1 Extensive Games With Imperfect Information
1 Extensive Games With Imperfect Information
1 Extensive Games With Imperfect Information
EC4010 - Economic Theory - Module 2 - Game Theory
Pedro C. Vicente
Trinity College Dublin
Extensive Games with Imperfect Information
● To describe an extensive form game with perfect information, we need to
specify: the set of players, the set of terminal histories, the player function,
and the players’ preferences
● To describe an extensive form game with imperfect information, we need
to add a single item to this list: a specification of each player’s information
about the history at every point at which she moves
● Denote by H i the set of histories after which i moves; we specify player i’s
information by partitioning H i into a collection of information sets; this
collection is called player i’s information partition; when making her
decision, player i is informed of the information set that has occurred but
not of which history within that set has occurred
● Suppose that player i moves after the histories C, D, E, i.e. H i = C, D, E
and is informed only that the history is C, or that it is either D or E; thus
i’s information partition consists of two information sets: C and D, E
▪ If i is not informed at all about which history has occurred, then her
information partition consists of a single information set, C, D, E; if
i is fully informed: C, D, E
Extensive Games with Imperfect Information
● As before, denote the set of actions available to the player who moves
after history h by Ah; we allow to histories h and h ′ to be in the same
information set only if Ah = Ah ′
● This is because the player who moves after any history must know the set
of actions available after that history; if the action sets were different she
could distinguish between the histories h and h ′
● If the information set that contains h and h ′ is I i , the common value of
Ah and Ah ′ is denoted AI i ; i.e. AI i is the set of actions available to
player i at her information set I i
● In the definition of extensive form game imperfect information (next
slide), we allow for chance moves
Extensive Games with Imperfect Information
Definition (Extensive Form Game with Imperfect Information): It consists
● A set of players
● A set of sequences (terminal histories) having the property that no
sequence is a proper subhistory of any other sequence
● The player function that assigns either a player or chance to every
sequence that is a proper subhistory of some terminal history
● A function that assigns to each history that the player function assigns to
chance: a prob. distribution over the actions available after that history
● For each player, a partition (the player’s information partition) of the set
of histories assigned to that player by the player function such that for
every history h in any given member of the partition, the set Ah of
actions available is the same
● for each player, preferences over the set of lotteries over terminal
Extensive Games with Imperfect Information
Battle of the Sexes - Example
● Consider the Bach or Stravinsky game from before:
Player 2
Player B 2, 1 0, 0
1 S 0, 0 1, 2
● We now model this game as an extensive form game in which player 2
plays after player 1 but is not informed about player 1’s move (check
▪ Players: 1 and 2
▪ Terminal histories: B, B, B, S, S, B, S, S
▪ Player function: P = 1, PB = PS = 2; no chance moves
▪ Information partitions: player 1’s information partition is a single set,
; player 2’s is also a single set B, S
▪ Preferences: as given above for each terminal history
Extensive Games with Imperfect Information
Modified Entry Game - Example
Extensive Games with Imperfect Information
Extensive Games with Imperfect Information
Nash Equilibrium
Extensive Games with Imperfect Information
● BoS: The strategic form game is exactly the same as we had before; NE in
pure startegies are B, B and S, S; in mixed strategies we have 1 using
2/3, 1/3 and 2 using 1/3, 2/3 (verify at home)
● Entry: The strategic form of the game shown before is:
Acquiesce Fight
Ready 3, 3 1, 1
Unready 4, 3 0, 2
Out 2, 4 2, 4
● ▪ The game has two NE in pure strategies, unready, acquiesce and
out, fight; and one mixed strategy NE, out, at most probability 1/2
attributed to acquiesce (verify at home)
▪ out, fight is not plausible; if C enters, I will always prefer to
acquiesce (regardless of C’s preparadness); SPE eliminated this NE
▪ Natural extension: each player’s strategy be optimal at each of her
information sets; here assigning any pos. prob. to fight is suboptimal
Sequential Equilibrium
● We assume that at an information set that contains more than one history,
the player whose turn it is to move forms a belief about the history that has
● We model this belief as a probability distribution over the histories in the
information set; we call a collection of beliefs, one for each information
set of every player, a belief system
Definition (Belief System): A belief system in an extensive form game is a
function that assigns to each information set a probability distribution over the
histories in that information set
● Entry: information set has with prob. 1, and information set U, R
has a non-trivial prob. distribution assigned to the histories U and R
Sequential Equilibrium
Sequential Equilibrium
Definition (Assessment): An assessment in an extensive form game is a pair
consisting of a profile of behavioral strategies and a belief system
● An assessment is an equilibrium if it satisfies:
▪ Sequential Rationality: Each player’s strategy is optimal whenever
she has to move, given her belief and the other players’ strategies
▪ Consistency of Beliefs with Strategies: Each player’s belief is
consistent with the strategy profile
● Sequential rationality generalizes the requirement of SPE that each
player’s strategy be optimal in the part of the game that follows each
history after which she moves, given the strategy profile, regardless of
whether this history occurs if the players follow their strategies
● Sequential rationality requires that each player’s strategy be optimal in the
part of the game that follows each of her information sets, given the
strategy profile and given the player’s belief about the history in the
information set that has occurred, regardless of whether the information
set is reached if the players follow their strategies
Sequential Equilibrium
Sequential Rationality
Sequential Equilibrium
Sequential Equilibrium
Sequential Equilibrium
Relationship with Other Concepts
● In an extensive form game with perfect information only one belief system
is possible (that in which every player believes at each information set that
the single compatible history has occurred with probability 1)
▪ Thus: in an extensive form game with perfect information, the
strategy profile in any weak sequential equilibrium is a SPE
● In a general extensive form game, the requirement of sequential rationality
implies, in particular, that each player’s strategy is optimal at the
beginning of the game, given the other players’ strategies and the player’s
belief about the history at each information set; further, the consistency
requirement implies that each player’s belief about the history is correct at
any information set reached with positive probability when the players
follow their strategies
▪ Thus, the strategy profile in any weak sequential equilibrium is a NE
Sequential Equilibrium