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Design and Fabrication of Multipurpose Mechanical Machine - A Review

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Design and Fabrication of Multipurpose Mechanical

Machine - A Review
S.Muruganantham[1],S. Aravind[2],S. Gowtham[2],M. Harishankar[2],S. Nithiskumar[2]
Assistant Professor[1],UG Scholar[2]
Department of Mechanical Engineering
Nandha Engineering College, Erode, Tamil Nadu, India
aravindpriyan007@gmail.com[2], mharishankar2449@gmail.com[2].

Abstract : Multi-Function Operating Machine is widely used in production based

industries. Industries are basically meant for Production of useful goods and services at
lowproduction cost, machinery cost and low inventory cost. Today in this world every task
have been made quickerand faster due to technology advancement but this advancement
demands huge investments and expenditure,every industry desires to make high
productivity rate maintaining the quality and standard of the product at lowaverage cost.
We have developed a conceptual model of a machine which would be capable of
performingdifferent operation simultaneously, and it should be economically efficient .In
this machine we aregiving drive to the main shaft to which scotch yoke mechanism is
directly attached, scotch yoke mechanism isused for sawing operation. On the main shaft
we have use bevel gear system for power transmission at twolocations. Through bevel gear
we will give drive to drilling centre and grinding centre. The model facilitate usto perform
operations at different working centre simultaneously as it is getting drive from
singlepower source. Objective of this model are conservation of electricity (power supply),
reduction in costassociated with power usage, increase in productivity, reduced floor space.
Keywords: Scotch Yoke mechanism, Drill bit, Bevel gear, Hacksaw, V-Belt Drive.

1. INTRODUCTION ofperforming operations such as drilling,

This concept concerns the design, cutting, grinding operations at different
development and manufacture of the work centerssimultaneously, which
"Multi purpose Mechanical Machine". The implies that the Industrial will not have
concept of multi purpose mechanical topay for the machine.
machine is mainly used for industries. The
industries are basically destinedfor the 2. LITERATURE REVIEW
production of goods and services useful at
lowproduction costs, machine costs and The extensive literature review will
low inventory costs. Todayin this world, help to understand theconcepts, the
every activity has become faster and faster theorems and the different factors that
due totechnological progress, but this influencethe machine's performance.
progress also requires hugeinvestments Before starting our work we hadviewed
and expenses.Today in this world, all many research papers which indicates that
activities have been made faster to for aproduction based industries machine
technological progress, but thisprogress installation is a crafty and askillful task as
also requires huge investments and many factor are associated with it such as
expenses. Eachindustry wants to achieve a powerconsumption, time required,
high productivity rate whilemaintaining maintenance cost, number of units
the quality and standard of the product at a produced per machine etc.
lowaverage cost. In a sector, a
considerable part of the investment ismade
for the installation of machinery. So in this
project a workis proposed in which a
machine is designed to capable
Syed Shahnawaz, et.al.,[1] Amit Kumar,et.al.,[5]
This paper tells the mechanical This paper deals with the
operations such as drilling, cutting and development of multipurpose mechanical
grinding which performs in single machine machine. It contains three operations in a
simultaneously. Scotch yoke mechanism single machine namely, Drilling, Cutting
is used to transmit power and the machine and Grinding. The machine is automatic
is driven by 0.5HP electric motor. which is operated by AC motor which is
run with help of electric power supply.
R. Maguteeswaran, et.al.,[2] Scotch yoke mechanism, chain and
Three various operations such as sprocket are the two major working
Drilling, Slotting and Shaping were principles and mild steel material is used
performed in a single machine which helps for the shaft.
to reduce the work time and save the cost.
Bevel gears are used to perpendicular Singh Ankit Kumar Awadhesh,et.al.,[6]
power transmission, Cam arrangement, This paper deals with fabrication of
Slotting and Shaping tool, Drill bit, Chuck multipurpose mechanical machine. The
and Bearings are used for the entire set of three working principles are, whit worth’s
the machine. quick return mechanism, power
transmission to belt drive, and Eccentric
Aquib Ahmad, et.al.,[3] and rod mechanism. It contains of four
This paper explains the conceptual operations in a single machine namely,
model of a machine which performs Drilling, Shaping, Cutting and Grinding
different operations simultaneously suchas and the machine is automatic which is
Drilling, Sawing, Cutting, Grinding. Two operated by motor which is run with the
mechanisms are used for the machine help of electric power supply. Mild steel is
operations namely, Single slider quick selected for the frame construction due to
return mechanism which is used for low carbon content.
operating the Hacksaw and Bevel gear Kumar penumuru,et.al.,[7]
arrangement to transfer the power at Worm gear mechanism is used for
different work centers.12v DC Motor the sawing operation and also Bevel gear
power is supplied to the shaft on which mechanism is used for power transmission.
bevel gear is mounted for the transmission It contains three operations in a single
of the power to various operations. This machine namely Drilling, Sawing and
paper gives the idea related to the Grinding. Design is performed using solid
specifications of the machine design by works and analysis of the frame model is
authors. done by ANSYS. Electric power is used
for performing the operations.
Yashraj V. Patil,et.al.,[4]
The mechanism of belt drives with
pulleys, Bevel gears and scotch yoke
mechanism are used in this tooling
machine. It contains of five operations in a
single machine namely, Drilling, Shaping,
Cutting, Buffing and Grinding. The main
concept of this machine fabrication is to
reduce the work time and cost. The
machine is automatic which is operated by
AC Motor which is run with the help of Fig.1 Eccentric and Rod Mechanism
electric power supply and mild steel is
selected for the frame construction due to
low carbon content. While installation of
this machine makes the industrialist to
spend less money and save power
Praveen Karanam,et.al.,[8] Sharadquick Srivastava,et.al.,[12]
This paper deals with fabrication of This paper deals with fabrication of
multipurpose mechanical machine. It multipurpose operating machine. The
performs drilling, hacksaw cutting, and scotch yoke mechanism is used for sawing
shaping operations. The mechanism used operation and it contains three operations
is scotch yoke mechanism. The machine is in a single machine namely, Drilling,
automatic which is operated by motor Sawing and Grinding.. The machine is
which is run with the help of 12 Volt automatic which is operated by motor
electric DC Motor. which is run with the help of electric
power supply and the bevel gear will give
Jyothi, et.al.,[9] drive to drilling center and grinding center.
This paper deals with fabrication of
multi purpose mechanical machine. The Ravi Teggin,et.al.,[13]
operations performed are drilling, cutting This paper deals with the
and grinding. It can be used for performing fabrication of multipurpose wood working
inThin metals, Wood, PVC.Different machine. The main concept of this
pulleys are emerged parallel on the main machine fabrication is to reduce the work
shaft with different systems to perform time and cost. The operations performed
operation. The machine is automatic which are Planning, Drilling, forming, Cutting
is operated by 0.5 HP electric Motor which and each operation is equipped with
runs in2500RPM. different shaft which is driven by main
shaft. 3phase motor is used for power
transmission and 1400 RPM. Belt Drives
are used and engaged and disengaged
whenever necessary. While installation of
this machine makes the industrialist to
spend less money and save power
This paper deals with fabrication of
Fig.2 Block diagram multiple tool design and development
S. S. Kulkarni, et.al.,[10] machine. The operations performed are
This paper deals with fabrication of Drilling, Grinding, Cutting, Shaping and
drilling, cutting, grinding machine. The Circular saw cutter and the mechanism
mechanism of belt drives with pulleys, behind is scotch yoke mechanism which is
Bevel gears and scotch yoke mechanism used for cutting operation. The main
are used in this tooling machine and The concept of this machine fabrication is to
machine is operated by motor which runs reduce the work time and cost. Belt drive
with the help of electric power supply. arrangement for grinding operation and
abrasive wheel for grinding must be
VaibhavDhokpande, et.al.,[11] resistive to shock and heat and the
This paper deals with the installation of this machine makes the
fabrication of multipurpose wood cutting industrialist to spend less money and save
machine. It contains three operations in a power considerably.
single machine namely, Drilling, Grinding
and Cutting. The main concept of this J.Dixon Jim Joseph,et.al.,[15]
machine fabrication is to reduce the work This paper deals with fabrication of
time and cost. The operation of the motorized multipurpose tooling machine.
machine is automatic which is operated by The operations performed are Drilling,
DC motor which is run with the help of Grinding and Cutting through motor drive
electric power supply and the major with Bevel Gear Mechanism. The bearing
working principle is whith worth’s quick is a device to permit constrained relative
return mechanism. motion between two parts, typically
rotation or linear movement and the Bevel
Gear is connected with the main shaft and
another one with the drill chuck.
Rohit .U,et.al.,[16]
This paper deals with fabrication of
multipurpose grinding machine. It contains
five operations in a single machine
namely, centre less grinding, rough
grinding, fine grinding, medium grinding
and cutting. The main concept of this
machine fabrication is to reduce the work
time and cost. The machine has rotating Fig.3 Bevel Gears
abrasive wheel that acts as a tool and it is
used for finishing the work piece which
must show higher surface quality, accuracy Jyothi,et.al.,[20]
of shape and dimension and it removes This paper deals with fabrication of
little metal 0.25 to 0.50mm per reduction multipurpose machine. It contains of four
and accuracy in dimension is in the order operations in a single machine namely,
of 0.00025mm. The components used are Drilling, grinding and cutting the main
electric motor, V-belt, pulley, shaft, concept of this machine fabrication is to
Bearing, Grinding wheel, center less reduce the man power and the motor
grinding. power 0.5 HP Speed 2500RPM.
Kuldeepak,et.al.,[17] Krishnappa R,et.al.,[21]
This paper deals with fabrication of This paper deals with fabrication of
multipurpose material removal machine. It Motorized multipurpose machine. It
contains of four operations in a single contains four operations in a single
machine namely, grinding , super machine namely, Drilling, Shaping ,
finishing, filing and cutting. Motor power Sawing and grinding. The main concept of
is 1HP =746watts and it operates on single this machine fabrication is to reduce
motor with the help of V-Belt which is Machinery cost, labor work and inventory
used for power transmission with the help cost. The machine will rotate under the
of pulleys to the shaft. scotch yoke mechanism and the Power
transmission is through Bevel gears.
This paper deals with multipurpose Perumal. S,et.al.,[22]
Operating machine. It contains Three This paper deals with fabrication of
operations in a single machine namely, multipurpose hand driller machine. It
Drilling ,Sawing ,Shaping . Power is contains three operations in a single
applied to the shaft on which a bevel gear machine namely, Drilling, grinding and
is mounted on it and a second bevel gear at cutting . The main purpose is to Drill a
a right angle to it has been mounted on a part with different drill bit at same time
drill shaft to which a drill bit is attached and the Scotch yoke mechanism is used
and two major principle to work the for performing the operations and the
machine are Scotch yoke Mechanism – bevel gears are used for the power
converting linear motion of slider into transmission.
rotational motion and power transmission
through Bevel Gears. Manish kale,et.al.,[23]
This paper deals with fabrication of
RajendraKelwa,et.al.,[19] special purpose machine. The main
It contains of Two operations in a concept of this machine fabrication is to
single machine namely, Drilling and reduce the work time and cost. The
cutting . The main components are motor, operations performed are drilling and
bevel gear, bearing, pulleys, V belt and the riveting. The compressed air from the air
most common situation is for gear to mesh compressor is used as the force medium
with another gear ,however a gear can also for this operation, pneumatic double acting
mesh with non rotating toothed part called cylinder is used and 5 to 7 bar Pressure is
a rack, thereby producing translation used for the operation.
instead of rotation.
Barbara Linke,et.al.,[24] 3. Number of operations can be carried out
This paper deals with fabrication of on the single machine.
multipurpose Grinding machine. Through
4. Floor area required is reduced.
the use of modular robot modules it is
demonstrated that a machine can be 5. Cost of manufacturing is also reduced.
converted from an outer diameter grinding
to freeform grinding configuration and it is
used to demonstrate concepts such as
miniaturization, multi-functionality, re-
configurability for machine tools. ANSYS
is used for the analysis of stress of the
model and MATLAB software is used for
programming the desktop machine.
Tao Lu,et.al.,[25]
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surface has been considered critical as it
relates to sustainability performance of a
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