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Design and Fabrication of Multi Operational Material Removal Machine

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IOSR Journal of Engineering (IOSRJEN) www.iosrjen.

ISSN (e): 2250-3021, ISSN (p): 2278-8719
PP 01-03

Design and Fabrication of Multi Operational Material Removal

Kuldeepak Mugutrao1, Deepak pawar2 ,Rakesh jadhav3, Yuvraj Sawant4 ,Dhiraj
(Department of Mechanical Engineering, VPS College of Engineering Lonavala, SPPU, Pune, India)

Abstract:In an industry a considerable portion of investment is being made for machinery installation.
Industries are basically meant for Production of useful goods and services at low production cost, machinery
cost and low inventory cost. So in this paper we have a proposed a machine which can perform operations like
grinding, cutting, filing and super finishing at different working centres simultaneously which implies that
industrialist need not to pay for machine performing above tasks individually. This paper presents the concept
of multi-functional material removal machine mainly carried out for production based industries. We have
developed a conceptual model of a machine which would be capable of performing different operations
simultaneously and is also economically efficient. In this machine we are actually transmitting power by using V
belt which is attached to the main shaft on which pulleys are mounted. Mainly this belt provides the power at
two ends i.e. two shafts and at the end of each shaft we are fixing the tools for operation to be carried. This
machine can carry the number of operations at a time but in some cases if we required to operate the machine
with single or two operations we are providing the simple flange and gasket mechanism to main shaft on which
the four tools are fixed. This arrangement reduces the power consumption by keeping the required operations
running and rest of the operations idle.
Keywords :Grinding, Superfinishing, Cutting, Filing.

I. Introduction
Research into machines is expanding rapidly. There are several reasons why this is happening at this
particular time. In production system the cycle time is very important term. The tendency of manufacturing
industry is continuously done design & development in reducing cycle time. For performing multiple operations
on single components required number of machines which carries single operation.
So, concentrating on the above points, it seemed to be necessary to design a machine, which can overcome the
above difficulty. So we designing a machine which is answer to above problem & which will prove to be
effective & greatly useful to industries.
Grinding, Cutting, Super Finishing, Filing are the operations which are required numbers of times in
each and every industry for producing small as well as large components, also for installation of all small or
large machine this basic operations or tools are required to settle the machines correctly. This operation is
required in number of manufacturing operation to remove burr & sized the job. Grinding is an art and science of
metal removing and makes the surface smooth. Basically it is the process or removing material by abrasive
action of grinding wheel on the surface finish to the desired dimension.
The operations are performed at different machining centers. The simple arrangements are used to
provide the drive from the single motor to the different working tools. The tools material and geometry of tools
are selected as per the material of the work piece, load on the machine tools, cycle time, and rate of material to
be remove etc. For selecting the tool material for different operations are mainly depends upon the tool life and
the number of work pieces are to be handle in certain time.

II. Design Calculations

(1) Calculation of Torque:
Power of Motor Shaft = Pm = 1 hp x 746 = 746 watt.
Rpm of motor =1420 rpm
Motor shaft Torque: Tm

2π Nm Tm
Pm = -----------------
2π x 1420 x Tm
746 = ----------------------

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Design and Fabrication of Multi Operational Material Removal Machine

Tm = 5.016 x 103 N-mm

(2) Shaft Design

Material selection –C 45
Syt = 360 N/mm2
F.O.S = 3
Allowable tensile stress st = Syt / F.O.S
st = 360 / 3
st = 120 N/mm2

Allowable shear stress = 0.5 st

0.5 X 120 = 60 N/mm2

Select pulley of diameter 65 mm for motor shaft and grinding shaft pulley is 75 mm, So grinding shaft is near to
motor speed.
Nm/Ns = Ds/Dm
1420/Ns = 75/65
Ns = 1230 rpm
Now torque on grinding shaft
T = (π /16)X d3 X 
5.016 X 10 = (π /16) X 203 X 

 = 3.19 N/mm2

So induced shear stress is less than allowable shear stress.
So design of grinding shaft is safe

(3) Selection of bearing

For 20mm dia shaft select the bearing from PSG P204
P = Pedestal
2 = deep groove ball bearing
04 = 4 x 5 = 20mm inside bore diameter

(4) Checking the strength of the welded joints for safety

The transverse fillet weld welds the side plate and the edge stiffness plates.
The maximum load which the plate can carry for transverse fillet weld is
P = 0.707 X S XL X ft
Where, S = Size of weld, L = Contact length = 45 mm
The load of shear along with the friction is 50 kg = 500 N
Hence let us find the safe value of ’ft’
Therefore, Ft = ---------------------
0.707 X 5 X 45

Ft = 3.14 N/mm2

Since the calculated value of the tensile load is very smaller than
The permissible value as Ft = 56 N/mm2 . Hence welded joint is safe.

III. model description and working

The Fig.1 shows the simplest model of machine. A prototype model of multi-purpose machine which
operates on single motor with the help of V-Belt which is used for power transmission with the help of pulleys
to the shafts. The shaft rotated with the pulley and at both the end of shaft we are making an arrangement of
tools for the machining purpose. The shaft rotated with the help of pulley therefore the speed of the shaft and
pulleys are same. As to operate the various operations at various speeds, the speed of rotation of the tools should
be different. So we are selecting the various sizes pulleys which are maintaining the speed of rotation of the
shaft or the tools as per the requirement of operations. To operate required operation at one time rest are to keep
ideal we are introduce the lawjaw coupling on shaft at each side of pulley.

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Design and Fabrication of Multi Operational Material Removal Machine

Fig 1 – Plan view of model

Power Supply


V-belt rotating on pulley

Operation Tool 1 Operation Tool 3

Shaft 1 rotating with pulley 1 Shaft 2 rotating with pulley 2

Operation Tool 2 Operation Tool 4

Process Flow Chart

IV. Conclusion
We conclude that this machine is perform the multiple operations i.e. Grinding, Cutting, Super
finishing, and Filing operation on single motor operated machine to reduce power consumption, minimize the
cost of producing the product and also reducing the floor space area.

This machine fulfill the requirement of small workshop of multi-operations.

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