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इंटरनेट मानक

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Whereas the Parliament of India has set out to provide a practical regime of right to
information for citizens to secure access to information under the control of public authorities,
in order to promote transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority,
and whereas the attached publication of the Bureau of Indian Standards is of particular interest
to the public, particularly disadvantaged communities and those engaged in the pursuit of
education and knowledge, the attached public safety standard is made available to promote the
timely dissemination of this information in an accurate manner to the public.

“जान1 का अ+धकार, जी1 का अ+धकार” “प0रा1 को छोड न' 5 तरफ”

Mazdoor Kisan Shakti Sangathan Jawaharlal Nehru
“The Right to Information, The Right to Live” “Step Out From the Old to the New”

IS 1762-1 (1974): Code for designation of steels, Part I

Based on lettter symbols [MTD 4: Wrought Steel Products]

“!ान $ एक न' भारत का +नम-ण”

Satyanarayan Gangaram Pitroda
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“Knowledge is such a treasure which cannot be stolen”
IS : 1762 (Part I) -1974
(Reamrmed 2003)

Indian Standard

(First Revision)
Fourth Reprint AUGUST 2007
(Including Amendment No.1)

UDC 669.14: 003.62

© Copyright 1975

Gr3 July 1975

IS i 1762 (Part I) -1974

Indian Standard

(First Revision)
Metal Standards Sectional Committee, SMDC
Chairman Rlpresentin,
SURI A. K. BHATTACRARYYA Ministry of Railways
JOINT DIBEO'l'OR ( M & C) } .
AS818'f ANT DIRECTOR ( MS ) ( Alternates to Shrl A. K. Bhattacharyya )
SHBI M. ANJANEYULU Mining and Allied Machinery Corporation Ltd,
SHIU N. V. RAGBAVAN (Alt,rnate)
])8 A. S. BHADURI National Test House. Calcutta
Su ar D. D. BHUPTANI Indian Tube Co Ltd. Calcutta
SORI O. N. AOARWAL (Alternate)
SaRI P. K. CHAKRAVABTY The Tata Iron & Steel Co Lcd. Jamshedpur
SHRI G. CRATTERJEB Hindustan Steel Ltd, Ranchi
8l1BI K. C. SOM ( Alt,rnat, )
SURI P. K. CHATTERJEE Ministry of Defence (DGI)
SRRIN.S.CHAUDHARV Instrumentation Ltd, Kota
SHRt J. S. SERMI t Alternat,)
SaRI B. N. DA8 National Metallurgical Laboratory ( CSIR),
SUBI N'. T. GEORGE Ministry of Defence ( R&D)
SRRI A. K. GUHA Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals
( Inspection Wing), New Delhi
SURI P. C. MUS'l'AJ'I ( Alternat, )
DB. S. S. KHANNA Heavy Engineering Corporation Ltd) Ranchi
SHRI A. N. RAo ( Alternat« )
DR D. M. LAKHIANI Indian Iron & Steel Co Ltd, Burnpur
SHRI T. K. DUTTA ( Alumat« )
SaBl U. MODAN RAO Bharat Heavy Electricals Ltd, Bhopal
SUBI B. K. MURTHY Indian Aluminium Co Ltd, Calcutta
SURI S. K. ORRI Bharat Heavy EJectricals Ltd, Hardwar
DR S. R. PRAMANIK Ministry of Steel and Heavy Engineering
SURI M. K. RAO The Binani Metal Works Ltd. Calcutta
SaRI A. K. CHATTBBJIDE (Alt'rnate)
( ContinUld on /Jal' 2)

C> Copyright 1975

Thil publication i. protected under the I,.dia CoP.1ri,hl ~cl (XIV of 19~7) and
reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permission of the
publimer &hall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the laid Act.
IS z 1762 (Part I) -1974
(ContinUld from pa"~ 1 )
M,mlJns Reprlstnti",
SRRIS.RoY Indian Non-Ferrous Metals Manufacturers'
Association, Calcutta
SUBI A. K. BARU ( Altentat, )
SUBI V. K. W A,ZIR Institute of Indian Foundrymen, Calcutta
SURI C. R. RAMA RAO, Director General, lSI ( Rx-officio Membtr)
Director (Struc & Met)

Assistant Director ( Metals), IS)

(Fir8t RevilJion)

(Page 8~ a'Lause E%t%I'IfE'le8~ line 14) -
Substitute 'Fe 510 B' to%' 'Fe 510 Ba'.

(Page 6~ atausB '.1.1.1):
a) Item (e), para!~ line 1 - Substitute 'I 000
time8'fo~ '100 times'.

b) Item (c)(l) d"d (c)(2), tine 1 - Substitute

, '1 000 times' fol' '100 times' at both the

(sMDC 1)
15.1762 {Part 1)-1974

Indian Standard

(First Revision)
0.1 This Indian Standard (Part I) (First Revision) was adopted by the
Indian Standards Institution on 31 October 1974, after the draft finalized
by the Metal Standards Sectional Committee had been approved by the
Structural and Metals Division Council.
0.2 This standard was first published in 1962. The digital system of
designation has since been adopted by many countries and is most suited
for computer applications. It was, therefore, decided that this standard
should be revised in two parts. 'This part ( Part I ) covers the designation
of steel based on letter symbols and Part II will cover designation of
steel based on numerals,
0.3 It is intended that only the minimum number of symbols shall be
used in designating any steel. The Sectional Committee, therefore,
decided that no symbols be used for the most common quality of steel or
for most common applications. An example to illustrate this basic
principle is that no symbol is used to denote semi-killed quality of steel
which comprises 90 percent of the total production of steel.
0.4 While formulating this standard, the Committee has given due
consideration to the Fifth draft proposal on classification of steels under
consideration of ISO ITC 17/Sa 2 Secretariat of which is held by India.
0.5 The units commonly used in Indian Standards and the corresponding
SI units are given in Appendix A for information.

1.1 This standard ( Part I ) covers the code designation of wrought steel
based on letter symbols.
2.1 For the purpose of this standard, definitions given in IS: 1956-1962*
shall app Iy.
-Glossary of terms relating to iron and st~el.

IS I 1762 (Part I) ·1974
3.1 For the purpose of code designation, steels shall be classified as
a) Steels designated on the basis of mechanical properties, and
b) Steels designated on the basis of chemical" composition.
3.1.1 Steels Designated on the Basis of Mechanical Properties - These steels
are carbon and low allow steels where the main criterion in the selection
and inspection of steel is \ he tensile strength or yield stress. I n such
cases, provided the specified mechanical properties are attained, it is not
usual to specify a detailed chemical composition but the quality of the
material is designated where necessary by specifying certain quality
The code designation shall consist of the following in the order
a) Symbol C Fe' or C FeE J depending on whether the steel has been
specified on the basis of minimum tensile strength or yield
b) Figure indicating t he minimum tensile strength or yield stress
in N/mm 2 • If no minimum tensile or yield strength is guaranteed,
the figure shall be 00.
c) Chemical symbols for elements the presence of which characterize
the steel,
d) Symbol indicating special characteristics covering method of
deoxidation, steel quality, degree of purity, weldability guarantee,
resistance to brittle fracture, surface condition, formability,
surface finish, heat treatrnen t, elevated temperature and low
temperature properties.
e) Symbol indicating applications, if necessary.
3.1.1.) E:rplallatory notes for special characteristics
a) Method of deoxidation - Depending on whether the steel is killed,
semi-killed or rimming variety, the following symbols shall be
used to indicate the steel making practice:
i) R for rimming steel, and
ii) K for killed steel.
NOTE - If no symbol is used, it shalJ mean that the steel i. of semi-killed type.
b) Steel qualiry - The following symbols shall be used to indicate
steel quality:
QI-Non-ageing quality,
Q2- Freedom from flakes,
Q3 - Grain size controlled,
Q4 - Inclusion controlled, and
Q5- Internal homogeneity guaranteed.
18.1162 (Part I) -1974
c) Degre« of purity - The sulphur and phosphorus levels (ladle
analysis) shall be expressed as follows:
Symbol Maximum Content in Percent
Phosphorus Sulphur
P25 0'025 0'025
P35 0'035 0'035
P50 0'050 0·050
P70 0·070 0·070
No symbol will mean 0'055 0·055
The above symbols use the letter' P' followed by 100 times the
maximum percentage of sulphur and phosphorus. In case the maximum
contents of sulphur and phosphorus are not same, the following
procedure shall be followed:
Symbol SP shall be used to indicate the levels followed by:
1) 100 times the maximum sulphur rounded off· to the nearest
2) 100 times the maximum phosphorus rounded off· to the nearest
Maximum sulphur = 0'045 percent
. Maximum phosphorus t:-..: 0·035 percent

Designation: SP 44.
d) Weldability guarantee- Guaranteed weldabiJity of steel as deter-
mined by tests mutually agreed between supplier and manufacturer
shall be indicated by the following symbols:
W = Fusion weldable, and
U'I = Weldable by resistance welding but not fusion weldable.
e) Resistance to brittle fracture- Symbol 'B') 'BO', 'B2 J or 'B4'
indicating resistance to brittle fracture based on the results of the
Vvnotch Charpy impact test.
For steels B, BO, B2, and B4 a test should be made with Charpy
V-notch specimens, taken in the direction of rolling with the notch
perpendicular to the surface of the plate or product.
-Rounding off shall be done according to the rules Biven in IS: 2·1960 Rules (or
rounding off numerical value. ("""11).

1111762 (Part 1)-1974

Steels Bt BO, B2, and B4 are characterized by an average V-notch

Charpy impact value according to the following table:
Steels ~
Specified AUTS Range ~

370 to 520 N/mml 500 to 700 N/mm l

,----~----~ ~----~----~
Energy Temp °0 Energy Temp °C
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
B 2H 27 40 27
BO 28 0 28 - 10
40 o
B2 28 - 20 28 - 30
40 - 20
B4 28 - 40 28 - 50
40 -40
f) Surface condition - The following symbols shall be used to
indicate surface condition:
S1 - Deseamed or scarfed;
82 - Descaled;
53 - Pickled (including washing and neutralizing );
84 - Shot, grit or sand blasted;
85 - Peeled (skinned);
86 - Bright drawn or cold rolled; and
87 - Ground.
NOTJI - If no symbol is used, it shall mean that the surface is in a. rolled or .1
forged condi tion,
g) Formabili~ (applicabll to sheet onl1 ) - The following symbols shall
be used to indicate drawability:
Dl - Drawing quality,
D2 - Deep drawing quality, and
D3 - Extra deep drawing quality.
NOTE - If no .ymbol is used, it shall mean that the steel il commercial quality.
h) Surface finish (applicabl, to sheet onh) - The following symbols
shall be used to indicate the surface finish:
Fl - General purpose finish,
F2 - Full finish,
IS 11762 (Part 1)-1974

1;3 - Exposed,
F4 - Unexposed,
F5 - Matt finish,
F6 - Bright finish,
F7 - Plating finish,
F8 - Unpolished finish,
F9 - Polished finish,
FlO - Polished and coloured blue,
Fll ~ Polished and coloured yellow,
Fl2 - Mirror finish,
F13 - Vitreous enamel finish, and
F14 - Direct annealed finish.
Treatment - The following symbols shall be used to indicate the
treatment given to the steel:
Tl - Shot peened,
T2 - Hard drawn,
T3 - Normalized",
1'4 - Controlled rolled,
T5 - Annealed,
T6 - Patented,
T7 - Solution treated,
T8 - Solution treated and aged,
T9 - Controlled cooled,
TIO - Bright annealed,
TIl - Spherodized,
T12 - Stress relieved,
T13 - Case hardened", and
Tl4 - Hardened and tempered.
lTB - If no symbol i. used, it means that the steel is hot rolled.

Elevat,d temp,ratu" propertils - For guarantee with regard to

elevated temperature properties, the letter H' shall be used.

However, in the designation only the room temperature proper-

ties shall be shown. Elevated temperature properties shall be
intimated to the purchaser separately by the manufacturer.
ude. tempering if done.

1811162 (Part 1)-1914
m) Cryogenic quali{y - For guarantee with regard to low temperature
properties, the letter' L' shall be used. However, only the room
temperature properties shall be indicated in the designation.
:Fe 410 c« K
Killed steel containing copper as alloying element
with a minimum tensile strength of 410 N/mm l
FeE 300 P 35 Semi-killed steel with a minimum yield strength of
300 N/mml and degree of purity as follows:
S & P = 0·035 Max
Fe 470 W Steel with a minimum tensile strength of 470 N/mm
and of guaranteed fusion welding quality
FeE 550 56 Bright drawn or cold rolled steel with a minimum
yield strength of 550 N/mm 2
FeOO R Rimming quality steel with no guarantee of minimum
tensile or yield strength
FeE 590 F7 Sheet steel of plating finish and minimum yield
strength of 590 N/mm 2
Fe 510 Ba Steel in annealed condition with a minimum tensile
strength of 510 N/mm l and resistance to brittle
fracture = B
Fe 710 H Steel with guaranteed elevated temperature properties
and a minimum room temperature tensile strength of
710 N/mrn
Fe 4) 0 QI Semi-killed non-ageing quality steel with S & P =
0·055 Max and minimum tensile = 410 N/mm l
Fe 600 T4 Semi-killed steel in controlled rolled condition with
a minimum tensile strength of 600 N/mm l
Fe 520 L Cryogenic quality steel with a minimum room
temperature tensile strength of 520 N/mm l
3.1.2 Steels Designated on the Basis of Chemical Composition Unalloyed steels (as dtjined in IS: 7598-1974*) - The code
designation shall consist of the following in the order given:
a) Figure indicating 100 times the average percentage of carbon
b) Letter C C' J and
c) Figure indicating 10 times the average percentage of manganese
content. The figure after multiplying shall be rounded off to the
nearest integer according to the rules given in IS : 2-1960t.
·Clauification of steel•.
tRulel for rounding off numerical value- (r,vis,d).
1811762 (Part 1)-1974
ymbol indicating special characteristics including guaranteed
ardenability for which symbol •G' shall be used at the end of
ie designation. ( For special characteristics, see 3.1.1. )

~BO Semi-killed steel with average 0-25 percent carbon and

o-s percent manganese content and resistance to
brittle fracture grade BO.
lOG Steel with average 0-45 percent carbon, 1 percent
manganese and guaranteed hardenability
~.2 Unalloyed tool steels- The designation shall consist of:
~igure indicating 100 times the average percentage of carbon;
lymbol ' T' for tool steel; and
~igure indicating 10 times the average percent manganese

5 Unalloyed tool steel with average 0-75 percent carbon

and 0-5 percent manganese
11 Unalloyed tool steel with average carbon content of
0-80 percent and I-I percent manganese
Z.3 Unalloyed free cutting steels - The designation shall consist

Figure indicating 100 times the average percentage of carbon;

Letter' a';
Figure indicating 10 times the average percentage of manganese;
Symbol'S', 'Se', 'Te' or ' Pb ' depending on the element present
which makes the steel free cutting followed by the figure
indicating 100 times the percentage content of the element. In
the case of the phosphorized steels the symbol cpt shall be
included; and
Symbol indicating special characteristics covering the method of
deoxidation, surface condition and heat treatment (for explana-
tory notes on special characteristics, see 3.1.1 ).
lOS14K Free cutting steel with average 0-35 percent carbon,
I percent manganese and 0·14 percen t sulphur, killed
:I2Pb15T14 Free cutting steel with average 0·15 percent lead,
0-20 percent carbon and 1-2 percent manganese,
hardened and tempered.

IS11162 (Part I)-1974 IS11762 (Part I)·1974 Alloy stuls (as d¢ned in IS: 7598·1974·): E,ramples:

a) Low and medium alloy stuls (total alloying elements not exceedin,g 10 XIOCrl8Ni9S3 Steel in pickled condition with average carbon 0'10
percent) - The designation of steels shall consi~t of: percent, chromium 18 percent and nickel 9percent.
1) Figure indicating 100 times the avera~e percentage carbon, XI5Cr25Nil2 Steel with ,0'15 percent carbon, 25 percent chromium
2) Chemical symbols for alloying elements each followed by the and 12 percent nickel
figure for its average percentag~ content multiplied by a(1ctor
c) Alloy too! steels - The ~teel designation shall be as for low, medium
as ~iven helow:
and high alloy steels as given under (a) and (b) above except
Elemellt Multiprying Faclor that the. sym,bol 'T' will be in~luded in the beginning ~f .t,h~
o, Co, Ni, Mn, Si and W 4 d~signatlOn 01 low alloy and medIUm alloy tool steels and Xr
AI, Be, V, Ph, ell, Nb, Ti, Ta, ZI' and Mo 10 instead of' X' in the case of high alloy tool ~te~ls,
P, S,N 100 Examples:
NO'I'!': 1- Thfl figure aftflf multiplying shall be rounded orr to the npm~t XT75WIHCr4Vi High alloy tool steel with average carbon
integer. 0'75 percent, tungsten 18 percent, chromium
NOTE 2- Symbol (Mn' for manganese shall bp iacluded in case manganese 4peront and vanadium 1percent
content is equal to or greater than Iperrent, XT98WGMo5Cr4Vi Highalloy sle~l with averagecarbon 0'98 percent,
NOT! 3_.The chemical.ymbols and their figures shall be listprt in the desiKnation tungsten 6 percent, molybdenum 5 percent,
in the order of decreasingcontpnt.
chromium 4percent and vanadium 1percent
3) Symbol indicating special characteristics covering degree of
purity hardenability, weldability guarantee, pleva ted tempera· d) Fm ruttillg alloy steels - The \teel ~e~ignation shall be as for low,
mre properties, surface condition, surface finish and heat medium and high alloy steels as glVf'n under (a) and (b) above
treatment (for details see explanatory notr~ under 3.1.1 except that d~pending on the pprrent,age of 8, Se, !e and Zr
and ). present the designation shall also conSISt of the chemIcal symbol
of the :lement present fi)lIowed by the figure indicating 100 times
its content.
25Cr4Mo2G Steel with ~llaranteed hardenability and havin~
average 0'25 percent carbon, 1percent chromium Examples:
and 0'25 percent molybdenum X15Cr25Nil~S40 Alloy free cutting steel with carbon 0'15 percent,
40Ni8Cr8V2 Hot rolled Heel with average 0'40 percent carbon, 2 chromium 25 percent, nickel 15 percent and
percent chromium, 2 perrent nickel and 0'2 percent sulphur 0'40 percent,
vanadium XI2CrlRNi3S25 Alloy free cutting steel with 18 percent chromium,
b) High alloy steels (total alloying elemtllts more than 10 percent) - The nickel 3percent and sulphur 0'25 percent.
designation shall consist of:
I) Letter 'X'.
2) Figure indicating 100 times the percentaKe carbon content. APPENDIX A
3) Chemical symbol for alloying elements each followed by the (Clause 0.5 )
figure for its average percentage content rounded off to the
nearest integer (see Note 2under ). UNITS USED IN INDIAN STANDARDS AND THE
4) Chemical symbol to indicate specially added element to CORRESPONDING 81 UNITS
attain the desired properties.
5) Symbol indicating specific characteristics covering harden-
Units in Metric System Comsponding SI Units
ability, weldabilityguarantee, elevated temperature properties, kgf Newtons (N)
surfac~ condition, surfare finish and heat treatment (for N/mm'
explanatory notes on special charact~ristics SIt 3.1.1 ). kgf/mm 2
kgf.m joules
·Cla.sification of steel.,
10 11
Manak Shavan, 9 Bahadur Shah ZafarMarg, NEWDELHI 11 0002
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E • Mall tnfo@bls org in website http IIwww bit org in
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Printed by the Manager, Go",.rnment of I~'d~a Press Farldabld, 2001'

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