3b Extensive-Form Games
3b Extensive-Form Games
3b Extensive-Form Games
!! Agent 1 chooses one of the following options:
!! Agent 1 gets 2 cookies, agent 2 gets 0 cookies !! They each get 1 cookie !! Agent 1 gets 0 cookies, agent 2 gets 2 cookies
yes (2,0)
Extensive Form
!! The sharing game is a game in extensive form
!! A game representation that makes the temporal structure explicit !! Doesnt assume agents act simultaneously
!! Extensive form can be converted to normal form, so previous results carry over
!! But there are additional results that depend on the temporal structure
Pure Strategies
!! Pure strategy for agent i in a perfect-information game:
!! specifies which action to take at every node where its is choice
Sharing game:
!! Agent 1 has 3 pure strategies:
!! S1 = {2-0, 1-1, 0-2}
2-0 2
no (0,0)
yes (2,0)
pure strategies
!! An agents complete strategy must specify an
! s1 = {(A, G), (A, H), (B, G), (B, H)} ! Must include (A, G) and (A, H), even though action A makes the G-versus-H choice moot
!! Agent 2 also has four pure strategies:
introduces redundancy
!! 16 outcomes in the payoff matrix,
Nash Equilibrium
C (3,8)
Nash equilibria
Nash Equilibrium
C (3,8)
Nash Equilibrium
C (3,8)
Subgame-Perfect Equilibrium
!! Given a perfect-information extensive-form game G, the subgame of G rooted
noncredible threats
!! A subgame-perfect equilibrium (SPE) is a strategy profile S such that for
C (3,8)
{(A, G), (C, F)} {(A, H), (C, F)} {(B, H), (C, E)}
!! Consider this subgame:
!! For agent 1,
G strictly dominates H
!! Thus H cant be part of a Nash equilibrium !! This excludes {(A, H), (C, F)} and {(B, H), (C, E)} !! Just one subgame-perfect equilibrium
Backward Induction
!! To find subgame-perfect equilibria, we can use backward induction !! Identify the equilibria in the bottom-most nodes
!! Assume theyll be played if the
1 (3,8) A 2 (3,8) C (3,8) D (8,3) E (5,5) G (2,10) B 2 (2,10) F 1 (2,10) H (1,0)
! If i is the agent to move, then is equilibrium action is to move to a child y of x for which is equilibrium utility vyi is highest ! Thus vx = vy
!! Whenever its your turn to move, you have two possible moves:
!! C (continue) and S (stop)
!! Agent 1 makes the first move !! At each terminal node, the payoffs are as shown
to any length
!! The payoffs are constructed in such a way that for each agent, the only SPE
is always to choose S
!! This equilibrium isnt intuitively appealing
!! Seems unlikely that an agent would choose S near the start of the game !! If the agents continue the game for several moves, theyll both get
higher payoffs
!! In lab experiments, subjects continue to choose C until close to the end
of the game
! the probabilistic assumptions made ! what is common knowledge (whether there is common knowledge of rationality) ! how to revise our beliefs in the face of an event with probability 0
Nau: Game Theory 15
!! Extensive-form games
!! relation to normal-form games !! Nash equilibria !! subgame-perfect equilibria !! backward induction