Assessment Cover Page: BSBPMG412 - Apply Project Cost Management Techniques
Assessment Cover Page: BSBPMG412 - Apply Project Cost Management Techniques
Assessment Cover Page: BSBPMG412 - Apply Project Cost Management Techniques
Student Declaration
To be filled out and submitted with assessment responses
I declare that this task is all my own work and I have not cheated or plagiarised the work or colluded with
any other student(s).
I understand that if I If I am found to have plagiarised, cheated or colluded, action will be taken against
me according to the process explained to me.
I have correctly referenced all resources and reference texts throughout these assessment tasks.
I have read and understood the assessment requirements for this unit
I understand the rights to re-assessment
I understand the right to appeal the decisions made in the assessment
Uyanga Boldbaatar
Student name
Student ID number
Task Number
Appendix D
This document is Project Status Report Template. It is part of the supporting assessment
resources for Assessment Task 3 of BSBPMG412. To complete this template, please revise Case
Study in Task 3, page 19
Manager Networks
Distribution List
Name Position Signature Date
Sunaina.R Project senior manager 07.01
Crystal.B Project manager 07.01
Version Control
Revision # Change Description Approval Date Author
005/2019 Updated cost 2019.07.01 Uyanga
Summary Dashboard
Budget Under On Over
Planned $ $86,200
Actual $ $91,200/Venue change /
% Budget spent 7.09%
Remaining $ $84,730
Record in the dashboard the relevant information to enable accurate reporting of actual
performance against planned costs incurred (budget).
Record relevant and concise information as at the reporting date identifying both the
Earned Value and Actual Cost data. Analyse and justify any variations between planned
and actual results and the corrective actions (if required).
Sign off
2. Develop a project change request
As set out in the organizational procedures, you are required to write a project change request
report to the Project Manager on project costs that addresses:
Date: 10/06/2019
Project: Leadership Conference -2019
Change Requestor: Uyanga Change No:003
□ Other
Describe the Change Being Requested: The first choice of venue is
unavailable on the day you require. The second-choice venue, the convention
rooms in the Elements Hotel (which is more centrally located and has better
facilities), will require an additional $5,000 to rent the venue. There are no
other suitable venue options available on that date. The venue will require an
additional $5000 to rent the venue. There is no other suitable venue at all.
Describe the Reason for the Change: The first choice of venue is unavailable
on the day you require.
Describe Risks to be Considered for this Change: The project might be delay.
All the printing materials are useless
Estimate Resources and Costs Needed to Implement this Change: The cost of
venue is increased by $5000.
Describe the Implications to Quality and time: Any other modification is not
occurred in this project relating to quality and time .