Lec Slides
Lec Slides
Lec Slides
In-Uck Park
University of Bristol
Autumn 2016
I Primary reading: Mas-Colell, Whinston and Green (1995)
Microeconomic Theory, Chapter 7-9, 12.C.
I Supplementary reading: Gibbons (1997) “An Introduction
to Applicable Game Theory,” Journal of Economic
Perspectives, 11, 127-149 (up to p137).
Gibbons (1992) A Primer in Game Theory.
I Office Hours: Thur 2:30-3:30pm (Office 3B5)
I Slide file and lecture notes are available as pdf in
In a nutshell, a game is
In a nutshell, a game is (cont’d)
In a nutshell, a game is (cont’d)
Games of Complete Information
1\2 H T
H (−1, 1) (1, −1)
T (1, −1) (−1, 1)
Games of Complete Information: Normal-form
ESB (100, 100) (0, 0)
CS (0, 0) (100, 100)
1\2 L M R
1\2 L M R U (3, 0) (0, −5) (0, −4)
U (1, 0) (1, 2) (0, 1) C (1, −1) (3, 4) (−2, 3)
D (0, 3) (0, 1) (2, 0) D (2, 4) (4, 1) (−1, 8)
1\2 L M R
U (1, 0) (1, 2) (0, 1)
D (0, 3) (0, 1) (2, 0)
Games of Complete Information: Normal-form
Example 2.1
1\2 L M R
1\2 L M R U (3, 0) (0, −5) (0, −4)
U (1, 0) (1, 2) (0, 1) C (1, −1) (3, 4) (−2, 3)
D (0, 3) (0, 1) (2, 0) D (2, 4) (4, 1) (−1, 8)
1\2 L M R
1\2 L M R U (3, 0) (0, −5) (0, −4)
U (1, 0) (1, 2) (0, 1) C (1, −1) (3, 4) (−2, 3)
D (0, 3) (0, 1) (2, 0) D (2, 4) (4, 1) (−1, 8)
Games of Complete Information: Normal-form
Example 2.1
1\2 L M R
1\2 L M R U (3, 0) (0, −5) (0, −4)
U (1, 0) (1, 2) (0, 1) C (1, −1) (3, 4) (−2, 3)
D (0, 3) (0, 1) (2, 0) D (2, 4) (4, 1) (−1, 8)
1\2 L M R
1\2 L M R U (3, 0) (0, −4)
U (1, 0) (1, 2) (0, 1) C
D (0, 3) (0, 1) (2, 0) D (2, 4) (−1, 8)
Dating game CI
P1 \ P2 red white
steak (2, 1) (0, 0)
chicken (0, 0) (1, 2)
P1 \ P2 red white
( )
2 if type `
steak ( , 1) (0, 0)
4 if type h
( )
2 if type `
chicken (0, 0) (1, )
4 if type h
A static Bayesian game is [I , {Si }, {ui }, {Ti }, {Fi (·)}] with the
following interpretation (Cf. Harsanyi, 1967, 1968):
E−i [ui (si (ti ), s−i (t−i ); ti )] ≥ E−i [ui (ai , s−i (t−i ); ti )] for all ai ∈ Si ,
where E−i [ui (ai , s−i (t−i ); ti )] is the expected utility level of player i
of ti -type when he chooses ai and all other players choose their
actions according to their decision rules sj (·), j 6= i.
Dynamic Games of Incomplete Information
Prob(x|H, σ) = P 0
for all x ∈ H.
x 0 ∈H Prob(x |σ)
Exercise 2.3: For the game in Figure 9 (p143, Gibbons) find the
posterior belief µ2 for player 2’s information set from a strategy
profile σ = (σ1 , σ2 ) where σ1 (L) = a > 0, σ1 (M) = b > 0 and
σ1 (R) = c > 0, and a + b + c = 1.
Exercise 2.4: Do Exercises 8.E.1, 9.B.14 and 9.C.2 in M-W-G.
(Treat weak PBE = PBE.)
Dynamic Games of Incomplete Information
Exercise 2.5: A simple card game
Player 1 starts with a hidden card (private type) which is either
high or low with equal probabilities. First, player 1 decides whether
to bet or not. If player 1 does not bet, the game ends with both
players’ payoffs being 0. If player 1 bets, then player 2 chooses
either to call or to fold, which ends the game with the following
payoffs: 2 and −2 for players 1 and 2, respectively, if player 2 calls
and player 1 is high; −2 and 2 for players 1 and 2, respectively, if
player 2 calls and player 1 is low; 1 and −1 for players 1 and 2,
respectively, if player 2 folds regardless of player 1’s type.
(a) Represent this game as a game tree.
(b) Show that it is not possible in equilibrium that player 1 bets for
sure if high and never bets if low.
(c) Show that it is not possible in equilibrium that player 1 of
either type bets for sure.
(d) Find an equilibrium and verify it fully.
Adverse Selection, Signalling and Screening
Example: Mergers and acquisitions:
I An M&A businessman, Andy, is in negotiation with a
potential seller, Beth, of her firm, F.
I If Andy buys a firm with a current value $x, he can reorganise
and improve its market value to $1.5x and sell at that price.
I The current value of firm F, x, is drawn from a uniform
distribution on [0,$1m] and is private information of the seller.
I Naturally, Beth would sell the firm only if she can get a price
that exceeds x.
I If Beth accepts a price $p, Andy will infer that
I x is a random draw from a uniform distribution on [0, p];
I his resale price will be uniformly distributed on [0, 1.5p];
I Hence, his expected net profit is 0.75p − p < 0.
I That is, there is no price at which Andy is willing to buy.
Consequently, transaction will not take place whatever x is.
Adverse Selection, Signalling and Screening
Market failure due to Adverse Selection:
I Note that if x was known to Andy as well, a firm of any value
would have been traded and improved upon.
I Therefore, the above result of “no transaction at all” is a
market failure.
I The source of such market failure is asymmetric information:
if the information was complete (i.e., the buyers also have
access to the information) the firm would have been traded
for mutual benefit.
I Two devices that are observed in the market to overcome this
problem (at least partially) are signalling and screening.
An Economist article “Secrets and agents” at
w uL = w − e = 1
H uH = w − e /2 = rH
2 €
€ L
4 − 2rH
Signalling - Spence
Separating PBE: eH∗ 6= eL∗ (cont’d)
w uL = w − e = 1
2 €
€ €
Signalling - Spence
Equilibrium refinement using the Intuitive Criterion
I Suppose a separating equilibrium with e ∗ > 1, and notice
i) that a L-type worker would never do better than following the
equilibrium by choosing some e ∈ (1, eH∗ ) instead, because no
firm would ever offer more than 2 in any circumstances,
ii) whereas a H-type worker could possibly do better than the
equilibrium by choosing e ∈ (1, eH∗ ) in case the subsequent
wage offer is (sufficiently close to) 2.
I Hence, it would be sensible for the firms to think that the
worker would be of H-type in case they see such e ∈ (1, eH∗ )
chosen unexpectedly, hence make a wage offer of 2.
I Foreseeing this, a H-type worker would indeed choose such e,
thereby upsetting the supposed equilibrium.
I Consequently, the separating PBE with eH∗ = 1 is the only one
that survives this refinement criterion, introduced by Cho and
Kreps (1987) and called the Intuitive Criterion.
Signalling - Spence
eH* = 1
Expected Utility Function and Risk Aversion
N N0
0 0
(m, p) (m , p ) if and only if u(mn )pn ≥ u(mn0 )pn0 .
n=1 n=1
Expected Utility Function and Risk Aversion
Risk attitude
I An agent who has a concave (and increasing) u is risk averse
in the sense that he prefers receiving the expected income of a
lottery with certainty to the lottery itself. Most individuals are
risk averse.
I An agent who has a convex (and increasing) u is risk loving in
the sense that he prefers a lottery itself to receiving the
expected income of the lottery, i.e., enjoys the risk.
I An agent who has a linear (and increasing) u is risk neutral in
the sense that he is indifferent between the two. Most firms
are assumed to be risk neutral.
Screening–Rothschild and Stiglitz (1976, QJE)
I Customers: Risk-averse individuals with an initial wealth w
and an expected utility function u.
I He/she will have an accident (or become ill) with probability P
incurring a loss of d.
I So, without insurance, this agent is holding a “lottery” (an
uncertain income prospect) of w with probability 1 − P and
w − d with probability P.
I A customer’s indifference curves in the space of lotteries
(x, y ) can be drawn, where x and y denote the wealth of the
insured in case of accident and no accident, respectively.
I Insurance company: Risk-neutral. Offers a policy (p, b) where
p is the premium and b is the indemnity in case of accident.
I The lotteries that can be reached by purchasing actuarially
fair policies (that satisfy p − bP = 0) can be drawn in the
same graph, as a straight line with slope 1−P .
Screening–Rothschild and Stiglitz
Screening–Rothschild and Stiglitz
Screening–Rothschild and Stiglitz
Screening–Rothschild and Stiglitz (1976, QJE)
I The pool of potential customers consists of two types denoted
by t = G or B.
I t-type has a probability Pt of becoming ill where PB > PG > 0.
I Each customer has a wealth w and the cost of recovery is d.
I The portion of G is λ.
I Each customer’s type is private information, i.e., known to the
individual but not to insurance firms.
I Multiple firms offer multiple insurance policies (p, b), called a
menu. The firms are competitive and will only reap the
normal expected profit of 0 (competitive insurance market).
Screening–Rothschild and Stiglitz
Insurance under full information
Screening–Rothschild and Stiglitz (1976, QJE)
Comparison to signalling:
I These findings generally hold for signalling as well, in
particular, (b) and (d).
I The main difference is that signalling is initiated by the
informed party whereas screening is initiated by the
un-informed party.
I Another difference is that free entry condition is not imposed
in Spence’s signalling model. The results will be closer to
each other if this condition is imposed in the signalling model
as well.