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Is 8910

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IS I 8910 - 1978

( Reaflinoed 1997 )
Indian Standard

(~Second Reprint AUGUST 1998 ) )

UDC 669.14:006.87

0 Copyright 1-978


NEW DELHI 110002

December 1978
IS : 8910 - 1978

Indian Standard
Wrought Steel Products Sectional Committee, SMDC 5
Chairman Representing
DR U. N. BEIRAKY Modella Steel & Alloys Ltd, Bombay

SHHI H. S. ASW.~TH Bokaro Steel Plant ( SAIL ), Bokaio Steel City
SHRI S. G. TUDEKA~ ( Af~ernafc )
SHRI S. B~NERJEE Steel Rc-rolling Mills Association of India, Calcuttr
SHRI S. Ii. BASTJ Guest, Keen, Williams Ltd, Howrab
SHRI B. C. BISWAS National Test House. Calcutta
SHILI P. K. CHAKRAVARTY Tata Iron & Steel Co Ltd, Jamshcdpur
SHRI M. C. KTJX~RASWAMY ( Alternate)
SERI G. CRaTTER JEE Durgapur Steel Plant ( SAIL ), Durgapur
SERI K. 2. MATHEWS( Alternafr )
.%RI P. f;. CE_4TTERJEE Ministry of Defence ( DGI )
SHRI V. RAMASWAMY ( Alternate )
DR N. S. DATAE Rourkela Steel Plant ( SAIL ), Rourkela
SHRI K. S. SIN~H ( Altcmafe )
DR A. Y. DE~ANI Mukand Iron & Sleel Works Ltd, Bomba\,
SHI~I R. V. PAREKH ( Altcrnatc )
SHRI S. C. DEY Central Boilers Board
DIRECTOR ( M & C ), RDSO Ministry of Railways
RDSO ( Alternnte )
SHRI A. K. GUHA Directorate General of Supplies 8r Disposals, XCW
SHEI K. M. TANEJA ( Alternate )
JOINT DIEECTOR ( WAaorr )-I, Ministry of Railways
( Alternate )
DH V. C. KASHYAP Special Steels Ltd, Bombay
SHRI S. S. MURANJAN ( Alternate )
SEXI M. N. KHANNA Bhilai Steel Plant ( SAIL ), Ehilai
SHRI K. C. Sons ( Alternate )
DIG D. M. LAEHIANI Indian Iron & Steel Co Ltd, Burnpur
SnEr T. K. DATTA ( AItemate )
( Confinued on page 2 )

@ Cogyrizht 1978
This publication is protected under the fndian Copyright Act ( XIV of 1957 ) and
reproduction in whole or in part by any means except with written permission of the
publisher shall be deemed to be an infringement of copyright under the said Act.
IS : 8910- 1978

( Confinucd from page I)

Members Representing
SHRI P. LAXMINARAYANA Hindustan Shipyard Ltd. Visakhapatnam
SHRI N. C. MAGOTRA Tinplate Co of India Limited, Golmuri
SHRI P. K. BANERJEE ( Alternate )
SHRI R. C. MAHAJAN The Indian Steel & Wire Products Ltd, Jamshcdpur
SHRI A. N. KATUX ( Af~crna!c)
SHRI M. K. PRAMANIK Iron 8s Steel Control, Calcutta
SHRI. B. K. DIJTTA ( Alfemale )
SHRI RAQJXUBI~SIN~H National Metallurgical Laboratory ( CSIR ),
SHRI D. SEN Mintstry of Defence ( DGOF )
SHRI Y. C. SUBRABUNYA ( Alternate )
Sxr.xu L. SI~AND Metal Box Co of India Ltd, Calcutta
SERI K. R. NARASIMHAN ( Alfcrnafc )
SHRI D. SRINIVASAN Joint Plant Committee, Calcutta
SHRI B. P. GHOSH ( AItcrnate)
SHRI A. SRINIVASULU Bharat Heavy Eiectricals Ltd
SERI A. K. MITTAL ( Altrrnatc )
SHRI K. S. VAIDYANATHAN M. N. Dastur & Co Pvt Ltd, Calcutta
SHRI C. R. RAMA RAO, Director General, IS1 ( Ex-oflcio Member )
Director ( Strut & Met )

Deputy Director ( Metals ), IS1

IS :8910-1978

Indian Standard

0.1 This Indian Standard was adopted by the Indian Standards Institution
on 15 September 1978, after the draft finalized by the Wrought Steel
Products Sectional Committee had been approved by the Structural and
Metals Division Council.
0.2 This Indian Standard has been formulated with a view to guide the
steel industry and the consumers of steel and steel products with regard
to the supply conditions of these products. This will also help the industry
for the selection and preparation of test samples.

0.3 In formulation of this standard, assistance has been derived from

Draft International Standard ISO/DIS 404 Steel and steel products -
General technical delivery requirements prepared by International Orga-
nization for Standardization.

1.1 The general technical delivery requirements defined in this standard
apply to crude*, semi-finished and finished wrought steel products.

1.2 Where product standards provide for different requirements, such

requirements shall be applicable.
1.3 In special cases, variations to these requirements may form the
subject of an agreement at the time of order.


2.1 The purchaser selects the type of product specifying its dimensions
and characteristics as well as the grade and quality of the steel. In his
choice he may be guided by the manufacturer.

*For the purpose of this Indian Standard, the concept of ‘ crude proaucts 9 covers
not only ingots but also blooms, billets, slabs and all products of other shapes continu-
ously cast and intended for forming at a later stage.

IS I 8910 - 19i8

2.2 Details to be Stipulated in the Order - The order shall contain

all the necessary information, such as:

a) the number of pieces ( and/or mass or length );

b) the shape of the product;
c) the nominal dimensions;
d) the tolerances on the dimensions, mass, number of pieces, length;
e) the grade and quality of the steel;
f) technical data ( if the product standard allows for an alternative
or if special agreements are possible );
g) heat treatment cond~itions;
h) conditions for treating and finishing of surface;
j) inspection and testing conditions and type of document ( see 4 );

k) conditions for marking, workmanship, conditioning, packing,

loading, despatch and place of destination;

and all data covering application of the product which are necessary
for the order to be carried out correctly, for instance: subsequent heat
treatment, surface coating, hot or cold forming, etc.

2.3 The information shall be specified:

a) either by reference to one or more standards with, if necessary,

stipulation of any variations allowed by these standards;
b) or, in the absence of a standard, by stipulation of the characteri-
stics and conditions defined before and by common agreement.

If, in an order, reference is made to a given Indian Standard, this

reference shall be interpreted as being the latest edition at the date
of signing the order.


3.1 The manufacturing process shall be left to the discretion ofthe manu-
facturer except by agreement to the contrary at the time of order or as
otherwise specified in the product standard.

3.2 In the manufacturing process, the features given in 3.2.1 to 3.2.3

shall be distinguished.

3.2.1 The steel making process, that is the melting and refining process
( for example: basic Bessemer, open-hearth, electric, oxygen processes j.

3.2.2 The state of deoxidation: rimmed, semi-killed, killed,


3.2.3 The product making process, that is the sequence of operations

following solidification of the metal preceding delivery of the products.

3.3 The steel making process shall be indicated to the purchaser for i-n-
formation if this has been specified in the order.


4.1 General Principle - The manufacturer is responsible to the

purchaser with respect to the compliance of the products with the
requirements of the order. Consequently, the manufacturer arranges
appropriate inspection and testing of his production at his xvorks.

4.2 Conformity of the Products

4.2.1 At the time of order, the purchaser shall sprc;fy if the products
are to be delivered with non-specific inspection and testing or with
specific inspection and testing. By special ngrcement, continuous
inspection and testing may be specified ( see 4.4 ).

4.2.2 At the time of order, the purchaser shall also specify which dccu-
ments shall be required according to,,

4.3 Inspection and Testing of the Products and Related


4.3.1 SpeczjicInspection and Testing of the Products DeJnition- Spxific inspection and testing means the inspection

and testin procedure carried out on the products to be supplied in
order to ve f ify whether these products comply with the requirements of
the order. Place of inspection and testing - The selection of samples, the

preparation of test pieces and the tests themselves are carried out, unless
agreed to the contrary, in the works of the manufacturer.

Where the works of the manufacturer does not have the necessary
means, the inspections are carried out at another place agreed to between
the parties. Documents

a) Inspection certificate - The inspection certificate contains the results

of all the tests specified, carried out on samples taken from the


products themselves supplied under the specified batching

conditions. The following may be noted:

1) By agreement, when ordering, the inspection and testin,g proce-

dures may be carried out at the discretion of the purchaser:
i) by the qualified department* of the manufacturer’s works;
ii) in the presence of the purchaser or a body designated by
2) The inspection certificate is signed in case (i) by the
representative of the qualified department, and in case (ii) by
the purchaser or the representative of the designated body.

3) In certain special cases, by agreement when ordering, the

inspection and testing procedures may also be carried out by
a body independent of the purchaser and the manufacturer,
the tests being carried out~outside the production works. In
that case, the inspection certificate is to be signed by the
representative of that body.

b) Inspection report - Where the inspection certificate specified in

case (ii) of (a) (1) shall, by agreement, be signed by the purchaser
and the manufacturer or his representative, it is known as the
inspection report.

4.3.2 .Non-speciJc Inspection and Testing Dejnition - Non-specific inspection and testing is carried out

by the manufacturer in accordance with his own procedures ( see 4.1 ),
on products made by the same manufacturing process, but not necessarily
on the products actually supplied. Documents
a) Statement of combliance with the order -
” .
Document in which the
manufacturer states that the products supplied are in compliance
with the requirements of the order, without mention of any test
b) Test report - Document in which the manufacturer states that
the products supplied are in compliance with the requirements of
the order and in which he supplies the results of the routine work
inspection tests, carried out on products made by the same manu-
facturing p recess as the consignment, but not, therefore,
necessarily applying to the actual products supplied.

*A qualified department means inspection and testing department different from

the production department. In certain cases, this department may be subject to approval
by the purchaser.

IS : 8910 - 1978

4.4 Continuous Inspection of Product Characteristics - For

specific ~products, following an agreement between the parties, specific
product inspections ( in accordance with 4.3.1 ) may be replaced by
extracts from the continuous product inspection carried out by the quali-
fied department of the manufacturer’s works, approved by the purchaser.
The characteristics to be verified and the values of these, the frequency
of the inspection and, if necessary, the documents of compliance shallbe
agreed, as shall the right of the purchaser or his representative to verify
such continuous inspection by appropriate means.

4.5 Method of Batching Acceptance Unite, Samples and Identifi-

cation of Casts
4.5.1 Method of Batching - The method of batching is determined by
the product standard or the order. The method of batching may, for
example, be as follows:

By cast - The products areofthe same product form. They come

from the same cast and have been submitted, where appropriate,to
the same heat treatment conditions in the manufacturer’s works;
b) By batch - The products may come from different casts and/or
product making processes, identified or otherwise;
cl By rolling unit - For instance-sheets coming from the same coil;
4 By piece - For certain products where made necessary by
technical requirements.

4.5.2 Acceptance Unit - The acceptance unit is laid down by the pro-
duct standard or the order. The inspection unit is the number of pieces or the tonnage

of products to be accepted or rejected together, on the basis of the inspec-
tion to be carried out on these products.

4.53 Samples - Each inspection unit gives rise to the selection of a

certain number of samples. This number may vary for the same product
according to the type of test ( chemical analysis, mechanical tests at a
specified temperature, long-duration tests, technological tests, etc ). In the case of pieces ordered at finished size, the manufac-

turer may, with a view to taking of samples in accordance with the
technical possibilities and subject to agreement at the time of order,
submit for acceptance:

a) either additional pieces,

b) or pieces with prolongations, and

4 or smaller additional pieces of sufficient size fcr samples to be

1s :8910 - 1978

4.5.4 Identijification of Casts - Wh- re reference to the cast is necessary

for the inspection and testing operations, the manufacturer shall be able
to relate the products in question to the casts from which they come.

4.6 Submission for Inspection and Testing - Submission for inspec-

tion and testing of part or all the consignment in accordance with 4.3.2
is notified to the purchaser or his inspection representative by the manu-
facturer or his authorized representative.

4.6.1 In order to avoid interference with-the normal operation of the

works, the manufacturer and the purchaser or his inspection representa-
tive fix, by common agreement, the date or dates of the inspection.

4.6.2 A submission note referring to the order, or to the available part

ofthe order, is delivered to the inspection representative not later than
’ the beginning of the acceptance procedure.

4.7 Rights and Duties of the Inspection Representative - The

inspection representative shall have free access, at any appropriate
moment, to the places where the productsto be accepted are manufactured
and stored. He may indicate the elements of the acceptance unit or the
products from which the samples are to be taken in conformity with the
specifications. He shall have the possibility of following the operations
of selection of samples, preparation ( machining and treatment ) of test
pieces and of witnessing the tests. However, the inspection representative,
when moving around the works, shall observe all the safety rules in force
in the works and be accompanied, where possible, by a representative of
the works.

4.7.1 The acceptance procedures shall be carried out in accordance

with the requirements of the normal run of production. Sufficient time
shall be allowed for them to bc carried out effectively.


5.1 Carrying Out of Tests - The tests shall be carried out, and the
test results shall be utilized and interpreted, in accordance with, the car- .
responding Indian Standards. The accuracy of the testing machines shall
be in accordance with the requirements of the corresponding Indian

5.2 Selection and Preparation of Samples and Test Pieces for

Mechanical Tests - This shall be done in accordance with IS : 3711-

*Method for selection and preparation of samples and test pieces for mechanical
tests for wrought steel.

1-s: 8910 - 1978

5.3 Interpretation of Results

5.3.1 Where, in a standard, the mechanical characteristics arc specified

bv thickness categories, the thickness to be considered is the nominal
thickness of the product at the required location for taking samples for
mechanical tests.

5.3.2 In the absence of any spccificntinn in the order or the product

standard, the mechanical characteristics 1 elate to the delivery condition
of the products.

5.3.3 For certain tests (impact tests, for instance), the interpretation of
the reslrlts is based on a sequential method as follows given in 5.3.3-l
to A series of tests ( usually 3 tests ) is carried out on test pieces

taken from a single sample and the results obtained shall meet the crite-
ria specified by the prcduct standard ( arithmetic mean and ; if necessary,
individual values ). In the case of unsatisfactory results, too low a mean or an
individual value below the minimum specified value, a second series of
tests may be carried out, again on test pieces from the same sample. The mean of the two series of tests shall comply with the
specified mean value. With regard to the individual values of the second
series of tests, the requirements of the product standard shall apply. If
these conditions are not satisfied, the product is rejected and re-tests are
carried out on the remainder of the acceptance unit ( see5.5.2 ).

5.4 Invalidation of Tests - -4 test is invalidated if the results are

unsatisfactory owing to:
a) faulty production of the test piece not attributable to defects in
the steel itself,
b) faulty mounting of the test piece,
c) faulty working of the test machine,
d) incorrect heat treatment of the sample where the guaranteed
mechanical characteristics relate to a heat treatment condition
from that of the delivery conditions.

In each of these cases, the test shall be repeated.

5.5 Re-tests - Where one or more tests give unsatisfactory results, re-
tests may be carried out in accordance with the fc)llowing requirements
for each unsatisfactory tests, except by agreement to the contrary when
ordering. The unsatisfactory result comes from an individual test ( for
example, tensiie test or bend test ).

IS : 8910 * 1978

5.5.1 The acceptance unit is the individual product. The manufacturer

may, at his discretion, retain the product as an acceptance unit, or not.
If the product is retained, two new tests of the same type as the one giv-
ing an unsatisfactory result are carried out. Both new tests shall give
satisfactory results. If not, the product is rejected.
5.5.2 The acceptance unit is a cast or a batch. The manufacturer may,
at his discretion, retain or not retain in the acceptance unit the product
from which the unsatisfactory test piece comes, except by agreement to
the contrary. If the product is withdrawn from the acceptance unit, the
inspection representative once more designates, within the same acceptance
unit, two other products of his choice. Two more tests of the same type
are then carried out on test pieces from these two products, under the same
conditions as for the first tests; both new tests shall give satisfactory
results. If the product is retained in the acceptance unit, the proce-

dure is as indicated in, but one of the new test pieces shall be taken
from the product retained in the acceptance unit; both new tests shall give
satisfactory results. If the result of a test should deviate significantly from the

specified requirements for the steel type to be supplied, SO that mixed
material is suspected, and no longer apply. In that case, a
special inspection and testing procedure may be agreed between the

5.5.3 The unsatisfactory result arises from a sequential method as

defined in 5.3.3 ( for instance, impact test ). As indicated in the
product which has not given satisfactory results is rejected. The procedure is as indicated in carrying out two new

series of tests on two different products from the remainder of the accep-
tance unit, both of which shall give satisfactory results. In that case, no longer applies, and a second series of tests may not be carried

5.6 Sorting or Re-treatment - The manufacturer reserves the right to

carry out sorting or re-treatment ( heat treatment or mechanical treat-
ment, for example ) ofthe products, except by agreement to the contrary
when ordering, either before or after the re-tests and to submit these
products as a new acceptance unit in accordance with the provisions
of 4.5 and 4.6 without prejudice to the purchaser. The manufacturer shall
state to the inspection representative the method of sorting used or the
treatment applied.

IS : 8910 - 1978


6.0 Where the order contains requirements relating to chemical composi-

tion, the results of the analysis regarding the specified elements are given,
in accordance with agreement at the time of order, in one of the
documents defined in, and

6.1 Selection of Samples for Chemical Analysis - Selection of

samples is carried out in accordance with the procedure given in
Appendix A.

6.2 Cast ( Ladle ) Analysis - The cast analysis shall apply, except where
otherwise indicated in the product standard or by special agreement.

6.3 Product Analysis

6.3.1 Where the product analysis is required by the product standard

or the order, the sample for product analysis shall be taken from the loca-
tion specified in the product standard or by special agreement.

6.3.2 Re-analysis - Where one or more analysis give unsatisfactory

results, re-analysis may be carried out according to the following procedu-
res, for each unsatisfactory analysis, except by agreement to the contrary
at the time of order. The acceptance unit is the individual product. The manufac-

turer may, at his discretion, retain the product as the acceptance unit, or
not. If the product is retained, two new analysis of the same type as the
one which has given an unsatisfactory result, are carried out. Both new
analysis shall give satisfactory results. If not, the product is rejected. The acceptance unit is a cast or a batch. The manufacturer

may, at his discretion, retain or not retain in the acceptance unit the
product or products from which the -msatisfactory test pieces were taken,
except by agreement to the contrary. If the product is withdrawn from the acceptance unit, the

inspection representative once more designates, in the same acceptance
unit, two other products of his choice. Two new analysis of same type are
then carried out on samples from the two products, under the same con-
ditions as for the first analysis; both new analysis shall give satisfactory
results. If the product is retained in the acceptance unit, the proce-

dure is as indicated in but one of the new samples shall be taken
from the product retained in the acceptance unit; both new analysis shall
give satisfactory results.

IS : 8910 - 1978 If the result of an ana!~-sis deviates significantly from the

specified composition so that mixed material is suspected,
and no longer apply. In that case, a tighter inspection procedure
shall be agreed between the parties.

6.4 Arbitration Andysis - Arbitration analysis, if any, are carried out

in 4 laboratory chosen by common agreement, inaccordance withmethods
specified in the corresponding Indian Standards.


7.1 Surface Defects

7.1.1 Surface defects not prejudicial to the proper use of the product
cannot be grounds for rejection. The order contains, if necessary, particular specifications

relating to surface appearance which supplement the general or product
standards depending on the intended use. Rejection at the manufC~cturcr’s works on the grounds of

surface defects is limited to the actual products displaying such defects.

7.1.2 The use of special techn;ques, either during acceptance, or after

delivery, to detect surface defects, as well as the procedures for intcrpre-
ting the results shall be agreed at the time c!f order.

7.2 Repairs - Surface defects may be removed provided that the remain-
ing thickness remains within the lower dimensional tolerance limit specified
in either the product standard or the order and provided that this opera-
tion is not prejudicial to the use of the product.

7.2.1 The purchaser or the accepting agent may permit local repairs by
welding. This agreement may apply either to the whole or only to a
part of the consignment.

7.3 Internal Defects

7.3.1 Internal defects not prejudicial to proper use cannot be grounds

for rejection. Rejection, at the manufacturer’s works, on the grounds of
internal defects, is limited to~the actual products displaying such defects.

7.3.2 The use of special techniques at the time of acceptance (radiogra-

phy, ultrasonics, magnetic detection, etc ) to detect internal defects as
well as the number of products to be tested per acceptance unit and the
procedures for interpreting the results shall be agreed at the time of

IS : 8918 - 1978


8.1 Tolerances on Dimensions and Shape - The product may be

rejected if the dimensional or shape tolerances are exceeded. Such rejec-
tion is limited to those products where the tolerances are exceeded.

8.2 Tolerances on Theoretical Mass - Generally, the product stand-

ard or a specific standard concerning dimensional tolerances lays down
a) on the theoretical mass calculated for each product and/or,
b) on the theoretical mass of an entire acceptance unit or consign-

8.3 Tolerances on the Number of Pieces Supplied or, the Tonnage

Supplied - Deviations, specified as an absolute value or as a relative
value, between the number of pieces supplied or the tonnage supplied and
the number of pieces or the tonnage ordered, respectively, may also be
specified in the order.
9.1 Mechanical and Chemical Properties - The results of mechanical
and chemical tests shall be rounded off, in accordance with IS : 2-1960*.
The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value should
be same as that specified in the.product standard.

9.2 Dimensional Characteristics - The results of determination of

dimensions ( length, width, thickness, rounding, etc) and shape (squaring,
cambering, straightness, flatness, kinking, ovalisation, etc ) are not
rounded. These shall comply with the specifications in the standard,
taking account of the permissible deviations also given in the standard.


10.1 The identification and marking, if any, of the products supplied are
carried out in conformity with the specific provisiofis made in the order,
and, where appropriate, the specifications in the product standards.

10.2 Where product marking is required, but not detailed in the order, a
type of marking compatible with the type of product is left to the discre-
tion of the manufacturer.


11.1 In the event of a complaint, the manufacturer shall have an oppor-
tunity to check the merit of the claim within a reasonable time. The
contested items remain available for this purpose.

*Rules for rounding off numerical values ( rwircd ).

11.2 In particular, if defects appear after subsequent useby the purchaser,
it is necessary to submit the product to a check.

( Clause 6.1 )

A-l.1 Sample Product - Product from which the sample is selected.
NOTE - Samples taken at the time of casting are also considered as sample-

A-l.2 Sample - Quantity of finely divided material taken from a normai

section of the sample-product so as to represent the average chemical
composition of this section.
NOTE - Where products are liable to chemical .changes in the surface, decarburi-
zatron, for example, it may be agreed to discard from the sample the parts ( that is
the surface ) that have undergone chemical change.

A-l.3 Sample for Chemical Analysis - Part of the sample taken in

such a manner as to represent the average chemical composition and
intended to be used for the analysis proper.


A-2.1 Selection and Identification -*The sample-products required
by particular specification or called for by the inspector should be provided
with the necessary reference numbers or other. identification marks:
The samples should be selected from these sample-products.

A-2.2 Location - The selection is made in the section at the location .

specified by the material specification. Failing a standard specification,
the locations are spread evenly over the whole section.

A-2.3 Preparation of the Location - If necessary, the metal is comple-

tely cleaned, at the location, by sand blasting, grinding or any other
suitable method, *and finally degreased by means of a suitable solvent.
After preparation, the locations should be kept perfectly clean.

*The clauses of this Appendix do not apply to the special methods, such as spectro-
graphic methods, for which other conditions would be necessary.

IS : 8910 - 1978

A-2.4 Method of Selection - If the sample is to be taken from the

section, planing, milling or turning should be used. If the sample may be
taken from a part of the section only or from prescribed locations, drilling
or one of the above-mentioned processes can be used, as required.

A-2.4.1 Special Precautions - No water, oil or any other lubricant

may be used. The metal should not be heated to the point of oxidation.

A-2.4.2 Particle Size - The particles obtained should be small enough

to reduce to a minimum the subsequent operation of fragmentation carried
out on the sample before chemical analysis ( see A-3.1 ).
A-2.5 Protection of the Sample - During and after selection, the
sampl: should be kept clean and protected against oxidation.



A-3.1 Sieving - If-sieving is necessary to obtain a representative sample,

the whole of the sample should pass through a sieve with a 4 mm mesh*.
If any of the particles will not pass through, they should be broken up
until they do.

A-3.1.1 Any sieving should be carried out in such a manner as to

obviate contaminations or loss of the material.

A-3.2 Number of Samples -The sample should be divided into the

same~number of samples as there are parties interested in the analysis. For
possible arbitration, two further samples should be provided.
A-3:3 Protection of the Samples - The sample for chemical analysis
should be kept in such a manner as to avoid any contamination.

A-3.3.1 Containers - The containers should give the necessary identifi-

cation marks and be sealed if necessary. The two containers which are to
be kept for possible arbitration should be sealed both by the manufacturer
and by the user or by their representatives. Unless otherwise agreed, these
containers are kept by the party responsible for the preparation of the
sample for chemical analysis.

A-3.4 Arbitration - When arbitration is necessary, the laboratory

where arbitration is to be carried out should be agreed between the

*For carbon determination, the whole of the sample should pass through a sieve with
a 1’19 mm mesh.

Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002
Telephones: 323 0131, 323 3375, 323 9402
Fax : 91 113234062, 91 11 3239399,91 11 3239382
Telegrams : Manaksanstha
(Common to all Offices)
Central Laboratory: Telephone
Plot No. 20/9, Site IV, Sahibabad Industrial Area, Sahibabad 201010 8-77 00 32

Regional Offices:
Central : Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002 32376 17
‘Eastern : l/14 CIT SchemeVII M, V.I.P. Road, Maniktola, CALCUTTA 700054 337 86 62
Northern : SC0 335-336, Sector 34-A, CHANDIGARH 160022 60 38 43
Southern : C.I.T. Campus, IV Cross Road, CHENNAI 600113 235 23 15
t Western : Manakalaya, E9, Behind Marol Telephone Exchange, Andheri (East), 832 92 95
MUMBAI 400093

Branch Offices:
‘Pushpak’, Nurmohamed Shaikh Marg, Khanpur, AHMEDABAD 380001 550 13 48
$ Peenya Industrial Area, 1st Stage, Bangalore-Tumkur Road, 839 49 55
Gangotri Complex, 5th Floor, Bhadbhada Road, T.T. Nagar, BHOPAL 462003 55 40 21
Plot No. 62-63, Unit VI, Ganga Nagar, BHUBANESHWAR 751001 40 36 27
Kalaikathir Buildings, 670 Avinashi Road, COIMBATORE 641037 21 01 41
Plot No. 43, Sector 16 A, Mathura Road, FARIDABAD 121001 8-28 88 01
Savitri Complex, 116 G.T. Road, GHAZIABAD 201001 8-71 19 96
53/5 Ward No.‘29, R.G. Barua Road, 5th By-lane, GUWAHATI 781003 541137
5-8-56C, L.N. Gupta Marg, Nampally Station Road, HYDERABAD 500001 20 10 83
E-52, Chitaranjan Marg, C-Scheme, JAIPUR 302001 37 29 25
117/418B, Sarvodaya Nagar, KANPUR 208005 21 68 76
Seth Bhawan, 2nd Floor, Behind Leela Cinema, Naval Kishore Road, 23 89 23
LUCKNOW 226001
NIT Building, Second Floor, Gokulpat Market, NAGPUR 440010 52 51 71
Patliputra Industrial Estate, PATNA 800013 26 23 05
Institution of Engineers (India) Building 1332 Shivaji Nagar, PUNE 411005 32 36 35
T.C. No. 14/1421, University P.O. Palayam, THIRUVANANTHAPURAM 695034 621 17

‘Sales Office is at 5 Chowringhee Approach, PO. Princep Street, 27 10 85


TSales Office is at Novelty Chambers, Grant Road, MUMBAI 400007 309 65 28

*Sales Off& is at ‘F’ Block, Unity Building, Narashimaraja Square, 222 39 71

Printed at Simco Printing Press. Delhi

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