Electric Heating
Electric Heating
Electric Heating
• When current is passed through a conductor, the conductor becomes hot. When a
magnetic material is brought in the vicinity of an alternating magnetic field, heat is
produced in the magnetic material.
• Similarly, it was found that when an electrically insulating material was subjected to
electrical stresses, it too underwent a temperature rise (Dielectric heating).
There are various method of heating a material, but electric heating is considered to be far
superior for the following reasons:
• Due to complete elimination of dust and ash, the charges to maintain cleanliness are
minimum and the material to be heated does not get contaminated.
(ii)Ease of control:
• With the help of manual or automatic devices, it is possible to control and regulate the
temperature of a furnace with great ease.
(iii)Uniform heating:
• Whereas in other forms of heating a temperature gradient is set up from the outer
surface to the inner core.
• The core being relatively cooler, in case of electric heating, the heat is uniformly
distributed and hence the charge is uniformly heated.
• Electric heating equipment normally do not require much attention and maintenance
is also negligible.
• Hence labour charges on these items are negligibly small as compared to alternative
methods of heating.
• Resistance of conducting element varies with the temperature, this variation should be
small in case of an element.
• Otherwise when switched ON from room temperature to go upto say 1200˚C, the low
resistance at initial stage will draw excessively high currents at the same operating
• Its melting point should be sufficiently higher than its operating temperature.
Otherwise a small rise in the operating voltage will destroy the element.
• The resistivity of the material used for making element should be high.
• This will require small lengths and shall give convenient size.
• To have convenient shapes and sizes, the material used should have high ductility and
• It should not be brittle and fragile.
viii)Mechanical Strength
• The material used should have sufficient mechanical strength of its own.
Resistance Heating:
• This method is based upon the I2R loss. Whenever current is passed through a
resistive material heat is produced because of I2 R loss.
• High efficiency.
• It gives uniform heat and high temperature.
• In this method the current is passed through a highly resistance element which is
either placed above or below the over depending upon the nature of the job to be
• The heat proportional to I2R losses produced in heating element delivered to the
charge either by radiation or by convection.
• Sometimes in case of industrial heating the resistance is placed in a cylinder which is
surrounded by the charge placed in the jacks.
• The arrangement provides as uniform temperature.
• Automatic temperature control can be provided in this case.
• Both A.C and D.C supplies can be used for this purpose at full mains voltage
depending upon the design of heating element.
• This method is used in room heater, in bimetallic strip used in starters, immersion
water heaters and in various types of resistance ovens used in domestic and
commercial cooking.
Arc Furnaces
• There are two common types of arc furnaces: (1) Three-phase furnace and (2) Single
phase furnace.
• Three phase furnaces are used in the production of alloy steels.
• Single phase furnaces are used for the manufacture of gray iron casting also.
• Three phase furnaces are used for power ratings from 250KVA, 10,000KVA and
capacities up to 25 tons.
• Generally, graphite electrodes are used. As they are subjected to volatilization, they
are to be replaced.
• The arc temperature is between 3000 and 3500˚C, so that the process is carried out
between 1500˚C and 2500˚C.
• The main components of a three-phase furnace are:
4)Control panel
• The chamber in which arc is struck is placed on a metal frame work. The chamber is
lined inside with a refractory lining, which is acidic or basic in nature.
• The electrodes arc inserted from the top or sides of the chamber and are placed in
such a way as to be replaced easily or adjusted easily.
• To have a through mixing, the furnace is made amenable for tilting.
Direct arc furnace
• The arc is struck directly with the charge, when a current flow through it and produces
intense heat, which results, in high temperature.
• Although some furnaces up to 100 tonne are made, generally furnaces up to 25 tonne
are in general use.
• Stirring action is automatic and gives a uniform product. It is used for alloy steel
manufacture and gives a purer product.
• It is very costlier.
• Eventhough it is used for both melting and refining but wherever electric energy is
expensive it is economical to use cupola for melting and arc furnace for refining.
• Electrodes are inserted from the sides and the heat produced is transmitted by
radiation to the charge.
• As there is no inherent stirring action, the furnace should be rocked.
• This furnace is used for only single phase supplies. Also the capacity of the furnace is
limited up to 100 tonne.
• The furnace is rocked thoroughly to ensure, that the metal will cover the refactory
lining and prevent it from reaching high temperatures.
• Melting of non-ferrous metals is mostly carried out in this type of furnace.
• In both the type of furnaces, large quantities of electrodes are used.
• The energy used is about 500-800kw/tone corresponding to maximum power input,
the power factor is 0.87 and efficiency 70%.
Induction heating:
• Induction heating processes make use of currents induced by electromagnetic action
in the material to be heated.
• Induction heating is based on the principle of transformers. There is a primary
winding through which an a.c current is passed.
• The coil is magnetically coupled with the metal to be heated which acts as secondary.
• An electric current is induced in this metal when the a.c current is passed through the
primary coil.
• The magnetic coupling between the primary and secondary is very weak, therefore the
leakage reactance is very high. This causes low power factor.
• Low frequency supply is necessary because normal frequency causes turbulence of
the charge.
• If current density exceeds about 5 amps/mm2 the electromagnetic force produced by
this current density causes interruption of secondary current.
• Hence the heating of the metal is interrupted. It is called pinch effect.
• The crucible for the charge id of odd shape and inconvenient from the metallurgical
point of view.
• The furnace cannot function if the secondary circuit is open.
• It must be closed. For starting the furnace either molten metal is poured into the
crucible or sufficient molten metal is allowed to remain in the crucible from the
previous operation.
• Such furnace is not suitable for intermittent services.
• This furnaces is used for melting non ferrous metals like brass, zinc, tin, bronze,
copper etc.
Indirect core type induction furnace
• Indirect core type induction furnace is shown in fig. I n this type of furnace induction
principle has been used for heating metals.
• In such furnace an inductively heated element is made to transfer its heat to the
change by radiation.
• It consists of an iron core linking with the primary winding and secondary. In this
case secondary consists of a metal container forming the walls of the furnace.
• When the primary winding is connected to the supply, current is induced in the
secondary of the metal container.
• So heat is produced due to induced current. This heat is transmitted to the charge by
• The portion AB of the magnetic circuit is made up of a special alloy and is kept inside
the chamber of the furnace.
• The special alloy will loose its magnetic properties at a particular temperature and the
magnetic properties are regained when the alloy will cooled.
• As soon as the furnace attains the critical temperature the reluctance of the magnetic
circuit increases many times and the inductive effect correspondingly decreases
thereby cutting off the heat supply.
• The bar AB is removable type and can be replaced by other, having different critical
temperature. Thus the temperature of the furnace can be controlled very effectively.
Dielectric heating:
• Dielectric heating is also sometimes called as high frequency capacitance heating.
• If non metallic materials ie, insulators such as wood, plastics, china clay, glass,
ceramics etc are subjected to high voltage A.C current, their temperature will increase
in temperature is due to the conversion of dielectric loss into heat.
• The dielectric loss is dependent upon the frequency and high voltage. Therefore for
obtaining high heating effect high voltage at high frequency is usually employed.
• The metal to be heated is placed between two sheet type electrodes which forms a
capacitor as shown in fig. The equivalent circuit and vector diagram is also shown in
• When A.C supply is connected across the two electrodes, the current drawn by it is
leading the voltage exactly 90˚.
• The angle between voltage and current is slightly less than 90˚, with the result that
there is a inphase component of the current (IR).
• This current produces power loss in the dielectric of the capacitor. At normal supply
frequency the power loss may be small.
• But at high frequencies, the loss becomes large, which is sufficient to heat the
• Welding is the process of joining two similar metals by heating. The metal parts are
heated to melting point. In some cases the pieces of metal to be joined are heated to
plastic stage and are fused together.
Electric welding:
• In electric welding process, electric current is used to produce large heat, required for
joining two metal pieces. There are two methods by which electric welding can be
carried out. These are
1. Resistance welding and
2. Arc welding.
1. Resistance welding
a) Butt welding
b) Spot welding
c) Seam welding
d) Projection welding
e) Flash welding
2. Arc welding
a) Carbon arc welding
b) Metal arc welding
c) Atomic hydrogen arc welding
d) Inert gas metal arc welding
e) Submerged arc welding.
Resistance welding:
• In resistance welding heavy current is passed through the metal pieces to be welded.
Heat will be developed by the resistance of the work piece to the flow of current.
• The heat produced for welding is given by
I= Current in amperes.
R= Resistance in ohms.
i) Butt welding:
• In this process heat is generated by the contact resistance between two components.
• In this type of welding the metal parts to be joined end to end as shown in fig.
Sufficient pressure is applied along the axial direction.
• A heavy current is passed from the welding transformer which creates the necessary
heat at the joint due to high resistance of the contact area.
• Due to the pressure applied, the molten metal forced to produce a bulged joint.
• This method is suitable for welding pipes, wires and rods.
Spot welding is usually employed for joining or fabricating sheet metal structure. This
type of joint only provides mechanical strength and is not air or water tight.
Spot welding arrangement is shown in fig. The plates to be welded are placed overlapping
each other between two electrodes, sufficient mechanical pressure is applied through the
electrodes. The welding current flows through electrodes tips producing a spot weld. The
welding current and period of current flow depend on the thickness of the plates.
Arc welding:
• An electric arc is the flow of electric current through gases.
• An electric arc is struck by short circuiting two electrodes and then with drawing them
apart by small distance.
• The current continue to flow across the small gap and give intense heat.
• The heat developed by the arc is also used for cutting of metal.
Carbon arc welding:
• In metal arc welding a metal rod of same material as being welded is used as an
• The electrode also serves the purpose of filler. For metal arc welding A.C or D.C can
be used.
• Electric supply is connected between electrode and work piece.
• The work piece is then suddenly touched by the electrode and then separated from it a
little. This results in an arc between the job and the electrode.
• A little portion of the work and the tip of the electrode melts due to the heat generated
by the arc.
• When the electrode is removed the metal cools and solidifies giving a strong welded