. 1. 2.
Tob. vi. 17.
So John viii. 57 Trtvrr/Kovra irri OUTTW
tX l thou hast not yet 40 years, i. e. art
ac> /> prepa-e-rotfjioG,')
not 40 years old. Kar' ZTOQ, year by
ration, i. e. readiness, alacrity, Eph. vi.
15 virodriffdp.tvoi rovg Trodag iv iroipaffiy year, every year, Lukeii. 41. Jos. Ant.
7. 5. 1. AL.
row cvayytXi'ov, shod as to your feet with
readiness, alacrity, in behalf of the gos- EV, adv. (pp. neut. oftvc,) well, good,
pel, i.
your feet be ever ready to
e. let viz.
go forth to preach the gospel, comp. 2 a) pp.
with verbs, 'iva tv <rot ykvnrcu,
Tim. ii. 21. For the gen. see Winer that it may be well with thee, that thou
30. 1. Sept. for ^H
Ps. x. 17. Jos.
mayest be prosperous, Eph. vi. 3. Sept.
Ant. 10. 1. 2. Arteinid. 2. 57. for 313^" Gen. xii. 13. Deut. iv. 40.
V 9 a ^ 8 fTOifiog, o, 17, Arr. Epict. 2. 5. 30. Mark xiv. 7 u Trotr/-
"Erofjuoc? *?
Matt. xxv. 10, in the classics sometimes ffai nva, to do good
Sept. to any one.
for n^tjn Gen. xxxii. 9, 12. Deut. viii.
roT/iof, 17, ov, Winer 6. p. 49 ready,
prepared, viz. of things, e. g. a banquet,
16 __
Jos. Ant. 14. 14. 3. Xen. Mem. 2.
Matt. xxii. 4, 8. Luke xiv. 17. a 1. 19. Acts xv. 29 eu 7rpa(T<riv, to do well,
e. to do
right, to act well. So ^Ipn
chamber, Mark xiv. 15. a contribution,
2 Cor. ix. 5. of time, John vii. 6. of 1 K. viii. 18. 2 K. x. 30. Jos. Ant. '4.
8. 38. Arr. Epict. 4. 6. Xen. Mem. 3. 9.
things done, TO. eroi/ia, 2 Cor. x. 16.
14. do well, i.
Others in Acts 1. c. to e.
(Thuc. 1. 70.) Seq. inf. ready, sc. to be
to be prospered, comp. Jos. Ant. 12. 4.
done, fftjJTrjpiav eroi'/ttqv a.TroKa\v<*>5i)vai,
1 Pet. i. 5. Wisd. xvi. 20. Hdian. 2. 1. Xen. Mem. 1.6. 8.
Of persons, Matt. xxv. 10 al ero/xoi etV- euge, well! well done! Matt. xxv. 21 iv
$ov\e ayaSl. ver. 23. Luke xix. 17.
rj\$ov. seq. Trpoc n, ready for any thing,
Tit. iii. 1. 1 Pet. 15. Xen. Ven. 6. 20, coll. 19 cuye.
seq. infin.
sc. to do etc. Luke xxii. 33. Acts NOTE. In composition, tu is well,
xxiii. 15. c. inf. impl. ver. 21. erot/zog good, and hence is often intensive.
yivofiai, to become ready, be prepared, pr. n.
Eua, a? 5 17, Eve, nirr (life),
Matt. xxiv. 44. Luke xii. 40. So Sept. of the first woman, 2 Cor. xi. 3. 1 Tim.
for rrn Ex. xix. 15. xxxiv. 2. c.
-paj ii. 13.
Trpof Xen. Mem. 4. 5. 12. c. inf. Luc.
Asin. 23. Xen. Cyr. 4. 1. 1. So kv -v f. mes,-
, (tvayyiXog
iroifHp i\ttv, to be in readiness, seq. inf. 2 senger of good,) aor. 1 tuayysXto-a, for
Cor. x. 6. Pol. 2. 34. 2. the augm. see Buttm. 87. 2, to bring
lish unto, sc. as glad tidings, Rev. xiv. \6yov, etc. impl. i. e. to preach the gospel,
ivayyeXioai rovj Ka$i)fjievov<; K. r. X. X c. dat. of pers. Rom. i. 15. Gal. iv. 13.
7 o>f euijyyeXtcre rot'f eaurov dovXovs rovy c. ace. of pers. (Winer ^ 32. 1. p. 182.)
rrpo^TJrac, where text. rec. has dat. rolf Acts xiv. 15. xvi. 10. Gal. i. 9. 1 Pet.
$ov\oi K. r. X. Sept. c. dat. for ntoz 1 1. 12. c. ace. of place for pers. Acts viii.
Sam. xxxi. 9. 2 Sam. xviii. 19, 20. 25, 40. xiv. 21. seq. etc c. ace. marking
iJio Cass. 61. 13. Polye&n. 6. 7. The extent, 2 Cor. x. 16. Absol. Acts xiv. 7.
Active form is not found in earlier Rom. xv. 20. 1 Cor. i. 17. ix. 16 bis,
writers, Lob. ad Phryn.p. 268. Passow 18.
s. voc. 2. III. Pass, to be announced, to be pub-
Quaest. Rom. 9. With an ace. of thing have the gospel preached, to hear the gos-
impl. Luke iv. 18, comp. Is. Ixi. 1. pel tidings, Matt. xi. 5 et Luke vii. 22
Dem. Seq. ace. both of thing
332. 9. Triw^oi fvayytXi%ovrai.
and of person in later Greek, pp. Al- TO,
EvayylXiOV, OV, (evayyeXoc,)
ciphr. 3. Ep. 12. Heliodor. II. 16. p. 64. teward for good news, Horn. Od. 14. 152.
Euseb. Vit. Const. 3. 26; in N. T. by Aristoph. Eq. 661. good news, glad
attraction before on Acts xiii. 32, comp. tidings, Sept. for JTTito^ 2 Sam. xviii.:
Buttm. Lob. 1. c.
151. I. 6. 20, 22. App. B. C. 4. 9 68. Cic. ad Att.
b) spoken of the annunciation of the 2. 3. In N. T. spoken only of the glad
jrospel of Christ, and all that pertains to tidings of Christ and his salvation, the
gospel. Not found in Matthew and Luke,
to preach t to proclaim, the idea of
glad tidings being of course every- nor in the gospel and epistles of John,
where implied, viz.
(a) evayy. rr\v twice in Acts, once in Peter, once in
/3a0iXfiav TOV Stov v. TO. Trept TTJ Rev.
/Sao ,
r. S. to preach the in the sense of glad tidings
kingdom God, etc. of a) pp.
Luke viii. 1.Acts viii. 12. c. dat. of every where except in the writings of
pers. Luke iv. 43
So with ri)v /3ao-i- Paul, (a) TO evayy. Tijg {3a<riXtiae sc. TOV
Xeiav impl. absol. Luke ix. 6. xx. 1. c. Seov, Matt. iv. 23. ix. 35. xxiv. 14. Mark
ace. of pers. Luke iii. 18.
(/3) evayy.
i. 14. and so by impl. Mark i. 15. xiii.
'Irjffovv Xp. V.TovKvpiov 'Introvv, etc. Acts 10. xiv. 9. Matt. xxvi. 13. Rev. xiv.
v. 42. xi. 20. xvii. 18. c. dat. of pers. 6 evayy. alwviov, comp. Luke ii. 10.
Acts viii. 35. seq. iv rots tSvioi Gal. i. Meton. annunciation of the gospel, sc.
16. So Eph. iii. 8 TOV TrXovrov TOV
Xp. through Christ, Mark i. 1. Also *ayy.
iv tSvevi.
TO~I TO evay- TIJC xpirof T. Stov, sc. as manifested in
(y) genr. ivayy.
ytXiov, Tbv Xoyov, TJ)V IT'HTTIV, etc. Acts Christ, Acts xx. 24 (/3)
In respect to
viii. 4 Tbv Xoyov. xv. 35. Gal. i. 23 the coming and life of Jesus, as the
rriv irivTiv. seq. dat. of pers. 1 Cor. Messiah, gospel, glad tidings, Mark viii.
xv. 1, 2 euayysXtov vplv. 2 Cor. xi. 7. 35 et X. 29 svtKiv ifiov Kai TOV evay-
Gal. i. 8 bis. With rb tvayyiXiov, TUV ytXiov. xvi. 15. Acts xv. 7. 1 Pet. iv. 17.
mises, etc. Rom. ii. 16 Kara TO tyayyeXidv 16. Comp. Matth. 411.n. 2. Diod.
fiov, the gospel which I preach, xi.
i. e. S. 20. 79. Diod. Laert. 4. 6.
28. 1 Cor. ix. 14 roTg TO evay.
xvi. 25.
, or;, o, n, adj. (tv,
Karayyf \\oufftv. ver. 18. XV. 1. 2 Cor.
well-pleasing, acceptable, ap-
iv. 3, 4. ix. 13. x. 14. Gal. i. 11 rd way.
proved, c. c. dat. expr. orimpl. Rom. xii.
TO tvayytXiaSlv VTT. ifiov. ii. 2, 5, 14. 1 evdpearov T$ Sey. ver. 2. xiv. 18. 2
Eph. i. 13. iii. 6. vi. 19. Phil. i. 5, 7,
Cor. v. 9. Eph. v. 10. Phil. iv. 18. Tit.
16, 27 bis. ii. 22. Col. i.
5, 23. 1 Thess.
ii.9 Wisd. iv. 10 Seq. ivuiriov TIVOQ
i. 5. ii. 4. 2 Tim. i. 10. ii. 8. So
instead of a dat. Heb. xiii. 21. comp. in
TO tuay. TOV Xpiorov, the gospel of Christ,
'EVWTTIOV c. Seq. iv c. dat. of pers. iv
made known by him as its founder and
Kvpiy Col. iii. 20, where text rec. has T$
chief corner stone, Rom. xv. 19, 29.
Kvpitf). Conmp. in 'Ev 1. e. Wisd. ix.
1 Cor. ix. 12, 18. Gal. i. 7. 1 Thess.
10 irapd ffot.
iii. 2. 2 Thess. i. 8. tvay. row 3ov,
i. e. of which God is the author
through Evapc'(TT(i>c> ^ v>
(fwdpeorof,) so as
Christ, Rom. xv. 16. 2 Cor. xi. 7. 1 toplease, acceptably, Heb. xii. 28 Arr.
Thess. ii. 2, 8, 9. 1 Tim. i. 11. By Epict. 1. 12. 21.
antithesis, trtpov ivayysXiov, a different
Ev|3ouXoc> ou, o, Eubulus, pr. n. of
gospel, including other precepts, etc. 2 a Christian, 2 Tim. iv. 21.
Cor. xi. 4. Gal. i. 6. genr. Barnab.
Ep. 5. Clem. Alex. Strom. 6. 13. (/3)
Meton. the gospel-worh, i. e. the preach- well-born, noble, of high rank,
ing of the gospel, labour in the gospel, Luke xix. 12. 1 Cor. i. 26. Sept. for
etc. Rom. i. 1 d0o>pi<r/ivoc i'c tuayyJXiov *ni2T Job i. 3.-- Jos. Ant. 10. 10. 1. Hdian.
Stow. ver. 9, 16. 1 Cor. iv. 15. ix. 14 1. 8 . 10. Xen. 8. G. 4. 1. 7. Metaph.
tic TOV tuay. gv. ver. 23. 2 Cor. ii. 12. noble-minded, generous, Acts xvii. 11 __
viii. 18. Eph. vi. 15, see in 'Erot/uatrta. Jos. 12. 5. 4 rdf ^vxc ivytvtiQ Cic. ad .
Phil. i. 12. iv. 3, 15. 2 Thess. ii. 14. Att. 13. 21 penult.
2 Tim. i. 8. Philem. 13 iv rolg Stvpolc TOV
pp. <a messenger of good tidings;' in found only in the later Greek, Sturz de
N. T. an evangelist, a preacher of the Dial. Alex. p. 168. Hence genr. to be
gospel, not located in any place, but well-disposed, sc. towards any person or
travelling as a missionary to preach the thing, seq. dat. e. g. of pers. to favour,
gospel and found churches, Acts xxi. 8. Diod. S. 17. 47. ib. 14. 61. of thing,
Eph. iv. 11. 2 Tim. iv. 5. See Nean- to assent to, 1 Mace. i. 43. Diod. S. 4,
der Gesch. d. Pflanz. u. Leit. d. chr. 23. ib. 14. 110. In N. T. to think good,
Kirche, I. p. 185. in Bibl. Repos. IV. i. e. to please, to like, to take pleasure in
p. 259. Theodoret. ad Eph. iv. 11, tKti- viz.
ixrjpvTTOv. a) genr.
to view with approbation,
seq. iv c. dat. of pers. Matt. iii. 17 o WOQ II. b. /?. *E/i7rpo(r^v II. a. So
uov, iv $ fvSoKTjtra. xvii. 5. Mark i. 11. Sept. ^iXrjfjia, Ps. xl. 9. ciii. 21.
Luke iii. 22. 1 Cor. x. 5. Heb. x. 38.
you the virtue which his good pleasure of good cheer, to be of cheerful mind,
hath purposed, i.
q. traaav ayaSoHTvvTjv Acts xxvii. 22, 25. James v. 13. Symm.
evdoKHTov, Buttm, 123. n. 4. Winer for^^ 3113 Prov. xv. 15, Sept. rjavxafa.
34. 2. a. So Matt. xi. 26 et Luke x. Plut. de tranquill. Anim. 2 et 9. VII.
21 otirwf eysvtro evdoicia tfnrpooSrtv eov, p. 822, 837. ed. R. Mid. Xen. Cyr. 2.
such was thy good pleasure, see in r/ 3. 19.
, OD, o, '/, fulj. (?', good time, i.e. to have leisure, opportunity.
well-minded, i. e.
well-disposed, benign,
etc. genr. Mark vi. 31 ovSk 0ayH*/ ,;%.
Horn. Od. 63 In N. T. of good
14. Kctipow. 1 Cor. xvi. 12. Pol. 20. 9. 4.
cheerf cheerful, Acts xxvii. 36 __2 Mace. Plut. Mor. II. p. 138. Tauchn. or VI
xi. 26. Xen. Ag. 8. 2. Hence neut. of p. 835. ed. R. So
seq. tl^ final, to have
comparat. tySvpoTtpov as adv. the more leisure for, i. e. to spend one's time in
acj '/>
(y*rtpoc,) fit time,
straight, trans.
opportunty, Matt. xxvi. 16. Luke xxii.
a) pp. of a way, to make straight and Mace.
6. 1 xi. 42. ;E1. V. H. 12. 10.
level, trans. rjv bS6v, John i. 23. Comp.
Plato Phoedr. p. 272. A. Comp. Lob.
Matt. iii.
3, and see in 'Erot/zaw a.
ad. Phr. p. 126.
trop. Ecclus. ii. 6. xxxvii. 19.
ing, pious, devout, Luke ii. 25. Acts ii. 5. irday e^Xoyt'^t Heb. vi. 14
viii. 2.
Sept. for Tpn Mic. vii. 2. cvXoywv tvXoyrjffu) <7f, quoted from Gen.
Clem. Alex. Strom. 4. 21. xxii. 17 where Sept. for Heb.
^5~aN ^21.?
of which this is an imitation Winer ;
to speak well
of, to commend, Isocr. 191. 35. Ps. xiv. 3. Ixvii. 2, 7. Pass. Is. Ixi.
B, rov ayaSovQ avftpag tvXoyiiv. ib. 9. Hence Pass.particip. perf.tvXoy^l-
Archid. 43. Polyb. 1. 14. 4. i. q. ev Xlyo>, VOQ, blessed, favoured, sc. of God, happy ;
which is preferred by Thorn. Mag. p. so in joyful salutations, etc. e. g. of the
389. comp. Lob. ad Phr. p. 200. In Messiah and his reign, tXoy. 6 spx6p,evoc
N. T. to bless, trans, spoken. Iv 6v6fiari Kvpiov, Matt. xxi. 9. xxiii.
of men towards God, to bless, i. e. 39. Mark xi. 9, 10. Luke xiii. 35.
to praise, to celebrate, sc. with ascrip- xix. 38. John xii. 13. So Matt. xxv. 34
tions of praise and
thanksgivings ;
Luke 01
/;Xoyjy/ij/oi TOV Trarpdf. Luke i. 28
i. 64 firXoyuh* rbv Stov. ii. 28. xxiv. 53. av iv yuvaitV, i. e. blessed
1 Cor. xiv. 16. James iii. 9. So Sept. above all women, ver. 42 bis. So Sept.
and rpa 1 Chr. xxix. 10, 20. Ps. xvi. and jpia Dent, xxviii. 3. Ruth. iii. 10.
7. al. seep 2 Mace. iii. 30. Jos. Ant. 1 Sam. xxvi. 25.
7. 14. 11.
Mark xiv. 22. Luke xxiv. 30. 1 Cor. x. 16 xii. 17.James iii. 10 tiXoyta icai jcarapa.
TO TrorTjpiov 6 tuXoyou/itv. So Sept. and So Sept. and ron^
Gen. xxvii. 12, 35 sq. :
13. For the Jewish formulas of bene- Also upon things, 1 Cor. x. 16 rb
diction at the paschal supper, see Light- tvXoyiae 8 tvXoyovfiiv, the Cup
contribution. So Sept. and HDl^ Gen. xxxix. 1, (comp. Jos. Ant. 2. 4. 1,) where
xxxiii. 11. 18am. xxv. 27. 2K/V. 15. the Targum renders Heb. D^p by joi
Hence by impl. for liberality, generosity, prince, Sept. ^vvov\oq. See Gesen. Lex.
2 Cor. 5 we tvXoycav, KOI /*}) we TrXfO-
ix. Heb. art. Dnp __ Comp. Hdot. 8. 105.
viiav. ver. 6 bis, lir evXoyias as adv. Test. XII Patr. p. 716 dpx ifm'vx TP
liberally, generously, comp. in 'Eiri II. 3.
c. *. TSKVa.
made a eunuch, pp. Matt. xix. 12 --Jos. xxxii. 30. Prov. xxviii. 13. Test. XII
Ant. 10. 2. 2. Patr. p. 684. Hdot. 6. 73.
Trop. evvovx%eiv iavrov,
to make oneself a eunuch, i. e. to live
j OU, o, i}, (ev, Trapt-
like a eunuch in voluntary abstinence,
assessor, Dem.
14,) pp.
sit- <
Ei;7ro/oa, ae, "hi (evTTOjOEw,) prospe- 1 Sam. x. 2, 3/ "of thing Gen. xliv. 8.
rity, genr. Xen. An. 7. 6. 37, coll. 38. Jon. i. 3. Hdian. 3. 2. 7. of thing, ib.
In N. T. abundance, wealth, Acts xix. 25. 3. 8. 12. Xen. An. 4. 4. 13.
(/3) Trop.
Diod. Sic. 1. 45, 55. Xen. Cyr. 3. to find, i. e. to perceive, to learn by ex-
3.7. perience, sc. that a person or thing is
or does so and so ; the accusative usually
, ae, /, (tvTrpeirfa well-
becoming fr. eu, 7rpE7r,) gracefulness, having with ita participle or adjective,
viz. c. c. accus. et particip. comp.
beauty, James i. 11. Sept. for *nn (1)
Lam. i. 7. ^5p Ps. 1. 2 Jos. Ant.
Buttm. 144. 4. b. Matt. xii. 44.
1. 11. 3. Thuc. 6. 31
Mark vii. 30 evpe rb Saip.6viov iZtXrjXvSoQ.
Luke viii. 35. xxiv. 2. John xi. 17. Acts
ou, 6, rj, adj. (ev, ix. 2. 2 John iv. al. So in the Pass.
i,^ well-received, i. e. accept- construction, Matt. i. 18 evp&rj i%
able, approved, c. dat. Rom. xv. 31. 1 yctffTpl l,uke xvii. 18. -Hdian.
x ovffa >
Pet. ii. 5. absol. Rom. xv. 16. 2 Cor. 8. 5. 2. Plut. Lucul. 13. Xen. Cyr. 2.
12 Plut. ed. R. IX. p. 196. ult. (2) c. c. accus. et adj. or other
viii. 2. 14.
By impl. favourable, as icaipbg evirp. adjunct, the ace. of wv being implied ;
2 Cor. vi. 2, i. e. a time of favour, from Acts V. 10 ol vtaviaxoi tvpov aiTrjv
xxiv.5. Rom. vii. 18. 2 Cor. ix. to acquire, to obtain, to get, for oneself
4. Rev. ii. 2. So in Pass, construction, or another ;
Matt. x. 39 6 eupwv r/)v
Luke ix. 36 evp&rj fiovog. Acts v. 39. K. T. X. Luke ix. 12 Kai evpuffiv
Horn. vii. 10. 1 Cor. iv. 2. 2 Cor. v. 3. . John xxi. 6. Rom. iv. 1.
1 Pet. i. 7. Rev. v. 4. al. Hdian. 2. 1. Heb. xii. 17. Rev. ix. 6. xviii. 14. c.
8 oiiS'tva ovT(i)f imrr)C(tov tvpiGKov. Xen. dat. Matt. xi. 29 evprjcrtTe avcnravaiv TOIQ
H.G.7.4. 2. Mem. 4.3. 14. fyw%aiQ itfiiav.
Acts vii. 46 titptiv ffKfjv<i)fia
b) to find, sc. search, inquiry, etc.
by T$ $<, comp. Sept. and ^ KSp Ps.
to find out, to discover, trans, (a) pp. cxxxii. 5. So Prov. iii. 13. Ecclus.
and absol. Matt. vii. 7 ^rjrtlre icat i^prj- vi. 16. Luc. Asin. 35. Hdian. 4. 13. 6.
(TtTf. ver. 8. (Arr. Epict. 4. 1. 51 r/ri By Hebr. in the phrase evpivictiv xpiv
impl. Mark i. 37 Kareci^nv avrbv, KCII vour with God, Luke i. 30. ivuiriov TOV
e'vpovTiQ avrbv. Luke ii. 45. John vii. 34, Seov, Acts vii. 46. absol. Heb. iv. 16.
33. Actsv. 22. viii. 40. 2Tim. i. 17. al. So ivpilv tXfof Trapa Kvpiov, 2 Tim. i. 18.
Seq. accus. of thing expr. or impl. Matt. Sept. and "pi K^73
Gen. vi. 8. xxxii. 5.
vii. 14 bXiyot flfflv oi tvpiffKovTeg avn'iv SC. xlvii. 25. AL.
rrjv trv\nv. xii. 43. xiii. 40. Mark xi. 13.
Luke xv. 4. John x. 9. Acts vii. 11. al. , wvoc, ^> Euroclydon,
Other MSS. read Evpy/cXv-
ix. 4. 2 K. xii. 10, 18. comp. 1 Sam. Stav,Euryclydon, from tvpvg broad, and
xxix. 3, C, 8. Luc. Asin. 4-3. Xen. Cyr. K\V$UV. Cod. Alex, and the Vulg. have
4. 2. 21. of things, Xen. H. G. 6. 3. 23. EvpaicvXwv, Euroaquilo.
Vect. 4. 4 --
(/S) Trop.
in different
, ou, o, 17, (evpvc, xw
senses, viz. i6v, to find
(1) ivpioKtiv broad spaced/ i. e. broad,
God, i. be accepted of him on
e. to
spacious, as T/ itiog, Matt. vii. 13. Sept.
humbly and sincerely turning to him, for^rnD Is. xxx. 23 __ Esdr. ix, 41. Jos.
comp. in 'E*cijr6w c. Acts xvii. 27 jjreTv Ant. 1. 18. 2. evpvx^pia Xen. Cyr. 4.
TUV 3ftv i
apay ai)Tov Kal tipoitv, 1. 18.
Pass. Rom. x. 20, quoted from Is. Ixv. 1
to find out mentally, i. e. to ness, Acts iii. 12. 1 Tim. ii. 2. iv. 7, 8.
invent, to contrive, before an indirect vi. 3, 5, 6, 1 1 2 Tim. iii. 5. Tit. i. 1 2 Pet.
. .
in N. T. towards God,
ad Div. 7. 32. humour, wit, Plut. M.
t,) /nous, Anton. 43. Diod. Sic. 15. 6. In N. T.
religious, devout,
Acts x. 2, 7. xxii. 12.
in a bad sense, levity, jesting, frivolous
2 Pet. ii. 9. Sept. for p-<13 Is. xxiv. 16. and indecent discourse, Eph. v. 4
xxvi. 7. Ecclus. xi. 17, 22. Xen.
Aristot. Ethic. 1.31. Diod. Sic. 20. 63
Mem. 4. 6. 2, 4.
T)}V iv roif Troroiff siirpaTrtXiav.
adv -
Piously, religiously,
2 Tim.
iii. 12. Tit. ii. 12. Jos. Ant. 8.
EVTUYOC, ov, o, Eutychus, pr. n. of
a youth, Acts xx. 9.
12.3. Xen. Mem. 2.2. 13.
Ev^ijjufa, ac, n, (tttyrj/toc,)
words of
ou, , 7>
good import or omen, Plut. ed. R. VI.
well-marked/ trop. of good omen, Plut. 126. 8. Jos. 10. 11. 7. acclamation,
J. Cses. 43. In N. T. distinguishable, Hdian. In N. T. good report,
1. 23. 13.
sc. by certain marks ; trop. of speech, good fame, 2 Co.. vi. 8 --
Diod. S. 1. 2.
easy to be understood, distinct, 1 Cor. xiv. ^1. V. H. 3. 47.
0. Pol. 10. 44. 3. Abstin.
, OV, 6, 17, (iv,
3. 4. Hesych. tvatipov evdnXovj Qavt- well-spoken, well-worded
pp. ;' hence,
pov. Dion.
of good import, IV^{JLOIQ oluvtole
JLvcnr\ayx vo > ov > ^ ( 6 "> intens Hal. Ant. 1. 16. laudatory, e. g. Xoyovc
<r7rXayx vov <! V tender-hearted, full of Pol. 31. 14. 1. In N. T. of good report,
pity, compassionate, Eph. iv. 32. 1
Pet. praiseworthy, laudable, Phil. iv. 8.
iii. 8 __
Prayer of Manass. 6. Test. XII Anthol. Gr. IV. p. 183, ajVxpv in iv-
Patr. p. 537.
ner, Rom. xiii. 13. 1 Cor. xiv. 40. 1 intrans. spoken of the earth, Luke xii.
Thess. iv. 12. Xen, Cyr. 1. 3. 8, 9. ]6. Jos. B. J. 2. 21. 2 ovorje de rrjc
Mem. 3. 12. 4. TaXiXaiaQ i\aio<j>6pov f fiaXiara Kal rare
iv<t>opr}Kvict. So tfyopos fertile, Hdian.
EiVx?jUCKruvrj, r/c, "h, (*(TX^*WV,) 1.6.3.
becomingness, decorum, e. g. of dress etc.
1 Cor. xii. 23. Diod. Sic. 5. 32. Xen.
Cyr. 5. 1.5. glad-minded,) to make glad-minded, to
make glad, to cause to rejoice, trans. Mid.
and aor. 1 pass, in mid. signif. Buttm.
fr. well-fashioned, well-formed,
%<>,) 136. 2, to be glad, to rejoice, to exult,
comely. intrans.
1 Cor. xii. 24 rd tvaxvpova
a) pp. in Act. once, 2 Cor. ii. 2 jeat
Xen. Eq. 1. 17. Me- a) genr.
rjuStv, sc. pkXr].
TIC ivTiv 6evQpaivwv /u ; Sept. for TTTirip
taph. TO tva\r\^ov, decorum, propriety , 1 Ps. xix. 9. Ecclus. iv. 21. Xen. Cyr.
Cor. vii. 35.
8. 7. 12. Mid. Luke xv. 32 ti<j>pavSijvai
in the later Greek, of high
b) trop. 8e Kalx a piiv at Acts ii. 26. Rom.
standing, honourable, noble; Mark xv. 43 xv. 10. Rev. xi. 10. xii. 12. Gal. iv.
(vaxripuv (3ov\evTt]Q. Acts xv. 30. xvii. Is. liv. 1. c. c. Iv TIVI Acts
Jos. de Vita s. 9. Plut. Parall.
27, comp.
vii. 41. I? nva v. TIVI, to
rejoice over,
15. or VII. p. 230. ed. R. Comp. Phryn.
Rev. xviii. 20.
pn Deut. xxxii.
Sept. for
et Lob. p. 333. H. Planck in Bibl. Re-
43. Is. xii. 6, 1 Chr. xvi.
TTOty 10,31.
pos. I. p. 645. c. Iv 1 Sam. ii. l.~-JEL V. H. 2. 21.
to banquet, Luke xv. 29. xvi. 19. giving, thanks, i. e. the expression of gra-
titude to God ;
so seq. dat. r< $e<, etc.
Ei;0parrje, ou, o, Euphrates,
Heb. comp. in Evxpt0Tu>, and Matth. 390.
rns Gen. ii. 14, a large and celebrated 2 Cor. ix. 11, 12. Rev. iv. 9. vii. 12.
river of western Asia, rising in the genr. Cor. xiv. 16. 2 Cor. iv. 15. Phil.
through Syria and Mesopotamia into Tim. ii. 1. iv. 3, 4. So in the Pauline
the Persian gulf. Rev. ix. 14. xvi. 12. usage Eph. v. 4, where others grateful
See Calmet art. Babylonia. discourse. Aquil. for rnlfl Am. iv. 5.
Wisd. xvi. 28. genr. Jos' Ant. 4. 8. 25.
rjc V> (%>wv,) glad- Pol. 8. 14. 8.
ness, joy, Acts ii. 28. xiv. 7. Sept. for
nn?pto Esth. ix. 18, 19. Ps. iv. 8. Ec- o, n, (e
Eyvap/<m>C, OU,
clus! iv. 13. Xen. Cyr. 3. 3. 7.
grateful, pleasing, Xen. Cyr. 2. 2. 1.
i. e.
Philem. 4. Rev. xi. 17. absol. Eph. i. the Rabbins cited by Wetstein in loc.
16. 1 Thess. v. 18. Pass. c. ace. 2 Cor. and Jos. Ant. 19. 6. 1. Acts xviii. 18
ta e>
3e<] TO xapiapa, 0aXj}v iv Ktyxp
i. 11 'iva tvxapuTTnSy [r< Kttpautvoc TTJV
134. 6, and n. 2. Ju- rob a votum
comp. Buttm. Zx yap (i>xnv, P civile,
dith viii. 22. Jos. Ant. 1. 10. 5. Arr. usual among the Jews as well as the
in distress
Epict. 1.4. 32. Diod. Sic. 16. 11. absol. Gentiles, by which persons
Philo de Sonm. p. 1145. A. Spoken of or danger or any necessity vowed in
giving thanks before meals, etc. seq. case of deliverance to cut off their hair
T$ Sey, Acts xxvii. 35. Rom. xiv. 6 bis. and offer sacrifices in honour of God ;
absol. Matt. xv. 36. xxvi. 27. Mark viii. see espec. Jos. B. J. 2. 15. 1.
6. xiv. 23. Lukexxii. 17, 19. John vi. 11, Merc, cond 1. Luc. Hermotim. 86.
23. iCor. x.30. xi.24. Diod. Sic. 118. comp. Wetstein in loc.
By impl. for to .
- Mid im -
chiefly of the left hand, in opp. to the
right, Matt. xx. 21, 23. xxv. 33, 41.
perf. evxoprjv et r)vxP Jl v ) Buttm. 86. 2, xxvii. 38. Mark x. 37, 40. xv. 27. of
pp. to speak out, to utter aloud ;' hence
the left foot, Rev. x. 2. So adverbially,
to pray, sc. to God, Xen. An. 4. 3. 13. to
Acts xxi. 3 KaraKitrovTiQ avrriv evwvi'^ov,
row, Xen. An. 4. 8. 25. to boast, Pol. 5. i. e. on the left hand.
In N. T. oply in the first signif. Sept. for bsTOffi
43. 1.
Josh, xxiii. 6. Neh. viii. 6. Hdot. 7\
to pray, viz.
109. Pol. 5. 7. 11. Xen. Ven. 10. 12.
to God, c. dat. r< St<, Acts
a) pp.
xxvi. 29, see in 'Av I. 1. a. irpbg TOV Siov ,
f. aXov/iai, (STTI, a'X-
2 Cor. xiii. 7. absol. et seq. virep riva to leap or spring upon, i. e. to as-
James v. 16. Sept. for ^snn Num. xi. sault, seq. t?rt c. ace. Acts xix. 16. Sept.
2. xxi. 8. Ex. viii. 29, 30 c. dat. for of TO Trvtvfia rushing upon Saul,
-iBV nb^
Demosth. 226. 1. Xen. An 4. 3. 13. c. 1 Sanu x. 6. xi. 6. xvi. 13 Horn. II.
Trpog 2 Mace. ix. 13. Xen. Mem. 1.
3. 2. 11. 421. of mounting a c. dat.
virep Act. Thorn. 9. Plut. edR. VI. p. 526.
to pray for, i. e. to wish
b) by impl.
'EQairaZ, adv. (ITT/, a7ra), lit. upon
sons or things well-pleasing to God, 2 Greece. See Pausan. 7.2. Pliny 5. 37.
Cor. 15. v. 2. Phil. 4. 18. Strabo 14. 948. Here was also gathered
ii. Eph.
one of the chief Christian churches of the
Comp. Sept. and TTirr? IT"} Lev. i. 9, 13,
17. Num. xx viii." 13. "also Test. XII apostolic age. Acts xviii. 19, 21, 24.
Patr. p. 547. xix. 1, 17, 26. xx. 16, 17. 1 Cor. xv.
32. xvi. 8. Eph. i. 1. 1 Tim. i. 3. 2
ElKOVVjUOC, OU, 6, 77, (tv, ovofia,) pp. Tim. i. 18. iv. 12. Rev. i. 11. See
of good name, honoured, Hes. Theog. art.
Calmet, Ephesus.
409. Pind. Ol. 2. 13. Hence, ofgood
omen, used by way of euphemism in- ov, o, (iQtvpiffKw to find
stead of api<7rpoe, the left, which was a upon, any one, Horn. Od. 24. 145.
word of ill omen, since all omens on to invent, Pind. Pyth. 12. 13,) an in-
the left were regarded as
sinister or ventor, deviser, Rom. i. 300rprdc jcaKwv.
unfortunate by the Greeks, and in part Comp. KCIKWV evptrai, Philo in Flacc.
by the Romans; see Potter's Gr. Ant. p. 968.
course, class, into which the priests were 2 Tim. iv. 2 iTrt'err^^t u/catpwg dxaipw^ sc.
divided for the daily temple-service, Kripvaawv TOV Xoyov. Dem. 70. 16. _
each class continuing for a week at a (/3)
of things, e. g. evil, to come upon, to
time, Luke i. 5, 8. See in 'A/3id, and fall upon, to befall, seq. tiri c. ace. Luke
comp. 1 Chr. c. 24. 2 Chr. viii. 14. Jos. xxi. 34. c. dat. 1 Thess. v. 3. So of a
Ant. 7. 14. 7. So Sept. for nj&rtQ 1 tempest, Acts xxviii. 2. Wisd. vi. 5, 8.
Chr. xxiii.6. xxviii. 13. I73ti)7p Neh'. xii. xix. 1. ZoQog Pol. 18. 3. 7 __ In the
sense of to impend, to be at hand, 2 Tim.
rnptitt 2 Chr. xxv. 8. 'Neh. xii. 9.
Esdrl i. 2'. iv. 6 6 Kaipbc tytartjice. Jos. Ant. 2. 4. 3.
Dem. 287. 6.
'Ed>r)/iEpoc, ou, o, TI, adj. (lirl, //xpa,)
for the day,' 6 ty* tfjiipav &v, i. e. u/i, 6, indec. Ephraim, Heb.
ephemeral, .Thuc. ii. 52. In N. T. oV/y, TIDN, in N. T. pr. n. of a town or city,
James ii. lorijs tQrjftepov rpo^/g. Diod. John xi. 54. Eusebius says it was i-ht c
scq. gen. of pers. Matt. v. 43, 44. x. 36. Deor. 4. 2 ult.) of produce, estates, etc.
xiii. 25. Luke i. 71, 74. vi. 27, 35. xix. Luke xii. 19. xiii. 6. K\iipovop.iav trop.
27, 43. Rom. xii. 20. Gal. iv. 16. 2 Eph. v. 5,and /ispoc \IITCL rivog John
Thess. iii. 15. Rev. xi. 5, 12. c. gen. of xiii. 8, comp. Gen.xxxi. 14. Num. xviii.
thing, Acts xiii. 10. So Sept. for D>* Gen. 20. Deut. xii. 12. Of arms, utensils,
xlix. 8. Lev. xxvi. 7. al. ssep Dem. -- etc. Luke xxii. 36 bis. Rev. xviii. 19.
1121. 12. Thuc. vi. 18. (/3)
of the ad- (Luc. D.Mort. 11. 1.) garments, Luke
versaries of the Messiah, seq. gen. Matt. iii. 11. ix. 3. provisions, Matt. xiv. 17.
xxii. 44 ew av Sy rc ^'C tX^povs aov viro- Mark viii. 1, 2, 5, 7. John ii. 3. 1 Tim.
irodiov K. T. \. so Mark xii. 36. Luke xx. vi.8. (Hdian.3. 9. 17. Xen. An. 2. 3.
43. Acts ii. 35. 1 Cor. xv.25. Heb.i.13. 27.) a home, place, etc. Matt. viii. 20.
x. 13. also 1 Cor. xv. 26. Phil. iii. 18 Mark v. 3. Luke xii. 17. members or
TOV aravpov. So i\. TOV Sreov James iv. 4. parts of the body, wra Matt. xi. 15.
(y) spec. 6 IX$PG> the adversary, Satan ; ofSaXpovG Mark viii. 18. (Palseph. 32.
Luke x. 19 irri irdffav rv]V lvvay.iv TOV 1.) Lukexxiv. 39. Rev. ix. 10. Actsxi.
^X&pov, comp. ver. 18. So Matt. xiii. 39. 3 a.Kpo(3vffTiav Z\ovTig, uncircumcised,
Test. XII Patr. p. 657, 658. Act. Gentiles. KapSiav heart, trop. Mark viii.
Thorn. 29, 30. 17. 2 Pet. ii. 14. power, faculty, dig-
nity, etc. John iv. 44. vi. 68. xvii. 5.
"E^tSva, Tjc? n> (*X l >)
a Acts
Heb. ii. 14. vii. 24. Rev. ix. 11. xvi.9.
xxviii. 3. Diod. Sic. 2. 43. Luc. Alex.
xvii. 18. Palseph. 29. 3. Plut. Cat.
10. Trop. of wicked men, ytvvfjfiara
Min. Xen. Cyr. 1.6.11.
16. So of any
ixrfv&v, progeny of vipers, Matt. iii. 7.
xii. 34. xxiii. 33. Luke Hi. 7 __ Eurip. good, Advantage, benefit, etc. m<r$ov
Matt. v. 46. xfyi-v irpog TOV \aov, i. e.
Ion. 1262.
[1276.] favour with, Acts ii. 47. (Sept. for NSO
"E^oj, f. *<>, also <TX^<TW, imperf. Ex. xxxiii. 12.) Actsxxiv. 16. Rom. iv.
tlxov, aor. 2 ?<TXOV, perf. ttrxrjKa, see 2. v. 2. ix. 10. iriffTiv faith, as a gift,
Buttm. 114. sub voc. to have, to hold, etc. xiv. 22. 1 Cor. xiii. 2. James ii. 1,
i. e.have and hold, implying continued
to 14, 18. o>j)j> alcJviov John iii. 36. vi. 40,
having or possession, trans. 47, 53, 54. al. Of a law, etc. John xix.
a) pp.
and primarily, to have in one's 7. 1 Cor. vii. 25. 1 John iv. 21. So of
hands, to hold in the hand ; Rev. i. 16 age, years, John viii. 57. ix. 21. Jos.
\(av Iv Ty cgtp avrov %a/oi aorcpac e TTTU. Ant. 1. 13. 2. Xen. Cyr. 1. 6. 34. Of
vi. 5. x. 2. xvii. 4. Horn. II. 1. 14 iv a ground of complaint, etc. seq. KUTO.
Luc. D. Deor. 11. 2
\tcxflv Z\n0v. al. sa?p. TIVOQ OT-rrpos Tiva, Matt. v. 23. Acts xix.
ry Xaiq. COmp. Hdot. 7. 16.
fjitv Ixcuv. - 38. xxiv. 19. xxv. 19. 1 Cor. vi. 1. Rev.
So by impl. Matt. xxvi. 7. Heb. viii. 3. ii. 4, 14, 20. or a
ground of reply, 2 Cor.
Rev. iii. 1. v. 8. vi.2. viii. 3,6. ix. 14. al. v. 12. Of a definite beginning and end,
b) genr. and most frequently, to have, Heb. vii. 3
apx^v r/juspu/v prjTt <*>ijf
to possess, sc. externally,
c. accus. TtXos xw>. (2)
With an adjunct quali-
of things in one's possession, power, fying the accusative, e. g. an adj. or par-
charge, control, etc.
(1) genr. and ticip. in the accus. Acts ii. 44 tixov
simply, g. property, Matt. xiii. 12.
e. uiravTa Koivd. Acts xx. 24 ovfik tx w T v 'n
xix. 21, 22. Mark x. 22, 23. Luke xviii. ^i<Xrjv fiov Tifiiav nor do I hold my life
24. xxi. 4. al. ftrjdtv ex etv ) to have nothing, dear. Luke xix. 20. So with a noun in
to be poor, 2 Cor. vi. 10. (Horn. II. 2. apposit. 1 Pet. ii. 16 ;*}}
282. Xen. Cyr. 2. 4.
Hence in later tXOVTtQ TrJQ KctKias T)}V iXtvSepiciv. Luc.
usage, txtiv simply, with TO. x9W ara D. Deor. 9. 1 roica^a yap
or the like impl. to have, sc. much, to be X- (3) By impl. with the notion of
rich, etc. and ov v. /*?} x lv > t have not, charge, trust, etc. Rev. i. 18 x w T "
to be poor, Matt. xiii. 12. xxv. 29. 1 Cor. jcXftff TOV SavaTov. xii. 12. xv. 1, 6,
xi. 22. 2 Cor. viii. 11, 12. James iv. 2. tXOVTCt 7T\;ydff tTTTO.K.T.\. Dem. 1153.
Paleeph. 49. 1. Dem. 1123.25. Xen. 4.
In the sense of to have at hand,
Cyr. 8. 3. 44, coll. 45 So of flocks, -- to have ready, 1 Cor. xiv. 26
flrpo/3arov i^ur Matt. xii. 11. (LllC. D,
c. accus. of person, implying some 0' lavTwv. xviii. 18. Rom. xii. 4 7rpotv.
special relation or connexion, viz. (1) 2 Cor. iv. 1 Siaicoviav. Phil. i. 30 et Col.
genr. and simply, e. g. of a husband or ii. 1 aySiva. (Plut. Cat. Min.
24.) Luke
wife, Matt. xiv. 4 ov ie<Tri ooi ex etv a ^~ xii. 50 /3a7rrt<r/ta e Ix^ flcnrria&iivat, see
rrfv, sc. as a wife. xxii. 28. Markxii. 23. in Ba7rri'a> 2. b. Of sin, guilt, etc.
al. John IV. 17 r) yvvi) d-rrev OVK t-^ta a/iaprtav ZX ILV John ix. 41. xv. 22.
avSpa. ver. 18. Comp. Schajf. ad Greg. K\ijfia Acts xxiii. 29. icpT/za 1 Tim. v. 12.
Cor. p. 931. Schol. Ven. ad II. 6. 398 But icpt/iara tx tv> t have lawsuits, 1
TIyap yvvfi t^ero, 6 tie dvijp ?x et> Odyss. Cor. vi. 7. (Lat. lites habeo, Hor. Sat. 1.
4. 569. Luc. D. Mort. 16. 1. So ae\- 7.5.) ver. 4. Acts xxviii. 29. So rtXof
0otc x tv Luke xvi. 28. apxpa Heb. ?X eiv > t have an end, i. e. pp. to come to
iv. 14.
Plut. Cat. Min. an end, be destroyed, as 6 Saravaf, Mark
dtffTTorac 1 Tim. vi. 2. oueovo/xov Luke iii. 26. or trop. to have an accomplish-
xvi. 1. TtKva Tit. i. 6. vlovq Gal. iv. ment, be fulfilled, as prophecy, Luke
22. ^t'Xov Luke xi. 5. x*7P a 1 Tim. xxii. 37. pp. Diod. Sic. 16. 91. trop.
v. 16. etc. etc. Matt. ix. 36. xxvii. 16, Horn. II. 18. 378. Of effects or results
35. Luke iv. 40. John v. 7. Rev. ii. 14, depending on the subject as a cause or
15. al. Xen. Cyr. 1. 6. 11. An. 3. 4. antecedent; Heb. x. 35 *x" M l(T ^ a -
With an adjunct qualifying irodoaiav fiiydXijv, i. e. which has or
the accus. e. g. a noun in apposit. Matt. brings with it great reward. 1 John iv.
iii. 9 iraripa e\ofitv TOV 'A/3paa/z. John 18 6 0o/3oc KoXaaiv x t '
viii. 41. Acts xiii. 5 ilxov Si xal 'Iw- of any condition or affection of
dvvr]vvTrr]pkTi]v. Phil. iii. 17. Philein. 17. body or mind, where one is said to have
Heb. xii. 9. (Diod. Sic. 4. With an 61.)
such and such an affection, etc.
adj. or particip. in the accus. Luke xvii. the body, as ftaariyaf v. cur&tveiac
7 SovXov l-d)v aporpiwi/ra. xiv. 18, 19 t\ e fX ( iv> to have disease, infirmity, etc.
uf Trapyrrjpivov. 1 Cor. vii. 12, 13. Phil. Mark iii. 10. Acts xxviii. 9. Heb. vii. 28.
ii.20,29. (Hdian. 1. 16.9.) So with a wounds, Rev. xiii. 14. 8aift6vtov v.
prep, and its case, Acts xxv. 16 irpiv j) TrveT'/ia aicdSapTov l\nv, to have a devil,
Kara irpofftitirov *X ot Toi' KctTijyopovf. etc. to be possessed, Matt. xi. 18. Mark
Matt. XX vi. 11 Trrwxoi'C *X fTe /"^' tavr&v. iii. 22, 30. ix. 17. Luke xiii. 11. Acts
John xii. 8. (Xen. Cyr. 1. 4. 17.) So xvi. 16. xix. 13. (2)
Of the mind, as
i\uv v0' tavrov Matt. viii. 9. Luke vii. ayairrjv *x iy> John v. 42. xiii. 35.
8. ty' iavTov Rev. ix. 11. avdyKTjv Luke xiv. 18. xxiii. 17. (Jos.
where the subject is a thing, to Ant. 16. 9. 3. Plut. Cat. Min. 24 fin.)
have, implying the existence of some avdiravaiv Rev. iv. 8. ei'p/>r/v John xvi.
thing in or in close connexion with the 33. Acts ix. 31. (comp. Dem. 13. 12.)
subject c. ace. of thing, Matt. xiii. 5
Acts xxiv. 15. (Hdian. 2. 3. 4.)
TroXX^v did TO /XT) i\tiv /3a3og 'av Phil. i. 23. 3\u//iv 1 Cor. vii.
yOe. ver. 6, 27. Luke xi. 36. xx. 24. 28. Svpov Rev. xii. 12. vovv Xptorov 1
Acts xxvii. 39. So Acts i. 12 opoc <ra/3- Cor. ii. 16. irapprjaiav Eph. iii. 12.
/Sarou tx ov b$6v, having a sabbath day's irioTtv, as an affection of mind, Matt,
journey, i. e. being thus far from the xvii. 20. irvivpa. XpiffTov Rom. viii. 9.
city. 1 Cor. xii. 23. 1 Tim. iv. 8. 2 Tfv. aytov 1 Cor. vi. 19. irvtvp.a Jude 19.
Tim. ii. 17 voprjv 'ei, i. e. shall eat TTQVOV Col. iv. 13. <}>6pov 1 Tim. v. 20.
around, spread. Heb. ix. 8 k-^ovariQ ara- Xapdv 3 John 4. \apiv TIVI, to have
(Tiv, having yet a standing. James i. 4. favour towards any one, Lat. aratias
Rev. iv. 7, 8. Plut. Cat. Min. 5. Diod. habeo, i. q. to thank, Luke xvii. 9. -
condition, circumstances, state, external Luke v. 31. 1 Cor. xii. 21. Heb. v. 12.
or internal, in which one is, etc. genr. Mark ii. 25. Acts ii. 45. iv. 35.
of any obligation, duty, seq. infin. Matt. iii. 14 1 Thess. i. 8.
(a) genr.
course, etc. Acts xxi. 23 ivx^v x VTf c seq. 'iva, John ii. 25. xvi. 30. 1 John ii.
27._Arr. Epict.1.29.27. Pol. 9. 12. 1. xi. 32, where for the attraction, see
an inversion of the subject and
By Buttm. 151. I. 6. Isocr. p. 239. A,
predicate such an affection or emotion Tivag ovv t\u TreiratStvp.tvovs K- T. X.
is in Greek writers often said to have, Theogn. Sent. 487.
possess a person ; in N. infin. strictly with an accus.
to T. only
e) seq
Mark xvi. 8 tl^t d' avraq rpo/toj; cat IK- ri, ovSev, etc. viz. %<> Tl [wore] tiirtiv
trrao-tc. Horn. II. 18. 247 iravraq yap v. TToiijaai, or the like, as in Engl. to
t 3423a^/3oe. 1. 82 %6-
3. have something to say or do, i. e. by
X e rpfyoe.
Xo<r. 115 06)3oc. Xen. H. G. 7.
Hdot. 4. impl. to be able to say or do something,
2. 9 /cXavffiyfXwc. See Passow in *EXW I can, implying only an objective or
1. b. external ability, and thus differing from
(r) PP-
f things which one has in, q. v. Usually c. infin. aor.
or about himself, including the idea Luke vii. 40 lx w OOL Tl tiiriiv. xii. 4 /ir)
1 Cor. xi. 10. Rev. ix.4. xiii. 17. xiv. 1, seq. infin. aor. 25 /*?} l^ovToq
Matt, xviii.
14. xvi. 2. xix.16. Luc. D. Deor. 2.2. St avTov drrodovvat, lit. he not having to
t%etv icara Kt^aXijg, to have upon the head, xarrjy avrov. 2 Pet. i. 15. C. inf.
pp. so as to hang down from it, like a aor. Jos. Ant. 3. 1.1. Luc. D. Deor.
veil, toga, etc. Comp. Plut. Qusest. 26. 1 t^tic p l t'nrtiv Trortpog K. r, X. Xen.
Rom. xiv. Idwv Kara KtQaXijg TO l/iariov. Mem. 2. 7. 1 1 01;% s'u> airodovvai. c. inf.
Trop. of persons wearing an appear- pres. Sept. Prov. iii. 27. Luc. D. Deor.
ance, etc. Col. ii. 23. 2 Tim. iii. 5. Rev. 17. 1 wg icai ?xa> ^uyyeX^v. Xen. Cyr. 3.
iii. 1. (Hdot. 7.
Of a tree having 3. 7 a0' S)v Tipqiv e'op,v OVQ K. T. X. So
leaves, Mark xi. 13. where the infin. is suppressed ;
xiv. 8 o tax fv
() in the sense of to contain, i. e. to <xvTt) [71-0177 <rat"J, tTroirjfft,
have within oneself, Heb. ix. 4 bis. Rev. Acts iii. 6 o t tj^at [Si$6vai~\,
xxi. 11. Trop. piav iv iavTtf, Matt, . 425. 10 ovd O,TI xp^ troulv
xiii. 21. Mark iv. 17.
d) trop. and intens. to have firmly, sc. f ) intrans. or with tavrov, etc. impl.
in mind, to hold to, to holdfast, viz. Buttm. 130. n. 2. Matth. 496 always ;
(3) by impl.
to hold for or as, to re- also John iv. 52. (genr. Xen. Cyr. 7. 5.
gard, to count, c. ace. of pers. with a OVTUQ *x ttv > to be so, Acts vii. 1.
noun in apposit. Matt. xiv. 5 wg TrpoQrj- xii. 15. al. irS>Q xv. 36. Tim.
aXXwg 1
Tr\v CIVTOV ['Iwovviyvl tl^ov, they counted v. 25. Xen. An. 3. 1. 32 OVTUQ. Ml.
} Im as a
prophet, xxi. 26, 46. So Mark V. H. 2. 367rwe __ Acts xxiv. 25 TO vvv
TToptvov, as it now is, as the matter and in Engl. either the first or second
now stands, i. e. adverbially,/br the pre- future; Matt. 1. c. p. 1010. Winer I.e.
sent. Comp. Viger. p. 9. Tob. vii. 11. p. 245. Matt. ii. 13 tug dv CITTW ooi. \.
Plut. Amator. 1. Luc. Anachar. 40 ult. 18, 26. x. 11. xii. 20. Mark ix. 1. xii.
Seq. iv adverbially John v. 5,
c. dat. ;
36. Luke ix. 27. xiii. 35. xxi. 32. 1
gen. of person, Sept. forpm Deut. xxx. Heb. x. 13. Rev. vi. 11. xx. 5.
20. Theogn. Sent. 32. to be near to, b)by impl. so long as, while, i. e. during
adjacent, contiguous, seq. gen. Diod. Sic. the continuance of another action, until
2.49init. Xen. H. G. 7. 1. 20 __ InN.T. it ends, etc. John ix. 4 ewf //ifjoa tortV.
only particip. ixoptvog, rj, ov, near, next, xii.35, 36, ewg TO ^wg x erc Ecclus.
e. g. of place, Mark i. 38 t/g rat i\^~ xxx. 20. Dem. xv. 5. Plato Phsedo. 38
vac Kw/iOTToXecf, i. e. next, adjacent. ult. cue tri 0u>c t<m. Xen. An. 2. 6. 2.
Jos. Ant. 6. 1. 1. Xen. Mem. 3. 5. 10. Comp. Buttm. 1. c. etc.
Of time, rj/ t^o/itvy, sc. t'lftipy, the next II. As prep, governing the genitive
day, in full Acts xxi. 20. absol. Luke in later writers, until, unto,
marking a
xiii. 33. Acts xx. 15. r< $k ix- <ra/3-
terminus ad quern, and spoken both of
/3arw Acts xiii. 44. Sept. 1 Chr. x. 8. time and place comp. Passow sub voc.
c) seq.
adv. of time, with or without and not to eutg. So c. gen. of pers. us
row, Lob. ad Phryn. p. 45 sq. So c'wg marking a place, Luke iv. 42. Diod.
TOV vvv, until now, Matt. xxiv. 21. Mark Sic. 1. 27 Kwt- r!>/cfavov. ^El. V. H. 3. 18
xiii. 19. ( Sept. for nijy 1^ Gen. xlvi. 34.) med. (/3) seq. adv. of place, e. g. e'wg
wc Tijg (rqpcpov Matt, xxvii. 8. Rom. xi. avw, to the brim, John ii. 7. e'wf aro>,
8 but ewg ffijfiepov 2 Cor. hi. 15.
So tofAe bottom, Matt, xxvii. 51. ewe <rw
genr. without rot), more usually in later Mark xiv. 64. Jfwf aide Luke xxiii. 6.
Jacob, born of Leah, Gen. xxx. 20. In Bapaxtou. The allusion is probably to
N. T. meton. the tribe of Zabulon, Matt. Zechariah the son of Jehoida (prob. also
iv. 13, 15. Rev. vii. 8. called
who was stoned by
order of Joash, 2 Chr. xxiv. 20 sq.
c, ov, o, Zaccheus, Heb.
Others refer it to the prophet Zechariah
prob. -3T (pure), pr. name of a chief
son of Barachiah, Zech. i. 1 ; but history
publican, Luke xix. 2, 5, 8. Comp. Jahn
242. gives no account of his death. Others
again make the reference to Zacharias
Zapa, o, indec. Zara, Heb. rnj the son of Baruch, who was slain by the
(dawn, rising), pr. n. of a son of Judah Zelotae in the temple just before the
by Thamar, Matt. i. 3. Comp. Gen. destruction of Jerusalem, Jos. B. J. 4.
xxxviii. 30. 5. 4 ; but the aor. i^ovtvaare. is
this supposition. See Olshausen on
) tou, o, Zacharias, Heb.
Matt. 1. c.
(God-remembered), Zechariah,
pr.'n." of two men in N. T. y, infin. Buttm.
f yf, %yv,
1. The father of John the
Baptist, a 105. n. 5 j
fut. Zrjffu Rom. vi. 2. Heb.
priest of the class of Abia see 'Apia. j xii.9. Aristoph.Plut.2G3. Plat. Rep. V.
Luke i.
5, 12, 13, 18 21, 40, 59, 67. iii.
p. 465. D. X. p. 591. C. also later fut.
Matt. iv. 4. al. Dem. 794. 19.
351 Zau>
employed this verb except in pres. and living and constant sacrifice, opp. to
imperf. supplying the other tenses from the interrupted sacrifice of slaughtered
|3idw, Buttm. 114. Matth. 236. Wi- victims. Heb. iv. 12 6 \6yog T. Sttov, the
ner 15. p. 79. to live, intrans. divinethreatenings are living, sure, never
to live, to have life, spoken of in vain ; also 1 Pet. i. 23 6 Xoyoc S. .
physical life and existence, as opp. to the living, efficient, enduring word. 1
death or non-existence, and implying Pet. ii. 4 \&og <Zv, of Christ as the cor-
always some duration. (a) genr.
of ner-stone of the church, not inactive a; 1
human life, etc. Acts xvii. 28 iv avT$ dead, but living and efficient ; so '
yap Z&ptv. xxii. 22. Rom. vii. 1 3. Christians in ver. 5. So vwp <Jv, living
1 Cor. xv. 45. Heb. ix. 17. In wv Matt, water, i. e. the water of running streams
xxvii. 63. wvrf icai vexpoi Acts x. 42. and fountains, opp. to that of stagnant
Rom. xiv. 9. 1 Pet. iv. 5. TO Zyv, subst. cisterns, pools, marshes, John iv. 10, 1 1 .
life, Phil. i. 21, 22. 2 Cor. i. 8. Sept. vii. 38. Rev. vii. 17. So Sept. and a-fc
for s
n Gen. ii. 7, 9. xliii. 7.
n;n Gen. Dx n Gen. xxvi. 19. Lev. xiv. 5, 50.
xlii. 2. Ex. xix. 13 Xen. Cyr. 7. 3. 3. Zech. xiv. 8. By impl. and also by
ib. 8. 7. 8. TO Zyv Jos. Ant. 2. 3. 1. Hebr. part. wj>, life-giving, like Pi. nn,
Diod. Sic. 1. 21. Of persons raised e. g. John
51 6 dproc o wv, living,
from the dead Matt. ix. 18 ij $vy. /iov
i. e. life-giving bread, which imparts
dpri iTtXivrrjaev dXAd i\$utv cat /- eternal life, comp. the foil, clause. Acts
airai. Mark xvi. 11. Luke xxiv. 23. vii. 38 Xdyio wvra. Heb. x. 2066f w(ra.
John v. 25. Acts i. 3. ix. 41. Rev. xx.4, Comp. below in d. So Sept. trans.
5. al. So Sept. and n;rT 2 K. xiii. 21. tiioov fie K. T. X. for nn
Ps. xix. 25, 37,
Spoken also of those restored from sick- 40, 50. al. Ez. xiii. 22/
ness, not to die, to to be
by impl. mend, b) to live, i. e. to sustain life, to live
well ; John iv. 50 6 vloc oov y. vers. 51, on or by any thing. Matt. iv. 4 OVK i-n-'
53, comp. 52. So Sept. and rrn 2 K. dprq) novy ZrjfffTat b dv$p. 1 Cor. ix. 14
viii. 8, In the sense of to* exist,
9 (/3)
IK TOV evay-ytXiov yv. Dem. 1309. 26.
absolutely and without end, now and c. Sid Xen. Mem.
3. 3. 11.
beings, Matt. xxii. 32 OVK IOTIV b Stbe life in any manner; Luke xv. 13 Jj>
viicputv, dXXd uvrwv. Mark xii. 27. dawTOQ. Acts xxvi. 5 trjffa ^apitraTof.
Luke xx.38. ( Mace. 16ult.) John Gal. ii. 14 &VIKUS yV. 2 Tim. iii. 12
xi. 25. xiv. 19. 1 Thess. v. 10. 1 Pet. tvai&uQ %yv. Tit. ii. 12 .
iv. 6. by impl. Heb. vii. 8. Of Jesus, K. T. \. Luke ii. 36 ^oaaa ITTJ ftfrd
John xiv. 19.
vi. 57. Rom. vi. 10. 2 dvSpog . Rom. vii. 9 t ^uv x^piG v6p.ov.
Cor. Heb. vii. 25. Rev. i. 18. ii.
xiii. 4. Wisd. Jos. Ant. 12. 4. 7. Xen.
xi. 28.
8. Of God John vi. 57 6 <3v Trar/j/o, i. q. Ag. Cyr. 8. 1. 33.
11. 8. Hence yV
6 l\<i)v Zdjijv iv iavrt^. v. 26. also in an TIVI, iv TIVI, Kara Tiva, to live to, in,
oth by Hebr. Rom. xiv. 11 <5 tyw, Xlyti according to any one, i. e. to be devoted
Kvpios, as I live; so Sept. and 2N' s n
to, to live conformably to the will, pur-
Num. xiv. 21, 28. comp. Judg. viii. 19. pose, precepts, example, of any person
1 Sam. xvii. 56. Part. Ztiv, ever living, or thing; e. g. r< Sey Luke xx. 38.
etemal, b Srtbs b <Jv, Matt. xvi. 16. Rom. Rom. vi. 10, 11. Gal. ii. 19. r$ Kvpiy,
ix. 26. 1 Tim. vi. 17. Heb. iii. 12. xii. 22. Christ, Rom. xiv. 8. 2 Cor. v. 15. r$
Rev. iv. 9, 10. x. 6. and as opp. to KvtvucLTi Gal. v. 25. eavTtp Rom. xiv. 7.
idols, which are dead, non-existing, 2 Cor. v. 15. Ty SiKaioavvy 1 Pet. ii.
Acts xiv. 15. 2 Cor. vi. 16. 1 Thess. i. 24 Alciphr. 1. 37. Dem. 80. 26 fciXtV-
9. So Sept. and TT Deut. v. 26. 2 K. iryZuvTte Kal ov ry ICIVTWV Trarpidi
xix. 16. Bel and Drag. v. (y) Trop. of So v dfiapTiy, under the power of sin,
things, only in particip. wv, oi><ra, Jj/, Rom. vi. 2. iv iriarti, full of faith, un-
living, lively, active, also enduring, opp. der the power of faith, Gal. ii. 20. iv
to what is dead, torpid, inactive, and in conformity to the world, Col
li. 20. iv avToiQ iii. 7. JE1. V. H. 3. Gr. III. p. 169. v. 2*18, 219 The
13 vivo in forms of this verb are not usually con-
. iv olvy. Comp. littcris,
Cic. ad Div. 9. 26. Kara <rapca %yv, to tracted, Buttm. 105. n. 2. Lob. ad Phr.
live after, according to, theflesJi, Rom. p. 220 sq.
viii. 12, 13. Jos. Ant. 4. 8. 44 /i*) Kara Rev.
f. tv<Tu), i. q. rjX6w q. v.
rot'f vofjiovf. iii. 19 in some MSS. Simpl. in Epict.
to live and prosper, to be
d) by impl. c. 26. p. 131 ed. Salmas.
blessed, genr. Rom. x. 5 et Gal. iii. 12 6
TToirjaag aura ZrjfftTai iv auroTf, comp. ZfjAoc, ou, o, (#<>, for #fXoc,) zeal,
Lev. xv iii. 5 where Sept. for s n. 1 Thess. fervour, viz.
iii. 8 on vuv w/jv, we live, feel our- genr. and in a good sense, ardour,
selves happy. So Sept. andrrrjDeut.viii. for any person or cause, e. g. seq. gen.
1. 1 Sam. x. 24. Ps. xxii. 27.--Dem. 434. of thatjfor which, John ii. 17 o >}Xoe rov
6. Comp. vivo Catull. 5. 1. In the sense O'IKOV (TOV. Rom. x. 2 i/Xov Sreov t%ovffiv.
of to have eternal life, to be admitted to the se(^ TTEp c.gen. 2 Cor. vii. 7. Col. i\.
bliss and privileges of the Redeemer's 13. absol. 2 Cor. vii. 11. ix. 2. Kara
kingdom Luke x. 28 TOVTO -rroisi, Kai
; zealously, ardently, Phil. iii. 6.
John vi. 51, 58. Rom. i. 17. Gal. Sept. formwpPs. Ixix. 10. cxix. 138
iii. 11. Heb. xii. 9. 1 John iv. 9 watf- 1 Mace. ii. 58. Test. XII Patr. p. 639.
cY avTov sc. TOV vtov. AL. Plut. Lycurg. 4 med. 2 Cor. xi. 2rjXw
TT ,
/ am
zealous for yoi
ow, o, eae, P[cb. a zeal from God, inspired of God,
q. n^l (Jehovah's gift) see in ZrjXoa* a. Others by Hebr.
pr. name
of the husband of Salome, and
zeal intense affecti com
in AffTtlos
father of James and John, Matt. iv. 21
b) in a bad sense, viz. (a)
bis. x. 2. xx. 20. xxvi. 37. xxvii. 56.
burning, envy, jealousy, Acts xiii. 45.
Mark i. 19, 20. iii. 17. x. 35. Luke v.
Rom. xiii. 13. 1 Cor. iii. 3. James iii. 14,
10. John xxi. 2.
16. Plur. '*jXo, 2 Cor. xii. 20. Gal. v.
20. Etym. M. 6 <j>$6voQ. 1 Maec. viii.
ac, ?> (&VKTT)P, ta, TO. Kpiirrova. xiv. 1. 39. So Sept. for
a band, fastening, Acts xxvii. 40 -- Prov. iii. 31. Ecclus. li. 2
Comp. Eurip. Hel. 1536 or 1556. M acc . i v> Diod. Sic. 1. 95 med.
dpr)v. Of persons, in
Zrfc, Atoc, 6, Jupiter, the supreme a Z d sense ' .
q. to have ardent ajfec~
god of the heathen mythology. Acts xiv. ^ OW /or 2 Cor. xi. 2 see in Zr/-
12, 13 Ac6c ro5 for* Vp! ^C^C, i. e. '
2 Qovfvtrt teal /jXotT, lit. ye Az7/ and envy, the proverbial phrase, Matt. vii. 7, 8 ^rdre
i. e.
ye have heart-burnings even so as (cat evprjvere. seq. ace. of pers. Matt. ii. 13
to kill one another. Z,i}Tiiv TO iraiciov. Mark iii. 32. Luke ii.
ZTjXwr/jc, S > > (?f x w ) 1. a zealot, 17. al. Sept. for itf^n Gen. xxxvii. 15.
\. e. owe zealous for any thing, eagerly So ^rtiv TOV Seoi,
(Xen. An. 2. 3. 2.)
desirous of, genr. 1 Cor. xiv. 12 gifXwrac to seek after God, i. e. to turn to him, to
2<rr irvtvpaTuv. Tit. ii. 14. Hdian. 6.
strive humbly and sincerely to follow
8. 5. Pol. 10. 25. 2. So of zealots in and obey him, Acts xvii. 27. Rom. x. 20,
behalf of the ancient Jewish law and in-
comp. Is. Ixv. 1 where Sept. for ^Nflfi.
stitutions, Acts xxi. 20 ?;Xwrai TOV vofiov. Sept. for ET?2 Ex. xxxiii. 7. Ps. xxiv. 6.
(2 Mace. iv. Acts xxii. 3. Gal. i. 14.
2.) See in 'Eic^reai c.--Seq. ace. of thing, pp.
Comp. Num. xxv. Jos. c. Ap. 1. 13.
something lost, Matt, xviii. 12 TO TrXa- .
22. In the age of Christ the name Zrj- Luke xix. 10. Luke
vunevov. c.acc.impl.
\wTai, Zelotce, was applied to an exten- xv. 8. So Sept. and 1 Sam. x.
sive association of private persons, who
2, 14. (comp. Xen. Vect. 4. 4.) genr.
professed great attachment to the Jewish Matt. xii. 43 avairavaiv. xxvi. 59 i//ev-
Cyr. 3. 1. 30. pp. with two accus. John v. 44. vii. 18. viii. 50. 1 Cor.
Matth. 411. 4. Buttm. 131. 4, 5 x.24,33. Phil. ii. 21. Col. iii. 1. Sept.
In N. T. only Pass, or Mid. to suffer and mjjaPs. iv. 3. xxxiv. 15. 1 Mace,
iv fjLvctvi 2 Cor. vii. 9. Phil. iii. 8 TO. Mor. II. p. 40. ed. Tauchn. So genr.
iravTo. i^ijfiiM^i]v, I have suffered the loss to endeavour, to strive, seq. 'iva 1 Cor.
of all things, where for the ace. retained xiv. 12. g. aor. Matt. xxi.
seq.infin. e.
in the pass, constr. see Buttm. 134. 6. 46 ZrjTovvTfe avTov jcpor/yo-at. Luke v.
Xen. Cyr. 3. 1. 16. Aor. 1 Pass, *?- 18. xvii. 33. John x. 39. xix. 12. Acts
one's self, i. e. to lose, e. g. TI}V ^V\TIV Luke vi. 19. Gal. i. 10. c. inf. impl.
Matt. xvi. 26. Mark viii. 36. iavrov, John V. 30 ou ZTJTUI TO ^e\rjfj.a TO tfiov
Luke ix. 25. See Buttm. 136. 2. sc. Troietj/. Sept. foriE'^3 Deut. xiii. 10.
2 A
46, 47, ZrjTovvTec avr< \a\ij<rai. (comp. 13. Luke iii. 27. Comp. Ezra ii. 2. ui.
Luke 19.) Luke ix. 9 l^rei idelvav-
2, 8. 1 Chr. iii. 19.
T&V. xi. 54. John vii. 4. Acts xxvii. 30.
John i. 38 et iv. 27 ' j ou, o, (kindr. with
seq. accus. SjjreTrc j
darkness, murkiness, thick gloom,
(Sept. andtD'$3 Gen. xxxvii. 14.)
2 Cor.
Heb. xii. 18 60 V in MSS. for OKOT
Xll.14 ov %r]T(a TCL vfiUJv, dXX' vfiaQ. 1
V in
text. rec. Elsewhere of the darkness of
Cor. vii. 27 /i?) ^rei Xvertv /ij) J^rci
. . .
Tartarus or Gehenna, see in"At^c; e.g.
ywatica. Soph. (Ed. R. 658 sq. Xen. 2 Pet. ii. 4 atipalg %6<}>ov raprapwtrag
Mem. 4. 2. 6. Trap-
K. T. X.
thrusting them down to
b) to seek, for to require, to demand, to Tartarus into chains of darkness, i. e.
expect, c. ace. of thing, 1 Cor. i. 22 ol where darkness lies like chains upon
"EXXjyvec (To^iav ^rjTovatv. 2 Cor. xiii. 3.
them. Jude 6. Intens. <tyog TOV GKOTOVQ,
Heb. viii. 7. seq. Trapd ru/oj; Mark viii. thickest darkness, 2 Pet. ii. 17. Jude 13.
11 ZrjTovvTtg Trap' airoi; ajjp.f.lov. Luke xi.
See Gesen. Lehrg. p. 671. Stuart 456.
16. xii. 48. seq. tv nvi 1 Cor. iv. 2 tn-
Horn. II. 15. 191. Pol. 18.3.7. Luc.
Ttirai Iv TOIQ oiKovofioiQ 'iva K. T. X. C. ace.
Contempl. 1.
of pers. John iv. 23. Sept. for $$3
Neh. v. 12, 18. Aristot. de gen. et cor- ou, o, (Ztvywfii,) a yoke,
rupt. 2. 5. c. Trapd Dem. 374. 16. serving to couple any two things together,
e. g. cattle, J31. V. H. 5. 14.
c) by impl. to inquire, to ask, c. c. irtpi, Sept. for
John xvi. 19 Trtpi TOVTOV 9 rare jter' dXXjj- *ny 1 Sam. vi. 7. Hence in N. T.
Xwv ^1. V. H. 2. 13 pen. Xen. a) trop.
a yoke, (a) as an emblem of
; Cyr.
8. 5. 13. AL. servitude, Tim. vi. 1 virb tvybv SovXoi.
win Luke xix. 16, 17. John iii. 15, 16. v. 24. al.
ture, for to over, trans. v. 10.
ver. rj w>) t'i peXXovaa 1 Tim. iv. 8. r; ovrug
dv^pwTroi/e toy Zutfpuv, comp. 11,
and see in Et/it II. f. Pass. part. perf. Zwfi vi. 19. absol. r/ WT/, Matt. vii.
2 Tim. 20 taken
14. xviii. 8, 9. John v. 40. vi. 33, 53.
ii. wypj;/ij/oi VTT avrov,
Acts V. 20 TO. pi'jfiara T^Q w?;jc
captive by him, Satan, in a moral sense, ravrtjs,
the words, doctrine, of eternal life, Rom.
q. ensnared, seduced.
v. 17 iv wy fiaaiXivaovai. ver. 18. vii. 10.
Z<*i> 7?c, 7
/> (" w >) life, * e. viii. 2, 6, 10. Phil. ii. 16. 2 Tim. i. 1.
a) genr. physical life and existence, 1 John v. 12, 13, 16. iii. 14. al. For
as opp. to death and non-existence. /3i'/3Xoc v. /3i/3Xiov ZUTJQ, see in Bi/3Xoe.
(a) pp.
and genr. of human life, etc. So 6 <TTt<f>avoc ri}e WTJC, crown of life,
Luke xvi. 25. Acts xvii. 25 titiove ira<n reward of eternal life, James i. 12.
u>r)v. 1 COT. ii'i. 22. xv. 19. Heb. vii. 3. Rev. ii. 10. xdptf ri/f o>j}g, gift of
James iv. 14. Rev. xi. 11. xvi. 3 in later eternal life, 1 Pet. iii. 7 __ Meton. for the
edit, ^X') w ^ic> i
<! ^X 1
) ^ (Ta in author and giver of eternal life, John xi.
text. rec. every living soul. Sept. for 25. xiv. 6. Col. iii. 4. John i. 2. v.
tTn Gen. ii. 7. xxv. 7. Luc. Tox. 38. 20. For the cause, source, means of
Plat. Phaedo 16 __ Of life or existence eternal life, John v. 39. xii. 50. xvii. 3.
after rising from the dead, only of Christ AL.
Rom v. 10. 2 Cor. iv. 10, 11, 12. trop.
of the Jewish people, Rom. xi. 15. jCj
a zone, belt,
(/3) In the sense of existence, life, abso- girdle, Matt. iii. 4. x. 9. Mark i. 6.
vi. 8. Acts xxi. 11 bis. Rev. i. 13. xv.
lutely and without end, Heb. vii. 16
card Svvapiv wjjc dicaraXvrov. So %u- 6. Sept. for 1TX 2 K. i. 8. rnbn
\ov wj)c, tree of life, which preserves 1 K. ii. 5. Hdian!' 1. 11. 13. Xen. An!
from death, Rev. ii. 7. xxii. 2, 14. (Sept. 1. 4. 9 The girdle was worn by both
Gen. ii. 9. iii. 22.) vdwp wifa, water of sexes among the Jews, because of their
life, Rev. xxi. 6. xxii. 1, 17. But twi ZWTJS long flowing dress it was often hollow, ;
dprof w} John vi. 35. Comp. below Ja h n 121 __ Plut. Symp. IV. qu.2. 3,
in c. ]8 Meton. of God and Christ or ZMVTJV xaXicovf t^ovoav. Liv.33. 29 argen-
the Logos, tuni in zonis habentes.
life, absolutely, for the source
of all life, John i. 4. v. 26. 1 John i.
f. w<rw, to gird,
1,2. to put on a girdle, John. xxi. 18 bis. Sept.
b) life, i. e. manner of life, conduct, for "U Job xxxviii. 3. xl. 2. *i5n Ex.
in a moral respect, Rom. vi. 4 iv KCHVO- xxix.~9 . 2 K. iv. 28. Horn. Od.'lS. 76.
rrjTi wijf 7rept7rari7<Tta/ij/. Eph. iv. 18 Theocr. Id. 16. 81. Pausan. 9. 17.
rrjg wtjs rov Stou, i. e. which God re-
quires, a godly life, 2 Pet. i. 3. (,
c) life, i. e. happy life, welfare, happi- fr. w6e and absol. yevw,) to brina forth
(a) genr.
Luke xii. 15. John vi. alive, and Pass, to be born alive, Diod.
51 i7T6p riiq TOV KOfffiov Ztiifjs. 2 Cor. ii. Sic. 1. 7, 10. In N. T. to preserve alive,
16 6(r/*r) wj/e savour of life, i. e. salu- Acts vii. 19. Luke xvii. 33. So Sept.
tary. Acts ii. 28 oSovs
wfj, the ways and rrn Pi. Hiph. Ex. i. 17. Judg.
of life and happiness, from Ps. xvi. 1 1 viii. lV. 1 K. xx. 31. Theoph. ad
where Sept. for tFn. 1 Pet - *" 10 6 Autol. I. p. 74, TI irvoTj T. Seov
TO irav.
2 A 2
Zwov 356 H
ov, TO, (wo fr. a living 10 O Sebf TOV KOfffiOV ^WOTTOIWV.
thing, animal,beast, Heb. 2 Pet.
xiii. 11. Of the dead, to recall to life, to quicken,
ii. 12. Jude 10. Symbolically, Rev. to reanimate, John v. 21 bis. Rom. iv. 17.
iv. 6, 7 quater, 8, 9. v. 6, 8, 11, 14. xvi. viii. 11. 1 Cor. xv. 22. 1 Pet. iii. 18.
1, 3, 5, 6, 7. vii. 11. xiv. 3. xv. 7. xix. 4. Test. XII
Patr. p. 679 TOVQ vticpovg wo-
Comp. Dan. vii. 3 sq. Ez. i. 5 sq. Sept. Of seeds, to quicken, Pass, to
for rrn Ez. 1. c. Ps. Ixviii. 11. Xen. germinate, 1 Cor. xv. 36.
Mem" 4. 3. 10.
b) by impl. to give eternal make life, to
alive sc. for ever in the bliss and privi-
fO), Wj f. rfffUtf (w07TOtdf, ff. leges of the Redeemer's kingdom, comp.
#0 waAe a/zve, to endue with in Zwr; c. John vi. 63. 1 Cor. xv. 45.
life, to quicken, trans. 2 Cor. iii. 6. Gal. iii. 21. Comp. Sept.
a) pp. 1 Tim. vi. 13 TOV Seov TOV and n*rj E CC. vii. 12. Clem. Alex.
%W07TOIOVVTO TO. TTOLVTU. Sept. for JTTT Strom. 5. 11.
Pi. Hiph. 2 K. v. 7. Neh. ix. 6. Act
gative, comparative ; see Passow in voc. 9 T) rig iffnv t% vfiStv avSpuirog ; XX. 15.
Buttm. 149. p. 424. Matth. 619. Rom. iii. 29. 1 Cor. i. 13. ix. 6, 8, 10.
Winer 57. 3. p. 370. 2 Cor. i. 17. al.
1. Disjunctive, aut. 3. Comparative, than, e aftei
or, a) genr. g. a)
Matt. V. 17 rbv vofjiovTOVQ Trpo^rfTag.
77 comparatives and words implying com-
ver. 36. Mark iv. 30. Luke ix. 25. John parison. Matt. x. 15 avtKTOTtpov 7}
vi. 19. Acts iii. 12. Heb. ii. 6. al. saepiss. ry TToXei tKtivy. Mark x. 25. Luke
Hdian. 3. 15. 18. Xen. Mem. 1. 2. xvi. 17. Johniv. 1. Rom. xiii. 11. /*o\-
18. H. G. 3. 3. 9. \ov ij, more than, rather than, Matt, xviii.
b) 7; ij, repeated, or, aut either 13. John iii. 19. Acts iv. 19. irpiv -fj.
aut j Matt. vi. 24 7; yap TOV 'iva. fiurrjcrei sooner than, before, Matt. i. 18. Mark
r) tvbg &v$ierai. Luke xvi. 13. 1 Cor. xiv. 30. Luke ii. 26. Acts ii. 20. comp.
xiv. 6. 2 Cor. i. 13. Luc. D. Deor. 18. Buttm. 149. 1. p. 430. So after 3!Aw.
1 or 3. Xen. Mem. 1. 2. 16. 1 Cor. xiv. 19 SeXw TTEJTC Xdyowf dia ro
2. Interrogative, where however VOOQ fiov XaXijaai ... 7} fivpiovg Xoy. K.r.X.
the primary force or is strictly re- Luc. D. Deor. 18. 1. Xen. GEc. 10.
tained, or whether? or if perhaps? an 6. Conv. 2. 3. c. 3-Xw Arr. Epict. 3. 1.
forte? comp. Buttm. 1. c. Winer 61. Comp. Buttm. 149. 1. p. 424. Matth.
1. b. 691. 3.
a) pp. indirect,
in the latter clause of
after aXXog, e'rcpof, and the like;
a double interrogation after Trdrepov, Acts xvii. 21 'A$r]vaioi ovdev trtpov fig
whether or, e. g. John vii. 17 yvwo-trat evKaipovv, T) Xeyf iv K r. X. Comp. Matth.
grammarians supply paXXov, but the con- man province, c. gen. either as a legatus
struction found also in classic writers,
Caesaris, Luke ii. 2 TIJS Supiag, or as a
perhaps from negligence, and in N. T. procurator, Luke iii. 1 TTJQ
'lovSaia^. See
would seem to come rather through the in 'Hciwv 2.
Sept. from the Heb. mode of comparison
with see Winer 36. 1. Matth.
Hyt/uovm, ac? n }
()y/iwv,) lead-
)?? ;
ership, dominion, reign, Luke iii. 1 ,} r) y .
457. n. 1. Herm. ad Vig. 884. Matt,
KatVapof --Jos. Ant. 18.
povia Tt/3fjt)tou
xviii. 8 KaXov <TOI iariv tiveXSiiv tig TT]V
2. 2. Hdian. 1. 5. 26. ib. 2. 9. 12. Xen.
i/ f; KvXXbv, T) Svo \^? a S l\ovra H. G. 7. 1.33.
tig TO irva TO atwviov. ver. 9.
Mark ix. 43, 45, 47. Luke xvii. 2. 'Hyt/uuv, ovoc, o,
a leader,
xviii. 14. So Sept. and -J72
Gen. xxxviii. guide, Horn. Od. 10. 505. Xen. An. 4.
26. xlix. 12. Ps. cxviii. 8. Jon. 2. 1. Zonar. Suid. Phavor.
r/yt/twy 6
Tob. iii. 6. Ecclus. xxii. 15. Menand. TTJS oSov riyovpivos. commander leader,
KctXbv TO yv aSXiug. %yv, of an army, i. q. arparijyoe, Xen. Mem.
firj Phocyl. 7)
77. Soph. Ajax 945 or 966. Diod. Sic. 3. 2. 4. Sept. for nip Jer. xlii. 1, 8. _
11.11. Thuc.6. 21. Hdot.9. 26. Comp. In N. T.
Plaut. Rud. 4. 4. 70, <tacita mulier est 1 a leader, chief, head, Matt. ii. 6 iv
bona semper, quam loquens.' See also rotf riytpoffiv 'lovSa, quoted from Mic.
, ,-- -
-j $ evffb), (TJyf/awv,)
to go no military command nor authority over
before, to go first, c. dat. Horn. Od. 3. the taxes, both these latter being under
386. ib. 8. 4. to be a leader, chief, c. the care of persons appointed
by the
gen. JE1. V. H. 12. 17. Xen. Ag. 1. 3. emperor. Those sent to command in
In N. T. to be governor, sc. of a Ro- the provindcB Casarum were called
tellius, Jos. Ant. 18. 4. 2. For a list of ya>v r/ye/iwv 6 'Ep/ijjf. Luc. Pseudolog.
allthe presidents of Syria in that age, 24. Spoken genr. of those who have
see Bibl. Repos. II. p. 381. In all influence and authority, Luke xxii. 26.
these provinces, of both kinds, there was, Acts xv. 22. of officers and teachers
besides the president, an officer called in the churches, Heb. xiii. 7, 17, 24.
procurator Ccesaris, who had charge of of a chief magistrate, as Joseph in
the revenue, and also had a judicial Egypt, Acts vii. 10. of the Messiah,
power in matters pertaining to the re- a ruler, prince, Matt. ii. 6, quoted from
venue they were chosen usually from
Mic. v. 1 where Heb. ^1>73, Sept. apx^v.
the equites, but occasionally were freed- Sept. riyovfjuvoc for ?Tp72 2 Chr. vii. 18.
men. Sometimes
a procurator dis- ix. 26.
Ez. xliii. 7, 9. 1DK1 Deut.
charged the of a governor or pre-
office i. 13. vl 23. -ity 2 Sam. iii. 38. Jer.
sident, especially in a small province, or Ii. 57. Ecclus. xxxii. 1. Diod.
in a portion of a large province where Sic. i. 4 Ka$' ov r}yovp,tvoQ Td'ioe 'lovXiof
the president could not reside; as did KaTffap. Pol. 1.15. 4. comp. Xen. Lac.
Pilate, who was procurator of Judea 14.5.
which was annexed to the province of 2. 'Hyov/mi and also perf. T/yjj/mt Acts
Syria, Suet. Vesp. 4. Tacit. Ann. 12. xxvi. 2. Phil. iii. 7, with pres. signif.
23. Hence he had the power of punish- Buttm. 113. 6, like Lat. ducere, trop. to
ing capitally, which the procurators did lead out before the mind, i. e. to view, to
not usually possess, ib. 15. 4. ib. 4. 15. regard as being so and so, to esteem, to
So also Felix, Festus, and the other county to reckon, spoken, e. g. of things,
procurators of Judea, for a list of whom C. ace. 2 Pet. iii. 9 wg TIVIQ /Spadvrryrct
see Bibl. Repos. II. p. 382. See Adam's nyovvrai. c. ace. et infin. Phil. iii. 8
Rom. Ant. p. 165 sq. Jahn 241. bis, riyovfjiat iravTa ^rj^iiav tlvai . . . /cat
Krebs. Obss. e Jos. p. 61 sq. Hence iiyovfiai <TKv(3aXa elvat. (Hdian. 3. 12. 7.
spoken Xen. Cyr. 6. 1. 8.) c. ace. et elvai impl.
a) genr.
of a proconsul, legate, presi- 2 Cor. ix. 5 dvayicdiov ovv riyTjffdfiTjv
dent, Matt. x. 18. Mark xiii. 9. Luke TTopa/caXlo-ai ic. r. X. Phil. ii. 25. 2- Pet.
xxi. 12. 1 Pet. ii. 14. Hdian. 2. 9. 12. i. 13. James i. 2 iraaav \apav rj-yr}-
ib. 6. 2. 2. ffaaSe, orav K. T. X. C. dupl. ace. et
of the procurator of Judea, viz. elvat impl. riytlaSai r'i n, to think to be
Pilate, Matt, xxvii. 2, 11 bis, 14, 15, 21, such and such, to esteem as any thing,
23,27. xxviii. 14. Luke xx. 20. Felix, Phil. ii. 6. iii. 7 raiira tfyrjuai Zijfiiav.
Acts xxiii. 24, 26, 33, 34. xxiv. 1, 10. Heb. x. 29. xi. 26. 2 Pet. ii. 13. iii.
Festus, Acts xxvi. 30. Jos. Ant. 18. 3. 1, 15. Sept. for n$n Job xli. 19 Wisd.
ITiXdrof 6 TT] 'lovSaiag tjyifnttv. The xv. 9. Jos. Ant. 7. 2. 1. Xen. Cyr. 8.
usual Greek word
for procurator is liri- 1. 47. So of persons, to hold or esteem
rpoTrog, so of Pilate, Jos. B. J. 2. 9. 2. one as such and such, c. dupl. ace. et
Philo Leg. ad Cai. p. 1033. E. genr. tlvai impl. Acts xxvi. 2 ijyrjfiai e/tcturov
Hdian. 7. 4. 5, 11. ib. 4. 6 8 rjyffiovag TI Haicdpiov. Phil. ii. 3. 1 Tim. i. 12. vi.
tTTirpOTTOVf. 1. Heb. xi. 11. pfi us ix$P v 2Thess.
f de- iii. 15. Sept. for ni&'n Job xix. 11.
'Hycojueu, ouizcuj r],
pon. Mid. (ayw,) to lead, i. e. to go be- xxxiii. 10 Wisd. i. 16." Xen. Cyr. 3.
fore, to go first, to lead the way, Horn. 1. 20. With an accus. and adverb, 1
Od. 10. 263. Jos. Ant. 6. 5. 2. Xen. Thess. v. 13 r/yatrS'at avrovg i7rfpK7rcpi<r-
Cyr. to be leader, chief, in
4. 5. 13. war, ffov to regard
iv ay airy, i. e. them as very
q. <rrpar/yw, Xen. Mem. 3. 2. 4 of highly deserving of love.
adv (4 We), sweetly, i. e.-
'HSoejoc, ovc, r > (Ion. for
with relish, of eating, Xen. Mem. 1. 3. 5. fr. accustomed seat, haunt, dwell-
In N. T. trop. with pleasure, gladly, ing, of animals and men, Horn. II. 6.
Mark vi. 20. xii. 37. 2 Cor. xi. 19. 511. Hes. Op. 169. Hdot. 1. 16. In
2 Mace. vi. 30. Jos. Ant. iii. 8. 1. Xen. N. T. wont, custom, usage, Plur. TO. ifir],
Cyr. 1. 4. 10. manners, morals, charactei', 1 Cor. xv.
33, quoted from Menander in Sentent.
adv. now, even now, already, Comicor. Gr. p. 248 ed. Steph. p. 78 ed.
spoken Cler __ Sing. Ecclus. xx.26. Luc. Phalar.
a) in reference to time past and pre- pr. 7 xpn<*Tv jJSoj . Xen. Mem. 3. 10. 3.
sent, marking an action as completed ; Plur. Hdian. 2. 6. 1.
Matt. iii. 10 77^17 tie rai rj aivr) Ktirai K.T.X.
v. 28 fify l}i.oi\f.vatv avTTjv. xxiv. 32.
f. ift", later aor. 1
Mark xv. 42, 44. Luke vii. 6. John iii. "Hictu, fca Rev.
25. iii. 9, see Lob. ad Phryn.
p. 743
18. iv. 35. al. saep. 1 John iv. 3 vvv
sq. Winer 15. Buttm. Ausf. Sprachl.
now even
t'lSrj already. Phil. iv. 10 ?;;
114. p. 146 ; to come, i. e. to have
Trore, now at Tob. iii. 6. Jos. come,
to be here, in the sense of a
Ant. 5. 1. 13. Hdian. 1. 9. 10. Xen. preterite,
Buttm. 1. c. p. 155. Gram. 137. n. 8.
Cyr. 4. 1. 4. i/flij Trore Dion. Hal. Ant.
Matth. 504. Gehr. of persons,
I. 2.
of the immediate future, seq. OTTO c. gen. of place whence, Matt.
b) by impl. viii. 11 et Luke xiii. 29 curb avaraXuv Kal
now, presently, soon. Rom. i. 10 t'nruc
Trori <c. T. X.
cufffiuv i'jZovoi. Mark viii. 3. seq. tic c.
ijtir] if perhaps
I may gen. John iv. 47, and in the sense of to
shortly or at length be prospered to
come forth, to arise, Rom. xi. 26.
come etc. See Viger. p. 413 sq. Jos. seq.
Ant. T n v $1 Trpocc. ace. of pers. Acts xxviii. 23 fjicov
3. 14. 1 TI}V plv ijdij *x er >
irpi> avrbv (If TT)V iviav. (Sept. for 8121
{fir) Xr/i//f<rSe. Luc. D. Deor. 4. 2 bis.
Ex.xx.24.^El.V.H.3. 19
Thuc. 8. 69. AL. pen.) trop. John
vi. 37. seq. ITT* nva, to come upon one,
adv. pp. ace. plur. neut. in a hostile sense, Rev. iii. 3 bis.
, (Sept.
of i'lSioroQ superl. of rjSvs, Buttm. 115. for Jrta 2 Sam. xvii. 12. Dem. 319.
5, lit. most sweetly, i. e. with high relish, absol. Matt. xxiv. 50 # 6 KvpioQ TOV
of eating and drinking, Xen. Mem. 1. SovXov iKtivov. Luke xii. 46. xv. 27.
6. 5. In N. T. trop. most gladly, 2 Cor. John viii. 42 IK TOV $eov i^rjXSrov Kal IJKW,
xii. 9, 15 __ Xen. Mem. 2. 7. 10. Comp. 1.
q. l&XSuv rJKu. Heb. x. 7, 9. (Sept.
in WEWC. for Nia Ps. xl. 8.) ver. 37. 1 John v.
Matt. xvii. 12. Mark ix. 13. Lukei. 17. 31. Sept. for nnitfn OV Jer. xvii. 24, 27.
b) stature,
size. Luke xix. 3 ry 17X1x1? Toiry rjfitpq lytoSrrjvai. Mark IX. 31.
Matt. vi. 27. Luke xii. 25. trop. Luke ix. 22. xiii. 14. Johnii. 1. Actsvii.
Eph. iv. 13. Sept. for nttip Ez. xiii. 8. al. Buttm. 133. 3. 4. (Xen. An. 4.
18 __ Plut. Philop. 11. Hdot. 3. 16. 7. By Hebr. 2 Cor. iv. 16 v/ulp
icat >7jwspa, day by day, every day, daily j
ov, correl. pron.
so Heb. El"} QTS Sept.
Ka$' iicdaTtjv
how great, quantus, Col. ii. 1. James
5. Jos. Ant. 8. 7. 7 fin. Diod. Sic. 1. rm'tpav, Esth. iii. 4. QV tDV, Sept. r^kpav
KaSr' rifiipav, Ps. Ixviii. 20. See Gesen.
55. See Buttm. 79. 6.
Lehrg. p. 669. Stuart 438. c. In the
"HAtoc, ov, o, (S'XT;,)
the sun, Matt. Accusative, of time how long, implying
xiii. 43. Mark i. 32. al. Sept. for irfpllj duration. Matt. xx. 6 b\j;v TTJV finepav
Gen. xv. 12, 17 __ Dem. 197. 7. Xen! apyoi. xxviii. 20 Traaaq rag rjjjiepag i. e.
Mem. 3. 8. 9. Meton. for light, day- always. Mark i. 13. John i. 40. Acts
light, Acts xiii. 11. Comp.Ps. lviii.9. AL. ix. 9. Gal. i. 18. Rev. xi. 9. So Matt.
XX. 2 ffvuQwrjaae IK dtjvapiov TYJV. . .
Trap' J7/m>.) Luke xxiv. 21 rpirjjv TUVTIJV iv. 3 see in 'AvS-pwTrivog b. Dem.
77/iepav ayt, see in *Ay w 2. a. 2 Pet. 1072. 27. (y) Spec, rjfiipa TOV Kvpiov,
ii. 13 Ttjv iv rjfjispq, Tpvfyijv, daily riot , day of the Lord, when the Saviour will
others under b below. Rev. ii. 10 return to judge the world and fully
3XIi//ic -hfii^v dtica, affliction of or for establish his kingdom, 1 Cor. i. 8 coll.
ten days, Buttm. 132. 4. 4. Luke i. 23 ver. 7. v. 5. 2 Cor. i. 14. 1 Thess. v. 2, 4,
at fjpipai Tr)c Xtirovpyiag avrov, the days coll. iv. 13 sq. 2 Pet. iii. 10. al. Luke
of his official duty. James v. 5 wg Iv xvii. 24 6 i/'tof TOV av$p. iv I'lftepy, avrov,
comp. ver. 30 y I'lu'tpq. o vibe TOV av$p. Seq. gen. of pers. Luke- xix. 42 iv ry
i. absol. 1 Cor. iii. 13. So <rov ravry, in this thy time, whilst
ripepa, that day, the great day of thou yet livest, etc. So John viii. 56
judgment, Matt. vii. 22. Mark xiii. 32. 'iva ISy ri]v ryiepav eu//v, my time, the time
2 Thess. i. 10. "With a gen. of what is of my manifestation. Seq. gen. of thing,
then to take place, e. g. //ilpa Kpivtwg e. g. sag wpspae dvadeiZtug Luke i. 80.
Matt. x. 15. xi. 22, 24, 36. al. comp. rjfj.. ffWTtjpiag 2 Cor. vi. 2. i}fi.
Rom. ii. 16 ivi'ipepapre KpivelbStog K.T.\, pafffiov Heb. iii. 8. ;/i, 7ri<T/ca>7r//^ 1 Pet.
and Jude 6 tig Kplaiv ntyaXijg I'lftepag. ii. 12, see in 'ETnvicoirr]. 2 Pet. iii. 18
Also rip. 6py/]e Rom. ii. 5. Rev. vi. 17. ?}/i. aiiuvog, i.
q. r)/i. a/wvtog, time eternal,
tip,. aTroXvrpwcrewe Eph. iv. 30. Further, for ever Buttm. 123. n. 4.
judge, 2 Pet. iii. 12 Once / //iepa Luke xvii. 22. c. adj. Acts xv. 7 atf
icvpiov, of Jehovah, Acts ii. 20, quoted ilfttpHJv dpxaiatv. Acts ii. 17 et James v.
from Joel iii. 4, [ii. 31, where Sept. for Slvraig iffxaTatg iipipaig, see in'JZffxctTog.
nirP Q-V, the day of God's retribution Acts iii. 24 /earayy. rug iipspag ravrag.
in general comp. Joel i. 15.
Is. ii. 12. xi. 27. al. Matt. iii. 1 iv rdig r}^. *ci-
xiii. 6. Ez. xiii. 5. xxx. 3. Zeph. i. 7, vatg. Mark xiii. 24. Rev. ix. 6. al. also
14. Also ; r//i. T/ fitydXij TOV $toii Rev. Heb. x. 32. xii. 10. Seq. gen. of pers.
xvi. 14. prob. Heb. x. 25, comp. ver. Matt. 12.xi.Luke iv. 25 iv ralg r^t.
27, 31. 'HXiov. Acts vii. 45 eotg T&V //i. Aafiid.
b) day, day-light, from sunrise to sun- Seq. gen. of an event, e. g. Luke ii. 6
set, e. g. in antith. with vv, as in Gen. al t'ip. TOV TIKUV avTTjv. Acts v. 37 iv
of time when, iipipag xat vvKTog or VVK- Talg tip. Trjg airoyoafyiig. Heb. V. 7.
Tog Krai t'ip.ipag, by day and by night, Luke Matt. xxiv. 38. So Heb. irp; and Sept.
xviii. 7. Acts ix. 24. Mark v. 5. 1 Ex. ii. 11. Judg. xviii. 1. 2 Sam. xxi. 1.
Thess. ii. 9. comp. above in a. (Xen. Cyr. 1 K. x. 21 . Jer. i. 2. Gen. xxv. 24.
2. 3. or in Accus. of time how long, spec, the time of one's life, i. e. one's
23.) (/3)
Matt. iv. 2 vnortvoag i'ip.pag retro Kai VVK- days, years, age, life, e. g. fully, Luke i.
Tag Tt<rar. and so VVKTO. KOI iipipav, night 75 irdffag rag t'lptpag Trjg o>fjg, comp. Gen.
and day, i. e. continually, incessantly, xlvii. 8, 9. Absol. Luke i. 7 TrpofBtprjKOTtg
Mark iv. 27. Luke ii. 37. Acts xx. 31. iv Talg iifAipatg avrutv, advanced in years,
xxvi. 7. comp. above ina. (Xen. An. 6.1. in age, and so ver. 18. ii. 36.
14.) genr. Rev. viii. 12 r) rip. /**} <f>aivy . . . Heb. vii. 3. So Sept. and Heb. trp^
cat } Simply, e. g. rag r/pepag,
vi)bpoi(iig. Gen. vi. 3. Job xxxii. 7 D^P'S Nn GenI
the days, i. e. during the day time, every xxiv. 1. Josh. xiii. 1. AL.
day, Luke xxi. 37. (Xen. Cyr. 1. 3. 12.)
So iipepag peaeg, at mid-day, Acts xxvi. a, ov, (>?/')) possess.
13. iipepag yei/ojUEvi/e, day being come,
pron. of first pers. plur. our, our own,
when it was day, Luke iv. 42. Acts xii. Acts ii. 11. xxiv. 6. xxvi. 5. Rom.xv.4
18. xvi. 35. al. (Xen. An. 7. 2. 34.)
1 Cor. xv. 31. 2 Tim. iv. 15. Tit. iii.
the Luke iv. 14. 1 John i. 3. ii. 2. Xen. Cyr. 2.1 .
t'l t'lfiepa icXivei, day declines,
42. JE1. Alex. M. 3. 4. John 4. Comp. Buttm. 72. 4.
(comp. 4.)
ix. 4 Hug 1/p.ipa iori, so long as it is day.
j oucj o, r), adj.
xi. 9 irtpnraTtiv iv ry 7//zsp. Trop. for for Luke x
, half-dead,
the light of true and higher knowledge,
30. Diod. Sic. 12. 62.
moral light, Rom. xiii. 12. 1 Thess. v.
5, 8.2 Pet. i. 19.
2. time, in general, nearly,i.
q. \p6vog. plur. ta, half, dimidius, a, um, Xen.
a) sing,
of a point or period of time ; H. G. 5. 3. 21. In N. T. only neut. TO
Matt. xiii. 1 iv fit ry I'/u'ecuf. iiceivy *?\3wv as subst. a half, gen. rjuiaovg
6 'I. John xiv. 20. Eph. vi. 13 iv ry Matt. vi. 23, plur. TO. Jipiai] Luke xix. 8,
?/<. ry Trovripj. (Xen. H. G. 2. 4. 17.) both being forms of the later Greek,
Buttm. 51. n. 5. Winer ^9. 1. a, and dea he now collected an army, recov-
2. d. Lob. ad Phr. p. 246 sq. Mark ered Jerusalem, and extirpated the
vi. 23 ewe; jyjui'troug riije /3a<nXeiac. Luke Maccabean family, B. C. 37. After the
xix. 8. Rev. xi. 9 t}/iepct rpetc icai rjfiiav. battle of Actium he joined the party of
ver. 11. xii. 14. Sept. for Ex. xxiv. ^n Octavius, who confirmed him in his
6. Zech. xiv. 2. Tob. viii. 21\ Jos. Ant. possessions. He now rebuilt and deco-
7. 6. 1 rd t'lfjiiffT]
T&V yVtW. Xen. H. G. rated the temple of Jerusalem, built
2. 4. 10. and enlarged many cities, especially
Cesarea, and erected theatres and gym-
, OU, ro, (r//ii
for nasia in both these places. He was no-
a half-hour, half an hour, Rev. viii.
torious for his jealousy and cruelty,
having put to death his own wife Mari-
correl. adv. Wten, ivhenever, amne and her two sons Alexander and
1. Herod, surnamed the Great, Matt. whence also he is called by the very
ii. 1, 3, 7, 12, 13, 15, 16, 19, 22. Luke general title (3aai\tve Matt. xiv. Mark
i. 5. He was the son of Antipater'an vi. 14. comp. in Ba<n\vc b. He first
Idumean in high favour with Julius married a daughter of Aretas, whom he
Caesar, and at the age of fifteen was dismissed on becoming enamoured of
made procurator of Galilee, in which Herodias see in 'A/olrag.
This latter,
he was confirmed by Antony with the his own niece and the wife of his brother
of tetrarch, about B. C. 41.
title Being Philip Herod, he induced to leave her
driven out by the opposite faction, he husband and live with him and it was ;
fled to Rome, where by the influence for his bold remonstrance on this occa-
of Aiitony he was declared king of J \\- sion that John the Baptist was put to
death, through the arts of Herodias. granddaughter of Herod the Great and
(Mark vi. 17 sq. al.) Herod went to sister of Herod Agrippa the elder. She
Rome at the instigation of Herodias, to was first married to her uncle Philip
ask for the title and rank of king; but was left him to live with Herod
(Herod), but
there accused before Caligula at the in- Antipas see in 'Hpwflijg no.
2. Matt. xiv.
stance of Herod Agrippa her own brother, 3, 6. Mark vi. 17, 19, 22. Luke iii. 19.
and banished with her to Lugdunum
wvoc, Herodion, a >
in Gaul, about A. D. 41. His
(Lyons) Christian whom Paul calls his kinsman,
territories were given to Herod Agrippa.
Rom. XVI. 11.
Jos. Ant. 18. c. 5. c. 7. In Mark viii.
15 'Hpwfo/c is put collectively for 'Hpw- ou,6, Esaias, Heb.
fiiavoi q. v. (Jehovah's deliverance) Isaiah, the cele-
3. Herod Agrippa, the elder, called brated Hebrew prophet, Matt. iii. 3. iv.
Acts xii. 1, 6, 14. Mark vii. 6. al. Meton. for the book
Josephus only 'Aypiir-jraQ,
11, 19 _
21. xxiii. 35. He was grand- of Isaiah, Acts viii. 28, 30. AL.
son of Herod the Great and Mariamne, 'H<rau, &, Esau,indec. Heb.
and son of Aristobulus. On the accession n. of the elder son of Isaac
(hairy), pr.
of Caligula he received with the title of and brother of Jacob, the ancestor of the
king the provinces which had belonged Edomites, Rom. ix. 13. Heb. xi. 20. xii.
to his uncle Philip and to Lysanias, see 16. See Gen. xxv. 25 sq. xxvii. 6 sq.
above in no. 1, and in 'A/3iX/v//. To
these were added those of Herod Antipas, 'Hcru^a&Ojf. a<rw, (}<ruxoc,) tobe quiet,
see in no. 2 and Claudius afterwards tranquil, still, intrans. spoken of life, 1
Thess. iv. 11. Sept. for tspip Judg. iii.
gave him in A. D. 43 all those parts of
Judea and Samaria which had belonged 11, 30. Thuc. 1. 12. ib.~6. 38 __ By
to Herod the Great. He died suddenly impl. to rest, sc. from labour, Luke xxiii.
and miserably at Cesarea, A. D. 44. 56. (Herodian. 7. 5. 6.) from further
Acts xii. 21. Jos. Ant. 18. c. 5 sq. 19. cavil, discussion, etc. to hold one's peace,
c. 4 sq.
to be silent, Luke xiv. 4. Actsxi. 18. xxi.
4. Herod Agrippa, the younger, called 14. Sept. for iTHnTT Neh. v. 8. Jos.
in N. T. and by Josephus only Agrippa, Ant. 1. 21. 1. Hdian! '8. 3. 7.
Mark viii. 15 with Matt. xvi. 6. 134. 4. absol. 2 Pet. ii.20. Jos. Ant.
Soe, n> Herodias, 1. 19. 4 tpwTi !]TTTi$tis. In war, Hdian
'Hrr/jjua 364-
ft. 4. 10. Xen. Cyr. 3. 1. 24. An Act. Cor. xi. 17 tig TO terror for the worse.-
>}rraw, to subdue, is found in a few late Luc. Somn. 18 i rig irpbg TO. I'JTTW ctTro-
writers, Sept. Is. liv. 17. Pol. 1. 75. 3. jcXivci. Adv. 2 Cor. xii, 15r)rrov dyaTrui-
ib. 3. 18. 5. Passow B. voc. Buttm. /iai, Me Zm am I loved. Dem. 104. 13.
Ausf. Sprachl. II. p. 146. Thuc. 1. 8.
the universe, Acts iv. 24. xiv. 15. Rev. warmth imparted, Sept. 1 K. i. 2, 4. Jos.
v. 13. So Sept. and to? Ex. xx. 11. Ant. 7. 14. 3. of a fowl brooding, Deut.
ii. 7. Jos. Ant. 4/3.2. Poet, of xxii. 6. In N. T. trop. to cherish, to
the waters above the firmament, on nourish, trans. 1 Thess. ii. 7 u>g av rpofbg
which the throne of God is said to be SaX-Try rd tavriig r'iKva. Eph. v. 29. Jos.
A. J. 4. 3. 14. Anth. Gr. II. p. 239. III.
founded, SraXaffaa vaXivrj, crystal sea,
Rev. iv. 6, xv. 2. Comp. Gen. i. 7. Ps. p. 167.
xxix. 10. cxlviii. 4. Others compare the indec. TJiamar, Heb
, }>
365 Oavaroc
death, the extinction of life, naturally or used to denote the bliss and glory of
by violence. the kingdom of God, including the idea
a) genr.
and of natural death, John of a joyful resurrection, (see Zw?} c. /3,)
xi. 4 ai>TTi 17 aoSkviia OVK fort irpbg so Gavaroc is put for the opposite, viz.
Sdvarov. ver. 13. Rom. viii. 38. Phil. rejection from the kingdom of God, in-
i. 20. Heb. vii. 23. al. So ycvecr&u v. cluding the idea of physical death as
ttit'iv TOV Sdvarov, see in Tcuw b. Eitfo; aggravated by eternal condemnation ;
I. c. Also Matt. xxvi. 38 et Mark xiv. the idea of physical death being some
34 Trept'XvTrof 'iwg Savdrov sorrowful even times more prominent, and sometimes
unto death, comp. Engl. < to grieve one- that of subsequent perdition. John viii.
self to death.' Rev. xiii. 3 tig Sdvarov. 51 Sdvarov ov f^rj SewpTjtry tiQ TUV aiuva.
ib. irXrjyrj Savdrov, deadly wound ;
Rom. vi. 16 tfouXoi a/zaprt tig Sdvarov.
Buttm. 123. n. 4. John xii. 33 iroiy Ver. 21 rb yap rlXog kKtivuv, 3-avarof.
Savdrif) fjpeXXtv diroSvrjfficsiv, by what ver. 23. vii. 5, 10. viii. 2, 6. 2 Cor. ii. 16.
death he should die. xviii. 32. xxi. 19. iii. 7. 2 Tim. i. 10 KaTapyrjaavTog \iiv
xxiv. 2.
For Rev. xvii. 6 see in Qavfia. Seq.
did n Mark vi. 6. John viii. 21. Iv TIVI
ppio), w, f. ?<TW, (Sappoc later Luke i. 21, comp. 'Ev 3. c. y. liri TIVI
Att. for
to be
of good cheer, to Mark xii. 17. Luke ii. 33. iv. 22. ix. 43.
have good courage, to be full of hope xx. 26. Actsiii. 12. comp. 'ETTI II. 3. c. e .
and confidence, intrans. 2 Cor. v. 6. nvog Luke ii. 18.
TTfpf Seq. on, to
Sappovvreg ovv irdvroTC, ver. viii. Heb. wonder that, because, etc. Luke xi. 38.
xiii. 6. Sept. Prov. i. 21. Ceb.Tab. 30. John iii. 7. iv. 27. Gal. i. 6. (Xen. Ven.
Xen. Mem. 2. 6. 32. Seq. Iv TIVI, to 1. Seq. et, to wonder if, whether,
have hope and confidence in any one, Mark 1 John iii. 13.
xv. 44. Comp.
2 Cor. vii. 16. comp. 'Ev no. 3. c. y. So El I. 2. g. a. Xen. An. 3. 2. 35.
d) by impl. trans, to wonder at,
i. e. to
Sept. Sappel ETT' avry for g TTO31 Prov.
xxxi. 11. (Pol. 5. 29. 4 iiri run.) Seq. admire, c. ace. comp. Matth. 317. n, 5)
f'iQ riva, to be bold towards any one, 2 Luke vii. 9 6 '!>; t^ow/mov aurov.
Cor. x. 1.2. Acts vii. 31. Pass. 2 Thess. i. 10. Diod.
of persons, i. e.
having respect to per- 1 John iv. 12. Pass. i$td$r] v-rr'
sons, partial ; so Sept. for & 2D ^3 Is. Mark xvi. 11 Jos. Ant. 1.11.2. Xen.
ix. 15. Job xiii. 10. xxii. 8. Sin Lev. CEc. 8. 11. Seq. ace. and particip.
xix. 15. In constr. prsegnans, Rev. xiii. Mark Luke v. 27 iStaaaro re-
xvi. 14.
3 $av[id%fiv oiriodi TOV Srjpiov, to wonder Xwvqv KaStjpivov K. T. \.
. . John i. 32,
after the beast, i. e. to admire and follow 38. Acts i. 11. (Xen. Cyr. 7. 1. 17.)
him, to become his worshipper, comp. Seq. on John vi. 5. Acts viii. 18.
ver. 4.
Ocarpt^o), f. iffu),
to be an
actor in the theatre, Suid. sub v. ^o-
Gaujuafftof, oi, o, 17, adj. ($av-
paa)), wonderful, admirable, Luc.
D. Xoyof . Also to bring upon
the, theatre,
XV. 1, 3, ffijfinov, tpya, Savp. Matt. xxi. public spectacles were exhibited, ^El.
42 et Mark xii. 11 avrrj [for i<rri
V. H. 3. 8. Xen. H. G. 4. 4. 3. Here
too the people were accustomed to con-
SavfiaoTi} iv 6<t>5. >//*. quoted from Ps.
cxviii. 23 where Sept. for vene on other occasions, to hear ha-
nk^p: hrrr,
oomp. Gesen. Lehrg. p 661. Stuart rangues, to hold public consultations,
see Xen. H. G. 6. 5. 7. Diod. Sic.
Sept. for TIN Ps. viii. 1.
436. etc.
Ex. xv. 11. xxxiv. 10. Luc. Somn/9, 16.84. Pol. 29. 10.2. Jos. Ant. 17.6.
10. Hdian. 2. 4. 11. Xen. Cyr. 1. 6. 7. 3. B. J. 7. 3. 3. Cic. pro Flacc. 7.
In the sense of strange, unusual, 2 comp. Kypke II. p. 100. Wetstein II.
Cor. xi. 14 cat oil SavpaffTov, no wondei', p. 585. So Acts xix. 29, 31. Meton.a
John ix. 30. Xen. Mem. 1.1. 17. Cyr. spectacle, public show, trop. 1 Cor. iv.9.
4. 6. 4. comp. Heb. x. 33. JSsch. Dial. Socr.
3. 20 Sriarpa iroitjT&v.
Gea, ac> fem. of a
( god-
Ottov, ou, TO, (prob. neut. of Saof,
dess, e. g. Diana, Acts xix. 27, 35, 37 in
see Passow sub
text. rec. Xen. Ven. 1. 6. v.) sulphur, brimstone,
Rev. xix. 20 T$V Katofitvrjv iv r< $iy.
f. aero/zat, depon. Mid. So 7ri)p jcai tlov,fire and brimstone, i. e.
aor. 1 pass. iStdSrjv in sulphurous flames, Luke xvii. 29. Rev.
pass, sense, Buttm. 113. n. 6; to see, xiv. 10. XX. 10. xxi. 8. irvp KCU tcair VOQ
to look at, to behold, trans. cai Stiov, sulphurous flames and smoke,
perfections, Rom. i. 20. Wisd. xviii. 9. God and Christ, seq. inf. aor. Rom. ix.
Clem. Alex. Strom. 5. 10. 22 tl dt 6 Seog ivddaa5ai K. T. X.
Col. i. 27. (Horn. II. 13. 743. Hdot. 2.
inf. et ace. 1 Tim. ii. 4. (Xen.
13.) seq.
sulphurous, i. e. made of sulphur, Rev.
Mag. Eq. 9. 9.) absol. c. inf. irnpl.
ix. 17. Philostr. Imag. I. 27. p. 802.
John v. 21. Acts xviiii. 21 TOV Seov SiX-
A form only of the later Greek, Lob. ad OVTOQ. 1 Cor. iv. 19. James iv. 15.
Phryn. p. 228. Horn. II. 20. 243. Xen. Cyr. 2.
4. 19 ult.
a) pp. will,
the act of willing, wish, c. inf. pres. Matt. xix. 21 tl SeXeig riXtiog
good pleasure ; Matt. xxvi. 42 ytvrjSr) ilvai. John vi. 67. Actsxiv. 13. x. 10.
TO SeXtjfid <TOV. Acts xxi. 14. 1 Cor. xvi. xviv. 6. al. seq. inf. et ace. Luke i. 62.
12 OVK i\v SsXrjua. Eph. v. 17. 1 Pet. ii. absol. c. inf. impl. Matt. viii. 2 tavStXyc.
15. iv. 2, 3, 19. 1 John v. 14. So&Xq/m Mark iii. 13. 1 Cor. vii. 36. Rev. xi. 6. al.
aapKog, carnal desire, John i. 13. Sept. (Palteph. 24. 4. Xen. Cyr. 1. 4. 10.)
ypnPs. i. 2. psi Dan. viii.4. xi. So c. neg. ov $eXw, not to will, not to
3. Ecclus. viii. 15. have in mind, and by impl. to will not,
meton. will, thing willed, what one to determine not to do this or that, to
wills to do or to have done, Matt. vii. 21 refuse, etc. seq. inf. aor. Matt. ii. 18
dXV 6 Troidiv ro SriXijfia TOV Trarpof. xii. OVK ijStXt TraoaK\riT)vai. Mark vi. 26.
50. xxi. 31. Mark iii.35. John v. 30. Luke xv. 28. al. c. inf. pres. John vii. 1.
vi. 38. Acts xiii. 22. Rom. xii. 2. Eph. 2 Thess. iii. 10. absol. c. inf. impl.
vi. 6. Heb. xiii. 21. al. Eph. ii. 3 rd Matt, xviii. 30. xxi. 29. Rom. vii. 15sq.
StXripctTa TIJC ffapKog. Sept. and ypH 1 Pateph. 2. 6. Xen. Cyr. 1.4. 10. In
K. v. 8, 9. Ps. ciii. 21.
cxliii'. 10. antith. of to will and to do, Rorn. vii. 18.
Hence by impl. will, i. e. purpose, 2 Cor. viii. 10, 11. Phil. ii. 13. Comp.
counsel, decree, law. Matt, xviii. 14 Winer 65. 6. Further, with a nega-
ourwg OIJK IGTIV SriXrj[j,a l/*7rp.
TOV irarpoc. tive the idea of SrkXm sometimes ap-
John vi. 39, 40. Acts xxii. 14. Heb. x. proaches that of Siivafjiai, to be able, I
7, 9, 10, 36. So
TO SiXrjpa TOV
collect. can, e. g. Matt. SeXwv av-r)v
i. 19 /i/}
Stov, the counsels, the eternal purposes jrapadttyiiaTiaai, being unwilling, una-
of God, Matt vi. 10. Luke xi. 2. ble, i. e. not being able to bring himself
d) meton. will,
the faculty of willing, to do so and so. Luke xviii 13 OVK ffit-
free-will. 1 Cor. vii. 37 Qovaiav *x sl '"I * Xsv ovSi rove 6<j>3r. tTrapat, would not,
TOV Idiov SeXrifiaTog. Luke xxiii. 25. could not, dared not. Comp. Passow
2 Pet. i. 21. of God, Eph. i. 5, 11. in i&Xw. Schaef. in Greg. Cor. p. 135.
1 Pet. iii. 17 ei SsXti TO SeXjj/m TOV Stov. Horn. II. 13. 106. Xen. Cyr. 8. 1. 16.
AL. H. G. 5. 4. 61.
(y) trop.
of the wind,
John iii. 8 oirov StXti, Trvti, i. e. pro
W, *l> ($&,) good-
lubitu. Xen. Cyr. 2. 4. 19 6,n^Xv, of
pleasure of God, Heb. ii. 4 Sept. Ez.
an eagle.
xviii. 23. 2 Mace. xii. 16. A form of the
to wish, to desire, to choose,
later Greek, Lob. ad Phr. p. 7.
b) genr.
seq. infin. e. g. aor. Luke viii. 20 iStlv <re
and 'ES&w, f. aXifcrw, both SeXovrtG. xxiii. 8. c. inf. pres. John xvi.
forms being used alike by the Atticists, 19. Gal iv. 20. seq. infin. et accus.
though not indiscriminately j for the Mark vii. 24. 1 Cor. vii. 7. xi. 3. xiv. 5.
distinction see Passow in SeXu> and t^Xw. (Hdian. 1. 2. 3.) absol. c. inf. impl.
Lob. ad Phryn. p. 7. To will, to wish, Matt. XV. 28 yevqSfjrtii act wg SiXttg.
to desire,pp. implying active volition Mark ix. 13. John xv. 7. 1 Cor. iv. 21.
and purpose, and thus differing from (Palaeph. 28. 3.) So
neg. ov S-tXw, c.
x. 20. (Palseph. 39. 3.) c. inf. pres. escapes them who affirm this, who are
Rom. i. 13. 1 Cor. x. 1. 2 Cor. i. 8. thus minded, comp. ver. 4. Hdian. 5.3.
(Luc. D. Mort. 2. 1
absol. c. inf. 11 eiKovn re. ijXiov drepyaorov tlvai ^1-
impl. John xxi. 18. Seq. ti, Luke xii. XOV<TIV. ib. 5. 6. 10. So volo Cic. Acad.
49 TI StXu), ti ^j<fy avfj^rj sometimes ',
4. 14.
with an accus. simply, where however SiXtt) seq. infin. is sometimes
e) nearly,
an infin. is strictly implied, e. g. Luke 1.
q. /uXXw, to be about to, i. e. it serves
V. 39 ovdeig TTIO/V TroXaioi/, ivSeui merely as an auxiliary and gives to the
vfov, sc. Trivfiv. 2 Cor. xi. 12 TUIV infin. a future sense, but only of inani-
TWV atyopprjv, SC. euptiv. Seq. 'iva C. mate things, e. g. Acts ii. 12 et xvii. 20
subjunct. Matt. vii. 12 oaa av SiXrjTe 'iva rt av SiXot TOVTO tlvat ',
what then will
K-oiGJaiv vfiiv ot di/Sp. Mark vi. 25. this be ? or as in comm. Eng. what is
subjunct. pp. with Vva implied ; e. g. t&Xw. Passow in i&Xw. Viger. p. 263
Matt. xx. 32 rt StXtrt [Vva] Trot^erw v/xTv; sq. AL.
as in Engl. what will ye
/ should
do unto you? xxvi. 17. Mark xiv. 12. 0e/i!AfO, ,7,adj. ($!pa, ri^/K), pp.
placed or laid as a foundation, funda-
xv. 9, 12. But see Winer
mental ; hence in N. T. as subst. foun-
42. 4. p. 235. Herm. ad Vig. p. 742.
dation. Mceris, StptXia icai
(Anacr. 12. 1. Soph. (Ed. R. 651. c. fut. Kai
ovdtTipuic, aTTneuf SefieXiot
Luc. Navig. 4 et 26.) Once with fj, i. e. to
choose rather, to prefer, I Cor. xiv. 19, see
masc. 6 SipiXioc, sc. Xtdog, pp.
in *H 3. a. Sometimes iSeXtiv (but not
foundation-stone. Heb. xi. 10 rr)v TOVS
SfXt/) when followed by an infin. is to be $fp. t\ovffav iroXiv. xxi. 14, 19 bis. Rev.
rendered as an adverb before a finite verb,
Sept. for 10? 1 K. v. 17. ib: Job xxii.
willingly, gladly, as John vi. 21 ry^tXov 16. NUJX Ezra iv. 12. v. 16. Esdr.
ovv Xafitivavrvv tic ro TrXoIov, they gladly
vi. 20. Pol. 1. 40. 9. Thuc, 1. 93.
received him into the vessel. See Buttm.
Trop. of elementary doctrine and in-
150. p. 440. Winer 58. 4. Xen. Hi.
struction, the foundation, 1 Cor. iii. 10
7.9. Cyr. 1. 1. 3. ib. 5. 1. 20.
Rom. xv.
f/tXiov T&tiKa. Eph. ii. 20.
by impl. to be disposed, inclined to
c) 20. Heb. vi. 1 . of a fundamental doc-
any thing, to delight in, to love, i. q. trine or principle, e. g. Christ 1 Cor. iii.
0jXu> ;
so seq. infin. Luke xx. 43 r&v Also Tim. 19 Sf^Xiov icaXov,
11, 12. 1 vi.
TTfptTrareTv iv oroXaiff eat
a good foundation, on which hope and sc.
a<nra<Tfiov^, comp. Mark xii.
salvation Meton. 2 Tim. ii.
38 rCJv SeXovriov iv <TT. eat
may rest.
irtpuraTtlv 19 SffisXtoe TOV Stov, that which God
ay-jraffftovf, where
seems to take the
hath founded, God's building, the gospel
accus. as being synonymous with 0iXew.
But this is better referred to Hebraism,
b) neut. TO Se/zfXiov, foundation, in
comp. Winer 58. 4. So by Hebraism
Luke's writings, Acts xvi. 26 TO. StfteXta.
c. accus. Matt, xxvii. 43 ti 3iX avrov, Luke vi. 48, 49. xiv. 29. Sept. for t3"7pitt
quoted from Ps. xxii. 9 where Sept. for Prov. viii. 29. Is. Iviii. 12. ID? Lam.
13 ypn. Sept. and ypl c. ace. Ez. Diod.
iv. 11. Mic. i. 6. Sic.' 5. 66.
xviii. 23. Also Matt. ix.'lS IXeov SXw,
Xen.H. G.5.2.5.
Kai ov Svaiav, quoted from Hos. vi. 6
where Sept. for ypn c. ace. Heb. x. w, f. w<, (Sf/iXio?,) to lay
5, 8, quoted from PsI xl. 7 where Sept. the foundation of any thing, to found,
ypn c. ace Seq. Iv TIVI, to delight trans. Matt. vii. 25 et Luke vi. 48 r$-
in any thing, Col. ii. 18 SiXuv iv T pfXiuTO yap iiri rr\v iriTpav, where for
vo(fpoovvy K. T. X. So Sept. and ^ the omission of the augm. in plupf. see
1 Chr. xxviii. 4. Buttm. 83. n. 6. Heb. i. 10 quoted
to be so and so minded, to from Ps. cii. 26 where Sept. for -r\
d) by impl.
be of opinion, to affirm. 2 Pet. iii. 5 Xav- also Josh. vi. 26. al Xen. Cyr. 7. 5. 11.
Sdvtt yap avTobt; TOVTO SsXovTctg, for it Metaph. to ground, to establish, to con-
iii. 17. Col. i. 23 ry iii. 15. Rev.iv. 8. xi. 17. So Acts ii.
firm, Eph.
1 Pet. v. 10. Diod. 39 Kvptog b Srtbg vn&v. vii. 37. So Sept.
Sic. 11. 68. ib. 15. 1. for
tTT^Nj rprr?
Gen. ii. 15, 16, 18 sq. i;i.
14. more freq. c. gen. for "D ''H^N ""^^
, ov, , /, adj. 13. Ez. See
Is. xliii. 3. Jer. iii.
o/ GW, 1 Thess.
Gesen. Heb. Lex. rnn? a. In con-
comp. SidaKTol TOV Ssov John vi. 45.
struction : before a genitive, e. g. of
87. (a)
Theophil. ad Autol. II. p.
person, 6 3t6g Tivog, the God of any one,
0^0X070?, ov, 6, ($e<Jc, Xsyw,) i. e. his
protector, benefactor, the object
theologue, one who treats of God and of his worship. Matt. xxii. 32 6 Stbg
divine things, as Epimenides Diod. Sic. 'Afipaap K. T. \. Mark xii. 26. Luke i.
5. 80. Pherecydes Plut. Sylla 36. In 68. Acts v. 30. vii. 32, 46. al. So voc.
N. T. spoken of John, the divine, the Matt, xxvii. 46 dee fj.ov,
3tl /tov, and Mark
of the
theologian, in the inscription xv. 34 6 3<5f fiov, b 3f6c fiov, quoted
Apocalypse, as maintaining the divine from Ps. xxii. 2 where Heb. ^N "<!pK,
nature and attributes of the Logos, Sept. 6 Srebg b Stog fiov. Seq. gen. of
comp. Rev. i. 2. thing, i. e. God as the author and giver,
the source of any thing, e. g. Srebg TJJQ
vTTOfiovfjg Kai Trjg 7rapaicX7(rfc>c
Rom. XV.
or contend against God, Acts xxiii.
Xen. 5. S-. Trjg IXiriSog ver. 13. 3. Tt
9 in text. rec. 2 Mace. vii. 19.
xvi. 20. Phil.iv.9. Heb. xiii.20.
(Ec. 16. 3.
aKa.Ta0Ta.aiag 1 Cor, xiv. 33. 3.
0OjLtaYOC, OU, o, 17, adj. (Scog, jia- xdpiroe 1 Pet. v. 10. Genit.
xo/iai), fighting against God, contending after other nouns, e. g. as active or sub-
with God, Acts v. 39. Symm. jective, denoting what comes forth, is
Prov. ix. 18. xxi. 16. God, Matt,
sent, given, appointed from
iii. 16
Trvev/ia TOV 3. Luke xi. 49 17 o-otyia
0E07TVEU0TOC, OU, O, ff, TOV 3. iii. 38 row Seov. ix. 20 6
God-inspired, given from God, 2 Tim. (vlog)
iii. 16 Tracra ypa0) .&07rvV<rro. Plut, Xpiorof rov 3. Acts xxiii. 4 rov dp^ifpea
TOV $. Matt. vi. 33 77 j3a<rt\eia row 3-..
ed. R. IX. p. 583. 9, rove 6v'potc v
2 Tim. iii. 17 6 avSp. TOV Seov the
SeoTrvfuerrovc. Phocylid. 121 rifa tft 3-o-
man of God, taught, furnished of God.
irvtvffTOv aofyitiQ Xoyog e<mv apiorog.
1Thess. iv. 16 17 <rdX7rty Seov trump of
Comp. Jos. C. Ap. 1. 7 [al
Kara r)v liriirvoiav rr\v airb God, which sounds by command of God.
i. aaXrc iy%, 1 Cor. xv. 52.
TOV Siov p,a$6vTuv. Cic. pro Arch. 8, q. ; ia"xa.Ti\
See Winer 37. 3. Also in a passive
poetam . . .
quasi divino quodam spiritu
or objective sense, Winer 30. 1 .
xi. 42 r/ aycnri] TOV $tov love TO God,
060C5 ou, o, God, the aivinity ; for see more in 'Ayd-n-T] b. Luke vi. 12
the derivation see note below. On the TOV Stov prayer to God. Mark
voc. .& Matt, xxvii. 46. Act. Thorn. 44, xi. 22 iriaTig TOV 3. faith in God. So
45, instead of the Attic voc. Seof, see olicog TOV 3. i. e. consecrated to God,
Buttm. 35. n. 2. Winer 8. 2. c. Luke vi. 4. 1 Cor.iii. 9. Rev. xv. 2 '-
a) genr. God, the supreme Lord and 3apat r. Sreov harps for the praise of
Father of all, Jehovah ; so 6 Scoc, Matt. God, comp. 1 Chr. xvi. 42. Winer 37. 3.
i. 23. iii. 9. v. 8. vi. 30. John iv. 24. Further, TO. TOV Stov, the things of God,
ix. 24. Rom. xvi. 26. James ii. 19. al. e. g.his counsels, purposes 1 Cor. ii. 11,
saepiss. Without the art. Stag Matt. vi. or things pleasing to him Matt. xvi. 23.
24. xix. 26. Luke ii. 14, 52. iii. 2. John Mark viii. 33, or things belonging, per-
i. 6, 18. iii. 2. Acts v. 29. Rom. i. 7, taining, to him, Matt. xxii. 21. Mark xii.
18. 1 Cor. iv. 1. al. saep. Comp. Winer 17. Luke xx. 25. (Xen. Cyr. 3. 3. 20.)
^ 18. p. 108. Sept. everywhere for In this last sense also we find rd npbg
2 Also TOV 3fov, things pertaining to God, his
D'Tj^ Gen. i. 1, sq. saepiss.
Kvpiog o Seoc, Matt. iv. 7, 10. xxii. 37. service and worship, Rom. xv. 17. Heb.
Mark xii. 29, 30. Luke i. 16, 32. 1 Pet. ii. 17. r. 1.
Dat. 3 <p, e. g. after
adjectives, as avTtlocT$ <p Acts vii. 20, Strom. I, Sebg ( irapa ri]v &<rti/ e"p?;rat
and Swara T<$ Setji 2 Cor. x. 4, as an in- <cat Ta^tv, rrfv diaKoafiriaiv.- Plato de-
tensive from the Heb. exceedingly, see in rives it from ^lo> to run, regarding the
'Aorttoe and Avvaroq. 'Winer 37. 3. deity as having been first recognized in
K No where after verbs, etc. TO OR FOR the sun, and moon, and earth, and stars,
God, e. g. Rom. vi. 10 et Gal. ii. 19 Zyv and heavens, are -yovv avra opwvreg iravra
$e<ji, i. e. to his honour and praise, in ael iovra Spofiqi KO.I Stovra, &TTO TOVTTIQ
accordance with his will, 2 Cor. v. 13. ix. Ttjg <pvffewg rrjg TOV 2fuvt STSOVQ avTovg
11. al. l7rovo}iaaai, Plato Crat. 16. p. 397. D.
the Logos, who This idea is paraphrased by Theophil, ad
b) spoken of Christ,
is declared to be 6 Stog, e. g. John i. Autol.I. p. 71, i. q. Tpk^tiv, Kivtiv,
1. xx. 28. Rom.ix.5. Phil. ii. 6. 1 Tim. Tpe<ptiv irpovoEiv KO.I Kvfiepvqiv, K
iii. 16. Heb. i. 8. 1 John v. 20. Rev. TO.irdvTa. But more prob.Sfoe is of the
xix. 17 coll. ver. 7. xxii. 6. So the same family with Ztvf, Aiof, JEol. Aeuc,
Saviour is called 6 Stoc in Test. XII Patr. Lat. deus. AL.
Fabr. Cod. Pseud. V. T. Vol. I. p. 542,
6 Sebe ffUJfia Xafiuv tffaxrev aurouf ava- , ac, n, o<tc, rever-
ence towards God, godliness, 1 Tim. ii. 10.
yap KvpioQ [roi> <ra>r//pa~| Sfbv Kai
p. 044, 645, fytaSt Sibv iv
. Sept. for tPT^K nNT) Gen. xx. 11
Baruch. v. 3. Xen. An. 2. 6. 26.
avSpwtrov. p. 672 6$5rjfferai
KOTOIKUV Iv &v$p<t)iroiQ tTri rijc y/K*.
p. 696 Sebc tif avopa W7roicpiv6/*cvoc.
reverencing God, godly, a wor-
Comp. also Justin. Dial. c. Tryph. p.
shipper of God, John ix. 31. Sept. for
Origen c. Cels. 5. 39. ib. 6. 60.
tTTi^N KT: Ex. xviii. 21. Job i. 1, 8
Comm. in Joann. Tom. I. 42. II. 2 6.
Judith xi/17. Xen. Cyr.8. 1. 25.
VI. 23.
from the Heb. spoken of kings as
God in the Jewish
the representatives of pass, hated of the gods, Eurip. Troad.
theocracy. John x. 34, 35 tydi tlira t 1243 or 1221. In N. T. act. hating
Sfoi tare; ei Itctivovg dire $toi> K. T. \. God, impious, Rom. i. 30. Eurip. Cycl.
quoted from and in allusion to Ps.lxxxii. 395 or 396. Suidas, SfoaruyeTe- 3-fo/ui'-
1, 6, where Sept. and Heb. tJTi^N, i,
oi vfcb S'eov niaovfitvoi Kai 01 Stbv
comp. ver. 7.
in the Greek sense, 6 Seoc, a god,
the deity, oi the gods, i. e. the rrjroc, ?) (^ of,) deity, God-
heathen gods. Acts vii. 43 6 $ei>e v/iwv head, the divine nature and perfections,
'PtfiQav. xii. 22. xiv. 11 oibeoi. xix. 26.
q. Seioreg, Col. ii. 9 Luc. Icarom. --
xxviii. 6. 1 Cor. viii. 4, 5. Gal. iv. 8. So
Satan is called 6 Seoc TOV aluvoQ TOVTOV,
, ou, o, Theophilus, pr. n.
the god of thisworld, its leader, etc. of a person of distinction, K^CLTIGTOQ, to
2 Cor.iv. 4. Indeed the Jews regarded whom Luke inscribed his Gospel and
all the heathen gods as evil spirits, see
the book of Acts, Luke i. 3. Acts i. 1.
in Aai/ioviov b. Diod. Sic. 1. 9. Xen. Elsewhere unknown.
Mem. 2. 3. 18, 19. ib. 4. 7. 6 Once,
fern. 17 -&6g, a goddess, Diana, Acts xix. 0pa7rcta, ac> >?> (-StpaTrci/w,) volun-
37 in some edit. So Xen. An. 3. 2. 12 ry tary service, attendance, ministry, genr.
ApTefudi ry ^y. ib. 5. 3. 6, 7, 9
. . . Diod. Sic. 1. 21. Xen. Cyr. 5. 5. 29. In
Meton. an image, idol, Acts vii. 40. Sept. N. T.
for bp
Is. xliv. 17. tras; 2 Sam. v. a)
care of the sick, and by impl. relief,
Luke ix. 11 xpetav xoirae Stpa-
NOTE. The earliest derivation of Stag Trci'ac tare. Rev. xxii. 2. Jos. Ant. 19.
is from rtj//u, e. g. Hdot. 2. 52 $toi>c 1. 16. Palseph. 2. 4. Xen. Hi. 8. 4.
Sf Trpocrcuvo^iatrav ofytaq cnro TOV TOIOVTOV, b)
meton. and
collect, attendants, do-
art KOfTjuy SkvTf TO. iravTO. TrprjyfiaTa KO.I mestics, retinue, Matt. xxiv. 45. Luke xii.
TraaaQ vo/tr/c i1\or. So Clem. Alex. 42. Sept. for trill Gen. xlv. 16 --
2 B2
Jos. Ant. 4. 6. 4 vvv Stpairtiq. /3a<nXcy. 2 Cor. ix. 6 bis. Comp. Sept. an
Hdian. 7. 1. 10. Xen. Mem. 3. 11. Jer. xii. 13. See in 27r/pw a, fin.
4. to reap the fruits of one's la-
b) trop.
bours, to receive in recompence, c. accus.
vw, v<rw, 1 Cor. ix. 11 rd ffapKiicd. Gal. vi. 8 bis,
upon, to minister unto, i. e. to render 9. So Sept. and Prov. xxii. 8
voluntary service and attendance ; see Test. XIIPatr. p. 676. Fig. also of a
Passow sub v.
Christian teacher gathering in converts
a) pp. Pass. Acts xvii. 25 ovSk (6 Srebg') into the kingdom of God, John iv. 36
virb xttpwv dvSpW7ra>vSpa7Tt/trai. Diod.
bis, 38 eyw dTrtVmXa vpac Sipi&iv S ovx
Sic. 2. 20. Xen. Cyr. 1. 3. 7. ib. 5. 5.
comp. Matt. ix. 37 et
vpiis KEKoiriaKciTe,
Luke x. 2.
b) to take care of the sick,
to tend,
by impl. to cut down, to destroy,
In c)
genr. Xen. An. 7. 2. 6. Hi. 8. 4.
Rev. xiv. 14 16 icai ; yij eStpiV^,
N. T. by impl. to relieve, to heal, to cure, i. e. the
iniquity of men is fully ripe and
absol. Matt. xii. 10 et Luke vi. 7 iv ry
is cut off. Comp. Joel iv. 13. Is.
ffappdry Sepairtvi iv. c. ace. ofpers. Matt.
xvii. 5.
iv. 24 TrapaXvTiKovQ' KOI kSrepair evtrev
avTovg. Mark i. 34. Luke x. 9. Acts 0pt<rjuoe, ov, o, ($epi?w,) harvest,
John iv. 35 bis, 6
iv. 14. al. Seq. ace. et airo, Luke vii. harvesting.
21 ISepdirtvas iroXXove airb voawv. viii. 2. tpxtrat, . . . XsvKai fiffi
Thuc. 2. 47. Xen. Cyr. 3. 2. 12. forTSj? Gen. viii. 22. Jer. 1. 16. Pol.
23 Sepa- 5. 95/5. Xen. CEc. 18. 3 __ Meton. the
Seq. ace. of disease, Matt. iv.
iraffav voffov. Rev. xiii. 3 harvest to be gathered, produce of the
AL. harvest, pp. Sept. for T>Sj? Jer. v. 17 ; in
N. T. trop. for the convertVto be gathered
0/oa7rwv, ovroc, > prob. (Sepu to into Christ's kingdom, Matt, ix.37,38 bis.
an attendant, minister, imply- Luke x. 2 ter. Also of those whose
ing always voluntary service and attend- iniquity isfully ripe for punishment Rev.
ance, and therefore different from dovXof ; xiv. 15, comp. in Gtpi^w c.
once of Moses, Heb. iii. 5. Sept. for
ov, o, a harvest-
T^V also of Moses Ex. xiv. 31. Num. xii. (3-cpiw,)
Bel and
Hdian. 3. 10. man, reaper, Matt. xiii. 30, 39.
7/8. of Job, c. i. 8. ii. 3.
7. Xen. Cyr. 3. 1. 16. Comp. Passow sub Drag. 40. Xen. Hi. 6. 10.
v. 0E0/iavo), f. av>, (3ep/4oc warm, fr.
$pw,) to warm, Horn. II. 14.
0Epw, w, (Slpoc summer, har-
N. T. only Mid. Sep/mtvo/tai, to warm
vest-time,) to summer intrans. Xen. An. Mark xiv. 54
oneself, e. g. by a fire icai
3. 5. 15. In N. T. to harvest, to reap, TO 0wf. ver. 67.
rjv SrepfiaivofisvoQ 7rp6f
viz. John xviiii. 18 bis, 25. with clothing
a) genr.
and absol. Matt. vi. 26 ov James ii. 16. Sept. for tjprr Is. xliv. 15, T
v-rrtipovffiv, ovtik SspiZovviv. Luke xii.
16. iK.i. 1,2 __ Hdian." 8 . 4. 27. Xen.
24. James v. 4 S-tpiVavrec the reapers.
Mem. 4. 3. 8.
Sept/for 13]?r Ruth ii. 3 sq. Plut. ed.
R. VI. p. 42 2. 4. Xen. OEc. 18. 1 __ 0/ojui?, )C ? *l> (Swof, Sepw,) warmth,
Hence in proverbial expressions, e. g. heat, Acts xxiii. 3. Sept. for Qfi Job vi.
17. rratfT Ps. xix. 7. Ecclus. xxxii.
SepiZwv STTOV OVK effirupag, i. e. turning
the labours of others to one's own pro- 28. Thuc!" 2. 49.
Veil. 6. 13. Mem. 1. 6. 2 Elsewhere view with attention, Matt. 28. 1 3-. TOV
also harvest, Sept. for T3]? Prov. xxvi. ratyov. (Ceb. Tab. 1.) Trop. to consider,
1. Jos. Ant. 4. 8. 21. Dem. 1253. 15. Heb. vii. 4 S'twpelrc Sk, TrrjXiicos OVTOQ.
Diod. Sic. 12. 15. Dem. 19. 23.
G<r<TuAovCvc,la>e "> fl Thessalonian,
Thess. i. 1. 2
look at, comprehend, to re-
by impl. to
Acts xx. 4. xxvii. 2. 1
cognize, to acknowledge, c. ace. of pers.
Thess. i. 1.
John vi. 40 iraq 6 5eu>pwv TOV viov. xii. 45
viKri, TIC, V, Thessalonica, bis. xiv. 17. Wisd. xiii. 5. Diod. Sic.
now Saloniki, a city of Macedonia at the 19. 52 TOVQ Xoyovf.
head of the Sinus Thermaicus. It was
simply to see, to perceive with the
anciently called Therma, but was
named eyes, to behold, nearly, i. q. ISdv. (a)
by Cassander Thessalonica after his wife, genr. seq. ace. pers. Markiii. 11. Luke
the daughter of Philip. Under the xxiv. 37. John ix. 8. xiv. 19. xvi. 10,
Romans it one of the
was the capital of 16, 17, 19. Acts iii. 16. ix. 7. xxv. 24.
four divisions of Macedonia, and the c. part, added Luke x. 18 iStupovv TOV
usual station of a Roman praetor and 2aravav ireoovTa. xxiv. 39. Mark v. 15.
quaestor. The Jews had here a syna- John vi. 19, 62. xx. 12, 14. Seq. ace.
gogue and it was to the church gathered
of thing Luke xxi. 6. John vii. 3. Acts
here that Paul wrote his earliest epistles. xx. 38. c. part. add. John x. 12 6. TOV
Acts xvii. 1, 11, 13. Phil. iv. 16. 2Tim. \VKOV ipxofiivov. xx. 6. Acts vii. 56.
iv. 10. Comp. Diod. Sic. 19. 52. Strabo x. 11. Sept. for mn
Ps. xxii. 8. xxxi.
VII. p. 509. Liv. 45. 29. Rosenm. Bibl. 12. 1 Mace. xiii. 29. Diod. Sic. 13.
Geog. III. p. 395 sq. 57. (/3) to perceive, to mark, to note.
2. 12.
f. ^o-w,
Gsw/olw, w, (Stwpoc spectator,
la ce to
>) PP- P
fr. to be a spectator of, i. e. GTJIO?, ?C, n,
Sedo/icu,) pp.
to look on or att to behold, trans, put or set any thing, repository, re-
a sheath, John
ceptacle, e. g. for a sword,
q. Sedopai q. v. comp. Tittm. de Syn.
N. T. x viii. 1 1 Jos. Ant. 7.11.7. cell, cham-
p. 120.
the notion of atten- ber, Xen. (Ec. 8. 17. sepulchre, Cyr. 7.
a) pp. including
. 5.
tion, wonder, etc. (a) genr. c. ace. of
thing, Luke xxiii. 48 Stwpoyyrec rd ytvo- G)Aaw, f. d<rw, ($r]\ri breast.)
Ittva. John ii. 23. xrii. 24. Acts viii. 13. pp. causat. to suckle, to give suck,
c. ace. pers. Rev. xi. 11, 12. seq. -rrStg, absol. Matt. xxiv. 19 oval TOIQ &r)\a%ov-
Trov, Mark xii. 41. xv. 47. absol. Matt. <raiQ. Mark xiii. 17. Luke xxi. 23. xxiii.
xxvii. 55. Mark xv. 40. Luke xiv. 29. 29. Sept. for p-yrr Gen. xxi. 7. Ex.
xxiii. 35.Acts xix. 26. Sept. for n]H Ps. ii. 7.JEL 13. 1 init.
xxvii. 4. Chald. rnn Dan. v. 5. vi 21. 2. immed. to suck at the breast, for
Theophr. Char. 13 or 6. Xen. Cyr. 4 which more usually 3-j/Xd^o/xai, Lob.
3. 3. of public
spectacles Luc. Tim. 50. ad Phr. p. 468. Seq. ace. Luke xi.27
Arr. Epict. 1. 25. 27. to look at, to o'iig iSrjXaffae. Part.
374 Qryyavw
naarovc iSrjXaoa forp^ Job. iii. 12. Cant. 6. xxviii. 4, 5. Heb. xii. 20. James iii.
viii. 1. Theocr. 3. 15 7. Rev. vi. 8. Sept. for TTOH^ eut. D
Plut. Romul. 6. xxviii. C. Jer. vii. 31. n* TT Geri. i. 24. T
cause of destruction, Rom. xi. 9 yevn- Xen. Cyr. 8. 2. 24. Trop. of evil, pun-
ishment, Rom. ii. 5 6pyt)v. James v. 3,
r) Tpairta CIVTWV ei'f Trayitfa icai c/f
Prov. 18.
quoted laxly from Ps. Ixix.
. T. X.
coll. ver. 5. Sept. for p^ i.
3. 9. In N. T. trop. to catch at one's 44. Luke xii. 32. Heb. xi. 26. Sept. for
words, to lay hold of, c. ace. Luke xi. -ISIN 1 K. xiv. 26. Prov. xv. 17.
54 Z,nTovvTtQ Srepevffai TI IK row oro/iarof Gen. xliii. 23. Prov. ii. 4. Mace,1
24. Hdian. 3. 9. 20. Xen. Cyr. 3.
Sept. for H"1K to lie in
avTov. i.
wait Ps. lix. 4. Pol. 23. 8. 11 TTJV evvoiav. 1. 33. Trop. of spiritual treasures, per-
Xen. Cyr. 8. 2. 2 TTJV 0iXt'av. taining to the mind or to eternal life,
Matt. vi. 20. xix. 21. Mark x. 21.
w, f. ?';<rw, Luke xii. 33. 2 Cor. iv. 7.
xviii. 22.
to Jight with wild beasts, like
Col. ii. 3. Ecclus. xx. 30. Xen. Mem.
condemned persons in the public spec-
1. 6. 14.
tacles; see Adam's Rom. Ant. p. 344.
2. treasury, place where treasures,
Absol. 1 Cor. xv. 32 d jcara dvSpwTrov
stores, are laid up, store-house, Matt. xiii.
ISripioiJidxiivaiv'EQtov, prob. figuratively 52 TOV
OlKoStffTTOTTjQ 0<TTl tKjSdXXtl tJC OtJCT.
in allusion to Acts xix. 29 sq. if to human
I fought
avTov Kaiva K. T. X. Trop. of the store-
view, as men would count it,
house of the mind, where the thoughts,
with wild beasts. So Theophyl. S^pio-
feelings, counsels are laid up,
Matt. xii.
fiaxtlv KctXei Tr\v trpoQ 'lovdaiovg KOI Aj- 35 Luke 45
bis. vi. bis. Sept. pp. for
/iTjrptovTOV apyvpoKOTrov fiaxqv -- trop.
l^lK Neh. xiii. 12. K. vii. 51
1 pp.
Ignat. Ep. in Rom. c. 5 CLTTO Svpfag /*%pt Diod. Sic. 17. 71. Xen. An. 5. 4. 27
'PwprjQ Sjjpio/mxw. Others, lit. if so far Hence of a chest, boa:, casket, in whicli
as depended on man's will, I fought, etc.
precious things are kept, Matt. ii. 11
supposing that the infuriated multitude avoiZavTte Tovg Otjffavpovs airr&v Jos.
(Acts 1. c.) may have demanded that
Ant. 9. 8. 2 ZvXivov Onffavpov, comp. 2 K.
Paul should be thus punished. So
xii. 10.
Chrysost. oaov (IQ
avSrpwTrovQ IJKOV, i$ij-
pp. Artemid. II. 59, Diod. aor. 2 iOiyov,
piofidxn^a. Qiyyuvt*)) f- Oi$ofjiat,
Sic. 3. 43 ult. a lengthened form of the pres. instead
of0iy<>, Buttm. 112. 13. 114. Matth. to die, in N. T. only perf. T^VIJKU, to have
237 to touch, c. c. gen. Heb. xii. 20
; died, i. e. to be dead, in a present sense,
Kav Orjpiov Qiy-g TOV opovf, comp. Ex. xix. Buttm. 113. 6. Matt. ii. 20. Mark xv.
12 where Sept. for V33- absol. Col. ii. 44 tl -ijSr} Ti9vr]Kf. Luke vii. 12. vii-
21 Diod. Sic. 3. 5?" Xen. Cyr. 1. 3. 49. John xi. 21, 39, 41, 44. xii. 1. xix.
6. Intens. to touch forcibly, i. q. to 33. Acts xiv. 19. xxv. 19. 1 Tim. v. 6
smite, to harm, Heb. xi. 28 'iva fin b Zuxra TtOvijKe, though living is dead, i. e.
6\o9pev(t>v 9iyy avruiv. So Heb. ^3} Gen. as good as dead. Sept. for JTlti 2 Sam.
xxxii. 26, 33, al. Sept. aVropai. Act. xii. 18. 1 K. xxi. 15 Hdian. 8. 8. 19.
Thom. 12 wv ai /3Xa/3ai aurai ou 9iyyd- Xen. An. 2. 1.3.
forNDD, as also 2 Sam. iii. 10. vii. 13, 16. D2 no. 5. So Sept. and Heb. "ji*^ na
Wisd. vii. 8 Also for a potentate, Zech. 1. c. Is. i. 8. x. 32.
TO, Thyatira, a city Gut voc, ov, (Swa,) thyine, Rev.
Qvartipa, ?
and na Ruth ii. 8. iii. 10, 11. censer, for burning incense, Heb. ix. 4.
the Heb. daughter, i. e. afemale
from Sept. for rnapTp 2Chr. xxvi. 19. Ez. viii.
b) 11. Jos. Ant. 3. 8. 3. Diod. Sic. 13. 3.
descendant. Luke xiii. 16 Svy. 'Appaau.
Thuc. 6. 46. Others altar of incense, as
i.5 IK TUV 3wy. 'Aapwi/. So Sept. and nil
in Jos. Ant. 3. 6.8.
Gen. xxxvi. 2. Ex. ii. 1. al.
c) from the Heb. put before names CKt), w, f.
daw, (Srvfia,
of places, e. g. Luke xxiii. 28 Svyarsptf to burn incense, absol. Luke i. 9
daughters of Jerusalem, i. e.
'Iepov<ra\rin TOV Srvfiidffai. Sept. for*vtppnEx. xxx.
born and living there, female inhabi- 7, 8. al. Jos. Ant. 3. 8. 3. Diod Sic.
tants. So Sept. and ">
nl23 Cant. ii. 7. 1.84.
enraged against, seq. dat. Acts xii. 20. Mark i. 33. Luke xi. 7. xiii. 25 bis.
Pol. 9. 40. 4. John xviii. 16. xx. 19, 26. Acts v. 9.
xii. 13 Ttjv Svpav TOV irvXutvog, i. e. a small
Oujuo'c, ou, o, (3-uw, see Plato door or wicket within a larger. So
Cratyl. p. 419. E,) pp. mind, soul, e. g. door of a prison Acts v. 19, 23. xii. 6.
as the principle of life Horn. II. 4. 470, xvi. 26, 27. of the temple Acts iii. 2.
624. ib. 16. 743. as the seat of the xxi. 30. of a fold or enclosure John x.
will, desire, II. 6. Hdot. 1.1.
439, 444. 1, 2. Mark xi. 4. Symbolically Rev.
or of the emotions, passions, II. 1. 196. iii. 20 bis. iv. 1. Sept. for n>l Gen. xix.
Od. 4.366. ib. 14. 361. Theocr. 2. 61 __ 6, 9, 10. tTD? Gen. xviii. 1, 2, 10, al.
Hence genr. and in N. T. passion, i. e. Diod. S. 18. 71. Xen. Cyr. 7. 5. 22. Ag,
violent commotion of mind, indignation, 8. 7. Hence TO. Trpbq rrjv 3-upav, i.
anger, wrath, differing from opy/j in the TO TrpoSvpov, vestibule, porch, Mark ii.
p. 131 sq. Luke iv. 28 iirXTjaSnaav TTOLV- near at hand, Matt. xxiv. 33. Mark xiii.
Acts xix. 28. Eph. iv. 31 29. also James v. 9 irpb.Svp&v eari]-
Col. iii. 8. Heb. xi. 27. KtV.
Rev. xii. 12. Sept. for cpj Gen. xlix. 6,7. of a cave or
b) by impl. entrance, e.g.
Deut. vi. 15. nttn 1 K. xi. 20. 2 Chr. sepulchre, mouth, Matt, xxvii. 60. xxviii.
xxxiv. 21. Hdian. 3. 11. 17. Xen. Eq. 2. Mark xv. 46. xvi. 3. Jos. Ant. 10.
9. 2. Plur. 3-w/iot, bursts of anger, 11.6. Horn. Od. 9. 243. Metaph. ac-
2 Cor. xii. 20. Gal. v. 20. Jos. B. J. 4. cess, opportunity, as avoiyiiv TTJV Svpav,
5.2. Aristot. Probl. 30. Plut. Corio- to set open a door, i. e. to give access, to
lan. 1. Spoken of God, and including present opportunity, Acts xiv. 27. 1
the idea of punishment, punitive judg- Cor. xvi. 9. 2 Cor. ii. 12. Col. iv. 3.
ments, Rev. xv. 1. Rom. ii. 8 v/i6g So Rev. iii. 8 Svpa aj/cyy/tEVTj, free access
KCU opyrj, the direst judgments, comp. to oneself. See in 'Avoiyw a. Meton.
Sept. and Heb. f]N Jer. xxxvi. 7. Ez. v. one who is the medium of access to any
13. nttn Gen. xxvii. 44. Further, by thing, John x. 7, 9, yw cj'/u rj Svpa TWV
the Heb. prophets Jehovah is repre- Ignat. ad Philad.
sented as giving to the nations in his rj Svpa TOV iraTpbg, Si' TJG
wrath an intoxicating cup, so that they 'A(3padft KO.I 01
reel and stagger to destruction hence ;
Eph. v. 2. Heb. V. 1 &. virip apapTttiv. //3Xe 3uiv. c. dat. ver. 18. c. ace. et
vii. 27. viii. 3. ix. 9, 23. x. 1, 11, 12, 26. dat. 1 Cor. x. 20 bis. Sept. for rn] Gen.
Heb. nstsn, comp. Lev. c. 4. c. 9. xlvi. 1. Ex. iii. 18. viii. 26. al. step.
meton. the thing sacrificed, victim, Hdian. 2. 13.4. Luc.D. Deor.4. 1. Xen.
the flesh of victims, part of which was Mem. 1. 3. 3. ib. 2. 2. 13. So TO iraa\a
burned on the altar, and part given to Svnv, to kill the paschal lamb, sc. as a
the priests, see Lev. c. 2. c. 3. Mark ix. species of sacrifice, Mark xiv. 12. Luke
49 iraoa Svaia dXi dXt<rSj<rrai. (comp. xxii. 7. 1 Cor. v. 7. So Sept. and Heb.
Lev. ii. 13 where Sept. for nrop.) no?n fa] Deut. xvi. 2,4, 5, 6. also Sept.
Mark xii. 33. Luke xiii. 1. Acts vii. for'nopn tarrtp
Ex. xii. 21 Hence, as
41, 42. 1 Cor. x. 18 ot JaSiovrec rag sacrifices were connected with feasting,
who eat of the victims, as was done and comp. Gen. xxxi. 54.
SvirictQ (see in Qvala b,
the 22 sq.) Sveiv is also
by the priests and persons offering 1 Sam. ix. 12, 13,
sacrifice, see Lev. viii. 31. Deut. simply to kill, to slaughter, sc. animals
xii. 6, for
7,18,27. 1 Sam. ii. 13 sq. So Sept. and a feast, Matt. xxii. 4. Luke xv. 2*3 TOV
Ex. xxxiv. 15. So of SrvvaTf. ver. 27, 30.
rnj Deut. xii. 27. fioa^ov Tbv ffiTtvTov
biro's as a sin-offering, Luke ii. 24. Acts x. 13. xi. 7. genr. John x. 10. So
comp. Lev. xii. 6. Hdian. 8. 6. 14. Luc. and 1 Sam. xxviii. 24. 1 K. xix.
Sept. rQ]
de Sacrif. 12. Xen. Mem. 1.1.3. 21. Deut. xii. 15.
Metaph. 1 Pet. ii. 5 irvevfiaTiieal Svaicu,
comp. Ps. Ii. 19. Rom. xii. 1 7rapa<rr^- , a, o, Thomas, (Heb.
<rai TO. Svaiav see in Zaa> twin,)
one of the twelve apostles, also
<Tui/zara ZUHTO.V,
a. called bitivpog, q. v. Matt. x. 3. Mark
of service, obedience, praise, iii. 18. Luke vi. 15. John xi. 16. xiv. 5.
c) trop. Acts 13.
offered to God, offering, oblation, Phil, xx. 24,26, 27, 28, 29. xxi. 2. i.
Spec, of the altar for burnt offer- Comp. Sept. Is. lix. 17. Wisd. v. 19.
35. Luke In late writers 3wpa is also the breast,
ings in the temple, Mutt, xxiii.
xi. 51. So 1 Cor. ix. 13 bis, et x. 18 chest, thorax, see Passow.
Jacob, the Jewish people, Rom. xi. 26. man, Luke iii. 23.
the husband
b) the father of Joseph 'lavvije, ov, o, Jannes, and 'lap-
of Mary, Matt. i. 15, 16. Josephus
pprjs Jambres, names of two of the
writes the name 'lajcw/Soc, Ant. 1. 18.
1 AL. Egyptian magicians who withstood Mo-
ses, 2 Tim. iii. 8, comp. Ex. vii. 11 sq.
, ou, o, pp. i.
q. 'IaKw/3 q. v.
Not found in O. T. but derived by Paul
Ja?nes, pr. n. of two of the apostles : from which is also preserved
1 James the son of Zebedee, the elder,
. in the Targums, Talmud, and Rabbins.
own brother of John, Matt. iv. 21. x. 2. See Buxtorf. Lex. Rab. Talm. 945.
Mark iii. 17. Acts i. 13. al. He was put Fabric. Cod. Pseud. V. T. I. p. 816.
to death by the elder Herod Agrippa Plin. H. N. 31. 1.
about A. D. 44, Acts xii. 2.
'laojuat, w/nai, f. a<ropat, depon.
2. James the less, 6 /it/cpog Mark xv. Mid. to heal, to cure, trans. The present,
40, the brother of Jude, ('Iouac 6 imperf. iwpriv, and aor. 1 mid. ia<rapi]v,
ade\<p6e TOV 'Ia*cw/3ow Jude i. Acts i. have the active signification ;
while perf.
13. Luke vi.
and like him the son pass, lauai, aor. 1 pass. idSijv, and f. 1
of Mary, sister to our Lord's mother, pass. iaS^<ro/mi, retain the passive sense,
and wife of Clopas or Alpheus Matt. xiii. Buttm. 113. n. 6. So c. ace. Luke
55. xxvii. 56. Lukexxiv. 10, comp.John v. 17 c TO iaaSai CLVTOVQ. vi. 19. ix. 2,
xix. 26 ; hence called the son of Alpheus 11, 42. xiv. 4. xxii. 51. Jobn iv. 47. Acts
Matt. x. 3. Mark iii. 18. Acts 13; and
i. x. 38. xxviii. 8. Pass. Matt. viii. 8 *ai
also the brother i. e. kinsman of our laSrjfftTat o Tratf fiov. ver. 13. XV. 28.
Lord, 6 ae\0o TOV icvpiov Gal. i. 19. Luke vii. 7. viii. 47. xvii. 15. John v. 13.
Matt. xiii. 55. So also Acts xii. 17. xv. Acts iii. 11. ix. 34. Pass. seq. euro, to
13. xxi. 18. 12 ; and accord-
Gal. ii. 9, be healed from or of any thing, Mark v.
ing to Cor. xv. 7. James
all tradition 1 29. Luke vi. Sept. for NDl Gen.
i. 1. According to Josephus, Ant. 20. xx. 17. Lev. xiv. 3. 2 K. xx. 8. Pol.
9.1, James 6 ade\(f>6e 'Irjaov TOV \eyojj.tvov 5. 11. 1. Xen. Ven. 1. 6. Mem. 3. 1. 4.
Xptarov, was put to death by Ananius Metaph. of moral diseases, to heal, to
the high priest after the death of Festus save, sc. from the consequences of one's
and before the arrival of his successor sins, Matt. 15 /t^Trorc
xiii. iirinTotywai. . .
necessarily suppose James the apostle, et Acts xxviii. 27, quoted from Is. vi. 10
James the brother of Jude, and James where Sept. for NDI. So Luke iv. 18,
the brother of our Lord, to be three dif- comp. Is. Ixi. 1. Heb. xii. 13. James v.
ferent persons. AL. 16. 1 Pet. ii. 24, comp. Is. liii. 5.
JTINP"1Prov. iii. 8. KDntt Prov. iv. 22. apart from others, e. g. of an individual,
Mai! iv. 2. Antiphon. 140. 34. Plut. ed alone, Matt. xiv. 13, 23 avsptj elf r6
R. VIII. p. 712. opof KUT iSiav. xvii. 1. Mark vi. 31. al.
Of several as apart from all others Matt,
oe, 17, asper, a precous
xvii. 19. Mark iv. 34. ix. 2, 28. Acts
stone of various colours, as purple, ce-
xxiii. 19. Gal. ii. 2. al. Jos. B. J.4.5.
rulean, green, etc. Rev. iv. 3. xxi. 11, 18,
Ez. xxviii. 13. See 5. Pol. 4. 84. 8. opp. to Koivy 2 Mace,
19. Sept. for rTBlT^ iv. 5.
Rees' Cyclop, art. Jasper, common.
Others in Rev. 1. c. adamant, because b) as belonging to oneself and not to
Ex xx vi". 18 > another, own, proper, peculiar, viz. (a)
Sept. incorrectly for o^rp- -
to something present, Matt. xxv. 20, 22, Xen. Cyr. 1.1. 1.c. gen. add. Dem.
25. Mark xi. 21. John i. 48. xix. 5 1244. Plato Menex. p. 247. B.
id* 6 ver. 14. Addressed See Lob. ad Phryn.
dvSpuTrof. Georg. p. 502. E.
apparently to several, but directed to p. 44i. Hence rd "idia, genr. posses-
one, Mark iii. 34. John i. 29. vii. 26.
sions, property, Luke xviii. 28 in MSS.
xi. 36. xix. 4 In the sense of behold,
(Xen. Hi. 10. 5.) spec, own house, home,
observe, consider ! Mark xv. 4. John v. John xix. 27 tXafitv 6 pa$r]Tr] avrr\v tig
14. Gal.v.2. AL. rd t&. xvi. 32. Acts xxi. 6. (Sept. for
iJT21 Esth. v. 10. vi. 12. Jambl. Vit.
'I Sea, ac, v,
(eWw,) aspect, appear- Jos. Ant. 8. 15. 4, 6. Pol.
ance, Matt, xxviii. 3. Pyt'hag. 19.
Sept. for ITJOtt
2. 57. own nation, people, John i.
vi. 1. SovXoQ Matt. xxv. 14. Kvptog 'Iov, a demonstrative particle, lo!
Rom. xiv. 4. irarfjp John v. 18. v'tog behold! (pp. for ISov imp. of aor. mid.
Rom. viii. 32. ov^vKkrat. countrymen 1 ei^o/ijjv,) serving
to call attention to
Thess. ii.U. Trpo^rai their ownpro-
14. something external, exterior to oneself;
phets i. e. of their own country 1 Thess. usually put at the beginning of a clause
ii. 15, and with a
genit. added iSiog avrtiv or only with icai before it, but sometimes
irpoQrjTtje Tit. i. 12, comp. Lob. ad Phr. in the middle before words which
p. 441. Winer $22. 7. (Palaeph. 31. 5. are to be particularly noted, e. g. Matt.
Hdian. 2. 6.
Hence ol IStoi, i. e. xxiii.34. Luke xiii. 16. Actsii. 7. Con-
own household) family, 1 Tim. v. 8 own ;
friends, companions, John xiii. 1. Acts
with a nom. and finite verb, Matt.
iv. 23. xxiv. 23 own people, countrymen,
i. 20 idov ayyeXog icvpiov KO.T' uvap etydvt)
John i. 11. Collect, rb Idtov John xv. avT(fi. ii. 1, 13. Mark iii. 32. Luke ii. 10.
19. 2 Mace. xii. 22. Jos. B. J. 4. 4. 6. John iv. 35. Acts ix. 11. al. saep. So
Diod. Sic. 13. 92. in quotations from O. T. Matt. i. 23.
in the sense of peculiar, particular. xxi. 6. Mark i. 2. Rom. ix. 33 ; comp.
as distinguishing one person from others, vii. 14. Zech. ix. 9. Mai.
respectively Is.
e. g. idia SiaXtKTog Acts i. 19. ii. 6, 8. iii. 1. Is. xxviii. 16, in all which Sept. and
dtiaiSaifjiovia xxv. 19. ^apio/ia 1 Cor. vii.
n^n. Luc. D. Deor. 20. 10. Timon 11.
7. Jos. c. Apion. 1.22 init. Diod. S.
from the Heb. with a nom. simply,
11. 26. where the verb of existence is implied,
as denoting that which in its na- Matt. iii. 17 ISov 0o>j) IK T&V ovpav&v.
ture or by appointment pertains in any Luke v. 12. John xix. 26, 27. Acts viii.
way to a person or thing, e. g. Acts xiii. vwp. 2 Cor. vi. 2. Rev. vi. 2.
27, 36 tfow
38 Aa3l8 piv yap iSiy yevf^t VTrrjpfrfjffctQ So Sept. and nsn Josh. ix. 25, and so
his own generation, in which he lived. Ton Num. xxiii. 17. Gen. xlvii. 1. al.
1 Cor. iii. 8 rbv Uiov fj,i<r$6v where Sept. inserts ilvcu.
KOTTOV. . . .
Seq. tyw or
xv. 23. Jude 6. Acts i. 25 fig rbv Idiov an equivalent word, expressing resigna-
TOTTOV to his own place, i. e. proper and tion, obedience,Luke i. 38. Heb. ii. 13
appointed for him. (Clem. Rom. Ep. I. quoted from Is. viii. 18 where Sept. for
ad Cor. Ignat. ad Magnes 5, eKa<rrog ^Dbh* nan. So in answers, Acts ix. 10
tig TOV Idiov TOTTOV ^eXXti
So ((JotTeyw. Sept. for ^n Gen. xxii. 11. 1
Kaipbg Ifitog, Kciiooi ISioi, own time, i. e. Sam. iii. 8. Is. vi. 8. AL.
due, proper time, as determined of God.
Gal. vi. 9. 1 Tim. ii. 6. vi. 15. Tit. , ac, n, Idumca, only
Mark iii. 8. Heb. Q 4!^ and *rj% . ,
individual, opp. to the many Jos. Ant. 3. 2 Sam. viii. 14 but were first completely
9. 1. a private sc. soldier Xen. An. 1. subdued by John Hyrcanus about 125
3. 11 --InN. T. plebeian, i. e. unlettered, B. C. Jos. Ant. 13. 9. 1. During the
unlearned. Acts iv. 13 dvSp. aypapfia- Jewish exile they had taken possession
TOI Kai idt&Tai. 1 Cor. xiv. 16, 23, 24 of the southern parts of Palestine as far
2 Cor. xi. 6 __ JE1. V. H. 4. 15. Xen. as Hebron, so that the later name Idu-
Mem. 3. 7. 7. See Wetstein N. T. II. mea includes also this region ; cornp.
p. 161,206. 1 Mace. v. 65 with Ez. xxxvi. 5. Fora
full description of the people and coun- TOV Ai6f Acts xiv. 13. Sept. I. TOV BaaX
try, see Bibl. Repos. III. p. 247 sq. forinS 2 K. xi. 18. 2 Chr. xxiii. 17
Hdian. 1. 9. 6. Xen. Conv. viii. 40 Of
'ISpo>C> oiroe,(Zo,) sweat, Luke o,
the Jewish priests, the descendants of
xxii. 44 see in ep6/u/3oe. Sept. for n^]
Aaron, genr. Matt. viii. 4 aeavTov dtl%ov
Gen.iii. 19 __ 2 Mace. ii. 26. Xen. Mem.
T$ hpt~i. xii. 4, 15. Mark i. 44. ii. 26.
Luke i. 5. v. 14. vi. 4. x. 31. xvii. 14.
indec. Jezebel, Heb. John i. 19. Acts vi. 7. Heb. ix. 6. They
'IeSaj3jX, ii,
teachers, Rev. ii. 20. Comp. 1 K. xvi. b. These seem to be meant Acts iv. 1.
31. xviii. 4. xix. 2. xxi. 5 sq. 2 K. ix. Sept. everywhere for
^ns, as Lev. i.
30 sq.
5 S q. Spoken of the high-priest, e
ov, b, }, adj.
and highest enclosure, irtpipoXoe, was
comp. Diod. Sic. 1. 15. Tittm. de Syn. for the irpovaov, but not for the vaoc.
N. T. p 178 sq. Spoken of a heathen E.g.
temple, Acts xix. 27 'Apre/u&> Itpov. a) genr. and for the whole, Matt. xxiv.
1 Mace. x. 84. Luc. Ver. Hist. 1. 32. 1 bis, TCLQ oiKoSofidi; TOV itpov. Matt. xiii.
Xen. Ag. 11. 1 Elsewhere only of the 1. 3. Lukexxi.5. xxii. 52.
temple' in Jerusalem, Heb. rnn? rPijl b) of the courts, irpovaov, Matt. xii. 5
K. vi. 1, 37. vfi. 12. Is.
Sept. oucoc icvpiov 1 iv TI$ icpy TO <ra/3/3arov
ot ieptie (3t(3rj\ovffi.
ixvi. i. D-r&Kn rra Sept. oixos TOV Markxi. 11. Luke ii, 27, 37. xviii. 10.
Stov Ezra iii. 8/ In N. T. always in Acts ii. 46. iii. 1 sq. xxi. 26 sq. al.
TO. Upd, sacred things, sacred rites, mountains, nearly 40 miles distant from
\ Cor. ix. 13 oi TO. Upd tpyas^tevot, those the Mediterranean, and some 25 from
the Jordan and Dead Sea. It lay on
performing the sacred rites, ministering
in holy things. Luc. Pseudol. 12. Xen. the confines of Judah and Benjamin,
Cyr.7. 1.1. mostly within the limits of the latter,
but was reckoned to the former. Its
i, Jerusalem, see in 'J
'If/00(TuXoe, OU, o, T/, (hpov, period Herod the Great expended large
robbing temples, sacrilegious, as subst. sums in its embellishment. Jerusalem
temple-robber, Acts xix. 37. 2 Mace, iv as it existed in the age of Christ, is des-
42. Xen. Mem. 1.2.62. cribed by Josephus, B. J. 5. 4. 1 sq.
The city was built chiefly on three hills :
i, (i/tariov,)
to also
ifjittpofiat depon.
clothe, in N. T. only Pass. perf. part. a defective verb, see Passow
i/iari(r/uj/oc, clothed, Mark v. 15. Luke in voc. Buttm. Ausf. Sprachl. II. p. 156.
viii. 35. Suid. Ifutrtoptvoe* iv- to long for, and hence to have a
tytaria strong
affection for, c. c. gen. 1 Thess. ii. 8 in
text. rec. Ip,fip6fitvoi vptiv. Others o/m-
ou, TO, (I/ta, tl/ia,) a gar- po/ifvot q. v. Sept. for nsrj Job iii. 21.
ment, e. g. Pol. 1. 66. 8. Dem. 422. 6.
a) genr. any garment, Matt. ix. 16
ITTI Iftaritf) iraXaiy. xi. 8. Mark ii. 21. "Iva, conjunct. that, construed
Luke v. 36. vii. 25. Heb. i. 11. al. saep. usually with the Subjunctive, seldom
Plur. TO. ifiaria, garments, clothing, rai- with the Optative, often with the Indi-
ment, including the outer and inner gar- cative, pp. rfXiKwcor final, asmarking the
ment, mantle and tunic, Matt. xvii. 2 ra end, purpose, cause for or on account of
\HctTia avTov lyivero \evica. xxiv. 18. which any thing is done, TO THE END
xxvii. 31, 35. Mark xv. 24. Johnxiii.4, THAT, IN ORDER THAT it might or may
12. James v. 2.Rev. iv. 4. al. saep. So in be so and so ; but also K/3ariK<3e, ecbatic,
the phrase to rend the clothes, Matt. xxvi. as marking simply the event, result,
65. Acts xiv. 14. xvi. 22. xxii. 23. Sept. upshot of any action, that in which the
sing, for 155 Ps. cii. 27. Is. 1. 9. Plur. action terminates, so THAT it was, is,
Gen. xxvii.'27. xxxviii. 19. also2Sam. will be, so and so. Some late writers
i. 2. iii. 31. 2 K. v. 8. Luc. Dial. have denied this ecbatic use of 'iva, e. g.
Meretr. 8. 1. jEschin. 26. 14. Xen. Fritzsche Comm. in Matt. p. 836. Beyer
An. 7. 6. 5. in Winer'sNeue krit. Journ. IV. 418.
b) the outer garment, mantle, pallium, Lehmann ad Lucian. T. I. p. 71. On
different from the tunic or \IT&V and the other hand it has been amply esta-
worn over it, comp. Acts. ix. 39. ML blished by Steudel in BengePs Neue
V. H. 4. 22. Diod. Sic. 4. 38. It seems Archiv IV. p. 504 sq. and especially by
to have been a large piece of woollen J. A. H. Tittmann De usu Particularum
cloth nearly square, which was wrapped in N. T. subjoined to his work De Synon,
around the body or fastened about the in N. T. Lib. II. Lips. 1832. p. 32 sq.
shoulders, and served also to wrap one- translated in Bibl. Repos. for Jan. 1835.
self in at night, Ex. xxii. 26, 27 hence ;
See genr. Matth. 620. Herm. ad Vig.
[might not be taken by a creditor, p. 850 sq. p. 556 sq. Winer 42. p. 237.
though the tunic could be, comp. Ex. 57. p. 382 sq. Still, these two signi-
1. c. Matt. v. 40. Luke vi. 29. See Jahn fications are often so nearly related, that
122. So Matt. ix. 20, 21. xiv. 36. John the distinction then consists rather in a
xix. 2. Acts xii. 8. al. saep. Plur. TO.iparia, different mode of conception than in any
outer garments, which were often laid thing essential
.. pp. rtXiKwQ, as marking the final
aside, Acts vii. 58. xxii. 20. Matt. xxi.
7, 8. al. Sept. for n^ttto and n^to Ex. end, purpose, cause, to the end that, in
xxii. 26, 27. 1 Sam. xxi. 10. Is.'iif. 6, 7. order that, and 'iva pi}, in order that not,
Luc. D. Mort. 10. 8. Palseph. 52. 6. lest.
Sofy uTrapxovrcc. ix. 29 coll. Mark ix. 3. posed will take place, comp.
Acts xx. 33. 1 Tim. ii. 9. So Matt. Winer 42. b. p. 237. Matth. 518.
xxvii. 35 et John xix. 24 quoted from Ps. Herm. ad Vig. p. 791, 850. Matt. ix. 6
xxii. 19 where Sept. for Sept. 'iva Sk tidrJTC TOTI \tyei, to the end
Ehn^. . . .
also for
1 K. xxii. 30. 2 K. that ye may know, comp. Mark ii. 10 et
vii. 8 Poi. vi. 15. 4. Plut. Alex. M. Luke v. 24. Matt, xviii. 16. xix. 16. Luke
39 pen. viii. 10. xii. 36. John i. 7 ovrof q
'Iva 389 "Iva
13. al. 'iva pi Matt. xvii. 27. John iv. p. 851. Passow in 'iva no. 3.
15. Heb. xii. 13. al. So after an ex- a) c. Indie, future, in the same sense
hortation, e. g. dywpfv Mark i. 38. also as trie Subjunctive in A. a. above, and
Luke xx. 14. Rom. iii. 8. After an im- preceded only by the present. 1 Cor.
perat. implied Matt. xxvi. 5. John i. 22. Xlll. 3 iuv TrctodCw TO aiofia pov 'iva KavSrj-
1 Pet. iv. 11.
Sept. for }yp*> Josh. iv. ffopat or KavSi'iffupai, where Kav5r)<T(up,ai
6. Horn. Od. 1.302. ib.5. 9i.' and also 1 iva .... KipSifif]-
Pet. iii. 1
c) preceded by
the future, the Sub- ffuiVTat are corrupt forms of the later
d) preceded by A past tense ; here the however Iffy may be taken indepen-
Subjunct. strictly stands instead of the dently of 'iva, i. e. and thou shalt live
Opt. and marks an action which in itself long, etc. Act. Thorn. ^ 7, 37, 39, 45,
or its consequences is still continued, or comp. Philo ad p. 61. Epiphan. II. p.
which the speaker regards as certain, 332. B. Classic writers here use OTZ-WJ,
comp. Winer 42. b. p. 237 sq. Matth. Winer 42. p. 239.
518. 1. Herm. ad Vig. p. 850. (a) b) c. Indie, present,
in the same sense,
genr. Mark iii. 14 tiroinfft SuStKa, 'iva preceded by the present etc. twice, Gal.
U<TI fjitT avTov leal 'iva K. T. X. Luke i. 4 iv. 17 r)\ovffiv vpag .... "iva avTOvg ;-
tdoe . . . ffoi
ypdi//at, 'iva iiriyvyg K. r. X. Xovre. 1 Cor. iv. 6 'iva pfi QvaiovoSt.
Matt. xii. 10. John i. 31. iii. 16, 17. This is a corruption of the later age,
viii. 6. Acts xxvii. 42. Rom. i. 13. 1 not found in classic Greek, Winer 1. c.
Cor. i. 27, 28. 2 Cor. ii. 4. Gal. i. 16. Herm. ad Vig. p. 851 ult. Geopon. 10.
ii. 4, 5. Heb. ii. 14, 17. al. saep. 'iva pv 48. 3 'iva fit) tig TOVTO aa\o\ovvTai.
1 Cor. xii. 25. Eph. ii. 9. Heb. xi. 28. Himer. 15. 3. comp. Act. Ignat. p. 358.
So elliptically, John i. 8 aXX' ed. Ittig.
'iva K. T. X. ix. 3 aXX' [rovro iylvtro"! 'iva 2. tK(3aTiicu>g, ecbatic, as marking
favepuSy K. r. X. al. saep. Horn. II. 1. simply the event, result, upshot of an
203. Od. 3. 77. Hdian. 8. 5. 11. action, so that, so as that, in N. T. on'y
In simple narrations, where Thucydides with the Subjunctive implying some-
and later writers employ also the Sub- thing which really takes place in ;
"Iva 390 "Iva
classic writers oftener with the Indica- Here belongs the frequent phrase 'iva
tive of a past tense, see Tittmann. 1. c. p. r6 pijSsv, etc. used as a
ir\T]pto$y rj ypa<j>7j,
37. formula of quotation, and
implying that
the present, etc. Luke something took place not in order that
a) preceded by
xxii. 30 KOI diaT&ipai vfuv .... 'Iva a prophecy might be fulfilled, but so that
i<T$ii]T Kai Trivtjrt i-nl TTJC
TpaTTiZijQ p.ov iv it was fulfilled not in order TO MAKE
Ty (3a<r. /iot. John vi. 7 aprot OVK dp- the event correspond to the
Kovffiv avroiQ, 'iva cicaarof avrSiv /Spa^v TI but so that the event DID correspond to
Xd/3y. Rom.
iii. 19 6 vofiog TO~I iv r< it.
Comp. Tittm. 1. c. p.' 43, 44. Matt,
vo/iy \i\7, 'iva TTCLV crrofia ^payy. vi. 1. i. 22 TOVTO dk '6\ov
yevovtv, 'iva TrXjjpwSy
vii. 13. xv. 6, 16, 31, 32. Rev. xiv. TO pqSev. ii. 15. xxi. 4. xxvi. 66.
13 Kai, Xsyft 7-6
irvtvpa, [a7ro3'>^<7Kou<r] John xv. 25. al. With a past tense im-
'iva dvaTravfftovrai K. r. X. comp. Winer plied, Mark xiv. 49. John xiii. 18. al.
57. p. 386. 'iva pi'i Acts ii. 25. Gal. See in HXrjpou.
v 17. Sept. for ^3 Josh, iv. 6. Horn. 3. In the later Greek, 'iva in various
Od. 13. 157. Jos. B. J. 4. 3. 10 (p. 276 constructions lost the power of marking
ult. ed. irpbg TOOOVTOV ijKop,tv either purpose or event, and became
<n>/i0opu>i>, 'iva 77/i5g tXejjo'wo't /cat TroXg/noi. simply a demonstrative conjunction, like
Marc. Antonin. 11. 3. Sext. Empir. our that,i. e.
merely pointing out that
Pyrrh. III. 50 7ri/ziyvurat ro KUVEIOV to which the preceding words refer, or
TravTi /ilpsi rov utfarof, Kai TrapeKTtivtTai
introducing something already implied
avTifi oX<p, ti/a ourwf j) Kpdaig ylvijrai. in the preceding words. In this way 'iva
Just. Mart. p. 508. See Tittm. 1. c. p. c. Subjunct. came often to be
39. where earlier writers used the infinitive
the imperative) Acts or other particles, e. g.
b) preceded by
viii. 19 $or Kdfiol TTJV IZovaiav TUVTTJV, 'iva used instead of the construction
. ..
Xajifldvy K. r. X. James i. 4. 1 Pet. with the infinitive, originally perhaps
iv. 13. v. 6. 1 John ii. 28. 'iva ^ Tit. because the infinitive also often implies
iii. 14. Aristoph. Nub.
Rev. iii. 11. purpose ; comp. Buttm. 140. 1, 2.
58 Sevp tXS' K\dy. Comp. Tittm. 1. c. p. Matth. 531. 1. Thus after words
37. and phrases implying command and the
the future, John v. 20 like, as in Engl. I command that you
c) preceded by
TOVTU)V Sei&i avTijj tpya, 'iva vfielg do it/ for, 1 command you to do it ;'
Qvvig .... 'iva del veapof y b Koap.oq. Just. 'iva K. T. X. So 'iva after dyyapuw Matt,
Mart. p. 504. xxvii. 32. oTrayysXXw Matt, xxviii. 10.
d) preceded by
a past tense, comp. aTroorlXXw Acts xvi. 36. ypd^w Mark
above in 1. A. d. Luke ix. 45 ol Sk xii. 19. ia<rrXXo/tai Mark xiii. 34.
rjyvoovv TO prjfJia TOVTO .... 'iva jj,iij
ai- fiTrov Matt. iv. 3. Mark iii. 9. Rev. vi.
aSr&vTai avTo. John ix. 2 T'IQ ijp.apTtv 11. eopici'w Matt. xxvi. 63. iTrtn/idw
.... 'iva ru0Xo ytvvrjOy |
Rom. v. 20. Matt. xii. 16. Mark iii. 12. Xlyw Acts
vi. 4, 6. xi. 11 |t) 7rrai<Tv, 'iva irkadiai 5
xix. 4. John xiii. 29. 1 John v. 16.
ver. 31. Aristoph. Vesp. 311, 312. TrapayysXXw Mark vi. 8. (c. inf. Mark viii.
Marc. Antonin. 2. 11 17 TWV oXwv <f>vois
6.) ffvvTiStpat
John ix. 22. So also idoSij
OVT& -jraptlSev ovre ijpapTtv . . . 'iva TO, dya- avTolg 'iva Rev. ix. 5. OVK -f^uv 'iva
3d Kai TO. icaicd iiriffte roig re dyaSolg Mark xi. 16. With some word of com-
Kai roTg KaKoTf TctfyvpiikvdtQ ffvp,(3aivy. mand implied Eph. v. 33 Test. XII
Agath. Ep. 74 (Anthol. Gr. IV. p. 31) Patr. p. 543, 671 vreXXo/xai 'iva. p. 529
ov rig dXou/rjjprtf iSf.1v TkT\r)Ktv oSovraQ TrpoaTaami "iva. Anthol. Gr. I. p. 3 Z-
e, 'iva <ro7f iv /ifydpotf irt\day. ?T 'iva. Arr. Epict. 4. 11. 29
"Iva 391 "Ivot
(iv\. c. inf. 2 Cor. xiii. So titouat it. John xviii. 39 tan de avvij-
seq. 'iva Esdr. iv. 46. Jos. Ant. 12. 3. 2. tva vfilv Cor.
Seia vp.1v, 'iva diroXvait). 1
Dion. Hal. II. p. 666. seq. infin. 3 Mace, iv. 3 iuoi tie tig iXdxiarov iariv, 'iva v<j>'
i. 16. Jos. Ant. 9. 14. 3. Dion. Hal. vuwv dvaKpiSti. So especially after
Ant. 8. 46. seq. OTTWC Thuc. 5. 36. OVTOQ, a'vrn, TOVTO, used emphatically or
Hdot. 9. 1 17. irapaicaXui 'iva Chariton. 3. 1 . SeiKTiKUQ in reference to a following
Also after irt&w Matt, xxvii. 20, where clause, comp. Winer 45 penult, p. 282.
Greek writers usually put we or the infin. Luke i. 43 iroStv uoi TOVTO, 'iva t\.$rj rj
see Matth. 531. n. 1. 533. 3. (y) ui'irrjp T. K. irpoQ fie ;
more usual in John
After verbs of desire, and the like, e. g. vi. 29 TOVTO ian
TO epyov TOV Seou,
comp. as above, and Winer 45. 9. b. 'iva iriarevarjTe. ver. 39 TOVTO dt iart TO
&k\ijrt 'iva iroiuaiv K. T. X. vi. Mark 1 John iii. 11, 23. iv. 21. 2 John 6.
25. Lukevi. 31. xviii. 41. Johnxvii.24. (Test. XII Patr. p. 606.) So iv TOVT V
al. sap. SfXi7/*d ian 'iva, Matt, xviii. 14. "iva, 1 John iv. 17. John xv. 8 iv TOVT^
John vi. 39, 40. 1 Cor. xvi. 12. ^rjrtl- i3ndaSij 6
7rar)p, 'iva Kapirbv Qeprjre,
Tai "iva 1 Cor. iv. 2. With SeXai, etc. i.
q. classic iv T<$ vu. Kapirbv Qtptiv. Also
impl. Gal. ii. 10. &Xw 'iva Test. XII John xv. 13 ueiova ravTtjQ dydirijv ovSeiQ
Patr. p. 704. Air. Epict. 1. 18. 14. So X, 'iva TIQ 3 John 4.
Sy So
K. T. X,
/SoiAerai 'iva Dion. Hal. de Comp. Verb, with OVTOQ or iv TOVT^ implied, 1 Cor. ix.
p. 296 sq. tTnSvpiiv 'iva Teles ap. Stob. 18 T'IQ ovv uoi iariv b fiiaboQ ; [OVTOQ V. iv
95. p. 524. Comp. Schaefer Melet. p. roury] 'iva K. T. X. Comp. Wisd. xiii.
121. After Troitu in the sense of 9 tt ydp ToaovTov laxvaav eifievai, 'iva K.T.X.
to cause, to effect, etc. where in earlier Arr. Epict. 2. 1. 1 ei dXrjStQ ian Tode, 'iva
Greek the infin. is used, Matth. 531. 1. y K. T. X.
Herm. ad Vig. p. 761, or also OTTWQ b) instead of 'OTTUQ, after verbs of
Hdot. 209. ib. 5. 109. comp. Passow
1. taking care, endeavouring, and the like,
in TTOKW no. 1. c. John xi. 37 OVK iv- Matth. 531. n. 1, 2. 623. 2. comp.
VITO ovToq Troiijaai, 'iva icai OVTOQ UTJ 519. E. g. /3Xl7rv, 1 Cor. xvi. 10
diroSdvy ; Col. iv. 16. and so in an /3Xe7r7-, 'iva d<f>6f3<i)Q yevi)Tat. Col. iv. 17.
attraction Rev. iii. 9. xiii. 12, 15, 16. 2 John 8. gXoo> 1 Cor. xiv. 1.
comp. Buttm. In Rev. iii.
151. I. 6. 1 Cor. xiv. 12.ueoiuvdu 1 Cor. vii. 34.
9 the future also is joined with the Subj. 'iva prj 2 Pet. iii. 17. So
with a verb of this kind implied, 2 Cor.
after 'iva.
() After words implying
Jitness, sufficiency, need, and the like, viii. 7. Comp. aTrovSrjv t%w seq. OITWQ et
e. g. di6f, John i.27 tyw OVK aioe tipt 'ivaDion. Hal. de Comp. Verb. p. 398.
'iva Xvaw K. T. X. After IKUVOQ Matt. viii. ^rjTelvoirwQ Luc. de Merc. Conduct. 41.
Luke after ypd^w,
dpicerog Matt. x. 25. instead of on,
8. vii. 6. e. g.
Xpfiav t
X tiv 'iva John ii. 25. xvi. 30. Mark ix. 12 jcai TTU>Q ysypaTrrai . . . 'iva
construction of all these with an infin. 1 Cor. ix. 10. Xen. An. 2. 3. 1. Comp.
see Matth. 533. 3, and in 'Atof, Winer 57. p. 386 For Rev. xiv. 13
xw c. j3. Also after impers. see above in 2 a. Prob. to be so taken
pti, Matt. v. 29 avf.i<f>. yap aoi, 'iva after dyaXXtdw, John viii.
'iva ISy rffv rjn'tpav rffv iftrjv. Comp. the lake of Tiberias or sea of Galilee.
Luke x. 20. John xi. 15. al. Sept. fertile valley of considerable width into
Ex. iv. 31. the Dead Sea, receiving in its course
d) of time, but only in John, after some minor streams. The great valley
wpa instead of the more usual ore or iv y. of the Jordan has been ascertained by
John xii. 23 I\r)\v5ev 77 wpa, 'iva SoZavSy Burckhardt to be continued from the
6 viog TOV avSpdjirov. xiii. 1. xvi. 2, 32. Dead Sea to the eastern branch of the
So Engl. the hour is come THAT the son A rabian Gulf or Red Sea so that it is ;
of man should be glorified, for, when or highly probable that the Jordan origi-
in which __ c. ore John iv. 21, 23. v. 25. nally pursued its course to that gulf,
c. Iv y v. 28. Or we may take 'iva here until the convulsions which destroyed
as ecbatic, so that he shall be glorified. Sodom and Gomorrah, and the subse-
Comp. Winer 45. p. 282 Others -- quent filling up of the bottom of the
regard 'iva here as an adverb of place, valley by the drifting sand, caused the
used trop. of time, like Engl. wherein. stoppage of its waters. Between the
Comp. Aristoph. Nub. 1235. Horn. Od. two large lakes, the average breadth of
6. 27. Tittm. 1. c. p. 49. Passow 'iva the Jordan is from 60 to 80 feet, and
B. c. AL. itsdepth about 10 or 12. It has
double banks, i. e. those of its usual
or 'iva as an interrog.
channel, and others at the distance of
particle, elliptically for 'iva ri ykvrjrat, 40 or 50 rods on each side. The low
in order that what sc. may take place ?
ground within the higher banks is over-
i. to what end 7 why? wherefore?
grown with reeds and trees, affording a
Buttm. 149. 1. p. 423. Winer 25. 1
covert for numerous wild beasts. The
lilt. Herm. ad Vig. p. 849. Matt. ix. 4 stream of the Jordan is rapid, and its
ivari vfitlg ivSvpeiffSt Trovrjpa; xxvii. 46.
waters turbid. It is subject to floods,
Luke xiii. 7. Acts iv. 25. vii. 26. 1 Cor. which sometimes, though not often,
x. 29. Sept. for
Ps. ii. 1. n-^ rise above its usual channel and over-
Num. xxii. 32 Aristoph. Eccles.714 or flow the space within its higher banks
719. Plato Apol. Soc. 14.
Matt. iii. 5, 6, 13. iv. 15, 25. xix. 1. Mark
i. 5, 9. iii. 8. x. 1. Luke iii. 3. iv. 1.
'loTTTrjj, rjc, *?> Joppa, so in N. T.
and Josephus, in classic writers 'IdJTnrrj, John i. 28. iii. 26. x. 40. See Reland
Heb. NiD; or ^
Japho, now Jaffa, a
celebrated and very ancient city and
Palrcst. p. 270 sq. Rosenm. Bibl. Geogr.
II. i. 196. sq. Calmet p. 232, 414, 577.
Bibl. Repos. II. p. 775 sq.
port of Palestine on the Mediterranean,
about W. N. W. of Jerusalem. Acts ix.
'loc, ou, o, (tq/ii,) pp. something
36, 38, 42, 43. x. 5, 8, 23, 32. xi. 5, sent out, emitted, hence a
weapon, missile
13. Sept. Josh. xix. 46. Jos. B. J. 1. arrow, Horn. II. 15. 451. Sept. Lam.
20. 3. Strabo 16. 2. 28. See Reland iii. 13. In N. T.
Falsest, p. 864. Rosenm. Bibl, Geogr.
a) rust, as being emitted on metals ;
II. ii.
p. 339, James v. 3. Sept. for nK^il Ez. xxiv.
Heb. 6. Ep. Jer. 12, 24. Theogn.'443. or 451.
* ou, b, Jordan,
Pol. 6. 10. 3.
TE, now El Sheriat, i. e. the Ford,
as emitted by ser-
the largest and most celebrated river of b) poison, venom,
Palestine. It takes its rise not far from pents, etc. James iii. 8. Rom. iii. 13 /of
the village Paneas or Banias, near Ce- aaTridwv, quoted from Ps. cxl. 4 where
sarea Philippi, and joined by anotheris Sept. for nn Ml. H. A. 5. 31. Luc.
stream which rises in the Fugit. 19.
higher parts
of the adjacent Antilibanus. After a (PP- fern, ot 'lov-
, ac, i7>
denoted the territories of Judah and xvi. 6, but in later usage applied to all
Benjamin, Josh. xi. 21. coll. ver. 16. 2 the inhabitants of Judea and Palestine
Sam. v. 5. 1 Chr. xxi. 5. So after the and their descendants, Esth. iii. 6, 10.
secession of the ten tribes, it was applied Dan. iii. 2 Mace. *x. 17.
8. So in N. T.
to the dominions of the kingdom of John iv. Acts xviii. 2, 24. al. Usually
Judah, in distinction from that of Israel, plur. ot 'lovdaioi the Jews, Matt. ii. 2.
and of course included the whole south- xxviii. 15. John xix. 21. Acts x. 22.
ern part of Palestine. After the capti- xx. 19. al. ssep. 'lov&uot ical "EXXrjvfQ
vity, asmost of the exiles who returned Acts xiv. 1. xviii. 4. xix. 10. 1 Cor. i.
were of the kingdom of Judah, the name 23, 24. See in "EXXijv b. By synecd.
Judea (Judah) was given generally to ot 'lovSdlot is put in John for the
the whole of Palestine west of the Jor- men, leaders of the Jews, John i. 19. v.
dan, Hag. i. 1, 14. ii. 2. Under the 15, 16 sq. vii. 1, 11, 13. ix. 22. xviii. 12,
Romans, in the time of Christ, Pales- 14. Acts xxiii. 20, comp. ver. 14 sq.
tine was divided into Galilee, Samaria, Once including Jewish proselytes Acts ii.
and Judea, (John iv. 4, 5,) which last 5 coll. ver. 10. As adj. joined with a
included the whole southern part west noun, e. g. avjp 'lovtidioc Acts x. 28
of the Jordan, and constituted a portion plur. ii. 14. xxii. 3. ^vSoirpo^TiiQ Acts
of the kingdom of Herod the Great. It xiii. 6. apxpvc Acts xix. 14. Esth. ii.
then belonged to Archelaus (q. v.) but 3. Jos.B.J.3.7.31. AL.
was afterwards made a Roman pro-
'Iowai<rjuoe> ov, o, Judaism, the
vince dependant on Syria and governed Jewish religion and institutes, e. g. a
by procurators, see in 'Hy/*wv. For a opposed to heathenism 2 Mace. ii. 21.
time also portions of it belonged to xiv. 38. In N. T. as opp. to Christianity,
Herod Agrippa the elder, comp. in Gal. i. 13, 14.
'HpuSrjf no. 3. See Jos. B. J. 3. 3. 5.
Relandi Falsest, p. 31, 174, 178. Jahn , a, o, Judas, Heb.
25. Rosenm. Bibl. Geogr. II. ii. p. 149. (renowned), Sept. 'lovtia, Judah, pr* n!
of eight persons in N. T.
Matt. ii. 1,5,22. Hi. 1. iv. 25. xix. 1.
1. Judah, the fourth son of Jacob and
Luke i. 65. al. Meton. people of Judea
head of the tribe of Judah, Matt. i. 2, 3.
Matt. iii. 5. AL.
Luke iii. 33 Meton. for the tribe or
w, f. r, to Ju-
('lovdaiof,) posterity of Judah, Matt.ii. 6 bis. Luke
daize, to live like the Jews, to follow their i. 39. Heb. vii. 14. Rev. v. 5. vii. 5. So
manners, customs, rites, Gal. ii. 14, oZ/cof 'lovda, the house, i. e. kingdom of
to 'lovSaiKwc yv. Ignat. ad
parall. Judah, opp. to that of Israel Heb. viii. 8.
Magnes. 10. Comp. Esth. viii. 17. For 2. Judas or Judah, two of the ances-
such verbs see Buttra. 1 19. 3. d. tors of Jesus, elsewhere unknown, Luke
iii. 26, 30.
'louScu'kocj TJ, ov, Jewish, current
3. Jude, an apostle, called also Lei-
among the Jews, e. g. pvSoi Tit. i. 14.
Jos. Ant. 20. 11. 1, 4. beus and Thaddeus, brother of James the
Less and cousin of our Lord, see in
'louSeuicwc, adv. Jewishly, in the He also wrote the Epistle
'IdKtaf3og 2.
Jewish manner, Gal. ii.14. Jos. B. J.
of Jude. Matt. xiii. 55. Markvi. 3. Luke
6. 1. 3.
John xiv. 22. Acts
vi. 16. i. 13. Jude i.
xxii. 3,47,48. John vi. 71. xii.4. xiii. 2, ace. "ipida and ipiv comp. Buttm. 44,
26, 29. xviii. 2, 3, 5. Acts i. 16, 25. a rainbow, iris, Rev. iv. 3. x. 1. Ml.
5. Judas surnamed jBarsabas, a Chris- V. H. 4. 17. Hesych. iptg' iv ovpavy 77
female Christian, Rom. xvi. 15. see in olda under Eldw II.
OC? */> ov, (iTTTrog,) equestrian, Comp.i<ra^oTf Horn. Od. 11. 303. Diod.
opp. to KitiKOQ Xen. Cyr. 2. 4. 18. skilled Sic. 1. 89. Hence alike, consistent, e. g.
in riding, a horseman, Xen.
Mag. Eq. 1. /ttaprwpt'at Mark xiv. 56, 59.
6, 12. In N. T. neut. TO l-mriKov collect.
the horsemen, cavalry, as in Engl. the ?c> ;, (to-of,) likeness,
honour or standing, Jos. Ant. 8. tie avTovg. So K StKi&v Matt. xxv. 33.
8. 1. Xen. Hi. 8. 10. In N. T. alike Iv p'effy, comp. in 'Ev no. 2. Matt, xviii.
like value or estimation, i.e. 2. John viii. 3. Acts iv. 7. also iv r<y
precious, of
Acts v. 27. (Dem. 1370. 25.)
genr. like, equal, c. dat. 2 Pet. i. 1 rote o-uvt^ptV
irianv. Buttm. IJ/WTTIOVTivog Acts vi. 6. Jude 24.
iffoTifJiov \axovaiv
133. 2 __ Hdian. 3. 6. 10. (comp. Lev. xxvii. 11.) ITTI c. ace. Matt,
iv. 5 'i&TtjaLV avTov iiri TO irrepvytov.
'I<roi//v\ocj ou, o, n-> adj. Luke iv 9. (7rt TIVI Palaeph. 9.) ?rapa
like-minded, Phil. ii. 20. Sept.
x^O c. dat. Luke ix. 47. Genr. to cause to
for -3-)y Ps. liv. 14. 23 Ho.
stand forth. Acts i. icai tffTtjffav
implying place where, e. g. f c avrovq in the sense of before, Acts xxv. 10 lirl
before them, Acts xxii. 30 UavXov t(mj<rav TOV Sarog. xxiv. 20 iiri Tnv
only trop. in the phrase to walk or fol- (dove) Jonah, pr. n. of two persons in
low in one's footsteps, i. e. to imitate his N. T.
1. A noted prophet of the O. T. Matt.
example, Rom. iv. 12 <muxov<rt rote
l\vtai row 'A/?paa/i. 2 Cor. xii. 18. 1 xii. 39 41 bis. xvi. 4. Luke xi. 29, 30,
Pet. ii. 21 __ Ecclus. xxi. 6. Pol. 4. 42. 32 bis. Comp. Jon. i. 1 sq.
7. 2. The father of the apostle Peter, a
steward of Herod Antipas, Luke viii. 3. a/j, one of the ancestors of Jesus,
xxiv. 10. Luke iii. 29.
, ou, o, Josias, Heb. irPXDN'' 'Iwra, r6, indec. iota, Heb. yodh, ( ^
the smallest Heb. letter, trop. for the
(whom Jehovah heals), Josiah, pr/n. of
a pious king of Judah, the son and sue- minutest part, Matt. v. 18. For the
cessor of Ammon, r. 642 611 B. C. Rabbinic usage see Wetstein N. T. ad
Matt. i. 10, 11. See 2 K. xxii. 1 sq. 2 Matt. 1. c.
Cor. c. 34, 35.
107. 10. Xen. (Ec. 15. 3. trop. to cleanse from sin, to purify,
sc. by expiation, Heb. x. 2. Sept. for
intgn Jer. xiii. 27 Jos. Ant. 5. 1. 14.
a pulling down, demolition, e. g. of a for- Xen. An. 5. 7. 35.
tress, 2 Cor. x. 4 __ Pol. 23. 7. 6. Xen.
H. G. 2. 2. 15. Trop. of religious v. i. e. Ka$a strengthened
a, f. ijou, ai-
for-mjhp Gen.
(/caro, 12. 2 Cor. viii. 11. Sept.
aor. 2 KaStiXov, to take doum, sc.
plo>,) Ex. vii. 6, 10
xii. 4. Jos. c. 'Ap. 1. 7.
from a higher place, trans, e. g. from
Xen. Mem. 1. 2. 29.
the cross, Mark xv. 30 ct
epxsrat 'RXiag
KaSeXi'iv avTov. ver. 46. Luke xxiii. 53. f. fyo>, (Kara, aVrw,)
Acts xiii. 29. Sept. for T"l1n Josh. viii. to adapt, to Jit down upon any thing,
29. x. 27 __ Philo in Flacc. p. 977. whence to bind or fasten upon, trans.
Pol. 1. 86. 6. With the idea of force, Pol. 8. 8. 3. Xen. Yen. 6. 9. In N. T.
violence, e. g. to pull down, to demolish, intrans. or with kavrov impl. i.
q. Mid.
as buildings Luke xii. 18. Mace, v, KaSdiTTonai, to fix oneself upon, to fasten
65. Xen. Cyr. 6. 1. 20.) a people, to to, seq. gen. Acts xxviii.Stx ^" KaSrrj^s 1
overthrow, to conquer, Acts xiii. 19 KO&C- rijQx fl P a vv, comp. Buttm. 132. 6.
Xwv tSvii IvTa. (Sept. for Din Jer. xxiv. 3. See also in *Ayw no. 3. This is a
6 xiii. 10. Hdian. 3. 4.
16.) princes, po- later Active to the earlier and more
400 Ka&'Soa
22. xvii. 14, 17. Praegn. Matt. viii. 3ict unsoiled, unalloyed. It is a primitive
eitStwg tKaSrapta^rj avTov Xiirpa his leprosy
t'j word having no affinity with aipw, see
was cleansed and removed, i. e. was Passow. Comp. Tittm. de Synon. N. T.
healed, comp. Luke v.
13 et Mark i. 42.
p. 26.
So Sept. and ITTO Lev. xiv. 7, 8, 11. Matt, xxiii. 26. xxvii. 59 IVTV-
a) pp.
xv. 27. Xttiv avTo aivdovi Ka3apy.. Heb. x. 22
in a moral sense, i.e. Man jcaSapy. Rev. xv. 6. xix. 8, 14,
b) trop. to ckanse,
from sin or pollution, sc. by expia- xxi. 18 bis, 21. xxii.l. trop. Luke xi. 41,
tion, to purify,
Heb. ix. 22, 23. seq. see in'Evei/u. Sept. for linn Ez. xxxvi.
diro Ttvoc, 1 John i. 7 TO alpa 'Iqvov . . .
25. Ex. xxv. 31, 36. Chald. Np} Dan.
Ka.SaotL.tL rjuag diro irdariQ ajuapn'af, 1.
vii. 9. Jos. Ant. 3. 8. 5 ovpavog. 1EI.
from the guilt of sin and its conse- V. H. 13. 1 med. i5oara. Xen. GEc. 10.
quences, ver. 9.
So Sept. for ^p "17TI?
7, 12. Trop. in the Levitical sense,
Ps. li. 4. IDS Ex. xxix. 37. So Tit. John 10 IGTI /ea3ap6c b\o. By impl.
ii. 14 "tva KaSapiffy tavT$ Xaov,
that he Rom. xiv. 20. Tit.
lawful, not forbidden,
might purify, sanctify, (/3) genr. i. 15 bis, irdvTa /ca&apa, ovtiiv KaSapov.
in the Levitical
cleanness, pureness,
48. 1. b.
Xen. Mem. 2. 1.
sense, Heb. ix. 13. pp.
OG, ov, o, (>a$apia>,) 22. trop. Clem. Alex. 6. 6 17 TOV (3iov K.
cleansing, purification,
a) pp. e. g. of
the Jewish washings
seat, Matt. xxi.
12 et Mark xi. 15 TO.ZK.
before meals, John ii. 6, comp. Matt. xv.
TU>V iroXovvTwv. Matt, xxiii. 2 raSi&iv
2. Trop. of the ceremonial purifica-
tion of lepers, Mark i. 44. Luke v. 14.
Mw(Twc to sit in Moses'
tary who fits in public, e. g. as a judge e. g. avTov here Matt. xxvi. 36. tide
Matt, xxvii. 19. Actsxxiii.3. a queen, Mark xiv. 32. So with prepositions, ei'c
x /3a<riXi<r<ra, Rev. xviii. 7 Sept. Ex. -- TOV vabv TOV . 2 Thess. ii. 4, comp. in
xviii. 14. Pkilostr. Yit. Apol. 8. 2. E/c no. 4. (Xen. Mem. 4.2. 1.) tc&gcwv
in the sense of to abide, to dwell, to Matt. xx. 21, 23. Mark x. 37, 40. xvi
be, seq. iv c. dat. of place Matt. iv. 16 19. iv c. dat. iv r< 3-poj/ v Rev. iii. 21 bis.
bis, Tolg Ka3rt]p.ivoi iv %wpa fcai <TKI$ iv d&$ Heb. i. 3. viii. 1. x. 12. xii. 2
Stavarov, quoted from Is. ix. 1 where (Sept. Jer. xxxix. 3.) i-jrl c. gen. liri
Sept. /caroiiclw for 2\$\ Luke i. 79. Spovov Matt. xix. 28 bis. xxv. 81. Luke
Acts xiv. 8. Neh. xi. xxii. 30. Acts 1 K. ii. 12. 30.
(So Sept. for y$*
6, 25. Ecclus. 1. 26. sedeo Cic. ad Div. viii. Xen. Eq. 7.5.) irrl TOV /3;/mroc
16. 7.) Seq. i-n-i c. gen. of place Rev. of a judge, etc. John xix. 13. Acts xii.
xiv. 6 Ka$. 7Ti TtjQ yijc, where text. rec. 21. xxv. 6, 17. (Diod. Sic. ITTC
KCITOIKOVVTCIS. c. ace. Luke xxi. 35 KO.S. TIIQ "MiDVfftwg Kafpa Matt, xxiii. 2, see
iiri irpoffutTTOV rrjg yrjje. Alciphr. I. Ep. in KaSlfya. C. dat. tiri airy, sc. r< TrwXy
25 7Tt TlVl. AL. Mark xi. 7. c. ace. i<}>' ov Mark xi. 2.
Luke xix. 30. John xii. 14. Rev. xx. 4.
KaS' i7)Upav, day by day,
see in
Gen. xlviii.
trop. Acts ii. 3.
(Sept. 2.
Kara II. 2.
Thuc. 1.
Karivavri TIVOQ Mark xii.
41. utTa TIVOQ Rev. iii. 21 bis. ovv nvi
daily, Acts vi. 1 v ry Siaicovia ry a3-. Acts viii. 31.
in Me daily ministration, sc. of alms. b) by impl. to abide, to continue, e. g.
Judith xii. 14. Jos. Ant. 12. 5. 4. Plut. Iv ry TrdXfi Luke xxiv. 49. absol. Acts
Pyrrh. 14. A word of the later Greek, xviii. 11. Sept. for-fia Jer. xlix.32. aitfj
Lob. ad Phr. p. 53. Ex. xvi. 29. Judg. ix. 41. 1 Mace. ii.
xiv. 28, 31. xvi. 6. John viii. 2. Acts xiii. Thuc. 4. 92 Ka3-iVrarat. Hence also
1 Cor. x. 7. Act. KaSivTijui, to cause to be, to render,
14. xvi. 13. Sept. for
nt^T Gen. xxxvii. 24. Neh. i. 4 __ Xen. to make, 2 Pet. i. 8 rawra OVK apyot'f
Cyr. 8. 4. 2. With an adjunct of place, KaSiffTrjffiv K. T. X. Pass, to be
made, to become, Rom. v. 19 bis, juap- fully armed, Luke xi. 21. Sept. Jer. xlvi.
rwXoi Kartara^rjaav 01 TroXXct K. r. \. 9. Jos. Ant. 2. 16. 3. Xen. Cyr. 2. 1. 11.
Jos. Ant. 6. 5. 6 roi/ Stbv avroig fvfievtj
KdS'OjOafe), W, (xrara, opaw q. v.) to
KaraffTTJvai. Xen. An. 6. 3. 18.
look down upon, from a higher place, ti
of persons, to to constitute,
b) set,
behold, Sept. for nK"! Num. xxiv. 2.
e. g. seq. ace. et iiri c. gen. to set one
Xen. Cyr. 3. 2. 10. In N. T. genr. and
over any thing, Matt, xxiv.45 ov Karkorn-
trop. to perceive, to see clearly, Pass.
<rtv 6 KVpiof avrov STTI r;g SepaTrtiag avrov.
Rom. i. 20. 3
Mace. iii.11. Luc.
xxv. 21, 23. Luke xii. 42. Acts vi. 3. Pseudom. 25. pp. Hdian. 4. 15. 7. Xen
*7rt c. dat. Matt. xxiv. 47. Luke xii. 44. An. 1. 8. 26.
ITT* c. Heb. ii. 7. ITTI c. gen. Sept.
for Gen. xii. 41, 43. c. ace. Jer. i. KaSort adv. for Ka^' ore, lit. 'ac-
10. Xen. Cyr. 8. 1. 9. H. G. 7. 1. 45. cording to what,' i. e.
Seq. dupl. ace. of pers. and station, a) according as, as, Actsii. 45 etiv. 35
/cavort av TIQ xP a " Sept. fo*'
to constitute, to make, Luke xii. 14 T'IQ ue l%(.
"il'S3 Ex. i. 12, 17. 5 Lev. xxvii. 12.
KaTtffTtJ(T SlKttffTIJV T) Utpl(TTt)v 10' V/ittf j
'Diod. Sic. 4. 5. Thuc. 4. 34, 118.
Acts vii. 10, 27, 35. Heb. vii. 28. So
with ace. of pers. omitted Tit. i. 5. (Xen. b) for tJiat, because that, inasmuch as,
Luke i. 7 Ka36ri 'EX. rjv trrflpa. xix. 9.
An. 3. 4. 40.) Pass. seq. ace. of manner 17
Acts. ii. 24
Sept. for Chald. -i Dan. ii.
Heb. v. 1, see Buttm. 131. 7. seq. tec
8. Pol. 18. 21. 6.
n viii. 3. Sept. for Dlto Ex. ii. 14. Gen.
xlvii. 6. nl. 1 Mace. xi. 59. Palseph. 23. wc, adv.
&q ), a later form
4. Diod. Sic. 19. 15. Xen. Ag. 3. 5. instead of et Lob. p. 425
raa, Phryn.
tic TL Xen. Cyr. 8. 1.7. sq. Sturz de Dial. Alex. p. 74 sq. pp ,
also, a particle which occurs perhaps also continuative, see Gesen. Lex. arts.
more frequently than any other word in I
and 3. Lehrg. 88. Ewald Heb. Gr.
the Greek language. Its significations p. 547. Hence the simple Kat is put
have been unnecessarily multiplied, and very frequently in N. T. particularly in
may properly be reduced to the two the narrative style, where classic writers
above given. See Passow in Kat. Winer either put nothing, or use some other
57. 2 sq. Buttm. 149. p. 424. Matth. particle, as Si, dXXd, TOTS, and the like.
620. So espec. in Matt. Mark, Luke, and Rev.
1. And, copulative, a)
as simply e.g. Matt. xiv. 9 sq. xxvii. 28sq. Mark
joining single words and clauses, e. g. i.31 sq. iii. 13 sq. Luke ii. 25 sq. iv. 14
nouns, Matt. ii. 11 xpvobv teal \ifiavov sq. Rev. xi. 7 sq. al. saep. Comp. and }
(T/jivovav. 55. xxiii. 6, 7. Luke vi.
xiii. Sept. Kai 1 Sam. xv. 3 sq. Is. xi. 12 sq.
38 ;
and so when the latter noun is in Ez. v. 1 sq. comp. 1 Mace. i. 1 sq.
place of a genitive, by Hendiadys, Acts b) as continuative in respect to time,
XXlll. 6 Trepi \7ri$0K:ai avaffrafffiOQ. Rom. i.
connecting clauses and sentences
ii. 20. (Sept. Gen. i. 14. iii.
Pro- in the order of time, viz.
At the be-
nouns, Matt. viii. 29 ri ifiol ical <roi, see in ginning of a sentence where any thing
'Eyw c. Adj. Rom. vii. 12 r/ ivroXrj ayia is narrated as done
immediately or soon
ical SiKaia icai ayaSij. Verbs, Mark iv. 27. after that which the preceding context
Ka&tvdy icai
iytipijTat (3Xa<TTavy
. . . ical narrates. Here Kat is equivalent to the
ftTjKvvrjTai. Acts i. 21. vii. 17. ix. 28 ; and more usual TOTE, then, after that, Matt,
so where one verb is taken adverbially, iii. 16. iv. 3, 21 Kai 7rpo/3df tKtZSfv. x. 1.
Luke vi. 48 to-Kai//* cat i(3a$we, see in xiv. 12, 14. Mark i. 29. iv. 21, 24, 26. al.
BaSiW Rom. x. 20. al. Adv. Heb. comp. rare Matt. xv. 22 Xen. Hi. 1. 8.
i. 1
TroXv/ttpuif Ktti 7roXvrp07rw. So Cyr. 1.3.11. An. 4. 1.11. Horn. II. 1.92.
clauses, Matt. vii. 25 ical Karl/3*; rj /3pox*}, Here belongs the form Kai tytvtro
Kal TI\$OV ot TTora/tot, icai iirvtvaav ol then it came to pass,
corresponding to
are/not, K. r. X. i. 17. John i. 1.
Matt. the Heb. Tr}, see Gesen. Lex. art. }.
Rom. Hence Kat is mostly a
xiv. 7. al. Ewald Heb. Crr. p. 525 sq. Usually with
simple continuative, marking the pro- a notation of time, e. g. by ore Matt. vii.
gress of a continued discourse, e. g. Matt, 28. x. 1. xix. 1. <& Luke ii. 15. iv
i. 23 iv yaorpt fet, Kai rlerai v\bv, ical c. dat. Mark i. 9. iv. 4. Luke i. 59. ix.
KaXiffovfft K. T. \. ii. 11. Mark iv. 32. 18. xiv. 1. al. fttra Luke ii. 46. seq.
Luke ii. 34. xi. 44. 1 Cor. xii. 5, 6. al. genit. absol. Matt. ix. 10. seq. ace. et
3. 12. 5. Xen. An. 4. 1. 15
sq. inf. Mark ii. 23. Elsewhere iytviro Be
So as connecting negative clauses, id. Luke iii. 21. v. 1. vi. ] In the
where the negative particle may be apodosis, e. g. where any thing is said
omitted in the latter, which is then to follow at once, immediately upon that
rendered negative by the continuative which is contained in the protasis, i. q.
power of Kai, e. g. James iii. 14 fir) Kara- and immediately, Mark 27 rolg irvtvp.
11 ovre dvrXrjfta f-^fig, Kf" T0 ^okao tori rpa, Kai uTrtoTjOt^fv K. r. X. John iv. 40
pa$v. 3 John 10. Luc. Dial. D. Mar. vi. 58. Acts v. 7. vii. 7 Theocr. Id. 7.
14. 1 ovre rrjv TralSa rid'ucrjoiv, Kal avrb 10 12. Comp. Passow in Kai no. 5
f)$n re^vijKe. See Winer 1. c. p. 412. So with a notation of time, Matt, xxviii.
The use of Kai in this continuative 9 w Se iTToptvovro .... Kai lov o 'Iijaovz
sense takes a strong K. T. \. (Xen. An. 1. 10. 15 So af-
colouring in N. T. ore.)
from the Heb. use of i, espec. l con- ter <cai lylvero or ^ytvero Sk with a note
Kal 405 Kai
of time, see above in a. Matt. ix. 10 Kai pres. Matt. xi. 18, 19, Kai Xt
ISov. Mark ii. 15. Luke v. 1. ii. 15, 21. Johnvii. 22. Seq. prat. Rom. iv. 3. Gal.
ii. 16. iii. 6. James ii. 23. Acts x. 28?
ix. 28, 51. Spec, in the construction
tfyyiKev r. \. Matt. xxvi. 45,
17 wpa Kai K. Sept. and 1 1 Sam. xv. 23. Xen. (Ec.
and r\v Kai K. T. X. Mark xv.
wpo rpirrj 7. 22.
25. Luke xxiii. 44, where others need- as an explicative copula, i. q.
lessly take icai as in the place of a rela- namely, to wit, even, between words and
tive. Soph. (Ed. R. 710 or 718. Thuc. clauses, see Viger. et Herm. p. 525.
1. 50 i]Cr] Si i]v 6\l/f,
Kai 838.
Between nouns which are
K. r. X. Xen. An. 6. 4. 26 fjSri ptv strictly in apposition, e. g. Matt. xxi. 5
rjXiov Sv<jp.d<; fjv, Kai ol "EXX^vee K. r. X. 7ri ovov Kai TrwXov v'ibv vTTO^vyiov. So
See Matth. 620. p. 1257. in 6 Stbg Kai irarrjp when alone, 1 Cor,
as continuative in respect to sense, xv. 24. James i. 27. iii. 9. But in the
i. before the apodosis and connecting
e. phrase 6. S. K. 7rari)p rov Kvpiov I. X. it
the protasis, i.
q. and so, and thus, and Luc. Tox. $ 26. Xen. An.
9 yu- 4. 5.
then, usually seq. fut. or pres. in a fu- vaiKac Kai Kopaf (/3)
Before a clause
ture sense. So c. imperat. in the pro- added by way of explanation, (/cat epex-
tasis, Matt. iv. 19 hurt orrtffw fiov, xal e. g. Matt. i. 25 siroinvtv oc
TTOlijffU) VfiCLQ dXttlf dvSpWTrwV. V. 15. 7cpoff'tTatv avTty . . . Kai 7raplXa/3 rfjv
vii. 7. ix. 18 eTriSfc r//v x^P" oov ^ 7r> a ^~ yvvatKa. Luke V. 35 iXevffovrai Si r'lfitipai
r/}v, :at Zrjairai. xi. 29. Mark vi. 22. Kai OTOV arrap^y K. r. X. John ii. 16 Kat
xi. 29. Luke vi. 35. John ii. 19. iv. 35. %aptv avri \dpirof. 1 Cor. iii. 5. Xen.
vii. 33. Actsix.6. 2 Cor. xiii.ll. James An. 2. 5. 38 i\6i Tr)v SiKt]V Kai T&VTjKtv.
1. 5. al. ssep. (Sept. and i 1 Sam. xv.
Comp. Winer 57. note, c. Fritzsche
16. Epict. Ench. c. 21,23. Xen. Mem. Comm. in Matt. p. 56.
2. 3.16 prj OKVU . ... Kai K. T. X.) Also as having an intensive force, viz.
genr. Matt, xxvii. 64 Kat torai 77 iax aT1J (a)
Where two or more words are con-
irXdvTj \iip<tiv rjjg Trp<jjTi]. Luke xii. 19. nected by Kai, and Kat is then also in-
Heb. iii. 19 Kai pxiiroptv. xii. 9. (Sept. serted emphatically before the first
and 1 Gen. xxiv. 40.) So after a or idv word, Kai Kat, Lat. et et, Engl. both
in the protasis, then, James iv. 15 iuv b and. Matt. x. 28 <f>o/3ifitiTs rbv Svvd-
Kvptof StXriffy Kt ^fjffatuev, Kai 7ro(//<rw- pevov Kai i^v^riv Kai awfia airoXiffai. Mark
pev K. r. X. if God will and we live, THEN ix. 22. Acts xxvi. 29. Rom. xiv. 9 bis.
we shall do this or that. Rev. iii. 20 iuv Phil. iv. 12, 16. Hdian. 3. 6. 15. Xen.
. . . Kat. So Sept. idv . . . Kai for 1 . . . OK Cyr. Before com-
1. 3. 15. ib. 2. 3. 1.
Lev. xxvi. 3,4. Deut. xi. 13, 14. t'i Kai . . .
paratives, and even, Matt. xi. 9 vai, Kai
Judith v. 20. Xen. Cyr. 8. 7. 22. Once irtpiffaoTipov Trpo<f>i')Tov.
Luke vii. 26. John
seq. imper. John vii. 52 tptvvrjaov Kai ISt, x. 10. Comp. Passow Kat no. 6. Matth.
where the second imperat. is equiv. to 620. p. 1258 d Horn. II. 10. 556.
a fut. and so thou thalt see. See Winer Xen. An. 6. 6. 35. (7) Before interro-
44. 2. Gesen. Lehrg. p. 776. Stuart where in strictness
gations, it is simply
505. a. Baruch ii. 21. comp. Luc. copulative, and, but serves to add
D. Deor. 2. 2. fia~ive Kat jtyct. Comp. strength and vivacity to the question,
Lat. divide et impera. (/3)
Where the and, and then, tJien, comp. Viger. p.
apodosis affirms what is or will be done 524. Matth. 620. p. 1258. c. So be-
in consequence of, because of that which fore a pron. or adv. Mark x. 26 Xs-
is contained in the protasis, i. q. and so, yovrtf Kai rtj; Svvarai (ruiSijvai and whoj ',
and tJierefore, i.
q. so that, wherefore. who then, (in that case) can be saved ?
E. Acts vii. 43 Kat utroiKiti
g. seq. fut. Luke iii. 14. x. 29. 2 Cor. ii. 2. Kai
1 Cor. v. 2 -- Luc. D. Deor. 1.2 Kai ri sarily use but, e. g. Matt. xii. 39
TrXtov iw ;
Xen. Mem. 1. 3. 10, 11. liriZrjTii' Kai ffrjfitlov ov So^n'jrrerat
v Kai TTWC Hi. 7. 11
Before an im- xiii. 14, 17. xvii. 16. xxvi. 60 Kai oi>x
perative Kai is often intensive in the tvpov. Mark ix. 18. xiv. 55, 56. John
classic writers, see Viger. et Matth. 1. c. x. 25. al. saep. In all these passages
Some apply this also to several pas- the rendering but is admissible but not
sages in N. T. as Matt, xxiii. 32. Mark necessary ; in others it would destroy
ix. 5. xi. 29. Luke xii. 29. xx. 3. Eph. the true sense, e. g. tXtov SXw Kai ov
iv. 26. But in all these Kai is simply Srvffiav i. e. / will have mercy and not
copulative, without any intensive force, [merely] Matt. ix. 13 et xii. 7,
and may be referred to some of the quoted from Hos. vi. 6 where Heb. i
significations above given. See Winer and Sept. ad sensum, tXeoc StXw (juaX-
57. 2. note, a Where a part is (e) AOJ/] fj Svffiav. See Passow in Kaf no. 13.
subjoined to a whole by way of em- Winer 57. note, b.
(y) Rarely in a
phasis, irai may be rendered and espe- strong antithesis without a negative Kat
cially, inprimis. Mark i. 5. xvi. 7 il-iran may be given by but, though not neces-
role paSiiTalg avrov Kai r<p Ilsrpy. sarily, e. g.Acts x. 28 Kai tfioi 6 Se6c
1 Cor. ix. 5. Matt. viii. 33. Comp. Pas- tdei%, but see above in c. /3. Mark xii.
so\V Kai no. 6 ult. ^Eschyl. Pers. 747. 12 IZrjTovv avTov Kparfjcrai, Kai t<f>o(3rj-
Vice versa, where a whole is sub- Srjaav rbv oxXov, where we may also
joined to a part, as in a summing up of render and yet, and nevertheless, as in a.
particulars, i. q. and in a word, yea. 1 Cor. xii. 6, coll. ver. 6. Comp. Winer
Matt. xxvi. 59 ot apxitprtg KOI ct irpeofiv- I.e.
rtpoi Kai TO avvidpiov o\ov the chief 2. Also, too, not merely copulative
priests and the elders and [in a word, but likewise emphatic, implying in-
yea,] the whole Sanhedrim. Mark xv. 1. crease, addition, something more, e. g.
See Winer 57. 2. note, d. Fritzsche always so in the connexion Sk Kai
Comm. in Matt. p. 786. Dem. 36 ult. or Kai #, and also, i. e, and in addition,
Comp. Plato Phsedo. 13 Kai avtiptia and likewise, see in Ae d. Buttm. 149.
p. 425. Comp. Passow Kai no. 3.
genr. Matt. v. 39 ffrptyov avT$ Kai
f) apparently adversative, but only Ttjv dXXrjv, vi. 12. Mark ii. 16, 28. Luke
where the opposition or antithesis of i. 35. vi. 16 8f Kai. John viii. 19 ei i^t
the thought is
sufficiently strong in it- ySeire f Kai TOV Trarlpa fiov ydfiTe dv
self without the aid of an adversative Rom. i. 15. 1 Cor. xiv. 12. al. saep
particle. E. g. (a) and yet, and never- Hdianl.1.4. Xen. Cyr. 5. 1. 2 < Kai
p. 372. Gal. iv. 14. 1 John ii. 4. Rev. Luke vi. 31. John xiii. 15. Acts vii. 51.
iii. 1. So Sept. and T 2 Sam. iii. 8. Gal. i. 9 Xen. Mem. 1. 6. 3. Luc. 8.
Mai. ii. 14. Xen. Cyr/7. 5. 45. Mem. 4. with ovrw impl. Hdot. 7. 128 o>g $1
1. 2. 32. So Heb. iii. 9 iSoKifiayav pe, tirtSri>HT]<Tf, KOI firoiet TCLVTCL. Plut. Apo-
Kai eldov ra tpya fiov, they proved me, theg. Gelon. in Mor. II. p. 9 ed. Tauchn,
and yet although they saw my works,
i. e. or VI. p. 668. 7 ed. Reisk. Thuc. 8. 1
quoted from Ps. xcv. 9 where Sept. Kai ult. Also KaSwg KOI, as also, even at
for t33, comp. Gesen. Lex. 02 no. 4. also, 1 Cor. xiii. 12. xiv. 34. we Kai, 09
Where it connects a negative anti- also, 1 Cor. vii. 7. Acts xi. 17, where Kat
thetic clause with a
preceding positive is pleonastic, see Winer ^ 67. p. 487. c.
vne, where we often though not neces- Comp. Matth. 620. b. Xen. Cyr. 4.2.1.
in interrogations, e. g. rt icat ; why Luke iii. 2. John xi. 49. xvi. 13, 14, 24,
Vvan 28. Acts iv. 6.
also ? why too ? 1 Cor. xv. 29, 30.
why moreover? Luke xiii. 7. Jos.
Katyt, see in Tk II. e.
3. With
other particles, chiefly icai 8k Rev. ii. 17. iii. 12. Sept. for unn Is.
and also, but also, likewise 8e Kai but also Ixii. 2. Hdian. 3. 13. 15. Luc. fthet.
Matt. iii. 10. John xv. 24, see in Ac Prac. 17. Xen. Mem. 2. 3. 10. Com-
II. d. Buttm 149. p. 425. re -cat, parat. Acts xvii. 21 Xtyeiv TI Kai aKoveiv
see in Ts. Buttm. 1. c. p. 424. Others Kaivorepovto tell or hear something newer,
are dXAd icat but also, see in 'AXXa 1
: comp. Winer 36. 3. Dem. 43. 7. ib.
pr. n. of a high priest, 'IW^TTOC 6 jcai b.y. Matt. xxvi. 28. Mark xiv. 24. Luke
Ka'iatyag Jos. Ant. 18. 2. 2. He was ap- xxii. 20. 1 Cor. xi. 25. 2 Cor. iii. 6.
pointed by Valerius Gratus the prede- Heb. viii. 8, 13. ix. 15. (Sept. forilhn
cessor of Pilate, A.D. 26, and deposed Jer. So olvovtriveiv Kaivov, to
by Vitellius in A.D. 35, Jos. Ant. 18. drink wine new, in its best state according
4. 3. See iu'Avvas Matt. xxvi. 3, 57. to the Hebrew taste, Matt, xxvi.29. Mark
KcuvoV/jc 408
xiv. 26. $$1] KdivT] a new song, i. e. 1 am to suffer Matt. xxvi. 18, or accom-
nobler, loftier strain, Rev. v. 9. xiv. 3. plish any duty John vii. 6, 8. Luke xxi.
Sept. and irnn Ps. xxxiii. 3. xl. 4. Is. 24 Kaipoi iSvutv. 2 Thess. ii. 6. Rev.
xlii. 10. Also for renewed, made new, xi. 18. So ISiog icaipof one's own due
and therefore superior, more splendid, time, Gal. vi. 9. 1 Tim. ii. 6. vi. 15.
g. Kaivol ovpavol Kai Katvrj yfj 2 Pet. iii. Tit. i. 3. With a demonstrative art. or
13 bis. Rev. xxi. 1. (Sept. Is. Ixv. 17. pron. as o vvv, OVTOQ, tKtivos, this present
Ix vi. 22.) 77 KCIIVTI 'ItpovoaXrjp Rev. iii. 1 2. time, that time, definitely marked out
xxi. 2. So Rev. xxi. 5 Katvd irdvra Trotw. and expressed, Matt. xi. 25. xii. 1. xiv.
Metapli. of Christians as renewed and 1. Mark x. 30. Luke xiii. 1. xviii. 30.
changed from evil to good by the Spirit Acts xii. 1. Rom. iii. 26. viii. 18. xi.5.
of God. 2 Cor. v. 17 bis Kaivt} KT'KJIQ. 2 Cor. viii. 14. Eph. ii. 12. Also xratpof
Gal. 15 K. avSpwTroe. Eph. ii. 15. iv.
vi. t^xarog 1 Pet. i. 5. K. vartpot 1 Tim. iv.
24. Sept. jcapflia Kaivrj for tD'in 3>b Ez. 1. XT. ivearnKue Heb. ix. 9. Genr. Acts
xviii. 31. xxxvi.26. xvii. 26 TrpoTtTayn'tvovg Kaipovg. Gal. iv.
10. 2 Tim. iv. 3 torai yap Kaipog sc. ap-
, r'i, (KUIVOG,^newness , pointed of God. Rev. xii. 12. dat. r<
e. g. in a moral sense, Rom. vi. 4 iv KUI- at the proper season, Mark xii. 2.
v6ri]Ti ZhtrJG i.
q. iv Zioy Kaivy, comp. ZCJTJ With prepositions, e. g. d^pi Kaipovfor
b. Buttm. 123. n. 4. So also Rom. vii, or during a certain season Luke iv. 13.
6 __ pp. Thuc. 3. 38. Acts xiii. 11. (/i%pi Diod. Sic. 1. 3.)
iv Kcupy in due time Matt. xxiv. 45. Luke
KanrEp conjunct, (roi, irep,} although,
xx. 10. 1 Pet. v. 6. iv $ Kaipy Acts
comp. Buttm. 149. p. 432. Matth.
566. 3. Seq. particip. Phil. iii. 4. Heb.
vii. 20.
(Xen. H. G. 7. 2.
Kara icaipov
but applied, after Julius Caesar, to his they shall not enter into my rest, the
successors of the same family as the works nevertheless having been finished at
usual title of dignity. At a later period, the foundation of the world, i. e. the rest
itbecame the title of the heirapparent. here spoken of, MY rest, could not have
In N. T. the title Casar is applied to been God's resting from his works, Gen.
Augustus Luke ii. 1. Tiberius Luke iii. ii. 2, for this
rest, the sabbath, had
1. xx. 22, 24, 25. al. Claudius Acts xi. already existed from the creation of the
28. Nero Acts xxv. 8 sq. Phil. iv. 22. world. Luc. D. Deor. 12. 2. Xen. Ag.
Caligula who succeeded Tiberius is not 8.8. Comp. Buttm. 149. p. 431. Herm.
mentioned. AL. ad Vig. p. 840.
p. 326 sq. Reland Falsest. 670 sq. Acts KaKCtS'fv, crasis for icai
viii. 40. ix. 30. x. 1,24. xi. 11. xii. 19. comp. in KaiceT above. x. 1. Acts Mark
xviii. 22. xxi. 8, 16. xxiii. 23, 33. xxv. vii. 4. xiii. xx. 15. xxi. 1.
21. xiv. 26.
andn. 2. b. Matt. xv. 18. xx. 4. xxiii. to be afflicted, intrans. 2 Tim. ii. 9.
23. Luke xx. 11. xxii. 12. John vii. 29. James v. 13. Jos. Ant. 1. 10. 3. Xen.
xiv. 12. al __ Luc. D. Deor. 2. 3. Xen. Mem. 1.4. 11. Especially of soldiers
Cyr. 5. 5. 29. AL. and others, to endure hardships, trop.
2 Tim. ii. 3 KanoirdStjaov wf icaXog <rrpa-
e. g.
KctKt'a, ac , (Kafof,) badness,
TIWTIJS. iv. 5. Jos. Ant. 10. 11. 1.
external, as of water Jos. Ant. 3. 1. 1, 2. Hdian. 8. 7. 14. Comp. Sept. for
of a soldier cowardice, Xeu. Cyr. 2. 2. Jon. iv. 10. Xen. Mem. 2. 1. 17.
27. In N. T. evil, in a moral sense, viz.
of heart, life, character, wickedness, w, f. you,
Acts viii. 22 utTavorjaov ovv CLTTO rrigKaiciaQ to do evil, i. e.
<rov ravTiis. James i. 21. 1 Pet. ii. 16. 1 a)
to others, i. q. to injure, to harm,
Cor. xiv. 20 r-g icaKiy, vrj-rrid^ere, opp. Taiq absol. Mark iii. 4. Luke vi. 9. Sept. for
/, comp. Matt, xviii. 3. Sept. for yin Gen. xxxi. 7. 1 Sam. xxv. 4. for
x. xxxii. 11, 13.
Is. xxix. 20. Chald. ppn Ezra iv. 13, 15 __ c. ace.
Xen. Mem. 1. 2. 28. Diod. Sic.'is. 45. absol. Xen. Cyr. 8. 8.
in an active sense, malice* malig- 14.
nity, the desire of evil to others, espec. b) genr. and absol. i. q. to commit sin,
1 Pet. iii. 17. 3 John 11. Sept. for
1 Cor. v. 8 kv
Zvfiy Kcuciac icai Trovtjpiag. m^n
Eph. iv. 31. Col. iii. 8. Tit. iii. 3. 1 Pet. 2 Sam. xxiv. 17. Xen. (Ec. 3. 11.
ii. 1. Sept. ynT Prov. i. 16. rr^Nah.
iii. 19. Jos. A
nt. 1.1.4. Diod". Sic. 1. KaKOTTOtOC* OV, 6, 17, (caic6ff, Troiew,)
an evil doer, 1 Pet. ii.12, 14. iii. 16. iv.
1 ult.
15. malefactor, John xviii. 30. Pol. 15.
c) evil,}, e. trouble, affliction, Matt. vi.
25. 1.
34. So Sept. and n^l
Ecc. vii. 14. 1
earlier form was KCUCWS Xeyw, see Lob. ad vii. 19, 21. ix. 11. xiii. 4 bis. xvi.19. 1
oftoitnQ rd KUKU SC. a7TtXa/?. Acts ix. 13. speak of any one, to revile, seq. ac-
cus. Buttm. 131. 4. Acts xxiii. 5 dpx oi""
2 Tim. iv. 14. Sept. for yj Gen. xliv.
34. xlviii. 16. Is. xlvi. 7. Jer. TOV Xaov ffov OI>K epfTg KdKuic;, quoted from
xiv. 8. Ex. xxii. 28 where Sept. for T]N, as
also Is. viii. 21. Luc. Pise. 6. Xen.
ou, icaico-
Kaicoupyoc? b, /,
KaXi>, w, f. <TW, Buttra. 95. n. ap\ifpfv .... KaXovfttvog VTTO TOV Seov.
3, aor. 1 aor. 1 Gal. i. 15. Comp. Sept. and Is.
iKdXtffa, perf. rljcXj/fca, Kip
pass. tK\ri$t)v, Buttin. 114. 110. 11. xlix. 1. Ii. 2.
To call, trans. 3. to call, i. e. to name, to give name to
any one in order that he
to call to any person or thing.
may come or go any where a) pp. and spoken (a)
of a proper
PP- with the voice, as a shepherd
name or surname, e. g. of persons, seq. TO
his flock, John x. 3 rd ISia irp6j3ra ovopa and the name in apposit. Matt. i.
KaXtl KO.T ovofjia. Luke xix. 13 KaXtaaq 21 KaXtfftig TO ovofia avTOv 'Irjaovv, thou
tie Mica SovXovQ iavrov i. e. calling them shalt call his name Jesus, ver. 23, 25.
together. Matt. xx. 8. Mark iv. 21 et Luke i. 13. ii. 21. Rev. xix. 13. Pass.
Mark i. 20 iicdXeaev O.VTOVQ SC. to follow with TL sc. ovofia Luke i. 62. Comp.
him and become his disciples. 1 Mace, Matth. 420. b. p. 769. So Sept. and
i. 6. Hdian. 3. 11. 20. Xen. Coiiv. 2. N"1j? Gen. xxvii. 36. xxix. 34 comp.
12. Plato Cratyl. init. Seq. ace. ofpers. and
b) genr. to call sc. in any way, to the namein apposit. Matt. x. 25 ii TOV
send for, to direct to come. Matt. ii. 7 OlKodteTTTOTriV Bf\?/3ouX iKoXtCfaV 1H text.
judge, etc. Acts iv. 18. xxiv. 2. (Hdian. Hdian. 4. 12. 2. Xen. Mem. 2. 1. 26.
7. 3. 5. Xen. Apol. Soc. 1 ei'f TT}V SIKIJV.) With 7rl r< 6v6(ia.Ti added, i.e. after
Trop. of God, Rom. iv. 17 icaXovvroQ TO. thename of any one Luke i. 59, see in
WTO. wg ovra calling forth and dis-
'ETTI 11. 3. c. rj. Pass, withdat. r< 61/0-
posing of things that are not, even as pctTt, by name, Luke i. 61. xix. 2. So
though they were, i. e. calling them into c. iv, Rom. ix. 7 et Heb. xi. 18 iv 'Iffadm
existence, etc. So Sept. and jnp Is. K\rj$rjcreTai <roi
<nrspfjia, i. e. in and
xli. 4. xlviii. 13. Philo de Great, p. through Isaac, in his line, shall thy seed
728 TO.
fir) OVTCI tKaXtatv tig TO tlva.1. bear name, quoted from Gen. xxi. 12
in the sense of to invite, pp. to a
d) where Sept. for ^ Nlp. Comp. in 'Ev
banquet, as fig TOVQ yd/iove Matt. xxii. 3, 3. d. a.
Of an epithet or appella-
9. TOV ydpov John ii. 2.
( absol. tion, e. g. of persons, Matt. ii. 23 Naw-
Matt. xxii. 8. Luke vii. 39. xiv. 8 bis, 17. paTo K\rj$rj(TTai. xxii. 43 TTUC ovv AafiiS
1 Cor. x. 27. Dem. 402. 15. Luc. KVQIOV avTov KaXf! ;
xxiii. 7, 8 fit) K\r)$iJTt
Jo .
Trag. 15. iirl Stlirvov Xen. Mem. pafipi. ver. 10. Luke vi. 15. xv. 19, 21.
2. 3. 11. Metaph. to call, to invite, sc. Acts xiv. 12. Rom. ix. 26. James ii. 23.
foany thing, e. g. of Jesus, K. tig utTavoiav 1 John iii. 1. Of things, Acts x. 1.
to call to repentance, to exhort, Matt. ix. Palaeph. 1. 8.Xen. OEc. 7. 2, 3. Cyr. 1.
13. impl. Mark ii. 17. Of God, Rev. 2. 13. Hence.
xix. 9 tig TO ctiirvov TOV ydfiov TOV dpviov
b) Pass, in the sense of to be regard-
xeKXrj/jLtvoi see in Tdp,og a. 1 Tim. vi. ed, accounted, i. q. to be, Matt. v. 9, 19
12 tf TYJV (iiyv aidjviov. 1 Cor. i. 9. 2 bis iXdxiffTOQ KXtfifjfffrai iv ry (3atr. TOIV
Thess. ii. 14. 1 Pet. ii. 9. v. 10. So ovp. K. T. X. Luke i. 32, 35, 36, 76. ii.
KaXtlv fig TJ\V fiafftXtiav TOV Stov, to the 23. xv. 19. 1 Cor. xv. 9. Heb. iii. 13.
duties, privileges, and final bliss of the Matt. xxi. 13 et Mark xi. 17 olKog Trpotr-
Christian life here and hereafter, 1 Thess. tvxijz KXrjSrjfffTcti, quoted from Is. Ivi. 7
ii. 12, and so by impl. Rom. ix. 24. 1 Cor. where Sept. for N"lp2j
as a ^ s I s - xxxv. 8.
vii. 15, Gal. v. 8, 13. 2 Tim. i. 9.
17 sq. xlvii. 1, 5. xlviii. 8. See Gesen. Lex.
Heb. 1 Pet. ii. 21. al. sa?p.
ix. 15. Niph. no. 2 ult. Passow in jcaXlw no. 2
in the sense of to call to
any station, ult Horn. II. 4.61. Od. 7. 313. Find.
q. to appoint, to choose. Heb. v. 4 Pyth. 3. 119. AL.
413 KaXo'c
icaXoc,) better,
once neut. as compar. of et infin. Matt. xvii. 4. et Mark ix. 5 et
KaXwc, Buttm. 115. 4, 5. Acts xxv. 10 Luke ix. 33 KaXov tori )/iaf tide ilvcu.
wf :ai (TV KaXXiov iiriyivitiGKeig, OS tJlOU
seq. dat. of pers. et inf. as subj. Matt,
also better knowest, i. e. better than I can xviii. 8, 9. Mark ix. 43, 45, 47. 1 Cor. vii.
Comp. in
explain. 1, 20 bis. ix. 15. seq. ', Matt. xxvi. 24
a) good,
as to quality and character, v. 25. Tit. ii. 7, 14. Heb. x. 24. 1 Pet.
n Hdian. 1-16.7. Xen. Mem. 3. 1.9. firjv b icaXoQ John x. 11 bis, 14. ou/-
covot 1 Tim. iv. 6. <rrp* twrj 2 Tim.
Kpvirru), irXsTrrw,) to cover over or around, iii. 4. Mark i. 6. Sept. for ^pa Gen.
to envelope, trans xii.16.xxiv. 10 sq Diod.8.8.48. Xen.
Matt. viii. 24. Luke viii. 16 a- Cyr. 6. 1. 30
In proverbs, e. g. Matt.
a) pp.
XvTTTti avTov aKevti. xxiii.30. Sept.for nD3 xix. 24 et Mark x. 25 et Luke xviii. 25
Gen. Ex. viii. 6. al.
vii. 19. ov tart Ka^Xov did TpVTrrjfiaroQ
159. 7. Xen. Eq. 12. 5. Cyr 5. 1. 4. applied to that which
Acts x. 33. 1 Cor. vii. 37, 38. xiv. 17. 113 Jer. xi. 3. -pMK IJan. iii. 6 sq.
Phil. iv. 14. Heb. James ii.
xiii. -18.
Diod. Sic. 5. 27. Xen. Vect. 4. 49.
29. 2 Pet. i. 19. 3 John 6. So ov for icara-
vffiOj (contr.
KO.XOJG not well Gal. iv. Sept. for
17. to shut to close, sc. the eyes
n"Bn 1 K. viii. 18. ^1. V. H. 14. 25. so as not to see, trans. Matt. xiii. 15 et
Xen. Mem. 3. 8.
6. Cyr. 1.3.1. Spoken Acts xxviii. 27 TOVQO^. avrwv tKKa^ij.vaav,
in regard to office or
duty, well, faith- quoted from Is. vi. 10 where Sept. for
1 Tim. iii. 13. v. 17 1
fully, 4, 12,
yyvf Hiph. trop. Philo de Somn. p.
Mace. viii. 23. Xen. Cyr. 4. 5. 45 589 This is a later form, not used
With emph. very well, excellently, Mark Attic writers, Phryn. et Lob. p. 339 sq.
vii. 37. Gal. v. 7 trpl^fre KaXa>g. Ironi- Sturz. de Dial. Alex. p. 173 sq. Some
cally, Mark vii. 9 KaXCJg dStTtlre rr\v iv- suppose it to have been used by Xeno-
roXijv T. Sreov. 2 Cor. xi. 4 JE1. V. H.
phon, Cyr. 8. 3. 28 ;
see Schaefer ad Bos.
1. 16. In the sense of honourably,
Ellips. p. 368 sq.
James ii. 3 av ndSov tide KaXwg.
f. Kauw, aor. 2 tKapov, perf.
b) as to effect, etc. well, ,
Buttm. 110. 11, to be weary,
justly, aptly, as of declarations, etc.
i. e. ,
Matt. XV. 7 KaXioQ Trpottyijrtvffe Trepi vfA&v. faint, sc. from labour, intrans. Rev. ii.
Mark 3 KtKOTTiaKaQ Kal ov KtKfjujKctG. Heb. xii.
vii. 6. 28 OTI KaX&Q dirtKpiSi].
ver. 32. Luke xx. 39. Johniv. 17. viii.
3. Sept. Job x. 1. Xen. An. 3. 4. 47.
48. xiii. 13. Actsxxviii.25. Rom. xi. 20.
Hence to be sick, James v. 15 77 evxn
TTtorcwg vwati Ka/jLvovra. Diod. Sic.
Xen. Mem. 2. 7. 11. r/iff
of the knees.
qc, n, Candace, a name
a) trans, seq. TO yow, to
bend the knee common to the queens of Ethiopia or
sc. in homage, worship, seq. dat. Rom. Meroe in the age of Christ, Acts viii. 27.
xi. 4, and so Sept. for*? y-Q 1 K. xix. 18. This country was then governed by fe-
ace. 14.
Eph. males, Strabo lib. XVII. p. 1134. B.
Seq. TTOOQ c. iii. genr.
Horn. 11.7. 118. comp. Xen. Eq. 1. 6.
p. 1175. D. Dio Cass. lib. 54. p. 335.
intrans. iravyovv tcap^ti, every knee Plin. H. N. VI. 29.
shall bow, i. e. bend itself, in homage,
Rom. xiv. 11 quoted wi', ovoc? > ("?> navva, reed,)
worship, seq. dat.
a reed, rod, staff, employed to keep any
from Is. xlv. 23 where Sept. for^sib jna.
thing stiff, erect, asunder, Horn. II. 8.
Seq. iv Phil. ii. 10.
a measuring rod or
103. ib. 13. 407.
Kav crasis for KCU tdv, and if, also if, line, Test. XII Patr. p. 662. JEschin.
sometimes written KQV but improperly, p. 82. 5. Dion. Hal. Ant. 3. 67. In
Buttm. 29. n. 2. b, and n. 7. N. T. trop. canon, i. e. a standard, rule,
a) and if, c. Subj. aor. or perf. and e. g. of life and doctrine, Gal. vi. 16 oaoi
in the apodosis the fut. or ov prj c. Subj. T(f> KCtVOVl TOVTCp GTOt\T)ffOVfflV. Phil. 111. 16
James v. 15. Mark xvi. 18 KOLV Sravdai- in text. rec. Eurip. Hec. 602 KOVUJV TOV
pov n TrtWiv K. T. \. Luke xiii. 9 KO.V KaXov. Dem. 327. 25. Xen. Ag. 10.2.
pif iroirjvy Kapirov, SC. KaXwf. Xen. An. In the sense of sphere of action or
3. 1. 36. duty, assigned to any one. 2 Cor. x. 13
also if, even if, although, c. Sub- Kara TO p'tTpov TOV teavovog K. T. X. ver. 15,
a village of Galilee, a few miles N. E. of fore built after the exile. The exact
Nazareth. John. ii. 1, 11. iv. 46. xxi. 2. site is at present uncertain, but is sup-
Jos. B. J. 1. 17. 5. posed to have been at a place called Tel
Hum between Tabagha and the Jordan.
Kavavcuoe, o* 5 <->,
in some MSS. Comp. Reland Palaist. p. 682. Rosenm.
for Kavavirtjc q. v. Act. Thorn. 1. Bibl. Geogr. II. ii. p. 68. Matt. iv. 13.
viii. 5. xi.23. xvii.24. Mark i. 21. ii. 1.
Kayavt'rrjc, ov, o, Cananite, an
ix. 33. Luke iv. 23, 31. vii. 1. x. 15.
epithet derived from Heb. K3]?. Aram.
John ii. 12. iv. 46. vi. 17, 24, 59.
]N}|?, zeal,
and signifying i.
q. >jXwr//e
TpovvTec;. Hence icaTrijXfuw IS pp. to be sider with oneself, to reflect, Matt. ix. 4.
a retailer, vintner, Hesych. raTrifXtvti* Luke iii. 15. <rvfi(3a\\tiv iv ry K. to pon-
el, oivoTrwXtl Kai rd Trpog rdf der in mind Luke ii. 19. ava(3aiv(iv iv
ai In N. T. trop. to
Troaetf. Ty K. v. tTrl rr)v K. to come up in or into
adulterate, to corrupt, trans. 2 Cor. ii. 17 one's heart, Luke xxiv. 38. Acts vii. 23.
KcnrTjXtvovrtc TOV Xoyov row 3-60V. Phi- (Sept. Is. Ixv. 17. Jer. iii.
16.) /SaXXav
lostr. Vit. Apollon. 1. 13. ib. 5. 36. its rr\v K. to put into one's heart, to sug-
Anthol. Gr. III. p. 130 TV\I\ KcunjXfvovcra. gest. John x-iii. 2. SiSovai iirl icapSiac
jravTa rbv fiiov. comp. Philo de Carit. p. to place upon the hearts, i. e. put into
707. C. Leg. ad Cai. p. 1021. D. them Heb. x. 16 coll. viii. 10. Rev. xvii.
17. (Sept. Neh. vii. 5.) i.\ttv iv KapSi<f,
oe, ov, o, smoke, Acts ii. 19. to have in one's heart, i. e. to love, to
Rev. viii. 4. ix. 2ter, 3, 17, 18. xiv. 11.
cherish, Phil. i. 7. slvat iv ry K. rivog
xv. 8. xviii. 9, 18. xix. 3. Sept. for yty to be in one's heart, to be the object of
Ex. xix. 18. Josh. viii. 20. Ml. V. H*.
his love, 2 Cor. vii. 3. avrjp KCITO. rriv
12.37. Xen. Cyr. 6. 3. 5.
Kapdiav TIVOQ a man after one's own heart,
Cappadocia, /> 1. e. and therefore ap-
a province of the interior of A sia Minor, proved and beloved, Acts xiii. 22. 6
bounded N. by Pontus, W. by Lycaonia, rjs Kapdiae dvSpuirog i. q. 6 law
S. by Cilicia, and E. by Syria and Ar- Pet. iii. 4.
1 (y) By synecd.
menia Minor. Acts ii. 9. 1 Pet. i. 1. ut for the person himself, in cases where
The country was celebrated for the pro- various affections, passions, etc. are
duction of wheat, for the excellence of attributed to the heart or mind, comp.
itshorses, and for the dulness and vice Gesen. Lehrg. p. 752, 753. Stuart 475.
of the inhabitants. Hence the virulent 2. John xvi. 22 ^ap^fferai vfi&v 77 KapSla
ou> w, icapia, c)
Mid. to bear fruit to oneself, i. e. io
) heart-hnower,
searcher of hearts, propagate oneself, to increase. Col. i. 6
Acts i. 24. xv. 8. I^pund only in N. T.
t\d) 7TOV ffVV(i%(i) TOVf KCtpTTOVQ fiOV. XU1. Diod. Sic. 1. 74 x<*>v a - Xen. Cyr. 6. 2.
sc. a share of them as rent, Matt, xxi.41. to endure, to persevere, intrans. Heb. xi.
Luke xx. 10. Sept. for "ID Ps. i. 3. 27 rbv aoparov o>f upwv iicaprsprjffe.
Jer. xii. 2 Diod. S. 2. 36, 49 init. Xen. Ecclus. ii. 2. Diod. Sic. 3. 5 ult. Xen.
CEc. 4. 8. Vect. 4. 6, 9. By Hebraism II. G. 3. 1. 17.
of children, offspring, as icapirbs TQS
KotXiof fruit of the womb Luke i. 42. K.ap0O(,*, 6OC> ouc r > (icap^w to
become dry,) pp. something dry, i. e. any
*:. Ttjc
ootyvog fruit of the loins, Acts ii.
small dry particle, as of chaff, wood,
30. So Sept. and ^}D Gen. xxx, 2.
etc. a twig, mote, bit, put as the emblem
Mic. vi. 7. al.
of lesser faults, opp. doKog, Matt. vii.
(a) for deeds,
i. e.
b) metaph./rmY, Luke 42 bis. For the
8 3, 4, 5. vi. 41,
works, conduct, Matt. iii. Troiijaart icap-
Heb. proverb see Buxtorf. Lex. Rab.
irov a(ov rijf /uravot'aj . vii. 10, 20. xxi.
2080. Sept. Gen. 8. 1. Anthol. Gr. IV.
43. iii. 8. al. Sept. for rrhTQn
Prov. x. 16. for effect, result, Rom! p. 23. Luc. Astrol. 29. Hesych. *ap0oc*
XV. 28. Gal. v. 22 o , %opro, Ktpaia %v\ov Xtirrri.
jeapTrog rot) Trvtv/za-
roc. Eph. v. 9. Heb. xii. 11. James iii. ovoc> "hi (PP- P r n -
17. Sept. and ns Jer. xvii. 10. Mic. Carthage,) in N. T. a carbuncle Rev.
vii. 13. for profit, advan- xxi. 19in MSS. for xa\Kndwv chalcedony.
(y) by inipl.
tage, good, John iv. 36 KOI avvayei Kap- Kara, prep, governing the genitive
TTOV tig <ui]v aihiviov. Rom. i. 13. vi. 21, and accusative, with the primary signif.
22. James iii. 18. al. So Sept. and ^13 down, i. e. down from, down upon, down
Ps. Iviii. 12. Hdian. Xen. Cyr!
8. 3. 15.
in, etc. Buttm. 147. n. 4. Matth. 581.
7. 2. 11. T&V \n\kuvfruitof Winer 51. 53. p. 340. Passow
() icapTrog p. 327.
the lips i. e. praise Heb. xiii. 15, in allu- in Kara.
sion to Sept. Hos. xiv. 3 jcapTrog I. With the genitive. E. g.
for -ns, where the Heb. now reads 1 Of place, i. e. a) of motion down
calves, bullocks. Comp. Sept. and Heb. from a higher to a lo\ver place, e. g.
Prov. xii. 14. Is. Ivii. 19. AL. rard row Kpr]fj.vov tig Sakaaoav down
ayaS<. Matt. xiii. 23. Markiv. 20. Luke K0a\j} avT&v riQitoav TO, /SIX?/ sc. from
commodi et incom. the porticos. 2E1. V. H. 8. 14. Xen.
viii. 15. Seq. dat.
g. rips up Rom. vii. 4, Tt^^avar^ ver. 5, Trop. 7} Kara /SaSour
e. Cyr. 5. 1. 5.
i. e. to live worthy of God or of death. ia lit. poverty down to the very
Kara 418 Kara
depths, i. e. deepest poverty, 2 Cor. viii. 2. v. 15. viii. 1. xi. 1 tivrtf Kara Tr)v'lov8aiat>
Comp. Xen. Cyr. 4. 6.5. who were throughout Judea. xv.23. xxiv.
c) genr.
of motion or direction
upon, 12. So TropeutcrSat jcara rijv ofiov to
'towards, through, any place or object, travel through i. e.
along the way Acts
(a) pp.
e. g. in the sense of upon, viii. and genr. Kara rrjv odov along or
against, Acts xxvii. 14 tj3aXe Kar' avrfjc BY the way, while travelling upon it T
dvepos Tv<f>uviKoc. Hdian. 6. 7. 18. Luke x. 4. Acts xxv. 3. xxvi. 13. Jos.
Dem. 403. 3. Comp. Matth. et Passow Ant. I. 7. 6. Diod. Sic. 1. 72 oi Kara ri}*
1. c.
In the sense of through, throng- AlyvKTov. Xen. Cyr. 6. 2. 22. Mem. 3.
out, where Kara c. ace. is more usual. 5. 11 apiaTtvovrig teal Kara yrjv Kal K.
Luke IV. 14 $r\\ir\ iZiiXSe Kay oXrjc Ttjs SaX. Thuc. 5. 3 KaS* blbv. Hence
jreptxwpov. 5 didaffKuv KaS' oXijg
xxiii. from the idea of motion throughout
rriQ 'lovdaiag. Acts ix. 31, 42. X. 37. every part of a whole, arises the distri-
For adv. Ka$' oXov, see Ka$<5Xov. Horn. butive sense of Kara, e. g. Matt. xxiv. 7
Od. 6. 102. Ml. V. H. 1. 14. Pol. 1. 17. Kara TOTTOVQ throughout all places, in vari-
10. Comp. Pasiow Kara no. 3. (7) after ous parts. Luke viii. 1 tfiwfou* Kara TTO-
verbs of swearing, i. e. to swear upon or Xiv Kai Kwprjv, throughout city and village
by any thing, at the same time stretching 1. e.
every one, generally, ver. 4. ix. 6.
out the hand over, upon, towards it. xiii. 22. Acts ii. 46 KXwvrec re Kar' OIKOV
Matt. xxvi. 63 topKiw <re Kara. TOV Stov. aprov i. e. from house to house, viii. 3.
Heb. vi. 13 bis, w/tofft icaS-' iavrov. ver. xiv. 23. xv. 21, 36. xxii. 19. al Diod.S.
16. Sept. for 3 yairin 2 Chr. xxxvi. 2. 28 Kara Kayidf Hdian. 2. 15. 11. Thuc.
13. Is. xlv. 23. Dem.' 553. 17. ib. 1268. 1. 122. Hdot. 1. 196 Kara Kwjuaf tKa^raf.
24. Comp. Passow 1. c.
Comp. Passow Kara II. 2. See below
Metaph. of the object towards or
2. in no. 3.
upon which any thing tends, aims, etc. b) of
motion or situation upon, at,
upon, in respect to. 1 Cor. xv. 15. near to, adjacent to, etc. Luke x. 32
Jude 15 iroirjffai Kpiaiv Kara, iravTwv. yevop,fvoQ Kara TOV roirov. ver. 33 fiXSe
Plut. de puer. educ. 4 init. (I. p. 3. Kar' avrov. Acts ii. 10 TTJG Ai(3vng rfjQ
Tauchn.") b Kara T&V TVXV&V /cat rSiv tiri- Kara KvpTjVTjy. xvi.7. xxvii. 2 Tovg Kara
ori]\iS)v Xeytiv titoSafjiev. Xen. Cyr. 1.2. TTJV'Aaiav TOTTOVQ i. e. places on and
16. Apol. Soc. 13. Comp.Buttrn. Matth. near the coast of Asia Minor, ver. 7.
1. c. Lob. ad Phr. p. 272. More usually Diod. S.I. 22. Xen. An. 5. 2. 16,23.
in a hostile sense, against, after words motion or direction upon, i. e.
c) of
of speaking, accusing, warring, and towards any place. Acts viii. 26 ircptvov
the like. Matt. v. 11 TTO.V TTOV. pnfjia Kara neffrjufipiav. xxvii. 12 Xiptva /3Xe-
ray' vp.&v. ver. 23 ?x i rl Kara aov. x. Troyra Kara A/j3a. Phil. iii. 14 Kara OKOTTOV
35. xii. 14 ffvp(3ovXiov t\a(3ov Kar' UVTOV. Thuc. 7. 6 OTrep Ka' aiirovf T)V
Ter. 30 6 pr) uv per' i/j,ov, Kar' l/xov sort, i. over against. Xen. An. 7. 2. 1.
xxvi. 59. Mark xi. 25. xiv. 55 sq. Trop. Kara 7rpo<7W7rov avnorijvai, to with-
Luke xxiii. 14 wv Kar^yopfTre Kar' avrov. stand one to his face, Gal. ii. 11. Soph.
John xviii. 29. Acts iv. 26. xvi. 22, xxi. Trach. 102 Kar' oppa. Xen. Hi. 1. 14 Kar'
28. 2 Cor. xiii. 8. Gal. v. 17. al. saep.
primary and general idea is down upon, house' and in a house' may be used
'6Xr]V TTJV TToXlV KT]pVffffU)V. XV. 14. tyV- 1 Cor. xvi. 19. Philem. 2. Acts xiii.
TO XIUOQ Kara TTJV \&pav kKtivijv. Acts 1 j\aav KO.TO. TTJV iKK\t]a'iav
Kara 419 Kara
c. r. X. Luc. D. Dear. 20. 13 Kar' aarv Gen. xviii. 10. Comp. Gesen. Lex. 3 B. 3.
yv. Diod. Sic. 2. 28 rote Kara TTJV TTO- Passow Kara II. 7. Winer 53. d. p. 340.
\iv. Palseph. 5. 3 Kpv\pat Kara yijv. 2 Mace. xi. 12. Diod. Sic. 4. 9. Hdot.
(/3) seq. ace. of pers. implying place, in, 1.67. Thuc. 3. 99. So distributively,
among. Acts xxi. 21 rot-f Kara ra comp. above in no. 1. a, also no. 3 below.
'lovdaiovG the Jews dispersed among E. g. KaS' fiuepav daily, everyday, Matt.
(pp. throughout) the Gentiles, xxvi. 3 rwv xxvi. 55. Mark xiv. 49. al. also ro
Kara 'lovSaiovQ i$wv. xvii. 28 rtvtq r&v Ka^' iipspav Luke xi. 3. xix. 47. Kar'
Ka$' v/zaf ITOITJTWV i. e. your own poets, froc, far' iviavTov, yearly, every year,
xviii. 15. Eph. i. 15 r/}v Ka3' fyac iriVriv. Luke ii. 41. Heb. ix. 25. x. 1, 3. *ar<i
Diod. Sic. 4. 8 *K row KO$' avroif toprr/v at each passover Matt, xxvii. 15.
j3toy. Xen. Cyr. 5. 1. 11. So ra$' Luke xxiii. 17. Kara Katpov at certain
eaurov in or wufA oneselft pp. in one's times, from time to time, John v. 4.
own house, chez soi, and hence genr. by Karaftiav <raj3/3arw/ every first day of the
orfor oneself, alone, Acts xxviii. 16 ptveiv week 1 Cor. xvi. 2. Also Acts xvii. 17
Rom. xiv. 22. James ii. 17.
ra^' iavTov. Kara Xviii. 4. Heb. iii. 13
tratrav t'jftipav.
Comp. Matt. 1. c. p. 1155 Xen. An. Ka^' Ka<rr;v Rev. xxii. 2 K. fitiva
6. 2. 11. Cyr. 7. 4. 15. (y) seq. ace. of Ifva tKaOTov Luc. D. Deor. 24. 2. Thuc.
thing implying place, e. g. Kara irpoau- 3. 37, 58. Xen. An. 3. 2. 12.
TTOV rti/of in the presence of, before any 3. In a distributive sense, derived
one Luke ii. 31. Acts iii. 13. c. gen. strictlyfrom the idea of pervading all
impl. e. g. avrov Acts xxv. 16. vptiv the parts of a whole so of place see;
1 Cor. ii. 1 /X^ou oi) Ka' as also for ol Ka^' e'va, Ka3' , tig
Ka^' elf,
Xoyou / came not in excellency etc. Also Kara Svo two and two 1 Cor.
of speech. Adverbially, Qovaiav Kar' xiv. 27. Comp. Passow Kara 1 1. 2. Matth.
Mark i. 27, see in 'EZovaia a. Kara 1. c. Winer 1. c. 11. V. H. 2, 1. Xen.
Kpdroc strongly, vehemently, Acts xix. 20. An. 4. 7. 8.
(Thuc. 1. 64.) Kar' iSiav in private, see Tropically as expressing the rela-
in'Itfioff a. /3. Kara fiovae see in Kara- tion in which one thing stands towards
liovaq. So Ka3' inrepfioXrjv i. e. exceed- another, thus also every where implying
ingly, Rom. vii. 13. Gal. i. 13. 2 Cor. manner. Spoken
iv. 17, see in 'Yirtp(3o\fj ; or excellently,
Of accordance, conformity, etc.
par excellence, 1 Cor. xii. 31. Also oi E. g.
of a norm, rule, standard of
Kar' lox*l v those in distinction, i.
q. the comparison, etc. according to, conform-
distinguished Acts xxv. 23. Comp.Buttm. ably to, after, secundnm, see Passow II.
125. 6. 4. Matth. 1. c. p. 1153. Winer 1. c. p. 340.
2. Of time i. e. of a period or point Matt. ix. 29 Kara TTJV irivTiv vp&v yevj/-
of time down upon which, i. e. in, at, STJTO) vfiiv. xxiii. 3 Kara ra epya O.VTUIV ////
-during which, any thing takes place, iroinre. Matt. vii. 5. Luke ii. 22 Kara TOV
e. g. Kara ro airo at the same time, to- vofiov M. ver. 39. xxiii. 56. John viii. 15
gether, Acts xiv. 1 see in Ai>ro III. a. y. Kara r y}v aapica KpivtTt i. e. from external
Rom. v. 6 Kara icaipov in due time. circumstances, xix. 7. Acts xxii. 12.
Acts xii. 1 Kar' ixtivov TOV icaipov during xxiii. 31. xxvi. 5. Rom. ii. 2 sari Kara
that time. xix. 23. Romix. 9. Actsxiii. dXtfitiav i.
q. terri a\;;3je.
vcr. 6, 7. viii.
27. xvi. 25 Kara
ro ptoovvKTtov about 4, 5, *cara aapKa, Kara Trvevfia, i. e. con-
midnight, xxvii. 27. Heb. i. 10 ov KCIT formably to the will of the flesh or of
apxac in the beginning, of old. iii. 8 Kara the Spirit, x. 2. xiv. 15. Eph. iv. 22.
Ti)v }/ispav TOV irtipafffj-ov during the Col. ii.8. al. saep. Sept. for 5 Ps. vii. 9.
time of temptation, ix. 9. Sept. for 3 al. Palreph. 32. 11. Diod.' Sic. 1. 73.
Kara 420 Kara
any one 2 Cor. xi. 17. according to (Thuc. 4. Kara iravra rpoTrov in
the narrative or writing of any one, only every respect, every way, Rom. iii. 2.
in the inscriptions of the gospels. c. neg. 2 Thess. ii. 3. Buttm. 147.
(2. Mace. ii. 13. Plat. Phsedr. 1 Kara p. 412. (2 Mace. xi. 31. Pol. 1. 88. 11.)
Hivdapov as Pindar says. Cratyl. 18.) Ka.y offov by how much, i. e. inasmuch,
Gal. i. 11 OVK tort Kara avSputirov, is quatenus. Heb. iii. 3. vii. 20. Kara
not human i. e. of human origin. With TOOOVTOV insomuch vii. 22. ro Kar' f/wc,
the idea of proportion, Matt. ii. 16. xxv. lit. < as to what concerns me/ so far as
15 (KaffT(i> Kara rr\v Idiav Svvafitv. in me lies, Rom. i. 1 Cor. xv. 32
Rom. xii. 6. 1 Cor. iii. 8. 2 Cor. x. see in erjpio/naxtw. Xen. H. G. 1.6. 5
13. Xen. Mem.
2. 7. 1. Adverbially, ra Kar' tys. Comp. Matth. 283. Buttm.
as Luke Kara avyicvpiav by chance,
x. 31 125. n. 5.
p. 341. Matth. 1. c. Matt. xix. 3 a-n-oXv- avSpuTrov Xtycj I speak as a man, and
ffat yvvaiKa avrov Kara irdffav atTtav
rf)V also with the idea of a common man 1
for any cause. Acts iii. 17 Kara dyvoutv Cor. iii. 3. Luc. Pise. 12. Arr. Exp.
because of ignorance, ignorantly. Rom. Alex. 3. 27. 10. Xen. H. G. 2. 3. 30.
ii. 5. 2 Cor. viii. 8. Gal. i. 4. ii. 2. Eph. Adverbially, Ka' ov Tporrov as, even as,
1. 5
sq. iii. 3. Phil. ii. 3. iv. 11. 2Thess. Acts xv. 11. Kara ravra, thus, so, Luke
ii. 9. 1 Tim. i. 1. Philem. 14 Kar' xvii. 30. [vi. 23, KaS' o/totor^ra,
avayicijv. Heb. ii. 4. al. saep. 2 Mace, like, similarly, Heb. iv. 15.
vi. 11. Jos. Ant. 4. 8. 23 Kar' aXXrjv c)
Of the end, aim, purpose, towards
airiav. Diod. Sic. Kar' avdyKrjv. Xen. which any thing is directed, for, by way
An. 7. 3. 39. of, etc. 2 Cor. xi. 21 Kara art/nav [ifirjv
of any general reference, allusion, V. lyiwv v.
ayrwv] Xlyw
/ say it by way
etc. in respect to, as to, Winer and of disparagement, reproach. Tim. vi.
ii. 12 ti'c Kairepvaovp. Acts vii. 15 'c pecuniary sense, c. ace. 2 Cor. xii. 16.
AtyviTTov. xiv. 25. xvi. 8. al. Absol. Comp. 2 Sam. xiii. 25. genr. Diod.
Luke ii. 51. John iv. 47. Acts viii. 15. Sic. 19. 24. Pol. 18. 4. 4.
xxiv. 1. Sept. for TV Gen. xii. 10. xlii.
q. Kara/3apew, to
3. al. srep. Hdot.5~206. Xen. H. G. 3. ),
4. 11. Spoken of those who descend, weigh down, to oppress. Pass, of the eyes,
Mark xiv. 40 ol 60$. KaTa(3apvv6fievot in
come down from heaven, e. g. God as af-
later edit, for j3s(3aprjfiivoi in text. rec.
fording aid to the oppressed, Acts vii. 34
quoted from Ex. iii. 8 where Sept. for pp. Sept. Joel ii. 8. 2 Sam. xiv. 26.
TV. Of the Son of man, seq. tic John trop. Ecclus. viii. 15.
a laying down, founding, founda- ii. 1. ix. 14. Phil. i. 16 Xpttrruv icaray.
ver. 18. Col. 28.
tion, in N. T. only in the phrase /caro/3,
adiKovfi'tvov TOV viKrjaavTog. In ^T. T, 'iva KaTtay&aiv UVTWV TO. ffKsXt). ver. 32,
trop. to deprive of a due reward, to de- 33. Sept. for yia Jer. xlviii. 25. Pol,
fraud, trans. Col. ii. 18. Dem. 544 1. 37. 2. Xen. An". 4. 2. 20.
f. to lead down,
Karayw, )
an announcer, proclaimer, Acts xvii.
of persons, tobring or conduct down,
18. a)
sc. from a higherto a lower place, re-
f. ytXw, (icara intens.) gion, seq. tig Acts ix, 30 Karrjyayov avrov
aor. 2 pass. KaTrjyyiXnv Acts xvii. 13, see tig Kaioaptiav. xxiii. 20, 28. seq. irpog
Buttm. 101. n. 4; pp. to bring word nva xxiii. 15. absol. xxii, 30. Rom. x.
down upon any one, i. q. to bring it home 6. Sept. for TTin c. tig 1 K. i. 33.
to him, trans. Hence irpogGen. xliv. 21. Hdian. 8. 1. 3 tig,
announce, to proclaim, to publish, Luc. D. Deor. 7. 4. Xen. Ag. 1. 18.
Acts 38 vp.1v atysvig aftapTi&v *ar-
xiii. as a nautical term, to bring down to
ayyeXXtrat. Jos, Ant. 3. 8. 6. Pol. 4. land sc. a ship, Luke v. 1 1 /carayayovrt g
53. 2. Xen. An. 2. 5. 38. In the sense TO, TrXota kirl Tt}v yi)V. Sext. Ernpir. A.
offo laud, to celebrate, Rom. i 8. ICor. 2. 68
Phys. vijtg tig tTtpovg Karayovrat
xi. 26.'
Xiptvag. Xen. An. 6. 6. 3. Hence aor.
b) by impl. to preach, to set forth, to 1 pass. KctTirxSriv, to come to land, to land,
inculcate. Acts iv. 2
rarayyfXetv r;/r ava- to touch, Acts xxi. 3. xxvii. 3. xxviii. 12.
cara-yerat he (Herod) landed at Brim- 3. c. gen. Diod. Sic. 13. 73. c. ace.
Rarer/ wvtojum,
f. iVo//ac, depon. aroc r o, strictly from
Mid. (ayum'o^at,) to contend against, and hence pp. <a laying
and by impl. to conquer, to subdue, e. g. down ;' but in N. T. prob. corrupted for
fiamXtias Heb. xi 33. Jos. Ant. 7. 2. 2. KaravaSfifia i. q. avaSreua but stronger, a
^El. V. H. 4. 8. curse, Rev. xxii. 3 in later edit, for
KaTavaSefia in text. rec. Not found in
Kara&w, f. ^<ra>, to bind
profane writers.
down, tv 8fff[ji<{i KaTutiiiffai Horn. Od. 15.
443. Luc. Asin. 16. In N. T. to bind KaraS'f^uart^w, f. iW, (/cara^m
bind up, wounds, rpav-
sc. q. v.) to curse, absol. Matt. xxvi. 74 in
together, to
later edit, instead of Karava3-e/i<m'o> in
ftara Luke x. 34. Sept. for tfbn Ez.
xxxiv. 4, 16 Ecclus. xxvii. 21. text. rec. from it is prob. corrupted __
Chrysost. in Ps. Ixxvii. Iren. c. liter.
KaTa&jAoe, ou, o, j, adj. (card 1. 13.4. ib. 1. 16. 3. Not found in
intens. cijXoe^most evident, Heb. vii. 15.
profane writers.
Jos. Ant. 10. 10. 2. Xen. Mem. 1.4.
14. f- wG>, (aiVx^rw,) to
bring down sha*^ upon, i. e.
Kara&Kaw, f- a, (ucdw,) to
to dishonour, to disgrace, trans, e. g.
to con-
give sentence against any one, TJJV ^aXi?v 1 Cor. xi. 4, 5, i. e. to offend
demn, in N. T. seq. ace. of pers. Matt.
against decorum. Ecclus. xxii. 5. Jos.
xii. 7, 37. absol. Luke vi. 37 bis. James
Ant. 20. 4. 2. Hdian. 5. 1. 17.
v. 6. So Sept. for JTflsJTT Ps. xxxvii. 33.
b) i.
q. a!ff\vvw but stronger, to shame,
Jos. Ant. 7. 11. 3. Diod. Sic. 14. 4.
to put to shame, trans, (a) pp. Luke xiii.
More usually in classic writers seq. gen. 17. 1 Cor. i. 27 bis, Iva TOVQ
of pers. Xen. H. G. 7. 4. 33. Comp. tcaTaio\vvy. xi. 22. 2 Cor. vii. 14. ix. 4.
Passow sub v.
1 Pet. iii. 16. Sept. for tfarr 2 Sam. '
KaraS/KTj, ijc, v, (*,) sentence xix. 5. Luc. D. Deor. 22. Xen. An.
any one, i. e. to overpower, to oppress, Rev. 7 bis. xvii. 16. xviii. 8. Sept.
seq. gen. James ii. 6 ov\ Ol K^OIHTIOI Kara- forfpto Ex. xxxii. 19. Lev. vi. 3C 1
dvva<TTe4ovffiv vftoiv ; Pass, as if c. accus. Mace. v. 68, Diod. Sic. 1.59. Xen. Cyr.
Acts x. 38. Sept. c.
gen. for 1253 2 4. 6. 1.
KaraicaXuTrrw 424 Kara
f. ^w,
and SiStujjii,}
to give by lot to each, to dis-
with a which hangs tribute by lot, trans. Acts xiii. 19 in text.
cover, sc. veil, etc.
rec. Others Ka7aK\npovofis<i>. Sept. for
doivn, comp. in Kara I. 1. a. hence to
^Tpn Deut. xxi. 16 et Josh. xix. 51 in
veil; in N. T. only Pass, or Mid. to be
veiled, to wear a veil, absol. 1 Cor. xi. 6
ed. Aid. etCompl. 1 Mace. iii. 36.
bis. seq. rfjv Kt^aXrjv ver. 7, comp.
Buttm. 134. 6, or 135. 4. Sept. for (Kara distrib.) to distribute by lot, trans.
HD3 Gen. xxxviii. 15. Is. vi. 2. Jos. Acts xiii. 19 in later edit, for KaraicXn-
Ant. 7. 10. 5. act. Xen. Cyr. 6. 4. 11. So Sept. for p*?n Josh, xviii. 2.
f. ^TOn Num. xxxiii. 54. Josh. xiv. 1.
KaraKau^aojuat, w/mai, rjffofiai,
Usecl by Greek writers only in the
depon. Mid. (icavxao/iai,)
to boast one-
sense to inherit down sc. from an ances-
self against any person or thing, to glory
over, seq. gen. Rom. xi. 18 bis, /i?} Kara- tor, and construed with a genitive in ;
Engl. to shut up, to confine, e. g. TIVO. tv or cut down, to cut in pieces, Pol. 5. 25.
vXaKy Luke iii. 20. Acts xxvi. 10 where 3. Xen. H. G. 1.5.3. InN.T. genr.
text. rec. c. dat. 0vXa/caTc. Sept. c. iv and intens. to beat, to cut, to wound,
for N^>3 Jer. xxxii. 3 Wisd. xvii. 2 c. trans. Mark v. 5 KaraKoirTuv iavrbv \i-
aat. Hdian. 5. 8.12 c. tv. Xen. An. 5.2. $ s , . Plut. Agesil. 36. Xen. Mag. Eq.
18 c. i'
c. 4.5.
w, f. >/o-a>,
distrib. KXijpooorew,
K\t]pooTt] fr. (tXjjjpof fr. to cast down from apreci-
K 425
pice, to cast down headlong, trans. Luke 16. Sept. for 12553 Gen. i. 28. Nam.
iv. 29 tii
6(ppvog TOV opov .... wore xxxii. 29. Diod. Sic. 14. 64.
KciTaKpiipviaai avrov. Sept. for ^JJlEn KaraXaXt'tu, w, f. 7(rfa>, (XaXlw,) to
2 Chr. xxv. 12. Jos. Ant. 9. 9. 1. Dio'd.
speak against, i. e. to speak evil of, to
Sic. 4. 31. Xen. Cyr. 1. 4.7.
slander, seq. gen. Buttm. 132. 5. 3.
James iv. 11 ter, fir} KaraXaXslre aXXrjXuv
KaraKpi/ma, aroe, , (iraraKpiVw,)
judgment against, condemnation, Rom.
K. T. X. 1 Pet. ii. 12. iii. 16. Sept. for
v. 1C, 18. viii. 1. Ps. xliv. 17. 151 Ps. Ixxviii. 19.
Hesych. Karaicpi/xa C]13
Luc. Asin. 12. c. ace. Pol. 3. 90. 6.
to give
Karaicptvw, f. vw, (x-pcVw,) KaraXoXt'o, af, >}, (/caraXaXlw,) a
judgment against, to condemn, construed speaking against, evil speaking, slander,
in Greek writers with a gen. of pers. 2 Cor. xii. 20. 1 Pet. ii. 1. Wisd.i. 11.
and ace. of punishment, Matth. 378. Test. XJI Patr. p. 678. A word of the
p. 094 pen. later Greek, Thorn. Mag. p. 565.
a) pp. and in N. T. seq. ace. of pers.
et dat. of punishment, Matt. xx. 18 icara-
KaraXaXoc* ou, o, T/, adj. (KaraXa-
Xw,) speaking -against, as subst. a slan-
Kpivovviv avrbv SavaTtp, they shall con-
derer, a backbiter, Rom. i. 20.
demn him to death. Matt. x. 33. 2 Pet.
seq. ace. of pers. et infin. Mark aor.
ii.6. f.
xiv. 64 KaTtKpivov avTbv ilvai ivo\ov 2 KitTtXapov (KCLTO. to take, to re-
Savarov. Hist, of Sus. 41. Xen. Hi. 7. ceive, sc. with the idea of eagerness etc.
10. Seq. ace. of pers. the crime or
punishment being implied, John viii. 10 a) pp. to lay hold of, to seize, with the
ovfoif of. ver. 11. Rom. ii. 1. idea of eagerness, suddenness, e. g. a
KctTiKpivtv }
absol. Rom viii. 34. Pass. Matt, xxvii. criminal, John viii. 3, 4 aurj) 17
3. [James v.
of the last judgment
Mark xvi. 16. 1 Cor. xi. 32. Trop. l. H.An. 11. 15quotedin
Rom. viii. 3 Karixptve TIJV afiapriav iv ry Luc. Conv. 32.) So of an evil spirit
hath condemned, passed sen-
trapict i. e.
which seizes, takes possession ofo. demo-
tence upon, all carnal lusts and passions, niac, Mark ix. 18. ^El. V. H. 3. 9.
in antith. to ver. 1 comp. vi. 1 sq. ; Trop of darkness, evil, to come suddenly
Hist, of Sus. xlviii. Hdian. 7. 6. 7. upon, John xii. 35 'Iva fifi oKoria vp.a.Q
to condemn sc. by con- KaraXafiy. 1 Thess. v. 4
b) by impl. rjfitpa. Sept.
for pni Gen. xix. 19. sa K.
trast, i. e. to shew by one's good conduct xviii.
that others are guilty of misconduct and 44 Jos. Ant. 4. 4. 6. Arr" Exp. Alex.
deserve condemnation, seq. ace. Matt. 1.5.17. Pol. 9. 18.3.
xii. 41, 42. Luke xi. 31, 32. Heb. xi. b)
in allusion to the public
games, to
7. Pass. Rom. xiv. 23. obtain the prize, with the idea of
rr\v aivdova. John viii. 9. Seq. E> c. dat. Tittm. de Syn. N. T. p. 101 sq.) c. c.
of place, Luke XV. 4. oy KaraXt'nrei TO, ace. et dat. 2 Cor. v. 18, 19 Koapov icar-
iw. iv Ty {primp. 1 Thess. iii. 1 tv aXXdffatav eavry. Pass. aor. 2 carr;X-
'ASiivaiQ. Tit. i. 5. seq. avrov there Xdy?jj/ to be or become reconciled to any
Acts xviii. 19. seq. c/e $Sov Acts ii. 31 Rom. v. 10 bis,
one, c. dat. KanjXXdy^Ev
see in Ei'g no. 4. So c. ace. and predi- ry Srtqi K. T. X. 1 Cor. vii. 11. 2 Cor
cate of condition, Acts xxiv. 27 KartXnre v. 20. 2 Mace. i. 5. Jos. Ant. 5. 2. 8.
TOV IlavXov deBifjitvov. xxv. 14. Sept. for Xen. An. 1. 6. 2.
PoL2.ll. 6.
(a) of place, Matt. iv. 13 icaroXiTrwi/ TTJV
Na^apeS-. Heb. xi. 27. So by impl. KaraXv/ia, aroc, TO, (jcaraXvw,)
31^ Sam. xxxi. pp. a place where one puts up, lodgirig-
Acts xxi. 3. Sept. for 1
7. Hdian. 8. 2. 10. XenVAn. 4. 2. 7. place, inn, in the East a menzil, hhin^
Hence of persons and things, to leave, caravanserai, comp. Calmet p. 10. Jahn
to forsake, sc. so as to have
nothing 110. Luke ii. 7 OVK ffv avroiQ TOTTOI,' v
more to do with them. Matt. xix. 5 K. TOV ry KaraXvfiaTt. By synecd. Mark xiv.
ipa Kai rr\v ptjTtpa. Mark X. 7. Eph. 14 et Luke xxii. 11 TTOV tart TO
KaraAuo) 427 Karavotw
i. e. a room where we may sup and 18. Sept. for iin Jer. xv. 17.
lodge. Sept. for -p^tt Ex. iv. 24. rDtt& Mic. Mace. xii. 36. ThucVl!
vii. 14. 1
1 Sam. ix. 22 __ Ecclus. xiv. 25. Pol. 2. 32, 37. Comp. Buttm. $ 115. n. 5, and
36. 1. Diod. S. 14. 93. see in Kara II. 1. d. y.
when the beasts of burden are unhar- the detriment of any one, intrans.
Hob. iii. 1. James i. 23, 24. Sept. for seq. gen. TIIQ paaiXtiac TOV Seov 2 Thess.
n*O Is. v. 12. Num. xxxii. 8, 9. Jos. i. 5.
seq. infin. Luke xx. 35. xxi. 36.
Ant. 3. 14. 1. Luc. Demon. 20. Xen. Acts v. 41. c. gen. Jos. Ant. 16. 3. 8.
Hi. 1. 22. In the sense of to have res- Diod. Sic. 2. 60. c. inf. Dem. 1383. 11.
one, seq. tig 1 Cor. xiv. 36. to come upon, rest,abode ? i. e. of God in allusion to
to happen to, i.e. in the time of any one, a temple, quoted from Is. Ixvi. 1 where
seq. tic 1 Cor. x. 11 __ Pol. 6. 4. 12. Sept. for TTQE), as also Ps. cxxxii. 14
Trop. to attain to any thing, the pos- where God is represented as searching
session of it, seq. i, i.
q. to obtain. through the earth and selecting Zion as
Acts xxvi. 7 tig r}v (tTrayytXiaj/) .... his dwelling-place, comp. Ecclus. xxiv.
tXiri^tt KaravTrjaai. Eph. iv. 13. Phil. iii. 6 sq. Baruch iii. 20 sq. Also of the rest
11. c. Trpof 2 Mace. vi. 14. els Pol. or fixed and quiet abode of the Israelites
4. 34. 2. in the promised land after their wan-
fSttiKCV CtVTOlQ 6 StOf TTVfVfia KCtTCLVvZltaQ. a) trans, (a) pp. to cause to cease, to
Others derive it in this sense from make desist, and so to restrain. Acts xiv.
18 poXis KctTtiravvav rove oxXovg. So
Sept. Job xxvi. 12 where Heb. y:n. Sept.
V. rrw, f.
forfpKPs. Ixxxv. 4. PoLl.9.8. Dem.
intens.) to prick through, to pierce, Pass. 808. 14. to cause to rest, to give rest
metaph. to be greatly pained, to be deeply i. e. to bring into the state of rest and
moved. Acts ii. 37 KaTtvvyrjGav nj Kap-
happiness of those who dwell with God,
Si$. Sept. for ntfrp Ps. cix. 16.
Heb. iv. 8, coll. ver. 1. 9. The allusion
Ecclus. xiv. 1. Hesych. isto Joshua's giving rest, i. e. quiet pos-
session and dwelling, to the Israelites
<T, f. , (tcard intens. in the promised land, Sept. for ITOT
to count
aow,) worthy o/'any thing, in Josh. i. 13, 15. xxii. 4. genr. Xen. Yen.
N. T. only Pas.?, to he counted worthy.
429 Kara/cm
b) intrans.
from the Heb. to cease KaraTrXEw, f. u<ru>, (TrXtw,)
to sail
from, to rest from, seq. CLTTO c. gen. Heb. down, from the high sea to land,
iv. 4 KctTtiravfffv 6 5f>o cnrb TT. r. tpywv comp. Karayw b j to sail to any place,
wroD. ver. 10. So Sept. for-jE rQU) Gen. to come by ship to, seq. tic Luke viii. 26.
ii. 2, 3. n^D Gen. xlix. 32. Ex. xxxi. 17. Pol. 1. 53. 2. Xen. II. G. 1. 4. 11.
Test. XII Patr. p. 541 KaTcuravffti r/ y//
f- i]<*u, (Troj'fw,) to
OTTO rapax'lc. The form is jcara-
work down, to wear down by labour, Plut.
TraviaSai TLVOQ, comp. Passow sub v. Alex. M. 40. In N. T. Pass. trop. to
Matth. 355. 4, and n. 1.
be weary, oppressed, afflicted, Acts vii.
KaraTTtraoyia, aroe, (jcara- > 24. 2 Pet. ii. 7. 2 Mace. viii. 2. ^El.
a covering, veil, which hangs
irtTdvvvut,^ V. H. 3. 27. Diod. Sic. 13. 51.
down, Act. Thoin. 11 TO Ka.TcnriTa.ana
TOV vvpq&voQ. In N. T. 7, curtain,
sc. of the tabernacle and temple, of JTOVTOQ sea,) to sink in the sea, trans.
which there were two, viz. one before Mid. to sink, intrans. Matt. xiv. 30. Pass.
holy of holies in the heavenly temple, Karaoa, a^, /> (*ara intens. apa,)
comp. ver. 20 and x. 19. So Heb. x.
pp. imprecation against, i. e.
20 where it is emblematic of the body and genr. imprecation, cursing.
a) pp.
and death of Jesus. James iii. 10 in T. a. oro/mrof t^tp^frai
KaraTTn'G), f. Triouai, (TTIVW,)
tvXojia leal icarapa. Sept. for Gen.
H^p '
drinking, i.
q. in Engl. to swallow up, 16.31.7. Plut. Timol. 5.
trans. b) from the Heb. curse, i. e. a devot-
a PP of persons, etc. Matt, xxiii. 24 ing or dooming to utter destruction, see
Triv t
icajur/Xof Kara/nvovrtf. 1 Pet. V. in 'AvdStua, and hence condemnation,
B. Sept. for yjaT Jon. ii, Tob.
1. vi. 2. doom y punishment. Gal. iii. 10 virb KUTU-
JEl. V. H. 1. 3. Luc. D. Marin. 14. 3.
pav tiffi are subject to the curse, i. q.
Of things, e. g. the earth, to absorb, tTTifcaraparot. ver. 13 bis, tic Tf) Kardpas
Rev. (Diod. Sic. 1. 32.) of the
xii. 16. TOV vofiov, ytvoutvog virip I'lfiutv icarapa,
sea, to overwhelm, to drown, Heb. xi. 29. i. e. from the curse, doom f which the
(Pol. 2.41. 7.) metaph. 2 Cor. v. 4. law threatens, being himself made a
trop. to overwhelm, to destroy, 1 Cor. curse for us, i. e. meton. accursed, i. q.
XV. 54. 2 Cor. ii. 7 XvTry KctTairoSy 6 liriKaTupaTog. 2 Pet. ii. 14 KaTapas TtKva
TOIOVTOQ. jEschin. 13. 29 K. Tt]v i. e. on whom the curse abides. So
overlay. Sept. for n^$ Dan. ix. 11. n^p Judg.
KaraTTiTTrw, f. irtvovfixi, ix. 57. Deut." xxviii. 15,45. nn^X? Prov.
to fall iii. 33. Mai. ii. 2 Also of the' earth,
down, e. g. prostrate, tit; TI}V yrjv
Acts xxvi. 14. vtKpov xxviii. 6. Sept. Heb. vi. 8 yi; icarapug tyyvQ near
. . .
for bp^ Ps. cxlv. 14. Ecclus. vii. 3. to the curse, almost accursed, i. e.
Xen. Mem.3.3. 5. doomed to sterility. So Gen. iii. 17
430 KarapTT/tot;
away, to put an end to, 1 Cor. vi. 13. xiii. Mid. Rom. ix. 22 (nctvij bpyijc KCITTJO-
11 KaTrjpyrjKa TO. TOV vijTriov I put away Tifffiva ti'f airtoXtiav. Matt. xxi. 6 K. alvor,
childish things. Sept. for ^1221 to make from Ps. 3 where Sept. for nc^.
desist, Ezraiv. 21,23. Hence to abolish, Heb. x. 5 a body
<7w/ia dt Krar^pritrw fioi,
to destroy, Rom. vi. 6 TO auifia r?/e d/iap-
hast thou prepared for me sc. as a sacri-
rt'af. 1 Cor. xv. 24 orav Karapyijo-y
fice to thee, quoted from Ps. xl. 7 Sept.
iracav apxfiv K. T. \. ver. 26. 2 Thess. ii.
where the Heb. is different. Heb. xi. 3
8. 2 Tim. i. 10. Heb. ii. 14. Test.
KaTijpTivSai rot'f aiwvac pr]fiaTi &ou i. e.
XII Patr. p. 731 KaTapyi]<rti BfXinp KOLI
were created and set in order, comp.
rove viripiTovvTag aur<. Just. Mart, de
Sept. Ps. Ixxiv. 16 <rv icarijprtW ijXtov
Resurr. p. 242. Pass. icaropyEo/*ai,
Kal fft\nvnv for Heb. -psn. Ps. Ixxxix.
ovpai, to cease, to be done away, 1 Cor. 38. Diod. Sic. 11.75. Pol. 1.21.4.
ii. 6. xiii. 8 bis, fir Trpo^f/reTat, Karapy/-
Sr/ffoi/rai K. T. X. ver. 10. 2 Cor. iii. 7,
perfection, i. e. the being made or be-
11, 13, 14. Gal. V. 11. So Karapyeo/uai
OTTO rii/oy, to cease from, i. e. to cease be- coming perfect, 2 Cor. xiii. 9. Comp. in
f. tiffu), (KO.TO. intens.)
to quoted from Ps. xvi. 9
and fro, e. g. buildings
lake violently to Sept. for pip'.
21. V. H. 3. 16. Thuc. 2. 76. In N. T. 1
? (cara-
>move to and fro, to wave the hand, to act ofpitching a tent, build-
>ekon, sc. as a signal for silence
and a
ing, Sept. for JT05 1 Chr. xxviii. 2.
itention, c. ace. Acts xix. 33 tcarafffiffac totf pitched Diod. 'Sic. 17. 95. In N. T.
<iv \iipa- waving
the hand. c. dat. Acts a dwelling-place, abode, and spoken of
16 KaTctfftiffac ry x 'P* waving with
birds, a haunt, Matt. viii. 20. Luke ix.
ie hand, also c. dat. of pers. xxi. 40 58. Sept. for -15^ 2 Chr. vi. 21. Symm.
pttfa Ps. xivi.
6 Tob. i. 4. 2 Mace.
,eg. ad Cai. 1018. B. ry \- Tos * ' Ant -
xiv. 35.
. 11.2. Heliodor. 4. 16.
estroy, to rase, sc. cities, buildings, tw, w> f- yew, (KCITO.
os. Ant. 4. 8. 46. Hdian. 8. 4. 24. Xen. to vieio
O-KOTTIW,) accurately, to
G. 2. 2. 23. So in N. T. as quoted
contemplate, Xen. Mem.
I. 2. 1.22. <o in-
rom Sept. e. g. Rom. xi. 3 TO. Siotao- In N. T. with
spect Pol. 10. 20. 2.
rjpia <?ov jfari<riccn//av,
from 1 10 K.. xix.
sinister intent, to spy out, to explme,
rhere Sept. forD^n. Part. pass. Acts xv. trans. Gal. ii. 4 Kara<TKoir!joat T^V l\u-
6 rd KaTtffKanniva, ruins, from Am. ix.
So Sept. for 531 2 Sam.
Stplav vpu>v.
1 where Sept. for x. 3. 1 Chr. xix. 3.
Heb. xl. 28. the fasces Dion. Hal. Ant. Rom. 8. 44.
iii. 4. Sept. for NH3, Is.
Jos. Ant 3.8. 5. Diod. Sic. xix. 9i 3 Mace. v. 45. Jos. B. J 1. 1. 4. Plut.
lilt. TOll tV Marcell. 23 pen.
7r\f)v KCtTCKTKrjVOVV Ot/CtrtJf.
raiment, apparel, 1 Tim. ii. 9 iv Kara- Luke xix. 27. Sept. for :nn
<TTO\V Sept, for nsyp Is. Ixi. Zech. xi. 5. 2 Mace. v. 12. ML V. H.
3. Jos. B. J. 2.8.4. 13.2. Xen. An. 4. 1.23.
Time. 1. 15. Metaph. subversion, opp. KaraS-e^S-ai ro7g 'lovd. 6 <I>i/Xi. XXV. 9.
to TO xpr/<n/jov, 2 Tim. ii. 14. 1 Mace. x. 23. Diod. Sic. 15. 91. Dem.
416. 5. Xen. Cyr. 8. 3. 26.
spread down, to strew down,
*h (fararf/zrw to
Kararo/x?;, )c>
trans, e. g. persons, 1 Cor. x. 5 KCITKT- cut through or off,) concision,
i. e. a
TpibSqffctv iv spring, i. e. they were strewed cutting off, mutilation. So Phil. iii. 2,
as corpses in the desert, were destroyed.
contemptuously for the Jewish circum-
Sept. for Brn$ Num. xiv. 16. Judith cision in contrast with the true spiritual
xiv. 4. m. H. An. 7. 2. Xen. Cyr. 3. 3.
circumcision, ver. 3. Comp. in 'ATTO-
64 ot np<rai . . . TroXXovf Kctrtffrpttjvvvcrav.
Comp. Diod. Sic. 15. 80 TOV TOTTOV vtK-
o^EUti), f. cvffw, (rotuw,) to
shoot down sc. with an arrow or dart, Pass.
f. to
Karacrupw, pw, (<pw,) drag c. dat. (3o\i$i Heb. xii. 20, in allusion to
down, to force along, e. g. as a torrent Ex. xix. 13 where Sept. for rrr. Luc.
rov? Xi'3oi>, i;Xa, rf]v afifiov Test. XII D. Deor. 19. 2. Hdot. 3. 36.
Patr. p. 643. TO MKTVOV Alciphr. Ep.
1. 1. In N. T. of a person, to drag or aor -
haul along sc. TT^OQ Kptrrjv Luke xii. 58. x w >) to run down sc. from a higher
Philo Leg. ad Cai. p. 1010 ia /ui(n/ to a lower place, Acts xxi. 32 ur^do.tu^i/
KctTtffvpov ayopag. So defrahere in ju- ITT' avTovq he ran down to them JC. i'lxm
dicium, Cic. pro Milon. 14. the tower Antonvi Sept. for yri i K
xix. 20 __ Helot. 7. 192. Xen. An. 7. 1. Kara^tXtw, Co, f. Tyo-w, (jcard, intens.)
20. In a hostile sense Sept. Lev. xxvi. to kiss tenderly, deosculor,
stronger than
37. Xen. Cyr. 7. 2. 5. 0i\w, trans. Matt. xxvi. 49 coll. ver.48.
see n K Mark xiv. 45. Luke vii. 38, 45. xv. 20.
Acts xx. 37. Sept. for p^ Gen. xxxi.
f. Karat, aor. 1 pass. Ruth
, 28, 55. i. 9, 14. Luc. Asin. 51.
espec. Xen. Mem. 2. 6. 33.
1 .
carry down from a higher
to bear or
to a lower place, Palaeph. 10. 2. Plut. w, TJ
tear' avrov.
Anthol. Gr. IV. p. 257. Dion. Hal.
Ant. 2. 10.
down to anyplace, etc. to fleefor refuge, Kara^pao/ieu, wjum, f. ^tro/zat,
e. g. ei'c ra'c TroXttg Acts xiv. 6. trop. seq.
depon. Mid. (/card intens.) to use over-
inf.Heb. Num. much, to over-use, and so to misuse, seq.
vi. 18. Sept. for D13
(lat. 1Cor. vii. 31 oi ^pwp,evot T(fi Kocrfi^
xxxv. 26.
12. Xen.H. G.4.8.28.
Deut. iv. 12. Hdian. 7. 11.
of /caraxpwyuevot. IX. 18.
fir] 2EL V. H. -
3. 13. Hdian. 8. 4. 22.
K.ara03'tpw, f. epw, (icard intens.)
to spoil utterly, to ara/v^w, .
w, ^/t-xw,)
to cool
corrupt, trans. Luc.
down, to cool, i. e. to refresh
Tim. 36. KOTOWS. Trjv to x^pav by cooling,
lay waste,
Diod. Sic. 56. Pol. 2. 64. 3.
c. ace. TT}V yXCJaaav Luke xvi. 24. Sept.
1. Hence
Ez. xxvi. 19. Diod. Sic. 3. 8 pen.
a) trop. to corrupt, to deprave, e.
g. ou, 6, i], (Kara intens.
rov vovv, Pass. 2 Tim. iii. 8. full of idols, given to idolatry,
Comp. >,)
Buttm. 134. 6. Sept. icara^. rj)voov Acts xvii. 16 KdTtiduiXov oixrav r-ffv iroXiv.
fomTTtiJn Gen. vi. 12. Comp. the forms TOTTOQ KardScvSpoQ Diod.
Sic. 16. 31. TOTT.
KardfyvTOQ Pol. 18. 3.
b) by impl. to destroy, Pass, to perish,
2 Pet. ii. 12. So Sept. for*?3; Ex. xviii. 1.
3P~ns Lev. iv. 17. ^Dn Josh. xxi. 46. >}X^ ra TcfTftvd /cat
Kare^ayevauro. Mark
*;D!? Josh. i. 5. iv. 4. Luke viii. 5. Rev. xii. 4. Sept.
for^gs Gen. xxxvii. 19. Ex. x. 15
Palaeph. 4. 1 Kan <r3-. Of persons, e. g.
to exercise authority agaihet, i. e. over devour a book,
(3i(3\apiSiov KctTaQaytlv, to
any one, c. gen. Matt. xx. 25U Mark x. as emblematic of a perfect knowledge
42. of its contents, Rev. x. 9, 10. Comp. Ez.
iii. 1, 3, where Sept. for ^3^. Xen.
, acrobat, d^pon.
Mid. (ara intens. ipydo/uat,) aor. 1 pass. Lac. 15. 4 KaTaQ. Diod. Sic. 1. 90 KareerS.
6 vofiOQ 6py)v Karpyatrai. v, 3. vii. 8, Sept. for oij, KaTiaS. Is. xxix. 6. Joel
13. xv. 18. 2 Cor.iv. 17. vii. 10 bis, 11.
ii. 5.
KaTt<p. Lev. x. 2. So of zeal,
ix. 11. Phil. 12. James John ii. 17 6 ?;Xo TOV O'KOV <rou icarl^ay*
ii. i, 3, 20.
Xen. Mem. 2. 3. 11. Lac. 9. 1. fit, quoted from Ps. Ixix. 10 where
make an end of, Sept. for XII Patr. p. 538
b) to work up, i. e. to
E. g. of actions, Rom. i. 27 TTJV aoxvpo- extortion, etc. *ar<r$. rtva 2 Cor. xi. 20.
ii. 9 K. TO KCIKOV.
raj oUiae rSiv MpStv Matt, xxiii. 13.
<rvvr)v Karpya6/zvot.
vii. 15, 17, 18, 20. 1 Cor. v. 3. 1 Pet.
Mark xii. 40. Luke xx. 47. comp. Horn.
Od. 2.237.
iv. 3. (Xen. Hiero 1.32.) Of miracles,
<nj/tia, pass. 2 Cor. xii. 12. (Hdot. 9. f-
vvS>, (cara, ti$ir-
place, 1 Thess. iii. 116 Kvpiog tearevSrvvai Acts xxvii. 40. Hdot. 7, 188
(optat.) rr\v oSov r}p,a>v Plut. Ig TOV ctiytaXoi/. Pol. 1. 25. 7. Plut. Thes
Alex. M. 33 init. Trop. roue irodae ccg 21. Thuc. 8. 23. fully Horn. Od. 11.
eipfjvrjg Luke i. 79. rdf icap-
rrjv oSov TTJS 455 if TrarpiSa yalav vtja Jea7i<ry;f/t6vat.
diag tf rt 2 Thess. iii. 5. So Sept. K. rr\v With Irrt Xen. H.G.2. 1.29.
o$6v for ntf; Hiph. Ps. v. 9. to layfast hold of, to seize,
rr\v b) by impl.
icapSiavfoT Chr. xii. 14. xix. 3
-- Matt. xxi. 38 KaTaa^^^tv Tr\v K\rjpov.
Plut.ed. R.VI.p,71ult. So to take eagerly, TOV ta^aTov TOTTOV
Luke xiv. 9. Sept. for tTW 2 Sam. iv.
f. ffrrjcrw,
10. xx. 9 Diod. Sic. 12. 82. Xen.
N. T. only in aor. 2 jcar7r<rri7v,
q. v.) in H.G.2. 1.2.
mtrans. stand forth against, and by
irapl. in a hostile sense i. q. to
rush upon, HiJ, w, f. rjou, (/cara,
to assault, seq. dat. r< riavXy Acts xviii. to speak against so. in public,
later editions for Kar/yopof. Comp. in 19 rolf KciToiKovfftv 'ifpovyaXfj^. ii. 9, 14.
Ata/3o\ogb. Not found in profane Greek iv. 16. 35 rove KciToiKovvraQ AvS-
ix. 32,
writers, but lit. i. q. Rabb. "ri:PZ3j?
ac- Sav. xix. 10, 17. Rev. Qxii. xvii. 2.
cuser, Buxtorf. Lex. Rab. Ch. 20091 So Sept. for nitf; Gen. xiii. 7. xxxiv. 29.
Luc. D. Deer'. 18. 1. Diod. Sic. 5. 10.
Eta, ac> ')> (Karrj^fis with
Xen. H. G. 2. 4. 38. of God
cast-down eyes, dejected, Luc. Sacrif. 1, (/3) trop.
as manifesting his constant presence in
fr. Kara, 0aof,) dejection, sorrow, James
the temple, Matt, xxiii. 21.
iv. 9. Jos. Ant. 2. 6. 4. Thuc. 7. 75.
dwell fixedly, to reside,
b) intrans. to
Karrjxcw, w, (nx^,} to sound
f. ^<rw, e. g. seq. elt c. ace. see in Els no. 4.
forth towards, against, around any one, Matt. ii. 23 X3-o>v KaT^Krjtrtv ei troXtv
Luc. Jup. Trag. 39. Hence trop. and
Xey. Naap!r. iv. 13. Acts vii. 4. seq. iv
in N. T. to teach to instruct , sc. orally,
, c. dat. Luke xiii. 4 KaroiicovvTag iv 'It
by the sound of the living voice. power. Acts i. 20. ii. 5. vii. 2, 4. ix. 22.
a) pp.
and spoken of the oral instruc- xi. 29. xiii. 27. Heb. xi. 9. Rev. xiii.
tion, preaching, of the apostles and early 12. seq. TTI c. gen. i-rcl rrjcyrje Rev. iii.
Christian teachers, seq. ace. of pers. 1 10. vi. 10. viii. 13. xi. 10 bis. xiii. 8,
Cor. xiv. 19 'iva ical a\\ovg KaTrjxrjffw. 14 bis. xvii. 8. c. ace. iiri irav
[xiv. 6.]
impl. Gal. vi. 6. (Act. Thorn. 16.) Pass. ri>
TrpoawTTOv rrig Acts xvii. 26. seq.
c. ace. of thing, Buttm. 134. 6. Acts
TTOV, OTTOU, Rev. ii. 13 bis. e/eel Matt. xii.
xviii. 25 Karj7%77/i!vo Trjv bdbv rov icvpiov. 45. Luke xi. 26. impl. Acts xxii. 12.
Gal. vi. 6. seq. Trcpi c. gen. Luke i. 4. Sept. for ;jij:r c. iv Gen xiii. 12. xix.
seq. IK c. gen. Rom. ii. 18. Jos. de Vita 29. c. STTI Lev. xx. 22. xxv. 18, 19.
sua 65 ult. Luc. Asin. 48. kcl Gen. xi. 2. c. iv Diod. Sic. 4. 58.
to inform, to apprize of, and Xen. An. 3. 7. avrov Palseph. 31. 11.
b) genr. 5.
Pass, to be informed of, to hear by report,
trop. of God, see above in a.
(/3) (3. c.
seq. Trtpi c. gen. Acts xxi. 21. rt Trtpi iv Acts vii. 48. xvii. 24. (Sept. and a^h
nvof ver. 24. So Karrjxn^^ 7re P<- T &v Ps. ii. 4. ix. 12. Test. XII Patr. p.652.)
avufieprjKorwv Plut. de Fluv. X. p. 736. Of Christ as being ever present by his
1. p. 741.2. ed. Reiske.
Spirit in the heart of Christians, iv TCUQ
Kar' l^iavy see in'ldios a./3. KapdiaiQ vfiutv Eph. iii. 17. Of TO TT\))-
to overcome, to vanquish, seq. gen. Matt. being ever present by his Spirit in the
3. 39 roTg n&vovai <rvvt[3ov\tve KctToir- descended into the lower parts of the earth,
rpi?^ai. Artemid. 2. 7. In N. T. i.
q. $Br)G, SiNtO', implying that Christ
Mid. to behold as in a glass, c. ace. 2 became subject to death, comp. i. 20.
Cor. iii. 18 rr\v S6%av
Karo7rrpio- icvpiov So Sept. tf TO. KarwrctTa Tr)g yr] for
ptvot, i. e. beholding the glory of the ynxn ni'nnna i. e. Sheol, Ps. ixiii. 10.
Lord as reflected and radiant in the comp. Is. xliv. 23. Ez. xxvi. 20.
gospel, in antith. to ver. 15. Philo 2
see in Kara*.
Alleg. p. 79. E, p,T]e KaToirT^iffaifjiijv
Ez. i. 27. ^rinn Ez. xxxi. 16. 1 Tim. iv. 2 KEKaurj/piaer/ilvoi rrfv idiav
Hdiah. viii. 3. 1. Xen!*Mem. 3. 1.7. So avvtlSijyiv branded in their own con-
c. art. 6, //, TO /carw, as adj. that which is sciences, having the marks, stigma, of
below, the law, i. e. earthly John viii. 23. their guilt burnt in upon their own con-
Buttin. 125. 6 __
Jos. B. J. 5. 4.1 r, K arw sciences. Hesych. KfKavrrjpiafffitvoi' p.rj
7r6\<e. Diod. Sic. Thuc. 1. 120.
1. 49. tXovrtg ri]v ffvvtiSrjaiv vyifj. Comp. Diod.
2. Of time, comparat. Matt. ii. 16 Sic. 20. 54 TOIQ ipv^atg TOIV tvdov w(T7r.o
atrb SUTOVQ KO.I fcarwrspw of two years old Kavrrjoid nva Trpotr^ye. Cic. de Off. 3. 2.1
1 Cor. i. 29, 31. 6 K^VX^VOQ. iv. 7. 2 XpKrry Rom. xv. 17. virtp vp&v 2 Cor.
Cor. x. 13, 17. xi. 18, 30. xii. 1, 6, 11. vii. 4. So 1 Cor. xv. 31 vfj rqv vfierspav
Gal. vi. 14. Eph. ii. 9. Seq. accus. of
thing as to which, of which one boasts, vft&v v. iv vfiiv. Sept. Jer. xii. 23.
a) pp.
the act of
or exulting mount of Olives, 0apay TOV KiSptivog
in any thing, c. gen. Heb. i'ii. 6 TO KO.V- Jos. Ant. 9. 7. 3. B. J. 5. 4. 2. It
xnpa Tns tXn-itfof, i. e. the hope in which then passes along the valley of Jeho-
we glory. So v-jrkp rivof 2 Cor. v. 12. shaphat and so eastwardly by the con-
ix. 3. absol. 1 Cor. v. 6. Find. Isth. vent of St. Saba, into the Dead Sea.
5. 65. It is mostly dry except in the rainy
2 Cor. ix. 4. xi. 17. 1 Thess. ii. 19 be laid, i. q. Perf. Pass, of T^rjfit, see
a dead body Matt, xxviii. 6. Luke xxiii. pavou. Of the shout of sailors at the oar
63. John xi. 41. xx.12. Hdian.2. 1. 19. Luc. Catapl. 19. of soldiers rushing to
Xen. An. 1.8.27. Of things, Luke xxiv. battle Thuc. 3. 14. of a multitude Diod.
12 ri 636vttt Kti^ieva fiova. John xx. 5, 6, Sic. 3. 15. of a huntsman to his dogs
7. xxi. 9. seq. iiri c. ace. 2 Cor. iii. 15. Xen. Ven. 6. 20.
sons, to be set, appointed, c. tig final, iieiXtvffe dyiaSai avrov. xxii. 24. xxiii. 3,
for any thing Luke ii. 34. Phil. i. 16.
35. xxiv. 8. xxv. 21. xxvii.43. c. ace. impl.
1 Thess. iii. 3. Of laws, to be given,
Acts x vi. 22 Xen. Cyr. 1 4. 17. c. ace- .
cutting, etc. Horn. II. 11. 560. ib. 21. i. e. with empty hands, having nothing,
204. Od. 11. 578; see Passow sub v.
Mark xii. 3. Luke xx. 10, 11. i. 53. So
Hence genr. and in N. T. to shear, trans.
Sept. for Qfrn Gen. xxxi. 42. Deut. xv.
e. g. a sheep Acts viii. 32, from Is. liii. 7
13. Judith L 11. Horn. Od. 10. 42.
where Sept. for Espec. the head, to
773. i. e.
cut off the hair, Acts xviii. 18 Ktipdpsvoe b) metaph. empty, vain, (a} fruit-
less,without utility or success, Acts iv.
T)]V Kj)a\r]v having shorn his head, i. e. 25 KUI Xaoi ipt\BTT](Tav Ktvd. 1 Cor. XV.
1 Cor. xi. 6 bis.
having had it shorn. 10 17 %ape ov Kevij iyevriSrj. xv. 14 bis,
So Sept. for m
Job. i. 20. Jer. vii. 28.
58. 1 Thess. ii. 1. IIQ Ktvov in vain
nb. 2 Sam. xlv. 26 Ml.V. H. 11. 10. 2 Cor. vi. 1. Gal. ii. 2. Phil. ii. 16 bis.
Xen. H. G. 1.7.8. 1 Thess. iii. 5. So Sept. for Is.
aroc, T (f^euw,) cry >
Iv. 11. D?
Job vii. 6. fig K. for NY1E&
of incitement, of urging on, outcry, Jer. vi. 29. xviii. 15. Xen. An. 2. 2.121.
Homil. in Jer. i. 7.
out ground, fallacious, e. g. KCLV^HO. 1 Sept. for -iSV Is. xxix. 16. Pol. 15.
Cor. ix. 15. 2 Cor. ix. 3 Hesych.
Kt/oajUtKOC, fl> ov, (Kepa/tfvc,) of
or made by a potter, Rev. ii. 27 vKtvij TO.
Ktvrpov, ov, TO, (/cevrew to prick,) a
jcepa/urn a potter's vessels, quoted from
prick, point, genr. Hence in N. T.
Ps. 9 where Sept. OKIVOQ Ktpantwg for
a sting, of locusts, scorpions,
e. g.
-ray. Oj3 Plut. ed. R. VIII. p. 327. 1
Rev. ix. 10. JE1. H. An. 1. 60 of bees.
KEpap/eoi rpoxot. Comp. Lob. ad Phr.
Luc. Contempl. 15 Trop. as a thing
of venom, venomous weapon, ascribed p. 147.
in Greek and Rom. 2Eschyl. writers, water or spices Sept. for Tjpp Is. v. 22.
Again. 1624 or 1633. Eurip. Bacch. 795. Xen. An. 1. 2. 23. genr. Diod. Sic. 2.
Find. Pyth. 2. 174. Lat. adversum sti- 26. In N. T. by impl. to prepare a
mulum calcare. Terent. Phorm 1 . 2. 28. draught, to pour out sc. for drinking, to
fill one's cup. Rev. xiv. 10 sol. James iv. 13. Ml. V. H. 2. 19.
Sept. and pp. See Calmet p. 46. Of coin, change, John ii. 15. Jos. J. B. 2.
the wing of an army 2 Mace. xv. 20. 14, 6. Dem. 549. 27.
Xen. Cyr. 2. 4. 29.
j ov, o, (fcepjuan'a> fr.
what has been said. So Suidas in re-
f. avw, (Kfpdof,) later fut. ference to this passage, KtfydXaiov e/ctT TO
and aor. 1, Kfpdrjaofiat, iKSpdrjcra, Buttm. peyiaTov XsytTcu. Luc. Vit. Auct. 23.
114. Lob. ad Phr. p. 740; fut. 1 pass. Dem. 520. 3. Thuc. 6. 6.
Kcpif&4*o/*at, 3 plur. Kepj3J7<rwvrai 2 Pet. b) sum, amount,
in computing, sum-
iii. 1 see in "iva 1. C. a. To gain, to ming up, Theophr. Char. 25 or 14.
acquire as gain, to win, trans. Thuc. 1.36. Xen. Cyr. 6. 3. 18 Hence
a) pp. of things, e. g. TOV Ko<r/iov oXov, of money, a sum, capital, Acts xxii. 28
the wealth of the whole world, Matt. TroXXov Ks<f>aXa1ov. So Sept. and E>'S7
xvi. 26. Mark viii. 36. Lukeix. 25. In Lev. vi. 4 Jos. Ant. 12. 2. 3 med.
trade c. ace. Matt. xxv. 17, 20, 22. ab- jEschin. 68. 26.
principal part, put emphatically for the KaiVapt. Matt. xxii. 19 vopiafia TOV KTJV-
whole person, Acts xviii. 6 TO alpa vp&v ffovthe tribute-coin, i.
q. Srjvaptov in Mark
7rt rijv
KtfaXrjv vp&v, your blood be on xii. 15. Hesych. Krjvffos- tlSoe vo/u<r/na-
25. 2 Tim. iv. 17. Clem. Alex.
pp. a
Strom. 6. 5, 6.
little head, e. g. bulb of garlic Luc. Dial.
Meretr. 14. 3. head, knob, of a column Krjpv?, UKOC, o, a herald, public
etc. Philo de Vit. Mos. II. p. 146. 50. crier,Xen. Cyr. 2. 1. 31. An. 5. 7. 3, 4.
Jos. Ant. 12. 2. 8. In N. T. prob. the In N. T. a preacher, public instructor,
head, knob of the wooden rod on which e. g. of the divine will and precepts, as
Hebrew manuscripts are rolled, and Noah 2 Pet. ii. 5. of the gospel, a?
hence meton. fora roll, volume Heb. x. Paul 1 Tim. ii. 7. 2 Tim. i. 11.
vi. 12. xiii. 10. xiv. 9. xvi. 15, 20. Luke Imag. 14.
In allusion to the Mosaic and pro- ac, 7> Cilicia, a province
phetic institutions, to preach, to teach. of Asia Minor, bounded N. by Cappa-
Acts xv. 21 Mwv<r//c TOVQ KT]pvy<rovTct
. . .
docia, Lycaonia, and Isauria ; S. by the
avrbv t\ti. Rom. ii. 21 6 Kijpvcrffwv p,fj Mediterranean ;
E. by Syria and W.
K\STTTllV. Gal. V. 11 fi
TrtplTOfjLIJV ITl by Pamphylia. The western part was
Kijpvvffio. Luke iv. 18, 19, quoted from called Tpa\tla, aspera, and the eastern
Is. Ixi. 1 where Sept. for "j]p,
as also TrtSivr], This country was
Prov. viii. 1. the province of Cicero when proconsul,
any large and its chief town Tarsus was the birth-
Kfjroc, oc ouc> ) t fish,
place of Paul. Acts vi. 9. xv. 23, 41
sea-monster, Matt. 40. .
xii. Sept. for
Diod. xxi. 39. xxii. 3. xxiii. 34. xxvii.5.
. ii. 1. Palseph. 38. 1.
Gal. i. 21.
which giows in Arabia, India, and es- Ez. xxxi. 7. jEl. V. H. 2. 14. Trop.
pecially in the island of Ceylon. The and nXddoi branches for off'
allegor, ol
the fifth Roman emperor, successor of TOV $dov. ix. 1. xx. 1. Metaph. Luke
Caligula, r. A. D. 41 54. Acts xi. 28. xi. 52 r/)v K\elda TTJQ yj>w<reo>e,key of
xviii. 2. In the fourth year of his reign knowledge, i. e. the means of attaining
occurred the famine foretold by Agabus to true knowledge in respect to the
Acts xi. 28 ; see Jos. Ant. 20. 2. 6. ib. kingdom of God, comp. Matt, xxiii. 13.
20. 5. 2. ib. 3. 15. 3. Tac. Ann. 12. 43. pp. Sept. for nnp?p Judg. iii. 25. Ar-
Sueton in Claud. 28. Krebs Obs. in N. T. temid. 3. 54. Luc.'Tim. 13.
p. 210. At first he was favourable to
the Jews, Jos. Ant. 20. 1. 2 but in
KXttw, f. ffw, perf. pass. Ke/cXftoyta/,
aor. 1 pass. ticXdffSrijr, for the a see Buttm.
his ninth year he banished all the Jews
98. n. 6 ; to shut, to close, trans.
from Rome, Acts xviii. 2. Comp. Sueton. Matt. vi. 6 K\
a) pp. ivctQ Trjv Srvpav GOV.
in Claud. 25.
xxv. Lukexi. 7. John xx. 19, 26. Acts
2. Claudius Lysias, a Roman tribune,
v. 23. xxi. 30. Rev. xx. 3. xxi. 5.
XiXiapxoe, commanding in Jerusalem, for nap Gen. vii. 16. Josh. ii. 7. Hdian.
Acts xxiii. 26.
2. 1. 13. Xen. Cyr. 7. 5. 27. So of the
ou, 6, (icXatw,) weeping, heavens, 6 ovpavof, i. e. the windows of
heaven so that no rain can fall, Luke iv.
wailing, Matt. ii. 18. viii. 12. xiii. 42, 50.
Kxii. 13. xxiv. 51. xxv.30. Luke xiii. 28. 25. Rev. xi. 6. Oomp. Gen. vii. 11. viii.
A.ctsxx. 37. Sept. for '33 Gen. xlv. 2. 2. Job xxxviii. 37.
Ezra iii. 13. Comp. Lob. a'd Phr. p. 325. b) metaph. (a) Matt.xxiii.13 jcXaere TY\V
(3a<r. rS>v ovp. to shut up the kingdom of
KXaw, f. K\dirw, to break, i. e. to
heaven, i. e.
wilfully to prevent men from
weak off or in two, Horn. II. 11. 584. So of autho-
entering, comp. in KXIf .
vTrlp vfi&v icXw/ztvov, where the allusion KXt'oe, touc? (fXew fr. KaXew,)
B to the death on the cross. pp. Jos. pp. report, rumour, Horn. II. 2. 486. Od.
B. J.2. 8. 10. 13.415. In N.T. and genr. fame, re-
ace. K\t~iv icXet- nown, glory, 1 Pet, ii. 20. Sept. for
* Soe, >!,
Matt. xix. 18. p.704 sq. So k.-X. TI}V (3aatXiiav ,-ov Seov
Rom. instead of the more usual
xiii. 9, Matt, xxv.34. 1 Cor. vi.9, 10. xv.50. Gal.
113. 4, and n. 7. v.21. /cX.w}vaiwviovMatt.xix.29. Mark
icXtyo/mi Buttm.
To steal, absol. Matt. x. 17. Luke x. 25. xviii. 18. afdcpviav
Winer^ 15. p. 80.
vi. 19,20 diopvffffovai KCLI icXsTrTovffi.
Mark I Cor. xv. 60. also Heb. i.
4, 14. vi. 12.
x. 19. Luke xviii. 20. John x. 10. Rom. xii. 17. 1 Pet. iii. 9. Rev. xxi. 7. Sept.
ii.21 bis. Eph. iv. 28 bis. Fut. ov K\tyfte for ih^ Gen. xv. 7. Deut. i. 21 genr.
as imperat. Matt. xix. 18. Rom. xiii. 9, seq. ace. Ecclus. iv. 13. Jos. Ant. 8. 13.
see Winer ^ 44.Matth. 498. c. Sept.
3. 8 icX. TOV Na/SovS'ou dfiTTtXwva Trpotica.
for nD3 Ex. xx. 15. Deut. v. 19 Luc. Diod. Sic. 1. 24. Pol. 2. 27. 5. See
Asin. 41. Xen. Mem. 4. 2. 15 __ In the Lob. ad Phr. p. 129. Sturz de Dial
sense of to steal away, to take by stealth, Alex. p. 140.
seq. ace. as a dead body Matt, xxvii. 64.
xxviii. 13. So Sept. and S33 2 Sam. xxi. q. v.) inheritance, i. e.
12. Hdian.2. 1.5.
a) pp. from one's ancestors, patrimony,
Matt. xxi. 38. Mark xii. 7. Luke xii. 13.
KArj/m, aroe, r<5, (icXaw,) shoot, xx. 14. Sept. for Num. xxvii. 7,8.
sprout, branch, i. q. icXaSos, pp. such as n^fp
9, 10, 11. Isocr. 393"; A. Hdian. 5. 1. 13.
are easily broken off', in N. T. only of
the vine, shoot, tendril, John xv. b) genr. portion, possession, espec.
2, 4, 5,
the land of Canaan as the possession of
6. Sept. for rnl?l Ez. xii. 6, 7. rnfaT. the Israelites, Acts vii. 5. Heb. xi. 8.
Ez. xv. 2. Jos.' Ant. 2. 5. 2. Xen. GEc.'
So Sept. and n^fT3 Deut. iv. 38. Josh.
19. 8.
xi. 23. Hence trop. of admission to
the kingdom of God and its attendant
KA?iju]C Circe, o, Clement, pr. n.
of a Christian Phil. iv. 3, not improbably privileges, Acts xx. 32. Gal. iii. 18. Eph.
Clemens Romanus. i. 14, 18. v. 5. Col. iii. 24. Heb. ix. 15.
1 Pet. i. 4.
??<, (*X>7po- f.
heritance might also be distributed and genr. an heir, see above in KXrjpo-
lot (Ecclus. xiv. to inherit, to be heir VOfJi'tii).
to any person or thing, in classic writers a) pp.
Matt. xxi. 38. Mark xii. 7. Luke
xx. 14. Gal. iv. 1. Sept. for unv Jer.
seq. gen. e. g. of pers. Luc. D. Mort. 9.
4. ib. 11. 3. of thing Dem. 171. 25. viii. 10. 2 Sam. xiv. 7. ^1. V.H. 13. 11.
Mark xv. 24. Luke xxiii. 34. John xix. divisions of the Roman people ; but this
24. Acts 26
bis tduicav K\npovg ... icat
i. was neither a Greek nor Hellenistic use
firsfftv o KXrjpos. Sept. for ^lia Ps. xxii. of the word.
19. Neh. x. 34. Jon. i. 7. Luc. Her-
) i/> ov, (jcaXsw,) called, in-
mot. 40. Horn. II. 7. 175. lv /cXijoy by vited, e. g. to a banquet, Sept. for
lot Xeii. Ath. 1. 2. KV\\>
1 K. i. 41, 49. ^schin. 50. 1. Hence
b) meton. lot, i. e. par*, portion sc. as in N. T. trop. called, invited, sc. to the
assigned by lot, Actsviii. 21 OVK tan <TOI
ouSi icXfipog iv So kingdom of heaven and its privileges,
Utpi Ttfi Xoyy TOVTtjj.
genr. Matt. xx. 16 et xxii. 14 TroXXot yap
Sept. and ^nla Deut. x. 9. xii. 12. (Jos. ilffi e iicXtKToi. Also
K\TJTOI, <JXiyot
Ant. 4. 7. So of an office to which
5.) emphat. of those who have obeyed this
one is appointed by lot or otherwise,
call, i.
q. saints, Christians, Rom. i.
6, 7
Acts i. 17, 25 Xafttlv rbv tcXrjpov r?/f
KXrjToi 'Irjffov K. . . .
icXijTOi a'yioi. viii. 28.
SiaKoviag, corap. ver. 26. Hence genr. 1 Cor. i. 2, 24. Jude i. Rev. xvii. 14.
vortion, possession, heritage, trop. Acts
Cornp. Heb. hO^Tp Is. xlviii. 12. In the
xxvi. 18 tcXijpov iv rolq t'iyia<T[i'evoiQ. Col. i.
sense of appointed, chosen, sc. to any
12. Plur. id. 1 Pet. v. 3 fiqd' we <cara-
office, see in KaXew no. 1. e. Rom. i.
Kvpievovrtf TU>V K\fip<av, not as lording it 1 et 1 Cor. 1 icXqrdc airooroXoc,
over the possessions, heritage, sc. of God
i. comp.
Gal. i. 15.
or Christ, the church. Wisd. v. 5. So
pp. icXijpot estates, lands, Hdot. 1 . 76. ib. KX/l3avoc ov, o, an oven, sc. for
3. 94.
sing. m. V. H. 12. 61. baking bread, Matt. vi. 30. Luke xii. 28.
f. to Sept. for Heb. T121D Ez. viii. 3. Lev. xxvi.
KXr/po'a>} to, u<ru>, (*Xi/poc,)
?ast lots Hdot. 1. 94. Mid. to acquire
26. Hdot. 2 92. Artemid. 2. 10. The
lotXen. Cyr. 1. 6. 46. In N.T. only Attic form was xpipavoc, Lob. ad Phr.
Mid. KXqpoo/iat, ovpai, genr. to obtain, p. 179. Sturz de Dial. Alex. p. 176 __
to absol. 11 iv
The Heb. "TO Gr. rXi/3ai/oc, was a
receive, Eph. i. < /col
\K\r]pu)$T]p.ev . . . tlf rb elvat }/zaf K. r. X. laige round pot of earthen or other ma-
two or three feet high,
through whom we have attained
terials, narrowing
to etc. through whom it has been
be towards the top ;
this being first heated
by a fire made
within, the dough or
granted us Act. Thorn. 24 'iva Xi;-
JwSui aio ytvtoSai K. r. X. JE1. H. An. paste was spread upon the sides to bake,
I. 13. Alciphr. 3. ep. 49.
thus forming thin cakes. See Calmet
art. Bread p. 208. Jahn 140. Banner's
KXf/<Tt, <t>c, 17, (jca\w,) a call, i. e. Obs. 1. p. 401 sq.
summons Xen. Cyr. 3. 2. 14. invitation
to a banquet 3 Mace. v. 14. Xen. Conv. KXtjua, aroCj > (K\IVW,) inclina-
I. 7. Hence in N. T. trop. a call, tion, declivity, Jos. Ant. 14. 15. 2. Pol.
2. 16. 3 KXipa ruv 6p&v. So of the
Invitation sc. to the
kingdom of God
md its
privileges, i. e. that divine call supposed inclination of the heavens to-
wards the poles in ancient geography,
oy which Christians are introduced into
the privileges of the Rom. xi. whence the northern hemisphere was
29 TOV Stov. iv. 1. Phil,
divided into several icXt'/iara, climates, by
>/ tcXrjffig Eph.
iii. 14. 2 Thess. i. 11. 2 Tim. lines parallel to the equator, Vitruv. 1.
i. 9.
Heb. iii. 1. 2 Pet. i. 10. Eph. i. 18
1.Comp. Rees' Cyclop, art. Climate.
et iv. 4 fi IXTrtg Trjg jcX;<rfa>f, i. e. the hope Hence in N. T. and genr. climate, i. e.
which the Christian's call permits him clime, region, Gal. i. 21 tigrd icXifiara rfjs
to cherish Clem. Alex. Strom. 6. 17. Svptaf. Rom. xv. 23. 2 Cor. xi. 10.
So 1 Cor. i. 26 pXt-rrere TTJV K\fj<nv PoL 5. 44. 6. Jos. B. J. 6. 12. 2. Hdian.
manner of your call, how
i. e. the 2. 11. 8.
ye were called. So too 1 Cor. vii. 20
KX/vj, 7C> V> (rXc'vw,) a bed, C'uch,
fborroc & ry K\T)<TU y iicXi^ij, iv ravry
any thing on which one lies, reclines, etc.
\LIVITU, i. e. as he was called, so let him For the Hebrew beds, see Jahn 40.
remain. Others here compare Dion. Calmet art. Bed. In N. T.
Hal. A.nt 4. 18 jcX^crctf i. q. classes, sub-
a) genr. and only of the sick, Mark vii.
30 et Rev. ii. 22 see in BaXXw b. So hut, tent, Horn. Od. 16. 1. II. 1. 322.
Sept.andnt07?Gen.xlviii.2. xlix.3. genr. triclinium, couches, for reclining at
i. e.
2 Sam. iv.7. 1 K. xvii. 19. Luc. Asin. a meal Pind. Pyth. 4. 237. a table-parti/,
3. Diod. Sic. 4. 59. Xen. Cyr. 5. 2. 15. company reclining around a table, Jos.
Of a bed in which the sick are borne, Ant. 12. 2. 11. Hence in N. T. accus.
Matt. ix. 2, 6. Luke v. 18. Acts v. 15. K\iaiac adverbially, by table-parties, in
Comp. Sept. and ni37D Cant. iii. 7. So companies. Luke ix. 14 KaraKkivart av-
of a bed or bier for the dead Jos. Ant. 7. roi} K\i<riac ava irtvTi)KOVTa. Comp.
1. 6. Hdian. 4. 2. 3 sq. Buttm. 115. 4. Herm. ad. Vig. p. 882.
b) spec,
a couch, sofa, divan, for sit-
Luke xvii. 34 taovrai KXoTTTj, fje, V> OXSTT,) theft, Matt.
ting or reclining.
xv. 19. Mark vii. 22. Sept. for inf. of
dvo K\ivag piaQ, i. e. two persons
332 Gen. xl. 15. Ecclus. xli. 19. Xen
shall be sitting or reclining together ;
CyV. 1. 2. 6.
comp. the expression in Matt. xxiv. 40,
and see below. Markiv. 21. vii. 4. Luke KAvSwv, wvoc> > (*cXvw to dash,)
viii. 16. So Sept. and nap Am. vi. 4, pp. a dashing of the sea, surge, billows,
comp. iii. 12. Or, in all these passages Luke viii. 24. James i. 6. Sept for "i^D
K\ivrj may be taken in the sense of tricli- Jos. i. 12 __Jos. Ant.
4, 11, 9. 10. 2. Pol.
nium, i. e. the' couch or sofa on which the 1.27.4. Diod. Sic. 3. 21.
ancients reclined at meals, see in 'Avdicei-
f. depon.
, iaofiai,
uai no. 2. So Sept. and 511372 Esth. vii.
to surge, to be tossed in billows,
8. Ez. xxiii. 41 __ Ml. V. H/12. 51. Xen. ,)
8. 8. 16. VTTO ry K\lvg Luc. de Merc. trop. to fluctuate. Eph. iv. 14 /cXu^am-
o/ivoi TTCLVTI avi^ty diaaaKoXicic;. Sept,
Cond. 17. tox. 28.
for urttt Is. Ivii. 20. Jos. Ant. 9. 11,
K\iv't<$iov, ov, TO, (dimin. fr. 3 6 dijfiot; Tapaa<r6p.ivo(; ical K\v8wvi%6fji,tvo,
a littlebed, Luke v. 19, 24, comp. ver. Aristsen. 1. ep. 27.
18 where it is K\ivij. Dion. Hal. Ant. 7.
68. Plut. Coriolan. 24. Comp. Lob. ad , > o, Clopas, John xix.
25, elsewhere called Alpheus, see in
Phryn. p. 180.
'AX0aIog no. 1.
KXivwj f. v&, perf. KiicXiica, to incline,
trans, i. bend any thing from a
e. to KvrJ&Wj Att. Kvau>, f. Kvfjffa), to
KstyaXrjv as one dying John xix. 30, or 8, elg yap ctfjioiflriv, wf \kytrai, icvjfoeiv
oldev ovog TOV ovov. In N. T. only Pass.
genr. to recline or lay the head, sc. for
rest. Matt. viii. 20. Luke ix. 58. to be tickled, tofeel an itching, trop. 2 Tim.
iv. 3 KvrjSofjievoi TTJV dicorjv, lit. being
Sept. and ntt$ Ps. cxliv. 6. 2 K. xix. 16.
Diod. Sic. 15. 32. Xen. Eq. 5. 5. tickled, itching, as to the ears,
i. e.
an itching to hear something pleasing.
Intrans, to incline oneself, (comp. in *Ayw
no. spoken of the day as declining, So Hesych. KV^o^tvoi rriv aicorjv i)-
Luke ix. 12. xxiv. 29 KtK\iKtv 17 }/iepa.
TOVVTIQ TI a.KOvaa.1 Ka$' rjSovrjv. For
So Sept. for-T^ Judg. xix. 11 ne: Judg. the accus. see Buttm. 134. 6. Winer.
xix. 8. n3B Jer. vi. 4. Arr. Alex. M. 32. 5. On
the form Kvh$w see Buttm.
4 iyK\ivavrog ds rov
3. 4. rjXiov if ioTripav.
112. 11. Lob. ad Phr. p. 254. So
Hdot. 4. 181 aTro/cXivw. KvijaiQ WTMV Plut. VI. p. 638. 4. ed,
b) i. q. Lat. inclinare aciem,
i. e. in
military language, to make give way, to ^oc* ov, 17, Cnidus or Gnidus,
rout. Heb.
34 Trapf^jSoXde aXXorpi'wv
xi. a town and peninsula of Doris in Caria,
Jos. Ant. 14. 15. 4. Horn. II.
jutting out from the S. W. part of Asia
5.37. Pol. 1.27.8. Minor between the islands of Rhodes
KXyia, ac, -h,
(>X(Vw,) pp.
place and Cos, celebrated for the worship of
where one may recline or rest/ hence Venus. Actsxxvii.7. StraboXIV.p.905.
C. Plin. H.N. 36. 15. Horn. Od. 1. Thess. iv. 13, 14, 15. 2 Pet. iii. 4. Sept.
30. l. often fornrntf 1 K. ii. 10. xi.43. Is. xliii.
q. Lat. quad- 17. 2 Mace. xii. 45. Horn. II. 11. 241.
KoSpairrj, Ofj b, i.
from the Heb. for the inward to defile, ceremonially, c. ace. Matt. xv.
c) trop.
the inner man, as in Engl. the 11 bis, 18, 20 bis, rd Koirovvra TOV av$p.
K. T. X. Mark vii. 15 bis, 18, 20, 23. Heb.
breast, the heart. John vii. 38 TTOTO^OI t<e
ri/f Koi\ia avTov K. r. X. So Sept. and ix. 13. So to regard as common, to call
Job xv. 35. Prov. xx. 27. 0"yp unclean, Acts x. 15. xi. 9. Hesych. ^
s" xl. 9. KOIVOV aKaSapTov Xsyt.
Hence genr.
to profane, to desecrate, to pollute, Acts
Ko//tmw, (o, f. 7}, (kindr. with
xxi. 28 TOV tiyiov roirov. absol. Rev. xxi.
to make sleep, to to sleep,
Horn. II. 14. 236.
27 in text. rec.
trop. ib. 12. 281.
Hence in N. T. and genr. Pass. Kotfido/^iai, Ko/vwvlw, w, f. 7<, (Kotvwroe,) to
>, withfut. Mid. r/ero/uai, tofall asleep, be partaker of or in any thing, with any
to sleep, in trans. person, i. e. to share in common.
a) pp. Matt, xxviii. 13. Luke xxii. 45 a)
of things, seq. gen. to partake of
Koiuwfjitvovg airb TTJQ Xinrrjg. John xi. 12. any thing. Heb. ii. 14 KtKoivwvriKt crap-
Acts xii. 6. Sept. for -prr Is. v. 27. Kog Kai a'lficiTog. Cornp. Buttm. ^ 132. 4.
25$ Ruth iii. 8. 1 Sam. iii. 15. JE1. 2. c. Winer 3Q, 5. a. 2 Mace. v. 20.
V. H. 9. 24. Xen. Mem. 4. 5. 9. Hdian. 3. 10. 15. Xen. Mem. 2. 6. 22.
b) spoken of the sleep of death, for to Seq. dat. to partake in any thing.
die, to be dead. Matt xx vii. 52. John xi. 1 1 . Rom. xv. 27 el yap roT? Trvev/^art/colf av-
Acts vii. 60 TOVTO ttvtitv iKoifitfdij. xiii. 36. TUIV iicoivutvrjffav rd t^vrj. 1 Tim. v. 22.
lCor.vii.39. xi. 30. xv.6, 18, 20, 51. 1 1 Pet. iv. 13. 2 John 11. Rom. xii. 13
ralf ^piaif T&V ayiuv KoivtotvovvTtG, shar-
10 KOIVWVOI ry 2i/<wvi. Comp. in Ei'/u
ing in the necessities of the saints,
i.e. II. e. Seq. gen. of thing, 1 Cor. x.
them. c. dat. Wisd. vi. 25. Plut. 18 Koevojvot TOV Svoia<TTi]piov i. e. of the
Arat. 8. Dem. 1436. 11. victims sacrificed. 2 Cor. i. 7. 1 Pet.
of persons, to partake with any one, v. 1. 2 Pet. i. 4. Ecclus. vi. 10. Hdian.
6 KoivwveiTu de b 1.8.6. Xen Mem. 2. 0. 24, 26.
seq. dat. et iv, Gal. vi.
KaTTjxovfjifvoQ Tbv \6yov T<$ icarnxovvTi iv a lying down,
TTCLOIVdya3olf, let him that is taught Koi'rrj, rje> i, (/",)
sc. for rest or sleep, Hdot. 1 10 <wpg .
share with his teacher in all good things, bed-time. Hence genr. and
Tijc Koiriif
i. e. let him communicate to his teacher
in N. T.
of his good things, c. elf Phil. iv. 15 --
a) place of repose, bed, Luke xi. 7 T&
c. dat. of pers. et gen. Pol. 2 42. 5.
jraidia /itr' fytou ei'f rrjv Koirrjv. Jos.
Ml. V. H. 3. 17. c. dat. et <f Act.
Ant. Pol. 4. 57. 9. Xen. Mag.
6. 4. 2.
Thorn. 26.
Eq. Spoken of the marriage-
11. 7.
Kotvom'a, ac, n, (KOIVV|W,) act of bed, meton, for marriage itself, Heb.
partaking, sharing, i. e. xiii. 4. Jos. Ant. 2. 4. 5. Plut. de Fluv.
a) participation, communion,fellowship, p. 18 /x) $t\<i)viiiaiviiv rijv KOITIJV
Acts ii. 42. 1 Cor. i. 9. x. 16 bis, ov-^i
...... rou <rw/iaro
b) a lying with
Koivoivia TOV alfjiarog a woman, cohabitation,
TOV Xp. 2 Cor. vi. 14. viii. 4 K. rrje dia- whether lawful or unlawful. Rom. xiii. 13
Koviaq, part, share in transmitting this 7rcpt?rar^(Tw/iv . . .
pr) Koiraig, i. e. not
alms. xiii. 13 K. TOV ayiov Trvtvparoq. in lewdness. Sept. for 3D1i373 Lev. xviii.
Gal. 9 foia icoivwviac right hand of
ii. 22. Num. xxxi. 17, 18, 35. Wisd. iii.
fellowship, the pledge of communion 13, 16. Pind.
Pyth. 11. 39. Eurip. Hippol
etc. Eph. iii. 9 in text. rec. Phil. i. 5 K. 154 __ Hence from the Heb. meton. for
vfjiiov tig rb evayyeXiov, i. e.
your partici- seed, semen, as necessary for conception.
pation in the gospel, accession to it. Rom. ix. 10. s ivbg KO'ITIJV txovaa, i. e.
10. Philem. 6. 1 John i. 3 bis. So Sept.
ii. 1. iii.
having conceived by one etc.
6, 7. Jos. Ant. 2. 5. 1 K. rije 6/*o!a el tdd)KS TIG rfjv Koirrjv avTOi Iv ool for
V. H.
vvfjLfopaQ. Hdian. 8. 2. 11. ^El. Heb. n^iirJ p} Num. v. 20. Lev. xviii.
14. 14. 23. more fully Sept. SiSovat KOITIJV
for Heb.
b) communication, distribution, genr. (TTrlp/mroe }?!$ n^rjtti p$
Hdian. 1. 10. 3. In N. T. meton. for Lev. xviii. 20. Also Sept. KOITIJ ff-rrep-
contribution, collection of money in be- for nnD.12 Lev. xv. 16 sq. 31.
fjiaroe jnj
half of poorer churches, Rom. xv. 26. xxii. 4.
2 Cor. ix. 13. Heb. xiii. 16 Phavor.
KOITWV, wvoc, o, (KOITT),)
a bed-
tct' i]
iXtrjfioavvt]. 20
chamber, Acts xii. 6 ITTI TOV KOIT&VOQ
, ij, 6v, (icotvwvoc.) com- TOV /3a(riXfa> i. e. the king's chamber
municative, i. e. social Pol. 2. 41. 1. In attendant, valet-de-chambre ;
see in
N. T. communicating, i. e. ready to give, BXatrrog. Sept. for niD^Tp Ex. viii. 3.
Koi va)vde> ou, 6, 17, (KOIVOG,) a par- KoKKivoCj i?? ov, adj. from KOKKOQ
taker, partner, companion, absol. 2 Cor. pp. grain, kernel, and also the coccus
viii. 23 vTrkp Tt'rov, KOivotrbg I/tog. Philem. ilicis of Linn, or kermes, a small insect
17. Ecclus. xli. 18. Hdian. 2. 8. 5. found adhering to the shoots of a species
Seq. gen. of pers. of whom one is the of oak, quercus coccifera, in Spain and
companion, with whom he partakes in western Asia, in the form of smooth
any thing, Matt, xxiii. 30. 1 Cor. x. 20. reddish-brown or blackish grains, about
Heb. x. 33. (Sept. for inn Is. i. 23. the size of a pea. These grains or ber-
Hdian. 4. 14. 4.) Seq. dat/of pers. to ries, asthey were thought to be, were
or with whom one is partner, Luke v. used by the ancients for dying a crim-
son or deep scarlet colour but have KoXXaw, co, f. /<ra>, (icoXXa
been superseded in modern times by to glue together, cohere, Luc.
to make
the cochineal insect, coccus cacti, which quom. Hist, conscr. 51. Diod. Sic. 2. 58.
gives a more brilliant but less durable In N. T. Mid. KoXXdopat, a>/*at, aor.
colour see Rees' Cyclop, art. Coccus
1 pass. tKoXXrftTjv with mid. signif.
ilicis, and Kermes. Plin. H. N. 9. 41. Buttm. 136. 2, to adhere, to cleave to,
ib. 16. 8. ib. 22. 2 Hence KOKKIVOQ, pp. of things, seq. dat. Luke x. 11 rov
coccus-dyed, crimson. Matt. xxvii.28x\a- Kovioprbv rov jcoXXj/S'fvra vfuv. Rev. xviii.
Hv$a KOKKIVTIV, for which in Matt. xv. 17 5 in constr. prsegn. in later edit. Sept.
7rop0upav. Heb. ix. 19. Rev. xvii. 3, 4. for p:n Ps. cii. 6. Job xxix.10. Anthol,
xviii. 12, 16. Sept. for n^Hn Ex. xxv. Gr. I. p. 231. Trop. of persons, to join
4. xxviii. 5.
ed. R. VI. p. 546. 8.
^ Josh. ii. 18,21 Plut. -- oneself unto, c. dat. of thing, e. g. r
tofollow, to accompany, Acts viii.
w,) pp.
mutilation, pruning, e. roXatnj; rwv KoXXv/3*oT?'/c ou, o, from /c6X-
a small coin, change, Aristoph.
ikvSpuv Theophr. de caus. Plant. 2. 4. 4.
In N. T. punishment, Matt. xxv. 46 '<; Pax 1196, 1200 oiidk KoXMpov, where
Schol, ildos (VTiXovg avri TOV-
icoXaaiv aiwviov. 1 John iv. 18 see in vo/ti(T/iarog
<raelf, Colossians, only in the spurious Actsxxvii. 43. Hierocl. Facet. 1. An-
subscription to the epistle. thol. Gr. III. p. 41. 1. Moeris p. 267
p. 436.Calmet art. Eating. Lat. in sinu Sept. for 713*12 2K. xviii. 17. Neh.ii. 14.
recumbo Plin. Ep. 4. 22 __ Trop. to be Is.vii.3__ jVs.'Ant. 15.3.3. Diod.S. 11.25.
in or on the bosom of
any one, i.
q. to be KoAwWa, ac, v Lat. colonia, e. t
in his embrace, to be cherished
by him a Roman colony, Acts xvi. 12. Philippi
as the object of intimate care and is here so called, because Augustus had
dearest affection, comp. in Engl. bosom- colonized thither many of the partizans
friend etc. John i. 18 6 wv tig TOV KO\- of Antony, Dio Cass. 51. 4. p. 445.
TTOV TOV irarpoc, 6
q. jjiovoysvTjg viog. Kuincel in loc. Comp. Adam's Rom.
3o Luke xvi. 22 tig TOV KO\TTOV TOV Ant. p. 72. sq.
AjSpoa/i and ver. 23 Adapov iv rotg KO\- to have
Kottaw, iijy
f- *7<Tw, (JCO^T/,)
roig [comp. Engl. embraces! O.VTOV, i. e.
long wear the hair long 1 Cor. xi.
liair, to ,
*n near and intimate communion with
14,15 __Jos. Ant. 4. 4. 4. Xen. Lac. 11.3.
Abraham^, as being one of his beloved
children. So Josephus de Mace. $ 13 Kojurj, TJC, *l, hair, head oj hair, 1
[4 Macv xiii.
16] ovrw yap Savovrag,
Cor. xi. 15. Sept. for jnD Num. vi. 6.
Lightfoot Hor. Heb. in loc. Sept. 77 to take care of, to provide for, Horn. II.
ry KoXTry aov for Heb. ^J]? ")! mEJN 24. 541 ; so of one fallen in battle, i. e.
yvvrj iv
Deut. xiii. 7.xxviii.54, 56. comp. 2Sani. to take up and bear away Horn. II. 13.
xii. 3, 8. Ecclus. ix. 1. An-
Is. xl. 11. 196 hence genr. to take up, to carry off,
trans. Luke vii. 37 10, 11. 1 Mace. iv. 39. Dion. Hal. Ant.
a) to bear, to bring,
Esdr. iv. 5. 11. 31.
dXafiaaTpov pvpov.
Arr. Alex. M. 7.22. 8. Xen. Cyr. 3. 3. 2. KOTTT), TJC, n, (KOTTTW,) slaughter,
b) Mid. Kojuio/zai, Att. f. KopiovfJiat, carnage, Heb. vii. 1, in allusion to Gen.
to take for oneself, to bear or bring to xiv. 17 where Sept. for inf. rtian. Sept.
oneself, i. e. to acquire, to obtain, to re- for riSTp Josh. x. 20. Judith xv. 7.
ceive, trans. Matt. xxv. 27 iKOfnadpnv av
aw, w, f. aaw, (xroTrta, i. q.
TO ifiov. 2 Cor. v. 10. Col. iii. 25 jco/n-
pp. i. q. Engl. to be beat out, i.e.
tiTui o fidiicrjat. Heb. x. 36 K. TTJV tirayyt-
to be weary, faint, intrans.
Xiav. xi. 39. 1 Pet. i. 9. v. 4. 2 Pet. ii. Matt. xi. 28 Sevre irp6g fit TrdvTtg
vi. 8 1 Mace, a) pp.
13. seq. Trapd c. gen. Eph. oi KOTTitivTtg. Rev. ii. 3. seq. K John iv.
xiii. 37.
5. 27. 3.
2 Mace. viii. 33. Arr. Alex.
Xen. Cyr. 1. 5. 10. In the sense
6 K. IK Trig odoiiropiag.
xl. 41.
Sept. for
Jos. Ant. 2. 15. 3
of to receive again, to recover, trans. Heb. Thesm. 795. Athen.
bdonropias. Aristoph.
xi. 19. So Sept. for np^ Gen. xxxviii. X. p. 416.
20. 2 Mace. x. 1. Jos. Ant. 13. 4. 1.
b) in N. T. to weary oneself, sc. with
Diod. Sic. 12. 80. Heb. y^ i. e. to labour, to
labour, like
adv. (comparat. of toil,absol. Luke v. 5 i' o\ne Trie VVKTQQ
elegantly, well, Xen. Cyr. KOTTiaaavTff ovSfv iXdfBofitv. Matt. vi. 28
1. 3.
in the phrase ieo^6rpov i\uv, et Luke xii. 27 TU icpiva . ov KOTTI$ . .
8,) better,
se melius habere, to be better, to mend, ovtl vri3n. Acts xx. 35. 1 Cor. iv. 12.
John iv. 52. See in*E X w f. Arr. Epict. Eph. iv. 28. ii. 6. Trop. of a
2 Tim.
3. 10. 13 c6/i\//wc tx tv - Cic. ad. Div. 16. teacher who
labours in the gospel,
,15 belle habere. John iv. 38 bis. 1 Cor. xv. 10. xvi. 16.
w, f- , (icovia dust, Sept. for Heb. V3? Josh. xxiv. 13. %Ky
Ps. cxxvii. 1. Anthol. Gr. IV. p. 134.2
slacked white-wash, sc. with
Tptx ( 9 /*) Ko-rria. Seq. iv, to labour
lime, trans. Matt, xxiii. 27 rd^otg KIKOVIU- fir}
207 and n. II. Wetstein N.T. 1 Thess. v. 12. (comp. Ecclus. vi. 19.)
see Jahn
in loc. Acts xxiii. 3 roTx KiKoviapivt thou Seq. t'e c. ace. of pers. upon or for
i. e. thou hypocrite, fair
whom, elf T^CLQ Rom. xvi. 6. tig vfidg
without and foul within. Sept. for -pig Gal. iv. 11. (Ecclus. xxiv. 34.) c. c final,
Deut. xxvii. 2, 4 __ Diod. Sic. 19. 9. 4. as eiQ TOVTO on 1 Tim. iv. 10. tig o Col.
i. 29. teg ictvov in vain Phil. ii. 16.
Plut. Cato Maj. 4 pen.
Sept. K. tig Kfvov for yy r
Is. Ixv. 23. Jer.
KowoproV, OU, o, (Kovia, opvvpt,) Ii. 53.
dust, pp. as excited, flying, Matt. x. 14.
Lukeix.5. x. 11. Acts xiii. 51. xxii. 23. KOTTOC? ou, o, (icoTrrw,) pp. a beat-
Nah. ing, hence wailing, grief, sc. with beat-
Sept. for
p^ Ex. ix. 9. i.
ing the breast etc. i. q. KOTreroe q. v.
ix. 21. Pol, 5. 85. 1. An'.
1. 8. 8. Sept. for p; Jer. xiv. 3. JEschyl.
Chceph. Also the being beat out, weari-
Ko7Tau>, f. dao,, (KOTTOS,) pp. to be
ness, Xen. An. 5. 8. 3. Hence in N. T.
beat out, weary,' q. KOTridw, hence genr.
e. wearisome
toil, labour, i. genr. effort,
to relax, to remit, to cease ; in N. T. of
John iv. 38 vfjteig
the wind, to lull, intrans. Matt. xiv. 32. 1 Cor. iii. 8. xv. 58 &
Mark iv. 39. vi.51. Sept. for TpiIJ Gen. 2 Cor. vi. 5.
vptiv iv Xprr<.
pni$ Jon.
viii. 1. i. 11, 12. Ecclus. 3 6 Koirog
x. 15. xi. 23, 27. 1 Thess. i.
xliii. 23. Hdot. 7. 191. e. work of
Tiig ayairrig labour of love i.
lamentation, wailing, sc. as accompanied Heb. vi. 10. Rev. ii. 2. xiv. 13. Sept.
with beating the breast etc. Acts viii. 2. for yo" Gen. xxxi.42. Ecclus. xiv. 15.
Sept. for -TDpTp Gen. 1. 10. Zech. xii. Bion. 'Id. 15. 16. Anthol. Gr. IV. p. 99
Probl. sect. qu. 38. The earlier Greeks K. T. \. Jos. Ant. 4. 4. 4 ot xopfiav av-
said TTOVOV 7rapx lv Ecclus. xxix. 4. TOVQ 6vofia<ravrG r< Se<, S&pov $k TOVTO
Hdot. 177. Trpay/iara iraptxtiv
1. Hdot. <rt]fj,aivu K. r.
of money offered
1. 155. 175. b) Kopfiavae, spoken
in the temple, the sacred treasure, and
KoTT/ofa, ac, (tofl-poe,) pp. dung-
hill Sept. for nstftf 1 Sam. ii. 8. Arr. by meton. the treasury, i. q. yao0u\a*aov
Lev. xi. 15. J31. H. An. 1. 35, 47. adire Corinthum, Hor. Ep. 1. 17. 36.
Hdot. 4. 15.
Corinth was destroyed by L. Mummius
j iov t TO, (dimin. fr. during the Achaian war, about 146 B. C.
maiden, damsel, Matt. ix. 24,
irlj It was restored by Julius Caesar, and
25. xiv. 11. Mark v. 41, 42. vi. 22, 28 bis. became the capital of the Roman pro-
Sept. for rny: Ruth. ii. 8, 22. 1 Sam. vince Achaia and the seat of the pro-
xxv. 42. Arr. Epict. 3. 2. 8. Luc. Asin. consul, Acts xviii. 12. Here Paul re-
6, 36. The word belongs rather to sided for more than 18 months
the style of familiar discourse, like
18) and gathered large church,
xviii. 11, a
the Germ. Model, Lob. ad which was afterwards not wholly ex-
Phryn, p.
73 sq.
empt from Corinthian vices. Acts xviii. 1 .
iraw up Horn. II. 14. 388. In N. T. Pol. 1. 21. 1. Xen. CEc. 8. 20. Hence
to adjust, e. g. lamps, to trim, Matt. in N. T.
XXV. 7 iK6ap.rj(jav TU.Q Xa/iTratfaf. So Sept. 1. decoration, ornament, 1 Pet. iii. 3
rpdirtav for "rpy Ez. xxiii.
KOfffielv rr\v
otx o tfaStv . . .
KOfffiof. Sept. for
41. Xen. Cyr. 8. 2. 6 rpdirttav. Ex. xxxiii. 4,5, 6. Jer.iv. 30 Hdian!
b) to decorate, to adorn, 3. 6. 19. Xen. Cyr. 8. 4. 24.
as if for a new dweller Matt. xii. 44. 2. order of the universe, the world,
Luke xi. 25. a bride, VJ^TJV Rev. xxi. Lat. mundus, first so used by Pythagoras
2. genr. 1 Tim. ii. 9. Luke xxi. 5. Rev. and then as a technical term of philo-
xxi. 19. rny Jer. iv. 30. Ez.
Sept. for
sophy, see Passow in voc. no. 2. So
xvi. 11. Hdian. 5. 3. 12. Xen. Mem. Plato Gorg. 63. p. 508. A, 0ort ik ol
3. 11. 4. So Matt, xxiii. 29 ico<r/mr TO. ical &eoi) KUI
<ro0oi, /cat ovpavbv KO.I yi)v
fivrjfitia, decorate the sepulchres etc. Koivwvinv icai
av$ptt)irov TTJV avvk^tiv
sc. with garlands and flowers, or by
0t\t'av Kal KOfffiOTtjra au$$oavvr\v icai
Meton. for the inhabitants 16, 17. iii. 17. Spec, the wealth and en
of the universe, 1 Cor. iv. 9 Siarpov joyments of this world, this life's goods,
r< KOfffitf),
ical dyylXoif Kal Matt. xvi. 26 T'I yap d^eXfirai avSpuiroi;,
Trop. and symbol, as in lav TOV KOCJIOV o\ov KepSfjffy Mark viii. ',
Engl. a world of any thing, for an aggre- 36. Luke ix. 25. 1 Cor. iii. 22. vii.31,33,
gate, congeries. James iii. 6 77 yX<3<r<ra 34. Gal. vi. 14. James iv. 4. 1 John ii.
Kotr/ioc dSiieiac, a world of inquiry,
. . 17.
() Meton. for the men of this
Comp. Sept. Prov. xvii. 6 TOV TTIOTOV O\OQ world, worldlings, as opp. to those who
o KoopoQ TWV xpjj/tdrwj/, TOV t aTriarov seek the kingdom of God, e. g. with
ovdt 6/3oX6f .
OVTOQ, John xii. 31 ; KoiaiQ TOV K. TOVTOV.
the earth, this lower 1 Cor. i. 20 cro<j>ia TOV K. TOVTOV. iii. 19.
b) by synecd.
world as the abode of man. (a) pp. Gal. iv. 3. Col. ii. 8. As subject to Satan,
Mark xvi. 15 TropevSevrtg tig TOV ttoapov John xii. 31 6 apxwv TOV K. TOVTOV. xiv.
uTravTa. John xvi. 21, 28. xxi. 25. 1 Tim. 30. xvi. 11. Without ovTog, John vii.
iii. 16. 1 Pet. v. 9. 2 Pet. iii. 6 6 rrfre 7 oy fivvaTai o Koffftof /u'crtiV vp,ag. xiv.
KoafioQ. So tpxtvScti t/ TOV Koapov 17, 19, 27, 31. xvi. 8. xvii. 6,9. 1 Cor.
and the like, to come or be sent into the i.21. 2 Cor. vii. 10. Phil. ii. 15. James
world, i. e. to be born John i. 9 ; or to i. 27. etc. AL.
go forth into the world, to appear before
Koud/OTOc, ou, o, Lat. Quartus,
men, John iii. 19. vi. 14. 1 Tim. i. 15. pr. n. of a Christian at Rome, Rom.
Heb. x. 5. also 1 John. iv. 1. 2 John
xvi. 23.
7. John iii. 17. 1 John iv. 9. Hyper-
i. e. Heb. imperat. fern.
bolically, Matt. iv. 8 iraaaq TO.Q (3aai- t, cumi,
Xei'agTOV Kovfiov. Rom. i. 8. Comp. "ttlp arise, expressed in Greek letters,
Luc. de Astrol. 12. meton. the Mark v. 41.
world, for the inhabitants of the earth, KovoTtoS/d} ac> "hi Lai. custodia,
men, mankind. Matt. v. 14 vptiQ core i. e. custody, in N. T. meton. for concr.
ro 0wg TOV Kocrpov. 38
watch, guard, sc. of Roman soldiers at
xiii. 6 Be.
t<TTiv 6 KoapoQ. John i. 29. iii. 16 ovrw the sepulchre of Jesus, Matt, xxvii. 65,
yap Stag TOV KOfffiov. Rom. iii.
rfyctTrrjatv o 66. xx viii. 11. Hesych.
6, 19. Cor.iv. 13. 2 Cor. v. 19. Heb.
xi. 7. 2 Pet. ii. 5 dpxaiov Kovpov. 1 John
2. (Wisd. x. 1. xiv. 6, w, f. terw, (icovfos, to be
14.) Sohyperb.
the world for the multitude, every body, light, intrans. Hes. Op. 465. Soph.
Fr. tout le monde. John vii.4 Qavepuaov Philoct. 735. In N. T. trans, to
lighten, sc.a ship by throwing things
(reavrbv opp. kv KOVTTT^ xii. 19.
T<fi Korffiij), .
xiv. 22. xviii. 20. 2 Cor. i. 12. 2 Pet. overboard, Acts xxvii. 38. Sept for ^pn
ii. 5 Koapoq dffef3ujv. Put also for the Jon. i. 5. Pol. 1. 39. 4 K. TO.Q vavq. Xen.
heathen world, i. q. rd tSvrj, Rom. xi. 12, Mem. 2. 7. 1.
TOVTOV K. T. \. 1 Cor. v. 10. Eph. ii. 2. easily be carried about, or for travelling
Uolmiv.17. Without ourof, 1 John ii. 15, etc. called by the Greeks
457 Kparlt
xv. 13, 14. Luke xviii. 39. Pass, to be strong, to grow strong, Luke
(3i$ K. T. \.
i. 80 et ii. 40
John xii. 13 /cat lupa^ov 'Qaavvd. Acts iKparaiovro TrvtvfiaTi. Eph.
iii. 16. 1 Cor. xvi. 13. Sept. for p]n
xix. 32, 34. xxiii. 6. al. So c. 0wvy /icyd-
2 Sam. x. 12. 2 Chr. xxi. 4.
Xy Acts vii. 10. iv 0wvy /*ydXy Rev.
xiv. intr.
15. Followed by a tense or particip. of Ps. xxxi. 25 __ 1 Mace. i. 62.
icvpiov,for vengeance. Sept. for p^2 o/uoXoy/'af let us attain to the full benefit
p^l 2 Sam.
Ps. xxviii. 1. xxx. 9. xix.
of our profession in him, i. q. vi. 18 Kparij-
28. Jer. xi. 11, 12. AL. aai Trjg] iXiridog. See Tittm.
( as
if for PT X I 1. c.
p. 91 sq. Sept. Prov. xiv. 18 ol ?ra-
KponraArj, ijc, 'Jj
or paTrdXj; from dp7rdw,) pp. seizure of vovpyot KQaTrfVOvaiv ai'tr^crEwf.
the head, and hence intoxication and its Ant. 6. 6. 3 /u?)
K. TOV Xoyr/tov. Diod.
head-ache, Sic. 16. 20 K. rfjf TrpoSio-ewc. Hence
consequences, giddiness,
Luke xxi. 34 iv Kpai- genr. Kpartiv %tio6(; TIVOQ, to take the
etc. Lat. crapula.
458 Kplac
hand of any one, Matt. ix. 25. Mark i. ? n, oi>, pp. superl. of
31. v. 41. Luke viii. 54. comp. Buttm. poetic upaTVQ, ((cpdrof,) used also as su-
132. G. 3. So Sept. and pm Gen. xix. perl. of dya$df, Buttm. 68. 1. 69. n.
16. 2 Sam. i. 11. 1 ; most excellent, most noble, used in
to have power over,
b) seq. accus. (a) addressing persons of rank and autho-
to be or become master of, nearly i. q. seq.
rity, Luke i. 3 icpdrttrre Gto^tXe. Acts
gen. in a above, but always implying a xxiii. 26. xxiv. 3. xxvi. 25 __ Jos. c.
certain degree of force with which one
Apion. 1. 1. Ant. 4. 6. 8. Longin. 39
gets a person or thing wholly into his init. Theophr. Char. 3 or 5.
power, even when resisting see Tittm. ;
nptafivrkpwv. ver. 4, 8. 2 Thess. ii. 15. Cor. viii. 13. Sept. for ntya Ex. xii. 8.
Rev. ii. 13,
14, 15, 25. iii. 1 L Test. XII Deut. xii. 15. Jos. Ant. ^3. 9. 2, 3.
Patr. p. GG5 vpartlv TO %i\np.a TOV Stov. Xen. Mem, 4.3. 10
writers, Passow sub. v. Buttm. 114. the act of judging, giving judg-
a) Act. c. ace. iinpl. et seq. iiric. gen. ment, i.
q. Kpiffif, spoken only in re-
Acts v. 30 et x. 39 Kpipaaavrtc (avrbv) ference to future reward and punish-
iiri v\ov. Pass. seq. etc Matt, xviii. 6. ment. John ix. 39 its Kpi'/ta lya> IIQ rbv
absol. Luke xxiii. 39.
Sept. seq. liri for Kotrpov ryXSov for judgment am come I
n^ Act. Gen. xl. 19, 22. Pass. Esth. v. into the world, i. e. in order that the
14. vii. 10. Xen. An. 1. 2. 8. Puss. righteous may be approved and the
Xen. Eq. 10. 9. wicked condemned, as is figuratively
said in the next clause. 1 Pet. iv. 17. So
b) Mid. Acts xxviii. 4 icptfidptvov TO
Stjpiov <c TT)G x 4 *P^c avToVf
of the judgment of the last day, Acts
hanging from
his hand. KvXov Gal. iii. 13.
i-jci xxiv. 25. Heb. vi. 2. Meton. for the
Trop. seq. iv, Matt. xxii. 40, see in 'Ev power of judgment Rev. xx. 4. So Heb.
no. 3. c. a. Sept. jcpe/ta/icvoc for 13912)'}? Sept. Kpiffts
Lev. xix. 15. Deut.
Deut. xxi. 23. 2 Sam. xviii. 10. trop. i. 17. Heb. Ez. xxi. 32.
Deut. xxviii. 66. Jos. Ant. 7. 10. 2. b) judgment given, decision, award,
Hdian. 1. 14. 1. seq. tic Xen. Mem. 3. 10. (a) genr. Matt. vii. 2 iv y yap
13. trop. Philo T. II. ed.
Mang. p. 420 Kpivire, KpiSfjaevSe.
jcpt/tart Rom. v.
uv at row 16. Plur. Rom. xi. 33 ra jcpi/iara avrov,
thejudgments of God, his decrees. Sept.
KOTJ/ZVOC, ov, o, (Kpeudvvvfj.i,) a steep Ps.xvii. 2. Plur.
place, precipice, pp. overhanging, Matt. of God' Ps. xix. 10. cxix. 75. Pol. 24.
viii. 32. Mark v. 13. Luke viii. 33. 1. 12 ijicaXovvTtz rolf Kpiuaviv (if Trapa-
Sept. for jp 2 Chr. xxv. 12 __ Jos.
ptppafievfjir.vois. (/3)
Oftener sentence
3. 5. 1. Dioo . S. 1. 33. sc.of punishment, condemnation, imply-
from Callim. Hymn, in Jov. 8. comp. Xrj^tffSre irepiwoTtpov Kpi^a. Mark xii. 40.
Pol. 4. 8. 11. V. H. 1. 10 ol m. Luke xx. 47. xxiii. 40. xxiv. 20. Rom.
Ttq tiai TO&VUV dyaSoi. Xen. An. 1. 2.
ii.2, 3 TO Kpifia TOV Sreov. iii. 8. xiii. 2.
good and evil, Xen. Mem. 3. 1. 9. ib.4. 130. TroTtpov Xen. Cyr. 4. 1. 5.) So with
8. 11. to select, to choose out the good, an adjunct of manner, e. g. icpivtiv Kpi-
Xen. An. 1. 9. 30. Hence genr. and in ffiv John vii. 24, comp. Buttm. 131. 3.
N. T, to judge, i. e. to form or give an icp. TO Siicaiov Luke xii. 57. 6pwe Luke
Opinion after separating and considering vii. 43. KO.T' fyivJohn vii. 24. Kara oapica
the particulars of a case. viii. 15. By impl. to condemn, seq. ace.
to judge, sc. in one's
own mind as Rom. ii. 27. xiv. 22. James iv. 11 ter, 12.
to what is right, proper, expedient, i. e. So Sept. and n^H Job x. 2.
to deem, to decide, to determine, seq. in- to judge, in a judicial sense, viz.
fin. Acts xv. 19 dib !yo> Kpivu /XT) trap- to sit in judgment on any person, to
ivoxXtlv TOIQ K. T. \. i. e. my decision is try, seq, ace. John xviii. 31 /caro TOV vo-
etc. in.13 KpivavTog fKtivov airoXvtiv. XX. vfi&v KpivaTt avTov.
Acts xxiii. 3.
16. xxv. 25. 1 Cor. ii. 2, v. 3. Tit. iii.12. xxiv. 6. 1 Cor. v. 12 bis. (Pol. 5.29. 6.
Seq. TOV c. inf. Acts xxvii. 1 d> de iicpi^Tj Xen. An. 6. 6.
Pass. Kpivofiai, to be
TOV cnroirXtlv "n^oLQ K. T. X. 3 Mace. i.
judged, to be tried, to be on trial. Acts
6. Jos. Ant. 7. 1.5. Xen. An. 3. 1.7. xxv. 10 ou jus del KpLvtoSrai. Rom. iii. 4.
Seq. ace. et infin. Acts xxi. 25 KpivavrtQ (Sept. for BDlff Ps. Ii. 6.) Seq. vipi
p.rjStv TOIOVTOV rtjptlv avTovQ. With in- Tivogfor any thing Acts xxiii. 6. xxiv. 21 .
selves unworthy of eternal life. xvi. 15. iiri comp. Max. Tyr. 9. 4.
xxvi. 28. Rom. xiv. 5 bis, OQ filv Kpivu Wetstein N. T. II. p. 120. Spoken
rjfispav [fTvail Trap' r}p,ipav, og Sk Kpivei in reference to the gospel dispensation,
iraaav iipkpav, one manjudgeth, deemeth, to the judgment of the great day, e. g.
one day to be above another ; another of God as judging the world through
judgeth every day sc. to be alike, as we Christ, John v. 22. viii. 50. Acts xvii. 31
must supply from the force of the an- Kpiveiv Tr)v oiKovfj.vqv, Rom. iii. 6 TTUIQ
impl. Wisd. ii. 22. Jos. Ant. 4. 8. 2. 17. Rev. xi. 18. xx. 12, 13. Of
ii. 23.
KpiSfirjTt. tv8aijj.oveffTO.Toi. Xen. Cyr. 3. Jesus as the Messiah and Judge, John
1. 34. Comp. Diod. Sic. 12. 13 TJV v. 30. xvi. 11. 2 Tim. iv. 1 'I. xp. TOV
yoap.^aTiKT)v Trapd rag dXXag fjiaSrijatig fit\\ovTO Kpivtw wvra icai veicpovg. I
irpoeicpivtv 6 j>o/zo3irj7c. Seq. ace. of Pel. iv.5. Rev. xix. 11. Figuratively of
thing, to determine on, to decree, Rev. xvi. the apostles, Matt. xix. 28. Luke xxii.30.
5 on ravTa tKpivag. Acts xvi. 4 rd 36y- 1 Cor. vi. 2, 3. iv v/*Tv Kpiverai o KO<T-
/zara rd KCKpipeva. (Isocr. Paneg. p. foi- 1 Cor. vi, 2. Comp. in BaatXeww b.
Wisd. iii. 8. Ecclus. iv. 15. Diod. Sic. 9. iii. 7. iJohniv. 17. wpa KptVtwc Rev.
19. 51 rfjt; 'OXvfjnrtddoQ erot^Tjg -ovcrijg iv XIV. 7. icpiffig jueyaXj/g Tjjulpag Jude 6. So
iracfi McwtSoffi Kp&rjvat. Comp. Wet- simply for Kpicrig fty. //i.
Kpiffig Matt,
stein N. T. II. p. 120 -- (/3) In the xii. 41, 42. Luke x. 14. xi. 31, 32. Heb.
sense of to pass judgment upon, to con- ix. 27. So John xii. 31 vvv Kpitrig ttrri
demn, c. ace. John vii. 51 pi} 6 vofiot; TOV KOfffiov, now is this world judged.
rjfAHJv Kpivti TOV dv$p. K. r. X. Luke xix. xvi. 8, 11. John v. 27 et Jude 15 Kpivtv
22. Acts xiii. 27. As implying also Trotftv q. Kpivtiv, comp. John v. 30 and
punishment, 1 Cor. xi. 31, 32. 1 Pet. iv. in Kpt'vw c. a. Meton, for the power of
6._genr. JEl. V. H. 8. 3. Dem. 215. judgment John v. 22. Sept. for t3Dli:?D
4. Xen. An. 5. 6. 33. So of the con- Lev. xix. 15. Deut. i. 17. Is. xxViii.
demnation of the wicked and including 6 Jos. Ant. 6. 3. 2. Hdian. 1. 11. 12.
xviii. 8. ib. ver. 20 see in 'E*e no. 1 . b. xix, 4. a. Olshausen in loc. So Sept. and
2. Of Jesus, John iii. 17 ov . . . 'iva icpivy Jer. xxxix. 5. ^El. V. H. 13. 38.
TOV Koapov. ver. 18 bis. xii. 47 bis, 48 bis. Diod. Sic. 1. 82 pen. Usually imply-
James v. 9. Sept. and DDti? Is. Ixvi. 10. ing also punishment, as a certain conse-
Ez. xxxviii.22 (y)
Once from the Heb. quence, e. g. from God, Siicaiai at KpiatiQ
q. to vindicate, to avenge, Heb. x. 30. CIVTOV Rev. xvi. 7. xix. 2. xviii. 10 coll.
Kvptof Kpivti TOV Xabv avrov, the Lord ver, 8. 2 Thess. i. 5 coll. ver. 6. So Sept.
will avenge his people i. e. by punishing and B^nrr) Jer. i. 16. Of Christ as
their enemies, quoted from Deut. xxxii. Judge of the world condemning the
26 or Ps. cxxxv. 14 where Sept. for -pi, wicked, judgment, condemnation, e. g.
also Gen. xxx. 6. Ps. liv. 3. Matt.xxiii.33/epi<rtrfje yeevvqs. Mark iii.
29. John v. 29 avaoraaiQ jcptVcwf. John
d) Mid. Kpivoftat, pp. to let oneself
be judged, i. e. to have a law-suit, to go iii. 19. v. 24. Heb. x. 27. James ii. 13
to law, seq. dat. with any one, Matt. v. bis, see in KaraKavx/zat. 2 Pet. ii. 4.
40. seq. fjierd rtvof with 1 Cor. vi. 6. seq. So 1 Tim. v. 24 rivS>v avSpwTrwv al ctftap-
liri TIVOQ
before any one 1 Cor. vi. 1, 6. Tiat TrpodnXoi eferi, Trpoayoytrai elg icpiaiv,
Sept. c. fitTa TIVOQ for Heb. Qi> }"i Ecc. i. e. in some men their sins lead on to
vi. 10. c. Trpof nva for DJ> 2"H Job xxxi. condemnation, i. e. accuse them, cry for
13. Eurip. Med. 609. comp. Anthol. condemnation, and by impl. are re-
Gr. II. p. 34. pented of; in others their sins also fol-
low after, i. e. they persevere in them
PP- sepa- although conscious of present guilt and
ration, trop. division, dissension, Hdot. future condemnation.
5. 5. ib. 7. 26. decision, i. e. decisive mo- Meton. court of
(y) justice, tribunal,
ment, turn of affairs, Pol. 9. 5. 4.
crisis, judges, i. e. the smaller tribunals estab-
ib. 16. 4. 8. In N. T. judgment, i. e. lished in the cities of Palestine, subor-
a) genr. opinion formed and expressed. dinate to the Sanhedrim ; comp. Deut.
John vii. 24 rrfv fiiKaiav icpiaiv Koivarf.. xvi. 18. 2 Chr. xix. 5. According to the
viii. 16. Comp. in KptVa> b. Jos. c. Ap. Rabbins they consisted of 23 judges ;
1. 24 01 vyiaivovTiQ ry Kpiaet. Pol. 17. 14. but Josephus expressly says the number
10. Xen. Mem. 3. 5. 10. was seven, Ant. 4. 8. 14. B. J. 2. 20. 5.
b) judgment in a judicial sense, i. e. See Krebs. Obss. p. 19. Tholuck Berg-
the act of judging, in reference to pred. p. 180. Matt. v. 21, 22 e
the final judgment, e. g. 77 rjn'tpa icpi- tarai ry Kpiau. Comp. Sept.
<Twg day of judgment, Matt. x. 15. xi. Jobix. 32. xxii. 4.
22,24. xii. 36. Mark vi. 11. 2 Pet. ii.
from the Heb. right, justice, equity,
462 K/OV7H
the religion of Jehovah, as developed in 16. Rev. iii. 20. Sept. for ppl Judg. xix.
the Gospel, Matt. xii. 18, 20, quoted from 22. Cant. v. 13. Judith xiv. 14 K. ri\v
Is. xlii. 1, 2, 3, where Sept. and Bfntitt. Svpav Xen. Conv. 1. 11. The more usual
Attic phrase was KOTTTHV T^V Svpav, Lob.
Comp. Gesen. Comm. in loc.
ad Phr. p. 177.
n. of
KO/<TTTOC, ou, 6, Crispus, pr.
the ruler of a synagogue at Corinth, KpUTTTTJj 1?C) *?? (PP' fem. of Kpv-
Cor. 14. a crypt, secret cell or vault. Luke
Acts xviii. 8. 1 i. ?rroe,)
xi. 33 tig KpvTTTtjv T&ijat in some edi-
ov, TO, ((cpirrjf,) crite- tions. Athen. V. p. 205. A. Text. rec.
1. 11.
rion, rule of judging, Arr. Epict. has ig KpvirTfjv, as if by Hebraism for
9 sq. judgment-seat, tribunal, Sept. ica- neut. f/c KpvirTov, see Gesen. Lehrg. p.
7ri KpiTrjpiov Judg. V.
10. In 661. Stuart 436. Comp. also etc /ia-
N. T. trop. court of justice, tribunal. Kpav, etc.
James ii. 6 eXjcotrnv v/i5c tig KpiTrjpia. 1
Cor. vi. 2, 4. Sept. for Chald. N^l KpiiTTTOC? 11, dv, (KpvTTTft),") hidden,
Dan. vii.
10,26. Susann. 49. Pol. 9. 33. concealed, and therefore secret, Matt. x.
12. ib. 16. 27. 2. In 1 Cor. I.e. others 26 OU$SV tffTl . . . KpVTTTOV O OV yVOI-
but unnecessa- ffSijcreTai. Mark iv. 22. Lukeviii. 17. xii.
by impl. cause, law-suit,
2. Iv T<$ KpvTTTy in secret, where we
rily ; so Syr. Vers.
cannot be seen of others, Matt. vi. 4 bis,
ou, o, (KpiVw,) a judge, i. e. 6 bis, 18 bis. iv KpvirT<$, in secret, pri-
one who
decides or gives an opinion in
vately, John vii. 4, 10. xviii. 20. Lukexi.
respect to any person or thing. 33 i'e KpvjTTrjv, see in KpuTrri; above. 1 Cor.
a) James ii. 4 Kpiral $ia\o-
genr. iv. 5 TO. KpvTTTu TOV oKOTovQ secret works of
see in AiaXoyi<r/to a. Matt.
TTOV. darkness. 2 Cor. iv. 2 see in Mo^vvi} c.
xii. 27. Luke xi. 19. In an unfavour-
Sept. for inpTD Jer. xlix. 9 Hdian. 5. 6.
able sense James iv. 11. Sept. for ]*i 7. Xen. Mag. Eq. 4. 10. Trop. TU *rpu-
1 Sam. xxiv. 16 Wisd. xv. 7. Pol. ix~. irTa TIVOQ the secrets of one's heart, secret
Xen. Cony.
thoughts, Rom. ii.
33. 12. 5. 1, 9, 10. 16. 1 Cor. xiv. 25. 1
in a judicial sense, one who sits to Pet. iii. 4 6 icpvirTog Trjg KapSiag avp<iiiro,
dispense justice, Matt. v. 25 bis. Luke i. e. the internal man. Rom. ii. 29 6 Iv
judging, quick to discern and judge of tradition that the ark with the pot of
any thing, seq. gen. Heb. iv. 12 manna was hidden by order of king
r. X.
Hesych. Josiah, and will again be brought to
light in the reign of the Messiah comp. ;
Wetstein N. T. and Schcettgen. Hor. chase your lives, procure your safety,
Heb. in loc. Seq. iv TIVI, Matt. xiii. 44 comp. Matt. x. 22 et xxiv. 13. Sept. for
iv. 1. xxv. 10.
$T]ffavp<$ Kticpvnniv(f> iv
aypy. XXV. rT2pT Gen. Ecclus. li.
25. trop. Col. iii. 3. Seq. tlq TI Rev. 28. Ml. V. H. 5. 9. Xen. Mem. 1
vi. 15. seq. OTTO nvo hide from, John 6.3.
xii. 36 'Iqo-ouf airtXSuv iicpv/Brj ATT' avruv, a pos-
Krf)jua, aroc, , (KMT*] pat,)
hid himself from them. Luke xviii. 34.
session, property, any thing acquired
xix. 42. Rev. vi. 16. So John viii. 59 and possessed, estate, Matt. xix. 22 et
'lj<ToiJff Si iKpvfirj, *cai cgj/Xd'ci' TO vlepov
Mark x. 22 rjv yap t\wv jcrt//iara TroXXd.
i. e. .TesMS hid himself, and Acts ii. 45. v. 1 coll. ver. 3. where is %w-
went out of the temple ; or we may ren-
pi'ov. Sept. for n^rrj Job xx. 29. tn|>
der iKpvpri adverbially, he secretly went Prov. xxxi. 16. rrjip Prov. xxiii. 10.
out, etc. comp. in 'ATroroX^idw. Perf. Luc. Tox. 62. Hdian. 7. 12. 13. Xen.
part. Kticpvfifievoe, hidden, as adv. secretly, Mem. 3. 11.5.
John xix. 38, see Buttm. 123. n. 3.
Sept. for florin Gen.
iii. 8, 10. Is. xlii. (jcrdo/iat,)
Gen. Josh. pp. q. icrf/fm> possession, property,
22. Tnpn iv. 13. in^ vii.
and herds of every kind,
Prov. i. 11. Hdian. 1. 14. 7. spec, flochs
p$ Xen. An. 4. 5. 25. Pol. 12. 4. 14. In
c. ivHdian. 3. 4. 14. c. e/c Diod. Sic.
N. T. a beast, domestic animal, e. g. as
4. 33. c. OTTO Horn. Od. 23. 110.
bought or sold Rev. xviii. 13 as yielding ;
to be as crystal, clear and sparkling, Rev. etc. Luke x. 34. Acts xxiii. 24.
xxi. 11.
Sept. for rran^ Ex. ix. 20. Josh viii.
KpuemiAAoc, ou, 6, (icpvoc, rpu- 27. Ti>5 Num. xx. 8. rtJpTD Gen. xiii. 2,
oratvw to freeze,) crystal, pp. any thing 7.
-jS Gen. xxx. 44. Jidian.4. 15. 13
congealed and pellucid, e. g. ice Sept. of horses and camels.
for rni? Job vi. 16. Horn. II. 22. 152.
in N. T. prob. rock-crystal, Rev. iv. 6. Krijrwp, opoc, o, (Kraopai,} possessor,
owner, 34 Kr^ropeg ^ttip'uDV.
Acts iv.
xxii. 1 Diod. Sic. 2. 52init.
Diod. Sic. X. p. 102. Bip. or VI. p.
Kpu^aToe, a ofj (*pv7rrw,) hidden,
> 196. Tauchn.
secret, in some MSS. Matt. vi. 18 iv r
f. lew, (kindr. with
Kr('w, Kraouai,)
tpvQaiy for iv ry jcpvTrry. Sept. for HJpDQ
pp. to bring under tillage and settle-
Jer. xxiii. 24. Xen. Hi. 10. 6. ment e. g. a land Horn. II. 20. 216. to
Kpv^fj, adv. (icpuTrrw,) secretly, not found a city Od. 11. 263. Jos. Ant.
openly, Eph. v. 12. Sept. fonnps Deut. 4. 8. 5. Diod. Sic. 1. 12. In N. T. to
xxviii. 57 Xen. Coav. 5. 8. Comp. found, i. e. to
create, to form, trans, of
Buttm. $115. n. 3. God as creating the universe or any of
its parts, Mark xiii. 19 }c tKTicre 6 3rt6g.
Krao/ucu, <7>/ua(, ^<ro/iat, depon.
Mid. fo Rom. i. 25. 1 Cor. xi. 9. Eph. iii. 9.
<7e2 for oneself, to acquire, to
Col. iii. 10. 1 Tim. iv. 3. Rev. iv. 11 bis.
procure, by purchase or otherwise, perf.
x. 6. Of Christ Col. i. 16 bis. Sept.
KBKTrifiai as pres. to possess, see Buttm.
$ 113. 6. Seq. ace. Matt. x. 9. Luke
for 102 Deut. iv. 32. Ps. Ixxxix. 13 --
xviii. 12 TravTa o<ra KT&UCU. 1 Thess. iv. 4 Wisdl xi. 17. Ecclus. xvii. 1. Trop. of
rd tavroii a moral creation, renovation, Eph. ii. 10
<rici;o KriiffSrai, to procure for '
KTKT$vr iv X. I. ttfi tpyotg ayaStoiQ
himself a wife, in the oriental manner
ver. 15. iv. 24. So Sept. and na Ps.
by purchase, see in ^KWOS. With an
li. 12.
adjunct of price, e. g. gen. Acts xxii.
28. Sid c. gen. viii. 20. i< c. gen. i. 18 __ a , ., x ^o>,) afounda-
ourof tKTrjffUTO \wpiov iic row picrSrov K. r. X. ing of cities Jos. c. Ap. 1. 2. Diod. Sic.
i. e. was the occasion of 2. 4. Thuc. 1. 17. In N. T. creation, i. e.
etc. Seq. iv c. dat. trop. Luke xxi. a) the act of creation, Rom. i. 20 airb
19 tv ry virofjiovy vpHJv KrrjffaaSe rag KTtatus Psalt. Salom. 8. 7.
vp&v, through your patience pur- b) genr. created thing, and collect.
Cor. vi. 2, 4. Sept. for Chald. N^l Kpi?rrocj fit ov, (*cpv7rra,) hidden,
Dan. vii.
10,26. Susann. 49. Pol. 9. 33. concealed, and therefore secret, Matt. x.
12. ib. 16. 27. 2. In 1 Cor. I.e. others 26 OuSfV eOTl . . . KpVTTTOV 8 OV yV(i>-
oSiiairai. Mark iv. 22. Lukeviii. 17. xii.
by impl. cause, law-suit, but unnecessa-
2. iv TV KpuTrry in secret, where we
rily ;
so Syr. Vers.
cannot be seen of others, Matt. vi. 4 bis,
K/otr7jc> ov, o, (cpiVa>,)
a judge, i. e. 6 bis, 18 bis. iv KpvirT<, in secret, pri-
one who decides or gives an opinion in vately, John vii. 4, 10. xviii. 20. Lukexi.
respect to any person or thing. 33 ti Kpvirrr) v, see in Kpvirrrj above. 1 Cor.
a) genr. James
4 spiral SiaXo- ii. IV. 5 KpVTTTU TOV (JKOTOVQ SeCTCt WOT ks of
yurpwv ifov. see in AtaXoyioyxof a. Matt, darkness. 2 Cor. iv. 2 see in Alffxvvtj c.
xii. 27. Luke xi. 19. In an unfavour-
Sept. for n^lpT? Jer. xlix. 9 Hdian. 5. 6.
able sense James iv. 11. Sept. for "pi Xen. Mag. Eq.
7. 4. 10. Trop. ru icpv-
1 Sam. xxiv. 16 Wisd. xv. 7. Pol. ix~ TrTd TIVOQ the secrets of one's heart, secret
33. 12. Xen.Con.v.5. 1,9, 10.
thoughts, Rom. ii. 16. 1 Cor. xiv. 25. 1
in a judicial sense, one who sits to Pet. iii. 4 6 KpVTrrbg TTJQ tcapdiag ov&pwTrof ,
dispense justice, Matt. v. 25 bis. Luke i. e. the internal man. Rom. ii. 29 o iv
xxiv. 10. Of Christ the final Judge, Acts Ecclus. i. 30. iv. 18.
judging, quick to discern and judge of tradition that the ark with the pot of
any thing, seq. gen. Heb. iv. 12 Kpinicbs manna was hidden by order of king
K. T. \.
Hesych. jcpirucoe Josiah, and will again be brought to
Siaicpivttiv light in the reign of the Messiah comp. ;
463 Krfenc
Wetstein N. T. and Schcettgen. Hor. chase your lives, procure your safety,
Heb. in loc. Seq. Iv rtvt, Matt. xiii. 44 comp. Matt. x.22et xxiv. 13. Sept. for
Sriaavpy jciepv/i/if vy iv r< yp<. XXV. rr2j?
Gen. iv. 1. xxv. 10. Ecclus. li.
25. trop. Col. iii. 3. Seq. etg rt Rev. 28. Ml. V. H. 5. 9. Xen. Mem. 1
vi. 15. seq. OTTO rivo hide from, John 6.3.
xii. 36 'IqtroOf airiXSuv iicpvfir] ATT' avriav, a pos-
Krijjuet, aroc, T >
hid himself from them. Luke xviii. 34.
session, property, any thing acquired
xix. 42. Rev. vi. 16. So John viii. 59 and possessed, estate, Matt. xix. 22 et
'irjffovg $6 iicpvfBrj, icai iij\$ev IK TO vlepov Mark x. 22 fiv ydp t\uv (crry/iara iroXXd.
i. e. Jesus hid himself, and Acts ii. 45. v. 1 coll. ver. 3. where is %w-
went out of the temple ; or we may ren- piov. Sept. for n^nj Job xx. 29. tns
der iupv^T} adverbially, he secretly went Prov. xxxi. 16. n*J^ Prov. xxiii. 10.
KpvoraAAoc, ou, o, (icpi'of, upv- 27. T3>5 Num. xx. 8. rqptt Gen. xiii. 2,
(TTaivu to
freeze,) crystal, pp. any thing 7.
iS Gen. xxx.44 __ Hdian. 4. 15. 13
congealed and pellucid, e. g. ice Sept. of horses and camels.
for ms
Job vi. 16. Horn. II. 22. 152.
KT/JTOJ/O, O/OO> o, (icrdopai,') possessor,
in N. T. prob. rock-crystal, Rev. iv. 6.
owner, Acts iv. 34 icr^ropeg %wpiwv.
xxii. 1 __ Diod. Sic. 2. 52 init.
Diod. Sic. X. p. 102. Bip. or VI. p.
Kpu^>aToC) a oVj (icpvTrrw,) hidden,
196. Tauchn.
secret, in some MSS. Matt vi. 18 iv T<$
Kri'&u, f. Iffu, (kindr. with icrdouai,)
fpvfaiy for iv T< jcpvTrry. Sept. for "inp?3
pp. to bring under tillage and settle-
Jer. xxiii. 24. Xen. Hi. 10. 6.
ment e. g. a land Horn. II. 20. 216. to
secretly, not
jeuTrrw Jos. Ant
found a city Od. 11. 263.
openly, Eph. v. 12. Sept. fortn^a Deut. 4. 8. 5. Diod. Sic. 1. 12. In N. T. to
xxviii. 57 --
Xen. Conv. 5. 8'. Comp. found, i. e. to create, to form, trans, of
Buttm. $115. n. 3. God as creating the universe or
any of
its parts, Mark xiii. 19 >/c Irrto-e 6 3t6f.
Krao/ueu, M/uai, rjeouat, depon.
Mid. to get for oneself, to acquire, to Rom. i. 25. 1 Cor. xi. 9. Eph. iii. 9.
Col. iii. 10. 1 Tim. iv. 3. Rev. iv. 11 bis.
procure, by purchase or otherwise, perf.
KSKTtjpat as pres. to possess, see Buttm.
x. 6. Of Christ Col. i. 16 bis. Sept.
$ 113. 6. Seq. ace. Matt. x. 9. Luke
for Kin Deut. iv. 32. Ps. Ixxxix. 13 __
xviii. 12 travra oaa jcrw/zat. 1 Thess. iv. 4 Wisd. xi. 17. Ecclus. xvii. 1. Trop. of
rb eavrov tricevoe KraaSai, to procure a moral creation, renovation, Eph. ii. 10
for '
created things. Rom. i. 25 IXa Lys. 283. 14. Dio. Chrys. Or. 6. 216.
ry KTiati Trapd TOV KTiffavra. viii. 39. Heb. Comp. Lob. ad Phr. p. 9.
iv. 13. Wisd. ii. 6. Ecclus. xlix. 16.
KuJcAow, w, f. w<ro>, (KWK\O,) to
Collect, creation in general, the uni-
(a) encircle, to surround, trans. John x. 24.
verse, e. g. UTT'
dpxnc KTtfffuc Mark x. Acts xiv. 20. Of besiegers Luke xxi. 20
6. 2 Pet. iii. 4. Col. i. 15 Trpwro-
xiii. 19.
KVK\ovjj:tvt]v VTTO (TrparoTre^wv rijv 'lepovff.
TOKOQ iraanQ KTifftus. Rev. iii. 14. Spec. Heb. xi. 30. Rev. xx. 9. Sept. for
the visible creation, Heb. ix. 11. Judith nn$
1 K. vii. 15. 1 Sam. vii. 16.
r^n Is. xxix.
ix. 12. xvi. 14. meton.forwzan, man-
(/3) 3. genr. Diod. Sic. 18. 59. in a hostile
kind, Markxvi.IdKtipvZare TO tvayyiXiov sense Pol. 1. 17. 13. Diod. S. 15. 65.
Trdffy Ty Kriatt. Col. i. 23. So Rom. viii.
KvcXoc Uj a in N. T.
19, 20, 21, 22, creation for human crea- circle,
governing, direction, for concr. governor, 1083. Also of the limbs, and hence
director, sc. in the primitive churches genr. and in N. T. crippled, lame, espec.
1 Cor. xii. 28. Sept. sor rri^arpg Prov. in the hands, Matt. xv. 30. 31. xviii. 8.
xi. 14 __ Plut. Phocion 2 pen. Mark ix. 43. Anlhol. Gr. III. p. 31.
Aristoph. Av. 1379.
KujSfpvr'jrfJCj ov, 6, (icvptpvdu, Lat.
guberno, to govern a ship) governor of Ku/ia, aroc, T > (*vu,}awave, billow,
a ship, i. e. the steersman, pilot, who had Matt. viii. 24. xiv. 24. Markiv. 37. Acts
the sole direction of the ship, Acts xxvii. xxvii. 41. Jude 13. Sept. for ^3 Job
II. Rev. xviii. 17. See Potter's Gr. xxxviii. 11. Is. xlviii. 18. Luc. Navig
Pol. 10. 10. 3.
Antiq. II. p. 144. Adam's Rom. Ant. p.
ov, 6, (tcvpoc might, power,) 21. xx. 15. Acts xxi. 30. Comp. Seneca
, master, owner. Ep. 3,
obvios, si nomen non succurrit,
A) Generally a)
as the possessor, dominos appellamus.' Sept. and p-jK
owner, mastery e. g. of property, Matt. xx. Gen. xix. 2. xxiii. 6, 11, 15. al.
8 6
KvpioQ TOV dfjurtX&vog. xxi. 40. Gal. Arr. Epict. 2. 20. 30. ib. 3. 10. 15. Pol.
iv. 1. Sept. 6 Kvpiog TOV ravpov Heb. 7. 9. 5.
Judg. xix. 11. Ex. xxxix. 7. Gen. xxiv. 9 So Sept. for nirr o Kvp. Job i. 7. Kvp.
sq Luc. Charid. 19. Diod. Sic. 4. 63. Gen. xi. 5. xviii'. 33.
^ii$ 6 K vp. Is.
Xen. Conv. 6. 1. Spoken of a husband, xlix. 14. Kvp. 1 K. xxii. 6. nin? "JTW
1 Pet. iii. 6 og "Sdppa virrjKovffe ry 6 trip. Ps. Ixxiii. 28. Kvp. 1 K.' ii. 26^
avTov KaXovaa. So Sept.
'Aflpaafj,, icvptov 6 Ki>p. 1 Sam. xxiii. 7. Kvp. Gen.
for Gen. xviii. 12 -- Plut. Mor.
-p-jK xxi. 2!, 6. ^ 6 Ki>p. Job viii. 3. icvp.
II. p. 210. Tauchn. or VII. p. 32. 13. Num. xxiii. 8. ^$ Ki>p. Job vi. 4, 14.
Reiske. Seq. gen. of thing, and with- With adjuncts, without the art. e. g.
out the art. master of any thing,
lord, Kvpio o 3-0 TIVOQ Matt. iv. 7, 10. xxii.
as having absolute authority over it, e. g. 37. Luke i. 16. al. Sept. for ^1i
Kvpiog TOV Sepifffjiov Matt. ix. 38. Luke nirP. Is. xxv. 8. Ez. iv. 14. (Judith viii.'
of the Lord Jesus Christ, (a)
in the Lord, after verbs of rejoicing,
reference to his abode on earth as a trusting, etc. Phil. iii. 1. 1 Cor. i. 31.
So writers.
7. al. step.
gen. of pers. 6 icvpiof
or 'I. Xp. 6 Kvp. Acts xvi. 31. Rom. xiii. Kvvtg dogs.
14. al. Rom. i. 4. 1 Cor. i. 9. al. 6 K vp. . . .
a) pp.Luke xvi. 21. 2 Pet. ii. 22.
tn&v 'I. Xp. 1 Cor. i. 2, 10. Gal. vi. n>5 Ex. xxii. 31. Judg. vii. 5.
Sept. for
18. al. ssep. 'I. Xp. 6 icup. /ji<3v Eph. ~JEl. H. An. 8. 9. Xen. Mem. 2. 7. 13.
iii. 11. 1 Tim. i. 2. 2 Pet. i. 2. So In the East dogs are mostly without
without the art. e.
g. icvpios . . .
'ITJOOVQ masters ; they wander at large in the
Rom. x. 9. 1 Cor. xii. 3. Phil. ii. 19. al. streetsand fields, often in troops, and
Xpiffrbg Kvptog i. e. the Messiah Luke feed upon offals and even corpses ;
11. 11. KvpioG 'Irjaove Xpi<rr6f, or 'I. comp. 1 K. xiv. 11. xvi. 4. xxi. 19. Ps.
Xp. Kvpioe, Rom. i. 7. 2 Cor. i. 2. Phil. lix. 6, 14 sq. They are held as unclean,
i. 2 Cor. iv. 5. xvpioq rjfi&v 'I.
2. al. and one a dog is a stronger
to call
Xp. Gal. i. 3 Further in the phrase expression of contempt than even with
Iv Kvpiy, in the Lord, without the art. us, 1 Sam. xvii. 43. 2 K. viii. 13. The
found only in the usage of Paul except Jews called the heathen dogs, just as
once ttev. xiv. 13, and to be explained Mohammedans do Christians at the pre-
KwXov 468
Matt. vii. 6 firj Sure rb uyiov rolg jcuert, lit. dypoi Mark vi. 56. 77 KW^J;, ai Ktifiai,
give not consecrated meat to dogs, i. e. simply, Matt. xiv. 15. xxi.2. Markvi.G.
genr. proffer not good and holy things xi. 2. Luke v. 17. ix. 6, 52, 56. x. 38.
to those who will spurn and pervert xvii. 12. xix. 30. xxiv. 13.28. Johnxi. 1,
them. Also plur. for Sodomites, ca- 30. So John vii. 42 of Bethlehem, sc.
tamites, Rev. xxii. 15. So Sept. and before the time of Rehoboam who for-
n^p, Deut. xxiii. 19. tified it2 Chr. xi. 6. Meton. villages
a for the inhabitants of villages Acts viii.
KwXov, ou, TO, (perh. /elXXw,)
25. Sept. for
member, of the human body Eurip. ipsT 1 Chr. xxvii. 25. Cant.
Phoeniss. 1192 or 1201. Apollodor.
Vii. 12. -
Pol. 2. 17. 9 JKOVV Kara KW^UQ
Bibl. 3. 5. of an animal Diod. Sic. 3. ttTtixiffrovs. Xen. Cyr. 3. 3. 28. Mark
28 -- In N. T. plur. r& KtiXa for carcass, 27 al Kaiftai Kaiyapeiag, the villages
corpse, as in Engl. bones, Heb. iii. 17. of Cesarea t i. e. lying around and de-
So Sept. for Num. xiv. 29, 32. Is. pendent upon it. Sept. plur. for nil
Ixvi. 24. Josh. xv. 45. xvii. 11. l^n Josh. xv.
81 sq. xix. 6 sq.
KwXwo), f. vffo), (icoXof, kindr. with
weaken b) apparently of a large town or city,
icoXaw, KoXovw,) pp. to cut off, to
and hence genr. to hinder, to prevent,
perhaps without walls or partly in ruins,
to restrain, pp. ace. of pers. and
e. g.
Bethsaida,.prob. of Galilee, Mark
seq. viii. 23, 26 bis, comp. ver. 22 et John
gen. of things, Acts xxvii. 43 cKwXyo-ev 45.
Sept. for -py Josh. x. 37. xv. 9.
avTovQ TOV j3ovXrjfjiaTOQ. So Sept. for
Hdian. 3. 6. 19 of Byzantium, Traem
)73 yyn 1 Sam. xxv. 26. Xen. Ag. 2.
T 77 TroXtf KaTtaKOL^r]' Kai . . . iravTog re
2. Arr. 1. Seq. ace. of pers. et
6. 2.
Kai Tifii]Q aQaip&lv, TO Bvdv-
infin. Acts viii. 36 ri KwXvei ps BaTrrt-
SovXevsiv HipivSioig S&pov
<rS-7>at. xvi. 6. xxiv. 23. 1 Thess. ii. 16.
Heb. vii. 23. c. ace. impl. Luke xxiii. 2.
1 Tim. iv. 3. Matt. xix. 14. c. inf. TTO-
Mark ix. 38, 39. x. 14. Luke ix. 49.
lit. a village-city, i. e. a large
xi. 52. xviii. 16. Acts xi. 17. Rom. i. village or town like a city, but without
13. 3 John 10. absol. Luke ix. 50. walls, Mark i. 38 __ Strabo XIII. p. 887.
Hdian. 1. 12. 5. Xen. Mem. 4. 6. 4. c. B, /cat TO "IXtov, 8 vvv iart,
ace. impl, Jos. c. Ap. 1. 22 jcwXuov<rt ol
Xen. An.
Lat. comissatio, a carousing or merry-
7. 5. 26. absol. 25 ult. 4. 2.
making after supper, the guests often
Seq. accus. of thing, 1 Cor. xiv. 39 ical
TO XaXf.1v yXcjffffaig fir) jcwXvtrc. 2 Pet. sallying into the streets and going
ii. 16. c. TOV et inf. Acts x. 47 through the city with torches, music,
and songs in honour of Bacchus etc.
rb v(5op KuXvffai . . . TOV firf
Rom. xiii. 13. Gal. v. 21. 1 Pet. iv. 3.
TOVTOVC, comp. Buttm. 140. n. 1. Winer
2 Mace. 6. 6. Diod. Sic. 17. 72. ^El.
45. 4. b -- Hdian. 3. 1. 13. Xen.
V. H. 13. 1 pen. Xen. Cyr. 7. 5. 25.
Mem. 4. 5. 4, 5. By Hebr. seq. ace.
Comp. Passow Adam's Rom. in voc.
of thing and airo c. gen. of pers. Luke Ge-
Ant. p. 434. Plutarch de Socr.
vi. 29 ana TOV a'ipovTOQ <rov TO ifidrtov,
nio 29. Tom. VIII. p. 354 sq. ed.
rat TOV x iT ^>va /JT) KuXvayc. So Sept.
for Gen. xxiii. 6. Wft 2 Sam.
-jp N$3 -jD
xiii. 13.
j *h a gnat, cu-
found in acid wine and vinegar, Heb. pr. n. of a man Luke iii.
lex, as 05[?,
Matt, xxiii. 24, see in Ka/i?Xoe. Aristot. 28.
927, 342.
as to the tongue, as
a) blunted, lame,
K(T>, *7, gen. Kw, ace. Kwv and KJi to speech, i. e. dumb, Matt! ix. 32, 33
Buttm. 37. n. 2, (70s or Co, now Stan
iXaXrjotv o KW^OC. xii. 22 bis. xv. 30,31.
Co or Stanchio, a small and fertile island Luke i. 22. xi. 14 bis, Satfioviov KtoQov,
of the Egean sea, near the coast of Caria
comp. in *AXaXoc, Sept. for E>>s Hab. ii.
in Asia Minor, almost between the 18. Hdot. 1. 34. Xen. Cyr. 7\ 2. 20.
promontories on which the cities Cnidus as to hearing, deaf,
was b) blunted, dull,
and Halicarnassus were situated. It
Matt. xi. 5 jcat Ktatyoi aicovovffi. Mark vii.
celebrated for its wine, silks, and cotton
32, coll. ver. 33. ver. 37. ix. 25 Trvtvpa
of a beautiful texture. Acts xxi. 1 c ri)v dXaXov icai KW^OV, see in 'AXaXog. Luke
Kwv. 1 Mace. xv. 23 i'c K<2>. Jos. Ant.
vii. So Sept. and tfnn Ps. xxxviit.
14. 7. 2. xxxv. 5. xliii. 8. Luc. Vitar.
14. Is.
tivTov, rivog carat. absol. Diod. Sic. 4. forl^5 Jer. xxxv. 32. rnypJob xxxviii.
63 tXaxov, icai avvtfij] T<ji
H^ID Job xxi. 18. Sol. 30. 14. 6.
Horn. II. 17. 57.
to obtain, to receive, c. ace.
b) genr. see Aa<ncw.
Acts i. 17 IXax* TOV K\ijpov, see in KXfj-
Matth. 1. c. p. f. *<TO>,
(adv. Xa,) to kick,
pog b. 2 Pet. i. 1. Comp.
to strike with the heel, e. g. Trpof
637 __3 Mace. vi. 1. Luc. Hermot. 57. vrpa
Xen. An. 4. 5. 24.
Acts ix. 5. xxvi. 14. See in Kivrpov --
Luc. Hermot. 33. Xen. Mem. 2. 2. 7.
Aaapoe> ov, 6, Lazarus, pr. n. An. 3. 2. 18.
a) of the brother of Mary
and Martha
of Bethany, raised by Jesus from the w, f. rjffbt, to speak, to tatf,
dead, John xi. 1, 2, 5, 11, 14, 43. xii. 1, pp. to use the voice, without any ne-
2, 9, 10, 17. b) of
the poor man in our cessary reference to the words spoken,
470 AaXc'a;
and thus differing from ttVtTv and XE- fitr' avr&v KOI Xtyet. Rev. xxi.
yav see Tittm. de Syn. N. T. p. 79, 80.
9 Xlywv. Sept. for QV 15^ Num. xi.
Espec. of children, to talk much, to 17. HN "1 Gen. xxxv. 13. (y) Seq.
prattle, Germ, lallen, Xen. Cyr. 1.4. 12 Trpog Tiva, to speak to, found only thrice
iraiddpiov wv, Sftvoraros \a\tlv tdoicovv except in Luke's writings, (1 Thess. ii.
Plut. de Garrul. init. Comp. Heb. 2. Heb. v. 5. xi. 18
below.) Acts
tlvai. see
a) pp.
of persons, absol. Matt. ix. 33 1.)
Followed by fuayycX/?o/iai Luke i. 19.
iXdXr]<rev 6 K<D<j>6g. xii. 22. xv. 31. Mark Acts xi. 20. Xtywv Acts viii. 26. xxvi.31.
v. 35 tn avTov XaXovvroc. Luke vii. 15. xxviii. 25. With Xeywv impl. Heb. v. 5.
Acts xviii. 9. James i. 19. al. saep. Sept. xi. 18. So Sept. for ia*7 c. ^72N^ ^
for "li-n 1 Sam. iii. 9, 10. Is. i. 2. Luc. impl. 1 K. xxi. 5. 2 k. 1.
comp*. i.'
de Domo 3 ult. Hdian. 2. 4. 14 In Xa- Gen. xii. 17. Ex. xxxii. 7. See Gesen.
Xovvra rbv Seq. adv. Lex. art. ~O1 Piel no. 1. c
tyovevovffi. . .
() Seq.
John xviii. 23 tl /eajcdif sXdXrjaa. 1 Cor. Trfpi rtvoc, to speak about or of any one,
xiii. 11 & vrjirios IXdXovv. 6p9-a> Mark John viii. 26. xii. 41. Sept. for ^ ^,513
vii. 35. OVTUS Acts vii. 6. Heb. vi. 9. Ez. xxxiii. 30.
() Seq. accus. of a kin-
ffrof^a Trpof <TTO[j.a mouth to e. mouth i. dred noun or of a pronoun, in a gene-
face to face 2 John 12. (Sept. for ral or adverbial sense, and thus differ-
nT^N n^p l^n Num. xii. 8. rjSeuig ing from Xtytiv c. ace. which implies a
Dem.' 578.
With other adjuncts definite object or is followed by the ex-
of manner, e. g. dat. as Trapprjai^ boldly, press words spoken ; see Buttm. 131.
openly, John vii. 26. Acts ii. 6 Idly 3 and 7. Comp. in Engl. to talk non-
. vi. 10. 1 Cor. xiii. 1. genr, sense, i. e. foolishly, to talk strange
XaXeiv see in TX&ffcra b. y. things, i. e.
strangely. Matt. xii. 34 TTWJ
Also c. prep. e. g. tie dlpa 1 Cor. xiv. 9 SvvatrSrt dyaS-a XaXflv. John viii. 20 pfj-
see in 'A??p. EK c. gen. of manner or fiara. Rom. xv. 18 rt. 1 Cor. ix. 8 rav-
source Matt. xii. 34. John viii. 44 IK T&V ra. xiv. 9. 2 Cor. xii. 4. 1 Tim. v. 13.
Iv c. dat. 1 Cor. xii. 3 tv
XaXel. So Mark ii. 7 XaXI jSXao-^^iag. Acts
XaX&v. Seq. particip. of
S. vi. 13 prifjiara fiXaaQ. John viii. 44 rb
manner, Luke i. 64 ai eXdXa evXo-y&v. ^ivdoQ. Jude 15, 16. Sept. and 151
2 Cor. xi. 23. In various construc- Ex. iv. 12. (Luc. Demonax 51 oXiya
tions designating the person or thing [itv XaXCJv, TroXXa Si O.KOVIDV. Plut. de
to or of whom one speaks, e. g.
Garrul. '23. Xen. Cyr. 1. 4. 1.) With
Seq. dat. of pers. to speak to or with any other adjuncts, e. g. ace. et dat. of pers.
one, Matt. xii. 47 ^TOVVT'^Q <TOI XaXfjoat. Matt. ix. 18. John xiv. 25. xv. 11. (Sept.
Luke i. 22. John ix. 29. xix. 10. Acts Gen. xxviii. c. dat. of manner etc.
vii. 38. Rom. vii.
(Sept. and 15"! Gen. 1. Mark viii. 32 TOV Xoyov Trappqcri^ tXdXet.
xviii. 33. Arr. Epict. 3. 13. 7. Dem. 578. 1 Cor. xiv. 2. flia c.
gen. of manner
With an adjunct of manner added, I Cor. xiv. 9. iv c. dat. of manner 2
g. dat. irapprjaiq. John vii. 13. Cor. xi. 17. Iv XpiffTy i. e. by his au-
rl Kara riva
Eph. v. 19 XaXovvTag iavrolg i^/aX/iioTf, thority 2 Cor. xii. 19.
i. e.
singing together. Seq. iv c. dat. i. e.
according to 2 Cor. xi. 17. rl perd
1 Cor. xiv. 6, 21. vepi TIV.OQ Luke ii. TIVOS Eph. iv. 25. (Sept. Gen. xxxi. 29.)
38. Seq. particip. Xeywr, giving TI TTtpt TIVOQ Luke ii. 33. TL Trpog nva
definiteness to the idea of XaXtHv, Matt, Acts xi. 14. Luke xxiv. 44. rrpbg TO ove
xiv. 27 eXdXiifffv avrols 6 'I. Xtywv. xxiii. Luke xii. 3. Sept. for ^ ini Gen.
1. xxviii. 18. Luke xxiv. 6. al. So Sept. xviii. 19.
for ItoK?? 151 Gen. xvii. 3. xxxiv. 8. as modified
by the context, where
IttN -feNJ? 6en. xxii. 42. See Gesen. the sense lies not so much in XaXiiv as
Lex. art. ITDNno. 1 Seq. /urdrtvof, in the adjuncts, e. g. of one teach-
(/3) (a)
to speak with, John iv. 27. ix. 37 6 Xa- ing, for to teach, to preach, absol. Luke
o. <TOV. With Xlyw, Mark vi. 50 v. 4. 1 Cor. xiv. 34, 35. 1 Pet. iv. 11.
AaXft 471
iii. 1 also c. Trappii<ri$ John xviii. 20. Gen. iv. 10. In the imagery of the
et x^P'f Trapa/3oX7c. C. iirl r< 6v6fj.ari said XaXtlv TOQ iavr&v tyuvas Rev. x. 3,
4; of a beast, Rev. xiii. 5, 11, 15. So
TIVOQ Acts iv. 17. v. 40 ; see in 'Eiri II.
3. a. c.Trepi Ttvog Luke
ix. 11. So Heb. 173K of the serpent, Gen. iii. 1, 4.
7rpo rtva Acts xi. 20. Seq. ace. of Sept. eZTrev.
byattr. for Ii. Acts iii. 21. seq. ace. et John xvi. 14. Rev. v. 7. Sept. for
dat. of pers.John xvi. 1, 4. So of a di- Gen. xviii. 8. Num. xvi. 17, 18.
vine promise, Luke i. 55, 70. (5) of Josh. vi. 4. Is. ii. 4. Hdian. 8. 8. 15.
what is said with authority, for to di- Xen. Cyr. 6. 4. 4. Trop. TI^V iavT$ \.
rect, to charge, to prescribe, seq. dat. Heb.v.4. Svvafiiv Rev. xi. 17.--Xiphiiin.
Mark xvi. 19. c. ace. et dat. John xv. Galb. p. 187 vopiZuv OVK tiXrjQevat TTJV
11. ace. et i'g et Trept Heb. vii. 14. For dpx*}f, aXXd SedoffSat avTqi. Part. Xo-
to publish, to promulgate, authorita- puv is often used before other verbs
tively, Heb. iii. 5. ix. 19 (e) trop. by a species of pleonasm, in order to
to speah by writing, by letter, 2 Cor. express the idea more completely and
xi. 17 bis. Heb. ii. 5. 2 Pet. iii. 16. Of
graphically, comp. in 'Aviffrrjui II. d.
AajujSai 472
Viger. p. 352. Passow in Xa/i/3avu> ult. Sept. for np^ Gen. xxvii. 35. xxxi. 1.
Matt. 31 ov Xa/3d>v av^punrog iairu-
xiii. Pol. 4.3.11. Xen. An. 2.1. 10.
ptv. ver. 33. Luke xxiv. 43. Acts xvi. 3. e)
to talie up a person, i. e. to receive
Sept. Josh. ii. 4. Luc. Scyth. 6. Xen. him as a friend or guest into one's
Cyr. 8. 3. 6, 7. (/3)
Of taking food house, society, etc. i. q. S^xofJiai. (a)
or drink, c. ace. John xix. 30. Acts ix. genr. John xix. 27 tXa/Stv 6 /ia^rryg av-
19 Kcti Xd/3wv TpoQriv. 1 Tim. iv. 4. ab- TTIV tif TO. idia. 2 John 10 fls oliciav
sol. Mark xv. 23. So Heb. nj?^, comp. John vi. 21 elf TO TrXolov. Horn. Od.
Gesen. Lex. In the sense of to 7. 255. Trop. of a teacher etc. to re-
take to or with any one, e. g. Matt. xvi. ceive, to acknowledge, to embrace and
5 iireXaSovTo O.OTOVQ Xa/3ttv. ver. 7. xxv. follow his instructions, John i. 12. v.
4. John xviii. 3. /uS' iavrdtv Matt. xxv. 43. xiii. 20. xiv. 17. So of doctrine,
(Xen. Cyr. 2. 4. 22.) So Xappdvi-iv to embrace, to admit, e. g. TOV Xoyov Matt,
ywaiKa, to take a wife, to take as a xiii.20. Mark iv. 16. rrjv fiaprvpiav
wife, Mark xii. 19 22. Luke xx. John iii. 11, 32, 33. 1 John v. 9. TO.
28 sq. Sept. for nj^ Gen. vi. 2. xi. (jiaTa John xii. 48. xvii. 8. (f3) From
29. Jos. Ant. 1. 16." 3. Plato Crito 12. the Heb.
Xa/i/3aveiv Trpoadiirov TLVOQ,
p. 50. D. Xen. Cyr. 8. 4. 16.
() to to receive the person of
any one, Heb.
take upon oneself, to bear, trop. Matt, E^p X^, pp. spoken of a king or
x. 38 TOV ffTavpov. viii. 17 TCLQ aaStvtiag judge who receives or admits the visits
VOVG iXdfttre, comp. Mark viii. 19, 20. one, both in a good and bad sense, see
Trop. Xa(3t~tv T^V ^v^i\v, as opp. to ri^rjui, Gesen. Lex. art. Nto$ no. 3. b. In N.
John x. 17, 18 Xen. CEc. 8. 2. ib. 9. T. only in a bad sense, to accept one's
10. person, i.
q. to be partial towards him,
to take out from a number, to choose. c. gen. Gal. ii. 6 Trpoo-wTrov Sftg avSpw-
Acts xv. 14 XajSeTv t iSv&v Xaov. Heb. TTOV ov \an(3dvi. absol. Luke xx. 21.
v. 1. Sept. Amos. ii. 11. Pol. 2. 38. 11. So Sept. forQ"2pKip} Ps. lxxxii.2. Lev.
Xen. An. 1. 1. 6. xix. 15.
to take, i. lay hold of,
e. to seize, to f
) trop. in phrases, where Xa/i/3areiv
with the idea of force, violence, (a) pp. with its accus. is often equivalent to
Matt. xxi. 35 KO.I Xa/Sovrtc rovg dovXovg the verb corresponding to the accus.
avTov, ov p.iv tdeipav K. T. X. ver. 39. e> g* "PX 7
)" Xappdveiv, i.
q. to begin,
Mark John xix. 1. absol. 2 Cor.
xii. 3, 8. Heb. ii. 3. (^El. V. H. 2. 28. Hdian.
xi. 20. Luc. D. Deor. 21. 2. Xen. 7. 11.
1.) a0op/*)a/ Xa/j/3. to take occa-
Cyr. 2. 4. 23. So in hunting or fish- sion, Rom. vii. 8, 11. (Diod. Sic. 1. 60.
ing, to take, to catch, Luke v. 5. trop. jcaipov.) Srdpaog Xa/i/3. to take courage,
2 Cor. xii. 16 coXy vp,aQ tXafiov, comp. i.
q. Sapp'sw, see in Qdoaoq, Acts xxviii.
Matt. Palaeph. 28. 3. Xen. Cyr.
iv. 19. 15. 'iicavov Xa^/3. to take security,
1. 4. 9. Trop. of any strong af-
Acts xvii. 9. XTI&TJV X. to forget, 2 Pet.
fection or emotion, to seize, to come or i. 9. (^El. V. H. 3. 18. Jos. Ant. 2. 9.
fjiop<f>r)v Tivog X. to take the
fall upon any one, e. g. tKaraoig tXafiev likeness
Luke v. 26. QofioQvii. 16. 7m- or form of any one, to liken oneself to
og 1 Cor. x. 1.3. Sept. for 7n*$ Ex. him, Phil. ii. 7. Tmpav Xa/t/3. to make
xv. 15. 2 Mace. ix. 5. Jos. Ant. 2. 6. trial of, to attempt, Heb. xi. 29.
i. e.
force, Matt. v. 40 ical TOV \nS)va. aov to consult, Matt. xii. 14. xxvii. 1, 7.
Xafietv. Rev. Hi. 11 'iva [ujdels Xdfiy TOV xxviii. 12. vTroduyfjid TivaXaji(3. totakeany
aov. vi. 4 IK V. OTTO rf/ yr]. one as an example James v. 10. I>TTO/IV/-
oiv Xa/x/3. to recollect, to remember, 2 Tim. receive commandment, Trapa TIVOQ John
i. 5. %apay/*a TIVOQ Xa/t/3. to take or adopt x. 18. 2 John iv. Trcpi TIVOQ Col. iv.
the mark 0/"any one, Rev. xiv. 11 ; seq. 10. Trpog Tiva Acts xvii. 15. (Act. Thorn.
TTI c. gen. xiv. 9. xx. 4. 36.) KaraXXayyjv Xaju/3. i.
q. to be
2. to receive, sc. what is given, im- reconciled, Rom. v. 11. icpi'/m Xa^tjS. to
receive condemnation, i. q. to be con-
parted, imposed, to obtain, to partake of.
e. g. absol. Matt. vii. 8 Trag demned, Matt, xxiii. 13. James iii. 1. c.
a) genr. Rom. xiii. 2. oiKoSofjii}v Xap(3.
dat. reflex.
yap 6 airaiv Xapfidvei. X. 8. John xvi.
24. 1 Cor. of source John
iv. 7. c. IK
q. to be edified 1 Cor. xiv. 5. Trapa y-
ytXt'av X. to receive a charge Acts xvi. 24.
i. 16. Seq. ace. Matt. xx. 9 ?Xa(3ov dvd
TrtpiTOfiqv Xa/t/3. i.
q. to be circumcised
Srjvdptov. ver. 10. xxv. 16 Trivre rdXavra
Mark x. 30. xi. 24. John iv. John vii. 23. AL.
36. Acts iii. 3. Rom. iv. 11. 1 Cor. o, indec. Lamech, Heb.
ix. 24. Gal. iii. 14. Phil. iii. 12 comp. in
pr. n. of a patriarch, the father of Noah,
KaraXaji/3dvw b. Heb. xi. 35. James Luke iii. 36. See Gen. v. 25 sq.
i. 12. 1 Pet. iv. 10. Rev. iv. 11. Seq.
partitively, see in 'EK no. 3. h.
Rev. xviii. 4 tK TU>V irXijytiv avrrJQ 'iva /ii) a
a'Soe, }, (Xa^Trw,) light,
XdprjTf. Palteph. 52. 3. JS1. V. H. 9. e. g.a torch, lamp, lantern, etc. genr.
31. Xen. Cyr. 3. 3. 7 With an ad- Acts xx. 8 Xapirddic licavai. Rev. iv. 5.
junct of the source etc. e. g. OTTO c. gen. Sept. for TE>5 Gen. xv. 17. Ex. xx. 18.
from, 1 John ii. 27. Trapa c. gen. from Prob. a torch, Rev. viii. 10. John xviii.
any one Acts ii. 33. James i. 7. Rev. 3. Sept. and TBi
Judg. xv. 4, 5. Jos.
7.3.) spoken
(Hdian. de conatu,
4. Ant. 5. 6. 5. Hdian. 4. 2. 20. Also a
John V. 34, 41 coav
Trapa dvSpwirov ou lamp, fed with oil, Matt. xxv. 1, 3, 4, 7, 8,
Xa/i/3dvw. ver. 44. viro c. gen. 2. Cor. xi. So Sept. and TE& Judg. vii. 16, 20. On
24 viro 'lovSaiuv . (Xaflov SC. TrXi/yaf,
. .
the form of ancient lamps see Jahn 40
comp. Xen. Cyr. 1. 3. 16. Bos. Ell. Gr. ult. Calmet art.
p. 385 sq.
a people, nation, tribe, i. e. the
xvi. 19 mass of any people, and not like dijfiog
i. e. sumptuously, Luke
Jos. Ant. 6. 1. 3. Xen. Cyr. 2. 4. 1. a community of free citizens. Luke ii.
10 iJTis eorot iravri r< Xo<. ver. 31. Rev.
v. 9. Acts iv. 25 quoted from Ps. ii. 1
intrans. c. dat. Matt. v. 15 Xdpiret
absol. Xvii. 2
where Sept. for
dkjj. Sept. for oy Job
7ra<ri roTg Iv ry OHU'?. xxxvi.31. Ez. xx. 41. Horn. Od. C. 194
tXafi^e TO Trpoo-wTrov
awrov. Luke xvii,
Hdot. 5. 42. Spec, of the Jews as the
24. Acts xii. 7. 2 Cor. iv. 6 IK aicoTovg
2 people of God's choice, absol. or c. row
0w C Xa^ai. Metaph. Matt. v. 16.
Seov etc. Matt. i. 21. ii. 4, 6. Mark vii.
Sept. for njb Prov. iv.
Cor. iv. 6. 18.
6. Luke ii. 32. John xi. 50. Heb. vii. 5.
TTTTn Dan. xii. 3. Jos. Ant. 3. 8. 9.
al. ssep. So Sept. and Ey Ex. i. 20. viii.
Xen. Mem. 4. 7. 7.
I. Deut. ii. 4. al. __ Trop. of
Aav&avci*, aor. 2 tXn^ov, to Christians as God's spiritual Israel, Tit.
7fe Atrf,
concealed, to be unknown, absol. Mark ii. 14. Heb.ii. 17. iv. 9. xiii. 12.
vii. 24 OVK ri$vvii$r} XaSetv. Luke viii. the people, i. e. the many, the
b) genr.
47 __ ML
V. H. 4. 20 ink. Seq. ace. multitude, the public, either indefinitely
of pers. to be hid AS TO any one i. e. or of a multitude collected in one place.
from him, to escape his knowledge or Luke vii. 29icai irdg 6 Xabg aKoraaq. viii.
notice, Acts xxvi. 26 ort OVK tXa$ yap 47. ix. 13 tig irdvra TOV Xaov TOVTOV for
CIVTOV TI TOVTUV. 2 Pet. iii. 5, 8. See all this multitude, xviii. 43. xxiii. 27 TrXfj-
Matth. 412. 5. comp. Buttm. 131. 4, SrogTOV \ctov Kai yvvaiKtUJv. Acts Hi. 9,
8. Hdian. 5. 8. 8. Xen. Mem. 3. 1. 13. II, 12. v. 37. xviii. 10. Horn. II. 18.
Joined with the participle of another 502. ib. 23. 728. Espec. the common
verb it has the force of an adverb, i. e. people, the populace, the inhabitants of
secretly, unawares. Heb. xiii. 2 iXa$6v any city or territory, e. g. Jerusalem
rtvtg ZevivavTfG ayyeXoi/f. See Buttm. Acts ii. 47. xxi. 30, 36 j
of Galilee Matt.
144. n. 8. Winer 58. 4. Hdian. 5. 8. 6. iv. 23. ix. 35. So Sept. andtjy Gen. xix.
Xen. An. 1. 1. 9. 4. xxiii. 7, 12, 13. (Horn. Od. 13. 156.)
As distinguished from magistrates, etc.
Cj >'/, ov, (Xaei-w, Xac,
i. e. hewn in Matt. xxvi. 5 "iva fjirj Sopvfioe ytvriTcu iv
ea>,) stone-hewn, rock-hewn,
a rock, e. g. a sepulchre, Luke xxiii. 53. T<$ \a$. xxvii. 25,64. Mark xi.32. Luke
xix. 48. xx. 6. xxiii. 13. Acts vi. 12. al.
Comp in Aaro/zew. Sept. Deut. iv. 49.
So Sept. and Qy Ex. xviii. 22, 26. Josh.
Aquil. Num. xxi. 20. xxiii. 14.
vi. 8, 10. AL.
AaoSfoaa, ac? n, Laodicea, the
chief city of Phrygia Pacatiana in Asia larynx, the
AapvyZ, vyyoc) 6,
Minor, situated on the river Lycus a throat, gullet, as an organ of the voice,
little above its junction with the Mean- Rom. iii. 13 quoted from Ps. v. 10 where
der, and not far to the southward of Co- Sept. for pia Ecclus. vi. 5. Aristoph.
losse and Hierapolis. Its earlier name Ran. 575 or 583. On the dilf. between
was Diospolis was enlarged by Anti-
it Xa,ovy and 0dpuy, see Lob. ad. Phr.
ochus II, and called by him Laodicea pp. 65, 470.
after his wife. About A. D. 65 it was
Aavala, ac, 7, Lascea, a maritime
destroyed by an earthquake, along with on the southern
city of Crete, coast,
the two cities just named ; but was re-
not mentioned in profane writers. Acts
built by Marcus Aurelius. It is now in xxvii. 8.
ruins, and the place bears the name of
Eski-hhsar. Comp. Eosenm. Bibl. f. Xajcr/ffw, to crack, to
Geogr. p. 205, 228
I. ii. Col. __ ii. 1. iv. knack, to snap, Hes. Theog. 694. Horn.
13,15,16. Rev. i. 11. (iii.14.) II. 13. 616. In N. T. and later, to
crack open, to burst, Acts i. 18 tXa/
Aao&Kcuc, cw, 6, a Laodicean,
Col. iv. 16. Rev. in. 14. Act. Thorn. 33 6 ?t
ig iXaicrjaf. Zonar. Lex. 691 avrl
oil, o, people, viz.
xxii. 27. 1 Mace. i. 45. Attic and later signif. to say, to speak,
i. e. to utter definite words, connected
vwj f- fvffcj, (Xarpi'c one
and significant discourse, i. q. to dis-
hired, hireling,) to serve, pp. for hire or
course; thus differing from XaXeTv q. v.
as a slave, Palaeph. 45. 1,4. Xen. Cyr.
and also from ti-n-nv in so far as this
3. 1. 36, i.
q. SovXtveiv ib. 41. In N. T.
latter refers only to words spoken and
spoken in respect to God, to serve, to
not to their connected sense ; seeTittm.
worship. de Synon. N. T. p. 79, 80 sq. Sept.
a) genr. seq.dat. Matt.iv. lOet
usually for -|7?N In N. T.
8 Kvptovrov Stov avT<ji f*6vtf> Xarptvattt;.
. . .
1. to lay before, i. e. to relate, e. g.
Luke i. 74. ii. 37. Acts vii. 7, 42. xxiv.
vapapo\i]v, to put forth, to propound, c.
14. xxvii. 23. Rom. i.9. Phil. iii. 3. 2
dat. of pers. Luke xviii. 1 tXtye Si icai ira-
Tim.i.3. Heb.ix.14. xii.28. Rev. xxii..'}.
pa/3oX}v avrolf. xiii. 6. C. Trpoc
absol. Acts xxvi. 7. So Sept. and iny
Luke xii. 41. xiv. 7. So of events etc.
Deut. vi. 13. x. 12. Josh. xxiv. 15. Once
to narrate, to tell, e. g. TOVTO, ravra, c.
of idol-worship, Rom. i. 25. iXdrptvatv ry dat. Luke ix. 21. irpdc nva xxiv. 10.
KTioti K. T. \. So Sept. and lay Deut.
c. ace.
Palaph. 18. 1. Hdian. 1. 11. 2. ib. 7.
iv. 28. Judg. ii. 11, 13. Eurip. 12. 20 ra e C7ro/uva iv role tf/c Xex^-
Iph. Taur. 1115 or 1122. Electr. 131. airai. 8. 1. 1.
b) of an external
ritual worship, i. q.
2. to say, to speak, to discourse, see
to officiate as priest, Heb. viii. 5. xiii. 10,
aoove. a) genr.
and construed :
1 K. xxi. 2
pT. Gen. ix. 3. Luc. Phil (Xen. Conv. 4. 1.) So seq. on before
lopseud. 8. Plut.'VI.p.499.9.ed. Reiske. the words quoted, Matt. ix. 18. Mark
ii. 12 XeyovTac- on ovdiiroTf ourwf tl^o^tv.
ou, 6, Lebbeus, a name iii. 21. Luke iv. 41. xxiii. 5. John
of the apostle Jude, also called Thad-
viii. 33. Acts ii. 13. vi. 11. Rom. iii.
deus, Matt. x. 3. 8. al. ssep. Comp. Buttm. 149. p.
I^at. legio, a le- 423. (Palaeph. 6. 7. Hdian. 8. 3. 4.)
gion, pp. the largest division of troops Hence particip. Xlywv, Xeyovrcf, saying,
in the Roman army, varying greatly in is often put after other verbs or nouns
number at different periods, as 3000, implying speech, like Heb. "172NJ?, as
4200, 5000, 6600, etc. See Adam's introducing the exact words, i.
q. in
Rom. Ant. p. 366 sq Rees' Cyclop, s. these words, e. g. Matt. v. 2 idic
At'yw 476 Al-yw
Xtywv MaKapioi K. r. X. vi. 31. Mark ii. 5, 14. 2 John 10, 11. al. sae-
Cyr. 1. 2. 1.
(4) Seq.
on instead of ing any one, genr. Eph. v. 32. with
the accus. and inf. comp. in "On no. the words uttered, Acts ii. 25. with an
1. c. Buttm. 149. p. 423.- Winer 45. ace. of thing Luke xxii. 65. Xen. Mem.
2. Mark ix. 11. Luke ix. 7. John 1. 5. 1.
(5) Seq. Trepi c. gen. of pers.
iv. 20 Kat u/jtlf Xtyert, on iv 'lepocr. lernv with the words uttered, John i. 48. Matt,
o TOTTOQ K. T. X. 1 Tim. iv. 1. So with xi. 7. c. ace. of
thing Acts viii. 34.
on and the apodosis impl. in the phrase John i. 22. ix. 17. Tit. ii. 8. c. on pro
oil Matt, xxvii. 11. John xviii. inf. Luke xxi. 5.
Xkytig, (6) Seq. vvkp veavrov,
37. comp. Luke xxii. 70 vfitig Xsytrc, on to speak for
oneself, Acts xxvi. 1.
of pers. and the words spoken, Matt. vi. 13. c. o>i for acc. .and inf. Gal. v. 2.
iv. 10. xxvi. 35. Luke xvi. 29. John ii.4. TOVTO on 1 Thess. iv. 15. seq. adv. etc.
with aTTOKpiSei'e etc. Mark ix. 19. Luke 2 Cor. vii. 3. xi. 16. Phil. iv. 11. So
xi. 45 (y)
in affirmations, for to affirm, Sept. and 172*6 2 K. x. 6. Jos. Ant.
to maintain, e. g. with the words or 13. 4. 1. Hdot. 3. 40.
iii. 9. Mark ix. 13. Lukeiv. 24. John iii. of pers. John vi. 71 tXtye $1 TOV 'lovoav.
11 of teaching, for to teach, to
Mark xiv. 71 __Jos. Ant. 6. 5. 6. J21.
inculcate, e. g. with the proposition V. H. 2. 36. Xen. CEc. 17. 8.
taught, Matt. xv. 5. c. ace. Acts i. 3. 3. to call, to name, i. q. KaXeu, pp. to
c. ace. et infin. Acts xxi. 21. ace. impl.
speak of as being or being called so and
xv. 24. c. ace. et dat. of pers. Matt.
so, seq. dupl. acc. Matt. xix. 17 ri fie
x. 27. John viii. 16. xvi. 12. absol. Xen. Xtyttf dya3-6v ;
Mark XV. 12 ov XyfT
Conv. 4. 13.
(e) predictionsof to fore- fiaaiXta T&V 'loutfai'wv. Luke xx. 37.
tell, to 'predict, c. ace. et dat. Mark x. John v. 18. xv. 15. Acts x. 28. al.
32. c. ace. Luke ix. 31. c. dat. John Pass. Matt. xiii. 55 r) avrov Xeytrai
xiii. 19.
() of what is spoken with au- Mapiap. Heb. xi. 24. Part. 6 Xeyofievos,
thority, to command, to direct, to charge, called, named, Matt. ii. 23 elg Tr6\iv
absol. Matt, xxiii. 3 \kyovai ytip, ical ov ix. 9.
\f.yop.kvi]v Na^apsS.
jroiovffi. c. acc. Luke vi. 46. c. ace. et MarSalov \tyop.tvov. xxvi. 3, 14. Mark
dat. Mark xiii. 37. John ii. 5. c. dat. xv. 7. Johniv. 5. ix. 11. xxii. 1. Acts
ot pers. et imperat. Matt. v. 44 y<i Si iii. 2. Eph. iii. 11. al. Also sumamed,
Xlyw vp.1v ayairaTt K. r. X. viii. 4. XX. 8. Matt. iv. 18 2//i<i>i/a TOV Xeyoptvov IZtrpov.
Mark v. 41. vi. 10. Luke v. 24. John x. 2. iv. 11. Esdr. viii. 41. Jos. Ant.
ii. 7, 8. c. dat. et inf. Rev. xiii. 14. c. 12. 3. 2. Palceph. 7. 6. Xen. An. 1. 8.
inf. Rom. ii. 22. seq. "va Acts xix. 4. 10. With the idea of translation into
(c. inf. Xen. An. 1. 3. 8. ib. 7. 1.
40.) another language, e. g. fully, John i. 39
So in the sense of to charge, to exhort,
pa(3f3i, o Xsyerac ipp.nvtvop.tvov, SiaffKct\f.
c. dat. Acts v. 38. c. dat. et inf. Acts xix. 17 of Xeyerai e/Spai'orf, ToXyoSa.
xxi. 4. c. TOVTO seq. inf. Eph. iv. 17. Acts ix. 36. Simply, John iv. 25 Metr-
of calling out, i. q. to call, to exclaim, in Greek.
(T/) at'af, 6 Xeyo/zsvof Xpiorof, i. e.
etc. Matt. xxv. 11 Xsyotxrac Kvpit, Kvpie, xi. 16 6 Xf.y6p.ivoQ AidvpoQ. XX. 16
dvoiKov np.1v. Luke xiii. 25. Acts xiv. pa/3/3ouvt, o Xfytrai SidafficaXe, comp. i.
Pass, to be left, forsaken of any fice, genr. Phil. ii. 30. Spoken of alms,
i. e. to be destitute of, to lack, seq. i. e. public collections in the churches, 2
gen. James i. 5 d Si rig vp.&v Xdirtrai Cor. ix. 12.
ffoQiag. ii. 15.Comp. Buttm. 132. 5. 2.
*?> 6v> pertaining
Seq. iv [ir]evi James i. 4,
i. e. to be
to the public service e. g. of the temple,
wanting in nothing, i. 6X6*-
q. reXtiof,
Sept. (TKevrj X. for r'il "3 Num. iv.
Xj;po. Comp. Jos. Ant. 9. 11. 2 ovSk In N. T.
12. Num'/iv. 26.'
fling aptrtjs airtXtiirtTO .
mi^ *J?3
act. ministering, rendering service to
intrans. to fail, to lack, to be want-
b) others, Heb. i. 14 Xeirovpyiicd Trvsi'fiara,
ing, c. dat. of pers. Luke xviii. 22 In sv sc. elf SictKoviav etc. Comp. on the
trot XetTrtt. Tit. iii. 13. TO. XdirovTo. Tit.
ministry of angels Ps. xxxiv. 8. xci. 11
1. 5. Wisd. xix. 4. Pol. 13. 2. 2. Diod.
sq. Matt. xiii. 49. xvi. 27. PhilodeGi-
5. 1. 5. On the derivation of the in-
gant. p. 286.
trans.from the transitive signif. see
Passow s. v. no. 4. Aftroup-yoc?ov, b, (Xa6f, Xliroc
v. popular, public, and tpyov,)
Actrou/oytw, w, f. ^<, (Xeirowp- a public servant, minister, such as in
yoc q. v.) pp. to perform some public ser- Athens performed or administered the
vice, to serve the public, sc. at one's own own
XtiTovpyiai at their expense, comp.
expense, intrans. Dem. 833. 25. Isocr.
in Aftrovpy/a, and Boeckh and Potter
161. G. In N. T. genr. to serve, to as there cited. In N. T. a minister,
servant, viz.
in religious worship, e. g.
a) publicly a) genr. e. g.
rov Sreov, Rom. xiii. 6.
the priests of the O. T. absol. Heb. x. Heb. i. 7 6 TTOI&V TOVQ
XtirovpyovQ avrov
11; of Christian teachers, seq. r< Kvpiy Trvpbf <pX6ya, quoted from Ps. civ. 4 where
Acts xiii. 2. Sept. for rnil) Num. xviii.
Sept. for JTTiIJTp, comp. 1 K. x. 5. Ec-
2. Deut. x. 8 __ Jos. B. J. 2. 17.2. Dion.
clus. 10. 2.
Hal. Ant. 2. 22. a priest in the Jewish
b) spoken of
by impl. in a more private sense,
b) sense, Heb. viii. 2 T&V aytuiv XtiTovpyog.
to minister to any one, to supply pecu-
So Sept. and mi^Ta Neh. x. 39. Jer.
niary aid, c. dat. Rom. xv. 27. Test.
xxxiii. 21. Of Paul as a minister of Christ,
XII Patr. p. 689 OVK olicTfipti Xetrovp- of the gospel, Rom. xv. 16 __ Dion. Hal.
yovvTa avT<j> kv Ka.K<p. Comp. Xen. Mern. Ant. 2. 73 X. T>V Sttiv.
2. 7. 6.
c) by impl. Phil. ii. 25 Xtirovpybv H/c
AeiTOVpy'ia, ac (Xtirovpyog q. v.) 7> xptias p-ov, a minister for my wants, i. e.
public service, public office, i. e. such as one who ministers to my wants.
in Athens and elsewhere were adminis-
citizens in turn and at their Aevriov, ov, TO, Lat. lenteum, a
tered by the linen cloth, e. g. a towel, apron, worn by
own expense, as a part of the system of servants and persons in waiting. John
finance, Jos. Ant. 16. 5. 3. 2E1. V. H.
xiii. 4, 5. Sueton. Calig. 26 succinctos
6. 6. Dem. 1209. 2. Comp. Xen. (Ec. linteo.
2. 6. Boeckh Staatshaush der Athener
I. p. 480. II. p. 62. Potter's Gr.
AtVoa 479 Atjvoc
from the eyes Acts ix. c. viii. 5 sq Jos. Ant. 9. 13. 3. Jahn
scale, crust, e. g.
Mark xiv. 3. Lev. xiii. 9, 13. xix. 14. Luke ix. 29 6 l^arier/zoc
Sept. for JttiS
avrov XevKoc iZaoTpairTtuv. Matt. xvii. 2
44, 45. jnStt 2 Sam. iii. 2Q . 2 K. vii.
3. Jos. Ant.'s. 11. 4.
XtvKit Mark ix. 3 X.
ug TO <}>U>G. xxviii. 3 et
w<m \iuv, 9 where Sept.
comp. Dan. vii.
AETTTOV, ou, ro, (neut. for Tin. Of a throne Rev. xx. 11.
the name
of the smallest Jewi-h Horn! Od. 6. 45. II. 14. 185 /cp^e/ivov
coin, like Engl. mite. Its value was
Xevicov ri'tXiOQ u>c-
half a Kofydvrije q. v. or the eighth part
e. g. hair Matt. v. 36.
of an 'A<^dptov q. v. and it was there- b) genr. white,
Rev. i. 14. a stone Rev. ii. 17. a cloud
fore equal to about one-fifth of one cent.
xiv. 14. a horse vi. 2. xix. 11, 14. a
Comp. Jahn 117. Mark xii. 42. Luke field ripe for the harvest John iv. 35.
xii. 59. xxi. 2. pp. XHTTOV Keppa
Sept. for -p^ Lev. xiii. 3, 4. Zech. i.
Alciphr. I. Ep. 9. Xiirrbv vofjuupa Pol-
8. vi. 3. Hdian. 5. 6. 16. Xen. Ag.
lux On. 9. 92.
Aci/t or Aewf accus. Aetnv Winer
Altov, ovroc, o, a lion, Heb. xi. 33.
the upper vat or press, into which p. 187 sq. Comp. Plin. H. N. 32. 14 or
the grapes were cast and trodden by 31. Theophr. H. Plant. 9. 1, 3, 4.
men, Rev. xiv. 19, 20 bis. xix. 15. Sept. Later and in N. T. frankincense, i. q.
for na Neh. xiii. 15. Diod.
Is. Ixiii. 2. XijSavwrog, a transparent and fragrant
Sic. 3. 63. Anacr. 52. 4 It was some- gum, which distils from incisions in the
times hewn into a rock, and had a gra- above tree, and was used by the ancients
ted opening near the bottom through as incense, comp. Ex. xxx. 34. In
which the liquor flowed off into a lower modern times it is classed among drugs,
vat. See Jahn 69. and is sometimes called olibanum, Matt
the lower vat, dug in the rock ii. 11. Rev. xviii. 13. Sept. for Heb,
or earth as above, i. q. uTroXr/vtov, Matt. n;il5? Ex. 1. c. Lev. ii. 1. v. 11 Diod. __
xxi. 33, coll. Mark xii. 1 also Is. v. 2 ;
Sic. 3. 41 . Hdian. 4. 8. 20. See Rees'
where Heb. ^p^, Sept. TrpoX^vtov. Sept. Cyclop, art. Frankincense.
\i]v6g for 3j Prov. iii. 10. Joel ii. 24.
Anthol. Gr.'lV. p. 259. 3. Schol. in q. v.)
Ml. V. H. 11. 5.
Aristoph. Eccl. 154. Wetstein N. T. I. pp. frankincense,
Hdian. 5. 5. 12. In N. T. meton. a
p. 466.
censer for bufning incense, thuribu-
Ar/poC) ou, o, tattle, idle talk, Luke
lum, Rev. viii. 3 lyuv Xifiavurbv xpvaovv.
xxiv. 11 __ Jos. B. J. 3. 8. 9. Xen. An. v. 5.
7. 7. 41.-
II, see in
sert. The
tract along the coast was di-
Atavoc? pp. arbor thurifera,
ov, o, vided under the Romans into two
the tree which produces frankincense, parts on the east Libya Marmarica,
growing in Arabia and around Mount and towards the west Libya Cyrenaica,
Lebanon, Hdot. 4. 75. Lob. ad Phryn. so called from its chief city Gyrene,
and called also Libya Pentapolis from cious stones, Xteoc n'/uof Rev. xvii. 4.
tlie five cities which it contained, Apol- xviii. 12, 16. xxi. 11, 19. trop. 1 Cor. iii.
lonia, Arsinoe, Berenice, Gyrene, Ptole- 12. XtSog iaetTTtc Rev. iv. 3. xxi. 11.
mais. In all these cities there dwelt Sept. and f^tf X. r'/t. 2 Sam. xii. 30.
Jews. Plin. H. N. 5.5. Jos. Ant. 1 K. x. 2, li.'x. (T/i. Ex. xxxv. 25. Ez.
14. 7. 2. Comp. in x. 1 __ Jos. Ant. 10. 2. 2. Hdian. 4. 8.
a>, f. a<ru), (Xi'Soc,) to stone, to
of Christ, as 6
b) trop. spoken (a)
pelt with stones, in order to wound or
Xi3of aiepoywviaTof, Eph. ii. 20. 1 Pet.
kill, seq. ace. John x. 31, 32, 33. xi. 8, As 6 Xi'So;
ii. 6 see in 'AKpoywidloQ.
Acts v. 26. xiv. 19. 2 Cor. xi. 25. Heb. ;
Xt3au;, seq. accus. Matt. xxi. 34. xxiii. 37. pu wvpi, ) stone-sir owed, paved, App.
Mark xii. 4. Luke xiii. 34. Acts vii. 53, Bell. Civ. 3. 26 iv Xi.*o<rrpoir<y ir6\ti.
xxii. 22, coll. ver. 21 where Sept. and bftf?. houses with tesselated or
Mosaic pavements, as was customary at
Heb. xii. 20, comp. Ex. xix. 13 where
Rome after the time of Sylla, Plin.
Sept. and ^p. Also for Q3l Lev. xx.
H. N. 36. 25 or 64. Sueton CCES. 46.
27. xxiv. 14, 16. Comp. Jahn 257.
Plut. X. p. 202. 15. ed. Reiske. Adam's Rom. Ant. p. 529. In N. T.
neut. TO XtSoffrpwrov, pavement, i. e.
p. 158 sq. Sept. for tpsn Cant. iii. 10. 6 IvfaSvftivoi Xivov KaSapov.
2 Chr.
vii. 3. Esth. i. 6.
rrsiri Comp. Sept. and rrnur'p Is. xix. 9. Horn II.
in ra/J/Jo&a. 9. 661. Od. 13. 73. Put also for the
wick of a candle or lamp, i. e. a of
L>, W, I. strip
linen. Matt. xii. 20 Xivov
no wing- to winnow sc. ""H^O^VOV ob
fork,) gram, the smoking wick he will not
which in the East is done by throwing
it with a fork quench, i. e. the faint and almost expir-
against the wind, which
scatters the straw and chaff, Horn. 11. ing light he will not extinguish, quoted
from Is. xiii. 3 where Sept. and nr-ilTD.
5. 500. Xen. CEc. 18. 2, 6. Comp. Sense the Messiah will speak peace
Jahn 65. Calmet art. Thrashing p.
and comfort to the oppressed, and will
891. Hence by impl. to scatter, to dis-
not add to their sorrows. See Gesen.
perse, Sept. Is. xvii. 13. Amosix. 9. Wisd.
xi. 19. In N. T. trop. Matt. xxi. 44 et
Comm. in loc.
of single persons, hunger, 2 Cor. or south-west wind, Pol. 10. 10. 1. Hdot.
xi. 27 iv Xt/zy Kal ityei. Luke xv. 17 2. 95. Sept. for
Ps. Ixxviii. 26. In
Rom. N. T. meton. for the south, the southern
viii. 35. Sept. for
nyn Lam. v. 10.
So XipoG T) dtyoc Luc. Tox. 58. Xen. quarter, Acts xxvii. 12. Sept. for 3^
Mem. 1. 4. 13. Gen. xiii. 14.
Num. ii. 10.
the present of this verb is also used dvo/iwylXoyio-.?/;, quoted from Is. liii.
13. 2 Cor. xi. 5. Rom. vL 11. xiv. 14. e. g. Rom. iv. 5, 9 r< 'A/3pad/t
seq. ort instead of ace. et inf. Rom. viii. tig tincaioovvTiv, i. e. Abraham's
18 Xoyio/iat yap, on OVK dta K. r. X. seq. faith was imputed to him as righteous-
TOVTO im ii. 3. 2 Cor. x. 11. absol. 1 ness, he was treated on account of it as
Pet. v. 12. Sept. and Stn Is. liii. 4. if righteous. So with rj TT'HJTIQ or the
Hdian. 2. 11. 14. Diod.'S. 13. 112. like impl. Rom. iv. 3, 22. Gal. iii. 6.
Xen. Vect. 4. 43. Mem. 3. 9. 6. c. on James ii. 23. c. impl. Rom. iv. 10.
Hdian. 3. 8. 6. we Jos. Ant. 7. 7. 3 __ 23, 24. Comp. Gen. xv. 6 where Sept.
So genr. to reason, to judge, absol. 1 Cor. and b 3ln. 1 Mace. ii. 52.
xiii. 11 w vfjirioc i\oyiZ6ftr]v. seq. tic
nva 2 Cor. Also in the sense of
xii. 6. Aoytjco'c, 77, 6v, (Xoyof,) rational,
to purpose, 2 Cor. x.2 Xoy^o/iat roXjo}<rai. pertaining to the reason, mind, under-
So Sept. and nitfn Neh. vi. 2. Xen. An. standing, not material. Rom. xii. 1 Xo-
2. 2. 13. yi/ci) Xarpa'a, comp. John iv. 23 et Rom.
to reckon as or for any thing vii. 25. 1 Pet. ii. 2 ydXa Xoyi/cov i. e.
to count, to regard, to hold, c. ace. et nutriment for the mind. Test. XII Patr.
x. 2 ult. Rom. viii. 36 quoted from Ps. 1. Anthol. Gr. III. p. 87.
xliv. 23 where Sept. and 3$n, as also
Am. 6. 5. (c. dupl. ace. Wisd/v. 4. xv. Aoy(ov, ou, TO, (neut. X6y*oc,)
something uttered, effatum ; spoken of
15.) Seq. ci'f c. ace. for or a any
God, an oracle, a divine communication,
thing, see Els no. 3. a. Acts xix. 27 ct'c
e. g. of oracle in the O. T. Acts vii. 38.
doctnnes of the^
S - ' Christ the
^ os P e1 ' Heb v 12 l
^^ ' ' '
or we may
Sept. for \ a^fn 1
i. 13.
xiL 7
' '
"W ^
ar^J' (^"T Att.
Prov. vi. 18. Jer. xi. 19. m John iv. 37. JE1. V. H. 1. 19. Lys.
115. 29. In reference to religion,
Aoyio/mi b, lilt. (j3)
religious duties, etc. i.
q. doctrine, pre-
Aoyo/iaxtw, w, f- ^<, (Xoyo/za- Acts xviii. 15 ii 5k ZrjTTjud fcrrt TTC
cept. pi
X<>f, Xoyof, /iaxj,) to
fr. strive about
Xoyou K. T. X. xv. 24. Tit. 1.9. Heb. ii.
words, to dispute about trifles, 2 Tim.
2. Xoyot TIIQ iriaTtug 1 Tim. iv. 6.
ii. 14. X6yo
av3pw7rwj/ 1 Thess. ii. 13. 2 Tim. ii.
, ac, >7> (id.) wordstrife 17. of a teacher John xv. 20. So
dispute about trifles, 1 Tim. vi. 4.
Sept.andnni Ex.xxxiv.27,28. 1 Mace,
Aoyo, (Xeyw,) wore?, as spoken,
ov, 6, ii. 33, 34. Espec. of God, Xoyoc TCV
any thing spoken ; also reason, as mani- 3-tov, word of God, divine declaration,
festing itself in the power of speech ; oracle. John x. 35 Trpog ovs 6 X. TOV S.
hence both Lat. oratiofmd ratio. Comp. kykvtTo. v. 38. As announcing good,
Passow s. v. divine promise, Rom. ix. 6. Heb. iv. 2.
I. Word, both the act of
speaking (Sept. and i:n Ps. xxxiii. 4. Ivi.
and the thing spoken, Lat. oratio. evil,Heb. iv. 12. Rom. iii. 4 from Ps.
a) word, as uttered by the living where Sept. and ill. Rom. ix.
Ii. 6.
voice, a speaking, speech, utterance, Lat. 28 from Is. x. 22, 23, where Sept. for
vox, Matt. viii. 8 \aovov tiVc Xoyov. Luke ")v|>3. (Bar. 1.)
ii. In relation to du-
vii. 7. xxiii. 9. 1 Cor. xiv. 9. Heb. xii. 19. etc. precept, John viii. 55. v. 24.
Sept. for -ni Gen. xliv. 18. Hdian. Mark vii. 13. Sept. and ^Ql Ex. xxxv.l.
8. 6. 16. Hdot 1. 61. Xen. Cyr. 6. 4. So of the divine declarations, precepts,
5. So ciVelv Xoyov Kara TIVOQ, to speak oracles, relating to the instructions of
a word against any one, Matt. xii. 32. men in religion, the Word of God, i.e.
? riva id. Luke xii. 10. Jos. Ant. 15. the divine doctrine, the doctrines and
3. 9. Xoyoc TOV Stov, the word of
Also 6
precepts of the Gospel, THE GOSPEL
God, his omnipotent voice, decree, 2 Pet. itself. Luke v. 1 O.KOVIIV TOV Xoyov TOV
iii. 5, 7. So Sept. and nrn Ps. xxxiii. $eov. John xvii. 6. Acts iv. 29, 31. viii.
6. comp. Gen. i. 3. Ps. cxlviii. 5. 14. 1 Cor. xiv. 36. 2 Cor. iv. 2. Col. i.
b) word, emphat. i. e. a saying, a de- 25. 1 Thess. ii. 13. Tit. i. 3. Heb. xiii.
claration, sentiment uttered, Lat. dictum, 7. c. TOV Seov impl. Mark xvi. 20. Luke
Sept. and -Ql Prov. iv. 4, 20. (^1. V. rife ZWTJG Phil. ii. 16. X. rije o^rrjctinQ.
H. 14. 15 TOVQ 2fa>Kparov Xoyovf.) So Acts xiii. 26. X. rife (3a<ri\tiag Matt. xiii.
in reference to words or declarations, 19, and with r/g (3. impl. ver. 20 sq. Mark
e. g. which
precede, Matt. xv. 12 ol iv. 14. Sq. Acts XV. 7.
X. TOV fuayysXtou
*&aaiffaloi a.KovffavTf TOV \6yov, SC. in ver. X. TOV oTavpovCor. i. 18. 6 X. rf/g
8 sq. xix. 22 coll. ver. 21. vii. Mark 29 Xapirog avTov Acts xx. 32. In the
coll. ver. 28. John ii. 22. iv. 50. vii. 40 same sense of Christ, 6 Xoyoc TOV Xp.
orally, Acts xv. 27. 2 Thess. ii. 2, 15. seq. Trfpc rtvoe Luke v. 15. vii. 17. Acts
In antith. Xdyog and epyov, word and xi. 22. So Sept. and -m 1 K. x. 6.
deed, Col. iii. 17. 2 Cor. x. 11. comp. Jos. Ant. 15. 3. 7. Xen. "An. 1. 4. 7. c.
in'Epyov b. /3. (Dion. Hal. Ant. 6. 87 TTfpf ib. 6. 6. 13. Hence for mere talk,
ult. Xen. Mem. 1. 2. 59.) Xeiyoc and pretence, shew. Col. ii. 23 Xoyov ptv
dvvanig Cor. iv. 19, 20. 1 Thess.
1 i. 5. txovra ffofiav. Diod. Sic. 13. 4. opp.
Also irepi ov TroXvf tjfilv 6 X6yo of to ciXr/Seta. Dem. 93. 5 Xoyot raura icat
whom we have much to say, Heb. v. 11.
C. gen. 1 Tim. iv. 5 Sta Xoyov Scov rat II. Reason, the reasoning faculty, as
ivTivZtuie through prayer TO God and that power of the soul which is the basis
supplication, comp. in 'AyaTrij b. /3 : of speech, Lat. ratio. Dem. 783. 2
Jos. Ant. 4. 8. 24. Palajph. 21. 2. fiT]8iiroT' IK Xoyov ravra tTKOTriiTt. Arr.
Hdian. 4. 1. Dem.
319.9. Of Epict. 1. 12. 26. In N. T.
teachers, etc. discourse, teaching, preach- a)
a reason, ground, cause. Matt. v.
ing, instruction. Matt. vii. 28 ore avvtrk- 32 iraptKT&s Xoyou Tropvaaf. Acts x.
Xtfftv 6 'I. rovf Xoyove rovrovg. xxvi. 1. 29. Sept. liri Xoyou for Heb. "01 b~%
Luke iv. 32, 36. John iv. 41. Acts ii. 41. 2 Sam. xiii. 22. Pol. 28. 11. 7. "Xen.
xiii. 15. xx. 7 Trapsrtive rov Xoyov. 1 Cor. An. 6. 2. 10. So Kara Xoyov i. q. with
i. 17. ii. 1, 4. 1 Tim. v. 17 iv X6y V xai reason, reasonably, for good cause, Acts
8i$affKa\i$. 1 Pet. iii. 1. So in antith. xviii. 14 __ 3 Mace. iii. 14. Luc. D.
Xoyog and tpyov Luke xxiv. 19. Acts vii. Mort. 30. 3. Thuc. 3. 39. In the sense
22 corap. above. (Xen. Mem. 2. 3. 6.)
of argument, Acts ii. 40 according to
6 X6yo a\r]$tia 2 Cor. vi. 7. James i. some, where however the sense of
18. 6 X. icaraXXayf/c 2 Cor. v. 19 coll. words, discourse, is more appropriate.
ver. 18
Of those who relate any Xen. Mem. 1. 1. 1.
thing, i.
q. narration, story, John iv. 39. b) reason, as demanded or assigned,
Acts ii. 22. (Xen. Cyr. 1. 2. 16, or 3. 1.) i. e. reckoning, account, (a) pp. avv-
Meton. history, treatise i. e. a book of ai'pav Xoyov //era nvo to take up an
narration Trrpfrtvoc Acts i. 1. Dion. account with any one, i. e. to reckon
Hal. Ant. 1. 74. Ml. V. H. 7. 14. Xen. with, Matt, xviii. 23. xxv. 19. airodi-
Ag. 10. 3. (4) In the sense of conver- Xoyov, to render an account sc. r//f
sation, colloquy, Luke xxiv. 17 Ml. V. i'ae Luke xvi. 2. So Phil. iv. 15,
H. 13. 31 or 32. Xen. Ag. 3. 5. 17, see in Aoerig -- Diod. Sic. 1. 49.
Hence answer, reply, Matt. v. 37. Pint. Apothegm. VII. p. 707. 17. ed.
me ton. for the power of speech, Reiske. (/3) trop. account,
i. e. the re-
delivery, oratory, eloquence, 2 Cor. xi. lation and reasons of any transaction,
6 i$iwTT]s r Xoyy. 1 Cor. xii. 8. Eph. explanation ;
so aTrofotfovae v.
vi. 19 i.
q. SvvctfitG\6y<Dv Hdian. 7. 5. Xoyov, to give account, e g. TTJG
10. comp. Passow Xoyof A. 10. 0jj Acts xix. 40. seq. Trepi nvog Matt.
(y) meton. for the subject of dis- xii. 36. Rom. xiv. 12. absol. Heb. xiii.
course, topic, matter, thing, e. g. (1)
17. 1 Pet. IV. 5. So Xoyov airi'tv irtpL
genr. Matt. xix. 11. Luke i. 4 'ivaiiri- 1 Pet. iii. 15. Also Heb. iv. 13
o ov rip.1v b Xoyog Sept. airofitS. Xo- . to rail at, to reproach, to revile, c. ace.
yov for Chald. N7D}?13 Dan. vi. 3. Diod. John. ix. 28 tXotSoptjffav avrov. Acts xxiii.
Sic. 1. 37 dTroo^cV Xoyov Trept. 3. 47. 4. Pass. 1 Cor. iv. 12. 1 Pet. ii. 23.
Dem. 227. 26 flifloVat X6yoi>. Xen. CEc. Sept. for :r"l Deut. xxxiii. 8 __ Diod. Sic.
11. 22. (7) trop. Xoyov TTOioiJjuai, to 20. 33. Xen. An. 3. 4. 49. Comp.
make account to regard, to care
of, i. e. Matt. 384. n. 2.
for, Acts xx. 24 ovdfvbe Xoyov iroiovnai,
i. e. I make account of none of these AotSopia, ac> n> (Xoiflopew,) railing,
reproach, 1 Tim. v. 14. 1 Pet. iii. 9
things, am
not moved by them. Jos.
bis, Xoiflopi'av avrl \oi8opiac. Sept. for
Ant. 2. 5. 3. Dion. Hal. Ant. 9. 60 Xo-
rr"l Prov. xx. 3. Ecclus. xxii. 24. Xen.
yov ovdevoQ avrwv 7roi?j<ra/ij>og. Xen.
Hi". 1. 14.
Cyr. 5. 3. 26 TWV aXXwv /m'wv juot X6yo.
III. The Word, the Logos, in the AoiSopoc, ov, b, /, adj. railing,
writings of John, John i. 1 bis, 14. 1 reviling, as subst. a railer, reviler, 1 Cor.
John i. 1.
[v. 7.] Rey. xix. 13. It here v. 11. vi. 10. Sept. for -pitt Prov.
stands for the pre-existent nature of xxv. 25. Ecclus, xxiii. 8. PluLApoth.
Christ, i. e. that spiritual and dirine II. p. 15 ult. Tauchn.
nature spoken of in the Jewish writ-
ovj b, pestilence, plague,
ings before and about the time of Matt. xxiv. 7 et Luke xxi. 11 tVov-
Christ, under various names, e. g. aotyia, Tai. Sept. for 151 Jer. xxvii. 6. xxviii.
wisdom, Prov. viii. 12, 22 sq. Ecclus. 8. ^El. V. H. 6.'l'b. Diod. Sic. 4.42.
C. 24 "12, vibe TOV avSpwirov,
Trop. of a malignant and mischievous
Son of man, Dan. vii. 13, comp. Prov.
person, a pest, Acts xxiv. 5 tvpovrtg yap
xxx. 4 Chald. rnn? "*7 ^P"P> Word
; TOV avSpa TOVTOV Xotpov. So Sept. for
of Jehovah, in the Targums for Heb.
rnrr Gen. xx. 3. Is. xlv. 12. Comp.
1. 1.
yirh Ez.
Sam. ii.
xxv. 25.
1 Mace.
x. 61.
Bux't. Lex. Chald. 125 also in Philo
; Dem. 79V. 5. So pestis Cic. in Catil.
6 irpfffflvTctToe TOV S(ov Xoyof, Opp. 1.
2. 1.
p. 207. On this divine Word, *I7?"P,
the Jews of that age would appear to }j ov, (XaVw,) left, remain-
have had much subtile discussion ; and ing, other.
therefore probably the Apostle sets out a) plur. Matt. xxv. 11 ai Xonral *-ap-
with affirming iv apxy ijv b Xoyoe, eat
Srkvoi.Acts ii. 37 TOVQ \OITTOVS a-jroorb-
o Xoyof ijv rrpoe TOV Srtbv, Kal $to rjv b Xovc. Rom. i. 13. 2 Cor. xii. 13. 2 Pet.
Xoyoff John i. 1 and then also de- iii. 16. al. Absol. ol \onroi the rest, the
clares that this Word became flesh and others, Matt. xxii. 6. Mark xvi. 13. Luke
was thus the Messiah, ver. 14. xviii. 9. Rom. xi. 7. Rev. ii. 24. Neut.
in 6idf b. See Tittm. de Synon. in TCL\onrd Mark iv. 19. Luke xii. 26. 1.
N. T. p. 267, and in Bibl. Repos. I. p. Cor. xi. 34. Sept. for *]$* Josh. xiii.
418. Olshausen Comm. on John i. 1. 27. 2 K. i. 18. nr;l3 Josh.' xvii. 2. IK-QJ
Kuinoel IV. p. 84 sq __ Some take 6 Ezraiv. 7. Luc.Vit. Auct. 27. Hdianl
Xdyo here for 6 Xcyopsvog the pro- 4. 2. 20. TO. X. Xen. Ag. 2. 22.
mised, i. q. 6 ipxofjtfvog others for o Xi- > adverbially, (a) TOV \onrov sc.
yoiy, the teacher but both of these hy- ; Xpovov, in future, henceforth, Gal. vi. 17.
potheses are without philological sup- Comp. Buttm. 150. p. 437. Herm.
port. AL. ad Vig. p. 706 Hdian. 8. 4. 17. Xen.
Cyr. 4. 4. 10. TO Xonrov, for the
A6y\ji, TJC> point of a weapon, r/>
of time, henceforth, hencefor-
rest, e. g.
pp. the triangular iron head of a lance
ward, comp. Buttm. Herm. 1. c. Matt.
or javelin Hdot. 1. 52. Xen. An. 4. 7.
xxvi. 45 et Mark xiv. 41 Ka$tvdtTt TO Xoi-
10. In N. T. lance, spear, John xix.
34. Neh. ;
i. c. sleep ye ever still? 1 Cor. vii.
Sept. for Tr&h Judg. v. 8. Heb.
'v. .13, ]6 2 Mace. v. 2. Dion. Hal.
29. x. 13. (Xen. An. 2. 2. 5. Cyr.
8. 5. Also, as to the rest, fi-
Ant. 2. 70. Xen. An. 2. 2. 9. 24.)
nally, Eph. vi. 10. Phil. iii. 1. iv.8.
AotO OOtw, f.
2 Thess. iii. 1 __ Xen. An. 3. 3. 8.
ac? \ciTr6r, also b Se \onrov 1 Cor. iv. 2, a dealer in purple, Acts xvi. 14, 40
at to the rest, finally, but, now, 1 Cor. i. Also the name of a province on the
16. iv. 2. 2 Cor. xiii. 11. 1 Thess. iv. 1. western coast of Asia Minor, the former
2 Tim. iv. 8. Acts xxvii. 20. Comp. kingdom of Croesus, of which the cities
Buttm. I.e. Palreph. 52. 7. Arr. Epict. Thyatira, Sardis, and Philadelphia, are
1. 24. 1. .El. V. H. 8. 14. AL. mentioned in N. T.
Lat. Lucanus, the writer of the Gospel gion in the interior of Asia Minor,
of Luke and of the Acts of the Apos- bounded N. by Galatia, E. by Cappa-
tles. He was
companion of Paul
the docia and Cataonia, S. by Cilicia and
in several of his
journeys, and came Isauria, and W. by Phrygia. It was
with him to Rome, comp. Acts xvi. 10, adapted to pasturage and of its cities, ;
40. xxviii. 16. He is probably the same Iconium, Derbe, and Lystra are men-
who is called 6 iarpos Col. iv. 14, but tioned in N. T. Acts xiv. 6 The Ly-
must not be confounded with AOVKIOQ caonians spoke a peculiar dialect (ver.
Lucius in Acts xiii. 1. 2 Tim. iv. 11. 11), which Jablonsky supposes to have
Philem. 24. Col. iv. 14. been derived from the Assyrian, Opusc.
ed. te Water III. p. 3 sq. Others re-
Lucius, the Latin
u, o,
it as corrupted from the Greek.
name of a teacher in the church at Anti- gard
och, a Cyrenian, Acts xiii. 1. Rom. xvi.l. Avjcaoyrr?) adv. Lycaonice, in the
Lycaonic dialect, Acts xiv. 11, see in
AourpoV, ov, TO, (Xovw,) a bath,
Hdian. 3. 6. 19. Xen. Ath. 2. 10. wa-
AvKaovia. Comp. Buttm. 119. 15. c.
Aouw, f. <ro>, to bathe, to wash, trans. AUKOC, ou, o, a wolf, Matt. x. 16.
spoken only of persons, etc. seq. ace. Luke x. 3. John x. 12 bis.
Sept. for
Acts ix. 37 \o6ffavrec Si GVTTJV. c. ace. nw. Is. xi. 6. Xen. Mem. 2. 7. 14.
impl. et seq. d,
Acts xvi. 33 iXowtv Tro'p. of a rapacious and violent person,
[aurovf] ATTO TUV irXrjyuv. Pass. John wolf-like, Matt. vii. 15. Acts xx. 29.
xiii. 10. 2 Pet. ii. 22. Heb. x. 23 \ f \ov- Act. Thorn. 25. Comp. Sept. and 3NT
HSVQI TO ffufia vdari Ko3ap<, where for the Zeph. iii. 4. Horn. II. 4. 471.
ace. comp. Buttm. 131. 6. 134. n.
2. and for the dat. depon. (\vuij), pp.
133. 3. for Sept. to stain, to disgrace, sc.
yrn Lev. viii. 7. Ruth iii. 3. Luc. by insult, in-
Kronos 17 Xen. Mem. 3. 13. 3. _ dignity, i. e. to insult, to treat with in-
dignity, c. dat. Hdot. 9. 79. In N. T.
Trop. to cleansef to purify, c. ace. et
to injure, to make havoc
Rev. 5 \ovoavri of, to destroy, c.
OTTO, i.
iifidc diro TWV
ace. Acts viii. 32aiJXof ii iXvuaivtro rrjv
ciuapnuv K. r. \.
Comp. Sept. and Vm
Is. i. 16.
6KK\rjffiav Comp. Matth. 415. a.
391. Sept. for nTO)' Jer. xlviii. 18. Am.
, jjc r}
, Lydda, a large village 1.11 . Diod. Sic." 1 60. Xen. Cyr. 6.
ii. 2 bis, 4, 5 bis. vi. 10. vii. 8 bis, 9 t;r, ransom, i. e. fine
paid for letting loose,
11. 1 Thess. iv. 13. 1 Pet. i. 6. Sept. setting free, etc. trop. Matt. xx. 28 et
foryr Deut. xv. 10. Jon. iv. 1. 3y Mark X. 45 Sovvat ri\v tyv%riv avrov Xv-
2 Sam. xix. 2. Hdian. 6. 7. 7. Xen. rpov O.VTI TToXXwv, i. e. as a ransom for
Mein. 2. 2. 8. In the sense of to ag- the deliverance of many sc. from the con-
grieve, to offend, Eph. iv. 30. Rom. xiv. sequences of sin and guilt. Sept. for
15 ft <5ia /fywfiara 6 dSiX<j>6c
aov XvirtlTcti.
il^M Lev. xxv. 24, 51. *ip3 Ex. xxx.
Ml. V. H. 12. 16. Xen. Cyr. 2. 4. 12.' Num. xxxv. 31, 32. Jos. Ant.
10. 14. 14. 1. Hdian. 4. 6. 12. Thuc. G
AVTTJJ, T?C> r/>
#/> *0r>> John
xvi. 6, 20-^22. Luke xxii. 45. Rom. ix. W, fj WffW, (XvrpCV,)
2. 2 Cor. ii. 1, 3, 7. vii. 10 bis. ix. 7. ransom, i. e. to let go free for a ransom,
Phil. ii. 27 bis. Heb. xii. 11. Sept. for
Diod. Sic. 19. 73 ult. In N. T. only
Mid. Xyrpoo/tat, f. waopat, ( to cause to
py Gen. xlii. 38- n^T Jonah iv. 1
Hdian. 3. 15. 5. Xen. Mem. 3. 9. 8 let go free for a ransom,' i. e. to ransom,
Meton. for cause of grief, grievance, to redeem, to deliver, sc. by paying u
ble, as a candle, lamp, lantern, etc. Matt. go loose, to set free, e. g. prisoners,
v. 15 oi>di icaiovoi Xi'xvov. Mark iv. 21. Acts xxii. 30 i\vaiv avTov ATTO T>V e<r-
Luke viii. 16. xi. 33, 36. xii. 35 H&v. xxiv. 26. Rev. ix. 14, 15. xx. 3,
tGTOMTav vp,Siv . . . ot \v\voi Kaioftevoi let 7 IK Tfjs (pvXaKije. trop. Luke xiii. 16.
eye, Matt. vi. 22. xi. 34. Sept. Luke 5. 2. Xen. Cyr. 3. 2. 12. c. gen. IIOKTIIQ
for -Q Ex. xxv. 37. Zech. iv. 2. Arr. Dem. 764. 11. .
piob. i.
q. Heb. ^1372 tower, Chald. here a miserable village still called LI
Mad/del. Matt. xv. 39. See Burck- MaSmv or Ma^ta/u, 6, indec. Madian,
hardt's Travels in Syria etc. p. 320. Heb. I^IQ Midian, name of an Ara- pr.
Rosenm. Bibl. Geogr. II. ii. p. 73 bian tribe descended from Abraham by
Some MSS. read MayaMv or Mayttfav. Keturah, Acts vii. 29. Comp. Gen.
i. e-
xxv. 2. Their territory would seem to
MaySaXijvr?, r\g, *), Magdalene, have been along the eastern shore of the
of Magdala, a distinctive appellation of Gulf of Akaba, where Josephus and the
one of the females named Mary in N. T.
Arabian geographers place a city
i. q. Mary of Magdala, Matt, xxvii. 56,
61. xxviii. 1. Mark xv. 40, 47. xvi. 1, Madyan ; and also to have extended as
far as the borders of Moab and the
9. Lukeviii.2. xxiv. 10. John xix. 25.
xx. 1, 18. vicinity of Mount Sinai, comp. Ex. iii.
Comp. in Mapt'a. 1. xviii. 5. Num. c. 31. Judg. c. 6 8.
Xen. Cyr. 4. 5. 51. ib. 7. 5. 57. JEl. Matt. x. 24. of the Pharisees Matt.
V. H. 2. 17. Hdian. 4. 12. 6, 8. xxii. 16. of John the Baptist Matt. ix.
Divinat. 1. 23. Wetstein N. T. I. p. 14. Mark ii. 18. Luke v. 33. John
240. Their learning was connected with iii. 25. of Jesus Matt. v. 1. Mark viii.
27. Luke viii. 9. John iii. 22. al. ssepiss.
astrology and enchantment, whence
Sept. /iayog for Chald. t]1SS, enchanter,
Spec, of the twelve apostles Matt. x. 1.
xi. 1. xx. 17. Luke ix. 1. Emphatic,
magician, Dan. i. 20. ii. 2, 27. v. 7 ; i.q.
for true disciples, John xiii. 35. xv. 8.
Chald. Q^sn Sept. ero^oe Dan. ii. 12, 18,
In N. After Christ's death the term disciple
24, 27. v.Y, 8. comp. v. 11, 12.
T. spoken takes the broader sense of follower, be-
of the Magi, wise men, from the liever, i.
q. Christian, Acts vi. 1, 2. xi.
26 Jos. Ant. 6. 5. 4. Luc. Tim. 51.
East, i. e. from Persia or Arabia, who
came to salute the new-born Messiah, Dem. 928. 7. Xen. Mem. 1 . 2. 27.
indec. Magog, Heb. , ,
indec. Mathusala,
pr.of a son of Japhet Gen.
n. Heb. (dart-man) Methuselah,
x. 2, and also of a powerful nation or the oldest of the patriarchs, having lived
assembly of nations in the extreme re- 969 years, comp. Gen. v. 21 sq. Luke
gions of the north, who are to invade iii. 37.
the holy land in future times, Ez. c.
38, 39, i. q. the Scythians according to Ma'tVav, o, indec. Mainan, pr. n. m.
Jos. Ant. 1. 6. 1. Luke iii. 31.
Comp. in Twy. Rev.
xx. 8. f. to
M<uvo/ia/, fJiavovftatj depon.
K spoken of per-
-nod, to rave, intrans. MaJCE^wv, ovoc, , Macedonian,
kous who and act as to seem to
so speak Acts xvi. 9. xix. 29. xxvii. 2. 2 Cor. ix.
others to be out of their senses, John x. 2,4.
20. Acts xii. 15. xxvi. 24, 25. 1 Cor.
MaKfXXov, ov, TO, Lat. macel-
xiv. 23 Sept. Jer. xxix.26. Hdian.7. lum, i.e. a meat-market, shambles, where
8.9. Xen. Mem. 1.3. 11. also all kinds of provisions were ex-
sq. Luke i. 45. vi. 20 sq. Rom. iv. avrStv. Markxii. 34. Luke vii. 6. John
7. al. seep. With /zaXXor, Acts xx. 35 xxi. 8. Acts xvii. 27. Sept. for piTTl
Haicapiov IffTi pa\\ov
more blessed is it Josh. ix. 22. Judg. xviii. 7. Pol. 3. 45.
etc. Compar. /xaicapiwrepoc 1 Cor. vii.
0. Xen. An. 3. 4. 42. With the art. ol
40. Sept. for ^ti^N Ps. i. 1. Deut. xxxiii. sc. from
paicpav, those far off, the remote,
29. Ceb.Tab. il~. Hdian.2. 4.17. Xen.
God, i. e. the Gentiles as opp. to ol ty-
Cyr. 1.6. 14. AL. Is.
yvc the Jews, Eph. ii. 13, 17, coll.
a Ivii. 19 where Sept. and pirn. Comp.
Majcapfffjuocj ou, b, (paicapiZw,} So ol n'c paicpdv Acts ii.
in 'Eyyuc a.
calling happy, declaration of blessedness,
39, comp. in E/g no. 4. See Buttm.
congratulation ; hence Xiynv rbv /jacapur-
uov rtvof i. 1
Rom. iv. 6, 9. 125.6.
q. [ictKaniZtii ,
Gal. iv. 15 ri'f ovv i}v bu. vu&v, how great adv.
(/ia po C ,) from far, K
then was your self-congratulation etc Mark viii. 3 /mcp63v IJKOVOIV. xi. 13.
For the later nouns ending in r/zof, see Luke xviii. 13. xxii. 54. xxiii. 49. Sept.
Lob. ad Phr. p. 611. for pimp Gen. xxii. 4. xxxvii. 17. 2K.
ii. 7. il. H. An. 2. 15. ib. 15. 12.
QQt 'h, Macedonia, a
IMaicfoov/cf, Strabo III. 409. The form belongs to the
country lying north of Greece proper, later Greek, Lob. ad Phr. p. 93 -- Still
joining S. on Thessaly and Epirus, E. less is the synon. form diro /mKpoSev,
on Thrace and the 2Egean, W. on the pure
Matt. xxvi. 58 riKo\ov$ti airy
Adriatic and Illyria, and N. on Dardania from far,
and Mresia. It was the original king-
dirb /iaepo^ev. (comp. Luke xxii. 54.)
Matt, xxvii. 55. Mark v. 6. xiv. 54. xv.
dom of Philip and Alexander ; and was
40. Luke
xvi. 23. Rev. xviii. 10, 15, 17.
afterwards subdued by the Romans under
P. ,/Emilius, who divided the country
So Sept. for pirnp 2 K. xix. 25. pnnpp
Ps. cxxxviii. 6. Polemo PhysiogV.'l.
into four districts ; comp. in QtaaaXov'iKij,
6. Greg. Naz. Or. XXV. 484. C. See
and Liv. 45. 29. The Romans after-
Lob. ad Phr. p. 46 ult.
wards divided the whole of Greece into
two great provinces, Macedonia and
Achaia see in 'A%aia.
Of the cities of from |ta:p6c, S'u/zoc,) to be long- minded,
Macedonia proper, there are mentioned i. e. slow to anger, passion, etc.
in N. T. Amphipolis, Apollonia, Berea, i.
q. to be long-suffering, forbear-
Philippi, and Thessalonica. Acts xvi. ing, to bear patiently, absol. 1 Cor. xiii.
9, 10, 12. xviii. 5. xix. 21, 22. xx. 4 7; dyaTTij naKpoSvfjiii. seq. ef nva
1, 3. Rom. xv. 16. 1 Cor. xvi. 5 bis. 2 Pet. iii. 9. liri nvi, Luke xviii. 7
2 Cor. i. 16 bis. ii. 13. vii. 5. viii. 1. uaKpoSvfjiuiv ITT' avrolg i. e.
though he be
xi. 9, Phil. iv. 15. 1 Thess. i. 7, 8. iv. on their account long-suffering, slow
1C. i Tim. i. 3. to punish. Matt, xviii. 26, 29. Trpor nva
492 MaAAov
1 Thess. v. 14. Sept. for ix. 35. x. 1. Sept. for ->bn Deut. vii
Prov. xix. 11. c. 7Tt rift Ecclus. xviii. 15. 2 Chr. xvi. 12 __ So 'pa\a*ige<r9ai
to be sick Jos. Ant. 18. 6. 8. Ml. V. H.
11. xxxii.
[xxxv.] 18. absol. Plut. ed.
11. VIII. p. 345. 14. 3. 19. fiaXaKMt] txnv Luc. D. Deor. 9.
to wait patiently, to be patient, ab- 1.
sol. Heb. vi. 15 ovrut fiaKpo^rvfirjaaQ iir-
James MaXaicoe, a, ov, *o/?, sc. to the
V. 7, 8. C.
krvx* touch, spoken of raiment as made of
TIIQ lirayytXiag.
tTTi TIVI James v. 7. Artemid. 4. 12 soft materials, fine texture, !/iarta pa\-
iravTO. naKpoSvfttiv KfXevtt, icai /i)}
KWO- aicd. Matt. xi. 8 bis. Luke vii. 25. Luc.
Saturn. 1 !<r.&ijrag tvavSrslc Kal [laXaicdf.
ix. 22. 2 Cor. vi. 6. Gal. v. 22. Eph. T^A, o, indec. Maleleel, Heb.
iv. 2. Col. iii. 12. 1 Tim. i. 16. 2
(praise of God) Mahalaleel, pr.
Tim. iii. 10. iv. 2. 1 Pet. iii. 20. 2 n. of the son of Cainan, Luke iii. 37.
Pet. iii. 15. So Sept. and G^SN ^N Comp. Gen. v. 12.
Prov. xxv. 15. Jer. xv. 15. Pint
Lucull. 33 dptTrjv fikv lirtSeiKMTO Kal MaAtora, adv. (superl. of /taXa very),
fiaKpo^Vfiiav jyyt/iovog ayaS'ov. Spec. most, most of all, especially. Acts xx. 38
patient endurance of evil, patience, Col. paXiVTa tiri ry Xoyy K. T. X.
i. 11. Heb. vi. 12. James v. 10. Sept.
xxv. 26. xxvi. 3. Gal. vi. 10. Phil. iv.
Is. Ivii. 15. 22. ITim. iv. 10. v. 8, 17. 2 Tim. iv. 13.
Tit. i. 10. Philem. 16. 2 Pet. ii. 10.
a(*v. i. e.
j patiently, Luc. Somn. 18. Xen. Cyr. 1. 4. 4.
with indulgence, with clemency, Acts
xxvi. 3. MaAAov, adv. (comparat. of /mXa
very), more, rather, in various connex-
Ma/cpoc? > ov, fow#. a)
of ions.
e. g. from one point to another, and 1 Cor. xiv. 1 ZrjXovre ra
a) genr.
hence far, far distant. Luke xv. 13 et
TTvevfjiariKa, paXXov dt [)/Xoi5r] 'Iva K.
xix. 12 tig x&pav [JiaKpdv. Sept. oSog T. X. ver.5. 2 Cor. v. 8. c. gen. 1 Cor.
Tfl^ Prov. vii. 19.
fiaKpdfor pirn??
xiv. 18 TcavTdiV vfiStv p,dXXov yXoxro/zf \a-
Hdian. 6. 7. 10. X'eii. Cyr. 5. 5. 42 __ Xwv. (Xen. An. 3. 12. 1.) TroXXy jtaX-
Adv. fictKpdv see in its order. Xov much more Matt. vi. 30. Mark x.
b) of time, e. g. /*ajcp<
XP V V Hdian. 48. Luke xviii. 39. Rom. v. 9, 10, 15,
o. 3. 5. In N. T. only neut. pi. ftaicpd 17. 1 Cor. xii. 22. 2 Cor. iii. 9, 11. Phil.
as adv. long, as/ia/cpd Trpoatvxoptvoi
pray- ii. Heb. xii. 9, 25. novy paXXov
ing long, making long prayers, Matt. xii. how much more Matt. vii. 11." x. 25.
14. Mark xii. 40. Luke xx. 47 Jos. __ Luke xi. 13. xii. 24, 28. Rom. xi. 12,
Ant. 6. 11. 10. Luc. Tim. 38. /El.V. 24. Philem. 16. Heb. ix. 14. Tooovry
H. 5. 6.
so much the more Heb. x. 25.
p.. /xaX-
\ov Kal paXXov more and more, PhiJ. 1.
Macpo\;povtoc, ou, o, 77, adj.
< 9 tn p,, ical 7Ttpi<ratvy. Diog. Laert.
Xpovoe), long-timed/ i.e. long-lived,
lit. IJL.
thought, e. g. Philem. 9 paXXov irapaic- <ry avTois, comp. ver. 9. So ov-)(l paXXov
a\a> sc. fj 7rird<r<rw. 2 Cor. ii. 7 ware in interrog. 1 Cor. v. 2. vi. 7 bis.
Xy rwv a TroKaXv^i w v ver. 7, i. e. most tyep^et'c; Gal. iv. 9. Eph. v. 11. Comp.
gladly therefore mill I rather glory in Buttrn. 150. p. 437. Passow p.aXa no.
Xov, but rather, Matt. x. 6 iropfveaSe it 45. 1 Cor. xiv. 31. 1 Tim. ii. 11. 2 Tim.
pa\\ov K. T. \. ver. 28. xxv. 9. Mark v. iii.
seq. euro TIVOQ Matt. xi. 29. Seq.
26. Luke x. 20. Eph. iv. 28. Heb. xii. ace. of thing, Rom. xvi. 17 r\v v/m<; tjid-
13. (Thuc. 1. 123.) aXXa /xaXXov, but &. 1 Cor. xiv. 35. Phil. iv. 9. 2 Tim.
rather, Roin. xiv. 13 /UJKET-I ovv aXX?'/Xoi;g iii. 14. Matt. xxiv. 32 et Mark xiii. 28, see
Kpiv<i) dXXa TOVTO Kpivart p.d\\ov. in 'A?r6 III. 2. 1 Cor. iv. 6 'iva iv 7;/uv
b) morally, to learn, sc. from expe- Merc. 140. Pass, to go out, to expire, II.
rience, i.
q. to do habitually, to be wont, 9. 212. Hence to make pine away, to
seq. inf. expr. or impl. Phil. iv. 11 cyw dry up, cause to wither, Sept. for uj'a^
yap fp.a5ov . . . avrdpKrjg ilvai. 1 Tim. V. Job xv. 30. Anthol. Gr. 1. p. 21. l"
4, 13. Tit. iii. 14. c. ace. Heb. v. 8. Pass, to wither, to fade away pp. of
Xen. An. 3. 2. 25. roses Wisd. of the body, person,
ii. 8.
Jos. B. J. In N. T. trop. 6
6. 5. 1.
Mavta, af, 17, (fiaivopat,') mania,
madness, insanity, Acts xxvi. 24 __ Wisd. TrXovaioe James i. 11. Anthol. Gr. IV.
v. 4. Hdian. 1. 15. 17. Xen. Mem. 1. p. 35. Plut. Marcell. 24 init. ry
2. 50.
phus relates that in his day manna 16. xxi. 21 bis. Trop. Matt. vii. 6 comp.
was still found around Mount Sinai, in Kvwv b. .ZE1. H. An. 10. 13 6 iv raig
Ant. 3. 1.6; and the same fact has also yvvai^l SavpaaTbe juapyaptD/c- Theophr.
been abundantly ascertained by mo- 2.36. ed. Schneid.
Fragm. [deLapidib.]
dern travellers. The modern manna, Plin. H. N. 9. 35.
manna Arabica, a sweet resin like
MapS-a, TJC, 7, Martha, a sister of
honey, which, in the desert of Sinai Luke
and some other oriental countries, ex- Lazarus, x. 38,40, 41. John xi.
udes in summer chiefly from the leaves 1, 5, 19, 20, 21, 24, 30, 39. xii. 2.
knows, etc.
(a) pp.
and genr. seq. (Hdian. 3. 12. 5. Xen. Mem. 1. 2. 20.)
gen. to bear witness of, or con-
Trfpt c. So of one's deeds, works, c. irtpi John
cerning any person or thing, John i. 7, V. 36 TO. toya 8.
tyw TrotuJ, /laprvpti Trept
8 'ivapaprvpi'iay Trepi TOV 0a)rof. ver. 15. tfiov. x. 25. Sept.* Gen. xxxi. 48. Pint.
ii. 25. v. 31, 32. viii. 13, 14, 18. xv. Pericl. 22 init. Xen. Hi. 9. 3.
26. xxi. 24. c. on vii. 7. c. irtpi impL c) emphat.
to testify strongly, to bear
xv. 27 coll. 26. Seq. on as equiv. to honourable testimony, and Pass, to be well
ace. et inf. Winer ^ 45. 2. p. 266. comp. testified of, to have good witness,
c. on
Buttm. 141. 2. John i. 34 <eai /ujtap- Heb. vii. 8. c. inf. Heb. xi. 4 i' fa
on OVTOG tOTl K. T. \. \V . 44. Xii. ifiapTvpT)3rij ilvai ciKatoQ. ver. 5. Hence
17. 1 John iv. 14. also c. dat. comm. v. genr. to speak well of, to applaud, seq.
incoi modi Matt, xxiii. 31 ^aprvptlre iav- dat. Luke iv. 22 iravrts ipaprvpovv aw-
roTi, u. i K. r. X. Rom. x. 2. Gal. iv. 15. r<. xi. 48. Acts xv. 8. absol. 3 John
Col. iv. 13. Kara. TIVOQ 1 Cor. xv. 15. 12. c. t?rt rive Heb. xi. 4. Jos. Ant.
f+ 8n etdat. Xen. Cyr. 8. 8. 1. Follow- 14. 10. 2. ML V. H. 1. 30 Pass, to bt.
Maprupta 496
dat. pdprvpt, ace. f^dprvpa, dat. plur. scourge, trans, e. g. persons as crimi-
udpTVfft. The nom. fidp-vp belonged nals, Matt. x. 17. xx. 19. xxiii. 34.
to the JEolic dialect, and is not found Mark x. 34. Luke xviii. 33. John xix. 1.
in N. T. In later ecclesiastical writers Sept. for nsn Ex. v. 14. Deut. xxv. 3.
it became current in the sense of mar- Ml. V. H. 12. 62. Xen. Cyr. 1. 3.
tyr. See Buttin. Ausf. Sprachl. 58. 18 --Trop. of God, to chastise, to cor-
1. p. 235. rect, Heb. xii. 6. naariyol Se iravra vibv
in a judicial sense. Matt, xviii. ov Trapa^xsrai, quoted from Sept.
a) pp.
16 iiri OTo/xaroff $vo fiaprvpwv rj rpi&v Prov. iii. 12, where Heb. nK3, i. e. as a
vraSy irdv pij^a. xxvi. 65. Mark xiv. 63. father. Sept. and ron Prov. xvii. 10.
Acts vi. 13. vii. 58. 2 Cor. x-iii. 1. 1 Tim. Tob. xiii. 2, 5.
v. 19. Heb. x. 28. So Sept. for "ry
Deut. xvii. 6. Prov. xxiv. 28. Dern. Ma<rr/w, '<>, (/*d<m,) to scourge,
vanity) emptiness. 2 Pet. ii. 18 vTrs 55. Mark xiv. 43, 47, 48. Luke xxi. 24.
yap fj,araioTrjTOQ ^fyyo/itj/oi. Sept. for xxii. 36, 38, 49, 52. John xviii. 10, 11.
p"n Ps. iv. 3. In the sense of frailty, Acts xvi. 27. Heb. iv. 12. Rev. vi. 4.
transientness, Rom. viii. 20 ry yap p.a- xiii. 10 bis, 14. trop. Eph. vi. 17. Sept.
raiOTijTi -ft KriffiQ vTrtrdyt]. So Sept. for rriTT Gen. xxxiv. 25.
Judg. iii. 16
for ^5,7 Ps. xxxix. 6. Ixii. 10. Ecc. i. 2, Diod.' Sic. 16. 94. Xen. An. 1. 8. 6.
14. -I^rom the Heb. for folly, perverse- So for the sword ofjustice, i e. of the ex-
ness, wickedness, Eph. iv. 17. So Sept. ecutioner, Acts xiu 2. Rom. viii. 35.
and hnu> Ps. xxvi. 4. cxix. 37. cxliv. 8, Heb. xi. 34, 37. Hence ^opT- paxfttpav,
11. to bear the sword, i. e. to have the power
of life and death, Rom. xiii. 4. ^Es-
Marcuow, (O, f. w<,
chin. 38. 11. Philostr. V. Apollon. 7.
pp. to make vain ; in N. T. from the Heb.
16. comp. Sueton. Vitell. c. 15 __ Me-
only Pass, to become vain, i. e. foolish,
Rom. i. 21 1/iaratw- ton. sword for war, opp. tipijvr], Matt.
perverse, wicked.
x. 34. So nnrj Sept. woXe/toc Lev.
Sncrav tv roTg ^ia\oyt<r/ioTc avr&v, in
reference espec. to idolatry, comp. v.
xxvi. 6. Sept. and 3nn Jer. xiv. 13,
23, and
see in Maraioc ult. So Sept. ]C5 *l, (aKpvj, aixpr),) a fight,
and *?nn 2K. xvii. 15. Jer. ii. 5. Comp. battle, Hdian. 8. 5. 1. Xen. Cyr. 3. 3
Sept. for^spa 2 Sam. xiii. 13. xxvi. 21. 29. In N. T. genr. strife, contest, con-
troversy. 2 Cor. vii. 5 iZuSrev pa^ai. 2
Marrjv, adv. in vain, to no pur-
Matt. xv. 9 et Mark
Tim. ii. 23. Tit. iii. 9 /ia%cr voptKaq i. e.
pose, fruitlessly.
controversies respecting the Mosaic law.
vii. 7 fi. 8k aefiovTcti /. Sept. for N*il&
Jer. ii. 30 __
Hdian. 1. 4. 7. Xen. CEc. James iv. 1. Sept. for ^"i Gen. xiii.
7. 40.
yrto Prov. xv. 18 Arr. Epict. 4.
5. 3. Xen. Cyr. 7. 5. 38.
o, Matthew, theou,
ioofiai, (fta^^,) to fight,
writer of the Gospel, one of the
first Ma^OjUO*,
apostles called also Levi, originally a pp. in war, battle, Hdian. 4. 15. 15.
Xen. Cyr. 3. 3. 29, 30. In N. T. genr.
publican, 6 rtXwj^f, Matt. x. 3. ix. 9.
to strive, to contend, e. g.
Mark iii. 18. Luke vi. 15. Acts i. 13. physically in
a private quarrel, Acts vii. 26. So Sept.
Comp. Mark ii. 14. Luke v. 27.
for n!S3 Ex. xxi. 22. 2 Sam. xiv. 6.
MarS'uv, o, indec. Matthan, Heb. Also in words, to strive, to dispute, e. g.
}F)to (gift), pr. n. m. Matt. i. 15 bis.
John vi. 52. recipr. 2 Tim.
Trpdf aXXrjXovQ
Mar^arj indec. Matthat,
o pr. n. ii. 24. James iv. 2. Sept. for n""1 Gen.
of two men, Luke iii. 24, 29. xxxi. 36. Neh. xiii. 25. Arr. Epict. 4.
1. 146. Xen. Mem. 3. 6. 16.
a, Matthias, (prob. ,
q. MarraSiae,) pr. n. of the apostle W, f. {]&<*>,
chosen in the place of Judas, Acts i. au%a> to boast,) to boast largely, to play
23, 26. the braggart, James iii. 5. 2 Mace. xv.
32. Plut. Consol. ad A.poll. 6 pen. I. p.
, o, indec. Mattatha, Heb.
243. ed. Tauchn. Diod. Sic. 15. 16.
(gift of Jehovah,) pr. n. m. Luke
iii. 31. fyaftoe, > ov, (/uyae,) great,
glorious, wonderful, e. TO, /uyaXtTa,
MarraStac,ou, o, (i. q. preced.)
great things, wonderful works, Luke i.
Mattathias, pr. n. of two men, Luke iii.
49. Acts ii. 11. Sept. for n1^i2 Ps.
25, 26. :
toe, ovc, */
where Sept. for 31. Comp. Xen. Von.
c, >
< to a 9. 8.
adj. (/uyaf, TrpfTrw), pp. becoming
great man/ magnanimous, Xen. Mem. b)
of things, great, e. g. (a) in size, ex-
3. 10. In N. T. magnificent, most
5. tent, Matt, xxvii. 60 \i$ov. Mark xiii. 2
otnag. Luke xii. 18. xvi. 26. xo-ja (Pa-
splendid, of things, 2 Pet. i. 17.
UTTO ri/c
jy. o;/e. 2 Mace. xv. 13. 3. Mace. Itcph. 29. 5.) Luke xxii. 12. Acts x. 11.
ii. 9. Xen. Hi. 2. 2. 1 Cor. xvi. 9 Svpa. Rev. viii. 10. xi. 8.
xiv. 19. xviii. 21. al. Trop. of guilt,
John xix. 11. Sept. for 5>iis Josh. x.
to enlarge, c. ace.
2, 11. trop. 2 Sam. xiii. 16. Hdian. 3.7,
e. g. TO. Koaa-n-iSa rSJv 5. ib. 4. 15. 14 in
a) genr. I/*. measure, e. g.
ness, Luke i. 58. So- Sept. and Heb. or broad, large, Rev. ix. 14 TTO-
^ID.n "Iprj Gen. xix. 19. comp. Ps. Ivii. . xx. 1 liXvffif Hdian. 3. 3. 10.
lli-1-Thuc. 5. 98. ib. 3. 7. 9. Xen. Cyr. 1. 3. 17 x*v
to praise, Luke i. number or amount, Mark
b) i. q. to magnify, (y)
of v. 11
46 rov Kvptov. Acts v. 13. x. 46. xix. 1 Tim. vi. 6. Heb. x. 35. trop.
17. 2 Cor. x. 15. Phil. i. 20. Sept. John xv. 13. Acts iv. 33 xfy'ff* James
for ^ia Ps. xxxiv. 4. Ixix. 31. 2 Sam. iv. 6. Sept. and ^13 1 K. viii. 66. 2
vii. 26. Ecclus. xliii. 31. Diod. Sic. 1. Chr. vii. 8. Hdian. 7. 4. 9 TrXf/Soc. (d)
20. Xen. Ap. Socr. 32. in price, cost, great, costly, splendid,
Luke v. 29 Soxn. xiv. 16 Stlirvov. 2 Tim.
) V reaillJ-> ii. 20. Heb. ix. 11. and Ml$
much, Phil. iv. 10 fx"P f/ v /*yXwc Gen. xxi. 8. Jer. lii. 13. Of a day,
Sept. 1 Chr. xxix. 10. Xen. Hi. 4. 5.
celebration, great, solemn, John vii. 37.
xix. 31; elsewhere of the day of judg-
ment Acts ii. 20. Jude 6. Rev. vi. 17.
jesty, i. e. the divine majesty, meton.
for God himself, Heb. i. 3. viii. 1. Also xvi. 14. So Sept. and bvra Mai. iv. 5.
in ascriptions Jude 25. So Sept. for Joel ii. 11, 31. in esti-
(t) trop. great
writers is
Heb. /ieyi<m>c 2
xi. 26. Pet. i. 4.
Mark v. 42 tKaraatv p. Luke ii. 9 0o- chiefs, nobles, princes, Mark vi. 21. Rev.
Rom. ix. 2. XVTTJ;. Rev.
(3ov. xii. 12 vi. 15. xviii. 23.
Sept. for try Jer.
v&v/joc (jEschin. 63. 10 6py?j.
/*. Xen. xiv. 3. Nah. ii. 5. 0^^113 Jon. iii. 7.
Cyr. 4. 2. 10 ^ojftof.) So of events etc. t]^^ 2 Chr. xxxvi. 18. dhald. V^")^
Matt. xxiv. 21 SXtyif. Luke iv. 25 Xt^of . Dan. v. 1 sq. Act. Thorn. 7. Jos.
xxi. 23. Acts viii. 1 #iwy/jof James iii. 1 . Ant. 11.3. 2. Artemidor.
ib. 20. 2. 3.
Ms'yfSoe, toe? ovc, TO, (/yac,) Sept. for Tpn 1 K. xv. 13. Pol. 4.
greatness, trop. Eph. i. 19 rb ft. Ttjs v- 87. 9, seq. OTTO c. gen.
vdfifwg avrov. Sept. for ^*T3 Ex. XV. from the verb
16 --
^schyn. 82. 16. phys. "Hdian. 8. ae, >},
Polyb. 38. 4. 16. Hence /ttSofotcr, method, MAacj aiva, av, black, 'Matt. v. 36
in the sense of art, wile, only in N. T. Rev. vi. 5, 12.
Spit. Sept. for nin Lev.
iv. 14. vl. 11. Hesych. Cant. i. 5. Luc. Paras. 41.
Eph. fitSoEtiaQ* xiii. 37.
Ttxvas. So airaTij icai fi.t5odo Artemid. Xen. An. 4. 5. 13.
MeAeac, a, o, Meleas, pr. n. m. Luke
Mt^optoc, OM, 6, r), adj. (/itra, opof), iii. 31.
e. g. TroXtc Jos.
bordering upon, frontier,
Thuc. 2. 27. In N. MAcf, impf. f/i\, fut. ui\r]ff(i, im-
B. J. 4. 11. 2. yi)
ftw> pers. forms from /tlXu, to be for care and
T. neut. plur. rd /uSopta sc. x<*>pta>
Mark 24 rd /i. Tvpou
concern to anyone, af3pw7roi<ri/uXw Horn.
rferx, confines,
Hdian.5. 4. 10. Xen. Cyr. Od. 9. 20. Hence ptXu, it concerns, c.
cat 2<ui/W
dat. of pers. and usually to be rendered
1.4. 16.
personally, i. e. to care for, to take care
f. vcrw, (/ie5u, comp. in of, pp. seq. gen. of the object, Buttm.
to make drunk; Mid. to become 132. 5. 3. Cor. ix. 9 nn T&V /Sowv^lXtt
Prov. yiii.
nirr, also 7. Is. lix. 3, 13.
the drunken. Acts ii. 15. 1 Cor. xi. 21.
rrtorr Ps. cxix. 148. Dem. 1129. 9.
1 Thess. v. 7. Trop. IK row ai^arog Rev.
Sam. Job
Xen.' Mem. 1.2.21.
xvii. 6. Sept. for nairi 1 i. 13.
xii. 25. trop. ov cnrb oivov for "jTD "13^5 M!\, <roe, TO, honey, Lat. mel, Rev.
Is. li.21. comp. Deut. xxxii. 42. JE1. x. 9, 10. Matt. iii. 4 et Mark i. 6 fisXt
V. H. 2. 40. Xen. Cyr. 7. 5. 21. aypiov, see in'Aypioc. Sept. for ID' 51 Gen.
xliii. 11. Judg. xiv. 8, 18. Died. Sic.
MEJWV, M6rpo, see in Msyag
19. 94. Xen. H. G. 5. 3. 19.
Greece, see'Afyfacand Acts xxvii. 27 sq. Rom. viii. 18 TIJV ptXXovaav d6%av cnroica-
Hence he sailed again on a direct course XvfSrjvcu. Gal. iii. 23. Seq. inf. fut.
by Syracuse and Rhegium to Puteoli, Acts xi. 28 Xtfiov fi&yav /itXXeiv tataStai.
Acts xxviii. 11 sq. There was another xxiv. 15. c. pres. Diod. Sic. 2. 31. Xen.
amall island of the same name in the Lac. 1. 3. c. aor. Xen. 6. 1. 40. c. fut.
Adriatic Gulf, on the coast of Illyricum, Xen. Mem. 2. 2. 5 __ Hence particip.
now called Meleda, which some have fi'sXXuiv, ovaa, ov, impending, future, c.
thought to be the place of Paul's ship- inf. impl. as eaeaSai, ipxtaSai etc. Matt.
wreck but its position does not accord
iii. 7 into rjjc fiiXXovarjg opjijg. xii. 32.
with the account of the subsequent Rom. v. 14. 1 Tim. iv. 8. Heb. ix. 11.
suppose a vessel bound from Alexandria Rom. viii. 38. 1 Cor. iii. 22. t/f ro /uXXov,
to Puteoli to have wintered in this island. in future, hereafter, Luke xiii. 9. 1 Tim.
mostly the inf. future, (in N. T. least of Tim. i. 16. Seq. inf. fut. Acts xxvii.
all,) freq. inf. present, and rarely inf. 10 Sewpw on /tra v(3ptb)s [ifXXtiv iaia- . .
aorlst, which latter Phrynichus con- 3-aiTOV TrXovv. c. pres. Xen. Cyr. 4. 3.
demns p. 336, though it is found in the 3. c. fut. Xen. An. 4. 7. 16.
earliest writers and even in Ionic and q. to be ever about to do a thing,
Attic prose, Lob. ad Phryn. p. 745 sq. 1. e. to linger, to delay. Acts xxii. 16 icai
ii. 10 ISoi) piXXti[3aXtiv. iii. 16. c. pres. your bodies are Christ's bodies,
/xsXjj, i.e.
Xen. An. 5. 7. 5. c. aor. ^El. V. H.3. they belong to Christ and not to a
27. Xen. Cyr. 1. 4. 16. harlot.
b) trop. member
b) i. q. ought, should, must, as imply-
of the church, of
ing necessity, accordance with the na- which Christ is the head, 1 Cor. xii. 27.
ture of things or with the divine ap- Eph. v. 30. aXX/yXwv jis\j members of
pointment, and therefore certain, des- one another, i. e. as intimately united in
Christian fellowship, Rom. xii. 5. Eph. antithesis, and ukv retains its concessive
e. 5k in the
iv. 25.' power, indeed, g. (a) seq.
apodosis, so that ukv
e is i.
q. indeed- -
indec. Melchi, Heb. prob.
MX\f, o, but. Matt. iii. 11 eyu> uiv (3airri%ia vuac
"S^p (my king), pr. n. of two of Jesus, Iv vdart . . 6 e 6-n-iao) uov spxoufvog. ix.
ancestors, Luke iii. 24, 28. 37 6 uiv Sfptffubc TroXvf, ol 8k ^pyarai
indec. Mark i. 8. x. 39, 40.
MeXx^eSfic, o, Melchisedek,
John xvi. 22. Acts i. 5. xxii. 9. Rom. ii.
Heb. p"$~*9te i- e king of righteous- -
Buttm. 149. p. 426. sq. Passow in ukv. self is omitted, e. g. (1) where the apo-
Matth. 622. Henn. ad Vig. p. 841. dosis obviously implied, Winer p.
construction the writer neglects the apo- 845. n. 343. Acts xxvi. 9. Heb. ix. 1. 1
dosis, Winer 1. c. Acts i. 1 rbv ptv Cor. vi. 7 riSt] n^v ovv bXwff i]Trr\\ia vfuv
Trp&Tov \6yov K. T. X. where the apodosis ioriv, OTI K. T. X. now assuredly there is
would regularly come in before ver. 3, wholly a fault among you, that etc.
but in this second book etc.' but the Xen. Cyr. 8. 3. 37 -- So dXXd piv ovv
writers neglects it arid turns to some- Phil. iii. 8.
force of piv cannot well be given in one and another, Luke viii. 5 sq (/3)
English, while Si is rendered by but, Joined with other pronouns, as tyei> ptv
and, etc. Thus (a) simpl. ftiv, seq. Si, iyw ! ter 1 Cor. i. 12. aXXoff fiev
Matt. xxv. 33 trrrjau TO. jjiiv 7rpo/3ara l/e aXXoff Si 1 Cor. xv. 39. riff piv r/ff tf!
St^itiv avTOv, ra Sk iQityia K. r. X. he shall Phil. i. 15. rouro ulv TOVTO tie, partly
set the sheep on his right hand, but
(and) partly, Heb. x. 33, comp. Matth. 288.
the goats on his left. Luke xiii. 9. xxiii. n. 2. Herm. ad Vig. p. 702. Isocr.
56 coll. xxiv. Actsxiv. 12. Rom. viii.
1. Panegyr. p. 44. D. Hdot. 3. 106. (y)
17. 1 Cor. i. 23. 2 Tim. iv. 4. Jude 8. Joined with an adv. as OJdf ptv e/ca Si
Comp. Buttm. p. 427. Matth. 622 2 Heb. vii. 8, comp. Buttm. p. 427. Genr.
Mace. iii. 40 coll. iv. 1. Xen. Cyr. 2. 1. John xvi. 9 sq. AL.
10. ib. 4.5. 15.
With ovv, i. e. /m>
MEVOVV, better ovv t see in Mtv
ovv, in Engl. only therefore, then, e. g. (1)
but stronger, indeed, truly, certainly, for- c. dat. John xii. 46 ivTy OKOT'HJ, nt} f.nlvij.
tooth, espec. in negative clauses and an- 1 Cor. vii. 20, 24. 1 John iii. 14. c. Iv
swers, see Buttm. p. 431, Passow in impl. Phil. i. 25 coll. 24. (Hdian. 2. 1.
fiiv B. 12. Matth. 622. Herm. ad Vig. Seq. dat. of pers. to remain to one,
p. 843 sq. Plato Phaedon. p. 73. D. i. e. in his power, Acts v. 4.
(Sept. Dan.
p. 82. C. Xen. Lac. 1. 1 Hence in iv. 23. comp. Hdian. 3. 7. 6.) With a
N. T. subst. or adj. implying condition, cha-
being lost in English, therefore, then, i. sold,Acts V. 4 ov\l pivov, trot tfitve ]
q. piv ovv, see in Mlv b. /3. 2. Seq. tie, comp. above. Luc. D. Deor. 8. pen.
James ii. 8. Xen. H. G. 4. 8. 5. Hiero Soph. Trac. 176. Hdian. 8. 5. 1 With
1.25. an adjunct of time during or to which
Mt'vw, f. ptvCJ, aor. 1 tftiiva, perf. a person or thing remains, continues,
HipivijKa, see Buttm. 101. n. 9. 112. endures. 1 Cor. xv. 6 ol irXiiovs pivov-
5, 8 ; pluperf. 3 plur. fiffttvrjKitffav aiv 'i(t>z apn. Matt. xi. 23 fiexP* r?7f <*i}-
1 John ii. 19, see Buttm. 83. n. 6. Wi- (itpov. John xxi. 22, 23 iuv avrbv &X<j
ner 12. 12. p'tvetv o>c ipxofiai. (Xen. An. 2. 3. 24.)
intrans. to remain, to continue, to
1. Rev. xvii. 10 oXtyov avruv Sit fjinvai, i. e.
abide, Lat. maneo, spoken retain his power, opp. iriaiiv. John
a) of place, i. e. of persons remaining xii. 34 c TOV aiwva, and so 2 Cor. ix. 9.
or dwelling in a place, seq. adv. Matt, 1 Pet. i. 25. (Sept. Ps. ix. 8. cxii. 6, 9.)
x. 11. KaKii (itivare. xxvi. 38. John ii. 12. tig %d>r)v aiwvtov John vi. 27. Hence
Seq. iv c. dat. of place Luke viii. 27 iv absol. with the idea of perpetuity, i. q. to
OVK efiivtv. John vii. 9. viii. 35. Acts
oliciy. remain or endure for ever, to be perpetual,
xx. 15. xxvii. 31. 2 Tim. iv. 20. c. iv ry e. g. Christian graces, rewards, insti-
oiKtq, impl. John viii. 35. Acts xvi. 15. tutes, etc. 1 Cor. xiii. 13 vvv Si ^kvn.
Seq. ptrd c. gen. of person Luke xxiv. 29, iriffTig, i\iri, dyd-n-T}. Heb. xiii. 1. John
and with the notion of help John xiv. 16. xv. 16. Heb. x. 34. xii. 27. 2 Cor.
Seq. irapa c. dat. of pers. John xiv. 25. iii. 11.
Acts xviii. 3, 20, and with the notion of of the relation in which one per-
help John xiv. 17. a$' iavrbv fiivetv son or thing stands to another, chiefly
to dwell by oneself Acts xxviii. 16 coll. 30. in John's writings thus, to remain in or
Seq. ffvv c. dat. of pers. Luke i. 56. with any one, is i. q. to be and remain
In the sense of to lodge, seq. rrov John united with him, one with him, in heart,
i. 39, 40. seq. iv c. dat. of place, Luke mind, will e. g. seq. iv c. dat. of pers.
31 "iva p.ri
ptivy iirl TOV oravpov TO. owfiara. 10 iv rtji furl. 2 John 9
iv Ty Sidaxy,
(comp. Hdian. 4. 4. 9.) Trop. seq. iiri So 1 Tim. ii. 15 iuv fitivwaiv iv irivrei.
c. dat. 2 Cor. iii. 14. Vice versa, and in a
(2 Mace. 1.)
b) of a state or condition, seq. adv. like general sense, the same things arj
1 Cor. vii. 8, 40 iav QITU /iry. Seq. iv said to remain in a person, e. g. seq. i >
rov OVK ex er pevovTa iv XV. 11. 1. to care, to be anxious, troubled, to take
John . 14. iii. 17 TTU) 7} ayairi] TOV Seov thought, absol. Matt. vi. 27 T'IQ Si t% vpGiv
fjikvn tv avT$; 2 John 2. Comp. in fiepi/j,vwv cvvaTcti K. T. \. ver. 31. Luke xii.
*EXW c. j3, ult __ In a kindred sense, spo- 25. Phil. iv. 6. seq. dat./or which, Matt.
ken of divine gifts, privileges, seq. ITTI vi. 25 ntf /tfpi^vare Ty ^v\V fytwv. Luke
nva John i. 32, 33 TO Ttvtvpa icara/3aT- xii. seq. tic TO avpiov Matt. vi. 34.
VOV Kai fttVOV 67T* dVTOV. 1 John ill. 15 seq. inoi c. gen. Matt. vi. 28. Luke xii.
c. iv avrif. So of evils, John iii. 36 17 26; also c. ace. Luke x. 41. seq. v^ip
6py>) TOV &. fievei
ITT' avro . ix. 41 17 ovv c. gen. 1 Cor. xii. 25. seq. TTW^ Matt.
afiapria v/iwv /icvti SC. ty v/*a,
q. ye x. 19. Luke xii. 11 __ Dem. 576. 23 /u-
remain in your sin. pifjiv^v TO. SiKaia Xtytiv. Seq. accus. of
2. trans, to remain for any one, to thing, pp. as to or for which one cares,
wait for, to await, c. ace. Acts xx. 5 ov- Buttm. ^ 131. 6 ; hence by impl. to care
roi tfjievov rjfias iv Tpwddc. ver. 23 deffpa for, to take care of. 1 Cor. vii. 32, 33, 34
teal Sept. for nSn
2f\i\^tig fjikvovai.
biS /Htplfll'tTL TU TOV KVplOU . . . TO. TOV KOO-
Is. viii. 17. 2 Mace. vii. 30. Dem. 50. jiou. Matt. vi. 34 TO. eavTrjg. Phil. ii. 20
26. Xen. An. 4. 4. 20. AL. Ta TTfpl vp&v. Wisd. xii. 22. Xen. Cyr.
8. 7. 12 Kai rd TroXXd
and factions, to be disunited, Matt. xii. Xoyy rovry. Sept. and Gen. xxxi. p^rj
25, 26. Mark iii. 24, 25, 26. (Pol. 8. 23. 14. Deut. pp. Plut. Agesil. 17.
xii. 12.
Also in the sense to be distinct, to Dem. 1039. 22 -- Also portion, lot, des-
1 Cor. i. 13
tiny, as assigned of God, Luke x. 42 T^V
e. g. b
differ, fupfyurrcu
Xpurrog is Christ divided? i. e. are
; avaSrrjv fiepiSa t\earo. So Sept. and
there distinctions in Christ, or are there ppn Ecc. iii. 22. ix. 9. Dan. iv. 12.
different Christs 1 1 Cor. vii. 34 n*pk- as implying participation,fellowship.
purrai T; jvvtj Kai rj TrapStvog. Hdian. 2 Cor. VI. 15 T'IQ /uptff 7ri(TT(f /xerd cnri-
3. 10. 6. ffrov ',
Col. i. 12 ci'f TTJV ftepiSa TOV K\TJ-
b) by impl.
to divide out, to distribute, pov,i. e. so as to be
partakers of the in-
e. g.rove igdvac Mark vi. 41. Sept. for heritance etc. So Sept. for t3i> p^H
Ex. xv. 9. Josh. xiv. 5. Hdian. 1. Deut. x. 9. Ps. 1. 18.
17/3. Hence genr. to distribute, for to
assign, to grant, to bestow, e. g.
God , ov, b, (^ptw,) a later
Rom. xii. 3. 1 Cor. vii. 17. 2 Cor. x. 13. noun of action, Thorn. Mag. p. 49. H.
gen. Heb. vii. 2. Sept. Job xxxi. 2. Plank in Bibl. Repos. I. p. 682 par- ;
^, Sept. Ps. Iv. 23. Ecclus. 31. [xxxiv.] /yCj ou, b, (/ifpt'w,) a divider,
Hesiod. Op. 176 or 180. distributor, Luke xii. 14.
piece, absol.
Johnxix. 23 bis, rkaaapa Soph''. Antig. 147. Thuc. 1. 127.
ic. r. X. Rev. xvi. 19. Seq. gen. of c)implying participation, fellow-
the whole, Luke xv. 12 TO i-n-ifBaXXov fik- ship. John
xiii. 8 OVK ix /"|C M 67 |
Rev. xx. 6. comp. in Mpie c.
pof r//c ovffiag. xxiv. p.i-
in this respect, 2 Cor. iii. 10. ix. 3. 1 Pet. Luke xi. 5. Acts xvi. 25. xx. 7. Put
iv. 16. Philo in Flacc. p. 989. D. Ael. for the midnight watch, Mark xiii. 35,
V. H. 8. 3. comp. in QvXaKT]. Sept. for n$>4 ^tj
b) part assigned, portion, share. Rev. Judg. xvi. 3. Ruth iii. 8. Luc. Merc.
xxii. 19 aQciiprjcret 6 Stag TO fitpog avrov.
cond. 26. Diod. Sic. 20. 48. Used by
Adv. di'd pepog pp. each in his part or the later prose writers, although Phryn-
icus assigns it to poetry, Lob. ad Phryn.
turn, by course, one after another, 1 Cor.
xiv.27. Pol.3.55. 8.Alsoportioji, p. 53.
destiny, as assigned of God^ Matt. xxiv. ac ; /,
Mlaoc 508
14. fie out of the midst, seq. which see. John i. 42. iv. 25.
(3) fiecrov
gen. of pers.from among Matt. xiii. 49, M<TTOC, ?}, ov, full, filled, stuffed,
Acts xvii. 33. xxiii. 10. 1 Cor. v. 2. 2
seq. gen. of that of or with which a per
('or. vi. 17.
Sept. for rpntt Ex. vii. 5. son or thing is full, Buttm. 132. 5. 2.
STffQ Ex. xxxi. 13. Absol. a'pnv IK TOV John xix. 29 GKIVOQ o%ovg U.IGTQV. xxi. 11.
509 Mtrtt
governing the genitive and accusative, xi. 21 . So of Jesus Matt, xxviii. 20. c.
in the poets also the dative, with the tlvai impl. 2 Thess. iii. 16. of the Holy
primary signif. mid, amid, Germ, mit, Spirit John xiv. 16. Also c. ttvcu Impl.
i. e. in the midst, with, among, implying to be ever with any one, i. e. to be ever
accompaniment, and thus differing from bestowed, given, e. g. the divine favour,
trvv which expresses conjunction, union, blessing, as in the closing benedictions
See Passow s. v. Matth. 587. Winer of the epistles, Rom. xvi. 20, 24. 1 Cor.
51. p. 323. Tittm. de Synon. N. T. xvi. 23, 24. Heb. xiii. 25. 2 John 3. Rev.
p. 176. xxii. 21. ((3\ Where one is said to do or
I. With
the Genitive, implying com- suffer any thing with another, implying
panionship, fellowship. E. g. joint or mutual action, influence, suffer-
1. with, i. e. amid, among, in the ing, etc. Matt. ii. 3 'Hpw^c tVapax^ ? 1
midst of, as where one is said to be, sit, KOI iraffa 'itpoaoXv/xa (JLIT*
avrov. V. 41.
stand, etc. with or in the midst of others, xii. 30 /n) oTvaywv ptr' fytov. ver. 41.
seq. gen. plur. of pers. or thing. Matt. xviii. 23. Mark iii. 6, 7. Luke v. 29, 30.
xxvi. 58 iicaSjjTO //era rv virrjptruiv. John xi. 16. xix. 18. Acts xxiv. 1. Rom.
Murk i. 13. xiv. 54, 62 ipxopfvov /iera xii. 15 bis. 1 Thess. iii. 13. Heb. xiii. 23.
TWV i>0Xwv TOV ovpavov. Luke xxiv. 5. Rev. iii. 20. al. scepiss. (Hdian. 3. 4. 12.
John xviii. 5. Acts xx. 18. Rev. xxi. 3. Xen. Cyr. 2. 1. 12.) So, as often in
al. Comp. Passow //rd A. 1. Matth. 1. c.
English, where with is equivalent to and,
Horn. Od. 10. 320. Eurip. Hec. 209. i. e. where icai
might stand. Matt. xxii.
Xen. H. G. 4. 8. 16. 16 dirocfT't\\ovaiv avrtfi rovf paSrrjTdt; avrwv
2. with, i. e.
together with, e. g. fisrd TWV 'HpuSiav&v, i. q. their own dis-
a) pp. and seq. gen. of pers. (a) ciplesand the Herodians. ii. 11. xix. 10.
where one said to be, go, remain, sit,
is 1 Cor. xvi. 11. (y) Seq. gen.
of a pers.
stand, etc. with any one, in his company; pron. after verbs of having or taking
so with a notation of place added, with oneself. Matt. xv. 30 t\ovTig /iy
Matt. v. 25 e'wg orov Z iv Ty 6qi utr iavruv x^Xovf K. T. X. xxv. 3. Mark xiv.
avTov. Luke xi. 7. xxii. 21. John iii. 26. 33. 2 Tim. iv. 11. Diod. Sic. 20. 4
xi. 31. Rev. iii. 21. al. Often without Where the accompaniment implies
notation of place e. g. fiivtiv, Staftevtiv,
only nearness, contiguity, etc. Matt. xxi.
TTtpnraTtlv, oiKtlv //era TIVOQ, to abide, 2 ical iruXov [itr avrije. Rev. xiv. 1. Acts
walk, dwell with any one Luke xxiv. 29. ii. 28
7rX/7pw<mf / evQpoavvTjg perd TOV
xxii. 28. John vi. 66. 1 Cor.vii.13. trop. irpoawTTov aov, i. e. in thy presence, near
utvtiv ptrd TIVOQ, to continue on the side quoted from Ps. xvi. 1 1
thy person ;
of any one, of his party, 1 John ii. 19. where Sept. for TpjRrns. After
( )
So elvat fisrd TIVOQ, to be with any one, the verb aKoXovSlw to follow, Luke ix.
i. e. in his company, Matt. ix. 15 if' 49 OVK dKO\ov$ei jj.t$' jy/iuJv. Rev. vi. 8.
otrov' avT&v IOTIV 6 vv[i<f>io. Mark xiv. 13. This is a construction of the
v. 18. Luke xv. 31. John vii. 33. 2 Tim. later Greek instead of the dat. see Phryn.
iv. 11 ;
also ytvioSai fiTa rivog id. Acts et Lob. p. 353. comp. Matth. 403.
vii. 38. ix. 19. c. ilvcii irnpl. Mark ix. 8. Dem. 608. 13 After verbs
p. 738. ()
Mtra 510 Mtra
compounded with ovv, instead of the ing joint or mutual action, influence,
more usual dative, Matth. 405. Acts i. suffering, etc. where in Engl. also we
26 eri;y/car^7;0i<rS// //rd fStv a-jrooToXcJV. say with, e. g. (a)
after words imply-
2 Cor. viii. 18. Gal. ii. 12. Matt. xvii. ing accord ordiscord, Luke xxiii. 12 syi-
3. xx. 2. Diod. Sic. 13.02. Dem. 330. VOVTO fie 0i'Xoi' dXXr/Xwj/.
(c. dat.
2. Aristoph. Acharn. 277. See Lob. ad Xen. Mem. 2. 1. 33.) Rom. xii. 18 //era
Phryn. p. 353, 354. Trdvrwv dv^pwTrwv tlprjvtvovTeg. (Sept.
b) trop. seq. gen. of thing,
e. g.
1 K. xxii. 45. Job v. 23. Eccltis.
c. dat.
as designating the state or emotion of vi.
Heb. xii. 14. 1 John iv. 17 dydTnj
mind which accompanies the doing of peS' r}fiu>v our mutual love. Comp.
any thing, with which one acts etc. Buttm. 133. 2 -- John iii. 25 ^rrjaig
Matt, xxviii. 8 ftXov(rai Ta^v /*erd (f>6(3ov . .
fiera T&V 'lovdaiwv. 1 Cor. vi. 6, 7.
Kal %PC /ydX?7. Mark iii. 5. Luke Rev. ii. 16 7roXeju?7(Tw fifr' avrCjv. xi. 7.
xiv. 9. Acts xx. 19. xxiv. 3. Eph. iv. 2 xii. 17. xiii. 7. Here the dat. is more
bis. 2 Thess. iii. 12. 1 Tim. ii. 9. Heb. common, Matth. 404. c.
x. 22. al. ssep. Comp. Matth. 1. c 1 fioixivu, iropvtvu, etc. Rev. ii. 22 rovf
Mace. vii. 28. Hdian. 2. 13. 4. Diod. Sic. /tot^wovraf /tr' avTrjs. xvii. 2. xviii. 3,
13. 108. Xen. Ven. 13. 15.
as de- 9. So Heb. rgj seq. nx Jer.
also xiv. 4.
comp. ix. 2 et xxii. 5. Luc. Philops. 8. do with any one, i. e. to or towards him,
Thuc. 6. 28. Lys. 101 17 pir oivov iX$t~iv.
corresponding to Heb. Ey ntoy. Luke
() After the verb niyvvfit tomingle, Matt, i. 72 TTOirjffai fXto^
p-tra TWV Trarspwi'. X.
xxvii. 34 o^oc/iera \oXriQ fjufjuyn'ivov. Luke 37. Acts xiv. 27. xv. 4. So Heb. and
xiii. 1 (jjv TO alfjLO. HiXarog l/u /xera T&V Sept. Gen. xxiv. 12. Sept. iv Gen. xl.
tiv avTwv. Plato Tim. p. 35. A, 14. Also fieyaXvvetv nvog Luke TI fitrd
sv. The more usual con- For the more usuaJ dat. see in
struction is c. dat. Matth. 403. b.
comp. Hdian. 5. 5. 16. II. With the Accusative, HETO. strictly
from the Heb. usage, /urd is some- implies motion towards the middle, into
times put like tE>, n, etc. where the the midst of any thing, Horn. II. 2. 376 ;
common Greek construction is differ- and then also motion after any person
ent, espec. after verbs and nouns imply- or thing, i. e. either so as to follow and
Ms, oil
])ewith a person, or to fetch a person 9. xv. 29. xvii. 20 bis. John vii. 3. Acts
or thing, see Passow /ic-a C. no. 1. xviii. 7. Horn. Od. 12. 312. Pol. 21.
Winer 53. f. Hence also sjboken of 10. 12.
iro\vv. Mark viii. 31. Acts xii. 4. xxviii. from one place or country to another,
11. Gal. i. 18. So /itr' ov TroXXaf r/
to transfci; Diod. Sic. 20. 3 fin. In N. T.
Luke xv. 13, ov /ura TroXXag TUVT to move or turn about, from one place to
pai. 4. transition, transposition, change, another, Dem. 395 ult. Sept. for n^DH
over, Lat, trans, as fj.Taf3aivtn, p.tTciTi5i]p.t, 2 K. xxv. 11. In N. T. intrans. or c.
HtSiarrjut. Comp. Buttm. p. 414. Pas- lavTov impl. to take oneself away i.e. to ,
TUV Trarlpa avrov 'lajcw/3. X. 32. xx. 17. heart, Rom. xii. 2 /ura/zop^ot'er^c rydro-
xxiv. 25 __
Achill. Tat. IV. p. 243. Kaivwaii TOV vo6f. 2 Cor. iii. 18. 2E1. V.
w, f. ?<ra>,
to ffo, w, rytrw, (vosw,) pp.
, (icij/ew,)
move from one place to another, to move perceive afterwards, to have an afterview,
away, to remove, trop. Col. i. 23 fjitj /ttt-
and hence to change one's views, mind,
raicivovfievoi O.TTO TIIQ fXiridog not moved purpose-, Sept. for QTO Zech. viii. 14.
the hope etc. i. e. not fallen Jos. Ant. 2. 14. 5. Diod. Sic. 15. 47.
away from
away, not wavering. pp. Hdot. 1. 51. Xen. Cyr. 1.1. 3. In N. T. to change
Xen. Eq. 7. 6. one's mind, to repent, implying the feel-
MfraXXao"(Ta) V. rro, f.
Kiae repent [and turn] from this evil.
<>, (dX- Rev. ii. 21 k rife iropvt'tag. ver.
to exchange one thing for another, Seq. IK,
22. ix. 20, 21. xvi. 11. Sept. c. airo for
seq. ace. et Iv, Rom. i. 25. tig ver. 26.
Test. XII. Patr. p. 666. by OH} Jer. viii. 6 Jos. Ant. 7. 7. 3__
Sept. ii. 20.
seq. Trepi. As attended with acts of ex-
eeq. fc Diod. Sic. 4. 51.
ternal sorrow, penance, Matt. xi. 21 av
r/<ro/iat, (/xeXojuai to iv ffciKKty) ical airoSqi [tfTavotjffav. xii, 41.
letbe for care or concern to oneself, to Luke x. 13. xi. 32. Comp. Jonah iii. 5
aor. 1 pass. utTfutXfiSnv with 10. For jg in Matt. xii. 41 et Luke
mid. signif. Buttni. 136. 2, pp. to xi. 32, see in Efc e. a Test. XII Patr.
change one's care etc. Hence to change, p. 520, 607 ; called also /terdvota r^y
one's mind or purpose, after having done <rapcoc p. 611.
any thing, etc.
Mcravoja, ac 'h (ptTavokw,} change
a) simpl. Matt. xxl. 29 voTipov Sk pt-
rafitXij^tig. ver. 32. Heb. vii. 21 quoted
of mind or purpose, repentance.
from Ps. ex. 4 where Sept. for QTO. a) genr.
Heb. xii. 17 /xeravotaf yap
TOTTOV ov% tvpe, he found no place for a.
b) with the idea of regret, sorrow, to
repent, to feel sorrow, remorse. Matt. change of mind, i. e. in his father Isaac,
xxvii. 3 of Judas. 2 Cor. vii. 8 bis. 1 comp. Gen. xxvii. 34, 37 sq --Jos. Ant.
4. 6. 1. Pol. 4. 66. 7.
Mace. xi. 10. Diod. Sic. 15. 9. Xen.
b) in a
religious sense, repentance,
Cyr. 4.6. 5.
penitence, implying pious sorrow for un-
ow, w, f. wtr belief and sin, and a turning from them
to transform, to transfigure, e. g. invrov unto God and the Gospel of Christ. Matt.
^ll.V.H. 1.1. Athen.VIIIp.334.C. In iii 8
Kap-Trbv diov rijg fieravoiag. ver. 11.
N. T. Mid. to change one's form, to be ix. 13. Mark i. 4. ii. 17. Luke iii. 3, 8.
Trop. to be transformed in mind and roiav. xv. 7. xxiv. 47. Acts v. 31 Sovvai
, ^w, (7rl/i7rw,) to
f. Metaph. to transfer to another use or
send after, to send for, Thuc. 4. 30. ib. purpose, to pervert, to abuse, Jude 4 rr\v
7. 15. In N. T. Mid. /xcraTre/iTro^ai, \apiv TOV 2rtov ^erartSli/ai eig aerlXyaav
\//o/iai, to send for to oneself,
to in- perverting the grace of God unto licen-
vite to come, Acts x. 5, 22, 29, bis. xi. tiousness.
else, to change, trans, et seq. IIQ, James Cor. ix. 10, 12 aXXot TIJQ vp.&v i%ov<riat,
iv. 9. Acts ii. 20 6 fjXiog ptTaaTpa^ffeTai litTkxovoiv. x. 21, 30 impl. Heb. ii. 14.
iic OKOTOQ, quoted from Joel iii. 4. [ii. vii. 13 <j>v\fiG trepa<; ^tTta\r}Kf.v he liadpcut*
where Sept. for ^n Niph. 1 Mace. in another tribe, belonged to anothe*.
ix. 41.- In a bad sense, to change for tribe. Seq. IK 1 Cor. x. 17, comp. in
the worse, to pervert. Gal. i. 7 /tra<rrp- 'EK 3. h. So to partake of food, i. e. to
2 I
adv. (perpioc,
V, (f"X*>,) partner- fierpov),
2 Cor. vi. 14, parall. with measuredly, moderately, pp. with mo-
ship, fellowship,
. Psalt. Salom. xiv. 4. Hesych. deration, Pol. 3. 85. 9. Xen. An. 2. 3.
20. In N. T. little, and ov fierpi^ not
j' KOtvtDvia, <rx^<rtff.
a little, i. e. much, greatly, Acts xx 12.
, 0V, 6, rj, adj. Hdian. Xen. Mem. 4. 1.
1. 3. 12. 1.
partaking, subst. a partaker, Heb. iii. 1
jeXj}<7wf tirovpaviov /ilroxot. ver. 14. vi. 4. Mlrpov, ov, TO, measure, a) pp. as
of capacity, in the proverbial expression
xii. 8. Anthol. Gr. IV. p. 263. Hdot. 3.
Matt. vii. 2. Mark iv. 24. Luke vi. 38
52. In the sense of partner, companion,
bis. Trop. measure of sins Matt, xxiii.32.
fellow, Luke v. 17. Heb. i. 9 quoted from
Ps. xlv. 8, where Sept. for -Qrr. Dem. Sept. for na 2 Chr. ii. 10. rTPN Lev.
xix. 36. Deut. xxv. 14. (Hdot. 4.198.Xen.
1411. 4.
An. 3. 2. Of length or surface, a
<J, f. r;<rw, to a measuring- rod, icd
(/ierpoi/,) measure, i.
phrase, y v. iv <p fierp^ ufrptiTf, pfTpij- ordinary. Sept. for mr> Ex. xxvi. 2, 8.
t, Matt. vii. 2 bis. Mark iv. 24 bis. Ez. xlii. 16 sq.
ip 2 K. xxi. 13. (Xen.
I. As Prep, with the genitive, unto, refers to the predicate, ov to the copula.
until, usque ad. The same distinction holds good in all
a) unto, as far as to. Rom.
Of place, the compounds of /*>? and ov. See
xv. 19 /"XP* T v 'iXXupucou. Sept. for Buttm. 148. Passow in /i^. Winer
nb-"iy Job xxxviii. 11. Palaeph. 21. ^ 59. Herm. ad Vig. p. 796 sq. 804 sq.
1. Hdian. 1. 12. 16. Xen. An. 2. 2. 6. Matth. 608. 5.
b) Of
time, until, (a) c. gen. of a I. As a negative particle, not, where
subst. Matt. xiii. 30 /*xp* rov ^pw/ww. the following special uses all flow from
Acts x. 30. xx. 7. Rom. v. 14 n'exP 1 the general principles above stated. E.
MbxtEwf, i. e. death
reigned from Adam g. prj, and not ou, is used :
until Moses without there being any in all negative conditions and sup-
written law, but not so afterwards, comp. positions, in N. T. after
idv and ei,
Tittm. 1. c. 1 Tim. vi. 14. Heb. iii, 6, 14. Buttm. 148. 2. b. E. g. idv nn, Matt.
ix. 10. Sept. for nj> TP Ps. cv. 19. V. 20 idv prj irtpifffffvay rj StKaioffvvrj
Hdian. 1. 1. 5. Xen. Ven. 4. 11. (/3) vfiutv K. T. X. Mark iii. 27. Luke xiii. 3,
/XP v sc
XP VOV until what time,
> 5. Tit. i. 6. al. see in 'Edv no. II. /3.
i. e. a conjunct, with the sub-
until, as So fir),
Matt. xxiv. 22 ei /*?} tKo\o(3a>$ti-
junctive, where the thing is uncertain. aav ai r)/upa. Mark ii. 7. John iii. 13.
Mark xiii. 30 f*XP l ov ^dvra ravra yl- Acts xxi. 25. al. see in El no. III. .
vi\rai. See Buttm. 146. 3. comp. in With idv or ft implied, Mark xii. 19.-
"Eo>f I. a. Matth. 480. b Hdot. 4. 119. Luke x. 10. John xii. 47. 1 Cor. xiii. 1,
c. impf. indie. Xen. An. 5. 4. 16. () 2, 3. James ii. 14. Sometimes el is fol-
usxpi T VG ffrjpepov, until this day, Matt. lowed by but ou then refers not to
xi. 23. xxviii. 15. Here d\pt might pro- the condition, but to the vei b alone,
perly have been used j but the writer em- which it renders negative, as M*4l. xxv*.
ploys fi^xP 1 prob. as not looking at all 24 KoXbv i\v avr<j>, d OVK iytvvrjSri, i. e.
beyond the present time ; the present the not being bwn would have been
2 L 2
My/ 516
plied doubt whether he had been born etc. Buttm. 1. c. Matt, xxiii. 23 ravra t
etc. Mark xi. 26. Luke xiv. 26. xviii. 4 Troirjaai, KaKiiva fir) dfitvai Luke xviii. 1.
ti jeat Stbv ov <f>o(3ovfiai,
i. e. to not fear, Acts xxvii. 21. Rom. xv. 1. 1 Tim. iii. 3
q. to contemn. John x. 37 i ov TTOIW ra #i ovv iiriffKOTTov ... .
fir) irdpoivov, fir)
Ipya TOV Trarpof ftov, i. e. to not do i. q. ir\TjKTT]v, sc. tlvai. v. 8. Tit. i. 7. ii.
to leave undone, xi. 8. James ii. 11. 3, 9, 10. After ofivvfii, implying fu-
See Buttm. 148. 2. b, and marg. Wi- ture purpose, Heb. iii. 18 rioi ct wpoac
ner 59. 5. Herm. ad Vig. p. 833, 889. fir} eifftXtvateSai K. T. X. see Herm. ad
Comp. in Ov e. Vig. p. 807. After verbs of command-
after particles implying purpose,
b) ing, entreating, e. g. c. inf. pres. as con-
also result anticipated or supposed, i. e. tinued, Acts i. 4 TrapjjyytiXej/ avTolg diro
in N. T. after 'iva, orrug, &<TTI, Buttm. 'Itpog. firjxwptg<rai. xx i* 4. Rom. ii.
148. 2. c. Matth. 608. 5. a. Winer 21, 22. Eph. iii. 13 Sib aiTovfiai fir} k-
60. 2. E. g. 'iva fir), Matt. xxvi. 5 'iva Kaiceiv. 2 Tim. ii. 14. (comp. Luc. D.
fir) $6pv/3oc yivrjTai. Luke viii. 10. John Mort. 1.
c. inf. aor. as transient,
iii. 16. Acts v. 26. Heb. xiii. 17. al. So Matt. ii. 12. v. 34. Luke xxii. 40. Heb.
Matt. v. 29, 30. Mark iv. 12. John xi. xii. 19. By pleonasm after verbs im-
50. al. see in "Iva no. 1, 2. So OTTWC plying a negative, e. g. of denying, Luke
fir}, Matt. vi. 18. Luke xvi. 26. Acts xx. XX. 27 01 dvTi\kyovTf.g dvdaraffiv fir} elvai.
16. 1 Cor. i. 29. So before an infin. xxii. 34. See Matt. 534. n. 4. Winer
expressing purpose etc. either inf. sim- 67. p. 467. Vice versa after ov cvva-
ply, or with wore, tig, irpog, Sid, etc. see fiai, where the negatives have each its
below in d. proper power, and constitute an em-
after relative pronouns, as og, ocrng, phatic affirmative Acts iv. 20 ov $vvd-
c) ;
baog, wherever they refer not to definite fii&a d ildofitv . ... fir) \a\tlv, i. e. we
antecedents, but to such as are indefi- cannot but speak. Buttm. $ 148. n. 7. b.
nite and general, or implied, Buttm. After wore, in N. T. marking a re-
148. 2. e. Matth. 608. 5. c. Winer sult anticipated or supposed on the part
59. 4. E. g. Matt. x. 14 Kg idv fir)
of the speaker or writer, Matt. viii. 28
MZnTai vfidg. xi. 6. Luke viii. 18. 1 Pet. -\ wore fir} ioxvtiv rivd iraotXSttiv. Mark iii.
11. 9. Mark vi. 11 dv fir) ckt0vTai\ 20. 1 Cor. i. 7. 2 Cor.
ocroi iii. 7. 1 Thess. i. 8.
vfidg. Luke ix. 5. Acts iii. 23 rjrig dv fir) Xen. Conv. 4. 54 (/3)
Infin. c. TOV
aKovcerj. Rev. xiii. 15. But ov is put e. g. as dependent on a subst. Rom. xi.
after og, 'ocmg, where these refer to a 8 otySaXfioi TOV fir} /3X7raj/ K. T. X. et
definite antecedent, as Luke xiv. 33 ; or 1 Cor. ix. 6 OVK exofitv iZovffiav TOV fir}
ent upon another finite verb or word paTTTiaSrivai TOVTOVQ. xiv. 18. xx. 27.
arifidvai. Rom. xiii. 3 SrkXtig ct fir) (f>o- Rom. xiv. 21 KaXbv TO fir} (jxtyilv icpta, i. q.
flelaSm T i)v Hovaiav. 1 Cor. vii. 1. 1 Tim. if one would eat no meat, Buttm. 148.
517 Mi
cause of any thing, Matt. xiii. 5 Sid TO Luke v. 19. ix. 33. Acts ix. 26. xii. 19.
fir) txfiv /SdSoc yijc- ver. 6. Mark iv. 5. 2 Cor. iii. 14. Heb. iv. 2. Eurip. Herac.
James iv. 2 Cebet. Tab. 24. 283 or 284. (5) Where the part, with
with participles, when they stand
e) firj expresses a supposed or apparent
elliptically for any of the above con- result, like w<rre fir) seq. infin. comp.
structions, or refer to an indefinite sub- above in d. a. Luke vii. 30. Acts xx.
ject, or in general where they imply 29 eiereXewtrovrai XVKOI j3apeTc etc *lp&t
. .
some particular and definite individual. Thus to express a negative wish, fir) is
Luke xi. 23. John iii. 18 6 fir} TTHJTIVUV, construed with the Optative ; in nega-
comp. Winer 59. 1. Herm. ad Vig. tive entreaty and command, with the
p. 805. John x. 1. xii. 48. 1 Thess. Imperative and Subjunctive, as follows :
such phrases as TO. fir) deovra, rd fir) uTroKpirai. ver. 19, 25. xvii. 7. xxiv. 6
KaSrrjKOVTa, i. q. aTiva fir)
ei etc. 1 Tim. opare, fir) Spoilage, beware, be not troubled.
v. 13. Rom. 28. (Ceb. Tab.
TO: Mark ix. 39. Luke xxiii.28. John ii. 16.
n>) OVTO. i.
q. aTiva fir) IGT'I, Rom. iv. 17. Acts x. 15. 1 Pet. iv. 12. al. saep. Im-
M/, 518 MT)
present, where it stands in the place of 1 1 Pet. ii. 6. al. Aor. 2 act. and mid. Matt,
pers. Imperat. comp. in /3. Gal. v. 26 fir} v. 18, 20. xviii. 3. Luke i. 15. John vi.
yivibfieSa KivoooZoi. vi. 9. 1 Thess. v. 6. 37. Rev. iii. 3, 12. al. Mid. Mark xiii.
1 John iii. 18. aorist, John xix. 24 fir}
19. So as strengthened by otucertMatt.
ffxiffwfisp avTov. Buttm. 139. n. 7. Winer xiv. 25. Luke xxii. 16. ovde Matt. xxiv.
42. 4. In 2 and 3 pers. Subj. aorist, 21. In emphatic interrog. John xi. 56.
Matt. i. 20 fit} <j>o(3r]$ye. iii. 9 fir} do^re xviii. Further, contrary to the
Xtytiv. v.17. vi. 13. x. 5, 9, 10. Mark v. doubtful rule of Dawes, seq. Aor. 1 act.
7. xiv. 2. Rom. x. 6. 1 Cor. xvi. 11. Col. Matt. x. 23 ou fir} reXeo-qre rdf TroXetf K
ii. 21.Heb. iii. 8. x. 35. James ii. 11. al. T. X. Mark Johniv. 14,18. Acts
ix. 41.
stepiss. So c. ytvtfiy or the like impl. xiii. 41. Heb. viii. 11. 2 Pet. i. 10. c.
Matt. xxvi. 5. Mark xiv. 2. OVKSTI Rev. xviii. 14. Mid. Matt. xvi. 28.
g) genr. in any construction, where Rom. iv. 8. See Buttm. 139. 4 marg.
the negation is from the nature of the Passow in ou fir}. Winer 60. 3. p. 423.
case subjunctive, conditional, or matter II. As a Conjunction, that not, lest,
of supposition. Matt. xix. 9 og av 077-0- Lat. ne, in N. T. only after verbs ex-
Xu<ry rr}v yvvalica avrov, fir}
kiri iropviiq, pressing fear, anxiety, foresight, with
i. e. here either depends upon the
which both the Greeks and Latins con-
preced. relative, or it expresses condi- nect a negative implying a wish that the
tion, if not for fornication. Mark xii. thing feared may not be or happen ;
sition, he has not believed, comp. Herm. a) with the Subjunct. where the pre-
ad Vig. p. 805. (Luc. D. Deor. marin. ceding or governing verb is in the pres-
Rom. iii. 8 ri tn icayw wg dfiap- ent see Buttm. Passow, 1. c.
rwXoc Kpivoftai Kai fir}, K. r. \. hypo-
60. 2. So after verbs of fearing etc.
thetically, and why not rather? i. e. and Acts xxvii. 17 Qopovfitvoi TI fit) tic rt]v
why should it not rather be the case etc. Supriv iKirtawai. 2 Cor. xii. 21, coll.
Col. ii. 18 a fit} iwpaKtv ififiartvwv, i. e. 20. c. <po(3ovfiivos impl. 2 Cor. xii. 6.
Or the prcced. verb may be a preterite Rom. X. 18 aXXd Xyw pr) OUK ifKovaav t
as Acts xxiii. 10 have they not heard? where the answer
evcejjt in the Indie,
ev\a(3rj^flf b x- M ^ayiraff^y 6 HavXof. must still be negative, ver. 19 /*) } l<j-
Conip. Plato Apol. Soc. init. xpti v f *>- pa?)X OVK eyvw ; hath then Israel not
Xa/3tlo#at /*} vir' iftov l^oTrar^S'^re. After known ? i. e. is he then ignorant ? 1 Cor.
verbs of foresight, or caution, the verb ix. 4, 5. xi. 22 Xen. Mem. 4. 2. 12.
being in the present, Matt, xviii. 10
K. r.\. Mark
opart, pr) KaTCHppovrjffijTe evos r no.
xiii. 5, 36. 2 Cor. viii. 20. Gal. vi. 1. M//yf, see in II. S.
particle,which has lost its own negative J3, y. Seq. imperat. pres. expr. or impl.
power but expressing a degree of fear
Matt. vi. 25 p.ff ftiptfivart ry
or anxiety, and implying the expecta-
tion of a negative answer while ou in- ; Mark xiii. 11 firj Trpopepifivare . .
terrog. demands an affirmative answer. ftiXirare. Rom. vi. 13. Heb. xii. 5. prj-
Buttm. 148.5. Matth. 608. n. 3. Wi- Siig prjM 1 Tim. v. 22. Aor. 1 pass.
ner 61.3. b. Passow p-f) no. III. Con- 1 Pet. iii. 14.
Seq. Subjunct. pres. 1
strued with the Indie, of all the tenses, pers. plur. in exhortations 1 Cor. x. 8,
Passow 1. c. 9. 1 John iii. 18. Aor. 2 and 3 pers.
a) simply,
c. indie, pres. Matt. ix. 15 Matt. vii. 6 firj
Swrf . .
prfe {3a\ijre. Mark
prj Svvavrai ol viol TOV vvpf&vof irtvStiv xiii. 15. Col. ii. 21. 2 Tim. i. 8. prjSl
K. T. X. John iii. 4. Acts vii. 28. 1 Cor. fjujdk Mark viii. 26. prjSeie p.rjSe Luke
xii. 29, 30. James ii. 14. e<m etc.
c. iii. Seq. infin. depending on a verb
impl. Rom. iii. 5. ix. 14. 1 Cor. xii. 29 sq. of prohibition Acts iv. 18. 1 Tim. i. 4.
as used before ov, i. e. pi) ov, D)
in the middle of a clause, not wen,
where interrogative, and ou belongs
prj is Mark ii. 2 wore pijKtTi xwpcTv [iijdk ra
solely to the following verb, Winer 1. c. bc ri}v Srvpav. 1 Cor. v. 11. Eph. v.
StU'iav TTTOIJOIV. Mark xi. 14 priori t/c after w<rr Mark i. 45. ii. 2. c. inf. et TOV
<TOV fir)dei Kao-jrbv <}>dyoi. Acts iv. 17. 2 Rom. vi. 6. etc TO
seq. inf. 1 Pet.iv.
Cor. vi. 3. Xen. Mem. 1. 2. 39. 2. With participles, as expressing a
b) in prohibitions, e. g. seq. Imper. cause, comp. Mr? I. e. 7. Rom. xv. 23
pres. Luke iii. 13 p.r]$tv trXkov . . irpaa- VVVl dk TQTCQV i\(t)VK. T. X. 1 TheSS.
fffre. 1 Cor. iii.
18,21. Tit. ii. 15. James iii. 1, 5. (Hdian. 1. 15. 1.) As express-
i. 13. c. imper.
impl. Matt, xxvii. 19. ing a result, Acts xiii. 34, comp. M^ I.e.
Phil. ii. 3. c. dupl. neg. Rom. xiii. 8. d. Luc. D. Mort. 6. 1. In negative
(Luc. D. Beor. 24. 1.) Seq. Subjunct. expressions of wish, entreaty, command,
aor. Matt. xvii. 9 firjdevi tlirrjr^ TO opafia. see Mr] I. f. Seq. Opt. implying a nega-
Acts xvi.28. (Luc. D. Deor. 1. Matt. tive wish, Mark xi. 14 /tjjicert IK aov /zij-
viii. 4 ooa, /iTjfovi tlirrjQ. c. dupl. neg. SttQ KctpTrbv 0ayot. Seq. Imper. pres.
Mark i. 44. John v. 14 et viii. 11 pqiclrt a/mpravt.
neut. /ij/!v, nothing,
c) (a)
as adv. Eph.iv. 28. lTim.v.23. (Xen. Cyr. 3.
not at all, in no respect, e. g. firjdtv Sia- 2. Seq. Subjunct. pres. 1 pers. plur.
Acts x. 20. xi. 12. James i. 8.
KpivofievoG Rom. xiv. 13. Aor. 2 and 3 pers. Mark ix.
After verbs of profit or loss, 25. Matt. xxi. 19. Comp. in MTJ I. f.
etc. Mark
26 icai p^lv ufiXrjStlffa.
Mf/icoc, tog, eve, TO, length, Rev.
Luke iv. 35. 2 Cor. xi. 5. Phil. iv. 6. xxi. 16 bis. Metaph. Eph. iii. 18. Sept.
Comp. Passow in fincds. (Luc. D. Deor. for Gen. vi. 15. al. ssep ^El. V. H.
1. 2. Xen. GEc. 11. 9.) So i v firjSevi Tjnk
3. 1. 'Xen. (Ec. 19.2.
in nothing, in no respect, 2 Cor. vii. 9.
Phil. i. 28. James i. 4. MTJKVVW, f. wa>, (/ij/Kog,) to make
(/3) Metaph. Mem.
e. of no ac- long Xen. 3. 13. 5. In N. T. Mid.
fiirftv being nothing, i.
to lengthen oneself, spoken of
count, no weight of character, Gal. vi.
^- "^; Me then
M/,V, ,,vcJe, > a ) PP- "p*
know? do they perhaps know f ?**' r***
Luke i. 24726, 36, 56. iv. 25. Acts vii.
20. xviii. 11. xix.8. xx. 3. xxviii. 11. direct, whether perhaps, if perhaps, seq.
Opt. Luke iii. 15 ftiflfctp&pim*
Rev. ix. 5, 10, 15. xi. 2. Trdvrwv
James v. 17.
xiii. 5. xiii. 5. xxii. 2. Sept. for mn w*on i>r6 c eiij 6 Xprr6 c Seq.
See Herm. ad
Subjunct. 2 Tim.
Hdian. ii. 25.
Gen. vii. 11. viii.4,5,ets8ep
Vig. p. 810. Matth.
514. c.
1. 14. 17. Xen. Mem. 4. 8. 2.
for new-moon, which was Rom.
b) meton. M/JTTOJ, adv. (ftj, TTW),
no yef,
the first day of the month and a festival, i x . 1 1. Heb. ix. 8 Xen. Mem. 4. 4. 23.
So Heb. linn Sept. vtourj-
Gal. iv. 10.
J h
Num. xxviii.
& 8~2
1. Ps. lxxxi.4. Comp. n way>
^ f>
conjunct. (
ty n means >
way, lest perhaps ; so after verbs imply-
M ,
l' ^
e ' * est
make known, to
v<, g purpose, seq. Subjunct. and pre-
f. to jn
show, to disclose, sc. something before ceded by the pres. comp. in MT? II. a. 1
unknown, trans. Luke xx. 37. John xi. Cor. ix. 27 V7rwiridw pov TO a&p.a . .
tvvo&v . .
p.r)TTOTe at irapaltji K. T. X. vii. 6. M/jrf, conj. ([,
a continuative
xiii. 29. xxvii. 64. Mark iv. 12. Luke referring usually rather to a part of a
xii. 58. xiv. 8, 12. "va firjTroTe Luke xiv. proposition or clause, and not, also not ;
29. c. praet. preced. Matt. xiii. 15. Acts hence neither, not even. See Buttm.
xxviii. 27. Seq. Indie, fut. Mark xiv. 2 149. p. 427. Winer 59. 6.
SopVpOQ tffTCtl TOV XaOV, Mj)
pfjTTOTt in continued negation, at the be-
II. c After verbs implying fear or ginning of a subsequent clause, after /*/,
caution, seq. Subjunct. Matt. xv. 32. neither, nor. Eph. iv. 27 6 TjXioe p,r) i-Tri-
Luke xxi. 34 Trpoa't^f.Tt iavTolg, firjwoTe dvtTbt . .
di$OT TOTTOV T(f SicifBoXq). 2
papr}5wfftv K. T. X. Heb. ii. 1. iv. 1. with Thess. ii. 2. Hdian. 4. 15. 19. Re-
prec. verb impl. Matt. xxv. 9. Acts v. peated, /xryre /i^re, neither nor, before
39. Xen. Cyr. 1. 6. Indie.fut. different parts of the same clause, Matt,
10.) Seq.
Heb. iii. 12, comp. in MJ? II c. v. 34 sq. /XT) ouoaai oXwg , firjre iv r<p ovoavy,
III. As an interrogative particle, . .
iv Ty yy, . . p^Tt eiQ lepog. K. r.X.
7. AL. smite,)
a smiter of his mother, a matricidef
a mother,
1 Tim. i. 9. Comp. Rom. i. 30. Thorn.
MTJTTJP, tpoc, T/OOC, Attic form, Luc. Deor.
Mag. p. 695.
comp. Buttm. 47.
Concil. 12. Lys. 116. 43. Plato Phaedo
a) pp.
Matt. i. 18. ii. 11, 13, 20. al. ssep.
Trop. of one in the place of a mother,
Matt. xii. 49, 50. Mark x.30. John xix.
Mijr/ooVoXfc* *<>, 17, (pflTrip, 7T(5Xi,)
27. Rom. xvi. 13. Sept. forQN Gen. ii.
metropolis, 1 Tim. vi. 23 in the spurious
24. xliv. 20. Xen. Mem. 2. 2. 1. trop.
subscription. Xen. An. 5. 2. 3.
Horn. II. 6. 429.
b) genr. for parent, ancestor, progeni- Mt'a, see in Elf.
trix. Gal. iv. 26 17 Sk dvw 'Ipouf eXtvSepa .
IOTI iravrittv
Mmtvw, f. ctv&, perf. pass, fiipiafffiat
jTig [Sdpp'a] pfiTtjp Tit. i. 15, comp. Buttm. 101. n. 8;
&v, which represents Sarah our
i. e.
3 pers. sing, pefiiavrai Tit. i.
perf. pass.
common mother, comp. ver. 22, 24, 28. 15, comp. Buttm. 101. n. 7 aor. 1 ; pass.
So Sept. and Ox Gen. iii. 20. Others
ipidvSnv, comp. Buttm. 110. n. 3 ; pp.
metropolis, as ON and Sept. prjTpoiroXiQ
to colour, to tinge, Horn. II. 4. 141. An-
Sam. xx. 19 Trop. of a city as the thol. Gr. II. p. 153. to stain, to pollute,
parent or source of wickedness and Hdian. 1. 15. Luc. Phalar. prior 12. In
abominations, Rev. xvii. 5 Bo/3vXo>v n N. T. to defile, to pollute, trans.
T&V TTOQV&V jcairwvjS&Xwy/idrwv.
fifjTrip in the Levitical sense, John xviii.
Test. XII Patr. p. 539. p. 735. AL. 28 tW fitf (iiavS&ffiv, dXX' 'iva 0dyart TO
So Sept.
for Wpo Lev. v. 3.
MTJT*, neg. partic. (fir), TI indef.) not irdirxn.
Luke ix. 13. 1 Cor. vii. 5. 2 Cor. xiii. 5. 10. Thuc. 2. 102.
age, small, young, not grown up. ample, c. 2 Tim. iii. 7 TTWC dti fitp,Ei-
viii. 10 c'nrb piicpov e'wg /ityaXov. xxvi.22. a$ai ripae. Heb. xiii. 7. 3 John
ver. 9.
Heb. viii. 11. Rev.xi. 18. xiii. 16. xix. 11. Wisd. iv. 2. Hdian. 4. 9. 5. Xen.
5, 18.xx. 12. Comp. in Mtyac a. In Cyr. 1. 3. 10.
a compar. sense for less, younger, Lat.
minor natu, Mark xv. 40 TOV 'lor. TOV MtjurjTTjc, ou, o, (/it/*eo/icu,)
an im-
itator, follower, only in the phrase /-
of James the less.
d) of time,
John vii. 33 pucpov gpovov.
pass. Buttm. 136. 2. 113. n. 6 ; perf.
xii. 35. 11. xx. 3. Hence absol.
part. pfuvT]/j.evos 2 Tim. i. 4, as pres.
fiiicpov B\. xpvov, a little while, pp. ace. Buttm. 1 14. p. 292. comp. Matth. 495.
of time how long, John xiii. 33. xiv. 19. b. To call to mind, to recollect, to re-
xvi. 16 19. Heb. x. 37. So /ird/it*cp6v,
member, usually c. c. gen. Buttm. 132. <$
e) trop.
of dignity, authority, low, for Heb. xiii. 3. Aor. 1 as Mid.
humble, Matt. x. 42 eva r&v fiiicp&v TOV- Matt. xxvi. Utrpoc TOV pfjf*a-
T^tfJLVija^tr) 6
TCJV, spoken of the disciples, xviii. 6, 10, Luke54 IXeovg. ver. 72. xxiii. 42.
rof. i.
14. Mark ix. 42. Luke xvii. 2. Matt.
xxiv. 8. Acts xi. 16. 1 Cor. xi.2. 2 Tim.
xi. 11 6 tie
fiiKpoTepoc iv. T. /3. Luke vii.
Heb. viii. 12
i. 4. 2 Pet. iii. 2. Jude 17.
28. ix. 48. Comp. in BcXrtW -- JE1. V.
et X. 17 TU>V dvofiiuiv O.VT&V ov fir) fivrj-
H. 2. 27. Xen. An. 3. 2. 10.
a$> tTi, i. q. I will pardon them, quo-
, ou, 7, Miletus, a maritime ted from Jer. xxxi. 34 where Sept. for
city in the southern part of Ionia on the ID) and so Sept. for n^p Jer. xxxiii.
confines of Caria, a few miles south of 8. Luc. D. Deor. 2. 1. Xen. Mem. 2.
the Meander. It was celebrated for a 1. 33. Seq. on, Matt. v. 23. xxvii. 63.
temple of Apollo, and as the birth place Luke xvi. 25. John ii. 17, 22 xii. 16.
of Thales and Anaximander. A few seq. we Luke xxiv. 6 Ecclus. vii. 16 or
ruins now mark its probable site, near a 18. Xen. Cyr. 3. 1. 27.
TOVTO 7roiCJ. Heb. i.9. Jude 23. Rev. ii. ow, w, f. w<ro>, (/u<7$of,) to hire
6 bis, 15. xviii. 2. Tob. iv. 15. Xen. out, to let for hire, Ml. V. H. 6. 1. Diod.
4. 2. 37. Sic. 12. 56. In N. T. only Mid. /u<r-
in antith. with ayaTrdw it is S6o/iai, of'/tai, f.
waofjiai, to hire out to
a) spec,
q. not to love, to love less, to slight, oneself, i.
q. simply to hire, trans, see
c. ace. of pers. Matt. vi. 24 TOV 'iva p,ivr]- Buttm. 135. 8. Matt. xx. 1 /it^wtra-
ffei Kal TOV tTtpov ayairrjffei. Luke xiv. ffSai ipydrac. ver. 7. Sept. for 15^ Judg.
26. John xii. 25. Rom. ix.
xvi. 13. 2 Chr. xxiv. 12.--^!. V. H.
ix. 4. 14. 17.
13. So Sept. and Npto Gen. xxix. 31. Xen. An. 6.4. 13.
Dent. xxi. 16. Mai. i.' 3. See Tholuck T
aroc> i
(/u<rSow,) hire,
Bergpr. in loc.
wages, rent, Sept. for pn^ Deut. xxiii.
19. ^El. V. H. 4. 12. Hdot.2. 180 __ In
N. T. a thing hired or rented, e. g. a
,) payment of wages;'
pp. 'full
hence recompence* requital, e. g. in the lodging, hired dwelling, Acts xxviii. 30.
sense of reward Heb. x. 35. xi. 26 ; oCj ou, 6, (/u<r3oa,) one
also punishment Heb. ii. 2. Constit. hired, a hired servant, Mark i. 20. John
TDty Ex.
Apostol. 6. 11. comp. purdo8o<ria Thuc. x. 12, 13. Sept. for xii. 45.
and being itself the 60th part of a pulchres of the Hebrews were often ca-
talent. According to Boeckh 1. c. p. 16, verns, Gen. xxiii. 9sq. or were hewn by
the Attic pvd was nearest equal to 16i art out of rocks or in the sides of hills,
Diod. Sic. 13. 86. Xen. Cyr. 7. 3. 11. b) by impl. to mention, to speak of,
seq. Heb. xi. 22 irepi rfjf i68ov
irepi, . .
the Ammonites, to which the Hebrews only begotten, i. e. only child, Luke vii.
also offered human victims, both 12 (tovoytvrif r< viii.42 3-vydr^p
during fttjTpi.
their wanderings and afterwards in the fiov. it v. ix. 38. Heb. xi. 17 Tob. iii. 15.
valley of Hinnom, Lev. xviii. 21. xx. 2 vi. 9. Jos. Ant. 2. 7. 4. Diod. Sic. 4. 73.
sq. K. xi. 7, etc. comp. in Ttiwa.
1 In John's writings spoken only of 6
The Rabbins describe the statue of Mo- Aoyoc, the only begotten Son of God in
loch as of brass, in the form of the hu- the highest sense, as alone knowing and
man body, but with the head of an ox ; revealing the essence of the Father,
it was hollow within, was heated from John i. 14, 18. iii. 16, 18. 1 John iv. 9.
below, and the children to be immolated Comp. Adyoc Others here by impl.
were placed in its arms. Similar to most dear, only beloved, as Sept. for "pn^
this was also the statue of Saturn among Ps. xxii. 21. xxxv. 17.
the Carthaginians, see Diod. Sic. 20, 14.
Miinter Religion der Karthager p. 19. Mo i>o v, adv. see in Movoc. c.
v. 36. Acts xviii. 25. 1 Cor. vii. 39. Gal. row /iop^y. comp. Jos. c. Ap. 2. 22.
i. 23. Heb. ix. 10. (Hdian. 3. 4. 19. Xen.
ct ^ Matt. xxi. 19
vi. 8.Acts xi. form,
, W,
to fashion, trans. Sept. foriKjp Is.
f. w<, (/top^r;,)
9, 20. Or fiopQrj may here have the sense with icoTTOf. 2 Cor. xi. 27 iv KOTT^ nal
of nature, 0v<rif, so that iv pop<f>y Stov 1 Thess. ii. 9.
. 2 Thess. iii. 8.
529 M vpov
Sept. for *>73y Deut. xxvi. 7. Ecc. ii. 18 ally accompanied by song. Larger
sq Wisd/x. 10. Xen. Conv. 8. 40.
. mills were turned by an ass whence ;
eojj u>, f. rjvu, (pvu to shut up,) 138, 139. Calmet art. Corn Hence
to initiate, to instruct, things before inN.T.
unknown, Pass. Phil. iv. 12, parall. with a
a) mill,
Rev. xviii. 22 KA\ fwvr) pvXov,
uavSdvuin ver. 11. Diod. Sic. 4. 7fivtfv the song of the mill, i. e. the singing of
rovf dvpw7rov rouro d' iffTiv, TO SiSdoicftv the maid servants when grinding, comp.
TO. KciXa /cat
GvntovTct /cat VTTO rtDv a?rat- Jer. xxv. 10. Sept. for trrn Ex. xi. 5.
ayvoovfitva. Spec, to initiate Is. xlvii. 2. Plut. ed. R. VIII. p. 172.
into the heathen mysteries etc. Diod. 10. IX.p. 301.5. Comp. Hesych. 1. c.
Sic. 5. 48. Hdot. 2/51.
b) by synecd. a mill-stone, i. e. the
ou, o, speech, discourse, upper one or rider, e. g. fivXog 6vtic6f
Horn. Od. 11. 561. Xen. Mem. 1. 2.58. Matt, xviii. 16. Lukexvii.2. /x. /zlyac
In N. T. fable, fiction, a mythic Rev. xviii. 21. Sept. for npn Judg. ix.
53. 2 K. xi. 21. Anthol. Or. III. p. 46,
mythic discourse, 1 Tim. i. 4. iv. 7 rove
e fiepfjXovg Kai ypawfotf pvSovc irapatrov.
2 Tim. iv. 4. Tit. i. 14. 2 Pet. i. 16. MuAwv, covoc, o, (pvXtj,) mill-house,
Hdian. 1. 11. 6. Diod. Sic. 1. 19. Dem. pistrinum, place where the mill is, Matt.
1219. 14. xxiv. 41. Luc. Asin. 42. Dem. 1111.
27. See in
MuKao/zeu, wfiai 9 f> /<ro/*at, (/*') to
moo, to low, pp. as the cow or ox, Horn. Mupa, wv, TO, Myra, one of the six
II. 18. 580. Luc. D. Deor. Mar. 15. 2. principal cities of Lycia, on the S. W.
coast of Asia Minor, Acts xxvii. 5.
to bellmo II. 21. 237. Transferred to
other animals, Plut. ed. R. VIII. p. 319 Mi;piaej aoe> r), (/Ltwptoff,)a myriad,
ult. Theocr. 26. 20. In N. T. of a lion, i. ten thousand, Acts xix. 19. Sept. for
to roar, Rev. x. 3 wtrirep Xtwv NiSi Ezra ii. 64. Neh. vii. 66. nnn^
Anthol. Gr. I. p. 246. Deut. xxxiii. 17. Lev. xxvi. 8. JEl. V!
H. 2. 25. Xen. Cyr. 2. 1. 6 __ Put as in
f. nose,
Mufcrrjpitu, t(tw, (pvKTrip
Engl. for any indefinitely large number,
/ivw,) to turn up one's nose in scorn, and Luke xii. 1. Acts xxi. 20. Heb. xii. 22.
hence to mock, to deride, Pass. Gal. vi. 7
Jude 14. Rev. v. 11. ix. 16. So Sept.
Scof ou nvKTTjpiZerai, i. e. God will not and Jinn^ Gen. xxiv. 60. 1 Sam. xxi. 11.
let himself be mocked.
Sept. for 3^ Job
to anoint sc.
xxii. 19. Ps. Ixxx. 7. Test. XII Patr. Mupio>, f. ia<*>, (fjivpov,')
for burial, to embalm, trans. Mark xiv. 8
p. 700. Lys. Fragm. 36.
7rpotXa/3 fivptaai pov TO (rayta. Aristoph.
O 9 T), ov, (nvXi) mill,) belong- Plut. 529. Hdot. 1. 195.
ing to a mill, e. g. Xi'So? pvXticog a mill- ov very many, nnumer-
stone, Mark ix. 42.
Pind. Nem.
10. 84. Theocr. 16. 22.
from Plur. fivpioi id. Horn. Od. 8. 110. In
MuAoe, ou, 6, pvXi) /tvXXw,
a grinder, hence
a N. T. only plur. pvpioi ten thousand, pp.
fiuw,) pp. mill, a mill-
ttone. The mills used Matt, xviii. 24 /zupiW raXavrwv.
by the Hebrews Sept.
are still common in the East for
O'D^ rvi^ Esth. iii. 9. 13*1 1 Chr.
they wore ;
composed of two stones, of which the xxix. 7. Diod! Sic. 15. 59. Xen. Cyr.
lower was fixed, and the upper was 2. 1. 5. Put as in Engl. for any inde-
turned round upon it (Heb. 351 finitely large number, 1 Cor. iv. 15 edv
having a hole in the middle for receiv- fivpiovq Traidaywyove t^Tt, i. e. ten thou-
ing the grain. The grinding was most- sand masters, xiv. 19. Jos. Ant. 5. 3.
ly done by hand by female slaves, and 2. Hdian. 2. 3. 14. Xen. Cyr. 5. 1. 13.
though exceedingly laborious was usu- Mvpov, ov, TO, (lleb. ito,) any ar-
2 M
530 M
omatic balsam distilling of itself from a Xp. 1 Tim. iii. 9 r?lc TT'KTT^Q. Rom. xvi.
tree or plant, espec. myrrh, fivpoa, <rpvp. 25. Cor. ii. 7. iv. 1. xiii. 2. Eph. iii.
va, MLV. H. 12.31. comp. Diod. Sic. 3. Col. i. 27. So of particular doctrines
5. 41. In N. T. genr. ointment, ungent, or parts of the Gospel, Rom. xi. 25. 1
1. e. perfumed, Matt. xxvi. 7 dXdpaarpov Cor. xv. 51. Eph. i. 9. 1 Tim. iii. 16.
pvpov. ver.9, 12. Mark xiv.3,4. Luke vii. from
Mvw7ratoj dff(t>, (fjivwty /iva*,
37, 38. xxiii. 56. John xi. 2. xii. 3 bis, 5. pp. to shut the eyes, i. e. to contract
Rev. xviii. 13. Opp. to IXatov, Luke vii. the eyelids, to blink, to twinkle, like one
46 sXai'y rrjv K0. fiov OVK ^Xti^/ag- avrrj 81
who cannot see clearly hence by impl.
ed. R. VI. p. 669. 8. from the water), pr. n. of the great He-
brew prophet and legislator. On the
dc, a, ov, pp. ^M#, not acute, forms and flexion, see Winer 5. p. 44.
e. g. of impressions on the taste, insipid, 10. The form Mw<r//e, gen. ewg, comes
tasteless, Dioscor. 4. 18. p. 122. Hip- from Heb. m$7D, and is found chiefly
pocr. de Diaeta 2. 27. 2. Comp. Tho- in the Evangelists, Matt. viii. 4. xvii. 3.
luck Bergpred. p. 122. In N.T. of the xxiii. 2. Mark i. 44. ix.4,5. Actsiii. 22.
mind, stupid, foolish, and 6 /iwpoc subst. al Mwutn/c and Mwu<rvg, also in Sept.
a fool, e. g. of persons, Matt. vii. 26 and Josephus, and in some editions
rat avSpi /ia>p<. xxiii. 17 /zwpot everywhere in N. T. are derived from
i. ver. 19. XXV. the Egyptian form, see Gesen. Lex. art.
sc. 7ra|o3lj>oi. ver. 3, 8. 1 Cor. iii. 18. iv. Jos. Ant. 2. 9. 6 rb yap vdup jttw
10. So prob. Matt. v. 22, where others ol AiyviTTioi KaXovaiv, vffrjg fit TOVQ l
Sept. o^pwv Ps. xiv. 1. liii. 2. Job ii. 10 ; E. g. Mwyeri/t,-, gen. ov, Acts vi. 14. vii.
but /xwpoc no where else has this sense. 35, 37. Matt. xvii. 4. al. Mwuireuf Acts
Comp. Tholuck Bergpr. p. 178 sq. xv. 1, 5. 2 Tim. iii. 8. al. Meton. for
(Arr. Epict. 3. 22. 85.) Of things, the booksof Moses, the Pentateuch, Luke
1 Cor. i. 25 rd pupbv TOV Seov i. e. xvi.29, 31. xxiv^27. AL.
indec. Naason, Heb. Tiberias and the Mediterranean. It lies
n. of a chief of Ju- at the foot and on the side of a hill facing
p (diviner), pr.
dah, whose sister was the wife of Aaron, the E. and S. E. along a small valley or
Matt. i. 4 bis. Luke iii. 32. Comp. Ex. basin entirely shut in by hills, except a
vi. 23. Num. ii. 3. narrow rocky gorge toward the south
leading to the great plain. Here is now
Nervy**/, o, indec. Naggce, p. n. of shown the supposed place where the
a man, Luke iii. 25.
men of the city were about to cast Jesus
or Na^a/ot'r, ?, indec, down from the precipice, Luke iv. 29.
Nazareth, prob. Heb. 1^3, Aram. Jihnxa. See Rosenm. Bibl. Geogr. II. ii. 85 sq.
(a twig,) see Hengstenb. Christol. Vol. Jowett's Chr. Res. p. 128, and in Cal-
II. init. Bibl. Repos. IV. p. 182 sq. pr. sub. v. Miss. Her. 1824. p. 307. Matt,
n. of a small city in lower Galilee, just ii.23. iv. 13. xxi. 11. Mark i. 9. Luke
north of the great plain of Esdrselon, i.26. ii. 4, 39, 51. iv. 16. John i. 46,
and about mid -way between the lake of 47. Acts x, 38.
2 M 2
passages as Is. xi. 1. liii. 2. Zech.iii. 8. impl. 2 Cor. i. 18, 19 bis. Matt. v. 37.
vi. 12, etc. but here also implying re-
Comp. Tholuck Bergpr. p. 300.
proach, from the contempt in which
Nazareth was held. See Hengstenb. Ncuv, "h)
indec. Nain, a town of
Christol. Vol. II. init. Bibl. Repos. IV. Galilee situated according to Eusebius
Once of Christians in con- about two miles south of Mount Tabor,
p. 186 sq.
near Endor, Luke vii. 11. See Rosenm.
tempt, as the followers of Jesus of Naz-
Bibl. Geogr. II. ii. p. 94.
areth, Acts xxiv. 5.
NaSav, o, indec.
(given sc. of God), pr. n. of a son of
Nathan, Heb. ^ Naoc, ov, o, (vat'w to dwell,) pp.
dwelling, hence temple, fane, as the dwell-
David, Luke iii. 31. Comp. 2 Sam. v. ing of a God ; in classic writers mostly
14 __ Not the prophet Nathan 2 Sam. vii.
q. Upov, though sometimes spoken of
the interior and most sacred part of a
2 sq. xii. 1 sq.
temple where the image of the god was
NaSavaTjA, 6, indec. Nathanael, set up, Hdot. 1. 183 Hence in N. T.
Heb. ^N2J12 (given of God), pp. i. q.
a) genr. of any temple, Iv xapoTrotjj-
6i6a>pog Theodore, pr. n. of a disciple Acts 24. Hdian.
TOIQ vaolg [vii. 48.1 xvii.
of Christ, supposed to be the same with
7. 3 13. Xen. Mem. 3. 8. 10 So Acts
the apostle BapS'oXo/iaTog q. v. John i. 46 xix. 24 TrotoJv vaoiiQ apyvpovs 'ApTtfjuSog
50. xxi. 2.
silver of Diana, i. e. miniature
Na adv. of affirmation, yea, yes, copies of the temple of Diana at Eph-
certainly. esus, containing a small image of the
a) pp.
in answer to a question. Matt. goddess. Such shrines of other gods
ix. 28 dvvafiai TOVTO iroiij-
TrioTcverc 'on were also common, made of gold, silver,
aai\ Xlyoucrtv avrtf> vai, Kvpis. xiii. 51. or wood, and were purchased by pil-
xvii.25. xxi. 16. John xi. 27. xxi. 15, 16.
grims and travellers, probably as memo-
Acts v. 8. xxii. 27. Rom. iii. 29. JE1. rials, or to be used in their devotions.
V. H. 13. 4. Xen. Mem. 4. 2. 20. See Hammond and Wetstein in loc
b) as expressing assent to the words Artemid. IV. 34 Kpartvoc 6 jj/ifrtjooj;,
or deeds of another. Matt. xi. 26 vat, apyvpeov vaov IpyfTriorarTjf <5oa ttvat.
6 Trarfjo, [sc. 6pSwg Trout?,] on ovrwg Diod. Sic. 1. 15, 97. ib. 20. 14 tirt^av
K. r.\. Luke x. 21. Rev. xvi. 17. xxii. 20 dt Kai rot> IK T&V ifp&v xpvoov^ VUOVQ rotg
vat, epxov Kvpit, in some edit. Act. d^itfpv/mo-i Trpof TTJV iKeviav. Hdot. 2. 63
Thorn. 17, 18. Xen. Mem. 2. 7. 14 __ TO dk ayaX^ta, ibv iv vrj^ /ttKn^J uXtvy
Seq. introducing a subsequent limi-
/cat Kara*cc \;pv<To/f6vy
K. T. X. comp. Dion,
tation or modification. Matt. xv. 27 et Hal. 2. 12 TO. Trjs 'E0/<ri'af 'ApTfJii8oa(f>t-
Mark vii. 28 val, Kvpif icai yap TO. KVVO.- dpvjjiaTa irap' "EXXrjffiv.
pia K. T. \. comp. in Tap I. b, fin. Vi- b)
of the temple at Jerusalem, or in
allusion to it, but spoken only of the a flower), pr. n. of a man at Rome,
fane or edifice itself, in distinction from Rom. xvi. 11. He is
supposed to have
lepov, which included also the
courts been the freed-man and favourite of the
and other appurtenances, see 'Itpov. emperor Claudius, comp. Sueton. Claud.
16 bis og &v i/^oo-y Iv 28. Tacit. Annal. 12. 57.
(a) pp. Matt, xxiii.
T$ vatji . . . iv rtfi xpvcrtfi
rov vaov. ver. 17,
21, ver. 35 ^ierav rov vaov ical rov Svtri- Naua-ylw, w, f. ^<rw, (vavayo? one
i. e. the altar of burnt offer- shipwrecked, from vav$ dyvvpi,} to make
shipwreck* i. e. to be shipwrecked, intrans.
ings which stood in the court of the 2 Cor. xi. 11 rplg ivavayriffa. Trop. 1
priests before the entrance of the vaof,
Tim. i. 19 irepi rf)v iriartv. pp. Dem.
see in 'Itpov. xxvii. 5 pfyvag ra apyvpta
910. 7. Xen. Cyr. 3. 1. 24. trop. Philo
(v ry vay, prob. in the entrance of the de Somn. p. 1128. D.
vaog, since Judas could not enter with-
in it. xxvi. 61 et xxvii. 40. Mark xiv. 58 ofi, o, (yavq,
et xv. 29. Luke i. 9, 21, 22. John ii. 20.
ship-owner, nauclerus, i. e. the master or
2 Thess. ii. 4. For the Karairbraona owner of a trading vessel, who took
rov vaov Matt, xxvii. 51. Mark xv. 38.
passengers and freight for hire, Acts
Luke xxiii. 45, see in Kara-rrsrafffia. Sept. xxvii. 11. Comp. Adam's Rom. Ant. p.
for bvr 1 K. vi. 5, 17. Ps. v. 8. xi. 4. 406 __ Jos. Ant. 9. 10. 2. Pol. 4. 6. 1.
Jos. Ant. 8.4. 1. ib. xi. 4. 3.
(/3) Xen. Mem. 2. 6. 38.
the Spikenard of the Ancients, in Asiat. like veaviffKog, was applied to men in
39. Xen. An. 7.33.2.So of young ence to being raised again from tne
men in the prime and vigour of man- dead, resurrection, e. g. Zwvree tK vtKp&v
hood up to the age of 40 years or more. trop. Rom. vi. 13. w>) IK v. trop. xi.
Matt. xix. 20, 22, comp. Luke xviii. 18 15, see in Zw^ a. o. So wo7roit7j/ rovg
where it is dp^wv. Acts v. 10 vtaviaicoi, v. Rom. iv. 17. lyet'pav TOVQ vtupovf
i. e. the younger members of the com- Matt. x. 8. John v. 21. Acts xxvi. 8.
to 2 Cor. i. 9. lytiptiv rivd OTTO v. IK vtK-
munity i.
q. vturepoi in v. 6. Opp.
TTjOffT/Sirepoi or Trarlptf, Acts ii. 17. 1 p&v Matt. xiv. 2. xxvii. 64. Acts iii. 15.
John ii. 13, 14. Of soldiers Mark xiv. Gal. i. 1. 1 Thess. i. 10. avaor^vai
51. So Sept. for 1573 Gen. xli. 12. IK T&V vtKp&v Matt. xvii. 9. Luke xvi. 31.
Josh. vi. 23. tnrb$ Josh. ii. 1, 23. John xx. 9. trop. Eph. v. 14. ava-
Pol. 5. 25. 3. Hdian/7. 6. 3. Xen. Cyr. (TTaaig T&V vtKp&v Matt. xxii. 31. Acts
5. 1. 9, 13. Phavorin. VICIV'HJKOQ air ir&v xvii. 32. Rom. i.Cor. xv. 13, 21,
4. 1
17, 20, 26. So Ip-ya vcpa efearf works, Cor. V. 7 'iva Tyre vkov (j>vpap.a. Col. iii.
a) death,
10 17. rvrfc Ecc. xi. 9, 10. Hdian. 1. 3.
7-J/V ViKpdifflV TOV 'llJOOV Iv T< ff^fiaTl
ever exposed to e.
3. Xen. Mem. 2. 1. 31.
rm&v irepiQipovrtg, i.
xiv. 14 bis, 15, 16. As surrounding as- by which one swears. Passow sub. >-
cending saints or angels, 1 Thess. iv. 17.
Buttm. 149. p. 430. 1 Cor. xv. 31 vrj
Rev. x. 1. xi. 12. Comp. of God, Ps. rrjv vfji. Kavxvaw, i. e. by all my ground
xviii. 8. sq. xcvii. 2. Is. xix. 1. of glorying in you, BC. I protest etc.
So Sept. for "H Gen. xlii. 15, 16 Luc.
Nc^)^aX(>, o, D. Deor. 19. I. JE1. V. H. 1. 33. Xen.
Heb. ^J?I-)D3 (my wrestling) Naphtali, 1. 3. 10.
born Cyr.
pr. n. of the sixth son of Jacob,
NiJ^w,f. vfjau), (i. q. vlw, Buttm.
of Bilhah, comp. Gen. xxx. 8. In N. T.
to spin, absol. Matt. vi. 28 et Luke
only meton. for the tribe of Naphtali, xii. 27 ov$k vfi$et, sc. TO. xpiva.
Matt. iv. 13, 15. Rev. vii. 6. Sept.
for rno Ex. xxxv. 25, comp. xxvi. 31.
ovo cfo "^ PP- xxxviV. 18. Anthol. Gr. III. p. 63,
N<0oe, oc, ,
Hdian. 1. 14. 4. Diod. Sic. 1. 38. In 189. Comp. H. Planck in Bibl. Repos.
N. T. trop. for crowd, throng, Heb. xii. I. p. 676 sq.
1 j'.'/>of
paprvpuv. Apoll. Rh. Argon. 4.
397. Hdot. 8. 109 vtyoc TOOOVTO dvSpu-
Nrj7naw, f. aaw, (vTjTnof,) to be as a
child, childlike, intrans. 1 Cor. xiv. 20
Diod. Sic. 3. 29 TO. vityi) TWV CLK-
Ty Kaidq. vT)7riaeTf, i. e. be ignorant of it,
comp. Matt, xviii. 3. Gr. proverb, ota-
oe, ou, o, kidney, usually plur. 0fp # TOV vijiriov KO$' ijXiKiav ovSiv o iv
ol vffpoi the kidneys, reins, loins, Sept. Taif Qptoi vt]Trid%(Dv, comp. "Wetstein in
ni^Sj Ex. xxix. 13, 32. Job xvi. 13. loc.
In N. T. trop. for the inmost mind, the
NT)TT(OC, ta, iov, also of two endings,
seat of the desires and passions, Rev. ii. 6, 17,(vjj-insep. un, STTOC,) pp. not speak-
23 iptvvuv vc^pouf rat KapSiaf. Coin}). ing, infans, and hence an infant, child,
Sept. and DV^in the similar phrase
babe, without any definite limitation of
Pa. vii. 10. Jer. xi. 20. xvii. 10 xx. 12. .
a) pp.
Matt. xxi. 16 IK <rro/*arof vrjiri-
ov, *,
, (va6f, Att.
hence temple- Sr)\a%6vTtov, quoted from Ps. viii.
(DV icai
ppsw,) pp. temple-sweeper,
3 where Sept. for b$ty. 1 Cor. xiii. 11
keeper, prefect of a temple, who had
charge also of the decorations, Jos. Ant. quinq. ore ?/yn7jv vrjiriog K. T. X. By impl.
1. 7. 6. Xen. An. 5. 3. 6. Suid. vtarKo- a minor, one not yet of age, Gal. iv. 1 .
pof* o TOV vtwv KOffu&v Kai tvrptiri^tiiv, Sept. genr. for tyiy and bfyy of a
d\\' ovx o ffapwv. Hence for worship- child playing in the streets, Jer. vi. 11.
Ni(ur/0/KOC, /, ov, (vlof, vewrtpoc,) Nereus, pr. n. of a
youthful, pertaining to youth, 2 Tim. ii. Njpi, EWC, 09
8. Jos. Ant. 16. 11. 7. Pol. 10. 24. 7. N?j/o, 6, indec. Neri, pr. n. of a man,
Luke iii. 27. .
Ncwrtpoc, a, ov, see in Nloc.
NTJO-/OV, ov, TO, (dim. of v/(roj:,) a
Nii, a particle of swearing, always small island, islet, sc. KXavfy q. v. Acts
affirmative, and taking the accus. of that xxvii. 16.
Nfjo-oc 5S7
island, Acts xiii. 6. xxvii.26. xxviii. 1, scanty supplies of the desert comp. Act. ;
Diod! Sic. 3. 44. Xen. H. G. 4. 8. 7. avrov rtfwp. 1 Sam. xxxi. 13. Dan. x. 2
Nrjoraa, aq, *)> (vrj<jTtvu,)a fasting,
abstinence from eating. Nfj<mc tc>c > *i>
adJ- (fij-msep. tin,
fast, ?
aig Ti-oXXdKif.-Diod. Sic. 1. 82. Plut. ed. Plut. Cato Maj. 23 vtjffnv. Dion.
R. VIII. Hal. Rhetor. 9. 16 Another
p. 327.13. vrjffTiic.
occurs Athen. VII. 79. p.
b) in a religious sense, e. g. of the plur. vijffrttitc
October, and thus served to indicate the abstinent, espec. in respect to wine, Jos.
season of the year after which the navi- B. J. 5. 5. 7 drro dicparov vi'i<j>ovref. Xen.
gation of the Mediterranean became Cyr. 7. 5. 20. In N. T. to be sober-minded,
dangerous, Acts xxvii. 9. Comp. Lev. watchful, circumspect, intrans. 1 Thess.
xvi. 29 sq. xxiii. 27 sq. Jos. Ant. 3. 10. v. 6 ypijyopdi/iev Kai vrjQvftfv. ver. 8. 2
3, where also the time is marked, 4 Tim. iv. 5 ov Si vi-j^c iv iraoi. 1 Pet. i.
Tptirofitvov TOV Kainov irpbg n}v %tififpiov 13. iv.7. v.8 __Jos.B. J.2. 12. 1. Luc.
wpav. Jahn Philo de Vit.
103, 357. Herinot. 47 vij<peg Kai /je/ivj/tro ainaTiiv.
Mos. 2. p. 657. C. Plut. ed. R. VIII. p. Hdian.2. 15. 1.
669. 12. genr. JEl. V. H. 5. 20.
indec. Niger, surname of
Nrvtp, 6,
it, (vr}(rrtf,)
to fast, Simon a teacher at Antioch, Acts xiii. 1.
to abstain from eating, in N. T. only of
je, /, victory,
meton. for the cient capital of the Assyrian empire,
another derivation and sense, i. e. from the feet, as a mark of hospitality offered
^2 and Dy, q. d. non-populus. to a guest on his arrival, and performed
(pp. city of victory,) a city of Thrace, of&aXjwoug John ix. 7 bis, 11 bis, 15 ; the
now Nihopi, on the river Nessus hands, rdf \t~ipac Matt. xv. 2. Mark vii.3
(Ka- j
539 NojLKKO
the feet, rove Trotfag John xiii. 5, 6, 8 bis, find happiness. Sept. for niTiTp Gen.
10, 12, 14bis. Tim. v. 10. So Sept. for
1 xlvii. 5. 1 Chr. iv. 39, 40. rvinp Ps.
yrnT of the face Gen. xliii. 31, the hands Ixxiv. 1. rnj Prov. xxiv. 15.~Hdot.
EX. XXX. 20. Deut. xxi. 6, the feet 1 Sam. 1. 110. Xen/Cyr.3. 2. 20.
xiv. 3. Jos.B.J.2.21.7.
ov, b,
lawfully, according to law and custom, Ant. 3. 7. 7. Diod. Sic. 1. 94. Xen.
1 Tirn. i. 8. 2 Tim. ii. 5. Arr. Epict. Mem. 1. 2.31.
3. 10. 8 t
vo/xi'/iwc ySXrjffaf. Xen. Mem.
ou, 6, (vft( to divide out,
4.4. 1.
to <any thing divided out, al-
allot,) pp.
NofHffjua, aroe, TO, (vojn'w,) pp. any
lotted/ what one has in use and pos-
thing acknowledged and sanctioned by session hence usage, custom, Sept. and
custom or law;' hence current money, rnin 2 Sam. vii. 19. Jos. Ant. 1. 13. 3.
coin, Lat. numisma. Matt. xxii. 19 TO v. Luc. D. Mort. 14. 5. Xen. Cyr. 1.4.28.
TOV Krjvaov. Jos. Ant. 14. 14. 1. Hdian. In N. T. only law, as prescribed by cus-
2. 15. Xen. Cyr. 4. 6. 12. tom or statute.
a) genr.
and without reference to a
No;io&Sa<ricaAoc, ov, b, (vo/ioc, particular people or state. Rom. iv. 15
a law-teacher, i. e. a teacher ov yap OVK tori vofioc, ovdi 7rapa/3a<ri. V.
and expounder of the Jewish law, i. q. 13. vii. 8. 1 Tim. i. 9. Dem. 774. 18.
oftiKot and jpaftfiaTtvf, Luke v. 17. Acts Xen. Mem. 1. 2. 41 sq.
r. 34. See in rpappaTevc b. Spoken
b) spec, of particular laws, statutes,
also of Christian teachers who obtruded
ordinances, spoken in N. T. mostly of
themselves upon the churches as ex- the Mosaic statutes, viz. Of laws
pounders of the Mosaic law, 1 Tim. i. 7 relating to civil rights and duties, John
vii. 51 fitj 6 vofiog r}\iS)v Kpivti TOV dv$p<ti-
TTOV K. T. X. John viii. 5 comp. Lev. xx.
10. John xix. 7 comp. Lev. xxiv. 16 et
giving, legislation, the giving of a code
Deut. xiii. 5. Acts xxiii. 3. xxiv. 6. So
of laws, Diod. Sic. 1.94. Pol. 4. 81. 12
the law of marriage Rom. vii. 2, 3. 1 Cor.
airb Trjg
Avuovpyov vofjLO^f.<jiaq. In N. T.
vii. 39 ; of the Levitical priesthood Heb.
meton. legislation, i. q. the laws given,
code of laws, the law, e. g. the Mosaic
vii. 16. Also Heb. ix. 19 ward vopov i. e.
pp. Matt. v. 18 I'wra tv ov pij TraplX-
. . . ZrjTTjaeie icai Xoyo/iaxfa?. Trepi
!yy curb
rov vofiov. xxii. 36 TTOI'CC IvroXr) Plut. de Ira cohib. 14, or ed. Reisk. VII.
Luke xvi. 17. John p. 812. 10. VIII. p. 161.
3 rote Trepi
jieydXr) Iv Tt$ vo/iy |
1. 17 6 vofioQ Sid Mu)<rt(i>G tSo^rj. vii. 19. S6av voffovaiv. Plato Phsedr. p. 228. C.
Acts vii. 53. Rom.ii. 13
sq. v. 13. 1 Cor. n Diod. Sic. T. VI. p. 227 ult. ed.
xv. 56. Gal. 10 sq. 1 Tim. i. 8. James
iii. Tauchn. or X. p. 155. Bip. c dat. Ml.
ii. 9, 11 al. tpya vopov see in 'Epyov b.