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Jurnal EEG

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published: 25 September 2017

doi: 10.3389/fneur.2017.00499

Udaya Seneviratne1,2*, Mark J. Cook 1 and Wendyl Jude D’Souza1

 Department of Medicine, St. Vincent’s Hospital, The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia, 2 Department of
Neuroscience, Monash Medical Centre, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Genetic generalized epilepsy (GGE) consists of several syndromes diagnosed and clas-
sified on the basis of clinical features and electroencephalographic (EEG) abnormalities.
The main EEG feature of GGE is bilateral, synchronous, symmetric, and generalized
spike-wave complex. Other classic EEG abnormalities are polyspikes, epileptiform
K-complexes and sleep spindles, polyspike-wave discharges, occipital intermittent
rhythmic delta activity, eye-closure sensitivity, fixation-off sensitivity, and photoparoxysmal
response. However, admixed with typical changes, atypical epileptiform discharges are
also commonly seen in GGE. There are circadian variations of generalized epileptiform
discharges. Sleep, sleep deprivation, hyperventilation, intermittent photic stimulation,
eye closure, and fixation-off are often used as activation techniques to increase the
Edited by: diagnostic yield of EEG recordings. Reflex seizure-related EEG abnormalities can be
Fernando Cendes, elicited by the use of triggers such as cognitive tasks and pattern stimulation during
Universidade Estadual de
Campinas, Brazil the EEG recording in selected patients. Distinct electrographic abnormalities to help
Reviewed by:
classification can be identified among different electroclinical syndromes.
Luiz Eduardo Betting,
Keywords: spike-wave, polyspike, sleep, photoparoxysmal response, myoclonic seizure, absence seizure, tonic-
Sao Paulo State University, Brazil
clonic seizure, circadian
Stefano Seri,
Aston University,
Udaya Seneviratne Genetic generalized epilepsy (GGE) encompasses several electroclinical syndromes diagnosed and
udaya.seneviratne@monash.edu classified according to clinical features and electroencephalographic (EEG) characteristics (1–3). The
EEG hallmark of GGE is bilateral synchronous, symmetrical, and generalized spike-wave (GSW)
Specialty section: discharges. Polyspikes and polyspike-wave discharges are also commonly seen in GGE. Fixation-
This article was submitted off sensitivity (FOS), eye-closure sensitivity, photoparoxysmal response (PPR), epileptiform
to Epilepsy, K-complexes/sleep spindles, and occipital intermittent rhythmic delta activity (OIRDA) are among
a section of the journal the spectrum of abnormalities described in GGE (4).
Frontiers in Neurology In this review, we will be discussing the ictal and the interictal EEG abnormalities in GGE. We
Received: 20 July 2017 will also focus on the electrographic differences among different GGE syndromes, factors affecting
Accepted: 07 September 2017 the yield of EEG, and diagnostic pitfalls.
Published: 25 September 2017

Seneviratne U, Cook MJ and
D’Souza WJ (2017)
Interictal EEG abnormalities are defined as “epileptiform patterns occurring singly or in bursts
in the Diagnosis of Genetic
lasting at most a few seconds,” whereas ictal rhythms consist of “repetitive EEG discharges with
Generalized Epilepsy Syndromes. a relatively abrupt onset and termination and characteristic pattern of evolution lasting at least
Front. Neurol. 8:499. several seconds” (5). Subclinical seizure activity refers to EEG seizure patterns not accompanied
doi: 10.3389/fneur.2017.00499 by clinical signs and symptoms (5). However, in absence seizures, differentiating interictal from

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ictal epileptiform discharges can be difficult as those discharges maxima. The dome-shaped wave of negative polarity, which fol-
demonstrate monomorphic rhythmicity with little evolution. lows the spike, lasts 150–200 ms (Figure 1) (11). However, spike
Consequently, the distinction between ictal and interictal activity 1 is seen less consistently than spike 2 (12).
depends on how long it lasts and clinical features, particularly A recent study based on 24-h ambulatory EEGs found 96.4%
impairment of consciousness during the discharge. Researchers of generalized epileptiform discharges to be symmetric. However,
have used several testing methods, including reaction time and the typical morphology was observed in only 24% (13).
motor tasks to study cognition and the degree of consciousness
during spike-wave discharges (6). Topography
Consequently, there is no consensus on the duration of the Typically, the maximum amplitude is seen over the frontocentral
GSW paroxysm that defines an absence seizure. Sadleir et  al. region. With the use of 3-dimensional field potential maps,
diagnosed absence seizures based on two criteria: (1) GSW activ- researchers were able to demonstrate that the amplitude maxi-
ity of any duration when accompanied by clinical signs and (2) mum of spikes was over the frontal region involving anterior and
GSW lasting >2 s even if not accompanied by clinical correlates. midline electrodes (14). Using quantitative EEG analysis, Clemens
Discharges of <2-s duration without clinical signs were identified and co-workers were able to demonstrate increased activity over
as interictal fragments (7). A more recent study considered GSW the prefrontal region in patients diagnosed with GGE (15). The
bursts lasting 3 or more seconds, with or without clinical signs, field maxima during absence seizures are usually detected at Fz
as an absence seizure (8). electrode with lateral spread to F3, F4, and posterior spread to
Conversely, myoclonic seizures and generalized tonic-clonic Cz electrode (16). The amplitude maximum of the spike-wave
seizures demonstrate well-characterized EEG changes and the dis- complex is most frequently observed in the frontocentral region
tinction from interictal EEG abnormalities is more unequivocal (4). (96.3%), followed by frontopolar (2.4%), and occipital (1.3%)
regions (13).
Further insights into topography have been revealed in stud-
INTERICTAL ABNORMALITIES ies using quantitative EEG techniques. The source localization of
epileptiform discharges on dense array EEG in juvenile myoclonic
Spike-Wave Complex epilepsy (JME) detected activity in the orbitofrontal and medial
Morphology and Amplitude frontopolar cortex (17). Another study using three techniques
Gibbs et al. published the first detailed analysis of the spike-wave of source imaging analysis found anterior cingulate cortex and
complex (9, 10). Subsequently, a more detailed analysis has medial frontal gyrus as the primary anatomical sources of GSW
revealed 3 components of the spike (spike 1, positive transient, discharges in GGE (18).
and spike 2) (11). The surface negative spike 1 is of low amplitude
(25–50 µV) and brief duration (10 ms). The second component Regularity
is a positive transient of 100–150  ms. It is followed by spike 2 In EEG, regularity is defined as “waves or complexes of approxi-
of negative polarity lasting 30–60  ms with frontal amplitude mately constant period and relatively uniform appearance” (5).

Figure 1 | Typical interictal epileptiform discharges in genetic generalized epilepsy. Note bilateral, symmetrical, and synchronous spike-wave discharges (A),
polyspike-wave discharges (B), and polyspikes (C).

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The classic electrographic feature in GGE is regular and rhythmic under the influence of several confounding variables includ-
GSW discharges. Nonetheless, a recent study has reported that ing age, sex, ethnicity, genetics, antiepileptic medication use,
60% of GSW paroxysms are irregular (13). state of alertness (sleep vs wakefulness), sleep deprivation,
and the stimulation technique. There are three grades of PPR:
Frequency of Discharges (1) posterior stimulus dependent response, (2) posterior stimu-
The typical 3  Hz spike-wave activity characteristic of absence lus independent response, and (3) generalized response (23). The
seizures was first described by Gibbs and collaborators (9). The response to photic stimulation is defined as self-sustained when
fast spike-wave activity of >3.5 Hz is usually seen in juvenile myo- the epileptiform discharges outlast the stimulus by ≥100  ms
clonic epilepsy (JME) (19). The spike-wave discharge frequency (24). It is most frequently detected in JME (83%) followed
in juvenile absence epilepsy (JAE) (mean 3.25 Hz) is faster than by CAE (21%) and JAE (25%) (7). However, PPR can also be
childhood absence epilepsy (CAE) and slower than JME (7). In elicited in 0.3–4% adults without a history of epilepsy (25, 26).
spike-wave paroxysms, the frequency is not constant throughout. It is detected more frequently (14.2%) in asymptomatic children
The initial frequency is slightly faster and then it becomes more (27). The influence of various confounders including stimulation
stable, slower, and regular (20). techniques may explain the wide range of results reported in the
In GGE, typically, epileptiform discharges emerge from a normal Eye-Closure Sensitivity
background (2). Generalized epileptiform discharges occurring Epileptiform discharges characteristic of eye-closure sensitivity
on a slow and disorganized background raise the possibility of an emerge within 1–3 s of eye closure and last for 1–4 s. However, the
epileptic encephalopathy (21, 22). discharges do not persist for the total duration when eyes remain
closed (Figure 2). Photosensitivity and eye-closure sensitivity are
related phenomena (28).
Polyspikes and Polyspike-Wave
Discharges Fixation-Off Sensitivity
Polyspikes are characterized by a run of two or more spikes, Epileptiform discharges, generalized or occipital, triggered by
whereas the polyspike-wave complex consists of polyspikes fol- the elimination of fixation and central vision are the hallmarks
lowed by slow waves (5). In GGE, polyspikes usually occur in the of FOS (29). This abnormality needs to be distinguished from
form of high-amplitude rhythmic bursts with synchronized and photosensitivity and eye-closure sensitivity. In FOS, epileptiform
generalized distribution (Figure 1). discharges persist for the total duration of eye closure and disap-
pear on eye opening (Figure  2) (29). To confirm FOS, central
Photoparoxysmal Response vision and fixation should be abolished with the application of
This is an abnormal response manifesting with the generation spherical lenses, Frenzel lenses, or Ganzfeld stimulation tech-
of spike-wave complexes, polyspikes, or polyspike-wave dis- nique (30). FOS has been described in GGE and occipital epilepsy
charges during intermittent photic stimulation (5). The PPR is (30). In some patients, photosensitivity and FOS coexist (31).

Figure 2 | Eye-closure sensitivity and fixation-off sensitivity (FOS) in genetic generalized epilepsy. (A) Generalized spike-wave and polyspike-wave discharges
appear after eye closure (C) and fades away after one second indicating eye-closure sensitivity. (B) Generalized epileptiform discharges appear with eye closure (C),
continues as long as eyes are closed, and disappears on eye opening (O) indicating FOS.

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Epileptiform K-Complexes and Sleep irregular 2–5 Hz GSW activity and sometimes followed by irregu-
Spindles lar slow waves of 1–3 Hz (Figure 4) (19, 37, 38). The EEG seizure
The overlap between generalized epileptiform discharges and may be several seconds longer than the clinical seizure (37, 38).
K-complexes (epileptiform K-complexes) as well as sleep spindles
(epileptiform sleep spindles) has been known to researchers for Typical Absence Seizures
many decades (32, 33). This overlap generates complexes with a Bilateral, regular, symmetrical, and synchronous 3-Hz spike-wave
very characteristic morphology and topography (Figure 3) (33). activity (range 2.5–4  Hz) sometimes admixed with polyspike-
A recent study has found this to be common in GGE with 65% wave discharges on a normal background is the hallmark of a
of patients demonstrating epileptiform K-complexes and 10% typical absence seizure (Figure 5) (39, 40). There are some differ-
epileptiform sleep spindles (34). These abnormalities probably ences among syndromes.
indicate the link between microarousals and epileptiform dis- It is not unusual for the initial ictal discharge to be atypical.
charges in GGE (34). It could be non-generalized, spike-wave, polyspike-wave, or
irregular discharges, with typical GSW activity appearing after
an average of 0.7 s (7).
Occipital Intermittent Rhythmic Delta
Activity Myoclonic Absence Seizures
Occipital intermittent rhythmic delta activity is characterized by Myoclonic absence seizures are semiologically characterized
transient unilateral or bilateral occipital runs of 2–3 Hz, regular, by absences in association with tonic contractions resulting in
rhythmic, and sinusoidal delta activity (5). Deep stages of sleep, progressive upper limb elevation and superimposed rhythmic
as well as eye opening, typically attenuate OIRDA, whereas myoclonic jerks (2). The impairment of awareness is less
drowsiness and hyperventilation make it more prominent (35). pronounced in comparison to typical absence seizures. Both
It is detected in approximately one-third of patients diagnosed myoclonic absence and typical absence seizure have similar ictal
with CAE (36). Though often reported as an EEG abnormality of EEG patterns (Figure 6) (2, 41). Polygraphic recordings are used
CAE, OIRDA is not specific to epilepsy. It is occasionally seen in to demonstrate the correlation between the ictal EEG and tonic
encephalopathies, particularly in children (35). as well as myoclonic activity. Often triggered by hyperventilation,
myoclonic absence seizures are less frequently (14%) induced by
ICTAL EEG CHANGES intermittent photic stimulation (41).

Myoclonic Seizures Absence Seizures with Eyelid Myoclonia

High-amplitude, generalized, polyspike activity of 10–16 Hz with Eyelid myoclonia with absences, EEG paroxysms/seizures triggered
the frontocentral maximum is the EEG hallmark of myoclonic by eye closure, and photosensitivity are the main features of Jeavons
seizures (19, 37). These typical discharges may be preceded by syndrome (42). Sometimes, eyelid myoclonia may not be associated

Figure 3 | Epileptiform K-complexes and sleep spindles in genetic generalized epilepsy. (A) Polyspikes overlap with a K-complex at X. (B) A burst of generalized
spike-wave discharges (Y) in the midst of a sleep spindle.

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Figure 4 | Electroencephalography of a myoclonic seizure. A burst of generalized polyspike-wave activity is followed a few slow waves.

Figure 5 | Electroencephalography of a typical absence seizure. Note the paroxysm of generalized, symmetrical, synchronous, and regular 3-Hz spike-wave
discharges of frontocentral maxima.

with an absence seizure (42). The ictal EEG typically shows general- with or before the onset of eyelid myoclonia (42). The EEG abnor-
ized high-amplitude polyspikes and polyspike-wave discharges of malities are usually triggered by eye closure, intermittent photic
3–6 Hz lasting 1.5–6 s (Figure 7) (42). The ictal discharges occur stimulation, and hyperventilation (42). FOS may coexist (42).

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Figure 6 | Electroencephalography (EEG) of a myoclonic absence seizure. Note the paroxysm of spike-wave discharges is similar to a typical absence seizure as
illustrated in Figure 4 (time-base of this EEG = 20 s/page).

Figure 7 | Electroencephalography of an absence seizure with eyelid myoclonia in Jeavons syndrome. (A) The absence seizure was triggered by eye closure at X.
Note the paroxysm of generalized, fast polyspike activity (X–Y). This seizure was semiologically characterized by eyelid myoclonus, hyperextension of the neck, and
unresponsiveness. (B) Interictal generalized polyspike-wave discharges during sleep recorded from the same patient.

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Generalized Tonic-Clonic Seizures (4) focal epileptiform discharges, (5) abnormal morphology, and
Muscle and movement artifacts mask the EEG during GTCS (6) generalized paroxysmal fast rhythm (Figures  8–12). It was
unless muscle relaxants are used to paralyze the subject. found that 66% of GGE patients had at least one type of atypical
Generalized polyspike-wave bursts usually mark the ictal onset. abnormality in the 24-h EEG recording. Patients diagnosed with
Generalized amplitude attenuation follows, with or without low JAE and JME had those abnormalities most frequently, followed
voltage, generalized, 20–40  Hz fast activity superimposing for by epilepsy with generalized tonic-clonic seizures alone (GTCSA)
a few seconds. The onset of the tonic phase coincides with the and CAE. The most frequent atypical abnormality in the cohort
voltage attenuation. Then, generalized rhythmic alpha activity was atypical morphology in 93.4% of patients. Other atypical EEG
(10–12  Hz) evolves with increasing amplitude and decreasing abnormalities were amplitude asymmetry (28%), focal discharges
frequency accompanied by the ongoing tonic phase. When the (21.5%), focal onset (13.1%), focal offset (8.2%), and generalized
decreasing frequency reaches 4  Hz, repetitive polyspike-wave paroxysmal fast rhythm (1.9%) (48). It is of practical relevance to
complexes emerge accompanied by myoclonic and clonic jerk- note that atypical abnormalities may result in misdiagnosis and
ing semiologically. With the progression of the seizure, periodic delayed diagnosis (47).
bursts of polyspike-wave discharges appear with background
suppression in between. Generalized EEG suppression is seen
for a variable period with the termination of clonic jerking. The PROVOKING FACTORS AFFECTING THE
gradual recovery is marked by the restoration of the background EEG
rhythm from irregular generalized delta slowing proceeding to
theta, and finally alpha rhythm (38). Arousals, Sleep, Sleep Deprivation, and
Circadian Rhythmicity
ATYPICAL EEG ABNORMALITIES There are circadian variations in seizures and epileptiform dis-
charges in GGE. Generalized spike-wave (GSW) activity is seen
The typical EEG abnormalities in GGE are generalized, sym- more often in non-rapid eye movement (NREM) sleep, but rare
metrical, and bisynchronous epileptiform discharges. However, in rapid eye movement sleep (49). In GGE, sleep deprivation
for many decades, atypical EEG abnormalities such as focal significantly increases the density of spike-wave discharges in
discharges, lateralized discharges, asymmetries, and irregular both sleep and wakefulness (50). In JME, routine EEGs (without
discharges have been reported in the literature (43–47). In sleep deprivation) done in the morning are more often abnormal
absence seizures, the initial discharge has been found to be non- than those done in the afternoon (51). In JME, sleep EEG always
generalized in 50% (36). shows epileptiform discharges (52).
A recent study based on 24-h ambulatory EEGs has quantified Epileptiform discharges in GGE appear to be closely related to
the atypical epileptiform EEG abnormalities in GGE (48). This study sleep–wake cycle. A retrospective study based on 24-h ambula-
identified six atypical EEG abnormalities: (1) amplitude asym- tory EEGs found that 4.6% of patients had epileptiform discharges
metry, (2) focal onset of paroxysms, (3) focal offset of paroxysms, correlating with awakening. All patients who had epileptiform

Figure 8 | Atypical epileptiform discharges: amplitude asymmetry. (A) Note asymmetric epileptiform discharges with higher amplitude in the left frontal region.
Synchronous epileptiform discharges of low amplitude are evident on the right on careful inspection. (B) More symmetric generalized epileptiform discharges
recorded from the same patient.

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Figure 9 | Atypical epileptiform discharges: focal onset and offset of paroxysms. A generalized spike-wave paroxysm in juvenile absence epilepsy. Note the focal
onset and offset in the left frontal region.

Figure 10 | Atypical epileptiform discharges: focal discharges. (A) Note focal discharges at right temporal region (X). (B) Generalized epileptiform discharges
recorded from the same patient.

discharges on awakening were diagnosed with GGE. The epilep- 33% occurs in wakefulness. The distribution of epileptiform dis-
tiform discharges were detected between 20 and 50 min following charges demonstrates two peaks (11 p.m. to 7 a.m. and 12 noon
awakening in JME (53). to 4 p.m.) and two troughs (6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.)
The interaction between circadian rhythmicity and the sleep– (54). These findings highlight the variability in the diagnostic
wake cycle in the generation of epileptiform discharges in GGE yield in relation to the time-of-day and sleep–wake cycle. The
has been evaluated in a recent study (54). Epileptiform discharges best time for the optimal yield of EEG abnormalities is from 11
are significantly shorter in duration and more frequent during the p.m. to 7 a.m. Similarly, capturing natural sleep during the EEG
NREM sleep compared with wakefulness. When quantified, 67% recording significantly increases the diagnostic yield (54). Hence,
of epileptiform discharges are detected in NREM sleep whereas 24-h ambulatory EEG is a very useful diagnostic tool in GGE.

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Figure 11 | Atypical epileptiform discharges: abnormal morphology. (A) Waves without spikes. Note at the end of spike-wave paroxysms there are waves without
preceding spikes. (B) Spikes overriding the waves. Note spikes on top of the wave at X. (C) Spikes overriding the waves. Note spikes on the descending limb of the
preceding wave (Y).

Figure 12 | Atypical epileptiform discharges: generalized paroxysmal fast rhythm. (A) A run of generalized fast activity in wakefulness. (B) Similar changes during

Hyperventilation generalized epilepsy had seizures and only 12.2% had an increase
Hyperventilation is routinely used as an activation method in interictal epileptiform discharges (57). Hyperventilation-
in EEG. Hyperventilation-induced EEG abnormalities seem induced GSW paroxysms were found in only 12.3% of adult
to depend on the severity of hypocapnia and the reduction in patients with GGE on treatment (13). These studies suggest that
cerebral blood flow (55). during hyperventilation absence seizures are more likely to occur
Hyperventilation often induces ictal and interictal abnor- in the younger age group with untreated CAE and JAE.
malities in children diagnosed with absence seizures (56).
Hyperventilation triggered absence seizures in 67% of patients Photic Stimulation
in a pediatric cohort (mean age 9.3  years) diagnosed with JAE Intermittent photic stimulation is a routine induction technique
and CAE (55). In untreated children, hyperventilation induces during EEG recordings. The PPR is more often seen in generalized
absence seizures more often in CAE and JAE (87% each) in com- epilepsy than in focal epilepsy. It is under the influence of several
parison to JME (33%) (7). In contrast, another study involving a variables including age, sex, antiepileptic drug therapy, level of
predominantly adult cohort, during hyperventilation, no one with arousal, sleep deprivation, and the stimulation technique (4).

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Reflex Triggers Occipital intermittent rhythmic delta activity is seen in

Reflex seizures on exposure to specific stimuli are sometimes 20–30% of CAE subjects (8, 36), and 40% of those have a notched
encountered in GGE. The use of such stimuli as activating proce- appearance (36).
dures during the EEG recording in selected patients is an option
to improve the yield of EEG abnormalities. Interictal EEG in JAE
Reflex seizures involving visual stimulation have been reported The onset of JAE is in teenage years (12–17  years). Absence
in several epilepsy syndromes including GGE symptomatic gen- seizures are less frequent but myoclonus is more common in
eralized epilepsy, and occipital epilepsy (58). Flickering lights, JAE compared with CAE. In comparison to CAE, generalized
patterns, video games, and television are among the common tonic-clonic seizures more frequently precede the onset absence
visual triggers. Both photosensitivity and pattern sensitivity seizures in JAE (2). Fragmented discharges and polyspikes are
are implicated in television and video game induced seizures. seen in all patients, mostly in drowsiness and sleep (7).
Around 90% of patients with electrographic pattern sensitivity
also demonstrate PPR (59). 3D television and movies do not pose Interictal EEG in JME
a higher risk of reflex seizures than 2D television and movies (60). Patients with JME typically experience their first seizure at
Non-verbal cognitive stimuli such as thinking and praxis puberty (12–18 years). The typical semiologic feature is myoclonic
may induce reflex seizures in GGE. In a study involving reflex seizures predominantly involving arms. Generalized tonic-clonic
epilepsy triggered by spatial tasks, card or board games, and seizures occur more frequently than absences (2). Sleep depriva-
calculation, 96% experienced generalized tonic-clonic seizures tion and alcohol are potent seizure triggers. Seizures, particularly
often preceded by myoclonic jerks, whereas 68% demonstrated myoclonus, frequently occur after awakening from sleep (19).
generalized epileptiform discharges on EEG (61). Another study The classic EEG abnormalities in JME are generalized poly-
involving 480 patients found that neuropsychological tasks spikes and polyspike-wave discharges (19, 38). The interictal EEG
provoked epileptiform discharges in 38 patients and 36 of those is characterized by 3–6 Hz spike and polyspike-wave discharges
patients were diagnosed with GGE (62). Mental arithmetic and in an irregular mix (28). Focal EEG abnormalities are common
decision-making may trigger “noogenic” (thinking-associated) (45). PPR is seen in the majority (7). Both eye-closure sensitivity
seizures among susceptible individuals. Cognitive activity in and FOS have been reported in JME (45).
conjunction with planned motor tasks usually with hands is
implicated in praxis-induced seizures (63). Praxis-induced reflex Interictal EEG in GTCSA
seizures are particularly common in JME (45, 62). Reading, talk- This condition is characterized by GTCS occurring on awaken-
ing, and writing are examples of verbal cognitive stimuli that may ing or at random times. The median age of onset is (18  years)
trigger reflex seizures. Both generalized and focal epilepsies have significantly older than JME and JAE (65). The interictal EEG
been reported under this category (63). demonstrates generalized polyspikes, polyspike-waves, and
spike-wave discharges similar to other GGE syndromes. The
EEG DIFFERENCES AMONG SYNDROMES mean spike-wave frequency is 3.6 Hz. The density of epileptiform
discharges is significantly lower than CAE, JAE, and JME (66).
Interictal EEG Abnormalities in
Electroclinical Syndromes of GGE CHARACTERISTICS OF ABSENCE
Several electroclinical syndromes such as CAE, JAE, JME, and SEIZURES IN GGE SYNDROMES
epilepsy with generalized epilepsy with tonic-clonic seizures
alone (GTCSA) have been described in GGE. In this review, we Frequency of GSW Discharges
will focus on the four main syndromes: CAE, JAE, JME, and In all GGE syndromes, the initial frequency of GSW activity is
GTCSA. It should be noted that apart from the electroclinical faster. In the next phase, the discharges become more regular
syndrome, epileptiform abnormalities in GGE are under the and slower in frequency by 0.4–0.6 Hz. The frequency decreases
influence of many variables including sex, age, the state of alert- again in the terminal phase of CAE and JAE (20). The highest
ness, activation procedures, techniques of EEG recording, and median frequency of GSW during the first second of an absence
antiepileptic drug therapy (4). seizure is in JME (3.5 Hz). It is marginally slower in JAE (3.25 Hz)
and CAE (3 Hz) (7). In JME, the GSW activity often tends to be
Interictal EEG in CAE faster (>3.5 Hz) (19, 38, 67). A more recent study based on 24-h
Childhood absence epilepsy is typically seen in children and the EEGs found median GSW frequencies of 3.3 (CAE), 3.1 (JAE), 3.8
EEG signature is “generalized, bisynchronous, and symmetrical (JME), and 3.5 (GTCSA). But the differences were not statistically
3-Hz spike-wave discharges emerging from a normal back- significant (66).
ground” (2). Fragments of GSW discharges are seen in >90%
of cases, predominantly in drowsiness and sleep (7). Interictal Epileptiform Discharge Morphology and
polyspikes usually occur in drowsiness and sleep (7). Polyspike- Duration
wave discharges were detected in 26% of patients in a different Childhood absence epilepsy and JAE demonstrate similar
series (64). Among untreated children with CAE, only 21% morphologies of GSW discharges. Multiple spikes preceding or
demonstrate PPR, whereas hyperventilation-induced absence overlapping slow waves give rise to an appearance of compressed
seizures are seen in 87% (7). “W”s in absence seizures of JME (20). The polyspike-wave activity

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Seneviratne et al. EEG of GGE

is seen more often in JME and JAE than CAE (7). CAE and JAE propagation of GSW complexes. In the rat model, absence sei-
have longer EEG seizure durations than JME (20, 68). The longest zures originate from the somatosensory cortex rapidly spreading
EEG absence seizure is seen in JAE, whereas the shortest is in to the thalamus (69). In their pioneering work, Bancaud et  al.
GTCSA (66). recorded GSW discharges with the mesial frontal cortex stimula-
tion (70). More recently, novel EEG techniques have provided
Organization of Discharges intriguing insights into the underpinning epileptic network
Absence seizures typically demonstrate well organized regular pathways in GGE.
and rhythmic ictal EEG pattern. In disorganized discharges,
regular rhythmic activity is interrupted by, (a) brief (<1 s) and Dense Array EEG and Source Localization
transient interruptions in ictal rhythm, or (b) waveforms of differ- A study based on dense array EEG in absence seizures has demon-
ent frequency and/or morphology (Figure 13) (7). Disorganized strated spike-wave discharge onset in the dorsolateral frontal and
ictal discharges are 110 times more likely to occur in JME than orbital frontal regions followed by rapid and stereotypic propaga-
CAE and eight times more likely in JAE than CAE (7). It is also tion (71). Electrical source analysis of dense array EEG data has
influenced by provoking techniques, the state of arousal, and the revealed frontotemporal networks involving the slow wave and
age (7). Irregular and disorganized paroxysms are also seen in spike propagation through ventromedial frontal networks during
GTCSA though less frequently (66). absence seizures (72).
Table 1 summarizes key EEG differences among the four main
GGE syndromes. Magnetoencephalography (MEG)/EEG
A combined MEG/EEG study has described a prefrontal–insu-
lar–thalamic network in absence epilepsy (73). In JAE, the spike-
UNDERPINNING NETWORK wave discharge onset is in focal cortical regions with subsequent
MECHANISMS OF GSW COMPLEX involvement of the default mode network as demonstrated by
synchronous MEG/EEG data (74).
Currently, epilepsy is considered to be a disorder of network
pathways. This concept is reflected in the current International
League against Epilepsy terminology defining generalized sei- Simultaneous EEG and Functional MRI
zures as those involving both cortical and subcortical bilateral (EEG-fMRI) Studies
networks (1). Hence, in GGE, the seizure activity originates at Electroencephalographic and functional MRI is a non-invasive
a certain point within the epileptic network and then rapidly technique to measure regional brain activation during epilep-
engages bilaterally distributed network pathways (1). tiform discharges using blood oxygenation level-dependent
Many animal and human experiments highlight the contrast (75). A recent critical review has elicited three key
importance of frontal lobe and thalamus in the formation and features among EEG-fMRI findings in GGE: (a) activation of the

Figure 13 | A disorganized (irregular) paroxysm of generalized epileptiform discharges in juvenile myoclonic epilepsy. Note this paroxysm has a mix of polyspikes
and polyspike-wave discharges with varying frequency and morphology.

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Table 1 | Differences in electroencephalographic (EEG) features among syndromes.


GSWD frequency (Hz) (66) 3.3 3.2 3.9 3.6

Irregular and disorganized paroxysms (7) Least common 8 times more likely than CAE 110 times more likely than CAE NA
Percentage of GSWD fragments (7) A—0, D—13%, S—40% A—0, D—12%, S—24% A—50%, D—50%, S—50% NA
containing polyspikes
Photoparoxysmal response (7) 21% 25% 83% NA
Absence seizures during hyperventilation (7) 87% 87% 33% NA
Mean duration of paroxysms (s) (66) 2.8 4.6 3.2 2.5
Total spike density (66) + +++ +++ +
Density of generalized paroxysms (66) + +++ + +
Density of polyspikes and polyspike-wave (66) + +++ ++ +
Density of pure GSWD (66) ++ ++ + +

CAE, childhood absence epilepsy; GSWD, generalized spike-wave discharges; GTCSA, generalized tonic-clonic seizures alone; JAE, juvenile absence epilepsy; JME, juvenile
myoclonic epilepsy; NA, not available; A, awake; D, drowsy; S, sleep; density; duration of epileptiform discharges (in seconds) per an hour of EEG recording; +++, highest value; +,
lowest value; +++, middle value; pure GSWD, fragments and paroxysms containing only spike-wave discharges (without any polyspikes or polyspike-wave discharges) (7, 66).

thalamus, (b) activation of cortical regions, particularly frontal, ambulatory EEG are common tools used to diagnose and classify
and (c) deactivation of default mode areas (47). epilepsy in routine clinical practice. The yield is influenced by
several variables such as age, AED therapy, pretest probability of
Combined Transcranial Magnetic epilepsy, provoking techniques used, the length of the recording,
Stimulation (TMS) and EEG Studies and the state of arousal (4).
Combined TMS and EEG is an emerging non-invasive technique The yield of interictal epileptiform discharges in the routine
with a potential to study the functional connectivity of the brain outpatient EEG is around 28% (84). After the first seizure, the
(76). A protocol to study GGE patients with TMS-EEG has been average yield is 29% according to a systematic review (85). Serial
recently described (77). However, to date, changes in network con- EEGs appear to increase the diagnostic yield (86). One study
nectivity have mostly been studied with TMS-EEG in focal epilepsy based on outpatient short-term video-EEG found the yield to be
(78), while evaluation in GGE remaining in its infancy (79). 17.2% (87). However, in this study, 22% of patients had the test
with the clinical diagnosis of psychogenic non-epileptic seizures
Graph Theory and EEG reducing the yield of epileptiform discharges. Inpatient video-
Graph theory is a mathematical concept to study brain connectiv- EEG monitoring has a higher yield (epileptic seizures 43.5%;
ity. It describes networks in terms of interrelationship between interictal epileptiform discharges 43%) (88), but is an expensive
nodes (brain regions) and edges (connections) (80). Graph theory test with limited availability.
is increasingly being used as a tool to analyze epileptic networks. Sleep EEG can be considered the most effective diagnostic tool
A recent study has reported increased local connectivity in the as 67% of generalized epileptiform discharges occur in NREM
frontal regions with spike-wave discharges in JME (81). Another sleep (54). Sleep deprivation appears to increase this yield further.
study based on graph theory using EEG data found similarities in Following sleep deprivation, GSW discharge densities increase in
network topology between patient with GGE and their unaffected both sleep and wakefulness with the highest densities recorded in
relatives (82). NREM sleep stages 1 and 2 (50). Though results in the literature
Conclusions should be drawn with care from these studies due are variable, sleep deprivation appears to increase the yield of
to various limitations. There is wide variability in the methodol- epileptiform discharges (focal and generalized) by about 30%
ogy among studies. In particular, EEG-fMRI studies vary in terms beyond the effect of sleep (89).
of study paradigms, and methods of data acquisition as well as The use of multiple provoking techniques increases the
analysis. Additionally, most studies are based on GSW activity. diagnostic yield of EEG. A recent study reported a video-EEG
In GGE, there are other EEG abnormalities and underpinning protocol incorporating several provoking methods such as
network mechanisms may be different in those. Despite such sleep deprivation, neuropsychological activation (language and
limitations, there is growing support for the hypothesis that praxis), hyperventilation, eye closure, intermittent photic stimu-
spike-wave discharges originate from a cortical focus with rapid lation, sleep, and arousal (90). The video-EEG was recorded for
spread to the thalamus followed by entrainment of the cortico- 4–6 h. Interictal epileptiform discharges were detected in 85.8%
thalamo-cortical loop resulting in the classic GSW activity of patients, whereas 54.9% had seizures during the recording (90).
observed in GGE (83). The high yield might have been influenced by the fact that all
patients in the cohort had an established diagnosis of GGE. Yet,
DIAGNOSTIC TOOLS this study demonstrates the importance of combining multiple
provoking techniques to enhance the diagnostic yield.
Routine outpatient EEG, sleep-deprived outpatient EEG, short- Recent research indicates 24-ambulatory EEG to be a very use-
term outpatient video-EEG, inpatient video-EEG, and 24-h ful test to diagnose and classify GGE (54). Its diagnostic sensitivity

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is 2.23 times higher than routine EEG (91). Ambulatory EEG Blume and Pillay proposed three diagnostic criteria for sec-
recordings are very effective for several reasons. First, two-thirds ondary bilateral synchrony; (1) ≥2  s of lead-in time, (2) focal
of epileptiform discharges appear on sleep EEG recording and triggering spikes having a different morphology from the
ambulatory EEG the most practical method to capture the natural bisynchronous discharges, and (3) both triggering spikes and
sleep and increase the diagnostic yield (54). Second, epileptiform focal spikes from the same region having similar morphology
discharges in GGE demonstrates a time-of-day dependence with (100). This is a rare phenomenon occurring in 0.5% of patients
two peaks (11 p.m. to 7 a.m. and 12 noon to 4 p.m.) and two troughs undergoing EEGs and is most frequently seen in association with
(6 p.m. to 8 p.m. and 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.) (54). Routine outpatient frontal lobe foci (100).
EEG is likely to miss the most significant first peak (11 p.m. to 7
a.m.) while the 24-h ambulatory will capture both peaks. Third, Frontal Lobe Epilepsy: The Conundrum of “Pseudo
it is four times cheaper than inpatient video-EEG (92). Finally, Bilateral Synchrony”
home-based ambulatory EEG is more convenient and acceptable In frontal lobe epilepsy, the interictal epileptiform abnormalities
to patients than hospital-based inpatient monitoring (93). range from focal to bilateral synchronous discharges. In a surgi-
cal series of frontal lobe epilepsy, 9% had bifrontal independent
DIAGNOSTIC PITFALLS interictal epileptiform discharges whereas bilaterally synchro-
nous discharges were recorded from 37% of patients (101).
Misdiagnosis of People without Epilepsy Epileptiform discharges recorded on the scalp EEG represent the
summated activity of volume conduction and cortico-cortical
As Generalized Epilepsy propagation. Cortico-cortical propagation gives rise to asynchro-
Paroxysmal disorders ranging from syncope to psychogenic
nous discharges with a time a lag. However, small time lags may
non-epileptic seizures can be misdiagnosed as epilepsy. The rate
not be appreciated by visual inspection and can be interpreted
of misdiagnosis is as high as 20–30% in general practice and out-
as synchronous discharges (102, 103). Hence, it is conceivable
patient clinics (94, 95). Misdiagnosis is likely to happen when an
that frontal foci, particularly located in the midline, can generate
individual presenting with a non-epileptic disorder undergoes an
bifrontal epileptiform discharges with “pseudo bilateral syn-
EEG test yielding epileptiform abnormalities. It has been shown
chrony” that can be mistaken for truly bisynchronous discharges
that 0.5% of healthy adults in the general population have epi-
of GGE. Computer-aided analysis (104) or specific re-montaging
leptiform abnormalities in the EEG (25). Among healthy school
(reference-subtraction montage) (103) can be used to detect the
children, the prevalence of GSW activity in the EEG is 0.9% (96).
time lag between the electrodes and demonstrate that bilateral
Epileptiform discharges are more frequently (37%) detected
discharges are not truly synchronous but generated from a single
among the offspring of patients with epilepsy. 6% of healthy first-
a focus. Expanding the time-base of digital EEG is also a use-
degree relatives of JME probands demonstrate typical generalized
ful manipulation to detect time differences between seemingly
epileptiform discharges (97, 98). Hence, we wish to emphasize
synchronous discharges on two separate channels (Figures  14
the importance of clinical correlation of EEG abnormalities in
and 15) (105).
establishing the diagnosis of epilepsy.
Misdiagnosis of Normal Variants As
Misdiagnosis of Generalized Epilepsy
Generalized Epileptiform Discharges
As Focal Epilepsy The 6-Hz spike-wave (phantom spike-wave) pattern consists of
Atypical features, including focal epileptiform discharges, can bursts of generalized symmetric spike-wave discharges with a
potentially result in delayed diagnosis and misdiagnosis of GGE. very low amplitude spike component (106). The bursts are typi-
The rate of misdiagnosis can be as high as 91% and the mean cally very brief but can last up to 4 s on rare occasions (106). The
delay to the diagnosis ranges from 6 to 15 years in studies (47). As amplitude maxima can be anterior or posterior (107). This variant,
a result, many patients receive inappropriate antiepileptic drugs particularly the type with posterior maximum, usually emerges
such as carbamazepine leading to paradoxical worsening of some from drowsiness and disappears during deep sleep. Though the
seizures (47). typical frequency is 6 Hz, it can range from 4 to 7.5 Hz (107). The
spike component is <25µV in the majority and >75  µV in 5%
Misdiagnosis of Focal Epilepsy As (107). This is a benign variant of no clinical significance.
Generalized Epilepsy The 14- and 6-Hz positive burst pattern (14 and 6 Hz positive
Secondary Bilateral Synchrony spikes or ctenoids) is a benign variant most often seen in early
Tukel and Jasper coined the term “secondary bilateral synchrony” teens, which then becomes infrequent with advancing age. These
while reporting a series of patients with parasagittal lesions in spikes are surface positive in polarity, occurring in bursts of <1 s,
whom the EEGs demonstrated bilaterally synchronous bursts of with unilateral or bilateral distribution and posterior dominance
spike-wave complexes (99). Along with Penfield, they postulated during drowsiness and light sleep (106). This can be mistaken
that “a cortical focus can fire into subcortical structures and set off for polyspikes, but careful analysis of the polarity, frequency, and
a projected secondary bilateral synchrony” (99). Subsequently, a distribution should help clarify the diagnosis.
stereo-EEG study reported that stimulation of the mesial frontal Small sharp spikes (benign sporadic sleep spikes) are seen in
region induced paroxysms of bilaterally synchronous and sym- adults during drowsiness and light sleep. It disappears in deep
metrical spike-wave discharges (70). sleep. The sharp waves are usually diphasic with a low amplitude

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Figure 14 | Pseudo bilateral synchrony in frontal lobe epilepsy. This patient presented with seizures following the surgery for left frontal brain abscess in the past.
(A) In this longitudinal bipolar montage, bifrontal polyspike-wave discharges (X, Y) appear synchronous. However, focal sharp wave discharges are evident involving
F3 electrode at Z. (B) The MRI demonstrating left frontal encephalomalacia.

Figure 15 | Pseudo bilateral synchrony in frontal lobe epilepsy. (A) This average referential montage demonstrates the same activity seen in (A) of Figure 14.
The discharges appear bifrontal. Note focal discharges involving F3 and C3 (time-base of the electroencephalography = 10 s/page). (B) When the time-base is
expanded to 5 s/page, it becomes clear that the epileptiform discharge emerges first on the left at Fp1 and F3 (X), followed by activity on the right (Y) confirming
pseudo bilateral synchrony.

(<50  µV) and brief duration (<50  ms) without an after-going EEG abnormalities in GGE are influenced by numerous
slow wave. The spikes occur in the form of isolated transients confounding variables affecting the results. Most studies are
with a unilateral or bilateral widespread field most prominent in descriptive in nature limiting the option of drawing statistical
the temporal regions (106). conclusions. Finally, most studies are based on short-term
EEG recordings.
GAPS IN THE LITERATURE AND FUTURE To circumvent these shortcomings, prospective studies in drug
DIRECTIONS naïve populations with GGE using standardized EEG recording
protocols are needed. Longer (≥24 h) EEG monitoring is required
Drawing robust conclusions from the literature is challeng- to study both circadian and infradian rhythms. Additionally,
ing due to wide variability in methodology. Additionally, there is a potential role for long-term EEG monitoring to evaluate

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seizure control and occupational safety including fitness to drive. of provoking stimuli such as sleep deprivation, intermittent photic
The application of machine-learning technologies allows more stimulation, hyperventilation, FOS, and reflex triggers during
rapid and accurate identification of abnormalities from large vol- EEG recording can help increase the diagnostic yield. Some EEG
umes of long-term recordings and permits accurate quantifica- features help differentiation among electroclinical syndromes.
tion that may provide new insights into classification, prognosis, However, it should be emphasized that such differences are also
and clinical outcomes. influenced by several confounding variables including sex, age,
More research should focus on the distinction and inter- state of alertness, activation methods, technical factors, and
relationship between interictal and ictal epileptiform discharges. antiepileptic drug therapy.
From the clinical perspective, more analytical studies are needed
to delineate EEG differences among GGE syndromes. Beyond its ETHICS STATEMENT
routine clinical interpretation, EEG data can be used for compu-
tational modeling to study network dynamics (108). Research on This study was conducted with approvals from the Human
network analysis in GGE needs to focus on all types of epilepti- Research Ethics Committees of Monash Health and St. Vincent’s
form abnormalities and associated networks. Hospital, Melbourne.


As highlighted in this review, there are several typical EEG features US: study concept and design, literature search, drafting, and
of GGE. The occurrence of atypical features, in particular, focal critical revision of the manuscript. MC and WD: study concept,
changes, should be borne in mind to avoid misdiagnosis. The use critical revision of the manuscript.

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