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Acta neurol. belg.

, 2006, 106, 117-124

Standards of care for non-convulsive status epilepticus :

belgian consensus recommendations
Kenou VAN RIJCKEVORSEL1, Paul BOON2, Henri HAUMAN3, Benjamin LEGROS4, Michel OSSEMANN5, Bernard SADZOT6,
Neurology Department, Université Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium ; 2Neurology Department, Ghent University Hospital, Ghent,
Belgium ; 3Neurology Department, Sint-Maarten Hospital, Duffel, Belgium ; 4Neurology Department, ULB Hôpital Erasme, Brussels, Belgium ;
Neurology Department, CHU Mont Godinne, Yvoir, Belgium ; 6Neurology Department, CHU Liège, Liège, Belgium ; 7Neurology Department,
Academisch Ziekenhuis, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium ; 8Neurology Department, Sint-Jan Hospital, Brugge, Belgium


Abstract agement of non-convulsive status epilepticus

Non-convulsive status epilepticus (NCSE) makes up (NCSE). The aim of the consensus meeting was to
around one-third of all cases of SE, affecting approxi- review recent literature data in the field, as well as
mately 1,000 to 4,000 individuals per year in Belgium. current clinical practice in Belgium and, on the
Compared with convulsive SE, NCSE has received con- basis of this information, to draft pragmatic guide-
siderably less attention, is underdiagnosed and under- lines for the treatment of this condition. The care of
treated. However, if recognised, NCSE can however be babies and small children with non-convulsive sta-
treated successfully. A workshop was convened by neu- tus epilepticus, which requires special considera-
rologists from major Belgian centres to review the latest tions, is excluded as being outside the scope of
information on NCSE and to make recommendations on these guidelines, as well as continuous spike-and-
diagnosis and treatment. These recommendations are wave during slow sleep (CSWS), sometimes con-
not only intended for neurologists, but also for primary
care physicians and physicians in intensive care units.
sidered as electrical status epilepticus during sleep
NCSE should be suspected whenever cases of fluctuat- (ESES). The meeting follows a previous one in
ing consciousness or abrupt cognitive or behavioural which consensus treatment guidelines for convul-
changes are noted. Confirmation of diagnosis by EEG sive status epilepticus were put forward (1).
should be obtained wherever possible. In view of the
often subtle clinical signs, EEG is also vital for monitor- Background
ing treatment outcome. Non-comatose patients should
generally be treated in a neurology ward since referral Non-convulsive status epilepticus (NCSE) has
to an ICU is unnecessary. First-line treatment should been defined in a recent consensus workshop
be an intravenous benzodiazepine. For many patients organised by the Epilepsy Research Foundation
who fail to respond to benzodiazepines, intravenous (ERF) as “a term used to denote a range of condi-
valproate will successfully abrogate seizure activity.
Intravenous phenytoin can be used in patients with focal
tions in which electrographic seizure activity is
NCSE in whom valproate is contraindicated or ineffec- prolonged and results in non-convulsive clinical
tive. Time and care should be spent in identifying an symptoms” (2). This is clearly an operational defin-
appropriate and effective antiepileptic drug regimen ition and highlights our lack of knowledge of the
without recourse to anaesthesia. For comatose patients, aetiology of NCSE. The term relates to a common
treatment intensity should be graded according to schematic electro-clinical presentation of a variety
epilepsy history, general medical state and prognosis. In of underlying epilepsy syndromes. NCSE has tra-
some patients, intensive remedial measures may allow ditionally been considered less severe than convul-
rapid resolution of NSCE, whereas in more vulnerable sive status epilepticus (CSE) and treated less
patients, such treatment may be counterproductive. intensely. In addition, unlike CSE, NCSE often
Key words : Epilepsy ; status epilepticus ; diagnosis ; goes unrecognised and is underdiagnosed (3).
treatment ; consensus ; non convulsive. Diagnosis requires the presence of behavioural
symptoms associated with electroencephalographic
(EEG) anomalies. NCSE presents as a persistent
Introduction confusional state, subtle behavioural or cognitive
changes that may last hours or days. Clinical pre-
This article reflects the discussions and recom- sentation is very inconsistent, varying in intensity
mendations of a two-part consensus meeting which from drowsiness and difficulty in concentration to
brought together eight experts to assess the man- coma. Behavioural disturbances related to these

confusional states are common and may lead, in the subjects with NCSE had a prior history of epilep-
absence of EEG evaluation, to misdiagnosis of sy (2). It is probable that poor initial control of
NCSE as a psychiatric condition (4). The more seizures favours conversion to NCSE, as is well
subtle clinical presentations may not be recognised documented for CSE. A retrospective study (13) of
as NCSE and go untreated if EEG is not performed absence status found that the mean age of onset of
or patients may be inappropriately treated for NCSE was twenty years later than the original
another condition such as transitory ischaemic diagnosis of absence epilepsy, and followed the
attacks. Moreover, patients in coma may be admit- development of generalised tonic-clonic seizures.
ted to intensive care units (ICU) without the asso- The aetiology of focal NCSE may involve
ciated EEG anomalies being detected. underlying brain lesions caused by tumours or trau-
The ERF Workshop has attempted to provide a ma, as well as cerebrovascular disorders. These can
classification scheme for NCSE based on age of be generally identified by magnetic resonance
onset and underlying epilepsy syndromes (2). imaging (MRI). In patients with NCSE associated
Whilst this will be invaluable in improving with coma, the epilepsy may be the cause of the
research in NCSE by identifying homogenous coma in some cases, whereas in others both coma
patient groups for evaluating pathophysiology, and NCSE can be attributed to another cause, such
diagnostic procedures and treatments, it is perhaps as hypoxia (14). In some severe epilepsy syn-
less useful in routine clinical practice where the dromes such as Lennox Gastaut syndrome, tonic
underlying epilepsy syndrome may be inadequate- status may appears as coma with subtle clinical
ly characterised. Three phenotypes are commonly signs and fast activities on EEGs. This condition
seen in practice. These are absence status, complex may be precipitated by the introduction of benzodi-
focal status and NCSE associated with coma. azepines given for another seizure type. In addi-
Absence status and focal NCSE can be distin- tion, certain rare genetic conditions or chromoso-
guished easily by EEG, the former being charac- mal anomalies can present as iterative NCSE. An
terised by generalised 2 to 4 Hz spike and wave example is ring chromosome 20 syndrome (15).
activity and the latter by more or less focalised dis- Apparently successful treatment of CSE (ie
charges generally associated with the temporal or absence of convulsive activity) may in a minority
frontal lobe. Absence status is more benign in its of cases actually reflect transformation into
clinical presentation and in its prognosis than focal NCSE (16). For this reason, outcome in CSE needs
NCSE and is more common in younger patients. to be monitored carefully by EEG in patients stay-
ing in an abnormal consciousness state.
EPIDEMIOLOGY In some cases, antiepileptic drug treatment itself
may induce NCSE. This has been described most
It is believed that around one-third of all cases of convincingly for tiagabine (17-21) and has also
status epilepticus correspond to NCSE (5). The ERF been documented for carbamazepine (22). For
workshop (2) identified and reviewed six epidemio- other antiepileptic drugs, the evidence is anecdotal
logical studies of the incidence of NCSE in a hospi- and the causal relationship between treatment and
tal setting (6-11). These have provided incidence emergence of NCSE unclear. NCSE may also
rates of between 10 and 40 cases per 100,000 sub- develop following discontinuation of antiepileptic
jects per year, corresponding to between 1000 and drugs in general or as part of a benzodiazepine
4000 subjects in Belgium per year. However, it is withdrawal syndrome. The latter is particularly fre-
clear that NCSE is under-diagnosed (12) and that a quent in the elderly.
significant proportion of patients with more subtle
clinical presentations are not seen systematically in PROGNOSIS
hospitals. NCSE can arise throughout the lifespan,
with absence status being particularly frequent in The prognosis of NCSE is traditionally consid-
children and teenagers with idiopathic epilepsy ered to be better (23) than that of CSE. However,
syndromes or in young patients with epileptic prognosis varies according to the type of NCSE
encephalopathies such as Lennox-Gastaut syn- and the underlying aetiology (24). In general,
drome, and NCSE associated with coma in the absence status appears to be relatively benign.
elderly. Complex focal NCSE, on the other hand, may
result in permanent brain damage or in long-term
AETIOLOGY cognitive impairment, particularly if uncon-
trolled (5, 25). There have been reports, using seri-
The aetiology of NCSE is poorly understood and al MRI scans, of localised cerebral oedema associ-
apparently very heterogeneous. In many cases, ated with focal NCSE which evolves into tissue
NCSE appears to correspond to a conversion of an atrophy (26). However, in such patients, it may not
existing epilepsy syndrome presenting as self-lim- always be clear to what extent NCSE itself, rather
iting seizures. In the epidemiological studies of than the underlying focal lesion, contributes to the
NCSE referred to above, between 30% and 50% of residual neurological deficit (27). Particularly in

children, the peculiar NCSE corresponding to be considered as a conservative therapeutic mea-

CSWS or ESES may evolve into an epileptic sure if the clinical presentation provides strong rea-
encephalopathy associated with irreversible cogni- sons to suspect NCSE. In these cases, benzodi-
tive deterioration (28). In comatose patients, azepine administration can also be considered as a
NCSE, even when successfully treated, is associat- diagnostic aid, since disappearance of symptoms or
ed with poor prognosis in terms of both neurologi- EEG abnormalities following treatment is highly
cal outcome and mortality (29-32). suggestive of NCSE. Special precautions should be
taken in some epileptic encephalopathies where
Recommendations benzodiazepines may precipitate a non convulsive
tonic status.
DIAGNOSIS A careful medical history should be taken and
standard laboratory tests performed to exclude
If patients present with clinical signs that are other possible diagnoses. In certain cases, toxico-
suggestive of NCSE, an EEG should be performed. logical drug screening may be appropriate if recre-
These include abrupt, subacute or fluctuating ational drug use or benzodiazepine use or abuse is
changes in consciousness or behaviour in a patient suspected.
with known epilepsy or the presence of fluctuating Neuroimaging is of interest in the case of focal
consciousness associated with subtle motor signs. NCSE in order to identify any underlying structur-
If these are present, diagnosis should be confirmed al abnormalities. Localised cerebral oedema may
by EEG. In addition, the presence of remote epilep- also be visible using MRI, but the relevance of this
sy risk factors and of abnormal ocular movements for prognosis and treatment remains unclear. MRI
have been shown to be highly sensitive indicators or computerised tomography should be offered to
of NCSE (31) and their presence should incite the all patients at first presentation of NCSE.
physician to request an emergency EEG.
EEG evaluation is vital to confirm the diagnosis TREATMENT
of NCSE and may also be useful to exclude other
potential explanations for the clinical signs, such as The treatment of CSWS and ESES will not be
metabolic disorders, infections of the nervous sys- discussed. The goals of treatment should be to
tem, transient ischaemic events or, in the case of obtain a cessation of EEG abnormalities in the
syndromes whose clinical presentation is dominat- short term with prevention of breakthrough NCSE
ed by behavioural and psychiatric symptoms. in the long-term. There is little evidence from pub-
Routine EEG should be offered as a screening lished randomised clinical trials evaluating specific
examination in all neurology departments and treatments in the management of NCSE, and rec-
should be available around the clock. Currently, this ommendations are based on clinical experience and
is not the case and the accurate diagnosis of NCSE extrapolations from clinical reports. Unlike CSE,
at night and over weekends is often not possible as non-comatose NCSE does not generally need to be
qualified staff are not present. This can result in treated in the ICU, since it is not life-threatening in
delays in diagnosis and treatment. Minimising the the short-term. A neurology ward is a more appro-
diagnostic delay is an important objective in order priate context for treatment. Nonetheless, patients
to initiate appropriate treatment as rapidly as possi- who are comatose should be admitted directly to an
ble and reduce the risk of possible sequelae. One ICU.
solution to this would be to train neurology depart- The intensity of treatment and the available
ment staff to perform routine EEGs, just as ECG treatment options should be selected according to
monitoring is offered in internal medicine depart- the general condition of the patient, the prognosis,
ments. In addition, resources should be provided to and the suspected aetiology of the NCSE (Fig. 1).
allow their interpretation in a timely fashion. In any In the case of non-comatose patients, the overall
case, appropriate coverage of EEG in all neurology goal should be to identify a treatment regimen that
departments in Belgium will require further invest- provides good control of epileptiform activity and
ment in healthcare resources. However, this is a will be suitable for maintenance therapy. It must be
necessity if status epilepticus is to be managed cor- recognised that, in difficult cases, this may take
rectly and the long-term consequences of this con- several days. As there is no risk of vital status being
dition in terms of morbidity and mortality avoided. compromised in NCSE, this delay is acceptable.
However, it should be noted that some epileptiform For the same reason, intubation or anaesthesia are
abnormalities can reflect the presence of an acute or not appropriate for patients with non-comatose
subacute lesion and not NCSE. In these cases, NCSE. The underlying aetiology of the NCSE
effective differential diagnosis has important conse- needs to be identified and treatment adapted
quences for treatment, since benzodiazepines will accordingly, since the range of antiepileptic drugs
be ineffective. available for treatment of focal NCSE is broader
Even if EEG confirmation of NCSE is not avail- than for absence status. Treatment algorithms for
able, intravenous benzodiazepine treatment should absence status and focal NCSE in non-comatose

FIG. 1. — Choosing the appropriate treatment algorithm for

non-convulsive status epilepticus.

patients are presented in Figures 2 and 3. If the FIG. 2. — Treatment algorithm for non-convulsive absence
status epilepticus in non-comatose patients. Black boxes cor-
epilepsy syndrome underlying the NCSE is respond to treatment actions and grey boxes to decision points.
unknown, the more restricted standard treatment The left side of the diagram refers to the acute treatment strat-
algorithm for absence status should be used as a egy and the right half to maintenance therapy. The text should
conservative measure. be referred to for doses and complete information. AED :
In the case of comatose patients with NCSE, the antiepileptic drug ; RT : rapidly titrating. *Narrow spectrum
AED such as carbamazepine or phenytoin should be avoided.
situation is different and treatment will generally
be administered in the ICU. Two types of patient
should be distinguished. On the one hand, patients
with a history of epilepsy and with no or minimal
perturbation of major organ function can be identi-
fied, for whom NCSE is likely to be responsible for
the coma. In these patients, outcome is likely to be
good if the NCSE is controlled, leading to rapid
resolution of the coma. An intensive treatment reg-
imen is appropriate for these patients, equivalent to
that used for CSE (Fig. 4) (1). This involves an
accelerated transition through the different treat-
ment levels compared to the standard treatment
algorithm for non-comatose NCSE, with recourse
to anaesthesia with drugs such as propofol if need-
ed. On the other hand, other patients have major
organ failure and the NCSE is likely to be sec-
ondary to the events that precipitated the coma. In
such patients, use of antiepileptic drugs can be dan-
gerous and intensive treatment may well do more
harm than good (12). Overall prognosis is likely to
depend more on the resolution of the events that led
to the coma in the first place than to successful
management of NCSE. For these patients, a mini-
mal treatment regimen restricted to intravenous FIG. 3. — Treatment algorithm for non-convulsive focal sta-
benzodiazepine administration is appropriate tus epilepticus in non-comatose patients. Black boxes corre-
(Fig. 5). It is evident that there will be a spectrum spond to treatment actions and grey boxes to decision points.
The left side of the diagram refers to the acute treatment strat-
of patients between these two extreme profiles, and egy and the right half to maintenance therapy. The text should
clinical judgement should be exercised in identify- be referred to for doses and complete information. AED :
ing the degree of intensity of treatment that has the antiepileptic drug ; RT : rapidly titrating.
optimal risk-benefit ratio in individual patients.
The appropriate first-line treatment is intra-
venous benzodiazepine administration. A long-act- given at a maximal infusion rate of 2 mg/min).
ing drug should be chosen to maintain control. The Diazepam should be avoided since breakthrough
most appropriate choice is lorazepam (0.1 mg/kg NCSE may occur as the drug redistributes out of

FIG. 5. — Minimal treatment algorithm for non-convulsive

status epilepticus in comatose patients with poor prognosis.
Black boxes correspond to treatment actions and grey boxes to
decision points. The text should be referred to for doses and
complete information. AED : antiepileptic drug ; RT : rapidly-
FIG. 4. — Intensive treatment algorithm for non-convulsive
status epilepticus in comatose patients with good prognosis.
Black boxes correspond to treatment actions and grey boxes to
decision points. For further information, see the text. Complete
information on this treatment algorithm can be found in the
guidelines on convulsive status epilepticus (van Rijckevorsel et
al., 2005). AED : antiepileptic drug.
intravenous phenytoin may be associated with cer-
tain phlebotoxic reactions (precipitation, local
injection site reactions due to low pH and purple
the nervous system into lipid stores. In general, the hand syndrome) and vigilance should be exercised
response rate to benzodiazepines is lower in NCSE in this respect. These risks may be attenuated by
than in CSE and may be less than 50% in patients deep-vein infusion, which is, however, more com-
presenting with comatose NCSE (34). plicated to install. Fosphenytoin, a better tolerated
If benzodiazepines prove unsuccessful in abort- formulation of PHT, is not available in Belgium
ing the abnormal EEG activity, then intravenous and has not yet been extensively used in NCSE.
valproate or phenytoin may be tried, after exclusion Concerning efficacy, two of the case series referred
of organic causes for the EEG abnormalities. to above have demonstrated responses to valproate
Phenytoin should only be used in focal NCSE as it in patients who were refractory to phenytoin (37,
may cause aggravation of absence status. In 41). For these reasons we would recommend val-
absence epilepsy, valproate is the only intravenous proate as the preferred treatment option in focal
treatment option apart from benzodiazepines. The NCSE.
evidence for the efficacy of these drugs is based on Valproate should be given as an initial bolus of
published case-reports and our own experience. For 30 mg/kg over 10-15 minutes followed by continu-
example, in a case-series of twelve patients with ous infusion at a rate of 1 mg/kg/hour until all signs
NCSE (35), nine with complex focal NCSE and of epileptiform EEG activity have abated. Note that
three with absence status, who had failed to the bolus dose recommended here is higher than
respond to lorazepam or phenytoin, nine patients that indicated in the summary of product character-
responded adequately to intravenous valproate. istics for valproate. Plasma levels of valproate
Similar response rates have been observed in other should be monitored and the infusion rate adjusted
case series (36-39). if necessary to achieve plasma concentrations of
There are no comparative studies available of the around 80-110 mg%.
relative efficacy of valproate and phenytoin in focal Phenytoin can be tried as an alternative option in
NCSE, but the superior tolerability and ease of use focal NCSE in patients with contra-indications to
of the former drug (40) would make it the treatment valproate or in whom there is a risk of a serious
of choice in most cases. In particular, intravenous drug interaction with valproate, such as those
valproate administration is associated with less patients treated with phenobarbital or lamotrigine.
hypotension or changes in cardiac rhythm than is In addition, intravenous phenytoin can be tried as a
intravenous phenytoin. ECG monitoring for next step in patients who fail to respond adequate-
patients receiving intravenous phenytoin is recom- ly to valproate. Case series have reported response
mended, and is mandatory for elderly or otherwise rates to phenytoin of 75% to 80% (42, 43).
at-risk patients. In contrast, no such ECG monitor- Phenytoin should be administered into a deep vein
ing is necessary when using valproate. The use of at an initial dose of 15-20 mg/kg at an infusion rate

of no more than 50 mg/min. It is essential to respect SPECIAL POPULATIONS

this ceiling as higher infusion rates may be lethal.
Top-up doses of 250-300 mg po four hours after the The recommendations proposed in this consen-
initial loading dose or 100 mg iv eight hours after sus paper are useful for most patients. Clinical
can then be given. A total dose of 30 mg/kg/day judgement should, however, be exercised whenever
should not be exceeded. The ECG should be mon- individual patient specificities should be taken into
itored continuously during phenytoin infusion. account. In the case of treatment of NCSE in the
Plasma levels of phenytoin should be determined elderly or in young children, adjustment of the rec-
episodically and infusion rates adjusted if neces- ommended doses of antiepileptic drugs should be
sary to achieve a plasma concentration around performed in accordance with current prescription
20 mg%, with often lower dosages for elderly per- recommendations in the relevant summaries of
sons. product characteristics. It is also important to
For non-comatose patients, if the response to remember that therapeutic windows are narrower
intravenous antiepileptic drugs is inadequate, then and lower for elderly people, especially for pheny-
addition of a rapidly-titrating oral antiepileptic toin.
drug should be attempted. Treatment options for
absence status are levetiracetam or topiramate and, Conclusions
in focal NCSE, these two drugs as well as
gabapentin or pregabalin. It should be noted that Although relatively frequent, NCSE is a poorly
this represents an off-label use of these drugs. understood and under-diagnosed condition.
Administration through a gastric tube may be However, if recognised, it can be treated success-
appropriate in some cases. fully in most cases and satisfactory prophylactic
Once the epileptiform anomalies on the EEG antiepileptic therapies put in place, for the greater
have disappeared and a clinical amelioration is benefit of the patient’s quality of life and to reduce
noted, treatment should be switched to an appro- the risk of potentially damaging consequences.
priate oral maintenance therapy. In previously NCSE should be suspected whenever cases of fluc-
untreated patients, oral valproate is the preferred tuating consciousness or abrupt cognitive or behav-
treatment option where the patient has responded to ioural changes are noted. EEG is critically impor-
intravenous lorazepam or valproate. To maintain tant for the diagnosis, as it allows the underlying
protection from recurrence of NCSE in the period epileptic syndrome to be diagnosed and thus the
before steady-state plasma levels are obtained, con- implementation of the most appropriate strategy.
comitant intravenous administration of valproate For non-comatose patients, referral to an ICU is
(1 mg/kg/hour) may be useful during the first twen- most of the time unnecessary. Many non-comatose
ty-four hours. When patients respond to an patients will respond adequately to treatment with
antiepileptic drug other than valproate or valproate, which plays a central role in both the
lorazepam, the most appropriate drug for the acute treatment and maintenance therapy of NCSE
seizure type of the individual patients should be after the acute and diagnostic use of benzodi-
chosen for maintenance therapy. In previously- azepines. For those who do not, time and care
treated patients, adjustment of the previous therapy should be spent in identifying an appropriate and
should be considered or, alternatively, a switch to effective antiepileptic drug regimen without
the drug that successfully resolved the NCSE recourse to anaesthesia. EEG plays a vital role in
episode with gradual discontinuation of the origi- monitoring responses to treatment. For comatose
nal treatment over a few days. patients, treatment intensity should be graded
according to the patients’ epilepsy history, general
MONITORING medical state and prognosis. In some patients,
intensive remedial measures may allow rapid reso-
Cerebral electrical activity needs to be followed lution of the NSCE and interruption of coma,
closely in order to adapt treatment to clinical and whereas in more vulnerable patients, such intensive
EEG response. Ideally, continuous monitoring treatment may be counterproductive. With the
should be ensured until complete cessation of ictal appropriate choice of treatment, as described in
EEG activity and clinical amelioration is observed. these guidelines, most cases of NCSE can be ade-
Monitoring of plasma levels of all antiepileptic quately managed.
drugs (except benzodiazepines) administered by
the intravenous route should be ensured. In the case
of patients treated with intravenous phenytoin, REFERENCES
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